#but he's giving will mixed signals
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When Blue Meets Yellow In the West: A Series Long Theory - Part 2
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spicyet · 4 months
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fem!Shuro from that one panel
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imagine your fav purposely making you mad. like he would piss you off to just get talked down on, like you’ll say ‘baby you is pissin me tf off rn now’ as a warning and he’d mock you and be like ‘i is?’
and that just sets you off a little more ‘jhit get away from me you think you funny when you not’ and he’ll continue to poke at you hearing your ‘accent’ slip out ‘never said i was funny love but you must think i am bringing it up’
you size him up ‘haa.. think you allat n a bag of chips, huh? that’s why yo goofy ass sleeping on the couch, laugh at that’ you go into your bedroom and lock the door behind you hearing him bark of laughter.
he gives you an hour or two to cool down sleep it off but the door still locked ‘love open the door’ he hears your voice clearly through the barrier ‘nahh you staying yo ass on the couch. i meant that shit’ his face pales a wry smile on his lips ‘noo my love I was just joking plz’ a blanket gets thrown in his face before he can react.
‘go be mr fuckin comedian on the couch. comediate yo lonely ass to tht three seater couch’ and the next morning is filled with him apologizing kissing up to you talking bout ‘my love im so sorry i didn’t mean to make you mad my back hurtss’
you let out and unimpressed hum cuz you both know he does this shit every other week
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𝗌𝗉𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌. 𝖣𝖮𝖭𝖳 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. ©𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅
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heal2ninjagogirl · 3 months
Morro is the one of the most gay and homophobic person I ever saw
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thyandrawrites · 8 months
I'm enjoying the deeper dive into Reo's feelings that epinagi made possible, but I have to admit I'm curious to see how he can go from thinking this,
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To saying this,
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In the span of a couple minutes lol
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months
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paranorahjones · 3 months
you know it's bad when you start journaling about him
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avirael · 4 months
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From one second to the next everything had faded to darkness with a blinding flash of light. The manic laughter piercing all of his thoughts and his own desperate and panicked screams. The destruction around them and his friends strained faces. Even all his pain and fears. From one moment to the other it was all gone. All that was left was dead silence and a bottomless darkness, into which he sank deeper and deeper. A sea of nothingness that swallowed him.
It was impossible to tell how long he had drifted through this darkness, not thinking and not knowing whether he was still alive or already dead - not caring even - , when a sound reached him. A faint voice, far… far away.
"Please wake up…"
"I can’t loose you too…"
It sounded so familiar. He was certain he knew it but names and faces had turned to such a faded unknowable thing in this blackness. He wasn’t even sure he remembered who he was himself or how he got here. But then there was this sad, familiar voice and he just knew he could trust it. Like his personal lifeline, his beacon of light, it lead his mind out of the darkness, that threatened to drown him.
As his eyes slowly fluttered open, his eyelids still feeling so horribly heavy, it was early morning. The sun shone through the window at the other side of the room and it was almost to bright to bear. His whole body felt stiff and sour as if he had been turned stone and was only slowly regaining his ability to move. His mind, as if clouded with fog, tried to make sense of where he was and how he got here.
Carefully he looked around. He remembered this place. It meant a lot to him but it still felt like a name he couldn’t quite remember although it was on the tip of his tongue. Then his eyes fell on a redhaired Miqo’te, asleep at his bedside, face half buried in his arms resting on the edge of the bed. A’viloh.
All at once everything was there again. The fog blown away, unveiling all the horror that had led him here. He started to shake and squeezed his eyes shut. Panicked he tried to guard his thoughts, his feelings as good as he could, but then he realised that he was alone. Not the Miqo’te at his bedside, not in this room. Alone in his head, in his own body. Just himself. The intruder that had tortured him all this time was gone.
He let out a shaky deep breath and returned his gaze to the person sleeping by his side once again. He was alright. He hoped they all were. How had they managed to free him from this presence that had locked him up inside the deepest corner of his own mind? Not unconscious, no. Screaming and struggling, awake enough so he could feel the monster rummaging through every single one of his thoughts and memories, mocking him at every given opportunity. Mostly conscious as well as seeing and hearing but unable to speak up or stop himself. A fate he wouldn’t even wish on his worst enemies. The memory alone made him shiver again.
A’viloh, he realised it had been his voice he had heard, lost in the darkness. How long had the Miqo’te spent here talking to him? And why would he do something like this after all the trouble he had caused? He looked so peaceful like this. A far cry from the last time he remembered seeing his face, bruised and almost defeated. Back then he had feared the shadow controlling him would make his threats true and claw out all of his friends hearts or slowly choke them with his own hands. All he could think back then had been Please, not him too…
But A’viloh was alright. Thank the Twelve. Slowly he raised one of his arms and carefully brushed a strand of long red hair out of his sleeping face. But his shaky hand didn’t yet move as precisely as it used to and so the Miqo’te noticed the slight touch.
His face twitched and slowly he opened his eyes. All of a sudden that peaceful expression was gone. Replaced by an unmistakable deep sadness. Why did he look so sad? Without thinking he raised his hand again and gently caressed the Miqo’te’s cheek. But A’viloh flinched from the unexpected touch and hastily looked up. Accompanied by a sharp inhale of breath his slitted pupils dilated as his eyes fixed on the other one‘s face and his mind visibly raced to make sense of what he saw.
"Thancred…?", he whispered almost inaudibly with confusion written all over his face. There was an uncertainty to his voice Thancred couldn’t assess yet.
"Please don’t tell me you expected someone else…", he joked and tried to sit up. It was a mean joke, even to his own ears. But joking was his natural reaction when he didn’t know what else to say or when he was too scared to speak aloud how he truly felt.
A’viloh gasped. It was not quite a laugh but his mouth twitched into a bright smile for a second. "Thancred!", he repeated slightly louder as his eyes filled with tears. "You're awake!" Quickly he jumped up and threw his arms around the hyurs neck. His chair flew to the floor with a loud clattering sound that echoed back from the stone walls of the room. Thancred could feel the Miqo’te tremble and also the tears on his cheek as it brushed his own skin for a moment. "I thought I lost you..."
Suddenly A‘viloh gasped again and jumped back just as fast as he had thrown himself at him mere seconds before. He looked surprised by his own words, maybe he hadn’t meant to say that out loud. His face turned red and embarrassed he looked away. "I’m sorry…"
Oh no!, Thancred thought. Not him! That’s a horrible idea.
During his training he had learned to read people as if they were books. Just that books always had seemed boring to him in comparison. It was a useful skill for a spy to be able to see through his opponents, to be able to tell when they were lying or hiding something. But if A’viloh was trying to hide anything he didn’t do it very well…
It was a horrible decision to fall in love with Thancred Waters. A fact the Hyur suddenly got painfully aware of. People occasionally did that. Sometimes he wanted them to, if it was for a job and for example there was an information he needed. Sometimes it just happened without him planning to. On rare occasions he even felt bad about it, because all of them so far had ended up sad and disappointed. Because in the end he never had returned their feelings.
For some reason it bothered him that easily flustered, involuntarily funny, kind-hearted A’viloh might share this fate. He didn’t deserve that. The Miqo’te had helped save him, when it would have been easier to just kill him for sure. He had already endured enough because of Thancred’s mistakes, since people around him had the tendency to get hurt. But most importantly he considered him a friend.
For a short moment, back before the Ascian had hijacked his body, the idea had seemed interesting to Thancred. The Miqo’te’s shy and easily embarrassed nature had undeniably seemed cute to him, a strange contrast to the strength he possessed but didn’t seem aware of, and in a moment of selfishness Thancred had found himself offering an invitation with questionable intentions. But fate had different plans. It wouldn’t have been fair. Because he certainly would have ended up breaking the poor guys heart. Somehow that idea scared him.
Speechlessly Thancred stared at him, trying to find the right words. To convince him not to make such a grave mistake. And equally speechless A’viloh avoided his gaze. He already had said too much.
For a moment no one dared to speak.
Then another familiar voice sounded from the hallway.
"A’vi? Is everything alright? I heard a noise that sounded like something had --", Rael appeared in the doorframe and instantly fell silent as they saw Thancred sitting upright and awake in his bed. For a split second the Viera’s eyes wandered to dumbstruck A’viloh before returning to him, a polite smile forming on their face, which the hyur easily recognised as nothing more than that, a studied politeness.
"Thancred. You’re awake.", they observed calmly. "How are you feeling?"
Before he could answer, the Miqo’te regained his voice. "I’m sorry…", A’viloh repeated and then wordlessly left the room in bit too much of a hurry to not look strange.
For a second they both stared after him. Then Rael sighed and shook their head. "I will get Y’shtola or Urianger if that’s alright with you…"
"Of course.", Thancred nodded and Rael left as quickly as they had appeared.
The room felt very silent and empty all of the sudden. It would take a while to get used to being alone with his thoughts again. But as he sat there wondering how to fix this situation with A’viloh he could vividly imagine that spiteful, mocking voice again.
Good job, lover boy. Look at what you’ve done…
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syrips · 7 months
love when my partner asks me what i want to do as if im not an autistic polyamorous genderfluid pansexual entity
ive never made a final decision in my entire life please decide for me or we will be in an infinite feedback loop
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spiderfunkz · 10 months
can this guy just like me
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fortunatelev · 2 days
I was doing that healer questline at Radz-at-Han and well...Fordola is pretty...when she isn't trying to rip my WoL's head off constantly. I think she realized after a while that it was my WoL's responsibility to heal her and to genuinely care about her. And honey...Zenos...I get how infuriating he his too fr fr. He nearly killed my WoL whilst sparring with her at the end of Endwalker..
I can imagine the two of them just casually talking about how sadistic and wierd he is but also how oddly wierd it is that they can't resist wanting to fight him because he is charming in that sense I guess *shrugs*...I still don't understand him okay?...but he did end up helping at the end...because he was still determined to fight me. 🤦🏽‍♀️Bruh if you want to hang out with me, you don't gotta fight me all the time you know.
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
🎨 🖼️ 🌈 🩹 🧍🏽💡 🔮⚡️☄️
How Can I Be Sure by The Young Rascals
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Will Won't Believe Mike Has Feelings For Him, Until Mike Unpacks EVERYTHING!
#byler#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#will byers#will's pov#will in doubt still pining his heart out#i would expect nothing less#'how can i be sure. in a world that's constantly changing. how can i be sure. where i stand with you'#this entire song centers on this question which i think fits really well with what will's feelings about mike the night el left#bc mike has been giving so many mixed signals over the last 24 hrs#one minute he's ignoring will then he's suddenly upset bc will's ignoring him then he's lashing out at everyone then he's closed off#there's also this other layer of anxiety for will obviously that mike knows about his feelings#and i say this bc this is how the average fan interprets these scenes: ie 'will is gay and mike is awkward bc he knows how will feels'#and that's bc this could arguably be will's pov we're getting or at least his worst fears in these moments of confrontation#so will now having to grapple with the concept of mike also being hurt about will not reaching out... will: *scratches head*#if anything will thinks it's obvious mike knows how much he cares for him (as he has fears mike knows they go beyond care)#the whiplash this gay kid is experiencing rn i can't imagine#even despite maybe having hope in the past i do think will is under the assumption mike is straight as an arrow#and yet they're still best friends (or at least will hopes they are)#so where do they stand?#'whether or not we're together. together we'll see it much better. i love you. i love you forever. you know where i can be found.'#'how can i be sure? i'll be sure with you'#despite all this uncertainty. in the end will still wants to be there for mike and be a team#and how convenient will feels this way when mike feels the exact same? (in more ways than one....)#4x03#gif
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enhypen-scholarship · 21 days
PSLSPSLSPSLSPLLSS someone give me clues or hints whether a guy likes me or not😭😭🙏🙏🙏
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marlenemckinnonslover · 9 months
my speak now tv cardigan came today and i'm the happiest person ever getting it was like fucking christmas
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the-cooler-king · 1 month
One of those texts I kind of need to sit on before I decide how I'm going to word it.
I never know how to start these, but I always have an idea on what to say. Your opinion of me actually matters a lot & the implication that you believe that I lie to you or I'm not doing enough is kinda hurtful. It comes across to me like my effort is worthless to you & that what I want doesn't matter at all. I wouldn't bring it up if I didn't think you cared, and I know you're going through a lot and shouldn't have to worry about me, but I'm getting mixed signals that are really throwing me off. What do you want from me? Am I asking too much of you and you don't know how to tell me? I sincerely want to be there for you, regardless of what it looks like to get to that point, but if you don't want me there you can tell me! What you want matters just as much, if not more, to me. I'm not the kind of person to be hostile about things if they don't work out. I don't want to be another source of stress or negativity for you, and I don't want you to be afraid of being honest with me. I constantly question if you're just too nice to tell me you aren't interested anymore, and even if you are, I might need more reassurance than you can give me because I don't think I'm very worth it to anyone for anything. If you don't think I'm trying hard enough then tell me what I need to do to change that! I'm at the point of just not knowing what I bring to your life, if anything at all. You don't need to deal with me on top of everything else, so, I'm sorry for this. Even if you don't text me back I'll feel better once I get it out there. The only thing I've ever been afraid of is not communicating exactly how much I care about you & how much you mean to me - even if it doesn't matter to you, or you don't believe me. If there comes a day where we aren't in each other's lives anymore for whatever reason, I don't want either of us to question what could've been said or done differently or regret not doing more.
#I'm gonna sleep on this one. This could be a Monday night text. Or tomorrow#I'll refine this better. I think it's important to stress the whole Gemini factor here#REALLY mixed signals. If you want me to go just say it#I don't have time for the bait and switch yknow#I don't even think he's aware. Micheal said it pretty straight up and I know he's probably right#But I will be goddamned if I don't give it my best and most honest shot.#I think about Sean a lot sometimes and how much I miss him. It could make me cry#I never got the chance to tell him anything. To show him I made it#He will NEVER get here. He will always be stuck when and where and how he died and that fucking kills me#That pain and raw grief are what keep me going at this point.... he will never experience life after that moment in time#And I am so scared that the same thing will happen to my s/o and he will walk into it with eyes open#And I can't communicate that fear to him. That profound sadness. Watching a movie over and over and hate the ending#It's *hard*. How many times can I watch it happen? How many times will it keep happening? Take my fucking revolution or whatever#I woke up angry today and im committed to being empty and full of resentment I think#I just want to talk to Sean. He would say the same thing micheal did I bet.#God I really miss him huh. Crying and shit or whatever. I don't have time for this#Sean would laugh at me for crying over some hot guy who I am clearly the side girl to#Lmao I would laugh too. Yeah. Get it together.#It's just another relapse so relax sit back and take a deep breath......
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9chokers · 2 months
also this one guy who said he didn’t want to hang out with me viewed my grindr profile like sure miss me huh?
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