#but here's an example of a work by meee
pea-brain · 2 months
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example donation link
if you are an artist or something and want to offer the same commissions, please feel free to take any of these images and use them yourself (edit however you want, remove my art, obviously), the text is free to use.
*in the unlikely event i receive a ton of these, i might have to close them. will let you know. reblogs will be turned off if i close commissions
extra information below v
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thank you so much for reading! i used all caps for ease of read, it comes across super agro lol sorry <3 i will be nice in person
also, small note, i dont consider mobility aids (including wheelchairs) to be props, those are free to add.
any further questions DM away!
+75% extra character, complex background/ scene*, full render, complex outfit design by meee ;)
+50% medium background/ scene*, flats (will include nice lineart), complex outfit/ design, simple outfit design by me
*scene means a complex pose or it looks like they're actually in the background. interpretation of this is up to me
addition prices are calculated based off of the base price and do not compound
example calculation: half body ($30) + extra character (+75% of $30 = $23) + medium background/scene (+50% of $30 = $15) = 30+23+15= $68
for stuff not covered here (like a complex prop) just shoot me a DM
will draw: furry (not great but i can try), gore (incl extreme), horror, artistic/ casual nudity, fanart, your roc's, my doc's, romantic/ ship art, anything LGBT+ (people might not know me i felt i should add that)
wont draw: porn, fetish (up to me to interpret what i consider that), ship/ romantic/ nude art involving persons who are or appear to be under the age of 18 (even if they are 'aged up'.) even if its like kids kissing, i'm not comfortable with that cheers, anything i consider 'hateful' (i dunno man i felt i had to add it)
if i am uncomfortable i reserve the right t refuse aspects or the entire request
ownership of the art is yours, if you dont want me to post it to my account i wont
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moonliched · 7 months
I really love Y/N's look, what led you to add things like double rows of teeth? What led you to that design? Was there another one design before?
bonks my head against yours like a cat!! thenks :3
i repurposed an old self insert oc i had as a teenager bc i wanted to be self indulgent! some edgy gothic white haired girl with a fringe over one eye lmao😋 i miss her...
their colour palette is pale and greyish as a nod to the grey Y/Ns in this community, their hair is white bc mine used to be white, and their hairstyle is one i used to wear swimming! i was also inspired by futuristic white aesthetics and Suichu Niso underwater modelling shoots.
i pretty much immediately settled on Y/N as they are here including webbed feet and finger scarring, and then built on more alien features later. the 4th image down is actually the first time i drew them. i think i got the idea for the teeth about a month into writing, prior to the first chapter going up. mostly i decide on things by daydreaming a funny or angsty scenario based on their alien heritage, and then seeing if i can work it into the story without it seeming clumsy or overcomplicating matters for myself. i overcomplicate things a lot😅 for example i'm regretting having two suits. and two subs. why did i do that?? lol
there's a scene coming up soon after chapter 12 involving the teeth and Vanessa - that's the scenario that inspired Y/N's lil shark teeth. i was also thinking that if i met a mermaid i would totally want a scale as a souvenir, but what would be the mermaid equivalent? hair? a fingernail makes me shiver. but teeth, when losing a row is a semi-regular affair, would be cool. even humans collect teeth!
i don't have a concrete image in mind yet for the natives of Y/N's home planet, but it's something in the realm of humanoid-fish-person, scaly, they have hair but it's not human-grade. an alien unfamiliar with humanoids would easily mistake them for regular humans (they got four legs and a little round head, right?) whereas humans and the fish people would be very offended to be lumped in together lmao. as a result i got a lot of freedom with what Y/N gets to inherit! their human-ness is bit of a disappointment to their guardian tho, so they don't get the full deck of fishy cards.
this might be tmi, some rambling about MEEE!! at first the evidence of having alien features removed was going to be more drastic - i thought over flippers surgically mutated into human feet, a missing tail, scales laser-removed - but decided against those. i was having a really tough time with my disability and chronic pain, and i wanted to live vicariously through Y/N, so they pass as able-bodied. i can't run or swim anymore so it's nice that they can. i think the missing finger webbing counts as a disability, esp when taking into account their issues with managing the discomfort from the scar tissue, and having to actively maintain their health to avoid the drawbacks that would arise from this kind of amputation. Y/N should be grateful i wanted to cosplay as able-bodied, otherwise they'd be far worse off😌🫰
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Hello! I was the anon who asked about the SAHSR au.
May I request headcanons with Caelus, Dan Heng, March 7th, Welt, Jing Yuan, Sampo, Kafka and Blades reaction to having 2 players in one account? One ABSOLUTELY loves the fighting (and the flirting choices) of the game, while the other is more invested in the lore (ESPECIALLY the garbage can lore). (Ill call em FP and LP respectively).
Both share one main team when they play story mode together but have their own teams when they play independently, they work together like an well-oiled machine when they play together. (FP specializing in fights with equiptment and strategy, while LP aids in lore aspects of quests, and explains lore to FP when theyre confused) The main trio have a special place in their hearts so they lovingly call em "our children"
Id imagine, they'd get petty if one accidentally plays some of the storyline ahead being like " you played ahead...??? Without me?!?!?! JAIL! JAIL FOR 100,000 YEARSS >:o" - LP
Heres some interactions I'd imagine the character may overhear:
Fp: *about sampo's slits of skin* he's just a goofy little guy who just a little fruity, I mean sureeee he's aware of the fourth wall and scams people BUT he's just so silly 😌💕 Lp: Listen, I get it, he's your snookims 🙄 but just because he's dresses fruity DOES NOT make you immune to the cold, ESPECIALLY the Belabog winters.😒
LP: *Blade makes a quote about death* Me too bestie, me too 😔✌️ FP: Jesus christ, LP we've talked about this, this is the exact the reason I can't let you have Blade on your team. LP: I mean to be fair, the difference between me and them is that I got therapy and a solid support system. He's just my darker timeline. FP: ..... Dammit your right..
FP: *Just pulled Kafka* LETS GOOOO!! MOMMY KAFKA HAS COME HOME TO MEEE!!! *barking* LP: *snorts in the background* FP: Oh Shi- * hits themselves with the phone* LP: * laughing hysterically with the sounds of slapping can be heard in the back*
LP: *out of the blue* I miss my hubby :( FP: Who? LP: Screwllium FP: .... The robot??? LP: Yeah :( FP: Why?? Are your old men not enough for you? LP: Besides how cool his design is, and his genuine charm, I have a better chance at romance with a robot then any human-esque being FP: ... if we ever see your cousins again I'm going to beat the living shit out of them for destroying your confidence...
(if it's too much and your not comfy, no pressure to do this, but please just let me know Also, sorry that it's long, I got super excited 😅 and needed to get it out of my head ajdbjdnd, but thank you if you accept my request)
Hi! Thank you for your request! This is a really cool idea; hopefully I've done it justice. I love the interaction examples you've put in your request; they made me laugh! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like the headcanons.
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, March 7th, Welt Yang, Jing Yuan, Sampo, Kafka, Blade
A self-aware au in which two players with very different play styles share an account. What do the characters think of them?
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The first of the “children”. Caelus feels flattered that the players think of him that way but is a bit curious as to why they call him that considering everyone’s respective age…
Loves the banter between the two players. He’s a quietly sarcastic little gremlin so that’s right up his alley.
Has a soft spot for the lore focused player, mostly since they like the garbage can lore and that’s something he feels he and the player can bond over.
But both players hold a special place in his heart since he’s formed a bond with both of them over the course of the game.
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Dan Heng has so many questions. Why are the players calling him their “child”? He’s older than they are. And there’s certainly no biological connection.
Regardless, he knows it’s their way of displaying affection so he’ll take their comments with gratitude, despite their baffling nature.
Has a preference towards the lore invested player, mostly because history and the story behind the story are his interests as well. He feels they can bond over that shared interest.
He also appreciates it when the players find records that get added to the archive. He wouldn’t be able to read as much if they didn’t so he’s very grateful.
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Unlike Dan Heng, March absolutely loves being referred to as one of the players “children”. She thinks it’s a sweet term of affection.
She doesn't like playing favourites but she has a preference towards the player that prefers fighting and flirting. She thinks they’re fun!
Like Caelus, March loves the banter between the players, as long as it doesn’t get too serious; she likes to keep things fun.
She always gets nervous when the story progresses with only one player present. She knows they only play the storyline together, so she gets concerned that something has happened to the other player.
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Welt is concerned about the players sometimes…why is one of the players calling Screwllum their “hubby”? And is the other player talking about him when they talk about the old man?!
But his concern is just his way of displaying his affection for the players.
The contrast between their playing styles may have confused and annoyed him at first but it quickly grows on him and now he can’t imagine any other playing style.
Doesn’t really have a favourite between the players. If he had to choose, he might lean more towards the lore focused player since flirting isn’t really his style. But he cares for the both pretty equally.
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Jing Yuan will argue over who the players are referring to when they talk about the “old men” forever. In his mind, that’s him; if he’s going to be called old, it may as well be in reference to someone showing interest in him…
He’s a general so he has a lot of respect for the players for taking turns when their respective interests and strengths are relevant.
Despite their cohesion, Jing Yuan will sometimes critique the players on their shortfallings. They work well together most of the time, but when one plays ahead, Jing Yuan just shakes his head.
He knows there’s going to be some pettiness to follow the next time both players are on together.
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Sampo doesn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted when the players keep talking about him being “just a goofy little guy who’s just a little fruity”.
He loves the fighting and flirting player; they remind him a lot of himself so he feels like they share a strong connection.
Since he’s the only one with the power to break the fourth wall, he often passes on messages from the other characters. He just has to find ways to work those messages into the story so it doesn’t seem strange.
And the other characters have to repay him somehow. Sampo’s not doing that for free, he’s got his own messages to pass along as well.
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Kafka is subtly honoured that the players feel so positively about her, especially the fighting and flirting player.
When she came home for the first time, she was bombarded by screams as the players celebrated her arrival.
Doesn’t have a favourite between the players but if forced to choose, she would probably say the fighting flirting player.
What can she say? Undying affection is something she can appreciate and that player certainly has that in droves for her.
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Blade is more reserved about his affection for the players. His main way of displaying affection for them is increasing the number of quotes he says about death.
He knows the lore based player likes those quotes and he enjoys hearing the banter between the players after he says something edgy.
He is slightly concerned about them sometimes though. His edginess and depression is fine since he’s just a character. But it’s different for the players and he hopes they’re doing okay.
No preference between the players but he prefers it when they’re both playing together. It leads to less conflict in the future…
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment, or reblog will mean just as much.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᵈᵗ ʸᵘ ᵏⁿᵒ ʷʰᵒ ᵐᵉᵉ ᶦˢ-
to say you is speed is an understatement- i too, get excited when i see you posting croc man content- your writing is just muah 💪💪💪💪
Also- yes i would like a nickname :D, dats hec COOL-
✨Helicopter anon✨
Bc ykno- it goes brrrr and brrr is good for health 😌
I hope im not spamming requests- you can take your time of course 😤
These are just ideas for you :)
Ok business time 👹
👏Crocman dad👏trying👏to👏protect👏his👏child's👏innocence 👏
Like crocodile has bad habits right-: smoking (a l o t o f s m o k i n g), mafia business, cussing, angery and stuff like that.
To start- He wont smoke around his child, if his child appears out of nowhere he would most prob like yeet his cigar somewhere HAHAHAHAH
Doesnt talk about his underworld business when his child is present, imagine his agents or his clients coming in straight up with details of his work like "sir i got rid of tha-" *croc staring daggers at dem with his kid playing in his office*
Also, since he spends alot of time with his wife and child, when there is a needed time to k e e l somebody he just hands his child that he's holding, to his wife c a l m l y and the wife who knows whats abouta go down and just goes "whoops lets go buy ice cream shall we" *walks away* bc queen knows 😌
He just avoids everything possibly bad
I hope this gave you some ideas-
Again, you can take 1% of these or add and its still foine
Thank youuuu
OH MY GOODNESS, i was waiting for you to put in another request lol. i love your requests so much they give me so much writing inspiration! seriously though, your requests are amazing. And helicopter anon is literally perfect, when i tell you me and my sister were cracking up when you chose that name. I love it. and i love these croc as a father writings, they are so good! now onward! i did what i could, so please enjoy and have a great day helicopter anon!! <333
Croc as a father part 4!
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 550
Notes - again, thank you for the request helicopter anon! i love these and now my requests are finally open so you can request another if you're down!! have a great day and i really hope you enjoy!!! stay hydrated!!! <33333 (image not mine)
and now requests are OPEN!!! please check my pinned post before requesting!!
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“Dear,” you played with the collar of Crocodile’s button up trying to ignore the cigar smoke flying around your face. “I've been meaning to talk to you about…” you flicked his cigar and he giggled, kissing your neck. “This.”
“Huh?” Crocodile moved from his neck looking down at his cigar. “This? What about this?”
“Uhm… It's just… our son. I don't want-”
“Oh, I haven't been doing it around him.”
You tilted your head, trying to think back to the times of all of you hanging out together. “You haven't?”
“Nope. You think I want my six year old to know what I do for a living?”
You giggled and played with the bottom of Croc’s hair. “I don't know why I ever doubted you.”
If Crocodile was being fully honest with you though, it was the most impossible thing he had to do. Hiding your mafia identity from a sporadic child was hands down the hardest thing in the world.
For example, one time, he was just in his office working when his six year old burst in the room making airplane noises as he ran back and forth with a toy plane. Crocodile has never thrown something so long and far, but his cigar ended up on the other side of the room while his child turned to him with a goofy smile asking what that was.
Or when Crocodile was teaching his son how to use a map and one of his employees walked in.
“Sir, we took care of the body you wanted us to hi-”
Crocodile had never stared at someone with such force. He pointed to his child who was coloring the map with sharks and fish and pointed to the door, forcing his employee out.
All Crocodile’s son knew Crocodile to be a big teddy bear. Someone who would help him whenever he had a nightmare. Someone who loved his momma with all of his heart and soul. Someone he looked up to.
Crocodile knew that eventually he would have to tell his son about his business, hopefully have him take it over when the time came. But for now he was learning. Trying to figure out the world. The last thing he needed to know was Crocodile’s grudge against Monkey D. Luffy and the fact that he had been to jail and that he had committed multiple crimes. That was for another day.
Whenever he was curious though, it was always your job to step up.
“Honey,” Crocodile handed you your son, his employees standing behind him. “I have to go take care of something. Take him out to go get some frozen yogurt and get yourself something nice, love.”
He placed a kiss on your head and your sons, walking out of the room with that evil, but sexy look on his face that made you swoon.
“Momma?” You set your son down and grabbed his hand. “Where’s daddy going?”
You just smiled and rubbed the top of his jet black hair. “He's going to work dear.”
“What does daddy do for work?”
You grabbed the keys off of the wall and smirked. “Daddy takes care of business, buddy.”
You kissed him on the forehead and took him out for frozen yogurt while Crocodile did just that.
Take care of business.
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cemetaryvampire · 2 months
that is…semi demi good but you know we gotta work on that so you can identify adverbs!!!
hmmm, how about you give meee 11 adverbs this time? and it cant be the 5 you already gave me.
here are some examples!!! : drowsily, swiftly, confusedly, gladly, thankfully
purposely, fairly, excitedly, gleefully, cheerfully, badly, poorly, slowly, accidentally, happily, whimsically
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gacha-every · 10 months
Another casual Movie Review!
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From meee!!! :D
Hello again, we got one of my main sources to my love for animated movies/shows today, Disney!
And we got their new movie, Wish!
First off, !!🟥SPOILERS🟥!!
I watched this at home and it released in Cinema so I can't count reviewing the animation because I only got the low quality cinema vid for now. Still tho, animations are great, so ye, I'm sure it gud UvU
But we're talking more about the story, characters, and other perks!
In my first watch, I was pretty chill, entertained, and unbothered... in most cases. Honestly, I was only feeling unbothered sometimes because of the expectations of people's critics all over Wish
In my second watch tho, I was pretty bored, yet still enjoyed it somehow, but anyway–
I give the movie ALONE a 7/10
The characters are great, the songs are gud to listen to while watching (This Wish is on loop in my head tho, that one's catchy), the comedy is gud too, story is gud too!
Yeah, guys! The movie is actually not bad!
...It's just not jaw dropping that is, y'know?
The movie is a little generic but also not??? I dunno
It kept me entertained, it's a gud movie for funzies, and it's especially not that triggering at least to me, it's just not that rewatchable y'know? Also had some trouble remembering some of the characters' names even
Anyway ye, movie, okie
Easter eggs were fun to catch
(My dad even has his own theories like Asha being the fairy godmother like from Cinderella and Magnifico being the mirror like from Snow White)
Huh? What? No it's not critism, I'm already done
NO, it's my favorite part of all
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the movie had potential, I mean, it does in some cases but not generally
If you consider their SCRAPPED CONCEPTS like these fav examples: Star is supposed to be a shape shifter and has a male human form (possible romance with Asha), and Magnifico and Amaya are supposed to be a villain COUPLE! LIKE BRO! This is the ONLY part I'm triggered by the movie honestly, because it's MISSED potential! This potential didn't come from the movie itself, no! It's from the dumps!
I'm honestly glad fanfics exist
Like imagine bruh, what more new set of formulas can you think of? Asha's father being Magnifico instead? Making her a PRINCESS?! WHOLE NEW TOP TIER LEVEL TO TACKLE– oh wait
read it pls, it gud
Anyway, ye, that's honestly the only fun I have from the movie, imagining it's potential
But it's honestly a shame that the potential is missed rather than the potential is oozing... you confused? Okay, what I mean is, missed potential is like those scrapped concepts, oozing potential is like from the movie itself has potential for a few tweaks here and there and boom! Better movie! So ye, Gacha Every math for ya lol
Anyway, ye, it's a shame...
Artist, writer, daydreamer, WHATEVER! I JUST w i s h ;D PEOPLE SHOW THEIR REVISIONS OF THE MOVIE! Let the creativity and fun DRIVE!!!
Movie fine: 7/10 :)
Revision rush: 9/10 B)
Wish is gud, healed my inner child which is what my constructive criticism is orbit to, so if you're into that thing, stay tuned for more! ^w^
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Hello Hello! I've spotted the Deck of Phoenix tag enough times on my dash now that I HAVE to ask. Whats it about? Care to share the cool oc universe story thing? If you're interested in doing so of course! I would love to hear about it (:
This is going to be long and barely coherent/word salady but here you go friend Merin :)
Okay so... Deck of Phoenix. Prefacing this with with the fact DoP's message is about finding your own way to deal with trauma of all kinds. All of the characters have their own trauma and deal with it in different ways for better or worse LOL! LMAO! The main 6 we have for the cast are Neptune, Vikki, Teresa, Twilip, Ichigo and Salem. Salem is Ollie's OC that got absorbed into the story and became one of the linchpins in Ichigo's backstory (Childhood friends who were kinda romantic then shit happened and then OUAHGAHFDHGgeF anyways)
The magic system in the story is really complicated to explain because it really only makes sense in my brain at the moment and it's supposed to be universal across many different alien worlds :) Hehe! Did I mention this is a fantasy sci-fi? In the way of a fantasy world in a sci-fi setting!!! HEHEHHE!
Every person/soul is born with an ability that aligns with two sigils (magic types) and it can range from something extremely powerful and useful to something that never even manifests. An example of the latter would be a character we have; she seemed powerless until she died because her power was to revive permanently when brought back by a necromancer. Back to the main characters! Neptune canonically has schizophrenia, he has the ability to see the future of someone when he looks them in the eyes, which is how the story starts and also how he finds out he saves the universe from an evil tyrant called Paradox (Name might be temporary, idk lol) But yeah he has a character arc that might be spoilers so i'll explain on discord but it makes his schizophrenia so so soooo much worse <3 <- Projecting my problems onto him. (Also he is the only human in the group)
Vikki's powers are under construction but! She is basically the glue holding the crew together and is a satyress :3 She likes ballet and is the sweetest person you'll ever meet unless you get on her bad side HFGJEHFVQ Also she's built like a centaur and it's so cool to meee cuz I love drawing non-human characters
Teresa is like if Doc was a Loverboy and also a necromancer >:) I'm thinking about giving her the weird gender swag just to make one of the others the only cis person in the group TKYURLF (Twilip) Xe's an alien from a desert planet and is kinda a cyclops lynx/kangaroo mouse and she kinda looks like a vortigaunt now that I think about it..
Twilip. How do I even explain... He's like if Boomer (bubby x coomer) was a person tbh.. Cranky old man who gives tutorials and worked at a library and he misses his late wife so so much :( BUT he has a swag ass pen that can make drawings come to life and he's about the size of a cat btw if you even care <3 /ref
Ichigo... WHERE DO I START. Ichigo's been our OC since we were a KID! So they technically have the deepest lore due to sheer time scale soooo.. They use any pronouns with a preference for they/them and ze/zir and zir sooo everything to me <3 Imagine Leading Light with cloud's buster blade and soooo many more insecurities... Yea :) I can't even begin to dive into their backstory because I will be here FOREVER but long story short, canon system allegory with being 3 souls meshed into one body by the US government to be a super soldier (A human, an alien, and an inter dimensional being) and the alien part is destined to destroy the universe but that's beside the point! Teehee!
For Salem I suggest asking Ollie because I don't wanna misinterpret anything about him <3
That's all I have for now because my fingers are starting to hurt from typing /g /lh I hope you enjoy!!!!! >:)
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Tagged by @togaki-kun, thank you! 💕
I always feel a bit silly recommending my own work because I’m “just” a short one-shots writer and don’t do anything huge such as worldbuilding, but hey, any fic is creative work, no matter the length, so…
1. Simulacrum (Madara/Tobirama, 4.2k, NR)
Tobirama has memory issues.
I can’t really say much about this fic because no matter what I say, it would be a spoiler. All I can say is that I stepped out of my usual comfort zone and challenged myself with this—and that I pretty much nailed it. I am extremely proud of all the reactions I received :)
2. In Another Time (Bucky/Tony, 1k, T)
It’s the jokes and the smiles and the intelligence behind those bright blue eyes. It’s the way Bucky drawls when he talks. It’s their night walks in the dark under the stars and how the air between them seems to spark. And before Tony knows it, he catches himself staring at those cherry red lips, imagining pulling Bucky behind the trees to steal a kiss. Though as lovely the thought is, as heavy crushes reality upon him and reminds him where and who they are. This is neither place nor time Tony belongs to—he belongs to Rhodey and Pepper and Happy. To F.R.I.D.A.Y. and his bots. To the future. Or, How a chain of certain accidental events lead to certain unexpected feelings with an uncertain future ahead of them.
I just really like the style I wrote this in. The rhymes, the back-and-forth play with the past, present and future to the point that I had readers tell me they had to re-read it to fully grasp everything (positively), the flow of the fic and the way I put so much story into so little words. This one will forever be one of my favorite fics because of its uniqueness.
3. A Sensei’s Job (Does Not Entail This) (Koharu & Tobirama, 1.9k, G)
When Tobirama decided to set a good example by taking on the role of a Jounin-sensei to prepare young Genin fresh out of the ninja academy for the life of a shiobi, he had been a bit nervous, but on the whole, he had been excited and looked forward to the experience and sharing his knowledge with Konoha’s future shinobi. Nothing could’ve prepared him for this, however. “My body is betraying meee!” Or, Koharu struggles with puberty, and Tobirama struggles with a teenager going through puberty.
Honestly, I’m just proud of the pacing and the dialogue of this wee friend here. Those are the two things I struggle the most; my pacing is always off, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it’s just never truly right (except for short ficlets), and dialogue is something I fail so much at that I have multiple fics with no dialogue at all because it’s just so much easier for me to write that way. Here, though? Here both are just right. This fic is nothing special, it’s really just a silly little thing to make you laugh, but I love coming back to it because it just reads so smoothly like no other of my fics. And also, because re-reading it never fails to brighten my day.
4. Sternhagelvoll (Madara/Tobirama, 2.2k, T)
Senju Tobirama stands in front of his house in the middle of the night with a goat on a leash. Senju. Fucking. Tobirama. Stands in front of his house. In the middle of the night. With a goat on a leash. “Are you drunk?” “Like a skunk,” Tobirama confirms, promptly collapsing at his feet. The goat bleats.
Look, humor and crack are my thing. It’s what I write the most and it’s what I’m best at. This one is special tho because it’s hands down the funniest I’ve written so far. I cracked up so hard while writing that I had to take several breaks, and I crack up at the same lines when I re-read it again. I’m just really proud of how fucking funny this one is, and that’s it.
5. Captivated Hearts (Hashirama/Mito, 3.1k, M)
Tobirama repeatedly enters the Land of the Dead to steal Mito’s souls and reanimate them, confident that she won’t catch him, when in reality, it would be so easy for her to pull him in by the foot he so carelessly sets into her realm. But Tobirama has a brother. Senju Hashirama, also known as Inari, is the kami of agriculture, rice, sake and various other things—and he has the kindest eyes Mito has ever seen in a man. With his sun-kissed skin and blinding smile, the warmth he radiates from within, and the joy he brings wherever he goes, he shines brighter than Amaterasu could ever dream of. Mito wants him.
I just love how I wrote Mito and HashiMito here. This fic is really not one of my best written ones—I definitely have better fics—but I still count it to my favorites because as much as I love wholesome HashiMito, I really wanted something in a slightly more grey-ish, dubious area for these two, and I wanted to explore Mito differently than she usually is portrayed in fics. It’s nothing special per se, but it’s special to me, so I consider it one of my proudest fics.
Funny enough, my most popular story that makes me practically a one-hit-wonder didn’t make it on the list but to be honest, I don’t even know why that time travel TobiIzu fic is so popular. It’s one of my better ones, but personally, I don’t count it as one of my proudest xD
Tagging: @iam93percentstardust @pleasetakethis @madbuns and you if you would like to share your proudest fics as well! Please feel yourself tagged from me ♥️
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toujokaname · 1 year
Seisoukan☆Test of Courage Night / Episode 3
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Author: Yuumasu
Characters: Tomoya, Mayoi, Tsumugi, Keito
"Um. Can I take a break in the ceiling to calm down?"
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Season: Summer Location: NewDi Office
A few days later, at NewDi's Common Room
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Tomoya: ...Should we just wait in this room? Got it.
Do I want a drink? No, no, we're not here to talk business or anything...
So this is what the common room is like at NewDi. I don't visit other agencies often, so this is a new experience for me.
Mayoi: Uuu, my stomach is churning with nerves... How can you stay so calm, Mashiro-san?
Tomoya: What do you mean? It's not like we were called for doing something wrong.
We're meeting with Aoba-senpai, so let's just take it easy.
Mayoi: Right, take it easy...
Um. Can I take a break in the ceiling to calm down?
Tomoya: Eh? That's usually not allowed. Aoba-senpai said he'll be here as soon as he finishes his phone call.
Mayoi: I-I just need to for a little bit...
Tomoya: Just... hold on! A moment...! Ayase-senpai!
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Tsumugi: Sorry to keep you waiting... Oh?
Mashiro-kun, whose feet are dangling from the ceiling? By process of elimination, I assume that's Ayase-kun?
Tomoya: That's right...! Aoba-senpai's here now, so pleeease come down!
Mayoi: I-I-I-I-I understand! Please don't pull meee...!
Tsumugi: What a spectacular landing. But why were you in the ceiling?
Tomoya: Ahaha... I don't get it, but it seems to calm him down.
Mayoi: Yes. It actually helped ease some of my tension...
Tsumugi: I don't really understand, but I'm glad you could relax.
Well, I wanted to thank you for your interesting discussion the other day about planning a summer festival...
As examples, I've prepared some proposals and cost estimates for festivals taking place this summer.
Mayoi: Cost estimates?
Tsumugi: Yes, it's easier to plan when you have specific numbers to work with, right?
Tomoya: ...Uwah, festivals are so expensive, aren't they?
Tsumugi: That's right. Even when considering labor expenses, arrangements are necessary for operating staff, security personnel, vendors, cleaners, and more, which all incur associated costs.
By the way, here's what a smaller festival using a kindergarten playground might look like.
Tomoya: It's cheaper than the previous estimate you showed us. What do you think, Ayase-senpai?
Mayoi: Hnn... Covering the entire cost would be challenging, and to balance income and expenses, we'd need to attract a lot of external visitors, correct?
I struggle with communication, and I'm not very skilled at dealing with outsiders. It might be too much for me to handle.
Tomoya: Even for this scale? At this rate, planning a summer festival could be difficult...?
Tsumugi: ...In your message, you mentioned a "summer festival-like event." Would it be okay if it were any type of summer event?
Mayoi: Yes, that's right. If I'm able to do it, and if it would make Chief happy...
Tsumugi: Then, how about a test of courage at Seisoukan?
You wouldn't need to rent a space, you wouldn't have to invite people, and the budget would be smaller than a summer festival.
Additionally, involving other idols living in Seisoukan could create opportunities for interaction and enhance the experience.
It would require the approval of Keito-kun, the dorm supervisor,  and the agreement of Seisoukan's residents.
Other idols could easily participate in the event, making it enjoyable and memorable for everyone.
Mayoi: Come to think of it, Chief also mentioned something about a test of courage...
I think I could manage that. I already did it for an occult TV show I appeared on during the summer.
But we just wandered around Yumenosaki in the middle of the night, chatting with each other.
At that time, I took the audience to my favorite places to liven up the show, but there are no such places in Seisoukan...
Is it okay to just wander around aimlessly?
Tsumugi: Even just turning off the hallway lights could create a sense of excitement. Adding some creativity would be great, considering the effort you're putting in.
Let's brainstorm together to create a proposal that Keito-kun would approve ♪
Location: Seisoukan Common Room
Same night, in the common room.
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Keito: ...A test of courage at Seisoukan.
Summer is over, isn't it too late in the season to implement it?
Mayoi: Uu... That's true, but ....
Tsumugi: There's no rule that says a test of courage must be held in summer, right?
Besides, the current season might actually be more suitable than the hot and humid summer.
Keito: Hmm... I generally understand the purpose behind this, but...
What's the matter, Ayase? You're sweating a lot.
You're not up to something, are you?
Mayoi: Eeek?! I-I-I-I-I'm not up to anything!
But, I'm not very good at these kinds of discussions...
Keito: Then why are you here? Why are you the representative?
If you're not comfortable with it, why not leave it to Aoba, who is right beside you?
Mayoi: Um, it's just that... I'm the one who came up with the idea.
I'm a helpless person who can't do anything. But since I wished to "do it", I felt it wouldn't be right to pass it all on to someone else...
Keito: I see. While I'm unsure about having Aoba represent the majority, I'll give you credit for the spirit.
Mayoi: Ahh, uu, I'm sorry...
Um, what do you think of the plan? Can we have a test of courage...?
Keito: I don't mind. As a recreational activity to strengthen bonds among dormitory residents, I'll allocate a budget for it.
Mayoi: R-Really?! Thank you very much...!
Keito: However, I do have conditions. ...Don't look at me like that, I'm not trying to complicate things. I just ask that you use common sense.
First, do not damage the facilities. Flashy setups are prohibited. Second, thoroughly inform the dormitory residents and avoid inconveniencing non-participants.
Third, adhere to the scheduled time, and promptly clean up as soon as it's over. That's all, can you commit to that?
Mayoi: Y-Yes! I promise to uphold those conditions!
Keito: Then you have my approval. If there's anything you need, you can tell me. As the dorm supervisor, I'll do my best to help.
Mayoi: T-Thank you so much...!
Tsumugi: I'm glad, Ayase-kun ♪
Mayoi: Uuu, it was thanks to you, Tsumugi-san...
Tsumugi: Not at all. I just gave your back a little nudge.
Now, the real work begins. Let's do our best to make it a wonderful test of courage.
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zealctry · 1 year
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I’ve been hinting at this here and there, but let’s state it plainly:  the way I write Hidan, he’s stuck in a ‘perpetual teenager’ mindset.
He’s shockingly impulsive, tends to prioritize the strangest things on the spot, may respond in peculiar ways to stress, has weird sleeping patterns, is prone to make very poor life choices in the blink of an eye (and might not even consider the long-term consequences to follow ––– even worse, when he does, he might just dismiss them and decide to either 'deal with them later' OR 'haha, that will never happen to meee' ). . .. .  probably has an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex which underlies all of this.
sidenote. I’ve never quite made up my mind as to whether or not Hidan physically froze in time when he was changed via the cult of Jashin, around the age of seventeen —— a change which is as much mental as it is physical, and since this isn’t the point of this post, I won’t elaborate on it here. However, more often than not, I go with the option that he was. As such, the implication is plain: his brain is literally underdeveloped. Tragic. I mean yeah, synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis and all of that still happens —he has no problem forming new memories, changing and adapting to conditions and/or over time, etc.—  but there are some real, physically-based issues there. Anyway, moving away from this tangent…
What I mean to discuss is not, however, his neuroanatomy, but a specific aspect of what this means for his characterization and interpersonal relationships/interactions with people.
An important aspect of his being, and behaving like, an adolescent at all times is this: to be a functional human being, Hidan NEEDS ground rules to guide his behavior ( rules of conduct in general )  and a framework within which he should ( must! ) operate. He works best under those conditions, and too much or too little guidance is actually detrimental. Furthermore, he will always try to push those boundaries, will always toe the line and step over it now and again. He simply can’t help himself, even when he knows in advance that it will probably end badly ( though in most cases, much like the majority of teens, he falls under the umbrella of “oh that won’t happen to me” and the illusion of invincibility… which, I mean, in a sense… he’s sort of right. This thinking is exacerbated to a great degree by the fact that he’s, you know, conditionally immortal. He’d likely pull through, and has actually pulled through, a shitload of things that no one else can. It’s made him arrogant. It’s made him rather careless. Sometimes, he's gotten himself into trouble on purpose, because nothing competes to the rush of adrenaline of getting away with something, especially when no one else can.)
The necessary boundaries and rules he requires to function are, for the most part, provided to him by Jashinism; they’re straightforward rules, the expectations are right there, and they regulate some of his conduct without shackling him down too much, allowing him the freedom he craves and requires. Yet sometimes ( which is in fact seldom ) even they can feel stifling, and Hidan’s own innate sense of rebellion makes him want to stick his middle fingers up at them ( although he’d never genuinely turn his back on his religion / the one thing in his life that provides him with a sense of purpose ).
What’s interesting, however, is that he’s not unable to also adapt this to people in his life. He may not seem the type, and it’s rare enough, but he will accept authority figures in his life — or rather, dependable figures in his life, whose rules he will follow, to the same extent as outlined above ( including, of course, the pushing of boundaries ).
These people are few and far between, and almost never the people who are actually people of authority around him — Pein, for example, he disdains. Konan, he’s indifferent to and would never see as more than an equal. Any Kages he’d honestly laugh at. His parents, the police, whatever else? Forget it. The people he will listen to are people whom he deems as worthy to be listened to ( and they are people that Hidan has, in some shape or form, imprinted on and expects, whether consciously or not, to stick around for a long time in his life. They stick around through thick and thin, and he gives them, in his own way, his loyalty ) — he will not always nor absolutely listen to them, of course; he’s just much more inclined to lend them an ear, insofar as whatever they say/demand/ask doesn’t actively contradict his religion (and even that can be somewhat selective; he's a flexible sort of guy!).
So. Kakuzu, he will listen to, to a surprising degree ; he’ll complain, he’ll flip him off, he’ll mouth off and tell him to go choke on a dick, but when push comes to shove, and when you look just a little beneath the surface of those theatrics, he will listen to him (surprisingly, quite easily; so if you want him to listen to your shit, better go to Kuzu first, ig). Q / @sortilegum he will listen to. Abaddon / @cainiine he will listen to. The fact that he might, in fact, attempt to kill either of the latter doesn’t matter or come into play in the equation, really.
But he needs a special kind of guiding ( and unwavering ) hand to steer him along ; otherwise, he’ll bite the hell out of it ( heck, he’ll bite just to see if there are consequences, and what those consequences are - and he will, surprisingly, take them…. albeit never quietly; and he’ll take them far better than one can expect. If he deems them reasonable? He won’t even hold a grudge! )
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hope this explains a few things~ there's so much more to it, but. have this for now.
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not13opossoms · 1 year
First, I would like to talk about how magic works. Everyponys born with it, earthponies, pegasi & unicorns. A unicorn horn is well known as the only way to release this magic, [everypony believes only unicornz hav magic btw] magic is evenly distributed throughout the pony population- some have a tad more some have a tad less. In rare cases some have alot more are alot less. In very VERY VEERRYYY rare cases, some are born this a SHITLOAD of magic, there's so much that they become alicorns. Now how do they become alicorns??? Well lemme tell you it's not pretty.
If their a pegasi then they grow a horn an if their a unicorn they grow wings, earthponies grow both. Itz a very painful process for them. As they mature they can grow double of something, like horns, wings, legs, eyes, etc. Hair can get very long, they can become very tall, ect ect and this is a PAINFUL ASS PROCESS and it takes awhile too. even if they catche a break from growing shit theirs still pain, the magic givez them burning sensations very often. ALS0 horns and/or teeth can grow so long that they hurt the alicorn [here's a good example]
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In the case of Princess Luna, her teeth grew into long, sharp fangs and they curled into her, into her face, her gums, some curled around other teeth. This rendered her mute.
[Here she is]
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ALSO here's Queen Celestia
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Thatz all 4 n0w but I'll continue later dw
If anyone has comments or questions or anything TELL MEEE I wanna hear :3
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starkerfestivals · 2 years
hi! i really want to participate in the winter bingo but i’ve never done a bingo before. do you mind giving just a quick run down of how it works? i get the jist, but i just want to make sure i fully understand before jumping in. thank you!!
Hello! Np!
Starting off, we do want to let anyone who wants to participate know that you can fill as many or as little prompts you want. We want this to be a full little event so as long as you fill a prompt and tag us, we'll be able to reblog and show off your work on StarkerFestivals.
That being said, this event follows the rules of bingo in where in order to "win" (achieve bingo), you have to claim prompts in either a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. Another option to win bingo is by filling the four corners and center. Here's how these potential bingos could look:
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To be able to claim a prompt, you simply have to create something for it. We do not have any requirements as minimums for this event 💙 as a general rule in StarkerFestivals, however, we only allow one prompt per work, excluding multiple chapter fics.
(for example, you cannot claim somnophilia and size difference for a single fic, but if you have multiple chapters for the fic, you can claim chapter 1 as somnophilia and chapter 2 as size difference.
Example 2: if you create a moodboard and write a little drabble, that can also be claimed as 2 prompts since they're two different works even if they're related)
The Free space in the middle means you can create anything you want as long as it's Starkercest.
For those that want an even harder challenge, you can Blackout the card which means you fill every single prompt on there.
Winning blackout or bingo is usually just bragging rights 😅 Normally, we have a little badge given out for participation/wins but mads(meee) is terrible and behind so 😔
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help meee
i have a crush on this guy (shorter than me, i’m a girl, but i’m not super worried about it. i think he is though.) in the only class we have together, he got moved far away. like, to the other side of the class because we talked too much. i can’t really talk to him anymore because of this. i’m a really nervous person and always miss my chances to at least say “hey” in the hallway.
today he was talking to me because i had to go to his class for seminar and he was blushing… like super bad.
he calls me buddy though. for example, when he was talking to me he called me BUDDY THREE TIMES. i’m getting mixed signals here!!!
but he obviously talks about me to his friends because he was chatting with a girl and then she started calling my name, so I looked over. he waved, said “hey buddy!” and i waved back then went back to reading. after that he came up to my desk and stood there awkwardly until i looked up, he said, “hey buddy” asked me if i had snacks, i said no and told him i’d bring some tomorrow in the class we have together, he blushed really bad and tried to remember the class, making him blush even more, then said “bye buddy” and waved.
i literally almost bust out laughing if i wasn’t so worried about my all day school breath.
any tips on how i can get closer to him, or if how to find out if he even likes me?? i want to give him some poetry, or ask him if he likes poetry and writes it because i know he reads it :/ is that a good idea??
a very confused ninth grade hooman
Hi nonny!! (short for anonymous) Right off the bat, I want to say you two sound super cute, and by the sounds of it, I think there’s a good chance that he likes you back. Between the fact that he talks to you a lot, calls you a cute nickname (oh my god you got BUDDY-zoned, classic Dean Winchester move), and that you notice him blushing a lot around you--could just mean that he gets embarrassed easily, but this paired with the other things makes me think he’s probably just as nervous as you!
(Side note I want to address: Don’t ever be insecure about being taller than boys!!! Embrace it. If a boy ever makes you feel bad for being tall, he needs to check himself and work on his own self esteem. Also, if you’re ninth graders, you’re not done growing yet!!)
I think writing him poetry is a lovely idea. If you know he already reads it, then there’s a good chance he likes it, and he would probably like it even more if it came from you! Be brave, and remember that he’s probably just as anxious as you are. No matter how embarrassing or stupid you think you look, I assure you that he’s going to be far more preoccupied worrying about how he’s coming across to you. And guess what, if he really likes you, none of that stuff should matter to him anyway. So throw paper airplanes with silly notes in them at him, slip cheesy jokes into his locker with your name on the back, and write that poetry girl!! When your voice fails, an old fashioned paper and pencil works like a charm. (Or texting/social media, I guess, nowadays.) 
And if you’re too shy to ask him directly about what he likes, ask his friends! Maybe you all can do a mutual activity together, like play games or see a movie. You’re still but a wee sapling, so don’t sweat the small stuff, and just try to have fun with it. If anything, he still sounds like a good friend to have, and that’s just as--if not more--valuable.
Best of luck nonny, you got this!
Sappho <3
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bleep-bloop-boo · 1 month
hi honey...sorry to bother you...but i saw that some other ppl are asking for advice so i hope you don't mind me dropping this here...(feel free to ignore if u don't want to respond)
but uh i feel like i have audhd, or at least some flavor of executive dysfunction, but my parents don't really seem to understand that. like even the noise of someone chewing makes me angry, or that i have to do this a certain way, or that my brain and my body just doesn't work like my parents' do. i know fidget and stim a lot, and i am reaaally bad at procrastination. er not procrastinating. even simple tasks like getting ready for bed or showering (there's so many steps why are there so many things) or even other things that would literally take 5 minutes. like making a mountain out of a molehill or however it goes. i just relate to a lot a lot of the symptoms and experiences that other audhders have, but i don't know for sure if i have audhd.
idk i just don't know how to tell my parents that i think I have audhd and that i want to get it tested or smth i don't rly know what the process is...
anyway sorry for long ask T.T
hi!! okay, first of all, hfjkddifuhghjdkd thank you for asking me <33 (sorry i responded so late, i havent been online a lot 😭) and you're never a bother and i love the long ask <33
and i totally get where you're coming from! of course this wont work for every parent butttt, you can try this 1. don't mention any specific names, words like disability or autism or even adhd make parents nervous and dont mention internet research yet 2. slowly start describing different symptoms to them just like, work it into the conversation and pretend its relatable like for executive dysfunction "ugghhhh, i wish i could stop being lazy" "i also wish you'd stop being lazy" "its just harddd, like i want to get up but i cant. you know the feeling? like i know i have so much work to do and a lot i need to get done and i really want to start it but like my brain isn't letting me...." *wait a sec* "OH! like you know how when you want to do something dangerous? like when trying to bite your finger off like a carrot cuz you read it in a childrens book and wanted to try it but you couldn't because your brain stops you from hurting yourself? (or use the example of touching something hot) THATS THE FEELING IM TALKING ABOUT!" 3. then after you introduce a lot of the symptoms as 'quirks' you have to the point where they start calling you out on it and recognizing that you are struggling you can move on 4. start talking off-handedly about adhd/autism just casually "oh! you know how i always forget things no matter how much i try to remember them and then end up feeling really guilty i forget?? my friend with adhd does the same thing! dude, literally none of my other friends understood what i meant when i was talking about how frustrating it is to forget everything and like yk like how you start to distrust yourselff, its so cool MAKEUPANAMEFORADHDFRIEND gets itt" from this, you can gauge how supportive your parents are of the idea and start warming them up to it 5. now, some parents might start to search up adhd or autism and begin to realize that the traits you showed in step 2 are actually symptoms if nottt, start showing em videos of people describing adhd/autism and say your friends sent it to you (my friends actually do this. all the time- )
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7_9VWxnRns8 this persons videos are some of my favorties <33 and show them saying smth like "omg, look, this person is just like meee" 6. after a while of showing them videos like that, start mentioning things like "lolol, my friends keep teasing me saying i have autism/adhd" mention this a couple times when youre using your phone so it seems like they're just texting you about it (i would mention adhd sometimes and autism others like "yk how NAME says i have adhd? well theyre fighting with NAME2 cuz NAME2 thinks i have autism lolol")
7. if they still dont connect the dots, then mention it to them casually and worst comes to worst, blame it on your friends "huh, yk whats funny? all these videos my friends said me are like surprisingly relatable... maybe im adhd lolol" or "broski, my friends are so certain that i have autism, they keep bugging me to get a diagnosis to prove theyre right! can we get one just so they stop??" of course, the best way would be to talk to them and be vulnerable and just be straight about how hard it is for you (and crying will prolly help lol) and ask them if you can please get a diagnosis because you just want to know if theres something to help you if thats not possible, try my list (tho it does take a while... like quite a few months) and let me know how it goes!! and the most important part, remember that you are doing a great job :)) autism and adhd and nuerodivergency can be so hard to deal with and the fact you're trying to get help is good <33 your struggles are so valid, and its not your fault in the slightest. i am so, so, so proud of you for everything you did :)) remember than hon GOOD LUCK BESTIEEE <33333
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mmollymercury · 2 years
For the character ask game, Camilo ☺️
seriously ppl I love talking abt my hcs, don't be shy to ask me abt them😭💕💕
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⚧ - Pronoun hc: he/they. This is basically canon lol. If u didn't know, before the movie came out and press was asking questions abt it. Ppl used 'they/them' pronouns to refer to Camilo in interviews 💕 also... the fact that so many nb ppl adopted him... I mean, it shows guys. Birds of feather, innit.
🏳️‍⚧️- Gender hc: non binary💕💞
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation hc: idk abt this one, I've never really thought abt it before. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
🌌- zodiac sign hc: Camilo is a December baby, I'm pretty sure.... Sooo that'd make them a capricorn??? I think😶
🧠- MBTI/Enneagram hc: based on my researchhhhh (but as I've said before I'm very new to this stuff lol) he'd be a ESTP
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Some things that helped me come to this conclusion:
Camilo is very extroverted. He does have moments were, if you look carefully, he kinda shrinks in on himself and resumes the 'dinosaur posetm', also known as Bruno's constant state- but despite this, he thrives on attention, I mean look at this pose:
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You can practically hear him saying 'look at meee'. Next, I believe they'd make decisions based on the reality of the situation and speak very literally about things, example:
"Err, not if we don't have a house."
He does not entertain the option of that changing right away. He's focused in the now and is trying to get that dealt with first.
He's very confident but he also hides behind other people's faces, literally. I do imagine him to be quite popular in his own right but still, he's very closed off with his emotions and only thinks about catering others, that's literally his gift. So he neglects himself emotionally and pretends he's okay behind his happy demeanour. He's a devil and is the epitome of a little shit. But it's tough love sometimes, they do truly care💞
Now, this section, I like to call: no (with one exception)
❤- OTP hc: 🚫
🧡- Everyone I ship with this character: 🚫
💛- Brotp: Probably him and Mirabel, they're the best of friends💕💕. BUT DONT GET IT TWISTED, THIS ISNT ROMANTIC U FREAKSS😤😤😤🚫🚫🚫
💚- Notp: everything lol (not hating on oc x canon btw, u guys do your thing, I'm just talking abt canon x)
💙- Crossover ship: 🚫
💜- Crossover non-ship relationship I like: mhhhh never really thought abt it. I think Camilo would absolutely roast any person from my other hyperfixations lol
📖- AU I'd like to see them in: modern AU,,, again... Let's face it, he'd be a youtuber who'd make insane, chaotic vlogs with thumbnails on par with drew phillips:
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❤🩹- Angsty hc: He lies about how he feels for the sake of others, just like the rest of the family; also uses humor as a coping mechanism. He often worries that people only see him as the people he can be and don't really care about him. Also, I think they'd definitely get paranoid about their appearance and question if this is them or just another shape shifted creation. I think he'd have moments of losing himself and shifting as other people to cope with stuff. He isn't really in touch with who he is because of this. He's got trauma, poor thing🥺🥺🥺
💖- Happy hc: He played with dolls as a kid, due to getting them as hand-me-downs. When abuela gifted him a stereotypical 'boy's toy' he used it to play with said dolls. Like: if it was a football, he'd turn it into 'circle world' and the dolls would play on it lol. Before he forgot him, he used to fall asleep to Bruno rocking him in his arms🥺🥺
😋- Funny/stupid hc: When he hiccups, it sometimes can trigger his shapeshifting. Sometimes, he'll transform into someone and try and keep the clothes that come along with them. It never works.
🪞- Appearance hc: I'm not sure what to put here lol, let's just say: I think he'd eventually ask to get his ears pierced. He was always jealous of how the girls got them done when they were little.
🥖- Food hc: THIS SHIT EATS LIKE IT'S HIS LAST DAY ON EARTH, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. he's got one of those 'food critic' palletes, there's basically nothing he hates, he loves all flavours AND LIVES for the experience of all of them. He eats everyone's left overs, without leaving a crumb; first thing he does when he and Mira come back from school is complain about being hungry, Mira then says: you literally ate on the walk home bro-
I agree with the headcanon that shapeshifting into all these ppl, wears him out and that's why he's so hungry, however, I also think it's more than that: he just has a naturally fast metabolism and looooves food🥰, cos I like to think he still acts like this when the magic is gone. The family call him a human trashcan lol.
🛌- Sleep hc: he sleeps like he's been hit by a car, snores like an engine and drools all over his pillow.
🏡- Domestic hc: he has the best relationship with Pepa 💕💕😭 he's a momma's boy 💕, Julieta gets annoyed of his eating habits but she's grown to make extra of everything, just for him💞 I think she'd also let him eat the parts of a meal no one else really wants, before she serves the whole thing, for example: like the legs on a chicken, my mam used to do this for my sister lol x
He likes having a jokey, bickering relationship with Félix. They don't actually fight or anything but he'll make play insults like: "old man" and "grey hairs" just to have that playful back and forth banter. They'll both be laughing, knowing there's no malice behind the words🥰
🗡- Badass hc- He'll shapeshift into a bully's mam to get them to back off. Also he just hates on bullies in general, often crossing a line and being a bit of one himself, when trying to defend ppl.
❓- Anything else you want: this boy would watch dragrace, come on now-
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moonyswriting · 4 years
A gift of the Stars
Happy birthday Emma!! @ttylfedora I hope you have a fantastic day and may all your wishes come true! You are an incredible person and thank you for helping meee. I wrote it for you, but everyone can read it.
Characters by @lumosinlove and thank you to @unadulteratedpaperparadise for beta reading :)
It was past Finn’s bedtime. He shouldn’t be awake, but he just couldn’t sleep. So much had happened, Finn really couldn’t understand why he was still so full of energy.
He sat up. That didn’t help, it somehow made him even less sleepy.
Throwing his legs in the direction of the edge of the bed, he scooted over until he could hop onto the floor of his bedroom. Waddling over to his door, he carefully moved his hand up to the doorknob to try to open it as quietly as possible. If his parents heard him, they would send him straight back to bed and he really didn’t want to just lay on his bed until he could sleep.
Finn had sneaked over the floors of their hallway quite a few times and he knew that the second board after the bathroom door creaked so he tried to step over it carefully.
Then he reached his destination. A big blue door, identical to his own, on which he knocked softly, barely audible.
He opened the door slowly and peaked through to see into his brother’s room.
Alex saw his door opening, red curls peeking out of the side until he saw Finn’s face.
„Why hello, sir Finnigan, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence at such a late hour?“
It had the desired effect and painted a smile on Finn’s face. He came into the room fully, coming to a stop in front of the older boy, looking up at the nine-year-old until he patted his lap.
Alex picked his brother up and sat up onto his thighs, his arms securely around the younger one’s torso.
„So“, Alex tickled Finn’s side, until he was squirming a bit, but stopped again to talk, “Why are you up?“
„I couldn’t sleep. I have so much energy in me so it just won‘t work.“, Finn told him. He had always been a very energetic kid and this wasn‘t the first time, he had sneaked into Alex’s room for some company. They would usually just cuddle and talk until Finn was asleep, but the older one had another idea for today.
He sat up slowly, holding Finn and repositioning him on his hip for the time being. Alex could feel arms tightening around him.
There were few steps to his bed and when they reached it Alex sat his brother down, standing back up and walking over to his closet to get another blanket for Finn. He took it eagerly and snuggled up against his brother as soon as he sat back down.
“Hey, have I ever told you about the stars?”
Finn picked up his head from where it had been against Alex’s side and looked at his older brother awestruck. “No.”, he breathed, eyes fascinated by what his brother was about to tell him.
Alex got up just enough to open his bedroom window, letting them see outside, but also letting the cold air in.
“Snuggle tight,”, he told Finn and held out his arm, so his smaller brother could make himself comfortable by his side.
“Can you see those white dots in the sky?”, Alex pointed his free hand up into the darkness of the night.
He heard a small, “yeah?”, from his side.
“Those are stars. We can’t see them when we’re at home, since there’s too much light there, but here you can.”
“Whoa, that’s so cool! It’s like someone painted the sky!”, Alex heard his smaller brother whisper.
“Yeah. Do you want to know the story behind them?”
“Ooh, yes please!”, Finn sounded incredibly excited as he pressed his body closer to Alex’s and held his arm, so it wouldn’t let him go. Alex’s arms tightened around his brother and he started tracing small circles on his arm.
“Legend says that they’ve been created by Greek Gods in an effort to lead humans to happiness. The stars have everything already planned out. They know what you’ll be when you grow up, maybe an NHL player like I’ll be once I’m old enough. They’ll know if you’ll marry someone and who. They know everything that happened, happens, and will happen.”
“Whoa,” Finn said again, his mouth hanging open.
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. And there are different constellations as well, for really important events. There, for example, is the Leo constellation. For your birthday.”
“I have stars?”
“Everyone has stars, Finni. Sometimes you see them, sometimes you don’t, but they always keep you safe. They protect you.”
Finn looked up into his brother’s face with big eyes, “Like you?”
“Yeah. Like me.”, Alex smiled down at him. He was the perfect little brother. Sure, he was annoying at times, but when it came down to it, he was everything Alex could have ever dreamed for and more.
Finn shifted in his arms, placing his head against Alex’s side and snuggling into him as much as he was able to. Alex held him tight and saw moved the blanket to cover Finn’s whole body. He got a happy hum from his brother in return as they both looked out into the night and at the stars the speckled the sky. Alex could just look at the stars for hours, they were beautiful and full of mysteries. It really was a shame they could only see them in their vacation home, but it was better than never for Alex.
He stared out the window for a while, he didn’t know how long, but he was transfixed on them. A small sound broke him out of it, coming from his side.
Alex had no clue when Finn had closed his eyes or when he’d fallen asleep, but the smaller boy was snoring softly, clutching at Alex’s arm and the blanket.
The older couldn’t help but smile. He tried to move Finn over to his pillow and gently placed his small head on it. After closing the window again, he moved over to where he had been before, a small figure curling up in his bed.
He changed into his PJs quickly and slid under the covers. Draping his arm over Finn’s shoulder, he laid down next to him. Alex chuckled a bit as even sleeping, Finn clutched his hand in his smaller ones. Alex placed a kiss on his brother’s head gently and whispered:
“I’ll protect you. I’ll always protect you, little lion.”
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