#but hey he can play basic sound files
logicpng · 3 months
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haha nice
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
Miss Manager gets her Period
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Team Japan x female reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: period talk, swearing, blood mentioned, period symptoms (cramps, vomiting, bloating, etc)
A/N: I need comfort right now, feel free to ignore
Honestly you should have seen the warning signs YN
But somehow you missed the notification from your period tracking app
You missed the sighs of being extremely tired, moody and just down right agitated
You cried for no reason the other day and it still didn’t register
I mean, it’s not like you are busy or anything
You are the team manager for Team Japan after all
Probably the one of the worlds most dangerous jobs
But also super rewarding 😌
You’ve been the teams manager for a few months now
And you’ve definitely had your period before during practice
But this, this was completely different
You see, never has your period fully started right in the middle of practice
And certainly not with this much vigor 😬
Let’s just say, you aren’t on birth control at all
But you also never really needed it
Because as shitty as birth control can be sometimes, it can be very helpful
Anyways, it was a normal Friday morning and you woke up feeling… off
Like just blah
Honestly you didn’t think much of it because the Olympics were a month away
Which meant that the boys were on edge
Practices were lasting hours and downtime was limited
Not to mention you were dealing with more Bokuto Emo modes than normal and more tantrums from Atsumu and Kageyama
Basically the fatigue and blah feeling wasn’t unwarranted
You checked the mirror, noticing you had a small acne flare up on your jaw
You sighed, putting some coverup on it before heading out
On your way to the gym, you stopped to grab you and the coaches coffee
A typically Friday routine you had developed
Walking into the gym, the sound of volleyballs hit your ears
As well as the agitating, grating voices of those hitting said volleyballs 😒
You barely hit the door when it starts
“YNS HERE!!” Hinata screams
“YN please tell me you finished the laundry yesterday, we ran out of fresh towels and I only have 5 stashed away!”Sakusa chimes in
“YN please help tape my fingers,” Hakuba adds
“YN you promised you’d measure our jump heights today too! I have to show Hinata that I can get higher!” Hoshiumi shouts
“YN do you have that extra nail files? I left my kit at home,” Kageyama says
“YN I need you to toss for me because these other idiots can’t do it like you do!” Atsumu whines
Literally it’s like walking into a daycare but with giant volleyball players 😅
“Guys give me like 5 minutes please!” You shout, walking over to the coaches and handing them their coffee before stomping to your office
“Is Yn ok?” Coach asks as the assistant coach shrugs
You just need a minute to breathe, that’s all you need
Too bad you work with people who don’t understand the idea of “needing a minute to breathe”
*knock knock*
You groan as your door open and Iwaizumi appears
Please, you don’t even want to see Iwa today
Damn YN you ok 👀
“Iwa what?” You say a little annoyed
“Damn, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something? I just came to give you the training schedules,” Iwa said as you sighed and took them
“Sorry Iwa, I’m just feeling off I didn’t meant it,” you said as Iwa nodded
“It’s cool Yn but maybe drink that coffee or something to help?” He says as you sigh and sit down
You manage to drink approximately 1 sip before Aran is at your door
“YN hey! I was hoping we could go over some plays?” He said as you resigned yourself to the fact that today just isn’t your day
A few hours in, you get ready for the team meeting
Your walking through the gym when the first cramps hit
“Ohh ouch!” You whince as you grab your side
“YN, you good?” Komori asks, noticing immediately
“Yeah I think I’m fine,” you say
“You know Yn, when my tummy’s upset, I go to the brathroom and it helps a lot!” Hinata says as Kageyama rolls his eyes
“Hinata nobody knows more about the bathroom than you do!” He says as Hinata glares at him
“I’m sure I’m fine, it’s almost lunch anyways. I think I just need to eat,” you say
You grab your lunch, sitting with the few mature memebers of the team
Aran, Hyakuzawa, Iwaizumi, Komori, Yaku and occasionally Sakusa, if he’s not on one 🙄
Anyways, as your finishing lunch, you stand up and it happens
You rn 👉🏻🧍‍♀️😐😳
The fear in your eyes 😅 trust me YN, we’ve all been there
“Yn you good?” Aran asks as Iwa and Hyakuzawa look at you
“Umm I think my period just started,” you say
Now the fear in your eyes has transferred to their eyes 👁️👄👁️
Please Yn, nothing is off limits with these guys
They talk about bodily functions daily and some of them have sisters, so like they aren’t clueless to what a period is
Before they can even say anything you RUN to the bathroom, and sure enough
“Dammit!” You scream as everyone in a 20 mile radius hears you
“Uhhh Yn, you good?” Yaku asks, knocking on the door to the bathroom
“Yeah but uhh I don’t have a tampon, can you grab me one form my desk?” You asks as Bokuto runs to your office
At this point, they’ve all come to the bathroom hallway and it’s like a team effort to help you 😂
Team bonding if you will
“Crap there isn’t any in here!” Bokuto shouts as Atsumu runs to tell you
“Yn Bo said there isn’t any in your desk!”
“Shit, check my bag!” You scream
“Check her bag bo!” Hakuba shouts
“Nothing!” Bokuto shouts back
“Fuck!” You say, resigning yourself to the fact that you’ll definitely need to make a makeshift toilet paper pad
“YN do you want me to run to the corner store?” Hinata asks
“Would you please? I’m not really looking to make a toilet paper pad,” you said as Hinata nodded
“Wait what’s a ‘toilet paper pad’?” Atsumu asks
“YN send Hoshiumi a picture of the tampons you use and we will go!” Hinata shouts as Hoshiumi and him race out
“Is anyone gonna answer my question?” Atsumu says, annoyed
“Idiot she would have to shove toilet paper in her underwear to stop the bleeding until she got a tampon or pad!” Yaku says
“Omg this toilet paper is so course and had like zero absorbency!” Atsumu shouts
“I know Sumu!! That’s why that’s not ideal!” You say
“YN do you need pain relievers?” Iwa asks
“If you have some, the cramps are getting bad,” you say as Iwa runs to his office
He grabs a heating pack and some pain relievers
He comes back just as Hinata and Hoshiumi return
“Damn that was like 7 minutes impressive!” Komori says
Hinata and Hoshiumi 👉🏻💅💅
“Here Yn, we got them!” Hinata says passing the pads into the bathroom
You manage to get yourself sorted, leaving some pads in the bathroom as you exit
You come out of the bathroom and are greeted with a forest 🌳
“Uhh hey guys?” You say as Iwa hands you the heating pack and some pain relievers
“Are you ok YN?” Bokuto asks 🥺
You just laugh
“I’ll be fine guys, I deal with this every month but I’ll admit, I was a little surprised this time!” You said
“Ok well I think it’s time we get back to work,” Aran says
“I’m super hyped up right now!” Hinata says as him and Hoshiumi race back to the gym
“Is anyone surprised?” Iwa says
“I’m actually surprised they managed to handle the task of getting tampons for Yn,” Yaku interjects
“This isn’t Hinata’s first time dealing with this, he does have a little sister,” Kageyama added
“And Hoshi?” Hakuba says
“He probably just wanted to race Hinata,” you laugh
“Ok guys, let’s go! Yn go sit down and out that heating pad on!” Iwa orders
“Iwa I’m fine-” you argue
“YN I wouldn’t argue with Iwa if I were you,” Sakusa interjects
“Yeah he’s super scary when he gets mad!” Kageyama shivers
“WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!?” Iwa yells as you all stiffin
Aye aye captain 🫡
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skinnywalker · 1 year
Professional protector (Aaron Hotchner x nanny! male reader)
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It's become a slight problem. Most nights it Hotch was late. Some he wasn't home at all and babysitters were only so reliable.
"You're really using Garica to get a other new babysitter?"
"I'm not trust random teens with my boy."
Emily rolls her eyes and pulls away the file of potential names.
"Can't you just hire a full time?"
Hotch groans.
"Same problem."
"Well it's either a once time issue or a till-jack-is-grown issue so make up you mind."
She's right of course, he needs to just bite the bullet.
After nearly an hour of barely scrapable options Hotch's attention was caught by a face.
Young, clean cut, handsome and with a bakround in child care. He gives Hocth a strange stomach twist, the kind he felt in high-school when he meet Harley. That same at once connection.
"Is he free?"
"Looks like it. Says on his employee web page he is open for full weekdays."
"Send that to me would you?"
Garcia can't help the small grin that crosses her lips.
"At once my lord."
From his nightstand the buzz of that familiar notification sounds him awake.
He checks the profile his boss Diane always sends but this one is different than normal. He is used to business men who don't have time for their children but the man is an FBI agent and high in ranks too.
Doesn't look half bad either.
"How much is the pay?
"60 an hour."
He stops dead in his track.
"60? For one child and house sitting?"
"Ahuh. He asked me if that was too low."
"Too low?!"
She smiled at him with a gleam I her eyes.
"He really wanted you specifically."
Hotch keep glancing at his watch. He wasn't late but Hotch was nervous he might be.
"Excuse are you Mr. Hotchner?"
He's pretty in person Hotch thinks. More real. More warm. He's bright-looking but not cocky. Fair featured but no vain. He could reach out his hand and Hotch would near before him to kiss it without even thinking.
"Yes, you must be the nanny."
"Ahuh. Would you like to go over the details of what you need me to do while your away?"
Hotch smiles. He has no clue why but it feels natural.
"Of course."
Hotch leads him through the house explain everything he needs from the house care side of things.
"-and if you can't try to fold the blankets to fit in properly I'd be really thankful."
"Of course. What about your son?"
"Jack spends most of the day at school. He still in k-8 and does sometimes need homework help. He can make his own food but often prefers it made. He has 2-3 hours of screen time weekdays and 4 on weekends. He'll want to call me when I'm out of town which you can also do if you need anything."
He nods. Simple kid.
"He always wants to come along on grocery trips and basically anytime you leave the house."
Hotch hands him the house keys.
"And most importantly he'll ask for want he wants and his bedtime is 8:30."
"Got it. I call you at night if I have questions."
The two turn to see a sleepy toddler standing in door way. His spider-man pj's frumbled from napping.
"Hey Jack buddy, this is your new babysitter. He'll be here all day till I come back in the evenings so you don't have to be alone at home."
Jack looks up. Hotch feels the two smiling at eachother. His heart is aching know Jack is already bonding with the nanny. This have been a good idea.
"I have to go home today Jack but I'll see you again tomorrow ok?"
"Ok! Can we play with my Lego pirates."
"We can play whatever you want to Jack."
Hotch loves that smile on Jack. The innocent love. His boy is safe.
"Hotch? We have an emergency."
"What is it J.J.?"
"Ten victims all male in their 20s and the unsub is moving."
"I'll be there in ten mintues."
Hotch's body knows the routine of his morning work runs so well it work on autopilot.
Lastly he kisses Jack's sleeping head and text his new nanny 8 words.
"Flying for work for at least a week."
He'll get what I mean Hotch thinks before he stops himself. Why is he so sure? He doesn't even know the guy and he is trusting him like an old friend already. That's not good but Hotch can't seem to stop himself. He doesn't trust easily but something about him is so safe. So at home at ease. Hotch hates how his walls are just gone the moment he met a pretty man who takes care of his son. Hotch hopes he'll stay.
"He's targeting men who seem successful in love. Men with kids and partners and well paying jobs. Young man living how he wants to live. And he does it through robbery and hold ups. He is choosing targets on the fly."
"Where do we thinking he is making his way to?"
"Maybe his home or his get away car. I don't think he can keep this up for too long and I know he thinks that too."
At the hotel Hotch picks up his nightly call.
"How's your nanny been buddy?"
"I love daddy! He is super smart and he knew all about the history for my test on Tuesday and he makes such good pasta and he read me all the books I have trouble with!"
Hotch feel his stomach twist again. Just like a dad.
"That's great buddy. I'm glad you like him so much."
"He is gonna be my new best friend."
"I'm sure he will sweets now you need to good to bed."
"Ok, Goodnight daddy."
"Sleepwell Buddy. I love you."
"Love you too!"
He's safe. He's for the first time Hotch feels confident in thinking that Jack is really safe and happy. He sleeps better that night then he has in a while.
"Unsub is now in Virginia and he's getting risky. Going straight for our home now. He might even be there at this moment."
"So we came out here just to go home?"
"No, we came out here to know for certain he is home. Let's go."
Jack had asked to come along to the Cafe. He had followed his nanny to the counter and was rewarded with a small pink lemonade.
"Have you ever tried limeade or just lemon?"
He shakes his head no.
"Never liked lime. Too sour."
He chuckles.
"I like a lot of sour things especially ones that have some sweet in them."
"Everyone get on the floor! This is a hold up and if everyone behaves no one will get hurt."
Jack looks up confused and then frighten.
"Comere Jack. Everything will be alright."
"We've tracked him to a Cafe he's holding up. Swat is on their way but we don't time on our side."
"How fast can we get there?"
"20 is not fast enough."
"You, with the blonde kid. Move up here."
His arms wrap around Jack and gently lead them both to the front.
"Give him to me."
His breathing hitches.
"I'm not letting you near him. You'll have to take me first."
The click of the handriffle echoed in his ears before he felt the the world go black.
When the room came back into focus he realized he was in the ER. His chest was burning. He could feel the dizziness bringing him in and out of blurry awareness.
"Hey, just rest, you're really injured."
"Jack.. what about Jack?"
"He's safe with his father."
A knock at the door interrupts them.
"Hello Doctor is it OK for me to see him?"
"Mr. Hotch? Is that you?"
Hotch leans over the hospital bed brush some hair.
"How are you feeling?"
"I've been worse."
"Worse than shot?"
He giggled even though it hurt.
"Yeah. I'm better knowing Jack is safe."
"He was really scared for you, so was I. You don't know how much it means to me that you put yourself in such danger for my boy."
"I'd do it again."
Hotch felt strange. On one hand he was deeply relieved that he was safe but such a close call had his nerves in a twist. It was like a weight had been added to his psyche. Hotch couldn't let anything happen to him. He felt protective.
"How is he?"
"Exhausted but ok."
"Hotch I know he is just your nanny but you seem pretty worried."
"I can't help but be. He nearly died keeping Jack safe. I don't know what could've happened if I hired someone less bare. This whole time I've felt so.... connected with him. Like he is someone who I can trust."
"Does Agent Aaron Hotchner have a slight crush."
Oh no.
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amorganva · 5 months
Just a bunch of random interesting Lies of P stuff I've seen so far because I still love this game:
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So the workshop was established 1868....which means that we're in the year 1889 or around that timeframe based on the grand exhibition signs.
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Apparently Sophia has a diary? and this is the only page: Master Cherry gives the Piece of wood to his friend Geppetto At that very moment a loud knock sounded on the door It was Geppetto, an old friend of Master Cherry. The boys of the neighborhood called him Polendina because of the wig he always wore, which was just the color of yellow corn. He was known to dislike children, and even more so when they called him Polendina.
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on some of the plaques at the grand exhibition
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The Krat k for reference and the devs having fun sneaking pics onto bottles lol
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The music sheet on the piano is the sheet music for the Oblivion soundtrack of the game. I also wonder why P chooses to play that particular piece that he plays as his humanity increases, why is it stuck in your head P?....on to another Carmeo doodle! I mean seriously the first few notes of the Estella Opera theme sound like humanity level 1 P trying the piano....like there's this specific tune in his mind. Like the two used to play together or Carlo the bougie being good at playing would teach Romeo, the kid from the streets. And the whole level P would hear that tune ....operafied and extra because it's Romeo, cmon, but also as a reminder like -Hey...remember, buddy?
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Just for reference purposes, when exported directly, Romeo is a giant at almost 9 ft - while P is about 6'4" when not constantly in battle stance. But Sophia and every other NPC in Krat is also about 6 feet when directly exported so the characters aren't made to scale - youngest of the BRBH is as tall as Sophia without ears. I read somewhere that Carlo is supposed to be around 5'3" on average and 5'6" at the tallest (people being shorter back then etc....our short king) so in my headcanon for my doodles reference I scaled Romeo to be about 5'10", just a bit taller than Carlo. Idk why I make him taller but there's something about his nickname Lampwick which just meant that he's skinny and polished looking in the original context but it got in my head that he's just tall and skinny and I'm rolling with it. Funny that his puppet form is so rusted and kinda clunky and raggedy looking for someone so well put together presumably before he died. The most unruly of Pinocchio's friends but also the nicest guy in this universe--- don't get me started on Romeo again gigachad of a friend///
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Also something you can't really see ingame cuz resolution but irl all records are by Trilogy Records and Feel in particular is "Song of Vamp, Rosa Milan" ....no clue what it means.
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the placeholder used for Romeo's play in the trailers....but also Hotel Krat before it became a Hotel in a bustling city?
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Question: Blue hair Sophia or Brown hair? Short hair P or long hair P? (I like short hair because it's an iconic look and the devs clearly spent a lot of time fine tuning it when you look at the trailers lol, long hair to me just feels so....basic) Also P's hair is aktschually brown.....it just looks really dark ingame and in all the artwork they just chose to make it black-looking. So Carlo and P technically have the same hair, he just doesn't have P's freckles which....a choice was made by Geppetto and I respect it.
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You can read this oddly specific daffodil newspaper texture and this letter.....like why is this so high res??
It's a shame you can't see some of this stuff unless you actually take a close look at the game files but I like to snoop. I just wanna see more of Krat...like a tour video or something or a book before it all kinda went to hell. Thanks Geppetto ....and/or Simon.
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
A Night Together
Summary: You accidentally spend an evening alone with Hotch and things go rather well.
Warnings: Some drinking, fluff🤭, mentions of cats and cat allergies, kissing.
Word count: 1.8k
A/n: I suck at titles and I know it sounds smutty but I promise it's not a smut fic lmfao. This has been in my drafts for so long now and I finally finished it. Please let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is great!
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"Hey what if everyone came over to my place tonight? We could make something for dinner, play games, and have a few drinks?" You suggested to the team.
They all agreed to a set time and seemed excited for what was to come.
"Great! I'll go ask Hotch real quick." You said and walked to his office. He had mentioned earlier in the day that Jack would be staying with his friend so you knew that if he did want to come you wouldn't be pulling him away from time with his son. You knocked on the door and heard a muffled "Come in." You opened it and stood in the doorway.
"Hey Hotch, I just asked the team if they wanted to come over later for dinner and drinks along with a few games. I was wondering if you would like to come as well?" You said the last part with hope because you really did want him over too. Honestly you had a bit of a crush on your boss. Which of course you knew was inappropriate and unprofessional but you couldn't help it.
"That sounds great y/n. What time should I be there?"
"Around 6:00 if that works for you. That's when everyone else said they would arrive." You said with a smile.
"6:00 is perfect." He smiled making yours become slightly bigger before you turned and went back to the rest of the team.
"Hotch said he will be there too." You announced.
They all looked to you and then back to each other. You could tell they were up to something.
"Oh sweetness I totally forgot that I have plans tonight. I'll pop by another time okay?" Derek said. "Uh. Yeah okay. That's fine." You replied and he gave you a smile.
"Wait don't you have a cat? I'm allergic to cats." Spencer told you. "Spencer since when are you allergic to cats?" You knew something was going on. "I don't know. I guess since I was born?" He said going back to reading a file. "Okay so you and Morgan won't be there. Anyone else that won't be coming over?"
"You know, I'm actually somewhat allergic to cats too."
"Emily what the hell are you talking about? You have a cat!" Okay this was definitely getting weird you thought.
"Yeah well I have been having some problems lately." She said.
"Actually, nevermind. We won't hang out at my place tonight. We can do something somewhere else another time. This way none of you have to randomly become allergic to cats." You said rolling your eyes slightly and going back to your desk. They all smirked slightly as they went back to their work.
You were out of there after about an hour of going through different files. Just ready to go home and have a quiet evening alone since the plans you had were now cancelled.
When you got home the cat was sleeping peacefully in the small bed you had bought for it. You put on your favourite film and got changed into some pajamas for your night in. It was around six o'clock when you heard a knock on your door. You stood up walked to your door confused because no one was supposed to be here. When you opened it you were greeted with your boss smiling at you. He looked over you shoulder, then back to you with a frown noticing no one else was there and that you were in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
"Hotch? Why are you here?" You asked him confused because the hang out was called off. "I thought you said to be here at six? Did I hear you wrong?" His brows furrowed. Then realisation hit you. You never told him not to come. "You heard me right I just forgot to tell you that we cancelled because three of them bailed basically simultaneously. I said we could go out some other time but I just completely forgot you weren't aware of what happened. I'm sorry you came all the way here Hotch." You explained. "Oh. It's fine you don't need to apologise. In fact I'm sorry that it didn't work out." He said frowning even more. He seemed incredibly disappointed.
Then you thought, maybe he could stay. It may be sort of awkward but just the two of you for the evening sounded rather nice. Plus you still felt bad that he drove all the way here expecting dinner and drinks only to find out that he would be eating alone since Jack was staying with his friend tonight.
"Actually Hotch, what if we still eat dinner and all that? We can still have fun without the others right? I've got some games and we can watch television or something! Only if you want to though." You suggested.
It was entirely possible that having dinner and drinks with him alone wasn't the best idea when it came to keeping things professional between you and Hotch but you didn't really think about that when you made this suggestion.
"Sounds like a great idea to me y/n." He smiled again. You stood there for a moment admiring him in his black polo shirt before you remembered that you hadn't invited him in and that he was just standing outside your home. You stepped to the side so he could come in. He did so and looked around a little from where he was standing, not wanting to just start walking around your place because he wanted to be polite.
"Make yourself comfortable. I was going to make something to eat but if you just want to order in we can do that." You told him after closing the door.
"It's up to you really."
"Making dinner here could be fun. How does pasta sound?"
He smiled. "That sounds perfect."
Smiling back you made your way past him and into the kitchen to grab the ingredients. He followed behind you.
"Okay we can't let Rossi know that we made pasta without him. He would be very offended and tell us we probably didn't do it right." You laughed. "Yeah it's best we keep this to ourselves." He chuckled. It's probably best to keep this entire night between the two of you. The team would tease you both relentlessly and suggest something definitely happened other than just two good friends hanging out together.
Throughout making your dinner the two of you had some light conversation. Talking about Jack and how he's doing. A little about work but you tried to stay away from that topic since it wasn't generally something fun to talk about. You told him how Emily and Spencer are now allergic to cats and he said the same thing you did about how Emily has Sergio so what she said made no sense. You told him that's what you told her. As you both tried to maneuver around the kitchen you bumped into each other a few times. The first time was filled with apologies but by the fourth time you were both laughing over it.
You had opened a bottle of wine once the food was ready and poured a glass for him and one for yourself. Dinner was mostly silent with a few words here and there.
Once you had cleaned up you told him you could each pick a game to play. Leading him to a closet in the hallway you opened it to reveal many boardgames stacked on top of each other. Yahtzee and Pictionary were the final choices.
"YAHTZEE!" You yelled for the third time that night. The first two had been in the first round of the night which you had won. This was the first one of the second round. "How do you keep doing that?" Aaron asked with fake annoyance. "Oh you didn't know I have special Yahtzee powers huh?" You teased. "No, I did in fact not know that. I guess you learn something new everyday." He said going along with your playfulness.
After beating him four times he decided it was best to switch over to Pictionary.
"More wine?"
"Are you trying to get me drunk Hotchner?"
"No. Definitely not." He smirked.
"Mhm. I bet you're not. Pour me another."
You were both on your third glass of wine. If you kept going you didn't know how you'd be able to draw anything for the next game.
You had both been starting to feel the wine kicking in. About halfway through the third glass.
"Y/n how in the world is that a penguin? It looks like a blob. A blob with eyes. It looks like an alien blob y/n."
"What do you mean? It's obviously a penguin! I don't know how you can't see it."
"Y/n look at it! That is definitely not a penguin!"
You were both laughing incredibly hard at this point. Leaning on each other to keep from falling over. Eventually giving up on the game and deciding to start a movie instead.
Putting a comedy on you both got situated on the sofa with blankets and pillows.
You giggled and talked throughout it. Most of what either of you said was about something the characters did on the screen. You had gotten up to get something to snack on and when you came back you sat down right next to Aaron. Your sides practically glued together. Over the next 20 minutes he had wrapped his arm around you and you had moved your legs on top of his. Looking up at him you saw a big beautiful smile gracing his lips. One that you had actually seen most of the night now that you thought about it. You found yourself completely distracted from the movie staring at his mouth.
Aaron had moved his gaze to you. He saw the way you looked at him when you worked together and he knew how you felt about him. You had never told him but he picked up on it not long after you joined the team. He would be lying through his teeth if he said he didn't feel the same about you. Your feelings for each other had only grown as time passed. He wanted this and he knew you did too but he never acted on it because it would be unprofessional and could cause problems down the line if it didn't work out. Even if it did work out it could cause problems. You were both aware of this so you never pursued those feelings. Not until now.
You both leaned in slowly, giving the other the chance to pull away, but neither of you did. His hand moving to cup your cheek as your lips connected and even if it seems cliché it felt like fireworks went off. You moved in sync. It was like you were meant for each other. And you were.
After a moment you both pulled away pressing your foreheads together.
"I have wanted to do that for a long time." He told you softly.
"Me too Aaron. I've wanted that since the first time I met you."
"This could have consequences in the future y/n. It's unprofessional and could create complications with our job."
"Aaron I don't care about the possible consequences or complications. We both want this and we can make it work. This is something I'm committed to."
"Good. Because I am too."
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c0wb0yenthusiast · 1 year
❝Sweet as pie❞
Phillip Graves x Reader
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So basically me and @sarahs-secrets2 exchanged ideas and I hope I did it justice!
Summary - you're a waitress and you're dealing with a particularly cocky regular.
The sun was peeking over the horizon, hazy colours still swirling in the sky as you parked outside the café and opened up for the day. It was quiet, except for the sound of cars speeding by. It was only a stop n' go after all.
Buttoning up your uniform and now stepping out to see an array of customers filling up the booths, chattering away as you passed to get your notepad from counter.
That was until you heard a distinct voice.
"Hey, doll."
Your head swivelled around quickly to meet with him.
For the past week, this cocky, smart-mouthed man had sat in the same booth. For the past seven days, playing out the same exact routine.
"God, is it just me or do we keep running into each other?", he smirked, removing his aviators from his face and tucking them into his shirt pocket.
"Hi. Again. Do you want the usual?", you rested your hands on your hips, letting out a sigh. You'd met many douchebags in this café and he wasn't any different from the rest.
"Of course. You know me so well, already. Why don't you sit down and we can get to know each other a little more?", he grinned, batting his lashes innocently up at you.
He's just another country bumpkin who's trying to get laid.
"Honey," you smiled back at him, "I'd love to have coffee and hookup in the back of your lovely little jeep parked outside, but I'm actually quite busy because I have a life. Okay?"
He took a moment to process what he heard, before breaking out into laughter.
"Honey? Oh, girl, you're just adding fuel to the fire."
You didn't respond, tapping away at the tiled floor with the sole of your foot. You wanted to stay longer, but this café, the customers and the overstimulation it brought made you bossy and unsociable.
"Ah, are you alright?", the chuckles died down and he now raised a brow at you.
"I'm fine, I just- I really need to get to work."
"Sure thing, doll. Come talk to me when you're free."
The whole time you rushed from one table to another - he was still there. Sitting idly with his cup of coffee, fumbling with the dog tag hanging around his neck. You could feel his eyes boring into you every time you passed by his booth.
He always ordered the exact same thing: 'A black coffee - and keep em coming, darling.'
After running through the majority of the day around the café, it started to quiet down and people were filing out slowly but surely. Only a couple lingered by the afternoon, including him.
Slowing your steps, you approached his table again, he seemed a little taken aback to see you once more.
"Hi.", you breathed, letting out the pent up air you seemed to be holding in this whole time.
"Take a seat.", he nodded in front of him, to which you obliged and attained yourself not to collapse into the booth.
"What's it like?", you blurted out loud, now setting off a panic in your head yet keeping calm - mainly due to how tired you were at the moment.
"Not having to run around and serve entitled customers?"
He let out a low chuckle, "It's alright, but I'd rather be here than my job."
"How come?"
He shifted in his seat, making his biceps flex under the short sleeves of his t-shirt.
"I'm going to be deployed soon, so I just thought I might enjoy my last couple of days until work. It's nothing, really." he added, seeing the way your expression softened.
"I can't believe you just told me all that-"
"And I don't even know your name!"
This made him grin, before lifting off his dog tag and sliding it across the table.
You caught it clumsily, eyeing the writing.
"Mhm, now what am I supposed to call you?"
You let out a fake gasp, "Did you ever bother to read my name tag? Or were you too busy looking at my tits?"
He shrugged, definitely the second option.
"I don't have to tell you, do I?"
Before he could reply, you leaned over the table and pushed out your chest slightly, your badge shining from the dimmed rays of the sun.
Graves blinked, his eyes widening and now reading the name.
"Y/n. That was a.. forward way to ask for my number.", he now fished in his pocket, bringing out a beaten phone with a car as the background.
You snorted, still practically laying on the table to meet him, "Alright, hand it over. Maybe this will help you when you're lonely at work."
Now tapping in your number, you turned the phone over in your hand. "How come it's so broken? I thought you guys get paid."
"Of course we do, but all of that goes to my other stuff.."
".. Like?"
"I don't know, my car, food, er... My car?", he mumbled hesitantly, now listing things under his breath.
You couldn't help but laugh, "That's nice, at least you're not engrossed in your phone."
"Darling, I only have that thing to call people, I don't need it for anything else."
You weren't focusing on his voice, just now seeing the scar on his cheekbone.
He caught your lingering stare, "I'd love to tell you the story, but I think you're too special for the tactics I use on all the other women who flock to me."
You grinned, sliding his phone back at him to which he clumsily caught, "You're the one who came to me."
"Sure, darling, have it your way.", he seemed to relax in his seat, gaze still fixated onto you.
After a small amount of silence, you cocked a brow, "What?"
"Do I have something on my face?"
"No, no.. I was just thinking about something.."
"What is it?"
He let out an amused huff, "Why should I tell you?"
"Because I'm bored."
"Alright.", he put his glasses back on his face, "How about we go for a ride?"
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, you're bored and I've already paid my bill so we're off the hook-"
"Don't fret, doll. I'll buy you dinner too, okay?"
That definitely shut you up.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Dangerous Game Ch 19
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, usual BAU case work/crime. mentions of smut. i am more than well aware that half of this technology doesn't work like this in real life, we're not gonna talk about it. for the sake of the fic, this is how it works LOL. part of me feels like this is a filler chapter but it was needed for how things are going to progress.
When you landed back in Quantico Derek was quick to say he’d be the one to swing through the BAU to pass off paperwork to Emily. You thanked him, but said you had to pick up a couple things from your desk and pop in to say hi to Penelope. Luckily the bull pen was empty, you were able to snag what you needed without being seen, swinging your go bag over your shoulder again you wandered through the halls until you reached Garcia’s office, softly knocking on the open door as you stepped through it.
“Hey you.” She greeted with a warm smile and you gratefully accepted the tight hug as she stood, wrapping you into her arms and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “How was Seattle?”
“Shit.” You mumbled back, slipping out of her embrace and dropping down into a spare chair, “very unfortunately ran into a not so good ex, but at least Morgan was there to counter balance the crap.”
“He is very good at that.” She smiled.
“And don’t worry.” You reached into your bag, “I was not too distracted to forget your present.” You gently set the box down on her desk and she beamed across at you. It had started pretty early on, that whenever you went somewhere new, you’d pick something up for Garcia, it was usually some kind of coffee mug, and this time it was exactly that, from the original Starbucks.
“You are an angel.” She leant forward, kissing your temple and you smiled, squeezing at her hand before you glanced toward her computer screen.
“What’s got you working late?”
“They raided a warehouse Dewald was hiding out at, found a bunch of his electronics, I’ve been working my way through them.”
“Rat bastard.” You grumbled, “deserves to be behind bars.”
“He is.”
“What?” You sat up straight at that.
“Well, I guess he’s not technically behind bars, but he’s in cuffs. They picked him up this morning, he’s been in interrogation all day.”
“Why did no one tell me?!”
“Well, you haven’t really been picking up your phone this week.”
“I— okay. Fair.” You let out a small sigh, twirling your chair slightly to face the desk, “you found anything good yet?”
“I’m honestly not sure, after decoding a bunch I got into his hard drive and I’ve kinda just been poking around. There’s a ton of these audio files, some of them are date stamped and there’s a ton that aren’t.”
“Just audio? I mean we already knew he was big in surveillance.”
“Yeah.” Penelope leant forward, clicking on one, “and look at this, like, it’s just static for hours, sometimes even days at a time.”
“Right? I’ve just been fast forwarding through basically silence. If I listen carefully or separate off background noises I can kinda hear traffic, or distant noises and I’m pretty sure there’s an animal somewhere but why would Dewald have this?”
“I mean, he’s a psychopathic killer, we may never be able to figure out his motives.”
“Oh! Oh!” She nearly jumped suddenly, “that was a door closing.” Her hand shot out, hitting the play button so the two of you could actually hear the recording rather than skimming through it. Her head tilted as her eyes widened slightly, “and that… sounds like two people who are very eager to get to the bedroom.”
“Dewald never had any sexual motivations or crimes.” Your brow furrowed, but she was correct, you could hear the sound of shoes being kicked off, clothing and belts hitting the floor, the very clear sound of two people kissing, breathy moans and gasps coming through the speakers.
“That is definitely two people getting busy.”
“It’s two women….” Your head tilted as you listened.
“Are you sure?”
“Pen..” You cast her a look and she laughed.
A dark chuckle rang through the speaker and it sent a shiver down your spine before an all too familiar voice followed it,
“Oh princess… I never said you weren’t allowed to come. Poor thing. You must be incredibly pent up.” A small thud, “go ahead, make a mess of daddy’s pants.”
Your eyes widened at the same time Penelope’s did, however it was only your heart that began to race in your chest.
“Oh.. my god.” She gasped, “that is Emily…”
“Turn it off!” You smacked her hand, “Pen, turn it off, turn it”—
It was too late to save your own humility as your voice was the next to very clearly come through the speaker.
“Oh fuck…. Oh god daddy!”
“That’s it princess. Let everyone know just how good daddy fucks you.”
It was Penelope’s turn to smack your arm with her hand, latching on as she turned to you with a gasp, her eyes wide before the grin took over her cheeks.
“Oh my god! You guys are kinky!” She laughed, “I knew it! I knew there was something going on with you but I did not realize it had progressed this far.”
“Can you turn it off please!”
“Oh, yes. Sorry.” Her hand left your arm, darting out to pause the recording. “Jeeze. No wonder Emily’s so smitten with you.”
You’d dropped your face into your hands in an attempt to hide your complete and utter humiliation, letting out a heavy groan before you glanced back up at the other woman.
“I would definitely not call it that, and it is very much past tense.”
“Oh come on.”
“Can we not talk about this please!” You begged, it had been a long enough week as is and to be completely honest, you were still feeling the hangover.
“Why?” She nearly whined back and you could see the glee etched across her face, and not in the way that she was going to tease you about.
“You really wanna know?”
“Yes please.” She nodded with a wild grin and you let out a heavy sigh, rolling your chair closer to her computer.
“You said some of these were dated?” She nodded, watching you scroll through the pages until you found what you were looking for, “put an earphone in, I don’t need or want to hear this again.”
You watched as Penelope’s face fell, glancing over to you before she reached out and squeezed your hand. A few minutes later she paused the recording and pulled out her earphone, having heard enough,
“When was this?”
“About two weeks ago.” You sighed, “same day I got kicked off the case. Still have no clue why the fuck she would send me flowers right before pulling that.”
“She sent you flowers?”
“You sure?”
“There wasn’t a note or anything but it was the only thing that made sense.”
“Hold on.” She wheeled her chair over to another computer where she was quick to pull up traffic cams and find the right time and date. “That little weasel.”
“Is that Dewald?” Your brow furrowed, watching as he placed the bouquet down on your doorstep before turning and heading back down the steps, “but… she texted me about them.”
“When I got home from the verbal lashing.” You rolled your eyes and Penelope’s eyes narrowed.
“Do you still have the texts?”
“Phone please.” She extended her hand and you gave her the device after unlocking it, watching as she hooked it up to the computer and swiped through various screens. “Does Em still have that iPad?”
“Yeah, usually on the coffee table.”
“Look, these texts,” her cursor highlighted a handful, “all from Emily. But the one about the flowers… he cloned her phone. Well, iPad in this case but thanks to the cloud and all that fancy stuff, he’s got access to her texts. This guy is almost too good.”
“You’ve lost me.” You rubbed a hand over your face, “and why do you have surveillance outside my house?”
“It’s how we managed to track him down. We knew he was targeting you, easiest place to start was your home.”
“Targeting, no. Pen you’re going down the wrong road here.”
“You know that’s why Emily took you off the case, right?”
“What?” You laughed, “no, it was cause I went rogue without her permission.”
“No sweet cheeks, Dewald was going after you.”
“What are you talking about? Because I was the original agent on the case?” Your brow furrowed as your tired hungover brain tried to unscramble what she was saying. It certainly wasn’t helping that she was piecing things together, beginning to talk a million miles a minute between clicking through random screens on multiple computers.
“No. Well, that is what I originally thought, but look at this.” She had pulled up a video from the field in Florida and you nearly winced at the sight of Emily kissing your temple, “he witnessed that. He was peeved she killed his partner and wanted to get back at her in a similar way. He managed to get out of Florida, get to DC and now we know he had something recording in Emily’s apartment. You were the target because he thought the two of you were together. Ten bucks says that after cloning her phone his plan was to lure you out, making you think you were meeting her for a romantic date night and do… unspeakable things instead… the flowers were the start of the seduction. Until you replied like that and he realized that this route wasn’t the route to go.” She paused to glance up at you and you were looking at her like she had two heads, “did you not know any of this? She really didn’t tell you about the cat?”
“What cat?!” You asked, groaning, “that conversation you just heard was the last time we spoke outside of this office.”
“Man, she really did keep you in the dark on this one.” Her voice was softer when she began to come back to earth, realizing how much she had just info dumped on you at the end of a very long week.
“Penelope, I love you to bits and pieces.” You sighed, standing from your chair, leaning forward to kiss the top of her head, “but my brain is too hungover for this. Enjoy your conspiracy theories and if you listen to any more of that, for the love of god fast forward please.”
“Oh, oh don’t worry. I will be zooming past all of that.” She chuckled softly before her voice softened, “and hey… just think about it, okay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Across the building, Derek was waiting in Emily’s office while he was filling out some last minute paperwork on the case from Seattle. He heard a small shuffling behind him before her blazer came swinging into view, being tossed onto a spare chair.
“You coulda just left the files.” She greeted.
“Had to finish up a couple of things.” He shrugged, “and I wanted to see how it went with Dewald.”
“He won’t say much but he also didn’t lawyer up. Now it’s Saturday, so he gets to spend the rest of the weekend in the tombs.”
“At least you got him.”
“Yeah.” She sighed, dropping down into the chair behind her desk, “I take it Wilson didn’t come in from the jet.”
“I told her I could handle it.” He replied, Emily tired enough she didn’t pick up on the shift in his tone, the coolness of his voice the second you were brought up.
“How’s she holding up?”
“Better.” He sighed, flipping a file closed, “think a night out helped.”
“Oh?” She raised a brow, feeling her stomach begin to churn, “I didn’t expect that drink to go well….”
“I didn’t ask.” He shrugged as he moved to stand, “but she got in pretty late.” He dropped the file onto her desk, “anyways, I’ll see ya Monday.”
Emily’s lips pursed as she watched him leave the office, she knew that she technically had no right to be jealous or upset right now, but it didn’t matter, she still very much was. Instead she tried to push it to the back of her mind, picking up the files Derek had left to go over them before submitting them. She still had a bunch of her own to go through as well, making sure Dewald would be ready to be processed out on Monday. It was a few hours later by the time she heard Penelope’s heels making their way toward her office, pausing right as she crossed the doorway.
“Hi…” she greeted, her boldness suddenly vanishing from her body.
“Hi…?” Emily raised a brow in her direction.
“Uh.. I… uh…”
“What?” She laughed, “spit it out Garcia.” She took in the expression on the other woman’s face, worry taking over her, “oh god… what did you do?”
“You know, this time… I actually didn’t do anything. But I do have a bone to pick with you and honestly, I’m more than a little mad at you right now. Because you did do something.”
“What are you on about?” She laughed once more, placing down her pen to fully tune into the blonde.
“You and Wilson.” She finally spat it out and she definitely caught the way Emily tensed.
“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.” She bluffed, though she could feel her heart rate spike.
“Oh come on Emily! Cut the crap! It’s been the unspoken topic all week. I know I’m not a profiler but I’m not dumb. Not to mention I’ve been going through Dewald’s computer, and now I know you know about the bug in your apartment.”
“Oh god…” Emily dropped her face into her hands, more than a little embarrassed as she realized what Penelope was talking about and just how much she must have heard.
“Also, Wilson knows that I know. But she did swear me to secrecy.”
“As she should have!”
“You need to talk to her!”
“Why?” She looked up at her with an exasperated sigh. It was Saturday, she shouldn’t have even been working in the first place and now everything was coming out of the woodwork.
“For starters you owe her one hell of an apology.”
“Two days before you kicked her off the case you found the bug, didn’t you? Sergio broke something, and the apartment gets really quiet from then on in. Until you ended things with her. Which, for the record, I don’t believe one bit. I know you Emily, you wouldn’t be that cruel unless there was a reason. You would have let her down easily, especially knowing that you still have to work together and instead you tore a strip off her, crushed her heart. After all those weeks of sickeningly cute date nights, spending the entire weekend together? And don’t even get me started on how much sex you two were having, my god, good on you guys! After all of that, to rip the rug out from under her, it’s gotta be about the case. You need to talk to her because you care about her, and you hurt her…”
“Are you done?” Emily asked softly, her voice meek, her gaze directed down at the desk in front of her as Penelope let out a huff and she felt the tears misting into her eyes.
“I think so.”
“I broke her heart Pen…” She finally glanced up at the other woman who winced at the look of sheer pain written across her expressions and she finally fully came clean about everything, not that it mattered, Penelope had clearly already heard basically everything.
“So you go and apologize.”
“What? Right now? She just got back from Seattle; I think I can give her a little breathing room.”
“That’s honestly probably a good idea, she’s pretty hungover.”
“She mention anything about Skylar?” Emily raised a cautious brow.
“No. And hey! Even if she did, I wouldn’t tell you because you don’t get the privilege of knowing until you’ve apologized and begged for forgiveness that I really, really hope she gives you because you guys are so stinkin’ cute and honestly I just really need you to kiss and make up and be together.”
“I honestly don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me.”
“Oh c’mon.”
“Pen, you don’t understand, she’s been hurt so badly before, walked out on, abandoned and now I’ve done the exact same thing to her.”
“Yeah but it was to keep her safe. She’s gotta at least understand that.”
“How is she supposed to trust me again?”
“Well you start with an apology and an explanation, and then give it time.” Penelope’s voice was softer this time, “you really care about her don’t you?” When Emily looked up at her, her eyes were blurred with tears and she let out a shaky sigh, finally fucking saying the words out loud.
“She was the first person I let myself fall in love with in a very long time.”
“Well then tell her that!” The last three words were enunciated by Garcia smacking the file folder in her hand against Emily’s arm.
“Idiots.” The blonde muttered under her breath, turning to leave the room. “Promise me?”
“I will!” Emily groaned, “once we know Dewald’s in actual prison, I’ll explain everything.”
“Good!” Penelope called as she disappeared out of the office.
When you got home that night you realized just how fucking exhausted you were, grabbing the mail from the mail box as you unlocked the front door. The first thing you noticed was that you kicked something small, shooting it across the floor before it clinked against the bottom stair. The second was the beeping coming from the now working and active alarm system.
Dropping the mail onto the entry way table you padded over to the security system and punched in the code you’d chosen when Derek was attempting to set it up and the beeping stopped. Brow furrowed, you moved back to the stairs, picking up what was glinting in the sunlight and realized it was your spare key, pocketing it you flipped through the pile of mail. Nestled in between the folds of a Whole Foods flyer was the blue lanyard the key had been on the last time you’d seen it.
You glanced between it and the alarm box a few times. Emily had been in your house. Emily had made sure that the security system was properly up and running by the time you got home and had slipped the key under the door rather than stashing it on the lanyard somewhere. Two big things that would contribute to your continued safety.
Maybe there was something to Penelope’s findings after all.  
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots  @overtrred28 @hbkswife @happenstnces  @sapphicprentiss @heidss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments
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lemonmaid · 3 months
Yea “I’m not okay” felt like a punch to the gut let mama suguru have his miracle baby please he has enough trauma 🙏😭😪☝🏼
I was NOT in a good headspace for that, I almost ended with Suguru getting a lobotomy. Honestly, I wouldn't mind written a small wip for the non-canon ending for "I am Not okay."
It will be okay
Warnings: male pregnancy, omegaverse, angst, family law/divorce court
A year ago today, Suguru had his breakdown.
A year ago today Suguru and Satoru had a fight, which led them where they are today. Separated but coparenting.
Suguru learned a lot in a year.
Like how it wasn't his fault for the accident, therapy helped him with that.
And it wasn't his fault that he couldn't have a baby. It was Satoru's. Four months after separating, Suguru finally found the courage to go to an OBGYN. He learned that he was fertile, so when he spoke to Satoru while at pick-up. He learned that Satoru had a vasectomy and had been lying to him for y e a r s.
Suguru filed for divorce/bond breaking, but Satoru refused to sign the papers, which led to a long court case of Satoru saying that "Suguru is mentally unwell blah blah blah". Suguru pledged to never ever forgive Satoru for the gaslighting, even if Satoru swears he never had ill intention. The damage is done. His omega literally can not stand the scent Satoru leaves on the kids.
'This is bullshit' .
Suguru was waiting for Satoru at their agreed pick-up spot; trying to keep four pups busy while they wait for their sire to come get them.
"Mom, I don't wanna go" Nanako mumbled.
Suguru had Megumi laying on his chest, scentinh the pup before he leaves, "I know sweatie, it's just for the weekend remember? Then you'll be home Monday. Why don't you go play on the playground?"
Mimiko picked at her fingers, "Dammy, why can't you come home with us?".
Suguru took a deep breath, "Because that's Daddy's home, mommas home is over here now".
Megumi whined, pushing his face deeper into Suguru’s scent gland.
"Hey pups!".
All three pups whined and groaned before latching to Suguru’s side.
"Where's Tsumiki?" Satoru asked.
"She wanted to sleepover at her friends this weekend".
Satoru hummed, "wow already breaking custody agreement-".
Suguru felt his heart dropped, "you know damn well-".
Satoru "hey hey now, not in front of the pups. Anyways, let's go everyone!".
Satoru tried to pull Megumi away from Suguru’s hold. Megumi refused to budge, holding a tight grip on Suguru.
Suguru tried to pull Megumi away, "now megs-".
"No! No! No!". Megumi was crying, his grip was locked on Suguru.
"Megs you have to go to your sires-".
Satoru huffed, "wow thanks Suguru, I wonder where he learned this now".
Suguru looked at Satoru with wide eyes, "Satoru stop it right now".
"I feel awful".
The sound of the clock ticking and Suguru panicked mumbling was in the room.
"Do you understand why you feel awful?".
Court mandated therapist.
Suguru's lawyer said it would look good on his side to show "improvement" to his mental health and that he was "fit to raise children".
"Gosh, Uraume, you should've seen the way he looked at me when Satoru finally grabbed him. Betrayed... how can he... Jesus... he was already abandoned by his original dam and sire and for Satoru to take him away from my arms... I makes me sick".
Uraume hummed, "you do care about them".
Suguru scoffed, "why wouldn't I? I'm their mother or dam.... they're mine..".
Uraume shuffled to their desk, "I ment to grab this last session". Slipping a paper to Suguru’s chair.
"A flyer to a speed mating? Uraume I'm not-".
"I know. But there will be a lot of single parents.... a lot of them just go for a basic support group aspect, not the dating or mating part".
'This is ridiculous'
Suguru standard in front of a run-down jazz club, or what remains of said structure.
"I think it would be good for you to make connections to those who have been in your shoes, family law is.... a bitch if you'd say".
Suguru rolled his eyes, recounting Uraume's "words of thought". Sighing, Suguru made the decision to walk inside.
Surprisingly, there were a lot of people, soft jazz music was playing in the background, the lights were dimmed. In the front of the door was a table with a name tags, a scent patch and an option red or green wrist bracelet.
A sign that red, 'Red for not looking for a relationship. Green for looking for a relationship'. Suguru could almost smile at the courteous display.
Suguru walked around the small club, grabbing a champagne glass before sitting at a table and watching everyone mingle.
"Do you come here often?".
Suguru's eye widen, the last person he expected to see at speeding mating night, "Nice to see you Sukuna, how's Yuuji?".
Sukuna rolled his eyes, "the little shit can not stop talking about megumi and the sleepover he had the other night".
Suguru smiled, "Well I hope he had a great time".
"You were there?" Sukuna adjusted himself in his seat and pulled out the menu from the corner of the table.
"No. Me and- well, I am trying to separate from Gojo".
Sukuna huffed, "If I knew that I wouldn't have sent Yuuji over there, kinda don't trust pups without a dam or an omega in the house." Snaping his hand a waiter, bringing attention towards the table.
"Do you want anything?"
Suguru hummed, "nothing sweet".
Sukuna smirked, "gotcha babe".
Suguru smiled, taking a sip from his champagne glass, "I would have never thought you'd be the type for a speed mating."
Sukuna smirked before lifting up his wrist, showing the red bracelet, "I come for the support group of it babe".
Suguru smiled, lifting up his wrist, "I guess we had the same idea".
"I guess we did."
The night was going smoothly. Nothing too outrageous that stood out, just two adults enjoying a night of drinking. After the event was done, Sukuna decided to walk Suguru home
Sukuna laughed, "Wow, it sounds like the girls were hard work".
"No kidding, when they first started talking, I swear their first word was 'mine'. Trying to get those two to share made it seem like mission impossible".
Sukuna hummed, "it sounds like you really love those kids".
Suguru smiled at Sukuna before letting out a relaxed sigh, "Yeah.. they are mine".
There was a good quiet pause, not awkward, but quiet, before Sukuna would interrupt the moment, "Can I ask why you and Gojo-".
Suguru rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his drink, "fucker made me believe I couldn't have kids, when in reality, he got a vasectomy without telling anyone".
Sukuna stopped his tracks, mouth agaped, "You're kidding."
"Nope, wish I was".
Now, there was an awkward pause, but instead, it was with a small tone of aggression or disbelief in a way.
"I would offer to be a sperm donor-" Sukuna joked to lighten up the mood.
Suguru laughed before shoving the male.
"But! At least I'm masculine enough to admit that I got my knot tied as soon as possible." Sukuna stopped, "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that."
"I know, now if that fucker could sign the papers to legally break the bond I could finally feel... free.. in a way. Not in a way to say Gojo was abusive-".
Sukuna stopped the both of them before resting his hands on Suguru’s shoulders, "No, it's fine, I understand."
Suguru raised an eyebrow, "Sukuna, you may be intoxicated, but why are you... being..".
"You remind me a lot of my dam." He quickly stated.
Maybe that's all Suguru needed to hear.
When they arrived at Suguru’s place, Suguru made the decision to let a tipsy Sukuna stay over until the morning.
Sukuna watched as Suguru pulled out the mattress from the couch, grabbing a clean liner and blankets for the alpha.
"Do you have a lawyer?".
"A good one? What's the deal?"
Suguru stopped and looked at Sukuna before rubbing his forehead as a stress response, "The only way Gojo is going to break the bond, which he knows I won't understand the circumstances given, I break the bond but that means no custody of any of the pups, no contact. Intensionally, his side is trying to paint me as a "bad dam" for a miscommunication."
Sukauna thought for a moment before pulling out his phone.
"What are you doing".
"Calling my sire's family lawyer. Sounds like classic defamation. "
"Sukuna you don't have to-".
"I can, and I will."
Sukuna took a deep breath, "You really remind me a lot of my Dam."
04/03 fuck it we making it a series.
Probably one last part which I will continue when I get back from vacation, I have so many drafts.
I can't decide if I want this to include a reader or not, whether it be child reader! Or Suguru just ends up with reader. But also accidentally leaned on Suguru x Sukuna. Accidental, ran out of people.
Ending was kinda rushed that's my bad. Let me know what yall think.
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Greetings. I got Funnybunny and Buttonblossom. So this is a direct sequel to my last story. If you know anything about shipping, you can probably see the direction these tidbits are taking. But hopefully it’s a welcome direction! Anyway, enjoy, it was a while in the works I know… sorry!
Friends Who Kiss: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Doll
Pomni never thought she’d get stir-crazy in her bedroom. Her one safe haven in this rainbow-colored madness was starting to bore her. She supposed it was inevitable, people tended to get bored of doing nothing, even if doing nothing was what they wanted with all their heart. Jax, Kinger and Zooble got carted off to enjoy their “reward” of a day at the amusement park after that day’s adventure, so she couldn’t go talk to her boyf-
Her friend that she kissed. So, instead of letting time slow to a crawl as she laid in bed, probably getting her depressed in the process, she decided to get up and go for a walk.
The circus grounds were pretty, but in the same way that N64 or PS1 games were pretty. Vibrant, phony green grass, hills that were smooth enough up close but jagged and blurred at a distance, a lake of royal blue water that flickered on the surface if you stood too far away. It at least felt real enough, the sunlight was warm and she could hear birds… although she didn’t see any birds. Probably just a looping .wav file.
Pomni: GH- Oh. Uh. Hey… *waves awkwardly at the Sun*
Sun: Don’t look at me too long! I cause irreparable solar retinopathy!
Pomni: …Uh huh. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.
Sun: Okaaay~!
Pomni went down to the Digital Lake. Caine had dunked her in the water on her first day here, and her sensory overload from that experience basically blocked out what the water felt like. She sat at the edge of the deep blue simulated water, listening to the sound (or was it sound file?) of the waves lapping against the shore. Pomni stopped to remove her shoes, found that she couldn’t, and simply waded into the water. The water felt… nice. Cool, a little too chilly to jump right into. She would have cringed at the thought of her socks getting wet, but she couldn’t tell if the yellow things on the ankles of her shoes were socks or not. So whatever.
She thought about going out into the water. Her outfit was anything but swimwear, but it didn’t stop her from sleeping in it, so what did she care if it got wet? This world was like a cartoon, she’d probably dry off in like five seconds… still, it would have been nicer to go swimming with a friend. She sat on the beach.
Pomni: Hm… I wonder if he likes swimming?
Pomni heard footfalls behind her and flicked her head around. Ragatha was making her way towards the beach, but she paused mid-step upon seeing Pomni turn to look at her.
Ragatha: Sorry, can I join you? Or did you want to be alone?
Pomni: Uh… n-no, I don’t mind. I- just… I’ve never seen this part of the circus up close.
Ragatha smiled and moved to sit down beside Pomni, smoothing out her dress as she sat cross-legged on the sand beside her.
Ragatha: It’s kinda peaceful when things aren’t insane, right? I like coming down here too. It’s like a safe area in a video game… Did you ever play Legend of Zelda?
Pomni: Uh… I might’ve. It’s hard to remember a lot about the outside.
Ragatha: Yeah. Some things I forget, but there are some memories I can’t even if I tried. I remember when I was a little girl and I saw Ocarina of Time for the first time… it was like magic. The lake here reminds me of Lake Hylia.
Pomni: Uh huh… I don’t think I ever properly thanked you for saving me from that snake.
Ragatha: Oh, Pomni, I was just looking out for you! No worries!
Pomni: N-No. I abandoned you when you needed help on my first day here. I can’t believe I was so selfish…
Ragatha: Pomni. It was your first day. I know you were desperate and scared, because all of us were on our first days. I forgive you. *smiles warmly*
Pomni: …..Okay. *her cheeks redden* I uh… had another question. And it’s a little more, uh… personal?
Ragatha: Alright?
Pomni: …Do you… Do you like girls?
Ragatha: …Romantically?
Pomni: Uh… yes?
Ragatha: Honestly? I’m not sure. It’s been forever since I’ve thought about stuff like that. Why, do you?
Pomni: *blushes again* I like… both. Men and women.
Ragatha: I’m glad you have so many options! Well I guess… had so many options. Again though, why? *gives a curious smile*
Pomni: Uh nothing… I mean, no reason. Just curiosity I guess.
Ragatha: Can I ask you a personal question?
Pomni: *gulp* Sure?
Ragatha: What’s going on with you and Jax?
Pomni: What? Nothing! Uh… n-nothing? Nothing.
Ragatha: *Ragatha rests her chin on her closed fist, smiling* Jax never apologized for anything before you came along. I won’t tell anybody if you guys are fooling around, I promise.
Pomni: We’re not in a relationship or anything…
Ragatha: So a situationship?
Pomni: No-? What- What is that?
Ragatha: I dunno. I heard Zooble say it once and I thought it sounded neat. Plus it seems like the only thing Jax would get into…
Pomni: Well we’re not…
Ragatha: Alright. …So, maybe sometime, you want to go to the amusement park together?
Pomni: WHAT-
Ragatha giggled with a hand over her mouth, then gently shushed Pomni.
Ragatha: Hey, hey, no need to shout! Just a question.
Pomni: Wh-Wh- uh… why…?
Ragatha: Because you’re my friend and I like you?
Pomni: I mean… I-You… I-We-The…
Ragatha: Heyyy, easy, New Stuff. You need to breathe with me again?
Pomni: N-No-I just… I really wasn’t expecting that… I mean… *sighs* Yeah, I’d like to, but Jax would ge-
Pomni gasped sharply and clapped her hands over her mouth. Ragatha raised her eyebrows a bit before her usual pleasant smile turned into a smirk.
Ragatha: I thought sooo.~ You really shouldn’t lie, Pomni. I know you’re shy about things like that, but I mean it when I say I’ll keep your secrets. We have to trust each other.
Pomni: WE’RE- IT’S- NO, You-You-You- got it all wrong! We’re not in a relationship, honest! We’re just friends that kiss sometimes..? *she palms herself in the face for admitting too much yet again*
Ragatha: Ooo la la! You guys have kissed, huh?
Pomni: S#!%!
Ragatha: It’s ok-ay Pomni, I promise I won’t tell. I’m happy for you, really.
Pomni: Y-You’re… happy?
Ragatha: Yeah! I’m always worried when someone new shows up. What if they… you know, abstract? Especially if I really like them. But you’ve got a reason to keep on going now, you know? And oh my god, it must be amazing for Jax. I know he’s unhappy like the rest of us, it’s why he pulls all those… “jokes.” At least I imagine that’s why he does. Having a little joy in his life must be so rejuvenating. It’s hard to come by these days… Joy. You know?
Pomni: …You promise you won’t tell anyone..?
Ragatha: Needle in my eye. *she taps her button and smiles*
Pomni: Okay. …Well. Thanks. Uh, wait… were you serious about the whole going to the amusement park thing?
Ragatha: If you want to, sure! I’ve been on all the rides like a dozen times.
Pomni: Wait, as… friends? Right?
Ragatha: As friends. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of what you and Jax have.
Pomni: We’re just friends! That kiss!
Ragatha: Right, well, I don’t want to get in the way of your “friends-that-kiss-ship.” But I hope you’ll be my friend. That doesn’t kiss.
Pomni: It’s not like I would mind kissing you, but-
Ragatha: What?
The silence that followed dropped like a lead weight. Pomni felt her core freeze solid from adrenaline. She got to her feet robotically and turned back to the tent.
Pomni: Gottagosorry.
Pomni dashed across the field to the tent and ducked into the tent, panting with her hands on her knees.
Pomni: “I wouldn’t mind kissing you-“ UGH I’m such a dum@$$! Stupid, stupid, stupid! *she thumps her fist on her forehead*
The jester sat down on one of the many oversized cubes scattered around the tent and groaned. What was she thinking? Why couldn’t she just be attracted to one person?! It wasn’t that hard! Anyone that showed her a little bit of kindness earned her affection now? Well… no. Jax had been nothing but a troll to her, and she still ended up finding him attractive… Despite his irritating tendencies, the rabbit was one of her only sources of real joy in this place, she couldn’t mess things up with him… That was selfish. Jax’s feelings mattered just as much as hers. It would be beyond selfish to leave him because someone else caught her eye. Selfish and dangerous. What if he was heartbroken, and that heartbreak led to hopelessness, and the hopelessness inevitably led to…
Pomni: F#$%... F#$%!
Pomni covered her mouth with both hands and screamed as loud as she could. She had no fingernails to bite or loose hairs to pick out, so she had to relieve her anxiety somehow. She panted, covered up and screamed again. It wasn’t enough, not even close, but it was something. Like scratching a bug bite, it felt good in the moment but it would only itch again. She knew there was only one real way to cool down the white hot ball of anxiety in her belly, and it was going to suck. She wanted to projectile vomit.
The only real thing to do was rehearse. She got up and began to pace around the tent. Pacing helped her think. Helped with a lot of things, really… It didn’t cure anxiety but it helped temper it somewhat. What was she going to say..?
Jax, Zooble and Kinger arrived back at the tent around the late afternoon.
Jax: Well that was a waste of time.
Zooble: No s#!%. I think I rode the ferris wheel seven times in a row. ‘Least that way I won’t be nauseous for dinner.
Jax: Time flies when you’re having fun. *gives a huge, fake smile before immediately scowling again*
Zooble: Ugh. Whatever.
Kinger: Hey! W-Who’s that?!
Kinger pointed into the tent. Pomni was in the main room, pacing in a tight square.
Zooble: Oh for… That’s Pomni, Kinger. Are you gonna forget every time she leaves your line of sight like a toddler? Seriously-
Kinger: She’s coming right for us!
Zooble: What?
Pomni was indeed making a mad dash for them. Kinger braced for impact and Zooble took a few steps backwards before Pomni collided with Jax, throwing her arms around him in a hug.
Jax: OOF! Hey what-?!
Pomni only squeezed him tighter, burying her face in his overalls. Jax felt his cheeks warm up despite himself.
Zooble: …Ew.
Jax: Uh… *in a nervous, sing-song whisper* What are you doiiing~...?
Pomni didn’t reply with words, instead grabbing Jax by the wrist and tugging him off to their bedrooms. Zooble and Kinger watched the two of them leave, then swapped confused looks.
Zooble: That was… interesting.
Kinger: Something is amiss. No one has ever hugged Jax before.
Zooble: I’m amazed you remember that and not who Pomni is…
Pomni dragged Jax into her room before slamming the door shut hard enough to rattle a few smaller toys scattered about.
Jax: …Oh, hi Pomni. Yeah, I’m really tired and hungry, thank you for asking. Why, that’s right, I do have a few questions-
Pomni: I can’t calm down. I need to get this all out. Listen for a second…
Jax: …Okay.
Pomni: I don’t want to lose you. I know you said we’re just friends that kiss but you’re really f@#$ing important to me. So just know that you didn’t do anything wrong. But- I have a crush on Ragatha. We didn’t do anything together, but I can’t stop thinking about her and I don’t know why! You-You-You make me really happy and you make me feel like I can survive here and that hasn’t changed but I just feel the… the same thing when I look at her the same way I do when I look at you, and… and… I just feel horrible! I don’t want to replace you because you… you… I… Without you I would have gone crazy by now, and you’re an insufferable clod but you’re so charming and funny and-and-and handsome even if you’re just a cartoon like me, and… oh God I wish I knew how to stop what I’m feeling but I can’t, and I felt like exploding all afternoon because I thought of you hearing all this and then abstracting, and it would have been my fault because I just couldn’t keep my stupid hormones in check and then I wouldn’t have you anymore and I would basically be a murderer and I’d cry myself to sleep every night and-and it… and… and-and-and-and…
Pomni stammered for a while longer before panting heavily, staring down at the floor. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Jax.
Pomni: I’m sorry… I’m sorry, I-I-I-I… I’m sorry…
Jax: …You think I’m handsome, huh?
Pomni: WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! *claps her hands to the sides of her head and falls to her knees*
Jax: Jeez, okay! Not the answer you were looking for, got it! Just trying to lighten the mood..!
Pomni: And I so appreciate it! I mean that! But I feel like the world’s gonna end right now! And I’d appreciate a real reaction pleeeease! *yanks on the bells of her coxcomb hat*
Jax: If this is about yesterday, I told you I forgive you. I thought you were cheating, but you weren’t.
Pomni: B-But isn’t this cheating? Liking someone else?
Jax: No? I told you, you can be “friends that kiss” with Ragatha too, if you tell me first. If that’s what you want, go ahead and go. Honestly, I’m not surprised. You said she was pretty.
Pomni: She is pretty.
Jax: If you like kissing Raggedy Ann. *short chuckle* Look, Pompom. We’re already in technohell. Whatever keeps you from abstracting is okay with me. As long as I get my time with you.
Pomni: Don’t call me Pompom. But… of course… I’m not replacing you. I just… I like Ragatha too.
Jax: Gay.
Pomni: Shut up. I… I guess I was worried you’d be really upset.
Jax: Nah. I think you were more upset than me, honestly. I get it, it’s kinda weird to just have a bunch of people you kiss. But honestly? Who cares? …I gotta wonder though, what made you want to ask? Was it the snake?
Pomni: Sort of the snake. But… she asked me to go to the amusement park with her today.
Jax: And you said you would? Spoilers, it sucks.
Pomni: *small laugh* It’s not like we have other options.
Jax: There’s the lake.
Pomni: …I think I want to take you to the lake.
Jax: You- Oh. ….Eheh. *he blushes* Yeah. I think that’d be fun.
Pomni: Fun? In this place? That’ll be the day!
The two of them laughed together, before Pomni gave him a hug. He hugged her back.
Pomni: …We’re just going to the amusement park. It’s not like we’re going to make out or anything yet.
Jax: Pompom. I’m not jealous.
Pomni: I know, but you said this was your first relationship, and… and I didn’t want to ruin it. And I don’t want you to abstract…
Jax: I’m not gonna. I’ve got you.
Pomni: Yeah. You do have me… until this whole place comes crashing down. I lov-
Jax’s ears shot up, and Pomni froze, looking up at him with wide, roulette eyes.
Jax: …Yeah. Same. *he winks* But we both know that already, so don’t say it, okay?
Pomni: Okay… do… you want to stay here tonight?
Jax: I’d really like that, yeah.
The two “friends that kissed” hugged each other for a long while longer, until Jax broke the silence.
Jax: Uh… why are your shoes so wet..?
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devils-dares · 1 year
Hey, Dev! So, this is the request I mentioned I'd like to make, so here I am.
Well, I had this idea on a particularly shitty day after two specific scenes came to my mind, so basically I thought about Matt and the reader both having a bad day and then they do some couple stuff to comfort each other, you know? Just a bit of domesticity, taking a bath together and taking care of each other, cooking together and that kind of sweet couple things...
But the two specific scenes I have in mind are one where Matt and the reader dance in the kitchen (nothing too grand, more like hugging from behind and starting to dance a bit clumsily while doing something else, maybe also singing some song softly in the ear... I sort of imagine the reader doing this with Matt, but you can adapt if you want to)
But the precursor scene of this whole idea is basically one where Matt and the reader are cuddled together on the couch and watching some old cartoons that Matt used to watch when he was kid, with the reader doing the audio description for him.
It's just a pretty silly idea that seems comfortable to read and that I feel would be lovely in your writing but for some reason has become something special to me...
PS: I imagined this as Matt x male reader (because I'm basically basing it on something I'd love to do, I'm sorry for that), but you can adapt and make a gn reader if you prefer, whatever you judge best... I appreciate it in advance! :)
wordcount: 534
Matt tucked himself in bed next to you, a pained groan leaving his lips. He’d had a horrible day, both in and out of the office, and he’s taken… quite a beating when it came to his nightly activities. You reached out to him, only for him to take your hand and pull you to rest your head on his chest. It seemed like a good idea at the time, up until he hissed as you put your head in its rightful position.
“Sorry, love, forgot I bruised my ribs.” You shake your head at him, a sad smile on your face.
“It’s alright, how about we just sleep today off? Get a fresh start tomorrow, besides, it’s a weekend, we can spend all day together.”
“That sounds nice.” He says through a yawn.
He whimpers in his sleep, borderline cries are ripped from him as he tosses and turns, getting nothing but a turbulent night’s sleep.
In the morning, you wake to the sound of a record playing and the smell of fresh coffee. You sit up against the headboard, rubbing at your eyes to shoo the sleep away, before slipping out of bed and joining Matt.
He must have been invested in whatever he was doing, because you were able to sneak up on him, wrapping your arms around him from behind and beginning to sway to the music. He jumps a little, immediately relaxing when you say his name in a sleepy voice.
“What are you doing up? You should be resting and healing.” You inquire.
“Got up early to meditate. I feel better already,” he says with a little laugh, “you ready for breakfast?”
“Let me freshen up, and then we can see what Chef Murdock has cooked up this fine Saturday morning.”
The two of you ate breakfast while laughing about everything that went wrong yesterday. Your problems spanned from getting a bunch of small paper cuts, to dropping an important file down the elevator shaft. You even got coffee spilled on your pants by your co-worker, and you didn’t have time to come home and change.
After washing and drying the dishes together and finally having the confidence that both of you are going to have a good day, Matt suggests a bath.
He settles in behind you, your back to his chest, and you immediately melt into his body under the warm water. He rubs at your shoulders, lazy kisses pressed against your bare skin and you sigh softly and sink even further into the water and into him, your eyes drooping closed.
“Sleepy?” He says, his voice groggy too.
“A little.”
“Then I propose a nap next.”
Now, after sleeping beneath the sheets with each other in your arms, you two are on the couch sharing a blanket while you narrate your childhood cartoons to him. He smiles as laughs infiltrate your words, happy to hear you happy.
“I had a great day today.” You say, smiling at him during a commercial break.
“Yeah? So did I.” He leans over, kissing you soft and sweet. You settle back against him, narrating the cartoons in silly voices, feeling nothing but joy when they result in Matt’s laughs.
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my thoughts while watching mha s3 ep 1-11
At the start azaiwa gives a rundown on everyone and I am very grateful (I will forget all)
The cat girls and the kid are so funny, the way they were when we first saw them made me question things
would like to file a complaint against Aizawas smile? I think he's trying to smile.
very aware that deku's eyes are green
i like koda
deku who can barely survive 5%: ONE MILLION PERCENT my boy, thats 200,000 times your limit
skin guys quirk is fire, ok, but why does he look like that
scratch the first part, why is he like that.
anyway, so skin guys quirk is fire, and then theres a guy who made clone of him, who was the one that attacked aizawa
love how one guy;s weapon is a bunch of sharp stuff tied together
steel guy and rock guy are now one of my favouite parings of hardheaded dumbasses (the only one)
hey, uh, why did i just see dark shadow atttack deku
just realised, dark shadow is basically a gist from SP, but different
shoji and tokoyami are a duo i did not expect, but is actually nice.
wait, can froppy taste with her tongue?
oh wow, laser frenchboy is the only one left standing, i need to see him be competent,
i dont consider nomus human
i was really hoping everyone would be ok after this (alive and not kidnapped) but sadly
i forgot the gas villian was a kid, wonder how he ended up here
if there was a traitor, i would say nezu, but i know he's not, its (probably) not almight or aizawa, and if there was, it would be someone who has been introduced well, so thats cementos, midnight, mic, horse-gun-guy and 1B's teacher, but also maybe not.
almights ringtone though "A phone call is here! a phone call is here!" and the teachers being like that about it
"I broght you a present, Its a melon!" i love that and they talk about the sad stuff
rescue misson time, 2 of them, probably at once.
anyway, lots of pros are about to do a thing, and also some not-pros (ua students) at the same time, they will run into eachother.
best jeanist is apparently not just a clothes guy, thats interesting
i need to know who these heros are, i recgonise, like 3,
deku being told he should, try not to get injured for a bit: I'm going to go on a dangerous rescue misson!!!
unrelated but we are at ep8 now, halfway through
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love how everyones starting to hate heros, this'll be fun
whats with twice and the personalites he does, like why.
y'know what, i think the leuge of villans are onto something here, like, maybe dont go attacking highschoolers, but yeah
hey, uh, the guy's calling A HAND, father, should we be concerned?
like, 90% sure the kids are at the wrong hideout
idk why bur i randomly start deciding to play snake
jeanist's quirk i think is just controlling thread, but in this one shot it looks so cool
can we just pause for a sec, and talk about how, almight has smashes named after american places, like why, this is japan
it would be really funny to use magnetism in a crowded place
one for all kinda looks like a nomu
also i am not loving this arc (rescue bakugo) i think it should have been 2 episodes, not like, however many its been
what shigaraki's whos grandson,
oh its almights predecesor, the one with the quirk before him
y'know i would have thought all for one had some sort of healing factor
deku is gonna show up soon, i'm calling it
nope its endevor, i was close (their both a person)
and other people?
i think he's just making up enhancer-things like "spear-like bones" do you know what spears and bones even do? what are you hoping to acomplish
his arm is bigger that the rest of his entire body
love how all that blood dissapears then comes back, like, consistency pls
oh cool, we get a united states smash, as if this isn't TAKING PLACE IN JAPAN, like why is like this (also Tokyo smash sounds cooler then detroit smash)
anway, thats the end of this part, 11 episodes worth of thought, there will be more
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fxlling13 · 2 years
Dhawan!master x reader
Never alone
Warnings: none
Synopsis: you might have a tiny crush on your professor. So, to get his attention, you pretend you have no idea on what you're learning about.
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This was absolutely pathetic. That's what i kept telling myself. At this rate, I was going to actually fail my entire year. In all fairness, it wasn't my fault the professor was so attractive. Entering the lecture hall, I took my seat in the front and opened up my book. As usual, I got two pages ready. One for fake, awful notes. The other for the real, well detailed ones. Seismology was an interesting subject but rady for me to grasp. Everyone else in my class always seemed to be falling asleep. Not me, I was alert and focused. Focused on him. Professor entered the room, glasses on and files in hand. He looked up and gave me a small smile. Returning it, I looked down shyly and prayed I wasn't obvious. I had no friends in university. Everyone seemed to steer away from me. They were all a little slow though so, it never bothered me. I didn't need them at all.
"So class, after marking your work I've come to realise you still can't grasp the basics. So, can anyone tell me what an earthquake actually is? Jake?" The professor asked, leaning against his stand with a bored expression. When there was no response, I looked at the boy next to me. He was playing on his phone, not even noticing.
"Jake?" The professor sounded more forceful now, hand gripping the wooden surface. Again, there was nothing. Sighing, I whacked his arm harshly. With a yelp, he clutched his arm and glared at me.
"The fuck did you do that for!" Blinking at him, I nodded towards the professor. Once he realised all eyes were on him, jake shrunk back slightly.
"What exactly is an earthquake jake?" I think everyone shivered at his tone of voice. The professor stepped off his raised platform and walked over.
"Well uhm." Jake stuttered over his words. Was he really that dumb?
"A sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves." I spoke out quietly, not even thinking it through.
"Well done (y/n). See, it's as easy as that." Feeling myself blush from the praised, I made sure my hair was covering my face. Though, as the Professor returned to his station, I felt eyes boring into the side of my head. It was jake, he looked mad. Choosing to ignore it, I went on with my notes. Both sets.
Once the class was over, I packed in a hurry and left. The food always sold out. The weight I'd lost in my year here was insane. Hunting through each pocket for my phone, I let out a bear scream, as I felt myself get thrown against the wall. Looking up, jake stood there.
"You think it's funny? To humiliate me in front of everyone?" Edging closer to me, I swallowed thickly.
"But I didn't-"
"Shut up!" With a slap, I was knocked to the ground. Looming over me, jake chuckled and kicked my side. I bit my lip to suppress any noise of pain, he didn't like that however. Another jab in my ribs caused me to cry out.
"Such a little attention seeking bitch. Wanting that old mans validation. You're so-" suddenly, there was a flash and then; nothing. Confused, I peeked out. He was gone. No. Not gone. Just, really small. Like he'd been compressed.
"Hey." Hands landed on my own making me jolt.
"Its alright. Relax. Just me." The professor spoke calmly, scanning me over.
"I dont understand."
"Its okay. I'll explain everything. Can you stand?" I went to move but winced. It really hurt. Was he wearing metal boots? He didn't say anything, just hooked his hands under my arms and lifted me up with ease. Supporting me, he lead me back into the lecture room and to his arm chair.
"He most likely bruised your ribs. That's why it's so painful." Nodding, I watched as he perched on his desk.
"You're a very bright young lady, you know?" Tilting my head, I rubbed my side in effort to sooth the pulsating bruise.
"I'm what? No, no. You've seen my work. It's rubbish." Scoffing at what I said, he smiled to himself and shook his head.
"Exactly." Reaching behind him, he picked something up then held it out for me to see. My other book, with my real notes.
"Very clever. I'm almost proud. No, actually. I am proud. You lied to get my attention and it worked." Embarrassed, I just shrugged and fixed my gaze on the floor.
"I truly believed you were just as thick as the rest of them. But no. You're so very smart. Aren't you?" Going red, I let out a nervous laugh.
"I dont know about that sir." Humming, he put the book down and leant forward.
"Lets test it then, shall we? What do you think happened to little jakey boy out there?" He asked, gazing down at me with hope in his eyes, maybe? I couldn't quite describe that look on his face. Thinking back to what I saw, I added a few logical thoughts together.
"Well, considering he was miniaturised but still human. Dead I'd imagine. Tissue compression?" Why was I so calm about this? I felt only safe in the presence of a murderer. His grin grew wider.
"Excellent observation. See!" Jumping up, the professor tucked his glasses away into his blazer. He crouched to my level and stared into my eyes.
"I'm not a professor, (y/n)." Holding eyecontact, I wet my lips.
"Who are you?"
"I'm the master." Even the way he said it, I knew he held power within. There was fire in his eyes. They told a thousand stories and I'd happily sit and listen, to each and every one.
"What are you?" Smirking, the master stood straight. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he cracked his neck aggressively.
"I'm a timelord."
"An alien?"
"Yes. Why? Scared?" Shaking my head, I sat up straighter and smiled.
"Not at all." The master tutted and pursed his lips slightly.
"Extremely intelligent and brave. I might keep you." Hoisting me up carefully, the taller took my hand and began leading me somewhere.
"Keep up human, there's something I want to show you." After a few minutes of strolling through corridors, we arrived at a supplies closet. He pulled out a key and unlocked it. This was all very strange.
"Are you ready, to have your mind blown?" Feeling excited, I nod and watched as he pushed the door open. The master motioned for me to step inside and as I did, the whole room lit up. But it wasn't a supply closet. Oh no. Purple lights were edged around and in the middle sat some sort of control panel. There was an arm chair to one side and stairs lead up to all of this. Even more stairs took off in different directions, to different corridors. Hands landed on my shoulders, guiding me up the steps.
"This is a tardis. It's a space ship. It can go anywhere in time and space. Impressed yet?" Hear rolling round to take everything in, I opened my mouth to speak before starting to think. All of this was amazing. Nothing made sense.
"Why are you showing me all this? Why did you stop him? Are you going to kill me?" Stepping away, the master stood in front of me. Slightly taller than myself, he tilted my chin up gently and simpered.
"One. Because I believe you're truly amazing. Each class I have studied you, the way you analyse is perfection. Honestly, it baffled me that your notes were so wrong." Lifting his hand, he fixed the parting if my hair whilst speaking.
"Two. Because he was hurting you. You're far to precious to be treated that way. He was threatened by your superior intelligence and couldn't handle being wrong. Stupid little humans deserve to die." A chill ran down my spine, more out of exhilaration than anything else.
"Three. No. I won't lie to you. The rest of your classmates will die. But you're special. An old friend of mine always has human companions and now I see why." The master said, turning to the console and flicking some switches. Taking in everything he said, I went to his side slowly and observed his features. Sure, he was acting tough. Acting strong and sturdy. But I saw through that immediately.
"What do you want with me then?"
"Your help. I feel you'll be a good asset in my plan. Most of which, is already in motion." He told me and whilst it sounded truthful, I knew there was something else.
"Are you sure?" Raising he brow to my question, he leant against the console with his arms folded.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because I think you're just lonely." I explained. The master shifted slightly, feigning a look of amusement.
"What are you-"
"I can see it, in your eyes. The way you carry yourself. Its an act. I'm right, I know I am." All he did was chuckle.
"Too smart for your own good. Well done. Got me. Either way, I do need you for my plan." Deciding not to push further, I nod and took a breath.
"What plan?" So he began to explain his plan, who the doctor was and why he hated her. Honestly, I didn't blame him. I also didn't care about the people dying or the risk of my own death. No point of living if its not fun. At the end of his run through, he held my face in his hands delicately.
"If you don't want this, tell me. I'll wipe your memory and your life will go on as normal." Leaning into his touch, I just smiled at him.
"I want this."
Watching from the side lines, I saw yaz reverse the regeneration and my master was back to being himself. He was right, the doctor and her friends ruined everything. Ignoring the women having their moment, I ran over to the glass unit and opened the door. I got him into a comfortable position and checked for a pulse. A sigh of relief left me once I found it.
"(Y/n)? That's your name right?" Looking up, I saw the doctor stood there, wobbly from the regeneration.
"You can come with us, he can't hurt you now." She told me, holding out a hand. Confused, I gazed up angrily.
"Hurt me? He doesn't wanna hurt me." Yaz stepped forward, steadying the blonde.
"Has he got her hypnotised?"
"Most likely. But I can stop that, I can help you." She explained, smiling at me as if I'd just jump up and join her. Grabbing a gun from the floor, I pointed it at them and stood.
"Get in your tardis and fly away. I don't want your help." Without question, they turned and left. We had a plan, incase it all went wrong and I knew I'd have to do it alone. Grabbing the masters, now adapted, tce, I transported us back to the tsrdis and got to work. Having memorised the control pattern, I set off the core of the planet. One giant earthquake to blow it all up, leaving the doctor to deal with angry cybermen and daleks. Meanwhile, we could fly away safely.
One adrift in deep space, I sank to the floor and buried my face into my knees. It felt like I was going to loose him. The one person who finally understood me. Was going to die. I don't know how long I sat there crying for but, as soon as I heard that deep inhale of breath, I bolted up. Rubbing my face dry, I rushed to the master side as he sat up coughing.
"Did...did you destroy it?" Nodding, I helped him to stand.
"Yes, it's all done." Grunting, I composed himself then looked at me for a minute. His eyes scanned me before he started up the stairs.
"I need to clean myself up. You should do the same, keep yourself occupied." As he  disappeared from veiw, I saw him glance down at his hand. Swearing I heard that same, low yet high, buzzing noise from earlier; I tried not to think about it.
After a shower and a new set of clothes, I made my way back to the console room and found the master, putting the tardis back together. Knowing my time with him was coming to an end, I just watched for a while.
"You did very well, you know?" He suddenly said, moving away from his work. Shrugging, I just hugged myself tightly.
"I guess. Are you taking me home?" All he did was nod, typing some things into the keypad. How I was going to just go on with life, I had no idea. How could I leave him? I needed him. A part of me wished he needed me just as much. Stupid thoughts.
"You could stay with me. If you like?" The master asked, not looking up from the controls.
"Really?" Walking over to him, he spun on his heel and I got a good look at him for the first time that night. Somehow, he seemed younger. More alive than before. Beard gone, hair cut and curly again.
"Yes, if you answer me one question."
"What is it?" Sighing, he sat back against the console.
"Why were you crying before I woke up? Your eyes are still red now." Looking down, I played with my fingers. Nails scraped across my skin harshly.
"I thought I'd lost you. I thought you weren't going to wake up. I don't ever want to loose you. I can't. But you weren't moving and there was nothing I could do. I was useless. I need you with me i-" choking up, the master pulled me into his chest immediately. One arm held my waist whilst the other was on the back of my head, running down my hair softly. Nuzzling my face into his purple waistcoat, I sniffled quietly. My arms were wound his chest, hands gripping the back of his shirt.
"Shh, you're not going to loose me. Never, I won't let you be alone again." Nodding into his chest, I basked in his warmth and comfortable. The master kissed my head.
"You were completely correct. I was so very alone. Going around and trying to destroy the universe to mask my self hatred." Pushing me back slightly, he cupped my cheeks and ran his thumb across it tenderly.
"Not anymore. I can honestly say these past few months have been the best. Cross my hearts, you made all the difference. I need you." He said, pressing his forehead to mine so we were less than an inch apart.
"I swear, I'll be amazing for you. We can travel the starts together. You and me. How about that?" Nodding at him, I smiled and subconsciously moved my hands to his. They linked together perfectly.
"I'd love that. If I can also ask you two questions first?" Moving back slightly, he bobbed his head at me.
"Why me?" He just let out a small laugh and dried off my cheeks.
"You understand me. You took the time to listen and learn. You never saw me as a monster. I don't care that my plan failed. Because you're worth more than that could ever be worth." Blushing, I couldn't supress my smile. I'm sure he noticed because he looked extremely pleased with himself.
"Secondly, did you-. Did you regenerate? Because you were looking at your hand and after everything you puy yourself through?" Chuckling at my observation, the master booped my nose.
"I forgot how analytical you are." Tugging his bottom lip between his teeth, he thought for a moment then deflated.
"Yes. Got up to my room, couldn't stop it." Now I was extremely confused. Taking his hand, I saw that left over regeneration energy swirling beneath the surface.
"But you don't look any different? I don't understand."
"You like this face." Blinking up at him, I still couldn't comprehend it. The master let out a breath before guiding my hand to his cheek. I held it, feeling the soft skin beneath my own.
"I know you like this face. The way I am now is just what you like. So why would I change that when I want to make you happy?" Amazed, my eyes softened and I simpered at the thought. Was I reading this all wrong? I hoped not.
"You stayed the same, just to keep me happy?"
"To keep you with me." He made clear, leaning into my hand. Taking this opposite, I leant up and pressed my lips to his. Immediately, the master kissed back. His hands were on my waist, holding me flush against him. Tilting my head, he deepened the kiss. It was passionate and full of loving emotions. It was perfect. We only pulled away so i could take a breath. That didn't last long though, as the master Brough me back in again. The second kiss was much less desperate. Soft, more of a promise. Breaking apart, I was left breathless. My arms wrapped around his neck so I could just hug him tightly.
"I'm guessing that response means I get you keep you?" He asked, being obviously sarcastic. Pulling myself away just enough to look at him, I grinned.
"Believe me, I'm never leaving you."
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months
Let's get married- Han x Leia ft. Luke
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Recovery date: July 12th, 2022
Description: N/a
Notes: An entry from my 2022 research project into the universe of Star Wars. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 745
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“When you and Han get married, can I be your best man?”
Leia looked up from her holoscreen to stare at her brother in confusion.
They were sitting in Leia and Han’s apartment on Chandrila, Leia working on new republic policies and Luke tinkering with some old droid parts. It was a weekend ritual for the two, to take a few hours and just sit together, sometimes discussing their pasts. One that Leia was going to miss once Luke left.
“Luke, we just ended a war, now is not the time for a wedding.” She turned back to her screen. “Besides, we’re already basically married.”
This time Luke stopped what he was doing to look up at his sister, he watched her frown through the holoscreen and glance up at him through it.
“I mean, I know that, but no one else knows that.” He scooted closer to the table and rested his arms against it, setting down the parts he was tinkering with. “Think of it less for you two and more- for the people. You know, show them that we can have big celebrations now and- and-”
“What’s this really about,” she asked, turning off the screen and leaning forward on her forearms.
She watched him closely.
“I just it’d be better for your reputation incase, you know, you get pre-”
He wasn’t fidgety, but it was obvious he was lying. Leia didn’t need the force to be able to see that much. Her brows furrowed as she tried to figure out why.
“There may or may not be a bet.”
“You’re betting on my relationship with Han?!”
“No-no, see betting implies there’s a chance I’ll lose. This is more like-”
“Like scamming people. What kind of Jedi scams people?”
“When you put it that way it sounds terrible, I wasn’t actually going to take their credits. Now, Chewwies credits…”
“Oh, so Chewwies apart of this too?”
“No! Him and I have our own bet- Hey! Hey!” Leia reached over the table to grab his ear and began to twist. “We’re just betting on who’s gonna propose!”
“And you bet on?”
“You! I bet that Han would be too nervous and you would propose!”
She let him go and he pouted, rubbing his ear.
“So this whole conversation was-”
“To get you to ask Han to marry you, yes.”
Leia sighed, and Luke picked up his droid parts again.
“What’s the other bet about?”
“How long until you dump Han. Like I said- not really a bet.”
She nodded, turning the holoscreen back on and returning to her work.
They went back to silently enjoying eachothers company as the sun began to set, Luke had moved on from his droid parts to maintaining his hand.
“I’m back- Luke, you're still here. Perfect, can I talk to you before you leave?”
“We should get married.”
Leia didn’t even look up from her screen as she cut her brother off and both boys turned to her. Luke knocked something in his hand, pinching him and causing him to yelp in pain.
“Officially, I mean. I heard Naboo is nice this time of year, I’m sure we could find somewhere to have a small wedding,” she shrugged, looking up at Han.
Trying to play off his surprise, Han leaned against the wall.
“You sure you want a small wedding princess?”
“A small wedding would take less time to plan and hold, besides we don’t exactly have much family. It would only be, what? Five people in attendance, counting R2 and C3PO of course.”
“I thought you said you didn’t care about an official wedding?”
“I don’t, but Luke made a valuable point that it would keep rumors from spreading.”
“Did you now?” Han looked at him.
“So, is that a yes?”
“I dunno, might have to think on it a bit-”
She looked up at her screen at him.
“If you want to take next weekend off I can fly us out and back before Luke leaves for… where are you going again?”
“Right, doesn’t matter. Point is, we can have the wedding and be back before you have to leave, everyone’s happy.” He clapped his hand together.
An annoyed roar from Chewwy sounded from the other side of the door and Han winced, waiting for the scolding from Leia.
“And for the record, you didn’t need to ask Luke’s permission to marry me, I can make that decision on my own.”
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crazy56u · 8 months
Guess who has two thumbs and was effectively tricked into agreeing to work on his day off tonight?
Also, why the fuck is the title "Closure Encounters", I thought it was a typo at first...
No saga sell, we enter The X-Files and die like men, lets go.
"I'll go take a look", says the man about to be abducted by aliens...
Okay, legitimately, were those children real?
And why were there lawn gnomes?
Okay, given how "Star Light, Star Bright" actually did confirm aliens existed in the world of Quantum Leap, it's going to be interesting if this episode honors that.
"Look, maybe we can deal with the potential alien shit first, the relationship shit later?"
"Ziggy still doesn't know why you're here." Ziggy still doesn't know how to talk, Addison.
Project Sign flopped so Project Blue Book couldn't, checkmate, atheists.
Calling it: the police forced Carrie to take the blame.
And the car radio is being a real piece of shit right now.
"Pretty much remember everyone now." Meanwhile back at the Project, Tom starts to sweat and he doesn't know why.
"Can you take me through what happened?" "There was a car crash, and I wound up here." "Not what I meant."
They crossed into the Twilight Zone.
RULE OF THUMB: You cannot outrun a UFO, hitting the gas will only fuck you over.
My guess is that Melanie fell and hit her head, causing her coma.
"Like it or not, this is a criminal manner." "And I'm the criminal." Everyone's batting 1000 today.
Okay, calling it: the government is trying to cover up the UFO, so they moved the coma girl back into the car.
...or Russell Hunt did the coverup, honestly, either is likely at this stage. Not a good first impression.
"Say what you want, the law is on his side. Now if you excuse me, I have to be his lapdog."
"Okay, nine minutes of leap, one minute of Project, now you can't complain about us taking a break!"
I love the implication that it took Ben roughly eight hours to find a reflective surface.
"Could she really go to jail?" "Look, I don't wanna think about that right now, can I please just have a coffee?"
The atom bomb and yo-yos: Two horrors born out of World War II.
In this family, if you are a male, you either become the Sheriff, or you die. It's the 1940s, those are the rules.
So, is this a car chase scene, or...
Oh, how I so wish he just decided to floor it and play chicken- Okay, shut me the fuck up, then...
MORAL OF THE STORY: The sheriff has more stones than a random fuck with a hat.
"You're the one who called Project Sign." Honestly, did not expect that plot twist.
Addison, no need to state the obvious.
Okay, that's how you know the Sheriff is cool: He tampers with the crime scene to protect his granddaughter.
"I don't see why anyone would go out of their way to brush over their tracks." Yep, it's a coverup.
"Ben, I need to talk to you-" "Addison, if you are about to tell me there's no aliens, and Carrie is guilty, I am going to scream."
"Hey, this girl's in a coma, what do we do about it?" "Eh, just hang a cross over her head, it's the 1940s, that's good enough medical care."
"But it sounds so crazy..." "Honey, you're talking to a time traveler from 2022, possessing a man from the 1940s, investigating aliens."
My personal rule of thumb rears its head: Green is evil.
Ah, yes, that's smart, get Indiana Jones to help you beat up Agent Mulder in the middle of the street.
And now the Sheriff is packing.
So, basically, because Carrie crashed her car into Hunt's backyard, he has a fucking vendetta.
I will fucking laugh if Ben actually sees a UFO for real before he leaps out, and the Project is made to look like dummies.
"Addison, your ex-fiance is getting reckless, tell him to calm the fuck down." "Magic, I flushed my ring three years ago, I will do no such thing."
Calling it now, Hunt is in the middle of burning his helicopter in the middle of nowhere.
And back to the blue dimension.
"Grief is a strange thing." Well, according to Queen Elizabeth, and a shithead fanfic, grief is also the price we pay. [I will not be explaining the context to that latter bit.]
And the Imaging Chamber conked out, that's how you know it's aliens.
Also, soft confirmation that Janis isn't coming back for Season 2.
And the cameraman snaps and mauls Raymond Lee.
[I don't know which is worse: The fact that Glade Pods had that guy make time stop by making love to his blanket, or the fact his name was Steve.]
And Ben wakes up either in the sheriff's house, or a fancy ass hotel.
Translation: Ben is openly suppressing his emotional problems.
Okay, so, did the cameraman inject Ben and Melanie with evil?
But when was the military ever exotic, Ben?
"You said you didn't believe in UFOs." "Well, I'm an open-minded man, and I hate Hunt more."
Okay, Ian, could you bottom-line what that drug was, I know you said Ben was right, but you just said gibberish to me.
Oh shit, a triangle.
Why does this 1940s neighborhood look like the 1980s?
And the sheriff is about to pull a Thelma and Louise.
"Ben, if the sheriff leaves, Hunt's going to send him to jail." "Yeah, I got that."
Is Ben going to get shot by the sheriff in broad daylight?
"Ben, you can't just walk into a military base, Ben why are you ignoring me?!"
"Look, I got a syringe of adrenaline, I'll be fine!"
Meanwhile, back at the Project, it's pointed out that Ben's plan is stupid.
This is the closest Ian has ever gotten to being in Independence Day.
And Ben chooses then and there to flip the fuck out over his relationship shit, like a sane man.
[Switching to WordPad.]
And Ben gets attacked by the Splinter Cell guy, and wakes up in Area 52, that's how you know this episode is sane.
Meanwhile, in MASH.
"Okay, we're in luck, my ghost was able to see everything, we have proof now!" "Son, did they fucking drug you with the hard shit this time?!"
And the climax takes place in an empty field.
Why does the Man in Black look like Kevin Costner?
This was the same mine they faked the Roswell Incident in.
Gamma blue 5, coincidentally enough, would later go on to be used in the invention of Monster Energy.
You know it's a good ending if the heroes are about to blackmail a new car out of the government.
"I don't know how best to thank you." "Just keep living your life, I guess, I dunno, the episode's almost over."
"Okay, I just trimmed my bonsai tree, now the migraine's kicking in."
Addison, he was just unconscious, it's not like they stabbed him in the jugular.
"Look, maybe I should just leave the show-" "Yeah, that ain't happening."
Is Tom the Poochie now? They basically just did a Poochie.
And while Magic talks to Phone Guy, Ben still hasn't leapt yet.
"All's well that ends well." There's three minutes left, Ben.
Annnnnnnnnd I am instantly suspicious of the waitress.
[Okay, am I wrong, or did it only get established it was 1949 right then and there?]
"Bye, Hannah." "Wait, no, Red vs. Blue taught me saying goodbye is bad!"
And Ben wakes up on the set of a heist movie.
[Next time on Quantum Leap: Ben discovers the horrors of Hollywood. On a completely unrelated note, the SAG-AFTRA strike is still ongoing.]
Truly, that was a closure encounter.
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princemick-archive · 2 years
I like both. But for now I would prefer to learn the cinematic way. Thank you again. You are the best.
hey hey, sounds rad, I'm gonna obviously put it all under the tab but I'm gonna explain how I go from this
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to this
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I'm not going to explain my sharpening or how I make gifs if you do want to know that here is the sharpening and basic colouring tutorial and basic gif tutorial
alright, lets gooo.
so first off for my 'cinematic' style it kinda just comes down to very pure colours and very very dark and contrasting blacks. especially because this interview has a pretty neutral base colour so there's not a lost of 'fixing' here
this kind of all comes down for me to he 'levels' adjustment layer because this, is what that does in one click.
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so I'm mostly going to be explaining how that works. it comes down to the little pipets you see here on the left side
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these three help you pick your darkest and lightest part of the picture photoshop does half our work so. the top pipet is your blacks and the bottom your whites. the best way I can explain the picking out your darkest and lightest points is with this
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the yellow are the points id click to pick my darkest points and the green my light points.
it's normally easiest to find your darkest points in gifs so what I normally do is grab the black pipet and grab my darkest point which makes the colouring alone imediatly go up in contrast and also semi fixes the basic colours.
(what happens is what the gif does above! where on the right side you can also see how your sliders adjust instantly to how photoshop read your file)
then I play around with the sliders. if you move the right slider the black goes up if you move the white goes up. I just play around with it until the contrast feels right. this is what my levels slider looks like
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now you have a gif with deep blacks but no solid dark colours yet so now I normally just grab the vibrance an dup it to smth like +50 or higher and dont touch saturation. and this is what my gif looks like with just levels and vibrance.
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then if you're lazy and wanna keep it easy and still have a basic nice colouring you can stop there but I normally go into my fav lil toy in photoshop 'selective colour'.
now I'm not going to run down every tab in selective colour but for this colouring specifically I know there's blue in his fireproofs and obvisouly red and yellow in his face.
so with selective colour I make sure these colours are upped. and for my 'cinematic' style I make sure my blacks and whites are also high up.
so after playing around with selective colour, this is what I have. this is just two layers of basic selective colour. (if you want me to share every laer of selective colour pls tell me n ill gif it so u can see)
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then sometimes I stop right here but id like it to be a bit like deep so im gonna use channel mixers (which is kinda hard to figure out but just play with it and see what you vibe with) to make the base a bit more neutral so then we have this
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and then I'm just gonna trow one more selective colour on top and we're done
we've got this and I'm pretty happy with it but id play around with the blacks a bit, id prob go back into levels and play around with curces and brightness/contrast for these but thats all extra stuff
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but yeah this is how I do my 'cinematic' colouring
if you've got any more questions feel free to ask em and I hope this was clear and useful!
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geocait0815 · 2 years
Demons Grasp - Chapter 14
We are in luck. Maya found out that one of the guys, currently enjoying a raspberry muffin, has indeed managed to record the video stream. 
I am now back behind Jake’s laptop and waiting for the file to download. The thought of having to rewatch the video, look into those masked faces and then see Jake's battered face, is dreadful. I have to fight back the tears that are burning behind my eyelids. But I will not cry anymore. We are done with that. I will pull myself together. I will make myself useful. I will get Jake back!
There it is. I can see the table again and the two masked figures sitting behind it. I plug in my earphones, hoping that listening to the sound of the video like this would reveal something we have not picked up on before. Maybe I just watched too much CSI in the past.
The first re-watch is painful. After that it becomes easier. By the time Tess shows up next to me with a cup of coffee and a sandwich, I am at my fifth re-run. “Hey, MC. Have you eaten anything since yesterday?” I straighten my back and briefly stretch my limbs and neck. “To tell you the truth, I can’t even remember the last time I ate something. Does the whiskey count?” Tess shakes her head and places both, the mug and sandwich, in front of me. “Eat! In the meantime you can tell me, if you were able to spot something useful.” “So far no,” I say around a mouthful of bread and cheese. “I was planning to go through it frame by frame now.”
“I see. Maya and I have gone through the places Cane went to after the paper factory. There was nothing useful there, either.” “Cane?” “Yes. That was his name. The guy that attacked you. George Cane. There are quite a lot of Emails on his phone. We will look through them next.” “I will help you as soon as I am done with the video.”
“So. Maya. You two seem to get along really well?” Something shifts in Tess’ expression. A little smile tucks at the corners of her mouth. “You picked up on that, eh?” She looks around briefly to check that there is no one else in earshot. “After all these years, you still read me like an open book,” she laughs. “I really like her. But it is a bit of a slow burn.” “We need to have a proper girls talk, real soon.” “Just like the old days, but now with wine.”
I hit play again the second Tess leaves to return to her computer. I find the right shortcut to go through the video per frame. In the beginning there is not much else to notice, except maybe the fact that the guy talking has green eyes. The other ones are dark brown. Canes eyes were pale blue. That would mean that there are at least two men in the factory. Probably more.
I keep going and eventually reach the point when the camera is turned around, away from the table to face Jake. When I press further, something green flashes briefly. I go a few steps back and then forward again, until I find the right frame to pause on. There is a faded green image on one of the walls. The writing of the company name is not legible anymore. But the logo itself is still reasonably clear. It is a stylized origami figure depicting a deer head, maybe an elk.
“Hey, what is the name of the paper company?” I ask into the room. “Sigurd Paper Co.” it comes calling back. That came from Dylan. “Interesting choice. Thanks!” I google the company name and their logo is indeed very similar to the one I am seeing in the video. It might have changed a little over the years, but the resemblance is still uncanny.
Leaning back in my chair I see Max coming back my way. “I was able to trace the phone number. It belongs to a Cecil Hall. He is listed as Administrative Financial Officer with the government.” “So, basically an accountant. My execution was ordered by an accountant?” I am flabbergasted. “The job title might be a cover. We are still digging.”
“Well, I’ve got news, too. The video was taken inside the paper factory. Their company logo was visible on one of the walls when the camera was turned around to Jake.” I turn the laptop around so Max can see the image as well. “I think it is very likely that he is still there since Dylan did not see any other movement on the CCTV recordings.”
“Then, I guess it is time for you to contact Jacky and call in the Cavalry. And for us all to come up with a plan.”
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