#but his robin dick specifically is mmm yum
foolbo · 2 years
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nightwingvixen23 · 5 years
                                                 That Time That 
                                                     The Great 
                                                 Justice League 
                                                 Council Meeting 
                                                      Team Up 
                                            Went To Fuckin’ Shit
*Numerous superheros from several sovereign locals seated at a large round table/having been called together by Superman for a Paramount Assignment/still waiting on others to arrive*
Superman : *quietly to Batman* I am quite pleased at your arrival
Batman : And why wouldn’t I come to such a severally roundabout meeting that you called with such extreme urgency, especially when it was intuitive that it involve so many others ? *stiffly* if anything I should have been signed in the planning process as well
Superman : *charming smile* Now don’t get all grouchy on me. We do all so love the Dark Bat routine, but come now....
Batman : *growling* Don’t you dare talk down to me; I won’t have it ! I am just as much a part of the head of the Justice League as you you are. If a Paramount Assignment such as this needs to be set up, then I must be in the know next time
Superman : Yes. Next time
Wonder Woman : And I as well
Batman and Superman : *startled*
Wonder Woman : *leaning down over the back of Clark’s chair/Laso of Hestia glowing threateningly close by* I am a steel bullet in this League, I shoot fast, I prove fatal, I hone a strength in imperative demand. I hone a seat at the head of this League as well and I do not wish to feel the lesser. Now, you would not wish to upset me Superman...or you would, you say ?
Superman : No. Of course not at all. No body. I only thought it to be wiser and quicker if I were to just counsel this Council of War myself. I will be sure to inform you both of the matter fully ahead of time if it should arise
Wonder Woman : total attitude shift/cherry grin* Good ! Exactly as I thought! *pats Batman on the back a little too hard...or, hell, hard enough to pop his shoulder damn near outta place that’s for fuckin’ sure* Nice to see you in such daylight as always Batman !
Batman : *cracking shoulder back into socket* You as well Wonder Woman, and in such high spirits
Wonder woman : What can I say ? I am as bracing as it’s clear risen shine !
Aquaman : *looking up from texting* Hmpph...looks like the last to arrive are finally here....*side eye’s Batman* ...hehehe...
*arguing ensuing from outside the hallway/glass structure breaking/ unmistakable whining complaints*
*alert and terrified eyes at the table of gathered superheros*
Red Hood : *literally kicking the Council  Room doors open to shove an armful of ‘Bat Brats’ in to and on to the floor/grins over at Bruce* Aye Batman !! Found ya some little birdies ! I know how ya like’em when they’re fiesty !
Robin : *snaps at Jason’s hand*
Red Hood : Whoooaaaa, easy there buddy, easy, we’re all friends here ! Hey, how ‘bout later, if you’re a good boy, I get ya some high quality bird seed ? Hm ? A little snacky snacky for a good little birdy birdy ?? Tweet tweet ??
Robin : *grabbing sword*
Nightwing : *scrambling off the floor* NooOOOOoooo!! Be civil ! This is an important meeting !
Robin : I AM BEYOND TO BE IMPLIED AS SOMEBODY’S FUCKING PET, LET ALONE A GOD DAMNED BIRD !! *slicing through the air/nicking the edge of Red Hood’s jacket*
Red Hood : oh you mother fu– YOU’RE GONNA PAY ! 
Robin : COME AT ME FUCKER ! *slashes sword too close to Red Robin*
Spoiler : Hell no ! *picks Red Robin up/slings him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes* NO ONE fuckin’ touches Red Robin ! You slice one piece of baby soft flesh on this body molded by Zeus himself, then honey, we finna throw hands 
Red Robin : *arms and feet dangling, head upside down* um...thank you for your concern, Spoiler. I appreciate this act of chivlary
Spoiler : *walking with him to their designated seats* no prob babe. Just doin’ what any woman would do for their man 
Dick : *manages to pry sword from Robin* YOU, mister, are on NO sword punishment ! 
Robin : Then how am I supposed to fight you idiot ?!
Dick : That is exactly what I am saying, you are not. March your little butt out of those doors, right this second
Robin : *looks to Bruce*
Batman : *having seen all of this far too many times, had lost interest, looks up* ..... ....Yes. Robin. I am relieving you of duty during this Mission. We have quite the brigade of superheros, and seeing as you are behaving in a way that reveals you are unable to control yourself around Red Hood, whom will be helping us in this undertaking, I uge you into heading back to the Batcave. I will be in communication with you shortly
Robin : *aghast* WHAT ?! How DARE you ?! He called me a fucking BIRD ! He was going to feed me BIRD SEED !
Aquaman : Well I mean *huffs a laugh* aren’t ya kinda a bird ??? Robin ??
Robin : *about to square up to Aquaman*
Superman : *puts a hand to Robin’s chest* Don’t try. You won’t win this one. 
Robin : *takes a deep breath/fakes a smile* Okay. I will do as you command, Batman. Good luck during this Critical assignment of yours
Batman : Now do you see ? That is exactly as you should behave when it comes to all situations regarding things not going as you expect. I’m proud of you for this—
Robin : *walking backwards out of the Council Room holding both middle fingers up in the air* FUCK ALL YA’LL
Superman : *to Batman* ...you were saying ?
Batman : shut up
Arsenal : *makes kissy face at Red Hood*
Red Hood : *makes heart hands at Arsenal*
Arsenal : *blows a kiss at Red Hood*
Red Hood : *catches kiss gently/devours it in an intense fake make out session/moaning loudly* yeah babby fuck yeah mmm
Arsenal : *smug* yeah you know how I like it R
Nightwing : *uncomfortably turned on*
Green Arrow : *looking from Batman to Red Hood to Arsenal then back to Batman again* 
Red Hood : *blows kiss at Arsenal*
Arsenal : *making out with imaginary kiss*
Batman and Green Arrow : *covering their faces in shame*
  *several hours later*
Superman : *standing from his chair* The beginning of this Gathering was quite sketchy there for a while, but as further along we progressed, things have gone so according to plan and for this I would like to applaud
*eruption of appluss*
Red Hood : *applauding by kicking Red Robin under the table by rythem of applause*
Red Robin : *pinches his thigh*
Red Hood : *whispering* Hey, just a little heads up; you might think that hurts and annoys me, but in reality, it’s kinky as fuck and turns me on
Red Robin : *snatches hand away/blushing down to his neck*
Nightwing : You okay there Red Robin?
Red Robin: No. Tell your salacious booty call to stop being a pervert
Spoiler : *’I’m watching you’ hand motion to Red Hood*
Red Hood : *’blow job’ hand motion to Spoiler*
Nightwing : *slapping the back of Red Hood’s head*
Red Hood : I’m telling you guys, you think you’re teaching me a lesson, but in reality, for me? This is one hell of a game of foreplay
Superman : *still addressing all superheros* —I need the lot of you to take this seemingly insurmountable load I have given you off of your backs, if only for a short while, it is well deserved. For come a few days time, we are to dive into launching this aforementioned operation, something that we all know, will to prove to be the challenge in which I have attested it to be. There is no denying it. No sugarcoating it, as you say, no dressing it up to be something enjoyable. It will be hard, grueling, and many of you may just meet your match. But let us have tonight. I am having drinks now served to the table as well as commencing the signing of our Alliance. During which is wrapped up, we shall all then take our congregation out into the common room if that at all pleases you 
*Everyone giving their praise*
Red Hood : I think it sounds like a drag
Nightwing : I think you should shut up
Red Robin : I think it sounds nice
Spoiler : I think I just wanna get drunk ‘cause girls just wanna have fun bitches
Red Robin : Kay I take mine back. I choose that one.
*silent Council Room/documented Alliance being passed around to be signed*
*waiters arrive/champagne flutes bearing pink liquor are sat astride everyone who gives thanks before drinking*
Spoiler : Yum. This tastes exotic, bet it costs more then Nightwing’s ass
Red Hood : I was wrong about not wanting to come. I’m glad I came, yanno, for the liquor
Nightwing : *way too fuckin’ loudly after taking a gulp and giggling*
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*big eyes all around*
Batman : *at a loss*
Wonder Woman : *greedily eyeing the impending drama*
Aquaman : Well then shit, come sit in my lap and have my glass too baby, I’ll take care of ya after the meeting 
Nightwing : *light weight ass is already tipsy* Kaay
Red Hood : *pulling Nightwing onto his lap* no ! I said NO ! no one is allowed to touch, smell, or even LOOK at Nightwing when he gets drunk and slutty; somebody has already been hired for that specific job position and you’re already lookin’ at the son of a bitch !!
*everyone confused as fuck*
Red Hood : It’s me, you idiots, I’M the son of a bitch 
Superman : *looking at Nightwing*
Red Hood : *withdraws pistol/points it at Superman* I SAID NO LOOKING SUPERSHIT !
Starfire : *comes through the doors* I do apologize am I late ?
Superman : *hands still up in surrender to Red Hood* Oh ! Well, this meeting is all done and set. I was ready to ask of your team up for this Assignment but was well informed that you were on your own secret Mission
Starfire : Nonshell !
Aquaman : *grumbling* nonsense
Beast Boy : *nudging Aquaman* Yo, don’t disrespect the princess Aquadude
Aquaman : It’s nonsense, not nonshell
Barry : But you would think it would be totally nonshell where you come from
Beast Boy : He’s got a point
Cyborg : *jumping on the the Council Table/gulps down a glass full of champagne/tosses glass over shoulder/distant shatter of glass followed by a pissed as fuck Hal Jordan* HEY! If all ya’ll folks wanna chill the fuck out ! *picks up Starfire and Beast Boy in one arm/picks up Raven and a tipsy as fuck Nightwing in the other* I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE ! *internal audio radio system on* 🎶 Back Streets Back, ALRIGHT! 🎶
Beast Boy : Awe yeah man, turn it up !
Starfire : Oh ! hehe I do so love the love, as they say !
Nightwing : Jaaaybaaaeeeee loookie, I hav friendzzzzzzz
Red Hood : Give me back my half dressed and inebriated boyfriend right fuckin’ now !!
Raven : ...ugh...kill me….
                                                The End 
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