#but i am going to rb this 1
alexalbongf · 1 year
compilation of f1 related people saying lewis is an 8-time wdc:
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shoutout to aisha @lewishcmilton for supplying the thread <3
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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2023 Dutch Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(ft. Max Verstappen & Pierre Gasly)
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crescentfool · 5 months
not indicative of anything, just something silly i thought about! feel free to fill in the variables with whatever you like.
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torchickentacos · 24 days
I do find it ironic that tumblr users will give condescending writing/reading comprehension takes within a paragraph’s worth of a run-on sentence. Do you actually care about people’s reading comprehension and writing skills, or do you just enjoy feeling smarter than others? If you truly cared, wouldn’t you be attempting to provide information in a manner that doesn’t actively push people away?
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justablah56 · 10 months
hi guys this is my way of announcing that my Taylor now has glasses , thanks
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brightokyolights · 4 months
#i am only typing this because im tired and feeling more loosey goosey than i usually would i guess#but ive just been debating something for a while now#so basically i used to just openly talk about like. everything on this blog but then due to a multitude of reasons#i stopped posting about certain things 1. because irl people found my blog and probably still could if they Really tried#2. because i didnt want to post about certain things and have absolutely anyone know shit about me#like as much as it can feel like a cosy wee community. just me and my mutuals <3 etc. its like. actually the fucking internet djdbdjdhdhjdh#anyways whats prompting me to type all this is that i used to post kinda negative stuff on here i guess you could say. like just my feelings#and shit. but i stopped because i want this to be a positive blog and i do feel like you can manifest shit you know? if i constantly reblog#posts where im like “i feel worthless and i am a piece of shit” that isnt helping anything you know? i think what really hammered it home#for me is when i saw a mutual rb something from me like that and it made me so sad tbh. because like. no youre not. youre amazing and ily#you know? anyways. overall i think it has been a decision for the best and i enjoy that my blog has become a more positive space. but i#do sometimes just feel like im kind of going the opposite direction where i act a certain way when im really just. feeling crap.#like all the time. idk maybe tumblr isnt the place for it but it used to be my outlet you know? and i have other things like my diary and#art and even a sideblog lmao. but i guess i do just mourn my whole self not being on this blog. idk what im trying to say by all this#is it this deep? am i thinking about this way too much lmao. idk. idk.#le text post
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fandom-blackhole · 1 year
AN: Just a small-ish Obi-Wan x gn!Jedi!Reader thought thats been kinda haunting me for days that I finally decided to post. @obiknights you may like this :)
Summary: Reader stops to enjoy the weather while on a mission and forces Obi-Wan joins them. (Slightly angsty)
WC: 1.6k
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Rain.....it was raining. 
You couldn't remember the last time you felt rain, since you smelled it. Coruscant's weather regulation kept the days a simple stable temperature year round. It was nice, it allowed for everyone of the city planet to not need to worry about things as simple as weather in their own chaotic lives, but now, now you couldn't help but pause as the first trickles of rain hit your face, running along the contours and leaving cool trails in their wake. 
It'd been a long day -long few years really- but in that moment, it was like your life let out a sigh, let itself relax for a moment and let all your worries wash away with the opening of the sky. In that moment all that mattered was the feeling of tiny droplets falling and wetting your exposed skin as you paused and lifted your face to the sky. 
You'd always liked the rain. For some reason when it rained life itself seemed to become quiet, the force around you always turning to peace, to serenity. You suppose the comfort may come from the fact that your home planet, or what little you remembered of it, had frequent seasons of storms and rains with large strikes of lightning and booms of thunder that you remembered scared you away to your parents' bed as a child. Even as a padawan, on missions with your master you always found yourself slowing to watch the rain, to enjoy the sight you so rarely got to indulge, an action your master was none too fond of but could never change. Of course with the war things changed, you didn't have time or the luxury to pause for the little things anymore, though you should be thankful that the council rarely sent you to planets that rained a lot allowing you to avoid your weakness towards the weather, but now as you felt your robes slowly soak in the wet droplets, and as they started to fall faster you realized just how much you have missed this, how it felt to have any semblance of peace, to have your mind and the force to just be quiet.
You soaked it in, enjoyed the feeling and let it take over all of you. You let the quiet feeling of the force wrap around you, blanketing you in the feeling. You suppose you allowed yourself to get too caught up in the feeling, but it was simply too addictive of a feeling to allow it to slip through your fingers, to not stop and allow it to be felt. 
You suppose all of this only transpired in a matter of moments, but to you it felt like slow motion as the stress of the war washed away in the music of the patter of raindrops falling upon the ground, but you suppose it was only a matter of time before you had to be pulled to the present once more, back to reality and back to the loud stressor of your everyday life where the force buzzed with anxious energy and wrapped you in a way that felt more like chains as the days passed. But what pulled you back was more of a warmth flickering in the force coming from a certain direction, a certain person.
"What in the name of the force are you doing, my friend?"
Opening your eyes at the amused, accented voice, you met the eyes of your mission partner, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. The cerulean depths lit with amusement and curiosity.
"I am simply enjoying the weather," you replied, knowing full well that it was an answer that wouldn't satiate his curiosity, and you found yourself correct when he simply chuckled at your answer and shook his head. You watched him take a few steps closer to you, taking in the way he had wrapped himself in one of his long brown robes, hood pulled over his head in an attempt to stay as dry as possible in direct opposition to your own soaked state.
"This is not the weather most people would stop to enjoy."
You hummed and closed your eyes once more as you again tilted your head skyward. "For as long as we have known each other, Obi, when have I ever been like most people."
You heard a thoughtful hum of his own, and another burst of warmth from him through the force, you would say it was his affection slipping through, but you didn't want your heart to hope for the possibility, instead focusing on the sound of his voice. "Well never I suppose. I shouldn't be surprised that you still find ways to surprise me even after knowing you so well and for so long."
You smile at his words, knowing that if anyone in the galaxy knew you it was him, friends since the beginning of your journeys as jedi. A bond forming between the two of you that you hoped in your heart would never be broken, not knowing how you would survive without his light near you.
Both of you let the quiet weave itself between you, Obi-Wan not leaving even as his hood soaked with rain, staying by your side studying the peace that surrounded you. You yourself breath in the petrichor, grounding yourself before letting your eyes drift oppen and trail to Obi-Wan's once more.
Slowly, you lift your hands, pausing at his hood. He didn't stop you, but you didn't proceed either.
"Do you trust me?"
Obi-Wan takes a moment, his blue eyes dancing between your own as he smiles softly. 
"Darling, you are the one person in the galaxy I trust most." 
The warmth from before swells again, wamre this time, like standing before a burning hearth the one that holds the comfort of home. Your own affection swirls within your chest as you slip the hood from his head, his hair already damp from where his hood had already soaked through now wetting quickly with the falling rain. Unconsciously, you swipe a trail falling down his cheek, before letting your hands fall away.
"Just… stop…Let yourself feel. Let the rain wash everything away, if just for a moment. Let yourself enjoy the peace, the serenity that pauses when the rain falls."
Obi-Wan watches you as you speak, eyes flitting around your face before following your previous actions, slowly tilting his head up. You didn't need the force now to see the small points of relaxation across his body, his shoulders falling slightly, the subtle rise and fall of a deep breath, the ever present crease between his brows fading.
Tilting your head, you let your thoughts linger on the fact that at that moment he looks his age, the stress that usually ages him beyond his years falling away. You want nothing more than to reach out to him, but you still your hands and instead allow the soft smile on your face to grow wider.
"Do you feel it? How perfect it is?"
Obi-Wan opens his eyes, letting his eyes connect with your own as the warmth circling between the two of you turns to a burning blaze as he whispers, eyes still locked with your own, "Yes…yes, it is."
The rain then starts falling faster, the air around you becoming a haze. Now the two of both truly soaked through, but uncaring as you both watched the other, the heat flowing through the force and into your veins keeping the chill of the rain at bay. Your heart aches in the way you only let it in times of peace, only when he is around, your closest friend, the one person your heart and soul calls for, your Obi-Wan. 
This time it's him who reaches out, his eyes following the path of his fingers as they wipe away the droplets forming along your jawline, as you close your own in favor of leaving into his burning touch as your breath stutters from your parted lips. You don't open your eyes, only tilt your head towards his own consumed once more by a feeling and a touch, but now his. He whispers your name, the soft breath of it falling on your lips as his his distance lessens, his nose brushing against your own as the force wraps the two of you in a bubble of warmth and safety, no longer wrapping between the two of you as individuals, but together as a bond leaving you yearning softly, leaving you absorbed completely in the moment, in him.
It isn't until his lips just barely brush your own, not a kiss, just a slight touch from your proximity, that you pull back to the present, your senses coming back to you once more as you force yourself to pull away. Putting distance between the two of you once more with a shuddering breath, as your thoughts turn to both of your positions, the code, your standings as Jedi, just how forbidden your affections are.
Opening your eyes to look at Obi-Wan with a soft sadness, forcing a smile when you lock eyes.
"We mustn't linger….there are things we still have to do before we leave this planet," you say as you watch Obi-Wan push his own forced smile and nod.
"Yes, much to do, and never enough time to do it," he replies to you, turning to lead the way once more as you follow a few paces behind.
Rain, you loved for the peace and serenity it brought you, but now feeling the burning warmth in the force leave you, you found yourself loathing it for how easily it allowed your walls to be thrown down.
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hedonic-sidhe · 5 months
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Oops. I got mauled.
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emdotcom · 2 months
I have a wild, new, & bold suggestion for a tumblr feature:
When a tag is recommended or trending. & It previews some posts IN that tag, (showing you thumbnails of art, for instance,) then maybe.
Clicking on that post. Should show you that fucking post.
#em.txt#i use mobile so maybe it's not liek this on desktop#the number of times a trending tab will preview some fire art i cannot find has built this hatred in me#the weird thing is clicking a different preview WILL take you into a different part of the tag/jumble the order#like very consistently you click post A & it shows you posts 1 then 2 then 3#& then you click post B & it shows you 2 then 1 then 3 & clicking A again still has that 1-2-3 order#but for some reason clicking the posts does NOT show you the post you clicked#it's frustrating because like.#you're using trending as a thing to showcase yes? here's what people are talking about!#here's the current news/interests! & here's some of the big posts in that current happening!#& the majority of those tend to be like art or memes that people madr#so if you're using their shit in your broadcast i would enjoy to be able to FIND THEIR SHIT.#am i being unfair & a bitch? yes. but i was actually going to be way meaner about this#which is not an excuse at all. i know i am being vile. i do not care atm.#because yeah i am the type of person who gets mad when I can't find the artists responsible for fire stuff#if i enjoyed their art i might look at their other stuff & enjoy that too & rb & maybe follow#& then maybe my followers also do the same#but here the art is being used to pad out the trending tab but isn't being appropriately linked to#meaning it makes the trendings look good but the artist is lost while their works are still used#& that already happens enough.#i have been pissed for years at this
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zevrans · 7 months
#so i finished my 4 out of 4th 12 hour shift in a row last night and i'm literally so exhausted and i was glitching mid simple tasks 🤡✌️#my coworker asked to change shifts so he could have that one specific day as off#and he managed to do some very critical mistakes in his 4 days prior and that's considering his gf is often with him there#and i was the one suffering the consequences even if it's literally not my fault#ever since i've got this job i've been fixing so many mistakes of his i kept wondering who's the newbie here??#like i try to leave my shift as good as possible i clean everything check everything and do all my duties#and when i come here after his shifts it's.. a fucktonne of work mistakes and literal dirt like dude!!!#4 shifts in a row never again man never again i am so tired my brain is nerfed and i can only rest for 1 day today because tomorrow i'm#going to a doc;#my social battery is not just dead it's nonexistent at this point#i just want to lay in bed and not be percieved or interacted with for at least the same amount of days 😫#i really thought i could take a socially demanding and rather multitasking job without it taking hugest toll on my mental state huh???#and i had such a bad sleep too i had a very graphic and sickening nightmare which woke me up 2 hours after i fell asleep#and then i woke 2 more times after that and i feel so exhausted and not rested at all and so fatigued i can't even do anything#man for me my sleep being interrupted is the worst like i function better if i have a smaller amount of sleep but it's uninterrupted#than longer in hours but it gets interrupted and i wake up even once#sorry i come here once in few days vent post and then dissapearvckfkv 😭 i miss tumblr but have no energy currently to even rb anything 🥲#tbd
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doggaro · 1 year
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
Did he have a good track record or results? Okay no but he did refer to Mazepin exclusively as "that fucking Haas" and has seemingly blocked the aforementioned former fucking Haas driver as he's the only one left untagged in that unhinged instagram post, and he was cute and he made me laugh so yeah I'm going to miss Nicholas Latifi.
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luigra · 1 year
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not finished......... i'll keep the rbs on but don't go too hard on reblogging this it's not done yet.......
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Honestly if I hadn't had those 2-3 days of agonizing pain there's no way I would have skipped a whole hitch of conservation corps work to rest, which is what my body needs, or gone to the doctor for meds to help my body heal, so. A reluctant thank you to my body for holding my ability to move hostage until I made the right call I guess. I'd like to say I've learned my lesson but I am still financially anxious always. So
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bobzora · 2 years
ah wildcards... love how if youre either sufficiently mentally ill or named yu narukami you get Bonus Persona Access! special feature just for you! btw hows your sense of self doing
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tentglitch · 1 year
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The gays are winning ‼‼
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