#but i am in charge of decorations and let me tell you hand sewing a banner takes a lot of time
rablunt · 1 year
i hate capitalism so much it taints everything. i actually love working but the inflexibility and the threat of losing everything if i don’t give everything to the grind really kills me.
i’m actually in a really privileged position too (i live at home and its mostly fine so i can work for savings rather than survival) but i literally have a brain that tells me to get fucked and a desire to have a well rounded and balanced life and tell me why its impossible to be both happy and employed. its also impossible to be happy and unemployed unless you have generational wealth because get fucked pauvos.
why cant i work a job but only four days a week and take reduced hours when i need some time to better myself or the community??
humans like working. we dont do well idle. its just that the system we have to work under Sucks Ass.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep 15 Pt 1: The Gang Gets Lost in India
Ah, back to Yugioh classic. Sort of. We’re going into the second filler arc before Bakura, which I have been told is kind of nonsense. And youknow what, from the first scene--this is the first scene by the way--yeah I can see the nonsense.
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We got Yami cosplaying as the Chrysler building, we got Yugi saying WTFWTF, we got...this thing?
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This thing tells us “Join my game, Yugi!” and then the demon just kinda bounces.
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K, bye, I guess.
(read more under the cut)
Waking up from this nightmare, Yugi reveals that he has outgrown his good pajamas. Or maybe he just overused them like I did to my favorite pajamas during quarantine (which, not gonna lie, I hand sewed my favorite pajama pants back together 2 or 3 times like they were the Velveteen Rabbit. Quarantine pajamas and me were like best buds for a year there.)
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RIP Yugi’s good pajamas.
It’s fine. I’m fine.
I can get used to Yugi in his normal ass old man pajamas without any cute stars on them. I can accept this. He’s getting older. So much older that for a second I thought he was learning Hebrew, by the looks of his books on his counter. I thought...wow, is Yugi actually attempting to learn a language spoken around the time of ancient Egyptians???
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But uh...I went a searching and unfortunately that’s not Hebrew, and if that is a language, I don’t know what it is. Pretty sure it’s just random marks because this show has to be translated in so many languages. Man. For a second there that looked like really sneaky world building, but nah, Yugi is still kind of a dumbass who has yet to attend a solid year of school.
Also, I got to take in this mustard yellow as if I’ve seen it for the first time.
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It has strong building blocks energy. It’s...so much yellow and it’s extremely the vibe of that one set of animal crossing decorations that I have because it’s a very common recipe, but, can’t figure out for the life of me how to fit into any room.
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What am I supposed to do with these, Nintendo? Other than recreate Yugi’s Muto’s haunted game store/house?
Like I live in the Bay area and we have wild painted houses so you can see them through the fog (back when we...still had fog, RIP California) --but this is a little much. This is such strong Protagonist energy but as a house.
Also, I’ve don’t think I’ve brought this up before, but like...Yugi is loaded, right? Like he’s way too good and humble to ever say he’s loaded, and they sort of make it seem like he’s not (when compared to Seto Kaiba) but damn, this location of his real estate sure is something. That and Grandpa’s tiny shop seems to run on a constant deficit and his family just doesn’t care.
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We flash back a bit to Gramps sneaking out, and Yugi is like “oh great, my only Father figure I ever talk about is getting a backpack together and just...leaving without any notice, huh? Without telling me you were going to go? Didn’t think that would maybe be a little off putting?“ and Gramps is like “Yes?”
Like Gramps nearly died going to an amusement park a few episodes back so I can see why Yugi is a little bit concerned.
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Down the street at a little town lottery, Joey is getting further into gambling (I don’t know what those little street lotteries are called, it’s in a lot of anime--but kinda looks like mom lotteries for moms.)
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I’m not sure why India is on Joey Wheeler’s bucket list, seems a little random, but he went to Pegasus’ country, after all and that’s barely even a country.
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Joey going nuts on a lottery machine instead of going to school was pretty peak filler, so I’m not really minding this stuff so far.
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And then, just to spook me, check this out:
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I can’t believe they even let them back into a classroom. In my nerd school, if you missed one too many days, you were sent to the bad schools to be someone else’s problem. But in Yugi’s case...that either IS his school or...Yugi is failing International School, which is just a thing he’s allowed to do, because, as I said before, this kid has got to be loaded. Even Seto Kaiba was like “I’m not spending money on this school anymore. That outfit is like 50 bucks a jacket.”
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Youknow, I have seen all the other characters knock on Tea’s choice of cute ass monsters for the last 5 seasons, and she has never once changed them out. She is holding onto this scary seraphim thing with the many wings like every child with their first Pidgey. She does not care.
Also how is this thing cute?
like the front of this orb has a face with hearts on it but like...it is kind of remarkable what Yugioh decides is cute. Magma golem: not cute. this thing? This thing that looks like it’s a chibi version of the last chapters of the bible and will sound the trumpets of the second coming? So cuuuuute.
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Tristan used to be the Janitor/hall monitor/square archetype. Like hell he can walk around with that 00′s R+B soundtrack.
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Joey appears in order to get us the hell out of school, and the art team retires this school background for the rest of what I assume is this entire series.
Goodbye school. Maybe you’ll come back with Bakura. Which would be weird, since rumor is that arc takes place in ancient Egypt.
On their walk home, Tea lets out in an inner monologue that no one could hear that after 5 straight seasons of his BS, she’s sick and tired of Pharaoh being the center of attention all the time and she needs a freakin break.
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TBH, as she was thinking in her head like “Pharoah is just so freakin much” Yugi switched over to Pharaoh and was like “WHATS UP TEA, THINKING ABOUT ME??” and I thought for a split second maybe he read her mind with his Pharaoh powers.
And like...maybe he did? Seems like a thing he can just do but chooses not to tell anyone about. I mean would you tell anyone? I wouldn’t.
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So, unlike Miho in Season Zero, who at least had the decency to try to take her Mother to Australia, Joey Wheeler has wisely decided that the 3 other ticket holders will not be the 3 other members of his immediate family. That would have been the most awkward trip between Serenity, his mother he hasn’t really spoken to in 7 years, and his absent father who was written out of the series for being a raging alcoholic. They would have not even made it to the plane.
Instead he’s gonna take the ghost in Yugi’s head and call that an adult (two tickets in one, really). It’s honestly not that bad of a plan, since his only other father figure, Grandpa, is MIA, and his only other, other father figure, Roland, charges like 300 dollars an hour and wants stock options and health insurance.
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And honestly they should have taken Roland because he’s one of their best plane guys.
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So they take the smallest little Amelia Earheart plane in the world, going from Japan to (checks map) India...which 2 times the distance this plane can go and it crashes...which is exactly what would happen if you took a teeny tiny plane over the Himalayan mountains without refueling that thing.
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We call this a magical incident later in the episode, but this is just basic math.
So, fun fact, (and probably why I discuss planes so often on this blog) two of my Grandfathers were pilots (well, three, since my grandmother remarried another pilot), which sounds like a crazy coincidence until you recall that their generation was in WW2 and we just shoved children in planes for 20 years and called that normal.
Anyway, to save on travel costs, my engineer Grandfather built his own plane out of junkyard parts, which, as you can imagine, is a living nightmare, and it was held together by like duct tape and gasoline (which at one time used to be cheap). Tempted God every day that Howls Moving Castle touched the sky.
And while I only know it from photos since I wasn’t exactly born yet, it looked exactly like this plane. So looking at this, all I can think is...yeah...that’s what you get for flying to India in a tin can car. To this day I cannot trust any plane of this size.
So, they climb out of their wreckage virtually unscathed and into familiar Californian territory.
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At least Joey thought about bringing a tent.
It’s interesting how our cast has become so accustomed to this that they’re not even all that shell shocked. It’s just another day in the life.
So next time we shall find out what India has in store for us. Or if we’re even in India...because again...feels a lot like this BG team doesn’t do any research into their landscapes and every place feels a whole lot of the same. But...at least they didn’t put any Arizonan mesas in India.
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Jamil Viper - M-My heart...
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You can unlock this story by getting Jamil’s SSR Dorm Uniform
Translation under the cut
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Jamil: …Once again, you made a promise without thinking about the consequences.
Kalim: But the principal said he didn't know where to go on a holiday right? Our home country is the best, don't you think? We the Scarabia dorm are representatives and we should show him the charms of the Country of Hot Sands! I'll leave the decorations of the lounge and the cooking to you Jamil. I will make the preparations for the parade!
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: …And for him to tell me that the day before. And he especially invited the principal. If the banquet is half-baked, it will have an influence on our evaluation. For Kalim's, the banquet…and my sake, I'll have to make this banquet a success. Okay. For the decorations. However it wouldn't fit if the decorations were just pretty, they also have to represent the culture of our country. ..All the ideas I have will take a long time. Hm… To have both beauty and culture…beauty and culture…beauty… Ah! I know!! I guess I should hear out "that" person.
Pomefiore Dorm - Lounge
Vil: …So you came to ask me for advice for the design of the party.
Jamil: Yes. A beautiful interior, a beautiful table set and beautiful entertainment… When I thought about "Beauty", your face suddenly appeared in my mind.
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Vil: Ah. Is that so.
Jamil: Kalim has prepared traditional fabric from our country to use for decoration. They're the ones I'm carrying now. They're deep red, patterned with large peacocks. I thought that someone with an aesthetic sense as yours would be able to teach me how to use this cloth the best…
Vil: I understand what you want to say. …But surely you don't intend to consult my knowledge free of charge?
Jamil: Haha, I knew he would say that! My preparations are flawless.
Jamil: You don't think that I presumed the charismatic beauty, Vil Schoenheit would cooperate free of charge! I'm not that impolite. In the case you do give me advice, I offer you one roll of this fabric. The textiles made in the Country of Hot Sands are very valuable after all. Moreover, the goods woven by the purveyors of the Asim household aren't even available in the stores…
Vil: I could estimate the value of this cloth by a glance so you don't have to explain. I was searching for a fabric for my new suit, so I shall accept your request.
Jamil: Really? I am so glad!
Vil: Show me the textile.
Vil: …I see. The weaving was done carefully, but the large pattern has a strong impact. Framing it like it is or using it as a rug will certainly give of the "traditional crafts" feeling. If I fiddle with this a bit…
Jamil: I see~ I will study this~
Jamil: And now I just leave everything to Vil. I should just sit back and nod when appropriate…
Vil: Can someone bring me scissors!
Pomefiore Student: Here!
Jamil: Are those sewing scissors? …Wait please, what do you intend to do with those scissors. You're not going to…
Vil: I've already decided. I'm cutting this.
Jamil: Aaah!! You cut this super expensive cloth in two!!!!
Vil: I'll cut it more so I can make a long and narrow flag.
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Jamil: Y-You cut it again! You know one roll of this can feed a 4-person family for one month right!! How wasteful… Hm? No…T-this is…? By cutting in this traditional pattern, you made an innovative design!!
Vil: Yes. If you come out of your comfort zone you will avoid being unfashionable. However, a certain someone who came to me just couldn't stop giving me harmless but pointless compliments…
Jamil: Shit.
Vil: Whatever you do, you should never forget to be bold. Aim to be sensational. There's nothing that I produce that can be considered "inocuous"! Now, I shall have you be brought another scissor and you shall cut this cloth according to my instructions!
Jamil: Y-Yes!
Main Street
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Jamil: Sigh. I'm tired… Being unrelenting is a good thing but the way he handles people is way too rough. There were a lot of scraps, so cleaning up took forever. …Oh well, for now the matter of decorations is settled. Next I have to prepare the food for the banquet. It's past 3 pm right now so I should… Wait it's past 3pm!? That's less than 3 hours 'til the banquet!! Because Vil was prattling on, I forgot to keep an eye on the time. I won't make it in time for the banquet! Whatever I do, I won't be able to prepare the food in time. Cooking….Cooking…Aha. This time I shall just ask "that" person!
Chapter 2
Jamil: Kalim suddenly planned to throw a banquet for the principal to introduce him to the Country of Hot Sands… If I want to make this party a success, I'll have to cook something from our hometown… If I was on my own, I wouldn't be able to make it. So I had to call in someone to help me. And if it's about cooking, this person will certainly…
Jamil: Trey. Please take care of me.
Trey: I'll do my very best. Since… in return you would prune all the rose bushes at Heartslabyul, wouldn't you?
Jamil: …Yes. If I can safely make it through the banquet, that is. In terms of labor, I lose. Keep the cool face and look at your feet…
Trey: So, did you decide on a menu?
Jamil: Yes. I intended to set up some bases of the traditional food of the Country of Hot Sands. The main dish will be a goat roast. Usually, you have to let it marinate in spices for three days but… I already seasoned one and put it in the freezer. Today we will use that.
Trey: You're so careful to the point that it looks like you knew about the party beforehand.
Jamil: Kalim loves inviting people over so I prepare stuff every day. I'll put the meat in the oven and have it slowly roast on a low fire. Meanwhile, we can start with the other meals. Seafood sauté, green salad, thin baked bread and dessert… Anyway I'm short of hands. First of all, please peel the potatoes!
/Cooking sounds
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Jamil: Okay, now all of the cooking is done.
Trey: All of them smell fantastic… Especially the well-cooked meat looks delicious! …However… by appearance you could say it looks kind of miserable.
Jamil: Huh, do you think so?
Trey: Yeah. There's only light brown on the plate, it's kind of unsatisfactory. I picked roses to put in the jam. If I scatter the petals like this… Look. If I add some red to it, doesn't it look more brilliant?
Jamil: You're right! It gives of a luxurious impression. Sometimes my younger sister tells me that my cooking looks plain by appearance. Back in the days we quarreled about it but… to think it was about the color.
Trey: Haha. There are plenty of people who think that Heartslabyul's sweets are gaudy, so I understand you. The most important thing in cooking is flavor after all. That's why I want to tell you that "Appearance doesn't matter!" but… you went through great troubles to make it delicious. It should be enjoyable from the start to the finish.
Jamil: I'll do my best remembering that. The next time I'll go home, my sister will be in for a surprise.
Trey: Let's decorate the other meals as well. I also have edible flowers that I use for cakes.
Main Street
Jamil: Thank you very much, Trey! …Okay. I managed finish up cooking perfectly. …I wonder how Kalim's preparations for the parade are coming along.
Kalim: It seems the animals have arrived. Let's pick them up at the front gate!
Jamil: Hm? When you speak about the devil you see his tail. I'll watch secretly…
Scarabia Student C: Did you really get lions and elephants? What if they broke loose in the school…
Kalim: Hahaha, it'll be fine! You guys. What do you think is the most important thing  when you communicate with animals?
Jamil: Heh, that's super easy. The answer is "Animal language". With that you can tell the animals which route to take for the parade…
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Kalim: The most important thing when you communicate with animals is… PETTING!!!!
Jamil: !!??
Kalim: Everyone is a living being after all, so if you rely on them it will turn out alright. If you want to take a small break, open the cage and deepen your bonds with the animals!
Jamil: …Is he releasing the lions and the elephants without any preparation…? Why…Why are you so incautious when it comes to animals…! Ever since you were little, you tottered over to the likes of tigers and panthers to give them pet food… It's worrisome. No matter how I look at it, it's worrisome. I can't trust Kalim with anything. I shall talk to the animals…!
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Kalim: Principal. Please experience the hospitality of the Country of Hot Sand with all your might today. Then let's start this fun banquet!
Jamil: Somehow… we managed to finish up the decorations, cooking and parade on time… I ran more today than I do in a basketball game. I'm completely exhausted…
Kalim: Hey Jamil. Don't you look a little bit tired?
Kalim: Really? Okay.
Crowley: The decorations are wonderful, and the food is absolutely delicious.
Grim: Chomp, chomp. It's so good!
Yuu: Come on, manners! Chomp Chomp.
Kalim: It seems that the principal and the guests are enjoying themselves. Thank you for preparing the decorations and the food. Jamil.
Jamil: …  Don't mention it. But it's too early for you to let your guard down. As the organizer of the event, don't you still have to appear in the finale? Hurry up and get ready.
Kalim: Okay, gotcha!
Jamil: Good grief…
Grim: Jamil!
Jamil: Hm?
Grim: Your cooking, all of it is amazing!!
Jamil: …Yuu, what do you think? Do you like the cooking of the Country of Hot Sands.
Yuu: It's yummy. I want to eat it every day.
Jamil: Heh. I'm glad.
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Jamil: Ah, it seems that the parade is starting. Principal, please go out to the balcony and enjoy the welcome parade of the Country of Hot Sands.
Scarabia Student C: U-Uhm! Vice dorm leader Viper!!
Jamil: Hm? Why are you in such a hurry.
Scarabia Student C: That's because… whisper…whisper…
Jamil: … What!?
Crowley: Hm? Is there something, Viper?
Jamil: N-No! There's nothing. I'll just have to leave my seat for a while… please continue enjoying Scarabia's banquet!
Chapter 3
Scarabia Dorm - Hallway
Jamil: KALIM DISAPPEARED!? The animal parade is a tradition of the Country of Hot Sands. The most valuable seven-colored parrot have to fly… And the organizer is supposed to give a grand welcome!
Scarabia Student C: We searched everywhere but we couldn't find him… We can't do the finale of the parade like this.
Scarabia Student D: Wait! Instead of the dorm leader, we should have the vice dorm leader do the greeting.
Jamil: I can't. It would dishonor the organizer…Kalim.
Scarabia Student C: But we can't find him…!
Scarabia Student D: And the parade is still going on… what do we do!
Jamil: …Calm down everyone. Panicking won't help. You guys are the farsighted and deeply designed students of Scarabia, aren't you? When an unexpected situation comes up you should be calm.
Scarabia Student D: …It is as Viper says.
Scarabia Student C: Sorry for getting upset.
Scarabia Student B: Uhm… dorm leader Kalim wanted to me to bring you a message…!
Jamil: …I see. Because of your error, the seven-colored parrot fled. And Kalim went to search for a substitute.
Scarabia Student A: Yes… The dorm leader said that it was fine to start with the parade… Sorry. It's all our fault.
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Jamil: Let's leave the investigation of your guilt for later. Let's first think about the problem we have in front of us. According to your story, Kalim has gone to Diasomnia… Even if he flyed on the magical carpet he would take 10 minutes. We have 5 minutes left until the finale of the parade. No matter what we do he won't make it in time. …We have to stretch time until Kalim gets back.
Scarabia Dorm - Lounge
Crowley: Tigers and elephants, lions, monkeys and peacocks… there are plenty of other animals marching lively. I'm so moved that I'm able to watch such a wonderful parade from the dorm's balcony!
Grim: Yes! The parade is going 'til the fountain. The music is getting louder as well…
Yuu: It's time for the finale! Let's get excited together!
Crowley: What kind of surprising show will I be able to witness at last!? …
Grim: …
Yuu: The animals seem to be circling in the same spot?
Crowley: How strange, I wonder if something happened. Can it be… that they ran into some trouble?
Scarabia Student C: The principal is muttering… Is the dorm leader Kalim still not here!?
Scarabia Student D: At this rate, our party we worked hard on will fail…!
???: The Asim household does not fail.
Jamil: …As long as I'm here! I'm on top of the roof… the shadow of the tower is just right. I'll rely on my wind magic to make it flashy!
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Crowley: Oho? Something is falling down. The red blizzard making the white Scarabia glow is truly beautiful…
Grim: The way it flutters and sticks to my noise is annoying!
Crowley: Grim, you don't understand. Isn't this a chic show. If it's this, I could watch it forever.
Jamil: The scraps of cloth that Vil cut off and the petals I got from Trey… Who'd have thought they'd play this role. Even I couldn't predict that. Anyway, I managed to stretch the time of the show. Now there's only…
???: Heey!
Jamil: The thing flying over there is…the magic carpet! He has arrived!!
Kalim: Principal! And Yuu and Grim as well, thank you for coming to Scarabia today! I've never been this happy that I could entertain my dearest guests!
Jamil: Sigh… And with this the parade is over without a hitch. I should go back to the lounge. My broom, where is it… And how long is Kalim planning to ride that carpet? I'm getting anxious watching him stand and move around on that carpet…
Kalim: A, Ah I'm losing my balance…aah! I'm falling!!!
Jamil: !!!?? WATCH OUT!!!!!
Kalim: …Man I was really surprised. I was careless and fell in the fountain. …Hm? But I'm not hurting anywhere…? …Ah, Jamil! You made me float with wind magic. Thank you. Thanks to you I wasn't hurt.
Jamil: M-My heart…I thought it was about to stop…tch.
Kalim: But I'm completely soaked… How cruel. Hahaha!!
Jamil: You feel like laughing huh. I felt like I was about to pass to the other side! Stop trying to imitate people rashly!!!!!
Kalim: Yeah. …Sorry for making you worry. …Anyways, did you see the finale? I did my best!
Jamil: …Yes, I saw it. Well done. Me.
Crowley: Well, the decorations, the food and the parade made for a wonderful banquet!! It must've been awfully troublesome to plan all of that, no?
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Kalim: Nah, absolutely not. Right, Jamil?
Jamil: Yes.
Yuu: Good job! Good job…
Jamil: Today was a harsh day. If I had to plan another party like this…
Kalim: Principal! Disregarding your holidays, you should come again…
Jamil: Kalim!
Kalim: Hmpf.
Jamil: If the principal tells you something again, just say that you'll consider it. No matter what, first consult everything with me. Understood?
Kalim: …Hah. I thought something was up when you suddenly shut my mouth. Okay. I don't really get it, but I get it!
Jamil: You're really such a reliable dorm leader…
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Child Saniwa: Azuki Nagamitsu, Ichigo Hitofuri, Horikawa Kunihiro
Ah shit y’all, back at it again with the memes. Thank you for requestin, love~!
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Azuki Nagamitsu
“I am pleased to meet you, my name is Azuki Nagamitsu...”
Azuki takes one goddamn look at this baby saniwa and is immediately claiming it as his child. Yes he’ll fight the entire citadel to stake his claim, he’s signing the adoption papers right now. No you cannot stop him. He can and will hold all of these children. He has big enough and strong enough arms.
“Pray tell, little one, do you like sweet things?”
Oh Azuki is a bit of an enabler. He does cook and bake a lot so expect him to sneak a lot of sweets and stuff to the lil kid. He already does it with the little ones around the citadel but even more so if he has a close relationship with the child saniwa. Yes he will ensure that they eat healthy and go to bed on time and maybe he’ll bribe them with sweets to finish their chores on time and all but hey, he does care for them a lot!
Azuki always calls them adorable, cute, and so on and so forth. He adores kids and maybe he has a photo album of adorable pictures of the lil saniwa and the rest of the kids around the citadel just napping together and sleeping together and holding hands and being cute, no he’s not crying.
HIs favorite thing to do with the kid is to go shopping with them! Holding their hand as they walk through whatever aisles they are looking at. Yes maybe he’ll sneak some of their favorite treats into the shopping cart, and maybe he’ll have to curb the child’s habit of snacking on everything but he caves in the end. He’s weak to their puppy eyes. Please help him, he might not be strong enough.
Is that one parent at a recital or something of their child’s with a video camera, crying, and screaming: “YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE”
Azuki isn’t much of a fighter, it doesn’t mean he won’t fucking throw down with the government though. Watch him invite them over for a spot of tea and if they even make a damn negative comment about his master he’ll probably drop some poison in there. No he won’t he’ll just hug the kid closer to him and be that one meme of protecting Kevin Hart.
Azuki is already giving out head pats to all of the kids in the citadel, but to the Saniwa he’s rather physically affectionate. If they want a hug, they can get one. If they wanna hold hands? Hell yeah! Forehead kisses? Damn right he will. Loves giving them head pats and calling them a good kid the most.
Yes he will read them a bedtime story and of course it’s always ones filled with good morals and life lessons!
Azuki is also damn good with sewing. He will make little scarves, and patch up the clothing for the saniwa and even make some clothing for them! He loves it when they are warm and comfy in whatever clothing they like!
Yes Azuki spoils them rotten but he knows his limits. He is the typical overly proud dad who is happy whenever his kid is happy!
Ichigo Hitofuri
"I am Ichigo Hitofuri, the only tachi crafted by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu-”
The minute Ichi-nii sees this lil kid is his master, he is already bending down to their level and asking where the fuck are their parents. He’s a bit shocked to see someone so young to be his master but he won’t mind. He does have a LOT of little brothers after all! He can take care of them, adding another lil sibling into the bunch won’t hurt anyone!
Adoption papers? Signed? Awataguchi? Accepting of their new sibling. Government? uNFORTUNATELY STILL ALIVE. He knows what it’s like to have trauma and some of his lil bros do have quite a bit of it. Honebami, Yagen to name a few, and pushing such a duty on to such a young person like this...Ichigo won’t lie and say that he isn’t angry at the government for doing this. They don’t deserve this, why can’t they live their life out as a normal kid????
Oh Ichigo has experience in taking care of children and his brothers will also pitch in to make sure that the Saniwa is loved for and taken cared of! They have an army of tantous, two wakizashis, and a tachi at their beck and call now. No one is going to hurt them ever again.
Like Azuki, Ichigo adores children and this little saniwa is no different. Yes he’s rather stern at times and he doesn’t like raising his voice at them but he does need to be a guiding hand at times. He would never hurt them, and he just wants the best for them. He may get angry at them and scold them but he is doing it gently.
Yes the little saniwa is going to get roped into AWT48. Ichigo will personally help them sing and dance as well! If they have stage fright, no worries! He’s happy to still perform for them none the less.
Cuddles. Oh man this little saniwa is never going to be without physical affection. From Ichigo’s cuddles and head pats to the rest of the Toushirous just loving on the kid and random hugs outta nowhere, this kid is going to be so loved. 
Ichigo can kinda cook? Not as good as like Kasen or Azuki or anything but he’ll at least make something edible. Probably some instant stuff from a box, more like it. He can decorate it super good though!
If the kid has nightmares, Ichigo is the first to wake up and comfort them. His bros have nightmares a lot and he’s a light sleeper anyway, so he can relate to that - and is always there for them!
Bedtime stories with morals and lessons? Of course! Duh! It’s a group storytime! All day every day!
Ichigo is the big brother everyone wants. The caring big bro who will take a bullet for you, and will probably have some choice words for the government. He cares for you as a parent would, and is just always there!
Horikawa Kunihiro
“Excuse me, has-”
“....Ah, a second child to take care of.”
Horikawa already has a child on his hands kane-san and he’s already pretty motherly so adopting a kid like this isn’t too out of his range. He’s a lot gentler with them than he is with Kane-san, but no less strict.
No he cannot trust Kane-san around this child. ONe time he left them alone and the kid was stuck in a tree and Kane-san had a broken leg trying to save the damn kid. He will only let them interact under his or another sword’s supervision. Can and will fight Kane-san just to protect this kid.
As Horikawa is good at cleaning, he always tends to the kid’s room and helps them wake up on time. He will most likely be the hawk mum, watching over them with every change he can get to ensure that they are doing their work on time.
He won’t spoil them as much as Ichigo or Azuki would, but he would praise them and reward them in his own way! Mostly with praise and a head pat and a forehead kiss if they’ve been extra good! Yes he’ll cook for them and give them treats but nothing super duper big.
The minute the saniwa calls him Hori-nii or something he will cry. Hell he’ll take being called mom. He doesn’t mind! He’s just happy that he can be there for them!
Oh dude Horikawa will spoil them not with food but with lil things! A flower from the forest, a lil trinket from the store as he passed by, so on and so forth! He knows his limits though.
Yes Horikawa will not hesitate to storm the government building and demand to see whoever the fuck is in charge. He wants to know who the fuck was responsible for this. This is a literal CHILD, where are their PARENTS. Who aLLOWED THIS? Horikawa is now this child’s mom.
He’s like that mom that panics whenever the kid goes missing for like one second. There’s a lot of dangerous things the kid could get into (see the tree incident) and if they get hurt, expect Horikawa to be at their side quicker than Hasebe. Hell he can beat Hasebe in speed and in over-protectiveness, dO NOT TEST THIS YOUNG MAN.
Is also that one mom that is at the kid’s recital, crying joyous tears of pride as they perform. Always has a camera on him to capture such a beautiful moment.
Yes Horikawa is the mom friend and he will not hesitate to become the mom to this saniwa. He will ensure that they go to bed on time and keep them healthy. Will wake them up on time and just be that one parent who is always a presence in their life, knowing when to back away but keeping in touch. Like having ya mum as ya best friend!!!
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poepoe-thebunny · 4 years
Rudy/Tony and Fam during Quarantine
Cause this is where my life is at, apparently. I thought I escaped the “quarantine fever writing” that everyone else got. Apparently I was wrong. 
After another visit to the castle, the Thompson’s end up there in quarantine once miss rona hits the world. Thank god for WI-FI and working remotely, even if his parents look vaguely like zombies due to time zone differences. Tony can’t talk, his online schooling schedule is all sorts of weird and he’s pretty sure his teacher just wants to sleep until the whole thing is over. Honestly Tony can’t say he blames her. 
The Sackville-bagg clan, as it turns out, is a surprisingly overprotective bunch when they need to be, especially now that they have accepted their humans into the fold. Even with catching up on modern medicine and germ theory, they won’t allow anything to happen to their precious humans. 
(AU/headcanons incoming??
- Think Rudy was protective before? Think again. 
- Rudy is over 300 years old, he’s old by human standards and he has met people who are old by vampire standards. He’s seen Things(TM) ok?
- He has been through more than one plague in his life. He has seen what it can do to the sick and the poor. He knows it’s a different now, that life-saving machines exist, that they’re working on a vaccine, that soap is widely available. 
- But he also knows it’s not. 
- Tony? Not going anywhere as far as he is concerned. Say hello to your prince, Rapunzel, cause Rudy is keeping Tony up in that tower if it kills him (again). 
- He knows where all of Tony’s masks are, and where he puts the extras. 
- He’ even shops online for masks with Tony, finding cool hand-sewn, gothic looking ones for Rudy himself to wear. He’s not sure if Corona even effects vampires, but Tony likes finding stuff to match his “aesthetic’ and it keeps his mortal happy. 
- He waits on his mortal hand and foot in between videogames and watching Netflix. (Tony likes How to Train Your Dragon and Paranorman, Rudy likes The Little Prince and Kubo and the Two Strings.). 
- Rudy’s first introduction to Tumblr is through Tony, and at one point they reach the Plague Doctor Aesthetics. While Rudy hasn’t spent much time in Italy, he doesn’t think they’re very accurate, and complains as such to his mortal. 
- Rudy is surprisingly easily offended about historically inaccurate things, and it sends Tony into laughing fits. 
- Rudy is Bad At Memes. Like, just in general he doesn’t always get them, and when Corona Memes become a thing he’s just constantly confused. Poor Rudy honestly. 
- Tries to learn to cook healthy human food, except he hasn’t had any major kitchen experience in 200-odd years and it comes out as a disaster the first few times he tries it. 
- It turns into a teaching session between him and the other adult humans, turns out the old couple who owns the castle like to feed people. Rudy walks into Tony’s room with a tray piled so high Tony can’t see his head. 
-Always offering to fly around the castle to get things for Tony, even if he isn’t sick. 
- TikTok dances. Tony shows him, then teaches him. Rudy is shockingly good at them, but Gregory thinks he’s cringy. 
(Not me flexing my love of the good big brother trope, absolutely not, nope)
- Surprisingly rather take charge about the whole thing, he’s come around to the Thompson’s and the old couple. 
- While his parents help when they can, they sort of take a step back, and let the three siblings explain what’s happening in the world to the clan (if they are there). Being the oldest, Gregory sort of defaults to being the leader. 
-Checks in with the Thompson’s, as well as Otto and Emma (The old couple who run the place.) Asks if they need anything while they work/are in school etc. 
- Warns the clan to be very careful when visiting, not just for the Thompson’s, but also because Otto and Emma are getting on in years and could become sick very easily. Always asks for a heads up before a family visit. 
- Won’t tell anyone but, late at night if he’s not busy, he’ll do things around the castle for the humans, especially upkeep for Otto and Emma, while they sleep. 
- Dusting hard to reach spots like chandeliers, organizing books in the old castle library, moving heavy furniture and stuff since he can fly. 
-Low key drags Rudy and Anna into helping him clean 
(”But Gregory, this is our home now too! I’m sure they don’t mind.” 
“Humans are fragile, and they’re letting us stay here out of kindness, so don’t be rude. Clean up after yourself little brother.” 
“He’s right you know.” 
“Of course I am. And don’t think you’re getting out of cleaning the rafters Anna, and stop leaving your books everywhere for them to pick up.” 
 ‘hmph.” )
- Of the vampires he’s lowkey the best at cooking human food. Tony, Rudy, and Anna just walk into the kitchen at night and Fredrick is just watching his eldest, genuinely amused, as he dances around the kitchen in a “Kill the Cook (Too late, I’m already dead)” apron, blasting out dad rock from the stereo. 
-Bonds with the Thompsons over cooking human food, especially Tony’s dad after he teaches Gregory what an “air guitar” move is. 
-Gregory discovers pinterest food aesthetics, and is a machine of baking, mixing, and decorating sweet candies/cakes/brownies. He wants his food to look pretty dang it. 
- Anna and Rudy just watch, silently judging him. 
- She’s just thriving tbh. 
- She has internet access now, and her brothers have never been more terrified. 
-If Gregory is the vampire equivalent of a pinterest mommy, Anna is the vampire equivalent of creepy diy aesthetic tiktokers. 
-Not like, bloody horror diy, but like, the subtly creepy but still sweet kind, like the Addams family or Coraline. 
- She learned needle arts with her mom, so she’s out here sewing Coraline dolls, or patchwork dresses a la Nightmare Before Christmas cause she CAN. 
-Makes her own handbag with those felt cartoonish vampire faces and big fake bat ears on the side. 
-Learns more modern patterns and stuff, but will make masks for the humans as gifts, cause she doesn’t want them to get sick. 
- After watching Coraline together, she made “Other Me” dolls of her brothers, button eyes included, and stuck them in their coffins. She would make them “move’ by flying them around to different rooms when her brothers weren’t looking, just to freak them out. 
- Spoiler alert: it worked. They ran to Tony for help and she laughed over it for days. 
- Anna loves adventure books to Rudy’s poetry and Gregory’s fables/folk tales. She hates being excluded from her brothers “adventures”. 
-Tony introduces her to comics and video games and she just lives her best life. 
-One of her favorite comic book character is Cassandra Cain/Blackbat/The Orphan.
- She loves books like Matilda, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Giver, as well as games like the Lara Croft/Tomb Raider series. 
-VICIOUS at video games, this girl has no mercy, she will blue shell you so hard. 
The Adults: 
-Life is Hard(TM) right now, but the Thompson’s try to make the best of it. They’re very grateful to Otto and Emma for letting them stay. 
-They’re both working remotely, so they’re a little messed up sleep schedule wise. But that’s ok, their vampire friends don’t seem to mind. 
- Freda teaches Dottie how to make proper tea, cause she likes it and Dottie is sort of addicted to caffeine. Dottie teaches Freda how to make mochas and smoothies, Dottie likes mango-pineapple smoothies and Freda likes hot white chocolate mochas with cinnamon. 
-Surprisingly, Frederick and Bob become pretty good friends. Frederick understands the stress of having to care for your family in very uncertain times, and the two men bond over unsure parental decisions. 
-Bob is also surprisingly good at making Frederick loosen up, much to Freda and Dottie’s amusement. While initially awkward, they have a surprisingly snarky and sarcastic sort of friendship. Frederick deadpans insults at him and Bob cheerfully annoys him into Being Nice For Once while being completely aware of the fact that he’s annoying Frederick. 
-Meals where Bob cooks often consists of him singing oldies into his spatula, making bad impression of certain singers, including Elvis and Cher. He is occasionally joined by Tony and Gregory, making the entire family laugh. 
- Anna’s bones may be old, but she can hand sew like a goddess, and has occasionally taken to fixing up the kids’ torn clothes, as Dottie can barely keep straight lines and Freda prefers knitting. 
- Someone (read: Freda) mentions that Frederick can play the cello, and after a rousing performance, it turns out that Otto can play an accordion, and of course Bob can play the guitar. A jam session occurs as the kids just stare in utter bewilderment.
- Tony’s grandparents were kinda hippies, so Bob and Dottie know a lot of oldies and folk songs, which while different than from what they normally hear, Otto and Anna connect too. They swap songs back and forth, and it turns out Dottie can do a mean Loretta lynn impression. 
- Dottie likes the Beach Boys, and teaches the others how to Twist. As in, the dance, and Freda actually likes it quite a bit. 
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Can you please add to the come Hell or Helwater story? I would be eternally grateful. Also do you post any where but here? Like A03 or something?
Come Hell or Helwater - Part Nineteen
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen
And here’s where you can find it on AO3.
Something was going on. Brianna wasn’t sure what, but there was something strange going on between her mother and Jamie. Whatever it was, they didn’t want her to know about it. Every time she walked into the room, they turned all their attention on her. It was overwhelming and she didn’t like it. She’d rather they told her what was going on. If it didn’t stop soon, if they didn’t say something… she would. 
Isobel and Lord and Lady Dunsany had returned a few days after her mother. Brianna’s lessons with Isobel had resumed but neither of them were as interested as they had been. Isobel was excited about her sister’s condition and would be going back and forth between the two houses a great deal in the coming months. 
“It’s a comfort to her to have me there,” Isobel explained as she struggled to show Brianna how to do decorative needlework. She was embroidering a cap for her sister’s baby. 
Brianna was supposed to be putting a monogram onto a handkerchief for her father, but she couldn’t tell Isobel that the initials were wrong. She just worked quietly on the A and M, figuring someday she could add a J to the beginning and an I and E at the end. It wouldn’t be centered properly in the corner but at least it would properly be his. 
“It’s important that she rest and not be upset by anything – it’s bad for the baby,” Isobel explained. 
“And when you’re not there, is she upset?” Brianna asked. 
“It isn’t polite to gossip about such things,” Isobel replied, more with resignation than an aim to scold Brianna for her question. “But she is certainly more inclined to find things upsetting when there’s no one around who can help her with running the household.”
“And you miss your sister too, I suppose.” 
“Of course. We were close when we were younger. Our brother was older and we both looked up to him – Geneva especially. I… I remember his death more than him, really. It brought us closer, I suppose,” Isobel confessed. 
“What’s it like?” Brianna asked, suddenly curious. “Having a sister?”
Isobel’s eyes widened with surprise but then she folded her hands into her lap, needle and thread carefully held between the forefinger and thumb of her right hand, the delicate, unfinished cap clutched in her left hand. 
“Well… She liked to be in charge when we played, but I didn’t mind. I think she’s always been more fanciful so her games were more enjoyable than anything I ever thought of. There were times when we would quarrel, but I don’t know as I’ve heard of any siblings who don’t disagree from time to time,” Isobel confided with a warm smile. “It was harder for her, being older, I think. She had to do everything first when it came to being about in society when we visited London. She’s also prettier so more has been expected of her in other ways. Her marriage has been a successful one… in some ways more than others. I do think we enjoy one another’s company better now and I am excited to become an aunt,” Isobel said with a grin, her attention returning to the baby’s cap in her hands. 
Brianna gave her a polite smile, pondering the relationship Isobel described. 
She’d had some friends in Boston, but no one she was particularly close to. Even if she had wanted to have friends over to her house, many of their parents weren’t keen to let their daughters visit the Randall household. Despite the fact that Frank was a respectable professor, Claire not only worked, she had a man’s profession. They didn’t want their children getting ideas. Of course, it could only do Brianna good to see the example set in their own households, so she was always welcome there (but once her mother discovered what was behind their hospitality, she preferred to have Brianna either join Frank at the university or do her homework in her own office at the hospital). 
Some of those sort-of friends had siblings, though. Angela’s older sister sometimes let them play with her makeup but she also yelled at them when they accidentally spilled her favorite nail polish on her desk. Barbara’s older brother mostly just ignored them whenever Brianna happened to see him and Barbara didn’t seem to mind too much. Doris had a younger sister who had just been starting school and she complained about how all her old things were being passed down – things Barbara still considered hers. 
They’d stayed at Lallybroch for a few days before setting out for Helwater. It hadn’t been much time for Brianna to get to know her cousins (and it had been a little overwhelming because there were so many of them), but maybe she would come to see them like siblings… if they ever got back to Lallybroch. 
“And what about you?” Isobel asked Brianna gently. “Do you think you would find the prospect of a younger brother or sister exciting?”
Brianna looked up at Isobel, confused. How had the older girl guessed what she’d been thinking about?
“I… guess,” Brianna replied. “I know I wanted one when I was littler but after a while of wanting one and not getting one, I guess I stopped hoping for one.” 
“Mmmhmm…” Isobel nodded, her eyes darting back and forth from her needlework to Brianna, something playful in her gaze and at the edges of her mouth.
“Nothing. I suppose… I wished for a younger sister sometimes when Geneva was being unkind to me. I told myself I would only treat my younger sister with kindness. While I may not have gotten a younger sister in the way I’d hoped, the girl I imagined she would be was a lot like you – in behavior more than appearance,” she added with a quiet laugh.
“That’s kind of you to say,” Brianna responded flatly, still confused by Isobel’s behavior. She looked to the clock on the mantel. It was a little earlier than they usually quit for the day but Brianna had had enough of Isobel’s riddles. “I should go back and help Mama,” she said, carefully putting her work away. “She hasn’t been feeling well lately.”
“I heard,” Isobel said, laying her own work aside and rising to follow Brianna to the door. “Send her my best wishes that she’ll soon feel better. Encourage her to rest and take care of her if she’ll let you.”
“I will,” Brianna promised but there was something in the way Isobel said it, in the way that she smiled that left Brianna turning their conversation over and over in her mind as she made her way back to their cottage. 
When Brianna arrived, her mother was standing at her work table but she wasn’t working. She had one hand braced on the table, the other at the small of her back rubbing circles into it. 
“Are you okay, Mama?” Brianna asked, closing the door quietly behind her.
“I thought you were supposed to be having your sewing lesson with Lady Isobel,” Claire remarked, straightening at the table and reaching for some dried herbs to add to her mortar for grinding. 
“I told her I needed to come back early to help you,” she said, moving to a spot on the other side of the table. 
“Very well. Here,” Claire slid the mortar across to Brianna and then handed her the pestle. “Grind those and then add them–” 
“I know, Mama. I’ve helped you make this balm before,” Brianna assured her with an annoyed laugh.
Claire laughed quietly, moving to prepare the beeswax for melting. She paused at the end of the table, leaning into it again and running a hand over herself, first down her front and then to that spot at the small of her back for a moment. With a small nod to herself, she resumed her task. 
Brianna had noticed and again asked, “Are you okay, Mama?” Seeing her mother sigh, seeing her prepare to lie or only tell half the truth, Brianna set the pestle aside with more force than she intended, and asked with more force, “Are you sick? Is that why you and Da have been acting strange?”
“I’m not sick, sweetheart,” Claire assured her. “I’m… I’m going to have a baby. I wasn’t sure for a while and there’s still a lot that can go wrong,” she babbled, “but no, I’m not sick.”
“Oh,” Brianna said, picking the pestle back up and grinding the herbs, simply for something to do with her hands. “Are you… happy about it?”
Claire looked at Brianna for a moment, a smile slowly breaking across her face. “I am. But I’m also terrified. The last time I did this was a looooong time ago.” 
Brianna laughed. “I’m not that old.”
“No, but you’re not my little baby anymore either,” Claire lamented. 
“You’re still scared even though this time you have me and Da?” 
“Last time… I didn’t have much left to lose if things went wrong,” Claire answered, quietly. “This time…”
“You’ll be fine, Mama. Da and I will make sure of it,” Brianna promised.
“That’s exactly what your father keeps saying.”
“Two against one,” Brianna said with a shrug. “You should listen to us.”
Claire chuckled. “I suppose I should.”
“Can I tell Lady Isobel? She’s making a cap for Lady Geneva’s baby. Maybe she can show me how to make one for this baby.”
“That would be nice… And what about you? I know it’s a surprise but, are you happy about it? You won’t be close enough in age to be playmates…”
“I don’t know. It’s strange to think of having a baby here,” she remarked, looking around their small cottage. “But I guess it’s kind of like everything else. It’s strange at first, but then you get used to it and have a hard time imagining any other way. I still miss… I was gonna say ‘home’ but this is home now. Where we were before feels more and more like a dream.”
“Hmmm. It does. Not a bad dream or a good dream… just a little… not real.”
“But I always have you to help me remember it,” Brianna said.
“And I have you,” Claire agreed. “And that is something that will always be just ours.”
Brianna smiled, liking the thought of having something that she alone shared with her mother.
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
Angel Wings Darken Part 4
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26286832/chapters/64065646
Ok, so here’s the next part!! We get to see Gab’s, Nat’s, Sabine’s, and Tom’s reaction~!
“-I’m helping Joker. and Hawkmoth, Mayura, if you know what's good for you, leave your miraculous at my balcony unless you want to see what a protege of Joker can do,” ice filled Gabriel’s veins as he heard that. Nathalie froze behind him, her tablet falling from her numb fingers. They barely heard the crack over the buzzing in their ears as they watched her lips turn into a sinister smile. They barely were able to register what was happening on the screen in front of them.
It wasn’t until the screen froze on the retreating back of Marinette, Damian, and Chloe were they able to move.
“Sir, what are we going to do?” Nathalie asked shakily as in the corner of the screen they watched the comments blow up in confusion and fear and anger. “Y-you know what the Joker can do. If-if he really did turn her evil, what could she do to us that’s worse than following her demands?” Nathalie asked, somehow only stumbling a couple of times.
Gabriel’s eyes couldn’t leave the screen as TViNews popped up with an enlarged picture of Bug’s sinister smile. He barely heard the news anchor-Prime Queen he realized-talking. He couldn’t turn away from the grin or cold eyes. He felt trapped by them, feeling like they were staring directly at him, like she could see what he was doing right then.
And he didn’t like that feeling at all.
“W-e need to first deal with the press. Act like we were being tricked. Send out a public apology and cut any and all ties to Ms. Rossi. As for Adrien, I’m not sure. One thing for sure, we can’t use him as a model anymore. Make sure any lawyer contacted to help Adrien, whether our own or a public servant, knows to comply with the plaintiff’s wishes. We do not want this excelating any further.”
“What?” he demanded looking over at her with a glare as his thoughts ran around trying to ignore the threat Bug gave him. He was trying to process this, trying to understand how his greatest foe was the same person as the one he tried getting akumatized and also working for him. He just couldn’t see how Ladybug = Marinette. They seemed like entirely two different people.
But alas.
It was true.
“Should we do what she asks, sir?” Gabriel turned back to the screen grimacing when he heard her cackle as someone analyzed the footage again. Seeing her grin once more, his skin started crawling. I never knew someone one so heroic and kind could be so chilling and disturbing, he thought tensing up.
“I need some time to think. For now, do what I said. The longer we say nothing, the bigger a risk we have of the public turning against us and tanking our stocks. We can’t have that that happen,” he snapped out and Nathalie startled but nodded, bending over to pick the cracked tablet before going to her desk quickly.
As soon as the door closed, Gabriel held his head in his hand, messing up his carefully done hair as pins ran throu him. “God have mercy,” he whispered.
They couldn’t believe it….
Their baby….
a monster.
But maybe….maybe they could get her back?
Surely, if they talk to her they could get her to go back to being their precious baby girl. Their kind, helpful daughter.
They can do that. Talking to their daughter, telling her how much they miss her, that’ll surely get her to come back to her senses. With a determined look, the two went back to work, listening as the people that came into the bakery gossiping about what happened.
“-Yes, you heard that correctly, Paris. Mayor Bourgeois and the Board of Education are having the students involved in the attack come back to Paris by tomorrow. Mayor Bourgeois is having his daughter Chloe stay behind to try getting Marinette Dupain-Cheng, also known as Ladybug, to come back to Paris. Will she succeed? Stay tuned to learn if she did,” Nadja’s voice startled them as they worked. They turned when they heard the repeat. The class photo was on the screen showing a time that was an estimate of when the Mayor hoped to get the class back in Paris.
When talking about Chloe and the girl they used to see as their daughter-but they hoped they could get her back- they showed a picture of the two at the park across from them beaming. They scowled at the image.
At the reminder.
It was all her fault.
Had Chloe stayed away…
Their darling daughter wouldn’t have changed. As soon as Marinette got back, they were going to keep her away from that girl.
Away from the girl that turned her into that monster.
Lila may have lied about some things, but she was correct that their daughter had changed. But they were going to change her back.
Marinette didn’t have a choice.
“Sir, she’s here,” Nathalie called showing him the footage of the plane landing. It was a private jet. The same one Chloe posted a selfie with saying they were going to Paris for the lawsuits. It was early. No doubt most everyone would be home getting ready or asleep.
“We have no choice. Take them. Put them on her balcony,” Gabriel said with a defeated sigh as he gestured to the broaches and book.
“Even the book, sir?” She had a look of shock on her face, even when he nodded again.
“Yes, even the book. There’s no point in keeping it if we don’t have the miraculouses. I need to give up. I can’t win. And I doubt she’ll want to revive Emilie after everything that’s happened. When you get back we’ll finally put her to rest,” he said with a sigh, glancing at the portrait behind him.
“Of course, sir,” she picked up the items, Dusuu and Nooru floated next to her as they left his office. Reaching the bakery, she went to the side next to an alley and held the broaches loosely in one hand and held the book out. “Goodbye,” she muttered softly and the two kwami looked at her sadly, but they were happy to finally be free. Together, they put their broaches on the book and then carried the book up. When she saw that they were over the railing, Nathalie turned away. She could only sigh as she sat in the car heading back to Agreste Manor.
Sabine smiled when she watched the footage of Marinette’s plane landing. “Tom, she’s here!” she called out and Tom nodded heading to the front. They watched as Marinette transformed and swung away from the airport. Closing up the shop, they made their way to the courthouse. Lots of people were trying to get in, but because they were the parents of Marinette, the witness here, they were let in.
All they could feel was shock.
They couldn’t believe the look their daughter had on her face.
As she watched Lila be chained to her seat. They didn’t even hear the added charges to Lila’s case. They couldn’t hear anything. Buzzing was the only thing they could hear. When Marinette left after hearing that everyone was guilty, they followed after her. Sabine caught her daughter's arm before she left the steps. “Marinette.”
Marinette turned with an icy look. She held no warmth in her eyes looking between her mother and father. “What?” she asked, watching as Damian and Chloe came closer to them.
“What? What do you mean ‘what’? We’re your parents Marinette. Aren’t we allowed to talk to you? You must have been terrified when the Joker took you. Surely now that your safe from him, you can drop this act? Go back to being our baby girl. You’re safe now. There’s no need to be scared of him anymore,” Sabine said and Tom came up behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders.
“Ha!” she ripped her arm from Sabine’s grip with a scornful laugh. “You truly don’t know me at all if you think I’m scared of Joker,” she started but then turned away and started walking down the steps, Chloe and Damian coming to her sides. While he was still apprehensive, he knew she wasn’t going to hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it.
“Marinette! Come back here!” Sabine shouted, unaware of the people gathering to watch.
“Sweetie, you can be honest with us. No need to pretend,” Tom tried and Marinette whipped around to glare at the two. The couple froze from where they had started to move, their bodies acting like they were statues instead of living, breathing people.
“There’s no pretending here. You’re just in denial about the truth. That I never will, and never have been the daughter you think I am in your heads. Joker….he’s many things, but he showed me the truth. He helped me realize that I’m done taking people’s crap. I won’t let anyone walk over me again. Nor take advantage of me. I’m done with that. He helped me become the person I’m meant to be. See, I finally have all the miraculous back. Right where they’re meant to be,” she said, holding her hand out to show the two inactive miraculouses. “If your done with your delusions, I need to head off.”
“No! We are your parents and you will listen to us!” Sabine yelled as Marinette took another step down. Marinette didn’t even turn around, just turned so that they had the profile of her face.
“You haven’t been parents to me since I was 10. Stop lying to yourselves” she replied coldly before walking toward the bakery to pack up, leaving the two sputtering in their spots as people around them glared and muttered as they walked away.
She looked around her old room, seeing if she left anything that she wanted or needed. Old photos decorated the floor while most were in the trash. The mannequin stayed in its place, but the stylized ‘M’ was ripped up and destroyed. Her computer was turned to the side and off, showing the ports. The flash drives used were in her purse. The few remaining wall decorations were in boxes. The chaise and umbrella were gone, already being packed into the jet beside her rug and mirror. The vanity was cleared of everything, it’s drawers left open showing the plain wood inside.
Her desk was bare of all her sewing equipment and organization cabinet. Her bed sheets were packed with her clothes. All that was left was what was originally there: the desk, vanity, the mattress, and trash can(well she wasn’t going to bring it, she took it from the kitchen). But she wasn’t going to take them. She didn’t care about them. They were easily replaced. Dust and dirt littered the ground right beside the photos.
The only photos she took were the ones on her phone and a few baby pictures. She didn’t want the others. They were a reminder of all the sheep she had surrounded herself with.
She didn’t want sheep in her new place. Picking up the last box which contained all her sketchbooks, she left her old home.
“Marinette!” a voice shouted and Marinette looked around the street. Most people were either working or just avoiding her, knowing they couldn’t do anything to change her mind. But then her eyes landed on Jagged and Penny, coming over to her from their limo.
“Uncle Jagged?” she asked confused and Jagged beamed at her.
“How’s my rockin’ niece? I just got caught up on what happened,” Jagged said and Marinette bit her lip. Her eyes softened when she looked between their matching looks of concern.
“I’m fine, Jagged. Thank you thou,” she said, handing the box to Damian when he appeared at her side.
“Where are you going?” Penny asked looking at the boxes in the limo Chloe had brought.
“Leaving. Moving to Gotham,” she replied looking away.
“Your parents?” Penny asked, her tone neutral toward the couple. Thou, watching Marinette scowl at the question, Penny frowned.
“I don’t need them. They’re delusional. Want me to be someone I’m not,” she bit out, gnashing her teeth together.
“Say, your heading to Gotham?” Jagged asked and Marinette nodded. Getting the confirmation, Jagged beamed at her. “That’s my home town! You can live with me and Penny!” he offered and Marinette had a small smile on her lips.
“Marinette-” Penny started and leaned in not wanting anyone to overhear. When she pulled back, Marinette was beaming at the two and started nodding frantically. All Penny could do was smile softly at the girl when she did that.
“Well, we’re never getting her to work here now,” Gabriel said watching the screen. TViNews was showing Marinette walking out of the courthouse beaming between Jagged and Penny Stone. Announcing her as their new daughter. Behind the three were Sabine and Tom, scowling as they watched them walk down the steps.
“How does it feel to be adopted by Jagged Stone?” Nadja asked with a smile that Marinette returned as her eyes closed with a laugh bubbling out of her.
“Amazing. He’s already been calling me his niece! I know he and Penny will be the best parents I could ask for!” she replied, causing the couple to smile and hug her tightly as Nadja continued to ask questions that he ignored, looking over at Nathalie.
“That does seem to be the case, sir. Seems like you should look elsewhere. We both know Jagged won’t let just anyone work with her,” Nathalie replied and Gabriel sighed with a nod as he turned off the monitor.
“He’s in his room. He hasn’t done much since the lawsuit. Luckily our stocks are still going strong. Our investors are very forgiving it seems and are ignoring what Adrien and Lila have done.”
“Good, good. Just like I hoped. Now, go start searching to see if there are any aspiring designers. I want any you find on my desk as soon as possible.” “As you wish, sir,” Nathalie said with a slight bow before leaving the room.
“You’re really ok with this B?” Dick asked, looking at Bruce closely. Bruce turned to give his sons a look.
“I can’t exactly stop her, now can I?” he asked and the three boys looked away at that. “Look, I’m not really ok with it. Joker managed to get Mari to work with him. Who would be ok with that? But we have to face the facts. We can’t stop her from doing that. All we can hope is that she doesn’t do anything horrible with Joker,” he said with a sigh, leaning back against his chair while Dick, Jason, and Tim shuffled their feets against the ground.
“I knew we should have done something to that mad-man,” Jason muttered and Bruce didn’t have the heart to scold him. Since it could very well be true.
“Maybe….maybe not thou,” Dick said and Jason turned to him confused.
“How can you say that? That psychopath turned Marinette to the dark side!”
“Yes….and no,” Tim spoke up that time and Jason whirled around to glare at Tim who managed to tilt his head back to look Jason in the eye in defiance.
“What did you say?” Jason demanded.
“Yes and no. Marinette may be working with that psychopath, but she wouldn’t do the same things as him. Whether we like it or not, he did get Marinette to stand up for herself. She’s finally speaking up against the harassment, the bullying, the negligence. All because of Joker. Yes he did it throu making her think she doesn’t have us on her side, but we can show her we are still standing behind her. And maybe….just maybe….she could get Joker to stop killing people,” Tim explained with a sigh.
“You really think that?” Dick asked, looking slightly disbelieving at the thought. Tim just shrugged at the question.
“I can’t say for certain. But we can hope,” he replied and that had the two nodding.
“Fine. But the moment Marinette does something deranged with him, you can’t stop me,” Jason replied and they could only nod. But they didn’t bother saying that he’d most likely have to get in line since Damian would probably be doing that first.
“Let’s get ourselves cleaned up finally. Damian and Marinette should be landing soon, it would be best we show her she has us as soon as she lands,” Bruce said and the boys nodded, moving to their rooms to do exactly that.
Ok, so here it is! I hope you enjoyed this!! And maybe….one day i’ll do a part 5. Who knows. Cause I don't. I didn’t think I'd be doin this many parts but here I am. There is honestly a good chance you guys can get me into doin one last part. But anyways, the next fic will another Dark!Mari fic! After that….maybe ‘A New Hero’ will be updated. We’ll see. Until next time!! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
Chthonic Love Chapter 3
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Series Summary: Greek AU Yoongi/Hades x You/Persephone.  The Olympic Lord, Namjoon kidnaps you as a "gift" for his brother, ruler of the Underworld. Lord of Death: Yoongi.
Previous Chapter: Chapter 2
“Dear Hoseok,
I am sure you are quite worried about me and so I firstly want you to know that, all things considered, I am ok. Zeus brought me to the Underworld and Lord Yoongi has been a very gracious host. I’ve heard you lost a bet? I need to know what in Olympus happened so I can disentangle myself from any terms you have entered me into. Maybe now you’ll listen to me when I tell you to stop messing with the Olympians.
You folded the letter and looked around for an envelope. You didn’t see any on the desk so you left and walked over to the door. You opened it and poked your head out to see if Yoongi was out there, but he wasn't. Feeling disappointed and not really wanting to go back to your cold, boring chamber, you turned back into the office. It was much warmer there than the rest of the castle. You appraised the room once more; you tried to remember what all you had heard about Lord Yoongi before today and you realized: not a whole lot. He seemed nice enough, just lightly annoyed that you were here. But if someone had dropped a person off in your house unexpectedly you would also be irritated.
You walked along one of the many bookcases and pulled out a few different books, perusing their covers. Some seem to be journals and you put those back, not wanting to be rude. A few of them have musical notes written in them, you turned your head towards the back of the office, noticing the Lyre and Harpsicord one again. Yoongi must play at least one of them. You continue to browse the shelves, finally finding a small book labeled, “Underworld Compendium.” You take it over to the pile of furs you had made earlier and settle in for some reading.
In the beginning there was Darkness. Before the brothers were Kings of the Realm, they were slaves to their father: Cronus. Cronus, not wanting to share any of his power, swallowed each of his sons, keeping them in interminable darkness and pain. Finally, their mother was able to spare a child: Zeus. Zeus led the charge against Cronus and the other Titans, and in his surprise, the enslaved children were accidentally released. The Titan Wars were waged for decades: Olympians versus Titans. Finally, Cronus was destroyed. The realms were divided amongst those sons who fought in the Titan Wars. Namjoon, who the mortals worship as Zeus, wanted Olympus and ascended to his throne with great fanfare and a feast that lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Jin, Poseidon, enjoyed splashing in the waves and playing with the animals of the sea. Yoongi, Hades, traveled down from Olympus, through the Earth, Through the sea, and arrived at the Underworld.
The Underworld is comprised of many subsections. At the center of it lies the Obsidian Palace. Hewn into the very core of the Underworld, it is a sight to behold, visible from Erebos all the way to Oceanus. Surrounding the Obsidian Palace is the Desert of Sorrow, bordered by the Stygian Sea to the South….
You yawned and sat the book facedown on the furs. You found the book interesting, you really did, but between the warm fire and the crying earlier, your eyelids grew heavy. You decided to lay down for just a moment and before you knew it, Hypnos was proverbially knocking on your door.
Yoongi had left you to write your letter in private. He’d deliver it to Charon either tonight or tomorrow. To his surprise, he wasn’t as annoyed by your presence as he thought he would be. He started to wonder when the last time he had talked to a person? He occasionally would speak to Penthos, but considering every day was the same, there wasn’t really much to say.
He walked down the hallway and heard voices speaking in a hushed tone.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m sure she’ll be leaving soon. She seems so nice. I don’t know what your problem is.” It was Lethe.
“She just walks in and acts like she owns the damned place,” Yoongi heard Penthos harshly retort.
Lethe laughed, “She’s a Goddess. The fact she didn’t disembowel you for speaking to her without being spoken to is really something. It’s clear you've never served in any other courts before. While Lord Yoongi is a quiet God, he’s a million times better than most of them.”
Penthos sighed, “I suppose you’re right about that. I’ll see you later.”
Yoongi waited a few seconds and then rounded the corner, he put his hands on his hips, “Lethe, Just the person I wanted to see.”
Lethe froze at first, clearly surprised. After a few seconds, she turned around, bowing slightly, “Yes, my Lord?”
“What room did you end up taking Lady Persephone to?”
“Uh…” she faltered for a moment, wringing her hands.
“I know you didn’t actually put her out in the furthest corner of the palace. It’s fine.”
She let out a deep breath, “She’s staying in the room with the quicksilver door. And I’m sorry she wandered around the castle. I didn’t know if she was supposed to stay in her room or if I was supposed to lock her up. Even though I don’t have a key. I really should have asked first but I didn’t,” Lethe rambled.
“Lethe, it's OK . She’s not a prisoner here, it’s fine.” Yoongi gave a rare smile to reassure her.
“Ok, thank you sir.” she visibly relaxed. “Do you need anything?”
“Just make sure Lady Persephone is comfortable while she is staying here. I’m not sure how long she will be staying, but consider yourself her attendant while she is here.”
Lethe was visibly surprised, “Yes, m’lord.”
This is what I get for complaining that things were too boring. He thought to himself.I’m just glad she’s calmed down. Crying women terrify me. Yoongi continued down the hallway to the furthest wing of the castle. He approached a large set of Enchanted doors. He raised his hands to the sigils and unlocked them. You can’t be too careful. He crossed the antechamber, twisting through another hallway, and finally down a staircase he hadn’t used in decades. He conjured a blue flame to light his path. The air had turned heavy and acrid in the absence of any fresh air. He continued until he arrived at the bottom of the staircase where the floor was dirt. He took a few steps into the small room which connected to the catacombs through various tunnels. He waited several moments before he heard the scratching sound begin against the wall. The sound came closer, accompanied by a clicking noise.
A voice that sounded like something being stretched uncomfortably over a wringer called out in the darkness. “Lord Yoongi. It’s been so long. What does the Lord of the Underworld require?”
Yoongi looked almost bored as the creature climbed closer; its hundreds of black eyes reflected his blue flame.
“Hello Arachne. How are the catacombs?”
“Such a kind Lord. Asking Arachne about the catacombs. This is why you’re my favorite.”
“The catacombs?”
“Fine my Lord. You know we keep the others down here. Its is our privilege to serve the Underworld.” she replies in her raspy voice. Dozens of smaller spiders have started to enter the chamber. Arachne’s children crawl over the walls, eager to catch a rare glimpse of the ruler of the underworld.
Yoongi turned his gaze back to Arachne’s eyes, “Clothes, Arachne. I need dresses. Nice ones, suitable for a Lady.”
The creature let out a cacophonous sound like gnashing teeth. “Oh? Is there a Lady of the Underworld now? I haven’t sewn a wedding dress in centuries.”
Yoongi sighed. He hated dealing with Arachne. Being a gossip is what caused Athena to turn her into a spider in the first place. “No Arachne. Just a visiting Lady who didn’t pack enough. A few normal dresses. No wedding dresses.”
He heard a small wailing sound and watched her pincers quiver, “But I want to make beautiful clothes again. The Underworld needs a Lady for me to dress, and then children to dress. I’ve taught my children to sew, did you know that?” Arachne sounds almost human again as she becomes increasingly excited.
“No. No.” he holds his hand up, glad the darkness is hiding his red cheeks, a mixture of embarrassment and anger coloring his face. He’s becoming sick of others telling him he needs a companion. “Just normal dresses. That’s all”
He heard a collective whining sound from all the spiders, “Very well Lord Yoongi, what colors should they be.”
Yoongi was already turning around and walking towards the door, “You’re the stylist not me. Nice normal dresses Arachne!” He went back up the stairs and straightened his jacket once he arrived on the other side of the locked doors. Arachne would have those clothes done in no time. The poor Spider-Woman had nothing else to do, just decorating the Underworld’s cave system with things people would never see. Yoongi had invited her to come up to the main part of the palace when she first arrived, but she had balked saying it was “too bright” and that “nobody wanted to see a monster.”
He wondered what you were up to. He imagined you had probably finished your letter and were poking your head around the castle some more. He found himself smiling as he walked up the staircase to his office. He opened the door and saw you fast asleep in front of the fireplace. He brought his hand to his mouth and entered the room as quietly as possible, not wanting this moment to end. He tried to decide if he should stay or leave. Instead he found himself just staring at you. You were very pretty. Not in an unnatural way like the other Goddesses he had met, just pretty. He walked across the room and saw You were clutching a book. He knelt down to see what book you had ended up with. Yoongi gently removed it from beneath your arm and ran a finger down the spine. “Underworld Compendium.” A good book. He should know, he wrote it. He grabbed a scrap of paper and marked where you had it open and sat it down next to you.
He walked over to his desk and saw the letter you had written your brother. He imagines that it said “Please come rescue me, I’m being forced to stay with a monster and pretend to be nice to him.” He really wanted to look but knew he shouldn’t. He heard you stir a little and watched you throw an arm over your eyes. Yoongi raised a hand towards the flames, dimming the lights in the room. He looked at the letter again and decided to read it. He took a breath and flipped it open. He read it quickly. It’s a very short letter. He propped his elbows on his desk and held his head in his hands for a moment. He was also eager to see what your brother’s response would be. He thought about writing his own letter but somehow “you fucked up and now I own your sister,” seemed like a bad idea. His nose twitched. He smelled a faint floral scent and looked up. Flowers had started to bloom in a bowl on his desk.
“What the hell is this?” he asked. He heard a faint moaning come from in front of the fireplace, another flower bud appeared. Yoongi felt his face grow warm. He tapped on his Hourglass, watching the sand swirl.
He pulled out one of his journals and began to write in it. He became lost in his own thoughts for a while, the crackling of the fireplace and your light breathing the only sounds. It was soothing in a way he had never felt before.
When he looked up again his desk was covered in flowers. He laughed lightly and heard you start to awaken.
You stretched your arms above your head. Where were you again? You felt the warm fire on your back and slowly opened your eyes. You saw Lord Yoongi sitting at his desk. His eyes flicked over towards you and you suddenly felt very embarrassed. “Sorry. I meant to just rest my eyes,” you said as you sat up. “I hope I didn’t snore too much.”
To your shock he laughs, his deep voice echoing. “Just a little bit. You did make quite the garden here though,” he gestures to his desk which is covered in chrysanthemums.
You blush “Sorry, it happens sometimes. My powers sometimes do their own thing when I'm sleeping or sick. Fortunately, other than making people sneeze, it’s not that bad.” He clearly doesn’t know the meaning behind flowers and you hope he doesn’t look it up any time soon.
You stood up, rubbing your hands up and down your arms at the loss of direct heat from the fireplace.
"it's fine I uh," he runs his tongue along his lower lip, "just didn't know flowers could bloom in the underworld. I've never seen them here."
You laugh a little, "Well apparently they can when the Goddess of Spring is here. Speaking of, when is the next time Charon will be arriving?"
Yoongi moved the hourglass on his desk and looked into it. To you it appeared as though nothing was happening, the sand suspended in between the top and bottom, but he appraised it carefully as though he was reading it.
"Soon," he stood up, pulling his shirt down straight. He pulled an envelope out of the desk drawer and placed your letter inside.
You walked over to the desk to gather the flowers. “Sorry, I’ll just--”
"No. Leave them." he said
You thought maybe he would say more about it but he doesn't. He walked to the back corner of the room and grabbed a cloak.
"Can I come with you?" you asked him
"You don't trust me to deliver it?" he responded harshly.
You feel sad that that's what he thought, your gaze traveled to the floor, "No. I just saw the sea earlier and it looked pretty. And I really don't want to be alone in this giant Palace."
His features immediately softened. "Oh. Ok. Hmm. Hold on." he walks over to you with his cloak and puts it around you, carefully fastening it below your neck. "Here. It's colder out there than it looks."
"Won't you be cold?" you asked in disbelief at how quickly his moods could change.
He shrugged and picked up your letter. "I'm used to it. Don't worry about me."
"I can just stay here…"
"No, let's go." he said and opened the door, motioning for you to go through it. 
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magic713m · 3 years
Before The Sun Sets
It was a beautiful day for the celebration in the Moon Kingdom. A wonderful event was occurring, celebrating the birth of the next heir to the throne, Princess Serenity. Everyone from the system was invited, including the King, Queen, and Prince of Earth. Among the other guests were the princess’s guardians Sailor Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. It was an amazing event, filled with music, dancing, and a wonderful feast.
Finally began the presenting of the gifts. Queen Serenity sat on her throne, with her most loyal advisor Luna standing beside her. Luna, wearing a beautiful yellow dress for the occasion, was also the princess’s nanny. She stood near the cradle as the event took place. The representatives for the other planets presented their gifts for the sweet princess. Some material, others had gifts that were not physical, but more mystical to bestow on the fair maiden. When the royal family of Earth was called, Queen Gaia picked up her three-year-old son and walked beside her husband as they presented their gifts to the princess. The Earth prince, Endymion, looked at his betrothed and the second their eyes made contact, the infant princess smiled and laughed, causing little Endymion to giggle as well. Finally, it was the Inner Senshi’s turn to present their gifts. Each Sailor Senshi represented their planets and were currently only children, around the Earth age of five. They swore eternal loyalty and friendship to the princess.
However, a blast of thunder roared through the halls. A black wind swept through the room as it dimmed. As light began to return, the guests stared at a figure in the center space of the room. The figure was a woman with long black hair, tied in a pair of buns. Her skin was pale and she wore a long dress and wore crescent-shaped earrings on her pointed ears. She stared at Queen Serenity with her blue slit eyes and gave a wicked smile.
“I see so many faces, filled with such joy.”
“Queen Nehellenia, what are you doing here?” Sailor Jupiter demanded.
“I wished to see what could be such a joyous occasion. More importantly, what possible event could not possibly warrant the invitation of a queen.”
Princess Serenity’s cries began to fill the quiet room and Nehellenia looked towards the cradle.
“Ah, the birth of the heir of the Silver Millennium. You did not wish for me to know, dear Serenity.”
“Queen Nehellenia,” Queen Serenity said regally, “You were not invited because of my fear that you would wish ill on my subjects. If you come here with peaceful intentions, you may stay. But if your purpose is to inflict harm, I will ask you to leave. You are welcomed, but your darkness is not.”
Nehellenia gave a loud and wicked cackle, “Serenity, the darkness is as much a part of me as the light is for you. Yet I am resigned to the corner of the moon hidden from the light. You should know the light will always attract the darkness.”
As she spoke, the dark aura around her spread, and gusts of wind were unleashed. The people fell to their knees as the Senshi prepared to fight the wicked ruler.
The four Senshi unleashed their attacks on the evil queen, but they failed to make contact with the evil queen, as she casually walked past the attacks, unable to even touch her, and threw the Senshi aside, approaching Queen Serenity. Luna placed herself between the princess and the wicked queen. Queen Serenity summoned a wand with a crescent moon, holding the Silver Crystal.
“Begone uninvited guest,” she said as she unleashed a blast of light from the crystal. The evil queen fought back, trying to use the darkness to suppress the light. She then looked at the infant princess as she dissolved into the darkness. The darkness filled the room but Queen Serenity was shielded by the light of the Crystal as she began expelling it.
“Queen Serenity, I will take away the most precious thing you cherish. I still have not provided my gift for the blessed occasion. My gift for the princess is this prophecy. The princess shall die before she will rule your kingdom. A prick from the spindle of a spinning wheel shall end her life. This I swear. ”
As the last word filled the room, the darkness retreated from the palace.
As the darkness faded away, people started to gather themselves, now with a feeling of tension. The princess was crying, and the queen picked up her daughter, comforting her, as Luna began to stand, to catch her breath from the attack.
“Your highness,” the queen’s advisor, Luna said.
“There is still a chance to save the princess. I have not yet provided her gift. At this moment in such a celebration of joy, there is a chance we could save her.”
“Luna, even with such a gift, altering Nehellenia’s curse will come at a cost. Are you sure?”
“She is our kingdom’s hope. We will do what we must to ensure it.”
Queen Serenity watched as Luna walked to the cradle and Luna placed a hand on the baby’s forehead.
“Beloved Princess Serenity: should the worst come to pass, and your finger pricked by a spindle, my gift to you is hope. The terrible prophecy shall not bring death, but vast slumber. And through true love’s kiss, this curse shall break. This I promise.”
At her last words, a bright light filled the hall.  Luna was gone, replaced by a black cat, looking over the child.
However, even with Luna’s sacrifice to save the princess, it was clear the princess was not safe in her home on the Moon. After the celebration ended, the four guardians met to discuss how they could continue to protect their charge. While these girls may be children, they were trained on their home planet, preparing for any challenge they must face.
The four decided that it was best to take Princess Serenity away from her home and hide her away on another world until she came of age to inherit the kingdom and the Silver Crystal. They spoke with the Queen, who agreed and that night, the Senshi spirited her out of the castle, to the least likely place anyone would expect: Earth.
“Usagi, get up!” the blonde-haired girl heard her friend shout, breaking her from her peaceful slumber.
“Why do you have to be so mean, Rei,” Usagi asked, hiding under her blanket.
“Ami tried to wake you, and you didn’t listen. So, now it’s my turn. Now get up. Breakfast is ready.”
Usagi sat up and stretched, letting out a loud yawn. The sun was shining into her small room. She washed herself, applying an elixir to her hair, unknowing that it was hiding her silver locks. After she finished washing, she put on her dress. Today was her birthday and she knew her friends had something planned for her. She wondered what it was. They were more guarded around her whenever the subject was brought up. But she had other things on mind.
Makoto was preparing breakfast for the family. It had been sixteen years since the curse was placed on Serenity and the Senshi quietly spirited the dear princess from the Moon. They knew that Earth would be the last place the Queen of the Dark Moon and her ilk would expect to look when the princess had vanished.
Keeping their promise, the Senshi swore off their magic when raising Serenity. The last bit of magic they used was to create a cottage for them and the princess, along with furnishings.
They began calling the princess Usagi, and she grew up in a very happy home. They taught her about the planets and their kingdom and kept her educated on life in the kingdoms, though they had yet to tell her of her royalty. While they were protective of her, they gave her some space and freedom. Every morning, she’d go out to collect fruits and plants for their meals, as long as she promised to come back before dark. And occasionally, on days they needed materials, they would go into town and sometimes take Usagi with them.
They did, however, begin to notice that when Usagi went out to collect, she seemed to return a little later than she had in the past.
“Hm, that smells good,” Usagi said, coming downstairs, sitting in her seat as Makoto poured her some soup.
“So, do you have any plans,” Usagi asked.
“For what,” Rei answered, nonchalantly.
“Well, it is a special day,” Usagi said, waiting for someone to say something, “You know, like a special day for a certain girl…”
“Oh, right,” Ami said, looking up from her book, “It’s your birthday.”
“Happy birthday,” Makoto said, kissing her on the head.
“Wow, sixteen years, I can’t believe it. We should celebrate,” Minako said.
“Yeah, I’ll make you a special meal. We’ll celebrate when you get back,” Makoto said, handing Usagi the berry basket.
Usagi grabbed the basket. After she was gone, the four girls gathered.
“Is it just me or did she seem a little…eager to leave,” Rei asked.
“Maybe she wants to get back to catch us before her present is ready,” Minako said.
“Well, if she wants to spoil her party, then that is her fault, but right now we need to prepare,” Makoto said, gathering up supplies from the kitchen, “I’m going to make the best cake that the Usagi has ever had in her sixteen years.”
“I’ll set up the decorations,” Ami volunteered.
“I’ll make the dress,” Rei said, pulling out the fabrics and sewing supplies.
“And I’ll get the Sailor Wands,” Minako said, heading for the stairs.
Everyone immediately stopped and looked at her.
“What?” she asked, “It’s been sixteen years. We are just doing some quick chores for this one day.”
“Minako,” Ami said, “We can’t. We promised.”
“We can’t take that chance,” Makoto said.
“Minako stop this nonsense and come over here,” Rei said, “I need someone to be the dummy, and you and Usagi share a similar build.”
Disappointed, Minako walked back and stood near the sewing station.
“Since when can you sew,” Minako said, getting into position, as Rei began measuring.
“How hard can it really be?” Rei answered.
Usagi strolled through the forest, humming. She grabbed a few berries and plants to bring back to the cottage. But she was searching for something else.
Suddenly, two hands covered her eyes.
“Got you, my lady,” the supposed assailant said. Once Usagi heard his voice she immediately relaxed. He let go, allowing her to turn around to a man dressed in servant’s attire for the royal family.
“Hello, Mamo-chan,” Usagi said sweetly.
“Usako,” he answered, using his special name for her, before giving her a sweet kiss.
Usagi had met the man, Mamoru, in the market several months ago. He was dressed in his filthy work attire, with his face dotted with dirt and grime, after having tripped in the street.
When their eyes had met, Usagi had known that she just had to talk to him. She was able to slip away from her guardians and the two had spent the day around the square. But as the day had ended, Usagi had known that her friends would be worried, so she had told the man that they could meet the following day, somewhere in the woods, near the creek. She had worried about how her friends might react if they saw someone knocking on their door, and she had been taught to be wary of telling someone where she lived, so she had figured that somewhere close to home would do.
They had begun meeting each other every few days. She had learned so much of him, and about life in the royal court of Earth. Their relationship had started off innocently, just simply talk or play. Learning about themselves, and their dreams. But it soon began to change into something more. A few weeks ago, they shared a first kiss, and their friendship changed forever.
She told him about her morning.
“Happy birthday, then,” he said.
“Thanks, it is a special one. My friends are planning something. I just know it.”
“I wish I could be there.”
“As do I. I know they would love you if they had the chance to get to know you. I wish they weren’t so overprotective.”
“It’s alright. I enjoy our time here.”
They strolled through the forest and talked about their day. Apparently, the Earth court was busy lately. The royal family was planning for a huge trip to the Moon. Soon, the teleporter to the Moon would be set and the family would be on their way.
Finally, the two reached an overlook on top of a hill and enjoyed the scenery of the kingdom.
It was too soon, as Usagi had to return home before her friends worried. She reached her meeting spot, where she’d part with her beloved. But Usagi didn’t want it to end yet.
“Mamo-chan,” Usagi said, stopping him in his tracks as he was heading in the other direction, “I would really love it if you could visit me tonight. At the cottage.”
“Yes. I’m tired of hiding you. I want you to meet them tonight.”
“I’ll come with you right now, if you want.”
“No. It’s better to wait until tonight. If they see you with me, they’ll panic and I do not want to know what they might do. I’ll tell them about us when I get home. It will give them some time to cool.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I love you and I want you in my life.”
“I love you too, Usako. I can’t wait,” he said, smiling.
“Remember, tonight. Right after sunset.”
“I look forward to it.”
They shared one more kiss, before heading in their respective directions.
Makoto was finishing her four layer cake, and Ami was trying to hang the last of the decorations. As Rei tried sewing in the final stitches, Minako continued looking in the mirror with disgust. The fabric colors were clashing, the seams were hanging loose, barely holding the dress together, and Minako knew the dress was only one wrong step from falling apart.
“Perfect,” Makoto said, finishing icing the pastry, “Just need to add some candles.”
“Wow, Ami, the decorations…” Makoto began, finally noticing Ami’s work. Honestly, Makoto thought, while the decorations were nice, Ami covered most of the ceiling and the wall with them. And some of them were hanging, obtrusively, at neck level.
“Well, if Usagi didn’t know it was her birthday, she will certainly know when she walks through the door,” Makoto finished.
“And finished,” Rei announced, sewing in the last stitch. Ami and Makoto turned to see the dress Minako was begrudgingly modeling.
“Wow,” Ami said, “It’s certainly not the way it looked in the book.”
“I can honestly say you’ve added your own style to it,” Makoto said, trying to stifle a laugh.
“Really? Thanks,” Rei said, looking at the dress, “Hm, I think perhaps it might need a few more ruffles. What do you think, Minako?”
“What do I think,” Minako echoed, bitterly, “Well I-”
Minako turned and tripped on the long skirt, ripping the dress, as the seams began to unravel. She quickly grabbed one of the hanging paper-chain-ring decorations and it ripped off the ceiling, taking down the long line of rings, with one of the chains getting tangled around the cake As the girls went to help Minako up, Rei tripped over the fallen decoration and the cake was dragged off the table, onto the ground.
As Minako began to get up, she slipped on some icing and got covered in some cake. Everyone was silent, seeing all their hard work undone.
“That’s IT!” Minako shouted.
“Now, please be reasonable,” Ami said, trying to calm her fellow Senshi.
“Reasonable? I’m covered in cake and in a dress that was a mess before it trashed the house. And Usagi will be home within the hour.”
She stood up, and marched upstairs, with the dress pieces just falling off her in her path.
“Desperate times, desperate measures. I’m getting the wands!”
Rei picked up some of the pieces of cloth from the ruined dress, “Hate to say it, but I think she’s right.”
“Here we go,” Minako said, happily, showing their wands, which glowed.
“Careful,” Rei immediately said, “If we’re doing this, we have to do this right.”
Ami nodded, “We can’t let anyone know of this.”
“Alright,” Minako agreed, “Doors, windows, cracks, nothing gets a peek inside this house.”
The girls darkened the cottage, cutting off any natural light from getting in. But soon as the girls grabbed their wands, the place began to light up as the wands began brightening the room.
“Okay, so since we are pressed on time, we all do the same tasks as before,” Rei said, “I’ll make the dress, Ami will decorate the cottage, and Makoto makes the cake.”
“Hey, this was my idea,” Minako pointed out.
“Which is why you have the task of making this place spotless before Usagi gets home.”
“Fine,” Minako said, begrudgingly.
The girls went to their individual tasks:
Minako animated the cleaning utensils such as the broom and dust pan and other supplies, and began cleaning up the mess. She had the floor mopped and she was able to dry it quickly before anyone could slip on it.
Ami commanded the decorations to rise up and place themselves on the walls and ceiling, though this time higher, no longer a hazard to anyone passing by it. They looked more organized and less cluttered.
Rei waved her wand and the unused cloth pulled out. With cloth and scissors, and sewing material in motion, a beautiful dress was formed, not a stitch out of place. Something that was more suitable for a princess to wear.
Makoto was now in the kitchen, commanding the ingredients to go into motion to form her cake. While she preferred the satisfaction of cooking the mortal way, there was no getting around the speed needed that only magic could provide. The cake took shape and she waved her wand to cook the dough, ready within minutes, and she put the candles and icing in place.
The girls were finishing their tasks when they heard the gate outside open.
“Usagi’s back!” Makoto said, hearing Usagi humming. The girls quickly cleaned up their work spaces, and hid just as soon as Usagi opened the door.
“I’m home-” Usagi gasped, seeing the place decorated along with a lovely dress and a delicious cake.
“Surprise!” the girls shouted in joy.
“Oh this is so lovely,” Usagi said, looking at the room, “I can’t believe you all did this for me.”
“It’s a special day,” Minako answered, “and we have another surprise for you too.”
“Actually,” Usagi began, “I actually have a surprise for you, as well.”
Usagi cleared her throat.
“Well, um, for the past few months now, I have been meeting with someone, and invited him-”
“Wait, you met some stranger and he’s coming here?!” Rei interrupted. The girls bombarded her with questions.
“Who is he!?”
“What did he say to you?”
“Please, he is not dangerous,” Usagi answered, “We have been meeting for a while now.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because you have always been so overprotective. I wanted to meet him without having to worry he would be scared off by my sisters.”
Usagi continued, “Anyways, we have kinda been...courting.”
“He was a perfect gentleman,” she continued, “I invited him over to meet you all tonight. He is a wonderful man and he is kind and-”
“Oh no, she’s in love,” Makoto interrupted.
Usagi said nothing but blushed in response.
“Usagi, I’m sorry to say this, but that is not going to work out. You’re going to have to stop seeing him,” Ami sympathized.
“What, why?! Why can’t I be in love? You haven’t even met him, so I don’t see why you are suddenly forbiddening me to see him.”
“Because you are already betrothed,” Minako blurted out.
“What?” Usagi was stunned. Rei glared at Minako, but looked back to Usagi.
“You are betrothed to the heir apparent of the Golden Kingdom of Earth. Prince Endymion.”
“That’s not possible. I can’t be betrothed. I’m just a peasant.”
“No, you are not. You are royalty. You are Princess Serenity, the long lost daughter of the Silver Millennium.”
Usagi’s eyes widened. She had no idea how she could possibly believe such news.
“That’s not possible,” she said, trying to form a coherent thought.
“It’s true,” Ami said, “We’ve been keeping you safe all these years, and tonight you will be revealed to the court, safe and sound.”
“And I have to marry a stranger? You can’t do this. I never asked for much, but this I know I want. Please don’t take him from me.”
“I’m sorry Serenity-”
“Don’t call me that! It’s not fair. I can’t-”
The princess began to breathe heavily and she fell to the ground. The girls ran to help her, but she screamed. She grabbed her head and suddenly the crescent moon symbol appeared on her forehead. As she screamed, a bright light shot up from the spot where she collapsed, into the sky. It lasted for a few seconds, but soon the light faded, and she was there, still displaying the crescent moon mark, and her hair turned silver.
“Your coming into your powers,” Ami said, “You are becoming the true princess of the Moon”
“We have to pack, right now,” Minako said, “I’m sorry we can’t ease you into this, but anyone might have seen that light. We have to move, get her to the Moon before sundown.”
Usagi looked up, her face still covered in tears, “But I promised Mamoru I’d be here. He’s expecting me to be here.”
“I’m sorry princess, but we have to go. I know this is harsh, but it is best you put him out of your mind,” Rei concluded
As they all hurried to pack, they failed to see a winged fiery eyeball watching them, hearing everything they say, before flying back to its wicked queen.
Before the final day was over, the Senshi returned to the Moon, with their princess. They did not inform anyone of their arrival, just in case Nehellenia had spies planted in court. They didn’t even tell Queen Serenity, so that she would act normally, until the prophecy was defeated by sundown.
They finally made it to Princess Serenity’s intended room. The bed was all made up for her, and the place was decorated in the moon culture fashion. They helped her prepare for the ceremony and got her dressed into the gown Rei had made for her birthday.
“Princess,” Sailor Jupiter said, looking at the dresser mirror, “You look so beautiful.”
Serenity held back her tears, trying not to ruin the work her friends had done with her make up.
“I promise, princess, you will be happy,” Sailor Venus said, and quietly talked to the others in a whispered voice, “I just heard. The prince is running late. He did not arrive with the rest of Earth’s royal family.”
“Do we know when he will arrive?” Sailor Mercury asked.
“No. Hopefully soon.”
“Please,” Serenity began, “Can I please just...”
“C’mon,” Sailor Mars said, herding the others out, “She needs a few minutes.”
“We will be right outside, if you need us” said Sailor Jupiter, closing the door behind them, leaving the princess with her thoughts.
Serenity could not hold back her tears.
“Mamo-chan,” she whispered to herself.
Serenity turned around and saw a passageway she did not notice before. She got up and heard an echo through it. She got closer and closer to the passage, but felt a force, resisting her attempt to walk through.
“Mamo-chan?!” she shouted down the corridor.
“Usako”, Mamoru’s voice shouted back from a distance.
With more force, Serenity pushed through, into the passage. Unbeknownst to the princess, her Senshi arrived just in time to see her push her way through a big mirror.
Serenity climbed the stairs. The corridors made no sense, and she was surely going to be lost for days, but she continued to follow her love’s voice, calling to her. She finally reached a tower, and as she opened the door, she lost her breath. Standing in the room was Mamoru, still in the same outfit as he was wearing earlier that day.
“Mamo-chan,” Serenity said, about to cry. “What?”
“I saw you leaving and I had to find you. I am so glad you’re here.”
“Is this...” Serenity started, “Is this real?”
Mamoru extended his hand, offering it “Let me prove it.”
She hesitated, but she looked into his beautiful eyes, and unconsciously reached out for him, accepting his hand. But instead of the comforting warmth she was expecting, she felt a pinch on her forefinger. She looked at her hand and saw in front of her a spinning wheel, with a sharpened spindle, which she scratched her finger on. She looked back up and in place of her love stood a tall scary woman. Before the princess could say anything, she felt her eyelids getting heavy and she started to get dizzy, and soon everything went black.
“I feel so bad for her,” Venus said, “She meets the love of her life, and we just took it from her.”
“Our duty is to the princess. She might not like all our decisions, but we are doing this for her,” Mars responded.
“And this is better for both kingdoms,” Jupiter added, “After years, we are so close to peace.”
“It still sucks.”
“Wait, do you feel that,” Mercury interrupted them. The girls stopped and felt a dark chill down their spines. They felt it coming from Serenity’s room.
They swiftly opened the door, and saw Serenity entering a mirror that was not there before.
“USAGI!” they cried.
They ran for her, but before they could grab her, she passed through the glass and the mirror was dark, sending no reflection.
“Out of the way, Mars Flame Sniper!”
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Lightning and fire struck the mirror but it remained undamaged.
“It’s no use!”
Venus stepped forward, “Come on. Let’s combine our powers.”
Using their abilities, they directed it at the mirror and opened a way for them to slip in through.
“Usagi!” They shouted, their voices echoing through the various corridors. They heard nothing back. They split up and went through various corridors, but they continued running into dead ends or being drawn back to the same passages. The place was a big complicated maze, and they soon found themselves right back at the entrance.
“Nehellenia’s making us run in circles,” Jupiter said.
“Wait, the princess’s powers were unlocked. We should focus on that and follow it,” Mercury said.
“Worth a shot,” said Mars.
They closed their eyes and focused. They felt an intense cold in the world they were in. But soon, they felt a warm pull. They opened their eyes and followed the warm light in the distance.
They finally saw their princess in the distance, entering a doorway and the door closed behind her. They rushed forward, but it felt like the door was getting further away. But soon they reached it and pulled it open with such force.
“Usagi,” they shouted as they saw the poor girl collapsed on the ground, in front of a spinning wheel. Eyes shut, not moving. She looked uninjured, except a cut on her finger, her blood on the spindle.
The Earth prince, Endymion, rode through the forest, following the path his love, Usagi, had given him, before she left. He decided that tonight, he would tell her everything. That he was a prince and heir of the planet, and he loved her dearly. And if Usagi could look past his deception, he was going to ask her to marry him. He did not care that he was betrothed to some stranger from another kingdom. He wanted to see his love everyday, in public, no longer as a secret in the forest.
When he had first met her, it had been a day filled with stress caused by his royal obligations. He had needed to get away, so he had disguised himself as a servant, as he had done on more than one occasion, and went into town, exploring the marketplace. It had been there where he met his angel.
He had not wanted her to treat him differently, so he had continued the ruse as a servant, and had continued their meetings in the woods. It had been a wonderful few months, being with her, getting to know her, as a wonderful person, with a beauty to match her soul. He needed her in his life.
He finally reached the cottage, where Usagi had said it would be, and got off his horse. He took a deep breath and knocked, but the door slowly opened, left ajar, revealing to a dark living room, illuminated by only the moonlight.
“Come in,” he heard a voice say. It wasn’t Usagi’s voice, but maybe it was one of her friends….maybe one with a sore throat.
He walked in, and as he moved further into the room, the door slammed closed and he found himself overwhelmed by what looked like small balls of darkness. He fought them off but he felt them draining him of his energy, collapsing to the ground. He tried to access the power of the royal Golden Crystal, but he lost too much energy to be able to use it. He looked up from the ground, too weak to grip his sword, and saw an old grey woman-like creature. She had blue robes and had a staff that had a flaming eyeball at the top.
“This is quite a development. A princess of one kingdom cursed, and a prince of another kingdom a prisoner of the Dead Moon.”
Mamoru remembered hearing stories of the Dead Moon. The very name stirred up dormant and vague memories of a terrifying experience he had as a child, when he visited the Moon Kingdom.
“My queen will love such a prize,” he heard the woman say as his vision went dark.
The Senshi were devastated, their friend in a death-like slumber. By the time they found her, they were out of Nehellenia’s mirror dimension and they were in the tower of the castle. They arrived, in horror, to find Serenity lying on the ground, eyes closed, with a small scratch on her finger. Nehellenia stood before them, cackling as she vanished back into her mirror, as it disappeared. The Senshi knew the curse was fulfilled. They couldn’t leave their princess lying in the tower, so they carried her back to her room. The stairway back down was more direct, now that they were no longer travelling through Nehellenia’s mirror realm. It wasn’t until they were near her room, where they saw the full impact of the curse.
They soon discovered guards and castle staff having collapsed, in a similar deep slumber. They realized the curse was feeding off of Serenity’s power, strengthening itself to spread far and wide, putting the whole kingdom into a deep sleep with their princess. It was by good fortune that, being Senshi, they were able to resist the curse. They knew to end the curse, they needed Serenity’s love, Mamoru. If he loved her as much as she had claimed to love him, he could end the nightmare.
After placing their princess into bed, they took the teleporter back to Earth. They found that Earth was suffering from the curse as well; nobles passed out in the streets, knights fallen off their horses unconscious, peasants slumbering in the fields. The Senshi rushed back to the cottage, in hopes that Serenity’s true love would be there, as she said, and hoped he did not fall victim as well.
They arrived at the cottage and saw the door left open. They cautiously walked in and saw the place was a mess, showing clear signs of a struggle.
“What happened?” Mars said, looking around with worry.
“Hold on,” Mercury said, pulling out her computer and activating her goggles, and began scanning the room. She looked around and was directed to a small dark corner of the blackened room. “Over there,” she pointed.
Jupiter and Venus walked slowly and cautiously to the corner. Suddenly, something jumped out: a small dark black circular creature. It shot past the two Senshi and bounced around before escaping the cottage.
“Was that...” Jupiter began.
“It was a Lemure. One of Nehellenia’s,” Venus finished her sentence, “The Dead Moon Circus. They were here.”
“It looks like there was a fight,” Mars said, “Mamoru must have been attacked by them.”
“But I don’t see a body. So they either killed him, or he escaped.”
“That was just one Lemure. They travel in packs. If they caught him off guard, they could have overwhelmed him.”
“Which begs the question, why not kill him?”
“I don’t know. But if he’s not here, there’s only one place he could be.”
“Nehellenia’s castle.”
“We have no choice. We have to save him.”
Getting to the evil queen’s castle was quite the feat, but together, the four combined their power to teleport into the castle. A trying task, which they wouldn’t be able to do again within the castle walls. The Senshi quietly snuck around the castle, finding a lack of security, only needing to avoid a couple guards.
They soon found themselves overlooking the throne room and found out why the security was so lax. There was a dark, twisted feast occurring in the large room. A celebration of sorts with vile monsters partying.
The Senshi looked disgusted by the event, but Jupiter looked on, “Over there.” She pointed and saw Zirconia, Nehellenia’s most loyal servant observing events. But the hag began to walk away from the room, and the Senshi quietly tailed her. They followed her to the castle dungeons, and they heard screaming, as Zirconia opened one of the cell doors.
“You choose when you want this pain to end, dear prince,” the Senshi heard inside, from a familiar voice.
“Mistress,” they heard Zirconia, “Your desires are almost achieved. The princess is gone, both great kingdoms are cursed, and the crystal is almost within your grasp. If you don’t mind my saying, you’ve had a long, productive day. Perhaps some rest can do some good.”
“Yes, perhaps I am pushing myself. Thank you.”
The Senshi took cover as they heard footsteps leaving the cell. They looked behind and watched, as Nehellenia and Zirconia left the small cell. Zirconia tapped her staff on the ground and the cell door closed behind her. She turned her head towards the Senshi and they ducked behind the corner, unsure if they were seen. They waited for a few moments before looking to see the hag leave the dungeon, behind her mistress.
They quickly moved to the cell, and Jupiter kicked the door open, with full force, breaking it off the locks.
There, they found someone they had not expected
“Prince Endymion,” Venus said. The prince raised his head, staring wide-eyed at his visitors.
“You-you’re the Sailor Senshi,” he answered, questioningly, not quite sure if they were real.
“What are you doing here?” Mars asked, as she, Mercury and Venus approached him and Jupiter stood watch. He was wearing his armor, but they could see burned marks and other injuries on the prince.
“They want the Golden Crystal.” he answered.
“How’d they catch you? Shouldn’t you have been protected?”
“They caught me off guard. One minute, I was going to meet someone at their residence in a woodland cottage, the next thing I know, I am being attacked and found myself in a dungeon.”
“Who were you supposed to meet?”
Endymion suddenly stopped talking, and looked away from them.
“Wait a minute,” Venus said, “Who was it exactly you were planning to see?”
He did not answer, still avoiding her gaze.
“Usagi?” Venus said. He slightly flinched, and she had her answer.
“You,” Venus said, “It is you? You’re Usagi’s Mamoru?”
“How do you know her?” he asked, as the last of his restraints were broken.
The Senshi’s eyes lit up to this revelation.
“We need to hurry, but there is something you must know, prince” Mars said, “We need to tell you the truth about your maiden.”
Endymion could not believe it. The very news just sent shocks throughout his body. Usagi, the peasant girl he had met so many times in the woods, was the lost Princess Serenity, his betrothed. And was trapped in a horrible curse.
“You love Usagi, right?” Venus asked.
“Yes,” he said, quickly, without hesitation.
“Then there is hope. True love can break the curse. You can save her.”
“We need to go,” Jupiter said to the group.
Endymion closed his eyes, and used the power of the Golden Crystal to summon his damaged armor to repair and called on his sword to appear in his hand. The group of five made their way out of the cell, and proceeded out of the dungeon, when they heard a commotion. Noises of monsters getting closer to them, forcing them to run faster down to the corridor.
They travelled down the passage ways, until they made it to the courtyard. However, the yard was now filled with monsters, with Zirconia standing at the forefront.
“Senshi,” Zirconia said, “I have to say, it is a surprise to see you up and about. But I am afraid this is as far as you go. Our guest still needs to surrender the crystal.”
The five fighters stood back to back, surrounded by the forces of the Dead Moon.
“Kill them,” Zirconia commanded.
The creatures rushed forward, attacking. The fight expanded around the courtyard. At first, the group stayed together, but soon were forced to split off and fight the monsters with their powers. Mars used her fire attacks as she thinned the number of her attackers. Mercury used her water, sweeping away her foes, freezing them, and even misting the air to blind them. Jupiter used her lightning, taking out many foes caught in the lightning chains. Venus blasted her foes with raining light beams from the sky. And Endymion used a combination, blasting his enemies with his powers and swiping his sword at those who got too close.
The battle went well, until Endymion was blasted from a dark power, coming from the sky. He fell, and soon Zirconia was right in front of him, with Zircon on her staff.
Zircon flew from the staff, floating over the group, as Zircon levitated. A cone of shadow was released from the eye, and the group collapsed from it, as if being weighed down. As they were pinned, Zirconia unleashed powerful blasts, each hitting one of the Senshi.
Zircon returned to the staff as Zirconia laughed.
But Endymion defiantly stood up, and he felt the energy of the Golden Crystal flow through him. He pointed his palm at the hag and a shot of golden energy was released at her. She screeched as she tried to endure the attack. The Senshi stood, regaining their composure. They focused on pooling their power together. Endymion could hold his attack no longer and he had to stop, with Zirconia exhausted but still alive.
However, she looked at the Senshi. Eyes widened, knowing her fate.
“Sailor Planet Attack!”
Together, the Senshi used their power, striking Zirconia, and she and Zircon dissolved into ashes.
With their foe destroyed, the group made their way out of the castle walls.
They made their way to the Golden Kingdom’s castle. All they had to do was get Endymion to the teleporter, to the Moon Kingdom, and he could free Serenity from the curse.
However, as they got closer, suddenly the road was bombarded by strikes of dark lightning.
They turned around and saw a figure from a distance, standing at the tower of the dark castle: Nehellenia.
She extended her hand again and from the tips of her fingers unleashed a chain of black lightning. The group scattered, dodging the attack.
Knowing how close they were to the castle, they made a run to the fortress. Lightning from the sky continued to crash down as they swayed back and forth from it.
With the castle in sight, the Senshi led Endymion, but they tripped. Looking down, the warriors found they had stepped in a field of webs. They looked ahead and saw the whole castle and the surrounding area encased in webbing.
The Senshi struggled to no avail. However, Endymion was fortunate to avoid the trap. He took out his sword, and channeling the power of the Golden Crystal, swiped the webbing, freeing the Senshi. They moved forward as he continued swiping at the threads. He was close, reaching the gates, but suddenly, in front of the gates stood a mirror, with no reflection but a dark void.
“You will not stop me, dear prince,” a voice said.
He saw before them Queen Nehellenia in the mirror as the object began to levitate. It ascended higher, and soon the queen’s silhouette formed around the mirror. As it reached high, it had vanished within the chest of the gigantic queen.
The Senshi and Endymion prepared for the last push to save their princess.
Meanwhile, in the Moon Kingdom, the princess remained in slumber. Yet somehow, she felt something troubling her soul. That her loved ones were in grave danger. Not knowing how, she knew she needed to help and reached out to them. Her body began to glow and a bright beam of light was released from her body, heading to Earth.
Endymion and the Senshi were now on the ground, Injured, failing to defeat the giant as she continued bombarding the field with lightning. She raised her hand, as it glowed with dark power.
Suddenly, a bright light from the moon created a shield around the group, and Nehellenia’s power failed to penetrate it.
“Usako,” Endymion said, knowing, somehow, that it was her power that saved them. He felt renewed strength as he stood, along with the Senshi.
“Let’s end this,” Venus said. The Senshi charged at the queen and used their powers, causing her to flinch and push backward.
Endymion picked up his sword, and saw it begin to glow with Serenity’s power. He focused his own power within it and it shined brightly. He charged at Nehellenia and threw the blade, embedding the blade into her chest.
She screamed, as an echoing, cracking, sound was heard. The Senshi stopped their attack, as the queen looked at the sword, not embedded in her chest, but in the mirror now floating outside her form, as more fractures began appearing. The whole mirror shattered into dust, and the queen screeched, as she, too, dissolved into the darkness. With all traces of her gone, the only thing left behind was the glowing sword, as it lost its shine.
Endymion exhaled, finally taking a rest, but suddenly, Mars and Jupiter helped him to his legs.
“Don’t rest now, prince,” Mars said, smiling, “You only have a little further to go. Someone needs to wake up our lazy princess.”
They let Endymion go, as he was able to balance himself on his feet, and led them to the planetary teleporter. Soon he was on the Moon, and the Senshi led him to the princess’s room.
And there he saw her, now in her princess gown, but his Usako, no doubt. He approached her bed and she looked so peaceful. He cupped her cheek and leaned in, placing his lips softly on her’s. He drew his head back and looked at her as she slowly opened her eyes.
Serenity’s eyes took a moment to adjust. Her vision was blurry, but soon her vision cleared and she was staring into those midnight blue eyes, of the man she loved.
“Mamo-chan,” she whispered.
He cupped her cheek, lovingly, “Usako.”
The two kissed deeply, and just as they separated, the Senshi burst into the room.
“Usagi,” they shouted. Endymion backed away as the four jumped onto the big bed, where each of the Senshi got a chance to give Serenity a big hug, as they all laughed, playfully.
Moments after Serenity awoke, the curse that had spread across both kingdoms had lifted and everyone slowly woke from their slumber. The Senshi were very quick to inform the royal parents of the events and the celebration was put back on track within hours.
Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion entered the grand room, arms linked, and the moment they were standing before the royals, Queen Serenity quickly got up from her throne and embraced her daughter, not having held her since she gave her to her guardians sixteen years ago.
The prince and princess were wedded, and they began the celebration by sharing their first dance.
“It’s funny,” the prince whispered.
“What is,” she asked her now husband.
“Yesterday, I was prepared to give up everything, to marry some beautiful peasant girl I met in the market.”
“What a coincidence. When I heard I was betrothed to a prince, I did not know how I could ever be happy with him, after courting a handsome stranger.”
They looked at each other, and smiled, sharing another kiss.
And They Lived Happily Ever After
5 notes · View notes
immiebee · 5 years
Valerius nearly spat out his wine and onto the noble woman sitting across from him. The pair had taken up on a light pleasant conversation during the masquerade, the Consul pleases that he had found someone that he could discuss the current topic with.
So many commoners were dressed in fancy costumes that it was hard to identify who was a commoner. Well almost. Their behavior always stuck out like a sore thumb. Clearly it was easy to dress up a peasant, but decorum training was lacking.
But all of that halted in the back of his mind when his eyes locked onto a masked figure standing across from the Countess. Their shorter figure covered in a earthy bohemian style dress, the mismatched patterns and carefully embroidered flowers making the person stand out against the elegant and outlandish costumes of other party goers. But their mask is what had Valerius doing a double take. Jealousy and awe ripping apart his heart.
How did they get an Elsweyer mask?!
Excusing himself, Valerius nearly tripped over his own feet as he strolled towards Nadia and the masked stranger. Coming up beside Nadia, Valerius gave a curt bow before giving a slight smirk, “Countess. Who is this distinguished creature that has graced your presence?”
Well played. Flattery goes a long way, Valerius......play your cards right and maybe you will get your hands on one of the coveted Elsweyer commissions!
Nadia glancing over curiously a playful smirk forming on her face, “Oh? Simply a very good friend. I thought her costume of choice would turn a fine nobleman such as yourself to look the other way.”
“Nonsense!” Reaching our to take a soft cream colored hand in his own, Valerius dropped a kiss to it. “I am a man of exquisite tastes, you should know this, Countess.”
“Well you have had a blunder or two when it came to tastes in partners.....” Noting Valerius deep blush Nadia continued, “But I do admit she is quite a keeper. Enjoy the masquerade you two.”
Valerius curiously cocking an eyebrow as the Countess left. Soon realizing he was alone with the still silent masked woman. Coughing into his hand he gently held out his arm for her, “Care to take a stroll in the gardens?”
The woman gave a soft nod before linking her arm in his. Leaving the Consul to take in the beautiful mask. The mask was shaped into a lion like head. The dark grey and earthy colors complimenting the dress she was in. The red and orange obsidian glass covered her eyes, so it quite literally was a mask. Noting the complex markings and shading had Valerius’ heart rapidly beating.
Whoever this is must be rich! A complex piece such as this can fetch a hefty price!
Soon the pair came to rest on the edge of the fountain. The man had pulled every flattery card and schmoozing he had carefully crafted over the years as Consul during their walk. Yet still the woman had yet to give him even a small giggle! Giving a soft frown he was ready to give another sappy quote from a love poem when a soft voice filled his mind.
~You can stop with the flattery, Consul. If you want to see my mask you can simply ask me.~
Blinking Valerius practically went cross eyed with embarrassment when the woman took off her mask to reveal it was the witch apprentice. Tossing her hood back, Lactarius gave a bright smile. The man throwing his head to the side as he gave a soft snarl, his golden eyes hardened at the reveal.
Leaning over Lactarius gave a soft chuckle, “Is this how nobles treat their women? Especially after telling me.....what was it? In an endless garden of flowers, I shall always pick you.”
Clutching her mask to her chest she swooned as Valerius abruptly stood. His chest now burning with embarrassment as he began to storm off, only to have a soft hand clinging to his one halt him. Turning back he glared at her, “Nevermind. You commoners are all the same!”
“Except that you are wondering why, of all the people in Vesuvia, I should have the pleasure of owning a Elsweyer mask?”
“There is a waiting list! How did you even get on the list!? Only high society is capable of having and obtaining an Elsweyer piece!” His braid falling to his back as he rambled, “Constantine Elsweyer and his family are remarkably gifted crafters! And for you to own one and not me.........”
Lactarius watched as Valerius flopped down next to her, his face in his hands as he let out a shuddered sigh. His face turning into a grimaced frown as the witch let him wallow in his sorrow. Soon the witch took the man’s hand in her own before gently placing the mask in his hand. Letting his other hand fall from his face, Valerius cradled the mask in his hands.
Staring down in awe, the man turned it to take in the minor details up close. The mask was a mix of sturdy resin with a thin layer of dark leather over top to bring out the carefully carved details. The obsidian eyes were flexible yet thick and up close Valerius could see the ground through the eyes. The inside of the mask was lined with soft breathable velvet, the deep forest green standing out.
“You want to wear it?”
Snapping out of his stupor Valerius rapidly shook his head, his eyes wide like he had been asked to rope a lion. “No! ...no.....this is yours. I will break it.”
Cocking her head Lactarius gave a soft giggle, “You haven’t broke it yet! Besides you look like you’ve seen a unicorn.” Taking the mask from him she gently tied the mask over his face before ushering the Consul to look into the calm water, “Here! You look amazing!”
Peering into the water, the man turned his head from side to side as he blinked rapidly. Taking in the mask he quietly enjoyed the feel of the velvet against his skin while also wondering just how well the mask fit, like it was made for him.
“Runes are sewed into the velvet, so it fits snug against the wearers face so don’t worry about it falling off.”
“Of course! I forgot they do that with their masks. It makes sense that an entire family could wear it.” Gently taking it off he inspected it closely a smile playing on his face, “How did you acquire your mask? It takes years to even get letter of approval not to mention a large sum of money up front to show you are serious about the wait.”
“Well, Constantine came through Vesuvia several years back with his wife. His wife happened to stop by my shop and inquired about my aphrodisiacs. One of their daughters and her husband had an issue with fertility. They had several still borns and were ready to call it quits until I suggested the pair come to Vesuvia and get an aphrodisiac for them.” Leaning back on her arms Lactarius continued, “The pair made an appearance a month later and a year later I got a letter from Constantine Elsweyer stating his daughter gave birth to a healthy baby girl.”
Rolling a leather resin coin from out of her sleeve Lactarius smirked when Valerius’ jaw dropped at the sight of the dragon shaped coin. “They gave me a front of the line pass for anything I wanted commissioned as a gift. From a large statue, a mask, a carved wall decor, or beautifully crafted jewelry. I of course chose a mask because I could wear it for the masquerade.”
Gently taking the coin and placing it in Valerius’ open upturned palm. The man stares down at the coin before looking back to the smiling witch. “What is this?”
“Send your letter of approval with the coin and you will be put into the front of the line free of charge!” Laughing when the Consul’s face lit up like a child on the eve of winter solstice, “I don’t need two pieces! Besides I don’t know anyone in Vesuvia that would truly appreciate an Elsweyer piece as much as you, Consul.”
Gasping, Lactarius let the mask fall into her lap when the man’s lips met hers. Taking her hand in his Valerius placed the coin into his chest pocket before leading her back towards the palace and across the dance floor. Lactarius quickly tying her mask back into place. “A gift like this demands a proper thanks.”
“I’d love to dance!”
“I fear by the time I’m done with you, you will not want to dance.”
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Art done by @ lajadelmira
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nataliedanovelist · 5 years
GF - Beauty Within the Fallen ch.III
Summary: Two misfit twins come across an enchanted castle, home of a mysterious beast, and slowly begin to form a strong bond that just might survive through anything. Even evil demons.
AU and artwork belong to the beautiful and very talented @artsycrapfromsai​. Go give her some love, guys!!!
ch.II - ch.IV
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“Hello? Monsieur Soos? Monsieur Stan told us to find you.” Mabel called out nicely on the stairs. Dipper watched as his sister optimistically roamed the stairs for the keeper of the key and grounds of the castle. There were so many times he wished he was more like her. Mabel was super strong and kind and just outright amazing; no matter what the world threw at her, she was happy and cheerful. Through losing their parents and then their Grandpa Shermie, through being lost in the woods and nearly eaten, through meeting a beast, Mabel was still joyful and out-going. Dipper wished he could be more like that, but sometimes it felt like a dark cloud forever hung over his head; he was the realistic twin, the Debby-downer of the two; someone had to be, and he never wanted it to be Mabel. “Maybe we misheard him.” Mabel pondered when no one was responding to her calls. “Did Monsieur Stan say Soos or Zeus?”
Dipper shrugged. “Or maybe we were sent on a wild goose chase.” “Eck! A goose?!” Mabel gasped with sparkling eyes. “Sup, dawgs!” A voice called from the top of the second flight of stairs. “I’m Soos! Sorry, just wanted to make sure your room was clean. So dusty… anyways, welcome!” Dipper and Mabel peered to where the voice was coming from and saw a hammer standing up on it’s handle. It was smiling with long buck teeth and kind eyes. Split from the handle, like big splinters, were the arms, but it had no legs. Mabel smiled while Dipper just stared. “Hi! I’m Mabel! So you’re Soos?” “Sure am!” The hammer gestured to follow him. “C’mon, dudes, I’ll show you to your room.” Mabel followed with Dipper right behind her. Past expensive, dusty objects and paintings, the hammer led them to another set of double-doors. The hammer pushed them open and the kids awed at the living quarters. Beautiful twin-sized bunk beds stood proudly with the finest silks and pillows stuffed with feathers. A giant window with a balcony displayed the calm fall rain and a huge chest filled with toys and a wardrobe occupied the room, but the space was so vast that it somehow felt empty. The walls were painted gold with knights and kings and glorious battles telling stories on the ceiling. Mabel squealed with delight and ran to the bottom bed and plopped down. “Wowie, zowie! Is this all ours?” “Sure is, dude.” Soos said. “The boss wanted you kids to be safe and comfortable.” “You mean that big scary beast downstairs?” Dipper asked. “That’s the one!” Dipper couldn’t keep his smile at bay any longer. “I have always wanted bunk beds.” “I think he’s nice.” Mabel said from the bottom bunk. “Oh, the dude’s a nice guy.” Soos insisted. “Once you get to know him. He saved me and Abuelita from the streets a long time ago, gave us jobs and a home.” A cart came in, carrying a beautiful china pot that smiled at the guests. “Welcome!” She said with an Asian accent. “My name is Candy. So good to have company with us. Dinner will be ready shortly. Oh, no! You two look cold. Grenda! Grenda, wake up!” She barked. The wardrobe burst open and the eyes on top of the piece of furniture popped open. “I’m up, I’m up! SWEET LORD! Finally, new muses! You two need some new clothes!” Grenda opened her drawers, but moths flew out and she closed up immediately. “Oops. That’s… that happens sometimes.” Grenda opened her drawers again and whistled. “Okay, ladies, let's get to work, up, up, up!” Sewing needles, measuring tape, and thread sprang up from a drawer and began to work, pulling rolls of cloth out from the other drawers and sewing around the twins as they stood still. Mabel giggled and lightly touched the needles in greeting, treating them like butterflies, while Dipper stood rigid and still, afraid of being hurt. “Aw, don’t be so tense, boy.” Grenda giggled. “You like blue?” Dipper took in a deep breath, trying to relax, and he smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I like blue.” Soon the kids were changed into nicer clothes; not formal, but not made from itchy material and much more comfortable than their soak garments. Mabel twirled in her pink petticoat and jacket with golden buttons and she grinned at her brother, who wore a navy-blue jacket over an orange top. He kept his blue cap on proudly and he seemed comfortable. “Tuck your shirt in, scruffy.” The mirror on the wall spoke, spooking the kids. “Be nice, Pacifica.” Candy warned. Dipper had a million questions. He looked at Soos the hammer, Candy the teapot, Pacifica the mirror, and Grenda the wardrobe, and said quietly, “This is impossible. Objects can’t talk or move on their own.” Grenda shrugged, her golden arms free from being folded on top of a drawer. “Well, here we are.” “Abuelita used to say the world’s more full of magic than we know, dudes.” Soos said. “You’re magic?!” Mabel gasped happily, squishing her cheeks with her hands as her eyes shined like stars. “Duh,” Pacifica said as a reflection of her human form shined on the mirror, a pretty girl with long blonde hair. “This castle’s full of weird secrets and magic and mystery and whatever.” “We LOVE mystery, don’t we, Dipper?” Mabel asked, gripping his hand. “This guy is really good at solving them! He figured out who was stealing Manly Dan’s jerky.” “Everyone wanted to blame it on the kids, but no one with a shoe size of five could have made such a deep footprint in the mud unless they were heavier than an adolescent.” Dipper explained and shrugged with a sheepish smile. “And Mabel’s really smart, too. She discovered who was eating all our garbage and leaving smelly trails.” “All signs pointed to the goat.” Mabel said, puffing her chest out proudly. “Then you’ll fit right in, dudes!” Soos exclaimed excitedly. A harsh cough came from the door and an axe hopped in, with a beautiful girl carved into the handle. She dipped the heavy head of the axe and said, “Dinner’s ready.” The kids thanked the axe, at this point used to inanimate objects suddenly being animate, and left for the dining hall. Wendy gave Soos, Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica death glares and followed them out. Pacifica scoffed and her reflection faded away. Soos felt his face turn warm as he hopped on the cart and caught a ride with Candy; Grenda fell back asleep. Mabel and Dipper followed the axe into the dining hall and admired the scene before them. A huge table that could fit thirty stood polish with mahogany, filled with bread water, the best china and dishes the kids had ever dreamed of, and silverware made out of real silver. The axe hopped in front of them and said, “Alright, guys, my name’s Wendy. Basically I’m in charge when the boss isn’t here, and since he’s not here, I’m in charge right now. Follow me?” The kids nodded; Dipper really didn’t want to argue with an axe, in case if turned into an axe-murderer. They sat next to each other at the right hand of the head of the table, where the host would normally sit. Mabel laid her napkin on her lap and Dipper waited for something to happen. Just as Mabel opened her mouth to talk to Wendy, the axe hopped away and Candy the teapot hopped at the center of the table, a surprise spotlight on her. “Lady and gentleman! It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you here tonight! Now, we invite you to relax and get comfortable, as the dining room proudly presents: your dinner.” And magical dishes and trays filled with food hopped out from the kitchen and onto the table. Mabel leaned forward, elbows on the table and chin resting on her knuckles, while Dipper smiled unsure of what to make of this, but enjoying it nonetheless. “Be our guest…” ~~~~~~~~~~ Stan paced on all fours back and forth, his mind racing. He occasionally spoke, trying to think better by thinking out loud, but there was just so much to tackle at once. Stan stood on his back legs and his eyes rested on the journal. Decorated with a golden six-fingered hand, the journal was safe inside a glass case, never allowed to be touched. Still, it was so tempting, but too risky. That book was fragile and Stan was dangerous. The beast growled in his throat and resumed his pacing. What was he thinking, letting those kids stay here, allowing Soos to open the door, even meeting the kids. He should have stayed hidden and let them leave. But he couldn’t just let those kids go out into the woods and die; not even a monster like himself would do that. But Stan needed confirmation that he had made the right choice. Once again his gaze fell on the journal. He ceased his pacing again and stared at the journal. He sighed through his nose and approached it. He slowly, carefully, sat on the floor before the small table that occupied the book, staring at it, lost in thoughts and memories. A few minutes later, Stan found his claw on the glass cover, yearning to touch the journal, but he dared not to. Not yet. Not right now. It was too risky. A page fell out a few days ago. But then his cruel mind made him remember his brother’s pleading words. Stanley, I’m fine. You know I’m still here, right? I’m not just some book you can place on a shelf and walk away. Stanley, I can’t breathe in here. It’s maddening. I am not afraid of you. Stan tenderly lifted the glass case from over the journal and placed it on the ground. His gentle paws, the beast picked up the book and opened it. He smiled tiredly at a blank page. “Hey, Sixer.” Hello, Stanley. A knock came at the door, the one at the entrance of the West Wing; Stan’s advanced hearing could pick it up. He quickly shut the journal, put it on the table, and protected it with the glass cover. “What?” He called when he went to the door, but he didn’t open it. “Hi, Monsieur Stan!” A girl’s voice called. What did she say her name was? Maple? “Are you gonna come down to dinner? Madame Wendy said you didn’t want to. Are you okay? Does your tummy hurt?” Stan raised an eyebrow at the door. “Mabel, leave him alone.” The boy said. “He’ll come when he wants to.” “But Dipper, he should eat.” Stan had thought of hunting for a deer after the little pains in his side went to bed so he wouldn’t scare them or bother them when they were trying to recover and eat. He was surprised and apprehensive when they seemed to not only expect but desire his attendance. “You want to eat dinner with freak-show over here?” He asked suspiciously, not believing it. “Sure! Why not?” The girl called. Her name was Mabel, Stan recalled. “I don’t think you want that.” He warned. “What?! I totally want that! It’ll be fun, now come on! There’s delicious gray stuff!” She added, hoping it would tempt her host to join them for dinner. Stan snorted. He opened the door and looked down at the tiny humans. One could stand on the other’s shoulders and they wouldn’t reach his height. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” “Yay!” Mabel punched the air and laughed at Dipper’s face. “Hah! I win, sucka!” Dipper punched her shoulder and they started back to the dining hall. Stan followed them, giving them plenty of space. When they sat to eat, Mabel and Dipper chatted among themselves about how they loved the musical performance the servants had given. Mabel was careful to thank every single object individually, while Dipper settled for thanking them as a combined team. Stan smiled teasingly at the foolish kids, gushing over a stupid show. “Monsieur Stan, are you sure you’re not sick?” Mabel asked gently over her goblet of water. Stan gave her a skeptical look, expecting a jab at his monstrous appearance. “I’m fine, kid.” He growled. Mabel blinked, unsure as to why he was so stoic and strict. “Really? You’re not eating. Do you not like it?” Dipper also noticed it, privately predicting that the beast would tear into his meal, but he had not even touched his meat or picked up his drink. “Had a big lunch pretty late in the day.” Stan said, waving the question away. “Now quit pestering me about it!” “Oh. Okay. By the way, you never answered my questions.” “Huh?” “What’s your favorite color? Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you like sweet or sour things? Do you have a favorite song?” Mabel asked all in one breath, so quickly that it took the host a minute to gather his answers. “Oh. Um… red, yes, sweet, and no.” Mabel grinned, excited to elaborate on Stan’s answers, and she and Stan gradually had a conversation. It was an odd conversation, with Mabel doing most of the talking and the two knowing so little about the other and having next to nothing in common that it might have been tricky to talk pleasantly, but soon Stan found himself flapping up water with his scratchy tongue as he listened to the girl’s twenty-first story. Mabel smiled and covered her mouth with her hand at the sight, finding it endearing. Dipper would occasionally inject and join in, but mostly he observed. Stan hadn’t realized how quiet the castle had become until it was filled with noise. A grandfather clock out in the hall screamed, “NINE O’CLOCK!”, making Dipper jump and splash water on his face, and Mabel laughed at the little scare. “Right, time for bed, gremlins.” Stan said and pointed to the door. “You’ve got your work cut out for you in the morning. No more softening you up. I want you wide-eyed and bushy-tailed by sunrise.” “But, we don’t have tails.” Dipper sneered with a smile. “Not my problem, runt, now go before you get nightmares from looking at this face for too long.” Mabel didn’t like that last comment, but she decided to let it pass. “G’night, Monsieur Stan!” She said cheerfully and waved to him as she walked out of the dining hall with Dipper right beside her. When the door was closed behind them, Stan sighed with relief; he was starving. Acting on instinct alone, he tore into his food like an animal and spewed it all over his face and clothes. He later huffed in shame and humiliation, and with as much pride as he could muster, he left the table and ventured to bed. Meanwhile, Mabel slipped on her white nightgown and climbed up to the top bunk bed; Dipper had a habit of falling out of bed already, he didn’t need to be six feet up. She snuggled under the cozy covers and was pleasantly surprised to find warm pans between the blankets. “I like it here.” Mabel said sleepily, rubbing an eye. “It’s like we’re in a story of our own.” Dipper smiled up at the bottom of Mabel’s bed, his head resting on his folded arms. “Yeah… I guess so.” There was a long pause. Despite Mabel’s optimism and cheerful attitude, now that there was nothing to distract her, a sudden worry made a knot in her stomach. “Dipper? Do you really think Fiddleford is okay?” Dipper took too long to answer for her sister's comfort, but when he spoke she felt much better. “He’s fought in two wars, survived crazy invention-attacks, and raised you. He can handle anything.” Mabel giggled at the jab he made at her and said, “More like he survived raising you, Dumb-Dumb.” Dipper chuckled, “Goodnight, Stupid.” “G’night, Stupid.” Dipper blew out the candle, but it would be a long time before Mabel finally closed her eyes and fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~ The rain had finally stopped, but the cold was even worse now. Even so, it could not he felt inside Gleeful’s Glee-Filled Tavern, where hard-working men and women were relaxing in the comfort of fires and warm beer. Gideon had just finished a musical number that left the policemen crying with happiness and the other girls cheering. His mother shakingly filled drinks and his father collected some money for the performance by the piano. Gideon sat on the instrument to be eye-level with Ghost Eyes. He sighed tiredly. “I don’t understand it, my hench-angel. Why won’t Mabel admit that she loves me?” “Maybe because she doesn’t?” Ghost Eyes suggested into his beer. “I bet it’s cuz she keeps herself so busy.” Gideon speculated. “Think about it, with only old Man McGucket taking care of things she and Dipper have to… wait. What if she’s afraid to love me?” The white-haired boy gasped. “Wait, what?” “It all makes sense now!” Gideon proclaimed. “She’s lost almost all of her family! For someone so young, she’s lost so much! What if she’s afraid to only gain something to lose?! What if she’s afraid one day I’ll be gone, too?!” Gideon stood up proudly on the piano, with his fists on his hips. “Well, I swear by all this is holy and unholy that that will never happen! I will always be there for her, no matter what!” “YEAH!” Ghost Eyes cheered and had the boy sit on his muscular shoulder. “We love you, Lil’ Gideon!” Durland yelled. “Sing more of those funny songs!” “You got it! Ahem, ahem… nooooo oooooone…” The doors burst open, letting in some cold air, as Old Man McGucket came running in. the townsfolk gasped at him. He was dirty and his hair was frazzled and his glasses were cracked, but worst of all his arm was bruised and cradled by his chest protectively, as if it was broken. This man had obviously been through something horrible, his eyes wide and his jaw tight. “HELP!” He cried out. “HELP ME, PLEASE!” “McGucket, what happened?” Blubs asked. “It’s the children!” Old Man McGucket yelled and scrambled around the tavern, informing all of the tragedy. “We were attacked by wolves out in the woods n’ separated! They’re out there somewhere, lost n’ cold n’ possibly hurt! Please! We have t’find ‘em!” The townsfolk muttered among themselves. It was dangerous in those woods, filled with wolves and horrible animals. They were unsure if the children were alive. What was the point of risking their lives for dead bodies, especially the dead bodies of the troublesome Pines twins. “Aren’t these the same kids that built that wretched sound box?” Old Man McGucket paled a shade. “Y-Yes, b-b-but they were only tryin’...” “And are always reading? What’s that boy doing, teaching a girl to read? It’s unnatural.” “It’s beautiful!” Old Man McGucket snapped. “Dipper’s only tryin’ t’help his sister…” “I thought his name was Mason…” “It’s Dipper!” Old Man McGucket’s energy was failing him as he appeared alone in the world. “I… I know they seem different, but… but, please. They’re still only children. My children. Will no one help me find ‘em?” Gideon leaned towards Ghost Eyes’ ear and whispered excitedly, “This is perfect! Mabel needs my help; she’ll see how I’m willing to do anything for her and she’ll finally realize she loves me!” Gideon stood on Ghost Eyes’ shoulder and declared, “I’ll help!” Old Man McGucket turned and stared at the boy. ���Ya will?” “Sure I will!” Gideon said and hopped off to walk on a long table. “Folks, I know we’ve had our fair share of whoopsie-daisies in the past, but Mabel and Dipper are still part of our fair town. They need our help, so I say no one should rest until they’re safe at home!” “YEAH!” Manly Dan yelled and punched a whole in the stone wall. “Let’s find the Pines!” Blubs said and the whole town cheered for Lil’ Gideon. Old Man McGucket approached the boy shakingly and smiled. “Th-Thanks ya so much. Ya’ve always been a… a loyal friend t’em.” “Don’t thank me yet.” Gideon said with a smile. “Let’s just get my queen and future brother-in-law back.” And he went off to gather the volunteers. Fiddleford watched the boy leave and he winced. “Aw, banjo polish.”
Author’s Note: I know it seems like I’m a hater of BatB songs since only one is in here, two songs are not from BatB at all, and I teased two BatB songs in this chapter but never delivered, but I promise that more are on the way (or at least obscure gestures to the songs since this isn’t a musical).
I will share that I ALMOST opened the entire story with a Hercules-like intro, with Dipper and Mabel destroying the town with an invention and being rejected by the village, making the scene of Fiddleford trying to convince people to help look for them more compelling, but I backed away since I couldn’t think of a good destructive invention that could be built by two twelve-year-olds in the early 1800s. I’d love to hear some of your ideas, guys!
Pacifica is kinda a reference to the Magic Mirror from Snow White, and while Lazy Susan would’ve made a great Mrs. Potts, I decided to make Candy head of the kitchen and the tea pot and have Lazy Susan be a friend of Fiddleford and Shermie’s and give hand in raising Dipper and Mabel sometimes, one of the few people in town that actually liked them. I will warn you that this story does not focus much on the side characters, rather the development of the main characters.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope y’all enjoy it!
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Once Ethan leaves, things kind of speed along. Sarah’s entire schedule becomes consumed by wedding planning. Cake tasting until she’s sick to her stomach, choosing floral arrangements from the flowers approved by Jenia for the wedding, approving decorations for the cathedral, getting her dress fitted and adjusted and embroidered. She doesn’t have time for anything else, and it feels strange to have no one to talk to except Natalie. Ethan’s the only other friend she has, really, and with him gone, the palace is lonelier than ever.
But at least she sneaks some of the tasting cakes to Natalie to share, as well as take up some time with anything other than this horrible wedding. If she’s busy, Sarah wonders how her staff must be feeling; evidently, they didn’t know this was coming either. Suddenly having to create a wedding must be stressful. Tiers of cake, a dress, decorations befitting a royal wedding. That’s not even beginning to cover the specific requirements that the guests will demand. 
Somehow, she’s found herself caught again in the weight of responsibility. Sure, this opulence is affordable to her, but the rest of her people, including those in her staff, often struggle to make ends meet in any capacity. They’d never be able to get a dress like this at the drop of a hat, perfectly form-fitted to their bodies to make them look as stunning as possible. Show off their body to someone who will soon control them. 
“What do you think he'll be like?"
"I don't know."
Natalie sets aside her cake to help Sarah into the dress and sew pearls onto the bodice. There's no one else she would trust with a needle so close to her skin; Natalie has never pricked her, nor ruined a design.
She pauses to change the thread color of her needle and shrugs. "I heard that the Bekker family can be a bit stuck up. But your husband will just be a figurehead, you won't have to spend much time with him."
In theory, sure. Sarah looks at herself in the mirror, admiring the cut of the dress and the freedom the slacks beneath the skirt give her. She feels freer than in her coronation dress, even if this is symbolic of a trap she may never be able to free herself from. At least she’ll still have Natalie and Ethan, and before she knows it, she’ll be queen and no one will be able to force these decisions on her ever again. She’ll be able to choose for herself, finally, and make better decisions for their people. 
And as they’re putting finishing touches on the dress today, Sarah knows that her betrothed is going to be here tonight and they’ll share a meal in the dining hall, something far too rich that she won’t even enjoy. Her husband will. And then he’ll have to keep getting fancy and terrible meals that she won’t be able to eat until she eventually wastes away and there’s another selfish airhead in charge of the people. 
She still can’t believe she’s getting married in two days. 
Just as Natalie finishes one of the last pearls added in, she gives Sarah a smile and helps her out of the dress and pants. “You should get into your dinner gown.”
“Help me with it?”
“Of course.”
Natalie takes the stunning maroon dress off its hanger and helps Sarah step into it before lacing up the back. She wishes, not for the first time, that she had clothes that were actually practical, not just for everyday wear, but for getting dressed and undressed without help. The dinner gown has been waiting for a formal dinner for months, and it’s a little painful that Sarah didn’t see this coming. Why else would her father commission a new dress like this for her without explaining himself? It’s beautiful, but it’s another beautiful trap.
“You’re going to get through this.”
“Am I?”
“You are.”
She takes down Sarah’s loose ponytail and quickly pulls it back into a braid. Nothing too fancy, but more presentable and out of her way. Good enough for dinner, and if her father has anything to say about it, she’ll scream until he finally keels over and dies. It’s taken him long enough already.
Sarah winds up the second to last person to arrive to the dinner, announced by her title and surrounded by faces familiar and less so as they bow and curtsy to her. One after the other as she walks by before standing in front of her chair at the head of the table. Staring down to the empty seat at the very foot of the table. Six seats on each side of the table will separate them when her betrothed arrives. They’ll have to look at each other. She’s got no way out of this, and she has a brief thought about just standing up and leaving. 
But then.
“Introducing Lady Ava Bekker.”
Her head is spinning. The herald steps to the side kindly, letting in Lady Bekker and showing off the way she seems to glow. A pale blue, mermaid fit dress glitters like her waves of golden hair, her glossy lips alluring when she smiles along with her slow, deep curtsy. She’s beautiful. And Sarah wonders how bad it would actually be to marry someone like her. It’s a face she wouldn’t mind waking up to on an early morning.
But that doesn’t negate the political motive behind this or the fact that Lady Bekker was chosen for her, and can’t be someone good for her in the long run. No matter how stunning her smile is and the way she so delicately picks up her glass of wine and brings it to her lips.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness,” Lady Bekker says, and her voice is like honey with a warm, forgiving drawl. “My name is Ava.”
Sarah hums in response instead of really responding, and the smile drops off her face. The frown is beautiful too, but in a more painful way that makes Sarah look down at whatever decadent, painfully rich pasta dish was dumped in front of her by a server. She has no appetite, certainly not for this traditional dish or the second course from Jenia, but there will be no escaping this meal, even as her father glares at her over a sip of his water for being rude. 
“Your guard tells me you draw?”
“Sometimes.” Was Ethan just talking about her the entire time? Did Ava ask? “I don’t have much time for it.”
There’s a weak smile on Ava’s face again. “Perhaps you would be willing to show me some of your work after supper?”
An advisor gives her a dirty look. Good for him. They can force her to get married to someone she’s just met, but they can’t force her to be happy about it. Even if her betrothed is a beautiful lady of the Jenian court who has an absolutely addictive voice. Sarah looks to Ethan at her right for help, but he’s looking at a guest of Ava’s. Nice, but relatively inexpensive clothing not unlike what the palace workers here would have for special occasions. Dark hair and blue eyes, an easy grin that turns rather sharp at the edges when he meets Ethan’s eyes. She’d put money on them sleeping together by the morning after the wedding. 
“Then maybe you could show me your city tomorrow? It seemed beautiful, and I would love the chance to speak to you before the wedding-”
Ethan kicks her under the table. She kicks him back harder with the point of her heels. She cannot wait to take these things off tonight and just lay down and forget what’s happening. Maybe someone will bring her a drink tonight to help in the process. Anything to try and distance herself from this, especially when Ava raises a hand up and flicks it. 
“Leave us.”
Her entourage all obey, but Sarah’s look to her. She gets to make this decision, even if Ava’s entourage technically should have awaited her response as well. “Ethan, stay.�� And so the rest leave, and Ethan’s hand goes toward his hip defensively. Just in case. Always ready to protect her in the worst-case scenario.
“You seem tense, Your Highness.”
“I was ambushed with a wedding a week before it’s supposed to happen.”
Ava tilts her head to the side and stands up, slowly walking the length of the table. “Ambushed? They didn’t tell you?”
“Did they tell you?”
“As soon as it was decided, months ago.”
If she covers her face with her hands, maybe it’ll all go away. But she knows it won’t, especially because Ethan clears his throat to remind her she’s not alone, somewhere safe to break down. She has a guest.
“Look, Your Highness, I’m sorry that this happened to you, but-” Up close, Ava is even prettier, and her hand is warm, laying it over Sarah’s. “Shouldn’t we make the most of this? I mean, if we’re going to be married, we should at least get to know each other a little, and your kingdom is stunning-”
Sarah stands up swiftly and smooths down her dress. “We’re getting married for politics. Don’t make it more than it is.”
As she leaves, Ethan trailing behind her, she knows she’ll be getting the lecture of a lifetime tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter because she’s not going to be swayed into this arrangement by a pretty face and a dream to kiss someone so beautiful.
@bipeteypie​ @one-chicago-hell​ @bookreader525​ @sarahreeese​ @sextonsharpwinhalstead​ @isthiswhatshameis​ @jorgerules​
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Chapter 25
After they dried off and got dressed, Natasha led Bledsoe through the Monastery once more.  The scholarly side of Bledsoe took over as the two of them walked through the Monastery’s storied and hallowed halls.  Now that she knew the history of where she was, she was very interested in observing the structure that had been dedicated to the cause of the Order for centuries.  She also remembered that portions of Monasteries that had before stood in various countries were used to complete the one now in use.
She was particularly fascinated by the different styles of architecture located all around the Monastery, and found it appropriate remembering what Tadeas told her about the culture of the Order.  After they’d gone by some of the classrooms where Bledsoe could hear various kinds of instructions, and particularly wondered about something she overheard an instructor saying about reality TV programs, Bledsoe’s curiosity began to take over.
“Where exactly are we going?” Bledsoe asked with genuine wonder.
“You will see,” Natasha replied confidently with a smile, “but I will tell you in advance that it will be like nothing you have ever seen before.”
A few moments later, Natasha opened a door to a two-story building of Renaissance-era architecture.  Bledsoe entered with high anticipation, but was slightly disappointed when she looked around and saw that it was obviously a library.  She’d seen her fair share of libraries, including the library at Yale and the Library of Congress, and at first sight the one she was now inside didn’t seem like anything particularly special.
“I know it is not what you are used to,” Natasha remarked as she moved to one of the various shelves, “but one thing you should know if you have not figured it out already, is that there is more to what you will find here than meets the eye.  Only please be careful with the books.”
Bledsoe decided to put what Natasha said to the test and took a closer look around.  As she looked closer she could tell that most of the books were very old, and that they were kept with great care.  She realized this all the more when she picked up a random volume and took a closer look.  By random chance, she found she’d picked up a first-edition copy of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.”
Her eyes widened at the realization of what she held, and she was especially careful when handling it.  She gently turned the pages and couldn’t help but admire the craftsmanship and precision put into the structure of the volume and each page.  After she replaced “Dracula,” she looked at a few more works and was amazed to discover that many more of them were first editions, some even signed by the authors.
“This is amazing,” Bledsoe said to Natasha as she held a first-edition copy of “Paradise Lost,” “do you have any idea how much this one alone is worth?”
“It is priceless,” Natasha answered, “and its value to Order is far beyond what the worth would be to your universities or collectors on outside.”
“How did you get this?” Bledsoe asked still not completely over her surprise at what she now found herself surrounded by.
“John Milton,” Natasha began, “was Watcher, one of the best the Order has ever had.  Then, he went blind.  You can read note inside, he explains it best himself.”
Bledsoe followed the advice of her friend and saw that a handwritten message decorated the inside cover.  She read it carefully, her awe and appreciation only increasing.
Your True Holiness:
It has been my great honor to have served you and the cause of the Order these many years.  Alas, I can no longer be of service as the ravages of age have taken the gift of my sight from me.  I feel that there is one more way that I may serve the cause and aid the world.  And that is to commit to posterity that which I know of the origins of this holy war that thou dost now lead.
It is my fondest hope that my words may be of aid to thee, those who champion the cause, and those unsuspecting of the peril we face every day from the Evil One.
I remain thy faithful servant, and pray that the Order will thrive and continue to triumph long after I am gone.
Your servant and brother,
John Milton
“Did it work?” Bledsoe asked after taking a moment to let what she read sink in, “Has this work accomplished what Milton hoped it would?”
“Very much so,” Natasha answered, “outside of scripture, Milton did the best job of depicting the nature of the Devil and his preferred methods.  It is required reading here in Monastery.  I saw you picking up ‘Dracula’ earlier.”
“Let me guess,” Bledsoe said after nodding, “Bram Stoker was a Watcher.”
“Da,” Natasha answered, “he wrote that around the time the Parasites were first spotted.  He did very good job of capturing their subtle nature and depicting that they often appear pleasing.”
“The ones that came after me sure didn’t look very pleasing,” Bledsoe retorted.
“There are different kinds,” Natasha answered, “the ones that came after you are what we call Destroyers.  The ones we call Purveyors are ones who will appear pleasing, especially the ones that take appearance of females, and are often the ones that encourage mortals to engage in Devil’s Exchange.”
“So Senator Saunders…” Bledsoe began.
“Most likely,” Natasha answered sensing how troubled Bledsoe felt on the subject she’d brought up, “he was approached by Purveyor.  Bram Stoker portrayed both in his book by making Count Dracula both of them at different times.”
“That doesn’t surprise me much,” Bledsoe commented, “we knew that he was stepping out on his wife.”
For the first time since her days at Yale, Bledsoe found herself with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and hunger for books.  The only thing in the world she wanted to do was find and absorb all that she found around her.  As she browsed, she found a few thick leather-bound volumes with different years written on the front covers in gold lettering.  Upon opening them, she found them to be full of personal accounts similar to journal entries.  Some dated as far back as the Renaissance and others as recently as the current year.
She discovered that several of them primarily depicted fights between Knights and various creatures all over the world.  Some of the accounts she read took place during time periods she was very familiar with and knew for a fact were well-documented.  She couldn’t believe that the events she now read were never documented themselves.  In her head, she attributed that to a combination of the Knights doing their work incredibly well, and probably covering their tracks and thwarting any attempts at documentation.
Natasha looked over to see what Bledsoe had found.  She walked up next to her and lightly placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.  Bledsoe was slightly startled due to how engrossed she was in the volumes, but quickly recovered and faced Natasha.
“I see you have found records,” Natasha said, “many of the people in Monastery over the centuries have kept journals.  And after every mission where something happens that is deemed worthy of preservation, the Knight in charge of it is asked to contribute record of it to history of this fight.  The Apostle says that one day a compilation and abridgement of these will become a book of scripture.”
Bledsoe’s eyes widened and she paid closer attention when she returned to reading.  She was especially interested in the older records she could find and was glad to see that they were organized chronologically.  Natasha went to the shelf and retrieved another record and brought it over to Bledsoe.  Natasha opened it to a specific part and set it down next to Bledsoe before tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention.
“I think you will find this interesting,” Natasha said once she had Bledsoe’s attention, “this is about first American Gifted One to join Order.”
Bledsoe’s eyes widened at what Natasha said.  She immediately began to read the account after Natasha slid it over.  Nothing in the world could have taken her away from what she was reading.
October 23rd, 1698
My name is Bridget Warren Gladiusdei.  At the request of The Apostle, I am committing to posterity the story of how I came to be on the island, as he feels that it will be appreciated by those who will come long after I am gone.  My grandparents came to the New World on the Mayflower back in 1620 and settled in Plymouth in the colony of Massachusetts.
My parents had relocated to the village of Andover in Essex County when I was born in the year 1674.  Father farmed the land he owned while mother mainly tended to their five children, of which I am the fourth-born after my sisters and before my brother.
My life was no different from that of any other child in my village.  Mother taught me sewing, preparing food, looking after the home, and other things designed to make me more desirable as a wife to the local men upon reaching a proper age for marrying.  Father was worried that I had not already been approached by the time I was eighteen years of age.  I did not have time for courtship as I was busy tending to my brother who was quite ill.
It was under these circumstances that the first accusations of Witchcraft in the region came about.  Mother thought very little of it at first, but father was quite consumed by the entire matter.  The thought of Witchcraft being practiced in our village made him very fearful, and he became quite different after that time.
It was during this time of accusations and hysteria that my younger brother Philip went into a very bad fit of what I would later learn is epilepsy.  I remember being terrified as I watched the fit seize him.  Father was certain that the Devil was inside Philip and dismayed at the Devil being inside his home.
I do not know why I did what I did next, but I suddenly felt the need to go to him.  I gently held Philip down to his bed, and inside I remember wanting with all my heart for him to be made whole.  As I focused on helping Philip, it felt as though a flame ignited within my bosom and spread through my body into my hands.
I continued to press down on Philip until I felt myself return to my former state.  I looked down and saw that Philip was at peace, and a feeling of immense gratitude the likes of which I had never felt before washed over me.  It was a feeling that would not last long, for father saw everything and immediately cried witch against me.
I begged and pleaded with him not to.  I did everything I could to convince him that I had not any idea how I had been able to cure Philip, and that I certainly was not a witch.  All my life I had only ever done what I was told by my father and by our Ministers, but father would not be convinced to my innocence.
The constable arrived at our home not long after Philip was healed.  I was taken to the local jail and left there for two days before being taken to the courthouse for my trial.  As I think back to that time, I can tell that the verdict had been determined before I ever set foot in the courthouse.
I was asked a series of questions that I found difficult to answer with the constant terror welling up inside of me.  Most of them were in the nature of inquiring if I was in league with Satan or if I had ever engaged in the practice of black magic.  I answered negatively to all of these and tearfully relayed my story of what had happened with Philip.
It seemed that I had affected those present before father came forward and accused me of lying.  He then brought the court’s attention to the blemish on my stomach and claimed it was something they called a witch’s teat.
My clothing was lifted up high enough for the blemish to be visible.  I was then blindfolded and later told that an official of the court brought a needle to the blemish and it was found that I had not reacted.  I had pricked my finger numerous times while learning to sew from mother, even on some needles that were quite dull, and if they truly brought a needle to me then it was one that had no point to it whatsoever.
That was all the evidence needed.  I was pronounced a witch despite all my pleadings to the contrary.  I remember looking to my mother and sisters in the courthouse, and all of them looking at me with indifference or scorn.  I only hope that Philip, who was still in bed, thinks well of me and that all is well with him.
I sat in the jail for another day, constantly in despair and looking towards Gallows Hill.  I wondered why God was allowing me, a woman still in my youth and never married who had done nothing but keep the commandments all her life, to be put to death for such a heinous crime and meet my end in such a horrifying and disgraceful manner.
The next day a man I had never met before came to visit me.  He said his name was Downton and that he was a judge from a neighboring county come to Salem to learn more about the epidemic of Witchcraft that was rampant there.  He asked me to go into more detail about what had happened with my brother, and I obliged the best I was able.  He listened and asked me more questions before asking the guard to retrieve a book from his carriage.
While the guard was away, and Downton and I alone, he spoke to me in a far different manner.  He told me that what he had said before about being a judge come to see about the accusations was true, but that he had been sent by someone far more powerful than a local magistrate.  He told me that he knew I was innocent, and that I was gifted.  He said that if I wished it, he could see that I was taken to a land far away where I would be instructed on how to use my gift for the greater good of God, and that there I would be much appreciated and revered as the blessed gift from God that I was and am.
When I first heard his story, I did not believe him, I thought he might have been tormenting me or putting me through some kind of trial.  At that time, we could hear the guard returning and Mr. Downton quickly told me that he did not fault me for not believing him.  He added that if I did not want to die, but rather wanted to live for a greater cause, to stand at the far side of my cell that night.
The guard returned with the book Downton had requested.  He asked me a few more questions and pretended to consult his book.  Before he left, he gave me a Bible and bid me clear my conscience before I would go to meet my maker.  He left, and I buried my head in my hands and wept for a long time.  The guard scoffed at me, saying something about the remorse of the damned, and eventually having no other recourse I looked at the Bible Downton had given me.
I found that while it resembled a Bible on the outside, it was not so.  It was a story that began long ago, before the creation of the world.  It told about the Devil and a rebellion in Heaven, about a monster in the ancient world and a group sworn to defend against them.  There was a note in the back, at the time I thought it was written by Downton but I later learned it was from the hand of a man I would come to know as The Apostle, which told of a new chapter in the story that was still just being written.
It told of choice women being endowed with marvelous gifts of healing and others that would be of invaluable service to the cause.  As I read, I could not help but know that the story on those pages was true.  I remembered what Downton had said, and that I was being invited to become a part of the story I held in my hands.  Knowing that nothing good awaited me at my home, I moved to the far side of my cell and there remained.
That night, I looked over at Gallows Hill and thought of the others that had viewed it thinking the same thoughts I was, the exception being that I also thought of possible rescue.  I looked over at the guards who were all awake, the number of guards was added to that evening, and then I remember looking up at the night sky with the moon and stars wondering what lay outside of Salem.  I stayed on that side of my cell, thinking those thoughts, until sleep overcame me.
I have no way of knowing how much time had gone by when a very loud noise awoke me.  I looked up to see a large portion of the wall to my cell gone and two men moving in.  They spoke a language I had never heard before, but later learned was French, before one of them immediately positioned himself between me and the guards.  The one who had given the order then drew a sword the likes of which I had never before seen and used it to bring down the cell door.
He went outside the cell and brought one guard down with his foot.  One of the other guards drew a pistol, but the strange man disarmed him in a manner so quickly that I only knew it had happened when I saw the pistol in his own hand.  He then struck the guard with the pistol, which swiftly brought him to the ground.  He then lifted his blade to the neck of the final guard while pointing the pistol at the other two and saying something to the guards that I could not hear.
He turned to the cell and again spoke in French to his companion.  The companion nodded and then told me, in English, to follow him.  Still in a bit of bewilderment, I did as instructed.  He walked me to a carriage and helped me onto it.  He sat next to me and took the reins.  Not long after he had sat me down, the other man came to the carriage and sat on my other side so that I now found myself between them.
After we had ridden a short distance, the two men introduced themselves to me.  The man who had made himself a barrier between myself and the guards introduced himself as Francois Cobard and spoke English in a manner so foreign to me that I at first did not understand.  The man who had fought off the guards introduced himself as Jonathan Gladiusdei.
They took me to the home of Judge Downton.  I was taken to his attic where a peculiar looking cauldron stood.  The judge dropped some kind of sack tied to a stone into the cauldron and stood back.  There were a few moments as the Judge waited for something when I was able to take in the appearances of my rescuers.
Francois and Jonathan looked very different from the kind of men I had seen in the village.  Their hair was cut short, and they both seemed to have smaller builds than most of the men in the village.  I thought Jonathan was especially very handsome, but Francois also had an appearance that kept my attention.
I saw the waters of the cauldron change after a few moments, and was amazed to look at the water and see the reflection of a person not in the home of Judge Downton.  I was embarrassed to turn and see Jonathan and Francois disrobing, but they told me that I might want to do the same thing since I was about to go into the water.
I decided not to, but to my embarrassment I could not take my eyes off of the two men as they shed their clothing.  I saw that what I had thought was a small build on them was actually a very muscular one.  I had never seen men built like that, it was my first introduction to the nature of the Knights of the Order and the superior lifestyle they practice.
Jonathan helped me into the waters, and after I panicked before my feet hit the floor of the cauldron inside the Cauldron Chamber of the Monastery I came out of the water to catch my first glimpse of my new home.  After I rose up, I was helped out of my wet clothes and into what would become the clothes I am wearing now and will wear for the rest of my life.
I have never looked back on my decision to join the Order, and I will be forever grateful to Judge Downton, Francois, and Jonathan for being the instruments in the hands of God to bring me to where I was always meant to be.
I am Bridget Warren Gladiusdei.  I am a Gifted One and servant to God and His holy Order.
Bledsoe had to take a moment to compose herself after reading the account.  She’d been completely engrossed in it, and turned to see Natasha looking at her with a smile on her face.  Bledsoe smiled back knowing that the story had to have special significance for Natasha.
“It is amazing story,” Natasha said, “is it not?”
“It really is,” Bledsoe answered, “I noticed that Bridget refers to herself as Warren Gladiusdei.  Did she marry Jonathan?”
“Niet,” Natasha answered, “Jonathan was already married.  Bridget married Jonathan’s brother Einar.  The two of them raised seven children inside Monastery and lived out rest of their lives together.”
“That’s odd,” Bledsoe interjected, “one guy’s named Jonathan and his brother’s name is Einar.”
“It is not so odd for Gladiusdei family,” Natasha answered, “they have been in Order pretty much from beginning.  There has been at least one Knight in every generation, and their line encompasses most groups of people in world.”
“Wow,” Bledsoe remarked, “they must have a very interesting family tree.”
“Very much so,” Natasha replied, “and it is considered great honor to be part of it.  Several men who have married into Gladiusdei family will take that name.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Bledsoe said.  “So, is what happened with Bridget and Einar common in the Order?” Bledsoe asked.
“Somewhat,” Natasha answered, “since all Knights are men and all Gifted Ones are women and those two groups work closely, they tend to…how you say in America…pair off.  But sometimes Knights or Gifted Ones will meet people on holiday and eventually marry them.”
“I imagine it would be quite a transition for someone outside of the Order to marry into it,” Bledsoe commented.
“If they come back to Monastery,” Natasha answered, “yes.  But sometimes the Gifted One will choose to work in field.  Sometimes Knight will choose to become Watcher.  Several times, the Knight will elect for more normal life and decide to live on outside with wife.”
“That’s interesting,” Bledsoe remarked, “as committed as these Knights must be to this cause, they’d have to really be in love to change jobs.  I don’t think I could give up my own career for a man.”
“You might be surprised,” Natasha said, “I am not in position where I would have to consider it.  But I know that I would be willing to give up anything and everything I own and am for my Nikolai.”
“So,” Bledsoe interjected quickly, “what else do you have in here?”
Sensing that Bledsoe was trying to change the subject, Natasha led her through the library.  Bledsoe was especially interested in the first-editions.
“Foxe’s Book of the Martyrs,” Bledsoe observed as they walked past it, “I’ve read most of this.  Do you know if it’s accurate?”
“It is largely accurate,” Natasha answered, “certainly the deaths of ancient apostles, but some of it is exaggerated.  It is mainly used in Order to demonstrate what world turns into when Devil has largely unchallenged influence over people without Order to ward him off.”
“Knowing that,” Bledsoe said, “your organization has been doing a very good job considering how far things have come since this book.”
Bledsoe and Natasha stayed in the library until Natasha realized that it was nearly 7.  She informed Bledsoe and they returned to Natasha’s room where Bledsoe left the gown she’d been wearing and changed into her own clothes.
“Do you wear that gown all day when you aren’t in the gym?” Bledsoe asked.
“Ordinarily no,” Natasha answered, “we wear gown when we are scheduled to be in Cauldron Chamber, but other than that we can wear more like what you are now.  But I am on duty for tournament, so I am wearing gown.”
“What do you mean by on duty for the tournament?” Bledsoe asked.
“Participants will get hurt in tournament,” Natasha answered emphasizing ‘will’, “it is very, how you say, brutal. Gifted Ones are on call for each fight to make sure no participant dies and that any injuries are healed quickly.”
For a moment, Bledsoe had second thoughts about attending the tournament.  But the way Natasha casually described it made her feel that there was nothing to fear too greatly apart from the brutality of the event itself.
“Just come back here when tournament is over,” Natasha said as she finished dressing and moved toward the door, “door does not lock and I will come in after Nikolai retires for evening.”
“I won’t wait up,” Bledsoe said in response.
“Oh, one more thing,” Natasha added as she was leaving, “just remember to be careful of Tadeas.”
“I remember what Sara told me,” Bledsoe answered with a smile as the thought of Tadeas came to mind, “and I’ll keep that in mind.”
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sufferthesea · 7 years
The Death of a Seamstress  (aka 8 Ninken Jackets and Kakashi Assumes Too Much)
Kakashi Week 2017 - Prompt #4: Ninken
Kakashi! Haven’t you ever heard the expression “You know what happens when you assume”? Anyway, I don’t know who makes ninken jackets but someone has to, right?? (Also sorry for spelling errors and stuff? I’m too lazy to go back through for a 10th time to check...) 
Rating: General Words: 3.132
Also on ao3
It’d been several years since all of Kakashi’s ninken got their little jackets and forehead protectors. He remembered when he’d first got the blue jackets with the Henohenomoheji face embroidered onto them and presented them to the eight ninja hounds.
“Kakashi,” Pakkun had said gingerly, as he pawed at the smallest jacket of all, meant for himself, “this is nice and all, but … we’re dogs. We don’t need these jackets. None of the other ninken wear them.”
“Maybe,” a younger Kakashi had replied, “but you’re the ninken of the Hatake clan. We actually have some pride. Put on the jacket.”
Throughout the years, the jackets had gone through a lot. They’d been torn, stained, forgotten, and even buried at one point - though Kakashi figured that had been on purpose by a few of the dogs who were embarrassed to be seen wearing clothes. He’d done his best to patch them up, but his hands weren’t nimble enough to work a small needle through the fabric. And when he had decided to do it himself, they had turned out rather pathetically. The fabric was puckered, the hems were uneven, and they looked sadder than before. It only took one serious look from his ninken and Pakkun declaring, “I am not wearing that - anywhere,” before he gave up for good trying to fix it himself.
Whenever he got the chance, he’d return to the old seamstress who’d originally made the jackets for the ninken when he was younger. Sakumo had taken him there when he was a child to have a set of custom shirts made with a mask before he started at the Academy, and she seemed like the perfect person to ask to make the matching set of jackets for the dogs. Of course, it helped that she’d already knew Kakashi and didn’t ask many questions - the only thing she’d told him to do was summon all the dogs so she could get their measurements. Every time he returned to the shop, she’d patch up the jackets with smooth seams and polished stitching. She’d even gone so far as to replace all of them with brand new jackets a few years ago as a gift to a “loyal and kind customer.”
Now he was holding a paper bag packed with the eight jackets, each one folded as neatly as he could manage with the tears and tatters fluttering about. He’d done his best to tell his ninken that they needed to take care of the jackets - they couldn’t be reckless, but even with his stern words there was at least one dog who’d accidentally scratch at himself and tear a hole clean through the fabric. Plus he couldn’t help that they’d gotten worn down through use - I mean, you can only fight in clothes for so long before they’re damaged at least a little. This last bought of training hadn’t been bad, but somehow every - single - jacket - was - ruined.
Kakashi felt incredibly bad since these hadn’t even lasted that long, and the old lady hadn’t even charged him for them! But still, he needed to replace them.
The small shop was tucked away in an easily overlooked corner of the village, behind a few weapons shops and a bookstore. A wooden sign hung over the door that read Custom Clothes - Seamstress and Tailor in faded ink and the windows were dark even though all the lights were on inside. Kakashi pushed open the door and was greeted with the familiar chime of bells overhead. There were wooden mannequins placed in the front of the shop, each one wearing a different outfit. A display case over to the side held bolts of fabric, a few sketches, and an old pincushion. At the back of the store was a door curtained off with a sign that read Private - Fitting Rooms. It smelled like potpourri, and threads of linen hung in the air.
“Sato-san,” Kakashi called, wandering over to one of the mannequins dressed in an airy, cream-colored yukata. “I hate to say it but my ninken have torn through all of their jackets. Do you think you could fix them? Or replace them? I’ll pay you this time.”
Someone moved behind the curtained room and footsteps echoed off the wooden floor. Kakashi didn’t bother looking up as he rubbed the sleeve hem of the yukata between his thumb and index finger.
This is nice, he thought to himself. I should ask her to make me one of these before summer gets here.
The curtain was thrown back and Kakashi, still gazing at the mannequins, held up the bag. “I’ve got them all here. Could you see if there’s anything to salvage?”
“What do you mean you’ll pay her this time?” came an unfamiliar voice.
Kakashi turned and was startled to see a young woman standing in the fitting room entrance, the edge of the curtain in her hands, a stern look on her face. She was dressed head-to-toe in black with a white apron tied around her waist, decorated with the same symbol Sato-san had explained was her family crest. The girl had her hair pulled back into a bun and a pencil behind her ear. Her glare was frightening and Kakashi stepped back from the yukata and threw a hand up as if to show he wasn’t armed.
“Sorry about that,” he laughed lightly, “I wasn’t aware anyone else worked in this shop. I was looking for Sato-san. She usually mends these for me.”
The girl continued to stare at him but she let go of the curtain and folded her arms. “Yes, I guessed that. What are you doing having my grandmother sew your clothes and not paying her?”
“Huh? Your grandmother?” Kakashi studied the girl’s face and he could see a faint trace of Sato-san in her - the same large eyes, the same stooped shoulders, even the small flyaway piece of hair on top of her head was the same. “This is a family business? That’s nice. But she’s really the one who does all of my mending, so if you could just go get her —”
“Not until you pay her what you owe,” the girl said sharply, standing firm. “It sounds like she’s been doing a lot of work for you, so I expect you to pay up. What’s your name? I’m sure she kept a record of how many times you came in. I’ll get the guest book and we can crunch some numbers. Take a seat over there.” She pointed to a cushioned bench on the other side of the room before disappearing behind the curtain. When she returned she had a huge book in her arms and a determined look in her eye.
“I didn’t mean to give off the wrong impression,” Kakashi began, clutching the bag to his chest. “I never cheated your grandmother out of anything. She said she’d made these as a gift for me. But I’m more than willing to pay you to fix them.”
“Nice try!” The girl dropped the book onto the bench and flipped it open. “Grandma was very nice and she did a lot of favors - but plenty of people took advantage of that kindness and nearly put us in debt! I’m going to collect every last cent that was owed to her if it’s the last thing I do. Let’s see … What’s your name?”
“Uh - it’s Hatake Kakashi.”
“Hatake … Hatake …” She turned the pages until she reached the page titled HA and went down the list. “Ah, here you are. Hatake Kakashi! Let’s see. You’ve been in - ah!” She stood up and gawked at him. “You’ve been coming here since you were a child?”
The jonin nodded simply. “Yes. I’m sorry, are you able to mend these?”
“Just a minute - Grandma always put a check mark next to orders that were paid in full, and a star next to a gift. Of course, most of these pages are filled with stars - but I know what was a gift and what wasn’t. Hmm, seems that most of your orders have been paid … that’s a first. Ah! Here it is! Eight sets of jackets for …” She paused, puzzled, and reread the page. “Maybe the writing is smudged. Does that say what I think it says?”
“Eight sets of jackets for my ninken, that’s right.”
She turned, giving him a bizarre look. “You had … custom jackets made … for your dogs?”
Kakashi felt a sudden blush cross his face and he looked away. “That was the order that was a gift - the most recent one. I’ll pay you to mend these ones - or to make new ones.”
Huffing, the girl slammed the book shut and eyed him suspiciously. “So, only one order was a gift, huh? I guess you’re lucky. There’s some people in here who’ve been scamming my grandma for years. I’m going to make them pay in full. Can you imagine that bill? Let’s see the damage.” She took the bag from his arms and sifted through the shreds of fabric. “Jeez, you can tell these belong to dogs. Er, ninja dogs. I can’t save any of this. I can make new ones, if you want to order them. My grandma kept all of her patterns so they should be around here somewhere. Maybe in the back …” The girl wandered off to find the missing patterns.
“So,” Kakashi said, following her through the curtain into the back room. He stopped and stared in awe. He had always assumed the shop was tiny, since the front of the store wasn’t much to look at. But back here was another story. To the left were fitting rooms to be used to adjust and tailor clothes, to the right was where customers were taken to be measured, and in front of him was another door leading to what appeared to be a workshop. He suspected he had been back here at some point when his father had ordered his masked shirts, but the memory was distant and faded – and since the ninken were so well behaved (usually), he had just sat on the bench in the lobby reading Icha Icha while Sato-san had led the dogs behind the curtain and taken their measurements.
A long table lined with benches and cluttered with scraps of fabric and spools of thread filled the center of the workshop. It was bright inside and there was a solid wall of bare mannequins waiting to be dressed. A filing cabinet was shoved in the corner of the workshop and all of the drawers were opened; hundreds of papers were pulled out and lying scattered on the floor.
“Sorry for the mess,” she said. “I’ve been going through all of Grandma’s papers to get things organized. I’ve got to finish her orders and collect her payments. Come this way. We’ll find the patterns. What were you saying?”
“Huh? Oh - I was just … I was gonna ask where Sato-san was. I didn’t know she had any family, so it really surprised me that you were working here.”
The girl hesitated, pausing in her walk towards the large table in the center of the room. Kakashi almost ran into her but stepped aside just in time. She shook her head and scurried over to the other side of the table, heading towards the filing cabinet. “I’m sure your patterns are in here. It’ll just take me a moment.”
Kakashi sat on one of the low wooden benches and watched the girl balance the bag of shredded fabric in one arm and frantically shuffle through the see-through patterns in the cabinet.
“Aha! Here they are.” She pulled out a large paper folder and slapped it on the table beside Kakashi. Across the front in scribbled handwriting read, Hatake, Kakashi - 8 Patterns - Jackets, Various Sizes. “I can make as many jackets as you want with these!” she beamed, setting the bag down on the table. “Look here, see these notes? She wrote down what fabric she used, what thread, what kind of stitch, and she even wrote down the name of the dogs the jackets were for. She always paid attention to stuff like that,” she mused fondly, running her fingers along the folder. “So - you wanted to order new ones? I’m sure we have this fabric still in stock. And it looks like there’s a pattern on it.”
“Yeah - it’s Henohenomoheji.”
“… what?”
“Uh, it’s …” Kakashi felt another embarrassed blush rise on his masked face and he cleared his throat. “It’s, you know, the little face kids draw on their scarecrows.”
“Huh — oh! Kakashi! I get it! Hm. I wouldn’t have pegged you as someone with a sense of humor. Actually, considering you’ve had jackets custom-made for your dogs with a scarecrow face on it, I guess you are kind of funny.” The girl took back the folder and went to studying the patterns, looking through the bolts of fabric to find the exact type. “You can wait here or you can come back later. It’ll take me a while. Well …” She studied the measurements for Bull and paled. “This one might take me all night. Maybe you should come back tomorrow afternoon. I can tell you then when they’ll be ready.”
“Sure. Do you want to keep my wallet hostage so you can be sure I don’t cheat you?”
“Very funny. You can pay me before I hand over the jackets when they’re finished, though. I’ll tally up the bill now if you want.”
“That would be helpful, thank you.”
She grabbed a pencil and quickly wrote down a handful of figures. She shoved the paper at Kakashi and pointed at the bottom string of numbers, “That’s your bill.”
Kakashi’s only visible eye widened in bewilderment at the sight but he fought to retain his cool exterior and shrugged. “I … see the price of labor has gone up.”
“Well, it is only me here. If I start these tonight it’s already overtime! Unless you can wait a few days, then I can knock a few zeros off. Otherwise, I’m charging you for priority. I’m pretty backlogged, you know.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” Kakashi studied the pieces of fabric pinned to other patterns and the wicker basket on the floor beside the sewing machine, overflowing with garments. “That price is fine. As much as they hated wearing them, I feel like they’re a little ashamed to be seen without them. It’s a modesty thing.”
“Uh-huh. Right. Anyway, I’ve got to close up soon or else more people are gonna think they can come in this late. I’ll walk you out.” The girl clutched the folder into the crook of her arm and escorted Kakashi out of the workroom, through the curtain, and to the front door. “Stop by tomorrow and we’ll see where we’re at.” She waved at him to stop when he moved to grab his wallet out of his pocket. “You can pay tomorrow. Maybe by then I’ll have softened up a little and reduced the price. Do you mind if I keep these here tonight? I can use them as reference. My grandma always did things a little differently than me. I want to make sure I get them right.”
“I’m sure you’ll do fine. You did those?” He motioned towards the clothed mannequins sitting in the front of the shop.
“Yeah! They were some of the first things I made when I took over this shop. I was getting used to her sewing machine, but I think they turned out alright.”
Kakashi guessed that from the aversion of the question, he knew the answer about where Sato-san was. He took a deep breath, remembering the old woman who’d done so much to help him in the past. Although the village had certified tailors and seamstresses to make the chunin and jonin uniforms, as well as masks, Kakashi had always brought in his clothes to be mended by the woman. He’d also kept all the shirts she’d made for him when he was young; even though he had far outgrown them, they were still in good condition. For the most part. Kunai strikes and bomb shrapnel were not kind to clothes, no matter how well they were made. He looked at the girl, feeling a strange sort of sadness in the middle of his chest, and he muttered, “I’m sorry for your loss. Sato-san was a really wonderful woman. I’m glad you’ve taken over, though, and kept her shop open.”
The girl stared at him in silence for a while before leaning forward with her eyebrows pulled together tightly and her mouth stretched downward. “Huh?”
“Sato-san,” Kakashi said, unintentionally shuffling backwards under the gaze of the girl. “I’m s-sorry for your loss. She really was a nice woman.”
To his surprise, the girl let out a sudden laugh and stood up, looking just as confused as before. “My grandma isn’t dead! Is that — is that what you’ve been thinking this whole time?”
“Uhm … yes?”
“No! No, she isn’t dead. Oh my gosh. I should’ve said something. Grandma retired last year and has been traveling around to different villages. She trained me to be a seamstress like her and left me in charge of the shop before she left. She had a few orders left but I said I would take care of them, but they were a lot more than I thought. I’ve been trying to get through them all, but I don’t work as fast as her. And, like I said, she was too generous for her own good so now I’ve got to collect all that money before we lose the shop. But that’s none of your concern, aha ha ha! I didn’t mean to frighten you, either, by letting you think she was dead. I think she’ll be stopping by for a bit sometime in the summer, if you want to come by again to see her.”
Kakashi wasn’t sure if he was embarrassed or relieved. “That’d be nice,” he forced himself to say. He couldn’t believe he just paid his condolences for a woman who wasn’t dead. “I … should go. It’s getting late and you need to close up. I’ll stop by tomorrow. Goodbye.” He turned and hurried out of the shop, leaving the poor girl behind. He marched down the now-dark street back towards his apartment.
I’m so stupid, he thought as he passed by the shops, long since closed for the evening. I can’t believe I just assumed her grandma was dead. He was absolutely convinced that if it weren’t for the jackets he was going to pick up tomorrow, he would never show his face at the shop again. Shoving the key into his lock, he pushed open his door and dragged himself into the apartment. It doesn’t matter tonight, he tried to tell himself as he collapsed on the couch, kicking off his shoes. I have to see her tomorrow, so I’ll just pretend it didn’t happen. After that, though, I’m never going back.
Soon, he was asleep, the embarrassing moment and the hefty fee temporarily forgotten.
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boxywrites-blog · 7 years
Lemon Cakes and Pie
Summary: Reader owns a bakery in a small town where a group of demons decide to throw a party. An injured Dean Winchester is in need of a hideout and a helping hand.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2 401 (it got away from me…)
Warnings: Canon typical injuries and swearing, I think
Prompt: “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to kill me.” (marked in bold)
Beta’d by the one and only @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms 
A/N: IT’S SO FLUFFY! This story is for the lovely @impala-dreamer‘s OP4A Challenge! This is also the first fan fiction I’ve posted on Tumblr… *gulp* I didn’t even like this storyline when I started writing it, but I think it turned out fine in the end. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
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In the small town of Plainville, Kansas, everything was as the name suggests; plain. Although the town initially got its name from the actual plains it was situated upon, one could argue the applicable meaning of the word had shifted over the years.
You owned a small but fairly successful bakery in the middle of town. You were very proud of it, as you had saved money for most of your life to start your own bakery. Last year you had even won a state award for your famous lemon cakes. You had the diploma framed and hung on the wall behind your counter, reminding you that dreams really can come true.
Every morning started out roughly the same; you waking up at 4 am in your cozy suburban home for one, just a few blocks from the bakery. You always got up straight away and got ready in a jiffy, out of the door by 4:25 am, getting on your bike and arriving at the bakery five minutes later. Breakfast had to wait until you were done with your morning chores, but coffee was a necessity to function so that was always where you started.
The day progressed as any other Thursday would, with the exception that rain was pouring down like there was no tomorrow. You had fortunately been inside all day but the clock neared closing hours and the rain didn’t seem to subside. You would have to brave the storm if you ever wanted to get home and eat that last carton of chocolate ice cream you had in your freezer. Not to mention catching up on your Netflix watchlist. Thursdays were sacred to you; the one day of the week when you indulged yourself in whatever your latest television obsession was.
After hearing the doorbell chime and seeing the last two customers leave the bakery, you walked over to the front door and turned the Open sign to Closed. Through the window you saw people jogging to their cars, trying to avoid getting soaked in the rain. Poor Mrs. Rosenberg was walking her white terrier Muffin, named by yours truly, in the park across the street. Neither Mrs. Rosenberg nor Muffin looked particularly content with the situation.
Especially not when a thick, black smoke surrounded Mrs. Rosenberg and- Wait... What? No. What? That most definitely had never happened on a Thursday before. In fact, that had never happened at all.
The rain kept hammering down as Muffin jumped up and down, barking at the intruder. The smoke around Mrs. Rosenberg grew more intense as the old lady was seemingly frozen in place. Muffin, bless him, started pulling at her skirt and trying to get her to move away from the threat, of course with little success.
All of a sudden the black smoke charged at Mrs. Rosenberg and dived straight down her throat. After a little struggle she went completely still and proceeded to glance down at Muffin. The terrier let go of her skirt and bolted in the other direction, as fast as his little legs could manage.
Just when you were about to reach down and lock the door a man came bursting through it, causing you to stumble backwards. He quickly closed the door and locked both the first and second deadbolt. He even pulled down the blinds! You didn’t know what to think, so you did the next best thing and put your mind on autopilot.
“I-I have closed the shop for today,” you stammered as you backed farther away from the stranger, trying to reach the false safety behind your counter. He didn’t really seem to take any notice of you.
That’s when you noticed the bleeding. This, for some reason, stopped your retreat. That and the fact that when he finally turned your way you were struck, like a flash of lightning from the sky, by the most gorgeous face you’d ever seen.
Well, not to say that his body wasn’t just as impressing, at least from what you could tell by his tight fitted jeans and that snug black t-shirt he wore under a blue flannel shirt. You were shamelessly staring at his muscular arms and shoulders when he snapped you out of your not-so clean thoughts.
“Hey! Do you have any salt in here?” the stranger said, now starting to rearrange the nearby tables and chairs by the windows, stacking them on top of another, subsequently covering the view from your big windows.
“Um, yes? But I don’t think your problem is low sodium levels right now, I’m pretty sure you need a doctor for that cut,” you said, pointing at his left hand that was pressed against his abdomen. “Stitches,” you clarified.
“Salt!” he barked at you. “Now!”
“All right, all right!” You raised your hands in surrender and fetched the nearest salt shaker, placing it in Dean’s outstretched hand. His face quickly went from showing impatience to complete confusion.
“What is this?” He tilted his head in confusion. “No! This won’t do. I need like a big bag of it!” His serious expression made you turn on your heel and heading straight for the storage room in the back. This man was either batshit crazy, which would explain him being too good looking to be true, or simply suffering from severe blood loss. Either way, there was apparently no use in arguing with him.
When you handed him the largest bag of salt you could find he quickly ripped open a corner and started pouring the salt in a thick line along the windows and the door.
The only thing you could think of asking him was “Who are you?”
“Dean Winchester. I’m a demon hunter,” he stated, as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
“And I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N, cake baker,” you mimicked. Dean just stared at you. Apparently this guy had no humor. “Seriously though, do I need to call you a doctor, or perhaps some sort of a psychiatrist?”
“I’m not crazy, okay? There are real demons out there. A whole lot of them.” He let out a sigh and ran his free hand through his hair, seemingly trying to calm down. “Look, I know this is a lot to take in right now, but those monsters that you had nightmares about as a kid, they really do exist. And some of them are outside right now.” His eyes told you to trust in him and just accept the explanation for what it was. You took a deep breath to gather your thoughts.
“And that black smoke thingy that attacked Mrs. Rosenberg was a demon?” Dean nodded. “Is she a demon now?”
“She’s possessed by one, yes.”
“And the salt?” you asked, pointing at the now finished salt line, covering both the windows and the door.
“It protects us. Demons cannot cross it.” Dean said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Of course. That makes perfect sense,” you said, mockingly.
“Hell, you don’t have to believe me, I just needed a place to hide and ride out the storm until my brother gets here.” He glanced back outside through the blinds, muttered something to himself, obviously not liking what he saw. “Do you have a steady hand, Y/N?” Dean said, out of the blue. You were so taken aback that you didn’t really think before answering.
“I’d like to think so, yeah. I decorate all the cakes by myself.” you said, gesturing towards the counter, displaying a few cakes in various sizes and themes.
“And do you know how to sew?” You knew where this was going now.
“The ‘patching-up-a-pair-of-jeans’ type, yeah. The ‘saving-a-man-from-bleeding-to-death’ type, nope. Uh-uh, no way.”
“Yeah, well you’re all I got, sweetheart, so you will have to do. My brother is most likely still an hour drive away from here, and I won’t have that long unless you start patching me up right now.”
“Okay,” you whispered and quickly went to the back room, gathering up anything and everything that you might need. Of course, most of it was just guesses from your part. Although, you’d like to think that all those hours watching Grey’s Anatomy were more than just a waste of time.
“What happened to you anyways?” you asked when you got back and started organizing everything on the floor, opening gauze packs and thread a needle. Dean had already lied down behind the counter and propped up his head on his rolled up jacket.
“I think someone stabbed me with a window, it’s all a bit fuzzy.” Dean removed his hand and looked down on the wound. “Well, fuck. There’s still a piece of glass in there. You will have to pull it out and then patch me up immediately, or else we’re gonna have a bloodbath in here. You ready?” You shook your head; you would never be ready for something like this.
“On the count of three; one tw-” You pulled the shard of glass out as fast as you could, quickly pressing a bunch of gauze on the now weeping wound.
“Ow! What the hell?!” Dean grumbled.
“I’ve heard that it hurts less when you’re not prepared for it,” you said, matter-of-factly, as you started to clean up the wound with antiseptic.
“Yeah, well, that’s bullshit.”
“Good to know.” You carefully removed the gauze and took your prepared needle in hand. After taking a deep breath, or two, you got to work. Dean hissed when you did the first stitch, but seemed to collect himself.
“I need a drink,” he grunted.
“You and me both. How am I doing?” You were only halfway through stitching the wound, and blood was still gushing out and trickling down his side. Dean followed your gaze to the now soaked-through gauze he held below where you were stitching.
“Well”, he grunted as he threw the old gauze to the side and grabbed a new one, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to kill me.” He must have seen the horror in your eyes because he started to chuckle, only to have the chuckle turn into a coughing fit.
“Give me some credit here! I’m not even close to being a medical practitioner… I bake lemon cakes, for crying out loud!” you pleaded, desperation filling your voice.
“If I make it through this, remind me to try one of your famous lemon cakes,” Dean said, glancing up at your diploma.  “Although, I’d rather have pie...”
“If by some miracle you do survive this, despite my poor excuse for a patch job, I’ll bake you any pie you want. Just don’t die on my floor…”
“I’ll do my best.”
Half an hour later you were cleaning up the mess you’d made on the floor and Dean was absentmindedly holding his hand over the now-bandaged wound while looking through the blinds after possible danger. There were apparently still a bunch of demon-possessed citizens roaming the streets in search for… well, anything they could get their hands on. You turned your head in Dean’s direction when you heard the low rumble of a car coming to a stop just outside your shop.
“Looks like my little brother is finally here to save the day.” You got up and went over to Dean, looking out and seeing a sleek, black, classic car parked in front of the bakery. The driver, you could see the family resemblance, rolled down his window and pulled out a megaphone. When he started chanting something in Latin, you turned your head to Dean with a puzzled look on your face.
“Exorcism,” Dean said, apologetically. Right. Why not throw in a little 70s horror movie vibe? This situation was clearly not scary enough. The people gathered outside started to It looked like they were screaming. When Dean’s brother finally finished his chanting the black smoke came flowing out of them and they tumbled to the ground.
“Are they dead?” you asked, not sure if you were ready for the answer.
“No, just unconscious,” Dean clarified. They watched his brother get out of the car and head towards them. Dean unbolted the door and let him in. The brothers patted each other on the back, before turning to you. Even though Dean had explained that this was his little brother, there was nothing ‘little’ about him. The man was a giant! The brother took a step forward, extending his hand.
“Hi, I’m Sam,” You shook his outstretched giant’s hand, feeling smaller than ever. “I hear you saved my brother’s life” Sam said, smiling gratefully at you.
“Yeah well, I’m pretty sure he saved mine from those demons, so I’d say we’re even,” you said and smiled back.
“Nonsense.” He turned to Dean. “May I see it?” It was evident that the brothers cared deeply for one another. They had probably been through worse than this, considering how lightly they took this whole situation. You couldn’t even begin to understand what it must be like to be a hunter. Thank God for your bakery!
“Good work, Y/N,” Sam said once he’d finished examining his brothers wound. “Looks like he’ll be as good as new in no time.” Sam sent an encouraging smile your way, and you couldn’t help but feel proud over your handiwork. Binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy had finally paid off.
The brothers offered to drive you home, even though the danger was gone, just to make sure you got inside safely. They pulled up the Impala right outside your house and followed you to your door. You hugged Sam goodbye first, promising him you were seriously going to consider learning Latin.
“Thanks for stitching me up,” Dean said, as Sam made his way back to the car. “If you ever pass Lebanon, give us a call,” You exchanged numbers and hugged, making promises of keeping in touch.
“Remember, you still owe me that pie!” Dean called back with a big grin on his face, winking at you as he got in his car. You smiled and waved at him.
You stayed on your porch until they had left your driveway and rounded the corner. You turned around to head back inside, knowing full well that when you woke up tomorrow you would see the world in a completely different way. At least there were people out there, like the Winchesters, protecting you from things that go bump in the night.
Shamelessly tagging some lovely people (pls don’t kill me ;)):
@hannahindie @trexrambling @katymacsupernatural @ravengirl94 @emilywritesaboutdean @percywinchester27 @charliebradbury1104 @luci-in-trenchcoats @kathaswings @atc74
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individuationfic · 5 years
Seeking to Seize Chapter 21
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The fog is gone.
That’s all Chie can think, staring at the clear blue sky. She didn't’ realize how much she missed it.
She, Yukiko, and Rise have been tasked with escorting Yu home while Kanji, Yosuke, Naoto, and Teddie take Adachi to the police station. Yukiko managed to stop the bleeding and Yu is awake again, but he’s still weak, and he still needs to be patched up. “No cooking!” was Yosuke’s only demand as they dragged him away. “You can help him with anything else but all of you stay out of the kitchen! He’ll never feel better if he eats your food!”
The girls manage to get Yu upstairs and into his bed with only a little difficulty (they’ve been getting stronger in the TV, too), and Yukiko, who’s had to deal with drunk and sick guests before, strips him down to his underwear. Chie feels sick to her stomach when she sees his bloodstained shirt and the nasty scratch on his side, but Yukiko is all business. She sends Rise to the bathroom downstairs for the first aid kit and Chie to get washcloths and a bucket of warm water.
They’ve had to do stuff like this before. Magic can’t heal everything, after all, and they can’t risk going to the hospital with their injuries because their parents would find out. Everyone but Rise, who isn’t combative, and Teddie, who can’t manifest his human form in the TV, will have scars for the rest of their lives.
Chie and Rise step out into the hallway while Yukiko works, and Chie sends Yosuke a text to let him know they got Yu home safe. She wishes she could’ve gone with them—seeing Adachi face the music for herself would’ve been cathartic as hell. But they all know Adachi would be harder to control if the girls went; he was angry and hurt and he would be more liable to lash out if they were there due to his rampant misogyny.
To distract herself, Chie turns to Rise and says, “We should wash those clothes for him when Yukiko’s done in there. Could you take that shirt to Kanji after we get that stain out for him to mend? The jacket, too.”
Rise seems to retreat in on herself. “Uh… I…” She can’t finish what she wants to say.
“Hey.” Chie wraps an arm around Rise’s shoulder and squeezes. “What’s up? We should be celebrating. What’s eating at you?”
As if the words have been waiting to escape her throat, Rise says, “Kanji-kun kissed me the night Nanako-chan almost died, and then he told me he likes me and Naoto-san, and now he wants to talk about it and I don’t know what to do.”
Aaaaand now she’s crying. Crap. Chie exerts a little pressure against Rise’s back with her arm. “How about we go downstairs to talk about this? We don’t wanna distract Yukiko, right? Maybe we can do some practice for tomorrow!”
Still shaking, and with tears in her eyes, Rise nods, and Chie leads her down the stairs.
Yu’s still in no shape for visitors, even after Yukiko’s done with them, so the team decides to postpone their debriefing for another day. Yukiko and Chie walk a teary-eyed Rise back to her grandmother’s shop. They make small talk with the older woman to distract her from her granddaughter’s emotional distress and, out of the corner of her eye, Yukiko sees the calendar on the desk.
December 24.
Christmas Eve.
Heart in her throat, Yukiko decides to give Chie her gift.
They leave the tofu shop and head for the bus stop. The shopping district is pretty empty, considering the date and the fog having disappeared, so Yukiko risks slipping her hand into Chie’s. Chie goes red and squeezes back.
The bus won’t be coming for another ten minutes or so, so they settle against the side of a shop facing towards the road to wait. Chie’s phone buzzes with a text and a delighted smile crosses her face when she reads it. “The police arrested Adachi!” she says. “Yosuke showed them a bruise on his neck from the fight and Adachi admitted to hitting him, so he’s getting charged with at least child abuse. Maybe even assault.”
“Do you think he’ll get charged with the murders?”
Chie squints at her phone. “Naoto seems to think so. The courts are aggressive when it comes to multiple murders, they say. He might even—” Chie stops, face suddenly pale. She takes a deep, gulping breath. “He might even get the death penalty.”
“Oh,” says Yukiko.
On one hand, she feels relieved. The man who organized her kidnapping with the intent for her to die is going to be punished for his crimes, and, if found guilty of everything he did, will never be able to hurt people again. No one else would have to suffer like her and her friends have because of Adachi. But on the other hand,s she and the people she loves most in the world have delivered a man to his possible death. An evil man, a man who has done horrible things, a man who chose to do wrong—but also a man who was a child. Once, with parents and friends. Does anyone really have the authority to kill anyone else?
Chie must notice Yukiko’s conflict, because she says, “I’m glad. I hope he hangs. I’d kill him with a rusty spoon and take relish in it.” Yukiko looks at her girlfriend, eyes wide at the bloodthirsty tone in her voice. “He almost took you away from me. I’ll never forgive him for that.”
Yukiko squeezes Chie’s hand. “Oh,” she says again, and decides not to give Chie her Christmas present just yet.
Mama Tatsumi lets Rise into Kanji-kun’s room without much fuss. She’d stuffed Yu-senpai’s shirt and jacket in her bag before she left his house, and had only returned to her grandmother’s shop to wash her face and make herself look presentable. “I’ll send him right up as soon as he gets home!” Mama Tatsumi says, eyes twinkling. “Make yourself at home!”
Rise settles on a cushion near Kanji-kun’s desk to wait and grips at the straps of her bag until her knuckles turn white. Would he even want to see her? She thinks she made him mad yesterday; who could blame him if he tells her to get out?
Stop thinking like that, Himiko says. You will accomplish nothing but making yourself more stressed.
Rise knows better than to argue at this point (Himiko always wins, anyway) so she nods and takes a deep breath. Calm down, she tells herself. It’s Kanji-kun. He deserves an honest conversation about this. The nasty, doubting voice in the back of her head tries to speak up, but she squashes it. I’ve had just about enough of this whole “self-doubt” thing, she thinks, and her anger is justified by Himiko’s pleased hum.
She hears heavy footfalls rushing up the stairs and before her heart has time to accelerate in anticipation, Kanji-kun is throwing open his door, face red. “Rise.”
Rise raises a hand in a weak greeting. “Hi, Kanji-kun.” The tail end of her words lilt up, making it sound more like a question than anything else. God, she feels like an idiot. She just saw him a few hours ago! She has no reason to be acting so shy. When Kanji-kun doesn’t reply, she reaches into her bag to retrieve her excuse. “I, uh, brought Yu-senpai’s clothes for you. To mend, I mean, not to wear. They got pretty beat up during the fight.” She sets the shirt and jacket on his desk. “We did our best to get the blood out before it got too stained, but none of us can sew as well as you can.”
Kanji-kun doesn’t move. Doesn’t blink. He just keeps staring at her. And she’s used to being stared at, but somehow this is different. Because usually the stares are an annoyance, but Kanji-kun’s means something else.
Steeling herself, Rise says, “I like you a lot, Kanji-kun, but I refuse to be someone’s second choice. I’m worth more than that.” Carefully, because her legs are on the verge of falling asleep, she stands. “My agency is pushing. Asking if I’m coming back to idol work. And I love my work, but I think I love you more. I’d give it up for you.” Her throat burns from the truth coming from her lips. “But you have to make a decision.” She moves to leave the room.
His fingers curl in the crook of her elbow and she stops. “Tomorrow,” he says, voice rough. “After the Christmas party at Senpai’s.”
Her breath catches in her throat. Somehow she manages to say, “Okay.”
Yu knows this is stupid of him.
Like, really stupid. It’s almost midnight and he’s still pretty beat up, but here he is, walking through the streets of Inaba towards the Velvet Room.
The others are planning a Christmas party at his uncle’s house for tomorrow. It’s supposed to be a surprise for him, but as much as he loves his friends, none of them are good at sneaking around. Sure, he’s deaf, but that doesn’t stop him from noticing the decorations Chie tries to hide in the linen closet or the dirtied mixing bowls left on the drying rack from the girls’ practice.
He slept for most of the afternoon and, as a result, can’t fall asleep now. This sleeplessness led to irrational thoughts, which has led him here.
Margaret is surprised to see him. ‘It’s late,’ she signs, ‘and you were injured today.’ He doesn’t bother asking how she knows that, because he knows he won’t get a straight answer. ‘You should be resting.’
Yu shrugs. ‘I couldn’t sleep.’ She glances around. ‘Is Igor away again?’
‘His master called to him.’
He feels his eyes widen. ‘Igor has a master? I thought he was the one in charge.’
‘Igor does not have as much power as you think he does. He is little more than a doll his master created.’ She pauses, like she’s giving him time to reply, then continues, ‘I am still loyal to Igor, as he is my master, and I am loyal to you, as you are my guest. I have no such obligation towards Igor’s master. I will stand by you before I stand by him.’
‘That’s… good to know,” Yu signs after a pause, head spinning.
‘Forgive my rambling.’ Margaret looks embarrassed now. She probably hadn’t meant to reveal so much. ‘Was there a reason for your visit aside from insomnia?’
‘I feel restless,’ he admits. ‘It’s hard to believe it’s over. I mean, I’m happy Adachi’s going to answer for his crimes, but something tells me this isn’t over.’
‘Trust your instincts. Wild Cards tend to be more observant than usual. Don’t give up your pursuit of the truth because things seem to be complete.’
He breathes out a sigh of relief. ‘Thank you. I thought I was just being paranoid.’
Margaret’s lips turn up in a smile. ‘I’m happy to help. Was there anything else? You really should go home and get some rest.’
‘My friends and I are having a Christmas party at my uncle’s house tomorrow,’ he signs. ‘You can come by if you want.’
Something flashes in her eyes, too quick for Yu to read. ‘Maybe. Good night.’
‘Good night.’ Yu blinks and he’s back in Inaba, suddenly much more tired than he was before. He yawns and starts the trek back home.
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