#please pray for me i am so stressed about finishing it
frodo-with-glasses · 2 days
Where have you been?
Uhhh, France?
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(That’s a Hamilton reference, btw. I have never been to France.)
So! Another Hobbit Day is upon us. On this day last year, I’d promised you all that we would take another trek through LotR, with all new drawings and poems and fanfics. I fully expected to be finished with Book One by now, at least halfway through FotR. What actually happened is that the blog struggled through the first five and a half chapters of the book before suddenly going radio silent.
So what happened?
Well, as you might expect, real life happened. I won't go into the details here—since it has nothing to do with LotR—but I can explain in DMs if anyone is interested.
Basically, a change in my family led to a reexamination of what I thought I knew about my family, which led to a reexamination of what I thought I knew about myself, which kicked off an intense period of self-improvement.
Over the course of this past year, I began to unpack my family's abuse; I learned about boundaries; I started to unlearn my old people-pleasing tendencies; I reconnected relationships that were broken, reevaluated ones that were in the wrong place, and cut off ones that weren't good for me. I discovered there was a little kid in my head who's been waiting years and years for an adult to love her, and to take her needs seriously, and I finally have the chance to be that adult. And I'm happy to say that I've come to a place where I feel safer in my own head than I have ever been.
Probably very little of that is going to show through on this blog. It's all inward stuff; foundational stuff. But one thing that might affect you guys is that I left my (dreadfully overstimulating and stressful) part-time job, and I'm now working full time somewhere else. As much as I love what I do for a living now, working 40 hours a week does mean that I am become Boring Adult who does not have as much time for interneting. With my current schedule, there is no way I'd be able to sustain the intense schedule of "must post one drawing a day" that I had in the early days of this blog; and I don't expect myself to.
But! I would like to—slowly—get this train rolling again.
I find it hilariously apropos that the last piece of art I posted on this blog was of Frodo suddenly disappearing. From Merry's perspective, he completely vanished without explanation or warning. From your perspective, so did I.
But I find myself here again, on another September 22nd, and once again I'm beginning to feel that pull; that pull to read, and draw, and create, and share, and laugh with all of you. Life has calmed down enough for me that I once again have the mental space to think about pursuing my hobbies. There are so many things I want to do—so much to do with the time that is given to me. And I want this blog to be on that list.
My current goal is to post some new book art every other day. If that's too much, I'll adjust it. But if I find my groove and really get into it, who knows? We might return to your regularly scheduled Daily Dose of Frodo-With-Glasses. We shall have to see.
Anyway. If you've read this far, thank you! If you've stuck with this blog since the early days, thank you. And if you are one of that lovely core Fellowship that has had my back and prayed for me all along, I cannot thank you enough.
This past year has been an absolute ride. Not as difficult as a trek to Mordor, maybe, but not easy either. But no matter where I walked, I knew I didn't have to take the journey alone.
Anyway! Enough sappiness. Happy Hobbit Day! I'm excited to see what the next year has in store for us. 💚
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rablunt · 1 year
i hate capitalism so much it taints everything. i actually love working but the inflexibility and the threat of losing everything if i don’t give everything to the grind really kills me.
i’m actually in a really privileged position too (i live at home and its mostly fine so i can work for savings rather than survival) but i literally have a brain that tells me to get fucked and a desire to have a well rounded and balanced life and tell me why its impossible to be both happy and employed. its also impossible to be happy and unemployed unless you have generational wealth because get fucked pauvos.
why cant i work a job but only four days a week and take reduced hours when i need some time to better myself or the community??
humans like working. we dont do well idle. its just that the system we have to work under Sucks Ass.
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milesmolasses · 1 year
maybe e-42 miles x black fem fashion designer reader 👉🏾👈🏾 and she makes all different types of clothes like street wear and party dresses, and some girls even pay her to make their prom dresses and miles being her model for stuff.
my lil fashionista (e-42 miles x african!reader)
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— I’ve added a small twist to this request I hope you don’t mind
— designer… but make it african
— this song has been on my mind all day
— ⚠️: use of the igbo language, some things may be confusing because they are written in broken african english, cursing, this one is on the longer side
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in your room scattered with fabrics and sewing materials, you were on the phone with a last-minute client who wanted a prom dress done for her daughter. she was a close friend of your mothers and she called you expecting you to help her out on this last minute request, with prom only a month and a half away. but hey, if she was willing to pay double, who were you to refuse?
she was sending designs and inspo pictures, as well as different materials she wanted you to use on the dress. your mind was reeling, trying to write everything down as she spoke to you on the phone about all of the measurements of her daughter.
"ah, see the picture I sent to you now on whatsapp, that's kind of the style of dress we want for her. the long skirt one," she yelled into the phone. you could hear all the traffic from the road she was on, as well as gospel music from the speakers of her car.
"aunty have you changed the colors of the dress now?" you asked, praying she would say no as you looked at the photo she sent. you had already taken the fabrics out of your wardrobe and laid them out, so a change in colors would only stress you out more.
"no, same colors—"
just then, the woman was cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. you could hear it buzz on the wood of your floor, and when you went to check on who it was, you saw it was your boyfriend miles. "ahhh leave me nah!" you groaned as you picked up the phone to decline his call.
"are you talking to me?"
"no! no no no aunty, someone called me sorry," you pleaded, not wanting to seem rude to the woman who was paying you good money to make a dress on such short notice. you haphazardly threw your phone to your bed as you focused on remembering all of the measurements she told you and writing them down.
"biko (please), what did you say her busts were?" you requested.
"ahn that one is—"
just as she was about to tell you the measurement, your phone cut off. looking at the device on your bed, you saw miles was calling you again. you sucked your teeth as you declined his call, once again. knowing miles, you placed your phone on dnd to make sure you wouldn't get any more of his calls.
you sighed as you just decided to re-take all the girls' measurements whenever she got to your house.
"am nearing your house now, can you buzz me in?" the woman on the other line asked of you.
"of course, just tell me whenever you ring," you said. the commotion and traffic you heard before were gone. "she must be close," you thought to yourself.
you threw your notebook and pen alongside your phone on your bed as you went to focus on the half-finished dress on your mannequin. it was your own prom dress that you chose to make completely on your own, choosing to go for a more cultural look this prom season. you left the needle and thread looped through the sleeve of the dress to attend to the client you had on the phone, but now you went back to the dress you were working on.
the top of the dress was a beautiful, deep, dark red corset with jewels decorating the bust of the dress going all the way up to the sleeves. a swirl pattern of shimmering vines decorated the rest of the top portion. the bottom of the dress—a beautiful maroon color that was also decorated in shimmering, floral vines— went straight down in a tight fit to accentuate all your curves. not yet added to the dress, was the matching train, which you would sew later.
you were about to make the last loop around before finishing off the first sleeve of the dress when you heard a buzz from the front of your apartment. sticking a random hole in the dress to place the needle in, you tugged your bonnet off your head and ran to the buzzer. after buzzing the woman in, you waited by your door patiently.
after a few minutes, your doorbell rang. after waiting a few seconds to make it seem like you weren't literally right next to the door, you unlocked the door and swung it open.
"Y/N, kedu ka ị mere? (how are you),” she asked, leaning in to hug you.
“adị m mma aunty (i'm fine aunty), I was just finishing up a dress i’m working on," you responded. you looked at the girl right next to the woman; she looked just about your age.
"Adaoma you don't greet? is this not your agemate?" she looked to her daughter who made a face of discomfort. you understood exactly what she was feeling as her mother said that, so you shook your head as you chuckled and smiled.
"it's fine aunty, come inside both of you," you affirmed as you walked backward into your apartment.
as they sat down on your couch, you turned to your kitchen and headed straight for the fridge, "do you guys want some lemona—"
you couldn't even get the sentence out as you heard your buzzer buzz again. without thinking, you walked to your door and buzzed whoever the perpetrator was in.
"ah ah, are you having visitors?"
"no, it's probably just my mom. I think she forgot her key on her way to the market," you reasoned. walking back to your kitchen, you poured two glasses of lemonade into glasses and walked back to the living room couch where your visitors stayed.
"thank you my dear," said the woman. her daughter mumbled a small "thank you" as you handed them the cool drink.
"I have the measurements written down somewhere, hold on," you said, running to your room.
as you were searching your room for the small book you kept full of measurements and designs, you heard your doorbell.
"fuck where is it?" you whispered, scolding yourself for losing it so easily. your bell rang again, and then it rang a third time.
"oh my god— I'M COMING!"
finally, after recking your room completely, you found the book on your bed right next to your phone. you were too happy to beat yourself up about how stupid you were to not check your bed first, so you ran back to the living room, placing your things on the small coffee table.
you muttered an apology to your guests as you turned to the door, unlocking it. who you expected to see was your mom frantically telling you about how she left her keys at home before going to the market. however, what you were met with instead only made you even more annoyed.
"why you not answering the phone, hm?" came a deep, calm voice from the other side of the door.
sighing, you calmly tried to collect yourself, tilting your head back and saying a small prayer to the lord up above.
"miles, please. i'm doing something right now," you pleaded. the last thing you needed was your passive-aggressive boyfriend pissing you off when you already had so much to get done.
tilting his head forward, he peeked into your apartment looking at the people sitting on your couch. when he saw that the older woman was wearing a blouse with an African print—an Ankara blouse— he knew to watch his mouth when he entered your home.
"Y/N, who is that? is it your mum?" she questioned. sighing, you opened the door wider, revealing miles standing there with his head down facing you.
"no aunty, one of my friends came to visit," you said, putting on the fakest smiles known to man.
"introduce yourself, friend—" you grunted that last part, hoping miles got the message.
"good afternoon ma'am, my name is miles," he said walking up to the lady to shake her and her daughter's hands. he gave a small smile to seem less intimidating than he usually did and straightened out his back a little.
pulling miles away from your guest, you excused the both of you, walking over to the kitchen. "are you insane just coming here like you own this place? you couldn't even bother to call me before showing up here?" you whispered, not needing anyone but miles to hear you.
"excuse me, but you're the one ignoring my calls and leaving me on delivered. I sent you like ten messages but you ain't even look at them huh?" he accused sounding annoyed with you. you thought back to when he was calling you and you ignored him completely, going as far as to put your phone on dnd.
"if you did look at my messages, you would've seen one of me telling you I'm coming over. but you obviously too busy for me," he chuckled, but ain't shit was funny to him. "my fault, lemme get out your way—"
cutting him off, you grabbed his hand under the kitchen island to make sure any lingering eyes couldn't see you. you never want him to feel like you don't have time for him, miles was everything to you.
"no, no i-i'm sorry miles, i'm just a lil stressed right now. i'm handling a lot... don't go, baby stay."
he sighed looking around the room. he was definitely mad in the moment, but he understood what you were dealing with right now at this moment. he squeezed your hand from under the island and nodded his head yes. immediately, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug with a smile.
that was until you heard a cough coming from your living room. turning your head, you were met with the eyes of a wide-eyed woman with her hands folded on her lap, seeming very uncomfortable. almost immediately, you shoved miles away from you and turned to face the woman.
"ahem, uh, s-sorry aunty— i'll be right there," you said looking down at your feet ashamed. you turned to miles and gave a small head nod towards your bedroom, signaling him to reside in there until you were finished.
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It only really took around 30 minutes for you to discuss plans on what the dress would look like, and to take the girl's measurements. she showed you her pinterest board of prom dresses she had in mind and you even helped her settle on a photo for you to refer to while making the dress. after the thirty minutes were over, you gifted them some puff puffs your mom cooked earlier that morning and bid them farewell.
sighing in exhaustion, you walked back to your bedroom ready to relax and focus on your current project, only to find your boyfriend hovering over it. he looked absolutely entranced at the sight of the dress, from the jewels sewn into the plunging neckline to the way the rest of the dress shinned whenever the sun from your window hit it just right. he'd seen you wear clothes like this to weddings and whatnot, but every time you managed to blow him away with how effortlessly gorgeous you looked in them.
"it's stunning mi reina," he said, finally turning to face you. you walked up closer to him and leaned your entire body into his, wrapping your arms around his waist. "you think so?"
"baby I know so. you don't even have the dress on and i'm blown away," he reassured to you as he held you closer to him.
looking up at him you reached up to peck his lips, that was until he moved his head back to avoid your kiss.
"what's wrong?" you questioned.
he smirked down at you as he shrugged his shoulders, "nothin', i'm just wondering when you gon' make me a nice suit to match ya dress."
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— lord have mercy
— i’m like dying here
— please read lol (`_´)ゞ
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wosoragebaiter69 · 9 months
you don’t have to be perfect
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barça fem x teen!reader, lucy bronze x teen!reader
request: here
A/N: also i would just like to say, if anyone has any feedback for my writing it’s greatly appreciated cuz i’m not the best writer ik that but i want to improve.
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It was apart of the contract I first signed with Barcelona that I continue my studies and finish school. Not ideal, but I get by with around 80% and sitting on a B for most my classes. What I didn’t factor in was the amount of stress I would have on top of the League and UWCL games when exams and assignments from 6 different classes were coming up. That’s hard on a 17 year old.
I felt myself start to drift away from everyone in the 2 weeks before mayhem. First it was denying to go out with the younger girls like Salma and Vicky, both of whom understood. Vicky being the same age as me and Salma only 2 years older than us. Then as expectations rose, classes became longer and filled extra information. All the time I wasn't on the pitch, I was studying. Or sleeping. (we dont talk about how even thats being cut down to maximum 5 hours a night).
Living with Lucy meant that she was bound to catch on to what was happening. It was inevitable. She took me under her wing when I first arrived along with some of the older girls and since I don’t speak Spanish natively, I was told to go with Lucy who was told to keep an eye on me. It’s nice, when you don’t want her to worry about how you’re ignoring everyone and have bags under your eyes whenever she sees you. She really does try her hardest to get me to do anything that’s not over analysing and over-studying the numerous topics, but no matter how much it pains me. I always turn her down.
After another night of studying until 2am, there’s an early morning training session and I know I’ve only gotten 4 hours of sleep. If I told the medical staff I’m sure they’d pale.
I’m aware that I probably look like death walking, but it doesn’t bother me. If I pass with above average grades, I’m happy and I know my actual parents will be too. I ignore the concerned looks that Irene and Alexia give Lucy, and get changed ready for the training session.
It’s gruelling, the lack of sleep from the past 2 weeks has finally started to catch up. When I least needed it to. Maybe I am working too hard. It’s too late for that though. I know I’m being watched by the captains, acting for a little bit longer won’t do much harm. Can it?
When the third water break rolls around, I sit on the floor and flop onto my back, closing my eyes. Too tired in the moment to do anything other than breathe. The sunshine above me dulls as Lucy and Alexia stare down at me. When I open my eyes. My captain has a raised brow, while my roommate has her arms crossed.
“Y/N, get up please. Now.” It’s Lucy who speaks first. I don’t give in. What’s their problem?
“No. I am fine where I am thank you very much.” I bite back. Lucy looks like she’s trying to hold herself together and Alexia looks furious. Unconsciously, I sink into myself hoping the ground could swallow me up.
“Nena, we won’t ask again.” The spaniard says, her voice low as she sticks out her hand.
I reluctantly take it, pulling myself up and staring at the two in front of me.
“Come.” Alexia says blankly, leaving no room for argument before walking toward the main building. I sigh, doing as she says or I know I won’t hear the end of it. Lucy trails just behind me, her jaw set and making sure I don’t run away.
When inside I’m placed on a couch, wishing and praying to any extra-terrestrial being that I can leave this confrontation. What is it even about? Why am I here? I’ve done nothing wrong.
“So, we noticed you’ve been pushing people out. You also look dead.” Classic Alexia, straight to the point.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I look away.
“Really? Because when I go to bed, which is around midnight and sometimes 1 if I’m doing other work. Your light is always on. You better fess up now before we make you do extra laps, and clear all the equipment from training.” It’s Lucy this time, starring daggers into me. Still, I don’t let up.
“Maybe I left the light on.” I shrug. “And why do we have to do this right now? I have 2 exams tomorrow. So, if I may. Let’s finish training so I can get to study and do other things.”
“This is exactly what I’m talking about Y/N. You’re deflecting absolutely everything we say. You’re not taking the information in. I get you’re stressed but that doesn’t mean you isolate yourself.” She pauses, sighing deeply. “We are going home right now. You will not touch your school work, this has gone on for long enough. I know Alexia agrees with me.”
“Before you argue, just think. Is this really the best way I could’ve prepared? Yes nail in, do the study for good results. But also remember to utilise the support system you have, the team, the coaches, take a break.” By the end of the rant I feel tears well in my eyes. I feel someone hug me and I can tell who it is by the obscurely large hands.
“Nena, go home with Lucy. Get some rest, and not only will you feel better but it gives your brain a break. When the week is over we can talk more but for now go.” The Catalan smiles warmly. I nod my head saying thanks before walking with Lucy to the car.
“Do you feel alright? You do look very pale.” She places her hands against my face and frowns. “No temperature. I’ll get some food into you and we’ll have a rest day. Just us.” I nod slowly staring out of the window as my mind races.
When we get to the apartment, no conversation is made and I immediately go and take a shower. It’s there that I cry and let all my frustrations out, the stress finally taking its toll on my mind.
When I’m dressed and ready I walk out to the smell of pancakes and Lucy sitting on the couch with Narla next to her. She hears me and turns her head around, eyebrows furrowing at the state I’m in.
She pats the open spot next to her which isn’t taken by the Westie and hands me a plate, which I accept gratefully.
It’s a comfortable silence, but I know she’s waiting for me to say anything. And this time, I do.
“I’m sorry Luce.” My voice is quiet and more high pitched compared to what it normally sounds like.
She smiles lightly.
“Hey, these things happen. You’re smart, just as Alexia said give your mind a rest and you’ll do better. Myself, Keira, the rest of the team only want the best for you and your well-being. Let’s not talk about this now, take it step by step. You’ll be ok.” I nod wiping freshly formed tears as she pulls me into a big hug, giving the rest of her pancake to Narla who eats it happily.
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And ok it would be. I end up playing Fifa with Lucy the rest of the day before eventually falling asleep against her. As for the exams, I pass by with good grades and after everything’s done the team takes me out to a restaurant to celebrate. As much as I deny it, this team is the most important thing to me. I love and adore them all so much.
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astayinwonderland · 11 months
Silk and Fire - Chapter 1
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Read more about the series and find updates here (;
pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook
guest starring: jin, yoongi, hoseok
genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI
summary: it's your best friend's engagement party and you agree to meet everyone at the venue. however, you end up running late and in danger. fortunately, someone's there to offer a helping hand... or hands.
status: ongoing
warnings: mentions of anxiety
wc: 1.7k words
a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨
do not copy or translate
“Babe, you’ll look amazing no matter what you wear,” Namjoon puts his book down to look at you. “I love that dress on you,” he smiles, dimples showing. 
“You’ve said the same thing about the last six outfits I’ve tried on,” you laugh. 
“I am just being honest”. 
Namjoon leaves his comfy reading chair and walks over to your figure. You stand in front of the mirror and stand on your tippy toes mimicking how you would look in heels. Strong arms hug you from behind, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. Namjoon has been quite busy with work lately and in moments like this he wishes he could whisk you away and take you somewhere secluded, nice, romantic, where only the two of you existed. But alas, this wasn’t that day. 
In a couple of hours, you two would be at your best friend’s engagement party, who would have thought she would be the marrying kind after all? Everyone would be there, including the one friend you have never met in person. You are quite excited to meet him finally, he has been travelling around the world for the past year, and in your eight months of dating Namjoon, all the group of friends can talk about is how much they miss their group of 7. 
“You smell so good, you always do,” Namjoon whispers and plants a kiss on your soft skin. 
You run your fingers through his hair in an attempt to make time go still, but your eyes catch the clock by your nightstand and you jump. 
“Fuck, Joon! Look at the time. I have to go to the salon, the dry cleaners, go get my shoes…” 
Namjoon laughs at the way you rush around your shared house, he asked you to move in while you celebrated your 7th month together. The question came abruptly out of his mouth, but it felt right. He knew you were very special from the moment he laid eyes on you. Your looks are breathtaking for sure, but Namjoon felt an intense attraction to you because of your energy and intellect. You are sharp and smart, in a very different way than he is, and that makes him head over heels for you. 
“Alright, alright… Sure you don’t want me to pick you up and get there together?” 
“The salon is right across the venue, I’ll walk there once I’m done. Don’t worry, love,” you smile at him. 
You should have listened to your boyfriend. You should have. Honestly, at least if he were here, you would not feel this stress. It is 7:30 p.m., and you should already be at the venue calming your best friend’s nerves. You are the maid of honour after all. But things went south from the moment the dry cleaners didn’t have your dress ready and you were far behind with your hair. 
“Please just do whatever… the easiest thing. Anything! I really need to go,” you beg at the stylist, and even though she does try, your anxiety isn’t going anywhere. 
By the time you finish, it’s 8:02 p.m. Your bestie sends you text after text. 
Where the fuck are you? 
Are you close? 
I’m freaking out please, are you ok? 
You feel too guilty and anxious to give a full explanation so you just text her one sentence. 
I’ll be there in 5. 
You quickly make your way out of the salon and cross the street. The night is a bit cold and windy, your cheeks hurt a little from the cool air brushing against your face. You run in your heels praying you don’t twist your ankle. As you try to look for your lipstick in your clutch, you find yourself already a few steps away from the hotel door. The revolving door activates as you step in but it stops, leaving a small space open between the glass and the entrance. 
“Fuck!” you bang on the door to try and move it, but nothing happens. 
A muffled voice comes from the outside. You turn around to find a cheeky smile, lip piercing, and big doe eyes looking right into yours. 
“What?” your voice is louder than usual since you can’t hear him properly. 
His face now comes closer to the reduced space between the glass and the entrance. 
“You need to step back.” 
You try to move but it seems pointless and your anxiety peaks when it dawns on you that you may be trapped here for a long time. Your breath is heavy and your palms start to sweat. Hell, your vision is blurry. The man watches you lose it in a matter of seconds, and he would be damned if he didn’t do something about it. Somehow, his large frame squeezed through the little space left, catching you before you fell to your knees. 
“Darling, if you are going to get on your knees for me it better not be like this.” 
You try to focus your eyes on the man that helps you stand. Your face leaning against his crisp white shirt, makeup transferring a little bit onto it. 
“Are you okay?” 
And now you get a closer look. His long dark hair falls graciously on his forehead and temples, the rest of it framing his beautiful face. It is a mystery how he squeezed in with those broad shoulders and big arms. Those same arms holding you in place. 
“Breathe,” he gives you a warm smile.
So you breathe and try to pull yourself together, but his hands reach your waist and pull you against him. A gasp leaves your lips. 
“See?” he points at a tiny red dot near the door. “That’s a sensor, if you stand up too close you might get stuck. You just need to move a little bit–” and he pulls you even closer to him, his hips slightly gracing your body. “--back,” and that does the trick. 
Finally the door moves. Just as hotel employees are coming to your rescue. 
“It’s okay, I'm fine!” you yell running to the elevator. 
The man calmly walks after you and watches you desperately run. 
“Thank you!” you yell. 
Elegance. Poise. Charm. Love. 
You find yourself in a small but beautiful space where ivory and gold decorate the room and the chandeliers shimmered light delicately down to the guests. You spot your best friend and her fiancé across the room. Luckily your little meltdown didn’t completely ruin your hair, so you make your way in saying your polite ‘hellos’ and hoping she doesn’t kill you for being this late. 
“You look beautiful,” you hug her. 
“What the fuck happened?” you can see worry in her eyes. 
“The question is, what didn’t happen? Everything went wrong today, I’ll tell you later.” 
“She was about to call the police and put together a search party in order to find you.” 
You look at the man who your best friend decided to marry. Min Yoongi is no ordinary man. He is respectable, admirable, handsome, and the most important thing, he is husband material and perfect for Camille. He loves her dearly, erasing past traumas and filling her with acceptance and reassurance. You couldn’t be happier for them. 
“I was not going to call the police, Yoongi,” she rolls her eyes. 
“Yes she was,” he gives her the fondest of smiles and kisses her temple. His PDA is rare, but when it happens it is from the heart and that makes you long for the perfect man for you. 
“Where is he?” you say scanning the room, and then your eyes meet his. “Please excuse me for a minute…” 
Namjoon smiles as he sees you. Black shirt neatly tucked into his gray pants. His black hair parted to the side. He makes his way to you and you to him, meeting him in a tight embrace that seems to cure all your anxiety. 
“I’m glad you’re finally here,” he gives you a peck on the lips. “Missed you,” 
“And I missed you too!” even though you don’t see him you know it’s Hoseok behind you. You give him a tight hug. To be honest you missed hanging with Namjoon’s friends as well. They bring a certain spark to all gatherings that is hard to match. 
Namjoon gives you a quizzical look. 
“The dry cleaners didn’t have the dress ready on time, then my hair appointment was delayed an hour and a half, and on top of everything I got stuck in the stupid revolving doors,” 
“No way…” and the most boisterous laugh you’ve ever heard in your life comes from one of the most handsome faces you’ve seen in your life. 
“It did happen, Jin,” 
“If it was going to happen to someone it had to happen to you,” he sweetly kissed both of your cheeks. 
“Have you seen Jungkook yet?” Hoseok asks, elegantly holding a champagne flute. 
“Oh is he here yet?” you ask intrigued, excited even. 
“You know he likes a big entrance,” Jin adds. 
Namjoon then offers to get you a drink which you accept. You stay with Jin and Hoseok making casual conversation, but you spot your saviour in the small crowd. What is ‘revolving door guy’ doing here? You excuse yourself and make your way to him, saying hello to Camille’s family as you cross the room. His doe eyes open wide and his lips curve in a smile. 
“You are here,” he says. 
“Yes. Why are you here? Are you following me or something?” you whisper, confused. 
“Maybe I am,” he smirks and takes a sip of his neat whiskey. 
“I’m okay, no need to check on me,” you do your best to smile and reassure him you are doing just fine.  “Thank you, again.” 
“Okay… I won’t check on you, but I will check you out,” and there’s that cheeky smile again.
“Excuse me?” 
“There you are!” Namjoon hands you a glass of white wine and puts his hand around your waist. “Ah! I see you finally met each other.” 
Your eyes go from your man to ‘revolving door guy’ and back to your man. 
“Babe, this is Jeon Jungkook.”
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greazyfloz · 1 year
can you write something about having a pregnancy scare with Luke? Maybe it’s when you first move to Jersey with him at the beginning of next season and you’re so scared to tell him because he’s just starting his career and you think he’s gonna leave you. He gets home as your timer goes off to check the test and he asks what it’s for and you just break down crying and tell him but he’s so sweet and reassuring about it and doesn’t leave your side until you’re ready to check the test and it ends up being negative
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Being young dumb and in love with my boyfriend, I let him convince me to move in with him in Jersey. Luke and I have only been here for about a week in our small one bedroom apartment. Luke finished off last season, living with Jack, but since he convinced me to move to Jersey with him, we are now residing in a apartment, just down the hall from him.
 I haven’t it feeling good since we landed in Jersey just last week. I thought it was just plane sick since the turbulence on the plane was really bad that day, but I’m about a week late for my period and now I’m starting to get scared that maybe I was sick for other reasons.
Freaking out internally, I wait for Luke to leave for the teams morning skate before walking down the street to CVS and grabbing a pregnancy test. I made my way back home and went directly to the apartment bathroom and peed on the stick.
I pace back-and-forth in the bathroom praying that the test was going to be negative. ‘we just moved here’, ‘ Luke just started his career in the NHL,’ , ‘ he doesn’t want to baby‘, ‘ oh my God he’s gonna leave me’ I thought to myself. My thoughts entertain me enough to not even think about what time it could be.
I hear the apartment door open and close, and then footsteps enter into the kitchen across from the bathroom where I am standing.
“Babe?” Luke calls out looking for me
I decide not to answer as the results to my pregnancy test, would shows soon. I walk over to my phone to check. How much time is left on the alarm starts going off before I could even get there.
“shit“ I mumble as I quickly hit the stop button on my phone.
I hear a feet knock on the door, followed by a questioning Luke, “babe, let me in“
“ I’m peeing” I lied to him.
“ why are you timing your pee?” Luke says with a chuckle
“I’m-“ I sniffle
“are you crying y/n?”
I cave and open the door, and Luke looks down at me worried. I brought my arms around his waist and hold him tight.
“hey what’s wrong?“ Luke says, will rubbing my back
“You’re gonna leave me“ I cry and his chest
“no I’m not, what’s wrong. Why are you saying that?”
“Because you just started your career, and we both just moved here and it’s a new city and you’re all I have, and I’m about to mess everything up” I say, as I bawl my eyes out onto Luke shirt
“hey hey hey hey” Luke says, rubbing my back before pulling away and looking at me, “calm down, you’re not ruining anything. Are you stressed out? Do you not want to be here? I didn’t mean to force you to be here if you don’t wanna be here”
“The timer was for the pregnancy test, Luke I think I’m pregnant” I say, ignoring all of the questions
“don’t worry. I would never leave you if you were pregnant. Actually, I would never leave you in general. So the timer meant the pregnancy test was ready to look at?”
“do you want me to look at it?“ he asked me and I just not I head before answering.
“ yeah I don’t wanna look at it” I say, I said he gonna cry little harder
“don’t cry baby please. If we’re pregnant, we’re pregnant. Sure were young, but a baby is something will have to adjust in our lives” he says, before wiping the tears under my eyes, I look up at him and I nod. “you ready to check the test?” he asked me.
“yeah, let’s do it together” I say, as we both make her way to the bathroom sink. He wraps his arms around me because I flip the test around.
“negative” I say and turn around and hug Luke and he hugs me back. I pull away and look up at him and smile “I’m kind of bummed It’s negative after your speech” I say, making him laugh 
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pr33tylul · 2 years
The bet pt 3
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The both awoke to the sun shining on the both of them, y/n was the first to wake up. She realised what position they were in, also realising they had school.
“Harry up we have school!” She panicked getting dressed quickly. Harry groaned getting up, getting dressed then they both went separate ways to go to their common rooms.
Y/n got to her dorm and dressed as fast as she could.
“Where have you been then?” Blaise said looking at the tired Harry walking to his dorm. “With y/n” was the last thing he said before going into his dorm.
Malfoy and Blaise looked at eachother.
Not long Harry came out.
“So what did you two do on that date?” Blaise finished.
“We fucked, happy?” Harry was stressed, the boys cheering him on but he wasn’t interested he didn’t want her to find out how much of a dick he was.
He had gone back to his dorm, slamming it and that’s when the last of his mates saw him.
Y/n on the other hand was panicking, what if he didn’t enjoy the sex? What if she fucked up? She carried on with the rest of her day and still
Harry Potter was no where to be seen.
After school she’d had gon up to her dorm.
She sent him letters but there was no sign of his snowy owl.
She’d fallen for the boy, a boy she didn’t want to lose.
She decided to got to the slytherin common room.
She slowly walked out her dorm and walked to the slytherin common room.
The door was just opening as some people were going out so she walked in looking around the room. No sign of Harry anywhere, not even his mates? No malfoy or Blaise.
“Excuse me, do you know where I can find Harry potters dorm?” Y/n had gone up to a brunette hair girl. “Yeah uh just up there and the last door on your left” the girl said and y/n nodded.
She walked up the stairs to find the door closed but a little open, she went to push it open.
“So Harry, how’s it going with y/n” she stopped her movements and listened. “Good it’s going good.” Y/n smiled at his answer.
“So your not gonna tell her it was a bet?”
A bet?
Her heart sunk and she pushed the door open to see Harry with a cigarette in his hand. His friends froze and Harry did too.
“Thought you didn’t smoke?” Her voice cracked at what she just heard.
Harry on the other hand didn’t know what to say, he prayed she didn’t hear.
“So I’m a bet to you?” She said crossing her arms, tears pricking the corner of her eyes.
“Well we’re give you some space” malfoy said as the boys walked out, closing the doors. Harry had put the cigarette down and stood up. “Y/n no I can explai-”
“IM A FUCKING BET TO YOU?” Tears fell down her face. “I should of fucking known.”
“Y/n no listen to me please it was a bet yes but I love you I do.” Harry took her hands is his as tears were in his eyes now.
“Yeah and how am I supposed to believe that. we fucked! You were my first! And you knew that and you still did it anyway! You were just playing me like you to to most girls.” She shouted
“Y/n please don’t say tha-” before Harry could carry on she slapped him. “I hate you, never talk to me again, potter” she ran out with tears in her eyes and Harry was left there tears falling down his cheeks.
It had been a week since y/n found out about the bet and she was heartbroken.
She didn’t hate him, she loved him and she hated herself for loving him.
She had not seen Harry ever since that day. He’d send her letters but she’d never open them.
“Y/n where’s y/l/n!” You heard a voice outside, she furrowed her eyebrows and walked out to see none other than Draco malfoy.
“Y/l/n” he said looking at her “it’s Harry, look he’s drunk he’s just not himself so can you help him, we’ve tried he just wants you.” Y/n not really wanting to get involved she found herself walking with the blonde, walking past all the chattering slytherins and over to Harry’s dorm pushing it open.
He was sat on a chair, bottles of fire whiskey, empty cigarette boxes.
“Harry?” She walked in closing the door, she walked infront of him, he was looking out the window. “Oi” she said kneeling down. He looked at her.
The girl he fell in love with. “I’m so sorry y/n” his voice cracked. “I’m so sorry I’m so sorry” he repeated.
“Shhhhh” she took his hand and stood up. She helped him off the chair and into bed. “Come on sleep it off, then we’ll talk okay?” He nodded.
She stood up and picked up the bottles and cigarette packets. She went downstairs to Blaise and malfoy.
“How long has he been like that for?” She asked sitting down. “Well when you left him, he’d punched something or some sort” Blaise continued on “then went out, turned up drunk. The teachers think he’s sick.”
Y/n nodded. “Well I’m gonna go back up there and well…why did he do it?”
The boys looked at eachother. “It all started when you bumped into him, Ron thought you and Harry were cute and Blaise said you and him would never happen…Harry took it as a challenge and yeah we��re here.” Malfoy said then said. “He didn’t wanna tell you because he’d fallen in love with you, he was scared so he said he would make sure you didn’t know but that didn’t go according to plan.”
Y/n looked down, she felt heartbroken but she loved him, she loved him a lot to just quit on him. Whiteout saying a word she stood up and walked to his dorm, he was asleep in his bed. She sat down in the chair he was in and looked out the window, the sun was settling . She looked at Harry again and smiled.
Y/n had woken up early. It was 5 in the morning and Harry was still sound asleep. For once in her life she didn’t freak out about getting ready for school, she sat there and waited for Im to wake up.
“What are you doing here?” She turned to see Harry sitting up wiping his eyes. “I’m here for you”
“Look y/n I’m sorry okay…I’m an asshole for doing that to you, for breaking your heart but I really do love you, I understand if you don’t care or just don’t feel the same way anymore or even if you ever did, I just want you to know I’m sorry”
He didn’t look away once, which made y/n know that he was telling the truth. She walked towards him and kissed him.
Harry was taken back but kissed her back. “I love you, yes” she said breaking the kiss. “And you hurt me, but I don’t think I’ve ever loved some more than you.”
Harry looked at her and smiled, in the first Time for a week he smiled and it was because of her.
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l-norris · 2 months
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This is it - the last race before the summer break (thank fuck, God knows we all need it) is underway, and I have once again decided to bless your feed with my random yapping about what happens in the race :)
Have fun!
DISCLAIMER: Remember that this is just for shits and giggles, I'm not trying to actually hate on any of the drivers cuz all (most) of them are very dear to me!
As always: Numbers in brackets = lap number
- I stopped building my Lego Mercedes for this
- Formation lap starts
- Almost everyone is on Mediums
- it's not raining for once btw
- Sunny day in Belgium, what a shocker.
- Yuki 60 place grid penalty
- Mans is starting from Hungary
- Max 10 place grid penalty
- It's lights out and away we go!
- Lando bottled the start pt. idk (boy pls😭)
- George and Alex go wide
- I think Hungary damaged McLaren as a whole😔
- Went from a top contender team to a middle field team in a matter of days😨
- Charles is still first
- Max is already in 8th
- Behind Lando
- I am in despair
- Alex noted for leaving the track and gaining an advantage (2)
- Lewis overtakes Charles (3)
- Now leads the race
- Guanyu has no power (3)
- "He is destined for another race of misery" BROTHER😭
- Calling it now Max will win the race.
- "This might be a strategic masterplan of Ferrari" Crofty please don't lie to yourself
- Guanyu got the car running again
- "Something is moving down by my legs"
- Okay Lewis
- sounds familiar
- Guanyu retires (7)
- Hulk pits (8)
- Alex, Danny and Logan pit (9)
- Lewis is told to lift and coast
- Pierre pits (10)
- DRS train without Fernando... how weird
- Max and George pit (11)
- Mum pick me up I'm scared
- So many people pit (12)
- Including Lewis, Oscar, Valtteri and Checo
- Ferrari strategists bottling it once again
- Lewis almost crashes into Oscar in the pitlane omg (13)
- Oscar fastest lap (14)
- "Straight line speed is a fucking joke"
- Duh Lance, you're driving a fucking Aston Martin. The hell do you expect?
- Lando pits (15)
- Carlos in the gravel
- French civil war reenactment (Esteban overtakes Pierre)
- "Don't worry about it, Lando."
- War flashbacks
- He did, in fact, need to worry about it.
- Oh btw Carlos leads the race (19)
- I keep mixing up Alpines special liveries with Haas
- Anyone else? No? Just me? Okay.
- Checo parks the bus to keep George in front of Max LOL
- Carlos FINALLY pits (20)
- Alpines are faster than Aston Martin🫣
- Ferrari try a 1-stop...?? What the hell??
- George finally passes Checo (21)
- Max now behind his teammate
- Checo pits...? (22)
- indirect teamorders mayhaps?
- Lando in Max' DRS window
- "We are very slow on the straights"
- No Checo that's just you🙏🏻
- Lando is NOT catching up to Max (24)
- I'm praying for another Miami atp
- Ferrari fuck Charles' pitstop (25)
- Lewis pits (26)
- What was that camera angle on Lewis' pitstop😵‍💫
- Oscar leads for now (27)
- "Beware the quiet man" So true Crofty
- Carlos pits again (29)
- Do you reckon Oscar can bring it home in a one-stop?
- Lando pits (29)
- teamorders @ redbull
- Oscar pits (30)
- and hits the jackman🫣
- Lando overtakes Checo easily (31)
- George is really doing a one-stop
- Madman
- It's getting spicy between Max and Lando
- Nevermind, Max started pushing
- The fact he wasn't even pushing... yikes
- Oscar fights Charles for P3
- AND HE DOES IT! (35)
- Amazing move from Oscar here
- Danny Ric is in the points! I repeat! Danny Ric is in the points!
- Carlos overtakes Checo (39)
- That's embarrassing🫣
- Lewis in DRS window of George (41)
- it's getting exciting towards the end
- Checo pits?? (43)
- Final lap!
- That mf really did it - he won on a one stop
- Also on a side note Checo finished P8
- So who's in the second Red Bull after summer break?
- Place your bets here!
- Anyways
- This was so fucking stressful
- but so exciting all the same.
- Onto the summer break (thank fuck)
- After the race, George's car was found to be a few kgs lighter than regulations state it needs to be.
- 7pm local time: it has been confirmed - George Russell has been disqualified from the Belgian GP.
- George is facing a possible DSQ due to this.
- All of this came about at approx. 6:30 pm local time and is being investigated.
- This is the worst day of my life
- Well... after all that happened we sure as fuck need a break. A long one.
... Holy moly. That one was an emotional rollercoaster. And just after I said we need the summer break desperately. I really enjoyed the race (except for the whole George DSQ thing) but at the same I can't be more happy about summer break after these last two races😵‍💫
Have a nice summer break everyone, hope to see you even in the off-time occasionally!
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A New Male (Part II of II)
Rhysand's Sister!Reader x Eris
Holy fuck I am so sorry this took me so long! I should have made it three parts instead but I just wanted to finish it for you guys! I hope yall wanted soft Eris, because this is so mushy but I also love it
Again, timeline and character development not really canon, so just go with the flow! Here is Part I
Warnings: Mentions of character death, swearing, smut, Eris cares too much about fashion theory
Word Count: 13.5K
You unsurprisingly found yourself ending up in the Autumn Court again, dew clinging to the hem of your skirts and fog winding around your wrists. You’d followed the sunset from the gloomy Court of Nightmares, chasing the golden skies and beams of light kissing the clouds, a sight so often shielded with storm clouds in your home territory.
Wings tucked in tight behind you, you stepped over logs and maneuvered around muddy leaves, looking around, searching for a certain fireborne male. With your hair pinned nearly behind your head, only a few tendrils now slinging around your pointed ears, you craned your neck from side to side, eager to cover as much ground as you could, desperate to find your new friend. 
Those amber eyes found you first, though, from his spot perched on a thick tree branch spread high above you. He’d winnowed as soon as he noticed you in the court, wandering through the dense forest. He was quick to scent you, the faint oenothera and cool brisk night, even from his position just outside the Forest House. As his ears picked up on the sentries discussing the sudden intrusion, he quickly ordered them to stand down, ensuring he would investigate the trespasser. 
Don’t tell Beron.
Eris could not stress it enough. 
He’d winnowed his way through the woods, finding new hiding places until he decided he was finally close enough to you, perched up atop the highest tree branch, watching as you searched for him. It made his heart flutter, unable to stop the small smile that pulled at his lips. 
It didn’t hurt that you had donned your dress with the tightest bodice, corset pulled so tight that your chest was pressed against the fabric, pressing up toward your collarbones with every breath you took. 
And maybe you had done it on purpose. 
He winnowed down a few feet in front of you, tall, lean body hidden by the fog. He was quick to step out, though, perfectly in your path, stopping you dead in your tracks. Your breath hitched in your throat, head stuck on a swivel, as you straightened your back, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze.  
“Welcome back,” he mused, arms crossed over his chest, smirking hanging on his lips. 
Couldn’t stay away, you wished to say. “Happy to see my welcoming committee, once again,” you replied nonchalantly, dropping your shoulders in a shrug. 
Eris smiled, stepping closer to you. “I was beginning to wonder when I’d see you back in my Court.”
You returned the smile, praying to the Mother to hide the blush on your cheeks - or at least have him chalk it up to the cold evening air. It’s not like you’d counted how many days had passed since you’d last been to Autumn. 
But you were waiting for the exact moment when you could slip away and race back to the red haired male. 
Rhysand and your father had been called to the Illyrian camps unexpectedly. You’d been left with his larger friend in charge, the big brute that couldn’t go two hours without eating. You were able to coerce him into a dinner with your finest maids, the most beautiful ones you could find - them, and about twelve bottles of your father’s Faewine. 
You slipped out of your room not a moment too soon, and were able to catch the sunset on your flight to the Autumn Court. 
“Miss me that much?” Your voice was as smooth as that gods damned Night Court silk he despised so much. While he decided you didn’t look bad in it, actually quite pleased with how you looked barely wrapped in the dark material, he would much prefer to see you in something corduroy. 
Eris couldn’t suppress the chuckle that left his chest, a low rumble, yet such a boyish laugh. “Who else would I be able to share my family woes with?” He quirked an eyebrow in your direction. 
You nodded, suddenly remembering the weight your own family had been putting on your shoulders lately - and how much of a risk it truly was to see Eris. You bit your lip, looking around at the forest floor. Colorful leaves scattered the damp earth, clumps of mud and dirt caked at the bottom of the dying shrubbery. “No fire or knife throwing?” You asked, desperate to talk about anything other than your family - or his. 
Understanding of your conversational change, Eris strode to one of the fallen tree trunks, sitting on the dark bark. His legs spread slightly, dark pants stretched out, matching the dark blue suit jacket he wore. “Not tonight,” he replied, looking up at the sky. “Just out admiring the sunset.” A little white lie never hurt anyone, right?
You nodded, strolling over to take a seat beside him. You held your wings up high, tightly pressed to your back, keeping them out of the mud and out of Eris’s way. “That’s what I was going to say,” you replied, with a small smile pulling at your lips. A white lie shared between friends, then. 
Without another word, Eris leaned backward, drinking you all in: the way your dress hugged your curves, accentuated your chest, nearly glowing under the setting sun. Your hair curled perfectly over your ears, exposing your long neck and shoulders. Your dark wings flexed behind you, held high by your immaculate posture, fit for a queen on her throne.
It was a sight Eris wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon.
Much to your dismay, as soon as you opened your mouth to make a snarky comment about the young heir apparent, your stomach growled, interrupting the near expired silence. You felt your cheeks burn, hand clenched to your stomach as you tried to laugh it off.
Eris laughed, too, a genuine one, showing how caught off guard he really was. “You okay there, little bat?”
You were simply on fire at that point. 
You huffed a laugh, forcing yourself to ignore his commentary - unable to decide if you liked the sound of it or not. “I skipped dinner,” you replied. Skipped dinner to escape Cassian in the Court of Nightmares, to find you. “And then the flight over here…” You had to travel across nearly all of Prythian to get there - not a small feat, especially not in the dress you wore, and not on an empty stomach. 
Eris rolled his eyes. “Nothing here worth skipping meals for.”
“You’ve eaten the Nightmare gruel before, no?”
Eris barked out a laugh, smiling broadly, eyes squinting at the corners. “As much as I’d love to remember the grey cuisine last time I was visiting,” he began, dropping a hand to your knee, over your thick skirts. “I’d much rather not.” With a glint in his bright shining eyes, his wide palm squeezed your leg. “Stay here.”
Before you could even question it, the male was gone, vanishing into nothing but thin air. You cursed yourself, cursed your father for not passing down the strong powers he gave to Rhysand to you as well. You could barely summon darkness as your brother did, much less winnow. You didn’t have the abilities to hide your wings like Rhys - whether he actively hid them or had to summon them through magic - you weren’t sure anybody really knew. 
If not for the fading orange sun, you wouldn’t be afraid. The sun set quickly here in Autumn, and you weren't sure how long you would be sitting there without Eris. 
Eris, on the other hand, scavenged through the Forest House kitchen. He would run himself ragged to find you something - opening cabinets and oven doors, searching for the perfect treat for you. He knew he couldn’t be gone long - he wasn’t sure how long you’d actually wind up waiting for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the apple crumble cooling on the windowsill. It was perfect. 
He lunged towards the window, stopping only to fix his jacket and run a hand through his messy hair, before he grabbed the dish and a spoon and winnowed back to you. 
Eris sat back on the large tree trunk, holding the warm dish between the two of you. 
Your eyes grew wide as you observed the dessert, chunks of apple drizzled with caramel and brown seasoning. The crumble on top was still steaming slowly, chunks of dough and oats and something that smelled so sweet. He held it out to you, which you graciously took.
“This isn’t going to be one of those old wivestales is it? The one they tell the children to scare them out of running away?” Your head tilted to the side, holding the delicate white baking dish in both hands. The sweet smell of sugar entrapped you. “Where if they eat the food from the mysterious land, they’ll be stuck there forever?”
Eris’s eyes washed over the smirk that played at your lips. His voice dropped an octave: “Would that be so bad?”
You shook your head quickly, wings shaking slightly behind you. Eris held the spoon out to you, watching you take it and scoop a hearty spoonful of the apple crumble, quickly taking it into your mouth. 
You could have moaned - never having tasted such a sweet treat. Solstice dessert came close, but no Night Court dish would have such depth, the tart apple with the big chunks of sugar and allspice flakes. You had heard legends about the infamous Autumn caramel, the viscous golden sugar that could be traded for bags of coins in the other courts. 
As you took a scoop of the chunky topping, you couldn’t help but notice how those red eyes watched you, a predator watching his prey, eating the sweet treat, only sweetening you up for his own tasting later.
Gods, and you wished he would. 
He knew you noticed him staring. He had nowhere else to look, really. No other sight would have his blood pumping like that: watching you lick the sticky sauce off your lips. 
He would forego a hundred years just to see that tongue of yours run across your lips. To watch as your eyes fluttered closed, nearly moaning at the taste. 
Your attention was all on him as you lifted the spoon to your lips. Caught in a trance, though, those fiery red eyes demanding all of your attention, a chunk of topping fell from your spoon, landing directly on your chest. Your eyes flitted downwards, you hadn’t expected nearly such a grand display on your end, the wide expanse of your pushed-up chest now the perfect plate for such a delicious treat.
Eris would agree - you were utterly appetizing. 
His eyes flicked back and forth, between your eyes, your lips, your chest. His fists were clenched at his sides and he forced himself to breathe calmly. Not one to besmirch a female’s reputation, he held himself back - stopped himself from reaching over and having a taste straight from the source.
“You have no idea,” he whispered, unable to raise his grating voice from the low tenner. “The amount of restraint I have around you.”
You huffed out a low breath, smirking at the poor male in front of you. You swiftly placed the dish down on the ground beside you, not taking your eyes off Eris as you simply plucked the chunk of dough up, holding it up in front of you. You tossed him a sultry smile as you held your hand out to him, but as soon as those lips parted, eyes burning with desire, you pulled back and placed the sugary chunk on your own waiting tongue. 
His jaw fell ever so slightly, watching as you reached back out for him, a droplet of caramel - one matching the smudge on your breast - lingering off your finger. You dragged your thumb across his bottom lip, earning a blink and a sigh from the male, as his tongue met your finger ever so gently. You brought your hand back to yourself, licking the remnants of the sauce from your thumb once again, as if tasting Eris instead. 
“What are you holding yourself back for?” You breathed, eyes wandering from his blazing red ones to his pink lips, looking so soft, still parted ever so slightly. “I know it’s not for my benefit.”
Eris willed his mouth shut, forcing a breath down his throat. “(Y/N).” Your name was a prayer, a plea, begging for salvation. “If you allow me to touch you, I am not sure if I will ever be able to stop.” 
Your heart lurched to your throat, stomach twisting in anticipation as you failed to come up with a response - nothing but his name on your lips as his hand reached upwards, tracing up the outside of your bare arm, eventually stopping at the back of your neck. 
Your eyes nearly fluttered at the contact, his warm palm against your cold skin. His fingers stretched the expanse of the back of your neck, from the top of your shoulder to between your shoulder blades. As he leaned forward, your head tilted back, mouth falling open with the softest sigh as his nose brushed against your cheek. He pressed forward, lips tracing the shell of your ear, but not offering you a kiss. You were drawn to him, to his heat, his smell, his touch. 
Eris watched you with hooded eyes, as your head fell back completely, offering him nothing but the open expanse of your chest and neck. You felt his breath tickle the corner of your jaw before he pulled away, dropping before you. His nose nuzzled against the freezing skin of your collarbone, lips pressed against your breast, straining against the top of your corset, begging to be set free. 
You released a shaky breath, one Eris vowed to never forget, as he kissed his way up your chest, across your cleavage, tongue flitting out to taste the rest of the sugar granules that lingered across your creamy skin. You arched upwards, pressing yourself further into him as your hand fell to the back of his head. Your fingers wound through those red locks, needing to cling to something - anything - to ground yourself. 
He followed your lead as you tugged him upwards gently. Eris, ever the minx, though, smirked as he continued his ministrations up your body, offering you small kisses as he worked his way up the column of your throat, nipping at your sensitive skin once he reached the corner of your jaw. You lurched with a soft gasp, hand winding farther around his head, holding him in place. 
“Eris,” you mewled, unable to open your eyes, to pull yourself away from relishing in the feeling of the male buried in the crook of your neck. “Please, Eris.” 
Music to his ears. 
His other hand moved from the death grip he held on your hip, up to cradle the free side of your face. He tilted your head forward, until you eventually opened your eyes to meet his, burning with desire. His cheeks were painted pink, red eyes hungry with desire. “Say please again, (Y/N),” he murmured, pulling himself from the warmth he spread across your torso, looking you straight on. 
You licked your lips, mouth suddenly feeling dry, radiating with anticipation. “Eris - ” you didn’t miss how his chest huffed at the sound of his name, how he suppressed the groan that threatened to claw its way from his throat. “Please.”
His lips captured yours, so gently you weren’t sure if you would have to beg for him to really kiss you. With a sigh of contentment, like he had been waiting just as long as you had - as if delaying it wasn’t his own doing - his lips moved against yours. You leaned into him, deathgrip on his loose curls, pulling him ever so much closer to you. 
Before Eris could drag his tongue across that bottom lip of yours, the one you’d been biting all evening, his ears perked up, catching the faint howl of his dogs far on the outskirts of the forest. He sat straight, hands not dropping your head, focusing on the leering sentries. His eyes fell to yours; while his were riddled with alarm, you looked as though you’d seen a ghost, so petrified of what the High Lord of the Autumn Court would do if he found you in his court… whether he was friends with your father or not, you were trespassing. 
“You have to go,” Eris breathed, still afraid to let you go.
“I can’t keep coming back,” you replied, hand settling on his own, the one that still cupped your cheek. 
He nodded, disagreement the farthest thing from his mind. “Then I’ll come to you.”
You bit your lip, shaking your head. The Court of Nightmares would notice the moment he crossed their borders, an Autumn male entering their territory without an invitation from the High Lord. He wouldn’t be safe in Velaris, either, not in the sleepy mountain town where he’d stick out like a sore thumb. No way he’d make it close enough without your father or brother noticing. 
“You have to go,” he whispered, thumb tracing your cheekbone. “I’ll find you.”
The dogs grew louder, the sound of the males shouting far in the distance encroaching closer and closer. Without so much as another look - another kiss - Eris pulled you up by your hips, hoisting you to your feet and turning you away from him. 
You took a few wobbly steps before stretching out your wings, taking off into the dead of night. 
You’d made it back that evening before Cassian even noticed you were missing, still drinking with the young fawns obsessing over his every move. You shouldn’t have been surprised to hear him take a handful of them to bed later. 
The sounds alone echoed against the stone walls of your fathers estate, built into the side of the tall mountain. You laid awake in bed, half tucked under the covers, a plush pillow pressed over your head, trying to drown out the sound of the beastly male and the females crying out in pleasure. The jealous part of you wished that were you and Eris, perhaps hidden away deep in the Autumn woods, the males pointed nose buried in your neck again, or those soft lips between your legs. 
You’d pay an insurmountable amount of coins to hear that breathy moan fall from his lips, the low grumble from his chest as he licked his way across you breast. The thought alone had you pressing your legs together. 
You longed for his hands to roam the expanse of your body, that damned silk dress you’d worn just for his attention. Discarded in a pile of silk on your floor. Leave it to the Autumn sentries to interrupt you - though, you had heard rumors it was the most heavily guarded court, soldiers who would die to protect Autumn’s secrets and surely would kill anyone unexpected on their land. But the bloodhounds scared you more, no matter how many creatures you’d encountered in your own home court. Their well trained noses would track any being in their lands - no matter how small - razor sharp teeth that could tear them to shreds within the blink of an eye. 
You rolled over, kicking the thick blankets off of you, throwing a coat over your shoulders before running through the drawing room and launching yourself off the balcony. 
Your wings caught you, splayed out wide behind you, coasting along the quick breeze. You soared over the Sidra, watching the moonlight coast over the rippling waves, the midnight black water shining white in reflection. The trees whirled past, the sweet smell of pine and thick fog had nothing on what you’d seen in Autumn, the lingering smell of pumpkin and cinnamon still swirling in your nose. 
You banked back toward the mountain, gliding close to the cold rocks before spotting the small cave you so often found yourself at. You landed on your feet, on the stone that offered nothing more than a couple feet of space, before plopping yourself on the edge, legs dangling off the cliff. 
You adjusted the cloak over your shoulders, pulling it over your bare arms, those that Eris had been dragging his own fingers along not long ago, tracing a line of fire up your skin. You pulled the nightgown over your legs, thick socks s covering you near bare feet. The cool night but at you, but it was welcome, much needed to help you clear your head. 
No matter how hard you tried to shake off the thought of Eris, the feeling of his touch, the all too short time he spent with his lips against yours, his memory lingered - as did his touch, his warmth, his smell. 
Your wings prickled, goosebumps washing over your skin as you felt another approaching; Illyrian wings appearing far in the distance. You squinted, watching Rhys follow your own path, soaring high before dropping down on the edge of your little cliff. The one you two had been sneaking off to since you were young. When Rhys would take you flying, he often took you here, a nice resting spot while you were still too young and unable to fly for so long. 
You’d pushed him off the edge numerous times, giggling as he caught himself in the air, his boisterous laugh bouncing off the sides of the mountain, echoing in the valley below. 
“Figured I’d find you here,” he started, taking a seat beside you. His Illyrian leathers were matte under the stark moonlight. Clothes he so rarely wore recently. Not since his time in training, since your mother had been with him at the camp. 
“Your friend is quite loud,” you replied flatly, staring down at the rocks below. 
Rhys grumbled. “I’ll have to talk to him about that.” You hoped he wasn’t peering into Cassian’s mind, catching him at such an intimate moment. 
“You’re back sooner than expected… is father at home?”
Rhys nodded. “We left Azriel in charge of the Illyrians, you know father couldn’t stand being there any longer than he had to.” 
You frowned, unfortunately unable to forget your fathers cruel behavior at the war camps. How he’d demand public punishment, chaining the males up for their lashings, demanding the other soldiers to watch in warning. 
Something your poor mother would have had to watch, had she not been taken from her family to marry the High Lord. 
“You smell like…” Rhys trailed off, dipping his head closer to your hair. “Burning? What is that?” His brows furrowed, washing over your face in worry, looking for any singed skin, any signs of injury. 
But it was Eris, you smelled like him, just from your brief moment together; like bonfire, burning embers, like that sweet caramel. You shook your head at your brother, brushing it off. “I was attempting something in the kitchen… didn’t quite pan out.” You shrugged at him, hoping it was enough to buy it. 
Either Rhys was not as well trained in sensing smells as he thought, or he simply hadn’t spent enough time with the Autumn heir to pinpoint his scent. Either way, you were grateful. 
 “Father wants to have another ball in the Court of Nightmares,” Rhys said, thankfully changing the subject. “Something to celebrate the birth of Keir’s daughter.” He pressed his lips together, exhaling harshly through his nose. 
“You think Keir is putting him up to it?” You asked, knowing your uncle all too well, ready to draw all the attention to himself, a mask celebrating his new daughter, the blonde babe only a few weeks old. 
Rhys held back whatever he was to say. Whatever he was going to say about his father’s plans for her - but Rhysand swallowed down the thought.  “Probably,” he sighed. 
Your eyes washed across the grey rock, small stones dropping off the cliff edge with each gust of wind. Nobody liked the Court of Nightmares, it was ruled in a constant state of terror, it’s own citizens miserable. You weren’t sure if it was your father or his brothers fault, but neither seemed in a hurry to improve living conditions there. Though the parties were often glamorous, the various courts were too often displeased to travel to the gloomy underworld. 
But at least you’d get to see Eris sooner than either of you hoped. 
The red dress you chose was a bit more suited to the Nightmare style, much more fitted and tighter than your usual skirts. Your mother was never a fan of the less is more style of the gloomy court. 
Your father, on the other hand, didn’t understand why you needed to have that silk dyed into a burgundy, the same dark red that matched Eris’s hair. The exact color you knew would drive the territorial male wild. 
The maids had done your hair up much like that last time you saw him, but you opted for the high neckline that drew the eye up the long expanse of your throat. The rest of the dress was tight, pulled taught against your bodice and hips, a long slit showing off only one of your toned legs - gods bless the Illyrian gene. 
Eris thought the exact same thing when he saw you. Taller than most of the pure Night Court females, and no doubt more intimidating with your wings arched high at your back, he watched you move gracefully across the dance floor, greeting friends and flirting with random males. 
You felt Eris’s gaze burning into you, after all, he stood nearly a whole head over the Spring Court male he was pretending to converse with. The Vanserras had dispersed throughout the room, red hair scattered, most flocking to the Night and Day Court females, both of which wore next to nothing. 
Cassian appeared at your side, earning a sigh from you, as he attempted to stare down the Autumn male. “What’s with the stick up his ass,” he grumbled, stepping just in front of your line of sight. He smirked down at you, arms crossed over his wide chest. 
You rolled your eyes, turning to walk toward the table with the Faewine - Mother knew you’d need it. “That color looks lovely on you, (Y/N),” he continued, falling into step beside you. “Wore it just for me?” You knew he was taking the piss, but you couldn’t help but drop your eyes to the bright red siphons on the backs of his hands. He’d earned four thus far, but your brother promised him and Azriel many more once he became High Lord. 
“You must be colorblind, Cassian,” you sighed, brushing it off. He laughed, tilting his head back toward the crowd to find the Vanserra. “Or maybe your more full of yourself than I gave you credit for.”
Cassian took it as a compliment, the cocky male smiling broadly down at you. As you pressed through the mass of Fae, finally finding the wine, your eyes fell onto a pale hand, extending a glass of purplish liquid out to you. You pressed your lips together to suppress the smile that laced your mouth, bright eyes gleaming up at Eris, who, in turn, beamed down to you. 
Cassian made haste to snatch the glass, but you beat him to it, taking the cup in both hands and thanking Eris for the drink. “Pleasure to see you again, Lady (Y/N).”
You almost laughed at the formality, so out of place on the male’s tongue. 
“None for me?” Cassian mocked, eyes wandering up and down the Autumn male, sizing him up. Eris stood a few inches taller than him, glaring down at the Illyrian from under his eyelashes. He stood lean, unable to match Cassian’s muscular build. You weren’t convinced either was I dominated by the other. 
“You have two capable hands, no?” Eris seethed, gaze finally falling back to you, giving you a similar up-and-down. His red eyes lingered on your long leg, your hips and the curve of your breast, hidden beneath the dark red fabric. 
Cassian grumbled a response, glaring at the male as his eyes washed over you. Your cheeks heated, uncomfortable with the third-party viewer, standing so close to the two of you, when all you could think about was Eris’s hands tracing that same path down your body. 
When Eris’s hand fell to the small of you back, warm fingers brushing against the smooth silk of your dress, Cassian’s eyes flitted to Azriel, who was already halfway across the room making his way toward you. You called to Rhys, testing his newly flourishing daemati power. 
Control your guard dogs, you hissed toward him, once you felt his tallon drag down your mental shields just enough. 
They’re protecting you. I don’t need that Autumn filth touching you like that. 
I don’t need them watching my every movement, either. Tell them to leave me alone. You shut him out of your mind without waiting for a response, eyes falling to Rhys across the room, hanging onto every word Tamlin said. You narrowed your eyes at him, once those indigo ones flitted to you momentarily. 
With a roll of his eyes and subtle shake of his head, he glanced toward his two friends, undoubtedly telling them to back off. He turned back to Tamlin as Cassian and Azriel glanced at each other before reluctantly turning to find someone else to bother. “Be careful, (Y/N),” Cassian offered you as he joined his friend. 
“Quite the posse you’ve gotten yourself here,” Eris stated, watching the males walk away with their tails tucked between their legs. 
You leaned into his touch every so slightly, enough to go unnoticed to everyone except the two of you. His hand flattened against your back, fingers splaying over the top of your ass. 
“Eris,” you warned, turning to face him. You didn’t see your father in the crowd, fearful he would find you and Eris standing too close for his liking. Eris was worried about the same thing, actually, but he was too distracted to care about what his father might think about it. 
“Dance with me?” He asked, turning you toward the dancing area, where the orchestra had just begun testing their instruments. 
Your hand fell to his arm, holding his thick bicep through the heavy fabric of his brown jacket. “I don’t want to dance.”
Fire flashed in his eyes and his jaw set as he stared down at you in complete understanding. “Then lead the way.”
You had to force breath in your lungs, not used to the way his voice dropped when he spoke so quietly to you. His words rattled in your bones. 
Taking hold of his hand still behind your back, you brought it around your hip, holding it there, fingers sliding between his. You made your way through the crowd, following the perimeter of the room to avoid as many onlookers as possible. 
All you could think about was his lips pressed against your chest, hands following the curve of your bodice as he held you in the woods. 
Eris, with something similar on his mind, followed you quietly, glaring at any onlookers who watched your swift exit. He bared his teeth at his younger brothers, whooping far off in the crowd, smiling as the heiress of the Night Court led their brother into her bed chambers. 
As soon as you left the ballroom, sneaking through the servant’s exit into the hallway, Eris twisted you around in his arms, holding you firmly by the waist and pulling you flush against his front. His head swooped down to your, capturing your lips in a sloppy kiss, unable to wait any longer. 
Your hands rose immediately to his face, holding his cheeks as you opened your mouth and made to devour him. Fingers rising to curl through his hair, you pressed yourself into him and allowed him to lean forward more, all the way until he backed you into the wall. 
You pulled his hair, grasping at the stands to pull him down more, smashing your lips against his. He groaned, hands splaying down your back to your ass, grabbing your upper thighs and pulling you up against the wall, pinned to his torso. Your legs immediately wrapped around him, ankles crossing behind his back. The both of you were immensely grateful for that slit in your dress, allowing you to mold yourself completely to his front. 
Your arms wound around his neck, locking him against you, letting him sloppily kiss you, and run his tongue against your bottom lip. With a sigh, you granted him access, not caring how messy the kiss was, or who happened to see. 
Eris, apparently disagreeing with the latter, squeezed your ass in his palm, stepping away from the wall, holding you to his chest. “Where am I taking you?” He whispered against your lips. 
Gods, right here. Right now. When you didn’t respond fast enough, still enamored with his mouth on yours, he smacked your ass, earning a yelp and small jerk against his front. You rubbed yourself against him slightly, arching your back to press your chest to his, pulling back just enough to stare into his lust filled eyes. “My room.”
“Okay and…” He sighed, dipping his head to meet the side of your neck, just under where your jaw met your neck. He licked a broad stripe over your sensitive skin, evoking chills down your spine. You gripped the back collar of his jacket to steady yourself as his sharp white teeth sunk softly into your flesh. “Where would that be?”
You sighed against him, wishing there wasn’t as many layers of clothes between you. “That way.” You lazily hung an arm out behind you, pointing down the grand hallway. Eris placed a sloppy kiss to your neck as he began his journey, easily carrying you through the empty halls. 
He carried you through the cold corridors, following your breathless directions as you planted wet kisses across his jawline. He burned hot, something you chalked up to the fire flowing through his veins. He wanted nothing more than to take you in the middle of the hallway, especially as he felt you bouncing against his dick as he half-ran up the stairs to your bedroom, your warm cunt rubbing against the front of his pants. 
“Left,” you whispered, kissing against his ear and he approached one of the final doors. He kicked open the heavy mahogany door easily, letting you reach a hand behind him and slam it shut. 
Without letting you go, his lips found yours again, messier than before, one hand framing your face to tilt your head perfectly opposite of his so he could devour you. 
He ever so slowly dragged himself to the bed, where he knelt on the mattress and laid you against the plush blankets and mountain of pillows. Your wings stretched out behind you side to side, and Eris’s eyes moved from left to right, taking it in. “Is that comfortable?” You nodded, and barely unhooked your legs from him, just enough so he could lean before you, pulling away only to drink you in. 
The most beautiful female he’d ever seen, there laying under him, waiting for him to take her oh so slowly. Eris never thought he had good karma, but that night he felt like the luckiest male in the world. 
His hand ran down your front, from your neck to your chest, over the curve of your breast and down your stomach, along that bare thigh. He breathed your name, a sigh of relief, finally able to continue what he’d started in the woods. 
He brought his hand up to your face, thumb brushed over your cheekbone as he dropped his other hand opposite of your head, positioning himself over you. Eris leaned in so slowly, pressing a careful, soft kiss to your waiting lips. 
It was the kiss he intended to have that first time, so slow and perfect. You hummed against him, hands circling around his neck again and curling in his hair. You broke only for breath, for a split second before capturing each other’s lips again. 
You quickly tired of his patience, of that carefully planned out kiss, instead pulling him further into you, legs tightening around him. He didn’t flatten against the mattress until you’d pulled yourself up to meet him, your core pressed into him as he hovered over the mattress. 
He chuckled against your lips, pinching your ass before he fully dropped to the plush covers, leaning his weight into you. Your arms wined down his torso, nails raking against the sewn embellishments on the front of his jacket. 
“This needs to come off,” Eris breathed, lips moving to skin over the flushed skin under your jaw. His hands fell over your hips, unable to keep still, dragging from your waist to your hips, curling around to hold the soft flesh of your ass that was pressed against the mattress. 
“Say please, Eris,” you mewed breathlessly, much like he had said during your last encounter in the Autumn forest. Your hands waded through his hair and down his back, desperate to pull him closer to you. 
He sighed heavily, dragging his lips up the side of your jaw, kissing his way up under your ear. His tongue dragged up the shell of your ear as he pressed his cock into you, grinding against you through your thin dress. You let out a shaky breath, wishing you’d made him disrobe before climbing over you. His lips touched your ear as he whispered his plea. “Please, (Y/N).” 
You moaned, opening your legs wider for him to settle between, for him to press his cock against your aching core. His hand ran down your leg, exposed from the slit cut all the way up to your hip. His fingertips barely touched you, yet left a wake of fire in their path. His hand found purchase under your ass, where he pulled you upward, impossibly closer to him as he continued his desperate movements, rutting against you. “Please.”
You picked your head up from the mattress, hands sliding across his chest to push him off of you. He sat up immediately, though not dropping his hands from your backside. You stared at him, through half lidded eyes as you reached your arms over your head behind you, unfastening the few buttons at the back of your neck, holding the collar of your dress together. 
As you worked your way down, Eris’s hands fell from your ass and instead joined your own hands, moving back so you could sit up and he could unfasten the remaining buttons. His long arms stretched behind you, giving you the perfect opportunity to work on the layers of hooks and buttons lining the front of his suit. 
The golden hooks were quick to unfasten, and you pushed open his suit jacket so it hung loosely off his shoulders and you made haste on the white shirt underneath. Eris’s movements slowed as he became distracted with your work. You pulled the cotton material, untucking it from his tailored brown trousers, finishing off the rest of his buttons. 
Your fingers danced down the pale skin of his abdomen, tracing the muscle lines down under his bellybutton, along the faint pale hairs that led into those thick pants. As you pulled at the ends of his white shirt, your knuckles brushed against the bulge in his pants, grazing his throbbing cock underneath however many more layers. 
His eyes fluttered closed, lips parted just slightly as you stared up at him, the beautiful male in your bed, desperate for your touch. His hands were frozen behind you, one palm curling around you, laying flat against your collarbone and the curve of your throat, gripping your shoulder. The other held a death grip on the soft fabric behind your back, the only other thing grounding him to you. 
Your fingers traced the outline of his cock, around the swell until you found yourself back at the hem of his trousers. You brushed against his shaking skin, muscles trembling beneath you as you hooked your fingers inside his pants, making your way to unfasten the button and pull him free. 
But a knock sounded at the door. 
Eris snapped out of his trance, head swiveling to the door, unsure of whether your visitor would be entering the room, too. 
Azriel, who undoubtedly knew what you were doing and exactly who you were doing it with, offered you a merciful knock and warning. “Make yourself decent before your brother barges in.”
You prayed to all the gods that he wasn’t watching with those forsaken shadows. 
“Fuck,” you hissed, pulling your hands away, buttoning the back of your dress together again. Eris dropped his hands to his front, hastily closing all of his garments and falling back to sit on the bed before you. 
Eris watched you as he then clambered off the bed, standing before you just in time for Rhys to push past Azriel and into your room. You shoved your legs out in front of you, sitting behind Eris, making sure your dress was placed to cover all of your exposed areas. “Get the out,” you called, pressing your hands against the silk of your dress. 
“You’re talking to him, right?” Rhys mocked, staring at the wild-haired Autumn male. “If he touched you, (Y/N), Cauldron help him - ”
You stood behind Eris, who shuffled aside to make room for you to face your brother. “Shut up, Rhysand. I’m not a child - ”
Cassian burst into the room, Azriel slithering in beside him, both of them flanking your brother. 
The trio of purity, apparently. 
“So you think you can fuck this Autumn scum?”
Before you could bite back a response to your unwelcome brother, Cassian was desperate to chime in, interested in landing some blows on the male beside you. Azriel’s expression remained neutral, bored even. His shadows skidded across the floor, swirling around Eris’s ankles. 
“Betrothed Autumn scum,” Cassian added with a grin. 
You couldn’t stop your head from whipping to the side, staring up at Eris, whose eyes were wide with surprise. “Betrothed?” You whispered, mouth hanging open ever so slightly, wings shuddering behind you. Your stomach dropped to your feet, a dull ache forming in your chest with each heartbeat. “You knew you were promised to someone else and you still…” you couldn’t raise your voice, couldn’t finish what you were about to say, even. 
“I wasn’t going to marry her - I already told my father - ” Eris’s hand reached up from his side to grab your hand, to hold you as he continued his story. 
You barely moved, only enough to curl your arms behind your back. You continued to stare up at the male, the one who had touched you, who kissed you, who was prepared to beg for you, all while knowing you could never be his, and he yours. His red eyes burned into yours, brows knit, pleading for you to hear him out - how he already told his father he’d never marry that female. That he’d sooner leave the Autumn Court than take her as his wife, his Queen. 
“Marry who?” Rhys asked, his own eyebrows pulled taught in insincerity. He was nearly giddy with anticipation. 
Eris’s eyes traveled slowly across the room, afraid to leave yours, already brimming with tears, instead to meet your brother’s sparkling eyes. If looks could kill, Rhysand would have fallen then and there. But the Autumn male refused to answer, instead his jaw clenched, fire burning at his palm where it hung in the air, still reaching out to you. 
You paid no mind to the smoldering before you, to the sparks that very well could have burned the room down, should Eris will it. Your head swiveled to Cassian, smirking at Eris, head tilted back in pleasure with the knife that is about to be wielded through Eris’s heart. Rhysand didn’t smile, but the gleam in his eye and twitch at the corner of his mouth made you want to slap it off his face, even though you had a mind to slap Eris twice as hard. It was Azriel who spoke, though, the man of few words suddenly finding his footing. His head was tilted forward so that the darkness cascading through the room covered those bright hazel eyes, causing him to become one with the night. And ever the Shadowsinger, his knowledge was unmatched. “Morrigan.”
Eris flinched, blinking so slowly, so afraid to direct his attention back to you. 
Baby Morrigan. 
He was betrothed to your cousin. She was set to grow up, groomed especially for the Autumn heir, and marry him the moment she turned eighteen. You clenched your stomach, fumbling a step backward, unable to stop yourself from heaving over, bent at the waist. Eris jutted a hand out to catch you, to which your eyes were immediately drawn to. Your wings flared out behind you, for balance, but also in pure Illyrian instinct, scaring away the approaching predator. 
You held your stomach, twisting and churning, shaking your head rapidly, frowning, unable to meet his pleading eyes. You shut your own eyes, praying no tears slipped through as you turned, wings high, back facing him as you made to throw up on the floor. 
You didn’t want to imagine those hands on you, those hands meant for your cousin in some sick scheme his father and your uncle - and probably your father - had come up with. 
Rhysand took his opportunity to launch himself at the male, unstopped by Cassian and Azriel. He threw himself at Eris, who was caught off guard, attention still drawn to you. Rhysand landed his fist directly against his face, causing both of them to go tumbling to the ground. 
Cassian extended a hand toward you, which you took, holding yourself up. He held you in place, stopping you from falling onto the ground and heaving your guts. His other hand fell to your back, just below your wings, as he guided you out of the room, leaving Azriel supervising the brawling males, should Eris pull his unfair advantage and use his fire against Rhys. 
You knew the two Illyrians would have jumped in already if it truly was a battle to the death. It was something meant between your fathers and uncle, something they’d have to deal with later. 
But honestly you didn’t care if they killed each other. Eris, the male who’d known he was to be married, knew exactly who he was expected to marry, and still touched you; still had taken you to your own bedroom begging to fuck you. Rhysand, you knew wasn’t innocent, using this information - that he knew for gods knew how long - against you, meant to hurt Eris but not caring how much it would hurt you. 
You hadn’t gone back to your bedroom after that, after Cassian had led you to the library to calm down. He’d sat you down on the sofa, watching from a few steps away as you dropped your head in your hands, elbows propped on your shaking knees. Your stomach curled, flopping as you sucked in air, willing yourself not to vomit. 
Unsure of when the two fighting males would give up on their fight, you left for Velaris. You had told Cassian you needed some time to sort through your thoughts and sent him back to make sure the heirs didn’t kill each other - that, and inform the both of them to leave you alone once they inevitably cooled off. 
Eris, you knew would never find Velaris - he could search the entirety of the Night Court and he’d never find you, simply just lose the trace of your scent in the mountains. Rhysand, on the other hand, would find you immediately. With Cassian relaying your message, you knew you’d only bought yourself a few days. 
You had no interest in speaking with him, to see the bruises on his face and the messy black hair you imagined Eris had singed with his fire. He crawled into your mind, knocking gently on your mental shields, leaving when you wouldn’t let him in. He left you to spend a week in Velaris, Azriel sending word that Rhys told your father you were visiting Velaris to see some old friends. 
You stayed inside the townhouse, bundled up in your dark bedroom for a few days. You could barely manage to light the hearth, the warm fire that heated the cozy room quickly. The crackling wood reminded you of Eris, of his temperament and quick wit. But staring at the orange flames licking at the darkness only made your heart sink. 
His smell wrapped around you, the oak burning and swirling through the small room. You imagined his arms around you, wrapped up in the Autumn forest, red and orange and brown leaves falling beside you. You wished you could show him Velaris, hide him away in your little home, the one that hadn’t seen another visitor since your mother, since she passed so long ago. You wished you still wanted to show him Velaris. You wished you could look into those burning eyes - those that haunted your sleep - without the wave of nauseousness crashing over you. 
When you’d grown tired of laying around, not eating or drinking, you’d ventured out through the snow to the small cafe in the Rainbow, making light conversation with the passing citizens of Velaris. The second you sat down in the small shop, and not a moment too soon, the Shadowsinger plopped down across from you, glaring at you under his eyelashes. 
“So you have been watching me,” you muttered over the rim of your mug, sipping the hot chocolate slowly. 
He offered you a shrug, dropping his hands to his lap. “Following orders,” he replied, voice low and quiet. 
“My brother’s or my father’s?”
He leveled your gaze, wings perched up and stead behind him. “Does it matter?”
You gave him the same shrug he graced you with. “And what message have you come to deliver from them?”
“None,” he said, leaning forward, reaching into the chest pocket on his leathers, pulling out a neatly folded letter. The white envelope remained sealed, the wax crest of the Autumn Court fully intact along the paper opening. He slid it across the table, carefully watching as your eyes fell to the letter in his scarred hand. 
You bit your lip, afraid to touch the paper. “You came to personally deliver this letter?”
Azriel stifled a sigh, falling back into his chair. “This is the latest one. There’s a mountain more that had been hand delivered to the Court of Nightmares, no doubt all begging an audience with you.” You didn’t miss the humor in his voice, the lack of surprise that laced his tone. 
“I’ve only been gone a week,” you replied, picking up the letter, fingertip grazing over the hardened red wax. “Why did you give this to me?” Your eyes lifted to the Shadowsinger’s hazel ones, focused on you from across the table.
“I know you weren’t there or aware, even, of the deal that transpired between the Night Court and Autumn Court,” he began, words chosen carefully. “But I think it would behoove you to hear the story from his perspective.” You rolled your eyes at the Illyrian, offering him nothing but a hefty exhale. “And then let Rhysand tell you what transpired.” 
He spoke as if the stories differed, as if Azriel knew what had happened in both of the separate conversations. Perhaps being the Spymaster of Night Court had its perks, the unlimited access to information, the truth and lies that were traded between courts. Maybe Azriel was truly the only one with all of the information. “Because Rhysand will tell me something different than Eris?” You asked innocently - stupidly, perhaps.
The Shadowsinger stood, wings flitting out ever so slightly as he made to leave. “I had eyes on Vanserra after he left the Court of Nightmares,” he stated simply, as if it were nothing but normal. “He’s beside himself with guilt. Nearly got himself killed by returning to his father after what Rhys and Cassian did to him.” Your stomach lurched, unable to imagine the injury those two Illyrians would have inflicted on him. “He’s a good male.”
You peered up at the tall male, mouth running dry at those unexpected words. “And what - you aren’t going to hate him just because Rhysand does?” 
Azriel stared back, and just before leaving the cafe he said, “You deserve the truth, at least, (Y/N).”
You’d thrown the letter into the fire. 
After making your way back to the Court of Nightmares, back to the cold stony walls of your father’s estate, you sent word to call to Eris. Your sentry escorted the male to your Court the next day, an offer he hadn’t thought twice about accepting. 
You’d worn your finest gown, a long black dress that pooled around your shoes, but was buttoned all the way up your neck. The fabric itself was as dark as your wings, black corset ensuring you sat tall and intimidating. You waited for Eris in the throne room, perched atop your father’s dark chair, a metal crown placed atop your head, jewels lacing your covered neck. 
The heiress of the Night Court, unafraid of the fiery Autumn male, not intimidated, not to be pushed around, not going to back down. 
Your guard led him into the room, hand placed on his sword, announcing his entrance. “My lady (Y/N), Eris Vanserra of the Autumn Court.” 
You peered down at him from the top of the throne, dropping only your eyes to the male, as you held your chin high and shoulders back. Your hands gripped the edges of the arm rests, though, as you willed yourself not to shake. You kept your wings outstretched behind you - the epitome of Nightmare. You nodded at the sentry, dismissing him, leaving you and Eris alone in the stone room. 
His gaze did not waver from you. He was nervous, of course, unsure of if you’d let him speak, and if you would even believe him should you hear him out. Never having seen you as powerful, he was prepared to drop to his knees and bow to you, the powerful female of Night. 
Despite the week of healing, you still saw the bruise under his eye, purple fading into yellow, and the still healing cuts along his bottom lip and cheekbone. It was truly a testament to how badly Cassian and Rhys had hurt him - that, or perhaps Beron, dealing out an additional punishment once he returned home already beaten. “Thank you,” he whispered, voice cracking despite the low volume. 
“Considering your attempts to reach me,” you began, leaning toward where he stood before you. “I would think you had something important to tell me.” He swallowed, throat bobbing beneath the tall collar of his sweater. You waited for him to nod, then continued. “I don’t want you to explain that night - ” your stomach turned and your heart hammered in your chest as you remembered how your brother’s friends delivered the news. How it rocked you to your core, the most unexpected news that disgusted every ounce of your being. “ - how long have you known?”
You couldn’t hold back the bite in your tone, and Eris all but flinched. His shoulders sagged a bit as he held his hands up in surrender, taking two steps closer to you. Those tall riding boots clanged against the cold floor, echoing in the hollow room. “I knew my father had been planning on making arrangements for my marriage - he’d been planning it since the day I was born. He had meetings in secret with your father, ones that I was not privy to.”
You let out a slow breath, narrowing your eyes at the male before you. “How long have you known?”
“It’s not that simple,” he said, holding himself back from holding his hands out toward you. As your sparkling eyes narrowed at him, the darkness from the corners loomed closer, strangling the light in the room. He took a nervous step closer to you, away from the pure night that cascaded around him. “Beron has planned for me to marry a different female - gods only know who - but your father disagreed. It was Keir who stepped in and - ”
“Eris,” you interrupted. 
“I’ve known since before you came to the Autumn woods, that very first night.” He did jut out a hand, still too far to reach you. “But I didn’t know who until just before the ball.” You bit your bottom lip, swallowing the words that threatened to pour out of your throat, willing away the tears that pricked the back of your eyes. At your silence, Eris panicked, filling the silence with more explanation. “I was going to tell you (Y/N), I swear it - that night, I was going to tell you everything. I wouldn’t go through with it.”
You nodded numbly. “Yet you didn’t.”
Eris inched closer, knee bent and foot propped on the first step on the landing up towards the throne. He ran a hand through his messy curls, the frustration clear on his face. “I know and it’s my fault but I saw you in that godsdamned dress and I just couldn’t. I would have after if they hadn’t barged in.”
After. Gods, you wanted to be so mad at him. So mad for his intention to bed you even with the knowledge of his betrothal. And with who. You wanted to be mad, but couldn’t help the butterflies that swirled in your stomach at the thought of him pressing you into the mattress, fucking you until all you could remember was his name. You pressed your legs together at the memory of his cock dragging against your core, even through the thin silk of your dress. Thankfully, your current gown was puffy enough that you thought he missed your subtle movement. 
He didn’t. 
Eris took another step closer, climbing up two steps at a time as he reached the top of the landing. It was then he who was peering down at you, standing taller than the back of the throne itself. “(Y/N),” he whispered, taking a knee before you. He pulled your left hand from the arm of the chair, the last lifeline you had to the real world. Darkness swirled around both of you, pure sparkling night to keep out any leering eyes and ears. His large pale hands cupped yours, warmth leeching your cool skin. “I would never marry her. I told my father - told your father - ” 
Your eyes flashed, a gasp parted your lips. Your father. It may have been him that had beaten Eris for disobeying his order, for ruining his plan to tie the courts together. Gods, it could have been the both of them - two mighty High Lords wielding their powers against the near defenseless male. 
“I told them I wouldn’t marry her. (Y/N),” he murmured, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss to each of the knuckles on the back of your hand. “I won’t listen to them.” With a final kiss, he brought his glowing eyes back up to yours. “I’ll leave my whole court for you. I need you - and only you.”
You stared at him, level with those hypnotizing red eyes, flames of burning passion pouring into you. He leaned into you, free hand curling around the back of your head, cheek brushing your thumb as he tilted your head. “I missed you dearly,” he whispered. “The most painful week of my life.”
You raised your other hand up to his face, holding his jaw in your palm. Your thumb traced the cut on his cheek, the nearly healed mark on his upper lip. He smiled ever so slightly as you traced over his lip, taking in all the damage that had been inflicted on the male. “I can see that,” you replied dryly, voice barely audible. 
He shook his head gently, not enough to disturb your hand pressed ever so lightly against his face. “No,” he breathed. He lifted your hand, still clasped together in your lap, and held your open hand against his chest. “In here, (Y/N). And I swear I won’t let them keep us apart anymore.” Eris pressed his lips against your palm. 
You pulled your hand away from him, off that soft corduroy, and held the other side of his face. Without any more hesitation, Eris bent forward and captured your lips with his. 
You went to find Rhys later that night, once you’d sent Eris on his way back to Autumn. You didn’t want to dwell on it for too long, despite how much you missed the taste of his lips and that bonfire smell that laced his skin. 
You heeded Azriel’s advice to hear Rhysand’s side of the story, hoping he would at least make more sense of the situation. And you’d been ignoring your brother for most of the time that you’d been back in the Night Court. “Nice of you to stop by,” he said once you walked into his bedchamber, finding him propped up at his desk, nose buried in a pile of books. 
You rolled your eyes, of course he was already keen to start a fight. “I could do us both a favor and just leave,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Rhys shut the book he was looking at and stared up at you, dark eyes exactly like your father’s. “You took it the wrong way - ”
“Wrong way, Rhys, really? Was there a right way to take that news? That you thought would be so funny to let Azriel and Cassian deliver?”
Rhys failed to suppress the smile that leached up on his lips, reminiscing in the memory of his friends delivering that blow to Eris. He shook his head, frowning a bit to hide the smile. “It wasn’t meant to be funny, it was meant to keep him away from you. I told you to stay away from him, didn’t I?”
You stared at your brother in his I told you so power trip. “You could have told me beforehand instead of barging into my room like that.”
“I wasn’t expecting to but when Azriel told me he was in your room alone with you I had no other choice, (Y/N). You should be thanking me for keeping him away from you.”
You scoffed, eyes widening. “First of all, you did nothing to keep him away from me. And secondly, I don’t even want to be away from him - ”
“I did more than you know,” he muttered, eyes flitting back to the pile of papers on his desk. When you stared at him, waiting for him to continue, he stood, mirroring your position, arms crossed and glaring at you. “For all you know, you would have ended up stranded in the Autumn Court married to that fool.”
You weighed each word carefully, unsure what to even say. 
Married to that fool. 
You bit the inside of your cheek, dropping your head in your hand, fingers rubbing at your forehead. “So you let them go and offer him baby Morrigan instead?” You were nearly yelling at him, the mountain of information swirling in your head, unable to hear yourself even think, let alone speak. 
Rhys was near flabbergasted. “I didn’t know Keir would get into the mix - for fuck’s sake they would have taken your wings! It’s the Autumn Court, (Y/N), they’re sick! I would have dealt with her later, I have eighteen years to do it! You didn’t have time - but now you do. I ensured it - you can find someone here, stay here where you’ll be safe.”
“Keeping me here is not keeping me safe, Rhysand,” you replied, leveling your gaze at him. “I’m a fucking prisoner here. You never let me fly, you forbid me of seeing any other courts - I’m bored here, I’m so sick of it here - ” your voice dropped. “Nothing’s been the same since mom died. And trying to pretend nothing happened, keeping everything exactly the same…” you sighed. “It’s not working, Rhys.”
He stood unmoving and unwavering, processing your words. “You have to trust me, (Y/N).”
You shouldn’t have been surprised he still thought he was right, the male had never thought of himself being in the wrong before. “I do but you have to trust me.” 
With that, you turned on your heel, gathering up your skirts and leaving his room. He didn’t try to stop you - he’d be dumb if he couldn’t figure out where you were headed. 
You made a pit stop in your bedchamber, removing your long heavy dress for a short, thin shift, hidden under a long wool coat. You dove off the balcony without a second thought, dropping off the cliff amongst the cold air. Half of you almost didn’t want to stretch out your wings, instead just disappear into the fog collecting in the dark valley. 
But the other half of you called to Eris, to the warm fire and colorful leaves. 
You flew faster than you ever had, the cold wind nipping at your ears and biting your cheeks. Rhysand’s words rang in your head, about your planned marriage to Eris. Surely you would have felt different about the male, had you been introduced to him as your betrothed. On the other hand, you wondered if Eris knew you were set to be married. That would have been something he’d have told you today - you prayed to the Mother you were right. 
You weren’t going to slow down, not as you rushed through the mountains and through the cold air of Winter. You didn’t stop until you saw the red trees approaching, until you smelled the sweet cinnamon in the air and the burning logs in the distance. You didn’t stop, even as Rhysand’s words rattled around your head: they would have taken your wings. 
Eris met you the minute you landed, winnowing to your spot in the woods - the clearing you’d last met at. He pulled you straight into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest and running his hand through your loose hair. His warm palm hovered over your ear, warmth swirling through your bloodstream. You sighed into him, his warm spiced scent wrapping around you. 
“We can’t stay here,” he whispered, lips brushing against your forehead as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “The guards are looking for you - they were onto you the moment you crossed the border.”
You turned up to face him, unable to unwrap your arms from where they were clasped behind his back. Your wings ached, chest heaving with desperation for air. “I - ”
Eris shook his head, kissing the cold tip of your nose. His hand brushed up your back, dangerously close to where your wings stemmed out from under your coat. It sent shivers down your spine. “Let me take care of you, (Y/N),” he whispered, red eyes burning into yours.
Without much more than a nod, Eris winnowed you out of the woods into a warm wood cabin. A fire was roaring in the hearth, reaching out toward Eris, crawling to its master. The floor and walls were lined with mahogany of the deepest brown, thick tapestries and portraits hanging on the walls. In the corner sat a large bed, plush blankets and fur throws piled high on the mattress. You gazed upward at Eris, still holding you in his arms, face barely illuminated in the soft candle light. His eyes were soft, glinting with red as he smiled down at you, eyelashes casting shadows down his cheekbones. He curled a piece of hair around your ear and brushed his thumb along your jawline. He bent down toward you, offering you a small kiss. “They won’t find us here,” he whispered, still holding you against his chest. “I have a little hideout close to the coast. Sorry it’s a little small but - ”
“It’s perfect,” you whispered, stretching up on your tiptoes to kiss him again. He hummed against your lips, dragging his hands over your sides and up to the claps that held your coat together. He deftly unhooked the garment, dragging the heavy wool over your shoulders. It hung off your back, buttons under your wings still fastened. 
You stifled a laugh, taking a step back from Eris and breaking your kiss with a giggle. “This is new,” he muttered, waiting as you grabbed the tail of your coat, quickly unhooking the final buttons and dropping the coat. 
His eyes widened, lips parted slightly as he took in your clothes - what little remainder of them still hung on your body. The silk black nightgown didn’t leave much to the imagination, dipping low on your chest and stopping short under your hips. His eyes traveled the expanse of your chest, down to the swell of your hips and strong thighs. He licked his lips, staring at you with hungry intention. “If you don’t mind, (Y/N),” he began, hand falling to your hip as he stepped closer to you. “I’d like to finish what we started in your bedroom.”
You nodded, tipping your head back to allow him to kiss you. You offered him a smile, gazing up at him from under your eyelashes. “You said we should have our privacy now, no?”
“Not unless your Shadowsinger decides to stop by,” he grumbled, hoisting you up by the back of your thighs and pulling you into his arms. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist and hummed, sticking your head in the crook of his neck, kissing the side of his neck. “If he does,” you replied, teeth dragging over the corner of his jaw. “He can just watch.”
Eris barked out a laugh, one that vibrated your lips against his neck. He gave your ass a light squeeze, his palm spreading over the expanse of your backside. “Little minx. I have no idea what goes on in that Court of yours,” he muttered, dropping a knee to the mattress, still holding you against him. “And I think I may be too jealous to find out.”
Your hand curled upward around the back of his neck, fingers intertwining in his red hair. “Then show me how an Autumn heir fucks,” you breathed, pressing your core against the front of his trousers. 
Eris breathed a sigh of expletives, laying you down on the plush throws before him. Your legs remained bent at his sides, letting him settle between your legs, staring down at you. He dragged a line down your leg, from your knee to your thigh, as he took in your beauty. “I’m not going to fuck you, (Y/N),” he murmured, fingers carefully pushing up the hem of your shift. “We have many nights ahead, where I will fuck you into this very bed - so hard you’ll be begging me to stop.” You shivered beneath his touch as the silk pooled around your waist. “Tonight, I’m going to show you how sorry I am. Show you how much you really mean to me.”
He dipped his head toward yours, so close that all you had to do was lift your head and purse your lips to reach him - before he pulled back, dropping his head to your chest, kissing a line across your breasts, licking your nipple through the silk. You huffed a sigh and dropped your head back into the mattress, arching toward him as he pressed his tongue against the smooth dress. “Eris,” you moaned when his head traveled farther down, just until his nose brushed against your belly, lips touching your slit. 
“That’s it, (Y/N).” His hands traveled the expanse of your thighs, prying them open and pressing them against the blankets. “So ready for me.” He licked a long stripe up your pussy, hot and writhing and begging. 
You arched up into him, yelping out in surprise as he flicked your clit. You’d been waiting for that moment, to have Eris buried between your legs - but nothing you imagined could have compared. Not as his tongue teased you around your clit, only touching the sensitive bud so rarely, only when you were begging for him to do so. “Please, Eris,” you called, ankles crossed over his back. 
He stuck his tongue upwards, curling up between your folds, making its way inside of you. As you lifted your hips, trying to shift your position so that his tongue met your clit, he smiled, turning his head to bite the inside of your thigh. Eris laughed at your shaking breath, finally giving in and licking a stripe up your clit. He directed his ministrations to bringing you to orgasm, flicking his tongue back and forth over the bud. 
You grabbed a fistful of his hair, crying out as your legs shook wildly. He held you in place, which just so happened to involve your thighs clenched tightly around his head. He would have smiled if he hadn’t been so caught up with taking you over the edge, obsessed with how you were crossed between holding him in place and pushing him away. Your stomach clenched, arched off the bed as you rode out your orgasm. 
Eris was hesitant to move, unsure if he ever wanted to move or just spend the rest of his days buried between your thighs. Eventually he moved, not without pressing a kiss to your sensitive clit. He stepped backwards, watching as you laid limp on the bed, so blissfully fucked, watching his movements with half lidded eyes. He stripped out of all of his clothing, unable to wait any longer with how hard his cock was pressing against his tight trousers. 
He had a lean build, muscle coiled around his long limbs. You made out a few scars across his pale chest, ones you’d be able to make out better once you had some better light. The candle light didn’t do justice to his build, though you vowed to spend the next night exploring his body. As you eyes the heavy dick that hung between his legs, standing at attention, your mouth ran dry, but only one thing was on your mind. He crawled on top of you, propping himself over you with an elbow beside your head. 
“I can’t go back there, Eris,” you breathed, staring up at his red eyes. Your fingers brushed over his pointed ear, over the soft curls that fell around his face. “I can’t go back.” You weren’t sure if it was the post-orgasm haze that made you never want to leave Eris and his bed, or it was that one percent of you that was still scared of what came after, when you inevitably had to go.
“You never have to go back, I swear it.” His brows furrowed in determination, in sincerity. His lips pressed into a firm line as he nodded down to you. 
“Do you think Autumn will look good on me?” You whispered, smiling up at him. 
He sighed, pressing his body into you. As his chest met yours, stomach pressed together, his cock fell forward, hanging between your bodies. The tip touched your belly, heavy and ready, precum leaking from the tip. You hummed as you fit your hand between the two of you, running your palm over his lengthy cock. “You look good in my bed,” he replied, kissing your lips. “You look good in nothing at all.” You rubbed his dick, wrapping your palm around him and pumping a few times. “You will look good in Autumn red, in my colors.” His lips found your neck as he licked a long path over the curve of your neck, biting down as you moved his cock to tease the tip between your folds. He had already made a mess between your legs, the sound of his dick rubbing at your entrance sang through the room. “And you will look so fucking good as my wife.” He sighed, along with you, as he pushed his cock forward, sliding inside of you with ease. 
You could have cried with how far Eris pushed into you, how he slid so far, all the way until he was fully hilted inside of you. He let out a shaky breath, pulling all the way out before sliding back in slowly, savoring every moment. He had come so close to this so many times, so many times that he had to fuck his fist with the thought of that sweet caramel running over your chest. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him forward, meeting him in a messy kiss. His tongue met yours, lips sloppily sliding over yours as he devoured you. His hand moved between you to grab a handful of your breast, to flick your nipple and squeeze the plump flesh. 
You curled your legs around him, holding your hips off the bed to allow a better angle for him to fuck you, for him to push his cock all the way inside of you - just a bit farther. Enough to have the tip of his cock pressing against your belly, aching in your womb. 
You grabbed his hand, the one squeezing your breast as you held it to your lips, kissing each of his fingertips. His eyes traveled from watching where the two of you were connected, where his cock slid in and out of your pussy so effortlessly, so perfectly, to your eyes. You let him watch you move his hand over your shoulder, holding it just above the bone of your wing. His brows crossed, and his hips faltered for the first time all evening. 
You nodded, holding him by the wrist as his thumb met the dark leathery skin. You jumped in surprise, despite the anticipation of him touching such a private extension of yourself. Eris let out a shaky breath as your cunt clenched around him, the involuntary reaction so unexpected. He smiled through his shock, letting his index finger run along the bone. 
“Eris,” you nearly begged, crossing your ankles around his back, pulling him back into you further. He snapped out of his fixation, leaning over you again, letting his cock sink all the way back into you. He rocked back and forth, barely moving as he rutted against your front. You moaned, his dick rubbing the sweet spot inside of you. His hands pulled you up, hoisting you by the small of your back as he fell back to sit on his knees. 
Eris settled you on his cock, earning a breathless sigh as he pierced you even deeper than he had before. You steadied yourself by letting your feet fall to the mattress on either side of him, bouncing yourself slowly on his dick. His hands moved from your back to your ass, squeezing as he moved you even more, riding him harder and harder. 
When your head tipped back, sighing in pure bliss, his hands rose to where your wings stemmed from your back, swirling around the soft skin of your back. Your breath shuttered, anticipation of his next movement stirring in your blood. Your eyes had fallen shut and you gripped his shoulders for dear life, still rocking back and forth on his cock as his fingers traced down your spine between your wings. 
You dug your fingernails into his shoulder, earning a growl from the male below you. He traced the outer shell of your wing, the hard bone from the base to the crux of the bend. You squeezed your legs together, clenching around Eris as his featherlight touch ran back and forth. “Eris - I can’t - ” You choked out a breath, squeezing your eyes shut and sitting straight, dropping your forehead against his. 
He hadn’t known what it felt like to touch your wings, and wouldn't have imagined how soft they felt. He sure as hell couldn’t imagine how it felt for you - but he wasn’t expecting to wield such a reaction out of you. “Yes you can, (Y/N),” he dipped down and pressed a kiss to your lips, watching as you came on his cock. He only dropped his hands when he absolutely had to, when you had come so hard your legs shook, unable to hold yourself up. He lifted you up and down slowly, moving you forward and back so your clit brushed against his pelvis as you came. You harshly gasped as the sensitive bud rubbed against his skin, against the coarse hair trailing from his navel. “My fucking good little bat,” he breathed, kissing your jawline. You exhaled a steady breath, hands hanging limply over his back, legs flexed but lack, letting Eris still move you atop his lap. 
As he moved his lips over the crook of your neck, he blew cool air over the arch of your wing, causing them to widen and flex behind you, as you clenched around him for the final time, riding out the remainder of your orgasm. Eris came as you slid over him, shivering as his orgasm took over and he came into you, painting your insides. He ran hot, body temperature raising as he groaned, rutting into you with fever. 
You curled your arms around him again, letting him lower you back to the mattress, legs hooked around his waist. Eris simply settled back between your legs, holding you close to his burning chest as he nuzzled his face into your neck. You didn’t want to let him go, for him to move and pull his cock from you. You could spend the rest of your life wrapped in his arms in his bed. 
And Eris felt the same. “Stay with me, (Y/N),” he whispered, running his hand over your messy hair.
Your heart swelled. “Here?” You but your lip, if he asked you to stay in Autumn, you would. No matter threat threats your brother or Beron would attempt, you would stay beside Eris.
“Gods, anywhere,” he replied, voice muffled in the crook of your neck. “Just with me, (Y/N), please.”
You pressed a kiss to the crown of his head. “Anywhere. Always.”
387 notes · View notes
*camera being set up by Clotpole and Dollophead*
Dollophead: *looks on clipboard* So... who's going first?
Clotpole: *fixing camera and computer* It's... Toby this time, I think.
Dollophead: What happened to Jim?
Clotpole: Well, after he hacked into the system to play Shameless on the speakers, the Dark Raven and Queen of Maids agreed that it wouldn't be good for him to go first since he had more time to hack into the speakers.
Dollophead: *groans* And why exactly are we taking my girlfriend's advice on this?
Clotpole: Simply because it's best to. No one messes with the Dark Raven, and you know that very well.
Dollophead: *snorts* Oh, so she gets Dark Raven as a name, but I got stuck with fucking Dollophead-
Clotpole: Toby, get in here!
*Toby enters, smiling nervously*
Clotpole: Sit. Now.
*Toby sits down on the chair*
Clotpole: Now, what is your favourite fanfiction, huh?
Toby: I cannot believe you shadow portalled us all the way from Arcadia at 4 am-
Clotpole: Do it, or I'm dropping you in Gatto's mouth.
Toby: Fine! Umm... Your Future Hasn't Been Written by @sakon76. 161 chapters so far, angsty, but honestly a good read. But I want to kill Arthur. For sure. But there are so many things I don't understand- all because Jim doesn't explain them. Such as the Green Knight-
Dollophead: Okay, that's it. Next!
*Toby jumps out of chair and goes to stand next to Dollophead*
Toby: Dude, how do you deal with her-
Dollophead: I've known her since she was 3. That's how.
*Darci enters the room, and sits down on the seat, smiling*
Clotpole: *smiles* Hey, Darce. If you don't mind telling me, what is your favourite fanfiction?
Darci: *thinks* It has to be... A Secret's Worth by @rosemaidenvixen. It's way too good. I literally just finished it the other day when she posted the last chapter. I really like how she took to writing Jim's and Barbara's problems with the CPS and that one scene where Strickler was combing through Jim's hair and showed that he actually worried about him because Jim was losing hair because he was stressed.
Dollophead: *ticks name on clipboard* Thank you, Darci. Next!
*Darci gets up and walks over to Toby*
Toby: How is she so nice to you?!
Darci: Because I don't make Clotpole angry.
Dollophead: Well, I don't make her angry-
Darci: D, that's simply the dynamic you have. She bosses you around, you snark at her. But we know you guys are like brother and sister-
Dollophead: I have a sister and she has a brother-
Darci: But you guys still care about each other. We can all see the bromance. And you respect her rules- like no touching her and making sure to tell her when to pray-
Clotpole: *giggles* Guys, please, we can talk about D's and my dynamic later. *puts on serious face* NEXT PERSON, C'MON- WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!
*Eli enters, stumbling over his feet*
Eli: Sorry, sorry, I'm here.
Clotpole: Did Steve push you?
Eli: *nods* Yeah.
Clotpole: I'll deal with him later- or Hairdo Guy will. Anyway, Eli, what is your favourite fanfiction.
Eli: Probably the series Tear Me in Two (The Moonlight will Anyway) by @avirxy. I really like how they turned our life into a monster hunting AU, with Claire as the werewolf and Mary as a banshee. I think it actually really fits the concept, and it's so well written as well.
Clotpole: *nods* One of my favourites as well, if we're being completely honest. I'll read it at midnight for no reason- just when I want to see some angst. But their Arcane Blight is by far my favourite. Anyway, thank you Eli, AND NEXT!
*Eli gets off the chair and Steve comes into the room, and sits on the chair*
Clotpole: Favourite fanfiction, Steve?
Steve: Through the Veil by @pinkytoothlesso11. That's a good one. I- I really don't know what to say, apart from the fact I'm glad that some of us got a happy ending. It makes me a little hopeful.
*Toby raises an eyebrow*
Toby: Didn't I die in that one-
Dollophead: Shut up!
Clotpole: Thank you Steve, and NEXT!
*Mary walks into the room, filing nails*
Clotpole: *rolls eyes* Mary, c'mon, we don't have all night- I need to get back home before my mom finds out I'm not doing Chemistry revision for goodness sake! Now, what is your favourite fanfiction.
*Mary sits on chair*
Mary: Probably... There is a lot about me you don't know by @generalallxsanjishipper or Killian44peeta on ao3. They're good at writing Douxie and his trauma. Also Jim being scared by the bathtub gives me the feels but also makes me kind of laugh because of that one time when he tried to move that one bathtub in that store and pretty much-
Clotpole: *stops smiling* Okay, okay, we get it, Mary, and thank you. NEXT!
*Claire enters the room and sits down on the chair*
Clotpole: Okay, favourite fanfiction, Claire?
Claire: I think I've said this before but Mirrored convictions by @albentelisa. It's too good- it just fuels me whenever I read a chapter. I especially liked that bit with Jim and the Gravesand and Mrs Shen, and then that bit after where Jim stabs Barbara in the thigh. I don't know why but it gave me this weird feeling that this would escalate later on. Can't wait for Chapter 67!
Clotpole: *grins* Honestly, I can't wait either. And finally, last but not least- JIM, GET YOUR ASS INSIDE HERE!
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phychohex · 2 months
I met a vampire down in Santa Carla (chapter one)
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I pulled up the driveway dread seeping its way into my pours. I managed to get here in just one day only stopping for gas and food. I sit trying to gather the courage to face them again, especially after seeing them last. When I spoke to my mother on the phone asking if she could please help me and was immediately allowed; it took me by surprise. My stepdad and I never really saw eye to eye on just about everything. From religion to people who were different from us. My mom wasn't that way though. She just happened to be trapped in marriage something I never realized until being in the same boat. Stuck with a man who claims to love you only to show the opposite. I finally get the gull to walk up to the door knocking three times.
When the door opened I could barely recognize the woman in front of me the once youthful face now wrinkled with stress and the sad fake smile. Her hair was put up in a tight bun and her clothes resembled those of an old woman. Even though she was only in her early fifties. "Aurora my love come in you're just in time for supper" She stands aside letting me in and I see Steve sitting on his throne watching a football game. The brown leather recliner laid out as he looked up wearing what can only be Sunday best even if it was Monday. 'never know when we will meet god, so we always need to look our best' is what he always told me. He stands up a groan leaving him how he looked the same. From the tall lean figure that seemed to loom over you like a predator looking down on his prey. His hair greying and kept in a slick back appearance with those dull dark eyes pricing through my soul, judging me.
"Aroura" he nods I couldn't do it. My eyes hit the floor as a mix of fear and shame came over me. The last thing I told him was I would never come back to this hell hole and that I would never need his help. Now I hate that I was wrong this was the part I knew I would hate the most. The look in those cold dead eyes saying I told you so. "Is Dinner ready?" he asks my mom leading us to the dining room where a nice roast was all prepared for us. We sit down back in our spots. It was like I never left. He held his hand out to me so we could pray over our food. I was not religious I was the opposite I hated it. I know not everyone is that way but with what I had to go through because of god, because I was 'sinful' I couldn't help but despise it. The thought of religion sent chills up my spine and yet I joined hands and pretended to pray along with them.
As we say our amen and start eating he pipes up "So how was John" he asks the tone in his voice screaming that he was eating this up.
"Steve" Mom tries but he holds his hand up.
"you know this is my house Aruroa so I have rules," he starts
"Rory" I mutter "I go by Rory" I look up nervous. "that's what my friends call me," Having never told them before I just couldn't take not at least trying to be myself.
"Okay then, Rory. I have rules; now I know you are a woman now, all grown up. All I ask is you cover your tattoos inside the house and especially outside. I am a well-known member of society as you may know" That was true he was friends with a bunch of politically rich people. "I don't want you to be an embarrassment, you understand. Modesty is what I expect this means no crop tops, shorts or skirts must be at least knee length and no tight-fitting clothing it's unbecoming. Lastly, I want you to contribute help with chores and such." he smiles I look over to Mom as she smiles.
"It will be nice. A good change of pace to have help right" she asks
"Mom what about you, you work right"
"oh no" she shakes her head "I gave it up a few years ago" I was stunned. She was an amazing Veterinarian surgeon and loved what she did.
"well, that's good." I smile "But I think I will try to get a job if that's alright"
"With what education" Steve pipes up "Last I checked you never finished school"
"I didn't but I did get my GED, and then I went into a trade" The shock on his face was everything. After being told I couldn't do it and then to prove him wrong. "may I be excused I have some unpacking to do" I ask and they let me. I go out to the car grabbing my bags before going up to my childhood bedroom. The door opens with an eerie creek. The room was just as I left it. The full-sized bed with a creme-colored blanket. The frame has four long points with old fairy lights hanging from them. One light brown nightstand with a simple lamp and then a dresser across from the bed. All the neutral colors. If you told someone a sixteen-year-old used to live in this room I'd tell you that it was sad. Sitting on the old mattress and opening the drawer of the nightstand looking at the unused bible just collecting dust. Gazing to meet the Jesus painting that hung right above my bed. I hear a knock as Steve opens the door.
"gosh, so many memories." he shakes his head smiling "I remember that day, the rush you had as you got into that car cursing our names. Your mother she would lay in here for days sulking. You put that woman through hell you know," he sits next to me the numbness was back all I could do was nod. "she has asked me to not be so harsh on you, and for her sake, I plan to so do what you want with the room all I ask is you not deface god, show respect." he puts his hand on my back "I'm glad your back, no matter what you may think of me I am glad to have raised you, and that you have come to your senses" he stands up. Looking at the Jeues painting. "remember he is always watching over us."
"take it" I mutter "I don't want it in here" Tears peek up again. he lets out a disappointed sigh taking it down. As he is walking out the door he turns back to look at me.
"keep this door closed at all times, I don't want guests coming in" he shuts the door with more force than needed. I lay down in my bed trying to get over the feeling of entrapment. Telling myself over and over this was better than what I came back from. With the thought playing over and over I found myself falling asleep.
I wake up looking at the time. It's almost noon and I have to rush out. when I told my friends I was coming back we made plans to go out for lunch and meet back at the shack. The shack is an old hideout we made when we were younger. It was a trailer out in the woods just outside town. It used to be my friend's uncle's trailer and once it was paid off he didn't want it and agreed to give it to us as a clubhouse while he built his dream place just a mile down the road. I brush my hair looking in the mirror the bruise on my arm still dark. Using what makeup I had I covered it to the best of my ability before taking a glance over. Wearing a long-sleeve navy blue sweatshirt and then a skirt that went to my ankles which was black with navy blue flowers and black dock martins. I try to ignore the tired look and puffiness in my eyes. The light peeking its way through the curtains. Focusing on the dark auburn hair that was in a sloppy ponytail and the freckles that went along my cheeks like scattered stars. I grab my bag before heading out for lunch.
Sitting at the small little shop waiting. I hear a squeal and see Kayla rushing over. I stand up and she practically throws herself at me. She was gorgeous as ever, with honey-brown eyes long dark hair, and caramel skin. Not far behind her was Lilly a once light blonde now neon pink and fully decked with piercings. We sit down and start catching up. "okay, okay so I just started at this little nail salon down at the boardwalk and I'm meeting up with this guy who is a college professor he is so cute you have to meet him. Oh and guess who finally got together" I give Lilly a bright smile.
"Really?" I exclaim. Lilly used to have a huge crush on our friend Josh and everyone knew he liked her back but both of them were so deep in teenage awkwardness. They never would admit it to each other or anyone else. "since when"
"When we first started college. I'm studying for my nursing and he is going into film" Lilly smiles sheepishly "But what about you, why are you back so suddenly? I mean don't get me wrong we are all beyond happy but when you left it was because your stepdad pushed the last straw, I mean what he said I don't blame you and what he put you through so why move back in."
"Well, long story short I took off with an even worse person" I glance down adjusting my sleeve hoping they don't notice. Kayla reaches over and holds my hand her eyes filled with sorrow. I nod laughing as I wipe a tear. "I guess I should've seen that one coming huh, I mean what nineteen-year-old runs off with a sixteen-year-old."
"a fucked up one, I knew I never liked him" Kayla rolls her eyes "What happened, do I have to go and kill his ass."
"no, that would be too merciful" I laugh. "don't worry it's not like he knows I'm here.
"You're strong you know, getting away from it. Not many can" Lilly agrees "But seriously what a fucked up dude didn't he start trying to get you when you were like fourteen, he was a senior that just wrong." Lilly nods, "hey you know what we should all stop by the shack"
"yes that's perfect get the hell out of here and to a real comfort place." having finished our food we all go and meet up at the shack. Pulling in brought so many memories, all the weed we smoked the karaoke nights the game nights all the worst and fucked up movies we would sneak past the guys at the video store. it was a safe haven for us, no adults, just some dumb high schoolers with either nothing to do or escaping the reality of our own lives. It was our fortress, no one could tell us what to do. No one could take away the joys of being young and stupid and a place where we all looked out for each other. I get out seeing Will on the front porch smoking a blunt. He changed so much once a scrawny kid with messed up hair now in shape his big poofy hair held back with a ponytail holder. He looked good, especially for how he was brought up. He was one of us who was escaping.
While Lilly was the one who got us the shack cause of her Uncle she was also the den mother. The one who always cared and never had shit to do. Kayla was the same that is unless she had to watch her younger siblings. The three of us have been friends since the third grade when I first moved here. But for me and Will it was the safe zone. I was getting away from my stepdad who forced me to believe and who punished me if I didn't, but I felt he had it worse. His mom was a druggie and always had men coming and going which ended him in some trouble. Dealing drugs and having gotten addicted to heroin. It changed once he almost died and we freaked out. It was harsh but it needed to be said and if it hadn't he would probably be doped up. Kayla screamed at him saying he was no better than his mother. He went to rehab for a long time and I left before he came back. He looks up putting the blunt out and waves.
As I make my way up the stairs we clap our hands together and pull into a hug. "oh shit, they told me you was back, how you been" he smiles
"I've been" I shrug
"Felt you there, so hows that dipshit you were dating"
"don't know don't care how is your mom"
"dead" he laugh "fucking good riddance" We go inside the place was different probably cause we'd aged. the once dimly lighted room now has lights along the walls and a bright light and funky fan. With a wrap-around couch instead of bean bags which now sit in the corner. The TV was updated along with the gaming system and two bookshelves filled with games and movies. Down the hall, the game room is completely decked out with the table in the middle and shelves almost covering every wall with all the things a DND player could ask for. I see Josh in his natural habitat snapping pictures of some figures. He looks up smiling.
"awe shit," he makes his way around "bout time you stopped by, it's been what like six years? You look good" he complements
"you too" he nods the lanky figure and beanie giving hipster vibes. "what are you doing"
"oh well I'm working on stop motion so I take a photo and then move everything slightly and repeat the process until eventually I have a video of these guys moving. it's for an assignment, come on let's go sit down." everyone sitting in the living room music blasting as we hot box. It has been years and to say it was hitting hard was an understatement. Sitting with a big bag of barbecue chips listening to what everyone has been up to.
"You know what I was just telling my co-worker that I used to be in a band." Kayla announces "We should do that again now that Rory's back" I sit up shaking my head.
"hell no" I laugh "It's been years"
"exactly that's why we should, not for fame or money just for shits and giggles plus you used to sound like a literal siren" she pushes "Come'on what do you got to lose we can put it in with our DND sessions"
"Yeah we could" Josh nods "Every Wednesday we are all here anyway might be a good time Lilly still has all our old stuff we can set up here"
"where in here" Lilly scuffs "You giving your dnd room up?"
"hell no" Josh sits back. "we will figure it out but if we do you have to agree to at least try" he points passing me the joint. I take a quick puff and let out a long sigh,
"fine" Kayla jumped up in excitement before hugging me again. "hey I said try if it doesn't work out then that's not on me"
"Don't be a party pooper" Kayla pouts "I mean what are you going to do anyways"
"look for a job that's for starters there is no way I'm going to play housewife and be cooped up with sir I told you so, no way"
"Well, what are you looking for" Josh asks as I pass the joint.
"tattoo, I'm a tattoo artist and have been for three years now" I smile "I love it I wouldn't trade it for anything"
"I know a guy who is looking for an artist he is trying to do an almost twenty-four-hour opening. he is looking for the night shift from six to three. I can recommend you if you'd like." Will offers.
"yes that would be amazing" excitement filled as hope of actually being able to save up enough money to move out looking more and more possible, "where is it at"
"the boardwalk, its called Pop's Ink my guy Oscar is the owner pops was his old gang name I can have him give you a call" After a few more hours of talking and catching up it was time to finally head back home.
It wasn't even a whole week later when I got the call for a job interview. Like Will said he was looking for the night shift and seemed to be desperate. I make sure I'm in one of my nicer outfits with my hair in a messy bun and light makeup. Wearing winged eyeliner and a red lip along with nude eyeshadow. I grab my work bag that carries my portfolio of all the tattoos I have done and am the most proud of, my resume, and references. I walk down the stairs and as I am heading out the door I notice Steve eyeing me.
"where you heading to kiddo" he interrogates.
"I have a job interview" with my hand on the doorknob ready to leave.
"at six pm?"
"yep it's for a night shift and the owner is there right now for the interview so I have to go."
"what job interview happens this late anyways." he scuffs shaking his head "You know I let you back into my home and if you are trying to go off and do a job that is ungodly I swear. Besides, I provide enough to care for you and your mother there isn't any need for you to get one"
"look" I turn with what courage I have. "I understand your views on the matter and I don't agree okay. this way I can prove I'm responsible and it's not a sinful job like you may think. I'm not going out to be a stripper or prostitute if that's what you're concerned with. I'm going to use the trade that I told you about. I would love to stand here and explain but I don't want to be late I'll most likely not get home till later so tell mom not to wait up for me for dinner" With that I leave rushing to my car before letting out a sigh of relief. I drive the fifteen minutes to the boardwalk. even though I lived here the majority of my life I was never allowed in this area. With all the murders my mom thought it be best I stay clear. I make my way into the shop with late 90s rock lightly playing and the red walls with black printouts of pinup girls and then the counter. I look around not sure what to do. That's when I noticed a tall big burly man with a sleeve tat and a long beard. Reminded me of Santa Clause, well if Santa Clause was in a biker gang which I think this guy was. "hey are you Oscar" I pipe up. he turns and makes his way over his aura very dark and intimidating which quickly fades once he smiles.
"you must be Rory it's nice to meet you" I was taken back nodding and giving him a firm handshake. "Will told me you would be by" he was Santa, what the fuck.
"p-pops," I ask he sighs laughing.
"told you I was a gang member I told him not to do that, no that's my trucker name I was one for almost twenty years before tattooing. We meet in rehab used to do coke in my youth and I help run the support group where everyone calls me pops there too" he lets out a deep laugh and ushers me to sit down. "so you're looking for a tattoo gig right, well came to the right place let me take a look at what you got." with a startle I got through my bag and hand him my portfolio. he flips to the first page which was an eagle and American flag in full color. slowly flipping the pages no real reaction.
from the pinups to full color, and realism he closes it and nods. "that's fucking impressive what you'd say you are the weakest in"
"well to be honest it would be realism it takes me the longest and I'm not used to doing them a lot, but specifically doing photo realism of a human, if it was an animal or object I can do that pretty well. "
"Where do you think you are the best in"
"in my lining and color taking my time and getting it done right has always been really important to me"
"so would you say your time management skills aren't top quality"
"Well, I would rather take my time and get it right than have someone leave with a bad tattoo. The Bride of Frankenstein bust I did took about ten hours. same with Frank himself. I usually charge per hour and when I do start I can't finish cause it would bug me a bit so I don't take many breaks unless the client needs them if I do then it's just to get a drink or use the bathroom no longer then ten minutes and I stop the clock for the client so unless I am tattooing then the clock will be going."
"how much do you usually charge"
"depends on the type but I range between twenty-five to fifty an hour for them I did thirty, if need be I can do a flat rate of twenty-five"
"and twenty percent going to the shop is fine with you," he asks writing things down.
"yeah that's fine"
"Okay um, who trained you"
"Katie Fitz, here is her number" I hand him the number he looks over and stands up.
"well I am impressed I of course want to call her first but I can call you within the next couple of days and tell you what I decide but your chances are pretty good." he walks me out "It was a pleasure to meet you" I shake his hand.
"same here " I make my way to my car and when the beauty of the boardwalk takes my breath away. from the smell of cotton candy and restaurants to the screaming of joy from the people at the small fair ground-like area with the lights illuminated by the Ferris wheel and the doors of all the shops wide open. I noticed the sun was setting and even though I knew I should head home I couldn't stop that little devil in my ear telling me a look around wouldn't hurt. I make my way looking at the shops. There was the nail salon, then a soap shop with bath bombs and perfume, go further and you will find a bar that leads you to a tourist-like shop. I notice a quiet little bookstore that has a coffee shop at the front. As the smell of coffee invades my lungs and the large maze-like rows of books call to me I soon found myself going up and down the isles.
I come to the horror area which was ironically placed at the very back in a corner. I look up trying to see what would catch my eye first. I stumbled upon a new Stephan King novel that I have yet to read. Just as I was reaching up the sound of the bell that was to alert people entering the shop dings and blaring hard rock music filled the once quiet and peaceful space. I go to the end of the aisle and peer to see a group of four guys have come barreling in. Looking like they just stepped out of the 80's and gave off a menacing vibe. Not anything like what I felt when first meeting Oscar. This was true don't fuck with me energy that chilled me to the core. The tallest with long dark hair and brooding nature walks to the mystery section making it clear whose idea it was to stop by. The youngest and shorts with curly hair cut into a mullet ran around holding the boom box that was playing harsh music. He reminded me of a kid who forgot his ADHD meds. As he ran past another member of the group who was leaning against the table pulling all his best moves to get with one of the girls who sat peacefully at their table. His long blond hair which also was cut into a mullet seemed to be succeeding making the girls lean into whatever it was he said. My eyes go over not even two feet and are met with bright blue hues. The light blue reminded me of the light hitting the ocean just right. They made my skin bump up with anxiety and set my mind on high alert.
Going back to the area I was just trying to think of a way out. Away out where I wouldn't be interrupted by any of them. This all went right down the drain when I glanced over to see he was looking at the books with me. He must've made a straight beam over. I look back up at the book that I once debated on getting. He leans over being very close. I look over our eyes meeting and he holds the book above my head. I look to see if it was the last one that I would be able to reach. I wasn't short these bookshelves were just insanely tall. At least that's what I like to tell myself, Im average height 5'5 isn't abnormal and yet at this moment it seemed not tall enough as he loomed over me egging me on with the book over my head as if we were two school children.
He sports a cheeky grin knowing he was getting on my nerves. "what's your name, princess" his voice had a mocking tone to it. Not daring to answer I just turn to grab my things. "awe come on" he holds the book out. Unsure whether to try and grab it or not I stretch my hand out which causes him to pull back "Your name, doll" I officially am now fed up. "I'll give it to you all I want is your name" We hear the chick at the front finally lose her cool.
"Dwayne get your skank ass friend out of here" He rolls his eyes clearly annoyed by the demand,
"Last chance" he backs away tempting me with the book. I don't know why but it was like I couldn't stop myself,
"Rory" I mutter "My name is Rory" he smiles handing me the book before waving.
"I'll see you around" he turns and they all leave being just as loud as they were when they first entered the shop. What the fuck was that and why did I give him a total stranger my name for a fucking book. I checked out and went home laying down to read but they just kept playing in my mind on repeat. I lay awake trying to understand what the hell happened. What pissed me off is the book was not worth telling a strange man in a trench coat looking like he would shoot up the joint for.
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dragon-queen21 · 3 months
hi back again ! sorry for my small absence, my school year just finished and testing is approachin & ive been very stressed ☹️
but this time its gonna be about sanji (like the last two were supposed to) this is actually kind of angsty,, um,,, whoopsie
-i have a hc that during wholecake when sanji was with his family he was actually regressin. i dont think he was fully regressed but definitely wasnt fully big the entire time. please tell me you understand what im gettin at here. the amount of stress he must have been dealin with, unfortunately he needed to cope somehow, kind of angsty i know, but sanji fully regressin the second hes safe and with his crew again, and luffy (and the crew) just being there to help him (they didnt leave his side for hours)
-sanji is the straw hats resident baby like i said in a previous ask i believe that him and luffy regress the youngest, both needin the most care and attention out of everyone else in their straw hats agere universe. hes not as clingy as luffy, but will get fussy if someones not with him
-for some reason i am so diggin usopp watchin lil sanji, I DONT KNOW I FEEL LIKE THEYD HAVE A BLAST
i feel like usopp would be tryin SOOOO hard to helo sanji have a good time considerin usopps not his primary cg
-the girls are the ones who mostly care for sanji when hes little, robin being a little more motherly, and nami bein sweet and spoiling the hell out of him
-sanji called one of the girls “mommy” once and got SO embarrassed. locked himself in the kitchen stress bakin until the one he gave the title too came and talked to him
-once JUST ONCE he called zeff when he was really little and was genuinely tryin his hardest to act big when he was talkin to zeff. i cant imagine how he would react exactly, or if he woukd even understand what was happenin or what agere even was, but he raised this boy he can tell when somethins up. imagine franky, or robin, brook or someone findin him and having to slowwwlllyyy take it away from him and apologize to zeff so he can get back to his job
OKAY IM DONE BECAUSE IM TIRED RAAAH I HOOE YOUR HAVING A GOOD DAY sorry i think this is really difficult from my normal asks/rambles sanji is more personal to me than anyone else on the crew so i think about his highs and lows a lot more than anyone else in the crew! im sorry if its a bit to angsty ☹️
(also sorry i want to drop this,, inosuke agere? real? him regressing and hes just like a nonverbal baby boar. very very energetic kiddo)
(ive also been slightly fixated on ‘metal family’ recently as well. mom the hyperfixations are fightin)
Hi hi! Good to see ya :D please ignore how long it took me to respond, this has been such a busy week for me and my mental health has been a roller coaster. Ooh I get the stress before tests, praying to Jesus for you that all goes well <3 Make sure to study a little, take breaks, and get a good night sleep before and I bet you will do just great! :D
Okay onto headcanons now~
~Sanji kind of teetering between headspaces is so real. Not feeling safe enough to fully regress but also his brain pushing him to be small because he’s upset and usually being small means getting comfort. He would probably crash and burn for days after once it finally hits him that he’s safe. Practically drunk of off familiarity of his crew.
While I am kind of aware of whole cake I’m not up that point in the anime, if I was I would give you a better comment, but alas :<
~The resident baby prince. Ahhh I love him so much. First thing I thought of is Sanji being sat in the corner with a blanket and some toys content to play by himself, but the moment whoever is watching over him leaves it’s instantly tears and crying. Object permanence who? If the baby can’t see his crew they therefor must have disappeared and left him and he is going to be sad about it forever. Never to be consoled agai- oh wait never mind they’re back now. All is right with the world.
~Usopp watching over anyone would have a blast. Let’s be honest- it’s Usopp. Something about him just screams caregiver coded.
~Okay but Sanji calling Robin “mama” promptly realizing what he’s said because Robin is so shocked she’s not responding, he’s not about to stick around and find out what she thinks of the accidental nickname, and going to stress bake for hours <- the best idea ever. It makes me so happy. Bdbjbcjdnjdnsj (Like I haven’t said this a hundred times before, I’m soft for mama Robin can you tell :3 )
~I’ll raise you one. Calling up Zeff but it keeps happening when Sanji is looking after regressors. The phrase “I’m telling!” gives Sanji a near heart attack. The ex pirate has gotten used to getting calls from little straw-hats, so imagine his shock when it’s Sanji regressed and calling.
These weren’t too different I would say. Besides I absolutely adore angst just as much as I love fluff. Like let the baby’s suffer a bit >:3
(Very real. The most real actually. Inosuke never got to experience a normal childhood. Let. Him. Cope. 👏)
“mom the hyperfixations are fightin”
😭😂 love that
I’ve never heard if metal family before. I do however understand the fight between hyperfixations. (Looks towards the 5,000+ word Genshin Impact fic I’ve been writing and essentially ignoring all my other current projects for) It’s tough being in multiple fandoms, the struggle is real my friend
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soonsweetheart · 5 months
It’s finals week.
I’ve been waiting all semester to get these awful classes over with and the time has finally come. Though the week of nonstop studying is stressful beyond belief, at least I have the summer to look forward to.
He sat with me at my desk, flipping through my study guide and quietly correcting the mistakes in the textbooks.
“That didn’t actually happen,” he mumbled, pointing to one paragraph in the history book. It was funny in a way. I’m living to serve the Savior of the world yet here I am, studying for a history final.
“It didn’t?” I questioned, glancing over the text he was tapping. He shook his head in confirmation before setting the book down for me to study.
“No,” he said softly, “but you should still study the material for the exam. I want you to do well. Just know the truth.”
“Thanks,” I mumbled. I’d been studying for hours but history was my weakest subject. I needed to pass this final so I wouldn’t have to spend another semester in hell redoing it. So I kept on.
I was a stress eater. Typically I tried to eat healthy, but my college budget for the week wasn’t helping. I’d fidget, and snack, fidget, snack, fidget, snack.
He glanced up after a bit of my excessive chewing, an eyebrow raised. I hadn’t even noticed, really. It was after midnight and I was so tired, so stressed I could cry. But at least the chips provided a distraction.
His gentle voice drew my attention away from the book. “Yeah?” I glanced up at him, my leg bouncing away from the stress.
“I think that’s enough,” he said softly, shifting his eyes to the chips and then back at me. It was a family size bag but I’d nearly finished it without even realizing.
I frowned a little, almost offended.
“Stop,” he said firmly, “you know that’s not what I mean.”
“Then what do you mean?” I grumbled, waiting for his explanation. I knew he didn’t mean it that way at all but the exhaustion was making me feel so on edge.
He smiled a little, resting a hand on my cheek, “Sweetheart, don’t worry so much. You’re going to make yourself sick eating more than you should. You’re stress eating because you’re anxious, but why? Have I not promised you I’d protect you? That you would prosper?”
His words were so sweet, and true. He told me every day not to worry, not to be afraid. And he had never let me down. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Fine. You’re right,” I laughed softly, leaning into his touch.
He looked pleased, his fingers grazing my cheekbone, “Good. Good girl. Worry about nothing and pray to me about everything. I will never let you fall.”
“I know, Daddy,” I whispered. My leg wasn’t bouncing anymore, and my heart wasn’t racing. The exhaustion felt even stronger now that I was relaxed in his presence.
His hand traced slowly up my cheek to the back of my head. “Hey, lay down,” he said softly, pulling me closer. I wanted to resist, to keep studying, to do it my own way. But I couldn’t. My body gave in and I collapsed against his chest.
“Okay…” I mumbled. It made sense now. There was truly nothing to worry about. His fingers laced into my hair and I knew I was safe.
I could trust him.
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lovely-showtimes · 2 years
royalty au ~ ♡
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character - tsukasa.
desc. - in which tsukasa is your loyal knight and bodyguard, but he also happens to be entirely head-over-heels for you.
type - oneshot.
warnings - reader is referred to as a prince but is otherwise gn.
a/n - this ended up being a lot longer than i expected ;; tsukasa just brings out my writing prowess i suppose! i hope you enjoy anyway~
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Protecting and serving the prince... it was all Tsukasa knew these days.
Not that he had any problem with it, of course. Being personally picked out by the prince themself to protect them was an honour any knight would love to have. And Tsukasa was no different. In fact, he could still recall the excitement he felt when it was announced he would become their personal bodyguard.
And yet... these days, Tsukasa began to feel strange. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, though. The way he felt a weird sense of excitement whenever they would speak to him, the way his stomach fluttered whenever they smiled at him, the way his face seemed to light on fire whenever they stood a little too close to him.
It was unlike anything he'd felt before. And it confused him. Enough that he'd been losing sleep over pondering these feelings, attempting to figure out what exactly all of this meant.
However, right now, Tsukasa didn't have time to sit around and think such things. He had just finished his morning training, and of course, he now had to attend to his duty of staying by the prince's side.
Upon knocking on their bedroom door, they answered rather quickly. An ever-cheerful voice echoing from inside - "come in!" beckoned him to enter.
And there you stood, in front of your mirror, fixing up your hair for the day. You looked ethereal as always, and as Tsukasa laid his gaze on you, he began to feel a familiar fuzziness in his chest.
You turned around to face him with a smile, before it quickly fell and you rushed across the room to him, worry written all over your face.
"What happened? You look awful!" You cried, holding onto his shoulders gently.
Tsukasa glanced at the mirror behind you. His hair was a mess, and he had bags under his eyes. He frowned softly, not realising how much he'd been stressing out about this sort of thing.
"It's nothing." he dismissed quickly, shaking his head. He didn't want to worry you, and for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to tell you about these strange feelings.
You sigh and shake your head. "It doesn't look like nothing. You look like you haven't slept in days." You tilt your head and lean a little closer to him. "Please, if something's wrong, tell me. I care about you."
Tsukasa prayed that his face didn't look as red as it felt. "I appreciate your concern, but I am fine. I just didn't sleep well last night, is all."
You didn't look convinced, but you decided to let it go anyway. "Very well. Still, though, I feel like you need to relax a little. Come with me."
Very suddenly did you walk out of the room and take him with you, causing him to stumble a little as you pulled him away.
"Ah- Your Highness, I appreciate you caring for me, but really, you don't need to do any of this-"
You cut him off, shaking your head dismissively. "Nonsense. If something's wrong, I want to help." You glance over your shoulder and smile at him. "Besides, if you're distracted by something, you won't do as good of a job at protecting me, will you? So come on!"
You raised a good point, and it frustrated Tsukasa. Still, even if you didn't, he knew he couldn't say no to you and your incredible stubbornness. So he just sighed and stayed quiet as he followed you.
You lead him outside and into the gardens. It all looked as pretty as always, with bright and colourful flowers everywhere you looked. Tsukasa didn't often have time to come here, so he appreciated you taking him here.
You lead him through the gardens and towards a section of the gardens Tsukasa hadn't actually been to before. A small flower field coloured in yellows, purples and blues, all surrounded by high shrubbery. It was calming, and Tsukasa seemed to let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding.
"Here." you smile, standing in the middle of the field with a wide smile on your face. "I often come here during the night when I'm stressed, and it calms me down instantly. So I thought you'd like it too."
Tsukasa sweat-dropped. "You should not be sneaking ou-"
"Hush." You wrinkle your nose at him. "This isn't about me, this is about you."
Tsukasa thought that was just an excuse to not explain why you would be sneaking out at night, but he decided to pursue that another time. Right now, he simply decided to do as you wanted and bask in the beauty of the flowers around him.
...for a few moments, anyway. Because before he knew it, you were standing close to him once more and causing his heart to pound again.
"Can I hold your sword?" You ask cheerfully, reaching down to pull it out of its sheath.
Tsukasa cautiously hid the sword away from you. "You may hurt yourself if you attempt to do that, you know... You don't know how to hold it properly."
"Well, you can teach me, right?"
Tsukasa paused, thinking this over for a few moments, before hesitantly taking the sword out of its sheath.
"Alright, here." He carefully handed you the sword, much to your excitement. You began to swish it about in the air as if you were fighting someone, causing Tsukasa's stomach to drop.
"Wait, wait, wait!" He cried out. "Don't just swing it around! You might hurt the flowers, or worse, yourself!"
You shrugged. "I'm not a child. I can hold a sword, you know."
"Yes, I know, but that doesn't mean you're incapable of hurting yourself. Here, let me help." Tsukasa stood behind you and began adjusting the way you held the sword.
"...and then, you'll want to stand like this," he told you, gently guiding you to stand more upright. He moved his hands down your arms, beginning to correct how you held the sword itself. "And then you, uh... you..."
It was just beginning to dawn on Tsukasa how very close he was to you. His entire body was pressed against yours, and his face was way too close to yours. The realisation caused him to trail off, suddenly very flustered.
"And then what?"
Your query jolted him out of his sudden daze. "Right, er, you'll want to hold it like this..."
The two of you spent the rest of the morning in that field, with Tsukasa teaching you how to hold and move his sword correctly, and even teaching you a few battle tactics. There was no harm in the prince knowing how to defend themself, he thought.
"Hehe, take that, and that!" You cried out against your imaginary enemies, jabbing at them with a newfound confidence. Tsukasa still felt slightly worried at watching you swing it around carelessly, but he knew you wouldn't harm yourself. Not if he was here, anyway.
He didn't even realise he was staring until you turned around looked him in the eyes, a bright smile on your face. "I did it! You don't look all troubled anymore."
Tsukasa blinked, suddenly realising that he didn't felt as worried or sluggish anymore. Spending time with you like this seemed to revitalise him in a way he was very thankful for.
"Lunchtime will be soon, so we should go back inside now. But you're welcome for not being stressed anymore!"
Before he could even register what was happening, you leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, before taking his hand and walking back towards the palace.
"Ah, you..." Tsukasa found himself strangely speechless as you did that, following behind you blankly.
"'I' what?" You ask, glancing over your shoulder.
"You still have my sword."
"Oh, sorry!"
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Kakashi’s Story- Chapter Five (shhh i’m not ok)
Manari, Girl. Please stab the prime minister for me. As a treat?
The prime minister pos manipulated a scared kid who had no idea what was happening. How am i not surprised?
The prime minister trying to wash Nanara off of the cliff 🤬🤬🤬 you leave him alone you asshat
‘Just as he was prepared to be swallowed up by water at any second, a hot wind blew past his head’ baby boy was saved by the bad ass Teacher again
‘An enormous bird of fire’ yes, yes yes yes yes YESSSS
‘Kakashi standing comfortably on one leg on a foothold the size of a coin’ this man would do that XD so chill.
Kakashi cutting Nanara off and promising to explain everything later because they’re in a hurry and he is NOT explaining who he really is right now.
‘Kakashi was unable to hide his anger’ let the rage out. Kick ass in full pure anger!!!
‘To use a tool imbued with chakra, you generally need a contract between the tool and the user’ he knows so much and explains it so easily, even when in a super stressful situation
Kakashi cancelled out a jutsu from a staff kade by the sage of the six paths. That is SO F***ing impressive!!!
‘Nothing more boring that a long story from an old man’ *falls over laughing* you disrespectful shit i love you
Kakashi insulting his opponent and calling him pathetic. Gai would give him crap but i’m loving it.
‘Your future is death’ FIGHT WITH ZABUZA CALL BACK!? IN MY BOOK?
Kakashi’s attacks vs the prime ministers accumulated into a thundercloud and provided the perfect end the the Prime minister pos’ plans.
He used a transformation technique yo make it look like he still had the sharingan!? He really did use his title (Kakashi of the Sharingan) to f** with his ebemies and make the fight easier ahhhh
Kind of wish the POE stayed dead but also really glad that Kakashi is a good man that would save even the worst kind of person. Even if they deserve to die.
‘He had probably always lived like this. Hiding his feelings, chipping away at himself. He had fought with a level head and a cool look.’ I love that Nanara is able to read Kakashi like this. He has learned so much from this man and finally comes to realize that Kakashi’s life has not been easy and to get where he is he has struggled so much.
‘Nanara prayed that he hadn’t always lived this life alone. He had no idea if it was true, but he felt sure Kakashi had been blessed with amazing friends and he’s been able to keep fighting all this time because he had people supporting him. He wanted that to be true. Otherwise, it was just too painful.’ He had some of the best friends, kid. I promise 😭😭😭
‘The tool was, for Nanara, a present from his three fathers. The sage of the six paths, his actual father, and -“ no no no no no. You can’t give me ‘someone views Kakashi as a father figure’ but not ACTUALLY give it to me. SAY IT
Kakashi was like a father to Nanara and Nanara helped Kakashi to see that he really was a great Hokage 😭😭😭 I’m not ok.
Aww Nanara’s compliments about the sixth hokage embarrassed Kakashi!
‘The fact no one had died was better proof than anything that no one wanted this war’ yesss
Margo: You’re king? Nanara: i guess???
‘Nanara had learned from Kakashi that enduring the pIn and walking ahead of people was the role of leader’ *grabs Kakashi by the back of his shirt and holds him up like a naughty kitten’ you’re such a good teacher why the F*** would you let your student learn THAT from you!?
‘The thing he most wanted to ask was: who exactly are you?’ He knows the answer he just wants so badly to hear it from Kakashi himself.
Kakashi ran off when Nanara finished his first speech as king and i am NOT OK. Get your ass BACK HERE YOU BASTARD MAN.
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itgirlera1 · 11 months
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Evidence of my flop era
I am a very bipolar person, it is either A's or fails
That photo is me. My hijab styles aren't even cute. The best way as a black hijabi to go under cornrows is braids. I couldn't even find the will to finish it it's insane
I don't have enough money to go to starbucks yet. So I have to study at home but I feel like I can't focus.
When you masterbate and you still have cum on you, you can't pray. And you have to take an entire shower from head to toe and it's absolutley exhausting becuase I should be praying.
We shouldn't have millions of people in prison
I am scared and ashamed of everything how will I ever get a husband I would run away if I was him
I want to be conventionally beautiful
Sometimes I feel as though I'm not real. I always felt like this. And becuase of this other people around me aren't real either.
I want a tiktok following. I want to do random shit in public and make tiktoks with random people and be outgoing and fun. I want to be a creator. Fuck want I will.
I will stop using want from now on.
I should change it from my will to god's will.
I feel dumb complaining about my grades and masterbation addiction when people around the world are dying but you can't help the poor by being one of them.
In quarantine, I started masterbating whenever I was stressed. Now it's an unconscious thing to touch myself whenever Im stressed from school.
I will take out I should from my vocabulary as well and turn it into dua (prayer) god willing.
Also when you masterbate and you get cum on your clothes you have to completely change. So I can't be a slut and muslim wlhi it's so inconvenient. By following god it makes you more disciplined and it's harder to have a porn addiction.
God, please give me clarity of what I should do next.
Also I will stop staying you and start saying I if god wills.
That way it will help me persconalzie my problems to myslef instead of triying to divert the blame.
This blog might be the silliest and sickest on tumblr
I used to love Sneako's vlogs
I will have white teeth by God's will
I love me,
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