#but i don't have a lot of motivation i mean granted i am on tumblr rn...
sweet-as-an-angel · 9 months
So Dominic does reveal more when it's safe to do so? OKAY, okay, but what if it takes a lot of time for his beloved to come to trust him? What I mean by that is that some people do not care for their loved one's action simply because they favour them. A normally empathetic person could definitely do that. So if it took around... whatever, 3 years let's say, would he be patient enough if he knew it would lead to his object of affection to basically be okay with everything he does(crazy person behaviour, but it's fictional so it's fiNE)? I'm curious. He's willing to do "anything", but that doesn't mean anything his darling would want specifically. It's anything he would do to get to that specific goal. He isn't exactly known to be nice, especially when he views his kids as burdens. So another question that came to mind, if it hasn't been answered already, would be could he change his mind on his kids? If Y/N likes them, and just really likes kids (even more since they're his), would there be some type of affection growing for them if it came from the simple pattern of "The one I like likes this, therefore I like it."?
Sorry for rambling, I can't seem to pinpoint the man, and he always turns out to be even more vicious than the last ask reveals. I really like how you made him out to be, and as depressing (in the sense that he's a cheater, is clearly insensitive, and would fuck his honey's parent just to excite them?? He's disgustingly intimidating) as I find him to be, it feels more realistic. Would love to punch him, 10/10. Plus he's French. And I'm weak. SO TO SUMMARISE, GOOD WORK, THANK YOU THANK YOU UHM (ỌVỌ)
Thank you so much for writing in, my Lovely ! I am eternally grateful for your kindness and your dedication to reading my posts; I can tell you've even read the more niche ones because you know precisely what Dominic's like ^^. To answer your questions:
Yes, Dominic will only reveal his tendencies to a Darling he can trust wholeheartedly. Granted, he will stow away his true self in order to be with you, but being able to let loose and drop his veneer of humanity is...liberating. That being said, he would only do so if he knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his Darling would not only be okay with it, but actively encourage it. He'll settle for the former, though. He knows not to be pushy when Fate hands him a win.
On the topic of whether Dominic would grow to care about his children if you cared for them...Honestly, Dominic is way past the point of forming connections - true, genuine bonds - with anyone that isn't you. And even then, if it's only his superficial charm you're attracted to, Dominic will wear it constantly, if only to make sure you keep loving him. Even at the cost of his real identity. So, to clarify, Dominic won't truly care for his sons. Not in the way that a normal parent would; rather, he views them as highly valuable assets he can use to keep you close to him. And while he may seem to go above and beyond when protecting them, it's only to ensure you don't fall into some kind of stupour if one or both of them ever came to harm.
If they ever did, Dominic would absolutely use the opportunity to convince you to have a child with him. Either through adoption or traditional means, he'll find a way to tether you to him. And no, he won't care about this child, either. Unless it is biologically yours, then he'd feel some sense of responsibility in taking care of it, but only because it is half of you.
Dominic is, for better or worse, an incredibly complex man whose motives stem from something that transcends the very pinnacles of human vicehood, and I'm so glad to hear that you like the way he is characterised, my Darling ^^ !
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My Thanks, To You.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I think that's mainly because I am blessed enough to have a wonderful family who comes once a year from all over for this one day in the year.
I have a huge family, and I mean HUGE. Thanksgiving day usually has about 20 people AT LEAST. And that's just from family members on my dad's side. If you read the blog's profile description (or can tell by the main point of the story lol), then you know I have mommy issues.
I have a very complicated relationship with her and while I was lucky enough to be given the literal best dad ever; all his love couldn't fully protect me from the deep unresolved issues I have because of my mom. Because of that, there is family I have on her side I haven't seen in years and that makes me very sad.
I am not trying to truama dump you guys, I promise that all of this has a point! 😅
This all goes to say that I know we all have different relationships and circumstances surrounding our families and thanksgiving. I want to tell you all, that I hope you have a wonderful day and if you're lucky enough; with your family. Whatever your relationship with them is, good or bad, I hope they don't bring you down and that you have some found family that can be there for you. As good family should.
Besides family, the other big thing about thanksgiving; is actually right in the name! Every year, before we sit down to eat; my family would go around and say what we were thankful for this year. It really makes you rethink/re-evaluate what you have, it always teaches me that we take a lot of what we have (no matter how little) for granted.
This year, I got more done in school; I reconnected slightly with my mom; I got to meet and spend time with my brothers (who I haven't seen in years); my new little sister was born; I got to celebrate my 20th birthday with everyone I love; and so much more.
One more of those things I am thankful for is YOU. Yes, You.
This year I got more active in writing and sharing my progress on OMWAT, that hard work was rewarded as I got to interact with so many of you. You guys read my story and blessed me with your ask's, sharing your thoughts with me, and just giving me so much happiness.
You guys are a blessing to me and I am so happy to have you guys in my life, you give me motivation to keep writing and trying to improve my creative writing skills. Seeing you guys interact with me and like my posts, it fills my heart with happiness. I don't use any social media besides tumblr because I don't like relying on it for self validation, but you guys make me feel a lot better about my capabilities as a writer than any teacher ever has. (You and that C you gave me, lives rent free in my head Mr. Vann)
I want to thank you all form the bottom of my heart.
You deserve the world and every single one of you is amazing.
I plan to write a thanksgiving short story with all of the RO's for all of you. I can't promise that it will be done in time for tomorrow but I will try my best. (I know the other two secret character ones are not done but... well, no butts thats my fault 100%)
I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!
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songmingisthighs · 4 months
a bit tmi about writing on tumblr and good writers leaving this community
so i write literally whatever i want. I take in requests but i can't act upon it if i'm not inspired and people here know i work at my own pace. I'd like to say that i'm one of the lucky ones who still get support despite everything i put people here through with my breakdowns and burnouts and really confusing working schedule and availability. sure i have to reprimand some people who pressure me or give me a hard time regarding my work, going as far as implementing the anon policy where i absolutely do not hold back when people don't follow my rules, and i get both hate and support for that. some people don't like the way i protect myself and some think it's all well deserved, either way the system works for me and I've been on this account for the past... 3 years ?? idk i forgot tbh but I've been here a while
i envy people who get a lot of attention with whatever they write, going as far as getting 6000 notes with one post and that's the kind of attention i can only wish to get. but i realize with such attention comes great burden. i saw people who do enjoy writing getting more reluctant to post because they're scared and they overthink and they lost the joy in writing and it sucks seeing that. they had to work around what they think people would accept or like and GOD that's tiring as fuck.
but what sucks more are the people who consume content like air and think that they're entitled to get more that's why they pressure writers to post. they see what is available and forget that there is a person behind the screen who has a life. like do you think i camp on tumblr 24/7? i have work, i have a life. granted it's not a fulfilling nor a productive one but i have things going on in my life. some people don't understand boundaries, some people can't differentiate 'hi. can i ask if you're planning on updating this series?' and 'it's been too long since you update this series. please update it, i need more' like the second one is TECHNICALLY okay if you know the author but if it's like someone you never interacted with, it's just disgusting. like for me personally, if you prefaced the second sentiment with something like your experience reading my crap or smth, i'd probably react to it well but if it goes straight to 'hey why aren't you updating?' the bad side of me will come out and i don't mean the right side of my face.
that being said, i don't agree with authors who pressure readers to like and reblog too. like that's how you get to 4k notes ig? but that just never sat well with me. maybe because i already set a certain expectation in this blog which is 'what i put here is simply what i want, you can enjoy it or not, and if you want to appreciate my effort to provide content, that's up to you'. like yeah comments and reblogs support my drive to post like the more i get them, the more i feel motivated to post but i wouldn't put something like 'if you want me to post more, reblog because likes don't give traffic' or smth like you're a writer, you could've created a more acceptable sentence. but if said writer is going for 'i provide this so I'm entitled to things i think i deserve' then... good for you ig?
point is, i think there is a correlation between writers and readers here and no matter what the reason behind someone leaving the tumblr writing community, i think the writer-reader aspect still has a play in it. i especially hate readers who criticize writers when they themselves contribute NOTHING in the form of content. I'm a firm believer of 'if you think it's a problem, be the solution' and that's how i came into writing here anyway. I didn't see the type content i like so i make it. that's it. i worry if people would accept my work but at the end of the day, it's so interesting seeing the 3 am thoughts i had turned into actual content. i don't get paid and god do i wish i got paid for doing this. but still, I'm lucky with the people, including readers, that i have around me. it's sad seeing good writers burning out and leaving but I'm glad that their lives still went on. but not the people that ran out of tumblr because of the crap they pulled. they can go ahead and camp in wattpad idc
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tumblingghosts · 2 months
Hope not too many for one ask sksk
re: ask game
🍅 — give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
i definitely think that my word choice & sentence structure can be pretty clunky because i tend to repeat certain words or phrases all the time. i'm working on adding more variety & changing up my writing style from time to time so i can get some practice with different styles. also, i have a bad habit of changing up sentences bc i don't like how they look -- not necessarily the phrasing, just stuff like not starting a paragraph with 'the' because i don't like how sharp a capital 'T' looks at the beginning of a sentence.
🧩 — what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
it honestly depends on my mood! i'm not too bothered by formatting or grammar, but if a plot doesn't really vibe with how i'm feeling (e.g. seeking out humor fics & finding a very plot-dense introspective one), then i'll usually click away. it doesn't mean the story is bad or anything -- just that it's getting put on a read later list for when i'm feeling like reading it. i basically click away from any fic i'm not in the current headspace for & save it for later.
🏜 — what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
i love getting long comments -- def super happy whenever i see those. i am very grateful for any kind of comments tho! it's very sweet knowing that someone took the time to stop by and drop a string of emojis or write out a few sentences <3
🪲 — add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Marcus can be saved. If there is one thing that Sejanus believes in, it has to be that. If Sejanus could simply be strong enough, quick enough, clever enough—maybe Marcus could live this time. If Sejanus could become enough, then perhaps Marcus would not be here at all. But over and over and over again Sejanus learns that it is not nearly so simple, that a life lost and regained and broken and undone would remain so, no matter how many turns he is granted to try just one more time. And another. And again.
☁️ — what made you choose your username?
it's kind of lame tbh -- the "tumbling" part was literally just bc i was signing up for tumblr, and i carried that over to when i was making an ao3 account. "ghosts" just bc of the profile i had selected (which is from chibird -- there's a lot of very cute and motivational art there & i highly recommend checking it out). i can't remember why "backpacks" was chosen though... i might have just been mashing nouns together at that point lol
🍦 — name three good things about a character you hate
ooo this is hard bc i can't think of a character i necessarily hate? either i like a character, or i'm indifferent. maybe coriolanus snow (though i do have a lot of fun writing from his pov) bc his mindset & the way he views others is very ehhhh.
but i digress -- three good things about him are 1) he's intelligent (he was very good at utilizing his charm and wit to pave a path for himself), 2) he's very driven (he's incredibly ambitious and motivated towards his goals), 3) he's funny (his pov, if nothing else, is incredibly entertaining)...too bad none of those things could make him choose to be a good person :/
thanks for the ask! :D
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re: your tags on the post defending people being dramatique about reblogs; whoever ghosted you over that is a dick, but also there has GOT to be a happy medium between "fuck you if you don't reblog everything you feel positively about" and "fuck you for asking for reblogs" like omg, tumblrinas plz, i am begging for like half an ounce of nuance i know this is the internet but please for the love of the blorbos stop the madness *headdesk*
I mean, yeah, I don't actually think guilt/shame is a good motivation for engaging with fandom, for a lot of different reasons, and tbh the overall tone of the post I just reblogged is probably more abrasive or something than what I've reblogged before or said myself. I mostly just reblogged this one because apparently I can't get over how hurt I feel over the whole basically-being-ghosted-by-a-long-term-friend thing (especially given that it made me feel really insane in a specifically neurodivergent way, like, "either I have massively misinterpreted literally everything about this relationship for years because I fundamentally don't understand friendship or social interactions in general, or you didn't mean anything you said to me, or you changed the rules at some point and didn't tell me").
but it's also just...deeply frustrating that even the mildest posts saying "if you don't do some very basic things to support the fanworks you like, you will start seeing a lot less of those fanworks, because those creators will get discouraged and stop producing it" gets categorized as whining or guilt-tripping when it isn't, it's literally just describing cause and effect. there are other posts scolding fan creators for expressing that discouragement or asking for a little damn engagement because we just want to feel like we're part of a community, all of which just contributes to the atmosphere of discouragement.
and it feels increasingly bizarre to me the more time I spend on Instagram, following all kinds of artists and small businesses, all of whom talk a lot about how important engagement is to what they do and how much their work lives and dies by The Algorithm and how crucial it is for people to take a few seconds and boost stuff they like because otherwise it just gets lost to the void, and I don't see the same backlash there of "well you should just be satisfied with creating for yourself, you shouldn't worry about stats, stop whining for attention, stop guilt-tripping people," whatever. granted, it's a different matter when there's money involved, because with a small business whose only source of advertising is social media, we're talking about someone's actual livelihood, but there's a huge amount of crossover with literally any artist--fanartist or otherwise--given that loads of them do also have Patreons or Ko-fi links or shops with physical items, or maybe they don't start out that way but when they build an audience organically they're able to bring in some actual money. and I've definitely seen people who aren't primarily selling things, who really are just producing art as a hobby, but still ask people to share their stuff because it encourages them to make more, and that seems to be seen as perfectly legitimate, except on Tumblr and also Reddit. fanfic is a little different because it's inherently an extremely bad idea to monetize, so there isn't the angle of "of course you want to share this so your favorite writer can keep food on the table!" but it doesn't seem like a huge stretch to say it follows a similar principle, right? if you like it, it just makes sense to support it in some small way, because then you're more likely to keep getting it? and if you don't make any effort to support it, then you can't complain when you stop getting it? (making this very basic point got me downvoted on r/Fanfiction because of course it did.)
and, I don't know, I personally get really discouraged begging for reblogs, and it would feel a lot better if I didn't have to. not even just my own fic (although, yes, especially that), but original posts about helpful resources or awesome Kickstarters or fic recs or cool free games or "hey this artist is doing charity commissions, look at their awesome art, please reblog so they can raise money for this important cause" mostly just all kinda fall into the void. not that I'm at all unique in that respect, obviously; anyone who doesn't have a big audience deals with that frustration (while people who do have big audiences get to deal with different problems, as I understand it, although I certainly wouldn't know from experience). it just sucks, you know?
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zunniva · 2 years
Heartbroken Love pt. 2
I'm totally new to tumblr and I can't for the life of me figure out how to link to the other 2 parts... Sorry :)
Death and Destruction
Tumblr media
This is the dreadful Vecna part where Eddie passes away at the end leaving Emma heartbroken. Some smut, a little heavier in this part. This is obviously following Emmas senior year and Eddies third try. I'm not set on depicting season 4 exactly as it was, as I aim to write this from Emmas point of view. Also I don't intend for her to be part of all the season 4 stuff around Vecna. She's more of an observer from the sidelines.
“You weird freaky fucker! I've missed you SO much!” I throw myself around Eddies neck and hug him tight. Dad is standing there with his head in his hand blushing
“You don't need to scream like that darling...” I hear him mumble
“But I did miss him, and he IS a weird freaky fucker” I smile at Eddie who's beaming back at me
“And you're my freaky princess, and guess what I missed you too! BUT YOU LIED TO ME! School started 2 days ago and you're late. You promised me you'd be back before school started” he hugs me again.
I let go of Eddie and I throw my arms around my dad “I missed you too dad don't worry, and you know what I actually missed this crazy place”
“Oh well do I have news for you” Eddie says
“Yeah? Gossip? And Ed, I am sorry I'm late...but there isn't an abundance of flights to the US from Sweden... I had to take what I could get”
“It's ok weirdo I was only faking being hurt... I'm to cool to care” he winks at me “Nah... I mean I don't really know what it is but there's been all sorts of crazy shit happening here during the summer” Eddie smiles “we'll have a 'tell ya all about it' night tomorrow?” he says
“Of course you are” I say and smile at him “tomorrow night is a date Munson!” I beam at him “but now I just wanna go home” I look at dad and he nods
“I understand, was the journey ok though? Long I know that but other than that?” he says as we make our way to the baggage claim. We get my bags “well I see I dropped you off with 2 bags and you return with 3... been shopping dear” dad chuckles
“Dad... you think I'd go back and NOT bring candy for us? The small bag is full of only that” I laugh. He looks at me then the bag and starts laughing
“I do miss the chocolate, and I assume there's salty liquorice in there for you as well?”
“You think?” I say and giggle
“Ok, stupid question” dad says and smile, we head out to find the car in the parking lot and then there's only an hours drive home to Hawkins. I sit in the back leaning my head on Eddie.
“I really did miss you freak” I whisper and take his hand
“I missed you to weirdo, not been the same without you. I know someone else missed you too...” he smirks at me
“Yeah? Nancy?” I say assuming it's her he's talking about
“Yeah I mean I guess she's missed you too... I was talking about Harrington though” he smiles
“Steve?” I feel the word getting caught in my throat
“Yeah, I met Mike and that intense little friend he has, Henderson... Well apparently he's like real good friends with Steve...I know weird right? Anyway he told me that Harrington has been mentioning you every chance he gets, asking Nancy if she's heard anything from you. Getting quite upset when he heard you left back in May. He had some thing for that red head he works with but apparently that died on it's own. He was too into you if Henderson isn't making shit up” I listen so intensely I think my ears might fall off.
“But... I mean... We hadn't met since February... or well we met but like not MET you know, we've only talked for short amounts of time when I saw him at Scoops... What the?”
“Well princess any guy that meets you is doomed you know. We can't stay away, some of us have other motives than others, granted” he chuckles “but anyway you've made some kind of impression on him. I think you might need to go down to Family Video and talk to him”
“Family Video? What happened to Scoops?” I ask
“Looooong story apparently if you're to believe Henderson. Oh yeah and him, Mike and that kid Lucas are the new Hellfire members. Those the 3 you had in mind?” he asks
“Yup those would be 2 of them, but not Lucas though I was sure it would be Will?” I'm confused those 4 seems like they were glued together. “I thought for sure he'd be one of them. I wasn't sure about Lucas” I say
“Well... Will, Jonathan, their mum and that weird girl Eleven moved to California like 2 weeks ago” he says
“What? Jonathan left? What about Nancy?” I feel sad, so much seemed to have changed here
“I have no idea, haven't talked to Nancy since before you left so” Eddie says
We get to the house and I let out a deep sigh
“I've missed this place...” dad smiles as he and Eddie carry my bags inside.
“I need to head home, I promised Wayne I'd help him fix his car tonight when I came back” Eddie says and hug me
“Ok, we'll talk later? Make plans for tomorrow?” I say
“Sure thing weirdo!” he gets in his van
“Hey freak, tell Wayne I missed his grumpy face” I call to him
“Ha! Sure will” he says and drives off.
I go inside and feel how much I actually HAVE missed Hawkins. I never thought I would, but new year new possibilities I guess. I take my bags to my room and start to unpack. The smaller bag still sitting in the hallway, everything in that is going in the pantry so no need to bring that up the stairs. I take the phone and I dial Nancy's number
“Wheeler residence”
“Hello Mr. Wheeler, this is Emma. Is Nancy in?”
“Hello there traveller, sure I'll get her” I hear Nancy's dad put the receiver down and walking away. Then I hear him call out
“NANCY PHONE” he comes back “she'll take it upstairs” he says to me I hear a click then Nancy's voice
“Hey Nance, I'm back” a squeal on the other end tells me she seems happy at least
“Hey Em, oh I've missed you! Thanks for the letters, I really enjoyed reading them! Sorry I didn't send you any...there's been...stuff happening” she sounds vague
“Yeah, Eddie told me Jonathan moved? What gives? You guys break up?” I ask
“No, there was some...stuff... and Joyce decided they needed to move away from here. We're trying the long distance thing until we get into college. We've applied to the same school so, I mean it's only a year right?” she says... I understand nothing... Stuff?
“Ehm ok? I feel I need to know more here Nance... What aren't you telling me?” I say
“We can talk about that another day, I mean you just got home. Relax with your dad tonight. I guess you're seeing Eddie tomorrow? Maybe I can have Sunday?” I hear her smile
“For sure, Sunday is all yours” we hang up and I can't help but wonder what the hell happened since I left.
I head down stairs and I bring the small bag into the kitchen. I start unpacking candy, filling the whole counter with chocolates, liquorice and other sweets both me and my dad have been saying we've missed since leaving Sweden. He comes in to the kitchen sees all of the candy and bursts out laughing
“We're gonna get fat, let's at least TRY to not eat it all in one go?”
“Dad, I'm already fat... But yeah, think our digestive system would thank us also for not eating it all at once” I laugh. Dad glares at me, he never liked it when I say things like that about myself. But I've always been of the idea if I say it first it doesn't have the same effect when other try to use it as an insult. “Yeah, yeah I know dad. Sorry” he smiles and hugs me
That night we just lounge in the living room talking about our summers. I tell him all about what I did with my grandparents and my friends.
“I do miss Sweden in the summers. I wish I could have gone with you sweetheart. Maybe next summer?” he says
“Yeah that'd be great. I wish I could bring Eddie along. I think he'd like Uppsala dad.”
“Yeah I think so to, maybe if I get that bonus for Christmas we can splurge and bring him with us. But don't tell him until I know ok. We could make it a Christmas present for him for being such an awesome friend to you” I tear up and I wrap my arms around dad.
“You're the best, you know that?”
“Yeah I know... Been that way all my life, how do you think I got your mum?” he chuckles and I have to wipe my tears and giggle at him
“That's the Lundberg confidence” I say and pat his head “Chocolate?”
“YES! I want the one with hazelnuts please” he smiles
“I know, I brought you 4 big ones” the smile grows even larger
We sit there talking more about Sweden, my dads summer at work while enjoying the candy we both missed. At 10 I'm so jet lagged I feel like passing out but I need to shower and call Eddie. So I say goodnight to dad and head up to my room. I grab the phone and dial Eddies number
“Hello?” a grumpy voice on the other end says
“Well if it isn't my favourite grumpy old man”
“Hey sweetie” I hear Wayne smile “how's everything? You have a good trip?”
“Yes Wayne, I had a great time. Missed you and that rascal you share a home with though.” I say and I get a laugh in return
“Well I suppose it's the rascal you're looking for not the grumpy old man. See you later sweetie” I hear him putt he phone down and call for Eddie
“Weirdo how lovely to hear your voice, this one here has me working my ass off. Wouldn't let me off until you called he said. Think what would have happened if you'd been to tired to call? I might have perished” Oh my god with the drama I think and laugh at him
“Well... for one I hadn't said anything so you didn't hear my lovely voice did you? And what if it wasn't me calling? That rant might scare people you know” I say
“Well... seeing as no one else calls me. Like EVER there was little to no chance of it being anyone but you this time either” he says and I can hear him smile widely
“True, you really should look in to getting some friends there Munson”
“Hey I have you, that's more than enough. You're a fucking handful” he chuckles
“Thanks, nothing but love. Just as I left you”
“Always weirdo! So tomorrow? I have some things I need to do like around 2 should be done by 4 soooo... You wanna come over say like 5? Pizza and talks?” he says
“Sounds just like my kind of Saturday” I say and we talk some more until I'm to sleepy to make sense. We hang up and I lie down, just thinking I'm going to rest my eyes for a bit before taking a shower.
I wake up... It's bright sunlight outside, I look at the time 11!? I've slept for 12 hours in my clothes on top of my covers. I sit up and I feel like I'm back on the strong painkillers from last year. I shake my head to try and get the braincells to cooperate. I need a shower now... I drag my ass in to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Good thing I don't have to see anyone but dad until 5 I think and smile at my reflection. I hop in the shower and I feel a thousand times better after. Hungry as hell though
I go down to the kitchen where I find my dad at the table having coffee reading one of the Swedish newspapers I brought with me.
“Morning pet, you sleep alright?”
“I slept for 12 hours straight without even managing to undress” I laugh “so yeah I guess that qualifies as alright” I kiss him on the cheek “is there more coffee?”
He looks up at me “since when do you drink coffee?” he sounds surprised
“Grandpa...” I smile and he gives a chuckle
“Of course I should have known he'd try and make you more Swedish. Yeah there's some left I think” he smiles and continues reading the paper.
I pour myself a cup and sit down with him. Yeah I did miss this place, more than I thought I did, I can feel that now. I mean Sweden was fantastic but somehow I think I've grown to love Hawkins, or well maybe more the people. Not to sure about going back to school though, what if it's all changed now that Jason and the others are seniors too, what if Patrick thinks he's off the hook now that it's been a year? Many what ifs in my head as well as what the hells. Like what the hell has happened here? First Eddie being vague then Nancy being even weirder and vaguer still. Must be some crazy shit if the two of them talk about the same thing, not really having the same circle of...well anything. And then there's the Steve thing. He missed me? How is that even possible, how can you miss someone you barely talked to, almost hooked up with once on a bench by a lake. Nah Dustin must have misunderstood him. But then there's the asking Nancy about me? I have no idea what to think of this, maybe I ought to go down to Family Video and actually talk to him? I look at the time, well if I eat some lunch with dad I can go to the video store before heading over to Eddie's.
“So what's on the agenda today sweetie?” I hear my dad ask like he was reading my mind
“I was just thinking I should go in to town and say hi to Steve and Robin then I'm going to Eddie's tonight for Pizza and gossips” I say and dad nods
“Sounds like fun... I ehmmm... I have a date tonight” he looks at me tentatively
“DAD! I've been home for 16 hours and NOW you tell me?! Oh my god who? Where did you meet?” I'm so happy for dad he's been very lonely since mum died and that was 10 years ago
“I thought you wanted to land a bit first. But her name is Sheila, I met her when she came in to work one day right after you left. We started talking and well she asked me out for coffee and well... We've been on quite a few dates I like her. I thought next weekend maybe I can have her over for dinner so you two can meet?”
“Of course dad! I would love to meet her. Oh I'm so happy for you” I wrap my arms around him and give him a big hug
“Oh good... I was worried you'd think it was weird” he looks at me
“Dad, she's been dead for 10 years it would be weirder if you didn't meet someone” I say and kiss him on the cheek. “Grandma and grandpa asked if you've met anyone here. They worry about you being lonely”
“Oh...” is all he can say I don't think he fully expected his late wives parents to care if he met someone.
“Well, lunch? I'm starving” I say
“Sure, eggs and bacon sound ok? I don't want to eat too much we're going to a restaurant tonight that is famous for their big portions” dad says and smile “It's like she knows I like to eat” he chuckles
“Wow, how's that possible? I mean you only pick at your food all the time” I giggle, my dad is always the first to finish and to get seconds. But you couldn't tell, he's tall and slim. I would have loved his metabolism, but no I got my mums body and dad's height. Making me look like a round amazon. Tall, chubby and blonde... I did lose weight last year after the injury, and I did manage to keep it off. Lost some more over the summer so I'm not as big any more... More...plump I guess. Still definitely plus size but not as big as before.
“Yeah I have no idea where she got it from. I eat like a sparrow” a very Swedish saying and I have to laugh at him
“So yeah eggs and bacon, that sounds good. I'll fix it you keep reading the papers I got you” I say and get up to make us some lunch. We eat and talk some more about this Sheila, she seems like a very nice woman. Then I clean up and go to my room to change, I wanna look good but then again a bit casual to, seeing as I'm going straight to Eddie's from the video store. I bought myself some new outfits over the summer. Needed to is more like it, most of my pants got too big. I go for a pair of distressed jeans that I paid waaaay too much for but they make my ass look really good, and a t-shirt with my new obsession on, Metallica, I know Eddie will love it.
I say bye to dad wishing him a good night and a great date. I make my way down town and head for Family Video. As I enter I hear Robin arguing with someone about something, I look over and see her having a heated discussion with a guy
“Well how can you come in here asking for suggestions for a romantic evening and then completely ignore everything I say? Like for real dude... Star Wars is NOT a date movie, unless you're dating a total nerd and by the looks of you....you're not! I mean almost any movie would be better”
“You should hear her out, I mean this is her job you know... But you can't really go wrong with like Grease or Out of Africa... Maybe St Elmo's Fire... Go big dude and go for the real romantic stuff” I say and smile as Robin spins around and stares at me
“HEY! You're back! Yeah and listen to her... If you're going to ignore me I mean” she glares at the guy who's just looking at me, he turns and goes back towards the romance isle. Robin comes up to me and gives me a hug “So good to see you, how was Sweden?”
“Good to see you to Robin, Sweden was lovely. Warm and sunny almost every day so I got a tan for the first time in forever” I say
“I can tell, you look really good. I know someone will be very happy to see you” she grins at me “c'mon customers aren't really allowed behind the counter but you're not here for a movie are you” she winks at me I can't help it I blush
“Well... no. I wanted to come say hi... to the both of you of course”
“Sure, he's back there you just go through that door and take left. He's unpacking new arrivals” she smiles at me.
“Oh... ok, thanks” I say and I blush even more
“Go get him, he's been miserable this summer because you didn't say good bye” she chuckles
I head through the back door and take a left as Robin told me, I can hear someone moving boxes and cursing. Apparently not doing to well back here I think to myself and smile. I open the door and head inside. I lean against the wall watching Steve work for a while. Just admiring him. He's gotten fitter over the summer, I can see the muscles moving under his skin as he carries the boxes around. He looks so god damn hot
“Well it's always a pleasure seeing others work, and I must say seeing you work is VERY pleasurable. Looking good Harrington” I say and he flinches and drops the box he's carrying, he spins around and looks at me
“You're back?” he says and then there's silence for like 5 seconds before he comes up to me in like 2 strides and he pulls me in a kisses me!? Like what!?
“Uhmm... yeah I'm back... and hello to you too” I say as he pulls away
“Sorry I couldn't stop myself... I ehm... missed you” he says and runs his hand through his hair “Was that too much?”
“No, no I'll leave more times if that's the welcome back I get” I say “didn't think you cared enough to miss me to be honest”
“Well... Neither did I until you left. I thought you had moved back and I felt so bad for not...well... Getting to have our time together. But then Nancy told me you'd be back when school started again and I knew I had to tell you I missed you” he smiles at me and moves a strand of hair from my face then he leans in and kisses me again, softer this time. “So... wanna hang out some time” he smiles into the kiss
“Sure Steve, I mean with kisses like these there's no way I'd say no” I kiss him back “and I did miss you too” I have to admit to him.
“Good, I work until 6” he says
“Tonight's no good. I'm heading over to Eddies at 5. Maybe tomorrow night?” I say
“Perfect I'm free all day tomorrow. Pick you up at like 5? We can go back to the lake... only another spot...not so close to the road” he smiles and I think ah...not a date date...a hook-up. Well I don't mind, that was all I expected from Steve anyway so.
“Sounds good, see you at 5 tomorrow then” I say and pull back to leave. He grabs me
“Hey it's still early, and I'm up for a break.” He runs his hands down my back and pulls me in even closer. Oh why not I think to myself and smile at him
“Oh is that so? What were you thinking?”
“Oh I didn't know... Maybe some of this” he kisses me and his hands grab my ass massaging it through my jeans. We slide down the wall and I end up straddling him on the floor. Still kissing, still hands on my ass. I can feel him growing against me. I let my hands travel down his chest to the lining of his pants
“Oh I would fucking love it but we can't risk Robin coming in here and you're here with my rock hard dick in your hand” he pants and I totally agree but I can't help letting my fingers slide inside the lining and just brush against the hairs down there, Steve moans and the grip on my ass tightens “Fuck... tomorrow Em... I promise tomorrow you can do anything you want to me”
“I'll hold you to that Steve” I whisper in his ear and bite down gently on his neck and I get up from the floor I reach out and pull him up and drag him close. I kiss him deeply “I want you real bad, this has been the longest fucking foreplay ever”
“Hell yeah” he chuckles “no doubt there... I just hope I won't get to excited when I will finally get the chance with you” he smiles
“Well... we'll wait for you to recharge and you can concentrate on me instead” I wink at him and he laughs
“Good plan, can I have one more kiss for good luck” and he looks over at the boxes
“My pleasure” I say and kiss him again and then I leave him to his boxes and I return to Robin
“What? Done already? Gees, with that reputation you'd think he'd last longer” she mumbles
“What!? No we didn't, c'mon Robin. Back there? With you here and customers? Really you think I'd do that?” I laugh
“Weeeell... How was I supposed to know. He's been mopey all summer that he didn't get to bang you before you left so I just thought he'd like throw you down and make you scream his name the instant he saw you. So what nothing? Just talk?” she sounds disappointed
“Nah there was kissing and touching...and stuff growing. But we're on for tomorrow night so he'll get his chance then” I say and wink at her “so... that guy? Star Wars or something more appropriate?” I need to change the subject before my mind gets too lost in thoughts about Steve
“Yeah... that moron... But ok he DID listen to you. He got Grease when I pointed out there was some cool cars in it at least.” she smiles and I laugh. It's four so I ask to use the phone and I call Eddie
“Hey Ed, it's me” I say
“Hey! Was just about to call you, I'm done and at home, want me to pick you up and then we can go grab pizza?”
“Sure, but I'm actually at family video so you can come here and pick me up, or I'll head over to the pizza place and order?”
“Oh really” I can hear the smile “well if you wanna go over there and order I'll be along in like 10?” he says
“Ok deal, pepperoni and mushrooms?” I ask
“What...is there another option?” he chuckles and we hang up
“I can't understand the two of you... Like Munson is so...weird and you're...like not” Robin looks at me
“He's weird? Sweetie, I'm by far weirder than him... I'm just better at hiding it” I laugh and Robin shakes her head at me smiling. I say good bye and I leave and head for the Pizza place. I make my order and I sit down and wait. I hear Eddies van before I see it... God he needs to fix that thing. I chuckle as I see him park outside and people staring at him. The pizza is just done so I grab it and a couple of sodas and head out to the van.
“You need to fix this pile of junk before it breaks down entirely while you're driving”
“Who you calling a pile of junk? Don't listen to her” he says and pets the dashboard I just shake my head
“So what happened in there?” he nods towards the video store and gives me a suggestive smile
“Not as much as I guess both you AND Robin would have wanted to” I say and smile back at him
“Yeah? Buckley's rooting for you too? Good then I'm not alone on team Stemma then” he smirks
“Team Stemma? Really Ed? You're such a moron” I laugh
“Well... I think you two make a gorgeous couple, and I mean that not just saying. He's a good looking dude and you're fucking amaze balls beautiful. So why not?”
“Eddie my delusional freak of a friend. You're the only one seeing me with those eyes and they do me no good since I don't wanna fuck you. I mean yeah I guess Steve has the hots for me but what's to say that when or if we get to that he's not just going to lose interest after? That's usually what happens, that's why I don't want to form any kind of attachment to him... I don't wan to get hurt...again” I say, Eddie shakes his head at me
“C'mon confidence Lundberg! Remember? So what? I mean catch and release as Wayne would say is a valid thing to do. SO fuck his brains out, I mean he might suck and you never WANT to go there again. Problem solved” he chuckles
“Idiot... But yeah I guess you're right” I smile and take his hand “what would I do without your wisdom Munson?”
“Perish my dear” he says and squeezes my hand
“So dad's on a date tonight” I say and he damn near drives us off the road
“WHAT? Martin's got a date, what the hell? Good going dude”
“Yeah apparently a lot happened around here when I was gone?” I say and Eddie nods
“You have no idea... I mean I don't even know really what actually happened I just know what I've heard around town”
“Ok? Spill what you know...”
“Well... as far as I've understood. There was this massive explosion under the mall destroying that completely, hence no more Scoops for Harrington and Buckley. That explosion killed Jim Hopper, that's why the Byers took that weird girl with them and moved across the country. Then there was some Russian dude getting shot at the 4th of July celebration making people totally paranoid that there was Russian spies everywhere. That pretty faced asshole... fuck I forgot his name... Oh yeah Billy Hargrove, yeah he apparently got high as a kite and freaked out, killed a bunch of people then killed himself in front of his little sister Max, so now she's totally fucked up, this according to Henderson of course. He sure does like to talk” I just stare at him
“All of this from when I left in the beginning of June until what middle of July?” I ask, not sure if I believe any of this
“Yeah, really messed up. I mean I saw none of it. Been working all summer. I mean yeah the mall was blown up THAT anyone could see but the Russian and Billy... yeah that might just be hearsay” he says as we pull in in front of the trailer he calls home.
“But like... If he did... you know off himself. Why the fuck would he do it in front of Max? I met her a couple of times at the Wheelers last year, she's nice. Her brother... not so much. But he didn't seem like that kind of guy” I say and think back to the only time I ever really seen Billy Hargrove. He was picking up Max at the same time me and Nancy were picking up the guys at the arcade. He was yelling at her for being late, then he stared at us really eyeing our bodies then winking at us. Really creepy guy, so pretty faced asshole seemed about right. But murderer? Nah that seemed far fetched, fucking rumours in a small town I guess.
Me and Eddie head in to the trailer and sit down on the couch and start to devour the pizza as he tells what little more he knows about what happened. I feel bad for Eleven, losing Hopper. I mean he was a nice guy, good cop. So I get why she'd wanna leave. Nice of Jonathan's mum to take her in but did they have to go all the way to California? That seemed a bit much. I'll have to ask Nancy tomorrow, and maybe Steve.
“So Munson? All work and no play all summer? Not even one hot date to tell me about?” I say feeling like a new subject of conversation
“Yeah right, where would I find one of those? I mean I hooked up with like 2 girls but that does not count as dates” he chuckles
“Wow do tell?” I make myself more comfortable
“Well, one was this girl from Orlando who was here visiting her cousins for the summer. I think she just wanted a small town adventure. Fucked her twice, nothing to write home about. She was boring, barely made a sound”
“Oh god Ed, you kill me” I laugh
“The other one was this new waitress at the Hideout after one of our gigs. She was good, older though so highly unlikely that'll happen again. She almost cried when I told her I was in high school.... maybe I should have told her I was a 20 year old loser who got held back 3 times?” he chuckles
“Maybe” I grunt as I'm laughing to hard to talk
“Well... how about you? Any Viking pillaging I need to hear about?” he smiles
“Yeah I wish, the closest to any real action I've had all summer was a drunken blow job at a club in town” I say and Eddie roars with laughter
“Well that's... special I guess” he says “talking about action... Harrington? C'mon something must have happened? Not even any discrete touching?” he asks, I sigh
“Ok... So I went to the back, he was unpacking boxes. There was some serious kissing there for a moment. Some ass grabbing and I almost got down his pants this time. But he was to scared Robin would come looking for us so he stopped me before I got any further than feeling the hairs. Buuuut... we're seeing each other at Lover's Lake tomorrow night” I look at Eddie who looks stunned
“Woooow... Getting naughty with Harrington at Lover's Lake. Good girl! Now you do realise that I need a full detailed description of events WITH charts tomorrow night the second you get home?” he chuckles
“Yeah, should I have him pull over at a pay phone on the way home maybe?” I say
“Sure, I mean bring him here and have a show and tell as long as I get to hear the good stuff. Been waiting a year for this” he teases and I laugh at the thought of me bringing Steve here, undressing him and giving a speech to Eddie how and where I did what to Steve. I tell him this as he looks confused to what I find so funny. He laughs to when I give him my mental images. “Weirdo for real but yeah that would be a sight” he says
It's close to 10 when I start yawning excessively and Eddie asks if he should drive me home. I tell him yes please. I feel the jet lag is still present, I've felt almost tipsy all day. He drives me home, dad is still out so I head straight for bed. This time making sure I undress and get under the covers. I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillows.
I wake up at 9 feeling a lot better today. I hit the shower and head down stairs. Still no dad? I start to worry something's happened to him. I decide to eat breakfast and if he isn't home by the time I leave to go see Nancy I'll have to check the phone listing for any Sheilas in the area and call every one of them. I make myself pancakes and sit down and start eating when I hear a car in the driveway. The door opens
“Honey? You home?”
“Yeah... so are you. I guess it was a good date” I smile as dad comes in to the kitchen
“Yes, very good. I'm sorry but I did call, but either you were asleep or still at Eddie's.”
“No worries dad, I only posted flyers and called in the national guard”
“Oh nothing more? Well then you didn't worry that bad about me” he chuckles
“Well I did plan on calling every Sheila in the area if you weren't back by the time I finished breakfast so I did worry some” I say and smile at him
“Awww that's sweet. I'll make sure to write her number down so you won't have to call every Sheila if this happens again” he says
“Thank you dad, much appreciated. But I am very happy you had a good date. I have one myself tonight” I say
“Oh really? On a Sunday? Not a late one then I hope, it's the first day of school for you tomorrow”
“No, we're just hanging out having some food at the lake. It's Steve” I say
“Oh, well I did like Steve he seemed like a good guy. You like him?”
“Well yeah, I mean he's gorgeous so that doesn't hurt, and he's nice. I don't know dad. We'll see might just be another friendship.” I say not wanting to tell dad maybe Steve's just going to be a hook-up from time to time. “I'm heading over to Nancy's now, you wanna have an early dinner before Steve picks me up? He's coming over at 5.”
“Weren't you going to eat at the lake?” dad looks at me
“Yeah but I don't think either one of us meant like actual food. Maybe like hot dogs or something, I'd rather make sure I've eaten something real before hand” I say
“Ah, good idea. Yeah I can have food ready at 4?” dad says
“Perfect I'll make sure to be home by then. I need to shower and change to so I'll be home by 3 at the latest” I say and I leave to go to Nancy's. I get there and I ring the door bell. Mike opens
“Oh hi Emma! Good to see you, did you hear? We're IN! All of us” he beams at me and there's no confusion as to what he's talking about
“Yeah he told me, congratulations! So, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other at lunch then. Is Nancy upstairs?” I say
“Yeah we will, Dustin is so excited...well ok so am I. Yeah I think she is, just go up and check. See you later” he smiles at me and I go up the stairs to Nancy's room. I knock and I hear a
“Come in”
“Hey, I was greeted at the door by a very excited nerd” I chuckle
“Oh hi, yeah if he's only shut up about Hellfire for a minute or two” she smiles at me then she comes up to me and gives me a hug “I missed you”
“Missed you to, so how was summer. I mean Eddie told me some stuff but he said maybe I should get the story from you as he's been working all summer not talking to anyone. What the hell's been going on around here?” I say and she sighs and motions for me to sit on the bed.
“Well... what did Eddie tell you?” she asks
I tell her everything Eddie told me and she nods along
“Well... seems that the town talk is quite correct. There was a Russian that got shot, don't think he was a spy though. Hopper did die in the explosion underneath Starcourt. Billy Hargrove did die in front of Max, but he didn't do it to himself. Someone else was behind that, he didn't freak out it was more like he was drugged, but yeah he did kill some people. I got a job at the paper this summer with Jonathan... we got hired and fired in like the same month... You know how nosey I can be... I thought I found a story so I ran with it, taking Jonathan along of course. Seems someone was putting toxins in manure, like the one you get from the garden centres. Made all the rats in town act like they had rabies, and some people got in to it to and they were... changed as well. A couple of them died as well.” I just stare at her
“So ok... someone poisoned the town rats and a few people. They died from manure poisoning basically? Weird but ok... But I mean Billy...you said someone else was behind it. Who? And why would you kill someone in front of their kid sister? That's just cruel” I can't wrap my head around this
“Well... I can't say that much about that. I don't really know more than what Lucas and Eleven told me. They were there when it happened. But Billy did not do it himself that's all they want to tell me. I believe them. Max is of course traumatized. She's not really talking to anyone any more, just walks around with headphones on and existing.” Nancy looks sad
“Fuck me that's intense. God I feel sorry for her, I mean I liked Max the times I met her over here” I say and Nancy agrees
“Can we talk about something else now, this is very uncomfortable for me to talk about” she sighs and I understand with all of this making Jonathan leave
“Well... we could talk about me having a 'date' with Steve tonight” I say and look at her
“You have a WHAT!? Oh my god tell me.” she's smiling again
“Well I went in to the video store yesterday before heading over to Eddie's. Apparently Dustin has been telling him that Steve's been talking about me this summer? That true?” I ask
“Oh yeah... Got a bit sick of him there for a moment” she giggles
“Ok...well anyway. I go to the back after Robin tells me to 'go get him' and we have some serious kissing going on back there. But you know as Robin was right outside nothing more than that happened. But we're...hanging out at Lover's Lake tonight soooo” I say and smile
“Oh my, well... There will be more than kissing then I assume” she smiles
“I hope so... I mean I've wanted him for like a year now. Ever since that time he came over when I was hurt. Is this ok with you by the way?” I realise I never asked her if she was ok with me liking her ex
“Oh god yes, Steve's just a friend these days. I think he'd do good being with someone like you, with some attitude and a mind of their own. I mean not to be rude but I thought he found that in Robin there for a while but apparently Robin...well she likes girls. But then again I think Robin might just have been a substitute for you, I know he thought you and Eddie were hooking up and he was afraid he'd never be able to take Eddies place”
“Ok slow the hell down girl... Robin likes girls? And Steve thought I was hooking up with Ed? I might as well have been to the moon for like a decade. There's a lot to unpack here.” I look at her “but like...why would he think I was with Ed? He knew I felt the same attraction to him, I did tell him. Is that why we never got anywhere? Because I'd always hang around with Eddie?” I ask and she nods
“Yeah I think so, I mean I can't be sure. All I know is that he's been on some serial dating spree lately but no girl has lasted more than like 1 maybe 2 dates. Then he calls them boring, bimbos, too meek or what ever. I think he's comparing them all to you” she says and I find no words I just stare at her. No fucking way this is true? I raise an eyebrow at her and just give her a questioning look. “Well it's true... Hey who in this room has known Steve the longest?” she says and smiles at me. I mean ok I have to give her that she knows the guy better than I do.
“Ok, but I don't think he likes me that way. He for sure wants to get in my pants and hell I'm going to let him get in there. I mean he's too hot for his own good. But I highly doubt we're talking any other type of feelings Nancy, he hasn't spent enough time in the same room with me to have had a chance to fall for me. If that changes I promise I will think about it as something that MIGHT be true” I say and she just sighs at me
“I wanna add stubborn to the list behind mind of their own” she says
“Yeah, yeah I know” I say and wink at her “but you like me anyway so” I smile at her and she agrees that she does.
“Ok so you'll tell me all about what happened later tomorrow at school?” she asks
“Do I have a choice?”
“Uhm... No” she laughs
“Just as I thought I seem to have befriended the two most curious people in Hawkins. Lucky me” I say and she laughs even more “but at least you're not like Eddie. He wanted me to bring Steve over there, strip him naked and have a show and tell” the look on Nancy's face is so priceless I roll over on the bed hugging my stomach from laughing
“He what now?” she finally gets out
“Calm down it was a joke. He told me he didn't care if he got a show and tell as long as he got to hear the good stuff. The bringing Steve there part was what I saw in my mind when he said that. But the look on your face Nance... I wish I had a camera” I continue laughing and Nancy just shakes her head at me
“Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with you Emma” she laughs too now
“Get in line behind all the others wondering the same thing” I say
We sit there on her bed talking about school, some more Steve stuff, about how much she misses Jonathan and a million other things. I look down at my watch it's 2:55
“Wow that's the time? I have to run Nance, I said I'd be home by 3 to dad. Need a change and a shower before Steve picks me up. I hug her and we decide that she's picking me up in the morning. I get going home, luckily it's two houses down the street so I'm like 2 minutes late.
“Hey honey, how was Nancy? Dad's in the kitchen preparing dinner when I come through the front door.
“She was good. She's picking me up in the morning. I'm going to take a shower now and change. Be down in a little while” I head up the stairs and in to the shower. As I wash my hair I'm going through outfit possibilities in my head. A skirt or a dress is a given...but which one? I do have a really pretty dark green summer dress I found in a store in Sweden. Maybe I'll wear that. It looks good on me, or at least I think it does. Hugs me in the right places on top but very flowy and...well to be frank gives easy access at the bottom. Yeah that's the one I decide. I step out of the shower and I dry myself off and start on my hair. It's quite a bit longer now and back to it's original blonde color. I dry it and decide for a French braid just to tie in with the pretty dress. I finish that and put on some makeup and then it's dress time. I take it out of my closet and look at it, yeah this will do just fine. I get dressed and I decide to be very brave and skip underwear today. I mean what the hell, go big or go home. I hear my dad call for me
“You done soon sweetheart? Food's ready”
“Yeah I'll be down in a sec” I call back to him. I take one more look in the mirror. Since I didn't want to abandon my rock look completely I chose some jewellery that stands out making me look not as put together. Heavy silver rings, a choker and a Thor's hammer I picked up at the Viking museum outside of my home town. Yup, definitely Munson approved I think to myself and chuckle. I head down the stairs and in to the kitchen
“Wow honey, you look good. That color really suits you, is it a new dress?” dad says as he sees me
“Yeah I found it back in Sweden, in that little shop I love so much. Next to the cathedral you know” I tell him
“Yeah that one, well you look amazing sweetheart” he kisses me on the cheek
“Thanks dad, but you have to think so. It's like in your job description. Besides you're not the one I'm trying to impress here” I laugh
“Well... if he's not blind or a complete idiot he'll love you. Trust me” dad chuckles. We sit down and eat, he asks me if I'm nervous about school. I tell him that I have been wondering what's happened since last year with Patrick and Jason and that whole mess. His face darkens
“Well he'd better behave or I will skin him alive...both of them” he growls
“Ooook, easy now. I don't think any of them are that stupid one more time.” I tell him and we finish our meal just in time for me to see Steve's car pull up outside “Well he's here, you ok clearing the table on your own?”
“Yes mum I'll be fine” dad smiles at me “have a good time sweetheart. But remember don't stay out too late. You have you keys and money?”
“Yes, yes and yes. I'll be home before 9. I need to call Eddie before I go to sleep, I need to check some things for tomorrow” I say, hug him and head for the door.
I go out and Steve is standing there, leaning on the hood of his car, looking so good I forget to breathe. I look down because all of a sudden I blush all over, and I am VERY aware I'm not wearing underwear.
“Wow...you look just...wow” he says and kisses me on the cheek as he does he whispers in my ear “you look so fucking hot I wanna just rip that off and bend you over my hood right here”
“Oh... well I think the neighbours would frown upon that... might upset dad too” I say and wink at him “other than that I'd love for you to do that” he smiles at me and opens the door for me. I get in the car and he gets in the drivers seat. He turns and looks me over.
“That dress is amazing, really it is”
“Thank you, wait until you see what's underneath” I say and strap myself in seemingly blasé. I hear a gasp
“Fuck... I think we need to get going now” he starts the car and we head off to Lover's Lake. I have no idea what the surrounding areas look like, I've only ever been to the place where I met Steve last fall. We drive quite a while, this lake is bigger than I thought “ehm, I have a friend who has a cabin by the lake. I hope you don't mind but I borrowed the key from him. I thought that was the best chance we had to not get interrupted” Steve glances over at me
“Hey good thinking Steve, I don't want to be interrupted again” I smile at him and he seems to relax.
“Good, I wasn't sure what you...wanted this to be”
“Sex Steve... I want this to be sex. I have no other expectations than that. I know you want me, and I want you so lets do this. Been in the making long enough wouldn't you say?”
“Honest girl, I like that. But yeah... marathon style foreplay.” he smiles at me and I feel my insides do a flip, how is he this handsome? We arrive at this small but cosy looking cabin just at the edge of the lake. We get out of the car and Steve comes up to me he pulls me in close and kisses me. His hands running down my body
“Hey Steve, feel anything special?” I whisper
“I... should I... wait? No! I can't feel any underwear...are you serious?” his hands hurry up under the skirt of my dress, up my legs and find my ass “fuuuck” he growls
“Did you want to bend me over the hood of your car Steve? I'm ready to go, been ready since I saw you waiting for me outside” I say and let my hand play on the bulge I can feel growing against my hand.
“Seriously?” he just looks at me
I turn around and lift my dress up in front of him, then I bend down and lean my chest on the hood of his car leaving him with a perfect view of my ass and pussy
“Well up to you really” I say and reach in between my legs with one hand. I can hear him struggle to free himself from hos clothes. The I hear the sound of the foil packet ripping and he's behind me.
“You sure?” he asks with gritted teeth
I pout my ass out some more and wiggle it at him. I grabs my hips and plunges his dick in me. I let out a guttural scream, he's big. Bigger than I thought, and he feels so good! He growls as he enters me, fucking me with long hard thrusts
“Fuck you feel amazing Em, like insanely good around me” he groans I keep playing with my clit as he fucks me hard against his car. I feel the sweet sensation of orgasm closing in. Then he stops and pulls out, he spins me around and lifts me up and sits me down on the hood “lie down babe, I really want to come inside you but then we'll have to wait I can't go right away again. I'll make you come don't worry I'll just use other means” he smiles and pushes me down so I'm on my back on his car with my legs on his shoulders. He kneels down and lets two fingers slide in to me then he starts working my clit with tongue and mouth. I squirm and moan like a possessed person. Oh he's good at this. As I come I scream out his name and I grab a handful of that amazing hair
“Wow Em, you're perfect. I so want to feel that pussy squeeze around me when I make you come again” he purrs as he gets up and kisses my thighs before helping me sit up again
“Me perfect? Nah hell no, you on the other hand. WOW! That was some impressive tongue action Steve, not to mention this” I say and I wrap my hand around his dick feeling it start to grow instantly
“You like?” he grunts in my ear as he trails kisses down my neck
“Oh yeah I finally get to touch it and see it and it's better than I expected. Well worth the wait” I moan as he's reached my tits now grabbing them in each hands and playing with them. “But you had a key? Wanna take this inside perhaps?” I say
“Hell yeah I do, I just don't wanna let these go they're so fucking perfect”
“They'll be there when we get inside too I promise” I smile and I hop off the hood and head for the front door “c'mon big boy lets go have some more fun” Steve runs past me and unlocks the door and holds it open for me “wow such a gentleman” I say as I go pat him pressing my body close to his.
“Yeah I try you know” he smirks as he closes the door behind him and grabs my hips steering me towards the bed in the corner “Can I take this off...might you know get stuff on it otherwise” he murmurs tugging at the fabric of my dress
“Please do” I say and he grabs the dress and pulls it over my head. He stands back and looks at me
“Wow... I mean just wow” he says and I blush, I'm not used to this kind of admiration. He comes up close to me again lets his hands run down my arms, grabs a hold of my hands and places them on his shirt “your turn” he whispers
“Oh, well don't mind if I do” I say as I lift his shirt and pill it over his head revealing that amazing upper body. Slim, muscular and hairy in just the right places. I let my hands slide down his chest making him groan. I slide my fingers down the lining of his jeans, I like teasing him a bit. I mean he's already had the pleasure so to speak. I unbutton his jeans and I pull them down taking his underwear with them. He springs free and he's very ready to go. I lick my lips and I sit down on the bed making me just the right height to have a good taste. I lick the tip of him, teasing around it with my tongue. Steve is standing there breathing heavily looking down at me hands in his hair. I look up at him as I take him in my mouth and suck him in entirely. He lets out a grumbling moan
“Fuuuuck Em, wow...”
He tastes as good as he looks and I keep sucking him, long and deep. Playing with my tongue on the shaft with every up stroke making him moan so loud
“Please, I wanna come in you Em. But if you keep that up there won't be anything left of me.” he pants and I stop sucking him and look up at him again
“How do you want me big boy? I'm all yours to use” I smile at him and he gasps
“You're amazing, you know that? Would you ride me? I wanna see those tits bounce when I fuck you” he grunts looking down at my chest grabbing my tits and weighing them in his hands
“Well that's going to be hard seeing as you're standing up... Wanna come join me then?” I say as I lay back on the bed. He crawls up to me trailing kisses from my knees up to my neck. He lays on hos back and rips a foil packet open, rolling the condom on
“C'mon babe, your seat is ready for you” he says and I straddle him letting my wetness slide over the length of his shaft a couple of times before I lift a little extra and let my hand slide down to guide him in. I feel him enter and I sit down so he hits bottom in me. God he feels good. I moan loudly as I start to move my hips, grinding down on him. He groans so loud now grabbing a hold of my hips “fuuuuck this feels amazing, you're so tight and wet... God I won't last long babe just a warning” he growls. I start moving more up and down making my tits bounce as he said he wanted them to. He looks at them like they're hypnotizing him completely. I let my fingers begin to circle my clit as I ride him. I'm close now and I can tell that he is too but he's fighting with everything in him to not come before I do. I pick up the pace with my fingers sending me over the edge
“Yeeeeessss, fuck yes... Oh my Goooood” I come so hard around him I slump down on his chest changing my position slightly. Steve grabs my ass and starts fucking me fast and hard. I hear the sounds of the extra wetness my orgasm brought as his dick slams in to me. It's not long before I feel him tense up and the throbbing dick in me pulsate “fuuuuuuck here it comes babe... fuck you feel so good” he roars as he comes in to the condom.
“Fuck Steve, you're good at this” I say after we've regained some energy. We're spooning in the bed and it feels nice. I could get used to this, but I guess I won't have to I think to myself.
“You're quite the expert there yourself babe” he mumbles in as he kisses my neck.
“I hate to state the obvious but I kinda need to get home soon” I say “I don't WANT to but you know...school” he pulls me in closer to his chest hugging me from behind
“Wanna do this again some time? I know I would...” he says
“Any time Steve, any time” I take his hand and I kiss the palm of it. He kisses me on the neck and I sit up, looking back at him “you're really fucking sexy you know that right?” I say and he blushes
“Awww...c'mon” he's so freaking cute blushing like this. I just smile at him
“Well, I don't want to as I said but lets get dressed. I did enjoy this very much though Steve. Like VERY much. I didn't know I needed this as much as I did... I'm glad you were my first” he stares at me, looking scared “Oh no not like THAT... geez no. I mean my first here in the US.” the look of pure relief on his face makes me laugh loudly “oh poor thing I didn't mean to scare you like that” I say and I take his hand “come now” I get up and I put my dress back on. He sits up in the bed also laughing now
“Yeah you did freak me out there... I enjoyed this SO much as well... I'd do it again as soon as you'll have me. Fuck I'd be at your window in the middle of the night if you'd call for me” he chuckles as he gets dressed.
“Good to know” I say and wink at him. We get out to the car and head home. When we park outside my house he leans in and kisses me.
“I had a good time tonight. Talk to you later?” he says
“Yeah, I'll probably just go to bed now but I can come in to the video store some afternoon after school?” I say
“Yeah do that. See ya then” another kiss and I get out of the car and he leaves. I stand there breathing in the evening air. Yeah I like Steve, but I need to keep a level head in this. I'm still moving back home to attend university next year. Don't start anything that's doomed from the get go I tell myself. I hear a sound I'd know from anywhere and I smile... I turn and I wait for the van to come to a full stop.
“I WAS going to call you know...” I chuckle at Eddie as he gets out of his van
“Yeah like I wouldn't have come here anyway and climbed in your window. I'm dying here...lets go!” he runs up to the front door and opens it “C'mon you're wasting valuable time here that we could be dissecting your evening in. Jesus H Christ you're slow!” he's waving me along. I see dad come up to the door
“Eddie?” he says and looks out at me
“I didn't invite him... he's like one of those cats you feed it once and it keeps coming back” I say as I walk up the path to the door. “He just wants the dirt on my date then he's leaving? Or are you planning on sleeping on the floor?” I say and look at Eddie
“I'd sleep in the bathtub if I had to. MOOOOOVE I wanna hear” he says. Dad looks at me smiles and shakes his head
“Eddie... 2 hours tops then you're going home right?” he says
“Sure thing Martin, sure thing” Eddie says and runs up the stairs
“You have a good time sweetheart?” dad asks me as I close the door behind me
“Yes I did dad, I had a very good time. Steve's a nice guy... but I think it's a friend thing” I say
“Oh, that's a shame. He's a handsome fella” dad says and goes back in to the living room. I head up the stairs to my room where a very excited Eddie is eagerly waiting sitting on my bed.
“OH MY GOD what took you so loooong!?”
“Jesus man... Calm down” I laugh
“I can't calm down! I need to know...did you?” he's almost bouncing on my bed now. I close the door.
“Before I tell you anything I need to change. Close your eyes” I say
“What I've seen you in your underwear before...” Eddie says
“Yeah that's the thing though... I didn't wear underwear tonight” I say and he squeals
“You went commando to a date with Steve? Fucking rock star! But...you know I have seen you naked. Remember the leg wash...”
“That was last year and only because I couldn't do it myself. Please Ed, let a girl TRY to seem decent?” I say and he sighs and closes his eyes
“Fine, but hurry I'm dying here” he grunts and I laugh at him. I pull my dress of and I get my pyjama on.
“Ok, done” I say
“Wow speedy! Good girl, ok now... what have we been doing tonight?” he smiles at me his brown eyes glitter with excitement
“You're such a gossip Munson... Not to mention the nosiest little fucker I've ever met. But since I love you I'll tell. He's amazing Ed, like so hot it's painful to look at him straight on for too long. And he's big... I fucking called him big boy... TWICE I think... God I feel ashamed doing that now” I say and facepalm myself “Hey Ed... you wanna breathe there” I laugh at him
“So 5 out of 5 for equipment then? How about technique and stamina?” he chuckles
“Fuck Ed, you want a recommendation or what? Like a review... Yeah 5 stars for the dick, 5 stars for technique... and drum roll please... 4 stars for stamina, he could have fucked me longer if I had my way he's just that good” I say and Eddie roars
“So he's just as fucking annoyingly perfect as he looks? So feelings? Boyfriend material or just sexy toy?”
“You're like the best girlfriend anyone could ask for” I tease him “I don't know Ed, I mean say we fall madly in love... I'm still applying to university back in Sweden next year that hasn't changed. I highly doubt Steve would leave Hawkins and come with me. Hell I don't even know how I'm going to convince you to come and you already love me” I say and blow a kiss at him.
“Awww... Since I'm a unwanted freak here I'll go just so I can become one somewhere else instead. Hawkins doesn't need me any more.” he laughs “But ok serious now, I see your point there I do. But wouldn't being happy for now be worth it? Even if you have to go separate ways in a year?”
“That's the thing Ed, when I catch feelings I always catch them super strong. I can't stand having my heart broken again even if it's not someone else doing it but something. I mean long distance here in America might work but long distance across the Atlantic? Nah I don't see that working out and I don't want to come home to Sweden being miserable missing someone that much. So no, I don't think happy for now is worth it. Sex for now yeah TOTALLY worth it. Because Eddie... that was the best I've had...like ever. He knows what he's doing...” I say and Eddie whistles
“Wow, good boy Harrington! He's gained some respect in the cynical Munson eyes here. So...your seeing him again?”
“Of course I am, I mean I'd like to think we could be like friends with benefits or something like that” I say
“Oh, well that works I guess. Just so we're clear...I will not accept being replaced by Harrington, telling you now. I will fight for my weirdo if I have to” he smiles at me
“You think I'd replace the best freak there is? What do you take me for Munson? A fucking idiot? I may be weird but I'm not stupid” I kiss him on the forehead and then I hug him tight “I love my freak and I'm never ever replacing him” he hugs me back
“Likewise weirdo!”
We discuss my night with Steve some more and then we head down the stairs. Eddie pops his head in the living room
“1 hour 45 minutes Martin” he grins
“Good Eddie, I knew I could count on you. Drive safe, see you some other day” dad says and smiles at him. He heads out to his van, half way he turns
“Need a ride tomorrow by the way?”
“Nah Nancy's picking me up. She had the common decency to wait for the details of my date” I say and make a face at him
“Common decency? More like insanely boring mindset” he laughs “Nah I like Nancy... But I mean c'mon how can she not be as curious as I am?”
“Maybe she knew you'd be pestering me all night for information so she just assumed she was better off waiting” I say. Eddie laughs and get in his van and drives off. I go back inside and say goodnight to dad before crawling in to bed feeling very satisfied and sleepy.
The next morning as I'm getting ready I notice some very distinct marks on my ass...of fingers. I giggle...well I guess he marked me I think to myself. I head down for breakfast, dad left early for work so I can enjoy some coffee and toast all to myself. In my mind I'm replaying last night over and over until I hear a car honking outside. Fuck, Nancy! I hop in my shoes grab my school bag and run out to the waiting car.
“God sorry... I was sitting at the table deep in thoughts lost track of time” I say as I get in the car
“No problem, I was a bit early anyway so we're not late. Deep in thoughts huh... Thinking of something a little extra spicy there?” she smiles at me
“Might be that you're absolutely correct in that assumption” I say and smile back at her
“So I guess last night was... Good?” she's looking at the road but glancing over to me
“Yeah, it was really good. I don't feel as comfortable telling you all the dirt as I was with Eddie though...sorry”
“I know what you mean... But I'll say this...I get that you think it was” she turns pink “Sooo Eddie called the second you walked in the door or what?”
“Smooth change of subject there Nance” I giggle “and no... he fucking came over. Steve drove off and he came driving in. Such a gossip that boy” I say and Nancy laughs
“He couldn't just use the phone like a normal person? What was the time like 10?”
“More like 9, I had promised dad to be home by 9 so that I'd have plenty of time dealing with Eddie on the phone. But he didn't think that was the best way to get all the dirt out of me so he HAD to some over” I shake my head and we laugh about this all the way to school. We get there and the first thing I have to do is get to the administrations office to get my new schedule. I turn a corner and there's Patrick. I can't help it one fucking year later and I still flinch
“Oh hey Emma, have a good summer? I thought you left... Didn't see you last week” he looks at me with a smile... I tentatively smile back
“Well... I couldn't get a flight back in time for school starting so I arrived Friday” I tell him
“Oh ok, well... Welcome back I guess” he says and leaves
“Thank you?” I say mostly at the empty hallway. That was strange. I get my schedule, looks good enough. I see I have free period before lunch. Good, then I'll have time to get all my books. I head to my locker and I stuff my bag in there
“Sooooo I was thinking... What if you end up marrying Harrington? I mean your kids would make like kick-ass football players. Tall and heavy... like a fucking freight train on the field.”
“Eddie my dear... You need to stop smoking before school...” I laugh “where the hell did this come from? My kids with Steve... Dude, calm your tits”
“Just saying... Kick-ass!” he chuckles
“Moron... And a good morning to you to. Weirdest thing happened... Patrick welcomed me back, he was like civilized” I say
“Yeah apparently he did take your dads threat to heart, been in anger management AND is starting up with the new school counsellor again this year I heard.” he looks at me “You ok though?”
“Yeah, I mean just bumping in to him like that kinda made me flinch. Don't like having him around lockers” I smile
“I get that, plus I guess this year with try outs for colleges he's putting his best behaviour forward. Too bad that's not what they're all doing. I barely got out of my car before I hear Jason 'Hey freak where's your freaky sidekick she leave you' I mean c'mon you'd think he'd have time to come up with something new over the summer” Eddie snickers
“I don't think his pea sized brain can hold any more insults than those he already has in there” I say and we laugh “So compare schedules?” I hand him mine and he gives me his
“Yay we have almost all of the same classes! Good...then I'll definitely graduate this year” Eddie does a little dance and I giggle at him
“Fuck that... I'm not doing the work for you if that's what you think. You want my help you do the work to” I say knowing full well he's going to try to use the crap out of my kindness
“Awww mean tutor... I need to speak to Wayne, I want a new one” he scowls at me
“Yeah you do that Munson, bet you a crisp 100 that Wayne won't find a single soul in all of Indiana with the patience to get you to graduate” I say and he makes a face at me
“Fuck you Lundberg, I'll do it without you!” he smiles
“You will? Ok then, fine by me” I say
“Nah probably not...” he admits and I laugh
“Of course I'll help you Eddie. We're graduating come June. And nothing's gonna stop us”
“Hell yeah we are” he gives me a high five and we head to the first class of the day.
Come lunch I've been around the whole school twice it feels like trying to find all my teachers and get the books I need. I pack them in to my locker, pull my Hellfire shirt on and head for the cafeteria. I hear them before I see them... God Dustin is a noisy kid, but he's totally adorable in his worship of Eddie so I'll let it pass. I put my tray down on the table beside Eddie
“So what's up my freaks and geeks” I say and sit down
“All hail the queen has returned” Gareth smiles at me
“Yeah now you all have to start behaving again, you got a week of pissing against the wind. Now zip it up and act 'normal' my dudes” Eddie laughs
“You know how to do that?” I say and the rest of the group laugh loudly
“Noooo... But I have this new tutor thought she might teach me” Eddie says
“Honey, you're already asking this poor human to get you through your THIRD try at senior year... You asking her to preform magic now to? Geez man calm down” I can see our three newbies looking kinda worried at the other side of the table “Yeah... this is what it's like with me around. Get used to it” I wink at them and they have to smile
“Yeah she's mean but a rock star DnD player so respect her or you're out. Ok?” Eddie stares at the three nervous looking freshmen
“C'mon Eddie... Not even you respect me don't ask too much of them” I laugh “as long as you're not trying to piss me off or, I don't know, break any of my bones we'll be just fine” I say
“Yeah I've seen first hand what happens if you try that shit on her... And you three are not basketball sized dudes... you won't live to tell the story” Eddie chuckles. Gareth,Jeff and Joe all agree
“Yeah even over at our part of school we heard of it... Did you really say you were going to make a stew from his balls and send it to his mum?” Dustin looks at me and Eddie roars with laughter
“Hear that Em, you live in infamy. Even the middleschoolers heard of you” Eddie keeps laughing
“Great” I say and groan “ and yeah Dustin I did say that...”
“Cool” he grins at me
“You really are a very strange kid Henderson” I say and smile at him “I like you”
“Hear that?” he pokes Mike “Emma LIKES me” Mike rolls his eyes at him and I laugh
“Now Hellfire men...and Queen. Let's talk business, new campaign” Eddie begins to tell us about the campaign he's working on. This goes on for the rest of lunch. We all head our separate ways and I head for the school paper. Nancy convinced me that my drawing skills and my witty sense of humour was perfect for a weekly comic strip in the school paper. So 1 hour a week I'm going to go to a meeting and get my assignment for this weeks strip. I mean ok it could be fun I guess.
Days turn in to weeks. I've seen Steve once since our hook-up. I went to the video store to see him and Robin once again sent me in the back. There was some heavy kissing and touching but nothing more. We didn't decide on another date so I assume he's not that interested really. Which works out fine, there's less chance of feelings this way.
Then weeks turn in to months and all of a sudden were just weeks away from graduating. What the fuck? Where did time go?
We're in the cafeteria, listening to Eddie read aloud from this magazine he found
“Dungeons and Dragons! At first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies has linked violent behaviour to the game. Saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifices, sodomy, suicide and even MURDER!”
Oh God here comes the rant I think and smile. Yup as sure as there's sand in Sahara Eddie gets up on the table walking along it declaring that conformity kills and that we're looked down upon for not liking this and that and “A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS IN TO LAUNDRY BASKETS” of fuck...
“You want something freak?” Jason just has to get up and act cocky in front of his ghouls
And of course Eddie being Eddie he just smiles at him puts his fingers up like horns on the side of his head, sticks his tongue out and makes a snarling noise at Jason.
“Prick” I hear Jason scoff
“Yeah you'd know what it's like being one of those wouldn't you” I call over at him he glares at me.
Eddie looks down at me and smiles, he jumps down from the table.
“That's the real monster” he finishes his rant and sits down.
I can tell Dustin and Mike are a bit nervous... the hell are they up to I think
“So, uh speaking of monsters, uh Lucas has to do his uh balls-in-laundy-baskets game. So” Dustin chuckles “he's not going to be able to make it to Hellfire tonight” he smiles at Eddie and shrugs “And I know there's no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him. So me and Mike... We were talking, shooting the shit, and we were thinking that maybe we might...” Dustin struggles
“Postpone” Mike declares and all hell breaks lose around the table. Everyone has opinions, there's yelling and an general uproar
“SHUT UP!” Eddie yells “You sayin Sinclair's been taken in by the dark side?” Eddie glares at Mike and Dustin
“Uh, something like that” Mike says
“Something like that? And rather than finding a sub for him you want to... you want to POSTPONE 'The Cult of Vecna'?” Eddie sounds like he's in disbelief they're even suggesting something this moronic to him
“I... I don't want to postpone it. WE don't want to postpone it. It's just that, you know, most of the subs will be at the championship game” Mike says
Eddie gets up from his chair, he spins around at these words “Oh it's the championship game?” very sarcastic tone of voice I smile at him
“Yeah” Mike sounds confused
“Can I level with you? Jeff graduates this year, Gareth's got what? A year and a half. Me, I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms O'Donnell's. I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month. I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma and I'm gonna run like hell outta here”
“Didn't you say that last year?” Gareth says
“And the year before that?” Jeff chimes in with a big grin
“Yeah, yeah and I was full of shit. This year's different” Eddie looks at me and smiles “This year, is MY year. I can feel it. 86 baby” he smiles a wide smile, and I believe him. He continues on about how Mike and Dustin will now be the future of Hellfire and they need to start looking for those lost little sheep that are out there, just like Eddie did when finding them. Basically he's telling them to find a sub for the campaign tonight or else. I chuckle..
“Good luck guys” I say
That evening we're sitting waiting for Mike and Dustin to come hopefully with a sub so we can play. Eddie's in his “Dungeon master throne” as he wants to call it.
We hear people walking up to the door and Mike, Dustin and...oh no Erica Sinclair walks in. I look over at Eddie. He's sitting there hands pressed together just watching them
“Absolutely not” he says
“You asked for a sub, we delivered” Dustin says motioning to Erica
“This is Hellfire Club, not baby sitting club” Eddie says and the guys laugh... I know this kid has some balls. I've heard her take down guys our age so I just smile
“I'm 11 you long haired FREAK” Erica eyes Eddie up and down
“Oh, my my the child speaks” he gets up and goes over to Erica looking down at her “ So what's your name... child?” he says
“Erica Sinclair”
Eddie chuckles “so this is Sinclair's infamous sister”
“He's sharp” she looks back at Dustin and Mike rolling her eyes. Gareth and Jeff snicker at this, Eddie glares at them they shut up
“What's your class and level? Level 1 dwarf?” the guys laugh I just sit there and I smile, Dustin and Mike must have a good reason for bringing her I have no doubt
“My name is Lady Applejack, and I'm a chaotic good half-elf rouge level 14, and I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poisioned-soaked kukri. And I'll SMILE as I watch them die a slow agonising death. So... we gonna do this? Or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your momma's book club?” Yup kid's got balls. Eddie stares at her then a wide smile breaks his face and he puts his hand out to her
“Welcome to Hellfire” I can see Dustin and Mike letting out a big sigh of relief. They wont' have their heads chewed off tonight. We start playing, and Eddies campaign is impressive. We're down to Erica being the sole player, Dustin just missed and is out. She draws a deep breath and rolls... The dice bounces on the table. Everyone is dead quiet. 20! It's a crit!
“Fucking hell we did it!” I high five Gareth and Jeff and we dance around in the chaos that erupted when we defeated Eddies sinister campaign. He just smiles and gives Erica a bow. New found respect right there I think to myself. As we say our good byes after the game I ask Eddie if I can have a ride home.
“Oh fuck sorry, I have a... meeting” he raises his eyebrows so I'll get that it's the business kind of meeting in the woods he's talking about “I have no idea how long it's going to take”
“Ok, well no worries. I'll run and catch up with Mike I'm sure I can get a ride with him. Call me later?”
“Sure will. Bye weirdo, good game”
“Love ya freak! Good game” I say as I start running to catch up with the guys. I get a ride home with Nancy, so I'll get to catch up with her. Been a while, she's been super busy with the school paper and I've been busy getting my grades to a good enough level to apply for university in like a weeks time. Yeah and helping Eddie with the army-crawling. We end up sitting outside her house talking for a bit.
“So weirdest thing, I walked past one of the bathrooms today. I heard this girl like screaming her lungs out so I run in there. The lights are like flickering but I hear no one. Kinda freaked me out to be honest, and I saw Max come out from that bathroom just seconds before looking kinda confused too. I mean... ghosts?” I say
“What...you don't believe that do you?” Nancy smiles at me
“I don't know what the hell that was... I mean I HEARD the screaming but when I came in there just silence... Like a weird silence, and there was a smell” Nancy smirks “yeah I know I was in a bathroom... but c'mon if someone unloaded something in there that smells like that I'd say they're already dead”
“Wow that bad?” she asks
“Yeah that bad. Another thing... have you noticed that Max seems to become more and more isolated? I overheard her and Lucas earlier. He wanted to give her tickets to his game, she just gave them back to him. I mean I get that it must have been traumatizing seeing your brother get killed in front of you. But I mean, why alienate your friends?”
Nancy looks uncomfortable “Yeah she's got some issues, I do think she's seeing the school counsellor though. So she's at least talking to someone about it. You haven't seen her around when visiting Eddie?”
“Nah, been keeping an eye out for her. But both Wayne and Eddie says they never see her other than when she leaves for school and comes home from school. And the odd time at night when she goes out and feeds the neighbour dog. I like her, I'm a bit worried” I say
“Yeah, me too. But Mike says she will barely speak to them any more. And if she does she's mostly sarcastic or doesn't say much. I think she misses Eleven a lot too, maybe even more than Mike.” Nancy says
“Yeah right, they became close before whatever happened right?” I ask
“Yeah they did” Nancy yawns “I think I need to get to bed, the paper was exhausting today. Pick you up tomorrow?”
“Yeah, please”
We say our good nights and I head home. I wait for Eddie to call until it's close to midnight. He must have fallen asleep. I don't want to let my head turn this in to something happening to him. I go to bed and I convince myself I'll see him in the morning.
Morning comes and Nancy picks me up and we head for school. I see Eddie nowhere, now I AM starting to worry. What the hell?
After first period I sit outside for a bit enjoying the sun when Dustin and Max come running up to me
“You're gonna wanna hear this” Dustin pants
“Ok, so you think Eddie could kill someone?” Max blurts our
“Excuse the fuck out of you what now? You kidding me? I she on drugs?” I look at Dustin
“No I'm serious, c'mon” she waves at me to walk away from the crowd. We head behind a corner of the building
“Ok, seriously what the fuck are you on about?”
“Do you know where Eddie went after the game last night?” Dustin asks
“Yeah I do... why?”
“Ok, this is some serious shit. Where did he go?” Dustin is freaking out
“He had some, you know, business in the woods. Didn't know how long it would take, that's why I caught a ride with you guys home” I say
“I think he was doing business with Chrissy” Max says
“Chrissy? Wow...ok, that's unexpected. So what's this shit you're on about?”
“Someone killed Chrissy, in Eddies trailer and the cops thinks he did it... We don't and now he's gone” Dustin says and my mind goes blank
“Wait wait? Rewind... WHAT!?”
“I saw her body Emma, no way Eddie could have done that to her. Hell I don't even think a grown ass body builder could have” Max says and she's pale as a ghost
“But? Ok... so you're saying Chrissy is dead? Eddie is missing? And they now suspect Eddie of killing her? Oh hell no I know for a fact he would never” I say and shake my head
“Yeah, I mean we don't think he did it either. But he's probably hiding somewhere”
“Why would he be hiding? Maybe he wasn't even home when it happened?” I say
“He was, he came home with Chrissy. They went in to his trailer last night, together and like 15 minutes later the lights started flickering and the TV was actin up so I went outside to check it the power line was fucked. I get in again and then I hear this scream from inside Eddies trailer, so I look out the window. He comes shooting out of there looking fucking terrified, gets in his van and speeds off. Then when I woke up I saw police everywhere, the door was open and I caught a glimpse of...” she turns a greyish green color
My head is spinning, this isn't real. “Are you guys for real? I mean you're not fucking with me here?” I ask
“Why the hell would we joke around about something like this?” Dustin says “we need to find somewhere with a computer and at least 2 phones” I look at him “base of operation 'Find Munson' ok?” he explains
“Ok... I know just the place c'mon” I say and we leave for town.
“Family Video? Really?” Max sounds confused
“Perfect Emma!” Dustin says and we run in there
“”Hey guys, oh Emma...hi” Steve blushes... we haven't seen each other in quite a while now
“Hey, ehm sorry I haven't”
Dustin starts barking orders left and right so we're not getting anywhere with our conversation. We end up finding the address of the guy people around here call Reefer Rick, supposedly Eddies supplier.
“Steve please you need to drive us” I plead with him
“To Reefer Ricks? To find Munson, who may or may not be a murderer? Yeah sounds like something I'd wanna do...” he snorts
“Please... for me?” I say he just looks at me, I can see him thinking this through. He sighs deeply
“Yeah, for you. Ok everybody in the car!” he says as I'm heading out the door Dustin stops me
“I'm sorry Emma, but... you can't come. You need to go home. The first person the cops are going to come find is you. The whole town knows you and Eddie are like conjoined twins. For him, go home and wait for them. Do not get yourself in to trouble, ok? He wouldn't want you to” I stare at Dustin
“The fuck Dustin this is my best friend we're talking about ok? And you're saying I shouldn't help him? He'd do it for me” I say now I'm starting to get pissed
“I know he would... but he'd do it because he feels he has no future. You do... You're getting the fuck outta here. If you come with us now and you get tangled up in this crap, Eddie would never forgive himself or us. Go home and be the best fucking character witness he's ever going to have and I PROMISE you we will find him” Dustin pleads with me
“Fine... But I swear to GOD Henderson if you don't call me the second you get a chance I will hunt you down and beat your ass” I say... I mean the kid has a good point. Eddie will need a character witness and I will, besides Wayne be the first one they'll come for.
“I swear Emma, I'll call as soon as I have a chance” he leaves for the car. Steve comes up to me, he takes my hand.
“I wanted to say I was sorry I hadn't called... but... it's stupid really. When this is over...whatever this is maybe then?” he says and he leans in and gives me a kiss
“Fucking hell Steve, you can make out with her later lets goooo” Dustin yells
“Intense kid that one, yeah ok Steve after... it's a date” I say and smile
They leave and I'm just stuck in place for a while. Then my mind snaps out of it. I need to get home. I run, I don't think I've ever been running this fast or this far for that matter but it doesn't matter... My mind won't register if I'm tired or not, I just keep running. I get home and I place my ass right next to the phone, I have no intention of leaving until I hear from Dustin.
Dad comes home, I'm still in the same spot
“You ok honey? You look distressed... Did something happen at school again?”
I look at him and my tears start streaming down my face, he runs up to me and wraps his arms around me “There, there sweetheart, what's wrong?” I start talking the word flow out like a river
“...and now he's missing and Dustin has the guys looking for him”
“Are you telling me the police think Eddie killed a girl? Eddie? The sweetest kid you'll ever meet?” dad looks like I just told him I met Santa dressed as a stripper or something.
There's a knock at the door. Dad gets up
“Wipe your tears sweetie” he says and I go to the bathroom to try and look like I haven't known Eddie's been missing all day long
I hear him open the door
“Mr Lundberg? I'm chief Powell with the Hawkins Police. Can I speak to your daughter?”
“What do you want with Emma? She came home feeling sick today” oh I love you dad I think, this would explain my absence from school after first period
“I need to speak to her”
“Yes I heard you, but I am her father and I would like to know WHY you need to speak to her. Otherwise she's not available” dad says. I look in the mirror, I don't think there are any signs left of me crying. I sneak out of the bathroom and in to the living room. Laying down under a blanket picking up a book. If dad can act so can I!
“Sir, what I need to speak to her about is classified. I can't...”
“Then good bye chief Powell, was it. Come back when you have the authority to tell me what this is about.” my dad is just about to close the door
“Ok ok, I need to speak to your daughter about Edward Munson.” I hear the chief say
“Eddie? What's happened to Eddie? He's ok I hope?” dad can sound worried as hell when need be I see
“Can I come in? I assume you will want to be there when I speak to her so I can just say what I have to say to you both”
“Ok, she's in there” dads says leading the chief in to the living room. I look up from my position on the couch
“Hello?” I sit up but I wrap myself in the blanket so it looks like I'm feeling under the weather
“Hello Ms Lundberg. I am Chief Powell of the Hawkins Police.”
“Ok? Is something wrong?” I ask
“I need to ask you a few questions” he glances over at dad “if that's alright with your father” dad nods “when did you last talk to Mr Munson?”
“Eddie? Last night after we had our Dungeons and Dragons game at the high school. Why? I haven't heard from him all day is he ok?” I try to sound worried
“Well... we can't say. He's... well he's gone missing”
“Eddie's missing? Why aren't you looking for him then? What if something's wrong what if someone hurt him” I make my voice go into falsetto
“Well...ehmm... We are looking for him. We are not worried so much about him being hurt, we're more worried he hurt someone” he says
“Eddie? Hurt someone... are you serious?” I ask
“Eddie wouldn't hurt a fly chief, this must be a joke.” dad sounds annoyed “are you really a cop? Show me your badge please”
“Mr Lundberg I assure you...”
“I SAID badge...please” dad is now towering over the man on the chair.
“Ok, just a second” chief Powell takes out his badge hands it to bad who looks at it closely and nods giving it back
“Ok, but still... This is someone's idea of a joke right?” dad asks
“No sir I am afraid not. There has been a murder at the Munson trailer and we suspect Eddie did it. It seems I have to be brutally honest with you to get either on of you to answer me” he's starting to sound annoyed we're not more cooperative
“You think Eddie killed someone? Eddie... There's no way in hell Eddie would hurt any one even less chance of him killing someone. Who's been killed?” I ask
“That I can't tell you, and no Mr Lundberg this time no threats will do” the chief glares at dad
“Did you want to ask me anything else or are you done insulting my best friend now?” I ask
The chief snorts at us “Would you have any idea if there's is somewhere Eddie would hide if need be?” he then asks
“That would probably be here, and you are welcome to look for him” dad says and I nod
“He doesn't have many people in his life he trusts. It's his uncle and us so... I haven't seen or heard from him since last night around 9. Look for him here if you want as dad said. Otherwise I'm drawing a blank” I say
“Ok, I will have a look before I go. Thank you for not making me get a warrant Mr Lundberg. If he contacts either one of you, give me a call” the chief says
“Of course” dads smirks. The chief gets up and starts walking around the house. Luckily Eddie has never left so much as a sock here so he doesn't find a bit of evidence that he would have been hiding here at any point. The chief leaves and dad sits down with me putting his arm around me
“So no idea where he is then?”
“No, Dustin had some idea but I have no clue where that was. He wouldn't let me come” I say and burst out crying
“Sweetheart, that was smart of him. Eddie needed you more like this. I'm sure Dustin will call as soon as he has a chance to. They will find him before the police does. They know him better” dad says petting me on the back. I cry in to his chest, I'm so worried my insides ache. What the hell did Eddie get himself into? The whole evening passes, no word. Evening turns in to night, I refuse to leave the couch. Morning comes, I think I slept a few hours. Still no word, I'm starting to panic. Dad comes down has his breakfast and comes in to me
“I need to be at work today honey, will you be ok on your own?” he says
“Yeah... I'm not leaving this couch” I say
“Ok... but promise me you'll eat something ok?”
“Yeah I will”
“Ok, I'll see you tonight then. Call me of there's any news” he kisses my forehead and leaves for work
As the day progresses I get more and more anxious and restless. I turn on the TV, it's all about the murder. I turn it off again. I lie down on the couch staring up at the ceiling, when suddenly the silence is broken by the sound of the phone ringing. I flinch so hard I think I pull a muscle in my side. I pick up
“EDDIE! Oh my fucking god are you ok?” I start crying
“Em, I can't speak for long. I'm ok Dustin and the others found me last night, but he couldn't get to a phone. I found this one now thought I'd see if it worked and I guess so. You ok though?” he asks
“Do I sound ok you fucking moron? My best friend goes missing and I can't come looking for him...” I sob
“Hey hey hey... No need for name calling weirdo” he chuckles “I think Henderson was smart not letting you get dragged in to this crap, you have no idea... This is some wild shit! But I gotta go now, I'll try to call you again but I might have to bail this place if they figure it out. Love you! Remember that!”
“Love you too freak... Please come home soon”
“I'll do my very best” he hangs up and I run to the toilet and I throw up, all this worrying and tension building. Now that I know he's as ok as he can be t the moment it all released at once making it to hard for my stomach to handle. I get back to the couch and I start crying my eyes out again. There I'm like stuck in time until I hear dad come home. He sees me on the couch like this and he drops everything
“What happened?” he says
“He called” I sob
“No Eddie... he's ok for now” I sob even more. Dad hugs me
“Ok, well that's good honey. Let it out... Did you do as I asked you though? Did you eat?”
“No... I wanted to but I just kept feeling sick if I thought about food. I just need all the anxiety to go away... I know he's alive, he's ok and he was safe then at least” I say
“Ok, well let's go to the kitchen and make some pancakes then? Grandma style” he smiles. He knows how to cheer me up “maybe eating will be easier with company” he says
“Maybe...” I get up and I go with him in to the kitchen. I sit down at the table and watch him make pancakes the way my grandma makes them. He was actually right, eating was easier when I had company.
Again, day turns in to night, night turns in to day. I haven't slept more than o couple of hours since Dustin and Max found me at school. I need to leave the house... I need to do something other than sit here and rot I think to myself. I decide to get up and go to Eddies trailer, even though it's empty. His things will be there... I need that now. I get up and change my clothes at least. In case Wayne's at home I need to not look like a homeless person. I head over to the trailer park. There's police tape all around the trailer but no one is there keeping watch. So I sneak in... There's blood on the living room floor and an outline of a body... but it doesn't look like any body I've ever seen... it looks distorted, broken in an impossible way. Max did say something like, no MAN could do this. I go in to Eddies room, I sit down on the bed taking his pillow in my arms and smelling it. I feel instant comfort, and how tired I really am. I lay down on the bed and I fall asleep hugging Eddies pillow tight. I get woken up by voices, familiar voices. Talking about some gate...and them needing a mattress or something. I hear footsteps coming towards Eddies room. The door swing open and I see Dustin looking at me... fear across his face
“What... why are you HERE?” he says
“I needed... something of Eddies to sleep” it's the only explanation I can think of...
“I'm sorry but move... I need that mattress” he waves for me to move, I get off the bed
“Why...what are you doing?”
“Can't talk, need to get them out of the gate. They can't land on the hard floor...” he drags the mattress out to the living room. I follow him, there's Max, Lucas and Erica. All looking at me then Dustin
“Where'd she come from?” Max looks over at me
“She was in there...” Dustin throws the mattress on the floor and they all look up at the ceiling. I hear voices...ALSO familiar.
“Yeah, those stains... I don't know what those stains are...”
“EDDIE!!!” I shriek... I run out there...where is he? I look around, Lucas pokes me and points up. I look up and I think I might pass out. Up in the ceiling...in some freaky twisted portal looking thing I see Eddie, Steve, Nancy and Robin looking at us. But not looking down, it looks like they're looking up at us just like we're looking up at them, my head spins.
“Why is she here?” Eddie and Steve say in chorus
“What...she was here when we got here, what was I supposed to do? Knock her out?” Dustin says “C'mon now”
Logic would dictate that if someone is coming out of the ceiling they wouldn't be CLIMBING up a rope, but hey seems logic didn't get the memo. I see them grab on to a rope and seemingly climb up it until they come out of the portal, then they're all of a sudden falling down. Like gravity was just fucking around with them. Eddie lands on his back looking stunned, then he grins
“That was fun” he says
“Moron” I mutter... I have no idea how to process any of this all I know is that my best friend just FELL through the ceiling...
They all come down from where ever they've been, everyone is talking at the same time. It's Vecna, Upside down, demobats, hive mind... Everything is spinning now...what the actual fuck?
“CAN SOMEONE FUCKING TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!?” I scream... All eyes on me. Eddie comes up to me wraps his arms around me and gives my forehead a kiss.
“Ok, guys I'm going to give her the quick explanation. See you in a little bit” he shoves me in the direction of his bedroom. When we get in there he tells me I need to sit down for this. He tells me this story, that if I hasn't actually seen that fucking gate I would have never believed a word of. Hawkins is cursed, just like people have been whispering about. I've heard them, but always thought it was some small town paranoia or something. He continues to tell me that not only has Chrissy been killed by this Vecna dude... so was a guy named Fred that worked with Nancy for the paper...and Patrick. So not only are the cops after Eddie, apparently the basket ball team is to, with Jason at the lead. Even though both Eddie and Jason saw Patrick being levitated and having his bones broken and eyes sucked in to his head, Jason still thinks Eddie is behind it... being a leader of a satanic cult. I sit there staring at him as the words flow out of him, he's pale as a ghost and I have no trouble believing him. Not even he has this kind of imagination. I put my hands up over my face and I sigh...
“What can I do to help?” I ask
“Sweet weirdo, please for the love of everything. Stay at home and keep yourself and Martin safe. I can't have you to worry about, that would make me a dead man fast” he comes up to me and hug me real tight “promise me you'll keep away form this?” he looks me dead in the eye “also I think Harrington would kill me if anything happened to you, he's been asking me a lot about you as we trekked through that swampy fucking mess of a forest. I think you have a big fan there weirdo” he smiles at me
“Not help? You serious? So what I'm just going to sit at home and wait for what? All y'all to get killed by this veiny, tentacled motherfucker? Really...you think that's something I'm gonna wanna do?” I say
“I don't much care right now what you wanna do... You're staying out of this because I can't worry about you and try to get through this. Ok? I need to leave with the guys, we're getting guns and I don't know... other supplies so we can go back in there and kill that fucker.”
“You're... GOING BACK in there? Are you insane? I won't let you, any of you. Nope” I shake my had, I'm panicking
“I need to do this Em... For Chrissy” he says, voice calm but I see a tear fall from his eye. “We'll be back. Hell, we're fucking awesome if you haven't noticed... and I guess besides me and Lil' Sinclair...they're all fucking superheroes. Apparently they've been dealing with this shit for 3 years now.”
“I fucking love you you freak, so help me GOD if you don't come back to me Eddie. I will go back in there and find you, resurrect you and kill you myself... OK!?” I stare him down
“Ok, weirdo. I hear ya... I love you too! But I think we need to leave like right now. Go home please, I have no idea what's going to happen with this gate once we're back in there” he hugs me tight again and I don't want to let him go. I have a bad feeling. I start to cry, I can't help it “awww c'mon weirdo. It's not like I'm gonna be gone forever. If it seems to hard to handle we'll bail outta there. At least me and Henderson, we're no heroes y'know”
“No you're fucking not... So don't act like one” I say letting a small giggle out between sobs.
“Thanks sweetheart, warms my heart” he kisses my forehead again and he's gone. I remain sitting there... I can't move. I need to wrap my head around everything he's told me. So... Mike's girlfriend Eleven has superpowers? Will got sucked in to the Upside down 3 years ago and was lost for several weeks? Last year some big ass monster got loose from there and infected a bunch of people, Max's brother among them. Killing them all? And now this? I feel my stomach churn again and I run to the bathroom to throw up. I can't handle this... I walk out, probably looking like a zombie. I start walking home. A car stops next to me when I've come as far as the main road, it's Wayne.
“Sweetie, you look awful... Did something happen? Where have you been?”
“I was at the trailer... Haven't slept...needed to be with Eddie's stuff” I say
“Oh... I understand... have you ehm heard from him at all?” Wayne asks, I debate internally if I should tell him. I decide not to, it's probably safer for everyone if I'm the only one who knows what they're up to
“No, not a word since before...that night” I say and I start crying again
“Get in the car sweetie, I'll drive you home” he says and I get in.
“If you hear anything would you please let me know? And tell Ed I'm not angry and I don't believe for a second he hurt anyone. Ok?” Wayne says as he drops me odd at home
“Of course Wayne. Same to you if you hear from him before I do” I say, feeling a little bad I'm lying to this sweet man.
“I promise. Now go in and try to rest. I'm sure it'll all be ok soon enough” he says and then he leaves. I go inside, dad comes out from the kitchen looking petrified
“Honey, where have you been? I got home and you weren't here I was worried sick” he hugs me
“I went to the trailer... I needed to be with his things. I fell asleep on his bed...” I cry again “I saw him dad. He came home to get some things then he left again. Said he needed to hide.” I lie, I can't tell him the truth there's just no way
“But he's ok?” I know dad worries about him almost as much as I do
“He said he was, he looked a bit rough but he was smiling at least” I say, dad hugs me again
“Ok, so then there's hope. I saw on the news 2 more kids got killed. Do they still think Eddie's behind this crap?” he says
“I don't know... I don't think he does either I have no doubt he's not going to try to find out. Dad... One of the ones killed is Patrick...you know the guy who” I nod down towards my back
“Oh... how do you...”
“Eddie told me... he saw it happen. So did Jason but he still thinks Eddie did it” I say
“He saw it... WITH Eddie and still thinks Eddie killed Patrick? By what means? His mind?” I can tell Jason's not collecting any more points with dad
“Exactly my thought... But then again that's not the brightest mind in Hawkins” I say and we actually have to laugh a bit
“Well... I think we both need some food and then some rest. What do you say we go and get some burgers in town?” dad says and smiles at me
“Ok, let me just have a quick shower and a change. Might make me feel like a person again and not a zombie” I say and go upstairs. I really don't feel like leaving the house in case someone calls but I know dad will worry about me as well. He has enough with worrying about Eddie. I get done as quickly as I can and we head in to town. We eat and I actually feel a little better after that. As we're leaving we see this big rw speeding through town, I think it looked like Steve driving. It must have been my imagination, wanting to see anyone of them anywhere.
It's been almost 2 more days when all hell breaks lose. What's described as a earthquake rips through Hawkins. I have strong suspicion that's not the case and I'm freaking out. What if it's the same in there for them? What if they're hurt and can't get back because this closed all the gates? I go in to the kitchen, dad is listening to the news.
“Dad... I need to do something to help... can we go down to town? I heard they're setting up a help center. For those who lost their homes and all their things. I need to get my mind off Eddie and if he's ok as well as all of my other friends.”
“Sure honey, I was just thinking the same thing. We're lucky up here. Not that much damage...yet. Let's collect some clothes and blankets and stuff to donate?” he says and smiles at me. We take what we're not in need of ourselves and we head down to town. There's complete chaos. Collapsed buildings, burning cars, people hurt and bleeding. Like some scene from a movie, a really disturbing movie. And all I can think is... “Is Eddie ok”
We get inside and we drop off what we brought with us and then we're given things to do. They day passes rather quickly. I hear rumours about Jason being killed and that some kid was found unconscious along with his body in some abandoned house at the outskirts of town. I freeze...what if it's Eddie. But what would he be doing with Jason? I try to find whoever it was that was talking about it but there's people everywhere I have no clue from what direction I heard it. I have to trust they'll be back... all of them. I can't lose even one of them...
As we're about to head home dad says he needs to talk to some people before we leave. I tell him I'll wait by the car.
I go outside and then I see him... Limping across the parking lot. Dirty, dishevelled and seemingly broken.
“Dustin?” I call out
He turns to the sound of my voice and when he sees me he collapses to his knees. I run up to him
“Dustin... Hey Dustin it's me... Emma. Hey you're ok” I rub his arms “Look at me Dustin, where are the rest? They coming?”
He cries, I don't think I've ever seen anyone cry this hard before. A chill runs through my body. He was supposed to be with Eddie, they were the distraction. For what Eddie didn't tell me just that him and Dustin were the ones in least danger.
“Dustin... Where is Eddie?” my voice scares me it's so calm. The boy in my arms sobs so hard he loses his breath time and time again “Dustin for fucks sake where is he?”
He looks up at me... shakes his head and only one word falls from his lips
I hear someone screaming... a blood-curdling scream... It's me, I'm the one screaming.
End of part 2
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narniadreams · 2 years
HELLOW long time no see!! well maybe not really that long but it’s been a while, sorry, hello!! i am still alive! let me make a list of things that happened :D
had a week where i was super busy because a lot of people wanted to hang out with me before i went to south korea
got sick during the last 3 days
flew to south korea (directly was good, vegan food was good, being sick was bad and also a baby cried a lot, bad)
arrived in south korea safely!!!
got to my hotel safely!!!
saw so many one rooms/apartments/places to stay, however you want to call it, then took a mandatory pcr test, saw more rooms
liked none of them, called my mom while i was crying and panicking at night
had problems with my credit card, debit card, bank and money stuff
solved those problems. saw more rooms. picked a room. moved to the room.
went to my first day of class and understood hardly anything!!!
tomorrow i don’t have to go to school though because a typhoon is coming hooray!!!
but hey at least my cold is getting better haha
oh. and i have a boyfriend now <3
- 05.09.2022
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heybaetae · 3 years
i'm anxiously waiting for my favourite gifmaker to upload their first gifset of 2022 (that is u)
i appreciate this sentiment and am very thankful that you look forward to my gifs! if i'm really your favorite, that means a lot to me.
however, i'm taking a breather for a minute. i posted eight gifsets in the last two weeks, three of which were massive compilations that each took several days for me to finish. my last four posts coincided with the new iOS tagging ban AND the several-days-long tumblr bug that prevented anyone's work from showing up in the tags at all, which i heavily depend on. so that put a huge damper on what i hoped would be an exciting end of a year of putting out content. because on top of what is already a huge issue (the like:reblog ratio), tumblr itself just wasn't showing any of it. i think i self reblogged more than i ever have just in the last week and it still didn't help much.
going into 2022, i'm reevaluating how much time (and sometimes sleep) i'm willing to sacrifice making gifs on here when very few people share it or when tumblr is constantly fucking around with the way we use tags to get our hard work seen. i made 376 gifsets in 2021. i don't even want to think about how many gifs that was individually. don't get me wrong here, i enjoyed making all those things and am so grateful for the support most of my work got last year. i'm the one deciding to make what i do and i am aware that literally nobody is asking me to go so many extra miles. i made more content last year than i ever have and i've been making gifs on this site for a decade. it's a wonderfully creative escape for me, but sometimes that comes with unnecessary pressure, which also stirs up unwanted anxiety when it becomes an expectation to others instead of just a fun hobby for me.
(anon, please do not think that last bit is aimed at you. i believe your message had good intentions, but the wording did trigger some not so great feelings.)
i am going to try to cut back a little this year. by that, i mean i'm going to pick and choose which new content i gif. i'm in the PST timezone, so a lot of new stuff that drops in KST is usually overnight for me. i've chosen giffing over sleep many times unfortunately (frankly, this fandom has a very short attention span on here and if you put out content hours late, it's old news by then and nobody cares anymore) and that isn't healthy. this is a bad habit of mine that i'm keen on reversing. i'll definitely still make stuff, but i am not motivated to do it lately with everything going on with the site.
sorry for this rambly and potentially dramatic answer to such a nice (ish?) message. i do not take for granted that people enjoy what i make. but please, please remember how time consuming it is for creators to be churning out gifsets as often as we do for such a small hair of validation that dies after a couple days. bear with me here. 💜
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franklyautistic · 3 years
Followup on your excellent ace post. Have you or could you expound on what romantic attraction is? I have yet to get a clear definition separate from sexual attraction
I could try my best!
Allos are usually sexually attracted to the people they are romantically attracted to, but not necessarily the other way around, and the two types of attraction are separate.
I think there are basically two aspects to your question. The first is what we mean by "romantic" attraction, and the second is what aspects romantic attraction might have. I will answer these two questions in order, although really they need to be considered together.
Broadly, romantic attraction is an emotional desire to engage in romantic activities. These could be
I previously referred to the following aspects of sexual orientation:
Cognitive desire
Favourability (or positivity)
Direction or target
How might these apply to romantic attraction?
Arousal and drive are now hard to separate. Sexual arousal is a physical process which is separate to sex drive, but if there is a romantic equivalent of arousal then it is purely emotional. I find it hard to conceive how someone could be romantically "aroused" but not romantically "driven", because to my mind they are the same thing. But I suppose it's possible other people might experience these two phenomena separately.
I'm not entirely satisfied with my separation of "motivation" and "cognitive desire" in a sexual context, but a romantic context makes it a bit clearer. You might desire something - marriage, food, exercise - but not have the motivation to actually get it.
Favourability would mean the openness to romantic experiences. Maybe you find yourself wishing you could raise a child with a person, but also very much don't want to have a child. I know lots of people who are in love but never want to get married, although whether this is to do with "favourability" or "motivation" or "cognitive desire" might be different for different people.
Direction - this remains pretty straight forward. It's about whether your attraction is "to" someone.
OK, that's all well and good, but presumably you knew that already. So what is romantic attraction, specifically?
In my previous post, I avoided breaking down "sexual attraction" into different sex acts, although you could do so. But people's experiences of romantic desire will vary.
Some people might just get excited when they see the target of their affections, or feel complete, or find joy in simple things that this person does, or feel a deep desire for them to be happy or successful (in the sense of finding fulfilment and security, which might not be material success).
Others may seek to spend more time with this person, to declare their love, seek reciprocation, kiss, hug, participate in ceremonies such as marriage, or raise children.
In most cases, there will be a more intense emotional connection than there would typically be in a friendship.
Again, I should stress that I'm not an expert! I'm just someone who has spent a lot of time thinking about my own orientation. There are probably aspects of other people's orientations that I have not captured, and I may have taken some things in my own orientation for granted. And while I might seem Old (and therefore Wise) by tumblr standards, I am only in my late 20s and definitely don't have it all figured out!
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fallowsthorn · 2 years
I think I should probably unfollow some of the Star Wars blogs I follow, not because I don't like their content or even think they're wrong, but because a good 25% of my dash is people emphatically pointing out that attachment is supposed to mean possessiveness, that the Jedi were good people who thought good things, and that Anakin was a selfish dickhead + cool motive, still baby murder.
Like. This is all correct! And I appreciate that these blogs, which are far more popular and active than I am, probably get a lot of people insisting the opposite and are just as tired of that. But to me it feels like evangelism with some vague "it's 'Eastern philosophy' so if you don't like it you're a closed-minded bigot" thrown in and it's really goddamn annoying when my personal approach to the infinite interpretations of space wizard drama is to just take it for granted that the fic is set in a universe where whatever point the author wants to make is objective fact.
Is that universe the same one as canon? I don't know and I don't care as long as you tell me a good story about it. I have 2-3 essays I want to write about how Star Wars is fucking dark and how actually saying "oh it's based on Buddhism so it's morally superior to whatever you think" is kinda fucking sketchy and how bitch, all this nonattachment doctrine sounds a whole lot like the lies my depression tells me, but this isn't the place for them
(in part because desktop tumblr on a tablet has an issue where I can't scroll down far enough to see most of the "post" button and so can't draft or queue anything)
so instead you get this vague irritated incoherent rant that won't fix anything or make any point or change anybody's mind I'm just fucking. Frustrated. Ugh.
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Don't you fear that Miles & Kerry would do something completely different for V9? What I mean is that they have the habit to drop plot points sometimes, like the important role Penny would have in the future, foreshadowed in V1 and V2, or the supposedly Pyrrha character development when she mentions that she's lonely in V2, and then kill her in V3. Because maybe they will do something very different that will not be Cimdeption or anything that the fans want, for better or for worse.
That's a fair enough question to entertain, but Penny did have an important role... a very important role. I'm not sure exactly where the Salem/Ozma conflict worked in there so early on, but they did make it work.
I'm not necessarily sure why Pyrrha being lonely is a reason for her not to die. Her circumstances are very tragic, and ultimately her loneliness (which is a product of Huntsmandom/the schools), and situating her as a central figure to be the Fall Maiden candidate, is what kills her. She does make a sacrifice and her death is meaningful (it's the death of childhood), and she's the first 'good' death. Ozma's death is unintellgible.
On the note of Pyrrha vs. Cinder, I think the implication here is that Pyrrha deserved to not be lonely like Cinder also does: well, there is some inherent unfairness to the situation, in the sense that Pyrrha's life is very good and ends in ruin. Cinder's life begins in ruin. To me it is poetic/symmetrical that Cinder's situation improves.
The examples you gave of dropped plot points are not dropped plot points in my opinion.
I don't even think Cindemption is something the fans largely want, though. I don't mean to be rude to other Cinder fans, but as a Cinder fan since V1, Cinder has been dismissed for either being a shit character, a shit female character, a failure who keeps losing, an unimportant villain, so on and so forth. It was impossible to be a fan of her on the subreddit, and on Tumblr there are definitely some great Cinder blogs around (so a lot kinder), but a lot of people still dismiss her importance or take her death for granted.
Like, there are blogs I would otherwise check more frequently but they take her death so much for granted I don't even bother. I'm not interested in that. I'm not about to be a passive aggressive bitch about it but this is why I post in my corner.
So if anything her redemption arc is the less trodden path that would upset people. I just think it's thematically consistent.
Ironwood's fall was flagged and people don't like to admit that, especially because early on Qrow's criticism of him was dismissed as the comic drunkard's observations. Qrow is actually a very principled character lol. There's a lot more to it but it's very clear when you watch the beginning of Ironwood's character arc to his realised one.
I think the thing overall with R/WBY is that you need the narrative/symbolic key, and I think the thesis of the show was really introduced into the story around V5/V6 (V6:E3 in particular). I also think it's just suspicious to have Jaune learn not to kill Cinder if that's not going to be relevant later for her character arc.
On that note of the show's storytelling: I think it's probably taken fandom some time to acclimate to it, and there's also the element that yes, I do think Salem/Ozma was a little late to introduce in V6, and there are certain things I wish they had done sooner, which I think was complicated by early production. It's very easy to see what they intended to do (for me personally).
I also had no idea V8 was controversial. I thought it was awesome and the best it had been so far and it felt very sensible. I also think Cinder's rise was paralleled alongside Ironwood's fall for a reason.
But yeah, I mean. Sure they could turn around and change the story, but why? What would be the motivation? I've experienced that before with a major media, so you'd expect me to be suspicious (and I honestly am so my heart doesn't get hurt), but in that case there was a handover of the creators, and it was also corporate storytelling. I don't get the sense that R/WBY is corporate, it's an independent production. Say what you will about the show, I don't get the sense it's a cash-in at all.
I also don't think they intend to be spiteful towards Cinder fans in this instance. She doesn't have a major fanbase, and they're going to tell the story they're going to tell with her. With that being said, I do wonder if they introduced her backstory in V7/V8 to begin seeding the change in fandom opinion (which I have begun to see), so if anything that's a point in favour of it lol.
To me RWBY is a show legible on its own terms and I think they do interesting things. I've been a fan of the show since the start but never expected anything special, so I've been pleasantly surprised, and when the story really picked up thematic momentum I was quite excited. I also think people underestimate the fairytale theming because they have their anime lens on.
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putschki1969 · 4 years
Honestly, I don't really like your 'new' method of sharing fan club exclusive content. Many people (myself included) don't have tumblr so they can't observe your rules (like/reblog/reply). Also, isn't this just a concealed attempt to get more notes for your blog? I really don't think your plan serves any purpose other than to promote yourself.
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Are you serious? The NERVE you have to come here and complain about my method of sharing EXCLUSIVE content❗
Content that I am PAYING for❗ Content that you are NOT PAYING for❗ Content that is by definition NOT MEANT TO BE SHARED❗ Content you can count yourself lucky to even have access to because I AM WILLING TO SHARE it under easily met conditions❗
I was contemplating not posting this message because it comes off as super rude and ungrateful but I am wondering if more people might share the anon’s opinion so I thought I would use this opportunity to clarify a few things. 
I have decided to no longer share certain fan club content publicly for two main reasons〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
I want to motivate people to join the fan clubs. I have noticed that in fandoms a majority of people take everything for granted, they expect things to be handed to them on a silver platter. They do not realise that they are getting all these things because someone else is putting in the effort and money for them. We are living in a materialistic world, it’s a constant give and take (you can’t just always take, take, take). This is meant as a sort of wake-up call for certain people in the fandom who DO have the means to join but refuse to for whatever reasons...
I want to respect the wishes of the content creators to keep their content somewhat exclusive. The Japanese are very passionate about this and I think neither Wakana nor Keiko would appreciate it if all of their fan club stuff were carelessly made available for the entire world to see...
Having said that, I will openly admit that I am NOT a fan of exclusivity and withholding content so I want to provide an alternative where I have at least a certain amount of control over who gets access to the content. That’s the story behind my new approach.
You are literally proving the point I just made regarding fans who expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. It’s no wonder you have not joined the fan clubs yet if you are not even willing to join Tumblr for FREE and click a few buttons to gain access to the content I am offering. It seems as if you do not WANT access to that content and quite frankly, someone with your mindset does not DESERVE access anyways.
And YES, you’ve got me there Sherlock, my method is in fact also meant to increase the traffic on my blog a little and promote the work I am doing (in theory at least). Anything wrong about that? There is a lot of effort and money put into the content I provide for FREE on my blog. Most of the time I don’t even get a simple “thank you” because as I said earlier, fans tend to take everything for granted. I think it’s not too much to ask for a like and reblog in exchange for some fan club exclusive content.
On a side note, have you actually looked at my posts about fan club exclusive content?!!? Aside from a handful of people (@chibalein, @betta-chan, @alain2320, @eternal-heavenly-blue and @mymysoup) not a lot of other fans have made use of my offer. From what they have told me they at least have no complaints about my methods, I could be wrong though, feel free to add your thoughts to this post. Anyways, my point is that based on my notes my fc posts are not a big hit and they aren’t really doing anything to promote my blog. I guess there could be multiple reasons for that...
People already have access to the content (through an official membership or otherwise)
People do not understand my rules (language barrier?)
People do not see my posts
People are not willing to join Tumblr (like you)
People simply are not interested in the fan club content
So really no one can claim that I am trying this new approach JUST TO SELF-PROMOTE my blog...ridiculous...
Over and out...
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asmallbirdinmayy · 4 years
I'm not sure why I haven't posted anything here yet since this world craziness started... Normally I would have bombarded it with posts everyday and such.
This social distancing is my life style, so I've been doing pretty okay better than most unfortunatly. Thank you Tumblr, and hours of scrolling for preparing me for this moment in time!
I've been filling my days with video games, reading and trying to force myself out for runs. I've helped my mum clean the house. (She has a bad back and would end up killing myself if I didn't go over every once in a while to help out)
I've also recently shaved my head! Finally, I've wanted to do it for years to see what I'd look like and to get rid of the years of dying it and hairstyle frustrations. I like it, but some days I get self conscious and don't end up going for runs. But maybe I'm just using that as an excuse and I'm just hella laazy!
It's a learning curve for sure, I've been reading a lot of philosophy lately and listening to the philosophize this podcast for the past year now so I've been trying to work on myself, thinking more and trying to meditate and gain self confidence and just be able to help myself help others. If that makes sense? Anyway, cutting off all your hair really helps practice Stoicism. There's no instant regrowth, and my hair takes longer to grow out than normal people.
I do love myself, a hella a lot more than I used to. There's nothing I wouldn't change, and I think that mind set alone has been what gets me out the door more often for runs and wanting to take care of my body and mind!!
I've also been cooking more, to save on money and because I'm not a huge advocate for waste being delivered to my door. I have had breakdowns however, I did it twice, I've ordered breakfast for myself to help me get up earlier and to get better coffee. Because the Maxwell can is not working out for me, and it's so gross, its taking me forever to get through it! I'll still drink it though, because, caffeine! Hello.
Back to cooking more! I've been mostly making mashed potatoes and what nots, but I'll occasionally make a vegan grilled cheese or have vegan hot dogs! I've made some pasta, quinoa and lately before bed I'll get a chia bowl ready to set while I sleep. That's pretty healthy and delicious. I've made terrible pancakes, I accidently got the whole wheat flour rather than the other stuff, soo that wasn't a fun mistake. Alas, no waste, so I have to make it into things!
I also signed up for a sustainable cities online course, lots of reading, but it was on sale. If anything it'll help me plan imaginary cities better in my head and I'll be able to put it on resumes. So level up?
I've re arranged my living room so I can easily switch between laptop and PlayStation without having to get up for any reason! +40 laziness. Aha. Fun.
Cats bombard with with attention and cuddles All. The. Damn. Time. I thought cats were supposed to not care and be independent and stuffs. Not my cats, noo. I wake up pinned, cat by my head, in the curve of my back and on my feet! If I'm laying on my back xews will be on my chest. Like hello! Let me breathe. They follow me to the bathroom, and to the couch! My couch is tiny, and all three of them find a little spot and take up all the space. It's hard to take notes! Anyway. I love them, I love their cuddles I'll never take them for granted and I'll always be like okai in the lap you go! It's nice playing a videogame with your cats stretching their paw onto your paw!. #catmum
Works been telling me the new opening day is July 3rd.. July 3rd two more months of this madness. I'm okay with it though, I'll hopefully finish the online course and get out for more runs! I've signed up the the social distancing run thing, I'm hoping to do a 10k for it!
Our government is all over the place about everything, and its making people crazy! There's lies, uncertainty questions unanswered. There's conspiracies left and right and I don't know which ones to believe. I mean some seem drastic and obviously crazier than others. I'm just not politically educated enough for this. But what if they're true to? I dunno, I've been watching a lot of things and reading stuff of history and stuffs and theirs some people that end up being corrected and proven right when people thought they were insane ? And yea people are just crazy and have their crazy thoughts. I dunno. I just want to have a back seat, and I mean my first and foremost fight is with nature, so my bias towards anything will be on how it affects the future of how we live with nature. If that makes sense? I could go on and on about this part, but this part makes me the most unwary and depressed honestly. I've been crying for days about this and where I stand, I've always been one to stand with the people. But which people? My brain hurts. I'm a sheep guys. I'm a sheep. I'm just a very lost sheeple.
People that I know from South Africa sent me a message saying that they were starving and asked for help, I wasn't sure what to do. I sent them some money, but I don't have much to give. I hope it'll be enough to get them by for a couple of days! I haven't heard from her since? So I don't know?
I haven't heard from my possibly future school yet about the upcoming semester and what to do, am I still able to go? Are they going to be opened by end of August? Will I be allowed to travel to another province? I'll wait till the end of May to send an email and find out! I am not doing that course online, I have a hard enough time motivating myself to do this current baby course. And I really want to do well in this course if I get there! It was a whole thing guys.
Before all this started I had started therapy, volunteering for the theater and taekwando. I'm really sad that i haven't been able to take part in these new hobbies. I had the chance to volunteer for the opening of the wizard of oz production before all the other shows at the theater got cancelled. It was amazing. Maybe I'll be able to do something similar while I'm in Vancouver. I only had one beginning trial class for taekwando, I'm slightly sad because by the time it reopens I'll probably be heading to Vancouver and won't be able to attend.
Cancelling therapy was the hardest, I had just started after years and years of being afraid to go for many reasons. I only got two sessions in before having to stop due to being laid off. But it's okay, because I still have my writing as my therapy. I end up asking the questions to myself while writing. I've read a lot of psychology, well not a lot, but a good amount. But the extra help and guidance was nice. I learned new terminology that applied to myself and my childhood and a couple other things that I'm able to sit back and acknowledge during meditations.
It was like I was finally getting out more, trying to fix myself, trying to go meet new friends and say hello to the world. And then the world was like nah. Back to social distancing! Kay, thaanks.
The last three or so days I've felt a little pull back into myself and I couldn't motivate myself lately. I think a large part of it was due to an argument I had with my mother, and the political drama that's been going on lately.
Wanting to go on runs or outside to enjoy the chilly sunny day has been a struggle, when it hasn't been I'm a while. I was playing ESO with a couple friends when all of a sudden all I wanted to do was just lay on the couch, curl up with my eyes closed and just bleh. I listening to the ESO music for a while and remembered that I haven't wrote anything in a long while on Tumblr or anywhere. So here I am, returning to my old therapy just writing my garbage thoughts to replace them with happier more motivated ones. It's sort of working, we'll see how the day goes.
All in all, I'm okay, my family is okay. And only time will tell what craziness is next for this year!
If anyone read this far down, first of all thank you. You're probably someone that I love! Love you <3 and I hope you're also doing well, and staying safe!!!
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soul-dwelling · 3 years
Do you believe Okhubo actually cares about Soul Eater as a series or he's just still attached to legacy? Ever since reading the final chapter I always got the impression that he just got bored of it and spat out whatever to wrap things up quickly despite there still being so many questions, like how he didn't even bother to reveal Maka's mother in at least one panel.
NOT really didn't feel like Soul Eater at all to me and it felt like he just wanted to write a story about cute moeblob girls and simply inserted some of the main cast for good measure so people would actually give it a chance.
And I've never read Fireforce and honestly I don't plan to since the first episode turned me off so bad and skimming through some spoilers just makes it seem like it ended up as a disaster. But the whole "WOW ITS ACTUALLY A PREQUEL" thing just screams "Hey hey guys remember Soul Eater? You guys like Soul Eater right? Look it's Soul Eater!!!"
Idk to me it just comes off as him not giving that much of shit back then to at give the fans a remotely satisfying ending yet he still desperately wants to profit out of it.
I have been in “obnoxious entitled fan mode” for days upon weeks upon months, which is not at all fair on my part to Ohkubo. I am one audience member; he is the creator. This is his story, these are his characters, regardless which publisher prints them or which corporation co-owns them, this is his world and he gets to do what he wants with them.
But that doesn’t prevent me from interpreting what I see based on the evidence, it doesn’t prevent me from being responsible in striving for logical conclusions from that evidence, and it doesn’t stop me from recognizing patterns of behavior that seem to have cynical motives.
I don’t know whether Ohkubo cares: I will never get into his mind. But he did go out of his way to connect Fire Force to Soul Eater, he has continued to make Soul Eater art online, and he made new covers for the Perfect Edition. Whatever motive he has, he cares enough to do all of that. I’m sure legacy is part of that–why keep doing something if you don’t want people to still remember it existed? “Noble” may be too strong a word, but I can commend someone wanting to keep the innocuous aspects of their work going.
Whether he cares about Soul Eater as a series, I don’t know: he gave it an ending, he is now back-filling stuff that I don’t think needed an explanation, so, I don’t like how he’s handling the series after Chapter 113.
But yeah, regardless how many chapters ago he first introduced the Moon, I can’t read all of this and think this wasn’t quickly and sloppily done. Just because you laid seeds out earlier doesn’t mean the execution is good or will work for someone like me–I didn’t like it, but a lot of the “GOAT-kubo” (*cringe*) people will not shut up about it.
NOT felt like it was part of the Soul Eater world, at least, while Fire Force never did. “But that’s because Fire Force came first!” Come on, that’s a weak answer–fiction still needs a sense of continuity for it to make sense. This kind of feels like when Shinichiro Watanabe said Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy, and his other shows are in the same setting and continuity–even though there is very little linking them (and what there is, again, can be seen as just Easter Eggs). Granted, you could say the same about the MCU, and I would have said, “No, those are actually in the same continuity”--but the shenanigans in No Way Home just leave me sour on corporate crossover marketing nonsense.
And yeah, I do agree, the ending of Fire Force does feel like overly insisting, “Remember Soul Eater?” But you know what? It worked, didn’t it? It got so many people on different social media platforms talking about it, it got a few of us in the Soul Eater Tumblr fandom back responding to questions and engaging a lot more on the topic than before. It sucks that this cynical exercise worked, as we all are promoting the hell out of this crap–and it hurts, because my earlier experiences with Soul Eater were important to me, and this experience just doesn’t feel like nostalgia or enjoyable but just really annoying.
And Chapter 113 did feel rushed, so, yeah, Ohkubo’s initial ending to Soul Eater left a lot to be desired–and he’s doing it again. (I’ll post later about how the women and girl characters of Fire Force got sidelined badly, but that ending also reminds me how quickly Ohkubo sped through any real ending for Asura, Crona, Noah, Gopher, and a few dangling plotlines, like the other Great Old Ones.)
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