#but i don't have time to make them better T_T
c-hrona · 4 months
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Trigun body horror week
Day 3 - Lungs
Girls have butterfly in their bellies, when they are in love.
You have his feathers in your lungs, and his panic in your chest, and his cries in your voice.
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faultsofyouth · 10 months
every man reminds me of every other man in at least one way. this is so bad because I am trying to forget so many of them and they keep coming up everywhere in other men
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noxtivagus · 1 year
a night will never not be complete without me rambling abt ffxiv huh
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#i'm so happy i found smth like ffxiv for me n apollo. later in 2023 will be the third year of playing. which is a bit hard to believe#i'm so soft for the drk quests i did enjoy it in english or wtvr but reading those fanmade jpn translations rlly warms my heart even more#n then. uwahh listening to shb osts n other vg stuff rn n masquerade at this specific point just#eulmore ost means a lot to me i rlly love that kind of vibe n then. i have a lot of fond memories in that place.#w sm friends back on twintania n 5.5 days hehe.#i am srs rambling again but i just rlly like talking to myself ok pls don't mind me uhhhh#ffxiv helped keep me grounded yes it rlly helped me through hard times. w the world in it n then. the stories that helped me so much#n the music :<< n the charas mean so much to me n then. i just appreciate the game so much. it means a lot to me#thinking abt it n i've really never been good at friendships. i rlly do want to do better bcs i value them so much but hdfjalkfsjda T_T#i rmb fucking up smth late 2020 n then first half or so of 2021 i only interacted w my family n school ppl i think n. ppl in ffxiv#srs reflecting rn n for the longest time i think i genuinely rlly struggled w social anxiety. still do to an extent but it was sm worse#twintania n my fc then changed my life fr they helped me n i don't think i ever rlly directly thanked them but yh.#n then. those social interactions helped me later that year reconnecting w my longtime irl friends that i barely talked to for those past#years bcs of the pandemic n then earlier 2022 w making new friends that weren't online friends for the first time in so long#n then being more connected w my reality again w all that yes n then making more online friends. not a lot i'm still v shy but <3#idk i know i rlly say a lot of the same things often n i write a Lot in tags n ramble sm n i genuinelly will be embarrassed if ppl actually#read this but pls i just like talking to myself i don't do it for attention T_T but I SHOULD REALLY FIX THESE STUFF UP#i think i've just been rambling for the past hour . idk i just really love n appreciate a lot of stuff in life n there's no end to what i#cld just write about like this to myself. n i write even more in my notes oh dear#i seriously look forward to so much this year i'm going to put my regrets behind me n just look towards doing the future#the best i can do is just be kind to myself n do what i can n do what i love uwahh#ok genuinely i still do feel rather stressed n anxious n i'm pretty sure i just wrote that earlier but uh my mind is a mess at this hour#i should not be on tumblr past midnight or when i'm sleepy . i've really made a habit of writing so much in tags#school starts like tmrrw now n thankfully my sleep got mostly fixed. i have so much more i want to do but i'll make sure to#take care of my health at least. for the past 2 weeks now i think i usually sleep around midnight (earlier typically) n never later than 3#I'M HAPPY W THAT sleeping better rlly improved a lot but it's so hard to start making that change when. Yeah but here i am now <3#that said though i'm gna stop. rambling now i wna be a bit more productive before i sleep but gn in advance ><
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14dayswithyou · 5 months
💖 Slight 14DWY + Blog Changes! 💖
Leon will now move away from Corland Bay when he’s 10 years old. Originally, I never really put that much thought into it because it won't be explicitly mentioned in the game, but I figured I might as well make it more accurate now ^^;
Teo is now 26 (instead of 27). Again, zero thought went into this aside from wanting a wider range of ages for the cast — but now I want him to be closer to Jae and Violet’s age — especially considering they were all childhood friends and Violet was in the grade below them.
Elanor is now 30 and Kiara is 29. In the 2017 version, Elanor was originally the eldest sister, but it just didn't feel right to change it in the 2020 version. Day 3 will still be lore accurate, but everything on this blog will need to be retconned.
14DWY Purple (unofficial) will now be changing from #A14BF4 to #9D64FD.
Not a change, but adding more clarification: Angel will still attend university (and Jae and Teo will still be their university friend), but whether or not they enrolled will remain ambiguous! Day 1/2 kinda insinuates that they studied something ("Teo attended some of their classes"), but I wanted it to imply that they could've attended orientation and/or took "mock classes" after high school to see what it's like as well. I may change a few lines in the demo (in the future) to reflect that.
I'd like to (hopefully) try to remind everyone that whenever I write about Angel on this blog, they are gender neutral. Because if my ass had a dollar for every time someone assumed they were female because of the cutesy/pink themes or how "soft" I made the MC, I'd have enough money to fund voice actors, translators, custom soundtrack, and pay the $100 Steam fee /hj
Changed the crackpot theory tag into an actual tag!! About time sdghjdg
Also not a change, but to solidify Haruko's appearance + Ren's likeness a bit more... Haruko is supposed to be an anime character with pink/blue hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He's a modern day "sorcerer" (a reference to JJK, not a literal fantasy wizard lmao) from an anime called "Attack on Giants" (another reference to "Attack on Titan"); and is very kind, ditzy, and empathetic. All Ren has copied is his hairstyle, vibe, and demeanour. Ren isn't outright cosplaying Haruko, and it'd take an avid anime enjoyer to notice that Ren is attempting to mimic Haruko.
I'll make a poll one day, but I might change Ren's left sleeve tattoo to the spoiler-free placeholder I used in this artwork. A lot of people seem to prefer it, but I'll wait until the poll to make any final decisions.
I might also make another poll to see if perhaps a new BGM theme would better suit the demo. Because in my mind, the "summer/beach location" = acoustic guitar (rather than piano) — and for some reason I get lo-fi vibes from 14DWY??
I don't think anyone has picked up on this subtle shift yet, but Ren will mainly use "he/him" over "he/they" now (since Haruko is a he/him enjoyer 👍). [REDACTED], however, will still greatly prefer "they/he", and will continue to use them interchangeably.
21/02/24 — or search through Obsidian. (Future Sai here.... I have no clue what this means???? What??? T_T)
I'm gonna cut down on the Teo and Ren bullying on this blog (and in general). I don't find it fun anymore, and it genuinely upsets me when people put down certain characters to make others look better (i.e. "Ren has no ass which makes Leon superior >:)" Just say you like Leon... I beg T_T). It also makes me doubt whether Ren is genuinely a good character or not, and it's gross seeing y'all tear down people who genuinely enjoy Teo. Be kind.
Eventually, I'd like to turn this meme into an event in the 14DWY Discord to help create an actual landlord for Day 3. The current landlord has always been a meme-y placeholder (I thought the idea would be funny), but looking at how the game is currently, I want 14DWY to be more "serious". The current landlord will eventually be turned into an easter egg!!
Whether or not Jae had bottom surgery will now remain ambiguous. Everyone is now free to headcanon whatever they'd like, so long as it's not offensive or too OOC.
From now on, I'll also try my best to remind everyone that Jae is gay and Kiara is lesbian. I tried not to bring it up frequently because I was afraid it'd come across like "being gay" was their only defining personality trait, but I'm tired of people sending in asks that don't apply to these characters ^^;
I might move all of the curiouscat questions to this blog and archive the account. It's becoming too much of a hassle for me to manage 3+ social media accounts sgkshjj
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adventuringblind · 4 months
A Little Lost
Liam Lawson x Reader x Oscar Piastri x Logan Sargeant
Genre: fluff and hurt/comfort
Summary: With her ADHD driving her mind into a whirlwind, she ends up slipping in public and unable to find the one person she needs. Luckily Oscar and Logan are there to help.
Warnings: non-sexual age play, agere/age-regression, panic attacks, implied trauma, non-sexual use of daddy
Notes: I needed this for myself, honestly!! I hope the requester finds comfort in it like I did!
Side note: age-regression is NOT a kink. If you're going to request it, please don't make it a smut request. It gives ya girl mixed signals. AGEPLAY is a kink and has dd/lg dynamics. Please remember this when requesting... I'm begging T_T
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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Everything is overwhelming at the moment. He thoughts are running in a million different directions. The noise and bustle of the paddock is pulling Her every which way.
She needs Liam. Without a shadow of a doubt, she needs him right this second.
Her mental state is dancing between headspaces. Her little self is attempting to break free of the confines she's put the girl in. To young and to alone to be out in this environment.
The alphatauri garage feels so far away. It's an endless walk she's been attempting to make for what feels like hours now. Liam, she just needs to get to him.
Panic rises every time someone bumps into her. She squeaks out a sorry, only to be met with annoyed grunts. She needs her daddy to make it better. No - Liam - she needs Liam.
The catalyst is someone shoving her away and complaining that she should pay more attention. She is paying attention. Her brain just has thirty tabs open, three of them have commercials playing, another is driving her senses wild, and where the heck is her da- Liam?!
The shove sends her tumbling to the ground. Her elbow hits the hard ground on impact. It's bleeding, and she's officially offline.
Her little self takes over, tears welling in her eyes as she hides around the corner and tugs at her hair. A desperate attempt to settle the whirlwind of her thoughts.
She needs her daddy.
Logan and Oscar are animatedly chatting about the race as they walk through the dwindling crowd. Liam had texted about a longer debrief and had asked them to check up on his girlfriend since she wasn't answering her phone.
They'd been an item the last couple of years like Oscar and Logan have. It's an interesting and often tense dynamic. The four of them are all extremely close, but neither of the couples have openly talked about any kind of open relationship.
Oscar and Logan have. It's often a source of interesting fantasies and warm fuzzy feelings. They say nothing, though. Scared of losing their closest friends in the pursuit of something mildly taboo still.
Logan is lost in his thoughts when Oscar stops suddenly. He hushes him and listens intently. It's then that Logan catches the muffled sobs.
They take off in the direction of the crying. Neither of them are ones to let somebody suffer when they can help it.
They turn the corner, and there sits their original target. She curled up with hair in every direction, and her fingers rake through it in a violent manner.
Logan approaches her like she's a wounded animal. He's not at all hurt when she curls farther into her corner.
"Osc, we're gonna need to call Liam."
"Already on it!"
She perks up at hearing Liam's name. Eyes wide and teary, but at least she doesn't look scared of the Logan for the moment. "Daddy? Are callin' daddy?"
Oh. Oh.
She's - how did they put it? - regressed, in age. They talked about it in passing but never elaborated. Logan and Oscar had never bothered to look into it. They were protective over it and they wanted to respect that.
He's regretting that decision just a tad now. He might be more prepared on what to do if he'd bothered to figure out what it is that happens to her.
The obvious thing is that she's vulnerable and scared. "Yeah, we're calling him." He smiles warmly at her. "Can you tell me what happened? Why you're so sad?" He keeps his tone calm to hopefully ease her into a less anxious state.
She untucks herself and shows Logan her red and bleeding elbow. "Was pushed."
It's not a terrible scrape, not one to be worried about, but it is getting on all her clothes. He'll have to ask about the pushing later.
Oscar comes back and sighs in annoyance. "He said another thirty minutes at least of debrief. I feel bad for worrying him now."
Oscar sees where the two are crouched and throws Logan a confused look. "Is everything alright?"
"Well, I think someone needs a band-aid for her elbow and somewhere to wait for daddy." Logan tries to communicate that there is more going on here. Oscar looks between the two, and then his face lights up in some kind realization.
"Lando already left for the day, so my room should be safe. And I know he has crayon band-aids in his room."
She considers the idea. Carefully studying both of their faces for some hint of malicious intent. "Daddy said no strangers."
Logan exaggerates a pondering face. "Are me and Osc strangers? I thought we were best friends!"
She shakes her head yes and moves closer to the American. A reassurance that she does consider him a friend. "More then friend!" She leans up to Logan and motions to lend his ear so she can whisper into it. "Daddy says loves." She giggles, and Logan has to use all his strength not to look dumbfounded at the confession.
Oscar and Logan wrangle her the back way to the McLaren motor home. Their success in going mostly unnoticed has both males breathing in relief as they step into the saftey of Oscar's room.
The Aussie ducks out to grab the band-aid from his teammates' room, and Logan is left to sit with the girl currently looking confused and intrigued. She hesitantly grabs the stuffed koala sitting on the shelf. The one Logan had gotten for him as a joke before they started dating.
"Has name?" Her fingers stroke the soft fluff of the toy.
"I'm not sure. Should we ask Osc when he gets back?" She nods once, then comes and sits on the couch with him. The stuffed koala cradled in her arms like it's the most precious thing she's ever seen.
Logan is still trying to comprehend what she meant earlier. Is it just her small brain misinterpreting something Liam said? Or is this an honest confession that she doesn't currently understand the implications of? He doesn't want to get his hopes up and settles on the second option for now.
Oscar sneaks back in the door and starts unwrapping the bangade. It is, in fact, shaped like a red crayon. Her eyes light up even as he washes the cut and places the band-aid on it.
"There we go, all better now." Oscar smiles at her as she hugs his koala.
"Thank you."
She's completely entranced in the stuffed toy again. Logan taps her on the nose to get her attention. "Did you want to ask Osc your question?"
She makes an 'o' shape with her mouth. "Does koala have a name?" She looks up at him with expectant eyes.
Oscar considers. "Hmmm, I don't think he does. Would you like to give him one?"
She takes careful consideration, weighing all the possible options. "Koko."
"Love it."
"Very creative!"
Her expression changes into something sad. Her eyes once again glassy like before. "Will daddy like?" She curls up in Logans lap with the toy.
"Yeah, he'll love it. Certainly not as much as he loves you."
She hums and closes her eyes. It's adorable and peaceful. "Do you think Liam might let us do this with her again?"
"If he doesn't kill us first. Speaking of, I should let him know where we are."
Liam likes to think he's relatively quick. He runs often enough and has good stamina.
This is the fastest he's ever moved in his entire life. He grabs all their stuff with a speed that shocks both Daniel and Yuki.
"What's got you in a hurry, mate?"
"Just eager to see my girl, is all."
Daniel shoots him a wink. "Have a good time!" Liam can only laugh nervously in response. It's certainly not the good time he's thinking of. No, he'd promised her a nice dinner tonight.
Now he's thinking he might have to shift plans. Which - he's not upset about. Liam loves when she's in headspace because it gives him an excuse to do things he wouldn't normally. As in, she's obsessed with cars, and he gets to spend time building the most intricate tracks with household items, blocks, and an ungodly amount of Legos that they have at home. She's always sad when they have to leave them for long periods of time, but he brings a portion with just in case.
He makes for the McLaren garage and is greeted by Oscar out front. It's odd, knowing that their secret is out and yet the Aussie is looking at him affectionately.
They make light conversation while they venture into the building. It feels normal still, nothing to awkward aside from the fact Liam goes on rabbit trails every ten seconds. It's the reason Oscar knows how to handle Lando and his chaotic communication tactics.
Liam mentally slaps himself. Now is not the time to be drooling over his friend's stability and emotional intelligence. He should really just confess. They'd talked about it, they both want it, but that could result in rejection.
Oscar opens the door and slips inside. Liam takes a second to observe the scene in front of him. His girl, happily laying her head in Logan's lap rambling about the koala in her hands.
"Look who I found!" Oscar gestures to Liam. Her head perks up and she scrambles off the couch, slipping to the floor before throwing herself at Liam.
"Hi, love bug." Liam attempts to get on the floor without falling as she clings to him. He fails miserably as the topple over. "Were you good for Oscar and Logan?" She hums something into his chest that he can't decipher.
"She was an angel, honestly." Logan leans forward on the couch. It looks like he's contemplating something, shooting stead looks at Oscar.
With effort, Liam finally gets them situated on the floor. "Do you know what might have triggered this?"
"She scraped her elbow, was that it maybe?"
Liam ponders the suggestion. His eyes find the crayon band-aid that wasn't there the last time he saw her. He sighs, hopefully she was just overwhelmed, and this wasn't an altercation of some kind. "She's struggled with - uh, being shoved around - I guess. You know, home life things."
"Maybe she was shoved and fell which caused the panic attack." Oscar eyes them sadly.
"Well, you two feel up to helping us get out of here?"
Oscar doesn't understand how Liam makes this look normal. HAs this been going on under their noses this whole time? If only he could go back in time, rewind a bit and do some research. He and logan could help out if they wanted.
She was falling asleep in the car and still looks like she might clock out in the elevator. Still, Oscar can't help imagining the four of them together, like this.
Liam twirls her around as they walk until she almost falls over. She falls into him, laughing and smiling, the injury from earlier forgotten about.
Their space is comfortable and lived in. The two even slip into a routine, pulling out food for dinner. He whispers something to her, and she skitters off.
They pull chairs out from around the small table. Liam offers them water and something to eat. "So, about... this."
"Which this? The four of us or her specifically?" Logan raises an eyebrow.
The girl returns and climbs into Liam's lap clutching a notebook. She flips open to a page and excitedly hands it to Liam to hand to the two across the table.
Oscar isn't sure whether to laugh or melt, so he mixes the two together. The pages are lined with drawings of the four of them. "She's quite the artist."
"You've no idea. Our fridge is covered in artwork." Liam chuckles a bit and wraps his arms around her.
"Told you! More than friends!"
"Do you know what that means, love bug?"
"Three people to cuddle!"
Oscar really does laugh this time. "Well, you're not wrong!" He shoot a look to Logan.
"Count us in." The American smile.
Liam sighs heavily in disappointment. It's a confusing reaction that Oscar wasn't expecting. "She's going to murder me later for not having this talk when she's big."
"Can't be mad if you make me dessert!" A devilish grin spreads across her cheeks.
"Only this once."
"You said that last time."
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dunmeshistash · 1 month
Any thoughts on Mickbell and/or Kuro? They're honestly some of my faves and it's hard to find stuff on them T_T
Many thoughts!
They both have had rough backgrounds and suffered a lot so they have this co-depedant relationship that while they pretend like its "Boss and Bodyguard" they cleary care deeply about it each other.
I love how responsible and down to earth Kuro is compared to how we see him in the series. As someone whose first language isn't english I can relate to sounding way less smart when speaking in your second language lmao. Now I'm much better but when I just started I sounded really silly, and even today some people have the "are you stupid" reaction when I don't know a word that should be obvious or misspell things, I understand you Kuro 😔
Honestly a nice reminder that language proficiency is not an indicator for intelligence, wish it was more obvious in the anime/story itself since every time Kuro speaks to Kabru in Kobold is in an extra.
Oh yeah also fun fact Milsiril was the one to teach Kabru how to speak Kobold. Its implied in an extra. While they come from the same continent I doubt Kabru would know kobold just for that.
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About Mickbell its very interesting how he's the complete opposite of chilchuck, he LOVES being treated as a kid and doesn't seem to have much of a pride
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It's hard to remember how old he is because he's so childish, it's a great choice for a half-foot after we had only met Chilchuck if you ask me. Cause even adults in real life can be childish sometimes, the fact he also LOOKS like a child to us makes it even harder to see him as the adult he is, you can't keep getting away with things by being cute Mickbell <3 (he can).
Also his dream is to buy a house for him and Kuro, I don't think there's any doubt their relationship is based in mutual affection, even if Mickbell pretends he's Kuro's boss (and that he should be more respectfull), they're both the only one the other has when it comes to family.My thoughts
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merakiui · 6 months
we know and love our breeding obsessed tweels .. but there’s an obvious candidate whom I haven’t seen given much attention.. and it’s our favourite apple <3
back in harveston, it’s been mentioned how there isn’t much youngins around .. apart from epel and his cousin .. but in terms of ppl his age??? 0 … so it’d be easy for his family to talk him into stuffing you full and getting you pregnant when you come visit one day… you don’t know that epel secretly introduced you to his family as his wife .. and that the analytical eyes they give you and your body was bcs they wanted to see just how many kids you could handle birthing naturally at a time… truly terrifying how they put this much thought into the time you need to rest before being full with his baby again .. bcs they don’t do hospitals but instead the women in the family use their knowledge (midwivery) to advise you </3
aa just the thought of epel and his family peer pressuring you into giving them kids and continuing the family line has you feeling all guilty </3 like it doesn’t matter what u want bcs you’d be doing it for the betterment of the village! how they convince u that eventually, when u become a mother, you’d find happiness that comes w it .. (silly reader … your choice and wants never even mattered in the first place! bcs if you showed resistance they’d just drug u and put u to sleep w epel’s unique magic and get u pregnant anyways </3)
truullyyy terrifying! beware of dear grandma’s sad puppy dog eyes knowing u refuse to give her great-grandkids! (lies … she knows what she’d doing </3)
also! can I be epel felmier anon? 🍎💜
OMG THE SOMNO POTENTIAL WITH EPEL'S UM........ how could I have missed it,,, it's literally called Sleep Kiss. T_T uuuwaaaa Epel wanting to practice his UM and you agree to let him practice it on you because surely it won't have any negative impacts, right? But he puts you to sleep and somno ensues...... or he puts you to sleep and the other first years are around as well. >_< you're like a practice pussy for them......
If anyone's going to gaslight and manipulate you into having children, it's all of Harveston. ;;;;; and most of them do it unintentionally. They just think it's so darling Epel has a best friend (read: wifey) like you who is the sweetest thing they've ever met. You and Epel make such a cute couple (of hopefully expecting parents). All of Harveston dotes on you, showering you with affection every time you visit. You're practically part of the village by now. Whenever you come to visit, whether for a holiday or a break, Marja always welcomes you with open arms, as does the rest of Epel's family. But it's Marja who is especially pleased to see you. She checks you over, asks if you've been eating well at NRC, asks if Epel's been looking out for and taking care of you, and so on.
I feel like the entire village would throw such a huge celebration when you finally become pregnant. They make such an event out of it; it startles you at first, but Epel explains this is just because there are so few children around and everyone, especially the elders, are so very excited to finally see the village grow and become more lively with young folks! You'll have everyone's full support before, during, and after your pregnancy! They are just so fond of you and are always encouraging you to eat lots (of foods that improve fertility, but you don't need to know that...).
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I'm beginning to realize that my closest fandom friend is... not a good friend, for me.
When they're doing well, they're awesome -the best beta reader, hype man, partner-in-shipping-crime you could wish for. The first year we knew each other, we'd talk every day, some days for hours on end, often getting really personal. I never before had anyone in my life who encouraged my creativity like that; they supported me in learning to draw, wrote pages and pages of concrit on my fics, seemed to genuinely enjoy my work... it was kinda heady. Addictive.
When they're not doing well however, they... disappear. And they have a habit of ghosting people, deleting their account, and creating a wholly new identity in a fresh fandom when they're "good" again. They didn't do it last time they went through a depressive episode... but they did do a big disappearing act for a bit, and the realization of how little our connection meant to them and how easily they could cut me out really... damaged something.
I've tried to let it go. But... their new "happy stuff only" boundaries (never share anything too personal or real -something they insisted on post-latest depressive episode), their habit of disappearing for days (even weeks) on end with no word (leaving me worried AF for their health), the fact that I clearly care more about them than they care about me... it's like salt in a wound.
And yet, I feel like I can't cut them out -their "good self" is the best friend I've ever had in my life. I just... feel incredibly disposable, and like receiving that amazing friendship and support depends on me having no needs, no sorrows, and existing at their convenience only.
I don't really know what to do.
Sorry for the giant text block T_T (Thank you for having open asks)
Drop them.
I think you're wrong about them not caring as much as you do. The pattern they're displaying is someone whose life is spiraling out of control, not someone who just doesn't care.
However, people who have a ghosting problem do not get better.
Not without multiple years of offline stuff changing and probably some hard work on their part that has nothing to do with you and that you cannot affect in any way.
You will not go back to the honeymoon period even if they decide you can talk about non-happy things again, and more to the point, they're going to ghost you again and again and again.
The way to make that stop is to stop being in contact with them.
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Leisure Time [1]
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Blade x Child!Reader
CW: Reader has Blade’s original hair color (White-ish), the reader’s age was around 5-6 years, and the gender is neutral.
TW: mention of Blade trying to kill you (literally just 5 words).
author's note: I have daddy issues and I'm craving some hsr men as daddies. There will be a part 2 in the future, alongside with a Zhongli-child reader fanfic that someone requested and I kept forgetting to post (I'm sorry t_t). The full picture will be uploaded later!.
Synopsis: Blade just woke up from his sleep after a long day of mission, and found his child sleeping on the edge of the bed. He thought it’ll be fun to kind of annoy you for a bit.
Rain was pouring hard when blade was awake from his slumber. He looks around the dim room, then his body. It's covered with bandages, with some blood seeping through it.
He sighs and sits, running his hand through his hair as he slowly recalls what has happened the past few hours. He got into a fight, got wounded as usual, and then probably passed out. He sighs again, half frustrated, half annoyed until he realizes something was on the edge of his bed.
You were sleeping on the edge of the bed, a bowl of water was placed near your feet with a towel on it. You sleep peacefully, ignoring the fact that your sleeping position was so uncomfortable. 
Blade hesitantly reaches out to you, caressing your hair out of your face. Feeling calloused fingers touching you, you open your sleepy eyes and look at the man, still rubbing your eyes and trying to focus them.
"Daddy?" You ask, half whispering, then sweeping your body closer to him to take a better look. "A-are you okay?Is your head hurt?" Worried, you tried to stand and check on your father, but he grabbed your hand and put you to sit down on the bed. "I'm okay" he sighs, tracing a circle on your smaller hand. 
You nodded, still feeling a bit groggy from waking up. Blade isn't the one to tell you about what happened during his "work", and you tried to respect his privacy by not asking much, yet it's still hard because as his child, you wanted to be useful to him even for a bit.
After a minute of silence, you try to talk again. "Uh…are you hungry?, I-i can get some food for you…" 
Blade doesn't answer. Instead, he was eyeing you from head to toe, as if checking something until suddenly he brought you into a hug. 
You yelp in surprise, feeling his large, bandaged hand covering your entire back.
When he lets go, there's this unknown expression on his face you can't quite decipher, but somehow he looks…. satisfied?.
'Looks like they treat you well enough'. He hums to himself. You tilt your head in confusion, but he just patted your head, making a mess of the hair that you with great effort trying to make it neat this morning.
"Noooo daddy!!It's hard to do my hair!You'll mess it up!" You whine, trying to take his hand off your head. He stops, but his hand remains on your poor disheveled hair, and no matter how hard you try you don't have enough strength to peel your father's hand from your head.
After a few minutes of trying, you give up and just let Blade rests his hand on top of your head. Through strands of your hair, he can see you puffing your cheeks and pout. He chuckles softly, and while you were surprised at the sound, you can't see it with your own eyes since he is still holding you down.
After feeling content for teasing you, he finally lifts his hand off your head and watches whilst you try to fix your hair. No matter how much he hates that hair color of his, he really can't blame you for being born with it. And the fact you look exactly like him in many aspects is just gut wrenching, it's as if life itself was mocking him.
Blade, now matter how many times has passed, still feels guilty. Whenever he looks at you, something stirred in him wildly–like his stomach being split open and his inside being ravaged. He feels sick to himself whenever he sees you or hears your voice. He feels…. unworthy, after literally the gruesome thing he almost committed towards his own child when you were barely 1 week old.
Blade tried to kill you.
If it weren't for Kafka and other Stellaron Hunters, he probably would feel the worst guilt he would ever feel in his life, and he is actually grateful to them for preventing him from doing so. 
Because amidst all his sorrow, he finds it enjoyable to see you grow up.
Your first crawl, first steps, first tooth, first word…Blade actually has photos and videos of them in his phone. He even had to buy a harddisk to store it because he was running out of space on his phone. When he was out for work, he would watch the video of you from his phone during the break. There's even a video from his other colleagues where they record you and ask to say 'daddy to come back quickly' he hates it when they do that, yet every time he got one of those videos he would save it regardless.
When he got back, most of the time he would be wounded or passed out. And you will always stay with him when he is unconscious, waiting until he wakes up, just like now.
You tried to ask him about his job or his past, but after a few tries, you just stopped asking. Blade feels guilty, but at the same time he thinks it's for the better. It's better if you don't know anything about his past. Thankfully, you don't seem to be too bothered by it, even though sometimes he can see that curious expression on your innocent face.
"Uh…daddy…" you look at him shyly, “A-are you okay?, do you need more ban-bandase-banda..ge..s!” you ended up kind of shouting the last word since you still having a hard time pronouncing things. 
Blade smirked when you tried to babble the word out. It amuses him whenever you try to pronounce a word that is just…complicated for kids. He thought it was cute and he actually has some video recording containing you trying to study pronunciation.
“It’s okay…” He answers, hand back on the side of your head, caressing your cheek and pinching it, causing a yelp from you.
“A-a!, Daddy!It hurts!” Blade retracted his hand, and you touched the reddened cheek with a pout. Your father sighs and picks you up, then kisses the cheek–much to your surprise.
“There, should be better now” 
Your face turned red. Blade was never the one for doing kisses, so his action took you by surprise. You stare at him for a bit while, cheeks a bit flushed. Blade knew you were embarrassed, he actually was too but tried so hard to keep his poker face because it would be even more embarrassing if you see him being flustered.
'Why are you so cute? Your cheeks look like a hot bun. I should take pictures, but it would be too out of character for me to do it in front of the child…WHY'S MY CHILD SO CUTE DEAR AEONS.'
Blade was screaming internally right now. He holds you like a cat right now, and the fact you did not give him any resistance just makes him want to clench his chest tightly because of the cuteness.
After a good minute screaming in his inner heart, Blade suddenly brought your body closer to him and hugged you. You wrapped your arms around his neck in surprise, and just when you are about to shoot him a quizzical face, he pats your back softly, making you yelp a little.
He stops when hearing you yelp, but continues to pats you after a few seconds. 
"Da..Daddy?" You called out to him, Blade only answered with a hum. 
"Uhm…nothing…'' After answering him with that, you lay your head on his shoulder, enjoying the leisure moment between the Stellaron Hunter and his kid. Who knows how long until Kafka will come to this room and drag him away for another mission.
And before you realize, your eyelids flutter shut, your little mind succumbing to the dream land while being hugged by none other than your father.
"Bladie~, Elio decided to give you some free time. Why don't you bring your little baby out for a walk?. I heard the shopping district in this planet was quite amazing, i would like to go there myself too"
Kafka blows her drink before drinking it. Right now, the three of Stellaron Hunters were having a little meeting in one of the vacant rooms. Blade just got out of his room 5 minutes ago after putting you to sleep to grab some food. 
"I actually wanted to go there too. Heard there was some nice arcade in one of the shops. Have to try it, y'know" Silverwolf added, eyes glued to her phone, trying to beat a stage. 
Blade munched his sandwich in silence. That's right, he hadn't brought his child for a walk for a little while now…since he forbids anyone to take you out for a shopping or walk without him tagging along, it's been quite some time since the last time he brought you out to buy toys.
"Alright" he finishes his sandwich and drink before standing up, walking back to his room. Kafka only chuckles seeing him. 
"Would you look at that, huh…" she hums.
"I can't believe that's the same guy who tried to kill his baby the first time he saw it" Silverwolf huffed, finally relaxing her body after beating the stage. "That baby gotta have some ancient magic or something to be able to turned that monster into a loving father"
"Heheh~, they say a father is always weak to his child, you know?. Maybe that was just the case" Kafka sips her drink again,
"Maybe his little baby can help him change the way his heart went, after all".
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arisewanekosuki · 5 days
hello I have an ask for traveler’s little helper what if LH has a food allergy and forgot to mention it and some of the boys (Subaru bois + Ather & Paimon )were witness to a severe allergic reaction.
Hello! Sorry that it took so long T_T I hope you'll still enjoy this! >.< Tbh I don't have allergy to anything so sorry if something is not correct m(_ _)m ---- You didn’t know how this happened. It started as a normal day, doing commissions in Sumeru with Aether and this time Cyno was the one who had time to help you both. When you finished and Aether approached Katheryne to get payment, Cyno invited you for dinner. Of course you didn’t get it that Cyno wanted to eat dinner with ONLY YOU, you thought he wanted to spend more time with your whole group. And surprise, surprise. The rest of Sumeru boys invited themselves to this dinner. Cyno is not even sure how they knew about it, he was paying attention to his surroundings, making sure nobody else will hear about his plans and yet, here they are. You didn’t complain, as you said “the more the merrier!” Meanwhile Tighnari gave his friend the look that said ‘Nice try’, Kaveh was the one who was asking how your day went, Alhaitham sat in silence, waiting for food and listening to your conversation with Kaveh. Wanderer sat in silence too, from time to time bickering with Paimon, Aether looked tired, for sure he just wanted to relax with you in Teapot. You couldn’t see it from Cyno’s face but he was disappointed that again, he couldn’t spend some alone time with you.
After a while many dishes were brought to your group table. Paimon and you were excited to try some of them that you didn’t eat before. But after taking some bites you started to feel unwell. Not only you didn’t realize the dish had something you have an allergy to, you never mentioned it to even Aether and Paimon. The reason is that you thought that in this world your allergies won’t act up at all and not only that, to this day it seems you luckily avoided anything that you’re allergic to.
You started to have trouble with breathing and feel dizzy. Tighnari was the one who reacted first. For a moment he wondered if there was poison in food but looking more at you he understood it was a severe allergic reaction. He laid you down on the floor and searched in his little bag if he had anything right now that can help you. Paimon was panicking, asking “What happened to her?! Will she be alright?!” Aether was panicking too, crouching by your side and looked scared, not understanding what’s going on. Alhaitham and Cyno asked Tighnari what’s going on. While Kaveh asked what they should do to help you.  Tighnari asked them to make space for you and explained that you have an allergic reaction. He tsked when realizing he doesn’t have anything to help you. -“ We need to inject her with adrenaline! We shouldn’t move her in this state, so someone has to go to hospital-“ before he could finish sentence, Wanderer already left the restaurant and went to hospital. Tighnari was monitoring your condition while Kaveh was trying to calm down both Paimon and Aether (and himself), Alhaitham and Cyno keep people from coming to see what’s going on while the whole group waited for Wanderer.
They didn’t wait too long for Wanderer to come back. Tighnari applicated the adrenaline to you while others waited, some more nervous than others. When you could breathe normally and felt better, the boys would give you only one minute before they started scolding you for not saying something important like this earlier. -”How could you forget to tell us about your allergy?!” said Tighnari flicking your forehead. -”Yeah! We traveled for so long together and you didn’t say a thing about it?!” shouted Paimon. -”What if Tighnari wasn’t here?! We wouldn’t be able to help you!” said Aether, very angry at you. -”(Y/n), you shouldn’t hide things like this from us.” said Cyno, even if he sounded calm you could see disappointment in his eyes. -”But-” you were interrupted. -”They are right!! Do you think we want to see you suffer like this?!” Kaveh raised his voice a bit. -”But I-”  you were interrupted again. -”Hmpf, it seems you can’t take care of yourself, so tell us what you're allergic to, now.” said Wanderer with crossed arms. -”Even if nothing happens to you in the end, I assume it’s still not a pleasant experience for you. It’s better to know in the future what to avoid to order, than making fuss in restaurants.” said Alhaitham. Food got cold, but Paimon didn’t mind. After you told them what you are allergic to, they ordered new dishes. You hoped that you could just enjoy food now but not really. From time to time you could hear complaints about how careless you are. You got a bit annoyed but you nodded to them and promised that you will be more careful in future. After all, you know they just worried about your well-being. From this day the boys started to pay even more attention to you and your health.
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jayden-killer · 1 year
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• definition of baby.boi.
• he doesn't know how to help, he genuinely wants to, but has difficulties.
• 《is everything all right, Y/N?》.
• you, of course, want just someone to listen and to help you. So you spill everything that's on your mind.
• he is processing everything, his led turning blue, yellow, blue, red.
• after elaborating all the informations, he'll do his best, starting with affectionate hugs, rubbing tenderly you hands... also, he'll make a speech about how to help you with your problems, giving suggestions, then proceeds to comfort you with sweet words.
• he'll do little acts of care, like cooking your fav meal, brining a hot chocolate/tea/chamomile to help your stress relief, a warm sheet.
• 《I cannot understand human emotions so easily, but I will do everything to make you feel as you deserve》.
• I love him.(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Gavin Reed
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• oh, this man here.
• Gavin is a tsundere.
• but that doesn't mean he won't underestimate your problem.
• 《tsk, just tell me what's on your mind now and which prick I need to beat to dead.. please》.
• after telling him your problem, he won't mind if you want to hug him. Yeah, he can be a bitch sometimes, but he still has a heart.
• Gavin will probably go to a face-to-face with the one who hurt you (which means they'll get.. a few broken ribs and a bleeding nose).
• if no one hurt you, he'll be silent and give here and there some comforting words, accompanied by his cats that will purr in your lap. He's trying his best, forgive him. T_T
Hank Anderson
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• similar to Gavin, but more soft.
• he probably will make Sumo cuddle you and lick your face until you're having the tiniest smile.
• 《Sumo, attack!》
• because if you smile, he smiles.
• 《kiddo, everything is gonna be alright. Trust me. Things are gonna change for sure》 he says, rubbing your hair lovingly.
• probably puts a movie with a bowl of popcorn to distract you from your thoughts.
• it kinda works, and you appreciate how he's trying to make you feel better.
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• she knows you're battling with something. The problem is, what?
• but when you're on the verge on tears, she understands.
• 《Hey, hey, what's wrong? Let it all out, it's okay, Y/N, it's okay...》
• purest.angel.ever.
• she's gonna give you the best hug ever. When you're done crying and you are a little more calm, Kara listens to everything that's bothering you.
• 《Hey, let me tell you this..》
• Kara is optimistic, so she'll make sure you see the light that's going to come really soon, while rubbing your back.
• 《I know you're strong, you can do it! I believe in you!》
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He knows what's going on, since you've been acting strange lately.
"This isn't surely Y/N's behaviour. Perhaps it's better I talk to them"
And when he finally does, you spill everything that's on your mind. You don't want to bother him with all your stuff, but he doesn't care. He's there to make sure you ok, by giving you a hug or rubbing your hand
Idk everyone, I kinda guess he'll do that, I'm not so good writing for Markus.😭😭
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luvnymph · 4 months
congratulations! nz sounds like a great place! beautiful beaches! if you don’t mind me asking, what did you exactly do in the past month or lesser for this to unfold? kinda want to manifest a move too
thank u so much !! ^_^ i'm basically more of a law of assumption girl, but recently i started "using" the law of attraction. i never actually believed in the power of the law of attraction, but i didn't know it would be THAT easy 😭
1. gratitude - i started by finding things in my life that i'm grateful for. even the smallest things like eating my favorite food, waking up feeling energized, etc. i also have a journal, and i started listing 10 things that i'm grateful for at the end of each day. i didn't get to do this consecutively, but i think this helped a lot.
2. visualization - this is my favorite! there are a lot of "methods" i use for visualizing, so i'll break them down:
• i would lay down for hours with my eyes shut and pretend like i'm actually in my dream place. sometimes i would wake up and just say "good morning [dream city]" in my mind. sometimes i use the five senses method (i made this name up T_T). for example, my dream place would be somewhere with nature and beaches and a hot weather. i would literally try to FEEL the sun on my face, HEAR the birds or the ocean waves or SMELL the salt air.
• i made a vision board and set it as my wallpaper. i'm on my phone a lot so every time i pass by my home screen, i'm "reminded" that i'm already in the life that i've always wanted. my vision board includes my dream house, dream neighborhood, dream weather, and affirmations that make me feel good. remember not to take affirming as some kind of chore !
• when i didn't like the things happening in my 3D, i would simply think that i'm not even there at all, because i'm ALREADY in my dream life. a hack i use sometimes when a bad situation is happening is pretending that that situation exists in my past. this helped me a lot from anxieties and it actually helped me handle the situation better.
that's it!! i can't put anything else because those are literally the only things i did lol. even i didn't know it would be that easy! if you guys have any more questions, don't be shy to flood my message box! i love helping everyone and hearing your success stories as well !! ^_^
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juminies · 2 months
🔁 tom reblogged
📱 generictexter mutuals
Um I just found an iphone on the street and some guy is texting it telling me to go to an apartment nearby. Might die but he's kind of hot and I'm feeling wild so
#Has anyone heard from her? I'm a little worried! #UPDATE: my friend texted me to let me know she's fine :)
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📷 V following
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🔁 eattherich reblogged princesshan
🔆 eattherich
it's actually insane how many fans jumin han has considering his dad is literally the chairman of a global conglomerate. do you realise how much money these people have that they could be putting to better use
🎀 princesshan follow
op doesn't realise the money is part of the appeal
🔆 eattherich follow
the money is why everyone at the top of C&R is also at the top of the 'to eat' list
#i can't even begin to form a response to prev tags #also inb4 you say something like 'j*min will be eating something else iykwim' #moving on!
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anonymous asked:
if 'lordofthecattower' joins your party block them they'll throw
🧙‍♂️ supermanyoosung mutuals
Wait that's my friend T-T I know he's not great but it's ok! We all start somewhere!!!
#me and our other friend have been trying to teach him! #i didn't even know he was playing without me lololol
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🐈 catprotect following
Remempurr our fundraiser is tomorrow everyone! Please feel free to bring along any well behaved kitties but gentle reminder that they must be kept either within a carrier or on a leash. We would hate any accidents!
See you there!
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🌟 idolpage follow
anyone else think that soloist that just debuted looks scarily like the president
#delete later
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🎭 zenlover7 mutuals
It must be so hard for Zen's friends not to hit on him every time he sends them selfies T_T T_T
🤍 thezenryu following
Haha you flatter me but I'm mostly friends with guys!
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🔁 princesshan reblogged eattherich
🔆 eattherich follow
it's actually insane how many fans jumin han has considering his dad is literally the chairman of a global conglomerate. do you realise how much money these people have that they could be putting to better use
🎀 princesshan follow
op doesn't realise the money is part of the appeal
#he's also insanely hot but i digress !! #...and don't quote me on this but his dad could kinda get it too 👀
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⚔️ lololfiend follow
we can't decide in the gc so
#league of loneliness of life #lolol
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💒 lostlover follow
has anyone heard of "mint eye" I just got handed a flyer for it but it's so vague and I can't find anything online lmao. are they trying to recruit me into a cult or something
#he also gave me some sort of drink(?) but if it's from a cult I don't really want to drink it #mutuals lmk if I should do a taste test
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🎬 zenupdates mutuals
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Zen selfie from today (via an anonymous source).
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jayujus · 1 year
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— 17 : new best fran
written ~ 0.4k + smau
y/n and wonyoung were on their way to their school's campus for the dance event. it was a bit awkward since the two never spoke in person before, but wonyoung tried her best to keep a conversation the whole time.
"are you sure they'll be okay with modeling for me?" y/n nods, feeling a sense of nervousness in wonyoung's voice. "i think you'll be fine. a few of them have experience in modeling..." she smiles at y/n's reassurance. "thank you, y/n."
"of course!"
once they'd arrived, riki had immediately taken notice of the two girls, surprised that she was here with someone new. the girls looked around in hoping to spot someone they knew, but riki was already making their way to them.
"hi," the girls say in unison. "uhh so what do you need me to get started on?" y/n asks, feeling extremely awkward with riki's presence.
it didn't make much sense to her as to why he would talk to her out of the blue and ask for her help when he passed every opportunity he had before.
"umm can you help me and taki with the lights? if it's not too hard,"
"that's fine. can wonyoung help too?" riki hums.
wonyoung finishes her job, excusing herself to go to the bathroom, leaving y/n with riki and taki.
y/n smiles at wonyoung and goes back to setting up the lights. riki stops and looks at her, seeing her focused on finishing up, he's unsure of whether he should say something.
taki cringes at riki, quickly finishing up and leaving to go help jongseob and soul.
riki bites his lip, sending a glare at taki's way for leaving them alone before finishing up himself.
"i'm done.. is there anything else for me to do?" riki looks around, "umm i'm not sure. i think everything else is already being taken care of. the lights were the main thing." she nods, "are you leaving now?"
"i can't, wonyoung needs to scout people for her magazine. that's why i invited her to come."
it was about 7pm, wonyoung and y/n were sitting on the bleachers, listening to the dance team talk to the audience.
"did something happen with you and riki? it's so awkward with you both..." y/n shrugs, not really sure how to answer. "i don't know,, i liked him for a while but he never liked me back... and he was awfully mean about it too so eventually i realized it's better for me to move on, but for some reason he chose to text me for help on this event."
"and you moved on?" y/n hesitates, but she hums after a few seconds. "he must've developed feelings for you because he missed your attention, then."
"that's not true."
"mhmm.... you keep telling yourself that." y/n playfully smacks wonyoung's arm. "whatever! let's talk about you... i see you got along well with jungwon today." she playfully winks, resulting in a smack by wonyoung as well.
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a/n ❀ : written part is not that good and detailed as i was hoping im so sorry T_T also if u have a username change and are on the taglist you can lmk and ill change it!
taglist ❀ : @forever-in-the-sky2 @wonqr @strwberrydinosaur @j-wyoung @alicesolengg @rikimylove @hehet-ateez @dneltrise @ifearjwn @ocyeanicc @yumilovesloona @baekxo07 @yourmyst4r @suvgs @telengraph @cha0thicpisces @maybemiko @str4wb3rryc0ww @kaizny @noascats @captivq @calkai @rikizm @chaechae-23 @blehblehbleh20122007 @iea-tsand @beomgyusonlywife @starz4hyunz @viagumi @lunavixia @neeneee @sullyoonooc @im-yn-suckers @b1ndignity @samvagejkflxhrt @darly6n @astrae4 @wonyoungsvirus @deadgirlwalking3 @kissezfornamjoon @lilacri @rikibsf @yanagisprettygf @luvalee @sxftiell @heeheesang @tswisal1 @sloobydooburmomjungwon @pkjay @yizhoutv @brrrkdslek @y0iy0i @shigamiryuk @231engene4ever @luvistqrzzz
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tartagliad · 1 year
i recently discovered your fics and OMG I GOT OBESESSED WITH YOUR WRITING! it's so good!!! i just loved your angst fics the most! can... can i make a request? if yes, would you do a part two about S/O is seriously injured/about to die? with al'haitham, ayato, thoma and kaveh? 👉👈
..nonnie, you should know that I never grinned so widely DJSJSHJSH- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE AND REQUEST, hope it's to your liking! ´・ᴗ・` (I POSTED THIS BEFORE 12 A.M HELP-)
Seriously Injured (pt. 2)
Summary: you got seriously injured and/or about to die (part 1)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Alhaitham, Ayato, Thoma, & Kaveh (Candace, Ayaka & Tighnari mentioned)
G/N reader!
Genre: ANGST! >:3
Warnings: blood, major injuries, mentions of death, I still don't know much about Kaveh besides his quarrel with Alhaitham so bear with me T_T, I LOVE MAKING THEM SUFFER I'M SO SORRY-
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At this point, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion
Both of you were adventuring the desert together when both of you got attacked by some ancient mechanics
He never anticipated it in the first place, it wasn't supposed to happened at all!
He ran to you and immediately pick you up, retreating from the mechanics to somewhere far more safe
Both of you arrived at a cave where he then sits you against a rock
"I'll get you treat up and get you somewhere safe, wait a bit.." he says as he takes out the first aid kit that he packed
Slowly and gently he starts dabbing the cotton dipped alcohol onto your wounds
You can't help but hissed at the pain, "..Haitham.. s-stop.." you weakly holding his wrist
He then looked at you, hands slowly started shaking, "but, it'll make you feel better.. let me help you.. it'll be okay.."
..At this point, it sounded like he's reassuring himself than asking your permission to let him treat you
You then let go of his wrist and let him continue
After done disinfecting your wounds with alcohol, he then started to wrap them with a bandage
"..mmh.." he heard the noise that you made, he thought he might've hurt you a bit too much-
Until he sees your eyes slowly closing, it immediately made him stop from whatever he's doing
"Hey, wake up.. don't close your eyes on me.." he gently taps your cheeks, clearly now covered in worry
It only makes it worse when you didn't even say anything.. not even a noise..
"God.. help me.." he muttered to himself, "..not now.."
Picking you up gently, he then rushed to Aaru Village, the only possible place that he could go
Holding you tightly as he ran past the burning temperature and the burning sun, he can't feel anything because your current self is haunting his head COMPLETELY
It felt like he was running for hours although it's only been a few minutes 'till he arrived there
Luckily, some of the villagers sees the two of you and bring you straight to Candace, putting you in a professional care
He was waiting at the dining room, sitting and staring blankly at the wall
Every bit of seconds, he keeps on thinking the time when you got hurt, it wounded him deeply
He didn't know what to do, for the first time in his life, he felt that he's really on the edge of feeling helpless..
Candace walks to him and told him that you'll be fine and that you'll have a rest a bit here..
He thanked her and went to the room you're at..
"..don't mind me.." silently whispers, he gently pulled a chair beside your bed, leaning his head on the empty spot beside you
He's very exhausted, both mind and physically. Looking at your unconscious form makes his heart sank more..
"I'm sorry.. I should've.. been more careful.." Haitham speaks to you and hold your hand gently, stroking it..
He keeps apologizing silently and makes a promise to himself to be more careful of you.. he then fall asleep, mumbling the same words..
"..I'll do better for you.. you'll be safer than before.. I can guarantee that.. I will guarantee that.."
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"Y/N!!" Ayato screamed your name when you got struck by an electro kairagi
Your body fell to the ground, blood gushing out
Seeing you lying like that makes his blood boil, scraping all of his mercy away and murdered the kairagi in a blink
Holding his tears, he walks back to you.. shaking..
"..y/n.. I'm sorry.." he put his hand with just enough pressure on the large wound on your waist, preventing more blood from leaving your body
"..urk.." you squealed a bit, "it's okay, I'm here.." he soothes you, ripping a bit of the fabric from his clothes, wrapping it around the cut
"That should do it.." he whispers to himself. He then lift you up, walks back to the camp (it belonged to the Yashiro Commission since both you and him were out on an investigation)
You leaned to his chest, feeling his warmth. "shh shh, it's okay.. we're almost there.." he gently kisses your forehead. "mmh..-" you suddenly coughed up blood from trying to answer him, stained his clothes
This is exactly what he's SCARED of, "no no.. no.. hold on- they'll help you-" with that, Ayato started to run
"Stay a bit longer.. I beg of you.." he looks at you desperately
You leaned closer to him, you slowly lost some of your colours due to blood lost.
Ayato tries to keep you warm by pulling you closer to him, ..it's also so that.. y'know.. to feel that you're still breathing..
He's finally relieved that he managed to bring you back, the people who guarded the camp immediately take you and Ayato back to the medical team
They started treated you and Ayato have to wait in the other tent
He also got patched up for the cuts that he got from the bandits
As much as the wound stings, his head is foggy with the thought of you'll make it or not.. he's that terrified..
After he's done bandaged up and change his clothes, he moves to your tent...
Seeing most of your body covered up and stitched makes him upset
The medic team told him that you'll needed some time to wake up, maybe in a few days or so..
He couldn't hold his tears as he was now standing beside you, gently putting his forehead against yours.. his tears staining your cheeks as he sobs silently, stroking your hair ever so gently
What did he do wrong to deserve such punishment like this..? Waiting for you to wake up with no assurance when exactly you're going to be up..
"I'm sorry.. please don't leave me.. w-who will I be with.. when you're not.. here..? ..wake up.."
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It all started when you told him that you were going to participate in a war with the Resistance to fight the Shogunate
Despite how much Thoma wanted to abolish the Vision Hunt Decree, he can't put you in that much risk-
This is a WAR that you're talking about, not some regular daily dose of training
You kept reassuring him that it'll be fine and you'll be back soon to him
He eventually agreed and helped you pack your things
The day finally arrived that you're leaving him, "I'll be back, okay?" you smiled at him and he nods, "alright.. be careful" he replied whilst giving you a short kiss
And with that, you're off with the Resistance, seeing your figure slowly getting further and further away already makes him lonely.. "I hope you're okay.." he mumbles, continuing his work
Days passed by, Thoma kept thinking how are you there..
The other servants tend to find him zoning out when he doesn't have any work on hand
He could think of ways what will happened to you, it makes him worry more since he's not there to see you or watch over you with his own eyes
Thoma also tend to not focus when Ayaka speaks to him, it only makes her more concerned about him
"Thoma.." Ayaka called him, "hm..? what is it m'lady?" he looked back at her, Ayaka then gave him a letter that was addressed to him, it was from the Resistance
Ayaka excused herself and leave him alone, knowing that he need some time since he's been worried about you.. and also because she already knows what's in the letter..
He immediately open it, reading the content that was written in it
..It hit him to only realized that it was a bad news, a really bad one
The letter was about you.. injured badly and now unconscious
By the time the letter arrived at the Kamisato Estate, you were already taken care off and they were looking after you
He fall on his knees.. crying that he regrets letting you go there..
Everything feels like a haze to him, he doesn't know if he's done the right thing to let you go there because both of you are helping the other vision holders or feel guilty that he now technically can't see you because the area is forbidden to get through
Thoma lied himself on the bed, hugging your pillow.. trying to find just a touch of comfort from it..
He can't tell what time is it now.. he's been crying and blaming himself for all of this while.. it clearly isn't his at all :(
The letter also told him that they would also inform him about you finally gaining consciousness
The problem is.. the letter hasn't been sent to him for 2 days..
Although the letter wrote that you wouldn't wake up in awhile...
He's slowly drowning in his own head and tears thinking about you.. He can't have a good sleep because nightmares always comes at him..
Come home..
"..where are you..? I'm sorry.. I should've at least be there for you.. I'm supposed to be your shield.. but.. here I am.. doing nothing but praying.."
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(a/n: I haven't made a banner for him yet, so I'll use this gif for now :3)
The two of you ran into the Withering zone when helping him find some inspirations for his next project
Both of you were fighting the mutated monsters that came out from the tumor
"How are you holding over there, bub?" you asked him, he kills some of them, "Doing- ah- alright." he glanced at you for a bit
You were helping on his side until one of those three flowers about to shot him
You widened your eyes, quickly ran to him, "Kaveh! watch out!" you immediately pushed him away letting yourself take the hit for him
He fell down and looked at you, "y/n!" he shouted at you when you fall
Although the effect wasn't instant, both of you are aware that it's SO BAD-
"Kaveh- I'm fine..- urgh-" you said when holding your chest, clearly bleeding
"You're not fine- let's go get you somewhere safer" he then picked you up and ran out from the area
One thing that he knew he could take you is to Tighnari at Gandharva Ville
So that's where he's heading with you now
On the way there, he kept checking on you and asking you what you need
You just said everything is fine, but the effects are slowly spreading through your body
Your body is slowly getting weaker and it's getting hard to catch up with everything around you now
"hey, what's wrong??" Kaveh asked you, clearly getting more worried now
He gently rubbed your shoulder and picked up his pace
You leaned towards his chest more, closing your eyes, the effects started to show on you
"k-keep your eyes opened for a bit more, we're almost there.." he panted, arriving at one of the tree houses where Tighnari was
"what in the world is going on?" Tighnari stands up from his desk, glancing at him
He then explained to Tighnari what happened, and he then started to check up on you
Still panicking, Kaveh sat down outside the tree house where you were in, trying to calm himself down (although he can't-)
Deep in his mind, he kept repeating the moment you took the hit for him
"What kind of person am I letting my partner took a hit for me like that??" he thought at himself, clearly blaming himself as well
He should've realised that he was about to get attacked and at least he could get away from it! but no- you were the one who is more sensitive about the surrounding area than him-
Now what should he do? you're lying in bed unconscious with the effects still in you
His mind's now tormented into pieces.. his feelings are scattered everywhere
He's too emotionally fragile, especially when it comes to you..
It's hard for him to forgive himself after all that has happened
Kaveh doesn't sleeps for days until he sees your eyes have opened again..
If not.. then it'll be something that he'll heavily regret for not being careful with his surroundings..
You're far too precious for him to lose
"..Love.. I'm so sorry.. why didn't you let me do it..? Shouldn't I be the one who's supposed to be protecting.. you..?"
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Idk if you have done this before but a Morpheus x reader one where Dream has been recently set freed and is so touched deprived that when he met up with reader once mode after being separated for a century he can't control himself and it leads to some sexy stuff in which it leads to them breaking the bed (kinda like the honeymoon scene in twilight 🤭)
Just straight up desperate needy Morpheus hours 🫶🏻
Dream of the Endless x Demon Hunter!Reader
Summary: Dream has made himself believe that he is alone in the world, nothing has further solidified this that being imprisoner for a century. Who'd have thought he'd find warmth in one of the coldest people alive.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, smut (biting, marking, dom/sub dynamic, hair pulling, vaginal penetration, oral [m receiving], edging ig?, unprotected sex, brat!dream idk it just happened, praise kink [uh... reader talks to him like a god during sexy time so]), hurt/comfort ig, reader's so angry HAHAHH T_T, fluff, etc.
A/N: im not in the mood for smut but i might be when i write this. update MINORS DNI hello nonnie i am finally in the mood for smut HAHHAAHHA and i am in the mood to ruin dream's life (: i took a lot of creative liberties i have no idea why i made this so long so i hope you enjoy it my dear <3 another day another 5k smut fml Also i invented a lot of stuff for reader, like giving Morpheus a Roman name so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just just just roll with it along with my most definitely wrong google translated Latin ok? ok. Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx anOTHER one (continuation) "Petty And Yours"
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"You know," I swirled a watermelon lollipop in my mouth, "you're so pathetic for that."
A breeze blew back my maxi dress and I crossed my arms at the fact I was being ignored by the uncharacteristically warmly dressed man.
The park bench he was sat in the middle off had some fallen leaves that were slowly tumbling down to the ground with the push of the wind. I give him a moment to respond. I huff at his continued silence.
"Earth to Dream?" I call louder.
Still nothing.
"Somnium Regem?"
A bird makes a sound as a large piece of bread is gobbled down its throat.
"Hey! Sulky trench coat man!" I bark.
Finally, the man feeding pigeons turns to me.
His eyes are dull and bright all at once, a shade of glistening blue that had no life behind them. I raise my brows, lips pulling upward in distaste, "you remind me of that bat in Gotham. So emo for no reason," I scoff, straightening my arms, "everyone's parents die at some point."
"Why are you here, demon hunter?" the being grips his baguette.
I scoff again, "I'm here because I like you, baby."
He turns away from me, tearing up bread, haphazardly then dropping it in front of small creatures. I grimace as the birds flock over to the bread like they had nothing better to do-- which they don't.
"I do not enjoy your bitter sarcasm, eight," Dream says pointedly.
I roll my eyes, walking over to him, fingers rolling the lollipop stick sticking by the side of my mouth, "well, if you didn't ask me stupid-" I push his legs together so that I can sit next to him, "-fucking questions, then maybe I wouldn't want to constantly drop kick you."
Dream hastily moves to the side as I plop down next to him, crossing my legs as I lean back and stretch my arm out on the backrest. I look at him as he looks at me. Wind blows at both of our hair. I move his dark strands along with the breeze so that I would not poke at his already glassy eyes.
He blankly stares.
I shrug in expectance, "Domina told me you've been sulking, and that I'd find you here, just like how she found you here days ago."
Dream blinks, "my sister should not have troubled you with needless concerns."
I furrow my brows at his response. I roll my eyes incredulously, "you are so fucking stupid."
He gives me side eye before turning back to his pigeons.
"You know, for someone who should have a profound understanding of the world, you clearly don't know anything."
The Endless hisses under his breath, "silence."
"What?" I give him a look, "don't like that?"
I can see him almost going against himself as not to sneer at my grilling.
I pout exaggeratedly and speak as though I was a child, "wha' you gon' do 'bout it? You gon' kill me now?" I raise my hands and monotonously hark, "oh no help, I'm so scared."
"I do not know why Death sent for you," he quips, breaking his gaze from the birds to narrow his eyes at me. He continues crumbling bread onto the ground.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I straighten and face forward, "that's because I'm the most irritating bondservant she has," I prop my elbows on my legs, "which is effective for making people want to do my bidding in return for me shutting up."
"I shall not leave," he looks to the feeding animals, "I am keeping the pigeons company," he mutters, "they appear... lonesome."
I wipe my hands on my face, pulling the lollipop out of my mouth as I sigh, "intenta et tenera domina." My eyes twitch in annoyance when I muttered 'the attentive and tender lady' in my mother tongue. "I should have known we were playing therapist today."
I shake my head, popping the candy back in my mouth, grabbing the bread from his hand. He turns to me, helplessly watching, unable to fight against me; he knows I'd bite his finger off if he touches me.
"Ever heard of projecting, Somnia?" I hiss, chucking his baguette as far off as I can.
He watches the projectile disappear into a bush.
He glares at me.
Goosebumps form on my skin when he speaks, "visne noctes noctes te affligere?"
Admittedly, the roll and click of his tongue speaking Latin did make me stiffen, though, 'do you want nightmares to plague you tonight?' was a threat so empty to me.
I sniffle, retorting in the same language, "I haven't visited your nightmarish domain since its castle walls began to crumble."
Dream takes his turn to freeze.
I tilt my head, crushing the lollipop between my teeth, "personally," I pull the stick out my mouth, tucking it in Dream's pocket, who does nothing when I do so, "I take enough trips to hell to not want to visit something that mirrors it so well. Not when I'm supposed to be dreaming of heaven."
I can see how my words strike through him.
I notice how his stoic and pale face hardens and loses its color even more.
I continue to egg him on, "I feel bad for your dreamers who think the drab ones the have at night are the best you can do."
I can almost hear the gloom radiate off him.
I purse my lips and stand, "speaking of nightmares, I caught your nightmare once," I place my hands on my hips, "I thought the gruesome serial killing was demonic in nature, so I tracked the killer, only to find it was no other than your Corinthian."
Dream looks at me, expressionless, as I raise my brows, "did you handle him, Somnium Regem?"
The Dream King looks like he does not want to talk to me at all now. I give him a challenging look and needlessly straighten out his coat for effect.
He straightens up, then brings his hands in his pocket, pulling out a skull that had teeth where his eye sockets should have been.
I look at the thing, feeling a swirl in my stomach, "poor In Oculis."
Dream visibly reacts to the Corinthian's old Latin name, The Eyeless.
He remnant of his creation disappears from the palm of his hand, "how long have you gone without sleep?"
I turn away from him, shrugging at his U-turn back into that conversation, "does it matter? I won't die."
"It matters because Somnium Regem is inquiring this of you."
I turn to him and repeat my answer, "I told you, ever since your castle began to crumble, it's just be me, myself, and coffee."
Somnia stands, towering over me, uncharacteristically high, "you have not slept in a hundred years?"
I look up at him with knit brows, "has anyone slept in a hundred years?"
"Then at once you must-"
"I'm not here-" I grab his collar, tugging him down slightly closer to me, "-to talk about my sleep pattern, Somnia. I'm here to make you stop sulking."
"That is not your forte, demon hunter," he brings his face close to mine, "perhaps if you were from the fifth."
"Fuck you," I snap, getting on my tiptoes to near his stupidly high face, "I'm good at everything."
Somnia grumbles something under his breath.
I release my grip on his coat and snap my fingers, "and besides," I raise my arms out to the side. I take one step back and allow myself to fall backwards. I then dip into the portal I conjured in the ground, swinging up until I was standing on the other side.
I turn over my shoulder, finding Dream was already standing there behind me. I grin, "I'm the only person who knows what it's like to be trapped for a hundred years."
Now in the confines of my home, I strut over to my sofa where an axe was placed and consecutively forgotten, "though, mine was eight hundred."
I turn to Dream, who suddenly looked uncomfortable.
I laugh at him, "wow. You finally feel bad for me? You used to be so indifferent when I mentioned that to you."
My eyes zero in on the note on my axe, hissing at the reminder that I meant to put it away last week. I grab the piece of paper, instinctively crumpling it. I instantly regret my innate inclination to destroy, cursing under my breath, then flattening out the thing.
"Make yourself at home, Morpheus," I rub the paper in my hand, "let me just put this thing back where it came from."
I grab the axe and prop it on my shoulder.
Dream does not make himself at home; he instead follows me as I walk to the weapons room. I give him a look, "I guess you can feed the gremlins in the basement if you want."
"I would rather follow you."
I shrug, "ok then."
I make my way down the hall, and open the light in room once I enter, revealing the age old trinkets and gadgets my family has been using since the first generation. I bring the note to a chamber that then seals the object with the rest of the artifacts like it.
Dream further scrutinizes the thing as I walk to the axe holders. "Constantine?" he says after reading what was written on the note.
I grunt as I put away the borrowed item, "the idiot wanted to borrow this," I motion to the axe in my grip, "I told her she can't touch it, touched it anyway, didn't die" I huff, after securing the axe back in its place. I place my hands on my hips as I turn to Dream, "and now I got a thank you note in return."
Dream turns back to the note that read: Thxxx -Constantine.
"Items of gratitude are the best bait for a soul suckers," I say, then pointing to a bunch of dark hued orbs on a shelf before walking over to him, "almost as good as nightmares."
I reach his side as he looks out to his gift to the sixth, the sixth generation of my family, Nightmare Marbles. They were largish glass spheres that harnesses the darkness of nightmares; a demon's equivalent to chocolate bars.
"And you relived your worst nightmare to procure so much bait, eight?" Dream whispers, turning to me with a tense expression.
I give him a look, "didn't you say my grandma from the third generation was also a sucker for punishment?"
"She did not go through her worst nightmare 78 times to make nightmare marbles."
I turn to the shelf, "damn, you managed to count all that so quickly?"
"Eight, this is-"
"What? I'm genuinely impressed!"
I freeze when he calls out my actual name. He rarely did that. In fact, there were only a few people who knew my real name and did not call me eight. Eight, as in I am from the eighth generation of demon hunters from my family. It became my name because, well, I was the only left, which was why I could not die.
I feel my belly roll at the sound. I clear my throat, weakly speaking, "what?"
"I did not gift that to your grandparents only to have you use it to punish yourself."
"Why would I want to punish myself?" I mutters, "I'm not you."
Dream is silent.
I sigh, walking out of the room, "after living out eight hundred years in hell in one fucking day, you tend to instinctively get fucked up in the brain."
I make my way down the hall, and at the end, Dream was there, already waiting for me. I give him a quick look as I pass him, "the nightmare doesn't hurt me anymore."
"Eight," he calls. I do not stop on this account. I do, however, when he asks, "why are you lying to me?"
I suck in a breath, keeping it deep in my lungs. I feel him walk up to me. I feel him take my hand.
I turn to him, sighing and brows knitting at his affection. He is still towering over me, and don't feel like craning my neck up so I don't look at him. I tighten my grip on his hand, "why are you lying to me?"
When I finally look up at him, he releases a breath. I release his hand and get on my tip toes to grab his cheeks. It was as though his glassy eyes were waiting for this moment to allow the tears to fall.
I knit my brows at the unexpected reaction. I sigh at the sight of him.
"I did not lie to you," he responds like a secret.
"Really?" I speak in disbelief as I wipe tears on his cheeks, "was it the pigeons that were lonesome, or you?"
"... both..."
I fall back onto my feet, hands trailing down to his chest, "you're right. I suck at... comfort..." I take the lapels of his coat between my fingers, "only cause I'm rough around the edges. Sorta like you," I hum, raising a brow at him, "except I can admit to it, whereas you-"
I push his chest, making him walk back all the way to the sofa my axe was moments ago. I force him down, and down he goes, bouncing on the cushion. He looks up at me as I pull away and give him a soft smile, "you need that coaxed out of you."
I was meant walk away from him, but he grabs my thigh before I can.
"Non potes exspectare dicere tale quid me derelinquas."
You cannot expect to say such a thing then leave me.
I look at the hand hooked behind my thigh. I raise my brow quizzically, "I have work."
"I am your work," he says, other hand coming to my other thigh, "your Lady commanded you to take care of me."
I snort, grabbing his chin, "no, she told me to make you stop sulking."
"Yes, she did," he hums, hands trailing down my legs, grabbing the ends of my skirt.
"You were literally crying a moment ago."
"You're a tear in my heart."
"That's a twenty one pilots song."
"And I am eager for you to make me stop sulking."
Dream's eyes are fixed on me s he leans in and begins bunching up the fabric in his palms, slowly bringing them up with his hands.
I release a sigh when his hands make it back where it was before, though perhaps a bit higher this time. I place my hands on his arms, stopping him from continuing. He turns stills like a statue before me.
I nibble my lower lip before speaking, "if we're going to do this, we do this in my terms."
His lips instantly curve up in response. He nods slowly, "in imperio tuo."
On your command.
I push him back upon hearing that, a lump in my throat forming at the words from my mother tongue. I quickly climb on to him, straddling his legs, fingers combing into the roots of his hair by his nape.
I immediately lock his lips with mine. His hands work much quickly this time around, ripping my skirt all the way up, making me raise my hands so that he can pull my dress off me.
I moan against him when his hands begin to scratch up my back. He moans against me when I grind down on him.
I pull away, catching my breath so I could take my turn in undressing him. He moves to help me rid of his ridiculous coat and when he grips his shirt, I hiss at him, giving him a stern look, "don't spoil my fun."
I then push myself off him and bunch up his shirt in my hand, dragging him all the way back to my bedroom.
Once we're there, I push him onto my bed and crawl on top of him, perching on top of his groin, slowly digging my hands into his sides, underneath his clothes.
I reveal his stomach to me, pressing my fingers down the middle of his skin, "so pretty."
His hand trail up my thighs, kneading at the flesh, humming, "yes," he tugs at my panties, "you are quite exquisite."
I chuckle, lips curving into a smile, "aww, you're going to make me blush," I swat at his hands, "hands off."
He reluctantly obeys.
At this point, I rid him off his shirt and his hands immediately move to come back to my thighs. I swat him away again, to crawl down and begin to attentively kiss his chest.
I sigh against him as his hands come to my sides. I feel the purr-like sounds he produces as I suck and graze my teeth on his muscly pec. I hum in approval when I pull away and see the blazing red mark I left on his burning white skin, "if you morph my art off your body, I will give you nightmares."
I begin working on his skin again when he laughs at my words. I feel the vibration on my lips. He rubs my shoulder with his hand, "a titillating thought."
I look at him from where he was looking down at me and bite down on the side of his ribcage. He grunts in response. I raise a brow at him, "it's a threat, Somnia."
His eyes darken, where mine sparkle.
Without warning, he pulls my head back by my hair, and pushes himself up by his other arm, "who do you think you're threatening, child?"
I wince, chuckling under my breath, "clearly this wanton creature beneath me."
He pulls me back by my hair more as he sits up all the way. I make a sound as he grabs my thigh and skids me closer on him.
Dream brings his face close to mine, nostrils flaring, as if in warning.
I chuckle, licking his lips, "remember, sweetling," I tug on his lower lip, releasing it to say, "on my command."
He sucks in a deep breath.
I raise a brow, "you wouldn't want me to leave you, now do you?"
He sighs, releasing my hair.
I push him back down, clicking my tongue as I do so, "naughty boy," I chastise, "wanting to take the reins so badly."
I begin to undo his pants, holding in my laugh at the visible imprint on him, "maybe I should take precautions before undoing you, hmm?"
I push myself off him and leaning to my side. His hands take hold of my waist as I grab something from my bedside table. I look down on him with a grin as his hands knead at me. I shake my head, "off."
Dream stills.
"Get your hands off me, Dream."
He obeys and so I take both his wrists in front of me. The golden serpent bracelet begins to then slither around his wrists. He watches this contraption shackle him and grunts, "you mock me, demon hunter."
I chuckle, moving off him, "well, you're being quite difficult."
Dream helplessly watches as I get off the bed and walk to the side of the room. I hear him try to rip at his cuffs. I laugh as I grab a silver spear, "that was a gift from Jupiter. Try not break it."
I then plummet my spear at the base of my bed. I wiggle a finger at Dream, beckoning him over, "now come over, beloved Somnia."
He does not struggle as he crawls over to me with bound hands.
"On your back," I say, "hands up."
Dream does just that, rolling on his back, bringing his bound wrists to the spear where the serpent then begins to constrict itself.
"Very good, my king."
The king makes a sound of distaste, which I heartily laugh at.
I waste no more time and quickly go to him, ridding him of his remaining clothing like a kid on Christmas morning.
My lips involuntarily part at the size of him, "fuck. I forgot you made yourself... bigger."
I find offence when he chuckles and croons, "will this be a problem?"
"No," I quip quickly.
"Very good, then," he smiles.
I mock, "very good then."
Once it was now just me, him, and his pulsing length, I begin my ministrations. I crawl back on him and grin, grabbing his hardened member, "not quite a watermelon lollipop but-" I cut myself off and take him in my mouth.
He heavily breathes out and shuts his eye. I giggle in approval over his reactions, one hand coming to my core, already slickened with arousal.
I lap my tongue around him before taking him deeper. I press both my hands on his thighs when his legs begin to stir.
I dig my nails into his hips and slowly constrict my teeth around him as I bob my head up and down him. In a sort of challenge for myself, I make an attempt to take him all. The moment he hits the back of my throat however, I begin to struggle and will myself to relax to further take him in.
When I begin to gag, I pull myself off and catch my breath, leaning my weight into, "you did this on purpose," I scoff, "you knew this would happen."
"I am not omniscient," he laughs, "I did not foresee this-"
"Oh fuck you," I cut him off, "I'm going to fucking make you cry."
Oh, you can bet that he found that funny.
His laughter was cut off when I removed my underwear, chucking my panties and bra to where ever, then mounted myself on him. I am glad I am wet enough to take him in but I cannot withhold the whine that I tried to conceal as I did so. Fuck him and his magnum cock.
Well... that was what I was doing.
Once I am on him, he lets out a moan and the pulls at his shackles, making the snake bracelet glow and constrict tighter on him.
I take my turn to laugh this time around, and my core, which was still busy adjusting to the size of him, flutters around him. I don't say it as self-satisfied as I wanted to, "serves you right."
He calls out my name. It makes my stomach roll.
I fell him slowly rock his hips into me and I push down on his chest, whining at his attempts, "stop! Stop! Give me a fucking chance."
He instantly stops and looks up at me with a worried look, "I apologize, I-"
"Shut the fuck up," I shake my head, "the more you speak, the more I want to fuck you up."
Dream presses his lips into a thin line, but he obeys.
After a while, I allow myself to ride him like an eager jockey.
I rock myself on him at a slow pace. I heave in and out at the overwhelming feel of him. My toes curl at the bundle of nerves he hits every time he fills me up to to my fucking stomach.
I sigh as I rub on my sensitive nub as I press my weight forward. I close my eyes and chew on my lip at the sensations. I drag my flesh out of my teeth as I begin to feel pressure build within me.
"More," Dream whines, craning his head up to look at me.
I look down on him, narrowing my eyes, "pretty boys like you don't ask," I mutter, "they beg."
I push my hands on his chest and lean down to give him a kiss, all while keeping the slow pace of my thrusts. When he meets me halfway to take my lips in his, I dodge him, then rub my nose on his, "I said beg. Beg for me."
He moves his head closer to catch my lips, and I pull all the way back, sitting up again to look down on him in disappointment. He whines, pulling his arms, making my contraption glow and constrict all over.
He drops his head in defeat. I chuckle.
"Beg," I call out louder.
Dream gulps, "please."
"Please, what?" I cease the roll of my hips, "please stop?"
He heaves, lifting his head back up, ripping at his wrist, "please don't stop."
"Mmm," I nod, "but I'm a little confused, my lord," I massage my breasts, "what exactly should I be doing?"
He watches my hands for a moment. I'm amused it actually distracts him. I chuckle, "Earth to Dream?"
Dream sighs.
"Somnia?" I drag out.
"Move your hips," he says breathlessly.
I hum, pretending to debate his words.
"Please," he adds, making me smile.
I rub my wetness on him, "you mean like this?"
Dream sighs, gulping roughly, "no."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, but I have no idea what you mean, my king," I pout, making no attempt to give him what he so clearly wanted.
"Thrust into me," he sputters, "ride me like an eager jockey."
I snort, breaking into a laugh. I feel a rush shoot through me. My hands come up to my cheeks, "you heard that?" I giggle, "dirty, dirty boy, listening to my thoughts."
"Please," he strains, pulling at his binds again. He drops his head, huffing, "please move."
"Well, now that you're asking me so nicely," I muse, shifting on him, hands falling back on his chest. I begin to move up and down, slow and steady, emptying out and getting filled right back in with his stiffened length.
He moans in approval, eyes closing in pleasure. I sigh and lick my upturned lips, "better, baby?"
"Yes," he drags out a breath, "yes, thank you."
I groan at his words, moving a bit faster, "oh fuck, that's hot. Am I making you feel good?"
"Yes. Very good."
I whine, "fuck."
As I move on him, I savor his feel, how he's deliciously stretching me out and how my insides were sucking him in.
I momentarily slow when I hear a strained crackling sound in front of me. What the fuck was that?
It takes me about two seconds to realize it was my bracelet. Oh fuck.
I feel my inside flutter at the possible threat literally about to unravel before me. I lick my lips, "you enjoying yourself, Dream?"
He only moans in response.
"That's not an answer, darling?" I hum, slowing down all over again.
His eyes break open and his jaw tenses. I hear a fucking cracking sound. Is that my spear or my bracelet?
"Come on, use your words, Prince of Stories."
"I want you to move faster," he mutters gutturally.
What the fuck, is that my floor?
I dig into the side of his ribs and give in to his pleas. He moans and shuts his eyes again, but the strain on my bracelet does not waver. I watch as the object burns brighter.
I whimper when Dream begins to move beneath me. I tear my gaze from his wrists to his face, scowling at him, "behave."
To my surprise, he obeys, then whispers, "please kiss me."
I coo at his sentiment, feeling my core for him. I lean over and plant my lips on him. I moan at the feel of his tongue sneaking into my mouth.
I bring my grip onto the mattress and begin moving faster than I have yet. I whine and pull away from him to catch my breath, "giddy fucking up horsey."
It takes me a second to realize what I just fucking said.
The next moment, I grunt and find myself giggling. I crack myself up with how wholeheartedly stupid and dick delirious I've become. As I continue to laugh, I find myself slowing to prioritize my amusement while I screw my eyes shut.
I was soon very clear that it was a poor choice.
All at once, there was a loud snapping sound. The moment I opened my eyes, I behold a broken bracelet and a bent spear. Oh, yeah, and he unamused Dream of the Endless that was now slowly sitting up in front of me.
I release a final chuckle.
My sounds go dry as his hands take my hips and he brings his face closer to me, "I do not appreciate the fact you're so easily distracted while making love to me, my dear."
I grunt when he bucks into me. My arms wrap around his shoulders as my voice hikes up with his movements. I wrap my legs around his torso as I mumble halfheartedly, "we're not making love, we're... we're fucking."
He groans at that, moving in to kiss me feverously. I whine when his fingers rub at my core. Dream pulls away, forehead resting on mine, "you mock me so readily."
"Yeah," I huff, "well you deserve-"
I choke on my next words as I plummet back into my bed where Dream takes the reins fully, rocking into at a tempo that pleased him, and, well, me.
I mindlessly call his name, legs and arms wrapping around him as he moderately fucks into me. My bed creaks at his force.
It doesn't take long for him to speed up.
I whine and screw my eyes shut.
"Is this a good pace? Am I pleasing you?" he mutters against my neck.
I open at the sound of his words. He did not speak with the same taunting tone I had. He asks me this in genuine inquiry, genuinely intent on finding out if he was, in fact, pleasing me.
I pepper his jaw with kisses then nibble on his earlobe before replying, "yes, my sweet boy," I moan, "you can move a little faster if you want to."
"I want to," he quickly responds.
I sigh, "then faster, baby."
He moans and kisses me in response. His movements rip out a deep cry from deep within me as he hastens.
"That's it," I struggle, one hand digging into his unruly hair, pulling at it, "you're doing so good for me. So good."
The king growls against me, sucking at my neck, just below my jaw.
"Fuck," I sigh, "dulcis somnium meum."
My sweet dream.
He adjusts me beneath him, hands coming to thighs, squeezing the area as he presses deeper, "you feel so good around me."
My toes curl at his words and my skin breaks out in goosebumps at his hot breath.
"Pretiosum venatorem," Dream dictates 'my precious hunter,' sucking on the base of my throat, "such beautiful sounds."
My breath quickens with his actions. I roll my head back as my fingers dig into his spine.
"Dic quomodo sentio," he breathes against me, "quaeso."
Tell me how I make you feel... please.
"Good," I whimper, "great," I whine, "et stupri magna." So fucking great.
"Beautiful," he retorts, "so beautiful like this, so beautiful beneath me."
I feel myself coil up around him. He seems to feel it too, since his one hand leaves my thigh to rub at my pulsing heat.
He muses to me in Latin. He speaks poetry to me in my native tongue, praising my lips, my breath, my warmth, and how I was taking him so well.
I return his poetry with deep grunts and age old curses that would make the Roman deities shun me in sore displeasure.
And yet Somnia kisses me, practically eating up my vile words like honey and delivers me into pure adoration, pure fucking ecstasy.
I yelp when I break beneath him. I whine and rip at him, teeth digging into his shoulder, legs constricting around him tighter. The sensation is further intensified when I feel him release into me, pace now maddeningly fast, brutal, and delicious.
"Yes, Dream!" I call, helplessly spiraling under him. "Praise to the Dream Lord," I find myself whining in Latin as I ride out my high and quiver out all the breath that's left in my lungs.
He moans, kissing my cheek, replying in the same language, "I accept you adoration." He takes a moment before dragging out my name from his lips. It makes my stomach roll even further and my body tense tighter.
The Dream Lord takes my thighs into his hands again as he rides the both of us through our peaks, brutal yet caring all at once.
I melt into a bag of boneless flesh the next moment.
When he eventually relents, I catch my breath against his jaw, rubbing my nose on his skin affectionally.
Once he is stagnant above me, he turns to me and places kiss on my lips. After a moment, he pulls away and opens his mouth to speak. He doesn't get to however, as suddenly my bed creaks and all at once, one leg snaps and I squeal as we both slide roughly down to the floor.
I cling onto him for dear life as he pushes up against me, both keeping us from falling any further and poking into the root of my womanhood. My mouth releases a lewd cry in response.
I catch my breath as he lifts his head up and surveys the damage.
"Did you," I pant, "fucking break my bed?"
Dream turns to me, lips barely parting, "I..." he starts, "my apologies."
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