#but i don't remember what it was
Last night i dreamed i was watching a direct to video kids edutainment program. Like EyeSpy or that one where aliens learn about predators and volcanoes and stuff.
The gimmick of this one was that every episode included a guided craft activity related to the topic. And at the start of the episode the audience was reminded to watch closely for the coded clue, which would show up at some point in the episode and help you guess how the craft related to the topic before it was officially revealed at the end of the episode.
I woke up so sad that this show didn't really exist, you have no idea.
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mothenbythighs · 11 months
I just had a dream where konami and wotc made cards that were playable in both ygo and mtg and even tho there was a segment in there where like a mtg commander podcast was reviewing the main play maker the only thing I remember about the deck is that in ygo it turned your monsters into continues spells/in magic it turned things into enchantments, and then could turn them back into the original thing. And that the main guy had art similar to 5 color omnath
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baronvonriktenstein · 11 months
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anghraine · 1 year
I was looking for a different old post, and instead found an unfinished series of fic scraps for a Númenor AU I'd completely forgotten about. I'm sort of fascinated by it despite having no idea where I was going with it.
The premise, as far as I can tell, is that for whatever reason, the Númenórean invasion of Valinor never happened. Maybe Pharazôn never came to power, or Sauron was never brought to Númenor, or ... idk, but it didn't occur. As a consequence, there was no sinking of the island, and Númenor remains a major power throughout the Third Age.
However, it took a comparatively isolationist turn at some point, and by the War of the Ring, has largely withdrawn from involvement in Middle-earth except when absolutely necessary to preserve the old Númenórean colonies they've hung onto. Gondor is one of these and not an independent nation, though Númenor does delegate a lot of its governance to regional authorities answering to the Prince of Gondor, who in turn answers to a typically indifferent Númenor.
The Gondorian regional government did manage to get permission to relinquish Calenardhon to the Eorlingas, so Rohan still exists in this universe. It was supposed to make Gondor less dependent on costly reinforcements from Númenor that would take time to get there, and thus make things more convenient for the Númenórean government, since Calenardhon wasn't particularly valuable to them. And the arrangement did work for a long time, but things are really bad in Rohan at the moment, and the regional government in Gondor is (for their own reasons) dragging their feet about appealing to Númenor.
So after all this backstory, the fic was actually about Éowyn and her journey to Númenor to try and get aid for Rohan from Tar-Elessar. Even for me, this was a "wtf?" read, but also, I kind of love the idea and wish I'd written more of it.
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kelddaa · 3 months
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I was plagued by a vision
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elbiotipo · 7 months
I still think we should celebrate Kissinger's death even if he didn't face justice and lived a confortable life, just so that everybody knows what a piece of shit he was, just so that when some Great Stateman like I don't fucking know Biden tries to eulogize him he is flooded with insults and mockery y quede bien para el culo, so that nobody can even PRETEND he had any worth, millions should celebrate he's fucking dead and this is how he will be remembered, as an imperialist criminal hated all over the world with no redeeming qualities, none should be able to even pretend he was some some great man except for the magnitude of his crimes
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agueforts · 1 year
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forever fascinated by the many machinations of brennan's mind. image description in alt text, below, or at this reblog, originally from @arctic-hands
[Image Description: tweet by Brennan Lee Mulligan, @ BrennanLM. It says "While the statement 'Even educated fleas can do it' may at first seem inclusive, it actually suggests an insect society sharply divided by class, where access to institutions of higher learning is seen as prerequisite to the full range of natural emotions. In this TED talk I will–". In response, Sam Reich, @ SamReich, tweets "for the love of god brennan it's valentine's day", to which Brennan responds "Not for the working class fleas it's not! #Solidarity ["solidarity" in allcaps]" End I.D.]
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aniseandspearmint · 10 months
I am curious, bc I just ran across one of those, 'everyone remembers where they were when 9/11 happened!' things so-
This isn't meant to be a commentary on the event, just whether or not you remember where you were/what you were doing when the news hit.
As an example, I was home sick, doing dishes, when mom yelled for me to get in the living room RIGHT NOW.
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shichidikai · 3 months
had a dream where i logged in to ao3 and saw this
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so i'm manifesting it for every author who sees this
likes charge reblogs cast, rb to wish kudos and comments upon your favorite fics
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egophiliac · 3 months
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was gonna wait 'til I'd done all the poms, but it's been a day, so have Vil with a Salazzle 🍎
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sanctus-ingenium · 9 months
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A certain fisherman [...] went to the same place again to fish, and he put a row of hooks on his heels in case he met the Púca again; he attached them like a horseman's spurs. When evening drew near, he made a halter of the fishing-line for the Púca. The Púca met him the second time. He himself caught the Púca, put the fishing-line over his head like a halter, and started to ride him. He drove him wherever he wanted to go, and he kept putting his heels with the hooks like spurs to the Púca's sides, so that the Púca was shedding blood from the pricks of the hooks.
Excerpt from "The Púca: A Multi-Functional Irish Supernatural Entity" by Deasún Breatnach
buy a print of this piece here :>
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sprucewoodmpreg · 7 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 15 days
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Thanks for listening to my sad backstory. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
In my fanfic, Empire 88 has only recently been designated a villain team after the prt found out about skinheads infiltrating the police
That's interesting!
...If there's context that would make this a more sensible thing to send to my ask box, I've forgotten. Sorry about that.
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ofswordsandpens · 6 months
the fact that the biggest smile we've seen on Percy's face so far is when he's petting that little lizard thing is just so
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fantastic-nonsense · 20 days
it's actually super funny when you think about how the Superfam 🤝 Flashfam 🤝 Arrowfam 🤝 Wonderfam = basically all collectively being friends with and/or respecting the hell out of Dick Grayson
You think it's just Clark but no. Lois loves him. Post-Crisis!Kara thought of him as a mentor and big brother figure. Kon canonically thinks Dick is cool. And Jon looks up to Dick a lot (and obviously Clark literally put Dick in charge of looking out for Jon while he was off-planet)
And then you think it's just Roy, but no. Lian calls him "Uncle Nightwing," Dinah thinks he's good for Babs, Connor's generally chill with him, Emiko thinks he's nice and hot (lmao), and Ollie's apparently fond enough of him that we're told Dick is the one who named the Arrowcave
And then you think it's just Wally but no. Wally's kids love him, Barry likes him, he's on good enough terms with Bart to get a focus panel at Bart's funeral, he's led Jesse on two separate teams, and Jay's willing to swing by NYC with the rest of the JSA to help him move out of the Cloisters after Final Crisis
And THEN you think it's just Donna, but no. Diana watched him grow up and thinks fondly of him, and Cassie respects Dick enough that she not only took Damian onto the Teen Titans on a trial basis just because Dick asked but he's also the first person she calls when she thinks Tim's gone crazy after Bruce's death
truly the linchpin character of the DCU, we have no choice but to stan
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