#but i have NO F*ING IDEA of what i'd like to do
covid-safer-hotties · 12 days
Also preserved on our archive
By Jessica Wildfire
Our friends and family think they understand their immune system because George Carlin explained it to them in the 90s:
"Where did this sudden fear of germs come from? What do you think you have an immune system for? It's for killing germs. But it needs practice. It needs germs to practice on. If you kill all the germs around you, and lead a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along you're not going to be prepared. What are you gonna do? I'll tell you what, you're gonna get sick and you're gonna die and you're gonna deserve it because you're f-ing weak and you've got a f-ing weak immune system."
George Carlin was right about a lot of things, but he was wrong on this one.
(He got plastic wrong, too.)
Unfortunately, this part of his 11th HBO standup special became permanently lodged into the American cultural memory. I only saw it once as a kid, but it stayed with me for the rest of my life.
Not even AP Biology could dislodge it.
I, too, used to think you built your immune system up by exposing yourself to harmful germs. How could the great prophet George Carlin be mistaken on something that made so much intuitive sense, especially when you dropped a few f-bombs in there? I also thought it was a good thing to exercise your way through a cold. Then I opened myself up to the possibility that I was wrong.
In the words of Carl Sagan, I'd been bamboozled.
In early 2020, this Carlin bit inspired countless reaction videos that still litter the internet. Anti-science zealots have used George Carlin's monologue on disease thousands of times over the last four years to ridicule masks, vaccines, and clean air. Everywhere you look, that piece of standup looms in the background, and it's getting revived again for bird flu. But even George Carlin got the idea from somewhere else.
You can trace this misguided notion back to hygiene theory, proposed by David Strachan in 1989. Strachan argued that a whole range of health problems in the late 20th century had roots in "a lower incidence of infection in early childhood." Basically, our immune systems weren't getting enough exposure to bacteria and viruses. He was mainly talking about the rise in childhood allergies as the result, but the media began printing loose interpretations of his studies and jumping to conclusions that less exposure to disease was a bad thing in general. So the public developed the idea that somehow getting sick was good for you. So began the myth of the "bored immune system" that needed practice in order to stay healthy. Gurus and quacks latched onto this idea. So did talkshows.
And then comedians...
It wasn't until 2003 that Graham Rook offered a more accurate description of the situation. As he explained, "microbes have evolved into an essential role in regulating our immune system... the microbes involved are not infections, but friendly microbes which make up our human microbiome. These are acquired by exposure to other humans or animals and microbiota from our natural environment."
This became known as the "old friends hypothesis."
The old friends hypothesis now serves as the dominant model for how microbes work with our immune system. According to immunologists, kids need to be playing outside more and eating fresher, healthier foods. That's what helps their immune systems.
Getting sick all the time just hurts them.
Like many debunked ideas, hygiene theory and the myth of the bored immune system have become entrenched. A couple of years ago, hygiene theory got repackaged as "immunity debt." Now Americans, Canadians, and many Europeans think they need to get sick to stay healthy. The elites have absolutely no problem with that. It saves them countless billions to let everyone continue thinking they're better off letting diseases run around in their cells.
Your immune system doesn't work like a muscle. It doesn't get stronger the more it's exposed to different harmful germs.
It doesn't need practice.
Phillipp Dettmer gives a vivid, accessible breakdown of the immune system in his 2021 book, Immune. You can show it to any internet troll who brags about their knowledge of the immune system. Dettmer destroys misinformation, explaining how your adaptive immune system actually works, as well as your gut microbiome.
As many articles and books explain, your body has an innate immune system that already knows how to fight off pathogens. You can help your immune system by feeding it the nutrients it needs. (That's an entirely different article.) You can protect your immune system from pollution, cigarette smoke, and other toxins. But genetics determines a lot of your immunological makeup. You can be born with an immune system that doesn't work the way it should, and it's not your fault.
You also have an adaptive immune system that stores chemical blueprints of pathogens in memory T and B cells. According to a 2024 article in Nature, these cells respond better to specific pathogens your body has seen before. Those blueprints last only as long as your memory cells. Sometimes those cells mature and stay around for years, even decades. If they don't, then your body won't remember the pathogen.
Your body doesn't need exposure to viruses.
Your immune system responds to harmful microbes and it can develop memories from previous infections. Most of the time, those memories apply specifically to that specific strain, variant, or clade of the virus. For example, immune memory to one type of adenovirus or rhinovirus doesn't confer automatic, guaranteed protection against all of them, and there are hundreds.
Sometimes, cross-protection can happen, but it's limited and hard to predict. When it does, like with the original smallpox vaccine, it's a big deal. If that were easy, we would already have a universal coronavirus vaccine and wouldn't have to update flu shots every year. Most of the time, getting sick with one virus doesn't train your body to respond any better to other viruses, especially when those viruses aren't related.
Victoria's state department of health puts it very plainly:
"The immune keeps a record of every microbe it has ever defeated, in types of white blood cells (B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes) known as memory cells. This means it can recognise and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again, before it can multiply and make you feel sick. Some infections, like the flu and the common cold, have to be fought many times because so many different viruses or strains of the same type of virus can cause these illnesses. Catching a cold or flu from one virus does not give you immunity against the others."
You can add Covid to that list.
Some research has suggested that because catching one virus activates your innate immune system, your body's broad layers of defense offer brief protection against other pathogens. Viruses also compete with each other, meaning that infection from one virus can ward off others. That's called viral interference. Neither option means your immune system benefits from exposure to viruses.
We can't explain all of the human immune system in a single post, but here's the point. It's way more complicated than George Carlin explained. There's a lot more going on. It's not as simple as training your immune system by giving it practice.
That's not how it works.
It just sounds good.
No credible doctor or immunologist recommends building your immune system by welcoming viral and bacterial infections into your life. The costs far outweigh the benefits. Many viruses exact a price on your body and your immune system. Getting infected over and over again makes you weaker, not stronger. Vaccines don't work because they give your immune system practice. They work because they allow your body to develop a memory of a pathogen without all the risk.
Many viruses, like the flu, often leave lasting damage even when your immune system fights them off. Your immune system actually does some of that damage itself by attacking infected cells. In the wake of flu, your entire body including your immune system needs time to recover. During that stage, you're vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Other viruses, like measles and ebola, disable your immune system and even wipe out memory cells.
That's also what Covid does, among many other things.
You can't develop full immunity to viruses that evade, attack, and disable large parts of your immune system. Sometimes you can develop partial immunity, but the virus still invades and still does damage every time. Just because you can recover from these infections, that doesn't mean you're better off afterward.
Think of it like this:
Your body already knows how to heal its skin and bones. You don't have to teach it how to do that by cutting yourself or breaking your arm.
As it happens, many westerners also think bones grow back stronger after they're broken and scar tissue is tougher than normal skin.
That's also false.
Scar tissue remains functionally deficient in many ways compared to uninjured skin. Broken bones form a temporary calcium callus that's stronger than ordinary bone, but it's eventually replaced.
These misguided ideas fit in a culture obsessed with tough love, the idea that abusing someone somehow builds their character. And while it might make you interesting, it's certainly not "good" for you.
Sometimes I wonder what George Carlin would think about having one part of a standup special used to endorse bad science and eugenics. I'd like to think he would have a problem with it.
There's a lot you can do to boost your immune system.
Getting sick isn't one of them.
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Cloud 'needs so much therapy that it isn't funny' Strife
*spoilers* for Ff7 Rebirth.
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So Sephiroth really is trying to break Cloud more than in the original.
To start off, Sephiroth tries to make Cloud think that Tifa wasn't Tifa. That she was fake.
Why would he do that?
Answer: Because she's the one to piece together Cloud's memories. If Cloud can't trust her than he can't trust her account.
He also does his usual tricks of 'Black Materia', 'Puppet', 'Reunion', ect.
But Cloud this time around is constantly getting harassed and manipulated by Sephiroth, like way more than in the OG. Cloud also is coming to different conclusions and ideas from the OG like for example, he's degrading. He thinks that's why his memories are a mess because of degradation.
Even when he takes one step forward by remembering Zack, he then thinks Zack got washed away by the river instead of that infantry guy.
There's even times when Cloud straight repeats something Sephiroth says word for word and it doesn't register to him.
But yeah constantly his mind is under onslaught of Sephiroth.
By the time when we get to the Temple of the Ancients I'd argue that Cloud's mental state is worse than what it was in the OG in the scene when he gives Sephiroth the Black Materia.
In the OG he still has the creepy giggle moment but he snaps out of it. And when he gives the Black Materia to Sephiroth it's an out of body experience where we clearly see Cloud's inner self be against it but powerless to giving his body giving the Black Materia to Sephiroth or to beating up Aerith.
But after that Cloud finally realises something is horribly wrong with him. That Sephiroth can control him and almost doesn't go after Aerith because he's scared of himself.
...And Rebirth Cloud has it worse in my opinion.
There is no inner self. And Cloud is an obedient puppet that Sephiroth is toying with. Sephiroth already had the Black Materia and throws to Cloud and tells him to give it to him, and Cloud is almost eager to obey. Tifa tries to stop him and Aerith does too and Cloud chases after her and it's almost worse than silently beating her up because now he's toying with her while still so eager. She gives it to him and Cloud only snaps out of it after he gives it to Sephiroth. He then tries to save Aerith and well-
He wakes up after the multiverse stuff and the OG dream of Aerith being like 'imma go bye'.
But this time he doesn't freak out, terrified that Sephiroth can control him. He just... doesn't acknowledge it. He just goes on to find Aerith. When Yuffie asks what happened how did Sephiroth get the Black Materia if he didn't beat up Cloud he just goes 'uh...' and when Tifa asks him to let her know if he's getting weird thoughts he asks Tifa about what she means. She gives the example of thinking she's fake and he apologises, but the fact that he doesn't immediately realise that she's also talking about Black Materia is a bit of red flag.
And he might as well be using those red flags later on for semafor because oh my god-
What happened with Aerith's death is weird. At first I thought it was two worlds overlapping but no-
Cloud's mind f^@&ing snapped and thinks he saved Aerith.
That's why Cloud doesn't properly react to Aerith's death. No speech about his feelings and no scene of putting her in the water. He's full on hallucinating her. Whether that is Aerith's ghost or not doesn't matter because he's convinced himself that she's fine.
That's why he talks about Aerith waking up or going home because he can't cope with her being dead.
Sephiroth screwed with Cloud's mind so much here that he genuinely is more insane now than what he was in the OG.
So you can bet when they get to the Northern Crater, Sephiroth will use the truth of Aerith dead along with the truth of Nibelheim to break Cloud even more.
...And now I have to wait 3+ years for part 3. Rebirth really was a gift that gave me despair.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 8.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, 69’ing, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
The Freddie smut train isn’t stopping 🌹
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George returned a little while later, taking a suspiciously long time in the shower which you didn't doubt had been organised by Fred.
"Are you both decent?" He asked as he crept in, smiling at seeing that you were both now clothed and sat on the bed laughing.
"Reckon tea will be ready soon," George says, hopping onto the bed, now clean and redressed. He immediately pulls you into his arms, getting the cuddles you'd promised earlier as you absently draw shapes onto the skin of his arm with your finger as you all chat until Molly calls you for tea.
You all sit and chat as you eat, Fred, Harry and Ron all celebrating their win from earlier in the day. Molly has made a heap of mashed potato, steak and onion pies and veg which you excitedly tuck into, knowing how much you'll miss her cooking when the week comes to an end. It was Hermione's last day at the burrow tomorrow before she went home to her parents and so you were all trying to think of something you could do tomorrow, gathering ideas or group activities but not quite deciding anything.
Fred looks increasingly fidgety throughout dinner, which made you glance at him questioningly a few times. It wasn't entirely uncharacteristic for him to be squirmy and hyper but this seemed different, like he couldn't wait to get away from the table. Once the meal had been had, you and both twins make your way up to their bedroom with Fred immediately fluttering round the room grabbing random things and slinging them into a little shopping bag he'd knicked from Molly.
"You'll probably need a sweater princess, want one of mine?" He asks as he delves into the drawers, not waiting for an answer as he pulls out a green knitted jumper with a big 'F' on the front in gold lettering. You gladly accept and look down at what you're wearing, suddenly wondering if they're suitable.
"Fred, do I need to get changed?" You ask, making him pause briefly as he looks at you up and down.
"No princess, though if you want to wear less I'd have no qualms," he smirks before returning to his digging. You roll your eyes and turn your gaze to George who is lay on the bed reading. You slink into bed beside him and without ever taking his gaze off the page, he opens up his arm for you to cuddle into his side.
"Gonna miss you," you whisper in his ear, quiet enough so Fred wouldn't hear. You see him smile and turn to you as his hand creeps down to reach your bum, giving it a little pat.
"You already know I'll miss you," he smiles, pressing a kiss to your head.
"Right! Princess if you would like to follow me," Fred says, standing beside the bed and offering his elbow to you like a man in an old fashioned movie. You giggle and stand to grab his elbow, casting one last glance back at George before you slip out of the door and down the stairs, following Fred until he leads you out of the house.
"Where are we going?" You ask, your arms still gripping his arm as he guides you. He looks over at you with a smirk and winks, not disclosing anything.
You follow the familiar path up to the back field, praying that he wasn't going to make you play quidditch.
When you got to the field, he pulled the bag off his wide shoulders and pulled out a large picnic blanket and laid it on the floor as he knelt down, gesturing for you to take a seat.
"Okay my princess, we have a blanket, some candles, some beer and."
"Where did you get that?" You interject, laughing as he pulls out two bottles of beer from the bag, no doubt stolen from Arthur's stash. He gives you a wicked smile and leans in to pull you into a kiss, both of you giggling as your lips meet. He then lights the candles around you and reaches into the bag to pull out a little box.
"Okay we have Weasley's whizzbangs, whizzfire bangs, whammy rockets and miraculous mystic mayhem makers," Fred smiles as he pulls out a selection of fireworks from the bag, all tried and tested Weasley products they'd been developing.
"Putting on a show for me handsome?" You flirt, looking at the selection of explosives in front of you.
"Sweetheart, I'm constantly putting on a show for you, have been since second year," he admits with a little chuckle, making you laugh.
You actually end up sitting and talking for the majority of the night, reminiscing about previous pranks you'd all pulled and memories together over the years as you sip on stolen beer. You were both lay on the blanket, your head on his chest as you looked up towards the stars, feeling at peace.
"You're so beautiful," Fred says suddenly, making you turn to face him. Instead of a teasing smirk that you'd expected, he actually looks a little bashful with a smile tugging at his lips. You blush at the sudden intimacy and lean up to kiss him. The kiss starts off slowly and playfully but in no time you are beginning to rut against each other, hands wandering and little breathless gasps falling between your lips in between the passionate kisses.
Something changes in you immediately like a switch had been flicked and you needed to feel him on you, in you, however you could get him, surrendering to the intense desire that Fred always seemed to pull from you.
You began tugging at his sweater, needing to get it off his body to feel him. As he sat up slightly, you immediately began attacking his brown, woven belt to get to what you really wanted.
"What's your rush princess? You need me?" He asks, his hand coming up to grab the side of your face, long fingers tangling into your hair as he feverishly kisses you. You nod and a little whimper falls from your throat without realising as you carry on trying to undress him, the lust you felt becoming a burning need.
Fred pulled off his sweater and T-shirt, leaving him in just his trousers which were quickly pulled down as soon as you'd worked his belt.
"A little unfair don't you think sweetheart?" He smirks, pulling your body to his, your hips meeting as you feel the growing bulge in his underwear against your thigh. He immediately pulls off the sweater and top you're wearing, gasping and growling as he realises that you aren't wearing a bra, your naked breasts spilling out. He immediately latches onto your nipple with his mouth, feasting on the feverish skin as his other hand grabs hold of your neglected breast and toys with the nipple. Your hips chase his at the overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation as he sucks and nips at your pebbled nipples.
"Fred," you groan, throwing your head back as he sucks little lovebites into the side of your breast, never neglecting the nipple as his tongue switches back and forth, devouring your aching breasts.
"That's it princess, tell me who makes you feel this good," Fred smirks, pushing your breasts together to pay attention to them both. "Such perfect tits," he mumbles as he dives right back in.
Your hands begin to wander on his body, running down his smooth abdomen until you reach the little fuzz of his happy trail and the waistband of his boxers. You slip your hand into his underwear and immediately reach for his big, swollen length earning a loud growl from Fred as you wrap your hand around him. He breaks apart from your breast just for a second to pull down his underwear, exposing his perfect cock and balls to you, allowing you to toy with him without restriction.
You slowly begin to move your hand on his cock, tugging and gliding gently just how he likes, causing a broken moan of your name to fall from his lips. He bends his neck to reach down and kiss you, slipping his tongue into your mouth as it wrestles with your own, the sensual glide making you squeeze your legs together to relieve some tension. Fred misses nothing and immediately moves his hands to your jeans to tug them off. You reluctantly let go of his length to let him pull off your jeans and panties in one go. He then pulls off his boxers the rest of the way and slings them away, leaving you both completely naked and exposed.
A single moment passes as you look at each other, your eyes wandering all over his perfect body, really trying to commit it to memory as you look at him with sheer adoration.
He leans down and presses a sweet kiss to your lips, smirking against them as his hand begins to trail up your thigh with teasingly delicate touches which only fuel the fire within you further.
His hand meets your wet folds as his fingers slip beneath them, earning a groan from him as he discovers just how wet you are.
"Is all of this for me princess?" He smirks.
You nod, desperately trying to buck your hips so he'll touch you more, chest heaving already at the sensation.
"Have you been thinking about this sweetheart? About how my big cock is going to stretch you out? Filling you up just right."
"Fuck, Fred yes!" You moan as his long, talented fingers slip inside you, curling up to hit that special spot that makes you keen.
"There it is princess, fuck you're so hot, can't wait to get my cock in you," he says as he leans back down, attacking your breasts once again as he works his fingers in and out of you. You immediately reach for his cock and begin pumping him, making deliciously lewd noises fall from his mouth.
"Come here sweetheart," he suddenly says pulling away, gesturing for you to sit up. He moves you and positions you into a similar fashion to what you'd done that afternoon but instead of being on top of him, you are laid on the blanket in opposite directions whilst facing each other.
His cock is right in front of your face, flushed pink and leaking precum already, just begging to be sucked. Fred parts your legs with his big hands and moves to rest his head on your thigh, wrapping the other one over his shoulder as he kisses your pussy lips, teasing you. You buck your hips, trying to get more than just butterfly kisses and he immediately reaches up to spank your ass, causing you to let out a gasping moan.
His hand comes up to spread your little lips and he begins giving little kisses to your sensitive clit, swirling his tongue teasingly around the exposed nub as you gasp.
You can't hold back any longer and grab hold of his cock at the base, squeezing gently before wrapping your lips around his cock, swirling your tongue devilishly around the fat head, licking up all the little beads of precum. Fred immediately moans out your name and begins feasting on your cunt perfectly, both of you trying your hardest to please the other. Your paces are slow and unhurried, trying to tease and please the other to give the most pleasure you can.
You can feel your orgasm building as your hips undulate over his face. He moans, sensing your impending release and strokes your thighs as he begins wildly sucking on your clit, tugging gently and licking over the spot repeatedly as his pace increases, keeping perfect rhythm until you cum.
You have to pull off his cock as a loud moan erupts from you, your body completely at the mercy of his as your climax takes over, the white hot flames burning you from the inside out as you shout if his name.
"Fucking hell princess," he gasps, stroking your thighs as you come down from your high, a blissful smile plastered on your face. "So hot when you cum."
Fred leans up and moves to lie beside you again, smiling and kissing you as he sees your little blissful, fucked out smile and heavy eyelids.
"Want you Freddie, please," you moan, reaching for his cock again.
"One time not enough sweetheart? Or do you need my big cock?"
"Need it Freddie, please," you beg, completely overwhelmed by the emptiness you felt, needing to be filled by him.
"I've got you sweetheart," he cooes, pulling you closer to him so that your bodies are directly facing each other. He kissed you passionately, hands wandering as they slip down to your ass again. He squeezes and massages the skin of your ass before reaching down to grab your leg and hitch it over his hip. You gasp at the sudden feel of his heavy length pressed against your pussy, just begging for entry.
You reach down and hold his cock steady at the base before rolling your hips just right so that he sinks into your wet heat, both of you gasping and moaning in sync as the bliss of him stretching you out.
"Oh princess, so tight for me," he gasps, thrusting deeper inside of you until every inch of him was buried inside, making you breathless. "Oh you feel perfect princess, so fucking good."
He begins to thrust in and out and you have to hold back your loud moans which you're sure could be heard all the way back at Hogwarts.
You begin to roll your hips in time with his thrusts and you both immediately cry out at the sensation as you fuck yourself on his cock. His hands come up to grab at your ass, guiding your movements, helping you to roll your ass back and forth as he fucks you deep.
"Fuck Freddie, so good, you're so deep," you moan out as the angle of his cock presses hard against your g-spot with each harsh thrust.
"Princess, y/n," he moans, "not gonna last, you feel so fucking good."
"Cum Freddie, please, want you to cum inside me!"
He begins brutally thrusting into you, abandoning your hip movements as his hands dig deliciously into the skin as he grips you hard. His groans and moans mix with yours as he sets a brutal pace, fucking into you with abandon as he nears his end. He suddenly grips you bruisingly hard and slams your hips down onto him one last time, holding your body tight to him as he buries himself as deep as he can. His face scrunches up deliciously as he cums, the blistering hot cum shooting deep into you as his hands keep you firmly in place as your walls clench around him, another orgasm surprising you and taking over your senses.
As the climax slowly begins to wear off, Fred's grip loosens and he slowly rubs the skin where his hands have been to soothe it. He looks up at you with a wide smile and leans down to press a sweet and gentle kiss to your lips as your hands run over his chest.
"Didn't even need the fireworks," he quips as he leans his forehead on yours. You laugh, causing your muscles to contract around him where he's still inside you and you hear him let out a little gasp of over sensitivity. He slowly pulls out, limp cock now resting between you in his thigh as you both take a few moments to catch your breath before untangling yourselves .
"You never needed fireworks to get me into bed... or the ground I guess," you laugh, sitting up and reaching for your clothes. He smiles, watching you dress with a tenderness that made butterflies spread within you.
"You know, it would be a shame to waste these," he says, sitting up and fiddling with the magical fireworks.
"Alright big boy, clothes on first though," you laugh, chucking his T-shirt towards him. You were surprisingly warm and so opted not to wear the sweater, staying in a T-shirt and your jeans as Fred quickly dressed and started preparing the whizz bangs.
You couldn't help but watch him as he moved with proficiently, seeing him in his element of causing mischief as he lined up the whizzbangs.
Moments later, the enchanted fireworks erupted in the sky with a resounding bang, illuminating the entire sky with a prism of colour. One of the particular fireworks turned into a dragon midair and began circling around the rest of the explosions in the most spectacular sight you'd ever seen.
You sneaked a look at Fred's face seeing him smiling in utter delight which made you feel so proud of him and George at their incredible inventions, forever thankful that you could always get a firsthand show.
When the ash settled, the familiar scent of gunpowder and settling smoke overwhelmed your senses and took you back to the potions classroom, smelling the Amortentia. The scent was so unmistakable, like the smell of an extinguished candle with a little more dry smokiness and a lingering musky that was entirely Weasley's wizzbangs.
"Y/n?" Fred asks, bringing your attention back to him. You realised that whilst you had been spaced out, he'd tied away the leftovers from the fireworks and was now lay back on his elbows with his long legs crossed at the ankle, watching you. "Where did you go pretty girl?"
"Nowhere important," you smiled, lying down with him as you looked back at the Burrow, seeing a couple of lights still on throughout the house. A sense of dread suddenly overwhelmed you. "No one can see us right?"
He laughed and shook his head, "only window that looks out back here is mine and George's," he explains with a smirk, "think he was watching?"
"Fred!" You laughed, hitting his chest at the thought.
"Think he was taking notes on how to please a woman?" He laughs and you nudge him again, throwing him off balance of his elbows, forcing him down. "You didn't argue it, he really that bad?"
"Merlin no, just didn't think you'd want to know all the details about how your twin brother pleases me and how he likes when I-"
""Alright I get the point," he says quickly, pulling a disgusted face at the idea. You had to chuckle as you settled back onto the blanket, sprawling your legs back as you looked up at the stars.
You sneaked a glance over at Fred who was doing the same as you with his eyes closed as he relaxed and thought back to all the times you'd tried to sneak glances at him over the years without him noticing. It was one of those moments when you realised how incredibly lucky you were to have not only Fred but George too, for however long you could have them.
The whizzbang smoke had brought back memories of the Amortentia incident and had stirred something up inside you which was eating away at your happiness, never truly knowing who it was you desired more.
When you and Fred were alone together, it was easy. You'd liked him for years, daydreamed and fantasised about him every chance you could, even so much as scribbling his initials in little notebooks in your younger years like any good schoolgirl would. You'd fantasised of your life together if he ever reciprocated your feelings, your wedding, your future children, all a distant but hopeful thought. It should be easy really, he liked you back and for that you were eternally grateful.
You'd been best friends for years, even closer than you and George had been and it was constantly exciting and passionate, like everyday was a new relationship but without all the awkwardness of learning about each other. Your mischievous best friend turned boyfriend, the constant prank master and joker, always the ringleader; he kept you on your toes at all times, bringing joy and laughter to your life like no other. Your relationship was filled with teasing and witty banter that you hope never faded and you were almost certain that you loved him, and had for a long time.
But then there was George. A prankster and joker at heart but with a stronger conscience and greater moral compass. He was sensitive and kind, at-least more often than Fred tended to be and he was comforting, above all else. George made you feel secure and loved. He was the personification of that feeling after a long, stressful day when you finally got home and could relax, putting on your cosiest, comfiest clothes and shutting out the world as you sought comfort. You'd never anticipated falling for him so hard and just like his brother, you were near certain that you were falling in love with him, if you weren’t already fully there. How were you ever going to chose between them?
"Your thoughts are loud," Fred says and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Sorry," you say, turning your attention back to him, "I think I'm just tired."
"Want to go to bed sweetheart?" He asks tenderly, placing his hand on your thigh. You had to admit that going to bed did sound very appealing right now, but you didn't want to cut the cut your little date short.
"Not just yet Freddie," you say, leaning back against him. He hums and extends his arm out to you so that you can lean on it.
"Love when you call me that," he says bashfully, touching the braids on your head as he brushes away the little wisps in your face. You smile up at him and immediately your mind, filled with problems and negative thoughts is calmed and quiet again.
You decide to head in not too long after, throwing everything back into the shopping bag and walked back to the house. You managed to sneak in undetected and immediately head up to the twins' shared bedroom, carefully avoiding the creaking stairs whilst trying not to wake anyone, if they'd been able to sleep through the fireworks at least.
Upon entering the room, you noticed that George had in fact made himself scarce and wouldn't be sleeping here tonight, his pillows gone from the bed. You briefly thought of asking Fred but it was his night with you and you didn't want to bring up any potential conflict. Fred had gone to the toilet and so you took the opportunity to take off your makeup with a wipe and get dressed.
You tossed the jumper in your arms over to the washing hamper and shimmied out of your jeans, replacing them with your sleep shorts. Your T-shirt was switched out to one of Fred's old ones that you kept and you dragged yourself into bed, your tiredness from the night before hitting you like the hogwarts express.
When Fred strolled back into the room, he smiled at seeing you in bed. He tore off his clothes, opting to just sleep in his boxers and climbed into bed behind you. It was strange sleeping without George but you didn't fixate on it, you just hoped that wherever he was, he didn't feel pushed out or alone.
Fred's arm immediately falls over your waist, falling just underneath your breasts as he pulls you tightly to him so that his body is directly connected to your back.
"How do you fit so perfectly in my arms?" He whispers into your ear, musing at the near perfect fit of your body in his. It was true; you suspected that his height versus yours had a lot to do with it but you fit neatly into the plains of his body. Your ass was pressed against his crotch whilst his arm reached perfectly with the curve of your waist, your head slotted right under his head to rest against his chest whilst his arms encased you.
"Maybe you just fit perfectly around me," you smiled into the dark room, feeling him squeeze you tighter at your words.
"Did you have a good time tonight princess?" He asks quietly and you can sense a slight hint of vulnerability in his tone.
"The best Freddie," you answer honestly, "atleast, the fireworks were great." He immediately grabs you and begins tickling your ribs as you fight back, squirming and struggling to hold in your squeals at the horrendous sensation.
"Oh I see how it is, I give you some of my best work and all she remembers is the bloody pyrotechnics," he says dramatically, causing you to roll your eyes.
"It was perfect Fred, every bit," you say quietly, no longer playing around. You twist slightly in his arms to seek out his lips, placing a kiss of sheer gratitude on him.
"This is really nice," Fred says after a few moments of comfortable silence. You hum in agreement, enjoying the peace and the feeling of his arms securely wrapped around you. "One day we'll be able to do this every night," he says, sounding as if he's narrating his thoughts. "When school is over and me and George have opened the shop, you can move in with us and every single night I'll kiss you goodnight and hold you until you fall asleep."
"That sounds perfect," you say with a yawn, feeling as if you could fall asleep within mere seconds.
"And every morning I'll bring you a cup of tea in bed and kiss you before I leave for work," he adds, clearly daydreaming though he sounds increasingly more tired with each word. "You can help me pick out my tie, checking that it matches with my suit. Did I tell you me and George decided we'd wear full suits at the shop? Like real businessmen. Anyway, you'd pick out my tie and straighten it for me before I leave because you know I always leave it wonky."
He tiredly mumbles out more of his dreams and secrets to you in the still, dark room but you don't hear them, having fallen sound asleep, comforted by the sound of his voice as it acts like your own personal lullaby.
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munchmemes · 2 months
glass animals lyrics, I Love You So F***ing Much edition
▸ make it burn. smile as the knife is turned. ▸ i'll begin at the beginning. ▸ and [they] kissed you, you were finished, two months in a minute. ▸ you always fall asleep just before the movie finishes. ▸ when's it gonna end? maybe when you're dead? ▸ maybe you're a fool but [they] loved you. ▸ roll those credits 'cause the sequel's gonna hurt. ▸ that's how revenge is served, make it so cold that it hurts. ▸ i guess you're right that you live and learn. ▸ all that shit i learned from you, kindness spilt like milk and juice. ▸ so blindsided by the truth, in some way i was sure you knew. ▸ those scars must really run deep. ▸ i just got thrown in the trunk of a blacked-out 1999 corolla. ▸ i'm so happy, this is just where i wanna be. ▸ true love. what a fucking beautiful shit-storm. ▸ if i survive, i'll do this again every summertime. ▸ such a night exciting hijacking. what a lovely little time we've had, really took me by surprise. ▸ what do you think about when you think about love? ▸ i'm dumbstruck when you're tender. ▸ it tears through my head, does it haunt you too? ▸ lucky, lucky you 'cause i'm fortune's fool. ▸ i don't think i realize just how much i miss you sometimes. ▸ we were young and so in love. ▸ i don't see the point in a subtle romance. ▸ i'm only really me when i'm here with you. ▸ you just want something kind. i want corruption. ▸ truth hurts when it points right at you. ▸ sit down now for some ground rules, thank you. don't talk, that's it, just one. do you think you can handle that much? ▸ been a great gun fight. you drew blood, i set myself on fire. ▸ get a few ball gags, they're on three for two. ▸ i just want something wrong. i want indulgence. i just wanna make it out alive. ▸ you got big ideas, they're as shit as you. ▸ i'd say 'burn in hell' but they'd hate you too. ▸ what is that you're wearing? oh, it's too much booze. ▸ now scuttle home, go and lick your wounds. ▸ do you want love? do you want lust? ▸ i like you, like you like your drugs. ▸ oh, too late, my love. you blew me into star dust. ▸ object disappearance, it's a true phenomenon. forget me and i'm gone. ▸ i can't give you back your innocence. ▸ freedom at last, i know you wanted it. but freedom don't last when you've got no one left. ▸ that's just one more thing about you i don't need in my life. ▸ i still wonder sometimes what would we have been like? ▸ i can't take away your bitterness. i can't give you back your tenderness. ▸ it was never good enough. we were never good enough. it was never really you. ▸ i always thought it was only the two of us. ▸ which one is you? is anything true? ▸ when you get home, who'll i get? i don't know when you'll explode. ▸ maybe it's just a strange time that i found you in your life. ▸ maybe i can learn to like all that i find terrifying. ▸ i knew it and my heart burst. you're so much more than i deserve. ▸ long ago, probably in a galaxy not far from home, i bet there's a version where we're happier. ▸ whisper me the reasons that you hate me. ▸ one day you'll move on, put me in a drawer. i'll just be a ghost in photos on your phone. ▸ i think we're formed from old lego in a bedside drawer where the stray things go. ▸ i'm a dreamer too. paint over the sad bits, i know that you do. ▸ i swear that i try just to get it all the right way. ▸ there's no fixing this. thanks for all the fish. ▸ i miss that noise you make when you sleep. ▸ i've had enough of today's emotions. why can't they just leave me alone? ▸ am i acting normal? am i being fun? ▸ did i say too little? did i say too much? i wanna scream at the top of my lungs! ▸ my monologue's out of control. ▸ i found the hole where the happiness goes. ▸ you know i'd do anything for your and now i'm here and i'm hoping for sun in the afternoon.
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mickimagnum · 2 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Ten
*the episode opens with a shot of Echo Valley Ranch. The sun has just set and crickets can be heard singing in the background.*
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Devin, in the diary room: "Today is our second group date and I'm so excited to spend more time with my four guys tonight. They're all still here because I still want to get to know them and events like tonight are the perfect chance to do just that. I'm hoping they're going to be able to cut a little loose."
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*the next shot opens with the contestants lined up. they're waiting for Devin in the backyard. she approaches and they all greet her with smiles*
Devin: "Hi guys!"
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Devin (continues): "Wow, you all look so nice tonight. I can't believe I get to spend another evening with you fine gentleman."
*the contestants grin and chuckle softly*
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Devin (continues): "For tonight's group date, I thought we could cut a little loose with a backyard hoedown. What do you fellas say?"
*the group cheers in reply*
Devin: "Alright then, let's party!"
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*the next scene opens with Devin sitting at the bar, joined by the contestants*
*Devin sips at her glass of nectar while Albert looks on, a smile playing at the corners of his lips*
Albert: "So, how was your day," *pauses and tips his invisible cowboy hat* "darlin'?"
*Devin chuckles and shakes her head*
Devin: "It was good. Just a typical, busy day. Worked the horses. Did some nectar business. Although, I did actually have time to go for a jog this afternoon which was nice. What about yours, cowboy?"
*Albert makes a show out of pausing to ponder*
Albert: "Also busy. I hung out with these goons all day," *motions to the other contestants* "and...thought about you nonstop."
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*Devin grins ear to ear*
Devin: "Is that a fact?"
Albert: "Yes. Admittedly, you're all I've been able to think about since I've gotten here."
*Devin blushes and tries to hide it behind her hand*
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*After a beat, she recovers, leans forward and asks:*
Devin: "And what exactly were you thinking about?"
*Albert grins, leans closer to her, and they lock eyes*
Albert: "Well, I'd love to tell you, but I'm sure these guys don't want to here it," *glances around at the other contestants* "Why don't you come dance with me and I can tell you?"
*Devin nods as a smile breaks out across her face*
Devin: "Deal."
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*the next scene opens with Albert and Devin slow dancing out on the dance floor. They are gazing at each other intensely and smiling.*
Devin: "So tell me. What thoughts have been going through that beautiful, twisted mind of yours?"
*Albert chuckles*
Albert: "Twisted?"
Devin: "You heard me."
*Devin winks at him and the pair share a laugh*
Albert: "Well. I think about that first night, and how natural it felt to have you in my arms. How right it felt. I think about your brown eyes...a lot. And your laugh. Man, I love the sound of your laugh. I think about how amazing it would be to have a life with you, from the crazy adventures we'd have to just waking up next to you every morning. But, mostly, I think about how I can get more time with you, because honestly, it feels like the air I'm breathing right now."
*The camera cuts to Devin. Her eyes are shining and she is smiling widely*
Devin: "Albert...I had no idea you felt that way. That has got to be one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me."
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*Albert suddenly scoops Devin up. She wraps her arms around his shoulder and they hold intense eye contact*
Albert: "Oh, I do. Maybe I should let you in on a little secret."
Devin: "And what's that?"
Albert: "I'm f*bleep*ing crazy about you."
*Devin smiles and leans forward to kiss him.*
*The camera zooms in to Stan standing in the background watching. His face is etched in anger.*
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Albert (in diary room): "What a night. I opened up to Devin about my feelings for her and I feel like it took our relationship to the next level. And she kissed me....best kiss of my life too. These other guys better watch out. I'm not leaving without my girl."
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*the next scene opens with Devin and all of the contestants dancing to modern ranch music; all except Stan who can been seen drinking heavily at the bar with a dark look on his face*
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Houston: "What do you mean you've never read The Grapes of Wrath?"
Devin: "Don't judge me, mister. I'm admittedly not a huge reader. I don't have time."
*Houston acts wounded*
Houston: "But you have that beautiful library upstairs!"
*Devin chuckles*
Devin: "I do. And I would love to read the books I have in it but alas."
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Houston: "I think I know a solution."
*Devin looks at him puzzled*
Devin: "Now you've got me curious."
Houston: "You're too busy to read, so why don't I read to you? I'll be your living audio book. I can read some to you every night before we go to bed."
*Devin pauses a moment as a smile spreads across her face*
Devin: "I think I love this idea."
*Houston smiles back at her*
Houston: "We can start with The Grapes of Wrath. It's a classic and I think you'll love it."
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Houston (in diary room): *stares at the floor for a moment before a smile begins to spread on his face. he then looks directly into the camera*
"I think I'm falling in love with Devin."
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Stan (ranting to bartender): "Ya know, I don't even know why I'm here. I mean, I came to find love, but it's like competing with a pack of wolves. It's f*bleep*ing ridiculous. I'm too old for this s*bleep*."
*Stan drinks deeply from his mug of beer*
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*The camera cuts to Handra and Devin, who can be seen embracing each other, both smiling deeply*
Handra: "I've missed you. Is it too early to admit that?"
*Devin chuckles*
Devin: "Never. I've missed you, too. Your presence...it calms me. You make me feel safe."
*Handra smiles down at her*
Handra: "You're always safe with me, Devin."
*She bites her lower lip and blushes. After a pause she says:*
Devin: "Wanna swing?"
*Handra grins*
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*the pair can then be seen swinging, giggling, and talking indistinctly*
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*After Handra and Devin get done swinging, he takes her hands and looks into her eyes*
Handra: "I just wanna say, Devin, anytime I spend time with you, I feel like the luckiest man alive. I love how genuine you are to yourself, and with others. You inspire me."
*Devin smiles*
Devin: "I love spending time with you too. I think we get along so well because you are also a really genuine person. It's a rare quality."
Handra: "That it is."
*His eyes sparkle at Devin and she can't help but keep smiling up at him*
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Handra (in diary room): "Being with Devin just makes me happy. I really hope she feels the same way about me. And I want us to keep making each other happy. That's all I got to say."
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*Devin sits down next to Stan and greets him with a big smile*
Devin: Hi there, stranger. You've been awfully quiet tonight. Everything alright?"
*Stan glances up at her*
Stan: "Just haven't had the energy to claw my way through the wolfpack tonight for your attention."
*Devin cocks an eyebrow at Stan*
Devin: "The wolfpack, huh?"
*Stan shrugs*
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Stan: "Everyone's fighting for your attention all the time. That's what it feels like. We're wolves circling prey. You're a prize to be won." *he looks down at his drink* "It's exhausting."
*Devin studies him for a moment*
Devin: "Is it the competition that's bothering you or that you don't feel like you're getting enough time with me."
*Stan snorts*
Stan: "Hell, both, if I'm being honest."
*Devin looks slightly annoyed as she rests both hands on the bar. She takes a deep breath before speaking*
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Devin: "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm doing my best to spend time with everyone. It is certainly challenging. But, this is a two-way street, Stan. You have to put in effort, too. You said you don't feel like you've gotten enough time with me, but also said you don't feel like 'clawing your way' through the others. This is, unfortunately, what we all signed up for. So, do you see my problem? I mean, which is it? Do you want to spend time with me or not? I'm going to do my part, but can I count on you to do yours? I guess that's my question."
*Stan clenches his jaw as he eyes her, choosing his next words carefully*
Stan: "I'm not sure this arrangement is for me. This whole thing is more difficult than I bargained for."
*Devin looks stunned*
Devin: "So, are you saying you want to leave?"
Stan: "I'm not sure what I'm saying."
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*Stan abruptly gets up from the bar*
Stan: "I need some time to think."
*he then turns and skulks into the house, leaving a stunned Devin still sitting at the bar*
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*the camera cuts to the other three contestants on the dancefloor, looking on in shock*
Handra: "Wait, is Stan leaving?"
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*Stan can be seen in the bathroom, clinging to the sink while glaring into the mirror*
Stan (voiceover): "I'm so angry I want to smash everything in this room. I had no idea this was going to be this hard; seeing her with the other men. I'm not sure I can keep doing this. I'm going insane."
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Devin (in diary room): "I'm so surprised at the way Stan behaved tonight. I mean, no, this is not an ideal situation for any of the contestants but it is what everyone signed up for. Yes, it's hard. But, we're all doing our best. Really, I'm disappointed in him for acting so...immaturely. If he decides to leave, I will be sad to see him go, but if he doesn't think I'm worth it, then maybe it's not worth the emotional investment. I don't know. I'm really confused righ now."
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Stan (in diary room): "I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. On one hand, I really like her and I want to see what's there between us. On the other, I'm tired of competing with these other dudes, of seeing them with her. It's too hard. I hate it. I don't know what I'm going to do..."
Albert submitted by @bakersimmer Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims
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genmui-to-infinity · 27 days
Heyyy it's me, that random person on Ao3 :3 sorry I not fully signed up which means that I can't use the normal.message thing :( and the f(quack)ing verification email WONT ARRIVE UGHHHHH so yeah just wanted to tell u abt a genmui oneshot Idea I had a while ago! (Might be a bit sPiCyYyY but i just can't help it my innocence has been ruined lol.)
Soooo it's goes like this: yeah idk wait I gotta remember rq...
sooo I thought of a oneshot where they're just kinda in the hot springs maybe(??) And mui is like:
"Gen why are you hiding in the water...?" 🌫
"I dont want you to see all those ugly scars.."🍉
"They're not ugly...they're beautiful..I'd love to kiss every one of them to show you that I don't hate you for it.."🌫
"We don't have to."🌫
("I wouldn't mind.."🍉(idk kinda cute but kinda sus lol(and then they do it lol and genya is a tomato while being smooched everywhere (ok maybe not EVERYWHERE..👍)))
it's fine if you think my idea sucks 🙃 I'm bad at stuff like writing ... :(
iT dOesnt suckk?! I mean I read a wattpad fic where Genya made out with Mui's ass and i think this one's more romantic than that. I say go ahead and write but tag it 'underage'😁
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Tenzo's treatment at the end of the series is litterally such a sour point for me. dude desrerved better than being made into a watch dog for the person who experimented on him.
But i'd never blame that on any single character. we don't even know WHY Yamato is in that position. if he was ordere'd by someone to take it or if he wanted to take it when he found out that Orochimaru was being let go to wander the world freely once again.
To see that turned into a reason to hate one specific character, any character, is infuriating because no character is to blame or be accused for the situation Tenzo is in. It is 100% a writers choice with a failure to explain WHY this was the choice made. it feels like Kishi just wanted to do something with Tenzo and didn't care about WHAT.
He could have had someone talk to Kakashi and remind Kakahsi he can't just leave to find Tenzo in the middle of a war, and shown us how that ate away at Kakashi because all he wants to do is go save his friend. he did not do that. he had Tenzo kidnapped and forgotten about by everyone, even the people he was on a mission with.
he could have shown us tsunade or Kakashi assigning Tenzo to that role, or Tenzo requesting the assignment and tsunade or Kakahsi arguing against such a placement. he did not.
At the end of the day no single character should be shat on or hated for how Tenzo ended up becaue it's just Kishi not f***ing caring. Naruto didn't even get to react to Tenzo being kidnapped or beg to go after him. no one did.
Kishi wrote him out of the story and moved on because he had no idea how to use Tenzo in the war arc and i will die mad about this bs.
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mera-k1 · 3 months
Mira's 'Commissions' Info!
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these are writing commissions for your selfship (yume) or oc x canon ships! they are free of charge. yes, free! there's no catch, i just like writing for fun!
there are a few rules and guidelines i'd like to set for these 'comms' though. they're listed below so if you are interested, please take the time to read them all~
i do reserve the right to decline the commission request with or without telling you the reason for declining. i may tell you my reasoning for declining but if i decline, do not ask me why if i don't already tell you the reason.
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-> you must be comfortable with dm-ing me.
this feels like a given because i need a way to communicate with you about your fic! i won't accept if you are only comfortable with communicating with me through the anon feature on tumblr, you have to dm me! the dms between us will stay private!
-> anything is on the table!
this goes for fluff, angst, comfort, nsfw, etc. if i'm not comfy with smth, i'll let you know! nsfw stuff is only reserved for characters or yumeships that are of age. i will not write underage characters in smut! this also goes for genders. i'll write any gender!! poly stuff? sure! just no character x character stuff!
-> this is not solely for paralive or hypmic!
i will write for most any fandom. please ask me first if i know the fandom because it'll be an extreme struggle if i don't know anything about the media you're asking for...
-> do not ask for multiple fics at once.
i need time to write your first one so please be patient!! they will take time for me to write because i have a life outside of writing unfortunately... please allow me time to write!
-> don't post it anywhere. (without crediting me)
i understand if you'd like to share with your friends but please do not post it anywhere and pass it off as your own! please credit me for my hard work. if you are simply just sharing with a few friends, tell them not to post it anywhere without credit.
-> there are only limited amount of slots
i will only have a few (3-4) slots for these comms. this is so i don't get too stressed out! still, be patient as they will be done when i am able to work on them. if i respond to your dm about a 'comm', then that means you've earned yourself a spot in the few slots that i have! if i don't respond, don't worry! you'll be priority when i open the slots back up!
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so.. what stuff should you have ready if you're interested in asking for a specialized fic? well...
-> a description of your sona or oc. which would include: personality, their dynamic with their s/o(s) or f/o(s), how your oc or sona looks (can be a description or art!), and any other details that might be important for the fic.
-> optionally, a plot. it'll make my job a lot easier but be warned, the longer the plot is, the longer it will take for me to write!
-> an idea this goes with above but have some sort of idea when you come to me. whether that be like "a fluffy morning" or something simple, it's much easier if you have an idea you want written!
-> answers i'll probably ask you few questions when i start writing the fic. stuff like the pov you'd prefer (if you don't specify) or any other troubles i run into while writing! i might ask about your oc or the character if i'm unfamiliar with them.
-> patience just like art comms, have patience with me! it takes time to write just as it does to draw. please do not dm me asking about it more than a few times. if you ask, i can send you a sneak peek if i have anything written for it but do not pester me to ask if it's done! i will send it to you when it's done.
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for simplicity, here's a list of other fandoms that i can write for...
-> a whole lot of popular mangas including... blue lock, bsd, demon slayer, jjk, tbhk, tokyo revengers, black clover, blue period, kaiju no 8, bleach, csm, and plenty more!
-> quite a few games such as... genshin, hsr, zenless zone zero, league of legends, stardew valley, monster prom (1, 2, or 3), and plenty others!
please just ask if you're wondering about a series. i might not have listed it to avoid the list getting too long but i have read a lot of obscure series so it's likely that i might know of it! the series highlighted in orange are only selective characters so be warned! and of course, hypmic & paralive are welcome as always♡♡
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jazzyoranges · 10 months
Omfg your writing is amazing, and I could just gush about how much I love it this entire ask; that being said, I think it's in the name that I should ask something.
And my ask I mean request. Sorry it's more Wednesday Addams stuff.
So, I read your Orange cat shapeshifter thing and I think it would be so f-ing cute if Y/N and Wednesday were dating or something, and Wednesday morbidly curious as always just asked questions about her ability.
Now I understand if you have your own head cannons about Shapeshifter Y/N's, and do whatever you please with that prompt, but here are some question and answer ideas if you can't think of anything or run out of ideas or whatever!
Q: Does it hurt? A: No but it's weird. Like a tingly feeling, especial in the parts that change the most (like growing a tail).
Q: What happens if you get injured well you're shifted? A: The injuries transfer over. So if I cut myself as a Cat I'd have a cut in the same place in my human form.
Q: How does it work? A: From what I was told in my clan(head cannon that shapeshifters have their own clans/tribes, Kinda isolated and different and sucky, kinda like the traditions surrounding Mormons but more fitting) when we change our cells adapt to the thing we become. So when I turn into _, my cells are at the base still mine and I don't loose any, but they change on a molecular level. That's also why it's hard to become big things, because we have to draw the addition cells for size from nature or another living thing.
Q: Can you turn into people? A: Some shifters can, some can't. Humans are harder because of all the details you have to mimic. Its hard, but I can do certain people for short amounts of time. (But no one can do inanimate objects)
Q: Can you alter parts of yourself individually? A: Depends on how drastic. If I wanted I could probably go all furry, or something but I couldn't be able to change my height per sey by more then seven or eight inches for more then half an hour.
Wow reading theses they are all and dunno what was going through my head. I'm too tired to think tbh.
If for some reason you want more, when I'm more rested I'll probably be able to do better. Feel free to PM.
ahhhh tysm for the kind words 😚🫶
i absolutely love the idea of not changing cells, but being changed on a molecular level! that’s actually so cool to think about. maybe instead of being a cat, R probably shifts into something relatively the same size as her (probably a bigger cat tbh)
you can find the fic here :3
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sun-lit-roses · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tags @curator-on-ao3 and @emonydeborah! I apologize for how long it's taken me to respond 💛
I'm so late to this, I have no idea who's already done it. If you haven't yet, please, please consider yourself tagged - and tag me in your response so that I can read your answers! (Actually if you have done it already, also link me so I can read your answers. These are fun questions with bonus fic recs so I'd like to see them all!)
Anyway, I got a little rambly, so I'll put in a cut to not murder anyone's dash 😁
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 82.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 397,560.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've been primarily writing Star Trek (Strange New Worlds and Voyager) lately, with a dash of The Librarians and Leverage.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fringe Benefits (SNW) - My beloved monument to ridiculousness where I approach the totally canon subject of Chris Pike's horse skills via Number One's hair.
October 2373 (Voyager)- My magnum opus! The one time I've managed to achieve completion of an October prompt list - five of them. In one coherent (ish) fic. Granted, it did take me until December... but the point is that I finished it! It follows a very eventful and occasionally random month aboard the Starship Voyager, where they have to deal with imprisonment, alien attacks, diplomatic meetings, and Kathryn's inability to talk about her feelings.
For the Captain Who Has Everything: A Prixin Story (Voyager) - Look. You can't just give me three delightful misfits for ONLY ONE EPISODE and not expect me to adopt them as my own. SO this is what happened next for the little Good Shepherd flock, where 'what happened next' is shenanigans to set up their Captain with her First Officer as a gesture of gratitude.
Growing Pains (SNW) - Aw, one of my early Chris and Una fics! This is one of the set I wrote while the first season was just airing weekly - hard to believe that was almost two years ago 😲 This one was the aftermath of Una 'I'm just fine-ing' her way into emergency surgery and Chris letting her know that there were things up with which he would not put - top of the list being losing his Number One.
Command Advice (SNW) - Another of the early SNW set! This was my 'spicier' take on the resulting conversation between Chris and Una after she learns about her Where Fun Goes to Die nickname. In one version, they have a very serious conversation about Starfleet principles. In *this* version, they're less serious. Also naked.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Or at least I try. I love and cherish every comment, but I tend to run (very) behind on responding and have to play the game of 'is it weird to reply to a comment this late?'
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My very first fic ever! Actually I think it might be my only fic with an angsty ending. I guess I got it all out of my system early. That one is Wednesday, a Sanctuary fic where Helen has a very sad day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Literally everything else. I can't even pick out of my collection of sappiness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, there's very little I would not be willing to at least try writing! Up to now I think I've written at least mildly smutty M/F, F/F, and F/M/M sexcapades and/or BDSM. I'm working my way around to some F/F/M for SNW if I could get the three of them to cooperate.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I think I've only written one crossover and it was for SNW/The Librarians, bringing about a meeting between Eve Baird and Una Chin-Riley, which we would have in a fair and just universe.
Wait, I take that back! I also had a little snippet on Tumblr where Hawkeye, BJ, Jonathan, and Ardeth meet up, because The Mummy/MASH is... certainly a combo. Actually, I think I also had a snippet of Gomez Addams meeting Hawkeye and BJ? What is it about MASH?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Kind of? The Discord crowdsourced the plot to a ridiculously hilarious fic and I wrote a bit of it for fun, but I'm not sure if that counts? Co-writing does sound like a good time, though!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Voyager! The happiest little ship in the Delta Quadrant 🚀
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a lot of bits and pieces on my hard drive that will never be finished and released into the Ao3 wilds - the plot didn't work out/was barely a plot, I've moved on from the fandom, I was trapped in a fever dream of my nieces playing Frozen on repeat, blacked out, and woke up to 3 chapters dealing with the socio-political ramifications of Elsa decamping and Anna appointing the prince of another land in charge rather than Arendelle's Privy Council. Anyway.
The WIPs I have posted, though, I fully intend to finish at some point! It may take a while and it might not be my original planned ending, but they haunt me. So one day I will have to put them to rest. Possibly with a 2x4, tarp, and shovel.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm pretty good at getting into the character's voice. I hope so, at least; I spend a lot of time on it! Also, humor, although that one is objective, of course.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Commas. Clearly.
Structurally, it varies per fic, but I have a habit of running thin on plot. I start strong at A, want to get to B, but the middle gets kind of wander-y. This also leads to me sometimes stalling mid-project if I get distracted or pulled away - hence my current three WIPs. Though it doesn't help that the past six months have sucked on letting me have much free time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If it was short, easy dialogue in Spanish or French I might be able to swing it. Otherwise, I would need to phone a friend.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Sanctuary!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is a hard one. I love them all for different reasons, some of which have more to do with the time I was writing them than with the actual contents. Reluctance was my first multi-chapter fic ever back in the FFN days, so that seems like a pretty good candidate. I learned so much while writing that fic!
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fandom-junk-drawer · 5 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 18
"Check this out! I can cast Igni!" Jaskier exclaimed, bursting into Geralt's room.
Geralt looked up just in time to see the tongue of flame Jaskier shot in his general direction.
"Oh calm the h*ll down, it's just a little bit of fire!"
"No, I didn't 'almost burn down your horsie collection!"
"Please! The fire was no where near it! The flame was maybe a foot long at most!"
"That's not even a curtain! It's just an old sheet held up by thumbtacks!"
"F***ing h*ll, Geralt, that stained, crusty thing deserves to be set on fire!"
"Don't 'Hmm' at me like that, I'd be doing the world a favor--!"
Jaskier gibbered, dancing backwards as a Geralt sent a controlled burst of Igni his way.
Geralt: *smug 'hmm'*
Jaskier flicked the lighter and sent another little jet of flame into the room.
Geralt scoffed at the small streak of fire. It was nothing compared to what he could do with Igni.
"Is that hairspray?"
"Yeah," Jaskier replied hesitantly, not sure where the conversation was going.
"Let me try?"
The hairspray and lighter were handed over, and Geralt sent a long burst of flame into the air.
The primitive parts of his and Jaskier's brains 'ooked' excitedly.
Oook! Make fire!
Ook! Fire! Fire!
"Do you have any more?"
"No, that was what I had left from when I went to that costume party."
Geralt made a disappointed sound.
A moment of contemplative silence followed.
"I know where we can get lots of hairspray!" Jaskier said.
Minutes later, both men were standing in the living room, armed with lighters and cans of hairspray. They whooped excitedly, homemade flamethrowers sending streams of fire into the air.
They chased each other through the house, somehow not setting anything on fire. There were a few close calls, where something got a tiny bit scorched, but it was nothing that couldn't be wiped off or hidden. Yennefer would never know.
And then Geralt's fire stream got a little too close to Jaskier.
"Hey, watch it, you daft b**tart!" *sizzle of return fire that almost burns Geralt's sl*t strands off*
"HhHmmM!" *fire*
"That was almost my face!" *more fire*
"You burnt my f***ing arm hair off!"
"It wAs aN AcCiDEnT!"
Jaskier squealed and ran as Geralt came at him, directing little bursts of fire at his a**.
He tried to leap over the back of the couch and landed a** up on the floor. He had a horrible flashback to the time Geralt had shot a nerf dart up his a**.
From the look on Geralt's face, he was remembering it too.
"Don't you f***ing dare!" Jaskier said, flipping over and raising his can of hairspray threateningly, just in case Geralt was Getting Ideas. He sent a burst of flame at him. Geralt stumbled back, and Jaskier twisted to his feet.
They circled each other cautiously, hairspray cans and lighters raised, poised. They sent little bursts of fire at each other, testing the other's defenses.
"What in Melitele's name are you f**kwits doing?" Geralt and Jaskier froze as Yennefer's shocked voice roared through the living room.
"Er, we're making flamethrowers...?" Jaskier ventured.
"Flamethrowers--! Are you stupid? Don't answer! I already know you are!"
"You're like two cavemen just discovering fire! Dumber than a box of rocks! A whelk has more brains than you--!" Yennefer paused, eyes landing on the cans the two imbeciles held in their hands.
"That's my hairspray! My expensive hairspray!"
Geralt took a surreptitious step away as Jaskier started talking. This was not going to end well.
"Calm down, Yen, you're agitating the snakes in your hair. Here, try taming them with some hairspray!" Then he activated his homemade flamethrower.
He also activated Yennefer's Mortal Enemies Mode. The angry witch lunged.
Jaskier saw the physical manifestation of Doom approaching. He threw the lighter and hairspray aside, and turned to run, but was not fast enough.
Yennefer caught him by the back of his shirt and wound up her arm. There was a loud, sharp crack! as she smacked him hard across his a**. There was absolutely nothing kinky about that slap. It was personal; pure righteous retribution.
Jaskier let out a sharp screech and fell to lie twisting in agony on the floor, holding his a**.
He wasn't sure if he had a spanking kink, but he was certain, in that moment, that if he had happened to have an undiscovered one, it had just been b*tch slapped right out of him.
Geralt didn't know what he was thinking, but for some reason, his brain screamed, "RUN!", so he did. Or, he tried to. He didn't get but two steps before he felt the burn of Yennefer's hand whipping across his a**.
Geralt joined Jaskier on the floor, too stunned to even 'Hm'.
Holy f**k, is that what Jaskier had felt?!
Godsd*MN! No wonder he was still laying on the floor!
Yennefer collected her hairspray, gave them both one last angry scowl, then swept upstairs, leaving them groaning softly on the floor.
"Is there a scorch mark on my a**?" Jaskier hissed in a pained whisper once Yennefer was gone. "It feels like there should be a scorch mark."
Geralt actually rolled over and looked, "No. Is there one on mine?"
Jaskier looked.
"F***ing feels like I have a welt!"
"Same. Tell me if I have one."
Geralt nodded, and Jaskier gingerly shimmied his pants down, whimpering as the rough fabric rubbed over what felt like raw skin.
There was a vaguely hand-shaped welt across both cheeks. Geralt swore it was glowing and that he might have seen a few wisps of smoke.
Judging from how bad his own cheeks were stinging, Geralt knew he had a similar mark.
Jaskier slowly started getting up, wincing and holding his backside. "Where are you going?" Geralt asked, as the bard began limping away.
Jaskier replied, "My a** needs some popsicles."
Geralt grunted back, "Wait for me, I need some too."
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echobx · 2 months
saw this ask game and decided to answer all so you guys can get to know me better
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
it depends. I usually have my multi-chapterdd fics already done before posting them, so in my head they are stored as one shots. I know, weird. anyway...
I think oneshots are easier for me bc it's all fix and I don't get the urge to want to go back and change things. but I'm trying out the chaptered way with Timeloop and I can fix him (no really I can) and we'll see how I like it... but I'm only doing it like that bc idk how long they'll be and I wanted to post something and not wait months for them to be done before I post it all.
so maybe one-shots when it comes to [tumblr]
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
I usually write as I go. I have a few points that I have to get to but I let it flow, let the characters choose their path to make it feel more natural when things go down.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I usually have something in my head that needs to happen and then I sit down when I feel like I'll be able to write it and just try.
I don't always look for playlists but sometimes it helps to listen to my sex playlist for smut or my falling in love playlist for slowburns or something.
I mostly just let inspiration hit me ig, idk how to explain it 😭
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
songs, tv shows, movies, other written work (books or stuff I read on here) my dreams... anything really. a lot of times it's just daydreaming.
5. Do you like constructive criticism?
yes, I love it, I get way too little of it.
as long as you are being respectful please tell me off lol, especially when it comes to grammar and sentence structures bc I'm not native in English and I'll be happy to learn and change things when you tell ne that something is wrong.
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
I tried beta-ing one of my fics with my friends, but life gets in the way and they didn't have much time to read and give me feedback, so I decided to not do it for whole fics anymore and just sporadically
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
ig that fully depends on how the scene feels to me. I once got halfway in a chapter and had to rewrite the whole thing bc I realized it didn't make much sense to tell it from that pov and not the other. and now it feels so much more natural than before. but that is just as much trial and error at times as everything else.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
i don't really have a preference there. for some fics I can very clearly see the middle, but not the end or beginning, for others I see the start and end but not the in between and it gets a bit messy on the way. but all in all I'd say I'm just happy to be allowed to be there as these stories play in my head and that I get to write them down is even better.
9. Do you comment on stories you read?
yes, usually on ao3 on tumblr if I like it enough I'll reblog it, if I love it I reblog with comments or tags, that depends on my daily mood tho.
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
“What?” I cleared my throat and blinked a few times to get my mind cleared up.
aaaaah I love the scene this is from, also had to used blinked cause I usually write in past tense unless it's tumblr...
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Safety Net by @mvybanks
The Blue by @quin-ns
Watch and Learn by @nadvs
12. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
a good feedback makes my day, literally
not getting any or getting barely any likes and no reblogs on my work, especially when it's something I've worked hard on, it's devastating really. I wish there was more appreciation for it, but I can't do much about it either.
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
writer's block isn't really an issue to me anymore. when I have time to write but my mind blocks I'll just start writing anything and when it's shit I put it to the side and write something else or if I'm working on a chapter and it won't flow I go into a new document and try and write the chapter again from scratch and see how it goes. always in a new doc tho when I do that so I don't use anything I've written.
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
okay, I write them, especially sad ones, when I myself am already sad af so I can exactly describe the bodily bs that happens to me when I'm sad
I do feel how they feel, especially when I later go to edit it, and then I have to take a break bc I'll start crying again lol
I mostly draw from personal experience when it gets to emotions, especially sad ones, bc it's just easier ig. it's waaay easier for me to write angst and hurt/comfort than anything else bc most of my life has been filled with those rather than fluff or even smut (idk how I write that, bc there's no experience there...)
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
I try my best to keep it visually accurate, like, so you can try and imagine it bc I hate when I read something and go "wait, how did they end up here?" yk? and I think it should have some sort of realism to it. but I can't really be 100% accurate bc I only know my own body and whatever I've seen online. I don't trust porn obvs bc it's not really reliable when it comes to normal sizes and shit (iykwim) but it does help with figuring out some of the positions. that's literally the only reason I look at it too, for research purposes 💀
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
2 that are being posted (timeloop and icfhnric)
15 that are just ideas (listen, my head never stands still)
1 that is like my heart child, and I'm scared to let it go but I will eventually
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
a complete lack of inspiration hasn't really happened to me yet, and I'm scared of the day it will. what I do have issues with is the type of writers block where I wanna write but my head feels too overwhelmed or too tired to process any thoughts so I'll see the fic in my head but my brain won't let me form sentences to put it on the screen. I've yet to figure out how to deal with that.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
song inspired ones are always named after the song, so that's easy
anything else is either a good line that I discovered while writing or a quick quip that I came up with, most times during the end of it.
I still don't have proper titles for my Lovebirds fic, I have one for the second installment of it, but the other three are still only under their working title and I don't know if I'll even give the first one a title or if it'll just be "Before Lovebirds" which is bs and I hate it but idk what else to name it... (although that part has been done for months now)
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
smut... lol I haven't used any funny tags yet
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I use "just" way too much. and I keep starting sentences with And a lot. and I feel like once I find a bew word I'll keep using it until my brain grows bored of it.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
definitely, if they wanted to.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I don't think I'm a dark romance girlie. I'm never gonna write mlm smut, because I just don't think it's my place to do that.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
use placeholders for words you can't pinpoint, I usually go like this [walking slowly, dragging feet] and then I look up a synonym
when you get an idea, put it down, you'll think you're gonna remember later but you won't
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
to put chapter contents down in a pointed list instead of writing it out immediately
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
the It's... complicated one bc I worked hard on it and it's probably my best work yet imo
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
my three part series the one with the abortion, notes and letter
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
most favorite: describing angsty feelings
least: chit-chat bc I'm bad at it irl and idk how to write it to seem natural 😭
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
idk, some days I write so much and others I don't at all, so maybe 500-800 days on average daily
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
first I do grammar checks, then I reread and see if the words are correct. most times I do the big parts of editing while writing bc I noticed that that's easier for me
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
I usually wait until it's polished, unless it's something I would have deleted from a bigger fic and don't want it to go to waste.
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
plot, always.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
from the top of my head: @princessmaybank @redhead1180 @mvybanks
33. Do you want to be published some day?
yes. but not my fanfic. I'd rather write something by myself and then get it published than go and write fanfic and change it later on to be able to publish it.
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
finishing my first novel and maybe finding a publisher for it
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
that they don't need to be redeemable, I'd much rather keep some villains for true evil and not because they had a bad childhood or whatever
36. How do you write kissing scenes?
I try to write about how it affects the person who's pov it is, their emotions and physical sensations. I don't like dragging it out too much tho unless it's a big moment, like a first kiss.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
I tend to do cliffhangers quite a lot bc I'm just prone to that bc of my love of television. but usually I end on a moment that feels like a natural stop while writing or sometimes I write without chapters in mind and when I add them later I make stops in between where it feels like the reading flow could stop and be picked up, but then I make sure that the chapters aren't too short or too long still
38. Would you ever write commissions?
oh definitely, I already take prompts and idk if it counts but I did write two private commissions for a friend in return for some art of my favorite character a scribble of my oc
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
“I don't want you to feel any pressure to do anything,” he brushed a few hair from my face and I nodded. “You're my dream girl, [redacted].” He pulled me closer into him, nuzzling his head into my neck and breathing lower. “My pretty girl.” I placed a kiss on his head and listened to his shallow breaths as I fell asleep. “Love you too,” I whispered while drifting off and hoping that he hadn't actually heard me.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I have a very specific scene in my head, but it not in the fic, it's only mentioned as a picture that they took and have set as their background picture. so to see that come to life would be incredible.
but I don't really have a preference other than that, when I write I see it all play out in my head like a movie scene so literally any moment can work as long as I described it well enough. and if needed I would go and give a lengthy description of every single detail if someone wabted me to
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I reread a lot! it's part of how I try and get better at my work (apart from reading published books)
I especially reread a lot of my lovebirds fic so I can get back into writing when I haven't had worked on it in a while
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The Charter by @blueicequeen19 and I'd tell the whole world to read it because it's just that good
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
I whump too much tbh. like, especially my OC has had so much pain already in her life, but I feel like a few set backs are normal and it wouldn't feel natural to me if everything was just happy and perfect akl the time. to me these characters are people and people are messy by default.
I'm still very protective of them tho, and I wouldn't let any body go and fuck them other unless it has a purpose of some kind, either for the bad guy or them.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
I keep writing my when I mean me and vice versa, that's just a typing issue tho. I forgot prepositions and "the"s a lot. idk how to do comma shit. and I keep catching myself writing bearly instead of barely. bc they sound the same and I'm also dyslexic 😔
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
both if I can. but a part of me wants to know that I'm capable of making someone cry their eyes out. that feels pretty powerful to me bc I don't really cry too much when I read or watch something myself.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
emotions primarily ig, then characters. ig those two are very neatly intertwined bc most of the decisions they make are based on emotions or on the fact that they try to not let their emotions control them.
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
at least two times. even when I say it's not edited, I at least read it twice to get most mistakes out.
48. What do you look for in a beta?
that they are native English speaker probably, but I don't really do betas at the moment
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I've never gotten one and if I would I'd probably just block the person and try to forget about it.
50. How long is your longest fic?
not posted and still working on it: around 500k
posted one shot: 19k
posted series: 16k
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
38.4k on ao3 / 100k+ on tumblr
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond to most comments but I always feel a bit awkward bc I never know what to say
53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
primarily I write, I'd say 65/35 writing to reading ratio of the time I use on fanfic
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
being able to put the vision that I have in my head on screen, being allowed to use as much or as little details as I wish to. but most of all the fact that I know more about the whole narrative than the characters in it, the fact that I know when they are being unreliable or are lying to themselves or just don't know better.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
I'm definitely a JJ girlie, I'll always be even tho I noticed that people are more into Rafe...
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
a friend of mine keeps asking how the fuck I write so much and I honestly don't know. I just do. and I personally always feel like anything below 2k is not enough but I don't try to drag things out too much just to get more words in. so maybe that's it.
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?
while writing for sure because it just makes the whole process faster than if I did it the other way round. but it took some time for me to get to the point where my in-writing editing makes the post-writing editing almost obsolete
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
writing for the most part. but I also love researching stuff.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
only my friends. I wouldn't tell my parents and I'm glad they don't understand English bc if they did and found this blog I wouldn't be allowed to leave the house forever or they'd kick me out. which is ridiculous bc I'm an adult :'(
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
yeah and it was the best feeling ever. makes me happy just thinking about it.
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
simply because I love writing and I choose to write for myself, not for anyone else. that's also why some prompts stay in my inbox for longer, because I need to find the right moment where I am content with writing it in a way that makes me feel happy about what I created.
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
love love love. can't get enough of them. use them all the time.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
personally, I have mommy and daddy issues, so seeing it being sexualized is always weird to me. but I try to look past it and even when I write it bc it fits the character, it's still weird to me. but I would never tell anyone to not write it. I know a lot of ppl enjoy it a lot. it's just not my personal piece of cake.
another thing, which is just formatting ig, is when there's no warnings list. I think it's important to put at least a warnings list, especially for smut.
64. Something you love to see in smut.
aftercare. always. Even if it's just a quick scene of them lying in bed or something and just being soft with each other or talking about random things to cool down. I think it's really important.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
right now I'm looking extremely heavily towards kinktober and starting on those projects and then seeing people read them in October.
I'm also super hyped over my oc lore bc I recently had a big breakthrough with the help of a friend, and now everything I had before makes so much more sense. it feels like I had always had known but the information was hidden and now I have it and I can see a crystal clear picture of her life and the life of her parents and grandparents and basically the whole family past and possible future.
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
I hate it. I'm trying to not let it get to me, I can only write when my brain let's me. But I do know that no matter how long it takes I will finish started projects.
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I don't mind either. I love when it's a prompt or challenge that gives me creative freedom. like just a sentence or a single word prompt with a character is top notch bc I can go crazy on it all I want.
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
I listen to music mostly, sometimes tiktoks inspire me too. It's really anything that can give me inspiration.
69. What work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
the ghostface one. I don't even know why I posted it, but I'm not gonna delete it bc I think it's important for ppl to see the progress you made over time.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
depends on the person. if it's my friends who I hold near and dear I'm not really embarrassed at all. I sometimes talk too much about writing and think I annoy them with it, but they always say it's okay so I guess I should believe them.
I think it's needs some type of connection and mutual respect for me to even be able to talk about it, so I wouldn't really talk to someone who I think would nake me feel embarrassed.
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
I only put down dates, the rest is more or less stored in my brain. unless I write lore down somewhere for someone to read and give me feedback. then I take that and put it in a separate lore doc but I wouldn't really need to bc, like I said, mostly my brain will remember lore
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
when I started writing I did chronological, then I started to jump in between but that caused a lot of fuck ups and I couldn't remember what happened where, so I decided to rewrite my whole fic chronologically before posting it.
for prompts or just stuff that I post on here I always do linear/chronological if the narrative let's me
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I don't really know. I guess I use a few phrases and words more than others would, and sometimes my sentences sound very german bc that's my native tongue. but those don't show up to me as mistakes when editing bc to my brain the sentences structure makes sense. that's probably all, but I don't really know.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
maybe if they are familiar with my writing style, with the way I use certain words only in certain situations. or how I nickname some of the characters.
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illadvisedselfships · 9 months
I have a very general ask to rattle off before I leave the house!! I've been revolving the idea of sending this in my mind for a few days, but I think that last post you reblogged is a sign that I should just do it XD Because it kind of relates to my questions... sorry if it seems disjointed, I'm sort of rushing to get it out of my system ^^
When you imagine anything with your F/Os, is it you you that you're picturing? Or like. An idealized version of yourself? Is anything about her different or is she just straight up *you*? I've had this image in my head for so long of someone who thinks like me, but looks and acts quite different - almost like an OC. I think I'm getting a bit better about this though, I've been working on making my Sim self and it's helping 😅😅
From looking through this blog, it seems like you usually imagine your F/Os with you in the real world? Do you ever imagine yourself in their universe? For me I almost always imagine myself as a character in their universe!
I'm still warming up to the idea of F/Os... but for as a long as I can remember I've had daydream scenarios with soooo many different characters over the years. But I always just considered them maladaptive daydream scenarios 🙈🙈🙈 I LOVE the enthusiasm you have for your F/Os, though!! <3
Marinerainbow or anyone else is welcome to share their thoughts too, but there's no pressure to do so of course :D
💛💕💛💕💛💕 I love this ask, its so interesting! ^^
First of all- @marinerainbow , what are your thoughts here? ^^
As for me: First of all I think with F/O stuff you can - of course, - be whatever the hell you wanna be!! If thats an idealised or just, plain, fictional version of yourself- ball!! ^^ For me I generally just imagine myself. Though, admittedly, a slightly more confident, and open version of myself XD
As for the w o r l d, I usually imagine- it depends on the day XD Here are the various worlds I imagine myself in with them XD I put them under the cut cuz it partly answers the question and its also just me waffling about my various ongoing fantasies 😅
All of them: Some weird in-between world set in London with Cruella. Somehow the other 3 live there too now in this one 😅
All of them: Variant of same in-between world except I live in Maine with Jim because I l o v e the idea of living near a lake or in the bush/woods or something- I swear, if I could live out in the sticks I'd never be anxious ^^ Usually in this one, Otis lives in the basement XD
All of them: Different variant of same in-between world except I just live in Aus this time and am upholding 4 different long distance relationships 🤣 XD
Jim: The Lake Placid universe. Yes, I imagine myself in the universe! ^^ I'm not a character in the story, though, I generally imagine I'm cursed or the multiverse glitched or something and I ended up dropped in the last fictional universe I watched on TV XD So I'm just there, knowing e x a c t l y what happens and when in this story but keeping my mouth sealed s h u t about it (*cough* while shooting my shot with Jim) XD
Jim (Variant): At the moment I'm playing with a variant of this one where a version of me does already exist in the Lake Placid universe when I get there- and she's a... shall we say... adult movie star XD 🤣 Its fun!
Otis: The H1000C universe. Same as the Lake Placid one above. I end up in this universe at Spaulding's petrol station with a friend from the real world (Who either knows the story or doesn't- both can be equally fun cuz I'm either freaking out with them or freaking out for the both of us XD) and get wrapped up in the story with the main victims while trying to get the hell out before Otis sees me cuz n o I don't wanna get m u r d e r e d thank you very much-
Any of them: Switcheroo. They get dumped in t h i s (o u r) universe/timeline. And I have to keep them hidden so no one recognises them as their actor in public.
Any of them: Switcheroo Variant. We both end up in a separate universe and have to work together to get the hell out. Catch? This universe already has a version of them (A different character by the same actor. For example if the focus F/O is Jim it could be the ANOES universe. Or if the focus F/O is Otis, it could be Texas Chainsaw Massacre! XD) and possibly a different version of me as well and we have to avoid meeting/making eye contact with these other versions in order to avoid a fault in the space time continuum or whatever 😅 (And also avoid other problems that might come along with meeting characters like Freddy Krueger or Inkubus or Chop Top Sawyer🙃)
So yes... I do like to use the real me in my F/O fantasies (feels more personal for me ^^) but its not always the real world XD Its not always their fictional world. A lot of the time its just random 😅 Its completely up to you individually what you do with your daydreaming! ^^ It is s o so individual and self indulgent.
I hope this helps you? Or was interesting? 😅😂 I wish you so much luck in your future F/O-ing! XD Its all good fun and it can be comforting too ^^ And I wanna hear all about it if you ever wanna gush! Here are your free gush tickets 🎫🎟🎫🎟🎫🎟🎫🎟🎫🎟 They're infinite and theirs no expiry date! ^^
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
TMMM Incorrect Quotes Part 1
Yeah…I discovered the incorrect quotes generator. I know some of these have been done but…
Midge: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Lenny: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
Lenny: I would never say that my partner is a b**** and I don’t don’t like them. That’s not true… My partner is a b**** and I like them so much!
Midge: I have feelings for you.
Lenny: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay?
Lenny: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Midge: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Lenny: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Midge: Is it working?
Lenny: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Midge: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Lenny, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
Lenny: I’m in love with you.
Midge: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Lenny: I know.
Midge: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Midge: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Lenny: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Midge: ...
Midge: You mean ring bearER, right?
Lenny: ...
Midge: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Midge: Are you ready to commit?
Lenny: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Lenny: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers?
Midge: Peonies, why?
Midge: Were you going to get me flowers?
Lenny: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Lenny: Midge, you love me, right?
Midge: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Lenny: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Midge: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Lenny: Yes.
Midge: I'd sleep.
Midge: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Lenny: It was autocorrect.
Midge: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Lenny: Yes.
Lenny: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Midge: I wrote you a poem.
Lenny, already crying: You did?
Lenny: Midge is playing hard to get.
Lenny: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
*Lenny comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Midge’s bedroom.*
Midge: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Lenny: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Lenny: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Midge: ...
Lenny: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!
Midge: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?
Lenny: I don't know, surprise me!
Lenny: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Midge: Marry me.
Lenny, throwing their head into Midge's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
Midge, lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty f***ing annoying, that's what you are.
Lenny: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints.
Midge: What hints have you given them?
Lenny: Well, I think about them a lot.
Lenny: And sometimes I even think about talking to them.
Midge: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Lenny: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Midge: But you’re always acting stupid?
Lenny: ...
Lenny: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Lenny: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Midge: Wow. They sound stupid.
Lenny: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Midge: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Lenny: I guess you’re right. Hey Midge, I love you.
Midge: See! Just say that!
Lenny: Holy f***ing s***.
Midge: If that flies over their head then, sorry Lenny, but they're too dumb for you.
Lenny: Midge.
Lenny: Midge and I are no longer dating.
Midge: Lenny, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
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booksandwitchery · 1 year
Not long ago, if someone said I'd be ordering a Tarot deck this year...
...I would laugh in their face because I am a die-hard, science-loving skeptic incapable of blind belief in the supernatural. But my tarot card deck should be coming in the mail today and I'm f***ing stoked, even though I don't think the cards are going to cause anything mystical to happen.
For anyone who is familiar with my posts, it should be no surprise that I've encountered a lot of information about Jungian psychology, specifically the concept of universal human archetypes and the effort to balance the conscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. In Anthony Alvarado's DIY Magic, which I posted about last year, a whole chapter is dedicated to tarot even though the author himself admits that magical experiences are merely "subconscious structures of our own making." He assures his readers these experiences are not "any less powerful or capricious" despite having been created by our own minds. Excuse me, but I think that is f***ing beautiful. WHAT.
Alvarado says tarot cards are effective because of their human universality: "Anyone can do it; you don't need special powers. . .the tarot deck works because it is filled with ancient archetypal symbols. That they are archetypal simply means that they represent basic fears, hopes, dreams and desires that are present in everybody's life."
I've been chewing on this idea for a while now, including how it pertains to modern archetypal polytheism (deities as aspects of our own self) and secular witchcraft in general. My greatest "aha" moment was when I connected this idea of tarot cards to the first principle of Atheopaganism: "I understand that the metaphorical is not the literal.. . . we do not automatically accept our subjective experiences as having objective reality. Does that mean, then, that the meaning derived from such experiences is necessarily invalid? No, it does not." - Mark Green
In other words, though our experiences using tarot decks are subjective and do not involve the supernatural, the meanings we derive from these readings are valid. We created the meaning, as opposed to the meaning being paranormally inherent in the experience.
So, my fellow humans--if I talk about tarot in my posts (as I am likely to do now that I've learned that magic is, in a sense, actually f***ing real) I am using it in this domain of thought. I am not using the cards to predict my future; I do not think that any supernatural entities are in control of the cards (though if you do, that's fine too and I respect your beliefs) because as Carl Jung once said, "It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves."
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jotun-philosopher · 1 year
Good Omens is living rent-free in my brain...
...and the resulting scenarios floating around in there are pretty varied and won't stop coming, so I hope you like 'em, however improbable they may be!
I'm no great shakes at story-writing or anything, so I can't do much more than fling these ideas into the void, but if you want to use one or more as fanfic/fanart prompts, go right ahead! (and tag me on the result pls! I'd love to see it :D)
Second part here, third part here
Crowley finding Jemimah's pot tucked away carefully in a corner of the bookshop (maybe in the vicinity of Aziraphale's journals?) and getting all sentimental
Crowley getting a text alert on his phone, and when he opens it he gets pelted with origami nightingales folded from pages of notes in Aziraphale's hand -- attempts to figure out his feelings, erotic haiku, doodles of things he'd like to do with Crowley, sketches for possible engagement ring designs, vital information on the Second Coming copied from the hyper-confidential files; the sort of thing an angel undercover might need to hide from the Metatron in a hurry
Aziraphale having really, really bad PTSD after Apocalypse 2 gets resolved/prevented (and Crowley supporting him through it from his own experience of trauma recovery)
Aziraphale barely escaping Heaven with his life when he finally makes the choice to fully break away, and wandering in a haze until he comes across an empty playground and sits disconsolately on one of the swings, trying to figure out what the heck he's going to do now. Meanwhile, Crowley's out for an aimless midnight drive when he passes a playground and-- Hang on a minute! *brakes hard* Pale figure with mangled white wings, looks like they've been dragged backward through a hedge and beaten up? Is it...? Could it be...? Yes, it is! *gets out, goes over and sits on the swing next to his angel* They sit together in silence for a while, quietly reconnecting, and when the moment feels right, Crowley starts speaking to sympathise about how much the permanent loss of innocence really f***ing sucks, whether it happens a bit at a time or all at once
Nina and Muriel separately then jointly figuring out the shape of at least some of the machinations happening, then the rest of the Shopkeepers' Association also figuring out that Something Weird is going on that they want to help with if they can, and sending an envoy to Crowley (who seems to them to be best placed to explain things). He ends up calling an Extraordinary Meeting of the Shopkeepers' Association for the purpose of explaining the story from The Beginning -- involving, among other things, the similar awfulness of Heaven and Hell, a dramatic re-enactment of the whole Job business and at least 30 minutes without hesitation, deviation, repetition or pausing for breath on why he's head over hindquarters for his soft, fluffy angel who gave away his flaming sword <3
Aziraphale correctly and unhesitatingly pronouncing 'Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch' and Crowley reacting appropriately <3
Gabriel and Beelzebub deciding to come back to help prevent the Second Coming (to repay Aziraphale's kindness/compassion? to make amends for all the trouble they caused and 6000+ years of being really awful? the lack of hot chocolate on Alpha Centauri? something else entirely?)
edit to add a couple I just remembered:
Crowley saying in reaction to some discovery or other: "Rrrrrrrrr, I am gonna PAMPER that angel SO HARD when I get my hands on him!!" Aziraphale (chimes in flirtatiously): "Was that a threat or a promise? Either way, I look forward to it!" *waggles eyebrows* Crowley: *flustered snake noises*
Jesus himself offering to cater the Ineffables' wedding for free as thanks for the 'all-the-kingdoms' thing and the world-saving
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