#but i noticed this tiem so
levia-san · 1 year
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Farmer Qi x Crow Jiu AU One day I told the server the story of how I once threw away 100 yr old ginseng on accident and then someone mentioned a crow eating it and ascending This lead to this funky AU about a lone Farmer Qi getting pursued by a crow he'd frequently feed on his way to the fields
Bonus: Somewhere, some poor QCP disciple (not me) is getting chewed out
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Bonus Bonus: slapped some colours on the "cover", but not sure how much i liked it still i think its fun
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skhardwarevers1 · 9 months
me when I can’t fucking spelll
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gachaparadise · 2 years
I've been doing interludes lately (as you do during an interlude campaign) and the gap in quality and character analysis is insane sometimes. I did Qsh and Nezha's back to back and... Night and day over here. Qsh's was so charming and showed me a new side of my beloved moth, as well as some really cute gap moe moments. Nezha's was boring, hardly focussed on them at all, and made the same tired jokes about their gender over and over... Even the blurb on their profile you get after it's complete does it orz
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#also the writing for Nezha's was like... bad. it felt stiff and didn't flow at all#not the content (though that was bad also) the actual writing#i went to read that one specifically because i was curious about what Nezha's pronouns were orz...#because im hot overly familiar with them and the one thing i do recall about them is when we first meet them-#they remark on how their body isn't what they expected and are... upset i believe? it was a while ago aha...#i just recall them pretty distinctly not being cool with the fact they have a female body now#i wanted to know if they came arpund to itor if they wanted to be refered to as a man but okay#tasteless jokes about how gender makes them uncomfortable is fine to i guess#anyway! for now until further notice i guess Nezha is stuck with the old reliable they/them because genuinely i have no idea how they feel#i know their profile uses she/her but... pretty sure Mordred's does that as well and he obviously doesn't use those#whatever i guess!! don't know why i expected an even remotely nuances take from fgo who cares lets talk about my moth!!!#i love how they have a whole backup plan in case we fail like yes king restart SIN you're a genius babygirl 💕#seriously so cute i love them#i dunno if i can resist grailing them to 100 next tiem we have an ember campaign#i put it off so far since i dont use them much gameplay wise but... moth good#these tags got away from me woops#game: fate grand order#post: chatter#sorry about the typos that I'm sure are there btw I'm on mobile and you can't re-edit tags without retyping them yet...
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not-5-rats · 4 months
What if Sugarboo and Charlie knew each other when they were younger and so when Chapter 3 happens shit is weird
I like to think at first neither of them would recognise the other, but as soon as they asked his name Boo recognised who it was. They made hints towards their history and didn't intend on conforming their suspicions but when they found themself unable to sleep thay night they decided to confront Charlie.
(A/n: Using my SB insert name for this when names are like unavoidable)
Charlie was sat out on the stairs, Boo had tried to get some sleep but there was so much going on they just had to have some clarity. Even if it was something as simple as knowing that this person was really him! So they stood up, shifted hair out of their eyes and went out to the stairs.
That's when they saw him again, Charlie sat on the stairs just staring down at the many floors beneath them. He hadn't heard the door open and Boo was kind of relieved. They could hear him murmering to himself as they slowly approached, being careful to avoid the odd stains which littered the floor
"So this is what you've been up to huh Charlie?" they settled down onto the stairs beside him causing Charlie to jump slightly and shuffle away from them timidly.
"Huh? Em yeah, I guess so? I'm sorry I don't want any trouble, definitely not with...you?" He was glancing from Boo back to the abyss below, like he was scared to look for too long, but it was clear he recognised them. Where from? He couldn't quite tell yet.
"Hm can't say I expected you, of all people, to go down this route" they shrugged before crossing their arms and leaning back against the handrails "then again you always were full of surprises weren't you?"
Charlie paused, he knew that voice, he knew this person. Wait. Realisation hit him. His mouth fell open as the words caught in his throat
"Jayden?! That you?...shit em didn't expect to see you here- you seem to be doing...well?" They smiled at his suprise "I'd say I'm doing pretty good yeah, looks like you've had better times though" Boo chuckled expecting Charlie to do the same, he didn't, his gaze fell back onto the abyss below them "Hey no need to be ashamed man" noticing the expression on his face Boo hurriedly spoke again "so you got involved with some shitty stuff, that sucks, you did some shitty things whilst involved with shitty people, that also sucks" They smiled, gently putting a hand on Charlie's shoulder as they continued "but you're a sweet guy Charlie, and just because you've made some stupid choices it doesn't mean you're any less of a good guy"
Yet this didn't seem to comfort him, "Jay, I appreciate it, I really do. But some of the stuff I've done, the stuff I've done to...those two. I'm not a good guy Jay, I got myself into all this and now I don't think I can ever get out again. I'm real sor-" he was cut of by Boo shaking roughly his shoulder
"Dude, listen to me" they had turned to face him, it was clear they were annoyed. But it wasn't because of what Charlie had done in the tiem they'd been apart it, no it was because he genuinely believe they would be mad about that kind of thing "you ain't got anything to apologise for, nothing to apologise to me for at least. Yeah I know you've been a dick at points, an absolute asswipe from what I've heard but you're able to be so much more than that! You're better than all this Charlie, even if you never saw it, I saw it and...Casper saw it too"
They both fell silent, just staring at each other. It had been hard when Casper left, hard for both of them. And in their struggle to cope with the loss of one of their closest friends they ended up drifting away from each other. They still cared about each other, all this time later, a friendship like theirs was hard to forget. All the things they had done together, the secrets they shared, it meant alot to both of them.
"You can get out of this mess Charlie" their voice was hushed but they may as well have yelled, the silence surrounding them magnifying any little sound "and if you need some help doing so...I've got your back, even now, you were my best friend and I'm still here if you need me"
There was silence once more, but a different kind of silence. It was more comfortable, the point had finally gotten through, Boo wasn't angry at Charlie for what he had done. They still cared about him just as much as when they were kids. The two sat there, just staring down at the many floors below enjoying the memories they had from the simple (well simpler) times of their childhood. The three of them, Charlie, Boo and Casper driving their families mad by getting themselves caught up in any trouble they could. Sleepovers that ended up lasting days, once even weeks. The forests/fields they explored, the flowers they planted and watched grow, the paint that permanently stained their clothes, all those stupid memories that they held so dear. They remembered the stairs just behind their school, they used to sit there for hours on end simply talking about anything they could think of and now on these stairs, in this building those memories were mirrored...only a part was missing. They both knew it, yet it didn't bother them, they were happy having found each other again and who knows maybe one day one of them could find Cas again (how wild would that be)
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1970sgothfreak · 1 year
Hi there!!:))) I was wondering if you're taking requests?? And if so I was wondering if I could request a damian wayne fic where he does the Filipino tradition of singing to your crush aka harana??
“Y/n, could you follow me to the garden please”
“Oh uh sure Damian but what’s up..?”
“I shall inform you when we arrive, now please follow me”
He held his hand out toward you, a sign of affection that he had learned to love after holding your hand for the first time, enjoying the simplicity of the affection and the feeling of your hand in his.
You took his hand slightly smiling knowing that he now enjoys your touch, considering the first time you held his hand you ended up having to.. never mind but you’re just glad he’s finally willing to accept your affection. He lead you outside to the garden and you noticed a small little set up with some lights and his guitar perched against a tree.
Now you were curious as to why he had set this up.
You felt him let go off your hand before walking to the guitar and little light area and picking up the guitar before turning towards you which allowed you to see his flushed face, he began to play before you could as him what was he doing all of this for but you only smiled and listen to him play.
He took a deep breath in before beginning to sing a song that you had never heard of before, his voice was soft yet strong it was almost hypnotic, you felt as if the mere sound of it would lure you into either a deep sleep or a hypnotised state of mind.
As he continued to sing, you started really listening to the lyrics and realise he was singing a love song…
Damian Wayne…
Singing a love song….
To you…
You would stare at him, your face slowly heating up at this realisation and as you stared at him, he would slowly walk closer to you while both singing and playing, was he…?
Was he confessing he love to you
Yes…yes he was.
Damian had first developed his crush on you when you had ended up saving him during patrol, in that moment of life or death and seeing you as his saviour his feelings began to appear and as you two spent more tiem together, his love only grew for you.
You were staring into his eyes, smiling at him while gazing into his eyes noticing the love they held, but they also held fear as if he was afraid you would reject him, you wouldn’t of course!. You were glad he liked you back and that he decided to tell you in such a romantic way.
As he finished the song, you took his hand in yours giving it a soft squeeze and then allowing him to place a soft gentle kiss upon your knuckle, he finally asked the one question you had waiting to hear for months now.
“Y/n…will you go out with me..?”
( I hope you enjoyed this!, I had to Google what this was and it seems like such a beautiful tradition! Hope you enjoy also yes I do take requests for a few fandoms! I’ll make a post about which fandoms :) )
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that-fandom-writer · 2 years
3000+ words of chenford
Is this going  to be a long ass post about all the different things i have noticed about Tim and Lucy over 5 seasons? yes do i expect people to read all of it? eh probably not lol, am i gonna write it anyway because i just need to get it all outta my head? yes lol also some of it might be outta order of when it happened lol 
ok so heres the thing. it alll started in the first episdoe if you really think about it, the fact that they saw Isobel and she covered and didnt tell anyone a damn thing about it. then the fact that he was shot and she dragged him to cover to get him safe all that happened her first day on the job, and i think that with both of those things happening they both knew they were gonna be a good team, there was a trust there. tim was in a dark place when lucy came into the picture. 
she went to Isobels apartment for him to check it out, she went to her apartment in the middle of the night ot talk him about of taking the drugs out, she knew even only being on the job with him for a few weeks at that point, she knew that he had a code, and he had principles and wouldnt wanna live with that later. 
he started giving her pep talks when she didn’t even realize she needed them. when she got poked with the dirty needled at the homeless compound, the way he had her back in the hospital and the way he talked her off the ledge that she was on that day. 
the fact that when he started to study for his sargents exam, she convinced him he needed a hobby and they went paintballing together on their time off 
the audio books the fucking audio books the fact that she figured out he learns by listening, and then the fact that she went out of her way to talk to isobel about him, and then went out of her way to record the book on the mmp3 player for him so that he would be able to listen to it and learn the book 
There is also the fact when the rookies had to complete their lists he went out of his way to make sure she got her list, he even stayed for overtime, and yeah he would have said at the time that it was because “shes MY rookie if she fails it looks bad on me” but i truly think that even then he wanted her to succeed for herself he knew even then that she had something deep inside her that she would figh through any of it 
the day that they crashed the rigged car, he was looking at getting in trouble, but she went out of her way and spent the entire day trying to clear his name to ensure that he would not get in trouble 
 the quarantine there was the fact that as soon as he was coughed on he closed the door to protect her from it, there was the fact that she stayed and was concerned the entire time. the fact that they talked the entire tiem, and then she went in the ambulance with him, and covered his body with her own when the ambulance was getting shot at,
the abduction- he blamed himself so much for her getting taken, (that also shows how great his friendship with Lopez is and i LOVE their friendship as well) anyway the way he did everything he could to find her, then when they found her, the way he literally dug with his bear hands to get her out, and then he did the compressions, he did mouth to mouth he LITTERALLY brought her back to life, he stayed in her hospital room all night until she woke up (yeah i know he said he wasnt there all night but we all know lol) and then how he knew to have her food ready for her, i just loved every part of that 
when he gives her the ring back, but more so the pep talk he gives her before that, like the whole “that tattoo is a  sign your a survivor” 
 how worried he gets about her when she goes undercover, deep down hes afraid of what happen to Isobel, it worries him, and when Angela tells him about the little freak out she had and angela tells him “dont go on Tim on me” i think at that point is wher Angela knew something because Tim wouldnt get that protective over some one he doesnt care about 
Emmit - so there was the time that Tim yelled at Lucy and Emmit was defending her and she was mad at Emmit for that lol. but he was trying to protect her. or the night in the car when he was saying that he pushed her right at caleb and she almost died, and then she todl him it wasnt his fault, th look on his face when she said that was like a part of him thought she blamed him and they way she said “i wouldnt ask if i didnt value your opinion” and how right after that he went straight into his insulty sarcasm “you can do much better”
the pranks all the pranks (ill go more into details about the radio tho)
the way he gave up the promotion for her
 he goes tougher on her because he knows she can handle it. 
 her last day as a Rookie when he says “youve been lucky on the job, wait that isnt fair you have dealt with things that would have broken veteran cops” he kknows how strong she is and he is starting to get more comfortable telling her that 
the first wedding Lopez and Wesley, the looks they exchanged, the fact that Grey and Harper had that “its only a matter of time” look on their faces when she excused her self and went to Tim, the way he said “save me a dance”
 the way the night jackson died, he made sure she wasnt alone, a lot of people assume they would have possibly gotten somewhere that night had he not gotten the call he did, however i dont think he would have, i think deep down he wanted to, i think he had feelings for her, but he wouldnt wanna do anything in that moment because of how vulnerable she was that night 
*yes this is outta place but again I already mentioned that would happen lol* anyway when the team went down to find Angela, she stayed behind but she was so worried and concerned about him when he was there yes she was on the phone with him but pretty sure she knew it was on speaker and she made it a point to say Tim becareful not just for everyone
 The way that she helped him through his childhood issues with his dad without even really trying. The look on his face when she said “tim tests” when Genny mentioned the time their dad dropped him off and made him find his way home, Tim looked upset, like almost as upset as he did when he thought that he was to blame for her abduction.  Like he was upset and hurt when he thought even for a second that Lucy was comparing him to his dad. And then how she had no problem using her day off to help at the house. She had no issue going to the hospice house when he confronted his dad one last time. And then the hug outside the in the hallway the look on his face when he said “the tim tests those don’t make me like him” like all he wanted was for her to know that he wasn’t that person, he wasn’t his dad
 The way he had no issue taking Kojo, the way they still talk about him from time to time. The way he told Ashley that he kept the dog for Lucy. Or when Ashley called Lucy about Kojo and the way she said that the is a lot like tim “big and tough on the outside but deep down hes a real sweetheart”
Her fake confession of feelings, how he was all speechless and wasn’t sure how to let her down, and then when she started laughing, and he seemed legit offended that she would do that
 THE DOUBLE DATE THE FUCKING DOUBLE DATE like do I even have to go into detail about why that was as awesome as it was for Chenford fans lo
The dance at Harpers wedding. Th way he told her she deserved to be recognized and he wants her to have a nice and long career and how his eyes said “and ill do anything l make that happen”
The way he told her “don’t let anyone tell you that you cant do something, not even me”
The start of the undercover that episode where they meet Dim and Juicy, when they are then at her apartment to go over everything and practice being a couple the look on his face when she gives her ida for the back story
 The air plane, they were undercover flirty because they had to, and then they found out about Roslind, and he puts his hand over hers to comfort her, and we all know that it was Tim comforting Lucy at that rate and the way he made an excuse to get her alone to check on her, and then the way she pulled him in for a kiss even though she could have just messed up his hair and and shirt a little bit
At the table when he confirms with Angela and shes solid, he trusts her and je trusts her judgment the hotel room, how he is speechless seeing her naked back, he confronts her about the kisses not feeling pretend (at that rate im sure they were not pretend for him) then he tells her that shes good at the under cover stuff, I think in that moment he realizes that she wouldn’t be a repeat of Isobel
When they fight off 3 dudes with guns by themselves without guns and with tim being tied and Lucy being in a robe, that was just a sign of the way they are both bad asses. Lol
When he walks her up to her apartment when they got back, the way they were talking about how what happenes under cover stays under cover and then she invited him in, that right there was when she 100% knew she has feelings for him, and I think he knew at that point as well because while yes he hesitated he still walked in.  we can also add the fact that he was annoyed at first  when Chris was there.
The talk in the hallway about him telling her she needs to do the UC school. He knows its good for her, it was him telling her that really pushed her to go, Chris had already told her, Nyla had already told her, but it was when Tim told her when it really pushed her, tho that conversation with tim asl broke her a little bit, you could see it, but I think it also broke him, I don’t think he wanted to push her away, I think he thought that some distance was for the best for them at that point in time
The fact that it was Tim who realized that she was radio silent, he was the one who saved her when they got there, he didn’t ask Aaron to help didn’t say shit to arron for that matter just went straight at the door and did everything he could to pull the door open and ger her out of ther e
The episode where Bailey gets trapped in the tank, the entire time she was having PTSD triggers but she was trying to hide it, but he saw them and that’s why he didn’t wanna be too far from her at any given point, he was trying to protect her even if no one realized it, she didn’t even realize it, like the “no youre not going down there its too dangerous there could be more traps let me go instead” and he did not have to give her his duty belt lol and then the look they shared the entire time he was going down
While he was in the hospital, the way she made him go in the first place, t he way she wouldn’t take no for an answer about him going. Then when he was there and he was like “yes give me surgery” and she was like well wait what are the risks like she cared more about that than anyone else in the room then there was also when he fell he didn’t want any one to tell her because he knew she would worry because he knew if it was reverse he would be worried about her. Then when she got to the hospital and he didn’t tell her right away about him and Ashley, he told her to slow her role the fact that they had their normal dynamic, or the little smirk on his face when she said “I know” about staying to keep him company
The radio, the fact that she knew he would figure out that she was the one who had it, based on the clues, because they both know they know each other that well. And then the banter between them when he first tries to get it back from her, “is it pay back for how I treated you as a rookie” and then the sigh he told her it was nothing simply because he knew he couldn’t lie and keep saying he was fine. And then when he finally did tell her, the exchange they had about it, and how she was like “I should know better than to get in your personal business” ike girl please stop acting like you aint in that mans business all the damn time any way lol but also its like then he told her, and told her that he did appreciate it and that it was helpful, which was her goal all along anyway
The under cover opp, Tim KNOWS lucy can handle herself and is good at UC but he also WAS very concerned about her, and he knew that what Aaron said had a little truth behind, it, it wasn’t willingly trying to hurt the kid or anything like that but he would do whatever he could to help Lucys career
The conversation in the shop all day, they talked about having feelings for eachother without really talking about it like that, they talked about Chris, she knows Chris is a good person, she likes being around him and everything like that but she isn’t in love with him and they both know it. I don’t know if tim knows at that point that is because she is in love with him, but he knows at that point that he is in love with lucy. The way Chris cant read a damn room, and called her about a house in he middle of the bombs happening and everything, and tim can SEE that Lucy doesn’t wanna have the conversation with Chris and gives her an out. Tim doesn’t hate Chris, but he also knows that Lucy isn’t as happy as she deserves to be.
The conversation out side the station, she started it yes, but I think deep down he wanted to ask her out all day and was just waiting until he could gauge a little more. And then when she mentiones that their relationship is the most important one in her life he gets the confirmation that he needs to go ahead and ask her out.  The nervous look on his face before he asks, and then the huge smile on his face after she says yes. But then when she had to sya no because she wanted to end things with Chris the right way, but then she tells him to ask her again later, like she wants him to know, that she does indeed wanna go on a date with him and give them a shotshe just wants to be a single woman when they do
In the office when he asks how the break up is going, and then tells her what to do, and then asks her if shes having second thoughts, because he doesn’t wanna pressure her into it he wants it to be her idea and he wants her to want him the way he wants her. The way he says “good” and smiles when she says she isn’t having second thoughts or just the way that Chris knows that Tim knows Lucy so well he asks his opinion lol
 And then the office after the Chris break up. The way she went straight back to the station to be able to talk to him right away, she wanted to make sure he knew right away that she was single and was able to be his now. The way when she said she talked to Chris he got up to talk to her, and then the little joke because that was simply them and the “don’t make me hurt you” because that was also so much them, and then the way he asked her nd the smiles when she said yes.
I can not wait til they finally get to go on their date, it does say there will be complications but like I think we all knew there would be complications but I truly, truly believe that the writers will be smart enough to let them happen because the fans will riot and they will loose ratings if Chenford gets too fucked over lol
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ewwwabug · 2 years
kinky stuff tiem.... someone asked me about this.... but i deleted their question so.... im sorryyyy anon
NOW YOU CAN SEE.... KINKS OF LBB GUYS idk about rbb ones yet im a bit embarrassed to show you that WAAA im a weirdo.... also dw ill explain most of these
LETS START.... with Dice... btw his other versions have different kinks
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some things here (in fave/yes/maybe) like abuse/biting/crying/swallowing blood/ect not necessarily sexual but they also can turn him on!!! also Varai had to go through some things here, but don't worry, Dice is not as bad as his kidnappers and most often it's dubcon.....
now explanation of some things:
boot licking - oh yes... his favorite. he makes Varai lick his boots clean.... and he gets very angry when Varai touches them with his DIRTY nasty hands
insects/arachnids - if Dice met a bug guy, he would fuck him and then eat him (bug lady is also fine btw) im sorry. he perceives bugs as food
vomiting - Dice can punch someone in the stomach so hard that they will vomit. depending on the situation, this may also turn Dice on. if the vomit stains his FAV BOOTS, he would force the person to lick everything off the boots
scenes - shower/bath - helping someone to wash/shower is.... intimate...
ear play - tongue in the ear.... earlicking...
VARAI...... hes a baby but hypersexual
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he has most of his kinks because of his trauma or the influence of other people on him
in the "no" list there are not only things that he would never have done in his life or that he doesn't like, but also things that he had to experience with his life and he doesn't want it to happen with him again
now explanation of some things:
age regression - no it DOESN'T turn him on. this refers to the fact that he cannot control his erection and Jeff helps him (you can read more here)
amputess, disabilities and facials scars - this is not really sexual, he loves these because of Werner and of the literature Varai reads with him... Varai loves amputees they remind him of worms... he also finds Werner very attractive, he loves touching Werner's stumps and face... "normal" people and people with disabilities are equally attractive to him
voyeurism - he likes watching ppl he knows doing things like idk. bathing. jerking off. he likes the risk of being noticed.... but if the person he is watching doesn't like it at all, then he will do it less often and hide better
scenes - shower/bath - refers to the previous kink
objectophilia - Varai is objectum, hes in love with his worm jar and worm plush... this is not always sexual
wormbirth, birthing, anal pregnancy, oviposition, breeding - he can birth worms.... or lay worm eggs.... bc of big worms.... also very often he gets a lot of worms inside that they come out of him it's also wormbirth
stomach bulging - tum full of worms
unsusual semen - worm milk
anal prolapse - red worm....
Jeff!!!! hes...... almost normal just don't look at "maybe" list
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I have nothing to explain... well you can read about necrophilia here... he is ready to do anything to make Varai feel good and happy ♡
Jatay..... HE TRIES HIS BEST??? I'm not sure he can even....... turn on or penetrate anyone but HE TRIES.... he probably could have shoved a ladle up your ass or something... he's mostly into VIOLENCE and PAIN and MURDER. he is masochistic and sadistic at the same time
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hurt him
thats all
penis penis cock cock
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hunting-songs · 8 months
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@muddsludge started following You ! The Heavens Arena was louder than Senritsu remembered. Which meant a lot for the last tiem she had visited the Heavens Arna was before she had been cursed and even at that time the cheering of the publicum had been so loud that she had to stuff her ears with wax and still ahd headaches for the rest of the day after watching the fights. One of the people who had passed the Hunter-Exam with her almost a decade ago lived in the town by the Heavens Arena and she wanted to meet and catch up with him as soon as he finished the lessons for his pupil at this day, so for now she was sitting between the publicum by the arena and let the much too loud noises wash over her until she was swayed in the permanent waves of sounds that mixed togetehr into a undistinctable white noise like in the waves of an rushing ocean. Until another melody mixed into this deafening orchestra. A melody that made Senritsu sat up straight promptly. A melody that made a line as deep as a scar appear between her big eyes. She thought of a certaine melody, not the melody of the heartbeat of that man, but the melody of someone else that she had heard just for a few moments: Pakunodas Heartbeat. Pakunodas Heartbeat the second Hisoka had joined them by the canyons and shrill melody of anger, suprise, confusion and fear that had been the Spiders heartbeat for that moment. Pakunodas Hartbeat that had made Senritsu feel compassion for her not for the first time in that night. The woman opned an eye to look placidly at the seat beside her and without wanting to she started to tilt her head from one side to the other like an indecisive bird: "Wouldn´t you be more happy down in the arena-" , a short finger that used to look very different, pointed down to the arena to the fighters: "-instead of giving me company, mhmmmm?" Eventually she stopped and only tapped her fingers against her chin in a fickle melody. She was not nervouse, she noticed. She was not scared, she noticed. She was not tensed, she noticed. But she was- Senritsu frowned, her fingers rising in tempo in the taped melody- uncharacteristically reserved? : "Don´t get me wrong, I have nothing against company-but I am also very aware of the very old and very boring person I am, so by all means, I am worried for your enjoyment of the situation." And the echo of shock, anger and absolute terror when Pakunoda had seen Hisoka at that moment was still stuck in her mind.
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fanficfish · 1 year
Ttte ranch au but its mdoern
im bored and listened to too much of the Peoclaimers again. Oops.
Main Post
None of this is canon to my au btw its all for funsies. Basically this is if the au was set in a time with like. Computers and cellphones and whatever.
Donald and Douglas have had "I'm Gonna Walk 500 Miles" throb at them so many times by both the other ranch hands (back when they first joined officially) and by visitors who heard their stories (later on). They don't mind, since they get to sing a good excuse to break out into song.
Theyre also the ones who own a shelf full of records and CDs and have a Spotify playlist for everything. They have one made for each person on the ranch that they interact with on a semi regular basis.
duck is into those true crime podcasts. Oliver is mildly terrified for his well-being but can't say anything when he himself has spent hours consumed by the Lords of the Ring. Yes he can speak Elvish, no he doesn't want to talk about if he can remeciste half the books by memory or not.
Gordon FaceTimes his brother, and even some of his cousins, all the tiem. Scott always shows off wherever he is in the world and Gordon grumbles wheneve this phone dies halfway through a call.
James has a tiktok. Undoetunatley.
Edward watches so much Maaterpiece. He's also watched Once Upon a Time. He sometimes even manages to con the others into joining him, and both Gordon and Henry hate that they somewhat enjoyed some of the series. Edward noticed and now there's three people running around on the ranch arguing over Game of Thromes and Downtown Abbey. Good times.
Tony loves monopoly. Especially with Thomas and Percy, with Daisy and Mavis for spice.
thomas has a mild kbsession with chocolate, as does Percy. On Easter and Halloween they can be found logging out kn candy. Toby enables them.
james got a tindr account and made a fiver sometime not long after his TikTok blew up. He defintiely gets small modelling jobs in his spare time, and gets it as a good chance for free cosmetic items.
Duck watches a lot of The Food Network, and some he, Percy, and Thomas have food network marathons. Duck loves Maaterchef, Perfy likes the Great British Baking Show, and Thomas thinks Chooped or Who Beat Bobby Flay are the best. (Man how did I not absorb any info when I watched so much food network? Huh....wild..-)
Duncan is a gamer and he, Rusty. peter Sam, and Sir Handel have some royal Mario kart tournaments. Compete with saltiness and a lot of swearing from certain parties when Rusty beats them all. Fred videos it and laughs.
Among Us
Henry is low-key considering becoming a park ranger. He settles for junior ranger books and the ranch life.
Someone turned the barn into both a wifi hotspot and a Pokémon go stop and everyone is denying this. Especially Donald and Douglas.
Football night is game night on the ranch and nothings stopping it from Happening, ever. Gordon's express doesn't run starting from the last minutes of the pregame show to the next afternoon, mail is delivered by either anyone not watching (usually Emily, she isn't as interested just opinionated on the matter), or alternate transport. Bertie the bus driver has his happiest and fulelst load days on these weekends.
Sir Topham Hatt joins in on the Super Bowl weekend fun too btw. If the team you cheer for wins and it's one he's cheering for, you get free rounds (read: he'll buy you abStarbucks drink.)
edward, Toby, and Duke all invest too much in Starbucks. (Adaptation of @weirdowithaquill 's thing in the ERS with engines and teabags)
Bill and Ben have too many whopper cushions and other prank items in their arsenal.
I'll add more if I think of any.
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emoishcatgirlfriend · 2 years
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I finally managed to buy me fishnets! nwn
It's the first time in my life I try them on and I fucking love them so much 🖤🖤🖤 I wish I could wear them every day, I don't care if putting them on is somewhat tedious at first.
Also, after leaving my Nirvana Dysphoria Hoodie™ at my friend's house since the time we went to the goth club, I got it back at last, so I decided to put an outfit together with my fishnets, the shorts my fat thighs tore apart last Halloween (sewed enough to leave the hole and stopping the fabric fom flopping around randomly), my Converse shoes, the hoodie and a random beanie hat I had laying on a corner of my room (and barely noticeable in the pics).
I'm diggin' it, ngl 🖤
I love exploring "femenine" outfits and I hope to find some cute clothing to achieve a more dark looking image in a near future🖤Maybe I'll explore into something more emo or goth-ish, idk.
If you are reading this, thank you for looking into my dumb posts and stuff 🖤
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=======TRIGGER WARNING=======
====== UH MAYBE... SORTA (?) =====
I felt so good in my fishnets that I just had to take more leg/feet focused pictures. If it's not your thing feel free to skip this part.
I appreciate you paying attention to my silly selfies tho 🖤
I think I don't have to explain anything more about them and that you can match some dots by yourself about my... interests...
If this is your sort of thing, enjoy I guess 3408tgy2j34690yj206
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curiouskurona · 2 years
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a few bugs ,, i finished tha entire bingo board + books 2 and 3 tha saem night they came out ( im normal <- is lying ) and i noticed that tha sprites weren't possesed , which i was liek " aaaw :o( " about but i thought maybe they just took it out ( liek how they took out tha ending song in book 5 for tha eng release -_- ) . as it turns out , though , it was just incomplete or smth ? bc i see other ppls screenshots and their sprites are working . so i went back to check and all tha posessed guys ( jack , epel , deuce , jade ) actually have possessed sprites + appropriate facial expressions now
also tha first pic is a typo i noticed but idk if its still there or not jgkkwkfkvka
and i didnt taek a screenshot of this bc i didnt wanna be too hard on them / i felt liek i was being too nitpicky at tha tiem , but deuces sprite was kinda choppy , liek you could see his veil had whitespace on it on tha edges ,,
idk im not mad or anything i just wanted to point it out as liek . behind tha scenes lore or smth . pointing out tha wires and stage lights . they actually weren't very polished w this event at first n i was kinda disappointed , but im glad they caught up and fixed stuff in post !! :D
now all tha screenshots i took while liveblogging this to my friends are no longer accurate tho , lol !! ^^;;
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the-mist-striders · 1 year
Episode 3: One Must Die
So we last left off with the party realizing they’re fucked.
I would also like to mention that this is the top floor of the manor. As far as we can tell at a glance this is it. 
Kai does her echo-location thing and finds a secret door in the master bedroom- a spiral staircase down
Congratulations to the party! We found the basement that's supposed to have monsters in it
And it's very... basementy
Spooks part ????/????
Anyway, they find a locked room. Fauna presents a key she found in the study. Unlocks it and there's 2 child sized skeletons on the floor
The clothes matching the kids that led us in here
So the actual ghosts of the kids materialize and they talk to the party.
They say their mom locked them into the room to keep them safe
They starved to death
#Mother of the year award
Cinderell, being a paladin of the Raven Queen asks where they'd like to be buried. They say they want to be with their mom and dad. The paladin with the help of Lucerian scoop up all the bones and have them in some kind of sack. When this happens the kids possess Cinderell and Lucerian. Lucerian suddenly becomes meek and Cinderell becomes a bit more bossy.
We go into another room and it's full of corpses too
Fauna triggers a trap
A trap in the form of the angry maid’s spirit
Kai runs the fuck away because she not equipped for this shit
Lucerian runs the fuck away too and nearly yeets Kai’s blind ass down the staircase (but I succeeded in a dex save)
So me and Cinderell’s player do hatch a plan while Amahlia and Fauna fight the ghost
I have herbs, Cinderell is a paladin, and a match to burn the herbs. Cinderell does some chanting, takes by herbs, hauls ass to the box filled with the maids bones, and yeets the herbs inside. Setting the box on fire
While this happens the maid is balls deep into Amahlia
By this I mean the maid is fondling her guts
And is on her death saves
Amahlia is dying
Kai steps up and fucking book's it across the room towards the distracted wraith and wacks it so hard from behind that it finishes it off
Kai uses a healing spell and saves Amahlia's ass
Please no one notice how I keep changing how certain names are spelled, I can only edit this so much.
They rest, they level up and heal, tiem for the next floor below
They find absolute darkness. No longer do their surroundings resemble a home, it's a dungeon. A crypt
Kai hears distant chanting
Can't pinpoint what they're saying
When she mentions this the rest of the party hears it
#this is fine
The kids nudge the paladins towards the mothers burial crypt. They leave the bones there, releasing their spirits. They also fetch the fathers corpse from the noose and place him in his grave.
They press on, Amahlia is the only human and thus can't see
Must be rough
Lucerian is holding Amahlia's torch, he nearly lights up a room with it before Kai stops him
In the process revealing her telepathic nature by speaking directly into his mind
You see, she can hear something in that room
Its big and has many legs
And it was the quietest way to stop him
She reveals that this whole time she could read their minds
Fauna is embarrassed because she sings the theme song of my little pony internally every time she's spooked
Please no one question where she could have heard the my little pony theme song we are in a dungeon ffs.
Fauna also discovers she can talk to animals (because she leveled up as a druid)
Turns out the dog has an Aussie accent.
Who knew
Btw this is what the dog looks like
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3B, The bat in her hair is also constantly panicking because he has no idea what's going on at any given moment. Also 3B has a jersey accent. 
Kai, using herself as a radio of sorts we navigate deeper, passing messages around telepathically and listening for enemies
I knew a blind telepath would make a useful party member
However, they do get jumped by 3 ghouls
Because I failed my rolls for Kai to see it coming
They manage to avoid most traps/encounters using Kai's senses, but sometimes my dice will be like "fuck you. have a low #"
Amalia dashes ahead to smash some ghouls
Now mind you the halls are narrow
Amalia only gets past Kai because she flattened against a wall to make room
Should I mention Kai uses a crossbow and how nobody questioned ever why a blind woman is using a crossbow
(She uses other people's eyes ( and her own senses at times) to aim)
So uh
Lucerian can't hit any of the ghouls because Amalia is in the way
So he has a bright idea
To fucking try jumping over her
Amahlia is an average height adult woman and he's slightly taller and covered in heavy armor
As decided by a series of rolls between Amahlia and Lucerian - here's how that went
They fucked it up
Lucerian knocks Amahlia down, sending them both to a dog pile on the ground
Cinderell has an idea too! Basically he wants to go up and around in attempt to flank the ghouls
Says "I got this!" Takes off into the dark hall
Next the party hears is a loud bang as Cinderell steps on a floor trap with spikes below
Cinderell passes the dex save, grabs the ledge and pulls themselves up
#ideal party moment
Oh but what's this?
The party is making a lot of noise
A giant caterpillar/worm like thing emerges from the hallway that Kai heard it crawling around in
It has fangs and tentacles
And craves our meat
And its Kai whose first on the menu
Oh, and fauna turned into a cat, got past everyone and joined the fight. She left 3B and the dog behind to keep the animals out of danger.
They did pass a check to detect the worms arrival and to be smart enough to run away
#the dog is ok
So I won't sugar coat. Kai gets her ass beat
It's fukin rough. It uses poison damage that paralyzes
So Kai wasn't able to do much even when I could pass a constitution save
Cinderell makes his way to the back finally
The woerm is chewing on Kai’s head
Kai accepts this as her cue, turns into a rat and makes a dash
Cinderell smashes it with their battleaxe
Its dead bitches
Kai heals her own ass
The ghouls are dead
They managed to survive
...for now
They find a statue of a dude and a colorful glowing orb
Fauna needs to be held back so that she doesn't grab it
There are strange shadows in this room and we can feel eyes on us ... watching
Oh and there's skeletons chained to the wall... they sure do know how to decorate
They find a door
Cinderell and Kai don't trust nothing
Kai detects magic on the door. Cinderell shoots it activating a trap that would eat you if you tried to open it
Totally normal stuff
Everyone in the party is just like "fuck this house"
Amahlia looks down and the tarot card is back
She rips it and moves on
They find a room with a chest of magical shit that Kai can see with borrowed eyeballs + detect magic
But bro
We didn't even touch anything
Cinderell just
Looked at a painting
And out comes a ghoul like thing
I don't think it was a ghoul, something stronger smarter and maybe harder to kill
Not sure
Because that thing was fucking ganged up on on sight
The party was #done and out for blood
Little bitch died
Oh and the reason we didn't know it was there was because I failed 3 perception checks in a fucking row
Which btw Kai is now toph'ing it up and going barefoot because I'll be damned we get jumped by another ghoul popping out of the ground
No one can smell her boot feet because the air is already putrid from all the ghouls and that woerms insides 
In true spirit of #fuck this house we didn't bother with the rest of the floor. They went down the stairs that Cinderell found when he tried to flank the ghouls
When they reached the lower floor they could now understand the chanting they heard on the floor above
"Strahd is ancient, he is the land"
to which the squad starts roasting the chanting. Kai personally did it by saying "I fucking get it! Strahd is old and strahd is dirt! Who cares!"
"strahd is older than dirt'- Amahlia I think, idk
We find a room full of alters with different things on a pedestal
Random shit like clotted blood in a glass, a dried patch of skin, dragon tooth wrapped in wire, a lock of hair, shit like that
What's funny is this setup is for a ritual that isn't a thing. It does nothing
Cringe blood cult with their fail ritual
2 different doors ahead. Kai checks both, one is a flooded room, the other another series of hallways. They start with the later and find yet more skeletons chained to the wall
#im kink shaming at this point
Kai finds a secret passageway that leads to the flooded room but this entrance opened up to where there were platforms
I have Kai put her finger tips in the murky sewage water so she can feel for movement- something brushes against her fingers, causing her to jolt back, Last minute she sees red eyes in the water.
Amalhia has a galaxy brain moment and throws her javelin into the water
To ""kill the water""
She goes in the water to get it back. All the splashing keeps Kai from figuring out what the fuck is in the water
At the center of the flooded part of the room is a platform with an alter, to the right in the water is a stack of bones
Fauna just goes for the altar by wading in the water
Kai is paranoid, won't go in
Cinderell offers to carry her
Kai almost accepts
But for reasons unbeknownst to Cinderell she pauses, then turns and just leaps into the water while screaming “It’s not personal!!”
They all get to the platform
The whole squad smells like sewage now
With all of them on the center platform a bunch of hooded figures with no face except for red eyes manifest everywhere in the room
There's a knife on the altar
Now the chanting changes to something else
As hooded entities manifest in the room
"One must die"
So I, as Kai’s player was launching into "how can I twist the wording here" mode
Or "is there like... a bug somewhere we can kill?" Or "can we sacrifice a ghoul?"
Dm is evil and won't tell
Lucerian thinks out loud "they need one of us to die... and we have a dog"
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At the same time Amahlia has a galaxy brained idea to write a '1' on a piece of paper. The dms are shocked that Amahlia is actually literate
They let her make the attempt
Kai lends her some paper, she writes "1" on a piece of paper, takes the knife and stabs it
The paper erupts into black inky smoke
"Yes! I did it!"
The smoke clears
Revealing the fucking tarot card
Cinderell goes looking into the stack of bones
Hoping to find rats or something
No luck even with a nat20
Kai is having an existential crisis on what it means to die as she contemplates sacrificial alternatives
Cinderell has their galaxy brain moment
The chanting is speeding up
They’re being timed
He gathers bones from the stack and assembles a skeleton
Rolls for deception to see if maybe he can trick the spectators
As he pretends to sacrifice himself and use the skeleton for a body
Lucerian stops him because he knows it won't work (via a nat20 on insight) 
That's when Lucerian gets out a dagger and attempts to commit suicide
Chaos happens
Cinderell is attempting to grapple the knife away
Fauna the ray of sunshine is having a crisis as she watches her brother attempt to sacrifice himself
I enjoy how literally no one even entertained sacrificing the dog
Lucerian stabs himself on the neck
The chanting is loud and so much faster than before
Time is running out
Do we save Lucerian?
And if we do ... what then? Who will die instead? 
Fauna sets 3B and the dog down on the floor. Says "take care of each other" before attempting her own suicide because she can't live without her brother
This sets Amalia into action. Since she seems to have a crush on fauna
Amalia dashes over and force feeds him a healing potion
In all the chaos we don't see Cinderell step aside, take his chest armor off, grab the sacrificial dagger, and stab himself in the heart right over the alter
He uses one of his weapons to command we stay back and let him die
With a nat 20 intimidation
The party is probably pissing themselves
He dies so that the rest can leave
Something inside the stack of bones emerges, vaguely human in shape... but not quite right It goes to Cinderell’s corpse and devours him
But hey at least they can leave this house right?
They go back where they came
And find the staircase to the basement blocked off
Fauna is somewhere murdering a door
Lucerian trying to calm her
Amalia too
tfw the barbarian is telling you to chill
Kai finds an exit in the hallway the woerm was in
It's a ladder to the very first floor you enter on
They did it. They escaped.
The party then in an act of friendly bonding set the house on fire.
The smoke trail marking the end of the Death house arc.
There's a basket of fine whine and cheese on the road where the children once stood. Inside the basket is a note that says
“Welcome to Barovia :)”
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manikax · 2 years
stream starting soon
When: December 2, 2022 / 11:00 PM For @ilnerium 
Maja live-streamed every Friday at 11 p.m. She'd concluded the latest God of War and was looking for the next long-form game she could turn into a series. Meanwhile, she had decided to play a game called -
"The Devil in Me," Maja revealed to her chat. "The Devil in This Pussy." Her Friday evening streams were rated R, as opposed to the ones she conducted on Mondays and Wednesdays, which she managed to keep PG-13 by the grace of God. "It's from the same studio that made Until Dawn and Little Hope, and... oh... what was that other one? The people on the boat... Man of Medan! Yeah, I didn't like that one as much as the others." 
Her streaming setup was singularly curated and very pink: pink wireless cat ear headphones, pink mic with flexible boom, pink keyboard. She'd even set the neon lights in her room to a soft sunset glow, bathing her body in a wash of lavender-pink. Her small frame was swallowed up by an oversized heart-print jacket. 
[normalsquid:] i am the homo of the sexual
"I am so proud of you," Maja said, putting on an air of seriousness that the situation did not warrant. It didn't last very long. She burst out laughing.
She gave a peace sign. "I will do everything in my power not to commit a hate crime against my people." 
Maja was pleased by these comments. For the previous two weeks, the majority of her chat had been jammed with irritated incels and entitled men, but tonight's stream was decidedly less... toxically masculine. People had finally stopped bothering her with trivial questions about Taewon, realizing she was only going to troll and lead them astray. 
The positive vibes persisted as she played through the prologue. The energy was high, and her stream chat was especially amusing - amusing in a way she hadn't remembered her audience being in a long time. It was in these moments that she recalled how much she enjoyed streaming and shooting the shit with her fans. But it didn’t last. She'd only been playing for an hour when her stream chat was deluged with anonymous dissenters. It didn't take long to figure out what was bothering them and that this raid had been planned on some third-party forum. They were calling her various names that all amounted to her being a slut. Many people were angry because she had 'lied' to them and 'cheated' on them with Taewon. Some wanted refunds.
Maja had excellent moderators who immediately went to work blocking the dissenters, but there were a lot of them. Maja paused the game. She was both smiling and baring her teeth like an angered animal. “I’m only gonna say this once,” she said, “So listen up, bozos. You are not entitled to my - or any other woman’s - undivided and immediate attention. I don’t care what I am: a whore, a virgin, the fucking queen of England streaming live from hell.” 
She noticed that the tone of the comments was shifting from slut-shaming to accusing her of using her feminine wiles to dupe men into donating money, all because she’d concealed her alleged relationship status.
[driedfishcel:] if i had known you weren’t single i wouldnt have wasted my tiem getting invested in you [khanivore:] FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!fucking subhuman whore you led me on. i should kill you (in a video game) [Nightwalker_99:] proudly displaying your degeneracy for all to see. dirty stupid foid
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
People who can't tolerate any behaviour they perceive as apart of the norm freak me out, and it's worse that I been following them for a month and havent noticed their attitude. Most of the time when someone is catty like that it's just because they have a strong personaily that in dont jive with but this is the first tiem they were actully a dickhead. I was bullied my entire life and Im so tired and scared of peple who go after anyone they see as weird, first my ex-friend and now this 2/2
you're correct yea. ive blocked and unfollowed a lot of people for similar reasons too, but it never stops being annoying and a little frustrating :/
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Aaah thank you!
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crystalbrain7 · 2 years
crystalbrain-reagan of death NFT on opensea.io
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ok, so liek the 1980s had this dude named reagan, my crack cocaine smokin buddy. and when we smoked crack, it was because we had an infinite supply of something called MONEY. yes, god himself gave us shitloads of cash, handing it out of a TV liek some kind of ghoul. so anyways, this NFT is a tribute to a few different things from teh 80s: JAPANESE appliances, RICH PEOPLE with money, CRACK COCAINE, and teh DEVIL. yes, there were many people afraid of teh devil so i added a little inverted pentagram liek from teh forehead of some baphomet drawn by eliphas levi or some shit, but there is a TEN HEADED REAGAN who is sodomizing himself with money, but you can't really tell from the image. yes, reagan would get into god's secret stash of cash with oral roberts and teh devil, and we'd roll around frollicking burning 100 dollar bills and smoking huge amounts of rock cocaine. yes, i said oral roberts, and he knew ALL ALONG that god wasn't going to kill him if he didn't raise $1 million, but he just wants some money to add 2 the pile so he could smoke ridiculous amounts of CRACK with us. it was truly a great time to be a rich guy being groomed by dudes spouting greek philosophy, bcuz they would give u piles of crack cocaine and cash to ur 10 year old ass or whatever, it was such a great, great tiem in history, installed so many dictators in third world countries, yes.
now as i was laying on a pile of cash being fellated by unspeakable demons i decided 2 play famicom (which is teh japanese nintendo, yes) on a special tv with a famicom on it, but then TEH DEVIL possesses teh TV just to mess with me, and then reagan gets up and fucks teh TV in the ass to create an alternate dimensional version of me, and we try to beat each other at a game called urban champion which is a fighting game that SUCKED bcuz street fighter II was still years away. but anyways, it was quite a trip…while we were rolling around in that pile of cash we got so much cocaine and devil sperm on dollar bills, which is why u will notice that dollar bills from the 1980s smelled liek COCAINE and SEMEN. i am beside myself with laughter, it was a great trip being teh personal fucktoy of the world's leaders, with oral roberts, pat robertson and the pope taking turns on my ass while various republican politicians and donald trump got teh other end.
anyways, this television is a tribute to REAGAN, CRACK, MONEY, AND POWER!!
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