#but i really do love elena
jessmalia · 2 months
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Dear Bonnie, I’m a coward. I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter, but I know if I do you’ll talk me out of running away from all my problems. You’re gonna make me face a future without Elena and you’re gonna help make me the best man I could possibly be, the same way she did. And I’m absolutely terrified of failing you both. So, I’m leaving. Because I’d rather let you down once, than let you down for the rest of your life. And I hope it’s the happiest life. Because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, a mediocre crossword puzzle player and my best friend. 
With great love and respect, Damon.
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slimeygoopyveg · 8 months
Obsessed with Elena after the latest stream
She is such a hypocrite. She has known this whole time how cruel the federation could be,but it didn’t matter to her; she was the perfect employee! She was helping people! That matters more than a few slightly unethical experiments. She was ok with seeing people get tortured, maybe even gave orders to do so.
Now, however, she’s on the other side of that, and all of a sudden it’s not so justifiable anymore. People who were her friends and coworkers are now her torturers, and she keeps having to dirty her hands with blood herself, instead of just giving the order.
I think that she might start to question if this is what she put people through and whether “progress” could ever have justified her actions.
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spunkytomboybeat · 1 month
Long post about Makoto x Elena from Street Fighter
Once more I am thinking about Makoto and Elena from street fighter and i am debating on making a youtube video on my thoughts about me shipping the two.
I had my old post on here reblogged and it got me thinking about how Makoto x Elena is a rarepair for some reason, sure there's some fans about it (I've slowly been finding people who take interest/like it) but it's somehow the least common one when talking about the street fighter 3 gals. It is significantly more common for me to see Ibuki x Makoto, Elena x Ibuki, or even Elena x Makoto x Ibuki somehow. I'm not saying any of these pairings are bad, I do like them (I am somewhat mixed on Ibuki and Makoto for a handful of reasons but this isn't about them) and I love seeing art about them, what I am confused about is that the one with the LEAST art of talk about is Elena x Makoto.
These two have been on my mind forever. A taller than average bubbly capoeira PRINCESS is dating a shorter slightly grumpy tosan karetake tomboy is so funny to me. These two are just the polar opposites and yet despite it all they are dating? Incredible.
Like through the games and side media it's fairly obvious the writers and artists commonly pair the two together now on whatever they're doing.
First it was on sf3 where despite Makoto being a new character (and even having a special intro with Ibuki), Elena was the ONLY person to have a conversation on their own arcade ladder with Makoto (Makoto has a convo with Ryu since she was trying to find him to fight). And thing is Makoto wasn't even the most welcoming at first (dialogue below)
Makoto: What's wrong with you?! Stop smiling like that! It's creepy! Makoto: I'm here for a serious fight! I'll punish you if you make fun of me! Elena: I just want to be your friend! Elena: That's the reason why we fight! So let's enjoy the battle! Makoto: Friend?! I don't think I could ever understand you. [Dialogue ends.]
And it's honestly funny that Makoto of all people underestimates Elena, a capoeirista (I'll give her the benefit of the doubt since Makoto isn't the most knowledgeable of the world and doesn't know that Capoeira is arguably one of the scariest fighting styles to have on a tall person). Girl wanted to have a new friend and up for a friendly spar on her travels around Japan and Makoto assumed she was just here to make fun of her (And I assume they either went on a draw or Makoto lost the fight since I do believe Elena is stronger between the two). But even what Makoto said, Elena is unphased and knows she didn't mean any harm, Makoto is just someone who is very direct with words and is honest about what she says even if she's not the best person at communicating. Elena likes her friends and Makoto is her friend and is there to listen, be her with a grumpy face or not, Elena isn't here to make fun of you on purpose and would rather laugh with you.
Before 3rd strike Elena was normally paired with Ibuki (Even if Ibuki was being paired with chun since she was the most famous of the 2) because she was one of the 2 girls on sf3. But after 3rd strike something shifted and suddenly Elena was being paired with Makoto more often than not, and when they weren't it'd either be the sf3 girls trio, Elena was paired with Narumi (i wish we had more Narumi content) or Makoto was chilling with Ibuki. But other than that a lot of comics and official art just had Mak and Elena enjoy their time together and i think it's really cool we have more content of them, I really want the two to interact with each other more in SF6. Capcom please put me in that writing's room when you do decide to do a cutscene story mode for sf6 that isn't world tour (I like the mode I just wish it was the real characters interacting more with each other since we finally have a proper budget and can experiment more)
I really enjoy that I've been seeing more content of the Tall goober and the short goober kissing though, really lovely stuff :3
Like imagine being a Tosan girl with barely any social experience because majority of your life you were secluded because everyone didn't care about you or your dojo's history after your father died and dressed like a tomboy and did karate so much to the point you make your hands, which are bigger than that of a common girl, bleed and also one of your interests is woodcarving and then suddenly this foreigner capoeirista taller than your doorframe (and taller than you by two heads) comes up to you smiling saying they want to be your friend because you looked like a fun person to talk to even if your past wasn't the most superb thing ever to look up to. She doesn't mind what happened to your past and isn't here to make fun of you or to shun you away because you worked all your life for a goal that you set yourself to do for years, even if it was alone, she was here because she liked you as a person and found you cute and would yell at the world that she's your friend and would go out to eat, watch movies, do work, train, spar, debate fighting styles, study and just relax with each other. And then suddenly a year passes and you're in her bed and shes sleeping soundly next to you and you call her your girlfriend that you love very much and you don't know how to react. And then the next morning she picks you up because she found it funny since she's still significantly taller than you but you love her since she's someone you care about for all this time, giving you a kiss on your big forehead.
I like these two a lot, I really do.
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I got thinking too much about Marwa from What We Do in the Shadows again and how she was canonically making observations of Jupiter and Saturn in the 1200s. Then I thought about how Elena took Damon to go watch a meteor shower, and I decided that Marwa and Elena should get away from all the vampire drama B.S. in their lives and go nerd out about astronomy together, and this moodboard sort of happened. I also thought about how Elena becomes a doctor and went ah, they are both women in STEM! So I ran with that as a theme too.
But yeah, Marwa needs a friend who will actually support her interests and engage with her intellectually (no shade to Nadja and the Guide, I'm glad they had a fun weekend watching Mamma Mia together which was literally the only time we got to actually see Marwa happy onscreen, but they have never demonstrated much interest in science that I can recall and I want Marwa to have an astronomy buddy), and I think Elena would be fascinated by her and her perspectives on astronomy from centuries ago, and they could learn about modern astronomical advances together. If I find the time and energy I might even write fic about it, but for now, here is a moodboard so that we can all bask in the vibes of my beautiful crossover vision together.
Image sources: x x x / x (the first frame of x gif + a screenshot from x) x / x + x x x
#Elena Gilbert#Marwa wwdits#Marwa/Elena#Marlena#Marwalena#I'm not necessarily viewing this as a romantic ship but I'm also not not viewing it as one. take it either way as it pleases you#rowing the rarepair rowboat#(thank you freddieslater for letting me use that tag that's such a good tag)#the Vampire Diaries#What We Do in the Shadows#Marwa the Relentless#at first I didn't want to call her that because Nandor is such garbage to her. not even garbage. he hollows her out and destroys her soul#but I like the idea that she is also relentless in her own way. if only insomuch as she survived him. which really she didn't#the more I think about what happened to Marwa the more I feel like she endured the worst fate imaginable. I mean what Nandor did to her was#really so much more evil than any of the compulsion we see in Vampire Diaries because I mean he completely erased everything that made her#who she was. He chipped away at her personality and her sense of self bit by bit until he literally deleted anything recognizable as Marwa#from existence. I need to scream about it.#and the only scene with her smiling is the one I took that screenshot from. The only. Scene.#anyways I'm so glad she's fine now & having fun showing Elena cool telescopes and telling her about all of Jupiter's moons &how to see them#I love astronomy so if somebody on TV mentions liking astronomy I become bonded for life with them. lol#TVD rarepair rowboat#WWDITS#not to be anti-wwdits; I do love Nandermo. but they did Marwa so dirty#Justice for Marwa!#astronomy moodboard#I made this weeks ago but I got so busy with the play but now the play is over and I went 'hey remember that moodboard you should post it'#so here it be :)#it's not the best moodboard I've ever made but I made it in a passionate fervor of feminist energy and I like it
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notmoreflippingelves · 9 months
Gabe from EoA: 2, 3, 12 and 25 ; Esteban: 2, 7, 18, 19 and 21? :D
So, I really ended up rambling a lot on all the Esteban points (*you're shocked, I know*) so I decided to make that one its own post out of fairness to Gabe.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
My favorite Gabe moment is probably when he and Rico are competing to be Captain of the Guard (in the El Guapo episode), and Rico gets injured. Although Gabe has the opportunity to win the race and in doing so win the captaincy, he refuses to leave Rico behind and instead helps him up so they can cross the finish line together. That's in essence, who Gabe is. He's competitive and practical and ambitious, but far more than that, he's loyal and compassionate. He won't turn his back on someone who needs his help. Even someone like Rico, who up to that point, had been really unhelpful and condescending to him.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
He only has like 3-4 outfits over the course of the entire show (and one of them is in a dream sequence AU that didn't actually happen). He's a handsome dude. Where are his cute little fits? I know that the guys were always going to get fewer outfits compared to the girls, but Gabe gets especially few. Was it so much to ask for a cute little adventure outfit for him like Esteban and Mateo have? Or perhaps a nice fancy dress uniform for official functions?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
You know, I don't really think I've made any Gabe headcanons yet, so I'm just going to think one up real quick.
Even though his father still has mixed feelings about Gabe choosing the Royal Guard over the bakery, he is still incredibly proud of Gabe. And when Gabe was made captain, he made him a special "sword" shaped cake to celebrate his promotion to captain. Gabe, of course, brought the leftover cake to work with him the next day, which really did a lot for building team morale.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I liked Gabe from the start and I still really like him now. I would say he's probably in my top 5 characters (after Esteban, Elena, Naomi, and Valentina). What I like about Gabe is that he (and Naomi) is a much needed voice of reason for the team. It's not really all that surprising that he's canonically the oldest of the amigos, since he's certainly the most mature and responsible (even if he can get a bit competitive). He's such a good boy, and it makes me sad that he seems to get so much less love and attention from the fandom compared to Mateo.
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blagueofchaos · 6 months
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I made a new header and icon! There were lots of great ones in the tags but I had a Vision and decided to go for it, and I'm really pleased with how they turned out. Well, admittedly the edit on the header is a liiittle janky, but that was kind of intentional with the half-baked 2000s-y vibe I was going for, really. Feel free to use them on your blog as long as you credit me :)
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sheathnknife · 4 months
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the vampire diaries 8.16 // louise gluck, crossroads
“and damon, like the voiceover tell us, he was worried he would never see stefan again. it was just elena assuring him that there would be peace. that we’ve dealt with this other side of darkness for several seasons, but there’s also light out there and there’s peace, and damon will find it. if you search for it, you will find it. and we wanted to get that last moment to see that [...] damon found it too, and it looked just like his brother.” — kevin williamson
#not really satisfied with this one but eh#i don't envy gifmakers who've giffed the tunnel scene btw bc the lighting. my god. a travesty#anyway. beating this dead horse of an ep to death to eke out every last drop of defan it has to offer#the contrast between damon's expression when reuniting with elena vs stefan kills meeeee#he's doing THE most for stefan but for elena it's go girl give us nothing dot jpeg fjskfjdj#also in typical spn brainrot fashion while listening to damon's anguished declaration of love toward stefan in the tunnel or whatever#i kept comparing it to dean's 7 minutes of incest ahh speech in the finale#and my god#like i'm aware pitting damon i-stole-my-little-brother's-gf-and-let-him-drown-while-locked-in-a-safe-for-three-months salvatore#against dean i-sold-my-soul-for-my-little-brother-and-i-will-do-it-again-without-hesitation winchester#is unfair to damon#but damon's speech is SO bland and half-assed in and of itself#and it absolutely PALES in comparison to dean's speech it's actually pathetic lmfao#i couldn't stop thinking abt dean confessing that he stood outside sam's dorm for hours before barging in#bc he was scared sam would tell him to get lost#and it made me think that the writers could've made damon's speech that much more personal and impactful#by maybe throwing in a line like “i didn't come back to mystic falls all those years ago /just/ for katherine”#it would've recontextualized their reunion in the first ep and given the hello brother moment so much more depth#give us something authentic! something the audience isn't privy to!#something only damon would know and keep buried in the deepest darkest corner of his black heart!#like!!! i'm sorry but damon's dying (not really) declaration of love toward stefan reads so generic lol#just smacks of lack of creativity on the writers' part#which. tbf. is like all of tvd post s3 lmao#maybe it's a me problem idk i just think the speech could've been. well. better#like once you sit down and start dissecting damon's words they don't feel /that/ weighted. if that makes any sense#ok so maybe i just wanted him to say he didn't come back to mystic falls just for kat ! sue me#ANYWAY. someone please for the love of god write me a post finale canon compliant defan fic#a defan-in-the-afterlife fic if you will#or a damon-being-miserable-after-stefan's-death-and-being-really-shit-at-coping fic. that works too#wowee these tags are a mess
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 5 months
[Belated] Wip Wednesday!
you know my life is hectic when notes ap fics while im waiting for the bus make a comeback. anyway Tesoro is being a weirdly sweet manipulative cunt<3 i need to write one of the many times Celia fucks up everyone lives shes looking to pity-able. this is notes app writing so no editing or rereading [except for the beginning with whos speaking] just stream of thoughts- i already know many places i will sit down and improve when i have time
[Tesoro] Do you know who Amelia reminds me of?
[Celia laughs] It's obvious, isn't it?
[Tesoro, dead serious] She reminds me of you.
[Celia, at the same time] Of Elen-
Seeing Celia freeze in shock, a cruel part of him was glad, to be assured that with just a few words he could still metaphorically lay Celia bare, strip away all of the stone walls and bravado, and leave behind a scared child, even after all these years.
Golden eyes were wide, the white fully surrounding. Bright pupils were growing larger, threatening to drown out the narrowing ring of gold.
Its a secret so few know that those pinpricks growing to even half the size of a normal pupil is an indicator of true fear, whereas the usual pinpricks is normal. To those who knew her younger, they think it just changed over time to be smaller, but the truth is she's in many ways conquered her old fears, and those that have taken their place are a slow constant fear, about larger factors. Celia doesn't worry that she will get physically attacked from any side. these days, its the era of mind games instead.
It was always interesting, Celias eyes. More normal than black in place of white, but those metallic eyes and bright pinprick pupils were unsettling to him even more. At first glance, human, second, anything but. Celia- of heaven, according to some old Latin books, derived from a surname meaning the same.
It was easy to see her as something other, even holy, but no benevolent god could create a soldier like her. Those who called her brother an angel were just as misguided, but the veneer of kindness and comfort that made it easy to ignore Cecios' terrifying power over people and see him as holy was lacking in his sister, who they viewed with fear, no seemingly benevolent and gracious angel but an awesome- in the most classical sense of the word- leader of man, set apart from the rest with an unsettling aura of difference. A far cry from the little girl Amelia so reminds him of. Elena was the seemingly godlike one, inspiring awe and fear, then. Celia was just another scrapper desperate to prove her worth in the eyes of her peer, and oh, how desperate she was.
It's the most likely reason why, why he can disable her like this, bypass years of walls. Because he was there before those walls became impenetrable, before she stepped up and shut everyone else out. Some lingering memories of him as her superior, in their childish hierarchy, instincts to listen to him, still dormant inside her.
For every time she learned to put up a higher and stronger wall, he had learned how to bring it crashing down.
It's the same cruel part of him that whispers it, but she truly is his greatest success, rising from the bottom to new heights - all with him by her side advising her.
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Fictober 2023 Day One! Prompt: "It's not too late, let's go."
Pairing: Elena Fisher/Chloe Frazer (Uncharted)
Read the story below or on AO3!
Elena runs a hand through her hair, collecting the dusty strands around her fingers for a moment before blowing out a breath and letting the tresses drop back to her shoulders. The sun has left her cheeks a rosy pink, the tip of her nose red, and somehow managed to brown her skin simultaneously so that bright blue eyes look even sharper, especially as they narrow to study the papers in her hands. “I don’t understand,” she murmurs, lifting her head to gaze out on the endless expanse of nothingness around them. “It should be somewhere around here…” 
Let it be stated for the record that Chloe Frazer has never been one to shy away from a little detour. Or a sizable one, all things considered. Just like she’s never been one to turn down an adventure or a pretty face, and, despite repeated lessons in the contrary, has yet to figure out that those two things together are almost never a good combination. The exception being, of course, when both the pretty face and the catalyst for the adventure happens to be Elena Fisher, who is so meticulously thorough and thoughtful that adventure almost seems like an afterthought. 
Considering that Chloe is pretty sure that they’re lost, regardless of whether Elena will use that particular word.
Or, if not lost, then certainly not where Elena wishes that they were. 
Chloe shifts from her spot leaning against the hood of the rented Jeep, tipping her head up to briefly consider the sky overhead. It won’t be much longer before twilight settles over them, casting both the narrow road and the encroaching undergrowth in velvety darkness. “We could always go back and ask that python for directions,” she remarks cheerfully, tipping her chin back in the direction they’d come. “He seemed like a friendly fellow.” 
Elena looks up at her, brow furrowing as she processes the comment. “Be my guest, but I don’t think he knows how to read a map.” She pauses before looking up again. “And I’m pretty sure it was a boa.” 
“My mistake.” Chloe grins, pushing off from the car and coming to stand behind Elena, peering over her shoulder at the collection of papers that had brought them here in the first place. Even a respectable journalist apparently couldn’t resist the draw of the mythical every now and then apparently. Chloe’s chin brushes against Elena’s shoulder, her skin warmed from the sun, from their day of traveling. “What about that spot there?” She points to something on a map that, by all accounts, had been drawn a century ago. “Could that be a turn we missed?” 
Elena glances over her shoulder, hair brushing against Chloe’s nose, like she expects to see the missed turn or answer right there behind them. But it’s just jungle and jungle and, yes, more jungle. “I guess we could’ve…there might have been a turn off, or another path…” She pauses, shaking her head, scrunching up her nose as she looks as Chloe. “This is stupid, isn’t it?”
Chloe scoffs, lifting her eyebrows. “Not sure I’m the one you should be asking that particular question, sweetheart.” 
“I don’t need any of this for the story,” Elena says, worrying a thumbnail between her teeth. They’ve been chasing down one lead or another for the past three days, plenty of time for most of the powder blue polish to chip and flake away. “We should just go back to the hotel.” 
The hotel has a claw foot tub with an impressive array of little shampoo and soap bottles, an extensive room service menu, and a pillowy soft bed that Chloe could easily spend a day in provided that Elena was there beside her. But she hasn’t quite minded all of…this either. The sun and smell of gasoline. The weathered and worn missives of people before them, guiding them on a trail that might not even exist. The quiet calls of a world guarding its secrets against outsiders. A world they’ve been able to slip into anyway. 
“We could,” Chloe says with a noncommittal hum.
Not that Elena seems to notice. Instead, her attention has drifted back toward the map, to the promise of what might lay at the end of it. “But if we did miss a path back there somewhere…that could be the direction we need to head in…” 
Chloe smiles, the lazy grin entirely wasted on Elena. “It could.” 
Elena is wearing the same expression Chloe has seen many times, the look of concentration that she gets whenever she’s in the throes of a story, or when she’s working through a particularly tangled angle, or when she’s sorting through notes and interviews, determined to find the truth buried among everyone’s vague answers. Sometimes, Chloe likes to just indulge in studying Elena’s furrowed brow, her pursed lips, the way she tilts her head when she comes across something that catches her interest. Sometimes it’s too difficult to resist the urge to inch her way closer, to press a kiss to shoulder, to throat, to cheek, to lips. To distract Elena for as long as she’s able.
Now, Chloe just watches as Elena glances back toward the undergrowth once more, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. She seems to settle on something for a moment, eyes brightening, only to shake her head again, gaze shifting to Chloe. “It’ll be dark soon.”
“We have flashlights.” They’ve got all that and more in the car, a whole thoughtfully packed kit in case of emergency situations. Chloe has never been the “in case of emergency” type, all things considered. Her contingency plan usually centered around a gun and some hopefully witty banter. Another perk of adventuring in the company of Elena Fisher, she figures. 
Though there is something about Elena that seems to make everything an adventure, even the more mundane day-to-day events and trips that don’t involve tracking down ancient, mythical treasure. 
Elena sighs despite Chloe’s very valid point. “Tomorrow we can-” 
“Come on,” Chloe argues, stepping closer to Elena once more, giving her a nudge. “It’s not too late. Let’s go.” 
“Into the jungle at nightfall,” Elena says, as though to clarify the plan.
Chloe nods, hoping for guileless. “For treasure.”
“Possible treasure.”
“Good enough for me.” 
Elena glances behind them once more and Chloe knows she’s got her. That Elena had already made up her mind long before this moment anyway, that she was going to see this thing through. And Chloe with her.
“I guess it couldn’t hurt…”
Chloe grins, putting her hands on Elena’s hips and pulling her closer and crumpling the likely priceless pages between them. “Now you’re talking.” 
Let it be said, for the record, that Chloe Frazer has never been one to walk away from an adventure. Especially when there’s a pretty face involved.
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kaizsche · 2 years
OHMYGOSH?!!!!!!!?!1?!! MASTER HELLO HI OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! <3 (have u aced ur finals? i know u did---ok so idk what fic to give you omg... since i always spill my wips to u AAAAAAAAAA) anyways here's another angsty scene from yet another angsty fic inspired by the awesome, mindblowing, heartbreaking strange by celeste. (I AM 101% SURE I HAVENT SENT THIS ONE TO YOU YET... BUT IF I DID IM GONNA KICK MYSELF TO MUSTAFAR. LIKE FR.)
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“Since the Salvatores can’t be trusted we decided to call another person to help you.”
Elena wasn’t so sure she could trust Caroline either. The only vampires they ever trusted were out of the equation. Considering Caroline’s nervous tick resurfacing—tapping her foot anxiously on the ground and the errant pounding of her heart like drums thrumming in her ear, Elena could tell that she won’t be happy in the least whoever Caroline invited to help her out. 
A pair of beating hearts could be heard outside. Caroline rushes to the door to alleviate the tension. Bonnie comes in first with a shy wave and a sheepish smile. 
“Come in, please.”
The smile falls from her lips. 
Elijah appears from behind Bonnie’s statued frame. “Hello again.”
“I don’t need to be taught,” Snaps Elena, her figure poised like an alarmed deer and hopes Caroline and Bonnie could sense her fury and vitriol. She had told them about Elijah from the beginning up until the end. They knew the wound he left behind, that deep scar that would not heal. How could they do this to her?
“Elena, please.” Caroline pleads, stopping her from ascending the stairs with her vampire speed. She hates it. Hates Elijah’s silence, the way he would look at her with pity and guilt. He does not deserve to feel guilty with what he did to her—what his sister did to her—what his inamorata did to Jeremy.
“No. I’d rather call Damon instead.” Elena smiles, a cruel smile like Katherine’s wishing it would haunt Elijah.
(After all, he left because he wasn’t so sure if he loves her because of Katherine.)
She sees the corner of his lip twist in a wry smile. Perhaps he did find her reaction funny. Guess that’s all she is now to him. A joke. Elena pauses at the hint of a feminine cologne wafting under her nose. She turns to him, hurt in her eyes yet he remained unfazed, unable to look at her face. 
“I don’t want to see your face here ever again. Do you hear me?”
(When the door clicks shut, she is horrified at the thought of wanting to flip her switch.)
She could hear him even with the door closed. Elena never hated being a vampire more than ever. Bonnie and Caroline are both apologetic, embarrassed even that such a girl like her, a doppelganger, a newly turned vampire turned down such an offer to be mentored by an Original like him. 
“It’s alright,” assures Elijah with that condescending tone. “I haven’t had high hopes for it if I’m to be honest.”
“Thanks, you know. For still trying.” Caroline winces.
“Of course. Have a wonderful night, ladies.” The door closes shut and the familiar rumble of Elijah’s car races out of Mystic Falls.
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
speaking about elena's dad being an augustine and whole "science for a good cause thing" just...damn I hate how much this storyline was ignored, bc Enzo's PTSD was just not mentioned completely, but like...the christmas parties? there was no reason to humiliate and dehumanize him like this, had it been only about "science", they loved to torture vampires, end of story.
Exactly. It was never just about "science" it was completely about the power they were able to abuse. And they could justify it to themselves in the name of science, but from the outside looking in, it was so obvious that it was just them exerting their power over these people that they didn't see as human, but merely as test subjects/animals.
I really wish that Elena had taken more of that side of it on board. Reading her dad's journal was obviously going to give her a bias because he is an unreliable narrator in this story. He wrote about doing good and trying to save a little girl with an incurable illness, and how he had to use any means necessary. She heard about the torture that Damon and Enzo went through at the hands of Augustine and Dr Whitmore. Not at the hands of her dad. Of course she was able to convince herself that it was entirely different, that her dad was never out here cutting into vampires because it gave him some sick satisfaction, or forcing them to act like animals in a zoo or circus acts for wealthy guests.
It absolutely should have been focused on more, especially the Christmas parties. Because as you said, that proved that it was never JUST about science. It was humiliation, dehumanization, and just plain sick. And even by the end of the show, it was really only Damon and Enzo who understood that. Which really sucks, especially for Enzo, who went through it for so long, but also for Damon in a way, as he then continued to be with Elena, who seemed to go on holding the belief that her father was some hero, not just DESPITE everything he did but also BECAUSE of everything he did. And I hate that.
The writers really messed up big time with this storyline and it kills me, because it was so much trauma that should have been front and centre for at least a season, but instead was merely a storyline for about two-three episodes at best, and then reduced to throwaway lines that give us another glimpse into how messed up it was, and even more proof that the writers just did not care about their own characters or plot.
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Elena for send me a character?
Ahahaha YES I have so many opinions about Elena
First impression
I don't really remember my first impression of Elena, given that I was like, 12 when I first saw the show? I was definitely interested because I like the Latin American culture in general but I don't think I was particularly interested in Elena herself (though I did recognize "My time" as a bop). I think once I started actually watching the show I thought she was fine, though I remember I liked Naomi much more back then and didn't really care for Elena all that much.
Impression now
I absolutely love Elena. She's just such a great character and she combines so many of my favourite tropes and what's even more important I think she uses those tropes really well. She's absolutely in the top 3 of my favourite characters.
Favorite moment
Just one? Hmmm I can't choose one so maybe I'll say one from each season. In season one there are many little scenes I love because they all show many different sides of Elena and even little traits of her I love, I am definitely biased by my current rewatches but right now I'll choose how encouraging she was towards Gabe in Olaball, how persistent and especially that single line "wouldn't [you joining the olaball team] make your dad happy?" because it shows that she remembers a lot of things about her friends and wants them to be happy, to help them solve even those mundane little problems or make their life a little better.
For season two I am torn between her fight with Shuriki in Song of the Sirenas because it was downright EPIC (but also seeing her just collapse after the fight was heartbreaking and in general it evokes so many emotions AAAA) and basically how she acted for the whole Snow Place Like Home, because she was trying to cheer everyone up and help them, like she always does but it was also great to see her just get upset because come on, she's just human.
And in season three there are even more fantastic scenes with her come on! There's obviously a ton of epic moments in Coronation Day itself, but I think I'll choose how she forgave Victor and Carla in the Lightning Warrior. It really shows how much she's grown but also those core values she keeps through the whole show, despite how much she's been hurt this season.
Idea for a story
Just one?!
*Spins the Wheel of Wips* Alright let's go with this one.
So I really wanted to write a story were Elena realizes and maybe struggles with how much time has actually passed, how much she has missed and how much older she is/feels in comparison to her friends. I have a few loose scenes, like maybe Isa mentioned an upcoming test or something and Gabe, Naomi and Mateo who all attended the same school start talking about it and reminescing it and well, Elena can't say anything about this topic since she never went to a public school in general, but you know, it's alright, she's happy to listen and ask. Except a lot of other similar things happen, like maybe when they're hanging out they play a game that is sooo popular except Elena never heard of it because it's only gotten popular in the last twenty years, same for some books or plays they've all seen but she has no idea about. I'd also like to mention that slang and accents changed as well, so maybe she feels like she can't even speak like people her age. And she's just. A little lost because yeah, she may have joked before a little in the "well back in my days..." way, but now she finds herself saying that unironically and she loves Avalor and she loves to learn about new things but she also can't help but miss all the things and elements of culture that have been lost because of Shuriki. She feels too young for the people from her generation but too old for her peers.
I'm not yet sure how to solve this idea, it also depends if I'd combine it with say, Lachia (cause Michał could affect those feelings with his old times chivalry and everything) or a Last Christmas more light idea I had recently. Something I definitely would want to include is Elena having a talk with Esteban where she confesses those feelings and maybe he helps her deal with them a little, even if what he came through was quite different. I also imagined one of the last scenes to be her friends surprising her with a free evening to hang out, help her catch up with everything, maybe invite her to an iconic play that has been put out again and also let her talk more about how she remembers Avalor and generally made her loved and validates despite everything.
Unpopular opinion
I know that shipping Elena is fun and I like to sometimes do it myself but... She really doesn't need a love interest like it was the whole point the writers were trying to make.
Favorite relationship
Hmmm that's difficult, cause Elena has so many so different relationship with all the characters. I definitely love her relationship with her closest friends, though especially with Gabe as you know but I also love her relationship with her family, especially Esteban cause it's so complicated XD Then there's also the more abstract relationships, like the one she has with her whole kingdom and my favourite of the abstract ones is the relationship she has with her own royalty, because it's honestly so refreshing among modern princesses.
Favorite headcanon
Alright so I was thinking the longest about this question I think x) I don't think I actually have any of my own headcanons for her and I can't remember being extremely caught by some fandom one, but I thought I might share a shippy headcanon on her life before Shuriki's attack?
So I was thinking that maybe, pre Shuriki's attack, Elena and Victor might've been in love? Like, I am sure they were friends, that's basically canon and I think it was a very casual kind of crush that just came naturally from being good friends and being so close. They never really confessed it to each other although they have been often meeting just the two of them and well, they weren't officially dates it just so happened the others couldn't join them or they just wouldn't enjoy it, there was no point in inviting them... And it went on for a few years and everything was fine because even despite occasional blushing or trying to impress one another they were still friends first and foremost, except things became more complicated as they got older... Because on Elena's side I could see her not even realizing that crush for most of the time and even once she did, I think she's the type of person to say to herself that she's just 16, she has time for dating and there's no need to rush things and she was satisfied with how things were for now (plus maybe she was afraid it would be awkward if she read his signals wrong). And on Victor's side it looked much worse, because I firmly believe that he had serious self worth issues that got much worse when he was a teenager and eventually pushed him to making the deal with Shuriki, so at the same time he was often jelous of other people (because let's face it, Elena's extremely friendly and almost everyone likes her) but at the same time he was too self conscious to confess what he actually feels towards her because he was afraid she might laugh at him and he'd loose her as a friend too. And once he met Shuriki (because I feel like it must have been some time before the deal itself) he could use it as another argument to convince himself to join her, after all once he'll be an official royal, a right hand to the queen, Elena will have no reason to say no, right? And since Shuriki will be the queen Elena won't be pressured into dating for political reasons, right? And I could also see them actually drifting apart as friends because of Victor's insecurity which only hurt both of them.
Obviously for Victor those feelings faded over time (though he was even more devasted after Shuriki's takeover because he thought Elena was dead :')) so when he met her again in King of the Carnaval it was just meeting an old good friend, maybe he even remembered his crush and insecurity with cringe or a laugh now but for Elena it was definitely a very weird feeling seeing her friend and crush having a daughter her age
That's all I think! Thank you for letting me talk about my favourite princesa and sorry for making you wait so long x)
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lieutenant-amuel · 10 months
This is probably not that common but I honestly rarely like characters who are like me personality wise.
#Personal#I don’t know I suppose I just don’t like how they’re portrayed in media#Because if a character is introverted it automatically makes them aloof and cold#or even worse when they have some sort of trauma that makes them self-blaming and hopelessly insecure#Like where are introverted characters who enjoy solitude!#Where are introverted characters who love people who know how to joke smile and laugh and oh my goodness have friends!#Just where#Why can’t they enjoy their introverted self and instead constantly think there’s something wrong with them#I don’t know I really enjoy outgoing and extraverted characters more#and if they remain outgoing and kind even if they also have some sort of trauma#this is just peak character type to me#I don’t know I have a special connection with characters if their STORIES resonate with me not their personality#I love Elena (EoA) I love Anna (Frozen) I love Rebecca (Crazy Ex Girlfriend) and yet I’m nothing like them personality wise#But their stories especially Rebecca’s speak so much to me#And really why should I even love characters only because they’re like me I love a freaking Darth Vader and he’s a villain#(yeah this is me saying that I am not a villain XD)#Anyway in conclusion I’ll just say that I actually don’t really have a type and just love fictional characters because of the vibes XD#If I’m vibing with them and they make me feel something (well except for irritation I suppose) I do like them#Because as I was saying if I like something in most cases I really cannot explain why XD it just happens#(unless I start analyzing why I do like them…)#I’m suspiciously talkative recently…#Just voicing everything I have on my mind
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pizzabookbuying · 1 year
I actually love that while usually movie/tv versions of book characters end up oversimplifying the character (especially for enemies to lovers ships) Vampire diaries did the exact opposite.
TV Damon said complex, he said yes I do bad things yes I’m morally grey yes I will have a long and investing character arc. Book Damon said oh? Elena doesn’t love me? Fine! YES I MURDERED ALL THOSE PEOPLE! (He did not) YES I KIDNAPPED AND MURDERED MY BROTHER (he did not) btw…Elena…would you like to spend an eternity with me…I like your hair today
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void-kissed · 2 years
Echo's romantic selfships: Birds in the Night Sky (Elena/Adriana)
"the view from up here is even nicer when we're sharing it"
romantic F/O: Elena Molinar (Pokémon Reborn)
character tag: love: soaring skyspectre (elena)
selfship tag: selfship: birds in the night sky (elena/adriana)
associated self-insert: Adriana Laverre (when not selfshipped with Luna)
self-insert tag: self-insert: soul-touched (adriana)
selfship start date: 31st May 2022
comfort sharing romantically: okay with sharing!
Skyspectre Elena is one of the Elite Four of the Reborn Pokémon League, specialising in Flying- and Ghost-types. Adriana Laverre is a Pokémon Trainer from Kalos who also specialises in Ghost-types, having previously successfully completed a journey around her home region using them.
This selfship takes place in an AU called the early arrival AU, where Adriana travels to Reborn City from Kalos at the same age but approximately fifteen years before the start of Pokémon Reborn as a game. She ends up quickly forming a bond with Elena due to their shared type specialty, and the two of them end up talking a lot and eventually falling in love. Adri eventually becomes the region's Ghost-type Gym Leader, retaining this position when later fought by the playable protagonist.
I am still ironing out some of the details of this selfship to make it fit into the pre-existing story of the game more.
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stolligaseptember · 2 years
the new season of within the wires is really just a daughter getting to hear her mothers' love story huh
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