#(yeah this is me saying that I am not a villain XD)
lieutenant-amuel · 10 months
This is probably not that common but I honestly rarely like characters who are like me personality wise.
#Personal#I don’t know I suppose I just don’t like how they’re portrayed in media#Because if a character is introverted it automatically makes them aloof and cold#or even worse when they have some sort of trauma that makes them self-blaming and hopelessly insecure#Like where are introverted characters who enjoy solitude!#Where are introverted characters who love people who know how to joke smile and laugh and oh my goodness have friends!#Just where#Why can’t they enjoy their introverted self and instead constantly think there’s something wrong with them#I don’t know I really enjoy outgoing and extraverted characters more#and if they remain outgoing and kind even if they also have some sort of trauma#this is just peak character type to me#I don’t know I have a special connection with characters if their STORIES resonate with me not their personality#I love Elena (EoA) I love Anna (Frozen) I love Rebecca (Crazy Ex Girlfriend) and yet I’m nothing like them personality wise#But their stories especially Rebecca’s speak so much to me#And really why should I even love characters only because they’re like me I love a freaking Darth Vader and he’s a villain#(yeah this is me saying that I am not a villain XD)#Anyway in conclusion I’ll just say that I actually don’t really have a type and just love fictional characters because of the vibes XD#If I’m vibing with them and they make me feel something (well except for irritation I suppose) I do like them#Because as I was saying if I like something in most cases I really cannot explain why XD it just happens#(unless I start analyzing why I do like them…)#I’m suspiciously talkative recently…#Just voicing everything I have on my mind
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anthurak · 6 months
One thing that always feels so funny for me when it comes to the Rosebird Parents Theory isn’t when people simply disagree with the theory, but rather people apparently seeing the prospect of a ‘Raven is Ruby’s real father’ reveal to be this totally unthinkable thing and how could anyone ever think this could happen?!
Because once you get past the whole ‘two ladies making a baby’ hurtle, Raven being Ruby’s dad really fits into so many well-known fantasy/sci-fi tropes. Many of which RWBY notably has not done yet, or have already been tied to Raven herself.
I mean, the mysterious villainous and/or anti-heroic loner with ties to the family pulling an ‘I am your Father’ reveal on the protagonist? That’s a fucking CLASSIC. Hell, let’s consider a few things about Raven:
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Big, intimidating helmet.
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Clear Samurai inspiration.
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Wields a katana-like sword that technically has an energy blade (dust=energy) which is generally RED-colored.
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Possesses mysterious and terrible over-worldly powers.
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Has a mysterious past tied to our protagonist’(s) family.
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Was probably in love with our protagonist’s (apparently) dead mother.
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Yeah I’d say Raven makes for a pretty good Darth Vader-expy.*
Beyond that specific case, we’ve already seen the story connect Raven to a BUNCH of ‘mysterious and angsty deadbeat dad who left their kid for unclear reasons’ tropes when it comes to Yang. Why not have those apply to Ruby as well? People have been clamoring for years about wanting to see Summer’s narrative dynamic with Yang explored as much as the one she has with Ruby, so why not have the reverse be true with Raven and Ruby as well?
After all, it seems that the story has now given Ruby a reason to seek Raven for answers just as Yang once did.
And as I’ve noted in previous Rosebird Parents posts, No I don’t believe Raven also being Ruby’s deadbeat dad would be somehow ‘redundant’. Particularly because the context is completely different: Yang has known that Raven is her birth-mother for most of her life, whereas Ruby would only just now be finding out that Raven is her birth-father. Far from being redundant, this would allow the story to explore two very different responses of kids to an absent parent: One who has had to live with the knowledge of that absent parent for years, and one who hasn’t and has to deal with this NEW information suddenly getting dropped on her.
Plus, as I alluded to earlier, it’s rather notable that RWBY hasn’t done some big ‘dramatic parent reveal’, given how much of a staple it is to the genre. And given how reimagining, twisting and flipping classic and well-worn fairytale/folklore/fantasy tropes (often via playing with gender-roles) is basically RWBY’s bread and butter at this point, I’d say giving the series heroine an ‘I am your father’ reveal from a woman would fit PERFECTLY in this series.
And if you’re going to ask ‘but how do two ladies make baby?!?’,
Raven can be intersex. Boom. Done.
Alternatively, magic.
As an aside, yes Summer being trans is a perfectly viable alternative. I just think logistically speaking, Raven being intersex and being Ruby’s ‘father’ makes a dramatic reveal a bit more streamlined. Also, the idea of Raven managing to be BOTH a deadbeat mom AND a deadbeat dad is just too funny XD
*Of course, this comparison gets even more fun when we consider Summer having her own Vader-parallels, ie; Summer almost certainly being taken by Salem and given what we can probably assume to be a Vader-esque makeover via grimm-hybridization in setup for a big reveal. So when we combine this with Raven, I think we can view what happened on their last mission as ‘What if Padme/Obi-wan got turned into Vader INSTEAD of Anakin?’ Like Raven in the present is basically Anakin doing Obi-wan’s traumatized hermit shtick, except all angry and edgy because it’s still Anakin.
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Horror House Reacts... to Zoo Animals!
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.I've been watching Robert Irwin and Dave Salmoni take wild animals onto the Jimmy Shows and scare the Jimmy's and various other guest stars sOooooo... I had to make this XD
Plot: We are gonna hand each horror Villains a dangerous animal and see how they handle it. Warnings: Swearing. No actual mention of meerkats despite the gif.
Audrey II: A European Brown Hare.
Audrey II, staring at this hare stood up on its hind legs giving them the Eye: ... that is one ugly bunny rabbit. Y/N: AUDREY TWO!!- Audrey II: wh- AM I WRONG?-
Audrey II has no fear, they're a plant from outer space. He also doesn't particularly care for animals though, since its pretty globally accepted that animals are allowed to eat plants when they're peckish... and understandably, they are not having that. Not in this green house XD Nu uh, no siree, nope nope nope, the hare is gonna get eaten first if he even looks at Audrey II wrong.
Billy Loomis: An Emperor Scorpion.
Y/N: Close your eyes and put out your hands. Billy: ... *sigh* *does as he's told as to not be called a coward* Y/N: *Places the scorpion in Billy's cupped hands* Open them! ^^ This is Phil, he's very chill. Please don't drop him. Billy: ... heheh, can I keep this?? Y/N: ?? What??? No, you cant keep Phil- Billy: I wanna leave him in Stu's bed. Y/N: DEFINITELY not-
Billy, is... *sigh*, a teenage boy.
Bubba Sawyer: A Red Kangaroo.
Bubba: *Very cautious, looking at this jacked foreign creature. He's never seen anything like this, he lives in buttfuck nowhere Texas with no tv.* Y/N: Here, Bubba. *hands Bubba a bouquet of gum leaves* Offer her these. Bubba: *Unsure, but approaches the weird pocketed creature and offers out the branches... Quickly calms down when the kangaroo starts simply munching on the leaves* Y/N: See? ^^ Bubba: *Already petting the kangaroo. Wants to take her home and keep her safe and pet her and give her leaves forever.*
Bubba does not love casually 😅😅😅 Once he's warmed up to someone, that person is his family and he wants to keep them safe. My suggestion?? Sneak the kangaroo back to the zoo in the dead of night while Bubba's asleep. (or call Drayton. He certainly don't want no goddamn kangaroo in his house)
Carrie White: A Boa Constrictor.
Carrie: Um, is this safe?? *Eyeing the snake's head closely as you place her gently over her shoulders* ... Y/N: Oh yeah, don't worry, this one's a sweetheart ^^ Carrie: Okay... *snake raises her head and looks around very peacefully, just surveying the room* Oh, she's sweet!... Y/N: She seems very comfortable with you! Carrie: ! Really??
Carrie was apprehensive at first, but when she realises that the boa is not feeling threatened (or hungry), she relaxes and spends quite a while with the snake in her arms! ^^ She's disappointed when she has to say goodbye ):
Chucky Lee Ray: An Eastern Canadian Moose.
Chucky: *staring up at this giant fucking creature, clearly ready to run at any second if the thing makes an unpleasant move* ... You have gotta be fucken kidding me. Y/N: Nope. This is Jessica-Mae! She's from Canada, and she's really nice. I think she'll let you sit on her back, if you wan- Chucky: No I don't wanna sit on Jessica-Mae's back actually Y/N, Jessica-Mae is a fucken monster- Y/N: c h u c k y
Chucky has a... healthy cautiousness when it comes to wild animals XD He does like tarantulas, though.
Freddy Krueger: A West African Lion.
Y/N: Okay so for this one, um, I'm uh... yeah I'm gonna step out. Freddy: ... wait. Wait wait wait. Why are you- *You close the door one side of the room and as soon as the lock clicks into place, the lion prowls in on the other side* Freddy: Oh. Freddy, hands out like 'i mean no harm': ... nice kitty Freddy: ... um. I saw the lion king. It was... a great piece of cinema; your people should be proud. Freddy: ... please don't eat me, you giant son of a bitch.
Freddy was SO EXCITED to meet an animal, but now he's got some concerns about those teeth and his privates.
Jason Voorhees: A Ussuri Grizzly Bear.
Bear: ... *Staring down Jason* Jason: ... *Staring down Bear* Bear and Jason: *Staring each other down* Y/N: ... *Wondering if you should do something* Jason: *Suddenly walks over and gives the bear neck scritches*
... this is a giant toothy puppy to Jason XD Jason loves wildlife, they were his friends growing up in the woods! ^^ And he knows how to keep them calm, so he's very good with them. He hangs out with the bear until its time to go outside, then Jason follows him outside and hangs with him out there ^^
Jennifer Check: A White Rhinoceros.
Jennifer, as soon as Grizelda the rhino steps in: -oh jesus fucking christ. Jennifer: You're fat. Y/N: Oy! Jennifer: What??? She's meant to be, right?? 🙄 G o d... look who's animal-cist. Jennifer: ... can I feed the fat bitch?
The fact that this is an animal does not change a thing about the way Jennifer talks to her XD She is so fascinated, though, and wants to feed Grizelda, pet Grizelda, ask many many questions about Grizelda... she loves her.
Jerry Dandridge: A Perentie Monitor Lizard (Goanna).
Y/N, helping goanna onto Jerry's lap: Now, be careful with Sandy, he can be kinda easily startled and then his claws will cut into your skin, and- Jerry: *Getting along great with the Sandy, Sandy is in the best mood you have ever seen him in; purring.* Y/N: ... Y/N: ... wtf, how?! Sandy's usually so grumpy!- Jerry: Oh I guess we just have a connection~
Jerry and reptiles get along great, they're cold blooded and he... is always cold. He has no blood. He's a vampire XD Try giving him a puppy, though, and watch that puppy leap away from him and growl like a possessed thing (Jerry gets so frowny about it XD).
Michael Myers: A Bengal Tiger.
Michael: *Stock still, actually considering running for the first time in 50 decades* Tiger: ... *yawns* *prowls over to Michael and lays on top of his feet, promptly falling asleep* Y/N: ... um. Well, I think she likes you?? Michael: *Does not move an inch for 3 hours while the tiger naps, staring at it*
Michael, just like cats... is a bitch. They basically adopt him into their family as their big dumb weirdo child (Yes, even the big terrifying ones) and there is not a thing grumpy old Myers can do about it XD
Pamela Voorhees: A Silver Fox.
Pam: *Loves the fox. Sitting in her chair and leaning down to give it treats. Cooing at her.* Y/N: You're so good with her! ^^ Pam: ~Stay away from my son, dear, and I wont have to sick her on you~ Y/N: ... D: What?
Pamela and a sharp toothed creature is a dangerous combination. Stay away from her son.
Patrick Bateman: An African Savanna Elephant.
Patrick: *A too-big smile glued to his face as he strokes the dirty wrinkly elephant* This is... this is fun... Y/N: I knew you'd like her! ^^ Anna is so sweet, and gentle, and quiet, so- Patrick: -You cant tell when I'm fucken lying through my t e e t h!?
Patrick doesn't like any animals, they're wild and filthy and break irreplaceable things he spent hard-earned money on to be unique, but he will force a pleasant face because that is what he does
Pennywise: A Mountain Zebra.
*i was tempted to do a turtle but... seemed too obvious XD Still unsure i made the right call*
Penny: Heheheheh, whats black, white and- Y/N: Don't do it. I swear. Dont do it. Penny: Okay okay okay, I'll be serious. Hey, why do zebras have stripes? Y/N: Oh, well they developed stripes because- Penny: Because they didn't want to be Spotted!
Penny c a n n o t s t o p m a k i n g z e b r a j o k e s. Otherwise, he's pretty good with the zebra. No problems ^^
Stu Macher: A Somali Ostrich.
Stu: Heheh... Y/N, these things don't bite, do they?? Y/N: Oh they totally do. *Hands Stu the leash* Anything with a mouth bites. Stu, levelling his gaze with the giant flightless bird: ... I will bite you back.
Stu is a little chicken, but he's also really curious!! XDD So sure, he'll hang onto the leash and feed the monster bird!! But he will absolutely crouch down and cover his head if the ostrich starts fluttering his wings. And don't you dare leave him XD
Tiffany Valentine: Baby Nile Crocodiles.
Tiff: Chucky!! We have new children now!! Chucky: THE FUCK WE DO- Y/N: N- no... you cant keep them actually... Tiff, ignoring you and Chucky: The kids are gonna love these ^^ Come on, sweethearts, into the sack, single file now- hey, Trudy, no biting your brother-
Tiffany is in love XD And you know how one-track-minded she can be when she's in love XD
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
The last episode of Ahsoka-
Literally- blow my mind- I had to stand up at least 3 times cause I was just so ???!!!!! !?!?!?!?!?!?!!??
Words can’t describe
The feeling that felt - xD
calming down for 2 seconds the cinematography was great this episode and the pacing was a definite improvement from ep1, which filoni also directed! this played into his directing strengths a lot better w the action and emotion. i won't lie i'm still not sold on the show as a whole i do think eps 1-3 were okay i guess, 4 was a step up and 5 is like. wow ok go girl. also the way they used anivader in this episode made me rlly sad for the kenobi show bc that show should've been smthn like this, using him as a vision for obi-wan's development instead of the villain of the show bc thats a tired fight but hey! this is abt ahsoka not kenobi i digress. SPEAKING OF loved how it was actually ABOUT the titular character for once. anyway. going insane. i don't have too much faith the show can keep this up but i'll be happy if it can reach smthn close to this as it goes on
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sunlightsilence · 7 months
If you see this, you don't have #side order or #side order spoilers blocked. .
. I'm about to spoil things all the way to completion, so this is your chance to look away! .
. Last chance to hide this post!! .
. Okay, here we go!
So. Side order's gameplay is fantastic to me, I've completed it with all 12 palettes now. I love splatoon and I love roguelikes so this was sort of a match made in heaven for me.
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Creating the OP builds, the final boss, the general colours and music and vibe of the game is amazing! Everything to do with Pearl and Marina are *amazing* and they're so hella gay it's adorable :D And I love that they're not even hiding the queer representation now. Marina having a sprawled out Pearl as her desktop background is so cute, even seeing an elevator scene where they gush about eachother, and another one where Marina worries that Acht is hitting on Pearl.
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And... cannon They/Them Acht! I remember all the people on Reddit being like "it's just the marketing team mistranslating their pronouns in a tweet!" NOPE, it's in game too!
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Hell yeah :D Smollusk is adorable and I love him, and maybe we finally have a splatoon villain tumblr won't turn into a tumblr sexyman since he's a literal infant xD
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And Pearl Drone is so hecking cute, I love her so much!! If you spin around in the lobby she spins too, and if you stay still she falls asleep :D
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I did my first run with Brella cause it's my fav and it has my beloved inkstorm kit from S2! It took me three tries before I beat the tower for the first time, but then every run afterwards with different weapons I've always cleared it (I was got bounced off the tower for that first death and the second I was caught offguard by how fast the reefslider spam is)! Brella was definitely my favourite run, but I also really enjoyed the roller and brush runs. My roughest run was with the Splatling. I had dreaded doing charger after that, but charger turned into my fastest run!
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I could see myself unwinding in this mode hundreds more times. I am saying this all to demonstrate that I really love this DLC, it might be my favourite of all the single player modes so far, either that or S2 hero mode. So my following criticisms are out of love for it because it's close to perfect. So the big one is... "the dlc is too short!" I hear that a lot on both tumblr and reddit and someone inevitably chimes in with "You don't play a lot of roguelikes, do you?" I mean... do YOU? I've done over 100 runs in Wizard of Legend, and thousands of hours on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Etrian Mystery Dungeon. Yes it's made to be run multiple times, but when a run is only 20-30 minutes it's still only about 6 hours of content if you do all the palettes. And these could be fixed with the assets they already have! Like imagine an Endless mode where the difficulty (enemy speed and hp values and number of spawns) kept ramping up higher and higher each floor, with the leader board being kept track of on the app. Or a daily tower run to save a random cephalopod from being grayscaled - the daily inkling/octoling's palette giving you a random weapon/sub/special for that day that followed the rules of 8's Octoshot (more hacks = less chip slots). Or like a super hard difficulty mode - imagine a mode where every floor had a danger modifier, and maybe a Parallel Cannon spawns into the stage to try to hunt you down (maybe it's even invincible so you have to run away from it while doing the stage objective?) I know the Octoshot is kind of the "hard mode" (it's still not too bad though since it's basically just like starting from the beginning without hacks), but it's not fun being limited to just the one weapon type. Especially for it for people who find the regular shooters boring. I don't feel like this is an unreasonable request either, Wizard of Legend - a roguelike made by *two* people - for instance has a few options for post game challenge runs (a randomized mode, a mode where the enemies start from the highest difficulty from floor 1, an extra long run that touches on all the bosses, a BOSS RUSH mode, Curses - basically one thing gets massively buffed while a second thing gets massively debuffed). The Mystery Dungeon games tend to have unlockable MASSIVE dungeons that start you off from having nothing. (like imagine a 99 floor floor tower where you started with no hacks, and a basic shooter with no sub/special and you had to earn new weapons/subs/specials/hacks as you go). Could do the Curse style idea with extra special Marina hacks. "Hey 8, I just figured out a hack that turns everyone's Max HP to 1 - both yours and your opponents!" "This hack will make you much faster but the floors will always be dark!" Or those Bonus challenges, imagine if there was an option to do conditional runs with them. Like "Beat the Tower without using your special, unlock a specific splat tag banner" Again, I am only criticizing because I love it. It's just also the easiest and shortest of all the single player campaigns we've gotten I feel, and if they were going to lean into the roguelike genre, I wish they looked into how other roguelikes reuse assets to lengthen the gameplay and provide extra challenges to keep players interested for a long time.
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AND I AM STILL MAD YOU CAN'T PLAY AS A SQUID AND THEY REMOVED THE PLAYABLE SQUIDBEATZ (half joking. Not really upset, but I do find it odd now that there's more campaigns you can play as an octoling than an inking on the switch now despite inklings being the mascots...... rotm/oe/so vs just s2hero/rotm. And I don't see why we can't just have minigames back, they remove more minigames each entry and paying to listen to music now is frustrating...) Haha... But yes, overall, I loved it. It's a 9/10 from me. Adding squidbeatz and some post game longevity / challenge modes would have made it a 10/10. I can't wait to play more, I can't wait to visit Inkopolis Square again next splatfest :')
Now, onto random observations!
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The lobby has jump ramps on the back corner pillars. I don't know why!
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You can turn Color Lock on in the main game and it *does* affect Side Order. It gives you permanently Blue+yellow or Blue+green ink, even in the hub area.
So with this boss, it uses the hairstyle from your S2 hero mode data to get their appearance... But I swear mine is using the feminine voice here and when being splat, despite that hairstyle being locked to masculine inkling voices in Splatoon 2? I do use it with the feminine voice in Splatoon 3. Or maybe the voices are just mixed into one here, I can't quite tell? Well it made enby me happy to see. I do kinda wish we got a challenging superboss fight with 4, these felt a bit weak.. but it seems to imply they aren't specifically 4 but Order made them based on their data... So...where is the real 4?!!! Did she never show up to work? Speaking of that boss....
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Around the room are these white pipe like structures...
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That will be instantly recognizable to anyone who dabbles in japanese model kits - they're sprue trees, like the kind used in Gunpla.
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The robotic boss has robot model kit building pieces in the background :D
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I still don't quite get the intro scene where everything goes digital on the train.... So it's implying either A) your character got Grayscaled.... But your character is fine when you go back to town... you don't even see any characters standing around suffering it's effects, they could have had some npcs spacing out or acting weird ala Persona 3... or B) you're getting pulled into the memverse too, but there's no sign of your S3 character *at all*... (though this would have been a good way to let us play as an inkling too nintendo >:l *angry woomy noises*)
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Honestly I felt kinda like Acht's inclusion was sort of superfluous at first... mostly their role felt like "Pearl & Marina: *does something gay* Acht: wow these two sure are hella gay right 8? i feel like we're third wheels". I kept waiting for some kind of...reveal? Their memories are pretty much fully restored instantly rather than rolled out gradually like I was expecting...I was thinking maybe they'd, like, link them to Paul, or follow up on the recognizing Pearl somehow or being linked to the engineers that created Order or...SOMETHING, but it never came. Other than maybe dropping a hint about the person who instructed them and Marina when they were in school? Their role was really just "I'll hold the elevator and jump in for a song"... But maybe that's okay, eight and Acht are trauma victims and this was meant to be a place to heal them. Maybe it's okay that we take it slow getting to know them.
Okay that's all that's brainworming away at me for now, I'm sure I'll think of more later. Again, I really love it, definitely a 9/10 for me. I hope yall enjoyed it too :)
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destinygoldenstar · 9 days
☀️Everyone In The Final Four Has Cold Blood☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 12 “Trials & Trip-ulations ”
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Y'all probably thought I dropped the show after last episode.
No. I was just busy with life. That's why this took awhile to come out.
Final Four. Home Stretch.
I think I only like one of the four. XD
But that's usually how it is with Total Drama. That's why I'm never really bothered with none of my favs being here. The only time I was actually bothered with it was in Total Drama Action, but like, the reason there was because Harold and Lindsay genuinely would've made for well written finalists, while all the other options were ASS. Beth was a very unlikeable floater who did nothing all season, Courtney was a ruthless villain so it was obvious she wouldn't win, Owen was a finalist last season and was only there to be a mole, and Duncan was... well, Duncan. I like Duncan as a character, but not as a finalist. At least with how it was handled in that season.
So I fully expect the villains of these things to make it far, and the messy characters to make it far because... it's Total DRAMA. It's not Total FRIENDSHIP. This ain't My Little Pony.
As long as I can understand what the writers are going for with their Final Fours, I don't really care about Elimination Order. That's not a factor of 'bad writing', at least for me. I only hate it when it's blatantly obvious the writers didn't know what they were doing with their choices.
I don't think that's the case here. I called Ellie. I called Fiore. I predicted that. Alec and Miriam are a SHOCK. I thought Alec was gonna be an early boot. And Miriam completely went under my radar. But I DEFINITELY do not hate that she's still here.
So yeah, I think Elimination Order is a pretty overrated criticism for Total Drama. That’s just my opinion.
So yeah... let's see what happens in this Penultimate Episode.
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Episode 10 is not canon. Okay? That was some leftover recycled content from the Beta that OddNations accidentally put in that playlist. That's Beta content. The remake is canon. That episode is not canon. It is not official. Tom and Jake are FINE. They're FINE. THEY WORKED THINGS OUT. THEY'RE OKAY. THEY'RE HAPPY TOGETHER AND WORKING THROUGH THEIR ISSUES TOGETHER. NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM. THEY'RE AT THE MOTEL RIGHT NOW CUDDLING AND BEING HAPPY AND ORDERING CHINESE FOOD.
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Goddammit, they're not even here anymore. What am I even saying?
But I swear to god, whether it's this season or Season 3. It better end with Jake and Tom getting that Chinese Date.
I will FLIP OUT if that's actually what happens.
"Is it food?"
"No, better, it's letters from home!"
"Oh. Eh."
Honestly, I'm not surprised she had that reaction.
Whoever Fiore's parents are, um... they should be in jail. That's all I'll say.
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10/10. Best character. She better win.
Its probably not plausible, but you know, I can hope.
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Oh that's sad...
Her son has a pride pin. Wow. No wonder her and Jake got along.
"I got a letter from my dad saying how proud he is. And... three unpaid bills. If my father's letter didn't motivate me to win, this definitely will."
You ALMOST make me feel bad for you.
ALMOST. I'm still mad about the death threat you gave Jake.
"Wow. You're faster than I thought."
"I mostly skimmed it. Don't act like you don't do it too when you find a book boring."
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Her family life is THAT bad.
"You really hate them, don't you?"
"No, I'm just not interested. I'm sure it's from my parents, blaming themselves for my behaviors like there's really something wrong with me. Anyway, I don't care. In a few days I'll be a millionaire and I'll have several slaves to do whatever I want."
Um... I don't want to be THAT person Fiore, but...
There IS something wrong with you.
I'm sorry, but age doesn't convince me of anything. You are an awful, psychopathic human being, and you should be put behind bars.
"She opened her feelings about us... it turns out that maybe, by trying so many times to stay together, I've only been hurting her."
"I hate to say I told you so."
I mean that was always gonna happen, right?
I mean Alec isn't a character that interests ME personally, and that's a complete me thing. But from what we've heard, he MIGHT be a shit family guy.
Not as bad as Peter Griffin, but you know what I mean.
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"Regardless of whether I win or not, I'll move when I get back. Away from my wife. I now realize that the love in our marriage was lost a long time ago."
That's probably a good idea.
I mean, I'm a lot younger than this man. I'm not married. And my current relationship is actually WONDERFUL THANK YOU VERY MUCH. So, I can't really comment on this cause I can't relate to it.
Good for him though... I guess...
"You know, if you want to pay those bills, we have to vote Alec out."
"Don't worry, no matter what, I'm not voting for you tonight."
That's gotta be a lie.
Miriam, you gotta avenge Tom and Jake. You can't spare her.
"We can try to flip Fiore to our side."
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The Merge started with, what, FIVE of them, and now in the Final Four there's only ONE?! THAT'S CRAZY
I mean Ellie swapped to Teal that one episode, but you know what I mean. She originated from Purple, so whether or not she counts is debatable.
"Today's challenge will be played in pairs."
Oh how lovely.
Miriam is screwed.
"The teams will be random."
Oh boy. Here we go.
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Goodbye to all the nice characters. Nice knowing all of ya.
A villain is winning this season.
"I'm stuck working with Alec... again."
At least you're FORCED to this time. I can accept that.
"You guys gotta cliff dive into the area below!"
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*Gets a... suggestive ad*
Okay. YouTube. Why? I-I can't even talk about that without getting flagged. Stop it.
An ad like that is allowed on YouTube, and yet people get demonetized for saying the F word.
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Aaaaaaaannnnnnddd you both are gonna feel that in the morning.
Not as bad as what happened to Harold though.
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That's awesome.
10/10 reference. Love that.
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Oh come on Miriam. I thought you had good aim.
Imagine if there were sharks here like in the Total Drama one.
"This is the only time in my life I will gladly commit child murder."
I DID give Miriam slay pass, so you know, she's just using it.
Blame ME for the child abuse in this episode. I'm the one who gave her the slay pass.
Technically I gave it to Jake, but he's not here anymore and HE gave it to Miriam, so...
"UGH, how I hate that *BLEEP*"
Oh god...
I WILL say, the swearing is inconsistent in this show.
In Total Drama, ALL swearing is censored.
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With the exception of the 'uncensored' version of the show, the version I watch, where they can say 'shut up' or 'crap' or 'boobies', which I would argue are not even that bad. ALL severe swearing of Total Drama is censored.
In this show, it's NOT all censored. They've said stuff like 'asshole' 'shit' 'goddamn' 'bitch' and even 'fuck' a couple times. Very casually mind you. And like, anyone who's been in middle school can get used to that language so it doesn't mind me. (I actually don't use that language out loud in real life, it's just text that I have no problem using it.) But then you have Grett's F bomb censored in her elimination, and you have this being censored.
I get it, YouTube, pain in the ass regulations. But it's because of that a moment like this does not hit NEARLY as hard as, say, Lindsay cussing out Heather.
Yes her swearing is censored, but that's also what makes it catch you off guard, it's funnier, and it's EASILY one of the most iconic moments of the entire show.
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I'm just saying, if you're gonna swear, SWEAR.
If you're not gonna swear, at least make the censorship consistent.
(Digital Circus is a WONDERFUL example of how to do this right)
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I want to say I feel bad for the six year old getting abused, but...
I don't.
"I'm not saying I called it, but Trevor, you owe me five dollars."
That's ANOTHER Total Drama reference.
In their penultimate episode of the first season, Chris and Chef made a bet on who would barf first from the dares the campers were doing.
That's a smaller detail people probably don't remember. But I DID.
I'm not a Total Drama expert. I don't know everything about this show. BUT. I DARE YOU to tell me with a straight face, brutally honest, that you legit found THIS reference to TD on your first viewing of this episode.
We're not even halfway through the episode, holy shit we are in for it with this one.
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Oh the cafeteria is built! Wow!
They're definitely using this in Season 2.
(You guys want me to watch Season 2? Cause I can do that)
"Do you think she could be persuaded?"
Uh, how do I put that? You betrayed her, say, THREE TIMES?
That's a no.
"Of course. It'd be easier to beat a little girl like you than Miriam in the finale."
Fiore, you're worse than an old lady, how does that feel?
"Ellie, you have to stop winning these challenges."
"Uh... thanks, I'll just throw I guess."
"If you win, you'll go straight to the final with Alec. Think about your chances of winning against him versus with me or Fiore."
Yeah, that's a really good point...
Miriam's still gonna beat your ass in the finale, but still.
She's gonna slay Ellie SO HARD and it's gonna be SO EMBARASSING.
"I don't think she wants to go to the final with Alec knowing that she will lose."
I'm telling you, Fiore does not give a SHIT about Alec. She'll ditch him in a heartbeat.
I say that like I didn't see last episode...
Maybe she does care. But she'll still ditch him.
"I promise."
*Oreo ad*
I guess they're sharing Oreos with this promise.
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What am I watching right now??
"No Trevor that's not dancing you're having a seizure."
"But dancing is a great way to relieve some stress and to have some fun, according to my horoscope it's the best way to express your feelings!"
Honestly, facts, as someone who uses Just Dance to workout.
That won Trevor some points for me.
"We spent years trying to have our own reality show and now our dream is finally a-a reality haha, see what I did there?"
Is this trying to make me care about these hosts?
It's too little too late, but I'll take it.
"No more wildlife so we can film in different areas without the activists getting all up in a bunch."
Though he has attempted multiple times.
"Dude, we've already lost three cameramen to the grizzly bears alone."
Is there REALLY no other solution to your problem?
FENCES? ZOOS? Anything??
"WE don't need to do it. Jensen will."
Oh fire making. That's a Survivor thing, right?
I'm surprised Total Drama didn't do this.
I guess this sabotage is allowed. Okay.
I've seen worse cases in Total Drama, I guess.
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Fiore just keeps getting SLAMMED.
And I do not feel bad for her AT ALL.
Miriam, you are AWESOME.
"That hurt!"
"We won!"
Miriam is cold blooded, OMG
EVERYONE in this Final Four is cold blooded.
Oh it's that sound effect...
Should I put the 'Keep Reading' label here then????
I'm gonna do it.
"You and I can also work together to become the final two after that."
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Okay, this is DEFINATELY a Survivor thing.
"You cannot grab the top with your hands and your feet must be on the line."
Oh. Okay. I was gonna say 'just wrap your feet around the pole' but you can't do that.
"Sounds easy."
"For you, yes, cause you're small."
But she's a child, wouldn't that make her less capable of endurance than Ellie and Alec?
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How are you already slipping? We just started!
I say that like I would do better. I probably wouldn't.
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"You're much lighter than me. Do you think you can last longer?"
Oh you're not slipping and trusting Ellie, are you?
You're a dumbass.
"But unfortunately, I can't have us winning this."
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Does Ellie have my forgiveness for this???
That's a debate. First you apologize for the death threat. THEN we'll talk.
"What if they can't agree?"
"In that case, you and Ellie would go to one last challenge to decide who gets eliminated."
Oh really?
Is that what we're gonna do?
...or is Fiore gonna ditch Alec's ass? Did I call it?
"I choose Ellie. And I won't change my mind."
"Well... I..."
Moment of truth.
She's gonna ditch him.
"Alec... I really liked you, and that's dangerous, because feelings are for weak people."
"I vote to take Ellie to the final."
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"But after all I've done?! I protected you this whole game! I helped you win the zombie apocalypse challenge, saved your life in the cave, covered up your plans so no one would suspect you're a PSYCHOPATH, and you STILL eliminate me?!"
"Yes, thanks for all that, but I don't need you anymore."
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Yeah, she cares about literally nobody.
She WILL ditch these guys on the bus the moment she has the chance.
And she's gonna show no remorse doing it.
And when that happens I'm gonna be HOWLING.
"Oh come on Alec, out of everybody, you're the last one who should be talking about feeling betrayed."
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"This doesn't concern you. Keep it to yourself, Ellie."
You betrayed her three times. She DOES get a right to say that!
See, THIS is a good moment of Ellie ROASTING someone who fucking DESERVES IT.
"Your parents were right about you. You are a mistake."
"Oh. I know. And I don't care. Oh, and I bet you'd know a lot about making mistakes."
I do not feel bad for Alec at all. Let's be real. HE DESERVED THIS.
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We're really going the TD Reboot route with this, huh?
It's an ALL WOMEN finale, too! That is a TREAT.
Total Drama never had an all women finale. They had ONE finale with both finalists being boys, i.e Revenge of the Island. But NO all women finale.
Okay, that was the episode.
I'm sorry, but after FOUR eliminations with three of them being my favs and the previous two eliminations BREAKING ME and DEPRESSING ME respectively, I NEEDED THIS.
I don't hate Alec or anything, he's just not one of my favs. I feel like I've reacted to his scenes the least of the Merge characters.
I think my take on his is Objective vs Subjective.
Objective he's a good character with a somewhat compelling character motive of his family, and a nice dynamic with Fiore. Plus he's one of the few characters to not be so overdramatic. So I can see how that would appeal to some people. (Idk how many Alec Stans there are)
Subjectively I just don't find him as interesting as some of the others. One reason being I can't relate to his story and struggles, which is completely personal as I've never been through any of that. Second, I'm just personally more invested in characters with more emotional range to them. In Total Drama, I expect characters to be, well, full of drama. So the messier more dramatic characters catch my eye more than someone who stays away from a lot of the drama.
But I can also see how people who hate the drama would like Alec. (Why you watching Total DRAMA if you hate drama then? Not shaming, just asking)
He's a nice character. But for me, he's a dirty backstabber, he's an assistant to a psychopath, he's implied to be horrible to his family, so yeah, FUCK HIM, GOODBYE.
Next episode is the finale, so we're almost done with the season! Yay!
Ellie and Fiore, I called as finalists since the Merge.
Fiore's the villain, so of course she'd be a threat in the finale.
I would maybe have considered the idea of her being fourth like what the TD Reboot did. BUT the TD Reboot had another character that was willing to play dirty in Julia's place, and Alec's got NOTHING on Bowie, sorry not sorry. (Bowie's my favorite TD Reboot character)
Ellie, I called since the Merge. Compelling motive to want to win. She had Gwen energy. Well, Gwen energy but much dirtier with some of her tactics. Some tactics I hate, but that's subjective. I can see her winning, honestly. I said this before. She screams 'winner' energy.
Miriam is a SHOCK. I... WOW.
I never hated Miriam, but she definitely grew on me after Episode 5. I see Ellie winning but I'm personally on Miriam's side. She's just a sweet, sassy, capable, and wholesome lady with some great dynamics with other characters.
Idk why, but Miriam never screamed 'finalist' for me. She was always under my radar in terms of the thought of 'who could win this'.
Miriam is a good finalist choice.
Anyway, idk if this will get any attention because of the Season 3 finale, but hey, I can continue these if you guys seem interested and entertained by them.
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murfpersonalblog · 5 months
IWTV S2 - Three spicy/spoilery reviews
The reviewers are just saying whatever they want, I guess! O_O
Here's my favorite bits from TheWrap, ComicBook, and IGN.
I've decided to mix and match them, comparing what they each say about similar themes/topics/reveals.
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TELL IT! It's about adding DEPTH, y'all, not just a 1:1 page-to-screen.
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Intellectual horror, instead of psychological horror--fascinating.
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An "even more authentic adaptation" -- WE BEEN KNEW!!! I roll my eyes at book stans who hate on the show, acting like the movie was more accurate just cuz it was set during slavery times with white actors. 🙄 Like PLEASE, there's so much missing from the movie, or glossed over, or straight up changed, that the show-antis just demonstrate how shallow they are when their every attack hinges on the timeline/race/age changes. Cry harder.
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MORE elevated than Season 1--you love to see it.
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Yaaas, bring on the petty melodramatic mess, and fierce performances! 👏
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Because Bailey used profanity to convey her agony being a woman trapped in an adolescent's body in S1 too, I'm assuming Delainey will just cuss more? But cussing is all over the show, so I don't get it.
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Everyone keeps raving about Roxane as Madeleine, but they've been SO CLOSE-LIPPED about her scenes, and it's KILLING me. 😭
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"Deeply willful around Louis"--yeah, we saw a glimpse of that in the trailer; it's what he deserves. Give 'em hell, Claudia!
And yeah, she's PISSED that they cast her as Baby LouLou--imagine, being infantalized, and given the name of the father you've already gone through so much to emancipate yourself from as a "Brother" instead of "Daddy Lou." 😒 Eff Louis--where's Claudia's scythe at!?
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"Nonsense--" TheWrap isn't holding back a single punch huh?
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"dating show contestants feigning authenticity to clumsily present themselves in the best light--" oof. 💀
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Holy god; "begging the question...if Louis has just traded one abuser for another" GO AWF! 🚩🚩🚩
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Wow, so this must refer to Episode 5 from the episode titles list released recently. "Genuine horror".... 😈
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RIP. 💀 Youngmaniel might see some action, but Oldmaniel's "utterly allergic and adversarial;" OOF. 💀💀
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They keep saying petty. 😅 These messy queens are a trip!
"Far more powerful" -- I am SEATED~! I wanna see THE coven master!
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Yaaas, come through Children of Satan/Darkness acolyte! 😈
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"Scarred and transformed by the same man" -- they sound like war veterans. U_U
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"the show's primary villain--" say it louder. Book stans need to stop projecting post-IWTV Lestat the hero/protagonist/MC into the narrative that LOUIS is telling, as a guy struggling to get over his ex.
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"There to berate him for his poor choices--" this tracks with the trailer released today, too, where the producers said Dream-Stat would "pass judgement" on Louis' pisspoor actions.
PRODUCTION (Sets, Costumes, etc)
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Yes, IWTV S1 was absolutely gorgeous; their attention to detail was immaculate. And so far it looks like S2 is gonna be just as nice. I REALLY like what I've seen of the Threatre's aesthetic.
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I freaking love this. XD
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Agreeing with him about WHAT though? 🤨 That Louis & Claudia are hiding things? Or that they deserve to die because of it? (Especially since Lestat is OBVIOUSLY not actually dead, so what "crime/rules" are they actually breaking, Lord Kangaroo Court?)
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Thank you lord god kamisama flying spaghetti monster he's a Talamascan, not another secret vampire.
But now I'm nervous, thanks to the ComicBook review:
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Uh oh. The Talamasca feels forced & out of place. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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The AVENGERS INITIATIVE. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
But they say it feels like "Daniel's being recruited--" YES PLEASE. 🙏 If Daniel's not gonna be a vampire, at least let him be a Talamascan. Ain't no way he can return to the mundane world after all this.
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My BIGGEST complaint about IWTV as a franchise is its tenuous connection to the Immortals Universe. AMC is dropping the ball hard on creating an ARCU--Anne Rice's Cinematic Universe. There are SO MANY immortals & supernaturals we should've BEEN seen in S1, walking the streets of NOLA. I will say this every time: Oncle Vervain Mayfair should've been brought in from the OG pilot script. We should've seen Louis go to him for gris-gris before the poker game, and introduce Lestat to Vervain as a practitioner of what Louis thought was "European voodoo." Also: we should've seen Lasher. There should've been a scene where the Mayfairs told the vampires to GTFO their territory, and keep their hunting grounds on the other side of town. Like, the Mayfair Witches show sucks like you wouldn't believe, it's so stupid (looks gorgeous though), but the WORLDBUILDING is ripe for the taking! And AMC did squat with it!
Like, tbh, I don't see the point of a whole Talamasca show, and if it's handled by Esta & the gang from MW, then I don't wanna see it--I WILL, ofc, but I won't WANT to. Especially since we haven't seen any ghosts. ISTG, PLEASE have Merrick Mayfair in Ep7 or Ep8--not only will that bridge IWTV with MW, but it can perfectly lead to Blackwood Farm., while keeping the threads between vampires, ghosts, AND the Taltos (if they're determined to do a Lestat/Rowan crossover from Blood Canticle 🤢🤮).
I was wondering why so many reviews were giving it 4/5 or 9/10, like wtf are y'all being so stingy for!? But if this is the problem, then I'm not surprised, I've been complaining about it the whole time.
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life-winners-liveblog · 10 months
Ok, for the song thing (if you’re still doing it), I’ve got quite a few:
Bang! By AJR
How far we’ve come by Matchbox twenty
Little lion man by Mumford & Sons
Lotta true crime by Penelope scott
Rät by Penelope Scott
Take me to war by The Crane Wives
Villain by Stella Jang
Touchy feely fool by AJR
Room where it happens from Hamilton
(You don’t have to do all these I just wanted to give as many options as possible)
(Good thing for you is that I know almost all of these, so I am going to do those... it might take a while XD)
Scott: Ok nice start, very rythmey.
Grian: Those lyrics "come hang" "let's go out with a bang"... is this one of those songs that have a cheery tune but have like deep stuff in the lyrics?
LimL!Jimmy: Oh I wasn't feeling it at first but that electric oh-dee-la-de-do just hit and wow.
Pearl:... Let's go out with a bang... thats a bit of an on the nose reference to Double Life.
Grian: What-
Pearl: You'll see when we watch Double Life.
(How far we have come)
Pearl: Another fast one, nice!
LimL!Jimmy: 🎶Let's see how far we've come, 🎵let's see how far we've come🎶. It's catchy.
Scott: I feel kinda sad? It gives the vibe of an ending song... An end in general... But endings don't exist do they? we know now that even death isn't one... Everything just goes on wether or not you are there to experience it...
Grian: Though...At the same time everything ends doesn't it? Everything dies, everything is eventually destroyed, mountains erode away and stars die and black holes evaporate...
LimL!Jimmy:... Why are you guys getting philosophical... It's a song... Don't take it so seriously....
(Little Lion Man)
Scott: Oh this one is slower...
Pearl: I don't need a song telling me to weep and what's with the lion man thing?
Grian: Oh ... That... Oh... (The "It was not your fault but mine, i really fucked it up this time didn't I my dear" really hit Grian in the feels)
LimL!Jimmy:... I mean, if you mess up enough times you eventually get used to being a failure, speaking from experience eventually you just accept it.
Scott: You are not a failure... Jimmy. No matter what mistakes you might have done.
Grian: Like a daddy should? My parents litterally left me so yeah, thats not true, think again... Did...I say that out loud?
Scott:... Uhhhh...this is akward... Do you want an hug?
Grian:... Kinda.
Pearl: ... ... ... Anyway.
LimL!Jimmy: *alward hum* 🎶Take me to the moo-oo-on🎵
(Villain- english ver)
LimL!Jimmy: What do you mean pretend? I am the hero!
Scott: Oh the way "so many shades of gray" is sung is just so suave... This is very nice.
Pearl: 🎵I am villain why pretend🎶 that it isn't true? 🎶Didn't realize what an awful little devil I could be.🎵
I am going to have this in my head for a while.
Grian:... It's alright I guess...
(The room where it happened)
Scott: Good start already has a beat.
LimL!Jimmy: All you had to do was to die? Aha we are already dead!
Pearl: Are they just gonna keep calling him the immigrant, did we miss something?
Scott: It's from a musical I think so probably context we don't have.
Grian: *humming at "no one else was in the room where it happened"*
LimL!Jimmy: ...I know none of these names... (Logical result of making 2 British people, a Scottish man and an Australian listen to a song about people from the American Revolution).
Pearl: Me neither.
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dynamic-k · 3 months
I don't actually know why I'm doing this, but oh well.
This is for Super Sticks. I love your fan fiction by the way, ITS AWESOME!!! :D
This idea kind of came to me in the middle of the night, and I'm not sure why but like:
Vic is an alchemy genius right? And he made something that could help with Hazard's gene problem thingy.
Agent Smith had a leg problem. Despite not having powers, he had proven himself to be an invaluable stick in his time at rocket.
I was thinking, it would be really interesting to see the mercenaries (although not really in super sticks) together. Like, how would they interact with each other? How would they function as a team?
I'm getting off topic xd
Ballista is currently a hero, so it would make sense for the team to be on the hero side, right? I think Primal and Hazard could do it, but Agent can't, due to his left leg being uhh... yeah.
I know it said in Arc 2, that Agent would still have a bad leg: 'Agent being a total badass even with one bad leg', but what if Vic made something to help Agent??? Maybe with Blue as well, if it was another potion...
Having the team helping with hero-ing might help Chosen, Dark, and Second, with all the new villains and such.
idk. i kind of made like an entire au of super sticks, where one small positive thing lead to a whole villain arc XD. The stuff above is just something that happened to pop up in my brain when i was supposed to do homework-
Yeah, I'm just going to stop now.
[*muffled happy crying into pillow noises*]
Vic is indeed an alchemy genius, and he did make immunity supplements. Hazard's usage of his powers always hurt him because his S.P.I. (self-power-immunity) cells were mutated and didn't work properly, so the S.P.I supplements that Vic designed for Hazard were to replace the failing cells. Multiple supplements will have to be taken to keep up the stockpile of good cells.
I have been meaning to include some mercenaries' bonding moments somewhere in Arc Two, or perhaps as a Bonus Feature! I just... Haven't yet figured out where in the timeline I want stuff to be placed yet-
It's so cool you've come up with your own little spinoff AU! I am very intrigued, hehehe
:D Agent is a hero at heart, bad leg neverminded. And I do have a very specific badass Agent scene broiling around in my brain since before Arc One was even completed- XD
In all technicality, Agent's leg is full healed... Except uhh
See, there's nerve damage. Agent's leg was rotated around completely backward and while the emergency surgery corrected it quickly afterward, there's a lasting numbness and mild pain flareups to be suffered from there on out. It may eventually go away after several years, but for now, it stays.
Plot wise, I never planned for Vic to miraculously come up with some solution or fix-it for Agent's leg, even though he is very smart in problem curing areas and alchemy. (This may change, I dunno. My brain is a little bouncy on unfirmed ideas-)
Vic straight-up invented those supplements, came up with a whole serum that mimicked those cell properties, to stand in as a viable substitute. And it took him a very long time to perfect it. It would probably take an equally long time, or even longer, if Vic were to attempt making something for Agent. And uhhh, he can't exactly experiment hands-on in the comfy confines of his current jail cell, can he-
Ballista and Hazard have already canonically been doing hero work in Arc Two's time, and our three Ladybug hollowheads are aware of it, though they haven't yet met Hazard in person. Agent reopened the Rocket Hero program that Vic had abandoned in Arc One, so yeah.
Primal will eventually hop onto the program, I'll say that much, but for nowwww.... The situation is complicated. And I have some plans to help complete her redemption arc. Arc One left things a little ambiguous and incomplete on purpose, hehe
"idk. i kind of made like an entire au of super sticks, where one small positive thing lead to a whole villain arc XD." Color me intrigued! :D I love spinoff AUs~
No wait- Don't stop- I was enjoying the ramble- /silly
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violetganache42 · 7 months
Highlights from tonight's movie night celebrating some of the different teams Donald has been a part of in categorized and chronological order (I honestly like this format. I might stick with it):
"Boat Builders":
Good news: The short has subtitles! Bad news: They're not in English, so you still can't understand what the fuck Donald is saying.
Donald: "Yeah, even a child can do it!" Godfrey: "Even Della could do it!"
justaboot: "god's third choice after the 3 stooges"
Max's mother has been found
"The First Adventure!":
Bradford Hate Club
Ludwig appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's serving whatever the opposite of cunt is" WriteBackAtYa: "So di—"
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(I love this screenshot. 😂)
The reference to Della's letter
WriteBackAtYa and I being on the same wavelength
Eat the rich uncle (Sorry, Scrooge, but I had to. XD)
"You can't mute me, old man!"
RIP Donald's guitar
The Temple of Doom parallel!
"Treasure of the Golden Suns" easter egg!
"fragile old body"
Black Heron doing the smug anime girl laugh (You know what I'm talking about.)
"I'm the chosen one!" Pure Deweycore
"So long, suckers!"
Just Black Heron in general (She's a fun villain. lol)
Us ranting about Bradford using the Papyrus of Binding to escape like the COWARD THAT HE IS! WHY WE OUGHTA— COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE—
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If I had a nickel for every time Black Heron lost her robot arm, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
"The House of the Lucky Gander!":
Louie "I do hate hot dogs" Duck noticing the neon lights shaped like a hot dog
"We're all gonna die! I'VE WASTED MY LIFE!"
Launchpad deserves his own episode dedicating to his love life
Gladstone Hate Club
Scrooge looking at the camera like he's on The Office
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puffywuffy8904: "gladstone you have a haircut shut up"
Huey autism moment
Just how bored and tired Dewey, Webby, and Scrooge were after seeing Aquarioon
Dewey and the jade tigers
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Webby's love for chocolate fountains
"And a distraction."
Scrooge: "I don't even get to be part of the blasted challenge?" Huey:
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Real-Life-Pine-Tree: "Roasted duck anyone?" Me: "'Danny: I'll have the duck.'"
Louie's motivational speech
"Where did that come from?"
Us @ Liu Hai: RIP bozo (at least until DuckTales World Showcase Adventure)
The underwhelming Golden Cricket and how fucking bored and exhausted the family was
"Mt. Fuji Whiz":
LotTC basically being DuckTales on crack
Me: "Hell is a city. Where have I seen that before? 🤔" Godfrey: "Hazbin Hote—[gunshot]"
My idea of Clinton and Webby bonding over Clan McDuck history
Missy thirsting for Panchito
The return of the Ari the Autism Bird!
Xandra and the nieces in general (They're some of the best characters in the show. ^^)
*The Three Caballeros are stuck in the Underworld* AMJ: "We have a very simple solution." DT17!Huey: "This doesn't feel simple."
Jack Skellington moon
Donald saying the Karen phrase
Xandra and Charon clothes swap
Panchito being "that" guy
The Sheldgoose family tree taking notes from Goofy's family tree regarding the relatives' designs
Clinton hugging Donald 💖
Dreamy: "SEE HE HAS 27 FINGERS" Me: "27!"
"Mickey, I am fed up with your bullshit devil magic."
Praising Mickey's characterization in the Paul Rudish shorts
Donald's blush
No more Idaho
Just the whole short in general. It's the best. XD
"Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers":
Black Arts Beagle's Musketeer cousins
puffywuffy8904: "they wanna be Scrooge soooo bad"
Donald being, and I quote Jamie, "a punk bitch" in this movie
The return of Pete Hate Club
"Whoa, he's bisexual, I didn't know that!"/"By the way, I'm bisexual! I forgot, I- forgot to announce it! How do you turn this shit off- wait-"
The entire opera gag
Clarabelle appearance!
Dreamy pointing out the parallels how Pete is to Minnie what Bradford is to Scrooge
In the Hall of the Mountain King
"Why did the music stop?"
"Together, we'll save the princess or die trying!"/"…Die? …Die?"
melcat33: "Minnie discovers she's into bdsm"
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WriteBackAtYa and I quoting Philip CD-i Legend of Zelda
The turtle trying to be the rooster from Robin Hood at one point
"That little diddy's starting to grow on me."
Pete referencing The Lion King
Donald FINALLY unleashing his iconic temper
melcat33: "Goofy finally being Dad Material" WriteBackAtYa: "But he was daddy material"
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(Look what you made me do! /lh)
Pirates of Penzance
"Not long… maybe… 40 years?"
The movie ending with the fucking Can-Can
Learning about how Tokyo Disneyland had Mickey, Donald, and Goofy as the Three Musketeers and they all looked AMAZING (Why does Japan get all the cool shit?!)
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planet-poptropica · 7 months
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⋆ So....I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and I saw one those fav character charts, and I thought it would be fun to make my own! ⋆
⋆ Poptropica mutuals, tell me about your favs, not just your main favs, your side favs! I will include the transparent version below, and my explanation to my choices down below if you are interested! I'm interested to see your choices. ⋆
⋆ Tada! Have fun! ⋆
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⋆ Now, an explanation to my choices: ⋆
⋆ Your Favorite: Director D ⋆
I think it's no surprise to ANYONE that knows me that Director D has always been my favorite, since day 1. There was a moment where he was almost replaced by Binary Bard, but he is a close second. Director D is my favorite because he is associated to my nostalgia of a time when I was obsessed with being a spy or ninja when I was a kid. (Spy kids may have played a BIG role in that.) Playing as an agent in that island was so exciting for me, but I do remember having trouble with certain parts like the decoder. (In hindsight I probably would be horrible spy XD.) Now that I'm older, his island is still one of my favs for that reason, but it's not my number one. I wish we could have gotten a bit more backstory for him, but, what can you do. (But create a backstory for him and I have.)
⋆ You Relate To: Black Widow ⋆
Black widow is a character I don't really talk about or draw like....ever, which is crazy because she's probably the character I relate to the most, just like many other artist do too I'm sure. I relate to her in the way of being jealous of other people's art success, and the constantly comparing yourself to others. They say you are your worst critic after all. I don't so much anymore. I'm actually proud of where I am in my art journey, but I used to do that a lot when I was younger, especially when I just started doing digital art.
You won't catch me stealing or ruining other people's art though... girl what-
⋆ Your Favorite Design: Ringmaster Raven ⋆
Look at him, 'nuff said. His design is amazing. I love the color palette, the mask used to cover his true look, the raven theme with the wings and mask, the hat with eyes, everything. His design is the best because it matches with the overall theme of the island, it being a MONSTER CARNIVAL, and he is the Ringmaster. I remember how hipped I was when his island trailer released. One of the best islands for sure.
⋆ Is Underrated: Count Bram⋆
Yeah, remember when I was constantly drawing him for a short period of time? It's for a reason. I love my vampire peepaw who's confused about everything. I'm curious, do people consider him a villain? I kind of don't for the reason that he kidnapped Katya because he thought she was Anabelle, and once he was cured and was bought back to reality, he apologized for it because he didn't know. You want to talk about villain? Christopher is the real villain, you can't change my mind. Anyway, I was looking at the old art I drew of him, and he looked familiar to me. Then it all came together. You know who he reminds of? Exactly? Simon Petrikov, you know, Ice King from Adventure Time? Not only do they have the same hair style and would have the same personality, but they were both humans at some point with a partner, and once they became what they became, all they thought about was their partner, aka Anabelle and Betty.
Poof, mind blown. Vampire peepaw deserves more love.
⋆ You'd get along with IRL: Amelia ⋆
Amelia is another character I don't really talk about or draw, mainly because I associate her with the new era of Poptropica. But, I don't think that's fair. Amelia is actually a very sweet character that I think little me would have appreciated if she came to the game sooner. I would probably get along with her really well, considering how silly, and nice she is. Not to mention, her love for cute stuff. Imagine her unicorn bedroom but replaced with bunnies. That's my room right now. I think that even traveling with her would be really fun. She would have gotten under the "you relate to" category too but I didn't want Amelia on here twice. XD
⋆ And finally...Your Favorite Side Character: Dr. Spyglass ⋆
I... do not know how to explain this one. Dr. Spyglass only gets a few words of dialog, and we know nothing about him in canon, besides him working for HQ, and being an eye doctor. I won't lie, I actually had a crush on this guy years ago, hence why I shipped him with Muddy. (I cringe at that ship now. XD) Probably because...he looks like Director D...with a lab coat. >_> Look at both of them and TELL ME they are not related, I dare you. My version of them are. I love the idea of this silly scientist being hired by his brother after failing the entry agent exam, not because he pitted him, but because he understood how incredibly smart he was and is. Constantly being compared to his brother and what he could have been. So, you can say I like MY version of him... a lot.
I should dedicate a post to him some day, eh?
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nerdylilpeebee · 10 months
it gives me hope to see someone who doesn't let themselves be swayed by the romanticism of rooting for an underdog (or more accurately, a very carefully crafted image of an underdog) and actually bothers to check facts
i see so much support for gaza among my peers and you blog makes me feel a little less alone... a little less insane
someone else sees it
Yeah, I honestly see the support for Gaza (really, Hamas, cuz really supporting Gaza would require being against what Hamas is doing and wanting Hamas to be removed from power, which is the opposite of what pro Palestine people are doing) EVERYWHERE. Making it confusing that some of them seem to think they're being censored, which I'm honestly convinced is a manipulation tactic, but anyway...
I have even seen people, some of them mutuals, who I know are good people reblog and spread the constant lies and propaganda every day. That's part of why I'm pushing so hard into it. Because the propaganda is working. It is making good people decide the terrorists are the right people to support because innocent people are dying in direct response to the terrorists' actions. It makes them ignore that Hamas openly admits that this is on purpose, that they intend for the innocent people of Gaza to suffer and die. It makes it so that Hamas, who is willing to lie about how many have suffered and even attach faces of even their own victims to propaganda pieces saying "Oh look at what Israel did," and even FORCE THEIR OWN HOSTAGES to wave and smile at them as they're released in order to paint the picture that Israel is the villain, can make people believe they are the good guys despite killing innocent people and admitting to using Gaza as a human shield.
They have MASTERED the art of propaganda. And I refuse to let it go un-called-out. I refuse to let people on the internet literally helping spread these lies by making their own up, or manipulating information (by leaving out a detail, changing a detail, straight up just lying that something like tunnels near the ocean is impossible despite it being 100% possible, etc) go un-called-out.
Tho, I will have to be honest, I may force myself to slow down a bit now. I had a bit of a stress response at work today. I doubt it was just about this stuff, but it no doubt added to it as I am very passionate about this subject. And I really don't wanna repeat this stress response. Health issues is not something I want to come about simply because I am stressed.
So I may have to back off a bit. But I am still 100% on the side of "both sides have shitty things they've done, but Hamas is literally the one who started this, killed countless innocents, and kidnapped a LOT of innocent people, including literal infants (something there is no precedent for, I might add. No one's ever really taken literal babies hostage like this before), and I will not condemn Israel for retaliating. I will, however, push for peace as regardless it is a fucking tragedy that people are dying and it NEEDS to stop. And it really can't until Hamas is removed. They keep breaking the ceasefires, all throughout the history of this region. Long-standing peace is not possible with them in power."
That got very long-winded. XD sorry.
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adeliethevilsimp · 8 months
I have a hot take. You know the line where Rook first time meeting Vil it is actually really sweet if you think about it. No I am not delusional Like the line saying “there is no other actor can portray such evil hysterical the worst human scum role” Usually villains are not written to be likeable in mind. Fun, for sure but probably not likeable and redeemable usually. probably less screen time but still needs to be done.
It is like everything including villain are cogs in the machine that is the play. It need to be done. It can just be done badly and with no substance but you also can have a very good villain to be brought into life by a good actor and be memorable. That make you go“They are such a good villain”.
Personally I relate to Vil on so many things. One thing is that I was assigned to act as the villain. I am a girl but they want me to act as a middle-aged male minister who is also a dick. I have to wear a moustache too so you know kids are going to be normal about that *queue sarcasm*. I have never know why my teacher asked me to do it. Now of course it was a cool thing like MF my acting transcends gender But I wondered all the time why they asked me to do it. I don’t mind it it was unusual for sure. I just don’t want the bullying.I continued to do it because I do love acting also work ethics. I guess I just wanted to know why I was chosen. What I am trying to say is Rook's remark is very horrendous at first glance but it is really like “Only you can bring a villain like that into life. So memorable.”
My take is it was so memorable it made Rook start appreciating Villain. I know Rook also said before “I have seen so many of your roles but I did not remember you much”. It at first glance sound like Rook think the acting is bad but it does not have to be the only interpretation. Coz like you can be distracted and not remembering things just because you are focusing on other things. when I was crushing on Sweeney Todd I barely noticed how interesting the music is. I was so happy when I learnt about the music element.
like there was another part of the cake to be eaten. The cake you think you have finished and you really like. And there is more! Sort of thing. To Rook it is like Vil's acting like as so good and memorable made him realise the other side of the cake he love so much. But you know it is Rook so it comes out weird but also he was not necessarily harsh about it it is just the truth but it come out in a Rook's way. I thought about this because recently I talked to my mom about I wonder why the teacher chose me thing and she said “I went to the rehearsal once and I thought you are really good. You went into character so fast and take it with stride”
I know this is like me saying how good I am. I am just trying to say I think to Rook it is actually something like that. So his comment actually kind of sweet if you think about it. Yes I want someone to say that to me now okay xD
So it is actually kind of sweet Your acting was so good it made me realised villain is so integral and can be so memorable. You showed me something more about the things I already like. Your acting was so good you make such villain so memorable. You are one of a kind
So yeah. And I feel like other people may think so but were too scared to tell Vil to his face. I mean my personal experience also kind of supports this But not Rook even tho it came out like that. That is my interpretation anyways from my personal experience
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
Soooo, just dropping by to say, between your fics and rebageling of cool art, I finally caved and decided to watch Danny Phantom. Figured it'd be a decent background show while I did house stuff and I'd unlock a new section of ao3, no biggie yeah?
Yeah no, I am obsessed. Why?? Is it?? SO GOOD? I am genuinely invested in this cartoon and all of the characters - Danny is a good boi, Tucker is a riot, Sam is Sam no more needed, and Jazz is the best. Not best girl or best sister, just best. And Plasmius/Vlad is such a fun villain?!?! And Val!!! Such angst, so fun! Ooooh, and the stuff with Evil Danny and Clockwork, just watched that yesterday and that really made the brain go brrr!!!
And I love how there's a recurring cast, and they all have like, core themes, but its not the same deal over and over? Like, they actually grow and evolve just like the protag gang? It's so nice, actually seeing potential realized like that.
I dunno exactly what I wanted to say here, my mind is kinda just a ghostly hamster wheel at the moment, and I figured you of all people would appreciate that XD Pardon the flailing in your mailbox, but I am just very enthusiastically late to this party XD Wish me luck at the end of series crash - I'm on ep 35 and both dreading and barelling towards the end X'D
It's fun it's punchy it has consistent themes it doesn't return to the status quo instead it lets the cast and the setting evolve it introduces cool character dynamics it uses the quandary of secret identities well whether it's Danny or Vlad or Val it's full of bad puns it's heartfelt it has a character who specifically and only haunts boxes
Like it was genuinely a good show, especially for its time and target audience, and I stand beside this I'm glad you GET IT.
However, and I'm sorry you have to learn this this way - there is no season 3. If you thought you saw there was a season 3, no there wasn't and no you didn't. There is a single, lost episode called "D-Stabilized" which was, genuinely, meant to be in season 2. Yes you should watch that episode. No there was not anything else from anything resembling a season 3.
Danny Phantom very tragically ended short after 2 seasons right after Reality Trip (+ the lost episode D-Stabilized). Too bad we'll never ever know what other content might exist. You might see rumors about some kind of hypothetical series finale called "Phantom Planet." Just rest assured those are only rumors and they Are Not Real and they Can Not Hurt You.
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
Valjean is SO FUNNY in the Thenardier/Gorbeau House ambush scene. Thenardier keeps going on these long incoherent rants about revenge while Valjean just stands there calmly and tells Thenardier bald-faced lies with a straight face as he tries to Gaslight his way right out of the whole situation. Valjean is described as tranquil and serene as he continues to politely pretend “I don’t know you :). I’m just a random poor gentleman. :)” And Thenardier tries to act unbothered by this but (as a proud petty man desperate for recognition) he’s clearly losing his mind over it.
Anyway here are some of my Top Favorite Funny Valjean Lying Moments
“So you do not recognize me?”
M. Leblanc looked him full in the face, and replied:—
Then Jondrette advanced to the table. He leaned across the candle, crossing his arms, putting his angular and ferocious jaw close to M. Leblanc’s calm face, and advancing as far as possible without forcing M. Leblanc to retreat, and, in this posture of a wild beast who is about to bite, he exclaimed:—
“My name is not Fabantou, my name is not Jondrette, my name is Thénardier. I am the inn-keeper of Montfermeil! Do you understand? Thénardier! Now do you know me?”
An almost imperceptible flush crossed M. Leblanc’s brow, and he replied with a voice which neither trembled nor rose above its ordinary level, with his accustomed placidity:—
“No more than before.”
M. Leblanc did not interrupt him, but said to him when he paused:—
“I do not know what you mean to say. You are mistaken in me. I am a very poor man, and anything but a millionnaire. I do not know you. You are mistaking me for some other person.”
“Ah!” roared Thénardier hoarsely, “a pretty lie! You stick to that pleasantry, do you! You’re floundering, my old buck! Ah! You don’t remember! You don’t see who I am?”
“Excuse me, sir,” said M. Leblanc with a politeness of accent, which at that moment seemed peculiarly strange and powerful, “I see that you are a villain!”
I love how he finds a way to insult him “politely.”
“Who?” asked M. Leblanc.
“Parbleu!” cried Thénardier, “the little one, the Lark.”
M. Leblanc replied without the slightest apparent emotion:—
“I do not know what you mean.”
But my absolute favorite small detail is that the false address Valjean gives the Thenardiers takes them to
“Rue Saint-Dominique-D’Enfer, No. 17.”
“Enfer” means “hell”— Valjean found a way to politely tell them all to go to hell XD.
I also love how, throughout the scene, Marius seems to fall for every one of Valjean’s lies; he seems to genuinely think he’s telling the truth when he behaves confused about “The Lark.” What a noodle.
But yeah, it’s fascinating how Valjean uses polite lies as a weapon for self-defense. As I mentioned before, Thenardier wants to have the skills that Valjean has, and one of his most valuable skills is his ability to politely lie his way around violent authority figures. This ability was clearly something he needed to adopt to survive nineteen years in prison, and years on the run; it’s an ability he’s cultivated for a long time. Meanwhile Thenardier also tries to “act polite” and lie in order to manipulate Valjean, but the difference is that Thenardier is generally pretty awful at it. He needs to take notes bc this is what real lying looks like.
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luckyythirteen · 14 days
Hi, I hope it's okay to yap about Wesker and Willsker, if you don't like that or you prefer questions I am sorry 😅 but I just came across your account and I liked it :3
I learned about Wesker by Dead by Daylight and I liked his style and voice XD then I started to look up RE lore (only knew of the live Action movies, I never watched them but I knew it's Zombie stuff)
And tbh he's a piece of sh*t but his story, his style, the stuff he sometimes says ("Oh, Chris, little fishy, come see my hook") and his flamboyance are really entertaining
And when I learned that THIS egoistic guy had an actual friend I was pleasantly surprised!! Tbh they are kinda a comfort ship for me... Two evil dudes and lab partners and no one else can stand them XD I would love to see more canon stuff about their relationship... But I am sure RE devs etc will focus on other stuff :( I guess I have to check out A03 (if I were Capcom I would make more Wesker and Birkin centric stuff.. But I do not think it would turn out well but I am often interested in stories the actual writers aren't interested in XD) but Umbrella school or Arklay Labs stories would be great...
Some stuff about them as teenagers :3
(and this Rebecca pic sh*t is really annoying af tbh I try to ignore that, it's stupid unfunny and unnecessary jokes and humor by the devs and it never plays a role in canon, I hope it stays that way, keeping it in the remake was also disgusting and unnecessary🙄 I just stay in my bubble where they do not joke about it and show actual interest in Wesker and his canonically meaningful relationships :))
Feel free to yap about wesker! I 100% second all of this. His flamboyant personality and straight up goofy villainous nature intrigues me. Willsker will be my #1 ship with him I loved doomed toxic unrequited love 🗣🗣🗣 !! I'm disappointed a lot of Wesker stuff within the fandom is just thirsting, which I get it, he's a hot guy and everyone creams their pants over him lmao. But like he genuinely has such an interesting backstory, but Capcom dropped the ball on elaborating anything regarding it. Just "Oh yeah btw Wesker is actually a human trafficking victim who was indoctrinated into a cult and groomed to have these ideals! That's half the reason why he's so fucked up. Oh, you want us to elaborate on that? Fuck you he's dead LOL". which is lame as hell like you can't just drop that major bombshell then never go in depth?? It makes him a tragic character. It changes the whole fucking narrative with him bro, like I 100% think he should die in the end still but it spins him from "Oh look he's the mastermind of Umbrella and caused all this Just Because™️" to "Wesker is another victim of Umbrella and is perpetuating their ideals and never had control in all his life, he desires power and is driving himself mad trying to gain it. He has grown into the very thing he hates by trying to reclaim a semblance of control in his life after realizing he was a manufactured bioweapon." Bruh.
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