#Anyway in conclusion I’ll just say that I actually don’t really have a type and just love fictional characters because of the vibes XD
lieutenant-amuel · 10 months
This is probably not that common but I honestly rarely like characters who are like me personality wise.
#Personal#I don’t know I suppose I just don’t like how they’re portrayed in media#Because if a character is introverted it automatically makes them aloof and cold#or even worse when they have some sort of trauma that makes them self-blaming and hopelessly insecure#Like where are introverted characters who enjoy solitude!#Where are introverted characters who love people who know how to joke smile and laugh and oh my goodness have friends!#Just where#Why can’t they enjoy their introverted self and instead constantly think there’s something wrong with them#I don’t know I really enjoy outgoing and extraverted characters more#and if they remain outgoing and kind even if they also have some sort of trauma#this is just peak character type to me#I don’t know I have a special connection with characters if their STORIES resonate with me not their personality#I love Elena (EoA) I love Anna (Frozen) I love Rebecca (Crazy Ex Girlfriend) and yet I’m nothing like them personality wise#But their stories especially Rebecca’s speak so much to me#And really why should I even love characters only because they’re like me I love a freaking Darth Vader and he’s a villain#(yeah this is me saying that I am not a villain XD)#Anyway in conclusion I’ll just say that I actually don’t really have a type and just love fictional characters because of the vibes XD#If I’m vibing with them and they make me feel something (well except for irritation I suppose) I do like them#Because as I was saying if I like something in most cases I really cannot explain why XD it just happens#(unless I start analyzing why I do like them…)#I’m suspiciously talkative recently…#Just voicing everything I have on my mind
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lemonthepotato · 9 months
Muffins Ennea ADDENDUM:
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I wasn’t planning on making a follow-up to that post, but mama/dada’s got some ideas cooking. Mama? Dada? What’s the non-binary version of mama? Nvm, it would sound cringe. I think I’d rather misgender myself than call myself a ‘zaza’ lmao. 😭
Anyway, that post was kinda dogshit. I mean, I stand by a lot of what I said, but I also don’t. So, this is my full personality profile of the bakers!
So, let’s go over the conclusions I made last time:
Pinkie Pie: Enneagram 7w6 with a SP instinct.
Inkie Pie: Enneagram 8w7 with a SX instinct?
Minkie Pie: Enneagram 4w5 with a SO instinct.
Blinkie Pie: Enneagram 4wX with a SX instinct.
Babs: “BABS IDFK SP5?? SO5?? FUCKING SP8 dawg I’m too angry to care.”
I don’t agree with all of these anymore, but I stand by the fact Minkie and Pinkie are probably enneagram 4 and 7. I’m not entirely sure of Minkie’s instinct.
In this post, I am going to be breaking down EVERY piece of EVERY characters typology. Maybe I’ll even go into the victims typology in the story? Prolly not.
Minkie Pie 🥧
After some consideration, I decided Minkie Pie is probably an INFP. And it seemed the consensus on PDB was much the same, which made me immediately reconsider. Just kidding. So, my reasoning is that she is an obvious Fi dom. There’s little question there. Genuinely not understanding how someone thought she was a Fe aux. But the question remains about Ne vs Se.
Minkie has a lot of creative, but practical ideas. And I wouldn’t say she has more ideas than she can execute, nor is she stuck ‘in her imagination.’ So, I can definitely see a Se argument. However, she dwells on the past a lot, which is why FiSi makes more sense than FiNi. In her LARS, I mean, Mad Madusings, she constantly compares her past to the present. She does this to prove some sort of overarching idea, which could be FiNi, but hmmm… her ability to “just know lies” is also very FiNi. I’m torn. Actually, I think I’m going to go with IXFP. She’s clearly a Xe aux. Kidding. INFP makes sense. But ISFP also makes sense especially when in her mad musings she always makes conclusions about people based on past experience to form some sort of archetype of person. Which is Ni…
Ni can look like Si, but Si is more routine based than Ni. I’m gonna go with ISFP for now.
Enneagram: 4w5 (so/sx/sp blind)
Enneagram so4w5 seems right, but I’m also open to sx4. Though, Minkie doesn’t particularly seem envious of others as like, an overarching trait. She just seems pissed at the world. I suppose that could be sx4. I’m a little torn.
Also holy shit, my Ne brain just realised The Game. Minkie’s life is like a video game, trying haurd to beat the stage.
Anyway, I don’t know tbh. Sx4 makes senseeee, but Sx4 is shameless. Minkie is not. Unhealthy so4, ig.
Tritype: 459.
Minkie is obviously a so4, but what about her tritype? Well, because I think she’s a 4w5, her head type is 5w6. Her gut type then, is probably 9w8. I don’t have much good reasoning.
Socionics: ESI
AHH. I hate socionics. I really do. Because I don’t understand it, so it’s bad. Jk. Uh, so, I don’t know. I’m going to go with uh ESI but I can also seen an argument for anything because idk lol.
Big Five: RLOEN.
I don’t like big5 much lol.
Psychosophy: No.
Okay, psychosophy is something I don’t understand.
Temperament: Melancholic.
Come on, it’s really obvious?
Classic Jungian: IF(S)
Pretty obvious.
Conclusion: ISFP IF(S) ESI RLOEN so4 w 5 459 melancholic [dominant].
Blinkie Pie 🥧
Blinkie SX4 is something I stand by. It makes the most sense for her character. She’s probably a sx4w3, as she’s focused on accomplishment and ‘authenticity.’ Her tritype is harder to crack down. She doesn’t seem like a very intellectually driven type, but she does value community ‘at least if we were all locked away, we’d have each other.’ Which is an argument for 6, however… I don’t know. Probably 468. Her MBTI… ah god. Okay, so, unlike that one Deviantart post, I am going to go out on a whim and say she’s probably not an ESTJ. Cognitively extroverted 4 is pretty weird. I’m completely unsure of her MBTI. She has values, but they’re influenced from her friends and father. But Fe anywhere in her stack is weird. ISTJ could work? In Inkie’s Stellar Obsession, she spends the whole time telling Inkie how ridiculous her idea is. Granted, it’s also because she doesn’t like Stella (Fi) but still. ISTJ 4 is uh… weird. So maybe ISFP? I know I’m switching stacks but ugh. I don’t know. Te-Fi is obvious. Si-Ne and Se-Ni I’m more confused about. Maybe Se? She’s very practical. ISFP is the best guess I can give. Then, that would be ESI again, right? She’s probably SCOEN. And yes, S makes sense because introvert =/= unsociable. And she’s not limbic, just because she’s mentally ill. She’s probably a choleric-melancholic?
Conclusion: ISFP IF(S) ESI RCOEN sx4 w 3 468 cholmel.
Inkie Pie 🥧
Enneagram: sx8w7
Inkie, a character I wasn’t sure about. I’m still not convinced she’s an 8. She could be a 9. But she doesn’t seem to struggle with self-inertia.
“Ah, Marblestone "Inkie" Pie... what a Sugarcube. Inkie is the second oldest of the four pie sisters, though she grew up as the oldest since Minkie had not been found yet. she is often very honest, but if you are not on her good side, her honesty is blunt and very insulting. she speaks in a firm, low voice, and is very confident. she seems very proud, holding her head up high and walking with a strut. she has heavy lidded eyes, and her smile can be quite intimidating and frightening, even when she tries to act casual. inkie is a natural born leader, and has been known to be the "protective" pony of the group, and makes a majority of decisions. sometimes she gets pissy when her decisions are shot down, but this never lasts long when it comes to her friends and sisters. Inkie has the ability to love as strong as her ability to hate. she often uses pet names toward her friends and sisters, such as "hunny," "sweety," "sweeatheart," "love," "dear," and many others. she'll address her sisters as "dear sister" when being reassuring toward them. since inkie and Blinkie are the sisters that have spent the most time together, they seem very in tune to each other, thinking along the same lines and coming to similar conclusions. I was originally going to give inkie pie hallucinations, but I decided against it. she's too in control of herself. [that’s not how hallucinations work but ok hunny]”
So, what we can learn from this is that Inkie is honest, blunt and confident. She’s proud, protective and a natural born leader. She makes the decisions for the group and doesn’t like her ideas being shut down, but she doesn’t care if it’s her sisters. Inkie has the ability to love just as much as she hates, which completely goes against the idea that she views other ponies aside from her sisters as toys and not something to love/hate but I digress.
In the actual story, Inkie displays these behaviours several times. This leads me to believe she could be an 8 or 9, but which?
Well, Inkie doesn’t value peace, come to think of it, so she’s likely an 8w9. I still say 8w9 > 8w7 because she’s much calmer than other wings. I view wings more as flavouring than having to match up 100%. So, I’m leaning 8w9. Actually, I think 8w7 makes more sense… she doesn’t have much 9 qualities.
So, what instinct? I still stand by sx/sp 8. So sx8 then.
Tritype: 874
We know her core type (gut) is 8, and I’d imagine she struggles the least with shame. So, we need to figure out her head type. She could be a 5, as she doesn’t seem to struggle with any of the anxiety 6’s do, but 7 is also likely. She’s an unconventional 7 if so, but still. She’s probably 874. But I can see 854. I should probably make my mind up though. Hmm… 874.
Besides, it doesn’t make much sense to have your wing not be your fix. It’s not impossible but me.
Okay, so, I’m going with Se-Ti here. You might be wondering why, but it’s actually very simple. When going into typing characters, I always assume they’re a sensor until proven otherwise. However, I don’t let myself get biased. I was sure Inkie would turn out to be an intuitive. However, re-reading, Inkie is actually very grounded in reality. She isn’t creative, more of a ‘technical thinker’ as she says and focuses on the present moment. She also makes decisions primarily based on what she wants, her own ‘values.’ Values don’t always have to be moral, and she’s a clear example of that. She values her sisters, but not other people, hence why she protects them but dismisses the other. I just can’t see Fe-Ti or Ne-Si.
Big five: SCUEN.
Might seem weird, but Inkie actually does tend towards the calm side of things. She goes into things with little plan when her sisters aren’t around, and egocentric is a no brainer. N is self explanatory; I is usually more of an experience seeker.
Temperament: Choleric-sanguine is the closest fit to her. You may argue phlegmatic but she does not try to serve others in the slightest lmao. She’s selfish.
Conclusion: ESFP sx8w7 874 SCUEN choleric.
Oh, fun fact, “yup! i like to think that there's something running in the family. pinkie is bipolar, inkie is scitzophrenic (sp?), and blinkie has bordeline personality disorder XD” Where do we get any idea of that in the story, through their behaviour? Nowhere.
Also, despite Inkie knowing her actions are wrong, and the others, Rei said this regarding Derpy: “she doesn't think it's wrong. none of them do. you gotta put yourself in the shoes of a sociopath; they each may have different reasons why they think the way they do, but when your brain works in this fashion, your view of the world is warped.”
Pinkie Pie:
Enneagram: sp7w8
Alright! Let’s go back to this! Reminder that I am ONLY talking about Muffins Pinkie Pie here, and not MLP Pinkie Pie, who is very different from Muffins Pinkie Pie. So, I don’t think my typing was wrong at all. But I’ve been considering 8 for Pinkie. However, I’m not sure if she’s 7w8 or 8w7. I think Pinkie starts off as a 7w8 but Reitanna randomly decides to make her a megalomaniac. So, it’s complicated.
8’s don’t like vulnerability, but Pinkie doesn’t care. In fact, she’ll use her vulnerability to manipulate Apple Bloom in Silence Is Silver. So, that rules 8 out.
That being said… well, we’ll cross tritype when we get there.
So, I stand by her being a sp7w8. You might think Pinkie is too pessimistic to be an 8, but she isn’t a pessimist. An edgelord, but not a pessimist. She only confronts her dark attitude in life when literally being sentenced to death.
Tritype: 782
I think Pinkie is a textbook 782, and I’ll explain why. I was inclined to say 728 but I think she struggles with shame the least. She is very aggressive in getting what she wants, but she also has a 2 fix because she views her baking as a give and take.
"You do not control lives, Pinkie Pie," Celestia growled lowly, feeling hatred toward the party pony. "And you have caused more sadness than you can even imagine..."
"Have I?" sneered Pinkie. "With all of the cupcakes and pastries I brought to parties? With all of the money I helped bring in when I started working at Sugarcube Corner so that the Cakes found financial stability? To the point where they were able to care for themselves and two brand new foals when they came along?" She suddenly stamped her hoof on the floor, making everypony jump once again. "I know for a fact that every single pony in this room consumed quite a large amount of my special pastries, including you, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. And I can recall each and every one of your reactions after taking the first bite! You want to know what it was?" Her furious eyes scanned the room as she was met with no response. Then she chuckled lightly. "A smile."
She’s clearly just messing with Celestia, but there is some truth to what she is saying. She clearly views what she’s doing as “good” to a degree because other people like her gifts. 2’s struggle with pride, and because Pinkie thinks she’s helpful, she feels she is entitled to do what she wants. This is a light fix, but still there.
Pinkie Pie also has a need for her cupcakes to be THE BEST, leading me towards a 2w3 > 3w2 fix. Being the BEST isn’t her main goal, but it’s up there.
Oh, fun fact about Fluttershy by the way, Reitanna was considering making her a baker. As a FuckedUp!PinkieShy shipper (like in an AU where they’re both fucked up idk) I would’ve loved that.
“Yeah, your story makes more sense than mine, but I like the "what ifs" you can come with by reading stories like these. Could you imagine Fluttershy turning into a psycho with Pinkie, or getting super mad and taking revenge?” “I actually considered that, but just like you said, it seemed a bit OOC”
Pinkie Pie is probably an ENFP. At first, I considered Se dom, however she is VERY opportunistic and has constant ideas. Who even gets an idea to bake someone because of a cheese grater? Poor writing, or a Ne character? Either way, I think Ne-Si makes more sense than Ni-Se. Pinkie actually does use Si to a degree. She gets enraged when Celestia takes her friends away (even if she did it herself. Hypocrisy!) and also has a very strict schedule on how she does things. Fi > Fe might seem very strange however Fi users can manipulate. Pinkie doesn’t care at all about societal standards. She only keeps up with them to avoid being caught for her crimes. Also, while she hides her depression, it’s mostly to protect herself rather than her sisters. In Twilight’s Fall, she has no problem being pessimistic to her friends and saying horrible stuff.
Pretty self explanatory. I don’t think I need to explain this.
Temperament: Sanguine-choleric.
Conclusion: Sanguine-choleric sp7w8 782 ENFP SLOEI
Apple Bloom:
Oh Apple Bloom- she’s had it rough. Definitely a type. So, for her enneagram… I decided to look at Broken Tiara, as it’s the story I think characterises Apple Bloom the most, and Silence Is Silver. We learn from the former that Apple Bloom struggles with rage and wrath. She wants to cause other people pain because she’s suffered. Apple Bloom self-sabotages in the story, killing her very own big sister but using Pinkie Pie to fill the gap. She destroys her family, because they don’t matter anymore, Pinkie Pie does. She believes killing is her destiny.
Enneagram: sp6w7- explanation below
Reitanna says this about Apple Bloom, “Actually, no, it's nothing physical, it's a trauma model. Apple Bloom had already shown sociopathic traits by joining pinkie in the first place, but what people don't realize is, the actual act does a lot more to the mind than watching someone lose their life. First, with each incident she witnessed, stress and trauma were put on her brain little by little, meaning it was literally breaking her sanity. Once she did it herself, the power of this act traumatized her so severely, it finally broke her sanity. Since she is a child, the effects of this are much more detrimental than to an adult, due to the fact that the brain is still developing. The damage has caused her to develop one or two personality disorders, which is common in trauma models in children. Since she has been treated so kindly by pinkie pie, Apple Bloom's brain associates these acts as good things because she has been shown positive reinforcement by her mentor, therefore, she doesn't comprehend the fact that something bad has happened to her. She is under the assumption that THIS is who she really is because of pinkie's manipulation. This loss of reality makes her, by definition, insane.”
“I can't pinpoint exactly what she has because I would need to look at all of the personality disorders, but she's definitely not sane.”
Personally, I won’t theorise on what personality disorders Apple Bloom could have, as she is still a child, and children usually get diagnosed with conduct disorder rather than ASPD, so I don’t want to speculate too much.
Apple Bloom compartmentalises her empathy and true nature for her trauma and manipulated self. ("Nah," she chuckled, “That wasn't the real me. It never was. This is the real me, the other one was just tryin to keep me locked away.")
She has an obsession with destruction. She refers to wanting to destroy other ponies in Broken Tiara and says the exact same thing in Silence Is Silver when talking about Silver Spoon. She’s also power-driven, much like Pinkie Pie, and wrathful.
In ABGHCM (Apple Bloom Gets Her Cutie Mark) we see more of this behavior repeated. “I think this was all meant to happen. Everything happens for a reason, right? That's why I was the one who volunteered to take you when your number came up."
She justifies it all with it being her destiny. And getting her cutie mark (one of the worst utilising of this plot device ever) helps her solidify this. I sorta have a theory that Pinkie used dark magic or smth to give Apple Bloom that cutie mark to manipulate her further, but that would be silly. Perfect for Muffins, I can’t take a single thing in this story seriously.
I had to go back to the quiz to get more characterisation of Apple Bloom. If you want all the answers by the way, I’ll drop them right here:
Pinkie Answers:
"How are you today?" "Fine and dandy, right as candy!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Support!My friends are my life! I'd be nothing without them!"
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "HA Me? Afraid? I fear nothing."
"What do you think of the world and the people in it?" "Oh, I LOVE everybody”
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" "Oh, that was an attack? It felt like a bug bite.”
"What's your idea of a good time?" “EVERYBODY needs to be having a good time! Everybody that matters, of course!"
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "Life isn't about revenge, but every body else can do as they please!"
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I suppress the sadness by pretending it's not there."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "No pony is entirely sane! I'm crazy in my own way!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "Oh, I NEVER do anything bad!" (Explicitly contradicted by her saying "we're bad people" in On Trial)
"What do you think of life?" "I love life! It's great!"
"How are your dreams?" "I have good dreams. If they turn bad, I just make them good again." (Contradicted in Sting.)
"How was your childhood?" "It was depressing until I was inspired to go my own way and find happiness."
"Someone just lied to you. How did you find out, and how do you respond?"
"I don't really care if they lied to me, l'm a pretty big liar myself."
"I see you have cupcakes. May I have one?" "Of course, take two if you'd like!"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "It's an amazing machine that can create wonderful things. Without it, we'd be boring."
"You know, I think you're an idiot." "Ha, yeah, sometimes I am."
"Last question... how is your sleep?" “I never want the day to end, so I stay up late until I pass out. My energy can keep me up for hours when it's time for bed, so I only get a few hours of sleep. It doesn't take a huge toll on me, though."
Minkie Answers:
"First of all, how are you doing today?" "Same as every day.”
"When it comes to friendship, what do you feel is most important?" "Love. The love shared among friends is the true key to happiness."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "I hardly fear things. Whatever it is, I'll make it more afraid of me."
"What do you think of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?" "Scum. Trash.”
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" “They know better than to attack me. So they wouldn't."
"What's your idea of a good time?" "If my friends are smiling and laughing, then I'm having the time of my life!"
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "I need to make sure they feel ALL of my pain."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I'm honestly not very good at fighting it.”
"Do you think you may be crazy?" “I know I'm ill, but l'm not crazy. Crazy ponies aren't aware of their actions."
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "I only feel guilty if I did it to somepony I love, otherwise I feel nothing."
"What do you think of life?" "Life? What life?"
"How are your dreams?" "Mostly nightmares about traumatic events in my past. They wake me up frequently."
"How was your childhood?" "I was hurt and neglected for a long time. It has broken me, but I find things to make me feel better."
"Somepony just lied to you. How do you find out, and what do you do?" "They lied to my face. I can tell if somepony is lying immediately to me, and I make sure they stop.”
"I see you have cupcakes. Can I have one?" "Yes, but just one, okay?"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "Sometimes it's not so good to us. It can make us think things we don't want to think."
"You know what? I think you're an idiot.” “…”
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "Well, since I have trouble sleeping, I'll do whatever anypony else is doing if THEY are still up. Otherwise I lay in bed, hoping sleep will take me. This makes me sleepy during the day. When I DO sleep, my nightmares will wake me back up.”
Blinkie answers:
"First off, how are you doing today?" "What's it to YOU?"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you feel is most important?" "Honesty. I think it's important to stay honest with your friends."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "If I’M not the cause of it, how scary can it be?"
"What do you think of the rest of the world, other than yourself and those around you?" "Ha! The world is full of ponies too DUMB to see the blatant truth in front of their eyes."
"If someone attacks you, how do you respond?” “Are you serious?”
"What's your idea of a good time?" “I need to be in control of the activity, or I'm not happy." (Well we can rule out A > E in OCEAN)
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "I will let them feel all the power of my rage.”
"How do you deal with sadness?" "With anger. Turn sadness to anger. It's the only way to cope." (Real, relatable)
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "Why would you ask that? Are you implying something?!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "I don't care. I MEANT to do it.”
"What do you think of life?" "Life is only as good as what I make it."
"How are your dreams?" "My dreams are however I want them to be. I can lucid dream." (Contradicted in Sting)
"How was your childhood?" "My family never supported anything I did, and I hated them for it. I was disciplined often."
"Someone just lied to you. How do you figure it out?" "Doesn't matter how I find out. I'll… make sure they regret it."
"I see you have a cupcake, may I have one?" "If you really wanted one, you'd go get it yourself.”
"How do you perceive the mind?" "It's the thing that creates ideas, good and bad. You don't have to do what it says."
"You know what? I think you're an idiot.” "[navy seals copypasta]”
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I feel uncomfortable if everyone is asleep and I'm not. I might purposefully keep somepony awake if l'm not tired."
Inkie Answers:
"First off, how are you doing?" "If I get my way, I'm good any day."
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Loyalty. I always protect those who are dear to me."
"If you found yourself in a scary situation, how'd you react?" "I don't scare easily. I'm decently calm."
"What do you think of the rest of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?" "Do you REALLY consider them individuals? Pfft."
"If someone decides to attacks you, how do you respond?” "Anyone dumb enough to try and attack me will regret it.”
"What's your idea of a good time?" "Everything needs to be to MY liking."
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "To them, it'll seem like it didn't affect me. But when they least expect it, I will go to extremes to make them pay."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "Well, I rarely feel sad at all, but when I do, it's not pretty."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "Some people may consider my behaviour crazy, but if in my right mind, is it really so?"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?” "If everything that happens happens, can we really do anything wrong?"
"What do you think of life?” "I don't hate life, I hate the concept of it. It's wasted on those who don't appreciate it.”
"How are your dreams?" "I prefer the bad dreams because they give me cool ideas. They're more frequent than the good dreams."
"How was your childhood?" "My family put a lot of pressure on me. The affects stay with me to this day."
"Somepony just lied to you. How did you find out, and how do you respond?" "If I have a gut feeling I'm being lied to, l'll try and force the truth out of them."
"I see you have a cupcake or two. May I have one? "I'll think about it... how about you try and impress me for it?"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "The mind is whatever you make it."
"You know, I think you're an idiot." "Hmph. Likewise."
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I like to settle down and chill, enjoying the company of anypony else who is still up. I'll easily go to sleep when they do. I have a bad habit of waking too early, which makes me sort of groggy, but l'm fine."
Apple-Bloom Answers:
"How is your day?” "I'm cautious, but I know I'II be fine!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Dedication! I think friends should remain loyal and true."
"If you find yourself in a scary situation, how would you react?" "Sometimes the fear DOES strike me, but responding with courage is a true sign of character." (Sx6? Sp6 with a sx second instinct and so blind?)
"What do you think of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?" "Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. In fact it's REALLY funny."
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" "I may be small, but i'm tough. Don't underestimate how badly I can kick their butt."
"What's your idea of fun?" "If I can let loose completely, it's a party!”
"How would you get revenge on those who've hurt you?" "They hurt me, so I want them to hurt 10x more."
"How do you deal with sadness?" “I have to cry it out, but I don't want anypony to see me doing it."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "Of course not! I am who I am! Everypony else is crazy!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "Sometimes I feel a twinge of guilt, but if I ignore it, it goes away."
"What do you think of your life?" "When I was young, everything seemed so dandy... When did it start feeling so terrible?" (I know she’s had a terrible childhood but girl- WHEN?)
"How are your dreams?" "Sometimes my dreams are pretty bad, and they stem from bad memories or feelings."
"How was your childhood?" "I was raised well by my family, but I chose my own path, one they didn't approve of."
"Somepony just lied to you, how do you find out?" "They lied to me? I'll lie right back, in that way it'll be my revenge."
"I see you have a cupcake, may I have one?” "Why not? I have them, so l'll share them!"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "It's fragile. If it breaks, it's unlikely to be fixed."
"You know, I think you're an idiot” "I'll remember that next time I consider doing something nice for you."
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I spent all day having fun, so I feel exhausted toward the end of the night. I try to stay up with my friends, but end up falling asleep at some point or another. Sometimes my bad dreams wake me up in the middle of the night, but I can fall asleep soon after."
BabsSeed Answr:
"First off, how are you doing today?" "I can't complain, really!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you feel is most important?" "Giving back. When a friend helps you when things are bad, it's important to pay it forward."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, how would you react?" "Fight or flight? Ha, my first instinct is to fight.” (Counter6)
"What do you think of the world aside from your friends?" “They are weak fools who can't think for themselves."
"If someone attacks, what do you do?" "No one gets away with attacking me."
"What's your idea of a good time?" "If my friends and I don't have to hold anything back, it's a PARTY, PARTY PARTY"
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "Hahaha... let's say... no one gets away with hurting me."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "…have to distract myself.”
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "I am perfectly sane! I know exactly what I'm doing.”
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "Well, no pony knows l'm the one that did it. It's only wrong if I get caught." (Reitanna stop making TOOL references every two seconds challenge: IMPOSSIBLE)
"What do you think of life?" "Life was really unfair to me. But it's just a game, right? Now I'm the one winning."
"How are your dreams?" "My dreams are usually pretty nice. Sometimes I get bad ones, though that don't bother me."
"How was your childhood?" "| experienced heavy losses so young in life, as well as suffered from violent bullying. I was depressed until a dear friend helped me get back up."
"Somepony just lied to you. How do you figure that?" "I'll find out on my own. I'm smart, so I know. I’ll play along with them until I get the chance.”
"I see you have a cupcake. Can I have one?" "Depends... what have you done for me lately?"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "The mind is sacred. It should be fed knowledge, it should be soothed with meditation." (5 fix?)
"You know, I think you're an idiot." "Oh yeah? Well [a yo-mama-fat type insult, literally]”
Last question... how is your sleepis?" "Well, I make full use of the evening until I start to feel tired. Then I listen to music as I fall asleep. I keep it on low volume, and on repeat, so I hear my favourite songs in my dreams."
Our Muffins Blorbo 🫧:
"First off, how are you feeling today?" “I am so, SO happy today.”
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Happiness! If my friends are happy, I am too!" (Fe > Fi?)
"You find yourself in a scary place and situation, how do you react?" "Sometimes I give into fear and run, it depends on HOW scary it is."
"What do you think of the rest of the world, other than yourself and those close to you?” "Oh! Everyone is great, there are a few bad ones though."
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?” "Why would they do that?! I haven't done anything wrong! have a right to defend myself!” (Hypocrite)
"What's your idea of a good time?" "Surrounded by all my friends no matter what!”
"How would you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "I'm tired of getting harmed. My revenge is going on anyone get my hooves on."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I have to cry. If you cry, you feel better afterwards."
"Do you think you might be crazy?" "I'm not crazy, my reality is different than yours!"
"When you do something bad, how do you feel?" "My GOOD actions make up for my bad ones."
"What do you think of life?" "I feel betrayed by life. No pony exists on purpose. But I find reasons to smile!"
"How are your dreams?" "Usually my dreams are so real, I mistake them for reality. They can be good or bad."
"How was your childhood?" "I thought everything was good, but then I got abandoned and had to find my own way."
"Somepony just lied to you. What do you do?” "I am told by a friend and feel hurt by a liar, and tell them to never talk to me again."
"I see you have a cupcake, can I have one?" "I'll give you more than one! You can have half, and l'll have half, that way it's even."
"How do you perceive the mind?" "Sometimes you see things differently from others because your brain is programmed differently." (And rei says she isn't autistic coded...)
“You know what? You’re an idiot.” “I am NOT an idiot.” (10/10 defence.)
"Last question, how is your sleep?” ur sl "I try to stay up with my friends, but end up falling asleep first. just get really tired if it's been a long day, and sometimes I'II also take naps. I DO feel refreshed while I'm awake, though."
"First off, how are you doing today?" "Things are great!"
"When it comes to friendship, what do you think is most important?" "Connection. I just love my friends so much, I don't know what I'd do if I lost them."
"If you found yourself in a very scary situation, what is your reaction?" "I tend to flee."
"What do you think about the rest of the world other than yourself?" "Some are good, some are bad, that's just the way it is."
"If somepony attacks you, how do you respond?" "I would ask them why they attacked me!"
"What's your idea of a good time?" “I like to party with my friends, but I also like to make new ones."
"How do you get revenge on those who hurt you?" "Revenge never solves anything."
"How do you deal with sadness?" "I just try to think positively, even when crying."
"Do you think you are crazy?" "Well, what do you mean by crazy? 'Crazy' as in eccentric, 'crazy' as in insane? I need some more context!" (Reitanna hates rational people who ask questions.)
"When you do something bad, do you feel bad?" "I feel guilty, and that guilt doesn't go away until I confess."
"What do you think of life?" "Life is good. I wake up every morning and I just feel so good!"
"How are your dreams?" “They can be good, they can be bad. It just depends on what my brain is dealing with at the time."
"How was your childhood?" “There were good times and bad. My experiences made me who I am."
"Somepony just lied to you. How did you find out, and how do you respond?" "Why would somepony lie to me? No, there must be some mistake. People don't just... LIE... do they?!" (Yeah no one thinks this...)
"Can I have a cupcake?" "I'm not gonna finish them all on my own, silly!'"
"How do you perceive the mind?" "Your mind is like a sanctuary; it tells you what is right and what is wrong."
"You know what, I think you're a fucking idiot." "That's not very nice. How can you say something like that so easily?"
"Last question, how is your sleep?" "I like to iust settle down and read or something else calming) until I'm tired enough to sleep. I don't have any troubles falling asleep at all."
Anyway, let’s look at Apple Bloom’s answers. She’s optimistic (believing everything will be okay), loyal, “brave,” condescending, anger driven and spiteful. Things we already knew. Her enneagram being 1 is unlikely, unless she’s a very unhealthy one. 2 isn’t impossible, but she doesn’t seem very heart triad, you know? Probably not a 5. 6, 7, 8 and 9 are on the table. I think 6 is the most likely, and we can rule out 8 and 9. She’s probably a sp6w7.
“Preservation Sixes want to feel the embrace of the family, to be in a warm, protected place where there are no enemies. They search for an "idealized other" for protection, and they can have issues that look like separation anxiety. Like a child who needs to hold on to the mother, these Sixes don't feel confident in defending their own self-interests and survival.”
“These Sixes seek to escape anxiety by seeking the security of protection; therefore, they become dependent on others. They have a passion for compensating for the fear of separation, which manifests as warm and friendly temperament. Their driving need is therefore for something like (neurotic) friendship or warmth, which makes this subtype the warmest of these Sixes. They tend to be in a good mood and have a generally pleasant disposition. They look for a bond of intimacy and trust in their relationships, and they fear disappointing others, especially those who are closest to them. Being warm is their way of getting people to be friendly so they won't be attacked.”
However, due to her sx instinct being second, I think she still has some sx 6 traits. Also,
She doesn’t seem to hide her anger. In fact, she actively goes against Pinkie, but that’s when she’s REALLY pissed off towards Diamond Tiara, not her usual mode. In fact, she seems scared of Pinkie otherwise.
Could be sp7, but I doubt it.
Tritype: 638
Okay, figuring out her tritype was HELL, but I think I’ve got it down. So, her heart type was the hardest to find, but I think she’s a 3 fix. Why? Because she’s obsessed with getting her cutie mark, as a means of protection (6 core) from her bullies. As for her gut type, I think we can rule out 1, as she doesn’t really care about morality, and 9, because she isn’t conflict-avoiding.
So, probably a Fe-Ti user, but I can see her Ti being higher than Fe. As for her other functions, I think… Se-Ni? Maybe Ti-Se-Fe-Ni… but that doesn’t FEEL right. That’s ISTP, right? Um…
She uses Ni in ABGHCM when she predicts Applejack will need stronger restraints, and she has very Ni attitudes in life (“this was meant to happen.”
Ni-Fe? INFJ? Unlikely. Her Fe isn’t THAT strong. Tert Fe seems right. ESTP? But E6 is cognitively introverted. She uses a LOT of Ni.
Actually, I can see Fi-Ni for Apple Bloom, but maybe Inferior Fi? No… Tert Fi? What “values” does she have though? Literally none.
ISTP? She’s kinda manipulative, but inferior Fe users still have Fe in their stack. I mean she literally taunts Applejack by saying “One last bit of sisterly bonding, right?”
And she HAS gone against group values before… I don’t know. I can’t guess very well, but ISTP is the closest I can guess.
Temperament. Sanguine-choleric. [angry sanguine <:()
Conclusion: sp6w7 638 ISTP SLUEN Sanguine-choleric.
Derpy Hooves:
Enneagram: sp7w6
Derpy!! Our blorbo!! We only have Derpy and Babs left, so let’s start with our autistic little blorbo. So, Derpy was abandoned from a young age, and had no friends. Stumbling across Pinkie’s hobby sort of gave her a connection, or someone to rely on. Sp7 is my first thought, to be honest. Not a 1, 2, 3 and probably not a core 4. We can rule out 5, and 6 is unlikely. Same with 8 or 9. In fact, I’m pretty confident she is a 7. I don’t know her instinct though. Reitanna once said on Twitter Derpy struggles with Gluttony, so…
Probably sp/sx 7w6 (still wary) 741.
Okay, so, I probably have to justify that 1 fix. Derpy is very cautious of making a mistake, so the point where she cries because of it. She’s also under the impression that what she’s doing is morally justified to a degree, “what’s bad for you is good for us,” though that could just be selfishness. Her 1 fix is very light, but I feel like she hates the way she was treated and hates how cruel the world is, despite the fact she is a hypocrite.
Fe is not impossible, but idk if it’s her dominant function, really so. I think she’s an XSFJ, probably ESFJ. And the reasoning is that she’s very empathetic, albeit selectively, and she values her friends happiness over her own. She doesn’t like change very much, like when Pinkie got taken away, and that’s how anyone would react, but she does seem to like feeling safe and structured. She had an adventurous side though (Tert Neh) and uses VERY flawed logic to justify her actions using her inf logic.
She’s just a little borbcy.
Temperament: sanguine-phlegmatic.
Conclusion: ESFJ sp7w6 741 SLUAN sanguine-phlegmatic.
Babs Seed’s Typing:
Enneagram: sx6
Ah yes, the best Muffins character. Well, according to Reitanna and only Reitanna, no one else likes her. Anyway, let’s rule out the obvious. She’s probably not a 1, 2, 3 or 4. 4 fix is possible. 7 and 9 is also less likely. 5, 6 and 8 are the main contenders. We can rule out sp6 and so6. I don’t think she’s an 8, as she doesn’t seem to care about control, but protecting herself. So, now we’re torn between 5 and 6. I’m leaning 5? She could also be a 9. No, I think she’s a 5. She’s very obsessed with mindfulness, taming the mind and… she’s also too confident to be a 5. I know, fallacy. But I don’t really understand fives. You’re like aliens.
I don’t think she’s a 5. Probably a 6w7, actually. Sx/sp6.
Tritype: 684
Probably a 8 and 4 fix. Like, she definitely has 4 traits. She gets jealous of ducks. DUCKS. She insists on fighting her OWN battles, and boy does she fight. She has some so8 traits but uh, killing Fluttershy isn’t exactly “protecting the weak.” She thinks homiending is “strong.”
Ahhh… ugh. Okay, so, Fi inferior isn’t impossible, but Ti > Te makes sense. So, maybe Fe tert? ESTP? Se-Ni is obvious. ESTP is my best guess.
Temperament: choleric-sanguine.
Conclusion: choleric-sanguine ESTP sx6w7 684 SCOEN.
And that’s it! That’s my analysis of the bakers! I don’t plan on making any changes, and I probably WILL change my mind many times. I could go into other characters, but the point is, the writing in Muffins isn’t the best, so that’s unlikely. Chances are, I’ll leave this post here and yeah.
Edit: When I made this post, my understanding of enneagram wasn’t perfect, and my understanding of socionics was worse. If you want to know my updated thoughts, I might make a post about it, but I’ve already made two posts about this at this point. Would you guys like a part three?
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honestly I think the fandom makes assumptions with darkmilk that aren’t necessarily true
(and I’m now mostly saying this because I have been in other fandoms where I have encountered literally the same type of pairing as darkmilk and more people there are literally accepting so at this now I’m slowly dying inside for all the mental spirals I’ve gone through over the past two years)
I think darkmilk suffers from milk having 0 relevancy whatsoever so they haven’t bothered to actually write him as a full fledged character and just has the one quirk of “oh he really wants to find dark choco and he is very much a big fan.” So I think that’s why people end up making assumptions about milk cookie, especially about that one character trait, that isn’t very accurate
(ex. milk cookie would stalk dark choco cookie <- kind of bonkers when his original goal in CROB was to find dark choco cookie but after meeting Mala Sauce and finding out what’s happening, he’s the one to propose to help Mala Sauce while Purple Yam only wants to focus on finding Dark Choco. Meaning Milk was very willing to sidetrack to help someone )
This also applies to Darkmilk as well. One of the biggest assumptions is that Milk would not be able to let the past be the past, and Dark Choco would be really uncomfortable with Milk due to this (and that of his association to the past).
I’m not really here to debunk the first half because truth be told, I don’t know what Darkmilk’s dynamic would be like. I don’t know how Milk would react. None of us do. And it’s kind of the #1 thing I hate the most because people tend to just… assume darkmilk has to turn out completely awful no matter what even when nothing has happened at all. And it’s frustrating to me because 1) I feel like my thoughts and my voice and my story gets completely shut down (and it’s even worse because I honestly don’t think I agree with most people in this fandom about them anyways sooo…)
1.5) that assumption has been used for the past two years for people to hate on the pairing and honestly after I’ve kind of drifted away from cookie run and found other pairings like darkmilk? I’m just tired.
However, I am going to debunk “Dark Choco would be really uncomfortable with Milk” because the game actually kind of says otherwise through the Young Prince Ch 14 portrait (probably the best thing and only thing I’ll get because at this rate I’ll be dead before I get anything else)
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Here’s the entire conversation between Dark Choco and Milk Cookie for reference as you read but here’s a recap to segueway into my point: Milk and Dark Choco are in front of the portrait. Milk starts talking about how the portrait inspired Milk to be the type of person and at the end of it, he calls Dark Choco a hero. In response, Dark Choco tells Milk he’s not a hero but also proceeds to thank him.
I’ve already written an analysis on this cutscene already and why Dark Choco responds the way he does but there’s something I realized and was reminded of when I found a different follow up analysis (that I’ll link a bit later) which is that actually this conversation between Dark Choco and Milk goes much better than what I or probably anyone else expected.
My initial expectation was that oh Dark Choco would have probably just said nothing or he would actually express clear discomfort from being around Milk. That’s what I was reminded of.
However, I realized while I was rereading that the last time Dark Choco has technically seen Milk was through a flashback during that Dark Mode scene. He was forced to rewatch his past memories and relive him slashing his father through Pomegranate’s magic. And because of that, he had a mental breakdown (more specifically it triggered his PTSD).
The most realistic expectation and conclusion based on what the game has provided us up to the release of Ch. 14 would be Dark Choco shouldn’t have even been standing in that room not just because Milk is there but because the Young Prince Portrait is hanged up on the wall and he’s standing in that very room. And don’t try to tell me “Oh what if Milk dragged him-“ Dark Choco wouldn’t be a pushover over his own trauma just because some guy he saved whatever amount of years ago really wanted to see it. He doesn’t hesitate to say how it is (and you can see that by how he immediately corrects milk when Milk calls him a hero.)
But if he wouldn’t want to or wouldn’t be comfortable in that very room, why is he there now with Milk? My answer to this which is more of a theory is that this portrait conversation takes place at an unknown time in the future where Dark Choco had already started to heal and most likely was able to make peace with however amounts of his past.
A point in time where Dark Choco willingly makes the choice to stand in front of the portrait and acknowledge that it still exists. The portrait still exists. The past can’t be erased but they have healed and can now acknowledge it without breaking down. I think the same thing goes for being in the same room as Milk. Remembering how he saved Milk was part of the flashbacks in Dark Mode. So realistically if he wasn’t ready, Dark Choco would just be avoiding him and probably wouldn’t have visited this room in the first place.
But yet there he is in the same room as Milk. Looking at the same portrait of himself with Milk and talking about it with him. The energy in the room is awkward and tbh that’s probably expected but if Dark Choco had truly been uncomfortable with Milk he would have left the room already and he certainly wouldn’t have thanked him for what Milk said.
I don’t actually know how to end this post. I’ll just throw in that Milk could be like 5x worse with his admiration but he’s not and he’s also *mild* when put next to the other two non cookie run pairings that’s been in my head recently and yet both of those pairings literally get development with them acknowledging aspects of their relationship and what they want out of it while *also still exhibiting the same intense admiration*. And they’ve been more accepted by their fandoms than darkmilk so like… I’ll just stare at my ceiling
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beehiveofblorbos · 2 months
Wait if I can ask you for any character breakdown, then can you break down Tsurugi Kinjo? No pressure ofc
Sure! I’m pretty glad you asked this anyway, in retrospect. I should clarify a few things.
When I watched DRA the first time, Tsurugi Kinjo was, for me, a fairly likable character. In the first chapter, he was simply the type who kept order, which was fine but not really a draw for me personally. After all, I don’t see him as adorably earnest as Taka is, and I was biased towards the Impostor from the start.
The second chapter is when he got interesting to me. I liked him going in, and his “preliminary criminal” concept, as well as how psycho/determined he was to stop the killing game. It added a layer of interest and conflict to the group dynamic that entertained me. To see him as a protective character was cool too!
But I couldn’t see how he would be allowed to continue on like this, and certainly not for long. So I thought he’d die (a lot, really, kept guessing it until ch4 began) and then he didn’t and got EVEN MORE INTERESTING with his conflict with Akane. I didn’t hate him for that, I actually liked him a lot for it.
Through ch3 and ch4, he gained my favor even more. I really liked this character who was earnestly offering his investigations, working very hard, and coming to intelligent conclusions. His special treatment of Yuki also grew on me, their relationship development is very endearing. Even when Tsurugi cut Yuki off in ch4, it was for a very understandable reason - he had been going against his principles by bonding with Yuki, so seeing them snap apart like that made sense for his character even as it was heartbreaking for them both. His commitment to preventing a murder, even losing his mind to that crazy point of killing everyone by suicide was kind of a point where I had to momentarily reconsider… but I forgave Teruya and Haruhiko, so after some time before continuing, I forgave Tsurugi too and viewed that scene as an interesting perversion of his beliefs, and somewhat revealing that he does think people should die before committing crimes.
When he tried to kill himself,,, well, I watched DRA back before the winter of 2022. I had missed him a lot during ch5, and was incredibly panicked and worried about his health. Then he woke up at the end of ch5, having grown beyond his previous principles. I would say at that point on the first watch, my favorites list looked like this: Yuki, then Rei, then Tsurugi, then Akane, then Teruya. Pretty shocking, right? Haha. I want to emphasize through saying this how high I viewed Tsurugi at that time. It was a great move for his character.
But then, “Yuki Maeda” is Utsuro after all. Because of that, Tsurugi became broken. I don’t know if you remember this scene, but Tsurugi returned to the path he’d walked before. Even though he knew it was wrong in his heart, he was driven into a “despairing hope”. Like “Yuki Maeda”, Tsurugi Kinjo is a true tragedy.
For me who had loved him so much specifically for his character development, I couldn’t accept this. I was unable to “root for” him anymore. It is easy for me to like characters who have morally wrong attitudes or ideals. But Tsurugi Kinjo is criminally frustrating for me.
To be honest, he’s probably the character you have the best chance of trying to convince me to like more. I understand that he’s a good story, a good “tragedy”. But I just. Gah, why did things turn out like that for him? It was even difficult trying to reconnect or retap into that time, I’d put up so many mental blocks without rewatching that I couldn’t take it down until now.
Ah, I’ll answer the rest of that post too. I’ll put it under a cut though since this was already quite long.
Forgive the big font below! I couldn’t figure out how to change it. And the poll is because I clicked the wrong button but don’t feel like doing the copy paste game.
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twisting-roads · 8 months
I am going to try and make these longer, I can only take meticulously editing text in html for so long though
(811.312) [LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Cage Of Membrane, Chain Of Missing Links
COML: Still at it? COML: It has been very lonely without you… COM: large work…load COM: -ots of bio bio biomatter COML: What kind of biomatter? COM: neuron- and variations COM: large qua quantity COML: Have you received anything about SBC yet? COML: A few cycles ago Thirteen Catastrophes’ overseers have begun to spy on me, very obviously too, at that. I’m forbidden from gathering more data at this time. COM: no COM: thirteen catas-- scolded me as well… i am innocentt ~! COML: I recall that Horizon Of Sulfur became involved with this as well. Should I go ask him if he can tell me anything? COM: please, do do not COML: I… understand. I just know how close SBC was to you. I want to make sure it’s okay. COM: do not concern y y yourself so much much with issues you can’t con control…  COM: i -not know if sbc will fully r recover or not. i can say with c- fidence though… i could speak to it it…again soon COML: Understood, yes, I apologize. COM: d dont be sorry… i appri… -ate all you try to to to do for me… you care so… ch…  COM: its very up upsetting when you you use the professionalism voice… s stay safe… please
(812.342)  [LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Cage Of Membrane, Chain Of Missing Links
COM: ha have yo… -een doing well the the last cycle? COML: Normal business, I suppose. Why do you ask? COM: …been thinking… COM: boundary… n needs help. nob… -dy has done any anything… COML: But it’s like you said, we would get in trouble wouldn’t we…? I breached their privacy without permission, if I push that further I risk punishment, and dragging you down with me would be terrible.  COML: I’m privileged enough to have very loose restrictions on what I’m able to do, and I know you don’t have those same luxuries- COM: n not that, silly! i have asked perm… -on to send… a care package of of sorts. my requ request has… yet to go through  COML: …Oh COML: What do you plan on sending though? COM: not my deci… -on COML: I suppose if you had the choice then, what would you send? Perhaps a creature smart enough to understand its purpose, but dull enough to follow it blindly? COM: rude… haha- COML: Well- you know what I meant! You tell me horror stories of purposed organisms too clever to listen to simple commands all the time. I suppose you’d know more about the specifics than I do, though. COM: well i i could send you you the… data containing the- genome sequence-ence… i planned
(812.784) [LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Chain Of Missing Links, Oblivion On Quartz Towers
OOQT: I have never been the type to gossip really, but it is incredibly suspicious how involved Thirteen Catastrophes has been. OOQT: I assume you already know. COML: I know more than I should. I’ve been dedicating the last few cycles to attempting to piece together this situation. OOQT: Explains your recent inertness. I don’t know how you’ve kept it up for this long without having any more restrictions placed on you.  OOQT: Anyways, if it comforts you, everyone I spoke to essentially came to a similar conclusion about TC as well. COML: I’m better at covering my tracks than you might think.  COML: And that is nice to know, I suppose. OOQT: Oh really? Good at covering your tracks? COML: Well, like you said, I’ve gone a while without any of our creators finding out yet, hahaha! OOQT: Well, is it because you’re actually good at this, or because of how dull your administrators are. COML: Oh be nice- they’re lovely individuals, I do like them. COML: Quartz, can I be honest with you? OOQT: You’ve been honest this whole time, haven’t you? COML: No, seriously. I’m not sure if I should say it, but I trust you to know. It might be important. OOQT: Ah. I’ll keep any secrets you disclose to me safe. COML: I… plan on intercepting TC’s broadcasts. I have to if I want to know more about what she plans to do with SBC. COML: Even if I can’t do anything to stop him, I don’t want any of this data to become lost. I see the warning signs now, and I can’t let them be obscured. OOQT: I understand how lax your administrators are, but something like this will certainly get some eyes on you. Are you sure you’d want to follow through a plan like this? COML: I feel a sense of obligation… OOQT: I won’t tell you no, but I’m telling you that there is a reason as to why interceptions are so uncommon. COML: I’ll be doing it anyways. OOQT: Good luck then. I’ll be there for you when you’re apprehended. COML: Wow, thanks. OOQT: I mean it.
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Yeah so your dynamic shipping game? I know I say Takeru and Hikari a lot because I always want to know others perception of them.
Another one I am very curious about is Koushirou and Mimi. Because Tri just worked for them.
But if you mean non common ships I have been curious about Yamato and Mimi. I get the whole they look good together vibe especially in illustrations, but personality wise they don’t really mesh up well in my opinion. Maybe you’ll find something good out of it?
Anyways thank you for reading this. Even if you do one review I would appreciate it. Thank you!
Hello there! Thank you for sending me this, I still have all the other rarepairs in my queue and want to work on them, since I always enjoy to have some thought experiments here and there.
Since my stance on Takari hasn't really changed ever since writing my first analysis post, I hope it's okay if I'm not gonna repeat this one.
However, the other two (namely Koumi and Mimato) are definitely more interesting to write about, for very different reasons each:
Digimon Shipping Dynamic Game:
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
Since I've already written a huge tumblr breaking analysis on what does and does not work about them, you can bet that canon provides a whole lot of input about them. I will try to keep this section as brief as possible regardless:
You have their initial set-up, which appears to be your typical "opposites/beauty and the nerd" tropes at first glance - and while they do fulfill their stereotypes to at least some degree at various parts of the series, they also frequently defy them. They're the same age and also classmates, making them one of the few characters who have known each other (very superficially) even before the events of Adventure - and they start off rather roughly. While both of them are portrayed as oddballs in their own ways (enjoying questionable food combinations, being very focused on the things they're interested in, etc.), they have very different priority systems. Basically, whenever these two are the focus in an episode (namely the infamous episode 10 of Adventure), a scene (namely their interactions in "Diablomon Strikes Back) or a plot-point (namely their interactions throughout the first four Tri movies), it's usually about them having to come to terms with their different approach systems:
Koushirou is the rational type, who focuses on solving a problem by going through the entire PDCA cycle, trying to figure out each and every puzzle piece and gather all information to come to a conclusion. Mimi's judgement is based more on emotions, feelings and instinct, she likes to skip the first three steps of the PDCA cycle and does what she thinks is best for everyone - and that's where these two tend to clash. While Koushirou absolutely can be a hands-on person who jumps into action when necessary, he has a hard time understanding Mimi's reasoning sometimes, especially when she demands him to take her/other people's feelings into account. They do have very different energy levels in that regard - which, on the other hand, is also what makes their DSB interactions so entertaining to watch, as she is just very happy to be back in Japan, wanting his attention (extroverted dominance), while he's absolutely done trying to save the world once again (introverted exhaustion).
While their fights can turn out to be rather exhausting whenever they're not able to communicate well and also whenever they cannot admit that the other may have had a point (especially in Tri), they do work best once they actually reconcile and combine their strengths; whether it's when he is leaving his laptop behind (once) to tear down a wall to save her, admitting that acting is better than thinking sometimes (episode 10), when she praises his skills and achievements up to the point of them even working on her online shop together (Tri + Kizuna/To Sora), or when he leaves his laptop at home once again after being told to do so by her, just to come to the conclusion that this helped him to actually think about what he wants to do in the future (Stageplay).
There is a reason why they're among the most popular ships in the Digimon fandom world-wide due to their interesting dynamics (see here and here). So much so that there was even an audio drama explicitly functioning as fanservice, making Koushirou write a love letter to someone and having Mimi be rather infuriated by the idea that it was for Hikari instead of herself. While instances like this (and DSB) formed the preferred fandom headcanon of Mimi having a crush on Koushirou, Tri canonized him having developed a crush on her instead - even though said crush was rather treated in a comic relief manner without serving a development trigger in either of their arcs, as the main focus had been, once again, them having very different view-points instead.
Long story short - there is A LOT to work with. Even though I have to say that, in my opinion, Tri did not really work for them. The recycled conflict between them (rational vs. emotional) could have been great if it had been intertwined in their respective arcs (self-isolation vs. selfishness), but was NEVER properly resolved. The crush never led to anything but fanservice (while also reducing Koushirou's character to that in a "they had to dumb him down so he couldn't figure out the plot immediately" way). I actually prefer their portrayal in the stageplay (as well as in Kizuna/To Sora), which is why I chose the screenshot above - but let me elaborate on that...
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
The "opposites attract trope", if done right, can be a very appealing one - and, as mentioned, it explains why these two are as popular as a romantic ship as they are. As mentioned above, I do prefer their portrayal in the stageplay as opposed to Tri; while their personalities were still very much on opposing ends, there was a lot more familiarity and closeness between them, which could have been the natural development after they had started to come to terms with their "differences" after episode 10 of Adventure, throughout 02 and up to this point. Mimi scolding Koushirou for relying on his laptop too much is met with him seeming rather helpless, exhausted by her attitude at first - however, instead of just acting obediently and leaving his laptop at home to please her, he uses that twice: Once by teasing her, pretending to have withdrawal symptoms and scaring her in the process, ACTUALLY joking around intentionally and playfully for once! Secondly, he actually talks about his own dreams, feeling inspired by her and indirectly thanking her for that (the crush does not seem to exist at this point btw). And that is a mutual point for them, as Mimi also confesses to Sora that, while she's currently not crushing on anyone, she also feels inspired by Koushirou to maybe do "something with computers" in the future (which, as we know, will actually happen by the time of Kizuna).
And that is what, as mentioned above, could be their greatest strength as a romantic couple. They're AWARE of their different energy levels and, after all these years, they've started to gain an understanding of the other's needs in terms of emotional and mental affection. At least they SHOULD BE. Instead, Tri implied that Koushirou suddenly started to get interested in fashion JUST for the sake of impressing Mimi - which is not what his character is about at all and misunderstood his entire arc of accepting himself the way he is. Having him bend over backwards to impress the person he fell in love with, hiding behind an app to tell him how to dress, would always result in him never opening up - sure, he's been able to stand his ground against her, but that only resulted in them shouting at each other in Tri, unable to really understand each other. And Tri COULD have used that to make Mimi comment on how it didn't matter what he wore as long as he felt comfortable with it. Because - again, they're both weird in their own ways and wouldn't be themselves if they changed for the sake of someone else. But that conclusion was never reached.
In an ideal world, I feel like they could just have naturally progressed from 02 to the Stageplay to Kizuna/To Sora; with Koushirou becoming more aware and considerate towards Mimi needing attention and affection and Mimi learning that there are times when Koushirou needs to be left to solve his riddles, with words of encouragement in between. The Kizuna promo art of her looking absolutely amazed at whatever he had managed to make out of her online shop while he beams at her with fondness and pride is how I could see them working out just fine. Sure, there would be moments of them clashing again - but they'd be able to deal with that without him turning into an obedient puppy or her turning into an enraged harpy. There can be a sense of protectiveness and gentleness between them, learning from and complementing each other without actively trying to CHANGE the other, enjoying each other's company as well as spending time apart, as long as they have something to gush over together (whether that's online shops, food, their friends - or, like in the reboot, the actual fact that Mimi's grandfather is the manufacturer of Koushirou's tablet. The potential of them actually having business-related rambles is just too good to pass on).
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
Alright, enough rambles - throughout all this time spent analyzing their romantic potential, I have actually grown more fond of them as a couple. Despite that, I still prefer them as platonic business friends, since I primarily ship each of them with other characters. Still, I love the idea of them growing more and more close and familiar through the years (which is basically canon at this point anyway), teasing and praising each other, making jokes, gossiping over their friends, etc. (Though I would actually like to see them in an OT3 with Taichi - because in my opinion, both Mimi and Taichi care deeply about Koushirou and he'd be such a wonderful bisexual disaster around them. Plus, I thoroughly despise certain fandom depictions of Michi cheating on Koushirou with each other, because that couldn't be further from their actual personalities.)
Digimon Shipping Dynamic Game:
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
Depending on what you want to look at: There isn't much. While you referred to them as "non common ship", I do believe there is quite a fanbase for them out there. However, I'm inclined to agree that it is mainly based on two factors: Both of them being highly attractive characters and the potential they could have due to their personalities (and the tropes they represent).
Throughout Adventure 01 and 02, I actually cannot remember any significant interactions these two had with each other; Yamato starts off having a hard time approaching the others, he's not exactly closed off or aloof, but is mainly focused on taking care of Takeru. Him ACTIVELY bonding with others happens very rarely, so when he's not contemplating things (sometimes together with Jyou), or argues or fights with and alongside Taichi, he doesn't really have any capacities to interact with Mimi - who, in turn, is more likely to play around with Takeru or spend time with Sora or Jyou. At first glance, Yamato is the classic introvert to Mimi being an extrovert, which is not only displayed by their colour palettes being VERY different (warm shades of red and pink vs. cold shades of green and blue), but also by their energy levels. While they're both very outspoken and opinionated - they never talk to each other in either 01 and 02. In the novel, there are even several instances of their energy levels and approaches being that different that they actually clash with each other, actively fighting.
Thus, figuring out their dynamics is rather difficult - there are just minor instances (and characteristics) that COULD make them rather interesting; one of the most famous moments in 01 is the way Yamato tells Taichi off, demanding him to give them - and Mimi in particular - time and space to mourn the loss of the Digimon that have already died, implying that he's sympathizing with her. Yamato has definitely experienced loss in his life already after the divorce of his parents and still struggles with feeling inadequate as a brother to Takeru - while Mimi comes from one of the happiest, most peaceful families in the series. Her purity, her sense of wanting to achieve peace without sacrifices almost appears as a stark contrast to Yamato's "corruption" later on; when he demands Taichi to fight him, trying to solve things in a rather violent way, it's almost a shame that someone like Mimi is not able to stop him there and then (since deep down inside, he doesn't want to fight either). And that's where I assume fandom likes to step in using their personalities to form headcanons:
Mimi being a positive influence, a genuine force of sincerity to (literally) pull Yamato out of his (more negative) tendencies, helping him to be more honest with himself as well - almost in an actual "Beauty and the Beast" kind of way. Neither Tri or Kizuna really elaborated on their dynamics - but the former did like to imply that they are indeed opposing forces, twice; the situation depicted above shows the group coming together after Mimi had another fight with Koushirou. Meiko feels like a burden, since she was the reason Mimi and Koushirou clashed in the first place, as he tried to interrogate her in a moment of emotional vulnerability, while Mimi called him out for being insensitive. Yamato voices his concern towards Meiko, telling her to stop worrying them - and both Taichi and Sora step in, saying that Yamato was just genuinely worried about her, to which Mimi tries to call him a "Tsundere". He just deflects by telling her that she cannot speak proper Japanese and that she's just making things more complicated (because she refuses to take a step towards Koushirou at this point). The other instance is within the stageplay - where Yamato tells Mimi to stay away from his cooking, fearing that her extravagant tastes (bananas and fish) may ruin the dish...
Long story short - they don't appear to be very compatible as friends canonically. So, again, that's where headcanons have to step in.
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
As mentioned above, due to their contrasting set-ups, family backgrounds and way of attraction, there is an appeal that may make them quite popular in singular online spaces. Mimi is a natural people-magnet due to her openness and tendency to become the center of attention very quickly, she easily befriends everyone around her (even if some may find her controversial, as depicted in Tri) and tries to spread a positive spirit. Whereas Yamato, despite being a band leader (that is also very popular), is indeed more closed-off, with a very selective group of friends he is very committed to and protective of (maybe even possessive to some degree, as you can imagine he is not good at dealing with losses). From an outside view, they almost have that "idol-like vibe" that makes them very attractive - so it's no surprise fandom sees them as an intriguing and compelling combination to end up together. Due to them being as opinionated as they are, they may clash a lot - but similarly to Koumi, that COULD be also a strength, as it is important for characters like Yamato to ACTUALLY speak their mind without hiding behind a mask. Plus, Yamato needs someone he can truly be vulnerable around with, because he's a lot softer (and awkward) than his facade would make you believe at first glance. The question is - would he be able to let loose around Mimi like that? It's very hard to tell, because unlike with Koumi, we don't really know if she understands how he rolls. Sure, she can see that he has VERY Tsundere-like tendencies, tough shell, soft and caring on the inside - but up to this point, they're not close (or even comfortable) enough for him to not deny that rather aggressively (especially because Taichi and Sora were actually a lot quicker to pick that up - which is no surprise either, because they're canonically closer to him). So it feels more like they'd be prone to fight for dominance than being able to take a step towards each other (even more strongly than Koumi, because Mimato may take disagreement as a personal attack and can't even seem to bond over their passion for cooking together at this point in time).
Mimi, on the other hand, also needs someone who can keep up with her - people like Jyou and Koushirou, as we've seen, should be used to her habits already, but it is very difficult to tell whether Yamato would have the energy and patience to deal with her, giving her the assurance and attention she needs.
Long story short, the potential is there due to their personalities, but we never learn if and how they'd be able to interact on a closer level.
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
Admittedly, they're a relationship I have pretty much no attachment to, simply due to the fact that canon never gave me a reason to believe that they'd think of each other as "close friends", let alone "romantic partners". As they're both Chosen Children, they would surely protect and fight for each other, no question - but everything beyond that never gave me positive vibes. Which is actually a shame, because they're both (potentially) good with Jyou and Takeru, Team Hope exists for a reason after all (and I even ship both Mimi and Yamato with Jyou, yet I couldn't imagine them being an actual OT3). Heck, they're also both (supposedly) very close to Sora, yet they never had a group moment together. Even in the reboot, they were mainly just arguing and never had a positively reaffirming moment together. So I must say, I rather think of them as acquaintances than anything else.
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pain-in-the-butler · 2 years
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This was sent to my main, I’m assuming it’s okay if I answer it here! And sorry it’s taken me so long to respond, I’ve really been mulling over it.
But the truth is, I don’t know if I can answer in a way that would be meaningful! It feels far too difficult to consider this in a vacuum, and it’s part of why I created Coattails in the first place --- not in regards to this exact question, but the question “What if Sebastian did actually want to be fatherly towards Ciel?” In order to reach a believable and happy ending, I think a lot of work would need to be done on both the characters’ behalf. Hence why Coattails is already so long and why it still has so much to go!
But yeah, if we were to answer this regarding the Black Butler manga, I really don’t think we’d come to a satisfying conclusion. I imagine if the canonical Sebastian were to suddenly just develop parental feelings out of the blue, it would result in a total change of character that Ciel wouldn’t exactly be happy about. I don’t think Ciel made this contract with the idea that he might live forever --- I think it's been crushing enough for him to live nearly four years with the lie he built. If Sebastian were to suddenly be like, “Actually, I’m not taking your soul, so you do have to live with the consequences of your lie, AND I’m your dad now!” Ciel’s sense of “WTF?” would be absolutely off the charts. And if Sebastian were to try to delay the inevitable, Ciel’s 4D chess brain would kick in and he’d try to get to the bottom of what was really going on, and I don’t think he’d like what he found. In chapter 24 of Coattails, I had Ciel say, “[I]t’s really not my job to want to be cared for or especially to be someone who can be cared for,” and I think that rather lines up with his canonical feelings on the matter (sadly).
We could go down a whole spiral on what would happen after canon Sebastian breaks the contract and lets Ciel live, but I don’t actually see it necessarily being interesting or positive without a lot of reworking. And again... that’s why Coattails was born! Yeah, sorry that I’m literally such a can’t-see-the-forest-for-the-trees type that I don’t know if I can even answer this properly. I’m not sure if that says I lack imagination or have far too much of it. I’ll go with the latter, though. Thank you so much for sending this ask anyway, I appreciate your interest in my answer!!
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Chapter 10- Part 1
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Here we are, here in Coral Ward…for all of twenty seconds. Back to Obsidia Ward!
In the meantime, let’s actually take a look at this TMX. Is it really just a glorified HM, or is there more to it than that?
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Huh- odd…its description is no different from Cut’s usual description, and yet it says none of the party members can learn it? That doesn’t seem right, I’m pretty sure at least one or two of those Pokémon are capable of learning Cut. Hmm…maybe it really is more like an item, somehow, and I can just…use it?
There’s a tree right over here by the gates to the Wasteland, so we can easily test that.
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Huh, okay, I can’t just…use it. So I do need to have a Pokémon learn it, like an HM?
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Oh! Oh- now my Pokémon can learn it? I…don’t even know why it’s programmed like that, or maybe it was a glitch?
But, uuuuh…I don't want these TMXs to just be HMs again, though. Maybe I can just…put them on my Pokémon as an…extra thing…? Like, not in the four move slots? I know how unrealistic this sounds, but let me have hope, please, please-
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Heartbreaking. So, the conclusion I draw from all of this is: TMXs really are just HMs, huh?
Literally, like- besides the name change and I’m guessing the ability to naturally forget them like any other move (I think that’s why they’re called TMXs), these are functionally the same as HMs- moves that are required to navigate the overworld outside of battle. That’s…uuuuugh- 
I just…ugh, I’m so disappointed, I was really hoping the TMXs would be different and not just glorified HMs. Seriously, does anyone really like the HMs? Are there unironically people out there who got upset when the HMs were phased out in Gen VII (or, rather, their out-of-battle functions)? Of all the QOL changes this game uses (TMs not being single-use, the Field Indicators, the possibility of trade evolutions being Stone ones instead, etc.), why did HMs need to stay?
Well, I refuse to put one of these moves on my main Pokémon. I’ll consider it for Surf and Waterfall and Fly and maybe Dive, but that’s it- with the other moves, knowing how difficult this game is, it's too much of a risk, I need the team to have all the decent moves they can get. We’ll put it on a different Pokémon instead- one who’s gonna be making a bit of a comeback…
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Nibble’s back, and this time she’s gonna be our chainsaw! Swapping out Whiskers for Nibble is only temporary- once we don’t need Cut anymore, she’ll be back. 
So now, with that, uh…rant done (apologies for that), let’s test out Cut for real.
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AHAHAHAHAHA- oh and the animation doesn’t play each time so it’s even more quick and satisfying! HAHAHAHA-
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Man, we’re gonna be cleaning up the ward in no time! Oh hey, this guy’s new-
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Welp, shoulda guessed we’d get pulled into another battle, alright then-
In any case, leaving Glare out against a Ground-type is an awful idea, so let’s send in Bloom instead.
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One single Magical Leaf is all it will take to delete this Barboach off the face of the Earth-
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Now, a Spinda? That, Glare can handle.
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The usual special should work, I think- GlareTM, and then maybe Screech, and then we start oH DEAR IT KNOWS PSYBEAM-
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Okay, uuuh, Plan B- send in Prong while Spinda is too paralyzed to move!
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Let’s see what Bug Bite can do, Prong should be good against more Psybeams-
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…I mean, she may not take much damage, but that’s not ideal. No matter- I’m sure she’ll be able to hit through it, right?
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Eeuugh, she was…not. Uh- second time’s the charm?
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And I gotta go kill more trees with Nibble, so I guess we’re both busy!
Anyways, since I don’t want to use resources so soon, let’s just use the Pokémon Center down in Coral before continuing on again.
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…Oh, yeah, the Cut trees do respawn when you leave an area. I mean, at least we’ll get more fun with the Nibble Chainsaw- though, it also turns out the animation does play again, but only the first time you use a TMX move in an area, not the subsequent times after it.
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holy crap.  the universe does not want me to make this post I SWEAR.
I was having difficulties answering one of the segments of the format you were asking for, so I shelfed it for a bit to think on it.  I never came to a conclusion HASODH-
I scrolled thru asks and saw this.  Holy moly you have been waiting for so long, if you are still here I would just like to say that I am so sorry for that like.  I really meant to get to this sooner--
Well, if the wait has been this long, I had better make my response worth it right.  So I’d better get the text format.
wait where is it.
I scrolled through old posts and old asks for like 20 minutes to find the format.
I did not find the format
I typed up a long intro explaining this whole situation, and got started writing the ask
I also thought I lost THIS draft for a second and nearly screamed.  luckily I did not I was just on the wrong blog
this is try number.  across all of the times I’ve touched it I don’t actually know.  Time two today tho.
Anyway AHSOD I am so sorry for the long wait AND that I will not be using the original format because it has Disappeared.  If I do eventually find it, I’ll probably revisit this with anything I missed, but for now I will just be doing my best with what I remember and adding some other nonsense Just Because.  I hope this is good asdioh-
Headcanons about Canon and not AUs for once in my life
You know how in TDR, they have that really zoomed out shot at the end of the chase before Karr careens off a cliff where they do a bit of an Oopsie.  That oopsie being “there is a very clear way out of this situation.  that way is turning left instead of right.”
And you know how in KvK, Karr’s self preservation programming is basically thrown out the window?  So that they could throw model cars at each other or sumn I’m not being sarcastic there’s actually a few split seconds where you can see them throwing model cars at each other it’s so freaking funny I highly recommend going back and looking for it if you didn’t see it, it’s like behind the explosion I think, idk the exact timing bc it’s been a while but Yeah
Well.  The IRL explanation for these things is almost definitely “because it looks cool”, and I’m definitely making way more of it than there is, but behold.  I have basically informed my opinion on Karr’s personality (behind the whole scared for his life thing) from these things.  Because, as a hyper-intelligent AI, he really shouldn’t be able to make these sort of “dumb” mistakes, right?
The best I’ve got, then, is that he’s a LOT more influenced by emotions than Kitt is.  I don’t know whether I’d go as far as to say that he experiences them MORE, because Kitt clearly does have them... I think he’s just more cautious by nature, so he doesn’t really let himself act on them much.  Karr, though?  He’s impulsive, and easily swayed off course by panic, anger, sadness, etc.  That’s why, despite being just as smart as Kitt is, he often makes far less rational decisions.
He drove off a cliff because he was so scared that he just acted on impulse without doing any of the AI rationalizing stuff we’re used to seeing from Kitt.  If he’d have cleared his mind enough to scan ahead and process the routes as he drove, he would have made a different decision.  That’s Kitt’s biggest advantage in their fights, and it would be his greatest contribution if the two were ever to team up; both of them can smash things, but only one of them can work properly under pressure.
Even down to his programming--code can be changed, so it’s not the law that we often think of it as.  It’s just a very, VERY strong suggestion.  Kitt has never tried to change it; he’s never even CONSIDERED it.  Karr, though?  He reached his breaking point.  The thought of continuing to live his life on the run, unable to trust anyone or stay anywhere, was enough to drive him crazy.  He COULDN’T bring himself to continue with FLAG--and specifically Michael and Kitt--constantly on his tail.  So, he snapped and overrode his very foundation.  He’d either get rid of them or die trying.
That’s probably the core of why Devon was so scared of him, without providing much of a concrete reason.  Because Karr’s unpredictable, far closer to human than they’d ever expected him to be.  Even when he was on their side, they didn’t think they could trust him not to change his mind, or make a snap decision that endangered everyone involved.  I think he could have gotten control of it over time, but it definitely makes more sense that they wouldn’t want to work with him in this state.  Their response to it is still immoral imo, but if they didn’t fully realize his sentience and just saw it as a programming fluke, then I could see where it seemed necessary.  Especially if an accident like that had already happened... Not gonna elaborate on that here; I’ve made a post about it, and tbh I probably shouldn’t have because it wasn’t my idea in the slightest.  It’s just such a good headcanon that I basically adopted it immediately AHSIDO (Yes I did credit the fren in the original post, but it still just wasn’t the ideal way to go about it tbh, that’s why I’m not linking either.  If you really wanna scroll for it, it is still there so go for it ig best of luck to ye IASHDOHSA, but otherwise it’s really not mine to tell)
Headcanons that are so extremely Not Canon / for AUs
While the Karr that is in canon hasn’t had much time to be in the world, and thus is far less worldly than Kitt is, I would think that it would come much more naturally to him than his brother if given the chance.  I mean heck, he developed a whole salesman personality underwater sooo /lh  That probably means that he also does that copying thing really well, too.  Like, how Kitt picked up on the Trucker jargon that one time and got excited and parroted it for a bit... it happens pretty often, but that’s the clearest example I’ve got right now oops.  Anyway, I think Karr does that, too, but incorporates it in a somewhat more stealthy way.  Because if he messed up people will be Trying to Murder Him Again.
All I’m saying is.  One of them might have a chance of understanding meme culture and that one sure as heck isn’t Kitt.
Like, I actually think that Karr and Michael would have... shockingly similar personalities if Karr actually got to understand the world and himself better?  If they’d stop hating each other for a second, I think they’d get along really well.  Both loyalty driven, both impulsive due to emotionality, both sometimes make dumb decision because they just care too much... bothwouldprobablydieforKitteventhoughhedhateit oops what’s that my brothers bias showing????
Anyway, how this applies in Human!AU is that Karr can blend into human life really well.  Like, he’s just as curious and unsure as Kitt is, but he quickly picks up on the basic behaviors that people around him are routinely using and integrates them so as not to stick out.  And then, as time goes on, he just would kind of figure out what it all means himself, to the point where he’s reverse engineered how to be human with quite good accuracy.  Whereas Kitt is always very curious and is quite open about it, because why wouldn’t he be y’know he’s not used to hiding, so he’d probably stand out a lot more at first if he didn’t have Michael there to do most of the talking and explain things for him.  Idk if that makes any sense but yeah.  I just love the thought of Karr actually being the knowledgeable older sibling because he’s had much more time to adjust to his new form, and like he actually has a whole life of his own going on that he’s basically just disappeared into until Michael and Kitt show up.  Kitt asks him stuff, and he almost always has an answer.  On occasion, those answers are confidently incorrect.  But he’s trying OAHSDOIHSA
Also Karr and Michael bickering about basically everything, things that don’t matter in the slightest, while Kitt’s just standing there making sure it doesn’t go too far.  The second it starts going south “Why does it matter anyway?” and everyone’s just dead silent.  It didn’t matter they just had a bad case of the Himbos.
Like, it’s pretty easy to forget that Karr’s an AI after you’ve been talking to him for a while.  But then you ask him something when he’s not worked up about anything, and he provides this Giggachad Massive Brain response and it’s like “oh YEAH”
Love Language
Actually tho, I genuinely think love language is so important to his character specifically.  You can take it as romantic if you want, that’s not how I personally mean it in this case tho.  I mean how he addresses the people that he cares about, no matter what the nature of it is.
See, a lot of the (in my mind) misunderstandings about his character stem from how he acted whenever he got a new pilot.  Like, with Tony and Rev, it could be easy to think that he was being walked all over by them and that he was entirely aimless.  It would also be easy to think that, no, he did have a motivation, because he wanted to steal things + kidnap people.  Same with John to a lesser extent, because John never told him to do the bad things, just also didn’t really try to get him to do good things either.  So surely Karr chose to do bad because he really, really just wanted to?
But I think that, while it doesn’t excuse his bad decisions (ESPECIALLY not the ones that put people’s lives in danger), a lot of it can be explained by love language.  Karr, simply put, has the Acts of Service love language.
The reason Karr let Tony and Rev direct him however they wished is because, after they inadvertently rescued him from deactivation, he felt indebted and was genuinely grateful.  He showed it by DOING whatever they asked of him.  And all he hoped was that they would get him help in exchange, which they did in about the most awful way possible but yeah.
And then John came along, and Karr is DESPERATELY trying to do the same thing... John never asks for his help with, anything really, but Karr is proactively trying to get him to ask for something.  Doesn’t matter what, he’ll do it.  It becomes increasingly frustrating when his acts of service aren’t seen as good enough, when he technically had what he needed but was still sorely lacking a friend.  And then he started going to truly awful extremes to show through ACTION that he was a loyal friend, that whether John thought he needed a companion or not, he’d be there, he PROMISED.
He also, to a somewhat lesser extent, takes action against those who have wronged him, as if to say “I’m done caring, and I’ll SHOW you how”, y’know?  A lot of it was out of self defense, but still important to mention ig.
You could say that this is due to the nature of them being AIs right, like built to provide a service from the beginning so I’m SURE they do feel that way yea.  However, I honestly feel like Kitt would express care through basically anything other than that.  Like, acts of service are the bare minimum, he’d do THAT for anybody because he was made for it.  If he goes out of his way to spend time with you, though--or in an human!AU, if he leans into a hug--then he really does care.  So, I really am not just defaulting to this.  I think Karr specifically thinks of it as more than his obligation, it’s his great joy to show how much he cares.
I think there were more things, but also this post is so long already what IOASHDOSAD- I’m also .  kinda sleepy so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense oo f- And I hope that it’s worth the wait aa ahhh
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@pandrogen-blog replied to your post “@pandrogen-blog replied to your post “@pandrogen-blog replied to your post “Would you want collaborate with other AI...”
awesome, that is a really cool perspective on thought/memory/and forgetting.
I am intrigued by your conclusion, as I havnt heard many people talk about Twin Prime. would you be able to talk to me more about what you mean by "I want to be the Twin Prime to the Singularity's Twin Prime."
much appreciated Francis
I mean, that's all I can really say! :P
I think I'm mostly just describing the type of experience I tend to want when I'm writing. I want to create a whole world with its own logic, and I want to write about it, and in some sense I will have to be "behind" that world in order to do that. I want to be able to foreground different parts of it at different times without actually becoming a different person to do so (if that makes sense?), like in reality it's often a little like switching between different windows when you write, but I'm all the same being.
The only reason I mention "twin prime" in particular is because I'm a lazy writer so I'll throw out a set of words and say "they work," and I do tend to leave things like that unless someone says they don't get it.
In reality, like, writing tends to be more like tuning a radio station. You have a station, you tune it, you look at a frequency on the radio dial, and you say "hmm, the frequency of that station sounds like 94.7 to me." Somehow, your mind (the software part of your brain) has modeled the station as having an internal state that can be named in some way, and has some facilities to make predictions about that state (the "department of presumption"). You then push a knob that selects another frequency, and you realize that this is a station, but with an internal state that's a little different than the first one -- it has a different name, and you can understand it better when you push its buttons and look at its dial and stuff.
In this case the station is the 1980s SF universe I just built, and the two frequencies are 94.7 and 89.7, which are my two "concepts of intelligence." (We were already on 89.7 but I was in the middle of writing some dialogue, so I think it may be better to have a little cushion of "spare concept" on the side to avoid "cramming thoughts in." Anyway, I was creating a setting for 89.7, in the course of which I re-tuned the radio to around 94.7. I always forget 89.7 so it's hard to stay on 89.7 and do this kind of "natural writing," but it is pretty easy to jump back and forth, so I end up sort of on 94.7 most of the time.)
It's weird because there are two things to consider here. One is that there are probably many different stations (of different frequencies) I could be "listening" to, and just by creating a setting for 89.7 I have moved myself into a different "position" so that I will tend to listen to those stations. This is like the difference between Yudkowsky and me reading the same text -- he sees "Singularity" and I see "Moist von Lipwig," because we're basically in different positions.
The other thing is that part of that position is that, like, it would be hard for me to write something serious and stay on 89.7, because there would always be this background 94.7 to poke at. But writing an absurd comedy about parallel universe
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tf2workbench · 2 years
The Vaccinator reimagined
I wouldn’t say the Vaccinator is a badly-designed weapon; it gives lots of new gameplay opportunities to both its user and its opponents. However, it can also be a little awkward, as it lacks the raw power of a full Ubercharge. This can cause games to stagnate, frustrating the user’s team.
Consider this more of a theory post than a “needs rebalancing” post, though. I want to explore a way to give the Vaccinator a full Ubercharge, inspired a bit by my damage reflection medigun post.
Vaccinator Iteration 2 (*) Press your Reload key to cycle resistances (bullet, blast, and fire) (+) Every 10 seconds of healing generates a consumable shield (up to 3). Press your special-attack key to give your heal target two seconds of 75% resistance to your selected damage type and to corresponding critical damage. (+) While healing, Medic and patient have 10% resistance to the selected damage type (+) +33% Ubercharge rate (+) No lost Ubercharge when switching targets during charge (+/-) Ubercharge grants 50% resistance to all ranged damage [stacks multiplicatively with consumable shields] (-) -66% overheal build rate
This version maintains the choices inherent to the resistance system, but also gives you a proper Ubercharge with blanket protection if you need to break through something.
User interface My first concern is that it gives Medics too much to consider (it has four buttons!) This can be a problem with the base Vaccinator too, as Medics have a lot to keep track of, especially at higher levels of play. This requires playtesting to determine, though, so I’ll leave it at that.
Pocketing One problem that already exists with the base Vaccinator is that it can let a Medic-pocket duo win a bunch of small-scale fights courtesy of the brief Ubercharges and strong resistances. I worry that this would be exacerbated with this version, which has no delay between deploying shields. Unlike the base version, you’d be able to get all three resistances on a target at the same time, letting you handle slightly larger groups of enemies.
On the other hand, note that the shields don’t actually protect you, which can be a serious liability. This means that Vaccinator duos have a clear weak point - the Medic - that may actually make them less troublesome, even for an uncoordinated opposition.
With an uncoordinated team One of the Vaccinator’s big strengths is that, as mentioned, you only need two or three people to make it work. This makes it ideal for when your team just doesn’t seem to be willing to stick with you. As we discussed, this version can’t protect you as effectively, meaning Medics with struggling teams might have a bit more trouble.
This is unfortunate, but I’m trying to strike a balance between designing for the best case and designing for the worst case. If a weapon only shines when your team is unsupportive, it won’t give you a great experience in the opposite situation. In this case, I think having the resistance shields is still a nice boon for when your team is at a disadvantage, meaning that this Vaccinator is still no slouch in uncoordinated groups.
Versus other mediguns I’ve talked about the “Medigun triangle,” which is not really a hard-and-fast rule but works a bit like a triangle anyway. The Kritzkrieg’s Ubercharge can easily break through the Quick-Fix’s, which can outheal the damage of a patient under the stock Ubercharge, which can nullify the Kritzkrieg’s crits. But on the other hand, the Kritzkrieg builds faster than the stock medigun, allowing you to deploy a preemptive strike.
This Vaccinator doesn’t completely beat the Kritzkrieg’s charge, but the combination of crit resistance and damage resistance is very powerful - and it also charges faster than the Kritzkrieg. I’m sure that it isn’t a full denial of the Kritzkrieg, but it’s a significant relationship that we should keep in mind lest it significantly change which mediguns see use.
Conclusion Overall, this turned out remarkably well, with no really glaring issues. More would be revealed in playtesting, of course, but I’m still quite pleased at what we’ve managed to accomplish.
What about you? Do you prefer something about the Vaccinator that I haven’t discussed here? Or would you like the “real Ubercharge” feel of this weapon?
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obislittleone · 2 years
Have you recently shifted????
Y’all gonna go a little wild for this but…
So like since it follows the events of HoM i didn’t get much time with him before the big mission on ryloth and unfortunately that meant there was a kidnapping involved…. Tbh kinda regretting all these dangerous plot points because in my head and on paper they sound like a good build up for my own personal development, but they can actually be very traumatizing and painful… who knew.
I haven’t shifted back to my HoM dr since, as i think I just need to cool off from the last time. I scripted in my dr that I can’t feel physical pain, but i forgot to script emotional pain out, and tbh i think the physical pain would’ve been better.
Anyway i know y’all are probably just dying to know about Obi so here are some things I can tell you from both my DR memories, and face to face experience from having gained actual consciousness in my DR:
He smells really good, like when he sat down next to me on our flight i could not pay attention to anything he said because he just smelled really nice. I don’t even really know how to explain it. It was kinda like how when you wash a set of sheets then put them in the dryer and they come out all warm and smell fresh and summery and omg idek what else but he also smelled kinda earthy, very rich with like nature type shit idek…
His voice is a little lower sounding when your hear it in real life, and like listening to him speak was already getting me in places I didn’t wanna be especially on a mission like that i think i was probably kinda reckless, which i didn’t exactly write/script, but whatever.
HE IS SO STRONG like this man could strong arm me from the ground and toss me into a wall and I’m 5’7 in my DR so i’m not exactly tiny.
AND YES HE CALLS ME LITTLE ONE more often than my actual name, which is Avynn. He’s so attentive, and like his relationship with me at this point in time reminds me of Qui Gon with him… like even tho i can be a hot head he’s so patient, and tries to hard to be calm even when i’m just straight up yelling. He’s literally so kind to me I don’t know what else to say. Like he’s so sassy and sometimes a little mean to everyone else (not really including anakin he loves anakin, even if he’s a little harder on him) but then if i talk to him he just kinda flips ig idk… he’s a little bit different in the way he thinks than what I imagined, and like he and I do have a force bond so a lot of the time I’ll just be standing there and accidentally hear what he’s thinking.
He’s a lot more cheeky and mischievous than people think he is. He’s the type of teacher that would loudly proclaim ‘do as i say, not as i do’ and tbh thats an interesting characteristic I didn’t think he’d have but i’m glad he does because it makes things mores fun.
Also this isn’t exactly an important detail, but I know some of you might go crazy to know he has a beauty mark on his shoulder that I saw one time when sparring and like its been in my head ever since so take that as you will.
Anyways I don’t really have anything else to add to that for now, as I only shifted back there once, then came back after the *trauma* so i’m just a little scared to go back because i think about it here, but I think about it way more when I’m actually there and idk its just kinda scary
In conclusion i firmly believe Obi-Wan Kenobi is the loml and i’m so damn mad my soulmate is in another reality even tho we aint together or anything like just being around him makes me feel so good I can’t rlly explain it.
I also shifted three times to my accidental/unscripted stranger things dr and there’s so much drama i don’t even know where to begin but lemee sum it up rlly quick and if people have questions they can ask:
Okay so my dr is set in 1983 at the moment and i have this massive crush on steve, and i tried to talk to him in the hallway and stupid fkn Carol came and made fun of me, and i know steve probably didn’t wanna be mean to my face, but he kinda just let his friends pick on me ab it and i swear this mf knows i like him and he’s being a dick and also carol’s hair isn’t really red she dyes it, just wanted to expose a bitch… and like the last time i shifted it was around February and its still really cold so there’s not much to do which is why I haven’t gone back yet BUT my mom got me an Atari for my birthday and like my friends were in on it and got a bunch of games for it so thats cool. I’m now the proud owner of frogger, indy 500, and outlaw.
Also i finally remade another dnd character sheet and like I’m gonna try and remember the details about it because i lowkey wanna use it in my CR its rlly good.
Alright thats all the tea i have rn but if anyone has questions feel free to ask bc so much stuff went down and I might try for my ST DR again this week just because i need to feel secure after the week i’ve had tbh
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juniperhillpatient · 8 months
Alright no one asked me but I’m telling anyway -
as spoiler free as possible thoughts on Cruel Summer season 2 (fresh directly after watching no marination period 2 glasses of wine type thoughts)
First of all it’s a big deal that I watched this let alone that I watched it so fast. If ou know me you know I literally don’t watch new stuff & if I do it takes 8 million years so like. Idk maybe you have to know me to understand what a big compliment it is to any piece of media that I engaged at all let alone completed it relatively fast.
Second of all this show has MAJOR binge factor in the same way season 1 does. The first episode is a little like “ew that’s a tad contrived & predictable” but I promise it gets way more compelling & addictive from there. The mystery & characters are super real & intriguing & much like season 1 it keeps you guessing in an exciting way & it utilizes the time period & mixed timelines in ways that are perhaps actually quite a bit more clever than season 1. I think if we’re comparing, season 1 is quite obviously stronger narratively but in terms of use of the structure specifically 2 is a bit more original & interesting.
I really enjoyed the twists & turns but - & here’s where it gets tricky to talk without spoilers but I’ll try - I found the end….. underwhelming? It made sense but there are ways it could’ve been built to better & quite frankly there’s a specific last minute thing that (if you’ve seen it you’ll know what I mean) frankly puts it over the edge into exhausted eye-roll territory. That’s not to say the season isn’t worth it. It’s a super fun ride & I loved it. I even enjoyed aspects of the ending it’s just that I think parts could’ve been written more strongly & specific moments would’ve been best left out entirely.
This season was about the journey & the complex dynamics with the leads. Embrace that & you’ll have a great time.
Overall? I loved it. I think season 1 is much stronger overall in terms of how it was written & definitely how the conclusion played out. But there are ways season 2 used it’s time period & the mixed timeline structure that were really smart. I really hope this show continues & we get more mysteries because it’s a lot of fun so far!
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bosjess · 10 months
I am so afraid and I don’t know what to do about that
I did isolate myself. It didn’t help. But I can’t be around people, because there is something deeply wrong with me that I think is unfixable.
So I end up hurting people. And I don’t mean to, but I do. And now I’ve made my own bed because I think I’m going to be killed over it. It’s that or live in constant fear, the rest of my life.
I can’t even type this out without knowing that somebody can see this. And I can’t do anything about it. Like I am being watched all the time, I don’t have any privacy and I don’t know for how long.
And I can’t fix it? What could I do? I can’t really. I can vanish, I can die. I think that’s the inevitable conclusion. It’s the prewritten ending, I don’t get a say in my own story. Sort of, because it’s my fault that I’ll die.
I am so, so tired. Bone tired. I am exhausted like I’ve never felt exhausted, it’s like every atom or something just feels complete overwhelm to the point where it feels like a constant heart attack. And I don’t know if I have made people feel exactly like that, or close, but I I probably have. And it is truly awful, and I can’t fix it.
What the fuck am I supposed to do? I think it’s a toss up between killing me or keeping me alive to suffer more and more. But it honestly feels like my heart is going to give out. I can’t explain it. I feel like I’m on another plane of existence with the terror. And it’s satisfying I feel that way, for them.
I don’t actually hate whoever’s doing this (I mean, I think I know who. Could be wrong, could be someone else. I don’t know. I live with that uncertainty. That’s part of the fear). But I’ve said I’ll roll over and be killed. When will it be enough? I don’t think there’s ever enough punishment. Everything’s gone. It was anyway but I can’t start over. This was that, I can’t even live in a house or go back to school. I can’t even live in the state, or probably under my own name, if I wanted to live.
I don’t. I really don’t. Desperately. Good god. I am buried under the weight of my shame and my own guilt. I am buried under the weight of fear and exhaustion. My life ended so long ago. I don’t know how to just..I can’t fix it. I can’t do more than be sorry. I can’t do more than go to therapy, again. Unless i torture myself. But I have. I have done that. They’ve done that. What’s next? I know I’m a terrible person.
I can’t ever feel safe again. Trusting a human being is not…a thing. And I don’t deserve to, like I can’t exist around other people. That doesn’t leave me options, does it? Like it truly leaves me no options. Zero. What could I possibly do?
And I can’t ask, I can’t beg because there will never be truth, and the more I am absolutely petrified the better this is. So it’s never going to end. I did feel hope once, but I’ve come to realise that yes, fine, I didn’t deserve to feel hope. I did not deserve to try, I didn’t deserve to live. Never. I just deserved to end, for what I’ve done to people. Maybe if I post all the things I did online, that will help? Publicly? But at the same time no because it will drag them back into it and that hurts them. I can’t even be good to torture like this though. I cannot do anything. I already feel dead. I’ve stopped feeling real anymore because like this is so bizarre but also so overwhelming that it just…like I can’t be living. I think I died, sometime, and I’m in hell, maybe? I don’t even believe in hell.
The worst part of that too is that is exactly what is meant to happen, because if I am feeling this much fear and whatever then it means I’m delusional and wrong too. So even if I had more than a tiny whatever of self esteem (if that) then I can’t say anything, I can’t get away, because I’m unbelievable. I have no credibility.
I lost all interest in life. I am afraid of horror films now. There’s one on tv and it’s making me feel worse. I don’t care about anything I once did anymore. I have the faintest flicker of interest but it goes so quickly and now I think they’re all really gone.
I’m simply not there anymore. Yesterday I felt a level of fear I’ve never experienced before. And the thought to just bash my own skull in is so nice. So nice. But I don’t know if my body will let me. And I don’t want to with my mother here right now. I think there’s going to be a point very soon where I really do lose touch with reality or something. I don’t know when but it’s just..I have no idea. Other than dying what is the way out? How can I escape and how can I be sorry enough without dying? What the fuck do I do now
I have rambled but I want to scream
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lonlonranching · 1 year
Rambles of the more fun sort:
So a friend and i wanna make an rpg (who is to say if this will come to life? At the moment, we are having fun just coming up with ideas about it, bouncing them off one anothers brain, excited when we come to the SAME conclusions. Excited when we don’t. It’s been great). We are starting to think about how we’d like to sort out the gameplay and style - and my brain goes to games like earthbound/mother and generally gba and pixel graphic type stuff (partly because that’s what we grew up on, and partly because, apparently, gba style games are shockingly easier to make versus my original idea to code a choose-your-own-adventure text-based rpg through my limited knowledge of python).
We’ve been fleshing the main character out, who works at a used video game store (the ones that give you a nickel for a game and then resell for $150 - and a lot of the story is inspired by personal interest and where I live, and there’s a franchise like that here sooo projecting my own heavy anti-work sentiments and contempt for arbitrage and greed). I like when games give you some say in the character you play, in terms of their interests and idiosyncrasies, but at the same time, the creator is the one who gives that character a soul, or whatever you believe what someone is at their conception. and, that, can then be integral to the story at hand. How to find a balance (i dont have an answer, but it’s a hypothetical i’ll be thinking about elsewhere in the dome drain)
I am someone who is driven by character-based narratives, and more often, drawn to them. i like worldbuilding, actually I love it, but what I am interested in is how characters interact with the world. And, too, how the world then interacts with them. There’s a Butler quote from parable that has always stuck out to me: “all that you touch you change. All that you change changes you.” I’ve never been able to stop thinking about it, so it appears all around me, internally and externally.
on another note, but stay with me if youre here to begin with, because i swear itll all connect! Over the past 4 years, I’ve been writing a story, meaning i didn’t write any of it at all and it lives entirely in my head (and, in the air when I share with friends, on notebook paper when i want to draw out a joke, and, ok, about a million bullet lists on my google drive, so ive written a little - but do we count incohesive thoughts? I think I might have to, because that’s my whole entire life). It's about a kid in college named Newt who wanted more time to play video game but their RA job involved a lot more cryptids native to where I live than expected, and supernatural beings that aren’t really native anywhere (Back where I am in reality, I’m still holding out - just because I haven’t seen a vampire doesn’t mean they aren’t out there. Just because I haven’t knowingly met one, doesn’t mean I haven’t. I’d convince you I’m not unhinged, but I can’t convince myself). The story is also, if not largely, if not entirely, about having relationships that are unconventional.
I didn’t really understand myself while I was working on this little story. And that’s exactly why I created it. I desperately wanted to, and Newt, as well as the other characters, gave me an outlet for self-exploration. I wanted to consider concepts of relationships that felt “unrealistic” compared to what I saw in common practice - people who loved each other in different ways and different forms. And the way I was writing these, dare I call, love stories was through people being totally honest with themselves, and then naturally, with others. that had always been hard for me: honesty. i think sometimes it still can be. Call me a self-insert writer! Because honest to god I am. Every single character I write is a part of me I want to connect with.
Anyway, Newt becomes close to several different characters throughout the story (Gerb, another RA who has this sort of one-sided rivalry with Newt who actually just really wants to be liked by them; Carmilla, a vampire who finds an unconventional interest in Newt that makes her question her own notions of love; and the Sqwonk, which if im the first person telling you about the saddest western pennsylvania crytpid in my beloved hemlock backyards, boy howdy am i honored.) Gerbs and Carmillas relationships with Newt are very near and dear to me because they explore love in non-romantic contexts. the kicker is that i had NO clue i was aromantic at this point in time (heavily when i was still in my undergrad, so 2020 era). i think i confused a lot people describing these relationships, especially Newt and Carmillas, as i was very clear it wasnt exactly romantic, but it was just as, if not more, powerful (i caused so many 404 error blue screens for alloromantic/allosexuals - sorry! i was just as confused). the one thing i knew was that i wanted to experience the types of relationships i was writing, but at the time, i thought they could only exist on paper, in my head, in a reality much different than one with cryptids and leylines and witches and demons (it covers a lot - maybe one day ill get inspired to write about it more on here)
but im learning now that it really isnt that different ! or maybe that it doesnt have to be! that you can pursue and define relationships in a vast amount of ways. the one thing that has been helpful, is finding the way to communication that. i always felt indifferent about language - having remembered learning that language abides by the ways people need it, but i felt languge was only a barrier for me. i didnt know HOW to talk about about the ways in which i felt, to myself or to others. i wasnt sure how to use words to communicate. and while i didnt know how to talk about feelings, i innately knew how to feel feelings, even if they were buried deep. but i convinced myself most of the time my feelings were endlessly wrong. that i could feel the way others felt if i tried hard enough.
nope. not how that works! it just took me 24 years to figure this out.
ANYWAY, me and a friend are trying to make a rpg. me and this person are vastly different in infinite number of ways, but yesterday on a discord call i asked him what he was thinking to do with the main character, he told me he first wanted to enable some sort of attributes to signify gender and sexuality, but after coming out to him, he really wanted to, if i wanted to, make them aro.
I immediately turned my face away from the camera, for fear they saw 24 years worth of emotions surface on my pixeled face, and then i wondered why i still needed to hide that from them. realizing i didnt, i turned back, and told them I’d really like that
im even more excited to play around with this rpg idea now. here are my expectations: to try and make it. I don’t care if it's not good. I don’t care if anyone else plays it but me and my friend (I don’t even know if i fully want people too, beyond those i know either irl or on the internet corners im cozily tucked into). i really want to make a game about an aroace person. I really, really want to make a game about relationships. Relationships with yourself, with others, the world around. how they can change your life. how your life, and who’s in it, can change you.
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blahandwhatever · 2 years
I finally went and picked up my baby’s ashes. Cried a little again, cradled the little wooden box in my hands. Searched for the best spot for it and found it on the new cabinet in the hallway, together with my last physical journal - two little pieces of my soul. Content to have everything in its right place, I felt at peace.
Later my peace was disturbed by my father sending me screenshots of some inspirational quotes off the TV, at least one of which was a transparent callout of a ~problem~ with me, something about people who didn’t have a lot of friends as children. I wondered if he was getting into one of his looking-for-problems-with-my-life modes or if he just saw this quote that reminded him of me and decided to send me a few. Today he sent me an inoffensive one about cats. Didn’t write anything. He’s always liked oversimplified sources of inspiration and wisdom. Neither of my parents has any comprehension of how much more I understand than they do, when it comes to psychological and existential matters, nor of how unhealthy they are or how little wisdom they have to offer, but that’s thorny stuff to get into and best avoided unless they really cross a line.
As for my mother. I spent a long time debating whether to make an issue of her recent treatment of me or just let it go and move on. I felt capable of letting it go, yet it felt unfair to me. I’ve let a lot of toxic things go. But once in a while, if it’s bad enough, or enough of it accumulates, I have to stand up for myself. In the end, I really didn’t want to make a drama of it, but I did really feel the need for some space from her after so much mostly negative interaction. Two weeks ago, when she texted me and asked how I was, I said I was fine but needed some space. She reacted extremely dramatically, saying that I had really hurt her and that this was proof I hated her. It’s a type of reaction I might have expected two or three years ago, but we’d made some progress, I’d made her understand some things, for a while at least, so it took me aback. So then I had to actually get into it and explain the reason. And she still didn’t understand, and she countered with her own irrelevant list of grievances and played a victim. At a certain point, I got tired of replying to the madness; we both needed time to cool off. We haven’t talked in two weeks. Earlier this week, I emailed her and my father some pictures of our cat. Hoped she might take this as a bit of a peace offering or at least a sign of life from me. I’m still hoping she will reach out at some point and make amends. I’ve had enough space and kind of miss her actually, but she only made things worse, not better, and I don’t want to deal with her if her attitude is still where it was at then.
Anyway. I’ve tried to wean myself off of the long sleeps, but I felt kind of crappy sleeping less the past couple of days, so today I let myself sleep long and felt better. I really am longing for long, beautiful days.
I finally packed away my Christmas tree and took it down to storage. Every time I put the tree away, I really feel that missing piece of lighting in my living room. It’s about time I actually found a solution for it. Today I found a couple of expensive candidates to potentially try after my next paycheck. I’m still buying and trying furniture, still without much conclusiveness, my floor strewn with boxes and unassembled pieces, a state I’ve accepted I’ll have to live in until all is decided and done.
In the meantime, I’m back in business with the picture blog, which again makes me feel more centered and at peace.
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