#I don’t know I really enjoy outgoing and extraverted characters more
lieutenant-amuel · 10 months
This is probably not that common but I honestly rarely like characters who are like me personality wise.
#Personal#I don’t know I suppose I just don’t like how they’re portrayed in media#Because if a character is introverted it automatically makes them aloof and cold#or even worse when they have some sort of trauma that makes them self-blaming and hopelessly insecure#Like where are introverted characters who enjoy solitude!#Where are introverted characters who love people who know how to joke smile and laugh and oh my goodness have friends!#Just where#Why can’t they enjoy their introverted self and instead constantly think there’s something wrong with them#I don’t know I really enjoy outgoing and extraverted characters more#and if they remain outgoing and kind even if they also have some sort of trauma#this is just peak character type to me#I don’t know I have a special connection with characters if their STORIES resonate with me not their personality#I love Elena (EoA) I love Anna (Frozen) I love Rebecca (Crazy Ex Girlfriend) and yet I’m nothing like them personality wise#But their stories especially Rebecca’s speak so much to me#And really why should I even love characters only because they’re like me I love a freaking Darth Vader and he’s a villain#(yeah this is me saying that I am not a villain XD)#Anyway in conclusion I’ll just say that I actually don’t really have a type and just love fictional characters because of the vibes XD#If I’m vibing with them and they make me feel something (well except for irritation I suppose) I do like them#Because as I was saying if I like something in most cases I really cannot explain why XD it just happens#(unless I start analyzing why I do like them…)#I’m suspiciously talkative recently…#Just voicing everything I have on my mind
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ourladylennon · 4 years
Hi, how are you our beloved lady? I hope ur doing good. I want to know your opinion to mbti stuff. What do you think about that? And what do you think about Beatles mbti stuff?
Tulip!!! How are you? I am so sorry it took me this long to answer- I could not figure out the best way to present the information for this ask or what would be the best information *to* share. I actually *love* MBTI, I think it’s fascinating. It really helps you understand yourself and others better. As far as the Beatles, there is a lot of debate about their types, but I have compiled a list of the most commonly accepted type for each Beatle with a break down below the cut!
John: INFP, “the Healer” (function stack: Fi-Ne-Si-Te) or ENFP “the Champion” (function stack: Ne-Fi-Te-Si)
A concise picture: generous, kind, charming, empathetic, sensitive, perceptive, strong personal values, introspective, imaginative, idealistic, individualistic, lively, spontaneous, adaptable, big picture, forward looking, long term oriented  // can be impractical, disorganized, tendency to overthink, easily offended, disregard for rules/traditions/norms
Paul: ISFP, “the Composer” (function stack: Fi-Se-Ni-Te) or ESFJ “the Provider” (function stack: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti)
A concise picture: kind, charming, warm, caretaker, sympathetic, sensitive, observant, reserved, practical, level-headed, “live in the moment”, sensory based, detail oriented, action oriented, strong sense of “right & wrong”, curious, competitive, literal // easily bored, thrill-seeking, unpredictable, “black & white”, short term oriented, intensely private, detached, aloof, fiercely independent, can be inflexible, worried with social-status
George: INFJ, “the Counselor” (function stack: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se)
A concise picture: altruistic, affirming, nurturing, compassionate, empathetic, sensitive, perceptive, strong personal values, introspective, visionary, idealistic, individualistic, seeking meaning, insightful, big picture, forward looking, long term oriented, value organization, decisive, reserved, firm // intensely private, deeply sensitive, perfectionists- prone to burn out, overthinking, need for a cause, uncompromising
Ringo: ESFP, “the Performer” (function stack: Se-Fi-Te-Ni)
A concise picture: generous, kind, charming, warm, sympathetic, friendly, easy-going, observant, practical, tolerant, accepting, spontaneous, playful, enthusiastic, resourceful, adaptable, “live in the moment”, sensory based, action oriented, strong sense of “right & wrong”, literal // easily bored, thrill-seeking, unpredictable, “black & white”, short term oriented, frivolous, materialistic, deeply sensitive, conflict averse
Note: MBTI code is comprised of four functions: iNtuition or Sensing, Feeling or Thinking. Intuition and sensing are perceiving functions: how you gather and assimilate data. Feeling and thinking are judging functions: how you use that information to make decisions. Each of these functions can either be Introverted (introspective, self-reflective, subjective) or Extraverted (objective, facing the outer world, expressed outwardly); for example, Introverted Feeling= Fi, Extraverted iNtuition= Ne, etc.
John: INFP, “the Healer” (function stack: Fi-Ne-Si-Te) or ENFP “the Champion” (function stack: Ne-Fi-Te-Si)
Both are very convincing. As you can imagine, these two types are very similar and their differences are more like nuances. It probably comes as no surprise that XNFP are known to be “dreamers” who act as mediators amongst people, desire harmony and look toward the future and see endless possibilities. This combination of being iNtuitive + Feeling dominant makes for a very empathetic subject who has a knack for reading between the lines; they both understand human emotion and relate to others well, but on the flip side, they can be hotheaded and quick to take offense: both for themselves and others. At the core of both, these types have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". They use their Ne/Ni absorb information from the meanings and impressions they gather and search for patterns in data to quickly see the bigger picture, and then use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though they are XNFP are generally open minded and adaptable, when their personal values are called into question, they sense injustice, they sense inauthenticity, or if someone tries to control them is when they can become upset. They do not like to be limited because they desire freedom, options, and don’t like redundancy. Communication style is likely to be abstract, metaphorical. Though they crave close connections, they become drained from social interaction. Depending on whether INFP or ENFP, there are subtle differences. For example, ENFP leads with Ne, meaning, they may be quicker to materialize their ideas (the more spontaneous of the two), whereas the INFP will spend more time reflecting "what if" before doing. This bleeds into other aspects; ENFP may be more lively, spouting things off the top of their heads without reflecting, they're a people's person. INFP is a little more introspective before diving head first and spilling everything. XNFP tend to constantly assess their value and desire validation. 
(I did see people throw John around as an INTP/ENTP. They’re mildly convincing, but much less likely. His Fe/Fi seems too present to be a Te/Ti)
Paul: ISFP, “the Composer” (function stack: Fi-Se-Ni-Te) or ESFJ “the Provider” (function stack: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti)
Both are very convincing. These literally have the *exact same* function stack order, but the energy of each function points in different directions (which ultimately does make a difference even though it may not seem like it). With both of these types, we typically see someone who is observant, practical, and very rooted in the present. This combination of Sensing + Feeling dominant makes for a very caring individual who both enjoys and is good at nurturing others, but on the flip side, they can be quick to take offense and may shut down/withdraw. XSFX types are known for being reserved with their emotions/needs and likewise reserved in showing emotion and tend to do so through their actions, rather than words. At the core of both, just as with other feeler-types, they have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". However, they use their Se/Si to observe and absorb information through their physical reality, often referencing from past experiences to fill in the details in order to build the bigger picture, and then use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though both types are generally seen as level-headed and adaptable, when their personal values or character are called into question (because they have a very clear picture of their values; they know who they are) or their good-nature is taken advantage of is when they can become upset. They do not like to be limited because they prefer to be in control and do not like uncertainty. Communication style is likely to be direct, literal. While ESFJ love bringing people together and ISFP may enjoy small groups & close connections, they both become drained from social interaction. Depending on whether ISFP or ESFJ there are subtle differences, the most apparent being that ESFJ prefer more structure than ISFP, and likewise, the ISFP may be a little more spontaneous as they seek to stimulate their Se. ESFJ will also likely be a bit more outgoing with Fe being in play as their dominant trait, whereas the ISFP may be more socially reserved (Fi), though no less charming or socially aware. They both have a knack for understanding what is expected of them but ISFP is less likely to bend for others whereas the ESFJ seeks group harmony. Both types tend to put others first and are reluctant to ask for their needs, and in combination with simultaneously being sure of their values and sure others understand those without question, they may have a heightened desire for praise to validate their actions & themselves. Both types often don't feel seen for the amount of care they put in for others and desire to be appreciated. 
(Fun thing I saw mentioned a lot and felt relative to Paul: ISFP are said to enjoy aesthetic beauty of things- clothing, art, etc. without needing the abstract meaning to make it so; they just simply like it for what it is. This is likely because their Se is grabbing for anything stimulating and then introverted Feeling (Fi) says “oh yes, this makes me feel good!” Can we say hello MMT sweater vest?)
George: INFJ, “the Counselor” (function stack: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se)
As you can imagine, INFJ is going to be similar to XNFP on the surface: dreamy, idealistic, empathetic. What sets them apart is that INFJ tend to have a bit more structure and a little bit more of an analytical mind. The combination of being iNtuitive + Feeling dominant is going to still give that very empathetic subject who has a knack for reading between the line, but there is a subtle difference with INFP's mirroring others emotions (Fi) and INFJ's absorbing others emotions (Fe). INFJ understand human emotion and relate to others well, but on the flip side, they can become angry when someone upsets group harmony or overwhelmed from constantly assessing emotions. At the core of INFJ, just as with the other feeler-types, they have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". They absorb information from the meanings and impressions they gather and search for patterns in data to see the bigger picture and use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though they are generally open minded and adaptable, when their personal values are called into question, they sense injustice, or if someone dismisses their ideas they can become upset. While they enjoy freedom to explore many possibilities, they do well with a bit of routine and organization to help see their ideas through. Communication style is likely to be abstract, metaphorical. Though they crave close connections, they become drained from social interaction. INFJ's often feel like people don't get them and desire to be understood.
Ringo: ESFP, “the Performer” (function stack: Se-Fi-Te-Ni)
ESFP is a beautiful blend of all the cognitive functions and that's why it's often labeled at the "entertainer" type. They're practical, but not rigid; they’re bubbly, but they’re deep; they’re spontaneous, but they’re down to earth; they’re honest, but not too blunt; they’re just all around the kind of people who can bring people together. The combination of Sensing + Feeling dominant makes for a very caring individual who is warm towards others and overall inviting, but on the flip side, they can be quick to take offense and may erupt or shut down. At the core of ESFP, just as with the other feeler-types, they have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". They use their Se/Si to observe and absorb information through their physical reality, often referencing from past experiences to fill in the details in order to build the bigger picture, and then use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though generally seen as one of the most easy-going types, when their feelings are dismissed or their general exuberance is mistaken for shallowness, they're forced to make decisions, or they find themselves stuck amongst negativity is when they might become upset. They do not like to be limited because they desire freedom and dislike rigorous routine. Communication style is likely to be direct, literal- to be clear, too much abstract information might drive an ESFP crazy, and unlike some of the other Sensor types- do not like too many details. ESFP are social by nature and find socializing fulfilling. 
How this applies to their relationship dynamic:
This is my favorite part and if you’ve read this far- please like go treat yourself for your good work. Not only do the general stereotypes of their personalities fit them so well, but it literally shows just how real the contrast of John & Paul and Paul & George is and how similar John & George are. 
But mainly, I just want to focus on J/P because I. fucking. love. it. Just think about it. John: Strawberry Fields. Paul: Penny Lane. SAME concept- ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STYLE. Intuition vs sensing at its finest. It’s clear as day. (wonderful video by one of my favorite MBTI youtubers, appropriately titled: Intuition vs Sensing, Explained with The Beatles)
Not only that, but I always think back to Geoff Emerick’s biography when I was reading about their work in the studio:
“John always had plenty of ideas about how he wanted his songs to sound’ he knew in his mind what he wanted to hear. The problem was that, unlike Paul, he had a great difficulty expressing those thoughts in anything but the most abstract terms. Whereas Paul might say, ‘This song needs brass and timpani,’ John’s direction might be more like ‘Give me the feel of James Dean gunning his motorcycle down a highway.’ ”
“In the midst of all this, John had been listening repeatedly to his acetate of ‘Strawberry Fields Forever,’ and he decided he didn’t like it. For someone who was normally so articulate, it always amaze me how he would struggle for words whenever he tried to Tell George Martin how he wanted a song arrange. This time around, he just kept mumbling, ‘I don’t know. I just think it should somehow be heavier.’ ‘Heavier how, John?’ George asked. ‘I dunno, just kind of, y’know…heavy.’ Paul did his best to translate John’s abstract notion into concrete musical form. Pointing out how well the flue sound on the Mellotron had worked, he suggested that perhaps some outside musicians be brought in, that the song be scored for some orchestral instrumentation. John loved the idea, specifically requesting cellos and trumpets.”
Furthermore, this entire paragraph that I don’t feel like typing out:
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God, I could seriously just go ON about those two. Honestly, Geoff’s book has been incredibly insightful to their nature (pretty sure this book is responsible for when I started falling *in love* with Paul). There are tons of examples to go with the MBTI typing, but I realize this is already at great length so I’ll refrain. 
Now that I’ve nearly written a whole book, I’d like to say some words: this is by no means an all inclusive or exhaustive review of MBTI & I am no expert. There are so many other facets of MBTI that go much deeper than this, but I felt for the purpose of general explaining, it made most sense to stay at surface level (which incidentally made me feel like i’m providing a useless analysis). Hope you learned even a little bit or got some sort of fun out of it!
If you have specific questions, feel free to ask and I’ll try and make sense of the MBTI madness!
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The Autumn Watchlist
1. Melting Me Softly (starts September 28) | teaser
My feelings about this drama kept constantly changing in the past months. At first, I had been excited about the collab between Ji Chang Wook (HEALER FOREVER!), the SWDBS writer and the Secret Garden PD. Then, they announced Won Jin Ah to be the female lead and my excitement dropped by a notch because I belonged to those who weren’t impressed by her performance in Just Between Lovers and even the first teasers left me with mixed feelings. However, a few days ago the long trailer dropped and I’m fully on board and halfway in love with the show. It has the trademark writing of Baek Mi Young, JCW is epic as ever and WJA seems to hold her own against him and furthermore, they both share amazing chemistry and have a huge potential as the two people who get together stuck/frozen together in time while the whole world passes them by, only to wake up and realize that 20 years have gone by. They have not only to face the same challenges of dealing with the consequences but also their own physical condition as they must maintain a core body temperature of 31.5 degrees Celsius which in the era of global warming might not be the easiest thing to do, plus I can think of several physical activities when...
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2. The Tale of Nokdu (starts September 30) | teaser 01, teaser 02, teaser 03
There is nothing new about a crossdressing kdrama, not even a sageuk one, but a man, and one of the best swordmen in Joseon to boot, doing the undercover crossdressing is something completely special. Moreover, he even poses as a widow and has all the men swooning over him and wooing him. With Joseon Marriage Agency being such a huge letdown for me, I have high hopes for this one. One of the writers is responsible for Love in the Moonlight and I think The Tale of Nokdu might maintain the magic which LitM lost the moment it got lost in the political mess. I like KSH very much and Jang Dong Yoon looks like he is having the time of his life playing the crossdressing nobleman.
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3. Extraordinary You (starts October 2) | teaser
A high-school student from a wealthy family who suffers from a lifelong heart condition that inevitably means she will not live past her teenage years suddenly realizes that  she is a character in a Korean webtoon and all of her actions are predetermined by the artist who draws her. If her luck weren’t bad enough she also discovers she is only a supporting character so she decides to change her own plotline. This might end up being either slapstick awesome with all the possibility for kdrama references and making fun of all the clichés or utter mess. I hope for the first.
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4. My Country (starts October 4) | teaser
What can I say? It looks like my dream sageuk - gritty, complex, dark and absolutely visually stunning plus it boasts some stellar cast. Also I don’t know how but for some reasons the drama is giving me Slave Hunter vibes - maybe because of the slave element, overall grittiness and JH being all intense and the main lead’s look reminding me a little bit of JH’s character in Slave Hunters.
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5. TharnType The Series (starts October 7) | teaser 01, teaser 02
I can’t even describe how much I’m excited for this one. Type, the dark, tall and handsome freshman is homophobic because he was molested by a man as a child. His life turns up side down when the new year of college brings along a very interesting person in his life, a gay roommate, Tharn. Tharn, is a very handsome music major with fair skin and mixed features who is openly gay. Type is a minor character who had a minor role in another favourite Thai BL drama of mine, Love by Chance. At first, I was disappointed they didn’t cast the original actor; however, I have to say I have never been more happy to be proven wrong because the actors playing Type and Tharn have without a doubt the most awesome chemistry between all the couples in the upcoming BL Thai shows, only comparable with Pete and Kao.
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6. Dark Blue Kiss (starts October 12) | teaser
PETE AND KAO!!! I’ve been waiting for this drama for a year now! To be honest, I don’t really care for the secondary couple I just want to watch Pete and Kao being utterly perfect for each other.
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7. Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai (starts October 12) | teaser
It’s been ages since I enjoyed a jdrama and I hope Ikuta Toma changes it as the failed 31 year-old NEET living with his mother.
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8. HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (starts October 16) | teaser
Another installment of the successful HIStory franchise. Crossing Boundary is with Together With Me my favourite BL drama of all time and I can’t wait for the movie. On the other hand, Trapped was a mild disappointment for me because somewhere in the middle the writer gave up any pretense that there was actually any plot and the only reason I kept watching until the end was the OTP. Make Our Days Count is a BL high school love story between two polar opposites - the bookish Yu Xi Gu who prefers to keep a low profile and focus on his schoolwork and the outgoing, hot-headed extravert and some-time bully Xiang Hao Ting. I’m not even ashamed to admit I love these kind of stories.
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9. Motokare Mania (starts October 17)
If it’s been ages since I enjoyed a jdrama, it’s been an eternity since I liked a jdrama rom-com - not since Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto and From Nine to Five. I don’t really expect Motokare Mania to change that but a girl can still hope.
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10. Emergency Lands of Love (starts November 23 December 7 14)
Hyun Bin + Son Ye Jin + a romance between a stranded SK heiress and NK military officer + the YWCFAS writer = I’m on board.
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11. Until We Meet Again The Series (starts November 9) | teaser
A reincarnation BL love story between two lovers with tragic past who end up being reborn and get the chance to be together.
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astrologysvt · 5 years
Chart First Impressions: Jihoon
For more SVT astrology posts, follow my blog! Check out my masterlist to see all the readings I’ve done so far and what I’ve got coming up! 💫
This is just a very general reading of the member’s charts — the parts that popped out to me, things I personally liked, things I thought were interesting or contrary to the image I have of them. I’m not looking at anything in particular with each reading. Some of their readings may be more aspect focused, where some may just focus solely on their personal planets and their signs. If you have any questions on specific aspects or want to request a more specific reading, feel free to send me an ask!
ugh jihoon you stress me out 
so here is the huge astrology debate on whether or not cusps actually exist. can we technically be both signs?
i feel like recently the consensus seems to be that no, cusps definitely do not exist. 
yet at the same time, you pick up any astrology text and often times they’ll include cusps in some what shape or form. 
the way i do readings i really only take a cusp into account if 1) i don’t know the birth time or 2) it’s relevant to that specific reading. 
even then, i don’t particularly view them as “cusps” more as just acknowledging that either or could be an option. 
to me, even if you are born just a minute before the sun enters another sign, your natal chart will tell you the one definitive sun sign you were born under. 
if you relate to traits of the sign you’re technically a cusp of, there is more than likely other, more specific influences in your chart that you can attribute that to. 
not only that, but many people believe that the influences of the sign are the strongest towards the cusp. for that reason, if i know the birth time, i really don’t give them much thought. 
so that’s my stance, generally.
but we dooon’t knooooow woozi’s birth time which makes things much more complicated. 
we’re also dealing with two signs (sag/scorpio) that can kind of present themselves very similarly??? 
they’re both very straight forward people, sag for the sake of simplicity and honesty and scorpio for the sake of brevity and impact.
they’re both very take it or leave it signs as scorpios simply wont tolerate what they don’t like, and sagittarians are very quick to move on from unwanted situations as they’re good at redirecting their attention. 
so this kind of muddles how i would categorize what i’d say are jihoon’s identifying personality traits for being this very candid, decisive guy.
not only that, but he’s got a lot of fire in his chart to begin with that makes it hard to discern whether it’s his sun that’s contributing to those energies or not.
the sun went into sag at 9:50 am on his birthday exactly so now we just gotta sit and wait and hope that someone asks him what time he was born and he somehow knows. 
i really go between the two, but I feel like recently i’m leaning more towards thinking he’s a scorpio. 
he’s certainly a fiery guy and I see that in his humor, creativity, and how active he is. 
his sag mercury can make someone very antsy like gemini placements can, and his aries moon is constantly looking for new ways to release all that pent up aries energy. 
so it could be those energies that i’m reading that could be mistaken as being a sagittarius sun. 
it’s also hard because he’s said before that he likes his job as an idol because he gets to do a bunch of different things from composition, singing, dancing etc. etc. 
having a sag in mercury could still make this true if he were a scorpio, especially since mercury would directly correlate this energy with his hobbies/interests. 
with that being said, that sentiment in and of itself is a huge sag sun identifier. 
but if we look at him as though he’s a sag, i hit three walls that really prevent me from believing it fully: 
1) with a sag sun, aries moon, sag mercury -- that’d make him a super impulsive and hot-headed dude. his ability to to get distracted would be unmatched and these placements in particular are infamous for starting projects out of passion and then dropping them the moment they get bored. 
not to say that this is the one definitive trait all sagittarians must have and if you don’t have it ur kicked out of the sagittarius club, but it just doesn’t sound like him. 
sagittarians can easily get caught up in these big projects and surely enjoy them as they are out of passion, but the moment you introduce a sense of responsibility/work/obligation, it takes away that bit of passion that allowed them to work so diligently without thought. 
it makes them overly aware of the energy they’re exerting and the freedom they’re compromising on, and without a lot of time and growth, a lot of young sags may deem it not worth it. again, the situation wouldn’t be helped with an aries moon either.
because of that his energies read too stubborn and enduring to match what i would typically associate with his chart. 
i know a lot of really successful sagittarians, but their journey to success wasn’t nearly as steady and unrelenting as the path jihoon has taken with seventeen where it’s been work, work, work, work.
not only that, but he really doesn’t have a whole lot of aspects that may contradict this flightiness. 
his saturn IS well aspected, but keep in mind his saturn is in aries which could add a sense of difficulty in asserting himself in a path his sag sun and aries moon may have felt restricted by. 
with this placement you are pairing this super high-initiative, go-getting sign with a planet that’s incredibly cautious and calculated so they doubt themselves a lot and generally feel pretty inhibited. 
it certainly bodes well for success in the long run as they learn to balance these energies and let their confidence and competence stand for themselves, but him having been so young at the start of his career it doesn’t 100% add up for me. 
the only other aspect that may counteract this is his virgo mars that has a very similar antsy energy but directs it in the complete opposite direction his sag sun/aries moon naturally leans towards.
he’d want to take all of his fidgety energies and put it into his work and this could certainly make him a workaholic, but that wouldn’t particularly nullify the fact his sag sun may want still to apply that to a bunch of different things without restriction.
it’s certainly possible that he’s a sag sun and still achieved these things, i just think he’d struggle a lot more in his position in his career if not for a (supposed) scorpio sun. 
without a scorpio sun i think he would have gotten too antsy and too unhappy in a career that is as all-consuming as the one he’s in, and his aries saturn would have more than likely gotten a lot more trigger happy at some point and would have taken his sag sun/aries moon cue to dip when it felt the most overwhelming. 
whereas a scorpio would feel comfortable and would even thrive in these circumstances.
2) he’s too shy. his personal planets, as they are (except maybe that virgo mars), don’t just have extravert tendencies, they’re KNOWN for being extraverts. 
life of the party guys who NEED attention and communication. 
again, i think jihoon is much more outgoing than his image connotes, but he’s certainly not what i’d associate with a sag sun, aries moon, sag mercury, libra venus. 
like if i think about those signs and jihoon i laugh a little. if his sun his definitely in sag then my god his houses must really offset his other placements.
but this is what leads me to believe that there’s a wall/blockage preventing these energies from manifesting how i’d expect in a sag sun. 
a scorpio sun would make him more reserved, more secretive, more calculating while maintaining those talkative and energetic woozi-energies. 
3) sag suns are open-books. again, i think there is an aspect of woozi that is very straightforward but that is certainly something that would come through with a scorpio sun. 
Sag suns are known for being those sincere, tell it how it is guys. you trust them because they’re so optimistic and open, and not to say that woozi isn’t, but there is a reason people are slow to get close to him. a scorpio sun would make him more calculated with who he lets in. 
not only that but in my experience with scorpios, people tend to have a lot of pre perceptions about of them REGARDLESS of how candid and honest of people they actually are once you get to know them.
it’s a common scorpio experience to learn after the fact that the person you just became friends thought you were gonna be totally different even though, in all actuality, you’ve been nothing but nice and open with them from the start.
it’s because of this scorpio veil there is that brings this sense of control they have over their image, and this command over themselves and people. it’s their desire to appear a certain way so people can’t mistake them as being vulnerable or gullible.  
you also tend to get the impression that they’ve got an agenda because they are so purposeful. 
on top of that, you don’t really doubt with scorpios that they have depths and layers to them from the moment you meet them, where as other people may instantly feel easy, simple, potentially superficial (sagittarians can certainly appear this way).
for scorpios this depth can add this doubt in your own judgement of how  you see them because it’s so hard to gauge what’s going on underneath EVEN THO THERE MAY NOT BE ANYTHING GOING ON.
this is something scorpios tend to get very frustrated with as people tend to doubt their intentions. 
with that being said scorpios are so straightforward people that, even with these vibes, developed scorpios are incredibly trustworthy, thoughtful, and attentive people so there isn’t any actual concern to be had.
But really scorpios are the type of people who give an impression of fluidity and depth and this is what makes them so magnetic. 
i feel like a lot of woozi’s fans love him because he is that tsundere character and that concept of being someone super dynamic/complex underneath the image they project is inherently a scorpio trait. 
i could go on for hours. i def think that woozi is far too clingy to be a sag and far too emotionally intuitive NOT to be a scorpio. 
also, sagittarius are known for loving travel???? he literally doesn’t even leave his house????
for me it really comes down to whether or not im reading more of a fixed, or mutable energy. right now i’m feeling more fixed.
he’s a steadfast guy and his persistence speaks more for him than any one of his single actions. 
he can do anything and he projects such a strong sense of purpose and integrity of character that you’d simply trust his track record and habits before you trusted a random act. 
not to say that sag’s don’t have a integrity of character, but if they do something random their blunt and sincere actions would lend you to think, “oh, they’re just doing this now” as opposed to thinking that action was just an outlier.  
and honestly he just reeks of the “don’t even try and test me” energy that a mutable sign wouldn’t be so privy to. 
i’m almost super convinced but i also totally reserve the right to change my mind lmfao
mainly because his ascendant and houses could attribute to his not-so-sag qualities if he WERE still a sag sun. 
i don’t particularly like trying to “decide” what his sun sign is, even though i so desperately want to figure it out (if that wasn’t obviously enough).
mainly because it goes against how i prefer to do readings, in that the person comes first and the chart is secondary. if i’m trying to figure out a sun sign, i have to work solely off of stereotypes of the signs when we’re obviously more complex than that. 
trying to figure out sun signs is always going to be contradictory because astrology is allowed to be contradictory because we are contradictory. 
ugh it hurts my brain sometimes. 
with that being said, let’s actually look at his chart as it is REGARDLESS of his sun. 
libra venus is adorable.
he’s a romantic guy. 
his chart is very intense and straightforward in literally EVERYTHING except for love and affection. 
he’s gentle in how he expresses his appreciation, and very traditional in how he’d approach romance.
this is what softens what i’d consider one of the most extreme and fierce charts in seventeen. 
he loves gaining approval from the people he cares about and loves simply being around loved ones as they joke around as he sits back and watches. 
feeling that sense of harmony really feeds him, which is why you see him in the background just laughing and enjoying himself.
virgo mars furthers this people-pleasing aspect of his. normally he’d really and sincerely comes across as a “take it or leave it” kind of guy, but when it comes to his loved ones he wants to make things work. 
at the same time this is the aspect, kind of paradoxically, that makes him pretty picky and hyper critical. 
the moments you see woozi truly angry are when people try and get him to do things he doesn’t want to do, do things differently from how he wants them done, or simply offends him and his preferences. 
as i mentioned briefly before this also makes him the perfectionist/workaholic he is. 
not only is he persistent in his work, but he genuinely feels listless unless he’s actively working on something. 
for him, work heals him which he why he’s able to blur the lines between work and art and still enjoy it.
there’s really so much to unpack with jihoon, i have to stop here because this is getting too long and once i start talking about everything else i wont be able to stop and i’ll end up with a novel. 
but my god. 
if i ever manage to get my hands on his birth time. 
it’s over. 
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A Werewolf’s Guide to Lycanthropy
So I asked about nonbinary representation, so I’m going to go ahead and share a book I started (and nearly finished) for NaNoWriMo. It’s still first draft stage and will undergo massive rewrites, but all three of my main characters are trans (and otherwise queer as well), as are many other side characters, so I thought ya’ll might be interested in a snippet? Maybe?
This is a snippet maybe a quarter or so of the way into the book. It’s a book re-imagining werewolves based more off of wild wolf behavior than captured wolf behavior. In it, werewolves are basically know but not really acknowledged. People suspect but nobody says it out loud. Our main character is happily living in eir werewolf pack (which is far more of a family and community than it is a hierarchy), though secretly writing a guide on how to adjust to becoming a werewolf to help bring them into a more public eye (and the book is interspersed with snippets of this writing) until some kids from the pack start going missing. Then MC - Jamie - realizes that these kidnappings appear to be something larger than just a local targeting of their specific pack. When the pack council or committee (there to help organize schedules, figure out how to take in new kids, budget, etc.) acts ignorant and secretive, Jamie has to decide between dropping this and potentially losing more kids or defying the council, abandoning eir pack, and getting to the bottom of the disappearances. Where I bring you in on this snippet, Jamie has recently decided to leave the pack and investigate on eir own. In doing so, ey has just managed to run into another pack, where ey just might get some answers...
(For those on mobile, this moves into a read more, as it’s a long post. Anyone please feel free to leave me some feedback!)
Chapter 15
The irresistible smell of sausage woke Jamie up. Ophelia laughed gently. “I see I’ve picked the right breakfast for you. I thought I would save you the trip of having to eat with everyone else. I’m sure you know, everybody already knows who you are by now. I didn’t want you to be overwhelmed with questions.”
Grimacing in an effort to shake off the last vestiges of sleep, Jamie cracked eir back and neck and cleared eir throat. “Thanks.” Ey took the plate of offered food, a generous heap of sausage, eggs, hash browns and a biscuit buttered up nicely. “Really, thanks.”
“I saw the size of your bag. I’m guessing you haven’t had too many meals while not a wolf.” Then she went and sat at the other end of the trailer, looking over papers rather than Jamie. The papers could have been blank, and she could have been looking at them just to put Jamie at ease, but ey was grateful for the thought either way.
Jamie had just finished the food and was deciding what to do with the plate when Ophelia spoke again. “You can leave it outside the door. Boyd will collect it for us. Come, I’m interested to hear why you came.” Nervousness washed over Jamie as ey did as instructed. Even with all the walking in human form, Jamie hadn’t really taken the time to actually think what to do when ey found another pack. Ey honestly hadn’t expected to do so immediately.
“Now I don’t believe we had a proper introduction yesterday. I’m Ophelia, leader of this pack, although the committee helps me greatly. We’ve been here near four decades now. My mentor, Phoebe, began the pack. When she passed a couple years back, the pack became my responsibility. We’re about thirty strong. We get a lot of pack members who come and go, some looking to strike out and start their own packs back in their home towns. Tell me a bit about your own pack, please.”
Jamie nodded. “You know I’m Jamie. Celeste leads our pack, along with six others on the council: Comet, Luna, Terence and Alishya, as well as Lucy and Shannon. The pack’s about as old as me, so just around twenty years, far younger than your own. Since I was one of the first kids of the pack, I got kind of a different view of the pack history than some of the younger ones might, being there longer than some of our council members even. We’re somewhere around 45 - 50 pack members at the moment.”
Ophelia gave a low whistle. “That’s a big pack. A lot of responsibility. How many kids?”
“Around half are underage. We don’t get a lot of people who really leave, and we keep taking in kids and anyone else who wanders by and asks.”
Ophelia nodded. “I’ve never met Celeste, but I have heard of her. I’m not surprised her pack would be so large. I suppose a lot of the adults help out with outside jobs?”
“Yeah. Mostly minimum wage stuff, but we’ve got a couple people with good skills and some who came in with college degrees and good jobs that really help out.”
“But you all were also hit by these disappearances?”
Jamie looked down but nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
“If you can, I’d like to hear some about the kids who went missing. Then I’ll answer any questions of yours.”
Jamie nodded again, glad that Ophelia was leading the conversation so far. As long as she was being honest about answering questions, Jamie wasn’t here to hide anything. “Jemele was kidnapped first. She’s 14 with a bad past. Her aunt was jealous that she had a better relationship with her mother and bit and turned Jemele to try and change that. Celeste probably knows, but all I know other than that is that Jemele’s mom showed up with her in tow one day and dropped her off. The aunt may not have succeeded in being closer with Jemele, but she sure helped destroy Jemele’s relationship with her mother. Jemele had some younger siblings that her mother won’t let her see anymore, even though she’s totally in control of the transformations now. Her mom comes for regularly scheduled visits, but Jemele really only sits through those because council makes her. She’s a good kid. Very quiet. She never asks to go out on extra runs, just participates in scheduled ones, so I suspect she’s still angry and accepts being a werewolf but hasn’t come to love or enjoy it yet.”
“Sometimes she needed some space and time to herself, so she’d disappear every now and then, but we’d always find her sleeping somewhere odd or she’d wander back into camp. The three girls she shared a trailer with developed a system with her so she could let them know when she was going, so they’d always know they didn’t need to go looking for her. But one night, she just wasn’t there and there was no note. It’s like she just disappeared. Evelyn went missing next. She’s only eight. She’s at that phase where she’s missing a lot of baby teeth and her new ones haven’t grown in yet, so she’s a little darling for most the adults. She’s very extraverted and outgoing. She came to us a pretty young, so she might have been born a wolf, but I’ve never really gotten her story. She’s very well adjusted, though, if a bit bossy. She went missing when one of the pack adults took a small group for a bathroom break. One minute she was there, the next Pam realized she was gone. We had to have known almost immediately, yet still couldn’t recover her.
“And Zoo…” Jamie closed eir eyes and took a deep breath, giving eirself a moment to hate eirself for leaving, even though it was unlikely Jamie would have stopped anything from happening. “Zoo’s 11. I don’t know much of her story either, but I do know it’s another traumatic one. She’s been through a lot - developed DID. The first two years she lived with us, she barely spoke and never played. A year and a half or so ago, she really blossomed and opened up. She’s friendly and loving and very funny. Some of the kids can get mean sometimes just because they’re defensive about their past, but Zoo just got nicer, I think.” Jamie could say a ton more about all three. Their favorite food, their favorite games, how to calm them when they had nightmares… But ey wasn’t sure it was important that Ophelia knew too much. Not to mention Jamie’s heart was clenched and tight.
“And what about you, Jamie? What’s your story?”
Jamie shrugged. “I don’t really have much of one beyond the pack. I was born a wolf. Mom died in childbirth and dad ran away when he found out what I was. I’m not sure how Celeste found me, but the pack’s the only life I’ve known.”
“So how did you come to be here?”
Maybe it was a little rude, but it was Jamie’s turn for answers. Ophelia had only asked for information on the kids; it wasn’t fair to drag more out of Jamie without offering something first. “I’d like to ask some questions first. Then maybe we can talk more about me.”
Ophelia stared at Jamie for a good minute before nodding. “Fair enough, you have given what I’ve asked for. Go ahead.”
“Are you in communication with any of the other packs who’ve had kids stolen away from them?”
“Yes, but not all of them. Is your pack?” Her answer confirmed two things at once: the disappearances were definitely something to do with werewolves and council was definitely not telling the pack everything they knew.
“What can you tell me about what they’ve said? What do they know that the papers haven’t reported?”
Ophelia’s mouth quirked up a bit. She seemed amused with Jamie, even though Jamie had specifically ignored her question. “Honestly, not much, unfortunately. They all scented something weird when searching for the kids. None I’ve talked to could really describe it. They said the scent was familiar, like a word on the tip of your tongue that your brain just can’t complete. Musky, probably a man - or, more likely, several. And very vague. No one could pick up a trail.”
Jamie deflated. “Yeah, council couldn’t pick up a trail either. Neither could I, although it would have been several days old by then.”
After a beat, Ophelia stood. “Here, I will show you something, but it requires going to my personal trailer, so we have to fend off some curious stragglers,” she winked. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, Jamie relaxed a bit. It was hard to stay stressed and upset with innocent kids being cheery around you.
Ophelia successfully shooed three children away from them on their way to her trailer, but not before Jamie shook hands with each of them, introducing eirself and learning their names. Jason, Patty, and Jenn. Once inside Ophelia’s trailer, nobody bothered them, just like when they were in committee’s trailer.
The trailer was beautiful. Either Ophelia or someone else in the pack was an artist. The inside was dark with dozens of stars dotted in glow-in-the-dark paint, bringing several constellations to life. Jamie had always liked the basic astronomy classes in the pack, and it seemed the artist did, too. Ophelia paused to let Jamie soak up in the night sky, then with a simple “light’s”, flicked the lights on. The walls were as gorgeous in the light as they were the dark. Bright colors swirled in abstract patterns. After a moment, Jamie placed them as a rendering of the Northern lights.
“Here,” Ophelia announced, breaking Jamie’s reverie. She stood by a thin, wide cabinet. When Jamie looked over, she opened the doors, laying them flat, and revealing a large map of the States. Jamie came closer.
“These are the cities where packs have had multiple kidnappings,” she explained, pointing to the red pins on the map. “These,” she said, pointing to several blue pins,” represent cities where pack’s have only had one kid stolen away. And these,” she said, gesturing to some green pins, “are cities where kids that I believe were werewolves were kidnapped, but I haven’t confirmed yet.” Jamie studied the pins, downhearted by just how many there were. Ey hadn’t even thought about any single kidnappings. Those might not have even made anything but local news.
Gently grabbing eir shoulders, Ophelia forced Jamie to take a step back. “See anything?”
Jamie stopped studying the detail and looked at the larger picture. Immediately, ey thought ey saw a pattern. Taking a step forward, Jamie traced the outline of the pins in the map. “It’s… Is there a pattern? Circles - rings of circles. Oh…” Jamie stepped back again. “A bullseye? Multiple kidnappings in the larger rings and single kidnappings in the smaller rings.”
A solemn look was affixed to Ophelia’s face. “Yes, that’s what I see, too. Your council didn’t say anything about this to you?”
Finally giving in, Jamie admitted, “council’s been pretty secretive. Weeks before Jemele was kidnapped, I asked if the disappearances might be related to werewolf packs and was told to drop it. With the kidnappings, we’ve been on a strict schedule where no one is supposed to be anywhere without an escort or buddy, except work as long as other workers are around, but they still haven’t told us anything more. I’ve no idea what they do no.”
Ophelia’s face creased in a frown. “Nothing? Really. We’ve already been talking with the pack and set up a buddy system. Celeste waited until kids were kidnapped to do anything?”
A weird clash of emotions conflicted within Jamie. On one hand, it was nice to have eir frustrations and anger confirmed as valid. On the other, Jamie still trusted Celeste and all of council with eir life, and didn’t like this woman she didn’t even know passing judgement. “Maybe council was keeping a close eye. I don’t know. They didn’t have us doing anything, anyway.” When Ophelia didn’t reply, Jamie asked the question that was bothering eir. “If this is a bullseye, what’s at the center?”
Turning back to the map, Ophelia was silent and thoughtful. She ran her finger over the map where the center of the bullseye seemed to be. “That is an excellent question.” Turning to face Jamie again, Ophelia’s face seemed carefully blank. “Jamie, I’m not sure what your purpose is in being here, but I suspect this is not a trip your council approved.” Jamie shook eir head no. “I would not ask you to walk directly into danger; I do not usually ask strangers to just risk their lives, but it seems you  may already be intending to. Would you investigate the bullseye, Jamie? Something is happening, and I do not know what, but there is something larger at play here than a couple of kidnapping cases. I cannot go and still protect my pack. I must stay here. Will you go?”
Jamie wasn’t normally very touchy-feely, but ey reached out to grab Ophelia’s hand. “Council couldn’t stop me from leaving to find answers. You couldn’t stop me from trying to find them wherever that bullseye is or whatever else it takes.”
Ophelia reached out to cup Jamie’s face. “Spend another night here - or a few. Whatever you need to recover. I saw the stiffness in you when you came. Rest, and I will gather supplies for you.”
Jamie should have been scared, but ey was nearly ecstatic at finally receiving some answers - some help. This wasn’t all in eir head.
Chapter 16
In the four days (that Jamie only meant to be two) that Jamie stayed at Ophelia’s camp, ey made a lot of new friends, found a lot more younger siblings. Between meetings with Ophelia on the bullseye, Jamie hung out with the pack; besides getting to know them, ey was also probing to see if any of them perhaps knew anything more about the disappearances - perhaps something they didn’t realize they knew.
The bullseye was located in, as best Ophelia and ey could tell by the topo map, a surprisingly uninhabited area. There were no roads going in and out, at least not marked on the map. The area appeared to be fairly flat land with some outlying hills but nothing too big or seemingly populated close to the bullseye. There were always people living out in surprising areas, though, so Jamie couldn’t count on the area being completely abandoned of folk with nothing to do with this developing controversy. Finally, the last - and most obvious - concrete piece of information they could gather was that the bullseye was in Montana. The flatness seemed a bit of an odd coincidence for a state known for its mountains, but Montana was overall considerably flatter than Jamie may have guessed. Considering Jamie was currently in Indiana, ey had quite a ways to go, even traveling most the way via wolf. Ey was considering hitchhiking part of the way if at all possible.
Suzy, Eric, and Lala were the kids that Jamie got to know the best. Suzy and Eric were fraternal twins, 15 years old, and surprisingly peppy for their age. Lala was just a year younger and followed the twins everywhere. She called herself their triplet, which they happily agreed with. Even though they were unrelated, Lala did look surprisingly similar to the twins, and the three got along very well. They had latched onto Jamie because of their own interest (and fear) of the kidnappings. It had been Suzy that suggested to Ophelia that she actually plot the disappearances on a map, like she’d seen on TV. Eric was the conspiracy theorist and inundated Jamie with theories of what the disappearances were. He suggested everything ranging from aliens to anti-werewolf hunters but with no really solid ideas on why the kids were actually being kidnapped. And Lala made up stories of what all the kids were like. All three of them proposed some good questions. Was there a pattern to if kidnapped wolves were born or bitten? Why the specific age range so far observed? How did kidnapped kids between different packs disappear so quickly? All in all, they left Jamie with several more questions than ey’d started with.
On the night Jamie was setting out, ey had said good-bye, hugged some folk (including, most surreal of all, Ophelia), and only gone a few feet into the woods when ey was confronted.
“We’re coming with you.” Jamie turned and squinted, recognizing the two from eir few days in the pack. The speaker was Lucasia, an outspoken 20 year old that Jamie felt ey’d already learned the whole life story of. Lucasia had only been a wolf for a few years. It’d been a tough transition for her and ultimately what made her realize and accept that she was actually a girl. Sadly enough, her family had adapted to her lycanthropy just fine - if not a little interested in it - but being trans was too much from them. After they disowned her, she’d lived on the streets for a year before one of the committee members of the pack found her and brought her back. She’d lived there ever since, completely accepted by the pack for who she was.
Lucasia’s more silent partner was Ty, a shy bigender wolf that Jamie hadn’t learned much about. He was almost always reading, and Jamie didn’t know him well enough to know if he followed Lucasia because he really wanted to or simply because she dragged him along and he didn’t mind going. He seemed nice, though.
“I’m not really looking for company.”
“Wasn’t asking. Besides, Ophelia said she thought it was a good idea, so we’re going whether you like it or not. Good luck losing us. Ty’s the fastest runner in the pack.”
Jamie frowned. It looked like these tagalongs weren’t going to give up easy, and Jamie didn’t want to waste time arguing about it. Besides, it wasn’t like the company would hurt Jamie. It had been oddly lonely when ey had been by eirself. Decision made, Jamie shrugged, then stepped behind a large tree to get a bit of privacy (although that would likely disappear in a few days when the group became more comfortable with each other), shifted with a groan that turned into a growl, and shook eirself out. Grabbing the larger, heavier bag courtesy of Ophelia and her pack, ey padded out from behind the tree. A moment after ey did, two wolves appeared from the side of another tree, two large bags in their mouths as well. Together, on instinct, they took off towards Montana.
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Developing Your Characters: Taking Quizzes and Understanding Character Types
So, when I plan out characters I really enjoy taking personality tests for them to get a glimpse of what they are really like. Obviously, these tests can’t tell us everything and they are very general. However, they do help me to put myself into the mind frame of my character.
Additionally, I have found it very useful to look at what “character type” my OC fits into. There are basic archetypes throughout stories and writing and while they can be very trope heavy or over simplified, they can provide a foundation to build off of, particularly when you’re at the beginning of a writing journey like I was when I decided to write the Newborn City Series. 
I looked at the website  www.characterchange.com to see the archetypes and how they typically play out and grow in a story. It has amazing information. Here is what it looked like when I did this for my character Dimitri Romanov. This is straight from my Evernote file. 
P.S. I highly suggest using a program like Evernote when planning out a story or novel, especially a series. It helps keep me organized and gods know I am anything but.
Character Type from Character Change Site
The Adventurer
Adventurers seek excitement to avoid suffering. Happiness is their goal. The most extroverted type, they have a lust for life and are hungry for new experiences. This is an escape from their inner selves. But when they finally exhaust their manic resources, they find that they can no longer hide from their festering anxieties.
In their careers, they look for travel opportunities. Flight attendants, pilots, and outdoor photographers are typically Adventurers. They avoid repetitive jobs, and are often successful as entrepreneurs.
In their free time, they may be adrenaline junkies who flirt with danger by rock climbing, sky diving, or race car driving.
At their worst, Adventurers are impulsive, manic, and self-destructive.
At their best, Adventurers are fun-loving, spontaneous, and enthusiastic.
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Reaction Pattern: Adventurer is 7, so his is 7,1,4,2,8,5,7
*Check out explanation of the reaction pattern on characterchange.com. 
Myers-Briggs Personality Test Results-
"Where's the party?" ESFPs love people, excitement, telling stories and having fun. The spontaneous, impulsive nature of this type is almost always entertaining. And ESFPs love to entertain -- on stage, at work, and/or at home. Social gatherings are an energy boost to these "people" people.
SPs sometimes think and talk in more of a spider-web approach. Several of my ESFP friends jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there in a manner that's almost incoherent to the listener, but will eventually cover the waterfront by skipping on impulse from one piece of information to another. It's really quite fascinating.
New! ESFPs are attracted to new ideas, new fashions, new gadgets, new ______. Perhaps it's the newness of life that attracts ESFPs to elementary education, especially to preschool and kindergarten.
ESFPs love to talk to people about people. Some of the most colorful storytellers are ESFPs. Their down-to-earth, often homespun wit reflects a mischievous benevolence.
Almost every ESFP loves to talk. Some can be identified by the twenty minute conversation required to ask or answer a simple factual question.
ESFP stands for Extravert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving
You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%)
You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
You have distinct preference of Perceiving over Judging (67%)
Psych Central Personality Test Results- 
The personality test that you've just taken is based on the Five Factor Model of personality. Personality psychologists believe this is a pretty good description of the broad traits or general areas that go to make up a person's core personality. Personality isn't set in stone, however, so keep that in mind if you see anything you'd like to alter below. Teenagers and young adults should take the below results with a bit of caution, as their personalities are still under development (personality is generally pretty well formed by one's mid 20's).
What do each of the 5 traits mean?
Extraversion - Energy, enthusiasm, socialable
Agreeableness - Altruism, helping others, affection, friendliness
Conscientiousness - Control, will, constraint, dependability
Neuroticism - Negative emotions, nervousness
Openness to Experience - Originality, culture, open-minded, intellect
This trait reflects a person's preference for certain kinds of social situations, and how they like to behave in such situations. People high in extraversion are energetic and seek out the company of others. People low in extraversion -- what some might call introverts -- tend to be more quiet and reserved.
You scored really high on this trait, suggesting you have a lot of energy and tend to enjoy most social situations.
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This trait reflects how we tend to interact with others, especially in terms of our altrusim and friendliness. People who score higher in agreeableness tend to be more trusting, friendly and cooperative than others. People who score lower tend to be more aggressive and less cooperative.
You scored average for this trait, suggesting you have average friendliness and agreeableness.
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This trait reflects how organized and persistent a person is in pursuing their goals. People who score high on this trait tend to be more methodical, well-organized and dutiful than others. People who score lower tend to be less careful, less focused and more likely to be distracted from tasks.
You scored really low on this trait, suggesting you're less focused and more easily distracted.
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This trait reflects the tendency for a person to experience negative thoughts and feelings. People who score high on this trait tend to be more prone to insecurity and emotional distress. People who score lower tend to be more relaxed, less emotional and less prone to distress.
You scored really high on this trait, suggesting you're more emotional and more insecure than others.
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Openness to Experience
This trait reflects a person's open-mindedness, and interest in culture and art. People who score high on this trait tend to be imaginative, creative, and to seek out cultural and educational experiences. People who score lower on this trait tend to be more down-to-earth, less interested in art and more practical in nature.
You scored really high on this trait, suggesting you love art and try to keep open-minded.
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DISC Personality Test Results-
Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively high in Dominance:
enjoy competition and challenge.
are goal orientated and want to be recognised for their efforts.
aim high, want authority and are generally resourceful and adaptable.
are usually self-sufficient and individualistic.
may lose interest in projects once the challenge has gone and they tend to be impatient and dissatisfied with minor detail.
They are usually direct and positive with people, enjoying being the centre of attraction and may take it for granted that people will think highly of them. They may have a tendency to be rather critical of others. Consequently, other people may tend to see them as being rather domineering and overpowering.
Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively high in Influence:
are strongly interested in meeting and being with people.
are generally optimistic, outgoing, and socially skilled.
are quick at establishing relationships.
Sometimes their concern for people and people's feelings may make them reluctant to disturb a favourable situation or relationship.
Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively low in Steadiness:
tend to enjoy change and variety in their work and non-work life.
are expansive by nature and tend not to like routine and repetitive work/activities.
They enjoy stretching themselves intellectually and physically.
Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively low in Compliance:
are independent and uninhibited.
resent rules and restrictions.
prefer to be measured by results and are always willing to try the untried.
Free in thought, word and deed, they long for freedom and go to great lengths to achieve it. They feel that repetitive detail and routine work is best "delegated" or avoided.
Locus of Control and Attributional Style Test Results-
Success Orientation       17
When it comes to successes in your life, you appear to have an external locus of control. This means that you do not think you have what it takes to control whether you are successful or not. When you do well at something, you likely attribute it to things like luck, being at the right place at the right time, or the ease of the task. As a consequence, you probably don't take the credit you deserve. Your self-esteem, motivation, and general well-being would most likely be improved if you realized that you actively influence positive events in your life.
Well, there you have it folks! I hope this helps give you some good ideas for developing your character. But, when in doubt listen to them, you’re characters know who they are. You just need to let them shine! (Or, blow stuff up in the case of Dimitri.)
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animatedmbti · 7 years
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Buster Moon--ENTJ
“This show is not gonna save your theater! Maybe it's time to just move on.”
Buster Moon has an enterprising and goal oriented personality.  He has dreamed big all of his life, and he has never let go of the grand visions he’s followed so tirelessly (Ni).  He has a natural knack for taking charge and organizing large events and other people (Te) which he puts to good use in making his dreams come to life.  Buster Moon has an eye for the aesthetic and cares a lot about quality (Ni-Se).  His draw to the visual arts also show his extraverted sensing.  And he never forgets what is meaningful to him, liking to be defined by his expertise in doing what he loves to do, as well as following what was meaningful to his family (Fi).  As an intuitive, he can sometimes get a little more lost in his ideas than sticking to reality, but ends up serving him well.
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Eddie Noodleman--ISTP
“This show is not gonna save your theater! Maybe it's time to just move on.”
Perhaps Eddie has led a bit of an easy life, but nonetheless, he clearly most enjoys the moment and the albeit laid-back experiences he has (Se).  He often approaches situations with his own logical reasoning, thinking it’s often better just to let things go and move on in a realistic manner (Se-Ti).  His inferior Ni can be seen in the way that he not only lacks a future plan or goal, but more importantly that this doesn’t seem to bother him at all.  Eddie is happy to live in the moment and mostly take things as they come.
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Nana Noodleman--ESTJ
“Oh, lucky me. If it wasn't for my useless grandson and his ghastly little theater friend.”
Nana Noodleman isn’t afraid to voice her opinions.  She enjoys the glorious sensory world of the theater, and she would love things to remain as they had been before, enjoying reliving all the experiences and the memories (Si).  It’s quite important to Nana that her wishes and decisions are taken seriously, and she regularly keeps the outer world and others in check (Te).  She has a soft heart below that surface, though, and it’s especially when something reaches a deep, self-defining part of herself that she opens up a bit more emotionally (Fi).
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Miss Crawley--ISFJ
“Johnny, your jacket is talking.”
Miss Crawley is very loyal and caring to Buster Moon and his wishes.  Even though she is elderly and a bit slow, she works tirelessly to get everything done.  To the extent of which she is capable, she is careful of details and wants everything to be right.  Miss Crawley dedicated and loving, and it clearly upsets her greatly when something she’s done hasn’t met expectations or wasn't done quite correctly.
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“Norman, would you please tell them what a good singer I am?”
Rosita is clearly a great mom, but what isn't so obvious from the surface is how great she is at singing.  Even though she loves singing so much, her family and current life don’t leave much room for following that passion, so she puts it to the side (Fe over Fi).  Though she does believe she can sing well, Rosita doesn’t pursue that life, sticking rather to what she knows and the way she feels things must be done (Si).  She’s a bit hesitant to seek different possibilities (inf. Ne); she is hopeful to see the contest flyer, but she doesn’t race to the opportunity right away.  The elaborate setup that allows her to go and audition shows some strong logic (Ti) and the importance of and comfort with routine in the household and great attention to detail (Si).  She is alway very kind, understanding, and the first one to show emotional support when her fellow singers need it (Fe).  Once she embraces a different side of herself, one more eager to explore all of her possibilities (Ne), she really shines.
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“Dad, I don't want to be in your gang. I wanna be a singer.”
Johnny is kindhearted and tries very hard to do what will make his family happy, but his heart clearly isn’t in it, and for an ISFP, that’s clearly not a good place to be in.  His soulful performances indicate his emotional sensitivity, and he’s generally pretty sweet natured and reserved.  As much as he wants to make those he loves happy, Johnny’s strong desire to follow his dreams and do what is deeply meaningful to him end up leading him away, even in rather risky situations (Fi).  In the end, nothing will really be able to stop him from doing what he loves--and he’s good at it, too; his father finally realizes this when he sees how important this passion really is.
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“A penny? How dare you! I happen to have studied in the Lincoln School of Music!”
Though not extremely outgoing, Mike is very confident in his act and proud of what he can do.  Perhaps not the healthiest personality, Mike’s world revolves greatly around his perceived self-importance.  But still, his stick-to-it-ness (Si), his commanding nature that sometimes favors external logic (though unhealthy) over heart (Te), his strong belief in himself and his dreams (Fi) and the fact that it takes him a while to warm up to knew possibilities (inf. Ne) all point to his being an ISTJ.  And even though he may not always be the most honest, Mike must be quite hardworking and dedicated as well with his musicianship, so not all of his pride is an over indulgence.
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“I don't know, but...I wanna try.”
Meena is a reserved character who also suffers from shyness.  She is also often held back by the fear of negative events possibly happening again (inf. Ne), and she tends to stick with a safe an trusted approach to her passion, singing by herself and dedicatedly listen to music as well.  When she tries to audition, it’s largely the want to please her family that pushes her to do it (Fe).  When she finally gets over her stage frights and opens up from her shyness, she is delighted to do what she loves and give the audience a wonderful time.
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“I am not singing this.”
An introspective type, Ash is initially held back by Lance, but even then, she isn’t afraid to take center stage and make music her way, even if it isn’t what the audiences are looking for at all.  She bravely follows her passion regardless of the negative general opinions she gets in return plenty of times (Fi).  She is thrilled when she can finally reach her audience and make them smile by being who she feels she is.  She also loves the physical aspect of her art (Se), cranking the volume all the way up.  Nothing bothers her more than the thought of having to play some song that isn’t her at all, and when she does compose her own song, it’s pulled straight from her heart.
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“This stage is about to explode with major piggy power!”
This pig loves the spotlight.  He shows great comfort in his physical presence (Se), and he doesn’t easily comprehend Rosita’s struggles in the area, which indicate a lack of Fe.  Gunter will follow his act no matter what (Fi), not always leaving much room for the opinions of others.  His Te is visible in the way he can be somewhat commanding around how the performance should be executed.
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