#but i started playing it cause i'm so sad from all this loss around me
espytalks · 6 months
i should stop taking naps after dinner.
I just had a frickin weird one, cause ive been playing a lot of suiika game and heldivers 2, of all combos, and i drempt i was calling in these tanks? and i kept dropping them on more tank things so they'd fuse and make bigger tanks.
There were a lot of enemies (cant remember what they looked like) and just? a lot of noise and gun firings, and they kept shooting down my tank thingies so i kept dropping more tanks, which i'd see from the same perspective as calling in reinforcements in the game, which wasn't as disorienting as it sounds.
i woke up when the chaos died down, and i woke up super relaxed, my dudes, which is weird because i hate guns and military-esque games, so by all means that shoulda been a nightmare.
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Hello there, ‘tis I again! Soo happy you enjoyed the boxer!jason request!! I know, i love him too :)))
Today i bring forth another boxer!Jason ask, maybe you introduce him to your friends and they can’t see past the fact he kinda looks like a brute (even tho he’s such a big softie, i truly believe this man reads romeo and Juliet while waiting to get on the ring), and so at the end of the night he’s feeling insecure cause he could see how your friends looked at him and he starts wondering if they are right and you deserve someone who’s softer and more approachable. And obviously reader shows him just how amazing he is!!
Today i yearn for some good hurt/comfort, if you couldn’t tell lol
Hope you have fun writing this one!! Marvellous works 🩷🩷
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Everything goes right before the two of you get there. Thats how Jason knows something is gonna go wrong at this hang out. You told him all week that if he felt like not going, you could cancel. But he didn't want it to seem like he was blowing your friends off. So he trudged through.
He trudged through and is sitting side by side with you in a booth. And three of your friends are crowded into the other side of it. They've had a couple of drinks before you came. You weren't really in the mood to play catch up so you stick to your one while Jason goes dry because he's driving.
They have conversations about the recent news, the latest gossip, and then they ask about your life. Particularly your life with Jason. You start gushing about him, as if he isn't there, and tell them about how you met and how he treats you.
"This guy? This six foot tall, three hundred pounded brick wall?" one of them asks.
You scoff, "How he looks has nothing to do with how he treats me."
"Yeah, but doesn't he-don't you box?" another one of them asks him.
Jason clears his throat and sits up straight. But you notice it. You notice how he is trying to make himself smaller. He did it at the very beginning of your relationship, to make you less scared. You talked to him about it when the two of you got closer, and you haven't seen him do it since. Until now.
"I'm a boxer, yes. But I don't bring any of that home with me." Jason answers.
"Isn't it hard though? When you're angry? I mean who's to say you won't-" the third friend starts.
Hell. This has to stop.
"Enough." you speak.
They all look at you, at a loss for words. While it's true the four of you grew up looking like people who were afraid to tell others no, and looked like doormats, you were far from that person. Those days are over.
"I'm not gonna let you speak to him like that. He has been nothing but kind and open with me, and not that it's any of your business, but he has never laid his hands on me, or raised his voice." you say.
Then you're getting up from the booth, holding your hand out for Jason. He looks between you and your friends and then he's getting up from his seat. He takes your hand in his.
"He's my boyfriend. I want him in my life and I wanna be a part of his. So either you get that or you get lost." You put finally.
You turn around and walk right out the door with Jason. Jason who hasn't said a word yet. Jason who is holding onto your hand in a way that tells you he's not completely paying attention.
When the two of you cross the threshold of the doors, you squeeze his hand.
"Baby?" you ask him.
Jason looks at you then. Like everything is coming back into focus for him. He has a sad smile on his face.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"Don't ever be sorry for being you. If my so called 'friends' couldn't see past what you look like and what you do for a living then they don't need to be my friends." you explain to him.
Jason shakes his head, "You've known them longer than me. It's not fair that-"
"Jason Todd, I am not willing to give you up. For anyone. Ever. You got that?"
Jason lets out a small sigh. "Okay."
You let go of his hand to hold out your arms. He pouts a bit before stepping closer to you and wrapping his arms around you completely. You nuzzle into him more.
"I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you. I hope you know that." you add on.
"Yeah?" he asks.
"I swear it." you answer.
a/n: thank you so so much for sending this in! <333 I love some good hurt/comfort too!! I hope you like it!!
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(short continuation to the prompt I wrote, which is linked below. I thought I was done with this, but then @victoria-has-no-secret and @bluerosefox had some ideas to incorporate into it. Screenshots of said ideas are also below but are sprinkled throughout the post too.)
(*) = Me building off of other ideas
TW: mentions of animal death
← previous
After the whole fiasco with the Justice League, Danny gets an idea. Not very many people actually know about Laika, at least from what he could see of the majority of the Justice League who had never learned about her. Although, to be fair, a lot of them come from different planets. Either way, it gives Danny the idea to create a YouTube channel starring Laika to teach the people of Earth about the pup.
The channel immediately garners attention from all around the world, and even winds up on a couple of news stations too! It grows so much that Danny decides to expand further than just Laika, but to the other things that were sent into space in the quest for knowledge: The space rovers as well as many other animals.
Laika even leads Danny to them as he ventures further into space with a specially made camera that can withstand traversing space and the differing atmosphereic conditions of other planets. He manages to find every single one of them, discovering that maybe Laika hadn't been as alone as he'd first thought as he watches and records her playing with the spirits (imprints?) of the rovers, chimps, mice, and many other animals haunting the endless void of the cosmos.
People back on earth are going wild with the knowledge that their hopes, thoughts, and feelings helped to give life to beings that had long been dead/stopped working. They have no idea what to feel about this new information except an amalgamation of pure awe, curiosity, joy, guilt, and sadness. They still mourned the loss of Laika, the rovers, and everyone before and after them, but knowing that their existence wasn't completely lost soothed an ache many didn't know they carried with them when they were there to witness the beginning of such astronomical leaps in technology.
To also know that out of the many stars shooting across the sky, one of them might be Laika happily racing amongst the stars with her friends brought many to tears. At every opportunity, they wished for the sweet pup's happiness and the continuing health of their own furry companions down on Earth with them. They also wished that upon the eventuality that they have to part with their companions that maybe a few of them would join Laika and her friends in stars to keep them company for many years to come.
Although many of these wishes were heard by Desiree, she refused to touch such hopeful and well-meaning wishes for fear of twisting them in unseemly ways, allowing them to form on their own. The other ghosts among Danny's rouges even made a deal with each other to not interfere or attack the town when Danny was recording his videos out in space.
It was beyond bad manners to interfere with another ghost's obsession, after all.
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I'm gonna go cry some more. I've learned more about the progress of space exploration in the past couple hours than I probably should. This is the last thing I'm adding onto this prompt. If any of y'all wanna continue it, be my guest!
(*) One more thing to add. Where are the ghost hunters/Guys in White during all of this? If they start making a fuss over Phantom and all the ghost animals, do they get a bunch of civilians raiding their government facilities and causing them bodily harm? What's happening with the Justice League? Are they sitting back and eating popcorn while all this goes down? Who knows. :)
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Remus Lupin X Reader: The reunion
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Warnings: angst, self hatred, lost lovers, fluff, sadness, smut, nipple play, oral (f & m receiving) fingering, blowjob, rough sex, soft sex, penetration (p in v), making out, pet names, dirty talk, happy ending.
Word count: 5,5 K
It has been a long time since you’d last seen Remus but you remembered the day like it was yesterday. You remembered the feeling of his skin warm and barely out of reach. You remembered the strangled sound that had left your lips as you begged him to stay with you. And most of all you remembered the words he’d uttered before he’d turned around and walked away.
“I can’t.”
You had never fully understood what he meant. For years you’d racked your brain over his words, trying your hardest to understand what exactly was stopping him from staying. And then one day you stopped asking yourself what you’d done wrong. You couldn't change the past, you couldn’t make him stay and that was just how things were. 
You’d never expected to be back at Hogwarts. It had been years since you last stepped foot in the Great Hall and yet here you were, standing in front of the professores tables with a smile plastered on your face. You had a lot of fond memories in this place. Your eyes trailed over the table, snippets of your time as Hogwarts flashing through your head as you gazed around the empty hall. Your smile faltered for a moment when your eyes fell on a particular spot of the Gryffindor table. 
His spot. 
You could picture him sitting there with James and Sirius on either side of him, his eyes glued to the book in his hand. He’d raise his head from the pages, his eyes finding you in the crowd. The image of his smile was clear in your mind despite not having seen it for a long time. It almost felt like you were back in your eighth year. Back when things were good. Before it all went up in flames. 
You were sure you would have kept staring all day if a familiar voice hadn't brought you back to reality. You turned to look at Mcgonagall as she called out your name. She moved gracefully towards you showing the same professionalism she had back when you were in school. Before she could put out her hand for you to shake you’d pulled her into a hug. She let out a surprised gasp as your arms wrapped around her thin frame.
“Come on now Minnie, I think we're past the handshaking phase of our relationship.”
Mcgnagall stayed immobile for a split second before wrapping her arms around you. 
“Oh how I've missed you dear.” 
Many people saw the professor as a strict person who didn’t care much about connections but they would be wrong. You’d known Minnie for years. Even after you left school you’d kept in contact and you could confidently say that she considered you a friend. It had been her who had called you back to Hogwarts after all. You pulled away from the hug, smiling up at Mcgonagall.
“So what did you need me to come here for? Not that I'm complaining. I love an excuse to wonder around here but your letter was very well-”
“Yes. Ominous is a great term.”
“Well, you know how it is. Can’t risk information getting into the wrong people's hands.”
You knew about that all too well. Information getting into the wrong peoples hands had been what had caused you the loss of your friends. From then on you’d all become more careful with who you told things to. It was safer that way. Especially with the things that had started to happen in the last few years. Mcgonagall seemed to notice the way your eyes had started to gloss over, the memories creeping their way into your mind. 
“Don’t worry dear. It’s nothing bad. I actually think you’ll enjoy it quite a bit.”
“Yes. Walk with me.”
You followed Mcgonagall through the halls of Hogwarts watching the students stumble from one classroom to the other. You observed the groups of friends chatting about things. It all felt so very familiar. It felt like coming home. And then your eyes fell on a young boy. You’d recognize him instantly.
There was no denying the similarity he had to his father. You and James had gotten into loads of trouble when you were younger and even though you weren’t the best of friends you’d been one of the first people to meet Harry. 
“He’s gotten so big.”
“Yes he has. He looks so much like his father.”
“He really does.”
“Do you want to say hello?”
Your head snapped in Mcgnagall's direction, teary eyes searching for any hesitancy but found none. She really meant it. You look back at the trio before you, observing the way they laugh with each other. He looked like his dad but laughed like his mom. You’d recognize Lily's laughter anywhere. Everything inside you begged for you to walk over and greet Harry but there was a small part of you, a sensible part, that didn’t want to. You were scared of how he’d react. There was no way he’d remember you anyway, you’d meet him when he was a baby. And you didn’t want to risk putting him in any more danger.  
“I shouldn’t. I can’t risk getting too close to him.”
“Well that might be a bit hard.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think it’s about time I told you why I called you here today.”
Mcgnagall started walking again, moving away from Harry and his friends. You glanced at the boy once more before following her.  After a little while you’d made it to the entrance of a classroom. Which you recognized as being the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. That is if they hadn’t changed things around since the last time you’d been here but you doubted they had. You looked at Mcgonagall questioningly. 
“What exactly are we doing here professor?”
“Well we’ll be needing to replace our current Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts for next year and it so happens that I think you’d be a great fit for the job.”
“What? Minnie, are you serious? You want me to work here, at Hogwarts?”
This didn’t seem real. Hogwarts had always been your favourite place to be and the chance of working here and being near Harry seemed too good to be true.
“I can’t promise anything but me and Dumbuldore think very highly of you dear. We think you’ll do a fine job here.”
“Godric's Minnie. You have no idea how much I've dreamed of this.”
“Oh I think I might have some idea.”
Mcgnagall looked into the classroom for a moment as if contemplating something before turning back to look at you.
“There is one thing I'll need you to do. It’s typical to do an interview with the Headmaster but seeing as Dumbledore is dealing with a lot at the moment and I too have many things to resolve. Your interview will have to be done by the current professor.”
You bit your lip nervously. You had never been great at interviews, especially with people you didn't know much.
“But don’t you worry. Me and Dumbuldore have the utmost faith in you and we are sure the professor will go out of his way to make you feel comfortable.”
“Okay Minnie if you say so.”
“Wonderful. Well then dear go on in. He should be waiting for you already.”
You took a deep breath in, closing your eyes for a moment before turning towards the classroom door.
“Okay, here we go.”
The classroom was just like you remembered it. The layout hadn’t changed at all. The only thing that was different were the objects inside the room which you knew changed according to the professor's class. You walked towards the back of the room going up the staircase that led to the professor's office and knocked at the door. You heard some shuffling behind the door followed by a “Just a moment”. You recognized that voice. Could it be? No way you had to be making things up. Being at Hogwarts made you nostalgic, that's all. There was no way it was him.  And yet when the door opened there he was. Standing directly in front of you was none other than Remus lupin. Your Remus.
The one that got away.
Remus had been nervous about the interview. He wondered if the professor would tell his replacement exactly why replacing him was needed. He knew Mcgnagall would never openly tell anyone about his condition but being that a vast majority of the school had already found out it was inevitable to keep it a secret from the new hire for a long time. He wondered who had been picked to take over his teachings. From the way Mcgnagall spoke of them they seemed like a very smart person. Just the type of person Hogwarts needed. Remus hated the idea of leaving Harry after everything that had happened but it was probably for the best, considering a small amount of the boy's issues had been a consequence of his condition. 
Remus had always loathed being a werewolf. It bothered him greatly. He blamed that part of himself for losing people, the fear of hurting someone dear to him making him push everyone away. It was what he had done to you all those years ago and despite hating the thought of hurting you it had been the best choice. He’d spent the months after he left you hating himself more than usual. He’d wake up in the middle of the night calling out your name only to remember you weren’t there. He’d hear your laughter as he made himself coffee in the morning and would be haunted by the way you called out for him the night he left as he got ready for bed. You meant everything to him and that was precisely why he’d pushed you away.
Over the years Remus had thought of writing to you many times, mostly when it was close to a full moon. He craved your sweet words the morning after his transformation. He missed the feeling of  your hands against the new scars that always seemed to find their way onto his skin as the animal within took over his body. But most of all he missed the way you looked at him. Always with pity but never with fear. You knew he would never hurt you on purpose and yet that was exactly what he’d done. The knowledge that he’d caused you pain was what kept him from reaching out to you. He knew he’d probably die before ever seeing you again but if that meant never hurting you like he had then that was a sacrifice he was willing to take. It was all working out like he had planned. That is, until he found you standing in front of his office door, your features mirroring the surprise he felt inside.
Remus froze in his spot, his eyes glued to the sight of your beautiful face. A face he thought he’d never see. A face that looked just as he remembered it. You too were stuck to your spot eyes moving over Remus’ features gaze catching at the new scars that were on his face. They hadn’t been there the last time and the thought of him being all alone after receiving them made your heart break. Remus longed to touch you, his hands twitching beside his body as he forced himself to keep his distance. You opened your mouth to call Remus’ name but before you could get it out he spoke.
“Come on in.”
The words felt odd coming out of his lips. A phrase far too professional for someone he’d known for years. But it made him remind himself that this was not a moment to catch up. You hadn't come here to see him, you'd come here for a job interview and that was what you were going to get. You walked into the office, eyes falling on Remus’ things. It was a familiar sight, one which you’d missed dearly. You watched as Remus made his way to the chair behind the desk, taking a seat before gesturing you to do the same. You did as he asked, sitting down on the chair opposite to him. You were only separated by a desk but it felt like such a great distance. Remus reached into his drawers pulling out a piece of paper and setting it down on the desk before him. You observed him in silence. He picked up a feather dipping it in ink before glancing up at you.
“Name and age please.”
“Name and age.”
You furrowed your brows, staying silent for a moment before answering. 
“Great. So why do you want this job?”
“What’s going on?”
“Well, a job interview. As far as i know.”
He had to be fucking kidding. Here you were sitting in front of Remus, someone you haven't seen in years. Someone who had left you outside in the cold as he walked away. Someone who had ripped your heart out and stepped on it like it was nothing. And the first thing he does when he sees you is act like an arse? Like hell! You slammed your hands on the desk raising from your seat in fury.
“You have to be joking.”
“I don't know what you mean.”
He hated the way he was talking to you. He hated the way he was acting. But most of all he hated himself. He hated himself for pretending nothing had happened. He hated himself for making your face twist into the scowl you were now wearing. But it didn’t matter. It was better if you hated him. It would make watching you leave easier. But he should have known better. He should have known that you were the type of person who fought for what they wanted. And not the type of person who left when things got hard. That was what was different between you two. While Remus ran from love you fought for it. He had always loved that about you but right now he wished you’d just punch him in the face and leave. 
You let out  a pained kind of laugh. Your eyes moved over Remus' face as you shook your head in disbelief. 
“So that's how it is, hum? Rip me to shreds and just pretend it didn’t happen. Might as well just spit in my face Remus. ”
A frown found its way onto Remus’ face at your words. He knew he deserved your rage but it still hurt. 
“Fucking say something!”
Remus' eyes widened as you yelled at him. You never yelled at him. Not even he’d helped James sneak Veritaserum into your coffee. Or when he’d messed up your first date with a guy because he’d gotten too drunk. You hadn't even yelled at him when he left. No like this anyway. Not with such anger. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you felt tears begin to well in your eyes, a combination of anger and sadness taking over your body. It made Remus jump into action. He got up from his chair, making his way to you. You put your hand out telling him to stop.
“Stay away.”
Remus called out your name, slowly moving closer to you. The tears were falling quickly now making your face glow. You closed your eyes, a sob leaving your lips as you kept your hands out in front of you. You opened your eyes when you felt something come in contact with your palm. Remus had made his way to you. You looked up at him, your face twisting in anger as your hands turned into fists. You hit Remus' chest once waiting for him to react. When he didn't you kept hitting him and he let you. He let you hurt him because he knew he deserved it. The energy your anger had given you seemed to run out, your palms coming up flat against Remus chest as your body heaved forward in a strangled sob. Remus took his chance, pulling you into him. You tried to push away from him but he didn’t let you. The familiar scent of chocolate entered your nose. Godric how you’d missed that smell. Remus' body warped around you, the warmth making you feel tired all of a sudden. You stopped fighting to get free. Instead you sink into Remus, letting him hold you. Remus relished in the feeling of your body near his. He'd forgotten what it felt to hold someone like this. Your breathing started to slow down as you stopped crying, your body finally draining itself of all the sadness that had consumed you for years. He was back in your arms. The man you’d loved so much was finally within your grasp and you weren’t going to let that go to waste. You didn’t know how long this would last after all. 
Remus felt you move against him forcing him to loosen his hold on you so that you could look up at him. Your eyes bore through his brown orbs a silent request hidden in your gaze. Remus knew what you were thinking because he was thinking the same thing. One of you just needed to do something about it. To your surprise Remus was the first to act. He leaned down, his nose bumping against yours before he crashed his lips into yours. The amount of desperation between you two was clear. Each one trying to grab onto any part of the other just to make sure this was real and not a figment of your imaginations. Remus kissed you with a fervour you hadn't felt in a long time. He kissed you like he was out of breath and you were the air he so desperately needed to survive. Your hands found their way into Remus' hair caressing his scalp with your nails, something you used to do to soothe him. He sighed into your mouth, tongue begging for entrance which you gave him. Your tongues danced around each other as Remus’ hands found their way to your thighs. He tugged you up off the ground making you wrap your legs around him. You both let out a moan as Remus hard on nudged against your clothed cunt. You were incredibly wet already, the years of longing making you needy. Remus wasn’t much better off. It had been so long since he’d last been with someone like this that he felt like a teenage boy all over again, trying his hardest not to cum in his pants. Remus sat you down on his desk, his hands moving against your pants as you tried to tug his vest over his head. You both laughed as each other's desperation got in the way of either one of you achieving what you wanted. 
“You first love.”
You let Remus unbutton your pants. A moan left your lips as Remus shoved his hand into your underwear, his slender fingers moving to gather your slick.
“Bloody hell you’re wet.”
“You sound surprised.”
“Didn’t know if I still had that effect on you. After everything.”
You could tell Remus was starting to spiral into a feeling of self hatred so you grabbed his face in your hands. He looked at you with sadness in his eyes.
“I never stopped loving you, Rem.”
“I left you.”
“You did. And it hurt a lot but that's what love is.”
“What, pain?”
“No Rem.”
You pushed a piece of hair away from his forehead.
“To love is to forgive people for their mistakes.”
Remus’ shoulders sagged as he placed his forehead against yours.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“I don’t know. But what I do know is that being far from you is the worst pain I've ever felt so please don’t leave this time.”
“I could hurt you. I could put you in danger.”
“Nothing will be worse than not having you near Rem. Nothing will ever compare to that. Please don’t make me go through that again.”
“I promise I'm not going anywhere this time.”
Remus placed a hand on your cheek giving you a kiss.
“And I think I know how to start making up to you for last time.”
“Oh yeah?”
Remus moved away from you, his hand reaching to the edge of his vest. You watch him pull off the vest before beginning to unbutton his shirt. Your eyes traced over his scars, the need to go over to him and kiss each one taking over you. But as you tried to get off the desk Remus moved towards you, his hands latching onto your thigh to keep you in place. “What do you think you're doing?”
You traced your fingers over the scar directly above Remus' nipple making him take a deep breath in.
“I want to kiss them.”
“Later love. Right now you’re going to let me take care of you. Okay?”
“Good. Take this off for me.”
You did as Remus asked, removing your shirt and tossing it near his discarded clothes. Remus’ hands found their way to your breast giving them a squeeze before caressing your nipples through your bra.
“Fucking gorgues.”
You moaned at Remus’ praise, head falling back as you did. Remus took his chance, his lips latching onto your neck as he moved to palm at your thighs.
“Lift your hips for me love.”
You did as he asked, helping him remove your pants. Remus took a step back, his eyes racking over your exposed skin.
“Just like I remember it.”
“I doubt that. It’s been a while.”
“You’re still as pretty as ever, love.”
You blushed at Remus’ words. He had a way of making you flustered with the simplest of words. Remus moved back to his original position, dropping to his knees before you. You brace yourself as he removes your underwear, his fingers bumping into your clit and making you whimper. In another life Remus would tease you before delving into your pussy but it had been so long and he missed you. He missed the taste of you. Missed the feeling of your thighs against his head as you came. Missed the way his name sounded coming from your lips. So instead of making you work for it Remus shoved his face into your dripping cunt. You grabbed onto Remus hair as he ate you out, a grutell sound leaving your lips as you rutted against his face. Remus ate pussy like a king. Anyone who’d been with him knew that but when he was with you he always seemed to go the extra mile. He knew what made you scream and he was set on reminding you just how good he could make you feel. Your thighs clamped around Remus’ head as he entered a finger into your cunt. It went in without any resistance causing him to enter two more digits. You wailed above him, the feeling of fullness making you scream.
“Shh love. There are students around. Need something to keep you quiet?”
You nodded as Remus’ question mouth opened for him. He understood your request, moving his free hand up to your lips. Your hands latched onto his arms, shoving his fingers into  your mouth. Remus moaned into your pussy as you sucked his fingers, the vibrations adding to the pleasure he was giving you. Before long your pussy started to clench around Remus fingers signalling to him you were close. He sped up his movements, sucking on your clit as his fingers ploughed into you. You came with a yelp of Remus name, your hands wrapping around his with a bone breaking grip. You collapsed onto Remus’ desk, your legs still placed around his shoulders as he continued to lap up your juices. He didn’t want any of your sweet nectar to go to waste so he kept eating you out until you groaned due to the overstimulation. You whimpered his name, making him raise his head from your cunt. The sight of Remus beneath you, face covered in your slick, made you want to rub your thighs. Lucky for you Remus sensed your need for a break, rising from his knees so that he could kiss you. He leaned his body against yours pulling you into a smearing kiss. You bit at his lower lip, making him groan and hump against your thigh. You felt his dick rub against your exposed skin, a hunger growing inside you.  Remus loved eating you out but you knew he also loved watching you suck his dick. You give Remus’ shoulder a push, signalling for him to get up. He did as you asked, raising to his full height before you. You climbed off of his desk dropping to your knees just as he had done. A shudder left Remus’ lips as he realised what you were about to do. You grinned up at his flustered face.
“Wanna fuck my face Rem?”
“Godric love.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes please.”
“That’s better. Take your pants off for me baby.”
Remus tugged his pants down eagerly, making you giggle. 
“Sorry. It’s been a while.”
“Better make it worth it then huh?”
You didn’t give Remus a chance to answer, your hands gripping his boxers and tugging them down quickly before guiding his dick into your mouth. The moment your warm mouth wrapped around his dick Remus knew it was over. He would have to marry you. He couldn’t bear the thought of someone getting the pleasure of feeling like this. Your tongue ran over the vein on the underside of his dick making him buck forward. You choked on him forcing  a growl to leave Remus' lips. There it was. You knew that sound anywhere. Remus had a tell, whenever he was about to become absolutely feral during sex he let out a growl. You’d become used to it, your jaw relaxing so that he could have his way with you. And that's what he did. Remus’ hand pulled your hair into a ponytail giving him a better grip. Once he was satisfied he started fucking into your mouth roughly. You placed your palms on the floor trying to keep your body steady as Remus used you to chase his high. 
“Mine all mine.”
He was babbling random words of praise, his hips moving widely signalling to you he was close to blowing his load. You moved your hands to remove your bra. Remus caught sight of your movements, mouth falling open as he caught a glimpse of your breasts. You moved your hands over your breasts playing with your nipples. The intention wasn’t to bring yourself pleasure, you were putting on a show for Remus. He’d always liked seeing you bring yourself pleasure as he fucked his fist. Some things never change. Remus came with a grunt, hips sputtering wildly as he spilled his seed into your mouth. You swallowed every bit, proudly showing him your tongue after he’d pulled his dick out of your mouth.
“You’ll be the death of me, love.”
“I see you still like seeing my tits.”
“Don’t think I'll ever stop liking that.”
You kissed your way up Remus body, making sure to give love to every scar within your reach. Remus smiled down at you once you made your way to your feet. You grinned up at him, placing a small kiss to his lips.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Rem.” 
“I’m so sorry I left.”
“Shh don’t think about that now. Just be here with me.”
You placed your head on Remus' chest, your arms wrapping around his torso in a loving hug. Remus kissed your temple as he stroked your hair. He could feel your nipples against his chest and you could feel the way his dick twitched against your stomach. You bodies longed for each other and who were you to deny them?
“You got a bed?”
“Yeah through that doorway.”
“Well what are you waiting for professor?”
Remus smiled at you, his arms reaching down so that he could pick you up. You laughed as Remus carried you over to his bedroom in bridal style. He placed you on the bed gently before going back to lock the door. He’d waited years to do this. He couldn’t risk anyone running the moment. When Remus turned back to look at you, you had already changed positions. You had your back pressed against the headboard, your legs spread in a way that let Remus see your pussy. 
“Wet already?”
“I can’t help it, Rem. I’ve been thinking of fucking you for a while.”
“Oh yeah? Lucky for you, so have i.”
“You gonna keep talking or are you gonna come over here and show me how much you want me.”
Remus practically lept on the bed. He grabbed your shins tugging you so that your body was laying flat on the bed. You wrapped your hands around Remus' neck, pulling him into a needy kiss. Remus ran his tongue against the inside of your mouth as he reached down to grab his dick. You spread your legs more allowing Remus to manoeuvre himself. 
“It might hurt a bit.”
“Can’t be worse than our first time.”
“Tell me if you want me to stop okay.”
Remus inched himself into your core. You clenched your teeth at the feeling of him. You’d forgotten how thick he was.
“You okay?”
“Yeah-ugh-keep going Rem pleasee…”
“Fuck your sucking me in. So fucking wet. My pretty pussy.”
“All yours all yours.”
Remus bottomed out, his body stilling as he allowed you to become accustomed to the feeling of him inside you. It stung a bit but soon enough the pain turned into need.
“Move Rem please move.”
“Shit love. Feel so good.”
Remus rocked into you slowly. It was a tender kind of thing. He wasn’t fucking you, he was making love to you. There was still a desperation in his movements. You could tell he wanted to go harder but was afraid of hurting you.You called out his name causing him to move his gaze from the place where your bodies connected to your face.
“Yes love?”
“Please fuck me.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes Rem go harder fuck me like you need me.”
He did need you. He needed you more than he needed anything else and he was ready to prove it. Remus lifted your legs over his shoulders allowing him to reach a new angel. You moaned at the feeling of Remus deeper inside of you, the sound spurring him on. Remus started pistoling into you. You placed a hand against his headboard for support. The entire bed creaked and groaned as Remus fucked you with vigor. You were both close to coming undone, your moans growing more and more constante. It didn’t take long before you  came around Remus dick, nails digging into the skin on his back as you yelled out his name. Remus came not long after his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he spilled his seed in you. 
You felt Remus sag into your body. Your hands caressed his scalp as he tried to catch his breath. He placed his chin on your chest, a hand coming to hold your cheek.
“I missed this. I missed you.”
“Me too.”
“I’m sorry for leaving. I thought I was protecting you but it turned out I was just making us both miserable.”
Remus sighed against your skin, his eyes watering.
“I’m tired of losing people.”
“I’m right here Rem. I’m not going anywhere.”
Remus furrowed his brows, his features contorting into what you knew was his thinking face.
“What is it?”
Remus got off of you moving to get off the bed. You raised your body leaning against your elbows as you watched him pace around. 
“Rem what-”
“I have something to ask you.”
Remus stood before you with a smile before dropping onto one knee. Your hands moved to cover your mouth as Remus said your full name.
“Will you marry me? I don’t have a ring but I'll get one and I don't know exactly how it would work. Do I move in with you or do you move in with me? But we’ll figure it out.”
He looked up at you with loving eyes.
“So what do you say?”
You moved your hands, placing them over Remus' chest.
“I would love to marry you.”
Remus let out a delighted noise lifting you off the bed and twirling you around. You wrapped your legs around him, moulding your body into his. 
“I love you Remus Lupin.”
“And I will always love you my dear.” 
Mcgonagall looked out the window onto the grounds.
“I believe we’re going to have to find someone else for the Dark Arts job.”
Dumbledore looked up from his desk, glancing at the professor with a knowing smile.
“You were never going to hire her.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Love, professor.”
“What do you mean Dumbuldore?”
“Love always finds a way my dear Mcgnagall. And those two well…they’ve loved each other for a long time.”
Mcgnagall shared a smile with the Headmaster. He was right, the two of you had always loved each other. Anyone with eyes could see it. And something told the professor that her plan had worked out just fine. 
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Better than me (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**Back with another request. For this one, I was asked to write about Rúben feeling a little insecure and jealous too. I think it turned out quite cute so hopefully you enjoy too ❤️**
Word count: 2561
"We're fucked!"
Rúben was in a terrible mood after the match. They won, so that was good. But Rodri, arguably their most important player, got a red card. So he was bound to miss at least the next three matches. Fantastic.
"Huh?", you asked, quickly looking up from your phone while he drove.
"The next few matches. It'd be hard to win without Rodri".
"Well, sure. But they have you so it'll be fine".
He wasn't so sure but appreciated your compliments and optimism.
Rúben hadn't been feeling very optimistic himself lately. Or great. And one of the main reasons for that was you. Not that you had done anything per se but…the insecurity he felt was mainly caused by your intelligence and your friendship with Rodri.
You had met Laura, Rodri's partner, at work. Both of you being young doctors, an instant friendship blossomed between you two. Also, you always wanted to learn to speak Spanish so having a Spanish friend was great. And Rodri became a friend quickly too so that was two Spanish friends.
It was through these friends you met Rúben. Laura thought it could be fun to introduce you to each other and play matchmaker. Both of you were grateful for that. And, of course, double dates were a constant occurrence once you and Rúben made your relationship official.
Since everyone always praised Rodri for being the humble guy who went to uni and dated a doctor, and basically not being the typical footballer, Rúben expected the same when people found out about your relationship but…the reaction was slightly different. Not that anyone saw Rúben as stupid or anything but he wasn't considered to be as smart as Rodri. Where was his uni diploma? So what he saw was many comments asking how such a smart woman could be with him. Banter mostly, but it could hurt.
"Do you need help with your wound?", you asked when you noticed you were almost back home.
Rúben had a little wound on his thigh and one of the perks of dating a doctor was that you could look after it.
"I'm good. Thanks".
"It could still get infected, you know?"
"I know. I'm not dumb".
His tone confused you. Where did that reaction come from? But he had been in a terrible mood since the match ended so you guessed it was all about that. Little did you know…
And he had reasons to worry. City were out of the Carabao Cup after losing their match against Newcastle. Rodri didn't play…but neither did Rúben. So none of them were to blame for it.
But then came the Wolves match. Rúben started that match and quickly made his mark…by scoring an own goal. You were watching the match at home and hoping he could turn it around during what was left of the match. Otherwise, he was going to blame himself for the loss. You just knew it.
“Hi”, he said back, sighing and sitting down next to you.
“Want cuddles?”
“Will they make my own goal disappear?”
“I wish but they can make you feel a bit better”.
You turned the TV off and laid down so Rúben could do the same next to you and you cuddled. It felt nice after a long week at work. And it was nice for Rúben to feel loved after such a tough day.
Rúben’s phone broke the peace and he had to get up to answer it.
“It’s my parents. I’ll be right back”.
You used that time to go to the kitchen and see what you two could have for dinner. And while you were still deciding, Rúben came back from the room.
“Everything ok?”
“Yes, they just wanted to see how I was doing”.
“That’s nice”, you smiled and went back to looking at the fridge. “We don’t have much. Maybe we could order something”.
“Yeah. We’ll go to the supermarket tomorrow. That fridge looks so empty and sad”.
You chuckled. It really did. “We’ll do the shopping list later. Let’s order food now. I’m starving”.
The whole time at dinner, you tried to make Rúben feel better. He could be so dramatic after one bad match and you didn't want him to stay in that mindset for long.
"Ok, dishwasher full and ready. Should we do that shopping list now?"
"Yes!", you answered, getting your notes app ready to write down all the things you needed to get. "Let's not go crazy with the fresh food, we just need enough for you".
"What do you mean? Are you not planning on eating?"
"I won't be here to eat. Didn't you read my text?"
Rúben picked up his phone. He had ignored it after the match, except to answer his parents' call. But there it was, your text. Well, there was more than one but he knew which one you meant. The one where you said you were going to spend a few days in Madrid with Laura…and with Rodri.
You kept checking the kitchen to see what you might need and didn’t notice Rúben staring at his phone.
“I think I need shampoo. I’m going to check”.
He then looked up to see you going to the bathroom and sighed. “I hate this”.
But the next morning, he drove both of you to the supermarket to do the weekly shop. And every time you mentioned picking up something for the trip, he wanted to scream.
“Do you think I need a plug for my chargers? Spanish plugs are different to ours. Or will Laura have enough for all of us? Maybe I should call her”.
“I’m sure Rodri has it all under control”, he muttered and you turned to give him a look.
“Ok? I'll still ask”.
That was the first little dig. Then came the second, and the third…
“Rúben, have you and Rodri had any issues lately?”, you finally asked.
“No. Why would you ask?”
“I don’t know, but you keep being weird whenever he’s mentioned for no reason. Maybe we should cancel tonight’s dinner”.
“Tonight…what happens tonight?”
“Rúben, we talked about having dinner with them a week ago. I put it on your calendar”.
“Right…yeah…no, I’ll go. We’ll go. It’ll be fine”.
And it was fine, for the most part. You still noticed Rúben acting in an odd way but didn’t want to bring attention to it.
“We can’t wait to show you around Madrid”, said Laura. “Well, Rodri will be the tour guide. It’s his city. You’ll love it”.
“I know I will”.
“I actually got the perfect tour ready for you”, told you Rodri. “Since I didn’t have to play, I got some free time to get it all sorted. I checked all the places I think you’ll like to prioritize those. It's a perfect plan”.
“That’s so thoughtful. Thank you”, you said. Your smile was so big and that made Rúben feel so shitty again.
“You’ll have to see if you prefer Lisbon or Madrid”, joked Rodri, winking at Rúben but Rúben didn’t want to laugh.
“Well, Lisbon was amazing so you’ll have to really prepare the best tour to make me love Madrid more”.
“How did Rúben show you his city when you first went there?”, asked Laura. Such an innocent question, but not what Rúben wanted to hear.
“I didn’t prepare anything special. Just showed her around”.
Everyone at the table noticed Rúben’s tone and decided to move on to other topics, but you didn’t get his response out of your head. You couldn’t. So you had to bring it up when you were back home.
“What was all that about at dinner?”
“What do you mean?”
“You got all moody when Laura asked you about us being in Lisbon and seeing the city”.
He sighed. “I just don’t get why you are with me sometimes”.
What was he saying now?
That was a pretty strange statement. And one that made you stop to think about how to approach it.
“I could make you a list”, you tried a joke. Those worked sometimes. But not at that specific moment.
“And then I could make you one that shows why you should be with someone like Rodri instead”.
Someone like Rodri? “Why would I want to be with someone like him?”
“He’s not even your boyfriend and still is better at being one than me. I mean, preparing a tour just for you? Come on. He can do everything better than me. On and off the pitch”.
“Are you bothered by that?”
“I’m bothered by how inferior I feel next to him”.
“Since when?”, he never mentioned that.
“Since the first comment about how hard to believe it was that a doctor would date a football player”.
“But Rodri…he does too. So do others. Didn’t Mata date one? Maybe he still does”.
“Yes, and what do they have in common?”
“They are from Spain?”
Rúben let his head fall and put his hands on his face. It was all in his head, he knew it. He knew you couldn’t understand him. And he felt too dumb to explain it properly.
“They are both humble. Normal. Too normal to be footballers. And smart. Of course business degree Rodri can date a doctor. But me? I’m a joke next to them”.
You sat down next to him and took one of his hands in between yours, placing it on your thigh.
“Rúben, you’re smart. I wouldn’t date you if you weren’t”, he looked away but you continued. “Everyone knows you’re smart. On and off the pitch. You keep being praised for your intelligence all the time. And it makes me proud to see that. Also, you speak two languages fluently and I almost fainted trying to say the few sentences you taught me in Portuguese. That level of fluency takes brainpower. And you have plenty of it”.
“The comments…”.
“Maybe you should stop reading comments of people talking about relationships they are not a part of. What do they know? About you or about Rodri? Nothing. I’m the one who knows you and who chooses to be with you. Shouldn’t my opinion mean more?”
“Yes, but…”, he knew you were right but still didn’t feel like he could accept it fully. “But what if I’m not enough in the future? There is a limit to my intelligence, you know? I’m not studying. I don’t keep on learning like you do. The most I do is watch a documentary every once in a while”.
“I don’t need you to be a bloody encyclopedia, Rúben!”
“But I want to be one so I don’t embarrass you!”
He then got up and even though his back was to you, you could imagine how hurt he looked.
“You won’t embarrass me”.
“I was at that work dinner last month and…I felt so stupid. Like I haven’t before. You know, when you work every day with people who can’t even spell the word encyclopedia, you do feel as smart as one. But then reality hit me. Everyone there was so smart. Like you. That’s the people you work with. And Rodri was chatting with all of them and talking about everything like he was one of them. While I was just asked about my gym routine and what I ate to keep my muscles so big”.
“I’m sorry they made you feel like that”, you said, slowly walking towards him to wrap your arms around his waist. “But just so you know, I would never date a doctor. They’re unbearable”.
You chuckled but he didn’t join you so you squeezed his waist to try and show him your love somehow. It was you who felt stupid then. Not knowing what to do to comfort your boyfriend.
“Rúben, do you want me to stay?”
“No, go to Madrid. Have fun. I won’t ruin your plans”.
“You’re more important than a trip. I can go to Madrid whenever”.
“No”, he turned to look at your face. “I’m stupid, ok? It’s a lot sometimes. And all the comments about Rodrid don’t help. All the stats about how shit we are without him. Those don’t help”.
“Well, whenever you feel like that, talk to me. So I can reassure you about whatever you need to be reassured about, ok?”
He nodded. It was him who needed to hold you tightly at that moment and you felt really happy when he did. And relieved. He wasn’t going anywhere and neither were you.
“Really, I can stay…”.
“No. Go on your trip. I’ll be waiting here for you. And buy me a gift while you’re there”.
“What do people buy in Madrid as souvenirs?”
“I don’t know but I’m sure Rodri will know”.
“Looking forward to that Atleti fridge magnet he’ll make me buy”, you laughed.
Your time in Madrid was great. The tour Rodri got ready for you was fantastic. But you missed Rúben. And worried about him. So you kept texting him photos of the places you visited and updating him.
-“You took me to get ice cream the moment we left the house so that's a point for you. 1-0”.
-“Oh wait, Rodri bought us churros. 1-1”.
-“Why are these churros so good? 🤤”
-"I'm buying a churro making machine. I'm having these for breakfast every day. Oh my God!"
-"Laura took me to a park to see turtles. Can we get a pet turtle? 🐢".
-"Also, that's a point for her. Not Rodri. Not such a perfect tour guide if he didn't know I wanted to see the turtles 🤷".
-"Laura filmed me trying to read the menu in Spanish. That video will never see the light of day but I'll let you know it exists and it's incredibly embarrassing".
Rúben was glued to his phone, waiting for the next text. And he sent some back to you, joking about things like how much better the weather was in Manchester.
But as much as he loved the texts, he was so happy when you were finally back.
"I want you to tell me everything you did in Madrid. Even if I've seen it already".
"Oh, get ready for all the anecdotes. I'm not shutting up about it anytime soon", you laughed and then picked up a bag from your suitcase. "They didn't have magnets…".
So you bought him an Atleti keychain.
"What do I want this for?"
"To piss João off when you see him?", you shrugged and made Rúben laugh. It was a good reason to keep it.
A few days later, City lost another match. This time against Arsenal, so it hurt even more. And the press were back to talking about how bad the team performs without Rodri.
Rúben was going back to Portugal after the match for international break, but you wanted to make sure he was fine before he got on the plane and called him.
"I'm not listening to any of it. Don't worry".
"Pinky promise?"
His chuckle made you relax a bit. "Pinky promise".
You stayed on the phone for a bit longer and then it was time for him to get on the plane.
"You know, Rúben. You never asked me which city I liked more. Madrid or Lisbon".
"Ok. Which one did you like more?".
"Lisbon. Do you wanna know why?"
"Sure. Why?"
"Because I was there with you".
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allaboutnayeli · 9 months
the fall of the mountain [a.thompson x reader]
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prompt: the pressure of being a pro gets to alyssa and her way of expressing that comes out more aggressive than it should. good thing you are here for her.
author notes: had to write something for my #2 wifey in the uswnt, so thank you to the person who asked for alyssa angst+comfort and fuck you to tumblr for making me delete that ask. hope y'all enjoy this!
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alyssa's hands are clenching tightly on the steering wheel as she drives. you can see her poking her tongue though her cheek which is one of her many habits when she is stressed. you two just came from an angel city game with alyssa obviously being a starter for the game and you being there to help a seasoned journalist to cover the game. it was apart of your internship to help out and edit sports pieces.
the game didn't go the way angel city wanted with the portland thorns beating them six to four. you can just see the wheels spinning in alyssa's head about what she could have done to prevent the win; why she couldn't find another opportunity to secure a goal.
"we can stop and get takeout if you want? my treat," you say quietly. testing the waters to see how badly your girlfriend was feeling. she is silent for a moment until y'all reach a red light, looking over at you. "i don't really care so.." she shrugs before going back to focusing on the road. her words are so nonchalant and cold. they make you frown, but you hold out on asking her about her feelings for when you two reach her apartment.
the interaction settling in your mind as you press the chinese food place number and hold up the phone to your ear.
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after getting the food, arriving at alyssa's place, and eating the food, your girlfriend still hasn't said more than two words to you. thank you is the only thing she said once you paid and got the food earlier.
the silence from her is starting to get concerning, so you decide it's time for you to get a peek into her mind.
"lyss, can you just talk to me?" you say as you place a hand on her leg. she's sitting beside you on the couch and all her attention is focused on whatever netflix show is playing on the tv. the american player moves away from your touch, giving you a quick glance. "talk to you about what?" alyssa murmurs.
"you know what. the game, how you're feeling, why you're being so cold to me..." you try to scoot closer to her, but once again she moves away. that annoys you so much that you sigh heavily.
"there is nothing to talk about," alyssa replies. the lack of expression sitting on her face doesn't her eyes. you can see the regret and sadness swirling around in her eyes. seeing her so closed off makes you feel so frustrated. not with her, but more with the unknown reason she is feeling that way that she isn't telling you. "obviously it is if you are acting like this" you snap at her. the words come out before you could even think.
alyssa stands before glaring at you, "acting like what? you're mad at me because i won't talk to you about the game? this isn't some press conference, so honestly i don't have to tell you shit!"
you are taken back by her words, standing up to meet her face to face. "i'm not asking from a reporter standpoint. i'm asking as your girlfriend cause you know partners tell each other things instead of acting all moody like a toddler!" you shout back at her. half of the words you say you don't even mean but being treated like you basically don't exist since the game isn't helping you act rational.
alyssa and you go back & forth for several more minutes. each sentence said being a shot at the other. the loss of the game is weighing down on alyssa's mind as she voices out all her anger at you and you aren't being much better. giving back your girlfriend just as much aggression.
"you wouldn't understand anything about what i have to go through. you're just some college student right now and i'm out here playing infront of thousands of people, it's not the same!" she says before finally storming out of the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. you still stand in the living room not even sure of what to do. the heat of the moment cools down and finally you realize how shitty what just happened was. you and alyssa just had a bad argument right after a game loss that you knew alyssa was feeling bad about it.
you walk around the couch to go to the counter, grabbing the keys to alyssa's car and leaving out of the door. on your way to buy a few things to make up for the argument. hopefully alyssa is ready to apologize too when you come back
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when you come back to the apartment it's around ten. a small bouquet of flowers along with alyssa's favorite candy are in your hands as you walk inside and close the door shut with your body. you slip your shoes off before walking to alyssa's bedroom. the only sound in the apartment being the tv that was left on from earlier and your footsteps.
the door to the bedroom is slightly left open so it's easy for you to just walk in. frowning once you see alyssa laying under her blankets, a vanilla scented candle burning on her desk. that's the only light in the room as you walk inside. sitting down beside her.
"lyss?" you say softly as you look at her. she is still not facing you, but you can tell she is awake.
"hm?" she mumbles.
"can you face me, baby?"
the american player turns over, letting out a small smile as she spots the goodies in your hands. you sit down the candy on the bed before giving her the bouquet of tulips. "thank you..." alyssa says softly as she accepts the flowers. turning back around to set them aside on the nightstand before coming back to face you. instead of laying down, she sits up so you two are actually at the same face level.
you decide to apologize first, "i'm sorry for snapping at you and all the things i said while we were arguing. i didn't mean any of it, i was just so frustrated you were closing yourself off to me."
alyssa sighs heavily before speaking, "no, i'm the one who should be sorry. you were right when you said we are supposed to tell each other our problems. i didn't mean not one thing i said, you aren't just some college student. you're going places, y/n.." she looks at you to see how you are reacting before continuing, "it's just.. i feel like i don't deserve any of this. i couldn't even help get another goal in the net."
hearing the loathing in alyssa's tone makes you pull her close. all the feelings that have been building up in alyssa's chest since the end of the match spill out as she lets the tears that have been waiting in her eyes out. you rub gentle circles on her back as she cries into your shoulder.
"i was the number one pick from the draft, but it doesn't feel like it. sometimes i feel like i don't play like it. than it's not just games, but we have press conferences after and i have to sit in a chair with a bunch of reporters asking questions that i feel too tired to even answer. it's just all too much," she says into your shoulder. you stay silent, just letting her get everything out. in that moment you realize just how different the amount of pressure is on you compared to alyssa. when she fails, there are hundreds of eyes that follow. when you fail, it's your own personal hurdle.
you two just enjoy the embrace of one another for a few more moments with alyssa still sniffling a bit. once you hear her go silent, you pull back just enough to look at her. the american player just tries to lean back onto you, but you keep her away.
you hold her face in your hands, looking at the tear stains on that gorgeous face of hers. "you know you're a great player, baby. everyone else can see it too, that's why you were the number one pick right out of highschool and that's why you were called up for the national team. that's why people expect so much from you," you chuckle as alyssa starts to let out a shy smile. "however that doesn't mean you have to hold all this weight on your shoulders. i'm here for you, your teammates are here for you, and your family is too. everything is a team effort, lyss, so don't ever blame just yourself" you let go of her face before pulling her back into your arms.
she laughs into your shoulder as she holds onto you. "now i feel like that argument was so stupid," alyssa says.
"i mean duh but something good came out of it so it's whatever" you say back. alyssa pulls you down onto the pillows and you happily let her. smiling as she nuzzles up to your neck. "yeah.. well, that was too much crying for one day. i'm sleepy.." she mumbles, seemly already half asleep. you don't realize how exhausted you are until alyssa mentions her own sleepiness, so you just fall silent and let yourself drift off to sleep too.
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Between the books is love
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Prince/Archmaster Vaegon Targaryen x fem!reader
warning : mentioned children death, alcohol (drinking wine), fluff, comfort, holding hands, no use of Y/n
Summary : Jahaerys and Alysanne had many children princes and princesses but the seventh would go down as Archmaster Vaegon and early prince. A young man who favours books over others, but is that true? Is it true that he cannot love or is the young prince hiding something like everyone else at court?
Info : I wanted to write for Vaemond for a long time and I thought he needs some fluffy in his life have fun reading ;)
cover by me (again I really like it)
King Jahaerys the first of his name, the old king, the wise a man, a king and a father of thirteen children princes and princesses born to his beloved sister queen Alysanne Targaryen.
A royal couple who were probably among the most loved in history, rightly and wrongly, as duty, marriage and honour were something that would haunt the royal family, causing the deaths of many princes and princesses and rumoured to be a companion to the Dance of the Dragons.
But above all, the family was meant for the many different personalities of the children from the sweet little princesses who loved to have dolls and cats, the older sister who was a better fighter than some knights, the kind and respectful princes who could make it to king and the little runaways who caused trouble to the gentle simple ones.
Or the seventh son Vaegon Targaryen the only one of his family and one of the few with the blood of the dragon who neither had one nor was and would become king or prince for life.
The middle-born prince who never seemed to smile, who spent his silver-gold head behind books day in and day out seemed inquisitive, polite when it mattered and yet never did his duty again.
You never saw him fighting with his brothers, playing the harp or even in the dragon pit he was almost an oddity as if he was a shadow of his parents whose grief and emotions had turned away from him due to the many losses of his siblings. ,,An eccentric through and through who can't even fight properly...pathetic for a prince," she heard Alyssa say, sitting with her ladies in waiting in the garden under the white boy with the blood-like red leaves.
The princess and her high-born friends were surrounded by sweet food and bitter wine on a sunny day that had not started well. Taking a sip of the wine to stifle her words, she looked around.
She loved days like this when the sun was warm and she could just sit here with her friends and the princess, but thinking about tomorrow made her sad.
A kind of royal breakfast had been arranged in the great hall and the court had been invited to celebrate the alliance with a house, but there was an argument between Vaemond and her friend Alyssa.
The two-eyed woman had still not forgiven her younger brother for insulting his former fiancée and sister Daella as stupid. He shouldn't have said something like that back then, it was rude…but Alyssa is so mean, she thought, not realising how one of her friends was now trying to speak to her for the third time.
,,By the fire breath of Meyleys, where are your thoughts?" she finally heard the question and winced as the wine in her silver cup almost dripped onto the book on her lap and she quickly put the cup down.
,,Nowhere-nowhere, I'm just enjoying the day," she assured, but saw that her friends had seen through her and smiled. They all knew who each other fancied, some fancied a knight, others a lord, a merchant's son or Alyssa her brother, but they also knew that one of them fancied someone in particular.
,,Just enjoying the day? Or the thought of Vaegon giving you a look at breakfast today?" Lady Velaryon asked, her seahorse necklace moving slightly as she came closer, her eyes twinkling to depict the scene. While Alyssa put on an offended expression and mumbled about buffalo while making a grumpy expression.
Shaking her head slightly but not finding it funny, she rolled her eyes, ,,He doesn't like to smile and he's not always nice when he needs to be but he's a prince with a sense of duty and…well, pretty eyes," she defended herself and moments later was enveloped in a group hug by Alyssa and the others who all laughed together.
She appreciated her friends for that, they all supported each other and had even managed to have several meetings in the gardens and the courtyard, it was only a matter of time before they would all find a husband, the laughing flowers as they are sometimes called because of their different colour dresses and their hearty laughter.
The meeting that took place in the garden slowly came to an end in the afternoon as the princess had to go to Valyrian lessons and the others went about their own business. She, on the other hand, almost ran into the library where she had volunteered to dust books and refill candles.
A task she was quickly assigned by the servants who were happy not to do this as it was considered boring but not for her she liked reading love stories and dragons in addition to the ancient knowledge of the Archmasters. It was simply soothing and, above all, she could always see Vaegon sitting at a table with a pile of books next to him.
Opening the wooden door and going inside, it didn't take her long to grab the bucket of new white kezrne and a feather duster next to it and start crawling up the stairs into the upper, narrower and not insignificantly high compartment.
,,You always look like a spider," Alyssa had once said, removing spider threads from her hair as they only cleaned softly up there, but she didn't mind. It was a place where she could see everything and enjoyed reading alone or watching the prince in an almost forbidden way.
Time passed as she removed some of the cobwebs that almost enveloped the books, dusted them off and left them in there for a while before sorting them and replacing the candles in the shelves.
Some time passed and she heard the door open again, but a glance told her that it was neither one of the servants nor the castle's own master, it was her favourite Vaegon.
Just as she thought, he went to the shelves to get his books but she felt nervous when she saw him suddenly take the stairs up here.
looking down and smiling at him, ,,Good day my Prince Vaegon a pleasure to see you" she greeted him and felt the warmth on her cheeks as she looked into the violet eyes. Saw that he looked a little surprised when he saw her and looked at the books as he seemed to have found one. ,,My lady, could you give me the book on the ancient ores of Valyria, second shelf, third row?" he asked, pointing to the row in question.
Nodding hastily, she turned round and looked for it, feeling her heart beat faster as he called her My Lady and heard his quieter, ,,Thank you for making the effort" as he slowly descended the stairs again and waited for her.
She took the book he had meant to find and decided to fetch the ores and the dust mop later. Descending the stairs with the book in her hand, she had her eyes on Vaegon rather than her feet, which caused her to let out a startled cry as she stepped next to a ladder rung and lost her footing.
She clutched the book as if it would give her support, closing her eyes in fear of the pain as if that would make it any better. But instead of hitting the ground with a thud, she felt someone pulling her close.
Someone was holding her just too tightly, their fingers closed around her body and a smell of leather, wax and wine was coming towards her. ,,Are you all right?" was the first thing she heard as she looked into the completely worried face of Vaegon, who had slowly sat down on the floor while her body lay in his arms. His violet eyes showed life, emotion and concern for someone who was not himself for the first time.
He could feel some care that came from something deeper, otherwise she was sure he would have just let everyone else go down. His fingers holding her arms still didn't let her go and she just nodded slowly, ,,Yes-yes I'm fine thank you Vaegon" she replied, almost whispering, the shock and fear making her slightly fuzzy, her hands still closed tightly around the book and she held it out to him appathetically as if it was her life's work.
But then she heard something she had never heard before his laughter he laughed and laughed he thought it was hilarious that she was holding the book out to him and hugged her even closer. ,,Oh my lady you're ready for anything sweet and amusing" he said and she saw the surprised sparkle in his violet eyes as he slowly rose and pulled her to her feet.
His hand still gripped hers as he gave her another thank you and led her to his table, ,,Please take care lady and join me," he said, pointing to the chair next to him where he helped her up and slid one of his books over to her which contained Royal Houses of the First Men.
,,Light reading to ease your mind and distract you I wouldn't want anything to happen to you" he said and squeezed her hand lightly before opening his book and staying with her talking to her about books, wine and the citadel, his house, her house but above all he didn't let go of her hand and kept stroking and squeezing it to signal to her that he was there.
A prince would protect her whether with a smile or without one Vaegon was there for her he could very well feel something and it was a love hidden between two bookworms who saw each other more than once in the library and not just to read.
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abbysimsfun · 25 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 28 (The Trouble With Marcus Flex)
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Heather received great news from the developers of VetConnect when they agreed to help her build the PetConnect extension. They believed it would be successful and might even give her enough to buy out the Landgraabs, but for now, she just had to get it finished.
At work the next morning, she thanked her problematic vet tech, Marcus Flex, for the idea. But ever-flirty Marcus took it as something more.
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He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. Heather pulled back immediately. "Half the clients who walk in here might fall to a puddle at your feet when you kiss them like that, but I'm your employer, Marcus."
"I'm sorry, Doc. I thought-"
"I should fire you. I can't because you kissed me and it'll look personal, but this is your last chance. Pull your socks up around here, or you'll have to find another place to work."
He was twenty-one years old and noncommittal by nature, but he finally started paying attention in his evening classes and began to pull his weight around the clinic.
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Then one day, a girl came in with her family’s German Shepherd, Jax. She wiped tears from her eyes as she signed him in.
Instantly, Marcus was taken with her, approaching her and her dog with more trepidation than Heather had ever seen in him. "Hi, uh, my name's Marcus Flex. I'm sorry to see you looking so sad, but we'll take care of your dog and make him feel good as new."
"My mom was supposed to bring Jax for his annual check-up today, but she just died of heatstroke from the heat wave," she said gloomily. "I miss her so much."
Marcus wanted to reach out and comfort her, but his boss was watching nearby with a stern glare. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Miss...?"
"Thomasine Chopra."
Heather poured herself an espresso and smiled at Thomasine and her pet. "How are classes going at Deadgrass Isle High School, Thomasine?"
"We took a few weeks off to mourn my mom. Dad took us to the city to distract us, I think, but I couldn't sit through math class so I'm grateful. Needless to say, my last year of classes will start a little late."
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Marcus looked away, flustered.
"I'm so sorry," Heather said. "When I heard about your mother's death I couldn't believe it. I can't imagine what you're going through."
"The card was really sweet, and Jax loves his Buttercups. Everyone in town's been great, and they've made things a little bit easier."
"Well, Marcus will take extra good care of Jax today, and I'm always here if you or your family need anything. Not just for Jax."
Heather's endlessly flirtatious vet tech had caused her as much grief as he'd proven he wasn't entirely hopeless. She couldn't help but think he needed guidance, and while they closed up at the end of the day, Heather warned him to wait for Thomasine Chopra. "I don't care if she's 18 already. If you think your feelings mean anything this time, keep your distance until graduation or I will fire you."
Marcus nodded, still a little shell-shocked by his new affections.
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Could Heather continue to manage motherhood, the Landgraabs, and her clinic? ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
NOTE: When Heather opened her clinic, Marcus was one of the sims she could hire and I went for it immediately because I love playing with premades. But then Marcus became an obnoxious NPC who made out with every single customer constantly because the Romantic Aura Action Plan had been default activated in Brindleton Bay. It all gave unflirty Heather a negative 'witnessed crass moment' moodlet EVERY TIME. So I finally decided to give him a storyline with the intention of moving him into the save file so he'll age naturally, make nooboos, etc. Somewhat unfortunately this is the only unmarried sim Marcus wanted because I also hadn't adjusted my age gap romance settings after playing the Ultimate Decades Challenge in my last save, so YA and teens could flirt etc.
All this to say I promise I won't let Marcus become a complete toad. Since I love my premades, I'm plotting a decent arc because this save did him a little dirty.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Matching Necklaces & a Tough Loss
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: It’s the day of the AFC championship game. Joe has some sweet surprises for you and you meet Joe’s parents for the first time. However, the night doesn’t end the way you hoped it would…but at least you and Joe have each other.
•word count: 5.3k
•warnings: Angst, fluff, a very sad Joe, crying, comforting Joe, reliving the AFC championship game (literally broke my heart), i think that’s all? this is a very long chapter lol
series masterlist
January 29, 2023
Today is the day.
The day the whole city of Cincinnati and Bengals fans all over the country have been waiting for.
Today is the AFC championship game. The Bengals will be playing against the Kansas City Chiefs for the second year in a row. Both of these teams are slowly starting to create one of the biggest rivalries in the American Football Conference of the NFL. Both teams have excellent players on both sides of the ball, with both teams quarterbacks being arguably the top two in NFL at this very moment. It should be an exciting game for sure.
Not only will it be exciting, but it'll be quite interesting too. This is one of the most important games of the season. The winner of this game will head to Super Bowl 57 and play against the Philadelphia Eagles in hopes of winning the Lombardi trophy.
The nerves are high today for everybody—all for different reasons too. Of course the game is causing some of the nerves, but there are even more nerves being added to those from the looming game.
First, Emmas due date is today. You are all hoping she doesn't go into labor during the game...
Second, you’re going to be in Arrowhead Stadium for the game. You’ve heard from some of the girls that the fans aren't always the nicest when you’re in their territory. You’re hoping none of you will have any issues tonight...
And lastly, the thing that's causing you to have the most nerves. You will be meeting Joe's parents for the first time tonight.
You were going to sit with the other WAGs, but Joe was concerned for your safety so he asked if you could sit with his parents, just to give him some peace of mind so he wasn't worrying about you during the game...
"You're going to the championship game right?"
You smiled, "Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it for the world."
The corner of Joes mouth quirked up into a small smile, "Good," he said softly. He cleared his throat and began to fidget with the bracelets wrapped around his wrists, "I have something important to ask you."
"What is it?" you asked, setting down the towel you were folding so you could give Joe your full attention.
"The fans can get pretty intense at Arrowhead. I would hate for there to be a situation and I'm not there to protect you Y/n," he sighed, "My parents are going to be at the game, and it would really make me feel better if you sat with them."
Your eyes widened slightly at his suggestion. You still haven't met his parents. You were absolutely terrified to meet his mom and dad. But you do love Joe and you want to make him feel content, especially with the upcoming important game. Any way you could ease his anxieties leading up to game day, you would gladly do.
"But if you don't want to, I get it.” he said, “Maybe you could meet up with them before the game?"
"Joe," you said, smiling softly, "I'm sure nothing will happen. I'll be fine, I promise." you walked over to where he stood by the foot of your bed. You wrapped your arms around him and looked up into his soft blue eyes. "but if it'll make you feel better, I'll sit with your parents."
He nodded as a small smile made its way onto his face, "Thank you." you pulled away from him and got on your tip toes so you could kiss his nose. He scrunched his nose as soon as your lips were away from the tip of his nose. You chuckled at his reaction and went back to folding towels, thankful that you were able to ease your loving boyfriends worries.
~end of flashback~
Isn't he just the sweetest?
Right now, you’re currently in Macee's hotel suite getting ready with a couple other Bengals WAGs. The game doesn't start for a few hours, so you have plenty of time to get ready. As you were curling your hair, Holly and Macee were standing next to you doing their makeup.
"So Y/n," Holly grinned enthusiastically, "I saw you and Joe went Instagram official. That's so exciting!"
You smiled, "Yeah, it is. It feels good to make our relationship public," your smile faltered slightly, "even if some of his fans already don't like me."
It's true, You and Joe went Instagram official just days ago. While you received lots of love and support for your relationship from many fans, you received a lot of hate too. Many girls told Joe he could do much better and that they already didn't like you based on one shared photo. You didn't let it get to you though. You expected to receive some hate. So many girls fawn over Joe every day, so it only makes sense for you to receive hate from those that don't want him to be with anybody. You don't let it get to you though because you know that the real fans of Joes support him and his relationships. As long as he is happy, they're happy for him. And that's all that matters to You. Plus, you’re sure you’ll find a way to get some of those fan girls to come around. Hey, it worked with Joe.
Macee frowned, "Awe Y/n, don't listen to them. They're just jealous. You're an amazing woman and Joe is so lucky to have a beautiful girl like you."
Emma, who was sitting on the closed toilet seat doing her eyeshadow, smiled as she said, "She's right. Don't listen to the haters babe."
"Thanks girls, you're all the best," you smiled at them through the mirror. As you all continued your pre-game glam, there was a knock at the door of the hotel room. All of your heads snapped to the direction of the door. Holly placed her straighter down on the marble countertop, "I got it." She scampered out of the bathroom and down the small hallway, disappearing for just a few moments before she came back into the bathroom holding a white and gold gift box.
"Y/n," she said in a sing-songy tone. He held the box out, "this is for you."
You hesitantly grabbed the box from Holly's outstretched arms. A smirk was on her face as she watched you examine the outside of the box. You furrowed your eyebrows as you noticed there wasn't a tag on it anywhere that said who it was from.
"Are you going to open it?" Macee asked, setting her makeup brush down and watching you.
"I guess so," you shrugged, setting the box on the counter, "I wonder who it's from?”
You unwrapped the gold bow, setting it down on the counter as you took the top off of the white box. All three girls stood together with wide grins on their faces as they watched you open the contents of the box. As you pulled the top off, you let out a gasp as your eyes fell on a number nine diamond necklace identical to the one you got Joe for Christmas. There was also a neatly folded orange jacket and a small white note. You picked up the note, a wide grin making its way onto your face as you saw Joes handwriting:
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Your heart swelled as you read his sweet message. You set the note down on the bathroom counter and pulled the jacket out of the box. Your mouth gaped open as you held it up and looked over both sides. The jacket itself was orange, with the front saying Cincinnati in white block letters with a black outline. The sleeves had three large black stars on them, and on the back of the jacket was the number nine and Burrow, just like the back of Joe's jersey. Both his number and name in white lettering with black outline just like the front of the jacket.
"That is adorable!" Holly gushed as you held up the jacket. Emma nodded, her eyes welling up with tears as she looked at the jacket.
"That's not all," you said as you set the jacket down so you could hold up the necklace, "he got me a necklace to match his."
Macee placed her hands over her heart and gushed, "How sweet. Joe is such a great guy."
"He really is," you nodded, beaming with happiness as you looked at the jacket and necklace once again.
"Well, put them on girl!" Holly exclaimed, motioning for you to put the jacket on. You slid the jacket on and looked in the mirror, smiling widely as you took in your appearance.
"Here," Emma said, reaching for the necklace, "may I?"
You nodded and pulled your hair up with your hands so that Emma could put the chain of the diamond nine necklace around your neck. Once it was clasped you thanked her and let your hair back down.
"You look so beautiful," Macee smiled genuinely, "Joe is going to love it."
You smiled, "I hope so."
The four of you went back to getting yourselves ready for the game. As you continued styling your hair, your smile never once left my face and neither did the blush on your cheeks. You were so excited for the game, and you I couldn't wait to see Joe after the game. If the Bengals win, it’ll be a night full of celebrating.
~time skip~
"Section one-o-one, row seven..." You looked up from your ticket to find your seat. You glanced down the row of seats full of Bengals and Chiefs fans. About seven seats in from where you stood at the end of the row, an empty seat was next to a honey blonde haired woman wearing an orange Burrow jersey.
That must be Joe's mom. You thought to yourself. You took a deep breath and made your way over to them, excusing yourself as you walked past the seated fans. The movement of more fans filling the section around them caused Joe's parents to both look up as soon as you got close to their seats. Joe's mom grinned as her eyes fell on your standing figure. She jumped up from her seat and immediately pulled you into a tight embrace once you were close enough.
"Hi honey!" she smiled as she rubbed your back, "you must be Y/n?" She pulled away and held onto your forearms. You nodded, "That's me."
"Joe has told us so much about you," she smiled, "he was right when he said you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen."
You blushed a deep shade of crimson. You don't think you’ve ever heard Joe say that before. "Awe, thank you Mrs. Burrow." you said, letting out a slight chuckle as you spoke.
"Please, call me Robin." She smiled as she moved out of the way so you could introduce yourself to Joes dad.
"Hi," he smiled, "I'm Jimmy."
"Y/n," you said, holding your hand out for him to shake. He shook his head and pulled you into a quick hug instead. Based on first impressions, Joes parents seemed super nice.
"It's nice to finally meet you Y/n. Joe told us all about you before he came home for Christmas," Jim said as he sat back down in his seat, Robin doing the same.
"We were hoping we'd get to meet you then, but Joe told us you had plans." Robin finished.
You sat down next to Robin and nodded, "My family from Arizona wasn't able to fly in, so I just stayed home and spent some time by myself and with some friends of ours."
Robin frowned, "Oh sweetie we would have loved to have you! I'm shocked Joe didn't invite you. If I had known you'd be by yourself I would have reached out to you."
You smiled sincerely, “Oh it's okay, really. He invited me, but, I didn't want to intrude on your family Christmas."
"Oh stop, we would have loved to have you. You seem like a wonderful girl, plus you make Joey happy." She smiled, reaching out for and squeezing your hand.
"I'm glad," you said, smiling sweetly, "because he makes me happy too."
Robins smile widened and as soon as she was about to say something, the stadium lights dimmed and the pre-game announcements began. You took a deep breath and looked out into the field. The game would be starting very soon. Your nerves were at their worst as the anticipation of game day was coming to an end. In just a matter of hours, Joe and the Bengals could be heading to the Super Bowl for the second season in a row. You really hope that is what the outcome of this game will be...
As the game went on, it was back and forth between the kickers for a while. Each team scoring a pair of field goals before any touchdowns were made. About three minutes before halftime, Travis Kelce caught a pass and ran it in for a Chiefs touchdown. The fans beside you and Joes parents went wild while your shoulders slumped in disappointment. However, with just seconds to go in the quarter, Evan kicked another field goal for the Bengals, making the score 6-13. You tried not to be too anxious about the score as Robin reassured you that they were down at halftime last season and still came back to win the game. You were hopeful that it would be the same way this year, too.
During halftime you sat and talked with Joes parents and got some pictures with fans—which was something you weren’t used to. But all of the fans around you, even the Chiefs fans, were all very friendly. As much as you love sitting with the girls during games, it was nice sitting with Joes parents. His mom is super sweet, and his dad is so fun to talk with. You truly don't know why you were so nervous to meet his parents, they're both so kind and welcoming, just like Joe.
"So Y/n," Robin said, turning to face you, "Joe told us a bit about how you two met, but I want to hear it from you."
You chuckled, "It's crazy."
"Oh we've heard," Jimmy said, chuckling as he too turned to face you.
You let out a soft sigh before you told them the story of how you and Joe met and became roommates. You told them all about the lease switch up and the two of you not being on great terms at first—which Robin thought was hilarious. You told them about your first game experience, your short "fling" with Evan, celebrating Christmas with Joe, and all of the breakfasts you’ve shared together. Most importantly though, you told them about when you first realized you’re in love with their son and how you started dating. You were sure to leave out all of the uh...details that led to your relationship starting though. His parents didn’t need to hear about that.
"A lot has changed in my life since September when I moved to Cincinnati, but I wouldn't change any of it. Being Joe's roommate is the best thing that could have happened to me. It funny but, I'll always be thankful our landlord gave me the wrong lease. Because If it weren't for the lease situation, I don't think I'd be sitting here right now." you finished, smiling softly.
Robin began to tear up as she listened to you end the story about you and Joe. She smiled softly and leaned over, wrapping her arms around you and squeezing you gently.
"Thank you. You've made him so happy sweetie. I haven't seen Joe this happy in a long time."
Jimmy nodded, smiling as he said, "She's right. Joe really does love you Y/n, he has for a while."
Robin pulled away, "It's true. He called me back in early December asking for advice on what to do. He loves you so much, and it makes me so happy to see that you love him as much as he loves you."
You smiled, "I do love him," you gazed out onto the field, seeing the Bengals players coming out of the locker room and back to the sideline. Your eyes fell on Joe and your smile widened, "a lot." You finished softly, blowing Joe a kiss as his blue eyes scanned the crowd. His eyes fell on you and a smile pulled at his lips. He tapped the upper left side of his chest twice and turned back around to get ready to take the field. The bright smile stayed on your face as you watched him take the field with his teammates. Robin and Jimmy beamed with joy as they both watched your sweet exchange. It’s safe to say Joe's parents are very happy with your relationship.
The second half of the game felt like it was going on forever. The scoring went back and forth, and with almost thirteen minutes left of the game, the Bengals were on 2 yard line, getting ready to run it in for their second touchdown of the game. Joe snapped the ball and handed it off to Samaje Perine, who ran into the end zone with ease. Robin, Jim and you all jumped out of your seats and cheered wildly, giving eachother high fives before doing the same to the Bengals fans around you. Evan kicked the extra point, bring the score to a tie of 20-20. If your nerves weren't bad earlier in the game, they definitely were now. There was still plenty of time for the guys to score again, but they are playing against the Chiefs, so it won't be easy to get many opportunities to score again.
The time ticked down and neither team was able to get far enough down the field to score. Both teams were struggling offensively, however, with almost ten seconds left of the game, the Chiefs had the ball and it was 3rd and 4. Mahomes snapped the ball and you held your breath as you watched Mahomes scramble. Not able to make a play, he ran out of bounds. As he ran out of bounds, a Bengals player ran into him, knocking him down on the sidelines. The refs threw their yellow flags instantly.
"Oh god," you frowned as your head fell. The flag was on Cincinnati. With ten seconds to play, the Chiefs had the ball with a new set of downs. “It's over isn't it?" you asked, voice laced with sorrow as you looked over at Robin. Her lips formed in a straight line and she nodded. You watched the ending of the game with your hands covering your mouth the entire time. The chiefs scored the game winning field goal, sending them off to play in Super Bowl 57. The Bengals season was now over.
Your heart broke as you watched Joe walk out onto the field to congratulate Mahomes and the rest of the Kansas City Chiefs. Joe and his teammates have worked so hard all season, pushing through all of adversity and slander from the media as they've been dubbed "the underdogs" of the playoffs. You and so many others wanted to see them succeed so bad. Sadly, they fell short.
"God they were so close," Jimmy breathed out, shaking his head.
Robin frowned, turning to you as she pulled you into a hug, "I'm sorry sweetie. Want to come with us to meet Joe before he heads to the locker room?"
You nodded, smiling sadly at them. You needed to see Joe, but you knew seeing his disappointment would only hurt your heart even more. Once the crowd of fans started to leave the stadium, the three of you made your way to the locker room, Joes mom wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you walked to the tunnel. You were stopped by security, but once you showed your badges to the officers they let the three of you through. You waited a couple minutes in silence, the air somber as players exited the locker room with their heads hung low and shoulders slumped in defeat. The door to the locker room swung open and Joe walked out in his pre-game outfit, holding his bags and looking at you all with a sad smile.
"Hey guys," he said softly, "sorry for making you come all this way."
Joe dropped his bags as Robin walked up to him and pulled him into a tight hug. She rubbed his back as he wrapped his arms around his mother, closing his eyes and nodding as she whispered something to him. When she pulled away from Joe, Jimmy took her place and pulled his son into a tight hug. He pat Joe on the back as he pulled away from him. Joe's eyes fell on you, his beautiful blues growing watery as he smiled sadly at you.
"Hey you," he whispered, gesturing for you to come over to him. You smiled softly and fell into his embrace. You squeezed him gently as you stayed in each others arms for a few moments.
"I'm so proud of you Joe," you said softly. You pulled yourself out of his embrace so that you could place a loving kiss to his temple. It broke my heart to see Joe this disappointed. You knew he was putting all of the blame on himself, even though this loss wasn’t his fault. He pulled way and smiled sadly at you, "Thanks," he mumbled softly. You rubbed his shoulder and stepped away so that he could speak with his parents again.
"We're going to head back to the hotel. We love you so much Joe," Robin said as she pulled him into another hug, "we're proud of you no matter what honey."
"Thanks mom. I love you."
She smiled and walked over to you, pulling you into a hug, "It was so good to meet you Y/n."
"It was good to meet you guys too." you smiled, squeezing her gently. Robin pulled away from you as you said one last goodbye to Jim. The two of them left the tunnel and exited the stadium, leaving you and Joe by yourselves.
You noticed Joe's red eyes and slumped shoulders as he wore a slight frown on his face. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, "I love you Joe."
"I love you too," he said quietly, he let out a heavy sigh as he looked down at you, "will you stay with me tonight? We leave tomorrow morning to go back to Cincinnati."
You smiled softly, "Of course I will. Just send me the address."
"I will," he cleared his throat, "I have to do a press conference, so I'll meet you there."
"I can wait for-."
Joe cut you off, "It's okay. I'll see you later."
"Okay," you smiled sadly, "well, I love you."
"I love you too," he said, voice soft as tears threatened to spill over if he looked at you any longer. He leaned down and briefly kissed your lips before walking down the tunnel to the room he would be doing his press conference in. You let out a soft sigh as you turned around and exited the stadium, deciding to head to Joes hotel and wait for him to get back. You could only hope he'd start to feel better soon. This loss was really getting to him.
~time skip...again~
You were sitting on the edge of Joes bed, texting the girls group chat and thanking them once again for welcoming you into their group with open arms this season. They truly are a wonderful group of women and you already can't wait for game days with them next season. As you hit send, the door to the hotel room opened. Joe walked in and smiled softly at you as he locked the door behind him.
"Hey," you said, voice quiet, "how was your press conference."
Joe slipped his shoes off and shrugged, "Good as it could be I guess." His voice was a bit monotone as he spoke, clearly still upset over the loss.
You couldn’t help but frown slightly at his demeanor. You stood up from the bed and walked over to him. You grabbed his hand before wrapping your arms around his tall frame. Joe wrapped an arm around your upper back, letting his hand come up to rest on the back of your head. His fingers softly ran through the strands of your hair. You stayed in each others embrace for a few moments before Joe pulled away and looked down at you.
"I uh," he rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm going to go outside for a bit. Get some fresh air."
"Okay, do you want me to come with you?"
Joe shook his head, "I'm alright." With that, he walked out of the room and out to the balcony of his suite. You frowned as you looked out to where Joe was standing. His shoulders were slumped as he leaned against the black railing of the balcony, looking out at the lit up city of Kansas City. You pulled your lower lip between your teeth, contemplating whether or not you should go outside to be with him. You knew he was hurting and he needed to cope with this tough loss on his own at some point. But right now, you couldn't let him stay out there by himself as his thoughts of self criticism ran wild. You took a deep breath as you walked over to the sliding glass door, opening it so that you could go outside to be with Joe.
You walked up behind him, careful not to startle him. "Hey," you said softly, placing a hand on his broad shoulder. You wanted to comfort him the best you could. You knew how tough this loss was for him. They were so, so close. Joe looked up at you with a tight lipped smile. His face full of a look of defeat, chin quivering and those beautiful blue eyes were watery with unshed tears that were threatening to spill over at any moment.
You frowned and let out a soft and sorrowful, "Oh." You wrapped your arms around his torso, letting your hands rest on his pecs as you held him tightly. You placed a soft kiss to the middle of his back before resting your cheek against him. You heard Joe sniffle a couple times before his shoulders began to shake. Joe turned around in your embrace so he was facing you. He immediately pulled you into his arms and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
You sat both of you down on the furniture of the balcony, holding him close as he finally let out all of the emotions he'd been holding in since the game ended. You slowly ran your fingers through his messy hair, careful not to pull too hard on any strands of his dark blonde hair. Joes shoulders shook as you comforted him. The frown never leaving your face as you rubbed Joe's back and whispered sweet nothings to him. It broke your heart to see him this upset.
"I'm so proud of you," you whispered before placing a kiss on the crown of his head, "so, so proud."
After a couple minutes, Joes painful sobs turned into the occasional sniff. He pulled his head away from your chest and wiped his eyes.
"I'm sorry," he said, letting out a wet chuckle, "I got tears and snot all over you."
You brought your hand up to his check, stroking his tear stained cheeks. "It's okay honey," you smiled softly, "it's okay."
Joe nodded as a frown arose from his lips, "I don't know why, but this almost hurts worse than losing the super bowl."
Your frown deepened, your tone melancholy as you asked, "Why's that?"
He shrugged and took a deep, shaky breath, "We were just so close. I know I let everyone down. I let my teammates down, my coaches, the fans, my parents, you. I just wanted you to see us get there again. I wanted you to be there when I won my first Super Bowl, Y/n. And I failed at that."
"Oh Joey," you grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, "you'd never let me down. I'm so proud of you, win or lose. You have worked so hard all season, it's amazing you guys got to this point. Don't let one game get to you. I know it's important to you," you sighed, "but you're going to get to this championship every year. I know you are. And yeah, maybe I didn't get to see you win your first Super Bowl this year, but you have so many years left to get your ring Joe." you brought his hand up to your mouth and placed a gentle kiss on one of the prominent veins in hand, "and I'll be at every single game, watching and rooting for you, win or lose. I will see you get your ring someday, Joe."
He smiled softly and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. You hugged him back, squeezing him just as tight as he squeezed you. You breathed in his scent, finding comfort in it even if the smell of sweat still lingered on him.
"Thank you, Y/n. I love you so much." He murmured softly, his voice just a little bit louder than a whisper.
"I love you too, Joe." you kissed his temple, "I'm proud of you no matter what, nine." The two of you pulled away from each other and you held up the number nine iced out necklace that was dangling from your neck. Joe smiled as he pulled the exact same chain out from under his white t-shirt.
"There's that smile," you teased, leaning forward to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. Joe smiled into the kiss and brought his hand up to gently cup you cheek. You pulled away from each other and just stared into each others eyes. You could tell from his dropped eyes that Joe still seemed a bit disappointed with the outcome of the game, but he did seem to be a little bit more upbeat after he had his moment. He leaned back on the couch of the balcony of the hotel room. He put his arm up on the back and gestured for you to join him. You sat back against the couch and tucked yourself into Joe's side. He brought his arm down from the couch and let it rest on your side.
"You know," Joe said, quietly, "I'm actually looking forward to the off-season. I think it'll be the best one yet."
"Yeah?" you asked, craning your neck to look up at him.
"You know why?" he questioned as his fingers began to delicately stroke the skin of your arm. You hummed, urging him to continue. Joe looked down at you and smiled softly, his blue eyes shining from the Kansas City moonlight.
"Because I get to spend all of it with you, Y/n."
A blush rose to your cheeks as you grinned happily at him and his confession. The two of you smiled softly at one another as you laid back and enjoyed the moment together out on the balcony of Joes Kansas City hotel room. As sad as you are that the Bengals season has come to an unfortunate end, you can't wait for all of the memories that you’ll be making with Joe during the off-season.
hey loves!!
WHEW so that was a long chapter, i got so carried away with this😅 also, i didn't proofread this chapter much, so i apologize for any mistakes
i’m also SO sorry for such a long wait with this update. i've been going through some writers block lately, plus i've been extremely busy with graduation stuff. thankfully, i've gotten through the writers block and graduation is over! i should be able to get the last few updates out much sooner now :)
i have four chapters left of this series! we're so close to the end, isn't that crazy? i already have the next two chapters completed, so now it's just a matter of posting them. i'll wait a couple days before i post the next chapter though!
i hope you are all doing well. thank you again for all of your love and support with this series🤍
tags: @jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spooky-stoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kkrenae @hallecarey1 @jordyn14
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shimbongulus · 9 months
Thorns and Stars
(Warning! There are spoilers for Undertale Yellow's pacifist ending up ahead! Don't read if you haven't played it! Or do. I'm not your dad.)
The sun fractalized through the branches of trees in the park, making Martlet squint a bit as she relaxed on a wooden bench. 
The days since freedom came had been absolutely wonderful. Sunlight for the first time in most monsters’ lives, a decent peace with humanity, and a chance for a new start in a world they got to explore all anew.
Martlet had been doing her fair share of exploring around Ebbott, at least, but she wasn’t as young as she used to be. Her brief morning flight was evidence of that as she nursed a mildly aching wing, her fingertips massaging sore muscles and brushing over feathertips that frayed with age. 
She rued how unruly her down had gotten as she aged, but she reminded herself that was a sign of age - she got to see her down get all unruly, and feel her muscles lose the endurance they once had. It meant she had made it far enough to see the sun, that fabulous burning yellow disc that Monsterkind had dreamed of for so long.
But at the moment her wings weren’t the only things aching.
For the past decade and then some, she had been coping with the loss of a friend who had been in her life briefly but brilliantly. Starlo, Dalv and Ceroba had been excellent companions in the process of mourning and grief, and she had managed to grow around it, but it still bristled its thorns from time to time. 
Was there a world where they got to age with her? Was there a world where they came at this point in time? Perhaps.
Suddenly, a childlike voice echoed from Martlet’s right. “Is your wing alright?” She turned to look, and immediately recognized the figure of Frisk Dreemurr, the human name that every monster knew and would know for centuries to come.
“Oh, just fine. Things start to ache as  you get old. It’s whatever.” There was something incredibly familiar about Frisk’s presence and energy, something that seemed to summon the sweetness of the rose that dwelt somewhere within the thorns of grief.
“Say… you’re Frisk, huh?” They gave a nod, “Yup. What’s your name?”
“Martlet. I’m originally from Snowdin, but I’m currently staying in an apartment in New Waterfall.” 
Frisk gave that smile that caused the rose of grief to give its fragrance in Martlet’s soul even stronger as they extended a hand and shook with a firmness that shook her to her foundations. “Nice to meet ya, Martlet.” Suddenly, their face drew sympathetic. “Oh, I’m sorry, did I say something?” 
“W-Wha?” Small flecks of wetness on the periphery of her vision grew to Martlet’s awareness. “O-Oh, uh, it’s.. It’s not you. You just…”
She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself as she spoke the sentence, “You remind me of an old friend of mine. In a really good way.” She brushed some of the tears away, but a few miniscule replacements came behind them. Martlet tried her best to repress the sadness and lean into the bittersweetness that welled up from within her. 
Frisk pulled to a seat beside them, adjusting their blue-and-purple-striped jacket to keep the untimely spring cool out. “Who were they, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
For a moment, Martlet found it hard to summon words. What words could describe that brilliant, bright little candle that had come into their life for that moment those years ago? Friend? Compatriot? Companion? 
“Clover. Their name was Clover,” was all that she could manage for a moment, her blue bowlcut shifting in a slight breeze as a few tears flecked from her chin to her lap. 
Her voice shook slightly as she spoke, “T-They were a human, the last one to come before you. I h-helped them through Snowdin and to the Dunes…” Frisk put a hand on the tip of her shoulder, as if to ask permission to hug them. Martlet nodded as the child stretched an arm across as much of her back as they could reach.
“They were a really, really good friend. They were really strong, and really compassionate, like you.” Something seemed to wake up in Frisk as their brows raised and they asked, “Did they wear a cowboy hat?”
Martlet nodded, the tears slackening a little bit. “Yeah - yeah, they did.” Frisk seemed to look down into their lap, pondering as she continued, “They had a little toy gun, too. They loved coffee, and sweets, and pancakes, and dancing, and adventuring… They were tough as nails, and stronger than anyone could have ever believed.”
Frisk looked up and frowned a bit as they quietly nodded. Martlet then realized Frisk had obviously seen the container. “How did it happen?” 
Martlet’s head hung a bit as another few tears trickled down. “While they journeyed, they heard about the wrongs we’d suffered. They g-gave up their soul s-so that we…” Martlet tried to finish the sentence, but they could speak no more, and a pathetic little squeak came from her mouth as the tears seemed to come unfettered and undammed, coming in a small shower from her face as Frisk hugged her that extra little bit harder.
They squeezed Martlet’s feathered shoulders as the bird-monster cried, whispering, “It’s okay, it’s okay,” to her. Martlet’s tears finally slackened a bit as she reciprocated the hug to Frisk. 
Suddenly, the human looked up at them with bright eyes full of an idea. “Would you mind if I ran and got you something?” Martlet tried to voice a “sure,” but all that they could manage was a little nod as their breath still failed them from the emotional moment shared with the one who helped break the barrier.
She sat and watched as the human ran down the street, past the old brick building and away to some corner of this new town. She was alone now, for the moment, and wondered how Starlo and Ceroba were doing. Last she had seen Dalv, he was making moves to a more open stretch of ground to the east of the mountain, good for growing the fields of corn he excelled at growing.
Starlo and Ceroba were staying somewhere in New Home, she knew, and she wondered if they would ever complete the move up to Surface Home, but as far as she knew they were happy as it was. 
Martlet smiled a bit. Even if Clover was gone, she still had a good crowd of friends. She started to make a mental note to arrange a get-together between Frisk and everyone else, when she felt a tugging at her sleeve. 
As she turned, she saw Frisk, who had made their way back in front of her with nary a sound, giving her a start for a moment, “Aah! Oh, gosh, you scared the feathers off of me.” Frisk smirked, “Really? Looks like you still have ‘em all.” 
She shook her head, “You know what I mean.” It was then that she noted Frisk’s hand was clasped around something small. “Hm? What’s that you’ve got there?” Frisk smiled, “Something I found in the Underground when I was making my way through.”
Their hands unclasped to reveal a little six-pointed star with small brass knobs sticking out at each star-point. A word shone out from the center of the well-polished and well-kept keepsake, “DEPUTY.” 
Martlet’s hands involuntarily stretched out for the star, which Frisk eagerly handed to them. She caressed the thing and felt its contours, caressing even the pin which once held this to the chest of the human she had known so well.
She smiled a bright, happy smile at Frisk as the sweet rose that lived inside grief gave off a perfume they had not smelled since the thornbush had first grown. She felt love emanate from the little badge and embraced it, taking her arms and physically embracing the love - or at least its momentary source, Frisk, which Frisk was all too happy to accept.
“Thank you, Frisk.”  
Martlet could not explain it if she had tried, nor if she had been the most knowledgable monster in existence, but for a moment it was as though she felt Clover there, with her. As if she could hear the words murmuring through some consciousness of hers, “It’s okay. It’s all okay. You’re free now.” 
The thorns seemed as they were all coming up roses now as she enjoyed the remainder of the afternoon with a new friend.
(Thanks for reading! Be sure to go give this fic a kudos on Ao3 too!)
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taylortruther · 10 months
The way almost EVERY single line in YLM can be related to a previous like she wrote about Joe is INSANE. Like YLM is basically the song that would most fit the theme of Midnights (reflecting on the past and integrating it into the present) and guess what? She left it out (for reasons that I understand).
Here we go;
You say I don't understand and I say I know you don't// Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other
We thought a cure would come through in time now I fear it won't// I thought the plane was goimg down, how'd you turn it right around?
Remember looking at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light...now I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time// The entirety of Daylight duh
Remember looking at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light...now I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time// The entirety of Daylight duh
Do I throw out everything we built or keep it //I am an architect I'm drawing up the plans (I'm reaching here I know)
I'm getting tired even for a phoenix always rising from the ashes // I am ash from your fire
Mending all her gashes // is this the end of all the endings, my broke bones are mending
You might just have dealt the final blow // Darling this was just as hard as when they pulled me apart (these two lines feel so similar to me)
Stop you're losing me (I hope I never lose you) I can't find a pulse my heart won't start anymore// he got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue
Every morning I glared at you with storms in my eyes// after the storm something was born on the 4th of July
How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dying// There's many different ways that you can kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough
I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick // I gave SO MANY SIGNS
My face was GREY but you wouldn't admit that we were sick // I don't like anticipating my face in a RED flush (I could write an essay about just this grey/red parallel but nvm)
And the air is thick with loss and indecision//clearing the air I breathed in the smoke
I know my pain is such an imposition // You don't really read into my melancholia // Always taking up too much space or time // I'm not your problem anymore
Now you're running down the hallway // I heard your key turn in the door down the hallway // You were standing hollow eyed in the hallway
And you know what they all say "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" // he better lock it down or I won't stick around 'cause good ones never wait
How long could we be a sad song // each bar plays our song
Till we were too far gone to bring back to life // Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
I gave you all my best mes, my endless empathy // I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best// After giving you the best I had, tell me what to give after that?
And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier // All the bloodshed, crimson clover // And if I bleed you'll be the last to know // soldier down on that icy ground
Fighting in only your army // I'd sit with you in the trenches
Frontlines don't you ignore me // I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me
I'm the best thing at this party // best believe I'm still bejeweled when I walk in the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer
And I wouldn't marry me either // She would've made a lovely bride // I'd marry you with paper rings // all they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride // the entire bridge of Lover
A pathological people pleaser // what a shame she's fucked in the head // mirrorball tm // my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism
Who only wanted you to see her // Walking with his head down, I'm the one he's walking to
And I'm fading thinking DO SOMETHING BABE // Some boys are trying too hard he don't try at all though
SAY SOMETHING // You don't ever say too much
LOSE SOMETHING BABE RISK SOMETHING // this ain't for the best
CHOOSE SOMETHING BABE I'VE GOT NOTHING TO BELIEVE // stood on the cliffside screaming "give me a reason"
i have nothing intelligent to say but I LOVE THIS, let's discuss
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devil-doms · 2 years
If the Brothers forgot about you
(referring to my other post)
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TW/CW: harm/abuse, angst, yelling, them acting like demons (if you need more TWs please let me know)
note: i had a tough time writing asmo and beel, so they might be a little out of character
Solomon was over as usual to teach you a new spell. This one was a request from you, a memory loss spell. You were curious if you could make Lucifer forget about your punishment for failing a test.
Just as you were about to cast the spell, Solomon was requested by Simeon to hurry to the Celestial Realm for there had be an emergency. Solomon tells you to wait till he gets back to try the spell, since you won’t be able to reach him for a bit.
After an hour you grow impatient and decide to do the spell yourself, I mean how bad could it go?
Lo and behold you messed up bad, real bad.
After casting the spell everyone in the house grew super sleepy, falling asleep where they were. After you woke up, you did your daily morning routine. But when you finally made it to the dining room, everyone was staring at you with confusion...
"How did a human get in here? Who are you?" Lucifer asked, "How did you get in here?"
"What do you mean? This isn’t the type of joke you would do." It hit you, Lucifer isn't the type to play jokes, definitely not something like this.
Lucifer stood up, pushing the table back a little bit, "This isn't a game, when I ask who you are, you answer me."
“Wait, do you not know who I am?"
"If I did I wouldn't be asking these questions, now would I? I'm done repeating myself." He starts approaching you, raven-esuqe wings sprout from his back. You panic and look at the other brothers for help, hoping they would tell him to stop. But they don't, they stay silent and resume their breakfast.
Lucifer grabs your arm and starts dragging you to the stairwell, "When I ask you something you answer me, when you want to cause problems you will be punished. A human like you will be lucky to survive the punishments I give."
You panic more, trying to think of things to make him realize he's made a mistake, "Lucifer, come on, its me...I know…that you locked Belphie in the attic because he was a threat, you like your tea on the bitter side...and you're so strict because you want to protect your brothers, you love them."
Lucifer stops abruptly, "How do you know that..." "Because I was here, I live here, we're family..." You say, still trembling with fear.
He presses his fingers against his temple and sighs, "I will speak with Lord Diavolo about this and see what he says about the whole ordeal. If it comes up that you're lying, you will be punished accordingly." To be honest, he really didn't want to punish you, something about it felt wrong.
"How much do ya think they can sell for? We don't get humans down here, its organs should make me a nice profit." He stands up and starts poking and prodding at your body, counting your organs, "Cha-ching, this is a walking money bag right here."
"Very funny." You say sarcastically, thinking it was just Mammon goofing around again.
"Hush, money shouldn't be talkin. I'll deal with ya later." He sits back down at the table to continue eating. A rush of sadness came over you, why would he say something like that? You follow him to the table, "What does that mean?"
Mammon sighs, refusing to make eye contact with you, "I ain't takin care of some human, definitely one like yourself, leave me alone."
Your furrow your eyebrows, "Do you seriously not know me?"
You lightly shove him, "Answer me!"
He quickly stands up, towering over you. Bat-like wings came out of his back. You felt so tiny, so weak underneath him. You're overwhelmed, your vision begins to get cloudy from tears and you feel them roll down your face, "You know me..." You quietly say.
Mammon's anger quickly turned to sympathy, there was something about you that he recognized, he couldn't bring himself to hurt you, "Somethin's not right, you remind me of someone..."
You stare at Levi, after all the weird occurrences that have happened in this house, he should know what’s going on.
"Why are you looking at me? Do you think some otaku like me can't harm you? I can do it, I'll summon Lotan right now-"
You quickly shake your hands at him, "No, no that's not necessary."
He glared at you, "Of course its not, nothing I do is necessary." He gets up from his seat, “I’m going back to my room.” He walks away, taking his food with him.
Did he...not recognize you...? Before any of the other brothers could speak to you, you ran to Levi's room. You knocked on the door, "The second lord." You said, then patiently waited for him to open it.
He cracks his door, "How did you know...?"
"Because we're friends...can I come in...?"
He sighs and opens the door enough for you to slip in, quickly shutting it behind him, "I don't have friends, and I wouldn't even want to be friends with some human normie...”
“I'm not the type to have loads of friends, I'm not Satan, I'm not Asmo, I'm just some worthless otaku!" You can feel the envy radiating off his body, his hands become fists, you watch him turn into his demon-self.
He walks towards you, arms trembling, "I'm not deserving of it, and you shouldn't be either." Your body is pressed against the wall, there is nowhere to go. You do the only thing you can think of doing, and grasp his hands, interlocking your fingers. He pauses, he's taken aback, "I recognize...your touch..."
“Satan, why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, standing in place. Something was telling you not to get near the table.
“Why are talking to me like we’re friends, I don’t know you.”
“Yeah, you do, why’re you acting like that?”
“Who are you to tell me what I do and do not know, you are but a mere insignificant human. You do not know me.” His glare pierced through your heart.
He stood up, "I don’t know why you’re here, the human exchange program ended a year ago, you're not apart of that. You don't matter, I could tear you limb from limb and it wouldn't matter." A green aura surrounded him, he was gonna transform.
You gulp hard, you know that this wasn’t an empty threat. He could if he really wanted to, “You know me…we’re family.”
“Is that so? How are we family if I don’t even know of your existence?” He walks over to you and gets right in your face, waiting for your answer.
“I…I know that you want to be your own person, you hate living in Lucifers shadow. But, you are your own person! You’re quick witted, composed, you tend to overthink things-” You stop when he grabs your wrists, but with a trembling voice you continue, “You…you butt heads with Lucifer, but you really look up to him, you love him.”
Satan grips your wrists tighter, but he’s at loss for words. When he makes eye contact with you, he sees the fear he’s invoked and loosens his grip, letting you go. Something clicked, he messed up, he wasn’t supposed to hurt you, “I’m…sorry…”
"Ohhhhhh~ a human, you can be my new plaything! Come over here and look into my eyes, I want to seduce you."
You were confused but approached him anyways, “You know that seduction doesn’t work for me.”
His eyes widen, “I do? Ahhhh it must be because you’ve already fallen for me then! My powers must be stronger.”
“Do you…not know me…?”
“Of course not, I think I would remember a cute little human like you.” He places a hand on your arm and slowly rubs it.
You back away from him, “I don’t know if this is some new fetish of yours, but stop.”
He raises an eyebrow, “Dear, I don’t think you know who I am. I, the Avatar of Lust, can always  seduce people.” He gets up from his chair, horns slowly start growing out of his head.
You panic and shout, “Asmo, stop!”
Just like that, he did, “I’ve made a pact with you…who are you?”
"Who are you? If you came here to harm my family I will not hesitate to make you into a feast."
“Wh…why would you think that I was hear to harm you…?” You ask, “You know it’s me right…?”
“I don’t. You are intruding. Leave us.” He returns back to his food.
You stand in silence, not sure what to do. He was pushing you away, “Beel…come on…” He still doesn’t reply, he looks up at Belphie with an annoyed look on his face.
He stands up quickly, the chair falling behind him, “Do I need to show you the door?” You flinch and he grabs your arm, escorting you to the front of the house.
“Beel please, I’m family, I…I protected you and Luke…I got Belphie out of the attic…” He grips you tighter, increasingly becoming more frustrated with you. Something was off to him though, but he ignored it, assuming it was only because he was hungry, “You’re hurting me…”
Beel glances down at you notices the tears streaming down your face, something in his brain clicked. He shouldn’t be doing this, he knows you. He lets go of your arm, he can already see the indentation he’s left on it.
He holds your hand, his voice filled with sympathy, “I have the feeling that I’m supposed to protect you…I’m sorry to have let you down.”
He was the only one of the brothers who didn’t look different, since he always looks annoyed.
He sneers at you, “Do you mind? You’re lucky I’m too tired to kill you right now.”
Belphie was always cold, but threatening you like this was quite insensitive.
He raises his voice, “Heed my warning stupid human, that means leave.” But you don’t leave, you stand there, what’s he gonna do? Kill you again? There’s no way the brothers would allow it.
“Is every human this stupid…?” You feel a tail grace past your leg, you look down and see it slowly wrapping around your ankle. You try to back up, realizing you may have made a mistake, but his tail holds your leg in place.
When you look back up you’re met eye to eye with the demonic version of the Avatar of Sloth, and he was not happy. “Belphie, please, it’s me…”
“I don’t know you.” He reaches for your neck, wrapping both hands around it. You place your hands on top of his, trying to pry him off. He slowly lifts you, just enough to where your toes barely reach the ground. Your eyes dart around the room, waiting for the brothers to help, but they don’t. They act like nothing is going on.
You’re weakly hitting him now, maybe to knock some sense into him, but nothing is working. Your vision starts getting spotty, but before it could go black, he drops you. You land on your ass and quickly back away from him.
You watch as he stands there motionless, staring at his hands. He then drops to his knees, “I can’t…I can’t hurt you, something within me is stopping me. I cant help but feel that you’re important to me…”
Eventually Solomon came back and explained the situation to the brothers. Solomon scolded you for not waiting to do the spell, while Lucifer scolded the both of you for doing it in the first place.
Even if it was technically your doing for casting the spell, the brothers couldn’t help but feel horrible for the way they treated you. It was apologies after apologies for a bit. As well as something they’ll most likely reflect on.
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georgie-weasley · 1 year
Hi! New follower here! I love your writing!
Can I request a something post Azkaban Sirius? Anything would be ok but if there’s angst it would be spectacular! Keep up with the good work, you’re amazing and talented! 💖💖
This is so sweet! Thank you so much! I'm sorry this took me a bit to post but I hope you like it!
Moving On
Warnings: its really sad, werewolf Remus, mentions of Sirius's body and weight loss because of Azkaban, reader it whacked by werewolf Remus and hits their head, talks of death and murder, again its really sad
Word Count: 3.9k
Pairing: Sirius Black x Gender Neutral Reader, Remus Lupin x GN!Reader
Summary: You and Sirius were a couple during Hogwarts but when he was sent to Azkaban, you could only wait for him for so long. Now that you've started to move on, he's back and he might have been innocent all this time
A/N: The story very loosely follows the events of Prisoner of Azkaban but not exactly so some things might be different. Also in terms of tags, I did not tag the people who wanted to be tagged in Remus stuff but not Sirius because I don't know this is both and I don't know how to handle that so sorry about it
Masterlist Taglist
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Remus sat next to you by the lake in silence. You both watched the still water and occasionally looked around to watch the students, like you were supposed to. Remus was given the job as the Defense of the Dark Arts professor this year and Dumbledore was kind enough to give you the position of the Muggle Studies teacher. Everything was so different compared to the last time you were sitting here.
The warm air was a promise of the coming summer and now that exams were finally done with, school would be over soon and then you would all be out in the real world; seventh year was coming to a close.
Sirius walked down the small hill, a small bounce in his step. Two weeks ago he had been busy avoiding class and getting detention for skipping class. Then he had exams and he couldn’t avoid those even if he wanted to. He had hardly seen you and now that it was finally Saturday, he wasn’t going to let you out of his grasp. He was going to be the clingy boyfriend today.
He spotted you lounging by the lake with a book in hand and without thinking, he started running. The sound of footsteps pounding on the grass caused you to look up from your book and see your boyfriend barrelling toward you. You threw the book to the side and flailed around, trying to get to your feet to run away but it was no use; Sirius was faster. He tackled you to the ground and wrapped his arms and legs around you, pinning you beneath him. Sirius nuzzled his face into your neck, sighing happily as he held you.
“Remus, help.” You called out to the scarred boy.
He only snorted and shook his head, his eyes remaining on his own book. “You shouldn’t have gone out with him if you didn’t want this happening Y/N.”
You turned your head a little to look at Peter, James, and Lily but before you could ask for their assistance, James spoke. “Really, you signed up for this one.” James laid his head in Lily’s lap as she played with his hair.
Despite your words, you loved this. Everything about this moment was perfect. All of your friends were here with you and Sirius was holding you. The small breeze kept the air from being too hot and the rustling leaves could have lulled you to sleep. You could have stayed there forever. If only that moment could have lasted forever.
Remus stood and held out his hand to you, helping you up. It was colder and soon the first snow would fall. 15 years ago you were finishing your seventh year at Hogwarts and while there was a war on the way, things were good. Everyone was alive and together and happy. Now it was just you and Remus. James, Lily, and Peter died while Sirius was in Azkaban. Just the thought of him rotting away in the cell brought tears to your eyes. You shouldn’t be sad for him; you should be happy knowing he was locked away for the last 12 years. He was the reason all of your friends were dead. He was the reason Harry grew up without parents. He was the reason there was no Uncle Moony, Uncle Wormy, or Uncle Padfoot.
You and Remus walked hand in hand toward the castle. It was against the rules for teachers to show any public display of affection but the rules didn’t matter now. If Remus was thinking about the same thing you were, and you were almost certain he was, you could both use some small comfort. A few months ago, Sirius had broken into Hogwarts for the first time and since then, he was all you could think of. The cool wedding band on your finger made you feel guilty but Remus would understand. After all, this marriage only happened to help Remus. Life wasn’t easy for a werewolf and no one wanted to hire him. With your income helping him, Remus was able to afford basic things like food and clothes. Maybe things were a little less than just friendly now and it hurt to think about. It hurt to know your heart fluttered when Remus held your hand, just like it would when Sirius did the same.
Harry approached you both and reluctantly, you dropped Remus’ hand but by the way Harry was eyeing you, he clearly saw. “Professor Lupin, I was hoping I could talk to you about dementors.”
Remus nodded and reached over to give your shoulder a squeeze before he gestured to Harry to follow him. As they walked away you heard the young boy ask about fighting the horrible creatures.
On your way to your office, you passed by Snape. You were intent on ignoring him but he never made it easy. “On your way to let your murderous boyfriend back in the castle? Or are you going to let your monstrous husband do that?” Your hands clenched into fists; Snape was lucky there were students wandering around otherwise you would have broken his big nose.
“Actually I’m on my way to shower. Perhaps you should try it Snivellus.” You could feel his glare as you pushed past him and continued on your way.
A few more months had passed and Harry was doing very well producing a Patronus. You didn’t ever get to teach him as he elected not to take Muggle Studies but from what Remus said, he was very bright. His parents would have been so proud of him and the person he was growing up to be.
Exams were starting and there had been no new sightings of Sirius. Each night you and Remus studied the Marauder’s Map, hoping to see Peter’s name. Not long ago Remus took it from Harry who told him it must have been broken since he saw Peter Pettigrew’s name. Despite being made by a group of teenage boys, the map was never wrong and if Harry had seen Peter, something wasn’t adding up
“I just don’t understand.” Remus mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. “Harry saw Peter and he should be dead. How could he have seen him?” He had the map laid out on his desk and you moved to stand behind him, rubbing his shoulders.
“All they found of Peter was a finger. I don’t think he could have survived that explosion unless…” You trailed off and started rummaging through his desk drawers.
“Are you looking for something specific?”
“Yes, an old copy of the paper. Remember when we saw the picture of the Weasleys in Egypt? Ron was holding a rat and maybe it’s a stretch but Peter was a rat. Maybe… Aha!” You grabbed the old paper out of a drawer and laid it out on the table. “Luckily someone is a bit of a hoarder and decided to keep this.” Remus blushed a little as he looked at the picture with you. There in Ron’s hands was a rat and you could just make out that it was missing a toe.
Neither of you spoke as you stared at the rat in the picture. “Y/N, do you really think—”
“I do.” You continued for him. “I think that’s Peter.” You moved the paper to get a closer look while Remus stared at the map. He watched with wide eyes as the names Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black all struggled toward the Whomping Willow. Sirius, Ron, and Peter moved into the secret passage beneath the tree while Harry and Hermione were left out.
Remus took the paper out of your hands and grabbed his and your wand off of the desk. “We need to go.” You saw Sirius’ name on the map and without another word, you two rushed out of the castle.
As quickly as you could, you both ran to the tree and used a spell to freeze the tree so you both could crawl into the tunnel. While you knew all about the tunnel that led to the Shrieking Shack, you had never been in it. Remus was forced to use it all the time as a child but now with the help of the Wolfsbane Potion, he could just hide in his office until the passing of the full moon.
Carefully and quietly, you both moved through the tunnel and into the house. As soon as you came into the house, you could hear Harry yelling at someone. A soft voice answered back, almost taunting Harry to hurt him. You would have known that voice anywhere. Remus moved into the room first and disarmed Harry. The wand flew from his hand and clattered to the floor. As soon as the threat was gone, Remus rushed over and pulled Sirius in for a hug. You stood in the doorway and watched the two embrace, your eyes never leaving Sirius’s face. He looked so different and yet exactly the same. His face and body were skinnier and he looked haunted in a way but his eyes were still a warm gray. Sirius pulled away from Remus and saw you for the first time. He stood frozen and no one moved until Harry spoke up.
“You’re friends with him! He killed my parents!” He pointed at Sirius, his hand shaking.
Remus slowly walked over to Harry with his hands in the air. “Harry, let us explain. I promise we will tell you everything.”
“Don’t listen to him Harry! He’s a werewolf.” Hermione spoke up and for the first time, you took your eyes off of Sirius and looked at Remus, your husband.
Remus didn’t take his eyes off of the kids as he stopped in front of them. “How long have you known Hermione?”
“Since Snape made us write the essay.” Of course she would be the one to figure it out. She was smart.
You could see Sirius watching you out of the corner of your eye but you couldn’t look at him now, not when Remus was trying to diffuse the situation that Sirius caused. “I will not deny that I am. Please, let me tell you everything. It will all make sense.”
It was then that Snape made his appearance. “Well, well, well. Looks like the little lovebirds have been reunited. How… sweet.” Snape pushed past you into the room, knocking you off balance. Sirius was quick to catch you as he wrapped an arm around your waist and grabbed your hand. As he steadied you, his finger brushed the wedding band on your finger. Before he could even think about asking you about it, you moved away from him and further into the room.
“Hello Snivellus. Why don’t you run along and play with your chemistry set?” Sirius hissed.
“Why don’t I call over the dementors now? They’ve been waiting to meet you.” As Snape spoke, your hand gripped Sirius’s arm. Harry lunged for the discarded wand on the floor and shot a spell at Snape, sending him back and crashing into the bed.
“I want to hear the story.” Harry said, looking at Remus.
He told them about how he was bitten and when he went to Hogwarts, the tree was planted and the tunnel was created so he would have a safe place to transform each month without becoming a danger to other students. As he got older, James, Sirius, and Peter all became unregistered Animagi. James was a stag, Sirius was a dog, and Peter was a rat. Between the three of them, they helped Remus each month for a few years until they graduated. When the Potters went into hiding, it was Peter who told Voldemort where the family was and Sirius knew. He went after Peter and he cut off his own finger and turned into a rat and was never seen again. Sirius was thrown in prison and Peter lived as a rat, eventually becoming the Weasley family pet.
“This is absurd. There’s no way it’s real.” Harry scoffed.
“Give me the rat and I’ll show you.” Sirius grumbed and stomped over to Ron, ripping the rat out of his hands. With some effort between Remus and him, they were able to make Peter turn back into a man. You remembered him from your Hogwarts years and he was always shorter and much more awkward than the other three boys but now he was hideous. It was said that a person who stays in their animagus form for too long will start to look and act like the animal. Peter was quite the rat.
Peter groveled on his knees, crawling around the floor. “Remus, my old friend. How long it’s been.” As he approached Remus, he pushed him away with his foot. Peter only turned to Sirius and when he saw the murderous look in his eyes, Peter quickly moved on to you. He crawled over and put his grubby hands on your feet. “Y/N! It’s so good to see you my dear friend. We’ve always been friends haven’t we?”
“Don’t touch them!” Sirius yelled and grabbed Peter by the back of the shirt and yanked him off of you. Remus held out his hand and you took it, gratefully standing next to him. Sirius threw Peter to the ground and looked over at Remus with a wild smile. “Let’s kill him.”
To your shock and horror, Remus let go of your hand and walked over to Peter with his wand raised. “No!” Harry shouted, causing Remus to stop moving.
“Harry,” Remus looked at the young boy as he spoke. “This man is the reason your parents are dead.”
Harry, who looked so much like James, shook his head. “I know but I don’t think my father would have wanted his two best friends to be murderers. We’ll turn him in to Dumbledore and then the dementors can have him.”
Agreeing. Remus grabbed Peter and started to lead him out of the shack and down the tunnel. Silently, you and Sirius grabbed Ron, helping him to stand. As you took the kids down the tunnel you could feel his eyes on you the whole time. The only time he looked away was when he apologized to Ron for biting his leg. As you all came out of the tunnel, you let Harry hold Ron up for you as you stepped away to try and get your thoughts straight.
Part of you always hoped that somehow Sirius would be innocent and he could come back to you but after so many years, you gave up and started to move on. You married Remus only five years after Sirius was put in jail but somewhere along the way, maybe five years into the marriage, things changed. You gave up on Sirius and found yourself looking at Remus less like a friend and more like a husband. Now everything was crashing down and sooner or later, you would have to figure this out.
Sirius moved to stand next to you. You could see his hand move to try and grab yours but the sight of your wedding ring made him stop. “You got married. Who? When?”
“Remus, seven years ago.”
Sirius didn’t speak for a moment and your lungs grew tighter and tighter as the seconds passed. “At least it wasn’t Snape.”
You let out a small laugh and finally turned to look at him. “I’d rather die than marry him.” Sirius smiled at you but you could tell he had many more questions. Afterall, the last time you had talked to him, you were both thinking about getting married when the war was over. “I married him to help him out. The world has never been kind to a werewolf and I could hold a steadier job and help pay bills and pay for food.”
“Is it still just to help him?”
“I don’t know.” You whispered, unsure if he even heard you.
“I didn’t expect you to wait for me but I guess part of me always hoped you would.” Sirius took the plunge and grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. His hand was practically skin and bones but feeling his hand wrapped in yours still made your heart flutter like it did all those years ago. His hand fit perfectly in yours. How you’d longed to hold him and touch him and see his face but now it felt wrong. Did you still love him? Of course you did. There would always be a part of you that loved him but not all of you. Not anymore. Not after you’ve spent the past seven years married to his best friend and especially not after you’ve started to fall for Remus.
“Sirius, I hoped that one day you would be found innocent. I waited and I begged the universe to bring you back to me but days turned into weeks and then weeks became months and then five years had gone by and I was still sitting and waiting. I couldn’t keep doing it. I was a shell of a person and I needed to move on.” He slowly pulled his hand out of your grasp and the sudden cold that followed practically sent a knife in your heart. “I’m sorry.”
Sirius shook his head and looked at his feet. “Don’t be. The world doesn’t stop when you’re falsely imprisoned. Too bad it doesn’t work like that because for the record, I would have loved the chance to marry you.” When he looked up at you again, there were tears in his eyes. Without thinking, you surged forward and planted a kiss on his lips. Just as quickly as it happened, it ended and you pulled away.
You turned on your heel and walked away, wiping your own tears from your eyes. Once you were gone, Harry moved over to talk to Sirius. Not much time passed when the clouds moved away from the moon, bathing everyone in pale light. “Remus.” Both you and Sirius ran over to Remus who had begun to double over in pain.
“Remus, did you take your potion tonight?” When there was no answer, Sirius looked at you. Shaking your head you took a step back. You could see Peter take the wand from Remus and turn into a rat but there was no way to stop him now. With a howl of pain, Remus began to transform and a monster stood where your husband once was. You stood in front of the kids, throwing your arms out to keep them behind you. “Y/N, take the kids back to the castle!” Sirius shouted before he transformed as well. The large black dog launched itself at Remus who easily flung him off.
You started to try and move the kids away but it was impossible with Ron’s leg. Remus turned his attention to the four of you and stalked closer. His giant claw reached out and batted you away from the kids, flinging you against a tree. Your head slammed on a tree and the last thing you saw was Sirius trying to protect the kids. Then everything was dark.
When you woke up, Remus was by your side clutching your hand. He saw your stirring and carefully ran the thumb of his free hand over your cheek. “How do you feel?”
You squinted as you tried to adjust to the bright light streaming in from the windows. “Like I hit a tree. Are the kids ok?”
Remus let out a breathless chuckle and kissed your forehead. “They’re fine. Y/N, I’m so sorry. Harry told me what happened.” Any joy left his face as he recalled exactly how you got into the hospital wing in the first place. “This is all my fault.”
You started to shake your head but stopped when it got to be too painful. “It’s not your fault Remus. We both forgot about the potion and I was the idiot who forgot to use my wand instead of stand there and take it. Can we argue about this later? What happened to Sirius?”
For a moment you thought he was going to argue and continue to blame himself but he didn’t. “After I chased him, something drew me away and the dementors came and started to attack him and Harry. They almost performed the kiss and sucked out his soul but Harry, a different Harry, cast a full patronus and stopped them. He and Hermione used her time-turner and saved them. They broke Sirius out after that and he took the hippogriff and left.”
Your body sagged with relief as soon as you heard he was safe. “And Peter?”
“Gone. He slipped away during the chaos of the night and no one knows where he is.” Remus continued to run his thumb over your cheek. “Also, Snape has told the parents and the school board about me and once the school year is over, I’ll be out of a job.”
“He’d better watch his back because once I break out of here, I’m taking him down.” 
Remus laughed and grabbed an envelope off of the little table next to your bed. “This is for you. I have to pack but I’ll be back soon.” He kissed your cheek and walked away.
On the front of the envelope was your name written in an all too familiar handwriting. Before you even opened it, you had tears in your eyes.
Dearest Y/N,
By the time you get this, I’ll have made my great escape thanks to Hermione and Harry. He’s just like James and I regret that neither James nor I got to see him grow up. I’m writing this as Miss Hermione taps her foot on the ground urging me to hurry up so I can leave but I can’t go without making sure you know this.
I love you. I always have and I always will. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me and I just wish I got to spend more time with you. I regret taking our time together for granted. I always assumed there would be more time. You were the only thing that kept me going in Azkaban. It was horrible and the worst 12 years of my life but I remembered you and when I thought of your smile and your laugh and admittedly, your kiss, I could go on one more day. I needed you to know that just in case I never get the chance to see you again.
I also need you to know that I don’t hate you or hold anything against you. I know I wanted you to wait for me but I could have never asked you to put your life on pause for 12 years for me. Especially now knowing that I’m still on the run. You deserve to be happy and I’m glad Remus makes you happy. Merlin knows that man needs someone like you in his life.
I know it does nothing to say this but really, don’t feel bad. We were fantastic while we lasted and I would never change anything, except maybe give myself just a few more moments with you.
Take care of Moony and Harry for me.
@100gaysnails @george-weasleys-girl @weasleybuns @andy200700 @asuperconfusedgirl @jsjcue
203 notes · View notes
warnings: (angst/fluff) quick mention of blood.
pairing: modern(ish)!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric was gone, and you desperately wanted to understand why and how.
word count: 4.4k
Note: last chapter! :) I hope it makes sense to you all. A quick thank you to @tssf-imagines who inspired me to go down this road!
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @bathedinheat @hb8301
‘Is there anything you wish to know in particular?’ 
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
Weeks had passed since Sihtric's disappearance. With barely a single trace left behind, except for the clothes you had bought him, it seemed as if he had never even been here. 
You were desperate the night he disappeared. You kept calling his name, to which you never got a reply. You cried for hours, nearly pulling your hair out of your head. You didn't know what to do. He was gone. You had fallen in love with him and now he was gone. Your gift, your sign from your guides. It had all been a cruel joke.
You had cried for days when you finally started to come to terms with it, but then found the phone he had used to "fetch" you. You mindlessly wanted to erase everything, until you saw the photos you took together before the Beltane celebration.
You felt a lump in your throat when you saw his sincere smile, those duo coloured eyes and your arms around his neck as he took the photo. Tears crept in your eyes when you swiped to the next picture. His hand gently held your chin as he kissed your cheek, which reminded you how affectionate he was that evening. And as you swiped to the next slide a video suddenly started to play, which seemed to have been accidentally recorded without your knowledge. It was right after the last picture.
It showed how his lips left your cheek and you both chuckled, then the screen went dark as you hadn't been aware of the recording, and you only heard his voice now. 
'I'm lucky to have found you, lady,' you heard Sihtric say, and right after that the recording stopped. 
You remembered those words and how he had given you a soft smile before his fingers had intertwined with yours. You threw the phone against the floor as hard as you could, which caused the screen to break into a hundred tiny cracks. Just like your heart had done, you thought.
Your sadness turned into anger over as the weeks passed by. You were angry with everything and everyone. How could you have met someone like him and then have him taken away again. You cursed your guides as you tried to understand why it had happened.
You tried to recall everything you had done, but you couldn't find an answer. Until your mind stopped at the Beltane celebration.
Your bay leaf ritual. 
You had wished for order to be restored in a way that would harm no one. As above, so below. That was the only thing you could think of that might have caused him to disappear. Yet, order was restored, but you were harmed in the process. It didn't make sense.
Your friends grew worried when they hadn't heard from you in a while, and when they decided to answer their texts you could only tell them a lie. You said that Sihtric had dumped you and left town. You hated your lie, but you couldn't explain it otherwise. Your friends tried to help you but only made it worse when they said how awful he was and that you deserved better. When in reality, Sihtric had never disrespected you. He was the sweetest and purest man you had ever met.
After a period of mourning your loss, your friends said it was about time you'd leave your apartment again. You knew they were right, and you allowed them to take you on a little surprise trip. They picked you up at noon and after an hour they dragged you through a ticket check and you suddenly found yourself in the middle of a viking themed gathering. 
A medieval festival.
'What the fuck,' you whispered.
'Surprise!' your friends yelled.
You had no words, you felt your sadness slip back into you and it became hard to breathe. You saw people dressed up as warriors with swords and axes, you saw groups of men forming a shield wall, women who rode on horses and kids getting their hair braided.
Everything here reminded you of Sihtric. Everything.
You wanted to cry and run away, but you tried to compose yourself as your friends took your hand and dragged you along. You felt yourself calm down after a while and tried to just enjoy it. Albeit rough, you felt your facade became easier as the day progressed. 
Your friends all wanted to join a medieval dance class as the evening was approaching, which you thankfully declined and said you'd wait for them at the centre point of the festival, where you'd get a drink.
You made your way through the crowd with a drink in your hand and found an empty table near the back, away from most people. You tried to enjoy yourself as you watched a battlefield reenactment from afar. Your stomach twisted at the sight, thinking of how Sihtric would have fought in battles like that, but for real. You tried to shake the thought of him. He was just a person in history now. You let out a shaky breath and turned away from the battle, holding your head in your hands as you closed your eyes.
You don't remember for how long you had been sitting like that before someone cleared their throat behind you.
'Excuse me,' a voice said, 'but, do I know you?'
You opened your eyes and your heart jumped out of your chest when you saw the man who had spoken to you. You felt your cheeks burn and your hands started to shake. 
'I… I have a feeling we have met before, I'm sorry if this comes off weird,' the man chuckled as he rubbed his hand over his chest, not knowing how to compose himself. 
He looked just like Sihtric. It was his spitting image. His eyes, his voice, scars and all, even the tattoo on his neck and those on his fingers. It was Sihtric. Except his hair wasn't braided, but tied in a bun, and his clothes weren't medieval, but typical modern clothes; sweatpants, sneakers and a hoodie.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, you just stared at him.
'I… actually, I've been watching you for a little while, I, I… I really thought I knew you. I… I am very sorry if I am mistaken,' he said and gave you a polite smile before turning away from you.
'Sihtric?' you blurted out as you stood up.
The man stopped and turned back to face you.
'You know my name?'
He stepped towards you and you swallowed hard. It was him, but… also not. You felt dizzy and he saw your legs were about to give out under you. He rushed to catch you and sat you back down on the wooden bench. He quietly held your hands as he waited for you to fully come back to this world again. You felt his hands trembling, just like yours.
'I don't understand,' you said, to which Sihtric shook his head and chuckled.
'I also don't understand,' he said, 'I can't recall your name, but I feel like I know everything about you somehow.'
You said you understood and you told him your name. And as you told him that you met someone not long ago who looked just like him, you looked over his shoulder and saw a small tent with a sign that said "readings". You stopped talking and jumped up, took Sihtric's hand and pulled him with you.
'Hey, wait. Where are we going?'
'Trust me,' you said, pulling him towards the tent.
'Already trying to get me alone, miss? We just met,' he smirked as he followed you.
You scoffed. He was exactly like the medieval Sihtric.
Once inside the tent you needed a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dim light. Down on the floor, in the middle of the tent, sat an elderly woman. She invited you to sit down and took out a small, black bag.
'Is there anything you wish to know in particular?' she asked.
You looked at Sihtric and he gave you a nervous smile as he knew what you were thinking.
'We would like to know,' he said, 'if we're… if… if we,' he stammered.
'We wish to know how we are connected,' you helped him out.
You looked at Sihtric and he agreed with a nod. You both watched the woman take the runes out of the bag, in toher hands and she closed her eyes. You felt Sihtric's fingers reach for yours, and he intertwined them as you both kept watching the woman. She whispered something to the runes in her hands and then threw them onto the cloth in front of her.
The three of you looked down at the stones. All stones had their symbol faced down on the cloth, meaning they will not take part in the reading as they have no message for you, all stones except for two.
'Perthtro,' the woman said in a soft voice, before she gazed up at you both, 'and Ansuz.'
You and Sihtric gave each other a quick look and a nervous smile, you both knew what the runes meant, but wanted to hear the woman speak her mind.
'Perhtro,' she said, 'the universe is at play. Your connection seems hidden. But trust each other, for the Norns have brought you together, your connection is simply destiny.'
You felt Sihtric squeeze your hand gently as you both kept your eyes on the woman.
'Hidden,' Sihtric said, 'but is there a way for us to tap into that?'
The woman smiled and whispered, 'Ansuz.'
'Revelation,' you said, to which the woman nodded.
'There is a way,' she said, 'to reveal any hidden memories.'
'How? Can we do it?' Sihtric asked.
The woman stood up and you both watched her as she gathered a chalice, some fresh herbs, water and an athame, the knife which she uses during her practices. She sat down again and held the chalice out to you and Sihtric.
'I need you to both spit in the bowl.'
You and Sihtric gave each other a quick disgusted look and did what you were told. You watched as she whispered in a language you didn't understand and she sprinkled the herbs in the chalice. Then she added the water.
'A few drops of blood are needed. From both of you,' she said, and handed you the knife, 'you have to draw each other's blood and drip it in the bowl.'
You held the knife in one hand and looked at Sihtric with questioning eyes. He took your hand and smiled.
'Do it,' he said, 'I somehow trust you wholeheartedly.'
'I'm sorry if it hurts,' you said and made a small cut in his finger, but he didn't even flinch.
The woman held the bowl under your hands and small drops of blood fell down in the mixture. You gave Sihtric the knife and he looked at you with big eyes. And those eyes. Those damn eyes, you thought, it had to be him. He looked at you with so much love, the same as he had done when youvhad read to him in the library and before he kissed you at the Beltane celebration.
'I'm sorry too,' he whispered before he made a small cut in your finger. 
You flinched slightly and watched your blood drip down in the chalice. Sihtric held your hand firmly in his, letting you know that he never wants to hurt you again. The woman took the knife back and stirred the mixture in the bowl with it as she chanted something inaudible.
'Are you sure about this? There is no way back once you drink from the potion,' she said.
'Yes,' you and Sihtric said at the same time.
She handed you the cup. You looked at Sihtric before you took a sip, and he gave you an encouraging smile. You handed him the chalice and he also took a sip, after which the woman quickly took the chalice out of his hands. You became dizzy and felt Sihtric's hand grab yours as you both fell back onto the soft cloths beneath you. 
And then everything became dark and quiet.
You woke up in an unfamiliar place, Sihtric's hand in yours, and you both sat up. It was quite dark and cold. When your eyes had adjusted you saw you had woken up in a cave. Sihtric helped you up and you both wiped the dirt off your clothes the best as you could.
'Where are we?' you asked.
'Nilfheim,' Sihtric sighed as he looked down at his dirty sneakers, which he swore had been white until a second ago. You looked at his sour face and snorted, but then you both were startled by a sudden voice. Sihtric pulled you close and you hid behind a large rock.
'I curse them all,' a voice growled, 'all those who fight for Uhtred!' A maniacal cackle echoed through the dark cave. 'Loki, I have made my sacrifice to you, bring chaos to all men who fight against the Danes on behalf of Lord Uhtred!'
You looked up at Sihtric, who looked as if he had seen a ghost.
'I know this place,' he whispered, 'I have heard these words before.'
'What?' you whispered back, 'how?'
'I don't know. I… I just know it. I've been here before, somehow.'
You opened your mouth to speak but a sudden force tried to pull you both down. You and Sihtric gasped and became dizzy, you grabbed each other in an effort to remain in balance, but without any luck. You both fell down to your knees and suddenly you found yourselves in a dark forest. You felt Sihtric's arms around you as you both tried to fight the dizziness, and you had barely recovered when you heard voices again.
'What if it was not a trap, lord?'
'Finan, do not be foolish?'
'Uhtred, what if ya just got us cursed?' Finan asked, 'ya heard what the sorcerer said!'
'The sorcerer is just messing with us, that is all,' Uhtred said.
'Aye, messing with magic,' Finan said.
'Do not speak of such things!' Uhtred hissed.
Your heart stopped for a moment when you suddenly saw Sihtric. The medieval Sihtric. The one who had been yours. He walked towards the two men, who you figured must be Uhtred and Finan, who he had told you all those stories about. Sihtric looked exactly like he had done when you first met him in the forest, when he asked you for directions. And you desperately wanted to run to him. You wanted to shout his name and jump into his arms. You wanted to kiss him and tell him how much you have missed him, but something kept you in place, nailed to the ground. And you noticed it was because current Sihtric held you back. His eyes were huge upon seeing the scene in front of you. You looked at him and he shook his head with a concerned look.
'Something is wrong. I can feel it,' he whispered. You couldn't explain it, but you trusted him, so you stayed in your place and Sihtric kept his arms around you.
'No, Finan is right, lord,' the medieval Sihtric said, 'something is wrong. I can feel it.'
As you watched the men set up a camp, you understood this must have been the moment medieval Sihtric had spoken about to you, this happened just before he woke up in the future. You quickly turned to face current Sihtric, but before you fully could, a brute force pulled both of you down again and suddenly you woke up at the Beltane celebration.
'I've been here before,' you said, slurring your words for how dizzy you felt.
Sihtric groaned, 'I have been here before too,' he paused, 'I might throw up this time.'
As your heads were still spinning, you both watched how you and medieval Sihtric had celebrated the sabbat and how you performed the bay leaf ritual. It was an outer body experience and you both felt sick to your stomachs. Seconds later you both passed out in the field. 
With a loud gasp you and Sihtric both woke up from, what had felt like, the worst night out ever and you sat up. You scanned the place as you held onto his hand for dear life, and you felt relief when you saw the elderly woman in front of you. You were safely back in her tent at the medieval festival.
The woman gave you some time to process everything, and she asked if you had found your answers. You nodded slowly, as did Sihtric, who looked like he would pass out again.
Someone had cursed all men who fought for Uhtred, causing chaos in their lives by messing with timelines. And as you had watched yourself perform your Beltane ritual, you understood what had happened. You had restored balance, and it had sent Sihtric back to his own time. But as you had asked for no one to be harmed in the process, as above so below, you were destined to run into this modern version of Sihtric. You were destined to meet here and to take this rune reading and this insane trip to understand why Sihtric felt like he knew you. Everything was connected, you and Sihtric were connected. He was the same man you had found in the forest, but in a way, he also wasn't. And you told the elderly woman that you didn't understand how that could be.
'Do you know what an alternative universe is?' she asked.
'You're saying that this Sihtric,' you pointed at him, 'was the medieval Sihtric in an alternative universe?'
'Not was,' she smiled, 'he is. He is the exact same man. Whoever cursed them caused that version of him to cross into this world. And as you restored balance again, you brought to life this one,' she said and pointed at Sihtric, 'young man, what do you remember about your childhood?'
'My childhood?' he asked, 'I…eh,' he stopped talking.
'Sihtric?' you asked after a moment.
'I… I only remember my… medieval childhood?'
'What do you mean?' you asked him, then you looked at the woman, 'what does that mean?'
'He knows everything about our time, but frankly has no recollection of his life here because he was never here before you summoned him, when you restored balance. It's a butterfly effect. You changed time too when you sent him back, but you changed time in a way that harmed no one. He is what you asked for and need, and in return you are what he needs, otherwise he wouldn't be here. Everything you know about him is the truth,' she smiled.
'So,' you paused and tried to get it right, 'you're saying… that Sihtric is the same Sihtric, except that he has adapted to modern life? And everything has led up to exactly right now? We were meant to be here, drink that… potion in order to find out?'
'And to make him remember you. Do you remember, boy?'
'Yes,' Sihtric whispered, 'I remember.' He looked up at you, 'I remember how you found me in the forest. How lost I felt and how we argued until you took me home,' he took your hands, 'I remember how you gave me your phone and how you'd braid my hair, even though I could do it myself,' he said, and you both chuckled. 'I remember how I wanted to fight that drunk man. I remember everything now.'
'Then my work here is done,' the woman said.
You both agreed and Sihtric helped you up. You stepped outside the tent and saw it was dark. You had no idea how much time had passed. It felt like minutes, but it looked like it had been hours as the entire festival field was empty of people.
'Fuck. What time is it?' you asked. Sihtric shrugged, still looking rather upset at his dirty sneakers. You checked the time and saw that hours have passed since you left your friends.
'What the fuck!' you yelled, 'oh god, 87 missed calls. My friends must be so upset.'
'Even I didn't call you that often,' Sihtric snorted.
And in your confusion you hadn't even registered that this Sihtric was your Sihtric. He remembered everything now. You looked at him and you didn't know if you wanted to laugh or cry. So you did a little of both. Sihtric reached out for you and pulled you in his arms.
'My love,' he whispered, 'you found me again.'
'I thought I had lost you forever,' your voice broke.
'No,' he sighed, 'I was just waiting for you as the Norns were busy spinning our threads.'
'Their yarn must be a gigantic clusterfuck,' you laughed through your tears.
'Probably,' Sihtric laughed and he kissed your forehead.
'But I really need to call my friends,' you said after a moment, taking out your phone again.
Sihtric kept you in his arms as he watched you talk on the phone.
'I am really sorry, I am fine. I ran into Sihtric and-' you paused, 'no, I didn't leave with him. We went to a rune reading and- yes, I know,' you continued, 'I know he did that, yes,' you gave Sihtric a nervous smile when you saw he frowned at your words.
'I will be careful. No, he won't do it again. No, you don't have to pick me up, wait, hold on,' you said and covered the phone with your hand. 'Sihtric? Do you have a car?'
'Okay,' you said back on the phone, 'Sihtric will bring me home. Yes, I will let you know when I'm home. No, he won't stay over. I know. I'm really sorry. Okay. Okay, yes, bye. Bye.'
You hung up with a sigh and turned your focus to Sihtric again, who gave you curious eyes.
'What did you tell them? When I was gone for a while?'
'I told them you dumped me and left town.'
'Oh, wow,' he scoffed.
'I'm sorry, but what else was I supposed to say?'
'I know,' he said, 'but I would never hurt you like that.' 
Sihtric smiled and took your face in his hands.
'I know,' you whispered as you looked up into his eyes.
You tugged his shirt gently and you felt his breath on your lips when he chuckled lightly, making you feel dizzy once again today.
'You know, I couldn't tell you before. I mean, not before it was too late,' he said and rolled his eyes before he smirked, 'but I love you. So much.'
You opened your mouth to speak, but Sihtric took the opportunity to capture your lips in a kiss. And he felt just as you remembered. You couldn't help but slightly moan as he kissed you, and you felt Sihtric smiling against your lips.
'Sihtric,' you sighed, 'I love you too.'
'I know,' he said before he kissed you again.
'We should go home,' you managed to say in between kisses.
Sihtric agreed, although he never said it, he just pulled you towards his car as he kept his hands and lips on you.
He opened the car door for you and kissed you again passionately before he allowed you to get in the car. You shook your head and smiled as you watched Sihtric walk over the other side of his car. How would you explain this to your friends, you thought, as he got in next to you and started the car.
'You still live in the same place?'
'Sihtric,' you snorted, 'it has been weeks, not years.'
'Hey,' Sihtric threw his hands up, 'back in my day people moved all the time.'
You gave him a worried look but then you both collapsed in laughter.
'I still live in the same place, yes,' you smiled.
'Good,' Sihtric said, and placed his hand on your knee before he drove you home.
'Will you come in?' you asked as Sihtric pulled up at your apartment building.
'You told your friends I wouldn't stay over,' he smirked.
'I didn't say you could stay over, I only asked if you wanted to come in,' you teased.
You watched Sihtric bite down his lip as he considered your offer.
'Fuck it,' he said, and you both got out of the car, 'it's not like it's the first time we met.'
'That is true,' you laughed as you walked to the main door.
You searched around in your bag for the keys when you felt Sihtric's hands on your waist. You tried to hide your smile as you opened the door. You took his hand and pulled him inside the main hall. 
And it felt like deja-vu. 
You both stumbled up the stairs, his hands and lips never leaving you. And once you shut your front door behind you Sihtric picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.
'I recall unfinished business,' he smiled as he threw you onto your bed, and you watched him switch on your nightlight before he lowered his body down onto yours.
It was all familiar to you. The touch of his hands, the taste of his lips, the feeling of his soft hair as you brushed your hands through it.
'Wait,' you broke the kiss, 'hold on.'
Sihtric groaned as you hopped out of bed to the bathroom. Better safe than sorry, you thought again.
'You better get back in here now,' Sihtric teased. 
'Demanding, are we?' you teased back. 
You looked up into the mirror and quickly fixed your hair, then your eyes darted to the clock and you saw the numbers change like you had seen last time he was here.
Your heart stopped and you quickly ran back into the bedroom. You froze and gasped as you looked at your messy bed.
'You're going to keep me waiting, princess?' Sihtric asked with a puzzled look.
You sighed in relief. Sihtric glanced at the clock in your bedroom and he sat up slowly as he understood why you looked concerned just yet.
'Hey,' he said as he pulled you towards him, 'everything is fine.'
He leaned in to kiss you and before you knew it he was on top of you again. Your hands found his face as he leaned his forehead against yours.
'I am not going anywhere, I promise,' Sihtric said, clutching his necklace, before he kissed you once more.
And the next morning you woke up in his arms, and it felt as if you had never been separated.
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gagmewitha-spork · 2 years
Loss (Lucy Bronze x reader)
Warnings: v sad, you will cry
Description: moments of sadness and comfort following the 2019 wwc semi-final loss for the lionesses. Originally posted to wattpad but I’m transferring all my work over here and planning to start writing again after a few years. Send requests :)
I haven’t rechecked/proofread this so any mistakes or terrible writing is all on younger me.
Word count: 953
The whistle blew. We had lost.
The semi-final of the world cup in France. We had lost.
I can't really believe it. It doesn't feel real. The US players are all running and celebrating. I'm standing here, the same place I've been stood since the whistle, and none of it feels real. We're not good enough.
After a while I feel a pat on my back, causing me to look up just in time to see the face of Tobin Heath, an American player, as she says "good game", smiles a little and walks away. I don't think I said anything back to her, if I did I didn't hear it, and I doubt she did either.
I look around now, I see the faces of my team mates. Ellen White, walking down the side of the pitch, clear tears in her eyes, clapping to the crowds, thanking them for coming to support us. And apologising for not doing them proud. The further I looked, the more disappointment I saw, my teammates, hugging, comforting each other, watching as the US team celebrated making it to the final.
Where's Lucy? I thought to myself, we had both been at the last world cup together, we had been through this disappointment together before, we just didn't want to do it again. I see her, she's lying face down on the floor, no one has gone over to see her yet I don't think. Soon enough I'm sat on the floor by her head, my hand resting on the back of her neck, I can't do anything to comfort her really. I know exactly how she feels, and right now, there's nothing anyone could do to make me feel any better.
She grabs my hand and we sit there until Steph walks over to us.
"Come on girls, huddle time", she says, her voice weak with tears, her expression glum. She pulls me to my feet as Lucy rolls into her back, I reach my hand down to pull her up and no sooner is she standing, than she's in my arms, her face buried in my neck, and mine in hers.
It's at this point that I realise, I'm crying too, I must have been for a while, but in that position, I can't hold it any longer, and I let out a sob, as my teammate, best friend, and love of my life holds me the tightest I ever think she has.
We soon make our way over to everyone else, joining in the large circle, all joined together, holding eachother up, as Phil Neville reassures us that we played to the best of our ability, that we tried our hardest, that luck just wasn't with us today, and that no matter what, we are a team, and we are a family.
I'm still crying, as is Lucy, and most of the other girls. We are heartbroken, but we still have one more game, for 3rd place, and we will fight for it.
The huddle breaks and now more of the US players start coming over to comfort us. Ashlyn Harris hugs Lucy, saying something in her ear. As I'm watching them, Ali Krieger steps in front of me, placing her hand on my shoulders, she doesn't say anything, but we maintain eye contact for a few seconds, before I let out another sob, and she wraps her arms around me.
"I'm sorry", she says, and she repeats it as I sob into her shoulder, "you played so well", she's doing her best to comfort me, but she doesn't really know what it's like to be in this position, "I'm sorry", she's says again, and pulls away to look at me, wiping away some of the tears from my face, "whatevers going through your head right now, just know that you are one of the best players I've ever had the pleasure of playing against, and don't let one defeat make you think otherwise, you haven't disappointed anyone, you are amazing and you've done so much for your team, and for womens football as a whole, remember that", she said, pulling me in for another hug, "you're amazing, don't ever forget that", she pulled away again, and before she'd even properly let me go, I was engulfed into another hug, this time from Emily Sonnett.
I'd known her for years, we used to live together when I played for the Portland Thorns a few seasons ago, she was one of my best friends, to the point where fans thought we wear dating (we never did, I'm way too loved up for that), though I don't get to see her very often nowadays.
"Hey Waldo", she said, using her nickname for me. I'd got it simply from the fact I wore glasses usually and had once shown up to practice wearing a stripy hat. She hugged me tight, not saying anything else, she'd probably heard what Ali way saying to me, nothing else could top that really.
Soon enough we started heading back to the changing rooms, Sonny still had her arm around my shoulder, she was trying to cheer me up, cracking jokes as we walked off the pitch. As we neared the edge of the pitch I felt another arm wrap around me from the other side, causing Sonny to let go and head back to her own changing room and me to look and see Lucy next to me, tears still in her eyes. She smiled at me a little, though it didn't teach her eyes, she was heartbroken I could tell, she could probably tell the same on me.
We held each other up as we walked into the changing room.
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seethesunny · 6 months
Hi, lovely! Here’s some for the ask game. 🍓🥤🌻🪐
Hi friend, happy Saturday 🤲🏼❤ thank u lots for the ask! I always get bored haha
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
This is funny because I've always been a creative kid, so I would create my own stories inside my head and they eventually turned into some of the shows/books I liked- sometimes a mixture- and at the time I didn’t know that was called fanfiction! I have the vivid memory of snatching my mom's lavender Nokia cellphone to write in a notes app, that happened until I fell into the role-playing world for years and that only cemented my love for it, I fully got into writing seriously around five years since that but never posted, it was for that same group of friends only. So that's my backstory! I had given up on it for a number of reasons but I'm back in the fanfiction pit lol
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Since I've been a tessjoel girlie from the beginning I'm pulling some of the hidden gems on FF dot net that some new fans may not know! These are all videogame tlou.
Starting with one of my favorite fics EVER (it is a habit to reread it monthly) written by Raff who is a legend and was a pioneer for them. This is an au that's technically canon compliant for the tone, a very straight-forward summary: Ellie is Tess and Joel's daughter, this is the little glimpses of how they raise her in the QZ:
@kokureno and I gush over this particular fic nonstop, college au with romcom elements, what's not to love?
This one is a curious case because while I read it previously, my mind was blown away when I finally read Dirt (also recommend it) then came back to it. Tess and Joel share a vulnerable moment and Tess realizes there is more to him than what she thought, pretty spot on character analysis:
This one is a Tess lives au AND a babyfic, and you know how hard it used to be to find babyfics for them specifically? Aside from signs (originally from FFnet), I wasn't that lucky and this was a blessing:
Someone said missing scene fic about a very necessary topic aka Joel and Ellie bringing up Tess during their journey? The old man HAS feelings??? Anyway, this is 100% canon to me:
This one is for those who are fans of Tess’s backstory in the old tlou storyline where she was the main antagonist/villain, which means she had a brother who was killed; in my heart this will always be her OG origin story honestly. Plus, Joel also opens up about his own loss:
Don't you love it when there's a recurring theme in your fic???? Tess and Joel's lives when they're running out of time, Tommy appears too, canon compliant:
Okay this one is on AO3 too, I get that, however I first found it here and anyway it has now been buried so! I'm showing it again. Tess's centered fic were a rarity so I know this one like the back of my hand, the most juicy gritty QZ life angst, it's also an origin story about her AND a character study, go wild:
Another one on AO3, but hear me out this IS them at their true core and a required reading for everyone to understand them and their dynamic perfectly, it's pretty sad and there's not much comfort but that's why it's so good. Also, the queen herself (amb) wrote it and this is my special dedication to her bc she cemented this Fandom alongside Raff and she's the best at pulling our heartstrings:
Those are some of my favs. I can't include every single one cause it would take me ages but there are so many more there that are worth a read. If you love them most at their ambiguous nature, the early fics filled the void and nurtured the mind.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
A really talented artist around here who's outstanding at what she does, ily chica @betweentwoceremonials
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Last year I had an awful infection and it took me a while to get rid of it, but I did some medical analysis a few weeks ago and now I'm fine 🥳
This spot is for the people I love and love me in return, I never take it for granted!
Not to get too pessimistic bc I try to keep it light but I never thought I would reach my 20s and yet- I'm still here, and I'm proud of myself for it
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