#but i was confused why they didnt seem to have a family keep
That moment where you just give up and give Nestor Royce's branch of the family a hereditary position as knights of the Bloody Gate because they need to have a family seat to justify the political power you unwittingly gave them while also still letting Nestor treat the Moon Gate as a better seat to obtain so it makes sense why Littlefinger would bribe him with it.
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The fact that Lilia found Silver all alone is curious tbh. Like, did the fairies' magic prevent silver from being moved and everyone was forced to ditch him? Did Heinrich willingly ditch his nephew or didnt want to leave him for whatever reason but had to (tho, considering that he's a jerkwad who sees everyone, even Knight of Dawn, as expendable, he probs thought Silver wasnt worth the hassle)? Where's Silver's mom?
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It's actually not that strange that Silver was found alone in the castle! 😅 I do understand that this confusion may arise from there not being a fully detailed fan translation out at the moment, so I'll try to explain why this is. Firstly, let's talk about time frame. Lilia is coming across baby Silver ~17 years ago from present day. The war in which Lilia fought against the Dawn Knight was ~400 years ago. (The only reason Silver still appears young is because the sleeping curse cast on him must have prevented him from aging regularly until he awoke.) That means anyone that would have been alive 400 years ago is most certainly dead and/or wouldn't know of Silver's existence now. A lot of information gets lost to time. Shortly after Wild Rose Castle was seized by Heinrich, another conflict broke out (I believe it was a territorial dispute) which Lilia suspects claimed the lives of Heinrich, the Dawn Knight, and Leah (Silver's mom). So... sadly, they didn't die of natural causes. In fact, the Dawn Knight is confirmed to be dead (from a battle, I presume) in a flashback/memory sequence. The guardian fairies that cast the spell on Silver have dialogue which states the "Land of Swords" (ie where the Dawn Knight and his family hail from) has fallen and that Leah should flee. Again though, she's almost certainly no longer around. With the country now in shambles and their monarchs missing, it's safe to assume that the citizens themselves would be long gone (dead, absorbed into other countries, willingly leaving to search for opportunity elsewhere, etc). This would likely leave Wild Rose Castle abandoned and the surrounding area pretty abandoned.
Lastly (but still an important detail to consider), Lilia says that he senses residual magic coming off the thorns that cover the castle. He theorizes that diurnal fairies could have casted a spell to keep humans away from the area (though it's unclear whether the thorns are a part of the spell or not). Furthermore, Lilia mentions that humans believe the castle to be haunted, so not many try to get near it or to explore inside (which would also be pretty difficult to do for anyone that tried, since the thorns are a hassle to deal with).
Altogether, I think those are some pretty compelling and logical reasons as to why no one else stumbled across Silver before Lilia did. He was just lying there sleeping for 400ish years anyway, he's not really going anywhere by himself 😂 (Silver only seemed to wake up and cry when Lilia entered the castle, which I believe ties back into the condition set to break the curse: when he meets someone who is able to truly love him, it will be lifted and he will awaken.)
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
Hello, I started following your blog pretty recently and I agree with most of what you think. I felt so confused when I finished the books and came on tumblr to see everyone hailing malina as the perfect relationship and I was glad to know that I wasn't the only one who disliked him.
I wanted to ask you something, im not sure if I saw this on this blog, but someone said that zoya is an example of toxic feminism in YA fantasy. Which checked out to me, but it also felt that bardugo added misogyny, feminism and toxic feminism in the SaB series.
Misogyny since alina had to face sloot-shaming in every book (almost entirely by Malyen ugh 😒). I felt that she really tried and suceeded to be feminist with genya, since she actually stood up for herself and had many facets to her personality. She also wasn't an important character just because of her beauty or anything super superficial. Genya IS a strong female character, and she wasn't 'broken' by the king, despite the foul things he did.
But zoya.. my god, I really wanted to like her, but I just couldn't. She is mean and hot headed to the point where I really don't see any redeeming factors to her. I always liked 'mean girl character who isnt as shallow as she seems' in fantasy novels, but she didnt exactly have a redemption arc either. If the darkling had warned her about expanding the fold in the first book, she would have fought for him. I think she isnt a strong female character, but just a girl who is a bully and decided to help mc since the antagonist hurt her specifically. She doesnt even think of the other casualties of novokribirsk. I think the 'break nikolais heart, I'll comfort him and make a magnificent queen' part was a joke, but still....
Please excuse my yapping. I haven't read crooked kingdom and nikolais duology, so I don't know if the characters had any developement since then, so please ignore any innacuracies of this text pertaining to that. Do you have any thoughts on this?
(Do you allow emoji annons? If so, can I be 🎀 annon?)
(Of course I do! You can use any emoji you want and ribbons remind me of coquettish things 😍)
Genya in S&B was my favorite version of her. She was traumatised by the King's abuse, that's true. But she wasn't solely that.
(Here's a meta about that version of her that I once did)
She was very brave, vengeful, intelligent, politically aware, had a sense of humor and was kind. There were different aspects to her personality and wasn't solely "the victim" as many fans of the Grishaverse like to portray her. But in Nikolai's duology Bardugo either forgot how to write complex situations within a court or just doesn't know how to (or it doesn't suit her 🙃).
She threw all the blame to the Darkling (as if he was entirely at fault for her sexually abuse), forgot that Grisha were serfs meant to please and serve the royal family (hence why the Darkling gave her to the Queen) and also forgot how it was the Queen who withdrew her protection and allowed her husband to abuse her. Also, a slight amnesia to how Genya herself decided to stay and take revenge. Essentially, the character became Leigh's mouthpiece to remind the reader that the Darkling is a heartless motherfucker that is undeserving of redemption. How banal.
Now about Zoya. Zoya is the typical female character that we encounter in media nowadays. A girlboss that kicks ass, is rude, has no sensitivity and threatens everyone. Again, cliché. But Leigh broke her own in-universe laws when she gave Zoya the protagonist's role.
The narrative with Alina as a protagonist: "You can't have feelings for your enemy!! You can't be independent! You need to depend on your toxic, childhood friend and...what is this? Power?? You took three amplifiers?? WELL SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR POWERS THAT KEEP YOU HEALTHY AND STRONG!!"
The narrative with Zoya as a protagonist: "Take the amplifiers, take the power to turn into a dragon, let's also have a Saint in your head giving you advice and guess?!? You just got promoted into a Queen and soon enough you will marry the love of your life!! Kudos!!"
That's basically what happened.
It would be an amazing end if only:
- Otkazat'sya didn't hate the Grisha's guts.
- Zoya had the qualities of a leader and a Queen instead of being handed the throne on a silver plate from an illegitimate son who failed in his job.
- The author didn't break her own rules just to prove and show how "awesome" her protagonists are.
- The same author didn't copy paste the storyline of Daenerys Targaryen into Zoya's (somehow she needed to appear cool and sympathetic)
- Half of the fandom didn't hate the primary protagonists now than they ever did before.
So basically Leigh infuriated the fandom even more about Alina's fate when she gave Zoya everything.
And about your question if the characters had any development in the later books after the trilogy. I've got some bad news, my friend. 🥲
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syndicatedsystem · 3 months
I love headcanoning like, the backgrounds ?? of characters the most, i think. Like I hc c!schlatt as a jacob sheep.
The sheep are kind of small, and while i dont think c!schlatt is the shortest i definitely dont seem him as taller to other characters (which is part of why he feels a need to be perceived as 'threatening', he doesnt like being seen as small).
They are piebald sheep meaning they can have multicolored wool (brown and white like Schlatts hair. Im apart of the hc that he dyed the white parts brown) and they CAN have multiple sets of horns (up to like, 3, though thats really not that common). Schlatt only has 2 sets, so four horns.
I like to think that sheep (and goat) hybrids hold their horns to a high regard. They take good care of their horns, and feel a sense of shame if a horn breaks/is uneven. Schlatt hates having his horns handled by other people in any regard (but allowed c!Quackity to grab and handle them bc Q was always so so gentle with the horns that Schlatt allowed himself to trust Q. Plus Q would help keep them tidy, while Schlatt helped with Q's wings).
They also decorate their horns with gold and silver. Gifting gold horn jewelry is usually seen as flirting/a sign of closeness, silver usually gifted by family/some friends. Its not a strict code, but c!Techno gifted the gold horn caps I draw on my Schlatt design sometimes and at first, Schlatt was like "Wtf flirting?? Huh????". BUT TECHNO DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT.... piglin culture is different w gold. It was funny once they both figured out the confusion between the two, they laughed abt it.
Wow anyways if i remember more i wll add to the list... ik i have more im just the forgetter
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anotherfloridaman · 18 days
Your orc is ruthless. (Pt2) [pt1 here]
You remind yourself again and again as you run deeper into the forest, knowing the wrong step could lead to you falling and breaking your skull. Or rolling your ankle and getting caught by a predator. Or falling into a hole and-
You’re probably overthinking. But with everything going on, you’re justified. You got kicked out of the home you had for three years, and by the same orc who’d claimed you as his sibling. Its not every day your family just leaves in the middle of the night and you’re left alone. And when a raid on your village occurs, it’s not a raid, but orcs trading what they made for food and herbs they need.
Rico found you after your abusive ex cornered you in an alley. The asshole’s hands around your throat making it hard to breathe but before you saw black-
There was green.
Your face skids across the dirt, tired legs giving out from running for so long. The unknown darkness washing over you coldly. At about this time, you and Rico would’ve been curled up, maybe you’d braid his hair, or step on his back and relieve some of his pain. He has so many places to crack before he can relax. But now you’re blind by the night, listening to the forest sounds as your face turns red, the dirt having cut your skin lightly.
A sob leaves you, and you quickly smash a hand over your face, not wanting to draw predators if they were awake. A spashing noise makes you fear the worst until you see a fish jumping in and out of the stream nearby.
You crawl a bit closer, and use the water to wash your face. Your hands painfully stinging in the water, but not mattering as you realise were you are.
The same river you saved the orc child from. He was playing in a tree overhanging the river. You were collecting berries as Rico was lowly talking to another orc. A small crackle alerted you to the little orc, but the father of the boy was asleep against the rock as the branch snapped. A splash. And nobody was paying attention as he was caught in the branches, panicking.
The water wasnt too deep, but to the kid, it was enough to take him under without a sound of distress. Your small body leaped into the water, and the orcs were confused as they saw you dive in. But as you go under the branch and come back up, their eyes widen when one of their coughing little boys comes out with you.
(You didnt see it, but Rico got a pat on the back, and told ‘good pick, brother’.)
The memory seems so long ago. But nobody is there on the cold night. And you need to keep moving to get to some kind of town.
“RICO!” The blacksmith orc yells in his face, almost snarling as the orc sleeps against the gates.
Rico jolts awake, and he scans around him, muttering about how he ‘did it for the grapes.’
“Where is your human? Why are you out here?” The man questions, flicking his head and looking at the gate. His split lip almost a trademark to who he is.
“Argo. Good morning to you too.” Rico sighs, sitting up uncomfortably “where is the human.” He demands, not up to games. “I need small hands for the handles. They need patterns carved into them and i get mad when i have to restart.” Argo huffs, crossing his arms with a lifted lip. Not liking to admit his own faults in his forge.
“The human isnt coming back.” Rico stands, dusting himself off.
Argo stares at Rico, and shoves him to the side, connecting dots and ripping the gate open as he looks arounf their view of the forest. “What did you do!?” He turns back to the door, running a hand over something. “Argo, what did you do?” He sounds, fearful. A bit confused of what he sees.
Argo finally looks to the door, seeing deep scratches where you had been begging to be let back in, hands banging and scraping on the door in fear of abandonment. In fear of the forest. In fear. In terror.
He did what he had to, right?
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c0ffee-gh0ul · 1 month
i finished s4. here are my notes, and some questions (which may have already been answered in the episodes but maybe i wasnt paying enough attention sorry)
- how come they were all just gonna let lila go and be with her family but like thats diego and allison's kids too!!
- the "perfect timeline" thing at the end was DEFINITELY a metaphor for the afterlife esp bc we saw ppl who died in past seasons like grace and pogo and the handler
- but why was pogo suddenly a human he cant be a monkey in the afterlife? well i guess that was his power and no one has powers in the afterlife
- i really did hate the ending but also i have no clue how else the show couldve ended, bc this entire time its just been "the world is ending, lets just go to a different timeline!" and you cant possibly keep that going forever so it was kinda perfect
- i didnt like klaus's storyline this season at all. he deserved better
- luther was HILARIOUS this season ngl. love his character development
- viktor was the best part of the whole show but he should have just killed reginald when he had the chance (even though he technically wasnt the og reginald but still)
- diego has been thru enough shit bro why did lila and five have to do that to him
- are there still other timelines with worlds ending or did the ogs dying stop all of that? what happened to the other fives after the cleanse?
- i know ben's death was erased from their minds and we finally got to see what happened but didnt s1 nod at something different? correct me if im wrong but i swear they were saving a bank from being robbed and ben went into a different room with glass windows that were glazed over and suddenly we just saw tentacles explode onto the windows. was that the memory that was put into their heads originally?? or did they just have no memory of it at all??
- also what was sy trying to achieve that jean and gene weren't already doing? that really confused me
- why were five and lila so conveniently able to blink into the dept store that ONE time but any other time they wanted to blink they went straight to the subway. seems a little odd and inconsistent
- why so much vomit this season?
- i still dont know where they live bc i thought it was nyc but theres no WAY nyc is 13+ hrs away from maine
- baby shark was already annoying but tua made it 1000x more which i didnt know was possible
- soundtrack this season SUCKED ASS there was barely any music at all and the music they chose was horrible
- i wonder what would've happened if reginald didnt kill the og ben and jennifer. would the cleanse have happened way sooner?
- wait but how did jennifer even get durango in her body was she also the result of a miraculous birth like the others w the marigold?
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Okay I keep getting confused on this and I hope u can give me an answer in a very simple, digestible, understandable way
How did Gin die?
after tantan (an au flowey, to clarify if you didnt know) possessed him and wrecked the place, gin was in recovery for a while
and it seemed like he was getting better. to the point that all his new cracks healed and he could safely move around again
but in the midst of hanging out w his brother, he suddenly just. started deteriorating without warning.
the thing is, he knew this was gonna happen. his father knew this was gonna happen. his brother knew this was gonna happen. they just didn't know when.
so yeah, ever so slowly, all of gin's close friends and family quickly came over to say their final goodbyes and he was gone.
thanks for sending the ask!!! i'm completely willing to take any more asks explaining or clarifying anything about gin..i could literally talk about him all day, so if any of u have any more questions.....u know..........i could blabber about him all day..............
anyway i actually have an unfinished oneshot of me fully writing out gin's feelings as he was dying. i doubt i'll ever finish it so i'm gonna put it under the cut freely for you all to see. enjoy!
The world had felt like everything broke apart at that very moment.
It felt like a crack of lightning in a storm with a clap of deafening, resounding thunder as if it was too close for comfort. The kind that would send a jarring shiver and jolt around anyone nearby, ringing in an eardrum as if everything was destroyed at that very moment.
The Omega Timeline seemed blindingly bright and sunny on that day that it had happened, right outside the house that Gin settled in himself when he had first arrived in the area. He scoped it out meticulously, a piece of ground that reminded him just like home. It was in the middle of a forest with a bit of clearing around it, enough space for a yard for him to run around and play.
The memory was shut away as quick as it appeared, as Kin’s horrified screams rang out to the surrounding area. It was hard, shrilling, pained, and surprised all at once.
Gin’s eyes slowly attempted to open with that sound, yet a painful and sharp sting was prominent on the right side of his face.
He hissed greatly, wincing as his phalanges aim to rub against it. The pain was familiar, seething, and sharp. The familiarity reminded him of a faint feeling in the back of his mind, something foggy but not clear enough for him to visualize in his mind.
Gin’s face was shattered with cracks once more. He knew this.
His vision was as cloudy and as blurry as ever, staring at the tips of his fingers seeping blood. The blood glowed slightly, another familiar sight to him. But this time, he didn’t have time to process it, and nor did he care enough to. Quickly, footsteps began to circle him and his brother.
Ah, right. His brother… was here.
He finally looks up towards the person holding him ever since he fell over onto the grass underneath them through his hazy eyes. Kin’s face was warped with dread, dumbfounded and mortified at the sight of Gin shattered like glass once more. The scared expression on Kin’s face slowly started melting into an expression of sorrow, utter regret, as he processed what was happening at that very moment.
Every single vision that Kin saw, visions that he could never describe to anyone else. All the sights and dreams that only his father knows, ones of seeing his brother dead, were all finally making sense in his head.
It was always inevitable. He knew this, but why now? When everything was finally okay?
Such is fate, he assumes.
But I don’t like fate, he cried.
Fate gives me nothing but suffering.
Gin’s vision cleared up slightly as he began to reach up to his brother’s cheekbone, face immediately concerned. He’s crying. He shouldn’t be crying so much. Why was he crying so much? He still could not see as well as he wanted, but the tears dropping onto his own cheek from above said just as enough.
He had known the difference between the rain and tears, but either one, he’d wanted them to stop.
"...pap…" Gin managed to mutter out, his weak thumb brushing whatever tears poured out of his poor little brother's sockets. "...why are you crying..? Don't cry…" He continued on, the ringing and the sobbing getting a little louder.
"YOU'RE HURT!" His brother said, hands gently caressing Gin's newly formed cracks as not to hurt him any further.
"YOU'RE HURT AND I…and I…" A sniffle.
"...and I-I knew this would happen and yet…"
Gin felt a small squeeze on his free hand.
"...you didn't want it to happen, did you..?" Gin speaks a little more.
The cries grew a little bit louder.
The hand that squeezed Gin's held on a little bit tighter.
"Papyrus…" Gin's voice was airy, clearly a little bit out of breath. "I'm sorry, Kin…I should've taken care of myself a little better…" His already foggy vision started to get even mistier, feeling tears pool at the corners of his sockets. "I shouldn't…have been so naïve…"
thereare some things i'd definitely change, but here it is unaltered from the doc
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Delusional -Part 22
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Delaney questioned Alex as he stood from the table and made his way towards her. “Ah Ah Ah...” He sarcastically wagged his finger at her. “Wow, Teller really has re lit the fire in you. Think your untouchable?” He challenged her, the look in his eye begging her to say something, to fight back. "Your Mom called me. She wants me to take you back. Begged me pretty much.” Delaney scowled at him. “What is it you want Alex? Im done playing this fucking game with you.” Alex smirked at her. “Isnt it obvious? I want you dead. i just want to enjoy fucking with you first. By the time im done you’ll be begging me for death. It’ll be a mercy.” Tears stung at Delaneys eyes. "Why? What have I done to deserve this, any of it?" Alex studied the broken woman in front of him. She looked tired and scared. Part of him debated just giving in and killing her quickly. Maybe he had put her through enough. But despite any reason he could think of to give her mercy, he knew he wouldn't be fully satisfied until he had her blood on his hands. Soaking in his skin, the spray of it coating his face. Oh he couldn't explain how bad he craved it. A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. Pointing the gun at her again he nudged his head towards the door. “Get rid of them. If you say anything, hint at anything being wrong i will kill them and you.” Delaney shuffled towards the door with Alex at her back, digging the barrell of the gun into her side. She was trying her best to stay calm, but all she wanted to do was break down. Let it all out, the screams, the tears. Fear and Anger weighed heavy on her chest. Opening the door just enough to pop her head out, her worried eyes fell on Halfsack. Trying to keep a neutral face, but secretly hoping he would notice something off and tell Jax, Delaney managed a small smile. “Hey, Jax sent me just to check on you, Make sure you didnt need anything. I know you guys arent in the best place right now, but he cares Ya’know.” Kip started to Ramble. Delaney’s eyes filled with tears she couldnt stop. Clearing her throat trying to move the fast growing lump, she tried not to think that this would possibly be the last time she laid eyes on someone in her family. If she knew yesterday would be the last time she saw Jax, she wouldnt of wasted it arguing. The issue of Tara seemed stupid now. Now that today would be her last day. Tried not to think of their little baby tucked away in her belly, another one they wont get the chance to raise. Death would be a blessing in that regard, she wouldnt have to feel the pain of losing another child. “I-Im Fine. Thank you. P-Please tell Jax, that i love him, m-more than a-anything.” Halfsack smiled but looked at his  VP’s old Lady quizzically. She was weird,But he couldnt put his finger on it. Is this what pregnancy hormones does to women? Kip nodded at her anyway and started to head back towards his bike. “Oh and Kip?” He turned as she called. “Please can you tell him I’m Sorry?” Kip couldnt hide the confused look on his face but before he could question what she was sorry for the door was shut. Getting on his bike, He headed straight towards Gemma’s. He couldnt shake the feeling something was off. 
“Jax i think you need to go home.” Halfsack walked straight into Gemmas Kitchen, finding his VP sat at the table drinking a coffee. He looked like he had been up all night with the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Is she okay?” Gemma questioned worriedly. The last thing her son needed was anything to happen to Delaney and the baby. “Shes weird, i dont know how to explain it. Somethings off Jax. She said to tell you she loves you more than anything, but she was all stuttery and was trying to stop herself from crying. And then i was about to leave she called my name and said to tell you she was sorry.” Kip really couldnt explain the panicked feeling it left him with, but he needed Jax to go home. “So do you think she was just upset about the argument we had? Crying is normal right? Shes pregnant and hormonal.” Jax tried to think logically. Maybe Halfsack was overthinking this. “No baby, i think we should go check on her. If he thinks something is off, its worth checking out. Shes been through alot recently, lets just go make sure she is fine.” Jax nodded at his mother. He didnt want to wait till Monday to go home anyway. This thing with Tara was sorted, he’s handled it, so he was hoping they could move on. He could go home and start getting ready for their little miracle baby. Their boy. Even thinking about the baby made a smile stretch on his face. The three of them. Their own little family. Grabbing his Kutte, Jax followed his mom out the door and headed to his bike. He was going home. 
There were many times in her life that Delaney pictured her death. Planned it, hoped for it even. Part of her always knew Alex would one day be the cause of it. But one thing she didnt imagine, was that it would happen in Jax’s house. There she was, on her knees infront of Alex, in Jax’s living room. Gun only a few inches from her forehead. 1 Shot. Clean. Execution Style. Thats all it would take, and she would no longer exist. Would Jax be the one to find her? No, she didnt want that image left for him. She didnt want him to see her like that. It would haunt him. How long would he wait before seeking comfort from another woman? Would it be Tara’s arms he fell back into? She hoped not. But the thought of him running to a crow eater for comfort didnt make her feel any better. She could see the front door in her peripheral vision, like it was taunting her. Her only escape route and she couldnt take it. A punch to the side of the head brought her out of her thoughts. Fuck. “Are you even listening?” Alex spat at her. She winced as pain shot down her face and through her jaw. “Yeah, some shit about your gonna kill me. Leave my body for Jax. Whatever. I told you earlier. Im done with your games. You wanna kill me? Get it fucking over with.” Another smack split her cheek and had her seeing stars. Her ears were ringing with the force of the smack and she blinked hard trying to come to her senses. She heard the safety click off on the gun and her stomach dropped. “Are you gonna cry?” He taunted. Gritting her teeth, Delaney looked forward. Was she fuck going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her panic. No if she was being taken from this earth, she was doing it swinging. She was fighting. She wasnt going to make it easy for this bastard. “Any Last words my love?” He grinned as he looked down at her. So scared, but trying to be so strong. He could see it in her eyes, the fear, and he would be lying if he said it didnt make him happy. “Yeah, I hope that Jax tortures you before he kills you. I hope he hurts you so fucking bad. Makes you cry like the pathetic little boy you really are on the inside. Theres a reason you are the way you are Alex. What is it huh? Mommy didnt love you enough? Did she not hug you? Did Daddy beat you? Was he never proud? Were you never good enough Alex Reid? Tried your hardest but never got daddy and mommy’s approval.” She could see the rage flicker in his eyes. It was working, she was getting to him. With any luck he would kill her quickly. 
Pulling up to the unusually quiet house, Jax was instantly worried. Usually the music Delaney played could be heard in the street it was that loud. And if you stood at the bottom of the drive you could see her dancing and swaying about the kitchen to the beat as she cleaned or cooked. There was always movement in their home, but now it was eerily quiet. Deciding instantly they needed to be careful Jax walked to where his mom sat in her car. “Prospect was right. Somethings off. Stay here, call the rest of the guys.” Gemma’s face showed her worry instantly. “Ya’know shes probably in bed getting rest like the doctor told her yesterday. You should probably leave her alone, let her rest. The doors not smashed off, its not trashed and theres no sign of an intruder. Jax maybe give her time.” Gemma tried to reason with her son, there was no sign of anything being wrong apart from the house being quiet. Sleeping people dont make much noise. Jax shook his head as he thought about what his mom said. He had the same feeling as Halfsack now he was here. His stomach twisted painfully. He just had to see her. Once he saw with his own eyes he would know she was okay and he would leave her to rest. “Okay, your probably right. I’ll go in through the garage and just check on her.” Knowing her son wasnt going to rest until he saw her in the flesh, Gemma agreed. Lighting a cigarette, she sat back and waited for Jax to come back. 
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cyncerity · 1 year
Cyn I am thinking about your store au i am shaking you do you have ideas
ok so since i haven’t actually talked about it before in depth: let’s talk about Bad and Skeppy, cause why not?
In this au, as discussed in this story, Sapnap found out about storage instinct through an incident with Bad being in danger and Sapnap storing him. What I haven’t discussed was what happened after that. In the story I just said he “took Quackity and Karl and never went back.”
So, after the incident, Sapnap very literally did just that. Him and his boyfriends had been talking about finding somewhere else to live, so after Sapnap let Bad out (Bad had passed out cause of fear and exhaustion and at that point it was pretty much the middle of the night, so Sapnap was able to sneak him into his house without waking Skeppy), he went to his house with Quackity and Karl and asked them to move out asap.
Quackity went to talk to Sam (his dad) and his sister (Tina), who said it was ok, and Karl didnt have a family (he was taken in by Bad, Skeppy, and Sam during his early teens when his colony had been raided) so he was down with it, too. Sapnap told them that Bad and Skeppy were good with it and that he’d already said his goodbyes and grabbed his stuff, so after Quackity and Karl said their goodbyes (to everyone except happy duo, Sapnap begged them not to talk to them [they found this odd but did as Sapnap asked]), they made their way out of the forest, never to return.
Meanwhile, Bad had woken up and was immediately on edge and panicking over what had happened the night before. Eventually Skeppy woke up and tried to calm him down, but nothing worked. Worse yet, Bad wouldn’t say a word about it. Not about how he was feeling, not about why he was panicking, only asking where his son was. Skeppy obviously didn’t know, and Bad wasn’t exactly about to go and look for him. He spent all day in his bedroom crying and trying to figure out what had happened, Skeppy staying by his side all day to comfort him without fully understanding why, but it wasn’t helping. Bad wouldn’t spill. After all, how was he supposed to tell his husband that his son almost ate him, killed him? He couldn’t. Even if Skeppy and Bad were both well aware that Sapnap was a shifter (something that all three of them [and no one else: they’d vowed to keep it a secret] had learned a few weeks prior in a horrifying way), this was something completely different. So he sobbed in silence.
The first day Sapnap didn’t come to their home (what he usually did on a daily basis), it was a relief. Bad refused to leave for fear of seeing his son, and Skeppy refused to let Bad be alone. The second day was the same. The third day, Skeppy became concerned, but still wouldn’t leave Bad. After all, Sapnap was pretty much a grown man, he could handle himself.
After a week and a half, Skeppy left the house to find his stepson. At that point, even Bad had become concerned. Even if he still didn’t want to see him, he didn’t want anything bad to have happened to him, despite everything. He was still his son.
But, after Skeppy approached Sam, he learned that Sapnap had left for good. Sam had seemed confused, saying that Sapnap had claimed he’d said his goodbyes, but Skeppy was shocked. Why would he have moved out without telling his dads? Did this have something to do with what was going on with Bad? Sam also mentioned that Sapnap had seemed very on edge the day he’d left, did that have to do with it?
Skeppy went home and immediately told Bad, who felt a mixture of relief and horror. Relief that nothing like what had happened to him could happen to anyone else he loved, and horror that he’d ever think something like that about his own child. He didn’t want their time together to end like this. They’d had an amazing relationship for their entire lives up until the past month, but now Sapnap was gone and no one had any way of knowing where he went off to.
Flash Forward a few years to the time of the present story-
Sam, Bad, Skeppy, and a few other friends they’ve managed to collect all live in pretty much the same area that they always did, growing it from just a couple families (like it had been when the fiancés were there) to a full on borrower colony. It’s been years and for the three dads, there’s still been pretty much no sign of their boys. For Sam, even Tina moved to a new colony, though she still sometimes comes to visit. For Bad and Skeppy, they’ve kept Sapnap being a shifter a secret, not that it matters much anymore. There’s been no contact, nothing to show them that their son and his fiancés are ok, nothing to even show they’re still alive, for all they know. Skeppy’s still hurt that Sapnap left with no warning and not even a note, and Bad just wishes something could have been different. He still hasn’t told anyone, not even Skeppy, what happened all those years ago; he can still barely stand to think of it himself. But that’s their past, and in their present, there’s not much food left in the area to scavenge. So, the three older members of their newfound colony go out in search of easy to reach food.
Wouldn’t luck have it that there was a whole human convenience store nearby?
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bigmack2go · 2 months
So you finished your outline kr even your entire story? And now yove gotta come up with a title but you don’t wanna be as boring as using the main characters full name? LET ME HELP YOU!
Idk how to make a good intro to this but i’ll just try by starting with: theres a difference between fanfics and books
For fanfics it’s okay to have a shitty title, a song related title or just a whole ass quote(all tho that last ones debatable) theres still a lot of fanfics with great titles though.
This one seems obvious but please at least make your book SEEM interesting
But if you do want or need a good title let me help. I have no idea where to start so jm just gonna give u a couple of things to keep in mind withoutany particular order.
Okay so idk how to start this but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep your title at two words or less. If you have three… fine i guess but thats the absolute limit. Also absolutely avoid going over four syllables! That also in most cases means: no quotes, not songs etc unless theyre short enough. This is not optional! There’s nothing that i hate more than a name that takes ages to say when i try to recommend a book or show or movie which is why i simply dont do it. And you don’t want that. You want your storry to be recommended. Like the summer i turned pretty. Great book. Great plot. The title almost made me not read it.
Talking about at one. The summer i turned pretty also made no sense what so ever! Especially with the sequels??? Please make your titles make sense for the story! And if you wanna do sequels i’m BEGGING you to keep that in mind for the title.
Dont spoiler anything but for fucks sake make it make sense
Also pls dont start it with “the” cuz thats bad enough as it is but thats not even my point: if you dont want something boring as the MC’s full name, you also dont want something like the important object or just some random noun i promise. It CAN work if its like a name for a group of people like the outsiders or a gang name or smt but its like that it won’t so just… dont
I’d also avoid using original words that u amde up for the story. This isn’t necessarily smt that makes the title bad but it automatically means that it’s harder to remember so if you wanna be recomended thats probably a No. Unless its super easy to remember foe whatever reason.
So now that ive told you what NOT to do, let me give you some ‘DOs’
So theres several kinds of titles.
My personal favourite are like word plays. Not necessarily puns bc they often create new words which are as we’ve established hard to remember. But just something with a double meaning or something like that… i love that
Something else that always works are inconsistencys. Nothing like titles that contradicts itself! It sparks confusion and most importantly: INTEREST. People wanna know what the fuck is up with that. And it can alsk be rly soothing (for some reason)
References and innuendos are smt else i’ll never say no to if they’re used right. This can also overlap with wordplays. Famous (short) quotes or sayings, places or names are never not it
Smt else that slaps is good ol’ simplicity. Be bold. This👏does👏not👏have👏to👏be👏a👏spoiler! I promise you that just because you make it obvious what’s the book about that won’t spoiler shit.
Talking about: i love a good On-The-Nose title especially because most people expect nothing less than the exact opposite of it. Dont get me started on how banger of a title “They Both Die At The End” would be if it were just a little shorter!
And lastly even tho fullnames are an absolute turn-off last names can be sooo good. Especially when they’re about the whole family and especially when they’re in singular
Ofc these rules don’t always apply. Here are some examples of when they didnt
Fifty shades of gray (not defending the book itself, im just saying: the title is awesome)
The guy who didnt like musicals
Pride and prejudice
The kangaroo chronicles
Alice in wonderland
That nineties show
Bonny and clyde
Out of africa
Come from away
The never ending story
But trust me they usually do apply and just because a book is doing well it doesn’t mean the title had any part in it! Here are some books that should not have done so well and wouldn’t if it were for the title
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Birth Control is Sinful in the Christian Marriages and also Robbing God of Priesthood Children!! (Like holy shit dude wtf u literally have not one but TWO exclamation marks in there and take up TWO lines)
The little shop of horrors
Here are some really good titles
Red clocks
Star Wars
Maze Runner
Let’s win
Half bad
Chrimson rivers
Fight or flight
Young royals
Here are some titles that could have been soooo good if they just… (and what i would change them too
How to get away with murder its so long (sort of wordplay?, interesting)
The fifth season- season five its too long sry (interesting)
Maze Runner-*not having sequels* it just doesn’t make sense for the sequels (simple and interesting)
Just lovers (like we’re suposed to be)- just lovers (contradiction, interesting)
History is all you left me-simply history (?) (contratdiction) too long
More happy than not (interesting) too lonh
They both die at the end (on the nose) too long
Half bad: the bastard son of the devil himself- half bad (interesting) too fucking long dudeee
Also some that DID folow the rules but are still… not so good for some reason? (This is only about the titles not the works!!!!!)
Best friends brother
Girl in pieces
Boy meets world
No one saw
That nineties show
Im also maybe gonna do some of these on covers and genrally viduals
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sugarrookiedesign · 30 days
A Date So Bad, I Made A Tumblr Post About It
I'm sorta just listing events from the date off but its not entirely in order, and I most certainly forgot a few details bc it was all so stressful and chaotic
Mostly posting this for myself and my friends to gawk at (hi! 💓)
We met on the hellsite grindr. They're conventionally attractive, a bit odd and confusing through text, but were nice and seemed chill overall. We exchanged socials prior to meeting up and they had no local friends or much online community at all despite living in the area their whole life but I chalked it up to being newly trans.
These were the red flags I shouldn't have ignored, if you're keeping track lmao
I agreed to come to their place and my boyfriend dropped me off
First off I aint judging, but their house was completely empty besides their room even tho they claimed to have roommates and werent moving/recently moved?? unrelated but justa odd vibe and potential red flag lol
They were so erratic from the moment I met them they just kept talking n talking, and were clearly not all there bc I couldn't understand alot of what they were sayin. It made conversation so hard.
We sat on the floor of their bedroom and smoked wii'd
They got very emotional about everything and would like jump up and like grab n shake me by the shoulders to emphasize the shit they were babbling 😭
Throughout the date they gave lil signs that they were a volatile person like they explained how they have had frequent fall outs w friends and family, their exs have called the cops on them on numerous occasions(explained in bits n pieces throughout the date during their semi-coherent rambles), and they had spicy reactions to me, just like, saying anything.
Thoughout the date they said the R word 3 times even after i told them it upset me, both to be funny and because they were mad at someone in their head, they made fun of muslims(amongst many others), told me "i dont go too far left, my political opinions will get me in trouble" and didnt elaborate when I tried gently asking about it.
They asked if I wanted to have sex like 4 times like out of nowhere in different ways and I had to say "Ive told you no 4 times, absolutely not, please stop" and kept pushing questions about my kinks. They also really hammered on how confusing polyamory was and made it clear that they thought it was dumb and funny that I have an asexual partnership w my fiance even though I explained it all to them prior ro meeting. :')
Like 6 times throughout our 4 hour date they made themselves so mad from talking(basically to themselves) about their traumas that they were like yelling at themselves while staring at the ground??
Surprisingly the thing that made me text my boyfriend to pick me up ASAP was they asked me to buy them food like over and over and made me explain why I didn't want to do that it was so creepy and weird and upsetting, ik it sounds dumb but just the way they were saying shit n pushing it really triggered my anxiety 😭
(obviously manipulative voice that i notice immediately): "aw you know I could really go for some icecream but ive been broke recently and i have no food in my fridge"
me, knowing whats coming, already so sick of them: "Ah I feel you I love icecream, and I've been nearly broke recently too"
"..please buy me icecream?"
"uh no im sorry not today"
"uuuuh, what? I dont really feel like it i already bought us snacks and i dont have alot of money"
"you said *nearly broke*. Can you please?"
"why not you have money"
and just kept going and was like asking how much I had in my bank account 😭
i try to ignore my phone when im w people to be respectful so the first time i texted my bf was to get rescued right after they begged me for food money and they just stared at me silently for like 15 seconds while I was texting before angrily saying "Oh so do you talk shit to your boyfriend when your grindr dates aren't going well? Is that it?"
for my safety I had to pretend like I was willing to go on a second date but I blocked her everywhere except grindr before I was even out of her driveway 😭😭
its hard to fully explain how fucking weird and bad this date was
One last small thing lmaooo when she put a youtube video on for us to watch she just straight up unblinkingly stared directly at my face to gauge my reactions to it FOR THE ENTIRE VIDEO I STG IF THAT ISNT SERIAL KILLER VIBES DUDE
Im tired, I just wanted headpats but I put myself in danger instead uuuugghhh
Part of it was absurd and almost-funny, I couldn't believe what was happening at times, but it was also mostly just super stressful. Lots of thoughts n anxiety swirling through my silly kitty brain 😖
Im not judging them for being clearly mentally unwell and I really hope they heal and get help for the stuff they're going through.. but also they were an objectively bad person who I need as far away from me as possible!
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laithraihan · 5 months
I'm the anon who sent you the long message that apparently came off "pompous & infantilizing" and more to your followers.
I find it interesting that that message sparked such a flood of defenders, when I did not send it in bad faith at all. From your answer it seems I'm lacking context so sorry if I took some of your statements the wrong way, but nonetheless I just found the parental love addition strange and reacted to that, that was all there was to it. I clearly stated (three times) I'm not taking any issue with your headcanons.
By saying they are far removed from canon I did not mean to say they are "too unrealistic" or something is wrong with that, I literally said the opposite. I meant just that, that factually, this will not be a common interpretation for someone who is familiar with the source material but not your blog. This is not a statement that I made with any judgemental value and I thought I made that very clear but apparently not.
So I'm sorry for the additional ask.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for the response.
I was fully aware you said there was no issue with what I drew, but the way you wrote everything else sort of negated that statement. At least that's how me and many other people saw it.
If someone finds what I drew strange or confusing then they could always just... block me or ask me about it (and btw I expected people to be confused, otherwise I wouldnt have labeled it "non-coupling" as soon I posted it lol)
Someone did ask me about it, and you seem to have already seen that response, yet you still felt the need to send another message basically implying that an explanation wasn't enough (turns out it actually wasnt enough because people said I was lying and in denial) and that my explanation was weird too? Which is whatever I already ended up clarifying that, English is not my first language and I type things with the help of a translator (I wish people could actually keep this in mind. I only type in English because it'll reach a wider audience and it's the language most of my followers know. Often I have to google words people tell me online, or I ask my friends fluent in English to explain things for me)
You can say "that's not what I intended" but that's how it came across... you wrote a lot of nice words while also saying it was understandable that people were ganging up on me over a drawing, it seemed patronizing.
That's why me and others took offense to it, but I think it's difficult to tell tone through text so I don't want to keep nitpicking this any further. If you say you had no ill intent then I believe you.
The following will just be me adding more context and not necessarily aimed at you: Again I understand the lack of context of my account can make people confused about my art, Ive made that clear many times.
The art I made where I said "if your parents didnt love you then it's obvious" was a direct response to people who were mocking me specifically for tagging the art as "non-coupling" because they didnt believe me. They got the context and decided I was trying to hide a fetish because a kiss on the cheek was "obviously shippy". They proceeded to compare this to drawing NSFW of Mob and Reigen by labelling it "non-ship" as if it was comparable to tucking a child into bed, that's what upset me. I did absolutely nothing to these people, I dont know them, if they said this privately I wouldnt care but it was public, and they also targeted another friend of mine for no reason.
All Im gonna say is that my drawing shouldnt have caused this much controversy in the first place. I labeled it "non-coupling" as soon as I posted it, which should've been enough honestly. It's not like I posted porn or anything like that, I got the idea from something Ive experienced in my family as a teenager and I could easily google stock images of the exact same scenario to use as reference, like I really didnt think it was that bad.
Anyways I think I've explained myself many times already. Im not gonna be hostile and say to people "roh t9awed dont ever send me anything else related to this" but just.. check if Ive already answered your question so that it doesnt end up being repetitive. If you have a question about this that I havent answered yet, then feel free to ask.
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itsgivingfaggot · 7 months
Thinking about the time I went to this group therapy thing for a diagnosis I had gotten a couple months prior. But It started half a year before i got my name (& gender marker) legally changed. So I had to give the organization my deadname when signing up. This wasnt too much of a big deal, they used my actual name in therapy, my pronouns, didnt out me in the group or anything, things were fine.
Now after nearly completing the whole year of group therapy I overhead one of the women running it talking about a seperate group that sounded perfect for me, that they didn't seem to advertise in their flyers etc so I never had heard about it. So I decided to approach her after one of the last sessions and ask her about it. She seemed excited about me joining it but told me she would need to do a pre interview first. We set an appointment for maybe 2 weeks later.
Now, in the most vague terms, this was a group For Very Traumatized people. I show up to the sort of "interview" a little nervous, expecting questions abt my biography, effects of trauma I'm dealing with, how I'm coping with them, blabla. She basically opens up with "so I asked the other group members about a Man joining them, and when one of them expressed that she wouldn't be comfortable with it, I explained your situation to her!" With a big smile on her face. My "situation". She outed me to this random group of people I had never even met before. This group was not once meant to be a womens space. She simply should've given everyone the option to decide if they were comfortable with this. That's all. Not fucking outing me. For the woman who wasnt comfortable with me as a cis man? Sucks for her. But that doesnt mean this worker gets to potentially endanger me for that womans comfort. But of course she did.
So that's over. Can we finally get to the interview? Of course. However she opens up with "oh you know, I've just been super interested in how things were for you growing up. If you could tell me about that." I go "with the. Abuse?" She doesnt react. "....The autism?" "Oh, no no! The trans thing!"... I sit there a little confused. I give a short one or two sentence answer thinking we will move on to the actual topic of this group. But no. She keeps digging. What about your family? Did you have ~the surgery~ yet? How was school? What about your partners? What about your extended family? What about-
And i was unable to tell her to stop. I answered everything as vaguely as possible. But as a trans person you're always seen as fucking representative of every other trans person. You're not an individual you're either a walking advertisement for corruption or a fascinating oddity of a mystical group to disect and test and observe. If I had told her it's none of her business what's in my pants, it's not actually important to this group how my uncles reacted to me coming out? No I dont want to tell you in great detail the effects of testosterone on my body? Etc. Maybe she'd make a mental note of "trannies = rude and combative. Secretive. Dont want their ~allies~ to be educated about their experiences (why?!)" and I dont wanna be responsible for that in a setting where that person holds so much influence over someone's access to mental health care. So I mumbled my way through it.
In the end the "interview" for a fucking trauma group was 30 minutes of me being increasingly uncomfortable by being prodded over being trans, and roughly 5 minutes of her telling me about some rules in the group and asking a single question about how to best handle me when past trauma gets triggered. I ended up not joining anyways for mostly (!) unrelated reasons. But like. What the fuck was that. I dont understand how some cis people who are interested in trans experiences wont just like. Watch a fucking documentary. Read a book. Theres people who make it their lives mission to share their experiences. That Does Not Mean every random trans person you meet will wanna do the same.
Also again dont fucking out people without their consent. I cant believe we still have to say this oh my god
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
hello! o/ im a queer teenager from canada! i lead my highschool's gsa and am very active in the queer community around us. we raised $800 for the Trevor Project last year, raised $500 towards a chest binder breakroom at our school and are officially putting on the school's first all-age queer prom this may!
however, im very confused at the moment. i grew up in an atheist household and have never really found myself believing in God or anything religious. while i still dont think i believe ALL of it, lately ive been doing a lot of thinking after finding an old pocket bible that belonged to my great grandmother (she practically raised me but i never knew she was religious, she never mentioned it at all) and flipping through it and reading her flagged scriptures (i believe thats what theyre called, forgive me if im wrong), etc.
i then resorted to the internet and have been doing a bit of research and am now very conflicted about my feelings and beliefs. i now have moments where i genuinely believe there is something/someone divine out there. i find myself... almost talking to it, sometimes? i dont really know how to describe it. i even tried praying the other day for the first time in my life. (i probably didnt do it right if theres a proper way, but the point is i did it and i surprised myself.)
even though i have these moments, i still have times where i doubt it all. aside from the occasional joke, ive always done my best to be respectful of people's faith, but never saw myself believing until now. and when i say believe, like i said before, it isnt all of it. (like the creation of the world, etc)
i feel sort of fake in a way i dont know how to describe because of my conflicted feelings and how i dont believe everything. there are a lot of things i want to say about it but i really cant pull words from the emotions and i keep trying to. i also dont really have anyone in my life who i can talk to about this stuff. my family will not take me seriously and none of my friends and teachers are religious.
i dont know if you take asks like this, and its totally fine if you dont, but if you have any kind of advice it would be greatly appreciated.
sorry for the long ask, but thanks so much! hope youre having a wonderful day my friend 🤍
Congratulations for all you accomplish for queer students at your school! That's amazing!!!
That you find some aspects with religion resonates with you shouldn't be surprising or upsetting. Humans have been creating and practicing religions since before there was recorded history. There seems to be a need that is satisfied by religion.
In a broad sense, religion does 3 thing:
1. It provides an explanation for natural phenomena. Why is the ground shaking? Why did the sun go dark temporarily? Why is there a drought? Why is dad sick? Why did a hurricane pummel New Orleans?
2. Religions provide meaning to life. Religion provides answers for what is the purpose of life and what happens when we die. Religions are a vehicle for passing along the wisdom from past generations from hundreds and thousands of years ago.
3. Religion helps humans build community and encourages cooperation among those who believe. Religious belief also helps people develop self-discipline. Unfortunately, religions also have been used to define who is in a community and who is not, and this has led to a lot of harm and even wars
Beyond all these macro reasons, religion is experienced at the individual level. An individual prays and receive comfort and answers and feels a larger entity cares about them. Their faith gives them a purpose. They have a community that is meaningful in their lives. This is part of the truth of their lived experience and can't be easily quantified. It's what makes religion still relevant in the lives of many people today
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
BREAK THE WALLS | Kim Hongjoong
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Full Chapter List
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🀥 Government agent Hongjoong x Rebel Oc
🀥 genre | dystopian society, halazia x geurilla concept , enemies to lovers
🀥 word count | 1k
🀥 Summary | An organization by the name of Sector 1 was well known for their work in the underground, theyve been well known for the recruiting of teens and using them to form an army since the year 2034. Collecting strays for their rebellion against those in higher power. Now the year is 2064 and the organization still runs strong they run like a family, with the new technology theyve found ways of keeping alive those that have been scorned in any past battles theyve had against the government.
When the government sends in 7 of their best men to infiltrate the organization. What will they do when their cover is blown and their true intentions are revealed? Will they join the rebellion or will they continue to let the government pull their strings like the little puppets they once were?
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Skylar district July 9th 2062
"Just think about it, after 2 years of hard work you not only get to go on your first mission but you'll finally get your name." Jongho rambled excitedly as he threw an arm over Tahanis shoulder. Two years had passed since that day Jongho had found Tahani sneaking around the Archives and ever since the two had become like brother and sister. As the others went on and on Tahani found herself tracing over a few of the scars she had gotten months prior, the day of her evaluation.
"I say we go with Hani." Jiaqi chimes in only to get shut down by Sooah.
"As if the organization would ever give her something as mediocre as Hani." Sooah shook her head before gripping the gun that sat compliantly in its holster.
"What about Tahn.'' Jooheon chimes in earning confused glances from everyone including the girl they had all been fighting to come up with a name for.
"Literally all you did was take out the i and an a" leedo snickers as he shook his head
"Yeah how about all of you just leave the naming to Mingyu and Juyeon, it's quite clear why none of you were able to choose your own names." Loren, one of the newer recruits quickly ends their banter, earning a chuckle from Tahani who simply found it all amusing.
Despite how calm and collected Tahanis exterior seemed on the inside her thoughts were racing and her heartbeat out of her chest. It all came down to this very moment here, this would truly make it official. Once she received her name she would truly be their family. On top of that this had been the moment that all of them had trained for, the reason all of them had left their lives behind all came down to this moment. Suddenly the car came to a halt and the atmosphere grew tense, it was now time for them all to go and there was no telling what the outcome would be. One by one they all flooded from the vehicle and stealthily made their way to the rural buildings entrance. Mingyu spotted Tahani from afar and gave her a quick signal which meant it was go time, all she needed to do was get a floor key and get it to Eris back in the van then she'd be in the clear. Once she made it inside the building her hand stayed limp against her thigh, at any given time if anyone were to discover her she'd be ready to pull her blade from its holster. She had to pull through with this even if it meant sacrificing herself.
Meanwhile outside all of the others sat at their posts. Jongho slowly moved to the opposing side of the rural gates and took his place beside Mingyu, something about how easy it was for her to get in didnt sit right with him. The rural building was known for its heavily guarded inside and for a place that sometimes housed one of the most important people in the world it seemed way too easy to get in. He was more surprised by the fact that when Tahani had entered there hadnt even been anyone at the doors to pat her down.
"Captain somethings not right here, should it be that easy for her to get in?'' He finally spoke up, breaking the momentary silence and Mingyu had been ready to shut him down until he himself thought for a moment about how easy it was for the girl to get in.
"Get everyone away from the building now its a fucking ambush.'' was all he said before warning the others to fall back. Jongho had been running back to his posts to warn the others when suddenly he was knocked off his feet by a huge explosion that made his ears ring. As he slowly sat up and forced his eyes to look at the space that was once the rural building his eyes widened. His entire team all had the closest post to the building. Without thinking he went running into the rubble and frantically searched through the destruction. Wonho, Loren, Jooheon, Jiaqi, Seungyoun all of them gone, he found their lifeless bodies sprawled out amidst the damage but neither of them had a pulse.
Tahani..where was Tahani? Moments later Leedo had come running in, ordered by Mingyu to get him back to the van but Jongho refused to go anywhere without knowing where Tahani was. So he jerked himself from leedos hold before scanning the grounds and digging through the damage once more. Leedo had nearly dragged him away until he heard a faint cough amidst the damaged structures and he was quick to make his move in that direction, Digging and tearing away any and all rocks that got in his way it wasn't until Jongho found Tahanis unmoving body beneath the damage that he felt a pinch bit at ease.
"Leedo, we need to get them in the van. I won't leave them here." sirens could be heard in the distance and as much as it would hurt him too to leave their friends behind Leedo knew that there was no time.
"Jongho we have to go, now." was all he said as he heard the sound of sirens getting louder in the distance. Although it hurt Jongho to his core to leave his family behind he did the only thing he could think to do knowing that Tahani was still breathing but her body was badly damaged. Lifting her fragile body from the rubble he followed suit as leedo made his way back to the van. The entire ride back to the Sector was dead silent, in mere seconds they had all lost everything.
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kncrowder88 · 4 months
Alright, Garcy fans, I've been considering that AU engaged idea of mine some more and I honestly think it would work so well. There is a lot of ideas I recall from back when I was so obsessed with the show I was helping with the saving of it and planning the saving of it and all that ... anyways I remember Garcy fans loving the idea of Flynn sneaking into Lucy's lectures before he stole the mothership.
It is rather true that we don't get a lot of things concluded within the series but thats okay this is why fanfic exist. So, lets say we go with this idea of upon the return from the Hindenburg with Lucy getting back home and learning all this new shocking things about her changed life ... we also get Flynn getting a phone call, from Noah (lets no take the Carol route, she wouldn't put herself that close that early - and its clear in the show that Rittenhouse has a means of monitoring the changes).
Noah is very likely a Rittenhouse member as well - it would make sense that Carol Preston wants her kid engaged to and having a future with another Rittenhouse member, keep that 'royal' line going. We never even got Noah's last name for all we know he was actually a direct line descendant of the Rittenhouse family. Which honestly, would go in line with some of the stuff we saw later in the series. Anyways, back to the AU stuff .... basically the returns happened. Lucy walking through her door calling for Amy. Jump to Flynn back as well and walking through his bunker or wherever he's landed, a phone starts ringing. Back to Lucy, calling for Amy, heading through her house. Back to Flynn, diary in his hand. Maybe Anthony behind him in the background going for the phone on the table - confused as he looks at it, maybe one of the other goons doing this. Then back to Lucy as she finally gets that turn point where its her mom and not Amy and she's stunned because her mum is well. Then back to Flynn and someone telling him the phone is for him, he's turning because who calls him. He doesn't know anyone who would want to call him. Not here, not in the present. They only have a phone for needs of the mission and honestly he cant deny his goons a chance for untraceable calls to their families if they ever asked - he'd get asking. This sort of thing just keeps repeating and repeating bouncing between the two - I could see it on the screen. Playing and playing. Until its Carol Preston asking about Lucy's ring and Noah on the line with Flynn asking him out for beers, making a joke about bachelor days (but not making it clear whose bachelor days - Noahs or Flynns?) Then jump into the Lincoln episode and all that chaos. Flynn processing having a friend/person/someone close enough to want to get beers with him in his life. Lucy processing the loss of her sister and gain of a fiance. Rufus and Wyatt trying to figure out how to help Lucy process her sister being gone. Because how do you help someone just disappearing - not dying just never existing - and they dont even know she's engaged yet. And not to mention that she so easily just seemed to shove it aside when the history date was mentioned and jumped into the mission like it was so easy, and they dont get that.
Then of course, you have the encounters that would happen that mission. Lucy with Robert Lincoln, talking to him, and the way that Flynn would engage with her. The conversations. Her frustration. His boiling under the surface of "WHY DIDNT SHE WRITE ABOUT NOAH?!" And just all of that. Only for the mission to be over and them to get back and Noah is bringing him to a house, a nice house, and Lucy is returning home - her mother frustrated she is late to her own party and how dare she ask about her father on this day - and Lucy is turning from that because she cant and there in the doorway he stands. Noah's left him to go find her mum - update her of course its his job - and she's just there staring at Garcia Flynn in her house and all he could say is
"I guess its me who is getting engaged not Noah." and all she can say is
"You have got to be kidding me"
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