#but if anyone had or has like. an idea they wanted to pursue w any of my muses feel free to reach out also!
rpvlix · 1 year
//maybe,,, and i say this very tentatively,,, i might consider starting one or two new threads sometime soon.
0 notes
yanderes-galore · 3 months
Ooh may I request some yan hcs for Adam with Angel! Darling who dislikes him?
I honestly like this idea due to how Adam is... here's my thoughts. @okchijt also helped with some ideas in this :)
Yandere! Adam with Angel! Darling who doesn't like him
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Narcissism, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Condescending behavior, Stalking, Implications of intimacy, Mind break, Forced relationship.
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Adam is a rather egotistical and self-centered character.
He expects others to worship him due to being the first man.
He's unsympathetic and expects others to essentially bow to him.
He no doubt tries to get with every angel that comes into Heaven.
He really does think he's just 'all that'.
He can pull any angel he wants.
Except you, apparently.
Your plan once entering Heaven is enjoying your afterlife.
Then suddenly you meet Adam, someone who has now made it his goal to pester you.
It's honestly not hard to hate him.
He can be annoying and often makes things about himself.
Your first meeting isn't that great as he immediately tried to flirt and bed you.
You rejecting his offer is almost humbling to him.
How... How dare you...?
Adam would have trouble accepting your decision.
Normally people immediately get on their knees for THE First Man.
But you?
No, you push him away and walk past him like he's hot garbage!?
He's insulted by your audacity.
A good challenge couldn't hurt, could it?
Yeah, rejecting Adam only makes him want you more.
After all, having other angels bow for him is nice and all...
But the thought of winning you over, of "courting" you?
He feels it'll make his win even more exciting.
Which leads to your time in Heaven often disrupted by Adam.
He refuses to leave you.
He pursues you because he just doesn't believe you couldn't want him.
Plus, he hates the idea that he needs you... but you don't need him.
Your rejection reminds him of his previous partners.
Deep down he yearns for that same genuine attraction he had with Lilith and Eve.
Then they left him... leaving him alone.
He hates feeling that pathetic.
Now with you rejecting him, the one he realizes he feels that same soft love with...
He can't deal with that rejection again.
How DARE you make him INSECURE!
As a result, he is determined to make you his.
He follows you around, inviting you on outings, and he even turns his attention away from other angels.
Why would he want anyone else?
He has his eyes on a much better prize.
You can try to avoid him all you want.
He'll find a way to follow you again.
I imagine Adam is relentless with flirting, all in an attempt to get you to like him.
As you can tell, he hates being told no.
He's so used to getting what he wants that he's just oblivious to why you don't like him.
In fact, it may start getting to him after a bit.
Courting you drives Adam insane.
He just... doesn't get it...?
At first he just thinks you're playing hard to get.
That's fine, he likes that.
Although, his patience only goes on for so long.
There's a point where he doesn't want to play this game anymore.
You should stop with the act... you know you like him~!
Why don't you just make up... maybe even bang, wink wink~?
Yet when you stand your ground and tell him off, he pauses.
Oh... you're serious!?
He's just... stunned...
"Oh, come on, baby... I can show you a good time! You don't really hate me... do you?"
Honestly, if you tell him off he sees it as... feisty.
It only makes him want you more.
Unfortunately, the more you turn him down, the more he gets irritated... yet also desperate.
He hates that he can't have you.
Who do you think you are? Some pure angel?
Oh please... you're both humans, why not indulge?
He's prideful but I think he can break at some point.
Fine, do you want him to beg?
God, you're such a handful.
If he was desperate enough then he'd probably try to win you over by being... nicer.
He hates that he has to be so pathetic but at this point he just wants one taste.
You'd make this man depraved if you neglected him.
He's possessive, hovering around you even if you don't like him.
Fine, don't like him.
He'll find a way to make you like him.
He's ADAM. The first damn MAN.
If you don't like him now, he isn't trying hard enough.
He'd cling to you, he lives off your attention, he'll do anything just to have you.
No other angel matters, Lute's concerned for his obsession, but he wants you too bad to care.
So, overall, if Adam's obsession didn't like him it would break him over time.
He starts wondering if you like making him suffer.
How sadistic for an angel! (he's one to talk-)
You aren't trying to break him.
You just want to enjoy Heaven, not be courted by Adam.
Even with him clinging to you as your feet, begging you to just praise him at least... you still won't like him.
That drives Adam to insanity...
He starts to think Lilith and Eve were right... and he hates it.
Your rejection makes him topple over the edge and break.
He really can't get you out of his head now...
But he'll get you to like him eventually, right? He needs that...
He just needs to show you what you're missing.
"Babe~ You can't ignore me forever! You're stuck here with me. Why won't you let me welcome you properly?"
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fruitylo0pz · 2 years
A New Start pt. 1 (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut (with some aftercare), NSFW, 18+, sub!Larissa, spanking, fingering, cunnilingus, degradation kink
Word count: ~3.7k
A/N: Okay, so this one turned out a lot longer than intended and has a bit of a slow buildup before the smutty part so it might not be for everyone. But I do hope whoever reads it will enjoy it! I actually liked writing it, and I found myself intrigued with Larissa being uptight and upper class and a bit of a prude. I think I just fell in love with the idea of Larissa being very "traditional" in the sense of being married to a man and then BOOM just having some sort of sapphic epiphany. I have proofread it, but as usual I post right before I'm off to bed so apologies for any mistakes.
Tall, blonde, beautiful and sophisticated. This must have been the fourth or the fifth time you had seen her at the store, and you had caught her staring each and every time. Whenever you looked back, she blushed and looked away as if she hadn’t just been eyeing you up. You smirked to yourself and this time you decided to pursue it, curious about the outcome. You hadn’t really ever done anything like this, but you had to shoot your shot with her.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I usually don’t do this, but I’ve noticed you staring every time I’ve been in this store and I had to try. Here’s my address. It’s up to you, but you’re gorgeous and I’d love to have you over for a glass of wine.” You winked and gave her a note with your address and number. This was so out of character for you and it immediately sent a nervous wave down your body.
She hesitantly took it and put it in her pocket, and it almost appeared like she was afraid someone would notice. “I’m involved with someone. Whatever you thought you saw was not the case, but thank you. Flattering.” She blushed and seemed embarrassed by the interaction, and you decided to leave her be. You didn’t want to get her in trouble. You were relatively new in town, and realised that people probably knew who she was pretty well.
You went home and put on a random movie you found on Netflix, trying to forget about her dismissing you at the store. Why did she even take the note if she wasn’t interested? You really had hoped she was different, but why would she be? She seemed classy, and she probably was just as classy as she looked. You decided to pour yourself a glass of wine to wind down when the doorbell rang. It was getting pretty late, and you didn’t really even know anyone in town but you decided to open the door regardless. You had a few colleagues you were getting closer to at work so you figured it could be one of them. 
“Oh, I was not expecting to see you. Come in, please.” You were trying to wipe away your shocked expression when she walked inside, and she did not look happy. 
“What you did was assuming and inappropriate. I am in fact married, and walking around stores giving out your address to strangers is a bold thing to do. Are you always that confident?” She looked at you with a stern look, but there was something else hiding in the back of her eyes that you couldn't quite read. 
“So you went all the way over here to tell me that? You’re married, yet I found you staring and eyeing me up at the store numerous times. Forgive me for assuming anything at all, but if I was married, I wouldn’t do that. It’s a shame, because I could show you a very, very good time.” You winked and moved closer to her so she ended up backed up to the wall. 
“W-well… Yes. You shouldn’t have done it. I wasn’t staring, I was just looking. Pretty cocky, aren’t you? You don’t know what you could give me.” She was clearly nervous and looked at you with furrowed brows, but whatever her eyes were trying to hide was still there.
“You were looking several times. I’m not cocky, but it’s pretty easy to tell when someone gives you a brief glance or they look at you several times. You fit into that last category. But don’t worry. Glad we sorted this out, and I won’t keep you. Go home to your husband. ” You gave her a sarcastic smile while eyeing her up before you opened the door. She hesitated but left. 
You scoffed and shook your head. Why did she even bother showing up if she found herself so deeply offended by it? She could have thrown away the note and forgotten about the whole thing. Suddenly, the doorbell rings again and it’s her. 
“Now, you listen to me. Do you know who I am? I am the headmistress at Nevermore Academy, and I am used to a certain amount of respect around here.” She pointed a finger at you and you moved closer. 
“And I think you came here for a reason. I bet I could make you squirm within minutes. That uptight attitude does something to me.” Your eyes wandered down her perfect curves. She was wearing a cream white dress with matching heels. She looked stunning, but she probably always did. 
“You really have no idea who you’re dealing with. How dare you speak to me this way? I don’t know where you work, but I could have you fired within an hour.” She tried sounding intimidating and threatening, but she was blushing. Your words got to her, but she did not want to admit it. You were however not too happy about the way she spoke to you, like you were inferior. You pulled her inside and pushed her against the wall.
“Okay, headmistress who also seems to be running this town. I told you to forget about it. But you were the one who couldn’t keep your eyes to yourself. Quick advice for the future; control your staring so you don’t give people the wrong impression. Eyeing people up when you’re happily married? That’s pretty unusual too. I’ll leave you alone from now on, and I’ll make sure to leave the store if I see you. Okay? Now, if you’re done berating me, you’re free to leave.” Once again, you open the door but she doesn’t move. Whatever she was hiding in her eyes was becoming more apparent. It swam to the surface in her deep blue eyes. It was lust. You were right all along. 
Her entire demeanour changed. It was as if she let go of something that was holding her back, but she was still nervous. “I came here for a reason. And as for happily married? A man that doesn’t see me or love me? Frankly, I don’t love him either but in my position and him being an important businessman in this town breaking it off will just look bad. I have never been with a woman, and I have never found another female attractive, but there is something about you. Your confidence. The way you carry yourself.” She looked away, and she looked unhappy after talking about her unhappy marriage. Like she was ashamed of being trapped with someone who didn’t even care for her. 
You put a finger under her chin so she was forced to look at you. “I don’t understand how he can ignore someone like you, and not even look at you. You’re a goddess. You’re absolutely stunning. Do you think I go around handing out my address and phone number to strangers? I have never once done that before, but I found myself infatuated with you. I had to take a chance eventually. You should be worshipped.” You wiped a tear that fell from her eye. She wasn’t used to hearing words like that, you could tell that much.
“My name is Larissa. I realised I never told you that. And thank you for your kind words.” She smiled gently and blushed, and she clearly liked your compliments.
“Hi, Larissa. Very nice to meet you, and learn your name! I was just having a glass of wine. I realise I’m pretty much a stranger to you still, but would you care to join me?” You looked at her with a questioning look, hoping she would stay.
“Thank you, Y/N. That sounds lovely. It’s not like he would notice that I’m gone anyway.” She gave you a light chuckle and you helped her with her coat before guiding her to the sofa. You went to the kitchen to fetch a glass and the wine bottle before pouring her a glass.
“So, Larissa. Headmistress, huh? That’s pretty impressive. A colleague of mine told me about Nevermore. Sounds pretty cool! I think it’s great that you have a school for outcasts where they can be themselves. Society is too quick to judge people that deviate from what they think should be the norm.” You shook your head and took a sip of your wine.
She looked shocked at what you just said, like she had never heard anyone talk about outcasts without judgement or resentment. “I… Thank you. I should probably mention that I am a shapeshifter. And I am not used to anyone saying things that aren’t filled with disgust or hatred for us. Especially not a normie.” She gave you a soft look that almost screamed “thank you” and you could tell that she already felt more comfortable.
“A shapeshifter?! That is so cool! So you can shapeshift into anything you want?” You were genuinely excited about her confession, and you truthfully had always found outcasts interesting and fascinating, and you would always defend them if they were brought up in discussions. 
She laughed, and her laugh was so delightfully genuine and the most wonderful laugh you had ever heard “Yes, I can shapeshift into anything I want. It’s not a power I use very often, but it can come in handy at times. But enough about me. What about you? What brought you to Jericho?” She put her elbow up on the back of the sofa and leaned her head on her hand. She looked curious and like she really wanted to know more about you, and not like she had asked as a form of courtesy. 
“My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend, and I don’t really have any family I talk to. I needed a new start, and I was looking to get as far away as possible and ended up here. I work as a web developer, and I found a job with a company here. And that’s how I ended up in Jericho! I really like it so far.” Thinking about your ex annoyed you, and talking about her made you even more annoyed. 
She looked at you with an almost horrified look on her face. “Y/N, that is terrible. But on the other hand, they both showed you who they really are, and I’m glad you got away from them. But I am sorry to hear that you don’t have any close ones. Aren’t you lonely? Being in a new town all alone?” She moved slightly closer, still with a horrified and almost sad look on her face. 
“I am an introvert so I enjoy my own company. I haven’t been in touch with my family for years and they don’t accept me for who I am. When I came out, they gave me an hour to pack up my things and I never looked back. I’d rather be alone in a new town than with people who can’t accept me for who I am.” You gave her a reassuring look, and noticed that she had moved even closer again. She was looking intently at you, almost as if she wanted to give you all the caring and love she felt like you had been missing.
“You went through more than you deserved. I might not know you that well, but I can tell that you’re a wonderful human being. You should always be able to be yourself, and no one should judge you for that.” She took your hand in hers and you twitched at the touch. Her skin was soft and warm, and it felt like electric shocks pulsated through your body.
“It’s fine now, I feel nothing when I think about them. I am better off without them. But thank you, truly. You’re a beautiful human being yourself.” You felt liberated in her presence, and it was so easy to talk to her. She was so different than she had first seemed, and you thought it might be the wine but mostly it felt like she just let go of the outer shell she so often had to carry.
She moved even closer and her eyes met yours in an intense stare before she gently grabbed your hand again. “Did you really mean those things you said to me? Those… Those nice things?” She blushed and looked down, still holding your hand. 
“I did, Larissa. I think you’re absolutely breathtaking, and I also do believe that you should be worshipped like the goddess you are.” You moved slightly closer and rubbed the back of her hand with your thumb to show her that you meant it. She seemed insecure, even though you had no idea how that was even possible.
“Would you… Uh… Show me?” She looked at you with the most genuinely innocent look you had ever seen and it made your core tense up into a string of heat immediately. 
You leaned forward to kiss her, and she eagerly responded and let out a whimper into your mouth before your tongues started dancing in a slow, intense dance. It felt so right, so warm and so filled to the brim with sparks and emotions. 
“I’ll show you. Just be a good girl and follow my lead, and I’ll make you feel things you have never felt before.” Your lips swept gently down her jaw towards her neck before you left tender kisses and she let out a deep groan. Your hand moved to her back and you were about to pull down the zipper to her dress when she pulled away. 
“I… I don’t think I can do this. What do you want with an older lady like me? You should find someone your own age.” She fiddled with her hands and looked down.
“Larissa, I want you. If I wanted someone else, I wouldn’t have left my address with you. Now, please… Let me take care of you. Let me see you. Let me feel you. Let me taste you.” Your hand gently cupped her chin and she looked you in the eyes.
She blushed and gave you a smirk you didn’t know you had been waiting for, but it was all you needed in that moment “I don’t have any clue what to do, but… Your words make me feel things I have never felt before. If you want to see me… Let me show you. Take me to bed?” She got up and you followed her before grabbing her hand and taking her upstairs to your bedroom.
“I do want to see you, so please… Show me, if you want to. If you don’t, there is no pressure.” You let your hand gently stroke her cheek so she knew that she really didn’t have to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. 
She pushed you down on the bed and the lust in her eyes filled them entirely. “Tell me what to do. I want you to use me.” She bit her lip and her hand wandered from her neck and down her body. 
“If you’re absolutely sure, I will gladly tell you what to do. Use the word “torch” if you want me to stop or you’re feeling uncomfortable in any way, okay?” You took her hands as a way of showing her that her feeling safe was important to you. 
“I will use the word “torch” if I’m uncomfortable. And I am absolutely sure. Now please… Use me like the dirty whore I am for you.” Her words made your eyelids flutter, and hearing her say something so filthy with her heavenly voice and that accent was almost too overwhelming.
“Strip for me. All of it.” Your voice was firm, and you leaned back on your elbows, following her every move. 
She reached to her back and pulled down the zipper. The way she looked at you with a sweet mixture of innocence and desire drove you absolutely insane. She had been an uptight upper class lady an hour ago, and now she was referring to herself as your dirty whore. She let her dress fall to the floor, and you found yourself in awe, mouth agape with hunger for her. She unclasped her bra and pulled down her panties while gently rolling her hips. 
She moved closer and discreetly spread her legs a bit as an invitation. Your reassurance and compliments had wiped away her insecurity and it thrilled you. She should feel like the goddess she is, and she should feel appreciated. “Please touch me.” The tone of her voice was filled with a lustful desperation, and you couldn’t control yourself any longer.
“On the bed. Spread your legs.” You watched as she crawled onto the bed and laid down before spreading her legs. Her inner thighs were dripping with her arousal and you got on your knees between her legs before leaning down to kiss her chest. Your mouth drew a trail towards her breast before you bit her nipple and she whimpered. Your hand travelled down her stomach before it found her mound and you groaned when you felt how wet she was. Your fingers started drawing lazy circles on her clit and her breathing got heavier. 
You continued kissing down her stomach, and she was already twitching underneath you. Her skin was soft and warm, and you could feel her legs spreading more and more before your lips found her clit and you gently sucked it. “Mhh, Larissa. You taste so fucking good.” She gasped, and you let your tongue trail up her slit before you started circling her clit in slow circles while you shifted position and let your fingers trace her entrance. 
Your tongue picked up the pace a bit and you felt her fingers in your hair. You let two fingers slide slowly inside her and her walls immediately clenched around you as she once again gasped and let out a filthy moan. “Oh, Y/N… I need more, p-please.” You added another finger and she screamed out, meeting you in the thrusts. Your tongue kept working on her clit while your fingers pumped hard and deep. The way she was clenching let you know that she was close and you shifted position a bit so you got closer and your tongue started circling harder on her clit. Her moans became louder and louder until she began squirming and shivering as she exploded in a loud orgasm and released a warm wave of her sweet arousal over your fingers while screaming your name. You let her ride it out and slowly pulled out your fingers when she had calmed down enough. 
Suddenly, she turned over and got up on her knees. “Please. More.” She looked at you and begged you with her eyes.
“Aren’t you a desperate little whore for me, hm? Can’t get enough, can you?” You spanked her and she whimpered.
“No, I can’t get enough. Please fuck me. Make me yours. Use me, use me like I’m your toy.” She spread her legs, and you shoved your fingers inside her soaked cunt. You started thrusting hard and deep right away and it was an exhilarating feeling having her in your complete and utter power and on her knees before you. It didn’t take long before you could sense that she was close again, and you spanked her before fucking her harder. She tipped over the edge and came in a loud orgasm, and you continued fucking her to her delight. 
Her eyelids fluttered and she was panting while her arousal poured down your hand with every thrust, and her orgasms kept coming as her legs spread more and more. She clearly loved being used by you as she cried out in whimpers and moans while coming over and over again, each and every orgasm just as loud and intense. Eventually, you could tell that she was overstimulated and exhausted and you let her ride out her last orgasm before you gently pulled out your fingers and leaned forward to kiss her back. 
You went to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth before gently cleaning her up. She had moved to the side of the bed when you came back and she smiled when you looked at her. “Y/N… That was incredible. I don’t know what else to say. No one has ever… Well… With their tongue…” She blushed and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“How on earth is that possible? Well, I am honoured to have been the first, because you taste like heaven.” You winked and kissed her before stroking her cheek. She blushed at your words and chuckled lightly. 
“Thank you, Y/N. For making me feel the way you made me feel. No one has ever made me feel this desired before. This is the craziest thing I have ever done, but nothing has ever felt so right.” She looked like she was in complete awe, and she stroked your cheek. Her touch was so soft and caring, it almost made you melt. 
“I am so glad I handed you that note, no matter how inappropriate it might have been. Oh, and… Would you like to stay the night? Or do you have to go?” You looked at her with a look that you hoped told her that you were dying for her to stay. 
She looked at the time and sighed. “I’m afraid I have to leave. But if you’re free tomorrow, perhaps you would like to come and keep me company when you finish work? I have a long workday tomorrow, and I have a private flat at the academy for when I have busy days. I know it’s unfair, but I’m afraid this is how things will have to be, at least for now.” She stroked your cheek again, as though she was trying to apologise. 
“I would love to, Larissa. The thought of fucking you in your office is a very thrilling thought.” You gave her a sly wink and she chuckled. 
She got dressed and you followed her downstairs. You took a peek out the window and made sure no one would see her leaving. She leaned down to kiss you again and looked into your eyes before moving towards your ear. “It’s as if I can still feel your fingers inside me, Y/N. I’ll dress up nicely for you tomorrow.” She bit your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You had awakened something in her, and you were the only one who could feed it. 
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Curiousity wise about the monster au w/human Yuu ( is it okay to place them as female in this? )
And let's say monster have a courting ritual and try to court the only human at the school as their potential mate and the human is very confused of what is going on and asked Crowley about the situation since sutch thing only exsited in the animal kingdom base of similarities
( like birds made nest out if colorful arrangements, showing off their hunting skills, dance, music, and stalking in some )
WARNINGS: None. She/her pronouns used per user’s request, BUT this situation can apply to any gender in general. If anyone wants me to do a gender-neutral variation or has an idea similar to it, please submit an ask! And if I need to tag a specific way please let me know and I'll do so. Thank you!
So first off, yes, it’s okay to place Yuu as a female in this ask! I would like to go on the record and state that these boys will use the same courting rituals if you’re male or non-binary (or identify as a specific gender. These boys will love you for being your wonderful self~ 💞)! Like the gay penguins and other animals in the animal kingdom, these monsters want what the heart wants. UvU
Now, as for the courting rituals, a lot of them are indeed closely tied to the behaviors of the animals they closely resemble. They still go through the typical dating phase to get to know each other better, but these courting rituals essentially help gauge interest unless they get a clear “no” (usually after the person of their affections gets bored of watching the performance, which is respected by the monsters).
Though can you imagine any of the monster boys dancing like Toothless as a courting ritual? X’DDD
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Anyway, now let’s say our resident human had won the affections of her classmates, and they may start off small with their courting to gauge interest. It’s not until they (and yes, this will include mob students as well) start behaving very oddly that Yuu finally notices that something is off:
Rook doing aerial feats to impress (including pulling up at the last second after diving towards the ground). Vil looks more beautiful than usual with his hair braided with flowers and gemstones. Idia building a nest filled with objects and fabrics of Yuu’s favorite color(s) and her favorite things. Cater gathering shiny objects into a collage with his favorite pictures with him and her together and even serenading them. Kalim gifting more than usual and being super affectionate (or more so than usual). Jamil dancing in a way that makes his scales shimmer and shine in the light.
Even Riddle has begun headbutting other students and standing his ground!
So baffling was everyone’s behavior that Yuu walked right up to Crowley to ask what was going on and describing what they’d been seeing lately.
Cue Crowley caught trying to spit out his tea and inhale at the same time in shock. RIP the poor lungs. Ú.Ù/)
He (eventually) manages to regain speaking privileges, and he awkwardly explains that the students were trying to court Yuu as a potential partner. While he contacts the rest of the staff to discuss this situation, he tells Yuu to speak with the researchers to gain a better understanding of the meanings behind the courting rituals (though he absolutely stresses to Yuu that she shouldn’t let the researchers pressure her into accepting the offers in the name of scientific research. After all, it’s her choice if she wishes to pursue a mutual love interest, not theirs!).
In the end, it’s entirely up to Yuu to decide if she has an interest in any specific NRC boy, learning more about the boy’s species and has to tell the others she’s not interested. How long the dating period goes after all the shenanigans are said and done though is up to you!
Just know that there's going to be an extra clingy chimera who demands Yuu's attention once it's no longer on him 🤣
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mayomaggot · 19 hours
Every Single Class of 09’; Flipside Message
Feet Ending
Title: Greetings my queen
From: 703-425-2981
hewwo dere i saw your FM wisting and wanted to see if I could come to your house to be stepped on by your cute little piggies. My parents named me Frederick but you can call me Freddy Footins! I am 34 years young and have been with the FeetMeet community for about 5 years now. Someone on the forums snapped a pic of your feet without your permission and I pleasured myself to it roughly 9 times.\nWith that icebreaker out of the way, i have saved up about 300 dollars with my SSI checks and would like to hire your services. Unsure if you do any of the more erotic foot sessions but just in case let me list you some more of my fetishes: feet, choking, food play, facesitting, Mommy incest, sister incest, twincest, simulated kidnapping, women wearing the Taco Bell uniform, you pretending to be Mexican but then saying you are white after I point out how hot it is that you are Mexican, covering my rent this month, that last one wasnt a kink but would be pretty cool if you did that. Also I am not a rapist by definition (looked it up) so no need to google anything about me. P.S. havent seen your face yet but if you look roughly 12 i am SO going to try moving out of my parents house down the line one day maybe to date you!
OD Ending
Title: right number?
From: 703-960-1431
Hi I'm not sure if I have the right person but this is Jeffery's mother. Was just texting to thank you for finding his body and alerting the authorities when you did. Unfortunately they were too late but you can't blame yourself for that. A part of me is devastated but another part of me is relieved, which is horrible to say... Jeffery has never quite fit in with the other children, never had the best grades, and maybe this was the only avenue for him sadly enough. Every day I wondered in the back of my head if I had failed as a mother by raising someone so awkward. By middle school I eventually gave up on him to compartmentalize my insecurities as a parent, letting him play with toys and masturbate to what I assume is animated pornography that I found on his computer. I was worried he would be hopelessly going through adulthood so this might have been the best outcome for him. He would tell me he was going to work on video games for a job when he was an adult, then it was comic books, then it was making YouTube reviews of action figures. All these things he said he wanted to do and never pursued... my fear was he just wanted to be a child playing with toys forever. My son's suicide is bittersweet, on one hand he is gone but on the other he realized himself that life wouldn't work out and ended things before they got worse. I KNEW there was a smart boy somewhere inside of Jeffery. I also know we have never spoken before but I needed to tell someone who would not have any pre-conceived notions about my pain...and can understand my blunt honesty now.When Jeffery was alive I was insecure. Now that he's gone I can feel free.
Slave Ending
Title: right number?
From: 202-347-4800
Heyo this George W Bush from the America White House! Not sure if those lesser camel jockeys let you have a phone as a slave but I personally wanted to let you know that Obama has sent a presidential pardon message to the Taliban to let you out. The Taliban ignores most of my messages and will make a grainy VHS tape telling me MacDonalds is the anti-christ or buddha or whatever the hell brown people worship but you get the idea. American girls like you have a bright future and we need to perserve that in ensuring all men are created equal in this race for equal opportunity.
P.S. Kanye was right ;)
Car Crash Ending
Title: can you cover
From: 703-960-1431
This is Ron Stumpford of Dominos Fairfax texting about the tragic passing of Ari. Now that shes dead we dont really have anyone to do deliveries on NFL Thursdays anymore so can you cover for her? We dont care that you killed her drunk driving we just gotta move orders here. Between you and me I am glad you killed her cause I asked her out on a date and she made up some fake excuse that she was gay FUCK THAT BITCH! But please come down and cover for her because the selfish bitch was too inconsiderate to have someone cover for her in the event she died on the job. I told her parents that and they made it out like IM the bad guy. If you cant drive for us would you at least have any naked pictures of her or anything? Im trying not to leave this deal empty handed here. Not even her parents had naked pictures of her to send me like what a rip off!
Nicole's Suicide Ending
Title: why why why why...
From: nicole
why cant u help me
100% Completion Message
Title: Thanks for playing!
From: SBN3
Thank you for playing the Class of '09 visual novel series to completion!
This project set out to bring real, relatable experiences back into the current lexicon of entertainment through the medium of comedy. Originally it was thought a bunch of people in their early 30s would play these games for a laugh but it turned out people who were barely alive for 2009 gravitated towards it in larger numbers.
Many of the social issues featured in this game were not exclusive to the late 2000s and the teenage portion of our fans lead me to believe times haven't changed... I also learned that 2-line throwaway jokes qualify as lore for people who need employment.
Through these games, presenting the dynamic reality I had witnessed came second to only writing dialogue which would entertain a wide array of people.
From FPS streamer fratboy assholes who love Kylar to purple-haired gender neutral girls who love Ari... Class of '09 has succeeded in being a crossroads of internet culture (regardless of whether those two parties are even aware the other side plays the game). This was not by accident, this is just what happens when you aren't afraid to exit your comfort zone and explore other circles, other cultures, and most importantly other levels of hardship.
Represtation in media is important, however mainstream media cannot represent those they are disconnected from. If you're suicidal, homeless, bulimic, addicted, a sex worker, or in an abusive relationship, Class of '09 is not shock humor to you. It merely displays a reality the comfortable can't comprehend.
I cannot necessarily write how real which stories were or were not, but I can guarantee the answers will surprise you. Lives had been lost and many futures were squandered along the journey which influenced the stories in these games. Those who experienced some events of Class of '09 in their own lives would understand. Your funny stories and your sad stories are all you need to create media that resonates.
Now while the game contained a plethora of anti-pedophilia messagery you just can't avoid psychos who latch onto media just because it's popular. I would just like to warn our fans that child predators who infiltrated the Class of '09 fanbase have been using the following phrases to secretly identify each other:
"the writing in Class of '09 isnt very good"
"I hate SBN3"
"I hate Wrath Club"
"Class of '09 was good by mistake"
"I love Class of '09 but hate the creator"
"No! The game just made that up!"
Make sure to report anyone using this or similar secret pedo rhetoric to your local authorities. Thank you.
-SBN3 a.k.a. God.
this game was an actual dumpster fire, idk what I was expecting but it definitely wasn’t whatever we got
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 2)
Masterpost, Part 1
Platonic Whitebeard Pirates & Reader-Insert (with glasses)
Warnings: Platonic Yandere behavior and yes, the kidnapping is still actively occurring. If yandere content disturbs or otherwise unsettles you, I deeply suggest you do not read this series and block the tag "oh sweet child of mine" as well as "one piece yandere". Though mostly framed in a humorous way, it is still very toxic and problematic behavior that you should, in no way, entertain in real life from anyone.
Stay safe and enjoy.
Word Count: 1,540 (would be longer, but I didn't want to have this transitionary chapter be squished in with meeting Whitebeard and settling in)
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When you became a marine, you had considered what you would do if you ran afoul of pirates. Assuming they didn’t kill you outright, that is.
In none of these imagined scenarios did you picture yourself awkwardly curled up in a med bay on one of the ‘junior’ Moby Dicks. As it turns out, Fire Fist and The Phoenix were running a small supply run simultaneously to another junior vessel since none of the surrounding islands could accommodate the Moby Dick herself—the Yonko ship being so absolutely massive for her crew and captain. A young man with a blue mask over his eyes ‘Masked Deuce’ was wiping your face and inspecting your nose for any damage that hadn’t been healed with a critical eye. Fire Fist was somewhere else—likely getting food for himself if his gluttonous behavior was any indication—while The Phoenix appeared to be starting your medical file.
That… was probably not good. The slim possibility that you were going to just be ransomed seemed to dissolve with every scratch of ink he added.
“Well, aside from some possible malnutrition and exhaustion, you seem in good shape. Not what I’d expect of a marine in these parts, though I guess they didn’t care too much about your physical condition.” Deuce placed a firm hand on your shoulder and smiled. “If you’re interested, we can get you into good shape in no time! Or maybe you’re interested in pursuing something else? Oyaji has plenty of resources we can use.” You couldn’t help but grimace and tug on your hat.
“I uh… I’m a marine?” You said, wincing at the questioning tone. “I didn’t enlist for the uniform, you know… I… I’m supposed to try and arrest pirates. Not… join them.” You explained awkwardly. Deuce just laughed while The Phoenix snorted softly.
“Everyone adjusts differently. You’ll love it here eventually.” Deuce winked before handing you a set of clothes to change into. The shirt was emblazoned with Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger.
You were rather at a loss for words. You… well, you couldn’t exactly fight them. You knew that. But you felt rather like the world had tilted dramatically the other way on it’s axis while you weren’t looking. The only way this could get more bizarre is if Fleet Admiral Sengoku called you and congratulated you for the successful adoption and your new, very criminal, pirate-Yonko family.
“Bring-ring. Bring-ring. Bring-ring.”
Oh god, you weren’t ready!? Please no?!
Horrified, you scrambled to pull the snail from your pocket, The Phoenix sliding up and leaning on the bed as you answered.
“Where the hell are you?! Ensign Williams was found, thoroughly beaten mind you, on the ground! You were assigned to be his partner!” You almost wept with relief that you were just getting torn a new one.
“A-Ah—W-Well, I-I attempted to flee with Ensign Williams when The Phoenix was spotted with Fire Fist but was… very unsuccessful.” You admitted lamely as one of the men responsible for your plight gave a placid smile, his eyes fixed on you with a horrifying intensity. Though you had no idea what for. If he was pissed you answered, he was more than welcome to take the call himself at this point.
“And why not, Ensign?! Your orders were quite clear!”
“Because I was captured instead?” The snail sputtered.
“Then escape and return to base!” The operator screamed. You were nearly in tears, your day successfully having gone from bad to absolutely the fucking worst.
“How?!” You whispered in horror, practically seeing the dry response in The Phoenix’s eyes.
Run and I will scoop you up with my talons and fly you all the way to Oyaji myself.
The receiver was plucked from your hands and you were torn between thanking your captor or trying to get it back. In the end, you did neither.
“I’m afraid that won’t be happening. Feel free to mail us their last paycheck because they won’t be returning. Consider this their resignation.” The snail blanched.
“On who’s authority, you filthy pirate!”
The Phoenix grinned, all teeth and eyes narrow, sapphire slits.
“Their new big brother.”
It would almost be inspiring how confident he sounded if he didn’t say it like he was declaring that your kidney would taste delightfully delicious.
Any response was cut off by him lifting up the transceiver shell and crushing it with his bare hands.
His smile turned much more friendly as he set the traumatized snail down, but the edges still seemed… feral. He ruffled your hair, knocking off your marine cap in the process.
“Get changed and wash up properly before dinner. It’ll be a few more hours before we meet up with Oyaji. Ace will make sure it’s burned.” Overwhelmed and horrified, you couldn’t help the slight whimper.
“…but I like my uniform.”
The Phoenix paused, giving you a slightly pitying smile as he gave you a side hug, blue fire flickering over the both of you. Any other circumstances, it would feel warm and reassuring.
“I know it’s a lot, kid. But you’ll be fine, I promise.” He paused looking down at you. “The hat’s gotta go, but, I tell you what, how about you keep this, yoi?” He tugged the blue neckerchief loose and placed it on top of your ‘new’ clothes.
Against your better judgment, you were a little touched at the suggestion.
What is your life now? You’ve been kidnapped, forcibly made to join a Yonko crew, and now you feel touched because one of the commanders is letting you keep a token of your job?!
You’d just get issued a new uniform later.
If you ever get away from this crazy ass band of pirates.
“I do like the color…” You added lamely, unwilling to push the argument considering how laughably easy it would be for him to force the issue. And then you’d have nothing left of your own.
“I like the color blue, too, yoi.” You looked at him with a frown. Glancing at his shirt.
“Not purple?” The Phoenix blinked, surprised at your dry response before chuckling.
“Alright, sassy pants. Get marching.” He smirked, shooing you to the bathroom to get changed. Flush and embarrassed, you escaped before he could say anything else.
Now… did your new pants even have pockets big enough for your animal treats?
Surprisingly, the new clothes fit well. Roomy enough that you didn’t get weirded out that they had your exact size but small enough that it wasn’t going to fall off of you anytime soon.
Your marine blue neckerchief was tied around your right wrist. The only part of your uniform you got to keep besides your shoes.
Any blood was gone from your hands or face but Fire Fist still felt the need to inspect them, playfully pinching your nose to see if it hurt still. Upon seeing that you were in perfectly fine shape, and freshly clean, he beamed.
“I can’t wait for you to meet Oyaji, he’s going to be happy to have a new kid running around. It’ll be a while before you get assigned to a division, but don’t worry, they’re all pretty great! Well, not as great as mine, but still!” Fire Fist laughed boisterously as The Phoenix rolled his eyes, lightly smacking Fire Fist’s head.
“They gotta get used to the crew first, Ace. Don’t jump the gun so quickly or you’ll hurt their feelings.”
Ah yes. Their biggest concern in this whole debacle.
Your feelings.
Cause fuck the law, that’s why. And everything else for good measure.
But also your feelings, because if that was actually a concern they would have left you with your asshat partner and a bloody nose.
… your previous circumstances does not, in fact, justify kidnapping and forced recruitment.
You are a marine damnit! Maybe not a strong one, or even a great one (yet), but there has to be a line somewhere!
“Ahah~! Right, sorry! Here, we’re having soup! It’s not as good as Thatch’s food, but we’re getting back too late for dinner so it’ll have to do. He’ll want a little more warning to pull out all the stops anyway.” Fire Fist laughed, handing you a bowl of hot soup. It smelled good, but despite your hunger, you were still a little thrown.
“…Does he often want to impress captives?” You whispered, more to yourself than anything. Fire Fist paused and actually flushed, laughing to himself.
“Sort of, yeah. He kept trying to feed me while I tried to kill Oyaji for over a hundred days, you know!” You blanched, horrified.
You had forgotten that little tidbit, although most of Fire Fist’s recruitment into the Yonko crew was a mystery, you had overheard that bit.
Suddenly, your prospects of getting out of this scot-free seemed… unlikely.
If being a marine isn’t a deterrent, and neither is many murder attempts, then what the hell could get you out of this? Fire Fist kept laughing as you caught The Phoenix’s eye.
He seemed darkly amused and very much aware of your predicament.
He clapped your shoulder reassuringly.
“Don’t worry about it so much. You’ll figure it out.”
Somehow, you don’t think he was talking about escaping.
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bellaireland1981 · 2 years
Starting Over | 3
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Summary: You come home to work to find your husband of three years in bed with your supposed best friend. It’s the wake up call you finally needed to take your two year old daughter and get the hell out of Texas. With nowhere to go you head to your big brother in San Diego. The sagger squad takes you under their wings, and shows you what having a family means. You get a fresh start… will you find your happily ever after?
Characters: Jake “hangman” Seresin x Sister! Reader, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Seresin! Reader (Eventually), Hangman x Phoenix (eventually) , Adorable OC Gracie!   The Dagger squad
Word Count: 5313
Warnings: Angst, cheating husband, emotional abuse, eventual fluff, smut in later chapters, Sweet uncle Jake, Adorable Rooster with a toddler… if I miss any please let me know.
A/N:  I don’t own the characters or storyline for Top Gun Maverick. All OC’s are mine. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO COPY OR REPOST MY WORK TO ANY OTHER PLATFORM! DON’T STEAL! Reblogs, likes and comments ALWAYS welcomed. THANK YOU @waywardodysseys​ as always for reading over my work and helping me flush out ideas!!
Taglist is open!  If I missed anyone who asked to be tagged, please let me know! I tried to keep track! 
CH 1  CH 2 
“You definitely have enough of a case with the text messages and voicemails alone to be given a fairly cut and dry divorce on grounds of emotional and mental abuse, Y/N.” Lauren Kennedy said, the next day. Jake had once again worked his brotherly magic and arranged for Penny to watch Gracie while you had the appointment.  “I have to tell you, even given the fact that he is in Texas, the nature of these texts and voicemails becoming increasingly hostile and threatening, I would recommend requesting an order of protection as well for both you and Gracie. With that said, I’m assuming you want complete custody of the child?”
“If there is a way to make sure he has absolutely no rights to her, that is what I want.” You said. “I don’t want or need child support from him. He’s admitted to never wanting her, does that count in our favor?”
“It does.” She said, “Would the protection order be something you would be willing to pursue?”
“He’s never physically laid a hand on me. Would a judge even order it without him physically harming me?” You asked
“With the escalating calls and texts, I would say the probable cause for him to become physical is not too far fetched.” She said gently, “I’m assuming you haven’t listened to the more recent calls or the messages he has sent your brother?”
“No.” You admitted, “It became too much and Jake just got me a new phone and number so I wouldn’t have to. If you think it’s for the best and necessary then yes, I am willing to request the order of protection.”
“I think it’s always better to be safe than sorry,” She said, “especially when a child is involved.”
“I will do anything to protect Gracie.” You said. “I have to be honest with you Ms. Kennedy, I don’t have a lot of money. I have a credit card I was able to get without Trent knowing, but he never let me have access to our accounts.”
“I’m willing to take you on as a client at a very low rate.” She said, “I was you, Y/N. My story is almost identical to yours. I was able to get out because I had people helping me. Now, I get to do the same thing for other women. There is a whole amazing life waiting for you. I’m going to help you grab it with both hands.”
“I don’t even know what to say.” You said, wiping away the tears that were streaming down your face. “Thank you… It doesn’t seem like enough… but thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” She smiled, “I’ll get started on the paperwork and get it all filed ASAP. I’ll just need to know if there is any personal property you’re wanting me to include in the papers?”
“No, I got most of Gracie’s stuff before I left and I don’t care about any of my stuff.” You replied, “I’d honestly be shocked if any of it was still there anyway. I just want to be done with him and to move on…and I want my maiden name back.”
“That’s an easy enough fix once the divorce is finalized, I can walk you through that process.” She smiled, knowingly. “I’d say we should be able to petition the court for a name change for Gracie too.”
“That would be amazing.” You replied, “I want to cut him from my daughter’s life completely so she never knows the pain of a piece of shit father.”
“I will get this ball rolling and keep you in the loop on where things are at all times.” She promised, “I have to caution you that he may escalate in behavior once he’s served with papers. I urge you to keep up what you’ve been doing and not engage with communication. All communication can go through myself and a lawyer of his choosing if he hires one.”
“Trust me, I’m more than happy to not have to talk to him.” You answered, “It’ll make Jake happy too. He’s definitely not a fan of Trent’s.”
After leaving the lawyer’s office you sent a quick text to Jake to let him know it had gone well. You stopped off at the grocery store to pick up the stuff you’d need to make dinner. You decided to use your credit card instead of the card Jake had given you. You mentally added finding a job to your to do list though.  Once you had everything you needed for the dinner you loaded the car with the groceries and headed back to the house.
“Thank you so much for watching her, Penny.” You said once you were inside and set the bags down on the counter. “I hope she was well behaved for you.”
“She was an absolute angel.” she replied, smiling, “It’s no trouble at all, Y/N. Honestly, I’m happy to help whenever I can.”
“I’m blown away by the amazing group of people my brother’s surrounded himself with.” You said, “It’s definitely not something we were used to having growing up.”
“I gathered as much.” She said, smiling gently. “I’ve had a soft spot for your brother since he first got to Top Gun as a new recruit. Saw right through the tough guy, cocky aviator act.”
“I’m glad he’s gotten better at letting people in.” You smiled, “He’s one of the best men I know. I might be biased because he’s my big brother and practically raised me himself, even though he was just a kid, but they don’t come better than Jakey.”
“You know,” Penny said, “I know you’re going through one hell of a tough spot right now, and it might seem a little hopeless, but as someone who’s been in your shoes, Sweetheart, I want you to know… you’ll find happiness after all of the dust settles.”
“I think one I’m free of Trent, I just want to focus on being a good mom to Gracie and building a new life for us here… one where Jake doesn’t have to support us, preferably.” You replied, “Maybe I’m just meant to be single. It’s not like men will be lining up at the door to date a single mom…an unemployed one at that.”
“Well the unemployment part I can help with.” Penny said, “I could use some help at the bar during the day. Keeping track of the ordering and the paperwork side of the bar is not my favorite. If you’re interested, I’d happily throw that stuff your way. It’s part time for now, but it might help get you back on your feet.”
“I don’t have anywhere for Gracie to go while I work right now.” You replied, “I’d love to accept the job…can I have a few days to try to find a sitter?”
“Of course.” Penny replied, “Let me know if you need any help. Once school is out for the summer, I’m sure Amelia would love to babysit too if you need it.”
“Thank you, Penny.” You said, “For everything.”
“Of course.” She replied, smiling, “You’re family now, Y/N. I know you’ve heard it a lot since getting here but it’s true.”
“I’m starting to think coming here was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” You smiled, tears once more forming in your eyes.
“It’s your fresh start.” She said, “Now’s your chance to make the life you want…for yourself and Gracie.”
“I was actually talking to Jake about maybe going back to school.” You admitted, “I need to get through the divorce first and find some semblance of a new ‘normal’ for Gracie and me, but then… maybe.”  
“I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Penny said. “And don’t close yourself off to other possibilities either. You deserve a shot at happiness after this is over.”
“So I’ve heard.” You replied, “I just highly doubt men are lining up to take on a 26 year old divorcee with a toddler.”
“I can name one, that from what I saw when we were here helping get Gracie’s room set up, would be more than happy to be at the front of that line and be given a shot.” Penny said, “I don’t know how Jake would feel about it, but I for one can and will vouch for him.”
“Who?” You replied, shocked. You hadn’t noticed anyone paying any more attention than the others.
“Rooster.” She smiled, like the cat that caught the canary. “He was lookin’ pretty smitten with you and he definitely fell head over heels for that little girl.”
“Bradley?” You asked, eyes wide, still reeling from this tidbit of information. “I think he was just being nice. He’s really good with Gracie, but all of Jake’s friends were.”
“Just my observation.” She said, not wanting to spook you, “Just don’t count yourself out from finding a good man. Trent is the exception, not the norm. Real men, secure men…they don’t treat women like that.”
With those words of wisdom, Penny said goodbye and told you to call her about the job. Once she’d left you turned on music quietly in the kitchen and got to work preparing dinner for your brother. He had sent a text earlier to let you know the whole squad had jumped at the chance at a home cooked meal. You seasoned the pork roast and started it cooking so you could add the bbq and shred it later. The chicken you were frying so you needed to wait until closer to dinner. You got the ribs ready to start cooking before adding them to the oven. You planned on putting them out on the grill when it got closer. Once you had the meat sorted, you set to work whipping up a batch of the honey cornbread that Jake loved, opting to bake them into muffins for the safe of ease. Once those were in the oven baking, you set to work mixing up some bbq sauce. You hated to have to cheat and use store bought as your base, but you quickly added everything you needed to make it better. By the time you were cleaning the kitchen up from your first round of cooking, Gracie was waking up.
You wiped your hands to dry them and headed back to her room to change her diaper before bringing her out. She was starting to show signs of being ready to potty train so you made a mental note to pick up pull ups and a toddler potty next trip to the store.
“Hi, Gracie girl!” You said, walking into her room. She was sitting in the middle of the bed, surrounded by pillows, looking very much like the princess Jake called her. “Did you have a good nap?”
“Mommy!” She said, her little voice still sounding sleepy, “You back!”
“I’m back, Sweetheart.” You smiled, reaching out to pick her up. She happily stood and toddled to the edge for you to pick her up. “Let’s change your diaper then you can play while mommy makes you a snack ok?”
“Otay, Mommy.” She said, “Nanas?”
“Absolutely you can have a banana.” You agreed, “Did you have fun with Miss Penny?”
“Yes!” She exclaimed, happily, “Penny pway!”
“Penny played with you?” You asked as you changed her diaper.
“Yes!” She confirmed, “Mommy, Unko Jakey home?”
“Not yet, Sweetie but he’ll be home soon.” You assured her. “Uncle Jakey’s friends are coming over tonight too.”
“Woosta?” She asked, her eyes getting big. “Pwease, Mommy?”
“Rooster will be here too.” You promised, your mind quickly drifting to the last part of the conversation with Penny. You knew for certain that Gracie was taken with Bradley. She’d latched onto him almost from the instant they met. It made you wish her own father was as attentive and sweet with her as Bradley was.
You set Gracie down on the floor by her toys and went to cut up a banana for her. You put the banana into a bowl and then set it at the table by her Booster chair and got her a cup of milk in her sippy cup. Before you had a chance to go collect her though, the front door opened and you heard her squeal in delight.
You stepped into the living room in time to see Jake drop his flight bag and swoop Gracie into his arms, grinning ear to ear…both of them. He moved away from the door, kicking it closed with his foot, as he smothered Gracie with kisses, earning himself full on belly laughs from his niece.
“You’re home early.” You noticed, “I figured you’d be home closer to dinner time.”
“Mav had us knock off early.” Jake replied, laughing with Gracie. “We were in the air all morning and then went over next week’s plan for the new recruits. Wrapped up early so he dismissed us. Everyone was in a hurry to get out of there and get cleaned up. I think they’ll be descending on us here soon.”
“Home cooked food is really that much of a draw?” You asked, surprised, “Don’t any of them know how to cook?”
“Some better than others.” He replied, “But a home cooked meal they don’t have to prepare themselves is definitely a draw.”
“Well, then I guess we are going to make this a weekly event.” You declared, “I can’t have them starving from their own cooking. They’ll get at least one good meal a week.”
“I’m sure they won’t say ‘no’ to that, Tulip.” He grinned, “Thank you, by the way. I know your ulterior motives behind this dinner….and the weekly dinners you’re proposing.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Bubs.” You winked, knowing he was right. You were doing this on purpose. You wanted to give his friends, Phoenix specifically, a chance to see the real Jake more often. “Go shower, you smell like jet fuel. Then you can help me by keeping Gracie occupied while I cook.”
“Deal!” He said, handing Gracie to you and picking up his bag from where he’d dropped it, “Be right back Princess G, then we’ll play! Uncle Jakey will take you outside.”
You managed to get Gracie strapped into her booster seat to eat her banana while you got out everything you needed to get the sides going for dinner. You checked the meat, pulling the ribs from the oven and letting the cornbread muffins continue to bake.  By the time you were ready to start getting the ingredients out to coat the chicken with before frying, Jake was walking into the kitchen in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.
“Brave to wear white when around Gracie.” You teased, “And barbecue sauce.”
“I love living on the edge,” He laughed, “What can I say?”
“While you’re outside, can you start the grill?” You asked, “The ribs need to go on to finish cooking.”
“Sure thing.” He replied, “Anything else I can do to help?”
“Just keeping Gracie entertained is a huge help.” You said, “Besides, this is your ‘thank you’ dinner. I’m not letting you help.”
He laughed, dropping a kiss on your head and getting Gracie from the booster. “Come on, Princess G. You can help me start the grill and we’ll play outside while Mommy works her magic in the kitchen.”
“Pway!!” She clapped, “Byebye Mommy!”
“Have fun, Sweetie.” You laughed, “Listen to Uncle Jakey.”
The two of them left the kitchen and you returned your attention to getting dinner ready. Once the muffins were done you set them to cool. You decided to add loaded smashed potatoes to the menu for the night, so you set potatoes on the stove to boil. Once they were done, you’d smash them onto a cooking sheet before loading them with cheese, bacon bits and chives and would bake them until the cheese melted. They were also one of Jake’s favorites. The two of you had done most of the cooking growing up. He’d loved it when you’d learned to cook, and had happily turned that task over to you.
“Hello?” You heard a voice from the front room.
“In here!” You called, continuing to move around the kitchen, preparing the dinner. You figured Jake’s friends knew to just come on in.
“Damn, it smells amazing in here.” Bradley said, stepping into the kitchen, holding a small bouquet of flowers. You felt warmth creep over your face and it had nothing to do with the stove being on.
“Hopefully it all tastes just as good.” You replied, smiling.
“I’m sure it will.” He said, then remembering the flowers, he blushed slightly, holding them out to you. “I brought these for you.”
“They’re beautiful, Bradley.” You replied, smiling as you gently took to flowers, “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome” He said, smiling back, “Didn’t want to come empty handed when you were gracious enough to invite us all for dinner. Thank you for saving me from my own cooking.”
“Jake said some of you cooked better than others.” You laughed, cutting the stems and placing the flowers into a pitcher as a makeshift vase. “I’m happy to cook for you all. You’ve been a huge help since I showed up on Jake’s doorstep, this is the least I can do. I also told him I’m making this a weekly thing, so whoever is available can come over and I’ll feed everyone.”
“You’re a goddess.” He declared, winking, “You should know that strays, when fed…keep coming back.”
“It’s a good thing then that I don’t mind picking up strays.” You laughed, opening the fridge. “Do you want a beer?”
“I’d love one, Y/N.” He replied, “Thank you.”
You handed him the beer, reaching back in to grab one for yourself. You popped the cap off the bottle and took a drink before setting it down on the counter.
“Can you do me a favor and run these out to Jake?”  You asked, picking up the platter of ribs, “They need to go on the grill.”
“Absolutely.” He replied, taking the platter and his beer and heading out to the backyard.
You took a deep breath, finding yourself smiling as you continued to prepare dinner.
Everyone started arriving after Bradley got there, including Mav who had graciously accepted the offer to not eat his own cooking as well. You’d managed to get the rest of the food prepared and set out on the counter so they could come through buffet style and pile food on their plates. You plated some of the food you knew Gracie would like and be able to eat on her plate, getting her set up at the table. Bob, Phoenix, Bradley, Jake and Mav sat around the table. Coyote, Fanboy and Payback sitting at the kitchen island with their food.
You sat down between Gracie and Bradley once everyone had their food and were settled.
“This. is. AMAZING, Y/N.” Coyote groaned in delight, digging into his meal. “I’ve died and gone to Heaven.”
“I will definitely have to run extra miles tomorrow,” Fanboy added, “Extra time in the gym for sure once I fill up on all of this.”
“Thank you for feeding me.” Bob said, “This is the best meal I’ve had since I was home last year for Christmas.”
“I’m glad you like it.” You smiled, heat creeping over your face at the praise. You weren’t really used to people complimenting your cooking. Trent had always complained it wasn’t good enough.
“I told y’all you were in for a treat.” Jake said, beaming at you, “Y/N offered to feed you heathens once a week. Dagger squad weekly dinner?”
“I am so here.” Phoenix said, “But Y/N, you are not cooking every week. That’s not fair to you.”
“I honestly don’t mind.” You shrugged, “I like cooking.”
“Well, we’ll at least help.” Bradley added, “Or order takeout occasionally to give you a break.”
“Ordering takeout defeats the purpose of a home cooked dinner night.” You laughed.
“OK then occasionally you let us grill or something so you’re not doing it all.” Bradley suggested, “I mean, we can pretty much all grill at least.”
“I suppose,” You acquiesced, “But only occasionally.”
“We’ll negotiate the frequency later.” Jake added, knowing how stubborn his little sister was. “Who’s up for the zoo tomorrow?”
“Zoo!” Gracie cheered, “Aminals?”
“Princess G has spoken.” Jake laughed, “Yea, baby girl, we’ll go see animals!”
“I’m in!” Bradley said, winking at Gracie, “Wanna see some lions and tigers, Princess?”
“Wions! Woaw!” Gracie clapped, giggling.
Everyone laughed at her imitation of a lion. You brushed her hair back from her face, dropping a kiss on her head. It made you heart melt to see your little girl happy and surrounded by people who loved her.  Jake, catching your gaze, offered a smile and a wink. He knew this was all still really new to you.
“I’d love to see some animals!” Bob added, “Can I come too, Gracie?”
“Yes!” Gracie said, causing everyone to laugh.
“Alright, then!” Jake said, “Dagger squad field trip to the zoo!”
After dinner you’re clearing away the leftovers, placing everything into containers and putting it in the fridge when Phoenix comes into the kitchen with Jake. You picked up a dishcloth and dunked it into the soapy dishwater to start the dishes.
“Put down the rag and step away from the dishes” Jake ordered, “Get yourself a drink and go sit down. Relax.”
“You cooked,” Phoenix said, “That means no kitchen clean up.”
“No arguments, Tulip.” Jake said, seeing you were about to protest. “Drink and go relax.”
“Yes, Sir.” You mock saluted him, then tossed a smile at Phoenix as you grabbed a beer and left the kitchen.
You walked into the living room to see Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy on the couch and floor playing a video game on the TV. Bradley, Mav and Bob were entertaining Gracie with all of her toys in the corner of the living room. You smiled as you watched the three grown men playing dolls with your toddler. You quickly pulled out your phone, snapping a picture before you made your way over to them.
“Mommy, pway too?” Gracie said, looking up from her toys. Bradley looked up, smiling at you, scotting over to give you room to join them all.
“Mommy would love to play, Gracie.” You replied, setting your beer down on the cabinet before dropping down to the floor to join the baby doll party.  “In the interest of full disclosure, I definitely snapped a picture of you three playing dolls with Gracie. I fully plan to add it to a picture show at her wedding someday.”
“Wow.” Mav laughed, “She’s already getting blackmail photos.”
“I for one am happy to contribute to happy memories for this cute little Princess.” Bob said, handing Gracie a princess doll.
“I will happily embarrass myself if it makes the two of you smile.” Bradley agreed, reaching over to ruffle Gracie’s hair.
“She is an amazing little girl, Y/N.” Mav said, “You’ve done a wonderful job with her. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”
“Thank you.” You whispered, suddenly choked up. “You have no idea how much it means to hear that.”
Bradley reached over, gently squeezing your shoulder in comfort, offering a gentle smile.  
You let Gracie continue to play for a few more minutes until Jake and Phoenix were done in the kitchen. You smiled watching them laugh together over something as they walked into the living room to join the rest of the rest of the group.
Bradley leaned over so he could whisper, “I see your game plan, Little Seresin. Count me in.” He winked when you shot him a guilty smirk.
“Gracie girl, it’s bath time!” You told your daughter. “Tell everyone thank you for playing with you.”
She toddled over, hugging them one by one. When she got to Bradley, flashed him a big toothy grin. Your daughter had good taste in men, you had to admit. She was clearly taken with him. He hugged her tightly and dropped a kiss on her head before releasing her.
“Have fun, Princess.” He said, “Get squeaky clean!”
“Otay, Woosta!” She agreed, letting you lead her away.
“I’ll tuck you in and read you a book when you’re all clean, Princess G!” Jake promised his niece.
“Otay, Unco Jakey!” She said happily.
You got her into the bath, washing her hair and body before letting her play for a bit. She loved the water and bath time so you always hated to rush her.
While watching her scoop water with her toys, someone knocked on the door.
“It’s open!” You called. Phoenix poked her head in, smiling.
“Mind if I come in?” She asked
“Join the party!” You invited her. She opened the door further, stepping in.
“Thanks again for having us all over for dinner.” She said, “And for offering to put up with us all once a week to feed us.”
“It’s really no trouble at all” You promised, “I’m happy to have you all here. So is Jake. He might not admit it often or freely, but you all mean the world to him. He loves having you all here.”
“It’s nice to see him with Gracie…and with you.” She said, “He’s softer.”
“I hate to ruin his street cred but Jake’s always been a softy” You said, “He just had to develop a harder shell because of our parents.”
“I like the softer Jake….” She admitted, “Maybe too much. It’ll only end up complicating things.”
“I have a feeling it’s a whole lot less complicated than you think.” You said, “And for the record, I’m pretty positive that Jake likes you too.”
“Mommy, me done.” Gracie said, standing up in the tub.
“Ok, Sweet girl,” You said, “Let’s get you out and ready for bed.”
“I’m gonna head out, but I’ll see you tomorrow for the zoo.” Phoenix said, “Goodnight, Sweetheart.”
“Night!” Gracie said, smiling at her.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N.” She said.
“Goodnight, Nat.” You smiled. You got Gracie out, wrapping her in a towel and carrying her to her room. You got her into her PJs and combed her hair, drying it as best you could with the towel. Tomorrow would be a pigtail day for sure.
You were getting her settled into her bed when Jake appeared in the room.
“My girl ready for me?” He asked.
“She’s all yours, Uncle Jakey.” You smiled. Before leaving the room you bent over and gave her baby girl a kiss, “Goodnight my little Angel. I love you. Sweet Dreams.”
“Wuv you Mommy.” She smiled back sweetly.
You picked up the wet towel and took it back to the bathroom, hanging it over the shower to dry before making your way back out the living room.  Everyone had left except for Bradley who was picking up the toys and placing them all back into the toybox in the corner.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You said, smiling as you popped down onto the oversized stuffed chair next to the couch. “Thank you, though.”
“It’s not a problem at all.” He replied, “It was just a few dolls and their accessories.”
“For someone so small, Gracie is a single toddler tornado some days.” You laughed, “Keeping up with her is a full time job in and of itself.”
“I can only imagine.” He replied, offering a smile as he lowered himself down onto the couch. “She’s great though. She naturally pulls you in. I swear she can make anyone fall in love with her in 5 seconds flat.”
“Apparently not her father.” You replied, sighing, “But pretty much everyone else yeah. She’s my whole world.”
“He’s a worthless bastard with no spine.” Bradley said, his voice taking on an angry edge to it. “He doesn’t deserve Gracie. Or you for that matter. He sure as fuck doesn’t deserve the title of ‘father’.”
“You’re very sweet, Bradley.” You smiled, “I’m kinda hoping that soon, he won’t be anything to either of us.”
“I hope so too.” He agreed. “You both deserve so much more, Y/N.”  
You felt butterflies take flight in your stomach at his words. It had been a long time since you’d felt those.
“Can I get you a drink?” You asked, trying to keep from being awkward, “There’s leftover dessert too if you would like some of that.”
“I should actually get going, but thank you.” He said, flashing a sincere smile your way, “Dinner really was amazing and I’m already looking forward to next week.”
“Let me know if you ever have any special requests.” You offered, “I’m always game to make new things.”
“I just might take you up on that.” He replied, “I’ll see you tomorrow for the zoo. Make sure to lock the door behind me, ok?”
“Be ready to chase after Gracie.” You teased, “She’s a handful. And I’ll lock it behind you.”
Jake came in shortly after Bradley had left. You were on the chair again, your head laid back on the cushion.
“She’s out.” He said, sitting on the end of the couch closest to you. “Thanks for tonight, Tulip. It was really nice having everyone over.”
“You’re welcome Jakey.” You replied, rolling your head to face him, too tired to pick it up off the back of the chair. “They’re a lot of fun. I like them.”
“You’ve definitely secured yourself a squad full of best friends now.” Jake chuckled, “How did it go with the lawyer? We haven’t had a chance to talk since I got home.”
“It went really well.” You reported, “She’s going to take the case and said she’d charge at a very discounted rate. She thinks I should file an order of protection too to be on the safe side and that any contact with him will go through her.”
“That’s amazing, Tulip!” He said , his whole face lighting up with a smile. “Did she give a timeline?”
“Not really. She’s going to get papers started to serve him.” You said, “She said he might start calling more or escalate once he’s served, which is also why she wants me to file an order of protection.”
“I fully support that.” Jake said, “I also wouldn’t put it past him to come out here, Tulip. We need to make sure you and Gracie are safe.”
“I don’t think he’d come all the way out here, Jakey.” You said, “His pride will be hurt but really I’m giving him what he wanted… to be free of my and Gracie.”
“Don’t underestimate him, Y/N.” Jake insisted, “I’ve heard the messages he’s left you and for me. I’ll feel better if we take precautions to keep you both safe.”
“I’ll be careful.” You promised, “I’m mostly with you anyway except for when you’re on base. Penny offered me a job today too. She said she needs someone to help with paperwork and the inventory side of things…I told her I need to work out childcare but I’d get back to her.”
“I can ask on base for recommendations for a sitter or daycare.” Jake offered, “Someone’s got to have good reliable sitters.”
“They can’t cost an arm and a leg though either.” You said, “Working just to pay daycare defeats the purpose.”
“I’ll ask around.” Jake said, “In the meantime, you are well past exhausted. Go get some sleep, Tulip. We’ve got a big day at the zoo ahead of us.”
“You’re right.” You replied, stretching as you got up. “Goodnight Jakey. I love you.”
“I love you too, Tulip.” He answered, “Sweet dreams.”
After you headed to your room, Jake checked all of the doors, making sure they were locked, before he turned out the lights and found his way to his own bed.
A/N:  Hoping you all are liking this series so far! Please let me know your thoughts! 
Taglist: @gracespicybradshaw​ @awesomebooklover17, @bethabear12, @krismdavis, @mygyn, @ayniebop, @hisredheadedgoddess28, @jstarr86, @cherrycola27, @harrysgothicbitch @caidi-paris 
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choking-on-ice · 1 year
South Park College Headcanons
I lost power for most to the day today, so I sat at a coffee shop and just killed time writing down headcanons for every SP character I could think of.
there's alot of them, but hopefully somebody out there finds these fun
Gender fluid / non-conforming
Saved up enough to move into dorms away from their parents
Autistic and very gullible still
has learned to stand up for themself and their friends better
Got fed up in senior year and spiked Cartman's drink w/ laxatives and locked him outside at a house party
Ppl secretly fear them a lil after that
Kept their baby face and a bit of chub
Still plays for Stan's death metal band
has a strange relationship w/ Kyle (who's grappling w/ some denied queerness)
still an absolute sweetheart
drinks at parties and smokes w/ friends, even tho everyone assumes they dont
their parents still totally suck
revolving door of jobs cuz he gets bored easily, but is always selling weed on the side
Ran into more drug problems through highschool after his troubles cheesing
Went to rehab with Tweek and Stan, got clean, and is closer to them than ever before now
Butters stood by him at the peak of his addiction and now he would (and probably has) jump in front of a bullet for him
Joined the robotics club in HS
Pursuing an engineering degree w/ an academic scholarship
Still works as Mysterion, just w/out the undies over his pants
thinks it's funny to cockblock his friends
is kind of a player, but not a dick abt it
flirts alot, thinks it's fun to flirt w/ Tweek and Butters bc they never grew immune to his BS like the others
the idea of one of them reciprocating any flirting is terrifying to him tho
cuz he has a massive inferiority complex and lives in denial that he has real romantic feelings for anyone
ultimate rizz
Still fronts his death metal band
hopeless romentic
Bonded w/ Tweek over their crappy home lives when Tweek starts delivering to Tegridy Farm
Grew closer w/ Kenny when he found out he was in the same rehab program as him and Tweek
stronk farmboy, also p tanned which juxtaposes his alt style
Opens up to smoking weed in college now that he's sober
emotionally intelligent
NOT emotionally communicative / available tho
bottles stuff up
only knows how to vent when drunk, then later thru music
jaded w/ a chip on his shoulder
prone to knee jerk reactions
throws hands at the drop of a hat
usually throws the first punch
kept playing sports after hs - football in college and basketball recreationally
did debate w/ wendy in HS
still bffs with stan, even tho they dont have many shared hobbies anymore
doesn't rlly need game tho cuz he's only had eyes for Tweek, and Tweek's a mess
monotone + flat expression intimidates some people
has rep of being an asshole, it's only half true
is considered rebellious, but he just sees it as doing what he wants to do not what other ppl want him to
slow to anger, has never thrown the first punch
grew up to be tall and broad like his father at his age
his dad pushed him into playing football, after HS he only plays bc his friends are on the team and doesn't care much about winning
likes old school indie music, underground shows, and obscure bands, isn't pretentious about it tho
when Kenny tells him about the Tweek's drugging Tweek (and the rest of town) he loses it and has to get talked down from strangling Mr Tweek
autistic + adhd
loves deathmetal, hardstyle EDM, death rap, and hardcore music in gen
bonds w/ Stan in late HS as he makes deliveries for the coffee shop up to the farm
Kenny and him are acquainted since Kenny delivers ingerdients to the shop
loves fantasy - LoTR, D&D, etc.
Trans FtM (cuz i am and i project onto my faves lol)
Finds out from Craig and Kenny that his parents have been drugging him w/ meth in the coffee since he was a child
spirals after this and has trouble trusting people, questioning everything and everyone in his life
becomes rlly close w/ Kenny and Stan when they all attend rehab together
moves out before HS even ends, couch surfing for the summer until he can move into the dorms
sobering up lets him gain some weight and he begins to look less sickly
I have more on the other characters, but I have arthritis and typing this much killed my fingers already. Hope u enjoyed if u got this far
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sageistri · 5 months
i just read the transcript of the whole min heejin press conference and this tells us so much or confirms things we’ve already perceived about this industry:
thread starts here if anyone else is curious: https://x.com/snoopy_sapphic/status/1783388320556597389?s=46
these kpop creative directors really do see their groups/idols as a product not as individuals or artists and they feel entitled to do whatever the hell they want with them because they “created them”
they also establish these extremely odd bonds with teenagers which helps them guarantee obedience and loyalty (like who the fuck is extremely close with their much older bosses in any other line of work)
Min Heejin, being the cooky and stubborn woman (among other things) that she is, was not well liked in a formal, male dominated environment and they were clearly looking for the first excuse they could find to get rid of her while still getting to keep NewJeans for a pretty penny
That being said, the woman must have done some of the things they accuse her of. HYBE’s legal rep has been airtight as far as I’ve seen so I highly doubt they would fabricate accusations. However, I do think they are exaggerating the context of some of the allegations (including getting BTS’ involved for no reason) to get the court of public opinion against her.
If I had a nickel for every instance within that company where somebody wanted to pursue an idea/concept and management went “your idea is not what we think is most profitable so we’re not gonna support, you do you” and then when that exact idea/concept ends up being extremely successful not only do they want to screw you over out of pettiness but they ALSO want try to replicate your success despite not having faith in it initially I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but its weird that it happened (AT LEAST) twice 🤔
Bottom line, Bang PD is the evil greedy music exec everyone (except armys) wanted him to be. Yay! Him doing exactly what they did to him w BTS to other people now that he’s the big bad wolf is some movie villain arc.
And lastly… WE WERE RIGHT 🫢 I shouldn’t be surprised but I just didn’t expect to happen like this
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evidenceof · 3 months
N, w, y for the ask game 🙏
hallo sam these qs are fun!! thank you for the ask. <3
n. if you create content, which show do you have the most wips for? choose one to talk about in depth.
for the longest time, i've tossed around the idea of writing fic but only really pursued it when i rewatched band of brothers earlier this year. my google drive and notes app are collapsing under the strain of docs and txt posts that remain 'untitled' and because i haven't answered your wip game ask about the liebgott and nixon haircut fic, i'll talk about that here! i really love the anecdote of lieb snagging a weekend pass from dick after each haircut, and you already know how much i love your liebgott gives haircuts fic. initially, i wanted it to be liebgott asking dick for advice on how in the ever living fuck to talk to an ivy leaguer, seeing as he has so much experience in the department. but eventually switched it up to lieb asking nixon because in my head: 1) dick would be so stilted, lieb being one of his men. say 'hang tough' and call it a day. 2) liebgott just wouldn't expose a soft part of his belly to winters like that. the switch to nix, just felt like giving myself room for more flexible dialogue.
w. what's an hbo war url that you like/would change to? if you have an hbo war url, why did you choose it?
if i had to change it to an hbo war url, would definitely be prop-blast. rolls off the tongue, raised hell (and parachutes) for the paratroops. good stuff.
y. what's a wip (edits, art, fic, etc.) you have for any of the shows that will never see the light of day?
god, i have several docs where i just imagine dick/nix dying tragically, lots of bleeding, general hopelessness etc. that i write when i want a good cry but will never want to inflict on anyone else. lol! some of them very heavily influenced by anecdotes from coming out under fire.
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
Dazai ,,,angst again w the ada but this is more of a general hc.
I feel like Dazai tries so fucking hard to distance himself from everyone, he feels like an intruder among the ADA and while the ADA has done everything they can to make him a part of the agency he always pushes away from them. Dazai does want to be loved and cared for but he fears getting attached to them even more, he is haunted by connections of past and everything ripped away from him over the years.
He falls for Kunikida and cares for Atsushi and Kyouka but he doesn't want them to hurt when he inevitably dies or leaves them due to circumstances. He cannot bear the idea of Kunikida grieving for him or any of them and while that nagging part of him says that they don't care about him and would be better off without him he still keeps a distance. Its not just for them, he feels selfish for wanting to be with them forever, he doesn't want to let go of his family here but he worries that maybe he will ruin everything. He is a pessimist when it comes to connections truely, he sits out in the rain to avoid the cozying up agency when the concern worsens after he is injured and if he scratches at old wounds no one will see him.
He is tired of running but hurting others to save them and himself is much easier than the opposite, the agency still pursues these connections as they chase him through it all and all of his attempts. Many times he has been left to bleed out and yells and lashes out on anyone who comes to help, he doesn't want to be touched, heard or felt in those moments. Dazai would gladly give up himself or anything to ensure them a happy safe life but unfortunately that is an unreasonable request, so he sticks around no matter how sick or injured he stays close to protect them from hits. He doesn't realize how badly him sacrificing himself against anyone at the smallest threat hurts the others, how Dazai using himself as a shield with no regard for his own safety breaks their hearts.
Dazai has patched himself up too many times to count until he gets tired and eventually they notice and for the next few days its quiet, they are doing their best to protect him without him noticing it is love and care for him. Kunikida massages his head and brushes his hair so gently on those days and sometimes even if Dazai denies the reaction of little bits of affection he gets from his partner he deeply enjoys it. Small notes and reminders to kisses on the head and tight hugs, Dazai adores it but it is such a terrifying feeling especially for a man who easily gets confused by someone sincerely asking how his day was as if its ridiculous anyone might care for him the littlest bit. Naps together are Dazai's favourite, he was never held so gently before Kunikida came along.
Yosano has had many stressful days of worrying over her coworkers wellbeing, he happens to throw himself in front of guns and into lakes so she does her best to figure it out from clues of how he walks and how he sits. She keeps stupid little snacks around for him from crackers to little oatmeal cookies to slide to him, she worries because this man can work for days straight and still say he doesn't need help or rest. To be completely honest he scares the shit out of her when he does all of that, she notices extra bandages and slight winces all the way to slight picking and scratching, but there isn't much she can do as he avoids her office like the plague and seems nervous around her. Yosano can only watch with a concerned gaze.
Ranpo gently encourages Dazai to actually make bonds with demands he cannot refuse, because he is Ranpo after all. He will drag Dazai from bakery to bakery to prove his points and make sure the brunette is actually communicating with them. He tells Dazai and Atsushi to go get him ridiculous requests just to get the two to talk like mentor and mentee, he knows that Dazai loves the ADA and is just stuck in this position of avoidance when it comes to actually opening up. Ranpo is proudest of getting Fukuzawa and Dazai to bond, he sends them on grand adventures to meetings and picking up things when the president isn't busy.
Despite it all Dazai fights it, but the ADA will not go down without a fair fight. They will get him to feel fully safe with them one day and maybe get him to let them help when he needs it, they are determined.
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Finally got around to making an official/colored ref of Apollo! :3 He has been on my mind a lot lately(mainly thanks to this one idea I've been thinking about, of him and Mini knowing about Nate's sexuality/supporting him there), and since I had a little time for art I wanted to finally make an official ref for him! :D
He is still not a character that I will be focusing on too much, but I do have some other ideas I want to get to with him sometime. These mainly being drawing him with Damini(since they are dating, and I just imagine they would be so cute together), writing something with him and Damini(again to showcase their relationship, but also to explore some of the backstory changes I made to Mini), and writing something with him/Mini and Nate, since like mentioned above I have been thinking about the idea of them being a mini friend group, plus also giving Nate some Feorian LGBTQ+ friends since he doesn't currently have any. But yeah, I hope you enjoy! ^w^
Here is a mini bio for him!
- Apollo Lumen . Age: 27 . Gender: demiboy(he/they) . Sexuality: bisexual . Relationships: Lady Damini Koeler(together for two years) . Abilities: hand-to-hand combat, bow-and-arrows, solar/sun-based magic(natural)
Citizen of Feor, boyfriend to Lady Damini Koeler. Growing up in a poor family, he at first joined the army as soon as he could, as he was following on the footsteps of the other men in his family and he wanted to help out with earning more money. His time as a soldier was short-lived however, as he was only in the army for a couple of years before he gained a serious injury that gave him a large and rather nasty scar on his back, as well as an early retirement. While it took him sometime to recover physically and mentally from his injury, he was not that sad about retiring from the army as he always had dreams of becoming a traveling musician and finally had a chance to pursue that dream. At first he started out as a backup guitar player for this smaller band, working on his own music on the side, before it eventually picked up some interest and he was able to start his solo career. He first met Damini at one of his earliest solo concerts, and they bonded after she came up to him after his show and complemented him on his work. They clicked enough that they kept up communication afterwards, mainly through letters as he was out traveling for a while. When he returned to Feor was when he asked her out for the first time, not wanting to lose anymore time with her. Their dating has been a little more low-key since they have different occupations and are not seen in public together often, but they haven't been keeping it a complete secret either, and are currently making plans to move in together as they are hopeful for their future together. So far in his musician career he has become famous enough to both live comfortably and have many fans, even in other countries outside of Feor. Aside from Mini, another fan of his music is Princess Hestia, as they both play the guitar and she finds some of the things he has done with it very cool. Through Mini he has also become good friends with Prince Ignatius, with them only hanging out occasionally but they have become close enough, to the point Nate felt comfortable enough to open up about his sexuality and lover with him and Mini. Considered strong, warm, and bright, he is a very charming and friendly person that is able to get anyone to loosen up and have fun with his carefree and happy disposition. He is also incredibly open-minded and accepting of everyone who is not appreciated by general society, but he is also very critical of said prejudiced societies as he proudly stands up and advocates for what he believes in, even if this has not always been appreciated by close-minded people. In terms of more negative traits of his, he is a perfectionist to the point he will forget to take care of himself in order to get something done the way he wants it to be(causing him to feel pretty awful afterwards), he is easily distracted and forgetful so he always has to write things down, he bottles his stress too much to the point he either gets sick or lashes out, and while not necessarily a negative trait, as he is always out traveling he often forgets to make time for his loved ones, but he always makes it up to them when he returns home.
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 years
Not a monster // Carachoco (Ghoul Choco AU)
(Since a lot of you guys asked for more content around the Ghoul Choco idea, have some more.)
"Caramel Arrow!"
"Carmel Arrow cookie!"
Caramel Arrow cookie slowly regained consciousness, after being knocked into a wall of the Dark Cacao Citadel. While trying to regain her vision, she notices fellow watchers surrounding her in distress and concern for her well-being. Tapping her face and shaking her lightly, to help her regain consciousness.
"Caramel Arrow cookie!"
"You had us worried there, old friend!"
Caramel Arrow cookie slowly sat up in pain, looking around her body to find any cracks or cuts. Thankfully, none were found other than two minor cracks on her lower back.
"Where's... where's his majesty?"
"He was knocked into the walls of the Citadel by that... that... monster!"
"No! He isn't a monster! I know more than anyone, that there is still some good in the prince!"
"You saw what he did to his majesty! Even before this, the prince destroyed our kingdom! Our Home! He nearly killed his majesty! TWICE!! Do you really think there's still good in that husk of a cookie?!"
Caramel Arrow sighed.
"Yes, the prince did commit those heinous acts... destroyed our home... and nearly killed his majesty, but... there has to be more to the story than the prince betraying the Dark Cacao kingdom!"
"Well," A watcher asked, "what do you suggest we do? The beast is too strong to be attacked head-on!"
"That is for me to figure out. I want all of you to go around the Citadel and look for any of Affogato's disciples that are still left in the Citadel, preferably Affogato himself. If you find any of them, capture them and bring them back here. So they can be brought to justice!"
"What about you, old friend?!" The Second watcher exclaimed, "You can't just face that beast alone! You will crumble!"
"I have known the prince my entire life, Choco Bow Cookie..." Caramel Arrow remarked quietly as she stood up. "Whenever he needed to vent about anything bothering him... he came to me for guidance. Whether it be teaching me how to use the bow, or just wanting to have a small chat! The prince was so kind and put others' needs before his own... something just isn't making any sense..."
Before the watcher could continue thinking, the ground shook violently as cries of pain could be heard pursuing it. This immediately caught Caramel Arrow's attention and whipped her head back to the remaining watchers.
"We don't have much time! We have to hurry before the walls crumble!"
"Yes Ma'am!"
Within a blink of an eye, the watchers separated from each other, while Caramel Arrow sprinted as fast as she could in the opposite direction. As she passed by cracked pillars and random objects set aflame, she noticed the picture of the fallen prince, set aflame while scratches covered the prince's face. This caused the watcher to stop in her tracks, as she gazed upon the burning picture.
"My prince... What went wrong...? How could you throw your life away like this...?" She sighed as tears began to fall.
"Don't worry... I'll fix everything... I promise..."
Suddenly, the scent of burning dough and dark chocolate caught Caramel Arrow cookie's attention. She was getting close. To make sure she doesn't draw attention, the watcher slowly crept to the source of the familiar scent; the throne room. Seeing the doors slammed into the walls, she peered into the room to see a horrific sight. The beast had Dark Cacao cookie laying on rubble that was formerly the throne, coughing up strawberry jam violently as he struggled to breathe.
"W-why....?" the king coughed as strawberry jam clogged his mouth.
At this mere comment, the beast only formed an evil grin on its face, knowing that the end of a king's reign is drawing near. This caused Caramel Arrow to instantly jump into action, sprinting as fast as she could and blocking the beast's way.
The beast looked at her, surprised that she was still alive. Just below him, the watcher stood her ground but not drawing out her weapon, which confused the king she was protecting.
"C-Caramel... Arrow..."
"Stop this madness, Dark Choco cookie! This isn't you! What happened to the cheerful prince that I still remember...? The one cookie who taught me how to wield a bow...? The cookie who wanted to make everyone happy...? The cookie who put others before him...?"
The beast stood there, blankly.
"I know there's still good in you Dark Choco...! You're a good cookie with a big heart...! Remember when you would vent to me about what was bothering you...? You always would mention your father in one way or another... and I never picked up that you were... hurting. I don't think anyone did... did they?"
The beast growled sadly while looking away slightly.
"No... not even your own father did. Now that I think about it, all you wanted was his attention... wasn't it...?"
The beast began to shake, struggling to keep himself together. Everything started flowing back into his mind like waves, too big for the most skilled surfer to handle. He shook his head, trying his best to forget. He knew she was just doing this to break him down... and it was working. The beast began to scoot away from the watcher, but she only walked closer.
"That's why you went to go find that sword of yours... right...? So you can gain your father's approval and protect the kingdom...? I've heard about that sword... it'll curse anyone who wields it onto a path of eternal suffering and darkness..."
Tears began to fall from Caramel Arrow cookie's eyes as she recounted everything that has happened before this very moment.
"If only I knew where you were going..." She sniffed. "Maybe... this all could've been prevented... none of this is your fault Dark Choco... it's mine..."
"No... it isn't your fault Caramel Arrow cookie..." Dark Cacao weakly said as he began to stand up from the rubble.
"This all could've been prevented... had I only paid more attention to the most important thing in my life... instead of focusing solely on the walls of the licorice sea..."
"It'll be alright Dark Choco cookie..." the watcher stated as she put out her hand towards the beast. "It'll all be alright... I promise..."
The beast hesitated but placed his forehead on her hand, and dark red tears fell from his eyes as he began to fade away. The more tears fell, the more parts of him vanished, soon revealing the bawling prince once more. Cuddling into Caramel Arrow's arms as he shook like a leaf.
"It'll be alright, my prince..." she said as she softly kissed the poor prince's forehead.
"I promise..."
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lake-archive · 8 months
Voice Talent
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AO3 Link - A Shared Love Between Our Posse (Masterlist)
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Gentaro Yumeno, Ann Wolff (OC)
Pairing: Genann (Gentaro/Ann) (Developing)
Synposis: Ann often hears Gentaro playing around with his voice. So one day they suggest that he pursue voice acting! Well… The conversation takes a… Very different turn. To say the least.
Words: 1,162
“Yumeno–Sensei… Did you ever consider recording an audiobook?”
A straightforward question, though perhaps a little too straightforward. It was one of the few times where Gentaro had been caught off guard himself, to the point where he had been tempted to spit out the ice tea he was drinking. But no, he managed to not choke on it, as out of nowhere as it was. It was certainly a question he didn’t get everyday… Or ever really.
“An audiobook? Where have thou gotten such an idea?” He asked the person in front of them. It had been Ann of course, a person he entertains his time with whenever possible. Though it might be a bit of a dirty tactic these days to do it behind Ramuda’s and even Dice’s back. But a friendly chat should not bother anyone, should it? But anyway, enough side tracking, back to the situation at hand.
Because the next thing they did was nod several times. “Yeah, an audiobook.” They responded, grinning a little, as if giddy. “Your voice acting performance in Magic House Murders for one of the characters was incredible! Are you sure you’re a newbie at this!?”
“Oh, thou art flattering me. While I thank thee, I must disappoint thee all the same.” He responded, trying to keep his composure. Though he couldn’t hide a light smirk on his face at the very least. “It was nothing but a guest role. It was nothing outstanding.”
“Oh nonsense! That’s just one instance!” They protested, surprisingly insistent on the point they were making. “I’ve heard you a few other times. You got a pretty impressive range if you ask me.”
This only made him raise one of his eyebrows, confused but also intrigued. “May I ask for thy reasoning?”
“Ah– W… Well… I have attended some of your readings before. Even the most recent one!” They admitted, having him a bit surprised. Actually, he had never noticed Ann in the crowd at any point. Nor could he recall seeing them. Maybe he was just too busy. Yeah, he wouldn't notice them everytime. And yet, it was an odd feeling to know that they have heard him read any part of his stories out loud… In a good way of course. It was just unusual is all.
“And I have to admit, the way you read is very immersive! Especially the voices you give your characters! Like that old, twisted witch Isolde–Sa—” Yet they interrupted themself there, a bit of red on their face. “I mean Isolde had to face. When she tried to free the people from her grasp.”
Isolde? What was— Oh, right! Actually, Gentaro recalled it. He just needed a bit of a reminder on his own. Ann had been speaking about one of his latest stories, a story where he wanted to explore a little bit and had taken up the world of fantasy for some of his novels. He even wrote about a young woman as a protagonist, one who has been abandoned by her mother at a young age and is leading the rebellion to bring her mother’s reign to a fall. Said protagonist was the character Ann had mentioned, Isolde. Actually, in the last few conversations he was surprised to find out that Ann was such a huge fan of the novel series and its adaptations. For him it was nothing but an experiment, trying himself at something new. Though he had to admit that it was a one and done deal. He didn’t plan to pursue the story any further, this tale had been told. And yet, the enthusiasm the young person had for such a small story of his was making him chuckle, they were clearly holding back whenever bringing it up.
“Not just that but your voice for the Black Knight was just as I had envisioned when I read it myself! So calm yet intimidating. And the way you have delivered his whispering… Good thing I sat in the back row that day or I might have gotten goosebumps.” They continued to explain while recollecting the memory of said reading. Honestly, all Gentaro had done was doing his job. But Ann seemed genuinely impressed with his voice work, complimenting it non stop. Honestly, he felt a little flattered when hearing their praise.
And they certainly did not stop. Praising his voice for several characters – How he voiced the mother in peril, the stuttering knight and even Isolde's own mother. Not to mention his narration, apparently being so soothing yet at the same time keeping one's attention. Not too slow yet not too fast, just the right tempo to digest everything.
He was at the brink of blushing, a rare occurrence. Ann knew how to make Gentaro all flustered, even if unintentionally. They were very enthusiastic, as if trying to convince him. Or were they just having fun talking about it? Regardless, he couldn't just let them get away with this. He had to distract them and fluster them in return.
“Oh my, I appreciate thy praise.” He began yet it was sincere. But that did not mean he would show any mercy. “Though it appears that thou art enjoying my voice quite a lot.”
“Huh? Well, I do think it's impressive, so–”
And yet, he managed to cut them off with one simple gesture. He leaned a little forward across the table, putting his drink aside so it was at a safe distance, enough so that he was close to them, in a distance that he was able to whisper: “If thou enjoys it that much, I shall provide thou with free samples~”
He saw them growing stiff for a moment, face bringing the usual – Flustered from one moment to the next. “Eh!? Wait, what are you–”
“I do not mind. Would thou be so kind as to help me practice?” And to add even more fuel to the fire he stretched one of his hands out, gently touching one of their facial cheeks with his palm, gently caressing it. He could feel their skin, their goosebumps forming and it was amusing. So amusing that he couldn't help himself but chuckle, that smile of his staying for a while. He knew it would because he couldn't help himself. “Thou can make me say whatever thou art wishing for. How about it, Ann–San? “
“I… Er… Uhm… Y… Yu… Yumeno– lSensei! Don't phrase it like that?“
“Oya? But I mean it. I will say whatever thou art wishing for. Go on go on, don't be shy~
“Wait a minute! That–”
“Do thou wish to hear sweet nothings? Or a confession? Or maybe thou want to place embarrassing words into my mouth? Whatever thou wants me to say, I shall oblige. “
“Ah yeesh! Don't toy with me like that!”
“Haha, how cruel. I am not~” An obvious lie. And yet it was just too hard to resist. Ann was just too adorable for their own good.
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berries28 · 2 years
Aizou and Yuujirou were able to get as close to each other's face as they get during performances, touch each other the way they are able to infront of their fans, only because they were in a very unique position of both trust and un-like. I don't want to use 'dislike' or 'hate' because by the time they were doing performances, they more or less stopped hating each other.
But back to the question of how Aizou and Yuujirou are able to touch and get physically close without either of their traumas or icks activating- because 1. Trust. They know that the other one is reliable enough to let themselves get so close, and 2. Un-like. They know that neither is attracted to the other, and thus believe that their partner would never attempt to do anything the other would usually be very wary of with any other person. Yuujirou struggles dealing with people but also hates being lonely, but he doesn't have to worry about pushing Aizou away, since he knows Aizou is as determined to about their idol career as Yuujirou himself is. Aizou hates the thought of romantic prospect with any woman, and Yuujirou is not a woman. Better yet, he also knows Yuujirou would never leave him since he's as determined about pursuing their music career as Aizou is, so Aizou's abandonment issues are also lessened.
Which brings me to the sheer potential of a romance and the changes it would make to their idol pair. Yuujirou is entirely uninterested in romance, but he IS interested in something "convenient". He still doesn't understand what he has with Aizou, except that he's started caring for him as more than just his unit partner (not that he'd admit it). He enjoys what they have- his first real friendship- and that's enough for him, for now.
The catalyst for change here, then, HAS to be Aizou. Aizou, who never wants to date women due to a personal trauma, has never completely dismissed the idea of entering a romantic relationship. It's even implied in the LIPXLIP Valentines event when Yuujirou asks him if he's ever been in love, Aizou blushes and dismisses it as 'we're talking about you now!' This implies Aizou DOES know what love is. Unfortunately, it's not totally clear if it's for Yuujirou or some random celebrity crush he had as a child. (Yuujirou doesn't even have that, the poor kid. He gave his entire childhood to kabuki.)
I remember from a LIPXLIP New Year's event, that Yuujirou helps Aizou put on traditional Japanese clothes for a programme, and with Yuujirou's head just beneath his chin, his expert fingers working against his chest, Aizou "can't help but feel restless in this sort of situation." I've felt it, Every queer person has felt it before- when a friend of the same gender helps you fix your clothes (a saree or the like that needs an extra pair of hands to fix), and they're so close, the unintentional intimacy is enough to make you hold your breath. I suspect Aizou felt the same.
If we remember correctly, Aizou is always the one initiating physical interaction during their interviews or public appearances, and Yuujirou comfortably eases into his touch, knowing he is completely same. Now, if or when Aizou gains romantic awareness, he might go the regular teenager routes, and either feel to conscious of Yuujirou to touch him casually anymore (which would be disastrous for LIPXLIP as an idol unit), or, more likely, amp up his touches even more. Aizou, the boy who's sent flying to the other side of the room if he bumps into a girl, willingly putting his arms around Yuujirou (in a joking way of course), even when there is no public appearance. Yuujirou might find it annoying or unnecessary, but may eventually get used to it too, even liking the skin ship (as all humans need it at least a little bit, either from family, friends or pets).
Anyway, yeah, that's how I think an 'official' path of them getting together would be handled. I'm fairly certain their won't be explicit "I love yous", but it'll be obvious if and when it happens.
Thanks to anyone who read this far!
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navree · 2 years
the misfortune of house of the dragon brainrot is that i remember shit from game of thrones and then i get mad and i was recently reminded of “robert’s rebellion was built on a lie” which makes me so unambiguously furious i’m finally gonna crack down and enumerate that fury to the rest of the populace in what may be my longest ramble to date. 
so, first things first, i’m gonna be so very brave and ignore the emotions and everything behind rhaegar running off with lyanna, ignore the skeeviness of this man in his midtwenties pursuing a young teenager and the skeeviness of doing it while married and how much of a dick fucking move that is to do to elia who didn’t deserve any of that from her shit husband, ignore whether or not rhaegar and lyanna were in love or if it was kidnapping or whatever, because that’s not important. 
what’s important is that the crown prince, the heir to the throne, next in line to the seat of power, committed an egregious offense against three major political powers. the foundational building block of robert’s rebellion isn’t about whether or not rhaegar and lyanna were “in love”, it’s about how rhaegar insulted house stark by taking a member of their family into custody in a way that puts her reputation at risk, he insulted house baratheon by taking someone who had been promised to a baratheon (it sounds awful to phrase it like that but this is how it would be seen in westerosi society), and he grievously insulted house martell by publicly shaming and humiliating a martell princess in a deeply embarrassing way. robert’s rebellion is built on rhaegar looking at his house’s allies and friends and essentially spitting on their faces. 
and even then, that’s not what kicks off robert’s rebellion. what the rhaegar and lyanna situation does is kick off the starks going to the crown, to the legal head of the country, and wanting the situation dealt with. brandon, though somewhat brashly, is well within his rights to go to his king and say that he and his family have been dealt a grievous offense and that it needs to be addressed and rectified in some way. aerys’s response to that is to kill two members of that family, brandon and rickard, in an unseemly and brutal way, all for using the proper channels available to them to try and find a way to address a problem, an insult being done to them and their family, and then after aerys murders them for it because the idea happens to offend him, because he’s nuts, he then demands that two people who haven’t done anything at all yet, another stark son and lyanna’s baratheon fiancé, be handed over to him to also be executed.
what happens to brandon and rickard isn’t the only thing that’s seen as morally bankrupt in the eyes of westeros, it’s also aerys ordering that jon arryn break faith and hand over two teenagers who haven’t done anything or started any conflict themselves because they are also part of the wronged parties from his own son’s apparent fuck up. that is what causes jon arryn to summon his banners. that is what robert’s rebellion was built on, aerys’s actions following rhaegar’s. because aerys has, in modern parlance, broken the social contract (for anyone who isn’t as big a dork as i am about historical politics, the social contract is a theory/model that argues that individuals consent to be ruled by an authority and trade away certain freedoms in exchange for the remainder of those rights being protected in a safe and maintained social order, and that when a ruler breaks that promise by becoming too despotic or creating a breakdown in the social order, the populace is no longer beholden to uphold their end as well in consenting to be governed). 
now, westeros doesn’t have a solid concept of the social contract because that’s something that only became a talked about thing during our age of enlightenment (mid 1600s to early 1800s AD) it’s a pseudo-medieval society, roughly equivalent to, like, the 800s AD (given that the doom of valyria is meant to be this world’s equivalent to the fall of the roman empire, which happened in 400 AD, while the doom happens about 400 years before the events of asoiaf). but there’s clearly some element of “we will allow ourselves to submit to your rule on the condition that you be good to us as a ruler, or else we will no longer allow said rule”, because that’s the entire basis for northern independence in the main books. the northerners believe that joffrey, in executing ned so suddenly and unceremoniously, on what are largely viewed to be trumped up charges, has broken the baratheon line’s social contract with the north, and thus do not need to uphold their own end of the contract, thereby declaring rebellion and fighting against that regime. and that’s what happens with robert’s rebellion. the arryns, starks, and baratheons have decided that, through the actions of it’s head (aerys) and it’s second in command (rhaegar), house targaryen has broken it’s side of the social contract, which means they no longer have to consent to be ruled by house targaryen, and will fight against house targaryen’s actions against them at that point. 
robert’s rebellion was not, and never had been, built on the idea that lyanna wasn’t in love with rhaegar. that might have been robert’s own personal motivation, but that didn’t factor into the rebellion at large. robert’s rebellion was built on the really bad decisions made by prominent political actors in westeros, and how everyone responded to them. the main issue was that a group of powerful people saw that the other side of the social contract had violated that contract, decided to react, then everyone else chose sides based on who they supported in that decision and promptly duked it out for a year until one side ultimately won. 
and man does that one line really encapsulate that season 8 gets the brunt of the backlash for being unbearably awful but basically everything that happened from them taking main control away from the books onward was just the height of stupidity, in every way. 
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