#but if this were a real world...
problemnyatic · 2 months
the steven universe hate is insane bc people are (or at least were) more upset that fictional war criminals got fictional hugs than they recognize that it singlehandedly advanced queer rep in children's media by lightyears and then straight up ate heavy retaliation for the nerve.
It does have real flaws that are worth discussing, but it also put their male protagonist in dresses and skirts and played it straight and even empowering, they aired a lesbian wedding on television, it was a genuinely queer, genuinely diverse piece of media through and through. It did a lot of real good for the real world.
But also the fictional characters caused fictional harm to other fictional characters, and didn't get an onscreen firing squad sentence. So, you know, it's basically ontologically evil in real life.
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 8 months
In a perfect world they would have written a plotline where Dean becomes addicted to angel grace because it was the only thing that keeps the effects of the mark of cain at bay.
In a perfect world it would have been the perfect parallel to Sam's demon blood junkie arc
In a perfect world, Cas would have been Deans Ruby
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ariaste · 2 months
Me: [sees everyone talking about how Assad Zaman was "literally" coming up with RPF about himself and Eric Bogosian in an interview]
Me: ah, fandom's doing its little "interpret an innocent comment in Some Kind Of Way" thing again, let's go find the video and do our own critical thinking about what was actually said here--
Assad: What would happen if I said-- [words that cannot be interpreted as anything but RPF fanfic]
Me: ok fandom gets a pass on this one actually
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curioscurio · 1 year
The worst part is that when fat people talk about their struggles with fatphobia they're expected to ALWAYS have a disclaimer saying "Body shaming of all kinds is bad uwu even skinny shaming we're all victims of the same caliber of a body shaming society!" Lest they be seen as one of those Mean Fatties who hate skinny people and thus DESERVE to be systemically seen as unhealthy and lazy by society. I shouldn't have to reassure you that, yes, if someone tells you to eat a burger they're being an asshole. because I'm too busy being told I should kill myself for looking like a whale lol
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chez-cinnamon · 8 months
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AT LONG LAST PAGE 9 HAS MADE IT!!! Frank is safe and sound guys!! Can't say the same with Julie though...
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prawnfriedrice · 2 months
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various creatures
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
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prayer of the day:
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dae-at-night · 3 months
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absolutely obsessed with the way u can see his slutty lil underwear through the holes in the sides of his pants
booba version under the cut 🫒🫒
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couldn’t resist drawing his tits smh so u get nakey ver too
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Toga: Someone who wanted to be happy
Uraraka: Someone who wanted to make others happy
And also,
Toga: Someone who wanted the world to be easier to live in
Uraraka: Someone who wanted to make the world easier to live in for others
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blessyouhawkeye · 1 month
i think out of all the odd things i was up to on tumblr in 2015 skam is the hardest to explain to third parties. YES i was watching a norwegian show entirely in 4-15 minute clips posted at various times throughout the week on google drive. YES I watched the exact same plot play out the exact same way in 4 different languages. YES it was the most beautiful love story ever written. what about this is difficult to understand.
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dailychunsik · 1 month
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[79] the m. starts crying
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outer-stars · 19 days
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bro theraprism CAN'T fix this man
And here's the art without the eyestrain blingee-esque graphics!
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genericpuff · 28 days
no one:
the mold in rowling's brain: pronouns are an invention made up by writers to sell more pronouns
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inkskinned · 1 year
so one time i got bit by a brown recluse which is one of the only types of spider in my area that's actually dangerous and at first i didn't know what had happened to me, only that it was nasty. the swelling wasn't going down and the wound started to get ugly. i don't want to like get into the details because that's gross but it got to the point 2 weeks later that i was worried enough to go to the doctor, which i hate doing.
i am not afraid of spiders but other people are so i'd been covering it with this big ole square bandage (i needed more landscape coverage than a simple bandaid) and sat in the university medical waiting room, kicking my heels and playing BOTW. the nurse who admitted me was like, oh, we have got to get Tom to cover this one. she wrote spider bite under my ticket.
i waited in the near-empty building for like an hour and then nurse tom shows up in spiderman scrubs, out of breath. "sorry," he says, "i saw - your slip - and I had," he heaves in a breath, "to run home and. get. these scrubs. i literally. ran. felt like a job. for. spiderman."
i laugh. he puts his hands on his knees, thumbs-ups at me. fishes a pamphlet out from under his clipboard that basically says spiders can be scary but you don't need to be scared, there's very few dangerous spiders in new england. "honestly," he wheezes, "we probably don't need to get you into an exam room. just..." he waves his hand at the pamphlet, "read that."
i look down at my arm. then back at him in his scrubs. and then down at my arm. i like that he made an effort to make a joke, but now it does not feel like a good joke, because they are mistaking my calm for a lack of injury. "can i. like. at least show you the bite?"
he gives me kind of a weird look, which is fair, but then says. "if. i mean, if you have to."
i peel the bandage off. his face goes green.
"oh," he says.
"yeah, man."
"a... spider bit you?" his voice is high and tight and trembling. he backs up a few steps.
"i think a brown recluse," i offer. "i know it's nasty, sorry."
"excuse me for a moment." he looks over to the administering nurse on the other side of the small room. "i need to find someone else to take care of you."
the administering nurse smiles over to us with a degree of pleasure that is almost salivating. for a moment, like a window opening, i am briefly aware of what must be a psychic message floating amongst the in-between. her jaguar teeth all say this is like a party for me and i know exactly what i'm doing.
"oh no, tom," she says, grinning. "i gave her to you specifically."
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destielmemenews · 10 months
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"The North Hertfordshire museum will now refer to the emperor Elagabalus with female pronouns.
Museum policy states the pronouns used in the displays will be those ‘the individual in question might have used themselves’ or whatever pronoun ‘in retrospect, is appropriate’."
source 1
source 2
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hollow-dweller · 1 year
i think it's time for fandom to accept that some AUs are simply A Bad Idea. your lilo and stitch au with two white dudes is a bad idea. your portrait of a lady on fire au with men is a bad idea. your encanto au with a white family is a bad idea. culture and gender and race *matter* in many source texts, and erasing or appropriating that in order to see your two favourite white guys hug is, you guessed it, a bad fucking idea.
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