#but if you ask me if I would have prefered a game that didn't brought retcons and character assassination at the cost of Rhea and Nabatean
randomnameless · 7 months
Was Hopes doodoo-ing all over Houses lore, while also removing most of the good parts of the latter game's story and characters and quadrupling down on the bad ones, worth Rhea getting meaningful interactions and relationships with her family and friends for the first time outside of Heroes and having a badass death scene in SB?
This is a difficult question lol -
More seriously, I guess everyone expected something different from the finished Nopes product.
Given all the "attention" Fodlan receives that completely ignores Nabateans (tfw there are no nabatean bond rings bar Flayn who might have been Billy's student, but plot wise?) bar the Heroes alts, I'm very happy for the tasty breadcrumbs Nopes offered.
But if you order a burger, and if only the sesame seeds on the bun are tasty - is it a good burger? I don't think so.
So while another Fodlan procut/content might have forgotten or straight up ignored Nabateans (I just remembered the uwu drama CD :( ), imo those breadcrumbs wasn't worth getting Nopes, aka a game full of retcons, developed as a cashgrab by people who forgot FE16's plot (remember Hayashi said FE16 only had 3 routes !) to get an AU where everyone loses characterisation to uwu, even more than in the base game, about Supreme Leader.
Mind you, the devs from Nopes thought adding Monica and Holst were necessary additions to the story, but apparently, the evil lizard lady wasn't.
On paper, I like the idea of an AU and seeing how characters develop differently if some events of the base game never happened, but at least make them plausible! There's a reason why AG is so well liked, it's different from its FE16 version (unlike Supreme Bullshit and Tru Piss) and has meaningful characters developing in ways they didn't in FE16 (tfw Sylvain and Felix become mature!) while still remaining their core selves (unlike Clout).
But it didn't happen, while I try to find positivity in the game, I'm still a bit miffed that this spin-off could have been a WoH prequel, with giant armies clashing (the Larva paralogue!) where Rhea interacting with her brother (?) and friends while being a badass wouldn't just have been confined to 5% of the game (+3% for the opening cutscene).
Sure, that would have implied yeeting the student/modern world cast and not making a game based on them - still I never hid the fact that I care most about Nabateans in that game than about the student-modern cast, but hey, if I'm wondering about my dream "Nopes", I can be a little self-indulgent right?
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strawberymilku · 5 months
Checkmating You
featuring: Jing Yuan x Fem!Reader
genre: smut, friends to lovers troupe, kinda vanilla sex, semi-public, oral receiving, penetration, unprotected sex, creampie
a/n: wow, wow i didn't knw blade and danheng smut would get a lot of notes, tysm for tht. he's my first 5*, and forever has my heart. its basically friends to lover, and jy being freaky deaky on the chess board, wink wink.
word count: 3.9k
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"Yeah I will win this time," she replied, organizing the chess pieces, she looked rather calm, unlike the other times, she was so mad that she wiped all the chess pieces off the table in rage because she hates to lose over her friend, Jing Yuan, the general of Xianzhou Luofu. She sipped her tea, coming up with a strategy in her head.
Jing Yuan couldn’t help but chuckle at her determination, picking up his own hand of pieces. He took a sip of his tea, his eyes narrowing as he studied her body language and tried to understand the strategy she was planning. He raised an eyebrow playfully. “You sure? Because I know that look you’ve got…” He paused for a moment before breaking apart the silence. “I’ve got something up my sleeve this time. You won’t be so sure you’ll win this time.”
"How sure are you, that I won't win this time?" her eyes shifted boringly into his golden ones, moving the pawn two steps forward, she won’t lose this time, for sure.
“Pretty sure…” he replied with a yawn, his eyes glinting mischievously. She could tell he wasn’t lying.
“You think that pawn’s going to save you?” the general asked, almost mocking her. This time, his hands were hidden underneath the table as he moved each piece strategically.
“I’m feeling more ruthless this time,” he continued, his eyes narrowing on her while she made her next move. 
She made the left knight move forward, eyes looking up to see his reaction and focus on the board. She rather not talk to give herself a mysterious appearance.
His golden eyes narrow as he takes note of her move.  The general's face remained stoic as he moved his pawn forward to keep it in check. His smirk shifted into a small smile as he glanced at her eyes, studying them. "Hmm... not too bad," he says, his lips tilting upwards, she just reminded him of when they were teenagers, and how silly that he used to have a crush on her.
The general moved one of his rooks forward, and they exchanged glances again. He seemed to be analyzing her every move and thinking ahead, his heart thumped more when he stole a few looks at her determined face. 
"I have a question, how come you're not married yet?" she brought up another sensitive topic, she knew how to tick him off as she moved the right side of her knight forward. It was too much for Jing Yuan to double-check if he heard her correctly and if she was really asking about his marital status.
Jing Yuan shifted his eyes up to hers, and she could see how the general was thrown off just as she expected.
"Why is that a topic of interest?" he asked, his voice even and steady as he moved his rook to a good position. She was trying to throw him off his game for sure.
"No, it's funny how you are popular, and yet you're single, aren't you close to your thirties?" she spoke as if time was a warning, she waited for him to finish his move.
"Popularity and romantic relationships aren't correlated," the man said in a calm voice, avoiding the question about his single-ness entirely. It was true that he was popular, and many women had an interest in him, but he seemed to prefer being alone.
He moved his knight forward, but then looked back at her, his voice slightly lowering. "Are you asking because you're interested in me?"
She never knew that question would backfire on her, she furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head. She was obviously blushing from the unexpected question from her one true friend, she cleared her throat to maintain her composure, with a simple ‘no’.
‘Bullseye’, he tilted his head back before chuckling and his voice in a husk, leaning in towards her slightly. "Maybe I should ask another question in return. Why are you blushing all of a sudden?" he seemed to know how to play with her strings, leaning in a little closer, making eye contact with her.
"I-uh, let's just finish the game shall we?" she cleared her throat once more as she could sense his breath so closely towards her, throwing her off, he indeed made her lose words and for a moment she forgot what strategy she was using for chess. He has the upper hand here, of course. He is Jing Yuan.
The general can't help but smile lightly. She was flustered. There was a silence between them before he spoke up again.  "I take it that means you lied about not being interested?" his eyes weren’t on the board, his eyebrow raising suggestively as his fingers tapped the table playfully, patiently waiting for her answer.
"What?!" she looked up at him. "N-no way, I only see you as a friend," she started stuttering, she knew he was playing his psychological tricks on her. She already fumbled on the chess moves, making a grave mistake.
Minutes passed by, and the general was enjoying seeing her get nervous and flustered. He had her all to himself, and he was going to take advantage of the situation while he had it. “Checkmate,” he was smugged with his tactics. The girl was left speechless, she looked so hot and bothered, she didn’t like losing like this again, was he playing with her feelings this time too?
“Then… what’s with the blushing?” asked Jing Yuan, leaning forward as if he was going in for a kiss, his breath grazing her lips. It was only just a centimetre apart.
"No, no it's the weather obviously-" her words were cut off with a kiss, really? Right in front of the game?
He had made his move, not the chess, he couldn’t lose her like he lost his chance before; he never really cared about playing chess with her, it was the time he enjoyed with her. He kissed her, enjoying the feeling of their lips meeting and the surprise that crossed her expression.
He pulled away after a magical moment between them, smiling down at her. "You didn't seem very interested a moment ago," he whispered into her ears, leaning his forehead against hers.
She knew he put her in a cupid’s chokehold, she covered her face out of embarrassment, red spreading across her cheeks, it was time. Time to confess all the feelings they had suppressed for years: 
"Yeah, I like you. A lot, since we were teenagers," she admitted with a blurt, not daring to look into his powerful eyes.
Jing Yuan's lips curved upward into a small smile. Actually, it was the real checkmate he was aiming for earlier, his breath tickling her ear. "You have feelings for me? Really?" he whispered, one of his hands coming up to rest against her cheek. He was genuinely surprised at how this love game turned out.
"I, I do, I thought it was impossible so I tried to move on.." she coughed up all the words finally, she had been holding, gazing into his golden eyes. 
"You thought it was impossible to love *me*?" he asks with a light smile, his eyebrows creasing together curiously.
He didn’t seem to understand why she thought it was impossible to love him, but the general took in her reaction. Her eyes are so soft, and her blush is so adorable. How could he possibly refuse her?
He shifted his seat closely before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him.
As he looked deeply into her eyes, "How could you think it was impossible? My entire being and heart belongs to you," the general whispered like sugar was a thing before he ate just now, his eyes beginning to shine in the dim lighting of the courtyard.
"Not like. *Really* like. You're not just a good friend or my best friend to me..." Jing Yuan spoke in a softer tone, still hugging her in his broad shoulders, his voice barely escaping his lips.
"Would you like to be my love and my other half? I want to care for you, protect you, and love you till the end of my days... and beyond," Jing Yuan finally had the urge to confess and asked her out, his heart pounding in his chest, as he waited for her reply.
"I would love to become your lover..I want to nurture you and support you and love you until my days end.." she said in the sentence with more boldness, it is time, Time that they develop this relationship more extremely matter.
He liked that answer, how much she was giving in towards his proposal. His face brightened like a warning sun to her response, his smile growing wider than ever. The general's heart pounded in his chest rapidly, and his eyes were on her lips. This was a moment he's been waiting for since they were teenagers.
"You'll be my lover? Is that a yes?" the general asked again, wanting confirmation before he pulled her into another kiss. 
"Yes.." she replied, leaning her face closer towards his lips, as their lips collided together like two worlds bonded. It was just him and her, them against the world. The background noises of sparrows didn’t seem to be in the picture or the sound of the waterfall at their back. 
Their lips moved in unison, not hiding their feelings away, his hands wrapping around her. He pulled her even closer, wanting each piece of her to be pressed against him. They kissed passionately - neither wanted to let go easily for now...
Their lips didn't break away from one another for a long time, even though it was probably quite late. He had always known he loved this woman, and now, finally, he could call her his lover. 
He wanted to claim her, no he needed to claim her
Hence, he went feral for his desire for her. Their kiss suddenly became a hot mess, as Jing Yuan placed her on the large chessboard, not even wiping the pieces away, 
"Jing Yuan?!" she gasped as he made her lay down on the huge board with some of the pieces remaining on the board, he had been longing to do this whenever they played chess. He wanted to claim her as his, right on the board, he had been holding his patience as it was wearing thin.
“Nothing,” the general replied nonchalantly, his voice thickened with desire and as he leaned closer towards his body.
He placed one hand on her cheek, another hand pinning her wrist to the board for a moment, kissing her for a few seconds, his eyes looking down at her in pure adoration - wanting her. His other hand travels down her neck, gliding her collarbone, and down to her thigh, where his hand finally rested.
Kisses weren’t enough, his breath was getting closer to hers. His hands move to touch her, exploring her body, but he pulls away for a moment to give her a chance to respond. “Is this too fast? *Can I have you right here, right now?*” begging for her permission to please her right on the chessboard.
"N-no, go on.." she looked pretty on the chess board with the chess pieces lying around in his eyes, a body sculpted to look beautifully aligned with the other chess pieces, her breaths hitched on his neck, making him go crazy with her warm vanilla scent, he wished to smell further.
The general whispered into her ear, his breath brushing against it and making her warm. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, letting the moment sink in as he moved in to kiss her again, bruising her soft red lips with his rough ones.
His lips met her neck as he parted away from the gentle kisses, and his hands slowly began to glide up her arms. He wanted to take her shirt off, but he still wanted to make sure she was comfortable for a while. But the general is losing control of his thoughts - his desire for her is growing out of control. 
He couldn’t control himself as blood rushed between his thighs, she was so beautiful enough to want to claim her right on the chessboards, she was his wildest dream.
"You're my queen, you know that?" he replied putting the queen piece in her mouth, making her bite on it. "Good, I will now make you feel like one," his hands were touching her whole body, ready to please her, as a queen should be treated right.
He made her the queen in more than one way, and Jing Yuan loved every second of it. 
He couldn't help but touch her and kiss her neck, he wanted to worship her. He wanted to be devoted to his Queen. His lips nibbled on her neck, with a red mark, his voice filling her with admiration and want. 
A king needs his queen on the board, doesn’t he?
Jing Yuan didn't even care anymore that they were outside in a public area. Not that Lieutenant Yanqing would intrude right now, he was off to a prolonged mission to chase the Stellaron Hunters, and he let the prisoner escape on purpose just for this moment.
The general leaned down, his breath on her neck making her skin feel hot. "Are you... okay with this?" he asks calmly, as his lips move to kiss her neck marking her, he was strong enough to tear up her clothing with ease, ripping them apart, they were covering her beauty indeed.
He gasped as he took a moment of appreciation for her curvy body, naked, he loved every part of it. His lips pressed on her chest, kissing it with each praise, the general taking his time to make sure she was comfortable with him. “Your skin is so soft, my love,” he whispered after kissing her stomach too, showering with every possible kiss until his hands reached her soaked-up panties.
The heat on her skin quickly gets intense, and the general's fingers begin to gently touch her wet folds, rubbing her nub making the queen piece she was biting, fall out of her mouth as he rubs against her wet slick, making the sloppiest noises and a moan escaping from her lips.
“So wet, for me, maybe it’s true you have feelings for me, yes?” he chuckled near her ears with a coy tone, prepping her entrance with her juicy coat on his double digits of fingers. “Can I have your taste, queen?” he was such a gentleman for wanting to please her, pushing in her wet cunt, in and out with a pace upwards, his fingers could feel her velvet walls tightly.
“And so tight for me, I can’t wait to feel that on my cock,” his lips let out a few moans, ramming her tight hole, taking his two sloppy fingers, licking the white liquid on his hand, admiring as if it was an artwork he has done on her, tasting every drop of it.
“You taste nice as well, I think I want more~” he teased as he spread her thighs with the force he had on her, “Please?” he demanded if she wanted more as well, giving a peck on the thighs, looking at her hungrily. He literally wanted to eat her right away, like a wolf, pouncing on his prey. His golden orbs glistened, waiting for her pleas. 
“Y-yes, general. I want you to taste me too,” her breaths became heavier, and there was embarrassment still written on her face, therefore, he placed his head between her thighs, kissing all her wet folds, licking her up, tasting the hot liquids melting on his tongue, pleasing her as much as he wanted. 
The boner in his pants grew further, hot pre-cum leaking out of his underwear, as he let out a growl, licking her sensitive bud aggressively, he looked up for a while to pause if she was having a moment of her life as well, with a smug look. He is indeed, doing a good job in giving pleasure towards his queen. God, he couldn’t wait to prove how much love he has for you.
“Would you want me to continue more, my queen?” he gave a teasing look, and she couldn’t help but give a pathetic whiney noise, saying yes and please, with moans in between, sometimes, his name as well, which turns him on, his cock was absolutely aching for her touches, but he has to be patient somehow, there is no way he could hurt her if he didn’t prep her enough, he resumed his eating out activity by abusing her clit, circling on it, fingers inside deep inside her, moving in a vigorous movement, that earns more higher pitch whines and pants from her throat. 
She was a literal hot mess for him to claim him, just for her. He couldn’t maintain further, he had to do something more that than. “May I?” he unbuckled his military white pants, right away, the monster dick full of veins and heat, sprung out from his black boxers. 
There is no way this thing could fit inside, yet he knows. Does he even care if it would fit in? No? The look on her face was priceless, seeing his huge cock for the first time, which amused the general. 
“Any questions, love?” he let out a few manly chuckles, not surprised how surprised she looked right now, giving his large dick a few pumps from his hands, pre cum still oozing out from the tip, dripping on the wooden board she was placed on. 
“No way, no way that will fit in me,” she shook her head, still amazed at the size of his shaft. 
“Oh, yes, yes it will, just relax, beautiful,” his words were comforting, as her back eased up on the wooden chessboard, listening to the general’s words like an obedient pet.
He played on her folds with his tip a few times, wanting her to beg for it, edging her wildest pleasure by placing his tip against the clit several times. But it was an unexpected swift move, as he obviously, entered her tight wall in one pace, stretching deep into her warm pussy. He felt proud as a loud moan was filled across the area, it would be enough for the cloud knights to know what they were up to. “God, you are so warm, love,” he did give her time to adjust to his gigantic size, which let out a grunt, kissing her lovingly, showering her face with kisses, by cupping her cheeks, giving her time as much as she needs, so she could be distracted from the sudden pain. “I-I” the female tried to catch some breath, “I think I’m ready,” she exhaled softly, wrapping her arms around his back, feeling every inch deepening into her warm cunt, his tip almost kissing her cervix a few times, he began to move slowly, but sensually, she could feel herself wrapped around his cock. 
His thrusts were slow and romantic. “My queen, you feel so good, I can’t get enough,” he let out a few moans, kissing her lips again, praising how warm she was, pumping his dick into her tight walls, feeling every part of her cunt clenching on his wrapped up dick. He could cum in any second, but he has his own policy: she must cum and feel satisfied before him.
The gentleman, put his hands on the chessboard to adjust his position further, sweat dripping on her body and on the chessboard, the place smelt like a mix of their scents, sweat and sex, he growled as he could feel her cervix, he went over and over again to the sweet spot, kissing it with his tip, earning more moans from his queen.
She looked very beautiful at that moment, hair spreading across the board, under him, vulnerable from his unfaded desires of wanting to fuck her until her body squealed in pleasure, the place was filled with filthy noises from their sex, pressing on her cunt with sloppier noises, his base of his cock, slapping her skin with a different pace, he was going faster. “You can take my cock, pretty well right?” he asked more questions, wiping the sweat across her forehead, not stopping his fastening motions while she moaned more with immense lust. “Yes, general. I can take it in well for you,” her voice was getting hoarse, praising him like an Aeon she needed to worship and give her everything to him. He kissed her lips once again, his hands on her waist so he could get better access in slamming his cock again, this time, abusing her cervix. “I want to fill you up, queen,” he confessed his filthy sins in her ear, giving a playful bite at the end. This man knew how to come with his words, he wasn’t even pausing his merciless thrusts, making her stomach turn into butterflies and her guts tightening from every praise. 
She gripped his back, fingers deep in his skin, Jing Yuan doesn’t mind the little pain, he received on his bare skin, it was too little to compare to how much ecstasy he has been having while fucking her raw, feeling every part of his desires fulfilled by his one and only. “Cum for me, queen. I want to make you feel good, I should be the only man you could please you well,” he was demanding, as his movements weren’t stoppable, the girl was getting more of his love, and he wanted to show her what she was missing out for years. “Ahh, Jing Yuan, I’m close,” she panted as her warm breath tickled on his neck, there he felt her hole orgasming, spasming on his cock, before he didn’t even come inside her. She doesn’t really care how her back was hurt from the hard board, she just wanted him at this very moment. “Good job,” he helped her catch her breaths, wiping the sweat, admiring how he made her feel good with his dick. “But I must first, do my part as well,” he continued rolling his hips, deepening inside her hole again, dick twitching and aching from cumming inside her. White liquids started to fill her post-orgasm insides, arriving after her pleasure, there was a burning sensation in her womb. He finally let out a few satisfied moans, saying her name like a prayer, as if she were the drug he took this morning. “You are so beautiful like this,” he bent over after he took out his cock, admiring the masterpiece of finishing her up. “I love you,” he kissed her forehead gently, whispering on the chessboard. “I love you too,” she replied lovingly, falling in love deeper into his golden eyes, putting his white strands away from his face, and pulling him in her embrace.
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ ☆ ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ “Master Jing Yuan, the board seemed to be so wet, did Y/N rage again and spill tea on it?” the innocent Yanqing happened to be the one playing after her, touched the board and the queen piece was still missing from the board on the general's side.
It made the general recall the memories she had with him together, making him giggle like a maiden falling in love. “Ask Y/N that for later,” 
Yanqing just gave a weird look not sure what was going on but he knew after that chess play, the two friends both had become lovers instead.
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spamgyu · 6 months
BEAUTIFUL // Hansol Drabble
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They had been eyeing each other the whole night.
Her gaze catching his first when her friend had notified her that one of the groomsmen had been staring from across the room.
It started off as sneaky glances all while the bride and groom continued with reception program, but the one second glances soon turned into lingering stares – a smirk playing on his lips each time their eyes would lock.
"Oh my god, please just go talk to him." Her friend urged as she caught her sending over a wink to man standing by the edge of the dance floor; looking down to hide his blush.
"A lady never makes the first move." She joked, toying with the straw of her drink; leaning back against the bar counter – waiting for her friend to receive her margarita from the bar tender.
She had only taken her attention off of him for a brief moment, taking a sip of her Paloma as her friend went on to talk about the floral arrangements at the celebration.
"Orchids who would have thou– gotta go." Her eyes wide, scurrying away from her without another word – leaving y/n dumbfounded.
Y/n jumped at the low voice that spoke behind her.
He had enough of their silent game, finally finding the courage to approach her – all with the help of Chan's nagging of course. He nearly stumbled on his own feet when his friend lightly shoved him towards the direction of the girl, reaching up to loosen his tie as he made his way to the her.
"I uh– Hansol." He held his hand out, the same soft smile he had been sending her on his lips.
"Y/n." She took his hand in hers. "I thought I would have to wink at you another time before you made your way over."
Shyly rubbing the back of his neck, Hansol let out a soft chuckle. "I'm shy."
"Me too, but my drink gave me a little boost of confidence." She brought her glass up to their eye line.
"Glad it did." He hummed. "You look beautiful, by the way."
Now it was her turn to blush, looking down at her feet to hide the redness of her cheeks.
They were absolutely pathetic.
Flirting like two shy teenagers.
"You're beautiful too." She smiled, meeting his eyes once again.
God, his stare could easily melt her into a puddle.
"Thank you?" His held tilted at the compliment, being the first time to be called beautiful by anyone.
"Would you prefer being called cute?"
"Beautiful is fine." He nodded, his smile had now grown to a full one.
Yep, definitely putty in his hands.
"There's no plus one I have to worry about, right?" Hansol didn't know where this boost of confidence had come from, not wanting to miss another opportunity of getting to know the girl stood before him.
She shook her head no.
"No one will be mad if I asked for your number?"
"Not a single soul."
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parvulous-writings · 2 months
It may come to absolutely no surprise to you but.......I have a preference to Halsin in BG3.
If you have any desire to write some fluff......If I could gift this man some honey comb in a jar with a handkerchief wrapped around the top, and there is a duck stitched on the corner of the cloth. I would. Cuz I really wanna. 💕
Words: 2.06K
Notes: Honestly, I do not blame you! Who couldn't love this big bear of a man? He's amazing! Takes place after the main game plot <3 My requests are currently open, though limited! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Halsin Silverbough - Archdruid and friend to many - was an absolute sweetheart, through and through. It was no secret that this strong hulk of a man was not only reasonable when it came to conflict, but actively sought the betterment of those around him. He sought it so actively, in fact, that he rarely ever left time for himself. He was always so ingrained or focused on what he thought needed to be done to right what wrong he could, that he gave little thought to when he may need to just take a step back, and relax. So, you took it upon yourself to give him the opportunity to.
Of course, being the lover of the Archdruid comes with some perks; one of those being that you knew everyone within the Grove. One of the younger druids, a young halfling named Barnan, had taken up beekeeping once the druids had re-settled, and that gave you the perfect idea for Halsin's little treat. "Good morning, Barnan!" You greet the shorter figure as you approach, glass jar in hand. Barnan jumps, startled by your somewhat sudden appearance. "I was wondering if you could lend me a hand.." You chuckle lightly, as Barnan recovers. "Oh, but of course-" He says quickly, patting down the apron that he so often wore over his normal plain clothes. "What is it that you need?" He asks you, a smile starting to spread over his face.
"I was hoping to get Halsin a little something... He's been practically run off of his feet again recently, and I think he deserves a treat..." You explain, not getting too into all the details, but giving the Halfling enough to know that it was important to you. He nods enthusiastically, turning to the shelves he had pitched up outside his little shack; "Let me see if I have anything that might take his fancy..." He muses, tapping gently at his chin. "Actually, I had something in mind already..." You gently tell him, and as he turns, you hold up the glass jar you had brought with you. "Halsin likes honey - I was wondering if one of your hives could spare some honeycomb for him?" Barnan blinks, then begins to nod, reaching for the jar. "Oh, but of course, of course! Let me take that for you..." He then pauses, looking at the jar for a moment, almost... Concerned. "Are you quite sure this will be enough..?" He turns his gaze back to you for a moment. You seem almost shocked - that was one of the larger jars you had found. Though, looking at it now... You supposed Barnan had a point - Halsin naturally had a large appetite. "Do you have a larger jar?" You ask after a moment's pause, and Barnan grins. "I wouldn't be a very good beekeeper if I didn't, now, would I?" He replied, making you laugh. "I'll grab one for you," He tells you as he hands you your jar back. "Wait here, I shan't be long.." You nod and move to take a seat on a stool Barnan often sits on in the morning - he loves his spot here, with a perfect view of the morning sun.
The breeze is lovely; warm and inviting, and carrying the many scents of the various wildflowers that are nearby, that grow all over the grove in fact. Branan really knew how to pick a good spot for himself to stay - and an even better for his beehives. There wasn't much that you considered 'perfect', but this place? A place so gorgeous, and the home of those you held so dear? This was perfect, without a doubt. Lost in your thoughts, you're unsure of how much time actually passes whilst Barnan retrieves some honeycomb for you. When he returns, he's carrying in incredibly large jar in his arms. "You're in luck," He pants to you, as he places the filled jar on the grass by your legs, "There was a fair deal of surplus comb in all the hives - I really should be keeping on top of them more, this far into summer... Ah well, I just suppose the days have been getting away from me!" He laughs. You chuckle along with him. "Thank you, Barnan... I really appreciate this..." You get to your feet, leaning down to pick up the jar with both hands. "Oh it's no trouble, no trouble at all... Give Master Halsin my regards!" "Of course - I wouldn't dream of neglecting to mention your help," You muse. "Have a good day, friend." You smile at him, and Barnan gives a nod, still smiling warmly. "And to you, my friend."
And with that, you start the short walk back to yours and Halsin's shared quarters, deeper in the Grove. It's always a pleasant walk - whether it's in the middle of the day, or the dead of night. During the day, you're greeted with polite 'hellos' and 'how are you's', and at night, you get to bask in the blissful sounds of nature as the world sleeps. By the time you manage to get back to your shared space, Halsin is already awake, half dressed, and lumbering out into the near midday sun. He stretches, basking in the warmth the light blesses him with, as you quickly try to hide the jar behind your back, not quite ready to give him the gift. "Good morning, my heart.." He greets you, smiling lovingly down at you. "I see you did not wake me..." He muses as he moves a bit closer. "May I ask why?" "I just thought that you deserved a bit of a rest... You haven't given much time for yourself recently, and I think you should." You reply, nodding as you spoke. Halsin starts to nod with you, humming quietly in agreement. He could find no fault in your answer. He starts to chuckle lightly; "Sometimes I feel like you know me better than even I know myself," He tells you, opening his arms and stepping forward for a hug. You quickly duck under his arm, spinning round before he can see the honey pot you're concealing with your torso. Halsin's head turns, trying to catch up with where you've flitted to, his expression portraying his almost comical bafflement. "My love..?" He starts, trailing off mid-sentence. "No you haven't done anything." You quickly clear up for him, giving him a smile of reassurance. "Then why do you dodge my embrace, hm?" "I have a surprise for you," You divulge, your tone almost cheeky. "And it'd be an awful shame to ruin it." Halsin can't help but laugh a little bit at this - he thinks himself almost foolish for so quickly jumping to the idea that you would recoil from his embrace, and your audacious tone did also amuse him so. "Alright, I shall... Let it go, this time." He teases. "I hope that the surprise will be ready before this evening, so I may embrace you at least once today..." "It will, it will... So long as you actually let me go continue preparing it.." You tease, and Halsin bows his head a bit in laughter. "As you wish, my love..." He murmurs. "I shall leave you to whatever antics you've managed to entrench yourself in today... Just don't get into trouble." He warns, only half joking. You roll your eyes playfully at him, before ducking inside, and out of his sight.
You're quick to rummage through what belongings you have to find the sewing kit you keep, mainly for clothing repairs, picking out a larger needle than normal, alongside some yellow thread. You set to work carefully, threading the needle carefully through the corner of the cloth that covers the honey jar, keeping it safe from bugs and other wandering hands. The little image comes together rather quickly and with a splash of other colours - a dash of black, and orange - you've finished your little project, and before you sits a embroidered duck chick. You admire it for a moment, proud of it. You know for a fact, that Halsin will love this - even if you weren't as proud of it as you were now, he'd still love it. You push yourself to your feet after a moment or so of making sure that you're satisfied, making your way out into the sun again. You shield your eyes with one hand, cradling the jar in your arm much like a baby. It doesn't take you long to find Halsin, knife and woodblock in hand, carefully chipping away at the carving he's started. You stroll towards him, smile growing on your face as you wait for him to notice you. "Ah, my heart..." Halsin starts, his gaze still focused on the block of wood as he carves. "I thought today may be a good opportunity to finally set about making us some new utensils.." He tells you, before finally glancing up. His jaw goes a bit slack, before he starts to laugh. "This was your surprise?" He asks you, as you present the honeycomb to him. "It is indeed... Do you like it?" "Like it? My love, I'm not quite sure how to express my thanks... You really did mean it when you thought I deserved time for myself, hm?" "Oh, I wouldn't say something I don't mean... I know better than that.." You muse quietly. "Barnan also sends his regards..." You grunt softly as you move to sit beside him. He leans over to you and presses a kiss to your cheek, and you can feel the smile still on his lips. "I shall thank him when I see him next..." He tells you as he moves to take the cloth-lid off of the jar, pausing to chuckle at the embroidered duck. "And I presume this is your handiwork?" He asks you, turning the corner of the cloth slightly towards you to show you. You nod at him. "Such a small detail..." The elf muses, smiling as he ran his thumb over the stitches. "Thank you, my love. Truly." He takes off the cloth, placing it on his lap for later, and before you can say anything else to him, his hand is in the jar, grasping for some of the sweet comb inside. You can't help but laugh at the sight - but you knew there was nothing you'd be able to do to stop him. He ignores you, choosing to focus instead on crunching down on the sweet treat you'd procured for him. He practically groans as the taste hits his tongue, and your grin stretches ever wider. "Enjoying yourself, my love?" You ask him, and he nods hurriedly as he takes another mouthful of honeycomb; you start to wonder if it's even touching the sides at this point. "Slow down, you don't want to eat it all in one sitting, do you?" You tease, and at this, he does slow down a little bit. He pauses for a moment, honey dripping off of his hand and into the jar as he finishes his mouthful. He then brings his hand towards your mouth. "Open," He prompts gently, and you comply, soon tasting the same sweet honey you had gifted to your partner.
As he pulls his hand away to eat the rest of the honey stuck to it himself, you give another quiet chuckle. "I didn't think you'd want to share this treat - I wasn't expecting you to." You tell him, and he picks up another chunk of comb, handing it to you. "I know you didn't expect me to. But with you, my love, I would share all of nature's bounty... It is not for one person to hoard it to themselves, it is to be shared and revelled in.." He says, rather sagely, as you bite into the crunchy snack he had bestowed upon you. "I didn't know you felt so strongly about honeycomb." You teased him, smirking as you did. "Of course I do. And don't talk with your mouth full." He playfully chides, gently bumping his shoulder into yours. You both lapse into a comfortable silence after that, sharing the honey and gazing out on the landscape that you call home. It's a peaceful moment, and one that both you and Halsin will certainly treasure for a very, very long time.
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7-wonders · 4 months
what if jessamy lived and matthew was brought in by lucienne as extra help and matthew gets a little crush on jessamy and you notice how matthew seems to be strutting around a lot, his feathers are shiny and he always puffs out his little birdy chest when ever jessamy calls him handsome and theres something that seems familiar but you can't quite place it
until you call morpheus gorgeous when you see him in a new outfit and he somehow seems a little taller, his hair is extra fluffy and he has whatever the dream lords equivalent of a spring in his step is
When Morpheus finally freed himself from his captivity, Lucienne had been faced with a decision to make. Her Lord was determined to find his missing tools immediately, never mind the fact that he was still weak and without any sort of help. While she couldn't do anything about the first part, she could certainly assist with the second. Though Morpheus didn't approve (he was still traumatized by the death of Jessamy, but he would never admit it to anybody, least of all himself), he begrudgingly allowed this new raven, Matthew, to travel with him to Hell.
Imagine their surprise when Lucifer revealed they had taken Jessamy's soul for their own in the hopes that they could use it as a bargaining chip with the Lord of Dreams. This was unacceptable, and so a wager had been made. If Morpheus won The Oldest Game, he got his helm...and Jessamy. If Morpheus lost, then the demon Choronzon got...him.
Thankfully, the former had been the outcome, and Morpheus left Hell with his helm and one more raven than he entered with. But to say there had been some growing pains as the two Ravens of the Dreaming adjusted to both being the Ravens of the Dreaming would be a gross understatement.
That was then though, and this is now. By the time you came into the picture, there were hardly any signs at all that there had been animosity between Matthew and Jessamy. They worked together in harmony now, the perfect team. One could even call them friends...even if Matthew maybe had feelings that were a little more than friendly.
You're in the library with your two feathered friends when Jessamy's head perks up, an obvious sign that Morpheus is summoning her via the mental link he has with his ravens.
"That's me, then." She sighs as though it's a chore to have to go attend to Morpheus, but you know how much she enjoys it. How much she enjoys every moment of her second (third, really) chance at life.
"Official raven business?" you ask.
"The most official." She stands and shakes her feathers out, but stops before taking flight. "Matthew?"
He looks at her in surprise. "Yeah?"
"Your feathers look nice today."
"Oh! I—uh, I flew through a waterfall this morning because I wanted to try something new. Wasn't sure if it would work out."
"It certainly did."
Matthew tries to stutter out an answer. You can hear Jessamy laugh as she swoops off to catch up to Morpheus. If Matthew could blush, you're sure he would be.
He's still staring after her minutes after she's gone, and you can't help your amused smile. "You okay?"
"Absolutely." He nods, his chest puffed out in pride. You stifle a laugh and replace it with a hum, pulling your book up past your face so he can't see just how well you believe him.
These instances, of Jessamy playfully flirting with a head over heels Matthew, are not rare. She enjoys doing it, and who knows? Maybe she feels the same. Their routine is rather sweet, actually, but you can't help the weird sense of deja vu you get when you watch those two dance around each other. You've seen this act before, but where?
The next time you and Jessamy are together, you're both in a position that you did not ever think you'd find yourself in: watching Dream of the Endless play fashion show.
Normally, Morpheus just conjures up whatever look that he wants without a second thought. He can change his appearance at a whim, even though he prefers sticking to his familiar, all-black wardrobe. But this week, he's hosting his siblings. All of them, save his wayward brother, are to be in the Dreaming at the same time for the first time in centuries (Morpheus can't say for certain how long it's been, which is how you know it's been a long time). A "conclave of the Endless," he called it.
Weird way to say you're having a family dinner, but whatever.
Though he'll never admit it, he's nervous. Nervous about his siblings being in his realm, nervous about how the Dreaming looks after having spent so long returning it to its former glory prior to his imprisonment, nervous about proving himself and his power once more. This dinner matters to him, and since you can't be there to support him—he refuses to possibly put you in harm's way and/or at the mercy of cunning and powerful beings who enjoy making mortals their playthings, which you appreciate immensely—he's trying desperately to control the few things that he can, including his outfit choice for the evening.
And there have been a lot of potential choices. Seriously, he's tried on so many outfits that you're starting to lose count. Coats and cloaks, robes and rubies, boots and blacks. It's a dizzying blur by now, and Morpheus looks as done as you feel. He's nothing if not relentless though, so the rigamarole shall continue.
He turns to face you when he's settled on a new choice, and you both look at his outfit with the discerning eye of a critic appraising a work of art. After a few moments, Jessamy, sitting on the back of your chair, is the one to speak up first.
"The collar does not suit you, my Lord."
His gaze goes to you, and the helplessness in his eyes almost makes you say that Jessamy's wrong and you like the look. You'd be lying, though, and you like to think that a core tenet of your relationship is honesty. With that in mind, you grimace and shake your head.
"She's right," you begrudgingly agree.
Huffing is an action that's below Morpheus. It's a very mortal thing to do, so naturally the Ruler of the Nightmare Realms does not huff. If he were to pretend to huff, though, the way that he abruptly turns back around and sighs heavily through his nose would be a very good impression. Your lips twitch when you glance at Jessamy out of the corner of your eye only to see her pulling the exact same move towards you, but you stay silent and go back to the watching and waiting game.
About three outfit changes later, something clicks, and you sit up in your chair in excitement. "Ooh, that's it!"
"You're right," Jessamy echoes your earlier words, only this time in a far more positive connotation.
Morpheus raises an elegant brow. "Elaborate, please."
"That's your outfit for tomorrow," you insist. "You're gorgeous, my love."
He stops fussing with his outfit and looks at you through the mirror. "You truly think so?"
"You look so handsome in that outfit. I mean, you're handsome all the time, but c'mon!" You grin, because how can you not? He's one of the most attractive men (-shaped beings, if one were to be picky) you've ever met in your life, and he's yours.
He holds your gaze for a moment longer, as though attempting to detect any deceit from you, before inspecting his appearance one final time. With a nod and a very small, very self-satisfied smile, he says, "Then I shall wear this tomorrow."
"Perfect." Next to you, Jessamy sighs in relief, and you shoot her a furtive thumbs-up for a job well done.
Since your part in ensuring Morpheus has a successful dinner is complete, you leave the Dreaming hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. What this means is that you're expecting to fall asleep the day after the dinner is scheduled and walk into the worst hurricane that would ever be recorded were it in the Waking. Morpheus likes to act like he has no emotions, but the reality is quite the opposite. In fact, he has so many emotions, and they're all so strong. He just doesn't know how to deal with them, and chooses instead to hide them away until they burst.
Instead of the anticipated disaster zone, everything is...calm. Actually, it's a beautiful day. Think of the nicest spring day, and multiply it by at least 10 (maybe more). That's what this weather is. The sun is out and shining, the temperature is warm but not hot, and everything is in full bloom. Hell, there are actual flower petals dancing through the air right now. Flower petals!
You snag one of the petals and hold it gently between your thumb and forefinger, feeling the silkiness against your skin. "What kind of Disney movie am I in?" you mutter.
You feel Morpheus's presence behind you a mere moment before he asks, "What was that?"
Even with the environmental warning, he still makes you jump, and you turn around to face him. "Hi! How did it go?"
"Far better than I could have expected."
There's something...different about him. His hair looks especially messy and windswept (not that you're complaining, you love that), he's still wearing his special dinner outfit, and did he get taller? You feel like you have to look up just a little bit more to truly look at him so yeah, he definitely got taller.
"Good. I knew it would, though."
"You did?" he asks curiously.
"Of course. I had complete faith in you."
Those starry eyes of his twinkle brightly as he smirks at you, and the realization hits you like a truck. Now you know why Matthew's mannerisms have been so familiar! Because you've seen them before, and you're seeing them now. Morpheus thrives off of your compliments. How...interesting, and a theory that you need to test out immediately.
"I'm really proud of you, y'know." His lips turn upwards into something that's almost a smile, so you continue. "I know how hard this was for you, how much you worried, and you handled it beautifully."
The beautiful flowers surrounding you burst into the air, their petals falling down around you in the multitudes. You start to laugh, but Morpheus doesn't let you make another sound, instead ducking down (from his markedly taller height, mind you) to kiss you. Though you're caught off-guard, you quickly get with the program and return his affections.
"I would like to celebrate with you." He says before moving his lips to your ear, even though nobody around can hear him whisper, "In my chambers."
You pretend to think for a moment, because a moment's all you can spare. "I'm certainly not opposed to such plans."
He pulls you to him in a way that suggests you didn't really get a choice otherwise and grabs his sand from his robes. You press your lips together to hide your smile and happily hold onto him. Oh, you are so using this to your advantage from now on.
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lucy90712 · 10 months
Can you do a pedri x gf!reader imagine where she’s with him during all of The Residency shoot & sees that the girl social media worker has been getting a little too close for comfort. Gf tries to stay calm the whole time until she finally snaps & then she thinks pedri is gonna be upset at her but he’s actually really turned on by the fact that she’s territorial of him
A/n: I changed it up a bit as I don’t usually write stuff like this so I hope it’s ok
WC: 2.1k
Yesterday afternoon Pedri asked me to go with him to his shoot with the residency today because he gets a bit awkward when on camera so he wanted me to be there so there was a familiar face in the room. Of course I agreed to go as I always love spending time with him and I think it's sweet that he wants me there but I'm definitely a little bit nervous too. I have always been really anxious about meeting new people so to be in a room full of them is a bit nerve wracking for me but I am going to be there for Pedri and I'm sure everything will be fine.
This morning Pedri had training which he brought me to as well because we had to go to the shoot right after. I haven't been to one of his training sessions in a long time so it was nice to see the whole team as I get on with them all really well. Getting to talk to the guys before we had to leave relaxed me as I remembered meeting them all and being so nervous but I survived and now we are all good friends so I will be fine with meeting the crew for the shoot. They all knew where we were going so they told us to have fun and Robert told me to make sure I enjoy myself as he knows how anxious I get. Pablo also sent me a smile which didn't need any words with it as I knew what he was trying to say. 
On the drive Pedri kept me talking about anything other than the shoot and he held my hand tightly to keep me distracted which he is very good at. Once we arrived the crew all came outside to greet us and Pedri got out the car first to say hi before opening my door for me and introducing me to everyone. My anxiety faded quite quickly as everyone was so lovely and they were more interested in Pedri which meant I was able to just blend into the background and take some time to calm down. We all went inside and Pedri got his hair done while someone else explained everything they would be doing which started off with a live stream and then they wanted him to film some TikToks which I just know Pedri will hate. 
"Amor do you want to be on camera?" Pedri asked 
Our relationship is semi public so people know we are together but we don't often post with each other only on special occasions. Most pictures of us together are taken by other people as I don't like to put myself out there too much as I only ever get hate anyway. So being part of a live stream isn't really up my alley but I don't mind if I'm seen in the background.
"I would prefer to not be but I don't mind being seen in the background" I said 
"Thats ok we can keep you out of shot" one of the men there said 
"Thank you" I said 
Once Pedri was ready they got everything up and started the live stream so I sat out of the shot but somewhere were I could still see what was going on. Things started off simply as they got Pedri to play some fifa which he does a lot at home so that made him more relaxed and I could tell he was starting to really enjoy himself. Whenever he scored he looked over in my direction to see my reaction like he does when we are at home so I gave him a big smile which he returned. After the game they made him do karaoke which even I've never seen before as he refuses every time we go out, it was so hard not to laugh at him but I held back my laughter as not to disrupt anything. 
The next thing on the list was a Q&A but most of the questions were things I've heard him answer a million times so I kind of lost focus and started paying attention to other things. As I was doing so I noticed the girl that's part of the team getting rather close to Pedri. I'm used to seeing things like this as fans quite often get close to Pedri or other girls when we go out places but they never go too far so it doesn't really bother me. This girl however was already getting on my nerves as she was constantly staring at him like not taking her eyes off of him. She was also sat really close to Pedri and I could tell he was feeling uncomfortable with her so close but she didn't take the hint, if anything she got closer to him. 
Now that I've noticed it I have found myself constantly looking and getting more annoyed by the second. The girl then touched his hand which he instantly moved out the way but I could feel the jealousy and anger coursing through my veins. I'm not one for confrontation in fact I would usually do anything to avoid it but this girl was really getting on my nerves. She was touching my man right in front of my face without a care in the world which is driving me insane. I know Pedri would never even entertain this on any normal day but today he can't do anything without looking like an asshole in front of thousands of fans on the livestream which is so unfair as this girl is definitely taking advantage of that. If it were possible there would definitely be steam coming out of my ears but it's not so instead I can feel my cheeks heating up in anger. 
Eventually after what felt like hours of torture the livestream ended and Pedri was finally able to escape that girl and come over to where I was sat. He sat next to me and put his arm loosely around my waist which made me feel a whole lot better. As much as I hate what this girl is doing Pedri has done nothing wrong and I need to remember that he loves me not this other girl. Having him by my side made me feel so much better as all of his attention was on me and not on that other girl and he was telling me how he is actually willing to do karaoke with me now. We were having a good time and he was just about to kiss me when the girl came over and rudely interrupted by telling Pedri that they had to get back to filming now. He whispered that he was sorry and the look in his eyes told me that he felt bad but it didn't stop the anger building up in me again. 
She dragged him away from me and outside so I had to follow behind and find somewhere to sit but everywhere I went to sit she made someone move to get in my way. In the end I gave up and just sat on my phone but I made sure to keep an eye on what was going on as I'm no fool so I'm not taking my eyes off that girl. Having my eyes on her made absolutely no difference as she was getting more and more touchy by the second. Instead of just asking Pedri to move to where he was needed she put her hands on his chest and I swear I saw her drag her hand down his abs but that could just be the jealousy taking over.
The longer I was sat there watching the more I felt like I had to do something. My last boyfriend cheated on me because I was too soft and I just let him go out with all these girls because I trusted him but I'm not going to let that happen again. I trust Pedri I really do but I'm not going let some girl take advantage of that he's my boyfriend and she needs to be respectful of that and leave him alone. As they were filming I was thinking about all the outrageous things I could do to put this girl in her place most of which were absolutely crazy and would probably get me arrested and definitely ruin Pedri's reputation but then I thought of a great idea that wasn't too much but got my message across. 
As if the world was reading my mind they stopped filming to take a quick break, I didn't need telling twice so I put my plan into action. I got myself up and wandered over to Pedri with a level of sass I don't think I've ever reached before in my life but it felt great. I walked straight over to Pedri and put my hand on his chest as I stood in front of him which took him by surprise as I don't think I've ever acted like this in my life let alone around him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that the girl was staring at the both of us so I put the rest of my plan into action and got on my toes to kiss Pedri. He was still in shock so I was able to kiss him more passionately which helped me release some of the anger I was feeling and it was definitely annoying the girl which is a huge bonus. 
After I pulled away Pedri smiled at me and pressed another kiss to my lips before the girl said they were going to start filming again so I walked away and went back to my position on the outside chair. As I sat down my rush of adrenaline dissipated and along with it went all the extra confidence I had just gathered leaving me feeling awful about what I just did. I'm really not one to do something like that and I'm not really sure why I did it, I mean it's not like Pedri was paying any attention to this girl and we won't ever see her again so it doesn't matter if she was touchy or not. Guilt flowed through my body as I realised that in the heat of the moment I made a stupid decision that probably doesn't paint me in the best light if someone were to tell the story without my side. Jealousy is such an ugly emotion and I can't believe I let myself get carried away with it Pedri probably thinks I'm some psycho now as he's never seen me act in such a way in the whole time we've known each other. 
For the rest of the shoot I just sat quietly letting my thoughts take over so when it was finally time for us to leave I politely thanked all the crew and said goodbye before getting out of there as quickly as humanly possible. I was silent on the drive home too as I was still feeling bad about overreacting like that and trying to think of what I could say to Pedri to apologise for embarrassing him in front of a brand he works with. When we arrived home I went straight inside to start making dinner as I feel like I need to do something nice for Pedri to help him forgive me for acting like a crazy woman. 
"Amor is everything ok?" Pedri asked
"Yeah everything's fine" I replied bluntly 
"Come on I know somethings up you were so quiet on the drive home, if it's that girl I promise I would've done more to push her away if I could but I only love you you know that right" he said 
"It's not that I feel awful for acting the way I did" I admitted 
"What do you mean?" He asked 
"The way I kissed you just to get her to back off I shouldn't have done that because it just makes you look bad but I just got so carried away with my jealousy that I couldn't stop myself I'm sorry" I said 
"There's no need to be sorry baby you didn't do anything wrong you just kissed me which you're allowed to do plus I thought it was hot the way you wanted to show her I'm yours" he said 
"Really you didn't think it was too much" I questioned 
"No I loved it you're so hot when you get jealous plus that kiss was amazing 10/10 I might have to make you jealous again so you'll kiss me like that" he joked 
"Please don't do that I can kiss you like that without being jealous" I said 
"Well go on then" he smirked 
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reallyromealone · 10 months
Tenjiku x male reader x Toman part 7
Part 6 🌸 current 🌸 part 8
It had been two days of fending off alphas and Shinichiro was ready to throw in the towel when he heard it.
Emma had arrived.
The eldest sibling smiled and felt his body relax slightly, thankfully (name)s heat has subsided considerably to the point he was coherent and he could comfortably leave his sister to deal with the hooligans. The brothers looked on in horror as Emma walked with her two mates, elegant robes and delicately styled hair, pins in it making it look like a waterfall of flowers.
Yazuha and Senju beside her in less frivolous clothes, Senju in a more millantant approach and Yazuha simply preferring simple tastes "you two idiots have been harassing a poor Omega?! Thank goodness Shin kept him away or you guys would kill him!" She chewed them out and no one dare argue with the blond omega who was currently giving the two most feared demons absolute hell on the front steps to Shinichiro's estate, said beta checking in on poor (name).
The three pups perked their little heads up as they smelt the air, takemichi doing a little dance in excitement as he balanced on (name)s knee "Emma!" Koko chewed on his knuckles happily and (name) looked confused "Emma?" He asked softly and the tots smiled "she's our aunty!" And (name) nodded in understanding "can we go say hi?!" Takemichi asked loudly and excitedly and (name) was contemplating, the door suddenly opening with three knocks "not without this... Emma brought it" Shinichiro said kindly and (name) snapped his head up to see a collar with inscriptions all around it "it's one that demons can't snap like thread, it has spells written on it so if one tries to break it... It will cause them harm" he explained and (name) smiled "why don't you three go play and see aunt Emma while I help (name), alright?"
The tots ran off and the black haired demon smiled at them "my... My apologies for kidnapping your pups" (name) said genuinely apologetic and Shinichiro laughed "don't worry about it, an omegas touch is what those roudy pups need" he joked and gently helped (name) put it on, gentle but callused hands touching his skin "I'm also sorry that they dragged you into this, I'm sure "protecting an Omega from a bunch of alphas" wasn't even remotely on your to-do list..."
Shinichiro liked (name), not in a romantic way but... He was good company, hard working and despite it all genuinely did care.
Those idiots didn't deserve him truly.
"Well, I had a few outfits made for you to wear" Shinichiro stepped out and returned with a few boxes "no doubt you wouldn't want to wear the ones previously as those idiots scented it to death"
(Name) felt his eyes water up, never experiencing such kindness from someone who didn't want something back--- hell he wasn't even mad (name) scented his pups!
Never had he experienced this kindness from his village.
"T-thank you..." He managed to choke out between tears and shinichiro held him close, the demon understanding he had gone through great struggles and his brothers clans were absolutely not helping.
By time Emma finished tearing everyone a new asshole, the sun was high in the sky "now... Let me meet him"
Most omegas wouldn't dare speak to alphas like that but Emma was the one entity in this universe that her brothers and by proxy their clans didn't fuck with, parting way for her as she walked in the direction of the Omega "Aunt Emma!" Three little voices chimed out and the blonde smiled at the itty bitty pups "my my~ aren't you three growing like weeds" Senju teased and Yazuha smiled as little Inupi asked to be held silently, lifting the boy "come meet our friend! He's a little weird but he and papa are friends!"
The trio let them lead them through the grand palace Emma grew up in, talking about how "silly " their uncles were and the new game they invented "papa! Aunt Emma is heeere!" Takemichi said happily and Shinchiro smiled as the three women looked at the crying Omega "those idiot's..." Yazuha was tempted to go back out there and lay havoc upon them but held back knowing it would make her beloved Omega upset.
"Truly barbaric" senju shook her head "(name), this is my youngest sibling Emma and her mates" (name) felt at ease with another Omega, he didn't know why he felt so safe but he did and Emma offered him a reassuring smile "I'm so sorry about my brother's, they're idiots" she knew he wouldn't be able to just walk away but comfort is something someone needed especially at times like this.
Emma helped (name) get ready, Senju making him laugh and Yazuha spoke of their trip as the pups wandered off to go play.
(Name) sighed when he was finally left alone in the evening and sat in the gardens to breathe, parts of each clan having to return to tend to things needed.
He heard whispers of some moon, the demons tense as they spoke.
He hoped all would be well.
Mikey was antsy, watching (name) from a distance.
He didn't like his Omega being out of his line of sight for long, especially with threats and whispers in the air. The moon was high when he noticed (name) had fallen asleep on a stone bench in the gardens and decided to bring him back to his room, lifting him and cradling him close "Hmm?" (Name) mumbled glancing sleepily to the blond "don't worry... Go back to sleep" he said softly and (name) subconsciously snuggled in his chest and the smell of matcha and chocolate filled his senses.
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shady-tavern · 7 months
Missing Piece
@piperjistic had asked for a forest spirit and while this isn't fully in line with your request, I still hope you'll like it!
Minor warnings ahead for non-graphic violence and a wee bit of body-horror towards the end, though it doesn't happen to the main character. Please be sure to take care of yourself!
For as long as the little girl could remember, it felt like something was missing within her. She could never put a finger on it, but it made her a restless child, picking up and discarding games, struggling with consistently staying interested and some days she just felt very strange. 
Like that one stained glass window she had seen when her parents had taken her to a nearby city. All disjointed fragments that still managed to be a picture, but it would never be one entire piece.
The stained glass window at least had been pretty compared to the ugly feeling within her.
"Have you ever felt like something is missing inside you?" she asked her grandma, who came to pick her up many a day while her parents worked. 
Things were strange between Gran and her parents, she never talked to them and they never talked to her and she never set foot onto their garden, preferring to wait for the little girl at the gate by the little dirt road.
Gran stilled and when the little girl glanced up at her, her face had gone dark and grim and for the first time in the girl's life, her beloved grandma, a joyful soul who loved her with all her heart, looked just a little bit frightening.
But her hand around the girl's remained gentle and the older woman kept walking at a sedate pace so her short little legs didn't struggle with keeping up.
Everyone always said to the girl that she would grow to be bigger and she couldn't wait for that day to arrive. Gran was silent for so long that the girl thought she was never going to answer.
"You best ask your parents about that," Gran said at last, voice quiet and heavy with something unspoken. Strangely, her voice reminded the girl of a draft horse she had seen, who had been forced to pull a too heavy burden, body straining as it slowly and laboriously set one hoof in front of the other.
"Alright," the girl answered and grinned up at her grandmother, hoping to break up the awful mood her innocent little question had created. "Can we make blueberry cake today?"
Gran smiled and it was like the sun returning after a dark, scary storm, her face brightening and looking as kind and loving as ever. "Of course, little chestnut." She leaned in, voice dipping into a conspiratorial stage whisper, "My wife picked an entire basket just this morning."
The little girl giggled and soon the two of them reached the end of the village, all talk about missing pieces and resulting, scary expressions forgotten. The blueberry cake was delicious and maybe a bit messy since the girl had tried to help a bit too enthusiastically and the cute little apron Gran had made for her was stained with purple-blue juice on one corner.
Gran's wife, Tanya, arrived just as they had taken the first bite of a still warm slice of cake.
"You baked without me?" she gasped in a mock scandalized voice. "Oh, the betrayal, how it stings!" She dramatically fell onto the kitchen table and the little girl laughed when the two older women broke out into a full blown performance just to ensure she kept laughing.
Gran brought her back home just as the sun set and a strong, steady wind blew in from the forest, bringing with it the smell of spring moss and damp, cool earth.
"If you ever meet any magical beings, be wary," Gran said as she stopped in front of the gate that creaked noisily as soon as it was two thirds of the way open. 
She looked down at the girl, her face serious. "One day you might and if you do, they will offer you deals and nothing good ever comes from accepting their offers. They will only bring ruin in exchange for empty promises."
As solemnly as the little girl could, she offered her little pinky. "I promise to be careful," she said and a shadow of a smile crossed Gran's face as they hooked their pinkies around each other gently.
Gran leaned down to kiss the top of her head before she left with a glance towards the house and the girl briefly glanced towards the forest. It was an old forest, not quite as ancient as in other places, but surrounded by plenty of stories and mysteries. 
The girl had heard rumors about creatures living in the woods, of magic being alive in ways the mages in the big cities could never hope to replicate. She decided to be very careful whenever she went into the woods to pick berries and mushrooms. She had promised, after all.
She entered her parents' house, neatly putting her boots beside her mother's and when she looked up at her parents, the question tumbled forth without much thought, "Why do I feel like I'm missing something?"
Her mother, who was currently carving leather, stilled so thoroughly she might as well have turned to stone. Her father, in the process of cooking, seemed to freeze in place, the stirring of his ladle abruptly falling silent.
"You're still growing," her mother answered at last, voice quiet and her gaze on her work. "It will pass in given time."
The little girl stared at her, startled silent and with increasing heartbreak as the seconds passed, for she had just learned what her mother sounded like when she lied.
The conversation with her parents stayed with the girl as the months and years passed and she never asked again. Gran said nothing either, but every time she picked the girl up, she now glared at the house. 
Gran knew, the girl realized, but either couldn't say why she felt wrong or she didn't want to tell her.
Though, knowing her Gran, she probably couldn't for some reason. Gran had been born a rebel and she said she would die one, encouraging all of the little girl's bad habits, as her parents called them, with no remorse.
"This world will chew you up and spit you out, if you let it," Gran told her when she picked her up from school, her hand warm and gentle. "So don't be afraid to bare your teeth, little chestnut. Stand up for what you believe is right, that is the only way to slowly but surely kill off all things vile and dark."
The girl wasn't sure she entirely understood, but she nodded seriously anyway. Gran always told her everything no one else wanted to, blunt and direct without scaring her or hurting her feelings.
Gran felt strong, like a rushing river that wore down even the largest, toughest of boulders. The girl hoped she could be like her one day.
It was her Gran's teachings that got her in and out of trouble over the years and her words guided the girl into understanding when something was wrong. And how important it was to do something when she discovered evil.
As the village turned into a cute little town and more and more people moved in, drawing towards a hopeful future by their fertile lands and abundant forest, the girl had grown into a headstrong young woman.
Not once, in all that time, had she shaken off the feeling like she was lacking something. Like something was missing that should be there.
Her parents could no longer deny that something was wrong and their increasingly guilty and troubled looks said it all. It showed in the woman's life, that something within her was gone. As soon as someone looked into the little house she had moved into, they saw that no project was ever finished, every hobby dropped just after she had gained a modicum of skill in it.
She bounced from job to job, working for whoever hired her, before losing that job again, sometimes by leaving, sometimes by more talented, more passionate people coming along.
It was that restlessness that caused her to drift far enough from the town, the feeling of wrongness seemingly guiding her step, to cross paths with what she first thought was a traveling kind of circus.
There was a man leading the entire caravan of wagons, pale and primly dressed, clearly a mage considering his robes and pompous behavior as he hailed her down.
"We are no circus, young lady," he said when she asked about his business, but his eyes were cold and his smile about as pleasant as holding a palm full of slugs. "I am Master Egam and this is my curious collection. I intend to thoroughly impress the local lords."
He made a sweeping gesture at the wagons and she peered past him, at covered cages and grim looking soldiers.
Her gaze almost immediately fell back to the mage, however, and something ugly writhed within her chest. She couldn't put a finger on what it was, but it felt like sharp, uneven edges pressed against her ribs from within, accentuating the feeling of wrongness.
"Now, which way to the nearest town? It's growing rather late," Master Egam said, his smile wide and winning and yet it caused something cold to drip down her spine. There was a sudden taste of wet iron and rotting earth on her tongue.
It took her a moment to realize why, for she had never experienced anything like it. He had put magic into his words and it filled her mouth with a nasty taste. "This way, about a mile or so."
"Why don't you guide us?" he asked, patting the coach beside him. When she hesitated and saw a flash of curious danger in his eyes, she offered a bland smile.
"Thank you," she said, climbing up to join him, careful to keep some distance between them.
He stared at her for a moment and she resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably. "You seem strangely...familiar," he mused after a moment. "Have I met you before? Or family of yours?" When she looked genuinely surprised, he shook his head. "Right, that is very unlikely. Then again, you country bumpkins all look the same to me."
She was desperate to distract him from her, which was thankfully easy enough to accomplish. All it took was a question about his exploits and soon he regaled her with all the horrifying details. Of the creatures he captured, the magic he had soaked up from them, the power he carried at his fingertips.
He was bragging, yes, but she could tell that every word was the truth. That he had chained a vampire into enduring sunlight at his leisure, that he had plucked all the feathers of a harpy to parade her around naked and that he had a griffin eating out of his hand for his amusement.
That he had caught one the most dangerous beings of all, a forest spirit.
She was deeply relieved when her hometown came into view and then she got to see the effects of his magic first hand. His voice seemed to be made of gold, for all he had to do was speak and people immediately rushed to obey, star-struck expressions and delighted, downright smitten smiles appearing on their faces.
She inched away from Master Egam and ended up by one of the wagons instead. Unable to resist, she tugged a corner of the covering up and peered inside.
Green eyes that shimmered like all the shades of plant life in the forest met hers and broken antlers rose from red and gold hair that tumbled down in long, thick waves. The forest spirit, she realized as she stared at him, wide eyed, his face sun-kissed and freckled and even chained down as he was she could see his innate power and grace.
The broken antlers disappeared, swiftly replaced by wolf ears as he now bared vicious fangs at her, wicked claws scraping over the iron lining the bottom of his cage as he growled.
"Careful with that one," Master Egam's voice made her jump and drop the tarp. "He's the most dangerous one I ever caught. A nasty piece of work."
"Why do you catch them?" she found herself asking and as she looked up at him, she already knew the answer before he opened his mouth.
"Because I can," he said, his smile as empty as his eyes were cruel. "Because the wild powers in this world need to know that they can and will be tamed. Now run along and don't tell anyone about this."
His magic was iron-rot on her tongue as she nodded, hastily pasting a smile on her face. It felt like fleeing as she turned and hurried away, her heart racing in her chest and the ugly, vile feeling that had scraped around her ribcage finally lessened.
The wrongness within her was as present as ever, a constant companion of subtle misery that dodged her steps, silent only whenever she found joy in things. Joy that was taken from her by its steady, suffocating grip sooner or later.
As soon as she was home, she began to pace, her mind whirring. She had to do something and whatever magic Master Egam possessed, she was somehow immune against it. She might be the only one who could think clearly around him.
Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm. Master Egam was dangerous and she was just a magic-less young woman who was all wrong inside. If she wasn't careful, she wouldn't have to worry about what was missing for much longer.
It wasn't hard, in the end, to find out that Master Egam was staying in the mayor's house, that he had tossed him and his family out and now treated the most lavish place as his. The mayor and his wife and two children seemed dazed but they didn't question what was being done to them, they just went to stay with their extended family.
The wagons were kept by the mayor's house, blocking most of the street and guarded by the soldiers, which were armed and armored.
She watched them as the last sunlight faded, thinking. Beyond the window she could see the mage and people came to his home, bringing downright decadent food with loving smiles and hazy eyes, leaving again empty handed.
An idea began to take form. A foolish one, most certainly, but it was likely her best chance. While Master Egam was busy feasting and ordering people around, most likely fancying himself a king among peasants, he would be distracted.
On second thought, he was most likely not traveling to impress lords, but to work his way up to becoming the actual king of these lands. Maybe even an emperor, holding court among captured creatures and his magic charming everyone into blind obedience.
So she joined a group of townsfolk who came with carefully made little cakes and desserts and they barely acknowledged her. The soldiers didn't even looked at them, most likely long used to this song and dance.
It was less easy to go unnoticed by Master Egam, but the man was easily distracted by the new offerings, already a good way through half the food he had been given.
No human should have been able to consume so much without bursting, she thought and she wondered if this was the price of his magic. That he not only could eat far too much, but had to.
"Bring this to the beasties," he said, gesturing at a little bucket of bones and food scraps and the young woman took a decisive step towards it, keeping her head down as she grabbed the bucket, stepping outside without being stopped. Her mouth was filled with the taste of iron-rot.
The soldiers didn't pay her any heed now either. They looked bored and hungry as they watched another plate of food being brought in, but they said nothing. She wondered if they could even if they wanted to. If they were similarly charmed as anyone else.
"I need to feed them," she said politely to the nearest soldier, who moved woodenly to stare at her with a slightly hazy gaze. Ah, that answered her question. "I need the key, please. Master Egam's orders."
He handed the key over, because why wouldn't he? When everyone was always so fully under the mage's control, there was no reason to doubt. She went to the forest spirit's cage first, ignoring his low growl as she pushed the tarp up and began to look for the lock.
He fell silent as soon as she slipped the key into it and opened the door.
"I'll get you out," she whispered and his head tipped to the side, his wolf ears flicking as he considered her. And then, ever so slowly without removing those intense eyes from her, he tipped his head back, baring his collared throat.
She crawled into the cage, making sure to pull the door almost-closed behind her, the tarp falling down and leaving her in murky darkness with only her slightly fast breathing and pounding heart. She slowly inched forward, patting the ground, until clawed fingers carefully closed around her hand, guiding it up.
The collar had no lock and she stilled, her heart leaping in her chest. What was she supposed to do now?
"Bleed," the forest spirit said, voice such a horrible rasp that she was half convinced his throat was full of glass shards. "Willing offer."
She wasn't even thinking when she reached out with her free hand, gripping his fingers and pressing her palm against his claws. She felt him jerk in surprise, but the pain was already blooming, blood running down her hand in a hot line. She reached out to press her hand to his collar, smearing as much of her blood on it as possible and the next second the collar clicked open, crashing to the floor with a rattle of chains.
The forest spirit inhaled sharply and then she felt his hands touch her shoulder, careful and helping her shuffle a bit to the side. Freeing the path to the cage door, she realized
"Free the others, please," he whispered, his voice no longer sounding like he was gargling gravel, but instead charming and lovely-sweet. Her mouth was filled with the faint taste of meadow-flowers and cool spring water.
Then he was out of the cage and she scrambled to follow him, catching the door before it could slam shut.
The guards were lying on the ground and she saw the forest spirit springing past the last one he had taking down, vaulting over a confused man with a tart and heading straight into the house, face snarling in rage.
The next cage held the plucked harpy, who hissed a high-pitched shriek at her, but fell similarly silent when the door to the cage was unlocked.
Her collar too opened with blood and then the harpy was out, her feathers re-growing with a burst of magic that was almost painful with its relief. She took flight immediately, though she clearly struggled as she escaped, as did the griffin the young woman freed. 
The vampire slunk out of his cage with a look of wild hunger and gratitude before he was gone between one moment and the next. Just in time for all the windows in the house to shatter outward in a massive wave of pressure, the forest spirit crashing to the ground, wheezing and covered in blood.
The young woman was at his side in no time and as she gripped him and saw him in the light of the street lanterns without the distractions of his eyes, she realized just how thin he was. How his limbs shook as he struggled to his feet.
He stumbled, eyes going wide when she dragged him with her, just in time to round the corner before Master Egam came out of the house with magic whipping around him, a howl of rage filling the night as he found all his cages empty, his guards unconscious – or perhaps dead – on the ground.
"What are you doing," the forest spirit hissed, but he seemed unable to free himself from her grip, which told her everything she needed to know. She wasn't weak by any means, but she got the impression that he should be far stronger than she.
"Saving you," she hissed back. "You're in no condition to fight!"
"Return them to me!" she heard Master Egam's voice boom behind her, so loud and rattling it filled the entire town, making people cower and stumble, their gazes going hazy. "And find me the one who did this!"
Her mouth was filled with the taste of iron-rot to the point where she had to gag, but she managed to push on, reaching the little house she had moved into after she could no longer stand the guilty silence of her parents. The moment they were through the door, the forest spirit collapsed to the floor, breathing hard, sweating and bleeding.
"His magic," he said as he stared up at her with wide, bright green eyes that she knew she could get lost in if she allowed it. "It doesn't work on you. Why?"
"No idea," she murmured back. "Come, we have to hide you."
She had managed to empty out a large storage chest and squeezed him inside despite his protest just in time for her neighbors to come knocking.
"No one is here, I came looking," she said, heart pounding and blood still dripping from her hand as she gestured at the hastily strewn about contents of her chest. "I made sure they weren't hiding."
"Come help search," her neighbors murmured, gazes hazy and she followed them outside, hoping that the spirit stayed where he was, that he wouldn't be found.
She searched with the others until they were all ready to collapse and only then did Master Egam order them to rest with such fury that the cobblestone cracked around him. He had long since roused his guards – most of which were still alive – and had sent them out to the forest to capture those that had run for the woods.
"They can't go far," she heard him mutter to himself as he turned around to head back into the house. "Not with the state I left them all in."
He wasn't wrong.
When the young woman returned home, she found the forest spirit still in the storage chest, asleep and looking utterly exhausted. She dropped into her bed and slept until hunger forced her awake. 
The smell of cooking food woke the spirit as well and she stared in astonished surprise as he ate at an alarmingly fast rate. Half her pantry was gone by the time he curled up in front of the hearth and went straight back to sleep. She dropped a thick blanket on him and arranged pillows to hide him from the outside and sat down, thinking.
Master Egam was powerful and she had no idea if she could hide the spirit until he regained his strength, especially if he needed that much food every day. And even then there was no guarantee that he'd be powerful enough to defeat the mage. But, she reasoned, he might be able to escape, which was just as good in her opinion.
She dozed off and woke feeling warm, blinking blearily to realize the blanket was now draped over her, the pillows carefully arranged to leave her in a little nest. Only the floor beneath her was a little hard. Peering around, alarm searing through her, worrying that something had happened, she relaxed as soon as she saw the spirit.
He stood with his back to her, looking at all the half finished projects she had lying around, not having the heart to put them away, even though she already knew she'd never finish them. That this was it and her love for a new hobby she had found was instead curdling into quiet, miserable grief.
"Thank you," he said before turning towards her. He already looked far better than yesterday, less gaunt and shaky on his feet. His injuries were gone as well, leaving only a somewhat tattered, stained shirt and worn, knee-length pants over hale and whole skin behind.
He tipped his head and the way the light of a lit candle reflected in his eyes reminded her of the way animal eyes would look when a lantern swept past them in the dark. "What do you want in return for your help?"
She paused after sitting up, then shrugged. "I don't want anything." Gran had been very firm about deals with magic creatures, that they brought ruin more often than not, her voice harsh and bitter as she had said it. As if there was more to her words than mere warnings.
Besides, the young woman had grown up on stories about daring knights, wise mages and courageous princesses and princes. She had always wanted to be like them, to do good with her own two hands whenever possible. Had secretly dreamed about one day saving someone as she had grown up.
It had been far more scary and harrowing than in her imagination, but she'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.
"You want nothing," the spirit repeated, sounding like he didn't believe her. "Everyone wants something, help is never freely given. Especially not from my kind and especially not when you saved my life. Do not take that kind of thing lightly."
"All I want is for you to be safe," she said. "Don't get hurt again, promise me that."
The forest spirit inhaled sharply, pupils blowing wide until only a small ring of green remained and she felt a warm shiver go through the air. Like something powerful had just exhaled a blessing.
He said nothing for a long moment, before he dipped his head, suddenly looking regal as the wolf ears melted away and antlers appeared that looked far more intact than last night. "Very well." 
He joined her by the hearth, dropping down to one knee and offered his hand. "Let me see your wound."
She held out her hand and felt a tingle of magic, could taste soft, gentle meadow flowers and refreshing water as relief took away the lingering pain. Her palm was unmarred, not even a scar remaining.
"You have no idea what you just gave me, do you?" he asked quietly when she looked at him, his gaze so very captivating it looked like the entirety of the forest had gathered in his eyes.
She offered a small, crooked smile. "I've never been around magic," she said, all too aware that he was still holding her hand, skin warm like sunshine. "You can hide here until you've recovered."
He tipped his head to the side. "You would welcome me even now, knowing who is looking for me?"
"You're safe here," she answered. "He can't charm me and you need time to recover. Just make sure no one sees you."
"What do you desire for your help in return?" he asked. "And don't say nothing again."
She thought of the wrongness within her and wondered if magic could fix it. Then she remembered Gran's warnings about deals and ruin and bit back a sigh.
"I'll think about something," she said, though she didn't intend to. Once the spirit was strong enough, he would either fight or leave, but either way she doubted she would ever see him again.
He didn't look happy about that, but accepted her answer graciously enough. Getting to her feet, the young woman waved him with her to the kitchen corner. If he was eating her out of house and home he could help her cook.
When it became clear he was actually the better cook, since she hadn't been able to learn too much before her wrongness had kicked in, she happily left him to it and grabbed her money, sneaking out.
The entire town was walking around in a strange sort of haze, half of them still searching and the other half catering to the mage. 
She saw people bring more food to the mayor's house, along with other things. Jewels and prized possessions, feathers the harpy had and griffin had lost and one or two held squeaking bats in their gloved hands, as though hoping they might be the escaped vampire.
No one looked twice at her when she bought as much food as she could at the market and she bit back bitter worry when she saw Gran and Granny Tanya bring blueberry cake to the mage with happy smiles.
Only her parents didn't seem to be out and about. Strange.
She brought the food back home and the forest spirit noticeably relaxed once she was back, thanking her quietly before falling quiet again. The young woman, however, could only stand the silence for so long before she began to ask questions.
Before long she knew that the forest spirit had gotten captured in his sleep, that his home was to the north and that he could sense the power of the nearby forest.
They both fell asleep in front of the hearth and by the second day, the young woman dragged her bedding out into the living room and made a proper place to rest for the two of them. 
The forest spirit was in a better mood today and she realized that under all the tense grimness he was rather playful and enjoyed teasing and, most of all, making her laugh. She noticed as the days passed how he regained his strength, the gauntness disappearing faster than it would have for a regular person.
They kept busy in the small house in different ways. She watched him finish some of her craft projects and taught him to dance, he conjured sprigs of flowers for them to 'pretty up the place with' as he said and he let her brush out and braid his hair after long baths, the bath water never cooling until they were well and truly done.
Every night they curled up on the hearth together and it was then, as he looked at her, hair a healthy, shining red and gold and fox ears perked to listen better, that the truth spilled out.
How wrong inside she felt and he frowned at her in what she recognized as worry.
"May I?" he asked, holding out his hand and she put hers into his without a moment's hesitation. His face went soft and gentle in a way that ached somewhere around her tender heart as he held her hand with care.
Then he closed her eyes and she could taste meadow flowers and cold water and his frown deepened.
"I - you must talk to your parents," he said and as soon as the words were out, his head reared back a bit, ears pinning flat to his head as he blinked, looking startled and irritated. "Oh, how nasty."
She stared at him, wide-eyed and for the first time got the feeling that something was very, very wrong in a different way than she had thought.
"I'll go now," she whispered and he nodded, giving her hand an encouraging squeeze before she got to her feet.
Her parents looked worried and tense when they opened the door, relaxing a bit when they saw it was her, only for the tension to snap back into their frames. She realized immediately that they knew why she was here.
That there was a reason why she and they alone weren't slaves to the magic-charm of a mad mage. That they did know why she felt like a piece was missing.
"What's wrong with me?" she asked, sharp and hard in a way she had never spoken with them and they stepped aside to let her in.
They stood around the living room awkwardly until her father broke first, guilty and defensive and shoulders hunched, the silence around them heavy and thick and oppressive like summer heat without a cooling breeze.
"We didn't know," he said, almost pleading as he looked at his daughter. "When we met that...that man on our travels. We didn't know."
Something hot was wrapping around her heart and throat and a bad feeling unfolded in her gut, wriggling to get comfortable like a cat in a beam of sunlight. "Tell me the truth. Now. You owe me that much at least."
"We asked for a good life," her mother whispered, staring down at the ground, arms wrapped around herself and her head bent, shoulders tense. "We asked for nothing unreasonable, because being greedy only curses you. We asked for a good, warm, house, for enough money to buy what we desired until our deaths and to lead healthy, long and safe lives. We wanted the sort of fortune that would ensure we would have everything we desired until the day we died."
The heaviness in the air seemed to press down harder, like a thick blanket over sticky, sweaty skin, trapping heat and impossible to shake, no matter how desperately she wanted to get rid of it.
"What was the price?" the young woman asked, her tongue almost numb in her mouth. Though, she already knew. Could feel it in the marrow of her bones, could feel it in the stained glass shape of her soul, all disjointed and wrong and missing missing missing. Always missing something.
"You were but a babe," her father answered before she could ask again. "We didn't think...when he asked for a piece of you, something that wouldn't hurt you if he took it, we thought, well, if you grew up without it...you wouldn't know what you were missing."
Her heart shouldn't break, she thought, as pain and anger and grief greedily dug into her chest and belly. It shouldn't break when she didn't even feel all that surprised to hear what they were saying.
She thought of her life filled with things she couldn't finish, couldn't dedicate herself to no matter how deeply she loved, like her hands were too restless, desperately trying to find something to fill the void within her. All the friendships she had lost over the years, the disappointed people she had worked with and most of all, how miserable she had been.
She thought about feeling wrong and disjointed and like a stained glass window made by a clumsy apprentice and with the intent to make other people whisper and point and laugh instead of impressing them.
Weird, strange, not-fitting-in. Wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, had sung through her veins for as long as she could remember and she had walked through life feeling like a part of her was gone, but unable to voice it. Unable to even name what was missing. 
Thinking that, maybe, this was just her lot in life. That nothing could be done about it and she had tried to do her best with the hand she had been dealt by fate.
And all this time, her parents had just...traded that part of her away. For small comforts. For a future they could have made themselves with their own hands had they cared to try. For a life bartered and paid for by someone else, so they wouldn't have to shoulder the burden. 
And then they had lied to her about it, had left her thinking that nothing could be done to make her feel better. That this was normal.
"Who?" she asked numbly and she blinked, realizing she was halfway to the door. When she looked at her parents, hot, angry hatred crawled up her throat like a wave of lava at seeing their wounded, self-pitying faces. "Who did you allow to hurt me?"
"Master Egam," her father whispered, his voice barely audible in the heavy, suffocating silence. "We can't let him see us or he might remember."
She was out the door before he could finish speaking, heart breaking and racing and she wasn't surprised at all, even though she thought she should be. So that was why his magic wasn't working on her – and her parents, if part of their deal was to remain healthy and unharmed at all times. Just what had Egam taken from her to make a deal that protected them no matter what?
She didn't remember the path home, but the moment the door fell closed behind her, she looked at the forest spirit and all the breath rushed back into her lungs. He was waiting with a plate of cookies he had baked that afternoon and his gaze was so gentle and understanding it made the wounded part of her tremble.
He opened his arms, a silent invitation and for a moment there was so much awful anguish in her, she didn't know what to do. Had no idea how to react if someone touched her, if it would drain the pain and anger or make it spill over, ugly and messy and raw. Like a wound that had had years and years and years to grow until it had spread and festered.
Then she moved and let him catch her and cradle her close as she broke down, crying as bitterly and hard as she had never cried before. He held her tightly as she shook apart, her head tucked under his chin and she cried and cried until she felt empty inside. Empty and wrong.
"They gave a piece of me to Egam," she whispered, voice thick and scratchy and he stilled. She tightened her grip on the shirt she had gotten him during one of her trips to the market, where food had started to grow scarce. "In exchange for a good, comfortable life."
He cupped the back of her head and kept holding her, offering no empty platitudes and no 'I'm sorry's, for which she was grateful. She didn't want sorrys. She was...she was too damn fucking furious for that, she realized, now that the pain had momentarily drained away.
"I want it back," she said, biting the words out like they were bones snapping between her teeth. "I want it back and I want this monster gone."
He hugged her tighter and she felt his smile press against her temple, sharp and dangerous and fanged and not the least bit afraid of her rage. Not the least bit judgmental the way others had reacted to her anger over the years.
"Let's shred him," he whispered against her hair, soft lips brushing forehead. "Let's get back what he stole from us."
It hadn't taken too long to prepare. The forest spirit had recovered fully and there wasn't anything in town that could help them against a mage, but in the end, they didn't need much anyway. 
They didn't need fancy things or mage slayers. Not when the mage in question would give them the weapons they needed, born out of his own greed and hubris.
Born out of a deal he had made with her parents and Gran really was right, deals only ever brought ruin. Because she and the part Egam had taken from her were about to become his.
The forest spirit gave her hand a squeeze and they exchanged one more look as they got ready behind her house, his eyes fierce and so trusting it briefly stole her breath away.
"When this is over, travel with me," he said, out of nowhere. "I want to show you my home. The brooks and meadows and mountains and lake."
She smiled back, a warmth that had nothing to do with the burning rage spreading through her, smoothing down her edges and settling around her heart like a protective blanket.
"Gladly," she answered quietly, then her smile turned a bit crooked. "What, you aren't going to ask for anything in exchange, leaf boy?"
He laughed softly and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of her head. "You're too precious for deals," he said quietly and she could taste his magic, sweet and cool and it almost brought tears to her eyes, though she couldn't quite say why.
"Let's go," she said instead and he reached up to gather his hair, pulling it aside to allow her to put the pilfered chain from the wagon around his neck. They had scratched out all the symbols on the inside of the iron, destroying the enchantment that would block his magic.
With a bit of glue it would stay shut for now and he caught her hands, pressing a kiss to her knuckles until they stopped shaking. They both took a deep breath and stepped onto the street, a glamor settling over his skin, making him look gaunt and injured once more. He limped, casting her one last wink before people noticed them.
The townsfolk paid attention to her for the first time in nearly a month as she went to the mage's house. Word must have traveled ahead, for Master Egam was already awaiting them and the mayor's house was saturated with iron-rot. She could see a few hints here and there of the chaos that must've reigned before he had gotten things cleaned up to welcome them, sitting on a padded chair like it was a throne.
"Bring him to me, girl," he said, beckoning and his smile benevolent and his eyes glittering like cold glass shards. His hunger was deep enough to cut and she bit back a shiver at the disgust that crept beneath her skin the closer she came to him.
"My prized possession," Egam murmured, already ignoring her and his magic grew thicker in the air, almost making her gag. The forest spirit pretended to fight, snarling as he was dragged forward, looking like he was too weak to resist. "And you put him back in his proper attire too, good girl."
He absentmindedly patted her on the head and she made herself smile at him, empty and dazzled, like the other townsfolk, swallowing down bile. The spirit had told her that Egam had stolen a piece of his magic too, forcefully instead of willingly, but it was in his hands all the same.
It was time to get back what belonged to them.
She handed over the chain, his gaze on the forest spirit like he wanted to devour him whole. Like the monsters and villains in her stories growing up, greedy and cruel and insatiable.
Egam moved past her, already discarding her as unimportant. As under his control. As just another 'country bumpkin'. He was the powerful mage after all and, as he had said, he already had one of the most powerful beings under his control.
A powerless girl might as well be dirt under his boots.
That was the exact reason he didn't see her nick her hand on a small knife hidden in her pocket. Why he didn't see her smile at the forest spirit over his shoulder before reaching out. 
He didn't look at her and therefore couldn't react in time when she stepped to his side and reached up, pressing her bloody hand over his heart at the same time that the forest spirit lunged forward. 
The mage did react, aiming his magic at the bigger, perceived threat, like they had suspected. And just like they had hoped, his magic slid off of the forest spirit harmlessly, for when the young woman had saved his life and he had offered her compensation of the same magnitude, she had asked for him to be safe.
The forest spirit was unhindered, pressing bloody palms to the mage's chest, right over his heart, sharp, sharp teeth bared and he snarled, "I undo the deal."
"I undo the deal," she spoke simultaneously with him, the words the forest spirit had taught her, steady and patient as each one was nothing but pain in her throat. Because she wasn't supposed to say those words, but then again, parents weren't supposed to give away what didn't belong to them either, so she had a right to this.
A right to undo what had been done to her, as long as she could get through the pain that tried to keep her from speaking. Pain that was worse than any wrongness had ever been, any loneliness and pain and grief and self-loathing for not being like all the other people. 
For never getting to keep doing the things she loved, forever searching for something she hadn't known she'd have to buy back with blood and pain.
It was the worst pain she had ever endured, but it wasn't stronger than the rage in her veins, the taste of iron-rot on her tongue and the sun-warm hand that took her free, unharmed one, grounding and strong. The look of startled anger on the mage's face swiftly morphing into fear was everything in this moment.
"I undo the deal made made without my voice, without my consent, without my agreement. I undo it as it was made, in pain and blood and betrayal," they spoke in perfect unison, their only chance to both get back what had been taken from them.
Their only chance to catch him so by surprise that he did feel betrayed, that he was as helpless as they had been, asleep and a babe respectively.
The moment the last word left her mouth, a sudden relief gripped her throat, releasing the burning agony that had torn through it and at the same time, she felt something warm and big spread through her chest.
The wrongness disappeared in an instant, the feeling of missing turning into wholeness so filling and great she almost stumbled back, her skin tingling and euphoria singing through her so brightly she had to sob. Because that wasn't just a missing piece, a sliver of soul that he had taken and that was now returned to her.
Magic, he had taken magic from her. It glittered like stars in the dark in her veins, spilled through her mind like bright sunlight on shimmering waves and wrapped around her with a desperation like it had longed to return to her as relentlessly as she had wanted it to return to her.
Egam was screaming as he stumbled back and they let him, watched him trip and spill to the ground as he writhed, clawing at his chest where blood smeared, hot and red and the forest spirit gripped her hand tighter.
His magic was heavy in the air, making her taste rivers and entire fields full of flowers and even from the corner of her eye she could see how much more vibrant he was now, the glamor dropped. Captivating and downright otherworldly, beautiful and mesmerizing.
"What have you done!" Egam shrieked but his words no longer tasted of iron-rot in the air and she blinked, realizing the power of his voice had been stolen from someone else. As she watched him seemingly shrink down, magic leaving him, her breath caught.
Oh. Her magic had been the first he had stolen. Her magic was what had bolstered all of his and now that it was gone, everything he was unraveled until it left behind a pitiful little man, with eyes so mean and cruel he should belong in a story, not in real life.
"I promised you I would be your end," the forest spirit said and his voice was filled with magic. The sort of magic that had previously been used by Egam to charm everyone. "I think your hunger and greed are better suited in a different shape and form. In something that grows, don't you?"
And Egam tried to scramble to his feet and run, but the magic of the forest spirit was so thick in the air it her own magic sing in return, bright and sparking and the fury was still a living, roiling wave of heat within her. She reached out without much thought, letting her magic wrap around the forest spirit's, who threw his head back and laughed.
He laughed as Egam screamed in a pitch no human throat should be capable of. He laughed as the screams cut off and branches broke out of his back, his skin turning to bark and the mage grew and grew and stretched and the young woman found herself pulled out the house as floorboards and walls, doors and furniture and remains of windows were devoured.
She watched as a tree grew and grew and grew until the trunk was as wide as the house had been and it reached high into the sky, the canopy so thick and wide it sheltered the entire town under its boughs. 
And her magic was singing and singing and singing and she felt so hale and whole she felt like she was floating. The forest spirit turned towards her, grinning and took her injured hand, pressing a kiss to the cut, smearing blood over his lips as he healed it.
"We're free now," he whispered, eyes so very green and then she was laughing and crying and pulling him forward and he followed her, pressing kisses that tasted like fading copper and brightly like flowers and cold water to her lips.
They were free. Free and whole at last and she felt like she was truly breathing for the first time since she could remember. Deep breaths that seemed to fill her entire body, her magic twining with his as it surrounded them, forest and sky and her tears were wiped away with gentle, gentle hands.
"We are," she whispered, sinking her hands into his hair until she had threaded starlight through it. "Let me introduce you to Gran and Granny Tanya and then I want to see your home."
He laughed and picked her up and twirled her in a circle and she found herself laughing as well, flowers blooming to form a crown on her head.
Where previously a quiet sort of misery had loomed in her future, saturating all coming days, she now couldn't wait to see what the rest of her life looked like.
Bright, she thought as she held his face in her hands, their foreheads gently pressing together. Her future was bight and free and full of love and she was still laughing and crying, happy beyond words. And her magic, finally, finally returned to her, sang and shone and at long last, she felt nothing but right inside.
You want to support my stuff? Want more of my nonsense? Want to lord this over your mortal enemies as you laugh down at them from the top of your castle? Please consider heading to my patreon! A new short story gets posted every month =)
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satoruluvies · 21 days
Hii!!!! If ur not taking requests rn feel free to ignore this but could you write something for gojo (preferably hcs) about him with a fem reader who has powers like the scarlet witch from the mcu? And is maybe even a little stronger than him? Idk if you’re familiar with marvel but you can just search up the scarlet witch scenes on youtube and you should see videos just displaying her powers 😭 thank you !!!!!
── the strongest duo .
okay first i think gojo would have known you ever since the both of you were children because how can he not? you were the strongest, along with him. although there were speculations that you would grow to be even more stronger than him and he does not like that at all.
maybe because of that fact, he never really liked you. he was intimidated too but he would never admit that part.
so imagine how happy he was when he found out you were going to the kyoto branch instead of the tokyo one where he's going. he'll finally be free of other people trying to lump the both of you just because you both happened to possess powers far greater than others.
well that didn't last for long with the sister school games coming up. it wasn't surprising either when you were face to face with him out of all people.
but by then, gojo had grown a little. somewhere along the way he got tired of trying to be a weapon of threat, at the beck and call of the corrupted and selfish higher ups who don't know better despite their "experiences" in life.
so this time gojo decides to indulge you and take the time to really know you, instead of looking at you through a vision where he only saw you for your technique. he hadn't realised it but all he knew about you, were the things you were capable of and not actually you.
he was a victim to the very thing he hated so much. so this time, he listens.
you were a bit skeptical about his changed behaviour at first and it took a while to convince you that he really wanted to listen to you and maybe, get to know you more.
gojo realises you were similar to him in more ways than one. from that day, the animosity faded and slowly turned into friendship. no one was on par with both the strongest.
until that one fateful night where gojo came all the way to kyoto, all bloodied and gaze wary. you'd had heard of his fight with toji and that he almost almost died.
you'd never forget the way his voice quivered that night while you held him in your arms.
"maybe if you had been there, everything would have been different. you're stronger than me, maybe you could've saved riko."
you'd never seen gojo this defeated. maybe because he knows that you share the burden of being the strongest along with him, he knows you would understand him out of everyone else.
and you do, thats why even when his best friend left him, he finds comfort in your arms and the soft words from your mouth.
"you can warp people's reality right?" gojo looks up from your arms and you don't like the sentence that would come next.
"can you warp mine? just for a while. only just a little while" his bright blue eyes now shadowed behind his tears, how could you say no?
you wave your hands and slowly gojo sees his best friend and the girl he couldn't save. they were laughing and playing around, life was good. but you weren't there with them.
when you withdraw your technique, gojo realises that despite all the people he lost, he still had you and for him, that was enough. perhaps his reality isn't all that bad.
he hopes you won't leave like the rest of them. this time, he hopes you really become stronger than him just so he wouldn't feel the pain of losing you, even if that made him selfish.
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its the way i had to look at wanda scenes and ask my marvel fan friends for this ahahha i haven't kept up with the mcu ever since endgame this brought back lots of nostalgic memories :')
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Wow, I couldn't believe when I read that this 1951 mid-century modern home is in Union Twp, NJ. I was there not too long ago. I got lost, but didn't see this house. Anyway, it has 3bds, 2ba, and they're asking $600K. It's on 2 acres and land in NJ is pretty expensive.
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The exterior looked a bit old to me, but the interior has been updated.
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Wow, they must really like that shape- look at the fireplace. Cool how the stairs wrap around the chimney, though. This place must be a bitch to heat in our winters.
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Love the dramatic stairs. But, why would you build something like this in NJ? That little fan ain't gonna cut it. Shoot, I freeze my butt off in my little lofted apt.
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Why didn't they move all this crap out of the way for picture?
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So, this is supposed to be a living room, but I don't understand what their setup is.
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This is distracting- a bistro set, a keyboard and a treadmill. There's a nice built-in sofa back there and shelving along the wall.
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So, here's the dining area. I like a kitchen that's cozily enclosed like this.
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This is nice. I prefer an undermount sink.
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I like the black counter tops and the wine rack.
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Nice island and a door to the deck.
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I don't know if I like the bar being in the kitchen, though. I would rather have it in a sitting area.
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Another door to the yard.
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It is nice up here, though.
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The lofted area makes a great game room. I wonder if they'll leave the pool table- they must've brought it up unassembled.
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Nice, modern bedroom must be the primary.
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An MCM home wouldn't have an en-suite, but this is a nice bath. Like the black toilet and counter.
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Has a nice garage.
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From the back it looks like Quonset hut.
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It has a nice big pool.
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It's in a nice area- 2 acres of wooded land.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Content: fluff, idiots in love, some?jealousy, confessions.
A/N: I figured I have been writing too much angst so..fun fact: Buckley is an actual dog that can be found in the TLOU games so there you go.
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    “Can I ask you a question?” Joel was rubbing his neck, his eyes wandering the small diner that Jackson has managed to set up. “Spit it out already.” You answered, taking another bite of the pancakes on your plate. Joel covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes gauging you for a reaction that he himself didn’t know for what reason. He inhaled, forcing himself to blurt out the words before he just loses the courage to bring it up again. 
    “How do you know if you like someone?” You spluttered upon hearing his words. He instinctively pushed the latte you had ordered towards you. You glanced up at him as you took sips of your latte, wondering if Joel was serious. There was no hint of a smile or any form of humour that would have made his previous question seem like a joke. “Uh.. umm.” Your mind was blank, having absolutely zero answers. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “You’re the one who was married.” You pointed out to him. Joel let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. “I just want an opinion.” You gave him a judgemental look, absent-mindedly cutting your pancakes into bite-sized portions. “Uh… I-” There were so many words but yet nothing seemed to make sense. It was embarrassing to admit that you practically had zero experiences when it comes to anything romantic. “I really don’t know what to say.” You admitted. “People tend to say things like you would just know. But I don’t think I ever experienced it.” You shrugged. How would you know something you never experienced, how would you meet someone and just think that they are a good fit for you? This concept never made sense to the logical part of you. 
   Joel’s shoulders deflated ever so slightly as he weighed your answer in his mind. A silence fell as Joel occupied himself with his thoughts while you focused on the food before you, giving yourself some time to ponder his question.  
   “I guess when you think of someone all the time. You search for them in crowds and subconsciously remember every detail about them.” You broke the silence. Joel looked at you, still mindlessly taking bites of your pancake. “Huh.” He merely grunted. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him. It was one of your greatest complaints about him, Joel wasn’t one for words, preferring to answer with random sounds instead of actual words. When you first met him through patrol you had thought he hated you because of that. Thought that he didn’t want anything to do with you until you brought up the issue with Tommy who reassured you that his stoic brother has always been like this. 
   “You’re so boring, Joel.” You sighed exasperatedly when he answered another one of your remarks with a hum. Those words finally seemed to snap him out of his daze. He merely blinked at you, an ignorant look on his face. He let out a small “What?”, taken aback at your sudden comment. “It’s a conversation, Joel! You’re supposed to engage in it not reply to me with sounds. I thought you hated me when we first met because of that.” You admitted it was probably his first time hearing about this. If Tommy didn’t tell him first. He let out a chuckle, “I am not boring.” He defended, he knows you well enough to know when you truly mean your insults. “I can literally predict your responses.” You challenged. He raised his eyebrows, “O-“ “Ok.” You finished his word for him. It was your turn to look smug, you looked at him and how he slowly realised that he had just proven your point. 
   “I guess I am boring. Sorry for that.” Joel admitted with a guilty smile. “I’ll- I’ll try not to.” He promised. You merely shook your head at him. “What brought about the sudden question? You have someone in mind?” Joel smirked, “if I do?” You shrugged at him, “You can spill it. Or you can just keep it to yourself. I don’t really care.” 
   A lie. Of course you cared. 
   Joel drummed his fingers against the surface of the table. He contemplated ordering another cup of coffee but he doubted it would help his nerves. “Well I can’t stop thinking of her. I search for her in crowds. I leave my house at 10am everyday when I don’t have patrol hoping i would catch a glance of her when she passes by my porch when she takes her morning walks.” You let out a sigh, “Joel, you were once married. I haven’t even caught feelings for anyone since I was 16 and even I can tell just based of your words that you’re head over heels.” You cut him off, maybe deep down you didn’t want to hear it. Joel laughed, “Since you were 16? That’s decades ago. Even before the world turned to shit.” “I didn’t have a life ok? Everyone just seemed so childish.. and well I had better things to do then pursue a relationship.” You kicked him under the table. He simply chuckled, “You're right. Those boys didn’t deserve you anyways.” You turned your gaze away from him as you felt your cheeks heat up. Joel may be laughing, but your words made his body tense ever so slightly. Reading between the lines, what if it really meant that you didn’t have romantic feelings for anyone up till now? Then was he a fool for wanting to put this friendship on the line because he got greedy? 
   “So are you going to tell me who it is… or are we just going to move on.” You pursued but still gave him enough space to back out. Joel hummed, intertwining his hands as he casually cracked his knuckles and stretched. Trying his best to act as nonchalant as possible.
   “Joel!” Both your eyes turned to the person who had just interrupted the most crucial point of the conversation. “Oh, Esther. Hey.” Joel greeted while you nodded at her in acknowledgment. Her hands immediately fell into his shoulders casually. You shuffled in your seat uncomfortably, searching the crowd in the diner for a reason to slip away. 
  “Thanks for last night. It’s been a while since-“ It was childish but you had forced yourself to stop eavesdropping by forcing an annoying tune into your head. It wasn’t your place to know what happened between them last night. Although you felt idiotic for not catching on earlier. Esther always carried a torch for Joel, you had only realised when you overhead people gossiping about them. You just never expected Joel to reciprocate her feelings. 
   You cleared your throat, “Here take a seat. I was just leaving anyways.” You quickly stood up and gestured to the seat and left before anyone else could say anything. You had to get out, had to give yourself time to process the information as you maneuver your way through the morning crowd. 
   “Sorry, another time alright?” Joel quickly excused himself from the table. Not caring how bad it looked from an outsider’s perspective. Joel ran out of the diner, running his hands through his hair as his eyes searched for you. When Joel spotted you again, he heaved a sigh of relief. You were sitting by Buckley’s side while leaning against a tree. Buckley is Jackson’s supposed guard dog but being the friendly cheerful dog he is, he never seemed quite suitable for that job. So instead, Buckley roams the streets of Jackson, entertaining the children and accompanying most of the residents. In return, he gets treats and pats. 
      “I wasn’t supposed to feel that way.. I was supposed to be happy for him and tease him after.” You ranted softly to Buckley who was laying his head in your lap. Buckley merely whimpered in response as you continued to slowly massage the spot behind his ears. “You plannin’ on replacing me with Buckley?” The sound of Joel’s voice made your face turn red ever so slightly, wondering if he heard your sorry rant to Buckley. “Aren’t you-um... With Esther?” You questioned. “I’m with you.” Joel’s gaze punctured right through you. “Why did you leave?” His gaze softened, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown. Buckley looked up at Joel, an exasperated look on his face. As though even he thought that Joel was an idiot. 
   “I just thought that you would rather..spend your time with her.” Joel scoffed. He stared at you his brown eyes carried a hint of disappointment at your response. He unfolded his arms from his chest. 
   “I don't know what I have to do for you to understand that…” Joel moved closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “I will choose you every time. It will always be you.” Your breath hitched in your throat. Joel and your relationship had always been complicated. Close friends were what you told most people, yet you turned up as his date on multiple occasions. You lived in the same house as him, in his spare room. The spare room he wanted to turn into his workshop but put off that idea because he hoped that you would continue staying with him. The both of you were practically partners in everything except when it comes to partners in a relationship. 
   Your eyes searched desperately for a hint of his emotions. Unsure if he meant what he’s saying to you in that specific way or was it just a passing comment. Joel sighed at your wandering eyes, he knew that you were trying to decipher if he meant it. He scratched the back of his neck, “Close friends?” He scoffed again at himself. 
   “I can never see you as just a friend because I see my future with you.” Joel cringed every so slightly at his own words. Did his words even make sense? Hell, he really should have taken the time to improve his literature if he knew he was going to pull some abstract philosophical sentence when he is confessing to you. You stared at him blankly, unsure of how to react despite knowing exactly how you felt for him. “I- I just mean- I want to be with you forever, I want to be with you till the end of time, till our hair turns white, and when I finally can laugh at your white hair as retribution for how you always tease me for mine.” Joel rambled, he knew he was. His heart lightened when he heard the sound of your chuckle at his last comment. 
    “I would like to too.” You admitted, a blush tinting your cheeks. 
    Joel doubted he had ever pulled someone into his arms in such record timing before. In a split second, before your mind could even comprehend it, his arms were on your hips and his lips were on yours.     It felt like the beginning of a new chapter. 
    “Goddamn boy..” Tommy stood from a distance, watching everything unfold. His hands ruffled through the fur on Buckley’s head. Buckley had run into the stables that Tommy was in and dragged him here. Just in time for him to witness Joel finally making his move on you. “This really is some treasure you brought me.” He whistled, laughing a little as he rewarded Buckley with some oranges he had just picked up from the greenhouse.
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allmoshnobrain · 4 months
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𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
dave mustaine x nore burton (oc) | word count: 1514
✦ on this fic: NSFW!!!, dave mustaine x female!oc, oc is cliff burton's cousin, +18, language, romance, mxf sex, period sex (in the shower), unprotected sex, blood mention, period pains
✦ a/n: this is just Dave showering Nore with affection because I missed writing about these two in a happier setting. From my Heartbreaker fanfic. This is set somewhere between parts 16 and 17. Hope you enjoy the read ❤
I could tell right off the bat that something wasn't right when I cracked open my eyes.
For starters, it was way too dark for morning. A dull, gray light sneaked through the curtains, barely lighting up the room. Just enough for me to make out the shape of the living room door. I rolled over with a groan, and that's when it hit me: a stabbing pain in my gut, and a warm, sticky feeling between my legs.
"Oh, crap," I moaned, burying my face in the pillow as a sharp pain shot from my gut down to my legs, making me curl up tighter. As much as I wanted to cocoon myself in blankets, I knew I had to get up if I wanted any relief. With a heavy sigh, I dragged myself out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and trudging to the bathroom.
Flicking on the light, I shut the door behind me, letting out a frustrated groan when I spotted the bloodstain seeping through my underwear. I plopped down on the toilet, wincing as another wave of pain hit me. I knew a hot shower and some meds would help, but right now, I could barely move, my eyes drooping with exhaustion as the pain pulsed through me.
I jumped when I heard a knock on the door.
"Nore? You alright?" Dave's voice floated through, followed by a big yawn.
"I'm good," I mumbled, but my voice sounded weaker than I'd hoped. "Sorry for waking you."
"You sure you're okay?" His concern was palpable, snapping him awake instantly.
"Yeah, it's just... Ow," I winced as another contraction hit hard. That seemed to do it for Dave; he swung the door open and barged in, eyes wide as he scanned the bathroom. I flushed with embarrassment. "Dave!"
"Oh," he whispered, catching on as he saw me doubled over in pain on the toilet, my clothes in a messy heap on the floor, stained with blood. "I'm sorry, babe. You sounded like you were really hurting."
"I am hurting. But you didn't have to bust in here," I muttered, my face still red hot in embarrassment. He let out a soft chuckle.
"Have you taken anything for it? Want me to grab you some clean PJs? And socks, to warm your feet. You said that helps with cramps, right?" he asked, instantly slipping into caretaker mode, which made me smile.
"I'd rather you let me clean up and hit the shower first. But yeah, fresh PJs and painkillers would be great."
"Got it. I'll be quick. Don't move," he instructed, ducking out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. I let out a soft chuckle. Like I could go anywhere in this state. With a sigh, I got myself up, flushed the toilet, and stepped into the shower.
I leaned back, soaking up the steamy water as it washed over me, easing some of the pain pulsing from my belly. A shower, some meds, fresh clothes, and back to bed, preferably snuggled up with my boyfriend. Seemed like the perfect game plan for that early morning.
I cracked an eye open when I heard Dave tiptoeing back in.
"Brought you clean PJs, pain pills, and your towel," he announced, poking his head into the shower. I smiled softly, thankfully. "Want me to hop in?" he offered.
"What, you wanna join me?" I raised an eyebrow, and he shot back a cheeky grin. Without a word, he stripped down, and I couldn't help but giggle as he pulled me close, peppering my face with kisses – on my lips, my cheeks, my forehead.
"You know what I heard? Orgasms supposedly help with cramps," he whispered in my ear, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"Dave, I'm..." I started, but my words trailed off into a sigh as his fingers found their way to my clit. "D-Dave, I'm bleeding, we're gonna make a mess..."
"It's all good if we’re in the shower, right?" he countered, his voice low and husky, his breath warm against my neck. I let out a soft moan as he began to circle my clit, his other hand holding onto my lower back, pulling me closer as I tangled my fingers in his hair. His lips pressed against the sensitive skin of my neck, a slow and deliberate kiss that sent shivers down my spine. "Let me take care of you, babe…”
"Dave..." I breathed out, not in protest this time, but in pure pleasure as I surrendered to the warmth of his touch. The heat from the water and his body was soothing, mingling with the tension building in my abdomen as he traced slow circles around my clit. A moan escaped me as I felt a slow contraction, but this time it wasn't from pain; my breath hitched as his lips descended to my breasts, taking one of my nipples between his lips, teasing me with his slow movements. I let out a surprised gasp as he lifted one of my legs, pulling me closer as he entered me slowly. "Dave, I'm… I��m too sensitive today..."
"I'll take it slow," he whispered, and I let out a low moan as he drew me in closer, fully inside me, filling me up in a way that made me clench around him. He groaned softly, his lips meeting mine as he started to move with a gentle rhythm, his tongue exploring my mouth lazily. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting out soft moans. "I just wanna make you feel good," he murmured against my lips, and I gasped as he pushed back in slowly. "Wanna make you cum for me."
"Oh, Dave..." I moaned, nuzzling into his neck. He grunted, holding me against the wall and lifting my other leg, wrapping it around his hip, pulling me closer, pushing deeper into me. I gripped his back, the pain ebbing away as pleasure took over, coiling tighter and tighter in my belly, my body begging for more. "Dave, please..."
"Hmm?" he murmured, a smirk playing on his lips as he started to move again, drawing out another soft moan from me. "What do you need?"
"Please... Oh, harder..." I begged, and he chuckled softly, a hint of breathlessness in his voice.
"Are you sure it won't make the pain worse?" he husked, his voice thick with desire, and I nodded. "If it's too much, you gotta tell me, okay?"
"Okay... Oh, fuck!" I gasped as he pushed harder, picking up the pace, sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. He chuckled softly, letting out a groan as he held me close. "Dave, I'm... I'm almost there..."
"I feel it. You're so tight..." he groaned, clutching me tighter, his words igniting small sparks inside my belly. "Fuck, Nore, you're perfect, you’re so wet, oh, shit..." I could tell he was close too, his movements growing more urgent as incoherent praises left his lips.
I moaned as he reached down to touch my clit, sending shivers down my spine. He grunted, intensifying his thrusts, and I held onto him, my eyes shut tight as pleasure surged through me. Dave squeezed me close as my climax hit, and he groaned as he reached his own peak.
Breathing heavily, I leaned against him as he set me down, blushing at the sight of the mess between us, a mix of blood and fluids.
"Oh, no," I muttered, cheeks burning. "Dave, I’m sorry..."
"Sorry? You just made me cum and now you're saying sorry?" he replied, sounding amused, and I chuckled, shaking my head.
"I meant for the mess," I clarified, and Dave laughed.
"Babe, we make messes every time we fuck, period or not. It's just blood. C'mere, I'll help you clean up."
After our shower, I got dressed, grateful for the fresh clothes, and popped one of the painkillers Dave brought, even though the cramps had eased a lot. Turns out, orgasms really did work wonders for period pains.
Snuggling under the blanket, I sighed happily as we lay down. Dave pulled me close, and I nestled my head on his chest.
"Feeling any better?" he whispered, running his fingers through my hair.
"Yeah, I am. Thanks, Dave," I mumbled, yawning. The room was getting brighter with the sunlight, but it was still too early to think about anything other than getting some more sleep in our comfy bed. Dave planted a soft kiss on my forehead.
"When we wake up, I'll whip up some hot chocolate for you. How's that sound?" he offered, and I let out a soft chuckle.
"You're spoiling me," I murmured, and he laughed.
"Of course I am. You're my everything," he replied, and I smiled, feeling sleep pulling me under. He held me close, his breath warm against my neck. "Love you, Nore."
"Hmm... Love you too," I whispered, feeling myself drift off.
I sighed happily, letting Dave's arms wrap around me as I surrendered to sleep, feeling safe and warm, knowing that happiness was right there: with him.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
tag list: @killazilla777 @whatsupvic @70srogah @genswine9 (tagged everyone from the regular story tag list for this extra content. hope you guys don't mind!)
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blerb-f1 · 9 months
Junge - Sebastian Vettel x reader
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Sebastians Parents hate his career choice but at least you're here.
This is like a prequel to THIS fanfic - please beware that Sebs actual parents are incredibly cute and supportive and also i didn't mean to make like consistent songfics yet here we are. Its about "Junge" by "Die Ärtze"
America's West, the vast prairie
And right in the middle of it: A small house
And in it: A concerned mother
2023 - Sebastian has just announced his retirement. You, his trusty Engineer since the Toro Rosso Days have spent the day looking back and reminiscing. Throughout the years you’ve had people come and go in your lives, but only you two and Britta, his manager, were truly consistent. One Group of People you absolutely couldn't count on were his parents.
They happily supported his Kart Career but going into F1? Never, F1 was for nobodies and troublemakers. If asked in which Michael would fall, they’d just say “Schumi is an exception”
Throughout the BMW Sauber Testing Years Seb would exist in the car given to him by BMW, friends apartments or hotels rented by Sauber themselves but never anything consistent. Once the move to Torro Rosso happened, with you becoming his equally young engineer, Red Bull made the decision to rent an apartment for you to share. Although you weren't a Red Bull Junior, Fate brought it this way. 
You’d taken way too many angry calls of Sebs Parents, causing you to one day chuck his mobile phone down the toilet- He was enraged but life soon improved until the worst day  happened. Your apartment was small yet cozy with each of you decorating their room lively. His covered in trophies and race suits, yours with study notes and smart looking graphs. Both however representative of your interests, with your shared common space housing your gaming consoles, a popcorn maker you bought thinking you’d use it a lot and a massive pullout couch someone put out for free which you transported home hanging off Sebs BMW X3 
Boy (Boy), why haven't you learned anything?
Look at Dieter, he even has a car!
Why don't you go to Uncle Werner's workshop?
He'll give you a permanent employment, if you ask him about it
Boy (Boy, Boy)
That was the first thing barreling out of a phone held to your ears. 
Sebastian and You had just entered the Red Bull Factory during off week to test new parts on the car. You, additionally, had more classes on being a Race Engineer. While you already were supporting him during races, you still had to study more to become better.
Just as you were about to enter the elevator, Helmut Marko came angrily flying towards you. 
“SEBASTIAN VETTEL! THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M TAKING CALLS FOR YOU!” he shouted, throwing his Motorola towards you both. His moms shriekky noisy voice echoed through the speaker. 
His Cousin Dieter was a useless POS, whom his Uncle Werner, the workshop owner, coddled until there was no tomorrow. You had the displeasure of meeting them both when his parents sent them to your shared apartment, in hopes of building bridges. You both however preferred the Fernando Alonso Bridge and set this bridge on fire with a can of gasoline.
They were horrible rude upon intruding on your shared space. Dieter insulting your gaming setup, Werner complaining about your general decor and moving in. You’d gotten very fed up with them, opening the door and telling them to Leave that exact second.
Afterwards you and Seb had celebrated by ordering expensive Delivery Pizza while watching 100% Pirated movies. Most likely an Austin Powers Movie.
And the way you always look, holes in your pants, and always this racket
(What will the neighbors say?)
And your hair too, words fail me - do you have to dye it?
(What will the neighbors say?)
You never come home, we don't know what to do anymore
"DON'T GET THE TUB DIRTY!" you shrieked as Seb was trying to wash the dye out of your hair. You'd attempted to dye your hair purple and black with Seb being the one doing the work. He was, however, not good at being cleanly. He'd gotten dye inside of his gloves, on his pants and covered half of the apartment in the process. The washing out process was equally catastrophic with him getting your old bathroom tiles covered as well. 
As some dye was left over, you decided to apply it to his beautiful locks. You both came out very matchy. His hair had him look like a black-purple Raccoon and as he was a skinny boy, he looked more like a hungry raccoon than the fat ones you’d usually see rummaging on TV.
The day after you had an appointment with a piercer to get further piercings, the guy immediately thought you were a couple because of the matching hair.  You got multiple Piercings, each of them becoming their own memory for the future. You still remembered Brittas Expression as you turned up on Monday with all the metal jingling of your ears and in your face.
What you hadn't however expected, was receiving an invite to Sebastian's Aunts Birthday Party.  The Raccoon dye in his hair greatly contrasted the grown up BMW you found yourself in as you two were approaching Heppenheim. Seb took you along as an emotional support animal to better endure the party. You had met his parents before, the day they turned up at your house and another when they turned up at the factory. The day they had turned up at your house, you had your lovely neighbor open the building's front door. She was a lovely lady with hearing issues so you could be as loud as you wanted without bothering her. She often would cook for you in turn helping her with heavy tasks. She shushed them away and made you a hearty meal.
As the car pulled into his old home's driveway, you clearly saw people rushing towards the front door and stumbling out. Seb was clutching the wheel tightly, you both had been driving all the way from Austria so you were already pretty tired.
As you stepped outside you could hear his mom let out a surprised scream, it getting louder as Sebastian stepped out. Your favorite Piercing (a chain connecting from your lips to the ear) was glittering under the porchlight as his little brother rushed out, pushing his mom aside. He jumped upwards into Sebs Arms, possibly being the one most excited for his return.
“Who is this…Woman?” his mom asked, almost snakelike. 
“My Race Engineer and Roommate, Y/N”, Seb stated while brushing through his brother's hair.
Boy (Boy) don't break your mother's heart
It's not too late to enroll at university
You used to be interested in animals, wouldn't that be worth pursuing?
Your own vet practice, Boy
The dinner was uncomfortable to say the least. His aunt was to your surprise the one married to Werner, so he, the aunt and Dieter kept giving you dirty looks. His grandparents were equally unhappy with your both looks. Meanwhile his little brother was trying to show him pictures and awards. His Mom didn’t miss a single Chance to insult his driving career, only his dad stayed quiet. Then she started, talking about his love for animals and proposing he should become a vet again. A proposal, she kept repeating uselessly. 
Finally she dragged him away and his little brother approached you with shimmering eyes, inviting you to his room to show you his collection of things. 
You happily took the chance to flee from annoying relatives as you settled onto Fabians Bed, the sheets with car print giving way under your bum. The quiet mumbling from downstairs being way more endurable than the massively loud chatter. You would always pick the sound of a screaming V10, even if it would blast your hearring away. It would at least protect you from the pain of being repeatedly and hiddenly insulted.
knock knock
His father came in, face pulled into a mildly sad expression as he sheepishly stood in front of the room's door. you eyed him, waiting for more insults of your person to be hurled at you.
Instead however, he gave you a bag.
“Y/N, right?”
“Please” he was a quiet man, his age clearly visible on his face. “Please give this to Sebastian. Heike, she… She isn’t herself . This isn’t like her. But Seb, he should have this back.”
You take the bag and gingerly lay it on the mattress next to you.
“If she’s gotten so bad, why don’t you leave her?”
“I promised to stick to her, in good and bad times.”
And the way you always look, piercings in your nose, and always this racket
(What will the neighbors say?)
Electric guitars and always these lyrics
Nobody wants to listen to that
(What will the neighbors say?)
You never come home, so much bad company
We will disinherit you
(What will the tax office say?)
How is it all going to end, we are worried
Seb and You were finally back home. Home, yes that’s what Austria had become for you both.  
The apartment was quiet until you rummaged through the cupboard, pulling out an  Electric Guitar and its required equipment. You gave Seb a cheeky grin before proceeding to play Wonderwall by Oasis. “Not Wonderwall…” Sebastian moaned.
You handed him the Guitar. “Then play something Better, Starboy!”
“But I don't know how to?”
“Just let it out!” you screamed before stomping around the living room, tumbling over collections of varying junk and memorabilia. 
You’d stumbled over the long forgotten bag his father had handed you. The Guitar abruptly stopped as Seb dropped it onto the Sofa while staring the bags contents
His first trophy, his favorite stuffed animal and his laminated photos of meeting Michael for the first time.
“Where did you get those from?” Seb asked with anger lacing his voice.
“Your father gave them to me.”
He looked between you and the bag's contents, difficulty enshrining his expression as you bent down, picking up the trophy. You lifted it, brushing your shirt over it. After a serious glance you shoved his newest trophies to the side and placed it smack dab in the middle. You could clearly imagine the little, then blonde boy, bursting with pride upon being handed it by his childhood Idol Michael Schumacher.
And you were such a sweet child
And you were such a sweet child
And you were such a sweet child
You were so sweet
And always your friends, I bet you all take drugs
And always this racket
(What will the neighbors say?)
Think of your future, think of your parents
Do you want us to die?
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
I expanded on this. Sorry, it's longer than I thought it would be.
Vecna's first clue that he had the wrong man was when he went to awaken Eddie Munson as a newly born vampire.
"Get up," Vecna commanded.
Eddie groaned, rolled over on his stomach with his face down in the dirt and his ass up in the air.
"Five more minutes, Uncle Wayne," Eddie whined.
"Get up!" Vecna growled.
"Why? There's no school today," Eddie yawned, his eyes closed. "I am sleeping in today. I am in no mood to receive anyone, dearest Uncle. Please, take my messages."
"Wake up, you fool!" Vecna roared and kicked him in the stomach.
Vecna's powers were weak as he was healing, or otherwise, he would be using them on this idiot.
"I'm awake!" Eddie exclaimed, his eyes opening as he flopped onto his back. "Lord Vecna, I pressume?"
"Oh. That's what we've been calling you. It's from my game," Eddie said. "Vecna is a dark wizard with great powers."
"It's. . .acceptable," Vecna said.
Vecna's second clue was when he was going over his plan for Hawkins. He stopped talking when he noticed that Eddie was scribbling furiously in a notebook.
"Are you taking notes?" Vecna asked.
"What?!" Eddie asked. "Oh. No, absolutely not."
"What, pray tell then, are you doing?" Vecna asked, gritting his teeth.
He looked at the pages. Scribbled all over them was the name Steve Harrington, Mr. Eddie Harrington, Mr. Steve Munson, and a list of first names. He pointed to the list.
"What are those?"
"Name ideas for the child that I imagine having with Steve," Eddie said with a sigh.
"Yeah, that's my favorite. What do you think?" Eddie asked.
"It's a terrible name," Vecna said.
"Okay, rude. You're just jealous that I don't want to have a child with you," Eddie said.
"You're testing my patience," Vecna growled.
"Oh, yeah? What else can you do to me? I'm already dead," he said.
"Just pay attention!" He snapped.
"If I didn't pay attention in school, what makes you think that I'm going to pay attention to you?" Eddie asked.
If Vecna still had hair, he would have pulled it all out.
The third and final clue was when he brought Eddie to Steve Harrington's house. What else could he do to him? Oh, he'll show him.
"I want you to prove your loyalty to me," Vecna said.
"Okaay. . .I'm not sure how fucking Steve would prove my loyalty to you but I would prefer it if I woke him up and got his consent first," Eddie said, giving a side eyed look. "What kind of monster are you?"
"What?! No, I don't want you to - " Vecna said.
"Look, man, I don't know what you're into but I am not into that," Eddie scowled.
"I want you to kill him!" Vecna snapped.
"Kill him," Vecna said again.
They stood in Steve's room, Eddie gazing affectionately at Steve's sleeping form.
"Aww, but Henry, he looks too cute to kill," Eddie said. "Look at him, I think he's fighting in his sleep."
"Imma kill you," Steve mumbled, kicking out a leg.
"Kill him."
"I shan't!" Eddie said. "To slay a sleeping prince with a greater beauty than all of the stars in the universe would be most uncouth of me."
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Vecna swore and Eddie gasped. "Fine, I'll do it."
"Oh, Henry, you really shouldn't have said that," Eddie grinned menacingly at him.
"Oh, fuck," Vecna cursed.
Eddie grabbed his face, flashed his fangs, and bit into his neck. Vecna tried to fight him off, but Eddie was suddenly stronger than him, and he couldn't make a sound as the vampire ripped through his vocal cords. Eddie kept going until he stopped moving all together, and then suddenly, his teeth met air as Vecna's body dropped to the floor. He was still holding Vecna's head.
Steve woke up to the sound of a loud thump. He blinked several times. Standing there, alive and well, was Eddie Munson. Dark blood coated his chin and his shirt as he held Vecna's dismembered head in his hands.
"I brought you a present," Eddie said.
"Oh my god!" Steve said, jumping out of the bed and grabbing the nail bat from underneath it.
Eddie dropped the head.
"He wanted me to kill you, Steve, but I couldn't, so I had to, I had to kill him," Eddie whimpered.
Steve dropped the bat and rushed forward to wrap Eddie into a tight hug. They didn't let go of each other for a long time until Steve finally pulled back.
"Let's get you cleaned up," Steve said and grabbed some clothes from his drawers.
Eddie let him clean his face, a fond smile growing at Steve's determined face. The smile dropped.
"I'm sorry," Eddie said.
"Dude, are you apologizing for killing Vecna?" Steve asked. "Because I should be getting on my knees and thanking you."
"Really?!" Eddie asked eagerly.
Steve blushed and began stuttering. Eddie could hear his heart beating faster in his chest. He smirked.
"What are you sorry for, Munson?" Steve asked with a sigh.
"For not sticking to the plan," Eddie said.
"I'm not mad about that, I knew you were going to do something like that. What I am mad about is that Dustin watched you die in his arms. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at that piece of shit lying dead in my room who caused that to happen! What I'm mad at is that you died, and I almost lost -," Steve cut himself off.
"What?" Eddie asked softly.
"You. I nearly lost my chance with you," Steve said, ducking his head.
Eddie grasped his chin and tilted it back up to meet Steve’s eyes.
"He couldn't control me, Stevie. It was because of you. Everything about me is heightened now, including my feelings for you," Eddie replied and cupped his cheek.
Steve sighed and leaned into his hand. Eddie moved to kiss him when Steve reeled his head back.
"No fucking way," Steve said.
"What's wrong?" Eddie asked.
"I am NOT kissing you when there are chunks of Vecna in your teeth," he said.
"What? You don't want to kiss this?" Eddie grinned. "Come on! This is sexy!"
Steve ducked and weaved as Eddie tried to kiss him. He pushed Eddie and laughed. Steve dug in the cabinets and tossed him a new toothbrush. Eddie rolled his eyes and brushed his teeth. He slid his fangs out and made sure to carefully brush those too. He made a dramatic point of using mouthwash and tossed it back like it was a shot, gurgling it in his mouth. He spun Steve into his arms, dipped him, and kissed him. Eddie broke the kiss and pulled him back up.
"Wanna join me for a shower, big boy?" Eddie asked.
"Sure," Steve giggled.
"No hanky panky," Eddie said. "Strictly body and hair washing."
"I'll behave if you'll behave," Steve grinned, and Eddie laughed.
All of a sudden, the house started to shake, and Eddie stumbled into Steve’s arms.
"What the hell was that?"
"That was the gate officially closing," Eddie said. "I felt it."
"Are you going to be okay?" Steve asked and tucked a hair behind his ear. "Hey! Your ears are all pointy."
"Oh, yeah," Eddie said. "You like them?"
"Yeah," Steve said and started laughing. "You're not a vampire. You're a fucking cat!"
"Mean," Eddie pouted. "I am a vampire."
Steve started scratching behind his ears and almost immediately Eddie started purring, actual purring.
"Are you sure?"
After their shower, Steve went downstairs and dialed the number for Hopper's cabin. He knew that if they weren't up before, they were now because of the earthquake. Eddie joined him, snuggling up against his back and hugging his waist, purring. Steve smiled.
"Hello?" Hopper greeted.
"Hey, Hop, it's Steve," he said.
"Hey, kid, everything okay over there?" He asked.
"Um, yeah. I probably shouldn't say this over the phone, but I'm not sure what to do with it," Steve said.
"Something needs to be taken care of?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm on my way," Hop said.
Steve wasn't too surprised when Hop showed up with his daughter and the Byers in tow. Argyle was also tagging along behind Jonathan. Hop pulled Steve into a hug and immediately began to check him over. Argyle made his way past Hop and hugged Steve.
"Steve with the good hair. It's good to see you again, man," Argyle said.
Hopper growled and pulled him back.
"You okay?" Hop asked.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how to explain this," Steve said. "It's better if I showed you."
He led them to the living room where Eddie was waiting for them.
"Munson?" Hop asked.
"Hey there, Chief, glad to see I'm not the only one who can rise from the grave," Eddie said. "I think our resurrection stories are a tad bit different."
"How?" He asked.
"Well, the bats ate me until I died, and then I became a vampire," Eddie said.
"What's that?" El asked.
"An undead creature who feeds on human blood," Will replied.
"He's harmless though," Steve said. "He only feeds on animals."
"And apparently dark wizards from another dimension," Eddie grinned.
"How do you know he's harmless?" Joyce asked, worried. "How do you know that we can trust him?"
"Well, for one, I scratch behind his ears, and he starts purring like a cat," Steve said, demonstrated it for them. "And another thing. . . He killed Vecna."
"What?!" everyone yelled.
"So, he really is dead," El said. "Will and I felt him die."
"Well, if you need more proof, his decapitated dead body is up in his bedroom," Eddie said cheerfully.
Hop went to head up and stopped El from trying to follow. Jonathan and Joyce had done the same with Will. Argyle followed Hop, and the older man growled at him.
"What? You can't stop me, man," Argyle grinned.
Hopper rolled his eyes, sighed, and went upstairs with Argyle following after him. A moment later, everyone downstairs heard Argyle yell.
"Ah, man, brutal!"
A moment later, they both came down looking a little pale. Argyle clapped a hand on Steve’s shoulder.
"There's blood everywhere, man. It's going to be a bitch to clean up," Argyle said and stepped away to move back towards Jonathan.
"So, what happened exactly?" Hopper asked.
"Well, when Henry so rudely woke me up, he immediately tried to turn me into his bitch to help him take over Hawkins and turn everyone into his little minions," Eddie said. "It wouldn't take."
"Why?" Joyce asked.
Steve and Eddie shared a look. They talked about it briefly before they got here. They knew the question would come up. Steve trusted them, and Eddie trusted Steve.
"Everything about me is heightened now as a vampire: my hearing, my strength, my mind, my morals, and most importantly. . .," Eddie said and took Steve’s hand. "My feelings, particularly towards Steve. He wanted me to kill Steve, but when I couldn't do it, he tried to do it himself. He was still weak from when they tried to kill him, which I think is how I managed to do it."
"You're together?" Will asked.
"As of, well, right before you guys got here," Steve said, blushing.
"Well, there's no reason not to trust him after that," Hopper sighed. "I'm glad something good came out of all of this bullshit."
"Yeah?" Steve asked.
Hopper pulled him into a hug and lightly tapped him on the shoulder with his fist.
"Stay here with your boy," Hopper said. "Jonathan, Argyle, and I are going to dispose of the body."
"Oh man, I am so going to throw up," Argyle said.
"Okay, there are some gloves, bandanas, and aprons in the kitchen," Steve said. "You sure you don't want me to help?"
"You've been through enough tonight," Hopper said. "Let us take care of the rest. That's what you called us for, right?"
Eddie pulled him back onto the couch next to him, putting an arm around him.
"Delegate, baby," Eddie said.
Will sat down next to them.
"Did you always know that you like guys?" He asked softly.
"Yeah," Steve and Eddie said.
Will smiled at them, digging at a piece of thread on his pants.
"Me too, just guys, that is. You dated Nancy before, so is it just guys for both of you or. . .I mean, if you don't mind me asking," Will said softly, eager to know that he wasn't alone.
"I like both," Steve and Eddie said together again.
They glared mockingly at each other. Just then, the phone rang. As Steve got up to answer it, Joyce and El were pulling Will into a tight hug. It had been Nancy on the phone, wondering what happened with the earthquake. When he told her the gate closed, she immediately volunteered to bring everyone else around. When he walked back in, Will was smiling and laughing with Eddie. Steve leaned against the doorway and gazed fondly at the sight. A while later, Jonathan came back in with the rest.
"Well, that took longer than it was supposed to," Jonathan said.
"Why?" Steve asked.
"Argyle threw up on the body," Jonathan said dryly and paused. "And a little bit on your bed."
"Well, he did say that was going to happen," Steve said.
"Better out than in, brochacos," Argyle said, patting his stomach.
Jonathan and Steve shared a look with each other before they started laughing. Suddenly, the front door burst open, and the rest came pouring in. Robin pushed past Steve and threw herself at his side.
"Are you okay?" Robin asked. "What happened?"
"I happened," Eddie spoke up.
Everyone gasped, and suddenly Dustin was pushing past them. His eyes were watery.
"Eddie?" Dustin asked and turned to Steve. "Is that -?"
"It's really Eddie," Steve confirmed.
Dustin started sobbing and threw himself into Eddie's arms. Eddie hugged him tightly, his own tears spilling on his cheeks.
"How?" Dustin choked.
"Vampire," Eddie said, flashing his fangs and wiggling his ears. "Yeah, I can do that. I killed Vecna."
"What the fuck? How?" Dustin asked.
"The power of love, little dude," Argyle said.
"The power of love?" Dustin asked.
"Uh, he tried to kill Steve, but I stopped him," Eddie said, blushing.
"You two are dating?" He asked.
"Yeah," Steve said, and Robin squealed beside him, grinning.
"That's so cool!" Dustin exclaimed and hugged him. "Hey, asshole! Get in here, I want to hug you too!"
Steve laughed and hugged them both. A moment later, Eddie started purring, and Dustin pulled back from the hug.
"Hey! I thought you said you were a vampire!" He yelled at him. "You're a goddamn cat!"
"I am not a goddamn cat! Why does everyone keep saying that?" Eddie whined.
They started arguing when the phone rang again, and Steve slipped away to answer it. A moment later, Steve came back, grinning from ear to ear, his eyes filled with happy tears.
"That was Max's mom," Steve announced. "Max is awake, and her eyesight is back!"
Everyone erupted into cheers and tears. Lucas grabbed Steve’s arm.
"Are you serious?" Lucas asked.
Lucas burst into tears, and Steve pulled him into a tight hug, letting him cry into his shoulder. Lucas pulled away to hug El, picking her up off the floor as they laughed gleefully. Hopper tapped him on the shoulder, his own eyes filled with tears. Apparently, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. If Max could see this now, she'd know exactly just how much she was loved.
"Hey, kid, you got anything to celebrate with in the house?" Hopper asked.
"Hell yes!" Steve laughed.
Everyone was settling in now. Max had healed up nicely and had moved out of the trailer park with her mother. Along with the Munsons, they were given a house as compensation. Eddie was cleared off all charges and was still happily dating Steve. The Munsons and Steve were currently over at the Hendersons for dinner. Steve and Wayne were helping in the kitchen. Dustin and Eddie were no longer allowed to help. Dustin was pouting in his room while Eddie sat on the couch with Mews in his lap. They were both purring.
"Don't look at me like that, Mews," Eddie scowled. "I'm not another cat. Stop it."
A moment later, Steve walked into the living room to find his boyfriend on all fours. His back arched as he and Mews circled each other.
"What?! Steve! She started it!" Eddie exclaimed.
"And I'm finishing it," Steve said. "Dinner is done. Don't forget to wash your hands."
Steve started walking back to the kitchen, and Mews gave Eddie a look.
"What? I don't have to listen to him all of the time," Eddie said.
"Coming, dear!" Eddie exclaimed and turned to him, pointing his finger at her. "This isn't over."
Mews reached over and licked his finger. She turned around and flicked her tail at him. Eddie hissed at her retreating form.
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alicelufenia · 1 month
So Emma Gregory guested on the latest episode of Samantha Béart's "It Takes A Village", they had a fantastic talk about acting as a career, and especially Emma's experience with radio and audiobooks, and how she brought that to her performance in Baldur's Gate 3.
They also answered some questions from chat. Shout out to @lutethebodies (2:08:16) and @ilikedetectives (2:09:37) for your questions, great effort to try and ask about Minthara's romance and [SPOILER] Dark Urge rejecting and getting killed by Bhaal! Unfortunately she either didn't remember or preferred not to comment too much, but she did say that she feels Minthara would be surprised, and "extremely upset", so take that as you will I guess.
There was also a question about her opinion of Larian making it easier to recruit her in a good playthrough, and I absolutely love her answer!
I was in two minds about it. There was a part of me that thought it was a shame, because it's a game and she's not human, and sometimes in games you get to do things that you wouldn't dream of doing in real life. And then on the other hand I also really appreciated people wanted to play her and were tired of turning her into a sheep or whatever <...> I don't want to weaken the complexity of Minthara or the complexity of playing the game. There's a little element of me thinking that may have been done slightly. But at the same time <...> it's also great, so both.
Obviously her first point that it's a game goes without saying, it's nonsense to place any judgement on someone for how they play it, but it can still come down to a difference of preference. "I prefer to have Minthara along with Karlach, Wyll and Halsin, and I'd rather not juggle a murder sheep to do it" is a perfectly fair thing to want out of the game.
Where there might be more contention is saying that a good playthrough recruitment weakens the complexity of her character. And honestly, I think she's totally right.
First, it bypasses most of her act 1 scenes. You can knock her out without even talking to her. When you meet her again in act 2 she's being actively tormented by the cultists and the Absolute, and after freeing her she comes under protection of the Prism. That much is the same in both cases.
But by siding with her and especially if you romance her, you can discover what it means for her to be shielded from the Absolute. And it's not like breaking free of mind control—the experience is akin to a crisis of faith. You wouldn't even notice unless you talk to her in the aftercare scene.
I just don't think that comes across as strongly in a Not Killing the Grove playthrough, so personally, if you want the most out of her story, you're doing yourself a disservice by going the knock out route.
And, as someone who did it herself, it's not exactly like you're barred from a good playthrough after killing the grove. It'll just be a good playthrough without the tieflings and not as many companions. I can personally recommend it, if you want Minthara's act 1 story but don't want to go full evil durge or whatever.
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echantedtoon · 6 months
What If: Kokushibo Edition
WARNINGS: One innuendo and mentions of pregnancy.
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The world was a quiet place today. Just alone with his thoughts and own work. 
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
It was a rarity that nothing was planned for him today. No work. No responsibilities. No training. No plans. Just whatever he wanted to do today. Which again was rare but not unwelcome. He never did like being left unoccupied for too long however so it would be the perfect time to get the project he wanted to do done. Everything shall go precisely as planned.
Widdle. Widdle. Widdle.
No sounds except for the light bird chiros and the small movements of his hand held knife against the wood. The calloused hands continued their own work pushing the carving tool against the wood slicing off piece after piece little by little with precise knowing strokes. The small pieces falling onto his lap or bouncing off his legs to join the others on the floor. 
Widdle. Widdle-
...Ah. There she was.
He didn't even bother looking up as the angry footsteps approached. He knew she was coming towards him long before he even heard her. The force behind the angry footfalls for told the approaching woman's anger but again he was expecting that from the start. He felt no fear as the floor thuds stopped directly behind him. Not even bothering to stop his woodworking.
"You have arrived...I was honestly expecting you..sooner." A hand brought up the tiny wooden piece to a maw holding a jawful of fangs. A breath blowing away any small pieces of wood splinters.
"Do you want to explain a few things going on?"
He finally bothered to turn his head slightly. Standing above him was a woman. Purple eyes staring down at him. Her pretty face brought a fragrance of hydrangeas with her, a familiar scent that calmed his senses. Her expression was one of annoyance which he had been expecting. 
"What ever do you mean?"
"Oh don't play games with me." She frowned more before pointing at his face. "I wanted something specific from the kitchen for breakfast today and I was denied but I was given options. Options from a diet plan I was told YOU put into place for me."
"Oh yes. That. ...You are correct." His eyes turned back to the work in his hands-
"Kokushibo, don't you ignore me!" You marched around to stand in front of him as he continued working on whatever it is he was doing. "That's not the only thing you've decided to go out and do! I also found out from Akaza that you ordered him to stop training me for the next ten months!"
"Correct...Hand to hand combat is dangerous...for your body right now...It could put stress on you...or you could get struck in the stomach ...and I won't allow that."
"THAT MAKES NO SENSE!! I also found out that you placed Kaigaku in charge of guarding me?!"
"I'd prefer you to have ..extra protection during this time."
"You scheduled me a doctor appointment for tomorrow without asking me?!"
"I need to be able to.. monitor your health."
"You assigned nannies to 'help me with the boy's?!"
"You'll need the extra help for them."
"...When did you stop trusting me?" You gave a desperate ask making the top pair of eyes turn to you but he didn't pause his work. "If I gave you a reason to doubt I can take care of myself let alone the boys then just...Tell me what I did wrong?" Your arms flopped to your sides. "What did I do to make you lose faith in me?"
"Nothing...You haven't done anything...to make me have that opinion of you... You're capable."
You again held your arms up with a major look of disbelief. "Then why all the sudden changes without telling me first? I'm not hurt and you just said I'm capable. If you think I'm pushing myself too hard, I'll try to fix it but you have to tell me why first."
"Hm... You're certain?"
"You're my husband. I didn't think there'd be secrets between us. Koku..." Hands  reached out to grab his cheeks making him pause his work and turn up to your worried look. "You promised me no secrets or lies on your vows. Honor that."
There was was from him before he sighed through his nose. "As you wish..You would have found out...from the doctor tomorrow...anyways."
"Find out what?"
"You're two weeks pregnant."
Silence. He stared as your body just... paused as if you were in a picture perfectly frozen in time. Your eyes staring ahead of you at him. Mouth closed in a small line. His bottom eyes peeked down as he continued his woodworking unsurprised by your reaction. There was silence still as you remained still... eventually you opened your mouth slightly-
"Twins", he answered matter of factly, "Both male."
You just sat there..your brain spaced out and there was a ringing in your ears as you blanked.  Your thousand mile stare finally slowly refocused. You only managed to yell out one word. "WHAT?!"
"You're two weeks pregnant..Twin boys. I just...told you that."
"I-I JUST-...YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" Your hands pulled back as your eyes shot down to your middle. It didn't even look like anything changed. You didn't even feel any different or...or... ANYTHING!!! "YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING WITH ME?!"
"I never jest... Especially with something so serious."
"I have explained how my transparent world...vision works...Have I not?" You froze as finally all his eyes looked at you seriously. Oh..You forgot about that. "I took the proper... precautions early..to avoid any headaches or danger...later. I was serious when I said...I would take care of my remaining..family."
You only stared.. before you slowly looked back to your middle and a hand shakily pressed against your stomach...still didn't feel any different. "...How did this even happen?"
"Three weeks ago...we celebrated our anniversary by-"
A hand quickly pressed against his mouth as your face went beat red. "IT W-WAS A RETORICAL QUESTION!!"
He only made your face burnt hotter by reaching up to hold the hand over his face and press a kiss to the palm. "Yes ...But the end results are welcome."
You sputtered like a fish before just groaning and resting on your knees. For a moment neither person spoke as you rubbed your face and he held your hand to his cheek. "..... How long have you known?"
"Three days...I had a hunch and confirmed...it. I figured you didn't know and wanted...to make preparations first."
"Does anyone ELSE know?!"
"Only you and I...I've told no one else yet."
That relieved you at least but then a wave of dread hit you as a thought popped up. "Oh good gods...What are the boys going to think?"
"Our children will no doubt be quite...happy... Yuichiro however will be stubborn in the beginning...but with time he will come..to terms."
Rui and Muichiro would be excited for this especially with Rui bouncing off the walls becoming a big brother...But..You gave him a slightly worried look with narrowed eyes. He seemed to instantly know what you were thinking about.
"I will not favor these children...over the previous three," he spoke with assurance. "As someone who has..had a childhood plagued with... segregation I will not subject any..of them to that."
You sighed in relief instantly turning your head down..but paused noticing something that you didn't see before. There was four cylinder shaped pieces of carved wood on the opposite side of Kokushibo's lap. All perfectly aligned in a row. Except these weren't just ordinary sticks. The tops were widdled to a semi point and there was a series of holes carved in a series down their spines revealing the hollowed insides. You stared at them before turning your head and finding a dagger and the makings of a fifth hollowed stick in his lap. Slowly you blinked before pointing them out.
"Kokushibo. Are you making...flutes?"
"Yes. I am...nearly finished with the set."
You looked back to him bewildered. "Why?"
"Gifts for our children." He finally released your hand to reach down and remove the dagger and almost finished flute From his lap despite your surprised look. "I had one...as a child..I intend to pass that tradition on."
You stared at him more .. before smiling. "Aw.~ Really? That's so sweet of you...But all of this aside.." You gave him a stern look. "I'm going to continue what I've been doing so far."
"You will not stress..your body."
You made to stand pulling one knee up. "I won't stress myself out but you can't just stop me-" A hand grabbed your wrist and yanked before you could even blink. "EEP!!"
You gasped out as you were pulled forward, and in a second you found yourself placed in Kokushibo's lap with his strong arms cradling you to his chest. The redness in your cheeks was back instantly as he chuckled.
"Just did."
"Y-YOU CHEATED!!" You casted a glare up at his smile. "I wish you would S-S-Stop doing things without telling me you know!"
"Agreed. ...That is why I did not make... arrangements for a nursery yet..That will be a joint decision."
"Well thank you for that." You deadpanned looked at him despite the red in your face and crossed your arms. "Is there anything else you did I should know about?"
"I have thought of names ...for the boys." You blinked and would've shouted at him again if he didn't suddenly gently touch the right side of your stomach staring at it as if he could see something you couldn't. You blinked at jumped slightly at the gentle touch. "Michi." You blinked as his hand moved to the other side. "Yori."
"Michi and...Yori?" Your rose a brow before looking back at him. "You named one of our sons after you and didn't ask me first? I don't dislike it but you could've at least.." You paused..."Wait.." You narrowed your eyes. "Yori??...As in-"
"Do not say it-"
Kokushibo visibly paused...and his eyes looked away. ".... Perhaps we should rethink the names-"
"Nope! Too late!" You smirked. "Mama's decided she likes those names. Their nicknames can be Mi-Mi and Yor-Yor.~"
"Aw. Don't tell me Mi-Mi senior is mad. I think it's cute.~"
"I regret not waiting."
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