#but im glad its off my chest now lmao
xervn · 2 months
like a french girl 🎨
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part 3 - french girl | art major ellie x dance major reader
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summary: ellie had been struggling with finding the perfect model for her art final. that was until she saw you.
18+ MDNI | 3.8k words | slow burn(?), mutual pining, loser ellie, recreational drug use (weed)
a/n: this took so long because im an intp AND a taurus *makes excuses for myself* also tysm to everyone who commented on the last chapter ur amazing and ily ♥
Ellie’s in nothing but her underwear, legs criss-crossed on her navy comforter; holding a joint between her lips as she tunes the strings of her maple wood guitar. It’s a lazy Saturday, the one day out of seven where Ellie isn’t constantly tormented by homework and art projects.
These days are practically therapeutic for her. Being able to strum her fingers against the nylon strings and relish in the relaxing, skunky smell of cannabis can fix all of her problems. Minus one, of course: getting to know you better. 
For now, she’s at peace with doing nothing, that is until a loud ding goes off and the brightness of her phone flashbangs her otherwise dim-lit room. She scowls, exhaling a puff from her lungs as she reaches over for the device. Ellie has friends, but she’s no social butterfly. Her phone is usually dry, especially on weekends. Jesse is definitely with Dina, so unless it's serious; there’s no reason for her to be getting a text. 
Naturally, her scowl deepens when she reads that the number is unknown. 
???: hii
ellie: wrong number
She opts to toss her phone away, but the next message throws her off track. 
you: it’s — !
Ellie’s eyes widen at her screen like your name is a hypnotic spiral. She can feel her heart swelling well within her chest, and she’s left wondering if the weed she’s smoking is laced or if she somehow manifested you. Ellie quickly transfers her blunt in one hand and her phone in the other, straining her thumb trying to type as fast as she can to you. 
ellie: oh hdy! 
ellie: hey*
you: dina gave me ur number, i hope that’s okay 
ellie: yeah ofc it is :-)
ellie: i was planning on giving it to you
Ellie typed that half-lie slowly, weighing how true it really was as she pressed send. It was on her plan of things she’d like to do before dying, but even then she doesn’t think she would ever gain the courage. 
you: oh thank god
you: i thought i might be intruding 🙁
ellie: never, what’s up?
you: can i ask you something?
ellie: yes of course aks me anythign
ellie: ask* anything* shut sorry
ellie: SHIT
you: lmao are you okay??
ellie: yeah… forget about that, ask away
you: well i was wondering if you could help me study? im failing my anatomy class..
you: if u can’t it’s okay though!
A sheepish grin spreads across Ellie’s face, as she thinks about all the scenarios that could lead to. To think she’d finally have an excuse to see you after weeks of hoping, of praying for the opportunity. You asked her for help instead of taking other options, especially considering how much easier it would’ve been for you to. 
ellie: its no problem, id be glad to help :-)
you: really?? ur a lifesaver els, tysmm
you: when are you free?
ellie: Right now.
ellie: or whenever .
you: let’s meet at the library in 20?
Almost instantly, Ellie’s excitement warps into anxiety. She wasn’t particularly ready to see you and twenty minutes doesn’t seem like nearly enough time to get her shit together. She thought you’d ignore her impulsive desperation of “right now” and set plans for a later date, but, alas, you didn’t.
Ellie rubs her forehead with her blunt holding hand, trying to scratch the itch of her worries away with just her pinky and thumb. Despite her increasing knowledge of you over the past few weeks, she was still incredibly nervous to be around you. 
Ellie takes one final hit of her joint before snuffing it out in a doob tube on her nightstand. She sets her guitar against her bed and nearly falls off trying to get up in a rush, even though she has more than enough time to get ready. 
She stumbles around the room to put something on, settling with a gray hoodie and a pair of jeans. She attempts to keep her balance as she hastily shoves each leg through her pants; simultaneously eyeing around her room in an attempt to remember where exactly she put her anatomy textbooks. 
Ellie hears a familiar ding from her bed and she snaps towards it to pick up her phone, peering at the screen.
you: ellie?
Ellie curses under her breath, scolding herself for forgetting to text you back. She taps on the keyboard, quickly making sure she doesn’t manage another typo before hitting send.
ellie: sorry! yeah i’ll see you in twenty!
you: awesome :) 
You weren’t ready to see Ellie either, you figured, since it took you hours to actually text her. You made up far-fetched scenarios with the worst outcomes; the one where she immediately deletes your number tormented you for quite a while. Now you’re trudging across campus to meet her, internally at war with your mixed emotions. On one hand you get to hang out with a cute girl and on the other you’re hanging out with a really cute girl. Alone. Zero friends around. 
There’s a chance you two might not have anything to talk about. You guys are only mutual friends after all. Even if you guys somehow manage to start a conversation, what if she comes to not like you by the end of it, or vice versa? Not to mention the window incident you’re both hoping the other forgot. 
You hesitate in your steps as you reach the library doors. It’d only take a few seconds to spin around and walk back, but how could you leave her there? You thoughtlessly chew on your lip, eyes worriedly shifting around. 
You can’t recall any moment you’ve been so anxious about meeting up with a girl before. Not once, not even in a distant memory. You’ve always been the bolder one in your endeavors. The fact that Ellie is the only girl to make you feel this way has to mean something. You slowly pace in front of the doors in an attempt to dissipate your worries, nodding to your inner thoughts and ignoring the probable concerned stares in the distance. You’re the one who invited her, so you’re gonna stick it the fuck through. You couldn’t bail before testing the waters, you’d never forgive yourself.
So you barge into the building, letting the cool air hit your face from the swinging doors; granting you a waft of leather and drying ink. The building was decorated with freakishly tall dark wood bookshelves; so high, there were beige ladders in place to reach the top shelves. As expected, it was quiet, empty and definitely overfunded. Studying has never been your forte and you’ve never stepped in this building; save for a few dance history books. You wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for everyone else. Thankfully, one pro definitely outweighs those cons. Ellie was going to help you study. Ellie is the reason you’re here at all.
You tidy up your outfit that you diligently put together and roam farther into the library, trying to hold down a smile that’s impossible to hold down. In fact, it completely takes over your face. You need to simmer down your giddiness before you start skipping around. You purse your lips and briefly steady your eyes on the dark, olive carpeted floor ahead of you. 
You head towards the front desk that’s just a sunken step away with the intention of asking for directions to the study hall. An older lady is sitting there, glowering with obvious annoyance definitely because of your loud entry. It’s been ages since you’ve been in the library— your failing grade proves that— and clearly you’ve forgotten all the rules with it.
A flash of guilt passes through you and you force an apologetic smile. She returns it with a grunt and you immediately redirect yourself further into the library; aimlessly in search for the study hall. 
You’ve been walking around for a solid five minutes and you swear you’ve passed the same fantasy section a million times now. It’d be smart to text Ellie and tell her you’ll be late, but your ego won’t let you. 
The looming large, ornate bookshelves certainly don’t make it any easier for you to navigate around.
The question of why the school spent so much money on all this occupies your mind as you venture further. You make a turn around a corner you’ve definitely made before, and you sigh at the familiarity of the area in front of you. 
You keep pressing forward anyway, hoping you can manage a new route this time around.
Before you can make another turn, you’re interrupted by drowned footsteps behind you blending into your own, followed by a tap on your shoulder. You flinch at the sudden touch, sharply turning around only to see Ellie looking at you with a downward smile. 
“Lost?” She sarcastically presumes, her viridescent eyes taking in your shocked yet relieved expression. 
You fiddle with the straps of your backpack between your fingers, shyly glancing around you. “No, I was just… looking for more textbooks.” You nod sagely at your own words, as if you’re trying to convince yourself too.
“Oh? Next to—“ The auburn-haired girl squints at the shelf behind you before adorning a wide grin, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?” 
Your brows raise and you follow her eyes onto the obviously fiction-filled bookcase. “Uh, yeah? I’ve got Professor Snape at four.” 
Ellie narrows her eyes at you in amused disbelief, trying not to laugh at your adorably dorky excuse.
Dramatically sighing in defeat, “Fuck, okay, you got me.” You say lowly, a bashful smile developing on your lips.  
“You passed the study hall five times. I counted.” Ellie goads.
You partially suppress your laugh, mindlessly giving her arm a light smack. “Oh, my god. Don’t tell me that!” 
She dotes on your laughter and your touch; whether it was intentional or not. Either way, she’s feeling good about herself now and her previous worries about this encounter floated away, and you could safely say the same. 
“It’s a good book though, we can go back and get it. No need to be shy about it.” Ellie quips.
With Ellie as your guide, the trip to the study hall was much easier than you made it out to be. You recognized the big glass windows you passed by often and when you stepped into it, you flushed with embarrassment. It was a direct contrast to the old-fashioned, mahogany colored library you’d been meandering around. 
Ellie really could’ve counted the times you walked by, and she really did. The first time, she thought you must’ve seen a friend and left to catch up with them. However, the second time around she realized you might be lost. 
She was going to text you and tell you to turn around, but she thought it was cute seeing you walk in circles, ignoring literally every sign in your way. By the fourth time, she could tell you thought you were in a time loop and she found it fucking hilarious. Someone like you, seemingly exceptional in everything but directions. The fifth time came and, of course, she decided she was being cruel and had to come help you herself. 
Ellie leads you to the desk where she’s set camp at, and the amount of books and paperwork makes you dizzy. “Jesus, Els. Are you teaching me the entire course?” 
She takes a seat before giving you an answer, “Well.. That depends on how bad you’re failing.” 
You take a seat across from her, setting your backpack on the floor before resting your forearms on the oak table. “My teacher said I was dumb as fuck and essentially called me a homophobic slur.” You’re exaggerating, obviously, but that was exactly what it felt like.
Ellie scoffs out a sound, unsure of whether to laugh or be offended for you. “Damn... It’s Bill, isn’t it? God, that guy is a fuckin’ prick.” She questions, clearly unsurprised by his actions.
You sit upright in your chair, relief shining through your words, “Yes! Is that his thing?” 
Ellie casually leans back, thinking back to when she was a student of his. “Oh, yeah. He’s a blunt guy, shitty filter,” She continues, and somehow you’re both meeting each other’s looks, “But he’s fair with his grades, n’ I know it doesn’t make it any better, but he has a husband. He’s just… old.. and grumpy.”
You try to consider that he is letting you retake a major grade. You guess you could appreciate that somewhat. “True... still, the comment was unprovoked. You must know him well though?” 
“Yeah, I took his class last year. We were at each other's throats about coursework n’ shit. Really hard to reason with that guy.” Ellie purposely leaves out the part where she was being unreasonable too, but only for the sake of storytelling, of course. “Then that summer, I saw him at a family gathering.” She finishes off with a dramatic shiver in disgust and you laugh at how endearing it was. 
“Anyways, his gaydar is somethin’ else. I can never tell.” She admits, carelessly waving a hand in the air. Ellie’s radar in particular is broken. Shattered, even. She can’t keep track of the amount of times she has stood in the shower, realizing a girl was flirting with her only days later. 
“Even with me?” 
“Even with you...” She speaks with artificial sadness and a slight sulk.
“Ouch… I’m wounded.” You fake a frown, slightly dropping your shoulders.
Ellie’s eyes fall to your nails; some suspiciously shorter than the others, and all painted in your favorite color. “But… that I know for sure, I can definitely tell.” Ellie comments.
 A swarm of butterflies suddenly parade your belly, and you shine a coy smile her way. “They’re not short because of that…” Your half-hearted attempt to defend yourself drips in the lightness of your voice.
Ellie briefly raises her eyebrows with a sly smile plastered on her face, folding her arms over her chest; which, unbeknownst to you, was to shield how hard her heart was thumping. She’s shocked she hasn’t turned into a pile of mush yet, probably thanks to her smoke session earlier.
“I’m serious! I keep my hands to myself.” You continue on, putting in a little effort in your voice for your defense this time. For the most part it is true, lately your mind has been on Ellie, and Ellie only. The thought of random flings didn't excite you, but she did. However, it wasn’t not true that you’ve had a fair share of hookups. You’re in an art school, how could you not? 
“C’mon, just yourself? I’m sure you've cared to share.” Ellie playfully pokes around you with her words; nonchalant and prone for a reaction. 
Your jaw slightly drops, making your head tilt to the side incredulously. “Wow. What makes you think that?”
Ellie unfolds her tattooed arm to rub her palm against the back of her neck, responding unexpectedly timid, “Hey, ‘m not blind. I know you’re popular.” 
You snicker at her explanation and shake your head. “They’re friends. You can be friends with girls even if you’re gay, Ellie.”
“Friends don’t touch you like that.” She notes with an uncharacteristically stern expression.
It surprises you for a second, but all it makes you wanna do is poke fun, tease her, and see where it’d go. “Like what?”
Ellie sighs, reluctantly explaining further, “Like they’ve touched you before.”
“Straight girls are touchy.” You shrug, purposefully ignoring what she tried to imply. 
The way you said it so matter-of-factly makes Ellie’s eyes roll. “You know I don’t mean it like– ugh, my judgment is usually fucked up, but that? That I can tell the difference with.” Ellie states with surety.
You narrow your gaze at her, a teasing grin forming on your lips. “What are you jealous or something?” 
“Of you or the girls?” 
“Oh, the girls were an option?” You playfully remark, but also with honest curiosity in how she’d answer. 
Ellie clears her throat and leans forward to place her textbooks into view, trying to hide the blush spreading across her features. She’s not doing a great job at it and you’d love to tease her some more, but you can settle with taking the win for now. 
Night crept up faster than you both anticipated, the ambient sounds of paper printing and carts rolling by were no longer prevalent. The only thing filling the room is the buzz of the light fixture above and the words you two exchange. The table is cluttered with Ellie’s open notes and some textbooks with neon page markers poking out the sides. It wasn’t organized by any means, but it was a mess you both found easy to work around. 
Surprisingly, Ellie is a great tutor. When she saw your paper, she didn’t make fun of you like you thought she would. Instead, she expressed how grating it is to remember all that crap and you shouldn’t give yourself a hard time over it. 
To help you memorize the muscles of the body, you guys settled on one area and made up silly rhymes for it. She tried to argue that brachiosaurus was perfect for brachialis even though it didn’t even rhyme. You even gave her the chance to pick a different one, but then she said brachyceratops with a mockingly straight face and you knew she couldn’t be trusted for the task anymore.
The air between you two wasn’t stuffy or silent like you feared it’d be. Ellie made you laugh, not in the breathy forced way you’ve unknowingly gotten used to making. 
She made sure you listened to her tips & tricks, made you review your mistakes so you wouldn’t repeat them again.
You hadn’t picked up your phone for anything other than to google things on the subject, and your ringer? Off. Your attention never strayed far from her. That made her undeniably nervous– sweaty, and hard for her to breathe normally, but she could  acknowledge how well she was doing.
Ellie’s head is dipped down to a paper you two were working on and you’re openly ogling, wondering how she’d look in a pair of glasses. Flipping through papers, tapping the back of a pen on her inviting lips. You tell yourself you snap back to reality before your mind strays any further. 
“If we keep this up, you’ll remember it all in no time” She encourages, eyes still glued on the paper. Secretly, she hopes it takes a little longer. Just a little.
“Thanks for helping me out, Els.” You say, face tilted into the palm of your hand. 
Ellie looks up from the paper to give you a smile, but she doesn’t hold her gaze for long. A millisecond later and her blush would have you thinking she had a sudden, terrible fever. 
“It’s no problem. It helps me out too.” Ellie points to the examples she sketched out for you with her pencil. She pauses before speaking again, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in her mouth, “Can I ask you something?” 
Studying her expectantly, you lift your head off your hand. “Yeah?” 
Ellie fidgets with her pencil, trying to muster up courage. Her mouth feels dry trying to push out the words. “I’m also struggling with a class and uh,” she twirls her pencil in one hand, tucking a sliver of her hair behind her ear with the other, “I was wondering if you could be the model for my art final?” Her question came out whinier than she’d like it to, making her freckled-face wince. 
You can sense how nervous she is about asking, but you can’t place your finger on why she ever would be. This is the first time anyone has ever asked you something like this, so in your mind it’s nothing but exciting, especially coming from her. You can already imagine yourself sitting prettily still while Ellie studies you and paints long, fancy strokes on a yellow canvas. “Ellie, are you kidding? I’d love to.” 
Her lashes flutter in disbelief, “Really?”
“You’re helping me, so why not? It’s fair.”
“It’s kind of a weird thing to ask. I mean, we barely know each other.” Ellie murmurs, unaware that you have absolutely no idea what she’s on about. 
You lift a brow at her. “We will eventually, right? What’s weird about a portrait anyways?” 
“It’s not a portrait… Well, I guess it is–“ Ellie sighs into her palm, “I’m drawing you, but…” She cringes before she can finish her sentence. 
“A portrait in pencil? What am l missing?” You slowly question. 
“Think Titanic.” She grimaces as she waits for your reaction, trying not to bang her head on the table for picking Titanic of all movies. 
“Titanic? What does that have to do with…” Your voice trails off, quieting down so you can process what Ellie said. Think Titanic. It's hard for you to connect what the 1997 romance movie had to with this, but when it connected, it connected. The infamous drawing scene was memorable. You’re in awe, not quite sure how to react. 
“You don’t have to be fully… y’know..” Ellie insists. 
Your face is still unreadable, as if you're lost in thought, and it’s freaking her out. Too many what-ifs are going through her head, all of them gradually getting worse the longer you stay silent. She thinks she got too close to the sun when she had more than enough warmth. She's already preparing herself for rejection, worryingly scouting your face for a hint of revulsion; however, it never comes.
“Oh. Okay.” You calmly respond with a shrug, your face still unreadable; the only difference being a light smile. You could’ve thought about it longer, but you’re so flattered Ellie wants you to pose for her that you rather worry about it later. She wants to sketch your body onto paper. Yours. It sounds vulnerable and a little nerve wracking, but she’s your friend. A friend you have a crush on, sure, but you wouldn’t want to inconvenience her over it. Plus, you owe her now. Really, you’re purely being selfless. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.
“Okay?” Ellie repeats to make sure she was hearing things right.
“Like I said, you’re doing this for me, so I’ll do it for you.” You reassure, gesturing around to the study session laid across the table. 
“Are you sure? You know I’ll still tutor you, even if you say no–”
“— Do you not want me to?” You pout your lips, hoping she hasn't changed her mind already.
“Are you shitting me? Of course I do. I just… didn’t expect you to say yes.” Ellie finally says, absolutely dumbfounded given her hand movements. 
You laugh melodically, “Didn’t think that far, huh?” 
“Nope.” She answers with a cute embarrassed smile, her blood rushing to her face. 
Your phone buzzes, probably a text or notification. You reach out and shove a few papers to the side to get to it before taking a look, only for your eyes to be drawn to the time. “Shit. It’s late. I think the library closes soon…” You murmur regretfully, feeling all too comfortable where you were.
Ellie presses her tongue against her cheek in annoyance, upset that time dared to pass by as fast as it did. “We should get going then, I guess.” She says dejectedly, not wanting to leave you just yet. 
You peep her suddenly gray aura and smile warmly towards her. “Can you walk me back to my dorms?”
She nods with subtle enthusiasm and pushes out of her seat, immediately packing all her belongings to join your side. “Yes! — I mean, sure. Yeah.”
The lamp post lights are warm and waning, complimenting the shadows on both your faces. You two walk down the dark flagstone path towards the housing area, chatting about nothing. It’s nice to be able to spend a little more time with her before the night is over. Unfortunately, you guys were drawing closer and closer to your dorm and the feeling of loss came as quick as it left. 
“Hey, Els?” 
She glanced at you and hummed in response, giving you the signal to continue. “I was wondering if you were gonna be at some party tomorrow? Apparently Dina’s co-hosting it.”
Ellie looks at you quizzically before looking off elsewhere to think. “Why the fuck would they party on a Sunday?”
You snort out a laugh before lifting and dropping your shoulders, “I don’t know, senioritis or something. Will you come though?”
“Mhm, I’ll be there.” She smiles as she speaks, loving how your face lit up by the end of it. Ellie isn’t too fond of parties, but for you? She can make an exception.
You cheer in a whisper tone and it makes Ellie smile harder, her features creasing in adoration. You two finally approach your dorm building. You walk up a step before turning to wave goodbye. She raises a palm in return and you flash her a smile that makes her heart leap before turning into the building.
If Ellie couldn’t tell before, she’s completely enamored by you. 
daily click to help palestine interested in auto-sending ceasefire emails to congress? visit this (ios)
a/n: fuck jk rowling but i rlly couldnt think of any other commonly known fantasy book :/
taglist: @bready101 @pascals-doll @macaroni676 @khai-le @pedropascalsbbg @seraphicsentences @starlight-savegery @snowy-vee @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @a-little-bit-of-everybody @elliesactualgirlfriend
215 notes · View notes
im sorry babes but im begging you. Can we have a pedro pascal x reader fic where she's like a vlogger/lawyer and its like a fanmade video of them on yt of them being crackheads and being all lovey-dovey. like libra x aries vibes they balance each other out sm. you don't have to really but i genuinely feel like you're the only person who can pull this off.
Talk To My Lawyer
Every time Pedro gets asked something he can't answer, he always says the same thing.
Pedro Pascal x Lawyer!Reader | 600< | cw: gender neutral!reader, fluff, crack, rpf, typos, etc.
A/N: i didnt use and pronouns for yn besides you so anyone can read! ALSO this took forever, but im glad I finally did it. I hope you enjoy this nonnie! it's not exactly like the request but its pretty funny lmao
Tagging: @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz @multifandom-fangirl4
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X - (Formerly Twitter) - verse
@hotnewsoutlet: Pedro Pascal announces marriage to Civil Rights Lawyer with heartfelt Instagram post. @gigigogold1: PEDRO IS MARRIED? @linmanuzel: PEDRO IS MARRIED? (2) @HOTdigitidawg: PEDRO IS MARRIED? (3) @103840582duh: ??????????????????????????????????? QUE @pedropascaldad: TO A MOTHER FUCKING LAWYER 💀💀💀✋✋✋ @pedropascaldad: OF COURSE THE LAWYER LOOKS LIKE A SUPERMODEL TOO HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA *jumps off a plane*
@papipascalyuh: ok but if pedro was gonna get married ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hell yeah itd be someone who looks like THAT holy fuck
@80pascal: ?????????????????????????????????????? UR TELLING ME THIS LAYWER IS NOT ONLY HOT BUT SMART AND FUNNY TOO????? [article link attached] @biwohla: 💀💀💀💀💀 NO CUZ THE LEVEL OF UNHINGED??? FROM A LAWYER???? INFUCKINGSANE @marvelwhorebb: "... I made sure to wear the Pedro Pascal T-shirt I made when we first announced our relationship. Gotta let the people know I'm one of them and simply got lucky." @atrediessucker: T-SHIRT *I MADE* SCREAMING WHATTTTTT
@djinssdjarrinn: OK IT HURTS BUT FUCK HES SO WHIPPED [video attached]
"How are you today?" asks the interviewer.
Pedro smiles and nods, "good, how are you?"
"I'm great, now that I got to see you," she says, making the man curl his head into his shoulder and grin.
Pedro waves a hand, "oh stapit"
She grins back, "I was excited when I saw you arrive with the internet's favorite lawyer."
His expression shifts, he brightens up. He places a hand on his chest, "me too! I'm so happy to have a date today. I always end up beggin' for some time, and now I got it-" fist pump "-y'know, not that I'm complainin'."
"Yeah, I was gonna sa-"
"I like begging." *Pedro smile.*
The interviewer doesn't quite catch it, "-y, the both of you are always booked and busy. How do you find time for each other?"
Pedro thinks, but is distracted when you walk up from behind him. He looks back when you place a hand on his shoulder. Immediately, he's forgotten all about the question and dotes on you. He brushes a hand on your cheek, asking you if you're okay. You whisper something but then catch the camera. You give a bashful smile, "oh, sorry to interrupt."
The interviewer immediately waves a hand, "oh, don't worry about it."
Pedro mutters something and kisses your hand. He holds it as he looks back to the interviewer. He opens his mouth then shakes his head, "sorry, what was the question?" Pedro laughs.
The woman chuckles then moves closer to you, "you know what, I'm sure people are dying to know, what's something you newlyweds like to do together?"
Pedro instantly turns to you.
You purse your lips in thought.
"Watching movies," you say.
"I-" Pedro starts again, looking back to the interviewer, "I don't think we can say what we like to do."
Pedro looks at you, expression mischievous.
You stare back at him, eyes like daggers.
He holds back a laugh and leans into the mic, turning to the camera, "I can't say it. Talk to my lawyer."
The interviewer laughs and so do you, begrudingly.
"Talk to my lawyer," Pedro repeats proudly, breaking into a wide mouthed smile.
"Ok," you mutter, "pack it up, Pascal."
@alexielover: SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP BASHING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL WHAT THE FUCK @600MILK: MF SAID TALK TO MY LAWYER 🙄✋ SOBBING @oscarisaaacsz: watch him use that for everythingggggg 😭 @pedrogrill: LORD I HAVE SEEN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS @starwazfr: *sips clorox cutely* @emeryslala: and im supposed to sha la la baby after this? FOUL @pascpedro: respectfully, id pay to be their third @probelmaskt: PACK IT UP PASCAL???????????????????
191 notes · View notes
yelshin · 1 year
An: The pt1 spoiling isn't ENOUGH for Meowmouche so heres another day of spoiling him😈
Tw:3.3 SCARAMOUCHE LORE SPOILERS, cursing, kuni and reader bullying ginger, mention of blood/cuts, Childe calling Kuni a demon😢, yandere thoughts ig???
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After long tiring day you can't wait to go home and cuddle with your very very sweet kitten; kuni!
"[name]!" Childe greeted you while you're on your way home "oh! Childe! What's sup?" You greeted him back and he seem s little bit of nervous "well uhh.. i was wondering if i could spend a night at your house? Like a sleepover ykyk" he touched his nape a little embarrassed "Ofc! You're welcome to my house as always" you smiled at him before walking to your home
Sooner or later the ginger will regret falling for your sweet trap.
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"OW! STOP IT YOU DEMON CAT-" you sweat drop at the sight of childe being bullied by your cat; scratching his face with his sharp nails
"im very sorry childe but maybe Kuni have a problem with you.." "I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING!一STOP IT!" He tried to keep Kuni out of his face but he can't because Kuni was gripping on his clothes that it will tear off soon..
"maybe he have a problem on your existence" you gave childe a close-eyed-smile "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TAKING YOUR CATS SIDE WHO ONLY KNOW YOU FOR LIKE A WEEK INSTEAD OF YOUR POOR FRIEND一OW!" He argued and you feel a little guilty but it was his fault not You cat.. right?
"he's adorable yk.." you wipe a fake tear before patting your lap and Kuni immediately stopped bullying Childe and cuddle at your lap as if he did nothing
"both of you are gingerphobic" "Im glad you know^^" you could see the veins popping out of Childe's forehead while he eats his dinner specially made by you ofc
After dinner You and Childe decided to watch a movie at your laptop but while attempting to lay his head on your shoulder your cat didn't seem to like it. So Kuni decided to scratch Childe on his cheek leaving a wound "OW-! THIS DEMON ISTG"
This time Childe expects you to protect him but to his suprise you just shrugged your shoulders "Its your fault for doing something he doesn't like"
"[name] idk what in the world did this cat did to you or cast on you but CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S A LITTLE DEMON???" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN A DEMON?! BE GLAD IM LETTING U HAVE A SLEEPOVER AT MY HOUSE AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO CALL MY SWEET ANGEL INNOCENT KITTY KUNI?? HOW DARE YOU." You glared at Childe who seem clutching his chest letting out fake crocodile tears.
"oh my sweet [name] this isn't you.." Childe sighs before going to sleep at the guest room while you grinned and have a highfive with Kuni before giggling "Now we can watch movie together WITHOUT someone THIRDWHEELING"
At the very next morning you woke up with Kuni snuggling at your chest comfortably and you noticed a note at the coffee table meaning Childe already left this morning
Grinning to yourself you decided to spoil your Kuni again "c'mon Kuni.. wake up we're going on a date!" You slightly poke him and he soon open his eyes before stretching. You got up and do your morning routine with him!
Brushing your teeth beside him while you gave him his own cat Colgate (yk those things for pets to not have stinky breathing ykyygejsg), cooking while he's on your apron pockets watching you cook his and yours breakfast, eating with you while you eat on the floor with him watching him eat because he's cute while eating!
"say wanna go to the near cat café i found? That would be fun because you can make friends there! Also thinking of adopting another kitten.." You see him staring at you with sad eyes, he didn't want you to adopt another kitten! You already have him as your kitten and you dont wanna pay another 3k+ for the other kittens things.. (wow surprisingly he wants you to save money for himself LMAO💀一)
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"Welcome! Please make yourself comfortable" you sat at the chair near the window before placing Kuni at the table watching cats climb up to the chair and play with him.. but he doesn't seem to get along with the cats very well...
He keeps hissing at them and even attempt to scratch them with his sharp nails, you thought that the ginger cat reminds him of Childe thats why he's acting like that
After finishing your order you head out of the cafe and decided to buy your Kuni some.. toys
Listen he can't just scratch the side of the sofas, the carpet and other things yk so why not buy him his OWN toys?. You're back again at the same pet shop; the place where you spoiled Kuni
"Kuni since you've been scratching other things lately... Especially childe (except the fact he's a human) i decided that we should buy you some toys hm? Are you ready to make my wallet heavy again?" You smiled towards the small kitten before pushing the cart grabbing almost every.single.toy.
Deep inside Kuni was a little bit worried about the prices (oops did i spoil?) What about the electricity bills? The water bills? What about YOUR food? But you look like you don't care about anything or anyone right now but him.
"I think we should build you your own room dont you think?" You put your hand under your chin thinking about his very own room look like before grinning.
"Alright! Time to be broke again!"
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Taglist: @kunikuzushicandegrademefr
2K notes · View notes
roosterr · 1 year
guardian angel ✹ ch 4
note: ran out of nik gifs lol. this chapter beat my ass, it took me so much longer to write than the others, im actually kinda glad its over with lmao. but anyway, this is the final part in the series, so i really hope you enjoy!!
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pairing: nikolai x gn!reader
word count: 3.9k
no use of y/n, no description of reader
readers callsign in kilo '0-9'
summary: you find yourself in the middle of the lions den, with no real idea of when, or if, help will arrive. you better hope nikolai finds you fast, or you might not live another day to endure his less than appropriate flirting.
warnings: canon-typical violence, descriptions of injuries, minor character death, a little bit of angst, also a little bit of fluff, poor duolingo knowledge of russian, nik still flirting with you even though you're both kinda dying,
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sitting tight in the back of the van, kattan opposite you staring holes into your head, it starts to seem more and more like you're missing something. he's watching at you with a look that's a lot more satisfied than it should be. you're already aware that you fucked up by getting in the van, but then you were under the impression that you were in control. now however, with every passing second, every bump on the road, you feel it slipping through your fingers.
as the van slowed to a stop, it became clear to you that waiting for backup to arrive was not an option – you weren't even sure they'd be able to find you, but to save your sanity you chose to ignore that thought. you had a job to do, and no matter what was about to happen, you needed to make sure baranov died; you could worry about everything else later, including how you were going to get out of this.
the door slides open to reveal baranov, who sharply gestures for you to get out. with a sideways glance to kattan, you step out into the cold air, skin prickling from the temperature or from the unease you're not sure.
you watch as they share a quick glance, and suddenly you're all too aware of how out of your depth you really are. you're not sure what they communicated, but there's no way it can be good. for a moment, the three of you just stand there, waiting for someone to make the first move, break the silence so tense you can almost feel it weighing you down.
"well?" you ask, raising a brow and looking between them with distrustful glare. they meet eyes again, more obviously this time.
"you wanted to see the weapons, they're inside." kattan says, gesturing to the warehouse behind him. it's surprisingly well kept, looking distinctly less run down than you'd expected, but still you feel the fear building in your chest. you absolutely did not want to go in there, but unless you were prepared to fight them – and however many people they have waiting inside – it looked like that was your only option.
"remember what i said," you begin, curling your nails into your palms so hard your worried you might draw blood, "if you try anything, you'll–" 
"we remember." baranov cuts you off, burning your attempt to stall until you could figure out what to do. "go inside." they way he stares at you, like he sees right through you, right through the mask covering half your face, sets off a fight or flight response in you.
"...you first." you utter, meeting baranov's glare despite the uncomfortable feeling under your skin. he gives you a suspicious, questioning look before you continue, "i don't like people walking behind me."
baranov clicks his tongue, and you see him pointedly roll his eyes as he turns around and marches through the door into the warehouse. kattan stays put, regarding you with the same unnerving look from before.
you bring your hands up to your hood, your mind drawing a blank for any more excuses to stall. you sigh quietly, and take a few hesitant steps forward. when kattan sees you move, he turns and goes through the door ahead of you. as you reluctantly follow behind him, you spare a glance back to the road you came down, hoping – praying – that your comrades find you before it's too late.
the inside of the warehouse is filled with various crates and locked containers, which you can only assume are all filled with less than legal merchandise. the lights above you flicker every now and then as you follow kattan deeper into the building. times like this make you wish things could just be easy – if this op had gone to plan, you'd already be sound asleep in your bed by now.
kattan comes to a stop next to baranov, in front of an open crate. "there." kattan crosses his arms over his chest, nodding his head to the crate with a stony expression.
you gulp, taking a cautious step forward and examining the weapons inside. the crate is full of a seemingly random assortment of weapons – not at all what was mentioned in the intel you'd gathered. 
you feel your stomach drop all the way to the floor.
"is there a problem?" baranov snaps. your eyes must've betrayed your thoughts.
you refocus your expression, instilling whatever confidence you have left into your voice as you reply, "this isn't what we agreed–" 
"enough." he cuts you off, taking a stride forward as you step back. "this game has gone on long enough, sergeant." baranov hisses, watching your wide eyes flit between the both of them.
"...right." you mutter, removing your mask and shoving it into your pocket, "i guess i was a little optimistic."
"i'll admit, you're committed. but," kattan steps forward as well, pulling a gun from his waistband and pointing it at you, "i'm afraid that won't save you this time." he gives you a smug smirk as he takes yet another step closer to you.
"afraid not." you grit your teeth, muscles tightly wound as you follow kattan with your eyes. you think back to the look he had in the van earlier, and realise with a surge of anger that they'd both known the entire time.
you look to baranov, closing the weapons crate with his back turned to you. looking back to kattan, with his cocky smirk as he slowly advances on you.
just one more step, a little bit closer–
you swing your arm up, grab kattan's hand holding the gun and push upwards, narrowly missing taking a bullet to the face. he struggles to wrench his arm free, but you pull him forward and use his momentum to shove him to the ground on his stomach. you bend his arm unnaturally behind him, causing him to reflexively loosen his grip, enough for you to snatch the gun from him. without a moment of hesitation, you press the barrel to the back of his ribcage and squeeze the trigger.
the gunshot echoes through the warehouse, and your ears ring with the aftershock.
a wet cough escapes kattan as you push yourself to stand, a pool of crimson already forming underneath his body. you turn around and raise your arm to shoot baranov too, but you find the place where he was standing empty.
"fuck!" you groan, your eyes scanning the area nearby for any trace of where he could've gone. he could be hiding around any corner, and in a warehouse literally filled with guns, you didn't like your odds.
before you could think too much about it however, the sound of heavy footfalls reaches your ears from further into the warehouse. you could tell they were getting closer, and in a split second of panic, you decide to take cover behind a stack of crates before they see you.
just as you duck out of sight, you count five armed men coming around the corner to where you were just standing. you focus on calming your breathing and your rapid heart rate, watching as one of them crouches and inspects kattan's body. the rest of them look around, presumably on the look out for you.
you lean more around the corner, bringing your gun up and pointing the barrel squarely at the man next to kattan's body – the one closest to your hiding spot.
with a deep breath, you pull the trigger and hiss a curse as he moves at the last second and clutches his leg where you hit. you fire two more shots at the others, hitting one in the chest and cursing again as the other narrowly misses your target.
the remaining three finally gather their senses, returning fire at where you hide and forcing you to take cover again. your breathing has picked up again, blood rushing in your ears and drawing out the sound of bullets flying towards you.
there's a pause, but before you can react, a hand grasps your shoulder from behind and slams your shoulder back into the crate. you try to point your gun at the assailant, but he rips it from your grasp and tosses it to the ground out of reach, pointing his own gun at you as you struggle. 
shit– one of baranov's men must've crept up behind you in the chaos.
he shoves you to the ground, restraining your arms behind your back and clicking a pair of cuffs far too tightly around your wrists. he pulls you roughly onto your feet and shoves you back out into the open, where baranov and the other two men stand waiting.
"you two– watch the perimeter." baranov commands, never once taking his chilling glare off of you. the other two nod, before turning and disappearing the way you'd came in.
baranov brings your attention back to him by stepping forward and gathering the front of your hoodie in his fist. for a moment, he holds your stare, giving you that same cold look that has the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.
with a disdainful scoff, he pulls you from the other man's grip and shoves you to the floor again, dropping you aggressively against a metal shelving unit that makes your vision blur as your head collides with it. you blink, ears still ringing and a warm wet feeling growing on the back of your head.
"you are such a pain in my ass, kilo 0-9." he growls, crouching in front of you and watching as you try to regain your senses. a pained groan leaves your throat, and you squint at his unfocused figure at your feet.
"...i try my best," you mumble, subtly tugging at the cuffs binding you. to your frustration, even dislocating your thumb wouldn't help you to get out of them they were so tight. "...but maybe i'm just a natural–"
"заткни пасть!" baranov roars, delivering a harsh slap to your face. your head snaps to the side, your vision once again swimming and the sick feeling in your stomach only growing stronger. "i will make you pay for what you did, you annoying little доносчик." he stands again, his form towering over you and his shadow blocking the flickering light from above.
“i had everything, i was on top of the world. i’d finally gotten everything i’d ever wanted,” he begins, nothing but pure malice in his eyes as he glares down at where you sit, still reeling from your head injury, “until you took it all away from me!”
"and for what? a paycheck? a pathetic little sense of victory?" he spits, kicking your leg as he slowly paces before you. "i worked all my life for that empire! and you burned it all to the ground, like it was nothing!"
you feel hot blood trickle down the back of your neck, the urge to vomit still not leaving you, and you pray to anyone who would listen that somebody finds you soon, because with the way your vision is still blurred at the edges, you don’t think you’ll get out of this on your own.
baranov abruptly stops his pacing, running a had through his hair in an erratic display of anger. “i thought killing you would be enough, that revenge would satisfy me, but i’ve changed my mind, sergeant.” he’s not shouting anymore, instead his voice is low and quiet, but no less threatening. he turns his head to look at you from the corner of his eyes.
“you see, simply killing you would be satisfying, of course. that was my original plan; lure you in with something i know you self-righteous hero types can’t resist,” he says, waving his arms to emphasise his words, “but then it would be over. you would be dead, and you’d never be truly sorry for how you wronged me.”
even through the fog in your mind, you feel a cold dread building inside you. baranov turns to face you fully.
“so, thats why i’ve decided instead to make you suffer.” he crouches down again, closer than he'd been before.
“i will make you watch," he grabs your throat, pulling you closer still, "as i destroy the things you care about, just like you did to me.” his voice is just above a whisper.
“commander karim,” he squeezes your airway, “the american,” squeezing tighter as you desperately try to breathe in, “and of course, your precious little pilot.”
“no…” you wheeze, rattling your cuffs as you squirm in baranov's grasp. the edges of your vision darken for a moment, and you let your unfocused gaze drift from his sharp grin.
behind him, in the shadows of the stacks of crates and shelves, something catches your eye through the blurriness. a glint of reflected light from the yellowish bulb overhead, behind the man who'd dragged you earlier. you seem to be the only one to notice the fourth presence.
“they will all die, because of you.” baranov finally releases you, once again shoving you back against the metal shelving. you cough once, twice, your breaths ragged and eyes glaring daggers at baranov as he stands again to tower over you.
“you won’t…” you draw your legs into your chest, glaring up at him with renewed defiance. he takes one menacing step towards your curled up form, that insufferable smirk still pulling at his lips.
“oh,” he chuckles darkly, “i will.”
you scoff, and with all the force you can muster, you shoot your legs out to collide with one of baranov's ankles. he stumbles back, regaining his balance a few paces away from you, but he's a second too late – the figure in the darkness has already leapt out and sunk their blade into the neck of baranov's guard, ripping it out of his flesh and throwing it in baranov's direction.
you watch as the knife ricochets off a stack of crates and clatters to the ground next to baranov, already struggling to get your cuffed wrists in front of your body in your dazed state. the mystery person tackles baranov before he can fully recover, sending them both tumbling to the ground and grappling for control over the other.
your heart practically soars when you realise it's nik, pinning baranov to the ground and landing a blow to his face that felt extremely personal.
somewhere in the struggle, baranov gets a hold of the knife, swinging his arm and catching nik in the stomach just below his vest before you can warn him. your head is pounding, the ache from being thrown around earlier catching up to you and making it that much harder to focus.
baranov rolls them over, on top of nik now as he clutches the laceration with one hand and resists baranov's attempt to stab him again with the other. a grunt escapes you as you finally manage to get your cuffed wrists over your legs, feeling the muscles in your shoulder stretch painfully – another injury to slow you down, but you couldn't think about that right now.
despite the pain clouding your senses, you push yourself up to crouch, wobbling slightly before you find your balance. for a second you watch the pair grapple with each other on the floor, mind racing to think of a way to help nik without allowing baranov to hurt him any further.
you have to get them off each other, is the only thought you can come up with, so before you can hesitate you launch yourself onto baranov's back, hooking the chain of your cuffs in front of his neck and dragging him backwards with all your weight.
the knife falls to the floor again, out of reach of either of you. with all the strength you can muster, you pull the cuffs towards yourself in an effort to cut off baranov's airway. he thrashes in your hold, desperately trying to wedge his fingers in between the metal and his flesh. but in your slightly concussed state, he manages to catch you off guard and throw his head back, landing a strike to your nose, which stuns you enough for him to rip himself out of your grasp.
your head spins all over again, eyes watering and blurry as you feel baranov twist and pin you beneath him. his hand goes to your neck, and through your distorted vision you see his other pull back in a fist aiming squarely at your face.
you flinch, bracing to be hit, but the impact never comes; nikolai sinks the knife once into the side of his neck, and again into his chest, before grabbing his body and shoving him off of you.
you watch as baranov sputters, your own chest heaving as you take in some much needed air. nik searches through baranovs pockets, pulling back with a tiny silver key in his hand – the key for the handcuffs. he takes your bruised wrists into his hands, his touch unbelievably gentle, unlocking the cuffs and discarding them to the side.
he slumps down beside you, close enough thar his shoulder touches yours, and his hand cradling the stab wound on his stomach. a moment passes where neither of you move, still reeling from your injuries and the fight as you massage the raw skin of your wrists.
"thank you," you murmur once your vision finally stops spinning, shuffling to face nik and placing your hand on his arm, "you saved my life…"
"does that mean i'm your guardian angel now?" he chuckles, groaning when his abdomen shifts painfully. your head pulses, your own injuries catching up to you, but that back of your head seems to have stopped bleeding so you decide it can wait. you'd rather take care of him first anyway.
"i guess it does," you give him a weak smile in return, before undoing the straps of his vest, "now let me patch you up before your bleed to death." he chuckles again, sitting up so you can lift the vest over his head and set it down on the floor. you turn to the side, looking through the different packs until you find the one with basic medical supplies; bandages, disinfectant, and sutures – though you sincerely hoped you wouldn't have to do any stitching.
you hear nik move again, and the shuffle of fabric, and look back at him to find him pulling off his shirt. completely and utterly distracted from what you were doing, you feel an unmistakable heat rise to your face as you study the way his chest rises and falls, a thin sheen of sweat–
"if you wanted to undress me, all you had to do was ask," nik's teasing voice breaks you out of your trance. your eyes snap to his, the amused expression he wears only making the embarrassment worse.
"oh, shush…" you mumble, look back down to the medical supplies in your lap and willing your heart to slow down – he was still injured, you needed to take care of that before it became a problem. you grab his hand and place it on your shoulder, "just tap me if it hurts too much, okay?"
"конечно." he gives you a small, reassuring squeeze. you smile tightly, and begin to disinfect the laceration. thankfully, it wasn't too deep, so you wouldn't have to demonstrate your awful stitching skills. 
despite the circumstances, he looks ethereal above you; his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut, his rippling muscles glistening with sweat and a firm grip on your shoulder. it takes everything in you to concentrate on patching him up instead of gawking at the way the dim light of the warehouse hits the shape of his body.
after successfully stopping the bleeding without getting too distracted, you finish up by securing the gauze with a tight bandage. you look up from your work to find nik already looking at you, with the same look in his eyes from the night before, when you watched the stars together.
"i'm so glad you're okay, милая." nik smiles, cupping the side of your face with the hand not covered in blood. you feel the warmth of him seeping into your clammy skin. his touch has a calming effect on you, instantly soothing your overactive mind.
"i'm glad you found me," you smile back, leaning into his palm and bringing your own hand up to cover his, "sorry for getting us into this mess in the first place." you mutter, your gaze falling to the floor with a twinge of guilt.
"there's no need to apologise, дорогая." he caresses your face with his thumb, tilting your head slightly to bring your eyes back to his. you give him a meek nod, and mirror the tiny smile he wears.
you move to sit next to him again, sighing as you rest against the cold shelves. the two of you sit in relative quiet for a moment or two, listening to your own exhausted breathing and the hum of the lights.
"nice aim, by the way." you nod your head towards baranov's body.
"yeah," you reply, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of your lips, "knife went right past him."
nik laughs, airy and tired, and lifts his arm to wrap around your shoulders "ah, now you're making fun of me." he chuckles, looking at you with an amused light in his eyes.
"that's the second time you've missed, isn't it?" you tease, feeling his arm tighten around you.
"тихо…" he grumbles, shaking his head with lightheardted disapproval, "but for the record, i'm glad i missed the first time." his gaze softens as he examines your faces, his other hand coming back up to cup the side of your jaw.
"you better be." you murmur, suddenly very aware of his still bare chest as he pulls you closer to him. 
"after all, if i'd shot you," his voice is just above a whisper, the space between you so small you can feel his warm breath on your face. with the hand on your jaw, he brings you even closer, resting his forehead against yours as your eyes flutter closed, "i would never get to do this."
without another moment of hesitation, you feel his lips against yours, passionate yet gentle as you sigh into him. your arm comes up to loop around his neck, his hand moving to the back of your head to press you further into the kiss. you're momentarily reminded of the ache in your head, but it's an afterthought as you press yourself flush against him.
the heat in your chest, your face, your whole body, is burning, heart racing faster than you'd ever felt it as nikolai's mouth moves against yours. you feel his stubble prickle against your skin as he tilts his head further, his tongue swiping across your lips.
when the need for air gets too much, you reluctantly pull away to catch your breath, nikolai chasing your lips and giving you one last peck before you get too far away. he smiles warmly at you, coaxing a similar expression to light up your own face.
"so, are farah and alex coming to get us, or…?"
"my hero…" you whisper, earning a grin for nik as he strokes your cheek with his thumb. you rest your head in the crook of his shoulder and chest, revelling quiet in the moment between the two of you; and for the first time in a long time, you feel a genuine spark of happiness ignite in your chest.
"...бляаты… i will tell them i found you…"
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hughesmedicine · 1 year
hotel room cuddles| l. hughes
luke hughes x !hischier reader
i will be rewriting this and republishing this whenever I get the chance!
a/n: writing this while in a hotel room so that’s where my motivation came from! Also yes I used y’all in it lmao, I don’t know if I really like this but I’m too sleep deprived to do much with it right now so hope you enjoy and you like it! little proofread but not much yk
warnings: drunk couple? underage drinking but their in Canada so not really underage lol, luke being a drunk softy
it was the first roadie since the season started up and you couldn’t be even prouder of the team winning the two games they had before we headed back home. After a long night of drinking with both his brothers and their friends on the team, we were both in need of late night cuddles as we stumbled into the hotel room before you collapsed on the mattress face first with a groan as luke chuckled at you. “chuckle again and im tying your shoelaces together when you aren’t looking.” “okay okay sorry babe but you have to get up to brush your teeth and change” luke said as you heard his footsteps come closer and stop. you turned around and looked up at him. “but I’m comfortable” you said groaning and closing your eyes. “okay here I got a proposition for you” “what is it?” you said cracking an eye open noticing the smile on his face, you smiled closing that eye. “I’ll go finish getting changed and brushing my teeth then we’ll get you ready, how does that sound pretty girl? “that sounds amazing thank you” you said as you heard him walk away “and be as slow as you can be, I prefer a little rest right now.” he laughed going into the bathroom. “got it love you” “love you too”
you heard the sound of footsteps coming to you and groaned again keeping your eyes closed. “really?” “yes really I was just about to fall asleep” “well too bad, let’s get you out of these clothes into something comfortable mkay?” luke said going over to his suitcase and grabbing a pair of sweats and a random shirt of his and making his way back to you, he tapped your thigh twice. “is it okay if i take these off?” “mhm go ahead lu” you said still having your eyes closed and you felt him remove your pants before slipping the sweats on and grabbing your hands pulling you up into an upright position. “just take off the shirt and stop asking if you can” you said grumbling slightly knowing what he was gonna ask and ready to be in bed. He quickly slipped the shirt off replacing it with his before pulling you up into a standing position, he adjusted the clothes before grabbing your hand and intertwining y’all’s fingers pulling you into the bathroom, he put the right amount of toothpaste on the brush before getting it wet and handing you it. “thanks” you said starting to brush your teeth. he nodded and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flesh against his chest and putting his head in the crook of your neck closing his eyes and sighing contently. you smiled softly before rinsing your mouth out and putting the toothbrush back in its respectful spot before turning around digging your face into his chest and his arms tightened around your waist.
“can’t wait till we can be back home” “I told you that you didn’t have to come but you insisted on it so much” luke said pulling away from you and taking your hand back in his before walking back into the bedroom and pulling down the blankets for us before going to his side and getting under them. he lifted the blanket up for you as you slid in and got comfortable moving closer to him. he wrapped his arms around you pulling you full force against his chest softly before moving down and laying his head on your stomach as you moved your hands to his hair and started running your fingers slowly through it closing your eyes. “I only insisted on it cause I was gonna miss you.” “I know and I’m so glad you came” he said smiling into your stomach which caused a small laugh to come out. “I wish you weren’t ticklish on your stomach” he said laughing. “I do too but you love it” “that I do, it’s the only way to get laughs out of you” he said making himself comfortable again closing his eyes once more. “did you get the water and ibuprofen out for tomorrow morning?” “no but I’ll do that whenever I get up” “okay sounds good get some good rest lu, I love you and I’m so so proud of you.” you said slowly falling asleep. “I love you too y/n and thank you” he said quietly as we both got consumed in darkness and soft touches throughout the night.
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myaheartsmarkie · 2 years
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addicted - chapter three
word count: 12.9k
playlist: from time by drake, late at night by roddy rich, i want u around by omar apollo, wasting time by brent faiyaz, best you had by don toliver, luv is dro by jack harlow, and party by sik-k!
genre: smut, so much. mild one sided pining, jealous! jeno, angst, fluff (im team jeno yall lol), fwb! to lovers, student athletes! yn + jeno. the boyz! and dream + 127 member make side role! appearances. jaehyun is trying to fight jeno lol, haechan and kevin stir up trouble as per usual
warning(s): smut! smut! smut! (pls, if you're a minor - leave.) lots of swearing!!, jeno is toxic, and boy oh boy does it show. choking, spanking, slight public sex! (they're fucking in the locker rooms again lmaooo), teasing, dom! jeno, sub! reader, face fucking, spit play, cum play, oral (f! + m! receiving), tons of sex talk, established height difference (im not even short so lets not jump to conclusions, but the dominating role i wrote in for jeno imo calls for a significant height difference. im the author so pls respect it. if you don't like it don't read it. thanks.) reader has a smart ass mouth (if you're sensitive? ig..lol my mouth is reckless too so it feels normal) mentions of violence (jaebae isn't taking no shit in this chapter lmao), use of pet names (baby, angel, princess, etc..) jeno can be rough at times in some scenes, but not violent, some dry humping, slight size kink, i think that's it...lmk if i missed anything!
note from mya: ITS FINALLY HERE YALL!! omg this took so frickin long D: im so very sorry & i pray to every god that its worth it ! i worked hard lol. also i had originally written 14.8k but last night it got deleted bcus we had an outage & i guess it didnt back up properly :( but yea, you guys already know. no minors. if you're legal, happy reading :) taglist is posted at the bottom <3 . & of course this isn't revised lmao...fuck that. thanks for your patience & support, ily!
© myaheartsmarkie 2022 — all rights reserved !
“yn?” kevin said softly, knuckles grazing the frame of your door. 
he sighs when he receives no response in return. he looks back at jaehyun with a sad expression. jaehyun lets out a sigh, chest heaving angrily. 
“i’ll fucking kill him” he mumbles, turning around and stalking to the front door. 
kevin scurries to sit the plate of food down and catch his best friend before he reaches outside. kevin grabs jaehyun’s shoulder, halting his movements. 
“we don’t even know if it’s because of jeno,” kevin starts. 
“i know it is—god, i never liked that dickhead” he says, hands going to grip his hair out of frustration. 
“ok…but your rep too—you can’t just beat up the baseball captain and get away with it” he tells jae. 
jaehyhun sighs, moving to sit on the couch. he tugs his phone from his pocket, quickly finding your contact. 
jaebae: hey…ik you don’t wanna talk rn but me & kev are here for you, ok? you know we always are. so whenever you’re ready, we’ll be here waiting. i love u. 
jaebae: …and if it was that fucker j*no i promise you these hands are rated e for everybody, especially if they hurt you. 
you smile at the text messages. you love your best friends but right now…you weren’t up for any kind of communication. you were glad they knew that as well. hearting both of the messages from jaehyun before you turn your phone off again, burying yourself under your duvet. 
it’s been a long ass week. 
missing three days of class, constant crying, and using up your vacation days to sulk in bed can be very exhausting. luckily sungchan has been sending you his notes, filling you in on what you’ve missed. he was god sent, truly your guardian angel. his notes were filled to the brim, jotted down sentences in multiple different pen colors, he was so extra. the last photos he sent to you was yesterday. three pictures of his college ruled white paper concluding with a quick selfie of himself with a thumbs up, ‘get better, i miss u!’ drawn across the screen with a tiny heart. 
you haven’t thought about him. not today at least…but have you thought about him since the whole ordeal? yes. yes times a thousand. you can’t help it, your mind does its own thing. it doesn’t listen to you, no matter how hard you try to not do so — your mind betrays you. pictures of his stupidly handsome face, his stupid buff arms, and his stupid stupid stupid (very good) dick game. you can’t help it! 
you’re surprised with yourself though, the fact that you’ve actually mustered up the courage to block him and not text or call him back. it truly takes a ton of work and you’ve done well these past few days. the countless missed calls from the ‘no caller id’ contact and constant texts from the said man. begging for you to come back and his meaningless apologies. you’ve read them…hell fucking yeah you have, but have you replied? nope. 
you sigh, reluctantly sitting up in your bed. you eye the time, 11:06am. you have class at 12…if you get ready now, you can make it on time. you purse your lips in thought, do you really wanna go to class today? you shake your head, tugging the blanket from over you and make your way to the bathroom. 
jaebae: im going to practice and kev is at sunwoo’s. lmk if you need anything, sweetheart. 
you see the text from your roommate, eyes drifting from the mirror to your phone screen. you read it and smile. tooth rotting sweet as usual, what more do you expect from jae? you pick up your phone, texting him back. 
you: ok!! thank u but im good rn :) luv ya 
you lock your phone, continuing your activities. you press the plus sign on your speaker, upping the volume trying anything to get you into a good mood. mumbling some lyrics here and there while you get ready. once you’re done you twist the door of your bathroom, but you come to an abrupt pause. the house is empty now…which means you have no ride. you facepalm. you can’t text jae now, it’s been like 10 minutes since he left. you internally whine, moving to sit on your bed. you lay back dramatically, huffing as you wonder who the hell you could call. kevin’s free but probably tipsy…afterall in his world it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere. jaehyun and sungchan are at practice, jieun…we’re not even gonna think about her. who else even is there…? 
you sit up in a flash as his face pops up in your head. if you remember correctly he has a 12 o’clock class as well, so it shouldn’t be much of a hassle, right? you hurriedly grab your phone, scrolling until you stumble across his contact. 
you: hey bestie :D !! i need a ride to class, can you pick me up ? 
you cringe at the message, swiping up and out of the app. you bite your lip…were you being too forward? is this crossing any lines? was it too soon? 
you: if not it’s cool!! don’t worry about it lol..
you chuck your phone backwards onto your bed. palms covering your face as you groan loudly. was it always this awkward? like…texting? you don’t know, but what’s done is done. mainly because you can’t unsend it. 
you flinch at the sound, reluctantly picking up the cellular device. 
eric :) : sure!! be there in five :) 
eric :) : ps…cus you’re cute i won’t charge you for gas money :P thank me later
you roll your eyes at the second message, you’re glad he’s not being awkward about it. you were already emotionally fucked up…you didn’t need another problem added to your plate right now. you sigh happily, gathering your things and moving to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. settling on a green apple, you bite the fruit scrolling through your fyp while you wait. 
eric :) : i’m here 
you make your way out the door, clutching your bookbag strap tightly. why were you so nervous? you weren’t even this nervous when you and him went on your first date! this is so backwards. 
watching your shoes as you hop down the stairs, making your way to his black jdm. you’re glad he’s not standing outside the car like usual, you’d be too embarrassed to look at him face to face. you grab the handle, pulling the car door open. slinging your bookbag off before you climb in. hand running down the back of your skirt to make sure it doesn’t bunch up when you sit. you close the door before turning to look at eric. when you do you let out an audible gasp. 
“o-oh my god!” you say, eyes wide with shock. 
eric laughs, running a hand through his hair. 
“when the hell?” you say, hand moving to touch his newly dyed hair. 
“two days ago, you like it?” he asks, body turning towards yours. 
your finger runs through his hair, admiring the new color. his eyes are on you, watching you with curious eyes. you were still so damn pretty. 
“i do…it suits you” you smile, retracting your hand from his head. 
“thank you m’lady” he grins, hands moving to start the car. 
you shake your head, buckling yourself in before he pulls off. 
you make your way through the hallway, squeezing through the many other bodies. you clutch your book bag to your side, trying your best not to bump into anybody. you stand atop your tiptoes trying to glance over the many heads. you eye your classroom, trying to push your way through in
the direction of your class. you successfully make it to class, pushing through the door and hurrying to make it to your seat. you sit down with a huff, head falling onto the table. if you knew it’d be this stressful you would’ve stayed home. 
you sat up, eyes curiously searching the classroom. there were a few other students scattered everywhere, but it wasn’t 12 yet…so more people are sure to show up. you didn’t see sungchan though, you pouted picking up your phone. 
you: HEY FUCKER!! WYA???
bambi: ??? you’re in class ??? 
you: YES
bambi: i’m almost there, save me a seat pls
you thumbs up his last message, sitting your bookbag on the seat next to you. in the last minute or so at least ten or twelve more students poured into the class. you rest your face on top of your open palm, blowing a breath out from your mouth obnoxiously. you really didn’t wanna be here. 
you and sungchan stretch in unison, fingers reaching towards the ceiling. you guys turn to face each other, laughing loudly. you both gather your things making your way out to the hallway, thanking the professor on the way out. you loop your arm through sungchan’s skipping side by side down the hallway. 
“you wanna get some food?” he asks and you nod happily. 
“ok, i gotta get my keys from my locker, come on” he tells you, leading you in the direction of the elevator. 
the two of you step into the elevator, pressing the number four. you both wait patiently, stepping out once the doors open for the two of you. 
“you wanna wait right here?” he asks, pointing at the bench outside of the locker room. 
you nod, un-attaching yourself from him and sitting down politely. you cross your legs, folding your hands over your lap. you watch sungchan walk away, both yours and his book bags slung over his figure. you slightly smile, you loved him so much. your left leg bounces, nerves going a little crazy – worried jeno would randomly pop up when you least expect it. you find your nail in between your lips once more, chewing nervously. 
“yooo! haven’t seen you in awhile,” a voice shouts from behind you. 
you jump, eyes wide as you look over the figure. he walks up to you, hand resting on your shoulder. 
“woah, didn’t mean to spook you” haechan laughs, welcoming himself to sit next to you. 
“you fucking dick,” you roll your eyes, punching his arm. 
“ow! why’re you sitting out here? waiting for jeno?” he asks, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
you huff out, rolling your eyes at him. you lift your hand again, but haechan grabs your balled up fists so you don’t hit him again. 
“it was a joke, i’m kidding” he tells you.
“i’m waiting for sungchan, we’re gonna go eat”  you say to haechan, tugging your hands from his grip. 
“—and jeno and I are no longer acquainted, thank you very much” you huff, turning your nose up. 
“wait, really? why, what happened?” haechan asks, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“don’t wanna really talk about it, but he can’t keep his dick in his pants to save his life” you mutter with a roll of your eyes. 
haechan makes an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, nodding his head in understanding. you nod as well, turning your head to the sound of the door opening, haechan peeking around your shoulder. sungchan walks out, spinning his car keys on his finger. you stand up, brushing your skirt down. haechan follows suit, standing up as well. he daps sungchan up and gives you a kiss on top of your head. 
“i’ll see you guys later,” he yells out, holding the locker room door open. 
the two of you waved goodbye to the boy, turning around to make your way to the elevator. 
“yo sungchan! i forgot to ask—” his sentence is cut short as he sees who is standing in front of him. 
you and jeno make eye contact, your mouth drying up at the sight of him alone. you shift on your feet nervously, swallowing hard. jeno’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion and anger. 
“hey roomie…what’d you need?” sungchan asks with a nervous laugh. 
“so you’re too good to text or call me back because you’re hanging out with my best friend?” jeno asks, looking past sungchan at you. “hey…i’m both of your guys’ best friends.” sungchan says. 
you roll your eyes, turning your gaze elsewhere. you didn’t have the energy to deal with this right now. not only did you not come here for this but you’re hungry as hell. not a good mixture. 
jeno scoffs when he realizes you’re not going to reply, “oh so you really think you’re too good, huh? can’t even speak to me.” he says, mockingly laughing at you. “fuck off jeno,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever, are you coming back to the crib tonight?” jeno asks, turning his attention to sungchan. 
sungchan thinks about his question for a bit, but he shakes his head no. “i’m going to haechan and yuta’s for the tournament…they want their asses whooped in mario kart again,” he chuckles lightly. jeno nods in understanding, smacking sungchan’s back with his palm. “i’m having jieun over, I needed it empty tonight” he winked at you. 
you scoff loudly, can you believe this fucking asshole? you can’t believe you used to like him. 
“you’re a dick, fuck you” you say, not breaking eye contact with him. jeno shrugs, leaning down towards your face. you back up in disgust, not wanting to be anywhere near him at all. “let me know when you’re done being petty and I promise I’ll take you back, princess,” he whispers, curling a piece of your hair behind your ear. you smack his hand away angrily. “never in a million fucking years,” you say through gritted teeth, turning away. 
you make your way to the elevator, pressing the down arrow. sungchan follows suit, nervously fiddling with his fingers. you huff out, blowing the stray hairs in front of your face away. you were beyond livid right now. 
[ the (3) stooges ] 
you: jeno fucked jieun. 
you: and they’re meeting up to fuck again 2nite
you: feeling suicidal :) 
you: i wish i was fucking lying. 
kev: what an asshole…that’s so disappointing
jaebae: i’m omw
[ you and kev ‘?’ this message ] 
kev: where are you going??? 
you: ^
jaebae: to fuck him up . 
[ kev hearted this message ] 
you: no?? wtf???
kev: ignore her, go fuck him up!!! beat his ass!!! 
[ jaebae liked this message / yn disliked this message ] 
you: i’m so serious, what if you lose your scholarship :( 
[ kev disliked this message ]
jaebae: sigh
kev: fucking party pooper, boo tomatoes boo!! 
you: thank you i love u guys 
[ jae + kev hearted this message ] 
you lock your phone, sitting up off of sungchan’s lap. you make your way to the kitchen to grab a drink. twisting the cap on the bottle of water, you take a few sips as you walk back into the living room. 
“who the FUCK threw that bannana?!” haechan asked and yuta smirks in response to his outburst.
“what are you gonna do about it, huh?” yuta asks, throwing another banana towards haechan’s character. 
sungchan is quiet throughout the game, eyebrows crinkled in sheer concentration. you eye the gold number one in the corner of his screen. all the other boys moan out in agony as he crosses the finish line. haechan throws the switch controller down onto the couch angrily. 
“fuck you” yuta says, flipping your best friend off. you and sungchan laugh at the boys' reactions, finding them amusing. 
you guys all looked at the door confused when the doorbell rang. yuta gets up to answer the door, and you all look curiously from your seats. 
“eric? what’s up!” yuta says, unlocking the door for him and his friends. 
you turn to sungchan with wide eyes, sungchan smiles at you. 
“take your mind off jeno for now…he’s my friend but he’s being a dick right now” he tells you, ruffling your hair. 
“you invited them?” you ask, and sungchan nods. 
“i swear i’m—” you start but you close your mouth abruptly when you hear your name being called. “yn? is that you?” eric asks, you turn around slowly with a sort of awkward smile. “i didn’t know you’d be here, would’ve come over sooner,” eric joked, sliding into the open seat next to you. sungchan rubbed your back before he stood up to walk away. 
“you met my friends, right?” he asks, pointing back at his two friends. sunwoo and juyeon wave at you with a smile. “is this your girlfriend?” juyeon asks, you and eric blush madly. sunwoo elbows him in the side, offering a small apologetic smile. “s-sorry, it’s just–when you guys were at the club…i-i thought” the black haired boy stutters. 
“it’s fine,” you smile, hands holding your blushing face. eric is just as red as you, coughing at the now awkward environment. “we’re not dating, jackass,” eric says, running a hand through his hair. 
“you guys want in?” you hear haechan ask.
sunwoo and juyeon’s eyes light up at his question, practically running to grab a controller. you watch them, laughing at their excitement. yuta then makes his way back to the living room, speaker in hand. what was a small quiet get together is now a very noisy party of seven. 
“do you wanna go outside?” eric asks, leaning down to whisper the question into your ear. with blushing cheeks you nod yes, following him out the front door. 
haechan looks at sungchan both of them sharing a nod before sungchan pulls his phone out. 
[ bsb bozos ]
hae: wooooah yn went with him outside ;)
sungchan: lol fr? just them?
hae: yuuuup
jeno: ???
hae: oh shit
sungchan: wrong gc, fuck.
hae: yea my bad jen lmao
jeno: who are you guys talking about?
[ read 11:34am ]
jeno: you little shits better answer me 
[ haechan liked this message ]
hae: i love aggressive men <3 
hae: yn went outside with eric :)))
sungchan: stfu omg you can’t hold water for shit. 
hae: im sorry D:
jeno: are you deadass?? im omw you fuckers better watch her, if he touches her istfg 
hae: you got it daddy— boss!
sungchan: i meaaaan…
jeno: chan don’t fw me rn
sungchan: no bcus you literally told her you were gonna fuck her now ex bestfriend…
sungchan: but now you want us to watch her?? because she went outside with someone?? 
sungchan: it’s ass backwards…you can stick your dick in anything that walks & she has to be ok with it but when she’s in the vicinity of another man you’re losing your fucken mind. make your mind up jeno, we’re not kids. if you want to be with yn, then tell her AND show her that. stop making shit complicated. we all know you want her. 
hae: ok, but it’s giving poet…modern shakespeare if you will 😫 .
sungchan: LMFAOOO stfu haechan 
jeno: im not responding to that shit in full, you talk to damn much. but ik im in the wrong, but im selfish ass toxic mf and she knows that. im omw rn, you don’t have to watch her…but i am taking her home so you don’t have to worry about us. 
hae: oh we’re not worried abt y’all…were worried for eric
sungchan: ^ yeah…will he be ok? his team still needs him lmao..
jeno: i won’t touch him…
sungchan: im not buying it, where’s the rest
jeno: if he’s not touching her, i’ll be cool. 
hae: alright lee, stop texting cus ik you’re driving.
sungchan: ^ adios 
“wait wait, so you didn’t always live here?” you ask, and eric nods. “nope, i just came back this year.” he confirms, and you nod with a slightly agape mouth. “how are the states? is it as fun as people make it seem?” you question, eric holds his chin with two fingers trying to figure out how to answer. “i like the states…different—very, but it’s enjoyable.” he replies and you nod. “you wanna go?” he asks, referring to the states and you nod excitedly. “ugh, it’s my biggest dream…but i
haven’t gone yet,” you pout, bottom lip slightly jutting out. you wrap your arms around yourself, seeking warmth from your hands. 
eric notices and slips out of his hoodie, offering it to you. you shake your head, waving your hands. “it’s fine,” you say. “wasn’t asking, yn” he tells you, already putting the hoodie over your head. you reluctantly push your arms through the holes, pulling the oversized sweater on. eric slides his hands under your hair, lifting it from under the sweater. he curls some of it behind your ear and you look up at him with a sweet smile. “uh, thank..you” you say, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. eric looks back at you, with kind eyes, loving how you look in his sweater. he bends down slowly, inching towards your face. you bit your bottom lip, contemplating whether or not you should let this happen. it’d be wrong, right? to lead him on, you know you don’t like him…not more than a friend. so why let him do this? it’ll only hurt him again. before you know it, he’s centimeters from you, his lips so close to yours. you sigh, squeezing your eyes shut. you wait for his lips to touch yours, squeezing your hands together. your nails dig into the skin of your palms. 
before his lips could touch yours, you’re being tugged away from his grasp. your eyes shoot open, you’re now staring at the back of a tall figure. 
“the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?” the man says, his grip on your wrist was tight and unwavering. 
“jeno?!” eric says, astonishment evident on his face. you and him both were just as surprised at his presence. 
“w-when did you get here?” you ask quietly, trying to pull away from him. jeno turns to you, eyeing the sweater on you. “take this shit off,” he tells you, pulling at the sleeves. 
if you didn’t do it yourself he was going to do it himself. you tug the sweater up and off of you, wrapping your arms around yourself. you guys may be on bad terms but you know better than to aggravate an already angry lee jeno. eric scoffs loudly in response to the scene unfolding in front of him. 
“yn, what the fuck is going on right now?” eric asks and you open your mouth to respond. “don’t fucking talk to her.” jeno seethes, looking at eric angrily. he throws the man his sweater back and turns away. he grabs your hand, tugging you away from eric. you shriek, looking back at eric slightly waving as jeno drags you along. 
“j-jeno, my wrist..it hurts” you say quietly. 
jeno stops walking, causing you to run into his back. you stumble, holding your nose from the impact. you look up curiously, wondering why he stopped walking. “you know how angry i get when you do shit like this,” jeno whispers, and your eyebrows crinkle. “w-what do you mean?” you ask. “don’t play dumb.” he tells you, pinning you against the wall. you flinch at the way it feels against your skin, but you couldn’t care less right now. 
“everytime i see you with someone that isn’t me,” his hands snake around your waist. “i fucking hate that shit…and you know it” his hands grab your ass, squeezing it until you moan out. “i’m selfish, and you’re all mine baby” you bite your lip, looking up at him with glazed over eyes. 
“w-what about jieun…” you whisper, needing to know. 
“i fucked up, and i’m sorry..” he tells you curling a piece of hair behind your ear. you nod in response. “did you…” jeno shakes his head, finger grazing your lips shushing you. “no baby, we didn’t…i promise” he tells you, bending down to kiss your head. you nod in response.
you’d rather not talk, it's been a long night. you’re relieved to say the least though…you’re glad they didn’t sleep together. you don’t know what you would’ve done or said if he said they did. 
“take me home,” you say, turning your head away from him. 
jeno nods, grabbing hold of your hand. “let’s go baby,” he says, leading you towards his car.
[ the (3) stooges ] 
* ‘kev kev’ added ‘bambi’ and ‘hae <3’ * 
you: there’s 5 of us now, gc name is incorrect. 
hae <3: omg girl stfu
[ you changed the gc name to “yn for prez :D” ]
bambi: lmfao tf kind of name
kev kev: i hope you know i would n e v e r vote for you :)
you: rude asf. 
hae <3: yeah yeah, shut up. what happened yesterday ?!
kev kev: oh yeah! how’d it go last night??
bambi: ^
you: ??? wdym
kev kev: did you get dicked down last night?
you: wtf?? no. 
hae <3: mission: failed
kev kev: fat ass sigh
you: wait a damn minute…
you: i knew it…jeno literally just popped up. 
[ bambi + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
bambi: stfu you’re a fucking liar
hae <3: jus because i helped doesn’t mean i was involved :(
you: i’m gonna fuck you two up
[ kev + hae <3 liked this message / bambi disliked this message ]
bambi: yn, i love you 
[ you liked this message ] 
bambi: it wasn’t me D: pls believe me 
[ you liked this message ] 
you: <3 
[ kev + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
kev kev: in FRONT of me ?! 
hae <3: ^ ong, ur so fake bro ):
kev kev: fuck u yn :( 
jaebae: can you guys shut the fuck up?? i have a game tmrw u asshats 
you: sorry :(
kev kev: im shutting the fuck up. 
bambi: aye aye captain 
hae <3: yes daddy. 
you skipped down the hall with jaehyun, his arm slung over your shoulder. he insisted on walking you to class today, you were a bit taken aback but you let him do so. 
“so, what’s up after class?” he asks. “i go back to practice today—i’m excited” you reply back, a glint showing in your eyes. jaehyun looked down at you fondly, he adored you. “should i be worried..?” you ask, turning to look at him. jae shakes his head no, petting your hair. “just didn’t want you running into him again alone,” he tells you, a small smile spreads across your features. 
you wrap your arms around his middle, buying your face in his chest. “thank you, jae…i appreciate you” you tell him, he chuckles lightly. bending down a bit to press a kiss to the top of your head before he turns you around to push you through the classroom door. 
jeno watches from afar with an annoyed expression. his fists at his sides, jaw clenched tightly. he hated seeing you with other guys. fuck everybody that wasn’t him. though he knows everything between you and jaehyun is all platonic, it still bothers him. 
jae turns around, making eye contact with jeno. he rolls his shoulders back, jutting his chin in his direction slightly—silently greeting him. jeno doesn’t nod back, he just stays still—fists still shaking with rage. jaehyun smirks slyly, turning away from jeno clutching his book bag strap.
you sat in class quietly, jotting down notes every now and again. you were mainly zoned out though—pondering on what jeno was doing right now. you pushed the pen into your cheek, clicking the button in and out. you wondered what he had on right now, or if he was listening to music, or if he was thinking about you too. you didn’t know why your mind drifted off to jeno lee, but you couldn’t help it. after the encounter with him last night, he’s been heavy in your head. 
j: come to me after class. 
what are the odds, lol. you say to yourself in your head. you pick up your phone, clicking the notification. 
j: and you better have me unblocked or else yn. 
[ you disliked this message ] 
you: stfu i do what i want
you: where and why
j: don’t question me & stop being funny.
j: locker rooms, right after class. not a minute later.
j: don’t make me fucking wait. 
you rolled your eyes, leaving him on read. a little riling up never hurt anybody…well, never hurt you at least. plus, you already know what’s going to go down—why not get him all worked up beforehand? he deserves it after all, that little stunt he pulled at the club. 
you rock back and forth on your feet in the elevator. you were a little nervous. you fiddle with your fingers, rubbing over the acrylic on your nails. it was just jeno…why are you worried.
you: um…im up here, wya?
j: come to the back. 
you lock your phone, nodding your head. you push through the swing doors, making your way to the back of the locker rooms. you take a deep breath before you twist the doorknob. you peek from behind the door, everything looks the same. same chair, same desk, same jeno. 
“took you long enough” he says through gritted teeth. you don’t respond, you just step fully into the small room before you close the door behind you. “come here,” he tells you. 
you slowly make your way to him, eyes on the floor. he’s shirtless, leaning against the desk. sweat is collected above his brow, you wonder if he’s fresh out of practice. jeno’s index finger curls under you chin, jerking your head up. though he’s leaning against the desk he’s still towering over you. his intimidating features and size make your legs tremble. you look up at him, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. 
“don’t be so scared love..” he whispers, bending down to be closer to you. you gulp down hard, both your mouth and your throat suddenly dry. “i-i have practice…a-at 2:30” you tell jeno and he smiles down at you. “we’ll be done by then, but i don’t know if you’ll be able to stand.” jeno loops a finger through your belt loop, tugging you into him. as your body collides with his he bends down to catch your lips in a kiss. your hands are awkwardly pressed against his chest, not really knowing what to do with them. one arm is holding you in place, the other placed at the back of your neck. “i missed you,” he tells you through small kisses and breaths. “didn’t miss me when your tongue was down jieun’s throat,” you spit back, slightly pushing him back. 
jeno laughs, looking up at the ceiling before his eyes fall back onto you. you cross your arms over your chest. you were going to let him get away with it, but you can’t let it slide. not after what he told you that same day. even after what he showed you? you needed answers. 
“yn…come on, i already apologized.” he tells you, hands moving to touch you again. you jerk back so he doesn’t touch you, jeno sighs in response.
“jeno. you told me you loved me, then you went and made out with jieun that same day!” you tell him, and he holds his face in his hands, an exasperated sigh falling from his mouth. “you went outside with eric and left me there by myself, how do i know you didn’t make out with him?” he shoots back at you. you scoff rolling your eyes at his response. “i broke it off with him for you,” you tell him. “ok…and jieun came onto me and i wasn’t thinking straight” he tells you, walking towards you…wanting to hold you. “i was watching you and eric that night, why do you think i was so mad?” he says, eyebrows furrowed in slight anger. “when i came up to you at the bar? that wasn’t when i first got there,” you look up at him, expression full of confusion. “i seen him help you down the stairs, watch your drink, hold your purse—all that shit,” he says to you and you’re rendered speechless. “that should’ve been me…and i swear if i could go back in time and go with you, that night—i would.” he concluded his statement, hands holding your face softly. 
you stand on your tiptoes to capture his lips in a kiss, you knew you would fold and forgive him…all you wanted was a proper apology. you couldn’t stay mad at him for too long…
“are you still mad at me?” jeno asks after he pulls away from your lips. you respond silently, bringing your hands up to show ‘just a little’ with your fingers. the both of you laugh, going back to making out. jeno’s hands grip your waist tightly, if he’s speaking honestly he’s afraid of letting you go. he feels that if he lets you go he’ll lose you again…and he can’t risk that, never again. 
“don’t leave me again…” he whispers, lips barely grazing yours. “never leave me…please” he’s practically begging right now. “don’t do shit to push me away then jeno,” you tell him, arms wrapped around his shoulders. he nods in response, arms wrapping tighter around your middle. he squeezes you softly, inhaling your scent. 
the last few days have been hectic to say the least. you and jeno have been in contact, very much so in fact. you’ve been over to his place a few times but you haven’t brought him around jaehyun yet. you feel kind of bad, he tried so hard to protect you from him but you went right back. so you don’t have the heart to tell him you guys are on good terms just yet. 
jaebae: im waiting outside, sungchan is here too !
you: okaaay, im coming rn just have to grab some things from my locker. 
[ jae liked this message ] 
“look at you, what have i done…” jeno says into your ear, licking the back. “you were such a good girl, where’d she go? hm?” you don’t respond, you just look up at him from your place on the floor. your pretty eyes are glazed over with wetness from your previous activities. 
“you just do everything i fucking tell you too, huh?” jeno’s hand goes back to your hair, gripping your locks firmly. “such a good little slut for daddy,” he praises you. your bottom lip is caught between your teeth, biting down hard enough to draw blood. you look up at him wanting for him to do something so badly. jeno looks down at you slyly, smiling at you sickly. “you want my cock, baby?” he asks rhetorically, bobbing your head up and down for you. “yeah? huh? you want it?” he asks, making you nod your head again.. “p-please…” you whisper, looking up at him with teary eyes. jeno groans audibly, grip tightening on your hair. he jerks your head in the direction of his pants, squishing your face against his clothed boner. you whine, hands going to grip his legs to stabilize yourself.
“unzip em, now” he tells you. 
you nod, hands shakily moving to unzip him. jeno jerks you back by your hair again, and you yelp. he bends down slightly, getting close to your face. “use your fucking mouth” he says, unoccupied hand squishing your cheeks. he hallows them out, forcing your tongue to poke out. he stands back up to his full height, moving you back to in front of his bulge. you open your mouth teeth grazing the cold metal of his zipper. you grab the zipper with your teeth, pulling it down—unzipping him. 
“such a good slut for me,” jeno praises once you free his rock hard cock. “open.” he demands and you obey. lolling your tongue out of your wet mouth, waiting patiently for your treat. jeno strokes his dick a few times, thumbing the tip. he spreads his pre cum around, making your anticipation and need for him run wild. he leans forward, spitting into your open mouth.
“you ready for me?” he asks and you nod, mouth still hanging open.
he slaps the tip on your tongue, grinding against you a few times. low girthy groans leave his mouth, loving the wetness of your mouth. your arms are politely crossed behind your back, knowing you're not allowed to touch him unless he says so. 
“fuck, i missed this” he moans out, pushing deeper into your mouth. his tip is hitting the back of your throat making you gag but you couldn’t care less. jeno’s other hand goes to your hair, pushing further down your throat. you gargle around his length, choking on his size. jeno loves the sound of you choking, ego boosting a bit as it reminds him how big he is. he looks down at you, sweat dripping down his bare chest and forehead. hot tears roll down your face as you look back up at him. he fucks into your mouth a few more times, nearing his orgasm. you shut your eyes tightly, letting him abuse your throat roughly. “f-fuck—shit” he mumbles, biting his lip as he empties his load down your throat messily. a mixture of your salty tears, spit and cum drips down your mouth and chin. jeno bends down to look at you closer, eyeing the slick mixture of nastiness as it drips down. it all pools atop your cleavage but you were too busy trying to catch your breath to care. you gasp in and out, chest heaving. jeno smiles sickly. god he loved ruining you. 
“you’re so hot, i fucking love you” he whispers, crashing his lips onto yours. 
“hey! what took you so long?” jae greets you with open arms. 
you slightly smile, accepting his free hug. he holds the back of your head, his other hand rubbing your middle. you sigh out of sheer habit, you were a sucker for hugs like these. may or may not have to do with you liking to be dominated…but who cares? 
“mmm, my bad…ran into an old friend” you mumble into his chest. jaehyun just nods, still holding you. 
“alright fuckers, we’re hungry. let’s go!!” haechan yells from his seat in sungchan’s car. 
you and jae laugh, parting from each other. he opens the car door for you, and you accept happily. 
j: stop letting that fucking asshole touch you. 
you: why are you even watching us???
j: that’s how i hold you after im done rearranging your guts, he’ll never be me.
you roll your eyes at his jealous texts. the toxicity is real. 
you: what are you on about?
j: fuck jeong jaehyun that’s what. 
you: omg. bye jeno. 
j: don’t play with me, i’ll fuck you in front of him. 
you: is that a threat or a promise?
j: you into that ?? such a nasty little slut. 
you: your slut. now get off my phone, im with my friends. 
j: i love you
[ you liked this message ] 
“so~ what you been up too?” haechan asks you. you roll your eyes, biting the fry in your hand. 
you were seated in between haechan and jaehyun. the six of you guys occupied the booth in the back of the burger joint. it was just the four of you guys, but you guys ran into eric and sunwoo so haechan extended the invite. 
the more the merrier you guessed lol. 
“not much, i had practice yesterday…haven’t been there in awhile” you say, haechan nods in response. 
“ahh, fun. you like being back?” he asks with a full mouth of hamburger. you don’t even flinch at it, you guys are more than comfortable with each other. “i like it, I missed playing,” you respond.
you fiddle with the straw in your cup, you’re very full and kind of bored now. you watch everyone talk and chow down. haechan and sungchan are talking about some new girl on the cheer squad, sunwoo and jae are talking about god knows what. but eric…is looking at you. you hold eye contact with him, you wonder what he’s thinking. 
eric: can we talk? 
you look down at the text and look back up at eric. he nods at your phone, telling you to text back. 
you: …about?
eric: yk what yn…come on. pls?
you: idk eric…i don’t have anything to say.
eric: what? we almost kissed that night
eric: i gave you my sweater dude
eric: none of that meant anything? none of it? 
you: eric, i already told you…i like you as a friend. 
eric: you were gonna let me kiss you that night 
you: i know..and i shouldn’t have, i’m sorry
eric: i don’t want your sorry 
eric: i want you
eric: please, give me a chance yn
“can you take me home?” you whisper into jae’s ear. you clutch the bottom of his shirt tightly. 
“wha? are you ok?” he asks, too loud for your liking. you look at eric out of the side of your eye, he’s staring at the two of you. you were never good with confrontation, but in your defense you already shot him down. one time should be enough. 
“ok, babe let’s go.” he tells you, holding your hand. 
he guides you out the booth, helping you stand up. you clutch his hand tighter, just wanting to be home at this moment. “yoo, where are you guys going?” haechan slurs, obviously having had one too many beers. “i’m—” you cut him short. “s-say it’s because of you,” 
“i don’t feel too well, and she’s sleepy,” he lies with a pretty smile.
 you couldn’t have asked for better friends. 
eric looks like he’s about to say something but he doesn’t. he watches you quietly, walking away hand in hand with jaehyun. 
“so he made you feel uncomfortable?” kevin asks, fingers running through your strands. 
you nod, nuzzling your face into his lap, sleepiness overcoming your senses. “i know it’s kind of my fault—i shouldn’t have let him almost kiss me..” you confess. kevin hums in response, still rubbing your head. it was putting you to sleep, relaxation was inevitable due to his motions. 
“it was still a dick move though, i’m glad jae was there.” kevin says and you hum, agreeing with his statement. 
“so what’s up with you and lee?” he asks, figuring you would like a subject change. 
you shrug. 
“not sure, we’ve been fucking…a lot” you mumble, finger tracing the plaid pattern of his pajama pants. “—and he tells me he loves me, but i don’t know kev” you continue on. 
you didn’t want to ramble but you have lowkey been pondering on where the two of you will end up. especially since he’s been more open with his feelings and focusing on you more than he has ever before. there was just a tad bit of an issue.
!! lee jeno doesn’t date !!
duh! this has been the issue since the first time the two of you fucked, yet it feels different now…you can’t deny that. something deep down is telling you he’s going for a different approach but after what he pulled last time you’re not so sure. you don’t wanna be the dumb girl that continues to give your heart to the asshole that keeps breaking it. but then again, you’re a grown ass adult and can make your own grown ass decisions. who’s going to say something about it? 
“jeno, stop it!” you whined, kicking your legs like a child. 
you’ve been trying to do your homework for the past hour or so now and jeno keeps on bothering you. tickling, biting, licking, kissing, you name it, he’s done it. you’re splayed across his bed, laptop in sight but certainly not in use. jeno is standing in between your legs, looking down at you. 
“nooo, fuck your homework…cuddle with me” jeno whines. 
his hands trace your bare thighs, the pads of his fingertips tracing the faded hickeys and bite marks left by his mouth. you shiver at his cold touch.
“i dont think i’ve fucked you in this position” jeno whispers, gripping your waist as he bends down to be face to face with you. “um, yeah you did actually,” you tell him, mind dating back to that day he cuffed you and fucked you for not listening to him. you press your finger to his forehead, pushing his face away.
“i don’t remember…” he whispers, making his way up to your ear. “...i guess i’ll just have to do it again,” he says slyly, kissing your ear softly. 
jeno traces your skin with his nose, dragging it from your earlobe and down your neck slowly. he licks a stripe up your throat. you bite your lip, but you have to hold your own. 
“no jeno, not right now…later” you say, your voice betraying you. “you don’t sound so sure of yourself,” jeno laughs, pecking your cheek. “shut up, get off me” you roll your eyes, pushing at his chest knowing you can’t push him if your life depended on it. 
“gimme fifteen minutes, come on” he tells you, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“come on pretty…you know you want me too” he teases, grinding down on you with a sick smirk.
you did want him. when did you not? you roll your eyes at him, letting your head fall back onto the mattress. 
“good girl,” he snickers, kissing your nose. 
“yeah yeah, get on with it” you say. 
jeno falls to his knees, hands automatically grabbing your thighs. he hoists your open legs onto his shoulders. he eyes your panties, leaning forward to kiss your clothed heat. he looks up at you but your looking away. too embarrassed to watch right now. no matter how many times you guys fuck, you’re always shy. 
“look at me babygirl..” he says, voice muffled because his mouth is pressed against you. he pushes your panties to the side, tongue immediately going to tease your clit. you clutch the bedsheets under you, still refusing to look at him. jeno chuckles, arms wrapping tighter around your thighs. his hands squeeze your inner thighs, pinching the supple skin. jeno licks a stripe up your slit, moving his tongue in a circle atop your clit. you moan quietly, not too loud. 
He eyes you again, but you’re still looking away. he breathes out, teeth grazing your thighs. he bites down, sinking his teeth into your inner thigh. you jolt, sucking in a breath. 
“oh my god!” you shout, sitting up onto your elbows in a flash. “fucking listen to me” he says, licking over where he bit you to soothe the pain. a whine comes out your throat as you lay back down. jeno just laughs. 
“now…back to my meal,” he snickers. 
he continues to eat you out like a starved man. you learned your lesson, watching his every move. 
“fuck,” you stutter, struggling to keep your eyes open. jeno loves it. 
“keep em open, baby” he tells you in between licks to your heat. 
he sucks on your clit, middle and ring finger moving in and out of you quickly. your fingers dig into the sheets, gripping tightly to the fabric. you moan out loudly, thankful that the apartment is empty. 
“are you close?” jeno asks, and you nod furiously. 
he fastens his pace with his fingers, unattaching his mouth from you so he can get a good look at your face while you cum. a free hand goes up to squeeze your boobs, rolling your nipple in between his fingers. you let out a shaky moan as you feel that familiar fuzzy feeling in your gut. 
“i’m close–so close” you manage to say. 
jeno nods, licking his lips. he dips back down to your heat, sucking on your clit again. you arch your back at that, thighs squeezing against his face. jeno pushes your legs back open, a small grunt leaving his mouth as he does so. he twists his tongue every which way, getting you to your high. “f-fuck” is all you can mutter before you cum. 
jeno laps it all up. his saliva, your juices and release all mixed together making a slick mess. you push him away weakly, whining because your sensitive. jeno keeps eating though, not bothered by your weak attempt to get him to stop. 
“always so sweet,” he says with a toothy grin, wiping his face with the back of his hand. 
you don’t respond, just flipping him off. jeno rolls his eyes, grabbing your hand. he uses it to flip you over on your tummy. a small squeal of surprise leaves you, you weren’t expecting that. 
“you got your release, now i want mine” he tells you with a small smack to your ass. 
he climbs atop his bed, hands holding your hips. he pushes his clothed cock against your ass letting you feel how hard he is. you bite your lip in response. you were still sensitive. nonetheless you grind against him, rubbing your core against his boner. jeno lets out a low moan, pushing up against you too. you let your head fall against the mattress, hands laid flat against it to keep yourself upright. you swivel your hips, pushing harder against him. 
“fuck, im about to cum in my pants” jeno says and you laugh lightly.
jeno slips out of his sweats with a quickness, wanting to at least be in you for a few before he actually cums. he aligns himself with your hole, pushing all the way in. 
“a-ah, fuck” you say, looking back at jeno over your shoulder. 
“you’ve been taking my cock all week like a good girl, you don’t need to adjust anymore,” he says, pushing in and out of you at a quick pace. 
you can feel every vein on his cock, it’s making your head spin. he grips your hips, steadying himself as he drills you from the back. you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping the sheets under you tightly. you feel like you’re about to cum already. he fucks you fast and hard, his head thrown back girthy moans coming from his throat. sweat drips down his bare chest, a work of art he is. you were sure your hips were gonna bruise though as hard as he’s holding them. 
“always so fucking tight, i love it” jeno says, bending down to be right in your ear. 
he uses a hand to grip your thigh, pulling it forcing you to spread your legs wider. you yelp in surprise. his other hand presses to the small of your back, telling you to arch. 
“f-fuck, there you go–-good girl” he leaves a smack to your ass, fucking into you even harder. 
he’s no longer holding your hips. both his hands are holding the headboard, using it as leverage so he can drill you as hard as he wants. you let yourself go, not even bothering to say you were close. clenching down onto him as you release yourself. he moans at that, feeling the extra wetness. he doesn’t stop though, he keeps going. you feel your nerves going crazy, you were sensitive before but now you were extra sensitive. 
“i’m sensitive, jeno” you whine, using your hands to try and push his hips to make him stop. 
“move your fucking hands” he sneers. 
he grabs both your wrists, pinning them to your back. he continues to fuck you mercilessly. hot tears run down your face, pooling onto the bed sheets. he climbs up your body, making his way to your face. “cum for me, princess” he whispers to you. he kisses your face a couple of times. 
“come on, you can do it” he tells you. you shake your head vigorously. “i know you can do it baby,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek lovingly. 
it blows your mind how sweet he’s being. kissing on you while he fucks the shit out of you. backwards, but makes complete sense as far as lee jeno goes. you let go, that little knot in your tummy coming undone. jeno continues to push in and out of you, allowing you both to ride out your highs. you breathe heavily as you try to calm your nerves. you just came three times in a span of an hour. man he’s good. 
“you did so well,” jeno says as he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“you’re not touching me for the next two weeks” you say, flicking his forehead. 
“now you know damn well,” jeno laughs, laying down next to you. 
“i wanna tattoo” jaehyun says. 
“woah, really? you’d look so hot” haechan says with a mouth full of food. 
“on everything, where do you want it?” you asked, sipping on the drink in front of you. 
you and the regulars were currently on a “once a month lunch date”. your very own friend holiday that you guys created to make sure you guys always stay in contact. today haechan and sungchan crashed you guys, but it’s fine. they’re basically your roommates too. 
“i’m thinking about the forearm” jae answers and you nod. 
“everytime you play everyone will be able to see it, good spot” kevin agrees. 
“do you know what you wanna get?” sungchan asks, jaehyun shakes his head no in response. 
“regular you already gets all the girls, now imagine when he’s tatted” sungchan jokes, you guys all laugh. “man, but i never see you with any” haechan says, looking at jae for answers. “kid you not, as long as we’ve been staying together he hasn’t brought one girl home—ever.” kevin says and you nod. “i can second that statement” you agree with kevin.
jaehyun rolls his eyes in response. “you guys are so embarrassing” he groans, toying with the food on his plate. “it’s true!” you and kevin say in unison. “kev brings home a new girl every week,” you start. “yeah, and yn used to bring jeno over everyday” kevin jokes. “haha, so funny kev. it was not everyday.” you give him a dirty look. “oh please, the man was practically living there,” he follows up. “oh my god, it was like…once or twice a week!” you defend yourself. jaehyun shakes his head with a laugh. 
“it was like everyday…” jae says, scratching the back of his head. 
“fucking traitor,” you mumble with a pout. 
“speaking of jeno…” kevin starts. 
“conversation over.” you shut him down right away. 
“come on, let’s talk about your potential baby daddy,” haechan teases. 
you roll your eyes in response to their teasing. 
“damn, no rubber? you’re wild yn” sungchan says with a laugh. 
“plastic is bad for the environment, you should be thanking me” you joke. 
the table erupts in laughter at your joke. 
“get the bill so we can get the hell out of here” 
you and jeno were cuddled up on the couch, flicking through selections on the TV. you were stuffing your face with the popcorn while he tried to find an anime you guys haven’t watched. 
“what about death note?” he asks. 
“love it, but i just rewatched it” you respond. 
“anohana?” “menma is kinda annoying,” “boruto?” “nah, the manga is better,” “full metal alchemist?” “i’m sleep already,” “oh my god. what about jojo’s?” “character design is trash as fuck, hard pass.” “I GIVE UP” jeno says. 
you look up at him like he’s crazy. 
“the hell is your problem?” you say with a mouth full of popcorn. 
“you’re so picky!” jeno sneers, handing you the remote. 
“next time i give you head i’m gonna bite the tip” you say, snatching the remote from him.  
“shut the hell up,” he laughs, wrapping an arm around you and leaning his head on your shoulder. 
“ew get off me, i’m mad at you” you tell him, jabbing your elbow into his middle. 
“just find something baby, damn” he whines, holding your arm in place so you don’t hit him. 
“the holy grail itself,” you say with a wide smile. 
“this? this is what you chose?” he says with a look of disgust. 
“i don’t take cowboy bebop slander, you can shut the fuck up” you say, waving your finger in his face dramatically. “you chose this over all those other choices? really?” his mouth is agape.
“you must’ve never seen this one,” you retort. “hell no, it’s old as fuck!” jeno laughs.”shut up and watch it, you’re gonna love it” you press play on the first episode. 
“someone’s been living the good life, huh?” yuta says with a smirk. 
jeno looks back at him confused. 
“huh?” yuta shakes his head, turning him around in the mirror. 
the red scratch marks and bite marks decorated all over his backside. yuta laughs, patting his shoulder. “i’m tryna get like you” sungchan laughs, joining in on the conversation. 
“different girls?” yuta asks and jeno shakes his head no with a disgusted expression. 
“haven’t so much as looked at another girl since i got mines,” he tells yuta, pulling his jersey over his body. 
yuta nods with an impressed expression. 
“so…we’re all thinking about the same girl, aren’t we” haechan says and all the boys start laughing. 
“tell yn we said cut her nails” yuta jokes, slapping the back of jeno’s head before he makes his way out. 
“go figure, look who’s calling me” sungchan laughs, turning his phone so everyone can see. 
jeno sits down on the bench slipping his cleats on. 
“what’s up babygirl” sungchan says when the call connects. 
he laughs at jeno’s glare. 
“wait what? slow down,” sungchan tell you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
jeno perks up at his serious tone. he motions to his ear, sungchan tosses him his airpod case. 
“i don’t know, i just—can you come here, please?” you say, voice shaky. 
you sounded scared but jeno didn’t know why. he needed to know. 
“where is she at?” jeno mouthed and sungchan nodded. 
“where are you at, baby? send me your location, i’ll come get you” he says and you nod, doing as you were told. “okay, i sent it” you sniffled. jeno was losing his damn mind. why didn’t you call him? 
“don’t tell jeno, please…” you say, and sungchan looks up at him. 
jeno shakes his head no. 
“babe…i have to tell him,” he tells you. 
“no! please don’t, please chan…i’m begging you” you plead and sungchan nods. 
“ok, i won’t. i’m coming right now, don’t go anywhere.” he tells you and you shake your head yes. 
“ok, thank you…love you” you say before you hang up. 
“let’s go, now.” jeno says, grabbing his keys. 
“i told you not to tell him, sungchan!” you said, stomping your foot. 
you and sungchan were standing a few feet away from a pacing jeno. not super far but just out of earshot. 
“i couldn’t not tell him yn! he was right there when you called me,” sungchan said, defending himself. you groan, hands flying to your face. you sink down to the ground, shaking your head back and forth. sungchan rolls his eyes at your dramatic actions. he crouches down to be at your level, joining you on the floor. 
“he’s gonna fucking kill me” you mutter, squeezing your eyes shut. “come on, it can’t be that bad” sungchan tells you, rubbing your back. “i came here with eric!” you whisper shouted, looking back to see if jeno heard you. “oh….yeah you’re dead” sungchan says, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile. 
“come here yn,” jeno says. 
you swallow harshly, standing to your feet. you stuff your shaky hands into your sweater pockets. shuffling towards where jeno stands, your eyes watch the gravel under your sneakers. once you're in arms length, he grabs your forearm, tugging you towards the back seat. he opens the door aggressively, jerking his chin forward telling you to climb in. you do so, sitting in the middle seat. you fold your hands and rest them on your thighs. jeno tosses sungchan the keys before he climbs into the back seat. 
the air is thick. awkward and super quiet. even though there’s music playing it still seems super quiet. you look over at jeno. he’s staring out the window, jaw clenched tightly. even the grip he has on your thigh is strong. 
“j-jeno?” you whisper. 
he doesn’t respond, he just turns to look at you. 
“if you’re not gonna tell me why you were here, i don’t wanna hear shit from your mouth” he sneers. you flinch, his words hurt you. he’s never talked to you like that before. 
“i-i was here with someone…but something came up! i j-just needed a ride home” you lie, believably so at that. jeno wasn’t buying it though. he knows you too well. 
“you’re lying. don’t fucking lie to me, yn” jeno says, he raises his eyebrows at you. 
his serious expression made your stomach churn. 
“i was here with eric…” you admit. 
“i knew it! i fucking knew it—dammit!” jeno yells, fists flying full force to punch the passenger seat in front of him. 
“why? why were you with that son of a bitch?” he asks you, rage evident in his voice. 
you hiccup, trying to calm yourself down and steady your nerves. you scoot back from him, sliding into the seat on your left hand side. 
“it wasn’t anything like that! he wanted to talk, and that’s all we did…” you started. jeno rolls his neck from side to side. jaw still clenched as he stretches his muscles. “he didn’t like my answer to him, so he kicked me out of his car and left me there” you shrugged. 
“he did what?!” sungchan and jeno shouted at the same time. 
“this is why i didn’t want to say anything!” you whined, hitting your head on the back of sungchan’s seat groaning. 
“sungchan take me home, please” you say to your friend. he nods, picking up his phone to type your address in. 
“you don’t wanna come home with me?” jeno asks and you shake your head. 
“i think we both need some time alone,” you tell jeno. “fuck that, i wanna be with you.” he tells you. “did you not see how you just reacted?! you need to blow some steam off, away from me” you shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever yn,” jeno scoffs. 
“fucking kids” sungchan laughs, continuing to drive. 
“ow! stop, i’m sorry!” kevin cried as you pinched his ear. jeno and the other boys watched in amusement as you inflicted pain on the boy. “twist it!” haechan yelled out with a laugh. sungchan giggled, slapping haechan’s arm as he snorted loudly. 
“are you gonna do it again?” you ask tauntingly, kevin nods vigorously. “no, i swear to fucking god–just stop” kevin cries out, and you let him go. he pouts, hand flying to rub his throbbing ear. 
“and fuck you, haechan!” kevin sneers, chucking a pillow in his direction. 
you laugh as you make your way over to jeno. you climb onto his lap, making yourself comfortable on his lap. you snuggle into him, his hands wrapping around you. 
“you’re a little bitch,” jeno whispers, kissing your face. “mhm, what are you gonna do about it?” you stick your tongue out at him. he shakes his head, pinching your thigh. you whine, pushing his hand away. “yeah, that’s what i thought, don’t act tough with me” jeno says and you giggle, nodding your head. 
“haechan would be a really good name for y’all kid” hae says, tossing a pillow at the two of you. jeno catches it, throwing it back his way. “i don’t know why the fuck you thought our pitcher wouldn’t catch that” sungchan deadpans. 
"can you like shut the hell up? i like you better when you're not talking" haechan says, flinching at the taller boy.
“fuck no, kevin is a way better name!” kevin shouted, slapping the back of haechan’s head. “all i know is…i wanna be the godparent,” sungchan says with a wide smile. 
prev | part iii | next
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if i missed you pls let me know !! there was a lot of ppl that wanted to be added, so i might've missed a few.
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mothmage · 23 days
Body thief Armand !! ?
for a bit of context, this is the first few lines of the word document:
Title: Bacchus, Recumbent
Summary In 1992, Raglan James stole the body of a vampire. In 1982, someone else did it first. Or: A study in gluttony and in deprivation.
Tags: gore, hedonism
this one is still in the "frantically jotting things down with no capitalization or punctuation" phase, which makes it horrible to read snippets of lmao. it's 75% armand eating and having sex and doing drugs and having human-body experiences in a way that's very different from lestat's bodyswap adventure, and the other 25% is just the most soul-crushing grief i've ever written and also gore and my agenda for armand to eat people. the idea for this fic was co-developed in another ask game a while ago, with people in the comments adding things (@molloyboi super heavily co-developed this).
anyways skipping over the horny fun parts and going straight to the armand-style misery, if you want a horribly poor grammar and spelling and no punctuation snippet of armand having an emotional crisis after trying cocaine, see below (tw vomit, blood - not from a fight or anything):
he takes a knife to daniels chest slicing shallowly below his collarbone. daniel hisses but holds armands head as he latches on sucks.
he pulls away when the blood stops flowing and starts to coagulate making a face. he isnt used to that. he drops to his knees then sucks daniel off. when his cock hits the back of his throat and makes him gag, he has to pull off to literally vomit blood and alcohol and bile and chunks of food.
daniel steps back makes a gagging noise then is like oh boss armand baby.
armand coughs wipes his mouth then stares at it swirling down the drain. he starts to cry then and looks up at daniel with snot and tears running down his face. im sorry daniel im so sorry.
hey no come here its all right. come on stand up lets get you cleaned off.
clean, he stands with his head against daniels chest those big familiar hands rubbing up and down his unfamiliar back.
i didnt mean to waste it he mumbles pressing a kiss to the scabby line across his collarbone. im sorry i didnt mean to waste it
to- he laughs presses a kiss to his head. my god armand it’s fine. the human body has a lot of blood as you well know. im fine.
he shakes his head but cant make daniel understand and cant make himself stop crying.
daniel sighs turns off the water. come on boss he says quietly. he leads armand out to their pool to the hot tub that daniel had insisted on.
hes glad now as daniel leads him in. he hisses at the temperature. it’s too hot.
daniel steps in still holding his hand. just go slow give it a minute.
he does and it becomes comfortable. he steps all the way inside and settles beside daniel curled up around him. daniel drags him over to sit on his lap draped across his chest. not like a child but like an octopus. armand loves to sit like this. it feels powerful normally. daniel couldnt move against the strength of his vampire body. he shivers now. hes just a child again a skinny little foolish child like hes always been. all masks removed.
NOW so you arent misled about the true vibes of this fic, here's a bonus bit, less of a snippet and more like notes to break into scenes later:
when he returns he drags daniel to italy, to the monuments. searching for the body thief he tells him. but sightseeing all the while. ive never seen this in the daytime the colosseum or the pantheon. with all the crowds. he delights in it curling his arm around daniel and letting the crowds press them close together. everybody is hot and everybody smells and he drapes himself over daniels back during their picnic lunch to press his nose into the space behind his ear and breathe him in. he smells the same even if armands nose has changed. they take pictures that daniel cant bear to look at but armand tucks away for safekeeping. they go to the finest restaurants in the world and order dish after dish. armand stands naked in the hotel bathroom admiring this new body of his. it’s putting on weight, fleshy around the hips and thighs, the way his own body is. it feels more like him every day. he cuts his hair into a sort of mullet like a rockstar, has daniel hold onto it while fucking him from behind. they go to clubs to bars to shows, pick up men and women in droves. every hotel room hosts an orgy and daniel goes along with it all, whatever armand wants. but what he wants is daniel and daniels body can’t keep up. so he purchases a harness, a silicone cock that straps onto his thigh, and rides it while daniel’s own recovers. daniel falls asleep more than once, w his hands gentle around armands hips and his cock bouncing limp in his lap.
then they go to new york, try coke again at the club and dance until the sun comes up then dance their way through the park laughing and giddy. they fall into the grass daniel groaning and armand laughing.
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likesunsetorange · 4 months
I am extremely excited about the bodyguard au! Tbh at first I thought it was gonna be a really weird au, but now I can't wait!!! I also want to say that dol is the best eremika fanfic I've ever read ( and trust me I've read A LOT of them). I really hope the next chapter comes out soon cause I really miss it 😭. Your work is amazing!
lol at first glance i can understand that a bodyguard au does sound a little off so i don’t blame you haha but im glad youre excited!! its one of my favs so im really excited to share with yall!
and thank you omg, that means so much!! ik ive been treating dol like my bastard child lmao but i promise it’ll be coming soon ive been working on ch 17!! dol is my biggest love it brought me to eremika and all my friends on here so it’ll always be the favorite 🩵 but thank you again for reading all my stuff, im really glad you enjoy all my silly little stories!!!
here’s a little snippet from ch 17 just bc i feel like i never talk about dol on tumblr LOL i feel like i only do on twitter!!
The pads of Mikasa’s fingertips were gentle across his skin, rubbing soap across his skin in circular motions as to not further irritate the numerous burns the accident left him with. Even the smallest of touches would irritate his injuries, but Mikasa had always been delicate in everything she did.
It was the stark difference between the two of them—Mikasa approached life with a level of caution and tenderness that Eren had never possessed. He had gone through so much of his life approaching everything with a sense of callousness, always brash and aggressiveness, but it was as if all of Mikasa’s benevolence had somehow rubbed off onto Eren. He was certain part of it was a result of all the time they spent together, but also because Mikasa was deserving of all that was good—even from him.
The cool shower stream drew gently against her back, her dark hair slicked back from the water, droplets of water falling gingerly down her face. Her fingers traced the outlines of the where his scars spanned from his wrist to the curvature of his shoulder, some spots more mangled than others. A sullen look washed across her face, and he could see the faintest trace of her lip quivering.
“These are gonna scar,” she said quietly, her voice almost inaudible over the stream of the shower.
“And if they do, it’s okay, I don’t mind. I’ll get to tell everyone who asks how I almost got burned to death trying to play hero,” he attempted to reassure her. She gave him a reproachful look, evidently unable to appreciate the “humor” in his words. His face softened at her expression, knowing despite his constant reassurances, she was still shaken up by the accident.
“Mikasa…” He started softly. “I’m here right now, aren’t I? I’m okay, I promise. You don’t have to keep worrying.” Eren took the hand that was still inspecting his multiple burns and brought it to his chest, just above his heart. “You feel that? I’m alive and I’m okay. I’m here talking to you, and I have no intentions of going anywhere else. I’m here to stay as long as I’m able to—I can promise you that much, cariño.”
Her mouth opened as if to protest but she merely pressed her lips into a thin line, opting to merely nod in response instead. Her eyes had the glossed-over look they did whenever she was about to cry, only he knew that she wouldn’t allow herself to—not now, at least.
Eren’s face fell into a frown, knowing that whatever unspoken thoughts were running rampant in her head, were the exact opposite of not worrying. “Mikasa, look at me,” he urged, tilting her chin up so that her eyes met his. “Please, don’t worry anymore—if not for yourself, then for me. I will do everything on your list to the T, I promise. I won’t even try to still go on my runs like I had been secretly planning to—”
“Eren, what the hell? It’s almost like you don’t wanna get better or something,” she chastised, the scowl he had grown to appreciate perched on her face.
“Which is exactly why I’m not going to anymore, I don’t want you to keep stressing about this—about me.”
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hongism · 8 months
Hey bestie heeeeeey~
I'm officially caught up with MOC so now I can tell you my feelings~
So, first of all, how dare you? There's no reason for the emotional whiplash I experienced reading this monstrosity (positive with all the love and respect in the world i promise) yet here i am... a further damaged woman lmfao
But forreal though, you have a great ability to pull emotions out of your readers and thats just amazing in my eyes, especially as a fellow writer myself :') theres nothing I love more than making the ppl who read my own fics suffer emotionally so congrats to you!
I love how you write everyone in the story, they are so incredibly flawed and fucked up and human that it just makes me shed a tear. Thats why MC frustrates the HELL out of me, even though I adore her. Her flaws make my ass itch but all i want for her is to heal and be happy in the end (same with the others! I be wanting to punch the shit outta them sometimes 😭)
ESPECIALLY Hongjoong cause my guy is just unhinged but i love his character the most honestly because unhinged is hot to me. Im still kicking my feet and twirling my hair lmao
The relationships are so real and just... messy. Messy messy in the best way. But i just have to cheer them all on.
That chapter when mc and yeosang banged I was quite literally going bonkers like HELLO?????????????? I didnt expect that but now i want more of it cause their dynamic (especially when it comes to wooyoung) is so juicy
MC is such a tragic character and I feel for her the most. I love how we started off thinking Jisung was this great person but turns out that hes a fucking lunatic. You, Caly literally manipulated us into thinking so, like how Jisung manipulated MC and idk if that was intentional or not but it was brilliant. And Hyunwoo turning out to be like *that* was a punch in the gut. MC being betrayed by the ppl she cared for so much makes her question everything on the crew, especially Hongjoong and that's why I cant be too frustrated with her lol
I dont want this ask to be so long cause i can go in about every little detail 😭 but youve dont such an amazing job. The world building is beautiful, and i dont rly read a lot of scifi like fictions set in space, but when i first got into ateez the first thing i thought of were pirates / space pirates and i even started my own fic with that premise bc i cant help myself but be self indulgent trash so 🤷🏼‍♀️ but thats beside the point
I cant wait to read more of this masterpiece and see how things go. I want everyone to be happy cause you are putting them through the fucking ringer 😭😭😭 please go easy on them I cant take more of this 😭😭😭😭
hehe emotional whiplash is my specialty!!! i too am very much damaged after writing moc. and the damage will continue. for the good of the plot!!!
i'm so touched you think so, i really love evoking emotion out of the reader in my works and i'm glad that im effective in doing so <3 one of my goals from the start of writing moc was to create an mc who isn't always likable or enjoyable to read bc i find those sorts of stories unrealistic and sometimes boring, because even tho the setting is very much not real, having characters who do feel real has always been huge to me! i love creating characters who have peaks and valleys, who grow and stumble along the way, and to really show a journey of growth!! hongjoong is just. pure insanity at its finest LOL he's gonna take a lot to fix but we'll see!
i honestly had way too much fun writing that chapter too, i love love looooooove a good hatefuck and it was just too tempting to NOT do >.<
it was fully intentional to sort of bring the readers in on the manipulation yes hehe! i like playing my cards very close to my chest and not giving anything away until the absolute last second i can!!! i think you hit on something lots of people who want her to just give into hongjoong forget - she's experienced so much betrayal from the people she trusted most and that does really stick in the brain and cause lasting trauma, and our poor mc is deeply traumatized by many things that have happened to her! it only makes sense for her to be retaliating and distrustful of those around her in these circumstances!!
thank you so much for enjoying everything so far and for all the lovely compliments they really mean so much to me i cherish them a lot 🥹🥹❤️❤️
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the7thcrow · 1 year
*inhale* RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHJKHGTRRXDFCGVNHJ<HKGJYTFRDGXDVC VBNHKYJGTRFDGFCB VBN WHAT IS THIS CLIFF HANGER I HATE YOU (i dont actually ofc just kinda dislike you for doing that 😐(but its okay cuz i actually luv u 😘😋) BUT PLEASE ISTG IF WE DONT GET ANOTHER CHAPTER OF NATGIG SOON I WILLL JUMP OFF A FACKIN CLIFF KJYTFCG VBHGYTF sorry had to get that off my chest.... anygays chapter 10 of natgig is so good i was crying and then i had to close my mouth cuz my jaw was on the floor.. its 1:30 am and i stayed up to read the chapter LOL #worthit the whole thing was just so well written. my fav fic as of now. this chapter has done it for me i am obsessed... anyway tysm for writing and take ur time writing the next chapter (but also dont (but do) (but also do it fast im gonna come for your soul if u dont👹) jkjk ofc all jokes (or are they👀) i check ur blog every day to see if youve posted and when you do omg i get so excited to read it 🤭 anyway again tysssssm for writing i love your fic so much and ty for reading this if you do :3 i hope you have a super good day <3 (sorry for anything misspelled im typing this in the dark and cant see my keyboard 💀💀(yes i typed this on a my laptop its a serious matter 🙄) luv u)
- ais <3
okay first, the contradicting double brackets in this have me rolling lmao, i'm glad this last chapter has you so excited. frankly, I also hope I have the next chapter up soon, bc I'm really dying to write it. ngl, it's going to be a big one 🥴 . it'll still be a few weeks at least, but hopefully I can power through and get it up as soon as possible.
sorry for the cliff-hanger though SJXJSFUH. I had to do it, would have been too long otherwise. besides, I think it keeps all of you hooked, dontcha think?😇
lolol anyway, thx so much for reading and always being so excited, I love to see people just as crazy about natgig as I am. in the meantime, hope you're doing well <3 xx
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felixvsp · 2 years
“i needed to get that off my chest.” “im glad, now i need you to get off my chest before you crush my ribs please.”
guys i saw this prompt and i had to write something im sorry if it's bad but enjoy?
bf! han x f! reader
btw if it has any mistakes im sorry im lazy to read it and correct it lmao🧍🏼‍♀️
it was nothing new for jisung to come home late, with you already in your shared bedroom under the soft blankets drifting off into wonderland. jisung crashed into the apartment and threw his bag on the floor next to the couch making his way to the bathroom to freshen up. (NOT forgetting to take off his shoes) after a quick shower he came out of the bathroom in his soft sweats and a fluffy hoodie, your favorite hoodie of his. he knew that.
he smiled to himself seeing you already asleep, hugging a plushy, which was his skzoo plush, quokka.
he carefully took out his phone and snapped a few pictures of your cute sleeping form and sending the pictures in the groupchat. then finally he laid down beside you and hugged your waist from behind. he pressed his soft lips to the back of your neck and gave you a few pecks which caused you to stirr in your sleep and open your eyes, turning over to look in his eyes. 'you're back' you mumble, brushing his fluffy hair out of his beautiful face. 'sorry for not being home so much, you know we have a new comeback coming soon, love..' han quietly whispered and suddenly had the idea to roll ontop of your body so he was laying on your chest, eyes staring up at you lovingly and he didn't not miss the opportunity to kiss your nose which made you scrunch it. 'it's okay baby, i understand.' you say to him and smile. jisung suddenly became quiet and you asked what was wrong. 'am i annoying? does it seem like i am seeking for attention?' he suddenly asked, closing his eyes to prevent himself from tearing up. 'jisung.' you call his name. he opens his teary eyes and looks right into yours. 'It's not wrong to cry. its not wrong to want attention. it's not even wrong to scream or throw a fit. what is wrong is to keep it all inside. what is wrong is to blame and punish yourself for simply being human. what is wrong is to never be heard and to be alone in your pain. share it. let it out. i'll be there to listen to your problems and help you.' you said while cupping his cheeks and leaning down to kiss his forehead. at that jisung started crying and you were quick to hug him tighter then you were a few moments ago. jisung took a deep breath and started talking about what has been bothering him so much and kept apologizing for no reason. 'ji, it's okay, you're okay.' yiu said with a small smile painting your lips. 'thank you y/n.. thank you so much..' he said and you wiped his tears and then you started tickling his sides, wanting to hear his beautiful laugh you adored so much. he started giggling loudly and you finally stopped, not wanting the neighbors to complain. '  “i needed to get that off my chest.” he said.  “im glad, now i need to you to get off my chest before you crush my ribs please.” you joked. he smacked your arm and hugged you even tighter, if it was possible? you kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, 'goodnight ji, i love you. sweet dreams.' he smiled and whispered back: 'goodnight my love, sleep well too and dream of me' you could feel him smirking and you stroked his hair, 'of course i am.' with that you both fell into deep slumber in eachothers embrace <3
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment post for aew rampage 6/10/22
waow its eddie (vs hager...) here is a link to their intros. they did the "no time for intros on tv!!" thing eddie!!!!!!!!!!! kill this man ...............leg hold oh hes mad now. you chopped the wrong man hager is damp. i dont like this guy. boo hager NUT GRIP eddie that was great but: please grab literally anyone else's junk next time. thanks in advance >:( do NOT pin eddie excited for the hashtag ftretta match even tho i miss chuck severely im glad eddie pops his top down for us the viewers tho. dear chuck, please take some notes for when you return yaaaaaay eddie!!!!!!!!!!! because eddie won, i will not be mad.
oh. its a britt baker segment why is she butting into the toni storm thunder rosa thing... no.... please britt baker you SAID you'd CHILL. you'd let OTHERS have the SPOTLIGHT. you SAID THIS!!! really? would heel britt baker just go and do this? go on interviews and tell LIES?
this the show th' yall be waitin on adrenaline pumpin through yer chest this is make or break. my bones are made of stone so step inside the ring, im stompin through your soul this is rampage, screamin cause damage bump you with a vengeance... the finish to make you vanish boom boom boom boom sendin' back to the amateurs bringin back for a smackin' this a takedown (takedown) chyea ready for rampage this is rampage yeah uh this is rampage chyeah chyea this is rampage (lets go)
oh! ortiz video segment... buildup for that hair vs hair match
satnam singh finally in da ring! with uh. lethal those poor jobbers... tall man in da ring being tall uh huh. ok. well he was definitely in the ring and did moves
hookhausen segment! lmao. danhausen in the golf cart lmfao. hook in the. vehicle ok i love them. they are just two funny little rapscallions having fun
red velvet vs kris statlander!!! heel vs dark... kick ass, stat!!! aaaahhh!!! we love you omg. child sign HELL YEA STATLANDER COUNTER kill her stat!!!!!!!!!!!! murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry velvet. youre up against kris statlander and i have allegiances climbing up the ring with velvet on her. just flipping velvet down. kris youre so strong catching velvet. big lift! kris statlander!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh no!!! knee attacks!!! every time. we get got by the rampage commercial jumpscare big lift! corner fight!! what the! kicking out of statlander's big spinny move!! THE ROLLUP TO SUPLEX... TO BIG SLAM TO ANOTHER KICKOUT???????? aahhhhhh!!! what the heck!!!!! how many times must statlander fireman carry velvet before she wins nooooo!! knees to the back of the head! velvet doing cutter moves!!! face kicks!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA spinny kick: grabbed! statlander: yelling power punch! yay statlander wins NOOO BLUE KIERA ATTACKS...?? nooooo!!! violence!!!!! where is stats friends. where are her stable theres anna jay! no! theyre getting owned!! athena: to the rescue? lmfao WHAT THE!! INTERCEPTED BY EVERY OFFICIAL u_u i hope they get their revenge on the baddies someday
segment about the ethan page vs miro fight on wednesday! miro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh no dan lambert alert -_- lmfao ok nevermind the camera zoomed in on ethan page and now hes off camera ethan page is cool and i like him. he has a hot bod AND charismas AND is good at talking. i wish he was not with dan lambert.
boom boom boom boom. send it back to the amateurs... this is rampage...
trent!!!!!!!!!!!! ftr!!!! backstage segment. uhh the other guys are there too ftr are so lmao @ this guy trent: yall hangin out with nerdasses
wednesdays gonna have some cool matches
oh! main event time! ftretta!!! vs aussie open! and ospreay trent and his goofy little waddle oh they too-slowed trent??? dont bully him i am missing the best friends. i am mourning. im bereft trents looking good btw. yeah i'll say it. hot a what. this is who i am now i say stuff like that. i talk about the hot men. can you believe that? its unbelievable. to just say that men are hot lmfao what is dax's little slaps here oh no! theyre beating up ftr! trents tagging himself in. is the bumpmaster going to be taking bumps oh hell!!! sick ddt from trent! he is just standing around while guys are fighting. shrug oh cool moonsault trent oh no! his ankle... no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! big corner kick from team njpw!!! look i know trent is just trent and thats ftr but could the enemy team not kill and then pin trent. please. for me and my poor heart theyre folding up trent into shapes. theyre putting him the corner and punching him. theyre chokeholding him!!! noooo trent!!! trent gets out! get em dax empire getting dismantled! triple suplex! four-- LMAO KICK TAG-IN? get em cash yesss i love tag team collab moves and ftr does them great oh no! now cash is getting murdered noooo dont pin cash!! noooooooo cutter finisher moves ! ftr do not lose against these bad guys who jump people in the middle of matches hurricarana! tagging trent in and he is on one leg. is this a good idea get em trent no his ddt got countered!! oh no!!! ospreay killing ftr NOT THE ROLL UP yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay trent got the big win! go trent woo
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tinybitofhope · 8 months
my life rant bc i need this of my chest xxx (ill divide into paragraphs)
okay so the reason i think im aroflux is bcuz i dont feel attraction duh. but fr cuz i need to get this out. saw this one post abt leo valdez and it was like percy telling leo abt what his luv for annie feels like and leo was like ‘ya ill get crushes but i wont find luv bc i am fire and fire burns out and cannot be contained’ and shit like that and i was like…. crap. uhm i relate to that a bit too much. ik im young but like.. my crushes rlly js feel like interests and spending too much time w them. also idek if my most recent sapphic crush was rlly a crush or if i was js tryna prove it to myself im rlly bi. anyways back to my aro rant. and sometimes when i see people in luv im like ‘lmao couldnt be me’ like… okay next rant
omg so i used to be always happy for little and big things but like…. my vball tournament was yesterday and we won against our best opponent but i didnt feel happy??? like i barely even cried. i mean im glad we won but it feels like im holding smth that i like in my hands but js not enjoying ig??? i feel vv empty rn and i dont like the feeling of that but then again thats how ive been feeling for a while so im trying to ignore it.
its so sad on how i keep being friends w him (ill name him kris) even tho he literally outed me, but this is such a small skl and i dont think i could ever leave my friend. tbh loyalty is a big thing for me, ever. thats why it hurts so much when i think about everyone having someone except for me. its like being the third wheel in every single relationship (familial, friendship) i have with anybody. anyways i rlly have to stop being friends w people who wronged me but when i think abt them i think abt all the good times w them and then think that they (alliteration) could still be my friend. but like i said before its a small skl and everyone knos eachother…
back on that third wheel thing, like i said b4 loyalty is big for me. so when someone betrays me or like leaves me out i get soooo anxious and start going into frenzies like ‘oh ofc theyre hanging out together’ bc now my trio feels like m&a plus me. and everyone has their pair they talk to all the time, so what abt me? nonzo. its so hard during family shit bc im the middle child whereas there is only two children in each family and somim stuck w the older cousins (dw i luv em) but like… i feel so out of place.
i hate hate hate doing big things and then right after i have to go socialize? like no.. im tired asf. sometimes talking makes me want to cry and hide ipunder my sheets and scroll on pinterest while listening to my peaceful playlist. and it sucks bc i share a room w my sister and so i cant even do that in peace. i turned off my crying mode aswell and i dont kno how to turn it back on so at most i can shed a few tears so thats not fun. bc yknow how people say ‘crying is good for u’. me rn: 🤠
so what did we learn? that my life sucks ass and i want to curl up and die. and on that happy note goodbye!!!
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Ok so some of your content implies immortal Alec and I was wondering how you thought it would happen? I've read a few things where Clary creates a rune/uses the alliance rune to make him immortal (but I don't think you're a real big fan of her) so I wanna hear your thoughts and also maybe Magnus's reaction
hoooooo boy i am GLAD YOU ASKED because i have a whole ass au that i have like. basically all the plot down but my stupid brain can’t turn into a fic so i guess im gonna shove it here and GOODBYE FOREVER 
(also, about the clary thing: it’s complicated diaushduaih because i kind of really hate her in canon but i also accepted fanon clary into my life? mostly because i unfortunately can’t help but ship clizzy, but anyway, i kinda disassociate clary from canon. so i’m not really against the idea that she makes a rune or something, but i do think this idea is more interesting. or maybe it isn’t but then i guess that’s your personal problem because well, you did ask lol im jk btw)
okay so i have one word for you: seelies. hot diggity damn do i fucking love seelies or what
so you know how seelies are the offspring of demons and angels? and there’s this whole thing about demon blood and angel blood not mixing well at all? well, i was thinking, how the fuck does that work. and i came to the conclusion that whatever stronger parent they had’s blood would like, tame the other or whatever, you know? but then what if they had equally strong - or equally weak - parents? like a child of an archangel and a prince of hell, what the fuck happens then? or alternatively the child of some angel janitor and a minor demon, would they even have enough magic?
so i figured if that happens it’s like as if a seelie has an autoimmune disease - their body is fighting itself constantly. for those who have very strong parents, this means that they are decaying quickly, and usually won’t be able to like, survive for long if they don’t do something. for those who have weaker parents, it usually means they’re weak
so these seelies are actually born mortal, and for the ones with stronger parents, pretty much with a lifespan of like, a few days before they end up dying due to the autoimmunity. so what happens for those is, they have this Cool Ritual that makes them immortal and solves all their problems
basically what happens is: seelies are one with nature, correct? but they’re also, like, individuals. so they have their own magic, their own energy, their own life source. right? so what happens to these seelies is, they tie this life/magic source of theirs to that of the universe. they basically become one with the universe fully, instead of just guarding it and being connected to it, they are literally tied to it, so much so that their magic and the world’s magic is one and the same. basically their life is fed by the same source that feeds all life, even mortal ones, and that source is endless, so they become immortal. it’s not a cure per se, since it doesn’t really stop their blood from fighting itself, but it does solve the problem because it has endless energy to keep doing it. and after going through this magical ritual, they become basically the strongest seelies around, because they have access to very strong demonic and angelic magic and the like, natural source of the world. so that’s pretty cool
and this whole thing is like. absolutely top secret, no one but the seelies knows how it works or even that it exists. especially because the seelies used to be basically closed off to outside influences, besides the very few representants they had going to the realms (like meliorn)
meliorn is one of those super powerful seelies, a child of an archangel and a prince of hell, who has gone through this ritual. which is one of the many reasons they’re, you know, a super powerful and respected Seelie Knight, sent to deal directly with shadowhunters and the highest threats they have to deal with, all by themself. no one would be crazy to go against them, because they are extremely powerful. it’s also why they had, to seelie standarts, been given a slap to the wrist for taking clary to twi - i mean, they didn’t even lose their position in a super trusted and highly important job, really? like yes they were tortured and don’t get me wrong, that was fucking awful dude, but i feel like the seelie queen could have been a lot more cruel, could have taken away their job (it would make sense to since they basically committed treason by seelie law) or exiled them, or maybe even killed them. but they got “just” a physical punishment. that’s. weird to say the least
so that’s why, because meliorn actually has a lot of leverage and importance. they have a rare condition, a lot of power that most seelies can’t dream of, and they are extremely smart and have knowledge of the culture of our realm, which most seelies don’t since their realm is closed to outsiders. the seelies can’t afford to lose them. and they know that, too, which is why they went so hard to help clary and take her to twi in the first place - they knew that they would be punished, but that it wouldn��t actually risk their position, or their influence
anyway! with the previous seelie queen gone, i like to think that meliorn becomes the new seelie queen (random hc that no one asked for: since i refuse to believe that seelies have any concept of gender, i think the position is called “seelie queen” because outsiders took a look at the first seelie queen, who’s very cis female-presenting, and were like “ah, is that your queen?” and to seelies that basically translates to just “monarch” in whatever their language is, so they were just like yeah sure. and so the position is called that and they don’t even know that it’s supposed to be gendered and that to outsiders meliorn would probably be called seelie king, they are just like “i am the new seelie queen” and no one of course is going to fucking question why they didn’t gender the position, especially considering how fragile relations with the seelie realm are) or at least is given like, an important position or something. like tbh i don’t stan monarchy so :/ but anyway the point is, meliorn is super powerful, they are super smart, they have knowledge of the mundane, shadowhunter and etc cultures - and after the whole previous fiasco with the jonathan thing and the seelies having been basically kept from the other realms, despite the fact that as parts of nature, seelies should be able to wander between them as they please, i think they would want to start a radically new external policy, and who better than meliorn to help them do it? so yeah i think they would choose meliorn to be their queen. besides, they love the seelies more than anything. they might have disobeyed seelie law, but that was to like, save a whole ass realm lmao, but they’ve always had the seelies best interests at heart, hell, they were willing to be tortured twice for them. so i think they would be well liked, and want this new position, and treasure it not as a display of power, but as an opportunity to lead the people they love into better times
DISCLAIMER: i’m not saying that seelies bad or whatever, okay. tbh i do understand perfectly why they would want to close off their realm with the very real threat that shadowhunters presented, and i wouldn’t be dying to integrate with shadowhunter society either, especially considering that their idea of integration was just genocide and assimilation and the destruction of their culture. okay? but in the process, the seelie law and realm became cruel, first and foremost, towards seelies themselves, and the banishment of them from other realms is. very bad. and after the whole jonathan and valentine thing, the shadow society as a whole is being reconstructed, so what better time to try and create new alliances that won’t implicate into attempts of assimilation, etnocide and so on. it’s a new bet, basically, one that is only possible because shadowhunter society is also in shambles after the near destruction of the world, and this means that seelies have more leverage to try and build something new without yielding to them. and it’s a SLOW process, one that takes years and always has the seelies best interest’s, not the shadowhunter’s or anyone else’s, at heart, okay? and it implicates in shadowhunters giving them many concessions, and the strongest alliances between them are and will always be with the other downworlders - this is also something they are working on, making the different downworlder cultures closer and stronger politically, aiding each other mutually and helping each other reach their political goals. together, the downworlder societies are unbeatable, and the shadowhunters basically have no choice but to accept their demands, especially after so much destruction. plus, at least some of them are slightly more willing to. but it’s mostly a vicious political battle that takes all of them years, not to say decades, to settle
but the fact that the seelies are willing to do it and getting stronger relationships with warlocks and vampires and werewolves (and hoo here i come with my “maia and raphael start a vampires/werewolves alliance” hc because look that rivalry thing is STUPID and i want to see downworlder societies coming closer together and healing after being very obviously pitted against each other due to shadowhunter supremacy) is also what, well, allows the whole thing to happen. they are powerful, and the shadowhunters have no way of taking them on a war, much less now that their forces are well, fragile to say the least
in short! they have leverage now. and that makes it possible for them to try a new external policy that wasn’t in the table before, and their main interest in doing that is helping themselves, because seelies are tired of living in constant fear in a basically military state where they’re confined to the same realm despite them being supposed to be guardians of all of them. like that’s gotta affect their mental health, if they’re one with nature, wouldn’t being kept away from it be like being isolated from your loved ones? isn’t that deprivation? so like. this is about them, not the shadowhunters and how great their society is and how much they want to be a part of them, okay
anyway! so the seelies have designed a plan (because under meliorn’s rule everyone participates in political decisions because hmmm *checks notes* i said so) to make stronger alliances with the other downworlders. the first thing they offer them all is a little token of alliance. to vampires, they offer the possibility of becoming a dayligher - something they can easily do with their angel magic, not to mention, you know, blood -; to werewolves, magical amulets that help them keep their wolf under control, not turning without meaning to and being able to live a relatively normal life if they so choose; and to warlocks, knowledge of seelie magic
and of course magnus in particular eats that shit right UP because he’s a naturally curious person and a genius and a physichist and holy shit i love him so fucking much. seelies have so much more knowledge of physics and magic and their natural workings, so much so that it makes him dizzy because hell, the possibilities, and all the shit he can learn, okay. all this knowledge that was currently being kept away, and the warlocks get to learn about it (or well, part of it. obviously the seelies aren’t going to go around spilling EVERYTHING to them all at once before they even know if their token is accepted and whatnot. but they do teach those who are interested a lot of stuff, maybe create some sort of seelie-warlock magical school/course/programme/look you GET IT to strengthen their relationships as a whole?? boy i eat that shit UP). he’s just losing his mind here
super cute to think about alec coming home to find a very disheveled magnus surrounded by books and notes, hair and clothes rumpled and just a whole mess as he excitedly reads and writes and runs around to get a different book and draw parallels, okay. and alec smiles and has to be like “have you eaten?” and magnus looks up from his books all suddenly like “hm? oh hello alexander, i didn’t see you there”, “have you eaten?” “i don’t remember” “okay, i’ll make you something, you can keep reading” and magnus smiling all like “thank you” and diving right back into the notes in Super Hyperfocus + Hyperfixation Mode as he figures out, like, a thousand new spells (obviously warlocks can’t use seelie magic because they come from different sources they don’t have access to, but like, the knowledge is enough for them to create so much new stuff okay), btw. but anyway, ANYWAY
and to shadowhunters the seelies offer, i dont know, a soggy cheeto or something faiojdsajdasj look it’s not like the seelies owe them so they basically offer a truce and maybe authorization to explore certain parts of the seelie realm in small guarded groups? i dont know, in exchange for them and all other downworlders having a power and a vote in the new shadowhunter laws, and the whole proccess of reconstruction of their society. and the shadowhunters agree, after vicious infighting of course 
so anyway years pass and things are blossoming, downworlder societies are stronger than ever and phucking florishing dude, shadowhunters suck less, seelies finally get to wander around like they’ve been wanting to for centuries, there’s been some neato cultural exchange, magnus is still figuring out spells and shit at an alarming rate to anyone who doesn’t know what a goddamn genius he is. and shadowhunter society is- well, changing, but there’s a kind of cultural war going on, you know, with such a strong shift in paradigm so sudden. the changes in schooling and shit that were brought on by the new accords kind of ensure that the newest generations are getting a very different view and education, but there’s still a lot of infighting from shadowhunters who want to undo all that hard work, which is of course still fragile because it’s only starting
and alec of course takes a primary role in that fight, being the greatest representative of the progressive shadowhunters’ (?) and their downworlder allies’ interests, inside shadowhunter society. like don’t get me wrong it’s not like he’s leading the downworlders, the downworlders are doing all that hard work so they can get their own destiny back into their own hands and not be led by shadowhunters anymore, but within shadowhunter society, alec is a leader and their greatest ally slash eye in the inside, defending the policies that downworlders create and letting them know what is going on inside of the clave. basically preparing a cultural war. you get it
so naturally alec is a threat to conservative shadowhunters and they’re trying to strip him off his runes all the time, and there’s even been a few (quickly failed) assassination attempts, you know, the whole. drama. and he plays an important role for this whole game, and magnus has been studying the whole immortality ritual thing, and yeah, the seelies offer to put him through the ritual
it’s a matter of political leverage (and okay maybe a personal favor to meliorn’s dear friend magnus, but like, mostly political leverage). first of all, making alec immortal gives him a lot of power within shadowhunter society, not unlike meliorn and being the child of super powerful parents. second of all, no need to worry about assassination attempts, they can’t fucking kill him! third of all, clear message - alec has powerful allies, way more powerful than the shadowhunters can dream of, and if shadowhunter society is willing to create real, lasting equality with downworlders, they have a lot to gain. if not, they have a lot to lose, because the seelies have literal power over life and death. also, alec better watch his step, too, because, you know. he owes them that one. they are not stupid, they know alec has been looking for a way of becoming immortal for years now, know how much he desires this. it’s also about keeping his loyalty, and making sure he doesn’t forget, he’s supposed to be their ally too
and there are a lot of like, security things in place. alec will not be able to see or hear anything, he will not be taught how the ritual works (not even warlocks know that yet), he will not be taught about its forces, it will happen in the seelie realm and he will go alone, and no other shadowhunter will be granted that unless the seelies themselves offer at a later time, you know, etc etc. they list off things and precautions he has to agree to for like, half an hour, and honestly they could have added “alec will have to eat a piece of the moon” and alec would be like “okay fine great let’s do this”
magnus is fucking terrified
first, because well, they have never attempted to do that on someone who isn’t a seelie, and while they have figured out a pretty damn good understanding of how it works and are pretty sure it should go smoothly, there’s no way to actually tell. it might not work. alec might regret it. does he really want this? to become immortal? he doesn’t have to say yes, and magnus will not be upset, because he would never, ever demand such a huge sacrifice from him-
and alec’s like “nope i want this let’s go” which only terrifies magnus more because it feels like he’s being impulsive, you know? and he doesn’t know if there’s any turning back from this. but alec is like “magnus, when have i ever been impulsive? i’m not impulsive, i’m just sure of what i want, and there’s no reason to dwell on it because that’s already done.” alec is an expert at dwelling on things, and when he makes a decision, it’s because that part has already been thoroughly done, with every single possible argument being exhausted and taken apart minuciously and careful. there’s no room for doubt anymore, because if there had even a spectre of it, alec would still be ruminating. he doesn’t make a decision until he’s sure, but by god, once he makes it, he is sure, and nothing will stop him
so he reassures magnus of that (“hey, look at me. i’m not doing this on a whim. i have been looking for something like this for years. i’ve given it a lot of thought. besides, the seelies reasoning is good, too; i do want to have the time to dedicate myself to these changes, to building a new society, and with that, i can do it. there’s so much i want to live and see and do, magnus. and i want to do it by your side, yes, always, forever, but it’s not just about that. this is my decision. i’m not doing it for you. you won’t owe me anything because of it. you won’t have to make it up for it. because i’m doing it for myself. okay?”) and magnus kind of chokes up and hugs him and cries because he’s so overwhelmed by everything, the fear and the adoration and the relief of knowing that alec isn’t doing this just because of him, because if he had, magnus would forever feel like he was ruining his life, like he was indebted, like he would have to make up for it. but alec wants this. truly. and he doesn’t have to- worry anymore, this constant weight in his head, that tells him this has an expiration date, you’re gonna lose him. look at how much time you’re wasting with all of this, he’ll be gone before you even notice. there’ll be no turning back, and you’ll regret it forever. and fuck it’s just- so much, okay
so alec hugs him and they repeat to each other, i love you, i love you, i love you, and the next day, alec accepts the seelies’ offer. 
and magnus is- fuck, terrified, because he can’t even go with him, can’t even watch. there’s nothing he can do but wait
but everything goes relatively smoothly and alec emerges from the seelie realm exactly as before, no change to be noted, not even when magnus scanned him with his magic - it’s all still there. still a shadowhunter, still the same runes, the same face, the same hazel eyes, the same smile and voice, and when he hugs and kisses magnus, it feels like just the same
and then i suppose alec can now, like, talk to trees or something, since he’s connected to the whole force of nature and whatnot. i don’t think he would be able to use magic, because like i said, he’s still the same and a shadowhunter so it’s more that his angelic magic is stronger? but he’s fucking immortal dude, and he can like talk to trees, which is at the very least funny as hell (cracky images of alec discussing with some shadowhunter asshole and he’s like, even your SUCCULENT is tired of you!! but i digress)
anyway the point is, it works both in the sense of immortal alec, baby! and the whole political leverage thing, and they basically revolutionize all of shadowhunter society and alec lives to see the results of that besides magnus, and meliorn is the greatest seelie queen ever, and the downworlder societies are all happy and blossoming and getting their best life, and everyone is happy, and the bigoted shadowhunters die and are hated by their own plants. the end
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maybebi47 · 3 years
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livelle · 2 years
a Tommyinnit / You!!
summary: You were in a secret relationship with Tommy, because of how strict your dad was. You had been grounded for two weeks for some stupid reason causing you to miss him dearly. Then, just before your shift ends at the bakery you work at, he shows up, waiting for you. 
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a/n: PEEPS!!! ITS OLI!! IM BACK!!!!! I’m so glad to be back, and hope ( despite my busy schedule ) to be able to write more for you guys!! I missed you terribly!
COLLAB WITH SPRING ANON :O, we were totally obsessing over this the other night.. BDBDBSBFBFFBFBDBDBBFDBZNBFBDBD it was a bit different lmao and spring is gonna laugh at me so hard when she reads this but whatever. ITS KINDA FUNNY. sorry for this inside joke lmfaooo
cw: strict dad mentions, secret relationship?, kissing?
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you held your breath, your eyes flew to the clock for what felt like the millionth time. But still, 5 minutes to go until it was eight PM. This morning had already begun with the wanting, the longing for him. You’d opened the shop thinking about him, put on your apron thinking about him, kneaded the dough for the bread thinking about him… he infected your brain like some parasite.
You were impatiently finishing your work, waiting for your co-worker to take over your shift at the 24/7 bakery you worked at. The bell rung, signaling someone entered the shop. It already was busy as hell, voices filling the room and your hands working on late night orders. Your eyes flew to the door, but to your surprise, it wasn’t a regular costumer. Nor was it your co-worker. It was him. He was early.
Equal want was plastered onto his face, he couldn’t hide it. It was clear he missed you as much as you missed him. Your eye contact made your heart fall to your stomach in the best way possible. His hair was messy and his shirt loosely hanging on his masculine frame. You had to hold back your movements, your feet seemed to be already running towards him, but you couldn’t right now. You were forced to stand behind that counter and finish your work. It was torture, that piece of art standing in the corner of the room, with an all-too-knowing-grin on his face.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bell rung another time. The familiar face of your co-worker was here to take over your shift from you. You ran to the back to grab your coat and bag, struggling to get off the annoying tight apron you were wearing over your clothes. No time was gonna be waisted here.
You almost slipped on your way back to the main room to meet him, and you could see him muffle his laugh in his hand. It took everything in you to not burst out laughing, and giggling, because you were finally close again. Your mind sounded crazy. So there you were, leaving the bakery together, like you didn’t know each other. Just to make sure nobody would tell your dad you were leaving with ‘a boy’.
He took your wrist after looking a couple times around you two. You were dragged to an alley you knew all too well, from the endless night talking after your shifts at the bakery. You told your dad you had to stay longer, and that your shifts ended at 10, when in reality, you were having a moment with the love of your life for those remaining two hours before you had to go home. Tommy’s arms wrapped you close to his chest, breathing in your scent. A satisfied sigh left his lips, he felt safe, and home. And so did you.
‘I’ve missed you terribly.’ He whispered in your ear. ‘I’ve missed you too. So much. I’m sorry Tom..’ you began, but he pressed a finger to your lips. ‘No sorry’s, no. This isn’t your fault, y/n.’ he comforted. You smiled, brushing a blond curl from his forehead that shined in the streetlight. His face was lit from one side, but it was enough to see the crimson blush on his face. You started to laugh, it was a habit of the both of you. You felt so happy together, that sometimes when a comfortable silence washed over, you both started giggling it away.
His hands cupped your face, and his eyes darted around the two of you, searching for a crowd, people that may stepped into the alley, but to your luck there wasn’t anyone near. So he kissed you, softly, but you could tell he had wanted it for that entire two weeks you were apart. He smiled in the kiss, and broke it by lifting you in the air and happily swinging you around. You yelped and laughed as hard as ever.
God, had you missed this.
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a/n: SORRY FOR HOW SHORT THIS IS, I kinda was struggling with it but hope you guys like it!!! Missing spring terribly rn ☹️
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