#but im sure youre not the forst to think it up!
anadorablekiwi · 9 months
How mad would you been if I made Jean and the knights evil…?
I mean they dont make it difficult with the darknight hero questline…
I personally love jean and the playable knights characters, but i can see why some would find that entertaining so go for it! 💖💜
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hotchfiles · 5 months
third off, i’d love to see your take on remus and the song lacy by olivia rodrigo
<3 love u and ur writing !!!!
lari's 100th follower bash + send me a song and one of my boys for a drabble
remus + olivia rodrigo's lacey (I feel your compliments like bullets on skin; dazzling starlet, bardot reincarnate; well, aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist?)
the three times remus wanted to confess; and the one time he did.
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
he has a plan. he has a speech. he spent his whole weekend thinking of it, thinking of the right words to say. he needed you to know how sweet you were, how your smile made his heart physically hurt and how his fingertips burnt every time he touched your skin. you needed to know he dreamed of your perfume even though it made him dizzy when you were close. and how his thoughts were flooded with your face, your voice, your eyes.
he was drowning, you were the sea, he wasn't a good swimmer.
he brought you flowers, your favorites, surely you never told him that, he just knew. your hands went to his waist, pulling him in a hug as you softly thanked him for the beautiful gift. his heart literally dropped, what if you didn't love him back?
he would never be able to feel your arms around him like that again if he fucked it up by bringing his crush up; it would be better to just forget the whole plan. so he did.
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
your lips curl as the tip of your pencil taps annoyingly quickly to the table, his voice calm as you nod repeatedly, making sense of what he was explaining to what you had to do in your paper.
remus feels like he's going to die when you smile and glue your lips to his cheek, "thank you, remmy, it makes so much more sense now. you're a wonderful teacher." wonderful. he's going to remember that. he tries to respond, tries to tell you you're the wonderful one. that your compliments made him feel alive, that he mostly didn't believe in himself but every time you showed him how much you did... he wanted to too.
but instead he just shrugs, tells you it's easy for him to explain it because he had to spend a lot of time trying to understand it as well. he wasn't particularly smart, just had some patience. but he wanted to tell you you're the smart one, the smartest, that opposite to him, you just lacked the patience. but you were brilliant, having someone like you apparently think so highly of him keeps him awake at night and wakes him up at morning. he just asks if you needed help with anything else, though.
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
you're his date and his palms are sweaty. you asked him to come with you, going to a wedding alone seemed awfully pathetic and you surely didn't want to get the sad looks and the pity smiles from your cousins because you were single. his tie matched the petit bow in your hair and he can't even savor the sweets from the reception as his stomach twirls around and your family asks him questions and tells him about his eyes and how polite and handsome he is.
some older woman whispers to you that you're lucky, because of him. remus pretends not to hear it but it's the most precious thing he has ever heard in his life even if it isn't true. he's the lucky one to be there.
by the end of the night you're both tipsy and slow dancing to some random song, he's holding your heels behind your back and you're close to him he never wants to leave. he wants to kiss you. to slow dance with you like that every single day.
but he's a coward and when you look into his eyes and he sees everything he loves about you, he can't speak, his friends tell him to just confess, but how can he when you're an angel and he's just some guy?
so he just smiles.
it's torture.
┊ ┊ ⋆˚ 
a girl talks to him so eagerly, her hand touching his arms as if they know each other. maybe they do. he's smiling at her, so earnestly, doesn't look annoyed at all. maybe he's not. your eyes follow every movement, jealousy wasn't kind, it was a bitter lonely bitch, and it had been enjoying your company for a while now.
"who's that?" the first words you tell him as he approaches, you could lie and pretend you tried not to sound spiteful, but you did. remus tells you she's a friend. you make a face and that one wasn't planned.
he knows you too well, you're annoyed, upset. he's not sure why, so he insists on asking, at first he promised to buy you sweets if you told him, bumping his shoulder to yours. but when you refuse his lips turn, actually worried.
"hey, did i do something wrong? are you mad at me? because i—" he looks from you to the floor quickly, chuckling at how pathetic he must sound right now, "don't think i could handle if you were."
you're quick to correct yourself, you're not mad, at all, "just figured you'd tell me if you... you know, started seeing someone." your fingers seem more interesting now than the weight of your words, afraid to look at him because if you did he would know, and that was too embarrassing.
remus was ecstatic though, you were... jealous. of him. he could be wrong, but your mannerisms were too alike his when he saw you with someone. he pulls you to him, his hands cupping your face and making you look at him.
he searches for answers in your eyes before he tries doing anything that could ruin this, "you would know if i was seeing someone." he notices the way your eyes tried avoiding his gaze, disappointed. his answer.
he kisses you, no words necessary, no confession, no flowers. you kiss him back knowingly, as his taste invaded your senses you felt stupid for doubting he would love you. he was perfectly made for you, it is the most obvious thing as his hands reach your waist to pull you closer.
remus pulls away only an inch as is lungs begged for air, his eyes not leaving yours, "love, i think i'm seeing someone." you laugh at his awful joke and kiss him again, glad your tiny jealousy had been worth something beyond embarrassment.
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virgilisspidey · 2 years
How i think each of the 2012 boys text:
He lets his phone automatically just uppercases his texts
"Come home dinners done"
Does not use proper punctuation marks
Prefers calling rather than texting
You don't know whether or not he's mad because he doesn't text in all uppercases
"Where are you"
It can mean two things and the brothers don't want to find out
He laughs like this:
"Lol" "Lmao"
That's it, it's drier than the sahara desert but he'd actually dying from laughter irl
Mispells a lot of words because he types too fast (like me frfr)
"tell casey i'm omw, i gitta do somethihg forst"
Does not plan on fixing his typos and just automatically press send
At least he uses punctuation marks... Sometimes
It gets hard to understand him sometimes when he types angrily, but he makes sure it's all in uppercase
His typos gets really really interesting
"snkewerd on theloose fillowng now" "Who" "He's probably typing while walking again." "were comin vro"
Boi laughs like how he laughs in real life
You can hear him wheezing
Types really fast but manages to text really smart
He has no typos, he has proper grammar, he even has punctuation marks
He prefers just hacking his brothers' phones so his call can come through because he can't understand their texts sometimes
He prefers texting Mikey the most because he can understand him better than Leo and Raph
"I've spotted a cluster of foot bots heading your way, Leo. They seem to be escorting a white mini van, probably Beebop and Rocksteady's. " "Okay" "bro wtf i can see you runjing and texting yoire not wven looking at yoru phone" "It's called memorising where the keys are, Raph. I doubt you know that." "YOU LITTLW SHIT" "LMAOOOABDIDJDJFN"
That saved them a bunch of time because he was able to type an SOS whenever he's tied up
Laughs like "😂😂😂" ironically because he likes how it annoys Raph
Types in paragraphs
Types like most of us (mostly like me)
Keysmashes everywhere
Uses emojis the right way
Always shortens his words
"vro am gon get the pizza" "Stay safe" "nskcjoskff why does that sound like a threat leo 😭😭" "I don't feel safe texting when Leo is around." "get fuckong used tobut"
Their human friends prefers texting him because he's, ironically, much easier to understand than his brothers
He laughs in keysmashes
But when you look at him he isn't laughing
He sends messages in rapid fire
"leo" "leo i saw a pussy" "What" "a cat, i wanna keep" "Mikey" "wut" "Please Stop" "nu"
You'll get a lot of messages like that
Swears a lot in messages like Raph
Bothers Leo the most
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ourdragonsarebetter · 7 months
lu asked all the questions i was gonna ask so im just gonna stray from the list and pls tell any and all play Moments(tm) that come to your mind when you forst think about the party u DM for
we haven't had that many sessions, but Mikira casting Command on a ten years old mute street kid because she was sure they were up to nefarious things...both halfie and aang were looking at her like gurl you have issues. can't wait for them to talk about it in game. the street kids were casing the joint, mostly to know if the mean tiefling (an ex-player) was still there, but now they have Opinions on the group and will be doing Shenenigans.
my players want to start a campaign to get omnibus cards implemented in waterdeep, because they're tired of paying the fare every time. the funniest thing is that they've met a number of masked lords already, they just don't know it so if they keeping talking about it it may actually happen.
Aang character trait is that everything is new and amazing for him, so it was an Ordeal when they brought him to the opera house. fun fact the play they saw was about the fall of tiamat, really sad Mikira stayed outside for that one.
the NPC they adopted right away is the overworked secretary of the overworked high wizard of the town. they love him because he has taken Akra down a peg in their first conversation (both Akra and him work for the wizard) and they now come to him for anything ranging from 'is this dude really an important person and can we trust him' to 'where can we get cheap fancy clothes to go to the Opera' his name is Henry and i'm writing a full backstory for him now.
oh and we ended last session with Aang singlehandedly taking care of two wererats who were lurking around the players' tavern, so now he's sitting on a barrel with a naked halfling inside, waiting for the girls to come back, so he can maybe butter up Mikira with how good he did protecting the tavern, like a cat bringing you a dead mouse.
thanks ! remembering all of these motivated me to go plan the next session <3
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 4 months
3, 16 and 20 for loving fandom asks! 😊
3. a character that fandom has helped u appreciate
wen kexing from the novels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also zzs from the novels and zzs from the show and wkx from the show but this isnt!!! about them!!!
16. a tiny detail in canon that u want more people to appreciate
we talked about this before but i really like how rise of phoenixes handles the crossdressing trope. quippe quest mentions this in their videos at some point i think; feng zhiwei is allowed to actually look like a man when she dresses up as a man, and the additional layer her crossdressing shenanigans add to the exploration of her arc that ends in her being completely stripped from all she has at the beginning (agency, autonomy, freedom, value) is all the more gutpunching. i look at her being all unrestrained (as a person) when she dresses up, moving around freely and doing what she wants (as per her nature), and then i look at who she is forced to become once the emperor finds out about it and it gets public. its honestly horrible, like a horror movie (feng zhiwei fmv horror edit?). so the maturity and nuance with which they approach and utilize it is smth i wish would be talked about more, if only because its so dear to me personally and i think everyone should talk about it all the time
,,,, ,,, actually this probably doesnt really count as a tiny detail //w// , ,, i thought of it because theyre so casual with it in canon!!! though feng zhiwei‘s ~real gender~TM is a plot point, the show doesnt really make a fuss around the crossdressing in itself (compared to how other stories usually handle it). so i thought of it as tiny and a detail even though its not really tiny, and its more the attention to detail that i would like for everyone to appreciate forever.
HERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: zhiwei‘s long ass hair that she takes down at the end of the forst day at the academy when sits in the window just before going to bed . everyone is talking about ning yi‘s hair but!!!! what about hers!!!!! its literally right there!!!! its such a beautiful scene, she looks so good. and i think its the only time she ever takes down her hair where we see it right? right? it doesnt happen at all at any other point :) surely :). so beautiful when u can take down your hair of your own volution in a world where taking your hair down signifies vulnerability and can unmask you as a woman! :) :):):) great scene where zhiwei is in full control of her fate and pursues her happiness and taking her hair down in the privacy of her room, with only gu nanyi to see, is such a big show of trust (in him) and faith (in her future) :) im fine why do u ask
20. your very first fandom
oh this is a mean pick!!!!!! me having like a hole in my head etc!!!!! but one of my earliest beloveds media that i could count as me entering a fandom of any kind is the donald duck franchise. dont really have a better name for it. i could call it the Mickey Mouse Franchise but that would be A Lie. mickey mouse has nothing to do with it at all! i had fan magazines and would dress up as phantomias and would spent time reading comics with my friends and brother and i would annoy literal strangers into lending me their comics if i so much as sniffed out that they had a collection at home. i also drew and wrote fanart and fanfic, though i never finished anything, my aspirations were too high for my fragile constitution also known as patience and stamina TvT. smth thats STILL a problem tbh. i cant write short stuff yet keeping it up for so long is Hard. anywhomst. i remember looking at the pictures before i learned to read and making up the story in my head so this being my first fandom might not be that far off!!!!!!
beloveds fandom asks game
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ratsoh-writes · 7 months
Mavis eyelights became paper thin slits for split seconds before returning back to normal.
"Palace? Im pretty sure you're mixing up with someone. Also i believe its more concerning how openly you just admitted into breaking into some random home." she tuted Pop, shaking. gloves finger at him.
Mavi smiled at him. "You also didn't tell me your namez shortie. nor your favourite Pie flavour or forsting design. " she pulled them both closer to the table to her. "Me and Coffee are makin two deigns, a homer simpson abd im unsure yet about what I will do on the sceond pie. if has to be memey, whatcha say?"
Pop is instantly distracted by pie flavored discourse
Pop: oh! I’m pop! I love any sort of coconut or banana pie, I think store frosting is a crime against humanity and I’m a Virgo
Pluto: mwehehehe no you aren’t
Pop: pff yea but it’s fun to see if you’d know that
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smallerdelta · 1 year
Also your name is very familiar did you ever do animatics or write or somthing along those lines???
AA thank you so much!! it means a lot to hear that!! :-D
and hmm the closest thing i can think of is that a LONG LONG time ago i used to stream on occassion a little bit and had like one story up on wattpad(i knoww)!! its long gone now and my channels inactive(for the time being!) but those both were more personal things that only me and my friends knew abt generally. so im not sure if thats what ur thinking of! i also mostly go by the same-ish name on other sites im active on so maybe its that
hope thats an alright answer!
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ggensblog · 2 years
Hello there i wanted to ask for a match up for stranger things and marvel if that's alright for you.
Im a pale 5'10 skinny girl who is literally covered in moles and freckles but my face. Just two little freckles on my forehead and chin and that's it.
I joke about my trauma a lot to the point that people will worry about me and i know it's shit but I can't help it it's just funny to see their reaction.
I'm known as the mother friend therapist friend etc. I'm known for faking a sweet personality at forst flr pwople to aproach me and then slowly showing my interest and whatsoever about myself to gain their trust and know for sure they won't leave me as you cansee i got attachment issues.
A total animal person my house is a zoo filled with pets from fish to birds and plants i listen to mitski on a daily basis and i live off caffeine. And oh i was forgetting to mention I'm asexual but it doesn't mean that I'm not romantically attracted to people
Anyways hope this isn't too much. Have a great day.
hello z my love, thank you for the request ! i hope you enjoy !
from stranger things i match you with;
steve harrington !
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i love steve so much he’s just so compatible with so many people
- definitely one of those people that is just kind of like 🧍🏻‍♂️ when you joke about your trauma, but eventually understands and tries to laugh it off with you, but besides that he thinks you’re the funniest person ever
- he loves to kiss your moles and freckles every time he sees you, he even does it while he’s working, usually getting a fake gag from robin despite her thinking y’all are adorable
- y’all are like the co-parents of the kids, dustin acknowledges both of you as co-moms because mans is progressive and “why can’t i have two moms?”
from marvel i match you with;
loki laufeyson !
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i had to double check that i spelled his name right lmao
- kind of like thor, he’s new to earth so he likes to tag along with you on just super mundane errands. insisting he carry the basket at the grocery store and whatnot
- also has attachment issues so literally doesn’t even give you the option to break up- y’all are in this for life. nicknames like ‘darling’ ‘my sweet’ etc etc
- totally one of those guys that says he hates animals and actually secretly loves them- would totally curl up on the couch or in bed with one of them and then completely deny it when he gets caught
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Hellloooo, This is my forst time asking at the Tumblr😅, amd I love your Works❤
So I am wondering if Can you make a Chota X reader?, I just notice there was no Fanfic about him but I saw some people who wants to have a stories or oneshots about him. Its okay if you cant make it Im just wondeing Hehehwhe Thank you❤
Bright Heart On A Rainy Day | Chota Segawa
{AIB Masterlist}
Summary: Chota confesses his feelings for you outside of Karube's bar
Word Count: 2.1k
*reader is gender-neutral (they/them used)
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The cold drink felt heavy in your hands, gripping onto the pads of your palms with the freezing contents bringing your blood to the surface of your skin. Compared to the warm atmosphere you were so desperately trying to embrace at that moment, it felt like an entirely different feeling. Perhaps the coldness of the alcohol brought forward your worries further rather than push them away. Even so, maybe having a cold drink on a rainy evening wasn’t the best idea.
Arisu, Karube and Chota roared in laughter at something Karube had said, throwing their heads back and letting out warm chuckles of happiness next to you. A small grin crept onto your face at the loud volume of their cackles, filling the quiet atmosphere of the closed bar and flickering the blue fluorescent lights. With the unwanted feeling of uncertainty eating away at you that had grown throughout the day, for once you didn’t feel the greatest with the three men.
You weren’t too sure what triggered it, but it didn’t really matter at that point. The past few weeks had punched you quite hard, and the bruises don’t seem to be going away quick enough. You thought perhaps a few drinks with your best mates would help out with your lowered self-esteem and growing anxieties, but it didn’t seem like that was the case.
Chota, your closest friend, had placed a few concerned hands on your thighs, giving them a quick squeeze in a way of asking ‘Are you okay?’ throughout the evening. Each of them you returned with a weak smile and a nod, leaving him unsure of how you were feeling.
He knew you too well, but he of course didn’t feel the need to pressure it out of you. He was probably thinking the same thing in that the laughter of your friends would help your worries.
You shook it off mostly. Everyone gets insecure sometimes, but for some reason, yours just wouldn’t go away all of a sudden. Whether it was your body, your behaviour or your personality, you had managed to find something to beat yourself up about multiple times a day within the last few weeks.
“You okay Y/N?” you heard Karube ask as he leaned across the bar towards you. You blinked from your thoughts and looked at the blonde man as he leaned over the not yet cleaned bar, eyes watching your figure. Chota reached a hand out and placed a gentle arm on your shoulder, rubbing your skin through your shirt in a comforting manner as the three boys looked at you for an answer.
“You’re being very quiet,” Karube laughed again before you could answer. “Are we annoying you?”
You shook your head. “Nah, you guys are fine. I’m just tired I guess,” you complained while rubbing your eye. You weren’t lying, perhaps a good nights sleep was all you needed since you hadn’t had that for a while.
“Yeah, you look tired,” Arisu piped in, a concerned look on his face. “Has your family been giving you a hard time again?”
You knew Arisu only asked out of concern for you, but you really didn’t want to think about your family at that moment. Your Dad hadn’t been the nicest to you in a while, and it was starting to get on your nerves. You had complained about it to the guys a few times out of annoyance.
“Yeah, sounds like a bit of a train wreck from what you’ve been telling us,” Karube said, leaning off the counter and going towards the alcohol cabinet to grab another sake. Chota caught your frown at Karube’s words, making him think perhaps then wasn’t the best time.
“What did your Dad say again? “Don’t bother coming back home if you’re not going to be of any use?” That’s pretty fucked up,” he continued, not being aware of the annoyed stare you were giving him.
“Yeah, you don’t need to remind me,” you spat, making it sound a lot harsher than you intended.
Karube usually possessed a blunt personality, and usually, you could take it, but that night just wasn’t the night for talking about that. Your harsh response made Karube glance at you, lowering his eyes when he noticed you were annoyed.
You sighed as Chota patted your shoulder, forcing out a soft laugh to break the awkward atmosphere. “Sorry, I guess I really am just tired.”
Karube nodded and turned back to Arisu as Chota spoke to you.
“Are you okay? Be honest with me,” he demanded, giving you a serious look. You grinned and shook your head, gently removing his arm from your shoulder. “Seriously Chota, I’m fine. I’m just going to go get some fresh air,” you insisted as you stood up.
“Do you want my jacket? It’s freezing out there,” he asked while starting to remove his blue jacket from his arms, but you waved your hands in front of you to stop him. “No, I’m fine. I won’t be long.”
Chota watched as you made your way out of the bar, dodging untucked chairs and keeping your head facing the ground. He felt himself fill with worry for you, why were you acting so different?
“Oi, Chota,” Karube said, catching the man’s attention. He turned and faced back towards the blonde. “Did I say the wrong thing?” Karube asked with a worried expression. He knows he can be harsh sometimes, but he never intends on hurting people.
“I don’t know, they’re not usually like this,” Chota mumbled, turning again to watch you step outside into the cold air. The loud patter of rain met his ears as you opened the door, and he hoped that you at least don’t get yourself wet.
Chota looked at Arisu when the gamer let out a large sigh. “I’ll go see if they’re okay,” he breathed out, placing his drink on the counter and moving to get off his chair. But Chota stopped him.
“Arisu, no. No offence, but you’ve had a bit too much to drink,” Chota cringed at the smell of alcohol emitting off Arisu and stood up from his stool himself. “I’ll go. I’ll just go have a talk with them.”
And with that, Chota stood from his stool and straightened out his shirt before making his way towards the door to follow you. Arisu smirked as he watched his friend step through the front doors.
“They’re so cute,” he said giddily to Karube. “I hope one of them stop being so hard-headed and admit their obvious feelings for each other.”
Karube nodded at Arisu’s words. “I don’t. I don’t want to be a third wheel,” he joked as he took another sip of his drink.
Arisu frowned. “What do you mean? You have me!” he accused and shoved Karube on the shoulder in a friendly manner.
Further away from their bantering, Chota slowly walked closer to your frame which was sitting on the small steps leading up the wooden porch. The rain was narrowly missing you and your eyes were closed, letting the smell of refreshing rain fill your senses.
“Y/N?” Chota spoke up as he sat his body next to you, making you jump slightly as you didn’t hear him approach you. “Are you okay?”
You smiled at him and nodded once again, becoming slightly annoyed at how often he was asking you. The sweet man lifted his hand and pressed the back of it against your cheek, checking your temperature.
“Jesus, you’re freezing,” he groaned as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around you, rubbing the skin of your arms to try and warm you up. You chuckled at his motherly affection and leant closer to him, placing your head on his shoulder. He didn’t want to admit it, but having you so close lowkey was making him freak out.
“I’m sorry about before,” you apologised, continuing to stare out into the rain as Chota held you close to him. “I shouldn’t have reacted to Karube like that. I know he was just wanting to figure out if I was okay.”
Chota shook his head and placed his cheek against the top of your head. “You don’t have to apologise. He overstepped the line. I don’t blame you for getting annoyed.”
After a short moment of comfortable silence, Chota lifted his head from your hair and shook your frame slightly. “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s going on. You’re not like yourself,” he suggested as he encouraged you to speak.
You let out an annoyed groan and tucked your face further into his shoulder, trying to avoid his suggestion. He laughed at your immature behaviour and ruffled your hair. “Come on. You’ll feel better when you get it off your chest,” he pressed further.
You sat up straight and thought for a second as Chota watched you, waiting for your answer.
“I haven’t been feeling too confident lately,” you admitted. “I’m finding it a little bit harder to talk to people because I’m worrying about what I’m saying. And I also am starting to be more sceptical about my body.”
Chota felt himself grow sad at your words, hating the fact that you’ve felt like that and hadn’t even bothered to tell him. If he had known you weren’t feeling well about yourself, he would’ve made sure he showered you in all the compliments that he could possibly give you.
“But... you know that’s just you talking, right?” he said, looking towards the rain as he began to become a little nervous.
“Hmm?” you hummed, turning towards him.
“I mean... I can’t really imagine anyone viewing you as anything less than perfect, so you shouldn’t be having that perspective about yourself.” he shyly admitted, not looking into your eyes.
You chuckled, not believing him. “Don’t say that Chota. You only say that because you have to,” you said, earning yourself an annoyed expression from Chota.
“No, I don’t,” he said firmly, making you turn towards him with a puzzled expression. “I don’t have to say anything. I actually mean that Y/N, and it offends me to think that you don’t believe me.”
Your eyes widened at his tone. Perhaps you were being a bit blind to your surroundings. Chota obviously cared, and ignoring that did seem slightly belittling towards him.
“You really shouldn’t feel bad about yourself Y/N, and take it from someone who really loves you, you are such an amazing person and I’m surprised you don’t make everyone who meets you fall in love.”
You jerked your head to look at Chota, surprised at his choice of words. Was that a confession?
Chota noticed your blank expression and suddenly realised what he had said. He stopped stroking the skin of your arm and leaned back, covering his mouth in surprise.
“Oh my god,” he mumbled out, not daring to look at you as an amused grin spread across your face. You could see the red forming on his face even in the cold weather.
“What was that?” you asked in a teasing tone, leaning closer to Chota and pulling on his wrist to remove his hand from his face. “Say that again? ‘I’m surprised everyone doesn’t fall in love with you?’ Was that supposed to mean something else?”
Chota laughed out of embarrassment and covered his face again, not knowing what to say. You lean back away from him and give him a slight punch on the arm. “That was cute Chota,” you teased. “You’re cute.”
Chota glanced at you and laughed nervously at your compliment, not knowing how to react. I mean... he had just confessed to the person that he’s loved for years, how would he react?
For that short moment together, you both acted as nothing happened. To be honest, nothing really did, because you loved each other so much before that nothing really shifted with the confession.
After a minute or two, Chota mustered up enough courage to slide himself closer to you, removing an arm from his big jacket and placing it over your shoulder, encouraging you to put it on. You accepted, pressing yourself closer to the blushing man and placing a soft hand on his thigh while tucking your head under his chin. He smiled at your affection, resting his chin on your head.
You both sat on the porch together for about half an hour with Chota leaving a few soft kisses on your head until he noticed your quiet snores and heavier body weight against him. 
He didn’t mind. If anything, he was gushing over the sight of your frame tucked against him, being comfortable enough to fall asleep.
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
okay okay I knowww we're here to worship our daddy Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ and we'll always keep on doing that, cause that man has me in a chokehold
but i saw you mentioning Music for a Sushi Restaurant in one of your asks and i died, for real. if, on top off all, you're also a Harry fan then i don't make the rules, you have my whole heart and are now my favourite person ever♡♡
sooo can we just take a minute to talk about Harry's new album? cause I'M NOT FEELING FABULOUS��
this man had the AUDACITY to shatter my POOR LITTLE HEART and just pretend nothing happened to it. no seriously while listening to it i went through all the emotions possible, it's been a week and i can't stop listening to it 
it starts off with such cool, catchy and full of nice vibes songs (i'm not sure what kind of cocaine or similar drugs he has put in those tracks but they sure are addicting)
and THEN BAM, just like that Little Freak and Matilda make their entrance 
dear i- i don't think i can fully express how much i SOB every single time i hear those songs. seriously they just reach the right strings of my soul and hit a little bit too close to home yk. physically i'm fine, emotionally i'm BRUISED, like reeeally bad😫
and then the good vibes keep going, till the very end, with Love of My Life
i'm pretty sure i fell in love with the ending piano melody in that song. is that possible? is it normal? idk it happened and i'm not mad about it 
overall i just am truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you this album, that's it, thanks for coming to my TED talk👩🏻‍💼
also I woke up to see you posted a shit ton of 👀yk, very nice late night ✨thirsty✨ asks and I couldn't have started my day in a better way, thank youuu <3
pLS i’ve been listening to HH on r e p e a t ever since it came out 😭 IN FACT IM LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW AS I TYPE HAHAH
but like you’re sooo right !!! the first couple of tracks have me dancing to myself. they’re such a big vibe and they make me feel so happy & upbeat & just ashfjfkkdks
we get to little freak and it shifts my mood to sad and longing (but in a good way ofc!!)
“you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own”
the way i violently sobbed at that line like nOPe i can already feEL THE TEARS COMINGG
and then the fact that cinema is right after a fuckifn heartbreaker makes me laugh lmao. i haven’t gotten over my emotions after matilda but here i am boppinnn to the rest of the album in tears 🥲
🧸 anon you just made my whole day and it barely has started :’)))
hehe yus those thirsty asks last night. i shouldn’t be allowed on tumblr after a certain hour bc the filter on my mouth and thots is basically gone at that point hHjahHH
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shegairowmyamo · 3 years
Yandere Turbo x Reader headcanons
ok so im done waiting to try and get a second tumblr account so i'm just gonna post it heer and bicehouse i know that there are gonna be those who are STARVING for content like this and i'm one of those so i decided to make it myself. I'm dipping my toes in the diper end of the pool now but you know, baby steps. Besides, I'm thinking of doing more things like this but this has all been for fun but i will warn you that i'm not used to writing a lot of lovey dovey stuff. I hope you enjoy it.
If you're sly enough maybe you can get this guy rapt around your finger but believe me or not, Turbo is smart but his jealousy can get the best of him. If the backstory that Felix told Calhoun told us anything is that Turbo will do anything to get rid of computision, so who isn't to say that he would go at the same lengths for you too.
He doesn't trust you with ALLOT of the residents of the arcade, some of the onley few is Felix and “maybe” the Twins™ and perhaps even Tapper for whatever reason.
If he ever sees you talking to another person he will 1. Assume that the one who is talking to you was the one to start the conversation: and hopefully 2. Try and restrain his obvious jealousy and rage with a strained smile and and not going all out yelling at the purson: 3. “Calmly” walk up to the heathen who dares come close to his prize possession. Now this is fun and all to imagine but what if the heathen was hitting on you… In which this bitches jealousy will go true the roof and all logic goes out the window he will go in, engines roaring his car to life (idk how cars work but this sounds cool) as he sweeps in.
Oh you could smell the burning hot jealousy from a mile away, and now that i think about it… It smells like burnt rubber… Basically what i'm getting at here is that Turbo would totally run this jackass over. He will receive a death glare everytime Turbo sees the ass hat. Menttoly declaring him as a threat and putting him on his bucket list of games to unplug.
The aftermath of all this would either be just him having an arm around your waist for the rest of the night and when someone comes too close for his liking He will pull you closer to him “for protection” as he puts it. Or you would have to go into one of your games and calm him down because Turbo is having a full blown attack of some kind. He's repeating words and sometimes sentences, he's holding you close while his vision is blurry from the amount of rage he feels. Being mad at that no good loser for daring getting close to you yada yada. He demands and expects to be cuddled and kissed while being told how great he is and how you're never leaving him.
This (gremlin) man would unplugged any game for you even if its just “because that character was mean to me :(“ and he will be like (idk how to write a character with a lisp) “don't worry babe you don't need to worry about that asshole for mutch long” cue evil laughter. But as silly as that sounded we both know his intention, and they are far from silly.
Turbo sometimes has a hard time hiding the 8-bit hearts that pop out of into the air surrounding him and in his eyes, especially the time he realized he was “in love” with you. And then it turned into an obsession and became overly possessive over you. He will do like that thing where he will just ask for a hug out of nower to get your attention and out of your line of sight he will stare down the person you were talking to. It is creapy as fuck but also cinda hot.. I mean like yah having someone wanting to be with you 24/7 can sound kinda exhausting but the image of him being so protective over someone just makes me swoon you know what i mean.
The first person you're going to see when you exit your game is obviously Turbo, he will be just casually leaning on a wall asking what took you so long in a playful manner. And then he will casually just ask you if you want to go to Tappers or some other game to hangout in while ignoring any protest or excuses that you tell him. But don't be fooled by his careless demeanor because he will store those little protests in a jar of grudges.
If i had to guess this man's love languages it would be words of affirmation and his close second being receiving gifts. So inflating his ego might not be such a bad thing on your part. But on everybody else's “whistle”. If anything it would help you survive this guy from anything getting out of hand if you were to refuse him too many times. One day right after closing time he will insist that you must be so tired and that you should hang out in his game for the night but after you both get there and Turbo make sure that there are no witnesses he will knock your lights out. And even if there were witnesses it would probably be just one or both of the twins. But they both have noticed the change in Turbo and his increased aggressive behavior and they didn't wanna get involved so they both agreed to keep quiet. Man it seems that everyone in Turbo Time is a selfish git.
The absence of you in your game forste Litwick to unplug it for good which makes your home just a memory of the retro past. Turbo with a sinisterly joyful smile on his face watches as your expresion turns even more sorrowful and helpless when he tells you the news. The twins have this sinking feeling ever since the day they saw you get kidnapped and after your game got unplugged it got even worse but it made them more determined to beat Turbo in the races they have as their own revenge. But a part of them feared that all that anger was gonna get taken out on you and it was confirmed one specific day when Turbo went to mod knows where and came back a few hours later with blood on his knuckles. After that they backed down with the whole winning thing a little just for your sake.
One day tho one of the twins were looking for something when he heard heavy breathing coming from one of the places in Turbo Time that he usually didn't go to, whoever was there heard him and abruptly stopped. It encuregd him to wallck kloser to the noise and when he did, oh boi. The piercing eyes of a tied up purson (aka you) stared at him in disbelief and fear. Thinking at first that they were Turbo but when you realized that it was one of the twins your eyes soon changed to desporation. Releasing now what the twin had stumbled upon he quickly retreated, the desporet cry and anguished scream for his help still haunt him especially those eyes. What did Turbo do to you…
Turbo at this point only sees you as an object, his prize possession but he would never harm you at least not physically. He wants to keep his winners cup spotless, that includes any dents or bruises. And the bloody knuckles are just from him punching the wall right beside your head to scare you and to get his point across if it wasn't obvious from the start.
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vampire03 · 3 years
Diabolik Christmas
Everyone x reader Christmas special
"Hnnn...mmm..." Y/N woke up feeling something heavy on top of her. She opened her eyes and tried to move. She saw blond locks in front of her. Shu.
"G'morning, troublesome creature." He mumbled sleepily.
"Good morning, Shu." Y/N smiles.
Shu rolled to her side and without opening his eyes says "There is a gift here in your room. Find it yourself, it's too bothersome to show you where it is...". Then he fell asleep again.
Y/N sighed and chuckled at his usual behavior. She looked around her room and under her bed she found a tiny yellow giftbox with a neat blue ribbon on top. Y/N opened it and inside there was a silver collar with musical notes engraved on it in beautiful shapes.
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(Something like this, I couldn't find a better image, Im sowwyyy TwT)
"Thank you, Shu!" Y/N said as she coverd him with an electric blanket. That was his Christmas present from her. He smiled and snuggled even more in it without opening his eyes.
Then she exited the room and started walking to the kitchen. There surely will be some leftovers on the table, right?
On the way two arms snaked around her body from behind and a familiar flirty voice was heard.
"Bitch-chaaaaaan~ Merry Christmas!"
"Laito!" Y/N chuckled and leaned into his embrace.
"Look what I got you!" He happily squealed as he spayed something on her neck.
"Kyaaaah!" She welped in surprise. Then se smelled... perfume? A really nice perfume with vanilla and something else, that made the aroma sweet and sexy at the same time.
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"Nfu. Use it wisely!" He chuckled and pecked her cheek, dissapearing as fast as he appeared. She will give him the fancy watch she got him later, it seemed.
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Y/N blushed and smiled, putting the perfume in her pocked as she finally reached the kitchen. There a pile of deleicious food awaited her, a certain black-haired vampire with glasses was turning the leftovers from Christmas Eve into masterpieces.
"Good morning, Reiji, and Merry Christmas!" Y/N happily greated.
"Aaah, good morning, Y/N! And Merry Christmas. He smiled as he gestured towards to table, inviting her to sit.
She sat down and in front of her were served delicious dishes - steak with vegetables, fruits with whipped cream, baked apples and candies. Her eyes filled with joy.
"Ah! I almost forgot!" Y/N handed Reiji a blue giftbox with silver-red ribbon. His facial expression became somewhat happy and excited in a really childish way. Inside the box was a... blue baggy sweather?
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"You are always dressed up in a formal manner... Why don't you wear more comfy clothes once in a while?" Y/N happily said as she looked at him. He had already put on the sweater and looked so cute. They both smiled.
"But where are my manners?" He asked himself as he gave her a tiny black box. She opened it and inside was a silver ring with a big sapphire on top.
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"It's so beautiful!" She said as she put it on.
"I'm glad." Reiji smiled and handed her a cup of tea. Y/N thanked him and took a sip. When she looked around again, Reiji was nowhere to be seen.
"Hm? They dissapear and appear so fast!"
She looked around the kitchen for more leftovers to eat and saw a bunny plushie and a note attached to it. "This is Lilly. Me and Teddy decided she will enjoy being your friend." Was written by a certain purple haired vampire. Awww. She has prepared new clothes for Teddy and a fancy, somehow lolita coat for Kanato. She will have to give them to him later.
She then turned towards the exit to walk away and saw a note on the table.
"Oi, Chichinashi. Me and this Kino guy decided to have fun with you. We won't give you you presents so easily - you gotta find them!"
Yup. That's in Ayato's style. And the handwritting was so messy. There was no mistake. Y/N took the note and searched around for something left from Ayato and/or Kino. Almost half an hour later, she decided to search in the pool area. And she found another note on a bench.
"Did you think that we will give you the present so easily, Princess?" You will have to earn it! And swim all the way to the bottom of the pool to get it, hahaha!"
That handwritting was also messy, but still neater than Ayato's. Kino. Of course when these two pranksters somehow find a way to work together, it will be something like this. Good thing that she knew how to swim. She dived in and found a tiny black box on the bottom of the pool. She took it and got out of the water.
She opened it with excitement, only to find another note.
"Hahahaha, you fell for it!" Was written in Ayato's handwritting. "That was just a warm-up, the real present is on the bottom of the lake!" Was written in Kino's handwriting. These two jerks! Urgh!!!
Anyway, Y/N stretched up nicely and prepared herself. She went to the lake and dived into the cold water.
After a few unsuccessful tries she finaly found two red boxes with black ribbons and took them.
Once on land she opened the forst box.
"Ha! I knew you will open Ore-sama's present first! Now you can enjoy my scent whenever you go!" Was written on a card.
In the box there was one of Ayato's old shirts he used for basketball tranings. It was neatly washed, and folded. Heh, guess someone had aked Reiji for help. Was that present a sign of his ownership over her? Knowing Ayato, probably it was. And there were these nice sporty shoes too. They were really comfy and nice! She will play basketball with him after that. She smiled.
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Then she opened Kino's present - inside there was a brand new iPhone.
"Now you can download that multiplayer game I told you about and we can play it together, right, princess?" Was written on a tiny card. That looked expensive. But more importantly, it was so sweet too! She will now spend more time with him as well.
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Y/N decided she will give them their presents later at dinner - for Ayato a pair of jeans with one of its legs originaly shorter. Just in Ayato's style. And for Kino - a waterproof mini camera. He would love making unique photoshoots with it! She smiled yet again and went to take a shower, so she won't catch a cold after that.
After the shower she went to her room. She found a silver beautiful bracelet with the infinity sign and a tiny note, written in a messy manner.
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"Merry Christmas! I wish you health and luck and whatever you mortals wish each other." Aaah, Subaru. Always Tsundere. She had already left his gift in his room. It was only a matter of time for him to find it. A very fluffy white pillow for him to hug in his sleep. She knew he secretly needed to hug something in his sleep.
She looked around her room again. And her gaze landed on her desk. There she found a weird heart? It was made of wires?
"Dear Eve. This is a part of the gift from the Mukami brothers to you. The other parts are in the music room, the garden and the torture chamber. Please seek Yuma for help if you have troubles assembling it. We want you to enjoy finding your gift and constructing it." Was written on a note with neat letters by Ruki, apparently.
Y/N searched all the places she was told and thankfully the Mukamis didn't prank her like Ayato and Kino did. She found 3 other hearts like this, a frame and some more wires.
Somehow she assembled it all on her own and got this:
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(Imaginge that instead of "Be mine" is written "Be ours")
It was a night lamp! A very creative one! Now her nights won't be completely dark. She put it on the nightstand and enjoyed its light some more before turning it off again and going to each of the Mukami's rooms to leave them her presents - a professional kitchen knife set for Ruki, fancy jewelry for Kou, this giant encyclopedia about gardening Yuma wanted so much and an ukulele for Azusa.
And as she walked away from Azusa's room, she was suddenly hopped on the back of a certain wolf. "Nii-san is waiting for us!" Shin huffed as he ran really fast through the hallway.
He reached Carla's room where the white-haired man was waiting for them. He handed her a big fancy box.
Inside there was on of those two-pieces paintings.
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"This is from our mansion's art collection. Feel honoured and Merry Christmas" Carla explained.
She thanked them multiple times. There was an wide ugly empty space on the wall in her room. Now it will finally be pretty!
"Carla, Shin... Did you find your Christmas presents?"
"Yes!" They cheerfuly said in unison and took out large doggy sweathers, put them on and changed into their wolf forms. They looked so fancy snd royal like that!
They woofed happily and Y/N went to the kitchen, smiling, remembering she has to help Reiji with dinner now. When she passes through the living room, a sleepy Shu pulled her into his embrace. She giggled and hugged back, as she felt Reiji take her hand and kissing it. Then the triplets came - rubbing their noses with hers, kissing her face. Kino appeared from behind and started playing with her hair. The Mukami brothers also joined in the kissing and hugging, as two way too familiar wolves came and snuggled with her. Subaru came out of nowhere as well.
Before she knew it, she was squished between 13 demons, who showered her with kisses and love, feeling like one big, big family.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Sorry that there are no pictures for some of the presents. Tumblr has limit of 10 photos per post...
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nie7027 · 4 years
Super 5 headcanons part 5
Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4
So...it’s been a long time right? HAHAHA
Minegishi sighed.
“For the last time I won’t help you sell Shimazaki on ebay” Minegishi stopped dicing the vegetables and turned to look at him with what in any other person would have been a raised eyebrow “I don’t even think it’s possible”
“Who would even buy him?” Shibata helpfully added from his spot at the sink where he was washing the dishes “Besides world domination our friend isn’t that useful for anything else”
Hatori stared when Minegishi just silently nodded
“I don’t know! But thats not the point!” Hatori grunted while shaking his head “It’s time for some retaliation-”
“So your idea for retaliation…” Minegishi deadpanned “is to sell him on ebay?”
Hatori wasn’t dumb, he could hear the snicker behind his flat expression.
“Laugh all you want!” Hatori said pointing an acussatory finger to Minegishi “But I am tired of letting Shimazaki do whatever he wants with is without facing any consequence!”
“Are you still mad about the raccoon thing?” Shibata laughed drying his hands with a washcloth to pat Hatori on the back “C'mon! It was just one rabies shot! And the doctor said it was just cautionary”
Hatori flustered when this time Minegishi openly snickered “You got rabies shots? Aren’t you supposed to get those as a kid?”
“Why would I know? Do you even have yours?” Hatori retorted bittely not expecting Minegishi to actually stop laughing.
“I don’t know…?”
“Aha!” Hatori exclaimed not wasting the opportunity to latch onto this “What if that bastard brings ANOTHER racoon?!”
“He wouldn’t-”
“Are you sure? Absolutely sure?”
At Minegishi’s lack of response Hatori screamed victoriously “See? This is why you have to support me with my plan!”
“Sell him on ebay you say…” Minegishi muttered while tapping the kitchen counter with his finges.
“You can’t be seriously considering this!” Shibata exclaimed outraged “Ha ve you lost your minds? We aren’t selling our friend on internet”
“He’s not my friend” Hatori quickly complained.
“And I never said I agreed on selling him on ebay” Minegishi continued “But Hatori’s right and it’s time we put some limits to him”
“And that’s why we should talk with him instead”
“Shibata’s right”
“NOOOOOOOO” Hatori cried miserably, victory had been so close “whyyyy?”
“Im sorry buddy but that’s the right and mature thing to do” Shibata said not sounding sorry at all
“Hatori stop whinning and finish setting the table so we can finally eat”
Minegishi rolled his eyes at Hatori’s sulking form and finished cooking with Shibatas help.
Once they entered the living room with the finished food Minegishi noticed Hatorics hesitance
“Is something wrong?”
“I was just wondering if i should put another plate. Is the bastard going to eat with us?”
“Speaking of which” said Shibata carrying the last of their homemade food “Where is he?”
“I don’t know” shrugged Minegishi “He was annoying me because he was bored and you were late so I told him to go and find something else to do before I choked him”
“And he did it just like that?” Shibata asked surprised.
“I had to threaten him starvation and not buying his cereal forst but it worked”
Shibata hummed “He probably went dog sighting”
“How long ago was that”
“Like 5 minutes before you arrived”
“Then it will be a while before he returns”
Minegishi shrugged again “I wouldn’t worry about him”
They were halfway through their food when Hatorics eyes catch sight of something in Shimazakis makeshift cabinet.
“Are those his glasses?”
Minegishi turned to where Hatori was pointing “Yes”
“I thought he didn’t take them off ever”
“I guess he listened when I complained about dogs saliva on them” Minegishi said “If he is indeed dog sighting”
“I’m pretty sure he is” Shibata said comfidently “Dog saliva? Really?”
“Yeah, between that and the paw shaped stains on his clothes…he was driving me crazy”
“Oh I know! The first time it was really hard to get rid of the stench of trash but I found in internet a helpful mix of…” Shibata’s words died in his mouth when he saw Hatori stand up and pick the glasses.
Minegishi stared confused “What are you doing?”
Hatori didn’t respond and when he made his way to his forgotten backpack Shibata facepalmed.
“Buddy, no. Did you seriously bought those?”
Hatori turned around with a devilish smile om his face while clearly hiding something behind his back. “Well i never thought you would actually help me with the ebay plan”
Minegishi turned to look at Shibata expecting some kimd of clarification.
“We passed a toy store on our way here and Hatori saw…something.” Shibata said in a tired tone shaking his head clearly dissppointed “I can’t explain it…Just show him already”
Hatori proudly revealed what he was hiding. Besides Shimazaki’s glasses there was another pair.
The other pair were one of those funny looking glasses you used for disguisses or parties with crazy colourful swirly cartoon eyes that seemed to wink when you move them and stupid antennaes that ended in a pink cotton ball hanging from the sides.
It was the stupidest thing Minegishi had ever seen.
“You do realize he wont ever fall for this right?” Minegishi deadpanned once again “He will immediately feel those antennaes movement”
“Have more faith in me” Hatori huffed taking off the apparently removable antennaes thus making the glasses look a little less stupider but stupid nonetheless.
Minegishi picked both glassesand turned them around inspecting them. He had to give Hatori some credit. he had managed to find a pair with the exact same shape as Shimazakis and made of the same cheap plastic.
They were perfect…except for one thing.
“They don’t weight the same” Minegishi stated raising the toy glasses. to be honest he wasn’t sure but it was an educated guess.
“You gotta be kidding me right?” Hatori exclaimed “Who cares? He won’t even notice that!”
“He will” Minegishi seriously said before standing up and walking away still holding both pair of glasses.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Hatori screamed following Minegishi back in the kitchenb Shibata just behind him.
When they got there they found Minegishi already kneeling rummaging one of his low cabinets.
Hatori turned to look at Shibata but the big man just shrugged in return as lost as him.
“Aja!” Minegishi suddenly exclaimed standing up holding his white digital scale. He then weighted both pair of glasses.
The toy glasses weighted 10 grams less.
“Told you” Minegishi triumphantly exclaimed.
“So?” Hatori spluttered “Yeah, fine! They don’t weight the same. It’s just 10 grams! He won’t-”
“He will”
“Again I repeat myself” Hatori said losing his patience “YOU GOTTA BE FUCKINH KIDDING-”
He couldn’t finish his sentence because Shibata decided in that moment to place one of his heavy hands on Hatori’s shoulder “Minegishi…Hatori is right. Don’t you think you are being a little… paranoic?”
“No” Minegishi firmly stated shaking his head “Why do you think I take him shopping?”
“Because you were trying to teach him how to be a good person…?” Shibata tried only for Minegishi to glare at him. They already knew how much of a failure that had been.
Hatori shrugged, now it was his turn to try. “Dunno man. I don’t even know why you even let him sleep here”
At the others failed attempts Minegishi continued “I don’t know how or what he does but he somehow can weight stuff with great precision”
“What” “What”
“I suspect it has something to do with Mental eye” Minegishi kept muttering unaware of the others awed expression.
“That’s…unexpected” “That’s fucked up”
“It helps me to make sure Im being sold what I payed for” Minegishi shrugged “ANYWAY my point is if I noticed it he will certainly do it too. If we are doing this we have to do it right”
The phrasing didn’t escape Hatori. “We…?” he asked in disbeliefb excitement barely concealed in his tone.
When Minegishi smirked Hatori couldn’t help but give a devilish smirk of his own. in unison they both turned to Shibata who just groaned.
“Fine. I’m in”
Both Minegishi and Hatori raised a fist in triumph. Shibata hesitantly joining them.
“But what are we doing then?” Shibata asked “The glasses don’t weight the same and Shimazaki is gonna arruve any moment now”
“Shit that’s true”
“I have an idea” Minegishi said calling upon the power welling inside him. Soon a sticky looking vine made its way to where the group was reunited. Minegishi inspected it and after some careful consideration he picked two small leaves growing from it and stuck them to the upper side of the toy glasses simulatin angry frowing eyebrows.
He then placed the toy glasses om the scale and with bathed breath they waited for the led screen to settle on a number.
They differed by less than a gram now.
“That’s enough…right?” Hatori quietly asked.
“It has to be…” Shibata added before turning to look at Minegishi. He was the judge, had the last work.
“I don’t know.” Minegishi confessed “But this will have to do. Quick Hatori. Shibata. Set everything we will need in place. We only have one chance amd we can’t afford to waste it.”
They barely had time to finish their already cold food and prepare everything when Shimazaku suddenly appeared in the middle of the room.
They did their best to act naturally hoping the blind man didn’t notice anything.
The moment Shimazaki popped in Minegishi’s living room he knew something was off.
He could feel the remnants of Hatori’s aura telling him he had been building artifacts but wherever they were they were deactivated because he couldn’t sense them. They were probably diacarded om the floor. It wasn’t the first time he did that.
He could feel Shibata tensing his muscles too but it wasn’t like Shimazaki cared. He was hungry and he could smell food so he made his way to his cabinet to fetch his things.
He grabbed his glasses and put them on while he turned about to ask what they had for dinner but before he could do that the whole room erupted in chaos.
“GO GO NOW” Hatori screamed barely restraining his laughter while his artifacts suddenly tuner to life.
Shimazaki could feel them flying, closely circling him but besides that he could hear them. His expartners laughing. Laughing so much they were almost wheezing
“Oh my god” exclaimed Shibata trying to stiffle his laugh with his free hand. The other was busy holding something that made a clicking noise.
“THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT” Hatori cackled pointing at him.
Even Minegishi had bursted laughing!
Shimazaki didn’t know what was happening but he knew something was happening and he didn’t like it.
With a swift movement he took down all of Hatori’s devices, one after another.
“NOOOOO” Hatori screamed “MY BABIES”
Once the artifacts were destroyed Shimazaki turned and launched himself at their vey own creator.
Hatori yelped traying to scurry away from him but Shimazaki was too fast.
Or he would have been if it werenct for the fact Shibata tacklee him before he could reach the little pest.
“Don’t even think that” the big man growled as if that was enough to stop him.
Without wasting another second Shimazaki teletransported behind Hatori and with a strong kick slammed him against Shibata sending them both flyin to the nearest wall.
He was about to punch a hole in them when a sturdy vine wrapped around hos arm stopping him.
“Shimazaki stop” Minegishi exclaimed in a low menacing voice. His hand raised ij prepartion glowing with his aura.
Shimazaki teletransported all around the room avoinding the quick vines Minegishi sent after him trying to bound him.
Soon he made his way towards the plant user and when he was in close range he raise his legt ready to plan another kick in the mans chest but hr had to teletransport before he could do it because somethin was flyin comind directly for his head. Whatever it was it sounded metallic when it crashed om the wall instead.
“You psycho! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Hatori, now surrounded by a bunch of floating stuff ready to be thrown screamed.
Provoked, Shimazaki threw himself once again agains the smaller esper “You were laughing!”
“IT WAS A PRANK JACKASS” Hatori yelled reflexively raising his arms forming a protective barrier.
But it wasn’t needed because that actually made Shimazaki stop.
“A prank?” was all he was able to say before a wave of vines encircled him and threw him to the floor.
“Yes idiot. A prank.” Minegishi walking to where they were and looking down at him “If you had calmed down we could have explain it to you”
Minegishi glared at the bounded man below him. He knew Shimazaki could free himself in any moment. Shimazaki knew it too, afterall he wasn’t squirming instead he stayed put glaring at Minegishi waiting for an explanation.
Or at least he tried. He was stilk wearing the toy glasses and if it wasn'tfor the sight of his destroyed apartment Minegishi would have laughed again.
The final tally after everything was cleaned and accounted for included Hatori’s phone, Minegishi’s toaster and coffe maker (which Hatori had used to build the flying wifi connected cameras and then Shimazaki utterly destroyed) a broken lip from Hatori (though he alleged he had a broken rib too), an unconcious Shibata (who took all the brunt of hitting the wall and that Minegishi had to use his vines to drag and lay to rest on the sofa) and a huge whole on the wall where Shibata had landed, completely fracturing it (Minegishi could consider himself lucky that it hadn’t been one of the buildings support walls).
And an annoyed Shimazaki who was too impatient to wait for them to pick up the place.
“Toy glasses…?” Shimazaki dubiously said when they finally explained what all that had been about. He had taken them off and now was moving his hands along feeling them.
“Yes. They are dumb, they are stupid. You didn’t have to punch our guts but who cares? You are welcome” Hatori said curtly. He was pissed seated on the sofa at the end of Shibata’s feet trying to fix his phone to not succes which only pissed him more.
Minegishi sighed tiredlyb it was too late for this. “We just want to take some photos of you wearing them. We thought it would be fun-”
“How are they?” Shimazaki interrumpted
“How do they look?” Shimazaki suddenly asked seriously. He had stopped touching the glasses and was now frowning at them.
“Uhhh…They are pink?”
“Yeah! pink you dumbfu-” Hatori snapped but stopped himself when he saw the confused look Shimazaki was throwing at him “Of course you don’t know what pink is.. ”
He groaned and turned to look at Shibata for help but the man was still passed out.
“Pink…is this color…like red and white?”
“It’s for girls!” hatori said throwing up his hands in surrender “Minegishi can you help me out”
“They are pink” Minegishi continued shaking his head “ Amd they have this swirly cartoon eyes that wink when you move them-”
“Wink?” Shimazaki asked again looking more confused.
“Yes, they wink. It’s an effect. Don’t think too hard about it-”
“What is this?” Shimazaki said picking apart one of the leaves. “Is it a plant?”
“Yep. Minegishi put them so they weighted the same as your glasses. It worked!” Hatori said in a better mood. As if the fact they managed to trick Shimazaki made him happier “They looked like angry eyebrows. Frowning eyebrows”
“Yes. like you are doing at this very moment” Minegishi said casually pointing at Shimazakis face.
Shimazaki brought a hand to his forehead and lightly patted his eyebrows.
Minegishi ws about to keep talking describing the stupid glasses when the unthinkable happened.
One…two…three…snickers escaped Shimazaki’s mouth and before he or Hatori could understand what was happening he was chuckling.
“OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING? IS HE HAVING AN ATTACK?” Hatori asked panicked and Minegishi couldn’t blame him for that.
It’s not that they had never heard Shimazaki laugh. It was that this was completely different from the mocking laugh they were accustomed.
This was a pure unadultered laugh and Minegishi and Hatori could only stare at the way Shimazaki was bending over while fits of laughter took him over not knowing how to act.
It didnt take much (even though it felt like it did) for Shimazaki to raise with a tiny genuine smile showing on his face while he recovered his breath like they had never seen before.
Afterall maybe a destroyed apartment and an unconcious friend had been worth it.
Because they had to wait for Shibata to regain conciousness and make sure he was okay they ended up going to sleep really late.
Which meant Shimazaki was going to kill the man at the door who woke him with his incesant knocking and shouting.
“MINEGISHI” Shimazaki loudly groaned rolling on his back on the couch and covering his eyes witth his arm wishing that was enough to keep his mental eye from seeing “IM GOING TO KILL HIM IF HE DOESNT STOP”
“I already heard!” Minegishi answered entering in the living room dragging his feet
“IM COMING” he said before mumbling under his breat “Who could even be this early?”
Shimazaki didnt care and he was already readying himself to go back to sleep when Minegishi opened the door.
It was going to be possible. The man seemed to have a death wish.
The shouting not only returned but it increased in volume.
“MINEGISHI SAN” the mans voice boomed in minegishis tiny apartment and to shimazakis surprise Minegishi actually flinched
“Y-Yamada san what are-”
So far Shimazaki had been trying to tune the mans screaming but the more the man continued the harder minegishis grip on the doorframe got drawing Shimazakis attention. It was rare to see him nervous.
“Minegishi san…would you be so kind to explain me why A HUGE FUCKING DENT SUDDENLY APPEARED IN THE WALL SEPARATING YOU APARTMENTS?” the man finally screamed out of breath
“Ill pay for the damage” was everything Minegishi said
“OH IM MAKING SURE YOU DO THAT” the man raged on taking a step forward and jabbing a finger in Minegishis chest.
“I know your story Minegishi san.I know what you used to do and let you come here despite my best judgement” the man hissed with his finger still deeply buried in Minegishis chest. Shimazaki couldnt understand why Minegishi kept listening. “I should just evict you. But I am a generous man and I know you wont be accepted anywhere else so… ill let you stay, given you pay for all of the repairs…who knows how deep your little stunt damaged my building”
“A-all of the repairs?!” Minegishi exclaimed
“And any demand issued againys my persona for this incident”
“Wh-But Yamada-san! I don’t have the momey to pay for all that”
“You seriously expect me to believe that? You should have thought that! And if you refuse to pay I will call the police-”
That’s it.
“You arent calling anybody funny man.” Shimazaki said with a smile telatransporting just behind Minegishi immeditely getting the desired effect.
“W-WHO IS THIS?” the man screamed jumping backwards
“Yamada san this is Shimazaki” Minegishi sighed “He is … a friend of mine-”
“IS THIS ANOTHER ONE OF YOU LUNATICS?” the man pointed a trembling finger in Shimazakis direction
“Who I am doesnt matter.” Shimazaki started but was interrupted by Minegishis hissing
Shimazaki ignored him teletransporting to the space previosly occupied by the man earning another scream from him.
“What matters to me is…” shimazaki said leaning forward dropping his smile “who the fuck are you?”
“W-Who am I?!”
“Yes, you. Idiot.” Shimazaki sighed. The funny man wasnt as funny as he was brainless.
“EXCUSE ME? I’m the-”
“I dont care” Shimazaki quickly cut in “You are but an insignificant piece of shit who should have thought better before coming here and waking me up with all you babbling”
“Babbling? Waking you…up?” the idiot kept repeating everything Shimazaki just said “You sleep here?”
“Duh” shimazaki simply said because it was obvious but something happened because the moment he said that Minegishi groaned and the man who had been previously trembling suddenly stilled and was now looking over shimazakis shoulder at Minegishi
“Minegishi-san what is this?!”
“He was just over-”
“Or else what?” Shimazaki snarled grabbing the not so funny man by the collar of his shirt and raising him “You know? I am getting really tired of you.”
“LET ME GO YOU LUNATIC” the man uselessly kicked in the air
“SHIMAZAKI NO” Minegishis hand shot up effectively grabbing Shimazakis shoulder and stopping him from teletransporting to the bottom of the sea like he had been planning to. “Let him go”
Shimazaki unceremoniously dropped the man and he didnt waste a single second before fleeing down the hall almost tripping with his own feet.
Shimazaki laughed, closed the door and turned around ready to joke with Minegishi like they did everytime they decimated an opposing force.
Except Minegishi currently was sitting in the floor burying his face in his hands.
“Minegishi?” Shimazaki tentatively called
“If he calls the police then Im done for good” Minegishi quietly mumbled
“What? why?” Shimazaki exclaimed  “He was the one who came screaming and woke us up! He was screaming at you!”
“Dont you understand?” Minegishi straightened turning to look at Shimazaki “That was my landlord. I cant go around threatening my landlord!”
“Your what?”
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT A-” Minegishi started but stopped to take a deep breath 
“He owns this place” Minegishi finally saaid gesturing around
“What? I thought this place was yours”
“No  I don’t.” Minegishi grumbled “I don’t have that amount of money...I actually don’t even have enought to pay all of Yamada sans demands”
“What? Arent you super rich or something?”
“Waht makes you think that?”
“Well...with all the stuff you buy me...and how you are always working...”
“You though that I...?” Minegishi said in disbelief  before quietly chuckling “How much do you think Im paid?”
Shimazaki shrugs 
“You do realize you are a lost cause, right?”
Minegishi stood up dusting his pants “Here c’mon” he then walked towards the doors “Let’s go”
“Where?” Shimazaki whined “Im hungry”
“I have to go now and somehow covince everybody to not sue me or Yamada-san...I would preferred to change first but we have to do this as soon as possible if i dont want to pay even more money.”
“And why do i have to go? ” 
“For starters because this is your fault.” Minegishi deadpanned “And besides I dont trust you enough to leave you alone in my kitchen”
Shimazaki couldnt argue back so he crossed his arms and followed Minegishi out
I know, I know its been more than a year since I last updated this but *gestures vaguely* life.last year of college.new fandoms. global crisis...
And more importantly... tumblr deleting all my drafts
Seriously I had like a good chunk of the prank scene written since last years august but Tumblr kept deleting my drafts and i had to rewrite all of that like 5 times which was pretty descourangingly (that and the lack of response )
It’s a shame considering the whole scene of the prank was the main reason for me to write this. I was very excited to write it.
I hope it lived to your expectations because i know I kept talking about this
Anyway I wish i could tell you when the next part is coming, because theres still more (this thing just grows and grows out of control) but yeah *gestures vaguely at everything going around*
What I know is that I want to write this before i forget how key scenes go (part of the discouragement was that i forgot some cool witty dialogue i had for the prank and I was so mad at mysellf for not remebering) so lets see how this goes.
I missed these dorks.
Anyway any feedback is greatly appreciated (reblogs>likes).
You can find me  in ao3 ( Im posting these headcanons and other fics there)
 It’s an honor to contribute to leftist propaganda
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
I bet you probably got this ask before but what about a scenario where kin brings her boyfriend to meet her parents and brother for the first time?
Im gonna make Kai suffer. Is Kin's destiny to be with someone just as equal as Kai 🤣 (poor baby)
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"Birdy?" You called, snickering at his eye twitch whiel he let go of his papers.
"I thought this nickname was dead woman." He sighed in irritation while standing up with a huff.
"Sorry. Never gets old seing that expression of yours" you giggled before whinjng at his pinch on both of your cheeks "Fine fine! I take it back! I take it back!"
He scoffed while letting go of your cheeks, smirking a bit at the way you whined and rubbed then with a pout.
"Spill it out. You cane here for something, right?" He asked sarcastically while crossing his arms and staring you down.
"Yeah, I did." You stopped rubbing on your cheek and looked up at him "Forst you have to promise that you're not going to freak out okay?"
"Who do you take me for?" He asked in irritation while lifting one of his eyebrows up.
"Just promise. Please." You pleaded and he only rolled his eyes at your qords, but still hesitantly followed them. "Ok. Kai, our daughter is with 15..."
"No shit. I thought she had one year." You deadpanned at his monotonous sarcastic comment before you frowned and piked your tongue out at him.
"Anyway smartass." He pinched your waist for that, makimg you yelp but shortly after continue the topic "She was... interested on someone lasy year and he sounds like a good bo-"
You already let out a hopeless sign at seing his muscles tensed and his glove was already gone while his eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Anyway, she has a boyfriend now sweety."
Silence. You absolutely hated it when he got silent. It showed you the absolute storm that was passing through his brain, and you could see the hints of it by seing the hives appearing on his face and the way his eyes seemed to emit flames of rage.
"Kai.. you promised you were not-"
"Who and where is that kid?" He growled, making even you shiver a bit.
"Kai what the hell you're planning to do?" You asked a biit hesitantly, already praying for the poor soul and your daughter when you heard his answer.
"I just want to talk."
"Sure! He even accepted it!" Your daughter answered while showing her phone, the boy had simply writed a 'K, will be here in a couple of minutes'
You made a worried face while your daughter laughed a bit.
"Geez mom relax! Is not like dad is going to kill him!"
"... do you even know your father?" Kin just simply snickered and got up from her caahir to walk along sides you.
"Mom, chill! Trust me, I got a lot of tastes from you, besides... I thinki it will be fun if dad tasted his own venom for once?" You arched a eyebrow at the way ger golden eyes shined a bit but the devilish smirk was still there.
"What do you mean by that missy?" She merely looked at you and shrugged her shoulders with a smile, greeting with a sweet wave at Mimic passing through.
Oh god, if mimic discovered this you were having TWO killing machines.
For your luck at least your older son was with his girlfriend on somewhere else...
Although when you saw Kin getting smiley and giddly at seing at THAT boy getting out of the car, you looked at her in astonishment and let out a laugh along with her.
The boy had raven hair with the undercut style, had one blue eye while the other was brow as the wood of a tree and by god that stoic face he carried was equivalent to your husband and your sons!. He was wearing the typical black jacket and some boots with jeans as he got out of the the passenger seat, smilling for a fraction of seconds at seing Kin greeting him.
"Ya are the girl's mom miss?" The man ridding the car asked with a cigarate on his mouth, the boy already glared daggers at him.
"Sure am." You giggled while getting closer "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
"No one in special, just that midget's older brother. Wanted to see that cutie of his. Got a good fabric huh?"
"Shut your damn mouth pig." The boy spoked blantly while Kin hushed him a bit.
Oh fuck that was so nostalgic and gave you so many memories of you and Kai your heart did flips.
"I take it ya from the yakusa? Badass as hell since you don't look like the type, but i respect your husband." The man took the cigarette out of his mouth to threw in a nearby trash can "Im going to pick that shrimp later, if he does something wrong I will beat him up."
"P-Please dont do that." You smiled in worry while the man let out a laughter and got out without any words left.
"Mom, this is Naoko. The one I've been gushing about it!" She smiled while the boy scoffed, his skin dusting with the pink blush.
"Apologies for that fucker Daisou. He has no fucking manners." He stoicly said after without a care, widening a bit his eyes when you let out a laugh at his boldness.
Oh god this was going to be so fun.
"Is a pleasure meeting the boy that has got my daughter's attention and love sweety." You bowed before holding his hand, which btw were covered in bruised what the hell child? And gave hin one of your warmest smiles.
"Ny name is Chisaki (Y/n). Call me whatever you feel confortable okay? Welcome to the Shie Hassaikai."
Kin stiffled her giggle at the way Naoko's eyes widened in surprise before he muffled a cough behing one of his bandages fists, muttering a 'thanks' in return.
You were walking a bit until you giggled at the boy's gruff whisper to his girlfriend.
"So is from her that you got all that lovey dovey shit type?"
Yep. This was going to be fun.
Kai and Naoko immediately changed threating glares at each other the moment the boy placed his boots at side and looked at the older man face.
"My dad, Chisaki Kai. Dad, Naoko." Kin got between the two, showing with her hand at both of them.
Both only nodded and continued their glares exchange... until you just interrupted with a offer of tea for the guest.
Naoko's gasp got stucked on his throat before he brought a hand to rub the back of his head.
"Is not necessary mrs. But th-"
"Normally is considered rudeness refusing such a offer." Chisaki's eyes narrowed at the raven haired boy "Got no manners?"
"More less." He sighed in irritation before placing his hand on his pocket before glaring uo at him again "Guess we are on the same boat."
Kai's eye twitched a bit at that and his glove was already gone while he tried to not lose his temper.
Luckily for that midget his wife carresed a bit his back doscretly making him calm down. Pure fucking luck.
"I heard you are quite a troublesome young man Naoko." You cooed while handing him a cup "My daughter said you beated up someone just last week."
"Quite a example for you Kin. Im shocked that your choices were so poorly." Kjn glared at her father while Naoko merely scoffed and stared back at you, a hint of gratitude on his stoic different color eyes.
"Sure. Little shits wouldn't stop bitching about Kin not having a fucking quirk so I beated their asses." He said nonchantly before sipping on his cup.
Chisaki's eyebrow lifted up a bit, both disgust at his poor vocabulary but soon interested on why exactly he beated those kids.
"Kin, I thiught that whenever thise things happened you need to come talk with me and your mother or even Chrono and Mimic." Jai muttered at her while she shrugged.
"I didn't told anyone. Wasn't going to waste mh or others time with a bunch of filth." Naoko znickered at that, still with his lips touching the cup.
Chisaki merely sighed and thanked you through his gaze for giving him a cup of tea and for sitting next to him.
"Your actions remind me of someone I know very well Naoko." You said sweetly, giggling a bit at the way Chisaki glared at you.
Dont compare him with a brat.
"Sure." The boy replied while putting his cup on the coffe table "But I gotta tell. Kin still can kick some ass."
"Vocabulary is quite poor of yours." Chisaki spoked with a eyebrow lifted up while Naoko did the exact same thing.
"My way of speaking. Is just like that, not going to change either." He sighed before looking at Kin with a glare "Little shit beated me up on a match when I met her."
Kin laughed while Kai's jaw tighten in hate at the way Naoko called his daughter.
"Match? Does the school still does that?" You asked, remembering at all teh times you got called to "control your son" because whenever those happened your Kaito always sended one or three to the infirmary.
"Shitty teachers say is because we have to improve our quirks, and told me to go easy on her... although I wasn't going to go easy, this brat knocked me out." He stated simply, smirling at Kin's laugh.
"You were distracted! Is not my fault." She sayed in protest.
"I see that thise training were worth it for something." Kai sighed before glaring at Naoko "So you do have a quirk?" He asked, disgust completely visible on his voice.
"A shitty one, but yeah." He smirked at Kin, more love showed in his eyes "But at least is useful for something."
"He can summon whatever weapon he wants in just one snap of fingers! Kin sayed in enthusiasm "It last for at least fifteen minutes, but is so cool!"
"Is not much, stop gushing about me in front of your parents idiot." She smirked at him before he messed with her dark brow hair affectionately.
You and Kin were just gone for a few minutes, she went to talk to you and gush even more about her boyfriend; leaving both man staring at each other.
Chisaki had to admit that this brat was a brave soul, because he didn't even once flinched at his glares or even got scared or sad from his comments.
"Spill it out. What do you think of daughter?" He growled threateningly, Naoko simply stared at him for a few minutes before the kid closed his hands together with a sigh, laying his elbows on his legs as he lowered his head for the first time that day.
"She is just too good for this world." He sighed a bit as he glared at the coofe table "She gets so fucking teased and bullied for being from here, yet she doesn't mistreat anyone on that cursed place..."
He arched one of his eyebrows... Kin indeed was a oure soul that it was even difficult to believe that she was his daughter...
"Not only that but I came from a shitty family as well. Yet she didn't even looked down at me once, despite her status and all of that shit. Kindness... is something rare in this god for saken world."
He was having fucking chills of his own past and didn't liked that one bit. But he still kept his posture and continued with his judgmental stare at the boy.
"She is just..." he let out a bitter chuckle "Too fucking pure for this world..." he looked up at Chisaki with narrowing blue and brow eyes "I want to protect her and make her happy, and honestly I could give two rat ass about you not accepting me or whatever shit. But I want to make your daughter happy and safe... and I have a feeling that you did the same with your wife somehow."
He made a amusement face before sogji g and crossing his arms, looking at the direction of where his daughter went along with his wife.
"My wife is the purest thing in this world. She is not sick like many I came to know of..." he looked at Naoko "If you wish to protect and make my daughter happy, then I womt stop you... But-" his eyes went murderous as his voice lowered "Dare. Even dare to make one single tear fall from her eyes, that i will give you a punishment equivalent to what we do here with traitors of the yakusa."
"Trust me, if I ever make her cry I will come here asking for you to beat me up."
Chisaki couldn't help but smirk underneath his mask after that.
"I still dont trust you. But my daughter seems to enjoy your presence, so I will tolerate. But change your vocabulary, is disgusting."
"Only by my fucking dead cold body."
Ok this kid is surely going to get on his nerves a lot.
Kin made a happy squeal as she looked at the scene discretly with you.
"He let it mom! My Naoko is the best!"
"Sure. You passed the big boss my bee. But now you got to have lucky with both of your brothers and Iri aka remember?"
Her face fell into a stoic one before looking at you with a face equivalent to her father
"Way to ruin the moment mom." You snickered before she chuckled along.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
ok i have two (2) asks and i will send them separately but number one (1) do u think roman uses humor to cope with things when big because like. i relate to roman too much in general but also i really really relate to ur roman in this and i do that way too much because its easier so i was just wondering if that was a thing he did? and if it were to be a thing he did how do u think the others would react? like im self deprecating but is roman? idk sorry rambling 🐝
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this turned into a long post exploring romans characterisation so thank u bee anon!!
i think Roman uses humour sometimes but mainly i think its can just be described as acting out? like acting proud and big
i keep saying when roman feels small he acts big and that has nothing to do with being little - when roman feels inadequate and embarrassed and sorrowful (small) he acts loud and proud and confident (big) and stands taller and puffs out his chest - this doesnt mean everytime he is proud he's hiding insecurities, he does it when hes actually happy too. its just like he's trying to force happy on himself by acting like this when hes sad
i think the times he makes jokes are more when he feels awkward. i said before when theyre big and roman wants to support virgil he holds his hand, but he blurts something random or makes a loud joke as he does it to try to distract from the action because its obviously a vulnerable move and he doesnt want anyone to dwell on that
i really don't think my roman is very self deprecating, he acts very proud but most of that is real, he really is pretty full of himself. and he actually has never talked down about himself, he feels bad when hes frightened and he can sometimes think hes stupid but its not that intense and he never voices these things and definitely never makes jokes abt them
he just hates feeling anything less than regal and strong so if he feels scared he feels weak and he pretends to be bigger and more confident because he hopes it will chase away the inadequate feelings, and it does help him a little bit - sure he needs to talk through these feeings to work through them but actually standing taller and being extra big brotherly and protective of vee to distract from his bad feelings does make him feel better in himself and reminds him that even if he feels sad and not very glittery he's still the same brave prince roman
its actually a pretty healthy thing for him i think, since he does talk about his feelings if theyre really bothering him - take chapter 5 of LABD where he sighs dramatically and virgil asks what wrong and roman immediately rants about how he wants to do a valiant act for vee. or in chapter 8 where patton asks him whats wrong and again he sighs dramatically then immediately admits that he's scared the family will split up. he might act out to try not to look weak and sad but he doesnt actually hide his feelings
also it makes him feel safer to know that the others still see him as strong and brave even when he feels down and small
the others do all notice, romans not exactly subtle.
big virgil tends to scoff and fondly calls roman a dumbass or a sap and accepts his hand holds or suggests they do something fun if roman clearly needs a distraction - it's also to make sure roman isnt around logan when he's like this (i'll talk more abt that in a bit)
and baby vee doesnt really notice he just likes that his big brother is babying him more and will subconsciously latch onto him at these times (i think without knowin, vee actually picks up on the fact that roman needs to baby vee to feel better and vee gives him all his attention)
patton thinks its kind of cute that roman preens like a peacock and gets more flamboyant and loud and confident, though he also makes sure to give ro a lot of attention since he clearly needs it - he tends to big roman up like if he's little he'll say things like 'you're such a brave little prince' 'what a big boy you are' 'you're a really great role model for your baby brother roman!' - he highlights the fact that roman is the bigger older brother because that makes little roman feel proud and happy
logan is the one who doesnt take too fondly to it tbh - he doesn't hate it, and he would never ever judge someone for their coping mechanism, but the two tend to clash most when roman acts more cocky (don't tell them but it's because theyre both full of themselves and neither likes to feel threatened by someone else acting more important)
logan also doesnt have much of a filter and will outright state that roman is clearly acting out due to feelings of inadequacy, and that only makes roman lash out with nicknames and mocking logan because sure he loves attention almost always, but when the attention is on how he is messing up he cant stand it - this tends to result in arguments between lo and ro
virgil hates it whenever anyone argues - including himself, he gets shaky from fear of confrontation - it sets of his anxiety and he will actively keep logan and roman away from each other if he notices roman is overcompensating with his ego and pride. he is of course hypervigilant and clocks onto romans weird moods pretty quickly and either gets roman to hang out with him or, if roman is busy or doesnt feel like it, he'll keep logan preoccupied
roman and logans relationship is an interesting one, it's very turbulent. little roman looks up to mom logan a LOT and is a little bit intimidated by him because he thinks his mom is really cool and clever. he can sometimes feel almost scared of logan, though not a lot, just in the sense that he knows logan has a lot of say in what is good for vee's regression and he's scared one day logan will decide roman is one of the things that is not good for vee and will split them up (this is a recurring fear of roman's that's consistent throughout all of the fics: he's scared he will lose his brother - because he already experienced that once)
and when roman forst became a little, logan was actually a bit confused and sceptical, he didn't know that you could be a little without mentally regressing and couldnt figure out why roman did it. it obviously gets resolved before LABD since he treats roman like a kid then, but their relationship is still a little bumpy. they really get into their roles and love playing together and logan does treat the boys as equally 'real' littles, roman still gets bedtime and affection and rules and stuff, but sometimes the facade breaks a little and they both remember that theyre still just adults, theyre still logan and roman who otherwise would never act like this together.
theres a moment in LABD chapter 8 where logan is tickling roman, its very joyful and cute, then a bit later theyve stopped, ro is on his moms lap and vee says he wants to play with roman. roman is reluctant and strokes his fingers along logans arm which is hugging him - he doesnt want to give up this special time with mom because mom is almost never this physically affectionate with him. but logan immediately gets roman off his lap and leaves and its because he suddenly realised 'oh this isnt a child, this is roman, adult roman who is very aware of the fact that i just tickled him and pulled him into my lap'
so logan gets self conscious that adult roman is fully aware of how different and affectionate logan acts as mama logan.
anyway yeah i REALLY went off track im sorry 😳😳
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 58 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 58 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
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New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Tanlin’s face fell.  In a sad soft voice she said, “Oi knew t’at ye’d ask.  Oi’ll give ye t’e facts t’at Oi know.  Ye willnae like w’at Oi’m about t’ tell ye.  Ot least a few ot’ers will tell parts o’ ‘t as well.  Ye’ll ‘ave t’ decide i’ ye’ve been told true.” Dragons forgive m’.  Oi’ll tell ‘er nae lie but Oi must save m’ Barad at any cost! She began, carefully editing Barad’s early involvement in the plot.
“T’ere wa’ a plot t’ kill ye.  T’was hatched only a few doors down t’e passage in Mister Morgu’s cabin.  ‘E wa’ our Purser an’ ‘e ‘ates t’e Longin.  T’was ‘e t’at persuaded Barad t’ buy t’e Ord …”
She went on, fearful of the effect that her account was having on Kurin. So much depended on the goodwill of this child.  No, not really a child, just young.  Before the fleet she was legally an adult because of her skills accomplishments.
There was good reason for her fear.  Kurin heard of the apparent cold blooded murder of Chena and possibly Merk with horror and pity.  She did not want to face this.  She wanted to run and hide, curled around her knotted stomach.  Only her need to know the truth kept her in the same cabin with this story.
Tanlin’s control broke down when she got to Silor’s part. She turned in her chair and gestured at the cabin door, her voice catching as she said, “Ot t’e Gat’ering, only a day before ye were poisoned, Oi met Silor just ootside t’is door.  ‘E wa’ runnin’ an errand for Mister Morgu.  T’was ‘im t’at took t’e kit.”
She hid her face and her voice was muffled and she wept as she said, “A moment earlier!  Just a moment earlier an’ Oi’d ‘ave caught ‘im in our cabin!  Nae bit o’ t’is wad ‘ave ‘appened i’ Oi’d been a moment earlier!”
Kurin, remembering the ghastly accusations of her own mother as she sank into madness, could well guess the kind of guilt feelings that Tanlin was experiencing.  The screaming shade of her mother accusing her of murdering her father still haunted her dreams.  She leaned forward, reaching through her own revulsion at the unfolding tale, and laid a comforting hand on Tanlin’s arm.  The contact helped Tanlin to get a grip on herself.  She looked thankfully at Kurin and went on.  
Kurin heard the events at the Gathering and after.  Even though she had already heard that the Fauline had been rammed, she got the tale again.  This time it included what had happened aboard the Fauline as well as the rest of the events.  She heard, for the first time, how the Grandalor had got north undetected by riding in the eye of the Coriolis storm.
Kurin sat, stunned by the tale.  Shakily she asked, “That’s it?  No dodge?  No it was an accident or a prank gone awry?  Just, somebody really tried to kill me, not even because they hated me?  Just to hurt my ship?”
Tanlin sat slumped in her chair, looking ill.  We’ve lost.  She’ll nae help us now, she thought.  She responded dully, “In Mister Morgu’s case, Aye.  In Silor’s case, nae.  ‘E ‘ates ye an’ blames all o’ ‘is ill fortune an’ failings on ye.  Oi t’ink, from talking wit’ ‘im, t’at ‘e’s mad, at least w’ere ye are concerned.
“Bot’ ‘e an’ Mister Morgu ‘ave been confined since we caught t’em. Nane ‘as spoken t’ t’em since, except for m’sel’.  I talked t’ each o’ t’em separately t’ get t’e facts t’at Oi ‘ad t’ tell ye.”
Kurin curled up into a ball in her chair and sat, eyes closed, stomach knotted.  Tanlin looked despairingly across at Kurin.  She felt both guilt and sorrow that she’d caused such pain in one so young. Tanlin crossed the space between them and knelt where she could gather the hurting Kurin into her arms.
Kurin, startled, looked at her face.  Gray eyes in pain met gray eyes in despair.  Kurin uncurled enough to wrap an arm about Tanlin as well. For a few minutes they just sat and comforted each other.
Kurin broke the hug first and retreated to her chair, curled about her pain.  She looked at Tanlin, and tilted her head regarding the woman shrewdly.  Almost dismissively she said, “This is just pain.  It was hard to hear, that’s all.  I half expected something like that story.  I came here because of those Great Law violations. Running off because something’s difficult isn’t my way.
“Is there anything else that I should know about?”
“T’ere’s a matter t’at ye should know from m’,” said Tanlin, eager to change the subject, hope flaring.  “T’e counterfeit scrip t’at ‘as plagued yer last few Gat’erings originated on t’is ship. Barad an’ Mister Morgu conspired toget’er on t’at.  T’ere are many ‘oo were guilty o’ ‘elping t’ make or pass ‘t.”
“I see,” said Kurin.  She wrapped white hair about several fingers as she thought.  Concentration helped her to ignore the pain knotting her stomach.  She remembered some things that both Alor and Captain Mord had complained of and got an impish grin.  “I think that I have an idea about how to deal with that little problem.”
She turned serious again and said grimly, “There’s another problem that might not be so easy, though.  The Grandalor has an ominous reputation.  There are up to several hundred disappearances, perhaps murders.  Somehow they will have to be dealt with.”
This time it was Tanlin who grinned.  She raised her left index finger and chuckled around the stone of fear in her heart, “T’ey never ‘appened.  Nae even ane.”
“Then what did happen to all those people?” asked Kurin skeptically.
Tanlin snorted in amusement and replied, “Indentures.  Barad brokered t’eir indenture sales in t’e Arraken fleet.  T’e ‘ule ship kept t’e secret as a groit joke on t’e Naral fleet.  T’ere were nae mysterious disappearances.  Tis all in t’e Log an’ accounts.”
Angrily, Kurin started to say, “That’s a violation of the First Great Law! The sale of indentures is slavery!”
Tanlin held up a hand to stem the clearly expected outburst from Kurin. Calmly she explained, “Oi know t’e views o’ t’e Naral fleet on t’e matter.  As indenture’s practiced in t’e Arrakan fleet tis nae slavery nae does ‘t violate t’e Forst Groit Law.  Tis t’e ‘art o’ t’e Arrakan system o’ education.  Yer apprenticeship system comes closer t’ slavery t’an our indenture system.”
Kurin leaned forward curiously, listening carefully as Tanlin went on, “Barad discovered ‘ow our education system worked.  ‘E made yer castoffs int’ students t’at our fleet paid ‘igh prices for. Wen t’e Princamorn wa’ wrecked, we were on our way t’ meet Barad an’ pick up t’e latest crop o’ indentures.”
“Ye ‘ad t’ know about t’e indenture sales.  T’ey’re sure t’ try t’ attack us wit’ t’em.  T’e sales were legal in our fleet an’ dune in our territory.  T’e T’ird Groit Law’s all t’e defense m’ Barad needs.”
Tanlin regarded Kurin soberly for a few moments.  She’s so small.  Can she truly save us?  Barad trusts ‘er an’ t’ere’s few enow ‘e does.  She said quietly, “T’e Grandalor’s books, Logs an’ all else wit’ nut’in’ an’ nane ‘eld bock, is open t’ ye. Ask anyt’ing.  I’ we know t’e answer, tis yers.  Oi’ve ordered t’at t’ere’s t’ be nut’in’ ‘idden from ye.”
Earnestly, Tanlin requested, “Study t’e case forst, t’en answer ane quest’n.  Will ye please put our case before t’e Naral fleet?”
When Kurin did not answer immediately, Tanlin added, a little bitterly, “We’ve little ot’er ‘ope o’ gettin’ justice. Remember, nae even ye quest’ned t’e violations o’ law, bot’ Groit an’ fleet, t’at were dune t’ us.  Ye ‘ave t’eir respect an’ ye were t’e victim o’ t’e assault.  T’ey’ll listen t’ ye.”
 Kurin thought I’ve never refused a challenge before.  I wonder what Cat would say about me defending Barad?  Still, it’s the biggest responsibility I’ve ever faced.  She shuddered a little as she pondered, Lenai and Darkistry are wounded and in sickbay.  Macoul is dead.  Just to get me here.  I can’t let them down.
Tanlin saw Kurin’s small shudder and feared the worst.
Clearly and firmly Kurin said, “I’ve already made up my mind.  I don’t need to think it through any further.”  
Tanlin’s face fell, sure that she had lost.  Ship, love, friends and all would die.  Despair provided the darkness that the unsetting arctic sun in the ports could not.  Determination settled over her features.  Ice like the pack not far north wrapped her heart.  She would have to save her folk — — if she could.  She knew too well, from Barad’s books, the deadly skills of those directing the hunt to the south of them.  
She heard her own voice as if it were through a bulkhead, remote from what she was saying, “Oi promised ye safe conduct.  Oi’m sorry t’at we took ye so far for naught.  We’ll feed ye an’ let ye rest.  Tomorrow we’ll return ye t’ t’e Longin.
“We’ll nae be Scattered an’ executed by Council orders.  We’ll try t’ break-oot for t’e Arrakan fleet.  T’ey’ll give us a fair trial wen t’ey ‘ear o’ the Groit Law violations.  We’ll die fightin’ i’ we cannae escape.
“Oi ‘ope t’at we dinnae have t’ sink any ships doin’ ‘t.”
Appalled, Kurin exclaimed, “No!  I meant that I will be your advocate! I do have to study the case but not to make up my mind.  You were wronged.  I don’t know if I can save your crew but I have to try.”
Tanlin’s hardness turned to joy in an instant.  “Oi know t’at ye’ll do yer best an’ t’at yer best’s very good indeed.”
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