#but in this au Zane’s ninja name is
thepurplecapr · 1 year
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Morro design I finally got finished! I will give info on him soon
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ominousvibez · 1 month
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based on that weird dream i had except i made him a more purple/violet color like my ninjago oc anya
BASICALLY the dream is that danny was gonna Fully Die but clockwork intervened and gave him a chance at a new life in a different world, completely over from scratch. he ended up keeping his memories of his past life but because the worlds are so different the only things that were handy were like. science and math he could remember since physics mostly worked the same. he was born to two parents, john and maria mortis (they weren’t named in the dream but i decided to keep their names close to jack and maddie hehe >:3)
he ends up keeping some of his powers still-- invisibility and intangibility, which he has to re-learn from scratch, and also he can see and interact with certain shades and echoes left behind from living people (which are different from ninjago’s version of ghosts, these shades can’t interact with the world and are completely passive, but they are immune to water).
eventually he ends up in S0/S1 of ninjago training with the four core ninja and his weapon was technically a spear or staff thing but i decided that a set of kama were a cooler weapon-- they’re mostly japanese farming sickles but they are used in some katas in different martial arts in southern asia so i thought they were cool. didn’t wanna draw them tho
there’s more information i could write but there’s so much here already that maybe i should Chill out
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allisonsylvine · 1 year
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someone asked me for a ninja genderbend, here’s zane for now :3
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razzle-zazzle · 30 days
Ok but what happens next 😭😭😭 how do the show and movie ninja interact I NEED THEIR SHENANIGANS /lh
Okay okay so. basically. the movie ninja are temporarily stuck in showverse, so the show ninja just kind of (slightly awkwardly bc they weren't expecting this AT ALL) take them in for the time being while looking for a way to send them back. we get to see the similarities and differences between the show and movie ninja, we get to see both groups reacting to each others' lore/lives ("you all still go to school? ew" "you all live together like a permanent sleepover? so cool!").
But also. When Ghost possessed Movie Cole. Movie Cole got a whole bunch of Show Cole's memories. They're all jumbled up and discombobulated, though, so for all that M!Cole knows more about his counterpart than any of the other ninja it's usually expressed in Sudden Realizations as the disconnected pieces click into place. Meanwhile, Show Cole kind of has Ghost and Corpse' memories, kind of, and Ghost was pretty much present the entire time he was in movieverse even if he couldn't be seen or heard for most of it (and did have a few episodes where he couldn't see or hear either), so Show Cole also has a weird amount of insight to his counterpart that he doesn't really actively realize he has. This leads to great interactions such as:
S!Cole: i mean, i kind of remember? it's in bits and pieces S!Cole: your history essay was awful btw M!Cole: what would you know, you literally— M!Cole: wait M!Cole: YOU DROPPED OUT OF MARTY OPPENHEIMER'S?! S!Cole: i still know half-assing when i see it! M!Cole: MARTY. OPPENHEIMER'S!!! M!Cole to S!Cole:
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S!Jay: soooo are those memories making any sense yet? M!Cole: no S!Jay, thinking about the love triangle: oh thank fsm M!Cole: you two fight a lot, huh? S!Cole: i dunno what you're talking about, we're best friends S!Jay, opening the fridge: yep! we're—COLE DID YOU TAKE MY FUCKING PUDDING CUP AGAIN S!Cole: the best of friends 😌😊🌸✨
M!Cole, to S!Kai: so what's "human pinata" supposed to be M!Kai: the WHAT S!Kai: ...some things are better left forgotten S!Cole, from across the bounty: HE WAS AN ENTERTAINER AT KIDS PARTIES A FEW YEARS BACK M!Cole: oh M!Kai: oh? OH???? M!Kai:
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There's more that I can't recall off the top of my head rn, too. But yeah once the slightly morbid twist is resolved Cleaved gets back to regular crossover shenanigans and impromptu cross-dimensional group therapy. Of course, there's also that fact that M!Cole's indentity was revealed back home, but surely that's not going to cause any problems when they finally figure out how to reliably travel through realms...
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pepmint-art · 2 years
Some of the College!Lloyd and his fight of not becoming green ninja.
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localguy2 · 2 years
Been writing for an AU for a while and it's basically:
"Mr.E fight goes 50/50, both Zane and E end up at the bottom of the canyon, and because of this SoG and Hunted get altered (mainly Hunted)"
What I'm trying to say is, the guy making this post is using the Mr.E fight as an excuse to bring Echo Zane into the ninja team (not immediately) and have him interact with his other brother, and the author in question is trying to make thier entire dynamic "I've had Echo/Zane for about 5 minutes, but if anything happens to them I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself."
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Oh also Zane has a meltdown when he learns Jay and Nya haven't told him or any of the ninja about Skybound (and echo and all the shit involved)
So uhhhh, if you have any questions ig, ask away lol
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marsipain · 2 years
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This is a ninjago AU I’ve been working on for months, and I finally finished designing the main cast! It’s named the cyberpunk Ninjago AU because of its cyberpunk themes and aesthetics (not in any relation to the cyberpunk games.) The ninja and a few other side characters from canon Ninjago live in a cyberpunk city named Ninjaglow (yes, pun, funny haha) where there are three main industries;
The Ring Fighters, an industry where different skilled fighters clash for rewards and fame.
Consists of Akita, Kai, Cole and Skylor (also technically Harumi and Zane, but I’ll get into that later.)
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The Party Animals, are people in the party industry. They mostly consist of DJ’s and musicians, but anyone can party at the club.
Consists of Lloyd, Harumi and Morro.
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The Car Racers, are.. you guessed it, part of the racing industry! In this industry skilled drivers race for rewards and fame.
Consists of Jay, Nya, Pixal and Zane.
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So that’s the gist of it, but of course there’s a lot more that needs to be said about this AU, so I created a relationship chart! (Hopefully it’s not so messy that it is illegible)
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Please refrain from shipping anyone in this AU unless they are explicitly lovers or have the ambiguous tag!
Now for individual ref sheets with some information about the characters!
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I hope you find this AU interesting, as I plan to release more content about it when I have time! Maybe I’ll even open a Q&A for this AU one day if people are interested :]
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
Zane, Jay, and Skylor in my art style (sketches) plus a cute headcanon i came up with:
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Headcanon: the ninja, for years, have accidentally been wearing each other’s clothes by pure accident, and no one realised until Pixal began living with them. You suddenly have a weird spiky jacket with the letter C in the corner? Mustve been a hand me down!
You suddenly have a shirt thats way too small on you? Must’ve grown out of it!
Oh? You suddenly have clothes with fire insignias on it? Must be some merch you got alongside your own as a two for one deal in ninjago market.
You have a rlly ugly sweater you’d never actually buy? Oh its must be a gift! Might as well wear it.
No one realises. Not a signal person realises, because they didn’t know what belonged to who in the first place. This was all caused by Wu trying to enforce discipline into the ninja (and Nya) by making them do chores. But when the chore of laundry came around, it became pure confusion for whoever was doing it because who is wearing bright pink tank tops dammit???
So, as teenagers do, they decided they did not care enough and threw the clothes into one of the random 5 (later 6 (Lloyd) and even later, 7 (Pixal)) baskets and call it a day.
And because the ninja can be rlly dumb, they don’t realise.
So in my drawing, you have a shockingly sick Zane (he caught a virus) wearing a shirt that belonged to Jay and not questioning why it doesn’t reach past his waist, a Skylor wearing Nya’s overalls and Kai’s belt as she tries to help Pixal and Nya fix a car or smth (she may know how to cook, but she has no idea how to build) and being annoyed by not getting it, and a Jay wearing Pixal’s purple shirt as he simps over Nya doing smth rlly cool.
Later, it’s Pixal who joins the group and lives with them, and feeling out of place she wonders where her clothes are going off too. When Pixal sees Jay wearing her shirt, she asks why, he acts rlly confused, the other ninja are baffled, and Pixal proves her point by showing the tag with her name on it. Slowly, the other ninja check their clothes and realises they’re wearing each other’s clothes too. They’re all embarrassed and don’t say anything, until Pixal laughs and says she actually finds it sweet and it made her feel more comfortable there.
From there on out, the ninja began ‘claiming/accepting’ friends through mixing their clothes together and waiting for the other to wear them.
Vania stays over and the next day shes wearing an oversized black shirt, internally confused where she got it from but it’s so damn comfortable. Cole is excited.
Benthomaar lives with the Ninja for a bit and one day he’s wearing Nya’s swimming shorts and he wonders why ‘his’ shorts are so…short. Nya has to hold back her laugh when later she sees Bentho wearing a tight blue shirt, and a Jay yelling about not being short.
Skylor wonders where she got collection of red tank tops, and never realises Kai freaking out in the back every time she wears one.
In a resurrected AU, Morro is seen wearing a white shirt alongside a golden ribbon wrapped around his waist. Zane and Wu share a glance when they hear Morro mutter about where all his dark coloured clothes went.
Edit: plus harumi and echo zane they were unknowingly manipulated into wearing clothes that aren’t theirs
Anyways i love these lot theyre so cute sushwhwh
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⚡The Lightning Choice⚡
(Sorry if my English is bad. I am Russian myself, and so I used a translator. Unid and Mina Allison helped me, thanks to them for that. If you liked it, put the like button, it will be very pleasant for me and them)
AU, where Jay merges with his element / lightning instead of Nya in season 14. Possible ❗❗spoilers⚠️
Nya fought with Kalmaar and Wojira, but was defeated, the water master was struck by the Merlopian trident, which caused her to lose consciousness and fly into the water. Jay was the only one who saw what happened to the brunette, the lightning master jumps after her, hopes that he will save her, hopes that she is still alive.
The ninja pulls her out of the water on her hands, climbing higher on the roof, the brown-haired man began to check her pulse:
— No... Nya... please... don't leave me again!.. — almost crying, the lightning master pleaded, the rest of the team, noticing the loss of friends, begin to search, but when they find them, their gaze falls on Nya lying on the roof and Jay mourning her.
— Jay, what happened?! — Kai slowly approaches them, his heartbeat accelerates, his breathing slows down, it becomes harder and harder to speak, fear comes to the fore. — Jay, don't be silent! Please! — Kai wants to hear joyful words, which makes him shake his friend by the shoulders.
— Nya... — with a heavy pain in his heart, Jay begins to speak. — She fought Kalmaar, but lost to him… She was hit by a trident..." — speech slowed down, Jay could not speak calmly.
— Well, don't be silent! Tell me what's wrong with her! — The fire ninja shook him by the shoulders again.
— Nya fell into the water! Jay shouted at him. — I rushed after her and pulled her out... — the voice became quieter.
— Take her inside! Hurry up! Hide the transport! — Wu ordered, running up to the team, without hesitating for a second, the teacher took control of the whole situation. Everyone nodded in agreement, Jay took his Yang in his arms and carefully carried her inside, accompanied by the master, Pixal and Bentho.
— Nya! You can't hide from me! This world doesn't belong to you anymore! He's mine! — Kalmaar shouted from Wojira, tracking them down.
— «How he pisses me off» — Jay's gaze fell on Nya lying on the couch, Benthomaar was looking out the window nearby, the master and Pixal were discussing something aside, only briefly Jay heard his and Nya's name.
— How is she? — The fire master asked, approaching Zane.
The nindroid was running diagnostics.
— The condition is serious, but she is stable, now she is unconscious, it is possible that she will wake up soon. — the ice master replied.
That bastard almost killed my sister! He's going to pay for this! — a fire was lit in his hands — I'll kill him myself! — Smith said.
— Hush, Kai, don't get excited, we'll figure out how to deal with Kalmaar, but first we need to help Nya. — Lloyd tried to reason sensibly until Kai lay down next to her.
Looking out the window, Jay saw Benthomaar standing on guard, releasing the girl's hand, he approached him.
— Benthomaar, how did Nyad defeat Wojira? Do you remember what you told us? The brown — haired man asked, which distracted the Prince of Merlopia for a second.
— She sacrificed her body and merged with the sea — the Merlopian replied, sighing heavily, he was not looking at the sea or even Jay, who did not ask a question, his gaze was directed at Nya.
— Merged? But how exactly? — The blue ninja continued to ask with insistence.
— She absorbed all the power of the ocean, she became a part of it, and he became hers! — the brunette also replied coldly, already looking at him. Jay thought about it, Benthomaar quickly figured it out. — Don't even think about it! Although Nyad defeated Wojira, she eventually died… It was a one-way ticket… She disappeared… Forever! — The Merlopian threatened the lightning master, but Jay didn't take it as a threat, it was a challenge.
— «Nyad could not cope with the power of the received force, but I will cope, I will do everything for Nya, for the sake of our future with her!» — Jay no longer listened to Bento, his thoughts were occupied only with a plan that will bring peace to everyone. — «None of my friends are going to die today, only Wojira is going to die!»
— Benthomaar! Zane is calling you — Cole has disrupted their completed dialogue. Nodding, the Merlopian left the boys alone. Seeing the displeased look from his friends, Jay stepped back a little.
— Uh..Is something wrong, guys?.. — The lightning ninja asked them, smiling stupidly, occasionally a chuckle slipped through.
— Jay, we heard about your conversation with Benthomaar... — the second brown-haired man replied.
— And we won't let you do that! — The lightning master's face changed at the same moment. — Don't even think about it! — The brunette continued. Jay became serious.
— You can't stop me from doing that! Perhaps this is the only way to help her! — the winner of the «Prime Empire» rebelled.
— Jay — was just about to start Lloyd.
— What's Jay?! — The lightning ninja was no longer panicking, he was taking out all the pain on his friends.
— Zane said that Nya is stable, she will wake up soon — the blond man slowly approached him.
— Yeah? — Walker said without emotion. — I was there too, if you haven't forgotten, I also heard these predictions ... — the ninja took a pause, gathering his thoughts. — And you know what? These may be her last breaths, I already tried to start her heart, I tried to revive her before you came — the team started listening even more attentively from that moment on. — But I couldn't! She didn't take a single breath, nor did she open her eyes! Nothing happened! Do you understand, Lloyd? She needs to go to the hospital, but they are all flooded, and the only way to revive her without a doctor is to defeat Wojira and Kalmaar! — Jay pointed to the sea outside the window.
— Jay, but this is not the only way! — The master of energy did not believe in these words himself, and Jay only looked at him sadly, nodding.
— You heard what Benthomaar said, didn't you? When Nyad merged with the sea and defeated Wojira, she died! If you do the same, you could die too, Jay! Do you understand that?! — almost shouting ninja fire supported the leader.
— What would you suggest? Do nothing?! And wait for Kalmaar and Wojira to notice us and destroy us?! —Freckles asked.
— Of course not! But maybe there is still another way to defeat them? — The earth ninja asked anxiously.
— I'm listening to your suggestions — Jay said calmly.
— Vania — it dawned on Cole. — She said if we ever needed help, she'd call the whole army to our rescue, and — Zane interrupted him.
— We can't contact Shintaro, not with our situation — the ice ninja looked at his friends with sympathy, Cole just sighed heavily.
— Maybe.. — Lloyd wanted to suggest another option, but was interrupted by Jay.
— Lloyd, admit it... we're powerless here, the only way out is for someone to sacrifice themselves for all of us... — Jay looked around at everyone present. — For the Nya ... — the last words sounded in a barely audible voice that not many people caught. — Nya would have done the same if anyone else had been in her place, each of us can do it — Jay approached Wu. — Master Wu, you taught us to protect Ninjago, to protect those we love — the gaze fell on Zane, who drooped, remembering his self-sacrifice during the time of the Golden Master. — Who we value — my gaze fell on Nya and Kai, who also became sad, remembering how he rescued her from the captivity of skeletons, and then saved Lloyd from a volcano. — You prepared us for this, taught us to look fear in the eye, overcome barriers, be ready for anything — The Master drooped.
— I hoped that this would never happen ... never ... — the master hesitated, lowering his head, realizing that Jay was right a thousand times.
— I understand you, Jay. You're worried about her, just like me, because she's my sister... — Kai stopped, the words touched him to the core. — Maybe you're right, but please don't do this! And in this form, you're not going anywhere, you're tired, it's not you who's talking, but fatigue, why don't you rest? — Kai suggested, hoping to postpone this dialogue at least until tomorrow, to come up with arguments in opposition to this. — After all, tomorrow we will have a hard day — the elder Smith sighed. He nodded in agreement, exchanged glances, Kai and Cole smiled and left, leaving Jay alone.
— «We may not live to see this tomorrow, Kai, it needs to be done today» — Jay replied to himself, clenching his hand into a fist, looking after them. — «Everything will be decided today, and tomorrow we will celebrate another victory and rebuild the city» — his intentions were as unshakeable as his zeal for victory. — «I'll be back, Nya, wait for me» — the ninja headed in a direction known only to him.
The brown-haired man sneaks onto the roof while his friends are considering a plan without self-sacrifice.
— «I hope they won't bother me, forgive me for that» — Jay mentally said goodbye to his friends, jumping into his Sub car, the lightning master turned on full speed and sped off into the depths, leaving friends was a difficult but right decision, but not harder than what awaits him after.
Floating near the city center, Jay climbs a multi-storey building and looks around the city.
Everything was covered with water, but Kalmaar's voice could not be heard, and Wojira herself was nowhere to be found.
— «It's too late to retreat, too much is at stake» — emotions and excitement overwhelmed the lightning master, his heart was fluttering faster and faster, there was a desire to retreat inside, and in his eyes there was a determination to end this once and for all. Gathering his thoughts, Jay began to put his plan into action — Kalmaar! Wojira! I'm here! — the blue ninja shouted with all his might, and at the same moment a bright blue lightning flashed in the sky, followed by another flash, after which Jay took out his nunchucks and prepared for battle. — «Did they really not notice me?!» — panic appeared in his eyes. — «What if he's already found Nya and the others and they're in danger now, what if I'm late and Lloyd and the team are in trouble now, and I'm on the other side of Ninjago City?!» — eyes darted from side to side, looking for answers, Jay listened to every rustle around.
Suddenly, a glow appeared from under the water, and Jay froze in place. There was a splash in the water, after which a huge sea serpent climbed out of the water, towering over the ninja — it was she, the queen of the Endless Sea — Wojira, two amulets were on her forehead: Waves and Storms, and near one of the amulets stood the Self—proclaimed King of Merlopia - Kalmaar.
Jay's face changed in an instant, fear faded into the background, his hands involuntarily tightened on the weapon, the ninja got into a fighting position.
— Where is that stupid girl?! — Kalmaar was angry, looking around to see if this was a trap, although what kind of girl could we be talking about when you control the most powerful being alive in this world.
— Nya is not here, I will be your opponent instead! — Jay declared, taking a step forward.
— You?! — Kalmaar chuckled.— You are a nobody, a weakling, a pathetic and worthless hero who is looking for his death. — What can you do against me? — The King of Merlopia laughed.
— What can I do? — Jay began to play along, pointedly thinking about his question. — I challenge you to a fight! One on one! — The lightning ninja spoke loudly and clearly in a confident tone, Kalmaar was very surprised and laughed.
— You?! Are you calling me?! Who are you to fight the king?! You're nothing, just a land dweller, and I'm the ruler of all Ninjago! — King Kalmaar laughed. — Wojira, destroy the insolent man! — The King's trident was pointed at Jay.
— Do not rush to conclusions, Kalmaar — Walker decided to dare to say goodbye. — Yes, I am a resident of the land, I am an ordinary guy from a landfill, but that's not all. — Jay put on a mask. — I'm a ninja! I'm a lightning master! — Jay braced himself for the impact.
The sky darkened, it began to rain, thunderclaps sounded and lightning broke out among them, striking the brown-haired man, the first blow was the most powerful, it was he who served as the impetus for the counterattack.
At the moment of lightning hitting him, Jay felt it in every limb, in every place in his body, he did not fall, he stood up, the force that hit him began a metamorphosis:
Jay's body sparkled like lightning on the body of an electric eel, his eyes changed color to blue. His whole body began to transform, his skin turned purple, Jay rose into the sky, and Kalmaar rejoiced, seeing only some sparks of lightning, but when the smoke from the lightning strike dissipated, the sparkling lightning ninja appears before the villain.
— WHAT?! — Kalmaar's face was stricken with surprise, but soon changed to the usual displeasure.
— Did you want the lightning? So get it! — Jay concentrated a fireball in front of him and released it directly into the creature's face, the flash blinded Kalmaar for a short period of time, while Kalmaar was unaware, the ninja took advantage of this and rose into the sky, releasing a new discharge, but at Kalmaar himself. The King could barely resist.
The blow with the trident forced the beast to obey again, Wojira used her breath and a powerful wave was released at Jay, the ninja moved to the creature's forehead.
— Do you think that merging with the force will give you an advantage?! I'm driving a Wojira! The most powerful beast in the world! — The King was rising again.
— Then I'll take it away from you — Kalmaar fired several shots at Jay, but he didn't even try to dodge them, the elements simply dispelled the physical attack. — You wanted to know what a simple inhabitant of the land can do? — Jay came up close to the king. — We can do a lot, and now I'm not fighting on my own behalf, now I'm going to defeat you on behalf of all the inhabitants of the surface, and bring back dry land and peace to the world! — Jay released the force, the Merlopian tried to block the attack with his father's trident, but he could not withstand the onslaught and was broken in two. Wojira immediately freed herself from Kalmaar's control and rebelled against him, once the former king became a snack for her, Jay was more lucky, he managed to teleport from there with the help of the elements, Wojira, having lost control, began to rampage that even all the Merlopians fled to the sides, high-rise buildings that were not absorbed by water, the sea serpent simply destroyed them and their fragments fell into the water.
The ninja flew to a safe distance and saw what his decision to avenge Nya had led to.
— «My actions only made it worse, it seems that to stop all this, you need to destroy the amulets on her forehead, the only way to stop her, the only way to save Ninjago» — Jay fired several powerful lightning bolts into her neck, attracting the creature's attention to himself. — Wojira! I'm here! — The next blow was right in her face, but her breath swallowed him up, just a little more and he would have reached him, water and lightning are incompatible, especially if they are two pure forces.
Jay dodged her attacks and released his own, the sea snake did what it dodged or attacked from under the water, where Walker could not descend or approach.
At the main moment, the lightning master is transferred to her forehead and inhabits the amulet of the Storm, destroying it, because of this, Wojira roared and leaned out of the water at full height, lightning flashed, and she disappeared, and the Boundless waters began to leave the lands of Ninjago, returning to their former borders, the team that already I have been watching this for a long time, fighting with the Merlopians, covering their friend's back, after defeating Wojira, they climbed onto the roof, where Jay was already hanging in his elemental form.
The elemental ninja turns to his friends and looks at Nya lying in Kai's arms, Jay flies up to her and touches her chest, a light current passes through her body, after which Nya opens her eyes and begins to breathe, clearing her throat, greedily gulping air.
— Nya! — A joyful Kai hugged his sister.
— Well done, Jay! You did it! — the earth ninja wanted to hug his friend, but the lightning strike did not give, the earth master quickly moved away.
— Jay, you can be yourself again now — Master Wu said politely.
— Jay?! — The ninja didn't understand. — Who is this guy?! — the question baffled the ninja.
— That's your name — Cole said hesitantly.
Wu looked at him sadly.
— Do you recognize us? — the question is pretty stupid for the team, but the answer was the most unusual.
— I do not know you, but I know that you are good ... — the ninja said slowly.
— What does this mean?! Jay, stop fooling around! — friends did not understand what Wu had already realized.
— Jay — Nya called him softly, leaning on Kai, she came up to him.
— I'm glad you're alive — Jay said, and in a moment looked up at the sky, where lightning was flashing.
— Do you hear that? — Jay asked them, looking at the lightning.
— What are you talking about, Jay? — the brunette did not understand what her Ying meant.
— The Lightning… It's so fast… Such a formidable...— the lightning master answers her, mesmerized.
— It's calling him. — The Prince of Merlopia replied sadly.
— I have to go — Jay suddenly said, walking somewhere.
— Wait, buddy. Let it be you — Cole wanted to put his hand on his best friend's shoulder, but she passed through him like a ghost, electrocuting him. From this, the black ninja gasped, looking at his hand, like everyone else.
— Jay, wait! Where are you going?! Jay! You have to come to your senses, you have to come back to us! — standing in front of Walker, the ninja of the water said, but her beloved did not seem to listen to her and also went through. The girl hissed in pain, turning around, she saw that Jay was already at the edge of the roof.
— Jay, I don't understand what's going on, but I only know one thing: We will find a way and we will definitely bring you back to normal, just please don't leave — the fire ninja said proudly.
— My time in this world is running out, maybe one day we will meet again. — The elemental ninja said with a smile.
— What does it mean in this world?! — Kai approached his friend.
— Jay, Ninjago is your home, our home — Lloyd also joined the conversation.
— Your home, but not mine, flaws are calling me, I have to go, it's hard enough to be in this shell, goodbye! — a flash flashed in front of friends.
— I’m sorry, my friends, but it’s useless... If a person merges with his element together, over time he begins to lose himself: Who is he, does he have friends, family, acquaintances — all this, he will seemingly forget this never happened and is unlikely to ever remember it — Benthomaar spoke with pain in his voice and soul
Realizing this, Nya was speechless, tears involuntarily ran down the girl’s face, falling to the ground.
— Jay, I beg you, so that you don’t hear, so that you don’t experience. Fight it, Jay. Remember who you are, remember this always! — the master’s last instruction was hope for their friend’s return to life. Wu sincerely wished and hoped that Jay would overcome himself and stay, but unfortunately for him, this did not happen.
— I am Jay. I am The Lightning. We are one — turning to his master and friends, the guy says, smiling.
— Jay... I... I love you...— the brunette said sadly, deep down she hoped that he would wake up, remember why he did it, remember everything, in response to this Jay only smiled sweetly at her.
— Farewell, heroes — these were the last words of the savior, the ninja froze, at that very second each of them wanted to take off and rush and stop by force, but the body seemed to refuse them this, they could only watch him rise into the sky , and then disappeared, with the last lightning appearing in the sky before the clouds completely dissolved.
— JAY! NO!!! COME BACK!!! — Nya exclaimed, jumping up and running to the edge of the roof, but it was too late, Jay flew away, and the clouds became ordinary white clouds, as before.
Everyone looked at the sky where Jay was, even after he was gone, no one began to move or say anything, everything was clear without words.
— Today we honor the memory of Ninja Jay, who saved our city by sacrificing himself. — Master Wu, like the whole team, stood at the porch of the monastery, where residents from all over Ninjago, all their friends and acquaintances, all fans of ninja and Jay, gathered. — This day will be a day of mourning. — Wu finished his long and sad speech. — And now I give my word to Nya — the water master came forward.
— Jay… He... — It was difficult to start talking, especially about someone who was no longer there, all the residents were looking at her right now, but it was not this that worried her more, but the fact that his parents were among them and not somewhere, but in the very first row, closest of all, Ed — Jay's adoptive father, comforted his adoptive mother, Edna, who cried so bitterly over the loss of their son, they, like Nya, know the truth that Jay is not their own son, but the pain of his loss only increases. — Jay was a joker, it was his thing, he tried to look for nothing, but to put it in everything and everywhere, he could cheer everyone up, and even if sometimes his jokes could offend, but everything he did, including his act today, he wished for you, for us, I had never met such a thing before like Jay, he always helped and supported anyone who needed help, he was not just our friend, not just a ninja, he was something big for everyone here, and I would like to tell you all that despite the fact that he is no longer there, we will continue that what he gave his life for, we will continue to fight for Jay, for everyone who needs help, and let every resident of Ninjago sleep peacefully today! — Nya finished her speech with difficulty, returning to the others.
During her performance, she endured, endured the pain that was inside, held back tears and pain, pain turning into a tsunami that covered her head.
Upon completion, Nya returned to the monastery, and stood near the frame with their joint picture with Jay, only after making sure that she was alone, she let all the pain out, falling to her knees, allowing emotions to take over. Maya and Ray came to her.
— Nya, are you okay?.. — Maya carefully approached her daughter, and when she heard her mother's voice, she quickly removed her tears, getting up from her knees.
— Oh, hi, Mom, I'm just dusting, I think I got dust in my eyes...— the water ninja replied with a smile.
— It's all right. — The elder Smith said, putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder.
— I didn't even have time to say goodbye to him... — Nya tried to hold back her tears.
— Nya, I'm sure Jay will remember you and the others. You and Kai and your friends will save him and you will be together again — the elder Smith tried to comfort.
— I hope so, Mom.… I hope Jay comes back.… I hope that we will definitely bring him back to normal. — Maya's daughter could hardly hold back her tears, trying not to cry again, but her mother silently hugged her, and the water master did not respond with a hug from her mother, but she was not going to push her away.
— It's the time. Are you coming, Nya? — the father asked, Nya only nodded, Ray understood how much she was in pain, they felt the same pain when Krux threatened them with violence against their children.
When the Smiths went outside, the girl looked up at the sky, it was already dark, there was no moon or stars in the sky, just blackness, candles were lit all over the training hall, it was very quiet, as if the monastery was empty or extinct. Each of the residents, the ninja, and Jay's parents had lanterns in their hands.
Ray gave the lanterns to his daughter and wife, and he lit them for each of those present, Kai also took part in this.
And when the last lantern was lit, it was clear the number of those who went out to say goodbye to the hero who fell in battle, only now did Nya realize that the whole of Ninjago City went out into the street with only one single purpose — to say goodbye to the one who gave them peace and hope for a happy and peaceful future. Very soon, all the lanterns one by one were released into the sky, someone was letting out of the windows, someone from the top of the roofs, even the lantern from the Borg building was visible in the sky, this sad and dark night was covered with bright light in an instant, Nya looked at her lantern for a long time, she was the only one who still he did not launch it into the sky, but soon she decided and let it out of her hands, looking at him with a sad sight. Kai was by her side all this time, there was no one closer to him, seeing Nya's condition, with sadness on his face and pain in his heart, he looked at her ... The Fire Ninja hugged his sister.
It was so warm... The brunette remembered how her brother supported her if she couldn't cope and Jay... Remembering her beloved, Nya cried again and cried into her older brother's shoulder, the fire master calmed his sister, sharing her heartache, stroking her back and whispering in her ear that this was not the end yet and they will definitely save him, find a solution, find a way, sooner or later it will happen, and when Jay remembers them and returns, he will start joking and telling different history again, even if sometimes they are not always so funny. Soon, the water master calmed down, she was grateful to Kai and everyone who went outside to support her lover and honor his memory:
— Thank you for being with me this day, thank you to everyone who is next to me now — the brunette whispered, Kai only smiled in response, hugging her again, and Nya only snuggled closer into him.
Kai and Nya's parents looked at their children with a smile, their friends came to the Smiths, everyone looked up at the sky with a smile, illuminated by lanterns, watching as they moved further and further away, flew higher and higher, imperceptibly disappearing one after another.
They will definitely bring their friend back, they hope that they will find a way to return him to his former shape, they hope that Jay will return to them soon... But until that happens, the team had to go through personal problems, as they did before, on the day of Zane's death.
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cablepowerhouse · 3 months
I’m thinking of writing a small fic about Ninjago but I’m unsure of if it actually has potential.
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The basic premise is that it swaps the positions/roles of multiple characters, specifically siblings and family members for instance
-Kai gets kidnapped and Nya has to go the path of the ninja to get him back
-the smith siblings have their elements swapped as well (but their personalities and emotional hurtles are the same)
-Wu is bit by the devourer as a child and gets corrupted by its evil venom
-the positions of the brothers are switched, Garmadon is the ninja’s sensei and Wu is the dark lord of the underworld
This was what I thought of at first but I slowly thought about even more changes I could make in order to make this story even more “switched up” than before.
-what if Zane isn’t really Zane? What if there is more to reveal about him than just the fact that he’s a robot?
- in this au The white ninja will discover that he is not only a hyper realistic android, but he is also the SECOND android son of dr Julien and that he is the “Echo” of his older brother Zane (Echo takes the place of Zane and Zane takes the place of Dr julien in the latter part of season 2)
-Jay doesn’t go by the name “walker” in this story because he’s instead referred to as “Jay Gordon” the son of famous movie star Cliff Gordon and the master of Lightning Libber Gordon who had unfortunately gone MIA after a freak accident that involved Milton Dyer’s failed “Prime empire” video game experiment 12 years prior.
-Jay is rich kid who acts out in his own particular way. He’s not too different from his mainline counterpart in terms of personality, he’s still just as intelligent, inventive and hilarious as the Jay we all know and love but he often lies or exaggerates himself in an attempt to impress those around him (especially a fiery young blacksmith girl who happens to be on the same ninja team as him;)
The only character that I don’t have a fully developed backstory for is Cole. I have a few things in mind but I want to make sure that each of the main characters from the pilot have a solid starting point for their story to unfold before I get into any actual writing.
Lemme know if you’re interested in reading this and I’ll write it, I really want to know that there’s at least one person who is willing to hear this story before I dedicate my time to actually producing it. After all, every writer needs an audience.
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destinysbounty · 2 years
Hmm AU where the ninja don't immediately realize Zane is the Ice Emperor, but Lloyd does still notice this guy has the Forbidden Scroll and therefore must only be evil bc he was corrupted by it. And in true Lloyd fashion he decides to try and redeem him/snap him out of it and Vex's control anyway. And due to reasons Zane is never put in a situation where he ends up remembering who he used to be, but eventually Lloyd either convinces him to let go of the staff or knocks it out of his hand. So the loss of the staff grants him new clarity of mind, and he realizes how Vex has been controlling him this whole time - and then promptly wrecks Vex's shit. Lloyd does also manage to obtain confirmation from both the ex-Ice Emperor and his various commanders/prisoners that they've never encountered this 'Zane' person hes looking for, much to his disappointment.
So naturally Lloyd is all like "hey guys I reformed this bad guy can we bring him home with us?" with all the energy of a small child catching a stray animal and asking if they can keep it. And at first the ninja immediately refuse, saying that if anything he's gotta go back to his real family. But the IE is all like "i...don't remember my family...i don't even remember who i was before Vex found me and gave me my scepter..." And, well, the ninja are all a bunch of softies, so naturally they adopt him let him tag along. Also his distress over his amnesia reminds them painfully of Zane and they all miss their buddy, yknow?
Anyway long story short, they make the long trek back to the ice fisher village and the Ice Emperor starts his redemption arc. Maybe they decide to try and give him a new name, maybe they help him recover some very vague snippets of memories without realizing they're the family he's slowly remembering. Cut to a few days/weeks later, the Ice Emperor finally feels comfortable enough to take off his armor around them and they all realize he's been Zane this whole time and just stare at him like
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coffee-master · 9 months
[Siblings elemental change AU]
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Not any incorrect quotes today, but I give you some short facts, about the ship dynamic here.
Which means Jaya & Lavashipping Petrichorshipping!
[Petrichorshipping is the new name of the Cole x Kai ship here since Lavashipping doesn't make sense anymore] (Yes, this post was edited)
So let's START!
Is very similar to the canon, but of course has it's difference.
Jay is very much interested in Nya from the beginning, especially after seeing her fight and noticing how strong she is.
At first Nya thinks that Jay's flirting attempt are cute and pretty, so she let it go.
Later they start working together as ninjas and it makes they relationship improve faster. They are good teammates, who can work together good and chick someone’s ass.
Jay finnaly decides to ask Nya on a date and she agrees, beacuse she wants to find out if something would come from this.
The date turns into a battlefield against their enemies. But surprisingly, it didn't ruin it for her. Fighting side by side actually made the date more interesting and broke the ice.
As their first date turned out to be successfully, they start going out more often.
On the Destiny's Bounty they discover that both are interested in engineering and tinkering with gadgets.
When they work together on something Nya is often a welder with her fire powers and Jay is an electric.
Later they start dating, find more about each other and star building a healthy relationship.
The love traingle:
It never existed actually.
Yes, Nya made a love-test on the maschine, because the kids in the class wanted her to do it, but she didn't take it that seriously.
Nya is independent ninja, who truly forged a strong bond with Jay, not only romantically but also as a close friendship as a teammate, strengthened by shared interests and common challenges. She know what she wants.
Nya mocks the test result saying that Cole is only interested in cake.
Cole is never interested in Nya or she in him.
Jay would find out about the test results from Pixal and would only feel a little bad, thinking that there is someone better for Nya.
Nya would knock those silly thoughts out of his head, and everything would go back to normal.
Here things are more complicated.
At the begining there isn't that much to say, because they are stranger to each other.
Kai is mostly focused on his sister and doesn't form any bonds with Nya's teammates. (I mean out of the blue your sister becomes a ninja and starts throwing fire from her hands, who wouldn't?)
In the meantime Cole is cusually spending his time with Jay & Zane as always.
They pretty much don't interract.
After Kai's feel more secure about Nya's safety there, then he starts more talk with others and even play video games with them.
Everything changes much after some incidents, which inclused water, when Kai had almost a panic attack.
Everyone besides Nya were suprised by his behaviour and after that incident and some explanation everyone knew how to react in similar kind of situation.
One time Cole would help Kai during his panic attack, when Destiny's Bounty would crush into water and in that way Cole'd gain some Kai's trust.
After that their relationship would improve a little and they would start interract more.
Later Kai would even ask Cole about training with him, because well Kai wants to be usefull and support his sister. [We wants to be as good as ninjas, be a part of team]
They would start training together and enjoy each others company. Talking, joke, later play video games, or even cook- [because Kai can cook and Cole like to eat]
They would slowly fall for each other.
Suprisingly Cole would be the first one to realise that-
Jay would notice Cole having a crush and surely taste him about that later.
Crushing time:
At the beginning of the reboot season. After the the kids were about to go on a trip, Cole in the last second akwardly ask Kai on a date.
Kai is taken aback, because he didn't expect that, but also akwardly agrees with a smile.
They never go on that date, because Zane 'dies'.
They don't talk for a long time until next season, because of the mess.
Kai isn't interested in Skylor or even interracts with her at all. [Instead Nya became a pretty good friends with her at the end of the season]
In the next season eveything becomes a big mess. Kai finds out about being master of water. And he needs overcome his fear of water.
In the meantime Cole becomes a ghost :(
Cole & Kai show each other a lot of support during this time and there's this big weird tension, because there is definitely something going on between them and both of them knew it. There was too much going on to just resolve it.
This situation make them also very flustrated and sad, because well they can't even hug each other show support.
In the season Skybound season Kai would face some misandrist from interview/medias, because he became a new ninja member. All of his friends would show him support and ect. At that time Cole & Kai would go out somewhere, but just as friends.
After Cole becomes human again, everyone becomes better.
After a lot of thinking Kai decides not to waste time and juat ask Cole on a date, to which he agrees without a second thought.
After that they pretty much get together.
And that's pretty much about it. I hope it was interesting or something..
If you have any questions about this au then you're freely to ask!
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wyrmswears · 4 months
Maybe Jay inhuman could be in the administration due to be a “dangerous wild life specimen” so he just chills in his cell barking to every one who comes near him.
As a matter of a fact Agent Roderick got bitten several occasions trying to feed raiju Jay meanwhile agent Underwood is in good terms with our favorite Wolf boy she even let him “play”/ destroy dangerous objects. One day the administrator discovers this so as a joke promotes him as a manager in the dangerous artifact deapartment and for the name they just said random names until he recated (subconsciously knows it) and he is now in one of those dog suits. Instead of Arin almost founding him Lloyd has to fight a nindroid an his crazy wolf.
As for his next appearance he is used as a hunt dog for the administration to find zane. Only Gandalaria knows he is a raiju and not an anoying dog in a suit and a gun(?!). Like in cannon they are defeated leaving manager Jay behind but the wolf mask army take him with them in the wibbily-wobbily teleport magic. Once with ras is helped by Jordana (parallel of Aspherra helping Nya) to return to his human form and with this get can get to the cannon events with the ninja in the tournament. He gots his memory back and has this awesome formling like magic also Lloyd is a little weird with Jay’s wolf form because he feels guilty for not recognize him in the demolition room.
Sorry for the bible i thought it was hilarious.
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Images for picture the man.
i REALLY enjoy this ask wow. (if youre new here, its about this au. long story short, jays a dog.)
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him being caught by the administration as a dangerous species could actually work quite well, given their dehumanisation of nindroids already. jay underwood friendship is so real actually and him being manager of the artifacts demolition department... lloyd just wants to know who gave a dog a gun
and then him being a hunting dog for zane gahsgjshdjdhd gandalaria definitely knows what he is but shes nonchalant about it. "a raijū, huh? i havent seen any of those in a while... shame, it looks like this one's already subscribed to bureaucracy".
i dont think jay has any physical issue accessing him human form in this au! its more a matter of he doesnt want to. he wakes up post-merge in his raijū form as an instinctive survival method, and he has amnesia so he doesn't remember his human identity. as a result, he feels more raijū than human, and mostly stays in the form. this does change when he joins the shadow dojo though, just like you suggested, but even when in his human form, he describes himself solely as a raijū and doesn't hold himself to human standards or social norms. when he gets his memory back, humanity becomes a much greater part of his identity again, but its now in tandem with his raijū identity which yeah does mean he shapeshifts >:)
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error501blog · 10 months
Ninjago Avatar the Last Airbender AU
There has been a lack of these in the Ninjago fandom and it personally offends me.
Background to get out of the way: these are characters existing in the Avatar universe. The gaang have their adventure which affects the ninja leading them to meeting each other.
Cole lives in the Fire Nation as a noble.
Jk, he lives in the Earth Kingdom. He lives in Gaoling and attends Master Yu's Earthbending Academy. He has a lot of pressure to succeed and do well because his nonbending father Lou shows him off. Lou does a lot of community theatre, but doesn't have much time for Cole. Cole and his father were heartbroken after his mother's death. She died helping a small village fight the Fire Nation. They're distant and barely know each other.
He wishes to have more value and help people with his Earthbending just like his mother. He never expresses this to Lou, knowing his father wouldn't let him. He seeks out ways to help people and runs into a man who goes by Wu. He's young, in his early 30s. He offers Cole to join the White Lotus. (but cole doesn't know it's the white lotus)
Cole talks with his father, trying to bond with him. They break out into an argument, causing Cole to run away with Wu. They're searching for more White Lotus members, now that news of the Avatar returning has given them hope.
He lives with his parents in a more industrial part of the Fire Nation. His parents work in a factory, so Jay is often left alone at home playing by himself. He likes to tinker with gadgets and taught himself how to bend lightning. (Jay has some weird thing where he can't do normal fire, but can do lightning. It's because he's always wanted to power things, so his brain is just wired that way. In his teen years he tries to undo it, but can't) He's insecure as he can't bend fire like a normal person is viewed as a freak. He's talkative and a little cuckoo as he talks to doodles he made and pretends they're friends.
Overall, he has a nice life with his parents, completely clueless of being adopted.
It all changes when he meets this weird dude from the colonies and this other buff dude from the colonies. One of the dudes, the one with the mustache is really obsessed with paisho. They keep helping him out and being friends. He learns their names are Kenji and the buff one is Gen.
One night there's this serious mood in the air. Jay decides to play paisho and he learns the pairs real names. He soon learns about the Order of the White Lotus. Wu does some really dubious thing, offering Jay a chance to learn engineering at a higher level. He doesn't tell Jay the cause and purpose of the White Lotus yet.
When Ed and Edna hear about the offer they're ecstatic. They hope Jay will get rich and help them. They let Wu steal Jay away.
Zane lives in the North Pole. He is chill. His father died recently, so he's depressed, but he's doing alright. He desires to help people beyond the North Pole. He's skilled in bending water, as he trained under Pakku for years. Pakku can tell Zane has a desire to help people. Zane doesn't vibe with other people from his own Nation and is very awkward around them. Pakku decides to send Zane to Wu, knowing he'll be better there.
Zane is sad about leaving his home. He finds Cole and Jay very nice, but weird. He has no idea why they can't talk about missions in front of Jay. Zane finds the Earth Kingdom odd, and hopes Wu comes back from his trip to the Fire Nation.
Kai & Nya
Kai is a blacksmith who lives in the countryside of the Fire Nation with his sister. They don't know why their mother is and Ray is serving in the war. Kai is a firebender, while Nya is a waterbender. They live in the Fire Nation as their appearance is more Fire Nation than Water Tribe. Kai is no master of firebending, only knowing tricks to help him with blacksmithing. Nya, is worse off, as she can barely move water without getting angry and giving up.
Kai is angry and wants the war to end, so his father may come home. He feels comfortable being a recluse in the forge, whereas Nya goes to school. They both work hard at hiding their Water Tribe heritage. It's Kai who goes greater lengths than Nya.
Kai is focused on making money so they both can survive. He wants to wait for his father to come back. He spends most of his time in the forge. Nya likes to read about inventions and breakthroughs, but can't work on her craft as she lives in the countryside.
They get visited by a strange man and are annoyed with him for wasting their time. I supposed the they in this case is just Kai. Kai is annoyed at this strange man from the colonies browsing his workshop.
When Nya comes back from school and the man sees her he's intrigued. (As in Wu has a really good hunch)
One night Nya wakes up detecting an intruder. Kai rushes in to fight against the intruder. The intruder is very good, he extinguishes Kai's bending quickly and much better at wielding a weapon than Kai. Nya panics and does a surprise attack with her water on the intruder. Kai uses the distraction and tries to knock him out. The intruder reveals themselves as the man from earlier. He begs them to join the Order of the White Lotus. Wu recognizes they have great potential to be powerful benders. He tells them their mission and what they do. Nya joins because she's sick of hiding her waterbending and wishes to improve. (She ends up getting tutored by Zane) Kai joins out of fear that Wu would spread their true heritage. He doesn't want to get killed. They both go on a boat to the colonies, awaiting to meet with the group.
The meet up
The five all become a group, very unsure of what Wu is planning. Nya is the happiest, as she is being trained by Zane and improving at a very fast speed. Cole is enjoying himself much more than his time at home, but he and Zane agree that they haven't done anything substantial. Kai is the most suspicious of Wu. Wondering why he'd get a group of five together. Why would he do this? What does he want? Kai is snooping when he's not getting training with Wu. Wu is a firebender so he trains under him directly. Jay spends most of his time playing around. (Wu can't lightning bend. Wu knows most in the Fire Nation Royal Family can. He also knows only one other person outside of this, but it's due to other factors)
Cole and Zane join Kai on inspecting their living quarters. They find a bunch of scrolls on the Spirit World. At dinner they bring this to Wu's attention. Jay figures out he's being lied to. (And doesn't care) Nya is pissed. Wu comes clean, saying the Spirit thing is a side project. He wants them alive to fight on the side of the Avatar. He says the Avatar will have an army, but they need ninja. He wants to train them to be ninjas.
I'll make one about Lloyd and his family later. I need sleep.
Any questions, please reblog with.
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zaptrap · 9 months
Seeing that you've been here since 2012 is INSANE like you've witnessed it all huh. You've seen probably SO many weird and crazy things in this fandom like man that's so cool for you I feel...
ive def seen and participated in a lot of dumbass bullshit over the years LMAO. although notsomuch during the skybound-to-seabound era cuz i'd lost interest for a bit
Random shit I remember off the top of my head (plz feel free to fact-check):
deviantart era: (2012-2013)
that bright green ninjago ask meme
like, literally everybody making self-insert purple ninjas (sometimes orange, teal, or rainbow) and shipping them with their fav ninja
everyone making their own genderbends of the ninja. cole was almost always called nicole or colette lmao
people also naming their accounts (name)-the-ninja (or "teh-ninja", since this was 2012)
there's a non-zero probability that if you were in the fandom during the season 1 era, you're a furry now
naruto crossovers
half-snake ninja aus.........wonder who uh......who could've done that.....heheh (me) (that was my whole deal pre-nindroid!jay lmfao)
everyone posting like, doll-maker things they made of ninjago? especially dragon ones
(me) posting leaked screenshots of season 2 eps that i found on the lego wiki or smth lmao. this is also how i found out zane was a robot. i think i kept posting leaks when i moved to tumblr
legends of chima releasing and i thiiink it was supposed to be a ninjago replacement? like, legitimately? though a lot of people weren't happy about it. "furry gang drug wars" was a phrase used a lot lmfao.
tumblr era (2013-2016 for me) (may overlap with dA era)
everyone losing their minds over the shirtless ninja in ns2 lmfao
that one video of kirby marrow (rest in peace) saying cole was 14
that other vid of like, behind the scenes and it was the ninja's actors but like in-universe? it's where "cole bucket" comes from
also some behind the scenes vid with the actual voice actors lol
thinking back on this, im like 100% sure it was bullshit but when the end of rebooted aired, there was a rumor going around about fans being so upset over zane's death that they carved a snowflake on their stomachs. lots of people were freaking out lmfao
the rise and fall of "fucknoshittyninjagoOCs" (ashamed to say i heavily participated in harassing this blog even if i rlly didnt like the premise.........)
lots of tension with instagram cuz of all the art reposts. like. tons of reposts. i remember someone blocked me when i said to take something down but then unblocked me the same evening and apologized LOL so
roleplay twitter accounts (twitter was kinda not-as-a lot at the time)
nindroid!jay of course. its so old there was an update that was made in flash lmfao...
absolute fucking shitloads of AUs and headcanons. i dont think this has changed much but like. there were so many lmfao. entire threads
actually there's too many fucking AUs. im scrolling through my main blog and i cant fuckin find anything cuz ITS ALL THESE STUPID AU THREADS THEY AREN'T EVEN LIKE DEEP LMAO
the absurd screenshot redraws i did. like they were super stupid lmfao. icr which blog they're on but they're on my comp still at least
ninjagians just. being a term used at all lmao
the ninjago fan-tournament during ns4. people would draw/write about their ocs doing whatever prompt was posted and then everyone came together to defeat a big bad snake man
tbh i started naturally losing interest during ns5, and then VERY QUICKLY dropped the show (and therefore fandom) when skybound came out lmao............... so i dont really remember a lot from this era and everything after
and now im back :D
i hope this is insightful! xD
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diino8081 · 2 months
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frozen liberation au
chapter 1 - old version
(chapter list)
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content warnings for character death and blood
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the ice emperor groans as he clutches his head, memories flowing through him like a bullet. he can see someone in green standing at the bottom of the stairs, vex in front of him.
"my emperor," he says, turning to face him. "are you alright?"
he shakily takes off his helmet, carefully putting it on the throne behind him, his breathing quick. "v-vex i--"
a shout from the bottom of the stairs. "zane!"
is that... lloyd?
"get away from him!"
there is a blur of green as the two seem to fight. his head aches, still flashing with memories. the clashing of weaponry does nothing to help.
too much noise.
he walks down the stairs, veering towards a hallway on the left. he looks over his shoulder, tensing at the sight of the battle.
the formling looks at him.
he runs.
he retreats to one of the rooms of the palace, trying to cope with the two lifetimes he's now quickly starting to remember. his old bedroom, he recalls. he'd eventually stopped using it at some point.
the armour he wears feels heavier, claustrophobic. he sheds it, placing it on the ground with a clink.
he remembers a ship, the bounty. his father. pixal, the ninja. wu. he remembers his sacrifice and how he died to kill the overlord. how kai and nya would always compete with each other over the smallest of things.
he remembers ghosts and skeletons and oni. how cole would share music with him. how jay defeated him a million times playing videogames and the one time he got him back. how he, pixal and lloyd celebrated after stopping a hostage situation during one of their missions.
but he's not that nindroid anymore. his grip tightens on the staff.
but there's something else.
he remembers backing up his systems. a reflection in the ice around him. his eyes widen in realisation.
there's a knock. he turns to see vex at the door. "my emperor, there you are."
"don't call me that."
"but it's who you are."
"i said don't, vex." he points the blade towards the former advisor. "we may have been friends before, but i know better now. and i will not hesitate to kill you where you stand."
vex's expression turns sour as he steps back. "so what, are you now calling yourself 'zane' like what that intruder called you?" he spits.
his grip on the weapon falters. he looks away. "it's... the better option." ugh, he still feels horrible for tainting that name with his actions.
"you don't sound so sure. let me help you." he grins. "do you want the throne back? to exterminate the last of those vermin? i can get you what you wa--"
zane drives the blade forward, hitting flesh. something wet hits his cheek. he looks down to see the metal having pierced through vex's torso, blood leaking freely from the wound. his face flashes to concern and then fear.
the weapon feels heavy in his hands. what has he done?
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so yeah that's it that's part one of the beginning
i am considering putting this on ao3, i have a more refined (yet currently incomplete) version of this written out that i may put there in future
i think though i'm gonna just try this format for now and then when it's at a good point then i'll throw it on in there
but yeah i hope you all enjoyed, any and all comments are appreciated
thank you for reading
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