#but it as a common intention of recruiting people to protect things
roseameilatempest · 2 months
Sanemi’s delusion, and how it affects his relationships.
or a sanemi analysis 🙏
manga spoilers
This is mainly focused on kanae and masachika, tanjiro, giyuu, and of course genya. If you ship sanekana and are uncomfortable with them being portrayed as mildly unhealthy then feel free to scroll, this is no way meant to hate on sanekana in itself, this is just my personal analysis of their relationship. Keep in mind that nearly all of this is coming from the ‘signs from the wind’ light novel about sanemi, since we didn’t get many interactions of them in the main series.
To start this off, i’m not actually going to be saying sanemi is a good person, he’s a morally grey character, he’s done bad things while having good intentions. (attempting to blind genya, neglecting him, etc) To say he is a perfectly good person would be taking away a lot of his story. Something i feel gets overlooked a lot, is the fact sanemi had a mass amount of trauma before he even had his first encounter with a demon, yes this is to do with his father. Sanemi grew up in an abusive household which definitely changed his morals and understanding of how things work. After his father passed, he was really experiencing being in a safe environment for the first time in his life. He had a lot of responsibility that he shared with genya at the time too.
Throughout his life the only person he could look up too was his mother, the fact she protected his siblings even though she was so small physically. Then all of a sudden he was met with having to kill her to protect genya. Sanemi was absolutely not okay, he was hit with another load of trauma. To cope with this sanemi made up an entire life plan in his mind, so nothing could spiral out of control. This was of course making sure genya had a family and did not join the corps and die. Which is why sanemi tried everything in his power to make genya leave. This coping mechanism is a delusion.
Because of this delusion he fails to see the trauma that genya went through as well. Sanemi himself thinks he’s too far gone, he’s too burdened with the trauma. So instead he wants genya to grow old and have a good life, and he will do everything in his power to make sure that happens and genya is safe. While this delusion is mainly focused around genya, it affects his other relationships too. The people sanemi was comfortable around reminded him of his family (masachika and kanae, masachika being his brother and kanae being his mother) the people that sanemi hated, (tanjiro and giyuu) reminded sanemi of himself.
let’s start with tanjiro, when sanemi first met tanjiro it’s about nezuko, a female family member that’s turned into a demon. Something they both have in common. As well tanjiro was actively fighting to save his sister, Even though she’s a demon, it clearly reminded sanemi of himself. Giyuu is also an interesting one, sanemi misunderstood giyuu, because giyuu always distanced himself, we know this was because he thought he didn’t deserve to be a hashira, while sanemi thought it was because giyuu was stuck up. He misunderstood giyuu because he’d rather die then show that much vulnerability openly, giyuu is unintentionally wearing his pain, and that’s pissing sanemi off, he’s a reflection of sanemi’s pain. Something sanemi doesn’t want to admit.
Now let’s contrast that with masachika and kanae, masachika was the boy who recruited sanemi into the demon slayer corps. He had to try a little but eventually he did get into sanemi’s heart, and became sanemis brother figure. Sanemi ended up losing masachika as well, he was so kind, like genya. Sanemi knew he couldn’t let genya die in the corps like masachika did. Which again just fueled his delusion, wanting to keep genya out of the corps even more. Now with kanae, people do often say their relationship is romantic, because of gyomeis view on sanemi, though, i do think they’re very plausible as platonic. with what we are given.
Every parallel between kanae and sanemi are about sanemi’s mother, her hands, the fact kanae wanted to be kind to demons, just like how his mother was kind to their father, it’s the reason sanemi was so comfortable around her because of how similar to his mother she was. He also acknowledged that she was an older sibling too, but so very different from him, she trained her younger sister (shinobu) and let her join the corps. Not only just after that sanemi talked about how he wasn’t interested in women thirsting over him if he became a hashira, and in the fanbook it was also stated he was dense to romance. At most it was a crush, if it was sanemi didn’t realize it himself.
what we know about sanemi and kanae, i don’t think it would’ve been particularly healthy ether, the reason sanemi was only so calm with kanae in the first place was because she reminded him of his mother. Which wouldn’t be getting him out of his delusion, it would be temporary pacifying him IN his delusion, sanemi did indeed need a slap to the face. He needed actual tough love, something to pull him out of that delusion, kanae was shown to be kind and not being able to speak up for him when he was acting out, in the long run sanemi’s mental health would probably end up hurting kanae too.
it’s also worth pointing out that kanae gets watered down to sanemi’s love interest, while she doesn’t have many moments she’s clearly more then just a love interest to sanemi, she’s the reason for shinobus character development. I don’t think she should be watered down to a love interest when we barely got that in the main story.
overall, this is my analysis and isn’t meant to make you stop shipping sanekana, it’s just personally why i don’t ship it and an explanation of sanemi’s character.
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ex-textura · 8 months
Your post about your OCs quest names got me thinking...
If they were companions what would be their likes and dislikes, how would a player gain their approval? 💜
Okay I know I've been holding onto this for So Long but I've been Thinking™️ and that's not my forté.
Wall of text incoming because I've been writing this on my phone and. Formatting is a lot of work..
× Auric's approval would be difficult for a chaotic aligned character to get I think. He'd approve of kindness, following the rules, defending the weak. He'd love saving Mirkon and Arabella. He'd disapprove of taking the idol for Mol though. He'd probably also approve of you drinking Jaheira's truth wine. If you could recruit his sister, he'd approve of every kind action toward her, but he'd disapprove of flirting with her. Also letting Astarion bite you. He never could trust him. Also talking to him about music or poetry would get huge approval boosts. He's a big romantic.
× Naught's approval is a bit more all over the place and probably harder to get in general just because they don't really feel very strongly about anything until later in the game. But being kind to animals is a big approval, while doing the opposite is gonna make him hate you. Especially with birds. They'd approve of being outwardly flirtatious and forward with your intentions. They'd definitely approve of licking the damn spider. And throwing dung at the goblin outside the camp. Also, even though they can't read and aren't really inclined to, taking any opportunity to show off your smarts, teach him something new would be like a full +10. They like nerds. If you can be snarky with Nine-Fingers Keen, too, he'd approve of that.
× Ciaran approves of being nice. Helping the helpless. Saving people. All the big heroics. Play music with Alfira. Motivate the tiefling kids. Tell him you trust him.Do Not Do Not do the murder tribunal. Don't let Shadowheart kill Nightsong. Don't let Astarion ascend. Under no circumstances side with the goblins or he'll just leave. Generally everything Astarion dislikes in act 1 will be a Ciaran approval. He'd also approve of petting every single animal in the entire game. All of them. They're so soft please pet the babies.
× Jinx. Likes. Chaos. Steal the idol, why not. Throw some dung around. Play music with Alfira. Tease Mattis with the ring trick. Drink the truth wine and play truth or dare. Let the weird ox do its thing. Send him up on stage at the circus. Mess with Akabi and cheat at the wheel game. Pet the animals. Lick the spider. Get sent to jail. Break out of jail. Let Volo pick your brain. Any opportunity to say something weird or off-putting will probably get an approval, if only cause he'd think it's funny. But also talking about magic, poking at magic, anything that involves appreciating the gift that is magic - for good or ill. Jinx is also kind so not necessarily self-sacrificing acts of kindness but helping people, doing the right thing, general Good Boy approvals. Disapprovals are less common but outright cruelty is generally where he draws the line.
× Amaris approves of knowledge, and follows the tenets of their goddess. Read the book of dead gods, the necromancy of thay (sure it's evil but think of the knowledge contained within!), anything you can get your hands on. Open the chest at the Selûne shrine in the owlbear cave. Protect Isobel. Let Astarion feed on you (vampires may be undead but they are still children of Selûne's light and deserve protection if they seek it, and do no harm. And Astarion is trying okay? Kinda. It's enough.) Ask questions always, exhaust that dialogue tree! Agree to save the tieflings and the gnomes over and over again. And Barcus. Do Not let Shadowheart kill the Nightsong. Do not convince the nurses and Malus to kill themselves, do that with your own hands. Don't try to convince them to use the tadpoles. Don't speak ill of the gods. Except Shar. Speaking against Shar will always net big approvals. And again, the usual "Karlach/Wyll/Gale approves" from helping people apply to them as well. Let them talk about Selûne, and home, and their best friend Morridah. Take them to Sorcerous Sundries. Be a little kinky.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Growing Up is Hard To Do
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This is written for @teenwolf-meta ’s May meta event; the subject being teenagers.
I have frequently called Teen Wolf a bildungsroman, because that is exactly what it is: a story detailing the material and spiritual transformation from a child into an adult. I think it's almost painfully obvious to the casual observer that the production wanted us to see Scott McCall as a child in Season 1 and as an adult in Season 6B (and they carried that conviction all the way in the Movie).
They did this in many difference scenes, but when it comes to Scott McCall, I love how they lampshaded it with two important speeches, both in Season 3. The first is delivered by none other than Peter Hale, the architect of our scene in the aptly named Visionary (3x08):
Peter: A lot like Scott, actually. A lot like most teenagers... unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers.
Now, of course, Peter, as is his praxis, is making the truth do his dirty work, but it is still the truth. At the beginning of the show, Scott was a teenager and he shared certain characteristics of an average teenager.
Unbearably romantic. This isn't just about his romantic focus on Allison -- which while being useful and not being anywhere near obsession, does have significant drawbacks. It is about the romantic notion that intentions determine results. At the beginning of the first season, Scott is still the type of person who believes that what he will experience is determined by what he wants to experience. Of course, as he will discover, this isn't true. No matter how much Scott wants it, there is no cure for the horrors he experiences.
Profoundly narcissistic. Peter is a pot calling a kettle black, but he's not wrong. Like most children, Scott starts out not having figured out that his world isn't all about him. He has yet to understand that harmless little actions, like sneaking out to look for a dead body, can have far-reaching consequences and not just to him personally. Conversely, other people can take actions that influence his life without even knowing who he is, such as a scheming werewolf biting the first teenager he comes across.
Tolerable only to other teenagers. Scott starts out season 1 in the world of children doing childish things, and that is not a bad thing. His world consists of his mother, school, games (lacrosse), and friends. He's aware of things that adults have to worry about it - justice, responsibility, planning - but that's not his world. Not yet. At this point, he doesn't have anything in common with the adults among whom he spends every day.
While all of this is undeniably true, it's not going to last, and that's Teen Wolf. Scott undergoes a traumatic, horrific journey from where he started -- an asthmatic Latino sophomore from a broken home who's a bit of a follower though generally hardworking and positive -- to where he ended -- a True Alpha werewolf with the responsibility for ending a war caused by fear, ignorance, and hate.
That's it; as they say, that's the show. The production lampshaded the specifics of his transformation into a heroic adult as well, 18 episodes after Peter's declaration.
Derek: He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about. When there's no chance of winning, he keeps fighting. When all hope is lost, he finds another way. And when he's beaten down, he stands up again.
In The Divine Move (3x24), Derek is using this to recruit the twins against the power of the nogitsune, but it also summarizes Scott's growth at the half-way point of the show and lays out what makes him unique.
No chance of winning is the lesson that counters narcissism. The world isn't built around Scott McCall; it's not set up so he can always win. Peter, Gerard, and Theo don't care about how their actions will affect Scott; they regard him as either an obstacle or a means to an end. In order to protect other people, he's going to have to look beyond his own needs and wants and perceive how other people, even terrible monsters, think and feel.
All hope is lost is the lesson that counters romanticism. It's clear that there are threats out that not only don't care about what Scott McCall's intentions are, they can barely even understand them. The nogitsune, the Wild Hunt, and the anuk-ite are inhuman, overwhelming forces that don't play by the same rules as Scott. Scott's intentions, therefore, are ultimately meaningless in the face of their power; he's going to have to discover which actions will achieve his goals and do them no matter what the cost.
When he's beaten down is the lesson that builds tolerance. His concerns and experiences are no longer those of an innocent child. He's held Allison as she died. He's been blackmailed by Jackson, Matt, Gerard, and Garrett. He's conspired against his enemies with monsters like Deucalion and Gerard. He's seen valued relationships shattered by the weight of his own decisions, and he's had to rebuild his friendship with Stiles and Liam and Maia. Some adults decades older than him haven't faced a quarter of things like this. Adults recognize that he has experienced these things, and they treat like an equal.
Scott's heroism is ultimately that while learning these lessons, he never abandons the good parts of the child he started out as. He still has compassion. He still enjoys life. He still wants friends and love. He just possess these qualities now as an adult.
That's why it is very important in the Movie that he starts out living a life away from almost everyone else in Los Angeles. This isn't a repudiation of his friends and family; adults can pursue their own dreams but sometimes that means they have to move away from the comforts of childhood. They're still his friends, his family, and his pack, but he hasn't retreated back into a world he outgrew. Yet, he's still there, and he's still the alpha. He's just an adult one.
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enbyleighlines · 10 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 9
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It's time to get the knight ring from Naesala!
I love Ike's attitude here. That being said, I did make the decision to have Janaff talk to Naesala, because there's no way that I'm going to fight Naesala. I like to imagine that Janaff did it of his own volition.
This map took me waaaay too many tries, because I was determined not to kill any crows. The crows did not make this easy for me. Additionally, drawing Naesala out without him destroying any of my units proved to be... a bit of a challenge. Finally, I just used Tanith's recruitment skill to summon some nameless NPC's to do that job for me. Sorry, random pegasus knight! Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
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A man with a killer axe attempted to attack Nephenee, but I gave her vantage, and she decided to one-shot him with a crit of her own. Oh, Nephenee, you absolute bloodthirsty menace you.
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Time for the big reveal! I forgot this happened so soon.
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Gosh, such a powerful visual. Poor Elena and Greil. They both deserved so much better.
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Some people typecast Titania as the team mom, and I have no objections against it, but I think her sass is terribly underappreciated. I love how often she beefs with Soren, who at this point in the story looks like a literal child.
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Two points here:
First, I (ironically) love how Mist's medallion is stolen the morning following Ike and Volke's conversation. If only Nasir had stolen it a little earlier, Ike would have had a very different reaction. Like, yes, family heirloom, it sucks that it's gone, but it's not the end of the world.
Second, I (sincerely) love how Ike is allowed to be a bit of an asshole sometimes. Like, when he gets stressed out, he lashes out at people. He gets cranky and irritable, like in that conversation with Jeorge about battle tactics. And it makes sense. He has a lot to shoulder during PoR, and he never asked to be put into any position of leadership in the first place. He's allowed to be angry and bitter about it.
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I always forget that, on top of their prejudice against laguz, Daein is also anti-immigrant. Really, the toxic patriotism of Daein feels so painfully familiar at times. I feel like someone could write an entire essay on this subject. Additionally, I wonder if Jill has experienced anything like this, or is it different because she was born in Daein?
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Man, I both do and don't feel for Shiharam. Like, okay, he's a good man. But he's also a man who allowed his daughter to participate in laguz hunts. I know it was all for the purpose of gaining the king's trust, but still. He kind of made this bed for himself. I don't know. It's such a complicated matter, and I like that he's a complicated character. My feelings about him just keep flip-flopping all over the place.
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Gotta love Soren's pragmatism! I love how he deeply understands how society functions, while also being critical of the systems in place. I feel like you usually see this sort of pragmatism from characters who are rich and full of themselves, blaming the underclass for their own misfortune. Soren knows why things are the way that they are, knows that, because the people rely on nobility for protection, there is a huge power imbalance between nobility and the common folk. As he says earlier in Begnion: "From the moment of our birth to our final dying gasp, we commoners know we are not allowed to defy the upper classes."
So while Soren's lecture here is extremely brutal, I don't think it comes from a place of bad intentions. In his eyes, Elincia is naive and inexperienced, and has thus far been ignorant of the true horrors that the average Crimean has had to endure. He is angry because he cares. He is angry because he's worried about the future of Crimea.
I'm just... I love Soren. As Ike says, deep down he's a big softie.
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And I finally got Mist to second tier! With this, I have officially gotten all of my main units to class up.
The Talrega map was a walk in the park compared to the previous one. I basically had a small group (which included Jill, Ilyana, Rolf, and Astrid) squat by the houses in the upper left section of the map, and their only job was to destroy as many wyvern riders as possible.
Everybody else just rushed towards the boss at top speed.
Next time: time to lay siege to Daein Keep!
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zivliveblogsop · 3 months
One Piece Reread Chapter 4: The Great Captain Morgan
(prev | index | next)
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No cover page this chapter, we get right into it - the fact that Luffy loathes people hiding behind another's reputation, especially a parent's, comes as no surprise. What does strike a positive chord with me here is how Luffy, in real time, seems to remember Shanks' way after his temper has died down. "He's not worth hitting," he says, though it's after he takes a breath and lets go of his initial anger. He still has a ways to go before he becomes the captain who lets Bellamy get his licks in without lifting a finger in Jaya. True to form, though, if it's for the sake of his friend, he'd hit him a few more times just for good measure.
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Koby is still petrified of the consequences, but Luffy, uncaring, heads off to find Zoro.
A brief interlude for Morgan - one wonders if tax collection falls under Marine purview. Is it simply because Shells Town appears to be a very small settlement, without even a mayor or other civil authority? Could it be that all of Shells is on World Government property, rendering the entire thing a military installation under the 153rd's jurisdiction? It's clear that the Marines seem to act as the police for the town. Among the injustices named by the citizens, they zero in on executions and other harsh punishments, but never object to the levies, which makes me think that the Marines functioning as the tax man may not be entirely unusual.
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Back in the yard, we come to the more famous second recruitment conversation between Luffy and Zoro - Zoro is notably opposed to pirates, as this is the second time he's not only rejected, but denigrated the prospect. Luffy questions if it's a matter of reputation, but Zoro shoots this down. He doesn't give a damn what everyone else thinks of him, but he (1) lives by his own code, which involves (a) never doing anything he's regretted. Once again, this raises the contemplative silence from Luffy. Oda goes as far as to give him a "..." to really show us that this is resonating with him, somehow, making him think. You might recall that I put a pin in Chapter 2, on the notion that Luffy lives his life on the guiding principle of "no regrets" - I believe that, here, he's realizing that he and Zoro have even more in common than he already thought, and it only strengthens his resolve to recruit him. He refuses to take no for an answer, because it's not only himself, now, who will feel regret for not getting Zoro to come with him - it's Zoro who will end up regretting this end. (As for "Why doesn't he just tell Zoro about their plan to execute him?" Simple - I believe Luffy sees it as an honourable act, and doesn't want Zoro to regret it. He likes the man that Zoro is, and he doesn't want to give him cause to hesitate to act this way again in the future.)
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To put it lightly, Morgan is an incredibly ham-fisted (or, axe-fisted) character - a very overblown amalgamation of just about every dishonourable trope in the book. I believe it's intentional, though - being introduced to the Marines in this way swiftly informs us of the present state of the organisation. It's corrupt, rife with abuse of power, and rife with individuals that are more concerned with their own status than the wellbeing of the citizens they are charged with protecting.
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The reality of the situation hasn't been lost on Koby, who's been galvanised to the point where he has a clear path forward. He hasn't yet seen himself as someone who's capable of cleaning house, but he does, at least, know he wants to be the "right kind" of Marine. He and Zoro have a moment of understanding, over Luffy's seemingly-impossible ways, but Koby has come to see the light. He sympathises with how crazy it seems at first, but he's bought in: "He'll succeed or die trying! That's how he is!" That impossible faith has begun to rub off on him.
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We close this chapter with a very sobering panel, and with Luffy on the loose with Helmeppo as hostage, in search of Zoro's swords...
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joys-of-everyday · 1 year
On the Old Palace Master (and Huan Hua palace)
Alright, saga 2 of villain backstories (following this post on QJL).
Disclaimer. Villains don’t need to be tragic. Nor do they need to be less villainous than they are. 2D villains are fine! Villains with no backstories are also fine! But don’t you love brain teasers?
So the difference between a villain-with-potentially-interesting-backstory and plain-old-villain (possibly) is contradictory characteristics. We have
OPM is a rather scummy leader who scams people into fighting innocent Heavenly Demons and lusts after his own disciples.
OPM is a respected scummy leader who nobody questioned (???) when he basically started a war. And he was able to lock up SQQ by essentially pointing a finger and saying ‘look he’s sus’. And he had Gongyi Xiao – resident cinnamon roll – as head disciple. (The poor baby. Whatever did he do to deserve this?) He must have been doing something right.
So question: why the respect?
Bonus question: what are his motives? (Other than slobbering over his disciple’s kid.)
Switching perspectives for a second, we know that Huan Hua palace have a more military orientation and have the most connections to the mortal world. There’s no mention of their ideology, but it could plausibly be something like idk fight for peace, protect the common people. (I’m imagining something like Cao Cao from the Three Kingdoms.)
(Also note that Cao Cao – a fantastically morally grey figure, gotta love him – was known for doing things like killing one of his own as part of a scheme to encourage his men, as well as lusting after women. He was also known for being extremely capable and intelligent, had a great relationship with his wife, and put a firm foot down on corruption, before his much more dubious later years.)
They also seem to have vendetta against demons? OPM decided to do his shenanigans with TLJ and they had history with MBJ. Although maybe this is just a cultivation world thing.
Another small thing, this guy is pretty sharp. Other than the bits where he’s blinded by rage, he deals with developing situations quickly and does a fair amount of scheming (the thing with QHT and all).
Anyway *rubs hands* inspired by this, let’s go.
Since Huan Hua Palace allows families, a side effect is nepotism. Although the sect started with very good intentions, sometime after their establishment, they were seriously bogged down with corruption. This was when the Old Palace Master joined the sect.
In youth, the Old Palace Master was an extremely capable disciple (and I mean, intelligent + great leadership skills, rather than was a good cultivator), not from the best background but with a few family connections (think mid-tier aristocrat, or side branch of a top-tier aristocrat), which he used to rise up the ranks. Having fought through the rich kids and demonstrated his capabilities, he took over the sect.
In his first few years, he made sweeping reforms of the sect – fairer recruitment of disciples, streamlining the organisation of their now bloated departments etc. He focused on helping the common people, strengthening defences, and taking an aggressive stance against demons. This led to him gaining vast amounts of popularity among the citizens, as well as respect among other cultivators.
So now his power and popularity were based on making an enemy out of the demons.
At this point, he started getting ambitious. Instead of just defending against demons, in the background he started staging, or even inciting, demon attacks so that Huan Hua palace could come and swoop into ‘save’ the people. The argument he used to convince those involved is this: they’re ultimately working for the greater good. The cultivation world has become complacent after the annihilation of the sowers – there’s even calls for *le gasp of shock* friendlier relations with demons. But demons and humans can never live together – it’s us or them. It’s their duty to wake up the cultivation world to the dangers the demons posit.
And then the events with TLJ went down.
There’s a theory that the OPM was actually behind Juedi gorge + Jinlan, which (happily!) works in this framework (off-topic, but there’s this scene in LoGH where they kinda let a civilian massacre happen to be like ‘oh look how evil the enemy are’). I’ve also seen theories that he’d been working on ways to subtly make gaps in defences for demons to exploit. Maybe this was where he came into conflict with og!SQQ, who being #TheOnlyBrainCellInTheRoom realised the OPM was dragging them into war (which Cang Qiong would be right at the front lines of).
In terms of motives, possibly the OPM was just power-hungry (and slobbering over his disciple). I think in general an intelligent bad guy will be like… 80% good. To obtain power, you need people to trust you. To make people trust you, (on the whole) you have to be trustworthy. And when the people around you get complacent, when you’ve spread their networks of power… that’s when you can start doing bad things in earnest. (You know, get that decent looking slogan to rally up the gullible followers.)
Anyway, on the note of early days OPM, I kinda wanna see peak lord early days, when they’re all young and fresh and building their reputations in the big wide world.  Respected scholar!SJ anyone?
(Also also: speaking of parallels, Huan Hua is baby Lanling Jin sect right??? And the Lanling Jin sect had the whole thing about bringing down evil - that's how they got the rest of the cultivation world on their side.)
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Doflamingo's feats (and why you should vote for him) I'm going to preface by saying that, yes, manipulation isn't just a Web thing; every Fear does manipulate here and there, but the Web is most known for and associated with it. In my earlier Doffy propaganda (which was actually my description for his submission), I pointed out that the Web loves power and manipulation because of its true domain of powerlessness/helplessness, being trapped, and the idea that your actions aren't yours (especially knowing damn well after it's too late) (which lines up well with Doffy imo). With that said, let's list some of Doffy's Web-like feats:
His main method of fighting is to bide his time using defensive maneuvers while goading his opponents into revealing emotional weaknesses ("...who could wield guilt like a rapier and anger like a scalpel"), which he then uses against them to perform surprise sneak attacks. Nothing in nature waits better than a spider.
He took over Dressrosa (a kingdom) and dethroned its king in just one night. The deal that he presented to the king also traps said king in an unfavorable position; either he take money from his people by force (something against his morals), or there will be war. Once the king (after 'borrowing' money from the civilians in a non-coercive way) does however, he and his militia are puppeteered, with Doffy coming in to present himself as a savior, stopping said king and swaying his once loyal people to Doffy's side for 10 years.
He hatched a plan, using his origins and ties as a Celestial Dragon, to a. Trap Law in a battle between him and an admiral b. Isolate Luffy in Corrida Coliseum so that he can't interfere c. Prevent the Strawhats from leaving the island
And when that backfires, as in the kingdom's populace finding out about his true intentions, he tweaks his plan, setting up another deal, promising rewards, that manage to turn them against each other once more and against the Marines (+ other parties against Doffy as well); all to buy time for an escape
He (through Sugar) turned a portion of the Dressrosa populace into living toys, including puppets and marionettes (both being common motifs of the Web *side eyes Lagorio and that Web domain*) that have no choice but to follow orders
He used one of his stronger moves, the Birdcage, both to entrap all of Dressrosa (cutting of communications) and drive the people trapped to hunt down the protagonists for money, even raising the prizes for certain people as he sees fit. The distinction between the Web and the Hunt in this context is that Doffy's using the headhunting of the Strawhats as a means to eliminate obstacles from his schemes, in lieu of simply enjoying the thrill if he was more Hunt alligned
The entirety of the Donquixote Pirates. Nothing screams Web as much as people being recruited into a cult that presents itself as a tight-knit 'family' through promises (e.g of protection and camaraderie) and by picking apart the human mind, then binding them so that they can't leave lest they face humiliation (e.g. Bellamy) and death (e.g. Bellamy's crew)
Trafalgar Law, who I believe should qualify as a Web victim after the things Doffy did to his mental state
This is Donquixote Doflamingo; a power hungry control freak who abuses leverage, incentives, and emotional weaknesses to have his way. He may get swept by President Business, but my god is he a Web avatar in my heart.
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snow-system-wol · 8 months
S'ria enjoying his time on the Azim Steppe.
(references to slavery/kidnapping/indoctrination (primarily in context to the Buduga Tribe))
S'ria was unnerved. No, perhaps scared was more accurate in this situation. It wasn't that he'd never dealt with slavers before (they were unfortunately all too common of a Code-breaker in La Noscea) – but it felt different then. In those encounters, he was always fighting to free someone, not for his own sake, and they weren't really interested in him as merchandise. Once he'd lopped a few fingers off one of their crewmates, they were usually far more concerned about killing him than with anything else.
Perhaps the reason it felt so different was because now he was a target.
S'ria had known where Cirina was going with her sentence before she even fully finished it, averting his eyes cautiously (she seemed perceptive, don't let her immediately see weakness). A tribe of their size, gaining new warriors consistently despite the length of time it would take an infant to grow to fighting age? Of course they were treating the other groups like an opportunity to harvest, there was no other possible answer for that.
S'ria did do his best to respect other people's ways, interacting with a myriad of people from far away lands by living in a port city and even more now that he was traveling to these places himself – but this was different. Of course The Code didn't exist here, it was a whole different continent, but the idea of a person's only manner of protection from slavery being whether their own tribe will fight back on their behalf was – it just didn't sit well. 
S'ria knew it would only be a matter of time. Whether they knew who he was supposed to be (he doubted it) or if he just seemed a good choice, he knew. It wasn't even that he thought so highly of himself or thought he looking at all imposing at a glance – it just always seemed to be the way things went these days.
That first night he slept fitfully, half expecting someone to come drag him out of the tent. It was a rare occasion where being forced to sleep uncomfortably close to others made him feel more safe instead of less – Gosetsu’s snoring be damned.
It was a relief in some ways when they finally did come, in broad daylight no less. There was no subtlety, just being rushed by several armed strangers – S'ria assumed they were from this Buduga tribe, but they honestly lost against him too quickly for any intent to be clear. Based on similar ambushes launched on the others, it seemed they were very much trying to take the group on one-by-one. Very unsuccessfully.
It was a bit too easy, really. For a group that boasted the strength to even be able to thrive off of such a “recruitment” method, they should've been more formidable foes. It seemed a test more than anything else. So it wasn't really a surprise when they appeared again, in far greater numbers this time – having taken the measure of their worth and found them to be deserving of greater effort.
S'ria was entirely certain they could win, especially with all four of them in fighting condition, but Hien wanted to go with them. S'ria never did care much for politics and social maneuvering – but they'd come here to work with Hien and return to win a war, so he simply had to trust in the process and let himself walk into what felt horribly like a trap.
It only felt like more of one when they were taken up the lift to meet this tribe’s Khan. S'ria immediately realized that there was no easy escape from this height except for being escorted back down that lift, unless one got very lucky with a dive into the moat.
Being marched into the throne room, if that was the purpose this room served, made him remember a detail that Cirina might have mentioned earlier. It was not one tribe he was dealing with right now – it was two. A cooperation of sorts between the groups the previous Naadam had decided were the strongest.
Given that one man lounged on an ostentatious chair, and the other hovered casually at his side, it was very clear which way the hierarchy fell. S'ria was tentatively glad that the tribe whose practices he condemned seemed to be second in the power structure, not first.
Magnai was… a lot. That was a way to put it, with too little focus to dedicate on picking a better adjective. In other circumstances, he'd have held S'ria's full and annoyed attention, but in this one he wasn't even S'ria's main concern.
Still, usually men who did this sort of showboating were already playing with forbidden magics or the like – summoning or becoming primals, or making themselves immortal – but Magnai seemed like a remarkably average person compared to all that.
He was also already testing S'ria's resolve to trust whatever Hien wanted to accomplish here.
(In truth, S'ria had no idea. If they tried, they surely could fight their way out alive, so they were not irreparably trapped. Even if there was a threat of death being made, the same situation applied during the Naadam – why bother keeping the peace when they'll be fighting in a few days anyway? His other presumption was that Hien was trying to make certain that the strongest warriors in the Steppe would respect his victory – but S'ria felt that the rules of the Naadam made such a thing quite definitive without all this.)
(Trust in the process, just trust in the process.)
He was not the only one to be raising his eyebrows, to ask ‘well, what if we don't accept your task?’ Magnai’s explanation of the contingency options was cut short but the man at his side leaning in to quietly speak with him.
S'ria knew exactly Magnai was going to say before he even opened his mouth again.
“Hm. It seems our brothers of the Buduga want you.” Magnai's expression changed into a smile for the first time since they'd entered the room. “The men only.”
His face and voice suggested there was a joke being made here, but S'ria did not understand what that unkind smile was supposed to mean.
S'ria felt increasingly distant from the situation – in that strange sort of way where Magnai’s voice faded in and out of focus, missing entire chunks of what he was saying at a time. That smile was gone from his face now.
“No matter. All you need know is that you will serve, one way or another.”
An odd sort of calm washed over S'ria for a moment, an eye of the storm. His body felt cold but quiet.
Then the other man, the Khan of the Buduga tribe he supposed, looked directly at S'ria and muttered a low comment that easily carried off the walls.
“Hmm... Yes…”, he nodded appraisingly, “Yes… This one is special.”
The calm passed and S'ria nearly broke on the spot.
(He didn't want to be special, not like this, not in this context, absolutely nothing good could come of that – to be favored or special or unique among a group was a damned curse.)
(He wondered how they did it, how many years it took for these boys to become so loyal to their new tribe that they'd be willing to kill their former families in the name of their new masters? What did that sort of indoctrination look like? S’ria didn't want to know.)
(S'ria remembered a girl once. She'd been with the crew when Jacke and him tracked them down. She'd clearly been a slave on that ship, but… she cried when her master fell in battle and then tried to kill S'ria in retaliation the moment he came close – how long did that sort of devotion take?)
S'ria subtly shifted his feet and just slightly bent his legs, sure that turning quickly enough would let him get out of the room before anyone could react. There was still the matter of the height, but the moat idea was sounding better by the second. The water was a good dozen or more yalms deep, and as long as his form was decent he probably wouldn't break any bones on the surface.
He couldn't bear this, never again.
(Never …again?)
Logical thought reentered S'ria's brain, calm and soothing, and interrupted his spiral – reminding him that his friends would not let him be taken, that he was strong enough to fight free later if things really got so out of hand. He forced himself to listen to that gentle voice and drop back into a neutral stance. Even if it was just him talking to himself, that voice was always so soft and easy to trust.
Yes, that was right. He was still safe, really, the Buduga would not have any of them. There was no need for fear.
As we often do when dialogue is a bit unsettling, everything said in quotes in this fic are directly canon from the characters in game.
S'ria's traumatic memories: -knock knock knock-
S'ria: I am not opening that damn door.
(And yes, that is S'ria's perception of Menphina pushing her way into co-front at the end.)
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littlestsnicket · 2 years
volunteers don’t murder people (except when they do).
volunteers don’t set out with the intention of doing harm (but sometime you come prepared for the worst and you act).
volunteers aren’t pacifists (except the ones that are) (they’re protecting the vulnerable quiet that exists in the world not trying to making more of it).
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kindestegg · 3 years
Deltarune Theory: Ralsei is a guide for the script
It feels crazy that Deltarune Chapter 2 has only been out for like, what, two weeks? As of the time I’m writing this, and yet, there has already been so much secret hunting and speculation over this. Not even the full game, and people already go crazy over it. Naturally, I am part of this craze. In fact I was one of the people that played it as soon as it dropped.
And, I thought it was only me, but, at least for a little while, Ralsei’s behavior struck me as… odd. Not outwardly malicious, but just… odd. Particularly the first bit of the game, it was just so… happy and convenient? And Ralsei was at the center of it all, orchestrating it, making sure everything happened accordingly.
Eventually, that initial feeling of distrust went away, but… not quite. And it seems a lot of people began to feel the same way, pointing out bits about Ralsei that are just… out of place. Things that didn’t seem to stand out in the first chapter, are now popping out about him.
Questions include:
How does he know about what’s outside the Dark World, about the school?
How does he know about the game mechanics and call them out by names?
Why is he so interested in keeping the balance between only Kris acting and him and Susie doing magic?
Why does he seem so eager to dismiss what happened with Spamton NEO?
Why doesn’t he turn into stone or even get weak at any point during the time he spends in Cyber World?
Are the parts of his name and design connecting to the Dreemurr’s intentional, and if so, what does that mean for his relation to Kris?
How and why does he take player control away to look at what Susie is doing? Why must he wait until Kris is willing to do it? What does he tell them when he succeeds in this?
Now, I don’t intend to pose here “a supreme theory to rule them all”, I’m just a guy having fun and I’ve seen people voice particularly similar ideas to this one I’ve had, so I want to at least try to answer these questions through a relatively simple idea that would, almost entirely, immediately answer ALMOST all the doubts.
First, let’s start with some steps to build up this idea. For one, we know for a fact that Ralsei holds knowledge over game mechanics and may even break the fourth wall at times.
But we also know that Ralsei’s design resembles a lot of characters from Undertale we know and were fond of. For one, he can be likened to Toriel in the sense that he is the one to give you the first tutorial of the game and his clothes resemble her original outfit as well. Another connection, much more common, that people have made is that he is like Asriel, no doubt due to his name being an anagram, but also due to the fact he is also a cute young goat.
I would like to do a complete turn around here though, and say I do not think any of this points to Ralsei being related to Kris in the familial sense, for more than one reason, but my main one being that I don’t think Toby would be as frankly disgusting as to imply such a thing when there is so so much teasing in the direction of Ralsei possibly having a crush on Kris. I mean… really, Toby?
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You know, I’m not too sure this would be the smartest idea, Mr. Fox, but alright.
However, I do think all these hints in his design and name have a purpose. And it has to do with how us, the fandom, see these two characters. For one, they are very beloved characters, and Toriel is one that we associate with her tutorials and guidance, whereas Asriel is one that people have yearned to see more in action. They are back, in a sense, but not present in our adventures so far.
What I’m getting at is that Ralsei is specifically designed to be the darling of the fandom. He is made to be loved, to be trusted, to cause feelings in us that make us want to protect him and accept his advice. This, in a way, also affects the in-universe characters who see him, as Susie put it: “as a big portable teddy bear”, whose job is “giving hugs”.
And I don’t just mean this in a character design way, like “oh wow Toby was so smart to make a perfectly marketable boy!” No. I think Ralsei exists as a meta element, his form being a direct manifestation of what we want to see.
He looks like that because he wants us to see him and lower our guard and expect his guidance. Remember how his form was shadowy and vague throughout all of chapter 1 until the very end of it and how he poofs into nothing but a pile of clothes in both chapters so far, no matter what form he’s in? What if he’s a shapeshifter? What if Ralsei isn’t even his real name? That certainly would explain why he says he doesn’t know what being Ralsei-like is like.
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Ralsei? Ralsei? Oh God he’s gone.
Now, do I think he’s lowering our guard in the sense of leaving us vulnerable for an attack? Not exactly. I think it's so we learn to accept him…
Accept that he is a GUIDE for the game’s script. His entire existence hinges on guiding the main characters, specially Kris, throughout the story, and making sure the whole story, all seven chapters, play out exactly as planned.
You see, Ralsei isn’t evil. His goal is pretty simple, actually: guide us, the player, throughout the game, making us feel as safe and happy and secure. In that sense, of course he pushes so hard towards the pacifist route. After all, that’s the one that’s closer to a completionist route, as the sparing + recruiting mechanic adds more characters to your town, and therefore more content. He wants you to see all this content and get the most enjoyment out of it. His code urges him to bring you the best experience possible.
This would also answer why he does that thing with taking our control away from Kris and to watch Susie’s shenanigans. Because it’s satisfying to us. Notice how stressed out and pushy he gets in the alternate route when Susie comes out of Noelle’s room without being able to let us see what happened. He knows he messed up, something went wrong. He was supposed to let us see, so that we wouldn’t be bored, because God forbid the players be bored.
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Just imagine this going through his head.
He also seems to genuinely care about Kris and Susie, and with good reason, as he knows these are the protagonists, and he is supposed to care for their well being too and ensure they reach their goal. I do think, however, there is a good amount of being genuine in his care, as he has no reason to react so boldly sometimes to either of them, showing outrage or affection in pretty telling ways. He isn’t heartless despite carrying out this job.
However it is also worth noting, for all his care, he cannot do the one thing that Kris would desire the most: free them from our grasp. And that is his ultimate failure towards them, and may end up creating conflict later on in the game.
From, here, there are two possible pathways:
Ralsei does not know about the dilemma Kris is going through, and believes Kris is entirely oblivious and passive towards being in a video game. He may even end up being the final boss to fight, as he desperately tries to keep everything on rails while Kris very much does not care for any of that.
Ralsei is entirely aware of what’s going on with Kris, after all, everything in a game’s design is planned, even the cutscenes, therefore even Kris’ struggles. Ralsei knows of the fate that lies ahead, that Kris will eventually be free, how it all ends. But to get there… is still a road ahead.
I think Ralsei’s affection towards Kris will definitely be explored in the later chapters. Not just because of the teasing we’ve been getting, but, if Ralsei really is a guide of the game’s code and script, what would that mean for him to get so attached towards the character the player is controlling?
Ralsei will have to make a choice. He will either recognize Kris is suffering and cannot wait any longer, or be faced with possibly having to fight them himself. This is why those two pathways matter as well. If he doesn’t know, his choice will come later and it will be an unpleasant surprise for him to find out the game universe is breaking apart around him with the self awareness of certain characters. If he does know, however, his choice is NOW, and waiting for the inevitable will be torture.
Just how long until he breaks? Or will he keep the facade until the very last chapter?
Like I said, I don’t intend this theory to be the biggest, most revealing and coherent theory. But… It could add a very interesting layer to Ralsei’s character, as well as answer many questions posed beforehand. He knows the school layout and game controls because he is part of the code. He can get to the other Dark World’s easily and remain unharmed because the game demands him to be. He looks like this so that we love him. He wants to give us the most fulfilling Castle Town so that we will love the game. He doesn’t protest even when Kris does things like try to give him the thorn ring, because to him, everything will be okay anyway. Everything he is, is for us. He isn’t evil or malicious per se, he just opposes Kris’ biggest need.
But he may have gotten himself attached. And that may be a clue to sparing him if he does become a final boss.
But! Tell me what you thought of this theory! Do you think it’s way too weird and farfetched, or do you think it’s possible that it could happen? Or maybe you agree with some stuff but not with other stuff? Go ahead and tell me!
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rivendellsstuff · 3 years
𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | ❝In despair, he condemns his desires. Regretted, he know the consequences would be eternal and all he wanted was you. Your fiery personality, bright lips and soft skin.❞
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2310;
Genre: friends to lovers;
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: Mentions of canon-typical violence. The first chapter is set before the events of the first season. Friends with benefits — so, it'll be eventual smut (like, a lot!)
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: English isn't my natives language, so if you spot a misspelled word or anything else, feel free to let me know.
Some men's whish the glory, others crawl like snakes by power and there is those who live like rats in the system. However, there is a exception — and his names is Levi Ackerman. Emerged from the underground, by dust and blood, forged as a weapon at an early age and steeped in pride, he raised as humanity's strongest soldier. He carries a doctrine, imbedded in his bones: he serves to humanity, the balance and the freedom of mankind. If there is a threat, he is the man who can fight against it, ranging from cruel people to evil titans.
He was born in cruel times and did his best to survive in the Underground. He found a glory he wasn't looking for. Something many wish to through their lives, but which, for him, was irrelevant. They all bleed, they all are stuck on the Walls and share the same ended chapter: the death. The final outcome is not defined by possessions, achievements or privileges in life. The only difference was that could get death any easier and painless. Levi was not a hypocrite: he would rather a peaceful death, lying on his bed, instead of being eaten by a titan.
He rather — and is all what it is. It wasn't like if he had any choice. The Ackerman's family were designed to protect the people and to fight. They were cursed with a power. Some people could say it is a miracle in dark times. Others would argue that mans were corrupted, cruel and too ambitious to deal with that awakened power. Well, Levi knows, that no everyone were worthy to possess such ability — Kenny, that asshole, was one of them.
However, there was kind strange situation. An only exception, an affliction that hung over through the heart and maddened his mind: you.
Desire wasn't a word enough to define how he feels close to you, a fearless female warrior, who destroy each barrier he has built over the years, causing delirium with the thought of you hurt. Levi knew he would have taken a checkmate just by desiring you.
But when it all starts? He couldn't say with sure. Maybe, when he, Farlan and Isabel were recruited by the Survey Corps, and you were the only one who spoke to them without undriveable mock and trial. You, besides Erwin, didn't seem to care where they came from. As deeply loyal as you were to your comrades, you didn't depend on your interactions with them for take a direction — you were content to follow your own passions and desires without input from anyone else.
Maybe it started when he saw you in battle or an a argue with a member of Military Police Regiment. Fear is not in yours's vocabulary when you are on the battlefield or when you are speaking her mind to others.
As their partnership grew, he'd find some similarities between you, but also many differences.
You, just like him, has little patience for any form of prose or riddles when you are communicating with others. You speak bluntly and without pretense, and expects others to do the same, prefers to get to the point and doesn’t seek to romanticize your expectations or intentions. You also are focused on the present issues and what role you can play in protecting the people that you love, what can prevent you from seeing the future results of your present actions and, unlike him, does result in some impulsive and risky — yet brave— actions.
All these little things over the years, made him fall in love with you, and Levi had ways to say it without saying "I love you".
Like that night.
He wasn't hiding his disgust face when handed you a cup full of that steaming, black liquid; the simply smelling coffee could make your stomach turn, but still, he prepares a cup for you every night.
As the second in the command, you have spent several evenings together conducting the next advances of the squadron. So, there you are, sitting next to him, eyes focused on the paper, turning the pen between your fingers and... biting your lower lip.
Occasionally, almost instinctively Levi raises his eyes to you. Being so close of you was it's a unique feeling. The smell of your perfume as stunning, and his throat closes around the words he would like to say. The tension that has been brought in was too dangerous for someone like him.
Fucking woman, fucking lips. Fuck you!
''Is there a problem?'', you inquired making eye contact for the first time that night. He couldn't say if there was perversion when you wet your own lips, but Levi felt his muscles become tense and contracted when you made it.
Levi responded with a faint whimper before observed: ''You shouldn't be drinking so much coffee at this time. You look like shit when don't get sleep''.
Lie. Fucking hell, you're always beautiful, but no way he'd say what he thought.
You rolled your eyes. ''It's you who did'', you put forth.
''I wasn't in the mood to put up with a brat attitude from you.''
''Brat? You know that we have about the same age, don't you?'', your gaze traveled from the figure sat in front of you to the window, confused as to why you would be embarrassed about his presence. You took in a breath before adding: ''Anyway, don't want sleep.''
There was a pause for a few seconds. You and he eyed each other.
''Why?'', he asks, authoritative one.
You shrugged and shook your head firmly. ''It doesn't matter.''
''If it doesn't matter, why would I have asked that?''
"Cause you're snooper”, you smirked.
''I'm not a snooper, brat."
He felt his heart begin to quicken when you carried the pen to your lips and start biting.
"Yes, you are a horrible snooper old man, bossy and with an astonishing mania for cleanliness."
"Old? You know we have about the same age”; he repeats. His eyes drifted back to your face, noticing your gaze had shifted again to the woods beyond the window. "And you're avoiding the question", he softly says (at least as softy as he could be), interrupting your rampant thoughts. "Are you alright?"
Levi watches in silence as you'd shoulders slump.
"I can't sleep. My mind has the scary capability of being evil, although I always thought that one day it'd get better", you're voice was low and flat, quiet and a little sad as you spoke to Levi, who seemed to know what are you exactly referred to and only nodded at your words. "I feel guilty. All the time."
Even in the darkness the room held, your eyes find his greys one like the starlight's.
''Are you afraid of your dreams, too?'', you asked, never expecting the humanity strongest soldier to have any fears.
'Yes'', he said quietly.
You nodded with hesitation, his words repainting in your head as you struggled to forma a sentence to answered.
Levi was used to such sadness, he had month's — no, years — to griever over the deaths of his mother and friends. Death was not uncommon thing in his life. His childhood who should be carefree, playing in the sun, was like a living nightmare, learning to fight in the darkness of Underground. Later, when he left the place to join the Survey Corps, he accepted to live in that never ending tragedy that people had sadly grown used to. Death was more common in that job than anything else, and he knows how badly it fuck with his mind.
“I’m beginning to think we’re a lot alike… you and me. We’re both strange cast, who’ve learned to fight when we’re backed into a corner'', you began weakly.
''Well, we’re backed into a corner now. Two fucking insomniacs”, he shook his head, thinking about your words. He didn't seem to like the way your voice sounded sadder. You raised your eyes to him again as he slowly spoke: ''You're not alone''
You answered a tiny smile onto your lips. Levi felt his cheeks burn and opposite glanced to your empty coffee cup, thinking that he'll able to always tolerate your strange addiction.
A few second later you both went back to work, and Levi was left with words stuck, temptation planted in the mind and a sure thing for him: the insomniac nights would become better by you.
【 ━━ 】
Inside Wall Sheena, guests were arriving, among them five members of the Scout Regiment - consisting mostly of commanders - walked through the gates, exuding self-confidence, bitter to participate in that boring and stupid meeting.
Little lies, little social sacrifices to feed what kept the Scout Regiment going: funding.
It was not necessary to be an expert in politics to see beyond the traditional veil of those events, to perceive the intentions of certain parliamentarians, very sadistic. Knowing it was part of your job to relate to these kinds of people annoyed you.
For one minute, you saw out of the corner of your eyes, the first on your command. The man of grey eyes used a black suit that fits perfectly. Be present in an event with so many politics didn't seem to his liking. Was kind of hard for all of you play nice one with all this tension in the air.
You've never felt the feeling of fear and tension like that inside the Walls before.
''Stop frowning before you break your face''
'It would be so sad, and you would cry for being depriving of that beautiful face''
''Oh, fuck yourself'', he says, angrily.
''If you watch''
You smirched at his expression as he looks up to you, after seeing your face, he turns away.
''Watch your words, brat''
''Or what, old man? What will you do to me?''
He looks back up at you.
''I could break you habit of drinking coffee, put you to clean all the HQ or even to help Hange with the experiments. The three together seems good, by the way''
You roll your eyes.
''You're mean''
'You're annoying'', he replied. ''And you know, if you keep rolling your eyes one day their going to get stuck like that''
''Are you trying to be funny?''
His little grin showed up making you roll eyes into a smile. He was terribly bossy and annoying, but you like that about him.
You took the glass of wine to your lips and raised your eyes to hit his. Levi hovered over you, making you felt that flame into your heart once more. Your eyes tailed down to Levi's lips then back to his eyes. You could feel your heart beating recklessly.
Fucking grey eyes, fucking black suit. Fuck you!
You felt a thumb on your cheeks, making them burn.
''You look...'', he started whispered and slightly caress your cheeks. Your body started to get hot under his soft touch. ''... beautiful. You look beautiful''
You were speechless.
You liked the sudden ardor, of the dangerous attraction, of folly and frivolous with provocative sins. Liked and thought how the taste of his lips would be: the indomitable, the irresistible, the powerful and sin.
He slowly dragged his hand down to my thorax wrapping his hands around it. A soft gasp escaped of your lips.
''You know... If you want dance, it'll not rude to ask'', you try to say. ''The song is awful, but I'm not a demanding partner''
''Only if you don’t step on my foot''
His prepotency make you smile.
''Don’t be a bad partner and there will be no mistakes'', you retorted, making him raised one of the eyebrows. ''That's how a men should behave next to a woman''
He took you in his arms, abruptly, making the bodies collide with intensity. You gasped, very close to Levi's ears, who felt the hairs stand on the back of his neck. Leading you through music, in no second was the look averted, in a battle for unknown control.
You and Levi explored a unique experience.
He stares burned deep into your body. His touch on your skin made your body tingle.
Fuck, control yourself. Don't get turned on by him!
He didn't say anything, just left you hold into him. You could feel your body burning around him. What was he doing to you? It felt like a spell. The effect of sin, of desire. You should get rid of that, all you needed least were distractions in the workplace and ruin the friendship, trust and partnership that you two took so long to build.
However, both keep looking to each other longer than friends should. Longer than friends should...
He could saw you lost inside your mind. Slowly, he pulled down his fingers, lazily touching the skin of your exposed back by the dress. Levi's vision was blinded by the desire his image represented. The surroundings smelled wine and fruits, intoxicating his sense. The ears, doomed to hear the political bullshit. His tact could burn by touching you. His taste? It was dangerous, because wanted to discover the taste of your lips and body.
But not now, not here.
You are his friend — the only who was left. In despair, he condemns his desires. Regretted, he knew the consequences would be eternal and all he wanted was you. Your fiery personality, bright lips and soft skin.
To hell all of that. When you both got back, he'll fucked you, every way that he can thinking off. He wants to pound into you, slammed into you and give the best night that you ever have. He wants to kiss every inch of your skin.
''Good girl'', he whispers next to your ears. ''But I'll show you how true men should behave next to a woman when we get back''
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bokettochild · 3 years
Day 4 - Trust Fall
Went with the prompt 'taken hostage' for this one, and I'm quite pleased. I might follow it up from another prompt on the list, but I quite like how it ended.
Suffer :)
There are many people who hate the Hero of Warriors.
It was a well-known fact, and something that had haunted him since the ends of the war, but he couldn’t exactly blame the folks who did. After all, it was for lust of the hero that Cia had killed so many, and there were families all across Hyrule who had lost loved ones because the hero had refused the affections of one lonely, corrupted woman.
Zelda had tried to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but that changed nothing; people had still died because of Cia’s lust, and still more had died because of his own over-confidence. So, when he walked the streets of Castletown and the people who wanted to thank him faded to the background as a single soul would stand and spit insults loaded with venom more poisonous than a deku baba, he would take their words and let them speak, never once challenging them, even when his men would protest and beg for permission to reprimand his attacker. Zelda had pleaded for him to stop, claiming that he lowered the moral of the army by not carrying himself strongly and with honor, but how could he rob someone of their voice when he’d already robbed them of everything else?
There was one upside to it all though; when Warriors met Legend, there was nothing the younger hero could say that could truly hurt him. Legend would huff and complain and tease and jab, but his insults were a gentle nudge in comparison to the hearty shoves into boiling lava that he’d seen from his own people, and he welcomed the verbal sparring with the other hero. It was nice to be able to speak back without having guilt rise in his chest, and he enjoyed getting to tease and bother the veteran hero in return.
In that manner, an unlikely friendship had formed between a hero who hated soldiers and a soldier who hated being a hero.
He was close to all of the others of course; Sky, Wild and himself would spend hours discussing their worlds and the systems of knights and training and the like. Time and Wind, his boys and the pride of his heart, would mess around with him and it warmed him body and soul to offer them advice or comfort after a long day (and having the two of them cuddle up when they thought no one was looking was an extra warm bonus on multiple fronts).
Four was- well, there was no words for the relationship he shared with the smithy. It was a relationship of exchanged looks and mutual silence. One of two brothers who knew each other as well as if they’d actually been born to the same mother, and who could read the others actions as if they were reading their thoughts. It was them flopping over each other and Four climbing onto his shoulders to reach things, it was him throwing the smithy bodily up towards high places and leaning on the top of his head when he was drained or feeling playful.
Wild and Hyrule were his baby brothers, the chaotic ones who he was helping to bring up right, the boys who needed a guiding hand and a firm voice to push them and guide them, but who reveled in warm hugs and teasing or encouraging words.
And Twilight? Twilight was his sparring partner, his closest brother and the one he’d probably end up socking in the face one day. There was enough said on that front. Legend very nearly made the same rank, except...
Except Legend was, truth be told, as much a kid as the others and despite their verbal battles, he didn’t think he could actually ever hit the kid for real, no matter how often he cuffed the pink head or pushed the short vet over in jest, he didn’t think he could ever cause the younger hero harm. Yeah, yeah, so maybe it was the big brother and father in him that said he wouldn’t live with himself if he hurt the kid, but it was also the soldier and captain that saw a reflection of every cocky recruit he’d ever trained and a certain mask wearing child in the vet’s painfully rare smiles and much more common snarky comments.
And he just couldn’t bring himself to hurt a kid in the first place.
No matter how much of an ass they were being.
“Seriously though, how have you not died?” Legend was scoffing, but the vet’s arms were wrapped tight around himself as the kid rolled his eyes. “I mean, one bokoblin? How is that the first time an enemy has ever grabbed your scarf?”
Warriors would have laughed it off with a tease about the vet’s lack of leg protection, but he could see the worry shining in violet hues and feel the tender bruising that wrapped around his own neck. He hardly remembered the last battle, adrenalin and the concussion had seen to that, but legend had been weirdly snappish with him since, yet simultaneously clingy in a way that was painfully uncharacteristic of their salty veteran. “Most monsters are just dumb.” He’d shrugged off at last, but Legend hardly looked contented, picking at his tunic and scowling at his boots as if there was something more he wanted to complain about or say, but he lacked the words to say it.
Oh goddesses, the vet really was like Mask, wasn’t he? All bashful worry and fussing disguised as insults and annoyance, but underneath just a kid who desperately needed the assurance that the people around him weren’t seconds away from death.
“I’ll be fine, you grouchy little bumblebee.” He scoffed, tugging at one of the vet’s long ears, just as he did with Time when the now older hero was getting to wrapped up in his head. “We’re in my world anyway and the monsters here are dumber than rocks.” Usually he’d just say ‘dumb as rocks’ but they’d met a talus in Wild’s Hyrule and he couldn’t honestly think of that phrase the same way since.
“Black blood makes them smarter.” Legend huffed, batting his hands away with a scowl, nose wrinkling up in an almost adorable manner as he sidestepped a swipe at his hair. “And I just fixed that thing for you, I don’t want to have to do that again.”
So much like Time had been, did the vet see it? Just like his middle kid and it was messing with his brain in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. How upset would Sky be if he gathered Legend in amongst his boys as well? The Skyloftian wasn’t particularly possessive of his descendants and he might not mind sharing responsibility over the vet. He’d have to ask, but only once he was sure Legend was out of earshot, the kid was barely tolerant of Sky coddling him, and even then, usually only when he was sleepy or scared shitless.
“Are you listening, Captain? I’m not mending that scarf again this week, you ass.” Legend flicked his ears, irritation at being ignored coloring his face with a scowl that quickly faded into surprise as a blue heap of fabric settled over his head and shoulders. Of course, the surprise disappeared too once Legend’s face was covered with the tail end of the scarf, and he had to grab the back of the vet’s tunic to stop him from tumbling to the ground as he tripped over the rocky path.
“What the heck, Wars?!” The teen squeaked, fumbling with the fabric as the captain let a laugh rumble up through his chest into his throat.
“You keep fussing about the scarf, yeah? Well,” He reached out to tug the loose end down, chest thrumming with warmth as the pout on Legend’s face beneath the scarf and a fierce blush. “So how about you keep it safe for me, just for a bit.” He shifted the fabric again, arranging it to lay better around the veteran’s thin shoulders. “You can give it back after the next battle, yeah? Then you’ll know it’s not damaged.”
The pink-haired hero rolled his eyes at that comment, but Wars didn’t miss how the kid nestled in amidst the blue fabric with a soft hum.
Oh yeah, despite all the teasing, it was clear Legend liked the scarf as much as his other boys. He hoped Sun and Sky didn’t mind sharing too much, because there was no going back now.
“Dramatic arse.” Legend huffed, but despite the vet tugging the scarf up over his nose and mouth he still saw the grin the lay beneath.
Somewhere behind him, he could hear Time and Wind exchanging whispers while Twilight grumbled something exceedingly rude and fond all at once.
“Should we split up to find supplies then?” Sky asked, pointedly ignoring Twilight’s comment as he addressed the group as a whole, earning a thoughtful nod from Time.
“Probably best.” The man hummed out. “Groups of three, Hyrule and Wind, you’re with the vet, Four and Sky, you’re with Wars, Cub, Pup, I want you two with me, if something happens I want a responsible adult on every team, as well as someone who knows this Castletown well.”
Agreement thrummed over them as they split up, Wind catching his party members by their hands and pulling them off towards the tailor and apothecary shops so Legend could restock on thread and fabric and Hyrule could gather more healing supplies. Time’s group turned the opposite way, heading off into the main market square so Wild could restock on food stuffs and a new haversack for the traveler as Hyrule’s had had a hole worn in the corner that even Four doubted he could fix. Warriors himself led his team towards the fletchers and the forge, with the intent of buying more arrows and getting Four permission to repair a few of their weapons.
The chatter of the town was cheerier than usual, and to his surprise, not a single person spoke to him beyond the occasional inquiry about directions or an apology or insult after bumping into them. It was like he was invisible, or very nearly, and even those who made a point of calling out thanks or insults only waved cheerily to him as if he was just another passing soldier.
At the smithy, the Master Smithy, Gaepak, blinked in surprise for a good minute when Wars had approached to ask for use of the workroom. “Gen’ral? Is ‘at yew?”
He cocked a brow at the question. “Yes? Is there a problem?”
Gaepak boomed a nervous laugh, motioning to his own short neck with a faint flush on his face as his ears twitched lightly. “’Ard to tell you apart from yer men wit’out that scaaf of yers.” The man apologized, and the apprentice at the blacksmith’s side nodded nervously.
He couldn’t help back slip into a disarming smile (although he had to fight not to slip into their heavy accent as well when he spoke). “Quite alright, gentlemen. I’ve just let it out to one of-”
“Yer boys.” the smith nodded knowingly, earning a snigger from their own short-statured smithy and a light chuckle from Sky.
Warriors flushed slightly. Really, the people of Castletown knew him too well. “Yes, one of my boys.”
“An’ a moighty fine father ye are.” Gaepak drawled with a grin. “Use the forge ta yer ‘eart’s content.” The smith added, moving back to his own workstation with a cheery wink. “Jist moind ye clean it up when ya done.”
Four had shouted something of a reassurance before moving to the offered work station with shining hazel eyes and fingers already flitting over the available tools to familiarize himself with them. In the meantime, Sky had shot him a knowing smile, eyes twinkling as the captain had flushed softly.
Four was deep into his work and the two of them had already finished a lengthily talk and a trip to the fletchers when Wind and Hyrule had burst in, heavy breaths heaving through the two and a healthy flush over two sets of rounded cheeks as wild eyes had turned to the two adults.
“Wind, you can’t bust into a forge! Four shouted over the clang of metal. “It’s dang-”
“Legend was kidnapped.” Wind blurted out, voice strained and barely holding onto the collected and controlled report method Warriors had drilled into all of his soldiers during the war.   Four’s hammer froze mid-air as the three had whipped around to face the two younger heroes, both knights stiffening instinctively as all laughter left their faces.
“What happened.” Warriors demanded, stepping forwards, jaw set and eyes hard as he met the sailor’s wavering gaze.
The aura of peace faded in instants, and soldier met the eyes of soldier as Wind snapped a neat salute. Unnecessary, yes, but trained into the kid by the other soldiers and probably a comforting sort of habit to revert to in the moment (Warriors felt the same about standing at parade rest as he listened to the kid’s report). “We were just entering the apothecary when a couple of folks approached Legend outside the door. He waved us inside to do our business while they talked, and Hyrule and I did as he asked. We gathered the needed supplies- that doesn’t matter though- the point is, when we were at the counter ringing up-”
“There was shouting outside!” Hyrule interrupted, fingering the strap of his faded satchel. “We thought it was just Legend being Legend, you know how he is but-”
“But then there was something of a scuffle and some bangin-”
“- and when we finished at the counter, because the man wouldn’t hurry up and refused to let us leave ‘till we’d been rung up-”
“Legend was gone!” Wind exploded, eyes shining with near panic as they met his own.
“Where were you exactly?” Wars demanded, mind already flitting across the list of people who were likely to have taken the vet. There weren’t many people the kid would have interacted with here, especially not alone, and saving the soldiers he’d accidentally embarrassed a couple of switches back (kid needed to wear some pants if he didn’t want to mistook for a girl) there wasn’t anyone he could really think of that would have cause to try anything. Sure, Legend’s winning personality might earn him a blow to the face from some of the rowdier townsfolk, but at worst he’d be left on the street on in an alley with a bruised face and a fractured rib or two, not taken away entirely.
As he considered, Four was already tidying up behind him only to have Gaepak wave them off with a worried look. “Moi boys will see to this ‘ere mess, don’t botha. Yew got a kid missin’ you go fetch ‘im, goodness knows Gen’ral that yew don’t need to be suff’rin’ that again.”
It was a bitter reminder, but he’d nodded his thanks all the same and grabbed ahold of Wind’s hand as he led the charge back into the street, Hyrule and Sky tagging along as Four made arrangements to come back later for the still cooling weapons before scampering out after them.
Searching Castletown’s streets would take hours, but after they’d run into one of his men, Bav, he’d filled the soldier in on the situation, and hardly had the words ‘my kid’ been out of his mouth before the other was nodding and agreeing to get the rest of the squadron to search the town. They’d found the others not long after, and the trio had dropped everything (even Wild’s slate for a hot second) to come rushing after them, their now two groups weaving in and out of alleyways and streets.
“Your wife?” A painfully familiar farm-wife had tutted. “First your poor daughter and now your poor wife. I’m sorry, luv, but I haven’t seen a thing.” Wind had crooked a smile at the groan Warriors had barely stifled as he led their group away, Sky and Hyrule both staring at the duo in confusion as they pressed further into the crowd.
Continued asking had brought up nothing, and after hours of trotting through the streets in a growing panic, Sky at his side and Hyrule nearly fluttering along with them, they’d finally been pulled aside by one of the soldiers and made to sit down in a guard-station long enough to drink some water and be caught up on the soldiers’ findings.
“Nothing yet, General Link, but we’ll keep looking. Until then, you should take a rest-” He’d moved to protest only to be cut off by a frown from one of his mates. “You’ll be run ragged by the time we hear word, and if the scamps intend harm of any sort, you’ll be in no state to help.”
He’d had to agree after that, but it hadn’t stopped him pacing while Sky held the other two close, rocking them softly and humming soft reassurances to the two smaller heroes that he’d bundled in his cape. The other four joined shortly after, Time demanding that Bav tell him what was happening and Twilight bundling over to grab Hyrule from Sky and curl up around him, the rancher’s nose buried in Hyrule’s curls as Four had settled between him and Sky, the smithies callused hands gently rubbing both their arms as he murmured soft reassurances to the others.
It was Wild that pulled him down to rest, flinty blue eyes sparking dangerously as the kid pulled him down to the ground and thrust something edible into his hands. Vaguely, he processed eating it, but his mind was too lost in spinning to take note if it was hot or cold or even what it tasted like.
When word finally came, it was with Bav’s face drawn and the entire guard having had to leave the post in wake of the nervous energy that flowed out from the exhausted heroes.
“Well?” He’d snapped to his feet, jostling Wild on accident as he did so and making the kid nearly toppled over with his sudden movement.
“An ultimatum, General.” Bav replied, clipped and carefully emotionless, even if there was pain in his eyes. “It’s addressed to General Impa, but-”
The note was snatched from waiting fingers before the other soldier had a chance to finish, and he was already breaking the seal as the man stepped back with a shake of his head and a murmured ‘poor man’.
The text that stared up at him stank, copper assaulting his senses as looping crimson script stared mockingly up at him. “General Impa,” The note read. “We have in our possession your branded puppet; the ‘hero’ of the war. We write to you now with a warning; should Hyrule and her queen not repay the debt owed to those fallen and forgotten, he will not be the first to pay the price.
“Repay that which is due, and release the prisoners who you hold unjustly under the claim of treachery. If this is done, your ‘hero’ will meet a kinder fate, and we may even allow you access to the corpse.”
The note was left unsigned, save a spattering of blood over where the signature ought to have been.
“A threat.” He choked, furrowing his brow and shaking his head. “It’s only a threat.”
“I wish, sir.” Bav’s eyes were downcast. “But they sent this as well.” A bundle, already unwrapped by the soldiers was offered to him. “But based on your description, that kid- I'm sorry, Sir.”
Trembling fingers tore aside the stained brown paper as he stared at the contents within.
A blood-soaked blue scarf stared back up at him.
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ranbling · 3 years
War crimes (a most know list for writers!)
I did a quick research about war crimes 'cause I've seen my fav character accused of being one
So the most common definition is "violation of the laws of war". So if you're writing a fantasy/sci-fi story these things might change though, my research mostly based on the modern laws of war by the United Nations.
Intentional murder of innocent people or intentional attack of non-combat civillians (civillians might be killed in a battle especially if it takes place in an unevacuated city, but it does not make every soldier fighting there war criminal)
Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health (note: in medieval or fantasy settings torture might be viewed as normal so experience with the severity - broken bones are fine, loss of limbs are not)
Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of hostile power (again it was really common in medieval times, the Hun army consisted many different nations)
Use by children under the age of sixteen years into armed forces or groups or using them to participate actively in hostilities ( setting can change that, but have an age limit in every case! Recruitment might began at age of 12, but the boot camp is 3 years long)
Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly, destroying or seizing the property of an adversary unless demanded by necessities of the conflict
Using poison or poisoned weapons
Intentionally directing attack against building dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals as long as it's not used as military infrastructure
Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial
Attacking or bombarding towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military infrastructure
Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement
Taking of hostages
False surrender
Shooting the medic (but if they pick up a weapon then it's not)
In settings were these rules are non-existent, the definition of war crimes might be different depending on the person. Character A might take hostages while character B thinks it's unacceptable.
Also participating in war does not make you automatically a war criminal
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Hi! First of all, I just wanted to say that I fell in love with your writing and the way you analyze the characters. Now, there is something that has been on my mind for some time, since I found out that Huang Hua can feel other people's feelings, I just imagine that she found out how Lance started to develop feelings for the Guardian. The secret looks he gives her, the restlessness he feels when she enters.
Hello! Thank you so much for the compliment! ❤
The request wasn’t exactly formatted in the way of the typical ask, so I wasn’t exactly sure if you were requesting this as a hc / scenario or just commenting for a discussion, but since my page is primarily writing requests I can only assume it’s a request lol.
I’m not entirely sure what Huang Hua’s special power exactly is to be honest. Some people say it’s the ability to read souls, or sort of read minds, or emotions, things along those lines. I have a general idea that she can read someone’s inner heart, energy/aura, and true intentions, which sort of combines many of those ideas as well as your ideas in the request, so I’ll be writing with that in mind. I hope you don’t mind! It won’t really have much of a difference on how I write this as the general idea (how it’s used) is the same.
~ Under the cut ~
Huang Hua’s observations as Lance falls in love with Guardienne:
Huang Hua, of course, observed Lance during his years of change at the guard. He certainly did become someone different; wiser, more resilient, more composed. She knew him once before his years of being Ashkore, but if asked, she would say that she would like this new Lance better. His actions have humbled him and made him wiser, and he has a more realistic perspective on life now. She’s not pleased with what he’s done in the past, but she realizes that sometimes someone can be their own worst enemy, and if they rise above that and don’t give in to living their life in self-pity, they can become even greater than they once were and provide greater things than they once could have. It seems like this was one of those cases, so instead of holding his past against him, Huang Hua lets him thrive in his new era and provide what he can for the guard.
However, there was one thing that always bothered Huang Hua about Lance: it was nothing but work with him.
Even prior to being Ashkore, Lance spent very little time to himself. He would take care of himself, of course, but aside from the occasional friends or acquaintances, or the occasional one night stands (I don’t think it’s confirmed that Lance had a lot of one night stands, but looking at Valk’s history we can say it’s probably true), he didn’t really spend much time to himself.
This still holds true in this new era, but Huang Hua understands his reasoning better. Even so, everyone needs a bit of a break sometimes; a time to wind down and de-stress. She’s mentioned this once or twice to him when he seems to be carrying the weight of the guard on his back, and he says he’ll keep it in mind... but never really does anything different.
This changes when Guardienne emerges from the crystal.
Immediately, Huang Hua picks up that Lance is high strung and stressed - although he hides it very well (after all, a soldier shouldn’t be easily visibly stressed out right?) - at her presence... but there’s something else, too. Something... deeper. Admiration? Respect? ... Fear?
And even deeper than that seems to be some other sort of distress... Longing?
This genuinely shocks Huang Hua.
Lance, the destroyer of Eldarya, is scared of Guardienne? Sure she saved the world and put up a good fight, but physically she’s completely out of shape now! A great warrior like him has nothing to fear now!
Except, she’s aware that Lance knows the art of warfare much better than her, and he knows personal things about himself that she doesn’t know, even despite her abilities, so perhaps there’s something she’s overlooking or can’t see.
As leader of the guard - with the ability to learn about some of the most private areas of someone’s life by simply wishing to know - she’s basically promised herself to not use her ability unless necessary.
But Lance being terrified of Guardienne is a valid call for her to use this ability to monitor him, right?
Huang Hua has roughly mastered the art of balancing work and her personal life, so she carries on day to day life with little issues relating to this. She knows how to not let this effect the guard, and knows how to hide it so well that nobody would know that anything is going on, so she allows herself to indulge in the sudden mystery that is Lance and his emotions.
And then she realizes just how deeply Lance feels emotions, and just how influential they can be, and it nearly takes her breath away.
All of the emotions flooding through him at once; the regret, shame, sorrow, anger, and even fear, all have a special place in him. They’re always so consistent, and so overwhelming. For a while, Huang Hua wonders if it’s these emotions that drive him in general.
Yes, this is not the first time she's looked into his inner being to know him better - after all, looking into him is how she knew it was safe to release him back into the guard to train new recruits - but this is the first time since then that she's bothered to truly observe him again, and she's shocked by what is revealed. Huang Hua did not know that Lance still carried the burden of his past actions so heavily upon his heart.
But every once in a while, when Lance and Guardienne aren’t feuding with each other, Huang Hua sees the dark cloud of those horrific emotions clear away, and something... wonderful happens.
Lance holds a tender spot in his heart for Guardienne.
Beyond all of that fear, and anger, and sorrow for everything that’s happened to him and because of him - including what Guardienne went through - is a soft spot for the woman he hurt most.
Huang Hua nearly gets whiplash from the sudden realization.
And then she gets curious, perhaps more curious than she should have been.
How long has that been going on for? Did he feel this way before the final war? Is this another reason why he kidnapped her and ran to Memoria? ... Would he have even have been able to feel this way back then?
Huang Hua has never been more interested in someone else’s relationship drama.
She takes to observing his actions over time, trying to decipher what he does for what reasons, and then finds that when he’s not doing things out of responsibility, he tries to make things a bit easier for Guardienne. He keeps his distance, sure, but if there’s anything subtle that he can do behind the scenes to help her, he typically does so.
On occasion - when Guardienne isn’t paying attention to him - he’ll observe her as Huang Hua observes him. She can’t read his thoughts, but she can at least guess what’s going through his mind by the emotions that flood through him, and a common emotion she’s picked up on is cautious hope. 
Hope for what? That Guardienne will manage to fix a future mistake he fears making on accident? That she’ll someday forgive him, or move past looking at him and always seeing his past actions? That perhaps someday they can actually be close with each other?
As much as Huang Hua understands why Guardienne is so persistent on being cautious about Lance, she can’t help but hope that one day soon she may relax around him and trust him, perhaps even grow closer than just co-workers or friends.
After all, the savior of Eldarya and destroyer of Eldarya in love? That’s a story of impossible odds, tragic stories, and bending the world’s rules that people write legends and stories about! But it’s also a symbol of hope and faith; that if Eldarya’s savior can one day look past the actions of Eldarya’s destroyer and fall in love with him, then who’s to say that anything is in vain? Who’s to say that moving forward alongside one’s past enemy - despite their past wars - is a fate hopeless and filled with inevitable hurt? Their story could be passed down through legends, and teach important stories to future generations. Among that, she would be a good influence on him! She knows how to relax and spend time with friends, and knows how to stand up and fight and hope for the best even in the darkest times. If the sky were to fall in their future, and their loyalty lie with each other, Guardienne’s hope and faith could be the sole driving force for Lance to perform wonderful miracles. He has the strength, stubbornness, and resources to do so, he just needs the faith.
And then Huang Hua realizes he does have hope and faith... but it’s invested in her.
Guardienne - just like for everyone else - is a representation of hope, but in different ways for Lance than with everyone else. He’s aware of the possibility that she may never be able to see past his former actions but he still works hard regardless, and not to impress her or make anything up, but because he knows that that’s what she would want from him, even if she has her doubts about him.
The Phoenix begins to see a side of the Dragon that she’s never seen before, and she doesn’t know if she approves or disapproves.
Lance begins to work even harder in Guardienne’s presence, and this concerns Huang Hua for a while. He works himself hard enough, how is it possible that he can still give more? Doesn’t he ever get stressed? Will this somehow kill him from overworking? And yet, as she continues to observe him, he still manages himself just fine, and now he’s even more driven to protect Eldarya. 
These observations carry on for a long time, and as time continues on, Lance manages to sort out his emotions a bit more, identifying exactly how he feels about Guardienne and learning exactly what pleases her. He does his best to provide what he can for Guardienne, in all aspects of life. However, Huang Hua notices that Lance continues to keep a distance from the Aengel.
This makes her wonder; why is he being so cautious with her? Surely they’ve calmed down to each other by now?
But a small look at how Guardienne is feeling makes her realize why Lance is still keeping away from her; she’s still scared of him, and Lance can sense this.
The Phoenix gains a deeper sense of respect for Lance.
He loves Guardienne, and craves to be closer to her, but notices subtle gestures that she may not even know she does that tell him she still can’t fully accept being around him. Despite his want to be closer, he respects her need for space, and Huang Hua has a feeling that he would keep doing that for the rest of his life if that’s what Guardienne needed. However, even while knowing that she can’t stand to be around him, he still works hard with her in mind.
His loyalty to a woman who can barely stand him nearly makes Huang Hua swoon. This is not a common thing with people, others rarely have this deep of a sense of loyalty to one person - especially someone they hurt who keeps pushing them away; they usually just split up in time - but Lance is firm in his loyalty and persistence for Guardienne.
And then Huang Hua starts to catch him displaying subtle physical signs of his interest. Perhaps he’s decided it’s time to push the boundary? Was he really willing to take the risk of upsetting her?
His eyes will linger on her, no matter where they are, only looking away when he feels as though he’s at risk of being caught. He’ll try and stay physically close to Guardienne when he can, standing close to her side, and on occasion when he leads her somewhere he’ll touch her gently, even if for a moment. He’ll place his hand on her back or shoulder for a few heartbeats, guiding her in the direction they need to head in, and he’ll take her arm softly when he pulls her aside from somewhere to talk to her. Guardienne’s reaction really depends on her mood. If she’s irritated or is feeling threatened, Huang Hua observed, she’ll pull away from him, possibly even snapping back with a blatant statement of “don’t touch me!”. Lance remains calm and collected, but Huang Hua is aware of the jolt of pain that thunders through him when she rejects him, as that same jolt ripples through her as she observes his emotions. However, he never holds it against her, and almost seems to be expecting this sometimes.
On the other hand, every once in a while when Guardienne is having a good moment where she seems to be more trusting of Lance, she’ll allow him to touch her for longer, and Huang Hua could swear she could pick up some sort of... longing, or perhaps disappointment, from her when he pulls away.
And during these times, there’s something that happens between them when they touch. A tension seems to crackle in the air, so thick that Huang Hua is sure that they can see it, and is shocked that no one else can see it. But how could they? No one else has her powers.
This tension is what sparks Huang Hua to become truly invested in their possible relationship. Most of the time Lance and Guardienne don’t seem to know what to make of their relationship, but Huang Hua knows there’s something there that can’t be ignored. Sometimes she finds herself thinking to Guardienne “Oh, kiss him you fool!” when Lance is being particularly tender with her, laying all his tragic emotions bare in front of her as they talk about a harsh topic for him, or when he tells her that he’s glad she talks about important things with him every once in a while, even if it is hard for him. Guardienne didn’t seem to realize that this wasn’t a common thing with Lance; he wouldn’t lie about his emotions, but he was very evasive with talking about his past. To get him to talk openly about his past and have him openly admit his regrets was a rare sight - not because he didn’t like to admit his regrets, but because he felt it wasn’t relevant anymore. It was seven years ago, and he had clearly changed since. He regretted his actions, he wished it never turned out this way, he tries to keep it from repeating in the future; what more needed to be said about the subject?
In this time, Huang Hua begins to realize just how deep his emotions for her run.
Lance had a respect for Guardienne, for every part of her, even when she screwed up a bit or caused a bit of chaos, even if he was angry with her. He admired her stubbornness and diligence at defending the guard and Eldarya, and her optimism even in the darkest hours always had a tendency to shake him to his core and snap some sense back into him. Huang Hua began to notice that his emotions on him pursuing her reflected her emotions during dark hours of their story; it wasn’t over until it was over, and as long as there was a possibility that something could change for the better, that possibility should be sought after.
The Phoenix begins to understand why Miiko once had such intense feelings for the Ice Dragon. Even though so many things have happened to him and because of him, he refuses to be held back or muted. He still allows himself to be who he is at heart, and doesn’t care if others like his personality or not. He had confidence in himself, even after the terrible things he’s done. Lance knew very well the extent of his abilities, and was aware that the most important thing about those abilities were how they were used. He had committed atrocities, sure, but he was confident in himself now because he knows he’s not using his strengths for wrong anymore. He has chosen to fight for good, he can see clearly now, and his loyalties lie with the guard, and, overall, with Guardienne.
However, Huang Hua picks up another emotion as she observes Lance over time, and she’s unsure of if it comes from him, or from herself because of what's beginning to be revealed to her about him.
Some sort of hollow loneliness pierces her chest every once in a while as she watches him. He doesn’t have close friends, he doesn’t pursue any other women, and he doesn’t allow himself much time to relax. Lance is a ghost that drifts around the guard, searching for some true place not within the responsibilities, but within the people he protects.
His past makes him hard to relate to, his perception vastly differs from most faeries, and his emotions are a deep well of running water, constantly shifting and redesigning who he is in any given moment, and yet he strives to find his own place within the guard, not as the Leader of Obsidian, but as Lance; the Ice Dragon, the man, the deep ocean of emotions and history who may very well never find a home among a people he can truly call his. Still he remains the same person inside, but always he is adjusting for the outside world, and he had yet to find someone who would risk unraveling his constant adapting to truly know the man underneath.
But everyday he rises to that challenge, brushing off the echoing thought that perhaps he doesn’t belong among these people - that perhaps he may never find peace here at the guard - because he knows he’s best fit for this responsibility. He can protect these faeries better than anyone else could, and his morals lie first with that, and second with his own fantasies.
Even so, Huang Hua doesn’t miss the hollow echo in Lance’s soul as he watches the guard celebrate, or witnesses close friends embrace each other and confide in each other, and she realizes that Lance doesn’t truly feel at peace here, not at all - not among the people who he’s betrayed and become an outcast from. He feels no peace at all among these people, they are not his people... but perhaps, when he looks at her - Guardienne - within her hope he finds peace, and someday, perhaps, he may find peace, a home, within her arms. 
Was it possible that, even as Ashkore, he felt he felt he could find solace within her? Some opening within the dark clouds that overshadowed his existence for him to strive towards?
Did Lance believe that Guardienne made him a better man, even more so than he already is?
By mere chance Huang Hua managed to piece together everything she knew of Lance and his relationship to Guardienne, and she came to realize that there was something between them for a long time. It was deep, and complicated, and was never able to be pursued until now. The Dragon’s emotions for Guardienne ran deeper than any of Eldarya’s oceans, farther than the furthest mapped points, and was purer than even the Aengel’s powers. 
Lance was truly in love with her. Not her powers, not her history, he fell in love with a woman who moved something within him that no one has ever touched before.
The Phoenix almost begins to feel guilty over time.
There was something there for a long time. Did Guardienne know this? Did she need a wake up call in order to realize what was happening before her? Was Huang Hua supposed to intervene and help get their relationship going?
If only she knew...
I shouldn’t interfere with this, Lance would feel violated and Guardienne wouldn’t trust me ever again...
But isn’t it a shame to let them possibly waste their life away not telling each other how they feel, or giving this a chance?
Stress eventually invades Huang Hua throughout her days, even when she's not around Lance and Guardienne. The Dragon and the Aengel, in time, grow ever closer, ever more comfortable with each other, and may even be expressing signs of interest for each other! But no one is doing anything about it!
But no one can see the deep roots of their feelings like Huang Hua can, and she's nearly certain that Lance and Guardienne will continue to tip toe around each other in a fearful dance of figuring out where they fit into each other's lives, never daring to test deeper waters in fear of hurting the other and sparking off another bout of painful emotions that may haunt them, and the guard, for years.
It's very possible that their relationship could change the guard and Eldarya - positively - forever, so doesn't this give Huang Hua some right to try and push them together? But romantic relationships are so personal, especially ones as special as this. A unique relationship like theirs shouldn't be interfered with, it will bloom in time if given the right opportunity... but what if Huang Hua can create the right opportunity!? But that's still interfering in their relationship!
Without even knowing, the emotional toll of observing and pondering over Lance and Guardienne's relationship does begin to take effect on her, and Huang Hua's own partner, Ewelein, is the first to notice and call it out.
The leader of the guard then needed to decide if she was willing to indulge her partner, someone completely unrelated to the matter, in her almost stalker-like tendencies of observing the simmering relationship between the guard's resident Dragon and Aengel.
Eventually she breaks and admits to the Elf that she's been observing the inner worlds of Lance and Guardienne as of late, and has realized just how much of a mistake and a blessing it's been.
The first thing Ewelein jumps to is the fact that it's an invasion of privacy, something that - of everyone in the guard - the leader especially should not be partaking in. Huang Hua doesn't really fight back on that idea; she knows it was inappropriate, she should have just approached Lance and asked if he was alright.
"But of course he would say that he's alright! Maybe a bit unsettled, but come on, at the end of the day nothing shakes him for long, and to him that translates to he's alright!"
Eventually its clear to Ewelein that regardless of how Huang Hua came to be in this position, she's trapped in it now, and feels very passionately about the possible romance brewing within the guard, to the point where it truly is stressing her in possibly unhealthy ways.
Ewelein does her best to comfort Huang Hua as she spills everything that's been revealed to her, starting from the beginning of when Lance and Guardienne were still fearful of each other, to the most current moments of when they've been relying on each other, talking civilly, and even possibly shyly flirting. The Elf is quiet and attentive all throughout, knowing that - even as she's surprised in many ways as well by the things time has revealed about Lance and Guardienne - her shock and emotions couldn't begin to rival what Huang Hua has been feeling for the past endless days that she's been observing them.
“I can’t believe it! This is love that stories are written about, that changes worlds and changes people. And he’s hiding it so easily!”
"But would it be right of you to intervene? This is their story, not yours."
"I know, but couldn't this be good for the guard, too? And possibly even Eldarya? And as the leader of the guard, shouldn't I try and do what I think could benefit us?"
"You first started observing Lance under the excuse that it was for professional reasons, to make sure that he was alright to remain in power and carry out his responsibilities despite her presence, but we both know you did it for selfish reasons, too. You were curious as to why Lance felt what he did about her, and now you have your answer. However, you kept observing them after that, even going as far as reading into Guardienne's responses to Lance. Is that professional at all? And instead of invading her privacy, don't you think she would have told you the truth of her fearful emotions for Lance if you asked her heart to heart?"
Huang Hua lowered her head and avoided her gaze.
"You've gotten your professional answers and now you've seen into a very private portion of two people's lives. None of this is professional anymore, so you can't act professionally on it. You need to treat this as what it is; intimate, personal, and something that should be respected, not exploited. I know it would make sense to try and get this to help the guard, but really, there is no guarantee of that. What if they got together and then broke up a while after? What would the message be then, especially if it were known that you set them up together? My advice is to stay back and let this develop in time. Sometimes when I'm with a patient there is nothing I can do for them, sometimes leaving the body alone to heal itself is the best thing to do. I think this is a case where that rule should be applied. The best thing you can do is let them figure out their relationship in time. You can support them, but do not influence them."
Huang Hua knows Ewelein is right, and forever appreciates her partner listening to her thoughts. If Lance and Guardienne's relationship were to be true, they needed to figure out what they meant to each other in their own time.
So Huang Hua follows the Elf's advice. She bites her tongue and hides the fact that she’s witnessed almost every moment of him falling in love with Guardienne, vigilantly awaiting the day where Lance decided to emerge from the dark and shake the guard’s history for a second time.
Goodness this took a while to write, but I'm very pleased with the results! I think I got a good idea of Huang Hua's reaction and how her reaction developed in time in response to Lance and Guardienne growing closer, especially since I don't think her reaction would begin and end within one day of realizing what was going on.
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ladywinterwitch · 3 years
Run Away (Ten - Strangers)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You and Steve complete each other. Your love is that strong and devoted kind of love that pushes people to things like marriage, making a family. You couldn't imagine that a baby would be something you really wished, until the possibility wasn't your choice anymore.
Warnings: pregnancy talk, fluff, A N G S T, I think that's it??
Words Count: 3739
A/n: Next chapter is longer and INTENSE
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Y/n and Steve ended up falling asleep, which was a bit embarassing especially on his part. In the end tho they woke up around two in the afternoon and were starving. You also thought about the fact that Helen must've already set in by now. After cleaning up a bit and getting redressed the two actually went to separate directions, Steve to the gym because he had a bunch of new recruits to train by three sharp, while Y/n was heading to the kitchen.
-FRIDAY, would you call up ms Simon for me?- she found Tony, Vision and Thor in the common room so she quickly greeted them.
-Hey guys, taking a break?- she smiled when Thor got up to greet her properly. He was such a physical and affectionate person. He reminded her of a golden retriever; huge, with long hair and a heart of gold. Your smile widened when he bent down to press his ear to her belly.
-Well yes darling, do you forget that aside from kicking some ass every now and then we're basically jobless?- Tony joked. Both he and Vision were looking at you two.
-How is your pregnancy going, Y/n?- Vision asked in his posh and polite manner. She tilted her head to the side. Thor still touching the smooth and round surface. She didn't mind at all.
-It's going smoothly, thank you. Tho if I have to be honest I can't wait to at least give birth. I love my belly but it's so complicated to live with. I also miss actually moving around and exiting the tower. I don't think I've ever been so still and babyed in my life.-
-If it was an easy job, God wouldn't have gave it to women.- they all turn around when you hear an unfamiliar voice, which they soon found out to be Helen's. Thor stands straight in all his tallness and gets in front of her protectively.
-Who are you?- he asks suspiciously. She put a hand on his arm to calm him down.
-It's okay, Thor. This is Helen Simon, she's my new midwife. The one me and Steve hired this morning.- her head turns quickly to Tony then back to Helen. Tony stands up, fixing the invisible fold in his tracksuit pants and smugly walks to the older woman.
-Stark. Tony Stark. I actually hired you, but I'll let the happy couple have the glory.- he joked and you shook your head amused. They shook hands and then Vision introduced himself as well. Thor just acknowleged her with a nod. It's not like the God of Thunder had to introduce himself.
-Okay guys, see you later. I'm starving so.- you decided to cut it, but obviously Tony had to sneak in a joke. Had to.
-I'm sure cap worn you out.- Thor, which didn't know what timing was, bless his heart, decided to burst out laughing. You rolled your eyes not looking back.
-Jealousy doesn't match with your shoes Anthony.- you clapped back, still hearing Thor laugh and Tony calling him out.
A few feet down the corridor there was the kitchen, and when Y/n finally tought that her and Helen could have a minute alone, they found Wanda intently reading a book while she mover her finger around to spin the teaspoon in a mug. She looked up when they entered the room. Her finger stopped working and so did the spoon, the faint magenta colored aura disappearing.
-Hello?- she said, tentatively. Y/n ignored her cold stare and walked to the fridge taking out the leftover chicken and some salad to mix.
-She's Helen, the midwife me and Steve talked about.- there was a subtle warning in Y/n's voice. She thought 'Be nice' in her mind, and when Wanda sighed she knew she read her mind.
-Nice to meet you. If you'll excuse m- - Wanda was about to get up from the stool but the old woman's voice stopped her.
-You aren't eating that chicken cold are you? How old is it?- she walked closer, grabbing the plastic box from her hands. Both her and Wanda were a little taken aback by her bluntness, and shared a look.
-Uh..Yeah? I was actually going to put it in the salad. And it's..I'm not sure, a couple of days old? Still perfectly fresh and untouched.- she answered trying to reassure her, but she wasn't having it at all.
-This isn't eating healthy. If you want a healthy baby you need to eat properly. I'll take care of your meals from now on. - she stated, putting the box aside. - The non pregnant teammates can risk getting sick with that chicken. - Wanda's gaze darkened and her eyes took a light shade of red.
-What's that supposed to mean, old lady? - Y/n saw her fingers starting to move around with the corner of her eye and put her own hand on hers.
-Helen didn't mean anything, Wanda. She just meant that I have to be extra careful in comparison to the rest of you, ok? Don't you have to be somewhere right now?- she asked in the most calm way. The last hting she needed was Wanda yeeting Helen out of the tower on the first day. Wanda closed and picked up her book and mug, walking towards the exit of the kitchen.
-I mean, I'd like to go to the terrace to chill, but I can't.- Y/n frowned while sitting on a stool. Meanwhile Helen had already started to inspect their whole frige.
-I can feel Bucky and his girl going at it so yeah, I did not plan to watch a live performance.- she choked on water and the old lady turned around with a rather disgusted face. Wanda just shrugged and left them. The girl turned towards the older woman with an awkward smile.
-Welcome I guess.- the short fake laugh was over as soon as Helen sat in front of her, her hands conjoined in front of her.
-This isn't good.- the girl shifted uncomfortably, then uncosciously starting to rub her belly as a sign of comfort.
-What isn't?- the lady sighed. -First off, there are way too many people here. This place is chaotic, the people aren't giving you the peace that you need. This isn't a baby-space. At all. I just looked into your frigde and there isn't a single thing ready or 100% healthy probably except vegetables. Y/n if you want to be a good mother and be healthy for your baby you need to change a few things.- her words at first irritated her, setting off her protectiveness towards the people she called family, but then as she went on, she made her feel little. Like a little girl who wasn't good enough. She sighed silently.
-What would you have me do then?- she asked. Helen shrugged, still mantaining her perfect posture.
-I'm not gonna suggest you to buy a new place, because where you'll live after the baby is born is your business, but..- she paused, -I can offer you to come live at my place for these last two months or so. I have a nice, peaceful place a little outside New York. I already had eight of my patients do this, it's not so absurd.- she explained like it was the most normal thing in the world. Y/n was listening, but she wasn't convinced. She decided that she had to think about it first. She had to know for sure that she was professional and competent.
-I don't know, Helen. I'll admit that it isn't the most tranquil place to live, but...these people are my family. They have always been by my side, pregnant or not. And what about Steve? The father of my firstborn?- she marked the last phrase, tilting her head to the side. A little habit she probably took from Wanda.
-Because they care about you. But in truth, tell me, aren't you feeling like a burden? Like you get into their business?- she mirrored the young woman's expression. Y/n didn't answer at first.
-You're really not going soft on this are you?- Helen released a dry laugh. Shook her head and paused before talking.
-Yes. I began working as a nurse unofficially when I was 13 years old, during the Prague Spring reforms in '68. The hospital was in short of nurses so.- she explained, -That time wasn't easy. Not that the one before it and after it wasn't, that is. You either grow a thick skin or you don't survive.- Y/n felt for her, as she had a very similar destiny. First she doesn't know how she ended up in an orphanage, and then when she was fifteen and nobody took her, they kicked her out. She was homeless for a year until SHIELD recruited her, and the rest is history.
The older woman got up and took some vegetables, washed them and then placed them down to slice them. Y/n got up as well and started helping. She eyed the fresh eggs, so she guessed that Helen wanted to make a quick frittata.
-How did you end up in America? As midwife, nonetheless.- she asked.
-Why most foreign people come to America? Certainly not the food.- The woman responded with a slight hint of irony. The girl chuckled.
-In any case, I've been here more than half of my live, moved many states mainly for my own choice. Being a private midwife pays decently.- she paused to dump the sliced vegetables into a pan with a little oil and salt.
-I became one because I was fascinated by the whole process that the woman's body goes through both before, during and after birth. I assisted two of my older sisters, and in the end ended up doing it as a job.- Y/n nodded, listening.
-That's actually amazing. But if I can ask, you do not have kids yourself?-
-No. Didn't have the possibility at first. Then decided that just it was my profession but not my future. No regrets.- she answered even tho the girl could sense that something was off. She decided not to intrude.
Silence fell between them while they were cooking, and the younger woman took the popularity to think about what she said. The woman was practical, a bit harsh maybe. But she also had a lot of experience. She didn't like the thought of leaving her family, but she had to admit that she often felt like a burden lately. More than once someone stayed behind to look after her, and even tho they didn't seem to mind at all, she did. She wasn't used to being so pampered and looked after, and sometimes she almost felt suffocated. Guess that spending many years of your life having to take care of yourself takes a toll on you.
She didn't want to decide anything without talking it out with Steve first. And it wouldn't be permanent, just for the last couple months or so, until she had the baby. If she really thought about it maybe she needed some time to reconnect with herself, to learn how to take care of her baby in the best way possible. Even the stupidest thing like cold chicken could potentially make her sick, and it was such a small thing. But that doesn't change the fact that she didn't knew. She wasn't one of those moms who surrounded herself with books teaching her every do's and don'ts, but at this point insecurity was kicking in. The last thing she would ever want was to be a bad mother even before actually becoming one.
Between a baby shop and another, and a whole new diet including an embarrassing amount of tea, Y/n finished her eight month of pregnancy. She was feeling as tired and as big as ever. Helen actually helped a lot both with the cooking, the health tips and with the shopping. She actually sobbed when they bought the crib. Both because she was emotional, a bit because hormones and also because Steve was again away on a mission. The whole team was actually. They had new leads in the Hungarian case and another completely different mission in South Korea, a tough one. So it required the whole team split up. That was the fist time Y/n was left alone since she knew she were pregnant. It all went smoothly, the tower actually felt quiet for once.
Y/n and Helen had found a nice dynamic, and most of the time spent time in a comfortable silence, each doing their thing. A downside that she wasn't realizing was the distance that was slowly creeping from her to the team. They didn't really like the midwife that much, Wanda, Thor and Bucky especially didn't like her at all. But Y/n felt for her, she felt like she knew her better than them so she often took her side, which hurt them back.
Steve on the other hand wasn't realizing it almost at all. All he cared about was his wife being healthy and that she got along with the midwife. They didn't sleep together often anymore, due to the fact that he was often away and she was constantly tired. Bruce did warn her at the beggining that this 'enhanced' baby would've probably tired her out, and it did at first but then she was feeling very well. She and Helen both blamed it on the tiredness of the pregnancy as a whole.
The last straw was when some of the guys, specifically Sam, Thor and Peter, whom didn't live at the tower and was rarely involved in missions because of Tony, went to see them and in some way, nobody actually know how, they made a whole ass hole in the floor above the library. Fate wanted that Y/n and Helen were reading just a few feet away. If they were just a bit closer to the door, they would've been hit by the pavement pieces.
Helen gasped and jumped out of her seat, book still in her hand by the corner. The younger woman on the other hand was more mad than anything.
She rose from the armchair, struggling a bit and marched towards the now destroyed door. The damage wasn't so bad, but it was still damage and it could've been way worse. She was fuming.
-Y/n! Shit are you okay? - Sam yelled from above. The three guys looking down from the hole they created.
-I'm so sorry it wasn't me! It was Thor! - Peter joined in and caused the God to respond, and from that a whole lot of mess arose.
The people who weren't on a mission, which were Wanda, Bucky and Tony, came running.
Y/n didn't know where to look and all of a sudden started felling a bit suffocated. She brought a hand to her forehead, distubed by the chaos arouns her.
-Stop! Fucking stop it! - she yelled, groaning from frustration. Everyone stopped talking while the girl started to feel her eyes prickle with tears of frustration.
-Why is never, ever a single day if peace in here? There's always someone around, making a mess, making noise, complaining- - she almost stumbled on a piece of ceiling that had fallen, but Bucky and Tony were right behind her and helped her stabilize herself, but she shoved them off.
-Leave me be!- she exclaimed frustrated. She huffed, trying to take a deep breath. -I'm moving out.- a chorus of 'What' arose. Bucky stepped forward and grabbed her wrist gently.
-What are you talking about?- his eyes showed confusion and panic.
-And when would have you decided this stupid thing?- Tony crossed his arms and went straight up 'Tony Stark' on her. Y/n rolled her eyes, ignoring both questions and walked out of the now damaged library. Helen followed suit.
-At least wait for Steve to return!- Wanda said. Thor jumped down, through the new hole in the ceiling and followed her like the others.
-Y/n, we're sorry! Look, I'm gonna fix the ceiling myself okay? Please don't go- Y/n's ached to see them upset, but she was tired. Too tired. She was afraid that if she had stayed more than she could withstand, their relationships could've been ruined. That was the last thing she wanted. She didn't knew exactly what was that overwhelmed her so much. She felt constantly tired and in pain, all the noise, number of people..it had become just too much. She needed to finish this pregnancy alone, or at least in a more quiet place.
She stopped in her tracks and exhaled silently. Her eyes passed through everyone in the room. Even in that moment, they were decimated because of the mission, yet there were still eight people in the room. When normally it would've been around 15. That's too many people.
-It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault, specifically. I just.. I feel overwhelmed. There's too much going on here at the tower. And for me it's like seeing life go on without being able to do anything. I need some space, okay? It won't be forever. Hell, if everything goes well it's gonna be a month, at best. But I really, really need a break. I am going to pack and leave by afternoon, when Steve returns, just send him to the address that I'll leave for him. Okay? I love you guys, you're my family and I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Its just temporary.- she smiled softly, trying not to get emotional. Wanda was visibly upset, on the verge of crying. The others just looked sad, maybe disappointed. But nobody said anything, so she turned her heels and went straight to her room.
By five pm she and Helen were already gone. The older woman called them a cab, the driver took care of their stuff and then they were gone. Y/n was silent during most of the trip, both because of the extreme tiredness and sadness. She never changed home since she moved to the tower. She also thought about what she would tell Steve. She knew she couldn't contact him, so she didn't. They had left two days prior, so it was a bit early to know when he'll be coming home. But she knew a hundred percent that he would've gotten to her even before going home.
The two women were headed to the older one's house, which was in Avalon, New Jersey. Helen had told her about her beach house, quite far from the city. Y/n did actually fall asleep after the first hour or so, they had around three in total so she didn't worry about not waking up. By her surprise though, she did sleep throughout the whole trip, and yet, she was still tired. In those days her head gave her particular discomfort, so any noise at all really disturbed her.
Helen woke her up gently when they arrived, the she helped her get out of the car. Meanwhile the driver, which was a quite young man, probably around her age, which was 27, with curly black hair, stubble and dark green eyes, took their luggage off of the trunk.
-That's all. Have a nice stay.- he smiled slightly. Y/n frowned, what about the money?
-How much do we owe you?- she asked sweetly. He waved his hand dismissively, going back in the driver's seat.
-The lady already paid me, I'm ok. Bye.- he waved goodbye and drove off. Y/n and Helen dragged the luggage insider her villa, by which the girl definitely was taken aback.
-You didn't tell me that you live in a Villa?-
-Maybe, but I did tell you that being a private midwife pays well. I also need space if I want to take people living with me.- she explained. The first thing that you could see was the huge open space which showed a not exaggeratedly large living room with a window door on the right, on the left there was the kitchen and in the middle a staircase.
It wasn't very decorated, but the light palette of the whole place defines had a calming effect. Y/n was so used to the high rise and high technology of the Avengers tower that she had almost forgot how nice and intimate a normal house could be.
Helen showed y/n around a little, then ended up in the spare room, which had a large bed, a balcony and some essential forniture pieces such as a wardrobe, a vanity, a full length mirror, an armchair.
-This is really nice, Helen.- she smiled tiredly, caressing her big belly while she walked around. But as she was walking towards the balcony, she had a slight attack of vertigo, and her knees buckle for a second. The woman was at her side in a few seconds, helping her onto the bed. Y/n huffed, the back of her hand on her eyes.
-Why am I so shitty? I was pretty good until a few months ago.- she whined, and Helen shook her head while she stroked her arm.
-Every pregnancy is different, Y/n. You're just tired, from the car and that chaotic place.- the disdain in her voice didn't really pleased Y/n, but she didn't say anything. She didn't have the strength and besides, it's not like she was particularly liked at the tower anyway.
-I'll get you a tea, be right back.- Y/n chuckled.
-I drank more of your Hungarian tea than water in the last months.- Helen pulled a tight smile.
-Well, it is a traditional recipe for pregnant women. Not that you seem to mind it either.- the girl relaxed her eyes and discarded her sneakers to the ground.
-No, it has a peculiar taste but not bad.-
-Good.- and with that she left the girl alone. Helen went down the stairs, and turned on the stove to warm some water. She then opened a drawer, forcing the wood layer to come up by using her fingernails, pulling out an old fashioned phone.
She went to the contacts and dialed the only one there was. She waited a few minutes, when someone picked up.
-Közeledünk. Készülj fel.- she said, hanging up.
Translation from Hungarian: ‘Yes?’ ‘We’re close. Get ready.’
Hiii, this is quite a short chapter but I wanted to end it with ✨ suspense ✨ the next one tho is gonna be way longer. Lastly, friendly reminder that my taglist and my ask inbox are open!
Taglist : @polarcrystall @a--1--1--3  @jessyballet​
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justcommander · 3 years
Alright I got the request now. I’ll be writing a few headcanons I have for Tim and the dear Scared sniper. Also: don’t worry,  nobody’s going to blame you for strugling with a foreign language that you don’t fully know yet. We use English because it’s very common and relatively easier to learn compared to others, but it’s still not our native language. Not in our case anyway. So, don’t worry
Now having said that, my headcanons for Tim and Scared Sniper under cut
So, Tim
Eyyy, let’s start with Tim.
-First of all, I want it to be clear, that from my point of view, Tim is probably the gayest sentient being in the universe. He does have fun being surrounded by his fellow Henchmen, but he is obviously after his Bad Captain. He may look at other people, yes... but his leader’s the one he wants. No matter if he keeps being pushed away. Tim thinks he’s just palying hard to get. -Nobody likes to shower with him because he stares. Even through the visor, people notice him staring, most of the time he either gets pushed out fast or yelleld at, or his comrades just ask a favor to a couple of soldiers to keep him out of the shower. And he’s not exactly mad, just... disappointed. He also stares at night, when people are sleeping. He mostly stares at Bad Captain, but he may also gives a few heart attacks to people if they hear a noise and wake up only to see this idiot staring at them. It happens very often to other soldiers being awaken in the middle of the night by a distant “GO TO BED, TIM!” -Tim also likes to interrogate prisoners. A lot. Bad Captain is not happy about his methods because the intel he gets is damn usueless to them. Tim acts more like he’s flirting, rather than interrogating. He asks for personal information, he makes the captured Tankmen feel... kind of uncomfortable to the point they’d rather be interrogated for other kind of info at some point. You know, classic war intel, not if they’re into men or ever had experiences-- -He thinks Bad Captain considers him his first hand man, so he gets... very upset if someone else is called in his place. It usually never happens, and if it does happen, Tim goes to complain to his leader so much that Bad Captain just gives up and picks him insted, sometimes though he gets mad and goes alone. Tim feels very guilty in those situations though, because he realized he stressed him too much and is worried he’s going to get captured or hurt. At least if there was someone else in his place he still could have been safer. -It’s rare to see him angry or taking the war thing seriously, but if his Bad Captain is hurt, Tim gets protective and doesn’t even let medics stay alone with him. He becomes a dangerous soldier if someone captures his Bad Captain or nearly kills him. Once he’s out of danger Tim goes back being calm and flirty as always as if othing happened.
-He’s also very chill about the whole war thing going on and he unnerves his comrades who are probably taking the thing more seriously. Tim doesn’t even have so many problems with the Tankmen, there isn’t this... hate that one should feel for the opposing faction. Nah, he’s pretty calm about it. Actually, he thinks they do have some hot men in their ranks he’d feel sorry to see falling on the battlefiald just like that. So he rarely shoots to kill. Better just aiming at the legs and take the man prisoner, rather than killing. He just doess’t like killing these good looking soldiers.
-He is afraid of the main Tankman sniper though, because he knows that Ted HAS a problem with him. Ted has a HUGE problem with Henchmen in general, and even if he’s mostly focused on snipers, Tim happens to be a Henchman, so he’s in the group of his targets. He doesn’t even waste time trying to flirt with him or stay for too long in his field of view. To be honest he thinks he’s pretty hot but the survival instinct is stornger in this case. 
-He does like the Scared Sniper though, oh how he likes him! This cute, soft looking young man, his shy and scared behavior and how tense he gets when enemies are around. He absolutely would love to pet his back or his cheeks. Point is, survival isntincts are stronger even in this case. Tim knows laying a finger on Ted’s apprentice would lead him to a very very painful demise. __
Now it’s our Scared Sniper turn.
Our boy, our sweet, lovely boy. I already wrote some headcanons about him tha that I’m gonna put... here they’re just a few things I wrote also about Ted but so I won’t repeat myself.
-So, so. Is he gay? I don’t think he had time to carefully think about his sexuality before the Tankmen pulled him into their army. I doubt he had developed any attraction towards anyone at all before he was taken and given to Ted as his apprentice. He developed feelings for him and only for him, growing attracted to him so I personally see him as gay demisexual.
-Scared Sniper does have a name. But I think many Tankmen either forgot it and got it confused so often, they call him with many different names... and he doens’t correct anyone because he is very shy and unable to speak up to older soldiers. This became a pretty big problem, and now soldiers struggle to understand who someone is talking about. So “Scared Sniper” or even “Sniper number 2″ are easier names his comrades use to understand right away who they are talking about.
-He got recruited in the army because Captain and Steve felt guilty for scaring this poor man to death when they nearly ran him over with the tank when he was walking by himself in the middle of a completely empty road. How? They weren’t looking where they were going. He also proved to have very good eysight when he asked them if they were trying to make him calm down when they said it was an accident... only to then have their friends shoot him dead. Friends he saw hiding up on a roof. Which happened to be Henchmen. They pulled him in their tank and sudden recruitment.
-Scared Sniper was tried to be taught something about hand to hand combat. With very very little result. He’s also extremely afraid to use white weapons to the point that if he’s forced to use a knife he kees turning the head away and closing the eyes and blindly stabbing at the enemy. The idea of seeing blood, feeling a weapon sink into someone’s body... it’s too personal, he hates it.
-He’s not a bad sniper, but his arms are still very shaky he needs to take a couple of shots to get the targer, so he was given a G3SG1 sniper rifle, an automatic weapon that would allow him to not waste time before swiftly trying again. It can shoot bullets very fast one of ater the other. Which he should stop doing blindly when he panics. The first times he tended to close his eyes before shooting. He still does sometimes.
-He’s very protective towards Ted, even if he’s not exactly the most dangerous soldier around. Ted is strong and sometimes looks like he can’t feel pain at all. He gets stabbed and after amoment he acts like nothing happened. Scared Sniper, no. He feels pain and panicks badly when he’s hurt. He does panic when Ted gets hurt too, he feels alone and unable to do anything. However, there are moments he manages to snap and hold his ground protecting his mentor till help arrives. This happens when Ted’s unconscious or looks almost dead. If Ted’s still awake, he can’t fully snap... but in this case Ted manages to calm him down and instruct him on what to do.
-Scared Sniper is claustrophobic, but he feels calmer if Ted’s around him. for example if he was told to be alone in a building he’d indeed start to hear things and start shooting left and right. With Ted, this doesn’t happen. One day or another he’ll need to stay alone way more often, but for now he’s still and apprentice and he has no intention to leave Ted’s side. And Ted doesn’t mind anyway.
All I have for now, may write more in the future!
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