#but it’s just a weird storyline as a whole
maryfailstowrite · 8 hours
Okay so, I think there are two possible routes the storyline could take regarding Teruko, and as much as I wish one of them was true, I have a bad feeling it’s going to be the other.
1. Eden is actually the culprit and Teruko shatters. We know Teruko actually cared (even if just a bit) about Eden even before the trial, so if she’s actually the culprit, it wouldn’t just be a “oh fuck I was wrong, I shouldn’t have repaid the favor” moment, it’s going to be a “oh fuck, one of the few people I decided to take a bet on backstabbed me AGAIN” moment. Not only her, but Eden killing Arei would mean Eden never intended to be friends with her, so that’s another trust betrayal for Teruko to overthink. Plus, if Eden is the culprit, it means all her tears and her sweet persona were fake, at the very least in the trial, if not for the whole killing game. The realization of that would devastate Teruko, and she’d regress to distrusting everyone even harder. We’d have to go through this whole process of learning how to trust people again, in an environment that is going to become more hostile, because Eden being the culprit would be a slap in the face to everyone, I feel. She’s the beacon of optimism in the group, and the one actively trying to keep people together and entertained, and knowing how much everyone else hates each other, it would be rough to get along with anyone like that. Disaster, basically. A heartbreaking disaster.
Oh, and also, David would be getting what he wants, which is to debilitate Teruko. A lose-lose situation no matter how you see it.
2. Someone else is the culprit and Teruko comes out of this stronger. She realizes that trusting people can actually lead her the right way, and so Teruko finishes her process of learning how to trust people again. She not only acknowledges that she can’t isolate herself from everyone without consequences, she learns that trusting people can lead to good things too, and that not everyone around her is out to get her. Also, Eden is still alive, so not only can her bond with Teruko grow stronger, but she’s still there to keep the group from pouncing at each other at any given time. Of course, there’d still be conflicts and shit (more murders need to happen, after all), but for a while, we could get a more trusting Teruko and a group (or at least a few people) that support her through dealing with everything that’s on her way.
And David wouldn’t get what he wants, which would just be really satisfying (can you tell I don’t like David from this post? Can you?)
Problem here is, as we all know, Teruko’s luck is shit. The world might as well be out to get her. I’m not sure if I would like to go through another chapter of Teruko not interacting with anyone (since she’s our POV, we wouldn’t get much insight on how Eden’s loss breaks the overall group), but the story could be leading to that. The parallels between Min and Eden are paralleling too strong on this one fam. She’s the one that has some connection with Arei and the case, and Ace really doesn’t have much to do with anything. He was bleeding out, and even if we assume he took the tape like that, was he really in a good enough condition to do all that took to kill Arei not so long after he got his throat slit? He’s powered by pure spite and we know it, sure, but I think it’s a bit too far of a stretch.
And the chapter’s theme “not all that glitters” would fit Eden being the culprit, whereas I don’t really think that’d be the case with Ace. Of course, one could argue that the theme was already there with J, Arei and David, so it’s not like you’d need the culprit to fit it too, but it would make the chapter more cohesive, I think. Setting up such a strong chapter theme, using various character’s arcs for it, and then have the culprit not be related to that theme in any way shape or form would be a bit weird, or at least that’s how I see it.
The culprit could be someone else, of course, and that said person could fit the theme… but it’s already episode fourteen. Are we really going back to “everyone could be a suspect” at this point of the trial? It feels like it’s too advanced to put in another plot twist that leaves us at square one again. These two might actually be the only two suspects, and I’m not having any fun with it 😭.
We might get a “Eden was not as sweet and nice as we thought” moment and I’m not here for it. If that’s actually what happens, tears are going to be shred. With all due respect to Ace fans, let him be the culprit PLEAAAAASE (he probably won’t be. I’m just in denial. Let me grieve).
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zutaranation · 2 days
Talking about The Search with some moots on twitter, got me thinking some really interesting potentials.
It’s in character that Zuko would forgive Ursa for forgetting him and want what’s best for her and intellectually understand why she did what she did, but I think emotionally, beneath the surface, he would feel deep pain at that.
Ikem and Kiyi’s existence clog up the plot. It’s too many cooks in the kitchen. Dont get me wrong, Ikem is a fine dude, he seems chill, and I love the dadko moments that come from Kiyi, but it’s too much going on directly linked to the main cast’s lives. That’s why it’ll never be addressed, which feels cheap and makes the reader feel cheated. Like Zuko has a STEPDAD now?! That should be a huge plot and discussion, but it’s not. It’s glossed over. There’s too many characters.
The whole gaang could’ve looked at Zuko, remembered what Ozai looked like, and laughed at him for thinking Ikem was his bio dad. That made no fucking sense. Sadly for Zuko, he’s the spitting image of Ozai. I could see Zuko being in denial, but Aang should’ve laughed at him tbfh.
Like Kiyi and Ikem wouldn’t come up in a gaang adult movie they’d be forgotten and that’s why they shouldn’t have existed.
Kiyi also just feels like some weird bandaid consolation prize for Zuko to toss Azula aside ??? It’s weird idk.
Like why are Ursa’s parents presumably dead? They easily could’ve been alive 💀 Ursa should’ve been vibing with them and zuko meets normal grandparents that were hidden from him for years … it feels less cluttering of a story than making up Ikem and Kiyi and then you would just presume the grandparents are old and rickety and have to hang back in Hira’a most of the time so it’s not like bugging your mind with questions and adding more unaddressed storylines!
I’m okay with the Ursa forgetting her kids plot. I do think it makes her shitty, but I’m okay with the tragedy of it and her being kinda a shitty mom.
Ikem is low key a freak for helping Ursa forget her memories then settling down with her like NOTHING HAPPENED
I wish that Ozai and Ursa once had feelings for each other and he slipped into “madness” in an “absolute power corrupts absolutely” kinda way. It’s more interesting than “he’s always an evil big bad gonna tie you to the train tracks” vibe and eliminates the need for stupid ass Ikem. I remember Bryke mentioning this once too in some old ass trivia bit or something for “Zuko Alone”.
The worst part about The Search is the glossing over the emotional scenes. What readers had wanted for years so badly was the emotional payoff of either Zuko facing his mother was dead, or actually seeing them reunite. Also— the most emotional— Ursa reacting to Zuko’s scar is entirely skipped. It sucks.
Not letting Zuko and Katara have a single conversation when Sokka and Zuko do and Aang and Zuko do is insane. Katara had so much to feel and bond and hurt over Zuko with (yes platonically in this case I’m not that in denial @ antis). It sucks so bad they cut this entirely for shipping bs hatred because BRYKE are 6 years old emotionally.
This would’ve been a much better and emotionally charged story on screen. It was really cheated by being done on a limited page comic. It needed more time, voice acting and music.
It’s implied heavily, as many of us always assumed, that Ursa was SA’d.
If zutara was canon, I think Katara would be furious at Ursa and it would be an interesting conversation and story. Maybe I’ll write that fic
Regardless of these many flaws, the story is much more in character than The Promise or Smoke & Shadow. I hate those comics so bad for making the theme let’s all kill Zuko and be nonchalant if he dies! And making it so that it’s like he never had a found family and still no one loved him and also the weird submissiveness they gave to Katara and the retconning of everything and the repetition and recycling of plots and it all is so bad… 💀😭
What thoughts do yall have? Happy to discuss 👀
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mickeym4ndy · 9 months
unpopular gallavich opinion! ok yes. ian was right not to go w mickey to Mexico. he had too much to lose and he’d worked too hard to become an emt and get stable just to lose it all (even tho i do wish he hadn’t lied to mickey abt his plan)
BUT in that same vein - imo Mickey shouldn’t have had to give up his freedom in mexico JUST for Ian. idk I don’t love the way it makes his entire arc revolve solely around Ian and doesn’t give him any of the chances to develop that Ian himself got in season 6 & 7.
And like I know this never would’ve happened bc he was a supporting character and they didn’t acc plan on Mickey coming back but I would’ve loved to have seen mickey actually enjoy his life in Mexico, with good friends and maybe have a guy that he really cares about/falls for and has fun with. and he would’ve started to learn how to be free since he’s no longer under his dads thumb and he learns to like himself (there are a few fics like). maybe he even still finds out about the gay jesus stuff and Ian being in prison and decides not leave because he needs to put himself first now.
THEN through external circumstances he ends up in the same place as Ian again (case thrown out, sick family, idk), maybe in prison or after they’re both released. but he has grown and isn’t so willing to just fall back into ians arms. Maybe he doesn’t even want him to know he’s back. Mickey starts to rebuild his relationship with svet and yevgeny. Ian has to deal with the stuff that gets to him in 11x04 but he has to do it himself so maybe he finds a way to be an emt again. and Mickey finds something he’s passionate about. and they BOTH build healthy lives separate from each other, But then they maybe try to be friends and actually talk about shit from the past and what they’ve put each other through. maybe see therapists.
THEN eventually still end up back together because they love each other more than they’ve ever loved anyone else and they are more equipped to deal with stuff. maybe ian has to prove to Mickey that he always loved him and mickey learns to adapt to a Southside where he’s not constantly hiding. They still make some of the mistakes they make in canon but then also some they don’t because they BOTH get to develop with and without each other
#gallavich#like I LOVE that they were canon endgame but the way it happened was just a mess#and I know that it was because originally Noel’s return was just for the prison reunion scene so they just needed a quick explanation#so that’s what it was done#but it’s just a weird storyline as a whole#and their lack of communication about the past is what caused so many of their arguments in s10 &11#that and mickeys insecurity bc he’s the one who came back and made all those sacrifices for ian when Ian doesnt rly do that for him#that could’ve been better dealt with by giving mickey more agency I think#just my opinion chief#also in this universe in my mind ian becomes an emt again and mickey also finds something he enjoys#ian Gallagher#mickey milkovich#shameless#PSA I love gallavich#did I make my first tumblr post in about 9 years just for this#yes yes I did#I feel 15 again omg#rip my teen multifandom blog that I deleted#I just love Mickey Milkovich sm#and before anyone says but Mickey made his choice!!#no it was lazy writing looking for a quick fix to their own mistakes#and I’m not saying Mickey wouldn’t have made that decision I’m just saying I sorta wish he hadn’t#if u don’t agree idrc I’m 25 man#like it’s clear Ian never loved Trevor or Caleb as much as he did Mickey#and that he still loved Mickey they entire time#BUT I do think he loved them both in a way#so why shouldn’t Mickey be allowed to have a different love too#doesn’t mean they stopped loving each other#life is complicated yano#also I do love Ian
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dizzybizz · 1 month
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i rlly like him actually
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silver-horse · 11 months
unfortunately I have opinions about the ascendant astarion ending and I have been holding back from saying it. but it's a problem that applies to the whole game and it's been annoying me
what's actually weird about the ascendant "romance" scene is that the writer considers it a tempting option for the player. They wrote it to be bad, but they also think it's a fun and sexy option. Same goes for the haarlep scene which they also wrote that way because they find it sexy. Except finding this sexually appealing entirely hinges on the idea that the player is a submissive. So RIP to a scene that the rest of us could have found sexy because the lead narrative designer was a submissive. lmao
In this game you can have a scene where you have to kneel for a male character. But you can never have a male character do the same for you. (Halsin doesn't count. It's a vanilla scene, he is not submissive there and we are not even asking/telling him to kneel down) You don't get such options, not even if you play a drow female! RIP the number one reason for playing drow female to be honest. lol You can kneel and fully submit to ascendant astarion or fully submit to mizora or fully submit to haarlep or submit to lae'zel or submit to minthara. you can get whipped by abdirak or you can tell him "touch me and lose a hand" he even responds positively to this remark and yet the possibility to flip the dynamic doesn't exist. There is never an option where a male character truly submits to the player. RIP to a scene that would have been the opposite of the traditional dynamic. the potential that existed but they never used the opportunity
By the way, how interesting that Lae'zel is dominant but she is a woman so ofc you get the option to tell her “no you will submit to me”. You never get such switch options with any of the male characters... Obviously it's not ascendant where they could have made that an option. My point is that it's NEVER an option among so many male characters.
It's a cool idea that the bad ending in a romance means "I saw this character as a sex object" except it falls apart when the scene is very sexually unappealing to anyone who is more dominant leaning. If I see a character as a sex object then I would place them in sexual situations which are appealing to me. so the message doesn't quite work. because there isn't anything that I can selfishly choose for myself just because I like it and I find it sexy.
#it's the old traditional setup where male characters are never submissive. either vanilla or they are dominant. and no other options exist.#I just find it a bit funny how they seem oblivious to the fact that these scenes being “sexy”and tempting entirely hinge on the possibility#that the player has the same tastes but a LOT of us don't. and then these scenes aren't even remotely sexy#don't get me wrong it's cool to have these scenes in the game but there could have been something different as well#rather than the same dynamic multiple times. and if you are super not into that then you only have the vanilla options#meanwhile the subs get multiple ''fun'' scenes. I just find this very unequal. if you are not into that well your character#will be placed into situations where characters make these unappealing propositions and sometimes it's fight or submit. that's weird imo#for a game that has storylines about consent. sexually weird scenes would be fine and interesting if it wasn't SO unequal and always the#same dynamic where they mostly give players options where our female characters should submit and NEVER the opposite I will always be salty#bg3#larian studios#baldur's gate 3#bg3 mine#haarlep#astarion#my post#abdirak#my thoughts#my posts#it's like the whole reason I like to play drow women if I am honest but it's been so utterly pointless#as a drow female on a rare occasion you may be allowed to say a barely rude dialogue to males and that's all lmfao#mildly rude to men is just what I do in real life but it's a viddy game and I should be able to be a bit of a nasty aggressive female#(sure they can frame it negatively. that's fine. but let the ''fun'' option exist for us as well)
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ratcandy · 2 months
also whats weird is like, that mushroom gotta be like ATTACHED to his brain?? no way he doesnt have brain damage from that. also its not hard to imagine that with all his intense mushroom use, that he'd have some sort of substance use disorder. and he is, suddenly, in a DEATH CULT. actually. i dont feel like anyone talks about the last part. ?? doesnt anyone wonder how hard it would be to adjust just suddenly. being in a cult? we dont really know how his life was before but if he wasnt in a cult beforehand then id imagine all the Cult Stuff would be at least a little uncomfortable.
I guess it would depend to what extent we're leaning into the parasite actually being a cordycep. Because if we're going full throttle on that, teeechnically cordyceps don't attach to the brain at all and only control the musculature; hence why I always hc'd that there's two different mushrooms involved, with the menticide doing the brain fuckery and the cordycep doing. The everything else
But at the same time it could very well just be advanced cordycep and we can make up whatever rules we want ! But YES, regardless, there is some brain nonsense happening that would ABSOLUTELY have everlasting effects on this ant. Not to mention if the cordyceps DID have control of his muscular system, then his entire body has got to be feeling the effects of it as well.
So he's here, in a death cult, probably having to re-learn how to walk and suffering extreme withdrawal symptoms as well as memory loss.
ANd no nobody ever considers the full ramifications of the death cult because everybody is a coward and won't consider how horrifying cults actually are!!!!!! And to be a disabled old man suddenly thrust into a scary ass scenario where people are being sacrificed and brought back to life around you while you can't even remember how old you are or where you've been the past few years because time was fucked while you were Shroomed, it HAS to be HORRIFYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But at the same time it really just works out from a cultist perspective. He's already isolated, vulnerable, and probably only halfway lucid at any given point. He'd be extremely easy to manipulate and keep dependent on the cult. After all, they're keeping him safe there, it's dangerous out there. (Not to mention him just feeling some inherent loyalty to the Lamb upon becoming sober, which certainly wouldn't do him any favors)
Like what's he going to do? Leave? Stumble out, suffering withdrawl, into the Lands of the Old Faith?? As an old man??????????
He has no CHOICE but to make peace with where he is. Despite all the questions about if his FAMILY is even STILL ALIVE. Despite having no idea what he DID while under the influence. Despite the HORRORS around every CORNER
It's FUCKED!!!!! It's AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
I don’t get heartbroken over storylines on a TV show very often, but I do over this one.
Because I don’t understand how someone like Lucy can truly love UC (and say it with a smile on her face). Short term, fine. I might be able to get on board with that. But she doesn’t know what it’s like to be gone for months (she said it herself), and how that would impact her and all the people around her. I cannot see a world in which Lucy Chen, the most kindhearted, empathetic, likes-to-take-care-of-the-people-she-loves person ever, would actually love being separated from her family for months (while knowing that at least one person would be hurting the whole time, no matter what he says).
All we’ve seen of her since the season 3 finale makes me believe that she doesn’t actually love UC as much as she says she does. That might just all be wishful thinking on my part, but that’s the vibe I’ve gotten from her for the last two seasons. Did she even talk about UC at all in season 4? But now she’s suddenly so interested in becoming an undercover cop? Does she think she has to do UC and is still pursuing it because of that?
Either way, I don’t get it. Make it make sense, please.
I don’t want to be that person and ask someone, especially a woman, to walk away from a career path for a relationship, but that’s the thing. It’s a path, not the ultimate path to being a successful officer and have a great career in the LAPD. Look at almost everyone around her. Only Nyla and Isabel have gone that route. And we all know what it cost them.
Yes, Tim said Lucy is different. And she is. She wouldn’t bottle it all up the way Isabel apparently did. But that’s not all it is about. No one can guarantee her safety while she’s under. And I think that’s part of why Tim is so scared. He knows she likes UC, knows she’s good at it. Knows she would most likely want to talk things out with him, at least as long as it doesn't reveal too much about the op. But everything has to work out perfectly for her to come back in the first place.
I guess it all boils down to this: they need to have an honest conversation about it. Really honest, no holding back for the other’s sake. And for Lucy to really make an informed decision about UC, she needs to experience a long-term op (and I’m talking months here, not weeks) to know what it’s like. Right now, she’s basing her opinion on all the short-term assignments she’s done and what she thinks she needs to do. She should know whether she really likes long-term or not before fully committing to being an undercover detective. Once she’s a UC, I’m not sure how easy it would be to walk away from it if she only has her first long term op then and realizes it’s not for her.
And let’s not even begin to talk about the other two things. I just don’t understand how she can still do UC with those doc eps. Or how they would make it work for the show in general. They’re already juggling Patrol, Detectives and Metro. How would UC fit in on a weekly basis?!
Anyway. As I said, I don’t get heartbroken over storylines too easily or too often. But this one does things to my heart that I don’t like. Because neither one of them is happy, but they don't talk about it (yet). They're both not being completely honest with themselves, so how are they supposed to be honest with each other?
I don’t want Lucy to compromise something she apparently loves so much. But I also don’t want Tim to compromise himself and go against every single one of his instincts to make her happy. They need to find a balance.
And at the end of the day, he’s her priority, right? When it comes down to it, she would choose him over UC, right? Because he's the most important relationship, and thus most important thing in her life. I'd like to believe she'd make that choice.
Yes. She should do what she loves and is passionate about, but is it worth it if all it does is hurt the person you love the most?
Also, Tim is the most selfless human being ever. We do not deserve this absolute gem of a character. I love how much he loves Lucy. I know I'm kind of contradicting what I said two paragraphs above, but I love his willingness to try and soldier through (no matter how much it hurts him).
I know I'm very emotional right now and it's showing. I just absolutely hate angst and seeing these two hurting because they're not totally honest with each other or pressing the other to be honest is making my heart physically hurt. I know that, with a little distance, I might see things a bit differently. But right now, I'm sad that they're sad and haven't fully talked about the obvious elephant in the room yet.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Man remember that time Talia tried to get Slade to think that he was Damian’s dad and Slade was like “Nuh-uh” and Talia was like “Ah, well. Nevertheless.”
And now it turns out they do have a (secret test tube) baby.
Oh except no ‘cause he’s dead (for now).
DC is fucking wild.
#is that one of those storylines we’re not supposed to talk about?#because I think it’s hilarious.#talia al ghul#slade wilson#damian wayne#i know at the end of the arc it was like ‘AND JUST SO EVERYONE KNOW’S Bruce Wayne IS Damian’s dad FOR REALSIES#but consider—no he isn’t.#i will forever go with ‘every batkid is a secret bio child of Bruce Wayne *except* Damian.’#Damian is obviously Jason’s kid.#especially now that they have added canon weird test tube fast growth nonsense.#look it would just be HILARIOUS and would make so many people SO ANGRY.#yes it doesn’t even make sense how all the batkids could be Bruce Wayne’s secret children.#i don’t care.#even Steph? yes her too.#‘it ruins the whole found family’ blah blah idc I’m in it for the comedy.#Damian would be so SPITTING mad that he wasn’t AT LEAST Dick’s bio-kid.#Damian: THE DEAD ONE?! I’M THE DEAD ONE’S CHILD???!!!!#Steph: Hey I died too!#(Jason: that’s no way to talk about your father young man now go to your room.)#(Damian: *RAGE*)#Steph would be just as indignant at being Bruce’s kid.#Steph: *jabbing her finger at Bruce* HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!!#and yes it *would* be weird that Steph and Tim were together for—uh—a while.#Tim: *arms curled around his knees* it’s fine…it’s Luke and Leia…#Steph: *grabbing his shoulders and shaking him—spit flying from her mouth* TIM! LUKE AND LEIA DIDN’T FUCK!!!#Everyone present: *takes untold amounts of psychic damage*#(I actually think Jason would be really cute as Damian’s dad.)#(outside of everyone’s psychic damage.)#Bruce: oh it was a weird test tube thing right?#Jason: …
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reachermori · 1 year
I'm going to pretend there was a storyline about how Jamie reconnecting with his dad obviously backfires and everyone, especially Ted, has to learn that some people are irredeemable.
Sorry but being an alcoholic doesn't make you emotionally/physically/sexually abuse your kid. And even if it did, that doesn't mean they earned forgiveness just by getting clean. That's the bare minimum.
Maybe if they had ever shown any indication that James has any redeeming qualities I could work with it. But he's good now because he went to rehab is not nearly enough.
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stevethehairington · 9 months
okay im 6 episodes into fellow travelers and damn this really is a WHOLE different thing than the book. like they kept a FEW of the same characters and like some of the very most basic foundations of it but d a m n they changed SO much
#im honestly kinda disappointed?#like i wish it were closer to the book#also theres not nearly enough mary in this smh#but yeah they like. did not get the dynamic between hawk and tim right.#its weird in the show. it feels like they got it backwards#like in the book tim is very much the one that is obsessed for lack of better word with hawk#and hawk is very blase about it and tries to play it cool and not show his emotions/feelings about their relationship#but in the show it feels like hawk is the one thats obsessed with tim#also lucy has a WAY bigger way EARLIER role in the show than in the book and im not a fan tbh#i thought she seemed sort of sweet in the book and like understanding in a way. but show lucy is very much neither of those things lol#also the whole aids storyline..... that.... Does Not exist in the book#like they actually make it a point to say that tim DIDNT have aids#so like to add that into the show and to make it a BIG storyline in it too.... also not a fan#plus the way they have hawk like visiting and heping tim when in the book he literally Does Not see tim again before he dies#i feel like that just kinda takes away some of the tragicness of the books ending!!#its obviously a different kind of tragedy in the show but yeah idk it hit harder in the book i feel like#also i am enjoying this b plot of the writer dude and the drag queen but that was defs not in the book#also tim NEVER met hawks children ever so it feels very weird to see him like. spending time with hawks son??#fellow travelers#mack reacts
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Can you imagine what it must all have been like for Gray though?
Like. Picture this. After getting badly injured on your job, you get out of a long, long hospital stay. We're talking months. You don't remember any of those months. You don't even remember the accident.
So you get back to your boring little life. It's the same as it was before, but after brushing so close to death you do have a better appreciation for it. Or you try to, anyway.
And then you meet this weird young woman for whom you feel an inexplicable fondness. You talk for about 4 minutes. Later, instead of meeting you again as promised, she slips away. You think you'll never see her again. Well.
A few months later, she appears out of thin air again and says she seeked you out specifically to help with her job. You want to help, so you say yes, and you fly to New Zealand. There, everything seems straightforward until it- doesn't. It looks like you've been tricked, but for what? Then you find yourself into a situation more sinister and dangerous than you thought possible, yet you're not scared. When someone threatens the woman (your friend? It feels weird to call her a friend when you barely know her, but you feel close to her), you don't recognize the voice even though it evokes contradictory feelings in you. Happiness, fear? When you're in front of that weird bomb-like device, you don't know what it is but you know how to disable it, instinctively, confidently, like muscle memory.
Back in Sydney, you still don't get all the answers you want. The woman disappears again, but it's okay. You think this won't be the last you've seen of her. And maybe then you'll get your answers.
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corellianhounds · 2 months
The Last Jedi AU: Ignore whatever’s supposed to happen or where people are in this movie. Paige Tico is foiled in her attempt to release the bombs that would take out the First Order ship. Her ship is boarded and she’s taken onboard the Star Destroyer as a captive intelligence officer, but before she’s captured she’s able to relay a covert message to Rose telling her what happened.
Instead of the diversion to Canto Bight, Rose is the one with the knowledge of splicing into Imperial ships and she and Finn impulsively plan to jet over to the Star Destroyer in an escape pod Rose had been experimenting with a cloaking device on, the two of them breaking in on their own.
Finn finds Poe to tell him of Paige’s capture and his and Rose’s plan. Poe knows that he can’t condone or contribute resources to it and knows for a FACT Leia won’t allow it, despite the fact Paige is a friend and the same rank he is. He’s torn between getting her back but needing to stay and lead, so he he tells them to take BB-8 and does that Mr. Incredible thing where he tells Finn and Rose what “NOT” to do to get into an Imperial flagship, him planning the distraction from the outside and still screwing with Hux over the comms and keeping eyes turned his way as Finn and Rose sneak onboard to find Paige.
Can you imagine if like they manage to get into some labs while they’re doing recon and Finn senses something? Can you imagine him hesitating as they move, telling Rose they have to go back while she’s hissing for him to keep moving? Her either hacking into the tech to redirect First Order troops away from their location, or going off to find her sister herself while Finn stays behind? Finn finding schematics and draftings alongside old codexes and scrolls before eventually coming to the humming, fractured kyber crystal in the next room, hanging suspended in midair above the equipment? Realizing as he’s digging through the odd mix of both scientific and semi-magical texts what it’s for, but that Ren hasn’t been able to force it to conform to his needs, too unstable to be housed even in his own lightsaber? Finn starting to configure and piece things together even as Rose tells him they’re running out of time?
As they’re sneaking around, gathering pertinent information to the plot and finding Ren’s plans for Rey and Skywalker, they’re nearly caught— Surrounded by First Order troops and with seemingly no way out, Rose and Finn prepare for the worst, when all of a sudden one of the troops goes rogue and eliminates all of their fellow officers instead. Paige Tico managed to escape and had disguised herself, just happening to be lucky enough to run into them in the lower levels. Paige tells them of some of the other rebel prisoners aboard the ship she was planning to break out, and the three of them, finally united, start plotting their means off Ren’s flagship when they overhear Hux in the corridor talking about Ren meditating in some inner sanctum with an order to be left alone with his own retinue on pain of death as he searches the Force or whatever for the location of Rey and Skywalker
Back onboard the New Republic ship Poe and Leia confer with the other generals as to what the Sith’s next move is going to be when they receive an incoming transmission from Kylo Ren himself.
As Kylo Ren and Leia Organa face off in what was to be their last confrontation, the tone and gravitas of their conversation somber, something flickers over the feed, and everybody on the New Republic ship’s bridge sees a blinding arc of light as one of the First Order troops behind Ren steps out of line and carves a blade of shimmering green in a downward arc directly behind him.
Outraged and caught off guard, Ren blocks the attack with his own blade, both lightsabers flickering with different energies, and as Finn’s voice shouts over the holo Poe realizes that not only has Finn given them an opening to hit Ren’s flagship, he may even be able to stop this war in its tracks.
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hoapes · 3 months
blood and cheese was kinda underwhelming but the more i think about it i think i don’t hate it?? I am intrigued at the implication of helaena maybe having dreamed of it or knowing that something was going to happen which is why her reaction was so different from the book, it'll definitely be interesting and heartbreaking seeing how she copes the rest of the season
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yioh · 2 years
genshin player’s switch up on sumeru characters will haunt me forever honestly i’ve never seen such a large amnt of people act so utterly fake in such a small period of time😭
#everyone really pretended they cared abt the colourism and racism HNDBDJXBXXJ#sumeru as a whole still makes me feel so uncomfy to this day with the weird ass storyline and colourism and whitening of several characters#but now everyone is just fawning over how sexy al haitham and kaveh are or how cute nahida is like#😭 idk man i can’t stand it#it annoys me soooooooooooo much#even worse how sumeru characters are plastered all over my social media everywhere#the switch up of how big of a deal everyone made the sumeru design reveal to be at the start only for their banners and character popularity#to be some of the highest ones#like . likeeeeee …………..#feels so gross#anyways rant over i’m gonna stay in my lil mondstadt liyue bubble forever lol#not that those nations are perfect either but at least it isn’t tinged with the feeling of disgust towards fans 😭#also the amount of racism and colourism i saw people blatantly show with the release of sumeru was so crazy it makes my skin crawl#anyways i rly hate like 99% of sumeru ships and i don’t get how everyone can just brainlessly enjoy this region’s characters at all#esp when they are all SO white it bugs me to no end in hate it i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#still so disappointed with kaveh’s design especially i think he was my last straw#i was hoping so bad he wouldn’t be some basic white bitch but he came out looking like btec howl PLEASE 🤨#and the way everyone loves him just makes me hate him more lmfaooo#the most basic and boring design in the whole world it makes me feel Nothing at all
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idontdrinkgatorade · 7 months
just rediscovered the absolute WHACK plot i used to have for my main OC story before i split it
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youssefguedira · 10 months
One of the fan casts I’ve seen a lot is Hunter Schafer as Zelda. Thoughts?
image for reference because i had to google who hunter schafer was
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i could back it? she'd definitely be able to pull off like. oot or twilight princess zelda (by looks alone i haven't seen her act) really depends on what they're doing story wise. but ultimately i don't particularly care what the actor looks like as long as they are believably link or zelda to me and i just. don't think the kind of "major hollywood actors" that people toss around when talking about it could really have that effect because they're too recognisable? if that makes any sense. also a bit of a tangent but i don't know if i WANT the zelda movie to adapt an existing game or a new one, though if i had ti guess it'll adapt something connected to botw/totk and that timeline if it is in any way tied to a game because nintendo is generally trying to move away from the 'traditional' zeldas so to speak
for context this is the hypothetical cast in the article i was reading earlier:
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like i respect timothee but i think seeing him as link would just make me laugh. he's a perfectly good actor i just don't vibe with this. mr. holland. can we be serious here. respect the inclusion of dev patel and steven yeun but i think this would only work in a post-oot movie that was a tragic retelling of what happens to the hero of time / an exploration of the effect of All That. which won't happen but i think they could pull it off. we're very much dependent on how old link and zelda will be but if i HAD to pick from this list i'd say aramis knight (in ms marvel) because he's not as immediately recognisable and also he's around the right age for Link That Lives In My Head
moving to the zeldas. florence pugh are you KIDDING me. again i respect her i think ms pugh is very talented. but i don't think i'd want her to play zelda. ultimately it comes down to the fact that link and zelda are almost always teenagers and i want the movie to lean into that. especially because AGAIN this won't happen but i would like an examination of the impact of being declared Saviour Of The Entire World at approximately 12-17 years old. though i guess this could also work with an adult link and zelda but that would lean towards more of a drama than a Big Action Fantasy which is what this will be. zendaya again can we be serious i don't think this would work. personally i'd go w/ kathryn newton or stephanie hsu on this list tbh. or hunter schafer i think she'd be a pretty good choice on vibes alone but ive never seen her in anything (euphoria?)
the article also included these as cast possibilities for minor characters and when i tell you some of them made me choke on my water
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i respect natasha lyonne as navi because that could be funny. the others are just. really. something
sorry this answer was super long and also not coherent i should inform you that i am running on approximately 2hrs sleep today. so. but if anyone wants to further discuss zelda PLEASE do i am going through a mini phase rn
also as a second tangent. my ideal zelda plots:
skyward sword zelda during her time on the surface because you could have some REALLY good conflict between her goddess side and her human side and the way she slowly realises she has to manipulate link
zelda becoming sheik in oot!!
my roommate pointed it out the other day but i haven't been able to stop thinking about it since: majora's mask stop motion movie in the style of gdt's pinocchio. directed of course by mr Fucked Up Fairytale del toro himself
#imagine with me. deku link animated the same way#the last one is my favourite zelda movie concept. bc i think gdt would nail the tone and themes of majora's mask#neon answers#anonymous#ive been zelda posting a lot today because i Miss. my zeldas#fi would be weird to cast id prefer it if she was just. animated#like id prefer if the whole movie was animated but#also i don't think fi will appear beyond references if i'm completely honest. same thing with botw/totk#jeff goldblum tingle. imagine this for a moment#he COULD pull off twilight princess tingle tbh#i think if i wanted them to adapt a game skyward sword's got the strongest story for me#we've got emotional intrigue. a good starting point for the introduction of Iconic Things. wouldn't be any zora or anything but#also i LIKE skord and i want to see link cry when zelda seals herself away on my cinema screen#+ i think there's potential for further exploring zelda's side bc you couldn't just. film the dungeons#i think in terms of making a movie botw/totk will lend themselves best to 1:1 transfer#even if they don't really Have a story and the calamity storyline has already been done. the 4 dungeons would cut down Link Running Errands#i just don't think a game can be adapted because you'd essentially lose a lot of the plot points due to runtime#so i think it'll be original. probably something to establish the botw / totk timeline fully so nintendo can stop worrying about the other#games etc. sorry that was me being cynical but. anyway this has been a lot of rambling#again. 2hrs sleep. but feel free to drop more asks my way i love talking about zelda#zeltik has a video rn abt the potential for mocap/heavily cgi zelda movie and like. sigh#i WANT something like the dnd movie with its practical effects i DON'T trust cgi to look that good in current conditions#there's exceptions but are they really gonna make that much of an exception for the zelda movue
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