#but it's the closest you'll get to seeing my drawing process
otiksimr · 2 years
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Hope for a brighter day
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pakunod-a · 3 months
Idia Shroud, who..
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...can't fathom how you ever got around to talking to him. He was convinced you were too good for him.
...seems to be a bit more gloomy than usual.
—oh, no, it's not you. He just can't process how such a lovely human being could ever be his friend.
...can't believe it's been so long since you've first DM'ed him. He didn't even have to do anything at all.
...has a hard time believing you wouldn't up and find someone else to befriend. You're.. probably his first genuine friend. Why wouldn't you want to stay good friends with him?
...is your closest online friend. You've met a little short over a year ago, and now he's a little too attached.
...is one of your closest confidants. Despite not being friends with you in person, you trust him with major things, like your game accounts, your Magicord account, your IP address <3
...is your duo on most games. You support him, and oftentimes, he lets you carry.
...doesn't trust you when you say that your "friends" are only with you to hang out. They must have ulterior motives, no?
...is very, very fortunate he installed an app that lets him see through your webcam. You were so ethereal, it was unbelievable.
...thinks you look like a masterpiece crafted by the very hands of a god themselves. This is who he's been talking to all this time? He's breath-taken.
...starts slowly getting insecure every time you try and turn down his offers to game together. His mind starts going to the worst possible places imaginable.
...can't have you getting any ideas of leaving him. You're basically his best friend, dare I say his platonic? lover. You put your Minecraft beds together. You went to the Heart Island on Genshin Impact with him. He does all your dailies for you whenever you aren't available, and vice versa. You're practically married at this point.
...is waiting for the right time to strike. Not now, but soon. You shouldn't suspect it. If he fails, he risks losing his beloved friend.
...monitors you closely. It's just a matter of time, you know. After all, you're playing hard to get. And Idia does love a good challenge.
...watches your every move. You like to sing in the shower, don't you? You sound so talented.. undeserving of someone like him. You enjoy the company of cats? How coincidental.. he does too. You have so much in common already.
...has your room set up next to his. You'll live with him, eventually. When he finds the courage to do it.
Idia Shroud, who will forever be your Player 1. Won't you be his Player 2, too?
long note below here, skip if not interested
A/N: hello :)
it's been a while, how have you all been?
i apologize for being on a hiatus of some sort. and for the rushed and short idia post T-T
it's going to be the start of a busy year for me, i am graduating after all.
i have lots of posts i need to publish and rewrite, but unfortunately my schedule is too packed, and the only times i feel free enough to write are after-school hours, which are 8 pm - 12 am for me.
i might just end up reuploading more fics from my old blog, or writing a bit more for other series i'm into. (hxh, obey me, twst, mlbb, genshin, and hsr <3 perhaps trese if anyone's heard about it? 👀)
but if i ever come back to posting, what kind of content would you guys like to see?
my requests and inbox(?) are always open. please do drop by and say hello, or drop a request you would like to see written by me. i find that requests or ideas from others often get my brian going.
if you wish to find me elsewhere, my tiktok and my discord users are both pakunod.a :)
i would like to come back again with posts for you to read, or a few of my practice drawings for you to see.
perhaps in the future. :)
as always, stay safe, keep yourself healthy, stay hydrated, and always love yourself. <3
- 1, Yuan
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gynnnicsworld · 7 months
Hellooo! i was wondering what your all-time favorite hurt/comfort fics are? also I love your account, I scrolled through not too long ago and immediately was like yes, I've found my people
*screams internally* oOH GOD, thank you for asking that, I've been waiting for someone to ask that and I'm so glad this is happening! OK.
From what I can see in your profile picture, do u like spn too? Do u have any favorite couples there? cause I have a long list of fics in that fandom too *wink wink*....
Please ask me questions to recommend fics, because I have been trying for weeks to organize a part 2 of rec list but I haven't been able to, I have too many fics and I have no idea how to start organizing them. So by asking questions like these you help me recommend some fics and get organized. thks u <3ily
Life's (Kate's) a bitch and then you (she) dies
by: Littleredridinghunter
While everyone is busy saving Jackson, Stiles is taking a beating in the Argent's basement. When his dad gets hurt, he leaves a note for Scott that he is getting away from everything and to never contact him again.
Too bad Scott and the pack take him at his word....
One year later and they finally see Stiles again but it isn't a happy reunion. Can they repair all the damage that has been caused in their time apart?
(This is one of the most recent fics I've read and it left me completely destroyed and in love at the same time, the author of this fic is the same author of most of my favorite fics. Anyway, all the fics I've read by this author will appear here. (oh by the way you would like to know that spn characters appear here.))
by: TheTypewriterGirl
God, this fic is BEAUTIFUL, it's glorious, this fic can basically be described with any adjective that refers to beauty and perfection. But there is pain, a lot of pain, this fic must be praised.
There are illustrations that complete the beauty of this fic. Like this↓
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Yes, you guys definitely have to read this fanfic.
You haven't read it??? WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING?? RUN TO READ IT.
I downloaded the fic because I don't want to lose it, I would cry if one day this fic is deleted.
It's all part of the master plan - Sterek version
by: Littleredridinghunter
every fic that I put here you must read it, truly and seriously, you HAVE to read it, you can't not do it.
Sense of Home
by: siny
Home can be a place, but it can also be a person.
After the events with the Nemeton, Stiles starts suffering the consequences of their sacrifice. A journey he attempts to make on his own, but only becomes worse with every step he takes. In the process he seeks comfort in an unexpected place and it draws him toward an unexpected person.
(This fic explains one of the theories quite well, maybe you know this theory x if that theory caught your attention, you will love this fic).
hold me tight (you'll be alright)
by: orphan_account
Stiles is captured by the alpha pack for over a month before escaping. Derek finds him in the woods and takes him home.
"And if you bleed for Beacon Hills once, you can be sure you'll bleed for it again."
(Tthis is a fix fic, but it's really good. I actually have many VERY good ones of this type.
God, I actually have a colossal mountain of fics to recommend and I have no idea how to start organizing them.)
It's where my demons hide
by: Littleredridinghunter
Stiles was used to his life going to hell. He'd just never expected it to be quite so literal.
When Rafael McCall returns to Beacon Hills after a five year absence it brings back lots of unhappy memories for Stiles, he'll do whatever he can to keep his secrets buried in order to protect those closest to him.
With Rafael's return Stiles discovers that secrets are always revealed, even if this particular time it's because of supernatural interference.
(By the way, I don't have an order, because all the fics that I'm putting here are really good and all of them are my favorites. BUT this fic right here is probably my favorite among favorites, this fic has a way of destroying your soul and putting it back together that you will love and hate at the same time and leave you wanting to read more.)
A Melody That Climbs And Then Falls
BY: siny
They won the fight against the alpha pack; the nightmare was apparently over.
That was until Stiles fell on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth when Derek reached him.
Or the fic where Stiles gets an internal bleeding for saving Derek, only a tragedy like this would make Derek realize his true feelings.
Peter betrayed them all and is currently missing. Allison and Stiles are buddies, as much as Derek and Erica.
Can't rely on me
By; Littleredridinghunter
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows.
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
by: jjmash
Stiles' magic accidentally creates a lifelike echo of Derek's baby sister who died in the Hale fire. Between games of tag and trips to the zoo, Derek helps Stiles pick up the pieces of himself post-Nogitsune possession.
(This one is short but sweet and sad.)
Finding His Home
by: OKDeanna
Derek Hale was a lot of things, and none of them very good. Yet, the one thing he couldn't shake was the one thing he knew he shouldn't want. But when an unexpected late night call reveals Stiles Stilinski has been injured, he will stop at nothing to get to him. Even if it means opening himself up in ways he never has before...
(I love that in the sterek fandom we have these unspoken truths, like the fact that we all know that no matter what, Derek is always going to believe and care about Stiles whether he's in Mexico or on the other side of the world, if Stiles calls, he'll go to Stiles.)
Wait For Me
by: Hedwig221b
“Stiles, we know about your Spark,” Scott looked at Stiles with desperate eyes, trying to convey something. “He is the Werewolf who's been chasing you. You must run. We’ll help you…”
Stiles stared at his friend, genuinely concerned for his sanity, because the nonsense he was sputtering was really fucking confusing.
This one is really good but fucking confusing or something, it really made me hate certain characters here and scream in frustration but I always trusted stiles/derek.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
(This fic will always be in my favorite fic recommendations, because I read it at a difficult time for me and it helped me a lot emotionally to move forward, so yes, this fic is one of my favorites among favorites, and I will always mention it at every opportunity. Plus we have Derek healing and that's beautiful because Derek deserves nice things just like Stiles.)
okay, I'm going to stop here because I have some things to do, but actually I have more favorite hurt/comfort fics. But I won't be able to put them all here right now, apologies for that, but please send me another question for a second part, but I think at the moment you have several fics to read.
I hope you like them, and please do not hesitate to send me messages to talk about all these incredible fanfics, I will be waiting for your comments. (and thanks again for the question)
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shithowdy · 8 months
i have been having a really difficult time grasping for an identity as an artist lately, to the point that i feel actively repulsed by my own drawings and avoid finishing them. i understand objectively how fallacious and unhealthy it is to place value on your work based on how others perceive it, but when you struggle to connect with other people like i do, art in a way becomes my voice and how i communicate, be it something as simple as 'i enjoyed this media and don't know how to articulate that beyond drawing blorbos', or something more reflective of my innermost thoughts. to give art is my love language, to collaborate ideas is how i dance.
but i can't see what other people see. i can be told over and over by friends how much they love something i have made. i can see that patronizing "two cakes" image a thousand times, and all i can dwell on is the fact that most people only have room for one cake. why does it matter? is it not about the process? the journey? what i have learned? why is it so important that i have an identity, why do i have to impress? who am i even trying to impress? myself? maybe. maybe i just want to be impressed with myself by one thing in my otherwise deeply unimpressive existence, and art feels like the closest thing in reach.
i enjoyed art more before it became about impressing myself. before it became about social currency, and not just how i use it as a way to buy myself attention but how i have somehow managed to devalue that currency in my own mind. when will i be satisfied? why is it so important that i have an identity?
two years ago, i went through a friend breakup from which they easily moved on and i... didn't. a part of me still hasn't. i cried myself to sleep for months. i still cry. my muse left me, and i was left with an ugly void in my chest that festered with feelings of having been used for entertainment and discarded when that interest faded. when words failed me i tried to reach out through art, and that failed me too. in the end i became angrier at myself than anything else, fixated on how i had allowed so much of my identity to draw from one singular source that ultimately did not care.
my style changed. i started producing more abstract images, because i so suddenly felt more abstract myself, but damn me if there is not still a part of me that holds back out of fear that interest will be lost. i can't let it go. i can't create for the sake of it, and it burns me up.
thanks to everyone who has stuck with me and watched me grow. maybe one day you'll get to see what i can actually do. i would like to see it too.
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cboffshore · 1 year
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"I hear the sea, it roars/and I want out of here." - Coeur de Pirate, "Our Love"
For #quins1kdtiys: ol' reliable couture art meets a proper model in "And That's All We Are".
(Writeup under the cut, as usual. Minor Dragons Rising part 2 spoilers there, by the by, but you'll see them coming. I'll let you know.)
Congratulations on 1k, @quintastiic! I hope this does that milestone some justice.
I've done Skybound couture work before; I've done Nya analysis before. Somehow, I have never blended them, and this DTIYS gave me the perfect chance to try that out.
For the first time in my fashion fanart history, I'm not using a boilerplate mannequin - I got my hands on one of those IKEA artist figurines and decided, well, if there's any time to try and draw someone, let's start with a favorite. I'm not hiding behind a standard template here.
For the most part, this is a simple urban riff on Nya's Skybound gi: a black velvet vest and fingerless gloves over a crimson blouse, paired with bright combat boots and flared jeans. A durable ensemble, I like to believe this base of blended aesthetic represents what Nya spends the first five seasons building herself up to be: well, herself. She scrapped a mech and her own role together - and built a legacy in the process. In one way, that's all she is: everything she's crafted so far.
Overtaking the outfit, though, is a cropped leather jacket with a sheer train designed to resemble waves.
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It doesn't match the base at all - it glows. It floats. It almost seems alive with motion and light, but at the same time, it's a weight on her shoulders that makes her conspicuous among her teammates. It's a dilemma that plagues her throughout Skybound and beyond - can she make herself work with her powers? Does she want to? In another way, that's all she is: her powers? Or not?
Bridging the gap between the wave jacket and the base ensemble is an element inspired by Nya's monologue to Jay about being friends - and nothing else.
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That, of course, is the friendship bracelet inspired chain belt, adorned with four venom-shaded charms:
Closest to Nya herself is another symbol of her powers, and the way she has to reform herself to solve the problems at hand: a simple water droplet, a symbol of life turned into one of risk with the venom-green tint.
On the next layer down, something more classically Claire's jewelry rack bracelet set: a lightning bolt with a tiny heart, representing Nya's evolving relationship with Jay throughout the season. Although I find it important to analyze Nya as her own character in the context of Skybound, it is important to acknowledge Jay's influence, and that's what this is for.
(Partial Dragons Rising part 2 spoilers in this one!) Dangling as far away from Nya as she can get it, but apparently trying to climb back up close to her of its own accord, is a twelve-pointed sun motif that appears in the second half of Dragons Rising to - without getting too spoilery - indicate a curse on the bearer and mark them for inevitable suffering and eventual death. In Skybound and beyond, Nya narrowly evades this fate; the symbol overtakes both of her gloves here, representing her struggle and the hand motif I adore in the season. However, she does eventually escape - and wears it dangling loosely, even casually, from her belt, almost like a trophy.
Hidden beneath the jacket and attached to a belt loop for easy access, like a tool, hangs a charm modeled after the flask of venom used in episode 61. This is resilience, almost to a fault, and a bittersweet reminder of the events of the erased timeline - they go to such lengths to keep the venom, and for what end? Nya's eventual death - and their victory. And everything that comes with that.
The charms round out the trifecta of all she is during Skybound: the circumstances, mortal or not, that shape her actions and determine her destiny.
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isadollie · 3 months
I’ve never requested anything on tumblr before so lmk if I’m doin this wrong but I saw you’re doing matchups and would like to request a haikyuu matchup :)
Sexuality- some type of queer
Probably male matchup :)
Likes- cats, music, coffee, movies and video games, naps
Dislikes- small talk 🤢 (I literally can’t think of anything else atm. I would consider myself a fairly open and laid back person when it comes to dislikes)
Free time- I work in the funeral industry so I have very limited free time but I like to catch up on sleep in my free time, go to coffee shops, play games, do sfx makeup, cosplay, and go out to dive bars with friends!
Aesthetic- I would say my aesthetic would be closest to a cross between pastel goth and grunge but typically I dress pretty comfy. It’s rare for me to actually dress aesthetic these days
Appearance- I dye my hair pretty often but for a while it’s been red and black and I’m currently in the process of growing it out. I keep it pretty fluffed out. I’d say I’m about average height. Blue eyes and I draw on fun eyebrows!
Personality- I can be pretty quiet at first but I adapt very quickly. It’s extremely rare for me not to get along with people. I find it pretty easy to relate to people. I would consider myself a pretty impulsive person when I’m comfortable and I have a pretty fun and dark sense of humor. Despite this, I have been told I am fairly calm and low key.
Dream birthday present- reptiles! I already have a few reptiles so another one would be fun :) also any sort of trip. I prefer activities over objects
Zodiac- funny enough I have the same birthday as Hinata so I am on the cusp of Gemini and cancer.
Tysm! No rush and good luck!
— matchup —
if you'd want a matchup too, make sure to read this! link
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i match you with...
Kozume Kenma!
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★ cats, naps, video games = kenma, i'm sorry.. or not sorry. also did you mention you dislike small talk? well.. kenma.
★ the fact that you get along with people matches very well here in my opinion, cause kenma isn't the type of person to approach first, and he's quiet too, most of the time
★ he'd love that you're calm! it makes him comfortable. and i also have a feeling he'd be a fan of dark humor. oh i can see that.. plus Kuroo's terrified expression when he hears a dark joke from either of you
★ his perfect way to spend time with you would obviosuly be playing games together, but i think he'd like to cosplay with you too! however, you will have to do his hair and makeup for the cosplay. he'll just sit there and wait lmao
★ but when you two are not playing games or cosplaying, once in a while obviously, you'd dye your hair! together :3 you'll dye his, and he'll do yours. isn't that a cute date idea?
★ he understands why you dress comfy most of the time, and he doesn't mind it at all. but he also loves those times when you go for something in your style (i hope yk what i mean 😭) would definitely take some pics of you
★ i don't think he'd like to go on trips.. i mean, it's Kenma we're talking about. but if you really want to, he's willing to try for you. (just don't expect it to happen very often)
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hello, i hope you like it!:3 thank you for requesting! <3
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queerofthedagger · 2 years
Fluff #10 for Dreamling!! My AO3 username is wynnebat 😄
Ahh thanks for the prompt Wynne! This really is just utter ridiculous softness, I hope you'll like it! <3
In Bold Letters
“I am going to marry you one day.” In Hob’s defence, he is just this side of tipsy, is a little too drunk on expensive wine and Dream’s presence and the high spirits of the wedding reception they are just stumbling out of.
Well, Hob is stumbling. It also wasn’t their wedding reception, of course, but that of one of his closest friends—this lifetime—and, truth be told, he still isn’t entirely sure how he ended up here with Dream, of all people.
“Will you now,” Dream says, one sharp brow raised. He looks amused, but if Hob were to go out on a limb, he would say that it was fond. Mostly. Perhaps a little intrigued, too, if Hob were to indulge in wishful thinking.
It does horrible things to his already loose tongue, and he links their arms together. The cool night air is doing wonders for his head, but not quite enough yet to make him second-guess his words. Not quite enough yet to make him worry that Dream might storm off again, despite him not having done so in roughly one hundred and thirty-four years, or fifty-one meetings (not that Hob is counting or anything).
“Well, I got you to come with me to this one, didn’t I?” he says with a grin, gesturing behind them where music and laughter are still tripping into London’s streets.
To be fair, mostly Dream had turned up in the New Inn as he is wont to do and found Hob in the process of getting ready. Whatever reckless madness got into Hob today, it precedes the alcohol, because he’d asked, not really expecting a positive answer, ‘You could come, if you liked?’ instead of telling Dream to come back tomorrow.
Weddings and alcohol or not, Hob has never once been reasonable where Dream is concerned; at the end of the day, it always seems to pay off.
Dream pulls them to a halt and turns to face Hob properly. His eyes are very dark in the dim light of the streetlamps, but there is something warm to them, something unnameable that nestles comfortably beneath Hob’s fourth and fifth rib.
“I will admit that humanity’s habits and customs often elude me,” Dream says, stepping close enough that Hob can see the night sky in his eyes, “But I do believe that I would be correct to point out that commonly, couples would be expected to spend a period of time courting first, would they not?”
The air shifts, and Hob’s throat goes dry. Well-worn fear tries to climb up his spine, but Dream is still looking at him with something awfully close to affection, and so Hob swallows the urge to take back his words.
At his lack of answer, Dream smiles, just a tick of his mouth. “And further, I do believe that commonly, proposals of marriage are not only posed as a question but also involve a certain sort of ceremony and gravitas, do they not? Humans do have a great many nightmares about it, I recall.”
Hob is… well, actually, for once he isn’t quite sure; Dream is teasing him, but what he is saying would also imply—
“I would court you,” Hob says, jumping off the precipice without bothering to measure the distance. “If you let me, there is nothing I would rather do, weeks or months or years of it. I’d take you to art galleries and theatres and readings. I’d gift you jewels and flowers, or simply cook for you and make you tea. I would propose with all—”
Dream kisses him, effectively cutting off what Hob could have easily spun into a speech. Dream kisses him, with enough force that Hob almost stumbles, twisting his hands into the lapels of Dream’s coat. Dream kisses him, gentling after a moment, and Hob thinks if this is how he dies, that would be quite alright, actually.
“We could start with this, if you are agreeable,” Dream murmurs once he draws back, just far enough to breathe the words against Hob’s mouth.
Before Hob can answer, Dream is kissing him again, tender and hungry and devastating. His fingers are cool against Hob’s jaw, and Hob pours his answer right down Dream’s throat, clenches his fingers into dream-spun fabric upon narrow hips, and thanks whatever gods are out there for his big, big mouth.
“Yes,” he laughs, once they pull apart, just to make sure, just to say it, and see the pleased joy spread across Dream’s face.
“Yes,” he repeats, much later but not as many months as it could have been when, of course, Dream beats him to the actual proposal. “I already told you months ago, did I not?”
Dream huffs, but Hob can read the affection underneath as if in bold letters.
✨December Gift Ficlets ✨
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monstrousproductions · 11 months
What's the tiers like on your Kofi?
There's three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. You can also make a one-off donation, which starts at £2.
Everyone who supports us on Ko-Fi will get an invitation to the Monstrous Productions Discord server, and will be able to vote on the audience decisions closest to your donation. So, if you make a one-off donation on a week where there isn't a decision, I'll get in touch with you the next time there is a choice to be made and you can vote then.
Monthly members will be able to vote on all decisions for as long as their membership is active, and will get a Subscriber role on the server.
Bronze - £3 per month As well as the Discord role and continuing votes mentioned above, you'll also get access to exclusive illustrations of the winning choice in each audience decision.
Silver - £5 per month Everything in the Bronze tier, plus access to our weekly blog posts, additional art, and annotated scripts.
Gold - £12 per month Everything mentioned above, and Matt will draw you a personalised alien portrait! You'll also get art process videos, and every 8 weeks a larger piece of art illustrating the story so far. Gold members will also have get illustrations of the losing choice in each audience decision, and will have the chance to see where the story might have gone with access to my alternative decision flow-charts every 8 weeks. And, twice per season, Matt will be making a 3D model of something from the show for our Gold members to collect!
Now... doesn't that sound tempting 😘😍
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temporalreverie · 1 year
ponysona ref sheet :3
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[text transcript: Carrie Go-Round, or Carrie for short It/She, Trans Mare, Lesbian Can prance through air with its saddle on. Gives carousel sky-rides to help others. It likes going around again, solving puzzles, helping with problems, music, good fortune, and going around again. Beholden to the whims of its fate & cycles, it tries its best to be carefree but secretly feels aimless at times.]
Extended character bio & art process thoughts below the cut v
Carrie Go-Round is a unicorn with carousel themed magic. Carousel magic works in mysterious ways. It can direct the magic somewhat and hone certain patterns through repetition, but it’s ultimately at the whims of the fate chosen for it. Usually everything works out just fine though.
While actively using its carousel magic and wearing its saddle, it can prance on top of air. It takes others on rides through the sky using this, giving them time and space to think through a problem they’ve been having. These rides can involve a conversation, a magical spectacle of lights and music, or simply peace and quiet, whatever will help the other pony best. Flying, putting on light shows, and making music are all come naturally when the magic is in service of another.
Carrie has adapted an outwardly carefree and playful nature. It’s partially its true self, and partially a defense mechanism in response to the lack of control that the carousel makes it feel. When you’re stuck going around in one big circle, it’s easy to feel aimless and confused. Helping someone else with a problem of theirs always makes it feel better though. It's also fond of rhymes, puzzles, and riddles.
It’s somewhat taller than average. Not very strong, but when its magic is active any passengers feel light as a feather. Both the color and shape of its hair is all natural.
Art process thoughts:
An idea for a ponysona design popped into my head the other day and I'm really happy with how it turned out! Multiple times I've played with designing a ponysona by taking more grounded and literal elements of myself but none of those struck me as exciting or fun. Being freely indulgent and overdesigning a pastel magic horse is way better.
In terms of the drawing itself, this is probably the closest you'll ever see me mimic the G4 artstyle! I referenced a couple screenshots of pinkie to get an idea for scale, and then I cut apart my rough sketch into chunks so I could stretch out the neck & back because I like when the bodies are longer than proportions on the show. This also doubles as making its tallness present in the art but really I would've done that regardless.
The carousel concept is a fun way to tie in the colorful aesthetics with themes of cycles and fate. Girls love to be stuck in a loop of mayyyybe their own choosing. And it also means I get to bring back the saddle & bridle fashion concept Lauren Faust considered for the show's pitch bible. It's definitely kind of weird but in a fun way.
Carrie Go-Round like Merry-go-round but also like Carrie short for Carousel but also like Carry because she physically carries other ponies & helps lift them emotionally. Do you get it.
This is my first time adding ALT text to my images; I did my best to be thorough but not too verbose.
Miscellaneous design thoughts: I love pink and green together! IRL horse coat patterns are so so cute I wish more MLP characters had them. Plus the bubbly shapes on the hooves match her cloud prancing. Duality is everything to me: two different shapes and colors of hair, two symbols on its cutie mark, two little eyelashes. Although I tried less to make it look like me, its hair still has the same general shape (however mine will only rarely form curls like that all on its own). Also the cutie mark arrows being green is a slightly inspired by a real dream I had about getting my cutie mark:
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I've been meaning to make a ponysona for a long time now. All in all this was very fun to do and now I'm excited to draw more of my own OCs and their interactions.
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mnvulpin · 3 years
"I love your drawings and want to learn to draw, do you have some tips for me?"
Sometimes I receive messages like this from people who want to start drawing but have no idea where begin to.
I have some difficulty to answer this, because 1) I honestly don't think I'm a good artist to teach someone, I need to improve my skills as well, and 2) I don't know how much of art background the person has and what type of information they really need.
But here are some advices I usually say to beginner artists who came to me asking me for tips:
Beginners (and even some non-beginners!) always forget the basics. They usually look to a cool drawing, like an anime character or a stunning background painting, and try to imitate it, but don't know how to draw simple forms like a cube or a sphere.
Before everything, study drawing fundamentals. It won't be fun for anxious people who want to draw like an expert in few days, but it's necessary. Volume, basic forms, lines, perspective... that's all subjects you must learn.
When you master the basics of forms, you can start the next step: anatomy study. How the human body works? Try to study bones, muscles, joints and proportions for each gender and age. Also study poses, motion and gesture drawing.
You can make beautiful drawings only in grayscale and black ink, studying values to make them look great. But colors have its importance and impact, so take a look on color theory.
For this step I strongly recommend to study photography composition. Rule of thirds, balance, focus, leading lines, point of view and depthness are subjects you need to know.
Stylization and Exaggeration
After practicing drawing in a classic way, you can study about styles. Yes, I don't recommend you to begin learning drawing in anime or cartoon style, because they're based on abstractions that will disturb your art comprehension if you're a beginner. But after mastering the human anatomy, then you can try to understand why some characters have exaggerated proportions or expressions, and how to use the exaggeration as a tool.
Landscape, animals, objects and more
Actually you can study these subjects since the beginning, but I like to recommend studying them after you study human anatomy because when you draw, you're projecting your view of the world, and the world has human scales for you. "Man is the measure of all things", said Protagoras.
Intention, Storytelling and Context
Images usually tell a story and have an intention. Everything you make have a purpose, even if you don't think about it consciously. Every image has a history, social context and cultural meaning, so be aware about the message you're trying to express to your audience.
Be careful of stranger's opinions
Nowadays we have many online spaces where we can share our works and ask for criticism. Be careful: you'll see a lot of suggestions and tips from many different people that might confuse you. If you're a beginner, avoid these places and learn to make self-criticism. Ask only to closest, trustworthy people.
Drawing costs time, but keep studying!
If you're a beginner and started to study fundamentals and anatomy right now, probably you will notice that you won't improve a lot in a day. You will draw for more two weeks, a month and a year, and maybe you won't be drawing like your favorite artist. It's perfectly normal, drawing takes a lot of time for improving. Be patient and enjoy your process!
At last but not least...
There many ways to learn to drawing. You can follow up my tips here, but feel free to disagree. But remember, drawing is a skill that you need to practice a lot to get better, it's not a natural knowledge.
Also, I personally prefer to start learning drawing with paper and pencil. You can use digital if you wish, but for the beginning I think it's better to develop your self-confident on traditional media, where you don't have tricks like Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+T. Don't throw away your studies and mistakes, they're important to see your progress later.
Have fun!
Drawing Workshop, by Lucy Watson Anatomy for the Artist, by Sarah Simblet Interaction of Color, by Josef Albers
Drawing Characters in Motion, by Lexin Yuan Figure Drawing Fundamentals, by Proko
Blue Period, by Tsubasa Yamaguchi
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one-boring-person · 4 years
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I loved writing this idea, so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! Thanks for requesting @jawline-of-steel !💛💛
You Wanted To Talk To Me?
Edgar Frog x reader
Warnings: mentions of injury
A/N: this is heavily referenced to my other series, Only Traitors Consort With The Damned, which you can find on the masterlist.
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"Man, just talk to her." Alan rolls his eyes as they stumble through the training course together, wet mud slicking their trousers and shirt fronts, hair and clothes soaked through from the pelting rain, bodies trembling from how hard they've been working.
"Talk to who?" Edgar responds, playing dumb as they throw themselves at a climbing wall, chests smashing painfully into the solid surface.
Neither if them speak for a minute as they haul themselves upwards, cresting the wall with some difficulty as their leaden arms struggle to hold their weight, their muscles screaming in protest, though they both manage it. From the top, the rest of the course is visible, a few other cadets just ahead of them, each of the pairs released from the starting point in "waves" so that they can be timed. Both of the boys sigh out audibly as they take in the view, not taking too much time as they swiftly climb to their feet and leap from the top, reaching for the heavy ropes hanging from a structure across from them, the rough material grazing their hands painfully as they slip down it a little. Ignoring the discomfort, they swing their legs in time with the momentum of the rope and kick off it, landing on a far platform, rolling as they land, ending up face first in yet more dirt, signifying the beginning of a net crawl.
"You know who I mean, Edgar. (Y/n)! You should talk to her." Alan manages to explain, voice strained from the exertion required to pull his body through thick mud.
"Why should I talk to her?" Edgar grits out, hands scrabbling frantically in the filth as he struggles to pull himself through this particular obstacle, glad to see the end if it not far out of sight.
"Because it's very obvious that you like her."
"I don't like her." The response is almost automatic, a reflex designed to protect his real feelings about their fellow trainee.
In truth, Edgar had had a crush on the girl for a good few months, having been interested in her as soon as he first laid eyes on her, nearly six months ago, when he and his brother signed up for the SRS. Neither of them had ever really thought about taking their vampire hunting that seriously, but this all changed when the dark-clad Soldiers converged on Santa Carla, their hometown, a couple of years ago, hunting down one of their own, who was seen as a traitor. The hooded men had come into the comic shop searching for some help, only to be confused by the Frog's zealous attitude and rough introduction to the supernatural side of the town, swiftly recognising potential in them. When their Hunt was over, the result of which they never found out, the men returned to the shop, offering to enlist them in the training program as soon as they turned the correct age, stating that the minimum age for joining the SRS is sixteen. Now at that age, the Frog brothers were quick to travel to New Orleans, where they found the headquarters and signed up, completing the theory section with flying colours before they moved onto the physically demanding practical side: hunting.
When they first started this stage, the two of them were easily overshadowed by some of the others in the group, despite already having four kills under their belts (so to speak), their smaller stature allowing some of the larger, physically stronger cadets to overtake them in the rankings, though it was much to their surprise when they found out one of the best was a girl named (Y/n). With a pretty much unknown backstory, the sixteen year old girl had shown up many of the other cadets, holding her own in many of the harder exercises, showing off her aptitude for shooting and fighting, flooring some of the most muscular rookies training with them with ease. It was no wonder Edgar developed a crush on her.
"Frog! I do hope you intend on moving soon, or you'll be stuck on clearing duty for a week!" A senior officer snaps at him from somewhere to his left, drawing him from his brief lapse into his head.
"Yes, ma'am!" He shouts back, knowing how they hate to be ignored.
"Get a move on!"
Gritting his teeth, Edgar follows his brother out onto the next stage - a variety of elevated logs providing bridges across a swampy areas of ground. In the pouring rain the logs have already become waterlogged, making them slippery and dangerous.
Approaching one, he leaps up and grabs the end of it, quickly heaving himself onto the narrow stretch of wood, catching his balance before he steadily steps along it, going with the incline as much as possible, biting his lip as his feet slip a little on the wood. Nearing the end of the log, he locates the closest one to it and jumps to it, landing shakily on the lifted end, repeating the process until he has safely crossed it, catching up to his brother as they run the last few kilometres across the marshy land, breathing heavily in the pouring rain. The finish line comes into view, the posts signifying its presence only just visible through the rain, the flags topping them slapping wetly against the poles they are attached to, concealing the familiar insignia of the SRS from view.
With one last push, Edgar and Alan throw themselves over the finish line, trying not to collapse in exhaustion as they quickly stretch out their stiffening muscles, neither of them saying a word until they've caught their breath back, going to stand with the other cadets who have already finished it.
"One hour, fourteen minutes and forty-three seconds. Not bad, Frogs, not bad." The drillmaster informs them as they get close, the two of them brightening up slightly at the sound of that; it's a new personal best.
"Nice one, you two." A familiar voice congratulates them, the two of them turning to find (Y/n) standing there, a genuine smile on her features, mud striping her cheeks like war paint, most likely the result of her team mate getting a little over-zealous on one of the obstacles.
"Thanks." Alan smiles back, looking to Edgar as he struggles to reply.
"Err, yeah, thanks, you did really well, too." He finally manages, blushing as he looks away, suddenly feeling very hot.
"Thank you." She acknowledges, making eye contact briefly before turning away, going back to her team mate.
"You're smitten." Alan rolls his eyes, looking over at his brother in exasperation.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Stop trying to hide it, Edgar, I'm your brother, I see all these things."
The drillmaster's words ring clearly in Edgar's head as he steps through the darkened corridors, making his way in and around broken furniture and piles of ceiling debris, his helmet limiting his vision greatly.
"Don't get caught off guard, or they'll have your ass for breakfast."
Of course, you'd hope that he was being metaphorical, but the cadets are all aware of one fact: he isn't. Not when they've all been tasked with clearing an abandoned hospital of the supernatural beings squatting there, particularly the wraithes and their carnivorous tendencies, most of which are to blame for the hospital's fall in the first place.
A piece of glass shattering behind him snaps him from his thoughts, the sound instilling a sense of fear into him as he slowly turns, freezing in place when he sees a shape in the hallway behind him. From where he is, he can't tell what it is, but he knows it won't hesitate to kill him, so he lifts the gun in his hands to shoulder level, cocking it gingerly, body shaking in fear. Aiming steadily, he let's the flashlight roam across the shape, only to let out a breath when he sees what, or rather who, it is.
"(Y/n)?!" He hisses out to her, surprised that she is in this part of the building.
"Edgar? Is that you?" Her voice floats back over to him, the cadet holding up a hand to shield her eyes from the bright light.
"Yeah, it's me. You found anything yet?" He responds, secretly pleased that she actually remembers his name.
"No. Have you?" She clarifies, coming over to him, her gun held comfortably over her abdomen as she stays prepared, ready to shoot anything dangerous.
"Not yet."
"That's good." She looks him in the eye, "I kinda wanted to talk to you, though this probably isn't the best time."
Edgar gazes at her, surprised at what she is saying, an eyebrow lifting under the visor of his protective helmet.
"You wanted to talk to me?" He asks, incredulous.
"Yeah, I do." She nods, looking away again, her fingers tapping nervously on the stock of the gun.
"What about?"
She is silent for a minute, before she takes a deep breath and responds, relaxing her shoulders as she tries to stay calm.
"I just wanted to tell you about how I feel about you. Edgar, I know this is weird because we don't really know each other, and you probably don't feel the same way, but I, well, I like you. A lot."
There is an awkward moment of quiet between us as he tries to figure out how to respond correctly.
"You...you like me?" He finally manages to ask, not quite believing what he heard before.
"Yeah, I do. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just thought you should know." (Y/n) explains, going to move past him, before he stops her with a hand on her arm.
"(Y/n), I've had a crush on you for the longest time, I just didn't know how to tell you." He informs her, waiting for a reaction.
"Yeah. Just ask my brother, he figured it out pretty quickly."
She smiles beneath her visor, clearly much happier now that the initial worry is over.
"I'm glad. Maybe when we get some free time, we could go on a date?" She suggests, adjusting her grip on the weapon.
Edgar smiles back at her.
"I'd like that."
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haku-kirin · 5 years
Simple Money/Success attraction spell taught to me by Odin
A while back I reached out and invoked Odin to show me a spell (I was inspired) on attracting abundance.
I put off writing it because I wanted to wait to learn it after I performed my ritual cleansing - Odin had other thoughts and taught me it before my cleanse. This is one of the easiest spells he taught me yet most powerful, probably because it deals with his runes and the usage of Gäldr. Alright - let's get to it.
Step one: Cleanse
Cleansing is vital. It keeps all negative energies away and helps you maintain focus. You can perform a cleanse in any type of way for example:
Getting a wet wash cloth and wiping it over your body, visualize dirt, pollution, negativity, anything malicious or harmful being absorbed into it and then being drained away after you rinse it. Make sure to wipe your third eye and crown, this cleanses negative thought process and doubt. Complete confidence is needed.
Having a dish/bowl filled with water and mixed with salt/black pepper, scoop the water and rub it on your skin (gently now). Once again - visualize any negativity and maliciousness being gone. Always cleanse your third eye and chakra.
A shower. The closest we can get to rain (lol), as you shower visualize negativity, dirt, and malice being pulled off of you from your crown to your root. (Head to your toes)
Once you've cleansed, change into clean clothes (if you want to go the extra mile and you've asked a god/goddess to help in your cleansing). This makes you more attractive and easier to work with if any good spirits or gods/goddesses wish to join in and take part in your casting. Especially Odin since he enjoys good hygiene.
Take care of yourselves.
Step two: Application
You've cleansed and you're in good, clean clothes, excellent. It's time to go get a gold/yellow marker.
Take the marker and draw Fehu on your right palm. What is 'Fehu' you ask? This is what it looks like and what it attracts:
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By drawing Fehu upon your flesh, you are attracting whatever it evokes directly to you. This gives quick results and powerful outcomes. Rune magick is very powerful but it can be chaotic if not used right and you can end up ruining things in your life if it isn't applied properly.
To attract or repel or negate where you apply runes can make or break it and how you combine, mix, or have them set up can fuck things up. This is why studying and learning them should be the very - VERY first thing you do before you use them in witchcraft.
I spent months deconstructing and reconstructing other rune formulas, studying and writing in runes before I could even fully grasp their power. I still am trying to understand them. Runes are a limitless power and you can do an infinite amount of things with them. But you can only make it happen if you have the right formulas and understanding of these powerful symbols given from Odin himself.
How else did Odin become All-Father? Even he has transcended beyond the thinkable through the power of them. It is how he became unbeatable. It is how he goes beyond reality, beyond life and death.
Step three: Formation
"Lets get in formation" - Beyonce, the Queen Bee herself
Find a peaceful place and take your meditative stance. Lying down, sitting criss crossed, anyway as long as it relaxes you.
Have your palms turned upright, breathe in, breathe out. Clear your mind, relax, prep yourself and sit upright (straighten out your back or just be firm in your positioning).
Have your intent recited in your head;
"I attract abundance and success."
"I have my unlimited sources for abundance open."
Repeat that for a bit, consider it a warm-up, a prep before the fingering. We always do foreplay first, guys.
Step four: Chant
Your intent is set. You feel confident, you are ready. It's time to do it.
Begin to chant "Fay-Who" (Fehu) in a deep, low drawn out tone. Feel the energy of your chant and visualize the rune that is inscribed on your right palm.
See the gold around it. See the money. See your paths unblocked.
Breathe in, breathe out, chant again.
Keep doing this until you feel you have invoked Fehu in your life. Let your chanting take you.
When you are done - you will know and you will open your eyes or take that last deep breath. It is normal to feel exhausted. That means the spell is sent.
The Aftermath
The deed is done and you have returned to the plane of the physical. Fehu has you no more but it is still imprinted upon you.
Leave it on your flesh for a bit longer, if you feel weird sensations (not from the potency of the ink you've used to inscribe it) on your hand from it, it's also a good sign of it's power manifesting itself.
Do not leave it on for too long or else it'll fade out, rinse it off and dry your hands. Give thanks to Odin if you felt his presence and say thank you to any unknown spirits/deities who helped.
If you are atheistic, give yourself a pat on the back. Nice work.
You'll see results.
If you use this spell I'm deeply interested in your results as well. Please send me a message of how it went for you!
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