#but its an hour and 40 minutes after i get off so i need to be able to wait somewhere and ideally i would like to eat something beforehand
kirishwima · 1 year
is it reaaally a shitty shift if the ER doctor doesnt snap at you?
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
there's an artist I rly like not naming names but one of their ocs looks EXACTLY like [redacted person ik irl] and it always makes me double take whenever they draw them bc for a second im always like ohhh.. that's them..... but they wouldn't do that... it makes me feel soo strange
0 notes
pedge-page · 5 months
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife #10 : Snack Time
Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Summary: Momma bird hungry for all the snacks in the world. Takes some time and frustration before Joel figures out the exact kind of snack you really want.
Warnings: Pregnant reader, Angry!Joel, oral M!receiving, face fucking, throat bulge, throat-pie, dumbification, junk food binge, eating meat, bossy reader as always
18+ ONLY
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Joel didn’t know he married the Hungry Hungry Hippo, Galactus the planet devourer, Garfield the tabby cat.
You’re on your phone texting while cuddling Joel. He’s more interested in the movie than you are, but that doesn’t stop him from tracing his finger along your arm, occasionally kissing the top of your head and nuzzling his nose. He loves the scent of your shampoo after a wash, damp and cold against his warm chest. Sometimes you protest how closely he wants to cuddle you, all smushed up on the couch. Your body temp skyrocketed with the baby changing everything. But since he’s keep the AC on full blast, your warm heavy body keeps him from being a popsicle.
The landlines chimes in from the kitchen.
He rolls his eyes. Of course, something to interrupt the comfort that took 40 minutes for you to settle into. "I'll get it,” He grumbles quickly and hoists himself up off the couch. He wants to make whoever the fuck is calling at such a late hour a quick convo. If it’s fucking Tommy needing bailed out again, he thinks begrudgingly, I’ll just hang up on him. 
He clears his throat and answers: “Hello, Miller Residents.”
"Can you get me a bowl of Cap'n crunch while you're up?"
He glances back over at you sitting up on the couch, your cell to your ear as you wave at him. you point to your belly mouthing I T S  F O R  T H E  B A B Y.
It’s for the baby, my ass. You’ve been a hungry hungry hippo who’s been snacking like crazy and ignoring the doctor’s warnings. 
But cranky Momma is way worse than a scolding doctor. 
He grits his teeth and slams the receiver a little too hard down on the desk.
You can hear him shuffling around in the kitchen, a clash of a bowl on the counter  and the jingle of overly processed cereal filling it up. 
He walks back into the living room. You’ve taken up the whole couch now, with no inclination to move over to let him back on.
You shove a fist into the bowl and pop a bunch of the crunchy orange squares into your mouth “f’anks” you mumble, eyes not once making contact with him as you stare ahead and much away. Crumbs fall onto your chest and down to the floor and sofa, as if Joel hadn’t just cleaned all of it this morning.
The next night, Joel's cooking some steaks. You weren’t really a meat-crazed person, having maybe one or two helpings of poultry or occasionally red beef a week, but normally ,you could go without it for a few meals without thinking about it. 
Pregnant momma? She was a fucking carnivore. He had barely set the sizzling steak down before you snatch one onto your plate. He turns around to slice into one, checking its temp before serving, only to see it was a bit too red and bloodied on the inside.
"Oh babe I gotta cook these a little longer; they're too rare--"
You were hacking away and tearing a large chunks of the red, near pulsing meat, juices pouring out your lips, a vampire gorged on a fat blood sucking meal. Despite its tenderness, you chew endlessly and stare off into the table like a Llama enjoying its food on the field. 
"Maybe...we should—slow down a bit,” he suggests with uncertainty. His fork and knife frozen in midair, still in each hand. He hasn’t shifted view or blinked, but clear worry (and maybe a tad bit of fear) stretch across his face.
"Uighgrrfmggmmdeeofxsw,” you reply with gargled cow remains sloshing in your wide open trap. 
 “Right. That."
You swallow what’s left. Joel’s does a double take: your steak is somehow gone, juice licked clean off the plate in front of you.
“Can I have yours???"
He had only sliced 4 cuts  for himself so far. But the hungry look in your pupils, licking your lips while watching his dinner, it’s clear you’ve answered for him. He sadly sets his cutlery down and slides his plate to you. 
Its even more interesting when you douse it in salt and throw a slab of butter on top of it, watching it melt before slicing a big chunk off.
"You gotta watch the salt intake—“
“—Can you make chicken? I want chicken now.”
“N-no,” he shakes his head, whiplash from the conversation. Maybe you’ve gone def AND blind AND lost your taste buds. “I made steak. You've had 2 steaks now. Why do you need chicken?”
“That second one was for the baby. The chicken is for me.”
“What about the fist one?”
“….We split that.”
“Awfully hungry baby,” he says with a dead tone, straight faced as he eats the one roll left in the basket that hasn’t been devoured by you. 
“Well she’s yours, isn’t she?” 
You wipe your face with a napkin, a fried chicken leg and wing now securely packed tight in your tum tum along with the famished baby.
"What's for dessert?" You chime eagerly.
Joel turns to wash the dishes, hiding his smirk. He’s got you now, no surprise cravings will catch him short on this one: He boasts proudly, “I bought you apple pie--"
"I want cupcakes. Whip cream icing. Chocolate.”
His grin quickly deflates into a frown. “No.” He says sternly, a little aggravated. “I bought you pie—“
"Did I say I want pie? L I S T E N,” you snap, slapping your palms together with each syllable. 
He puts his foot down with tense sudsy hands going to his hips. “No. I'm not going out again.”
You raise your eyebrows threateningly. One look.
30 minutes later Joel is shuffling into the house with a pack of 12 cupcakes he bought at the bakery.
You’ve managed to prop yourself up on the couch after some heaving. “Ha! The baby is making me workout get strong! Obviously that’s why I’m so hungry.” You shrug it off. “Oh! I want raw cookie dough.”
Joel was on his phone the entire time, but the second you said I want, his brain queued in and he quickly retorts, “No.”
He goes back to replaying the voicemail he missed, settled and focused on the opposite couch.
Of course he Doesn't realize you’ve somehow lumbered up past him and now waddling back with 4 chunks of raw cookies in your hand, popping them in your mouth one at a time.
His eyes dark up to watch you, transfixed on the screen as you bend your knees, hardly paying attention to the way you’re about to fall on the couch. He has half the mind to help, but what’s one lesson you need to learn the hard way?
Regretfully, you bounce down successfully and pull your legs up.
And then, as you dust your hands off from the chocolate stains melted on your palms, Joel’s lips part in a o as you reach behind you and pulling an entire gallon container of animal crackers. 
"Wha?” You don’t turn around to look at him, still shoveling them into your mouth. “Yuu wan wan?"
"You need to stop eating every damn thing in the house.”
You gasp incredulously, your hand over your heart in painful offense. “The baby is very hungry! She's related to you and that belly.”
He only remembers to stop himself from reminding you that your belly is much bigger than his now. 
"The baby—“ (that was the new thing now: the baby  this baby that. The baby is why I need this shirt in blue and green. The baby is why I need the ice cream layered horizontally not stacked vertically. The baby —)
"No. Not the baby,” he snaps. “You."
You start to cry. "I thought I AM your baby!!!" 
He gives you a “seriously” look and you stop the fake tears.
“So how about it?”
“I don’t want you getting salmonella.”
“ugh fine. You can bake them I guess.”
He’s about to protest the idea of any dough going into your body, cooked or raw, but knows its going to be a lost cause.
Joel makes you a platter of Assorted cookies: chocolate chip, fudge, triple chocolate, sugar, and oatmeal raisin.
You clap your hands as he carefully places the little plate atop your bump. Humored by the custom “mini” table you’ve got going on now. Maybe his baby doesn’t like her head being used as a countertop, but with the way you close your eyes and moan after biting into the chocolate chip, babygirl must be pleased too.
He goes to the bathroom quickly and then comes back only to glare down at you. You've taken exactly one bite out of every single cookie, leaving crescent shapes for him to scathe.
Every cookie, except oatmeal raisin. You clearly did take a bite ,but spit it out and put the lump back near the undesirable #1 cookie.
“These mine?” Joel asks bemused.
You nod happily. You felt very proud to have enough control and leave him some this time! 
It’s about 9:30 pm. You're acting drunk and woozy even tho you're just a new level of tired and achy
"Woopppoooooo!!! Paaartttaaayyy!" You shout with fists in the air, drinking down a shot glass of sugar water. 
“Alright party Momma. It’s bedtime.” 
"Ppfffttt! No old man! Dont steal my fun.”
Joel stands over the couch, blocking your view from the TV, his hands on his hips. “You're being difficult "
“YoU’rE bEiNg DifFicUlT,” you mock and wave him off. "Oop I need to pee. Help me up.”
Joel” grabs both your grabby hands and hoists you up to your feet. “Now up the stairs, you.”
You waddle towards the stairwell, one hand cupping your lower back. Joel is right at your heel. you up at the treaturous journey ahead, all 8 steps to the top floor. Cracking your neck side to side, you wave your arms over to the handrail and begin: “Left foot. Right foot. Left. Fuck. Fuck stairs. Who invented stairs. Left foot…”
Joel’s so sleepy that he nearly falls forward. And he knows you would not take too kindly to him ramming his face into your ass as you battle your worst enemy.
Finally to the top, you scurry over like a penguin to the bathroom. He fears the long night ahead, with all the sugar swirling in your system undoubtedly going to keep him up.
He rubs his wears eyes. Startled when a moment later you’re right next to him by your side of the bed, patiently waiting for him to help you up.
"Get in the covers,” he hums with exhaustion.
But you don’t move. “No"
"I want an orange.”
"No. You—you just had your snack."
"That was the baby's snack. I want MY snack”.
Dear Christ almighty, bless me with a boy next time so that I have a fighting chance against her and mini her. “If I get you an orange, will you go to bed?" He asks irritably, his voice enunciating each word to ensure the contract that he’s making with you right now is solidified on both ends of the bargain.
You think it over before nodding with a little innocent beam. 
You crawl into the covers just as Joel descends the stairs once again. It takes the entire time for him to grab some oranges, a peeler, and paper towel just for you to rotate your middle and sit your ass in bed.
You sit up against the headboard and clap your hands, so excited when he reappears with the goods. He puts the towel on your mini-table bump and plops one orange atop.
Joel sighs and begins to walk towards his side of the bed, but is haunted when you clear your throat for his attention.
"Peel it.”
He tries not to visibly roll his eyes before he's opening the round orange with his large fingers and clubbed nails. Everything smells like nectarine now.
Picky as can be, you peel off the extra dried white veiny bits and suck on each pod of the orange.
You expect a sweet simpleness to squirt on your tongue, but instead, a sour, bitter, unripe taste floods your mouth. “Ugh these are gross, now I want—“
Joel closes his wardrobe drawer, his shirt off and only halfway down to his boxers. “NO. NO means fucking NO. I’M TIRED. YOU’RE TIRED. WE'RE GOING TO BED. NOW,” he barks sternly into the mirror. His shoulders huffing from such aggression without being able to look at you.
You throw the covers off, orange skin and slices flying everywhere.
“Fuck you! I want ice cream! I want bananas and steak and potatoes and tacos and—!" 
He bares his teeth in a snarl, deep angered eyes casting downward with each poignant rut. “You're so annoying, so goddamn spoiled,” he grunts. His huge hands are wrapped around the top of your head and  cupping your jaw and bulging cheek, keeping you in place as he pushes his length into your mouth over and over again. “You’re gonna do shit when I tell you, the first time I say—shit—fuck there we go—gonna listen—unnggghhfff—listen ta me from now on. Just be my good little silent. Slutty. Pregnant. Wife.”
Your teary eyes are fixed upward at his imposing figure. Feeling each time his tip nudges the back of your throat has you gagging but you can’t pull away to breathe—not that you want to.
“You get—what I give ya—and you be grateful bout it.”
You gargle a moan in agreement. His balls slap against your chin with brutal punches. by this time tomorrow, there will be Joel-finger prints bruising your face and neck.
You love it. You love it when Joel forces you out of the hormonal phase of bossing him around, the endless need to want more and more, no end in sight to your greedy gluttonous desires, until he’s blowing up and blowing off steam using you instead. And it becomes very clear to you how much you just really wanted him this whole time. 
“That’s it—that’s it—you were hungry for my cock weren’t ya? Yeahhhh. Just begging me all night for it. Wanted all that meat for dinner, huh? Couldn’t just come out n’ say it? Your little brain didn’t know what ya truly needed. S’okay, Momma. I’m takin’ care of ya, aren’t I?”
The gluglugglug sounds mixed with strained pitchy whines echo in the master bedroom.
You grip his thighs with your hands to steady yourself, allowing him to abuse your throat. Maybe your knees hurt. Maybe the baby is settling uncomfortably against your lower back, and maybe it’s going to be really difficult to get up from this position in a few minutes. But each thick throb of his length filling your mouth over and over again, the spit slick strings dropping from your lips to your swollen tits, and the dent in your throat from his cock stretching to accomodate his size has your swollen pussy dripping into the carpet for more, more, more. 
It’s been at least a week since Joel drained himself. No wonder he’s been so on edge with each demand. Usually marveling how cute you are, but tonight he was at him limit. You were about to get a hefty, Joel Miller sized load filling your belly, and it’s going to be better than any cookie, steak, or orange in the entire world.
He feels the way your lips suction tighter. Your eyes are leaking tears, and he smirks as he brushes his thumb over to collect it. Briefly bringing it to his tongue and sucking on the salty taste before holding your head in place. 
“Shhh-shhhhhhhh. You gonna take it? Shit—shit—fuck yeah you are. Gonna fuckin take what I give ya, that’s right. My sweet wife. Bossing me around. Shit. Love when ya get like this. Known I’m gonna wreck that ass or that pussy or that mouth—all belongs to me. Fuck—fuck—fuuckk—“
His mouth drops into an o, brows drawn tightly together as slams his pulsing member balls deep into your mouth one final time. You choke, eyes wide as the tip of his cock breaches the deepest part of your throat, your nose suffocated by his pubic hairs and the fat of his lower belly surrounding your cheeks. His balls twitch against your lower lip, and you feel it coming. The travel of his seed from his sack, up his shaft along your tongue—a generous spurt of cum finally shooting from his tip and down your throat. You gag with each fat load that he pumps down your esophagus, too much to swallow at once yet having no other choice but to gulp it down quickly. Your face feels hot. He’s cumming endlessly, your mind blanking and eyes feeling blurry.
“Take it, take it, take it, that’s it,” he hisses through clenched teeth.
You nod just a little, hugging your arms around his thick thighs tighter. He grins, humming “That’s my good fucking wife, and throws his head as the last of his pleasure makes its way safely from his sated balls to your full womb.
Joel pulls you off his length gently. You sputter out cum and saliva onto his feet, sucking in air through your lungs like a newborn. 
Joel gets to one knee, his thumb pressed gently under your chin so you look directly at him. He’s got such softness in his eyes again, the ones that just switch on a dime the second he’s satisfied his aggress out on you. 
You’re completely wrecked: snot spit connecting to your nostrils and swollen lips, cheeks warm and eyes puffy and hazy with exhaustion and tears.
“That—mmffffgg!—was—definitely—my—snack,” you rasp with a hoarse voice. A lazy grin spread across your face only briefly as you continue to suck air.
Joel shakes his head before planting a long kiss atop your forehead. his hands glide along your body, and just in time as your knees give way and you’re falling into him. 
If you had half the mind right now, you’d curse him out for scooping you up and carrying you to bed like his once youthful bride, too concerned with the size and weight of your new body putting unnecessary stress on his aging knees and back. But Joel doesn’t protest once. Just watches you with loving eyes as he settles you into the soft bed. His tongue dips to your chest and breasts, kissing and sucking away any remnants of his rough face fucking. His cum, your spit, and fuvk it, even the little snot specks—all of it he cleans up before coming up to your lips. He kisses you softly with gentle pecks, enough to ensure you can still catch your breath. He sucks your lower lip into your mouth before wiping his own with his thumb. You’re calmer now, sated and drifting so close to sleep.
Joel clambers into bed next to you, wrapping his arm under your head and swaddling you close. You instinctively roll into his embrace. Kissing his peck and rubbing your face against him dreamily with soft breaths. “Tha hit ther spert juss rite. Ur da bess, Jol.”
“I know. So are you.” He waits for a reply, but nothing comes from you. “Are you goin’ into a food coma, baby?”
Your gentle snores answer him, along with the drool now pooling on his peck.
He chuckles and pulls your head into his face, inhaling your scent. Strong, secure, graceful hands caress your big belly. Your very very full belly, the one that he’s not going to envy when it gives you a the tummy ache tomorrow from stuffing it with so much junk food tonight. 
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@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop
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nylibrty · 2 months
— (you make me wanna) slip off a new dress
OR.  when  stewie  sees  you  after  her  gold  medal  win,  and  she  just  has  to  have  you.
msg  from  sen  :  my  first  fic  back!!!!!  so  sorry  if  this  is  a  lil  rusty  </3
also…  for  the  sake  of  this  fic,  js  pretend  like  they  aren't  playing  in  lilles  (i  didnt  want  to  write  in  a  2  hour  bus  ride  lmfao)
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the buzz in the air was palpable, every player walking off the court to go see their partners and families in the stands after their gold medal win. breanna walked over to you, sweat dripping down her face, her muscles flexed from the last 40 minutes of constant movement, and a bright gold medal hanging from her neck. she looked good.
you were so happy for her, but you also couldn't help your mind wondering off to what she might look like on top of you. you'd seen it many times before, but seeing her like that after her winning a gold medal made you just as aroused.
“hi baby,” she grinned, her hands lacing into your hair and pushing you close to her, interlocking lips with a fiery passion. you could tell—from the fervor of her movements—that she had the same intentions as you. she needed you, the adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she just had to get it out. it took everything in her to step away from you.
“meet me back at the hotel in an hour, okay?” she mumbles, her sticky forehead sticking to yours.
you nodded, giving her one last kiss before she walked away to reunite with her teammates in the locker room. you made your way back to the hotel, picking up champagne from a local store on the way. 
an hour later, you were laid out on the plush bed, clad in red lingerie. your finger lazily making its way down your body, teasing yourself until your lover got home. too busy lost in the sensation of your own fingers against your fabric covered nipples to notice the hotel door opening. breanna closed the door gently behind her, and stalked towards you. you only noticed her when you felt the bed dip under her weight. she was changed out of her jersey and was in a hoodie and sweats now. her hair was damp and the gold medal still hung from her neck. she crawled up the bed, coming up to kiss you.
her lips met yours, with much more passion than the last time you two kissed in the arena. “red set, huh?” she smirked, her hands running over the lacy details, groping your tits gently. a soft gasp fell from your lips, her hands against you felt so much better than yours. no matter how much you try, your own hands and fingers will never feel as good as breanna's, so you're grateful she's always there. 
“mhm, jus' for you,” you mumbled in between gasps while she sucked on your neck. she sucked and bit marks into your neck, not caring about people potentially seeing it the next day. after successfully covering your neck in purple and pink marks, she pulled herself up and started to take off the medal so she can take off her hoodie.
“keep the medal on, please…” you whined. a smug smirk came across her face as she took off the hoodie and her sports bra underneath, throwing them haphazardly across the hotel room.
a moan fell from your lips as you studied her toned upper body in nothing but a gold medal. it made you even more aroused, you were sure you damn near soaked the sheets from the sight. she leaned forward again, sucking and biting against your skin again. she unclipped the upper half of your lingerie set, moving down your body and latching her lips onto your nipple. the cold metal laid against your stomach, the mixed sensations of her hot mouth against your tit and the cold metal against your stomach made your brain go fuzzy. you were desperate for her to do something more, needing her to touch you.
you let out incoherent babbles and whines, praying she gets the hint. breanna's head perks up, her once soft blue eyes are now darker and swirling with a haze of lust. “use your words babygirl,” she purred, her accent peaking out.
“touch me, please.” 
“where, baby?” she asked, smirking at your frustrations when you whined again.
you grabbed her hand, guiding it down to your heated core. “clit, bre—please,”
“good girl.” she smiled, slipping the red lacy panties to the side and running her finger through your slick folds. you cried out, throwing your head back against the pillows. tension leaving your body as she gathered the slick and rubbed tight circles around your clit. 
“fuck bre,” you moaned, bucking your hips. she kissed you again, swallowing your moans as she slipped two fingers into you, gently thrusting them in and out of you. they made you feel so full, the sudden intrusion bringing you pure ecstasy. her fingers sped up, going faster and faster making you scream in pleasure. both you and breanna couldn't seem to care about your neighbors when she was knuckle deep in you. her abs flexed—the gold medal looking so good against the rippling muscle—as she fucked you, soft grunts leaving her lips. 
the thrusts became so much, you were getting so close. “bre, 'm close, please.” you whined, attempting to buck your hips but being held down by the weight of her on top of you.
“cum for me babygirl,” she purred against your ear, biting the lobe gently.
white hot heat rushed through you as you let go, moaning loudly as you gushed liquid. breanna kissed on you while she helped you ride out your high. “such a good girl,” she mumbled in your ear along with other strings of praises. 
after what felt like forever, you came back to yourself, feeling breanna's fingers gently pull out of you. bringing them up to your lips, prodding at your mouth.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Aemond Targaryen*Missed You
Pairing: modern!Aemond x f!reader
Word count: 2693
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Part two to Poloraids smut
Warnings: teasing, semi public grinding, make out, dry humping, nipple play, roleplay, dom Aemond, p in v sex, smut 18+
Masterlist here
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After Aemond’s risky phone call on Tuesday you spent the next three days desperately waiting for him to arrive. You made sure to send him the remaining polaroid express the next morning per his request but now all you had to do was wait.
Three days had never felt so long but as you sat in your Friday classes your mind was anywhere but the class material. All your kind could do was think about all the things you missed about Aemond. His smell, his tight hugs, his laugh, his adorable smile, and of course his hands all over your body. 
"Well, I think that about covers chapter 16," your lecturer said as the slides flickered off and the classroom went dim as everyone began to pack up, "Have a good weekend everyone and don't forget your papers due on Tuesday next week,"
Unlike your fellow classmates who groaned at the idea of studying over the weekend you didn't care as you'd done it all in the past couple nights as a way to distract yourself from your impending visit. You quickly rushed from your lecture hall to your dorm, saying a very hurried goodbye to your friends who all had been made aware of Aemond’s visit and wolf whistled as you ran out the class.
As you arrived at your dorm you saw your roommate sara putting on her makeup at her desk that acted as her vanity. “You are going out tonight?” You asked, trying to seem casual as you unpacked your bag.
She hummed her yes as she finished applying her lipstick, “Yeah, are you needing the room tonight?”
“Well, it’s just,” you said as you felt your face grow hot. You weren’t sure why the idea of admitting you wanted her gone to get laid was so embarrassing, but you found yourself tripping over your words, “It’s just cause Aemond, my boyfriend, I told you about him I think, well he’s coming over so like I just wanted to know- “you rambled as sara spun round in her chair, mouth dropped before quickly turning into a smile.
“The dorm is yours tonight,” she grinned as she jumped out her chair, “Its about time you got some, look at you go,” she said as she shoved your shoulder with a jokey grin that at least helped settle your nerves. “Sit, sit,” she said as she led you over to her desk chair, “When does he get here? How much time do I have?”
“Time? For what?” You asked as you quickly checked Aemond’s text, “He said he’s like an hour away,”
Sara sighed, placing her hands on your shoulders, “I can do it in 40 minutes. We gotta make you look good. You’ve not seen him in how long?”
“Four weeks,” you said with a deflated sigh, “It’s been hell,”
“Just trust me. Im gonna have you looking gorg for him getting here,” sara said as she began to take your hair out your pony and get to work. You hadn’t expected to become close with sara after your first week here but surprisingly as she did your hair and makeup you seemed to click instantly. Finally, something in common you thought but also wow she was doing a good job.
For the first time in the month, you had been here you got dolled up and now you remembered why it felt so good, “Right im gonna go now so you can get changed and be all hot and ready for Aemond,” Sara said as she snatched up her bag, “i’ll just crash at Jaces so yous will have the place to yourselves,”
“Thanks, you’re the best,” you said as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
“I know,” sara grinned as she headed to the door, “Have fun and be safe. This room can’t fit a crib,”
You laughed as she shut the door before turning towards your drawers to fish out some lingerie. Aemond had made comment over the phone that the dark red bodysuit looked particularly hot so that was a no brainer. After that you quickly slipped his hoodie over the top and before eventually deciding on a plaid skirt to complete the academic aesthetic you had tried to achieve at college. As you slipped the skirt on your phone buzzed.
Aem - Just parked outside your building love. Where should I go?
You – i’ll meet you down there 2 secs Aemy
You quickly grabbed your keys and phone before practically sprinting to the elevator. When you finally got outside your eyes scanned the parking lot and you instantly grinned when you saw Aemond stood leaning on his car he had affectionally named Vhagar. You could see his smile from the steps of your building when he spotted you rushing down the steps.
“Hey- “Aemond went to say as you flung yourself into his arms and he began to chuckle as he wrapped them tight around you, “i’ve missed you too sweetheart,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
After a few moments you pulled back, your eyes slightly glazed over despite him finally being here, “Im so happy you came,”
“Me too love,” Aemond said softly as he gave you the first kiss in a month. It was slow and soft and perfect but not what you wanted to do in the middle of a parking lot, “Lets head in love,” Aemond said, reading your mind as you began to lead him to the doors. “You look stunning by the way,” Aemond said as he held the front door open for you.
You giggled as if it was your first date as you lead him to the elevator, “You’re gonna make me blush,” you laughed as you pressed the button to the fifth floor.
Aemond moved to step behind you as the doors shut and you gasped when you felt his hands suddenly grab your hips, pulling your ass to grind into his now apparent hard on, “Maybe I like it when you blush,” he said, leaning down to let his breath fan against your ear.
“What if the door opens!” You squealed, moving to push his hands away but he slipped them down only to slip them up under your skirt.
“How can you look that good and expect me not to touch you?” He asked, kissing your earlobe as his hands squeezed your upper thighs, “You’ve got me hard just from looking at you love,” he said, his hand ghosting over your panties, “You shouldn’t be such a tease,” Aemond said despite his fingers now rubbing over your clothed clit making you whine lowly.
The growing want in your stomach outweighed any risk in your mind as you counted the floors you passed. Luckily as each floor passed the doors did not open but as you passed the fourth floor you used all your will to shove his hands off just before the door opens.
And thank the gods you did as the door opened and you were stood face to face with your RA Cregan Stark who would have defiantly torn you a new one for doing that in an elevator. You quickly rushed out of the elevator, Aemond keeping close behind you to try hide his hard on for any passersby. You quickly unlocked your door and shut it even quicker behind Aemond as you were both finally alone. You turned your back for a moment to lock the door and as soon as you turned back Aemond’s hands were cupping your face, stepping closer till your back was against the door. His lips crashed onto yours and wordlessly you both knew what the other wanted.
Your hands tangled in that soft white hair you had missed so dearly while Aemond took the opportunity to slip his hands up your skirt once more. You gasped as he grabbed your ass, squeezing it tightly as he began to grind his cock into you, desperate for friction.
Aemond’s hands only left your ass to slip under the hoodie but as he felt the soft lacey fabric he pulled back with a cocky grin. “What’s this? He asked as he suddenly pulled the hoodie from your frame. The cool air hitting your nipples made them instantly perk as Aemond’s hands ran up your sides before landing on your breasts. “So, fucking hot,” he muttered as his lips crashed back onto yours, this time hungrier if that was possible as he began to squeeze your tits. “Such a fucking tease,” he mumbled against your lips.
You whined into the kiss as your hands to fell to his shoulders, pulling at the collar of his top. Aemond broke the kiss for only a moment to pull it off, tossing it to some corner of the room as his lips latched onto your neck. You moaned as he began to suck soft hickeys down your neck while his fingers began to trace the outline of your nipples. “Been dreaming about this,” he said as he left another hickey just under your collar bone, “squeezing these,” he said, his fingers beginning to roll your nipples between them making you gasp, “and fucking that desperate little pussy of yours,”
You whined as one of his hands moved to rub your clothed clit. “You want me to fuck you, don’t you? Fuck that cunt of yours till you can’t walk,” he said, his movements speeding up, “Isn’t that right princess?”
“Yes,” you said, not caring to hide your moans as you felt the pleasure bubbling in your stomach, “Please Aemond,” you began to beg, “I can’t wait any longer,”
“Naughty girls have to wait,” Aemond chastised, a smirk mixed between his desperate kisses, “Good girls earn what they get,” He said as he began to walk backwards, one hand gripping your hip tightly.
You moaned into the kiss, desperately following his steps to what you thought would be the bed, but you gasped as Aemond suddenly sat down, pulling you to straddle his lap on your desk chair. You whined when he moved his hand, but Aemond soon pulled you closer till you were grinding desperately onto his covered hard on.
You heard Aemond’s grunts and groans as the friction increased. His hands squeezed your hips tightly, grabbing your ass till you wondered if his fingerprints left bruises. “You want my cock?” Aemond asked, his breath rugged as you desperately nodded, “Then be a good girl and earn it,” he said, gently pushing your hips back.
You blushed as you quickly slipped off the chair making Aemond smirk in satisfaction as you took your place between his knees, “That’s my good girl,” Aemond said as your hands quickly undid his trousers. You pulled his trousers and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring out. It was already red around the tip, desperate for your touch as it twitched when you reached up to stroke it gently, “You wanna suck it baby?” He asked making you nod shyly, not even glancing up at him as your eyes were stuck on his length, “Okay love,” Aemond said, his hand moving to the back of your neck to gently guide you forward.
You started with a few kitten licks, just enough to make Aemond moan under his breath. Your hands moved to hold the bottom of his shaft as you slowly began to take him in your mouth. Aemond groaned as he felt his tip slip in, his hand resting on your head as the other clenched so hard his knuckles were white as you started to increase your pace. You reached your hands up to gently squeeze his balls making Aemond curse under his breath, his hand tightens in your hair, “Fuck you’re so good,” Aemond moaned before suddenly pulling you off with a pop as salvia covered his still hard cock, “Can’t cum yet baby. Didn’t come all this way to lose it in your mouth,” he said as he stood up, holding you by your jaw to gently lift you too.
Aemond lent down, kissing you deeply as he walked you back till your thighs hit your desk. You could feel yourself get wetter with excitement when you remembered how often he had brought up this very moment. Aemond pushed your hips, urging you to sit on the desk to which you gladly complied. His hands dug into the flesh of your hips as his tongue slid into the messy kiss.
Aemond pulled back for just a moment to grab his cock, sliding his tip slowly up your slit, “This is what you’ve been thinking of right?” Aemond said, smirking as you moaned, “Me fucking your brains out on this desk. Like some kinky professor roleplay. You even dress like the naughty schoolgirl,” he said, his fingers toying with the hem of your skirt before slipping under to squeeze your thighs, “You’re dripping at just the idea,” he said as he ran a finger up your slit, pushing your panties to the side.
“Please,” you whined as you began to press kisses along that hard jaw you had missed so much, “please sir fuck me already,” you said as your fingernails dug into his shoulders.
You practically saw his face light up at the idea, “All you had to do was asked baby,” he said before slowly pushing his tip in, going as slow as possible to stretch you out, “Aw does it hurt?” Aemond said, fake pout on his perfect lips as he noticed your gasps. You bit your lip, nodding slowly as you tried to ease in the cock you had been desperate for weeks, “Too bad,” Aemond said before suddenly pushing all the way in.
You gasped but Aemond did not wait as he began his thrusts. His hands grabbed your hips for control as you sunk your fingers into his hair, pulling his lips to yours to try disguise your moans. You knew it probably did little since with each thrust the desk hit against the wall harder. All you could do was hope everyone was at class and wrap your legs around Aemond’s hips to pull him in deeper.
Aemond groaned at the new depth as he moved one of his hands to your mouth, shoving two fingers in making you look at him doe eyed, “Suck,” he commanded, his breath hoarse. He moaned as you complied, swirling your tongue around his digits before he pulled them out only to start rubbing quick circles onto your clit making your breath catch.
Aemond covered your loud moans with his kiss as you felt your body tighten, your orgasm not far away. Aemond’s spare hand moved to squeeze your tit before his fingers began to squeeze your nipples.
You felt your nails scraping down his skin, your body tightening as you felt your orgasm crash through your body. Aemond groaned as your cunt squeezed around his cock, his thrusts becoming quicker and sloppier as he chased his own peak. As Aemond fucked you through your orgasm he soon reached his, spilling inside you as he gasped for air.
Aemond’s head crashed down onto your shoulder, and you could feel the sweat covering his skin. “Thank god for the pill,” You muttered, a dazed smile on your face making Aemond laugh against you skin.
Aemond kissed your shoulder before pulling out of you, grabbing a box of tissues sat on your desk to clean you up, “I missed you,” he said, his gaze soft as he stroked your cheek.
“I missed you too,” you said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to pull him into a deep hug. “I hope I didn’t scratch too hard,” you said as your eyes landed on the scratches inked into his skin.
Aemond chuckled as he tightened his arms around your frame, “It was worth it baby. So fucking worth it,”
“Worth it enough for a round two?” You asked, pulling away with a raised eyebrow.
You gasped as Aemond suddenly pulled you from the desk, shoving you to land on your bed with a giggle, “Oh more than just two rounds doll. Just you wait and see,”
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila @ammo23 @thatsgayyouknow
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
I’m kinda in the middle of writing a little fic too but inspiration sucks
okay but anyway how about a little fic where spencer and reader are having just a quiet evening they made a nice dinner together and are just sitting on opposite ends of the couch doing their own thing maybe reader is crocheting (wink wink) and spencer is reading/doing Spencer-y things and they just find peace and comforting in this type of parallel play/ quality time together
i know it sounds boring but it sounds peaceful to me to have that kind of security and love that doesn’t need any words. and I think Spencer would love that too
Parallel Play
yes of course bestie!! i love this idea thank you <3
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wc: 883
Spencer Reid is secretly a quiet man. 
At work, he could go on a rant or a ramble at the drop of a hat. He knows so much inside that beautiful brain of his that once he starts going on a topic, he wants to talk until he’s explained everything. Honestly, he could do a 15-hour Ted Talk if you let him. 
But at home… at home he’s quiet. They both are. 
Sat on opposite sides of the couch, Spencer has his feet up on the coffee table, he’s leaning back against the cushions with his Nintendo Switch in his hands resting on his chest, pretty close to his face as he works on a tough level of the newest Zelda game. He grew up never having any video games, so now, in his 40’s he’s finally getting the chance to experience the wonderful worlds that exist in the palm of his hands. His girlfriend, however, has her feet in his lap, she’s extended across most of the couch with her back against the armrest as she crochets a new pattern she’s been wanting to make. Even their cat has joined them, laying between her legs and the back of the couch, she’s all stretched out and sleeping away with both of her favourite humans at home. 
They’re so happy like this. Just quietly enjoying their time off while still together, still touching, they have a comfort show on for background noise and its perfect. 
She looks up from her project every once and a while, either because Spencer has mumbled something at his game or the current episode they have on is getting interesting. And each time she does look up, she finds herself staring at Spencer with a little smile. He’s just so cute like this. Totally enthralled in his game, his brows furrowed as he concentrates and his jaw a little clenched when it gets hard. 
When he finishes his level, or when he just pauses to have a breather, he reaches down to her feet that are resting in his lap and he grips her ankle. He runs his hand up and down her shin a few times, soothing himself and her in the process. He takes a few sips of water, he watches a couple minutes of the show and then he goes right back to his game. Still completely silent. Still completely content. 
By the time she’s done her crochet project, it’s a little after midnight and she’s tired. “Spence,” she whispers to him. 
He just hums, his brows go up to show he’s listening but his attention is still on his game. 
“You wanna go to bed soon?” 
He nods, “Let me…. Finish… this,” he says while mashing the buttons, clearly working on something. “And then we can.” 
“Okay,” she agrees. She moves her feet off his legs carefully so as to not scare the cat, but she wakes up anyway. She picks her up and gives her a couple pets as she moves in closer to Spencer’s side. 
“You okay if I watch?” 
He nods again, she only asked because sometimes the pressure of someone watching him play makes him do worse. But this time he’s fine with it. She leans her head on his shoulder and cuddles into his side to watch him play for the last few minutes of their quiet time together. 
She watches without a clue as to what is going on, he defeats a boss, he wins the level and he lets out a deep sigh as he clicks the game off and sets it down in his lap. He lifts his arm so he can wrap it around her, letting her snuggle in even closer to his chest and he kisses the top of her head a few times. “Tired?” He asks with a whisper. 
“Yeah,” she whispers back. 
“Let's go to bed,” he encourages, patting her arm gently.
She gets up with the cat still in her arms, Spencer turns off the TV and all the lights and meets her in the bedroom. She let the cat down on the bed and she immediately curls up into a ball at the foot of the bed, clearly also ready for a long night's rest. They change together, they brush their teeth together and then they slip under the covers together, too. 
The lights go off, they lay turn to face each other, each snuggled into their pillows, and they sigh almost at the same time. It hasn’t been a long day, but they’re still both exhausted. 
“I love you,” he says into the darkness. 
“I love you,” she replies with a smile. She leans in just a little closer and kisses him, once, twice and a third time for good measure. “I had fun today.” 
“Me too… we should do this more often.” 
“We really should.” 
Then they go quiet again. She rolls over to her other side, letting him spoon into her the way he always does at night. He wraps his arm around her middle, his hand resting on her stomach, he kisses her shoulder blade re situates his head on the pillow. “Goodnight, love.” 
“Night, Spence.” 
And that’s how they fall asleep. Quietly, in each other's arms, perfectly content with the little life that they lead. 
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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Best Friends Sister (w.m)
WandaxG!P Reader 
AOU era You and Pietro are best friends
As always requests are always open
Y/ns POV:
I have to hold my stomach from laughing so much pietro hit the floor so hard popcorn everywhere "dude..that was fucking hilarious are you ok" I say composing myself as he gets up glaring at me "come on man it was" I stop talking as soon as his twin sister walks in "oh my god what happened in here" she says looking around at the popcorn all over the floor she looks directly at me expecting answers "oh uh em pietro was walking in with the popcorn and slipped and fell" I say my face heating up I can't seem to control my emotions around her I've had the biggest crush on her for the last 4 years but could never do anything about because she's my best friends sister she smiles and walks towards me sitting beside me as she giggles fuck, I purposely spend as much time here as possible just to see her "pietro youre such a dork but you need to clean this up" she looks at me "so y/n what are we watching" I feel nerves flare up as I look at her then the TV "eh um I don't think you'll like it it's a horror movie" she looks at me then pietro and smirks "well it's a good thing youre here to protect me" I blush instantly and nod "yeah sure sure sure" she giggles as pietro walks over"ew just make out already this sexual tension and constant flirting is gross" I look at him with a glare unable to form words "yeah right wanda wishes she could make out with me" I smirk as I regain my composure which is suddenly gone when she leans in to whisper into my ear "oh baby if I wanted to make out with you I'd do it anytime any place" I turn my attention to the TV trying to ignore my flustered state "let's just watch the movie" i say shyly. 
Half way through the movie wanda cuddles into me hiding her face in my neck I giggle and wrap my arms around her "I got you" I whisper as she smiles against my neck after the movie ends I feel wandas dead weight on me causing me to look over at pietro "dude wandas asleep " he laughs and shrugs "that's a you problem I'm going to bed gotta be well rested for the party tomorrow" i glare at him as I flip him the middle finger as he laughs walking upstairs I look down at wanda and smile "you are so unbelievably beautiful wanda" I whisper as I accept the fact I'm not moving anytime soon I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep. 
I groan as I wake up with the sun hitting my eyes once my eyes adjust to the light I look down surprised to see wanda still asleep in my arms I smile as I look at her admiring her beauty in the morning light "its rude to stare" I hear her mumble in a groggy morning voice "I uh I mean I wasn't staring I was admiring completely different, anyway can you move I can't feel my arm youve been asleep ontop of me all night" I say with a giggle as I see her start blush "well I felt safe so I must have fell asleep I'm sorry" I smile standing up shaking my arm "don't be sorry its ok but once I get the feeling back in my arm I have to head home to get showered and ready for the party so can you tell pietro ill be back in a few hours" she smiles and nods as she walks upstairs after 5 minutes I get all feeling back and grab my car keys off the table and head to my own house it takes 40 minutes to get there as soon as I get inside I go make a coffee and relax on the couch taking a minute to think about the fact wanda cuddled into me most of the movie then fell asleep ontop of me after an hour of relaxing me time I head upstairs to put my phone on charge and look at the time it's 12pm so I have a few hours to get ready I head into the bathroom and shower and brush my teeth after an hour and a half I walk into my bedroom throwing myself onto the bed. 
I rummage through my wardrobe looking for some nice casual clothes forthe party its just a house party nothing to fancy I decided to go with white ripped jeans with a white jumper and white Calvin Klein bra and boxers I decided to leave my hair down and curly and put on some light make up before getting dressed I look myself up and down in the full length mirror happy with how I look I quickly spray some Calvin klein perfume I quickly skim through my jewellery box and grab 2 thumb rings and 2 rings for my index fingers I grab my phone to shoot pietro a text
Me:Dude it's almost 7 will I head over? I have 2 bottles of vodka too let's goooo 
Dickhead: Yeah absolutely head over when you're ready there's people arriving nowanyway, also I over heard wanda telling her friends something I'll fill you in when you get here so GET HERE. 
I look at my phone a little concerned before sliding it into my pocket and heading to the kitchen to grab my car keys and 2 bottles of vodka I quickly make my way to the car to start the semi long drive I put some music on and jam out the whole ride only turning it off when I pull up outside the twins house I grab the vodka and head out towards the house walking straight in say my hellos to a few people I know I look through the crowd and spot wanda dancing and laughing with her friends causing me to smile I quickly diverted my attention as soon as her gorgeous forest eyes met mine I can't see pietro anywhere fuck I need to go ask wanda I quickly make my way to her she instantly smiles as I approach "hey glad your here y/n" she says as she wraps me in a hug I smile at the contact hugging her back before pulling away "hey wands where's pietro" I yell over the music she leans in and yells "upstairs finishing getting ready" I nod to acknowledge her before leaning in to yell "you look good ill catch up with you later I have to go talk to pietro" she nods as I make my way to the kitchen through the crowd of people I put the vodka down before heading upstairs and knocking on pietros door "dude its y/n can I come in" after a minute he opens the door "please tell me I look ok the girl I've been crushing on is here and she looks smoking hot I know she's only here because she's wandas friend but she's here" I look at him and fix his hair a little "there you look good buddy ima make it plan to get you together I think some old fashion drinking games will come in handy" I say with a smirk followed by a giggle he sits on the bed looking at me "so I over heard wanda telling the girl I like and another girl about last night about how she was cuddled into you most of the movie and how she fell asleep in your arms but then she told them you called her the most beautiful girl in the world or something but dude her smile was so bright when she was talking about it and they where all screaming and freaking out" I take a second to process what he said before thinking of what to say "wait really you're not fucking with me but why would she tell her friends" I feel myself freak out a little before he grabs both my shoulders "y/n she likes you like really likes you and you really like her I see the way you look at eachother when you think no one's looking I see the way you guys flirt I see the way you guys blush like fools around eachother, and I'm fine with it if I want to see my sister with someone I'd rather it be you someone I know and trust, someone I know will treat her like a queen and never hurt her, I know you've liked her for a long time and from the bottom of my heart I love and respect you for never crossing that line because she's my sister but I'm telling you face to face I don't mind you and wanda together I promise my best friend and my sister i think that would be really cool because i know how much of an amzing girl you are and i know you would never hurt her" I look at him shocked and stunned as I feel my eyes water a little without words I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly "thank you" I simple whisper both of us feeling a little emotional we quickly break apart "come on let's go party and let's go get your girl" I say with a sly smirk he groans and we both head downstairs to join the party we spend the next 3 hours dancing laughing and drinking during that time I dance and laugh and chat with wanda on and off it's almost 11pm so I jump up on the table as pietro cuts the music "guys drinking games are starting in 10 minutes get ready we're starting with truth or dare then 7 minutes in heaven" everyone screams making me laugh my eyes landing on wanda as she waves shyly I wave back and send a wink in her direction she smiles and blushes as I jump down off the table and grab another drink as everyone sits in a circle I grab my phone and pull up wandas number.
Me: I need your help the blonde beside you, pietro has a crush I need you to help get them together for a little kissy kissy. 
As soon as I hit send I cringe at my words but get distracted by wandas giggle I look up to see her typing. 
Greeneyes:Yes!! She never shuts up about him, also who do you have your eyes on like who do you want to kiss tonight I know at least 9 girls here that are hoping to go into a closet with you.
I smirk reading the message as I start to type
Me:Oh now that would be telling so you're saying there's at least 9 chances of me getting lucky tonight? Sweet 😋 nah I'm joking I have my eyes on one girl but I can't tell you who it's a secret 
I look up at her reading the text and notice her frown damn she looks annoyed I quickly look down as my phone dings and almost chock on my drink.
Greeneyes:  Oh honey that won't be happening if you think youre kissing someone other than me tonight you have another think coming I'm done playing I'm done with the endless torture of flirting both of us scared to do anything about it last night sealed it for me it put things into perspective when you held me though the movie I felt safe I felt at home and don't hit me with some joke about me litterly being at home it made me realise that in your arms is where I want to be so if you think ima let any of these chick's touch or kiss or even look at you to long your delusional sweetheart.
I can't help but smile like a fool forgetting I'm surrounded by people and that possession fuck me it was so sexy I bite my lip and send a simple reply.
Me: Yes ma'am I completely agree 
Greeneyes: Good girl now why don't we just sneak away and go to my room and make out and ill tell blondy that pietro is into her to go talk to him. 
Me: Yes yup let's do that ill slip away first you follow. 
I quickly slide my phone into my pocket as I stand up and run upstairs towards wandas room bumping into pietro "woah what's the rush y/n" I blush and rub my neck "uh um nothing me and wanda are gonna skip the games and sit in her room to uh em talk" he smirks and puts one hand on my shoulder "good luck but hurt my sister ill never forgive you" I smile and nod "I'd never hurt her oh and by the way your little crush likes you slip away before the game starts and tell her or make a move you both like eachother" he smiles and nods as he walks away and I head into wandas room I sit on her bed waiting for 5 minutes before she comes running In shutting the door with a giggle I hear her lock it before running over to me jumping ontop of me to straddle me she slowly leans in both of us smiling "hey" she whispers before kissing me passionately I wrap my arms around her kissing her back with just as much passion. 
AN: no smut oooops and she stops right at the smut don't worry I'll post a part 2 to this tomorrow which will contain smut it's just I'm at 2.3k words already and if I don't stop it will be hella long lmao hope yall enjoy nevertheless hope yall are doing well all feedback welcomed and appreciated the people that be voting on all these one shots are real ones I still appreciate everyone that reads and doesn't vote 😊 as always requests are open (part 2 will be posted in a few hours)
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mariaofdoranelle · 4 months
The Toilet Theft
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics, prompt ‘Thief’
Sorry about the delay for this one!
Words: 816
Warnings: unforgivable crimes (a small theft)
For Aelin’s birthday, the last thing she expected was to wake up to an empty bed.
Empty bed, empty shower, empty kitchen—an empty apartment overall, Aelin noticed as she looked for him. Not her ideal birthday morning, but Rowan must’ve had a good reason to leave her stranded like this.
He did leave some special breakfast with a cute note, so that’s what she focused on when her boss called.
“Salvaterre,” she greeted. “Do you miss me already?”
Just a joke to tease her grumpy superior, but work only started in 40 minutes.
“Galathynius.” A sigh that came from deep within his bones. “Can you explain why there’s a pharaonic toilet paper pyramid sitting on your desk?”
403 days before
The only bad thing about celebrating new jobs after being penniless is that sometimes you forget to schedule it for after pay day—which was exactly what Aelin did when she arranged drinks with Lysandra at a fancy bar in an hour.
But there’s a solution for every problem, Aelin realized as she ate dinner—free cookies from the break room. It was a lot more than the socially acceptable amount so it could constitute as ‘dinner’, but the jar would be refilled in the morning, and no one was there to see her rude misuse of that office perk. At this hour, the closest people to her were her new bosshole and Hot IT Guy, in a late meeting two doors down.
Back to her issue, Aelin opened the groceries list on the phone and decided what she could buy after her pay day and what she would get from her parents’ house soon. After all rearrangements were made, there was only one urgent thing left.
Toilet paper.
The only inescapable item she couldn’t wait until groceries at her parents’ or pay day.
Her eyes immediately slid to the toilet adjoined to the break room. At this late hour. When maintenance would be back in the morning.
No one has to know.
Before giving herself time to give up, Aelin locked herself in the bathroom and opened the little storage cabinet under the sink. The two rolls of toilet paper she picked barely fit inside her work tote bag, but her coat did a great job of covering the stuffed purse, since closing the zipper wasn’t an option anymore.
She unlocked the door, ready to leave, and noticed that Hot IT Guy was now in the break room, holding a dark green mug.
“Long day, huh?” He said, without his usual scowl for what might be the first time since Aelin first saw him.
A polite smile. “Sure.” Aelin readjusted her overstuffed bag so it wouldn’t be too visible to him. “Have a nice evening.”
“I—“ He interrupted her walk out of the break room. Swallowed. Put his mug down. “May I walk you to your car?”
Oh, for Mala’s sake.
356 days per year, and the hottest guy in the office decided to hit on Aelin the day she was committing theft.
“Of course,” she answered with a smile, because if anyone could pull off stealing and flirting at the same time, it was her.
With one arm slung over her purse as a safety measure, they made small talk in their way out of the office, and Rowan, as she had just found out, only got more attractive as he spoke, as rare feat for guys on their twenties.
A few steps into the open parking lot, Aelin was met with a chill breeze that made her entire body shiver, which didn’t go unnoticed by oh-so-attentive Rowan.
“It’s supposed to be spring by now, I’ll never get Orynth’s crazy weather.” A huff. “You should put your coat on.”
Aelin plastered on a too-fake smile. “No need, thanks.”
“No, I insist—“
When Rowan tugged on the coat on the top of her purse, both of them froze as one single roll of toilet paper broke loose, rolling down the floor and leaving a white trail on its path to freedom.
Present time
The staring part wasn’t exactly embarrassing for Aelin, but she understood her boss—it really was a disturbance, a three-dimensional, pharaonic kind of toilet paper pyramid taking over the entirety of her cubicle’s desk.
The pyramid was as wide as it was tall, and Aelin realized that someone really tall must’ve made that birthday surprise for her. Someone tall, who got up distinctively early to prepare this stunt, and who also knew both about her toilet paper incident and her birthday today.
Honestly, the Happy birthday —B card by the pyramid was an insult to her intelligence. That fucking Buzzard.
Aelin walked past several cubicles until she found Rowan’s desk, then silently crossed her arms before him, her questioning expression enough to prompt him.
Rowan put his dark green mug down and gave her a smile warm enough to shock their coworkers.
“Happy birthday, Fireheart.”
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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hanihazeljade · 6 months
Three Weeks
As the snow fell into the streets of Gotham, covering her land with white sheet, he stepped out of the plane. He shivers. He missed the deadly coldness of his hometown. The pollution never seemed to change back when he left 7 years ago. He sighed, white mist blowing out of his mouth. He will only need to stay here for three weeks. Three weeks and he will go back to Japan.
After many years of being away to his adopted family, Tim comes back to Gotham for Cassandra and Stephanie's wedding.
(CW: flashbacks, negligence, swear words, a badass Timothy)
Next Part - Three Idiots
Part Three - Three Hopes
Tim looks outside of the bus. His eyes watch the streets of Gotham. Christmas lights are on as it was 5 days away from Christmas. He watched and watched, like he always did, as classical music blasted to his airpods until the bus hit the stop to Bristol.
In all honesty, he could ask Alfred to fetch him but the man is now too fragile to his liking to be doing him favours. He rather takes the 40 minute walk from the station to Wayne Manor. He doesn’t mind the cold, he actually prefers to be freezing every single moment of his life. He doesn’t want to be reminded of the burning desert in Iraq.
With his suitcase on his tow, he started walking to the peaceful street of Bristol. The snow gently falls into his face and quickly melts but some falls into his lashes and brows and he couldn’t bring himself to wipe it off. He likes the small blur on his sight, it shows that he doesn’t have to stay vigilant in this city. Twenty minutes into the walk, he saw the Drake Manor, still in its pristine shape, hopefully. He walked as he tried to look past the gates of the once house of his, snow is piling up but he will be visiting it once he gets his stuff unpacked.
As he starts to get closer and closer to the Wayne Manor, nostalgia hits him. The good memories flood his mind. Bruce giving them a small pat or rarely hugs, Dick trying to spoil all of his siblings, Cass putting glitter bombs to the most unique places together with Stephanie, Jason joking his death again and again, Damian giving them Alfred the Cat as a stress reliever, and Alfred giving them hot cocoa on the worst days and cookies on the best.
But obviously, if it's all just good memories, he will not leave Gotham. The bad to the worst memories starts to resurface. The threat of Arkham, the throat-slitting episode, the pushing to his death story, the I choose to follow Batman rather than to be honest with you thing, the hellish training with Lady Shiva and many more that he couldn’t remember. He shook his head to remove those memories. It’s been more than a decade since that happened and he has healed already. No need to reopen old wounds.
His time in Japan definitely made him more aware that he doesn’t need other people to love him. He can just do it himself. He starts to sleep for more than 6 hours a night. He eats three times a day, sometimes with a balanced diet, sometimes just pure sodium for ramen or just straight up scooping Nutella out of the jar. He now prioritises himself over others. He works for himself and not to get approval from anyone. He is now him, just Tim. A simple Tim that loves to photograph and now be the object of his photographs. 
Many things change over the course of time. He forgives the Waynes but he will never call himself one. Waynes never treats him like family, except for Cass, bless her pure heart, and he is now giving it back, the treatment of an acquaintance. Not family. Not friends. But acquaintances. That’s all the Waynes are to him now. Because god forbid that his teenage self is simply obsessed with them. He rolled his eyes on the thought.
As he was letting his thoughts wander, he finally arrived at the prestigious Wayne Manor. The gates are open so he let himself into the other five minute walk of the driveway. As he stared at the old oak wood door, he sighed, trying to compose himself as he will be in their presence for the next three weeks. After trying to console himself, he knocks hoping that it will be Alfred who will open the door for him. After a few minutes of waiting on the porch, the door opened, revealing the foyer of the Manor and Alfred standing in front of him.
“Hi, Alfred.” Tim smiled at the old man.
Alfred, still in shock but smiled back to him, “Welcome back, Master Tim.”
And then suddenly there is a commotion behind Alfred, making the two gentlemen on the doorway look. It shows Damian and Jason. Seems like the two are trying to race to see which one will get to the door first. Childish competitions, like what brothers do. Jason and Damian look at them, first to Alfred and next to Tim. And he looked back at them, giving them a gentle smile.
“Hi, Timmerly. You look different.” Jason spoke out of the blue.
“Thank you, Jason.” He said, “You look different, too.” he added. Jason has indeed changed. The white stripe of hair due to the dip is still there but the face and the body itself evolved. Jason looked taller than he last saw him, The tight wool sweater emphasises the bulk body of Jason. And that face of his, is always exceptional but more relaxed.
There he heard a cough and gave his attention to the person. “Timothy, you look alright.” Damian said, standing in his glorious 6 foot 3. His tanned skin is honeyed perfection and his build is more similar to Bruce and Jason. Green eyes looked at him like it was captivating his soul. The Demon Brat is gone and was replaced by a hulking man.
He was shocked for a fleeting second before replying, “Thank you, Damian.”
“Young Masters, as much as I like that the three of you are conversing like normal human beings, Master Timothy needs to go inside first. It is freezing out there.” Alfred interrupts them and tells Jason and Damian that he is still indeed on the porch. Jason without waiting a moment, went and grabbed his suitcase and he proceeded to go inside the manor. 
Tim asked Alfred, “Where will Jason put my suitcase?”
“In your room, Master Tim. I mean, your old room.”
“Oh.” He just said as he took off his scarf and coat and gave it to Alfred, as he left the three on the foyer.
He starts walking into the Manor and walks past the library with the rest that didn’t meet him on the door. Steph and Cass are cuddling each other on the couch while Bruce is on the loveseat fiddling something in the tablet, probably about Wayne Enterprise, and Dick is on one of the bean bags that is scattered in the library. The first one to notice him is Cass, of course.
“Little brother, welcome.” She said as she reached out one of her arms to him. Her acknowledgement of his presence makes everyone in the room aware of his existence.
“Timmy!” Dick shouted as went to him and hugged him. It kinda still startled him a little bit, but he awkwardly hugged Dick back. 
Bruce gave him a smile, “Welcome back, Tim.”
Steph hit his back, “When Cass actually told us that you will come for our wedding, we didn’t believe her.“
Tim touched the spot Steph hit, “I would not miss it for the world.” Then he walked to Cass, “Hey, sis.” Cass smiled back at him. “Winter wedding, really?” 
“Hey, winter weddings are beautiful. And Cass will look like an angel.”
“And you are the demon that made Cassandra fall down from heaven.” A voice joined them, it’s Damian.
“Hey! That’s mean!”
The chaos and noises are relatively relaxing but when he yawns, he excuses himself. “Going to sleep, Timmy?” He nodded and replied with, “Jetlagged.”
Tim tried to remember where his room was. And thank god, he found it with no anomalies. He entered the room and saw the room that he left. The room is completely gone with cans of energy drinks or packaging of junk foods. The bed is comforting as he remembers, he saw his suitcase next to the nightstand. He opens it and gets a fitted cashmere turtleneck and fleece sweatpants. He took a quick shower and changed. He laid down on the bed and let sleep take him.
 He woke up the sun already down and darkness already took the city. He grabbed his phone and looked at what time it was. 8:05 am. Huh?? Oh, his phone is still in the Japanese Time Zone. He quickly changes it and freshens up. He looked at the wide mirror in his bathroom, and assessed himself. He knows he changed when he moved to Japan. His toned body was dissolved into a more lean one. His hair was maintained into a shoulder length, but his hair is shining with a red undertone in the right light. He has an ear piercing. His face was more round and yet still sharp. He got taller but still the smallest to Wayne, even Cass is taller than him. No, he is not salty about it.
He scooped up a handful of water and splashed his face and hair. Once he could feel his rationality and sanity came back to him, he dried his face and went down to the kitchen. He needs something to ingest in his body, anything. He saw Alfred was making something in the kitchen.
“Master Tim, you are finally awake. Will you please call the others for dinner?”
“Sure, Alfred.”
He found everyone in the largest living room. Damian and Dick playing chess, Damian is winning. Stephanie is doing something together with Duke. Bruce is with Cass flipping in the catalogue of whatever they still need to add to the wedding.
“Hey, Alfred told me to get you all. Dinner is ready.”
Dinner is rather peaceful, but rather uncomfortable. Whenever his eyes linger for a little second longer on a dish, Dick is already putting it on his plate. Damian kept on giving him a piece of whatever Damian thought he liked. Jason is spoon feeding him on dishes on what Jason thinks he will like. If this continues, he will be fat and as a model he would rather not have that. The Japanese Modelling World is so strict when it comes to thinness of their own.
But after that dinner, he sighed as walked to his room, he grabbed a velvet box and went to what he thinks is Cass' room.
He knocked, then he opened the door. Waynes are known for just busting your door open before coming in, because apparently, privacy is a social construct. Tim is not a Wayne anymore and also he is one of the decent people who actually knocks before coming inside of someone’s personal space.
“Hey Cass. I got you something.” he said as he looked at his sister.
“What is it?”
Instead of answering, he pulled a velvet box and gave it to Cass. Cass accepts it and opens the blue velvet box, revealing a silver hair comb pin. Cass looked at him with huge eyes. He smiled at his sister, “My mother wore that at her wedding. She says my grandmother and my great grandmother also wear that to their wedding, and I feel like I am not the rightful owner of such a piece.”
Cass hugged him. He missed how tight Cass hugs him. The comfortable warmth that brings pleasant memories only, none of those scorching heat of Iraq. Maybe, maybe he can stay here for three weeks for Cass. For Cass.
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designatedgrape · 1 year
Uncle Wayne, How Do I?
I’ve never done a tumblr ficlet before, but @sullymygoodname mentioned older Steve having his own “Dad, How Do I” YouTube channel, and my brain immediately went off in its own direction.
Steddie modern AU, rated G, 700 words. Written in less than an hour, and not edited.
It takes less than a day after Steve moves into his first apartment for him to realize that he’s in over his head. He’d thought the hardest part of moving out of his parents’ house was scraping together enough money for first month, last month, and the security deposit. But apparently, he was sorely mistaken. He looks helplessly between the picture frame in his hands and the large swath of empty wall above his thrift store sofa, and he realizes…he has no idea how to hang this thing.
So of course, he turns to YouTube.
The first suggested video for “how to hang a picture” is from a channel called “Uncle Wayne, How Do I?” Steve snorts. He wonders how many videos it would take to cover all of the knowledge that Richard Harrington failed to impart on his son.
He clicks on the thumbnail—and a man in his late 40s, looking stoic as he stands next to a picture frame on a wall—and turns up the volume on his phone.
“I’m Wayne Munson, and this is how you hang up a picture frame.”
Okay, good start. 
Steve is expecting Wayne Munson to walk him through each step, describing what he’s doing as he goes, but…no. Wayne does something with a ruler, and something with a long yellow thing that might be a ruler, but has a bunch of clear tubes with greenish liquid inside? And then he uses a pencil to mark the wall, because he’s somehow figured out where he wants the picture to go. Steve must have missed that part. He’ll have to go back in a minute, but for now he just wants to see what comes next.
Wayne uses a hammer—Steve knows that tool!—and a nail… Wait, no. Not just a nail. There’s also a hook. But the nail goes through the hook? Did Wayne make a hole in it?
And then suddenly, the picture is hanging on the wall, and Wayne faces the camera, unsmiling. It’s the screenshot from the thumbnail. And that’s…it. What the fuck kind of how-to video was that?
Steve is just about to click away in annoyance, when the sound of a shrieking guitar comes through his phone’s speaker, and a black screen with “Eddie Translates for Uncle Wayne” in blood-red letters appears.
“All right, boys, girls and everyone in between, let’s go over that again, shall we?”
The voice is distinctly younger: low and mysterious, melodic and teasing. Steve waits for a face to appear to match it, but one never does. Instead, Eddie just talks over the same video that Steve watched a moment ago. This time, though, there are pauses and replays and slow-motion sections, all while Eddie says things like, 
“So when I asked Wayne what he did here, he just grunted and gestured at the screen, which I’m pretty sure means that you need to measure from the top of the frame to the hanging wire or triangle ring or sawtooth hanger or whatever you’ve got.”
“Pop quiz from Uncle Wayne, little sheepies: why should you use a picture hanging hook on the wall instead of just a regular nail? If you guessed, ‘because it looks f-ing badass,’ you’re damn right it do— Ow, Wayne! Jesus! I’m getting to it!” Eddie clears his throat. “The correct answer, according to Uncle Wayne, is, quote, ’So that you don’t rip half the damn wallboard off when your picture falls down because you didn’t take ten seconds to find a damn stud.’ Cool. So there you go.”
Steve is grinning so hard that it feels like his cheeks are getting a stretching workout. As soon as the video ends, he immediately clicks on the next one. Wayne—or more accurately, Eddie—is teaching him how to plant grass seed. Steve definitely won’t need this information for the foreseeable future, given that he doesn’t have any yard to speak of, but that’s neither here nor there.
He doesn’t notice how many videos he’s watched until he realizes the arm holding up his phone is starting to ache, he’s desperately thirsty and also has to pee, and the sun is starting to set. And he still hasn’t hung up the picture that started this all. 
He might however, be a little bit in love with Eddie.
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eijirousbestie · 1 year
“Order when you’re ready.”
Tumblr media
gym bros kiribaku
unexpected visit
smoothie king???
“lemme get uhhhh…” energy
this is by far my longest one shot sooo
* * *
“What do you think would happen if—”
“…I didn’t even get to finish.”
“I’d rather you not honestly.”
“What? It’s not gonna be bad or anything.” You try to hold back a laugh at the sheer amount of annoyance you’ve given the man in less than thirty minutes of his workout.
He sets down the barbell he was benching and adds more weight to it. 25 pounds to be exact. He could really add 40 more but he didn’t want to seem like he was trying too hard in front of you.
“If any of your sentences start with ‘what if’ I know it’s gonna be something outrageous hun.” He shines you a pretty, lopsided smile. One that meant his words hold no harm.
“So you should be used to it. Anyways, like I was saying, what would you do if I slapped—holy shit are you benching 315 right now?” The last thing on your mind was your dumbass question.
Quite frankly, you’d already forgotten it after being so caught up in shamelessly ogling Kirishima’s tensed muscles as he benched. Amidst the intense staring, you hadn’t even noticed—nor counted—how many weights he’d actually been putting on. 315 pounds? There’s no way he could lift that much. He had to have been showing off. Yeah, that’s it.
The sharp clang of metal meeting metal brought your focus back to the redhead as he set the last weight on the bar. “Spot me?” Of course you’d happily agreed and made your way behind the bar as Kirishima made quick to re-tie his hair in a neat bun. He’d always looked so good with his hair up. Over the years, it’d grown long enough to tie back. But even having used box dye for years on end, his hair is beautifully kept. Shiny and soft, ends neatly trimmed and laid.
Making his way over to you, he leans his back against the cushion of the bench and plants his feet flat on the floor on either side of the seat for stability. He doesn’t grab the bar yet but he does gaze up at you, his face upside down from your view.
“I know it’s a lot of weight but if I start sputtering and flailing just let the bar crush me.”
“The hell? You know I could just slide the weights off right?”
“Mmh true but I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself trying to save me. Hypothetically.”
“That has to be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Now you know how it feels to be on the other end of a dumb question huh?” You give him the blankest stare you can muster.
“Do you want me to spot you or not?”
“No wait please. I actually do need you to watch. Haven’t benched this much since high school.” High school?
“Kirishima what the actual fuck were you going through to be able to bench 315 in high school…”
“I was in situations.” Silence.
“—is that it or?”
“Yup. I’m legally bound to an NDA. Can’t say much else babe. Ready to start?” Your expression is a mix between ‘what the fuck’ and simply trying to shake the odd conversation.
“Yeah uhm. Go ahead I guess.” He grabs the excessively weighted bar and starts his reps. Up, down, up, down…up…up, down, up, down, down…
Wait, how many has he done already? You were too busy gawking at the sight before you. Tanned arms packed and loaded with muscles from regular training. Scars and faint freckles littering his biceps from hours in the field. A death-like grip on the barbell, veins practically on the verge of bursting with each upward push of the bar. His face contorted in concentration. Bottom lip slightly reddened from his teeth as he bit his lip with strain to lift the weight. Forehead sparkling in the gym lights, liquid evidence of his fortitude and strength. It left his white tank glued to him like a second skin. And that damn manbun.
“Lift.” You’re brought back from your thoughts at his call to end his set. Your hands wrap around the bar alongside his to raise and set it back in its place on the rack above his head. He lifts his back off of the cushion but stays seated, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“Holy shit that was heavier than I remembered. Did I slip on a wrong weight?” The corners of your mouth lift up in a small smile as you round the bench to stand in front of him.
“Even so, you could handle it. You did real good Ei. Barely had to help you.”
A shy smile graces his face. “Ah please. I was just trying to make sure I didn’t die in front of you.” Reaching down, he grabs a small towel near his right foot and starts to dab away the sweat from his face.
It’s almost crazy how he can be so modest after having lifted the weight of a small refrigerator with his own bare hands. And he’s still got the nerve to be reserved about it.
“Yeah right. Try tellin’ that to someone who hasn’t seen you lift before.” A rough voice comes from behind you, lowkey scaring the shit out of you. You turn your head around and of course it’s none other than the walking ray of sunshine himself.
“You mind alerting people of your presence before you just pop up outta nowhere?” You say.
“Sounds like a personal problem. You should fix that.” Katsuki strides up to you both clearly worn from his workout. He gives you a blank look. You shake your head in dismissal and turn back to Kirishima.
“Y’know, he’s right though. You could probably bench a car easy.” Kirishima’s eyes crinkle at the sides as he laughs at your comment.
“Nah, no way! This was seriously challenging guys, trust.”
Katsuki butts in. He raises a brow, lips set in a straight line.
“Not even a Fiat?” You let out a choked snort, trying not to laugh at his confidence in Kiri’s manpower. Said man raises from his seat, standing to his feet in front of you both. Kirishima chooses to ignore his last question, greeting his long time friend by dabbing him up.
“Didn’t know you were gonna be in the gym today man.” Katsuki shrugs nonchalantly, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his grey shorts.
“Had some free time. Thought I’d come out and brush up on endurance.” His eyes flick from Kirishima to you. “How long you two been in?”
You pull out your phone to check the time. Kirishima puts a muscular arm around your shoulder and dips his head down a bit to look at your screen. The time reads 4:24 PM. “Just a little over three hours. Why?” You both look back up at Katsuki, awaiting his response.
“No reason. New smoothie shop down the street just opened. Wanna try it before they close.”
“No reason,” my ass. This was his nonchalant was of saying “If you guys are all wrapped up here I’d love it if you’d make my day and join me for post workout drinks.”
Kirishima is the first to respond. His eyes are all aglow and his eyebrows raise in recognition at the mention of the new spot.
“Ah, the one on Delview right? Near the old antiques shop? We should totally go! People have been saying it’s pretty good.” Katsuki gives a short nod and looks at you.
“You in?” He folds his arms across his broad chest, raising a blonde brow.
Kirishima tightens his hold on you and looks down at you. The beefy arm draped over your shoulders now squeezing you into his side. His eyes light up even more than thought possible. “C’mon hun, I’m wrapped up here anyway and if you are too we should go!” His gaze drifts back up to land on the man in front of him. “Plus, it’s been a while since the three of us got time to hang together.”
And that’s how you three ended up in Katsuki’s black Jeep Wrangler with the windows down and Kiri on aux. Or at least he tried to be. After two overly cheery pop songs off his playlist played back to back, Katsuki demanded a change of tune or he’d “Chuck the fuckin’ phone out the window and run over it.” Kiri settled for Yeat.
Pulling up to the drive-thru, Katsuki holds his foot on the brake, keeping the car still while he surveys the menu.
“It’s a fuck ton of shit on this menu. You two got any ideas what you want or what?” His eyes are still glued to the menu, squinting while trying to read the small print under the even smaller print. Kirishima leans over as he tries to read over Katsuki’s shoulder, his elbow digging into the car’s center console box.
“Hmm. Honestly I’ll take anything with coconut in it. Or watermelon. Oh! Or those little spiky fruits with the white insides.”
“Lychee?” You suggest.
“Yeah, those! They’re so good hun. Have you ever tried o—”
“Will you two chucklefucks just pick already? We’re holding up the damn line!” The blonde’s voice booms in the car.
You let out a short snort. “Chuckle-whats?”
“I swear to god I’m gonna drag you out of this fucking car if you don’t quit,” he threatens through clenched teeth.
Kirishima thinks out loud, ignoring your banter. “Ehh actually I think I’ll go with watermelon.”
“You better make up your mind Red or you ain’t gettin shit.”
“He ain’t gotta do a muthafuckin’ thing.” The blonde whips his head around to glare at you where you’re seated in the backseat.
“The hell did you just—”
“Welcome to Smoothie King. How may I help you?” The butchered voice of an employee rings through the order speaker making you all go silent. Katsuki grumbles something under his breath at you before turning to face the speaker.
“Gimme a sec here.” His right hand taps impatiently on the steering wheel. A crackle sounds from the speaker before the employee chimes in again.
“Sure. Order when you’re ready.” Katsuki looks back to Kirishima with a vicious glint in his eye.
“Hurry the fuck up Red or I’m ordering for you.” Kirishima’s teeth pull at his bottom lip before making a decision.
“Right. Uhh, I’ll take a medium smoothie. Half coconut, half watermelon and ask if they can drizzle some lychee syrup on top.” The look Katsuki gives Kirishima is so comically hilarious it takes everything in you not to lose your shit. He just sits there and stares at him. The left corner of his mouth is turned up and his eyebrows pinch in the middle to show an expression of “are you fucking serious right now?”
The silence is so loud it’s deafening. And poor Kirishima doesn’t seem to get it. He adds on a forgotten “Please?” as if that’s what Katsuki was making that face for.
“All that bullshit just to get all three fuckin’ flavors in the same goddamn drink,” he grumbles before looking at you in the rear view mirror. “C’mon shit stain. Order.”
“Bitch— y’know what, never mind.” Choosing to ignore the rude ass name he spit, you tell him your order and sit back in your seat and wait. He sticks his head out the window and finally places your orders then pulls up to the first window.
Handing the cashier his card, he waits for the receipt to print up, taking back his card and pulling to the second window. The server brings out the drinks and hands them carefully to the onry blonde before he then passes them to you and Kirishima.
You both chirp out a brief thanks to the man before happily sipping your drinks. Left hand on the wheel, Katsuki makes a smooth turn out of the drive-thru before taking a sip of his drink held in his right hand. “You two shitheads better be thankful I’m generous.” You glare at the back of his head in disbelief.
“Generous my ass—”
“Of course man! Super nice of you to treat us today. Next time it’s on me.” Katsuki side eyes Kirishima, a little thrown from his comment.
“‘Next time’? Hell no. There’s not gonna be a next time. You two idiots would lose your heads if they weren’t attached to your shoulders.”
“Aww c’mon man don’t be like that. We gotta hang out more. Right hun?” He turns around in his seat to smile at you in the back.
You chuckle and nod, tone sarcastic. “Of course I’d love to see more of my best friends.” You hear Katsuki grunt from the driver seat.
“M’not your best friend.” Kirishima turns back in his seat to face front, brow raising as he speaks.
“You act like you haven’t known them since middle school dude. That sounds like best friends to me.” You snicker and tap Kiri’s shoulder to give him a hi-five, the slap resonating in the car.
His knuckles turn white as he grips onto the steering wheel at his wits ends. “I’m gonna kill you both.” You all made plans to meet up again later that week.
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starlit-crossing · 4 months
Lost in Foster (Working Title) Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Flying Solo
Danny had lost track of the time quickly after beginning to fly, his stress ebbing away with the landscape that spend by. He tried to focus on the grass, the roads, the horizon, anything but what had just transpired. Every time his mind wondered; he would be reminded that he needed to not feel. His friends' face as he took off — nope, not thinking about it. How worried Jazz would be — what a really cool tree I just passed. His parents’ confusion and not getting to say goodbye to anyone — that is a lot of white vans up a head. Wait… Danny stopped midair above a state highway. Similar to a police barricade, white vans, jeeps, and motorcycles were stationed in the middle of the street. Guys in White were stopping the passing cars, scanning them, then letting vehicles through the state border. Lines were beginning to form and angry honks floating up to him. This isn't good… Danny fished for his burner phone, feeling for the metal at the bottom of his backpack. Digging it out, the clock read 12:45. He had left Casper high during lunch, which had been around 11:30, and he had left Amity around 11:40. Good to know it takes less than an hour for the Goons in White to make a move. He floated closer to the cars to see if anyone had a Wi-Fi spot open. I should've grabbed the Fenton GPS from the emergency OPS center, finally a Wi-Fi signal popped up under the name __Not_The_FBI__. Danny choked on a laugh as he pulled open his map app. He was going to need to avoid every joke and pun on this trip, or he was a dead man. Well, a deader man… wait! Bad brain! He yelled at himself. He had to be less than a five-minute flight from Chicago. Zooming in, he looked for a train station or a ferry… and there was a train station used for hauling cargo from the US into Canada.
“Perfect!” Danny exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air, only to hit something metal. Turning, Danny watched as a pristine white drone steadied itself in the air. Its camera focusing on him.
“Shit.” Danny turned to watch as the men below froze, then look to the sky. Spotting him immediately, he just waved as they began to take aim. Turning invisible and speeding away as round after round of ecto blasts lit up the sky. Nice going Fenton, he berated himself flying towards Chicago; I have two things I can't do: express emotion and use powers publicly. I've already done both! Like he thought it hadn't taken long to reach the station, gravely rails and signs directing conductors were sprawled throughout. He found an empty car, checked for any passerby, and phased inside. A flash of light leaking through the cracks as he returned to his human self. The darkened car was cold, with metal walls and doors. The floor was a kind of embossed metal, a crisscross pattern embellished the sheet metal.
“I should've brought a book or something.” he laughed tiredly to himself… “Damn it!” Danny yelled, banging his head on the car wall. It's probably best if I just sleep, I'll be over the state border by the time I wake up. He thought to himself, settling into a corner. Propping his backpack to use as a pillow, the cold had no effect on him as he drifted to sleep.
It had been a little over an hour since Danny had gone on the run. Sam and Tucker had decided to skip what was left of school and head straight home. It would be difficult to catch up with him, but they had to at least try, and every second that passed was a second wasted. They didn't have anything in mind for Danny being tracked so easily, but they would figure something out. They had to.
When Sam got home, her house was surrounded by GIW agents. Her parents stood at the door listening to a panicked Jack and Maddie. As she pushed her way to the front, she was able to make out some of what Danny's parents were saying.
“Please! Just let us make sure Phantom didn't leave anything here. Anything could be a clue to where he took Danny!” Maddie cried, Jack stood by her as she pleaded, an arm around her shoulder. Her parents shared a pained look as they tried to decide what to do.
“Maddie, we know your situation with ghosts is important. To your career and with your family,” her mother started softly, remaining in her polite and cheery tone. “But we can't risk involving Sammikins more than your son already has.”
“Not to mention when we let you search our home earlier during that wild goose chase! Left a large mess that our house cleaner had to pick up.” Her father chimed in, annoyed.
“We understand that, but we need every clue we can! Sam!” Jack shouted, seeing her as she entered the path leading to the door.
“Sammy get inside! You don't need to be pestered by agents as well.” Her dad called, ushering her inside the large house.
“Same, please! Have you heard anything from Danny? Is he with Tucker?” Maddie called, fighting the door as her mother tried to close it. Sam tried to calm down, closing her eyes and slowing her breath. Key word being tried.
“No! I haven't and neither has Tucker! So just leave the two of us alone and don't you dare try storming his house too!” she hollered, shoving the door fully closed. She sighed back sliding against the door.
“That's right Sammikins! Just because they risked their family with ghosts doesn't mean they can risk ours!” Her mother cheered.
“And sorry, Sammy, the house cleaner couldn't get to the second floor today, so your room's still a mess.” Her dad added.
“It's fine, dad. I'll clean it myself. Can I… Can I just be alone for a bit? Stressful day and all.” Sam mumbled, making her way upstairs.
“Of course, sweetie!” they answered, leaving Sam with herself. Once her parents were out of sight, she ran up the stairs. As she entered her room, she looked at the damage caused by the aforementioned goose chase. It looked like a storm had blown through, her bed and desk had their contents thrown about. Anything related to Danny had been pulled out. Ignoring the mess, she pulled over a chair to her closet and felt for the backpack taped to its ceiling. Once down she poured out its contents mentally checking everything was still there. Her clothes? Check. Money? Check. A letter? Sam pulled out the simple envelope that made an appearance in her bag. It was addressed to her, the whole thing crisp and clean. Inside a piece of notebook paper full of Danny's handwriting, nothing looked rushed, and it seemed he had prepared these in advance.
*Ring* *Ring*
Tucker’s face lit up her phone's lock screen, she answered the video call while reading the letter.
“Sam! Did you get home safe? I heard the GIW were swarming your house. Did you find a letter?”
He blurted, the room behind him burring as he moved.
“I'm fine, and I did. Did you get one too? Why would Danny write these?” She flipped the page to see if there was more, a hint to what he was thinking.
“I did, that was why I called you. Does yours say the same thing. Well, maybe not the exact same.” He rambled, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Shut up, Tuck! He wants us to stay in Amity? To abandon him and protect the town that barely cares he's here?” She exclaimed. Tucker nodded along from the camera.
“I know right? He's our best friend, we can't just let him be on the run!” Tucker ranted, “Can we? I mean, I know where he's coming from. We can't really trust his parents or the GIW to keep ghosts out. Valerie can handle her own, but she still hates ghosts. It will be hard for her to leave the neutral ones alone.”
“I don't know, Tuck, Danny even said we could tell Valerie his secret if things got out of hand and became too much for us and Jazz. I don't think he plans on coming home, at least not anytime soon.” she contemplated; there had to be something they could do. “What about other heroes?”
“What? What would they do?” Tucker asked.
“I'm not sure, I know we don't really keep up with stuff outside of Amity, but the Justice whatever works with the government, right? We could tell them our local hero is being unjustly hunted.” Sam suggested pacing the room.
“Sam, what will they find when they look into Phantom? That he's a wanted criminal, robbing banks, and threatening mayors? The media doesn't shine Danny in a good light.” He countered.
“But those can be explained, the GIW have files on Freakshow.”
“Didn't Danny wipe his memories with the Reality gauntlet? They couldn't get the whole truth, or they would learn his brain has been messed with through magic or martians.” They went back and forth.
“Then what do you propose we do? We can't track him down without others noticing.” Sam huffed in defeat.
“We'll just have to do what he asked of us. We'll watch over the town, if Valerie gets out of hand, we'll offer our help first. Say we helped Phantom with ghosts, Danny included. We can say Danny is protecting Phantom even now, and it will buy us some time to see if she can handle Danny's secret.” Tuck finished.
“She trusts Danielle, right? We might be able to convince her.” A moment hung in the air between the two friends. The reality settling in that they may never see their friend again. “Where is Danielle? She might get caught in the crossfire of this, being a clone and all.” Sam wondered.
“She's in Italy last I checked, I'm glad I gave her one of my old phones before she left the US.” Tucker answered.
“That's good… Which of us is telling Jazz?"
The train started to move shortly after Danny fell asleep. Four hours passed before Danny's body forced him awake, ghost hunting had ruined his sleep. He could hear Jazz's voice in his head talking about the importance of sleep for teens today. He checked the burner for the time and saw the numbers 6:05 glowing back at him. Pulling open the map he saw he had made it to Indiana, finally.
“Time to get moving, I guess.” As he spoke, he focused on keeping his voice even. The events of earlier, still fresh in his mind. The sound of the car's rolling wheels echoed in the empty car as he stood. Stretching to pop his back. He stuck his head invisibly through the train door, seeing the cargo station grow closer. Bringing his head back in, he readied to slip off the train. Steadying himself as the train arrived, opening the door, and running through the train yard as fast as he could without getting caught. It had been easier than expected, no one cared, as the teen bolted through the gravel-filled rails with ease. Once outside, he went searching for food. A mini mart was on the corner and a King Burger across the street. He couldn't risk lingering, so he made way for the minimart. The convenience store felt dated with white walls and neon signs, the floor was black and gray checkered tiles. Grabbing some water bottles, bags of jerky, and some premade sandwiches. The many sweets and freezy drinks were tempting, but the longer the food could last, the better. The place was deserted, only the clerk scrolling on his phone could witness he was ever there. After finishing his resource gathering, Danny went on the hunt for a gray hound bus stop, it would be the easiest way to get around without drawing too much attention. Looking for the longest possible route to the East Coast, he was left with two options: Gotham or Metropolis. Both had international ports and superheroes that protected them. He had always meant to look into other heroes more, find some inspiration or role models for hero work, but with ghosts constantly attacking the town and homework, he just didn't have time. Mr. Lancer tried to keep class interesting by referencing the things happening on the global news. Now if he could only remember what he had said about the heroes protecting the cities. Danny had actually perked up when Lancer mentioned that one was an alien with super hearing and other abilities. Aside from that, all he could remember was their names, Batman and Superman. I'm feeling a lot better about my hero name. He would have to give Amity News a break about Invis-O-Bill. Between the two, he was pretty sure Superman was the alien. Sam had done a report on meta-human rights and had gotten very passionate when she discovered that they didn't reference the ecto acts whatsoever. She had been so sure that someone would shed light on the act, accounting it to being unknown meta-humans being unjustly removed of their rights. A point she got stuck on was that Batman had all but banned metas from Gotham. Stating they should seek sanctuary elsewhere due to the antics of his villains. It had something to do with gas, scarecrows, and clowns? So, he could either go to the city where no powers were allowed, or the city protected by a super-hearing alien. The GIW might expect him to go to an alien for sympathy or to overshadow him in a power grab. Gotham seemed like the safer choice, even with the high amounts of criminal activity they seemed to have. He would be able to fight off most thugs without causing serious damage, humans can't normally through a guy through a brick wall like ghosts can. No one would question him being alone and sneaking around, he'd use his powers to get on a boat for Europe and keep a low profile while he searched for Danielle. He'd fill her in on what was going on, send a message to Sam and Tucker that he was safe, and wait to hear what was happening in Amity. So, Danny waited in line and got his ticket for Gotham. The bus was crowded full of people trying to do the same as him; to take a bus as far from one's old life as possible. He was able to grab a seat towards the back, settling into the stained fabric seats. His backpack between himself and the wall of the bus window. Settling in for the longest stretch of his journey out of the country.
Hello and welcome again! I hope everyone is enjoying the story. It’s been very exciting getting to see everyone’s comments and enjoyment for the fic. Don’t worry about the lack of Bat family, I am getting their as fast as I can. I wanted to revisit Amity a little bit to wrap up a few loose ends. I’m not sure at what point in the DP timeline I am placing this, but it will most likely either be prefinal of the show or post A Glitch in Time. Two very different time periods but both work with the general DC timeline I am using. As for the Bat family I’m more familiar with the characters themselves than the canon timeline. So, I’ll primarily be referring to the Batman: Family Adventures for the family and Young Justice for world events such as meta-humans.
I spent a lot of my time working on this listening to the Epic: Underworld Saga musical concept and got stuck on the song No Longer You. It’s so good and feels like it could fit Danny in some aspects if you go for a post A Glitch in Time ghost king Danny. Might draw something if I got time.
See you next week, byee!
Master post - Chapter 2 Prev. <<< Next >>>
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muffinsin · 9 months
Hey, back with more Dani love!
Could I request dani getting caught in a snowstorm, maybe she went out to retrieve something from duke or stayed out hunting later than she should have, and a villager s/o with g!p finds her huddling for warmth? They bring Dani back to their cabin to help her, warm her up and patch up any injuries. Dani wants to thank her savior a little more intimately, but at first the villager tries not to give into temptation due to fearing what the Lady of the castle would do to them for. Of course, Dani is relentless and won’t leave until she’s properly thanked her savior.
Absolutely! No one can resist this vixen for long ;)
Daniela shivers and ducks her head slightly at the first, loud crackle in the sky.
She shrieks at more, and gasps at distant lightning. The redhead swarms carefully, up a tree and into the sky. The castle-
She frowns unhappily; how has she gotten so far away? The castle towers shimmer in the distance, so far away. It will take her a good half an hour, if not 40 minutes to get there. It’s time she doesn’t have.
Daniela quickly lowers herself on the ground again at the next sound of thunder. She gasps when cold raindrops hit her hooded head.
She realises fast, she only has limited time left before the storm that is bound to show. Daniela mentally face palms herself; now she’s going to have to listen to Bela scolding her for going out when the blonde predicted the bad weather.
Another strike of loud thunder. Daniela gasps again. The rain is cold. She needs to find shelter, fast. Her body can’t stand the cold and the wetness will merely prevent her from swarming and thus make her vulnerable.
She tries her best not to freak out.
The cold temperature won’t kill her, she thinks. Surely it won’t be that cold. But it will hurt. She doesn’t want to need to brace herself for the pain.
She grips the flowers in her hands tighter, then lets go. It had been stupid to go out to gather them, she knows this now. But, they’re so beautiful. She so desperately wants to keep them! After all, there is nobody else getting her flowers.
She pouts at the thought, then shakes her head visible, as if to rid herself of the thought. No, she needs to concentrate. Flowers aren’t her priority now, staying alive and well is. And maybe getting out without a scolding from Bela.
Daniela sighs, dropping the flowers. “Goodbye, lovelies”, she whispers to them longingly, staring at the colourful petals.
Another raindrop lands on her nose, she squeaks in surprise.
It’s cold, and thick. She’s jumping at another on her shoulder, soaking through the fabric of her dress. She’s going to be shivering in no time!
Daniela looks around wide eyed, seeing nothing but trees and rocks. She runs for the direction castle. Something must come up to help!, she thinks, gasping as more and more heavy raindrops fall down on her.
You jump at the thud you hear outside your door. The sky is dark. You do quick work of turning off most of the lights in the small cabin.
Only a small candle remains. You grip the knife off the counter, pushing it in your pocket. Just to be safe, you lift the shotgun off the wall.
You silently pray it isn’t another lycan, but can’t help but feel on edge.
Just yesterday you heard a pack of them traveling nearby.
You breathe deeply, then pull the door open, keeping your shotgun aimed in front of you.
But, no hairy beast greets you. Instead, a woman falls into the room, having leaned against the heavy door. Her back is turned to you, but you can tell she is breathing. She wears strange clothing, all in black, and is drenched from the heavy rain outside that hammers against the cabin.
You angle the shotgun, using its tip to turn her head. She’s unconscious, and beautiful. The symbol on her forehead makes you freeze.
Daniela gasps when she wakes. She instinctively wraps her arms around herself. She remembers feeling so, so cold.
But now she’s warm, comfortably so, even with her damp hair against her face and neck.
She scans the room she’s in; it’s small, with only a bed inside. A bed she is perched on. A blanket, rough and brown, is covering her. It’s made of wool, she notices. Dim light comes from the room next to hers. She hears humming; it sounds beautiful.
Upon standing up, she notices the mirror on the door. A bandage stretched across her forehead. Upon peeling it off, she smiles at the healed skin. Your concern warms her heart. She steps into the other room, eager to meet you.
Daniela eyes you. The moment she steps into the larger room, you notice her.
“You’re awake”
She smiles at your voice. It’s breathtaking.
“How do you feel?”, you ask, when she fails to answer. Daniela grins. “Never better, my saviour”, she draw out. You raise your eyebrow.
Daniela walks over to you happily, uncaring about your personal space as she lets herself fall down on your lap. You grip the edges of the chair you’re sitting on.
“Say, whom do I owe the pleasure? Who is my saviour?”, she asks. You try your best to keep eye contact. Why must her cleavage be right there!
You answer her, stating your name. She feels light on your lap. Her fingertip pushed against your shoulder, for a moment you wonder if she’s listened. Then she repeats your name.
Daniela hears your heartbeat quicken when she says your name. She giggles.
“You’ve saved me, my knight”, she coos. “I wonder, how can I repay you?”
You begin to squirm slightly under her. You were raised well, or at least have good manners. You shouldn’t have the dirty thoughts that entertain your mind.
You bite your lip, stifling a groan when she squirms, turning on your lap to face you a little more. She rubs up right against the bulge between your legs. You’ve saved her, you can’t possibly ask for such a thing in return.
And yet your hands ache to grip her, fingers tingling with the wish to pull her nipples.
Your mind supplies you with the image of merely half an hour ago, when you had dragged her inside. Her clothing, wet and cold, utterly soaked and clinging tightly to her like a second skin.
You had tried not to stare, but now you remember the look of her nipples hard through the soaked fabric.
You try not to think of this. Instead, you grip the chair tighter. “I couldn’t possibly ask of something in return”, you say at last.
You glance at the tattoo on her forehead. You don’t know overly much of the Dimitrescus, but you know enough to be well aware to stay away. Yet, you feel drawn in.
Daniela smiles sweetly, seductively. She portrays innocence and safety. You don’t yet know her appearance doesn’t quite match her in this moment.
She looks playful. Your eyes widen when she slips off your lap, instead sits on the floor in front of you. She leans her head on her arms, crossed on your thighs.
Daniela pouts playfully.
“But my saviour, there must be something I can do!” She pleads. You gasp when she slides her palm downwards and to your thigh. She is, of course aware of what she’s doing to you. As any good predator should.
The tip of her index and middle finger playfully walk across your thigh. You feel entirely too warm, suddenly.
Daniela gasps when you stand up, her hands brushing off you. “Really, I’m glad I helped. I expect no reward”, you say, and yet in your mind you’re already undressing the auburn haired woman.
You think of how adorable her breasts must look so adorable for you. You admit, you couldn’t help but sneak a glance down at them when you peeled her wet dress off her and put her in one of your warm shirts instead. They looked large, and seemed soft.
You walk towards the fireplace, stoking it. She turns back to you, still in place. Golden eyes linger on you as she drops the brown blanket from her shoulders.
“It’s so warm in here”, she complains softly. The shirt is too big on her, and you feel as though your eyes pop out your skull when she grips it and pulls it against her, showing off the hidden curves beneath it. It rises up slightly, exposing the pale skin of her stomach.
You’re feeling painfully hard.
Another glance at her tattoo reminds you of the danger.
Would it be your death sentence to give in to her obvious offer, no- wish? Would Lady Dimitrescu merely tear you to pieces for defiling one of hers? You aren’t sure, but you remember hearing of three daughters; huntresses.
You gulp when the woman rises, her body inching closer until she is pressed against you, her full chest against yours, her fingertips back at your thighs. She reaches up with them, toying with your belt.
“Let me repay the favour, my darling saviour”
You bite your lip. Your own nipples are hard.
“I don’t-“, your words die on your lips as she leans forwards, her soft lips brushing against your neck. A moment’s worth you wonder if you’re going to die. It’s dangerous to let a predator such as her this close to where she could end you.
One snap of your neck.
That snap doesn’t come, however.
Instead you feel soft lips dragging against your flesh, a cold tongue poking out and sliding across your neck. You moan, and you know the battle is over when you feel her smile against your neck.
“My brave saviour”, she coos, hands easily undoing the belt you’re in. Daniela pulls it open eagerly, her fingertips exploring more and sliding to the zipper of your pants.
“I feel the upmost sense of relief that you have kept me protected”, she whispers. Her voice is soft.
You gasp when the pants spring open and her hand slides inside of them, cupping your bulge through your underwear. “Let me make it up to you, my love”
The strange petname from a practical stranger should worry you. You can’t bring yourself to worry however; she’s ethereal.
Daniela squeezes and rubs alongside the bulge as her teeth drag against you, not quite sinking in. She’s warm now, being this close to you, and lifts the shirt over her head. You see the damp bra and panties clinging to her. You know, health wise, you should have removed them to avoid her catching a cold, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Now, you wonder if at last you will see her beneath the garment.
“Don’t be shy, this is your reward”, she breathes seductively, bringing your hands up and to her round, swell breasts. They’re cold from the bra. You must change this, no?
Daniela giggles when you all but tear the fabric covering her down, replacing it with your warm hands instead. She moans at your gropes and arches her back just slightly when you pull her nipples.
She’s stunning, and she has you under her spell.
Your knees buckle when curious hands push past your underwear. Your warm cock rests in her hand. She squeezes again, humming. “Such a big thing. I’ll be sure to treat it well”, she promises quietly.
Your hands all but dig into the wall behind you when she gets on her knees. Daniela smiles up at you, hands tugging down the garments on your lower half. She licks her lips at the hardened cock in front of her.
This is going to be so fun! It’s been ages since she’s had a real dick. She feels her body responding naturally to it, her cunt wet and nipples hard, tiny, sensitive clit aching.
You lean back upon feeling her fingers back on you, and moan at the feeling of her warm lips around your tip. It’s been ages.
Daniela coos at your reactions, humming as she slips you inside her mouth. You resist the urge to thrust your hips, but then remember: isn’t this supposed to be your reward?
You give your hips an experimental thrust, making the redhead on the floor jump in surprise. She gags around you at the sudden movement, her hands coming up to steady herself on your hips.
You feel her nails, dangerously sharp, resting against your waist.
Another thrust into her warm mouth. Daniela moans, her golden eyes looking up at you obediently and seductively.
Maybe the mighty Alcina Dimitrescu didn’t have to find out about this.
You move your hips, desperation clear in your movement as you use her warm mouth. Daniela moans and blushes below you, visibly pleased with herself.
Her warm tongue rubs against you even as you thrust, and her throat becomes so tight whenever you push up against the back of it and make her gag.
Your cock is soon covered in drool, and her hand opts for sliding down between her legs. You don’t stop her, only demand she slips the damp underwear off. You want to see her pleasuring herself.
“God yes…!”
She moans at your reaction to her, her legs spread to let you see. She’s so eager to repay the favour to her lovely saviour!
Daniela giggles as she grips your hip tighter, once again taking subtle control as she wraps her lips tighter around you. You feel her against you, warm and soft.
You almost whine. You really don’t want to cum in her mouth, not if you could pump your load someplace else…
A part of you is worried of taking advantage of the woman’s offer for repayment. Another part wants nothing but to bury yourself deep inside her soft looking cunt.
Your head it thrown back against the wall. She feels so good on you, lips around you, creating somewhat of a tight seal. Her tongue drags against you inside her mouth as she sucks, and her hands fondle your balls. You’re close from her antics.
Daniela grinds down on the fingers inside of her, soaked and curling within her. She’s entirely naked in front of you, save for the necklace sitting around her throat.
“Please”, you whisper. You’re so close, your moans and gasps fill the room.
Daniela knows this, of course. She feels you twitch in her mouth and doubles her efforts.
Alas, no matter how hard you try, you can’t hold back. Daniela gasps at the unexpected ejection in her mouth. She feels your cum drip down her throat, your cock buried at the back of it. It feels foreign, but she doesn’t mind.
You pant, even more turned on as she keeps you in her mouth until you’re done shooting ropes of cum down her throat.
Perhaps, this would mean her debt is paid off. She has repaid you in the sweetest way possible. But Daniela is greedy, and now she has a taste of paradise, she wants to keep it a while longer.
You gasp when she pulls you by your hands, gently tugging you to the ground to her. She swallows what’s left of your cum, allows the rest to drip down her chin.
Your cock is soaked from your own cum and her drool. It glistens in the light of the fireplace.
She easily rips up your shirt, hands on your chest immediately.
It baffles you that you don’t even know the beautiful woman’s name yet. The question, however, slips your mind easily when she pushes you down and straddles you, her wet, puffy cunt right above your cock.
She leans down, hands on your waist as her lips wrap around your nipple. Her back is arched beautifully and feels soft under your fingertips. Her skin, pale and soft, looks as if she’s shining in the glistening light of the fireplace. She looks god-like, her auburn hair long and soft.
“My knight in shining armour”, she coos seductively when she feels you harden slightly under her again. Her wet cunt rubs against you. “My perfect saviour”, she adds, her hard nipples brushing against yours.
She pushes you inside of her, moaning and grinding down momentarily. It feels so good to be full again.
“Good…”, she moans, hips lifting. She has her hands on your chest, smiling down at you as she rides you. Her breasts bounce softly at her elegant pace, her head is thrown back. Gentle moans fall from her lips.
“You’re beautiful”, you praise. Your hands eagerly slide up her thick, soft thighs, up her stomach and to cup her large breasts.
The village didn’t offer many women, much less ones interested in you; in a way, the small village was quite conservative. You preferred living outside of it, even if it decreased your sexual encounters drastically.
Having this, a beautiful woman, a Dimitrescu nonetheless, wrapped around your cock, rising you and moaning you, feels like plucking the forbidden fruit from the golden tree.
But you’re thirsty, and hungry, and the fruit is too tempting to deny.
Daniela giggles when you sit up and thrust into her, your lips clashing against hers. She moans your name against your lips, her hips twitching with the pleasure you’re giving her.
“So soft” you whisper to her, hands sliding up and down her body in an almost worshipping manner. Daniela blushes and squirms at this. She has her legs spread wide for you and throws her head back when your hand slides between them, thumb finding her clit easily.
She’s sensitive for you; it’s adorable.
She giggles happily at your worship and love, feeling herself falling already. Her sisters would call it foolish, delusional, wrong. But how is it not fate, she wonders? Clearly, you are meant for her.
She throws her head back, curled hair tickling her backside. You cup her head, eager to feel the soft curls. You don’t tug, but stroke her hair, unused to company. She tightens around you, and she feels you twitch in her in return.
Daniela whimpers at a thrust sharply inside of her. You realise you’ve found her G-Spot, and angle yourself for it again. Thrusting hard and helping her get off by rubbing and toying with her sweet clit. The woman on your lap is trembling slightly, moaning like a broken record.
You don’t fare much better. But you want her to cum first this time.
“Cum for me, sweet princess”, you whisper, and her head spins. She blushes wildly. “Cum for me, and consider your debt repaid”
Daniela moans, and easily obeys the simple command with your next thrusts into her.
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modelbus · 6 months
eyup model!! Hru?? Hope all is well… but lets get to the important shit, THATS RIGHT! ITS ME, YOUR SELF PROCLAIMED FAVOURITE ANNON, ✨🌌🌙!!! Y’know, the one that writes SUPER detailed, SUPER long and SUPER off-topic-for-the-first-half requests!!!! (If I keep this up for long enough, you’re gonna have to add a ✨🌌🌙 Annon section to your master list. /hj)
that makes me think about when I first requested, I wonder how long its been.. I THINK my first req was Cut Chaos.. one sec lemme check………
been a while.. I’ll need to remember to write a DUMB request in june.
okay so idk how to format this but here,
She/Her pronouns for plot. y/n is honestly, REALLY bad at pvp, she’s know amongst the SBI for being.. a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but the wolf has no teeth. She likes flowers, pastel pinks, purples, and blues, she likes cottage core dresses and corsets.. So on the surface she looks like a pretty, little, innocent streamer!… yeah, no. Sure, shes pretty as fuck, but little? She is SURPRISINGLY TALL. half the fan base is fully convinced EVERY photo shes in is photo shopped, but sure enough, shes 6’4! Innocent? Say the words ‘Arson’ ‘Crime’ or ‘Manslaughter’, and you practically summon her. (Every SMP she has been on, has in-fact seen not only her enemy’s but HER OWN, Builds being blown up and/or burnt to the ground AT LEAST, 3 times.) shes also know for her ADORABLE builds (shame half of them end in ash..), her parkour skills.. and uh.. being complete garbage at anything pvp.
Well twitter being twitter, a lot of sexist 12 year old boys, and Andrew tate fans like to be.. REALLY creepy and all ‘perfect house wife’ about her. (You get the gist no more detail needed.) While they may not know it(they ignore it/pretend its fake), she’s actually quite strong in real life, often picking up her friends in irl streams and running away with them as a bit (with consent ofc)! But in minecraft, that doesn’t really show.. so naturally being the absolute fucking queen she is, about a year ‘n a half ago, she decided she was gonna be fucking great at pvp. Naturally not telling anyone but techno (so he could teach her, duh) and avoiding all pvp for a year, lead to people joking about it more often.. this didn’t bother her, it was actually perfect, she had been getting better. Like really. Danm. Better. Practicing even without techno and on an alt, and at this point? It felt natural to be disappointed at a 25 win streak.. she went from 0 to about 30-40 average win streaks.. in a year and a half.. she was dedicated, okay? Her fans did notice her getting a little rusty at parkour but they just assumed she had been to busy to practice as much.. they were right but not about what she was busy doing.. So, she obviously invited the sbi, and a few other friends (Tubbo, Ranboo and Dream.) to play a custom pvp themed game, with the stream titled ‘I haven’t pvp-ed in a year and a half, and now I’m doing it again.’ where they were split into two rounds, (y/n and techno being in both but the rest in one) all in hardcore and spawned on opposite sides of the map, having 30 minutes to gear up, before pvp was turned on, and no going to the end, no other rules than one hour to be the last one standing, they could team, they could camp, they could use tnt minecrarts, they could go to the nether, anything. it was all game.
only two people expected her to crush almost everyone. I’m not even sure if those two people were expecting her to come second one round, and WIN the other.. but with her getting half the kills in round one and losing to techno in a final battle where she held her fucking ground like a boss ass mother fucker, and winning after techno killed Dream and she ambushed him after using a god apple..
lets just say after a couple things trending, a lot of fanart and A LOT of sapphic women going crazy, nobody dared to question her dedication to proving she was a fucking force to be reckoned with again.
(It also became a very popular running joke that she got more women than any other Minecraft CC.. you don’t gotta include that just- just make it cannon.. oops, dropped my gay onto the request lemme fetch that rq..) (yes, I wrote this y/n as my fuckin dream girl, I’m a simp okay..)
haha.. ha.. BRO AT THIS POINT I’M JUST WRITING A FIC AND TELLING YOU TO RE-WRITE IT BUT MAKE IT GOOD I- feel free to change what ever, the top half is mostly just context- even if you don’t do this request you should reply to it so its not lost to the void- I.. I’m sorry man I keep doing this to you-
For our one year anniversary I’ll make a special section of my master list just for you bbg <3 also don’t judge me for this title I was STRUGGLING
Pairing: what the fuck anymore Actual pairing: Fem!Reader x Cc!Phil, Cc!Tommy, Cc!Technoblade, Cc!Dream, Cc!Tubbo, Cc!Ranboo
Flower Power
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You were pretty happy with who you were. A badass woman who just so happened to be the epitome of flower power? Hell yeah.
Fairy lights twinkle in the background of your setup, a wall full of vines and LED signs providing extra ambience. That’s not to mention the special keyboard—resin flower keycaps, they were on sale okay—alongside your setup in general. Even your mic had cute animal stickers on it. Well, except for the one Tommy gave you of his face? It was weird.
Right now, though, you aren’t at your cute setup. No matter how much you loved it, you were at least aware that you couldn’t send every waking moment at it. You weren’t quite that much of a content machine.
So of course you go outside to film vlogs with Tommy! Totally reasonable break from filming content: film more content!
Jokes aside, you loved hanging out with your friends. Getting dressed up just for Tommy to inevitably ruin it was practically your good luck ritual. The sheer number of skirts, shawls, and even socks he owes you is astronomical.
Today he had promised nothing messy (for once), so you took your chance. Pale blue corset embroidered with flowers and a flowy white skirt, you were practically screaming your aesthetic to anyone who looked at you. And Ranboo had given you a dandelion for your hair, which only added to it.
”Tall fuckers to the back for the photo!” Tommy shouts, and the poor bystander he roped into taking the photo stares. “Which obviously means me—“
“Get your short ass back in front.” You order, snagging his shoulders and forcing him in front of you. From your side, Ranboo snickers.
“Welcome to the club, king.” Tubbo tells Tommy before grinning at the camera.
“What the fuck.” He grumbles. “She’s hardly any taller than me!”
“Keep lying to yourself.” You put your elbow on his head, just to add insult to injury.
“Um, I got the photo I think.” The stranger says, holding Tommy’s phone out to him. He takes it without even looking at the photos.
“Thanks.” He says after you clear your throat pointedly to prompt him.
Seeing their chance to escape, the person just nods and hurries off without a single glance back. Probably glad to be rid of your wayward group of streamers and YouTubers.
“It’s a decent photo.” Tommy begrudgingly admits.
“It’s my cue to leave, actually. I’ve got plans.” Tubbo says, checking his phone.
“Why do you get more bitches than me?” Tommy whines.
“…it’s my mother.”
“And we all know I get the most bitches.” You jump in, high-fiving Ranboo blindly. You nearly hit his face, but that’s okay. It would’ve been funny.
“Oh shut the fuck up.” Tommy elbows you, all gangly limbs and pointy bones. “We’re playing Minecraft later, right?”
“Not me.” Tubbo reminds him.
“No shit. I was talking to these two idiots.”
“I’ll be on.” You lean over him, looking at his phone for the time. “You’re aware we need to leave if we want to make your stupid fucking steam time?”
He looks down, eyes widening. “Oh shit!”
Just for making you run home, you blow up his house on Minecraft. For the fourth time. It was ugly looking anyway, nothing like your adorable mushroom house, so he was practically begging for it to be exploded.
It’s his fault. Always.
“You really want to attack me from there?”
Your hands freeze on your keyboard mid-movement, making your character in game also freeze at Techno’s words.
“Not anymore?” You laugh nervously.
“Right answer. Try this again and I’ll pretend like I don’t see you.”
PvP training was going great, and by that you mean you’ve been killed every single time by one swing of his axe. It was no secret that you were bad at fighting. Your go-to tactic was to load up on TnT and hope for the best, which met… many criticisms.
And you were sick and tired of it. It’s time to reinstate your badass reputation and become a ruthless killer in a video game. Innocent bedwars players would never know what hit them! Hopefully, at least. Right now, you’re still working on that.
“Fuck!” You exclaim as Techno kills you yet again, the respawn screen flashing up.
“If you with to defeat me, train for another—“
“I’m trying!”
@ GenericUsername Anyone else notice that our resident flower girl has been avoiding PvP… poor girl is TIRED of being flamed
-> @ EatingLipSkin She deserves it for how shit she is for dying to magma blocks that one time
Slowly, so fucking slowly, you watch your bedwars win streak increase. Slowly, you watch your skywars win streak increase.
Somehow, against literally all odds, you’re learning how to girlboss PvP. Although when you told Techno that he seemed mildly confused, but you were definitely girlbossing PvP.
Which was exactly why you knew this stream was a good idea.
After a year and a half, you were hosting a huge stream with a bunch of your friends competing in a PvP tournament. Tommy insisted on there being a prize, so whoever wins gets the highly esteemed Tesco’s gift card you’ve had in your desk for five months. A battle of true honor, of epic consequences.
“Alright guys, so here’s my plan.” You tell your stream, mining some wood to craft basic tools. Everyone has 30 minutes to gear up, then it’s an hour till the winner is crowned. With the map having a small border, you’re counting on some cheeky kills from sneaking up on others. “I mine first, stock up on iron. Make a diamond axe if I can, but mostly go for lava buckets and backup gear.”
Your plan is put into motion quickly. With the new iron veins, it’s incredibly easy for you to get geared up within fifteen minutes. Venturing back up to the surface for food, you spot Tubbo without any armor killing sheep.
Sneaking to hide your name tag, you venture up a tree to get closer to him. You added a proximity mod, so you can hear him talking to his stream.
“We need lots of food, chat. All these guys— these guys don’t know the importance of food!” He’s saying. It’s a smart plan; if only you weren’t planning on killing him and taking his food.
“Hi Tubbo!” You shout, dropping down and killing him with a few swipes of your axe. “One down, just a few more to go!”
As people die left and right—most dying to you, to everyone’s surprise—you pointedly avoid Technoblade. The student will never surpass the master, after all. All your tricks came from his playbook and you really didn’t want to see how competitive he’d get for a gift card he’d never even use.
Dream was slain by Technoblade
Your eyes widen in surprise at the chat message, quickly stretching your fingers to press tab and bring up the list of players left alive. Only yours and Techno’s show.
“Oh no.” You breathe, freezing. “Oh God, chat. I have to murder Technoblade. I have to disassemble his organs and destroy his aorta.”
Suddenly, you’re paranoid as all hell. Randomly going into F5 as you kill cows, checking every angle.
“The student thinks she can challenge the master?” Techno asks, and you shriek in surprise as he digs up from below you.
“I fucking knew you’d say that! You predictable pig!”
“But you didn’t know where I was going to come from.” He points out. You know him well enough to detect the faint line of amusement in the words.
You groan, eating a steak. “Let’s dance, Technoblade.”
“Let’s die, actually.”
He comes at you with an axe, immediately disabling your shield. In retaliation, you swap to a fishing rod to lure him back in when he tried to run off.
As the two of you fight, you find yourself getting closer to your monitor, keeping your mouth shut as you concentrate. Fingers flying across the keys, you scroll to your lava bucket and attempt to burn him. By some miracle, he manages to avoid it and get a hit in on you.
“Oh my God.” You breathe at seeing how many hearts it takes. “Is that fucking enchanted?”
“Is yours not? Get good, nerd.”
You jump past him, placing a quick block to act as a barrier as you smack him with your own axe. Diamond, so it should make up for the difference in strength of his enchanted iron axe.
He loops around a tree, but you momentarily lose track of him. “Where the fuck—?”
As you notice your hearts depleting, you whirl around. Instead of doing the smart thing a retreating, you jump forward and crit him out. If he were any other player (cough cough, Tommy), he’d run. But he’s Technoblade. And all he does is crit you in return, killing you.
“Fuck.” You groan, leaning back in the chair.
<Technoblade> If you wish to defeat me train for another 100 years
Rolling your eyes at the chat message, all you can do is wait for the server to be reset with a new map and everyone living again.
You do the same tactic again, gearing up as quick as possible. It seems like other people have stolen your idea, but go about it in different ways based on the achievements. In the chat, you watch as Ranboo gets the achievement for entering the nether and then Tommy gets it right after.
“I will gift twenty subs if one of them isn’t dead within… five minutes.” You wager to your chat, laughing slightly. They’re still busy freaking out that you placed second last round, making you smile. “Guys, what’s wrong? You didn’t think I’d get kills? What am I known for if not manslaughter?”
A few minutes later—just under five minutes, might you note—Ranboo’s death message pops up. And then so does Tommy’s. Ranboo was killed by Tommy, but apparently Tommy burned to death? You can definitely picture his dumb ass walking into fire.
“Well… looks like I’m aiming for Phil.” You sigh. “I’d feel too bad to kill Tubbo again. But I’m not fucking with Dream or Techno— losing fights and all that.”
You start mining up to the surface, digging through some deep slate you had gone through. “Wait, is this wood?” You ask, scrolling to your axe to mine through the oak planks. You mine directly through a mineshaft, gasping in surprise. “Oh!”
There’s a chest in a minecart right in front of you, so you open it, hoping for some cheeky diamonds. You’ll even take wheat; food is food.
“Oh my God!” You shriek, probably bursting more than a few eardrums. “A god apple— oh my god! We’re fucking winning this one, guys! Cower at my name! But first we’re getting out of here before a spider kills me.”
You run around for a few minutes before stumbling into Dream and promptly running the other way directly into Phil’s house. Why he was building a house on a PvP server? You’ll never know.
“Oh, hi mate, what’re you doing?” He asks, hands empty of any weapons. You scroll onto your flint and steel silently. “Listen. We can talk about this. You don’t need to do this.”
“It’s too late, Philza Minecraft.” You answer, lighting some of the logs on fire. “Should’ve made it out of stone!”
Turning, you light the ground under him on fire then scroll over to your axe. He’s not expecting it, and although he gets a hit in with his empty fists, you still kill him.
“Just Techno and Dream left now.” You note. “Let’s just… hope they battle it out.”
To keep yourself occupied as you wait for the last five minutes before the borders shrink, you start setting cows on fire and collecting flowers. Poppies and dandelions fill your inventory, your little good luck charms.
“Alright guys. Someone go sneak into Techno’s chat and snitch on what’s happening for me.” You laugh, shaking your head. “Kidding, kidding. Don’t do that.”
Just as the one-minute warning pops up I no chat, Techno’s death message does. You gasp loudly, before grinning. “It’s my time to shine! I’ll avenge Techno!”
The world border starts to shrink behind you, but you’re already on the move. Knowing Dream, he’ll probably be in the center of the map. If you can catch him while he’s looting Techno’s body, you have no chance of losing.
“Stop saying good luck chat, I don’t need any good luck.” You grin, spotting Dream’s name tag. “I’ve got skill.”
Before you throw yourself at him, you eat your enchanted golden apple. If you trade blows, you’ll end up winning with the extra health. And two hearts is all you need.
“Ohhhh Dream!” You shout, catching him with a swing of your axe as you jump past him.
“AHH— what the fuck? Where did you come from?” He runs after you, making you do awkward jumping around to avoid his fishing rod.
“Stop! Stop that, I can’t— Dream!”
“Are you regenerating? Did you go to the nether?” He asks, and you can’t help but smile.
Because God apples don’t just give you extra hearts; they give you regeneration.
“I did one better.”
You hit him with your axe again, trading blows with him just like you thought you might.
“You’ve got to be low, how low are you?” He asks, hitting you again, but it’s too late. His body explodes on his death, his items flying out everywhere. You throw your chair back, jumping up and shouting.
->@ TheRealBIcon dont be sorry we all thinking it she HOT HOT
@ S4pph1cSarah Anyone else see that fanart of her winning the PvP tournament… woo boy…. I’m… not okay…
@ S4pph1cSarah A thread of the HOTTEST fanart I’ve ever seen of our beloved streamer <3
@ SmexyWomenNearMe Me: “where is she?” “Her parkour skills are rusty how odd” “she’s streaming less” Her: “Watch this fuckos I’m badass and a killer”
->@ TwilightReference ”this is the face of a killer Bella”
@ CottagecoreBadass Can we talk about how dedicated she is? Like yeah she’s hot. So hot. But she’s also insanely badass and commited???
->@ CuteBuilder101 Best type of woman fr fr ->@ StarAnon Cottagecore + badass + chaotic force of nature = her (my dream woman)
@ StarAnon She really just drew all the women lovers outta hiding huh
@ ThisIsTheWriter Idk if I want to be her or if I want her but man. Oh man. I’m so bi.
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romanarose · 1 year
Gift Giving with the Triple Frontier Boys
Triple Frontier Master List All fanfic masterlist
Thoughts on the TF boys expressing their love for you through gift giving, and you returning it.
Acts of Service Word of Affirmation Quality Time Physical Touch
Warnings: Mentions of smut, pregnancy, nightmares involving death, drinking problem, addiction/rehab, past child abuse (sorry Millers lolololol), Not very smutty this time, lo siento.
Santiago Garcia
After Santi and Fish went back for the money in the canyon, they split it with the Millers, but that still eft each with a hefty sum. Anyone who grew up poor like Santi knows its easier to make money when you have money, and after a few smart monetary choices, Santi found himself in a good financial position. He still considered what he has somewhat blood money, although you frequently remind him that it was Tom that fucked it all up, so Santi makes sure to donate to charities close to his heart. However, Santiago adores you, and he'd me amiss if he didn't use that money to spoil you. Maybe it's dresses, maybe it's leather pants that show off your ass, maybe it's you're clothing taste is more simple but he indulges you in t-shirts from Star Wars, Doctor Who, and what's the stupid Marvel show? Moon Night? Whatever, he'll get you the goddamn Moon Night back back. If you like make up, fancy head coverings or wigs, he's got you, anything to make his girl feel special. You go to a concert, merch tent is yours. You don't even bring it up half the time, he'll catch you staring at a dress at the mall or 'recently viewed' will pop up on amazon and he'll just get it, as a treat. And if you have a fancy event, a quince, you're nieces first communion, or an Afghan wedding with multiple clothing changes, you bet you'll have the best. Oh, and you BET your wedding dress or suit will be the one you want, and you're ring? On point.
You and Santi took things slow. Maybe it's for religious reasons, maybe it's because you have had bad experiences in the past, or maybe you just wanted too, but you hadn't had sex yet. You'd slept over, keeping things modest but intimate, him holding you close and yeah, you maybe had to ignore a boner or two. He couldn't help it, it was biology, but he was nothing but respectful. However, when the time came you found you were ready.... you had a plan. It was his birthday, and after a very loud, very fun event with all his family and his friends ending with Will half-dragging his brother out because Benny kept saying goodbye for 40 minutes, you found yourselves alone.
"I've got a surprise for you" You gently push Santi back, lifting up your dress to reveal a lingerie set that made you look good and feel comfortable.
The dumbfounded look on his face and immediate bulge in his pants made it all the more impressive that he gulped, and stuttered out an "are you sure? you're absolutely sure?" before diving in on you. It wasn't the only gift you had gotten him, of course, but your body might be his favorite.
Benny Miller
It had been a bad day, but when you called Benny on your break and asked how he was, it was clear Benny was having a rough day at the gym. Benny vented to you, you listened, offered advice where he wanted it and allowed him to complain about the little things that nothing could be done about where he needed. By the time your hour was up, your food was ate and both of you felt better. Even just talking to your husband brightened your day, even if you didn't tell him that you were frustrated. However, work continued to suck ass. When you get home, however, you start on diner because you know Benny had a tough day and food made him happy. When he came home, however, he had a few things. In one had was his keys, water bottle and barely gasping a case of beer (jesus christ his hands are large) and in the other, a Hostess fruit pie from the gas station that he handed to you. "What's this for?" You ask, surprised by the treat. Benny shrugged. "I saw it and thought of you. You said you used to eat them a lot as a kid?" You did... you said that... about 3 years ago you made an offhand comment, and he remembered. Benny was nearly tackled by the hug, and you could not imagine having a better partner in this life.
Benny was a silly lil guy. Not to say he couldn't be serious. He was there for Frankie through his addiction, but Benny's best support was offered through his shinning personality, like visiting Frankie in rehab and making him laugh. Likewise, he was there to listen and genuinely help you with problems, he was fiercely defensive of you, and was serious when needed, but what you loved about him was how much you genuinely had fun together. None of this is to say Benny doesn't have his struggles. You told him he needed to get him drinking under control before you would date him, (although you supported him with that even through the 'friends for now' stage), and Benny clearly had PTSD from serving and from his childhood that he tended to bury under her sunny exterior. You notice him slipping, his nightmares getting worse; nightmares of his dad killing Will, someone hurting you or Santi or Fish, Tom dying... you figured you needed to make him laugh. So, you sit him down and gift with him with a pair of boxers that say "this ass belongs to-" with your name on it. Benny's face splits into a wide, genuine grin. He laughs so damn hard and hugs you so damn tight you feel a little bit better. You tell him you got him a gift because you've noticed he's been struggling lately, and open up a conversation about what's been going on... and maybe, if he's up for it, talking to a doctor at the VA about getting on some anti-nightmare medication.
Frankie Morales
When Frankie came into your life, you knew before you ever dated that he had a daughter, and none of that phased you. She was a good kid, and you had gotten along well with her. Frankie was slow to introduce you, of course, not wanting women in and out of her life, but as you and Frankie grew closer you met her, and were thrilled to be spending more time with her as Frankie thought was appropriate. It was still early in your relationship when you came over to his house only to find Fransico Julio Morales Andala with a tiara on his head, covered in glitter, sitting at a kid sized table with craft goods stone across it... girl dad life. You smiled fondly at him, and chuckled as him and Adrianna yelled at you to wait in the living room until they were done. So, you sat on your phone listening to the father-daughter pair whisper and giggle and argue before they bring their finished product. A Valentines day card, ugly as all hell... but so clearly both of them. Franki drew a helicopter, Adrianna drew a castle, Frankie drew you and him holding hands, Adrina drew a dead "bad guy"... you weren't sure what that head to do with Valentines Day but oh well. And together, they had glued on dried flowers, lace, Star Wars stickers, and a fuck ton of glitter for you. It was entirely too much, would glitter-ize you and your apartment for weeks... but god dammit you were crying and now you had to frame it.
You were nervous, as far as fathers days go... Frankie wanted this, he said he did, but less than 2 months of marriage seemed... soon? You did the math, and he knocked you up your wedding night. Still, you wanted to give Adrianna a sibling... Frankie had spent the day with her, but you really wanted to talk to him alone, and you really thought today was fitting... so Santi took her for diner. He was a father figure to her, after all. It took a while, but halfway through diner was when Frankie asked, worried, 'Something wrong, hermosa?' You couldn't wait any longer, and told him you were pregnant with his child. You watched as the shock filled him, tears misting his eyes before he came over to your side of the table and pulled you to your feet. Frankie picked you up, making you squeal and both of you giggled as he spun you around before setting you down on the floor.
"Best father's day gift ever"
Will Miller
It was a military ball, and although you tried to keep it lowkey... you were thrilled. You hardly got a chance to dress up, and when was the last time you wore a dress this fancy? Will knocked on the door before entering when you called him in, a move you thought was a bit silly considering you were married and it was his savings that bought the house, but Will thought you should be allowed your privacy either way. You turn from where you sit in the vanity mirror, finding Will blue eyes and soft smile trained on you. 'You look beautiful, princess. I'll never get tired of telling you, every damn day.' He kissed the top of your hair, very careful not to mess up your up-do and walked over to his drawer. He began a preamble that you didn't have to wear it if you had other jewelry plans, but you but him off. Whatever he gave, you'd proudly wear. Will walked back behind you, and you are struck once again by how such a large man can manage not to look the slightest bit intimating. not you at least. But maybe that's because you know him, and despite whatever he had done on the military, he was the gentlest soul you had ever met in your life. He pulled out a neckless, stunningly sparkly and bright, with your favorite jewel and fucking hell it must've been expensive. He clasped it behind you, sealing the act with a kiss on your neck, a hint of what no doubt will happen later tonight... And you will, in fact, be showing this neckless of all night, just as Will is going to show off you.
"Honey, I'm home!" You call as you step in and Will beckons you to the guest room where he is fixing the closet door. Will turns around to greet you, setting the tools down so he could take you in for a kiss, something you two promised to try and do every day, when he saw what you were holding, flowers. Confused, he kisses your cheek. "Are we visiting your grandma today, honey?" He asked, and when you said no, he had a few more possible reasons for the flowers, even so far as to ask if this was your way of reminding him he forgot an important date. You laugh, as if he would ever. You finally tell him, "They're for you, silly." The man was too stunned too speak. "For me? Why?". You explain you don't need a reason, that he's your special man and he deserves it. You explain how you were driving home and saw a pop up flower stand, and realized that your kind, thoughtful, gentle, hardworking husband had probably never gotten a bouquet in his 30 something years of living. And what a shame that was! He deserved flowers. Pretty ones, too. Despite the strength he held, and the way his arms wrapped tight around you, he knew his strength and did not squeeze to hard... but it was a firm hug, and as he buried his face in your neck, you swore it was a little wet as he whispered "thank you, beautiful." Even in his childhood, no one had treated him with such soft kindness as you did, and he'd do everything in his power to not let you go.
SORRY THE LAST ONE TOOK FOREVER i was uninspired but the oscar isaac discord im in helped me get on my feet.
If you liked this one make sure to check out the other 4 love languages!
@whatthefishh @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @kittyofalltrades @luciannadraven33 @littlenosoul @jake-g-lockley @milkymoon2483 @howaboutcastiel @miraclesabound @bitchyglitterfox @missdictatorme
and bc
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girlinwoods · 9 months
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{ Him }
• dark minded jungkook x sensitive reader• ( non con)
....I am a working independent women but not that much.. just okay - okay ....and you know parents ..as well as how this society is they say a women always need a men in order to be happy...
" mom really ?? How many Times do I have to say this i don't wanna get married! Don't you understand?"
" y/n ..at least meet him he's so rich and handsome you surely gonna like him " my mom said in excitement..
" no means no...mom!" i said
" y/n please understand our condition too we are poor we don't have anything besides your salary and you also know that shity ass store manager gonna remove you any time he gets a better worker then you "
" mom...but-"
" i don't wanna hear anything it's final and it's your choice if you like it or not just get ready.. they're coming for dinner and i am warning you already baby be on your best behaviour okay... "
I didn't said anything because I can't believe her ....my life is full of shit i just went in my room and started crying...and fell asleep at 5: 40 pm... I came down wearing a red top and a plain long white skirt and ..my mother looked at me as she smiles
" they gonna be here in minutes"
And after 15 minutes our door bell rang so i went in the kitchen and my...mother went to answer the door I heard them talking... specially when my mother said..
" sure .... y/n baby come here"
I entered... in living room and saw a old couple so I greeted them then I saw a men who's seems to be in his late twenties not gonna lie he was handsome and his whole arm was covered with tattoos....ear piercing and eye brow piercing his whole appearance was screaming dominant or power....
" y/n baby...sit down"...
I sat beside my mother
" your daughter is so beautiful... Mrs Kim..and y/n he's jungkook "
And jungkook suddenly looked up at me from his phone our eyes matched...but...i..i don't... know....if I feel love or fear...he was just staring at me ..and then Mrs Jeon said
" from our side it's a yes Mrs Kim because we liked your daughter alot and my son needs someone like her innocent.... And fragile...."
Wth fragile? is that a compliment huh and they just saw me ..and said yes I didn't even get to put my point....but he was staring at me... up and down mostly on chest...and i didn't liked that and he wishper something to his dad and Mr Jeon said
" i think it will be better if they can talk in .. alone...and get some understanding "
Understanding? No no ..
" sure .. y/n go show him your room ..." My father said
But I didn't move... and jungkook stand-up from his place and grabs my hand i yanked my hand from his grip and went in my room as he came with ....me ....it was silent....he didn't said anything but steps closer towards me
" you were mine from the day you born... princess and what you think....you can show me your attitude and you will get away with it baby..."
" i-..what?..." He didn't answer....my question but pushed me towards the wall and gripped on my....vigina through the clothes....i... screamed in pain....
" ahh...i-its hurts please" i cried on his tight grip
But he was staring at me blankly
" this cunt ...is mine"
Then gripped on my hair
" this all is mine....." And he pushed me on the floor as he started removing his pants
" please no please!!! Leave me !!" I was begging him but he didn't listen me and started jerking off then he grabbed my hair again as I screamed in pain he pushed his dick inside my mouth and started mouth fucking me ... after 20 minutes he cums ...in my mouth and he pushed me on the bed ...and went down on his knees and started eating me out i couldn't help but close my eyes and after few more minutes when he was satisfied he stands up from his place
" gonna breed you....like the bitch you are and after that you have to say yes by yourself baby...."
And he started fucking....me... after half an hour...he stopped and looked at her who was crying mess but no one came to help her and she open her eyes
" i h-hate.... you so much"
" I am sure you do.....my darling but you can't do anything about it other than...to cry and have my babies " he smirked ....
" my dumb little lamb"
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