#but its how i feel!
gild-and-fire · 3 years
say what you want about good girls, but at least they didnt write in a pandemic storyline 
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obsob · 2 years
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hgrng...thinking of love 
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mccoalminer · 2 years
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Alison Bechdel
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neutral-party · 2 years
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could rlly use that beach episode right abt now ☀️⛱️
(click image for better quality)
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glitterghost · 2 years
Being ace can be pretty isolating at various times, for varying reasons that I don't feel like I have to explain because if you are ace, you probably get it.
#asexual#ace#pride#vague post but you know..*gestures to nothing*#i dont think i even need to expand on this#aromantic#could be thrown into this as well#things are just sometimes frustrating when people dont get it#if you read tags cook bc here we go a bit#there is always this talk of being left behind or being forgotten about or whatever#and yeah its true and when things happening almost in succession that makes it even more aware and apparent that yeah you kinda do get left#behind a bit*#so many ppl want marriage and or kids and its like#what about the people that want to hold on to things as they currently are?#to friends and books and cats and fictional feelings#and the way some ppl you know talk about how people gradual drift apart?#like thats a full on decision#thats not always a mutual thing#people leave at times and another person that might not be ready to end that connection with a person has to navigate their way through it#on their own#but like society is so weird to people that dont want the predictable life path#as you get older questions become are you married#do you have kids like its expected#where are the questions like whats the latest book youve read#whats your current favorite fandom#what makes you happy or brings you joy or whats a good thing about today?#not sure where im cycling down into with this bc theres too much to touch on#but not everyone wants sex or kids or marriage or crippling responsibilities of adulthood#sometimes we just want a hobbit hole to disappear into#a friend to text or pizza to eat or something funny to laugh at
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dykecadence · 2 years
everything everywhere all at once said "nothing matters but be kind anyway" and i havent been able to have a coherent thought since
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serainechor · 2 years
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twenty years later
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foulserpent · 3 years
defending modern art to the death against people who are like "its just lines" "my 3 year old could do this" "its just pretentious" and then turning around and joking with other people who like, get it, about how fucking lame a lot of it is
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coughloop · 3 years
Dude yoga is fucking hard I forgot how much this shit like wrecks you immediately after
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i-can-bench-220 · 2 years
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we are feeling emotional about the mystery solving talking dog cartoon in this chili’s tonight
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puppyeared · 2 years
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AKA... the CATS!!
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cemeterything · 2 years
"there's only one 'accurate' 'true' form of angel and it's the ones with six wings and flaming wheels covered in eyes" actually there are multiple depictions and interpretations of angels of equal validity in mythology and art and they're all laughing at you at a party you weren't invited to
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metaphor-cheese · 2 years
Viewing all phineas and ferb characters as autistic is so nice because you rarely see a range of personality types with autistic characters in the same show
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wizardsisananimal · 3 years
hearing people hijacking posts made specifically about being deaf/hoh are like. "also this applies to neurodivergent people too !!"
guess what, i know there are overlaps in these experiences because i am ALSO neurodivergent ! but i was explicitly talking about my own disability on my own post. i get that there is an overlap because i actually experience both of these things, but ONE of those things makes it physically impossible to hear and the other. doesnt <|:•) and that's ok alright ?
nuerodivergent people who are able bodied/sighted/hearing etc, i need you to understand that it is ok for the conversation to not be explicitly about you even if there is an overlap in our experiences. lift up your disabled siblings instead of minimizing us. by making our experiences out to be universal you make it about YOU and therefore co-opt and remove us from our own experiences. this is not an attack and this is not a competition, there is space for all of us please
you need to unpack your knee jerk reaction to feeling excluded when you see someone talk about having a disability or experience that is not your own
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fortheharbingers · 2 years
"it's not just about sex. it's about the intimacy, of being vulnerable with one another, being so close to one another emotionally and physically. ...but it's also about sex and fucking so good all you can think about is each other."
kuroo, daichi, noya, tanaka, bokuto, akaashi, oikawa, makki, iwiazumi, ennoshita, tendou, osamu, kita
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spellboundcities · 2 years
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Boxed in
Bonus little skully in the same palette! I liked the vibe
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