#but its so curious to me that i feel like very often i will send posts to the mutuals if theyre abt their interests
caruliaa · 30 days
i must surely not be your only starkid guy. if i am then i must SURELY not be your only taylur swift guy. surely not ?? am i ??
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cherriteaa · 5 months
chifuyu x his pretty girl ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊
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Chifuyu x Black fem reader
I love Toman Man I literally have no other explanation
Contents: Tooth-rotting fluff
(not proofread)
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He's always giving you stuff. Sharing and gift giving is so big with him. He's always going:
"Hey baby you want some before I drink this?" "You want anything to eat?" "Want some?" "I saw you looking at that plushie in the window. Do you want it?"
He has something of his, something he found, or something he bought for you nearly every time you meet up. He's a sucker for matching items as well. Couples plushies (he makes them kiss whenever he comes over), couples keychains, couples necklaces, ect. With jewelry, he always manages to find tasteful matching things. But he occasionally will get one of the corny heart pieces or something just because it's funny.
He is your number one hypeman until he dies. And then probably after that. His face totally lights up when you show him anything having to do with you. Or even just when you walk in the room and he notices something. If you get your nails, hair, lashes ect done, its a BIG DEAL for him.
"Let me see!! They're so pretty!" "Baby you look so goood!!" "Did you get your lashes done? They look amazing!"
Even if he notices you're feeling under the weather, he's there to remind you how much you mean to him, and even if you're insecure about anything, he makes it known that you are everything to him.
He finds cooking with you to be messy, but fun. He likes to put on your favorite songs just to see you hum and dance while in the kitchen.
HE SENDS YOU SO MUCH SHIT ON MY GOD. Instagram reels, tiktoks, memes he got on discord, links to clothes he thinks is cool, screenshots of clothing items or plushies that you may want. Literally everything. You two will send tiktoks back and forth for hours until its super late, text eachother goodnight, and then like an hour later, both see eachother online again and go "WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP STILL? GO TO BED" only to have the other send the stupidest meme in response. Often times, this leads to facetimes at 1am with you two giggling into your phones until you finally get tired. Then, you'll sleep on facetime together.
His gallery is full of you. Both pictures he took of you, and photos of you two together. He's a pretty energetic guy, and you two like to go exploring a lot, which means pictures at the park, pictures at new restaurants and cafes, photo evidence of you two getting into mischief, everything. He loves taking photos and capturing memories of you two.
Absolutely infatuated with you. He can't keep his hands off you. Not in a sexual way, but he's always holding your hand, wrapping his arms around your waist/shoulders, playfully poking at you, kissing your cheek, anything. He loves to randomly tilt your chin towards him so he can pepper kisses all over your cheeks/ lips
OH AND YOUR HAIR. He's respectful, so of course he asked before touching, but he's awfully curious about it. He loves your curls and the different styles you do/get done. He will certainly help you with detangling or washing, but he fumbles a little with styling. He's more than happy to help with adding beads, ribbon ect though. He's a "Yes ma'am" kinda guy. Def calls you 'his lady' and always pretends you're already married. Says shit like "Happy wife happy life" to his friends after buying you a plushie and they just snicker at him
Chifuyu is overall a very playful boyfriend. His number 1 priority is your safety. His second is your happiness. He likes to be corny for jokes, but you truly are everything to him. He's very cuddly and loves to share every aspect of his life with you. If you two ever encounter problems, he's a "We'll figure this out together." Kind of guy.
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A/n: I love him so much omg
The writing grind continues!! I can't believe tokyo rev is taking a hold on me like this again
as always, please please please reblog and/or comment. I'm restarting my writing blog again, and would love love love to meet mutuals.
My requests are: Open!
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Thinking again about when Ludinus says Fjord has a honeyed tongue (and sees the Star Razor) and calls Jester disarmingly charming, and I always forget they're BACK TO BACK. Ludinus getting absolutely bulldozed by both Fjord and Jester within a span of like 18 seconds (link to the episode):
TRAVIS: Perhaps there is a stock set aside for the Empire's more clandestine efforts? MATT: "What are you planning to do at the negotiation?" TRAVIS: I don't know. I like options. MATT: "I'm curious. Having not known what your particular skill set is beyond apparently a honeyed tongue, you carry no weapon on you. But you do seem to carry a curious symbol of Melora on your person, I've noticed, as I'm walking." TRAVIS: I am new to Melora's light and guidance. She has served me well and I hope to return the favor. MATT: "Well, you seem to have endured and survived in a great challenge. What would you consider to be your most dangerous strength?" TRAVIS: Goodness. SAM: His heart. TRAVIS: "Well, I am good with a sword." And I'll summon the Star Razor. MATT: As it appears in his hand, he kind of takes a step back, and looks down, eyes wide and nodding with a very genuine look of being impressed and goes, "Well, based on the arms you carry, I don't see we would have anything to offer. You seem pretty well outfitted. TRAVIS: We are. Some of my friends like to shop. MATT: "Well. Perhaps then the Cryptic Collection, in Rexxentrum. Tell Keona that Ludinus sends his regards. Shall we?" SAM: Yes, let's away. MATT: He bends the same, similar, circle inscription in the air, and as it expands and pulls all of you into its center, it thrusts you through again, landing at the exterior base of his tower in the Shimmer Ward of Rexxentrum once more. TRAVIS: Very impressive. Very impressive. SAM: Are we all clapping? MATT: "You do not have to clap, it's all right. " TALIESIN: I feel it's appropriate. MATT: "Anyway." LAURA: I mean, how often do you really get to show off your power? Like most people are probably used to seeing it, so it's not as impressive anymore. But like, we've never seen anything like it, so, you know... MATT: "It's entirely off-putting how disarmingly charming you are. I genuinely do not know how to react. Take that as a compliment."
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drdemonprince · 5 months
I just got your piece The Asexual Fetishist in my inbox and wanted to send you a quick thank you for breaking my brain open with that one. I've spent years trying to square my desire for novel sexual experiences/specific kink related interests with not actually being sexually attracted to other people. I've consumed a lot of content by asexuals about kink and the like but having someone actually explain their experience with their fetish and its impact on their sexual life has never popped up in my perusing. I've had a lot of hang ups about the asexual label so I haven't dug too deep. This has definitely inspired me do more than a cursory exploration and I will definitely be giving Ana Valens work a read. Thanks again!
yeahhhh!!!! I love to hear it, thank you. Ana Valens' writing is GREAT and seeing her, a very outspoken and proud perv and accused "degenerate" claim the asexual label made me feel better about revisiting it, too. Others land on a different way of describing themselves -- Cosima Bimbotheory for example says that while in contemporary parlance she qualifies as ace spectrum / demisexual, she instead identifies more with leathersex, because the leather community has always made space for boundary-breaking ways of achieving intimacy, and has always included people who have sex without "having sex." I don't think these views are incompatible, hence my inclusion of vintage leather exhibitionist porn That Boy in my essay as an example of what Valens calls Ace Erotics.
I got my start as a queer kid on the asexuality forums of the early 2000s -- before I had the language of being autistic or trans or unempathic, ace spaces were the only community where I could easily express feeling outside and beyond what normal human beings were expected to feel. And so I still find I have a home there.
I think asexuality gets clowned on far too much -- there is this annoying tendency to equate people having bad opinions or doing annoying shit with their identities, and so aces get written off as sex-shamey scolds and enbies get characterized as anti medical transition and all other kinds of dumb shit like that, often from people who should know better. im here to say you can be an asexual free use hole and that is actually not confusing at all if a person actually considers what asexual means.
heres the link to the essay, for the curious
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kit-williams · 6 months
Run rabbit run
Also trying out this mood board shit please lemme know if its good
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tw: Yandere, kidnapping, He's a fucking Night Lord but this is pretty chill, dialogue heavy will probably have to write a follow up for this one.
He watched from his perch the screaming and the crying. But Ghosk Sevyrarek always had a good eye for the unusual like the leggy little thing sliding against the pavement. Pushing what the baseline human body was capable of... his black eyes raking over those thigh muscles as they are pushed to the limit of human ability. He watched the prey driven members of the warband rush after the little rabbit.
Oh this wasn't just a normal human he figured watching how they cleared a jump with ease as three night lords rushed after like newly turned to chaos space wolves. He rolled his eyes at the display of their mindlessness knowing full well what would happen to this darling... he blinked at the thought. When was the last time he called anything a darling....
Nostromo... He recoiled at feeling nostalgic as that would only bring guilt. His decent mood felt soured... it wasn't the rabbit's fault as much as he wanted to blame the darling. Oh she very much was a darling... a pretty thing a pretty little rabbit. He could swoop down and stop the neophytes playtime with just a quick snap of her neck like a good hunter would.
He was losing fun with the warband... Ghosk figured he would lend his services to another warband of brothers... and then another... and then another. He snarled as he eyes watched the little leggy darling. Murder and torture was no longer giving him any thrill and more and more often he found himself feeling the barest emotion of regret. Coward... he hears some foul voice in his mind whisper.
The pretty rabbit was getting tired she was struggling to make those turns... her lungs were burning up probably. His leathery wings spread into the smoke licked night sky as he dove from his perch. She couldn't do it any more! She physically couldn't run anymore and she turned to look at the three monsters with glowing red eyes and skull faces. How they howled with laughter and glee purring and cooing what they would do to her.
The pavement exploded behind her as all she had time was to look behind her... maybe maybe the Emperor did send an angel? But with the leathery wings that came out of the smoke she wondered if they were right... there was no Emperor here. Ghosk ignored the vox messages as he grinned with glee down at the little rabbit before he grabbed her and jumped into the air letting her scream in fear.
"Let go of me!" She screamed.
"Well if you say so." Ghosk cooed and dropped her watching the wind rip through her hair before he dove after her and twirled her back into his arms. "Thought about it... maybe not the best place to let you go." He say laughing.
He played this game with her flying higher and higher and dropping her or tossing her around. Her reuniting with his armor was causing her to bruise and the next time he tried to drop her he watched her cling onto him. "Aww little rabbit are you done flying with me?" He put his hands under her arms and brought her close to his face to have her nuzzle his helm.
He watched her gag at the smell of death coating him but he listened to her whimper, "Please if you're going to kill me just let me go."
"See that's the fun part little rabbit! I don't know if I'm going to kill you yet. I could... though I might not." He says landing on a building with a huff as he sits her down, delicately placing a claw under her chin, "Now if you want your death to be slow and agonizing I would recommend you move from this spot. Got it?"
He watched her nod and he pat her head like the good girl she was. "Now where was I..."
"You said you might not kill me?" His little rabbit spoke as he watched her massage those delicious legs of hers.
"Yes I might not because you little rabbit bring up pesky little memories."
She gave Ghosk a curious look. Ghosk on the other hand pulled off his helmet and shook some of his hair free. "You know you'll probably just get hair in your mouth when you put that helmet back on." His little rabbit squeaked out.
"Oh feeling a bit mouthy then pet?"
"Listen you say I bring back memories. I assume you're just going to kill me in a different way."
"Awww pet do you trust me that little?" He cooed over at her and she just gives him a 'really' look. "No I'm not going to kill you yet." He watches her roll her eyes. Oh he's in a good mood! He likes sassy little darlings though you've half resigned yourself to a fate he has yet to decide. What a pretty little darling you are.
"Alright I'll bite..." He watches her pause as she makes a disgusted face as he returns the look with something more lewd at her suggestion, "Um... I bring back memories."
"Yes you do." Ghosk becomes serious as he paces slightly, "Pesky little memories and feelings of a life long long gone. Yet Oh I don't know... maybe I'm just bored with all of this." He gestures to the burning city though for him he gestures to the dropship with his "brothers" god... the Iron Warriors feel like they have more brother hood... no the fucking World Eaters have far more comradery than he does with his supposed brothers.
"Why don't you just go then?" She holds back a groan as she rubs her sore legs but she looks up at her "savior". "If you're bored with it I'm certain the Emperor can forgive you right?"
Ghosk threw his head back and laughed hard when he finally calmed down he tried to compose himself, "Oh you're a funny little thing. He walked over and his right wing grabbed her and picked her up as she squirmed obviously freaked out by the way the membrane hugged her. "Careful little one... I've suffocated someone with my wings try not to squirm too much." He said looking over the edge before jumping down the few stories. "Now where were we... right. I was laughing at your suggestion. But I might move on... just I hardly have anything holding me here." He looked to his rabbit tucked into his wing as it curled around her like a large hand just holding her and caressing her with its thumb as he looked to her.
"What do you want me to say? That you shouldn't go? Oh yeah no totally stay here with the rest of the psychopaths."
"See that's what I don't want to do. I'm just so bored with it." Ghosk said with some dramatics.
"Then I guess you can leave them behind and we can part on friendly terms."
He dramatically turned his head toward her and cocked it to the side. "And leave my dear little rabbit at the mercy of wolves who will most likely break you in many many ways." He cooed as she shrank slightly.
"I have a feeling you're going to break me too."
He pursed his lips for a moment tapping his chin. "I might try that consent thing. But no my rabbit... you're not leaving my side. We're on this journey of self discovery together! Won't it be fun?"
He hummed as he walked past his brothers holding his prize and put his helmet back on his head and felt annoyingly amused... his little rabbit was right... he did get some of his hair caught in his mouth. "
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lemonsprite · 6 months
Fooling around || Sebastian Sallow x Male!Reader
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Summary: you teach Sebastian to let loose a little
Word count:
Warnings: slight suggestive themes (?) nothing crazy just snogging (hate that term as an American)
A/N: might make a Verizon about Ominis where he’s jealous of m! Reader and Sebastian idk tho TT okay off topic I HATE JK ROWLING SO MUCH WITH A BURNING PASSION AS A TRANSGENDER but! I am also autistic and unfortunately have a special interest in Harry Potter (I’ve had one since I was nine) AND ITS SUCH A BAD CONFLICT I want to make content but at the same time don’t (anyways make sure you pirate Hogwarts legacy xoxo) NOT BETA READ IM SORRY
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“Okay okay-“ smiled Sebastian, leaning backwards against the nearby wall of the undercroft. “I dare you…” he paused, thinking of what next to say. “To send Amit Thakkar an owl full of belch powder!”
“Godric’s Heart Sebastian that’s awful!” You exclaimed, rolling your eyes.
Sebastian tsk’d, waving a finger in front of your face. “Ah-ah-ah you choose dare, remember?” He smirked.
With a sigh you admitted your defeat, reluctantly producing a blank piece of parchment to begin your nasty prank. Despite your reluctance to this task, Sebastian had welcomed you in to the undercroft even with all his prejudice towards you in the beginning- part of you felt like you had to go along with his dare even if it was a bit cruel (and a little funny).
Having never played many muggle games growing up, you’d thought now would be a better time than ever to introduce Sebastian to the wonderful word of ‘Truth or Dare’. Part of you regretted that decision now, with how wonderfully he was adapting to the game already.
“Alright Sebastian- Truth or dare?” You ask, not looking up from your letter.
“Got any one in the castle you fancy?”
Sebastian’s silence is what finally drew you from your letter, looking up to meet his flushed gaze.
Part of you had expected a ‘no.’ After all, Sebastian never struck you as the romancing type, but seeing his face dusted in pink wasn’t unwelcome- in fact you quite liked the look on him. A voice in the back of your head urged you to make him blush more often.
You raised your eyebrow at him, prompting him to answer.
Sebastian whispered something, you could not make it out.
“What?” You asked, staring at him confusedly.
“You.” He whispered.
“Me what?”
“You- I Like you!” Sebastian exclaimed, his voice raising in frustration at your obliviousness.
That went from zero to one hundred.
There was silence for what felt like eternity before you let out a small chuckle, taking a sip of the pumpkin juice Sebastian had brought the two of you.
He stared at you, his eyes a mixture of emotions.
Sebastian began hurriedly covering up his earlier confession. “I know you probably think that strange- I mean a boy liking another boy? Weird right anyways-“
“I like you too.” You said, staring at him over your cup of juice.
That effectively stopped Sebastian’s rambling, he peered at you- bewildered.
“But… but we’re both men?”
“And?” You asked. “Back where I’m from It’s quite normal for boys our age to fool around with each other before we marry- course’ I feel like we should all just be able to marry whom ever we want, never really found myself fancying girls.” You ranted, waving your hand animatedly in the air. All the while Sebastian stared at you, wide eyed and curious.
“…really?” He asked after a moment. You nodded your head, very serious.
“Have you ever… kissed another boy?” Sebastian asked.
“Oh yeah, plenty- a few girls here and there too…” you smiled, leaning in closer to Sebastian.
It seemed impossible to shock Sebastian any further yet here you were.
“And… fooling around… that too?”
“Occasionally… once or twice.”
Again there was silence, Sebastian staring at you intently.
“Could you…” Sebastian paused, thinking of the best way to go about this increasingly awkward conversation. “… teach me?”
It was your turn to be shocked now, staring at him for a moment.
“Teach you?”
“To like… you know- fool around…” said Sebastian, averting his gaze to the floor, that adorable pink flush returning.
You smiled at him, finding his clumsiness adorable.
Tentatively, as if afraid of scaring away a small creature, you reach your hand over to Sebastian, placing your palm over his and guiding his hand to your waist.
“Like this okay?” You hum, looking up at Sebastian who swallowed heavily and nodded his head.
“I’m gonna- lean down here…” you explain with a grunt, shifting yourself backwards so that you were almost laying on the ground with your elbow propped up to support your weight, Sebastian’s hand still on your waist.
“Now I want you to put one leg over me… kinda like a broom.” You explained, watching with a smile as Sebastian clumsily followed your orders, straddling your legs.
“Good.” You praised, moving Sebastian’s other hand to cage in your body against the floor, your own tangling itself into his hair.
Sebastian’s mouth was slightly agape, his pupils blown wide and his eyes alight with excitement.
“This alright?” You asked, looking up at him to make sure he was still doing good.
“Very.” He breathed. “Could we uh…” he trailed off.
“Get to the kissing part?” You asked with a smirk.
“Yes.” Said Sebastian. “That… Please.”
Using your hand buried in his hair you guided Sebastian towards you, his head dipping to meet your lips in an inexperienced kiss.
It was clumsy and awkward, a mess of teeth clashing against each other and rushed apologies from Sebastian’s mouth.
Your chest was alight and if you hadn’t known any better you’d expected fire works to burst straight from your torso like one of Garreth’s wild potions.
“(y/n)…” breathed Sebastian into the kiss, his hand digging into the fabric on your waist. You pulled him closer deepening the kiss as you opened your mouth.
Pulling away from the embrace you look up breathlessly at Sebastian, his lips plump and swollen from all the kissing.
“Can I take your cloak off?” You ask quietly, your voice echoing in the undercroft. “It’d make this whole thing a lot easier.” And before you could even reach a hand up to unbuckle the clasp of Sebastian’s cloak he’d beaten you to the chase, practically ripping the fabric off his shoulders as he tossed it behind the two of you.
You looked at him in shocked silence, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“Eager are we?” You asked.
“Hush.” Said Sebastian, taking the lead as he bent down, his free hand not on your waist going to your chest, wrapping around your torso and pulling you in closer still.
Sebastian enveloped you in a kiss once more. Your mouth opened into his, turning messy as you searched for Sebastian’s tongue, the undercroft filling with the noises of breathless moans.
The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled you from the moment, Sebastian’s head whipping around to meet the intruders.
“Ominis!” He smiled forcefully, dropping his hands causing you to fall and smack your head against the old tiled floor with a ‘thump!’.
You groaned in pain, Sebastian reaching out his hands to help you before stopping himself, looking back at Ominis.
“Sebastian.” Ominis growled. “Are you seriously snogging a girl in the undercroft? I thought this was our place!”
“No! I mean yes! I mean-“ floundered Sebastian, helping you sit up from the floor and whispering apologies into your ear.
“I just… I really like this guy Ominis.” Sebastian mumbled, looking at the floor embarrassedly, not realizing his words till they’d already slipped out.
“Guy?” Asked Ominis, his voice suddenly soft.
“(y/n). I’m with (y/n).” Admitted Sebastian, his face that adoring shade of pink once more.
Ominis was silent for a long moment processing this new information.
“Okay… it’s- it’s okay Sebastian just… just go make out somewhere else yeah?” Ominis said, his voice suddenly soft and as soon as the tender moment happened it disappeared, the blonde boys voice snarky once more. “And if I ever catch you snogging in here again I’ll have your head, got it?”
“Very.” Said Sebastian with a small smirk, relieved at his friends response. He wrapped his hand around yours, hastily grabbing his discarded cloak and standing up. “Now I’m gonna…”
“Please do get your sorry excuse out of here.” Scoffed Ominis. “I’ll have to disinfect everything, who knows what you two’ve been getting up to.”
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Jojo try not to rush another fics ending challenge (impossible)
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kingscourthouse · 4 days
TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT /nf ofc I'm just really curious as to how our ideas compare and contrast :D
I'll be honest it's not really set in stone. It started as a joke concept of Boat Boys since I was talking to my friend about how they're obsessed but infatuated like how Odysseus is with Penelope in the Odessey.
<Massive ramble incoming>
It's very loosely based on Epic since there's some things in epic that would be hard to work around and also I feel bad putting some people in certain roles. Since it's loosely based on it, everything I post about it won't always be following the story because I had this really stupid idea of Grian following Scar to the underworld after he died bc he's in love. /silly
Over all its a very stupid au.
Mainly its Joel fighting in the war for years so he can return to Etho. Unlike Odysseus though, Joel carries an oar given to him from Etho everywhere he goes. The end is sharpened into a spear and is enchanted with fire aspect. The bands wrapped around his arms are from Scar who believes they will bring him safety. Throughout the journey, Joel will cycle through a lot of looks as he grows in age and changes. Near the end of the war and beginning of the story, he's inspired by his Stratos outfit. As he's in the underworld his hair grows out and covers more, he looks more like (my design) of Bad Boy Joel from Limited Life. Only difference is that instead of his hair being wild, it's long braids that he's never touched. And then when he finally returns home he'll look more like his skins in the early Life Series with long hair, long beard and obviously out for blood. He's a man with a trail of bodies and isn't afraid to leave more.
Beef takes the place of Eurlylocus, as Joel's second in command and a brother in arms. Beef is the one of the people always by his side and knows what Joel is fighting for. He makes the most level headed decisions but won't hesitate when he thinks it's time to kill or leave. While Joel wants a peaceful way out, Beef will do what it takes to make sure their men survive. When perishing in the storm, Beef is found with Scar in the underworld. Speaking of llamas-
Scar takes the place of Polites. Throughout the story the amount of scars he has grows from his working on the ship. Most on his face and chest are from the war, but a good portion of the ones on his arms are from working on the galley. He uses a bow and his sharp aim had gained him a title in the war, but he's actually fairly strong, tying ropes around his arms and fallen men to drag them across the battlefield. He'll tie the rope to multiple oars on the ship so people can have breaks. A lot of his scars are barely seen as scars now and more as his stories. A walking display of honour and comradery. Some say he was blessed by one of the gods for his silliness and bravery. Sometimes being near him you can hear faint laughter. Some think it's the messenger god. Others believe it's the vex that haunt the lotus eaters. Scar is a mystery to a lot of them.
Now that we got the boring ones out of the way (/that's a joke, I love them)
From what ones I've posted so far there's a few that I think I've finally settled on.
Skizz takes the place of Posiden. And yeah yeah I hear you, Xb would've made a great Posiden he's literally known for guardian stuff. But while I agree, I think Skizz would make a better fit to match the energy and motives from the musical.
Instead of Skizz having a son and that's what sends him into drowning Joel's ship, Skizz made a friend. Which is odd for the gods seeing as they're above everything. Skizz found a cyclops one day on the shores with his sheep. He would spend his days around it til eventually the cyclops just told him he knew he was there. Weirdly enough, he ended up becoming really attached to this cyclops. They became close friends and something that Skizz really cared about, even if he couldn't see him that often without being caught or seen. When Skizz returns one day to see that his friend is blinded and suffering, he goes into a rage and follows Joel to make him pay.
The cyclops is Impulse. He's kind, but if you wrong him then it's over. His sheep were a gift from Skizz and to have them slaughtered is a crime that won't go unpunished.
Gem is Athena. I actually struggled with who to make Athena because so many of them would make a great Athena. Honestly all the female hermits I've struggled with. Gem is Athena, the god of wisdom and war. She helps Joel until she realises the mistake she's made and leaves him to suffer his own consequences. Gem can take the disguise of a deer and sometimes owl when she's with Pearl. Pearl also gifted her two fish, Aylin and Lucien. One of the moon and one of light. They are disguised under her cloak as a part of the patterns she wears but are used as messangers and omens for those who look. Her fish are actually how she found out that Skizz had gotten attached to Impulse. She promised she wouldn't tell and mostly teases him about it.
Pearl takes the place of Artemis. Her post actually had more information on her than the others. She displays the current moon above her head at all times. During the day she'll stay in busy areas so she won't be noticed or hide in people's shadows or reflections. When she hunts she has her pack of wolves. Mortals say that when a blood moon happens, she had killed or avenged a god. And when a blue moon happens, she is mourning the loss of someone. During new moons, her eyes glow and like how cats look in the dark. New moons are most likely times that you'll ever run into her, even if you don't notice.
GRIAN. Ough sorry but I LOVE how Hermes is depicted in Epic. There's no way I couldn't make him Grian. He has a habit of watching everything that's happening. Especially with Scar. He'd whiz through the battlefield unseen by the gods just to grant him small blessings at a time to aid his fight. When he returned eventually to the ship and found that a bunch of men had died, including Scar, he started taking longer trips to the underworld. It's not often he stops to sightsee. Always places to go, places to be, orders to be carried out and messages to be sent. But for once he doesn't take the quickest route. Will take detours. He won't get close, he never has and never will. But he'll spot Scar's spirit mindlessly singing and spreading hope throughout the underworld, and will enjoy it for only a moment before leaving. When helping Joel, he wants nothing more than to see him escape safely. Though he does mess with him a bit. Pulling a few pranks here and there until he reveals himself. After the underworld saga, Grian is seen carrying Scar's old bow that had been blessed by him and Pearl. If anyone asks he'd just say that he was taking back what was rightfully his. He has no use for it, but it is his none the less.
Circe and Aeolus are still in the works because as I said before, I keep switching the female hermits to and fro and can't decide. Though I've got an idea of who I want them to be.
Idk man this whole au was supposed to be a joke to teach my friend about the Odessey through Epic and it somehow became serious and I really like it and like designing it and oh my god I cannot wait for Thunder saga because then we get to see more of the full pantheon and I already have ideas of who's gonna be who.
But yeah. That's ehhh.... That's all I can think of off the top of my head. What's hard is not confusing this with my Hades au which is a whole 'nother can of worms I do NOT wanna touch rn XD
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ryuichirou · 16 days
Thank you for all your asks… I’ll reply to everyone at some point. Happy Saturday!
Talking about Fellow Honest, Rookvil and Sebek’s grandpa… the first asks are kind of spicy lol
Anonymous asked:
i just realized most of the boys in the playful land event u hc as tops so pls consider: NRC boys x fellow gangbang
(reverse gangbang for gidel and the two bottoms idk)
Anon, this is so hilarious; when we first realised that this was an almost top-only party, I wept. Rollo was lucky… Poor Fellow! And he almost got every single HORRIBLE one, too! Was lucky enough not to get Rook though; he wouldn’t leave his fluffy tail alone lol
Also bold of you to assume that NRC boys x Fellow gangbang wasn’t our minds CONSTANTLY while we were watching the event 😭 Those nasty brats…! It’s painfully easy to imagine them going “let’s mess this bastard up~”.
I haven’t drawn the gangbang itself, only some sketches implying it, but… I really should 😭 Let’s hope.
Haven’t thought about Gidel with Vil and Leona though! Surprisingly… he would scratch a certain itch for both of them I think lol
Anonymous asked:
Games are over, it's time to get serious! Tell me, which one of the boys ended up hooking up with Fellow during the playful land event? I know that the funniest and best answer is definitely "all of them", but I wonder if you have anyone in mind... Also, poor Fellow, there were so many tops in this event! He suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder and turns around to see Riddle form the Stitch event, who just shakes his head and goes "It never gets any easier...". On another note, does this mean we're going to get the fox's slut-istics eventually?
ANON OUT THERE ASKING REAL QUESTIONS, AND shooting me in the head instantly because I really wanted to say “all of them”!! 😭 But let’s consider that the great NRC gangbang didn’t happen, let’s humour the idea, let’s think about it…
I think the ones that are the most likely to hook up with Fellow are Lilia (he knows a nasty bitch that lacks training when he sees one), the Tweels (they are determined to enjoy themselves today, so Fellow should play with them!), Ortho (he’ll make Fellow uncomfortable with how un-innocent he is), Ace (he got super ballsy by the end there, tbh my money is on him) and Kalim fucking Al-Asim. Although the last one sends mixed messages as always because he is at the same time very openly flirty and very weirdly platonic lol Still, he seemed to really, really liked Fellow, so anything could happen.
God I love the word “slut-tistics”… If you mean the sluttiness chart that I did some time ago, then yes, Fellow absolutely deserves one! Let’s see… I think, it’d be something like this:
Promiscuity: 4; Flirtiness: 4; Sex-drive: 2; Kinkiness: 3.
Total: 13
He isn’t super loyal to anyone, but he also isn’t 100% promiscuous; to Fellow, having sex with someone and being loyal are two different things. He is loyal to someone he loves dearly, but this is its separate thing <3 Sex is survival, to be honest, he doesn’t do it for pleasure all that often. Still, because he had to go through the hands of so many deeply perverted people, his body developed some kinks that he didn’t even know he could have…
Flirting is an instrument of manipulation for him, but I feel like he also enjoys it genuinely.
Sooo if he is 13, that would put him just below the total slut tier wow impressive lol
Anonymous asked:
Hi! I love your blog sm and your art is amazing aaaa i loved that savannahclaw Rook you did, so handsome!! That description on the picture made me wonder, how would you say Rook and Vil would have first gotten together ? Did Rook ask Vil out or was Vil the one who dropped hints on wanting to get together? Do you think they went on dates or just straight up jumped into the bushes? LMAO ive always been curious on headcanons on how you would imagine them first dating before they became the silly couple we all know and love
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I am very happy you liked it!
I love talking about these two and especially the earlier stages of their relationship lol I talked about it in this post + wrote some hcs about their first time too.
I feel like they were getting closer and closer very quickly as they continued talking to each other every day, and then at some point the tension just got too strong. Maybe there would be sense for them to talk about their feelings, but it was the kind of situation when it was obvious even without words. So none of them really asked the other one out, but at some point they just started “dating”…
Maybe this isn’t how Vil imagined his first proper relationship to start, but it’s not like he wasn’t just as passionate as Rook was lol
Their little chats were their “dates” technically. But I think they had their first “proper date”(=going somewhere) after they started making out and having sex.
Anonymous asked:
Just out of curiosity, would you ever consider having head cannons or maybe even doing artwork of Sebek's grandfather, Baul...?
Like, in your eyes, is he a bottom or top? Do you ship him with anybody? Or does he just not interest you that much? Cause that's okay too! I'm just really curious, I really like Baul lol. 💚
We absolutely would whenever we actually get to read ch7 and know him better! I have no doubt that we are going to like him a lot, so at least one portrait sketch is a must. His design is cool, and I love his armour. He is one handsome croc :”3
We don’t ship him with anyone yet because we haven’t seen anything of him, but based on things we already know, it feels like he is going to join the top squad. But until we actually see him and learn how he interacts with others and what dynamics he has with people around him, we can’t say for certain.
Even if we end up not shipping him with anyone, I’ll write some solo hcs about him if someone wants to read them! By the time we actually get to know him, of course. It’ll take a while lol sorry about it.
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Hi, I'm hoping this is a safe space for these thoughts because I feel if the #criticiallykind TSSers won't listen, nobody will. Pretty much, this isn't groundbreaking by any means, but I've begun to feel really… skeptical of how much I can love Taylor. Don't get me wrong, I have been a Swiftie for years. I own merch, CDs, know all the songs, everything. Taylor's music has helped me through so much and her songwriting remains unmatched in my mind. But I'm just beginning to question how much I can be a "fan" of her as a person. I'm questioning things like can why she charges astronomical prices for merch when she is literally a billionaire who could pay for herself and everyone she cares about to retire. I am questioning things like how she can watch her fans send literal death wishes to her exes and ex-friends and not try to intervene. I am questioning things like how she made a really big deal (rightfully so) about speaking her mind re: politics, but then has kept quiet on a whole host of recent political issues that her voice (and pocketbook) would make a large impact towards. I am not coming from a place of "she's a celebrity she has a responsibility to do things about these issues" but more from a place of "these are traits I would not appreciate in anyone I know personally, so why don't I think of Taylor in this critical lens?" I'm curious to know if you or anyone else has thoughts on this at all. As always, thanks Sarah for hosting a safe space for all of us.
Hi friend! I'm going to do my best to match your sincerity in this. I do want to believe and feel your internal struggle here on this topic and I don't want to diminish how it really can feel like a battle of minds and emotions. How do you come to terms with someone you care for disappointing you? How do you then layer that disappointment onto the sort of silly knowledge that that disappointment is aimed at someone not actively present in our immediate social circles as a real 'friend' (but who very often fills that emotionally comforting role that a friend often occupies with their art presence in your life - and that is worth noting + valuing!).
I think at its core, my advice to you is to question: Do you actually feel you need to love Taylor in order to love her music?
Do you need to measure Taylor's perceived actions and traits to the same extent and manner that you do of someone who you know personally? Do your feelings about those perceived demerits impact your ability to positively interact with her art?
I want to note that there aren't wrong answers to these questions. The only person who needs to answer them is yourself - and only you know the truth of what those answers might mean. I propose them to you as a starting point as you reassess your relationship with her and her music and what it all means to you. Again - no wrong answers and no judgement. They're questions that require introspection and honesty from yourself. You answer to you and you deserve your own, unvarnished truth.
With all of that, in my response I mostly wanted to center your confusion and the tough emotional uncertainty you might be facing. I didn't want to address through your concerns like a bulleted list of counter-arguments. Ultimately, this is about your relationship with those issues that matter to you and where you land on them. That said, if you feel like you might benefit or be interested from my talking through my stance on those things to perhaps offer alternative opinions that might explore a different side that might disagree with you I can also do so as a follow up. Just let me know!
I truly wish you the best friend. I know it probably has felt overwhelming and confusing to be dealing with this mentally. And then perhaps even scary to admit it and seek advice!
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Hades boys! When you’re in an argument!
This is my take on how the hades boys would react if you were to get into an argument
Very minor spoilers for Hypnos’ locked heart event.
Word Count: 1,247 (Approx)
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-Zagreus is friendly with all people of the house of hades, so with that comes questions. Lots and lots of questions.
-How could he not? He’s interested in you and wants to show he cares by learning all about you.
-Until the inevitable happens and he asks a question too personal for your taste. Naturally, you get snippy with him.
-He’ll immediately apologize, but it’ll be in vain. You lecture him about diving into other people’s personal business, and send him away.
-Zagreus would feel pretty bad about it after. He meant no harm or malice. He was simply curious, and his own lack of common sense caused him to upset you. He decides to take matters into his own hands once again, and try to make it up to you.
-Over the course of his next few runs, he gathers nectar and hopes to run into you. When he finally does catch up to you again, you have had time to cool off, and before he could apologize to you, you beat him to it.
-“I’m sorry Zagreus,” You start, “I didn’t mean to blow up at you I was just angry in the moment. You didn’t know that would offend me, and instead of yelling at you I should have instead explained that I didn’t want to answer the question, forgive me?”
-“What? No, its really me who should be apologizing to you. You were right about me getting involved in things that aren’t my business. I’m really sorry for offending you, I didn’t mean to. Please accept this apology gift of nectar. I hope I can make it up to you someday.” He says presenting the pristine bottle to you.
-You smile, accepting the gift. You give him a hug and suggest sharing the bottle in the lounge. Zagreus says he’d like that, and (at Zagreus’ insistence) you would discuss your boundaries regarding questions. As well as telling him a bit about yourself you don’t mind sharing.
-Next time Zagreus sees you it’s on much better terms, and you’re happy to answer any questions he might have as long as he sticks to your agreement.
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-Thanatos is naturally dark and brooding, but don’t mistake that for anger. As he is actually very sweet when it comes down to it, if not a bit abrupt.
-However, that does not mean he doesn’t get cross with people. Especially when it comes down to his work.
-When you first arrived at the house of hades, you automatically took a liking to him. His visits to the house were far and few in between, but when he did show up, you bet you were taking advantage of the opportunity.
-You even got a job at the administrative chambers to try and get more chances to talk to him.
-Whenever he delivered reports to you, you would try to engage in conversation.
-His answers were always short and direct, but you’d take what you could get. He’d often disappeared right after as well. Leaving you a little disappointed.
-One day, the rare occurrence of him being in the house came around. The prince walking away after chatting with him and giving you a small wave. You just finished collecting a few reports from Hypnos and you have a few moments to spare.
-“Hey Thanatos!” You shout out.
-“Why must you insist on bothering me so when we both have jobs to do?” He replied.
-“I’m very busy every day, yet every time i must interact with you, you postpone my duties with idle chatter. Why?”
-You scoff, “I’m just being friendly, I didn’t realize your such a workaholic you can’t spare a few seconds to answer how you’ve been.”
-“I suggest you worry more about yourself and your work ethic before criticizing mine.”
-With the toll of a gong he was gone, and you were upset.
-As the weeks past by every time, Thanatos would deliver a report to you, you’d give him the cold shoulder. He often look at you expectantly, but you wouldn’t mutter a peep to him. You didn’t want to disturb his oh so important work after all.
-Eventually, Zagreus was the one to get fed up with your silent feud. Bringing the topic up to Than the next time he got the chance. Than relented that maybe he was too harsh in his treatment of you. After all you were just trying to be friendly. Even though it’d hurt his pride, he promised Zagreus he’d talk to you.
-Sure enough, he took the next chance he could to talk to you. He told you he didn’t realize how much he missed your pointless questions. That he simply didn’t want to be held up with his work, as it very important for death to be punctual and he got annoyed with you because of it. You said you understood, but really you just wanted to get to know him better. How you didn’t realize it was holding him up at all. He admitted he overreacted, and made a promise to you the next time you both had a break, to spend time with you.
-You told him you’d hold him to that promise
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-It’s no secret Hypnos has his flaws. Yes, he can be lazy, gets easily sidetracked, and often sleeps on the job, but being one of the few people who smile around here, he actually drew you in.
-On the rare occurrences he’d actually be awake, he’d often try to engage in conversation with the shades. Most would ignore his antics, all but you.
-You’d entertain his silly chats, coming to quite enjoy the time you’d spend together. It was a breath of fresh air to have someone cheerful to hang around.
-Then, the time came when you asked him to join you for a break. A time to hangout together and do things important to you.
-He agreed but when the time came for you to meet…he didn’t show up.
-You sought him out feeling a bit hurt he’d abandon your plans like that. After shaking him awake, he spoke excuse after excuse, promising you it wouldn’t happen again and he’d meet you the next time.
-You conceded, it was only one time, it really could have been an honest mistake.
-Until it happened again, and again, and again…
-By this point you were hurt, frustrated, and disappointed. So, you got angry with Hypnos. Saying that the things people said about him were true. How he’s a self absorbed lowlife who never takes anything seriously and only cares about himself.
-After that a few weeks pass by with you not running into Hypnos. Rumors spurred that he was…actually working? Apparently you weren’t the only person to blow up at him that day.
-Hypnos appeared in front of you later, and apologized for missing out on the times you tried to get to know him. He said that his twin Thanatos really made him have a realization into getting his work in check, and the importance of proper priorities. He ended his schpeal by saying he’d start prioritizing you when he got the chance, and invited you to spend some time with him the next time he got a break.
-This time he was true to his word.
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elizakai · 3 months
Was wondering if you would consent/allow me to use your Out of Pocket Dust entity design for a story? (Dustverse)
And if yes, may I know more about him (if he has an AU) or be allowed to expand on the concept?
Absolutely feel free to say no or ignore this ask
Have a wonderful week!
ABSOLUTELY YOU CAN!!!! I love that we spawned the dustverse LMAO
also ok i’ll be so fr, he spawned into the world as i was drawing, and thus has no au
however, allow me to quickly Bs the concept, and if anyone’s interested i can actually polish it later hee hoo (also feel free to use whatever concepts you like, it doesn’t have to be related to this if you’d prefer i don’t mind ehehe)
Detritus Is a Low-Level deity, at least in the hierarchy of other deities he is involved with.
He is an anomaly by their standards, the death of a star gave birth to this child of decay, he is reluctantly taken in by the others
He is younger, around 8000 years old id say😔
Detritus doesn’t know much about lower level beings, as the knowledge he has access to is rather restricted, furthermore, he doesn’t quite know his place, as he is not often given tasks.
he also doesn’t know much about just. normal life. he’s been shown things on. a very large scale but never when you zoom in and see the small things
Other deities claim grand titles and roles, but he is but decay, leaving him with no actions to take and no purpose to fulfill. they perpetuate this inaction with excuses
he befriends a star. this star is considered a lower being. this star makes him question the validity of the hierarchy of beings he’s been taught.
he begins to question why they are considered “gods”. who put them in that place? are they not just self assigning these titles and using it to justify causing strife? who are they to dictate lives. however he isn’t really sure on any of this
at some point due to these thoughts (and or an action) his friend the star is disposed of, and he is cast out. he is told he will live amongst mortal beings, to witness for himself their vileness and wicked souls.
He is but dust cast to dust
so taking on a more normal form detritus, taking being called dust LITERALLY, now adopts a new form and name. (he’s a silly little guy)
he meets a few mortals (ahem ahem you can guess who) (i’ll expand later if this interests anyone)
he is lucky for this, as he has no idea how their lives work and would just end up with someone sending him to a lab to be dissected for his “inhuman” um, abilities.
instead of learning of mortals wickedness, he only experiences kindness. he’s a bit curious, he tends to take things literally, but if you say something that is opposing to what he’s been taught, he will assume it’s sarcasm.
he’s quite funny but he has a weird sense of humor.
he’s under the impression that he’s fated to destroy any relationship he might have and thus feels guilty for making ties. he also expects to be taken home eventually
(honestly. they just wanted to get rid of him. don’t tell him that.)
Detritus, now Dust, doesn’t really have a solid form, so the one he takes on isn’t really as restrictive as you’d think. His body could contort like some demon from hell out of nowhere and then be completely normal the next second. he has to be told not to do this.
When he first took on said form, he couldn’t figure out how the fuck to form hands. his hands were very deformed and gross looking so he hid them. one of the first mortals he meets is in for a horrific experience until he figures out how to properly project how a hand moves😭
um. oh also, i keep saying he, but they’re semi genderless and wouldn’t bat an eye if you called him literally anything else. i don’t think detritus really understands gender, just things
he’s very thoughtful about inner workings of the universe but then doesn’t know what the fuck a comb is and continuously throws his new friend for a loop
he’s kind of skittish, like a cat that wants to dip its toes into the water and then immediately runs and hides but. will do it again five minutes later.
he’d probably think a butterfly is like an angel to be worshipped if he saw one
he doesn’t think mortals are evil, he compares them to his experience with the star.
he’s not immortal either, he’s more of a demi god then anything
he begins to wonder if he even wants to go home, or if it is his home, after a while of living with these new companions around. there’s definitely going to be some runs in with government authorities and cryptid hunters :))
ANDDD all of this is subject to change if i actually clean this up, as i sped typed this with very little thought beforehand ok BYEEE anyone can ask questions if you have any somehow and i’ll bs more lore 😭
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 1 year
Hesitant Affection (Bowser x TransMasc/Male Reader)
Some feel good fluff with everyone’s favorite Koopa <3 This is kinda just ramblings since I couldn’t nail down a solid plot so forgive me if it’s a little chaotic. It’s a bit short and scattered so if you’d like something more specific just send me a request! The more specific the better.
Note: For things like this, I imagine Bowser a little more humanoid than his in-game model so this may come across in my writing but I do my best to kinda leave it up to interpretation. He’s still very tall and large, but more proportionate to human standards and lizardy in my mind. Also, unrelated because it doesn’t come up here but chubby Bowser > ripped Bowser, I will take no arguments.
CW: The level of transition for this reader character is unspecified. He/him pronouns are used here and there, but it's mostly a second person POV. A small part mentions the reader’s aversion to dresses and wearing them as a child, but is never forced to wear one in the present.
Requested by: anonymous
Word count: 615
Bowser. Praised by some, feared by many, and loved by a select few that he allows. Up until recently that list included only the Koopalings and on a good day, Kamek. But then this human, how curious he’s not afraid of the cruel King of the Koopas, wanders into his life and soon, he can't imagine his castle without him.
There’s a touch more life to the place, his subjects are happier with him around. He often helps in the kitchen or tidying up a mess. He hates to admit it, but this strange human may be changing Bowser too. He feels less of an inclination to cause random havoc knowing it would upset you, both to see him hurt but also others too (curse that large, kind heart you have).
He’s quite the textbook gentleman, holding doors and pulling out your chair. But get him to engage in romance outside of what he was taught to provide and he becomes a mess. A small kiss on the nose seemed to make his fiery hair steam while his face burned with uncharacteristic sheepishness. Insist on holding his hand and he won’t even turn your way, to hide his embarrassed face of course, all while extending his grasp to your much, much smaller hand because how could he say no to his beloved? Not when he asked so sweetly, too. You’d be the death of him, he always thought to himself, but he’d die happy at least.
On one occasion, an unexpected invite to the Mushroom Kingdom for a banquet found its way to your hands, Bowser insisting it must be a mistake because why would they invite him to such a thing?
The invitation was vague. Peach’s large cursive writing, in pink pen of course, simply invited ‘The King of the Koopas and one guest to attend a banquet at my castle in the Mushroom Kingdom.’ The date and dress code were detailed at the bottom. You hadn’t been to a party like this since you were very young, forced into an itchy dress that you didn’t particularly like for many reasons, more being added on as you discovered yourself further. While you had faith Bowser wouldn’t urge any sort of similar clothing on you, he still insisted on letting you know that wasn’t happening if you wished to go and you were grateful.
That night, all eyes were on the Koopa King and the human hanging off his arm. The princess greeted you cheerfully, inviting you both in and explaining the banquet’s purpose as a celebration of peace. She was grateful to Bowser for his change in behavior, and later to you when in conversation over drinks you explained you may have been the reason for it. You were introduced to the ever famous Mario Brothers, delightful duo they were, and found amusement when you caught your date for the evening glaring daggers at the mustachioed plumber in red.
I see you helping him with the Koopalings, Bowser Jr. namely, and him swooning. Watching you hold his hand in a crowd so you don’t separate from him makes his heart flutter, letting them help you in the kitchen to make his birthday breakfast and smiling (and almost crying but he’d never admit it) when he passes the cracked kitchen door.
He sleeps on his front due to his shell and sometimes, you like to stick cotton balls on his spikes while he dozes for no real reason other than the human fascination of having the ability to do so. It entertains you and when Bowser discovers it, he finds it cute. He also can’t get them off himself so be a dear and help him, won’t you?
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mynameisnotsoda · 4 months
Explaining my entire dsmpsona playlist because I can
P.s. every mention of Soda in this post isn't me, i just dont feel like putting c! In front of it every single time LMAO
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Also i dont think i ever posted the ref on tumblr!!?!??! Criminal but putting it here is better methinks
I also put this in my studentbur playlist, which feels fitting for both of them. However for Adam its more metaphorical whereas with Soda its more literal.
I have my own shapeshifter lore that's loitering in my brain that i need to write down eventually BUT the basics are essentially that shapeshifters are "born" from the planet. They CAN come from other shapeshifters but only once and most choose not to have a bio kid.
So basically, Soda literally popped out of the ground one day, was found by Sapnap and then adopted by Bad and Skeppy. Soda was maybe physically 9/10 years old and was so curious about the world and excited to experience life. If any creature could possibly be made of pure love, its them.
Growing up Soda got REALLY attached to Bad, they clung onto him a lot and it was to the point where it was probably unhealthy. Of course Bad noticed, which made him actually set some boundaries despite not really wanting to. Skeppy was able to convince him, though, as when it comes to the kids hes the voice of reason.
So, Bad would start off by telling Soda that he was going to be gone, leading up to him just disappearing for maybe a few hours at a time before eventually coming back. Eventually Soda was able to function without Bad, but that ended up backfiring as they just latched onto Sapnap instead.
With Soda's attachment to their brother, they tagged along with him when he went out fairly often but after being weened off of Bad it became more frequent. Soda and Sapnap were practically attached at the hip, regardless of Sapnap's protesting.
With a group of teenagers they were obviously doing some reckless, stupid shit and Soda was just along for the ride! At first Dream and George hated Soda—they were just Sapnap's annoying younger sibling—but eventually they got used to Soda being around. Especially since they may have persuaded Soda to use their shapeshifting for nefarious purposes.
At first everyone found Soda adorable, their cheery optimism, endless energy and amusing naivety was a part of their charm. But then it became...obnoxious.
Sapnap always had a short temper, he tried his best to handle it, but sometimes he'd just snap at Soda when they became too much of a handful. He was always quick to apologize but it affected Soda deeply.
Soda very much struggled with any sort of negative emotions, when they felt it—it hit them hard. One day, it was enough to send them spiraling, having a panic attack alone in their room. This was also the first time memories of their past lives resurfaced. At first it was rather intriguing, though a jumpscare, but then it just got worse.
It seemed like Soda's lives were always filled with turmoil and a constant feeling of dread. The stronger their emotions became the more fragments of memories would appear. Soda didn't tell anyone about this.
Skipping much further ahead, Soda obviously sided with the Dteam during the revolution. They were family, in Soda's eyes at least. Which made it incredibly easy for Dream to use that to his advantage. He used them in every way that he could to win the war, even going as far as to try and make Soda resent Tommy and Tubbo. Soda was a spy, mostly, turning into a cat to effortlessly infiltrate the enemy. They heard and saw everything, but part of them felt bad for it, so they never told Dream everything. He noticed.
The horrors of being a child soldier.
Dream's obsession with power and control was never obvious, not to his friends and certainly not to Soda. They truly believed he had good intentions despite going to war with Wilbur. Then again, Soda doesn't understand what war really is. But the pressure to keep up with Dream's demands and avaid his increasing irritably became exhausting and overwhelming. Yet Soda believed it was their fault.
Tubbo and Tommy weren't safe from the horrors either, they had that much in common with Soda. The three of them went through hell, basically.
Aaaand tumblr wont let me add more songs so im cutting this into parts through reblogs. I'll probably continue this later (bc its almost 2am pFF) and might post the second part before i go to sleep like im doing now :P
I am cringe but I am free
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cvntrlseecvntrlvee · 5 months
► seventeen's s.coups ◄
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[♡]=personal favs, [♕]=smut, [☼]=fluff, [☁]=angst
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↳ heartbreaker series by hannieween — ♡♡♡, ♕ | 12.7k
The thing about Seungcheol is that when he loved, he loved with a fervent force that nothing could ever stop it. When he wanted something, he would stop at nothing to get it. He was passionate like that. And he loved you. Past tense. Loved.
↳ challenge me by seokgyuu — ♡, ♕ | ?k
you have never been a person who turns down a challenge, but when your best friend challenges you to hook up with 13 boys in one semester you kind of wish you were.
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↳ 11/10 by bluejeanstrash — ♕♕ | 2.3k
↳ all for you by gfcheol — ♕,☼ | 4.6k
your boyfriend, wonwoo, just broke up with you to be with someone else. heartbroken and self esteem shattered, you sink into a hole of sadness, but luckily your best friend seungcheol knows the best remedy for you to stop thinking about your ex.
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this holiday season was something special, something magical. it all started with meeting an old friend in your very own bookstore. somehow, it ended with him in your bed. what once seemed buried started making its way up again, and the ice around your heart seemed to be thawing. can old love be renewed?
↳ back room by wongyuuu — ♕ | 2.3k
while seungcheol is on a meeting you decide that it’s a great moment to send him nudes.
↳ bean me up, scotty by seungkwansphd — ♡, ☼, ♕ | 2k
you see seungcheol often enough at work. helpful daytime seungcheol, you can handle. but nighttime, arms fully out seungcheol? that’s a problem.
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you ask your brother’s best friend to tie the top to your swimsuit. he’s convinced that you’ve lured him into a trap and acts accordingly.
↳ couch comfort by cheolism — ☼ | 6.3k
maybe the bad stuff isn’t so bad when you have your boyfriend, seungcheol, there to help you with the weight.
↳ crossing boundaries by wonusite — ♕, ☼ | 8.6k
seungcheol has always demanded that all of his employees keep professional boundaries, but it frustrates him that his son’s nanny is a little too good at keeping things professional.
↳ cuff (vernon, seungcheol, wonwoo) by smileysuh — ♕ | 4k
You and Vernon have been together forever, and your relationship is almost perfect… but it’s missing something. When the young member mentions wanting to spice things up a bit in the bedroom, his hyungs Wonwoo and Seungcheol are more than happy to give you and Vernon some in-person lessons.
↳ dad of the year by wondernus — ☼ | 575
↳ down bad (so so bad) by lovelyhan — ♕ | 5.7k
it’s not like you’re curious about how the word would taste in your mouth whenever seungcheol calls himself daddy while talking to kkuma. nope. definitely not. 
↳ eat. play. love. by husbandhoshi — ♡, ♕, ☁ | 19.4k
in which your love language is food and seungcheol doesn’t have one.
↳ exam szn by azamf— ☼, ♕ | 3.3k
it's exam season, and your boyfriend feels responsible for a healthy study rhythm. plus, he just really missed having you in his arms, but can you fault him?
↳ fifteen to forever by gyuswhore — ☼, ☁, ♕ | 6.6k
Fifteen was the age you had met Choi Seungcheol at a school hockey game. Forever was the age you would find yourself spending with him.
↳ fuck, marry, kill (seungcheol, dino, hoshi) by bitchlessdino — ♕ | 4.7k
it was just a dumb little party game, gets taken too seriously in teh best way possible. Happy fucking birthday to you.
↳ haircut by haoboutyou — ☼ | 646
↳ hello tutorial by 97-liner — ☼ | 7.3k
it’s your final year of college, and you’ve been elected president of your sorority. this is all great and fine, but as the semester goes on, you find yourself having repeated run-ins with the president of the fraternity next door in a series of unfortunate coincidences (that might not actually be coincidences, as you come to discover). or: in which you’re trying to deal with your crush on seungcheol in a normal way, but the meddling kids are making it harder than it needs to be.
↳ high for this (seungcheol, mingyu) by wongyuuu — ♕ | 4.3k
↳ ice cold, cabin fever (seungcheol, mingyu) // part 01 // part 02 by smileysuh — ♕
"come on, let’s just go back to snakes and ladders and you can pretend we’re not snowed in with no firewood and a dude you hate locked in the bathroom."
↳ imagining by smileysuh — ♕ | 2.9k
Your boyfriend is away shooting a movie on Halloween, and you’re feeling his absence. Good thing he’s just a phone call away.
↳ inflection point (jeonghan, seungcheol) by leejihoonownsmyheart — ♡♡♡,♕,☁,☼ | ?
you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in an exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
↳ luxury by fairyhaos — ☁ | 1.3k
↳ nocturnal by sweetlemontart — ☼ , ♕ | 13k
tipsy from after-work drinks, seungcheol returns home on friday night to find you asleep. he tries not to look, but his wandering eyes keep drifting over to your slumbering figure, and he knows rest won’t come easy when you seem to be tempting him even in your sleep. seungcheol could resolve his little predicament all by himself, but shouldn’t you be the one to take responsibility for making him feel this way?
↳ november flush by sluttywoozi — ♕ | 2.7k
November isn’t an easy month for anyone, and it only gets harder when you add another layer of difficulty in the form of a certain challenge.
↳ obvious by leejungchans — ☼ | 900
↳ other people's weddings by neonun-au — ☼ | 15.6k
↳ picture of innocence by cheolism — ♕ | 2.6k
you were the picture of innocence to seungcheol, and when you walked around in that robe he just can’t help but to try and ruin that picture.
↳ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by dontflailmenow — ♡♡♡, ♕ | 50.3k
thirsting over your ex’s best friend in general is a bad idea. given that you and seungcheol have never gotten along, it’s even worse. when you accidentally stumble across his stream, though, and he finds out? all bets are off.
↳ reliable by cheolism — ♕ | 3.6k
Is it weird that no man has ever given you some good head and your best friend is a bit annoyed by that? Probably not. Is it weird that he offers to eat you out after a particularly bad date? Oh yeah, for sure. You’re still gonna let him though. 
↳ sapiosexual by smileysuh — ♡♡♡, ♕ | 18.6k
“You’re a beautiful, bright, young woman, and you’re agreeing to be a companion to some middle aged psych nut who hardly has enough time for you-” you both laugh a little at the way he refers to himself, “compensation is a must.”
↳ split your heart by chocosvt — ☼, ☁, ♕ | 4.8k
seungcheol knows you’re no longer together, that he should’t be thinking about you as often as he does, and yet, you keep appearing. his heart doesn’t know how many times it can afford to split.  
↳ take trouble, make it double (jeonghan, seungcheol) by sluttywoozi — ♕ | 4.7k
It’s not every day you get to fuck your campus crush and your no longer ex-boyfriend, and you’re going to make the most of it. 
↳ takes two to tango by gyuwoncheol — ☼, ☁ | 1.7k
cheollie to the rescue on a bad day
↳ the great war by amourcheol— ♡♡♡, ♕, ☼ | 41k
there was only one thing you hated more than your restricted life, and that was choi seungcheol—the greatest venetian general who has ever lived.
↳ to boil a frog by seungkwansphd — ♡, ♕ | 15.6k
you & cheol go back, like way back. growing up together, you never felt anything more for him than a proximity based fondness, but things are a little different since you moved back to town.
↳ towards the sun by cheolism — ☁ | 2k
sometimes you wonder if seungcheol will one day regret being tied to you.
↳ what besties do by wonusite — ♕ | ?k
you always tease your best friend, but maybe this time you’ve pushed him too far.
↳ when you love someone by shuahoonie — ☼, ☁ | 4.3k
some seek love and have the pleasure of keeping it, some never find it, and some aren’t meant to find it. you and cheol are determined to discover whether love still exists beyond your old love letters.
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↳ bf!seungcheol thoughts by icy minghao
↳ shy!cheol by wqnwoos
↳ seventeen & touch-starved s/o (hhu ver.) by wqnwoos
↳ soft aftercare!coups by kpopnstarwars
↳ random thoughts about being in a relationship by bluejeanstrash
↳ soft dom!coups by mountainficss
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dayurno · 4 months
what are ur fav useless hcs. about kevin or anyone from aftg :) like they aren’t really significant but just little things you like to think about. bc i have so many but no one ever talks about theirs and im curious if you have any!
YAY i love this question and also feel free to send me yours too i think useless hcs are really fun
i think renee is a fast and furious fan and an action movie enthusiast….. in the first kevjean fic i’ve ever written there was a scene where she sat jean down and made him watch half of the fast and furious franchise with her and he hated it so bad but he couldnt tell her that so he just sat there very awkwardly the whole time. and renee knew he hated it but she loves the damn movies so much she thought it was a worth it sacrifice. i also love a dyslexia/adhd hc for renee, i think she has a hard time in academia and has a really really really fickle attention span. if you put jean and renee in the same room they might be able to finish a short book between them but its going to take at least 8 hours because they're going to get sidetracked talking to each other about dumb stuff
ex smoker jeremy is still real and beloved in my heart... i think he quit cold turkey in his junior year and it still gets him more often than not, but he's trying and that's all that matters
neil shoplifts on instinct. doesnt even think twice of it
kevin actually HATES the gym. he will not confess to this in any way shape or form but he genuinely hates it. its so early in the morning and the movements are so repetitive and its so boring. in evermore at least there was the threat of getting beaten up if he didnt do his sets right, but in psu its just plain boring. he will still go but he will hate every second. get this man to a court now
jean is horrible with performing small actions :) i think he has big shaky hands that struggle w the minutiae of any process ever. you do NOT want to ask this man to put thread through a needle or give you an injection or pack you a bowl or even light your cigarette. the #irreversible damage of multiple head injuries
also do let me know urs cause i also love hearing about this kind of stuff! i love small hcs... save me mundane realities of life. save me characters with little details
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minheeskitten · 4 months
back but with a question; would you perchance have any favorite fics and/or writers !!! since im getting back into reading / always curious what everyone else likes :] (group does not matter, my stan list is very similar to yours dhdjfjekfjekfnekfjek) —☕️
Oh boy, fav writers and fics.. Thats a tough one since I don't often branch out of specific fandoms ( i am working on it!)
I read a lot of kingdom works. A lot of them. I have probably read every single posted kingdom smut piece there is. I started writing them bcs there wasn't enough. A lot of cravity as well, and some ateez too. Onewe and Oneus as well. But they aren't as popular so there aren't nearly as many fics as id like. Gotta write em i guess haha
But here is me shamelessly promoting my friends and mutuals.
Intenselysalmon on Ao3 is good. They're a friend of mine who made me go batshit insane over Arthur.
Yami0204, also on ao3, is good too. Even if you don't normally read sfw fics. PLEASE READ LEGEND OF KINGDOM AND ITS SIDE STORIES!! IT IS GENUINELY SO GOOD I WILL READ IT TO MY CHILDREN.
^ She's another friend of mine, and if you ever see a tag with 'Auntie' in it im hoping she sees that post. (Hi Auntie @kurenaiwataru I know you'll see this!)
@kingdoms-babygirl and @karmacumover have some excellent works, and also have a series together, and it is SO FUCKING GOOD. Their separate works are also amazing. I do forget to talk with them often but they're both great writers. Im a little intimidated by how good they are at times
In general a lot of my moots tend to be writers. I have a moots list if you wanna go look at them! They're all really good!
( @yourfatherlucifer aka Felix has the best Ghoul Hongjoong smut and OH MY GODS!! I need more.)
(@potatomountain is also damn good! Please go check them out!)
I also have a fic recs tag for fics i read on here i liked or thought felt needed extra love! It is just straight up 'fic recs <3'
In general I don't read as much as i want to, and i feel like my skills are slipping because of that so. Do reccomend me any fics from my stan list as well! I do prefer Ao3 but i will read on Tumblr too!
I've read some good fics over the years but in general more specific fic recs are difficult without knowing someone well.
If it helps, i am always on the lookout for good writers!
I tend to struggle to find non afab x reader, so i read more member/member stuff purely because i prefer amab characters to represent me. So if you find any, do send it to me! I always link fics or anything sent to me!
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