#but jews can be some of the best people on earth
jewishcissiekj · 2 years
I like and reblogged ONE Jewish-related post and suddenly the whole Jewish side of Tumblr is after me?????? ("after me" including showing up on my for you page here and scaring the shit out of me)
I don't even like Judaism I just like using my ethnicity and background as a fun username and also been raised and lived Jewishly for the past number of years I've lived what the hell bro
I know for a fact my brother has been a part of this community but nooo don't take me I'm trying soooo hard to be resentful toward this religion (religion-specific, not the people), don't make me like more stuff about it now
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max1461 · 5 months
Everybody does the exact same stupid shit. That white nationalist anon I was getting a while ago would send me story after story of some random black guy or immigrant committing a violent crime against a white person. Well, yeah, people are violent, you're gonna find those if you go looking for them. And there's a lot of racial animosity in the world, so you'll even find racially charged ones if you go looking! No shit, Sherlock. We could play this game all day. You find me a news story of a black guy killing a white guy, I find you a news story of white guy killing a black guy. This does no one any good.
TERFs are identical. News story after news story of a trans woman raping somebody. Yeah, the world is an awful place and people rape each other. I can find you a news story of a cis woman raping a teenage boy and getting three months in jail. I can find you a news story of a cis mom killing her disabled kid cause they're too much work. But I don't want to. The world sucks shit, why gorge yourself on the tragedy?
Zionists come up with news story after news story of pro-Palestinian/BDS/whatever protestors being antisemitic. Yep. A lot of people out there hate Jews. And there has been a genuine rise in antisemitism since the Oct. 7th attack, and that's awful. There are no excuses for that. Do you know what else has happened since then? The Israeli military has slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians, including huge numbers of innocent civilians—men, women and children.
People are often terrible to each other. Welcome to Earth. If you go looking for bad actors in a big enough group, you are guaranteed to find them. How about this. What about all the black people who didn't kill a white little girl? What about the black little girls? What about their hopes and dreams? What about their chance at life? What about all the trans women who didn't rape anybody in a bathroom? What if they just want to go about their lives, without constant public scrutiny of what genitals they have (as a cis woman, can you empathize with that? Constant public scrutiny of what you're doing with your genitals?). What about the 30,000 Palestinians who have been killed, and the 70,000 who have been displaced from their homes?
Fear has made you a monster. Fear has driven you to demand slaughter and oppression of innocent people because they look like guilty people you read about on the news, and since they look the same to you, you feel fearful—how can you tell whether these are the innocent ones or the guilty ones? Best to oppress and slaughter them preemptively just to be safe. I am here to tell you that this twisted logic of self-defense does not hold. I do not care if you feel safe—I do not care if you are safe—if the cost of your safety is innocent life. The world is a risky place. I am not going to deny that. Horrible things could happen to any of us. If we go around preemptively attacking other over it, we do not make it a bit better. And, needless to say, danger comes from everywhere, from every group of human beings, and oppressing the people who make you nervous will not, in fact, deliver you from danger. It just makes you a monster.
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creature-wizard · 7 months
Looks like it's time to talk about starseeds and the New Age movement again.
Since I'm seeing more starseed content being posted, I'm gonna make another post on why the whole starseed thing and the surrounding New Age belief system are... not good.
So for those who don't know, New Age mythology is essentially a hodgepodge of cherrypicked and distorted myths from various cultures, racist pseudohistory, and far right conspiracy theories. To put it very briefly, starseeds are supposedly here to help Earth resist the reptilians, a race of politics-manipulating, war-starting, media-controlling blood-drinking aliens. For those who don't recognize the tropes here, these are basically all antisemitic canards. The reptilian alien myth as most know it today comes from David Icke, who ultimately cribbed a bunch of his material from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a Russian hoax created to justify violence against Jews. He was also influenced by the work of people like Fritz Springmeier, a hateful crank who based much of his work on other hateful cranks.
(David Icke, by the way, also claims that transgender is an evil reptilian conspiracy. You'll never find just one form of bigotry with these people.)
There are supposedly numerous alien races out there, and one of the most prominent among them are the Pleiadians, AKA Nordics. While modern depictions of the Pleiadians give them more variety in skintone, there's no denying that older Pleiadian mythology basically pictured them as Aryans In Space, even associating them with the swastika.
You see what's going on here? "Good" swastika-loving Aryan aliens versus "evil" Jewish aliens? Sound familiar?
Racism isn't just a tangential part of the starseed myth, either. It lies at its very core. It's inextricably tied in with the ancient astronaut hypothesis, which has a history of racist motivation behind it. The TL;DR is that a bunch of white people couldn't believe that non-white people had built a bunch of things they couldn't figure out how to build themselves (EG, the Great Pyramids), so they proposed that the real builders were anyone from Atlanteans to aliens. (Atlantis, by the way, never existed; it was a literary device created by Plato.)
One supposed purpose of starseeds is to help the world "wake up to the truth," which basically just means "convert people to New Age spirituality." New Age believes that world peace is contingent on a majority of the world being converted to New Age belief, and that resistance against their belief system is ultimately the work of the aforementioned reptilian aliens.
To put it another way, New Agers think they understand other cultures' spiritual traditions better than the actual members of said cultures, and think that anyone who disagrees with them is being manipulated by the conspiracy, or is an agent of the conspiracy. This includes Indigenous cultures which are already endangered from white Christian colonialism.
Essentially, endangered cultures cannot speak up for themselves and resist New Agers' efforts at cultural assimilation without being labeled a problem and an enemy. It's basically white Christian colonialism repackaged as "spiritual, not religious."
Again - if you heard from these people that some ancient text or myth describes extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet for one reason or another, you heard misinformation. They twist and misrepresent literally every myth and text they get their hands on. For example, you may have heard that the vimanas from Hindu traditions were actually alien spacecraft. They were no such thing. Or maybe you heard that the Book of Enoch describes aliens performing genetic experimentation on humans. It literally does not. At best, all of the stories they cite just kind of sound like aliens if you ignore most of their content and pay no attention to their cultural contexts.
The starseed movement preys on alienated people, especially autistic people and people with ADHD. You can look up nearly any list of signs that you're supposedly a starseed, and many of them will align perfectly with characteristics associated with autism and/or ADHD, or that people with these conditions commonly report. Some people within the movement even go so far as to claim that ADHD and autism don't even exist, but were actually made up by the conspiracy as a cover to suppress and control starseeds, which is some yikes-as-hell ableism.
So basically, people are being told that if they have these certain characteristics or symptoms, that means it's their job to spread New Age spirituality to defeat the conspiracy and help others ascend to the fifth density.
And what's the fifth density, you might ask? It's supposedly humanity's next evolutionary level, because New Age is also based on biological misconceptions. Supposedly once everyone's DNA "upgrades," they'll essentially morph into an aetheric form. Supposedly, this is preceded by a number of "ascension symptoms," including depression, headache, gastrointestinal issues, and any number of other symptoms that could indicate almost anything, including stress.
What many of these people don't realize is, this prediction has already failed. Back in the 2000s and 2010s, experiencing "ascension symptoms" was supposed to precede ascension to 5D beginning December 21, 2012. One lady, Denise Le Fay, was convinced that the hair loss she was experiencing in 2008 was an ascension symptom. As we can see by looking her up, she's very much still with us on the 3D plane these days, repeating the same tired old scripts New Agers recycle endlessly.
By the way, everything you near New Agers saying today about old systems being dismantled, dark forces being arrested or kicked off the planet, and new economic systems on the horizon? They've been recycling these scripts for years now. Take a look at this page written back in 2012. You got stuff about the complete dismantling of an enormous network of sinister forces," "the arrest and removal of a world-wide cabal," and a "new economic system."
("Cabal," by the way, is a dogwhistle term for "Jews.")
Furthermore, people in this movement are often encouraged to try and access past life memories through dreams or hypnosis, which makes the whole thing feel even more real to them. But the thing is, you can have incredibly vivid experiences about literally anything you put your mind to - the people in the reality shifting having vivid experiences of living another life in the Harry Potter universe are a great example of this. Just because you have vivid experiences, doesn't mean they have any bearing on anything happening in this reality.
So yeah, the starseed movement and the larger New Age movement are both extremely harmful. They promote racist pseudohistory, medically-irresponsible pseudoscience, conspiracy theories that target numerous marginalized groups, and functionally target aliened people with ADHD and autism to convince them that spreading its beliefs is their job.
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matan4il · 8 months
The discussion at the International Court of Justice has been pretty predictable so far. South Africa claimed that on Oct 7 "out of the blue" Israel invaded Gaza and started a genocidal campaign against the Palestinians.
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Israel's defense team (pic above) did the obvious thing, and pointed out Hamas' massacre on that day, that it's a genocidal threat to the citizens of this country, and that everything happening in Gaza can ONLY be understood in the context of this massacre, and of the right to self defense which EVERY COUNTRY has (meaning that harming this right will also harm Israel's right to an equal treatment), that it's fighting Hamas, not the Palestinians, that every bit of suffering inflicted on both sides is due to Hamas' attacks on civilians in Israel, and the intentional way it uses Gazan civilians as a tool to paralyze the right of a democratic state to defend its people.
To prove a murder, a prosecution has to prove two things: action and intent. It has to prove that the action was committed (meaning, that person A killed person B), and that the action was intentional (that person A meant to kill person B). In the same way, a genocide has to be proven regarding both action and intent. In terms of actions, Israel's defense team showed that Israel has taken numerous steps to minimize the number of Gazan civilian casualties, while the actions of Hamas are aimed to maximize them, and of course that to begin with, the number of fatalities is based on Hamas' reports, which are NOT reliable, and which do not show how many of the killed were terrorists, meaning legitimate targets, nor how many were killed by Hamas itself.
For intent, SA took Israeli officials' quotes out of context in order to make it seem as if Israel's goal is to target all Palestinians. The Israel defense team showed the real context of many of these quotes, as well as presented OPERATIONAL quotes (during cabinet meetings, where policy is ACTUALLY determined, quotes that are much more crucial for what is ACTUALLY happening than media quotes) showing that Israel explicitly declared Hamas is its target, not all Palestinians, and that many of the operational quotes are about giving Gazans humanitarian aid, and minimizing the number of causalties.
Israel has also argued that a crucial condition for provisional measures (internediary junctions that SA is asking for) is not met, the condition that a population is at an extraordinary danger for genocidal acts. Israel's defense team showed that with Israel's efforts to minimize causalties, and with its stated intent of lowreing the intensity of fighting as soon as it is possible, there's no extraordinary danger to the Gazans that Israel will carry out genocidal acts if the fighting isn't stopped. The team argued that on the contrary, if a provisional measure forcing Israel to stop its war against Hamas is granted, it's the Israeli population that would be left in an extraordinary danger of future genocidal acts committed by Hamas. Israel's team also pointed out that NEVER has a provisional measure calling for the stop of an ENTIRE military operation been given, meaning SA is asking for a judicial precedent, something that requires extraordinary circumstances, which SA had failed to prove.
I personally want to address one of the quotes SA used, Bibi talking about Amalek. The exact quote is: "Remember that which Amalek has done to you, we will defeat the evil" (source in Hebrew). People claimed that Amalek is code for genocide, because the nation of Amalek in the Bible was wiped out. What they ignore is that Amalek in the Hebrew Bible is a symbol, Amalek is not about a specific nation, it's about the fact that some will hate the people of Israel no matter what. Jews can be the nicest, best, kindest, sweetest humans on earth to a degree that's not actually realistic, and Amalek would still hate them. Amalek is essentially the biblical term or antisemites. "Remember that which Amalek has done to you" (Deutoronomy 25:17) has therefore become a symbol as well. It's not about a specific action against Amalek, because the truth is, we can never fully get rid of them, there will always be antisemites around. But Jews can remember what antisemites had done to us, and try to learn from it. And isn't that what we ALL say, that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it?
I also wanna demonstrate that Jews DO NOT take Amalek to automatically mean genocide.
This is from Israel's national Holocaust museum. Gallery 9 covers the way Holocaust survivors return to life, and re-build it. One of the main, real banners that survivors put up in the Displaced Persons (DP) camp of Bergen Belsen is presented to visitors:
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It's the top banner in the pic, and the words are the original Hebrew for "Remember that which Amalek has done to you" followed by 3 exclamation marks. On the wall to the right you can see posters from DP camps, the top left one (out of the 4 posters in the top row) is from Munich, in 1948, and it is also using this very same quote, as it asks survivors to record and collect their testimonies:
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First, I believe it's clear this is a call to do something very innocent in nature, and not remotely close to genocidal.
Second, I hope it's also obvious that this call to remember what Amalek has done, in the context of the Holocaust, is not a call against all Germans. It's not even a call against all Nazis. Oskar Schindler, who saved roughly 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust, was a German Nazi. The first ones to make sure he is remembered and honored, were Jews. In Romania, a man called Traian Popovici saved roughly 20,000 Jews in the city of Cernauti, and again, the first place where he was honored as a hero was in Israel, the Jewish state, in 1965. But also in Romania, about half of the Jewish population was murdered in the Holocaust, most of them (including my family), by Romanians. Not Germans, not Nazis. In every single country, Germany included, we can find those who helped save Jews, and those who helped to kill them. So I hope it's evident that no one was calling to vilify all Germans, as one nation, nor ignore those who killed Jews in the Holocaust, who were not German.
The use of Amalek here is obviously NOT a call to genocide applied indiscriminately to an entire nation. Accordingly, human history does not include that time Jews carried out a counter-genocide against the Germans after WWII. Despite the repeated use of the term Amalek, which came from the people themselves. Anyone who claims Amalek is automatically a call to genocide does not know Jewish culture, but is still trying to weaponize it against Jews.
I also have to say that one of the more despicable libels stated as if it were fact in the ICJ yesterday by SA, was that Israel is trying to prevent babies in Gaza from being born. In Israel, about 2 million people are Arab. While only about 7% of them define themselves as Palestinian (according to a 2020 survey), many around the world (and especially the anti-Israel crowd) see them all as Palestinians. Israel financially supports families with kids, and it also pays for fertility treatmeans for the first two kids of (would be) Israeli parents. And there is NO difference between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel in this. Yes, Israel is financially supporting the birth of Arab babies, that's just fact.
In contrast, during the Holocaust, we know the Nazis, in addition to murdering Jewish babies in places like the extermination camp of Auschwitz, also tried to prevent them from being born. We have the protocols of a discussion between Jewish community leaders in a Lithuanian ghetto, where they're trying to decide what to do with the statement of the Nazis, that if they learn of even one Jewish baby born alive in the ghetto, they will come in and murder everyone in there. These Jewish leaders know that there are pregnant women in the ghetto. They know that some of these expectant mothers have already lost their husbands, and all they have left of the men they loved is the baby they're carrying. These women would not easily agree to have an abortion. But if they don't, everyone would be murdered. What's the right thing to do, and how to do it?
At the ICJ, SA did not present one single piece of evidence to support the claim that Israel is preventing Palestinian babies from being born. I think it's a whole new moral low, to take something that was actually historically done to Jews as a part of the genocide against us, and present it without any proof as if the Jewish state is doing that itself. This is how anti-Zionism gives birth to new antisemitic blood libels. This is a part of how anti-Zionism is antisemitic by its very nature.
Outside the court, Israeli journalists report that a campaign by the families of the hostages (some of which were present at the discussions), asking to remind everyone of their family members still held in captivity by Hamas, was not approved for publishing in the Netherlands. These are the posters they wanted to share:
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While those kidnapped and their loved ones can't testify as to the absurdity of portraying Israel's self defense as genocide, the hostages were mentioned, and their faces were shown in the court, in one of the more moving moments IMO of today's proceedings.
There's also a pro-Israel demonstration outside. An Israeli journalist who interviewed two of the participants, started by admitting that this group was protesting so peacefully, he completely missed them at first. So don't be surprised if they're not mentioned or interviewed by most journalists. He also pointed out that repeatedly, anti-Israeli protesters would drive by this pro-Israel group, shout out anti-Israel slogans, often while waving a Palestinian flag, and film the reactions of the protesters. Just to be clear, that's harassment.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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jewish-vents · 1 month
Don't ever forget that Israel's shitty government(s) has always been just a convenient excuse. Israel has done terrible things but it's never been about that. The moment goyim realised we were still alive (Insert Dara Horn quote here) and could fight back and be capable of wrong like all human beings, we became the enemy. We became the enemy when they realised we aren't just some sob story that they can cry about. Even if Israel had the best government in the world, they'd still hate us. Why? Because they want us to die at the hands of the Muslim extremists. They want us to die so they can cry about how oppressed we are and then die of guilt because all they ever do is feel guilty and let that control them. That's why they "care" about Palestinians and even Romani people. They see Palestinians as inherently weak, as they previously viewed us. They view them as inherently innocent and victims no matter what hence the fetishisation of their violence which then results in the extreme Hamas support that we are witnessing. They basically switched us out for Palestinians, hurting both groups. The Nakba replaces the Holocaust. They view Palestinian history the way they used to view Jewish history; as Palestinians being inherently unlucky and being violently oppressed for no reason all the time (I remember seeing goyim talk about us being treated badly in most countries and being "unlucky" and treated as this common boogeyman, many years ago).
Why hate this group? They've never done anything wrong! Is the way that they think. Now they see that we are human beings which means we are capable of doing bad things makes us evil and the Worst. I cannot stress this enough: Israel would always be seen as bad no matter what. Even if the history was different, the message is clear: JEWS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE MIDDLE EAST. We are meant to be slaughtered in Europe and that's it. I remember this "activist" tiktoker I used to follow. He posted a tiktok about how Germany should be split into two: one part being Germany and the next part being Israel. The logic is simple here. We are white Europeans and that's it. Additionally this removes the guilt of everyone else, especially the Middle East which prouldly supported Hitler. He even met with Muslim leaders.
According to everyone we must politely die without any inconvenience. The fact that the Nazis were portrayed as white worked in our favour. They pretended to care then. But once they realized our enemies, the ones who hate us so much they need to kill every single one of us and wipe up off this earth the same way they describe zionists and israel to be, were brown, they showed us who they truly are: they chose the brown side. We transformed into evil white people overnight. Why do you think almost every Jewish celeb has been accused of being a zionist? It's because everyone's becoming nazis. I don't use that word lightly. They're literally discovering that many in Hollywood are Jewish for the first time. They didn't care before. But they do now. It's angering them. They're thinking: why are so many Jews in powerful positions? They'e starting to think: this is not normal....the Jews are responsible for everything bad! Except they get to hide behind the word zionist. As a result Josh Shapiro gets singled out and had a reduced chance of being VP. Why do you think so many of them are now saying "Zionists control the media/the world/etc"? Because they're having their nazi phase (well here's to hoping and wishful thinking lmfao). How is this any different from white supremacists who angrily scream about how we control everything? Every time a big world event happens or anything happens tbh we get blamed by the progressives. We're getting blamed right now for white supremacists going on rampages throughout England. How dare they?! They use the words pogrom and nazi every second to describe what is happening in England right now. How dare they take our words and use them for everyone but us and then say we are the real nazis and the one and only evil in the world. And we're the colonisers?!
Lastly I cannot get rid of the bitter taste of irony. They are trying to paint Israel as the ultimate evil and the things they lie about Israel reflect what everyone has done to us. But they'll never see it because we're the ultimate oppressors.
Marilyn Monroe converted to Judaism and Muslim countries banned her movies. Muslim countries have historically banned Holocaust movies. If you want to see real ethnic cleansing and genocide look at what the Jewish populations of Arab countries have been forced to experience.
We cannot afford to be trembling Jews with shaking knees. We must stand up for ourselves. No one else's gonna do it. All we have is ourselves. And our small but amazing allies of course. But it's limited. We need to support each other harder than ever. A Jewish American woman didn't feel safe as a Zionist abortion advocate. She then created her own space for Jews/Zionists. Of course gentiles harassed her. But our love will always be stronger than their hate. It's hard but stay safe. Have a weapon if you must. There's so little of us that they can overpower us as we've seen countless times especially recently. We need to fight back. We cannot afford to be cowards.
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obislittleone · 11 months
Tw: suicidal thoughts (don't be alarmed I'm just venting)
I am so tired. I am so worn out. It doesn't matter what I say. It doesn't matter what I do. I have been financially and physically giving to Palestinians and Israelis who have been injured and were innocent victims through this war. The organization my family and I are working with has done so much to try and save lives. I have done all I can possibly do, but it's not enough. Those of you who drop in my dms or my asks to call me a 'genocidal colonizer' are so truly lost. I hope you all get help, because the amount of hate I've seen against not only myself but against literally every Jew I know is absolutely abominable. Don't say 'from the river from the sea' unless you know what it means, and if you say it, don't say it to a jew. You may hate Israel, and you may even think that all the people there deserve to die, but have you ever taken into consideration that the innocent Jews of either Israel or the rest of the world have nothing to do with their government or the mistreatment of Palestinians? Did you ever once think before you commented on a Jews post to 'wipe Israel off the face of the earth'? Chances are you did not. Chances are also that if you did, you probably just hate jews. Don't comment any bullshit on this post, I'll just remove it. I'm not here to fight anymore, I'm just here to say a few words, and give a perspective to those who think I'm some devil worshipping satanist just because I'm jewish.
These are the asks in my inbox on the daily:
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Do you have any idea how this mentally affects a person? Do you even know how horrifying it is to know that so many people want you dead? I've had run ins with depression and suicidal attempts and thoughts my entire life, but never have I been this influenced by outer forces into thinking that I should be dead. Never once has anyone encouraged me to pull a trigger or off myself. Not until this has happened.
The comments and reblogs on posts about my best friend who lived in Israel, and her mother (who is arab, btw) that was killed in the October 7th attack are beyond wild. I can't even imagine how crazy it must be to live in the middle east as a jew. This is only a fraction of the hate that I experience in my day to day life, now.
The middle fingers I get from pissed off passersby at Walmart because I wear a star of david, or the slurs I get called because I told someone I had to leave an event early for Shabbat. It's all hatred, and it all sucks.
The violence, and the aggression that innocent jews are getting from random people who hate them. The little old man who stood on a street corner and held a sign in protest of Jewish hate that was killed today by a pro-hamas protestor. Its all too overwhelming. Why? Because even if you choose not to see it, or even if you condone it and think its 'not that bad', Jewish hate is getting dangerously close to what it was during the time of the holocaust. What's worse? It's being praised. Not just accepted, but encouraged. I posted on my instagram asking for prayers over my friend who's having to hide in a bomb shelter because of the war. The amount of comments saying 'just let her die' were astounding.
I have to ask you, where is your humanity? When jews can not only feel compassion but openly support Palestinians and try and give their services to save their innocent women and children from dying in the war, where is your compassion for innocent jews? Where is your willingness to feel an ounce of sadness for the loss of a life? Are you so hateful that you will condemn a teenage girl to die because of the violence her government commits? And if it happens, will you be so heartless that you will praise the notion that she is dead?
A common phrase used when I ask pro-hamas bloggers what their stance is on the beheading of children or the raping of women is, it usually comes out as: "well what do you think declonization looked like?"
I am always shocked. Every. Single. Time... why? Because I hope with every shred of naivete i have in me that people who have lost so much will understand the pain of those who are also losing so much. When you condemn one government for killing your children, and bringing a genocide upon Palestinians, why do you not also condemn the murdering of children and innocent Jews? Is it because 'that's not your team?' Is it because you want to win so badly that you don't care what the cost is? Do you think that turning into the thing that killed your people will make you a hero? The only thing I can possibly think of that would make a person respond that way is bloodlust. When you condemn an entire nation (including the innocent people) of killing your own, then turn around and do the same thing to their innocents, do you think you've proved something?
Whenever I address these things I'm usually met with the same stuff about how I'm a Jew so I'm biased and I don't get to have an opinion... but I don't think it's fair to say that to someone who's literally living with the repercussions that your hate is causing. Don't tell me to be quiet if you're spreading nazi rhetoric about jews and telling people to kill us.
Again, don't bring any bullshit on here. It will be deleted, and you will be blocked. I've spoken my piece. If anyone is interested in learning more about the organization I work with and donating to help Palestinian and Israeli families getting caught in the crossfire, please drop me a message, I'd be glad to give you more information.
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prussiasqueen · 4 months
Hey genuine question: how can someone be both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine? I understand you have family and friends in Israel but how can you be both when Israel has been
-using white phosphorus bombs
-targeting Palestinian journalists for reporting the truth
-shooting children (even BABIES) in the head
-refuse hostage negotiations
-basically running concentration camps and torturing Palestinian civilians
And a bunch of other war criminal shit that even South Africa has recognized
People criticizing Israel and wanting them to give back the land to Palestine is not antisemitism. Yes, there are people who take it too far but historically, Israel is a settler nation and Palestine should get the land back. No sane person is saying they want Jewish people dead/not have a place to go. There are Jewish people in Palestine, it was never about wanting Jewish people dead, it’s about freedom and ending the occupation.
I apologize for the lengthy rant, I just want to help educate people on this matter.
Ok so I’m gonna keep this simple as I can anon, not because I don’t think your questions aren’t important… but it sounds like to me you may need to actually sit down and talk to some Israeli people and get the full scoop and idea of what’s happening on BOTH sides. Can’t really rely too much on listening to just one side, because ya know… propaganda and how the media twists so much.
As stated a lot of what you are saying sounds like a bunch of propaganda and rinse and repeat of the same things being said over and over again.
Truth of the matter is, you’re not seeing beyond October 7th, you’re not seeing what’s been going on beyond 1948, a little bit of searching online and heck, even checking in with Israelis about said information could help a ton with this. Secondly, all the information you provided, Hamas literally did the same things to the Israeli as well and to their own people. Hamas has been torturing people since before all this has happened. Literally you sound like someone who hasn’t batted an eye to any of this until suddenly when things happened during October 7th.
This was never a genocide, this has always been a conflict.
There’s so much here to cover, maybe I should suggest you chatting with parts of jewblr?
Another man I might recommend listening and watching is Mosab Hassan Yousef.
A Palestinian man who not only is just a Palestinian but the son of Hamas co-founder, he is also known as “the green prince” you want some true insight and someone who can really break it down for you to understand, I highly recommend having a listen to his videos online (if you can find them) and also his book “The Son of Hamas” Will help give you a better perspective.
I personally could actually sit down and look at you and say, “alright, so where do we start” but I really don’t feel I need to explain when you can literally see what a lot of us have been saying. I mean hell, if you really wanna know more… (I won’t say tumblr is the best of sourcing but, the Jewish community here and my own reblogs on my other blog have walls and walls and walls of text and sources you can go and read.)
“Shooting children, even babies in the head”
Were you…. Not present when you heard what they did to some of the hostages? Umm… you do know that Hamas killed women and children too, right? I mean this is a conflict and war… I mean like I said so much to cover…
War is gray area when it comes to how it is, it’s never fully one sided, there’s casualties everywhere and there is no winning outcome in it at all.
Also can I just… can I throw one thing in here, yes people want Jews dead. People have been wanting Jews dead since the beginning of human existence on earth, I don’t know what planet where you think this is not the case, but Jews have been ostracized for many many many many years, by the Romans, ancient Egyptian, Greeks, the Germans, the polish, the Russian, the Turkish, and the list goes on and on and on, let’s be real here most of Middle East does not want Israel to exist and the people in it. (Especially Jewish) most Palestinians that support Hamas, do indeed want the Jews dead. That’s not up for debate, so by saying no “sane” person wants Jews dead, well when you support a terrorist group like Hamas, you do want Jews dead. End of discussion.
Many one else willing to help put in more info here… that’d be awesome.
@bottlepiecemuses you have anything to add to this for anon? I’m like really tired and don’t feel like breaking this down more…
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embras-grace · 10 months
It's time to rant about my human in Palia: Ori Tian
He is awful and I love him. You can learn more about my human under the cut! This information is not spoiler free as his character changes over time as we learn more about the world.
Ori Tian || He/Him They/Them || 29-30 || The Watcher
Ori's history makes more sense with a few key points (some of which are spoilers you learn when talking to folks/exploring the world):
Kilima was built on the ruins of an ancient human school (I think of it as a university)
The ruins were where humans were forced to go by the human king (the Fire Temple lore) where it seems they were getting more and more ridiculous orders. I consider this to be when humanity's downfall was fast approaching.
The disaster that killed the humans was not just Flow (which I see as a global warming metaphor) but also an attack from Shadow Creatures (the Library you unlock with Jina).
The human downfall took hundreds if not thousands of years until they finally died out. They didn't go out with a bang, but with a painful whimper.
All humans have innate magical abilities. Some humans spend their whole lives learning how to tap into them, others are born with a close connection.
Human Life
Ori was a professor at the university and the dean of the humanities department which happened to be part of the school's administration. Their specialty was ethics and mortality, especially when it came to magic and Flow. They helped students organize various clubs and organizations inside the school, as well as supporting them during walk-outs or demonstrations against the king for trying to force people into "safety areas" to "wait out the danger" instead of facing the problem head on and cleaning up the mess humans had made that was destroying their world.
To students, Ori was known as the laid-back professor who was easy to talk to, but who wasn't afraid to talk back and be firm when needed. His tests were hell on earth but his classes were fun to those interested in a good-natured debate of philosophical principles and theories. He took it easy, but he took it.
To fellow professors and adults, Ori was a belligerent and sometimes down-right rude person. He had no problem calling people out for acting immature or acting ridiculous given certain circumstance (despite being hypocritical at times as a very hyper person themselves). The amount of fist-fights Ori has gotten into in university board meetings was too many too count.
He was outspoken against the king and didn't bother to hide his politics, which put them in a lot of danger. But Ori had one special thing that kept them safe from a great majority of threats: magic.
Ori was born with a natural affinity for fire magic and his anger could become explosive (literally). His flames were hot enough to melt iron and--when incredibly agitated--he could make anything he touched spontaneously combust. Yet this natural affinity came with a strict control he tried to keep tamped down... except when he couldn't in arguments. Fire brimming at the edges of his clothes (they never really caught on fire--clothes are expensive!) and his hair becoming bright flames. It's no wonder he was considered one of Embra's chosen.
On top of being a professor, a dean, and an activist Ori also managed the Phoenix Shrine. He was the primary caretaker, although he was as close to secular as someone could get in Palia. Is Embra real? Yes. Is she a goddess? Sure, why not. Does that mean you can't argue with her and have to accept everything she says or does? No fucking way!!! Ori is whatever the equivalent of a Jew is in Palia and he is very proud of his heritage, traditions, and beliefs.
His best friend was a kitsuu who followed him around the university and joined him on a lot of his routines for the temple. They could never be separated, his friend bringing him gifts from the natural world and Ori returning the favor with food and shiny things. His other close friend was Einar--who remembers Ori and what Ori did when he died.
Ori's death happened when the Shadow Creatures attacked the school. Many had already been moved to the temples, but Ori had stayed outside to protect the students that didn't want to go yet. When the evacuation order came to get everyone to safety, Ori was left at what is now known as the Mirror Pond Ruins.
When the last students were fleeing into the library--unable to get to the Water Ruins, Ori stood as the last guard to buy them time to lock the door. His magic was always explosive and he gave the Shadow Creatures the best show he could: he immolated himself in a massive explosion to protect the students he swore to protect. Taking out any Shadow Creatures in the nearby vicinity.
The only thing left behind was a pendant.
Kilima Life
Ori doesn't remember anything after being reincarnated. At first when he woke up Jina had to walk him through a lot of things, but slowly some stuff started coming back to him. His traditions, his knowledge of what he once studied, his love of researching, his hatred of authoritarian governments and anyone that bans or burns books, and intolerance for adults acting like immature brats.
He's slowly remembering some recipes he used to cook (thanks to Reth's help), other human languages he learned, more about life for humans, but a lot of it is very fuzzy and comes back slowly.
Still, though, he doesn't recognize the kitsuu who had great fun trying to get his attention with the help of Tau and can't comprehend why they keep little him little presents every day... and he doesn't remember his old friend Einar. Maybe it'll come back eventually, but there is one thing he is starting to remember...
And he won't let the Order take it from him.
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 5 months
Israel’s Plans For The West
I think it’s fair to say that most of the right is anti-mass immigration.
But then it begs the question: Why are there so many right-wing Zionists?
Now, that question might be confusing to some.
“How on earth are the two related?”
Well, I’ll explain.
There are a few on the right who get it.
Some would be:
Ryan Dawson (@RyLiberty) 🇺🇸
Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) 🇺🇸
Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) 🇺🇸
Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) 🇺🇸
Sam Parker (@SamParkerSenate) 🇺🇸
Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) 🇺🇸
Nick Fuentes 🇺🇸
Jayda Fransen (@JaydaBF) 🇬🇧
Nick Griffin (@NickGriffinBU) 🇬🇧
Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) 🇮🇪
But, a large portion of the right do not.
Israel has made their goals very clear.
Here are a few quotes from high-ranking Israeli officials:
Palestinians should ‘go to Ireland or the deserts’ - Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu
"The ongoing war in Gaza presents an opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza.” “It is a correct, just, moral, and humane solution” - Israel’s National Security Minister - Itamar Ben-Gvir
"Europe has a long history of assisting refugees fleeing conflicts... countries around the world should offer a haven for Gaza residents who seek relocation" - Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN and current Knesset member Danny Danon
The former deputy director of Mossad, Ram Ben-Barak, added onto Danon’s statement by saying, "Countries can accomplish this by creating well-structured and internationally coordinated relocation programs.”
And then Israel’s Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, added onto those statements by saying:
“I welcome the initiative of members of Knesset Ram Ben-Barak and Danny Danon on the voluntary immigration of Gaza Arabs to the countries of the world. This is the right humanitarian solution for the residents of Gaza and the entire region,”
“A cell with a small area like the Gaza Strip without natural resources and independent sources of livelihood has no chance to exist independently, economically, and politically in such a high density for a long time.”
“The reception of refugees by the countries of the world that really want their best interests, with the support and generous financial assistance of the international community and within the state of Israel, is the only solution that will bring an end to the suffering and pain of Jews and Arabs alike.”
“The state of Israel will no longer be able to put up with the existence of an independent entity in Gaza,” he added.
You see it now?
Israel plans to ethnically cleanse Gaza, steal the land, and then send millions of Palestinian refugees to western nations.
Now among those refugees, extremists will arise.
Well, whichever country hosts them, they will believe that country was complicit in the butchering of their people.
They will believe that country played a part in them being evicted from their homeland.
And they will be right!
And that may unfortunately lead to some Palestinians being displaced in North America, Europe, and Oceana who want nothing more than to take revenge on the country that played a role in displacing them.
But Israel won’t care.
It’s not their problem anymore.
And for all you boomer-Zionist idiots that say:
“oH WeLl WhY Do wE HaVe tO TaKE iN ThE ReFuGeEs? nO tO ImMiGration!”
You’ll HAVE to take in the refugees because YOUR government is CUCKED by Israel.
Here’s another list for you.
🇺🇸 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in the US:
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
J Street
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)
Christians United for Israel (CUFI)
The Israel Project (TIP)
American Jewish Committee (AJC)
The Israel Allies Foundation (IAF)
The Middle East Forum (MEF)
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC)
The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI)
Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)
The Jewish National Fund (JNF)
The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA)
The Jewish Policy Center (JPC)
Americans for Peace Now (APN)
The American Friends of Likud
B’nai B'rith International
Emergency Committee for Israel
Z Street
The Israel Forever Foundation
Fuel For Truth
The David Project
Israel Bonds (Development Corporation for Israel
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)
The American Friends of Magen David Adom
The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE)
The Israel Action Network (IAN)
The American Friends of Shalva Israel
The American Friends of Libi
🇨🇦 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in Canada:
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA)
B’nai Brith Canada
Canadian Friends of Peace Now
StandWithUs Canada
Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation (CAEF)
Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF Canada)
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC)
Zionist Organization of Canada (ZOC)
Israel Bonds Canada
🇬🇧 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in Britain:
Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI)
Labour Friends of Israel (LFI)
Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel (LDFI)
BICOM (Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre)
Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland
Jewish Leadership Council
UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI)
Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA)
Christian Friends of Israel (CFI)
Anglo-Israel Association (AIA)
Northern Ireland Friends of Israel
We Believe in Israel
The Pinkster Centre
Israel Britain Alliance (IBA)
🇪🇺 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating throughout Europe:
German-Israeli Society (DIG) 🇩🇪
Italy-Israel Foundation for Culture and the Arts 🇮🇹
Friends of Israel Initiative (FOII) 🇫🇷
CIDI (Centre for Information and Documentation Israel) 🇳🇱
Belgian Friends of Israel 🇧🇪
Finnish Friends of Israel 🇫🇮
Accion y Communicacion sobre Oriente Medio (ACOM) 🇪🇸
Austrian-Israeli Society (ÖIG) 🇦🇹
Czech Friends of Israel 🇨🇿
Danish-Israeli Association (Dansk Israelsk Selskab) 🇩🇰
Hellenic-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇬🇷
Hungarian-Israeli Friendship Society 🇭🇺
Polish-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇵🇱
Luso-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇵🇹
Swedish-Israel Friendship Association 🇸🇪
Slovenian-Israeli Business Club 🇸🇮
Estonian-Israeli Chamber of Commerce 🇪🇪
Latvia-Israel Chamber of Commerce 🇱🇻
Lithuanian Friends of Israel 🇱🇹
Bulgarian-Israeli Chamber of Commerce and Industry 🇧🇬
Romanian Friends of Israel 🇷🇴
Croatian-Israeli Business Club 🇭🇷
Cyprus-Israel Business Association 🇨🇾
Luxembourg-Israel Chamber of Commerce 🇱🇺
Malta-Israel Cultural & Friendship Society 🇲🇹
🇦🇺🇳🇿 Just SOME of the Pro-Israeli lobbies operating in Oceana:
🇦🇺 Australia:
Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ)
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC)
Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA)
United Israel Appeal of Australia (UIA)
Jewish National Fund of Australia (JNFA)
Shalom Institute
Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC)
🇳🇿 New Zealand:
New Zealand Jewish Council
Israel Institute of New Zealand
United Israel Appeal New Zealand
Do you understand now?
Our governments won’t stand up to Israel because effectively, they ARE Israel.
The majority of the western world is controlled by a ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government).
And all you right-wing Zionists have been barking up the wrong tree, and nothing will change unless YOU change who you direct your anger at.
The right-wing has blamed ‘Islamic Extremism’ for the west’s problems.
No, the west’s problem is ISRAEL.
If you had to flee your homeland because it was being blown to bits and everyone around you was being slaughtered, wouldn’t you be angry?
Now YOU may not commit acts of extremism, but can you guarantee none of the others who also feel angry, won’t?
The Zionist Occupied Media (ZOM) have convinced the masses that it’s all due to the fault of ‘Islamic Extremism’.
When in reality, it is extremism being committed by a group of people that have had their lands terrorized, and are angry at their host country for partaking in it.
Now, in no means am I justifying acts of extremism.
Such acts should be condemned and the perpetrators prosecuted.
However, it’s important to understand the root cause.
ISRAEL is the root cause.
Israel lobbies governments, blackmails important figures, and stages false flags to get western countries to fight their wars for them.
As a result, much of the Middle East is destabilized, entire countries are blown up, Middle Eastern leaders are assassinated, millions die, and millions end up being displaced to western countries.
Is it so surprizing that some turn out to be extremists?
Israel doesn't take in any of the refugees; it’s a Jewish supremacist state, why would they?
Among those millions displaced, extremists rise up due to anger directed at their host countries for ruining their homeland and butchering its people, and unfortunately, acts of terror take place.
Then the ZOM, and other well known figures on the Israeli payroll, convince YOU that it’s the fault of ‘Islamic Extremism’.
But again, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
The reason why it’s ‘Islamic Extremism’ is because it is Islamic countries that are being bombed.
It's only logical that if a country is subjected to butchering and bombing, and then its refugees are taken in by the very nations responsible for their plight, it is inevitable that some of these refugees, overwhelmed by anger at these actions, might resort to acts of terror.
If we minded our own business and never destabilized their countries at Israel’s request, then guess what?
We wouldn't have to take in millions of refugees, some of whom might turn out to be extremists, because we hadn't destabilized the region.
They wouldn’t want to come to North America, Europe, or Oceana because their homeland would be doing fine.
And now the exact same thing that happened with Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., is happening with Palestine.
Israel is butchering them with the complicity of our governments, and then they'll send millions of rightfully angry refugees our way while they continue to steal more Palestinian land.
It’s time to say NO.
Palestine is for the Palestinians.
WE should control OUR governments, not Israel.
It’s time for Israel to be held accountable for their reign of terror over the past 75 years.
If we want to fix our countries, and the world, we MUST address the root cause.
And the root cause is ISRAEL.
So I ask those who GENUINELY want change:
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By: Yasmine Mohammed
Published: Oct 24, 2023
In 2016, there was a march in Washington D.C. billed as a "Women's March" during which millions of women paraded down the streets in the name of women's rights—some of them carrying posters of a woman in hijab. As a woman who risked her life to remove that hijab off my head, I was furious at how people could be so ignorant as to appropriate a tool of female oppression as a symbol of women's freedom. The Islamist propaganda was so successful that these well-meaning women, who seemed like bright and educated individuals, actually bought the lie that this tool of misogyny was a symbol of women's empowerment.
More of you now share in my rage—now that you know about Mahsa Amini and have seen the Women Life Freedom protests in Iran. Now that you have seen women burning their hijabs in the streets and protesters being gunned down by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, many of you can comprehend how grotesque it was to wave a hijab at a Women's March.
But at the time, you didn't know. You were useful idiots of a very large, very powerful, and very well-funded propaganda machine.
I tried to tell you. For the past seven years, I have been singing the same tune to anyone who would listen. I wrote articles, spoke on countless podcasts, went on the nightly news in countries across Europe, North America, and Asia, my message clear: Beware this alliance between the liberal Left and the Islamists.
In 2019, I published my book Unveiled with a clear subtitle: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam. I used my own story growing up in Canada in an extremist family who married me off to an Al Qaeda terrorist to illustrate this unholy alliance between the radical Left and the radical Muslims. I risked my life to tell you all this. I understood that I could potentially be putting myself and my whole family in danger to get this message to you. I did my best to tell as many kind-hearted, altruistic Westerners that they were being duped and being used as useful idiots.
And duped you have been. A dozen Muslim majority countries execute people for the "crime" of homosexuality under Islamic Law. People are executed for renouncing Islam; there is no religious freedom, no freedom of speech, no freedom of personal expression under Sharia. It is the antithesis of liberal or progressive values.
Hijab is not a choice for the vast majority of women. Girls and women are abused tortured and killed by their families in honor violence and honor killings across the globe over this piece of cloth. Women have been imprisoned in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Perhaps most importantly for today's context, radical Islam is viciously antisemitic.
How can a group of people who bleat about diversity and inclusion be aligning with a religion that claims that even the earth itself hates Jewish people? Which hopes and predicts that a day will come when even the rocks and trees will call out, "Oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me! Come kill him."
I have been shocked and infuriated that I have to explain over and over again that water is wet. How is this not so obvious already? And even though I spend nearly every single day in this endeavor, screaming like Cassandra warning about the Trojan Horse, even I didn't realize how right I was. Even those of us who have been watching this alliance over the years between the radical Left and radical Islam did not see this coming.
It's as if the subtitle of my book leapt off the page and is now walking down the street chanting, "Gas the Jews."
It is now personified in university leaders and politicians who are posting pictures of paragliders and celebrating the mass execution and torture of innocent people.
There could not be a more clear example of western liberals empowering radical Islam.
As Claire Lehmann, founder of Quillette, put it on X, "I have been covering the toxic ideology for years. But if you had told me a month ago that this ideology would lead more than half of Americans under 25 to justify and excuse the torture and mass-murder of a minority group, I would not have believed you."
We are at a very important moment in history. We are at that moment that so many of us have talked about and thought about while studying history or after watching a World War II movie: What would I have done? Would I have been one of those Germans who hid their Jewish neighbors in their attics protecting them from the genocidal Nazis? Or would I have been one of the many Germans who was too scared to do anything but comply? Or worse: Would I have been one of people who was convinced by the hateful propaganda?
Wonder no more, dear reader. Your moment is here.
Plot twist: it turns out the people calling everyone "Nazis" were the real Nazis all along.
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ragzpizzle · 23 days
Since I’ve finished watching The Boys Season 1 on August 17th, and ever since, I wanted to create my own version of the Franchise. RagzVerse Homelander was finished on August 26th, the public release of him was delayed because of me at the program while with me working. So now that he’s in public release, I am able to finally get this published. Here is some information on RagzVerse Homelander. John Gillman Kramer, more known as Homelander, the leader of The Seven is one of not only the most popular, but most powerful Supe on the group. When he first appeared to the public, Vought made up a story where he was the last living species on his planet before having no choice but to travel into earth, and adopted by humans, but in Reality, this was never the case. Solider Boy’s Sperm was used on a unknown woman that was held hostage by Vought, his own clump of cells was pumped Compound V Drugs by Vought before his biological mother gave birth to him. As soon as she was ready, the baby bursted out of her stomach, leading to her own death. Homelander never knew who his parents were, nor did he ever had a childhood. This was done to make Homelander be the most strong, and expensive Supe Vought has ever done. With the Face of a Movie Star, and Powers of a God, Homelander was given strength, super hearing, x-ray vision, laser eyes, and a super sonic scream. Homelander was the most greatest Superhero alive because he was like a Superman, a hero that would be able to feel immortal and productive. While he is those things, deep down, there is even a darker side of him. Homelander has KryptoKrystals that he can use to hypnotize people into doing stuff for him, depending which one he uses, and who he puts it on. He was also responsible for letting people die on a plane crash after accidentally laze-ring the buttons for the plane, and covering it up by making a false rumor that him and Queen Maeve did everything they can to save them, SAed Billy Bucher’s Wife, Becca in order to have his own child, Ryan Butcher, a few extras is him being very ableist, especially to Black Noir, or The Super Duper Team, defending Stormfront’s Views on Jews and other black people, forced Starlight to be in a Relationship with him at some point, along with hypnotizing her along with his best friend, Black Noir to do lustful acts with him, and there’s basically a lot of shit he has done when I give him more character development. With a few other extra info. His biological parents were Benjamin Edgar (Solider Boy) and Lorenzo Gillman, who both have never met each other, or at least John’s mother, saw him, not even when he was born. Homelander has also been in a few Relationships, such as Queen Maeve (Ex-Girlfriend), Stormfront (Boyfriend, before he died), Starlight (Forced Relationship), and Firecracker (Not Romantic really, more of a Royalty Relationship. However, they can sometimes bond a romantic one!). Homelander is known to be in his 30’s-40’s, as for his Sexuality, he is Pansexual. He right now, is currently not in a relationship, at least not a romantic one.
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anthonybialy · 10 months
Take Sides Elsewhere
Bias in action is the core output of one industry that should grind to a halt.  Prosperity would increase.  Blatantly lying about the worst sort of conduct is how reporters dedicate themselves to truth.  Guardians of information tacitly align with Jew-hating lunatics whose response to marauders beheading any members of one particular religion they could find is to call for Israel not to exist.  You may notice a pattern.
Blather about occupation gets more than equal time.  The legitimately aggrieved party is not targeting civilians, unlike the demons they target.  If you want to know what Israel will be accused of doing, check what Hamas is actually doing.
Don’t start a war.  They’re bad for items and people.  And those assaulted might return the favor.  Righteousness is the key difference for anyone confused about cheering.  The best advice for avoiding civilian casualties is to not annihilate civilians.  Report that.
Somehow, the press gets more shameless.  New stories ask if Israel does enough for safety without noting where they’re aiming.  Oh, and very responsible broadcasters also leave out why the nation that lost numerous citizens for the crime of attending a music festival is responding in the first place.
The news is the place for fantasies.  Imaginary sob stories about who could be harmed if the prey fights back are the most shameful way to shame.  Copy and paste a paragraph noting collateral damage has been a component of every single conflict ever, including righteous ones.
Nuking Nagasaki for fun is our darkest moment.  Woke maniacs who don’t understand cause and effect think Harry Truman was just one of countless American presidents who should’ve been arrested for war crimes.  Disregarders or active cheerers of diabolical mayhem claim they resisted during the Fourth Reich that was the Trump administration.  Meanwhile, honorary Axis members would’ve condemned D-Day as an unnecessary escalation even if they enjoyed making others ration.
Taping asterisks to terror onslaughts is not the best way to achieve objectivity.  Liberal hacks who claim some stories only have one side mean pretending civilization is rendering Earth uninhabitable.  Attacking Charlie Hebdo got worse in the worst possible way when excusers of murdering artists accused them of putting of hate speech in their doodles.  Similarly, blaming cartoonists in Texas because of the religious figure they chose to draw was no way to defend the West, which was the point.  And asking why terrorists would hate America so much that they’d use planes as missiles was the all-time example that’s merely the most notorious moment of lame massacre justification leftists wish you’d forget.
The media applies the same tendencies to every situation.  Consistency by applying a formula does not necessarily equal super results.  Lying about Israel being an oppressive genocide colonizer is even worse than excuses for inflation.  Blatancy is so obvious that it looks planted, which means finally discovering the profession’s core mission.
The media is careful to avoid noting which religion has a terror problem.  It’s not the one with a functioning republic in the worst neighborhood.  Fighting back against barbarians doesn’t count.
Terror allies marching in support of their favorite team is shockingly normal.  Every Arafat-inspired rampager currently wreaking havoc on city streets and campuses just like their heroes would claim to oppose Nazis, by which they mean Ron DeSantis.
Praise for those demanding destruction is limited to liberalism’s pet causes.  Hamas Fan Club meetings might seem rather strident in their demands for that one Jewish entity to no longer be.  But Israel’s been mean about removing those trying to exterminate it, so there’s your balance.
Covering gatherings is about what’s not shown.  Hiding gets trickier with social media, which shows not only what correspondents refuse to cover but how the job can be done in the free time of people with worthwhile careers.  Very disinterested observers noted Black Lives Matter conflagrations were mostly peaceful aside from the flaming cities.  You may not be surprised to realize secret and open PLO admirers think America is a racist hellhole.
The same professional protesters uncannily also claim the country where they live sits on occupied land.  They never vacate, of course.  To very fair reporters on the scene, the important part is that nobody demands a flat tax.
The middle ground isn’t worth sharing with people who want you dead.  Treating the two-state solution as some sort of presumed necessary compromise only seems fair if you’re not checking if one Super Bowl participant slaughtered babies.  No super important anchors seem willing to inquire why the actually tolerant country should have to cede some of the land that’s either always been its property or that it won in previous wars from intruders to an invented group that elected Hamas.
It’s sort of a bad sign when it takes lying about a cause to make it appealing.  That’s coincidentally the only shot Joe Biden has at holding the title of president into his late 80s.  There’s totally not an invading army of uninvited American guests just because it seems to be happening, and if there were they would only be here to take advantage of job opportunities created by a booming economy and not the generosity of Democratic politicians with funds seized from productive people with valid paperwork.  Everything’s terrific despite what you notice, which is practice for acting like terror victim Israel is the terrorist.
The media shares truth about themselves by lying regarding everything else.  It’s easy for journalists to do their jobs, which is the field’s appeal.  Participants major in the easy college choice so they don’t have to spend full shifts doing math.  Their dedication to inserting their own deluded views means they’d selflessly rather spend extra hours making up tales of how they’re true than cover reality and head to Applebee’s for dollar margaritas a few hours early.  The only thing more mortifying than pretending a war on civilization has two valid factions is siding with pillagers.
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abyssalaus · 1 year
Danganronpa Talentswap: CiDR Edition!
I am a big fan of ThatCheesyBastard’s Cartoons in Danganronoa series. Despite only being on the first case, it brims with personality, love and a great understanding of the shows it uses and of Danganronpa in general. So I thought, why not throw into my insane talentswap thing? Though I am gonna throw in one interesting caveat: by the nature of swapping their talents, they effectively change the whole show, frequently having the artstyle of the duo they swapped with. There are the obvious exceptions: The IZ characters keep their artstyle because Membrane would murder me if I tried and the three solo chars swap their artstyles instead(going Jenny with Star’s, Morty’s with Jenny’s & Star’s with Morty’s) Anyway here we goooo! Mason “Dipper” Pines, Ultimate Fiend Maker & Mabel Pines, Ultimate Motivator Show: How to Make F”r”iends: During their summer vacation to Gravity Falls, the Pines Twins discover a book called How to Make Fiends, that teaches them how to make beings called Fiends. They plan to use them to have the best goshdarn summer in a backwater town ever! Dib Membrane, Ultimate Magician, Gaz Membrane, Ultimate Assistant & Z.I.M, Ultimate Fighting Machine. Show: Membrane the Magnificent. Dib Membrane’s father, Professor Membrane is truly one of the world’s greatest scientists. Dib however merely seeks his father’s approval and to become a great stage magician to which he...disapproves to put it mildly. So with the (often times forced) help of his sister and the robot his dad built to keep them safe, he will show the world how magnificent his magic is! Morty Smith, Ultimate Extraterrestrial Scientist Show: Distance is Relatives. Morty’s seemingly dead grandfather Rick has come back into his family’s life to teach Morty how to become a scientist! However, Rick is a sussy imposter, an alien from the planet C-137(short for Cloner 137) who is seeking to make Earth into C-138 and is only teaching Morty so he can build what’s needed to do that! Jenny Wakeman, Ultimate Paranormal Investigator Show: Old Haunts. Jenny Wakeman decides to make her own future and with the help of her mother creating special ghost hunting equipment(really just a way to enact her own plans for her daughter’s future, being a superhero), hunts down ghosts in her area. It’s...a little difficult considering it seems a lot of people like pretending to be ghosts for one reasons or another. “Star Butterfly”, Ultimate Gamer Show: Vs Mode! Star Butterfly is a relatively famous video gamer and influencer. What she doesn’t know is the people she plays against online on her TV are actually magical spirits and other such dimensional bru-haha! But hey makes good content whenever her on again, off again boyfriend and camera operator Marco Diaz can bother to help! Eddy, Ultimate Team Leader & Ed, Ultimate Animal Whisperer Show: Do Good-ed. One day a young scientific prodigy named Sarah was lonely and wanted little brothers to tease and dote on. So she made some with snips, snails and puppy dog tails...only to unwittingly mix in some Chemical X, causing her three siblings to come out...a little odd and with superpowers! Maybe she shouldn’t have rushed to give them names, since all she had was Ed... Bertha Utonium, Ultimate Jew & Beatrice Utonium, Ultimate Snack Enthuatist Show: Whoopass Show. In the city of Townsville(who named this town) lives the triplets Bertha, Beatrice and Betty alongside their father, who is a middle aged physicist of some renown...quite frankly he spoils the three and you can tell. But eh life is weird in Townsville from the demon that no one can tell if he’s gay or just flamboyant as hell, talking monkeys and that bitch Princess Morbucks, it’s one hell of a time! Vendetta, Ultimate Scam Artist & Charlotte, Ultimate Muscle Show: Making Much Moolah. In the dreary town of Clamburg, three girls make their own fun by causing chaos and scamming the general populace. Charlotte, despite being dimmer than a broken lightbulb, is insanely strong for a girl her age. Marian, despite being very shy(and putting up with these two, who can blame her) is surprisingly intelligent and a master of getting out of dodge and Vendetta runs every shebang to get enough money for three bottles of grape soda! Eric Cartman, Ultimate Detective & Kyle Broflovski, Ultimate Sweater Designer Show: Quiet Little Mountain Town. The town of South Park, cold and quiet holds many a mystery...and it seems like the only one capable of finding and solving them is racist fat bastard Eric Cartman and his friends, Stan Marsh the new kid, Kyle Broflovski his frequent bullying victim and Kenny, an enigma in and of himself.
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The post about JVP's teacup mikveh is going around, but I don't want to derail.
First, I've seen at least two mentions of the ritual being created during the pandemic, but the guide in ~tikkunolamorgtfo's reblog has "...wp-content/uploads/2017/11/..." so I'd interpret that as November 2017. There was some sort of guide that I remember seeing during 2020 that mentioned taking a shower for X amount minutes in order have a certain amount of water pass over your body, but that wasn't this guide.
Second, there was a very specific post that mentioned this teacup mikveh and JVP offering information on self-conversion in the same chain of reblogs that didn't say they were paired together, which is where I think some people have converged the ideas. It wasn't a matter of people just randomly deciding. No one had enough faith or goodwill in JVP to not connect 'just offering some self-conversion info' with 'just offering some alternative mikveh info'.
I feel like most people have touched on their main issues with this guide. There's a lot to set off Neopagan associations, and this is just a limit to two examples:
"The spirit of water can be present with us if we choose to call for water, so even when water is not physically available to us we can engage in mikveh practice." This pings as 'calling' the corners of a magic circle and sounds like we're interacting with elemental spirits.
"Queer mikveh is an earth and water honoring ritual." This sounds like Neopagan honoring the land and water stuff.
Some of the information is just baffling, and I have no idea if the goal is to make it more difficult for someone to actually engage in going to and immersing in a mikveh:
"For some people, doing mikveh in drag will feel most vulnerable, with all your make-up and best attire." The idea of taking off clothes and make-up isn't about vulnerability, and this is just going to confuse people (anyone who tries to immerse in a mikveh like this and others there).
"What to bring to a mikveh: 2) Items for the altar [...]" There's no altar. (We're not escaping the Neopagan vibes here.)
I also went back and forth on the impression that there's this sorta disconnect from Jewish communities or an awareness of them:
"[...] we have long wondered why it is not available to more people, including the significant trans and queer populations in Jewish communities." Until there's a mention of some resources later, this is it, and it sounds like JVP's just disconnected from actual efforts to make mikvot accessible to more groups of Jews.
"We do mikvahs in lakes, rivers, bathtubs, showers, outside in the rain, from teacups and in our imaginations." Some of this isn't wrong, but that doesn't mean it all is correct. There's a later section that talks about the ocean, but that doesn't mean this guide is clear on when water is actually involved in a mikveh.
This seems like such a small thing, but it feels intentional that Yiddish and Torah aren't capitalized. Plus, "You can use a book you find meaningful (or the torah)" sounds a bit like there's not an awareness of what to call the Hebrew Bible or the Tanakh. Are the guide writers actually knowledgeable enough to be making a guide on mikveh alternatives here?
Additionally, there's this impression of isolating the assumed audience that I keep coming back to:
"Your own wisdom is all the power you need to be a Jewish ritual leader." Plus, "Each person is their own spiritual authority and has the power to create their own ritual for individual or collective healing." It also pings as a solitary Neopagan doing self-empowerment rituals, but unlike with many Jewish discussions where you can't go for very long before someone advises you to reach out to a rabbi, this comes across as very separate from other Jews.
"Most mikvot currently exist in Orthodox synagogues [...]" This is something that I'd want more of a source on, since I live somewhere that doesn't tend to have a mikveh in any movement's synagogues. (The closest mikveh is used by multiple movements and has a secondary, smaller mikveh for kitchenware, so I'm not aware of whether there's just a small mikveh just for kitchenware in some Orthodox synagogues.) It seems kinda misleading to portray almost all so-called mainstream mikvot as being inside Orthodox synagogues where someone reading this guide probably won't want to risk going, especially if they think only this guide is bringing up the whole trans and queer accessibility discussion.
"How to make mikveh a Non-Zionist ritual" This section doesn't involve doing or saying anything to anyone else, so someone could very well do this before immersing in a mikveh and no one would know. However, it feels like this guide is disconnected from the purpose of a mikveh and just slotting Non-Zionism (or more specifically the Palestinian cause) into a ritual bath. (There's also potential for supporting non-interaction with more conventional resources in order to avoid Zionists, but that's not explicitly stated.)
Overall, there's a surprising amount of direct text and impressions that set off 'I dunno about that' bells for me, and I'm not surprised that there hasn't been an overwhelming wave of Tumblr responses chomping at the bit to incorporate an alternative mikveh suggestion from this guide into their life.
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lenapalmdeath · 7 months
We cannot allow it
Neil Gaiman - American Gods
"There are stories that are true, in which each individual’s tale is unique and tragic, and the worst of the tragedy is that we have heard it before, and we cannot allow ourselves to feel it too deeply. We build a shell around it like an oyster dealing with a painful particle of grit, coating it with smooth pearl layers in order to cope. This is how we walk and talk and function, day in, day out, immune to other’s pain and loss. If it were to touch us it would cripple us or make saints of us; but, for the most part, it does not touch us. We cannot allow it.
Tonight, as you eat, reflect if you can: there are children starving in the world, starving in numbers larger than the mind can easily hold, up in big numbers where an error of a million here, a million there, can be forgiven. It may be uncomfortable for you to reflect upon this or it may not, but still, you will eat.
There are accounts of which, if we open our hearts to them, will cut too deeply. Look – here is a good man, good by his own lights and the lights of his friends: he is faithful and true to his wife, he adores and lavishes attention on his little children, he cares about his country, he does his job punctiliously, as best as he can. So efficiently and good-naturedly, he exterminates Jews: he appreciates the music that plays in the background to pacify them; he advises the Jews not to forget their identification numbers as they go into the showers – many people, he tells them, forget their numbers, and take the wrong clothes, when they come out of the showers. This calms the Jews: there will be life, they assure themselves, after the showers. And they are wrong. Our man supervises the detail taking the bodies to the ovens; and if there is anything he feels bad about, it is that he still allows the gassing of vermin to affect him. Were he truly a good man, he knows, he would feel nothing but joy, as the earth is cleansed of its pests.
Leave him; he cuts too deep. He is too close to us and it hurts.
There was a girl, and her uncle sold her. Put like that it seems so simple.
No man, proclaimed Donne, is an Island, and he was wrong. If we were not islands, we would be lost, drowned in each others’ tragedies. We are insulated (a word that means, literally, remember, made into an island) from the tragedies of others, by our island nature, and by the repetitive shape and form of the stories. We know the shape, and the shape does not change. There was a human being who was born, lived, and then, by some mean or other, died. There. You may fill in the details from your own experience. As unoriginal as any other tale, as unique as any other life. Lives are snowflakes – unique in detail, forming patterns we have seen before, but as like one another as peas in a pod (and have you ever looked at peas in a pod? I mean really looked at them? There’s not a chance you’d mistake one for another, after a minute’s close inspection.)
We need individual stories. Without individuals we see only numbers: a thousand dead, a hundred thousand dead, “casualties may rise to a million.” With the individual stories, the statistics become people – but even that is a lie, for the people continue to suffer in numbers that themselves are numbing and meaningless. Look, see the child’s swollen, swollen belly, and the flies that crawl at the corners of his eyes, his skeletal limbs: will it make it easier for you to know his name, his age, his dreams, his fears? To see him from the inside? And if it does, are we not doing a disservice to his sister, who lies in the searing dust beside him, a distorted, distended caricature of a human child? And there, if we feel for them, are they now more important to us than a thousand other children touched by the same famine, a thousand other young lives who will soon be food for the flies’ own myriad squirming children?
We draw our lines around these moments of pain, and remain upon our islands, and they cannot hurt us. They are covered with a smooth, safe, nacreous layer to let them slip, pearl-like, from our souls without real pain.
Fiction allows us to slide into these other heads, these other places, and look out through other eyes. And then in the tale we stop before we die, or we die vicariously and unharmed, and in the world beyond the tale we turn the page or close the book, and we resume our lives.
A life, which is, like any other, unlike any other.
And the simple truth is this: there was a girl, and her uncle sold her."
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troubled-guest · 1 year
A philosophical issue I have with the Catholic Faith
Here's what I know (or at least what I think I know):
Hell exists.
God is perfectly just. He would not send someone to hell unless he or she truly deserved it.
A person cannot be truly free to choose good or evil unless they have 1. sufficient knowledge about what is good and what is evil and 2. sufficient free will to choose good or evil.
Every single person I have ever known seems to lack one or both of point 3. They either think they are doing good, but aren't because they are incorrect about what good is, or they want to do good but can't because their free will has been limited in some way (for instance, addicts). Since this applies to everyone I have ever known, I can only assume it also applies to most people on earth.
The Catholic church teaches that a person cannot go to Heaven unless he is joined to the Church before his death.*
It follows from 1-4 above that God cannot send most people to hell. However, this seems to contradict 5 as, to the best of our knowledge, most people are not nor will be joined to the Catholic church before they die. The only way I see of possibly reconciling all 5 points above is that there must be some mysterious way in which people are joined to the Catholic Church before they die in a way we don't know and can't see.
Back when I was a liberal feminist "Christian" I thought I was being good. I thought I was doing God's will and was pleasing Him! If I didn't think that, I wouldn't have been that way. And obviously one day I became convinced that leftist ideologies are bad, and I changed. I lacked knowledge, not the desire to do right. Had I died at that time, it would not have been just to send me to hell because I didn't know any better. And I can confidently say the same for all of my leftist friends I had back then, none of whom have been fortunate enough as to be convinced of the truth.
I also used to be an alcoholic. I can promise you, it wasn't because I wanted to be or was choosing to be. The misery, the imprisonment to the drink each day, the suicide attempts, the poor health, the homelessness, the loss of friends and sanity. Who would choose that?? I simply could not stop drinking. It wasn't until I started a 12 step program that the desire to drink was simply taken from me and I have been sober since, but not through any will-power of mine. I wasn't not doing good because I didn't want to, but because I wasn't able to. How could a just God condemn us for not doing what we are incapable of?
I have heard it said that it wouldn't be just for God to send someone to hell unless they obstinately, purposefully denied the Catholic church. Many Catholics explain it thus: God will not force anyone to Heaven. If someone goes to hell, it's because they chose to go. In other words, God doesn't send anyone to hell. People send themselves to hell.
But who would choose to send themselves to hell? It doesn't make any sense. Either people are going to hell because they don't know any better (this would not be just), or people know that there is a place of perfect and eternal bliss and fellowship with God and the Saints, and they are choosing not to go there (this is nonsensical).
I'm trying really hard not to deny Catholic teaching. I am not doubting the faith or planning to leave the Catholic Church. But I don't know how to make sense of all of this. Thoughts?
*"It firmly believes, professes, and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives." Council of Florence
"We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff." Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam
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