#but like if i acknowledge to dad that i feel better i feel like ill 'lose'
longmaxsilvarg · 1 month
will forever have a soft spot for chloe cause yeah dawg i get it we can try to avoid becoming attached out of the overwhelming fear of being abandoned again but miserably fail together
#she's not the best person ever#but no one is#and i'm not excusing a lot of her actions#like the way she acted when kate called max will always leave me biting my fist out of frustration#but people love to just stare at the surface n focus on the parts of her that aren't great#n don't bother to wonder what got her there#the part that jumps to conclusions and does things out of pure selfishness#and that part that doesn't really think things through...#like shooting that damn bumper#but i GET IT#putting so much trust and love into people just to have them disappear on you especially if you dont know if its intentional#not getting closure can do SO much damage it's not even funny#n it legit can just make you feel like an idiot when you look back like#why did i try so hard just to end up alone#like this girls life went downhill at the age of 14#she just like me fr 😭😭😭😭😭😭#no but#it's hard not to feel like the worlds against you#even at the end she acknowledges that she's been selfish#SO#i don't like believing that she chooses to be this way yknow like#i truly think that she believes acting like a hardass all the time is the only way she'll be able to get by anymore#she lost her dad n then max n then tried again with rachel and then lost her#i'd be fuckin insane too#girl just doesn't wanna be hurt anymore#there's better ways of coping and acting but overall i get where she's coming from#n ill always save her bc i genuinely believe that she deserves a second chance#to live her life and find happiness again#life is strange#chloe price
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hauntedwoman · 5 months
as badly as i want to avoid my mom she is making it extremely difficult
#i feel really bad that im so angry at her and she doesnt even know it#but my entire living situation is making me miserable right now and its her fault#she charges me $50 in rent every week and shes increasing it to $125 a week at the end of the month#the only reason this is happening is because she FORCED ME to drop out and the only other alternative was that i had to work full time + pa#rent.............. but like at my job even if im working 40 hrs a week ill only be making abt $900 a month#so i will barely have anything leftover for myself after rent#and i cannot get a second job bc i frankly can not handle it at all + what hours would i even work#and my mom refuses to understand that the reason i had to drop out is bc i am so depressed and so suicidal and i just dont want to live#she doesnt acknowledge that im disabled and severely mentally ill#every time i try to talk about my mental health she treats me like im such a burden to her even though i literally never tell her anything#personal anymore bc she just doesnt listen or care#ALSO she FORCED ME to move across the country and transfer schools when i really did not want (hence why i flunked all of my classes bc i d#not care) but like. everything thats wrong in my life rn is bc i do not want ot live where im living and theres no way for me to go back to#texas and also i dont rly wanna live w my dad either#but anyways. this whole situation would be better if my mom was using me paying rent as an actual lesson in adult respinsibility#but it's really just a punishment because i cant function the way she wants me to#and im over it#so fucking over it why am i such a pussy why cant i just die
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vaugarde · 1 year
Was about to go “Hm I should make proper family headcanons for my PMD canon partners” But remembered that two of them have established history in canon already and the third is my Shinx partner who I default to “They were part of the Luxio Tribe” for. So really Chip is the only one I can just make up a family for djfjfjfng
#tbh tho explorers partner just always gave me the vibe that they are not in contact with their parents#idk why theres not exactly w ton of evidence towards that but its what ive stuck to#even when vulpix was my assigned canon partner i still put her on bad terms with her family and still gave her conflicting feelings at home#anyways. chip just lives back home with his mom and brothers#his dad is off being a famous explorer and not acknowledging that he has kids anymore. sorry chip#… why is it that despite being the youngest child that i keep giving eldest child syndrome to my characters#echoed voice#pmd posting#i dont know if ill properly design elliotts parents but obviously they were a samurott and a swoobat#dont have anything in mind for them except for maybe a postgame idea where xey meet one of them finally?#and theyve maybe improved as a person and now that their kid is an adult they want to have some kind of relationship#and elliott. gives them a chance because xey dont want to hold grudges or anything but xey don’t acknowledge them as a parent#at best they just become a shopkeeper at paradise. emolga and virizion are the ones who hold the grudge#maybe eris too but hes also just tired at that point and acknowledges that its an attempt to be better#so hes definitely more civil#psmd partner. could have had bio parents that abandoned them ig bc reincarnation but i always imagined they just spawned into existence#like already hatched and curled in the scarves#and she has carracosta so idc much abt bio parents. the important bit is that he is pops#maybe if i decide to go with a totally different team for explorers ill do something different but idk djfjfjf#im half tempted to use the new starter rom i downloaded and use sprigatito and popplio tbh djdjfjfjfjf#but i also like playing it physically on my 3ds#and idk how to put romhacks on a physicsl cartridge#physical
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kroosluvr · 5 months
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royal trio tennis au sketches and notes and stuff YAYYY YAY
(for clarification there r actually 2 persona tennis aus housed in my head
1) this one where royal trio are pro players striving to become intl stars
2) like a persona q3 thing where everyone plays team tennis @ their respective clubs/schools and its fun and awesome)
more notes under the cut
these r gonna be stream of consciousness bear w me ill keep it short bc imlazy
goro is born into the sport bc shido is like an intl tennis superstar but as with canon he dgaf about goro at all. his mom is dead too. etc. he probably never sees his dad except on tv and hes probably tossed around various boarding schools/tennis camps/etc so goro strives to become even BETTER of a player than his dad so 1) shido looks at him and acknowledges him and respects him 2) he can SURPASS him. thats his entire goal. anyway he prob shoulders huge expectations like oh thats ur dad so u must be a good player right and then those expectations he inflcits on himself.
sumire picks up tennis maybe around age 9-10 or so, when before that she did rhythmic gymnastics with kasumi. but even from an early age she was discontented by how Good kasumi was, almost intrinsically, and she had a gut feeling that made her switch tracks to tennis - also a sort of independent sport where SHE HERSELF can succeed on the court, without needing to depend on others. yet she still feels pressured by kasumi's success which gets in her way a lot. she feels determined to carve a name for herself bc THIS is the path she chose, so she better fucking make it count. those expectations on herself weigh heavily as well. in addition i think her parents literally dont gaf like if she becomes an intl superstar (not maliciously they just genuinely want sumire to be happy and dont demand success of her) but she kinda is like "wow they dont expect anything of me because im bad at it? then ill just have to become AMAZING so theyll have to be astounded" kinda thing
meanwhile akira was always a sporty/athletic kid, he doesnt have much attn from his parents so hes just doing whatever. soccer baseball basketball the works. but he picks up tennis at maybe age 13 and hes GOOD. so he immediately gets like scouted and Trained and he like improves in record time. hes real chill and relaxed about it though because he never Needed tennis the way sumire and goro do. hes just out here for fun and games literally. if he wins he wins - but the thing is, akira kurusu hates losing. thats the thing that propels him to the top.
shujin academy is still the same private school we know but they also house a tennis academy known as the shujin tennis academy yeah yeahyaeeayhah and they just train the coolest of players and the royal trio r their pride and joy etc
cont'd here
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In my opinion
There is no denying that House loves Cuddy. It's obvious, everybody knows it, there's no debate. Cuddy also loves House, again, obvious, no debate. But the way that Cuddy loves House is not the same as the way that Wilson does.
Cuddy acknowledges Houses issues, and she loves him in spite of them. She sees the worst parts of him, the "undesirable" parts of House, and she chooses to look beyond them. She sees the man that he is aside from those things, and she makes the conscious choice to coexist with those parts of him in exchange for being together with the parts that she loves. An example would be House's jealousy. She acknowledges that he can be extremely jealous, and she agrees to look past it because he's also very loving and protective. That's why when House continues to make mistakes, she becomes more and more disappointed. Because she sees a man who she believes could do better, falling back into his "old ways." She will try to convince herself that it's not a surprise when he does "bad" things, and she tries to convince herself that she doesn't need him to change, but the truth is that she does. Cuddy is a mother. She is a very mature, professional woman, and she wants to settle down. House, as he exists in the show, would not be able to live up to par with those expectations. I'm not saying he couldn't be a great dad to Rachel, or that he wouldn't love Cuddy, but he would realistically would not be able to act the way she needs and deserves for the rest of their lives. And when he does inevitably do something destructive, she will struggle to deal with it. Because she sees House as someone split down two sides, the "good" side, and the "bad" side, and she will expect him to focus on the "good" side, so when House does something wrong, it will feel like a personal attack, because she will see it as him not fighting hard enough to not give in to his "bad" side for her. And that's not to say anything bad about Cuddy, because the fact that she needs somebody who is the type of person that House just can not realistically be is neither of their faults. But I believe that House fully understands all of this. He is crumbling under the pressure of living up to Cuddy's expectations. He is constantly trying to fight his "bad" side so that he can be what she needs. But in reality, he is not two separate parts. There is no "good" and "bad" House. They are one in the same. With her, he has to fight to be what she needs. He has to fight to change. So when stressful things happen, his fight or flight response kicks in, and he runs. Because he's scared. He's scared that he is going to do something that will disappoint her. He is scared he won't live up to her expectations. With Cuddy, he has to sacrifice parts of himself to attempt to be who she needs. And it's just not sustainable. You can't live like that forever. All the good becomes overshadowed by constant anxiety and stress. It leads to House's mental health plummeting because he starts to hate himself for not being able to get rid of that "bad side." And so when Cuddy needs him during stressful times, he can't bring himself to be there for her fully, because he is so focused on the "good" side of him coming out, that he starts to lose himself.
With Wilson, however, it is basically the exact opposite. Wilson doesn't see two different sides of House. He sees one person who is incredibly multifaceted. He recognizes those "undesirable" parts of House, and he loves them just the same as he loves the "good" parts. Because he sees no divide. When House does things that are hurtful, he still calls him out, but he doesn't see it as a personal failure. He sees it as just a part of House. Like yeah, he'll insult your fatal illness, but he'll shoot some random guy with a spud gun for insulting you. Where as Cuddy would see those as two separate, distinct sides, Wilson sees those as a conjoined whole. He doesn't love House in spite of his issues. He loves House because of his issues. Because House's struggles are a part of what makes House who he is. So Wilson can fight with him and be mad at him and hurt him, but he doesn't expect House to throw away or "overcome" parts of himself. He would love for House to give up drugs, but he doesn't expect House to give up his addictive tendencies. There's a balance, and it's all an equal part of House. And so because of this, when House and Wilson are put in stressful situations, House doesn't feel like he has to run. He feels safe. Because he knows even if he says something wrong, and even if he upsets Wilson, Wilson is not going to leave him. Wilson does not have these high expectations for him that he feels like he is being forced to fill. And so he can focus on genuinely being in the moment and being there for Wilson because he is not fighting with himself, and he is not scared. He has trust in Wilson and enough trust in their relationship to know that they will work things out. I think the fact that they have very similar issues also helps a lot. He can be mean to Wilson and lash out, and Wilson will recognize that House is doing that because he is scared and because he loves him. In return, Wilson can also insult House and make fun of him because he's just as destructive. They meet each other on the same level because they are equals. House does not feel like Cuddy's equal. He feels like she is better than him, and he can't be himself with her. Him and Wilson know each other as well as they know themselves, and they're not constantly making the other feel like there are high expectations they have to fight to reach in order to love each other or be "worthy" of each other. They're just House and Wilson.
But I have no idea what I'm talking about, so take this with a grain of salt.
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AITA for basically gaslighting my dad?
My (20X) dad (late 40s M) was diagnosed with brain cancer after they found a golf ball sized tumor in his head. They operated to get it out. For a while he was doing good, recovering shockingly well. Then the radiation therapy and chemotherapy happened, and it definitely had an ill effect on him.
Except... That's not what my mom (late 40s F) and I say to him. Obviously whenever he brings up things like struggling more with coordination, losing his apetite, or being fatigued, we take note of it — it would be stupid not to. But to his face, we downplay it. Things like "you need to rest more and you'll feel better". Or telling him his coordination isn't any worse than last week (sometimes this is true, sometimes this isn't). Or he'll bring up "I was able to do [xyz] last month", and we'll act as though he was already struggling with it sooner than he actually was, just to make it seem like he's not getting a lot worse recently.
I know it's fucked up. I can't speak for my mom, but I'm doing it because I don't want to discourage him. He's obviously dying, brain cancer is terminal and the odds were never in his favour — but I don't want to speed it up by affirming his fears and reducing his will to live. Assisted dying is legal where I live, and even though I'd support him if he chose it, I don't want to have to.
I don't know. I feel like I'm justified, but at the same time, my dad has the right to decide if he wants to keep living. And it's definitely fucked up that we don't validate the symptoms he says he has (we will always accommodate for them, but we don't necessarily verbally acknowledge them). AITA?
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pinazee · 5 months
Weekend warriors is one of my fave episodes for a multitude of reasons
The way Shawn flirts with Sally Reynolds at the briefing was fantastic. Shes such a memorable one off character and she doesn’t really do much. I credit that to Clair Coffee and her dazzling smile.
One of the best moments of Shawn showing just how amazing his memory is, and the little montage was wonderfully set up. But Gus really shouldn’t be surprised by now. Out of everyone (except maybe his dad) he should be the least amazed by his gifts.
It has my favorite most stupidest joke i still laugh at to this day actually ive been promoted. Its Captain Crunch now.
I have a deep appreciation of this show for never shying away from the fact that Gus is black. It seems like a lot of 00’s shows simply avoided the topic altogether (if they even had a black main). Starting from the pilot when gus placed his hands on the dash when the cop pulled them over. It goes to show how important it is to collaborate with your actors, particularly if your writing room demographics don’t correlate with your acting talent.
The fuck are you talking about henry. It took him 4 months after he was born to smile at you and thats when you acknowledge him??? I mean, i think they both know thats crap, but still lol
Solid Juliet moment. I love that they showed she was scared, but was brave enough to continue. Too many shows try to do feminism by making their female characters not feel fear for some reason? Or like, they’re kind of crazy and seek it out. Idk. Its nice that shes allowed to be afraid and vulnerable. It makes her feel like a real person.
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That end scene is the saddest fucking thing ive ever seen, and might be the most heartbreaking little shawn moment in the series. Im going to word for word this because i need ppl to share in my awwws
Shawn: Gus, when we grow up, think ill ever be as cool as you?
Gus: You’re better at kickball
Shawn: Not what I asked
Gus: We talking about your dad again?
Shawn: mm-hmm
Gus: Come on dude, the guy respects you
Shawn: Not like he does you
Gus: I’m not his son. I mean, he might like me okay, but he loves you
Shawn: Did he say that?
Gus: No.
Shawn: Well then how can you be sure?
Gus: You mean he’s never said it?
Shawn: Come on Gus, we’re guys.
SO MUCH TO UNPACK HERE but i’m going to do that in my henry analysis ep. Theres just too much to say.
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whatbigotspost · 2 years
What I wish I could get people who didn’t grow up in highly controlled, abusive environments to understand is that when the very people who are forming you are really fucked up and bad, you are FULLY incapable of knowing that as a kid.
You’re not capable of “damn my dad is really not ok” or “mom is toxic” for a long time. It’s years and years of “this is life. That is my dad. That’s my mom. It’s just how it is.” It often takes PAINFUL moments of realization to get to even questioning if your life isn’t normal. In fact, in my experience, it takes many painful moments to eventually get you there. Someone at school making fun of your parents, for example. Or some outside caring adult noticing things they seem worried about w/ you. Or a particularly extreme incident of abuse that shakes you. Or reading/hearing someone recount abuse they survived and you get the sick realization it’s like a mirror for you.
When your primary caregivers are your means of survival, your brain wraps you in many many many protective layers of denial and whatever the fuck else it needs to so that you can get through it. Many folks like myself will spend more time healing ourselves as adults from our childhood than we spent in the childhood of trauma itself.
Also, let’s be real, an implication I’m making here is that a lot of folks don’t even pick at the thread of “was I abused?” because it’s too overwhelming all together. Or even “was my childhood kinda fucked up?”
Spoiler alert. If your childhood was kinda fucked up, it’s better, in the long run, to acknowledge and address that. Anyway, this is my characteristically long winded way of wanting to recommend some books on the subject that I have found deeply relatable and meaningful:
•Jeanette McCrurdy’s memoir I’m Glad My Mom Died: If you’d be up for an unflinching look at a deeply difficult childhood that includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect and disordered eating in the Disney-universe, this is your read. Thinking about what McCurdy has had to overcome chills me to my core but the feelings she shares in words felt deeply relatable and I know they will help many.
•Ashley Ford’s memoir Somebody’s Daughter: I’m biased to love her because she’s a fellow Hoosier but you will love her too. Incredibly well written and deeply moving, Ford’s memoir covers her childhood with an abusive mother, a father in jail for rape, and survivorship of her own rape, as well as her place thriving now. She offers us such meaningful processing of her story. (And just writing style wise, this one is a mega fave.)
•Grace Cho’s memoir Tastes Like War: this one is a deep dive into Cho’s upbringing with a mother (who like one of my parents) has schizophrenia. I found her account of having a first hand seat to a parent’s mental health decline too relatable. The components of her story that focus on her mom’s experience of war and immigrating from Korea and the role that Korean food plays in their lives, are moving beyond words.
•Tara Westover’s memoir Educated: having been raised in a very isolated, survivalist Mormon family and tiny community in Idaho, Westover shares her personal story of a quest for escape and education. Although my family was nowhere nearly so unusual and isolated as Westover’s, I feel what she chronicles will highly resonate with anyone raised by someone who seeks to keep you away from “mainstream influences” or who is any level of survivalist.
Obviously, these are heavy reads and DO NOT check them out if you don’t feel in the right headspace. Each one moved me to tears multiple times. But if your awful/strange childhood and leaving it (them) behind makes you feel alone trust me YOU ARE NOT ALONE ❤️
I also recommend these reads for anyone who wants to see at an anecdotal level what are experiences of people raised in highly abusive environments and/or raised by parents struggling with mental illnesses and/or people raised in high control situations. Chances are you know/love someone who fits that description and you may gain helpful insights.
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I've seen a lot of people hating on Ray, and it's honestly baffling to me.
As someone who has loved, and been loved by addicts -- someone who was raised by an addict -- it's honestly infuriating and painful to see so many people write Ray off as just a selfish drunk.
At first, it was clear that most people have never met or loved an addict. But it's become more and more about just straight up dehumanizing addicts, as though Ray's alcoholism makes him a bad person who doesn't deserve to be happy.
And like, fuck. If people can't see a character as sympathetic as Ray as a whole person, Ray, whose motivations and hurt are so clear and easy to understand, then what about the people in your lives who are addicts or otherwise struggling with mental illness? What do you think about strangers you might encounter who have fucked up their lives or relationships because of addiction? What about the addicts who aren't so easy to understand and want better for? What hope and care is there for them in your eyes?
Do they not deserve to recover and make amends with those they've hurt and be met with understanding -- not even necessarily forgiveness! Just acknowledgement of their struggle and their attempt to get and be better!
What about the addicts that never really make it out of their addiction? Do they not deserve basic compassion? Yes, even the ones who are mean in their inebriation. Even the ones that can't see or can't care about what they're doing to the people around them.
Ray is easy to understand, and he's easy to love, and some of y'all are holding him to standards the rest of the characters don't have to meet, and it is 100% because he chooses alcohol to cope with and avoid his pain. And I just think you should take a few to really think about why that is.
(it's interesting that Ray's friends and his dad all do this to some degree, this dismissing his worth because of his addiction and reducing him to an inconvenience. That they all dismiss his feelings and his ability to feel, and even tease him about his need to be loved. They all refuse to see when he's trying to be better and making progress, because they've all decided that he can't change, that he can't get sober, and that means they don't have to stop encouraging and enabling his drinking; they don't have to care about him.
Mew gets a pass for his drinking and drug use and assholishness, because they can blame Ray for it.
Sand has been the only person to see Ray as a whole person, and to love him anyway.
It isn't easy, loving someone so deep in their addiction. But Sand knows who Ray is, he sees Ray, and has let himself love him anyway. And some of y'all have decided this means Sand is being stupid, or that Ray has manipulated him into it, and this means they're terrible and toxic for each other.
It's interesting that some people find so little likeable about Ray in particular when the whole lot of them are such a mess.
They're all selfish and destructive in their own ways, but Ray is the one who gets talked about like he doesn't deserve to be happy or redeemed. Because people can't understand why an addict behaves like an addict, and doesn't just choose to stop.)
Anyways, this got away from me.
The way this show is portraying young people living with addiction is so real and accurate, and it's difficult and painful to see Ray and his addiction be treated like he is by the people in his life, and in discussions about him.
I sincerely hope that the people stuck on characterizing Ray as less than never know the pain of addiction, but I really really hope that any addicts in their lives/ who may come into their lives get better from them than they're giving this character who is so clearly good, who is trying, who is so easy to understand; because those people deserve better.
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devine-fem · 3 months
I notice your post about Manchester black being Jon’s trauma, how would you write Jon talking about his trauma/PTSD
I think the first step is acknowledging the things he went through, I guess that’s the hard part because once a writer does that then other writers will follow and have their own spin on it.
I think that if I personally had the chance then I’d make Jon a character that wants to be like his father/inspires to be but the person he is just doesn’t line up to it.
Like everything his father stands for could just be missed for him.
DC has this sad idea that Superman cannot be weak but I think that’s exactly what I’d go against, I’d make Jon weak, emotional and scared. I’d give him a personality that starkly contrast to what Clark is and what Superman should be so then he’d have to question if he’d fit into this idea of his life or if he even wants it.
I’ll make him bi all the same but when questioning his queerness, he’d wonder how being queer would fit in to his Dad’s ‘all american’ lifestyle that Clark has built for him. Then I’d give him very discernable mental illnesses. I’d give him PTSD, like I would never age up Jon but if he got tortured to an extent and by someone who had the same face as his dad then I’d have moments where he jolts at meeting his dad or have him think of the S symbol differently, like why not give him a villian that really goes into his fears and really breaks him down, and exposed the parts about himself that he keeps avoiding a chooses not to look at. I want him to be keen on asking questions and questioning everything than blindly following.
Anger. I want him to be angry. There’s a lot of things he should be mad about and I would say perhaps he interacts with red lanturn corps and they can sense the anger inside him that he didn’t even know that he had and he has an outburst on his loved ones like Clark which confuses Clark because he had never questioned if Jon had different ideas about himself and the world around him then what he’s told him - that perhaps he was just making himself more palatable. Address the stress that he’d be under trying to take the Superman mantle and have that almost break him sometimes.
I want to make him do things that Superman would never do, I don’t wanna say killing but something to an extreme that he feels he needs to take sometime to really correct himself for doing it - I would give him a mental health struggle and then a journey of getting better.
Then perhaps he could have someone who brings out the best in him (selfishly Kathy or Damian) and makes him feel like he’s still that happy kid in Smallvile or someone that just being around makes him better/feel better.
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
It is true that exercise can have mental health benefits. To just name a few, it can increase your energy level, reduce skeletal muscle tension, be a healthy outlet for anger and improve sleep quality.
... and some of you are probably reading this with an exhausted sigh, thinking "That's great and all but I am already depressed. My current level of energy, tension, and sleep quality doesn't allow me to go to the gym."
And you know what? You are right. This piece of advice sucks! I know that because I have been on the receiving end of it so often during the years I struggled with depression. When you can barely get out of bed, when even everyday tasks like showering or eating or finally throwing away the moldy bread on your counter are so frigging exhausting that you have to postpone them - then yeah, you literally can't go to the gym. It's not a lack of willpower, it's not laziness, you physically can't do it.
It's important to acknowledge this when we talk about the mental health benefits of exercise. Otherwise, this piece of advice is not only useless, it's also outright disrespectful towards the very people it's meant to help.
So, how can you reap the benefits of exercise when you are already struggling with depression?
First of all: Recovery from any kind of illness takes time and patience, and depression is a real illness! Exercise can be a great addition to therapy, medication and other recovery efforts but it isn't a magic cure. You will not immediately feel better. Throwing away your pills to replace them with a yoga mat would be a horrible idea. Flip off Ignore aunt Karen when she tries to tell you otherwise.
Start small and slow. Ridiculously small if necessary! It's okay to forget about the gym and any kind of structured exercise for now. Just move your body for tiny, manageable amounts of time. It's okay to make it as easy as possible: take a walk without leaving the apartment (and yes, a one-minute walk to the counter to throw away that moldy bread absolutely counts!), stretch without leaving the bed. You are just easing back into it, be gentle with yourself.
"Pick something that looks fun" can be great advice for people who are getting into exercise after a period of inactivity - but if the inactivity is caused by depression, chances are that nothing sounds fun and enjoyable to you right now. You can ask yourself if there is any kind of physical activity you used to enjoy or used to want to try (even if it doesn't sound fun now, you may find that you still like it). Or you can just decide to treat exercise as a chore. It's okay not to have fun. You don't actually need to enjoy exercising to get the benefits!
Stay away from fitness influencers for now. Stay away from any content that tries to shame or guilt people into exercising. Stay away from anything with a body-negative approach to exercise. You are already feeling low, you don't need that crap.
If you struggle with eating enough and regularly, if you are currently underweight or if you have a history of using exercise as a form of self-harm, please talk to your doctor or therapist before you start exercising to make sure it's safe for you to do so.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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ghostatas · 1 year
Can I just start this off by saying how good Quackity is at portraying a character and a storyline? We've seen it since dsmp, then qsmp now opq. He is just so good at it like, props to him.
Now into the juicy stuff. When we are first introduces to benito, he is kinda unlikeable. He is arrogant and cynical, thinks of himself as simply better than others. He says he will choose a soldier over a kid to save himself, and scolded the others for not being honest when they hadn't even answered yet (he was so wrong about himself). He held himself up to a standard and in very high regard.
He is constantly butting heads with Jeffrey, calling him pizza boy like he's demoting him in a way, comparing their statuses as he likes to point out he is a doctor all the time. He divides them. He is above them. Jeffrey is the lowest of the low, and he will never lower himself to that position. Yet at the end of the first episode, he doesn't want Jeffrey to die. He, despite what he says and how he justifies it and calls it research, wanted Amy (Emmi? I'll stick with Amy for now) to live. It was obvious the vials were a cure of some sort, and the papers described how it worked. He didn't need to experiment, but he wanted to save her regardless. He just didn't want to acknowledge it.
He starts to rely on the people around him. Its probably the first time he's done that. He most likely grew up in an unstable, dangerous position, which caused him to grow up into an ambitious, selfish person who didn't hesitate to step on others; or he would be the one stepped on. But now he is in a dangerous position again, however the people around him are actively trying to help eachother and supporting eachother. Benito is not used to this, and doesn't really know how to react, hence all the name calling and acting like his typical arrogant self.  He will, however, eventually think about saving their group, not just himself. He still very much distrusts others (Mikhail, Carla, though those two DEFINATLEY fukin deserved it, I'm totally still not mad about them), but he trusts the people in their circle. His people.
Enter episode 2. Benito wants mikhail DEAD, he will not trust a liar twice. But he's their only source of info, so he goes along reluctantly. Lucie dies.
Lucie dies trying to save Amy. He DESPISES Carla for trying to sabotage Amy. Not only because she tried to kill a kid, but that in turn also gave Lucie a harder time escaping. Benito says he helps Amy after that out of spite. I think it might be a part of it- a few hours won't change his entire personality- but only a part. He cares about Amy. Maybe it's because she's being forced to grow up in a world that wants to kill her all of a sudden. Maybe because she looks pitiful calling our for her dad even though she knows he's dead. Maybe it's because she reminds him of himself, ina way; just a massive ball of spite and anger and determination, all muddled up together. Who knows? What's definite though is that Lucie gave her life to protect this dumb, idiotic child, and letting the kid die would tarnish her legacy. (And isn't that a funny word, one we know Quackity likes).
Amy is Benitos priority. Whenever they're in danger, he's the first to remember her and immediately says "I'm taking her with me". Lets be real, i think we all agree that Carla was an ass for trying to kill her (we got attached to Amy too quickly it happens ik) and Benito was having none of her shit. Benito was trying to save all of them, in his own way. Because he cared, in his own fucked up spiteful way. He wants them safe, because he knows in this unknown world that suddenly got a lot more dangerous and scary, he has people that will care for and protect him and eachother.
When they all escape, benito feels like he has a purpose now. He wants to help people, or at least his family (cuz that's what they are now). He wants to properly learn medicine so he can better help those he cares about (and he cares so, so much). Maybe if he knew how to treat people better, Lucies leg would've been more healed and she couldvr run faster. Maybe they had an easier time escaping. But it's all in the past now, there's no changing that. He can only look to the future, no thinking of what ifs.
For Lucie. For Amy. For himself. For his family. (He'll continue to deny it though, cuz he's an ass. We love him for it.)
If other people want to share stuff or deny shit I say I'm all for it I just need these thoughts OUT, no matter how incoherent they are. Might do some art later too if I can be bothered :D
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dulltoned · 9 months
I stand with the hc that Branch has one hell of a stomach, and that sweets aren’t his strong suit- he doesn’t mind the occasional cupcake or cookie, but he definitely doesn’t have the same tolerance as Poppy or any other troll-
I like to think the brothers all have different levels of tolerance to sugar, and their diets are a lot different than a common pop troll (seems like pops are the only one who ever really live off a lot of sweets from what we’ve got- correct me if I’m wrong tho-)
JD, I feel like, has the most similar diet to Branch, since he lived a lonesome life and most likely had to feed off of what the forest had and what little he could get his hands on, such as berries and whatnot- like Branch, he wouldn’t be as tolerant to sugar, but it isn’t half as intense as Branch- or maybe he’s just not that big of a fan-
now, Bruce, from what we’ve seen of his restaurant, seems more into sea food than anything, so his diet most likely consists of that- since he has kids, he’d be a lot more tolerant to sweets since you cannot tell me this man didn’t sneak in a few whenever the kids got to eat some- he gives “cool dad” vibes that shares everything with his kids- he’s open to anything new (another quirk he attained from having kids) and he isn’t that picky when it comes to food
Clay’s diet consists of fast food, such as fries, burgers and whatnot- definitely a lot of sugar too, so out of all of them, he’s definitely the better one at keeping sweets down-
for Floyd, I feel like the food he ate was rather vast- we aren’t entirely sure what he did during the 20 years alone, but I like to hc that he explored troll kingdom, most likely trying out the different dishes in each territories and just evolving his preferences and all- between all of them, he’s got the biggest range of tastes, and he’s never afraid to try out something new- sweets are fine for him, he just doesn’t go overboard unlike some others-
I've always loved the idea that Branch doesn't stomach sugar well, but while it makes sense for him as a character I also acknowledge that I'm projecting onto him. Sugar makes me ill and it's interesting to have a character that I think can relate to that.
I think it'd be an interesting thing for Poppy to realize. Poppy is obviously a very excitable and very giving troll and I imagine that she'd give Branch a lot of sweets just because it's customary amongst Pop Trolls. Branch, the poor lovesick idiot, would feel bad letting Poppy's hard work go to waste so he'd just eat it and endure the stomach ache later.
At some point or another Poppy would discover Branch curled up, unwell over the sugar overload, and he'd be forced to confess that he doesn't really do sugar. Poppy would feel so guilty and Branch would feel even more outcasted from the Pop Trolls even after he'd regained his colors.
Poppy starts making him muffins and scones instead, less sugar and no frosting, and Branch finds that they actually aren't that bad. He still can't stomach the whole thing at first but he finds that some pastries are actually pretty good. His favorite is the lemon poppyseed muffins. No reason. Don't look into it too much.
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velvet4510 · 7 months
The Gaffer is an interesting character to me. His few scenes definitely show us that he is a gruff kind of guy who never shies away from making his opinion known among the gossips. Though he’s illiterate, he’s not stupid at all, and is actually very intelligent when it comes to all things gardening. But he also has very polite manners toward the gentry and is more than humble enough to “know his place” and be content with the simple working class life. He doesn’t share Sam’s passion for Elves and for learning in general. He’s perfectly fine with his lot in life and has no aspirations. It’s clear that Sam’s modesty, resourcefulness, and grounded sense are all inherited from the Gaffer.
Yet I’ve seen the Gaffer get a bit of hate amongst the fandom. Some dislike how he apparently calls Sam names like “ninnyhammer,” and some fanfics have taken this and ran with it to the point of depicting the Gaffer as a straight-up abusive father. Which…absolutely does not gel with Tolkien’s portrait of him at all.
It seems to me that the Gaffer is actually similar to Gandalf in his demeanor. When frustrated or exasperated, he calls people names, but in an affectionate way. And Sam obviously adores his dad, constantly worrying about his wellbeing back home. It’s clear they have a close and good relationship. Sam just does not seem or feel like an abused child. Maybe overly humbled, yes - the Quest does give him a much-needed boost in self-esteem - but not abused. Sam doesn’t have an abusive or unkind bone in his body; I really don’t think he would be as benign as he is, if he grew up with as cruel a role model as many seem to assume the Gaffer is.
Especially since Sam’s mom is clearly no longer around, and his older siblings seem to have all moved out, since Sam and his dad are the only ones who live in 3 Bagshot Row. So they seem similar to Bilbo and Frodo in that it’s been the 2 of them for a while, they have their own little lifestyle system that works for them, and they look after each other.
Notice in particular how the Gaffer often calls his son “my Sam,” which to me indicates he has great affection and pride for Sam. He even seems like he has that parental mindset of remembering and always seeing his son as his little boy, even when his son is all grown up.
The Gaffer also gives off the vibe of somebody who is actually much more open-minded than he claims to be. Yes, he’s a traditionalist and doesn’t like the idea of leaving home for anything. But notice how he fervently defends Bilbo and Frodo in front of the gossips. He’s not among those who disapprove of the Bagginses or call them “mad.” He’s very fond of them and will not speak ill of them. He appreciates how kind they are to him, and doesn’t see any harm in their unusual interests. And while he does drill an absolute sense of humbleness into Sam by saying things like “don’t get mixed up with your betters,” he actually doesn’t seem to mind that Bilbo taught Sam to read and write, even though Sam wasn’t “supposed” to be literate given his place in society. I feel like while he is set in his ways, he is also able to notice and acknowledge when something unusual has its benefits.
And let’s never forget that the Gaffer is also brave! He literally lies to a Nazgûl’s face to protect Frodo, claiming Frodo had already left when he hadn’t. Even if he didn’t know Frodo hadn’t left yet, it’s still clear he has no intention of selling Frodo out to this creepy guy. When push comes to shove, the Gaffer has some admirable courage inside him…another quality of his that Sam inherited.
I also feel great sympathy for him when I consider what that year must’ve been like for him. Imagine your son disappearing without a trace for 14 straight months, right after some creepy cloaked guy comes asking for your son’s boss. How terrified must that poor guy have been! It’s not much of a stretch to assume he was worried about Sam every single day, wondering if he was safe, if he’d ever see him again. How much sleep must he have lost because of his fears.
And of course, Sam names his fourth son after him. Another indicator that they had a genuinely good and loving relationship.
I really like the Gaffer and will always defend him. Let’s give him some credit. He’s a good guy. We primarily have him to thank, anyway, for raising Sam to be the amazing person he is.
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devotioncrater · 1 year
when ted shakes the snowglobe and thinks of the people he's leaving behind, the first person he thinks of is trent
and it's not just that he's thinking about trent; he's thinking about the love letter trent wrote him, how ted loves it (and draws a moustached smile to make trent smile), but how ted can't possibly accept it [it being all about him]. and yet he sees trent in golden, sunflower, home.
literally SO fucking ill about this, thank you, anon.
i truly believe if dottie hadn't manipulated/triggered ted like she did the episode beforehand, something would have become of ted and trent. it's right there in what you described! there's always been this silently loud, gravitational pull between them.
trent is who ted thinks of first when he thinks of richmond, when he pours celebratory shots after victories, when he looks across a locker room while making a point in a speech.
ted is who trent thinks of first when he thinks of richmond, when he goes to follow his bliss, when he wants to live his life authentically.
it's truly bizarre and so so sad to see ted not be able to accept his positive role in other's lives. it's easier for him to lean into the role of Fixer with henry, to self-blame, to only view the negative role he (falsely!) believes he plays in his son's life. he cannot handle even the slightest notion of merging both aspects of his two separate lives (remember colin's ache? the concept could apply here too) because to do that requires acceptance of the self.
which! trent mentioned in the last diamond dogs meeting that it's not about change so much as acceptance of your past. ted was getting better through the season and he was starting to accept his past, until dottie steamrolled in during a vulnerable moment and fucking threw it back in his face. "your son misses you." + "fuck you."
every action ted has done in the series has been to not wind up like his father. he consciously chose to be kind and forgiving and optimistic when it would have been easier (and at times healthier) to lean into anger and hurt. his father's suicide has been the through-line this entire time. a ghost which haunts ted's worldview.
and dottie, unfortunately, played a major role in why ted only ever feels like he is loved/valued when something is needed from him. when he has to fix or care for or coach either someone or something. by dottie not working on herself, by not getting them both help after ted's dad's suicide, by not talking about it, she effectively Parentified a teenager and shut down communication at the same time. onscreen she only ever gives a shit about ted when she wants something. it's all her. her insecurities/guilt about how she parented ted become a knife wielded against him for how he untraditionally chooses to parent henry and for how he chooses to live his life.
dottie saw how much healthier ted is in richmond and could not see outside herself for more than two seconds to recognize it as a good thing. she instead felt threatened enough to effectively trigger ted into a catatonic low. to get him away from a support system and therapist who truly love him in a way she never could or can. to isolate him. nothing puts the fear of god into an abuser quite like a support system their victim can turn to. (why do you think rupert isolated rebecca?)
and trent? trent was a part of that support system. a divorced, gay man who wrote hundreds of pages about The Lasso Way, who's main inspiration was ted, who loved ted for all his flaws, who pushed ted with hard questions, who got all his references, who quit his whole career over ted, who at the end of the day just wanted ted to laugh with and like this book-love-letter he wrote for him. just wanted ted to recognize and accept that Coach Ted Lasso From America is a good man.
but ted? freshly triggered, catatonic depressive ted? cannot accept this reality. because to do so would mean acknowledgement of the silently loud, gravitational pull they have towards each other, and what that means, and how happy that has made him feel, and how trent would openly love him unconditionally if ted just allowed it. nothing to fix, nothing to take care of.
it goes against all this fucked conditioning ted's grown up with, where he's been triggered back to. beyond the role of Fixer, beyond his inability to accept help/love, beyond even his conditioned sexuality. it directly challenges the reality of a lonely kid who was often forgotten about by his parents in places. a lonely kid who other kids often underestimated and didn't care to ask questions about, to get to know. at sixteen, that same lonely kid walked in on his father's suicide and then had to walk through the grief alone, traumatized out his mind with no healthy way of expressing it. all the while wondering if he was to blame.
that is who ted regressed back into.
and it isn't until ted is back in that familiar box that he dares dream about trent again. because hey, that's all it was between them, right? a nice fantasy. it wasn't a reality. nah, not a chance. because In Real Life Ted Lasso Does Not Deserve That Level Of Support Or Love.
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stillamassivedeal · 3 days
“spoiler alert: heaven is a really nice hotel in miami”
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you know i died for 15 seconds?
ooc/headcanons under the cut !!
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ooc ♡
heyy !! im the mod for this rp account and will be remaining nameless !! i use she/they pronouns :3
this is based off of both versions of mean girls that reneé rapp has been in, and i use pictures of her, and the odd faceless blonde girl and random images from pinterest :)
i try to incorporate lines from the broadway production and musical movie into my posts and interactions !! fun fact: broadway is my favourite variation of mean girls, but i have seen the 2024 movie over 30 times :3
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rules/extra info ♡
keep things sfw, im a minor !! jokes are okay as long as they don't escalate
general dni, just don't be an asshole, im here to have fun, not report you for being a cunt ♡
im in gmt timezone and am busy with school and studying and all that fun stuff /s so i might not reply immediately !!
send as many asks/dms as you'd like, no limit :)
free to rp over asks or dms, whatever works !!
ill tag all rp posts with #fugly cow and #mean girls rp, and all ooc posts will be tagged #ooc and have brackets around them (( like this !! ))
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headcanons ♡
her full name is regina olivia george
she's 17, her birthday is january 20
she/her and definitely lesbian, but refuses to admit it, thinks something is wrong with liking girls
she's definitely neurodivergent in some way, but she gets scared whenever she thinks about that/genuinely just doesn't acknowledge it. if anyone even brings up anything to do with that, from any aspect, she gets really defensive or ignores it
she suffers from chronic pain after the bus accident, and some days it's hard for her to even get out of bed. she frequently misses school because of this, and struggles with her classes (( some of that might be to do with the last point though ))
her parents are divorced, she lives with her mom and sister, kylie, and never sees her dad. she has a rocky relationship with her mom and gets on so well with her sister. she doesn't remember much about her dad
she still acts like she's so tough, but she's actually a massive softie. everything you say will be taken to heart and she will cry about it
she's learning to be a better person. she's scared of being vulnerable and opening up
she's a mega germaphobe (( im projecting i fear ))
she acts like she enjoys parties, but really she gets overly anxious about them, so she makes sure she gets super drunk to eliminate the feeling
she loves her friends. she really does. cherishes them so much, they stuck with her through everything !!!!
she's actually a huge theater kid, but has practically eliminated that from her personality, because whoever heard of a popular girl who likes theater? she used to want to be on broadway when she was younger, but her dad told her it was stupid so she dropped the idea
she has absolutely no idea how to regulate her feeling at all, that might be obvious tbh
she just doesn't really know how to treat people, she just says exactly what comes to mind without thought
she's 5'8, she will use her height to her advantage and bully you about how short you are ♡
she loves movies ?? idk she seems like a movie lover, she has letterboxd and it's filled with old romance movies and horror films (( conflicting personalities :3 ))
she often craves physical touch, she just wants someone to love her for her
she wishes she had a dog !! but her mom doesn't like pets. she used to beg her parents for one when she was younger, but they always said no :((
JEALOUS JEALOUS GIRL !!!!! will see one of her friends with someone else and actually feel horrific about it
⚠️tw ed mention⚠️ she really struggles with food and body image, especially after the kälteen bar incident. how she views herself has always been prominent in her mind since she was a kid, but it's slightly more noticeable now. she's never told her friends, but they clearly know, and they help her, whether that's eating with her or distracting her or whatever ♡
more will be added as we go !!
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