#but like nonverbally because in this scenario i do not talk
amyyythestarry · 7 months
Smiling Critters HCs!
( Mostly Dogday and Catnap )
I’ve gotten interested in Poppy playtime, especially with the smiling critters and me and my sister literally just came up with random hcs and scenarios for them if they had a cartoon. So now I’m sharing the ideas.
Catnap always sleeping.
Dogday and Catnap are the main characters of the show, but Dogday is the only one who is actively committing the role.
( Not to be confused with this being a thing where they are acting in the show or anything. Like, they’re literally just in the show. If that makes sense )
Catnap, in every episode, is either sleeping, observing what’s going on and not really participating that much, or not in the picture in that episode. In this is just something with every episode of the series.
He can sleep automatically, just drop to the floor and knock out. So I feel like he’d use that ability to his advantage, to get out of trouble.
Scenario: Miss Delight comes into the critter’s playroom (?) and asks if anyone ate the last of the cookies and milk without permission.
Everyone is confused, because they’re all saying they didn’t do it. So they just assume someone’s lying, and they argue about it.
Catnap’s asleep somewhere in the corner.
He was sleepy before, but he made himself look busy with napping so nobody would suspect he ate the cookies and milk.
2. Copycat ( Literally an episode name me and my sister created. We are the best brainstormers ever ).
Dogday and the rest of the smiling critters are always trying to get Catnap to play with them/participate in what they are doing.
I imagine Catnap as one of those characters in cartoons that are semi-nonverbal, and just aloof, definitely. So he doesn’t speak much. He can, just doesn’t.
This is an early episode, apart of S1 or something, when they still haven’t heard Catnap say much of anything to them. Sure he plays with them sometimes, but the instances are little to nothing.
They’re in a park for recess, the smiling critters are just playing around with each other and everything. Catnap is in a tree trying to sleep.
And like in literally every episode/day, Dogday notices that Catnap isn’t hanging out with them, so he and his friends goes up to the tree and calls for him.
They all keep calling Catnap’s name, trying to get him to join their game of tag. And little do they know Catnap is kind of tired of their sh** and noisy pestering.
“Hey Catnap, come down and play tag with us!” - Dogday.
Catnap finally turns around to acknowledge the critters, looking down at them from the tree.
“Hey Catnap, come down and play tag with us.”
He purposely mimics what Dogday says.
And Day just replies with a small ‘what?’.
The critters all look at each other, swearing they just heard Nap speak.
“What did you say, Catnap?” - Kickin Chicken.
“What did you say, Catnap?”
Now the critters are actually shocked.
“Catnap, did you just speak?!” - Bobby Bearhug.
”Catnap, did you just speak?!”
He does this enough times to confuse everyone now. And then they actually start to get weirded out and they call Miss Delight.
”Miss Delight, Catnap is acting strange!”
Then Nap walks in suddenly, staring at all of them ( Kind of creepily ), as he says,
“Miss Delight, Catnap is acting strange.”
This continues for the whole episode. Just him copying what his friends say. But ONLY if it mentions his name. Because he’s tired of them always calling his name anyway.
I don’t know how the ep might end, but the smiling critters still bother Nap after the episode his over, and as he has already stopped with the copycat game. That is also deemed as the first time in the show that Catnap has spoken. Not the last, obviously, he continues to talk whenever he needs to, but it’s still kind of seldom.
3. Dogday’s allergies.
Dogs can’t eat a lot of things, so I think Day would not be allowed to eat a lot of things like a realistic dog.
It’s an episode where the critters are enjoying themselves during a picnic, Delight isn’t really around because it’s not a school day.
Picky Piggy offers some cookies to everyone that she made herself, and everyone takes one. Except for Dogday.
His excuse is that he oddly always feels sick whenever he eats chocolate chip cookies specifically, so he doesn’t try to eat cookies much.
Picky just pulls out another cookie flavor, oatmeal chocolate chip, and gives it to Day.
Day takes it, thinking that since this isn’t chocolate chip, it wouldn’t make him feel sick!
After eating two of those cookies, he does in fact feel sick. His stomach hurts and his bones exhaust.
Miss Delight makes him feel better with some special stomachache medicine or something.
All of the critters are confused and curious about this, so they try giving Day other cookies because they think not being able to eat cookies is just devastating.
So the whole episode they all make Day taste different cookies, to see which ones make him sick and which ones don’t. Not like an experiment, just to figure out why can’t he eat cookies like the rest of them.
At the near end, Day feels terrible, and they all go to Delight this time, enlightening her about the cookie problem.
And it instantly clicks to Delight once the children tell her what kind of cookies they’ve been giving to Dogday. M&M, double chocolate, cocoa confetti, and even red velvet cookies.
“Children…. You know, dog’s can’t eat chocolate, right?” - Delight.
They all did, in fact, not know that. Miss Delight tells them about it, and they finally understand why Dogday keeps feeling sick when eating cookies.
By the time Day’s also came to the realization, he vomits, the episode ends.
The next one is probably about Day’s friends taking care of him because he’s sick.
Which leads to my next hc anyways.
4. The conclusion of Dogday that Catnap doesn’t like him.
The reason why Dogday thinks that Catnap doesn’t like him, is because it somehow always seems like Nap is trying to kill him.
One of the instances, he’s always giving Day things he can’t eat.
Literally right after the cookie accident, only two days later, and Catnap gives him a treat of chocolate chip cookies. And milk. Both things Day cannot eat.
Scenario: The smiling critters are having breakfast together, in Miss Delight’s house as she makes them pancakes, eggs, bacon accompanying with vegetables and fruits of their choice.
Nap is sitting next to Day. He has pancakes and purple grapes, he loves grapes. Day has bacon and blueberries, giving that he’s not allowed to eat pancakes ( Diary ) and blueberries being his favorite.
Nap decides to be nice, and give Day some of his food, since he heard from Delight that sharing is caring.
He gives Dogday a grape to show kindness.
And Day only looks at the grape kind of confused. He asked why Nap would give this to him, and Nap doesn’t answer.
So Day just gently placed the grape back on Nap’s plate, telling him ‘no thank you’.
Then a minute passes, Dogday looks over at one of his friends for a bit of a second, and turns back at his plate to get another blueberry.
He sees a blueberry bigger than the others that wasn’t there before. It’s actually purple and not blue.
And oh. It’s a grape.
He turns to Catnap, and sees that the cat is only happily eating his pancakes and grapes. But still gives the fruit back to Nap.
“Sorry, bud, I can’t eat this..”
Catnap looks at him, and doesn’t say anything.
Dogday still side glances at Nap for a little while, to see if he’d do anything. Nap doesn’t do anything. He looks back at his plate. And is utterly bewildered on why all of his five blueberries are gone and why they’re now five purple grapes.
He swears Catnap did not move.
He doesn’t know that Catnap just used his long tail to put the grapes there.
Now he can feel Nap’s eyes on him, and knows he’s expecting him to eat the grapes, so he’s a little nervous.
Day doesn’t eat the grapes, and just tells Miss Delight that Nap keeps trying to get him to eat grapes.
Also, after the cookie accident, Miss Delight thought it was good to teach the kids about what their kinds ( Their animal kinds ) can and cannot eats especially dogs like Day.
Catnap was not listening the whole lecture, so he really has no clue why Day didn’t take his grapes.
I’m gonna make a PT 2!
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leavingsunsets · 5 months
alsgakdgaksh sorry I know you just answered my request but, but, but what about dcst characters reacting to a reader who has a problem with daydreaming (maladaptive daydreaming)
basically they get so lost in their mind that they start acting out or quoting(? their thoughts, from the outside it just kinda looks like they're talking to themselves but they've got a whole movie in their mind 😭 (i legitimately subconsciously tripped myself because i imagined a character falling to the floor)
take care and don't rush <333
whooo this was a doozy. had to do a little research for this one, so i get to give yall some good rep or atleast make it feel a little more accurate tehee. anyways with this population sampling liberty ive decided to get 5 characters, 4 guys and 1 girl. enjoy 😋.
[𝖣𝖢𝖲𝖳 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗐/ 𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋.]
𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙠𝙪 𝙄𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙞
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Might be a little confused at first. Like, especially if it's at random times. Maybe he's busy tinkering with something, and you're in the same room. You do or say something and he automatically goes "huh?" because he thinks you're talking to him and you go "huh."
It takes some adjusting for him, but he learns much faster than the others. Though it's kinda funny during the beginning stages because whenever you said something aloud he'd pause whatever he was doing to stare at you blankly, and if you didn't look his way after a few seconds he'd take it as you weren't talking to him and resume his business.
He's a curious bugger tho so he obviously glances over at you sometimes to see what you were doing, whether you were both alone or not.
Seeing as your attention is a little harder to grab, he's got a custom habit of either patting or holding your shoulder. Like "yo [name]," and a little shoulder tap.
But with this development, it seems you've also learned to do the same. Now that he's used to you talking to yourself, to show that you're speaking to him, you have to either tap him or say his name.
Overall, pretty chill about it, even talks to you a lot just to pull you out sometimes.
𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙟𝙪 𝙊𝙠𝙞
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Our sweet, underrated, heart of gold who I couldn't find nice aesthetic manga banners for (sorry for the jumpscare). Bet you didn't expect to see him on the list, huh?
Just a little longer in terms of adjusting. Like Senku, is a little confused and goes "?" when you do things randomly. Sometimes, you are interrupted because whenever he is in vicinity he's just bombarding you with questions.
"Hi! What are you doing?" "Were you talking to me?" "What's that mean?" "Were you saying something?" "What is that gesture?"
You either give him a very detailed description about the scenario in your head or just BS it.
"I was communicating with the trees." "Wow! Really? You can do that?" Accepts whatever choice you pick anyway. He will listen intently and he will take it literally. An open chance to tell him whatever you want and he would not suspect you at all. He is very intrigued at this new type of acorns called "Deez" that you found in the forest. Apparently it's part of the "Ligma" family of trees? Wow!
Easily snaps you out of your daydreams because his voice is just loud enough to do so.
You get to enthuse with him sometimes, and he will happily listen.
𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙤
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Also a little underrated, I swear.
Problem with Tsukasa is that he's a little nonverbal so when you do or say something, he just stares at you. Hulk of a man watches in confusion as you play out a whole soap opera or something.
But hey, what is Tsukasa if not a kind and gracious man?
Tries to understand you, and is a good listener if you ever need a guy to ramble to about this. And hey, gives him more insight on your mind in general.
Keeps a slightly closer eye on you, or is just more aware of your predicament in general.
This Tarzan would genuinely be gentle about it like he'd check up on you and stuff. Talk to you, or even sit down with you, maybe a little chitchat.
I imagine you as a duo would be him sipping nice tea and enjoying the garden meanwhile you accidentally drop your cookie in the milk so you borrow his teaspoon just to scoop it out and he lets you. Very weird analogy but he is just kind??
An enigma, overall doesn't change his usual equitable treatment towards you.
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I already had a vision of her reaction to this. Like, as an inquisitive type, she'd most likely ask you questions all about it as soon as she notices it. More answers lead to more questions. Forgive her, she's only curious.
Similar to Tsukasa, she wants to be aware and informed. Wants to know about what you're thinking about sometimes. "Hmmm..." and just watches you from the branches.
Of course, watchful, and vigilant. Observer type. If ever you're too out of it to notice something potentially harmful coming your way (or vice versa), she'd be there to tug you back to reality.
She's most likely less patient than Tsukasa, not the type for a sit down kind of conversation, but would still let you ramble while you both pick apples or smthn.
Overall a nice gal who wouldn't mind it at all.
I feel like she's the complete opposite of a daydreamer, so it's hard for her to understand what it's like. Still, she tries to be considerate and talks with you whenever she can as a way to learn about it.
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I like noncon + mind break/mind control + being used like a toy in my monsterfucker fantasies because it allows me to turn my brain off and just enjoy it.
I’m autistic so I get burnt out on socialization very easily, I’m prone to overstimulation to the point of meltdowns (which would likely ruin a scene irl), and I take “imagine this happens to you” scenarios a bit too literally (because I can’t not take things literally). It’s bad enough that just reading a fic that has the reader (me) talk out consent makes me so so tired, as if I actually just had a conversation. The chronic exhaustion from just dealing with everyday life means I’m always looking for any means of escape that doesn’t involve using more spoons, and that includes for my sexual outlets.
Enter noncon. You don’t have to talk because the monster doesn’t care about that. They may be nonverbal themselves and only communicate in body language, including reading yours, which may be of benefit if they’re the type that likes to elicit a response from you. If they just see your body as a sex toy, they’re not going to hold back or have any reserves about pounding into you either, which is exactly what I want.
Now add mind break/mind control. You don’t have to think or process feelings because the monster is doing it for you. They’re making you feel a certain way, usually highly pleasured, because they can. You don’t have to worry about it not feeling good because they’re in control of that. You also don’t have to worry about overstimulation or meltdowns because they can control whether you feel that too. And if they see you as a mate, breeding partner, incubator, or just a good fuck, of course they’re going to want you to feel good. The ideal scenario for horny monsters and breeders is that you keep coming back to them.
Personally it just sounds really nice to have someone turn off all the sensory noise, not require me to speak/interact with them, and just make me feel good for several hours or even days. I would love a break like that, just, finally existing in the world in a way that isn’t irritating or painful for me but is instead making me feel good for a while. For that reason, coming up with different iterations of monsters who can achieve this, either through magic, aphrodisiacs, or just raw skill, is a rather soothing hobby of mine.
And yeah I know it won’t ever happen like that irl. Partly because I’m aroace. But that’s the point of fantasy. The fantasy itself of these kinks is very cathartic.
And I guess if you couldn’t tell already I’m a massive sub. You know the omegaverse quiz? I got Submissive Omega on it. It fits. Not ashamed just tired and happy to let someone else have all the hard responsibility, protect me and make me feel good.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
i have several thoughts about keeper simon interacting with kept reader, particularly because I'm autistic and would utterly thrive in the non-working, reasonable routine. I think simon seeing reader's little stims; flappy hands, bouncing on the balls of their feet, and stuff like not touching certain things bc of texture, etc. and just adjusting to it and things for them makes me feel insane
I think that an autistic reader would ABSOLUTELY do great in this scenario. Simon would love catering to sensory-friendly needs like changing the light bulbs, giving you comfy clothes, feeding your hyperfixations and listening you talk about them for hours. Specific foods? Baby, he’ll learn a whole new menu just for you, as long as you’re eating and healthy. All your nonverbal gestures? He studies them and learns them, could have a whole conversation based on that alone.
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Moon boys with selectively mute reader? <3
Warnings: none that I actually can tell. It's just the boys helping you in situations where you are mute and them not judging you 
Notes: As I've said before, I have autism and can become nonverbal and have a heard time speaking when overstimulated so I have somewhat of a foot in this but decided to do extra research to do it right. I hope this is good. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven Grant
Oh don't worry about it at all
He's happy to help and make sure that you feel comfortable when in any spaces that you go mute
He'd gladly serve as your voice if you want that
If you know sign language and use that to communicate when your mute then he'll also learn it so that when you tell him something he'll know
It's also just a useful thing to know in his opinion
Once again, Steven hates confrontation with others but if someone comments on the fact that you don't speak or are not speaking then he'll politely tell them to mind their business
He, and the others, never ask why you go mute. They just make notes and act accordingly
Marc Spector
It takes him a while to get used to it but he manages to get to it pretty quickly
He used to work in the military and I know that in there they have you learn some sign language , so if you use sign language to communicate when you're in a setting that causes you to become mute he understands you just fine
Though, he would know ASL and I'm not sure of what differences there are in other countries sign language so if there's a language barrier then he'll work on getting past it
Anyways, he's quick to learn which situations make you uncomfortable and cause you to go mute, so he avoids them when you're with him and or makes a mental note so that you silence doesn't surprise him
If someone makes a comment in public he'll shoot them a glare and just tell you to ignore them
None of them actually make you speak but sometimes Marc will forget what setting you're in and takes a second to remember
Jake Lockley
Jake, of course, learns fast and is able to remember specific things like places, settings, and scenarios that make you mute
The sign language is something he learns really fast, though if you use note pad that's also fine
But to him sign language runs smoother
Jake honestly becomes freakishly good with sign language in such a short amount of time
Also, Jake, when in a setting where you go mute just doesn't speak when he's talking to you because it's easier to him
This sometimes leads to people seeing the two of you signing to each other and then him speaking to another person and thinking that you're deaf
But Jake corrects them really fast
If someone says something then he's also quick to tell them to mind their business and that this doesn't concern them
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self-indulgent-devils · 2 months
Valentino with an extremely shy reader. Him just loving to tease and push your comforts all the time. He loves to see the way you get all flustered and blush, giving his big toothy grin as he feels so much power from controlling you. If you're a bigger demon (more height wise, but can be weight too, just closer to his size) then he will especially find it adorable how someone so large can be so shy and sweet.
People wouldn't expect Valentino to like shy people since he's surrounded by confident whores most of the time. But he secretly loves someone that is so shy. They're easier to take advantage of and easier to mess with. Plus he can control them far easier since they'll most likely rely on him.
If you're someone nonverbal or semiverbal or just deal with selective mutism, he will treasure every sound you may give off. He will love to hear what you have to say if you use AAC. (We are semiverbal and so haha big fantasy there ngl.) He'll just watch you with his smug little grin and wait to hear what you have to say. He doesn't mind being patient for someone so precious and trying their best.
You may not be what he typically surrounds himself with. Nothing like Summer or Dia or Angel Dust. Nothing like Vox or Velvette. Even if it makes you insecure, Valentino doesn't care. He'll enjoy every second of you. He likes you after all. And if anyone dared to make you cry or feel like shit because you're shy or semiverbal or scared of people or struggle in any way, Val would lose it. He would kill them on the spot unless he knew it would scare you. Then he'd just have his guards take them away for him to deal with later. He would stroke you just under your chin and speak a soft voice, reassuring you that you are perfect. And if you weren't perfect, he wouldn't be there paying attention to you right now. That he loves you the way you are. That you're a rare treasure. It's not often he meets someone like you in his line of work and so he's going to keep you close and treasure you like you're the most precious and rare gemstone he's ever laid eyes on. He doesn't care what anyone has to say about it and he won't tolerate anyone making you upset or cry. Only *he* can make you feel anything like that. Only *he* can make you feel insecure for his own entertainment. Because you're his and his alone.
He adores you the way you are. Valentino wouldn't want to see you change just because the world expects someone confident and talkative. Valentino doesn't want to see you change because you feel insecure being nothing like his employees or friends. It's you being this way that has caught his attention. To lose what makes you you would be a travesty to him. So he will make sure that you always look to him for love and acceptance and help. Because he wants you to know that he is the only one able to give it to you. He would spend all the money on you because a rare gem like yourself deserves it.
Valentino won't let anyone mock you or shame you for being shyer or easily flustered or even struggling to communicate. No. It's only him that's allowed to tease you about it just to see you get all embarrassed or upset. He loves your reactions to things after all.
And no matter your size, he would love to wrap his wings around you and hold you close against him. Feeling how warm you are and keeping you there like you're sharing a blanket. He rarely does it with anyone aside from Vox and he used to do it with Angel until Angel started pissing him off. So now you're the special one he does it with. It doesn't matter if you're way bigger than him in height or weight, he will still do it. Because you. are. his. And he gets to do with you what he wants. And in that moment, it is wrapping you in his wings. Especially if it makes you feel safer because *he* should be your only sense of safety.
(I have so many ideas omfg. I gotta write a fic of a scenario like this sooner.)
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auschizm · 3 months
Just wanted to share a reflection on a nice little area of autism+schizo-overlap
I’m autistic and my best friend is auschitzic and I’ve found that I understand so called “word salad” better than others. (Not just in my friend but also in people I met in the soup kitchen and others who have it)
My pet theory is that perhaps with autism, there are less perceived notions about what someone should say.
I feel others get distracted by the projection that the person “isn’t making sense” rather than just listen.
I think it’s a nice moment of solidarity. We have so much more in common than apart. Especially in the struggles with communication. In many ways we have very similar needs too
Sensory needs, needs for predictability, need for routines, need for very clear instructions, cognitive support.
I see it as auschizm mirrors my experience a LOT and at the same time that the overlap adds an extra layer of marginalization which makes it so that when fighting for freedom, against the coercion and other flaws in healthcare, I see it as us who are autistic or otherwise disabled needing to listen to auschizic and schizospectrum people first.
Oftentimes auschizic people experience everything I do (miscommunication with doctors, coercion while outpatient, financial punishments for cognitive deficits, dehumanization, etc) but a hundred fold.
Similar; same type of things. But at the same time completely different; we who are autistic and only experience minor symptoms of other things from time to time, we have to understand that there are levels of incarceration and violence that we dont have to deal with due to not being schizospec
The way I see it this gives us a moral obligation. To fight in our day to day lives for the dignity of our schizospectrum siblings.
We have to speak up when people stereotype and fearmonger. We have to be vocal in our critiques against psychiatry. We have to fight to make the world accessible for all of us.
Rather than mask because we understood that what was said was meant as a joke, if it was cruel or “unreality” we should still demand it be explained.
Be outspoken about all of the cultural discrimination and misconceptions with our friends who might be even further removed from psychiatry than we are.
It’s like a set of circles where my auschizic friend can tell me about the experiences they heard from others even more marginalized who were in the ward. They are in the middle of the circle. Then is my friend who is mostly outpatient. Who can talk to me. Next circle is people who are neurodivergent but “functioning”; maybe they have jobs and stuff. So I can talk to them. Then those people can talk to people at their jobs etc who are even further removed
We can each do our work in fighting to create spaces. When we are in social spaces, that in and out of itself, is a privilege. We can fight to try to fit others in these social spaces
Sorry about the very long and rambly ask. There are many thoughts on this subject that I have yet to articulate
I guess what I wanted to say was thank you for making this blog. Thank you for creating this space.
It is so important that this gets talked about
Im extremely grateful to get the opportunity to read about even more auschizic experiences and learn more about the perspective
Thank you so much
This ask is making my morning. I really appreciate your compassion and solidarity! Although I gotta note that I don't believe in simple hierarchies of oppression and discrimination. Like I wouldn't say that a low support needs auschiztic person who is stable and functional enough to live alone and work is inherently more oppressed than a nonverbal high support needs autistic person who needs extensive support and supervision simply because the person in the first scenario has two diagnoses instead of one.
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antianakin · 8 months
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I mean, if you're just going for a crack scenario then you can do whatever you want lol, that's kind-of the point of crack in a lot of ways. So for humor reasons, sure, Anakin could call Obi-Wan and have that distract him enough that he ends up not siding with Palpatine if you wanted. If you want to take the crack scenario slightly more realistically, Obi-Wan is currently involved in a battle with Grievous on Utapau at the same time that Anakin is making that choice, so the chances he picks up are pretty minimal at best, and even if he DID get through, the chances that Anakin LISTENS to Obi-Wan are equally minimal, especially if he can just hang up if he doesn't like the answer he gets. But the distraction of calling at all, even if he doesn't get through, MIGHT be enough for Mace to finish off the job of killing Palpatine anyway.
If you want a more serious opinion on what would have happened if Obi-Wan had been in the office with Mace and Anakin when he made that decision and if I think Anakin would've legitimately listened to Obi-Wan if he tried to talk him out of it, I will point out that Anakin ROUTINELY shows that Obi-Wan's disapproval means very little to him when he's desperate, passionate, and upset about something. If we look solely at the films, you can look at the scene in the gunship when Padme falls and it's not until Obi-Wan tells Anakin to think of what PADME would do that Anakin chooses to stay, not when Obi-Wan points out he won't survive the fight against Dooku alone or when threatened with expulsion from the Order. And even after that, like 2 minutes later, Anakin rushes into the fight with Dooku despite Obi-Wan explicitly yelling at him not to.
Within ROTS, the best example I have is the Council sequence where Anakin throws a temper tantrum about not being made a master, and Obi-Wan's clear nonverbal disapproval of his actions don't seem to have any impact on Anakin's childish behavior. In their conversation immediately afterwards, Obi-Wan tries to very patiently explain the situation to Anakin and get him to view things logically and Anakin refuses and continues to blame the Council for being unfair and unreasonable. Even when he apologizes to Obi-Wan later, he is really only apologizing for being a little bratty TO OBI-WAN and still firmly believes he's in the right about the Council acting unfair to him about, you know, everything. So nothing Obi-Wan has said to him has actually truly gotten through and Anakin has learned next to nothing except like... maybe to act less bratty when called out by the Council? I don't know.
If I branch out a little, the only example I can really come up with where Obi-Wan's disapproval seems to really mean something to him is when he thinks Obi-Wan's DEAD and he makes the claim that he won't kill "Rako Hardeen" specifically because Obi-Wan wouldn't have wanted him to.
But that is ONE MOMENT among many others, even in TCW, where Anakin makes it pretty clear that Obi-Wan's disapproval is not going to stop him from doing whatever he wants, especially if he's upset or desperate to save someone he cares about.
So, personally, while I think you could argue that the same thing as was true in the crack scenario would be true here, that having Obi-Wan there to try to hold Anakin back might provide just long enough of a distraction for Mace to finish the job, I don't honestly think it would have any real impact on Anakin's choice. Anakin would side with Palpatine to save Padme's life, regardless of whether Obi-Wan was standing there or not. Anakin is presumably told about Order 66 before he marches on the Temple, which means he KNOWS Obi-Wan is about to be killed, and he weighs Obi-Wan's life against Padme's in that moment, and decides it's a worthwhile exchange. I can't see that changing just because Obi-Wan is standing in front of him instead of on Utapau. He just does not care about Obi-Wan enough for it to make a real difference.
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writingforfishes · 16 days
Hiccuping Scenarios: I
Now that I have a better idea of what constitutes a scenario thanks to @chocolate-hics posts, I want to try my hand at creating some possible inspiration as I've hit a bit of a motivational wall in Otto and Atticus (even though I know what the next story will be).
Aquatic humanoids I have been thinking about someone aquatic hiccuping for a while. I initially thought of it in direct reference to H.ellboy and A.be S.apien, but any iteration of an aquatic creature getting hiccups would work.
Some fish person having to get out of the water quickly and getting the hiccups as a result. Or perhaps they get the hiccups while in the water and their lungs serve as a swim bladder (something to help them keep afloat) and the result is them having a hard time sinking or rising in the water and needing to get out until the attack passes.
Or perhaps they are sensitive to PH balances and that can trigger a nerve/gas confusion that leads to being prone to hiccups.
Wondering if they're gills open or react while they're hiccuping as its an action that would normally force gas out of their gills while swimming. (I've probably mentioned all this on this blog before, but here's a more concise version of all of my scenarios.)
Consuming something they know will make them hiccup but doing it anyway because they love what they're consuming. Something about someone loving a drink (like a soda) or bread or carrots so much that they will consume the thing with full acceptance they'll get the hiccups is so alluring to me.
O: I knew huck! I knew this wou--would happen b-huppah!-but I l-hup! love this stuff!
A: Your dedication is admirable.
O: Sh-huckah!-shut up!
(Yes, I'm using O and A as my hypothetical people instead of A and B...for obvious reasons.)
I have a boss that eats bread knowing it will make her hiccup for a bit because it's delicious. (I don't blame her!) I haven't heard or seen it, but she tells me everyone laughs at her.
She shared this with me because I said I sneeze if I eat dry bread. It's like my body is perfectly aligned to not let me hiccup.
Getting hiccups in public and ceasing to interact after. Someone might have been boisterously conversational a few minutes ago and now they're suspiciously quiet. Except if you're right beside them you might hear their suppressed hmphs, hmks, and mks and see them jumping while their body turns inward a little.
A: You okay? You kind of stopped talking.
O: Yeah I'm mk!-I'm good. Hmk! Just go t--tired. Hmph!
A: Yeah? You got the hiccups?
O: Himp! Heh, yeah. H'mp! They came out of no-humpk!-nowhere. Hmpk! I'm good though. Thank fo-mp!-for asking.
A: Aw. :rubs their shoulder: No problem.
Laughing until they hiccup and then blaming the person who caused them to laugh for it.
O: Dammit! Huck! You gave m-hic!-me the hiccups. Hilk!-uh!
A: Yeah, yeah. Blame me for your involuntary bodily functions.
O: I will! Hup! Ugh!
Addendum: indicating a previous case.
O: I had j-UP!-just gotten hip! rid of these t--too!
A: Hey, listen. I warned you how funny I was. I can't be held responsible for the consequences.
Really fast hiccups in someone used to them so they're just distracting themselves with a book or on their phone until they slow down.
O: hmp!-hmk!-hmk'm!-mk!-mk!...hup'k!-hip!-imk!-mmk!-mmk!-himp!-up!-hip!hip!-hup!
A: Oof, those are bad. You good?
O: Yeah-mk!-just-hup'k!-wai-emp!-ting-hip'k-for-hilmp!-the-ip!-m to-kmp!-sl--slow-mmp!-slow do-uck!-down.
Addendum: fast hiccups that require nonverbal communication.
A: Can I get you anything?
O: :after thinking a moment, miming drinking something:
A: Water?
O: :nodding:
A: You think that will help?
O: :shrugging, then indicating their throat and giving a slightly pained expression:
A: Oh, for your throat? Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Be right back.
O: : nodding gratefully:
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
I love your Unspoken Words series so much! As someone who goes nonverbal from time to time when overwhelmed. This is also why i ask anonymously, I am feeling a bit too much of everything and seeing my name on your blog makes me nervous.
i just really appreciate the whole story and i just love how everyone is so understanding and supportive and nobody demands she „just talk“. Levi taking sign classes had me crying, seriously.
You posted you were open for prompts. It‘s a bit self indulgent, but I would be interested how Reiner (and maybe some others) would react when they either catch you reading smut or randomly grab one your smut books that you annotated. (I am not asking for explicit stuff, just how they would react to you reading that kind of stuff).
Oh my gosh thank you so much for saying so!! 😭 Unspoken Words has definitely been my little baby for a while and I'm really glad I portray nonverbal people to your liking! I am just obsessed with the fact that Levi's love language would be acts of services so putting in that communication barrier really puts light on their interactions instead of words, for the most part lol.
I totally know how it feels to have everything feeling like a little too much, believe me. It's overwhelming, so it's totally okay to stay anon! Though, I am sorry you're feeling like that today. But if you'd like, I'm perfectly happy to have you in my DMs. This will always stay a judgement free zone. 💕
These were really fun to think about! I'm not used to writing most of these characters tho so I'm sorry if my hcs don't line up. 😅
No actual smut is mentioned but there are some suggestive themes!
How AoT Characters React To You Reading Smut:
Reiner ->
oh he is SO shy about it
like he does a double take as he walks by you, all curled up on the couch with it wide open and you're so enraptured you don't even notice
"What are you reading?" he can't keep himself from asking but his face is so flushed and there might be a little stuttering
when you tell him about it, he's doing his best to stand straight and keep a level voice
he's also a little curious though, and will ask something along the lines of "Would you want to try this out sometime?" while he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly
Armin ->
he accidentally finds your collection when he's looking for a specific book
he thumbs through it curiously because he's just like that lol
at first, he's incredibly shocked to see that you're into that kind of stuff
but then he gets a little self-conscious because he worries that he might not be giving you what you want
you have to force it out of him because he's ruminating in silence and when he finally says something, he's all blushy and not looking you in the eye
Jean ->
he grabs it out of your hands and reads out some passages in a teasing manner while you're fighting to get it back
but then he comes across the filthiest thing he's ever read and it shuts him right up, turning into a mess and his words are all jumbled lmao
I also see this man looking over the top of it and is like, "C'mon, we're trying this out right now." and then grabs your hand and pulls you into the bedroom
Hange ->
they are so excited to see that you read these BECAUSE THEY READ THEM TOO.
I imagine they catch you reading it and recognize it right away, going all "OH I'VE READ THAT ONE. What do you think about _____?"
and they start overanalyzing it all out loud while fingering through the pages
it's kind of a mood killer (affectionate) but it's funny to watch them talk about these crazy scenarios and you laugh too because they are quite silly when you think about it
Levi ->
he sneaks up on you one day while you're on the couch reading and he starts reading the page you're on over your shoulder
his sudden voice makes you jump out of your skin and snap the book shut
"Is this how you spend your down time?" not accusatory tho, genuinely curious even though his voice comes out bored lol
he says nothing else as he raises an eyebrow at you then walks away
only when the next time you get down and dirty with him do you realize he must have been looking through your books and seeing what you liked and didn't like from your annotations in the margins
he's a really fast learner
Send me prompts with an AOT character and I'll write a lil something! Fill this 16 hour shift for me, I beg of you. ✌🏻
taglist: @averysmolbear @humanitys-strongest-bamf @youre-ackermine @notgoodforlife @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @dkbktk420 @elnyrae @romantichomicide95
If you'd like to join my taglist to be notified for my works and/or games, please go to the link on my pinned post! ✌🏻
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Hiii! Me and my friends just got sucked into the hyperfixation that is moon knight and it’s lovely boys. I was hoping you could write some head canons for an anxious reader X all of them or an autistic reader and all of them. I would really appreciate it! Ngl i need Steven to comfort me when I’m overwhelmed in a crowd bc of my autism. Thank you in advance! ❤️
Warnings: talks of reader being overstimulated and overwhelmed due to a situation. References to Marc's past. 
Author’s Snip: I sort of mixed both together. I don't know if this is good. I hope it is. I just felt like it would be nice to write about them helping reader through being overstimulated since I'm also autistic and have issues with getting overwhelmed in certain scenarios and situations.
Notes: To me, in my brain, I headcanon the boys are also autistic and are just the different archetypes and personalities amongst the community. No one come for me though, I just see a lot of myself in the boys individually as an autistic person. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven Grant
He perfectly understands, he has issues with larger crowds too if he's not ready to be thrown in that type of environment
Steven sometimes takes a moment to recognize signs that you're overstimulated by a situation or overwhelmed, but he doesn't take that long
He'll notice that something is up pretty quickly and ask "What's the matter?" to which it hits him the moment he's finished his sentence and says a little "Oh." and gets straight to calming you down or leading you away from where you are
I also have autism and when I experience anxiousness and overstimulation or overwhelmed I go nonverbal or have an issue speaking
If that happens with you Steven also understands and just gently moves you around to see which places get rid of what's causing you trouble
He'd never get annoyed by you for being either of those three things. He knows that being upset with you won't help you calm down at all. If anything it's just going to do the opposite
"Take as long as you need, love"
Steven's had his fair share of panic attacks and situations that rattled him, so he guides you through controlled breathing and rubbing your back if you're okay with being touched at that moment
Marc Spector
Marc isn't the best at handling or calming down an anxious or upset person
He's never been properly comforted before whenever he was upset the most he does is just drop whatever is happening and just ignoring it/sitting it out but not fully trying to relax, or he was upset so much that it made Steven or Jake front
Marc does do his best though
He knows what commonly helps but he's never actually had to stop and think of a way to stop it in greater detail
Marc understands that one thing that you should never do is get angry or annoyed with a person who's overwhelmed and upset because he knows what that's like and doesn't want to inflict that onto you
He finds a silent corner or space to sit at
"Let's just stay here for a minute or two. However, long you need."
Marc has you look at him and assures you "You're okay. You're fine. Just keep your eyes on me and breath."
Once you've calmed down he asks if you want to continue with what you were previously doing or head off and do something else
Jake Lockley
Jake can sense the slightest micro expression
So he knows right off the bat that a situation is making you overwhelmed or stressing you out
Which is great, but Jake is used to handling things with his fists or a weapon. So needless to say he needs to shift gears and get out of that instinct and bring you back down
I'm not saying he can't do that, I'm just saying that he needs to actually think for a moment
Similar to Steven, he leads you around to hopefully find a space that removes what's bothering you
He guides you through controlling your breathing and having you focus on something else
To which he watches you carefully till you've returned back to being calm and regulated
If you want, or need, to go back into that situation, and he's able to, Jake will hold your hand or have his hand somewhere on you to keep you grounded
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themanirealityshifter · 4 months
Marauders Memes Turned Into Scenarios In My TotK DR
[btw, making it so that Mipha and Sidon aren’t siblings since Link likes both of em/ends up being in relationships with both of em]
[side note: Link is nonverbal, so we all usually talk in sign language when around him since that’s how he communicates with us and it’s easier that way for him too, and that’s what it is when i say “signs” instead of “says” or something like that]
Link reading a book peacefully under a tree.
Me passing: ruffles his hair.
Zelda passing: gives him candy and coos at him.
Yunobo passing: stops for a moment to pinch his cheeks.
Mipha passing: stops for a moment to kiss his forehead.
Tulin from close by: look at him, sitting there, acting like he owns everybody! what an asshole!
Riju disapprovingly: he didn’t do anything though.
Sidon whispers: but he owns me…
Link signs to everybody: guys, i don’t know how to say this, so i’ll whisper it in Mars’ ear and he’ll blurt it out in astonishment.
Link: *whispering very garbled words in my ear*
Link and Zelda get into a fight.
Link signs: i hate you!
Zelda signs back: well i hate you too!!
Link meekly signs: *sobbing* you what?
Link signs randomly: synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest, that just sounds nice and cozy, but if i invite you to my cabin in the woods, you’re going to die.
Zelda signs back: my favorite is “butt dial” versus “booty call”
I sign: it’s called connotation
Riju signs: *smirking at everyone* also “forgive me father i have sinned” versus “sorry daddy, i have been naughty”
Mipha signs quickly: *choking on her water* great news! language is cancelled!
Riju signs: sometimes i wish i had become a mother
Link signs: but you already are!!!
I sign: yeah what about us!!!!
The others sign: yeah!!!!!!
Riju signs: you guys do realize i’m your friend, not your mother, right?
All of us: *writing in our diaries* today i was disowned by my mother
[i would like to add some of these were a bit edited to fit how my DR works and all, but credits to the original creators of the memes and thanks for the inspo to them]
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drdemonprince · 2 years
here is how attempts at empathy work, for me.
if i have the time and energy to do it, i can present myself with a question about how another person might feel in a given situation and answer it pretty easily. my answer will usually seem pretty sensible so long as it's a scenario i don't have some really extreme bias about. but the answer will be like completely superficial unless i have heard specific stories from other people about how it feels.
so for example, i can ask myself "how would a person feel if they really want to learn about a topic of personal and intellectual interest, but the one book that exists on the subject hasnt been translated to their language?"
and i can say "oh, probably frustrated! or like they're stuck waiting."
but that is basically just a verbal answer on my part, because i know it's the sensible thing to say or to hear someone tell me if they went through it. none of that even remotely scratches the surface of how it actually feels. and usually i cant get access to that truth even if somebody else tells me how they feel. i have to experience the thing or imagine really hard by mapping it onto an experience i have had. or i have to have heard a lot of people talk about the experience and the various ways its felt for them -- in detail, not just them saying it made them frustrated or sad or what have you.
most verbal and nonverbal expressions of emotion from other people are pretty muted for me. but hearing someone describe their feelings or their situation at length helps me get it and helps me process on a deeper level. a lot of times i try to hack this in real time by explaining a person's situation back to them to see if i've gotten it right, and if my description seems to emotionally move them. if it does then they get really relieved and feel comforted and thank me for my empathy. which works out great really
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id-rather-be-home · 6 months
how do you think byler handles it when either of them wants to back out of a sexual interaction mid way/during? like, would their be a safe word involved, would a simple “stop” be enough, or something else? i’d love to hear you’re thoughts on how’d they communicate!!!
i absolutely LOVE this question anon!
there aren't a ton of fics out there that explore this concept (which makes sense) but it is definitely one that I want to touch on in my own story so i'm very excited to get this ask
i think sometimes there can be situations in which the other just knows when their partner is uncomfortable or simply not in the mood anymore. it'd be very on par for mike's character especially to pick up on the tiniest body cues coming from will! picking up on those would be enough for mike (or will) to back up and check in, to ask if there's anything wrong, if they want to keep going, etc.
other times, of course, picking up on nonverbal body cues isn't as easy, especially when they're in the middle of foreplay or having sex. i do think that most of the time a basic "stop" would be enough for the both of them to back off and check in. this would probably be in cases of their regular less kinky sex where they feel that an actual safe word isn't necessary BUT they do definitely have an established safe word just in case
for example, if they're doing something kinkier or even a bit less vanilla (like bondage, spanking, overstimulation) then the safe word would be more likely to be used just because sometimes "stop" doesn't always actually mean stop. i can see them making the safe word be something as common as "red" or the general traffic light system where it's green for good, yellow for slow down, and red for stop. i don't think they'd make it anything like "vecna" or something related to the upside down since that could be heavily triggering, especially during something as emotional and vulnerable as sex
when either of them needs to stop there is of course aftercare involved! the aftercare will differ depending on when they needed to stop or what they were doing or why they needed to stop. like, will telling mike "stop" or "hang on" when they're making out simply because he's not in the mood or he's too busy for sex is very different than him telling mike "stop" when they're in the middle of actual sex or a scene
aftercare for the first could be something small like mike kissing will's forehead and telling him, "i love you" before they carry on as usual. aftercare for the second scenario would be a lot more involved, with mike first being focused on getting will out of whatever possible bad headspace he was in with cuddling or giving him space to breathe and then talking to him about what it was that made him need to stop so they can avoid it in the future. and that could all be followed up with a bath, food and water, even more cuddling, etc. there's always verbal comfort thrown in, like mike (or will) telling the other how much they love them, thanking them for telling them, all that jazz
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transkingcobra · 6 months
Okay I got this idea while trying to sleep last night and then proceeded to write most of it until 3am instead of just noting it rip
Finished this scenario and I actually mostly like it for not having written in ages and I never feel like I capture others’ characters correctly
Halsin x m!named!Tav
(x2 but mainly focusing on one in this)
Diex finds himself jealous and then proceeds to panic about it. Halsin snaps him out of it and talks him through it.
Mainly angst I guess, ‘tis sfw, moment of jealousy not aimed at other current partner if that matters to anyone, anxiety/panic attack, going nonverbal for a bit, I think that is everything?
A little background/explanation before the lil fic because I know I’ve shared not a damn thing about these two but it should be completely skippable, just know that Diex is a changeling in his tiefling persona to start this. If you’re confused you can always go back to read it after and/or send asks, was trying to keep it short I’m already rambling
Background info:
First and foremost, Nix and Diex are changeling brothers who both fell for Halsin. I want to emphasize there is nothing between the brothers other than being brothers, no incest, they do not share Halsin in those moments.
Nix (ranger) is mute and solely communicates via signs or writing (I think I wrote it understandably but the quotes that are italicized are signed). Diex (druid) is with him 99% of the time so he’ll translate signing to spoken language for ease/speed of communication to others.
They’re technically not “Tavs” as in neither of them is the leader and they’re not worm-wielders, another bean is in the “Tav position” but I didn’t even mention him in this. They were hanging out to help out with the tieflings in the grove (as their tiefling personas) before joining the group.
Context for slight mention of their past, Diex was on the run for 10 years where both brothers were completely alone before finally finding each other again.
The brothers usually use their tiefling personas to travel with the group since that is the one the party knows and met them in, and drop it at camp since they prefer to just be themselves.
I think that is all but let me know if something feels missing?
Today was a prep day, everybody gathering potions and ammunitions, sharpening weapons, preparing spells. Halsin and Diex wandered vendor stalls together in the city, looking for anything the others had need of. The two became lost in their own worlds and drifted a few stalls apart before the changeling started to notice a woman’s obnoxious flirting.
“I’ll bet those strong hands of yours can do far more than that.” The woman’s advances earned an amused hum from the man she had her sights on. Wait. Diex lifted his gaze and turned to where the voices had come from and, sure enough, there she was standing and staring at Halsin. He didn’t hear anything else that was said; his feet took him over to his bear immediately. Arms wrapped around Halsin’s waist, Diex flashed the woman a dirty look, made worse by his morphing face but angled so the much taller druid couldn’t see.
“Well, I should uh, be getting home!” The woman grew visibly uncomfortable at his show and left in a hurry. He didn’t move, just watched her leave as his tiefling tail swayed behind him.
“Diex?” Halsin’s voice is all it takes to snap the clingy changeling out of it. He’s suddenly out of his head and in the market again, clung to his large elf. Embarrassment and shame hit him like a tidal wave. Halsin isn’t only his.
His arms fell away from the other druid and he took a step back, not sure he wanted to look Halsin in the face.
“I- I am so sorry- …Halsin I-“
“Calm, my heart. I am not angry.” A gentle hand found Diex’s chin and lifted his gaze. Halsin’s face was that of gentle concern, not anger, although Diex wasn’t sure if that was better at the moment. “Are you alright?”
“I…” He couldn’t hold the eye contact anymore, couldn’t form words, and suddenly he realized his heart felt like it was ready to escape his chest. He wanted to run, but he knew he couldn’t. Or well, shouldn’t. Not this time. He wasn’t doing that again. Not again…
The caress on his chin left only to take his hand with a gentle squeeze.
“Let us go back to the tavern.”
Diex nodded silently in response, letting Halsin guide him through the city. His mind spun like a hurricane only to crash and fall completely blank, then spin again.
Halsin was being calm, gentle, concerned even. Yet, Diex had just gone against what he had agreed to, to let the bear roam. He acted a clingy, possessive teen to their first love. Well… Halsin was his first, but he’s no kid. He should’ve known better. Been better. Halsin didn’t deserve to deal with this. Diex should’ve just said no before. Let Nix lie with Halsin in camp alone. The quiet brother was more level-headed. Mature. He thought before he acted, didn’t make stupid mistakes. Some days Diex still wasn’t quite used to living around so many people, but Nix adapted well. He lived the way he hunted, patiently with no missteps. Yes, he should’ve just said no. The minor ache of losing a crush would’ve been far more manageable than what was going to happen when they made it back to the tavern.
The Elfsong… Diex’s stomach twisted as they entered the establishment. The noise of the tavern’s crowd barely felt like it reached his ears. The stairs felt like far too many to climb yet not nearly enough to keep him away from what was to come. The common area around the main fireplace and hallway felt like he had only taken two steps before they made it to the room Halsin was using. The one he usually shared with one or both of the changelings. Diex heard the door close and felt it in his heart. He dropped his tiefling persona and stood feeling bare in front of Halsin.
The room felt suffocating. The first moments felt like hours. Every fiber of his being wanted to run again. To leave the room, the tavern, the city, the people behind. Instead, two strong hands found his shoulders, gentle but steady, and a low voice brought him back to himself.
“My love, you’re shaking…”
Halsin was right; Diex had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts he didn’t notice how unsteady he was. Did the others see? Was anybody even there as they passed the common area to get to the room? Was Nix there? Although the shaking wouldn’t have made a difference for Nix, the two knew each other far too well. The elder brother would have known something was wrong anyway.
Halsin gently sat them both down, holding Diex close but gently enough he could pull away easily. They had fought countless foes on this journey and had more than a few terrifying encounters. Diex had never flinched at those dangers yet here he was a near mess and panicked.
“My love, speak to me…” Hands left Diex as Halsin signed a broken “Please, what are you thinking?”
Bless Halsin, the man had taken up learning as many signs as he could during their travels and the brokenness pulled Diex a little more out of his own head.
“I’m stupid.” Diex couldn’t remember teaching that sign, Halsin is far too kind to need use of it, but maybe Nix did for whatever reason. The larger druid wiped a newly fallen tear from the changeling’s cheek before signing a request for Diex to spell the word he signed. “…stupid.” His voice cracked and was barely a whisper.
“I disagree.” A warm kiss graced the pale man’s head. “But you do have yourself worked up terribly, so when you are able I hope we can talk about where your mind is right now.”
By the gods, how can a man be so gentle? Diex leaned into Halsin’s chest, letting himself be held once more.
“I just… sorry I chased her off.” A low hum rumbled in Halsin’s chest.
“I am not angry, my heart. And I was not returning her advances.” A chuckle lightly shook them. “You and Nix keep me very occupied in that regard.” Diex couldn’t help the faintest hint of a smile start to form on his lips, but it quickly faded.
“…but if you did? Want to…return them? And I ruined it…” As much as he was certain it was over, Halsin felt safe. He curled himself into the bear, wrapping his arms around Halsin’s waist.
“I would still not be angry.” Halsin’s answer was soft, steady. Patient.
“But I-! We agreed that-“ Calloused fingertips hushed Diex’s onslaught of worry. He finally lifted his gaze to meet Halsin’s, those hazel eyes obviously choosing his next words.
“Nix told me I was his first in every way, and that I was more than likely yours as well. I do not expect either of you to know exactly how you are going to feel and react to a new lover. Nor do I expect you to hold yourself to that agreement should you discover it doesn’t work for you. But, I do, however, expect and ask you to be honest with yourself and with me.” Halsin’s hand lowered to caress the changeling’s cheek. “I do not wish to see you so worried. I would not want to lose you as a partner, but I would hate to see you go against your nature for me. If you ever find this does not work for you, please say so.”
“I…” For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Diex’s mind was calm. Halsin’s words comforted him but those eyes soothed his very soul. He was allowed the space to just be. Love and learn, wherever that took him. “Thank you.” He realized he’d honestly not put much thought into sharing Halsin beyond his brother, or even beyond the tadpole party just outside the door. Gods know they’d each bed him in the right situation. Though, now he’d really need to consider Halsin with a complete stranger, however odd a thought that felt to him at the moment. But he didn’t have to figure it all out immediately.
Diex stared into those gorgeous eyes a moment longer before pressing his lips to Halsin’s, soft and knowing, a promise he’d keep. Halsin gently rubbed a thumb over the pale cheek.
“Your eyes are beautiful.” Halsin spoke with a sense of gentle awe, and the comment caught Diex so off guard that he felt a blush rise to his cheeks. His eyes were beautiful? They were but a blank slate; Halsin’s eyes were beautiful. The way they glimmered as he chuckled only proved the point even more.
“What?” Diex huffed half a laugh, not seeing what his bear found funny now.
“Your eyes turned hazel. Mine, I presume?” Oh. Well, if he wasn’t visibly blushing before, his face was red now, quickly turning away and actively dismissing his unintended eye color.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” It’s been a long time since he’s morphed unintentionally, and never had he mimicked someone, even purposefully.
“You’ve nothing to apologize for, my heart.”
“Gods… that’s twice today I’ve felt like a child.”
“Perhaps I could read you a bedtime story and tuck you in tonight?” Halsin chuckled as he teased, although something in Diex said the bear would do so if he genuinely asked.
“No! If you must read someone to sleep with bedtime stories, I’ll sleep alone and let Nix have you to himself tonight.”
They laughed and held each other close. Halsin was content Diex had settled back into himself, reassured in his arms.
There was a knock at the door, a pattern familiar only to Diex. He returned it tapping on the wooden floor, loud enough for Nix to hear outside. The ranger walked in, closing the door behind him before sitting next to the druid pretzel.
“I didn’t interrupt, did I? Are you alright? The expressions the two of you had got Karlach pacing.” Ah, so they did see. Diex habitually released Halsin to sign his response.
“Yeah, I’m good now. Do I have to let Karlach squeeze me so she doesn’t burn down the Elfsong?” The younger changeling’s smile and soft chuckle at the thought seemed to relieve Nix of some concern.
“It wouldn’t hurt. Well, maybe a little for you. Maybe wildshape first.” The two druids laughed at Nix’s idea, who let out his own amused breath.
The three of them eventually joined the rest of the party for dinner. Karlach got her hug, of course, after much assurance that Diex was fine. Most of them were confused about what she was even concerned over, much to his relief. He knew Shadowheart and Astarion could be nosy, but even they let it drop when he said it was between him and Halsin. Although, Nix’s blank stare from behind his younger brother may have pushed them to stay quiet.
The three would talk more later, if not just the brothers. Nix might have advice for how he’s been navigating the relationship. Then again, he may not know what he’s doing either. But that was for later. Right now, he had good food to enjoy and even better company to enjoy it with.
I hope Halsin felt like Halsin, I never feel like I write characters correctly anyway and trying to write about a relationship where one of them literally says that word is “unfamiliar to [his] lips” feels weird, but also a friendship is a relationship so 🤷‍♂️ and some shit just felt weird using any words, fanfic wiggle room I guess. Hope I did him justice in any case lol.
I do wanna write/draw more about these guys, funny enough I have more ideas about Nix with Halsin than Diex, but the writing demons possessed me for this specific idea last night lmao. Their dynamics are fun in my head plus the idea of exploring the brothers running into another changeling who is very not nice and everything they avoid being is something I wanna do as well cough even if orin has bs abilities for a changeling cough Nix was my first dnd character I made without help and a few years later played his brother, while now bringing them into bg3 has been living in my head rent free lol
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crabonfire · 2 years
Loss and comfort.
Characters: scout.
Warnings: Loss, grieving, reader not taking care of themselves.
Not a warning, but S/O gets nonverbal when they are sad.
note: hii
This is an update, so if you're an active follower of mine, please read before continuing on. This month, my mental health and overall well being has not been the best. I know I keep taking breaks, but unfortunately, these said breaks are necessary. I just lost my cats, and I'm coping as best I can. Please be patient with what I write, and I hope you all enjoy it.
Scenario: You've recently lost somebody close to you, and you're still sortve processing everything. You've been in your room all day, not eating or taking care of yourself overall, and scout decides to check up on you.
• When you two are out in the field, usually he'd like to show off to you, because you would always compliment or even make fun of him a bit, but today, you were so quiet.
• all you'd give him was a simple nod, a small smile, or just a thumbs up while you continued on your battle.
• so his first thought was that he did something wrong, and after the battle, he wanted to go and talk to you, but the moment the battle was done you hurried off to your room.
• something was definitely wrong, and he thought it was something he'd do, or have said that day.
• he was still thinking about what to do, so he sorta just...waited for you to come out instead of coming to you, probably still thinking about what to ask, or say.
• but you never did.
He'd walk by your room, ask if anybody had seen you, but you never once stepped out of your room. Not even to eat, or to do anything at all. It was like you were never there.
• so, he came over to your room, plate of dinner in hand as he knocked gently.
"Yo babe, you in there? Ya didn't come out for dinner, so I saved you a plate."
After he heard some shuffling, there you were.
• his face dropped, noticing your tear stained face, nose red and puffy, presumably from crying.
"Oh shit, what happened?"
And right when he asked, you started to cry again.
• after some time, you'd finally calm down from your crying, slowly eating the eggs engie had cooked for dinner. He sat next to you on your bed, worried eyes focused on your face.
• "You...wanna talk about it?"
You nodded a "no" quickly, and continued eating more. He simply said "okay" and let you eat your food in silence. He didn't know what to do, or what to say, you weren't saying anything either.
"Was it something I said?" You nodded another "no".
• though after a bit, you placed the food on your desk nearby, got a piece of paper, and wrote something to him. The paper read;
I don't talk when I'm upset. That's just how I am. I don't want to talk about it right now, but thank you for being here. It's not anything that you did, but I'm just not ready to tell you yet. I'm sorry.
He read, relieved it wasn't about him, but worried about what had made you so upset, you stopped taking care of yourself.
"...do you want to be alone? Or do you want me to stay?" He asked, looking up at you with bright eyes. You contemplated for a bit, but you wrote,
I'd like to be alone. Is that okay?
"Totally, don't even worry about it babe." He smiled softly at you, he gave you a pat on the back before he continued,
"No matter what it is your upset about, I'll always be here for ya, okay? Nothin' will be too much for the both of us ta handle, and I know your a strong, badass person."
He smiled wider when he saw you smile too, "I love ya babe," He leaned to give you a kiss on your forehead, "I love you so much."
• The next morning, when he saw you he immediately went over to you.
"How are you baby? Feelin' better?" He asked, a spark of joy in his eyes, just happy to see you were able to get out of bed.
"Yeah, thanks for asking Jeremy. You really helped a lot last night."
You two spent the day together, having fun and battling like usual, and when you calmed down, you decided that it's better to tell him what happened then to keep it in.
So, you sat him down in your room.
"My...friend passed away. It was a week ago but, I had just heard about it yesterday. I didn't know how to...feel about it. I mean or course I'm sad but, I just can believe it you know? I can't believe that they're gone..." You sighed, "And I can't believe I can't see em anymore. I won't talk to them anymore, we won't hang our anymore and I won't be able to see them ever again...it hurts you know?"
He felt his heart drop, oh god, how sorry he felt for you. Tears fell from your eyes as you vented to him, heart beating fast as you remembered all the things you did with them. It hurts to see them go you know?
When you were done, he didn't know what to say, but he pulled you in for the tightest, yet friendliest hug you've ever had in your life. He gripped your chest, letting you cry into his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry."
You sobbed into him, and it felt like you did so for an eternity. Yet with his shirt now soaked, he didn't even move out of that tight embrace once. Didn't even consider it.
"Dying sucks so bad. It feels like...when your with them it's jus' You guys against the world! I get it, but life can be a piece a' shit and ruin it all." He said, "I know ya cared for em, you really loved them too, and they mustve loved you just as much..."
He pulls away to look at you, eyes determined to make you feel better.
"It feels like...the world won. They took somebody from you, and that's so ass." He struggled to find the right words but he continued anyways, "But that doesn't mean you should give up. Wherever your friend is, I'm sure they're still there, havin' fun and lookin' after ya."
You chuckle through your tears, a bitterness reverberating in your chest when you say, "That's so damn cliche.." He nods, "Yeah, but...that doesn't mean it's wrong."
"It's okay to cry, it's okay to...break down and think life is shit. But I want you to know that it won't always be like this. Life is one big party babe, it's good, then bad, good again, then maybe bad again. It's crazy! But...somehow, in the bad, we always get back up on our feet."
He smiled, "And I know you will too. It might take you a while to move on, or even think of them without cryin', but I wantcha' to know that it's alright...these things take time man, it doesn't take a second to just suddenly be happy again, and that's okay."
"When life gives you lemons, you cut them up and squirt lemon juice all over life's eyes! Because, your strong, and fuck life for fuckin' you up!"
You laughed, making him smile wider.
"Wow, this is kind of out of character for you. Didn't know you were so good at this stuff, Jer."
He blushed, and laughed, "Hell yeah, I AM good at this stuff. How'd you just notice that? Wow babe, you don't pay attention to me." He scoffed dramatically, placing a hand to his heart all offended. You roll your eyes, "Oh shut up."
"...thank you though, for all this...your a good listener, and a surprisingly good therapist too."
He simply smirked at that, "Yer welcome babe, if you want a shoulder to cry on, or somebody to talk to, yer boyfriend is here for ya!"
rushed the ending because I stopped crying when I wrote this haha!! this was sortve just me writing myself advice so that I could cope better with loss LMFAOOO
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