#but like. all my favourite ones deactivated their blogs!?????
unityrain24 · 5 months
hell on tungle
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cupcakesmoothie · 1 year
I just found out shinybluewizard deactivated :(
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
So what are your plans when all the writers are gone from Tumblr because of the lack of reblogs?
Genuine question but no answer is expected since reblogs and comments are so last year, right?
This is not okay, okay?!
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and these are the better ones I've seen.
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mayasaurusss · 10 days
Serious talk.
So I haven't been active on Tumblr for a while now, studying for exams and all, and I come on here, waiting to see some posts from one of my favourites mots, deerlottie, and see that he has deactivated his account due to some arsehole begin transophobic on his inbox. I don't usually do these types of posts but this needs to be talked about.
I want you to know that you are an awful human begin. There's no other way to put it. You are a genuinely awful person and I hope that all the pain you caused deerlottie comes back to you.
You have no idea how lucky you are.
Do you even know how horrible it is to be born in a body that doesn't feel right? That doesn't feel like yours? I had a boyfriend who was transexual and I saw in his eyes everyday the pain of not begin able to pass, of not begin able to feel like himself. It is a pain that we cisgendered people will never know and you have no fucking right telling someone that they are wrong for begin transexual. You do not know how lucky you are.
We as humans want to put ourselves into the world, to seek people like us, and art is the world's most ancient form of expression. It's natural we put ourselves into characters we like, whether thats by gender or even personality. For you to hate a demographic of people so much that you bully someone out of a lovley community just for the way they headcanoned some FICTIONAL characters is diabolical.
They are not real.
We all loved deerlottie and their headcanons made people feel good about themselves and represented their struggles, both sexually and socially.
Deerlottie, if you see this, which I doubt you will because you've probably left tumblr for good, I want you to know that you are loved. That we miss you and hope you will come back, that it's okay if you won't and we understand that this kind of hate could very well made someone quit their blog. We love you and we hope you will come back.
And for anyone out there, I want you all to know that my blog is and will always be welcome for trans people. I will always try my best to portray with accuracy your experiences, wheter that's reflected on the reader or on the yj characters. I will always welcome you.
Anon, I hope you will understand that your actions have hurt someone. Not a silly image on a godforsaken app, but a real human begin. You made someone quit something that they loved. Next time you want to be mean to another person, though, don't go anonymus. Show your face.
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bitesizedpoetry · 3 months
hello x
what are your favourite poetry blogs?
I did not expect this innocuous question to make me so sad. Because I went through my following list and this is a snippet of what stared back:
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Almost all my favourite poetry blogs are either inactive or have been deactivated, and now I'm wishing I saved their poems that took my heart in their hands and shook it like a snow globe.
Still, here are my favourite active (at least within the year) poetry blogs in no particular order: also included some excerpts of their writing. And hopefully I didn't miss anyone. If I did, might have thought you were inactive, but I still love your poetry, promise!
@prasannawrites "You offer me your hand to hold & I look to your palm, creating a deity out of this" "…creating small gods from the mundane…" "How could I fit words into a prayer, when I can just as easily warm your hand on a cold night?"
@palladiumfragments "you're only worth something when you're suffering" "you have become the women in the mythology you loved so much as a child." "a dagger is the only thing that awaits you on the altar. you can reinvent yourself all you want but the rot is in the thread."
@amiablesummer "You laugh and laugh, lie down on the kitchen floor where you're not meant to lie, let alone laugh, and you're not meant to die there either. But what if we did, what if we stayed on the floor of the kitchen forever until the world burned from the too-bright sun and the oceans drowned all our utensils, one by one?"
@haikkun "I was a bird once / Tore my feathers in a dream / Though I beheld six kinds of light / Could only chase them via screams"
@kiisuuumii "i am still, just a small rabbit, fur grown in, black, and it is in my nature, still, to be taken, simply, as prey…" "…in the willingness to succumb to nature…" "i place my neck between the jaws of the wolf."
@ellisnightingale "It’s cloudy out, I like that best. Rain dusts the windowpane. So light it hardly makes a sound and the sky is dark again. I’m sure it’s cold but I won’t check, I’ll stay here where it’s dry. I don’t need sun on days like this."
@conversationswithme "I remember more this time, 1:52 in the morning / 10/29 - my cat is dead and I can’t whisper the / ugly in his ear. I have to write it here. / for me. / for you. / anyone. / I remember - that pungent, burnt smell - that / I can’t forget, and now knowing it / was the meat of a small person, / known as me. / I heard she grew up okay, though."
@cherokeeghostwriter "I am / four hours of sleep / meets, uncounted cups of coffee / meets, my fascination with the rain / dripping from the roof"
@memories-beneath-the-skin This entire poem
@leechteethwrites "Some things I could have never prepared for…" "The way the sky stretched itself after I no longer believed in heaven." "…I am still haunted by unshakable cruelties…" "The parts of my mother's girlhood I failed to rescue."
@sincerelygarden "I look at myself and lose my mind" "My instinct is telling me to find shelter / I can not blanket myself with this skin-" "I am in it, I know this. I can not crawl out, I am in it, I know…" "I look at myself and she doesn't make sense to me but I remember when she did"
I remember being asked similar questions years ago, and here are some of my answers when my other favourite poets/writers were still active. Please go through their archives, and you'll find so many hidden treasures. (And if any of them see this now, please start writing & sharing your work again soon. And to the active ones now, please continue writing & sharing, and I see some of you are starting to not be active now too...don't do that pls & ty)
If anyone has recommendations or if you have a poetry blog, please let me know in the replies or reblogs (so that more people can see this, maybe?), or message me privately. This ask made me realise I need more poetry blogs to follow.
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5:03PM | Lee Felix
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Pairing: Lee Felix x Fem!Reader
Request: From Anon
Sypnosis: Felix doesn't want his not so secret favourite person to stay while they continue to practice.
Warnings: None. Mentions of reader being a staff member.  Formally titled Happiest. This is a repost from my now deactivated blog.
Word Count: 518
Stray Kids Masterlist | Tag List Sign-Up | Requesting Guidelines
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The cameras had finally stopped rolling for the day and Felix was sitting on the couch at the back of the dance practice room with his ‘not so secret’ favourite staff member, helping her eat the grapes she had stashed in her bag from lunch.   
Felix just so happened to be also Y/N’s ‘not so secret’ favourite member of Stray Kids, even though she got on well with all of them, bonding mostly with Han and Lee Know whose personalities matched hers well. They had been the two who wormed their ways into not just her work life but her personal life too. Felix soon after created himself a special place in her heart, followed by the others. She couldn’t imagine her days without them, especially Felix. The closeness of the two always has the people around them questioning if they were dating. But so far, their relationship has consisted of friendship and mutual pining, neither of them wanting to make the first move because of the possible consequences they would face.  
“Are you going to keep practicing?” She asks him, trying to make herself more comfortable on the couch while facing him.   
“I think Channie hyung wants to go over the choreography a few more times,” he tells her, taking her legs and places them over his lap. His small hands, that were somehow bigger than hers by less than a centimetre, starts kneading at her thighs.   
“I should probably head out then,” she says, even though she usually likes to hang around for a little while longer to watch them practice without having to be working and having cameras around. “I’ve got to run a few errands before heading home.”   
“Stay please,” Felix pouts giving her sad eyes to get her to stay. "I like having you here, watching us. It motivates me to keep going,” he suddenly blurts out when she looks at him, not convinced.  
At his words, her cheeks burn red, as she lifts her hands to her face. She always did it when someone made her blush, not wanting the other person to see how affected she was by their words or their actions.  
“You can’t just say stuff like that, Lix,” she pretends to scold him from behind her hands. Though she wants nothing more than for his words to be true because when she’s with him she feels the happiest she’s ever been.   
“But it’s true,” he said, the tone in his voice lower and more serious than a few minutes ago. He takes her hands in his and moves them away from her voice. “Please stay until we’re finished.”  
“Can you two please stop flirting, we have stuff to do,” Bang Chan’s voice comes from the centre of the room, interrupting the two. Everyone was starting to get into their positions.  
“Fine I’ll stay,” she gives in and moves her legs off his lap so he can join the others.  
Felix smiles brightly and happily kisses her cheek before he makes his way over to the others and gets into the position they were going to be starting from. 
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Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated. 
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TAGGED: @staytiny2000 - @dancelikebutterflywings - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @jedi-dreea - @rainydayteacups - @tinyelfperson
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
regarding beandaifuku
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hello, people. as you may have known, i have deactivated my old blog (beandaifuku) since about a month ago or so. i really appreciate the love and support received for the blog and the memories created there. as it was my first time creating in tumblr, i am grateful that fun memories were created there, as well as the amount of friends i've made from there
i understand that it was hypocritical of me to delete that blog when i did say i will just keep it archived when i first moved here because i understand the feeling of having works you like deleted. firstly, i am sorry for that. so, i created a collection in AO3 where i have archived some of my works from beandaifuku to there. aside from that, i also have reblogged a few fics and works such as the headcanons to a side blog. you can visit them with these links
AO3 collection
as of why i deactivated the blog in the first place—it is mainly because i want to fully move on from it. the writing, the works—they are quite immature writings, so to speak. there are works that i am NOT proud of and i do not want to see it existing. i know it won't fully get deleted since some people did reblog the works, but at least it will just stay in that bubble.
i have archived some fics but i definitely will not archive ALL works or drabbles i have done. because then, what's the point of deleting the blog if i'm just gonna have all works stay up.
and honestly, i also don't see the point of keeping it up when i do not even use the blog anymore. the blog was also infected with (porn)bots liking and following. and quite a number of my fics were flagged unfairly with community labels. as of now, i am very comfortable with my not-so-new identity and blogs.
now, onto some other things.
i know some people probably noticed my attitude on vampire!nikolai AU. frankly said, i have 100% moved on from it. i lost interest with it. generally, i do not really reblog those posts about writers and readers discourse/opinions—usually about how readers should at least give some comments or appreciation for the works a writer has done. i never talk about it, but that doesn't mean i don't care. in fact, i was heavily affected by it in the old blog.
that happened with vampire!nikolai AU after its so-called hype has passed. i was still enthusiastic about it as there were a few people giving asks about it. but that enthusiasm was not reciprocated, which led me to lose interest about it totally. i have completely moved on and i have other AUs i want to explore and write about, such as my latest ongoing series, Trash Sugar Magic.
on a side note, just saying, one of the reasons i'm not sick of stalker!au despite it has basically ended a few months ago is because some people literally analysed the fic and its details—which is like my favourite type of discussion. trust me, your enthusiasm towards a writer's work will keep their enthusiasm alive too.
i really appreciate people who love and find joy in my old works. i definitely am. it was a hard decision for me to deactivate it either since i know people are still tuning in. matter of fact, i have contemplated it for months and started by slowly taking down/privating the stuff i have posted there. and for that, i am deeply sorry.
these are all the information i could share. i honestly do not want to talk about it and keep the rest of my reasons private. but i hope you guys understand and respect my decision. i have no plan of deactivating doukeshi-kun and/or cherikolya. the worst i do in this blog are just blocking people indiscriminately and deleting old insignificant posts.
tldr; i deactivated the old blog because i have moved on and i don't want to see the fics i'm not proud of stay up and my enthusiasm wasn't reciprocated which led me to lose motivation and interest to continue on with certain AU.
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sjw-publishings · 5 months
Hey everyone,
This is an update to my post I made recently about Dumb and Jocked’s sudden departure. If you haven’t read that, it will be over: here.
Before I begin though, something I discovered is that for some of the reblogged dumb and jocked stories with the ‘read more’, the rest of the story can be viewed in your drafts if you choose to reblog it but do not post, and also through the edit button.
Not necessarily the best way to read stories and also not all stories can be read via that way, but some are possible. So I recommend doing so and saving your favourite writer’s stories in drafts as you will never know what may happen in the future.
I am grateful to the messages and responses people have given me in light of the situation.
I generally don’t tend to talk to many people on tumblr as my stories can be rather controversial and niche, and I'm very appreciative of the support and information people have given me in light of Dumb and Jocked’s disappearance. Thank you.
As of then, there is a mention that Dumb and Jocked has written a post that he needed time off from Tumblr before he deactivated his account.
However I cannot confirm this as there were no screenshots/reblogs saved/provided, and even if Dumb and Jocked posted that, he could’ve easily reconsidered it and just closed his Tumblr himself.
While it does bring some slight hope, there’s no guarantee he would ever return.
However there’s good news regarding archives for Dumb and jocked’s stories. Which Im grateful for the Tumblr community taking steps to reblog/like/save the posts via different means.
Special shoutout to both @imsrtman and @user211201, who have posted several of Dumb and Jocked’s stories, on Tumblr and their blogspot.
@user211201 has saved multiple of Dumb and Jocked stories, including the Protocol one which had been gone a while back even before Dumb and Jocked left tumblr. I also reblogged his re-post on Branded on my tumblr account, as it’s one of the stories where you cannot access it via editing it in your drafts.
He also continued to post more of his stories and has a list of them on his tumblr post over: Here.
Do check the other pinned post on his tumblr page for the table of contents as for what stories he has already posted too.
@imsrtman has managed to archive most of dumb and jocked stories, including making the effort to put the Tumbex links of Dumb and Jocked’s stories into an excel sheet, and most importantly archiving them before they got removed on Tumbex.
I cannot express how thankful I am to him as I thought I had missed my chance in saving the stories on Tumbex due to my exhaustion. Thanks to him Im able to save both Breeding Grounds stories.
He also a blogspot consisting of various of Dumb and Jocked’s stories and he is planning to add more of Dumb and Jocked’s stories in the future. You can find the link to his blogspot post over: here. (Edit: Imsrtman mentioned in the replies/notes of this post that it is not his blogspot and he has a different blog, @dumb-and-jocked-archive)
Please give both of them many thanks, as well as anyone else who has archived/reblogged/saved stories on behalf of the community. Without people who archive, many of the stories of blogs that are gone would be gone forever.
That’s all for my update. If there’s any crucial information that I may have missed out on, do reply to this post for others to know.
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styles-harriet · 5 months
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In my version of Utopia, these are best friends and have their own podcast called the BOOPSTERS ( obviously Bobs was the one who named it ) .
This was the art that was working on for days and I rewarded myself to this after one of my exams today !!!
Not a big rant because I'm tired and sleepy af but still wanna post because I love waking up to y'alls notifications
@beasartblog - one of my first favourite art blog on tumbler and @beesandfigs-abandoned tons of hot and cute love island art , and i just love love their art style. Definitely check them out .(I was gonna tag this way earlier but I thought they deactivated and stopped using tumbler until I saw them liking my post,?!?)
(if you are a account who posts and needs shoutout, dm me or send me an ask and I'll be more than happy to include you)
Update - uhmm wtf guys ? 😭I just woke up to this and this is the most craziest y'all have gotten with the love. Thankyou so much and I'm glad everyone is loving the BOOPSTERS. Maybe they'll be back some day or maybe you'll be treated to some new faces soon since my exams end on 23rd.
Also Seb ->I wanted to do one guy per season ( I don't consider season 5 and 6 a season and I haven't played season 7 yet). Back to why I didn't add seb, I feel like he has more of an introvert energy as compared to these guys, like he's the more kinda quite funny one, and all the LIs featured in this are the loud funny ones, so I felt that the vibe was a BIT different.
Main blog
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y0oni3 · 1 year
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➤  ❁   ◙   4OO followers!?  ⊹  ⌦
WHEN??? HUHH?? like .... whoever keeps following me, your a real one, thank you bro.
ANYWAY.. ily all i think yall know that by now (good), here are some of my favourite blogs:
✦   fav blogs:
@i08wony 、 @w-eons 、 @yeritos 、 @y-unjins 、 @raeceah 、 @i8kyu 、 @i04rei 、 @i-haerins 、 @et-a 、 @baesol 、 @eliatopia 、 @y2qi 、 @y-uisa 、 @y-urios 、 @y8ves 、@tzulipss 、 @gigittamic 、 @jnssite-deactivated20230830 (wait why did they deactivate?) 、 @jenfaery 、@i6yunjins 、@i06gyu 、 @webzzo 、@y-urios 、 @i07liz 、 @i07swan 、 @jeonzio 、 @y-vestual 、@y-ves 、 @aftersacrifice 、 @umiena 、@haeivn、 @hyvrin、 @haewrin 、@interstellarz 、@2592 、@umiena 、@i07liz 、@7anni 、@7hyein 、@7minji 、@ph-anni 、@riaue 、@pha-m 、@r-ampage 、@contexty 、@chaewonmelin 、@w-onbin 、@w-onies 、@w-oun 、@y-vei 、 ++ andd much much more!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
⧆   cant tag these blogs but these are my other fav blogs;    ➱    ▦    
@/eunsite、@/e-unchaes、 @/eunaray etc etc!
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anonymoosen · 7 months
hi! I'm bored and so I was wondering to drop this in your inbox!--
who r your favorite tumblr artists, both activated and deactivated? also good job on reaching 102 followers in like what- 5 months??? congrats!!! (I wish I was like u I've I've trying so hard and I only got like 20+ and its been a whole fucking year ANYWAY-)
@circusfreakk @rainybow8231 @laazytoaster @bonniecupcake @theautumnalcat @mushy-madness @merchuu @aceisew @ditzdove @porcelainfreak-zacrucian @strawowoberry @spaceboibrainrot @ghoul-ish-art @vinililacart @ematooney @reynaruina @nohemi650
@inimoose @moringmark @shandzii @bamsara @cosmicriff @l-ii-zz @emositecc @pichichustudios
(IMPORTANT MENTIONS: @ijustlikeiz @electronicribbonfashion @zims-left-antenna FOR BEING AMAZIM MUTUALSSS!! I ADORE THEM AND THEYRE MY ZIMPAIS TOO)
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solargeist · 6 months
Oi so long story short doubt you will remember me at all (hell I don't even remember if I used to ask here without anon on its been so long) but I been following you from around the three ghost au time i think it was called? It had a blue ghostbur for all I remember. Around 2022 prob. But like around January for mental health reasons I quitted most social media, and sometimes I do check my blog and today I suddenly remembered you existed so I went to check in and not only did I think you deactivated for a hot second because the new url, then I come to all this grain (last time I checked it was all Piper, you still drawing her? Ohhh and junebug they were my favourite. I love the grain too I just don't know what's going on with the hermits anymore).
But most of all what's more concerning to me is. Ghostly.
Ghostly why are you blue
oh wow !!! hi !! hope ur doing better ! i do recognize ur art style i have one of your piper drawings saved <3 !
I do still draw Piper, and Junebug ! It's just been awhile, but i still like them !
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I am in the Hermitcraft fandom now !! Specifically Grian and Scar, but I actually mostly draw Evo SMP from Grian adjgkjadk
AND IM BLUE BC IM AN ALLAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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c'est moi .....
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ruanais · 6 months
A ANOUNCEMENT !!! EDITED : I’m not gonna deactivate it cause I just realised I’m too attached to this blog help-
hello !! I’m here to make a important announcement <3 so !! okay this might come as a shock, but I will be leaving @/ruanais ( a few days later cause I need time to clean things up ) !! T-T I’m really sorry but I simply don’t have the time or dedication to this blog anymore :( every single one I’ve ever met on this account was rlly nice esp my mutals and I’m so glad I got to meet every one of you <3
@silverbladexyz : gosh, we’ve been mutals for quite a while Huh ? I’m so grateful to you even tho we don’t rlly talk much anymore sihdjsjdjsjahhsjsj thank u for being with me after all this time !! :D
@justcallmesakira : we haven’t talked tooo much but I’m happy to have met you !! your works are amazing and I hope you’ll continue to grow <3 mwah !
@yuukimiyas : I’ve always looked up to you as one of my favourite writers so imagine my surprise when you followed me !! :0 your posts always make me rlly happy !! :D
@chuuyrr : I’ve always loved ur chuuya’s fics and they’re just so ??????? they’re my meal for three times a day Frfr !! :3
@sinmalssimp : raven, I’m really proud of you for being able to be so strong <3 you’re going amazing and I hope you’ll have a amazing life !!
@yuutx : thank u for being my mutal for so so long as well !!!!! you’re such a nice and kind person and you’re like a younger sister to me <3
@gojoath : cella !! omfg ur one of the people who managed to get me back into jujutsu kaisen T^T ur works r absolutely gorgeous and ur yuta series ?!?!???? chef’s kiss -///-
@vrachis : one of my og mutals ever since I started tumblr ! :3 also thank u for getting me into v tubers cause now im watching their streams whenever I can LMAO
@aureatchi : you and red are never ever going to beat the twin allegations tbh, even the abilities u suggested to me were the same so :3 and even ur names are similar :0 anyways ! rev, thank u for being my mutal !! you’re genuinely so so so nice and T^T ur like a younger sister to me as well <3
@cheriiyaya : red, you’re just like reverie so it’s like copy and paste except that youre more chaotic and I love your energy !!! i always laugh whenever I see ur url cause of that meme- fjdjjsjskjsj lol but you’re a younger sister too so !!! :D but yeah, I loved having convos with u !! you’re such a easy perosn to ramble to and thank you for listening to my thoughts that make no sense whatsoever !!
@rusmii : ruru !! firstly !! congratulations on 600+ honey !! you’re almost there to 1k aahhh !! we haven’t talked much but you’re such a nice person as well :(
@culturity : kady, ur such a sweetheart tbh and I always feel happy whenever I see ur posts on my dash <3 I hope that everything goes well for you in life cause you deserve it !!
@m0uchie : EMI !! you’re rlly nice and I light up whenever I see u in my inbox or notifs sjsjsbsksjjssjs I rlly wished we talked more tbh :( but we still had fun together <3
@riiwrites : riri you’re one of the people I’m closest to on tumblr and I’m so so happy I got to meet such a amazing and kind person as u !! thank u sm for everything honey !!
@beasalmeh : okay !! you’re a rlly chaotic and goofy person that I love to talk to !! seeing your messages always make my day and it’s so fun to have a conversation with you :D
@dazaisslave : ichika, you’re such a sweet friend to me and I dont and never did deserve someone like you :( thank u for everything <3
for the other mutals I didn’t add cause I’m a lazy fuck or we didn’t talk much or just became mutals so I don’t know anything abt u or we are mutals but we haven’t talked in a long time so it would be awkward + my dear followers : thank you as well ! all of you helped me in my growth as cringy as it sounds lmao sibdjshsjsjdj I could never ever have gotten to 100+ followers without u guys and I’m genuinely gonna miss u guys so fucking much :(
— ur dearest rua <3
also u guys, surprise announcement I’m not single anymore <: ur girl rua got a bf !!!!!! ahem !! but yeah !! hehe :3 I fulfilled one of my dreams !!!!!!! :D I CAN FINALLY TELL MY FRIENDS IM SOMEONE WHO GETS BITCHES 😍 /j
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hacked-by-jake · 10 months
Hello hbj, hope you are well! I am immensely sad because of the unfinished V for Vendetta fanfics, they are fascinating stories but the authors stopped updating, I wanted to know If you have anything to recommend me? I read your recommendation and I'm extremely passionate about it, Too bad it stopped being updated a long time ago
Oof, that's a hard thing. I've read so many incredible fics and I fear I don't remember most names. But I also searched for ones I enjoyed the most back then and had to discover that many one shots I've read on Tumblr vanished. They blogs are deactivated or they changed their names. I don’t know. But I'm very sad about it.
So first of all for your information, I have always read more One shots so I can hardly really give recommendations for several part fics. But I enjoyed them a lot so hopefully you will as well. Oh, and I won’t lie, many fics/one shots include smut and nsfw content. I don't know if you're okay with this, I hope so because I can really recommend them. Well and I hardly read anything else than smut. 😂 (Some "one shots" still have several parts)
I also read a lot on AO3, which is why all recommendations will come from there. Since, as I said, many fics on Tumblr are no longer to be found.
I can also recommend you to search for v for vendetta on AO3. I have read a lot of fan fictions released after 2021. Or Evey Hammond/V, you will find lots of fics there.
So, I can recommend a lot of fanfictions by blythechild
Also Me Tangere by Beth Winter
Lots of V fics by Corvidology
The account by singleword
V x Reader by undertaker_biscuit
Flesh by Trishtim
By invaderspotty
Ad meliora by Heriota_Jelly (12 parts I don't remember if it just stopped being updated)
vale, salve by winter_hiems
Halfway by JackHawksmoor
Veritas Vincit: The Fallen Rose by NuriaSchnee
And one of my absolute favourites: (I thought it's gone but then I found it and almost cried) also by Ko_dama
So, I don't remember all of them completely and I also re discovered some while searching for it so I don't remember every single one completely. But I thinks it's not a problem since tastes are different anyway.
If I will find more or remember more I will maybe reblog this post or make a new one. But until then, I hope you find some you like and enjoy. Have fun reading!
And also thank you for sending the ask. I'm glad you liked the first recommendation. It's still my absolute favourite v fic. I could still cry because it was never finished but what we can read is unbelievable enough.
I hope you will have a fantastic day/evening/night. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe. 💚🌹
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smimon · 7 months
I'm so freaking agitated and no idea how to calm down
Maybe venting will help
I'm worried because I've already seen two deactivated Käärijä blogs and now artists are considering removing their art from tumblr and I haven't yet seen everything and I want everything and also I might not see many or any of my convention friends this year and I might not see my fandom friends ever and I might not go to any Käärijä gig anymore (other than the one in Vantaa) and I will most likely never meet Jesse and all my art this week looks so much weaker than usual and my writing doesn't make sense and tea doesn't taste as good as it should and the world is cruel to my friends and I'm just so small and scared
Like I get it that my mood is bad because I've had some bad brain days and haven't slept well a few days in a row and had to talk to my mother yesterday and to my landlady last week and I can't find my favourite sweets at store and there might be a big cockroach infestation in my block and the weather is really really awful the whole week. But what does the knowledge change if I can't do anything against it.
My goal is to survive until Pokemon Day (next Tuesday) and then figure out what next. Until then I will reblog many posts in a row because what else can I do
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bulletproofscales · 8 months
Hey there, hope you’re well! Love your work, it’s amazing. Hope you don’t mind me asking, but was really interested in how you started writing BTS wg fics and which member of youe favourite to write about? always love your work and excited for whatever comes next :)
omg hiii!! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ first of all, thank you soso much for the support?!!?!? it always makes me happy to see likes/reblogs/ao3 comments from blogs i recognize (ಥ﹏ಥ) and this ask,,, youre making my day.
i got inot a ramble so ill put one of these hehe sorry (ง ื▿ ื)ว
i dont mind the question at all!! even if i was a deep lurker in feedism communities of most of my fandoms. looking "chubby draco malfoy " into google images since 2012 ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ and later religiously following wg-writers of whatever fandom i migrated through. i would always send so many asks, and when i got into BTS i was older, and properly aware of what feedism was, and actively looking for it on tumblr. back then it was a handful of people with now deactivated blogs and @bangtanstummies (who as im writing this blog see has a deactivated blog as well :,) , i swear going through my dms is like going through a cementary) . i try to stay in touch with as many of the people now as i can!! but everyone will know im the suckiest at texts (@cookiesuga55 will know ) but id love to chat more and be more present
anyway back to the community in 2018, i really loved their stuff, and i felt like there was still room to add new ideas (which was hard in a fandom with as much fanficiton as BTS's) , thats what inspired to make my blog!! back then it was claled bangtangchub, and i didnt know how to activate my asks, bangtanstummies was the one to let me know and we even got into a discord all of us together!!! crazy times ( ◡‿◡ *) i remember being the oldest of the group👴 i was 15 at the time, some coudl argue it wasn't my place to be writing fetish fanfiction, maybe theyre right. but i found such a happy place in my fics. not only have i met some of my closest friends through here; (people ive met in real life!?!? ) but its helped me so much to find a safe place to explore my emotions, sexuality, and craft a hobby that was all my own. i dont think im that good of a writer, but i am really so proud of having stuck to something for so long, and having worked on it all by myself.
often times i feel like i lack the motivation to do anything with my life, and just all-around consider myself someone who lacks the strength and backbone to really do hard things. and i like to think of this blog, and my journey in it, as a place that proof i can... idk,, be good at things i worked hard on.
ANYWAY!! that was a long rant. As for the character i like writing the most about!! welli role play as jungkook almost daily! so i do feel a lot of myself in him. but i love writing all characters, over the years i really made an effort to not fall into a comfortable ship, because i really do think you could spin a wheel and whatever combination of bts members ahs their own unique loving dynamic.
as for things to come!! im working on a fic inspired by some art i saw recently by @gigichingado , jikook, im really liking how its turning out, and ofc because its me, its stretching out more and more in the build up ( _ _ ") . but i want it done over this week!! ps, i saw your obese tae requests, and i can definetly get something out after that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
thank you for asking and giving me a place to rant!!
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