#v for vendetta fanfiction
hacked-by-jake · 10 months
Hello hbj, hope you are well! I am immensely sad because of the unfinished V for Vendetta fanfics, they are fascinating stories but the authors stopped updating, I wanted to know If you have anything to recommend me? I read your recommendation and I'm extremely passionate about it, Too bad it stopped being updated a long time ago
Oof, that's a hard thing. I've read so many incredible fics and I fear I don't remember most names. But I also searched for ones I enjoyed the most back then and had to discover that many one shots I've read on Tumblr vanished. They blogs are deactivated or they changed their names. I don’t know. But I'm very sad about it.
So first of all for your information, I have always read more One shots so I can hardly really give recommendations for several part fics. But I enjoyed them a lot so hopefully you will as well. Oh, and I won’t lie, many fics/one shots include smut and nsfw content. I don't know if you're okay with this, I hope so because I can really recommend them. Well and I hardly read anything else than smut. 😂 (Some "one shots" still have several parts)
I also read a lot on AO3, which is why all recommendations will come from there. Since, as I said, many fics on Tumblr are no longer to be found.
I can also recommend you to search for v for vendetta on AO3. I have read a lot of fan fictions released after 2021. Or Evey Hammond/V, you will find lots of fics there.
So, I can recommend a lot of fanfictions by blythechild
Also Me Tangere by Beth Winter
Lots of V fics by Corvidology
The account by singleword
V x Reader by undertaker_biscuit
Flesh by Trishtim
By invaderspotty
Ad meliora by Heriota_Jelly (12 parts I don't remember if it just stopped being updated)
vale, salve by winter_hiems
Halfway by JackHawksmoor
Veritas Vincit: The Fallen Rose by NuriaSchnee
And one of my absolute favourites: (I thought it's gone but then I found it and almost cried) also by Ko_dama
So, I don't remember all of them completely and I also re discovered some while searching for it so I don't remember every single one completely. But I thinks it's not a problem since tastes are different anyway.
If I will find more or remember more I will maybe reblog this post or make a new one. But until then, I hope you find some you like and enjoy. Have fun reading!
And also thank you for sending the ask. I'm glad you liked the first recommendation. It's still my absolute favourite v fic. I could still cry because it was never finished but what we can read is unbelievable enough.
I hope you will have a fantastic day/evening/night. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe. 💚🌹
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thereadersmuse · 7 months
Hope was a lot like pleasure, it was better when it was shared.
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*Also posted on ff.net.
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causeofmayhem · 5 months
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Thank you for your request!!
(more under cut)
Oh lord.
First of all, give this man a pet name.
He may not look like it but he THRIVES off of your attention and devotion to him
Anything, ANYTHING you give him makes his heart flutter in ways that no one has ever before.
But I do see him having a prefrance for petnames in languages other than English, since in his world, in his version of england, I would assume you would be jailed for even uttering a word in a language other than english
Also the fact that you would go against that??? if it's not your native language, and you still took your time to learn that language??? It just makes you even more attractive to him.
He would totally call you things like "dear" or "my love"
He's just a classy man. There's no other explenation.
I feel like in his free time he would pick up french??
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(literally kicking my feet as I write this)
Um anyways
But yeah, imagine like just sitting in the shadow gallery, watching some old movies by yourself
And then you feel his gloved hand on your shoulder as he slightly massages it
"Sorry for being late, mon cher, something came up. What are you watching?"
I'd die on the spot.
I feel like he's just a simple, romantic man like that
tysm for requesting again!! I didn't know whether I could @ your account or not. Hope you liked it, I tried my best (even tho I wrote this at 3-4 am) !!
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writeyouin · 9 months
Hello!! Omg I love your writing SOOOO much!!! If holiday requests are open, I was wondering if you might gift us with a V for vendetta Christmas fic? Like, something fluffy where reader is stuck in the shadow gallery and is having a real blue Christmas UNTIL... V surprises them with something unexpectedly festive? *cough* mistletoe *cough* ❤️❤️❤️
V X Reader – Christmas Blues Part 1 of 2
A/N – Okay, so I got two very similar xmas requests for V for Vendetta, so I’m doing this as a 2 parter. Part one is this, part 2 will be smut. You can read part one without part two.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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V stared at you, certain you must find his expression mocking behind the jeering grin of his mask. He had never intended to hurt your feelings, only to let you down gently as it were. He knew he didn’t do enough for you. There was never enough time, and his work was important… But weren’t you also important?
No, nothing could compromise his mission. If all went according to plan, he would be ready to blow up the Old Bailey in another two years, thus starting his revolution. Yet, doing such things took time, and there was so much that V had to learn and prepare. He didn’t have time to rest – not even on Christmas Eve. However, in telling you so and seeing your disappointment – Well, it was just another way in which he was a monster.
The worst part was that you were taking it in your stride. Granted, V could see how upset you were as your eyes became glassy with tears you refused to shed, but you didn’t complain; it seemed that you knew just how much his work meant to him.
And so, V left you, stating a humble apology as he passed you and made his way to the roof. He had to hurry. There was a train to catch – a train straight to the Chancellor that was jam-packed with priceless intel.
Even when V left you, you still refused to cry. A small part of you had known this would happen. It was quite likely that V didn’t celebrate Christmas anyway. How many times had he told you that the holiday was stolen from its pagan roots? Or that the name was changed to suit its Christian hosts? And now that the UK was stuck in a dictatorship, the Holiday was only used to control people – it was like a gift the Chancellor could give or take away at will.
If the population was good, they would get their later curfews and sparkly light shows, but if they ever needed further subjugation, then a false threat would be created by Suttler’s goons, and harsher lockdowns would be put in place. Then, said imaginary threat would then be taken care of just in time for New Year’s Day so the people would have a chance for revelry, all while feeling a false sense of security under their great and powerful leader.
So, that left you all alone, as usual, but you knew you couldn’t blame V. To act as he had was simply his nature. You could no more ask him to change than you could ask birds to stop flying or fish to cease swimming. You simply had to pull up your bootstraps, pick some traditions, and enjoy the Holiday spirit.
That was easier said than done since there was nobody to lift your spirits and hype you up as you did all the things you were supposed to do. After eating dinner alone, listening to Christmas music, and hosting a lone trivia card game, you were quite thoroughly depressed.
In the end, you put on a film from V’s collection. In your current mood, It’s a Wonderful Life seemed to be the right choice; besides, you liked picking a film from Suttler’s blacklist, and It’s a Wonderful Life had been banned at the start of his reign for its socialist views.
Partway through the film, you spotted V’s sparring partner – the suit of armour he tormented during his favourite movies whenever he thought he was alone. Well, if he could be V’s movie frenemy, then he could also act as your film friend.
Slowly, you started talking to him, giving your opinions on the film, and of its characters. At some point, you began acting out scenes, much as you had seen V do, though where he chose violence, you chose love. The suit was your James Stewart, and you, Donna Reed, though sometimes, you would switch roles if you thought it was a particularly good Stewart scene. You lassoed the moon for your metal friend, then you switched roles and offered it a broken mansion for its honeymoon.
Although there was no mistletoe kiss in the film, you stole some you had decorated the fireplace with anyway, placing it over the armour’s helm. It was almost as if you would have felt silly kissing it without the mistletoe, even though it was ridiculous to peck the metal beak either way. You turned away from the unmoving man so that when you did kiss him, you would be able to swing around dramatically and give him that world-ending, 1940’s bombshell of a kiss.
The film played alongside in the background as George Baily returned home safe – he was loved and cared for, and then, it was the perfect moment to swing around, throw your arms over the broad shoulders and kiss –
Your momentum carried you forward as your lips pressed against the cool metal of his mask.
You tried to scramble back, hurrying out apologies but V held you steady.
“Don’t.” He told you. “Don’t apologise.”
“V, I- I thought you were-”
“I came back,” He said as if it were the only thing that mattered. In truth, he had rushed through his mission, stolen the required intel on a USB and hurried back without even so much as looking at the data. Leaving you the way he had didn’t sit right with him. You were an amazing person, always forced to put yourself second since you did everything you could to please V. He didn’t want things to be that way. He wanted you to have more.
Granted, the two of you weren’t yet in a relationship, but you had just kissed him, albeit inadvertently, and V was no fool; he knew the feelings you harboured for him.
“(Y/N),” He whispered your name, placing a gloved hand on your cheek. “You have given me more than I could have ever hoped for. You are a virtuoso of my heart, vibrant and vivacious as you pass through the veneer of villainy that masquerades so violently in the vales above. Of all that resides here in the Shadow Gallery, you are the most valuable to me. Although it is entirely selfish of me to ask such a thing of you, I hope that you will stay with me… always.”
You trembled against V, entirely terrified to open your mouth in case no sound came out. He waxed poetry so eloquently, and you often failed to make yourself say all the things you thought without tripping over your words.
Still, you couldn’t stay silent at such an important time in your life. V was – He was everything and to have him by your side would be like capturing the stars themselves, cosmic and inexplicable as they illuminated your heart and mind, burning any darkness or fear away.
You couldn’t look away from V, knowing his gaze must be expectant beneath the mask. Realisation dawned upon you, you didn’t need fancy words, or masses of poetry to complete the moment. All you needed was what V valued most; the truth.
“I don’t want to spend a day without you. I love you, V.”
“Then, by all means, let us abandon our fat metal friend,” V spared the suit of armour a backward glance, thinking how you could have kissed it instead of him, “and retire elsewhere. I myself do not celebrate this holiday, but I would love to partake in some of your more beloved traditions.”
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vannminner · 2 months
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- (Updated - 4/22)
Pairing: Dramione Rating: E Summary: EPHEMERAL /uh·feh·muh·ruhl/: (adjective) lasting for only a short time. - The British Ministry of Magic was founded in the year 1707 and was eradicated by a group of rouge vigilantes on the Fifth of November 2024. Or it wasn’t. Nothing is decided, until it is. (Cover art by lepra.art) LINK Art by anna_tkachova for Chapter Three (4/22) - Our, not at all familiar, masked vigilante.
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imaginaenespanol · 2 years
"Tall and Free: The Encounter with V" -V for Vendetta x Tall!Reader (ENG)
Anonymous Asked: Hello! I'm new to this and well I wanted to ask if you could do v (the one from V for Vendetta) in which v meets a very tall reader (you know those super tall people, well that) by the way if you don't want to do this, it's well, I understand!
Answer: Hi! Of course I can do it! Sorry for the wait, it's my first time doing this character and I'm quite excited to write it. I hope you liked it!
Number of words: 1918
Warnings: Violence, Self-image problems, strong words, indirect mention of dictatorship.
Versión en español: Aquí
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In this world, it is already difficult to be able to live minimally autonomous, after the fearsome dictator Sutler. According to my parents, before everything was better, that at least we could breathe calmly, well, although it sounds naive, I believe that one day we can reach the freedom that my parents have related to me so much, but there is something that torments me every day more than total control, it is my height, I measure 192 cm (6 ft) hey! It's also not as terrible as certain silly movies would have you believe, it benefits me a lot when I have to intimidate someone for my own safety, of course as long as they don't carry a firearm, but... little things that I can't enjoy as I should make me feel like a Phenomenon, like buying a sweater and getting too small in the arms, or always hitting the doors of subway stations when entering or leaving, seriously, who designed those things? A hobbit? I already have a Bump on my head as a badge...
Although sometimes my own thoughts can betray many times in my work and people can be scared, there was a certain occasion that I met the epitome of revolution and certainly an anarchist Knight.
I was Walking at night, I had to stay in the Office for overtime and I lost track of time filling out forms in Excel, the curfew is already starting and I didn't want something bad to happen to me “Geez, the subway has already closed, I hope not I ran into someone, I don't want to get into trouble" I said to myself trying to warn myself and activate my senses through the dark streets of London. After walking safely in my 3 block, in the distance I saw a figure, she looked somewhat nervous from the movement she made with her feet, but could it be them? My stomach knotted with nerves.
Stealthily, I walked slowly while taking advantage of the fact that that figure looked distracted, with each step more and more of that person was revealed in the dark, but my heartbeat and breathing accelerated. Biting my lips and sending a slight pain to my brain, it prevented me from getting out of my mind, I was almost there...False alarm, she was a prostitute, did she look young? What is she doing there?, so I decided to approach her. "Girl, what are you doing here? It's not dangerous? What's your name?" Try to be as nice as possible, my height can be intimidating at night. The girl looked at me with a start and instinctively backed away, I gestured for her to calm down, I won't hurt her "I-I'm Every and this is... M-My first night, I thought..." "It's dangerous, you can run into the Fingermans'' I interrupted "I know everyone doesn't have the economic opportunities, but, you don't have to do this to yourself girl, don't ruin your life, look, I-" I couldn't continue with the conversation because a group of men He approached in the distance making noise, a lot of noise, uh oh, he knew those guys were the secret police, the 'Fingermen'. 4 months ago they took the Head of Marketing to 'Prison' to put it mildly, for having prohibited reading in his drawer and subliminal messages against the Sutler Government in the next advertising campaign for clothing, low blow.
I quickly gestured for Every to run away in the opposite direction when I told him to, and I did!, just as one of that group tripped and the others made fun of him. Taking advantage of my height I turned her back covering her, so they wouldn't see her running from her perspective and away from her, she hesitated for a moment "W-what's your name?" He asked me whispering "My name is (Y/N) (Y/L), get out of here!" I don't know what facial gesture I showed her, because I saw her running while I paid attention to those subjects again, they were a few meters from me and certainly they already saw me, the darkness did not save me from this unfortunately...
"Hey Big Girl, what are you doing at this time of night?" Said one with a mocking smile, I didn't answer him and backed away "Don't you know that the curfew has already started? It's illegal for you to be here doll" Said another while the rest laughed. I put my hardest face into my fear and told them "Look, , I'm not doing anything wrong, I just left work late and I want to get home in peace, okay?" Other taunts towards me "And who said you would go home?" One held my hand, he must have gotten closer when he was talking to the other two, Shit….
I struggled for a few moments while the 4th man pulled out a gun and his grip tightened making my wrist hurt quite a bit, but that was nothing with the feeling of the cold metal on my temple…I pointed the gun at my head “Listen, you giant bitch, We are the secret police, here we are the law and if you don't listen to us, well, you're going to a very bad place.” At that time I wasn't thinking correctly, trying to run away and take advantage of my height certainly didn't help but I did anyway. try, what did I get in return? blows to the stomach.
They were about to use the gun on me when suddenly one of the men fainted. A blow had left him fuit was combat, but I couldn't make out where it came from. Before he could process what was happening, the other three men began pointing in the direction the attack had come from.
Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "Do you need help?" the voice said. I turned around quickly and saw a tall man, dressed in a cape and hat, a white mask with a haunting smile covering his face. Is it possible that he is…? I have heard rumors in my office that there was a dangerous masked terrorist wreaking havoc at night.
Despite his reputation, I couldn't help but feel relieved to see him, he was better than the Fingermans so I nodded. The masked man helped me up, and with a swift movement, he disposed of the remaining three men with amazing martial skills.
"Come with me, I'll take you to a safe place," he told me in a confident voice, and without hesitation, I followed him through the dark streets of the city, trying to process what had just happened.
“Uhh, ehh, thanks…” I shyly said, trying to break the tension. That man simply nodded and continued walking in silence. I felt awkward for a moment, but after a few seconds, I decided to ask him something. "By the way, my name is (Y/N) (Y/L) Who are you?" I asked curiously.
The Mystery Man stopped for a moment and turned to me. "I'm V," he said in a deep, melodic voice and with a certain extravagant gesture. "The Masked Avenger, the one who rises up against oppression and tyranny."
My heart pounded in my chest as I processed what he had just told me, the office rumors were true! I can say that he is more friendly and intimidating than he was described to me, but I never thought I would meet him in person. "Why did you help me?" I asked cautiously.
V stepped closer to me, his white mask haunting in the moonlight. "Because no one deserves to be wrongfully beaten and detained," he said. "I am fighting for the freedom and justice of this Country, and I cannot allow the tyranny of Sutler and his minions to continue harming innocent people."
I stared at him, trying to process what he was saying. There was something in his voice and in his eyes that made me feel safe and protected, despite how strange and dangerous it all was. "Thank you," I said again, but now, feeling a surge of gratitude and admiration for this mysterious man.
"Uh, I should go to..." I tried to tell him but V quickly stopped me "I wouldn't recommend that, miss" I looked at him confused "Why not? It's all over" I commented, thinking that there would be nothing wrong but he denied "If she goes home, it's a matter of time before they stop her, they won't stop until they find her" V said harshly, but without an iota of lies in his voice, it is true, they will not rest until they find me and make me pay for the shame that I cause them, I had no choice but to go with him
After going further than that place, V and I continued on our way to who knows where, according to him, towards his home. Along the way, I told V a few stories about how my height had caused me some inconvenience in my daily life, like not being able to find clothes that fit me or constantly having to bend down in places with low ceilings or sticking out in the cubicle. my office, all with a tone of certain bitterness on my part, which did not go unnoticed by the Man.
While we were talking, V looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and admiration, we were almost the same height and it's something I've gotten used to but I didn't see it favorably, but that man felt that he saw something exotic and attractive, which he didn't see. in myself.
"Your height is impressive, (Y/N). It's one of the things that makes you unique and special," V said with a kind tone, feeling her smile behind the mask "You shouldn't see her as a handicap, but as an advantage. You have a unique perspective on the world, and that's something few people have." I sigh, I get teased about it from school “Yeah, but…they make fun of that too Unique perspective? of course, since I'm tall…” I said with a listless voice and he stopped short, took me by the shoulders and gave me an understanding look "I understand that you feel that way. But the truth is that people will always find something to make fun of or criticize. That doesn't mean you should let their opinions get to you. You own your life and your decisions, and that includes how you feel about yourself. If you accept and love yourself just the way you are, nothing you say or do to others can hurt you. I was speechless, then he gave me a comforting hand "Don't worry, (Y/N). I'll be here to support you and help you in everything you need. You will always be special and unique, no matter what others say" .
I felt a little more encouraged by his words and we continued walking, after a while, I decided to ask him why he thought that. "Well, think of it like this," V said, stopping for a moment.
nto to look me in the eye. "When you walk down the street, don't you see things that others don't? Can't you reach things that others can't? That gives you an advantage, an ability that others don't have."
I was surprised by her perspective, and began to see my height in a different way. "I've never thought of it that way," I said with a smile. "Thank you V."
"You don't have to thank me," V replied with a smile. "I'm just telling the truth. You're beautiful and strong, and your height is just one of the many things that make you special. Don't let anyone make you feel less for it."
I felt grateful for his words, and together we continued on our way to his home. Despite the darkness and danger that surrounded us, I felt safe by his side. And in that moment, I knew that I had found someone I could trust and who would always be there to protect me.
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maxy-writes-stuff · 8 months
Welcome fellow human!
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This is my corner on tumblr, I write things.
It goes from original poems to fanfiction of any hyperfixation I might have in the moment lol, it all changes from time to time so just stick around for a good time!
♡ Requests are OPEN, send it in!
☆ Rules for resquests.
No NSFW themes.
Specify pronouns on the resquests or I'll just use they/them as default.
Give me a prompt or a little context for the story you want me to write.
I will only write one-shots for resquests.
Be patient! Sometimes it might take me a little bit more to complete your resquest if you give me a more complex theme, stand by!
I won't write OC X Character or Character X Character.
I'll only write "X reader" fics, as they're easier for me to do.
Keep in mind english is no my first language.
Try to keep your resquest simple, with a simple prompt or situation, otherwise it might take more time to get completed.
Also keep in mind I'm still a beginner writer, any constructive criticism will be appreciated!
☆ Fandoms I write for.
I might add some more with time.
Steven Universe
Metal Lords
Moon Knight
X-Men (+Deadpool)
The Last of Us
V for Vendetta
The Amazing Spiderman
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ncstalgicc · 5 months
Hi, Welcome!
Hey guys welcome to my fanfic blog :] You can call me Nostalgic or Stal. I completely forgot about this account lol and was really busy irl.
The fanfics will mostly be for gender-neutral or male readers as I am a guy but if it is highly requested I may write a female reader one. At this point in time I think I will mostly write in 2nd person perspective but may write in third with an oc or so. Still figuring it all out.
Here are some fandoms I will be writing for:
TWD(The Walking Dead) Up to season 3
Shadow Hunters (the show)
Baldurs Gate 3
A Murder at the end of the world
V for Vendetta
Scream (1st movie)
The witcher
The Boy
There might be more added to the list over time but this is all I got for now
If I listed all the characters I'd write for I feel the post would be too long but feel free to ask in requests!
A bit about me:
I've been writing on and off since I was 11 but honestly haven't written in a long time apart from school essays. I'm queer and am attracted to all genders so a lot of the characters may be queer. I read mostly fantasy, sci-fi, romance and horror books. I also try to draw and paint occasionally and do random crafts. Hope you feel welcome here and find something you like :)
This is a safe space and anyone is welcome here!
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thestinkyman · 1 year
Bio and Fanfiction Requests List
Hi! I'm your boii, Jack/Cheyenne, I go by any name you wanna call me lmao. I'm a writer, a gremlin, and an all around weirdo!
#Attack of the band is for me talking about my band ideas
Any blogs with no life to them (untitled blog that's blank n shit, you know what im talking about) will be blocked, sorry besties im not into bots
For those who would like to request a oneshot for a fandom, here's the list of fandoms I'll write for. I'll keep this list updated, as well as if I'm temporarily not taking requests. All requests will be posted on ao3, with a link posted here on my account
Request Status: Open!
Fandom list (with characters):
V for Vendetta - V, Evey, Dominic
Robin Hood (BBC) - Guy of Gisborne, Allan A'Dale
Merlin - Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Lancelot, Gwenivere
Sherlock - Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Irene Adler, James Moriarty
Doctor Who - Clara Oswald, 9th through 12th doctor, Missy
Criminal Minds - Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner
Kingsman - Merlin, Harry Hart
Pirates of the Caribbean - James Norrington, Elisabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow
The Labrynth (1986) - Jareth
M*A*S*H - Hawkeye, Radar, Margaret Houlihan
Marvel - Steve Rogers, Loki, Peter Parker
CBS Elementary - Pretty much anyone
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joshkiszkachaos · 2 years
I know none of you guys probably know the movie V for Vendetta but I absolutely fell inlove with V and now I kinda want to write something with him in it like fluff or something...if you haven't seen it give it a watch.
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since I love men in masks. After the King Baldwin x Reader x Tiberias fanfic series is done. I am going to write a v x reader
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 2 years
smol v for vendetta thing
I just love Evey any excuse to talk about her is amazing
I would have loved to have Evey have been raised to be able to handle interrogations and stuff so while the other stuff was traumatic she never once was bothered by V trying to get her to spill the beans. As soon as she sat in the chair every second of her parent's preparation came back to the front of her mind. V was confused and amazed and completely infatuated. She was flippant and sarcastic and checking her nails which were chipped of course. V worshiped the ground she walked on very quickly but this version of Evey absolutely stole most of his coherent thoughts. Evey dealt with men like this. Who thought they knew everything and her job catering to them was draining. Being stolen away and having her dearest confidant killed right in front of her just like her parents reminded her of what this life was. She was already imprisoned and they needed what they thought she had, which would keep her alive, to a point. Why not have fun with that? When she was let go because V realized he underestimated her again and she saw where she was, she was upset and confused but deep down not at all surprised. Men were men. A mask or the safety of working for the government. But she would stay. The building where she lived wasn't livable and she couldn't apply for a place to live and she couldn't get a job. So she stayed and V was so grateful. More than he thought he would be, even if he never said it out loud.
He should kiss her.
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thereadersmuse · 2 years
He'd only just shoved a mint in his gob when the elevator dinged. Fifth floor.
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*Also posted on ff.net.
* Part II of the “Tethered and Tight” series.
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causeofmayhem · 5 months
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old man yaoi angst??? lmao???
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writeyouin · 11 months
Greetings, can I request some V x very easily flustered (or just very shy) and very small (I mean in height) reader?. I just like the scenario were V will be all the time complementing the reader, and they will be very flustered (To the point that they can be as red as a tomato, ur just have fun reactions, like panicking or covering their faces with their hands). I think V will enjoy (or just find it cute) the reader's reaction. (Thanks for Bless us with such beautiful content) Thank you! 💞
V X Reader – Sincerity
A/N – As always, Happy Bonfire Night everyone, and may this small fic fill in the parched desert that is the V for Vendetta fandom.
Warnings – None.
Raring – T
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You stood among the suits of armour, an underdressed member of their guard as you leaned against the wall and caught your breath, clutching your hands tightly against your chest. You knew you were probably acting silly, having hurriedly left V after he had paid you several compliments, but you simply couldn’t handle that kind of attention.
When you had been in the heart of London, working every day and doing everything you could to remain invisible, you had always hated it when anyone saw through you. There were men who enjoyed abusing their power over someone as small as you. They did things that made you shudder, like backing you into small spaces, forcing you to pay them attention as they proceeded to cat-call you, or try and take you to a secondary location. Granted, it wasn’t an everyday occurrence, but it happened often enough to frighten you. Worst of all, when such things happened, you couldn’t rely on anyone else to help you, as everyone else just wanted to be invisible as well.
Don’t get noticed and you won’t disappear. If you were invisible, there would be no black bag to take you away to a place none ever returned from. This was the price of safety in the Chancellor’s London, and it worked… until it didn’t.
Or rather, you had bought into the lie that it worked in the people’s favour, until you met V and he showed you that the system had never worked. It was a broken, cruel thing, and anybody who had fought against it had been murdered or made an example of.
There was no getting around it.
People of colour shouldn’t be despised. The only ones allowed to remain alive were test subjects or the rare pass holders, who had been given exceptions for reasons as of yet unknown to even them, though V speculated they were only there as a future scapegoat if the Chancellor ever needed a new terrorist threat. There were multiple sexualities, and they shouldn’t have to be hidden for fear of execution. Other religions could have made the country stronger, with multiple opinions that could make it more accepting instead of being persecuted, their followers tortured and murdered.
After becoming something of a pupil to V, you learned all this and more. At first, you felt his rage seethe through every sentence he said, his words choking you, challenging you, forcing you to fight through the hazy smog of lies you had been fed every day in your old life. Yet, given time, as the two of you got to know one another, V’s sharp tone dulled a little, he calmed, and he was gentler with you. Granted, his venomous verbosity still broke through when he spoke about the things that infuriated him, but he seemed to accept that you were with him entirely, and so he made sure you knew that his hatred wasn’t directed your way.
With that change in your dynamic, he became suave, charming, and genteel. V had always been well-spoken, but he seemed to pay you more attention, and although you had never enjoyed any attention from anyone in the past, it seemed now that you didn’t know how to feel about it.
Other men’s attention had been dangerous, and terrifying as they chased their pleasure by ensuring that they were in charge, feeding off your fear and weakness. V, however, looked for your strengths, and the things that made you, you.
If you were reading, he would praise you for opening your mind, especially when you read his collection of contraband books that taught you such concepts as Marxism, the abolition of governments, and other countries around the world which your pitiful island had cut itself off from.
When you took time to help V by maintaining his weaponry, cleaning it, or removing any damaged daggers from his arsenal, he took the time to thank you, bowing with a flourish of his cape so you would feel as appreciated as you had made him feel.
If you were idling in the hallways, admiring some art pieces, or questioning others, he would appear quietly behind you, his velvet tread never giving away his position until he wished to make himself known. Then, he would challenge you to reveal your thoughts and praise you for your appreciation of that which had been forbidden, and your bravery for speaking your truth.
He said that, ‘When a person has only their opinions with no fact laid before them, their opinion becomes truth which, if said aloud, is the real bravery of the mind.’
That, like everything else he said left you breathless. It wasn’t so much the fact that he was complimenting you, but rather that his words held no trace of a lie. When he bowed before you, he was humble, when he praised you, he was kind. His words, unlike the lies of those above, were sincere, and frankly, that sincerity frightened you a little. You hadn’t been trained to react to sincerity since there was so little of it left in the world.
How ironic it was that the people above, used lies to mask themselves, but V used his mask to help him speak the truth.
“(Y/N), are you quite alright?” V’s voice broke through your thoughts.
“I-” You froze, uncertain of what to say. It was clear that after leaving so brusquely, V had come to check on you.
He raised a gloved hand to your cheek, his thumb brushing over it. You flushed red at the unexpected action. You shouldn’t have been surprised; V was always much more forward than you.
“I-” You tried again. “I think I just needed a minute,” You finally managed, your eyes downcast.
“How very wonderful of you, taking the time to compose yourself in such a manner, though I must admit,” V closed in on you, towering over you and making you feel so very small as you craned your neck to look up into the black eyes that hid those beneath. You never wondered what was beneath the mask, for those black eyes, pale face, and rosy cheeks, though worn for the theatrics of his chosen role, were indeed V.
“Admit what?” You asked at his pause, craving his answer, yet terrified all the same. How terrible it was to wish for intimacy but feel too shy to receive it simultaneously.
“You are most breathtaking when you blush so, like the red of a rose, blooming in full to shame the other flowers in the garden.”
You felt your cheeks burn further and moved to look away, but V gently held your chin up between his index finger and thumb.
“Yes, there it is. My vivacious blushing rose. A sight to behold.”
You held your breath. You had no idea what had brought on such attention from V, only that you were sure it wasn’t good. He was acting differently as if it might be the last time that you would see him, and that was why he was making such bold announcements.
You knew he had no plans to die since he hadn’t gotten to his targets, and wouldn’t for some years to come since he still had much to learn about the security systems of the locations he planned to attack, but you were now certain that he had at least one or two dangerous activities planned. It was likely he was planning to steal some valuable equipment, or something better guarded than his usual trips to the contraband vaults that the Chancellor kept hidden from the public.
All the same, you knew that if you voiced your concerns or asked V what he was planning, he would likely close off and try to keep you out of it, in the safety of the Shadow Gallery where you now belonged, one of his many treasures.
“V, may I ask something of you?” You said, instead of voicing your true thoughts.
“Always,” V replied sincerely.
“Please will you play something for me?”
“Music?” V sounded amused by the unexpected request. “Of course. It would be my greatest pleasure to have your audience.”
He stepped back and offered his arm, “Shall we?”
You grasped his arm, allowing him to escort you to the music hall where his piano awaited him. If he had chosen to play only for himself, you knew he would have sung his favourite tune, The Violent Cabaret; it was a song of his own composition and it always riled him up, ready for a reckless adventure.
However, since he was going to play for you, you knew that he would pick something thoughtful and mellisonant. Perhaps, in taking a minute to think of what you would like to hear, he would be forced to remember that he had you to come back to, and he wouldn’t take so many unnecessary risks. You hoped that was true. It had to be true. V would always come back. He had to since fate was cruel and Cupid a joker.
If he didn’t return you would die, since you were unfortunately falling in love with him. It was like Romeo and Juliet, if Juliet had known from the start that Romeo planned on dying, and was still doomed to love him.
Nothing good would come of this, and you had his Doomsday burned into your mind. One year, in the near future, it would be the fifth of November, and you would be alone, broken by V’s death.
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hacked-by-jake · 11 months
9 people you'd like to know better
Thank you a lot for tagging me @barracuda677 and @kimberly-campbell I really appreciate it <3<3
last song: I Killed A Man - Slaughter to Prevail
favorite color: Black and Green
currently watching: V for Vendetta and The dark Knight
currently reading: Comic: V for Vendetta and just started Simon Becketts 'The Chemistry of Death'
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory
relationship status: Since I'm not interested in relationships, happily single ^^
current obsession: Too many things.
last thing I googled: brass knuckles 3d printer stl file (it's not how it looks like, it's for decoration only, I swear! xD)
currently working on: Uhh, nothing really. At least nothing like a fanfiction or similar.
Tagging: @julesisreading @itsnotzka @miss-celestia13 @cassi0-peia @booklover-01040 @hackerqueen @kyras-things @zmayadw @duskwood-disco @duskjake Of course only if you want, no pressure and no stress 💚
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