#but man if they don't make use of every last minute of their 30 hour campaign
pochapal · 2 years
pokemon b/w kinda flawless games if you really think about it.
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a66-1 · 5 months
Simon x Fem!Insecure!Reader.
Part 1 | ???
TW: Talk of ed's, negative self talk, low self esteem, bad mouthing (from reader to herself, comes with the territory) cursing, self harm. i tried not to be too descriptive with the reader, so EVERY insecure girlie who reads this feels seen. (these tw are for the whole thing, im pretty sure this is gonna be a series)
a/n: hey. if you need help, dm me. ill talk to you if you need it :). (also i made my banners. if you want one dm me! i make them for free, just with credit :)) NOT PROOF READ
i hope your doing okay honey.
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Stepping out of the shower, the towel around you just big enough to touch ends is slipped around yourself. Showering is getting harder. You can barely stand glancing at the mirror now.
You dry yourself off, and hand the towel back up. You can do it, just walk past the mirror to grab your clothes.
You take the steps past the mirror, and turn your back to the mirror to change. Slipping your bra on, and it squishes the skin on your back and you grimace.
Once your dressed, you turn back around. The nagging voices are just waiting to pounce. I mean, what? You used to be so skinny.
You used to be pretty.
You decided to let your hair air dry, and you walk into your bedroom. You had work today, but you really wish you didn't. It was a bad week, you'd skipped 3 meals in the last few days and you know what your therapist would say.
'The progress you've made, hun. You can't go back now.'
The bad days are getting too close to each other now. You used to have at least a week between them, but now it's barely 48 hours. Maybe being off medicine isn't working good anymore.
Maybe you're no good.
You throw in a big hoodie, one that covers you, and some sweat pants, glancing at the big mirror in your room.
You can't stop analyzing yourself.
There's not one good thing on you is it?
The rest of the day was spent at your stupid 9-5, with your stupid boss, in your stupid, lonely life. Christ, being off anti-depressants is really hitting you hard. Everyone at your job is stupid and today every customer who wants to blow you ear off about how you kids these days, by the end of the day, your so tense that your shoulders are aching.
You got about 30 minutes left at this off-brand kroger store, when a big, big ass man walks in, shoving a mask with a skull print on it on. You curse to yourself, you really don't want to have to call the police for a robbery, you just want to go home.
To be honest, if he had a gun, you'd be half tempted to let him shoot you-
"Ma'am?" A heavy British accent came from your right. You turn your head, and scan his few items. You don't bother with the how are you's and you sigh.
"It'll be 16.84." You drag your eyes to his, and he reaches to his pocket, pulling out..
A wallet. What else were you thinking?
He hands you a twenty, and you hand him his respective change. He bags his own items, because honestly, you seem like the only worker in the store. Your face is written with exhaustion, whether it be from this job or something else, and the guy notices.
"Have uh... A good day." He nods to you, and walks off.
You purse your lips, and sigh, closing your cashier, because fuck finishing today. You're too close to a breakdown, and you're not trying to let anyone see.
You drive home, your hands tight around the wheel. You know it's a bad idea to be driving this emotional, to the point you wonder what would happen if you swerve your car into a tree.
You won't do it though.
You need to get back out there. It's why you stopped taking your meds.
You promise yourself that tomorrow you'll go out, and at least get a one night stand, you want need, anything.
Once home and in bed, you scroll and scroll and scroll. Doom scrolling is too common on these longer nights. You have a pillow tucked into your arm, and your hand squeezes it every time that pang in your lower chest rings out. Loneliness, you think.
You always scroll through your old friends instagrams or snapchats, seeing their nice bodies and nice boyfriends. You've been so nice and kind and karma should be on your side, but it always failed.
Especially after your last boyfriend.
Your friends say to wait.
To wait.
To wait.
But waiting is getting harder. Days are getting longer, and your head seems to spin more when left to its own devices. Why do you have to wait?
Your looks.
Your personality.
Who'd wanna be seen with you?
You flip your phone over, and shove your face in the pillow, your breathing staggered.
You fell asleep late, that night. The tears brought you to exhaustion.
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woah why did this take 2 tries to write.
be waiting for pt.2
thank you for all the support. drunk simon blew up and im crying bc i came back after a 2 year hiatus and i wasn't getting the same feedback as usual so to finally seeing people enjoy my work again makes me feel great. <3
sorry simon wasn't in this part much. you gotta know the reader first tho, right?
bye babes..
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bluecollarmcandtf · 7 months
Monkey Business
Thanks for the Ask, Fetifiction
I heard you've got a crush on your gym buddy. You said his name was Amir, right? I know you like his personality or whatever, but he's not exactly your type. Is he? So, I sent you some experimental protein powder. It's called Ape Mode. Slip some of that in his drink...I think you'll like what happens...
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"Oh, hey dude," Amir gives a friendly nod, "I almost thought you weren't coming. Did that professor hold class after the bell again?"
"Yup!" your voice shakes as you answer.
It's a lie. You just spent the last twenty minutes trying to spike his sports drink in the locker room. It was hard enough to find the damn thing, but you had to make sure it was definitely his. Luckily, his gym bag is bright yellow. It's pretty hard to miss, so the half empty bottle sitting next to it had to be his.
"He's a real douchebag," your friend complains, "Come on. I just started stretching."
Nervously, you sit beside Amir and try to keep up with his stretches. He asks you about your day and wonders if you need to vent about school. You just shake your head. Amir's caring personality is the best thing about him, but it's also making you feel really guilty for lying to him. Hopefully, that powder doesn't screw him up!
Amir ends the warmup and climbs to his feet. You watch as your best friend walks over to the locker room and pulls out his drink: the one you spiked. For a brief moment, you feel a flash of regret and almost shout out for him to stop, but it's already too late. The moment has passed. Amir is gulping down the entire contents of his bottle. All you can do is stare at him and wait.
"You good, dude?" Amir asks, snapping you out of your daze.
"Yup! Totally...um... let's workout!"
Amir claps you on the back and heads over to a treadmill. The guy is always doing cardio, leaving him thin and nimble, but you'd rather he looked a different way. You want to see him big and brawny like the man of your dreams. Hopefully, by the end of this workout, he will.
It's hard to act normal, but you swallow your anxiety and walk over to a weight machine. It's in the perfect spot to keep an eye on Amir. You want to know as soon as the changes start happening. A small part of you still doubts whether or not Ape Mode will actually work.
30 minutes later...
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"Dude, I don't know what's happening! I was just running on the treadmill like normal, but..." he glances down at his swollen arms in disbelief, "well look at me!"
"I don't know either," you tell him with your most convincing voice, "but you look great!"
Amir takes another look down at his biceps. They've easily expanded to twice the size they used to be, but that's not the only thing that's changed. You've been staring at him on the treadmill for the last half hour. His whole body seemed to expand! His thighs thickened and his shoulders broadened. You think he even got taller! Not to mention the dense layer of stubble that's sprouted all over Amir's face.
He hasn't seemed to notice it all yet, but every part of his body seems to have shifted in some way! Seeing your friend transform into your wet dream is a lot more stressful than you imagined. You might be hiding a raging boner, but you're still worried about what will happen when Amir looks in a mirror. What if he doesn't like the new him? You wonder for a second if you should just come clean and tell him about the powder.
Amir flexes his arm, staring at his bulging bicep with a worried look, "I don't know, dude. Should I be worried?"
You look into your friend's vulnerable eyes, "Nope! Let's just get back to our workout."
Amir nods and lowers his tense shoulders. He trusts your judgement and brushes off his concerns. You watch with a mixture of guilt and excitement as Amir saunters back to the treadmill. His ass has even filled out, too!
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"Dude!" a deep voice moans behind you.
"Woah!" your jaw drops at the site of Amir. His voice has lowered several octaves to the point where you couldn't even recognize it. His appearance is just as drastically different. The big hairy man standing before you looks only vaguely like the friend you know and love.
"What, is it bad? I don't feel good..." Amir groans, "Buh-UUuurrrp!” A low gutteral belch voices out of his stomach.
You don't know how to react. His transformation is progressing wildly, and you're almost too turned on to comfort him!
"I was just running, but my steps just kept feeling heavier, and I was feeling itchy all over, and my shirt is pinching me, and..." he trails off as he scratches his gut absent-mindedly.
It looks like he's gained sixty pounds, so it's no wonder that his shirt is feeling tight! Some of that weight isnt muscle, either. Amir has a bit of a gut, now, and with his shirt soaked in sweat, you can see how hairy his new chest is. His entire body seems to be sprouting fur like he's some kind of animal!
"Don't worry about it," you say, grabbing Amir's hand in an effort to calm him down. You might as well commit to his transformation at this point! It's obviously working!
"But, I'm so fat and hairy," he grunts slowly, "And I can't move ten inches without sweating like a pig!" his stomach growls before his bubbling up his chest, "Buur…brrruUuUUUP!”
"Hey these changes are normal, big guy," you pat him on his big meaty back, "I like the new Amir."
Amir frowns and rips his hand away from yours. Before you know it, he's stomping back over to the treadmill with heavy steps that shake the floor. He seems to have a little less patience than he used to. Maybe he's just frustrated by all the changes?
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"Amir can we go now?" you ask for the third time in a row, "You've been staring at yourself in that mirror for an hour now!"
He doesn't seem to hear you. Amir has packed on so much fat, muscle, and hair that he looks completely unrecognizable. He almost seems more like he's an animal than your old friend.
He's been watching the final touches of his transformation take place in his new form, only pausing to occasionally scratch his ass or sniff his pits. Of course, the entire gym is giving him angry looks. A cloud of strong BO is wafting off of him, and it doesn't help that he keeps burping and farting loud enough for everyone to hear. Amir seems totally oblivious to how uncomfortable he's making everyone, so you're left to feel all the social awkwardness.
"Amir, come on," you tenderly grab his hairy forearm.
"GrrrUH!" Amir growls and rips his arm away again.
You roll your eyes and shake your head. You wanted Amir to look like a hairy beast, not act like one! How the hell are you supposed to get him out of here, let alone fall in love with you? He's acting like a big stupid caveman!
Feeling defeated, you stumble over to the locker room. If your going to leave, you at least want something to cover the tent in your shorts. Amir's bright yellow backpack would never fit on his massive frame anymore. He probably couldn't even remember how to put it on. With a sigh, you pick the thing up hold it close to your waist.
"MmnNanna?" a curious grunt comes as you reenter the gym. Amir, the huge hairy beast is staring at the yellow backpack with hungry eyes. "Nanna," he growls more definitively.
"You want a banana?" you ask gingerly.
"Mmmmngh!" he nods emphatically, licking his lips.
This is yellow backpack must be your ticket to controlling him! "Follow me," you smile, finally understanding how this beast of a man.
With lumbering steps, Amir stumbles behind you. It's a good thing he's hot, because he's lost all the intelligence he'd had before. All you had to do was say the word banana and now he's following you out to the car, drooling the entire way. You can't help but chuckle at your gigantic friend following behind you like a big dumb animal.
In the car, you toss the yellow bag as far back as you can. All three hundred pounds of Amir jumps inside and you slam the door shut behind him. Now you just have to get the guy home with him getting too angry.
"BuuuUughHnnannNnaAH!" he bellows, beating his chest with wild fury.
"Ok, ok! I'll go buy a damn banana."
"Nnngh!" Amir clenches your wrist before you can get out of the car. "...nanna!" he grunts, staring at your crotch like it's his first meal in weeks.
"Oh," you gasp. You didn't know he meant that banana. Amir's transformation might not have been what you expected, but you couldn't deny that you were enjoying your new friend. This is going to be an interesting car ride...
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heartbinn · 3 months
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or— taking a bath/shower with straykids!
-definitely bath baby. If by himself, he'd take showers, but if you two are in at the same time, expect a fluffy and slightly romantic bubble bath.
-you two would just stare at eachother, or, rather, he would stare at you, admiring you, and sometimes praising your looks.
-its free moments like these when he gets to express how he feels about you, and each time, he slowly falls more and more in love.
-it's very very rare that you two would get touchy while together, unless you want it. Channie either wants to appriciate the moment, or is too shy to do anything.
-you two would soak about atleast an hour, but really, its your choice when you get out. If you do, he follows you. Please give this man big hugs.
-do i even have to say anything..
-obviously shower. He'd argue back, wanting to use shower time for himself, but when you agree that he can wash you, its game on for him.
-and he'd make sure its sensible too, wouldnt just wash you but practically massage your body until he hears even the slightest sound from your mouth. He'd grip at your skin gently, squeezing anywhere he finds a little bodyfat. He loves your body and he kets you know.
-of course, you'd argue to wash him too, and after he finally says yes, he'd tease you about it until you dont want to do it anymore. Its just his way.
-maximum 20 minutes in the shower, he'd rather have you in bed.
-oh he'd be embarassed.. he'd look at you over his shoulder with that little smile he has, and would spend just 15 minutes figuring out of he wants a bubble bath, so you cant see anything, or a shower, so you can see everything.
-well, even so he couldn't decide, you just dragged him to shower beacuse it's easier.
-and could you look anywhere but his muscles? Well..yknow the answer but really no. When you finally reach up and squeeze his bicep a little, he would jump from being sensitive, almost that he'd fall over.
-so babygirl, dont let him break his bones. Take a clear bath next time~
-overall about 25-30 minutes of bickering over eachother until one of you almost slips.
-now.. its either he'd be really really really romantic during a bath or.. just straight up a menace.
-if he feels romantic, he'll have rose petals and shi floating in the water with a glass of wine like sudhsjdhusjdhdb baby
-but then..... if he feels lazy or just tired, he'd have fun in poking at your stomach and side, especially if you're ticklish. From here, when you wanna leave, he'll either pull you back and apologize or tease you for 'not handling his habits.
-don't blame you, he'd be annoyed too. But he just loves how you get all fussy at him.
-he'd come crawling back though
-baths either last two hours or two minutes, you can guess why.
-another menace, kinda worse but better.
-absolutely baths. Dont make him convince you to wash his hair, he'd whimper intentionally, enjoying your red face. Its all fun until you pull on his hair. He loves teasing you but knows when to shut up.
-but he's still so cute. Give him little spikes while he has conditioner on his hair and watch him get whiny. Cutie.
-but he'd wash your hair in return too, suddenly understanding why you love massaging his scalp soooo much.
-baby boy, baths last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.
-shower boy like ugh so cute just standing there
-he probably wouldnt go in with you but just join you without a word. He's still respectful, doesnt look down if he hasnt seen you naked before, and only with permission.
-once he actually does get permission, he wont keep his hands to himself at all.
-so you either never get intimate in the shower, or every day. Even if you do, he's careful to hold you and himself both steady not to slip or fall, but eventually you'd get used to it.
-well, depending on what you let him it can be 10 minutes or 10 years(jk but about 30 mins, he'd switch to the bed after one round)
-if you manage to get in the shower with him, you deserve a reward.
-bro is an absolute menace, he'd lock the door, and would have long long showers himself.
-when you do get in with him, he'd be quiet and embarassed, just muttering to himself, until you help him wash his back or something. He'd hold you for some moments while the water just falls at you both.
-wont say anything but genuinely loves these moments. He's a quiet boy then.
-depending on his mood 5 to 15 minutes.
-the exact opposite, he wants you in the shower with him.
-like he'll actually beg you until you agree. He'd wash you, you'd wash him, everything would be smooth and movie like. Lets hope none of you slip.
-but he'd get tired from the warm water and you next to him, so showers are not longet than 10 minutes.
-after, you'd just cuddle next to a soft movie. He's a normal silly guy but has so much in him to love.
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trashiewrites · 2 years
pinning ghost against a wall and kissing the shit out of him leaving him flustered lmaoo
I know for a fact this is no way anyone would think this would go but ayeeee! Hope yall enjoy~
Don’t Test Me~ (ghost x reader)
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Word count: 549
Rated: G for girlbossin 😎😎😎
Ahh, domestic life is surely a spender. From being a classified asset to just a housewife due to your kids. Honestly, you envy your husband for still being in his task force.  Simon, being gone for long periods of time, is usually good at helping out but today he's been particularly difficult.
You walked past holding your youngest in your arms, walking beside your husband sitting on the sofa and pecking the top of his head "Simon love can you start the laundry for me~" Simon glanced over and hummed. "Thank you." You would smile and go tend to the babies. Going back an hour later and the laundry hasn't been touched. Did it irritate you? Yes, immensely. But you put the benefit of the doubt that he had some other things to do. You looked around the house to see Simon exactly where he last was. Yes, you don't say anything about it.
Off the go make dinner for every one you make Simon's favorite since you had yet to celebrate his return. It was a lovely dinner, fighting with your older toddler to eat the food. Eating your food, Simon finishing before you. "Thank you for the food dove~" he wrapped his arms around your shoulders; you leaned back into his chest.
"No problem, Simon," you relaxed your eyes as his lips met your forehead. Cries echo through the house, "little one must have heard us eating." He whispered.
"I'll handle it, can you handle the kitchen for me?" Simon nodded and you went to handle the baby. It took you a small while, a cranky baby in all situations means bad time; That took you about an hour tops.  You, exhausted and somewhat anxious, went to grab a bottle of water. While passing by you saw Simon at his desk doing something, you're unsure of what exactly. Then again it didn't matter to you. Walking into the kitchen to grab yourself some water. You take one step before stopping in your track, the kitchen wasn't even cleaned! AT ALL. You didn't know what He was on today but you were mad.  "SIMON RILEY!" You hear him rush down the stairs.
"What's wrong? You okay?!" Simon's face was written with concern, you only looked back at him unamused. You grabbed him and moved him in front of the fridge.
"Knees, now!" You said sternly, Simon looked back visibly confused. "Did I stutter Riley?"
"No ma'am," he did as told, keeping his eyes on you the whole time. Honestly, he prob thought things were going to go another way.  With your hand, you grasped his cheeks under his chin and directed his face to the messy kitchen.
"What did you tell me earlier?" His expression turned from 'oh~' to 'oh shit' real quick. "Now, within the next 30 minutes, I want this kitchen sparkling. Do I make myself clear?" You stared deeply into his brown eyes; his breath was heavy. He gulped loudly and then nodded. You chuckled and smirked, "Good boy~" Your fingers trailed his neck, and you kissed him softly. "Finish before 20 minutes and I'll reward you, Simon~" you waved at him as you walked out of the room; leaving the man on his knees, speechless, and very 'frustrated'. He never cleaned so fast in his fucking life.
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arwenadreamer · 4 months
Jared is the most loving, caring person!
I've read it a thousand times online, but experiencing it in person puts it on anoher level!
Jared's schedule on Purcon 8 was merciless! (In fact, the whole schedule of Purcon was the one thing I have to criticise regarding this convention. Maybe I'll make another post about this.) For example on Sunday Jared had 15 Minutes of double photo (with Mark), then the J2 panel (30 Minutes) then M&G (30 Minutes) then photos 2,5 hours of photos (which run late, so it was close to three hours in the end), then a single panel (30 Minutes) without a single break. (There would have been a 20 minute break after the 2,5 hours of photos, but again, they were late.) Then he had half an hour break, before autos were from 16.25 to 18.25!
I don't know about US conventions, but at JiB there are more little breaks, and the photos, autos, etc. are in smaller patches. Like, 1 hour photos in the morning, then an hour of autos, then a panel, then photos again.
I don't think I could stand in a photo room and smile for 3 hours straight and give every fan the time of the day and a beautiful photo!
But Jared did! (And so did Jensen, btw.! Neither of them ever showing how tired they were. Or at least trying to hide it the best they could.)
So, @takikojou and I took our Jared photos on sunday. We were in line last, since we had the cheapest entrance tickets, which means Jared had taken pictures for nearly 2,5 hours. When we were in the photo room, we could clearly see how exhausted he was. Between pictures, his eyes drooped. Yet, he gave EVERY. SINGLE. FAN. his full attention. He made those 10 seconds special for everyone of nearly 2000 fans! One girl wanted to do a handholding pose with him and he squatted down (as he always does), but she asked him to stand tall please, which he did. And the whole room laughed. (This kind of good natured laugh.) So did Jared. He picked up the energy and still had fun. Then a man came and asked him to do the WOW fingers. Jared clearly loved that, they made a bit of fun about it. Jared clapped the fan on the back in parting and said "Loved that pose!". @takikojou had an amazing op, but that's her story to tell.
Then it was my turn. I wanted to do a drinking pose. He listened attentively (For some reason we were not allowed to show pictures on the phone of what we wanted, because they said it would take more time? I think it takes more time to explain, but oh well.) Then he did the pose and looked me dead in the eye. For my second photo I asked him to choose the pose. He said "I'll stand behind you", then turned me around and held me withe both arms around my shoulders. And then he pressed with so much strengh, held me sooooooooo tight! I grin like a lunatic on the pic, but who can blame me? I then turned halfway around to say "Thank you", before walking away, and he stroked my arm and said "Thank you, darling!"
The pictures turned out wonderful. And all of that after 2,5 hours of nonstop pictures! Not a single photo he took shows how tired he was!
He came on stage right after photos for his panel and was like "I'm gonna sit, I need that now", falling into the chair right away. Yet, he continued to give us an awesome panel. Seriously, my brain would have been mush by now, yet he gave clever, insightful answers as always and put his full energy into that panel.
We don't deserve that man!
All that goes for Jensen too, btw! But he had a much better schedule with little breaks and rather an hour photos, then something else, then photos again. Which is why I was especially blown away by Jaredˋs dedication. But that doesn't change the fact, that Jensen, too, gives every fan his full attention and makes the most of those 10 seconds and of the panels and everything. They are both amazing like that!
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callhermyname · 2 months
you're not going | eddie munson x reader, pt. 2
summary: Eddie goes missing, so you and your friends look for him
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
wc: 3k
warnings: angst, mentions of death, violence;
Eddie stayed still for hours. Didn't move a muscle, just layed there, hiding underneath the tarp that covered Rick's fishing boat, quietly sobbing while tears of pure horror ran down his face. He'd just seen Chrissy being killed by some invisible force right in front of his eyes. What the hell was that? He was petrified, all he could do was run away. There was nothing much he could've done, right? 
He'd been hiding for a few hours now — he could see the streams of sunlight hitting the floor of Rick's fishing shack, so that meant it was early morning. Now that the initial shock has worn out, his mind has wandered back to what kept him stuck  in his thoughts all day: you. The last few hours before what happened to Chrissy, all he could think about was how weird you were acting the day before.
When Chrissy came looking for him, he had an idea. He'd told her to meet him at the picnic table 30 minutes before the time you were supposed to meet him there, so he could make his deal with her and do something nice for you. He wanted to thank you for helping him — he had a feeling he was going to finally be able to graduate, and it was all thanks to you.
Before leaving the trailer park to meet up with you, he picked up some wildflowers you'd always say were pretty every time you went back to his place with him. He tried his best to make the small bouquet look pretty enough so he could give it  to you, as a thank you gift for being so patient with him. But you didn't show up.
He went out looking  for you, and when he talked to you on the phone, you sounded a bit off. He spent the rest of the day thinking about you — not that it was something unusual, he was always thinking about you —, worried he'd done something wrong. He couldn't bear the thought of you being mad at him.
You always took such good care of him, always managed to make him feel safe. He could use some of your comforting energy right now. Even when he was scared to death, running from whatever it was that killed Chrissy, hiding in some drug dealer's fishing shack, the only thing that made him feel some kind of comfort was thinking of you. He's definitely not a religious man, he never was, but for the rest of the day, he prayed that you'd come and find him. He knew you were the only one who could make him feel safe.
The morning after the game, you woke up with mascara all over your face. You should know better than to sleep with makeup still on, but you couldn't care less about that. You could feel your heartbeat pounding in your head, sitting up on your bed as you remembered all that went down the night before. As you roll out of bed, you notice you're still wearing last night's clothes and figure you should probably take a shower. Glancing over at the small alarm clock on your bedside table, you check the time. It's 10am, which means you have about an hour until your shift starts at the Family Video, so you hurry out the door to the bathroom.
As the hot water hits your skin, you try to fight the thoughts flooding your mind. What the hell was Eddie doing with Chrissy? What could possibly be a good explanation for that? You don't want to think about it, you try not to. You wash your face and your hair, feeling dirty, feeling like you deserve this. You shouldn't let your guard down like that, you knew better than that. 
You got out of the bathroom and heard the low volume of the TV coming from the living room. Your aunt and Dustin were probably already up. You hurry to get dressed up and get some breakfast, drying your hair and putting on your work uniform. When you're grabbing your backpack to head out, you hear a loud bang at your door.
"Yeah?" you call back.
"Hey, we need to talk." Dustin says at the other side of the door.
"Dustin, I'm sorry" you say as you open the door, ready to walk past him. "I can't talk right now, I'm gonna be late for work and you know I-"
You stop as you open the door and see Max standing beside Dustin. 
"Max? What are you doing here?"
"Trust me, being late should be the least of your worries right now." Dustin says, a serious look on his face.
You follow him and Max down the hallway, starting to get really worried. When you get to the living room, you see your aunt sitting at the couch looking at the TV with a horrified look on her face. When you turn around to look at the TV, you see the headline at the bottom of the screen as the reporter delivers the local news: "Hawkins High student found dead at the trailer park". Behind the reporter, you see a lot of police cars and a lot of cops, but what makes you freeze is the trailer behind them. Eddie's trailer. 
"Wait is that-" you start speaking but Dustin grabs you by your hand before you could finish, heading out the door.
"Keep it down, I don't want mom to get worried. Max will explain it to you on the way."
"On the way?" you ask as Dustin and Max hurry you out the door.
"Dusty, where are you going?" you hear aunt Claudia's voice coming from the living room.
"To see a friend." Dustin says as he shoves you out the door.
"You heard the news, it's not safe out there-" she gets cut off by Dustin, who's now running out the door and closing it behind him as he reassures her.
"Good point,  we'll be extra careful, thanks mom I love you bye!" he slams the door, Max already hopping on her bike as you and Dustin follow her, riding your bikes as well.
"Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" you burst out.
"They found a body at Eddie's trailer this morning." Dustin tells you, trying not to alarm you — as if it was possible to not be alarmed by this.
"They- WHAT?"
"It's Chrissy Cunningham." you hear Max talk for the first time this morning. "I saw her come home with Eddie last night. A few minutes after that, I heard a scream coming from his trailer, and the lights began to flicker. When I headed to the window to see what was going on, I saw him running inside his van and leaving. This morning I caught a glimpse inside of Eddie's trailer before the cops could isolate it. Couldn't see her face, but it was definitely her cheerleading uniform."
You freeze, stopping your bike. Half an hour ago, the fact that Eddie took Chrissy back to his place would be enough for you to throw up, but now that's not even a problem for you. Chrissy was dead? At Eddie's place? What the actual fuck?
"Hey, come on" Dustin stopped his bike, turning back to look at you. "I know it's a lot  to process right now, but we've got to get to find Eddie. You know just as much as I do that Eddie would never hurt anyone. Something else killed Chrissy, and we know damn well what could have done it. But we need to know for sure, we need to know what happened,  and for that we need to find him. Okay?"
"Okay." you sniffled, already panicking at the thought of what could've happened, worrying about Eddie.
You follow Max and Dustin to the Family Video store — looks like you wouldn't be late for work after all. As the three of you bursted into the store, Robin and Steve turned around to look at you.
"Did you see this?" Steve asked, pointing at the TV where the news was still on, the reporter talking about the body found at the trailer park. "Someone was murdered!"
"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asked.
"Three, if you count the one at Keith's office." you told him.
"That'll do." Max said, walking around the counter.
"What the hell is going on?" Robin asked, confused.
"You wanna fill them in?" Dustin nudged you, as he threw his backpack over the counter, knocking off Steve's breakfast.
You fill your friends in and they look at you with the same look they had on the night before, but now with a little hint of panic. As the day went by and you called everyone you could think of that could know anything about where Eddie was, you couldn't help but to feel guilty. You spent the whole night worrying about your hurt feelings when Eddie was witnessing something terrible you could have warned him about. You hoped to god he wasn't hurt. You couldn't live with yourself if something happened to him. You needed to find him. 
"Hey guys" Max's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. "I think I might have something"
Steve pulls up in front of Rick's house and the five of you storm out of the car, headed to the front door. Dustin rings the doorbell and knocks at the door.
"Eddie! It's Dustin"
Robin holds her flashlight up the window, trying to see inside the house. You pace around nervously, looking for anything that might lead you to Eddie. 
"Dude, stop yelling" Steve says, clearly annoyed at Dustin "He's not here."
"Guys?" Max calls up to you.
You all follow her to a shed at the back of Rick's house. You push the door open, and get inside. There's fishing gear all over the place, a boat covered at the center of the shed. Steve grabs an oar that was resting at the wall and pokes at the tarp.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asks, confused.
"He might be in here" Steve says, as he continues to poke at the covered boat.
You look around the shed, a table at the corner catching your eye. You walk over to the table and see a half empty bottle of beer, some food wrappers and a half eaten bag of chips. 
"Hey, look over here" you called. "Someone was here."
"Maybe he heard us" Robin says, behind you "Got spooked and ran"
"Don't worry" Dustin said, sarcasm dripping from his voice "Steve will get 'em with his oar!"
"I know you think you're being funny, Henderson" Steve bit back, annoyed "but considering that everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slightest-"
He's interrupted by someone jumping from underneath the tarp, inside the boat, throwing him against the wall — it was Eddie. He held a broken glass bottle against Steve's neck, his eyes wide and shiny, full of tears and fear.
"Whoa whoa Eddie! Calm down! It's me! It's Dustin!"
Eddie looked back at you and Dustin, who was trying his best to calm his friend down. He looked confused, terrified, you've never seen him like this before. You knew something terrible had happened.
"This is Steve, he's not gonna hurt you." Dustin assured "Right Steve?"
"Yeah, right!"
"Steve, why don't you drop the oar?"
Steve drops the oar and Eddie seems to be getting more and more nervous. 
"What are you doing here?" he asks, his voice trembling.
"We're looking for you," Dustin explains. "These are my friends, you know Robin, from the band. This is Max, the one who never wants to play D&D."
Robin and Max nervously wave at him.
"And you know my cousin too, right? I know you two knew each other way before I even met you." 
"Hey, Eddie, it's me, it's okay" you try to calm him down. "We're here to help, we're on your side."
Eddie looks at you and Dustin for a second before letting Steve go, taking a few steps back and lying against the wall, slowly dropping to sit on the floor. Dustin approaches him, trying to take the broken glass bottle away from his hands, causing Eddie to flinch at his touch like a scared puppy.
"Okay, it's okay" Dustin holds his hands up, trying to keep him calm "We just wanna talk"
"Eddie" you slowly walk towards him, kneeling down in front of him, holding your hand out to touch his. He looks at you, allowing you to touch his hand, easing his grip on the broken glass. He lets out a shaky breath and grips your hand tightly, feeling a little less scared. "We wanna know what happened."
"You won't believe me" he sniffled, tears now rolling down his cheeks.
"Try us." Max said behind you, causing him to look up at her, and then look back at you. You gave him a reassuring look, trying to make him feel safe enough to tell you what he'd seen. So he told you.
"Chrissy, she came after me, she wanted to buy some weed. At first I thought it was weird, you know? It was Chrissy Cunningham, for fuck's sake. But she seemed off, like something was bothering her, she told me she felt like she was losing her mind. Asked for something stronger. I told her I might have something, but that I don't carry it around with me in my lunchbox. She asked me where she could get it, and I- I told her I kept it back in my place. Told her she could swing by after the game to get some. When we were leaving Hellfire, she came up to me, asked me if she could go with me back to my place so I could give her the stuff. We went home, and I was looking for the stuff and she-" he took a deep breath, dropping his face in his hands "I left her alone for one minute… When I came back she was just standing there, like she was in a trance or something. Her body just… lifted up into the air and, uh… and her bones… uh, she…" he squeezed his eyes shut, also squeezing your hand, which he was still holding. You squeezed his hand back. "Her bones started to snap. A-and, her eyes man- it was like there was something inside her head, pulling and I- I didn't know what to do so I… I ran away" he lifted his gaze, looking right into your eyes, his eyes filled with pain and guilt. "I left her there."
Your eyes were now also filled with tears as you listened to him, seeing how guilty he felt. It made your heart drop, not only because you couldn't bear to see him like this, but also because you knew — once you get into this, there's no getting out. So, you let Dustin give him the talk.
After you'd told him everything, you figured it was probably time to go. Everyone was ready to walk out the door, but you just couldn't leave him there. He was scared and alone, hiding on a boat, you just couldn't walk away knowing he'd be there in such bad conditions. 
"Guys, we can't just leave him here" you said "we can't leave him alone in here, he's not okay!"
"Look, we know you want him to be okay, but there's not much we can do," Steve reasoned with you. "He's a wanted man, we can't go out walking around with him"
"I know that, but please, just- I'll stay here with him. Dustin, you can tell your mom I'm at Nancy's and won't be coming home until tomorrow morning. I figure Rick probably has some blankets or something like that, I could at least make sure he's comfortable and not alone."
"You sure about this?" Robin asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll be fine, you can go. I've got my walkie-talkie with me, if we need anything I'll let you guys know."
"Okay then" Steve gives in. "But if you need anything at all-"
"I'll let you know. Thanks guys."
They walked out of the shed, headed back to Steve's car, and you followed right behind them. 
"I'll be right back" you told Eddie before leaving him.
You found an open window and jumped inside the house, looking for some blankets and pillows. The place was a mess, it looked like no one had been there for quite some time. You found a blanket that was big enough for you and Eddie to share, grabbing two pillows from the bed. When you got back to the shed, Eddie was still exactly where he was when you left him. He looked so terrified. 
"Hey" you called "got us something to sleep on."
"You're staying here with me?" he seemed confused.
"Of course. I couldn't just leave you here by yourself. I know this stuff is not easy to take in. Trust me, I  can't remember the last time I went to bed not being sure I'd probably have at least one PTSD nightmare."
Eddie huffed, a sad chuckle leaving his lips.
"Look, I know this is nuts. But I can assure you, we'll get through this. I've done it before, I'm sure we can do it again." you reached for his hand.
He let you hold his hand, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles, looking at you with those big, sad doe eyes.
"Thank you for not leaving me." he muttered.
"It's not a big deal, really. Just wanted to make sure you were okay."
The two of you made your improvised bed on the boat, lying down side by side. You felt butterflies dancing around your stomach as you laid down next to him, even though the situation wasn't ideal. You were almost half asleep when he called your name.
"Yeah, Eddie?"
"Can you, um- can you hold me? I know it's childish but I just can't sleep like this. I'm terrified, but I know you've been through this before and I- you make me feel safe."
Your heart melted a little at his words.
"Of course, Eddie. I'm here for you." you said softly, moving closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You could hear his heartbeat and smell him — faded musky cologne and cigarettes. You took a deep breath, taking in his scent. "You make me feel safe too."
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b4nka1 · 2 years
ANIME men and cockwarming (not proofread)
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cw: sexual content, dni if uncomfortable, smut, choking, usage of pet names, cockwarming ofc, not all kinks are mentioned here bc i forgot what i wrote
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definitely into cockwarming. would shamelessly bring you to the espada meeting amd make you sit on his lap, cockwarming him while the other espada stared at y'all in disbelief. by the end of the meeting, after all the espada left, he would throw you onto the table and fuck you mercilessly, grabbing your throat, squeezing it harshly. the next day yoy definitely had to ask szayelaporro for painkillers as well as birth control.
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he definitely hates the idea of cockwarming. he thinks that it is pointless to have a cock buried inside of you when there's no sex happening at all. so its definitely a no-no from shisui. but he would give in very rarely, and when he does, he makes sure that you don't move an inch or you're done for. you asked for it so you're getting it, so you better behave, that's what he thinks.
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he automatically becomes the sub when cocmwarming. your tight walls surround his thick length, clenching at his cock. he moans loudly, gripping your hips tighter as his face buries in between your tits.you can feel his cock twitch inside you. man is so sensitive, he might just come if you squeeze a little tighter.
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an absolute whore for cockwarming. could have you sat down on his lap for hours while his cock is buried into you and he reads icha icha. when really aroused, he would use your mouth as a cockwarmer. would have you on your knees, gagging on his cock as tears slipped from your eyes. though, whenever you sit on his lap, he makes sure to thrust up once or twice in ever 30 minutes, teasing you for the reward you would get later if you behaved.
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oh god. this man would absolutely have you sitting on him while he is doing his work overtime, that's when he's the most stressed. if you don't behave he'll probably either slap your ass nice and hard or tweak your sensitive nipples. when he's done with his work, he gently puts his laptop and phone aside and roughly shoves all the other items on his table to the floor, slamming you ass down on it, hips thrusting upward. he would fuck the living daylights out of you and make sure that you behave like a good girl for him
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OKAYYYYY like bro where do i start. my man doesn't like cockwarming using a mouth or a pussy. he straight up shoves his cock between your round tits and every once or so he pushes the tip of his cock to your chin to wipe the precum on it. if you're being a good girl he might as well give you a suck or two. he could go all day while having his cock pressed between your tits, and when he reaches his limit, he just fucks your cleavage and cums all over your face and tits.
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he's loud, and so is his sex drive. cockwarming doesn't last for more than 2 minutes with him. he gets bored of it quickly and pushes your face down onto the bed, holding your hands from the behind and fucks you ruthlessly, ignoring your cries and moans. he definitely loves to see a cunt squeezing around nothing after he cums into you and pulls out, cum dripping down your hole and flowing down your thighs.
a/n: i feel so pressured to write the requests so here yall go 😭😭😭💕
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glitterypopcorn · 2 months
my parents used to be so busy man. like i'd go to school and then be one of the last people, often the last person, to be picked up at aftercare. my mom would drive me home and id wait 30 minutes to two hours for my dad to come back home. i got home at 6-7 pm.
my dad left for work before i left for school during elementary school and there were days when i'd beg him not to go to work because i knew he'd be gone for so long.
my parents didn't work from home.
we didn't spend enough time together. on the weekends my dad would take me to starbucks to get cake pops and a chocolate croissant for my mom. when i was diagnosed with celiac, i stopped going. what was the point? i cant eat cake pops. they have gluten.
sometimes i tried talking to my mom. a lot of the time my dad told me not to bother her because she's working. i stopped bothering her after a bit.
my dad does most of the household chores. he cooks for everyone. he was often in a bad mood from work and so whenever i annoyed him while he was cooking or doing work at home, he yelled at me. eventually the yelling became mutual and, according to them at the time, i started yelling first.
i spent a lot of time on screens at home. it was the only thing that really entertained me and my parents didn't have the time to stop me.
my temper got worse. i yelled at my dad every day when he woke me up. i still begged him not to leave for work.
then, covid 19 happened.
i spent all my time at home. my skin became very, very pale. my screen usage spiked.
school on zoom was hell. i couldn't focus at all. my dad was in the kitchen, typing on his computer with a very very loud computer. eventually, he moved to the basement because of how distracting it was. whenever my parents would come up or down the stairs to the main floor where i was working, i'd yell at them and they'd yell back. i didn't want to interact with them at all.
i snuck my screens at night so my dad locked them up in a briefcase. that broke eventually, and he resorted to just using the time limit feature on all my devices.
after a while of this, i was diagnosed with adhd, social anxiety, and depression. i can't remember the order.
after quarantine was over, we resumed life as normal. we still wear masks in public to this day because covid is still a thing, obviously, and my mom has an autoimmune issue thingy. we don't want her getting it.
my dad drove me to school. i only had to go to aftercare on fridays, but eventually, the aftercare stopped entirely. my parents tried spending more time with me, but i refused unless they forced me. i would scream and cry every time they made me leave the house for something that wasn't school.
i've gotten better with new meds and all that, but it's still hard.
i get annoyed every time my mom tells me to do something or even just talks to me at all. i text the family group chat very dryly. i keep forgetting to be nice. when i remember, i am literally unable to be. i'm assuming it's my subconscious because my dad used to yell at me so frequently and scared me more than my mom, although when she does yell it's terrifying. that's probably why i get less angry at my dad. but i don't think it's just that because when my dad talks to me i don't feel annoyed at all, whereas my mom talking to me makes me enraged.
i think her voice is a major part. i've encountered like 4 other women who have a similar tone of voice to her when talking to me - my first therapist, my second therapist, a camp counselor, and the woman at that godawful occupational therapy place. won't be talking about that place here . maybe i'll make a post about it later. maybe i already did and i forgot . anyway. i dislike all of those women.
my mom's trying her best.
i feel like how they treated me before covid contributes greatly to how i treat them now. idk. i'm also kinda spoiled and assume i can get what i want because they gave me what i wanted so frequently, and still do a lot of the time.
anyway! i wouldn't call my parents neglectful because i had everything i needed to survive, but still .
/also my mom's mother died when she was 12 and her father was very neglectful, so i think that she's trying to make up for how she used to be and make sure she's not like her father. i'd say she's overbearing, but she really isn't since she barely talks to me so i don't yell as much. it feels that way to me i guess
uhhh idk why they love me i cost them so much and don't tell them anything but :3
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
chapter 6
warnings: warnings: warnings: swearing, divorce, suggestive jokes, Roman makes self deprecating jokes (mostly about his weight and money situation), kate is an asshole and drunk, mention of sex
“Kate.” Roman growled. “Don’t.” My gaze kept flicking between the two. My mind was trying to piece together how those two had ever gotten together in the first place. Especially when Kate looked like she belonged on the cover of Forbes or vogue or something, expensive clothes and jewelry paired together.
“why not?” She asked, pouting. “Never took you for the goth type.” Roman tensed and I tried to pull away from him but he held me tightly. She looked me over and Roman pushed me behind him slightly.
"What the fuck do you want Kate?" Roman asked, sighing and squeezing my arm where it was still wrapped around him. "I don't have the kids. You know that. It's your time with them." Kate rolled her eyes at him.
"But you were supposed to pick them up from Chet's an hour ago asshole." She snapped. Roman frowned and looked at his watch.
"No I wasn't." He said. "I don't get them until next weekend. Since your wonderful lawyer decided I wasn't fit to be alone with them for more than a few hours a week." I tightened my hold on Roman as Kate narrowed her eyes at him. “Thanks for that by the way.” Kate rolled her eyes.
“Well if you’re going to be such a stuck up asshole…” Kate trailed off turning her gaze to me. “Maybe I should tell this bitch…”
“Katherine!” Roman cried as loud as he dared since we were still in the hallway.
“Just what kind of man you are.” She continued, giving him an evil grin. Roman tightened his hold on me and pushed me further behind him. She started walking over towards us, swaying with every step.
“Dammit.” Roman muttered. “She’s drunk.”
“so what do we do?” I whispered. Roman kept himself between the two of us as he moved towards his door.
“follow my lead. We’ll lock her out here and I’ll call…I don’t even know who she’s dating right now.” Roman winced as Kate fell into the wall with a thud. “Fuck it I’ll call Connie.” Roman managed to get his door open and both of us inside as Kate slid down the wall.
“Roman!” She yelled as Roman locked the door, leaning heavily on it and taking a deep breath. “Why won’t you have sex with me anymore?” I raised an eyebrow at that.
“last argument we had. During the filings. She showed up drunk and I was pissed off and she wanted a friends with benefits thing. I said no. So she…started screaming about our sex life in front of the judge.” Roman shrugged.
“how she ever got custody of your kids I’ll never understand.” I shook my head.
“I lied remember? And she blamed me on the mine shaft thing. Said I was supposed to be watching them when she told them to stay in the car.” Roman responded. He finally found the phone number he’d been looking for and dialed. “Connie? Oh hi Chet. No everything…well Kate’s outside my door…yeah asking why I didn’t pick up the girls…right…” while Roman talked to his brother in law I sat down on his couch. I ran my hands over my face and glanced at the door where Kate was still yelling after Roman.
“roman?” I said softly. He looked up and told Chet to hold on. “Tell him to be quick or someone’s gonna call the cops.” Roman nodded and relaid my message.
“yeah…I guess…thanks Chet. Say good night to the girls for me.” Roman said before hanging up. “Their car broke down.” He said, smirk on his face.
“how convenient.” I said, leaning into him. We listened to Kate for a minute before I tilted my head to look up at him. “Should we be the ones to call?” Roman chuckled and grabbed the phone again.
“I don’t see why not.” He said dialing the phone. “Yes hello. I’d like to report a public disturbance. There is a drunk woman screaming outside my apartment. Late 30s. Dark hair. Caucasian. Well dressed.” Roman paused for a second before giving the building number and his apartment number. “Ok. Thank you.” He hung up and looked at me with a smile. “Not the first complaint of the night.” We both started laughing as Kate moved on to complaining about how roman was in bed.
“For fucks sake does she ever talk about anything but sex?” I groaned. Roman rolled his eyes.
“money.” He said. “Which I don’t have so she can’t complain about that.” Roman took a deep breath before taking my hand. “Come on. It should be quieter in my bedroom.”
“taking me to your bedroom already Mr. Craig? I’m flattered.” I giggled. Roman chuckled as he led me down the hall to his room.
“It was only a matter of time before I brought you here anyway.” Roman teased. “Maybe not for nefarious purposes but I mean I’ve got a tv in here and we can cuddle. Beds pretty comfortable honestly. I mean not the softest or firmest but…” I kissed Roman and cupped his cheeks.
“Roman.” I smiled softly at him. “You don’t have to sell me on it. I know we’re not going to do anything back here. I’m happy just to cuddle with you.” Roman smiled at me before kissing me softly again.
“ok.” He whispered. “I just…with Kate…” Roman sighed as we both climbed on the bed. I laid on his chest, tilting my head against his neck. Roman wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I put my hand over his heart and closed my eyes, smiling softly as he turned on the tv. “You ok?” He asked finally. “I know meeting Kate that way wasn’t on your list of things to do.”
“I don’t think it was even on my list to begin with.” I chuckled, rubbing his chest. “Like at all. I don’t know what I expected but it wasn’t her. I didn’t think I could honestly. Whenever you talked about her, I just wanted to hit her. She put you through so much Roman. So much unnecessary shit. I just…” Roman tilted my head up and kissed me hard.
My lips moved against his, hands curling into the black sweater he was wearing. I hummed as he pulled back for a second before diving back in. Roman rolled me on my back, hands framing my hips. Lowering himself, Roman’s forearms trapped me on the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged him further down onto me. I played with his hair as we lazily made out.
“Roman.” I moaned as he ground down against me. Roman paused and drew back. I stared up at him with a smile.
“spend the night.” He whispered. “Please. Spend the night.”
“I’d love to.” I breathed out. Roman smiled and buried his face in my neck. He leaned more of his weight against me. “I do need to go back to my apartment for pajamas though.” Roman shook his head.
“wear mine.” Roman whispered. I smiled up at his ceiling.
“if you think you can handle it.” I teased. Roman pulled back with a smile.
“I think I can.” He responded before kissing me soundly.
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
Okay back for some more art related questions.
How did you make fpk so pink without actually making him pink? I feel like every time I try to draw a pale character with an undertone of color, it looks like that color even though on the color wheel I added like 3% of the color.
How long does it take you to do your art? For an example how long did the fpk reference sheet take you compared to The Cycle art piece with Grimm?
How do you eyeball man? Your art is literally the reference pictures I use to try and draw dark eyes but every time I try to draw them, it looks like Kawaii eyes. Like the eyes in this emoji:🥺. How do you do it?
it all comes down to a very simple thing - it's about highlights that trick your mind into seeing a different color. i'll mainly talk about pink here cause that applies to fpk and i have examples, but i'm sure you could apply this to other colors
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here he is with the pink highlights, without them, and what he would look like if he was actually pink. see the difference? he's still predominantly light gray, but the pink details make you see it as more pink-tinted than he actually is
it's not a 1:1 match since he's leucistic as opposed to fully albino, but i was heavily inspired by pictures like these:
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if you notice, they're not pink, all of them are white, but the pink areas around the mouths or in the shadows make them appear pink-ish
his pre-hibernation look is a lot closer to these pictures, since his soul glow made him more white than light gray (he also has very subtle iridescence)
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the lineart also plays a big role in making a white/gray character appear to have a certain color
here's fpk as you see him on the ref with gray lines + pink highlights, with the highlights removed, and with pink lines (the shadow behind the horns was adjusted as well to match the lines)
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both 1 and 3 appear to look light pink. the third one especially affects how the body looks, so depending how subtle you want the effect you may choose between the two options. or mix them, whatever you like. and as you can see, the colors on the last two are identical, but the one on the right looks more pink
(and if i'm being honest, i may actually snatch those pink lines for future drawings, cause i really like how that looks hahah)
2. it's very difficult to say, i get distract easily so i never keep a proper count. but the unshaded drawings don't take very long, unless there's a pose or any other details that gives me trouble, and i focus all my attention on it, i'd finish the lineart and color phases in probably around 30 minutes? the sketch always influences the length of the process the most, so there's no single way to determine it
and in the case of references, it naturally adds up. the last updates aren't exactly the most reliable way to deduce that since a lot of them were just updates to existing drawings. but if i were to start from scratch, had clear poses in mind and didn't get distracted, i could probably get it done in like two hours
as for the more detailed drawings, they take a lot longer. again, i can't really say how long, the cycle drawing took me a few sittings, but if i had to guess it was probably a few hours in total? maybe around 5? just guessing
3. depends which style i go for. in the unshaded style i keep the eyes simple. one flat color and two lighter colors for the reflections. the more subtle ones play a big part, they make the eye look more 3d and wet. and that also carries over to the painted, shaded style, which includes additional lighting and some details. i particularly like the little star shaped reflections, i think they're adorable but they're subtle enough where they're not distracting
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another big part of how i paint his big black pupils is their reflective nature. in a brown room, they'll look more brown than black and so on. it's very exaggerated, normally such eyes wouldn't change color to such a drastic extent, but i think it makes the drawings look more interesting
i can't really offer any specific tips other than that, since i kinda make it up as i go. but using photo references is always helpful, especially for different eye colors
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Miss Independent - Struck by Love Legacy Challenge - Season 2, Episode 17
The family exchanged presents and spent Christmas together. The following days were spent building snowmen, eating, and spending time together while Naomi's thoughts were focused on a certain black haired man. The anticipation of seeing something that Leo was proud to show off had her stomach in butterflies. Before long, Naomi and the family were setting off to home. Naomi couldn't wait to get back into town and unpack so she could go over to Leo's.
When she arrived back at her apartment, she didn't bother unpacking, too impatient to see his place, to see him. She called him as she set her suitcase down next to the couch.
Leo: Hey Stranger.
Naomi: Hi. I'm home. Do you want to come get me to show your place?
Leo: Did you just get home?
Naomi didn't want to lie but she didn't want to tell him the truth, fearing he might read too much into it and she wasn't even sure what she wanted. Naomi: No, I got home an hour ago.
Leo smirked over the phone: I didn't take you for a liar beautiful, your plane landed 30 minutes ago.
Naomi did a fake gasp: So, you are stalking me?
Leo: Maybe, you can never be too safe.
Naomi: Are you coming to get me or what?
Leo: I'm already outside.
Naomi ended the phone call and raced downstairs. When she and Leo saw each other, they embraced. It was a hug that Naomi wasn't sure how long it lasted, but it was a good one.
Leo was right, his place wasn't that far from hers. Somehow, that made Naomi happy but she didn't like it. She didn't like that he was becoming her happiness.
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Leo and Naomi approached his building.
Leo: It used to be an old fire station but they built a new one a couple blocks over.
Naomi: So it looks like an old firehouse on the inside?
Leo: Oh no, my stepmom has a passion for interior decorating so she did it up real nice. Not my particular taste but dad said it was a gift and I should appreciate it.
Naomi: What were the words you told me? If you don't want to do something, don't do it? If you don't like it, change it.
Leo: I just give advice, doesn't mean I take my own.
Naomi: Then, why should I follow it?
Leo grinned: Because it's good advice beautiful.
Leo lead Naomi into his home and showed her around. It was a 3 story house that didn't have a lot of room on each floor but it was room enough for him. Leo showed her his garden that he built as he explained his passion for gardening, even though he's in the tech career, his dad said that there was no future in gardening and he needed to make a living. So Leo listened. The last room on the list was Leo's bedroom at the top of the building.
After some explicit activities, the pair were flirting and dancing in his bedroom.
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Leo: I think I like you best in my t-shirt.
Naomi: I look better than you in it. It fits me perfect like it was meant to be mine.
Leo: I am completely enamored by you Naomi Rose.
Naomi: That's a big word for you Leo.
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Leo: I mean it, Naomi. This is serious. I love you. I'm In love with you.
Naomi: Put me down Leo.
Leo: What?
Naomi: Put me down, Leo, Now!
Leo put Naomi down and she grabbed her clothes and began leaving his place. She put it out of her mind that he said those words, he didn't mean them, love wasn't real.
Leo: Where are you going? Naomi, wait! Talk to me!
Naomi: No, I'm leaving. You don't mean those words.
Leo: I mean every single one of them, I'm in love with you.
Naomi kept storming off: Stop saying it! It's not true. I'm leaving. Don't come after me.
Leo grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving: Naomi I know you feel the same, I know you feel what's between us.
Naomi shook her arm from his grasp and looked him in the eyes: I don't love you Leo.
Leo was shocked by her declaration and let her go. She could see the tears welling up in his eyes. She broke him and she knew it, but she still had to go. Love wasn't real.
As Naomi reached her apartment, she could feel her own tears rising up. She passed several neighbors on her way to her own, she waved at them as ran to her apartment, not wanting to speak to them.
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She entered her apartment and didn't get far before she collapsed on the floor and sobbed. Why did he say those words to her? Everything was fine before he said those words to her!
Once again, she was as all alone.
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Season 1 | Season 2 First | Previous | Next
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writingshushf1 · 1 year
Summary: You'll be the saddest part of me. A part of me that will never be mine. It's obvious. Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
Rating: +16
Warnings: angst? breakup? losing someone
Word count: 3.7k
Note: this was an old pierre gasly fic that i wrote last year for a friend- however since i don't actually like writing for him (and the plot doen't fit for him AT ALL) i rewrote some details and now here it is! I did it with george because it matched him? i guess and to change a bit from the usual either mick or lewis requests. MAY HAVE SOME MISTAKES on writing
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It was supposed to be just one night, a single dawn of fun and silly mistakes, but I was wrong. And life is never that easy.
Monaco, August 2022.
The view was breathtaking, clearly worth every penny spent. Strolling through Port Hercule at night was breathtaking, the yachts lit up, people partying and living in every possible luxury. I admit, I was a little jealous, I really wanted to be in the middle of it all.
It seemed very well that fate really wanted me to make the most of it, because within minutes a man taller than me came closer. At first I was apprehensive and turned away slightly, until he began to speak.
"A friend of mine saw that you were alone here, taking pictures of the place and walking. Um..." The man looked me up and down. "Invitation from her, if you want, you can join us." He smiled at me, clearly the stranger possessed the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
For a few seconds, I thought about the proposal, because they were strangers and I didn't know what they wanted to do with me, but you only live once. Before agreeing, I sent the location to my friend. If I didn't answer within 3 hours, she could get desperate and call the police.
"Sure. We can go, yes." He held out his hand to me, reluctantly, I held it and let him guide me around the place. "I don't know your name yet."
"George Russell. You?"
"Interesting name, where are you from?" Russell was trying to initiate some conversation until we got to the boat. It was cute, like he was really interested in what I was going to talk about.
I answered, seeing him crack a smile. "However, these last few years I am hopping around several countries because of my job."
When we entered the luxurious place, I could no longer hear him properly, the conversations and loud music filled our surroundings, he just smiled and dragged me to the small bar set up.
"On the house, whatever drink you want." He murmured over my ear. This distance was too dangerous.
Hours later, I woke up crossed in my hotel bed. I had an unbearable hangover, but I was not going to let it ruin my day. Again, I was exploring the place to find out something to do. I walked around the city, hoping to bump into the pair of clear eyes that had kept me company on the yacht. Since it was a Sunday, brunch would be my choice for my first meal of the day, so I walked around looking for a place to eat. After a while I found a small, cozy restaurant and the first person I see when I enter is him. My heart races and I seem to hold my breath involuntarily.
"Y/n!" He calls out loudly, breaking my trance, "I thought I would never see you again."
"I didn't think so either, not least because we were too crazy yesterday to be rational and take each other's number." I laughed lightly.
"So… This is Alex Albon and Mick Schumacher, two very close friends of mine." I greeted them both. "So... Tonight we're going out to a nightclub, if you'd like to join us, just let me know the hotel you're in and I'll come pick you up."
"You really enjoyed my company!" I said, cracking a smile immediately afterwards. 
"What can I do? You're the life of the party, honey."
Okay, I was on the verge of a breakdown and it was about one piece of clothing. It had been 30 minutes and I couldn't decide between two dresses. It was almost time for me to go down to the hotel lobby and I was still standing there in just my underwear looking at both. My cell phone ringing was the highlight, it was him and he was probably already waiting for me downstairs. Out of desperation I grabbed the simplest but most low-cut black dress.
The elevator took ages - actually, seconds - to drop me off on the first floor and I ran to meet him.
"Wow, you're a sight for sore eyes, someone was definitely inspired today" He said as I got closer to him, I just rolled my eyes and he laughed, opening the car door for me.
Arriving at the club, I was clearly feeling out of place, the people were extremely rich and in the middle of them, there was I. We went to the VIP area and soon I was already with a glass of an expensive drink in hand and making small talk with George. He had the best subjects to hold me in conversation while he managed to flirt shamelessly and I was completely falling for it. The boys and his other friends were dancing with girls - either his girlfriends or random girls, while he was trying to be as sexy as possible, trying to impress me. And he was.
"Let's dance." I spoke softly to him, holding his hand and pulling him into the group of people.
Unholy, by Sam Smith was playing and at that moment I was not me, not even a little bit, it seemed that all the shame and lack of courage had been taken from me. The British had already understood what I was doing, so he rested his firm hands on my waist as I danced shamelessly, moving my body against him. He was enjoying what I was doing, his breaths getting heavier and closer to my ear, until his face was pressed against the back of my neck. Thank God it was dark and no one could see how we were grinding into each other
"Oh God, doll..." He murmured, which left me with my cheeks boiling with embarrassment, however it was not the moment. "I want to kiss you so badly."
"Kiss me then."
In a matter of seconds, I felt my body being turned around and his lips were against mine. I couldn't help myself, I ran my hands over his body, from his chest to the back of his neck. He responded in the same way, his hands were not discreet and it didn't matter who saw us like that. The kiss was hot and desperate, as if he had wanted it since he first saw me. When we parted for some air, his lips were a purplish shade of purple from my lipstick, which made me laugh softly at the forgotten detail.
"Do you want to get out of here? Where I live there is plenty of room for one more person to spend the night there." His hand was already strong on my waist, as a sign of dominance and it made a puddle form inside my panties
We could have reached where he lived in 5 minutes, but with the amount of distractions we had on the way, it ended up lasting 20. We can say that a few kisses and touches were exchanged in the meantime.
Russell’s desire was gigantic, for the moment I closed the door, I was picked up and seconds later my back was against the bed. I took off my heels anyway and he was soon on top of me.
"That dress clearly had an effect on me." That was the last thing he said before he kissed me again.
I opened my eyes slowly, the darkness of the room that was not mine confused me for a few seconds until I remembered where I really was. It was at that moment that I felt hands around my naked waist and George sleeping peacefully beside me. My first reaction was not to move, he looked so calm that I turned my body to lie against his chest, just to enjoy the moment of peace, but happiness doesn't last long...
"Good morning." His voice was half hoarse and in a low tone. Shit, why so hot?
"Good morning." I sighed loudly and stood, completely forgetting that I was only in my panties until he groaned at me, my cheeks blushing with embarrassment.
"Vision of paradise." I said unashamedly.
I didn't answer, just smiled shyly and quickly got dressed. Soon I was brushing my teeth and he didn't even get out of bed. When I was ready to leave, the British got up in just his underwear.
"Why are you going already? We had such a good night..." Indeed, the night had been one of the best I had ever had.
"Because..." There was no reason, we didn't work together, we don't even have any previous relationship or that would cause future problems. "There is no reason. I thought we were just a one-night stand."
"It doesn't have to be a one-night stand. If you want." He said in a lower tone, as if it were our secret. "I'm willing to try." His hands passed around my waist, pulling my body against his and away from the door.
I thought for a moment before answering. My previous relationships had been terrible and no one seemed to be the person. I hardly knew him, didn't know where he worked, just that he was very rich, his hobbies...
"We can try." And so, I made the most painful mistake of my life.
I was wearing one of his shirts, while he was ordering our breakfast - they looked so big on me. He was tall so his outfits were bigger. I sat on the window ledge, looking out at the beautiful scenery that could be seen from there. As soon as he returned with two relatively large boxes, I smiled.
"Don't go anywhere, I'll tidy up and we can eat with the beautiful view on the balcony." My heart melted for a few seconds, how cute could he be? Clearly my view of him had changed in a matter of minutes.
Neither of us shared a word while we were eating, but in our defense, the food was wonderful, which drew a few satisfied sighs. Still, in order to make conversation and find out about his personal life, I made conversation again.
"What do you work in? So far I haven't asked you or even googled you to find out if you are some big tycoon who can rent an apartment in Monaco." The tone was not one of malice, just curiosity. "I know at times, you had people from afar taking pictures of you, but I thought I just thought you were handsome. It's just that I have this thing… I mean, which job is so good that you live here." I cracked an amused smile, crossing my legs over his.
"Formula 1 driver. Currently at Mercedes." He replied as if it was the most common job in the world, yet at the same moment I knocked over the piece of cronut that was in my hands. "I thought you already knew!"
"No! I didn't know? Look... I only know the most famous ones that have passed through the sport... Senna, Schumacher, Prost...Lauda. I had no idea who was currently in the sport." He just laughed at my surprise. "That's why people keep watching you from afar! By God! What if they saw us leaving the club last night? What could that do to your reputation?"
"Honey. Calm down, it's not that dramatic." He used his free hand to place it over my cheek. "They always speculate about our lives and I couldn't care less. If we are available to try, I think more about you. You're not used to living in this life of cameras and constant attention."
"I'll be fine." 
"Are you sure?" 
"For you? Yes."
Two weeks went by and there I was, watching from my cell phone, the Dutch Grand Prix, all for George Russell. Officially we were still nothing, however, under the surface. He was my boyfriend.
Something so strange to say, as much as I know he is the right person. At that moment I was at the airport, ready to catch a plane to the province of Monza, so that we could spend a week together - more like post-practice on Friday, post-qualifying on Saturday and post-race on Sunday, because I cannot yet afford to quit my job to live as a fan of my boyfriend.
That's when the inevitable problems started to happen.
I arrived exhausted in Monza and went straight to the hotel, didn't answer messages and didn't even look at my cell phone properly. I was so tired that I wanted my bed. Russell was extremely worried and almost considered leaving the Netherlands on Monday because of my disappearance. On Tuesday, he came to my hotel room, but I was constantly in meetings and doing work, which did not please him, because he missed my company. That day he apologized. On Wednesday I got some time off, but he had already arranged to leave with his friends. There was nothing to apologize for. By Thursday he was already involved with the race that would happen on Sunday and I continued working. We hardly spoke to each other.
On Friday, after the free training sessions, we had a dinner scheduled in a fancy restaurant and we managed to go. I can say that it was the best night, because we didn't sleep afterwards, we just killed our homesickness with lots of wine, conversation and sex.
Saturday was qualifying and I was there. Sunday, third place. I was proud of him and we celebrated together with the others. I felt out of place with the other girlfriends and partners of the pilots, for the most part they were all so Chic, I felt left out, because I was a simple girl who, with the effort of my family that helped me get to a renowned company, was still not enough.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were ordinary, goodbye is always painful, I would only see him in a few weeks. One of those nights around the weekend, he said I love you and I said it back, hanging up the phone before I could hear his answer.
We haven't seen each other in person for over a month. He travels to one side of the world. I am in a different city, we try to reconcile time zones and catch planes, but our routine is dull and it is upsetting for both of us. What keeps us positive is the end of the season and finally we can spend weeks and weeks together. Four more races and this year is over.
Each time more time passed, the pain in my chest of longing increased, because we were amazing together, love seemed to overflow, yet the pain of not having him by my side hurt me and I know that it also affected him mentally. A painful truth seemed to grow in my chest. I was trying to knead it, but it was getting bigger and bigger.
The agony often took over my body. The fear of him never coming home, what if he found someone better? What if I gave up this crazy life he was living? If I wanted more security?
Maybe this was not the time to be together.
And that only proved to be true around Christmas. Our first fight, over something as simple as where we were going to spend the holiday together, ended in both sides crying and endless apologies. Our temper was still the biggest problem for both of us, even if our love was big and beautiful. Explosiveness to end everything in a matter of seconds. We were in a weird mood for 3 days after that. The decision was to spend Christmas each with their own family, the relationship was too new for us to go out showing off to each other and this was right, newly blossoming feelings. I spent the holiday period sending pictures and messages, getting minimal responses, but it was expected.
After that, the relationship was still very good, we couldn't see each other on some weekends, the other turned to love and sex, yet there was an elephant in our midst that no one wanted to mention. The start of racing in 2023. He was now in a relatively better car than the previous one and that would demand even more of him.
We avoided the subject until the start of pre-season testing. His mental health was worse than usual, but he was happy with the results, I was... My family had disassembled, losing someone was never easy, much less when your job also blew up in less than a week after that, besides being on the other side of the world with no prediction of returning home. Everything had piled up and was taking too much out of both of us.
He was trying to be everything, only my life was meaningless and no matter how much I returned the love, I knew it was still not enough for his big, passionate heart.
We needed to talk.
The second day he was home, my body was exhausted from looking out for work so as not to leave him paying for it alone, even though he didn't mind. As soon as I arrived, I ran to his lap, where I hid my face and let him comfort me.
"We need to talk." 
"What's it about, kitten?"
"We... We are distant. Not physically, but mentally... It seems that our lives don't want to share with each other. I need to go back to my country and I don't know if I can get back here anytime soon, while you... You are in an amazing team, living a dream of winning podiums... To be adored by new people. They are not working out."
"I am serious. Haven't you noticed that every time our lives come into our relationship, either we fight and come out crying or one of us needs to be consoling the other? It's never about enjoying each other's lives, participating, feeling at home. It is about working like convicts and maybe on the weekend getting together for sex sessions and small talk over a bottle of wine. Not that I don't love this and don't love you.”
"Yet this is killing me, and it's killing you, too. You're 25 years old, baby. At the peak of your career and so soon you don't want to retire and stop the momentum. I need some calm right now, my family is destroyed. You are married to your career, which I don't think is completely wrong for your environment, but our visions of the future will not fit together. At least not today."
I watched him swallow hard, his face turned to the side, tears timidly streaming down his face. Without even hesitating, I run both hands over his face, wiping them away.
"I don't want to break up with you. It's the first time I've ever been completely given over to someone. I have never, ever really devoted myself as much, felt as loved as you have made me feel, honey. " The crying voice brought pain to my heart and I wanted to give up halfway through. "Don't do this to me."
"You know I don't want to either." I murmured, ignoring my own tears and leaning my forehead against his. "But it's the best thing for both of us. How many times have we cried this week? Over things within our relationship that we can't fix. They're incorrigible because they're not up for us to change, George."
"I know. I know all this, but I don't want to lose you."
"You won't lose me. I promise you. One day we will meet again."
"How do you know?"
"Because our lives aren't on the same page. One day we'll have our right moment and we'll make everything we couldn't experience in these months count. I promise."
"I will never forget you.
"Then let's make this night unforgettable."
And we had sex that night. We cried together, packed my bags, and cried some more. And in a few hours I was at the airport to return to my country. He didn't want to let me go, his hug was so strong and his kisses were endless, they were so desperate but at the same time they carried so much love. Everyone always said that goodbyes were always hard, even more so for young loves.
"This here. It stays with you. When you think it's our time, you give it back to me." He took it off one of his favorite necklaces, placing it around my neck.
I was unresponsive for a few seconds, just enjoying the touch of his hands. "I will always love you, Russ."
"And I will always love you too, love. See you someday?"
"See you someday."
So we had our last kiss, intense, with his tongue next to mine, bodies glued together, and then a strong and tearful hug, and minutes later I was walking into the plane, my face swollen. I couldn't stop crying and thinking how incredible that love had been.
Thinking about the future with him, with the possibility of meeting him again made me cry even more, because I had the courage to leave him, however I knew it was the best, I didn't want us to end with just hate and no love.
When you love, sometimes you have to make the hardest choice.
George (pov)
I was sitting on my bed. I didn't know that love could hurt so much as it did right now.
"She was that person who messed everything up and yet, fixed everything at the same time. I was no longer Russell who did things without thinking. She loved me so much and I loved her so much. Why does everything that is good have such a painful end? It was just like a novel... Which was supposed to be beautiful, the kind that annoys people with all the love the main characters have, but…” Lewis just listened to me, with a hand on my shoulder. He squeezed slightly, to show that he understood what I meant.
"The greatest loves don't last forever, friend." He murmured, giving me a hug where I let myself cry.
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farmerbebop · 2 months
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Back by unpopular demand: one last holiday update. It doesn't have much action but it's a holiday so we don't really need that.
1. I suddenly got some skin rashes and showed them to mom. She immediately took out something she called "all-purpose spray" and I only got a chance to say "What even is an all-purpose spray?" before she sprayed it on my skin. She said I must have forgotten to apply sun cream in the afternoon when I went out for an hour or so, which is true. She said I can't go out after lunch until late afternoon again because it's too hot. The next morning at 9 a.m. she just put tons of sun scream on me and sent me out and said when I'm back and can't find her on the beach that means she is back at the hotel, and I must be back for lunch.
You can see why no healthy child can get sick and no sick child wouldn't get well under my mom's care and when I did get sick as a kid she never failed to remind me of what I did wrong. I would lie sobbing on my bed until my dad came back from work and assured me I did nothing wrong and if I would just drink some orange juice everything would be alright again. (My dad can convince a general of an enemy army to drink his orange juice if he has to but that's not the point here.)
2. The Hippocratic Museum is small and had only a few visitors when I was there so 'the old man with a book' personally gave everyone a tour. He was the only one there before another woman came and sat at the counter. She gave me a free postcard for the five that I bought.
For someone who used to eavesdrop on other people's guide in museums like me, this is great. One time I was eavesdropping when I realized no one would believe I belong to this group of people the way I look.
At the Roman Odeon I saw a man wearing only his shorts standing at the top posing for a photo and felt quite relieved because now I am not the only one who looks like a three-year-old next to Patrick McGoohan.
3. We wanted to go on the "kindergarten train" as I call it, the one that takes a bunch of tourists around town, but the driver told me they have to wait until they have at least six passengers. After a few days we finally caught the right moment and we got driven around town together with another family. After a while, a man from a restaurant nearby ran out and greeted the driver and he stopped in the middle of the road to talk to the man for like five minutes. My mom, too used to living in Germany after nearly 30 years, has never seen anything like this and was like "Can you believe this?"
Mom can't walk far so our evenings were spent within 10 minutes walk from the hotel. One time we went to a pub on the street overlooking the harbour and it has less non-alcoholic choices than the street vendor has corn products (boiled corn, grilled corn and popcorn). I inherited the love for glutinous carbs from my grandma and so I prefer grilled corn everyday to choosing between a drink called virgin something and another called pornstar something. My best friend is still struggling to find a boyfriend because most of them run away when they find out she has a PhD. I WONDER WHY.
4. Mom asked me how to send a heart emoji as reaction instead of a thumbs-up on facebook post because her niece posted a photo of her daughter's birthday. None of us is sure what the birthday girl's real name is. We only know her by her pet name. She is four years old and the other day she just told her grandpa "Grandma does housework the whole day and you do nothing. What are you sitting there for? Sitting there will only make you fat."
Almost every kid I have seen is better with words than I was at their age. Back when my little sister was a small kid, whenever I washed the dishes, she would say "Do you want to hear a story?" then bring a chair and sit down next to me and make up a story on the spot. When she went to the toilet for a longer time I had to come too, so that she could tell me her stories.
I sometimes have to read letters from electricity company, insurance company, etc. for my mom. I have headaches every time reading those letters. Mom said even Germans sleep on the street because they can't handle the paperwork for unemployment benefits.
5. Mom's boss called to make sure she is coming back on time. Mom said business is not that good so he gets bored sitting at the shop. He tried to reduce the electricity costs by not allowing mom to turn on her music player. Mom took it home and after one time taking care of the shop he said the music player can return.
He also runs a private taxi service, used to make money by buying and reselling flower shops, had a restaurant once, saved quite a lot of money. He hired his wife with a high salary and transferred the money to her to legalize it so that they could use that money to buy a house. Then his wife ran away.
This job doesn't pay much but mom can't work the whole day anymore so her choices are limited. She also doesn't want to have her own shop. She is too old for that. She said there's this woman who did the cleaning in the hospital for years, bought a shop with her savings, but she doesn't know how to do the work so she has to hire an employee. It's not possible to make any profits with the rent and the salary to pay so now she still has to clean the hospital.
6. Mom asked if my dad still wants me to get married. I told her he has enough to worry about beside that. She laughed and said he is probably just tired of talking to me about it.
If there's anything my dad is not tired of doing, it is talking. He can be so drunk he can't even walk, but he can still talk in metaphors and if he wants to say he doesn't like what you have done he will say it in a way that makes you vomit blood, if you can understand it within three days.
I remember him talking a great deal about getting married but I can't remember the details. The gist of it is, he believes there are some good guys out there.
Mom said getting married is like gambling. But if there's one choice that has to be made right when things go wrong it is the choice between your husband and your kids. And you always have to choose your kids.
She also said if you can't find a partner, no one is gonna take care of you when you are old. We really never ask where the hell our government is.
7. There's a place in the world where I would crawl back to if I'm fatally wounded and I'm sure the island of Kos also means the same thing to someone out there. Once you have seen it, you'll understand why it's the birthplace of Hippocrates.
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megamindslair · 1 year
It's a Little Warm, Part 1
Moving my fics to @megamindsecretlair
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. There is some making out, unresolved tension! Bucky x Blackfem!reader. Plus Size Reader. Mentions of private parts but really mild. Cursing. Mild age gap. Reader is late 20s and Bucky is mid 30s. Soft Bucky. Part 1 of ?, I don't know how long this will take to wrap up. Slow burn to smut though. Some sentences are intentional AAVE.
Summary: Sam Wilson is your play uncle and has invited you and Bucky to stay at a cabin with him, Sarah, and the kids. Bucky was sweet enough to help with your bags. You also found yourself up in the wee hours of the morning with him.
Word Count: 4,221k
Read Part 2
A/N: I've been reading a lot of age gap fics at cabins and wanted to try my spin. Apologies if I miss any warnings or this is super corny. But here we go!
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“Kinfolk!” Uncle Sam yelled and shoved past people in his quest to scoop you into his arms and spin you around. You yelped, not used to anyone swinging you around like a doll. You were short but far from petite and the sudden loss of your feet firmly planted to the ground made your stomach flip. 
“Put me down!” You yelled. You slapped at his massive arms but that only made him chuckle. Mercifully, he stopped turning and set you on your feet. “Look at you!” 
You rolled your eyes. “I just saw ya’ll last week!” 
His chuckle was quick as he threw his head back. “You barely come out of the house, I got to comment on the special occasion.”
You twist your lips and roll your eyes. “I see being Captain Chocolate has made you even cornier,” you said.
Uncle Sam laughed and threw his arm over your shoulder. “Oh, see you got jokes. I see working for that newspaper ain’t help with them lame ass nicknames. I thought you had a better vocabulary than that?” 
“Somehow I always forget it when I come around ya’ll,” you said. Uncle Sam only chuckled. “Where’s your bags?” 
“Got it in the car for now,” you said. 
Uncle Sam frowned. “Give me a minute, I’ll come help you,” he said. 
“I’m perfectly capable of bringing up my own bags,” you said. 
“That ain’t what I said. C’mon and say hi to Sarah. She’s glad there will be another woman this week,” he said. You follow Uncle Sam through the cabin, weaving through close friends of his and Aunt Sarah. 
The cabin had an open plan for the living room and dining room. People milled around watching a football game and sitting on large, comfortable couches. The dining room was cottage chic as a few of the elderly people sat around it talking and fanning themselves. Kids nearly pushed you over as they ran through the cabin.
“Say ‘excuse me’ next time!” Uncle Sam called after them. A chorus of “excuse me’s” rang out as you waved them off. Finally, you made it through the sea of people into the kitchen where various aunties were passing around bowls and spoons and tinfoil. 
They smiled at you and you were passed around like the last piece of pie as everyone got in their hugs and kisses and well wishes. The last person to hug you was Aunt Sarah. She hugged you just as hard as Uncle Sam did. 
“Damn, ya’ll would’ve thought I died or something,” you said. 
Sarah laughed. “Oh my god! I’m just so happy it’s not just me staying here this week. Sam gets his puppy, I should get one too,” Sarah said and laughed, pushing her braids behind her ears. 
Before you could ask what she meant, a booming grandfatherly voice called out for Sam. He told them that he’d be right back and headed out of the open side door towards the backyard. Smoke rose into the air as a full barbeque station was being managed by an elderly man with a cap and New Balance shoes on. You shook your head. Every time.
You opened your mouth to ask what Sarah meant by the puppy comment but movement to your left caught your eye. A man entered the kitchen in a soft burgundy shirt and jeans and large dusty boots. He scanned the room before spotting Sarah and broke into a wide grin.
He was simply gorgeous. It was the type of smile that could stop traffic. Perhaps even cure cancer if he grinned hard enough. His eyes crinkled in the corners as he approached. 
“You must be Sam’s niece,” he said and extended his hand. 
“Uh yes, nice to meet you, Mr. Barnes,” you said and took his hand. His hand was rough and calloused and slid across your soft palm, making your hand tingle. 
He smirked and shook his head. “Ugh, Mr. Barnes makes me sound old. I’m not that old. Bucky is fine,” he said.
“You are that old, you old dinosaur,” Uncle Sam said, materializing right next to you. He clapped you on the back, making you jump. “He’s so old, Moses asked him to lead the choir,” Uncle Sam said and laughed.
The group laughed and Bucky rolled his eyes. “At least I don’t have any gray hairs,” Bucky said. 
“Ay man, you take that back. That’s hurtful,” Uncle Sam said and smoothed down his faded haircut. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Bucky Barnes. It had been wild hearing about the man from Uncle Sam and Aunt Sarah, but seeing him in person was an entirely different experience. 
Aunt Sarah leaned her hip against the counter and looked between the two men. “See, Sam gets his puppy and I get another human being to talk to. Once you get these two started, they keep going on and on,” she said. 
You narrowed your eyes and tilted your head. “Bucky’s staying with us for the week too. It’s rare they come home at the same time these days. So we’re gonna make a thing out of it,” Aunt Sarah explained the unspoken question lingering in the air.
“Ah, gotcha.” 
“Hey, we bring the sunshine and the good vibes. All day, baby. Now, pass over the keys,” Uncle Sam said and held his hand out. 
You shook your head. “I can get it, it’s not a big deal.” 
The cook for the festivities called for Uncle Sam again. He groaned and nodded towards Bucky. “Wrestle the keys from her so we can help with her bags and take it upstairs. She’s stubborn.” 
“Stubborn doesn’t work on us, doll,” Bucky said and turned that mega-watt smile on you. You sighed and fought to keep all kinds of dirty thoughts out of your mind. Could super soldiers read minds? 
“Hey, hey, hey! None of that. Paws off!” Uncle Sam said.
“Oh my god,” you groaned. Your cheeks instantly flamed and you were grateful for your darker skin. It hid the obvious signs of a blush. You turned to Aunt Sarah for help who laughed and shook her head. She gave you a pitying look as if to say she wouldn’t be any help. She looked Bucky up and down and winked at you. 
“You’re not really my uncle, you know,” you said. 
“I’m your uncle in the ways that matter. Don’t make me bring a hose in here. It’s hard enough keeping the aunties off of him.” 
The cook called out for Uncle Sam again. He gave them a warning glare before you turned back to Bucky who held out his metal hand. It had intricate designs etched into it and seemed really, really advanced. You half wondered if it was from that famous Wakanda. You’d just about die to have a chance to go there one day. 
“I can get it myself. You don’t have to bother,” you said. You backed away, bumping into random partygoers talking in the kitchen. The press of bodies seemed to double as you backed away towards the front door. You knew you should have brought your things inside earlier. But you were already running late and just wanted to unwind from the long drive. 
Bucky stalked forward, patient as a hunter, with his arm still outstretched. His grin turned into a patient smirk. 
“Right, being stubborn doesn’t work on you,” you said. 
His answering smirk was enough to melt your panties. You looked away from him. If he couldn’t read your mind, he could at least read your facial expressions. And none of your thoughts were holy. 
You dug into the back pocket of your shorts and slapped your keys into his hand. “Thanks, doll,” he said.
You had, hand to god, actual shivers run down your spine. His voice had the right amount of gravel in it to skate over your nerve endings. And you weren't even standing that close to him. 
Bucky held out his hand for you to lead the way and you took the opportunity to calm your racing heart and nerves. He was a solid wall of heat at your back as you maneuvered your way to the front door. Your sandals slapped against the hardwood floor but even with his boots, he was silent. You felt like a bull in a china shop. 
You gave yourself a pep talk. Somehow, someway, you were supposed to survive an entire week with that. You supposed it was true. You should never meet your idols. You might get the overwhelming urge to climb them like a tree. 
Okay, thoughts like that weren’t going to help. You supposed you could limit your contact as much as possible. Hide out in the room or down by the lake. Anything. As long as it meant you weren’t right next to the man. 
You led Bucky outside and towards the makeshift parking lot. A dizzying array of nearly every make and model crowded the rented cabin’s lawn and rocky driveway. You had to park a little ways away and walk down to the cabin. Making it to your beat up Honda, you waved to it. 
Bucky smirked and popped the trunk. You had two suitcases, plus your laptop bag. You moved to grab one and Bucky tsked at you. He tsked at you as if you were a child! 
“You don’t like people doing things for you, do you?” Bucky asked with a smirk. He bent down to retrieve your bags. He didn’t even grunt at the weight. This was your poor attempt to pack light. But since you were a big girl, your clothes didn’t roll up all cute and tiny. You had to adjust and shove things until they fit enough for the suitcase to close. 
“I’m not used to it. Makes me feel weird,” you said. 
“Why’s that?” 
“I don’t know. Makes me feel useless. I feel like I should help,” you said. He got the second suitcase down and slipped your laptop bag over his shoulders. You closed the trunk.
“So you were going to haul all of this to the cabin tonight by yourself?” 
“Yes?” You hadn’t meant to make it a question, but he asked as if he were scolding you. You fought an eye roll and bit the inside of your cheek. He was being nice. But it still grated. As far as the City of Nawlins was concerned, you were a full growed adult. 
“It gets pretty dark out here. It could’ve gotten dangerous. A random car could hit you or a wild animal could trip you up,” he said. 
“You always so fatalistic?” 
“I’ve had reason to be,” he said.
Right. Doofus. “I am so-”
“Don’t be,” he said with a smirk. “Once you fight scaly purple monster-aliens, it’s hard not to see danger everywhere. Just because you can do things by yourself doesn’t mean you can’t accept a little help. Okay?” 
You nodded slowly, feeling like a proper idiot. Of course the man was fatalistic. You didn’t know everything about him. Most of it came from Antman’s book or Uncle Sam’s stories, and it wasn’t the whole story. Still, it was enough to know that Bucky had more than enough reason to be wary of potential danger. 
You took a deep breath and avoided looking at him. He carried your bags into the house and up the stairs. He nodded towards a door a few paces down the hallway. You opened it to find a spacious room, decorated with a nautical theme. You smiled at the blue and white scheme, the anchor pictures on the wall, and the goofy full sized bed. 
Bucky gently set your bags on the floor and your laptop bag on the small desk. As he leaned over, his shirt rode up a bit revealing creamy skin and subtle muscles. 
“What’s that, doll?” Bucky asked as he straightened. 
“What?” You asked, a little too loud. You looked at him and he put his hands on his waist as he surveyed the room.
“I thought you said something,” he said. Did he have to draw attention to his tiny ass waist? Seriously. This man couldn’t be real. It was like he stepped out of a smut book. He was the definition of sexy as sin. Everything he did was seductive. 
“Figured you’d get the better room,” he muttered with a sigh. But you got the sense that he was teasing. You looked around and noticed the huge window. You went to it and peeked out over the backyard. Uncle Sam was leading the group dance along to a Tupac song. 
You turned with a smile to tell Bucky but you noticed his eyes dart up to your face. Was he…?
No way. You shook your head. “Where’s your room?” You asked.
“Right across the hall. Just holler if you need anything, I’m a light sleeper.” 
Your mind wandered to how he would look asleep. His dark hair tousled and floofy. You bet he slept without a shirt on. He seemed the type. Plus he was like a furnace. He probably got hot. Which meant…
“Uh right. That must suck. I sleep like a little brick,” you said. Your cheeks burned again. 
“I haven’t slept that well since before the war,” he said and shrugged. “You okay?” 
“I’m fine. I probably just need some water. It’s a little warm in here. I mean outside. I mean today,” you said with a laugh. You looked at the floor and closed your eyes. Yup. Operation Avoid Bucky At All Costs commenced now. 
“Well come on. We better get downstairs before Sam steals all the ribs like last time. I thought food lasted longer at cookouts?” Bucky asked. 
You laughed. “Rule number one of cookouts: make your to-go plate before your real plate,” you said. 
He backed out of the room with a grin. You followed and closed your bedroom door behind you. 
“You’ll have to explain that one,” he said. 
You explained the intricacies of cook out etiquette as you headed down the stairs and on the way outside. Bucky listened and didn’t interrupt no matter how many side stories and funny anecdotes you told. Once outside, Uncle Sam waved from the dance area. 
Uncle Sam moved and shimmied his way through dances, making everyone around him laugh. He wore long, navy shorts and a light blue shirt. You shook your head as he tried to twerk and made everyone nearly fall out with laughter. 
You stood side by side with Bucky as you watched. You kept all of your focus on Uncle Sam. You absolutely did not notice how heavenly Bucky smelled or how he blocked the sun for you. 
Aunt Sarah called your name and you looked behind you. She sat at a table and waved. She pointed to a plate she made for you. Your stomach chose then to grumble. You waved back to acknowledge her. 
“I better…” 
“I’ll catch you around,” he said with a small smile. He headed off into the swarm of people with ease saying hi and clapping people on the back. 
You took a deep breath. Maybe food was exactly what you needed. If you were too busy stuffing your face, you didn’t have time to think about Bucky Barnes. 
You were burning up. For such an open room, the southern heat was eating you alive. You had already kicked off most of your pjs, leaving nothing but an oversized T-shirt and your panties. In a minute, you were going to take that off too, but you desperately needed some water.
You got out of bed, fumbling around in the dark. You stubbed your toe on the corner of a dresser and bit the inside of your cheek to keep from yowling. You danced in place until the sharp pain subsided.
You had no idea what time it was but after the party, cleaning up, and trading stories around the kitchen table, everyone peeled off for bed around two or three in the morning. The sun wasn’t yet up so you only managed to get an hour or so of sleep. 
Your tongue was dry and thick. You moved it around, trying to get your spit going. That last tequila shot definitely did you in. You sighed heavily as you padded down the hallway and the stairs. 
The silence was near deafening as you crossed the wide open space. The cabin was dark but there was enough ambient light from the open curtains letting in moon light. You could see enough to cross the living room towards the kitchen.
You opened the fridge door and bent over to look for leftover water bottles. You danced a bit as you tried to focus long enough to find a bottle. The fridge blew cold air that washed over your flushed skin. You scratched absently at your bonnet. 
Finally finding some water, you uncapped it and stood up to down nearly half the bottle. You turned around and screamed, jumping back into the fridge door. Bucky sat at the kitchen table. The light from the fridge gave him an otherworldly appearance.
Bucky stood up instantly and crossed the small space towards you. He held out his hands to steady you. “You okay? I’m sorry,” he said. 
You slapped him away and scrambled for the nearest light switch. “You scared me half to death!” 
Miraculously, you drank too much for the water to slosh out of the bottle so none of it spilled. You clutched the cool bottle to your racing heart. Your hands shook and you took deep breaths to calm down. 
Bucky had the good nerve to wince before closing the fridge door. “I’m truly sorry,” he said.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked.
Bucky chuckled. “Well, I wasn’t trying to scare you. A random voice in the night would’ve scared you more,” he said. 
You flopped into the nearest kitchen chair. You were too hot and too shaken up to care that you wore a bonnet around Bucky. There was no need to avoid him now. You were about as sexy as a paper clip. 
He dropped back into his seat. Now that you were calming down, you noticed that true to your daydreams, his hair was pleasantly tousled. He didn’t wear a shirt but he did have dog tags hanging from his neck. His metal arm gleamed in the low light. 
“Couldn’t sleep either?” You asked.
He smirked. “Not really,” he said. 
“Nightmares? Want to talk about it? I’ve been told I’m an excellent listener,” you said.
He absently rubbed a spot on the wooden table. “Wasn’t a nightmare this time. Actually had a dream. For the first time in a long time.” 
You looked at him as he held a smirk, but there was no humor in it. You sat patiently, giving him the space to talk about it or not. It didn’t seem like he was inclined, so you sipped your water and listened to the subtle animal sounds from outside. 
“It wasn’t anything fancy. Quite boring actually. I dreamt I was back in Wakanda. It was peaceful there,” he said softly.
A million questions danced in your head. But you nodded and smiled at him to continue. “There was a small lake where I used to sit for hours and just be. I didn’t get a lot of chances to do that in my life. Being here just made me miss it, I guess,” he said.  
“I get that. Dream freaked you out enough to come sit in the dark by your lonesome?” You asked.
He chuckled and nodded. “I can’t always trust what’s in my head. Sometimes I need to ground myself and I’m still getting used to how soft beds are these days,” he said.
“Oh, they make them firmer. Like sleeping on an ironing board,” you said. 
Bucky chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve slept on worse,” he said. 
“Ugh, no thank you. Give me the softest bed you can find. I wanna disappear into an infinite void of clouds and pillows and blankets,” you said. 
Bucky grinned and looked at you. “Don’t you have to be this tall to even climb into the bed?” He held up his hand to exaggerate how short you were. You stuck your tongue out at him. 
“Next to you, everyone’s short,” you said.
“And yet you’re still the shortest,” he said and laughed. You leaned up and slapped his regular arm. 
“You’ve been hanging around Uncle Sam too long,” you said.
Before you could pull back, Bucky grabbed your wrist and prevented you from moving back. He rubbed lazy circles as he looked at you.
“Why do you call him Uncle?” 
Your heart rate sped up for different reasons. His touch was feather soft and sent all kinds of crazy signals to your belly. 
“I grew up around their family for years. But when Sam joined the Air Force, I called him Uncle Sam as a joke. Kind of stuck. He already saw himself as my older brother so we kept it. Sarah felt left out so I called her Auntie,” you explained.
Bucky hummed and nodded. He glanced down at the circles he was making on your wrist. 
“Where’s your family?” He asked.
You shrugged. “Deadbeat, emotionally abusive parents. I ditched them a long time ago and I don’t talk to them.” 
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“S’okay. Good riddance. Sam and Sarah and the boys are all I need. If you’re gonna keep coming around, I guess that includes you too,” you said.
Bucky chuckled and finally released your wrist. “You should probably try to get some sleep. Apparently, Sam has plans scheduled for the whole week,” Bucky said softly. 
“Sam loves his plans. You gonna get some rest?” You asked.
“I’ll try,” he said. 
You nodded. You stood up and moved to walk past him. But you stopped and bit your lip. You reached up and stroked his cheek. 
“I hope you get some sleep,” you said. You didn’t quite want the spell to break yet. It was early morning and the house was quiet. In the moments you spent down here, your body had cooled. However, standing so close to him while his clean soapy scent enveloped you, your body heated up for entirely different reasons. 
You slid your fingers under his chin and made him look up at you. His lips parted as he looked from between your eyes to your lips. He sighed as he trailed his fingers along your thighs. You made a squeak as the cold metal of his arm touched your heated skin. 
He skirted his fingers up and beneath the hem of your shirt, but he didn’t press further. He drew more lazy circles into your skin. 
Fuck it. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He sighed again, against your lips, and tugged you closer until you were straddling his thick thigh. You braced one hand on his other thigh and the other around his metal shoulder. 
He devoured you in a strong kiss, teeth clashing against each other. His tongue swiped against your lower lip before you opened for him. His tongue dived inside and slid against your own. 
His metal arm wrapped around you to keep you steady. His hand was better than a brace as it kept you from slipping off of him. His other hand came up to stroke your jaw before wrapping around your neck.
Not even you could keep the needy moan from escaping your lips. His lips moved over yours with expert care. Your hands came up to feather into his hair and trail down to the nape of his neck where you lightly scratched him.
A shudder moved through him that you felt all the way to your pussy. You shamelessly grinded on his leg. There was nothing but his sweatpants and your panties keeping you from skin on skin contact but you were sure he could feel how damp you were already. You’d be embarrassed except your thoughts were consumed with him. With touching him and feeling your nipples rub against his bare chest.
As soon as the kiss started, Bucky pulled away from you. Your harsh breaths mingled with his as you both panted. He plucked your hands from around his neck and held them in between you like a silent prayer. He got a faraway look in his eyes as he stared at your hands. 
He leaned down and kissed your fingers before leaning back and staring at the ceiling. Almost as if he were staring straight into Uncle Sam’s room. 
“You should go back upstairs,” he panted. 
You wanted to be angry. He didn’t get to just dismiss you. You practically threw yourself at him and that realization was enough to dump ice water in your veins. How embarrassing. 
You got up slowly and nodded. Without saying another word, you left the kitchen. Cool air hit the sweat along your face and neck and you shivered from the lack of heat. His heat. But you were a grown woman. You would be okay. 
You trudged all the way to your room and closed the door before falling face first into bed with a soft groan. 
What, the actual fuck just happened?
Read Part 2
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starzzoey · 2 years
The Contract
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"You can't seriously expect us to sign this, making my wife work 4 years for you in one of your nightclubs." Arthur was furious, this was not how their honeymoon was supposed to go. They were meant to be relaxing by the pool, not being pressured to sign a contract to avoid prison time for false drug charges. Yet here they were in the large Mansion of a man calling himself El Rey or The King in english, paper and pen in front of them. "Well, if you want to go back to England and not spend time in a Mexican prison, I do expect you to sign it. Though don't worry, you can still visit her once I deem she has settled in. Now what will it be." El Rey took a puff of his Cigar as he responded to Arthur. His steely and serious gaze resting on the two honeymooners. Feeling there was no choice and much to Arthurs shock, Sarah took the pen and signed her name at the bottom of the contract. El Rey simply smiled as he pressed a button under his desk and two of his men came in. "Boys, please escort this gentlemen out, I believe he has a plane back to England to catch. Also tell the others to not disturb, His wife and I have a contract to discuss."
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6 months later and Arthur returned to Mexico after recieving an envelope with a plane ticket and hotel info from El Rey. When he touched down, one of El Rey's men came to pick him up, they gave him enough time to freshen up in his room before being driven to one of El Rey's clubs La Rosa Rosa, The Pink Rose. When Arthur entered he was not expecting Sarah to be working in a place like this. He thought she'd be put to work in a regular nightclub but no this was your run of the mill strip club. He approached the bar praying that she was just a bartender or waitress but his heart sank when she was not the one serving him. So he resigned himself to ordering a Modelo and turned his attention to the stage. Waiting to see his wife. It took about 20 minutes but then she appeared. However his jaw just dropped. Announced to the stage as Sofia Cruz, The pale blonde was gone in her place was a tanned beauty with dyed black hair, enhanced lips and enhanced tits. El Rey completely altered her appearance to fit a more hispanic look. She owned the stage, oozing sensuality as she worked the pole. Sarah was always a quick learner but she looked like she had been doing this her whole adult life. As the Enrique Iglesias song she was dancing to finished and her 10 minute set ended, Arthur turned to the bartender to get a private dance with her. Not wanting to argue why, he chose the gringo compared to a true Mexican babe, The Bartender called Sarah over in spanish. "Sofia, este hombre blanco quiere un baile privado contigo!" Despite having barely any spanish fluency before, Sarah or rather Sofia saunted over, for a split second her sensual and sexual demenour dropped when she saw it was Arthur before quickly returning and guiding him to a private booth. "Private dances only last half an hour, so best say what we want to say fast. El Rey, has been pushing me hard, putting me through rigourous surgeries and training. I can't even speak any english unless the person who got a private dance speaks it. Which given the club is never until you." Just from her voice Arthur could tell, the 6 months had taken a toll, she was already starting to lose her english accent in place of a mexican one. The conversation they had consisted of asking how she was doing and if they treated her well. Sarah described her life under El Rey as living with a golden chain and collar around her neck. A prisoner kept in line under El Rey's harsh watch. Arthur tried to kiss his wife but Sarah stopped him. As much as she wanted to do the same, she knew they were being watched and didn't want either of them to get in trouble. She simply just continued to give Arthur the same sensual lap dance she gave every client who paid for a private dance with her. 30 minutes later, the dance was over and a security guard popped his head in the room "Sofía, el jefe te quiere en su oficina ahora. (Sofia, the boss wants you in his office now.)" and with that Sarah now Sofia left. Leaving Arthur to head back to his hotel room before heading back on a plane the next morning.
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After that night, Arthur waited eagerly for another letter to come through the post with another set of plane tickets and hotel info but nothing came. At least not for another 3 years and 5 months. 1 week before the contract was officially over, Arthur got onto the plane back to Mexico and got into the car ready to be taken to the hotel and head to the club. However that was not where they going. Instead they went to the mansion where it all started, the Home of El Rey himself. Confused why he was brought here, he was greeted by the 50 something man in a white suit that reeked of cigar smoke and led into his office. "Cigar? Tequilla?" El Rey offfered both but Arthur only accepted the tequilla. "Why did you bring me here and not the club?" Arthur asked, no demanded. "Patience Arthur, I simply brought you here to explain that the contract has changed. I have simply grown to attached and invested too much into Sofia to let her just head off back to England." El Rey was calm as he spoke, puffing cigar smoke into the air. "That is not what the contract said, after 4 years Sarah would be done and heading back to England." Arthur was getting quite irate at El Rey's attitude and disregard to the contract. "I am the creator of said contract and I can change it how I want. I am the one with the money and power here not you." El Rey raised his voice and slammed his fist onto the desk. "Besides Sofia has changed too much to return to her old life. Don't believe me, see for yourself." El Rey called for the guards to call in Sofia. Arthur was confused, Sofia was here? However that confusion turned to shock when he saw Sarah. She had changed even more in the 3 and a half years since they last saw each other, if he didn't even know it was her, he would have just thought she was Mexican. There was no trace of the caucasian sarah there was only Sofia. She had more of a tan and her ass and thighs were much thicker. At least her hair was back to blonde albeit it was from dying her black hair blonde rather than just letting the black dye fade and return to her natural colour. "Sarah, what have they done to you. You look unrecognisable." Arthur tried to talk with her but he was just ignored as she sauntered her way over to El Rey before sensually sitting on his lap, he looked over to El Rey who had a rather sadistic smile on his face. "I'm afraid Sofia here will not respond to you. You see, she can only speak and understand spanish now. Oh and as you can see, even if she did understand you, she and I have grown rather... Attached." El Rey made sure to emphasise the name Sofia as he spoke. Arthur couldn't believe what he was seeing as El Rey cupped Sofia's ass and seeing her lovingly cuddle up to him. Anger grew inside of him and he raised his voice towards the man who caused him heartache. That raised voice would be his downfall. El Rey called his men into the room and ordered Arthur to be escorted out of his mansion. Meanwhile he called the police and informed them of a problem he was having. 3 months later and Arthur was stuck serving a 10 year sentence on drug smuggling charges that were falsified by El Rey and the local police which El Rey bribed. A warden came up to his cell and gave him a letter, in it it read: "Dear Arthur, You should not have not have raised your voice at me those months ago. I simply wished for you to attend mine and Sofia's wedding but you just so had to ruin it. On the next visitation day, I shall be there, be a good boy and I shall convince them to let you go free with the condition you join me back at the mansion for a discussion. In the meantime please do enjoy these photos of Sofia and I enjoying our wedding night. I do so hope you enjoy the lingerie and ring I got her. Regards, Antonio 'El Rey' Reyes" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoyed this story is based on Alison Takes the deal by HP1920 over on Literotica be sure to check that out
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