#but maybe MAaaybe that's exactly what i'm saying. maybe?
eri-pl · 2 days
Silm reread 17: more B&L
And more fourth wall, and therefore more Pengolodh.
TW: Some musings about what exactly Morgoth wanted to do with Luthien, but vague and rather silly.
Sauron, like everyone there knew Huan's "die on greatest wolf" prophecy. Where from???
Luthien faints! She's not that OP. Her cloak dazes Sauron and Huan saves the day. She takes the island, Sauron flees and doesn't notice Gondolin (I guess Ulmo did his mist thing).
Luthien says that she claims the island and the island replies! The magic goes away and it all crumbles (described in a very awesome way) and the ex-prisoners are in shock (who wouldn't?).
Luthien faints at the fainted Beren, because she thinks he's dead. Of all the books you had to reference Romeo and Juliet? Professor… It's a parody more than a serious thing. And it's so… But ok, maybe that's the point. Maybe the point is that of course B&L don't harm themselves because they have a functioning braincell. And estel. Not necessarily in this order.
Also, we get the note that Finrod is already with his father in Valinor. When? When is this written? I guess the only way to get this info back from Valinor to ME would be the War of Wrath, or maaaybe Gandalf told Elrond. But Gandalf barely remembered anything, so more like War of Wrath. Or Galadriel saw him in the mirror and she told Elrond who added this to the book. This would make sense.
Do we have any info on "Finrod got reembodied quickly" except this line above + fanon?
Nargothrond rebels against C&C and Orodreth becomes king. He doesn't kill them because he is afraid of getting more Doom of Mandos. This… isn't a very moral attitude. Well, at least he doesn't kill them.
Also, Celebrimbor disowns his dad. Or at least his dad's deeds.
Beren, against his better judgment, tries to leave Luthien in safety but she tells him it doesn't work this way.
They fight C&C. Luthien forbids Beren to kill Curufin. Which is great of her. (I wonder what she'd say about Celegorm, but probably the same.)
Curufin curses Beren. "Taking the sky and clouds as his witness" – I guess he is too afraid / too ashamed to mention the Valar. :þ He wishes Beren a painful death, soon. Which …kind of works?
Celegorm tbh doesn't do much in here. He does fight Beren, but Curufin seems to be the boss.
Beren is desperate, leaves alone, sings, Luthien (who was searching for him because no, she won't let him go on the quest alone) sings back. Again. It's not a full rescue, but still, it is the song thing again.
Description of Thuringwethil, who is just a large bat with iron (liteerally? metaphorically?) talons. And Sauron's mail-lady. Mail-monster? Sadly, we don't get an info on who killed her.
Beren curses his promise to Thingol, Huan lectures him, gives him a sort of prophecy and leaves. Why is everyone cursing things all the time?
Morgoth also knows what Huan's fate is (Everyone knows it. How? Did Celegorm gloat about it?), also, more info on how werewolves are made. So, Carcaroth.
Luthien gets a burst of Maiarin powers (because fate, plot and all. Yes. I know. But this is the genre.)
We got an absolute metal description of Morgoth's throne room: "his nethermost hall that was upheld by horror, lit by fire, and filled with weapons of death and torment". Upheld by horror. This is just peak description. (as long as it's sparse and the rest of description is actual description. Yes, HPL, I am looking at you) unspeakably
Morgoth, umm, reacts in a similar way as Celegorm, and we're told that it was the wickest idea he got since he escaped from Valinor. Which:
I respect Tolkien for putting it so high on the wickedness meter
Does the "since he escaped" addition mean that killing the Trees was more wicked??? Sorry, I'm not buying it. Depraving the Elves? Hmm. Making orcs was more wicked in my opinion (in the "from broken Elves" theory), and he indeed invented it before the whole imprisonment in Valinor, so I would like to assume this is what the narration means, but I somehow doubt it.
Please don't tell me that indirectly giving Feanor bad ideas was somehow more wicked than this. :|
Also, him and the Men… but that is vaguely canon and anyway Pengolodh said himself that he doesn't know what happenned, so this doesn't count. Because if it counted, this "most wicked" would be false.
And of course it turns against him. He gets blinded, everyone else falls asleep, the Silmarils glow brighter (reacting to Luthien?).
Out of the blue, we now get a quite sympathetic description of Morgoth being so tired and terrified and worried and …. see, Jirt, that's why. That's why I can't read him as you would like me to. Seriously. If you don't want me to have compassion for the guy, do not show him as emotionally vulnerable. Seriously. [Unless it is the translation again]
Yea, I could blame this on narrative frame (which goes on and off, in one paragraph he doesn't know things, and in the other he almost knows what Morgoth's inner emotional state is) and say that Pengolodh made it up… except it's very much a kind of thing he would not make up, rather cut out… I would have to assume some other author or editor added this for some reasons… If I were to guess, this very much sounds like something Luthien would say when telling this story. (Which tells us a lot about her)
Anyway: book, what are you doing?
And Luthien puts Morgoth to sleep (which is an achievement!!!), "as black as the Outer Void where he once wandered alone". Jirt. Seriously. Stop giving me ammunition to like him. I almost wish I had more normal reactions and, idk, assumed more details on what he planned about Luthien or anything that would allow me to read it closer to the authorial intent. (Because with how cautiously you worded it, it might have as well been planning to propose to her and make her a dark queen, Haladriel-style, but cooler. And from a book that says "corrupting Fefe was one of the worst" I could assume this would be still called "wickedest since fefe". I know that's not what you mean, but I wish I could internalize it more.)
My brain is not braining properly. (Also I can't learn to not mistake "wonder" and "wander" every once in a while. I blame it on that one song from RoP. Which is almost as uneven in quality in my eyes as this chapter.)
At least, we get a description of how the Silmarils were set in the crown. (Also, my drawing was wrong, because Morgoth falls face-down.)
Beren takes the Silmaril and it glows through his flesh like in a lantern (White or red? Seems more like white, but red often works better with fanart.)
Luthien is out of spell points tired, Beren tries to use the Silmaril on Carcaroth, saying "this is the fire that will destroy you and all the evil creatures" which I think is quite stupid, so Carcaroth promptly bites off his hand, chomps the Silmaril and runs away because he's in pain.
"Stupid but well-intentioned thing doesn't work but gets the result anyway" is a trope I like, but sadly in Legendarium it is terribly rare. Again, B&L have a different genre than the Feanorians. :(
Another "the most X to ever X": Carcaroth's rage is the most terrible thing to happen to Beleriand (before the War of Wrath). OK, I can believe this, I think.
Eagles! They should really have a tagline about providing eucatastrophes. It's their main job.
Morgoth is probably awake, because volcano and lightnings are striking from the gound (lightning seems to be his thing, and thunderstorms in general too).
Luthien (in contrast to Sauron) can see Gondolin down below and it gets a beautiful (but short) description. Also, she'd rather wander aimlessly with Beren because she is so happy, but he remembers that he gave his word, also Thingol deserves to see his daughter, despite all his problematic behavior. Beren is so kind.
We get a lot of information from Luthien's PoV in this story, more than Beren's, which confirms to me that in-world, this is derived from Thingol's retellings of their story, and Luthien told him more than Beren did. Also, he was unconcious in many important moments.
Also, we get a note that it's bad to ignore father's opinion, "unless in extreme situation" which sounds quite feminist to me, considering Tolkien's times and the genre.
Meanwhile in Doriath:
Daeron left Doriath to be sad for Luthien's disappearance (we aren't told if he even learned that she returned with Beren). Well, he did snitch on her twice. :þ Also, we are reminded that "he was considered better even than Maglor". :Þ
Thingol is mad at Celegorm (for the "let me marry Luthien pls" letter + probably for Finrod's death), he'd like to attack all Feanorians, but can't, so he writes to Maedhros demanding help in finding Luthien, but the letter gets eaten by Carcaroth (probably. Definitely doesn't reach its destination) so we don't know what Maedhros would do.
[I think: berate Celegorm, agree to help with Luthien and demand the Silmaril for it. Which… Thingol may have agreed to tbh. He cared for Luthien more. So, maybe if it wasn't for Carcaroth things would be better. Even for Celegorm. There's a fic potential in here.]
Oh, here is Mablung. He will be in CoH too, I think.
Thingol is still not a fan of Beren. Until the hand pun. Absolutely realistic father-in-law behavior. :D I love the genre whiplash.
And the narrative tells us that Luthien's love is a feeling unknown before and all the powers of Arda cannot stop B&L's fate. I'm not a fan of this sentence, it makes me cringe a bit. Did I mention that I dislike romance as a genre?
Anyway Thingol ok-s it and they get married.
Hunt for Carcaroth. The way in which Mablung takes the Silmaril gives me a vague Arthurian (Grail) vibe, but I'm not sure. It is weird and the disappearing hand seems the medieval sort of weird?
Beren dies, Luthien … It doesn't say explicitely that she died of grief. I would prefer to believe that it was more like her Maiarin instinct… she went to Mandos, because she had a business there.
Also. Men after their death sail from the dark shores of the Outer Sea — what? That is so cool. And who runs the port there, who has a house on the very edge? Nienna! This is just so fascinating. Early-Legendarium-like but in the best way.
Luthien sings the most beautiful song that has been made. OK, I can buy that. And, says Pengolodh, there wasn't, nor will ever be a saddest song. My guy, you would sound wiser if you stopped saying what will be and what will not be, you are not Namo. But anyway, her song is beautiful and very, very sad.
This song is so amazing that it's still sang in Valinor, without any change, and the Valar are sad. that is… interesting to explore. It is about Men and Elves and even Namo is sad… yes, I am definitely getting ideas. Which may be explored some day. Or not.
I wonder whether we get the words of it in the Lay... No, the Lay doesn't go this far. I therefore will assume that it starts with "the stars have faded" or something similar, like we have described Luthien's grief in the chapter: "the starlight was quenched and darkness had fallen even upon Lúthien Tinúviel"
B&L say their goodbyes, Namo is so moved that he goes to Manwe, Manwe goes to (metaphorically; mentally in his deepest mind) Iluvatar, Luthien gets a choice.
And the invitation to forget Beren and live among the Valar… I'm not sure what is the exact deal here? Is she offered just a normal Elven Valinorean deal or to make her a full-on Maia? Because it kind of sounds like this. And… why not? The word "impossible" got yeeted out the window anyway (I love such situations, of course I do, I love the insane out-of-the-box-ness as Mairon loved order and efficiency, but hopefully the other way around ie.: it is a problem first and not last).
Anyway we don't know what exactly was the first option, because she choses Beren (I really like to think it was less about "romance means so much to me, I am not complete without my man" and more about "it feels like a beautiful idea (and I do love him and forgetting it sounds cheap and too easy)" but … have I mentioned I don't like romance as a genre?)
Luthien was the only Elda to truely die… Yep. Hold our beers and behold our fics. (Or maybe it is just my optics that Elves going "because Luthien made a precedent" is a fic staple? Anyway this makes too much sense to not use it.)
Yes, she's the only one in the canon. She died and it's sad. But we got half-Elves which is cool. Also, and we got a teaser for Elrond and Arwen:
"Yet in her choice the Two Kindreds have been joined; and she is the forerunner of many in whom the Eldar see yet, though all the world is changed, the likeness of Lúthien the beloved, whom they have lost."
Also, poor Elrond. This paragraph shows us how he is seen by other Eldar. First and foremost as a memory of a long-lost legend. :(
I feel like I missed some of the cool parts, but nevermind. TLDR: Luthien cool, narrative frame inconsistent.
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5555-2368 · 6 months
saw this post and if the ghostbusters were ternurines (sylvanian families, but that's not as cute), which do you think they'd be...
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melodic-haze · 4 months
anyway. How about a belly bulge from a strap with Robin? Like, trying out different straps with Robin and the one is bigger then the bigger belly bulge on her stomach is!!!
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Robin x dom!fem!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader with a strap but that's probably evident HAHAHA, squirting
☆ — NOTES: I JUMPED ohhh 🐿 how I love your mind ik you sent this when I last opened my askbox I'm so sorry it took this long 💀💀💀💀💀
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I went crazy insane before sitting down to write this bc HOLY FUCK
For the record I'd like to think that this was Robin's initial idea. She got way too curious and decided to just maaaybe suggest experimenting with sizes :3
And maybe she wants to see how it feels to be stuffed silly but shhh you don't need to know that (you probably already know LOL)
You start with a smaller size before buying new ones that are bigger than the last......but you just can't help but notice that whenever you both look around the site for another one, she always seems to linger at a particularly large one before you gently nudge her and snap her out of whatever train of thought she was in
So you end up buying that exact one in secret before surprising her, in which case?
The moment you revealed your 'mystery gift', you find that you've never seen Robin's eyes practically sparkle this much in such a peculiar way; it shined with a humorous mix of surprise, amusement and heated desire.
"Is this..?"
"I've noticed your eye on it more than once—for a multi-talented performer, you're not exactly discreet," you joked.
She smiles bashfully, "I suppose I've let my excitement show once or twice..."
She laughs in that melodic tone you've easily grown to love, "Oh, hush, you!"
But then her eyes drift back to the new toy you've bought her.. and her hand idly strokes the false appendage, the size comparison between it and her hand being.. definitely something.
You hadn't even realised you were staring at her (and her movements) until you heard her clearing her throat, "Y-Yes? Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."
She gives you a light smirk, the wings on her head lightly flapped as if it were tittering, "I was going to ask if you'd like to try it out on me but if you're preoccupied with something, then-- mmph! ..Mm..."
You had silenced her with a quick yet deep kiss, the dildo pressing down on both your stomachs and earning you an excited moan before you drew back, "Was that enough of an answer for you, angel?"
"Mhm..." Her hand went to feel the toy leaning on her stomach, as if a prelude for the real event, "More than satisfactory."
Oh god when you get down to it, it's like she's absolutely hypnotised. Robin's DEFINITELY a lot more, for the lack of a more eloquent term befitting for such a lovely lady 🥰, sluttier and you've found that out for a bit now, but you've never seen her like this—all that's happening right now is Robin blowing you and yet it's as if she's already so dumb and eager as she drools on your cock. Can't even fit it in her mouth, what's the chance that she'd fit in her cunt????
Turns out she's determined to have you (and your new toy) inside of her no matter what 🤷‍♀️ gotta respect the woman's perseverance 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
She winces when you try to put it in at first (with a LOT of questioning her beforehand about whether she's sure she can handle it, which she says she can but still) and you take your time with it, letting her adjust to the stretch little by bit. Something inside her wants you to just shove it all in but she 1) knows better and 2) doesn't want to worry you 🫶🫶🫶🫶
It takes a while but when you finally bottom out inside her she is WEAK AS HELLLLLLL❗️❗️ Her eyes are half-lidded, her breaths fast, drool gathering on the corner of her mouth.......oh she's already gone and you haven't even started moving yet
The moment you do though??? Ohhh boy oh boy oh BOYYYYYYY her wings are a DEFINITE tell on how she's feeling. With the way they're flapping and twitching as you piston her deeply, you can easily say she was enjoying it ☺️
And alsooo the moment you've all been waiting for :33333
You had been so distracted with your Halovian lover's reactions that you almost didn't notice the very noticeable bulge on her...
Oh. Oh.
"Robinnn..." You cooed with a clear smirk on your lips, "I'm sure you can manage to look down here, right? It'll be worth it."
You accentuate your point further by gently grazing your hand onto the evident bulge on her stomach disappearing and reappearing every time you plunged the strap inside her. She looks down at the feeling with unfocused eyes before they widen at the realisation...
And then you push.
The reaction you get is one you wish you recorded for preservation—she screams as her nails claw on the sheets underneath her, hips shaking up and pushing herself even further into your cock. The tip ends up hitting a particular spot and her eyes roll back as you feel some sort of pressure hitting onto your strap.
The moment you pull out, a jet of liquid squirts out and hits you and the strap both. It takes a while before her orgasm actually starts to recede.
And you need her to do that again, you resolve within yourself, as you use the wings on her hips as handlebars and pull her back on your dick without a warning.
You don't stop for a while, that much is clear
Yk what else is clear? That Robin's a SIIIIZE QUEEEEEN I love her 🥰🥰🥰 She's soooo stretched out and fucked out by the end of it and yk what the best part is???
She makes sure to show you just how much she appreciates her very big gift in any way you'd want ☺️☺️
She's gonna have so much fun the day after when she goes to work ahahahah no fr I'd say jokes but I'm really not. She'll think about what you've done and what you now have and she'll feel her pussy clench as she gets distracted by her own thoughts when she REALLY shouldn't be 😭
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kittyball23 · 10 months
Visitor (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: A month after his imprisonment, Veneer is paid a visit from someone he didn’t think he’d ever see again
“Aw, no…”
Veneer moaned to himself, slumping down on his cot and facepalming in dismay. He was so not in the mood for this. He never was. And today it was hitting especially hard. Maybe because it had been exactly a month since his incarceration. Maybe because his attempt to speak to his sister had resulted in the throbbing pain that plagued his left cheek. Or maybe because of the haranguing speech that he knew awaited him once he left his cell.
He peeked a glance at the guard awaiting him, arms crossed and eyebrow raised as if to say “Well? Are you coming or not? You may have all day, but not everybody else does!” They were usually stoic, poker-faced, and unsympathetic towards inmates’ desires. Rightly so. Much of the prisoners were delinquents who, if shown even an ounce of freedom, would take it to the extreme. His own sister had learned the hard way when her request to have the ankle chain removed from her leg was surprisingly granted.  The teen was quick to make a run for it, but even quicker to have been thwarted by the security. Veneer hadn't really seen Velvet around since, but from what he heard, she was taken into solitary confinement.
That was why he had made it his mission to be on his very best behavior. He'd speak when spoken to, eat the entire tray of slop that they called “food,” and hit the hay as soon as lights out was called. He never looked for fights or started any, and mostly kept to himself. So maybe, just maaaybe, if he asked really nicely, he could get out of this.
“Say, you know what? I'm not really sure if I can do this. You think maybe we could pick some other time?” Veneer grinned, hoping he looked and sounded polite.
But the guard was unmoved. "NO.”
“But… I'm really not feeling well!” It was a little true. Veneer's stomach was churning at the thought of leaving his cell for what was intended for him. In a desperate attempt, he clasped his hands together, stuck his bottom lip out in a pout and made his eyes big. “Pretty pleeeease?”
The guard had an unreadable expression for a moment, before he raised his walkie talkie up to his mouth to speak. “Increase the prison sentence for inmate number 8231978.”
Veneer dropped and act and gasped. “What? No! Okay, alright, I'll come!”
The guard humphed, unlocking the cell door so the teen could exit. With cuffs secured to his hands and an ankle chain to his left leg, the guard guided Veneer down the hallway.
The former Pop-star suppressed a groan and kept his eyes fixed to the ground. This was one of the parts he hated about this. The ‘Walk of Shame.’ The glares he'd receive. The jeers sent his way. Veneer wished he could burrow himself in the ground if it meant he didn't have to see the dirty looks being cast at him. And if looks could kill… Veneer shuddered to think that he'd probably be dead many times over.
Among other treacherous felonies, it seemed Mount Rageons truly despised frauds. Veneer supposed he understood why. It broke a golden value that was very challenging to win back - trust. He needn't look any further for an example of that, not only with what he and his sister had done, but also for his own sentiments towards her now. The resentment over Velvet’s manipulation… and the painful sorrow he felt in his heart at her stubbornness in refusing to ever speak to him again.
He focused on the sound of the clinking chain rather than the colorful words of the other inmates, and felt only a fraction of relief once he was out of that hallway and brought into the next room over. Veneer stared at the familiar tile flooring beneath his feet. It was perhaps slightly more welcoming in sight than the cell units, for its brighter lights and fresher smell. But that's where the welcome wore out. So far, this room hadn't been a place of positivity for him.
Veneer lifted his head slightly to assess the scene today. The booths were not as busy as it could be, which he was silently grateful for. The less folks to see him, the better. Inmates, all donning the same shabby orange jumpsuit he had on, were seated at them and already engaged in their own conversations with the recipients on the other end of the glass that separated them. He heard snippets of the chatting as he passed by.
“Six more months in the brig, can you believe it? Six months! I'll be old and wrinkled by then - “
“ - and you can't even tell the difference between the chicken and the broccoli sometimes. Ugh, it's awful! How can that even be allowed? That should be a crime!”
“Friends? In prison? Pfft, come on, dude! This isn't gradeschool - “
Veneer attempted to swallow down the lump in his throat, and thought about who his visitor would be this time around. Maybe it was a Mount Rageon, reminding him of how they used to be a fan of his music until he turned out to be a phony, while he sat, quietly mumbling an “I'm sorry” that fell deaf upon their ears. Or, they could whisper about how they still liked him, and believed that the whole Troll-talent thing was an elaborate hoax to spice up the drama. Veneer hated that scenario more than the first, and he would get frustrated in explaining that his jail-time was deserved. Or maybe still, it could be his parents, there to chew him out and express their disappointment in him and his sister. The first time they'd come, Veneer had easily taken the verbal beating, but Velvet only had her anger spiked. He shuddered remembering the way she'd spewed a string of obscenities so foul, even a sailor would be put to shame.
Veneer didn’t dare look up to see who it was at the booth when the guard told him to be seated. He just picked up the phone, and tried to sound somewhat alive as he mumbled into it.
“It isn't as hip as your old pad, but at least it's something, huh?”
Veneer gasped, recognizing the serene voice at once, and whipped his head up. “Floyd?”
Sure enough, it was the teal Troll speaking into the phone’s receiver. When Floyd offered a gentle smile, Veneer couldn’t help grinning back. Floyd had that effect on folks, it seemed, one of shining positivity even in the darkest times. But that grin disappeared when he caught sight of the Troll’s hair, a rich sweep of magenta… save for the significant white streaks that ran through it. Ones that had been caused by Veneer’s own doing. The guilt bit at him, and the teen suddenly didn’t feel comfort in his unexpected presence. “Floyd, what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean? I came to see you,” he answered simply.
“Why?” Veneer asked, flailing his arms in a baffled manner. “If I were you, I’d be the last person I’d wanna see!” It was only when the guard standing at the far end of the room had shot him a warning look that Veneer realized his outburst had been too loud, and he toned it down.
“That’s not true, Veneer,” Floyd said, and then he smirked. “I’d say your sister wins in that category, wouldn’t you?”
Veneer had to chuckle at that. “Yeah, you are so not wrong there.”
Floyd laughed a little, too, and then spoke again. “But even then, I’m still gonna try to talk to her at some point, too.”
“Good luck with that,” the former Pop-star scoffed. “Anytime I’ve tried to talk to her, it just ends like this.” He turned his face to the side a little so Floyd could see the ugly purplish bruise that was his left cheek.
The Troll winced. “Ouch.”
“Ouch is right,” Veneer whimpered, gently touching the injury in hopes that perhaps it didn’t throb as much. Nope. Still did. He pinched the bridge of his nose and gave an exasperated groan, unable to contain it in him anymore. “So much for my sister not treating me like garbage. This has literally been the worst month of my life! Vel’s never gonna talk to me again. This uniform stinks! And you can only chop so many rocks before it starts to get to your head…” He huffed and heaved a sigh. “You’re SO lucky you don’t ever have to go through something like this. You’ve probably never done one bad thing in your life!”
Veneer expected him to agree right away, but became curious at Floyd’s silence, and the shamed look accompanying it. “Don’t be so sure.”
The teen cocked his head. “Wha?”
The Troll nodded. “I did something twenty years ago that I regret to this very day.”
“Geez,” Veneer said, considering the amount of time. He was hardly twenty years of age himself! “What happened?”
“I abandoned my baby brother. I promised I’d come back, but I never did…” Floyd’s voice got quieter as he continued to explain. “Turned out he wasn’t as well off as I thought he’d be. Our Grandma died, and there wasn’t anybody else to take care of him.”
Veneer winced. “Oof. Sounds rough.”
“Believe me, he let me know,” Floyd confirmed. “He was pretty upset. But then do you know what happened?”
“He forgave me. Sure, it’s gonna take some time to heal the hurt of the past, but we know we can do it. And I'm confident that you and Velvet can do it, too.”
But Veneer disagreed. “How can you say that?” he blurted. “You’ve seen Vel. You’ll have better luck talking to a brick wall! It’s hopeless!”
Floyd paused for a moment, considering his next words. “You know, I felt pretty hopeless inside that diamond. You seemed pretty in love with all that fame and money, and whatever other ‘bling-a-ding’ you had…”
“Don’t remind me,” the teen whimpered, embarrassed for the selfish behavior he’d exhibited.
“And yet, you listened to me… didn’t you?”
“Yeah…” he replied warily.
“Then I trust Velvet can with you.”
“But you don’t understand!” Veneer cried. “Vel and I aren’t the same! Well… not entirely,” he amended, recalling how he and she hadn't been so different when it came to their desires for fame and fortune. “Just because I listened doesn’t mean Velvet will. That part of her that would listen has been long gone.”
Floyd cocked his head. “What part?” he pressed.
“Oh, you know,” Veneer went on, “the part that liked to make up bad dances, and didn’t care if we sang off key, as long as we were having fun.”
“Ohh,” The Troll said, nodding in understanding. “But you never know. That part of her could still exist.”
Veneer gave a dry laugh. “Yeah right.”
“I’m serious,” Floyd said. “She’s still there. You just gotta help her find it again.”
The teen eyed the Troll. “You really, truly think that’s possible?”
“Cross my heart, hope to die.”
“Let’s hope not,” Veneer said, feeling a shudder go down his spine as he remembered the way the Troll had gone transparent and nearly succumbed to death. But then he thought about what the magenta Troll said. Velvet being that sister she once was? It would be wonderful. “I guess she's been a diva for so long, I never thought it'd be possible for her to change…”
“It is,” Floyd assured with a smile. “It really is.”
Suddenly, a ping resounded, and he looked down at the bracelet on his wrist and gasped. “Oh! I promised my brothers I’d be only fifteen minutes. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have even let me come. They’re outside waiting for me. I’m sorry.”
Veneer nodded. “It’s all right, I understand. You don’t have to apologize.”
“Thanks. It was nice talking to you,” Floyd said sincerely. “Ooo, and make sure you check the mail! The letter I sent should have arrived today.”
Veneer nodded again. “Oh! Okay, I will. And it was nice talking to you, too!”
Floyd smiled, and was about to head off, when Veneer stopped him. “Wait! I, um… do you have a quick second? I've been working on something… I was kinda hoping you might wanna hear it?”
As Floyd glanced at him expectantly, Veneer cleared his throat, suddenly second-guessing himself. What if he sounded awful? What if Floyd laughed at him? Regardless, he’d already stopped him, so he had to follow through. The song flowed out of him softly at first, his voice cracking a couple of times and making him inwardly cringe. But soon his voice became stronger, the notes rich and beautiful. When Veneer was done, he was met not only by applause from Floyd, but from the other inmates and recipients at the booths as well! He blushed as Floyd offered his compliments.
“That was great!”
“And I swear it was all me,” Veneer hurriedly explained. “No talent-stealing here!”
Floyd chuckled. “That’s good. You really do have some real talent.”
Veneer shrugged. “Guess I just had to work hard at it.”
Floyd gave him a thumbs up. “Right.” Then he turned to go. “I’ll see you around, Veneer.”
The Troll waved, and he waved back. A sense of uplifting filled Veneer. He was in slightly better spirits than he had anticipated himself to feel, and was glad for it. On his way back to the cell, he questioned the guard on any mail delivery for him, and true to Floyd’s word, one letter, sealed with the BroZone lightning emblem, was awaiting him.
Veneer didn’t waste a minute as he tore open the envelope and began to read:
It’s amazing how time passes by so quickly. I can hardly believe it’s already been a month’s time since the incident, of which I don’t believe you need me to mention for you to know what I’m talking about. But, I AM going to mention it anyhow, as it was an experience which has produced great effect. I also see this as an opportunity to debunk or confirm any assumptions you may have regarding me on the matter.
Spending two months encased within a small, and rather uncomfortable diamond imprisonment was, to put it bluntly, an awful experience for me to have undergone, as I’m sure you can imagine. I can’t lie there, or try to sugarcoat anything. Matters were not helped when you were under the impression that this was a necessary thing to do. But shortcuts can sometimes be more ‘cut’ than ‘short,’ as came to be you and your sister’s case. But this is not to say that cuts can’t heal. With time and learning they can, and from there, things are bound to get better.
In the same manner that everyone deserves to be treated kindly, everyone also deserves a second chance. I can’t say that the first impression you left of me was a good one, but have an inkling that my sentiments will change in the near future. Know that you are forgiven for your actions, so long as you understand where your mistakes were, and so long as you have learned from it. I know I can’t make you heed to any advice that I or anybody else may give you, though I strongly recommend taking it, for your own benefit.
I have been on my way to recovery from everything, and am living with my brothers. If you are interested, I can speak to the prison management team and see if we could get you work release at my older brother’s cantina. It’s on a beautiful little island that I think you will find quite becoming (plus, it has a karaoke stage!)
By this point, I would imagine that we would have already spoken to each other, and, should the conversation have gone the way I envisioned, I believe that we can likely look forward to speaking again.
Your friend,
P.S. If you choose to respond to this letter, send it out attached with the postcard in the envelope. Trust me, it will get there :)
Veneer wondered what he meant by that last part, and soon understood when he pulled out the said postcard - with no return address or sender information. But, he shrugged it off. If Floyd had said it would get there, then surely it would get there! And so, Veneer got to work composing a return letter, finishing it with just a few seconds to spare before lights out. The letter looked something like this:
It was unexpected seeing you today. If I was in your place, I would have just moved on with my life and not looked back - especially at the guys who captured me. I want you to know that I am very, VERY sorry for what I did to you and regret it very much. You can take my word that I will never do something like that again to anybody. I was too afraid to say anything about it to my sister before, but now she knows where I stand on this. I hope you’re right and that she will come around one day…
I’m glad to hear that you are recovering and hope that you continue to regain your health. I think that work release idea sounds great! (Although, I’ve never been to an island before… do you mind telling me a little bit about what it’s like?)
I was afraid to talk to you at first, but I actually did like the turnout of it and, if you have any time to spare in the future, I really would like for us to talk again!
P.S. Gonna try and have the full version of that song ready by the time you come back :)
__________________________________________ A/N: I like the idea of Floyd and Veneer becoming friends after the whole ordeal
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lavenderlegends · 11 months
you drew stars around my scars
ship: stiles/derek prompt: star gazing characters: lydia, isaac, pack mention cw: mentions of dead parents tags: FLUFFFFFFFF word count: 2.2k ao3
It's been a long day. Make that a long week. Actually, a long month. Maaaybe even a long year. It's been back-to-back monsters that seem to keep popping up every week. And Stiles? He's tired.
The pack needs a vacation. Desperately. But Lydia spent all last weekend ignoring the fae issue and created a schedule. Bless her. And Stiles has the first shift off from monster hunting. Along with Derek. They're the only single people in the pack these days, so it makes sense they'd pair off together. It gives all the couples and partners time to make plans and afford to keep them.
But Stiles is restless.
Being off-duty is hard. He has no idea what the pack is dealing with this week. He's been completely shunned from any sort of knowledge, because everyone knows he'd try to help.
He climbs out his window, dragging a thin blanket with him, and sets it up on the roof of the porch. He doesn't know exactly what he's doing but maybe gazing at some stars will help.
There used to be a time in his life when he'd be able to do this and just wonder at all the possibilities in the world. But now, now he knows anything's possible and it feels a little heavy.
There's a snap of a branch and then suddenly, he's not alone.
"What are you doing?" Derek asks in lieu of a greeting.
"Star gazing. Have you ever heard of it?" Stiles asks, shifting over on his blanket. They don't have to discuss it. It's understood that Derek will join him.
"Hm," is all Derek says before he settles down on the blanket with Stiles. "Why are you doing it?"
"I used to do this all the time as a kid," Stiles whispers, as if he's suddenly afraid to spook the universe by talking about something normal. "It was my favourite thing to do with my mom."
"Oh." Derek shifts. "Should I--?"
"No, no," Stiles murmurs. He reaches out and pulls Derek back down. "Stay."
So, Derek does.
"What are you doing here? It's like one in the morning," Stiles says, turning his head to get a better view of Derek.
"Star gazing," Derek answers. He turns his head on the blanket to look at Stiles. "I don't know. Couldn't sleep. Figured you'd be up too."
"This whole shift thing is great in theory," Stiles mumbles.
"Yeah. I thought I'd be grateful for the break, but it's turning out to be a lot harder to slow down." Derek shifts and then adds, "This is nice though."
"Yeah." Stiles can't seem to tear his eyes away from Derek's. "Yeah, it is."
They don't talk for a while, but it's not as awkward as Stiles thought it would be with Derek. Maybe they've been at this whole monster-hunting thing for so long, the silence is a welcomed presence. He's not sure.
But it becomes a habit after that. On nights they can't sleep. Even when they're on-duty protecting Beacon Hills from the monster of the week.
Stiles starts to look forward to it, even. Humming when he suspects Derek will be coming over.
"What's got you in a good mood?" Lydia asks one day when he's doing just that.
"Huh?" Stiles looks up from the book where he's researching vampires. "Nothing."
"No, no," she says, shaking her finger at him. "I know you, Stilinski. Something... or perhaps, someone has you humming. Are you dating?"
He laughs, because the idea is so ridiculous. "Me? Dating? No. Despite being surrounded by relationships, I am not seeing anyone. Single as a pringle, Lyds. That's me."
"Mhm," she says. "If you say so."
"I do," he replies before closing the book. "Nothing in that one..."
"Right," she says. "Back to work."
And the next time he hums, he finds Isaac looking at him curiously. Stiles can't help it; they're on a stake-out together and it's boring. Nothing's happening.
"What?" Stiles asks after a moment. "Do I have something on my face?"
"Yeah. Happiness." Isaac pauses before adding, "It's a good look, man. I'm glad you're happy."
"I'm--" but Stiles can't bring himself to say the words.
Is he happy?
But he's going home tonight, setting out a blanket, and he even had time to swing by to pick up a pre-made charcuterie board. And he'll spend some time with Derek, talking about the most mundane things.
And that's exactly what they do when Derek climbs up the tree and swings onto the roof.
"Oh!" he says with a pleased smile. "You brought food. I'm sorry, I didn't--"
"No, no, it's fine," Stiles is quick to reassure. "We just followed the witches to the grocery store, so I thought I'd just... it's dumb, isn't it?"
"Nope. I'm starving." Derek settles down beside him, a soft smile on his face. "Tonight, Boyd, Erica, and I had to follow the warlock to the sewers."
"You're old home," Stiles jokes.
"Shut up." But there's nothing but amusement in Derek's expression. He picks up some cheese and asks, "How'd it go with you and Isaac?"
"Fine," Stiles says, shrugging. "The witch just did like, regular people thing. I'm starting to think she's not much of a threat."
"Mm, I wouldn't be too sure. Witches are powerful, and a huge threat to werewolves. They're always after our fur."
"What?!" Stiles bursts out laughing and only manages to calm himself when Derek shushes him. Stiles grins. "Don't worry, Dad's not home tonight. But really? Your fur?"
"Yeah. It has magical properties in some spells," Derek explains. "What? Is that so ridiculous?"
"A little," Stiles says, chuckling. "But enough about work. I want you to finish that story about your parents."
"Oh, yeah!" Derek settles in and launches into the longest, winding story Stiles has ever heard him tell. He laughs at all the right moments, gasps where appropriate, and shakes his head when Derek gets really into it. It's almost out of character for him, but Stiles has really seen him open up. He understands Derek more. And there's nothing in this world that Derek loves more than talking about his parents.
"Scott, Allison, and Isaac kind of remind me of my parents," Derek continues. "It's such a messy beginning to a beautiful relationship."
Stiles feels his face soften. "You are such a soft wolf."
"Hardly," Derek mutters. "Remember, you're human. I could eat you for breakfast and--"
"But you wouldn't," Stiles murmurs.
It seems to catch Derek off-guard, but he agrees even quieter. "But I wouldn't."
"I like this side of you, Hale." Stiles shifts on the blanket and picks up a piece of cheese. He chucks it at Derek, who catches it in his mouth using his werewolf reflexes. "Why don't we get to see this side of you all the time?"
Derek considers this for a long moment. Stiles is almost certain he's forgotten the question by the time he answers. "I think, because we haven't really had time to slow down. We're constantly in war, fighting with someone or something. And..."
"And?" Stiles prompts.
"There's something about star gazing with you," Derek admits. "That's all."
"That's all?" Stiles asks, reaching over to gently push Derek's shoulder. "I think there's more to it than that, but I won't hold it against you."
"You really wanna know?"
"I really, really do." Stiles flutters his eyelashes dramatically in the moonlight. Derek laughs. It's the prettiest sound he's ever heard. Stiles wonders if he could record it so he could listen to it all the time.
Derek shifts and pushes the charcuterie board out of the way. He settles down and stares up at the sky. Stiles follows suit, wondering if maybe it's easier to talk when they're not looking directly at each other.
"You remind me of my mom."
They're not the words Stiles expects, and they take his breath away. He reaches out and slips his fingers in between Derek's.
"She would've loved you. Cora and Laura are both more like my dad. They're strong, no nonsense, bold... but my mom..." Derek whispers. "She had ADHD like you. Was scatterbrained. Would do something - anything - just for the story. Fearless and stubborn."
Stiles stays silent and simply squeezes Derek's hand.
This is the best compliment he's ever received.
"She would go up against the scariest creature and tell them how it was. She didn't care." Derek pauses before adding, "She would've thought you were the bravest - and maybe stupidest - human out there. But she would've admired how much you love the pack, because no one loved as hard as her. But I think... I think you might."
Stiles stares up at the stars.
How does he put it into words how that makes him feel?
He turns his head to face Derek, who's already looking at him. Quietly, he says, "Thank you."
Derek's smiling softly, with tears building in the corner of his eyes. "Yeah. You're welcome."
"My mom would've loved you too," Stiles says after a while.
"You think?"
"Mhm. No one is as fiercely protective as she was - in the best way - but I think you come close." Stiles is surprised when Derek squeezes his hand. It feels so natural to be holding hands with him, Stiles almost forgot they were doing it. "She also would have loved your grumpiness. She would've told me that you put on a show, but you have the biggest heart of anyone she knows."
Stiles takes a breath and then lets it go. Talking about his mom meeting Derek is hard, but not so hard that it hurts. In fact, it brings him a little peace.
"I think our moms are best friends in another life," Stiles whispers.
"Me too." Derek squeezes his hand a little tighter. "Me too."
Stiles doesn't tell anyone about the conversation with Derek. Or how he's desperately, quickly, and passionately falling in love with him. He doesn't want to break the magic he's under, because he feels lovesick. Love drunk.
He doesn't know what Derek thinks. Maybe it's all platonic, but the next time they're star gazing together, Derek reaches for Stiles' hand. And the time after that, they lay a little closer.
And if Derek sometimes kisses Stiles' on the forehead before he says good night, it's no one's business but theirs.
That is until Lydia brings the pack together. She's standing in front of everyone and announces, "Alright, we're going to try a new rotation. Stiles, instead of breaking you off with Derek, we're going to put you with Erica and Boyd. And Derek, you'll get your break with Allison and I. This way--"
Lydia blinks. She looks at Stiles blankly, and he scrambles to catch up with the fact that he just said no. Out loud.
"Uh, I mean..."
"Why not? I thought this would work better, because it means there are less rotations and then we're on a four week schedule vs a five week schedule. And--"
"Lydia," Stiles says, not daring to look across the room at Derek. "I'm asking you to leave it as is."
"Oh." Lydia frowns. "Does, uh, does anyone else have any objections?"
The pack starts talking at once, but Stiles just silently glances at Derek while everyone's distracted. Derek's staring at him, his head tilted slightly, and his expression hopeful. Stiles doesn't know what to make of it.
"Alright, alright," Lydia says, commanding the room again. "We'll keep it as is for now, but we'll look at it during next month's meeting to see if it's still working."
The pack might not all agree, and Stiles knows it might be selfish to keep him and Derek on the same week off, but he doesn't care.
He's already planning his speech for tonight. He doesn't know entirely what he's going to say, but he has an idea. And that's enough.
When Derek hops onto the roof later that night, Stiles has the blanket already laid out. He sits instead of lying down, and he waits until Derek has silently settled in.
"So. That was an interesting pack meeting," Derek murmurs.
"Yeah." Stiles curses silently. He already sounds like a bumbling idiot. And instead of the speech he planned to say, he simply blurts, "I'm falling in love with you."
Derek doesn't dare show any change of expression on his face, but Stiles knows him better than that. There's a twitch in Derek's fingers, and that's all Stiles needs to see to know.
It's not a one-sided thing.
In fact, Stiles is starting to wonder just when did Derek fall for him?
Derek takes a moment. A long one. But he's very certain when he says, "I'm falling in love with you too."
A smile grows on Stiles' face and then he tackles Derek, pinning him down on the blanket. He hovers for a moment and quietly asks, "May I kiss you?"
"Yes," Derek breathes, and then they're kissing and it's everything and more that Stiles has dreamed of.
"Alright," Lydia says at the next pack meeting. "I don't think we need to have Stiles and Derek on a week off together. I think - "
"We're together," Stiles announces.
The whole pack turns to look at him. Stiles snuggles up against Derek, slipping his fingers in between Derek's.
"So, please, do not change the duty schedule because we now have couple privilege."
Derek snorts, burying his face into Stiles' neck.
Everyone starts talking at once, but Stiles doesn't care. He turns to Derek and whispers, "Wanna get out of here?"
"The meeting just started," Derek whispers back.
"Case made," Derek says, and then they're slipping out while everyone keeps discussing who knew what when.
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karkkledoodle · 4 months
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a girl and her girl
i could actually talk about Mazonite for hours i hold her so dear to me for no reason.
so i shall lore dump. all of this is subject to change but i feel like yapping rn.. anyways
Mazonite's the drummer for her sex rock band Eudialyte! She does most of the writing for the band but her voice is a little too, in her opinion, raspy and yucky to sing. ): What you get for 10+ years of chain smoking ig
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She's in her mid-lateish twenties and acts like a college student who has no sense of self preservation. Her kitchen usually has nothing but juice, cereal, sauce, and leftover local restaurant food. Sometimes theres a bagged precooked chicken if she's feeling rich. Also the baked goods her girlfriend brings her!!! Those go fast though.
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Mazon met Floyd outside of a bar one night. He was in his mid-late teens, playing guitar for money in desperate attempt to get back on his feet after his solo career failed. Don't worry, he gets another shot at it later.
She offers to take him in! Floyd's a little hesitant, as one should be when an intoxicated woman comes out from a bar after her band's performance and offers you a place to live. Eventually he accepts when she offers to take him to get something to eat. They go to some dingy local joint and she gets a burrito (VERY IMPORTANT(not really(i would kill for a burrito rn(thats all)))). She mentions her girlfriend over dinner and the wlw mlm solidarity is enough to convince Floyd he's safe with her. Maybe not the best logic, but he's a queer teenage boy and that's more or less the logic we all had at some point.
Mazonite has no recollection of the events the next morning but is chill with this new roommate. He's sassy but they get along. She dubs him her "nephew", which he doesn't exactly love.
Floyd: I'm not your nephew.
Mazonite: Why can't I be? ):
Floyd: For one, you're as old as my eldest brother. For another, we aren't related.
Mazonite: Consider, Flo, that I am like the cool sexy lesbian aunt you have been missing your whole lifey-wifey?!?
Floyd: D- .. Don't ever say sexy and aunt in the same sentence.
Mazonite: I buy you black hair dye and this is how you treat me??? ):
He learns to stop caring about the nephew title.
Eventually Mazon introduces Floyd to the band and he maaaybe has a little crush on their guitarist/singer, Aveil. What gay emo teen doesn't love a guy with long hair, a little facial hair, and tattoos. Anyways, the band loves him! Mazon's girlfriend, Renée is a bit worried that she isn't feeding him properly. He assures her he's fine. Renée starts sending more homecooked dishes.
Floyd joins Eudialyte when Aveil gets arrested for smth stupid a few days before the band has a show. Mazonite begs him to sing, just for one show, just one night. Floyd's against it just because he's really set on being a soloist, but Maz pesters him into one show. He ends up really enjoying it. Who knew being a band could be fun? Just like back with...well...nevermind. He'd rather not talk about it.
Floyd stays singing for Eudialyte when Aveil returns and he helps Mazonite write some of the music! Way down the line Floyd leaves Eudialyte to pursure his solo career, and the band couldn't be more thrilled. They are his biggest fans (: Mazon goes to every show she can and screams as loud as possible as close to the front as she can get. Bro owns all the Floyd merch she can get her sharp little fingers on.
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She's my silly meow meow
Anyways idk what else to say there's def more to her but I'm drawing a blank lol. Mazonée endgame tho they are so in love and I could make a whole post on their relationship. They get married one day and have a daughter!!! :D
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caspersickfanfics · 7 months
I have many many Cyno thoughts living rent free in my head sooooo i was wondering
thoughts on Cyno and seasickness?? Cuz listen, hear me out, if the four aggravate gang had to travel to say inazuma for whatever I feel like Tighnari would be unaffected- idk in my mind his large ears mean he’s got decent inner ear canals? Idk I also just think for this situation it makes sense that he’d be un affected. But maaaybe as the trip goes on kaveh has moments were he’s not feeling great, and then maybe at some point alhaithem feels a little off too. Tighnari notices and is able to help But Cyno, Cyno is stubborn. The whole time Tighnari is checking in on him too because “you’ve never been on the open ocean before, it’s completely normal to feel a little un-easy” but Cynos like nah I’m fine. Because it would be embarrassing to get seasick he thinks. But I just love the idea of nari helping the others as they pass through a storm and Cyno is like I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine when he hasn’t been for like the whole trip. Like he feels terrible but he’s coping and “kaveh and alhaithem need it more”
but then like, the storm gets bad and they have to be under deck. Kaveh and alhaithem are okay ish by now, they are sleeping through the worst of it. But Cyno, poor stupid Cyno, now stuck bellow deck, during a storm, and it’s too late to take the meds he should have just accepted earlier. Thankfully nari is there to help him through it, but he does NOT have a good time. idk I’m rambling a lot but I just really like the idea of when a sickie is trying to make space for other sickies when really they should also be asking for help. And Cyno just, he’s from the desert!! He’s never been on a boat in his damn life you can’t tell me otherwise 🤣
YES wait I love this so much!! I'm actually not big on motion sickness normally, but the whole Sumeru crew being here is perfect, and Tighnari gets sick in the desert so Cyno can get sick at sea *nods aggressively* I'll make an exception just this once! Also this really checks out because I imagine that Cyno wouldn't like the sensation of being trapped on a boat. There's nowhere to go if something goes wrong. He must know how to swim - that feels like basic training for the matra imo - but it's all so disorienting, he wouldn't even know which direction to go, or if the distance is even swimmable. Having 3 of the people he cares about most only raises the stakes! And in my experience, stress and motion sickness go hand-in-hand.
I also think... Like you said, at some point, Alhaitham and Kaveh sleep through their illness, but Cyno is just awake the whole time. Even maybe across multiple days, where he just can't sleep because every time he lies down he feels sicker. He gets away with it because he and Nari establish shifts for watching over Kaveh and Alhaitham, and when it's his turn to sleep, Cyno will just stand around or sit on the bed. Feeling like absolute garbage. Like a dumbass. But lack of sleep is also not good for nausea.
Oh, when Tighnari finds out Cyno's actually not doing well he's so exasperated. Tells him exactly how stupid he's been. But he's also really touched by his kindness, putting the other two before himself even when he's so miserable. Cyno is suffering the entire time until they reach land, and Nari is torn between "this is what you get for being stupid" and "I love you so much please let me help you feel better." He Can and Will feel both at the same time.
Also just had a thought about the anxiety Cyno's gonna have leading up to the trip home??? He starts getting stomach aches a whole day before they're leaving just from the stress. Tells Tighnari he thinks he caught a bug, and Nari checks him out but eventually realizes what's going on. Feels genuinely bad and tries to reassure Cyno it will be better this time because there's medicine he can take in advance to help with the nausea, and they can bring some sedatives so that he can sleep through it if it persists. Cyno pretends like he's fine with that but is clearly still really tense, doesn't sleep much once again because he's so anxious. Maybe he still gets sick at the beginning of the trip back - the combination of the nerves, lack of sleep, and the boat is too much for the meds, even. But Nari calms him down enough for him to take some sleeping pills or something, and then he's blissfully out for the rest of the trip.
additional seasickness hc rambling here!
aaaand more here!
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soulsballad · 8 months
( for baji all these years on tumblr and this is the first time ive ever filled one of these out, kazutora's power )
Name: Kazutora Hanemiya Age: ( honestly you can take this for any time) Do you like to cuddle?: Do you even need to ask? I love cuddling. Cuddles are a requirement at some point in the night. Can we make-out?: Hmmm, maaaybe ~ I'm kidding, yeah we can. A night in or dinner out?: Either. Spending time with you is what matters, and both can be fun. Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: Both. Why only pick one? Chocolates and roses?: Hmm. Chocolate. Sweets are better. Then again, I could make you a flower crown.... also seeing you walk around with a TON of flowers would so be picture worthy. What makes you a good Valentine?: Because I put the effort in. C'mon. I don't go half-assed on things like this. Would you cook for me?: I don't know if you want me doing that. But I could give it a shot. I do know some good jailhouse recipes but that's not exactly fitting for the moment. Except some of the desserts, some of those are sugar bombs and might be worth it.. Would you let me cook for you?: ...Sure, if you wanted. I feel like ordering or going out would be better though for us. Where would you take me on a date?: That's hard. And I guess would spoil it to share. Buuuut.... Maybe we could have dinner at the beach. You know, I could pick you up, we could get our favorite take out and enjoy the beach. See the stars later and go home and watch a movie or something like that. Flexible to change though considering we often end up winging it. Who’s paying?: I'll pay. What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: I'm not telling you that! Do you KNOW what surprise means? Telling you ruins it! You'd just have to find out.
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kazutora certainly didn't do things half-assed, considering the details of his application. it almost makes him laugh as baji recalls a time when he couldn't even spell tora's name correctly, and had to be shown by chifuyu, who he didn't know at the time fully planned on beating him up. ❝ you're pretty cute when you try hard at stuff like this, you know? ❞ it was adorable how much detail went into each answer. he'd say he was surprised, but he's not. he knows tora is quite the emotional guy, even if he didn't want to hear it. ❝ well obviously your application is accepted, and neither of us is allowed to cook. i don't want to spend the next day shitting my brains out or spewing my innards up. ❞ that would definitely put a damper on the mood. ❝ hmmm... we could eat out then go to the beach? watch the sunset and see the stars and all that romantic crap, then head home? sound good? ❞
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
Emmet and Ingo go on a Road Trip
((I just wanna write so I'm doing random prompts I find using this bad boy Link))
"This was an excellent idea."
"We needed to get away for awhile."
"Did we?"
Emmet could only hum in response.
"It is unhealthy to work so often with no breaks! This road trip has been long overdue! We are due for a long week of rest and relaxation!" Ingo said cheerily, "Just the two of us! Plus Chandelure and Eelektross. And the rest of the team of course."
"And stowaway." Emmet said raising his hat to show the small joltik that was there.
Ingo chuckled, "Yes, and stowaway."
As Emmet replaced his hat, Ingo said, "It is a good thing Emmet. Really. We need a break."
"You have certainly said so."
"I say so because it is true."
"Or because of the intervention."
"Ah... yes, uh... that too."
The intervention had been unexpected. They'd arrived at the station only to find a circle of chairs, and all the depot agents gesturing them to sit down.
As it turned out, Isadore had taken it upon himself to look at the twins accumulation of paid days off. What he'd found had been... interesting.
Okay so maybe they hadn't taken a vacation in 3 years.
And maybe they'd built up a lot of overtime that they were carefully hiding.
And maaaybe when they realized the agents were going to force them to take a vacation they tried to run.
But that wasn't their fault! There was just so much to do in the subway! So many trainers to fight!
Being subway bosses was like a fantasy dream job for both Ingo and Emmet. It was hard to step away from.
But here they were. On the road. Heading to some hotel in Undella Bay to soak up some rays, build sand castles, and whatever else came to mind! It would be good for them! True there were no trains in Undella. And true there was no battle facility there. And true Isadore had said he'd called ahead and instructed the gym leader to absoutely NOT battle them.
But that was FIIIINE.
It wasn't like the only two things they knew was trains and battling!
"Yes a vacation is exactly what we need!" Ingo said. "We can make sand castles! And drink berry juice! And visit the sea port!"
Emmet just pulled his hat over his eyes and said nothing.
"Yes! We definitely needed this road trip!"
"Hey, uh, guys?"
They both looked up from the back seat.
"Can you stop calling it a road trip when you're not driving?"
"We are terribly sorry sir!"
"Can you also stop yelling!"
"Of course-! Ah... I mean. Of course."
"Thanks." The driver said refocusing on the road, "you know I couldn't help overhearing. If you guys need to get the battling out of you're system I happen to know Caitlyn of the Elite 4 has a villa in Undella town."
The twins looked at each other.
"Isadore said we weren't to work."
"Yes, but it is not work." Emmet pointed out. "Caitlyn is technically a colleague."
"Hm true. It would be visiting a peer."
"Yes. Pluuus, technically our jobs are only on the subway! We can't be doing our jobs on a beach."
"But... we are still subway bosses aren't we?" Ingo asked.
"Of course!"
"Ah good."
"And if we get berry juice and build sand castles after~"
"then it still techinically counts as a vacation! Bravo Emmet!! Please, driver, full speed ahead to our next station!!"
The driver was unperturbed.
"Speed limits 30 on this stretch of road bub."
"Ah certain, safety precautions must be observed. In that case, make post haste for our destination!"
"We're still three hours out."
"Ah. Then we shall wait patiently driver."
"My name is Jerry."
"Our apologies we shall wait patiently Jerry."
"You two are the weirdest fares I've ever had." Jerry muttered, "And that's saying something."
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alleyskywalker · 2 years
I'd love to hear about:
Guilt (I wouldn't be me if I didn't want to hear about this one lol)
Robb's sad ravens
The Lady Jeyne
Theyne R&J AU
Thank you!
Guilt I talked about here and The Lady Jeyne - here.
Robb's sad ravens is something I'm hoping to maybe finish for Throbb Fortnight! It's kind of hard to talk about without spoilers which would make it less effective, but let's just say it's a canon divergence AU where Theon's defection doesn't happen but Robb and Theon's relationship still…hmmm...hit a snag, let's say. In the present, Robb writes Theon letters as he tries to live with past mistakes and the present/future they've got.
I suppose you were right back then. I am a coward. I can’t face the truth; I can’t face you. Just as I couldn’t do the right thing back then. Not what was expected of me but the right thing.
I hope you know by now that I’ll never forgive myself. Perhaps if I did I could stop writing these useless letters no one has any use for. And perhaps I’m a fool to think you’d forgive me. 
Ned practiced his archery all day while Roslin was gone. I didn’t get a thing done.
I miss you.
Theyne R&J AU is basically what it says! A Theyne fic that's a fusion with the Romeo and Juliet plot, edited slightly for canon. Includes the element of Robb surviving the Red Wedding to be the stand in for Lord C. Jon has somehow become Tybalt. Tris and Patrek are Benvolio and Mercutio, respectively. Paris is…some random Northern lord whose name I haven't settled on. Might be poor Harry Karstark because why not pick on the Karstarks some more lol. Sam was gonna be Friar Lawrence, but now that Jon is Tybalt that's gone out the window and I guess it's gonna be Dagmer, maaaybe? I haven't gotten anywhere near that far in the writing for this 'verse. Like 99% of this possible fic is still in my head. (Are we sensing a theme here with my WIPs? lol) You'd think I have actual theyne written. Instead it's the duel scene xD
"You want to talk shit, Snow, is that it?"
"Patrek, sit down," Theon hissed as Snow stopped abruptly, shoulders tense.
"You Northmen need to learn to get the fuck out of everyone's business with your notions of superiority and self-righteousness ."
He's drunk, Theon thought, distressed. Drunk and full to the brim with grief. This won't end well. He stood and put a hand on Patrek's shoulder, glanced over at Tris for help as Snow stalked back over toward them.
"You have some nerve, Mallister. After everything Robb did for you--"
"Which was what exactly? Prolonged the war on our lands? Got half the people I care about killed? For his own stupidity and pride? We're not Northern subjects anymore. I don't have to lick his ass."
"No, only associate with traitors and murderers like Greyjoy."
"You watch how you speak about my prince," Tris piped up, standing as well.
Theon shot him a despairing look. Not you too. "We're not here to fight," he reminded them, pitching his voice low even as ironborn, riverlanders and northmen from around the tavern began to gather to watch the unfolding scene. Theon gave Patrek's shoulder a good shake. "It's not worth it, Patrek."
WIP Game
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imaginaryhuman · 1 year
Been a while huh? I still don't know how to feel about it-- that feeling of some constant pendulum between lightness and distress. On one hand, I can't deny the admiration I have for everything you've built for yourself. On the other... well... I guess you can say your slyness is something else. Particularly when our alignment in certain situations are rather erring towards the side of fucked.
Not sure if it's the medication or what but I'm not sad or angry about it this time. But since you're in the business of having your own convenient definitions of things and that "definitely" is more like "indefinitely" in your books. Then you, my friend, are a fucking liar. Ah, I wouldn't worry much about it. I am that too, sometimes. And there had been a time we'd snicker amongst ourselves at the chaos of untruths while people around us try to figure out how we play this game. Now though... Of course, it's different. Things have to change, don't they?
I have no idea how you're keeping this up. I don't know what or who you're doing it for though but it's such a waste. There are things that deserve to be true, you know? Did I meet your expectations? Or does my harmlessness annoy you more? Will it make you feel better if I tell you exactly what I want from this? Or would you be more at peace with your own conclusions?
You can dig all you want. I have shame towards my mistakes, not gonna lie, but none towards certain endeavors but I suppose it's all the same for you. Leverage? Sure. I'd wager it's just something. "All in a life" right?
Glad to be of service on the entertainment front. I'm starting to think that I should save my anger for the worst and the treacherous-- none of which you fall under specifically. But I'd probably hold off on the well wishes since it's something I could be resentful for when from people I don't particularly... enjoy. You know that thing that's like "Bless you for being at odds with me thus being a rotten person" to which you may (or may not) respond with "Go fuck yourself." Hah! Same. So happy to be on the same page. Would you be as happy though? Maaaybe not huh? Ah, the duality of man (woman. You.) is a marvel. The lack of simplicity in your affections, even more so. Your open-faced BLT because you only had two slices of bread and Au (Born in August; "Golden wit" was it?) happened to want a buttered toast when we all know you don’t fucking share food is still one of the best! Real shit! So you can love after all! My inner romantic swoons.
"Cut that sugary digressive bullshit you're always on. C'mon."
I know, I know. Sick habit. Not everyone can be like you. Like, hey, stop holding me to your standards. You can do that to people you actually really love. But then we are friends, right? So I get it. A bit. Maybe. A moment of honesty then-- in any kind of fight, you're a good solid second pick for a backup. Did you know a lot of serial killers share your zodiac sign? I know you don't give a fraction of one shit and I used to not care too but knowing you made me rethink that notion. Cause fuck it, maybe the stars were really on to something. Digressive bullshit aside, ah, odds are against me now. But I'm still hoping that things between us take the route of repair. Because your laughter is one so distinct and I would absolutely love to be around it, around you, again.
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tyrannuspitch · 2 years
collecting some thor thoughts from last night:
humility is definitely a repeated lesson from odin. thor doesn't learn it, but it's not because odin isn't telling him he should. it's just that odin is... a hypocrite. he has contradictory and impossible standards. he tells thor that arrogance is a great evil, but he ALSO tells thor that he only has worth if he's literally the best person in the universe (which inevitably doesn't just have the effect of making him want to be better but of making him feel threatened by others potentially being as good), AND that the royal hierarchy is natural and good and that royalty have a right to reassert their power/status by force.
and on one hand. considering all that i think thor is doing his best lmao. he could be so much worse!
on the other hand. god this is just so cruel. odin is always punishing his children for being exactly what he asked them to be.
re: the competition between thor and loki, especially odin's hints that loki might be a candidate for the throne, or maybe not, but maaaybe, wink nudge teehee... hmm. i think part of the intent of this is to humble thor - to remind him that he is (theoretically) replaceable.
and i don't think it really works! i think thor copes with this through denial. in general, i think thor copes with all odin's contradictions by picking one message to believe and sticking to it. so he hears odin dropping weird hints at loki now and then, but he goes... hmm... no. obviously it's POSSIBLE loki might have to take the throne, so we need to prepare him for the POSSIBILITY, but odin would never actually CHOOSE him over me. i'm the eldest, he calls me his heir constantly, this is how it is. he. he wouldn't REALLY get rid of me hahaha (<- guy who is about to get so exiled.)
like... thor needs stability? he's built his whole life and identity around being the heir; if that crumbles, he has nothing. and also, because being king is SO important (kind of a divine mission / key to holding back the apocalypse), he needs it to be stable for the WORLD to feel secure. AND. i think the idea that he has no choice in being the heir, that there was never any other possibility, probably helps him cope on some level with like... fears or doubts or weariness, etc. of course i'll keep going. i literally can't do anything else.
basically. thor doesn't cope well with doubt, so he just doesn't let himself feel it. he just goes. there IS an order, there IS a plan, i am here for a REASON and it's not going to go away. thor's problem is not even so much arrogance as stubbornness, and he's grown up needing to be stubborn and dogmatic just to draw any kind of sense out of odin's constant, vague, contradictory bullshit.
(and all this also means... okay, i don't think loki would directly ask if thor understood odin's weird hints the way he did. and i think by the time the film starts he's already mostly given up them. but i do think loki would watch thor closely and maybe sort of. gently probe the subject. and the only response he would EVER get out of thor, no matter how direct he was, would be. "what are you talking about??? father absolutely did not say that. you're imagining it." which is... i mean, thor has his own problems! they're both being horribly manipulated! but this is definitely not HELPING with loki's... gaslighting-adjacent mind game situation. not helping at all.)
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
R Vil Schoenheit School Uniform Personal Story
"My branding"
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[Exterior Hallway]
Vil: Sigh… I can't believe that class let out as late as it did, even though I have to make my way to the lecture hall next.
Vil: They ought to establish time between classes to allow us to touch-up our makeup. Why must we hurry so?
Vil: Mirror, where's my mirror… Alright. My hairstyle is still in place.
Vil: I am still absolutely perfect today.
Pomefiore Student A: Ah, isn't that…
Pomefiore Student B: Vil-sama…! He looks beautiful even in his school uniform.
Vil: …Fufu.
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[Lecture Hall]
Cater: Vil-kun, heyoo~ I saw your Magicam upload yesterday.
Cater: Your presence on there is insane, as always~ As expected, with your five million followers!
Vil: Well of course, Cater, who do you take me for?
Cater: Duh, only the hottest model on the planet! The fairest of them all!
Vil: There you go again, with your honeyed words. Why don't you just not say anything if you're not going to be honest?
Cater: Aw, come on, I was totally talking from the bottom of my heart.
Cater: So, why don't we take a picture together, to preserve just how amazing you look today?
Cater: And then, maybe I'll upload it to Magicam.
Vil: So, you're saying… You want to put a photo of me on your Magicam account?
Cater: Yup. …Can't I?
Vil: No, you cannot.
Cater: Ack, shot down!
Cater: Too bad. I thought if I got Vil-kun in a picture together, my account could go viral too~
Vil: What is the point of reaching for such temporary acclaim?
Vil: An increase in engagement with your account for only a day or two won't change much.
Vil: But well, if you still wish to insist, I could consider it.
Cater: Ooh, then let's do it already ♪
Vil: However, it will not come cheap.
Cater: Eeeh~ C'mon, it's just one pic. We're both third years, going to the same school and all, y'know?
Vil: No. Just as you said earlier, I am a professional model.
Vil: My beauty is worth its weight in gold. Do you understand?
Cater: Gotcha, makes sense. I really can't argue with that.
Cater: I've seen just how much effort you've put into your impressive air of beauty, so.
Vil: Fufu, exactly. The beauty you see before you is the results of so much time and dedication.
Vil: Of course, I'm not speaking of just my face. That includes everything from my style, my hair and my clothes.
Vil: Uploading photos to Magicam is also a part of it.
Vil: I study the current trends and make sure to create a Vil Schoenheit that appeals to all.
Vil: I cannot just freely give this beauty that I've diligently and painstakingly worked for to all the little birds and rabbits that come my way.
Vil: That is my branding.
Vil: Do try to keep that in mind.
Cater: WOOOOAH~~~~~!!
Vil: Wh-What!? Why are you screaming so close to me all of a sudden…!?
Cater: Yo, looking at you so close like this, I'm stunned at how cool you look! Your eyelashes are loooong!
Cater: Maaaybe I'm really feeling the urge to ask you out just now ♪
Vil: Yes, yes. That would cost you far more than just a simple photo, so I hope you're prepared for that.
Cater: Ah, yeah. I bet it would take a ton of time and money just to pick out one present for you if we were dating.
Vil: Well, at least you seem to understand.
Vil: If you cannot handle that, stop speaking nonsense and go and take your seat, already.
Cater: 'Kaaaay.
Vil: Seriously… Nothing is out of place after all that, is it? I need my mirror…
Vil: …Good. Perfect, as always.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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pain-suffering-even · 2 years
y'all. y'all its been. SO LONG.
i pinky promise i'm working on things behind the scenes... still just as in love with solo leveling as i was.
what EXACTLY am i working on? well, i wish i could say it was fics, but...
head canons! and also fic plots!
i'm working on head canons for:
the entire draw sword guild (don't ask why. i've been obsessed with them for some reason. really really mad that they didn't get more characterization in the manhwa. just know that all of 'em are my blorbos at the moment)
the american S rankers (thomas andre and christopher reed, as well as laura, even though she's a human, i think)
that one german S ranker (lennart niermann... god i love him)
the korean S rankers (jongin and yoonho specifically, but jinwoo, haein, byungyu, taegyu, and jinchul, even though he's technically A rank)
and liu zhigang (been having trouble with thinking of things for him, though... so no promises)
if your blorbo from solo leveling isn't on this list, honestly feel free to drop your own head canons into my ask box or just straight up DM me. there's sooo many characters in solo leveling that deserve to be thought out, and i like the idea of some of y'all helping me flesh out these characters (even if its ooc!!! if it makes you feel better... all of the head canons i've created are very ooc :') so don't feel bad about it!)
i've redone the way i format headcanons to be a little... easier to read. especially because i write these on a google doc before posting, and it was getting too chunky to filter through. so hopefully they will look nice as well!
now for the fic plots:
um... i might drop proximity and andromeda :') i didn't want to but... i just don't know how to continue either of those stories. i've kinda backed myself into a corner in proximity by throwing too many things in at once. and andromeda... i've straight up forgotten where i wanted to take it. i will say, a long ass time ago i wrote out the ending for andromeda because it was stuck in my mind for forever and i needed to get it out... might post it, if only to give you guys some closure or idea as to where i wanted to take the story? but that also depends if i go back, read it, and its not as good as i thought so no promises.
i may or may not post... some of the one-shots/drabbles i've created, if only to feed this fandom a little bit more. i'll probably get around to that soon after making this post, honestly, because the amount of free writing i do and it accidentally leads back to solo leveling... its enough to post a sizeable drabble collection lmao.
there's other fics behind the scenes! are they being written? course not! but i might throw out some plot ideas like i've done with the flower shop/tattoo parlor AU and the arsonist AU. because i have the plot itself just not the written fic, y'know? and now that i've started school again and have a part time job... probably wont be able to put as much effort into writing as i would like.
anyway. this got rambly. long story short: don't expect any fic updates (sorry), DO expect a one-shot/drabble collection to be posted, and maaaybe expect some plot and AU ideas to be posted as well. plus the new headcanons and their formats, of course.
um... that's all, i think. hope you guys are well :) and just know that even though i post sporadically, my obsession with solo leveling is still going strong!!! too strong, maybe
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bettysgay · 3 years
A lyric analysis of Sad Beautiful Tragic by Taylor Swift but it's about Hannigram
I'm not going over every lyric cuz of course they all don't fit and it repeats but stay along for the ride, this really hits all the marks for Hannigram and I think I broke halfway through.
"Long handwritten note deep in your pocket"
Immediately, the first line reminds me of Hannibal and his silly little handwritten letters, esp of course the one he sends to Jack after Bella's death, which is then given to Will.
"words, how little they mean when you're a little too late"
The second line is about when Will says he forgives Hannibal for everything. Hannibal struggles with how to deal with this and of course tries to get rid of this problem in his own cannibalistic way but we love our meow meow <3
"good girls, hopeful they'll be and long they will wait"
For three whole years Hannibal sits in the BSHCI just waiting for Will to need him again because Will is the one thing in his life that he loves more than anything else. Fuck I feel lonely.
"cuz we had a beautiful magic love there"
*through sobs and sniffles* um yeah they did
"what a sad beautiful tragic love affair"
"in dreams I meet you in warm conversation"
Idk if it's exactly warm conversation but Will's dreams about Hannibal, or the wendigo, or both just have to be mentioned with this lyric. And have I headcanoned that Will also dreams about Hannibal in a sweet way? maaaybe
"we both wake in lonely beds in different cities"
ok so this SCREAMS early s3 (even though Hannibal is with Bedelia at this time shussshhhh). I can just imagine Will missing Hannibal, alone in his house with nothing but a scar. And Hannibal, wandering around trying to find some echo of Will in another person (we all know who).
"and time is taking its sweet time erasing you"
gOD just thinking about Hannibal drawing Will over and over and over again while at the BSHCI just so he can keep his face memorized is painful. AND WHEN HE DOES IT WITH THE PAINTING IN FLORENCE AH. But time could never erase the marks they have left on each other, physical and emotional.
"and you've got your demons and darlin' they all look like me"
THE FUCKING WENDIGO SHDVAGDVGADFS. The way Hannibal fuses with Will's mental representation of evil and yet Will misses him and yearns for him GOD this fucking ship.
"distance, timing, breakdown, fighting"
The fucking season 2 finale. The way if they had met earlier in their lives maybe it would have been different. The way they betrayed each other in a way they knew would hurt the most, the way only divorced couples do. The way no matter how much Will denies it to himself, he knows he hates being without Hannibal. They aren't truly themselves without one another.
"what a sad beautiful tragic love affair"
anyways I hope you liked me slipping into madness and if you've seen any hannigram edits to sbt pls send them my way <333
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betasuppe · 3 years
What happened with the anon hate? Did one anon send hate to a lot of people then apologize to just one person?
Yeah, basically that.
This person targeted a few dozen people in the Big Hero 6 fandom - & it's happened before so we have an inkling of who this anon may be -, but they sent everything from rude comments to harsh criticism to death threats to my friends & myself, included.
I personally got some pathetic ass comment where they told me my art is awful & I know it & should be ashamed of myself or something??? Idk, I deleted it right away because I'm not posting their direct hate on my blog. Also, they said that my pairing with my self-insert, Kei, & my favorite character ever, Obake, is shit, so that got me all sorts of riled up lmaoo
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Later, they sent me another message just giving me a "friendly reminder" that I'm disgusting, but weirdly, I got off pretty easy compared to quite a few of my good mates, who this anon told them to go & die, in a less friendly manner.
But even later on in the day, they contacted someone in the fandom they apparently had no issues with & decided to have this innocent bystander post their pathetic half-assed attempt at an apology, while still on anon & making sure to add that we "most likely didn't deserve" how they treated us, like???
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I'm sorry, did they just try to say HEY SORRY I SPENT ALL DAY INSULTING YOU GUYS & TELLING YOU TO KILL YOURSELF, BUT MAYBE JUST MAAAYBE YOU DIDN'T DESERVE ALL MY RANCID ASS HATE MAIL? IDK IM A DUMB ASS BITCH & YOU SHOULD ALL FORGIVE ME NOW UWU♡ because that's exactly what it sounded like to me lmaoooo what a fucking colossal idiotttttt 😂😂😂😂😂
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