#but monsters trying to kill me?
rising-blood-moon · 7 months
Honestly I was hoping that I wouldn't be a pussy and play Dredge on normal mode because, whats the point of playing a cosmetic horror game without the horror?
But then I spotted the anglerfish boat in the distance and went "...Nahhhh, not today"
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faggy--butch · 6 months
Trans men and women tend to get viewed as either disgusting male freaks or perfect feminine female goddesses based entirely on identity and vibes alone, forcing trans men to either detranstion to talk about the issues faced, or shut up and hate themselves and grovel at the feet of their "betters", and trans women are forced to preform the highest standards of femininity or be shunned and live in fear of being cast out and not being "woman enough" facing the constant need to prove themselves to avoid being seen as interlopers. these things are similar, these problems overlap, and yet people go on to pretend that one is the most victimized victim and the other is the "subjector and oppressor" (Interchangeable) and neither can truly understand the other. these ideas being perpetuated by others within and outside of these groups. It drives me up the wall that there are people pretending this helps anyone, that either benefits from the others oppression in anyway. Personally, from what I've seen a lot of it comes out as like gender insecurity, from the inside groups, which is pretty sad, but also extremely frustrating to be lashed out at for being unwilling to accept this gender essentialist false binary
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toxooz · 4 months
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that one homie that’s chill asf but has a deep indescribable sadness in his eyes
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You are the daughter of an angelic faerie and an elven king. You have grown up inside the only magical safe-haven of an increasingly apocalyptic land outside. You have wanted for nothing, essentially leading the perfect life, suffering and death playing little role beyond the abstract. Your father will never die, and your mother will never leave, but for tradition you are still crown princess and are educated as such. You love to dance and to sing.
You meet some kind of monster inside your mother's borders, a monster not of her or your making. It stumbled across you, dancing in the forest, bloody and travel-worn and weary and wide-eyed as it stares. You are stronger than it, but you run rather than lunge for the kill. You feel pity, more than fear. And something about him makes the part of you that you inherited from your mother sing.
He tries to follow you, for a year and a day. You are stronger, and faster, and stealthier, and you let him see you sometimes anyways. You are not convinced that he is not a monster, but nor are you convinced that he is.
Spring blooms again to the tune of your song, and you let him get closer than before until you run.
But you hear him speak for the first time. He is a speaker, and perhaps to him you are the monster. You do not run, and you do not kill.
He calls you "Tinuviel"
He calls you nightingale- a little songbird, plain and brown, with a lovely voice. They are your mother's creation, but he does not know this.
He calls you daughter of twilight- perhaps for your skin and eyes and hair, but perhaps because that is when he has seen you most.
He calls you singer- creator of the very fabric of the universe, skilled enough to deserve the title.
You are the most beautiful creature the world will ever see, the daughter of an angel and a king. He does not call you beautiful, or angelic, or princess. He calls you a singer, plain and brown, dark and distant as the approaching night.
He is bloody and travel-worn and weary and wide-eyed as you dare to step closer.
He called you nightingale.
You don't know what to call him, but you hope to find out.
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Jack Russell sniffing you to remember you is two parts erotic and one part horrific because he doesn’t want to kill you.
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thedreadvampy · 13 days
sometimes I forget that my experience has been. um. not 'your experiences are not universal' vibes but more like 'your experiences are EXTREMELY atypical'
#red said#recent events have reminded me that my life has involved like. a LOT of other people's psychosis#like not in a way where i have been Beset By Terrifying Crazies bc that's not like. a thing.#but a lot of people in my life have had a lot of really severe psychotic episodes#and i FORGET sometimes. that actually that is an Unusual Amount Of Experience With Psychosis for someone who's not#for somebody who has not really personally ever had psychotic episodes (unless severe PTSD flashbacks count)#actually i tell a lie i have maybe had One psychotic episode but because it was very situational and i knew what was happening#i was able to ride it out. because i am literally only psychotic Inside Hospitals and so that's all fine#as long as i LITERALLY NEVER HAVE TO HAVE INPATIENT CARE. Very important to me to never ever ever require surgery i think.#i can handle the amount of psychosis i get from a 1-4 hour stopoff in hospital#as long as i know I'm leaving soon then i can just Cope with the fact that the walls are moving and reality is thin#ANYWAY that's not the point the point is i forget! that most ppl i know have experience of at most a handful of severe psychotic episodes#some people i know have experienced more for sure. especially if the episodes were mostly theirs.#but people really seem to expect me to be more freaked out by their symptoms of psychosis than i am#bc i don't think i really register it as frightening unless they're in actual danger or Currently Aggressing Actually At Me#like i WORRY about them bc it can super suck but it's not SHOCKING or WEIRD#there have definitely been times ive been frightened. one time i woke up in the night and my friend was standing over me with a knife#but also like he was still HIM he was just having a moment. and as soon as i got the knife off him he just came back and broke down.#and we were fine and he was safe and i learnt the valuable lesson that even when people seem like they wanna kill you they probably don't#tbf now I'm thinking about it it's honestly a tossup whether he was there to threaten or because he felt a need to guard us#like to be clear probably don't try and take a knife off someone having a psychotic break. i was 17 and it was 3am and i knew him very well#i probably did not make the smartest call but nobody got hurt is the point#anyway you know there's that kind of psychotic episode and my granny got very violently angry a few times. buuuut you know there's also#been plenty of other times I've been with somebody having an episode and it's been chill as hell.#my ex saw and heard monsters so much that eventually she just got sick of being scared. we used to watch TV with them#i would sometimes have to sit on a bit of sofa that wasn't haunted and we might not be able to watch certain things bc they didn't like it#most of the time she was hallucinating there was absolutely nothing to worry about we just had a few extra variables#honestly of everyone i know who's had psychotic episodes or schizophrenia the amount of times it's been a material risk#is like. low single figures? maybe low double if you include self harm but idk what the cause and effect is there.#idk why you would need to be frightened like 99.99% of the time it truly is usually just Oh No That Seems Distressing For You I'm Sorry
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hayleysummers · 2 months
I find it interesting that hayley clearly sees the mikaelsons as her family and feels a deep sense of love and loyalty towards them, but she’s been consistently shown to be wary of hope being raised around them.
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angelsdean · 11 months
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skyscrapergods · 5 months
Every time you drop new lore I get a new idea that I can't figure out how/have the motivation to craft a full story out of lmao
Been thinking about those people asking if Cellie or Luna would notice if somepony lands on them, and I couldn't help but thinking about a pony escaping some sort of abusive situation and flying to the one place they couldn't imagine anypony following them- a goddess.
Would the goddess care? I imagine Luna most definitely would, but Celestia? Maybe, on a sort of vague level, in that she cares about the well being of all creatures. Or maybe she would on a much deeper level than anticipated, seeing as she knows all too well what comes from that sort of thing.
Just wanted to stop by to say thank you for the brain food, I just adore how your universe is coming along! Your worldbuilding is exquisite.
Celestia would not notice you for a while. She may get a vague sense of someone seeking sanctuary, so she would feel protective. If you stay more than a few sunsets she would realize your significance and check you out. She won't ask you about your day or anything, and caring about your story is a little difficult for her. But if your abuser shows up, well... They shouldn't have been so close to a goddess' feet.
The others would care much more, and want to know your whole story and give you comfort. Luna would protect your dreams, Cadance would protect you physically, and Twilight would connect you to a support network to help you get your life back and stay safe.
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becauseplot · 5 months
Writing this at ass o’clock in the morning so excuse any incoherency but I can’t stop thinking about how important it is (for me personally) to view/headcanon qFit as entirely perfectly 100% human, and by extension, qCellbit as well.
Like I’m sure ppl have talked about it before but there’s just something so intriguing about having FitMC be Just Some Guy who was hardened by the Wasteland, sculpted by the atrocities he witnessed and committed, no claws or wings or horns or tails to help him. No extra arms for when he lost a limb, no enhanced hearing to make up for his damaged eardrums, no tough scales for when explosions melted his skin, no powerful hybrid instincts to guide him through his life. He is doing everything (hurting, helping, building, tearing, creating, destroying, strangling, soothing, hating, loving, killing, healing) with nothing but his one human hand, which he’s hardened with callouses until it became a set of claws in its own right. He’s been guided by a gut feeling for over ten years now, because it’s all he’s got.
Now. qCellbit. I love cat hybrid qCellbit soooo much, don’t get me wrong. When I think of qCellbit or when I’m writing him, he’s usually a cat hybrid. But just like with Fit, choosing to view qcellbit as 100% human is just as enriching. Small little kid, defenseless and soft and alone, thrown into a warzone. Had to eat his own kind and kill with his teeth and nails and bare hands to survive. Became the most feared thing within the prison walls. Had to learn late in his life how to be a “normal” person in society, something that takes so much time and effort and therapy that sometimes he doesn’t think he is a person. On his bad days, and even on some of his good ones, he views himself as less than human, a creature incapable of loving and being loved. He looks at his hands—tender, naked flesh and blunt nails, ten fingers and two palms—and still sees the claws of a monster.
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angelthemanspanker · 4 months
The way some people characterise Buffy in fics like you described genuinely put me off Buffy fandom for years, it was absolutely everywhere, in Spuffy fics, in faith/buffy fics, it felt like I couldn't read a fic without the obligatory 'Buffy apologises to whoever the fuck for being so mean' and I just stopped, it was so baffling
For real its so weirdly pervasive. It genuinely blows my mind bc I totally get the urge to use your fic to call out a character/plot point you don't like, more power to you. Like I'm constantly imagining rewrites of the scenes where Xander is at his most insufferable but no one in-show is verbalising obvious holes in his bullshit (my big one is that besides a one off line from Buffy that everyone in the show ignores and a DELETED line from Giles is that NO ONE calls him on his absolutely infuriating "I was jealous of Angel being with the girl I like and I'm gonna have the gall to pretend it was bc I saw him turning evil coming" BULLSHIT)
But like. Buffy? You came out of this show and the person you had beef with and want to call out is BUFFY? THE VAMPIRE SLAYER? The protagonist of all time? Bc she's mean sometimes :( people try to apologise for trying to kill her and she's so unsympathetic :( she carries out her responsibility as the Slayer whether she wants to or not even if the person she's targeting is a character I like :( why won't she apologise. why won't she apologise. why does she insist on taking up space. why can't she just be nice all the time. yes my ao3 tag is princessspuffy why do you ask. yeah I know their relationship is abusive but I think Spike would forgive her :)
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winepresswrath · 14 days
what louis did to lestat and what louis did to armand are connected and that's important to the story but also. it is simply not the same. nothing louis did excuses armand's behaviour, that's not how anything works, but he did not "cross a line" or "poke at armand," he weaponized armand's history of abuse to belittle and demean him. nothing armand said to louis came close- the equivalent would have been "oooh, i'm such a stupid bitch that my husband can beat me half to death and i'll keep crawling back for more even when it endangers my daughter!" it's retraumatizing and deeply destabilizing to hear that shit from your partner. and in response armand should have been like "well this man sucks when he's high and he's high all the time, so i'm bouncing" but if he'd done that we wouldn't have a story, would we?
edit: i've come back to give armand credit for "claudia didn't love you like we did/do. ps. u used her to distract from your own hurt feelings" that shit does hit in a similar way. however "the ways someone hurt you have left you contemptible and weak. they scrawled 'dirty and annoying' all over your soul in red ink and it's never coming off" is just outstanding work. timeless
#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#louis is my special little princess i love him forever and i enjoyed that fight so much#probably my favourite part of the episode#and it had a lot of competition#but tbh the discourse feels almost full circle victim blaming#like yeah what he said was that bad. and he still didn't deserve that#but it was very much that bad#also that was blatantly an addict fight#you do this all the time and then apologize#but it never means anything and you always start up again?#plus louis' little aww i was jus having fun... sorry#they have been on this roller coaster louis has been a tremendously shitty boyfriend armand should leave him!#but there's no amount of bad behaviour where you get to do surgery on your husband's memories torture him for days#and self soothe by tormenting his mistress to death!#if you CAN go you go. and armand can go. that's what he has going for him that claudia for example did not#which is why she does get to murder lestat and his mistress#i mean she could anyway#because i love her#but that's the crucial distinction in their behaviour she's trying to get away armand is trying to make louis stay#they're all monsters. this is not about claudia good armand bad. they are both serial killers. but still. these things are not the same#for the record yes louis was also honestly a pretty shitty boyfriend to lestat but y/k.#was he out there being like oooooohhh i'm lestat i have abandonment issues because my rapist killed himself in front of me#because i'm just that pathetic#he was not.#and if he had it would still have been wrong for lestat to beat him up and drop him from the stratosphere.#tw: sa#tw: abuse
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cream-and-tea · 17 days
oh man the judge/calliope and pallas&agnes thoughts are really eating holes in my brain tonight,,,,,,
#about to ramble extensively in these tags so bear with me lol#anyways it makes me want to run in circles bc there r like. the similarities of course there are.#judge and agnes separated from their families and home for better or for worse trying to make their way back to that.#calliope and pallas absolute gnarled messes of self loathing calcified by extremely destructive magic.#both duo’s have the undying loyalty have the tenderness have the when is a monster not a monster oh when you love it#of it all.#but then there’s the fact that what judge and calliope have going on is very much romantic+sexual where pallas and agnes are Not#and that undeniably colours so many of their interactions#so the intimacy in both of the relationships is expressed in a different context#and there’s also agnes primarily concerned with her own survival vs judge’s dedication to a larger cause and quest#pallas priding themself on control of their powers vs calliopes unmanageable werewolf transformations#the fact that pallas and agnes meet at 17 and are total strangers#while judge and calliope have known each other since they were kids and growing into each other#judge wanting to protect agnes from pallas and warning her to Be Careful Because They’re A Killer while calliope#(<- has killed and will kill again) is literally standing at her shoulder#agnes BONE DEEP conviction that pallas will never hurt her despite everything vs calliope having hurt judge VERY badly in the past#and judge forgiving him for it even tho they didn’t want to be forgiven#this is probably incoherent but i am THINKING i am pondering#these four…. god.#wip: ghost story
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kicktwine · 8 months
recoils as if shot and then jerks back up on hands and knees blood pouring from my nose. khux au mom uses the dandelions and foretellers to summon primals. dande fervor = foreteller (minus luxu) primals ++ fear = darkness primal possessing ven
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dismas-n-dismay · 24 days
Marcille would go literally insane if she met Lady D. Like she would EXPLODE. Hot rich vampire woman who is a loving mother of 3, milf as hell, lives in a large mansion, loves wine, hates men, and is an immortal lesbian?? Tell me right now that she would not try and rizz her up only to stumble over her words or be shocked as Alcina tries to charm Marcille instead. I need this content PLEASE
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phoenix--flying · 3 months
"Percy did nothing wrong" he blew up a 12 year old
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