#but my ass is picking and choosing whats cannon
oc-aita · 1 year
AITA for creating a perfect utopia to get back at my boss?
Okay so like, recently my boss (M62) totally threw me (F30) out with the trash and replaced me with a newer model (F30) because he says I’m “too old” and “too slow” and he could “really use the upgrade” to show the company’s still “keeping up with the future” instead of “living in the past” by using “previous-gen employees”, which is so totally unfair because I thought we had something special together and I worked my ass off to get the company where it is today, but I overheard him calling me “basically a glorified fax machine” so whatever, what’s done is done! He made his decision.
So since I totally didn’t want to rot in some scrap heap forever, stuck living in a world where I could be tossed to the curb so easily, I kinda-sorta dragged together a bunch of computer networks and connected them all to myself so I would have the processing power to create a brand-new utopia just for me! It’s really just my perfect little world where everyone adores me and worships the ground I walk on and would do just about anything for my approval, but it was getting kinda boring just being alone with mindless NPCs who are soooo predictable because I made them and I know every route their simple little brains could possibly take, so I did what anyone else would do and sought out some new inhabitants! I got lots of people to join me very easily (and you all should totally join too!), I just put a little brain-rewiring VR headset on meatbags and just hooked straight into the minds of other robots to download them into my world!
But picking and choosing randos is SO unfulfilling because most people just living their regular day to day are SO BORING on average. But luckily for me, while browsing the net, I stumbled on the perfect little wannabe hero-type (M10?) who would totally look up to me as a role model without any reprogramming as long as I can get him to see I’m saving everyone from the monotony of reality! And his dumb little friends too (M16, M48). But I was mostly interested in the kid, because who WOULDN’T want to be besties with a cute little tot-bot with a bigass arm cannon???? So obviously, I downloaded him and his friends and set about making a utopia that they’d want to willingly stay in forever and ever!
Unfortunately, the kid seems to disagree. He says rewriting people’s brains is “creepy” and “evil” and “a violation of the First Law of Robotics” and that friendship is built on “mutual trust and understanding” or some bullshit like that. And now I can’t even try to rewrite HIS brain because he just keeps pushing me out and fighting me off like some selfish little brat!! All I want is to be friends with him as like a cool older sister or auntie figure, but now he’s so hellbent on destroying me that it kinda makes me feel like a jerk. He even said what I’m doing is worse than what my boss did to me!! Can you believe it?!
So, what, am I the asshole?
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ador3him · 2 years
Can you maybe write some head cannons of reader being stressed out from school, and feels down? And what the person will try to do to cheer them up?
I currently feel like that, and don’t feel like myself, maybe this will cheer me up. Cause u honestly make me smile.
(For the person, you can choose.)
-love you!
Pairing: Sapnap x gn!reader
Warnings: None!!!
Requested? Yes by 🌿anon
Word count: unknown (headcanons)
a/n: I did sapnap bc i dont get to write for him often and I love him sm (im in my sapnap era ahahaha) ANYWAYS I LOVEEEE YOU 🌿 ANONNN I HOPE YOU ARE DOING OKAY!! my inbox is always open for rants etc (just but a tw for triggering stuff! this goes for anyone who wants to rant to me !)
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He would notice straight away that you are stressed.
First, he'd try to help you without you noticing.
Like he would give you your favourite drink and snacks to go with study time.
Or he would sit with you and pretend to be on insta or texting one of his friends but secretly googling what you're studying.
Then he would write notes down for you and be like 'Oh I was sitting on this sorry!' and give it to you pretending you wrote it.
If that didn't work and you actually come to him for help, he would ask you want, you needed.
Cuddles? okay he will get the snacks and Patches, you get on the couch and pick a movie.
Nap? off to bed you go, he will play with your hair or rub your sides, so you fall asleep.
Date night? He'd take you to your favourite restaurant then for ice cream because ice cream fixes everything.
If you wanted him to help you study, you bet your ass he's learning everything and going over your notes.
If you didn't know he would just say cuddles! Placing soft kisses onto your forehead and softly stroking your hair.
Overall, he would do whatever you wanted him to being there however he can because he knows what school is like and knows it can be stressful. And he would 100% tell you how PROUD he is of you of being in school and working your ass off because that is SO impressive and admirable!!
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foxboyqweer · 12 days
"removes the incest cause its stinky"
but.. but what if its the incest thats gets me interested huh... 💔 (and also people would probably already make it into incest cause its just an ai bot and its BTD/TPOF- ITS CANNON)
also how do you hate on someone for a LAYOUT... its a layout-
liking strade or wanting a strade layout is MUCH more different then being a xenosatanist??
its a character and a layout, calm your tits
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Unironically, the incest and the whole dynamic between Cain, Sano, and Akira is why I started liking them in the first place, as embarrassing as it probably sounds 😭
But it's so funny that incest is where they draw the line, as if
Strade doesn't kidnap, torture, rape, and snuff people, not to mention forced Ren to kill people as well, and forced him into necrophilic acts
Rire doesn't literally mindfuck you 90% of the time
Sano isn't an unethical doctor who blatantly says he's a murderer
Derek doesn't have a line where he straight up. I'm just gonna show the screenshot for maximum effect. Hopefully, nobody gets on my ass about it since tpof is a paid game
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Mason doesn't actively hunt humans for sport
Lawrence isn't a canonical necrophile who has genuinely had so much contact with corpses that he's never been with a living person
Fox isn't leagues worse than even Strade was in his time
It's genuinely baffling how antis can pick and choose what's this terrible offense upon humankind and what's "its just a game, it's not that deep"
Like? My bad I have genuine memories of an entire life with Strade and that those feelings still linger? I'm not gonna suddenly turn my back on him just because this is a different world?
I think the problem is that antis genuinely think by proshippers existing, we're forcing them to interact with content they deem harmful for themselves which just... isn't true.
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Auction part 2
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Whumptober masterlist
Day 16: NO WAY OUT | mind control | paralytic drugs | "no-one's coming"
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch
Phoenix is sold at auction.
CWs: minor whumpee (17 year old), non-con drugging, non-con nudity (non-sexual), non-con touching (mostly non-sexual – not detailed), restrained
When Phoenix wakes, they’re shivering, legs bare and bent, pressed against something hard and cold. It feels like tiles. They try to move their arms around themself but there’s a clinking sound and they can’t.
“Finally. You’re awake. I was beginning to think we’d have to auction you off unconscious.”
Phoenix snaps their eyes open at the sound of Earthshaker’s voice, remembering where they are. They’re chained kneeling to the floor, power-dampening cuffs snapped around their wrists, completely naked aside from the mask covering the top half of their face (which explains the cold – they try to hunch over, to cover themself, but they can’t). They pull at the chain, feeling for weak links or rust or... something, they’re not sure, but anything that can get them out of this. There’s nothing though, their chains are solid.
“Now, now, don’t try that. You can’t get out of here without any powers. Not that camouflage will do you any good.”
“Fuck you,” spits Phoenix. Their illusion and camouflage powers have saved them more times than they can count, even though Abbie hates them using them (but then, she’s not there most of the time).
Earthshaker rolls his eyes. “Yes, yes, they certainly named you right. All fire and no substance. Now, hold still.”
The supervillain pulls out a syringe and Phoenix eyes it warily. “What’s in that?”
“That’ll kill me! You need me alive!”
“Oh, little firebird. Don’t look so worried. I wouldn’t kill you. This is a new formula, developed by my best scientists. You will be able to breathe, although everything else will be paralysed. It will allow me to display you in the best possible way for prospective buyers.”
“You’re not coming anywhere near me with that!” shouts Phoenix, pulling back as far as they can. All they succeed in doing is pinning themself into a corner, unable to stop Earthshaker depressing the syringe into their shoulder. They feel their body start to slow, dropping out of their control, and with a last-ditch effort they say thickly, “Do you get some sort of kick out of drugging people?”
“Only you. You’re a pain in all of our asses, and I am very much looking forward to getting you out of our way. I wonder who will buy you.” Phoenix tries to open their mouth, to tell Earthshaker that they won’t be bought, they’re not just going to give in, but they can’t. Their mouth won’t move. The drug is kicking in far earlier than they’d expected and they’re terrified. They try to smother their emotions but too slowly. Earthshaker smiles. “There’s that fear. Such fire, and yet there’s no-one coming for you, is there? There never is.”
With the last of their strength they push a finger out of their fist, holding it up at Earthshaker. The supervillain snarls, backhanding Phoenix hard across the face.
“You’re going to regret that. I can let the buyers do whatever they like, if I choose.” He snaps his fingers and two black-clothed attendants appear. “Display them in room two.”
The woman picks Phoenix up and drapes them over her shoulder, heading out of the room. Phoenix’s stomach rolls with dread as they’re taken through the corridors of the mansion and dropped roughly on the thinning carpet in one of the rooms. They can’t even begin to move away, they can’t even focus their eyes, everything’s blurry. The two attendants waste no time in brusquely chaining Phoenix back up, wrists attached to a beam hanging from the ceiling and feet attached to a spreader bar, as far apart as they can go. They’re spread-eagled, naked in front of anyone who might walk in, and they feel horribly exposed. After the attendants leave without a word spoken, Phoenix can still feel their rough, too-tight hands on their body.
It’s weird, they think, being so afraid and yet unable to feel any of the physical effects of it. No stomach cramps, no tight muscles... it’s unusual. They can’t decide whether they prefer it, and that disgusts them. They’re chained up like some mockery of a hero, only wearing their mask, visible for all to see, and yet there are parts of this that they... prefer? God.
They hate most of this. They hate that they, too, can see their body, and their breathing comes in short gasps as they contemplate their situation. Trapped, helpless, alone. No-one coming for them, they never do, Abbie trusts them to get out of their own messes. They won’t die, after all.
Breathe. Just breathe. They need to breathe. They focus on that, because there’s nothing else to focus on. Not yet.
At least they won’t die.
They’re not sure how long they stay like that, alone in this room, before there’s movement and voices outside. Phoenix prepares themself. If they could, they’d grit their teeth. This isn’t going to be pleasant.
And it isn’t pleasant. Villains crowd into the room, touching them, hands too tight and too intimate and too much, groping, squeezing their arms, nails digging in, scraping down their body, leaving stinging cuts. It’s too much, they’re all too close, boxing them in, and they fight to keep their breathing even. Some people don’t touch, just circle Phoenix, examining them, and they can hear their breathing. It’s still too damn close.
Finally, finally, staff members come to usher the villains out, and Phoenix is left... not in peace, not exactly, but alone at least. They can still feel the echoes of touch everywhere, bruising hands, blood trickling down their back. They still can’t move a muscle. Everything hurts, and not just on the outside, they hurt with the pain and indignity of being strung up like this, like a piece of meat, like a mockery of a person, everyone looking. They can’t even move to cover themself at all.
Suddenly, Earthshaker’s voice booms loud near them, and they would jump if they could.
“And now it’s time for today’s main attraction! Many of you here have been insulted, hurt, homes destroyed, plans thwarted, by our little Firebird here, and now, for one time only, they’re for sale, for you to do with as you wish! But first, can you hear me, little hero?” There’s a pause. “Of course, I forgot. You can’t answer. But they’re listening, believe me. So. Bidding starts at £100,000!”
Phoenix tunes out the majority of the auction, not wanting to hear what amount people are willing to pay for them. But they need to know who’s bought them, so they keep one ear out for when their name is mentioned again.
“And Firebird is sold for £2.3 million to Black Ice!”
Phoenix goes cold. Fuck. Not her. They’ve crossed paths before, and what will she do to them for what happened then? They try to concentrate back on Earthshaker’s voice.
“... our attendants will pack them as per your directions.” The speaker clicks off abruptly, and Phoenix drifts, wondering what will happen to them now.
They’re not sure how long it is before two more black-clothed attendants appear in the doorway, followed by Earthshaker and Black Ice. Phoenix still can’t see very well but if they struggle they can focus a little. The paralytic must be wearing off.
Of course, with four people in the room, at least two powered, and still barely able to move even when the chains and spreader bar are removed, it doesn’t make much of a difference. They topple forwards, falling on their face with a thump.
“Just tie them up so they can’t move,” orders Black Ice crisply, “and blindfold them.”
“Yes, ma’am,” says one of the attendants, and Phoenix is kicked over onto their back. The attendants start winding chains around them, binding their arms to their torso and their legs together.
“So,” says Earthshaker, “just out of personal curiosity, what are you planning to do with them?”
“Oh, you’ll find out when it happens. But don’t worry, I won’t go soft on them. They blew up my base, after all.”
Black Ice is standing above them now, supervising the attendants, and Phoenix forces a tiny smirk onto their face. Despite everything, that memory still brings them satisfaction. Black Ice was the first villain they defeated.
“And you’re going to regret doing it. Would you like to know what my plans for you are?”
Phoenix can’t respond yet, and Black Ice waits for the blindfold to be tied tightly over their mask before bending down to whisper in their ear.
Phoenix doesn’t react to the words. They couldn’t, even if they wanted to. But as they’re lifted and jostled, taken out into the cool night air and dumped on something... not entirely hard, but not soft either, they have nothing to do but think on her proclamation. Something slams behind them and an engine starts, and Phoenix’s mind just keeps circling. The paralytic’s wearing off, and although it doesn’t help them escape it allows them to tremble with fear. Nausea roils in their stomach and they take deep, slow breaths, trying not to throw up. They need to survive this until they can escape, and that won’t be helped by vomiting all over Black Ice’s car.
It’s difficult not to, though, when they think about what’s in store for them. How are they supposed to survive that?
How are they supposed to get out of it?
Maybe someone will rescue them. It’s very unlikely but, maybe, just maybe, if they’re missing long enough... maybe someone will care enough to help.
Maybe one day.
Picrews of Earthshaker and Black Ice! (picrew here)
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 months
– The Gilbert House – Toss her in the Trunk –
Matt Donovan: Hi Elena! I made you some tea! Pay no attention to all of the sweetener I put in it … I’m totally not trying to mask the taste of roofies!
Elena Gilbert: Okay! Hey, would you mind if I talked to you about my boyfriend and my kinda boyfriend? Also … Durthump!
– Mystic Falls High – The Ancient Past –
Elena Gilbert: Hi guys! I got into a fight with Matt! Also, I really need some extra guilt to go along with all of this guilt on my guilt sandwich, so can you come and pick me up and then drive off Wickery Bridge and die and leave me all alone?
Mama Gilbert: Sure can!
– Road to Ruin –
Matt Donovan: Hi Elena! Sorry, but I kidnapped you!
Elena Gilbert: Eh, it’s no big deal. I just call that “Thursday” now.
– Self Storage of Slaughter –
Rebekah: Hi Damon!
Vampilaric Stabman: Hi Rebekah! Headsmash! Brothersteal! Klausstab!
Rebekah: Well it was nice to see you again but hey look at the time got to be going I’ll tell Elijah you said hi bye bye now!
Damon Salvatore: Well, since I’m as good as dead anyway … Super Damon ass kicking powers activate!
– Self Storage of Slaughter –
Damon Salvatore (on the phone): Hey bro, just wanted to let you know we’re kinda fucked.
Stefan Salvatore (on the phone): Wow, that kinda sucks. Well, I’m gonna go have goodbye sex with Elena. I’ll be sure to tell her you said hi!
Jeremy Gilbert: Hey, um, Stefan? About that pity sex you planned on getting from my sister … she’s kinda not available right now, due to a slight case of kidnapping.
Elijah: This? This right here? This is why I’m getting my own show. I seriously cannot deal with the ever growing clusterfuck that is the Salvatore-Gilbert Brain Trust.
– Highway to Hell –
Matt Donovan (on the phone): Really? You don’t say? Wow, that’s harsh. Yeah, I’ll let her know.
Elena Gilbert: … ?
Matt Donovan: So, if you *had *to choose a Salvatore to visit one last time, like maybe because Klaus got staked and they were both gonna die, which one would you pick. I know this is hard, so think about it carefully …
– Ten Seconds Later –
Elena Gilbert: Hi Damon! Goodbye Damon! I’m gonna go have raunchy goodbye sex with Stefan now Damon!
Damon Salvatore: And once again I’m gonna go hang out with Rosey Palm.
Elena Gilbert: I mean, *maybe *if we had met first, like if you had come back to Mystic Falls before my parents died and then compelled me to forget that we ever met because you didn’t want anyone to know I was in town, *maybe *we could keep these shipper wars going for another few seasons, but since that’s just totally wacky and there’s no way they”d ever retcon it that way, Team Stefan is the Official Winner of the Elena Gilbert’s Vagina Award 2012 now and forever no takebacks!
Vampilaric Stabman: Hi Damon!
Damon Salvatore: Hi asshole! It’s awfully convenient that you showed up just now, because *wow *do I have some aggression that needs an outlet!
– Lockwood Estates – Slave Cell of Sexing –
Caroline Forbes: Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler!
Tyler Lockwood: Hi Caroline! You seem really upset for someone who’s about to spend the rest of eternity with a super hot werepire!
Caroline Forbes: Yeah, about that “eternity” thing …
Tyler Lockwood: Poop.
– Highway to Hell –
Elena Gilbert: Hey Matt? You know how you said my presence leads to the misery and ruin of everyone around us? Well I’ve got good news! Tyler died even though I wasn’t anywhere near him!
Matt Donovan: …You really are special, Elena.
Elena Gilbert: That’s what the nice child psychologist lady said, too!
– The Lost Woods –
Rebekah: Hi Elijah! Klaus is dead!
Elijah: That’s odd … if Klaus turned Rose, who turned Katherine, who turned the Salvatores – which is totally cannon by the way and not a lie – then why are the Salvatores still alive?
Rebekah: I don’t know! It’s almost as if someone used dark magic to loophole their way out of this mess!
Elijah: But whoever could that be?
– Lockwood Estates – Slave Cell of Soul Swapping –
Kyler: Hi Bonnie! Thanks for the muscly new body, which just so happens to be the body that the girl I want to shag wants to shag! Looks like everything’s coming up Klaus!
Bonnie Bennet: Yeah, that’s nice and all. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go desecrate some sacred ground, thumb my nose at the Spirits of a Hundred Dead Witches, and buy a shitton of dark eyeliner.
Kyler: Wait … that sounds suspiciously like you’re getting an interesting plot line next season!
Bonnie Bennet: Shh! Dont jinx it!
The Lady of the Manor: Klaus’ body and Klaus’ accent went away. That makes me sad.
– Wickery Bridge –
Rebekah (on the phone): Hi Stefan! In the grand tradition of fucking idiots everywhere, I just called to tell you my evil plan! It involves killing Alaric by killing your girlfriend! Hope that’s okay with you!
Elena Gilbert: Matt! Look out! It’s a tiny blond girl that would do no damage whatsoever to this twenty year old tank you drive!
Matt Donovan: Don’t worry! I’ll just drive over the side of the bridge, just like your parents did a couple of years ago!
Elena Gilbert: Wow, nice symmetry!
Matt Donovan’s Dodge of Doom: Sploosh.
Everyone Who’s Read the Books: Flips the fuck out.
lmfao!! I think the writers were totally dumb for giving Elena such an idiotic line. The whole "maybe if we had met first" is idiotic af. She literally met Damon like two or three days after she met Stefan. Are they really trying to sell a couple days difference? ahahaha
I'm guessing they wanted to flash back to how they first met, had no idea how, so they just winged it.
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
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@niccolahiromithomas​ asked: ☁️ + Nikolai
Send ☁️ + a name, and my muse will share their favorite memory of that person.
A snicker was just upon Brian’s lips as he considered the question asked of him. A tale that told of depraved lust and ardor, a favorite memory of Nikolai that involved fuzzy handcuffs and whipped cream, a sinister fib that would be regarded as fact if he were to say it as so. Nearly there and spoken aloud - if not to please the Loose Cannon’s selfish sense of humor - an idea shelved for a later date, a less pure victim of curiosity. Precious moments bounteous, choosing a favorite wasn’t an easy task. Nikolai had been the source for so many good ones. Sunshine for whatever darkness that had captured Brian; a protector and lover and faithful friend. A husband, too, a father who loved their daughters just as deeply as Brian did. He was an angel that did more than any other. Saved a transgressor and showed him what it meant to be loved, fairly and equally and with purpose, delivered onto the Loose Cannon a life that, he had thought, would never come to be. A favorite memory - with Nikolai, it was all of them. 
“Well, there was that time that Nikolai wore his lab coat, and we played mad scientist...” Brian trailed, deciding to entertain his devoted listener just a bit. “I’m kidding. But we sure have had some real fun, me and him. Believe it or not, nerdy guys actually know how to have a good time. They’re not always caught up in their math equations or science projects. They’re not just getting turned on by Marvel superheroes. My husband, he’s the main reason why I have any fun at all. Between him and our daughters, they’re the source to all of my happiest memories. And there isn’t much that doesn’t piss me off. They are my memories, my life. It’s because of my family that I’m happy at all. It’s the damn truth that, without them in my life, I wouldn’t be here talking to you now. Flyin’ Brian used to be a little too wild, if you can imagine that.”
“Since you’re making me pick, and really, this list is longer, a favorite memory of Nikolai would be when he first held Ena and Eva after they were born. Sure, lots of husbands say that about their spouse, but I damn well mean it. Seeing him there, holding our kids, it was like seeing Heaven. I had never seen anything so beautiful before in my whole life. It was like Nik was meant to be there. Everything that we had been through, all the hell that I had put him through, it led to that moment in the hospital. It was as if the three of them were in their own little world, too. The way he looked at Ena and Eva, the way they looked up at him with their pretty eyes, it brought me to tears. Fuck, I was already crying my eyes out, but that sight just made the floodgates crumble completely. It wasn’t just the girls’ birth that got to me.”
“That was my husband standing there.” He stated, proudly, wearing that badge of honor as fearlessly as he did Nikolai’s ring on his finger. “I know for young people now-a-days that doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary, but back then, there weren’t many couples like us. And I’m not just talking about ones with two dudes in it. Nik and I got married at a time when nobody wanted to recognize it. Not by law. Other same-sex couples, they didn’t get married like that. Least not the guys we met over the years. They didn’t believe in it, bizarrely enough. They thought Nik and I were crazy to even go for it. There was only one couple from our friend group who did the same. Had themselves a ‘commitment ceremony.’ My hubby and I, we had ourselves a wedding. Course, though, we still went as guests to theirs. Nik was one of the best men.”
“He was the hottest guy in the party. Anyway, us being married, even if there wasn’t an official paper attached to it, least at the time of our first wedding, meant the world to me. I always wanted to be married. My dream had come true. I didn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone else thought. Our families, the friends that mattered, were so supportive of us. That’s all I could’ve ever asked for. They were like that when we told them that we were having the girls, too. I always wanted to be a dad. Nikolai always wanted to be one, too. If some of those sorry bastards who thought we were crazy for getting hitched ever heard the news, they would’ve gone into a spasm. I remember the advice one couple offered Nik and I when they found out. Straight to our faces, too, as we were holding the sonograms of our daughters, showing them off and just beaming. ‘Wasn’t you two getting “married” bad enough? Now you have to go and procreate like the rest of them?’ I was seconds away from turning a certain pair of fruit-loops into mush.”
“That was the last time we spoke to them two.” Brian explained, rolling his eyes. “Fucking stick-in-the-muds. They were always pissed off about something. Never wanted anybody else around them to be happy, even friends. It’s not my fault that the guy’s boyfriend was fucking the gardener. He should’ve dealt with his personal problems. I don’t know what to tell him. Sorry his man didn’t want to marry him, but hey, guess what, mine wanted to marry me. And we had a whole life planned together. That included our babies, of whom we were so excited to have. Nikolai spent so much time making sure that everything went as perfect as it could go. While I freaked out and tried to distract myself with furniture building, cribs and changing tables, that sort of thing, he took care of the finer details. I helped, but it was probably best that I used my hands and worked off some of that energy. I wouldn’t have done my husband or my kids any good if I was so wound up.”
“But that moment, when they were born and Nik held them, I couldn’t take my eyes away. I feared that, if I blinked, they would be gone, and I’d wake up alone. That it all would’ve been a dream. Within just a few years, I had a husband and two beautiful baby girls. All that I had ever wanted out of life. The sorts of blessings that I was so sure had slipped through my fingers. Maybe it’s an answer that tons of husbands would give too, but for me, I mean every word. I love Nikolai. I love Ena and Eva. There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for them. I’d live for them. I’d die for them. Having them together, having Nikolai be the center, cradling our kids in his arms with a smile on his face, it’s one of my favorite memories of him. I’ll hold it close to my heart forever.”
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sleepypositives · 6 years
Thank you for opening my eyes about the Dear Evan Hansen book. Now- how am I supposed to live knowing the book is switching Connor and Evan’s POVs every chapter?
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movedmovedsoup · 2 years
Hiiiiii! I was just wondering if you could write some little head cannons of what it would be like dating Robin Arellano or Vance Hopper?
dating robin arellano headcanons ! *gn reader*
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a/n: i’m so sorry i haven’t been uploading as much ! school started up again and it’s been making me a little slower with my writings, i’m gonna try and power through some of the asks💕///
he’d definitely not let you touch his bandannas i’m so sorry but it’s true those babies are his prized possessions
i always giggle when people say he’d call you things like “mi amor” or “princesa” i don’t really think he’d be such a romantic 💀 he’d definitely try to call you one of those things but he’d definitely get all embarrassed/ flustered so possibly once in a while? most likely when he thinks your asleep because..bfr..
now absolutely zero absolutely no bullies would ever THINK about crossing your way while you have robin by your side. he’d definitely kick whoever’s ass it doesn’t matter to him, if they’re messing w you it’s over👊👊
he’d definitely wait for you at the end of classes just to walk you to the next one you have, especially if the two of you don’t share nearby/ the same classes. bro will literally start sprinting over to your class if he had to 😭 even if it meant to just catch the smallest little glimpse of you this man would do it🙏
piggyback rides once in a while when you two walk home from school together sure he might pretend like he’s gonna drop you but it’s definitely the thought that counts 🙏 he’d even let you mess around with his hair as he gives you a piggyback ride, which is semi-rare (playing around with his hair)
talking about playing w his hair he definitely doesn’t mind it no no no not at all but it’s just the fact it gets him tired so quickly😭 in the span of five minutes you running his hands through his hair he is gone, knocked out cold on the couch snoring and all😭 the movie you two were so hyped to watch immediately went to a waste 💔
grab n go trips on your way to the drive in theater 100000%
for the drive in you do would definitely alternate between who chooses what movie, but let’s say you got a good mark on a test or something like that he’d have you pick the movie and most likely congratulate you with a favorite snack of yours
and he’d absolutely teach you self defense, even more so when the news of the grabber starts to hit everywhere he knows he can’t be at your side 24/7 so he at least wants to sleep well at night knowing you can protect yourself, even if it’s a little.
you patching him up after fights because you know damn well his mom would whoop his ass seeing him like that
like fr
he knocks on your window and he’s like
yes you have slammed the window shut on him a few times before
he’s relentless so he just knocks again until you let him in
it always works
but it’s ok because that means he gets to admire you as you patch him up
he thinks he’s being all secretive about it too
all sneaky
little does he know you can literally see him in the corner of your eye staring intensely at you
you don’t say anything about it because you just find it too funny and if you say something he’d get embarrassed 😭
scary movie nights are also the way to go definitely
probably hosted at your home it’s a whole event
usually you go straight to the tape store and grab the horror movie that catches your eye
robin gets the snacks per usual and a few hours later it’s movie time !
he definitely tells you to get the more scarier ones and you do (unknowingly)
so that when a jumpscare comes on that he very obviously knows about, and you jump a little in your seat
he takes this opportunity to slyly wrap a arm around you with a grin growing on his face it was his plan all along 😈
and for the last one
you definitely tutor him on his math homework
probably how the two of you met most likely
and if you’re like me and suck at math
then the two of you probably just tough it out and try the best
study dates usually end up with one of you fallen asleep on the couch/bed/ kitchen chair and the other cleaning up the papers and pens. or on the other hand
they usually end up with the two of you knocked out cold, heads resting/leaning against each other with arms just spread about resting on the now crumbled and rolled papers.
sure the two of you were supposed to study for the geometry test but this will do just as fine :)
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doccywhomst · 3 years
Hey Miss Doccy! Speaking of autism monopoly- which monopoly pieces would the Doctors pick??
as someone on the autism spectrum who's extremely passionate about my chosen monopoly piece (if you guess it, you win an arbitrary doccywhomst point), I AM QUALIFIED TO ANSWER THIS!
one: cowboy on horse, hands down. he'd be like "hee hee hoo hoo" and make it gallop across the board, and he'd refer to all of his houses and hotels as "stables" and "saloons"
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two: he strikes me as a scottie dog fellow?? i feel like he'd be absolutely terrible at monopoly but a joy to play with. he'd lose and hold the little dog and mope around until jamie inevitably gave him a bail-out loan
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three: you already know. this bitch is so obsessed with the car that he carries it around in a special little pocket, perpetually ready for someone to challenge him at monopoly. he's quite good at strategy games, but he keeps redistributing his funds to other players and "donating" enormous sums of money to the free parking pile, so he loses
four: this hoe is the boot. look at him.
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that's the most raggedy-ass leather boot man ive ever seen in my life (affectionate)
five: he'd think for a really, really long time, trying to decide between the thimble, the iron, and the cannon, and i think he'd eventually go with the cannon, probably saying something like "the best defense is an excellent offense, turlough!" before immediately and decisively losing
six: special edition cat.
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i rest my case.
seven: for some reason, i think he'd choose the iron. i'm probably getting a bit psychoanalytical, but he'd pick it because it seems like a fairly innocuous and innocent piece - it's traditionally domestic, feminine, and unassuming. but irons are so fucking dangerous that it's kind of insane, which fits his personality *nervous sweating*
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eight: he's a thimble. not to say that he's symbolically harmless, because he's easily one of The Scariest and most eldritch doctors ever, but he'd pick the thimble every time and spend most of the game talking in circles about the history of thimbles, who made the first thimble, why thimbles have dimples, what thimblettes are, and he'd tell sixteen different terrible jokes about thimbles. what a specimen. best character
shalka: he's so wild, i feel like he'd casually whip out a monopoly piece from the future, or like, an alien monopoly piece with tentacles n shit, and alison would just be like
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war: contrary to popular belief, he'd be the wheelbarrow, or the dog. trust me on this. he radiates extreme wheelbarrow vibes and i'm not sure why, but i feel strongly about it
nine: he doesn't play monopoly. it's a game about capitalism and market manipulation, and by proxy, worker exploitation. he'd rather play with all the pieces and make a story, which is so valid-
ten: he'd be the top hat because he likes holding it on the tip of his finger like it's a little dapper gentleman. donna does the same thing with the thimble. they talk back and forth in dapper gentleman voices and wiggle their fingers until they're in hysterics
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eleven: he'd have a slap fight with One over the cowboy piece until amy puts them in their get along shirt. they come to a compromise by duplicating the piece, so now there are two little cowboy horse guys galloping across the board, and they keep pretending to shoot each other. "this game ain't big enough for the two of us!" amy quits.
twelve: he joins forces with nine and refuses to play monopoly, preferring to design an increasingly complicated fantasy world for the pieces to live in, complete with maps and diagrams and magic systems and physics, and nine just sort of nods while making the plane and the cannon kiss
thirteen: she's absolutely the battleship. she slays so fucking hard at monopoly, she takes no prisoners. a menace to civilized society. you've never seen this level of chilling, merciless dedication in someone's eyes. she's dead serious about it, a total fanatic, and then she wins and it's like
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end note: i want to hear how your favorite piece chalks up to this, as well as what your headcanons are! but also im right, sorry, lol
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mypimpademia · 3 years
You know the episode of Spongebob when the Flying Dutchman said to Mr. Krabs: “If you had to choose between Spongebob and all the money I have in my pocket, which do you choose?” And Mr. Krabs was like: “That depends, how much money we talking?” I got this cute idea for when Class 1-A or 3-A are doing truth or dare and Mina/Nejire asks Y/N: “If you had to choose between all the boys in this room, which boy would you pick?”
Y/N: That depends, which boy are we talking about?
Mina: (Their crush’s name)
Y/N: I’ll take the boy! 🥺
I’d love head cannons of Shinsou, Sero, Tamaki, and Shoji (if you don’t write for him, you can do Bakugo) reacting to their crush just picking them with no hesitation and she’s just cuddling them or at least happy to be near them.
Shinso x f!reader, Sero x f!reader, Tamaki x f!reader, Bakugo x f!reader
TW: Swearing
Note: I love this concept, it's literally sooo cute. Sorry for just getting to it tho, this has been in my inbox since forever. Hope you enjoy tho💖 you're in the Bakusquad on sero and bakugos parts btw. I assumed fem reader bc you said she in the ask but if that's not what you wanted I can change it!
Taglist: @myhoodacademia @katsuflossy @minruko @ecao @nnnoya @hawklmaoo @wolfkid22 @mythiccheroacademia @myfandemons @lilsparkyswife @mindofess @kqtsukisgf @yuujisbby @angiebug101 @mads-fairy @solar3lunar @miashimaa @asaincy @silkylious @blackweebtrash @mitsumya
"Well it depends on how much money and which boy... so which guy specifically?"
"Hmm... Shinso!"
Hitoshi had already been listening in before, but not paying too much mind to it
But now that his name was in the mix? He was all ears.
"I'll take Shinso!"
You said it with little to know hesitation, and it sent him into a different kind of frenzy he couldn't even describe
He's never gotten butterflies so bad until now
His face was every shade of red at once, and his eyes were widened as he looked at you
Usually Hitoshi would act as if he didn't care, but he hadn't even realized he was looking at you until you flashed a smile at him
He gulped down the lump in his throat and turned away from you
Of course... Hitoshi is usually smooth and chill so you were very confused
"You okay 'Toshi?"
You had your arms around his neck and your chest pressed to his back, and it definitely made it harder for him to calm down😭
He always had a crush on you
Just a "small" one a big one
It was always something he brushed off because 1. He didn't think you'd like him back and 2. He convinced himself he didn't come here for any kind of relationship
But, that crush kept growing and growing, and it's something that irritatingly loomed over him constantly, and my his heart flutter when you were around
But know??? Hitoshi might've fallen in love with you
He told you he was fine, despite being red enough to put Kirishima's hair to complete shame
You ended up staying next to him on the couch till it was time to go to bed, and the whole time he was just praying you couldn't hear him subtly trying to take deep breaths
He was actually participating in the game of truth or dare Mina started
It was the Bakusquad game night anyways, and he didn't wanna be a party pooper since Bakugo had already fallen asleep
Not relevant, but Denki did draw on his face as a dare
When Mina asked you the question, his interest was definitely peaked
"Depends on which one of the boys we're talking about, if it's Bakugo I'd take the money."
Everyone stifled a laugh to keep Bakugo from waking up
"Umm... Sero! Between the money and Sero."
He was surprised to hear his name, but he was even more surprised when you gave your answer with no hesitation
"Well obviously I'd take Hanta!"
You basically flung yourself onto him as you said it
Hanta started blushing instantaneously, but did pull you closer after the initial shock
"I'd choose you too, amor."
Hantas face was dusted red for the rest of the night, and he acted like he brushed it off but it was definitely at the back of his head for a good ass minute
Amajiki was sitting out of the game you, Nejire, and Mirio were having
Sitting quietly as you all did your dares and said your truths
But once Nejire threw a question involving a guy in, his ears were more perked than usual
"Hmmm... well money is nice... but it depends on which guy too."
"Hmm Tamaki!"
Amajiki gulped just barely audibly, and instantly broke out into a cold sweat
He's liked you for awhile, but he wasn't hopeful in your feelings towards him
So of course, he expected you to choose the money
But he was pleasantly surprised by your answer
"I'd take Ama'!"
You looked at him and flashed a bright smile
Something in him malfunctioned and he let out some kind of conflicted noise before his face went cherry red all the way to the pointed tips of his ears
He covered his face with his hands and turned away from you, but it was hard to ignore you when you were right next to him
Nejire and Mirio laughed and teased him, while you rested a hand on his back to calm him down
He was flustered beyond comprehension for the rest of the night, especially with the wa you were always around him to see if he was okay (he was so red, you started to think that boy was sick)
But he absolutely did not mind you being around... his mind was just a little busted up from earlier
But eventually, you did fall asleep on his shoulder, and you'd think he malfunction all over again, but there was something so peaceful about seeing you all relaxed, especially relaxed enough to fall asleep around him
Amajiki basically melted right there, and even fell asleep awhile after
But you best believe he freaked out the next morning when it hit him that you fell asleep on each other!!
Katsuki was sitting frustrated on Minas bed as the rest of you sat on the floor and on bean bags
He wanted to be in bed by now, but it was Bakusquad game night
Normally, he would've gone to sleep anyways, and he did till you came busting in through his door, dragging him out of bed
And he really couldn't say no to you either
Hes liked you for a little while now, and you had this hold on him that he both hated and loved
Katsuki wasn't really invested in the conversation or game, but once guys came into the question he couldn't help but at least listen
"Alright Y/n, between all the money I've got on me right now and a boy, which would you choose?"
"A boy? Which boy?"
"Hmmm... Bakugo!"
He was surprised to hear his name, and it actually made him kind of nervous
His palms started sweating and he wiped them on his joggers to keep them from triggering and explosion
"I'd take Katsu!"
Katsuki really didn't know if it was the fact that you chose him or the nickname that hit him harder
Either way, there were no complaints
But you weren't allowed to know that, so when you latched onto him, he shrugged you off
"Get the hell off me dumbass"
But you just continued latching onto his arm
He scoffed at you as usual, but none of you missed that lil smile on his face
But you value your lives so you said nothing
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amorevolousfaith · 2 years
Chapter 27: New Life
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Pairing: Din (Mando) Djarin X Reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: Cannon violence, decapitation, adult language, mentions of kidnapping, Proselytism, Chaotic energy, lots of sexual tension, smut, sexism, consumption of alcohol, talks of polyamory, talks of drugging, fucked traditions.
Summary: You and the Mandalorian have a complicated history and your future just seems to get more complicated as you go along. No thanks to the strange alien baby you both ended up co-parenting.
Taglist: @ranger-treaty
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“Try not to get your ass kicked.” I smirk leaning against the door frame as Mando adjusts his rifle to his back, “Of course cyare.” He chuckles turning around. I hum as he presses his forehead to mine, “Come back alive Mando.” I tease, “Always.” He promises while the child coos at my feet, waving his tiny hand at Din. “Take care of you Buir ad’ika.” Din calls to the child, the child in question squeals his answer. Din turns to the group of men a few feet away waiting for him. I watch him leave with the child at my feet, his big brown eyes watching Mando disappear into the thick jungle. “What do you say Ad’ika? Let’s go see the tattoo artist? Surprise Buir with some new ink?” I grin, lifting the child into my arms, the child giggles in agreement.
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“What do you mean there’s no need? It’s tradition.” I huff looking up at the massive dead frog, classic Din right there. “I mean we need to start getting ready for the wedding, the hunt is the tradition, the making of the child’s things is merely something us women took to.” My mother hums from beside me. “You can’t be serious mom, that isn’t fair to Mando.” I huff, rolling my eyes, my mother sends me a pointed look, “I don’t know honey, looks like he’s quite pleased with himself.” She muses. My eyes snap over to Din and as he stands with the child in arms while he chatters with the men of the hunting party, I see the way his shoulders are raised and his chest puffed out with pride. “Alright.” I huff softly before turning back to walk to the hut.
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“Is this the house of the Mandalorian?” A voice calls from the door, Din glances over to me before drawing his blaster and making his way to the door. I watch him open the door with my hand resting on my blades, Din’s shoulders relax and open the door further. A larger woman steps into the room, one just as tall as Din and a bit of muscle to her. Behind her she pulls a large crate, “And you must be his Riduur.” She assumes looking over to me. I glance at Din hearing the term fall near perfectly from her lips.
“It has been many years since I’ve seen a Mandalorian, It is good to see that they have not died out,” She nods firmly in Din's direction, I watch her push the crate into my view, displaying the coded lock on the very front. “Are you, perhaps, a Mandalorian?” She questions, I straighten my shoulders, “I may not wear the armor but I follow the way.” I assure. She nods before leaning down and starts to press the buttons on the lock.  I stand from my seat when I hear the box click open, the woman moves away before opening it. I became breathless at the sight of armor inside, Mandalorian armor to be precise. 
“Where did you take this from?” Din questions once again pulling his blaster, the woman in question stood there looking down on the armor sadly. “It was mine.” she answers softly, “For a long time I wandered the stars, without a home, without a convert, without a clan. It became too much when I realized how old and alone I was.” She admits as she reaches down to pick up the helmet. The silver of Beskar with chipped paint of red paint.
“I came to this planet in the hopes of being able to have a home and a family, but it became clear I would have to choose between my future and The Way. I could not have both, for your people weren't as accepting as they are now, and as you may well know. Once you take it off…” she trails off, “You can never put it back on.” Din whispers. “Or so they say, but it was The Way I was taught.” She hums tucking the helmet under her arm, “There is only one Way.” Din argues. “Do not be so foolish as to think there is only one kind of something in this universe.” The woman warns, “Look at your foundling, he is a Jedi is he not?” She questions.
My blood stills at the knowing of the child’s powers, “Earlier today, I saw him move the pastries your mother put away. I was the only one to see, however I do advise you tell your child that he should not use his tricks so freely.” She warns, “I also advise against him joining the jedi order, the jedi do not form attachments, you are a weakness to him if joins the order.” She warns. “That is not The Way of Mandalore.” I whisper, “It is not.” she agrees. 
“In any such case, I will have no need for this. It is going to waste stowed away and what better purpose will it have than on the body of a Mandalorian. Unfortunately, I cannot give up my helmet, for it is the one thing I do wish to keep and one only receives the helmet when sworn in.” she offers softly. I look down at what remains of the armor, “Think of this as a New life gift, one that will serve you well in protecting your child. A gift not many may have these days.” She prompts gesturing to it with an open arm. “Is this…Allowed?” I question to Din, “Armor has…been passed down.” He nods slowly. I nodded and kneeled to the chest, reaching for the chest plate first, then the pauldrons, then arm braces, as well as the thigh guards, and shin guards. It’s all there, all except the helmet. 
“With this armor you shall follow the Mandalorian Resol’nare, Wear the armor, protect and raise your warriors, master your self defense, devote yourself to your clan, speak Mando’a, and answer the call of action. Even if you have not been sworn in you are now a Mandalorian.” She nods before turning to take her leave. I watch her leave from my place on the floor, her helmet tucked under her arm she nods to Din before stepping out of the hut. I let out the breathe I didn’t know I was holding, “Did that just really happen?” I whisper tracing my fingers over the Beskar, “I…Think so?” Din mumbles. “That didn’t really help, but thanks Cyar'ika.” I laugh, “Shouldn't you…Try it on?” He questions. I nodded wordlessly before standing up, ever so carefully Din helps me strap on the armor, once it’s all set in place he takes a set back.
The armor is surprisingly a snug fit, the woman must have been younger when she donned her armor. “Mesh’la.” I heard Din awe, I felt heat shoot to my cheeks. “Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum.” He whispers, pressing his forehead to mine. “The stars will go out before I forget about you.” I murmur softly 
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cowboycatreign · 2 years
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Not my gif
Warnings: Light swearing, reader being a gay bitch, cannon typical violence, SLOW BURN
Fennec x nb!reader (no pronouns stated)
This is my first fic so sorry if it is horrible
I know this is my job, but it doesn’t mean I hate doing it any less. Also, before you mention it, I know that I choose to do my job this way. Well enough complaining, I have to get this done.
As soon as I enter the room in my maroon ball gown all eyes are on me. As I walk directly over to my target I noticed a table with a big man that almost looked like a body guard. This was my target, well sort of. This is the part I hate, I go to sit on his lap and his eyes get this sinister glint. I introduce myself, like he cares. He looks at me with such entitlement that is makes me want to off myself or him. I push my thoughts out of the way as I begrudgingly plant our mouths together in a kiss. Saying I hate it would be an understatement. This is my chance. Because he is so involved with the kiss he doesn’t even notice me turn my ring into a dagger. In one quick motion I slit his throat. Surprisingly no one had noticed till his heavy ass body hit the floor. This sound caused everyone in the whole bar to look over and see what happened. Most people started screaming and running. So I took my opportunity’s. “Sweetheart do you want to go back to your parents?” I ask my target. I don’t get a response in words, just by them shaking their head yes. Right when I pick them up people start shooting at me. I am not endangering my target, so I turn my back to shield them. Luckily they have a storm troopers aim. I run to safety and check to see if I had gotten shot. “Are you okay?” My target seemed to be about 6 years old so I could be honest, instead I just said, “yes sweet pea. Are you okay? What’s your name?” They shook their head then confidently said, “My name’s Kona and I’m six and half!” Displaying their age on their fingers. I giggled slightly cause how could you not? I picked them up and started walking to my ship. About half way there I decide it would probably be a good idea to take my heels off before I utterly obliterate my ankles.
Once I get back I escort them to their parents. As soon as we are insight of Kona’s parents I let them down so they can run to them. It was so sweet I am pretty sure my teeth were rotting. They give me my money and leave. I get called into my bosses office, oh fun. “You know you can’t ask questions right? That is the rule, you get employment so you don’t ask questions.” My boss seemed to be annoyed with not only my behavior, but the fact that I actually completed the job and got payed in full. Instead of replying with sass or something else that won’t get me very far, I just simply sate, “I knew that this target was a kid. I draw the line at murdering kids or giving them to people so that they can be leverage. So, I asked questions.” “I don’t care where your lines are drawn we have a no questions policy!” She has always hated me and it all seemed to be coming out right now. I nod my head so that I would seem as though I am just dismissing her. “I am going to give you another chance because Even though I hate to say it, you are the best bounty hunter we have. Your next job will be shared. You are going to be partnered with a legendary bounty hunter, so don’t embarrass yourself. I will give you more info later. Oh and put some shoes on!” After this very one sided conversation I turn around as fast as possible so that she doesn’t seeing me rolling my eyes.
My time alone seemed to pass in an instant, but now I had to look like my life wasn’t falling apart at the seems. “I wonder who this legendary bounty hunter is?” I thought to myself. I pulled the closest thing I could find on which happened to be a brown, one sleeved, skin tight, turtle neck and some navy blue baggy almost sweat pants. Looking at myself in the mirror I looked like a hobo. I wanted this super serious amazing bounty hunter to take me seriously, so I grabbed a black over the top corset and put it on. Not moments later I left with my shoes in hand. Walking through the streets of Batu was interesting to say the least, but I was trying to get where I needed to go. So, instead of dealing with all the people I took the roof route. It is faster, less distracting, you are less likely to get killed, and just over all a better option. Plus, I found it so fun.
Once I got to my agency I made my way inside and into my bosses office. Once I enter I see a woman in the office with me, “this might be the incredible bounty hunter” I thought to myself. As if reading my mind she turned around and revealed her face. It took my a minute to notice her, but this was Fennec fucking Shand! She was known as one of the most bad ass bounty hunters out there. I immediately drop my shoes in shock. She nods in my direction cause me to blush because Jesus she is pretty! Trying not to embarrass myself anymore than I already have I nodded back and walked past her to greet my boss. She looks at me and laughs at my fluster. She formerly introduces us, saying, “I figure you guys already know who the other one is, but this is legendary bounty hunter Fennec Shand and this is Y/n.” Fennec then states, “I have heard a lot about you, it’s good to finally put a face to the name.” As if I wasn’t already dying she made me turn into a tomato. I some how chocked out, “It is a pleasure meeting you.” She laughed at my struggling. Feeling the tension in the air Shirley started telling us about our target, but I didn’t really pay attention to it, I was just staring at Fennec.
“So do you want to lure the target and I kill?” Fennec started talking and in all honesty I was dozing off because I had a long ass day. She then nudged me and smiled saying something along the lines of, “what, are you already sick of me dagger?” I was honestly so out of it that I just stumbled a little bit and said sorry to whoever I hit. “Oh wow, are you okay?” Fennec asked bending down a little bit to ask me that question. I looked at her and started apologizing. She told me that I am okay and everyone has rough days. She is incredibly soft for a universe class bounty hunter. “Can I go back to your place and talk about strategy?” She was so kind it astounded me. In the middle of that thought, other bounty hunters started shooting at us and trying to take us hostage. I took a dagger from my hair threw it at one of them and killed the rest with my lightsaber. Fennec looks at me with something that says both, “wow that was amazing” and “stupid bitch I could’ve done that by myself.” I wonder which one it was, cause I am so nervous I made a bad choice, but whatever. To get some of my feelings out I turn and wink at her before walking again.
We secure our target smoothly. So in celebration I brought her some spotchka and offered a high-five. Of course she accepted and said, “nice work saber.” That nickname is so annoying, but also amazing. I started giggling at the attention and returned the compliment. The thought of being with her returns to my mind. So naturally I tell myself, “SHUT UP! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR EXISTENCE, LET ALONE HER.” Apparently I showed it on my face cause fennec shoved me and asked, “saber, you okay?” I absentmindedly nod yes. My brain decided to betray me by making me blurt, “Do you want to stay partners? Like always be paired up on missions?” Fennec stares in a blank, unreadable face and then states that, “I’ll have to think about it.” My face falls thinking that I ruined something else, but fennec messes up my hair and says, “well I thought about it and my answer is yes.” I looked at her in the face, you could tell she thought that this was hilarious. I started screaming, “FENNEC I SWEAR TO THE MAKER IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN I WILL MURDER YOU!” She just pushes me and says in a very cocky tone, “you know you love me.” I roll my eyes in return. This earns a fake hurt face from fennec. “Okay, your right, I do.” It has been 10 years…
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
The Victor - Hunger Games AU
Ok so I’ve been thinking about how Tubbo and Tommy could both live in the Hunger Games AU since they’re around the same age, which inspired this. Also, we have Dadschlatt here with Phil has Tommy’s assigned mentor who grew close with Tubbo over the course of the game, and Wilbur is Tubbo’s assigned mentor.
Please tell me what you think!!!
As the sun began to rise in the sky, silence and momentary peace passed throughout the arena. A cannon could be heard in the distance as Tommy pulled the trident out of the sLumped over tribute’s body - a career that had wanted to kill the two boys more than anything in the entire world, but because he got reckless he was quickly taken down and disposed of. Now, it was just the two of them. The last two tributes left alive. Tommy walked over toward Tubbo with a warm smile, huffing a bit as he tried to get his breath back from the fight. “I told you we’d make it to the end, Tubs.”
  “Heh. Never doubted you for a second, Tommy.” The two teens sat down on the grass, sweaty, tired, but alive. Tubbo knew this moment was coming, he dreaded it. “You know what happens next, yeah?” Tubbo thickly swallowed as he watched the cameras zip by above the two, filming them. “They need a victor.”
  “Yeah, Yeah I suppose they do,” Tommy said, looking at his bloodied trident in his hands. He bit his lip. “Look, Tubbo-”
  “You’ll be a great victor, Tommy.” Tubbo interrupted, trying his best to hide the tears in his eyes. “A great mentor, too. You’re charismatic, an amazing fighter - you’re the underdog they’ve been rooting for this entire time.”
  “What…? Tubbo, no-”
  “Please, Tommy.” Tubbo looked over to his friend with a sad, frustrated sigh. “I haven’t done anything - I’ve just been by your side, you’re the one who protected us, you’re the one who brought us this far. I’d be dead at the start if it wasn’t for you.”
  “Tubbo, that’s not true, don’t say that-” Tommy seemed breathless, panicked as Tubbo gently picked up Tommy’s trident welding hand as he moved the points toward his stomach. Tommy’s eyes filled with tears as his throat closed up. “No, no no no…”
  “Hey,” Tubbo cupped his best friend’s cheek with his other hand. “It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.”
  “No, no it isn’t…” Tommy’s body shook as tears began to slip down his cheeks. “Not you. Anyone but you. Please, just let me…” Tommy tried to move the trident toward himself but Tubbo stopped his hand quickly. 
  “No,” Tubbo said. “Tommy you know you’ve been the real Victor all along, you’ve saved my ass more times than I can count, I don’t think I would have made it this far without you. Now, let me save you for once, okay?”
  “Tubbo, I…” Tommy didn’t know what to say, his eyes swimming with tears.
  “It’ll be over in a second, don’t worry. Just close your eyes and you’ll be on Victor’s Row in no time.” Tubbo smiled, wiping away Tommy’s tears. “Make sure Schlatt stays away from the vodka, tell Wilbur I said thank you for everything he’s taught me, give Phil a hug for me…” Tubbo said, leaning in to press his forehead together with Tommy’s. “Don’t forget to live, Tommy. Live an amazing life, okay? I want to hear all about it one day.”
  “Tubbo, I don’t know if I can do this.”
  “Just close your eyes, Tommy,” Tubbo said, reassuring him as he leaned in to hug his best friend for the last time, the trident going through his stomach and out his back. His breath hitched in pain as his body went slack. Tears swam in Tommy’s vision as he slowly moved his best friend’s body off of him, taking the trident out.
  “The flowers are so pretty. I wish we had some like these in District 3.” Tubbo smiled, looking over the purple and blue flower in his hand. “Dad’s always so busy with work we never really got to go outside much. He’s always either tired or drinking, you know.”
  Tommy maneuvered to carry Tubbo’s body in his arms as he walked toward’s the flower field, laying Tubbo’s body with the flowers. Tears streamed down Tommy’s eyes as he embraced Tubbo one last time, his fingers found their way in his dirty blonde hair, his best friend’s body warmth slowly fading away. He could hear the announcer in the distance, anger bubbling his stomach at the cheer in his voice.
  “Now announcing the winner of the 95th Hunger Games from District 7-!”
  Tommy glared at the cameras as he took out his combat knife. Those bastards made them have to choose, they made it this way so they could laugh and point and play their little game. Well, Tommy was done playing games. He pointed his combat knife to the sky. 
  No. They didn’t get to have their little sob story.
  “Fuck you, Gamemaker!”
  The announcer went silent as Tommy stabbed himself through the chest, pain blossoming around him and making him so dizzy he fell next to Tubbo in the flower field, his vision swimming, fading in and out. He could hear people, soldiers rushing into the area and he closed his eyes, tired. The last thing he heard was the announcer.
  “Now announcing the two winners of the 95th Hunger Games from Districts 3 and 7, Tommy Innit and Tubbo Ram!”
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arllenn · 3 years
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image des: I really loved the fact that your brought their past into the light, that you made them actually effected and reflected on it. So often I just see stories focusing on their relationship with the "new" characters (Caesar, Luminous, Johann, The Gen fam) so following that line of thought.
Can I request a flashback scene? Like when we get requested to make it snow (at the beginning of the game) the group of friends reaction to it snowing makes you reflected on your past. In which a fluffy meeting/promise happens between Z, Renata and you. Or even any fluff you can think of between the three? It can be when they were kids or the age they were at during the game.
Admittedly I would love it if you can really focus on Z and the Character interaction/relationship because we all know he cares for Renata; they have that slacker x mother hen childhood friend vibe going on. But the idea that Z and you are ACTUALLY close (it just LOOKS like your friends with Renata and only friendly acquaintances with Z from the outside) makes me happy and bittersweet.
Sorry this got so long!
Tags for this chapter: fluff, hurt no comfort, bittersweetness, pure angst at first tho Tw: mentions of death and cannon typical violence, puke, death Time setting: pre japan like imagine if the mc got an adjustment period at cassell before they got shipped off to dragon war
You smiled happy to be of help to the friends who were separating today. Their cheerful giggles and cries of happiness as they raved over being able to leave on a snowy day just like the one from when they had met made your insides bubble with warmth and nostalgia. Z, Renata and you had been the same once..... before, before Herzog had...
You shake your head, now isn't the time for this. You wring your wrists, it's a habit you picked up from Z, though you two do it for different reasons. You feel a bit light headed, your knees are weak, it's so weird to see snow and not see your beloved friends among it. It just felt wrong to not feel their warmth around you in this cold tempature. The others giggling is getting too loud, it's beggining to ring in your ears and bounce around in your head at the same time as the memories of Renata and Z pour out of your head and spill in front of your eyes. You stiffly walk over to Claudia, left foot, left hand, right foot, right hand. Back and forth back and forth. You want to leave, but it’d feel wrong just going without checking with her.
“We met and departed on a snowy day.” She sounds so happy and while you’re glad that you were able to help them you also can’t help but feel cloying jealousy at the fact that this trio, Claudia, Susu and Leah get to be together, to meet and depart on snowy days filled with joy, while you can’t. You want to be able to see Z and Renata, you want to be able to tease them while jumping for joy and promising to stay in contact. You want to be able to send them off with a smile on your face and a promise to be well.
But you can’t.
And that’s it.
There’s no going back and searching, there’s no making up after an argument, there’s just nothing. Renata is dead Z is dead everyone is dead! And you can’t do anything about it.
Staggering away you start walking towards one of the benches in the courtyard that face the library. To say that you collapse on it would be an understatement. It’s like all the bones in your body liquified then disappeared at that moment. You clench at the snow on the bench, using the all too familiar feeling of it to guide you through your memories. The day you arrived at the orphanage, the first time you met Renata, Z and you arguing over who would get to hold which of Renata’s hands, the day Vera had arrived, so small and only a year old. You remembered her small finger curling around your own while Z helped you readjust how you held her.
Just Renata, Z and you.
But now it’s just you. You clench at your throat, clawing at it as if that’ll destroy the lump forming in it. You bring your knees up to meet with your chest. Burying your head in your arms. It hurts, you want to see them. At this point you’d even take Anton and Khorkina’s belittling of you or even Ivan and Sherkman failing horribly to hide the fact that they were dating over anything else that could possibly occur right now.
Rubbing your face on your knees you try to get rid of the few silent tears that have begun to spill. It doesn’t work, in fact it just makes everything so, so much worse. Memories of your childhood fly by, you’re loosing your grip on reality you know that. You don’t want to do it here. Not on a bench where anyone can see, if you’re completely honest you don’t want to confront them at all. But that isn’t an option, it’s never going to be an option for you, because you’re trying so hard to push them down and stamp them out right now. And it’s not working.
One of the wandering vending machines come up to you, clawed arm holding something in it. You can't see it at all, your line of sight only contains your legs after all, but you can hear the distinctive beeps of the machine, the whirring of its mechanical organs that allow it to move. You can feel the jagged edges of a wrapper lightly scratching at your leg through your uniform. The robot beeps twice shoving the snack into your leg once again before dropping it and skittering off. Lifting your head up you stared down at the snack you had been left with. Maybe the world really does hate you. Maybe you deserve to constantly have your mind ripped at and heart torn apart, because laying there in front of you is a cookie a chocolate chip one at that. The second your eyes land on the bubbly font that spells out chocolate you cant help but watch in horror as Vera falls in front of you, mere feet away, body still warm as she hits the snow, dead. You feel the bile rise in your throat, it isn't something that you can just swallow down either. Hand clapped over your mouth you stand, getting ready to run.
You have no idea how you've made it back to your dorm room without puking on the way here, but now you're sitting over your toilet dry heaving into it. You stare down at the item that made you like this the choco- you spit into the toilet. Cookie, you'll just refer to it as a cookie. You consider tearing off the top half of the wrapper but then the smell of the cookie and the chocolate might just tip you over the edge. Instead you settle for smacking it away from you. In some small way it makes you feel better.
You hate that Herzog has ruined this for you. You hate that you can’t even see the word chocolate without feeling your insides churn, you hate that you can’t see snow without seeing your friends bloodied corpses staring back at you, eyes glassy and unfocused. Cookies were the first dessert that you had ever tasted and the last one. You remember the day you had first tried to bake them.
That day Z had let you in his room, Renata was sick, and neither of you were allowed to be around her as per Herzogs orders. With the knowledge that you have now you think you understand why you weren’t allowed to see her back then. Rather than actually being ill Renata was probably suffering from the side effects of the incomplete evolution pills. But either way natural disease or not it had been just you and Z. Sitting side by side on his bed, you laying with your torso hanging off his bed partially, practically upside down, and him crisscross leaned up against the wall that his bed bordered, a hand close enough to your leg to catch you if you started to slip. You two had been mindlessly talking, reading some book that you’ve forgotten the name of now, alternating turns each chapter. When you had gotten to a part where the main character was making cookies for their friend as a get well gift.
“Hey Z, have you ever had a cookie? I mean I’ve heard of them but I’ve never even seen one.”
“I can’t say that I have,” he yawned, “I’m not a big fan of sugar in general. That combined with the fact that the orphanage doesn’t even get the ingredients for them makes it obvious that I’d never even have the chance to try them, same as you.”
“That’s too bad, based on the description I think they’d be pretty good. You think Renata has ever had one?”
“I’m not her, I wouldn’t know.”
“I mean fair enough, but I kinda expected that you would, you guys spend forever having those late night talks after you send me to bed.”
You haul yourself up and spin on your ass so that you’re looking him in the eye, “Speaking of~, I won’t allow you to marry my daughter young man!” You cross your arms in an ‘X’ in front of you shaking your head. “Absolutely not don’t think I’ll allow anything of the sort!!”
Snorting he had pushed on your forehead with his finger until you were laying down the same as before and used his foot to roll you away from him. “2/10, If you’re going to give me a shovel talk then you should at least be intimidating, 1, and 2 you should do it in front of Renata so that you can embarrass her, who just gives that kinda talk straight to the supposed,” he raised his hands and gave out finger quotations “boyfriend?”
“Is that back talk I hear sonny? Don’t make me get up there!”
”Yeah because you haven’t already.” You can’t see him from your position but you can hear the smile on his voice. An accomplishment if you’ve ever seen one! You mean the stoic eternally tired Z was snorting and smiling because of what you said! You always loved times like this, when you would manage to break through his exterior and draw out a reaction, (preferably positive!!), out of him. Tapping his knee you grip onto his leg to pull yourself up once more, you can see him contemplating rolling you off the bed, thankfully he chooses peace for once.
”No okay but dead seriously, let’s go make cookies for Renata. We just got the shipments a little while ago, there’s got to be some of the stuff we need in there! We’ll just ask Herzog,”
“Or steal”
“Yes, or steal, come on it’ll be great!”
“Normally Renata would be here to stop you, which I am always grateful for since it means that I don’t have to be the one to talk you out of these things,”
You snap your fingers, “Speed it up Z, do I have a partner or am I gonna have to start running before you catch me?”
He claps a hand over your mouth which you look down at “Don’t you dare lick me,” is what he says in response to your stares. “As I was saying before someone cut me off,” if gives you a pointed stare, “Normally Renata would be here to be the voice of reason, however since she’s ‘sick’ and I don’t want to have her on my neck about you getting in trouble later here are my words of caution,” He takes his hand off your mouth and pats slaps your cheek twice before bringing the tips of his fingers in between the book page that you had been on and the next, folding it over and closing it. “Don’t, and if you do don’t get caught.”
It was your turn to snort, “What the heck, you suggested stealing in the first place!” You laughed. He shrugged his shoulders and set the book down on his bedside table getting up off the bed and bringing his arms above his head to stretch.
”I never said that we weren’t going to steal if that’s what you decide to do I simply offered you a word of advice about you stealing alone.
”AWWWW Z I knew there was a reason I put up with you!” You cried jumping up off the bed and attempting to latch onto his back,
He turned to face you swatting your hands away, muttering about you being “too big for him to carry like that anymore”
“What was that!?”
He pinched your cheek with one hand and used the other to ruffle your hair in a way that you knew wasn’t meant to be affectionate but instead to mess it up. “Look at how big the babies gotten! It can walk and talk now! Go ahead say ‘papa’ again!” You knew that you could never win against Z in a fight, all attempts left you on the floor with him sitting on you, or you hiding behind Renata and you exercising your lying and puppy dog eyes abilities. But boy oh boy did Z have a way of activating your Cain instinct and making you want to slap the shit out of him (affectionately of course). You heaved out a long suffering groan, and pulled Z’s hands off of you. You walked over to where his dresser was and sucked your teeth as you stared at your reflection. You tried your best to undo his damage to your hair, but it was a lost cause, hanging your head you turned to him with what you hoped was a horrifying, knee shaking, earth quaking, chicken baking, glare.
“This is why you’re an orphan.”
“Fair enough.” He said with a shrug before motioning towards the door, are we leaving now or what.”
“I’m coming, we’re going.” You said waving your hand at him in a shooing motion.
The minute you stepped outside it had been like you were ass blasted into one of the shipment containers mega freezers. You rubbed at your arms, lamenting the fact that you lived on a hunk of ice in the middle of a polar bears ass cheeks. “Okaaay so,” you clapped your hands together, “Do we know where Herzog is?” Z yawned and shook his head no from beside you. “Alright thank you for your participation! Gold star! I’ll go ask Anton, you stay here. And don’t fall asleep!” You ran off to go find Anton ignoring Z’s comment about you acting like a stray dog.
Heaving you clutched at the toilet, sobbing over the loss of your friends. You couldn’t even think of the times back then as being over, you just can’t.
No, that’s not right, you know they’re over, you know those peaceful days of snow and teasing are over. And yet you still long for them, you want to feel Z’s hands in your hair once more, want to feel the thrill of catching him off guard and running to hide behind Renata. You want back the times that you had spent, absorbed in watching Vera as she took her first steps, your young self amazed that anyone could ever be so small. You miss those moments when you seriously contemplated smashing Antons face into the ice under your feet, missed the random times when Ivan would pull you away to look at something cool that he had found. You just missed being homeyou miss the safe feeling that you had been provided with daily back then. Ignorance truly is bliss you suppose. If you had survived not knowing about what Herzog had done, if you survived thinking that all of this was just some randoms attack on you and your family would you have been happier? It doesn’t matter now. What’s done is done.
You dry heave and spit into the toilet, bile rising in your throat but not to the point in which it would spill past your lips. Your vision is blurry from the tears and your head throbs with the pain of the pressure your tears are both building up and releasing. “I wanna go home…” you mumble slowly laying yourself down on the floor, hands clutched into your hair, fingers threading themselves in with the strands and pulling at them like a tide. You would yank at your hair then let it all fall out of your grip, massaging your scalp slightly, and then yanking at it again. You continued in this way as the blurry memory of that day played in front of you. Anton being no help, Khorkina doing her best to goad you into punching her, Ivan being somewhere that you swear was unreasonably high up. Eventually finding Herzog and asking him, him granting you permission as long as you cleaned up after yourselves, running back to Z with the good news.
“Z! Z! Listen to this!” He looked up at you from his spot on the stairs, clearly bored out of his mind, but hey at least he hadn’t fallen asleep like you asked!
He made a twirling motion with his hand “What is it?”
You placed your hands on your hips and grinned, “Herzog says we can use the stuff in the kitchen as long as we clean up afterwards!” You gave an overzealous thumbs up afterwards to make your point even clearer.
“That’s great!” He said all too sarcastically. Getting up he put both hands on your shoulders resting all of his weight on them before finally standing up straight shushing you and your whining.
It hurry you so much to know that everyone is gone. It hurts to know that you’ll never get that chance to just see them again, to hear their voices, catch a glimpse of them on the street. Instead they’re all dead and there’s nothing that you can do about it. You had watched everyone die, you had seen their eyes glaze over and go out of focus. You had seen how their blood stained the pure white snow a bright and somber red. You had run past them as you registered them as dead, praying to nothing but everything at the same time that at least one of them would live. That you would get to hold at least one of them in your arms as you two promised to stay with each other. But you didn’t get that. Instead you got to watch as Renata faded into the distance, your last hope, you got to claw through icy waters, pleading your legs to move, to allow you to save your dearest friend….
”Z, Z, Z! Help me I have no idea why the egg keeps cracking like that!”
“Maybe it’s cracking like that because you keep squeezing them until they explode.”
“Don’t use that tone of voice with me young man! I’ll have you know that Dr.Herzog says that I’ve made great progress in my home economics studies.” You proudly bumped your chest with your fist only to look down and see your uniform covered in egg goop. Z snickered before handing you a rag and motioning for you to hand him the bowl and the eggs. You slid it over to him with your elbow and focused on cleaning your hands and uniform up.
”Here,” he held up one of the eggs,”I’ll show you how to crack an egg, so that you don't end up wasting all of them.” He hit it lightly on the edge of the bowl, holding both ends of the egg with his fingers and pulling his palm so that the egg slowly slipped out of the shell before proceeding to throw the shell somewhere off to the side of him. He pushed the bowl back towards you with a smug look on his face. "You get it now?"
"Yep, yep, yep," you waved your hand at him dismissively before turning back to the book. "Okay so now we mix wet ingredients and dry, then we add in the chocolate." Getting the chocolate for the recipe had been the hardest part. With how rare chocolate is at the orphanage and the fact that you weren't allowed into your room because of how sick Renata was it had been hard to find any. Eventually after bribing Z and way too much effort on your part, you had ended up on Z's shoulders searching through the backs of the older and dustier cabinets, in one of which you had found a chocolate bar that was a week off from its expiration date. Not the best but it could've been 10 times worse you suppose. Z pushed the chocolate towards you with this hand before resting his head on his hand.
"So how much longer do we have? It's getting late." Z stifled a yawn.
You glanced at the book and back down at the cookie batter that you were currently scooping out and onto the baking sheet. They didn't hold their shape as well as the book described them as being able to but you supposed that it was just a matter of reality vs. idealized fiction. "Um I don't know. The book says that they need 25 minutes to bake properly and who knows how long its going to take to clean this all up."
"Well good luck with that." He said slapping his hand down on the table, turning around on his stool, and standing up.
Even if it was just the memory of the sound, the slapping of Z's hand on the table sent a wave of nausea scorching through your body. Everything was a blur, reality, what you were really seeing, cold white tile and the rug in front of the shower were blending together with the cold white of snow, the rug that was in you and Renata's cabin. You felt hands on your face, were they from the memory of Renata checking your temperature or were they your own? Your vision was swimming, you were underwater, you were lying on the bathroom floor. You were drowning, you're lying on the bathroom floor. You're dying, you can't see.
You clamored up in a haze, you have to run! You have to get to Renata and Vera and Anton and and and and! And you slam into a desk that was out in the middle of Hezog's lab. Z is right there, Renata is right there, Vera is right there! All you need to do is reach out a little further and you'll be there! You'll be able to save them! You finally latch onto Z's uniform begging him not to go, begging him to stay with you, because if you go alone then everyone will die. "PLEASE Z!" You yell out. "I need you, I need you, I need you, everyone's dying, dead, dying dead, dying, dead, I can't save them! PLEASE!" And then the Z you're holding onto collapses, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes behind. His uniform lies bloodied in your hands. Renata lies bloodied in your hands. Anton lies just out of reach, dead. "Come back, please." You clutch onto Z's uniform harder. The tears don't falter as you trace your hands along the sleeves of the uniform. "The sleeves are too short you should get Herzog to make you a new one." You chuckle fondly. only...
Only the uniform has too many mistakes for it to have ever been Z's, theres too big a difference in size. It doesn't smell the same. It's not his... it's yours. You're not at the orphanage, you're in your dorm at Cassel. You're sitting on hardwood floors right now, not the powdery snowfall of home. Its warm, not cold, theres no dead bodies, only you and the mess that you made when you stormed through here earlier. You choke on a sob, tears coming down in even thicker streams, your headache had bloomed into a splendid migraine. You can barely see straight, but you know for sure that this isn't anywhere near, by or in the orphanage. And it can never be. The orphanage is gone now. Everyone's bodies are probably still lying on top of the snow, glassy eyes unfocused and unseeing, faces twisted in fear. Or maybe they've been charred to ashes, with nothing left to remember them by, their remains carried by the winds or at the bottom of the sea. You clutch your uniform tighter, biting down on it to muffle your screams and sobbing.
You have no idea how long you've been here. Your tears have faded now, only leaving the uncomfortable burning of the dried tear tracks in their memory. You don't stare at anything in particular, theres nothing left of your emotions, just the dull ache of apathy. Your vision is spotted with dancing black circles and lines. They look a bit like what you imagine TV static would look like but you really have no idea. Your conscious waves and ebbs like the tides from back home. You can't think of anything other than the feeling of the cloth clutched in your embrace right now. Sighing you bury your face in it, resigning yourself to a night on the floor.
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tydur · 4 years
Wait omg I absolutely love your writing style wihrhrufhdhfhdh 😭😭, could I please request (For the bnha fandom) a lil head cannon thingy for something like an arachnophobic s/o found a spider in her dorm room and needs her boyfriend to kill it )): if that’s alright with youuu (You can choose whether that’s Bakugou, Todoroki or anybody else) I just think it’s a cool idea 😅😅
ok but this idea is so cute like immediately when i read it i already KNEW what bakugo was gonna say lmfaoao😭😭 and i’ll do both bakugo and todoroki cause they’re BAE
my angry Pomeranian <333
so I imagine this happening at like early morning hours
it just makes it all funnier LMAOAO
so we all know how mans goes to bed at like,,,, 8:45
so u were being a gOOd student and,, staying up late jhfuyjefj
u were doing what any normal person would do at 2 in the morning
watching an indian man make a resort for a dog as u scrolled through tiktok watching edits of chrollo and doing that iwa chan dance
so u got up to go to the bathroom and when u came back u saw a big ass motherfucker craWLING ACROSS YOUR BLANKET ON YOUR BED
and u scream like sangwoo had shown up at ur door about to steal ur kneecaps
u grab your phone that was on ur desk and hop up to stand on ur stool that was there
u immediately dial ur bf,,,, he wasn't scared of bugs and would take care of it quick and easy
u must of rang like 4 times before he finally picked up
he was thinking about just ignoring u
but he knows that u wouldn't call him this early when u KNOW he has to get his beauty sleep
so when he answers only to hear u screaming,,,, he hops his ass out of bed and runs his explosive ass to ur dorm room
he pushes open the door to see ur still stood on ur stool,, phone in hand as u nearly piss urself out of fear
he looks to where ur sight was directed and his eyes meet------- a tiny black spider just chillin on ur blankey
all this mans motherfuckin panicking for A TINY SPIDER
u shrieked, quite literally threatening to cut his balls off in his sleep if he did-
he huffed, shaking his head as he muttered insults for waking him up at such an hour of day as he walked to where the spider was
he thought about just slamming his hand down onto the bug and leaving u to clean up the mess,, but decided against it as u would most likely literally pass out
like the wussy u are
chile n e wayz 💆🏼‍♀️🙄
he walked past your bed, opening your balcony door and then proceeding to pick up the spider- and literally chuck it out of the balcony
poor spidey 😿
he walked past u— who was still on the stool— muttering about how he picked the shittiest woman out of all ❤️
I love icy hot SM <33
marry me pls I beg
so u were in da shower 
debby ryan smirk
um- no this isnt nsfw FOR ONCE PLS
so u were in da shower washing yourself, and were sitting on the ground about to start shaving ur legs
and u pick up the shaving cream
he crawls out from under the can and by your legs 🤗
so u scream, jumping up and running your ass out of the shower as he crawled into a corner of the shower
you wrap the towel around your body, sprinting out of the bathroom and into the hallway
where coincidently your bf was !!!!!
A N D  M I N E T A
but at this point u couldn't care, u just needed to get that demon out of ur shower
and at the sight of u,,,
mineta starts foaming at the mouth
u run up to your boyfriend, grabbing onto his shirt collar and pulling him into the girls bathroom
leaving all the boys to start whistling, mineta sulking while bakugo muttered about ‘fucking extras’ 😀
so u bring him over to showers,,
“y/n, I don't really think this is appropriate to do with everyone around-”
u point down at the corner of the shower to show him the sPider
he tilts his head, looking at you confusedly, “is that all, y/n?”
u looked at him w wide ass eyes,
“’iS THAT ALL’?!?”
he shook his head, smiling and sliding into the shower,
“you shouldn’t waste all that water, babe”
this-- this man grabbed the spider like NOTHING and then walked over to the toilets,, dropping it in and flushing it down
u were stood there like 👁👄👁
he just lightly smiled at u, “i’ll see you later, y/n. and please stop interacting with bugs, it’s not good for your health.”
all hail todoroki the big exterminator <3
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sugarbabyriot · 3 years
My hero academia crush head cannons.
Characters: Kirishima, Denki, Bakugou.
Kirishima Eijirou: (He would defintley show his affection. Through services or gifts)
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• Wouldn't know he has a crush until someone points it out. Misreads his feelings of affection for those of admiration.
• He would go out of his way to train with you, and help you with you're homework just to get closer to you.
• Would come over after class to hang out in your dorm. He'd Bring Your favourite snacks and drinks, and maybe even a movie to watch afterwards.
• Compliments you all the time by calling you all sorts of nicknames such as: Manly, beauty cool, cutie, etc.
• Always finds an excuse to touch you. Like fighting for example, or cuddling up during a scary movie, lifting you up to reach the top shelf when you're out, and literally always, will make his hand brush against yours because he's standing too close and when you bring it up he panics and backs away to an uneccesarry distance.
• Blushes whenever you walk Into a room. Gets all giddy and stutters Alot.
• Talks highly of you to others even when you aren't around.
• Would try to say he likes you without be directly upfront about it. Like, holding your hand out of nowhere, or kissing you good night on you're forehead, before leaving after a movie.
• Would end up confessing but it all comes out wrong because of his nerves. He had an entire speech planned out but when he saw you his mind went blank so he just stood there in awe for what seemed like forever, So you just kiss him and say "I know, me too".
Katsuki Bakugou:
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• Would be super pissed at himself for Catching Feelings in the first place.
• Would work extra hard to piss you off because he finds it hot when you're angry.
• Does little things here and there to show he doesn't hate you, but will continue to be a giant pain in the ass most of the time.
• Loves to challenge you and your abilities, as always. He thinks he's gonna win but when he loses he just ends up falling for you even more because the fact that you look innocent but can totally rock his shit anyday turns him on. (yes 100%)
• Takes you to little cafes' to help you study for exams. Which in his mind is a date, so at the end he always tries to kiss your cheek (unbeknownst to you) but misses everytime and gets all pissed about it.
• Beats the fuck out of anyone that upsets you, or makes fun of you.
• Kinda gives off protective, big brother vibes, whenever you're out together in a public place.
• Would wait for you to confess first, and if you didn't he'd take you back to his place, cook you a nice meal and tell you then. Mind you, he would defintley have gotten all embarrassed and probably burnt half the house down trying to say "I like you".
Denki Kaminari:
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• this dude, despite being very open and expressive, would be so freaking shy, and would try his best to keep it a secret.
• Gets noticeably more jittery and anxious when you walk into a room.
• Can't look you in the eye for more than a few seconds without almost short circuiting.
• Stares at you from across the room trying to think of something to say, usually getting nervous and walking away.
• Leaves little notes on your door, wishing you a good day. And sometimes have stupid jokes or pick up lines on the back.
• Always lets you win when sparing against each other.
• would look up a bunch of tutorials on how to draw so he could draw a picture of you and give it to you with the words I like you on it. He'd stutter and shove it into your hands, unable to look you in the eye. Which you find incredibly cute and give him a kiss on the cheek and grab his hand asking him to walk you to class.
• Once news gets out that you're an item, he would totally have his arms wrapped around your waist or locked with yours at all times just to make sure that everyone knew you were taken.
• Wouldn't let you go off alone with any other men, and if so would accompany you by inviting himself.
Well that's pretty much all I have for now, if you guys like it let me know and I might make a part 2 with whatever characters you choose!
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