#but my foot hurts so bad right now I genuinely don’t think I can handle sweeping up and bending down to pick anything up
harmonizewithechoes · 6 months
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djeterg19 · 8 months
I think that I do hope that Top break it off with Mew basically. Because I do think Mew needs to a wake up call. Cause Top has been doing everything Mew asks for. And I think that if he were to be like. I’m done. Come find me when you’ve decided to respect me and our relationship. Mew would be like. Wait no come back.
I think Mew has been hurt really badly. And Boeing saying he is forgiving Top too easily did really get to Mew and make him think that he needs to “get even” with Top for them to be on the same level. Or this will happen all over again.
So like I get his state of mind. But come on man! He needs to talk to Cheum. Because she will tell him how absolutely stupidly in love with him Top is. I genuinely think even Boston would be able to tell Mew how in love with him Top is.
I also had this thought that maybe Mew’s mothers invite Top to their house somehow. And that’s why he’s still there. And Top is such a good boy he wouldn’t not go just because he and Mew aren’t working out. I don’t know. This show has pleasantly surprised me in the past and handled things better than I thought they would. So my fingers are crossed this works out.
Thanks for the ask! I have rewatched the preview way too many times as I am wont to do and I do think Top has reached his limit with Mew. He is much more bitchy in the first scene than he generally is with Mew and I think that's fitting. First, they already did this. Mew said he was going to give him another chance but then plotted behind his back with Boeing. And I kinda want Top to be bitchy with Mew? Because that is clearly part of his personality and who he is. When pushed he can and will be bitchy and snarky and I find that extremely relatable. And sooner or later that side of him will come out with Mew because everything wont' always be sunshine and rainbows. You have to take the good with the bad because that's just how people and relationships are.
And I don't remember who(I have the memory of a goldfish?) but someone was saying that Mew hasn't actually let himself feel his feelings about the whole thing? So yeah I can kinda see him needing to vent and get it all out which is also why I wish we had seen the smash date even though it was a bit dark. I'm also hoping he will break down with him moms because I don't know that's he's had time to grieve or work through his sadness about everything that happened. Yes, he was angry but there has to be sadness and heartbreak as well that's he's feeling.
I mostly want them to get to even footing because right now Top is doing all of the work and I need Mew to put some effort into the reconciliation. I would love if he talked to Cheum because she can tell him that Top only wanted what was best for him. I don't think(or want?) any kind of reconciliation with Boston is coming unless Boston is the one that reaches out and genuinely apologizes because he has been truly awful to Mew. And I still don't think he knows what he did was wrong or why.
And Mew's moms did already kind of invite Top to come visit their cafe during their shopping trip. I wouldn't be surprised if they reached out and invited him once they have everything setup. I would prefer if Mew was the one to invite him because I do want him to be more proactive in rebuilding the relationship with Top but we will see. And if you had asked me up to episode 8, I would be much more optimistic...but now that we know they change things based on fan reaction it feels like we aren't getting the real vision of the show. Not when it comes to Top and Mew. They are toning things down and removing things based on who has the loudest voice which is unfortunate. Hopefully they realize that they cannot continue to chop their story to pieces and still have it make sense.
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aafrillia · 1 month
A summary of the book Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr. Julie Smith
Have you ever found yourself eating a large amount of food or snacks, even when you’re not hungry? You just can't stop stuffing your mouth as if you’re trying to get the relief you need. To be frank, I have. Somehow, spicy food is what I always crave when I can’t stop eating. I’ll have geprek Lazatto for lunch, then find myself craving for Indomie Dower next, haha. A bit TMI, I’m obsessed with Indomie Dower, BUT I’m mostly sane so I don’t have it often, unless…unless I’m stressed.
Yes, you heard (read) it right. That happened when I felt overwhelmed. I just couldn’t get myself together which led me to having those red-hot meals. Well, I bet you know what came after I let my poor stomach digest it; I was in agony! No kidding, I got a really bad stomachache. I wasn’t lying when I said I felt like I was dying inside—it hurt like crazy!
I really shot myself in the foot there. Thought I was going to get the relief I sought, but ended up hurting myself. So stupid that I did it again every time I stressed-out, knowing full well what would happen next. Or… maybe I actually enjoy the pain? I’m not sure, but I did like the sensation when the red-hot chili touched my tongue.
What I did there is absolutely not a good way to handle stress.
According to Dr. Smith, when we feel a low mood, we tend to do whatever to make it go away as soon as possible. Our emotions are so mixed-up that we really want to get back to feeling okay, but in the process, we end up pushing our feelings away. We also have a tendency to distract ourselves by doing unnecessary things, such as what I did. I distract myself by overeating spicy food, while others might lose their appetite. Some might spend hours scrolling through social media, too much playing games or oversleeping. Worse, others might turn to alcohol or drugs for relief.
To tell the truth, those ways of coping only provide temporary relief. Once you sober up, shut your phone or PC—stop doing what you think can distract yourself from your feelings, it will just come back to bite you, for sure. And you know what, each time we go back to that vicious cycle, your feelings will come back even more intense.
Why do you think that happens? I believe it’s because we lack compassion towards our own needs, which includes not being honest with ourselves. If only we could be honest with ourselves; meaning addressing our feelings and how we respond to them, it’ll surely, at least, help us to find better ways in coping.
The following is several questions Dr. Smith put in her book to help us reflect on our coping strategies when we’re feeling down.
When feeling low, what are your go–to responses?
Do those responses provide instant relief from the pain and discomfort?
What effect do they have in the long term?
What do they cost you? (Not in money, but in time, effort, health, or progress.)
I will genuinely answer these questions.
When feeling low, what are my go-to responses? Straight up ordering spicy foods and eat it nonchalantly.
Do these responses provide instant relief from the pain and discomfort? I’m sure it only leads to more hurt, but physically, well at least it can distract me from those fucked-up feelings.
What effect do they have in the long term? My health, for sure. I literally hurt my stomach by eating those.
What do they cost me? Health and progress. As I get myself hurt, I definitely can’t get my work done.
There you go! One step at a time, but I’ll make sure that I’ll get ways to practice healthier coping mechanisms. Fingers crossed!
Wrapping up for now, next up is still chapter two, which will discuss thought biases that we often encounter when we’re feeling down. Cheerio!
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Man Enough
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 4 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: SMUT—dry humping, blowjob, fingering, rough sex, missionary, doggystyle, mild swearing ❧ Word Count: 6.2k
❧ Requested by @ineedmorefanfics2
❧ Summary: You have a less than amicable relationship with Daryl Dixon, who reminds you of his brother. An outing with just the two of you turns tense when you get lost in the woods, and a herd leads you both to confront each other in close quarters. Can Daryl prove he's man enough to handle you?
❧ A/N: So I took the phrase "a little spice" and ramped it up to a thousand. Basically what we have here is enemies to lovers via slightly angry sex, but also genuine forgiveness and some sweet moments where we see a relationship starting between the two crazy kids. We love to see it. Also Daryl is his stubborn self and very irritable which is adorable as always.
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“God, you’re a real insufferable jerk, you know that?”
He scoffed as leaves crumbled under his heavy feet, stomping defiantly through the woods.
“And you’re a real uppity, big-mouthed bitch,” he retorted, to which you shook your head and impulsively leaned over to pick up the nearest object with some kind of weight to it to throw at his back as he walked ahead of you.
A small rock about the size of a grape, but it would have to do.
You flung the stone weakly at his back, where it hit right between his stupid shoulder blades, and those stupid angel wings on his stupid back, with those stupid broad shoulders and—
“What the shit was that for?!” he barked at you, lumbering towards you in rage, with a red, strained face and a heaving chest. “You throwin’ shit at me now? Jesus Christ, what in the goddamn hell is wrong with you, woman?!”
“You called me a bitch!” you replied, shoving his chest with your hand and pushing him further away from you, though he seemed to push back, coming closer to you again. “How dare you call me that!”
“Well, it’s what you’re bein’!” he yelled.
“Only because you won’t listen to me! You never listen to me! We should’ve followed the creek like I said, then we wouldn’t be off the map and completely lost!”
“Said we ain’t lost! What the hell would you know about it, anyway? You ever even set foot outside ‘fore all this, princess?”
You scoffed, narrowing your eyes and now filled with a burning heat at his not-so-affectionate nickname for you.
“Oh, sorry I wasn’t born with a crossbow on my back and a—a giant chip on my shoulder! At least I’m trying!”
“Yeah, tryin’ ta be a big pain in my ass!”
“I’m being a pain in your ass?” you asked, pointing at yourself and gawking at him in furious disbelief. “What, because I’m telling you that you’re wrong? Well, you’re wrong, Daryl! We’re going the wrong way, I’m telling you. Why won’t you listen to me? Why won’t you ever listen to me?!”
His nostrils flared as he moved closer, almost coming nose to nose with you. His eyes were dark with anger and you could feel his hot breath bearing down on your face.
“‘Cause I don’t need you,” he growled. “Don’t need no one.”
You shook your head and lowered your gaze, now hurt by his words.
“You know,” you said shakily, “sometimes I think you might be okay, then you act like…”
“Like what?” he asked, glowering at you and stepping forward every time you tried to back away, hounding you like an animal. “Say it.”
“Like your brother.”
He let his crossbow fall to the ground with a clamor, and pressed his chest to yours until your back was suddenly against the scratchy bark of a tree.
“Don’t ya ever talk about my brother,” he growled. You swallowed hard, looking deep into those deep, hidden blue eyes, so inscrutable and cunning. “You didn’t know him.”
But you did know him. He was one of the Governor’s henchmen, and an important one at that.
When you were taken in at Woodbury, it was immediately clear to you that the redneck with the hook hand and a booming voice that made tectonics move was a bad man. It didn’t help that he was constantly saying such sexist, perverted things to you.
It wasn’t long after that that Woodbury fell, and you narrowly escaped with your life, joining the rest of the citizens who sought refuge at the prison, where you were greeted by a man who you almost immediately recognized as Merle’s younger, less bigoted, but still related, brother.
That was enough to set you off—you wouldn’t like him, you decided then. You’d never like him. Not a Dixon.
Were you expecting things to get complicated when he proved himself to be a good man? When you saw him come through those gates on his bike with medical supplies for the elderly, or when you saw him holding that baby, cooing at her like she was his own?
Maybe you didn’t plan on him being so much better than Merle, never once laying a hand on you or sending a lewd comment your way… Maybe reconciling your dilemma by being standoffish to the man wasn’t the best strategy, but at times you couldn’t escape the resemblance between him and his late brother, so it seemed the best course of action to get him to stay away from you.
It didn’t work. It only irritated him.
Thus began the rivalry between you and Daryl, the man who infuriated you and intrigued you, to the point where you thought about him much more than you really wanted to.
In truth, he thought of you, too.
You drove him to places he didn’t want to be, to an attitude he thought he’d left far behind. His temper blew through the roof when you came around, and though he tried to control it, when you ignored him, or told him to leave you alone despite his genuine attempts to be kind to you, it flipped a switch.
He couldn’t quite explain it exactly, but he knew you had a hold over him, a tendency to rile him up and pull him tighter than a tourniquet even when you weren’t around. Something about the way you didn’t want anything to do with him made him retaliate with an unproportionate level of anger that in turn caused you to fight back.
It had become so bad, the bickering, the name-calling, the tension, that Rick had had enough and asked Daryl to take you with him on his hunt.
Needless to say, it wasn’t going well.
“Oh, I knew him,” you said, still quivering a bit from how close Daryl was to you, huffing and puffing just an inch or two from your face. “And you’re just like him—cruel and ignorant.”
You pushed past him, turning around and heading back towards the creek.
“Where do you think you’re goin’?” he asked before tugging your arm and pulling you back.
You yanked your arm away and readjusted the strap of your backpack over your shoulder. “I’m going back to the landmark, and I’m going to look at the map.”
“We don’t need no map,” he retorted, following behind you as you kept walking.
You turned abruptly and stopped. “Actually, we do, because you’re wrong.”
“I know these goddamn woods like the back of my hand, woman!”
“Oh, really? Then why are we lost, Daryl?”
“We ain’t lost!”
“We’re lost!” you yelled back, a laugh in your voice from your disbelief at the man’s stubbornness.
He was about to open his mouth when a walker came stumbling behind you, its translucent skin stretched thin over its rotting skull. “Look out!” he said, pulling you back towards him while unstrapping his crossbow.
You unsheathed your machete and took out the next walker as Daryl shot the first one.
“Shit,” he said, looking in the direction the walkers came from and seeing a large herd ambling slowly between the trees. At least they seemed far enough to not have noticed the two of you yet, but they were certainly coming in your direction. “Come on!”
The herd pushed the two of you back towards the creek, just like you’d wanted. You reached the waterline out of breath with Daryl, who looked around frantically for someplace to hide from the slowly but surely incoming herd.
“There,” you said, leaning over in fatigue and pointing to an old wooden shed on the other side of the creekbed.
He huffed and jumped down the rocks into the creek. You followed suit, and the two of you hastily skipped through the water to the other side, where Daryl pulled you up the rocks and pushed you up onto the edge. You reached your hand out and pulled him up, too, before barrelling towards the old fisherman’s shack.
Thank God the thing was well-built, with thick wood walls and only one boarded up window. Upon entering, it became abundantly clear that someone had holed up there before, since there was a small cot, a lantern, and a cardboard box of canned food. Immediately you struck a match to light the lantern, and you were relieved to find that whoever stayed there before must’ve been gone for some time, probably dying out in the woods if their things were still here.
“It’s dusty,” you whispered to Daryl, who peeked out through the slats over the tiny window. “No one’s been here for a while. I think we’re good.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, watching the herd of walkers pass some several yards away. “Boarded up good, too.” He walked over to the large makeshift latch on the door, and pulled on it to test its strength. “No walkers gettin’ in here, least not if we keep quiet… Might be hard for you.”
“Screw you,” you replied, digging through the box of food. “We can take this back to the prison.”
Daryl shone his flashlight over you. “Won’t last long with how many people we got.”
You scoffed. “Would you try to be a little positive?”
He suddenly shushed you, and put out his flashlight when the herd must’ve gotten closer to the shed, passing it on both sides. He sat down next to you and pulled you both into the corner with his crossbow pointed at the door. “Be quiet,” he said.
Leaves crackled from all around the shed for a while, indicating that the herd was big, at least fifty walkers, you surmised (though Daryl argued a hundred). When the movement subsided, night was just beginning to settle in, and there wasn’t any way you could get back to the prison before dark.
Especially with such a big herd not far ahead of you, it was mutually agreed that staying the night in the shack would be the best course of action, though it would be hard, since it was only one small, square room, and you were essentially stuck with the person you got along with the least.
He preoccupied himself with staring through that crack in the boarded up window for an hour or two, as if he could even see anything. You sat atop the cot with your knees tucked against your chest and watched the fire in the lantern flicker delicately, and listened to the sounds of the night—the owls, the crickets, the frogs… Until it occurred to you that you were incredibly bored.
“Are you going to be staring through that window all night?” you asked him after a long silence. “You’re making me nervous.”
“Pfft,” he scoffed, rubbing his chin with his hand, still staring out that small crack. “Could say the same about you.”
You huffed and stretched out your legs. “Well, I’m bored,” you said. “Maybe we could… I don’t know, talk.”
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a generally disbelieving expression. “Talk?”
“Well, yeah. Talk, you know, like normal human beings.”
He moved his head to look back out the window. “That’s rich, comin’ from someone who never wants ta talk to me.”
“Look,” you sighed, “it’s not that I don’t want to talk to you, just that…” You trailed off as you struggled to come up with a good reason for ignoring Daryl these past few months since you arrived.
“Yeah, I know,” he said. “I remind you of Merle.”
That was the long and short of it, yes, but you knew Daryl wasn’t like Merle, not in a lot of ways. He could be impulsive and reckless, but he wasn’t a pig.
“Sometimes,” you said honestly. “I knew him before I knew you. I know… I know you’re not him, though. Not like him, like I said earlier. I was just pissed. So, um… I’m sorry about that. It was out of line.”
He was rendered silent again, and opted instead to begin carving his initials into the wood below the window. “Let’s talk about somethin’ else,” he said after a while, and you could make out the beginning of a D.D. in the wall.
It brought just a hint of a smile to your face, for whatever reason. Maybe that he wasn’t totally averse to talking with you, since he didn’t just leave you hanging, but offered to change the subject.
“Okay,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “Do you admit I was right?”
He raised his head. “Right about what?”
“About being lost,” you said. “I mean, we were lost. That herd actually took us back in the right direction. I know where we are now.”
He scoffed. “Already knew where we were. We were never lost. I was just takin’ a detour.”
“Detour?” you laughed. “Daryl, we were lost. You know that.”
His knife clattered to the floor, and he raised himself from the flimsy wooden chair he sat in. He hovered over you now, breathing heavily and glowering down at you.
“You know exactly how to push my buttons, don’t ya?” he asked, in that low, gravelly voice of his. “Told ya I knew what I was doin’. I was gettin’ us there.”
“No, you weren’t,” you said, rising to your feet and trying to maintain some semblance of equal standing as you faced him. “You were getting us even more lost, all because you’ve got too much pride to listen to me, or to look at the goddamn map.”
He raised his index finger and pointed it to his head. “It’s all in here, princess,” he growled.
Your lips tightened and you stepped forward, now simply pissed off at his arrogance. “Don’t call me that,” you said. “Why don’t you just grow a pair of balls and admit when you’re wrong?”
His eyes seemed to turn dark as he pressed his chest against yours again, like he’d done earlier that day, but there was something else in those eyes that you couldn’t quite put a finger on. It made you subconsciously lean even further, though, almost wanting to get lost in those deep-set blue eyes and try to figure out whatever was going on in that hard head of his.
“What are you sayin’?” he asked sternly.
“I’m saying you act like a petulant little boy, when you should really be acting like a man.”
You tried to turn around, not wishing to be so close to him anymore, with the tension between you two getting thicker than it had ever been before, but he stopped you, grabbing both of you arms with such great force that the muscles in his exposed arms began to flex and strain with how tightly he was holding onto you.
“You sayin’ I ain’t a man?” he asked, raising his voice a little too high for comfort, considering there could’ve been walkers nearby. Still, he seemed not to care now, which frightened you. When Daryl stopped caring, you knew he had lost some kind of mental faculty keeping him in check. “That what you’re sayin’?”
You froze, looking at him with wide, bewildered eyes as his seemed to narrow more and more, and you couldn’t keep your gaze from trailing down to his lips, where his tongue slipped out ever so slightly to sloppily lick them back and forth. You couldn’t quite tell, what with how dark the shack was, and how wide his pupils had become, but you swore he might’ve been looking up and down your body, which shook a little in his tight grasp. The more you felt his eyes on you, the more you began to tremble.
“I—I don’t know,” you stuttered, genuinely bewildered and almost forgetting where you even were. All you knew was that Daryl was holding you so close to him now that you could feel the heat emanating from his body, and the rapid heartbeat in his chest, which seemed to mirror your own.
He bit his lip as he took you in more than he’d ever allowed himself before this. He’d looked at you before, and he’d have to stop himself from looking too long before someone noticed, or, God forbid, before you noticed, but now, as much as he was burning from the inside out, with variations of frustration he’d only felt if he’d looked at you for a little too long, he simply didn’t care.
To put out this incessant fire in his heart, he’d do anything now, even succumb to his more primal urges.
He yanked you closer to him once more before his breath tickled your ear as he whispered, “You wanna find out?” he asked, now completely ignoring his better judgment and beginning to give into these suppressed desires he’d pushed down for weeks. “I can show ya… how much of a man I really am. That what you want, princess?”
Oh, Jesus Christ, you thought to yourself. This isn’t happening.
Of course you wanted Daryl. You weren’t blind.
He was gorgeous, not in a particularly traditional sense, but in a dirty, rugged, rough-and-tumble kind of way. The muscles he had were from hard physical labor and pulling on that crossbow all day. He was naturally quite bulky, too, and you had a bad habit of wondering what he looked like shirtless.
He was handsome, too, with lovely cheekbones that gave his face dimension, and a perfectly plump nose that you found rather cute. His blue eyes were just the icing on the cake, the feature that reinforced Daryl as the perfect male specimen. Oh, and he had a perfect mop of dark hair, but that was a whole other story.
Yes, you were very attracted to him, but it didn’t change the fact that he was rude to you. Still, you knew he was only like that because you ignored him first, and that he really was a good man, if a little grumpy at times.
Just like Daryl, you had to keep yourself from looking too long, lest you develop an image in your head that you’d take to the confines of your cell and use to pleasure yourself against your conscious dislike of him and his brother.
Now, though, if the man was really doing what you thought he was doing, you wouldn’t say no.
“Yes,” you muttered softly, barely audibly as a part of you hoped he couldn’t hear your admission.
He let his grip on your wrist weaken to trail his fingers up your arm until he reached the edge of your short-sleeved blouse.
“Yes, what?” he whispered again, this time letting his lips graze the helix of your ear. “What do you want?”
Another whisper and you might’ve fallen to pieces without him even touching you. You just hoped he really wasn’t like his brother, messing with you, or being perverted for his own amusement. Something in his voice and his movements told you he was serious, that he really wanted you and wouldn’t hurt you.
As soon as you gathered the composure to move, you turned your head to face him straight on, returning his serious, stern look.
“Show me you’re a man.”
He looked at you for just a few more tense, excruciating moments, trailing his eyes over your face as if to assess whether or not you were as serious as he was. He must’ve determined you were, because without another moment of hesitation, he had you pressed against the wall of the sturdy little shack, where he held your arms above your head and glowered at you through hungry eyes.
“You got any idea how much shit you put me through?” he asked, his eyes wandering to where your cleavage met your shirt collar. “How much you drive me crazy, always treatin’ me like this?”
Your lips trembled, and seemed to jut forward as you instinctively wanted to kiss him, and to feel his tongue wriggling around in your empty mouth. You just hoped it wouldn’t be empty for long.
“I’m sorry,” you panted, and closed your eyes shut when an almost pathetic need for him rained over you. “Make love to me,” you begged. “I can’t take it anymore. I need you, please.”
A short, guttural growl emanated from his mouth, which engulfed yours in a matter of seconds. Your mouth opened immediately, letting him penetrate you with his tongue and sloppily massage your lips with his. There was so much desperation in his kiss, and yet such a patient understanding, as he knew this was an unexpected turn of events. He didn’t go into this thinking he’d end up pinning you against a wall with a throbbing erection beneath his jeans, but it sort of just happened, and he wasn’t going to be the first to stop it.
When he let your arms fall limp to your sides, he immediately hoisted up your leg and held it up around his waist, all the while thrusting his core into yours repeatedly, to the point where he couldn’t quite keep his lips in one place, and they moved all around your face despite his attempts to keep steady.
Spurred on by the feeling, you grinded against him to feel the pressure on your clit, and if you carried on that way, you were sure you might have an orgasm just from the feeling.
“S-stop,” you whimpered, placing your hand between your core and his. “Just for a sec…”
He panted and pressed his forehead against yours, breathing hard and fast. “You all right?” he asked with his eyes shut tight. You could tell he was trying to keep himself from letting go too soon, too.
You giggled and cupped his cheeks in your hands before kissing his lips softly, to which he opened his eyes wide in surprise.
“You’re so cute,” you panted, and snuck a peek at the outline of his erection. “And very horny… How are we going to do this? I mean, what’s the plan?”
He scoffed, though you could tell that he was blushing, even in the darkness of that dimly lit shed. “We gotta come up with a damn agenda?” he asked. “You always gotta be so technical, huh?”
You somehow became infatuated with his hair, running your fingers through it and twirling it between your fingers as you bit your lip in thought. “You’re such a dick,” you said, in a strangely adoring tone. “A big, grumpy dick.”
Not keeping his eyes off you, he stepped away, and though you didn’t take your gaze from him, either, you could hear the clatter of his belt buckle and the unzipping of his pants, then the dull sound of the heavy jeans falling to the floor.
“Why don’t ya put that big mouth of yours to use?”
A surge of lust pulsed through you, a tingling sensation blossoming from your core and spreading through your legs, causing them to weaken and practically sink to the ground on their own accord.
You came face-to-face with his cock, already throbbing and red with arousal. Placing your hands on his thighs, and gently squeezing them in anticipation, you kissed the base of his cock, trailing up and down its length with your lips before grabbing it in your hand and tugging on it gently, then more forcefully as you placed the tip in your mouth.
His hands immediately came to the back of your head where his fingers interlaced in your hair and pulled you further down on his cock. The feeling of your tongue tickling his sensitive shaft was almost too much to bear, and at the same time, he wished you’d never stop.
“Shit,” he huffed, throwing his head back a little, and quickly looking back down to watch you. Your eyes met his as you hoped to gauge his reaction, and to just look at his blissful face as you went down on him.
Catching your breath, you released him from your mouth with a pop, and lifted his cock to hold it against his belly as you tongued at his balls, taking each in your mouth one by one.
“I guess you really do have balls,” you said between licks.
He removed your hand from his cock and shoved it back into your mouth.
“You got a job to do, woman.”
You moaned onto his cock as he pushed it deeper towards the back of your throat, causing you to gag a little when he went too deep, but it felt so good, tasted so good.
He thrusted harder into your mouth, not relenting and forcing you to make all kinds of strangled noises.
“Shit,” he groaned as he watched you gag and your eyes begin to water. Still, you moaned in pleasure at how he filled your mouth. “Shit, that’s good.”
He hadn’t felt this in so long, and the feeling of his hand could never compete with your mouth and your tongue going up and down his length, and your saliva dripping down and squelching with each pass of his hard cock.
“Mmm,” you moaned before releasing him to catch another breath. You tugged harder on his cock as you placed a few tender kisses on his tip. “You’re much bigger than I thought you’d be, too.”
He raised an eyebrow, looking at your face which betrayed how much you knew what you were doing to him.
“I’m gonna go so rough on you,” he said. “You’re just askin’ for it, sunshine.”
Your heart skipped a beat. How could something like that be so romantic? Even the very setting, an old, grimy fisherman’s shack that smelled vaguely of death, wasn’t the ideal place to have sex, but it was perfect.
You licked his cock again happily, smiling up at him with soft eyes as you did. “I want it rough, big boy,” you teased, running your hands up and down his beautiful bare thighs. “I want to see what this cock can do.”
He lost all control then, seeing your taunting face, so beautiful and sweet and yet so irritatingly smug that he had to pick you up by your arms and fling you back against the wall.
You yelped a little in surprise, and felt him tug on your shirt until somehow it was off, and only your bra remained.
He reached behind you with his mouth suctioning harshly onto yours all the while, and the two of you worked to remove the fabric separating him from seeing your breasts in all their aroused glory.
He marveled at the supple tissue and their hardened nipples before squeezing them with his large hands that they seemed to slot so perfectly into.
You laughed into his mouth, amused by his fascination with your breasts, all the while trying and failing to remove his shirt.
He noticed your struggle and stepped back for just a moment to unbutton the offending fabric, and soon he was completely naked.
As you expected, he looked beautiful, as though his body was sculpted by Michelangelo or even the Greek gods themselves. He was perfect, muscular but still soft in that he had the cutest belly, and a chest that seemed to make a great pillow.
“God, you’re sexy,” you said as you absentmindedly rubbed your belly almost hungrily, wandering your eyes all over his body while he stroked himself. “It’s annoying how hot you are.”
He smirked and stepped closer again to strip you of your pants, kneeling down and looking up at you with such arrogance that wasn’t usually one of Daryl’s traits. The compliment must’ve gone to his head.
“You ain’t so bad yourself, princess,” he said, now about to pull down your panties after struggling with your jeans for a moment. “Let’s see what’s been waitin’ for me.”
The cool evening air hit your bare mound when he removed the fabric, and as you closed your eyes, you could already feel his tongue licking up your slit.
“Oh!” you whimpered in shock at the sudden tickling. “Daryl…”
“Such a pretty little pussy,” he cooed, almost teasingly, but with a tinge of genuine desperation in his voice. “Real cute… Nice and wet for me, too.”
He gathered your clear wetness on his fingers as he inched them inside of you, causing you to flex your walls and squeeze him before he could pull them out.
He watched your mouth drop in bliss at the feeling before licking his fingers clean of your arousal.
“Mmm,” he hummed. “Just like honey.”
He bestowed a few sloppy, tongue-heavy kisses on your mound before trailing his tongue up your abdomen, licking you between your breasts until he reached his full height, and shoved his tongue into your agape mouth again.
You were taken aback at his forcefulness, and wrapped your arms around his neck to stabilize yourself against the wall.
“Give me your legs,” he said gruffly, and you obliged, raising one leg for him to hold around his waist as he brought his cock to your entrance with his other hand.
“Ah!” you whimpered when you felt him immediately enter you halfway. “Oh, Jesus…”
It’d been so long since you’d felt something so thick and long inside of you, so warm and hard and throbbing with arousal.
He picked up your other leg and wrapped it around his other side, now using the wall to help him hold your weight as he held you by the back of your knees.
You held onto his neck for dear life, slightly terrified he’d drop you.
“Don’t you dare drop me,” you said sternly, breathing heavily in your desire as you had already started grinding on him. “I’ll kill you, Daryl.”
He smirked and began rhythmically thrusting his hips. “You sayin’ I ain’t man enough to hold ya?”
You rolled your eyes, and were about to tease him back when he thrusted deep inside of you.
“Oh!” you cried softly. “Oh, shit!”
You wrapped your arms around him tighter now, and felt his lips suctioning around the skin of your neck where he had buried his head.
His pubic bone hit your clit so hard that you jolted a few times at the sudden pressure, and the intense tingling emanating from the sensitive nerve endings.
“Ya like that, princess?” he asked into your ear. “How long ya been wantin’ me?”
You threw your head back against the wall and groaned deeply, frustrated at his questioning and the need to feel more pleasure.
“Since… Oh! S-since I… met you.”
He sucked harder on your neck and hoisted your legs up as they started to fall, your body becoming a dead weight with how much bliss it was experiencing.
“Me too,” he panted between thrusts. “So bad…”
His cock pulled out of you suddenly, causing you to shoot your eyes open in disappointment.
“Turn around,” he said, holding you by your waist and doing it himself, then pushing you forward until your breasts were pressed firmly against the wood. You only hoped it didn’t have splinters.
You instinctively spread your legs and planted each hand firmly on the wall, while Daryl slid his hand back and forth over your slit, gathering as much of your wetness as he could before coating his cock in the natural lubricant.
Your hips grinded back against nothing, anticipating his body to return to you, and it did when he pressed his chest to your back, his core to your ass, and reached forward to pull your abdomen even further back against him.
His cock entered you again, and he started thrusting, harder now that he had a new angle, an angle at which his cock his just the right spot inside of you.
“Ooo!” you exclaimed. “Yes! Right there… That’s… Oh…”
Daryl’s cock snaked inside you, back and forth, harder and harder as he raised your left leg and held it against the wall by your knee to get even deeper until he reached his hilt.
“Ah,” he groaned between heavy breaths. You always liked it when men moaned during sex. It seemed like women were always more vocal, but when men did it, especially men like Daryl, you must’ve been making them feel good. “Shit, (Y/N)…”
He pounded harder and harder, holding his body firmly against yours and flexing his ass and moving his hips so furiously you began to feel the convulsions of your orgasm as it reached its peak.
Reaching one hand back, you grasped at his ass, pushing him harder into you. “Oh, I’m gonna come… You’re gonna make me come!”
“Good,” he whispered into your ear as you threw your head back on his shoulder. “Come for me, princess. Good girl…”
He pulled you away from the wall momentarily, and lowered one hand to rub your clit in tight, hard circles until the feeling combined with his thrusting cock made your orgasm release and flow through you.
“Ah! Ah! Oh, Daryl…”
Your body twitched and your hips rode his cock in an uncontrollable, rhythmic pattern while he softly humped you from behind, all the while continuing to caress your slit.
“Mmm,” you moaned happily, a blissful smile on your face as your head rested on his strong, broad shoulder.
Picking up his speed again, he launched you back up against the wall, hoisting up your leg again and preparing to let himself go now.
You huffed and whimpered repeatedly at the feeling of his cock going faster and penetrating you even more aggressively than before now that he was so close to releasing.
You felt him begin to twitch inside you, and that combined with your convulsing pussy told him to pull out of you before spilling his seed all over your lower back, groaning deeply with each spurt of cum that erupted from his cock.
“Oh, shit…” he mumbled, tugging himself until he was empty.
With his other hand, he absentmindedly gathered the cum from your back on his fingers.
“Come ‘ere,” he said, urging you to turn around.
You did, and were met with his white-coated fingers stroking your quivering lips. You opened up for him, licking his fingers clean and taking in all of his cum.
“That taste good?” he asked, watching your tongue intently.
“Mhm,” you hummed with a smile, then kissed his fingers lightly. “So good.”
You retreated to the cot with almost completely limp legs, though Daryl helped you there, holding you by your waist and laying you down gently before tucking himself in next to you.
The cot was a little dusty, but it would have to do. Besides, you were both filthy from sweat and other bodily fluids now, anyway. Still, it was the most comfortable you’d been in a long time.
As you had expected, Daryl’s chest made a wonderful pillow, and he let you rest your head there for a while, his fingers twirling in your hair as the silence settled in.
“Daryl,” you peeped after a while. “I really am sorry for what I said, how I treated you… It wasn’t fair.”
He raised his chin and snuggled you further into him. “Ain’t nothin’,” he said. “Always knew ya had the hots for me, anyway.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes. “You did not,” you said. “Don’t be such an ass. I’m trying to apologize to you.”
“I know.” He kissed your forehead, then nuzzled his nose against it softly. “I’m sorry, too. For everything… Being mean… Never listenin’ to ya… Especially sorry for callin’ you a bitch. That ain’t true… Knew it wasn’t true when I said it.”
“Well, I was a little bitchy towards you,” you said. “You know, you’re a good man… I didn’t want to see it for a long time because of what I saw with your brother, but that’s not you. You’re not like him at all.”
He nodded in understanding. His brother was an asshole, even he could admit that. “Ya had a right to be like that. We’re good now… Better than good.”
You gently grasped the side of his jaw to pull his face to yours, and kissed his lips more lovingly than you had yet. You could really get used to kissing him, to holding him, to talking to him like this.
“I’m so glad we got lost, Daryl,” you said. “Well, glad you got us lost.”
His eyes widened, and you remembered just how cute he looked when he was angry.
“We were never lost, woman!” he exclaimed. “Told ya, was a detour.”
You laughed. “Oh my god,” you said. “Will you just admit it?”
“Never,” he said, now with his lips forming into a hazy smile. “I’ll admit one thing, though… I, uh… I hope this wasn’t just a one night stand.”
“Of course it wasn’t,” you said. “I’m already mentally rearranging my cell for you.”
The morning after, Daryl helped you carve your initials next to his, so whoever might find this shack one day, seeking refuge from the outside world, might look upon your declaration of love and find hope in that something good must’ve happened here.
And sure enough, Daryl moved into your cell when you eventually found your way back to the prison—following the creek, as you’d suggested.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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noellawrites · 2 years
My One & Only (2) - Yandere!Miguel Diaz x reader
part one linked here
requested by: @ireallyneedsomesleep & @kjlewis21
summary: when you see Miguel at school following your attack, he has a proposition for you. unfortunately, there is only one correct answer.
warnings: 18+, manipulation and physical/emotional abuse
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It was your first day back at school since Miguel had come to your house and threatened you on Friday. You hadn’t seen him since, and you were scared to death to.
You were wearing a fashionable turtleneck with your favorite pair of jeans in a successful effort to hide the bruises on your neck. You still felt groggy from the concussion, but you knew it would still be better to come to school than explain it to your parents.
Suddenly, as you were walking to your next class, you felt a strong hand grasp onto your upper arm and pull you back. Alarm bells rang in your head.
“Hey, babe! Why haven’t you been answering my calls?” Miguel joked as he walked beside you, protective hand still clutching your arm.
“I-I’ve just been staying off my phone because of the concussion. You aren’t supposed to look at screens and stuff,” you explained.
“Concussion? When did you get that?” Miguel asked, genuine worry written on his face.
“Oh I don’t know Miguel, maybe when you repeatedly shoved me into my wall three days ago,” you hissed.
“Jesus, I didn’t know I hurt you so badly. I’m sorry baby, can you forgive me?” He asked, wrapping his body around you and pulling you into a hug.
You reacted stiffly, but you whispered a “yes” since you were still terrified of him.
“I almost forgot! I got you something special! Here,” Miguel said, dropping his backpack to the floor and pulling out a plastic bag.
“What is it?”
“It’s a gi, for Cobra Kai! And now you can finally train at Cobra Kai with me, where you belong!” Miguel said, excitedly.
Did he really believe you would drop Miyagi-Do that easily?
“Miguel, I— thank you, but I like training at Miyagi-Do!” you insisted. Suddenly, the halls were empty. Class had started.
“I can’t let you train there with Robby, he’s bad news! Did you know he used to sell drugs? Not to mention him trying to take you away from me. I won’t let that happen, and Johnny agrees. Cobra Kai is the only right place for you!”
“Robby has changed, Miguel! You can’t listen to everything your sensei says. Plus, I just don’t agree with the aggressiveness of Cobra Kai.”
“You’re my girlfriend, (y/n). You’re supposed to do what I tell you because I know what’s best for you!” Miguel snapped.
You were now keenly aware of him towering over you, threatening you again, hurting you and dismissing your independence.
“Miguel, I am my own person. I’m putting my foot down, and I will not join Cobra Kai. Not now, not ever,” you asserted.
As Miguel grabbed you by the shoulder, you felt like you were right back where you were three days ago. And when he kicked you in the stomach, then kicked you in the leg, causing you to fall to your knees and gasp in pain, you realized how helpless you really were against this man.
“I hope you reconsider what I said. I had Johnny make this gi just for you, I told him I could handle convincing you. Now, I think it’s time to take you to the nurse’s office. Here,” he said, lifting you up gently with both of your bags on his back and helping you to the nurse.
“You fell down the stairs, okay?” he said, looking down at your bloody, whimpering form. You looked so beautiful like this, so helpless.
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
Worm?! lol. Hiii, I’m new here. Could I please request some head canons for sniper mask (from high rise invasion) with a (preferably) male s/o? (As long as you’re comfortable with it.) I haven’t found any for males sadly. Hope you have a good day! Thanks sm.
Tenkuu Shinpan/High-Rise Invasion: Sniper Mask Boyfriend Scenario
high-rise invasion/tenkuu shinpan masterlist
‼ Sniper Mask Relationship Headcanons with a Male S/o ‼
Featuring: Sniper Mask, Yuri Honjo, Mayuko Nise, Kuon Shinzaki
Warnings: gun mention, violence mention, cursing, blood mention
a/n - i wanted to add a lot of detail since you said there weren't any male readers, so i apologize that it took so long. i also have another sniper mask scenario that should come out soon! enjoy!
content below the cut!
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coming to the high rise world was VERY unexpected for you
one second you're about to take a nap, right at the brink of sleep
the BOOM
you're on top of a building!
oh yeah, and there are murderers in masks right on your tail
not the afternoon you wanted, but it was the afternoon you got
you had been running from several masks, three of them right on your tail
you had been backed up near the edge of a building, the three of them circling yours you sat against the ground
when one of them slumped to the ground, dead
at first, you were confused, did he pass out maybe?
but then you saw blood and the other two dropping to the ground
no, yeah, they were all dead
you looked around for who could have done it
only to be met with another mask, a rifle at his side
you would have thought you were going to die if it weren't for the 3 girls by his side
why were 3 high school girls with one of the same kind of people that had tried to murder you?????
"Oh my god! Are you okay, sir?" A dark-haired girl ran forward and knelt down in front of you. You backed away from her, fear still coursing through you.
Your eyes landed on the masked man a few feet behind them, pointing a shaky finger towards him. "You! Why aren't you hurting us?" He stood up straight as all attention went to him, stuttering as the girl in front of you offered you a small smile.
"He won't hurt you, he'll only kill other masks, I promise!" You we're still skeptical of the group but decided it would be better than being stuck out here all alone. Silently, you took the girl's hand, letting her introduce you to the others.
When you were set in front of the masked man, he awkwardly gave his hand out for you to shake. "And this is Sniper Mask! He's scary, but-but, nice? Yeah, nice!" Yuri said, obviously unsure of her own words.
He extended his hand out for you to shake, and though you couldn't tell it, he was nervous beyond belief. He had just saved an extremely attractive guy and now he was no more than 2 feet in front of him!
"H-hey." Well, he fucked that up. You sighed, letting your shoulders slump as you took his hand, shaking it firmly. "Y/n, thanks for saving me Mr. Sniper Mask." You offered him a smile, to which his face instantly flushed, responding with nothing but a nod.
and that's where it began
at first, it was quiet between you and mr. mask
he didn't seem to make any moves to talk to you
hell, he didn't even seem to like being in the same room as you!
at least, that's from your perspective
from the other team, however...
"Kuon I-I don't. The command must of-" "Mr. Mask! You like Y/n! It's not the command, you do!" Kuon had been pestering Yuka for the past 30 minutes about her new idea. Obviously, it was nothing near the truth. It had to be the command malfunctioning.
"Admit it Mr. Mask! You're always looking at him and are fidgety whenever he's nearby!" Yuka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as a blush crawled up onto his face. "Kuon it's not that I can assure you, I don't-" "If you won't admit it, I'm going to tell him!"
With that, Kuon dashed out of the room to find you. It took Yuka a few seconds to realize what the girl meant before he came barreling down the hall after her. "Kuon! Wait-"
Kuon didn't end up actually telling you that Sniper Mask liked you per se
but she didddd say that he wanted to talk with you more
and when he came up to the two of you, he apologized profusely for Kuon's behavior and dragged her off
but, the ordeal did help him to realize that no, this wasn't the mask's doing
he did actually like you
and little did he know that the feeling was mutual!
oh good gods you fell for him quick
you didn't even know why you liked him, but dear gods you did
you were terrified to confess to him
he barely ever shows emotion, so what are the chances he would show them to you?
well, it took him a while to confess to you, and only after you got injured by a mask did he spill
you had gone out with Mayuko to go find some supplies when a mask holding a machete came running at you two
it had cut your arm pretty bad, but you would live
Mayuko helped you wrap it up with some gauze she had found
when the two of you got back, the others (excluding Sniper Mask at the time) were all over you
you assured them that you could patch up your own wound, so you made your way back to your own room
expecting to be alone, you were surprised when Sniper Mask stopped you right outside your room's door
You held your injured arm close to your stomach, groaning as a sharp pain went through it. Your room was just around the corner, and once you were inside you could patch it up and go to sleep. At least, that's what the plan was originally.
What you didn't expect was the silent being of Sniper Mask to be laying against the door, his head shooting up as he heard footsteps. He turned his head towards you, eyes shifting from yours to your arm, and back to you.
"What happened." He said, but it came out in a much deeper tone than you had anticipated. A small blush found its way onto your face, your words catching in your throat as he leaned off of the door, making his way closer to you.
He was only a foot away, your breath hitched as his hand came towards you. He paused for a second, looking back at you, before grabbing your uninsured hand in his gloved one. Despite the fabric, his hands still radiated heat.
"I'm fine." You stated, but it didn't seem to do anything as he dragged you down the hall and up a flight of stairs. You were going to ask where he was taking you, when he grabbed one of the door handles, twisting it open and leading you inside.
There was nothing particularly special about his room, besides the rifle on his bed, of course. He let go of your hand the second the two of you were in the room, pausing a second after, before going to get a first aid kid.
You sat down on his bed, leaving the rifle alone. Unconsciously, your hands intertwined themselves together, trying to recreate the warmth he did just a few seconds ago. When he came back over, he was quick to take off your makeshift bandages and wipe the wound down.
You hissed in pain, grabbing one of his hands in the process and squeezing it to try and relive it. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze of its own, quickly sanitizing it and dressing it with fresh bandages.
When he was done, you tried to let his hand go, but he squeezed it harder. You heard him let out a sigh, his face turning upwards as he looked at you. You couldn't see his eyes, but he was lost in yours.
Without thinking, he inched the bottom of his mask upwards with his free hand, just enough to reveal his mouth. Your heartbeat picked up, eyes widening as they flickered down to his lips.
In a second the lips you were staring at were pressed against your own. His lips were warm, the taste of coffee lingering from them. When he pulled away, you did nothing but look at him with adoration.
You cupped his face with one of your hands, your smile growing as he leans into the touch. "Y'know," he started, bringing his hand up to hold yours. "I've been meaning to ask you to become my boyfriend for a while."
"Is that so?" You asked him, earning a hum and a shrug in response. "Now seemed like a good time to ask." You chuckled softly at him, watching a smile form on his lips. "My answer is yes then, Sniper Mask."
it was hard to keep your relationship a secret from the girls
Kuon was glued to Yuma's side almost 24/7, so she caught on first
then it was a domino effect
the three of them were extremely happy for you two
they do tease you both from time to time though
Kuon is especially happy about the relationship
sure, she has a crush on Yuka, but she's happy to see the two of you together
he's very wary about it all at first
his group has been attacked before, and not to mention other masks that could hurt you
yes, he's a strong badass who could protect you no matter what
but it doesn't make him worry any less!
any time foreign masks come near, you better bet your ass they're gonna have a bullet hole (or two) in them
he loves to show off that you're his and vice versa
refers to you as "his boyfriend" a lot
also likes to say "i'm his boyfriend"
absolutely swoons if you call him "yours"
peppers your face with kisses any time he can
just giving you lots of kisses in general
likes to have you by his side most times
he always needs to make sure you're safe
you basically have your own bodyguard
usually sleeps with you on his chest and his arms wrapped around you
then again, he won't turn down being the little spoon~
genuinely fucking loves you and wants to make you know every second he can
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hello!! i've made a request before but this idea came in my brain and i heard your requests were open. So ive seen a lot of fics of the brothers saving mc, but what about mc kinda of saving the brothers, i mean like badass sword fighting style. Just like a stereotypical disney prince saves a princess mc kinda saves the brothers from getting killed by a lesser demon with a sword and just being badass (and sword) and the bros find it hot (weak humans? never heard of them)
*spongebob narrator voice* 400 years lat’er..... So sorry this took so long! I genuinely don’t know why I couldn’t get it done. When I actually tried, I got it done in like 2 days. My only excuse is that I’m a horrible trash munny >.<
Obey me Boys + Power Princess MC
It offends him that this creature, this being not fit to lick the soles of his boots, would raise their hand to him. The attack was not even what upset him, but just the gall. The utter stupidity of this decision to throw one’s life away. The fact that they had attacked with you around only made him wish to end that pathetic life that much sooner.
“Step back [Y/N]. I’ll deal with this quic—” Lucifer cut himself off when you rushed forward. A bright shining sword in your hand as you lunged. Slashing through the demon, who wailed and instantly turned to dust & ash. “What on Earth was that?”
“Oh. It’s my sword.” You reply nonchalantly. Turning around to show it to him. “It’s a holy arc sword, or something. I can summon it from my bracelet whenever I need it. Cool to know it actually works in a pinch.”
“And where did you get such a magical artifact?” Lucifer asked. Perplexed beyond reason, but trying not to show it.
“Lord Diavolo gave it to me when I first got here.” The demon arched a brow. Lord Diavolo? “It would be really irresponsible of him to just let a human wander around hell without some kind of weapon.”
He paused for a moment. Trying to piece all of what you had just said together. Then he just chuckled. “Yes, I suppose it would be.” And here he thought that he had been the only one protecting you. When all along you could do it yourself.
His hand reached out to pat your head fondly. His breast swelling with pride. “I’ll have to thank him for giving you such a thoughtful, practical gift. We’ll also have to add sword play to your lesson plans. I’d be more than happy to be your tutor.
‘Shit!’ Mammon mentally cursed as he was hit again.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been rough up outside a club. Given his lifestyle, and his gambling track record, he’d been pummeled by a few bouncers in his life. With his immense power, he could easily take them; if he tried. But then he would be banned from the club, and ever other, and that was something he couldn’t handle over the humiliation of being beat up by these clowns. He needed this. It was all he had.
So, he took his beatings from lesser demons when they came around. He’d only wished they’d picked a different night to get their ‘payment’ back since you were supposed to be here soon.
“Come on guys. Don’t ya think you’ve had enough?”
“We’ll tell you when we’ve had enough!” One demon sneered at him, before kicking a man while he was down. Classy. “You owe us. And we’re gonna get back every cent you owe out of your hide!”
The demon reared his foot back to kick him again, and Mammon mentally sighed. Preparing himself for the kick and really being over this since it began. But….no kick came.
The demon let out a loud grunt over the sound of a metal ‘wack’ before the two, even lesser goons beside him suffer the same fate and they all slump to the ground. “Mammon! Are you ok?!”
The silver haired demon looked up at you in shock. The light from the street lamp causing a halo to form around you, highlighting your worried face as you brandished a rusty pipe like some great sword. “Yeah…I’m fine….”
“You don’t look fine! You’re all beat up!” He just sat there as you dropped the pipe and dropped down to him. Fretting over him as you looked him over. He couldn’t hear what you were saying over the beating sound of his heart in his ears.
No one had ever tried to help him before.
Mammon lifted his arms and wrapped them around you. “Mammon? What—“Let’s get out of here.” He interrupted as he hugged you. Standing up, and helping you to your feet, after a moment to walk out of the alley. “I don’t want to be here anymore. I wanna go somewhere with you.”
“But….I thought you wanted to go out tonight. Play cards. You said you were feeling lucky?”
He couldn’t tell if that was a jab or not, but replied, “well clearly I was wrong.” Though despite his bumps and bruises, he did still feel pretty lucky right not. “I just want to get out of here. I don’t need this anymore.” You both decide to head home to help Mammon nurse his wounds. He never went back to that club, or really any club, after that night.
“Levi….I don’t think this is such a good idea.”
“Nonsense!” Levi quipped in response to your perfectly reasonable, concerned feelings. “It’s just a little further. Besides, I want to see Henry 1! I’ve missed him a ton recently, and want to make sure he remembers me.” It had broken his heart to discover his poor, lost serpent had been down here, all alone, this whole time. So he made an effort to see him every now and then.
“Yeah but…isn’t this still like super-secret for Lord Diavolo’s family and stuff? What if there’s like booby traps and stuff?”
“Come on! There weren’t any booby traps or anything before. Why would he when he has Henry to keep it…..” Levi trailed off as both of you were ingulfed by a long, dark shadow. A low hissing sound growing louder as a gold, stripped serpent towered over you with a menacing glare. “That’s not Henry.”
The snake hissed loudly with bared fangs and an open mouth, and you both scream and run to get away from it.
The serpent of course chased you. Easily able to keep up, and only loosing you when the two of you duck into a narrow corridor. Levi turned around to say something to you, but you were gone. His immediate thought was that the stranger snake had gotten you, and it was all his fault, and he would never see you again!
When he came to the end of the corridor, walking out like a man on death row instead of running, he looked up to see the snake in front of him. Clearly angered by having to chase him. Levi didn’t care. He wanted to die if anything happened to you. He’d rather die than live one moment without you.
Prepared to accept his fate, the demon didn’t move when the snake unhinged his jaw to eat him in one gulp. Only for a sharp spike to thrust out from his mouth a moment later. A strange, hissing gasp escaping it before it slumped down in a lifeless heap on the floor. “[Y/N]!”
“Jesus! Not to put too fine a pin on it, but this place is literally a maze. One minute I’m next to you, and the next I’m in some armory on the other side of the hall 50 feet away. Are you alright Levi?”
The demon scrambled up the snake corpse to stand next to you and wrapped his arms tight around your being. “[Y/N]! I was so scared! I thought this Henry imposter got you, and you were dead, and I couldn’t think of anything!”
“I’m really ok Levi.” You assure him, as he wept into your shoulder. “Do you still want to see the real Henry? I think I spotted where he actually is when I was running back with the spear?” Levi nodded into your shoulder. Still not prepared to let you go.
Satan always tried to be a reasonable man.
He hated being referred to as ‘The Demon of Wrath’. It wasn’t his wrath that had caused him to be born. And he wasn’t any angrier than his brothers, so why did he have to be labeled the ‘bad seed’? So he always tried to be level headed. Calm. Patient. But there were somethings he just could not abide. Like the boorish behavior of someone talking loudly in the library.
“Excuse me,” the blonde said, attempting to remain calm, as he came over to the rude demon two tables over, “could you please keep it down? This is a library.”
“Yeah. I know what it is.” He quipped back rather snippily. “What are you? The librarian?”
“No. Just a fellow book lover.” Satan replied. Grinding his teeth now. “And one who can follow the rules and basic social decorum of keeping my conversations to myself in a place like this.”
“Are you calling me stupid?!”
“No. I’m calling you uncouth. A word meaning undignified, and without manners.”
“Why you!”
The demon rose to his feet, towering over Satan now that he was standing. Not that it mattered. Height was not an immediate representation of strength. Look at Belphie. His younger, shorter brother could level a whole city with a flick of his wrist. Satan could easily dispatch of his imbecile without even breaking a sweat.
He never got the chance though, as just after he stood the demon let out a grunt and slumped to the floor; with you standing behind him on his depleted chair with a book in your hand like you had just pulled it from The Stone. “Bet you’re glad I think Kindles are dumb now.”
Satan had to right himself on what he was seeing, and then frowned at you. “I never said that, and get down.” He insisted. Offering you his hand to get down. You hop down with ease and set your weapon book on the table. “Honestly, I could have handled him without resorting to violence or cheap theatrics.”
“Cheap?? This book was very expensive.” You insist, and Satan had to scoff.
“Be that as it may, please do not use books for more than their intended purpose. I appreciate the assist, but I can’t have you hurting yourself or fine literature in the future.”
“You’re such a buzz kill sometimes Satan…..”
Asmo always loved going to the club. The dancing. The energy. The pulsing music. The people.
Well…usually the people. Some people, usually bro-dude demons, just couldn’t take a hint that ‘no’ meant ‘no’.
“Come on Asmo! Why are you being so stingy?!”
“I’m not being ‘stingy’,” Asmo replied with a frown marring his beautiful face. “I’m just not interested.”
“You were interested last time.” His pursuer replied. Like that somehow gave automatic permission that things would happen again.
“That was a long time ago.” The dusk haired blonde replied. Sipping his cocktail and looking thoughtful across the spacious VIP lounge over to you.
Yes, things had certainly changed. Once where it would take a whole room of people and attention to make him content, these days all he wanted was you. Just you sparing a moment to look at him made his heart feel incredibly full. He had come here to have a fun night out with you, but it seemed no matter where he went his beauty was always causing problems.
The lesser demon frowned, then looked towards the direction Asmo was looking to land on you. “Shoot, just bring them along with us.”
“Excuse me?” Asmo asked. Beautiful expression turning Ignatius as he sat down his drink.
“Bring them along. I’ve never had sex with a human. But there must be something to it if you’re willing to do them. Not that I suppose that takes much….”
At that, Asmo leapt from his chair and grabbing the brute by the collar. He wasn’t normally one for violence. He wasn’t like his dull brothers. But he couldn’t let a slight like that against you slide. “Take it back!”
The two demon’s scuffle. Clearing out the VIP lounge as everyone ran. Scared that they might transform at any moment and literally tear each other apart. Asmo somehow ended up on his back, a position that usually didn’t bother him, as the other reared back to punch him in the face.
Or, at least he would have if he didn’t start convulsing and fall on the ground a moment later.
“Asmo! Are you ok?!”
The Lust Demon looked at you for a moment. Then delicately covered his mouth with both hands. Returning to normal. “[Y/N]! You saved me!!”
“Yeah. This little thing packs a punch.” You replied. Holding out your little pink taser from She-Sword from your clutch. “I couldn’t let this jerk hurt your beautiful face.”
“No one is more beautiful than you my fierce warrior queen!” He praised. Basking in the moment for only a second before you both scamper off before security came.
You both might be beautiful, but you didn’t want to end up on the evening news.
“I want to take up kendo.” Beel announced to you one day. Out of the blue. “I’ve been looking for ways to add variety to my workout. I came across this video on kendo and thought it would be fun.”
Of course, Beel knew you had practiced kendo in the past at school. So he might have also been looking for fitness activities for you to do together. In any case, he really liked seeing you in your little workout outfit. It was super cute.
He also liked you showing him the basics of kendo; stance, footing, basic strike movement. When he felt he had gotten the hang of it, Beel jovially asked for a sparring match with you.
“I don’t know….”
“Come on [Y/N], sparring with someone is the best way to learn fighting.” He reasoned. “Besides, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m not worried about that….” He heard you mutter under your breath, but thought that he must have imagined it as you squared off.
Standing across from you in the arena, something changed. The hair on the back of Beel’s neck stood up. Not in the excited way that it normally did when he saw you. But something more….primal. His grip tightened a little more as he realized he might have to get a little serious with you.
It was all for nothing though as the match was over just as soon as it started.
The shinai went flying out of his hands, landing across the room just as Beel landed on his butt. His backside throbbing as his bell was rung clear as day. He rubbed his head as he looked up at you. “I may have forgotten to mention that I was three-time national kendo champ all through school.”
The demon looked up at you with a shiny, sparkly gaze only until now reserved for delicious food. “Teach me sensei!”
He hated being out. He wanted to go home.
Being outside in the sun, with all these…..people was hell to him. Belphie would rather be home, in actual hell, with his blanket and pillow and quiet, rather than ‘top side’ with you for the whole afternoon. Not that it was you or anything. You were the only bright star on this miserable day. He’d be damned if he’d let one of his brothers spend the day with you when he could.
“Belphie, do you want an ice cream? Maybe that will help with the heat?”
He wanted to say that the only thing that would help him was getting the hell out of here. But, he bit his tongue. The demon knew how important this was to you to come ‘home’ now & then and he didn’t want to ruin it for you. So he just nodded and asked, “strawberry please.”
He sat in the shade as he watched you go over to the ice cream truck alone. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he was just a hopeless shut in. Like Levi, only worse. He just wanted humans so much that being around them was making him crankier than normal today.
“Geez, get a look at that side show over there.”
Belphie looked up from his daze at the human who was a few yards away from him. Snickering and staring with his friends in a voice that a regular human wouldn’t be able to hear. “If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck.” Again, he was very cranky.
The human was obviously taken aback at being heard and then called out like that. “What did you say to me?!” He yelled, once he got his bearings on the situation, and took a ‘threatening’ step forward to see if he would repeat it.
“I said ‘If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck’.” Of course he repeated it. “Don’t mutter something under your breath like a coward. Say it like a man, or keep your gross mouth shut.” This was why he hated humans. No spine.
Well, metaphorical spine. If he kept this up, Belphie was gonna prove that he had a spine when he ripped it out and made him wear it as a neck tie.
“You little fuck--!” Belphie, of course, didn’t move when he stomped closer. Not that he needed to, because he was stopped in his tracks rather abruptly when you stepped between then. Holding a knife from your pocket.
“I suggest you get out of here, before the only ‘side show’ around here is your knife swallowing act pal.” The man seemed to frozen for a moment as he tried to process if you were serious. Then his flight instincts kicked in and he took off running with his friends across the park. “Gosh, I think I’ve been spending to much time with you guys. I never would have done anything like this before.” You said after a sigh, then turned back to Belphie.
“My hero.” He cheered softly, in his typical tired voice but still with a soft smile. Seeming extremely proud of the bad influence he was on you.
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dreamerstreamer · 4 years
Noise Complaint
Pairing: Wilbur Soot x gn!neighbour!reader
Summary: The guy living next door to you never seemed to shut up, and one day you decide that you’ve had enough. 
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: this work was inspired by wilbur’s recent eviction notice (lol), dodie’s song, absolutely smitten, and my recent pasta addiction! by the way, this may or may not be entirely accurate, but who cares? let me have some fun!
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You hummed as you scooped the last of the pasta onto your plate, furrowing your brows. Something’s missing. 
It hit you in a flash, your eyes lighting up as you turned on your heel to scramble into your kitchen. You strolled over to the windowsill where a small potted plant sat, basking in the sun’s warm, golden rays. “Hey, basil,” you said quietly, reaching over. “This might hurt a little, but it’ll only be a pinch.”
Tugging gently and carefully, you picked a few leaves off the plant’s branches, wincing a little. “Thank you,” you murmured with an apologetic smile as you turned away, walking over to your sink. You gave the leaves a quick wash before grabbing a knife from its spot in your knife block. With ease, you chopped the leaves into smaller bits, scooping them up with one hand while the other set the knife down on the cutting board. You skipped back over to your dining room with a small skip in your step, grinning as you took the chopped bits of basil in your hand and sprinkled them across the pasta in your plate.
Perfect, you thought to yourself with a small smile, stepping back to admire your work. With a satisfied grin, you slipped into your chair, picking up your fork as you began to dig in.
Today was your first day off in ages, and you couldn’t have been more pleased. It was a beautiful day out, and you had spent the morning out with your friends, catching up on everything over a quaint meal at your favourite restaurant. All the days spent running around for your boss suddenly felt like they were worth it and more as you laughed at your friends’ antics while you ate. While you had to part in the afternoon, you were more than happy to simply complete some household chores that you had missed out on during your usual hectic schedule. As sunset drew closer and closer, you found your stomach grumbling once more in a plea for attention and food. What better way to quench your hunger with some good ol’ pasta?
A muffled shout dragged you out of your thoughts, your shoulders jolting at the sudden noise. You let out a sharp yelp at the abrupt noise, holding a hand over your heart in an effort to calm yourself. After a second of silence passed, a frown etched itself onto your features.
Of course he was being loud, again.
You sighed, stabbing your pasta with a little more vigour. You loved your home, you really did. It was a lovely apartment with more than enough space for you to live comfortably on your own, and you had managed to get it for a criminally cheap price. It was located near your workplace and was even in a safe part of the city. Your neighbours were also wonderful, most of them being polite, friendly, and quiet. 
With one particular exception—the guy who lived directly next door to you.
You didn’t really know who he was, per se. You knew that he was your neighbour, that he mostly spent his time at home, and that he was loud. So, so loud. You didn’t think anyone could be this loud when they spent nearly all of their time in an apartment, but he somehow proved you wrong. If it wasn’t the occasional yell, then it was always “chat” this and “chat” that. What the heck was he even talking about? You didn’t know, and you weren’t sure that you cared, either. 
Even after having lived here for weeks, you still didn’t have a single clue who this guy was, but you were sure of one thing.
He was absolutely driving you up the wall.
While he wasn’t always super loud—miraculously, there were indeed quiet days—you couldn’t go more than a few days without getting startled awake from sleep or dropping something out of surprise. You were pretty sure you had already broken four dishes just because of him. Despite everything that had happened, you still hadn’t confronted him about it. You liked to believe that hey, this is just a one time thing, or it’s not so bad! You’d been feeding yourself these itty bitty white lies for weeks now, and you were starting to run out of patience.
You shook your head, examining the last piece of pasta on your fork with a roll of your eyes. Well, at least he was being quiet no—
You yelped again, your fingers going limp in shock. Before you could even register what happened, your fork slipped from your hand, the pasta smacking landing on your shirt before sliding off you and landing on the floor. With horror, you stared down at the stain on your once pristine white shirt, the mark staring back at you mockingly.
Oh. Oh no.
You clenched your jaw, an incessant irritation clawing at the back of your mind as you stood, stomping over to your front door.
This was the last straw. You’ve had enough of his crap, and you were about to give him a piece of your mind
Pulling open your door, you only had to walk four steps before you stood face to face with your neighbour’s wooden door. Raising your fist, you knocked against the wood with an intensity that you didn’t think you were capable of. A few moments passed with no response, but you were sure you could hear some rustling on the other side of the door. You crossed your arms as you waited, tapping your foot. Just who in the world did this guy think he wa—
Just then, the door swung open to reveal your neighbour.
You blinked tilting your head back as you craned your neck at him. Your eyes widened in surprise.
He was tall, ridiculously so. With brown, fluffy hair that hung a little over his forehead and a dark, expressive gaze that looked down at you in confusion, he was also very, very cute. 
Damn him for being attractive. In another world, you might have even liked him. But right now, you had a score to settle. His attractiveness could wait.
“Hi,” you said, plastering a polite smile to your face. “I don’t think we’ve properly met before.” You extended your hand out toward him in a handshake. “My name’s [Y/N]. I live just next door.”
The confusion is his gaze parted slightly to give way to understanding. His lips curled to reveal a blinding white grin as he took your hand in his, shaking it. “Hello,” he said, his low voice practically enveloping itself around you. “I’m Wilbur Soot.”
His hands are so warm, your heart prompted. And soft. His smile is also really pretty. And his voice is so nice!
Shut up, you thought back as you pulled your hand from his. This was unfair. So unfair.
“I moved in a little under a month ago,” you began slowly, doing your best to keep your tone civil and calm, “and I only just realized that I never properly introduced myself to you.”
Wilbur’s grin only seemed to grow wider, and you hated just how sincere it was. “Well, it is certainly a pleasure to meet you.” His eyes darted down to your shirt, and you watched as he shifted awkwardly. “Oh, you, um, have something on your shirt.” He gestured to the bottom of his sweater with a sheepish smile, and you felt yourself losing your grip.
“I know,” you said between clenched teeth. “I spilled some pasta on it. As a matter of fact, I’m actually here to talk to you about that.”
His eyebrows knit together. “About pasta?”
The smile dropped from your face. Oh, that was it.
“Look,” you said sharply, feeling the slightest tinge of delight when you saw him jump a bit at your sudden shift in tone, “if I’m being blatantly honest, you can be really loud at these completely arbitrary times, and I’m just asking you to please, please be at least a little quieter. I startle easily, and your random yelling or wall-smacking or whatever have really been causing problems for me.”
“Like your shirt,” he said quietly.
“Like my shirt,” you confirmed.
The look on his face was genuinely upset, and you almost let yourself feel bad for calling him out. Almost.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I had no idea that this was a problem. This is going to sound really weird, but it’s...” He paused. “...kind of my job to occasionally yell?”
Now it was your turn to be confused. “‘It’s kind of your job...’” You shook your head. “Oh, forget it. Just... if you can, I would really appreciate if you could keep it down, even if only a little.” You grimaced. “I don’t think I can handle dropping another bowl.”
He winced, a wave of guilt flashing across his face. “Seriously,” he said, “I’m really, really sorry. The other neighbours said they were fine with me being a bit loud when I first came here, and I hadn’t even realized that you were new.” He slipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out a wallet. “If you’d like, I’m more than happy to reimburse you for any inconveniences you ran into because of me.”
Your eyes widened, your jaw falling slack. As much trouble as he had caused you, you didn’t want to just take his money. That would be a whole other level of petty.
Holding your hands up in front of you and waving them frantically. “No, no, no, no, no, that’s too much.” You offered him a smile, a real one this time. “Just a little more quiet is perfect for me.”
The relief on his face was evident, but there was also something else there. It sort of looked like awe. “Thank you,” he said. “I never meant to cause you so much harm. I’ll make it up to you, really! I promise.”
“Pinky promise?” you immediately said, raising your hand with your pinky extended. 
A part of you cringed a little at yourself, wondering how childish you must seem right now. Your friends always teased you about making pinky promises even as an adult, years after you had left the playground, but you stood firm in your beliefs—pinky promises were eternal. But for some reason you couldn’t name, you felt almost embarrassed by yourself.
It’s ‘cause you’re into him, your heart chirped, speaking up once more. You want to leave a good impression!
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Shut up, shut up.
However, to your surprise, he nodded, lifting up his own pinky. “Pinky promise.”
You grinned, elation jumping through your veins. He wrapped his pinky around yours and squeezed. You squeezed back, ignoring the tingle that went down your spine as you did so.
Pulling your hand away, you offered him a bashful smile. “Sorry if I came across as really aggressive. I’m not usually like this.”
His lips quirked up at the side. “I don’t blame you, really.” He glanced down at your shirt, again. “If someone made me stain my shirt with pasta, I’d be reasonably upset, too.”
You giggled, waving a hand at him. “Well, you’re a nice guy, so I assure you I’m not that mad.” You stepped back, shooting him a teasing look. “I am going to hold you to that pinky promise, though!”
He laughed and, damnit, even his laugh was cute. “I don’t doubt it.” Stepping back inside his apartment, he raised his hand in a wave. “It was nice meeting you, [Y/N].”
You waved back. “You too, Wilbur.”
As his door fell shut, you sighed to yourself, a sense of satisfaction fell over you. Well, that went much better than I expected, you thought as you walked back to your apartment. You strode over to your kitchen table, picking up your empty plate and fallen fork, wiping off the small mark left by the pasta on the floor. He’s nicer than I thought.
You walked over to your sink, your mind swirling with the interaction you just had as you turned on the tap. Wilbur’s face flashed across your mind, and a familiar, warm buzz ran up your skin, something sweet and soft latching onto your insides like an itch you couldn’t scratch.
Oh. Oh no.
You recognized that feeling. You knew what that fluttering in your stomach was.
You like him! your heart sang, dancing around in your chest and waving a neon sign with Wilbur’s name on it. You tooootally like him!
With a groan, you frowned as you picked up a sponge. Shut up, shut up, shut uuup!
Wilbur Soot may be kind, polite, well-mannered, pretty, cute, and tall, but there was no way you were about to let him off the hook that easily. He ruined your one good white shirt! He just happened to be... less sucky than you thought.
“Wilbur Soot is just my next-door neighbour,” you said quietly aloud to yourself, scrubbing angrily at your dishes, “and I definitely don’t like him.”
But deep down, you knew that it was no use.
You were smitten.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
In a Heartbeat  -  Four
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Pairing: Fireman!Bucky X Reader
Summary: You’ve always been careful with your heart. With your condition, you don’t exactly have any other choice. The last time you let someone in, you paid the price. A price you don’t plan on paying again. Until Bucky comes in and shatters your carefully crafted world.
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Almost Smut
Word Count: 2.3K
A/n: hello I hope you all enjoy this!! I’m loving this series and I hope to keep updating it and Of Kings and Beasts regularly. Idk though. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
“You’re sure I look good?”
Nat groans and climbs off your couch reluctantly, grabbing you by the shoulders and stopping you from pacing anymore.
“You look gorgeous.” You bite your bottom lip nervously, hands itching to come up to your mouth.
Your hair is pushed behind your ears, natural and beautiful, and your makeup is light. Adorning your body is a simple light blue dress that stops just above your knees, as well as a beige cardigan that hangs loosely off of your shoulders.
Nat grabs you a pair of beige heels and shoves them into your hands.
“Put your shoes on and stop worrying. He’s on his way up so even if you didn’t look good there’s no time to change now.” You nod, taking a few deep breaths before crouching down and putting your shoes on. Right as you’re doing up the clasp around your ankle there's a knock on your door.
You freeze in place, looking at Natasha in absolute terror, and she rolls her eyes.
“It’s open!” She calls. You shake your head, one shoe on and the other off as you run to your bedroom.
“I can’t,” you whisper as the door starts to open. Hiding away in your bedroom, you listen to Nat greet Bucky.
“She’s almost ready. Just needs to grow a pair,” The redhead says loudly, her footsteps clomping towards the bedroom door.
She whips it open, ready to give you an earful, but when she sees the genuine fear on your face she reconsiders.
“Beans, you’re gonna be okay. He’s a real gentleman and he won’t do anything that you don’t want to do, I promise.” You take a few deep breaths, trying to hold back tears.
“What if I get hurt again, Nat? I don’t think I could handle it.” The weak whimper that leaves you has her heart shattering in her chest.
“He won’t hurt you. If he does I’ll kill him, I swear I will.” You sniffle and chuckle softly, sliding your foot into your other shoe and doing the clasp up.
“Okay. I think I’m ready.” She nods, taking your hand and giving it a firm squeeze before stepping aside and motioning to the door.
You take a deep breath, lift your chin, then leave your bedroom.
Bucky stands in the doorway, a bouquet of flowers in his grasp. He’s wearing a pair of black jeans and a black button-up, as well as a leather jacket.
“Wow,” he whispers, eyes wide as he takes you in.
“You look... wow.”
You smile shyly at him. “You clean up pretty nice yourself, James.” He chuckles, then, as if remembering he’s holding flowers, offers the bouquet to you.
“I uh... I didn’t know what kind of flowers you’d like... and Steve said to get red roses but Nat said that red roses are for love and I think it’s too early for that because this is our first date and all and I really didn’t wanna scare you away and now I’m definitely talking too much but I’ve been looking forward tot his for.. since we set our real first date and-” Nat interrupts his rambling, hating and loving seeing her usually so confident friend stumbling over his words.
“You’re doing great, Casanova. Keep this up and she won’t even leave.” You glare at Nat over your shoulder, not wanting her to be mean to Bucky.
“Thank you, I love them.”
He got you a bouquet of beautiful lavender roses, white lilies, and an assortment of small little leaves that tie the whole bouquet together.
“Nat, can you put these in a vase for me please?” You hand the bouquet to her after taking a long sniff, smiling eagerly at her. She nods, taking them from you and handing you your purse.
“Now go on. Have fun kids, use a condom and all that.” You groan, risking a glance at Bucky to see that his cheeks are bright pink.
Feeling better at the fact that you’re not the only nervous one, you take his outstretched arm and allow him to walk you out of your apartment.
“So where are you taking me?” You ask, smiling up at him.
“Well, I know this little café that makes these nice little sandwiches. I figured we could start there, grab a bite to eat and see where the day takes us.” You nod, taking a few deep breaths to calm your heart.
“I’m really glad you gave me a chance, I know things started really rocky but I... I’m glad I get a second chance.”
You smile at him, setting down your cup of tea and nodding.
“Of course. I don’t think I would have ever heard the end of it from Nat if I didn’t anyway.” The two of you share a laugh, him smiling brightly at you.
“I’ll make sure I thank her.” You nod, taking another sip of the decaf tea, heart thundering in your chest.
“I-I’m sorry, I just need to take something. I’m very nervous and my heart-” He reaches across the table and grabs your hand, squeezing gently.
“You don’t need to explain it to me if you don’t want to. Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself healthy, okay? Your health and happiness... those are my top priority.” You swear if it wasn’t beating unbearably fast against your ribs it would melt.
You take your pills as discreetly as you can, but Bucky, being ever the gentleman, excused himself to the bathroom to give you space to do whatever you need to do.
“I uh... I pushed Steve out of the way when we were in a really bad fire. I saw the beam coming down and it would’ve killed him. So I pushed him out of the way and... took the damage instead. Doctors told me if I had waited a second longer it would’ve been too high up and would’ve got me right in the chest. Instead... it took my arm.”
You sit idling in Bucky’s truck in front of your apartment, the two of you talking for the past two hours.
“Oh James... I’m so sorry.” He shakes his head, smiling at you. “If it hadn’t happened then Steve wouldn’t be alive and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing I could’ve done something. Besides, Tommy thinks it’s pretty cool.” You nod at that, fingers tracing small patterns on his metal hand.
“I uh... When I was younger my mom was really careful with me. She wouldn’t let me do gym class... I could never go out with friends... nothing. One day we got into a nasty fight before I went to school. We called each other names and said awful things...
“I stopped on my way to school and bought an energy drink.” He stiffens beside you, eyes wide.
“I’d never even had caffeinated tea before, but I was so... so angry. I thought that... ‘whatever happens will teach her’. And I drank it. The whole can. I started feeling it halfway through class and when I raised my hand to tell my teacher... I just passed out. Collapsed right there in the middle of math class. They rushed me to the hospital and... I’ll never forget the fear I saw on my mom’s face. They said I almost killed myself. My heart couldn't handle the caffeine and I almost died. So from then on I just kinda... listened to my mom. Lived my life in the safe lane.”
He’s quiet for a long moment, eyes on your pretty face as you continue tracing patterns on his prosthetic.
“I’m glad you took a chance with me,” he whispers.
You look up at him, a shy smile on your face.
“I am too.”
His eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes, and you do the same, silently granting him permission.
He leans in, and before you have a moment to second-guess your decision, his warm lips are against yours.
You whimper, hand grabbing his wrist while the other finds his hair. He leans forward, lips moving against yours as if that is what they were made to do.
After a moment he pulls away, eyes wide.
“I-I’m sorry! I should’ve told you. I shouldn’t have done that. I-is your heart okay?” You giggle, pushing him back into his seat and climbing over until you’re seated comfortably on his lap.
“It's gonna take a little more than some kissing to stop me,” you whisper, bringing your lips back down onto his.
He kisses you with newfound passion, hands gripping your waist and pulling you tight against him. His tongue explores your mouth, dancing with your own and making you feel things you haven’t felt in... ever.
When you pull away to breathe he doesn't stop. No, his lips, teeth, and tongue work their way down your neck until you’re quivering on top of him, body desperate for more.
“Come upstairs,” you whisper, panting against his mouth.
He lets out a weak chuckle then sighs, shaking his head.
“I shouldn’t.” You pull away, giving him a confused look. “Why not?” His hands find your thighs beneath your dress and he rubs his thumbs in circles on the soft skin.
“I... I wanna take my time with you. I wanna take you out again and I wanna wine and dine you real nice. If we just get right to it... It doesn’t feel right.” You go to climb off his lap but he stops you.
“This feels right. I didn’t mean that this,” he motions to where you are,” doesn’t feel right. I just... you already deserve so much more than I can give you, and I wanna do everything I can to prove that I’m gonna take care of you. Believe me, I wanna come upstairs and fuck you until you can’t remember your goddamn name.” You shiver at his words and he chuckles, pulling your hips forward a bit. You gasp as you feel his hard length through his pants, pressing up against you.
“I fucking want you,” he murmurs, leaning forward to press a kiss to your neck. “You’ve got no idea how bad I want you. But you deserve to be taken out and treated like a queen.” He pulls away, flesh hand coming up and cupping your cheek.
“I like you, (Y/n). And I don’t wanna ruin things before they get good.” You rest your hands against his chest, fingers splayed on the warm skin beneath his shirt from where you’ve popped a few buttons open.
“I like you too, James. A lot more than I thought I would. And... if I’m being honest... that scares me.” He frowns, looking up at you and waiting for you to continue.
“I just... what if something happens to you?” His heart melts and he leans up, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, and then another.
“Don’t you worry about me, pretty girl. I’m not going anywhere. Not as long as I’ve got you willing to wait for me.” You grin, nodding and leaning down to press a kiss to his chest. Your lips linger long enough to feel the steady pulsing beneath the skin.
“I’m gonna be waiting for as long as you’ll have me.”
He walks you up to your apartment, hand held tightly in yours and a goofy smile on his face.
When you reach your door you feel sad that the night is coming to an end. Slowly you turn to him, eyes filled with things you want to say but can’t explain.
He simply chuckles softly, metal hand cupping your jaw gently.
“Text me when you get home, okay?” You ask softly, eyelids fluttering closed as he leans down. His lips find yours and you never want them to leave.
They fit so perfectly against yours, you could spend all of eternity kissing him.
Unfortunately, he pulls away after another fantastic moment.
You pull your bottom lip into your mouth, eyes on his as he slowly stands up to his full height.
“You can still wine and dine me even if you stay the night,” you whisper, already knowing what his answer will be.
He laughs quietly, shaking his head while smile lines fan out around his eyes.
“You, (Y/n), are gonna be the death of me. But god, what a way to go.” He presses a gentle kiss to your cheek then a lingering kiss to your knuckles before pulling away slowly.
“I’ll see you soon, babydoll. And I promise to text when I get home.” You nod, watching as he walks down the hallway. He shoots a glance over his shoulder when he reaches the elevator, a smile spreading on his face and red coating his cheeks as he sees you watching him.
Only once the door is closed do you unlock your apartment.
You hardly have time to step a foot in when you hear the door behind you open up.
“Next time you put on a show like that let me know so I can make popcorn.” You giggle, turning to Gladys and shaking your head.
“If we had known you’d be peeping on us we wouldn’t have done anything.” She shrugs, smiling at you. “It’s hard not to watch with a man like that standing there.” You roll your eyes at her.
“Goodnight, Gladys.” She’s already back in her apartment.
“So I’m assuming it went well?”
You nearly scream.
“Nat?! What the fuck!” She laughs, throwing her head back and letting out a good belly-laugh.
“You should’ve seen your face!” You glare at her, throwing your purse at her.
“Not funny! Why are you still here?” You kick off your shoes and groan as your toes finally have time to relax after being in heels all day.
“After last time I wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. But from the sounds of it I almost caught something scarring, didn’t I?” You shake your head, sighing and plopping down on the couch with her.
“He’s a fucking gentleman. For better or for worse.” She nods, hand slapping your knee.
“I told you. He’s gonna treat you right, Beans. I promise.”
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thebadbatch · 3 years
Could I have a Hunter x reader imagine with scenario 12 and prompts 6 from sad and prompt 9 from angry/jealous/protective ? Female reader would be great :) thank you!!!
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I really do hope this is what you were looking for! If there's anything your unhappy with let me know and I'll change it for you! :) I hope you enjoy it!
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Hunter x FemReader
Plot: The reader gets into a troublesome situation during a mission with Hunter, luckily he's there to help!
Warnings: Descriptions of violence and Injury!
Stay with me
Cid had another mission for you and the rest of The Bad Batch, which in all honesty, you were pretty thrilled about due to the high pay in credits. It would definitely give you enough to get your new gun upgrades with your share. Though, as the others had reminded you, the higher the pay the harder the mission would be and in all honesty you didn't take their words seriously until now. Currently, you were dragging yourself in your custom armour through the desert sweating and desperate for some kind of shade. Hunter was walking beside you, chuckling at your tired self as he fiddled with his knife. Only you two had been assigned to this area, the other four sticking with the ship to do some mandatory repairs. 
"Are we almost there?" You sighed, making sure your blaster was still hooked securely against your hip and trying your best to keep up with Hunter who really didn't seem to mind the heat. He laughed a little more, turning toward you as he softly grabbed your arm to pull you closer. 
"Keep up, soldier." Hunter reminded, placing his knife back against his arm and gazing around the deserted and broken ships covered in sand. "We shouldn't be too far off, we should head to that ship over there." His finger pointed toward a half broken star destroyer which seemed to have been deserted for many years, luckily for you two. 
"It looks uh, pretty broken up." You tilted your head a little as you both grew closer. "Is this definitely where the shipment is?" Hunter crouched alongside it, checking for a control panel he just knew was nearby despite the sand coating most of it. 
"Affirmative." Chuckling at his words, you crouched down beside him placing your knees against the sand that sunk down a little. You were familiar with this from your home planet, remembering how sand was always accompanied with a huge ocean - unfortunately not here though on Jakku. You swore if there was water right now you'd definitely be in it, kriff the credits. "Found it!" Hunter grinned as he slammed the control panel with one punch, the door opening and allowing sand to fall into it along with you two. The drop wasn't much, just enough to make you wobble a little and lose your footing. Hunter luckily had caught you, his arms around you which caused your face to heat up. Thank stars for your signature helmet, though you were pretty certain Hunter had picked up on your increased heart rate. Adjusting yourself with a little cough, you allowed your eyes to scan the ship you were on whilst activating your helmet torch with Hunter doing the same. 
"Right, find the supply shipment then we can head back to the Havoc, right?" You began to follow in his footsteps, keeping your blasters in your hands. 
"Yeah, sounds simple enough but there are gonna be some obstacles I'm certain." Hearing the footsteps belonging to you both echo around the metal hallway you both lingered in, you allowed a light sigh. 
"Obstacles? Like what?" You practically felt his grin with his blaster in hand ensuring the coast was clear. 
"This is your first time at Jakku, right?" You could only nod in response, genuinely curious to the dangers you both may face. "This place is home to thieves, outlaws and scavengers - just be on lookout alright?" You smirked under your helmet before turning the corner with him. 
"Nothing we can't handle, right?" Hunter stifled a laugh as you both approached another room, slamming the control panel down as it opened - surprised to find the room well lit with electricity pumping through the circuits. Keeping your blaster on you, you began to look around the room keeping an eye out for the crate you were assigned to collect. 
"Here." He grinned, turning toward the box and typing in the code Tech had given you both to open the crate and bring it back. "Right let's take it out of here and get back, I'm getting a bad feeling." With a quick nod, you pressed a button on it causing it to levitate as you pushed it forward, following Hunter's footsteps as a new layer of tension appeared. Something was up and he knew that, you both didn't want to run into any trouble. Though then again, it seemed too late for that as you were pulled back with a blaster placed to your head - your helmet being removed and tossed aside like it was nothing. 
"Hunter-" Your voice called, genuinely quaking as your blaster was tossed aside as well, clanking against the floor which made him turn around and pull out his knife beside his blaster. 
"Shut it, girl." The man snarled, pulling you closer and tilting the blaster against your head. "I believe that you're taking something that belongs to us, so in return I think we're going to be taking something that belongs to you." Hunter snarled and stepped forward, keeping his blaster pointed toward the man who held you and his knife threateningly turned toward the other person who had taken your gear. 
"Back away from y/n otherwise I swear to Maker you won't live to see tomorrow." 
The man who held you laughed, turning toward his friend who grabbed your blaster and pointed it toward Hunter who didn't hesitate to shoot at him. The blast unfortunately missed the man but hit the gun, resulting in it being thrown back across the room.
"Now you've just made a stupid mistake haven't you?" He growled, shooting down at your leg causing you to cry out for Hunter - falling against the man who moved the gun back against your skull. "Now drop your weapons and the girl lives, simple solution don't you think?" Hunter's face turned from seriousness to panic at your pain, reverting quickly to anger as he threw his gun and knife down against the floor. 
"Kill me but please, just leave y/n." His words were gentle as he knelt on the floor to the man's request, hands behind his head and his eyes grew glassy at your pained state. 
"What do you think we are? Generous?" He chuckled a little, his laugh a little psychotic. "Shoot him." As the other person raised the gun to Hunter, you screamed and kicked with your legs straight into the man's knee and once he fell back, you stomped on it ensuring it was broken. Dodging the bullets that the man on the floor and beside you shot, you kicked the gun away from him and held it yourself - shooting the other person with ease before collapsing against the floor. Hunter rushed toward you, grabbing his weapons and ensuring they were both down for the count. A movement from the other person made him snarl as he shot out at him before picking you up against his chest securely. 
"Y/n! Y/n come on stay with me." You sighed a little against his chest, whimpering at the sting of pain the bullet had caused against your leg - it was definitely bleeding but it was difficult to treat underneath your armour. Grabbing the crate, he laid you on top with your helmet and blaster beside you, pushing you out and straight back to the Havoc as promised. Whilst he was running with you, doing his best to keep you conscious, his words were pretty gentle. "It's alright Mesh'la I've got you, you're gonna be okay." You couldn't help but allow a smile to fall against your face, you felt awesome. Saving Hunters life definitely got you first dibs on rations until the guilt wore down - if it ever did for him anyway. You wouldn't let anybody hurt him just like he was about to give his life for you. Finally reaching the Havoc Marauder, you heard Hunter's pleas for help as he rushed in - Tech soon at your side with the others. 
"I'm fine." You coughed out, attempting to sit up only to wince at the pain as your armour was removed leaving you in your blacks so that Tech could assess your wound. 
"You're not fine but you'll live now you're here." With his words, he applied a bacta wrap to your leg after burning the wound shut. Your face was scrunched up with pain, Hunter holding your hand and threading his fingers through your hair. 
"Good girl." He smiled, keeping you back against him. Smiling against him, you held on gently before he huffed a little. "But don't you ever be that reckless again, I had a plan." Laughing a little, you turned your tired gaze to him. 
"Oh yeah? I didn't see you doing anything." He blushed a little at your words as he gently held you closer to him. 
"I'd lay down my life for you, y/n - I hope you realise that. I'd do it willingly, I always will." You nodded gently before pressing a light and thankful kiss to his cheek. 
"You won't have to with me around, now don't be so stupid next time." You chuckled gently as he smiled down at you as the others gently gathered around ensuring you were alright. As protective as he is, you knew he'd want to get his revenge somehow - their death wasn't enough. As long as you were alive with him though, you knew he'd be alright. He wouldn't go off the rails anytime soon with you keeping him in check. 
"Stay with me, y/n."
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
winter love (all i want for Christmas is you) -- Hotch x Fem!Reader
Hi hi hi!! I have literally been writing this on and off since September, and now I finally get to share it!! A few quick things: this fic has very much Hallmark vibes but does have a good dose of angst too; for the sake of this fic, Aaron was born and raised in Virginia; and Jack was never born (sorry buddy!).
I listened to Michael Bublé’s songs “All I Want for Christmas Is You” and “Cold December Night” a lot while writing this, so feel free to play those while you read! xx.
(The gif is from google because once again, my gif search is broken on here because apparently this post is too long?? Rip me)
Summary: You’ve returned back to your hometown after leaving to get your education, but you didn’t expect to run into your childhood best friend (and first love). 
Word count: 9.4k
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If you told yourself a few months ago that you’d be moving back to Virginia, you would’ve scoffed and probably laughed -- loudly. Your mom, on the other hand, would’ve been elated, and swore she knew it.
Like she’s doing now.
“I’m just so excited to have you home again,” she gushes, helping you carry boxes of your clothes up to your old childhood room.
The room needs some work, like taking down all these embarrassing posters and changing the sheets to something not so cringe-worthy (thankfully, it’s a full-size bed instead of the old twin you grew up sleeping on). But it’ll be fine for the time being. It’s not like you’re going to find an apartment right before Christmas, or that you even want to. It’s been a while since you’ve spent a full Christmas season with your mom.
You’ve been studying out of state for the past six years, working to get your masters and doctorate degrees — which you’ve completed. But now you need a job and a new start, which is why you decided to come home.
You’ve missed Virginia a lot more than you’ll admit. It’s hard not to miss your hometown when you’re gone from it for so long.
“We need a Christmas tree,” you say, as you come back down the stairs. “Christmas is next week, how do you not have a tree up yet?”
“I wasn’t going to get one without you,” your mom says like the fact should’ve been obvious to you.
You laugh as you plop down next to her on the couch. “I know. We should go tomorrow.”
“Whenever you want to,” she smiles, squeezing your arm. “Have you been to your coffee shop yet?”
“My coffee shop?” You raise an eyebrow. “Since when has it been mine?”
“Since you practically lived there during high school,” your mom counters.
She has a point. “Well, no, I haven’t. I just got here.”
“You should go.”
You raise both eyebrows this time, turning your entire body to face her. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why are you trying to get me to go back there?”
“Why don’t you want to?”
You give her a look. “You know why.”
“I don’t.”
She does. She knows exactly what happened there.
“I’m not repeating it,” you mutter. “And I’ll be finding a new coffee shop, thank you very much.”
“Oh, you can’t let one bad experience stop you from going there!”
“So you do remember!”
“How could I forget? When you were a wreck for months after. I still never forgave him for that, you know.”
You shake your head, settling back against the couch pillows. “It’s been long enough now that I think forgiveness won’t hurt anyone.”
You say that, and yet you don’t want to step foot in that shop ever again.
It was the summer before your junior year. Aaron was a rising senior, so there was the weight of it being his last year already hanging in the air. Especially when he was already looking at a pre-law track for college — meaning he’d be insanely busy after graduation with not much time for you.
Unfortunately, you didn’t realize that his being too busy for you would start before then.
You were a year younger — technically almost two, but the way your birthday fell, you were only one grade younger — but that didn’t stop Aaron from being your friend. At first you thought he had ill intentions (as most older boys in high school did), but he didn’t. He genuinely enjoyed your company, and you genuinely enjoyed his.
More than genuinely. You say now that you don’t believe in love at first sight, but you know that’s because it already happened for you, and you believe it to be a one-time deal.
That one time was when Aaron sat across from you at the lunch table.
You were alone and reading a book. You were a freshman then, and being an extra year younger didn’t exactly help in the whole making friends department. Especially when a lot of your peers were already aware of your age.
But Aaron wasn’t aware, nor did he even care.
He saw that you were alone, and reading, and he decided to sit with you. He wanted to read too, anyway, but he knew he didn’t always like being alone when he read. Something told him you were the same way.
He was correct.
It took almost the entire fall semester before either of you said one word to each other. Sometimes you’d be too engrossed in the book you were reading to even notice he’d sat down in front of you. And when you would finally notice, he would be the one with his nose too deep in the book to notice.
But eventually, you started sharing book recommendations.
Which eventually turned into helping each other with homework. You were always better at math and Spanish than he was (you were already in the sophomore levels of these classes as a freshman), but he was always good with history and English. He must’ve noticed you were in freshman English and history, but he never commented on it — at least not in a way that said he was bullying you.
That winter break was when you started going to the coffee shop together. It was within walking distance of the high school, so the two of you would go at the end of the day until your parents could pick you up. Sometimes your mom would drive him home, or vice versa.
And when Aaron got his license, he’d drive you both there and drop you off at home.
The two of you were inseparable. Almost literally.
Until Aaron met Haley.
Haley was in theatre. She was everything you weren’t. Aaron’s age, pretty, funny, outgoing, and worst of all: popular.
You watched your best friend fall in love.
And that wouldn’t have hurt as bad as it did if it wasn’t Haley he was falling for.
You kept your feelings for Aaron quiet, even to your mom — though you found out later that she always knew. You had almost thought he felt the same, or that he might be beginning to, and then suddenly he was talking about some girl named Haley.
Only she wasn’t just “some girl” to him, or even to you. Everyone knew Haley Brooks.
Slowly, your lunch table conversations were less about what the two of you were going to do the coming weekend, and more about Haley. How he was going to get her to notice him (join theatre, even though he never liked theatre before her). How he was going to ask her on a date (it wouldn’t be a date at first, just dinner after theatre rehearsal, that ended up being with the entire cast, but he sat next to her). How he was going to win her over (he brought flowers to the first performance and surprised her backstage). How he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend (that was the same night as the flowers, completely unplanned, but she said yes).
How he thought he might want to marry her one day.
The last hurt most of all. He confessed it to you one night out of the blue as he was driving you home after school. You knew you could handle him being in love with someone else. Some sick part of you knew — or hoped, rather — that the relationship wouldn’t last. What high school relationship lasts longer than a few months, anyway?
But when Aaron fell for Haley, he fell completely. And hard.
He started cancelling plans with you to spend time with Haley — before they were even dating. When they were dating, he stopped making plans with you altogether.
Then came the summer before his senior year.
It had been months since you saw him last. You had a new lunch period the second half of the year because one of your favorite teachers asked for help during the period, which meant you didn’t have lunch with Aaron — but you don’t even think he noticed.
June came and went. The two of you barely saw one another, barely talked when you did. But when you did, you clung to those moments like they were your only lifeline. In a way, they were.
July finally came and he actually made plans to see you. He said he wanted to get coffee again, catch up, hang out for a few hours, sit in silence, even, whatever you wanted. You were excited.
Some part of you thought that he had broken up with Haley — wishful thinking, but you were sixteen and in love, what else were you supposed to think?
But he hadn’t broken up with her. They were very much in love. You know. You witnessed it.
Apparently, Haley didn’t like the idea of Aaron getting coffee and lunch alone with a female friend. So, she took it upon herself to tag along.
You saw them sharing a kiss through the window, Aaron’s back facing you. When they pulled away, Haley’s eyes caught yours, but she said nothing to Aaron, just pulled him back in for another kiss.
You didn’t go into the shop that day. And you haven’t since.
The last time you saw Aaron was the day before he moved to college. He was stopping by to say goodbye to you.
You were reading a book in your room, and your eyes caught the movement on the driveway. You told your mom to say you weren’t home.
You watched him leave from your bedroom window, hands stuffed in his pockets.
You heard that Aaron and Haley got married. Not because you wanted to hear, but because your mom told you. She probably meant well, but you drank an entire bottle of wine that night. You weren’t even 21 yet at the time.
Of course, it’s been years since then. You’re all fine now, and you’ve got the student loan debt to prove it.
But even with three degrees, job hunting can be a bitch. Especially this time of year.
You need coffee.
You blame the fact that this coffee shop is the best one around. And the fact that it’s Christmas season, meaning they have your favorite drink again.  
Dark chocolate peppermint mocha. It’s a godsend. And you haven’t had one in years.
Well, you have. But they haven’t been from here. They haven’t had this shop’s specially made peppermint whipped cream, or the peppermint stick that can be used to stir.
You hate how much you have to psych yourself up before you walk inside. You don’t even know where Aaron is these days or what he’s doing. He could be halfway across the country for all you know.
So, with that fact in mind, you walk inside. You embrace the familiar sight and smells, remembering what it felt like the last time you were here.
You move toward the counter, falling in the short line to the register. And your stomach flips when you see a familiar face standing in front of you.
Well, his back is facing you, so you don’t see his face, but you know it’s him. There’s this thing about first loves. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since the last time you’ve seen them. You’ll always recognize everything about them. The back of their head, their shoulders, their hands, the way they walk.
Their voice. Even if it’s deeper than the last time you heard it.
Maybe he won’t recognize me.
But what you don’t know is that no amount of time could pass to make you unrecognizable to Aaron.
Or that he saw your reflection in the glass case next to him when you got in line, and he’s been internally trying to figure out what the hell to say to you since.
If it hadn’t been for his voice, you wouldn’t have recognized Aaron at all. A black coffee? That’s it?
The barista pours it and slides it over to him before he’s even done paying. He’s at a coffee shop -- this coffee shop, and he orders a black coffee?
Who is he?
You step up to the register as he steps away, and you swear you see him looking at you through the corner of your eyes. But you must be seeing things because why would he do that?
You focus on ordering -- a medium peppermint mocha, complete with the whipped cream and peppermint stick. After paying, you step to the side to wait for your coffee.
You nearly knock right into Aaron, but you stop yourself, well aware of his presence.
Another thing about first loves: you’re always painfully aware of their presence.
“Hi,” he says, awkward and fumbling even though it’s only one word. He’s wearing a stuffy suit and tie, which seems odd, but you’re positive that’s just normal lawyer attire. He probably lives in a suit these days. His hair is shorter than it used to be and he looks older, but so do you. Despite all of this, he’s still Aaron. He’s still the same Aaron Hotchner you fell in love with at sixteen.
“Hi,” you return the awkward smile, tugging on the strap of your purse. After a beat, you nod toward his drink. “Black coffee, huh?” You try to tease. “Who hurt you?”
He laughs loudly then, shoulders and head shaking. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Hotchner,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around yourself.
The conversation dies for a moment, so you busy yourself by looking at the different cakes and pastries in the glass case. You probably should’ve gotten one, but maybe another time.
Another time. Fifteen minutes ago you wouldn’t be caught dead in this shop and now you’re already thinking about another time.
“Are you busy?” Aaron suddenly asks, prompting you to look at him with furrowed brows. “Do you mind if I join you?”
“Not at all,” you smile gently, knowing you might regret this later. But it’s been over a decade since you’ve seen him last. One coffee won’t hurt.
And I’m over him, you remind yourself, no matter how untrue it might be.
Once you have your peppermint mocha -- finally, you think, it’s been too long -- you walk with Aaron to find a table. A lot has changed about this shop, but one thing that hasn’t (because there isn’t much that can be changed) is the seating.
Aaron leads you to your old table. The table the two of you practically lived at.
It makes your heart warm and ache all at once. The drink you decided to order isn’t helping matters either.
“So…” You pause, shifting in your seat. “What are you up to these days?”
“You stole my question,” he jokes.
“Tough,” you smile into your drink. “I asked it first.”
He chuckles, but answers anyway. “I’m working for the BAU now.”
“The B-A-What?”
“The-- FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
Your eyes widen. “Did you… Did you really just say you’re working for the FBI?”
“I think so,” he says. “I’m the unit chief.”
“You’re the-- Okay. So, you don’t work for the...the BAU, they work for you.”
“We’re a team,” he offers.
“Said every boss ever,” you quip, taking a long drink of your mocha. You take the peppermint stick in between your fingers and stir, eyebrows furrowing down at the swirl of coffee and whipped cream. “So...what do you do exactly?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then stops, hesitating. “Do you really want to know?”
You give him a look. “Of course I do.”
“It’s not great.”
“Aaron, just tell me, or I’ll start reciting my dissertation word for word.” Your statement stuns him to silence, so badly that you almost laugh. “That’s boring. Working for the FBI can’t possibly be boring.”
“Oh, it’s never boring, that’s for sure,” he mutters. “We profile serial killers.”
“You what?”
He laughs. “We look at their behaviors and crimes and build a profile, what they might look like, their age, that stuff.”
“I can’t believe you’re interested.”
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t be,” you counter. “You know I thrive off this stuff.”
“I remember,” he says quietly.
And just like that, you remember, too.
It’s so easy to forget about all the hurt he caused, all the pain he left behind. Especially because you know he never intended to hurt you. He would never do that, not to you, not on purpose. You never told him how you felt. It’s not his fault he couldn’t read your mind.
“Well, you’ve got a doctorate,” he says, shifting the conversation. “What else are you up to?”
“How did you know it’s a doctorate?” You raise an eyebrow. “Are you profiling me? Did I use that correctly?”
“Yes,” he smiles. “And no, not intentionally. You said you’d recite your dissertation. Those are normally written to get doctorate degrees. You always wanted one, I assumed you met your goal.”
“You assume correct,” you nod. “I’m back to start job and apartment hunting, but after the new year. I wanted to spend some time with my mom.”
“How is she doing?”
“She’s good, she--” You pause, shaking your head with a laugh. “She actually brought you up yesterday.”
“Me?” Aaron looks genuinely shocked.
“Yeah, you,” you knock your foot against his leg without thinking, but you pay no mind, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to it. “She’s actually the one who put the bug in my ear to come here.”
“Yeah, I haven’t been back here since…”
It takes him a moment, but he nods slowly. “Right.”
“Yeah,” you draw your legs closer to you on instinct. “But that was a long time ago. How are you and Haley?”
You don’t expect the way his face falls. You glance down at his left hand. No ring.
“We got a divorce a few years ago, split up about a good year before that,” Aaron explains. “She’s good, last I heard. Remarried already.”
“Wow,” you murmur, not knowing what else to say. “What-- I mean, what happened?” When he hesitates, you backpedal. “Sorry, I shouldn’t even ask, it’s probably a sensitive question.”
“It’s okay,” Aaron chuckles. “I don’t mind talking about it with you.”
That sends a dangerous flutter through your stomach. “Okay. Well I’m all ears.”
“Oh, it’s not a long story, it was just my job,” he shrugs. “I took the unit chief position and she was happy at first. But then, there was a period of time where we had what felt like case after case after case.” He shakes his head. “I was barely home, but I was barely in one state for long, anyway. It was a stressful time. We were everywhere at once.”
“That does sound stressful,” you frown. “Has it slowed down now?”
“Kind of, it has its moments,” he admits. “But being gone so much, it took a toll on her. She wanted to start a family, but said she couldn’t do that if I was never there.”
“But I mean she had to have known how your schedule would be with the new job, right?”
“Yeah,” he says, then shrugs. “It’s been so long now that I stopped trying to understand her thought process.”
“I get that,” you say sincerely. You understand not wanting to waste energy on something like that anymore. Sometimes you just have to give it up and have peace with the fact that you’ll never understand.
“What about you?” He asks suddenly, catching you off guard. “Seeing anyone?” He adds it quietly, like he’s shy.
Aaron Hotchner. Shy. Around you.
“Oh,” you nearly laugh at the prospect. “No. No, I’m not. Do you really think I would be if I was moving back in with my mom?”
He laughs, bringing his coffee to his lips. “You have a point there.”
A comforting silence settles over the two of you after that.
You shouldn’t feel slightly giddy that his and Haley’s relationship didn’t work out in the end. You’re over him by now, anyway. But something about being right has you fighting a smile. You smother the urge, though, knowing he probably doesn’t want to hear anyone, let alone you, say, “I told you so.”
You do feel bad for him, genuinely. Divorce is never easy for anyone, and you hate he went through that. Especially like that. Haley knew his work schedule would change. Why would she act supportive if she knew this in advance? Just sits uneasy with you, that’s all.
Of course, you feel that overprotective-best-friend nature coming back to you.
“What plans do you have now that you’re back?” He asks, keeping the conversation up, but you can tell he’s earnest — which makes you smile.
“Nothing, really. My mom and I are getting a Christmas tree later, but that’s all I have on my schedule.” You pause, giving him another look. “We both know you were my only friend in high school. Who do you think I’m going to see while I’m here?”
“Hopefully a lot of me,” he replies easily, smiling around his coffee.
And for once, you don’t hesitate to reply. “I hope so, too, actually. I didn’t think you were still around here. And I really didn’t expect you to be working for the FBI.”
“This might be presumptuous of me, but what are you doing this weekend?” He asks, quickly adding on, “A good friend of mine is hosting a Christmas party for the team, and I’ve basically been threatened to bring a plus one.”
“Threatened, huh?” You raise an eyebrow.
He nods seriously. “They won’t let me inside without one.”
You gasp comically, keeping up the act. “Well you can’t miss the party!”
“I know,” he sighs, propping his head in his hand.
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to come with,” you say, still deadly serious.
But Aaron’s lips split into a grin the same time yours does. “It’s this Saturday.”
“Lucky for you, I’m free.”
He doesn’t stop grinning. “I can pick you up, if you want.”
“Yeah, I’d love that,” you say. “I should probably give you my number, shouldn’t I?”
“I was going to ask,” he admits.
You roll your eyes playfully. “I figured.”
After exchanging numbers, the two of you return to your idle conversations. Only, they’re less idle than they ever have been before.
He vents about still not understanding how people can be capable of the things he sees. How he knows that everyone is capable of unspeakable things, but it’s how they do it that still makes him stumble sometimes. And you try to sympathize, though you know you can’t. But still you tell him not to try to understand.
“You’re a good man,” you say. “You’re not going to understand it because you’re not like them.”
“Thank you,” he whispers. “I know that, consciously. Sometimes it’s good to hear it from someone else.”
Then he tells you it’s your turn, and again, you don’t feel the need to hesitate.
You tell him how you weren’t planning on moving back here at all. But the job market where you were didn’t...fit you, for some reason. You never felt like you belonged, and so maybe that’s why you wanted to come back here.
Because even though you left this place heartbroken, you still felt like you belonged when you were here. You felt like you belonged when you were with him, but you don’t tell him that.
Something tells you he heard it anyway, though. Being a profiler and all. Which you still don’t quite understand, but you’re sure he’ll have plenty of time to tell you in the coming future.
After an hour or two, you decide it’s time for you to head back home. Partly because you need to make some lunch for yourself, and partly because you’ve watched Aaron dismiss at least three phone calls in the last twenty minutes.
But he didn’t say a word each time, so you know he won’t tell you who it is or if he needs to go. It makes your heart warm at the thought that he wants to spend more time with you, but if it’s his job, then he needs to go.
He walks you to your car and you hug him around his neck, unashamedly taking a deep breath of his cologne when you stretch up to wrap your arms around him. He didn’t wear cologne back in high school. But this one smells good.
You mentally prepare yourself on the way home for the amount of questions your mom is no doubt going to ask.
You’re supposed to be going to pick out a tree with her today, which means you were supposed to be home a little earlier than this, which means your mom probably already knows what happened and you won’t even get a chance to explain yourself.
In the end, your prediction was correct.
“How was your peppermint mocha?” You glance over to the couch and find your mom sitting there, idly reading a book.
The question is as directly indirect as they come. You raise an eyebrow and kick the front door closed (yes, she asked before you even stepped foot inside the house). “It was good,” you reply, shrugging your jacket off your shoulders. “Why?”
“Oh, you enjoyed it for almost two hours, so I was just wondering.” Your mom fights back a grin, but she’s not doing a very good job.
You sigh. “Just go ahead and ask.”
She closes her book. “Alright, fine, I will. How is Aaron?”
There it is.
“He’s good,” you answer rather pointedly, making your way into the living room. “He’s working for the FBI now.”
“Oh, I knew that already.”
You plop down next to her on the couch. “Seriously?”
“Of course!” She cries, like it should be obvious. “Small talk happens when you see someone in the store.”
“Right,” you scoff. “Anyway, thanks for not telling me him and Haley divorced.”
She grimaces.
“Yeah, exactly,” you nod at her expression. “That’s how I felt. I bet it was just awesome of me to ask about how him and his ex-wife are doing.”
“I’m sorry,” your mom says. “It completely slipped my mind. It’s been so long since those two split.”
“Why didn’t you tell me when it happened?”
“Because I didn’t want to bring him up,” she answers sincerely. “You seemed like you had really moved on. I figured it didn’t matter, and I didn’t want to make you start thinking about him again when you had finally gotten over it all.”
“Oh,” you murmur. “Well, thank you, then, but...still. I feel like an idiot.”
“Did he seem angry when you asked?”
“No, the opposite,” you sigh. “He explained what happened and I let him talk about it for a second, but he seems mostly moved on from it.”
“I don’t know how he can be,” your mom scoffs. “She’s already remarried, you know.”
“Yeah, he told me.”
Your mom shakes her head. “I should’ve shook some sense into that boy when he came to say goodbye that day.” Then she pauses, poking your leg. “And I should’ve made you say goodbye to him. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”
“I didn’t wanna talk to him,” you shrug. “We barely had all year, anyway. And one goodbye would not have stopped him from going to college and marrying Haley, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know.” She sighs. “It’s fun to think about, though.”
“Well stop thinking about it,” you mutter. “We are friends and he’s probably seeing someone by now. I don’t even know how long I’ll be here, so.”
Your mom raises her eyebrows. “I never said anything about what you guys are now.”
Damn. Caught. “I know, but I’m just...catching you before you do.”
“Mmm, more like catching yourself.”
“Shut up.”
She lightly hits you with a pillow. “Don’t say that to your mother,” she jokes. “Especially not when I’m right and you know it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to pick out a tree?”
“Of course,” she replies. “Just let me find my shoes.”
While she’s getting ready -- because “finding her shoes” really means fixing her hair and makeup and changing outfits a couple times -- you get a text from Aaron.
Aaron: It was nice catching up with you today
You smile and type your reply. Ditto. We should do it again sometime.
He doesn’t reply, but you figure he’s busy at work, anyway. And you’ve got a tree to pick out and decorate, so you’re technically busy, too.
You try not to think too much about it.
And truthfully, you don’t think much about it, until Aaron finally replies. It’s hours later when you’re decorating the freshly-cut Christmas tree in the living room, with Michael Bublé’s Christmas album playing through the stereo speakers. It’s just like when you were younger.
You check your phone and see that it’s Aaron texting you back, but you pocket it before reading the message. You’re busy.
Your mom notices the change on your face. “Everything alright?” She asks as she places a snowflake ornament on one of the smaller branches.
You nod without thinking, hating yourself for even feeling what you’re feeling right now. A glittery red ornament hangs from your index finger as you try to find the right branch to hang it on -- and while your mind wanders all over the place.
“Clearly not,” your mom replies. “But alright.” She turns and reaches into a different box, picking up one of the golden jingle bells that she always hides deep within the tree each year. When you were younger, she’d hide them without you seeing, and then on Christmas Eve you’d have to search the tree for them before you could open one present before going to sleep.
You snort a laugh, always loving her way of getting you to open up: sarcasm. “It’s just Aaron.”
“Texting me,” you explain, looking down at the glitter coating your fingertips from the ornaments.
“Aren’t you going to reply?” She asks, grabbing another jingle bell.
“Technically he’s the one replying from earlier today.”
You sigh. Time to cave. “He invited me to a Christmas party this weekend.”
Your mom doesn’t even try to hide her excitement or her wide grin. “Really? That’s great!”
Is it? You want to ask, but you stop yourself. “Yeah,” you shrug. “I guess so. It’ll be nice to hang out with him more.” You pause, finally hanging the small glittery red ornament on the tree that you’ve been idly holding for the past two minutes. “Apparently a friend of his is hosting it and basically told him he wouldn’t be allowed inside without a plus one.” You chuckle quietly, knowing Aaron had to have rolled his eyes when his friend told him that.
“So it’s...a date, then?”
“What? No,” you shake your head. “No, no. Not a date. He didn’t phrase it that way.”
“Sweetheart, plus one implies date.”
“Who says?”
“Everyone!” Your mom laughs. “Bringing a plus one to a wedding is usually a casual date, if not bringing your significant other along.”
“This isn’t a wedding, it’s just a Christmas get together.”
“Same difference.”
“Well, I think you’re doing that thing again where you try to plant seeds in my brain for things that are unnecessary,” you raise an eyebrow at her when she avoids eye contact, so you know you’ve caught her red-handed. “All that aside,” you sigh. “I’m over him. It’s been so long. If something was going to happen, it would have already.”
“Whatever you say,” she shrugs indifferently, grabbing the final jingle bell to hide in the top of the tree. For a brief moment, you wish you hadn’t been watching where she hid them, so you could do the search on Christmas Eve one more time.
You bump into Aaron one more time, two days later, at the same coffee shop.
“Back for more?” He teases as he slides into the seat across from you, another black coffee in his right hand.
You’re sitting at the table the two of you call home with yet another peppermint mocha sitting in front of you and your laptop. More job hunting is the task for today, even though you’re ready to give up and just pick it back up after the New Year. It’s not like your mom is making you pay rent, and you have enough in savings to help with groceries (without her knowledge, of course, because she refuses to let you pay for anything) and buy your own coffees. But, you decided to give it one last go today.
That is, until Aaron slid into the seat in front of you. Now, you close your laptop and place it back in your bag. “Just needed some fuel for more job hunting,” you grin. “What are you doing here?”
“I took off for lunch for once and thought I might find you here.”
“Oh?” You raise your eyebrows. “Were you seeking me out, Hotchner?”
“Maybe a little,” he admits with a shy smile. “Are you still good for tomorrow?”
“As long as you are,” you nod. “What time?”
“I’ll pick you up at five, if that’s good?”
“Perfect,” you smile. “Are you ready to introduce me to your friends?”
“Depends,” he exhales exasperatedly. “Are you ready to meet them?”
“They can’t be that bad.”
“They might be. If you aren’t used to them.” He pauses. “They don’t know you’re coming, by the way.”
“What?” You almost laugh. “Why not?”
“I told them I was bringing someone, but I didn’t feel like hearing it all week about who I was bringing.” He pauses again, like he’s holding something back, and then he lets it out. “They know all about you.”
You blink. “They do?”
“Yeah,” he smiles gently. “I talk about you all the time.”
“No,” you shake your head. “No you don’t. There’s no way.”
“You’ll believe it tomorrow,” he chuckles. “I’m sure they’ll try to embarrass me.”
“I-I mean...what do you even say about me?”
He shrugs. “That you were my best friend in high school and...that I missed you and wondered what you were up to these days, and how we used to hang out here.” He looks around the shop, then back to you and your bewildered expression. “What?” He laughs. “You didn’t talk to your friends about me?”
“No, I did,” you laugh quietly. But I said different things. And most of the time I was crying because I missed you, especially my first year of college when my roommate tried to get me to go on a double date with her boyfriend and his roommate, but I refused and had to confess that I wasn’t over you and that you broke my heart, and I was such a mess that she brought ice cream and chocolate back after their date.
But you don’t say any of that. Obviously.
“I just didn’t expect you to even...think about me, I guess,” you finally spit out, still shaking your head. “I mean...we haven’t talked since high school, I figured you’d forgotten or moved on, at least. Especially since you had Haley.”
Aaron’s expression softens and turns sad, quickly. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I didn’t know you thought any of that.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you wave his worry away. “It’s years ago. Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. Then, he says, “Haley was jealous of you, you know.”
You immediately look up from your mocha, your eyes wide in shock. “She was what?”
“Oh yeah,” Aaron laughs. “Devastatingly jealous of you. She swore we were dating or that I was in love with you or something.”
Or something. “Wow,” you chuckle, trying to mask your hurt as much as possible. “Why did she even think that?”
You know why. You know exactly why. Because before her, you and Aaron were attached at the hip. You sat together during lunch, walked each other home, hung out at the coffee shop, went to school functions together (well, you’d actually go with a big group, but you two always ended up together anyway), and so on and so forth. Anyone would’ve been an idiot to not assume you two were dating.
“We were so close,” he shrugs. “She said she was so surprised when I asked her to be my girlfriend because she swore I was dating you. She actually asked me that, when I gave her the flowers. She said, “What about Y/N?” And I said, “Y/N? She’s just my best friend.” And she didn’t believe me.”
“That’s so crazy,” you say, but you’re really thinking back to that day you and Aaron had decided to meet up here and hang out after so long. When Haley crashed the hangout. When she locked eyes with you and smirked before pulling him back in for another kiss.
She was jealous. She was jealous and she knew exactly what she was doing that day.
Aaron’s phone starts ringing and he sighs heavily, pulling it out. He almost declines it, but then stops himself. “It’s the boss,” he says. “My boss. I’ve gotta take this. I’ll text you later?”
“Sure,” you smile, knowing he might forget or get too busy to think about it. But that’s okay. “Good luck with the phone call.”
“Thanks,” he chuckles. “I’ll need it.” And then he brings his phone up to his ear. “Agent Hotchner,” he says, and you hate that you find it so hot.
You almost cancel with Aaron a dozen times before 2p.m.
You blame the conversation the two of you had yesterday. For some reason, the thought of Haley being jealous of you had never crossed your mind. Because to you, it was so obviously the other way around. Of course, you weren’t vocal about your jealousy, but you were certain she knew. Not that it was the other way around.
Old feelings have already resurfaced, which is bad enough, but the talk about Haley and about how Aaron’s friends know all about you made things worse. Especially the latter.
Why would he talk about you so much if the two of you hadn’t spoken in years? Not even years, but like an entire decade. Why would he still talk about you and think about you that much?
You have dwelled over those questions since he left the coffee shop yesterday.
But now, you have no idea what to wear, and Aaron will be here any minute. You’re assuming the attire is casual, not fancy, since it’s just a get together with his friends -- who all happen to be his team of agents. FBI agents. Because he’s just casually the Unit Chief of the BAU.
It still baffles you. He wanted to be a lawyer. Not in the FBI. God.
He’s still your Aaron. That’s what shocks you the most. He’s experienced law school, marriage, practicing law, working for the FBI, becoming a Unit Chief, divorce, and yet he’s still the Aaron Hotchner you were best friends with in high school.
You wonder if you’re still the girl he was best friends with in high school. Or if you’ve changed so drastically that he doesn’t see you that way anymore.
You take a deep breath, going back to digging through the many boxes of clothes that you have yet to unpack. You need a sweater or something. That’s safe enough, right? It’s too cold for a dress, and frankly, you’re not in the mood for wearing one, anyway.
Finally, you find the sweater you were looking for. You tug it over your head, figuring your jeans are fine enough. You’ll wear some low heels to make it look like you put in a little more effort.
Your quick thinking is to your benefit because the doorbell rings almost as soon as you’re done doing the clasp on your second heel.
But because your mom is quicker than you, she’s already opened the door and let Aaron in before you can make it downstairs. And by the time you are coming down the stairs, Aaron is sitting on the couch with your mom, making idle conversation.
“Hey,” you smile at him, resisting the urge to glare at your mom. “Ready?”
“If you are,” he nods, standing to his feet.
When he turns, you shoot your mom a look. “We’ll be back later.”
“You’re not in high school,” your mom laughs. “You two have fun for as long as you like.”
“I know,” you say. “But I also know you’ll wait up until I get back.”
“And you can’t stop me,” she replies pointedly.
Aaron laughs at the two of you, your banter just as he remembers from all those years ago. Neither of you have changed one bit.
After a final moment of bickering, you bid your mom goodbye and leave with Aaron.
In the car, you ask, “Have you told them about me coming yet?”
From the driver’s seat, he shakes his head. “No, so prepare yourself for a lot of questions.”
“I think you’re the one that’ll be in hot water, but alright,” you chuckle. “I can hear them now. ‘Why didn’t you tell us you were bringing her!’”
He laughs loudly. “That’s not a bad impression, actually.”
“Why, thank you,” you smirk. “It’s a hidden talent of mine.”
“Oh, really?”
The two of you share a grin as he keeps driving.
After some time -- long enough that you were beginning to wonder where he’s taking you -- Aaron finally turns into a subdivision. But it’s still not what you were expecting.
You assumed FBI agents must make good money, but not this good. This is a mansion. It’s massive. There has to be at least six bedrooms in there, maybe more.
“Is your friend a millionaire or something?”
Aaron chuckles, “Maybe. Probably. Maybe more.”
“More?” Your eyes widen. “Wow.” And then Aaron pulls into the driveway. “Wow.”
He puts the car in park and says, “Try not to look too surprised. Dave won’t shut up about the house if you get him started.”
“What if I want to hear everything?” You ask, scrambling out of the car to look up at the house. “Jesus Christ.” Then you whip your head around to look at Aaron exasperatedly. “Does your house look like this?”
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “No. This is too big. Dave’s crazy for buying it.”
“He’s definitely insane,” you nod. “I mean, what do you even need a house this big for?”
Aaron shrugs. “Christmas parties, I guess.” He pauses, holding out his arm for you. “Ready to face the lions?”
You roll your eyes through a laugh, loosely holding onto his arm. “Quit being so dramatic. I bet it’ll be just fine.”
“Let’s hope so,” Aaron replies. Because truthfully, he is a little worried that they might scare you off. They have a habit of doing that.
The two of you walk up to the front door, and you try your best to act like you’ve been in the general vicinity of a house this big before. Dave must be a really good friend of Aaron’s, because instead of knocking or ringing the doorbell, Aaron twists the doorknob and walks right in with you on his arm.
“Dave’s making pasta,” Aaron whispers, smelling the air. He shuts the door gently, wanting to surprise the team as much as possible.
You sniff the air, too, smiling happily. “Smells really good. Is that carbonara?”
“Good nose,” a voice says from the kitchen.
“That’s Dave,” Aaron chuckles, walking you down the hall toward the smell.
The team’s eyes all widen dramatically and comically when Aaron Hotchner steps inside the kitchen with a woman on his arm.
“Well, hello,” one of them says, sliding off the stool at the counter to saunter over to you. He’s all suave and swagger.
“Derek Morgan, this is Y/N,” Aaron introduces you quickly, knowing the reaction your name will get.
“Hold up,” Derek pauses, glancing between you and Aaron. “Y/N? As in the Y/N?”
“I don’t know about being the Y/N, but that is my name,” you laugh. “Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Derek says, a hand over his heart to add to the sincerity. “Where have you been hiding all this time?”
“Getting a doctorate,” you shrug, only now realizing that your hand is still holding onto Aaron’s arm, but he doesn’t seem fazed by it either, so you don’t move.
“Oh, alright,” Derek chuckles. “Hey Reid, we’ve got another doctor here.”
The man in question, Reid, looks up from the book he was reading with furrowed eyebrows. “Hi.” He waves.
“Hey,” you wave back. “What’re you reading?”
“War and Peace. In Russian, though.”
“In-- Wow, okay.”
“He’s a genius,” Morgan explains.
“I see that,” you chuckle.
Aaron finishes the introductions for you. “That’s JJ, handles the press for us because none of us want to do it.”
“He’s not wrong,” JJ replies with a laugh. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you smile.
“You met Reid, his first name’s Spencer,” Aaron supplies, and Reid is too far gone in the book again to notice. “This is Emily Prentiss.”
“And I have been dying to meet you,” Emily says. “You are exactly how he described.”
“In a good way, I hope?” You laugh nervously.
She nods. “Definitely.”
Aaron points to the other woman at the counter. She’s dressed in all sorts of crazy colors with glasses that match her outfit. And before he can introduce her, she says, “I’m Penelope Garcia, technology extraordinaire. I keep them out of trouble.”
“And we love you for it,” Derek adds.
“And this is Dave,” Aaron finishes.
“It is very nice to finally meet you,” Dave says, and actually shakes your hand. “Do you know how to make carbonara?”
“Yes, actually,” you say, earning a surprised look from Aaron. “I went through a phase when I was younger, wanting to make anything and everything that sounded good, so I’ve made this a few times. My mom loves it.”
Dave loves the sound of that. “Would you like to help me?”
You practically light up inside and out. “Seriously? I’d love to!”
“Oh, here we go,” Derek groans. “He’s roped her in.”
You ignore him, slipping away from Aaron to grab the other apron off the hook by the entrance to the kitchen. You slide your head through the loop and tie it at the back in a matter of seconds, too excited to contain it.
“I almost went to culinary school, you know,” you say to no one in particular, but Aaron is listening, and so is Dave.
“Why didn’t you?” Aaron asks.
You shrug. “Didn’t seem practical.” Which isn’t the real answer at all. The real answer is you got your heart broken and needed to do a complete 180 in life, so you did. Culinary school was out. Getting a doctorate was in. You turn on the water in the sink and begin washing your hands. “What do you need me to do?”
For the next hour, you help Dave make the carbonara, occasionally answering any questions Aaron’s friends have for you.
Aaron pours you a glass of wine and sits at the counter, watching you cook. You look more at peace than he’s seen you since a few days ago when he first bumped into you again.
You catch him looking at you more than a handful of times. It feels good. Spending the evening with his friends, his team, with him. You’ve missed spending time with him more than anything else.
Dave serves up the carbonara, telling you to sit down since you helped so much already. You don’t make him ask twice.
After dinner, everyone moves into the living room, scattering on the various couches and chairs. Reid has finished reading War and Peace, so the book sits discarded on one of the coffee tables.
You take the spot on the couch next to Aaron, careful not to spill your wine. Penelope sits on the other side of you, with Derek on her other side, which all but forces you to move closer to Aaron, and something about the look on Penelope’s face tells you it was done on purpose.
You’re not exactly complaining, though. With a full stomach and a fresh glass of wine, Aaron’s presence is even warmer than before. You pay no mind when he shifts his left arm, stretching it over the back of the couch and allowing you to scoot closer, your legs pressed against each other’s.
The conversation continues, and somehow the subject of relationships is brought up.
“Yeah, why was I the only one asked to bring someone?” Aaron asks. “I’d like to see all of you find a last minute date.”
Another warm rush goes through your body at the word date. This is a date. Alright then.
“I think you did just fine,” Dave says, nodding to you. “Don’t you?”
You shrug, not sure of what to make of it. “I’m having fun, so I guess so.”
“See?” Dave gives Aaron a look. “You did fine.”
Aaron gives his friend a tired glare. “Only because she happened to be back from getting her degrees. Otherwise, I would’ve been stuck.”
“Nah, man, you could’ve called Beth.”
You feel Aaron tense next to you, but you aren’t sure if he tensed up or if you did. Maybe both. Probably both. You weren’t aware there was someone else.
“Who’s Beth?” You ask as casually as possible, ignoring the heated glares Penelope, JJ, and Emily alike are sending Derek. Seriously, Derek would be dead three times over right now if looks could be deadly.
Aaron shrugs before answering you. “Her and I dated briefly last year.”
You nod slowly, trying not to seem hurt or upset or anything by this because it’s ridiculous of you to be fighting back tears, but you can’t help it.
It’s high school, goddamnit, it’s fucking high school all over again.
The topic of conversation shifts thanks to Reid being the endless supplier of random facts. One question about Russian from Emily and he’s taking over, washing the awkwardness away in two languages.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as well for you as it does for everyone else.
You set your wine glass down on the table and tell Penelope you’re going to use the bathroom. You have no clue where it is, but she doesn’t know that.
Aaron does. And Aaron hears the tone of voice you use.
He waits until you’re down the hall before he stands to follow you, foregoing any explanation to his friends. They already know what he’s doing.
Aaron’s suspicions are correct when he hears the front door close and sees your coat no longer hanging next to his on the hook by the door. He grabs his and only gets one arm through a sleeve before he’s opening the door, eyes searching the premises for you.
Thankfully, he finds you after two seconds, and his racing heart slows a little. You’re standing by the reindeer lights on Dave’s front lawn. Your coat is only hanging on your shoulders, something you’ve always done since high school when you were upset.
“It feels more like a blanket,” you had told him one day. “Blankets are more comforting than jackets.”
He doesn’t see the difference, but you do, and that was enough for him.
He has both arms through the sleeves by the time he’s next to you. He gently touches your arm to get your attention, adding a soft, “Hey,” for good measure.
You turn your head at the sound, having already known he was coming because you heard the front door open. In the back of your mind, you had wanted him to follow you out here, but now that he’s done it, you aren’t so sure this is what you wanted.
You wanted to ignore the feeling. Get it to disappear on its own. Survive the night, then never talk to him again. You were heartbroken, but it was better when you weren’t speaking to him. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
“I’m sorry,” Aaron says softly. “Beth and I haven’t spoken since our last date a year ago. It was only three dates. We weren’t serious at all.” He pauses. “I have no idea why Derek said that. He doesn’t think before he speaks sometimes.”
You nod, not having it in you to laugh at Aaron’s small jab, even though he is entirely correct. Derek is a quick thinker with a sharp wit, but you can see how it might backfire sometimes. Like tonight.
You believe Aaron, you really do. But it’s so hard. “Did you love her?”
Aaron is stunned for a moment, but says, “No. I don’t think I did.”
“Okay.” You shake your head, looking down at the grass. “I’m just trying to figure out why Derek would’ve brought her up if...if you guys dated so briefly.”
Aaron sighs. “I don’t know.”
“And is this a date?” You blurt, finally finding the courage to get that one out. “Because if it is, I…I don’t know.”
“Don’t know what?”
You shake your head again, trying to find the right words, but they always seem out of reach. “Just...tell me this won’t be like high school.”
This time Aaron is too stunned to form a real answer. “What?”
“Please,” you sound like you’re about to cry and you feel so pathetic that you wish you had never agreed to come tonight. But you’re here anyway. “I was in love with you then, and I’m still in love with you now, but I can’t do that again. So if this is a just friends thing and always will be, I need you to tell me before I hurt myself all over again.”
Aaron can’t believe his ears. He swears he heard you wrong. He must have. “You were in love with me in high school, too?”
“Yes-- Wait, too? What do you mean too?” Now you’re looking at him, eyes wide in confusion, shock, every emotion possible. “Too?”
“I was in love with you, Y/N,” he chuckles, reaching for your hands. “I thought you just saw me as an older brother. That’s why I never...said anything.”
“What?” You breathe, letting him thread his fingers through yours. “Are you serious? You better not be pulling my leg, Hotchner. Don’t do that to me.” You tug on his hands for emphasis, giving him a stern look.
“I’m not joking,” he says, taking a step closer. “I wouldn’t joke about this.”
“Oh my god,” you say, disbelief a powerful thief of words. “I can’t believe… So you went after Haley because…”
“Because I heard from one of her friends that she had a crush on me,” he admits. “I did love her, but not as much as I loved you. Never as much as I loved you.”
You don’t know what else to do or say. He looks so beautiful in this light that it hurts, and now he’s saying words you never thought you’d ever hear.
“Do you forgive me?” He asks. “For breaking your heart?”
“Only if you forgive me for breaking yours,” you whisper.
He shakes his head. “I broke my own. I should’ve told you how I felt.” He pauses. “I even talked to you about Haley all the time. Is that why you didn’t say goodbye to me?”
You nod. “It sounds so stupid now, but I was so hurt.”
“I’m an idiot,” he laughs. “I’m the dumbest fool to ever walk the Earth.”
“We both are,” you correct him, taking a step closer. It’s cold out here, but he’s warm. He’s always been so warm. Like home.
And you-- you’ve always been who Aaron thinks of when he thinks about being happy. It’s always been you. A moment like this, and a thousand others. He wants them all. And to think, you do too.
His lips meet yours in a long-awaited kiss, cold noses bumping against one another, his warm hands holding your face, your chilled fingers finding their home on his neck, stealing his warmth.
From the window, the team watches, and Emily exchanges money with Derek.
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eliemo · 4 years
Purple Skirt
Summary: Patton and Logan look amazing in their skirts, but Virgil knows he doesn’t get the same freedom when it comes to clothing. 
TWs: past abuse, past gaslighting, self esteem issues
Notes: Thank you to @self-taught-mess​ for giving me the idea to make the skirts angsty. Sympathetic everyone. Taglist at the end
The first time he’d been able to even look at a skirt without wanting to throw up was when Patton had come bouncing down the stairs, looking absolutely delighted in his new suspenders skirt, and Virgil had smiled along with him without even thinking about the memories. 
He was so happy and radiant and god Virgil wished he could do the same. The idea of wearing a skirt around the mindscape, never giving it a second thought, allowing himself to be comfortable and confident like Patton could be was...amazing. 
Logan had donned a skirt a couple weeks later, wearing it as casually as any other outfit, and he’d barely batted an eye when they had all jumped up to compliment him. 
They were all so...comfortable with it. And of course they were, they were allowed to be. They deserved to be. Everyone was, except Virgil. He knew that. 
Which is why he had no idea what had possessed him to start wearing a skirt in the privacy of his own room. 
It was a horrible idea, and his hands started shaking every time he shut his door and put on the dark purple skirt, but...but he liked it. He liked wearing skirts, and the light side’s outfits had reminded him of that. 
He’d tried to wear skirts a few years ago, but the Others had very quickly shut that down, drilling into his brain how selfish and horrible it was to even consider outfits like that an option. 
Anyone else could wear a skirt. Anyone else could wear whatever they wanted. But Virgil didn’t have that right. Virgil was disgusting and useless, and he didn’t deserve that comfort. 
Besides, they looked horrible on him. He didn’t need to look any more pathetic than he already was. He’d been mocked and beaten and screamed at for forcing other people to see him like that, for thinking for a second that it had been remotely acceptable. They’d made themselves very clear, and they hadn’t stopped until Virgil had understood. Anxiety didn’t get to wear skirts. 
Now...now he knew he wouldn’t be beaten if he was caught in a skirt. He knew by now not to assume his family would hurt him, especially not over something so small. 
But he’d still be told off. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be wearing something like this, knew it was disgusting of him to even try. Patton and Logan looked amazing but Virgil was...well, Virgil. 
Still, after seeing Logan and Patton’s skirts he hadn’t been able to help himself. He was careful about it, only changing once a week at most with his door locked, always when he was sure he’d have time to himself where no one would come looking. 
The first few times, he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror, taunts, hate, and repulsion echoing in his head every second the skirt was on. He hadn’t been able to keep it on for more than five minutes. 
But recently, he’d started to feel a bit more comfortable. He knew it wasn’t ok, knew better than to risk letting anyone see him, but...with no one around to tell him how disgusting he looked, he allowed himself a few glances in the mirror, and let himself keep it on for longer. 
It was comforting, freeing, and...maybe if it was anyone else, it might actually look good. 
He should have known better than to drop his guard like that.
Virgil had put his skirt on about half an hour ago, closing himself off in his room until dinner, his usual ripped jeans laid out for him to quickly slip on before heading back downstairs. 
He’d gotten too comfortable- too relaxed, lounging on his bed with his music playing and his eyes slipped shut and his head went foggy, losing track of time completely.  
“You in there, Hot Topic?” Roman’s call and gentle knocking didn’t startle Virgil like it usually would, and he groggily lifted his head from the pillow, slipping off his headphones. “Can I come in?” 
Virgil rubbed sleep from his eyes, pushed himself up on the bed, and waved a hand to unlock his door without a second thought. 
He then immediately realized his mistake as soon as the handle started to turn. Shit shit shit--
He scrambled off the bed, suddenly wide awake as his feet hit the carpeted floor, but he didn’t have a chance to get anywhere to hide before Roman was standing in the doorway, eyes going wide. 
For a split second, Virgil let himself be overtaken by dangerous, desperate hope. The light sides had pleasantly surprised him so many times already- it was ok for him to make mistakes, it was fine if he dropped something or made a loud noise or talked too much- so maybe...maybe this was ok too? 
But then Roman opened his mouth, and old instinct and far too familiar fear took over. 
“Sorry,” Virgil blurted as he shrank back, wrapping his arms around himself. “I didn’t...s-sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to--”
“Wait, what?” Roman stepped closer, and Virgil internally cursed himself for flinching. This wasn’t like last time, this wasn’t like last time. “Virgil. Why’re you sorry?” 
He shrugged, suddenly hyper aware of the way the plaid skirt hugged his waist, draping just above the knee to show off the black and white striped stockings. He found himself absently tugging at the end of the material. 
“I...I’m not--” he cut himself off when his voice grew unsteady, swallowing past the lump in his throat. “I’m not supposed to, but I- I wasn’t going to leave the room. I know I- that I can’t--” 
“Oh, Virgil of course you can.” Roman’s voice was soft, always so genuine, and this time Virgil didn’t flinch back when the Prince took another step. “You look amazing.”
Virgil’s shoulders hunched on instinct, and he scrambled to figure out if that was sarcasm in the Prince’s tone, because he’d been expecting something far more hurtful. 
“I...you don’t have to, I was just- it was stupid. I- I forgot I was wearing it, I’m sorry.” 
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” Roman said, but his smile suddenly dropped. “Oh, Stormcloud you’re shaking.” 
Oh. Virgil hadn’t even realized how bad he’d started trembling, too scared to meet Roman’s eyes despite them radiating nothing but kindness. 
“Hey.” The Prince held out his hands, and Virgil risked a cautious glance up from the floor. “Come here?” 
Virgil let his shoulders drop, but his defenses were still raised, always waiting for the other shoe to drop, always expecting some kind of trap or trick. He still couldn’t help it. 
But he let himself close the distance between them and fall into Roman’s chest, letting out a shuddering breath as strong arms wrapped around him, gentle but secure. 
“You can wear a skirt, Virgil,” Roman said. “Did you...think I would be angry with you?” 
Virgil couldn’t bring himself to speak again just yet. All he was able to manage was a small nod against Roman’s chest. 
“Why?” he asked, voice still soft but Virgil thought there was a hint of something defensive. “I wear skirts all the time. So does Remus. And Patton and Logan have--” 
“I know.” Virgil took another small, trembling breath. “And you- you all look great. Obviously. Everyone can- everyone can wear whatever, I’m not...I just...can’t.” 
Roman pulled back slightly, but Virgil couldn’t meet his gaze. “Why not?” 
“Because I’m...I’m gross, and I shouldn’t...I can’t. Not like you guys, it’s not...it’s not allowed. It’s...probably bad for my influence over Thomas or something.. Plus I, uh- I look horrible in most things anyway, so…”
He trailed off, and his heart sank when he caught a glimpse of the look on Roman’s face. He was watching Virgil intently, head tilted slightly, eyes filled with something sad and...and angry. 
“I’m- I’m sorry.” Shit, he’d been talking too long hadn’t he? He was being annoying and he was still making Roman see him like this and he probably just wanted Virgil to shut up already. “I didn’t mean to ramble, I’m sorry, I’ll change and then--” 
“I’m not upset with you,” Roman said, and Virgil quickly fell silent. “This is...just one more thing they took away from you, isn’t it?” 
Virgil shrugged, back to wrapping his arms around himself like a useless shield. He felt tears spring to the corners of his eyes, face burning hot, and he quickly blinked them away. 
“I guess,” he muttered. “They didn’t really want me to...like myself. It’s still...hard, you know? To get their voices out of my head.” 
He tried not to think about it. He tried to block out the vicious, horrible things that had been said to him every time they’d raised a fist, their words just as powerful as a punch. 
They’d hurt him so bad, and they’d worked so hard to make him hate himself as much as they hated him. 
He wasn’t going to roll over and accept that. Not anymore. He’d get better now that he had people who loved him by his side. It just...god, it was so hard sometimes.  
“I know,” Roman said, and Virgil didn’t think he’d ever heard the Prince sound so grim. “Trust me, Virgil. I know.” 
Virgil didn’t doubt that. He dug his foot into the carpet, doing what he could to remind himself that Roman wasn't upset. The prince wasn’t disgusted by him, he didn’t think he was pathetic, and he wasn’t angry that Virgil was making him look at Anxiety longer than necessary. 
“Yeah, well. Self esteem is overrated.” 
Roman laughed, but he was still staring at Virgil with something sorrowful and uncertain. “Maybe. But if it helps, I think you look absolutely stunning.” 
“What?” Virgil scoffed, even as he was sure his face was bright red by now. “N-no, I...I don’t. Look, I can just change--” 
“Virgil, have you even looked in the mirror?” Roman asked, and Virgil tried not to flinch because those words had been said to him before, just under very different circumstances. 
But Roman was suddenly taking his hands, dragging him (gently, of course) into Virgil’s bathroom, standing in front of the sink and looking in the mirror. It was something he tried to avoid as much as possible, but with the way Princey was beaming at him...for the moment he couldn’t find it in himself to be so apprehensive. 
“How long have you had this?” Roman asked, and at Virgil’s blank stare he quickly gestured to the outfit- an older black hoodie over a white shirt, black and white stockings, and the plaid purple skirt. 
“Uh...I don’t know, it’s just some clothes. The skirt is kinda new, though. I had to make a new one after my old one was…” destroyed, was really the only accurate way to put it. And they hadn’t even waited for him to take it off. Somehow he really doubted that would make Roman feel any better. “Lost. It’s...it’s pretty stupid, I know.” 
“Not at all,” Princey said, and Virgil didn’t know why he couldn’t just give in and believe him. “Just look! You’re beautiful!” 
He seemed so excited, eyes brimming with awe and eagerness, Virgil couldn’t bring himself to protest. Even when he was struck with the familiar urge to avert his gaze as soon as he came face to face with his own reflection. 
It was just...him. Nothing special, nothing particularly good, just plain, dark and brooding Anxiety. But he’d been taught, over and over and over again, to hate every little thing about himself. Just like everyone else already did. 
But that had been a lie, just like nearly everything else he’d been told. The people who mattered didn’t hate him, and they did much more than tolerate his presence. 
He just...didn’t know where to start when it came to liking anything about himself. 
Luckily, Roman already seemed to be two steps ahead of him. 
“You are not disgusting,” he said, completely catching Virgil off guard. “And I swear, if I could I would run my sword through every single person who ever put that thought in your head.” 
“Please don’t.” It came out a whisper, soft and pathetic. They’d had this talk before, countless times, but each time it sent terror shooting through his chest. “Please--” 
“I know. As much as I want to make them suffer...I would never betray your trust by doing something so selfish. It will always be up to you whether or not I go after them.” 
Virgil’s shoulders dropped, relief just as dizzying as the last few times. “Thank you.” 
“But I mean it,” Roman said. “They were so, so wrong. We think you’re wonderful, Virgil. We...we all think you’re amazing. I know you don’t see it, but- but we do. And every day you shine just a little bit brighter.” 
“Did you know Patton couldn’t stop crying that first night we found out about what happened to you? He kept it together right until you fell asleep and then he...Logan held him until he exhausted himself. And Lo was...we were all so angry.” 
Virgil couldn’t turn around, instead staring at Roman’s reflection through the mirror. “I...I’m--” 
“This isn’t a guilt thing,” Roman clarified. “I’m saying we didn’t understand. We still don’t. How someone could look at you and not see someone incredible. You’ve been through so much and we’re...I’m honored to get to meet the person you always deserved to be.” 
And, yeah Virgil was definitely going to cry now, fresh tears just replacing the ones he wiped away. But maybe that was ok, because Roman’s eyes were red and watery now too. 
“Back to the point,” Roman said with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “You can wear what you want. Always. My only request is that you don’t outshine me.” 
Virgil snorted, even as uncertainty and apprehension still rested heavy on his chest. “I don’t think you have to worry about that, Princey.” 
“Well, I stand by what I said,” Roman announced, clapping his hands together. “You look stunning. And I’m sure the others will agree. Patton will be thrilled to have another skirt-buddy. Why don’t we head down so you can--” 
Roman had already started for the bathroom door, stopping in his tracks and spinning back around at Virgil’s outburst. He hadn’t meant to raise his voice, but…
But the terror that had hit when Roman had caught him just moments before, the disgust with himself that had just been starting to dissipate a bit...all of it hit full force again at the thought of going downstairs like this. 
He wanted to. He wanted to know he could be comfortable and learn to feel ok again so bad. But he couldn’t. There was no way. 
“I can’t.” And now he was going to upset Roman, after the Prince had tried so hard to get Virgil to stop being such a coward. And now he probably was going to be angry- or disappointed at the very least. Virgil wasn’t sure which one was worse. “I’m sorry, sorry it’s just--” 
“Hey, it’s ok,” Roman said, with way more patience than Virgil deserved at this point. “I’m not going to force you out of your comfort zone, Emo. Prince’s honor. We go at your pace, and your pace only.” 
 Virgil stuffed his hands into the hoodie pockets, fighting the urge to pull up his hood. “You’re not, like...mad?” 
“I’m not mad, Virgil,” Roman assured, and smiled. “Take your time. I’ll be here whenever you’re ready.” 
“Ok.” Virgil let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, shaky and small, and once again he wondered what he’d done to deserve this much kindness. “Ok. I’m uh, I’m gonna change. I’ll be down for dinner soon.” 
There was no annoyance, no frustration or exasperated eyeroll. Just a nod from Roman and another gentle, understanding smile as the Prince slipped through the door and left him alone again. 
For a moment, standing in his silent bedroom with his black jeans in his hands, Virgil considered keeping the skirt on. 
He wasn’t...he wasn’t a monster. He wasn’t the selfish, horrible, grotesque villain he’d been taught to think he was. 
He had the right to say, do, and wear whatever he wanted. He was just as free to exist and express himself as anyone else in the mindscape. 
It was what his family told him, over and over and over again. And it was what he was trying desperately to begin to believe. 
But he was almost positive that if he tried to step outside right now he’d have a panic attack before he reached the bottom of the stairs. So he took another deep breath, steadied himself, and changed back into his regular jeans and oversized hoodie. 
He wasn’t going to suddenly lose the right to recover if he took his time. There wasn’t a time limit to all of this. And like Roman had said, they’d be there when he was ready.
It was another few weeks before Roman heard a knock on his door, timid and familiar enough for him to know it was Virgil before he pulled it open with a smile. 
The anxious side was standing in the hall, arms wrapped around his middle as he shifted his weight from foot to foot, shoulders hunched in a defensive stand and...oh. 
He was wearing the outfit Roman hadn’t gotten the chance to see since their talk in his room, complete with the plaid purple skirt that the Prince thought looked absolutely perfect on Virgil. 
“Good afternoon,” Roman said, fighting to sound as nonchalant as possible, all too aware of how big of a deal this was. “You heading downstairs?” 
Virgil took a minute before nodding slowly, chewing incessantly on his lip, still fidgeting in the doorway. 
“Alright,” Roman said, hoping it was at least a little encouraging. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
He could see Virgil trying to compose himself, recognized the slow, deliberate breaths he was taking in an effort to fight against rising panic, and Roman’s heart throbbed at the watery, scared look in his eyes. 
“Could you…” Virgil trailed off, squeezing his hands into fists. “Could you come with me? Please?” 
Roman softened, and stepped into the hallway. “Of course.” 
It wasn’t until he held out a hand, letting Virgil latch onto him and squeeze as tight as he needed, that he realized just how bad the anxious side was shaking. Just like the first time Roman had seen him in the skirt. 
As nice as it looked, it was a fairly simple outfit. Roman had worn far more extravagant things, and other than excited compliments from Patton, no one really looked twice. 
He couldn’t imagine what the others had done to make Virgil so afraid of being seen in a skirt. 
But this wasn’t the time for that. Roman forcefully pushed his anger back down, and squeezed Virgil’s hand in response. He didn’t stop trembling the entire trip down the hall. 
When they reached the top of the stairs, Patton and Logan’s voices began to filter in from the living room, and Virgil suddenly stopped, breath catching in his throat, looking to Roman with wide, panicked eyes. 
“What...what if they--” 
“Nothing bad will happen to you,” Roman said. “I swear it. But we don’t have to do this today if you aren’t ready. Like I said, we go at your pace.” 
Virgil’s eyes were glued to the stairs, tense and unmoving, clutching Roman’s hand like he thought it would be ripped away at any moment. 
Roman was fully willing to stand here for hours if it meant Virgil would be comfortable, but it only took a few minutes for his breathing to even out slightly, some of the tension in his shoulders coming undone. 
“Ok,” he said softly, probably more to himself than to Roman. “Ok. I’m...I’m good. I’m sorry.”
“No need to be sorry,” Roman promised. “Your pace, Virge. I’m here.” 
They made their way down the steps together, slow and steady, Roman letting Virgil move as fast as he wanted, stopping to take a few seconds to breathe whenever he needed. 
Logan and Patton were lounged on the couch by the time they made it to the living room, the logical side lost to the contents of the open book on his lap. 
Virgil suddenly froze in the doorway, looking up at Roman like he thought the Prince was the only thing standing in between him and certain death. 
And then Patton glanced up at the movement, and Roman couldn’t remember the last time the moral side had smiled so wide. 
“Oh my gosh! Virgil, you look so good!” 
Virgil automatically flinched against Roman’s side as Patton jumped up from the couch, but Roman could see surprise battling with doubt and confusion as he took in Patton’s happiness. 
And in the middle of it all, a small flicker of hope. 
“Yes!” Patton practically squealed. He rushed over to take Virgil’s hands, and Roman stepped away with one last reassuring smile. “I didn’t know you liked skirts, kiddo! You should have told me!” 
Virgil was searching Patton’s face, probably making sure there wasn’t any hint of hidden disgust in his words, before relaxing ever so slightly. “Yeah, I...wanted to try it, I guess.” 
“You look so pretty!” Patton was bouncing up and down now, Virgil’s hands still in his. “Don’t you think so, Logan?” 
Roman glanced at the logical side still seated on the couch, unsurprised to find a look of pride and quiet understanding.
“He does,” Logan agreed. “The outfit itself is aesthetically pleasing, and the colors suit you very well, Virgil. I am glad you were comfortable enough to try something new.” 
Virgil shrugged, cheeks turning a light shade of red, briefly meeting Roman’s eyes with a small, thankful smile. “It’s...it’s whatever.” 
“We should have a skirt day!” Patton announced suddenly. “Can we have a skirt day?” 
Logan raised an eyebrow. “A...skirt day?” 
“We can all wear our skirts together! Do you think we could get Janus and Remus to join us?” 
Roman chuckled, beyond relieved for the small smile now beginning to overtake Virgil’s features. “I’m sure you could, padre.” 
“Patton, it is simply an article of clothing,” Logan pointed out, completely lost. “Why do we need an entire day dedicated to wearing it?” 
“Because! It’s--” 
Patton was suddenly interrupted by Virgil suddenly wrapping his arms around the moral side, pulling him close in a tight, almost desperate embrace. 
Virgil so rarely was the one to initiate physical contact, as much as he needed it, always terrified of being seen as needy or ungrateful. From what Roman had gathered, Virgil had been told he was too disgusting to be touched in any way other than violent. 
“Oh, kiddo.” Despite his obvious surprise, Patton didn’t hesitate before hugging back. “Can you tell me what’s wrong, honey? Did I upset you?” 
Virgil shook his head, still clutching Patton’s shirt as he pulled back. Roman wanted so badly to rush over and hold him close when he realized Virgil was smiling through his tears, so clearly overwhelmed but so so relieved. 
“No- no, it’s-” he took in a shuddering breath, struggling to get a hold of himself. “I’m...thank you. I just- I love you all so much.” 
And then he was covering his mouth with his hand, crying quietly as Patton gathered him back into his arms, squeezing his eyes shut but relaxing further when the other two sides hurried to join the embrace. 
Roman couldn’t even imagine the weight that had just been lifted from Virgil’s shoulders, how rewarding acceptance without question must have felt. Especially when for him, every step forward was like climbing a mountain. 
He caught Logan sending him a questioning look, but he quickly shook his head. Later. They could talk it out later. Right now…
Right now Virgil just needed the reassurance. And Roman knew they were all more than happy to remind him they would never get tired of giving it to him. 
Taglist: @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @mygenderisidiot @a-very-gay-raccoon @dawnfire7 @cr4zyart @ray-does-stuff @whydoifeeltheneedtoorganizestuff @bunny222  @the-blue-recluse @bisexualdisaster106 @basilthefourth @snowtrashowl @thefingergunsgirl @trashtm @stubbornness-and-spite @kieraelieson @alias290 @darkch1ld @craz-ewaters @damy-02 @frogdog145 @gattonero17 @madamedraconis @stoicpanther @@love-to-read02 @that-spider-fan-over-there @thatoneloudowl @rich-flower-17 @demigodbookdragon @i-gobymanynames @wyvern-tales @spoopyseason66 @gaylotusthatexists @my-life-is-an-artistic-mess @that-one-fander @alias290 @yalltookmyurlideas @theantisocialghost @dark-strange-daughter @joylessnightsky @nova-galexa @luckymasie @stayarmy321 @starsinger @unhygienic-andy-the-anon @deathdarknessdevils @d-rizzle83 @spoonfullofcrofters @sarcasmremovedsoul @bananabread123443 @alpacadraws @nonbinaryemonugget @espepspes @awesome-and-unique-username @starshinemoonglow @honeybonesvirgil @fandertrash24 @tracingstarlight @sanders-fanders @heartwitchhouse @major-disaster-enby @a-poor-anxious-baby @franticfandomfanatic @the3rdpansexualpanda @a-flying-gay @hermitcreature @darkle-elkrad @coaltail121 @i-really-like-dragons @blagi @the-daydreamers-rebellion
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
witchcraft [hope mikaelson]
Hope Mikaelson x fem reader
Requested: Hello!! I saw that you write for the Vampire Diaries and the Originals, but I didn’t see any for legacies. But if you’re willing I was wondering if you could write a Hope x fem reader where the reader is human and you can take it from there :)
Hello friend! I love the Legacies and just caught up with all of it so I am willing to write for them now! I hope you enjoy!
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*not my gif*
It was another late night shift for you at the Mystic Grill. Your boss told you that you had to work later on school nights to make up for not being able to work morning shifts due to school. 
You didn’t mind, you had the whole afternoon to get homework done and study. But when it came to sleep, lets just say you had little to none. However, on most late nights a beautiful girl would walk in restless. 
She was brunette with the most piercing blue eyes you have ever seen. At first you were surprised how comfortable she was just walking around late into the hours, but as you got to know her you knew she could handle herself on her own. 
You came to learn that her name was Hope. And you were intrigued by her mysteriousness. She would always leave at the most random times and you never saw her outside of the grill. It’s like she randomly disappears. 
One night you went out to look for her, but she was gone as soon as she walked out the door. It was odd. 
You may rarely see her, but the times you two shared together is all you think about sometimes. Whether it’s in class listening to a boring history lesson or at work when no one is coming in. 
“Mystery girl! You’re back!” you exclaim as you see the brunette come and sit at the bar top in front of you. 
She has a small little smile on her face and when you mean small, it was small. You can’t recall seeing a full on smile from her since you met her and she’s been here quite often. 
“Do you want the usual?” you ask and she nods, “Got it. One peanut butter blast with whip cream at the bottom plus a side of fries coming right up!” 
The mystery girl finally speaks up, “You remember.” she says another small smile on her face and you nod. 
“Of course I do. You’re my favorite.” you say with a little wink before going back to washing the glasses with your handy dandy rag. 
After a few moments of comfortable silence, you hear the ding from the kitchen indicating that her food was ready. You put your rag away and grab her food from the kitchen window placing them neatly in front of her. But not before you steal a fry and plop it into your mouth. 
“I don’t think you’re allowed to do that.” she says with a smile, but this time it was a little bigger. 
You place your finger up to her lips, “Keep it down I do it with every customer and I still haven’t gotten fired yet.” you say jokingly. 
Her smile is replaced with a smirk, “I’m not special then?” she asks teasingly. 
“Oh no. You’re very special, like I said you are my favorite.” you smile at the girl with your flirtatious demeanor, you take another fry from her plate.
You spend the rest of the night talking and hanging out with each other. It was a lot easier to do when no one else came into the restaurant. 
“Can I show you my favorite spot? My shift is just about over and the sun is about to rise, so I know you probably have to leave soon anyway.” you ask her tying your apron up before throwing it into the dirty apron bin. 
Mystery girl raises her eyebrows up, “You’re very observant.” she says and you nod.
“Like I’ve said you’re my favorite.” you say shrugging and she smirks at you again. You stick your hand out and smile at her, “So shall we?” you ask. 
She takes your hand and you guide her outside into the middle of the square. There was a nice little gazebo that was just built, ever since it was built you like to sit outside and drink coffee as the sun rises. 
You reach the gazebo and use your hand that’s in hers to spin her around. After she spins you pull her in towards you as you release her hand and place your hands on her hips. As if on instinct she places her hands on the side of your neck. 
Your faces were mere inches apart as you just stared into those beautiful blue eyes. She smiled at you the first big and genuine smile you’ve ever seen from her, “Well that was smooth.” 
“I try.” you say to her and you guys sway together even when there is no music. 
You begin to lean in closer to her, so close you can feel her hot breath on your lips. She looks into your eyes and back down at your lips. The mystery girl is about to attach her lips onto yours when all of a sudden her phone goes off. 
She rolls her eyes at the sound of her phone before stepping away to have a small conversation, “I’m sorry. I uh I have to go.” she says and you nod slightly disappointed, but you hide it with a smile. 
“Duty calls?” you ask and she nods sheepishly. 
Probably the first time you’ve ever seen her unsure. She’s always so confident, “Sadly.” 
“Ah well I’ll see you soon hopefully?” you say more as a question than an answer. 
She steps closer to you before planting a kiss to your cheek, “You will.” She begins to walk away when all of a sudden the realization hits you. 
“Wait!” you yell from where you’re standing, “What’s your name?” you ask. 
“I’m Hope!” she says showing me her genuine smile, “I’ll see you later Y/N.” Hope replies with a little wave and you smile to yourself. 
Hope. What a beautiful name. 
You’re snapped out of your beautiful memory when a customer smacks the bar top in front of you. 
“Oh I’m sorry sir.” you say shaking your head, “What can I get for you?” 
The grill was empty. The manager had to run home to a family emergency and assured him that you would be okay to close up. He was hesitant, but eventually left so the grill can be kept open. 
“I don’t want anything on the menu.” the man says and you look at him puzzled.
“I’m sorry about that sir, what would you-” you begin before he cuts you off. 
All of a sudden you feel yourself being pushed up against the wall in an instant. The man’s hands were on your neck. His eyes were darkened and his teeth turned into fangs. You tried to let out a little squeal, but his grip was so strong nothing could come out.
“Where is she?!” he yelled and you had no idea who he was talking about. You’re about to try and ask who, but his grip tightens and you can feel yourself losing breath, “Where is Hope Mikaelson?!” he asks again. 
“Right over here asshole!” she yells as the doors flip open. 
An older man with her this time, he was carrying what looked to be a crossbow. But your vision began to blur as your air was fading more and more. 
“Hope do the spell.” the older man says and she nods. 
Hope begins saying words that seemed to have been in Latin and the creature whatever the hell it was fell to the ground. 
But before you can even react to what happened the entire room went dark. 
You awoke on a comfortable bed, your eyes were still closed as you heard a soft conversation from the other side of the room. 
“So that’s the girl you keep sneaking out to see?” you heard an unfamiliar voice ask teasingly. 
You hear someone else sigh, “Yeah that’s the one.” Hope says, you know that voice anywhere, you dream of her voice.
“She’s pretty.” another voice chimes in.
“Yeah, but she’s normal. We’re not.” Hope says and she sounds disappointed. 
But you were confused. What does she mean that they’re not normal?
You finally sit up a little bit as your eyes flutter open. Hope is standing on the opposite side of the room with her arms crossed. There were two other girls standing there with her another brunette and a blonde. 
The three girls attention is caught when they notice you move. Hope immediately comes to your side and places herself onto the foot of your bed.
“Hey how are you feeling?” she asks.
“More confused than anything.” you respond and she chuckles softly.
“Yeah I bet you have loads of questions.” she says and you nod. 
“You’re lucky you didn’t wake up in a cell.” the blonde says with a giggle and your calm face immediately twists into fear.  Hope and the other brunette stare at her in disbelief, “That wasn’t the right time for a joke...got it.” she whispers. 
“I’m sorry about her, my sister can be a bit of an airhead sometimes.” the brunette says before getting closer to your bed and extending her hand out, “I’m Josie and this is my sister Lizzie.” 
You take your hand and shake it lightly, “Nice to meet you.” 
“And you. Hope talks about you all the time. That’s how we know you’re special.” Lizzie teases and you can see Hope blush, but she looks away before you can look her in the eye.
“We’ll leave you two to talk.” Josie says with a smile before waving. 
Hope places her hand on your cheek and she rubs your cheekbone with the pad of her thumb. Her eyes scan your face making sure that you’re okay. You have more things to worry about though. 
“What was the thing that attacked me?” you asked whispering, “How aren’t you guys normal?” 
She lets out a sigh removing your hand from her face, “That was a vampire. We’re at The Salvatore Boarding School, a place for special gifted people. Witches, vampires, and werewolves.” she says.
Your eyes widen and they feel like they’re about to pop out of your head. It felt like a roller coaster in your mind, but all you can ask was another question, “Why was he looking for you? What did you do?” 
“I didn’t do anything, my dad was a bad guy he hurt a lot of people. They look for my dad and when they find out you know he’s dead. They go after me because I’m the closest thing they can get to hurting him.” Hope says and you can tell that took a lot of her to say.
I mean it took you many many nights of her visiting and conversations that the two of you had to just learn her name. Probably learning about her being a supernatural being and that her dad is dead was probably last on her list. 
“Tomorrow they’re gonna erase your memory. Of all of this mess.” she says gesturing to the room and then she brushes a stray piece of hair out of your face.
Her hand lingers on her face for a second.
You tilt your head puzzled, “Wait will I forget you too?” 
She lets out a deep breath and smiles at you sadly before nodding, “Yes, you’ll forget me too.” 
“Why? I don’t want to forget you. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I really like you Hope. There’s not a moment in time where I don’t think about you.” you whisper taking a finger under chin and turning her to face you.
She stands up abruptly, “How do you think this will end Y/N? You almost died once because you were seen with me. I’m dangerous! I can hurt you! I can protect you all I want, but it’s not gonna be enough one day.” 
You can tell that she has been pondering this and fighting her herself with this for God knows how long. You slowly get out of bed a headache pounding from the night before. 
“It’s worth it Hope. You are worth it.” 
You crash your lips onto hers and she immediately kisses back. Like everything that she has been wanting, everything that she has been holding back from was finally coming out. It felt like fireworks, sparks flew in your head and you couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy because of it. 
She rested her forehead against yours, “I won't let them erase your memories. I’m going to try and protect you. I promise.” 
“I know you will Hope.”
You kiss her yet again and she smiles into the kiss widely. The door swings wide open. The two of you break apart as Josie and Lizzie walk in. 
“You know this is our room right? I don’t want you guys having sex on my bed!” Lizzie says and Hope laughs while you blush shyly. 
You hide your face into Hope’s neck and she plants a small kiss onto your forehead.
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oikadori · 4 years
Reacting to their best friend doing the “Electric Love” trend on Tik Tok
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⇢  Pairings: Atsumu x f!Reader, Osamu x f!Reader, Kuroo x f!Reader, Tsukishima x f!Reader
⇢  Genre: fluff
⇢  WC~ 1,187
A/N: Thanks for requesting ♡! I wasn’t able to include the 5th character, I’m sorry :( There were so many reactions LOL, I hope I got it right. Anon you’re my first request. You have no idea how happy and scared I was HAHAHAAH. Soo, It is my first time writing for Osamu and Tsukki :v (I hope I’m not out of character). Hope you like it! Thanks for reading♡
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You and Atsumu have known each other since middle school and became close during high school
Teasing and annoying the hell out of each other, always ending up laughing was your daily routine
You realize you have a crush on him
So, you’ve seen this tiktok trend and give it shot
You were at Miya’s house, sitting on the dinner table with the twins, studying
You place your phone on the table and start recording
Atsumu immediately knows what is happening when he hears the song
He turns at you with a playful smirk before looking back at his textbook, acting oblivious
Osamu stands up and walks away after sighing loudly
You nervously peek at Atsumu multiple times, your usual sassy nature is nowhere to be found
His eyes soften at your hesitant movements making him smile genuinely
So, when the chorus starts, you are too scared to move
Atsumu quickly closes his book and grabs your face with both hands
He kisses you fully in the mouth, pressing a hand on your neck to deepen the kiss
His lips move feral over yours. You are both out of breath when the video pauses
“What happened, huh? It’s the first time I actually see you flustered”
“Do you want me to hit you in the head, ‘Tsumu”
“I’ll rather want you to kiss me, bug”
And that is what you do, causing the blonde to blush furiously at the contact
“You both are so LAME” Osamu’s head peeks from a corner and then quickly disappears making you pull apart to violently laugh.
⤷The video gets tons of comments about how cute your scared face looked and how hot Atsumu’s reaction was. Atsumu immediately updates his social media to: dating the cutest ♡ bug
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Osamu met you for accident when you exchanged your lunchboxes, making you fascinated with his cooking.
That’s how you asked him to teach you
With each cooking session you became closer, being now his bestie
Atsumu showed you a video of the trend, giving you the idea
You were in your classroom during lunch, hanging out with the second years and some friends
You set your phone and as the music starts to play, Atsumu literally runs away along with your friends
“The hell just happened.”
He is really confused, like why are you biting your lip and looking nervously at the camera.???
“I didn’t know you were into tiktok, Y/N”
Osamu remembers the song because Atsumu showed him the video once, but he genuinely doesn’t remember what was about
When the chorus starts, you just go for it, attempting to forget the fear ghosting you
Your lips crash with his for a few seconds and Osamu’s eyes widen in surprise
But as soon as you pull away, he is already leaning forwards, catching your lips, and making you gasp
The song stops and he slowly detaches his lips from yours. He finds himself surprised by his sudden display of emotion.
“Your lips, they… taste like candy” askjsjkjf Im sorry
“Such a romantic, ‘Samu” you giggle, “Always thinking about food, huh?”
“Except when I’m with you” you stare at him with flushed cheeks “I like you Y/N”
That is all you hear before Osamu pecks your lips softly one more time as you squeeze his hand under the table
“ ’SAMU, you won’t die alone after all!” the other Miya screams
“That’s because I’m the likeable twin, ‘Tsumu, shut your trap already!”
⤷ After you post the video, people got really soft by Osamu’s tender response. You post now some cooking tutorials as a couple.  
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You and Kuroo were the bests in your science class
Your relationship was solely competitive, but your interests drew you both closer
Coming to his games and playing videogames became regular
You both were at Kenma’s house, playing this new game, when you found the video on tiktok
Both were so focused on the game that didn’t notice when you placed the phone on the counter
Kuroo definitely knows this trend as well as Kenma
When the melody starts, Kenma’s lazy gaze catches your phone and he simply walks away
Kuroo stops playing and turns to you with a grin on his lips
“Is something in that little head, smarty?”
“Oh, just thinking about how funny that spiky hair of yours, actually looks”
You both intensely look at each other, letting small chuckles out every time you looked at the phone
“Are you really gonna do it?”
“Huh, are you afraid of a kiss Kuroo-San?”
“Afraid that you won’t be able to handle it (Y/LN)”
The part you were both waiting starts and like a magnet, you both lean in synchronized, smooching your lips together
He pulls you on top of him, laying his back on the couch at the time the sound stops.
“Mmm, who would tell you were such a good kisser, smarty”
“You’re not so bad yourself” you giggle
“Are you done?” Kenma says with a steady voice, entering his living room, finding you over Kuroo’s chest
You shove him away, laughing. You grab the controller ready to play,  trying to show annoyance, but your heart can’t stop jumping on your chest
A hand pulls your waist back
“You are not going anywhere, Y/N”
⤷Let me just say that the video goes wild on the internet, all the comments about Kuroo made his teasing almost unbearable that week
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Tsuki and you started with the wrong foot, thinking you were just some silly girl
But the moment he saw you scolding Kageyama and Hinata, he was like “Oh another intelligent being”
You were at the gym waiting for Yamaguchi and Tsuki when Nishinoya showed you the trend and convince you to do it with Tsuki
Tsuki was a little soft for you so he didn’t say no when you asked him to join you in a TikTok, tho he was really exasperated
There you were standing next to Tsuki , while Nishinoya and Tanaka were on the other side
When the phone starts recording, you grab Tsuki’s arms trying to teach him some movements
“You know how ridiculous this is, don’t you?”
“Don’t be such a bummer, Tsuki, just follow me”
The chorus starts and you quickly lean as high as you can, trying to reach his face
“W-What the hell are you doing?” he pushes your shoulders rather harsh, moving his head away from yours
However, your lips managed to lightly brush his
He storms out of the gym throwing swears to all of you
Everything happens so fast, you couldn’t notice the small blush on his cheeks
“Do you crave attention that much to do such a stupid video?” you catch him outside, a hurt look on his face “Why messing up with people like that?”
Feeling really crappy, you lower your eyes, playing with your fingers
“I’m sorry, Tsuki. GOMEN Tsuki I thought it might be fun but …I did want to kiss you”
“Then, just say it, idiot” he looks away with the cutest blush you’ve ever seen
⤷ The video got tons of comments, feeling sorry for his response. They never guessed the middle blocker asked you on a date afterwards 
✨Please reblog if you like it!! It helps creators sooo much ✨
Thanks for reading ✿
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notnctu · 4 years
cupid’s arrow - h.rj | 7 days
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━ sweet greetings from the 7 days fluff series 
genre ❥ slight angst, fluff !!  details ❥ college!au, friends to lovers!au, genderneutral!reader ━ where renjun makes a bet to get you to fall in love with him.  warnings ❥ explicit language, light banter word count ❥ 7.1k  synopsis ❥ The silly boy has no idea what he’s gotten himself into when he makes a bet with his arrogant friend to get you to fall in love with him. Renjun never intends to confess, mainly because his past unrequited loves have demolished his confidence. So a low stakes gamble causes him a great deal of stress and pride, wishing that it was as easy as striking you with Cupid’s Arrow. While he wants your feelings to develop organically, he actually doesn’t know what he’d do if you did end up liking him back. Because to him, you have always been someone unattainable and out of his reach  taglist ❥ @yourmagnanimousholiness​ ; @lovelycharm05​ ; @watermelonxes​ ; @jaehyunsjasmine​ ; @mjlkau​​ <3
a/n ❥ this is author doie ❀!! uhh this came out a little more angsty than i had planned it to be.. anyways its been a long time coming and we’re still working on the requests hehehe uhh keep an eye out for some blog updates bc we are starting school soon :) thanks for sticking with us so far! lots of love for everyone<3
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Huang Renjun catches a glimpse of your enchanting figure across the lecture hall and how you effortlessly slide into your usual seat near the front. The tap against the tiny turnout table with your pen, ruffling your hair to only have it fall back in place beautifully, and aura alone suffocates him.
In a three hundred person lecture, all he sees is you. The only person in the room who has his undivided attention and while it might be entirely infatuation by your attractiveness, the mutual friends you two share describe you having a heart of gold.
A heart that is impenetrable. Strong, sturdy, shining metal that no one has been able to get through, but Renjun thinks that it’s because you can tell someone is undeserving. Keen and observant eyes, it’s a good thing that his stares don’t linger for long.
As he walks down the descending steps to sit in the row behind you, he remembers a very drunk night over the past weekend and an idiotic bet that has him punching himself. He wishes that he never agreed, but the liquid pride in him could not bite his tongue.
“(Y/N)?” His friend scorns and Renjun slaps his forehead at the slip of your name. Truthfully, the alcohol is messing with his head and he’s saying things that are no longer in his control. But how could he have possibly let the one secret he holds to himself out into the small crowd.
He mumbles profanities underneath his breath, trying to limit light from hurting his blurry vision, and rubbing his throbbing temples. “Yes, (Y/N).” There is no confidence in his voice at the whisper of your name.
“Dude, (Y/N) is way out of your league.” The headache just doesn’t have an end. He knows this; there is no way you’d ever bat an eyelash at him first. Renjun just likes things that are impossible to him, a poor habit of his.
“I bet I could get (Y/N) to get with me first before you ever can.” Then, Renjun’s eyes shoot open wide and the view of the arrogance laughing in the dimness slowly boils his blood.
Renjun may seem like the weaker link to pick on, but he is not one to give up a fight. While his friend has an advantage, the last thing Renjun would want is for you to fall for a horrendous two faced personality.
He’ll charm your pants off and when he gets what he wants: the victory and your vulnerability, he’ll hurt you. Would you be able to see past his fake genuineness or actually fall for the person he plays so well? Renjun can’t let anyone hurt you if he can prevent it.
“I bet that I can get (Y/N) to fall in love with me.” Renjun stumbles to stand up proudly, making himself bolder and more intimidating. Nevertheless, the drowsiness intoxicates him and he can barely keep his line of vision focused.
He sees the disgusting smirk on his friend’s face and a hand extends out for Renjun to shake. “Okay. Let’s bet on it. If you can’t get (Y/N) to fall in love with you, they’ll be mine and you can’t speak to them ever again.”
“Nice use of claiming someone who barely knows you exist.” The alcohol didn’t take away Renjun’s sharp sarcasm and the constant rolling of his eyes.
Renjun truly has no confidence at the game he decided to engage in, his only motive is to protect you from a bad guy. He wouldn’t even know how to handle the potential chance that you could like him back, did you have the ability to do so?
He never had the intention to confess to you, his heart has been broken all too much already by unrequited loves from his past. And if he had to be honest with himself, his admiration for you has become so strong that even he’s afraid to be someone to taint it.
What are the odds that the entire row behind you is already filled? Renjun’s throat closes when he sees the empty seat right next to you and the professor starting up his presentation. Other students push past him to hurry into empty seats before lecture begins, and his own feet pick him up toward you.
Like a magnetic pull, you attract him with an inexplicable force so naturally. Clearing his throat, he swallows the anxiousness that blocks him from speaking. 
“Is this seat taken?”
This is it. This is the first of many looks you two will share, and Renjun’s heart pounds at his chest to wait for your eyes to meet his own for more than a second.
As if the room falls silent and everything is in slow motion, Renjun captures the very image when you blink up at him with beautiful dazzling gentleness and the utter sugar of your lips curling upwards. And he’s stunned, hoping it doesn’t show on his face.
“No.” It’s a simple reply and nothing worth jumping out of joy about, but he tries so hard to hold back the growing smile of your acknowledgement. You are being polite, but something inside of him feels giddy and like static running through his veins.
“Thanks.” Dropping his bag, he enters the seat carefully and sits with his hands folded together on the tiny table.
You examine the attentive boy, as his focus is trained on the lecture slides and the unprepared professor messing with his mic. Chuckling, “you don’t take notes?”
Renjun is surprised at your sudden interaction, completely blindsided by your friendliness. He wasn’t sure how well that would have worked, but your curiosity speaks for you. “I actually forgot my laptop today.” The heavy device sits in his bag at his feet, but he doesn’t dare take it out after the lie.
The soft ‘oh’ that falls from your mouth is too cute and Renjun clears his throat to bring him back from his daydreams of you. Looking apologetic, he shrugs and pretends to gear his attention back to the professor, who finally starts the long awaited class.
“I can send you my notes for the day, if you’d like.” The kindness in your voice does not go unnoticed, in fact, it causes Renjun to hold onto it for a little longer to fuel his undying crush for you.
“I’d love that—” Perhaps he shouldn’t have used the word love for the strictly friendly gesture. “—you’re a lifesaver. Uh, how should I refer to you as?” Playing dumb is his only way to get to you, for now.
“(Y/N). And you?” You hand your phone toward him with social media popped up to input his user handle.
Renjun introduces himself as his sweaty fingers type, and he wonders if he should have polished up any photos that may have you steering away from him. However when he returns your device, the smile that lights up your face allows him to breathe easily.
“I knew you sounded familiar. You’re friends with Jaemin, right?” Your whisper grows soft as you multitask to make conversation and jot down a few important bullet points from the slides. Renjun tries hard to dissect the information as well, but the boring tone of his professor is nothing compared to his crush finally having conversation with him.
“We’re housemates along with two other people.” His body is able to relax now that he’s broken the wall of introductions. You carry yourself to be more intimidating than you actually are.
When he peeks back over at your concentrated expression, your lip is hidden by your top row of teeth and your quick eyes dart between the monitor and your page. How are you so good at literally everything?
“A small world.” He picks up your every word, “well Renjun, since this class has basically ruined my life, would it be too much to ask if you’re down to study with me?” And despite the fluorescent lights being absolutely dull, they still dust your eyes with an enticing glitter.
He must have been staring for too long because you start your sentence of doubt, but Renjun stammers over his response. The professor isn’t quite happy with the small overlap of chatter and shoots a glare at the two of you.
That’s definitely not a good way to start, but it’s memorable. Renjun motions for your pen, and scribbles in his own font the answer to your offer:
I’d love that :)
Then, his heart soars back into the clouds once again at the grin that settles and your written response:  
Me too <3
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How does one get someone to fall for them? If Renjun knew, he wouldn’t still be single and infatuated with someone too good for him. He wishes that it’s as simple as the myths make it out to be, where all Cupid had to do was draw his bow and launch a loving arrow that pierces through the heart — an instant love.
But playing Cupid himself is harder than anticipated. He has no handy tools to assist him with his goals. He just has himself, lacks luster and is invisible. Can he be more painfully boring?
And he looks at you with literal hearts in his eyes. An excitement that awaits him, the true meaning of a head turner. That is you. And all he can offer is his mere presence.
“So how did you and Jaemin meet?” Looking up from your blinding laptop screen, Renjun feels the light tap underneath the table from your foot. He chuckles at the subtly adorable affection, and your own way of showing it.
This has to be the third round of study sessions you two shared, and bit by bit, he falls more and more for you despite it needing to be the other way around. The captivating get-to-know you conversation of favorites all down to your aspirations and goals.
The intelligence of you, your wisdom, your perspective. While he did not have this insight before, knowing it now only makes you more alluring. He can’t believe you’re even sitting with him in his shared living room, just the two of you.
“We met at orientation. He’s persistent.” Renjun laughs lightly and you smile in return, nodding along with his statement.
“Wish I met you guys at orientation. I was never the one to reach out to people first until college forced me out of my shell.” He hopes his ears didn’t deceive him, but Renjun had to do a double take: you said you guys, which includes him, right? You wish you had met him earlier?
But the latter shocks him a bit. If he recalls your first meeting, you were the one curious enough to continue speaking to him. “I would have never guessed.”
“Really?” There is a notable light in your eyes as you tilt your head. “I don’t seem shy?”
“Not at all…” He has to stop himself from going on an incredible tangent about how greatly outspoken you are, it gives away too much on how observant he’s been.  
“I’m good at hiding it then.” You examine the soft shade of pink on the tips of his ears and his averting shy gazes. “What are you good at hiding?”
Your question leaves him speechless and gripping at any ends of answers. There are a number of ways he can go about it, but the truth is not one of them.
What is he good at hiding? His unconditional affection for you. He’s good at concealing every heavy heart beat at your smallest actions. He’s good at keeping a regretful secret bet.
But as those options pop into his head, he doesn’t want to say any of them. So, he opts for a white lie instead and hopes that the hesitation doesn’t sell him out for being a nervous wreck.
“I’m good at hiding what I fear.” You blink at him, clearly intrigued to want to know more.
“You do seem pretty fearless, Huang Renjun.” There is a brief exchange of eye contact and Renjun swears that his pounding heart can be heard in the silence. A smirk on your lips as you return to your work, he’s warm inside from the usage of his full name. And you don’t even realize the effect you have over him.
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“So, you and (Y/N) are close. How did that start?” Jaemin jumps onto Renjun’s neatly made bed. The covers are now ruffled and tossed from the impact.
Jaemin isn’t home very often, but in the rare times he has been, it’s always during the study sessions with you. The first time you came over, Jaemin tried not to talk up a storm from seeing a familiar face. He respects Renjun’s relationships, so he tried his best to keep from prying at the boy.
“You finally want to know?” Renjun scoffs lightheartedly, punching his housemate lightly on the shoulder as he swivels around in his chair. With an excited wide smile, Jaemin tugs at his friend’s arm as an endearing sign of persistence. “Okay, okay. We have the same class.”
“(Y/N) really approached you in a three hundred student lecture?” A tone of disbelief settles in Jaemin’s rhetorical question. He cocks an eyebrow, waiting for Renjun to tell some truth.
“Not exactly. I sat next to them and a conversation just happened.” Renjun shrugs as if it’s nothing big, as if it hadn’t been for your curiosity that started this blossoming relationship.
“Spare me the details.” Jaemin sits up to hold Renjun by his shoulders. The pressure feels oddly crushing, like a whole weight dropping on him. Jaemin stares him dead in the eyes. “What are your motives, Huang Renjun?”
His mouth hangs slightly open from the question. “I can’t be friends with (Y/N)?” Almost defensively, Renjun furrows his eyebrows at his friend, but he can tell Jaemin has caught onto his lie.
“I heard that you made a bet with a certain shithead.” Jaemin rolls his eyes at remembering their horrible mutual, a crime to even consider him as a friend. He drops his heavy hands from Renjun’s shoulders and falls back onto the mattress.  
The alarming expression of grave danger, Renjun is screwed. He gulps the gathered saliva in the back of his mouth, searching for a plausible explanation. “I was drunk.” He slaps his forehead at the stupid reasoning as Jaemin shoots upright to begin scolding him.
“Let me explain,” Renjun covers his mouth to halt Jaemin’s excessive nagging. “I like (Y/N), that’s how the bet even came alive. I slipped up and then he was saying all this stuff about (Y/N) being out of my league.”
“Which is true.” Jaemin adds, quite muffled but doesn’t slip past Renjun.
Renjun glares and thanks him sarcastically. “I made the bet to protect (Y/N) from him. He was provoking me by saying that he can get (Y/N) first and since I was heavily intoxicated, I didn’t think before I spoke.”
Jaemin holds Renjun warmly, seeing that his friend needed a hug from the saddened memory. It’s all too obvious how regretful Renjun feels. “So I’m trying my best at carrying the bet because there’s too much at stake.”
A chill runs down his spine remembering the consequences. He just can’t fail. Jaemin pulls away and lightly pats Renjun’s hair. “Cupid has made you into a fool for your crush.”
“He’s made me into a bigger one for thinking I could get my crush to like me back.” Renjun sighs in defeat and groans loudly. Why does this frustrate him so much? Perhaps it’s the lack of ability to actually get someone to like him back.
Renjun has been single for his entire life, not by choice. He’s done the movie cliches of a confession: a bouquet of roses, a poster, a night under the stars. And not one has ever accepted his feelings. He doesn’t blame any of them since he still struggles with finding things to love about himself. What is there to love about him? He can’t seem to find any redeeming qualities worth mentioning.
But you. You, alone, is simply worth an honorable mention. And now that it’s been well over a month of your friendship, he can confirm that you’re everything he’s ever wanted and more.
“Why don’t you start by being (Y/N)’s friend first? Love doesn’t just happen in an instant, no offense to Cupid or anything. I mean.. isn’t it all just a myth anyways?” Jaemin picks Renjun’s falling chin and he can see the glossy eyes of sadness. They swim with frustration and guilt.
Like an epiphany, Jaemin gave Renjun a starting place. For weeks, Renjun racked his brain for an easy solution out of it all. In reality, he didn’t need any wicked form of magic for foul play. He just wants to be by your side for as long as you allow. And a part of him is scared for you to like him back.
You’ve always been too out of his reach. Standing on a pedestal, you’re something unattainable. It’s lucky that you even bat an eyelash at him. He’s admired you all too much, Renjun won’t actually know what to do if you ever did like him back.
This all stems from his inner insecurities, like a recurring thought: what is there to like about him? Or is he even good enough for you?
If someone had warned him that love could become this confusing, he would’ve sacrificed his heart for something less complicated. To feel. To love. Renjun wishes he can remove the love bow that pierced through his chest.
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On a random Friday night, Renjun’s phone rings with an unexpected caller ID. He pauses the song he’s been listening to for the past hour to pick up.
“Renjun! I’m sad and drunk right now.” Your voice is incredibly slurred and he can barely hear you with the loud background noise. “Can you come pick me up?”
“Are you over on Third Ave. again?” He despises that place. A house on the corner of Third Avenue right off the interstate from campus that throws weekly parties. These parties are overcrowded with creeps and cheap booze. Unfortunately, you’re favorite place to run away to.
This isn’t his first time coming to get you. Over the past few months of your established friendship, you’ve sent him numerous amounts of drunk texts calling for him. This is the first time you actually called, preluding to a really rough night you’ve been having.
You sigh into the receiver, “you remembered.” like you’re on the verge of tears, he can hear the quiver in your tiny voice.
“I have your location, idiot.” Renjun smiles at your silly drunk reactions, finding you more enduring from the innocence. “I’ll be there in a blink.”
“Okay, I’ll close my eyes so I can open them to you.” You giggle before hanging up and Renjun can’t keep the widest grin off of his face. He’s rushing out his door, not wanting to wait another second to see you.
One thing Renjun realized after finally growing close enough to you is that through all his infatuation, you’re still a human. While he thinks of you in a sparkling cascading glitter waterfall, you’re made of the same softness that Renjun has. You’re not perfect and he needed to stop idolizing you as if you’re some shiny trophy.
No, he’s learned that he needed to love you for who you truly are. And the moment he broke down your layers, the glass tears that fell from your cheeks were real. The pain through your confident façade, Renjun needed to love you at your lowest.
He saw you for you, not the attractive person from his lecture he drooled months over. You are the exact reality that movies are afraid to portray. You’re courageous, chic, charming. But you’re also shy, soft spoken, and silly. You’re like waking up during dawn and marveling in the silence of a sleeping society. You’re also like smiles on a sunny day and living in the moment.
Renjun is lovestruck, wildly in love with all that you are. The only thing that brings down his spirits is the lingering bet he made several months ago and he hates how it’s always gnawing at him. It’s like an echo, bouncing off the walls of his mind. He can’t shake it off. Most of the time, he tries to focus the moment in front of him, but it has him tossing and turning in the middle of the night.
Without much surprise, you stand in front of the overflowing party house with eyes cutely squeezed shut. A friend by your side to wait with you. “Open your eyes.” Renjun yells as windows roll down and he double parks the car.
Your eyes gleam in the darkness and bidding your friend a quick goodbye, you jump into the familiar vehicle and embrace your good friend with a longing hug. Renjun chuckles at your adorable actions, patting your shoulder lightly. Despite the cheerful welcome, the mood immediately shifts when he hears your tiny sniffs and feels the tears on his shirt.
“C’mon, your favorite ice cream flavor is waiting for you at my place.” As he whispers positive affirmations, you can only cry harder into his chest. “You’re not feeling too good tonight, are you?”
It’s way too obvious of a question to ask, he knows. Truthfully, he didn’t know what to say and comforting is not his strongest skill without it turning it into a life lesson. He knows what you need, just someone to acknowledge how you’re feeling and to listen.
“I’m feeling the worst tonight. I don’t want to talk about it. Maybe later?” You pull away from his arms, even if he isn’t ready to let you go. He helps buckle your seatbelt and wipe any remaining wetness on your cheeks.
Your hand briefly touches Renjun’s which causes the boy to freeze at the sudden action. Your hazy smile is unclear, but you lean into him before he can process all the randomness. A kiss on his cheek, the most delicate feeling of lips on skin.
Renjun explodes inside, like hazardous fireworks on a cloudy night. He wants to enjoy it, but his circumstances make it difficult for him to. “Thanks for coming to get me.” Your body slumps back onto the seat, a pout on your lower lip. Renjun shifts awkwardly in his seat, buckling his seatbelt to begin the ride home. He can’t find the words to say.
You’re being too casual about what had just happened, as if you’re ignoring it all. Or you simply have no control over anything that you’re doing. “Let me tell you a secret, Injunie.” The sugarcoated nickname. You’re definitely too drunk at the moment, and whatever you do now will be long forgotten the next morning.
Renjun still doesn’t say anything, relishing in the kiss on the cheek just seconds ago. His fingers lightly touch his face, grazing upon the very part your lips came in contact with. He’s truly through the moon and— “I used to have the biggest crush on Jaemin.” Renjun abruptly steps on the brakes, whipping the both of you in your seats.
His heart is falling, it’s plummeting and he can’t do anything to save it. “I really didn’t expect such a surprised reaction.”
Renjun clears his throat. “I’m just caught off guard.” Not a lie, he really wasn’t expecting a confession and his heart to break right at this moment. “Why Jaemin?”
He knows why Jaemin. He’s a social butterfly with no caution to the wind and a heart made of pure kindness. A welcoming friendly figure that won’t hesitate to feed into someone’s need for words of affirmation. Not to mention, Jaemin has a good few inches above him and looks of a poster kpop idol. Of course, you liked Jaemin.
“He has such a good heart. I guess I just like guys who think of me first, as selfish as that sounds. I don’t prioritize myself, so it would be nice if someone else did.” You fiddle your thumbs and Renjun is impatiently tapping his fingers against the wheel.
The red traffic light before you enacts two different feelings. Renjun wants this ride to end as fast as possible. You want this ride to last forever.
“But, Jaemin is seeing someone.”
Your head ducks down and out the window at the shining streetlamps; you know very well about Jaemin’s love life. “I didn’t expect anything from him. I just liked him for him. He came to pick me up every time I would ask, I guess I have a thing for guys who do that.”
Renjun tightens his grip, heart pounding at your statement. You peer up to look at your friend in the lack of light. His glasses sit low on his nose bridge, a soft cotton shirt hugs his torso, and pajama pants that clad his legs. A mess bed of hair as the cherry on top.
After Jaemin, you swore to yourself that you wouldn’t fall for anyone so easily. All of that was thrown out the window the very first night Renjun came to your saving. Despite contrary belief, your heart is not as impenetrable as people make you out to be. And as tough as you can be, it was too hard not to be the slightest interested in him.
Ever since your first meeting, Renjun has always been cool and collected. He’s a hothead at his best, but too playful for any serious damage. Renjun reminds you of yourself. Like a huge impenetrable wall built against any trouble to enter, he is as guarded as you are. He’s timid, and while you had tried your best to hide your own, Renjun simply embraces that part of him.
Renjun stayed after every tearful night. He’s helped you through every difficult study guide, if anything he saved your failing grade.
Renjun puts you first throughout anything; asking if you want the booth seat at restaurants, strategically walking on the outer side so you can avoid driving cars, always has your favorite snacks without you asking. Every tiny gesture, may you be slightly delusional, seemed as if he loved you. And if he did, you wouldn’t mind one bit because you wanted to love him back.
“What about you? We’ve never really talked about our love lives before.” You speak up in the silence, Rejun being awfully quiet tonight. He hopes you don’t blame him, but everything has been too overwhelming. He is no longer sure on what he wants to do or how to react.
“My love life is too sad to talk about.” He’s never wanted to talk about it with you, in case he’d slip up and say something too revealing. “It’s a long list of unrequited loves. I’ve given up on professing my feelings to someone at this point.”
“What would have to happen to get you to confess?” Your eyes coin a mischievous twinkle.
Renjun feels his palms grow sweaty, a bit nervous with this conversation topic. 
“Something catastrophic.”
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Something catastrophic did end up happening. Renjun wishes he could disappear, or if he runs away, would anyone notice?
He stands behind your fuming stance. In any other given situation, Renjun would be more than flattered that you’re standing up for him. However in this case, you’re making a fool out of yourself on his behalf.
“Oh, so you haven’t told (Y/N) about the bet?” Of all the nights Renjun decides to accompany you on a Friday evening, he runs until the one person he never wanted to come within ten feet to.
Truthfully, the night was going well. He ran into a few of his other acquaintances from his club, others from his classes. You held onto his arm the moment you two entered the party, afraid to lose this precious boy in the dense crowd. People walked by and expressed how cute you two looked together.
You poured him drinks that will make his head throb and you busted dance moves that made his heart throb. You were the epitome of a fun time, like an explosion of positive endorphins. Your toothy smiles. Your bright electrified eyes. Your sweet laughter. This was the last beautiful image he had of you before everything came falling apart.
“What bet?” You quickly turn around to face Renjun. His hand scratches the back of his neck and his gaze stays staring at his own feet. Your throat grows tight from Renjun’s hesitation.
“He made a bet with me that he could get you to fall in love with him.” Please stop talking, Renjun begs in his thoughts. He tightens his fist, unable to form words to speak. The thumping of the loud music makes it hard to focus.
“He—” Shaky voice and stuttering… even you are having doubts of Renjun’s character. “He wouldn’t do that.” Your eyes bounce between him and Renjun.
“I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you don't know him very well then.” Renjun’s arrogant friend crosses his arms coolly, a smug smirk unfolding on his face.
“It’s true, (Y/N). I did make the bet and I regret it every waking day.” Renjun finally speaks up, but you’re out the door before he can continue.
There isn’t another thought in his head when he’s running after you; you’re already so far down the road. The secret was bound to be revealed, but he wasn’t ready for it. He was never going to be ready for this day because his first mistake was making the bet to begin with.
He should have thought about you. He should have just swallowed his pride and talked his friend out of it. Was that a choice? Could he have just done that instead of letting it fester into such a problem?
Out of breath and out of mind, Renjun calls out your name. When you spin on your heels to walk toward him, his heart reaches for you. However, you push at his chest and he almost falls backwards.
You’re angry, more than angry. You’re upset. You have every right to be. “What were you thinking, Renjun?” There is a small crack in your voice and he can see your tear stained cheeks under the moonlight. “Am I even your friend? All this time… you had an agenda. Were your actions all fake, then? You wanted to manipulate me into falling in love with you?”
Your words are hitting like large bricks. You are questioning the past five months of your friendship and everything Renjun has ever done for you. A false reality, Renjun didn’t actually give a damn about you. He wanted to prove some odd male status. Could you be any more blind?
“Please let me explain… I was drunk out of my mind that night and the bet I made was stupid. It was before proper evaluation. Does it make it okay? No, I understand that.” Renjun speaks with his hands, clearly panicked and frazzled by the way they waved around in the air. “The bet… I did it to protect you from that guy. I didn’t want him to hurt you.”
“So you hurt me instead?” If someone were to listen closely, they would be able to hear the shattering of two hearts tonight. On this late evening, two hearts are broken under the moon and stars.
But it’s pitiful because the arrow that struck Renjun remains intact. He still loves you, which is why it pains him so much to where he can’t breathe. The information in his head is scattered, like an alarm blaring through his empty brain.
All he knows is that he loves you. You are the one thing he’s afraid of losing. From the first words you two exchanged, his fear that he hid all too well is and always will be losing you.
“That was not my intention ever. I never wanted to hurt you.” Renjun takes a step closer, but you take one back.
“Well you did because your little bet… it worked. I love you, Renjun, so congratulations.” There is bitterness and an inexplicable amount of heartbreak that lace your venomous confession.
All of his life, he thought that if one person liked him back, he’d be the happiest person in the world. Possibly confused at how to proceed with the information, but definitely glad that someone could see any redeeming characteristics in him.
But he feels all the opposite. Your confession keeps his heart broken. If anything, it puzzles him more. “How..? Why would you ever like me?” There were no tricks, no attempts at flirtation, nothing out of bounds of being your friend. He just had himself. And if anyone in the universe were to like him, he’d never expect it would be you.
You groan, growing more infuriated at Renjun. “Because you’re everything I wish I could be. You’re level-headed and insightful. You’re calm and cool, without any necessary arrogance. The way you make me feel… I feel important to you, at least, I thought I was.” Your voice continues to drop softer and softer, “how could I not like you?”
The butterflies could not come at a better time. Hearing you compliment him when he found it difficult to look past his own self deprecation, he’s beyond any levels of shock. Nevertheless, he feels apologetic and knew that this is all too good to be true.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), for making that terrible bet. But, I need you to know one thing: our friendship was genuine. All I’ve ever wanted these past months is to make sure your sweet smile stays resting on your beautiful face.”
“Why? You didn’t know me! You used me for some … pride gamble. I was nothing to you the day you made that bet.” You shout harsh words at him, and Renjun can’t hold back any longer.
This is what he meant by something catastrophic. When he’s pushed to the edge of a cliff, all his buttons are pressed aggressively. Everything falling apart. The loose ends coming undone all too quickly to grapple. He never wanted it to come to this.
“That-That’s not true! I loved you long before that regretful night! You mean every single moment of happiness to me. You’re every ray of sunshine that kisses my skin, every blue sky that reminds me of good days. You mean everything to me.” Genuine words pour from his lips, hoping that you’ll understand what’s left of his heart.
“You’re confessing?” You gasp, practically dazed at the amount of metaphors he compared you to. “Something catastrophic.” A small moment of recollection and a mumble under your breath, you’re understanding what he meant by the phrase he used several nights ago.
“Yes because I can't lose you. I’m a mess of feelings at the moment, but I just know that I’m scared to wake up to days without you in them.” Renjun pleads, the night air causing goosebumps to rise on his arms. His eyes are full of melancholy and fear as he waits for your response.
And you want to forgive him, but would that mean your heart is being too easy? You feel lingering pain, but your eyes reflect Renjun. “To think I thought you were pretty fearless.” Scoffing, you roll your eyes at him and are completely unsure what to do next.
Nevertheless, you’ve wanted someone like Renjun at some point in your life. You hoped for better days and those didn’t start happening until you two met. Renjun went from being your distant study partner to being your number one person to call. He’s wiped more tears than any boy has.
The difference between Renjun and Jaemin is while Jaemin is known to have an extravagantly warm presence, Renjun’s is hidden underneath all the quietness. Like a breakthrough, getting through Renjun felt like getting through to yourself. You needed him to aid in your own self love.
All you’ve ever wanted is to be seen and Renjun saw you.
“I forgive you.” Renjun can finally breathe and rest his tense muscles. But when he reaches for your hand, you take it away. “But it doesn’t mean we are okay. I’ll approach you when I’m ready.”
It’s not easy to love as it’s not easy to pretend that everything can go back to normal after being hurt. You need him to understand that, would he wait for you? The many others before didn’t.
“Okay.” That is all he can say, in the midst of a defeat, he still wishes that you’d stay by his side. But he wrestles that desire with transparency and having organic feelings. Nonetheless, he values the latter. If you did really somehow manage to love him, you’ll come back when you’re ready. He knows. He understands. He sees you through and through.
And he watches you disappear back into the house to find a friend to drive you home. He loves you, but love can also be consequential.
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It’s already midway into the school semester and not that Renjun is counting or anything, but it’s been practically a whole month since the night at the party. He’s done nothing, except sigh in despair and reminisce about the memories before they were ruined.
While Jaemin’s efforts to console him are much appreciated, it doesn’t do much for the fact that you haven’t acknowledged Renjun’s existence for a whole thirty days.
And although he’ll wait a lifetime for you, the question of when he should move on ponders his clouded thoughts. His intensively agonizing desire of wanting to be by your side has dwindled down now. Renjun just wants to see you happy.
“Hey Cupid,” It’s a newly despised nickname coined by the one and only person who knows how to push at Renjun’s buttons — Lee Haechan. Haechan knocks obnoxiously at his door and does not wait around to hear an answer, “get your sad face out here.”
“Go away, Haechan. I’m not in the mood.” As Renjun mindlessly skims over his calendar for important dates, he is pained by the reminder of your upcoming birthday. You had marked it yourself a while back and specifically told Renjun that his attendance is entirely mandatory.
Times have changed now, right? You’ve been radio silent for weeks and as much as he hates to say this to himself: you probably don’t remember making such an assertion. Why would you? You’re most likely not thinking about him anymore anyways and maybe that’s for the better.
“Hey! Lovestruck Asshole, I’m not going to tell you again. Get that arrow out of your ass and come outside now.” Just the demand alone in Haechan’s voice irritates Renjun enough to where he’s storming to open his door.
But what it reveals is not the smirk of his annoying housemate, instead, it is the image of the very first time Renjun ever laid eyes on you and the moment Cupid’s Arrow struck right through his heart. It’s a rush of nostalgia that surges through his veins.
You sit with a hand underneath your chin and elbow pressing into a flat surface for support. The dazed stare of daydream as you’re unaware of your surroundings, yet still waiting for something exciting to catch your attention. And just how lovely you look in the softest rose colored shirt and how your lips, still barely glistening from a quick swipe of your tongue, are slightly agape into an expressionless rest.
All before your eyes trail to the distraction of another body entering the room and for a brief second, make eye contact with Renjun as he’s all the more astonished by your grace. Then like a scene that’s imprinted in his head too clearly, your gaze drops back down to the floor and you’re back to your inner thoughts.
As if the pierced arrow in his heart is triggered, Renjun rediscovers the feelings of a newfound infatuation — a crush. Though baseless except in regards to physical attraction, he’s nonetheless amazed by how quickly you take his breath away… again.
Unlike the first memory, you actually speak to him as you’re now familiar with the starry eyed boy. “It’s been a while.”
The color in your voice that he’s missed hearing is pure music. He clears his throat as if he’s afraid of his own vocal chords breaking from nervousness.
“H-Hey, yeah. It’s been a while.” Renjun repeats dumbfounded that you’re even sitting in his shared living room.
“How have you been?” There you are being polite, but the giddiness still runs like static through his veins at being asked about his well being.
“Lost.” He blurts out the first word that comes to mind. Perhaps, he should stop using words with such heavy implications to friendly gestures. Your head immediately pops up and he scrambles to correct himself. “I mean I’ve been distracted lately.”
“Sadness really does take its course.” You tread lightly, testing the waters with a small grin. The atmosphere is oddly comforting, like feeling you can’t quite replace.
Renjun looks rather rough around the edges, but you don’t blame him since you did show up unannounced. However, the glint in his eyes is much of a delight to see. The way his small mouth curves into the tiniest smile and the gentleness in his regular cadence remind you of past long days full of laughter. The best part of them all — you spent them together.
“My birthday is coming up soon.” Jumping straight to the point of your visit, you stand up to approach him. “I plan to host a small party… and I remember saying a while back that your attendance is mandatory.”
Renjun catches his breath in his throat and he could run gleeful laps around the room if it isn’t for the poorly spaced complex. “So are you still down, Huang Renjun?”
“I’d love that.” He smiles greatly at your offer and as simple as that, your arms wrap around his torso into a long awaited embrace.
“Me too.” You mumble into his shirt and take a deep breath of his lavender scented detergent, “I’m ready. I’m ready to have you in my life. I’m ready to laugh with you. I’m ready to lay in your company. I’m ready to give you my heart.”
As you finish your last sentence, his arms wrap around you too and pull you into a tighter hold. “You have always had mine.”
Renjun can finally remove the arrow that unforgivingly stayed stuck in his heart for the longest time. Your reciprocated love fills up the hole that is left behind. He can now love you with a full and whole heart.
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Fake it till you make it
You were never really one to receive post from home. Your parents would send you a letter every once in a while, sometimes a small care package towards the end of term, but they would come in black lidded boxes tied together with red silk ribbon. This was the precise reason why you were so confused when a school post owl dropped a crushed brown box in front of you and flew back to the owlery.
“What the hell is that?” Your best friend, Draco, asked, voice laced with disgust.
“I have no idea” you replied, cautiously picking the box up looking for a clue as to who the sender was.
“Well open it, don't leave us in suspense, Y/N” Daphne urged.
You ripped the brown parchment off the box to be greeted with a cake box from a bakery in Hogsmeade. You lifted the crumpled box lid off to reveal a small square carrot cake. It had been decorated with white icing, and a note had been piped on with orange icing.
“Go out with me?” Daphne read. “Oh my, you’re getting asked out! Does it say who the sender was?”
Draco looked at you suddenly interested in this delivery.
“No it doesn’t, and I’m glad it doesn't because I definitely don’t want to go out with the owner of this cake.” You replied, pushing the box away from you and returning to your breakfast.
“You don't mind if I take that do you, Y/N?” Crabbe asked, licking his lips.
“Go ahead, Crabbe.” You pushed the box towards them and both him and Goyle reached for the cake.
“Acting as though you’ve never seen a cake in your lives, you disgust me the pair of you” Draco sneered. He picked up the parchment the cake was wrapped in with two fingers and began to stare at it.
“What are you doing?” You asked, looking up from the page of the Daily Prophet you were reading
“I’m checking to see who sent it.”
“I already did that, there was no name on it.”
“You might have missed it”
“I can read, Malfoy”
“Well there doesn't seem to be a name on here, a shame really, I would have enjoyed watching you turn him down and embarrass him in front of the whole school”
“Who said I would have turned him down?”
“You did, just now,”
“I only said that because its an anonymously sent cake, it could have been poisoned for all I know. Had I known who the cake was from I would have reacted differently”
Draco looked confused for a second before getting up, announcing he was going to make his way to potions. You and Daphne did the same a few minutes later and met up with him again in the queue outside the classroom. You had potions with the Ravenclaws, which according to the sorting hat was its next choice for you, but it believed you’d be better suited in Slytherin. It meant that you managed to get along well with some of the Ravenclaw students. Before long, Slughorn called you all in and you took your usual seat at the back, taking up a four-seat bench with you, Daphne, Draco and Blaise. Today's lesson was about sleeping potions, Slughorn announced he would be pairing you up rather than you working with the person you sat alongside. He began reading off a list, pairing Daphne with your friend, Alicia, Draco with Marcus Belby and you with Terry Boot.
You reluctantly got up and moved to a station near the front of the room.
“Morning, Y/N” Terry greeted, oddly giddy for a Tuesday morning
“Morning, Terry” you replied, giving him a small smile. You read through the instructions in your textbook and began to chop up your ingredients.
“Anything interesting happen this morning?” He asked, looking up from the valerian root he was chopping.
“I did get a weird package at breakfast.”
“Oh, you did?”
“Yeah, someone tried to ask me out, bit stupid though they didn't leave their name”
“I did! it was on the inside of the lid”
“Erm yeah sorry about that. What I meant to say is that I sent it.”
“Oh, right, well” You were honestly speechless, you had maybe spoken to Terry once, apologising for Draco’s remark about his mother.
“It's just you’re so beautiful and smart, and you’re nice”
“Terry I’m flattered but I’m just not interested”
“You think I’m ugly don’t you?”
“No- I”
“Don’t lie to me Y/N”
“No I swear, it's just” Your mind raced at a million miles an hour to try and come up with a passable lie. “It's just that I’m actually going out with someone already. We just haven't told anyone, you know how-”
“Who?” He cut you off, his face twisting with anger.
“I don't see how that’s any of your business” The sheer cheek of him was enough to make you angry as well,
“Well, then you’re lying, if it were true you’d say who. You do think I’m ugly”
“It’s,” You paused, blurting out the first name that came into your mind. “Its Draco”. You were already kicking yourself for spluttering his name out. Any Slytherin boy would have done fine, but you just had to say his name.
“Oh, right. Makes sense, you two are inseparable,”
An awkward silence had fallen over you and he barely spoke another word the whole lesson. Slughorn had administered each pairs sleeping potion on a cornish pixie, the pair who managed to keep their pixie asleep for long enough was due to receive a prize the next lesson. You returned to your seat at the back and grabbed your things.
“What’s wrong with you?” Draco asked, pulling the back of your robe
“Huh? what-”
“You look ill, do you need me to walk you to the hospital wing?”
“Walk the long way with me to defence against the dark arts?”
He nodded and the two of you left, splitting off from Daphne and Blaise.
You walked in silence for a bit
“Are you going to tell me what the matter is?” He stopped and faced you for a second
“I found out who sent me the cake” You admitted, continuing to walk
“It was Terry Boot.”
Draco started to laugh.  “You’re lying”
“I swear but this isn't even the worst part” You were beginning to explain but he wouldn't stop laughing. “Draco, I’m serious! stop laughing there's more!”
He calmed down after a few seconds and you continued.
“I tried rejecting him nicely, but he just didn't take it. So I lied and told him I’m going out with someone”
“Oh? whos the unlucky bugger?”
You slapped his arm. “It's you”
“Me?” He looked genuinely shocked.
“I’m sorry it was the first name that came into my mind. But I just wanted to give you a heads up because he’ll probably tell his friends and the whole school will probably find out! Ugh I’m sorry Draco”
“Sorry for what?”
“Well that everyone’s going to think we're together”
“They could think of worse things, Y/N. Plus I don't care what they have to say about me,”
“you're not angry?”
“Of course not, people thought we were going out anyway.”
“Thank you, Draco, seriously”
“You know, we might as well make it believable, just until he moves on, something tells me Boot isn't going to let this drop.”
“What do you mean believable?”
“Like act like we’re a couple. Hold hands, you know all of that”
“But what about all your admirers”
“I could care less about them, your happiness and safety matters more than the opinions of the mediocre witches and wizards in this school”
You felt your heart swell a bit, you honestly didn't expect Draco to prioritise you like this. “So we should just fake it until he gets a girlfriend?”
“Exactly, just follow my lead”
You two ended up being a minute late to your lesson. He took your hand in his and the two of you walked in after everyone had taken their seats.
“Mr Malfoy, Miss Y/L/N, you are late to my lesson” Snape stated.
The whole class turned and looked at you, noting your hand clearly being held by Draco
“Sorry professor, we accidentally walked the long way from potions” Draco explained, swinging your hands.
“Two points from Slytherin, take your seats.” The two of you sat down.
“You and Draco?” Daphne hissed, knowing how long you had been crushing on him.
“Mind your business, Greengrass” Draco replied, sitting back in his chair putting his arm around the back of your seat.
“I'll explain later,” You promised, not wanting to piss off Snape, by talking in his lesson, any more than you already had.
For the rest of the day, you were ogled at like some caged animal in a zoo. Students from every year glanced and immediately dissolved into whispers with their friends. Word clearly travels fast around Hogwarts. You walked out of your last lesson with Daphne, getting ready to head to the Slytherin common room before dinner.
“You better be getting ready to explain this whole thing to me.” She said, pulling you away from the other students
“Yes, as soon as we get to our dorm-”
“Mind if I steal my girlfriend from you, Daphne?” Draco interrupted, appearing from what seemed to be nowhere.
“Yes I do actually,” She replied, pulling you further from Draco.
“Too bad, I’ll be taking her anyway”
“I swear I’ll tell you daph-” You explained apologetically, pulling your arm from her grasp.
Daphne stomped her foot like a toddler and turned to walk to the Slytherin common room. You, on the other hand, were stood with Draco, getting, even more, stares because the two of you were finally stood together, giving feeding truth into the rumour that was swirling around the school. He put his arm lazily around your shoulders and the two of you began your stroll to a more quiet part of the castle.
“I know you want to tell Daphne everything, but do you think that's wise?” He asked quietly
“Yes, she's my best friend, why wouldn't I?”
“I thought I was, I’m hurt”
“You are, you mug, but she is too”
“You know what a big mouth Daphne has, not to mention you know what she’s like once shes had a bit to drink, she might let it slip.”
You pondered what Draco had said. It was no secret that Daphne Greengrass liked to gossip, but it was also no secret that she couldn't handle her alcohol, spilling some of her families darkest secrets after a few shots. Not to mention had she slipped out that you lied about dating Draco it would be embarrassing for not only you but him.
“Ugh I hate that you’re right”
“When am I not?”
“But what am I supposed to tell her when she asks? She knows when I’m lying”
“Well we did spend basically the entire summer together, we’ll just say it happened then.”
“This is all so stressful! Why couldn't I have thought of another excuse? If I knew this was going to be the outcome, I would have agreed with him and said I found him ugly,” You dropped your head onto his chest. He wrapped both of his arms around you, swaying side to side.
“I know, love, but its too late to go back now”
You and Draco had been in this exact moment before in your friendship, only this time it felt different. You felt like you were more than two best friends consoling one another, it was almost as if you were just two teenagers in love. Only for a short while before reality came crashing down on you, it was all just fake.
The two of you went back to the common room to drop your school bags and robes before making your way to the hall for dinner. Despite it being late, there was still a large proportion of students sat down to eat. You took a deep breath as Draco’s hold on your hand tightened and the two of you walked in. Every single pair of eyes in the room were trained on you, it felt like an eternity before you finally got to your seats on the Slytherin table.
“Finally, you have no excuse not to explain yourself to me now, Y/N” Daphne scoffed.
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Greengrass. Were going out, that's it, what more do you want?” Draco retorted.
“Id like to know when, how, where. All of the details, Malfoy”
“Well we started going out in the holidays-” You began to explain before she cut you off.
“Pardon, the summer? As in 6 months ago? You have been hiding your relationship from me, your best friend for 6 whole months?” Daphne’s voice began to rise.
“Watch how you talk to my girlfriend, Greengrass, otherwise you'll find you can't speak another word.” Draco practically snarled at her, he looked as though he was about to rip her head off.
“I wanted to tell you, Daph I really did, I just wanted to keep it between Draco and I for a while, just in case it didn't work out, so it wouldn't be awkward.” You explained calmly.
“Hm, I guess that's a valid reason, you’re forgiven for now. But from here on out, I want to know everything. Did you at least find out who that ghastly cake was from?”
“Terry Boot”
She almost choked on her rice. You filled her goblet with some water and slid it to her.
“He confessed to me in potions, I tried to say I wasn't interested but he basically forced me to admit that I had a boyfriend”
“You poor thing,”
She had quickly forgotten and moved onto the next piece of Hogwarts gossip that took her fancy. Draco was engrossed with his own conversations and it hit you, your new reality was Draco Malfoy’s girlfriend, that was until Terry Boot managed to get his own one. It was something you had wanted since the second year, you felt as though you should have been over the moon, one of your most wild fantasies was playing out right in front of you, but you weren't. It wasn't going to last, you were sure he didn't even like you that way, he was just being the kind but overprotective Draco you had got to know over the past few years.
Once you had filled yourselves up with dinner, you and your friends made your way back to the common room, Draco's hand found yours and he held it as you walked down to the dungeons. Once you had got to the common room, Blaise forced a group of fourth years off the sofa in front of the fire and pulled out his deck of exploding snap, which you all played as a group. The warmth of the fire coupled with the comfort of the sofa made you want to curl up and fall asleep, you could feel your eyelids drooping as you tried and failed to suppress a yawn.
“Tired, love?” He asked, tilting his head.
“A little bit, I think I’ll head up to sleep in a bit” You responded, another small yawn passing your lips.
He nodded and simply pulled you into his side, your head falling on his chest and his arm around you resting on your hip
“God, you two are disgusting” Pansy grumbled as she walked past, taking note of you and Draco in your loved-up state.
“We all know you're just jealous you’re not in Y/N’s place” Crabbe laughed.
“Shut up Crabbe,” She snapped, trying to hit him around the back of his head but failing.
Your whole group laughed as she stomped away. You only managed to last another hour before you really were going to fall asleep, though you were reluctant to move from your position, you got up and announced you'd be heading to bed.
“I think I’ll join you.” Daphne yawned, getting up and stretching.
You made a move to leave but were pulled back by Draco.
“Gonna leave without saying goodnight were you?” He smiled
You laughed, “of course not, goodnight, Draco”
He kissed the back of your hand, sending a jolt of electricity from where his lips touched right to your brain, “goodnight, princess”
You smiled and headed up to bed, feeling as though you were floating on cloud 9.
Over the next few days, you had fallen into a routine, he’d wait at the bottom of the stairs from your dormitory for you to come down every morning, as soon as he saw you, he’d chirp a “good morning, love” before walking you to breakfast. He would walk you to and from every lesson that you didn’t have with him, he even went as far as waiting outside the girl's bathroom for you so he could walk with you back to the library. You had to admit it, Draco Malfoy was the best fake boyfriend.
One cold Wednesday afternoon, you were in the middle of a potions lesson, Slughorn was going on and on about the properties of belladonna, he even hinted it would come up in your exam, but all you could focus on was the contractions of your uterus. The first two days of your period were the worst, horrific cramps, bloating, tender boobs and hot flushes. Madam Pomfrey was aware of how debilitating your period was and would always send owls to your teachers informing them you would be absent from lessons, you didn't even care that Snape would find out about your period, all you wanted was to lie in bed. You tried your hardest to ride out the pain for the next 40 minutes of the lesson before you could go to the hospital wing and get something for the pain.
“Just ask Slughorn to leave early,” Daphne whispered.
“This is going to be on the exam, I can't just leave now”
“Y/N, you are literally dying, I’ll give you my notes, just please go to the hospital wing”
“I’ll be fine,”
You took a deep breath and shrugged your robe off you in an attempt to cool down. Draco slide you a note
‘Everything okay?’
‘Yeah, just my period, nothing to worry about :)’
‘Are you sure? I know how bad they get’
‘I’ll be fine, focus on the lesson!’
‘How can I focus when you’re in pain’
‘Oh shut up, I’ll be fine, I’m a big girl’
Draco read your last message and slid the sheet of parchment into his textbook. Another jolt of pain ran across your abdomen, causing you to squeeze your belly in pain. Draco’s arm shot up almost instantaneously.
“Professor, Y/N isn't feeling well, may I escort her to the hospital wing?”
“Of course m’boy”
You glared at Draco before collecting your things. and trying to discreetly leave the classroom without disrupting the lesson further.
“Do feel better Y/L/N” Slughorn called from the front of the room.
“Thank you, professor” you mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Here give me your bag,” He said, going to grab your bag off your shoulder.
“I’m on my period, Draco, not dying”
He held out his hand anyway and you handed him your bag. He knew you hated being touched too much, it made you feel hotter, so he linked his pinky with yours.
“The corridors are empty, you don't need to hold my hand,” you stated, looking around
“I don't need to but I like to, your hands are soft” You saw him blush slightly as he said it. You simply smiled as the two of you walked into the hospital wing.
“Ah, miss Y/L/N, I’ve been expecting a visit from you” Madam Pomfrey went into her store cupboard and produced a violet potion and measured a dose. “You know the drill, come back tomorrow after breakfast and I’ll give you more, I’ll send an owl to your teachers, what’s your next lesson?”
“We have transfiguration” Draco answered for you while you finished downing your medicine.
“Right, well I’ll tell Professor McGonagall you'll both be absent from the lesson, be sure to catch up with the missing work Mr Malfoy”
You thanked Madam Pomfrey before returning to the Slytherin dormitory. The boys had managed to disable the charm that prevented them from coming up into the girls' dorms, so Draco followed you up.
“Draco, honestly I’m fine.” You signed, dropping onto your bed
“You don’t look fine,” He crossed his arms and looked down at you.
“I just need to get into some comfy clothes and lie down and I’ll be fine, I even have chocolate in my trunk.” You crouched down and opened your trunk and fished out your slab of Honeydukes chocolate. surprised to find that you only had 6 squares left.
“That’s hardly enough, wait here.”
He turned and went down the stairs, leaving you alone. You changed out of your skirt and into some comfy trousers and were about to unbutton your blouse when Draco returned with a full slab of Honeydukes chocolate and his old quidditch jumper.
“I remember you saying how soft this was, I don't need it anymore, you're free to keep it,” He said sheepishly
“Thank you, Draco, seriously” He smiled at you and just stood there, looking at you. “Erm, I need to change,”
He slowly turned around and you unbuttoned your blouse and unhooked your bra throwing it on your bed before putting the jumper on.
“I’m done,”
He turned around, his eyes immediately landing on your black lace bra on your bed, you followed his gaze and quickly snatched the bra and stuffed it back in your trunk.
“I had you pegged for a cotton bra girl myself,” He smirked
“If you think that's scandalous, you should see what I wear on the bottom” you replied, winking. You got under your covers and began to open the chocolate, Draco sat awkwardly at the foot of your bed.
“Why are you sitting like that?”
“I’ve never been in your dormitory before,”
“It's literally the same as yours, come, sit” You moved a bit to the side and he came and sat next to you, stretching his legs out. At this point it was a reflex, his arms wrapped themselves around you as you buried yourself into him.
“Thank you,”
“You’ve said that already”
“I mean it, honestly,”
“Anything for you, princess”. You two fell into a comfortable silence as you lay on his chest, being lulled to sleep by his chest rising and falling.
You were awoken by a loud squeal, you blinked and slowly opened your eyes.
“You two are just the cutest!” Daphne shouted.
You looked around confused for a moment until you saw what was in Daphne’s hand. She handed you a small bouquet of roses with a note attached that read:
I didn't have the heart to wake you, I’ll bring you dinner if you're not up to coming down, I hope you feel better, love - D x
You smiled as you conjured up a small vase filled with water. It was time to admit it, you were deeply, truly and utterly in love with Draco Malfoy
A Hogsmeade trip had been planned for that weekend, at first, you were planning on skipping it, but after some convincing, you decided you’d go. You decided to replenish your potions store, as well as getting some more quills and ink. Draco treated you to some sweets from Honeydukes, before you and your group headed into the three broomsticks to grab a butterbeer before you returned to the castle. You sat in a booth with Blaise, Daphne, Goyle and Pansy, choosing to squeeze yourself right in the corner. Blaise got up to order the drinks returning a few moments later with six butterbeers in his hands. The six of you fell into a discussion about the quidditch tournament, the boys getting heated over Ravenclaw’s win over Slytherin in their last match. After a while Daphne excused herself to go to the bathroom, only to run back a few moments later.
“You will not guess who I just saw snogging Hannah Abbott in the women’s toilet” Daphne yelled, sitting back in her seat at the end of the table.
You all looked at her, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Terry fucking Boot!”
The whole group looked at you and Draco. At that moment you felt a million different emotions, recently it had felt like you weren't faking anymore, you had tricked yourself into thinking that it was all real, forgetting about your deal with Draco. But you knew that this revelation meant it was all over, you and Draco would fake an amicable break-up and remain to be best friends and the thought of that killed you.
“Well, at least now he won't get hexed for looking at my girlfriend” Draco joked.
You smiled and took a sip of your butterbeer. Once you had all finished your drinks, you returned to the castle and settled in your spot in the common room. You were sat with Draco but all you could think about was how this little bubble you were in was going to burst soon. You practically zoned out, your eyes losing focus as you stared at the fire.
“Are you quite alright? You look as though you’ve been stunned” Daphne asked, looking confused.
“Mmm I don’t feel too good, I don't think being out in the cold was a good idea” you mumbled, blinking slowly.
Daphne came and felt your forehead.
“You do feel a bit warm, why don’t you go lie down for a while”
You agreed and went up to lie in your bed for a while. You ended up skipping dinner too, you played up your symptoms to Daphne and she left you alone out of fear that she’d catch whatever you had. You didn’t end up getting out of bed until the next morning, barely having the energy to brush your teeth before you trudged to the great hall for breakfast in your pyjamas. Draco saw you come in and his eyes lit up, he was worried after Daphne told him you were sick. As soon as you sat down he began to pile food into your plate.
“Whoa calm down, I’ll barely be able to eat half of that” You pushed his hand back to the bowl of baked beans prompting him to drop the spoon back into the bowl.
“You haven’t eaten since yesterday, you must be starving, love”
You shook your head reaching for a cereal bowl instead. He looked at you concern filling his face. He kept glancing over at you while you ate, making note of your unusual silence. Once he had noticed you stopped eating your cereal squeezed your hand under the table, you pulled your hand away and acted as though you were scratching an itch on the side of your neck.
“Y/N why don’t we take a visit to madam Pomfrey, just to make sure you’re okay”
“I’m fine Draco, it’s probably just a cold”
“Draco’s right, you should make sure it’s nothing contagious or something” Daphne agreed
“Fine, let’s go then” You dusted your pyjamas off and got up, defeated.
You followed Draco out of the great hall. He began walking the opposite direction to the hospital wing and pulled you into a deserted part of the corridor.
“Are you okay?” He asked immediately, his tall frame towering over you.
“I’m just tired Draco, that’s all”
“You can’t lie to me, I’m your best friend”
“I’m not lying, I’m just tired, I haven’t been sleeping well the past few days”
“Has someone said something? Threatened you? I swear if I get my hands on them”
“No ones done anything. You don’t need to keep the overprotective boyfriend act up anymore, we’re alone and Terry has a girlfriend now”
“Act?” His face had fallen and he turned to look away
“You really thought it was all an act?”
“Was it not? You said it yourself, we were faking it until he got a girlfriend so that he wouldn’t try and make a move on me”
“How can you be one of the smartest witches in our house but be so dense at the same time. “
“Excuse me,”
“It wasn't an act for me”
Your heart stopped.
“What?” you honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing
“It wasn't an act for me. I didn't do all that just because I wanted Boot to back off, I did it cause I’ve fancied you for a while” Draco began pacing, as he explained himself
“You said you would have gone out with the sender of that cake if it wasn't anonymously sent. I don't know why, but it didn’t sit right with me. I didn't like the fact that you were willing to go out with someone that wasn't me.”
“So you waited for me to find out who did send it, so you could propose this crazy idea?”
“I didn’t expect you to find out, hell I didn't even know I was going to say it, but once you agreed to go along with it, I felt like maybe you’d see that us being more than just best friends wasn't that bad, and maybe you'd be willing to give me a chance.”
“Can I let you in on a little secret?”
He stopped and looked down at you and nodded,
“I've fancied you since second year”
He smiled and grabbed both your hands
“And since we’ve been fake going out, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you now,”
“Say that again”
“I’m in love with you Draco,”
“Say it again,” he said, placing his hands on your cheeks and staring into your eyes with adoration.
You laughed “I love you”
“I love you so much more, princess. Way more than I can even explain”
You beamed up at him, you felt like you could honestly explode at this point. all those years of crushing on him and wishing you could tell him how you felt, and here you were.
“I'm going to kiss you” He whispered
“I think it's about time you did”
He moved slowly before giving you a sweet but passionate kiss. His lips were softer than you thought they'd be.
“At least now we don't need to worry about telling our friends,” You joked, resting your forehead against his.
He laughed and kissed you again. Something you know you would never get tired of. As cliche as it seemed, you did it, your best friend was now your boyfriend. It was just you and Draco, safe in your perfect bubble.
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