#but my moving plans have gotten all shuffled since I interviewed and are now super uncertain
grassbreads · 1 year
A single email has disrupted my entire day
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lovemeleo · 3 years
What about some Pre-O’knutzy Pinning?
my lovely TM, of course you can! it’s a tad short but I hope you still enjoy it. o’knutzy belongs to the lovely @lumosinlove. 
No one ever told you how hard it was living with the object of your affections. Especially when they didn’t feel the same way and they were also in love with their best friend… who you also might be in love with. 
Leo should’ve realized this before he even moved in. He had seen Finn before, followed him on Instagram, and watched his interviews. He was a bit of a fan.. Okay, maybe he was harboring a horribly hidden crush for him. Leo knew the older boy was attractive, but somehow in his head moving into the same apartment seemed to be a great idea.
Just in the first couple of weeks of living there, he was learning his lesson. There was a big difference between watching a youtube interview from the comfort of his bed in New Orleans and seeing the object of his affection when he first woke up, shuffling into the kitchen. And Finn was the cutest when he first woke up. Pillow creases still pressed onto the left side of his face, because he always slept on either his left side or his face just pressed completely into the pillow. His hair was always a disaster which he somehow managed to pull off and still look attractive. 
Yeah, Leo was screwed.
“Good morning, Nutty!” Finn greeted, a ray of sunshine even minutes after waking up. Why couldn’t he have been rude? A complete asshole? No, of course, he had to be the human embodiment of a golden retriever. 
Leo smiled back because of course he did. He was smitten. “Morning, Harzy. Sleep well?”
Grabbing an apple from the counter, Finn nodded, “Yeah, always sleep super well after we do sprints at practice. The best kinda sore, y’know?” And Leo nodded because he did know. Though he was new to the team, they had done sprints during practice many times. His body always aches afterward, but it was a good ache. 
Unable to keep his eyes to himself, Leo watched as Finn reached for his coffee cup that for some reason always ended up on the top shelf. How strange. Leo couldn’t help himself though, the ripple of muscles on Finn’s back and his arms straining to reach, that alone was enough to keep him from putting it on a lower shelf. Then Finn went on his tip-toes, making his ass even more evident in his joggers. It made Leo just want to reach out and gr-
Finn’s voice cut through his daydream, making him blush at possibly being caught out, “What’re your plans for the day?”
That’s right, it was a day off. Leo shrugged, bringing his own coffee mug to his lips, “Nothing set in stone. Was possibly thinking about wandering Gryffindor a bit. Haven’t really gotten to see the city that much outside of the apartment and the rink.”
If possible, Finn’s face lit up even more, “That sounds fun! I had plans to get lunch with Logan later on but would mind if I tagged along? I could be your official tour guide, show you all the cool places! And then you could come to lunch with us? I-If you want to, of course.”
Leo’s head spun a bit as his brain caught up with the conversation, “I mean... Yeah. Yeah, of course, that’d be great. And if Logan’s alright with it, lunch sounds good too.” As if he would turn down a day with Finn. 
Maybe it’s a date.
His brain hated him. It’s obviously not a date. They’re going out as friends. They’re meeting up with Logan, who if the longing glances when the other one isn’t looking also has lots of feelings for Finn. And Leo.. Leo wouldn’t even stand a chance. Everyone had heard about Logan and Finn, best friends since college and now playing together. Amazing on the ice together. Even if either of them swung for the same team as him, why would they go for him when they could have each other?
Leo could do friendship. He could be a good roommate, a good teammate. He had such a good thing going for him, he shouldn’t push it. Shaking his head as if waking up from a dream, Leo looked up and gave Finn a small smile, “I’m gonna go get ready then, we’ll meet downstairs in an hour or so?”
Before Finn could even give a response, Leo was up and out of his chair, heart pounding in his chest like a drum as he made his way back to his room. And if Finn’s eyes followed him out of the room, worried with a flicker of hope, well that was between Finn and his coffee mug.
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yankyo · 5 years
“You’re sure you have everything? Passport? ID? Extra currency? Are you going to be warm enough-?”
“YES. I’m sure, I’m fine, I’m ready!” You cut Adam off as you finished stuffing things into your backpack, the better part of the Maitland-Deetz household watching you silently while the last of your belongings disappeared into a suitcase and an, admittedly oversized, backpack. Barbara and Adam were worrying over you, while Charles and Delia were watching with amusement as you pressed and pressed to force your suitcase to close.
You had been planning for this for months. You couldn’t be more ready if you tried! Your University had a two week long excursion program to Japan, that happened every Autumn. You had to rearrange some classes, and drop some entirely, when a professor or two insisted that their individual, two credit hour, elective course was more important than what could be a life changing experience. Besides, beyond regular studies, you had your own agenda…
You were working on a book. A ghost book…which is what brought you into Lydia’s little circle to begin with. When she started going to your University, though by that point you were getting ready to start graduate school, the two of you would talk at length about the macabre and the strange. After around six months or so, she invited you to meet her family. Her whole family. And that included Adam, Barbara…and someone who soon grew very close to your heart…Which drove you to learn more. Everything you could! But, even with two ghosts and a demon at your questioning, you still found yourself wanting more. So you decided this was the perfect opportunity to expand those horizons. Beetlejuice, however, was not so enthused.
“I don’t get it, babes. Why go allll the way there, just to hear what you could hear from me, right here?” He had been asking, the night before, as you made your final selections regarding shoes, and jackets.
“Because if I’m writing a book, I can’t cite ‘My Demon boyfriend, bug soda, as a source.’” You tossed back, looking between a sweater or two, before giving up and tossing them both into the pile that you still needed to put into your bag.
“Aww, come on, I’m reliable!” He persisted, making you laugh a bit.
“Since when, and to whom? Cite your sources. APA? MLA?” You glanced back towards him, seeing him laying half off your bed, arms over his head, and hands reaching the floor.
“Ugh, stop speaking Greek, the blood is rushing to my head-“
“What blood?” You snarked back, making him go silent for a moment.
“…okay, fine, touche.” He sat up, and looked you intently now. “Look…I know you’re set on this, right? And nothin’ I’m gonna say is gonna talk you outta it, but…trust me when I say, those bitches don’t fuck around. And if you waltz yourself in there, looking for something…you might just find it, you know…?”
The serious tone to his voice gave you pause, and you came to sit on the edge of the bed, searching his face for…something, you weren’t sure. But there was a hard edge you weren’t used to seeing.
“Beej…baby…I’m gonna be just fine…! It’s only two weeks…you’ll blink, and it’ll be over! And not to mention, if I need anything, or…hell, even if I just wanna see you, I’ve got your number.” You promised, pulling him forward to kiss his forehead, as though that would ease his thoughts.
“…Isn’t international calling like- super-“
“Your name, baby. Your name.”
  Which brought you back to now, picking up your bag, and throwing hugs and promises to travel safely to each and every member of the family…except one. You opened your mouth to say something, only for Charles to look down at his watch, and give a start. “Ah, look at that! We need to get going, if you’re going to make your connections.” He started lifting your suitcase, and you shuffled your backpack on.
“Wait…!! Beej isn’t here, I haven’t had a chance to say bye…!” You insisted, before Adam and Barbara gave you a little push.
“No time!” He chimed.
“Nope! None! You need to get going!” She insisted.
That…was odd. Usually they were all about hugs, and kisses, and goodbyes, and…all that sappy stuff. You narrowed your eyes, and opened your mouth to ask what they were up to, only for the front door of the house to open, and Charles was already moving your things out, leaving you to hurry and catch up to your friend’s dad.
“Be safe!” Called Adam.
“Have fun!” Called Barbara
“Take Pictures!” Called Delia
“Bring me back something cool!” Called Lydia.
But there was a voice missing from the mix, and it made the rock of anxiety in your stomach just a little bit bigger. It didn’t matter how excited you were…this was a really big undertaking…and not getting to see Beetlejuice before you left…? Made it just a little bit harder.
But before you knew It, you were ushered into the car, watching as the four waved from the door step, and Charles pulled from the driveway.
As soon as you were there, everything else fell away. You took…what must have been thousands of photos! Nightlife, temples, Shrines, Castles, FOOD. And for each one you sent back to your little found family, a whole outpouring of love met you. Except for BJ. You could see that he was looking at every one of your pictures, sometimes as soon as you sent them, but he never replied. You sent a photo, saying “Nightlife in Shinsekai!!” or “Look at this cat I found!” But no matter the subject, he stayed quiet.
But being thirteen hours ahead, you didn’t exactly have the time to sit there and hound him for a reply. He might just be trying to take his mind off you being gone…the separation anxiety had been hard, you knew, but he was trying! And if not talking made it easier, then that was okay. Just another week, and you’d be back in his arms, with a lot more research, and couple cool gifts.
Speaking of your research, it was coming along well. You’d finally nailed down the specific spirits you were going to be talking about in your book, which was more than you had to begin with. You’d interviewed locals from multiple cities about their belief in the supernatural, and their encounters with ghosts. You’d visited multiple temples, and shrines, and other places where spirits were believed to lurk, but so far, you had seen hide nor hair of any of them…
You weren’t sure if that was good or bad, yet.
Either way, it wasn’t until the final stop on your trip that things took a little bit of a worse turn…
You were in Kyoto, which was very, very well known for it’s spirits. Hell, there was a huge shopping center, with a shrine, right in the middle. It was tied right into the identity, by this point.
“Ah…come on, come on….!” You grumbled, turning in circles as your maps decided exactly where it was trying to take you. It was starting to get late, and the last of the buses were starting to run. You had to hurry, or else you’d be walking back to your hotel…You were tired, your feet hurt, and you’d been having pronounced problems with your various tech items all day. All you wanted was to get home, shower, and sleep before you had to be up and at the airport the next day.
Finally, you found your way to the bus station…riiight as the last bus was pulling away.
“No! No no no, shit!!” You hissed, watching as the bus got further and further away, as though that would bring it back to you. Needless to say, it didn’t work.
Guess we’re walkin’, huh?
You whipped your head around. It was faint, but you could have sworn you heard something…familiar.
You brushed it off, rolled your shoulders, and steeled yourself. It wasn’t a far walk, but it was enough that your feet were aching just at the thought, after a whole day of walking. It was past ten, by this point. Most placed were closed, aside from the odd convenience store, who’s lights offered you a moment of respite from anxiety, before you re-emerged to continue your trek. You started dodging through neighborhoods…you were almost there..!!
Just a block or two away, you were stopped at a cross walk. Even with the foot traffic dying, and the late hour, there was still the occasional car. You were too tired to book it, and you’d rather just be safe, and wait, instead of forcing yourself. As you came to a stop, you came to the realization that a woman stood on the corner beside you. She was tall, and thin, With messy black hair that hung around her face like a shroud. From her profile, you couldn’t see her eyes, only he medical mask that covered her nose and mouth. They weren’t uncommon here. You’d actually worn one earlier in the week when you’d gotten a little cold. Either way, she didn’t appear at all threatening…maybe a little burnt out or high, but not threatening.
But you still felt a cold thread of dread climbing further and further up your spine.
…This light was running long. You glanced to either side of the road, not seeing any cars, or any other pedestrians. It was just you, and this woman, in the fluorescent light of a street lamp. You rocked back and forth on your feet.
“…Do you think…I’m pretty?” The words were so soft, you almost missed them.
“I’m sorry I don’t speak-…what was that?” You heard the words…you just wanted to be sure you heard her correctly. Not to mention, it took you an extra moment to register…she spoke English, to you.
“I asked….do you think I’m pretty?” The words were louder this time, and she turned her face to you. Her eyes were incredibly beautiful. Her skin was like porcelain, and they looked at you with such an honest intensity, that your heart skipped a few beats.
“I….yes, you’re very pretty…” You murmured, as you searched her face. You saw the corners of her eyes turn up in what you assumed was a grin, beneath the mask, and you smiled back, feeling good that you’d been nice.
You heard the sickening sound of something…fleshy, and wet as she reached for the straps of her mask. Squelching, and smacking…When she finally lifted her head to you, and her mask came off, You took two half steps back. She was starting to twitch, now.
Beneath her mask was a bloodied smile, slit ear to ear. You froze, taking another step back. You wanted to run! To scream! Do to…anything, anything at all, but your body was refusing to respond now. Everything turned to ice.
“Do you…still think…I’m pretty?” She demanded of you, mouth struggling to form the appropriate words through it’s injury. You remembered this story. The slit-mouth woman. You remembered this tale- Now how do you get out of it? How-
Something with…candy…? Ugh, no that couldn’t be right. Counting? No! Fuck…Her question…that had to be it, right? You had to answer…
“…I think…I think you’re still very beautiful…” You managed to get out, as she jerked her way towards you, hands outstretched. A shake tore it’s way up your spine as her hands, cold as ice, cupped either side of your cheeks. Despite the ice in your blood, you could feel the atmosphere crackle with…something…heat, or electricity, or…something.
You looked back to the woman finally to see that her once kind and gentle eyes were replaced with ones manic, and hungry. The hand on your left cheek grabbed you by your hair, making you cry out, and fall to your knees. From the side of her dress, she produced a pair of scissors, looking as though they were ancient, and caked in a maroon substance…you could only guess you would soon be adding to. You finally started to make noise. You were crying, and kicking, and screaming, but despite it all, she held your head steady.
“If you think I am pretty…then you would want to look like me, yes?” She said, drawing closer.
That had been the wrong answer.
Oh god. You were going to die here.
You were going to die on the other side of the world. Maybe you’d never be identified. Maybe you’d be kept in a morgue forever, no one knowing who you were. You’d never see Lydia again. Or the Maitlands. Or the Deetz’s. Maybe not even….You had already started to sob, and to your luck…this seemed to amuse her.
“Oooh, I know…! You’re going to be so lovely, aren’t you?” She cooed, as though she were comforting a newborn. Her hand stroked down your cheek, and you finally heard it.
That was the sound of air being displaced at high speeds.
And there was only one person you knew who could do that. Demon, really.
In a flurry of motion, you were released, falling to the pavement below as the Kuchisake Onna was very swiftly socked in the cheek. It made a disgusting squelching noise, and she shrieked, dropping her scissors which nearly hit your leg.
You looked up to see Beetlejuice, so red he nearly glowed, grabbing the woman by the front of her dress, and hauling her up to look her in the eye, despite her being a measure taller than him.
“You listen to me slit-mouth skank, and you listen damn good, understand? That is MY breather. MINE. You wanna fuck with them, you gotta fuck with me, and you do NOT wanna fuck with me. CLEAR?” There was a long, tense moment, before she finally nodded, clicking her tongue, and hissing something in another language. “Nah. I don’t wanna hear it. Get your shit. And go. You can find a meal somewhere else, I don’t care who, but this one is under protection.” He insisted, finally throwing her back.
Less than gracefully, she picked herself up, put her mask back on, sent you a scowling look, and grabbed her scissors.
“Tell your pet…that even my work…could not fix a face that…you could be attracted to.” With that, she finally shambled off, which left you, sitting on the pavement, in tears.
“Hey…hey, hey, there you are…” Beej finally closed in on you, kneeling beside you. His hair was finally fading now, into soft greens and blues… He picked up your head gently, and a choked sob left your throat, as you fell into his arms. “It’s okay…see? You’re fine…”
“You were r-right…I shouldn’t have c-come…” You cried, too caught up in him being back to really care what you were saying, who saw, or the fact that you were rubbing your face into his absolutely disgusting suit.
“Hey…no, no, you should have…! This was just a bad encounter, ya know? And to be honest, you’re lucky! She’s a bottom feeder. Most of ‘em wouldn’t even listen to me, but they also don’t go around fucking with randos on the street. You gotta really piss ‘em off.” Somehow, that didn’t make you feel better.
“I w-w-wanna go home now…” You hiccuped, and he helped you up, steering you towards your hotel.
Wait…how did he know where that was?
When you turned your head to ask the question, he already knew what you were thinking.
“I uhhh…I’ve kinda…uhhh…been followin’ you this whole time. Just to be safe!! You know? I wasn’t gonna interfere or nothin’, I just wanted to make sure something like…well…that, didn’t happen.”
In all honesty, you were grateful for it. It meant that you lived to see him, and your family again, so that was all that mattered. You leaned into him heavily, as the adrenaline left your body and you felt yourself crashing back down to earth, hard. You were so tired…
But finally, he maneuvered you into the hotel, and up to your room, ignoring the stares and scandalized whispers at his appearance, finally getting you into bed, all safe and sound. He was getting ready to pop out of existence again, when you reached your arms towards him, making little grabby hands.
“Ohh, nuh-uh, you left for two weeks, you gotta make it through two weeks-“
“Nooo, come on, I just had a traumatic experience!” You insisted, sticking out your lower lip, and turning the grabby hands up to 11.
Finally, he broke, heaving a sigh as though this was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, and slipped from his coat, and pants. He was about to climb in when you stopped him.
“Shirt too. I refuse to pay for a new pair of sheets because it ruined them.”
He grumbled a little more, but soon, was finally snuggled to your side, the world right again. And…well…you rather liked being his breather, especially if it kept you safe from…whatever else lurked beyond the veil.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Catching Up Part XI
A Joe Mazzello x Reader Fic
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Summary: Reader is a writer for an entertainment news network and after Joe comes in to do an interview, they reconnect. Unexpectedly, they’re having a child together.  
Word Count: 2.9 K
Tag List: @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @jennyggggrrr @somethinginthewayiam, @grandaddy-roger-trash, @rogerloveshiscar, @hopefully-aesthetically-pleasing, @danamaleksworld, @mrsmazzello, @reedusteinrambles, @rexorangecouny, @caborhapch, @kurt-nightcrawler, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls, @queendeakyy, @hotttspace, @anxious-diabetic, @someone-get-a-medic, @psychosupernatural, @lizvxx, @cobra-anon, @anotherhystericalqueen The story’s almost over, but it’s not too late to be added to the tag list! Let me know!
A/N: This chapter is super fluffy. But, once again, setting some important stuff. Little Joey is arriving soon! Also, special appearances from Bri and Rog in this one :)
Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV  Part V   Part VI Part VII  Part VIII  Part IX  Part X
Part XI here we go!!!
You were free of Nick, but you could not force yourself out of your anxiety about cameras. You were doing so much better now. You were at a point where Joe - but only Joe - could take your photo. After you got your closure with Nick, you allowed him to post one of you onto his Instagram. It made you nervous, and you wondered if people might discover your old shame, but you pushed that all away. Joe posted a photo of you, holding your little bump right after he’d made you laugh. It was a great shot.
That was something that helped. When Joe made you laugh, you were immediately relaxed, almost unaware that he was taking a picture at all. He knew just how to make you comfortable enough to get an amazing one of you. Even you couldn’t deny they looked good.
His captions melted your heart as well. The first photo he put up that included your face read: “This is my beautiful girlfriend. She’s amazingly brave, talented, and smart. She’s also giving me the greatest joy of my life. Y/N, I love you. I can’t wait to see our son grow up guided by the greatest mother in the world.” It got you choked up.
Everything would have been perfect if it hadn’t been for your pregnancy making you feel sick and tired all the time. Your headaches were pretty intense, and you still had nausea. You also had swelling around your ankles that you were positive couldn’t be normal. You had a doctor’s appointment before you would leave for Los Angeles, and you made a note to tell Dr. Barrow your concerns. Joe wouldn’t be going with you because he’d be in London for the UK premiere of BoRhap. You promised to send him a picture, though.
You weren’t sure you liked Dr. Barrow much. When you told him about what you were going through, he insisted it was normal pregnancy stuff. He seemed a bit uninterested and overwhelmed by the fact that he also had Dr. Jones’s patients. You felt completely dismissed and unheard.
“Dr. Barrow,” you said. “I don’t think you understand. These headaches are splitting -”
“They’re always ‘splitting’ to you ladies, aren’t they?” he returned with a tired wave of his hand. “I assure you, what you’re going through is normal.”
You frowned. “And it’s still okay for me to drive all the way to LA?”
He nodded. “Of course. As long as you get plenty of rest and continue to take your prenatal vitamins, you and your baby will be fine.”
You felt a little uneasy about him, but took his word that you’d be fine. That afternoon, when you told Joe about it over FaceTime, he seemed concerned, but unsure how to handle it.
“I guess we have to trust him,” he said. “He’s the professional.”
You shrugged. “I suppose so. Hey, do you want to see the picture?”
“Of course!”
You held up the sonogram. “Behold, my love, your child.”
He chuckled. “Aw, he’s amazing! I miss you two.”
“We miss you too,” you replied. “But I’m sure you’re having loads of fun in London.”
He began excitedly telling you what he and  the guys had been up to. You smiled and listened carefully, laughing a few times. Your hand rested limply on your baby bump, phone dangling from the pop socket. All of a sudden, Joey gave a mighty kick, knocking your phone right out of your hand and it slid onto the bed.
“Joey!” you gasped, poking him gently. “That was rude!”
“Baby?” Joe’s voice came from somewhere in the covers. “What just happened?”
You picked up your phone and held it properly. “Your son just kicked the phone out of my hand.”
He laughed. “Wow, he’s a strong boy.”
“This is hardly congratulatory behavior,” you returned.
“Is he still moving?” he asked. “I wanna see.”
You lowered phone to your protruding belly, and focused the camera so he could see Joey’s little feet popping up. Joe gasped.
“It only gets more awesome every time I see it!” he said.
“Do you miss your daddy, Joey?” you cooed to your belly. “I miss him too.”
“I’ll be home soon,” he said as you brought the phone up to your face again. “Just one more day and then I’ll be on a plane.”
Shortly after, you said goodnight and tried to get some sleep. It felt awfully lonely in the house by yourself, but you took comfort in the fact that Joe would be home soon. Then you would start your first family road trip.
You followed the premiere coverage from your desk at work. Several people were watching, since you worked in entertainment. Emily sat with you, shaking her head in amazement.
“I can’t believe you’re going to the one in LA,” she said. “It looks so glamorous.”
“Or terrifying,” you said with a gulp.
You could see all the cameras and flashing lights as Joe and the rest walked down the carpet and into the theater. Your heart gave a nervous flutter.
“Oh, Joe’s talking,” she said. “Turn it up.”
You did so and you caught that the reporter was asking about you and the baby.
“Yeah, Y/N is doing great and so is the baby,” he said, beaming. “I’m so excited, I feel like I have so many blessings right now. Between this film and having a family, I just...I can hardly believe I’m so lucky.”
“How did you meet Y/N?” the reporter asked.
“We actually knew each other as kids!” Joe told her. “Fourth grade. We were friends and then she moved away, but we found each other again through work.”
“Wow, that’s amazing!” the reporter said.
“Right?” Joe agreed. “Where’s our Hallmark movie?”
She laughed. “So, are you two hearing wedding bells?”
“We’ve talked about it, and we know we want to commit to each other,” he said. “No plans to bite that bullet just yet though. We’re focused on getting the baby here.”
“That’s a good thing to focus on,” she said. “Thanks for talking with us, Joe. And congratulations!”
“Thank you!” he returned and walked over to the next camera.
Emily sighed. “The way he talks about you is so sweet. I mean, his eyes just light right up. That must be so nice.”
You smiled. “It’s wonderful. He’s wonderful.”
Forty-eight hours went by, and before you knew it, you and Joe were on the road, heading west to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to stop and sight see because you were on a tight schedule to make it there in time for the premiere. Even so, Joe made it fun. He told you a bit about LA, since you’d never been before. Nervous as you were about the premiere, you were excited to be there with Joe.
The night of the premiere came. You and Joe were staying with Rami and Lucy. You honestly considered pretending to be ill to get out of it. You were so nervous, your body shook. Lucy had to help you into your dress and do your hair because you were just unable.
“Y/N, if you can’t do this, you don’t have to go,” Lucy said gently as she laid a curl across your shoulder. “Joe will understand.”
“No, I promised him I would,” you insisted. “Besides, like Joe always tells me, I can do anything.”
She smiled. “You two are adorable.”
“How do you do this, Lucy?” you asked. “What a good trick to keep in mind?”
“Focus on one thing at a time instead of the big picture,” she advised. “That way it doesn’t seem like so much. Stick close to Joe, and you’ll be alright.”
You nodded.
When you met Joe and Rami downstairs, they both gaped at the two of you.
“You look wonderful,” Rami said to his girlfriend. “You both do.”
“Lucy looks wonderful,” you returned playfully. “I look like a planet.”
“Hey, that’s my girlfriend you’re talking about,” Joe said, feigning offense.
You all chuckled.
“You look beautiful, baby,” he said seriously, kissing you on the cheek. “I love you.”
The four of you headed out to the awaiting limo to take you to the theater and the premiere. You felt so on edge that even a bump in the road made you grip Joe’s hand tighter. You hadn’t gotten to try having other people take photos and videos of you, and you were unsure if you could handle it.
“Fuck, I wish I could drink,” you said under your breath.
Joe laughed. “I wish you could too. I’m pretty sure you’re breaking my fingers.”
“Imagine what it’ll be like during childbirth,” Rami joked.
“Oh please, childbirth isn’t nearly as bad as they make it out to be in movies,” you said.
“You’re not scared, Y/N?” Lucy wondered.
You looked at her and shrugged. “Not really, no. My body is made to do it. And with an epidural, I won’t feel much besides pressure.”
She looked impressed. You gave Joe’s hand another nervous squeeze.
“I’m gonna check your pulse,” he said. “You still have feeling in your fingers?”
You nodded. “So far.”
“That’s good,” he said gently. He pressed his fingers to your neck. “Definitely got a quick pulse, but you’re doing so well, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
“I hope you’re not speaking too soon,” you muttered.
“I’m not,” he told you. “We’ve arrived.”
The car came to a stop. You sucked in a breath and looked wildly at him.
“You guys go,” he said to Rami and Lucy. “We’re right behind you.”
They shuffled out of the car. Joe took your face in his hands and held your gaze fiercely.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said. “Everyone here loves you. You got this. Stay with me.”
You nodded. He placed a swift peck on your lips. He moved so he could exit the car first. When he opened the door, you gulped. He stepped out, and you briefly considered telling the driver to go and take you with him. But you would not abandon Joe. Carefully, you scooted to the door, sticking one foot out and letting it hit the carpet. You reached out your hand, and Joe’s found it. You held your swollen belly and Joe practically lifted you out of the car.
The roar was deafening. The cameras clicked, reporters shouted questions, and music blasted from somewhere else. You held Joe’s arm and took a deep breath. The car pulled away as you stepped forward and you were forced to resign yourself to it.
You glanced at the cameras and felt your stomach drop. Joe’s arm secured you around your waist and you met his eyes.
“Stay with me,” he said again, and kissed your temple.
You let him lead you down the carpet closer to the cameras. Joe walked up to the first reporter, who was from the LA office of Everything Entertainment. You beamed at his consideration. He thought that if you knew the company you were talking to, you might feel more comfortable.
“We’ve been dying to see your beautiful baby mama up close, Joe,” the reporter said before grinning at you. “You look stunning.”
“Th-thank you,” you managed.
“How far along are you?” she asked.
“Just over six months,” you replied.
“Really?” she gasped. “You seriously look great to be six months pregnant. When’s the due date?”
“February 20th,” Joe answered.
“You guys excited?”
“We’re positively giddy,” he said.
The next few interviews went similarly. You found yourself relaxing more and more each minute. Everyone told you how great you looked, and you let yourself believe them. The security of having Joe beside you made you feel at home. Then, you saw two people who made your heart skip a beat: Brian May and Roger Taylor. You slapped Joe’s arm with excitement.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Holy shit,” you breathed, nodding your head toward them.
“Oh, yeah, let’s go say hi,” he said, grabbing your hand and taking you over.
They were talking to the rest of the cast already so you were grateful you could blend in. Joe clearly wasn’t letting that happen.
“Bri, Rog,” he said. “This is Y/N Y/L/N. My wonderful girlfriend who is having my baby.”
They both shook your hand and smiled kindly at you. You opened your mouth to say hello, but at that moment, little Joey kicked out once more. You gasped and clutched it.
“You alright?” Joe asked.
“He’s kicking,” you returned. “I guess he wants to say hello too. You guys wanna feel?”
They both agreed and placed their hands softly on your belly. You could hardly believe the founding members of Queen were gushing over your baby bump. They also told you you looked beautiful.
“A little boy, yeah?” asked Roger
You nodded. “Little Joey!”
“Very sweet,” said Brian. “Congratulations, to both of you.”
He hugged you and kissed your cheeks. Roger followed suit. Now you really thought you might faint.
Ben came bounding over to you suddenly. He embraced Roger first, then Brian, and then he practically tackled Joe, kissing his neck. Joe laughed, clapping Ben on the back as they swayed together for a moment.
“I missed you, mate,” Ben said.
“It’s been like five days,” Joe returned. “But that is five days too long, huh?”
Ben nodded and then came over to you. He grinned and rubbed your belly as he hugged you.
“Hello, beautiful,” he said.
“Hi, Ben,” you returned.
“You feeling alright?” he wondered.
You smiled and nodded. Gwilym came over next and greeted you just as warmly, though without nearly knocking Joe off his feet. He also kissed your cheek.
“Hi, Y/N,” he said. “You look so lovely. How’s the baby?”
“He’s fantastic,” you said. “Thank you for asking.”
Allen approached next, extending his hand politely before introducing himself. “It’s great to finally meet you in person!”
“You too!” you agreed.
When Rami and Lucy joined, the photographers started yelling, desperate for a shot of everyone together with Brian and Roger. You started to back out of the frame, but Joe and Ben each took one of your arms and forced you back in. You giggled and accepted it. You truly didn’t think this night could get any better.
The movie was fantastic. You were a sobbing mess by the end of it, because they told the story well, and you were so incredibly proud of these people who had become your friends. You felt it was a great success.
The afterparty was also so fun. Originally, you had planned to go back to Rami and Lucy’s, but Joe insisted on going to the afterparty. He said it was going to be great and you needed to be there. Rolling your eyes, you indulged him, but you really did end up having a great time. They got Queen karaoke going, and Joe was perhaps the most enthusiastic of everyone.
“If I could have everyone’s attention for a second,” Joe said, when  the party was in full swing. “I have a little dedication I’d like to make to my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N. This song is called Misfire and it’s written by John Deacon.”
Everyone laughed, including you, but the music didn’t start.
“I’m kidding,” he said. “I’m not singing Misfire. But, Y/N, if you could join me up here.”
Rami helped you to your feet and onto the stage. Your heart was beating wildly as you felt the room of eyes on you. You turned to Joe, holding his gaze.
“Y/N,” he said, and you saw tears begin to form in his brown eyes. “This is a really special night, for a few reasons. First is the release of our wonderful film, Bohemian Rhapsody. Second is...well...I love you so much. More than I ever thought I could love a person. And you’re giving me something that I can never even hope to repay you for. Our son.”
“Joe…” you sighed, choking up.
“Hold on, I’m not finished,” he said. “I knew from the minute I met you - back in fourth grade - that no matter what happened, we’d be together. It was just a physical law of the universe. The years and geography kept us apart, but we’ve certainly done a lot of catching up since then.” The crowd chuckled. “I don’t want to waste any more time.”
He sank to one knee and your heart leapt to your throat. He pulled a ring from his pocket and held it out to you as you - and everyone else - gasped. The ring was beautiful. The stone was not a diamond, but a pearl. It was unique, like you and Joe, and your story.
“Y/N,” he began again. “Will you marry me?”
You could barely form words. Your brain buzzed with elation. Slowly, you nodded, tears falling from your eyes.
“Yes!” you finally choked out and he slipped the ring on your finger. “Oh my God, Joe, yes!”
He leapt to his feet and pulled you in for the kiss of a lifetime. This kiss was the seal of your promise to each other. The people around you erupted into applause. Ben whistled loudly. You and Joe came down the steps together, immediately getting hugs and kisses from your friends. But nothing else mattered when you locked eyes with Joe again. He was it for you. Your whole future. Your whole heart. Everything was just you and Joe.
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queakenstein · 5 years
Queaken ! Could I request some Goku & Chichi on a double date with Zegeta & Bulma ? I need the fluff.
Hey! :) Sure! I can whip up some fluff!! (Small hints of nsfw but like only hints)
After so many years of marriage between them, Goku knew that Chi-Chi’s expectations for their every-so-odd Date Night was ‘don’t hit anyone’ ‘don’t blow anything up’ and ‘for Kami’s sake us a damn napkin’. So, when she mentioned that Bulma had invited them to a little get together, he thought it was going to be more or less the same thing.
She tsked at him from where he lounged on their bed. “Where did your dress shirts go?” Chi-Chi’s hands continued to shuffle through the assorted clothing hanging in her closet before she seemed to give up. Goku watched her bottom plop onto the bed. “Oh…, that’s right… we donated them.”
He laughs in his goofy gentle way and moves to hold her. “Can’t I just wear my gi?”
“No.” She scowls, pulling the towel off of her wet hair and tossing it into their hamper. “I’ve told you, Goku. This isn’t a barbecue. It’s a formal dinner.” She taps his arms which had come to encircle her and he releases her. “You are definitely not allowed that old thing.”
He pouts and falls back against the bed with his arms folded. He heard ‘normal’ dinner. Not formal. “But those clothes are so…” He scrunches his nose in thought. “Uncomfortable.”
“Don’t be a child.” She’s already moved to their bathroom. He hears a towel drop to the floor. “Why don’t you pop over to Yamcha’s to see if he has clothes you could borrow?” The sound of her hairdryer irritates him and he makes out something about her getting ready. He’s gone before his wife peaks her head out of the door to make sure he’s gone. 
He appears in front of the three story home and startles his old friend. “Yo, Goku. You could’ve called first, ya know!” He doesn’t take long to recover. One gets used to surprises when dealing with Earth’s Strongest. “I was just about to leave. Everything okay?”
“Huh? Yeah, everything’s fine.” Goku laughs. “Does it always have to mean bad things when I visit?”
A pause while Yamcha mulls that train of thought over. “Eh, not always. Juuust mostly.” He smiles and motions for his friend to follow him. “I’ve got a few minutes if you want a quick tour? Did some renovations.”
“Oh, yeah?” Deciding it would be rude to just stop by and demand things, Goku enters. The home is well decorated. Not lavish but definitely upscale. The Saiyan even notices some hints of Bulma’s particular decorating style. He comments on this only when he notices some of Capsule Corps’ furniture. “Bulma send that to you?”
“Yeah.” Yamcha rolls his eyes. “They wanted me to advertise for ‘em. Not really my style but, hey, free stuff.”
“You can’t afford a couch?”
The other man stammers but laughs. “N-Now, that’s not what I said.” He grins. “I just like knowing it bothers Steamers so bad.”
Goku makes a face. “Steamers? Who’s that?”
“Uh… Puar and me… We call him ‘steamers’… cause–” Yamcha snorts, realizing how silly the explanation sounds aloud. “Uh, cause his name is close to Vegetable and w-when they get hot… they steam. Like.” He rolls his eyes. “Those steamer things.”
“HAH!” Goku grins and grins wide. “Better not let Vegeta hear you say that!” They speak some more and catch up on what the other has been doing for the past few months since they last saw each other. After about ten minutes, Goku remembers why he came in the first place. “Oh, yeah, I almost forgot!” He ignores the voice in his head warning what may have happened to him had he returned home without dress clothes. “Chi-Chi has some sort of dinner thing with Bulma. I need fancy clothes. Got any you could spare?”
“Uh, yeah.” Yamcha smirks. “We’re about the same size… even if you could pound me into the dirt.”
“You’ve gotten stronger though.”Goku taps his head and smirks. “I can sense it.” He grins. “Maybe me, you, and Krillin can get together for an old spar session.”
“Nah,” The other man shakes his head and tosses a few articles of clothing at his friend, “I like my bones not broken. But, if you promise not to go Super Saiyan or anything… it could be fun.”
“Cool.” Goku glances at the shirt in his hand and frowns. “So. This won’t disappoint Chi, will it?”
He shrugs. “Dunno, she’s a funny one. You should look fine though.” He glances at his watch. One of those nice and shiny ones that Bulma gifted Gohan when he graduated high school. “Anyway, you can keep those. Apparently, you need ‘em.” They slap each other on the back and exchange good-byes with promises to make plans to reach out later.
“Hon, I’m back!”
She’s holding onto the doorway and pulling on a heel as she orders him to hurry. “Gohan is already on his way over to get Goten. We need to leave soon!”
“Fine, fine! Yeesh.” Goku does as asked and quickly gets dressed in the clothes his friend gave him. Dark colors aren’t normally his thing but he supposes it works. Black blazer jacket, grey shirt, and black slacks. All uncomfortable but Chi-Chi’s eyes glitter and that makes it worth it. 
“Shoes!” She exclaims and her husband ignores the curse she whispers as she drops down to look in the bottom of their closet. Their doorbell rings and he can’t ignore the clear. “Shit.”
“It’s probably Gohan, I’ll go let him in.” He does so and let’s his eldest know that Goten is already in bed. “He’s sleeps pretty heavy but…” There’s a small sound of sadness. “I guess you know that.”
Gohan shrugs and straightens his father’s jacket then produces a pair of shoes. “Mom might’ve forgot that she sent these with me when I moved out.” He smiles. “Try and have fun tonight, okay, Dad?”
“Yeah. I’ll try, son.” He puts on the shoes and sighs. “Least your mom is happy.” He ruffles Gohan’s hair and steps into the master bedroom. “Gohan brought shoes.”
Chi-Chi sighes with relief. “That wonderful boy.” She’s up on her feet in a second and Goku remarks how impressive that is in the heeled shoes she wears. She’s wearing the dress that 18 helped her pick out last time she let herself have a ‘girls day’. A dark, almost black, cocktail dress with long sleeves that are sheer. Goku can easily admit she looks lovely. Then again, there’s few times if any that he thought she looked awful. Awfully scary, sure. But not ugly. “Okay, let’s go!”
They had agreed to drive despite Goku’s initial suggestion of Nimbus. Instant Transmission was also a no-go. She hated it. So, he piles into the driver seat and begins the two hour drive to the restaurant. Bulma had rented the space for two hours along with the entire kitchen staff so that the Saiyans would be able to eat their fill and not overwhelm anyone. The thought of food finally elicits excitement. 
“Think they’ll have steak, Chi?”
She hums. “Most likely. I didn’t even think to look at their menu…” She shrugs and rests her chin in her palm with the elbow propped on the window. “We should’ve got a picture before we left.”
“We haven’t been this dressed up since that interview for Gohan’s school… and even then it was to look more professional.”
He smirks. “No, I meant more like… why when I won’t ever forget it.” He grins when she startles and looks at him with a blush.
“Goku!” She tries to hide her smile behind her hand and flicks his arm. “I forget how sweet you can be sometimes.” Instead of leaning away, she drops her head against his arm and a look of contentment cross her face. He tries to remember to tell her nice things. To try to be romantic. She’s deserving of such things… but sometimes his Saiyan brain makes it hard.
“Ya know, Chi. I may hate these clothes but I think this is going to be fun.” The urge to speed consumes him but the weight of her head keeps him calm.
“I’m really glad you’re looking forward to this.” She looks up into his face and he chances a glance into her beautiful dark eyes. “I truly missed you while you were gone… cried for nights.”
“I know.” His voice is soft. Sad. He regrets not thinking what his absence would do… but he’s here now. Buu is defeated and Frieza too. Peace is a foreign concept to him. He’s always looked for the next fight but he finds himself content with dwelling in the now. With her. With his family. “I missed you too.”
“Can you promise me something, Goku?”
“Depends, Chi.”
She sighs, sadly. “I just wants us to grow old together… that’s all… I know–” She straightens up and holds her hands together. “I know, that you’re Earth’s strongest defender… but… I would really like to grow old with you. So, next time–” She turns to look at him. “Next time you fight someone… make sure you fight for that promise. Okay?”
“I’ll try.” He excludes the part where his eagerness for a challenge might override that. But, one day, he thinks it might be nice to hand the reigns over to his sons. Let them be Earth’s Greatest Hero. So, he leans over and kisses her forehead. “I will try.”
Chi-Chi nods. “I’ll take it.” There’s a small pause as lights from the city begins to twinkle far in the distance. “Also, please, remember that this isn’t a eating contest between you and Vegeta.”
He laughs. “Fine. Me and you then.”
The look for horror that spreads over his face makes him almost double over. “I would die and you would starve!”
“Admitting defeat, eh, Chi-Chi?”
And there. The spark that made him fall in love with her. She smirks and levels him with a challenging gaze. “Fine.” She holds up a finger. “I bet I can clear my plate before you can yours.”
“What do I get when you lose?”
She blushes. “Whatever you would like.”
“And if I lose?”
She blushes harder. “I-I’m sure you can imagine…”
He grins so hard his cheeks hurt. “My imagination is terrible, Chi. What is it? Can’t you tell your husband?”
“Roshi is a terrible influence on you!” She scolds but adds, very quietly. “That thing… you do… with your mouth.”
He laughs. “Fair. I like those terms. You gotta deal, Chi-Chi!”
To his surprise, he loses. No sooner does he start to dig into his plate, she dumps the entirety of hers onto his with a satisfied expression that quickly dissolves into a childish one when she sticks her tongue out at him. Bulma looks a little shocked at the events but is filled in on the little contest. Vegeta actually chuckles and makes a snide comment on how Kakarot let a Earthling overcome him. The glares he receives from both women doesn’t make him retract the statement but he refrains from anymore for the rest of the night.
Goku finds himself grinning and makes sure that Bulma helps get a picture of him with his lovely wife. After all, who can forget the night that one defeats Earth’s strongest warrior?
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milkshake-at-pops · 5 years
Tour of the Heart:Chapter Four
chapter 3/masterpost/chapter 5
let us know if you want to be tagged! and enjoy the fic
Television appearances were part of the big life Archie had always wanted, but it didn’t mean he had to enjoy them. Fortunately, this was a short interview, just a youtube video to go with an article. He’d barely be on stage for an hour. Still, the cameras and lights were a lot for Arch. He was a former jock, after all, and the spotlight was never his strong suit.
Veronica gave him a smile from her chair, keeping her head perfectly still so that the makeup team could do their job. Archie was trapped in a similar situation, trying not to sneeze at the powders. Well, if he could sing and play guitar onstage, talking in front of a camera shouldn’t be too difficult.
A woman with a high blond ponytail pulled up a chair from an empty makeup stand to sit in front of them. “Hi, I’m Betty Cooper and I’ll be interviewing you both today.”
“Betty Cooper? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I might know you from somewhere,” Archie said, trying to puzzle what it was about her that was familiar. She didn’t look like anyone from Chicago, but maybe Littleton? Definitely a small-town vibe, and he hadn’t talked to people from his childhood home in years.
Betty looked surprised by the fact, her mouth dropping into a small o. “I think our mothers might have known each other… you’re Mary’s son, right?, I’m Alice Cooper’s daughter.” Something in her tone made Archie think that she was planning on this, but Veronica cut off his response.
“Sorry to interrupt your reunion, but aren’t you supposed to be going over the questions we’ll be asked and how much we can promote the tour? I really want to know what the planned length for this segment is,” Veronica said, and Archie realized they were on in ten minutes. Thank goodness for Veronica and her ability to keep things on track.
“Oh, right!” Betty didn’t look too happy with being asked to do her job. “It will be a three to five minute segment, and we want to discuss the tour as well as what goes on behind the scenes. Our readers are very interested in your…friendship.”
“Sounds great,” Archie said, giving her the smile that earned him more than one eggplant emoji comment. “I haven’t seen you in forever, since middle school, I think?”
“It’s been a while, yeah. A lot has happened since you left for the Windy City,” Betty said, smiling. “I can’t believe our paths are crossing again, after so long! Are you excited about the tour?”
“Yeah, but um… shouldn’t we save those questions for the interview?” Archie said, noticing the look Veronica was shooting him. She was all business during things like this, and this was a big interview. Him socializing was probably getting on her nerves.
“You’re right,” Betty said, thinking for a second. “How is your mother? I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to ask that during the interview.” She smiled, and Archie returned it. Veronica half-listened, playing on her phone to distract herself.
“She’s doing well, just got a promotion at the firm,” Archie said, “She’s really busy lately, but she says she’ll still find time to see me on tour.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful, I loved your mother.” Betty’s eyes were wide, and she looked from Archie to Veronica as if thinking about something very different from Archie’s mother. In an undertone, she asked, “Friend to friend, are you and Veronica-?”
“-We’re on in five,” Veronica interrupted, shooting both Betty and Archie a glare. “And for the record, I’d prefer we keep questions about our personal lives to a minimum. This is a promotion for the tour, after all.”
“Thank you, Veronica. Anyways, Archie, how was high school?” Betty managed to keep up the small talk with Archie until they were on, much to Veronica’s displeasure.
Veronica and Archie got their own microphones and took their seats on the small white couch. Betty sat next to them, fumbling with her microphone as she sat down.
“Hey, you guys should um, sit closer together,” she said to Archie. “Headset says it’s not clear who’s the celebrity.” Veronica didn’t think Betty had said anything into her small earpiece in all the time she had been talking to Archie.
They shuffled around in their seats, and the cameraman counted down to them going live. The Enquirer wanted to shoot a live version first, then edit into small clips for the article. It was streaming on Youtube as well, which didn’t help Archie’s nerves, his palms were already sweaty.
“Hello there, I’m Elizabeth Cooper, reporter for the Enquirer, here today with Veronica Lodge and Arch Andrews. We’re here today to talk about Veronica’s upcoming tour and her album by the same name, ‘Pretty Game.’ So, Veronica, what are you most looking forward to for touring with Archie here?” Her eyes went from the teleprompter to the cards in her hand, and she faced Veronica completely, still holding that wide smile.
“I’m looking forward to seeing an audience react to my songs,” Veronica said, giving the camera a small smile before turning back to Betty. “I love my fans, and I’ve gotten to perform a song here and there at clubs, but I’ve never had that concert atmosphere. I’m so excited to have thousands of people singing my songs along with me. I’ve never had that before.”
“Wow, and Arch here is just tagging along?” Betty asked, attempting a sort of canned humor. She wasn’t looking at the cards, and Archie caught two producers whispering angrily at one another.
“No, I get to perform my own songs, and of course help support Veronica on and off the stage. I’m really looking forward to it, I’ll get to meet some of my own fans as well,” Archie answered, silently grateful that his voice hadn’t faltered. Was it normal to be this nervous? Veronica wasn’t, and Betty was the opposite of nervous right now-Archie’s memories of her were foggy, but he recalled that she tended to bite her lip when she was scared.
“Speaking of that support,” Betty said, looking at a card in her hand, “apparently there’s a small but very dedicated group of fans who claim to support ‘varchie.’ What do you guys have to say for that?”
Archie felt the knots tighten in his stomach, he wasn’t ready to discuss this. Veronica saw his shocked face and stepped in. “Well, we’re great friends, of course, but there’s really nothing happening here. Archie’s like a brother to me, he’s been helping me with songs since my Youtube days.”
“Really? Tell me more about how you two met,” Betty said, her eyes a little too wide for Veronica’s liking. “Archie, what do you remember?”
Sitting in the metaphorical, but somewhat literal hot seat, Archie answered, “I saw one of her covers online, and I thought, ‘Wow, she can sing!’ So I messaged her-on Instagram, right?” He looked at Veronica for support. She gave him a nod.
“Sliding into the DMs, Arch Andrews? I didn’t know you were such a stud,” Betty teased, but Archie barely heard a word she said.
“I mean, I believe the first thing he sent me was ‘you have a really nice voice, how do you do it?’ I started out giving him voice tips, and he helped me figure out how to write my own songs and move beyond covers,” Veronica answered curtly. She tapped her watch and made eye contact with the cameraman, mouthing “Time?” He answered with three fingers.
Three minutes. “Is there anyone else in the picture for either of you?” Betty asked, looking directly at Archie.
“No, not at the moment. I don’t think I could keep a, um, girlfriend during tour.” Archie almost said “girlfriend or boyfriend” before remembering that he did not want to come out to his childhood friend on live television when he had no idea how receptive she was to queer people (Littleton was a small town) and she had just spent the last couple minutes implying that he and Veronica were dating.
“What about a girlfriend who stayed on the tour bus with you?” Betty asked, giving Veronica a not-so-subtle look.
“Well, I mean, my friend Cheryl Blossom is tagging along, but I’m pretty sure she’s a lesbian,” Veronica said, smiling at Betty.
Betty was speechless for a good five seconds. Veronica was more than a little pleased with her reaction. She fumbled for her cards, looking for something neutral to move on to. “Veronica, I love your…hair. What’s your secret? It’s so, uh, fluffy.”
“Um, it’s nothing, just a little dry shampoo, thanks to your awesome hair and makeup team here,” Veronica said, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ear.
The topic stayed far away from romance for the rest of the interview, and the Enquirer got all the clips that it needed. The producers gave Betty a thumbs-up from behind the camera, and they all waved goodbye before the camera turned off.
Archie slumped over in his seat. “Let’s never do another interview again, Ronnie.”
“Good plan,” Veronica said in an undertone, shooting a glance at Betty as she got up from the couch and walked away. “She hasn’t changed much since high school, that’s for sure.”
“You went to highschool with Betty?” Archie asked. “That’s so weird.”
“It’s a small world. You knew her when you guys were like, kids, right?” Veronica stood up from the couch. ��We should get going.”
“Our parents were friends, yeah. I don’t remember her very much, I left for Chicago after middle school. We were never super close. What was she like in high school?” Archie asked, following Veronica out of the studio.
“Really studious, always writing. She was my friend for a bit, we were ‘B and V’ but it didn’t really last. Betty tended to get on my nerves sometimes, and I wasn’t a fan of a lot of the stuff she did,” Veronica said, mostly apathetic about the topic.
“That makes sense, I don’t think I want to get back in touch with her,” Archie said, shrugging.
“Hey, she’s the one interviewing us, not the other way around,” Veronica said, opening the door to the studio.
Archie breathed in the fresh air. “I can’t wait for the tour.”
“Me neither.”
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kassandra-lorelei · 6 years
Super good luck with your interview! Thinking of you and sending positive vibes! Also, I miss your prompts. When you're up to it and have the time could you do a N/CC for: "Why do I have to smile? Why can't I just scowl? I hate everyone here and they know it!"
Here we are, my friend! I can only apologise for it taking longer than I thought it would, but it’s also longer than I imagined it would be, so hopefully that makes up for it. As most know by now, I didn’t get that job, so I’m just going to have to keep looking.
@missbabcocks1 @holomoriarty
“Why do I have to smile? Why can’t I just scowl? I hateeveryone here and they know it!”
Niles tried not to smile too widely at his wife’sdetermination to not enjoy herself at her school reunion. They’d come back toNew York on a week’s vacation to visit C.C.’s father and the dates had happenedto coincide when they’d booked the time off, so the butler had persuaded herthat it might not be such a bad idea to come along. Well, he’d mostly persuaded– they’d managed to get dressed up for the occasion, said goodnight to theirchildren and left them with Stewart and then gotten to the place, but C.C. stilldidn’t look like she wanted to be there.
Not that he blamed her, particularly. From what she’d toldhim, a lot of her former classmates had been nothing but bullying harpies for the entiretime that she’d had to be around them. She might’ve been just as rich, but theyhadn’t considered her to be…in their “league”, looks-wise. And for some reasonknown only to high schoolers that had the privilege of good looks, athleticismand lots of friends, that apparently deserved punishment.
But Niles had a very specific purpose for thinking that C.C.might benefit from being there.
“I know, love, I know,” he said, putting his arm around hercomfortingly. “But think of it this way; you’ll be showing them all how happyyou are and how much you’ve moved on without them.”
There wasn’t a huge change in her expression at that, butsomething did noticeably shift. But it was enough to let Niles know that he wasgetting through – he just had to keep going with his explanation of whyit could be good for her.
He wrapped both his arms more securely around her, placinghis hands on her pregnant belly and rubbing it, “I mean, what have they done,compared to your achievements? Successful theatre-turned-television producer,mother of three gorgeous children, soon to be five with the twins due…wife ofthe most handsome man in the world…”
The last part was accompanied by the cheesiest grin and themost ridiculous eyebrow wiggle he could manage, and at last C.C. huffed inamusement.
“Okay, now I’m smiling because I’m about to laugh,” she toldhim. Then she stopped, thoughtful, and began to fiddle with the knot of histie. “But, I guess you might have a point with the whole “moving on” thing,Hazel.”
Niles truly did want her to be able to get some form ofretribution on them – to sweep in through the doors into the gymnasium and showthem all the side of her that sent everyone from stage choreographers totelevision studio production managers scurrying for cover. They’d all be ableto see just how beautiful, successful, and powerful she was – how much she’d grownwhilst they’d probably remained stuck where they were.
But he wasn’t going to make her if she wasn’t ready anddidn’t want to do any of that. Bullies from school were not the same as worksubordinates. They got under your skin and a lot of the time, they stayed therefor years, words echoing in your head and self-esteem crushing itself withevery remembered mocking phrase.
What was always worth remembering there was that the bullieswere not as important as they tried to be. They could just as easily turnaround and walk out, leaving them all behind.
There were far better things they could be doing, likespending time alone together, rather than spending it with people who just weren’timportant, no matter how much they’d tried to present themselves as such in thepast.
“If you want, we can always skip out on this school reunion?”he took her hand away from his tie and started kissing the palm. “We don’t havebleachers in English schools, and I’ve always been rather fascinated by theidea of necking underneath them…”
Tutting, C.C. took her hand away from his lips and caressedhis cheek with it.
“Tempting, Butler Boy, but we shouldn’t,” she said, tappinghis face playfully with her fingers. She took in a deep breath, as if she’dmade up her mind about something. “Not when I have to go in there and let themall know how much I’ve moved on and how pathetic everything they did all seemsnow.”
The butler blinked at her, realising what she was saying,and the television producer grinned – presumably at the look on his face, whichshe probably found amusing.
“Congratulations, you’ve talked me into walking in there andshowing them that I’m not gonna back down this time, but at the same timeyou’ve managed to talk yourself out of a little action.”
Niles felt himself deflate a little bit, but he couldn’t be trulydisappointed. He’d managed to convince her to go in, and that was going to berewarding in itself. She knew she had him for backup if she really needed it,but he doubted she would – not if the glint that had just appeared in her eyeswas anything to go by.
It was the same spark that shone whenever they’d had aparticularly taxing round of tossing insults – the look she got when she was preparedto stand up for herself with a sharply witty comeback. It was a sign that shewas readying herself for a fight, and Niles was very proud of her for deciding thatshe was going to face this thing head-on.
He couldn’t help but think that he loved her more every day,and that he couldn’t wait to see the outcome of whatever plan was forming inher mind when they went in.
“Well, I won’t be making that mistake twice!” he smirked,and leaned in to peck her on the lips. “I suppose that’ll have to wait, though.You ready to go in and show them just how much better your life is than theirs?”
He then offered her an arm. Matching his countenance, C.C.took it and they both began to walk towards the gymnasium doors.
“I’m glad you put it like that that time, Scrubbing Bubbles…!”
They weren’t three steps into the room when they were noticed.
“Is that C.C. Babcock…?!”
The voice sounded like someone who knew perfectly well thatit was who they thought it was, they were just saying it loudly to let themknow that they’d been spotted. It belonged to a rather tall, thin woman with anangular face and auburn hair.
C.C. seemed to know she it was – after giving it a quicksqueeze, she released Niles’ arm.
“And so it begins,” she murmured to him, before taking astep or two towards the woman. “Hello, Vicky. It’s certainly been a while sincewe last spoke.”
Vicky…the name did ring a bell to Niles. Vicky…Dailey! Thatwas it – C.C. had told him all the names of her main school bullies, and this womanhad been one of them!
And if the way she was looking down her nose at C.C. (andoccasionally looking back over her shoulder at a small crowd of interested andsneering onlookers) suggested anything, it was that she hadn’t changed.
“Has it? It doesn’t seem that long since the last time wewere all together, for Coach Murray’s retirement party…” the woman clearlypretended to look and sound confused, before suddenly “remembering” something andlaying her hand over her heart. “Oh…! I forgot, it was athletes and cheer squadonly! You weren’t there.”
Niles felt the stirrings of irritation at the blatant insult(they were increased when he heard the jeering murmurs coming from Vicky’slittle group of hangers-on), but he held back from saying anything himself. C.C.gave him a very deliberate (if brief) look over her shoulder, clearly tellinghim that she had this, before she replied to her former classmate.
“No, but I was at the hospital this week while my husbandand I are staying in New York. I was getting a check-up done on our unborntwins, when I thought I saw you coming out of that Dr Goldstein’s office,” she saidcasually, rubbing her belly in a way that most might have thought wasabsentmindedly but was in fact completely on purpose. “Remind me, what’s hisspeciality again? Facelifts, or something?”
A couple of Vicky’s friends choked on their drinks in the back,and Niles bit down on the inside of his lip to stop himself from grinning tooopenly. Meanwhile, the former school (and probably current workplace andreal-life) bully delicately lifted her head and began to rub at her neck, hereyes darting back and forth between C.C. and their watching classmates.
Most likely discreetly covering stitches.
“I wouldn’t know what you were talking about, C.C….!” she said,the panic evident in her tone.
Niles saw his wife shake her head a little, and it warmedhim to imagine the little smile that would be on her face.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t, it was probably my mistake,” shesaid, before leaning in as much as her belly would allow and speaking a littlemore quietly. Although it was still loud enough for witnesses to hear. “Justremember this, Vicky; I dropped the weight, and can do it again. You drop anylittle stitches you might have, you can kiss your face and another twelvethousand dollars goodbye.”
A low mutter came from the watching crowd that clearly madeVicky uncomfortable. The woman’s eyes went to them and shuffled on the spot,before clearing her throat.
“I’m, um…going to go freshen up,” she said quickly, dartingpast C.C. and Niles to head for the main doors. “It was…lovely to see youagain, C.C….!”
The producer turned after her, and went to stand with Nilesagain, putting her hand on his shoulder as if gesturing to him for Vicky’sbenefit.
“Wait, don’t you want to meet my husband?” she called to theempty space where her classmate had once been.
The main doors to and from the gymnasium shut, and Nileswiggled his fingers at the door.
“Maybe next time, then,” he called out as well, beforeputting an arm around his wife and grinning at her. “Well, it appears that mylittle pep talk did the world of good, didn’t it?”
C.C. responded by poking him in the chest, “Don’t be toosmug about it; Vicky might make it one down, but there’s still more to go.”
He’d been expecting just as much, and he took a quick lookaround behind them. The crowd that had been there to see Vicky triumph haddispersed.
“Anyone in particular that we should be on the lookout for?”he asked, letting them both turn around to walk further into the room.
C.C. peered around at the crowd – at the people chatting, dancing,and getting refreshments, humming thoughtfully all the while.
“Hm…none that I can see right now,” she eventually said,leaning against him. “Some of them might be in the bathroom, or outside havinga cigarette or something.”
“Alright, we’ll have to play it by ear, then,” Niles nodded,rubbing her back. “I really am proud of you, you know. That was the swiftestretribution I’ve ever seen!”
His wife gave him an amused look, “High praise, coming from aman who’ll fill a coffee cup full of dishwater the second he hears the words “Iknow your people discovered fire, but did they know anything about putting drinksin mugs?”.”
“You deserve nothing but the best, my dear,” he chuckled inreturn, kissing her cheek. “Now, shall we go mingle?”
C.C.’s eyebrow raised, “You just wanna see me take downanother class bully, don’t you?”
“Well, the thought had crossed my mind,” Niles winked.
She laughed openly at that, and they began to make their wayaround the room.
Funnily enough, no one wanted to seem to bother C.C. afterseeing her dealing so quickly with Vicky. Niles’ chest was nearly bursting withpride as she spoke to everyone, learning afterwards whether or not they’d beenawful to her in the past, and delighting in how many of the former bullies didn’teven attempt to make their little comments! The few who tried – either theyhadn’t seen the confrontation earlier or they were just so caught up inthemselves they didn’t care – were quickly shot down.
When they’d eventually had a couple of moments tothemselves, C.C. had quietly informed him that she’d managed to have aconversation with just about every one of her worst bullies. There had onlybeen one missing, whom she’d assumed had decided not to show up.
That thought had apparently relaxed her enough to want tostay a little longer, and she left Niles with a quick peck on the lips beforeheading off to the ladies’ room, whilst the butler stayed at the refreshmentstable and picked out a small selection of treats for them both.
It wasn’t long, however, until he felt a pair of eyeswatching him at the table. He could tell that it wasn’t C.C. – if it had beenher, she would’ve snuck up behind him and made a comment about how the school’scatering had clearly gone downhill if they could only hire one butler for thewhole shindig.
Instead, when he turned he came almost completelyface-to-face with a dark-haired woman, nearly leaning against the table withher drinks glass pressed against her lips, a hint of a smile behind it.
“It’s a lovely party, isn’t it?” she purred athim.
Niles didn’t like the flirtatious tone, especially consideringthe fact that she had no idea who he was, but he did agree that it had been agood evening so far. Seeing C.C. take down practically an entire room full ofpeople had been one of the highlights of the vacation for him, and he was surehe’d be smiling about it long afterwards.
“I must admit, I have been having a rather nice time,” hesaid politely in return.
The woman lay a hand over her heart (the other one was sureto grip her drink tightly), as if something he’d said had caused her to have arealisation.
“Oh, you’re British…!” she nearly cried, before her voicegrew softer again. She eyed him up and down. “My apologies, I had imagined thatyou might be one of my former classmates who had become…rather rugged, withoutmy knowing…”
The butler discreetly took a step away, all the whilewatching the doors for C.C., “No, I am here with my wife.”
The dark-haired woman tutted.
“And she’s left you all by yourself! Such a pity,” she crooned,taking another sip from her glass. “Never mind, I’m sure that we can make ourown fun while she’s off gallivanting…!”
The comment and the implication ticked Niles off, “I’m sureshe’ll be returning soon, Miss…?”
“Mrs. Vanderbilt. Janice Vanderbilt,” the woman held out thehand not holding her drink. “Very pleased to make your acquaintance…”
It clicked in Niles’ head then – something else that C.C.had mentioned before. The biggest bully to her in the entire school was a girlnamed Janice (and there had only been one Janice, so everybody knew who thatmeant). She’d made her life a misery whenever and wherever she could, and wasthe cause of at least a few of C.C.’s deepest insecurities. That was, the onesthat Niles himself hadn’t been a cause of and subsequently tried to fix.
“Charmed, I’m sure,” he replied, not at all meaning it andnot at all shaking Janice’s hand. “Is your husband attending this evening,too?”
He hoped the question might throw her off, but if anything,it seemed to make her bolder.
“No, tonight I’m all on my lonesome,” she said, slipping hima sly look. “I’m hopeful that that might change, however…”
Niles felt his stomach churn, and he slowly put down theplate of food that he’d put together for himself and C.C., “I can imagine.”
Not that Janice seemed to notice his disinterest-slash-disgust.
“Loneliness is an awful thing, isn’t it?” she continued.“Especially when it comes to people who don’t deserve it…”
And that was when her eyes, which had apparently been scanningthe room, landed right where she clearly wanted them.
“Though of course, there are also people out there who do,” shenodded, gesturing. “Over there by the door, for instance.”
Niles looked. C.C. was there in the doorway, having stoppedto talk to some (apparently not quite so awful) classmates after re-emergingfrom the bathroom.
Of course Janice would know that it was her. She was,without a doubt, another one who’d stayed a bully into adulthood, and she’dprobably tried to keep tabs on everyone in the class so that she could passaround malicious gossip whenever she saw fit.
And Niles was going to take advantage of her not knowing whohe was.
He blinked, and pretended to look intrigued instead of likehe was getting angry, “Oh?”
“You won’t know her, of course, but that pathetic excuse fora classmate is called C.C. Babcock,” Janice thought she was explaining. “Climbedher way up through Broadway by climbing her way up producers and backers alike,apparently. I haven’t seen her in a long time, though – she’s probably been offgetting…treatment. I’d imagine not all of those men she’s had parading throughher bed were, um…properly wrapped up and secure, if you catch my drift…”
Niles could feel the blood beginning to pump in his veins, anda little bit of adrenaline starting to surge, “Do you talk like this about allof your former classmates?”
The woman just carried on nonchalantly, as if what she wassaying wasn’t pure, hateful bile.
“Only the ones that deserve it. The ugly ones, the glasses-wearers,the ones who had acne, the ones who were overweight,” she very deliberatelylooked C.C. up and down, and scoffed. “And who still are, by the looks ofthings…”
Niles felt his fist close up, and he held it there, alongwith his breath. He could tell that Janice hadn’t finished her little spewingsession though, and he was going to let her finish. He was going to let herincriminate herself to the fullest, and then let her have it.
C.C. wasn’t with them to defend herself, so it was time forhis support. As soon as his wife came over it would be her turn, if she decidedshe wanted to confront Janice as well.
“She probably looks even more hideous up-close now,considering the fact that she obviously hasn’t done the sensible thing and hadany of it nipped or tucked. Not that it’d make much of a difference to those ofus who were lucky enough to be born with good looks that we then kept…!”
Niles looked at her disbelievingly. Like Vicky, Janice alsoshowed signs of someone who’d had more than a helping hand at keeping hersupposed “good looks”. C.C. was ten times more beautiful than either of them, andif he hadn’t been biding his time, he would’ve shouted as such from therooftops!
“I see…”
“You’re lucky that you found your way to me before being caughtanywhere near her,” the woman tried to stroke his bicep and would havesucceeded had Niles not moved before she could. “Honestly, once someone isfound out to be a loser, they are always a loser. I mean, you just have to lookat the fact that she’s clearly here alone to know that!”
The butler was nearly shaking by this stage (how dare shesay such hideous things?!), but he had to let her continue.
“It’s funny, really – I always said she’d end up alone. Theguys helped me out by making it clear that dating her was a laughable concept,and we were on at her all the time about how fat and ugly we found her,” shelifted her glass up to take another drink, looking smug all the while. “Lookslike we were right after all.”
That did it. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back– the sign that now was the perfect time.
He turned to Janice, almost a snarl on his face and hisvoice nearly dangerously low, “No, you weren’t.”
That finally caught the woman’s attention, and she snortedout a short laugh through her nose, “I’m sorry?”
She was going to be sorry, alright!
“Perhaps it’s about time that I introduce myself,” he putout his hand for her to shake at last, though it was far more mocking thanJanice’s offering had been. “Niles Brightmore; C.C. Babcock’s loving husband, thefather of her three wonderful children, and living proof that everything youjust said was wrong.”
Janice didn’t shake his hand. Instead she just stared at himwith an incredulous look on her face., which was only slightly better than thearrogant smirk she’d just been wearing.
“C.C. Babcock,” she repeated, almost as though she didn’tbelieve him.
But Niles remained firm, “Yes.”
Janice’s eyes appeared to dart between him and C.C.. Shemust have been realising that they were the only two people in the room whodidn’t appear to be with anybody…
“You…married C.C. Babcock!”
“I certainly did,” the butler nodded once more, and let hischest swell more with just a fraction of the pride that he felt. “And I’ve hadnothing but the best days of my life ever since.”
What happened next didn’t truly surprise Niles, given thatit was coming from such a horrible person. Janice began to laugh – it was thelaugh of someone completely astounded and amused by what she’d just heard, evenif it was ridiculous in her view.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re really serious!” she toldhim, before her voice became thick with gleeful malice. “But, honestly, itcan’t be that good, can it? In the bedroom, for starters! After so many kids inher, having all the extra her getting in the way…? There are far sleeker modelsout there, you know…”
That last part was obviously supposed to be sultry, and shewas once again referring to herself, though why she was bothering, Niles didn’tknow. The woman must’ve been truly desperate to keep going, and to think thatshe even had a chance of him agreeing with her.
He’d never agree with someone who’d made C.C. hurt so much,and could start it all over again without even a hint of regret. He’d defendhis wife, and then C.C. would hopefully humiliate Janice to the point where shewouldn’t even think of showing her face ever again.
After all, once the Bitch of Broadway, always the Bitch ofBroadway, and these bullies were truly nothing.
“Why should I expect the woman I love to be sleek, when Ifind her the most gorgeous being in all of creation anyway?” he asked. He thenwaited for the woman to take a drink before adding one last point. “Especiallywhilst she’s busy carrying our twins!”
Janice nearly choked on her drink and as she did it soundedlike, “Twins?!”
Niles leaned a little way in towards her, looking herdirectly in the face and letting her finish coughing before he continued. He’dbeen so caught up before that he hadn’t noticed a small crowd forming aroundthe table, either – it seemed if there was any apparent gossip to be had,C.C.’s classmates would try to listen in.
On this occasion, Niles didn’t mind. The more people towitness this, the better, he thought.
“Believe me, Mrs Vanderbilt; it really is that good,” hesaid, loud enough to be heard. “Far better than whatever you were apparentlytrying to offer up on a plate. I’m not sure how marriages work in Transylvania,but here most of us attempt to remain faithful to our partners. Though Isuppose you tried to say your vows and almost burst into flames.”
He gave a small smile when Janice looked enraged at theinsult, and there was another small buzz among the crowd. He wondered how many hadlooked up to Janice and had been her friends, or how many she’d tried to putdown along with his wife.
His C.C., who now appeared to be making her way over, atlong last. He turned away from the irate brunette and let his smile grow broad.
He waved his hand to hurry her along a little, “C.C.,sweetheart – there’s someone over here that I think you missed speaking to!”
Even from a distance, he saw the knowing grin on her face.It was accompanied by another glint in her eyes that he knew very well – it wasthe one they used whenever they went to a charity function or a party thatC.C.’s mother or her mother’s snobby friends were also invited to.
It meant “follow my lead”.
He nodded discreetly to let her know that he was ready, andwhen she got close enough, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed himfully on the lips. It didn’t take him long to work out that she’d completelyblanked Janice as she’d approached.
And as they pulled away, he knew what he had to do as well.
“Miss me while I was gone?” C.C. asked, massaging his chestwith one hand.
“Absolutely,” Niles grinned in return, rubbing her lowerback. “Not feeling tired, or aching?”
She shook her head lightly, “I’m good for now. Your twolittle spawn haven’t worn me out just yet!”
They laughed, making a show of being affectionate that wouldprobably be nauseating to at least a few people watching.
It was definitely irritating to Janice, who cleared herthroat loudly so that they’d turn back to her.
“Your husband here was just telling me about yourlittle…additions,” she said, her eyes flashing angrily at Niles. “Before heopenly-”
“I’m sorry, but…who are you again?” C.C. interrupted before shecould finish, putting her hand “apologetically” over her heart. “It’s been solong, and so many faces have just entirely changed!”
“Janice. Janice Vanderbilt,” the dark-haired woman spat. “Usedto be Howerton?”
“Janice Howerton?” C.C. pretended to think, before noddingin understanding. “Oh, I remember you!”
And that was when Niles saw it again – the shift in hiswife’s body language. The look that she got when she was about to say somethingabsolutely devastating.
He wondered if people who could sense storms coming got asimilar feeling as to when he watched C.C. like this.
“You’re the one who used to take off my glasses and playKeep Away with them, with your friends. And you used them to do crudeimpressions of me,” C.C. said, her voice level, as if she were simply makingconversation. “I mostly use contacts now, but every time I look over a scriptI’m producing or a contract for an actor I’m hiring, I still wear my glasses.”
Niles pursed his lips, curious as to where she could begoing with what she was saying. It hadn’t quite been the verbal wrecking thathe’d been imagining…
“I remember that you used to make fun of my full name aswell, and even after I shortened it to my initials, you’d still make updelightful alternatives. You used to follow me around the school, making yoursnide comments, or asking me ordinary questions that for some reason causedhysterics in you whenever I answered them,” C.C. continued, never once changingher tone. “I still get asked a ton of questions every day, but they’re usuallyfrom my children, and I don’t mind that so much.”
That was when Niles picked up a (rather heart-warming)pattern. C.C. was comparing her past and everything that had happened in it toher present day, and then showing Janice how well she’d done since!
“I also remember how you all used to laugh when the guys pretendedto ask me out as you all followed me to wherever I was going, and you’d yell abouthow I was just too fat and ugly for anybody to ever want to be with,” that waswhen he felt his wife’s hand reach for and grip his own, and she smiled at him.“Well, my husband seems to like me just the way I am, so I’ve stopped caringquite so much about that, too.”
Niles felt the heart-warming sensation deepen and he smiledback at her, squeezing her hand. He absolutely adored her just how she was, andhe was honoured to be there with her.
C.C. then casually turned back to her former bully.
“But that’s enough talking about me,” she said, cocking herhead to one side. “What have you been doing, Janice?”
There was silence from the dark-haired woman at that, eventhough it was obvious she was trying to reach for something to say in her mind.
“Enough that I don’t have to desperately brag about it!” sheeventually snapped.
“Really?” C.C. released Niles’hand and folded her arms across her belly. “Well, we’re all here to talk aboutwhat we’re doing now, so it’s not really bragging – come on, Janice; tell usall how you’re doing.”
There was another uncomfortable silencebefore Janice finally snapped again, “I don’t owe class losers a minute of my time, letalone part of my life story!”
“Well, lucky really that I didn’t expect you to give me any information personally,” C.C. said,sounding rather pleased with herself. “But there are people in the room whohaven’t left New York, and they know what you’ve been up to. They noticed youdoing your best to climb all over my husband and filled me in.”
Niles nearly barked out a laugh, but managed to keep it tohimself. This was more like what he’d been imagining, and the feeling was trulythe equivalent of the one a child might get upon discovering that it was suddenlyChristmas.
“Is it true that Charlie’s leaving you for his secretary?Taking the kids and everything?” C.C. asked Janice. “She’s about ten or twelveyears younger than you, isn’t she?”
The dark-haired woman twitched, “Shut up.”
“And once the divorce is over, you won’t have access to thatvery healthy bank account of his, will you?” C.C. tapped her cheek, feigningthought on the matter. “You know, it’s funny – I could’ve sworn that you usedto tell me that I’d be the one to end up alone-”
Niles saw Janice’s hand grip her drinks glass tighter, justbefore she snarled at his wife.
“I said, shut up!”
The glass was thrust towards C.C., but Niles was there just intime to pull the producer out of the way. The drink spilled out over the emptyfloor, to the gasps and more murmuring of the watching crowd.
The butler then silently checked that C.C. was alright (theyknew better than anyone else if the other was hurting) and was rewarded with asmile and her hand patting just over his heart. But it was only for a moment –she seemed to have one last thing to say, which began by briefly raising aneyebrow at the spilled drink.
“You know, I’msurprised you didn’t want to finish that. But none for me; remember I’mpregnant,” she smiled sweetly up at Janice, and rubbed her belly for effect. Shethen turned to Niles, and took his arm. “In fact, I think I’m actually gettinga little tired. Would my husband care to escort me home?”
And that was it – she’d faced all the main bullies of herchildhood. She’d shown them that even though she remembered what had been doneto her, she hadn’t let it stop her from being a success. She had an exciting,high-powered career, she was a mother to wonderful children, and she had ahusband who adored her more than words could say.
The bullies couldn’t take that away from her, no matter howbadly they’d tried to keep her down. And now they knew it, so it was time forthe couple to take their leave.
Niles smiled softly at her, “I’d be delighted, my love.”
He happily escorted her through the gathered crowd, towardsthe exit.
“Ciao, everyone,” C.C. waved at them as they passed. “We’llsee you all next time around!”
Niles gave them all a friendly look as well, “Lovely meetingyou all.”
They made their way out, and as they descended the steps infront of the school entrance, Niles wrapped his arm around C.C.’s waist.
“You really are an extraordinary woman, you know,” he said.
She blinked back at him, “Hm?”
“You just walked into a room full of people who made yourlife a living hell as a teenager, faced them all down to prove them wrong, andthen left with a smile on your face!” he stopped them when they got to thebottom of the steps, and wound his arms completely around her, caressing herbelly lightly. “And, I might add, you only had a minimal amount of promptingfrom me.”
“Well, maybe that was all it took. A little encouragement ontop of a whole lot of remembering how good I have it now,” his wife smirked, wrappingone arm around his shoulders and poking him in the chest again with the other. “Still,don’t get too smug about that.”
“Too late, my dear. Far too late,” Niles rested his headagainst hers. “I’m very proud of you.”
“So am I, Dust Buster,” C.C. murmured, kissing him on thecorner of his mouth. “Love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” the butler nuzzled her gently,and they held each other for a few moments before he pulled away a little. “Comeon, let’s be off – we might not have gotten a chance to eat anything from therefreshments table, but we can certainly stop off anywhere you’d like to getsomething before we go back to your father’s…”
But the look on C.C.’s face had changed again – to one of a womanwho had an idea that didn’t necessarily involve food.
“In a minute, lover,” she said, slipping her hands down his armsto take his. “There’s somewhere else we need to go first.”
She started pulling him away from the parking lot, apparentlyheading behind the main school building.
Niles hummed curiously, “Hm. Might I ask where?”
“If I remember my directions correctly, we are going to thebleachers,” she announced, before grinning at him from over her shoulder. “Stillcurious about necking underneath them, Dust Buster?”
The low growl that came from his throat as she led him awaywas all the answer Niles needed to give.
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delicatefury · 6 years
October 15th - Random thoughts from another temporary LCS
Same town different coffee shop. I like the food here more, but the coffee at the other place is definitely better (even if they make their own syrups here). So this is the breakfast place™, and that’s the writing place™. Atmosphere-wise, they’re different but I like both.
This week I turn 30. My BFF (the one I actually live near. The other’s still in Hawaii) wants to go out to celebrate. I wonder if I can get her to go to the vintage wine bar... We’re easing back into an... active? Friendship. Not that we’re not still super close. But when you only see each other a few times a year, conversations tend to default to “what’s happened since I saw you last?” Events, y’know? So now we’re kinda easing back into the stupid wonderful friendship of seeing each other at least twice a month if not more. So now we actually have room to talk about stupid important shit like dreams ambitions current events griping about life family pets lack of love life philosophy fandom do you still want to read my novel you can crash on my couch if you need a night or two away look at my stupid cat you have to tell me when you get a puppy i want to spoil it so much.
This week TDPL turns 2. I’m at 5 chapters. Still. I know. I think I’ve maybe updated once this entire year. My goal had been a chapter a month. Then 4 chapters a year. Then an average of 3. I’m not even gonna try to give a timeline at this point. I think maybe when my days are busier, I might have an easier time writing.
Currently, I haven’t gotten much writing done due to “guilt from not having a job”. Which is easing now that the job search is starting to bear fruit. Makes me feel creative. Now if only i had a place to work at home...
My interview is Friday. I need to go buy a new suit (I lost weight in the five years since I bought my first interview suit and it is obviously bad-fitting now. Pencil skirts aren’t meant to sit on the hips), new heels (mine are at least 8 years old), and practice my interview questions. My aunt has been amazing for that so far. She hires people for her company all the time, so she knows what’s up.
I’m struggling on the “five years” question. Y’know, “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” I... am not an ambitious person. And I feel like it’s a question to make sure you’re “driven”. I’m not driven in that I’m not motivated by my own status and success. I’m motivated on getting the... well, on getting the issue solved. I want to rise exactly as high as I need to be to most effectively get problems fixed and the work done. I’m not gunning for Partner (though that would be nice) or VP or Lead on a case. I want to be able to put my skills to use. And if doing so means I take those positions, than that’s where I want to be. How do I explain that in a way that impresses hiring partners?
Personal ambitions? I want a quiet, simple, fulfilled life. I want to be useful. But I also kinda sorta want to own a yarn store? Or coffee shop? Or book store? A place that I can make cozy and indulge in my great loves and help other people discover those simple wonderful things?
I want to finish writing and publish a book.
But I’m good at being a lawyer. Crazy good. Lawfully good. And I like the challenge too. So it’s not like I don’t want to be a lawyer in 5 years. It’s just... I have a kinda see where life takes me approach sometimes.
NaNoWriMo starts in a little over 2 weeks. No clue what I want to write about. No clue if I’ll have no time to participate or too much time.
I think... I think if I can brainstorm enough and research enough, I might cheat a little and do a rewrite of my one finished novel. Because the first draft is terrible and focuses almost entirely on a romance that is central but a subplot at best. Which means I got lost somewhere and need to buckle down and rediscover the actual story I want to tell and whether that needs to be one book or two or three.
Ugh. I love my BFF who lives here, but the BFF in Hawaii is the one who’s always been involved with my writing endeavors. And it’s just not the same discussing said things over phone and/or skype as it is talking it out in person. Oh well. I’ll figure something out.
The attempts to be social have not born fruit. Mainly because there’s nothing going on right now in the alumni association or the the bar association, though the local NaNoWriMo chapter is ramping up. Problem? It’s in the city, and right now the city is a 45 minute drive for me. If I get a job soon, it won’t be so bad because 1) my job will be in the city and I don’t mind a 45 minute commute for work, and 2) I’ll just do things after work. But right now it’s a pain to drive that far on my own for just a 1-2 hour thing.
But I did get drinks with the BFF this weekend. Next weekend, though, I’m babysitting my nieces and nephew so literally everyone else in my family can go to an event. Because I got lost in the shuffle of coordinating said event and my older sister assumed that one of us younger siblings would be available and didn’t bother finding a babysitter.
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Love her, but really? Anyway, since I wasn’t even aware that there were plans for this weekend to begin with (mom swore she told me, but then younger sis reminded her that was our brother they talked to), I decided to just take one for the team. Eh, who wants to risk awkward conversations with people from high school anyway? I think I’ll wait until I’m employed again and not just tagging along with my parents at 30.
Researching local law is fun. Since I’m doing this for my own potential side-business, I at least don’t have to worry about ethical issues of practicing law without a license (a common saying I’ve run into while researching where the line is: You can always file your own paperwork). I have my license for the state next door. I won’t be licensed for this state (where the farm’s located) until sometime next year.
But the farm’s in an unincorporated part of the county (duh. Not many farms within city limits), so I have to go all the way to actual county zoning code to find the answers I need. There’s no convenient website for these questions like there are for municipalities. While anything I do would have to wait until I at least sit for this state’s bar next July (my 3rd license, but whatever. I’m still a baby lawyer so I can’t just skip the stupid test yet) to be distributed, I’m thinking about putting together a little packet to help other farmers and “unincorporated” (read: country) folks in the county out when it comes to expanding their businesses or pursuing a new line of revenue.
Because the county zoning code is 214 pages and written in legalese. That’s not even touching on other state and county business law questions that crop up. Most people out here assume you can do whatever you can on your own land, especially if it’s zoned for agriculture, and especially since most locals aren’t gonna report you for doing what you want on your own property (because they also assume you can do what you want so long as it’s not hurting anyone/running afoul of the EPA). Probably because their parents and grandparents were able to just start businesses with little interference...
But Dad’s got quite a few stories of people gettting blindsided and unknowingly racking up pretty big fines because, as I said above, there aren’t exactly any easy to understand or easy to access resources for the unincorporated areas of the county.
Dragalia lost is a better game than it has a right to be.
It’s about 11, and I’m trying to avoid “Yapping Dog Syndrome” (telling someone your plans appears to be negatively correlated to the likelihood of executing said plans), but I think I might still list them here. (Convincing my family that it will help me if I don’t actually tell them what I intend to do for the day is gonna take some work....).
So, on the agenda:
Depending on if my Mom texts me before I leave, I’m gonna go pick up some legal pads on my way home. You don’t realize how much you miss something until you don’t have it anymore, and legal pads are a boon for researching. I love my moleksines but they’re definitely better suited for brainstorming/writing then idea development/research. Frankly? Between the ipad, print-outs, and books, they get in the way.
I’m gonna spend about an hour or two on the municipal code/etsy policies.
I need to update my cover letter and send it to at least 2 places. Including that charity.
I’m gonna work on my nephew’s blanket. He’s 2. There are literally no excuses. Also, I can’t move onto new projects until I finish it. Including the new baby’s blanket, socks, my own winter gear, and a ton of started but left unfinished stuff for the rest of the family.
Cleaning up my room. It’s... untidy. I mean, most of that’s not my fault. The room was general storage for Mom’s massive project of cleaning out the attics (yes. Plural. We use the undereaves of the house for storage. I’m 98% certain there’s nothing in the actual above-the-second-story attic. Also, the attics contain things going back to Dad’s childhood). So there’s boxes and boxes of stuff. Mom and Dad’s winter clothes, wrapping paper, seasonal decorations, enough musical instruments for a blue-grass/jazz fusion band (sax, trombone, trumpet, banjo, electric guitar, electric bass, drums, keyboard, acoustic guitar x2...), and toys from our childhood that Mom and my big sis want easy access to for the nieces and nephew. Who do indeed love said old toys (though the nephew’s favorites are actually Dad’s old die-cast tractors. Dad has mixed feelings about letting a 2 year old play with what are technically antiques.)
She’s gone through a lot of it. Like, I’ve got room for my bed, dresser, a mini living room for our gaming consoles (I told you it’s a big room. It takes up about half of the upstairs. I shared it with both sisters growing up. We each had our own mini-room in a corner and a shared area by the walk-in closet) and space for the cats’ stuff, but half the room is still packed with junk and the occasional box crosses over into my living space.
Anyway, Mom should have an answer for me for the legal pads soon, so I’ll be heading out.
I might have something for TDPL’s 2 year anniversary on Thursday, but don’t hold me to it.
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balorclubbabe · 7 years
Never Gonna Happen
Enzo Amore/OC (smut): Despite his constant playful flirtations, you and Enzo have never been anything more than friends. After a drunken night at the club, and a questionable morning after, you learn how he really feels about you.
(This is my first fic on here, I’m so nervous but I hope you all really enjoy it! It ended up waaaay longer than I anticipated.)
Special thanks to @imaginingwwesuperstars for being super supportive and an all-around sweetheart, ily. <3
“Come on, where are you?” I said quietly to myself, as I rounded another corner only to be met with an empty hallway. With a huff, I adjusted the bag that was hanging over my shoulder, contemplating my next move. I hadn’t had a match today, and after using most of my free time to get some training in, I had one last task to complete before I could head back to the hotel to relax.
Before whipping out my phone so I could text one of them (which I probably should have done sooner, in retrospect), I spotted the pair that I had been looking for; my close friends and fellow wrestlers Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy. They had just beaten Anderson and Gallows for the tag team title, and I had been fruitlessly trying to track them down for almost half an hour now so I could congratulate them.
“Jeez you two haven’t been easy to find today. But congrats, I can’t believe you did it!!” I threw my arms around Cass, struggling only slightly due to his wide torso.
The big guy grinned, ruffling my hair playfully. “Ay you know we’re busy guys! But thanks kiddo. ‘Preciate it.”
“What? Pfft, you know the realest guys in the room had it in the bag! Don’t tell me you were havin’ doubts, sweetheart.” Enzo slung an arm over my shoulder, teasingly putting his whole weight onto me.
“Of course not! Still, that was an intense match! I thought for sure Anderson had you at the last second with that pin, Enzo!”
I felt my heart skip a beat (or two) when I pulled away and saw that Enzo was smirking at me. That trademark smirk that left me feeling weak in the knees, paired with the pet names he’d give me like “sweetheart” or “doll”.
It was safe to say I had a fairly large crush on the one and only “Smacktalker Skywalker” that seemed to grow a little every time I saw him. Enzo was one of the very first people who welcomed me when I got moved up to Monday Night Raw and was without a doubt one of my closest friends there (along with Cass of course). Despite his cocky, trash-talking persona, the real Enzo was not only funny, but also one of the most kind-hearted people I knew. Always asking if I needed anything, helping me train if I had an important match coming up, or even listening to me vent when things didn’t go exactly as planned in the ring.
I will admit though, there were times where my thoughts concerning him would be the furthest thing from…friendly. I guess that’s when I realized my feelings were maybe more than just a “crush”. Reminiscing back to times where he’d do something insignificant, like throwing an arm around me or planting a kiss on my cheek after a particularly good match; those little things were it all took for me to lay awake late at night, fantasizing about how badly I wanted him in my bed and all of the not-so-friendly things I’d picture him doing to me.
My thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly heard Cass saying my name, waving his large hand in front of my face. “Did ya hear me?” I blinked, glancing at the duo, both of them having looks of clear confusion on their faces.
Shit, I was completely zoning out without even realizing it. “S-sorry I uh, spaced out for a second there. Long day, you know? What were you saying?”
Cass raised an eyebrow at me, but ignored my odd behavior and repeated himself. “I said, did you want to come out to the club and celebrate with us tonight? The one around the corner from the hotel? We were gonna head there in a few hours if you’re up for it.”
“Sure! I was actually just about to head back to the hotel anyways. I can change and meet you guys there later.”
Cass opened his mouth to speak but the buzzing of his phone cut him off, chuckling when he glanced down and saw the message displayed on the screen. “Mella’s freakin’ out because she doesn’t know what to wear tonight.”
I giggled, picturing the blonde haphazardly rifling through her suitcase, throwing items of clothing across the room out of frustration. “Well that makes two of us then. Tell her backup will be arriving shortly.”
Enzo shot me a wink as he and Cass headed in the other direction to their own respective dressing rooms. “Can’t wait. See ya later then, doll.”
Trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in my stomach after he said that, I made my way out of the stadium and back to the hotel.
No sooner did I close the door to my room behind me did I hear a frantic knocking against it.
“Open up!!” On the other side stood Carmella, a handful of dresses squeezed tightly against her chest, practically bouncing in place as she waited for me to answer. She darted inside when I opened the door, tossing the dresses onto my bed. “Thank GOD you’re here girl, I’m having a frickin’ crisis.”
I laughed, dropping my bag in the corner. “So I’ve heard. I don’t know what to wear either so you’d better be planning on helping me out too.”
The blonde popped the gum she was chewing loudly, eyes dancing over each dress as she spread them out one by one. “I just really wanna wear somethin’ that’s gonna have Colin drooling the second he sees me! I narrowed it down to these few so gimme your honest opinion.”
I “hmmm’d” for a few seconds, “Let’s see,” as my eyes travelled over the dress, when I finally pointed to the one at the far end of the bed; fitted, strapless and and a dazzling shade of gold. “I know it’s not leopard but try that one on. Trust me, Cass won’t know what hit him.”
Ignoring my playful jab at her usual style of attire, Carmella nodded in affirmation and pulled her shirt up over her head. This was nothing new to me. Not just because of the countless times we’d changed together in the locker room back when we were in NXT together, but the fact that Mella was like a sister to me. Plus, she had been the one to introduce me to Enzo and Cass, which is why it bummed me out that she wasn’t on Raw with us. Being that she didn’t have a match on Smackdown tomorrow, she had come into town to support Enzo and Cass for their title run. “So any ideas on whatcha wanted to wear?”
I shrugged, opening the closet where the few dresses I had brought to the hotel with me hung, mostly for the purpose of any interviews or events that could potentially pop up last minute. “Not sure yet, I was hoping to get your input. You’re my go-to for fashion advice after all. And it’s been so long since I’ve gone out so I definitely wanna look good.”
She soon stood next to me, hands on her hips, making similar contemplative noises and continued to crack her gum between her teeth. “Mmm try that one on, ya look good in red. Plus I’m pretty sure it’s Enzo’s favorite color.” She sang the last sentence, adjusting the bottom of her dress.
I froze and turned towards her only to be greeted with the Cheshire-like grin that graced her bubblegum pink lips. “What does that have to do with anything?”
She shot me a puzzled glance, pulling the dress off of the hanger. “I’m trying to impress my man. Ain’t you trying to impress yours?”
I scoffed as she held the dress up against my still-clothed body, tilting her head to the side as she did so. The dress was fitted, low-cut and stopped just above the knees; definitely something a person would wear if they wanted to impress a certain someone. “He’s not my man, Mella. Enzo is just a friend.”
“Yep, this is the one,” she placed the garment in my hands, a skeptical look still painted on her features. “And I thought you and I told each other everything, hmm? Girl, I’m not blind! I’ve seen the way he looks at ya! There’s gotta be somethin’ there.”
With a sigh, I slid my yoga pants off of my legs and threw my tank top to the side, slipping the dress over my head. “You know how Enzo is-zipper, please?” Mella shuffled behind me, sliding the thin metallic piece up carefully as I continued. “He’s always flirty, that’s sort of his thing. Plus, we’re such good friends and I don’t wanna fuck that up, you know? So yeah wishful thinking, but never gonna happen.”
With her hands on my shoulders, the blonde spun me around so that we were now facing each other, giving me a once over. Seemingly ignoring my last statement, she smiled gently and said, “You look perfect. C’mon we still gotta figure out what shoes we’re wearin’.”
After helping each other with make-up and hair, Mella and I took a cab over to the club, the drive turning out to be about five minutes. I knew walking was a realistic option as well, but in heels we’d both be down for the count very quickly. As we stepped out of the car, I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little anxious to see Enzo’s reaction to my outfit. Soon after making our way inside the colorful, flashing lights above and the music pumping through the speakers invaded my senses. It had been far too long since a bunch of us had gotten together for a night like this and given the occasion, it was the perfect excuse.
We made our way to a VIP table in the corner sectioned off by velvet rope, which had already been commandeered by Sasha, Bayley, The New Day, and of course, Enzo and Cass. They definitely had a head start on Carmella and I judging by the glasses and bottles littering the table.
I watched as Cass planted a kiss on Mella’s lips, and leaned down to whisper something into her ear, probably about how amazing she looked tonight, which was evident by the blush on her cheeks and the smile on her face.
Enzo came towards me with a teasing smile on his face, speaking much louder than usual (which was saying something since he was always so loud) thanks to the thumping music. “Fashionably late, huh?”
I let out a laugh, shrugging my shoulders and trying my damnedest not to stare at him. Having changed out of his eccentric leopard-print ring gear (of which I was very fond of), he was dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a tight black t-shirt, but accessorized heavily with an expensive looking watch and a chain, always finding a way to add a little bit of flashiness. “You know Mella. Plus I had to decide what to wear too, you know.”
Momentarily shifting her attention from Cass to Enzo and I, Carmella cupped her hand around her mouth, calling out, “Doesn’t she look great, ‘Zo?”
Enzo chuckled, eyes dancing over my ensemble. “Yeah. Yeah, you look amazin’. Red’s a real good color on ya, sweetheart.” Enzo briefly turned his back to grab something from the table, allowing me to shoot Carmella an “I can’t believe you did that” look, which she shrugged off, winking at me as Cass handed her a drink.
Enzo turned back around, a drink now in his hand that he passed off to me. “Here doll, got you a Jack and Coke to start ya off. You got some catchin’ up to do, though. Everyone else has been drinkin’ since we got here.”
I thanked him and took a rather large gulp, making my way over to the table to join and greet everyone else.
A few hours had passed since our arrival and it was safe to say I had definitely caught up. After the drink Enzo had bought me I had another. And another. Then I ended up doing a handful of shots with Sasha and The New Day, who I had experienced my fair share of drunken antics with since I’ve known them.
Whenever she could, Carmella would sneak by my side, whispering not so subtly into my ear, “Well?” or “Any progress?” which would be met with a resounding “no” every time. He was the same old Enzo, treating me more like a friend that he casually flirted with instead of a potential love interest; a touch or two here, a lingering look there, but nothing more. What was I expecting, after all; for him to pin me against the wall and kiss me in front of everyone? I sighed loudly at her third time around, parroting my words from before, “Never gonna happen, Mella! Let’s just have fun!” and continued drinking.
The last shot of whiskey I took didn’t have nearly as bad of a burn going down as it did when I started drinking. Xavier clapped me on the back with a hearty laugh, clearly impressed by my tolerance. “Look at you go, girl!! You want me to pour you another one?”
I shook my head no, laughing as Big E passed a shot to Sasha, who grimaced at first, but threw it back regardless. “I think I’m good for now you guys!”
Kofi chuckled, “Aw c’mon don’t be such a lightweight! I’ve seen you party before, I know you’re nowhere near done!” He held the empty shot glass towards me, nudging my arm.
Shakily, I got to my feet, “Later, I promise! I’m gonna go dance for a little bit!!” And after a few seconds of wobbling, I managed to keep my balance as I made my way to the dance floor with Sasha, joining Carmella and Bayley.
As my body moved with the beat of the song blasting through the speakers, Carmella danced next to me, having had her fair share of alcohol as well. She leaned towards me, trying to shout above the bass. “He hasn’t taken his eyes off ya since we got here! I swear to god, he totally wants you girl!”
It took me a few seconds to process what she had said, but sure enough I glanced over my shoulder back at the table and low and behold, Enzo was looking directly at me. As our eyes met, he shot me a smile, placing his empty drink on the table next to him.
With my newfound liquid courage, I shot him a wink, continuing to sway my hips from side to side. Why not, right? If he could flirt with me, who said I wasn’t allowed to flirt back? It was harmless, after all. From the corner of my eye, I saw him stand up and start to make his way over to me.
Carmella gasped in delight and took this as her cue to head back over to the table with Cass while Bayley and Sasha briefly wished me luck before they moved to the other side of the dance floor. Clearly Carmella had informed them of the situation with Enzo and figured this would be the perfect opportunity for me to be alone with him. Not that I particularly minded, of course.
I continued to dance alone, pretending not to notice that he was walking towards me until I felt him lightly press against me from behind. “Never knew ya were such a good dancer.”
I felt his hands position themselves on my waist as I peeked up at his face, which had that damned sexy smirk painted on it. Even though I was in heels, he was still almost a whole head taller than me. “Yeah, I’ve been told I’m pretty good.”
Enzo laughed, his lips close enough to my ear that goose bumps were beginning to form all over my body. “Oh yeah? Is that right?” I could smell the liquor on his breath and it almost made me want to kiss him more than usual. I could tell he was feeling buzzed, though still seemed to have a decently level head.
Nodding confidently, I continued my movements as nonchalantly as possible, as if I didn’t care if he was there or not, which couldn’t be further from the truth. “Why? Don’t believe me, Enzo?”
His grip on my waist didn’t loosen as I sensually danced against him, rolling my lower half so that it ever so slightly grazed his crotch. Through the jeans I could feel his arousal pressing against my ass.
He didn’t seem to hear, nor care about my question, which didn’t really need an answer judging by his reaction. “I know I said it before, but you look fuckin’ hot in this dress, sweetheart.”
I couldn’t help but giggle, leaning my head back into him so I was looking at him almost upside down. “Oh yeah? I don’t think you used the word “hot” before. But thanks. You’re lookin’ pretty hot yourself, babe.” I had dropped the pet name as a sort of challenge, trying to gauge his reaction.
He licked his lips, eyes glued to my form. “Hey I’m sayin’ it now, ain’t I? Doesn’t that count for something?”
I tried to casually shrug, but my body betrayed me and shivered the moment I felt his warm lips press against my neck gently, which earned a chuckle from him. “I-i guess so.”
Enzo moved his head back up to whisper into my ear. “Then let’s get outta here, huh? So I can let ya know how I feel ‘bout you in this dress. Whaddya say, doll?”
All I could do was nod as he took my arm and pulled me through the crowd of people. I only had time to glance in Carmella’s direction, knowing she’d kill me if I left without telling her, but she was nowhere to be found. Instead the one I spotted was Cass, who had a giant grin on his face, shaking his head in my direction as if to say, “Have fun, you crazy kids”.
We managed to catch a cab fairly quickly, riding in complete silence, making the merely five minute drive feel like an eternity. We scurried through the lobby to the elevator, the doors barely having time to close behind us before Enzo was on me.
Our lips were immediately fused together, his tongue exploring my mouth while his beard tickled my face as I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible.
He pushed me against the wall, mouth attaching to my collarbone. “You look…so fuckin’ sexy in this dress…been thinkin’ about doin’ this all night, baby.” His lips found mine again in a fiery kiss, his hands firmly grasping onto my ass.
I writhed against him as he bit down lightly on my bottom lip, only stopping when the elevator dinged open, bringing us up to his floor.
After a few short strides down the hall, Enzo hurriedly tried to swipe the keycard, flinging the door open when it finally worked.
He unceremoniously shoved me onto the bed, practically throwing himself on top of me shortly after. Our lips reconnected as our hands began exploring one another, mine crawling underneath his shirt and his groping my ass, a silent sort of way of saying “This is gonna be mine”. He pulled away with almost a gasp for air, his voice a low, sensual whisper. “The dress is gonna have to come off, sweetheart. Don’t wanna go ruining it, do we?”
Before I could respond, I felt his hands bunch the fabric up and pull it up my thighs, causing me to groan when his fingers lightly brushed against my already wet slit.
His eyes met mine, his facial expression shifting from disbelief to pure arousal. “You ain’t wearin’ any panties, baby girl?”
I chewed my bottom lip, whimpering as one of his fingers worked its way inside of me, my walls clenching around the digit almost instantly. “O-oh shit Enzo.”
Clearly pleased at the sounds he was eliciting from me, he pecked me quickly on the lips before sinking lower, moving so that he was in between my legs.
I felt his beard brush against my inner thigh and I heard him mumble, “Gotta taste you, princess,” as he ran his flattened tongue up my folds, causing me to jolt from the sudden rush of pleasure.
Satisfied with my response, his tongue delicately began to circle my clit, while slipping another finger inside. He “mmm’d” when he felt my body quiver against his mouth, mumbling against my skin, “Tastes so fuckin’ good,” before continuing his actions, his pace borderline agonizing. His fingers began to curl inside of me while his tongue worked every last inch of my pussy, nibbling gently when he felt that he hit a rather sensitive area.
My hands found their way into his blonde hair, my eyes squeezing shut as I slowly began to feel my orgasm creep up on me. “E-enzo! Oh shit I’m so fucking close, please don’t stop!”
At hearing this, he began to pump his fingers into me hard and fast while still using his tongue to lap at my clit. My body began to shake as his speed became relentless, drawing a loud moan out of me as my orgasm ripped through my body, followed by several smaller shockwaves.
Enzo ceased his motions and moved back up, pressing his lips against mine in a sloppy kiss, allowing me to taste myself. He grinned when I began to lift his shirt up over his stomach, and assisted me by pulling it over his head the rest of the way. I sat back up in the meantime so he could tug the zipper of my dress down. I tore the fabric down and kicked it off right after my heels, over the other side of the bed, leaving me in just my lace red bra.
I couldn’t help but admire his well-toned body as he began to stand up to remove the rest of his clothing. It was no secret that Enzo was in good shape; besides seeing him wrestle, the two of us had gone to the gym together more times than I could count. But seeing him now, standing before me about to be naked was almost too much. “I think you’re still a little overdressed.”
Enzo laughed, unzipping his jeans and kicking them off, “Gotta fix that then,” which left him in only his tight leopard print boxer-briefs, his cock straining against the fabric, making a rather large tent.
“Still had to wear some leopard, huh?” I teased, biting my lip as my eyes trailed over his prominent hard-on.
Chuckling, his hands went to the straps of my bra, fiddling with them, “Maybe I wanted someone to see it. I know ya like my leopard ring gear, babe,” He hurriedly undid the clasp and tore my bra off of my body, dropping it to the floor. Giving my breasts a light squeeze, he gently rolled my nipples between his fingers, eyes glazed over with lust. “Oh shit…these are real fuckin’ nice baby…”
As he played with my breasts, I hooked my fingers in the band of his underwear and slowly slipped them down so they fell around his legs, trying my hardest not to flush red when his cock sprung free.
He seemed amused by the look that must’ve been on my face, humming when I moved my hand so that my fingers grazed over his erection ever so slightly. Grunting when my hand clasped around him, Enzo buried his face in my neck, peppering kisses wherever his mouth could reach. “Shit baby, don’t go teasin’ me now…”
Still recovering slightly from my orgasm, I sunk to my knees, giving him a few pumps with my hand before slowly taking him into my mouth. My eyes flicked upwards, meeting his as I ran my tongue over the entirety of his length, earning a loud moan from his throat. Not breaking eye contact, I swirled my tongue along the head for a few seconds before allowing him to slip past my lips once again. His hands buried themselves into my hair, tugging ever so slightly, as if to encourage the steady pace I began to build up as I bobbed my head up and down on his length.
Just as he hit the back of my throat, causing me to lightly gag around his cock, he pulled me back off of him and grabbed me by the arm, roughly jerking me back up towards him. “As much as I enjoy your mouth on me, I don’t think I can wait anymore. Gotta feel ya, baby.”
If possible, I felt myself grow even wetter at hearing the culmination of all of my thoughts about him coming from his mouth; this was practically everything I had ever wanted with him. Plus his accent made the words he was saying all the sexier. “Then don’t wait, Enzo. I need you-I’ve needed you for so fucking long.”
He embraced me again, this time softly and slowly, whispering against my kiss-swollen lips, “Hands and knees for me then, baby girl.”
I shuddered and immediately obeyed him, crawling on all fours, feeling him get onto the bed behind me, and jumping when he gently press his cock against my entrance. I clamped my eyes shut and waited for that blissful moment that I had literally been dreaming about, but it never came.
Instead I felt him run his right hand gently down my side until it reached my ass, squeezing roughly. “Beg me for it, baby. Gotta tell me how badly ya want it.”
This man was going to be the death of me; after all that’s been done now he was going to start teasing me? I whined when I felt him slowly running the head of his cock up and down my folds, clearly planning on waiting until I responded to his commands. “E-enzo, baby please. Please, I fucking want it- I want you so bad.”
That was apparently all he needed to hear as he immediately shoved his entire length inside of me, murmuring an “ah fuck” under his breath as he did so.
My back arched slightly as I felt a small, sharp jolt of pain, which faded considerably quickly as he began to move. “M-more! Oh fuck, please more, Enzo!”
He pulled almost entirely out of me before thrusting back in, filling me up completely. “Ugh you’re so tight, sweetheart.” The steady motions he was keeping with each thrust soon became more and more erratic.
With every movement into me he was hitting my g-spot head on, eventually causing my arms to give out underneath me, my face falling into the pillow as I fisted the sheets beneath me. You would think with the amazing work his tongue and fingers did that my body would be exhausted, but with each thrust I was already getting dangerously close to my second orgasm.
He must have felt it too because he took a fistful of my hair and yanked me back up, nibbling my earlobe as he did so. “You close baby? Gonna cum for me again?”
All I could do was nod, my mouth falling open as another strangled moan escaped from my lips, my back arched almost as far as it could.
Suddenly, he pulled out of me, flipping me over so that I was straddling him as he sat with his back against the wooden headboard. “Ride me, sweetheart. Wanna see the look on your face when you cum on my cock.”
I lifted myself slightly, just so I could sink back onto him yet again, a shudder going up my spine as I did. He fit me so perfectly, especially given the current position.
Enzo’s hands positioned themselves on my hips as I moved against him, bouncing in tandem with his upward thrusts. “Shit, Enzo baby you feel so fuckin’ good. Oh fuck, fuck- right there, oh my god!”
While I was content with being in control of the speed, Enzo was having none of it, tightening his grip on me and began pounding into me, my manicured nails digging into his shoulders and nearly drawing blood. “You like that baby? You like when I fuck this pussy?”
Practically sobbing with pleasure, I buried my face into his neck. He could’ve been asking me anything at this point and I would’ve agreed. “Y-yes! Oh fuck, so fucking much! Don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
He took this opportunity to tilt his head and to nip at my neck, only taking breaks to whisper dirty things into my ear. “You gonna cum for me, princess? You gonna fuckin’ cum all over my cock?”
I was completely lost as Enzo drove into me over and over again, holding onto him for dear life as a litany of “fucks” were spilling free from my lips.
“Ugh shit, ya feel amazin’,” Contrasting his rough pace, I heard him softly say my name, causing me to meet his lust-filled gaze. He removed one hand from my hip and dipped it between us, stroking my clit with barely any pressure at all. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Cum for me.”
With the combination of his fingers and words, I cried out, feeling myself tighten and spasm around him as he continued his violent thrusts. After one, two, three more I heard him groan loudly as he came undone, emptying himself inside of me.
Saying that I was spent was an understatement as I rolled off of Enzo, collapsing into the white cotton sheets. My mind was buzzing with still tipsy thoughts while he laid beside me, clearly in the same, exhausted boat.
Enzo ran both hands over his face, smoothing his hair down and sighing heavily as he did so. “Babe that was…somethin’ else.”
I grinned up at him, cuddling up against one of the plush pillows. “I’d say so,” I was unsure if it was the alcohol that was still lingering in my system, or the two intense orgasms I had just experienced, but I felt a rush of drowsiness overcome me. As I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep, I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me from behind.
The first thing to greet me the very next day were the harsh, unforgiving rays of sunlight that managed to sneak their way through the blinds. The bed sheets were a tangled mess around my naked body as I shifted to get a little more comfortable. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand I noticed it was almost 11:00 am, way later than I’m used to sleeping given my usually fully scheduled days, weeks, months, etc. Thankfully I had the day off today and I was prepared to do absolutely nothing.
“Mmm go back to sleep, princess.” A voice next to me murmured quietly.
I froze, my eyes moving to the source of noise next to me, who was yawning loudly, awakened by my tossing and turning no doubt.
It all suddenly came rushing back to me; the club, the plethora of drinks, then going to dance, essentially grinding against Enzo, making out in the elevator and fucking in his hotel room and passing out pretty much immediately after.
One would think that finally sleeping with the guy I had the biggest crush on, and quite literally making my dreams come true would have left me ecstatic, right? But for some reason, my chest tightened as last night’s events truly dawned on me and all I could feel was confusion and what I surmised was dread.
“Enzo?” Was all I managed to choke out. God, what was I supposed to even say to him? What was he going to say to me?
He let out a hum in response, clearly still half asleep as he turned over to meet my gaze. Had it not been for the confusing feelings in my head and heart, the adorable, sleepy grin on his face combined with the bedhead he had would have been all the convincing I needed for a round two.
Running a hand through my disheveled hair, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, willing myself not to cry. Stupid, I was so fucking stupid. “It’s…I just…I-I should probably leave.”
He sat up suddenly, giving me a look of confusion. “Leave? Why would you wanna leave?”
Rushing out of bed, I began searching for my clothes, only to remember I hadn’t worn any underwear, meaning I’d have to make the infamous “walk of shame” panty-less. I could only hope that no one would spot me on the way back down to my room, two floors below. “Look, I know we were both pretty drunk last night and I don’t want things to get weird so I think it’s best if I get going before this can get any worse.”
Standing up as well, revealing that he had put his underwear back on at some point, he handed me my bra that was peeking out from under the bed. “Woah, weird? Worse? Didn’t ya have fun last night, babe?”
Frustrated, I snatched my bra from him, clipping it back on, trying my best not to look at him. The look on his face right now was one of genuine hurt, and the continual pet names weren’t making it any easier for me. “That’s the problem, I did. Enzo, last night was so wonderful and everything was better than I could have ever asked for.”
He reached into his bag and tossed me a pair of plain black basketball shorts, “But…?” he urged me to continue, clearly not yet satisfied with my admittedly half-assed explanation.
I muttered a “thanks” and slipped them on. Surely this wouldn’t look as bad when I snuck back to my room, right? “But…ugh look Enzo, I really like you…as in a “more than a friend” sort of way. And the absolute last thing I ever wanted to do was ruin our friendship and…” I gestured to the pile of clothes on floor, still not daring to look at him, feeling the tears begin to well up in my eyes. “Look, do you have a shirt I can borrow too? I’ll…wash it and give it back another time I just-“
Enzo abruptly cut me off, crushing his lips against mine, a gesture that threw me off considering what I had just been trying to tell him. He broke apart, holding my face in his hands so that I was forced to meet his shocking blue eyes. “Look at me. Do you got any idea how long I’ve been waitin’ to hear you say that? Sheesh woman, you had me worried! For a second there I thought I had underperformed or somethin’.”
Eyes widened in surprise, I opened my mouth to speak again, when a sharp, loud knocking at the door reached both of our ears.
Digging through his bag quickly, Enzo slipped on a similar pair of basketball shorts and hastily threw me a t-shirt, going to answer the door and calling out, “I’m comin, relax!” to whoever stood on the other side.
I slipped it on; giggling when I saw the word “SAWFT” was printed across the front of the shirt, trying not to smile like an idiot at how much it smelled like him. This was definitely something I could get used to.
As the door opened, I was met with the sight of Carmella and Cass, fully dressed for the day.
Mella squealed, running past Enzo and throwing her arms around me. “Girl, look at you! Spending the night with ‘Zo without tellin’ me, you frisky little thing!”
Enzo spread his arms out, as Cass also made himself welcome in the hotel room, setting the tray of coffees he held down on the table. “Ohh! I’m right here! If ya gonna gossip about me, at least wait ‘til I’m gone or something! Sheesh!”
Mella dropped her arms from me and spun around to narrow her eyes at Enzo, only to deliver a series of slaps to his arm. “And if you EVER steal her away like that again, I’ll beat your ass! Do,” slap “you,” slap “know,” slap “how,” slap “worried,” slap “I,” slap “was!?”
Enzo flinched at the blonde’s sudden tirade towards him, lightly swatting her hands away. “Jeez alright enough with the slapping already! Cass, help me out here!”
I glanced over at Cass, giving him a skeptical look. “You saw us leave and you didn’t tell her?”
Cass chuckled, sipping his coffee. For the most part, he seemed extremely indifferent to the situation at hand. “Nah this was way funnier. Baby, baby, you can stop I think ‘Zo’s learned his lesson.”
Carmella’s mouth hung open, pointing a finger in her boyfriend’s direction, a look of outrage on her features. “Hold up, you knew about this too!? Am I really the last to find out!?”
In an attempt to appease her, I handed her the coffee with her name scribbled on the side, grinning sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Mella. I would’ve texted you or something if I knew. I hope you weren’t too worried.”
She crossed her arms, sighing rather dramatically. “I guess it ain’t your fault. But never mind that, I better get some details on last night! What happened to “Never gonna happen” huh?”
Enzo huffed loudly, gesturing to the door. “Alright, not that I ain’t thrilled to see the two of ya, but would ya mind? We just woke up and we’d like a little time alone if ya catch my drift.”
“Call ya later, girl.” Carmella nudged me slyly before moving towards the door.
Enzo held the two open for the pair, gesturing with his arms for them to move a little quicker. “C’mon, c’mon let’s go.”
As he shut the door behind our two early morning visitors, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his mid-section, planting a kiss on his bare shoulder. I was going to keep my distance at first, but the conversation seemed like it had been going in a good direction. Plus, we had sorta slept together already. “So…what were you saying before?”
He turned around and scooped me up in his arms, carrying me back over to the bed and dropping me in the middle of the messy sheets. “I was sayin’,” he hovered over me, planting a kiss on my forehead.
“To keep this short, the feelings mutual, doll,” he placed another one on my nose, earning a giggle from me.
“In case you couldn’t tell, I’m really into ya.” Finally pressing his lips against mine, he hoisted me towards him so I was sitting in an upright position on his lap.
“That bein’ said, much as I enjoyed it, last night didn’t really count, ya know as a date. So I think I should take ya out on a real, official first date. Today. That uh, sound alright to you?”
Joyfully I nodded, my nose grazing against his ever so slightly. “I’d love that, Enzo. But we should probably shower before anything. Plus, I have to go back to my room to change since this outfit isn’t exactly “date” material.”
He wiggled an eyebrow at me suggestively, “Oh yeah? ”We”, huh? I like the sound of that, sweetheart. And personally, I don’t think you look half-bad in my clothes!”
I tried to wiggle out of his vice-like grip, wanting to desperately shower and change, but his arms were locked around my mid-section. Realizing my efforts were futile, I slumped back down, my lips turned down into a pout.
“Aw don’t gimme that look. You’re just mad that I proved ya wrong,” It was one of those moments where I felt like I was talking to his in-ring personality and not the actual Enzo.
I arched an eyebrow at him, a puzzled look on my face. “What do you mean?”
“Do the words “Never gonna happen” ring any bells, baby?” There was an undeniable air of smugness both in his words and on his face.
I flushed red, realizing Carmella had sort of unintentionally given me away there. “Hold on, it’s not like I didn’t want it to happen. I just never thought it would, that’s all.”
“Oh is that so? Did my baby girl lay awake at night dreamin’ of me?”
When I buried my face in his chest to hide my burning cheeks, he understood what the answer was and proceeded to crack up, “No way, babe! Seriously?”
I felt his chest vibrate with laughter as he gripped my shoulders and attempted to bring me back up to face level. “Hey, c’mon it’s not a bad thing! I’m just happy I wasn’t the only one is all.”
I huffed, rolling my eyes, playfully jabbing him in the chest. “Oh please, you’re just saying that so I don’t look like as big of a loser here.”
Still amused by my flustered state, he drew me in with another kiss. “I’m tellin ya, it’s the honest truth sweetheart! But if ya don’t believe me, that’s fine. We got the day off and I certainly don’t have any issues with provin’ ya wrong again.”
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ohharryhoney · 7 years
Top 10 one direction fics that you might not have read but I feel like you should.
Nice long title for you there, but a pretty simple concept. Ten fics that I love and that I don’t think got the love they deserved. I think all of these have a hits under 5k. I’ve also linked to peoples Tumblr’s where I have them =) So if you read the fics and want to hit them with some praise, GO FOR IT. (Or comment on Ao3, that’d be a lovely thing to do.) 
Let’s just see how we go - Becka/ @realmenwearpuppypants - Nick/Harry - “Nick is a prostitute with a high-end client list, and he can think of any number of ways aspiring popstar Harry could have gotten his number, dozens of people from any major label who could have handed him a card and said, “If you want to experiment, be discreet.”  This fic just has a nice feel too it, Nick & Aimee’s relationship within this one is also written really well which I appreciate. I always feel like a fic that pays just as much attention to the friendships within it, as it does the main relationship, is a fic that really builds a world and this is one of those. 
Give this wandering soul a home - sunshineflying/ @sunshineflying - Multiple pairings - Covering nearly five years, this fic follows all the characters, though Louis most of all, as they work their way through relationships, road blocks, and more coursework than they can sometimes handle to come through alright on the other side. Through a series of ups and downs, Louis and everyone else settle into lives they’re pleased with – a task that several of them didn’t think was possible to accomplish. Inspired by Skins UK. - Blood sweat and tears went into this fic and it still remains the best thing I’ve been allowed to britpick. It is long, but it’s worth the ride. The pain in the Zouis pairing is palpable as your read. 
Follow the sun - Hllangel - Nick Grimshaw/Niall Horan - A few years from now, Niall asks Nick to do his coming out interview. Gosh do I love this one. It’s like a cosy,warm jumper in a fic. Nick’s nervousness at being given this particular interview and Niall’s charm are really well written. 
Die another day - wildestoftales/ @travelledspace - Liam/Louis/Nick - Agent Liam Payne is excellent at what he does - he works effectively, is quick on his feet as well as precise, and never lets emotions get the best of him. He plans on carrying on like that during his newest mission.And it would have worked out just fine - if it hadn't been for Agent Nick Grimshaw and Louis Tomlinson having different ideas. Oh this is a great little fic. I think it gets overlooked because the pairing isn’t a common one, but gosh. Louis is prickly in the best sort of way and Steffi has a real knack for Liam. 
Eyes Bright - wardo_wedidit - Nick/Harry (always!agirl) - In which, after years of being almost-something, Nick and Harry try to figure out what they feel for each other and where the hell they go from here.Oh yeah, and they're both girls. This fic has a CRIMINALLY low 952 hits. I do not understand why. It’s hot, but it’s also really warm and filled with feels. They’ve also managed to get a femme Nick absolutely 100% spot on. 
When I opened my eyes,you were what I wanted to see - cashewdani/ @cashewdani - Daisy decides the best way to ring in 30 is with a threesome. She didn't plan on getting pregnant. Especially with Nick's baby. A very vague Threesome AU. - I go back to this fic a disgusting amount. It’s just about everything I love in a fic; Beautifully characterised, well written and ends happily. My only complaint is that there’s never been a sequel. 
I could build a castle - littlecather/ @little-cather - Harry/Taylor - In the not too distant future, Taylor and Harry buy and renovate a disused beach house. - You can feel this fic. Every word resonates and it’s so very absorbing that you feel like you’re there with them. Both Harry and Taylor feel flawed and real and it only adds to your enjoyment of this piece. 
First street verse - aimmyarrowshigh,spibsy/ @aimmyarrowshigh - There are still wrought-iron lampposts on First Street, and all of the shop's facades are brick and big glass windows and draping awnings like wedding cakes. The street has been the same for as long as there's been a town, and there's been a town ever since people from the city realized they could get away from the world if they moved across the strait to the island. It's a nice place to live, Ella thinks. Small enough not to be on a map. Personally, I love a good whole universe fic and this delivers that in spades. Even if you’re not familiar with any of the other characters it still works. It’s just a lovely, warm fic that you can sit in and really get to love all of the individual shop owners and workers. 
Figure my heart out - 30shayds - Niall Horan/Louis Tomlinson - For the prompt: Niall and Louis both start at a university far from home (abroad, or just a far away city) and end up in the same house/building due to last minute accommodation applications. They become friends and find they help each other a lot with the homesickness. Just a really, really great friends to lovers Uni AU and honestly? Who doesn’t love one of those. 
Never felt like home (until I had you) - groundopenwide/ @groundopenwide - Niall/Zayn - “Missed you.”Zayn’s voice is hushed, careful, as though he’s not sure he’s allowed to fully make the admission. Each syllable slurs together like he’s spinning molasses.Niall shuffles his head down the pillow until he can kiss each of Zayn’s knuckles, just once. Zayn hums, the sound coming from far away. They fall asleep with their hands intertwined.Or: Tour ends, and Niall goes home to Zayn. This is just a super, super warm feeling fic that makes a dark period in the bands history feel a little lighter. 
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truesportsfan · 5 years
WWE’s Liv Morgan on Elimination Chamber, the Riott Squad and finding herself
Liv Morgan will need to beat Shayna Baszler, Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan, Asuka and Natalya at WWE’s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view on Sunday (7 p.m., WWE Network) to earn a shot at Becky Lynch’s Raw women’s championship at WrestleMania 36. Ahead of stepping into the Elimination Chamber for the first time, the 25-year-old, who grew up in Elmwood Park, N.J., took a go at some Q&A with The Post’s Joseph Staszewski.
(This interview has been edited for brevity)
Q: How important is this Elimination Chamber opportunity for you? It’s a big pay-per-view and a major chance to advance things with your character.
A: The Elimination Chamber match, I feel like, is the biggest opportunity I’ve gotten so far in my career. I’m taking it very, very, very, very, very seriously. I just came back from a nine-month hiatus where I got a makeover and did a lot of self-discovery. I feel like I need this win more than anyone. I need this win more than anyone else in this match. Not only that, we have Ruby and Sarah. Our friendship pretty much blew up. So there are a lot of factors in this match.
Q: During that nine months that you were away from WWE, what did you do? You talked about some introspection that went on.
A: Just figuring out what I wanted from me. I was in the Riott Squad and I was very, very immature and I was loud. You know, I needed attention. I needed people to look at me, so I dyed my hair pink and made my tongue blue. I did all these things that definitely made me stand out, but were they really me? Is that really who I was at the core of the character? I don’t think it was, especially being with these two other women. And now I’m by myself. It was just finding myself on my own. So I spent nine months, a lot of self talk, a lot of watching old footage of myself and just finding out who this grown woman is now.
Q: Were you happy with the way that you were reintroduced? You got thrown into the Lana-Rusev-Bobby Lashley wedding storyline.
A: I am happy. I think it was very shocking. I think it came out of left field and no one expected it, and I think maybe that was the goal.
Q: Sonya Deville (the first openly lesbian wrestler in WWE) took issue with how the lesbian relationship between you and Lana was presented. Have you talked to her at all?
A: I have a very close friendship with Sonya Deville, so I spoke to her, and the details of those conversations I’m politely not going to share with you, Joe (laughs). But everything’s fine. Everything’s cool. We talked about it. She’s still a very good friend of mine, and I can’t be mad at anyone for how they feel and how they react to things. Everyone is gonna feel how they want to feel, so I’ve just got to allow that. At the end of the day, this is business, this is work, and I’m doing what I’m told and supposed to do, you know.
Q: In your mind is that angle dead or do you think there’s a chance it gets brought back again?
A: I don’t think anything is dead in WWE. I can’t really answer that, but I do think the door is open for it to be touched on again.
Q: What do you want people to take away from the version of you we are seeing now?
A: Just that I’m confident, I’m comfortable within myself, by myself. I don’t need to do these extra things to get people’s attention. I can get attention on my own with my work. I don’t need these extra factors to get noticed anymore. I’m not shuffled in with other people.
I’m still growing. You don’t just grow and stop growing in nine months. I’m still figuring out my footing and my placing, and it’s just a work in progress.
Q: Do you miss any of the aspects of playing the Harley Quinn-type character?
A: It was very fun. It was very easy for me to portray. It was very just … let out the most immature side of myself that I possibly can. We were the Riott Squad, you know, causing chaos.
Q: You were kind of the high school bullies.
A: Yeah, and I was not a bully in high school, so it was just so fun to play and I just dove right into it. I was surprised how it all ended up working out, just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. A blue tongue ended up sticking. I was so wild. I had so much fun.
Q: It sounds like your new character is about you growing up as a person. You feel this is somewhat of Liv Morgan growing up, but it’s playing out on our screen?
A: That’s exactly how this makeover felt. It’s just very funny how synonymous it felt with me outside of the ring just going into that next phase of life, that next phase of womanhood, and just it’s playing out on TV in front of millions.
Q: You got your break in WWE going through Joe DeFranco’s gym in New Jersey. What made you walk through that door one day and say, ‘I’m going to give wrestling a try?’
A: I loved the WWE since I was 5 years old. So I was just a super, super, mega fan, and I was working at Hooters and I watched WWE during my shift on one of the TVs. Everyone assumed I was the wrestling chick. … I got Joe DeFranco’s contact number, so I gave him a call and he invited me to come to the gym.
He felt that for someone who had no athletic background that didn’t really play sports, he felt that I held up pretty well. Because Joe DeFranco, he’s training NFL superstars.
I walk in the gym, and there’s a bunch of NFL players. I don’t watch football. I’m just a little girl like, “Hey! I want to work out.” (Laughs) And I don’t even realize that I’m surrounded by all these professional athletes. I just jumped in their workout and I kept up. He was gracious enough to put in a good word with WWE, and that’s how I got my tryout.
Q: You grew up in a single-parent household with older brothers and a younger sister. How did that experience shape you growing up?
A: I grew up kind of not being told what was right and wrong. In the long run, I grew up seeing for myself what I believed was right and wrong. My father had passed before I was born, and the rest of my family had seen it happen. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know how that affects the mind and the brain and just a child. It took a couple years for them to get their bearings again and just try to live a normal life again.
Growing up in my family, it was just a little bit chaotic. It was a little bit damaged, and I saw that and I wanted to change it. I wanted to help my family and I wanted to help myself, and I knew that really, really young. I knew that at 5 years old. I was going to be the one to help change it.
Q: How much pressure do you feel to deliver now when WWE has put so much TV and vignette time into reintroducing you?
A: There is definitely pressure there, but I’m just trying to do my best and not think about failing or not doing well. It’s do what you do and do what you know. What I know is how to go out there and perform and entertain and put on the best match I possibly can.
Q: Take me through that dive at Ruby during the Elimination Chamber contract signing? You got pretty high and straight at her.
A: And I had heels on, too. I wasn’t planning on that. I was just going to sit and be a grown, mature woman. I’m not going to attack this human being. But once I saw everything going on between Asuka, Nattie, Shayna, I was like, “OK. OK. Me too.’ I saw my opportunity. She was distracted by the other chaos, and I just pounced on her.
Q: You talked about your friendship with Ruby and Sarah. What’s it been like to work with them, but in very different roles?
A: It’s weird. It’s different. It’s not something I was expecting when I first came up on Raw and SmackDown. I didn’t see myself as a tag-team competitor. I viewed myself as a singles competitor. Then I got put in with the Riott Squad, and I just became best friends with these two girls that I didn’t even speak to before, best friends, sisters. I think I needed that. I needed that coming up, and I didn’t even realize. Just for this situation [of Ruby attacking me] to play out how it has, it’s shocking and it’s upsetting, but I’ve got to keep it moving.
Q: Why do you think the Riott Squad didn’t reach the heights maybe the three of you had hoped?
A: I think about that, too, and, um, I don’t know. At that time, they went from like no tag teams in the women’s division to all of sudden having all these tag teams in the division, and then we had the [women’s] tag team titles introduced. And I personally felt like when we were at our height, we were just following up on all cylinders. We were so fluid and we knew what we were doing. We knew our dynamic, but just unfortunately it wasn’t our time.
Q: We are in WrestleMania season and we are seeing the NXT women, whether it be Bianca Belair or Shayna or Rhea Ripley, worked into WrestleMania-level storylines. How is that taken by the women who are there every week on Raw and SmackDown?
A: I feel like they’re the top women in NXT, they’re full of talented girls, but I think Bianca and Rhea are the head of the pack right now. I think they earned the spotlight. Whether it be WrestleMania or just Raw or SmackDown, I think they’ve earned to see a different audience see them and bring the spotlight on NXT. I’m personally not mad. I can’t speak about how everyone else feels.
source https://truesportsfan.com/sport-today/wwes-liv-morgan-on-elimination-chamber-the-riott-squad-and-finding-herself/
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