#but my poor boy you deserve a break dear god but i don’t think you will get one
artandbrimstone · 4 months
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tear them apart
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leeofthevoid · 7 months
Cold-blooded Beings - Part 3
Farleigh Start x Reader
a/n: Hello guys! I promise this chapter was hard to write because I might be advancing to Saltburn at the next one. A little less confident this time around but would love to hear your thoughts! Please always remember that Y/N is rich so her dialogue can be very tone-deaf. Keep safe everyone!
Warnings: Sex, Nudity, Alcohol and Alcoholism, Language, Applied Stalking, Death, and Drugs
Word Count: 2354
|| Part One, Part Two
Pity and Power
“I just don’t get it you know? I’ve always tried my best to please Felix and I even studied harder in case he would ask me something.” Annabel scowled while eating a handful of loaded chips from your plate. At this point you figured no one knows what personal space is at all and what is yours is theirs. “Look, Annie, you shouldn’t try so hard for a boy. He barely does anything for you and he’s…Felix. You know?”
Clearly Annabel didn’t know when she groaned in frustration and ate more of your food. “So easy for you to say, you and Oliver have him wrapped in your fingers.” You gave her a confused look and scooped up some of the food you were supposed to eat alone. “Look bitch, he makes time for you and Oliver, but me? “Oh fuck you Annie I’m too busy for you.” But then he turns around and it’s “Oh Ollie, you need me? Okay hold on I’ll make time.”” This conversation is getting too heated and annoying for no reason that you just had to take out a pack of cigarettes to clear your head. Annabel doesn’t know shit about Felix or Oliver.
You turn to look at Annabel with a genuine expression and gave her a comforting smile, “You know Annie, you’re a hot girl. Felix is just a stupid boy in a sea of stupid boys. You deserve way more than that. Oliver is just…A new friend that he wants to impress?” Annabel laughed at you and held her stomach with how much she was bursting out. “Oh god, You? Babes you’re also part of the Oliver fan club. Always making Oliver’s life be ten times better than what a scholar snot should have.” You pressed the butt of your cigarette on the concrete thinking hard on Annabel’s accusation. “He just needs help sometimes Annie, stop being a bitch…” Annabel scoffed and rolled her eyes, “He’s poor babes, not handicapped. Quit being a savior.” You sighed and leaned against the pillar behind you.
Your phone buzzed in your pockets breaking the silence between you two. You checked and it was Farleigh, “Hello?”
“Hey pretty lady, can I steal you so I can hangout with my favorite people?” You chuckle, earning a confused look from Annabel that you later dismissed. “Depends. What am I needed for?” He chuckled, a little too deep and too hot for your liking. “An eye-candy would certainly take away from the boredom.” You breathed out and laughed softly. “Alright then. Where is my presence needed?”
“Roof top. Be a doll and drag Felix along.” He said goodbye with some kissy noises then ended the call without another beat. Annabel waved her hand for you to go without a word and you simply gave her a kiss on a cheek, thankful that she didn’t ask any questions.
Dragging Felix out to the confines of the chilly night was the one of the most awkward experiences you’ve had. You were waiting outside his dorm when you could hear the lewd sounds and the bed squeaking from out the hallway. Truly a horrific way to spend your Friday night, especially after listening to Annabel talk about her problems with him. “Umm…Fee are you in there?” You heard colorful lines of curse words and a lot of stumbling around. After a few minutes of waiting outside hearing scuttling, Felix finally opened the door.
Two girls dashed out of the room holding on to their dresses for dear life while Felix leaned against the door, half naked, still sweaty and flushed. “Any reason why I’ve been interrupted?” You look unimpressed, crossing your arm over your chest. “Get dressed. Farleigh told me to fetch you.” He rolled his eyes but went back into his room to grab a shirt, took a few seconds before he was walking out of his dorm with no snide remarks, waiting for you to lead the way.
The rooftop was chilly, and weirdly when you arrived you only saw Farleigh sitting by himself with a ton of bottles next to him. “Finally, you two took too long. What happened? Did Felix fall into a hole? Spoil me, Love.” You can’t help but laugh while you sat down on a spot beside Farleigh, Felix following suit while grumbling under his breath. “Our dear Felix fell in two holes.” You said in a scandaled manner. “Would it be too mean to assume one of those holes was Oliver?” You guffawed and looked back at Felix clearly unamused as he uncapped one of the wine bottles. “Farleigh. I already told you how I feel when we talk about Ollie. He’s a nice kid so…Tone it down, Mate.” Farleigh sighed loudly and draped his arm over your shoulder, mouthing boring while looking at Felix.
“Oh yeah, would I be boring if I asked dad to cancel your Veyron order now, Farleigh.” Felix snagged you away from Farleigh and used you as a headrest. “I wonder what Elspeth would think if she found out you kissed an ugly bitch at the bar, Felix.” Farleigh stuck his tongue out at the boy who was using your lap as his pillow. Chuckling at their childish banter while you played with his hair, chugging down more alcohol.
“Hey Fee, Oliver has been asking about you…I don’t know what to tell him. Kind of weird hanging out with him when he just looks for you.” You mentioned passively.
“You still hang out with him?” Felix asked.
“Well…Yeah. Why?” Felix and Farleigh both look at each other which was both endearing but annoying thing you’ve witnessed. “What. Come on guys what did I miss?” Farleigh just shook his head and looked back at you. “Nothing. Let’s just enjoy our time together, no?” You let it pass and stole Felix’s wine bottle. You three ended up enjoying the company, dare you say that it was a needed moment of solace. Talking about your life in Switzerland and their life in Saltburn the years after you.
You even talked about Venetia and what goes in her life without the three of you. It was nice knowing how she was, knowing she was a little bit more isolated from the group due to her two-year age gap from the rest of you. In a way you empathized with the pressure and the burden of being the oldest daughter. You even dwelled into your sex lives because of Farleigh’s incessant teasing over Felix’s failed threesome. My, these boys haven’t been the most pure, but then again so were you.
You forgot how you got to your dorm room when you woke up the morning after, just glad that you were able to sleep enough to be a sane person for the rest of the day. Felix and Farleigh both sent you some messages and some photos that you don’t remember taking from last night. You lay down with a huge smile on your face, content with your life before the hellish exams start to eat at you.
A few weeks go by when you were out in the field talking to your friends, actually, complaining to them about how stupid the term was and what possessed your professors to fuck with all of you. You were immersed in the conversation when random goosebumps engulfed you out of nowhere. You realized Oliver’s piercing gaze directed at you.
You excuse yourself from your friends and walked up to Oliver from across the courtyard, alone and awkward. “Hey Ollie! How was the exam week for you?” Oliver awkwardly nodded his head, looking down to his shoes. It was a little weird that he changed so fast just because you were near him…Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing type of weird. “Um…How was it?” He finally looked up at you with those lost eyes, pursing his lips. “It was alright. I studied pretty well. What about you guys?”
“I mean…We all managed in a way.” There was an awkward silence in the air and you disliked it so much. “Walk with me?” Oliver nodded the same way and followed you down the path of the courtyard, you were careful to make your steps smaller than usual so he could keep up. “How’s Felix?” You looked back at Oliver, watching him play with the hem of his shirt while walking behind you.
“Felix? Pft well he’s okay I guess? Being a dick and a dumbass at the same time.” He looked so small. So fragile that it unnerved you. It was disturbing but you can’t let Felix and Farleigh’s words eat your own opinions. He was still your friend, you had to give him a chance too. “How have you been, Ollie? I’m sorry I wasn’t able to reach out to you these last few weeks. Been very busy with other T.A. Stuff and it was draining.” He gave a small smile and walked a little faster to keep up with you, “It’s been alright. Carrying small baggage but it’s been good.”
“Oh? Baggage you say?”
“His face fell a little when you asked, “Yeah my mum she uh…She’s a bit of an alcoholic.”
You stop in your tracks to look at him. Truly look at the whole him. He looked meek and fragile and you had conflicted feelings over it. It isn’t real, a part of you say. “Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that, Ollie. No child deserves that kind of parent.”
“My…My father he’s in the hospital and I just…It’s so hard right now especially after the holidays. He tried to look okay but deep down I knew he was struggling. Keeping himself together for me while my mum was wasting away in alcohol.”
It felt weird making a sound, even to just breathe. It felt rude and perhaps disrespectful? Oliver is going through a lot and you were doubting him like the asshole your parents told you not to be. You saw tears run down his cheeks and instinctively reached out to offer your handkerchief.
He took it, quickly wiping his tears away.
You opened your mouth to say some comforting words when some of Farleigh’s friends greet you and hogged around you. You weren't sure if they purposely pushed Oliver out of the group while they dragged you away to compliment you but it was likely. You watched as Oliver looked at you with disappointment as he walked out of your line of sight.
“You look amazing, darling what did you do to your hair?” His name was Mercutio, from what you remembered. He slowly yanked off the ponytail you had and let your hair spill to your lower back. It caught you off-guard but you were careful not to show. “Silky and smooth like feathers.” He said as he ran his fingers through it. You smiled at them while trying to register who they were, there was Mercutio who was descended from an Italian Monarch. Elise, daughter of a powerful family from East Asia. Then there was Leon. He was new money rich and Farleigh made sure you remembered that.
They always said New money burns faster than the jewels that lasted centuries.
They took you to a restaurant to eat dinner together. It wasn’t unusual for people to pull you out to eat with them, people have been doing it way more now that the Catton boys were known to be close to you at a chance to impress you. You didn’t mind the dinner or how they made you pay in the end too. You actually admired how thick-faced they were. It was just another inconvenience that you wanted to get out of the way.
You didn’t tell Farleigh about the encounter but you guessed that they did when he decided to sit you down after a party with Felix, who called for a meeting between his inner circle because of what Oliver told him. The same story about how his father was very sick, dying almost, and how his mother was dealing with it. Felix even told you about how he invited Oliver to Saltburn for the summer to cheer him up.
It started off as bouts of bad mouthing towards Oliver from Farleigh to making you spill what happened between his friends. “Why did you let them take advantage of you like that?” You looked up at him while you cradled your bottle of Champagne. You were at the back alley of the bar, trying to sober up and get away from the head-throbbing music they put on. “It’s nothing Farleigh, they were just being nice.”
“Nice my ass. Those snakes are pathetic liars who can’t fuck off. Did they really think that being all buddy-buddy with you would make them earn a spot to go to Saltburn?” He took a drag of his joint and sat next to you. “Now I hear Oliver gets the pity poor boy card and go to Saltburn because Felix was being a fucking saint.” You snicker and get a shove from Farleigh, hard enough to jolt you.
You rest your head on his shoulder while looking up at him. “What can I do to ease your mind off of it?” He leaned back and looked down at you with a smirk, “I don’t know baby, what can you do?”
You smiled up at him as your faces move inches closer from each other. No wasted moments later, when you felt the warmth of his lips on yours. How soft it felt just like when you made out in the club a few months back. It was too delicate for a guy with a sharp tongue like his. He sneakily snaked his arms around your waist and at the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. His tongue slowly swiped at your lower lip when suddenly…
“Love! Where are you!” India slurred as she walked out of the club. You pulled yourself away from Farleigh and giggled, giving him a kiss on the cheek to tend to your friend. He exhaled loudly while you walked away from him, leaving him alone again.
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tinycurlyfry · 2 years
Okay I think I’ll just compile my episode reactions together in one post. I don’t wanna fill my blog with numerous posts where I’m just liveblogging but also I can’t keep my mouth shut while watching these episodes apparently jgklsfg
Rambling stream of consciousness and reactions under the cut
Episode 987: 
...Kinemon why are we changing the plan? Why are you changing Law’s plan? I do understand why if it’s because he’s worried for Momo, but also it’s making me worried because they just showed people criticizing Kinemon’s lack of abilities in making good plans so I’m worried about him deciding to split up his forces.....
Sanji you’re on main. I’ll give your character more attention again when you’ve pulled yourself together. I’m glad there were no women for you in the pleasure hall. Remain bitchless.
Eustass Kid and Killer have me sobbing. I’m a puddle. I adore these two’s relationship. I adore Killer being stunned by how much love and support he’s being shown by his captain and the crew after feeling like he’s been ruined by Orochi. How Kid knows how much this is affecting Killer regardless of how quiet Killer is about the whole thing, and how willing Kid is to murder anyone who even so much as laughs at Killer.
Episode 988: 
Luffy angrily (who has, himself, also shattered the plan into a million pieces) : “GIZAO, STICK TO THE PLAN!” Kid: “Shove it up your ass!”
Okay I had to pause I was laughing so hard gjskflg I love them both so much. Also Luffy I’m actually gonna side with Kid on this one. You and Zoro got a pass on causing a scene because those assholes are intentionally wasting red bean soup while a little girl has to live her life starving and drinking polluted water to the point where eating a bowl of soup had sent her into tears. Kid absolutely gets a pass on tearing apart those who laugh at Killer.
Zoro: “It must be tough, having a captain so quick with his fists.” Killer: “No, it’s not. Kid is great.”
ZORO RESPONDING “Well, my situation’s not so different from yours.”
gay. gay. homosexuals. gay. God the first mates are so down bad for their captains. I love this exchange between them.
MARCO!!!!!!!!!! MARCO IS HERE!!! HELLO DEAR! ;;;v;;;;; I’m so glad he decided to come and help the Straw Hats and the Kozuki clan~ I just really really hope Whitebeard’s home does remain safe while he’s away. I was not going to fault him for wanting to be the guardian of Whitebeard’s last treasure. AND IZOU IS HERE!!! OH I’M GLADDDDD! My god he deserves to reunite with his sister after being being away from each other for over 20 years.
Momo. oh my poor boy. Baby hang in there. I hold this boy gently. He’s been through so much ;;;; Isn’t he like. 8 years old!? Yeah he’s 8 years old. My god. 
POLAR TANG!!!! HELLO MY HEART PIRATES! Look at them go~ Love Law’s complete faith in them. And how they’re also confident they can pull off maneuvering the Polar Tang in the dangerous currents. He is their anchor. 
Annnnnd, we’re back with Luffy and Zoro gjskjfg. Bless. “A dead end. You lost your way, didn’t you, Zoro?” GJSKFG I love his teasing Zoro but also... Luffy you’re standing right next to him. You’re as lost as he is. “No, We’ll just cut our path through.” “Okay, quietly though. We can’t ruin the plan.” Ah yes, just quietly cut down an entire wall inside the building. You two totally haven’t thrown the plan completely out the window already. God I love these idiots.
ENMA?!?! YOU GRAB *ENMA* TO QUIETLY CUT DOWN THE WALL?! Zoro I know you want to break in that sword and you’re obsessed with your new cursed spirit but- BOY. No.
Episode 989: 
Godspeed Chopper. Being chased by fucking Big Mom herself? Terrifying.
I am so fascinated by Kanjuro as a villain. Some so detached from any sense of self. Unable to form opinions. Just seeing all those years he spent as a samurai and protecting the Kozuki family being just a ‘role’ he was playing. God, One Piece and all their traumatized kids. I love how different Oda has had trauma change and shape them. those like Law and Corazon and Momonosuke vs Doflamingo and Orochi and Kanjuro. 
Izou you are so hot. That’s all I have to say about that brief conversation between the small whitebeard gang. Izou is just. Gender af.
OH OKAY, SPEAKING OF HOT APPARENTLY! Denjirooooo! Oh my god he’s so impressive. Love this man. Him slipping off his kimono to reveal the Kozuki crest on his back to reveal his identity to Sasaki, his former ally who trusted him? HOT. 
Chopper with a rocket launcher gjsklfg I also love that the very powerful gun on the tank Franky made sounds like a clown honk. Why. gjslkdjg okay but I do love this whole ‘fight’. It’s so wonderful and ridiculous. Hang in there buds ;;;;
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Hello Renee dear! Remember the angsty prompt you were giving where Reader is severely injured saving Ingo, Emmet, and…(my apologies I don’t remember the 3rd guy 😅) from a wild Pokémon attack, and while they are being taken away they find/are given the ring box they had cuz they were going to propose? The gut wrenching wales of Ingo’s sorrow and Emmet having to be held back because he would not let go killed me! Well it was promised they would live and I would love to see how you imagine it going when Reader wakes up for the first time in the hospital to these poor boys who now know their love wants to spend the rest of their life with them. Thank you so very much!
hey! yeah, it was for ingo, emmet, and adaman if i remember correctly. also, yes, this is good. the follow up is sorely needed. the original prompt can be found here!
Ingo doesn't leave your bedside unless they force him to. He stays by your side, holding and kissing your hand as he apologizes to you endlessly for his failings as a boyfriend, a partner. He should've been the one to protect you, yet you had to do it, and now you're injured. And. . . and now he may never hear you ask that one question you were planning on asking
He cries, seeing your injuries and how bad they are. He cries over his failure, and he cries with every tiny movement you make, especially if they're in pain. He kisses your face, sobs into your chest, and begs every god in existence to keep you here with him
When you finally wake up, he's practically screaming in his relief. You're staring up at him blearily as he flits around trying to do everything, then notice the box on the nightstand next to your bed. When Ingo finally slows down, you have it open, the ring inside glittering in the yellow fluorescents as you croak out the question you've been wanting to ask for so long now.
And Ingo falls to his knees to sob out his yes
Emmet isn't allowed in your room. You're recovering from sudden onset hypothermia, so your immune system is shot to hell as the doctors try and gradually warm you up. Emmet has to stay outside, which he hates. He has to watch through a window as doctors in strange suits try to coax your blue skin into feeling warmth again. He practically attacks them when they come out, desperate to know how you're doing
Emmet grips the ring you were going to give him like a lifeline. He paces, not tearing his eyes away from your motionless form, begging anyone who will listen to save you. Let him hold you, kiss you once more. He needs to tell you he loves you, and that he'll marry you in a heartbeat. But he's not sure if he deserves the honor of being your husband anymore. Not after this
When you finally wake up and Emmet is allowed to see you, he spends the whole time trying to cry, kiss you, and apologize all at the same time. You're woozy and chilly, but smiling at his affection and ruddy face. You weakly grip the box he holds, and whisper the question to his on a raspy, soft but adoring voice
Emmet can only cry harder as he nods frantically
Adaman doesn't break down the door in the end. Pesselle gives him hell for thinking he could try it, though. Still, he is allowed to see you, and he's able to sit by your bed as you snooze through the worst of your injuries. He holds you hand, looks at the ring you were going to give him, and kisses your head. He whispers prayers to Sinnoh to allow you more time with him, and makes the most of his by assisting Pesselle with you. He becomes an expert in treating your injuries
He wonders a lot about the ring. The Diamond Clan has traditions surrounding marriage. Had you asked Mai about them, or someone else? Had you taken time to learn how marriage and proposal worked for his clan? Or did you have your own traditions that you were going to introduce him to? What were your plans? Did you have a speech prepared. The longer Adaman ponders it, the tighter his chest feels. Has he come to he end of his time with you?
You wake up, assuaging his fears. Adaman coos over you, so very relieved, shushing any attempt you make to move or speak. He wants you better, so he doesn't allow you to do much of anything at first. A few days pass before he lets his guard down, and you manage to slip the ring for him. Adaman turns to see you holding it out, asking him to spend the rest of time with you, your smile tired but genuine
And for the first time, you witness Adaman cry as a broad smile splits his face
i love a happy ending <3 hope you liked it, love!! have a great day!!
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33roda · 3 years
GOD literally all i want in life is to peg the absolute hell out of Tartaglia
I wanna tie him down with his hands above his head when he gets too bratty, and i wanna watch him struggle and talk back, and then make him cry from how hard i fuck him on my strap. i wanna slap him and pull his hair and leave bruises all over him he would never be able to cover up, bonus points if we are T4T.
and then after i spent so long breaking him, i wanna give him the softest aftercare he’s ever had. helping him drink some water, telling him how good he did and how much i care about him, pressing soft kisses on all the bruises i left on him, holding him close, making him feel loved and cared for.
rough play + soft aftercare >>>>
♡ i absolutely agree,, he just loves the pain! i hope i did this justice, anon <3
♡ tags: masochist!childe, pegging, slapping, spit, brat!childe
"I don't break easily, you know," he smirked at you, as if his hands weren't tied up above his head, body bare for you to play with. "You should go harder. You're being too gentle,"
You sat between his legs, stroking circles around his chest and thighs with your fingers, stopping upon hearing his teases. You scoffed, pulling his hair to the side as you leaned towards his ear, "You really think a brat like you even deserves to get fucked?" resting your hand on his chest, you whispered. "You're such a brat, Ajax. You could've just asked nicely," he looked at you, his seemingly unwipeable smugness eliciting a slap from you. It only made his grin spread further, though.
"Finally, some roughness! I didn't know you had it in y- OHmfffff-"
Poor baby wasn't expecting you to just suddenly grab his dick, but you had to shut him up. Talking back just wasn't gonna do, was it? "I'll show you what brats like you deserve, since you want it so much," you held your cock, admiring how red his dick got just from you grabbing him, before aligning yourself to his hole. "I bet you'd love two at once, wouldn't you? just to see how much you can spread that pretty hole of yours, right?"
He wanted to test your limits - refusing to show pleasure, holding back his gasps, trying his best to stay still - all just to rile you up. "It'd be better than whatever the fuck it is you're giving me right now," he looked at you, feigning disappointment. "Where'd the big, tough, Y/N go-" Slap! another slap to the face.
"Shut up and take what I give you, understood?" You rammed into him with all the strength you could muster, pretty sure it was hurting him - not that he seemed to mind. "I'll be abusing your pretty hole as I wish, you don't get a say in how I do it, bitch." holding his face in place, you spat on his cheek. His reaction seemed like he was already about to cum just from your roughness, his cock throbbing as if asking for more. "So fucking dirty,"
"Just move already, gods!"
"Act like a brat, get treated like one," you snickered before finally pulling back out of him, only to slam back in, his ass jiggling slightly and reddening with every thrust into him. No matter how hard he tried, you could still hear how his breath hitched as he struggled to keep his moans in. Slap! "Don't hold back your moans, pretty boy," Slap! "You've been so bad already, haven't you? it's the least you can do!" Slap! You could slap that sweet face of his all night, watching how red his cheeks get as he groans from the slight sting.
"Mmh.. harder," he gasped, "if you're gonna slap me, at least do it right," he tried to grin but failed, his face numb from all the slapping, pathetically just opening his mouth as drool leaked out.
"You just want me to use your whole body, don't you? bruise it all up?" stopping your thrusts to give him a slap to the chest, before thrusting back in to hit his spot perfectly, evident from the choked out moan he gave from just you entering him. "Did my baby already go dumb from how hard I'm fucking him? Look how much you're drooling," you taunted. He only moaned louder, as if he didn't even hear you, throwing his head back so engulfed in pleasure.
"Don't fucking stop, I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum!" he heaved, trying not to choke on his own spit as you continued slapping his already red chest, before stopping all movement. "Wh-what the fuck!? why'd you stop, you bitch!"
How adorable. "Awh, I thought you said you don't break easily, little baby?" you snickered. "That's all you are right now, just a fucking brat. Isn't that right dear?"... no response. Slap! "I said, isn't that right? I'm not moving unless you say it yourself,"
"...F-fine. I'm your brat." You raised an eyebrow, clearly unhappy with his answer. "I-I'm your little slut, I want you to fucking ruin me!"
You fucked into him again, determined to make him cum this time. "Keep going, baby," you playfully cooed, admiring how absolutely ruined his body looked for you. His face and chest red, glistening with tears and spit, his cock blushing and twitching, almost like it was begging for release. You almost felt bad for him, but gods was it hot.
"Please, please let me cum! I'm yours to break, I need it so bad - hmmfffffg- ah!" mouth wide open, he threw his head back as his whole body twitched, finally releasing his cum all over himself. It was almost funny how hard he came - pretty baby looked so wrecked, whole body blushing with cum splattered all over his torso, body pouring with sweat and hair all messy. Leaving him to take his breath, you sensed he was gonna say some bratty remark before you slammed into him again.
"Who said I was done breaking you, baby?"
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todomochi-uwu · 4 years
Of Unspoken Troubles & New Threats (2.5/3)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader
Warnings: Angst, and pls don’t kill me
Author’s Notes: Some of yall are going to be real pissed off and I can feel it in the back of my mind, but I didn’t want to cut it out, I wanted to build up the tension to the maximum! Don’t worry, tomorrow the next and FINALE part will be published, for now enjoy this. (I had already published this, but it wasn’t showing in the tags, and I’m about to cry)
“Take it, not so much of a threat, but as a warning.”
Previous parts: First Second
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Since the very first second Ushijima had noticed the sudden raising friendship between you and the Nekoma captain lots of ill-mannered thoughts had started forming in the back of his head. Like, what would happen if he were to spike right into Kuroo’s head when he turned around? Or would it affect much his opponent’s game if he were to, I don’t know, break every single one of his fingers? Fumes seemed to come out of his ears, his spikes were harder than ever, his voice became even lower and the pressure he was putting on his team was becoming a little too excessive.
“What the fuck is up with Ushijima?” Semi said, hand on his knees, barely being able to breathe. 
Reon sat on the floor, trying to stabilize himself, “That’s what I want to know, what has got him like this? None of these teams is a threat to us.”
Tendou let out a giggle while throwing his head back in exhaustion, “It appears manager-chan has stroked a nerve in our dear miracle boy.”
“What do you mean?” Shirabu said while trying to crack his spine without causing even more damage.
“Look over there.” The red-haired man pointed to the other side of the gym, where you sat analyzing some of the game plans and notes you had made, while Kuroo sat next to you, chin resting on top of your head, casually caressing your back.
Goshiki furrowed his eyebrows, “What is Nekoma’s captain doing with our manager?”
“I didn’t know they were that close.” Tendou said, “But this new ship seems to be stressing the fuck out of our captain, the poor boy doesn’t know how to react to jealousy, I don’t think he has ever experienced it before, at least not to this extent.”
“Wait! Ushijima san likes Y/N-chan?” Goshiki looked wildered, expressing himself louder than he should. 
“Shh, man keep it low! We don’t want lover boy hearing us!” Shirabu smacked the back of the next inline ace.
“So, what’s the plan? Are we going to help them out? Like get them together or something?”
“Nope.” Tendou simply said. 
Everyone looked at him confused, did he not want Ushijima to go back to normal? “Don’t get me wrong, all this training is killing me, but I think our ace needs to learn how to take care of his significant other, to know Y/N has a limit no matter how much they love him.”
Goshiki eyes widened in shock, “Wait, wait, wait so they are already…” The harsh smack of a ball made them all turn around, Ushijima was there looking directly at them, the stern look in his face said everything.
“God fucking dammit, I hope all of this is worth it,” Semi said under his breath, everyone agreeing with him in his mind.
Things hadn’t gotten any better, every hour Ushijima only seemed to be getting worse, more laps, more blocks, more sets, it wasn’t until the sound of a whistle was heard all across the room that the entire team sighed in relief.
“Hey, boys! Good job today, I think we have improved, I don’t have any commentaries other than to tell you to please enjoy your meal and rest well, you guys deserve it.” You smiled with sympathy, by the looks in their faces they were about to pass out. Oh Ushijima, what in the hell are you doing? You thought. 
As they started scattering around and leaving the gym you noticed that Ushijima was not going with them, “Do you need anything, Ushijima-san?”
“Are we meeting outside at midnight?” He said. 
Your eyes lighted up for a second, butterflies flying in your stomach, but the reality was quick to hit you and bring you back to earth, “I don’t have any notes for you to revise, the boys did well today, nothing left for me to say, so no.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows, “I’m not talking about that.”
“Then why would we meet later? There’s nothing for us to discuss.” You grabbed your things, making sure not to leave anything behind.
“Y/N…” He attempted to stop you.
“Ushijima-san, I highly suggest you going to the cafeteria, you need to recover, they are serving rice and curry today.” You gave him a slight smile.
“Y/N…” He tried again, but this time, someone else entered the scene, interrupting him, “Chibi-chan…” His tone was melodic. 
“Kuroo-san.” You greeted him.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were busy.” He said, in faux innocence. “I can come back if you want.” 
“No, I was just telling Ushijima we were done with today’s work.” You said rushing out the door, no looking back.
Kuroo could only follow you. 
The night was restless, Ushijima kept turning and squirming, anxiety was now invading his dreams, trembles ran down his body, his breathing was agitated and his heart running down miles per hour, his thoughts could not be appeased and he didn’t know what to do. The idea of you leaving him would not abandon his mind; seeing you with another man, laughing, smiling, had taken a toll on him; and to top it all you had rejected him. His mouth was dry and his hands wouldn’t stop shaking, maybe a quick trip to the bathroom would help him calm down. 
As quiet as possible, he opened the door, hoping to control his anxiety, only to be met with something that only made him even more nervous. You and Kuroo. In front of the manager’s room, talking quietly but so closely, the sole scene made him want to gag. He stared at you for a couple of minutes before Kuroo finally left you to go inside, and made his way down the hall, to meet with Ushijima.
“Hey Ushiwaka, didn’t see you there, it’s kind of late, go to sleep you must be tired.” The smirk on Kuroo’s face was like a slap in the face to the other captain.
“That manager of yours sure is a hard worker.” Kuroo said, staring directly into the ace’s eyes, “Must be nice to have her, it would be such… a shame if someone were to steal her away, right?” Kuroo said, his tone was dangerous, his words dripped in venom.
Ushijima could only glare at him, no words came out of his mouth.
“Take it, not so much of a threat, but as a warning.” With that, Kuroo left.
The same thing was repeating the next day, no matter how sore Ushijima’s muscles felt, he wasn’t planning on stopping. His head wouldn’t stop repeating last night’s scene. You and Kuroo. Kuroo and you. Late night. Close. Together. It was getting under his skin and he didn´t know how to deal with it, not when you were distancing yourself from him.
“Ushijima I think you should talk to her, this isn’t healthy.” Tendou knows he kind of deserves it, but he couldn’t help but worry for him.
Ushijima didn´t know what to say, “I tried, she rejected me.”
“Make an effort, follow her around just like she always does, you can´t expect her to forgive you if you don´t even try.” Tendou nudged him, trying to cheer him.
Ushijima sighed, conflicted, he knew he had done you wrong, but he wasn’t aware of how bad he had fucked up until now. He was sorry, there was no doubt, but he didn’t know how to express it. 
“Gather round boys!” You called out for the team, “For today’s schedule you will be going against, mmm let me check… Oh, Nekoma.” And to this, the entire team had tensed up, even more, fuck, this was going to be a very bad idea.
Nekoma approached, gathering up and stretching out before the “friendly” match, checking out the system they were going to follow throughout the game. Kuroo jogged to your side.
“Should I expect your captain to go all out?” He said.
“Please tell them to be careful, Ushijima is so tense, just as the rest of the boys, so be careful.” 
“You sound like you think I’m not capable of blocking out his spikes.” He teased.
“Kuroo.” You warned him.
“I know, I know.” He cracked the back of his head, “Okay, let the match begin.”
Tags: @samanthaa-leanne @missalienqueen @anime-weeb-bnha @minnieminnie00-got7 @ama-suhen @iiwah @saeranoppa @4ambagelbites @sunaswife @puma-d-a @lionhearteddame @ix-elastix @dudejuststop @pruemania @salty4tsukki @wonderblogger @animexholic @kenmascateyes @aralynxo @decaffeinatedcheesecakemiracle @tsibba01 @softkookyy @nnessworls @xxitsaeonxx @hallothankmas @sinex @shinhiromi @killuaking @icedberrytea @foreverdebbie​ @nati-08​ @amoursa​ @lilolpotato​big @bigtitmisfit​ @itzgabz22​ @holographicwriter​ @aonenthusiast​ @flmshneverbreaks​ @yeolliedokai​ @cyber3lf​ @lyrxbz​ @nikkiandherrandomshits​ @josieveli​ @ryk-iok​ @lueurdeespoir​ @vee-77​ @keiwaii​
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shintin · 3 years
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Forget Me Not: Chapter 27 (Monster)
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↳ Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Description: Imagine that from the moment you opened your eyes into this world, you had no choice but to kill and shed the blood of others, that you had to fight alongside Toji Fushiguru and die with him.
What would you do when they force you to do something you don’t like? When the torment of conscience presses on your throat, will you give up? Now think about a day that life gives you another chance; how would you use it?
This is the story of a murderer who seeks salvation. Will she find it in the arms of Satoru Gojo? Or will pain find her sooner than redemption and drive her out of heaven forever?
Genre: heavy angst, sad love story, maybe tragedy, violence, lonely hearts, broken souls, +18.
Tags/Warnings: nothing
Song Recommendation: Lady Gaga - Teeth
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Chapter index -> Next chapter
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Year: 2019
"I can't believe that idiot is late again!" Yuji said and leaned against the wall, folding his arms with anger. Yes, as you can see, after he was traumatized by the scene of Y/N being kissed by Satoru, his status was reduced from a "Dear Sensei" to "That Idiot."
Megumi, who was seated on the stairs a few steps from Yuji, raised his eyebrows and looked at his friend with surprise. Wasn't it him who always kissed their Sensei's ass? He placed his hand underneath his chin. "For the record, Y/N is also late; why aren't you angry at her?" He seemed drowsy and hated that their sensei was still late even for his own plans, and now Y/N seemed to have acquired his bad habits.
Yuji glared at Megumi. "We both know why Y/N is late! That idiot sleeps in her room! I swear to God, he's corrupting Y/N." He exhaled furiously and frowned. Was Y/N a relative? Nope! Were his behaviors reasonable? Not at all! Then how come Yuji was so worried about her? Who knows.
"Ah, Yuji! Don't start again! You're still whining about it! It has nothing to do with you! Y/N likes him! Get over it!" Megumi rubbed his forehead. Gojo was pretty annoying, and now he must have put up with Yuji, too.
Yuji stepped away from the wall with clenched fists to stand before Megumi and was about to start his long, boring speech about how careless Gojo is, how he will break Y/N's heart and how she deserves someone better. Still, Megumi pointed to the gate before he could even open his mouth.
Yuji turned his head and saw Y/N talking with Satoru and smiling at him as they were approaching the two. Seeing Y/N's happiness made his frown disappear, but his fists remained clenched. The boy was at no fault. Y/N was one of the nicest people he knew, and he didn't want to lose her one day because of the mistakes of his foolish sensei. So the boy had to do what he had to do.
"No Yuji! Wait! Don't do it!" But before Megumi could stop the No. 2 idiot, he had long ago reached out to Y/N and the No. 1 idiot.
Yuji ran joyfully toward them, standing there with the greatest fucking smile in the world on his face. "Good morning, Y/N," his tone was highly cheery for a Monday morning. Strange even if we look for another word to describe it. I mean, someone with a sane mind over their head would frown Monday morning and curse heaven and earth. But let not judge Yuji. The boy usually had a couple of loose screws, and now the king of curses was living in his head rent-free.
"Good morning, Yuji." She yawned and placed her hand on her mouth. Yes, she'd gone through another sleepless night. The poor girl was so tired that, as the author, I found it necessary to ask Satoru, Come on, dude! Give her a rest! She has other needs too, you know! Like what? Like sleeping at nights, you asshole!
But let's forget about my conversation with Gojo and go ahead.
Finding Y/N tired, Yuji glared at Satoru and sighed angrily. He knew very well who to blame for Y/N's exhaustion. But was he the reason behind her tiredness? Or was there any other reason? Because after the missions, her wounds were no longer easily healed, and she seemed weaker and weaker days by day.
"Hello to you too, Yuji. I'm fine as well." Satoru tried to make fun with his student, but hearing his cold "Good," hit him like a slap in the face. 'What have I done to deserve this?' He pouted.
Yuji stood between the two as a third wheel and totally ignored the presence of Satoru. He kept talking to Y/N. "Are you excited to see Yuta? He is the only sorcerer that possesses the greatest amount of cursed energy!" The two started walking without paying attention to the manchild.
"Really? I thought Satoru was the strongest sorcerer! Satoru? Are you deluding yourself into being the strongest?" She said laughingly and turned her head to see his face after hearing it, but she suddenly stopped. He wasn't with them. She looked back to find her 29-year-old boyfriend-whom rumors had said his mind could function 24/7- was standing on his last spot with folded arms, staring at her and Yuji.
"Satoru, why are you standing there?" She asked in surprise. She was convinced a long time ago that even the wisest men in the history of mankind could not fully understand the function of this man's brain.
'Thank goodness she noticed my absence at least before she was miles away. What a lucky man I am!' He held his hands on his chest, and his gaze fled from his dear girlfriend to the frowny frat boy, Yuji. 'What is wrong with this boy?' Satoru lowered his sunglasses and started looking at Yuji, mimicking his actions.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of them was the strongest sorcerer in the jujutsu world, and the other was the vessel for one of the strongest curses in the history of jujutsu, but as you can see, they didn't have a brain cell combined.
Y/N's gaze shifted between Satoru and Yuji. Oh! Her brain was not ready to digest these juvenile behaviors in the first hour of the morning. So she turned on her heel before the testosterone in the air could suffocate her. "Let me know who is the winner of your frowning contest," and she made her way to her favorite black-haired boy.
Seeing Y/N approaching, Megumi raised his head from the phone and noticed that she was rubbing her forehead. A faint smile settled on his lips. She was the only one in the school who could relate to him about the torment of putting up with Yuji and Satoru. "Did they drive you crazy as well?" Megumi put his phone back into his pocket.
"Don't ask! What has gotten into them? I didn't expect him to act as child as Satoru!" She adjusted the scarf around her neck. "Anyway, where is Nobara?" She looked around.
"She is with the second years and Yuta. By the way, have you heard of him?" Megumi got up, put his hands in his pockets, and began walking with Y/N to the backyard.
"Not really. All I know is that higher Ups wanted to execute Yuta and It is enough reason for me to love that boy without knowing him!" She applauded with joy, and Megumi could swear that there was a glimmer of madness in her eyes.
"You're becoming more and more like Gojo Sensei every day, Y/N, should I be worried?" The poor boy couldn't stand a No. 3 idiot in his life. No, not anymore.
"No! If I ever become this irritating, please choke me in my sleep," she winked at him, and a smile came across her lips at the same time. She enjoyed hearing their names used in the same sentence—her little silly guilty closure.
"Hey, look who decided to show up at last!" Nobara's voice was heard from a distance. Y/N quickly raised her head and looked at the orange-haired girl standing next to Maki, Toge, and Panda, with a long distance away from the boy with black hair in a white uniform. He must be Yuta.
"Where are Gojo and Yuji?" Nobara looked at Y/N and Megumi, with her hands on her waist, tapping one of her feet on the ground.
"Don't ask," Megumi responded briefly, greeted Yuta from afar, and then walked towards the rest of the second years without wanting to shake hands.
'This boy is turning into a complete antisocial.' She thought, and then she turned her face and looked at Yuta with interest. His face was pale with dark circles under his eyes, but the boy always had a smile on his face.
"Yuta this is the Y/N Maki speaks of all the time. You and Yuji and she can officially run an execution survivors club." Panda winked at Y/N.
Yuta looked at her face carefully and bowed completely before her from where he was standing. "My name is Yuta Okkotsu, nice to meet you." What a polite boy.
"My name is Y/N Kamo, and I'm glad to have the honor of meeting you," she took a few steps closer to the boy when suddenly several screams were heard at the same time.
"No, Y/N, don't go any further!"
"Please stop there!"
"Y/N! No!"
"Rika, no! she is not a threat!"
"Y/N! run!"
"Mustard leaves!"
But before Y/N could react, a curse suddenly appeared before her with claws only a few centimeters away from her face. Her breath was stuck in her chest, and her eyes were closed to stop the burning breath of the curse from striking her face. She wanted to activate her technique, but a firm hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her back until her back hit a tough thorax. Satoru.
Y/N opened her eyes and noticed his tight grip and dead serious face. It wasn't like this was the same man acting like a child with his student.
Her gaze fell upon Satoru's forefinger and middle finger, which stood together. And that's when a feeling of cold took hold of her spine. Infinity.
Yes. The knight of history hurried to Y/N as soon as he realized she could be in danger.
"Rikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," the curse opened her mouth and shouted aloud, but fortunately, her saliva stopped a few millimeters from infinity. She seemed to feel threatened by Y/N and sought to defend Yuta against her.
Meanwhile, as everyone looked at Rika with fear, Yuji looked at Y/N, then the hand around her waist and the worried eyes of Satoru. His Sensei gaze was fixed on Rika, and his hand was standing by to attack the curse if necessary. It was then that Yuji's brain eventually managed to do 2+2, and he realized that this white-haired man was willing to do anything for her. Even if it meant exercising the curse attached to his student.
Yes, Yuji, your dear Sensei was fucked, and he was prepared to destroy not only that curse for her but all the curses and whoever wanted to hurt her. After all, she was the only person who had seen the real person behind his strongest mask and had broken the hard shell around his heart.
Y/N gently grabbed Satoru's hand, squeezed it a little to ensure her lover that she was safe. He looked at her with hesitation. She was smiling, and that was enough to soften his stern face. She caressed his hand with her thumb. "Don't worry, Satoru, I have done this before," she murmured while unwrapping his grip. He never had the power to resist her.
He turned her to face him. "What are you talking about? All you've absorbed is the cursed energy of the third-grade curses! No offense to your intelligence, but this one is a special curse! You can't skip the second and first-grade curses that easily! You are not a nerdy, Y/N!" His tone was even more firm than his grip on her arm. Don't get him wrong; he didn't mean to hurt her, but fear manifests itself in different ways. "Excuse me, but I can't let you kill yourself in front of my eyes!" He tried to pull Y/N, but she didn't budge.
"I never asked your permission, Satoru!" She grasped his wrist with her other hand and took her arm out of it.
Satoru's astonished eyes moved from Y/N's hand to her serious face. She had made up her mind, and he had no choice but to let her go. Oh, he hated these moments. He hated having to let her slip out of his palms. "And if anything bad happens to you?" He never took his eyes off her.
She placed her hand over his shoulder, struggling with the urge to caress his cheek in front of the students. "Then catch me before I fall," she turned her face away from him.
Satoru, despite all the cells in his body shouting at him not to let her go, released his infinity. Everything in their relationship revolved around trust. He trusted her not to fall, and she trusted him to catch her if she fell.
Yuji turned his face. He knew she was safe with him. He would never let anyone hurt Y/N, but he knew full well that people could always do more harm to their loved ones than to anyone else.
"What do these two fools talk about?" Nobara asked Megumi in the whispered voice.
"I can't read anybody's lips!" Megumi answered with indifference and turned his gaze towards Y/N.
"Oh my God, what the hell is she doing?" Nobara shouted loud because now Y/N had decided to approach the curse as though nothing had happened a few minutes ago.
"Y/N? Have you gone insane? If you want to die, I can kill you myself." Maki screamed from afar, but Y/N made another step.
"What do you say we don't disturb Miss Curse anymore?" Panda's nervous voice came through.
Megumi's gaze quickly shifted from Y/N to his Sensei. See, there are natural phenomena in the world that you have to be in a certain place at a certain time to witness them, like Aurora Borealis, Night-blooming cereus, Fogbows, Lenticular clouds and... and spotting a glimpse of fear on Satoru Gojo's face was one of those rare moments.
Megumi turned his face away. So his sensei was a human after all, and like all human beings, he was afraid to lose his beloved as well.
"No, Y/N, please, stay away! Rika doesn't have a good relationship with sorcerers," Yuta, with sweat on his forehead, begged her to stop. But to his surprise, Y/N went one step further.
"I'm not a sorcerer, Yuta, don't worry, she won't hurt me," she smiled at the frightened boy.
"Yutaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," Rika's scream sounded threatening, but Y/N looked at her with interest as if the most beautiful creature in the world was standing before her. Now the claws of the curse were in her hair, touching her skull.
"Well, your name is Rika, huh?" Her tone was calm. Like someone who seemed to be talking to a seven-year-old. Could she see the soul of the little girl in the curse?
Rika shouted again, though this time, she seemed calmer than before.
"I don't mean to hurt you, I know it hurts, I know better than anybody..." She wasn't lying. She could see how she and Yuta used to play in the park together, how the two had promised to be together forever, and how Rika had lost her life in an accident, And from that day on, she kept her promise as a curse and never left him alone.
She smiled at Rika, perhaps something no one had ever done to a curse before. And it worked. Rika believed her. She pulled her claws back and lowered her head. The curse seemed calm without any intention of attacking anymore.
Now, as the author, let me teach you a special recipe to make a monster stop feeling monstrous.
First, you give them something they can hold in their palms, to feel it without crushing, something sweet, and you tell them to keep it.
Then you wipe the blood from their hands. You say their name, over and over, like an absolution.
And finally, you forgive them.
You forgive them.
Now tell me, do you want them to feel human again? Yes? Then love them. Love them so much that they can no longer hate themselves.
And Y/N knew it all. Why? Because Satoru had given her his heart, he had wiped the guilt from her hands; he had whispered her name in her ear from dusk till down without getting tired, without losing patience, without regretting for a moment. He had embraced and kissed the monster that had stared at Y/N from the mirror. He had fallen in love with her. And he hoped that one day his love would be enough for her to forgive herself.
Without taking her eyes off the curse, Y/N gently untied her scarf from her neck and held it out to Rika. The curse stared at her face and then at her hand. She hesitantly brought her claw forward and took the scarf from her. Y/N nodded with a smile. She then wrapped an imaginary scarf around her neck, and Rika emulated her actions, wrapping the scarf around her neck. No one's ever given Rika anything except Yuta.
The surprise on the faces of the other witnesses from that scene was indescribable. None of them have ever seen such a thing.
She looked at Satoru, and their eyes met. He shook his head gently, trying his last chance to stop her, but his eyes were only reading "I love you" on her lips. A bittersweet smile appeared on his lips, and she turned her face with relief. She had done everything she had to do before doing what she was going to do.
Her hands rested on the Rika's temple, and she leaned her forehead against hers.
Pain. Pain. Pain.
What happened afterward was beyond Y/N's expectations. Her breath was stuck in her chest as if somebody was stealing the air from her. She couldn't hold Rika any longer. Grief took the place of blood in her veins, filled her lungs, and gushed like tears from the corners of her eyes. Was death always so painful?
How much sorrow there was in the world for a girl to endure with her tiny hands. Was that fair? Why should all bad things happen to good people? Why... Her mind felt dizzy. Everything was too much. A special grade curse meant an endless source of negative emotions, and her body was too weak to hold out. She gave herself up and was taken by Satoru before her body hit the ground. One of his arms under her legs and the other supporting her back like a groom carrying his bride.
He lowered his head to her face, and when her breath hit his ear, he sighed in relief. "You stupid, stubborn bitch, Y/N." Satoru said angrily and saw how a faint smile appeared on her lips.
"Yet you caught me," she whispered, and her eyes got closed. His embrace always made Y/N feel alive; it was as if a soft blanket was wrapped around her. So her hands circled his neck. She needed to get closer to him. If she knew what would happen, she'd save him a little more for the days to come, for those days when there was no Satoru and its warm embrace.
"I'll catch you forever," he looked at her tired face. Only I, the author, knew how much he controlled himself not to kiss her. How could he love her and yet fall in love with her again and again—every day.
"Is she all right?" The students hurried there and surrounded the two with concern visible on their faces.
Satoru turned his worried face into his usual goofy one. "Oh, don't worry, kids! She had just watched How to train your dragon and she was carried away to try it in real life! Today's lesson is to remind yourself that you should not try everything you see on the green screen. It's stupid," he winked at the children, and his famous smirk appeared on his lips. "Now, if you allow me, I have to take this crazy woman to Shoko," and he and Y/N immediately disappeared from their sight.
"Did you just see what I see?" Maki asked from the group while rubbing her chin.
"You mean Rika and Y/N? What was that about? Was she trying to absorb her energy?" Yuta asked, scratching his neck.
"I think Maki meant the worry on Gojo Sensei's face that he was trying to hide. It is clear that he cares a lot about Y/N," Panda exchanged glances with others, and they nodded.
"Then my nightmares have come true! What if Y/N likes him too?" Nobara punched her forehead with her palm. Then something popped into her head. She turned her head toward Yuji and Megumi, oddly quiet. "Hey! You two! What're you hiding, han?"
Yuji tried to show more interest in the grass on the ground so that Nobara's question and Megumi, on the other hand, acted like he didn't hear a thing, trying to play dumb by looking at the sky.
"Yuji and Megumi! Consider yourself dead. You knew about it, Spill!
We all know that the sun can't always be hidden behind the clouds.
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Tag list for Forget Me Not: @wobblewobble822 @imaginationisme @itsmekalou @yukianzaiii @halveablock @selahna @grade1sorcerer @yehet-moi-ohorat @crazyotakugal @insoukesboarmask @gojothealaskaboyph @their1andonly @dabithetouya @whyispistashanuttaken @marbleii @godtieruwu @chippyroh @where-are-you-everywhere @sirynbitch @megumirose @ob-levi-on @appleseed-zahyou @icejifish @makiinin @julianat555 @skiwalkers @syll08 @aceofhermes @nemcxis @hiimahuman @tokoshojibestotp @gojoesatire @alicekaiba @your-nerd-is-showing @yosanoaki @ritsuuuyouu @4l-3x @meriem04 @blacklione15 @spookyboogyuniverse @jcssy @someonenoteveryone @kurushiisaboss @boredcatsyndrome @quevivalafresafrijolita @freefestivalherringdean @maggie420 @panicinart @their1andonly @parexocoetus @kurammaw @chifuyusobs @prickleestull @bloomed-in-starlight @dibz00 @hypercementosis @shaylove418 @lalazyboi @djxrin @mikusailor @elenaazz @gojoscumslut @directioer4dayz @deadflowerd @pearlstiare @teodooram @enesitamor @martiniilemonada @spookyboogyuniverse @someonenoteveryone @meriem04 @honouredsatoru @g-satoru
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egcdeath · 4 years
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summary: On Valentine’s Day, you receive a bit of a surprise.
pairing: steve rogers x reader
word count: 2.2k
author’s note: valentine’s day came early this year. like... over a month early i’m actually pretty proud of this! i hope you all enjoy :) 
p.s. this is part of @syntheticavenger​‘s lyric challenge, my prompt was: So let me take away your pain, give me all of your emotions (Victoria Monet ‘Moment’)
warnings: so much fluff. before you read this, ask yourself (and your dentist) if you’re okay with getting a few cavities.
Being engaged to a fugitive from the law meant a few things.
For starters, your fiancé was almost never home, and when he was home, he wasn’t there for long. Whether it be a 3 AM knock on the door from Natasha, or soft and apologetic eyes bidding you farewell after a 4 day tryst, everything always seemed to end too soon.
The second being that you often had little to no warning when he was coming home, leaving you to go on a mad dash to put on something nice before your partner arrived at your front door. Between random messages from burner phones, and random deliveries of local goods to your door, you were often given short notice of when you’d be able to see Steve again.
Finally, despite his best efforts, Steve was frequently absent from holidays that you used to gleefully celebrate together.
As the soft clicks of the clock increased, and night drew nearer, you feared that your Valentine’s Day would end the same as the aforementioned days, yet, after hearing the chime of your doorbell reverberate through your home, you were filled with a semblance of hope.
You all but skipped down to your door to see what (or who) had arrived, and lit up with glee when you were handed a bouquet of yellow roses with a printed note attached to it.
You didn’t think I forgot about my best girl, did you? Happy Valentine’s Day, Dear. I’ll see you in an hour.
p.s. I just learned that yellow roses represent welcoming someone back, isn’t that nifty?
You couldn’t help but to grin at the note, quickly thanking the delivery person, then bolting upstairs to prepare for Steve’s homecoming.
After debating with yourself about which candle scent Steve would enjoy smelling most, and filling up your oversized bathtub with a cocktail of soap, essential oils, and an overpriced bath bomb, you heard the door ring once again. This time, you had a good idea of who you’d be seeing. Upon opening the door, you were far from disappointed.
In the doorway stood your greek god of a fiancé, a lopsided grin on his face despite the scratches, bruises, and dried blood that seemed to litter his body. You immediately reached up to wrap him in a tight embrace and he gladly accepted it.
“Steve!” You cheered, burying your face into his chest, “I missed you so much.” Your words were muffled, and you felt tear stains begin to latch onto his suit. He leaned down and kissed the top of your head, before lightly pushing you further into the house.
“You have no idea of how much I missed you too,” said Steve in response. “I never wanna leave you again.”
At this, you somehow managed to squeeze him tighter, and he let out a soft grunt, screwing his face up. “Are you okay?” You asked before letting him go completely. “Take off the suit, let me take care of you.”
That’s how you ended up soaking in a bathtub with Steve, running your hands up and down his chest while he leaned his head back and rested his eyes. It became more and more apparent with every second that he was completely exhausted, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
Now usually, you liked to spoil your man when he came back home, but after seeing his pure exhaustion, you decided to go all out. If anyone deserved a few hours of pure relaxation, it was certainly Steve.
You stirred and sat up, sloshing around the purple water that had been dyed by the aforementioned bath bomb, and attempted to readjust yourself so that you could at least make eye contact with Steve, who had now opened his eyes from your sudden movement.
“What’s up?” He asked, breaking the prior comfortable silence, and running a large hand through your hair.
“How about we unwind. Like, really, really unwind. The whole nine yards. I completely meant it when I said I wanted to take care of you, and as much as I’m enjoying this, I don’t think that just a bath is gonna cut it,” you hummed while wrapping an arm around the back of his neck, attempting to bring your faces closer together.
“Hmm,” Steve attempted to look pensive, “Only if you insist.” At that, he gave you a toothy smile, then leaned in to close the gap between the two of you, and peck your lips.
Boy, was Steve in for it.
Sometime after the bath water eventually became unbearably cold, and your skin was so pruny that you swore it’d slip off, the two of you exited the bath.
The next task you set out to complete was a deep clean of your faces, which could only be accomplished with the help of a peel off face mask. You stood at your bathroom countertop and plugged in a facial steamer after filling the bottom opening.
“What’s that for?” Steve asked with a slight lisp, as he was currently flossing his pearly teeth.
“It’s a facial steaming thing. It’ll be good for your pores before the face mask, or some shit like that,” you stood back and allowed the small machine to make some strange noises as it started up.
Steve tossed the string into a trashcan before leaning over the counter and examining it, giving you the opportunity to press a button and turn the device on.
“What the hell was that?” He immediately recoiled at the sudden puff of steam, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“I can’t believe thee Captain America, who fights aliens and takes down governments on the regular is afraid of a little steam machine.”
“Hey, everyone gets startled sometimes,” he turned his head to give you a little pout. “How ‘bout you do it first, and show me how it’s done,” Steve stepped aside at this.
You shrugged a bit and nodded, then took his place at the sink to demonstrate how exactly to steam your face. After observing you for a few minutes, Steve motioned for you to move, and as you did, he made sure to give you a little ass squeeze, gaining him a side eye from you as a response.
“Just put your head right…. there,” you gently pushed his head down, then once his head was in the proper position, you pressed the button that turned the machine on.
“This feels kinda weird. It’s like, tickling me,” he mumbled into the machine while you reached into your medicine cabinet to grab a peel off face mask. Steve began to move his face back, but you shook your head and tutted.
“I mean, that’s kind of the point. Your pores need this. So keep that head down, big boy,” you giggled, beginning to apply the charcoal goop to your face while examining yourself in the mirror.
“Do they, though?”
“Yes! Those poor cells have probably been through hell and back with all of that fighting and… avenging you do.”
“You’re lucky that I love you. But know that I expect something in return for this hard work.”
You lovingly scoffed at this, but were pleased that Steve had found a reason to finally stop complaining.
Once a decent amount of time passed, Steve lifted his face and used the back of his hand to attempt to wipe away some of the dampness.
“Here,” you said softly, grabbing a towel, and softly patting his face with it. “Now the fun part,” you began to apply the facemask to Steve’s face, and he seemed to have no complaints.
“Hey, this feels pretty nice!” He exclaimed.
“Unless you want me to get this all over your beard, I suggest you move your face a little less,” you commented while putting the last of the mask on his left cheek.
He opened his mouth to respond, but decided it wasn’t exactly worth the risk of getting a strange substance in his sensitive facial hair. You finished up putting on the mask, then rinsed your hands in the sink while Steve checked his face out. “Ooo, I can feel it exfoliating already. Are you tingling too?”
You smiled fondly at him, then shook your head and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go to the bedroom. Since you were such a good sport, I think you deserve a little treat.” You all but dragged him out of the ensuite, grabbing a fresh towel on your way out, and setting it down on the bed.
“Take your clothes off,” you demanded. “Then lay on the bed face down. Ass up. I’ll be back in a minute.” You winked suggestively at him, then went back into your bathroom to search for the lavender scented body oil hiding in a cabinet.
When you arrived back in the bedroom, you were not disappointed by the sight of Steve with his sculpted back and perky ass out. You allowed yourself a moment to check him out before you spoke. “Hey honey…” you drawled out in a faux sultry tone. “A little birdy told me that you’ve got some sore muscles from all that crime fighting you’re doing…” You ran your hand up and down Steve’s back, and you felt his back heave as he attempted to hold back his laughter.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He asked, not even trying to hide his chortling.
“Shhh, don’t think. Just let me take away your pain, give me all of your emotions,” you poured a bit of the oil in your hands, warmed it up, then placed your hands on his back. Steve involuntarily let out a full body shudder, and you couldn’t help but to smile at yourself with satisfaction. “Seriously though, try to relax,” you began to knead his upper back.
Steve let out a shaky sigh, and relaxed into your soft mattress. Although the tone of the massage started as a joke, he was feeling more relaxed by the second. Then those seconds seemed to turn into minutes, then… hours? Maybe even days. The point is, Steve fell asleep. Then woke up to the familiar tone of a phone alarm, and a gentle shaking on his shoulder.
“Hey, you can sleep later. It’s time to take off our masks.” You reminded him. “Meet me in the bathroom, but get somewhat decent first.” You gave a little squeeze to his shoulder before walking off.
Once Steve met you in the bathroom, he made a beeline to the toilet and sat down on top of the lid. “Will you take it off for me? I’m too tired to do it myself.”
“Fine, but only ‘cause I love you,” you teased, referencing his words from earlier before you leaned down to his level. You picked at a piece of the mask on his forehead, and began to peel it back, watching Steve screw his face and squeeze his eyes shut.
“Ow, what the fuck, Y/N,” he whined, giving you a little pout.
“I’m sorry. Just think of how fresh your skin will be after this, though. You’ll look so dewy, people will think you just came out of the ice.” You moved to remove the piece on his nose, and gained a similar response.
“Ouch! Double ouch. That was way too soon. Why can’t you be nice to me while you’re peeling off my face?” Steve looked deep into your soul while you peeled around the rest of his face, and you couldn’t help but internally melt a little.
“I only tease because I care. And I’m pulling your skin off because I care even more,” you finished up pulling the last of the mask off, then pressed the back of your hand up to some red parts of his face. “All done. You look like a whole new man, Stevie.”
You stepped back so he could stand up and look at himself in the mirror, and he rotated his face back and forth so he could examine himself.
“You’re so right, Y/N. Stark and the government will never catch me when I look like this,” he teased.
“I’m just a miracle worker, I guess.”
“Well is this miracle worker ready to head to bed? All this self care has been fun and all, but…”
“Say less,” you grabbed Steve’s hand once again, and paraded him out to your bedroom, before flopping on the bed theatrically, and grinning when Steve followed suit.
You rolled on top of your starfished fiancé, and kissed him passionately, threading your fingers through his long, sandy hair and sighing contentedly. He turned his head slightly for breath, then began to speak again.
“What I was saying was,” he said breathlessly, “All of this self care has been fun and all, but now I think it’s time that I show you how I unwind.”
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Fated Part 1
Ares x Nemesis!reader (as in the goddess)
Word Count: 1496
Summary: The Fates had a plan War and Revenge, here is their story.
Note: Gods age weird, don’t worry about it.
Like any soul that existed, you were born with your future written in metaphorical stone. Whether it would be Aphrodite herself or one of her kind that was going to you with Love’s arrow, you didn’t know, but what you and your entire family did know due to some poor secret-keeping was that you were destined to marry the God of War, Ares himself. It wasn’t much of a surprise to anyone once it was leaked, either, especially once your affinity for Revenge started showing itself. Wars with that particular motivation were a dime a dozen, after all.
Still, even knowing that you and he were destined, you found yourself frozen in place the first time you laid eyes on him. No amount of preparation could have braced you for his beauty, the unique beauty of an Olympian that was so vastly different from any of the Chthonic gods you called your family. Silvery hair was streaked through with blood as crimson as the eyes that scanned the battlefield for his next opponent.
“What’s the matter, dear sister?” Thanatos’ voice teased from next to you.
You didn’t bother to move your gaze to look at him; the smug look on Death’s face was something you were already very familiar with. “Not all of us were raised with our Fated, little brother. You and Zagreus were lucky.”
“That is true.” Fortunately, you and Lord Ares are still quite young, comparatively speaking. There will be plenty of time for you to grow close.”
“Be that as it may, we will not begin that today,” you announced. Your heart raced as those red eyes finally landed on you. A small upturning of his mouth pulled his fine face from a bloodthirsty scowl to an amused smirk. “I must take my leave.”
“Until next time, then.”
The next time you met Lord Ares was a much more private--but equally surprising--affair. You’d just finished blessing a woman who’d been praying for your aid at a small temple of yours far in the woods--her husband was a right piece of work that thoroughly deserved what was coming--when the quiet clanking of armor drew your attention to the door. And there he was, glancing around to take in the modest sight.
“Quaint place.”
You scoffed. “There aren’t many people that call upon my services, Lord Ares.”
“A shame. Perhaps we would be meeting before now if that weren’t the case.”
“You could have sought me out.”
“You could have done the same.”
“Ah, but I am a possessive creature,” you informed him. “I will have you to myself or I will not have you. Humans are one thing, but gods are another.”
“So you waited.”
“Until the Fates predictions about your godly children had passed, until all of them were born.” You didn’t bother to reveal how you knew the details about them. The answer was simple; your weaving sisters sometimes had poor ambrosia tolerance.
“A patience I can admire.”
“Impressive considering how impulsive your family claims you are.”
He chuckled. “And you should know that those that say such things have little grasp of the truth of war. Ones such as you and I know that the sweetest battles simmer for a time.”
“I couldn’t have phrased it better myself.”
He stepped closer. “Have you any pressing matters?”
“Not for a time. What are you scheming?”
“Come with me to my House. We have stalled our meeting for far too long. I have a fine vintage I’ve been saving for this occasion.”
“Ambrosia?” you let your tone slip into mock-surprise. “Suddenly I don’t think your intentions are as pure as getting to know one another.”
“Well,” his smile showed off unnaturally sharp canines, “perhaps those rumors of my impulsive ways aren’t as false as I’d like to believe.”
Perhaps it was rash, but the pair of you married the following day after having spent the entire night just talking--despite any promises to do much more physical things. It was a small, quick ceremony with the only outsiders being your mothers. Hera, being the Goddess of Marriage herself, officiated while Nyx simply observed with a fond smile. Then the pair of you promptly vanished from everyone’s awareness for a honeymoon of sorts, one spent in the House of War Ares called home, the one far away from Olympus and its prying population.
It was only once you resurfaced that you realized six human months had passed. Oh well. Let the mortals enjoy their peace. It was unlikely that the gods of Olympus noticed either of your absences anyway.
You parted from your husband with a lingering kiss after placing his black laurels on his head for the first time in all that time.
You could still smell the iron and ash scent of Ares on your clothes by the time you crossed paths with your favorite brother. Part of you hoped he noticed your absence--you longed to gush about your newfound love--but the rest of you prayed you got to keep the secret and your privacy just a bit longer.
“It’s been a while, sister,” Thanatos greeted after he reaped the man whose wife poisoned him under your influence.
“We all need a break from time to time, Than. Remind me, how long was your first vacation with Zag?”
His cheeks colored with a blush. “Fair enough.” He cleared his throat. “Was your break restful?”
You fought the urge to touch the small vial of Ares’ ichor he’d given to you as a symbol of his vow at your wedding, the one that hung under the silver collar you war that was so similar to Than’s, the one that Ares had the match to on a cord under his breastplate. “And then some.” Your heart longed for your lover already, but you both had a job to do and secrets to keep from enemies that might try to use your bond against each other.
“I am glad. Truly. You deserved to relax for a while.” With that, he nodded at you and vanished in his customary green flash.
Time, as demonstrated by the six month leave of absence, passed differently for gods than it did mortals. Years passed in the blink of an eye without you really noticing. Here and there your strange schedule aligned with his and allowed the two of you the time to thoroughly enjoy each other’s company once more. So it was no big surprise when you went a while without seeing him.
‘A while’ being roughly a human year.
In that year, you had noticed a few odd things. The wars you saw taking place held none of the ferocity that Ares brought with him like a perfume. The vial of ichor seemed cooler against your skin rather than brimming with the heat that always seemed to radiate off of him. You’d assumed it was due to Ares staying at House War to spend time with his sons, the twins Aphrodite didn’t lift a hand to help raise.
You only learned how wrong you were when Hermes suddenly skidded to a stop in front of you, blocking the temple door you’d been about to leave through. It was only after you snapped, “This had better be important, boy; I have things to attend to,” that you noticed the panic on his face and the alarming amount of golden ichor on his hands.
“Hera ordered me to fetch you,” he rushed out in that speedy way of talking he always had. “You must come to her at once!”
“What’s happened?” Your hand drifted to the silver colored dagger at your hip, another gift from Ares, this one from the last time you saw him. Worry lanced through your heart in the seconds before he answered. Still, you tried to reason with yourself that the fear was for naught. Ares was a god after all. The iron and ash smell wafting around you was your imagination, nothing more.
“It’s Ares.” Or not. “Hera told me to get you because he’s your Fated. I thought it was strange since the two of you hardly know each other, but with the shape he’s in there really wasn’t time to argue--”
“Hermes!” you cut him off. “What. Happened?”
“Giants caught him!” he yelped, fearing retribution from the goddess of the concept. “Kept him in chains for a year. She’s not sure he’ll pull through.”
Your blood chilled in a way it hadn’t since your little brother, Death, had been brought into the world. “Where is he, Hermes? Has she taken him to Olympus? Or is he home in Thrace?”
The fleet-footed god faltered. “I-I’m not sure. She mentioned something about moving him--”
“Find them, boy,” you snarled, vision clouding red around the edges with rage at the lack of information. “Go to Olympus and find out where my husband is!”
With wide eyes and another yelp, Hermes vanished. Only to reappear a breath later panting, “She’s moved him to Thrace!”
“Take me to him.”
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The Mayor
Part 3
“We start this evenings broadcast with shocking news from town hall. This morning at roughly 8:30 our dear Mayor was killed by none other than Doc Ock. Luckily for us though he is behind bars thanks to the efforts of Y/n L/n, who is now being sworn into office.” The camera showed the procedure and Y/n in a new outfit. A blue dress that fir her quite well. Otto couldn’t stand it. He had only been in prison for a few hours and he already hated his life more than before. He was drugged up and his machine felt much heavier than it used to, he had next to no control of his body. His only way to see the world was through a small grainy TV that was posted in the corner of his cell.
His cell was incomprehensibly unfitting for a man such as himself. An old bed that left a crick in his neck. A toilet which he thankfully hadn’t needed to use yet. And a small table in the corner with the even smaller TV. The walls of his cell were unbreakable. Some material he didn’t know the name of surrounded the outside of it. He could chip at the concrete but the outside wouldn’t budge. Somehow he was sure you had funded the building of this cell. Just to spite him. The TV showed you suddenly and his attention was drawn back,
“It was terrifying to be in the clutches of such a lunatic. I did what anyone would do, if only I could’ve done more to save our dear Mr Thomas. May he rest in peace.” What a load of shit, he thought. You had fooled the people just like you had fooled him,
“What will happen to Doc Ock?” Y/n brushed her hair out of her face and looked directly into the camera,
“After I visit him tomorrow, he’ll be getting what he deserves. I demand justice for the death of Mayor Thomas.” People clapped in the background and Otto shut off the TV trying to get some sleep. He dreamed of you and this morning. He dreamed of how he wished it went.
The rain pouring down over the both of you as he held you close. You’d look up at him and pull him in close kissing him softly and thanking him for saving the city. For saving you. His hands would wrap around your waist and he’d carry you back to your apartment and you two would dry off and have a romantic dinner together. Sharing your plans for the future of New York....
He awoke with a start. Some guard yelling at him to get up. Groaning he lifted himself from the bed and walked sluggishly towards the door. A series of clicks and other strange noises come from the other side of the wall before the door swung open. Being handcuffed yet again he was led to a glass enclosure. This is miserable, he thought. They’re treating me like an animal. He was sealed inside the glass and felt cool air conditioning by his feet. A large vent blowing freezing air and making the space breathable. It woke him up a bit. The effects of whatever they injected slowly wearing off. One of his claws knocked on the glass, no damage. He couldn’t just break out either, there were guards all over the entire prison. When the door opened again he scowled. You looked tiny compared to the metal door and waltzed in as if you were an old friend. You wore a long pale pink coat and black gloves finished off with a black ascot. You looked unbearably cute but knew what you really were,
“What do you want L/n?”
“I listen to the people, and they demanded I see you to know you’re reasoning for killing a public figure.” Slamming his fist against the glass he stared you down,
“I did it because you told me to, you crazy bitch.” You nodded in agreement pulling off your gloves gingerly and setting them in your pocket,
“And I did it because you made it easy, if you had been smarter I might’ve avoided you and picked someone else to help me.” His appendages moved like protective snakes behind him.
“Did you come here just to mock me?” You got closer to the glass tilting your head to see his expression he looked distant. It made you a little sad,
“I don’t want you to rot here in prison. Because despite all that I’ve said...” You cleared your throat,
“The greatest thrill and joy I’ve had so far was the short time I worked alongside you.” He met your eyes and did nothing for awhile. Then he just sighed and turned away from you,
“I can’t deal with this right now.” You frowned and stepped back,
“Fine. I understand you don’t exactly like or trust me. But if there’s anything I can do...just let me know.” God! You really were confusing. One minutes you’re kissing, then you have him thrown in jail and now you’re asking about doing him favors? What are you trying to do to this poor mans head?
“Tell the guards to give me some time before they take me back to my cell.”
—————POV CHANGE—————
He hears the door close and looks around before using one of his metal arms to pry the top off the air vent. He wasn’t going to fit through it but he could tear up the floor around it to make him fit. And that’s exactly what he did. While you told the guards to give him time and to treat him better than other prisoners the doctor was wondering through the giant vents. His brain felt sharp and alert again. So did his tentacles, a flicker of red warned him to stop but he wouldn’t, not when he’s gotten this far. Finally he found a vent to a control room. He burst through the ceiling and killed both the guards. He sat at the computer and began typing. Y/n was going to regret this. With a few clicks and the push of a button all cell doors, outside doors, and gates were unlocked. He’ll had been released and so had New York’s greatest super villains. The city would be chaos and with the record for shortest office time ever, Y/n would be kicked out and replaced. Maybe the new shmuck in charge would know how to handle the city. Leaving the room he flew down the halls. His tentacles taking him to the personal belongings room. Searching the drawers he found what he was looking for. Grabbing his jacket and glasses he exited the building (cue epic music). Walking over crowds of anyone from petty thefts to fellow evil doers he stepped into the freshly fallen snow. It was around noon, by nightfall this place would be a wreck. He saw your car leave the parking lot. His tentacles took over, the flashing red now bright and constant. One grabbed the car while another ripped the door off. He heard your screaming from inside and did nothing to hide the joy spreading across his face. Your face paled when you saw who had wrecked your car and you pushed yourself as far away as you could. He got closer to the car and looked in the gaping hole on the side. You were shaking against the door on the opposite side. A limb reached in and wrapped around her neck. She closed her eyes expecting the worst. But the machine only untied her ascot from her neck and tied it around her mouth. She tried to scream again but it was muffled by the gag. Then ripping leather from the interior of the car it was tied tightly around her wrists and ankles. Pulling her into the cold air she shook her head,
“I think it’s time Brooklyn sees the type of leader you really are. Let’s have some fun.” His voice was different now. Dark and clever. The wreckage of downtown broke your heart. Historical buildings destroyed or burned down. Hundreds of not thousands of criminals on the streets. Between the speed you were going at and the ice in your eyes they all looked like blurs. The wind stopped whipping at your face, you couldn’t see what was behind you but you could tell where you were. The bank, of course. It was hard to process everything. Eventually you stopped trying and just laid across his shoulder. Setting you down he demanded the bank teller open all the safes,
“If you don’t, I’ll break every bone in her body. One by one. When I’m done she’ll be so deformed her own mother won’t recognize her.” The teller scrambled with the keys and began unlocking everything. He laughed and began bagging what looked the most valuable,
“I hope you know this is very much your fault.” He smiled at you. The sinking in your stomach only went deeper. When he finished he picked you up once more like a rag doll and exited the building. Crushing the ceiling on the way out,
“Where shall we go? The city is ours.” He said nothing but got a devious glint in his eyes before taking you back through downtown. He stopped in front of your apartment. How did he know where you lived? When you entered the building it was like a ghost town. No employees or lobby boys. Only the distant sounds of chaos and the ding of the elevator as you ride it up to the top floor. Thankfully he didn’t know which exact apartment belonged to you. He set you down and you pointed to a door near the end of the hall. He didn’t bother to pick you back up or untie your feet so you could walk. He just dragged you behind him along the carpet while he talked about the design of the building. He stopped in front of your door. His human hands found their way to your waist. You tried to wiggle away from him but he reached down. You sighed when you realized he was only getting the keycard from your pocket.
You apartment was cold. He set you on the couch and began trying to light a fire in your fireplace,
“You have a lovely place, sure know how to use the tax payers money huh?” He let his jacket fall to the floor, revealing his bare chest. He must’ve been cold outside without a shirt on. He was out of sight and into your kitchen. He came back with a bottle of wine and a large glass. He left your hands tied but undid the restraints around your ankles and mouth. Taking a deep breath in you went to yell at him. Before you could you were pulled into his lap. Switching the TV on he shushed you and ran a hand down your back making you shiver,
“Is it the end times? Citizens of New York are wondering what is happening? Mere hours after Mayor L/n is elected the city falls into destruction. On her trip to visit Doc Ock it’s believed he escaped and freed the other prisoners. Riots, fires, building destroyed and collapsed in what’s possibly New York’s worst day yet.” The camera switched to different people getting interviewed,
“It’s terrible! I’m afraid to leave my home!”
“I knew we shouldn’t have elected a woman.”
“I heard she was working with the Doctor the entire time!” Tears burned at the corners of your eyes. You couldn’t reach the remote, and if you tried to get up he’d just pull you right back down. Guilt was the main emotion, but you felt some resentment as well. These people knew nothing! You were tricked... kinda, not really. But you never intended for this mess to happen. Karma had finally caught up with you. The people on the news kept taking and talking. You couldn’t take it anymore,
“Turn it off! Please!” Otto shrugged and changed the channel to a hockey game,
“Is all the pressure getting to you, Mayor?” His hand was resting on your thigh while the other held his wine glass. You wanted desperately to shower and go to bed. To wake up in a different dimension where nothing ever happened. The room became unbearably hot. You weren’t sure wether it was the fireplace or the guilt (or maybe something else),
“Could you untie my hands please? I’d like to get out of my coat.” You got off his lap and stuck your hands out for him to untie,
“Last time I trusted you, you and me thrown in jail. I’m not making that mistake again.”
“I’m not asking you to trust me, I’m asking you to untie my hands.” He stood up and began slowly uniting them. He watched you intensely as you took your coat off. Turning away from his gaze you walked into your bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You were a strong powerful leader who was going to get out of this mess....somehow.
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dailybuglearchives · 3 years
you & i.
pairing: tom holland x reader
summary: tom’s on his way to ask you an important question. the problem?  he’s not sure what your answer will be, considering the messy circumstances.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: angst with fluff at end, shitty writing (whoops).
notes: here is this one-shot that was laying around for a bit, i watched the movie “the choice” on netflix a while back and this fic is (very) loosely based on that film. also, chapter eight of ready, set, action! is coming along great, i will post it soon:) thanks for reading, and as always my ask-box is open for feedback or just in general (i would appreciate it greatly). happy reading:)
here’s my masterlist!
send me an ask or feedback!
tom gripped the steering well as if his life depended on it, nerves bouncing off of him. he was scared, he was praying that he would be able to fix this mess that he created, that everything would be alright.
to put it into simpler terms, it was a race for him to reach you, the love of his life.
the objective? he had to ask you an important question. but the problem was that he wasn’t entirely sure what your answer would be.
“what do you want me to say y/n? this is my job.” tom runs his hand through his already disheveled hair as he paces back and forth.
“i understand that tom. but there needs to be some sort of effort. i haven’t talked to you in days.” you whisper, tears threatening to spill.
“yes, i know that! but you should understand that i can’t be there all the time. i have commitments, i have a schedule that i have to follow, i can’t be at your beck and call for fuck’s sake! god y/n, i can’t do this right now! i need a break from all of this goddamn it!”
tom hears you take in a sharp breath, and you both are silent for a bit before you speak.
“okay then. i guess we’re done.”
tom’s breath hitches as he hears the “beep!”, indicating that you had ended the call.
tom shakes his head in frustration as he blinks back the tears, thinking about that god awful fight. oh, how he wished he was honest. honest about how terrified he was about losing you.
it wasn’t even ten minutes after that fateful call when harrison found him frantically shoving clothes in his suitcase. “tom, what…”
“y/n ended it and it’s my fault. i need to see her.” harrison gasps, seeing tom’s red-rimmed eyes, and silently nods as he himself starts to pack a suitcase for himself, much to tom’s confusion.
“you’re a bloody idiot if you think i’m not coming with you.”
tom could only stare at his best friend before throwing his arms around him, and harrison can only rub his back soothingly as tom breaks down, hoping that everything would be alright and resolved once he gets to you.
— tom has a hunch that you wouldn’t answer the door if he knocked, as you had the habit of peeking through the curtains to see who was outside the door, so he used the spare key that you had given him months ago to open up your door. silently kicking his shoes off, he walks into the living room and he could swear, the sight before him had his heart shattering into pieces.
you were cuddled alongside another guy, blankets draped over you both, holding you in his arms.
a guy that wasn’t tom.
“what the fuck.” tom mutters, and you snap your head towards the entryway.
“tom.” you let out a breath and tom scoffs, walking backwards and walking towards the front door.
“my bad. didn’t know you were busy.” he sarcastically spits out.
“tom, wait! it’s not what it looks like. he’s just a friend.” tom lets out a bitter laugh, and turns to look at the girl that he loves so dearly, the only one that could cause him pain this bad.
“i came here for you y/n. i came here because i cared about us, i cared about you. i loved you! and you do this?”
you halt in your steps and look at the boy who made you feel like you were floating on clouds, the only boy who made your stomach erupt into butterflies and made you feel so special.
the boy who was also  able to break your heart into bits.
“loved?” you meekly whisper out.
tom looks down for a bit, before looking right at you, which he immediately regretted, seeing the sorrow and sadness pool in your eyes.
“yeah. goodbye y/n.” he tosses the key on your entry table and walks out without another word, getting into his car and driving back to his house, tears streaming down the entire way.
tom and harrison turn towards the door, someone pounding rapidly at the door.
“i’ll go.” harrison pats tom’s shoulder and makes his way to the front door.
tom shudders and rubs his eyes tiredly, grabbing another tissue, absolutely exhausted and drained from crying the entire night.
“tom? someone’s here to see you.” tom gives harrison a questioning look who only shrugs in response, and moves out of the way to reveal the boy that you were with last night.
“what the fuck are you doing here.” tom angrily stands up and harrison quickly moves in front of the boy, shielding him, knowing how much of a short fuse his dear friend possesses.
“whoa man, you got it all wrong! just let me explain!” the poor kid puts his hands up, and harrison mutters an “oh shit”, realizing that this was the boy that tom saw with you.
“explain?! are you shitting me right now?”
“i’m just her friend man!”
“yeah i’ve heard this best friend shit before, now fucking leave.”
“i’m gay!”
both tom and harrison snap their heads towards the boy, it was a miracle they didn’t get whiplash.
“what?” tom whispers, and ian takes this chance to explain.
“i’m ian. i’m y/n/n’s best friend. we went to the same high school, and i got picked on a lot. she literally saved my life, i mean that girl can be terrifying if she wanted to, literally scared all those assholes away…” ian continues to ramble as tom and harrison stare in shock.
“… and girls are not my type. i actually have a boyfriend.”
tom’s eyes grow wide in remorse as everything starts to click.
“ian… you’re the best friend who lives in new york. you and y/n/n are like siblings… she talks about you all the time.”
“yeah! exactly.” ian grabs tom’s shoulders, slightly shaking him.
“and you need to win your girl back.”
“fuck, fuck, fuck. i fucked up so bad ian shit!” tom puts his head in his hands, and ian looks over at harrison worriedly.
“yeah, yeah you did bro.” harrison states.
tom suddenly jolts up and hurries towards the door. “i have to talk to her. i have to get her back.”
“wait!” tom turns towards ian’s voice. “she’s not home. she went to her family cottage. she was pretty shaken up after everything.”
— and so here tom was, anxiously peering at the road signs, and letting out a sigh of relief when he sees the familiar cottage. hurriedly parking the car, he unlocks the door by using the hidden spare key and barges in, looking around for you, but with no avail.
c’mon baby. where are you…
something catches his eye, and he looks through the window to see you with a blanket on your shoulders, standing on the pier, staring out at the lake view.
hastily shoving the door open, he speeds towards the pier. “y/n!”
you turn around to see tom heading towards you. oh god no.
“y/n.” tom catches his breath as he gives you a hopeful smile, but falters in his steps as you move backwards, away from him.
“what are you doing here tom?” tom could see that you were hurt, and the fact that he caused your pain has him feeling immensely guilty.
“i needed to talk to you. there’s this misunderstanding and it’s my fault and i’m so, so sorry darling.”
you fiddle with the sleeves of your sweater nervously as you meet his gaze. “it’s too late tom. go home.”
tom shakes his head. “home is where you are y/n.”
“i was scared that i was going to lose you. because i’m not here, with you. i was scared that one day you would get sick of my shit and leave. you deserve so much better. you deserve someone who can be with you at all times, someone who you can rely on, someone better than me. and so, when i saw you with ian, it was like my worst fear was becoming a reality.”
you shake your head and look at him.
“and you would’ve known that none of that mattered to me. there was no one better than you. i just wanted you tom. no one’s perfect, including us and this relationship. i was patient but a relationship can’t survive without communication, especially a long-distance one. i know how important your career is to you, and you should know how insanely proud i am of you. but i would never make you choose between me and your job, but i wanted some effort. i just wanted you.”
“was? we’re speaking in past-tense now my love?” tom asks.
that darn nickname. you can’t help the butterflies that erupt in your stomach despite the circumstances.
“you started the past-tense bullshit. and don’t call me that.” you send him a glare, turning around to face the lake.
“i don’t want to hear it tom.”
“well you’re going to hear it either way baby. marry me.”
you instantly swirl back around to see a kneeling tom holding out the most stunning ring you’ve ever seen, glinting in the sunlight.
“wha.. what are you doing tom..” you stammer and tom only smiles.
“marry me.”
you look at him in pure shock for a moment, before straightening up and crossing your arms together. “no.”
tom stares at you, before shaking his head and standing up. he knew you like the back of his hand. you were being stubborn. and he wasn’t going to succumb to it. “yes.”
“no.” you state, looking at him with a stone-cold stare.
“yes.” tom moves closer towards you, determination in his eyes.
“no!” you exclaim, unable to look at him in the eyes anymore, tears brimming in your eyes.
“yes.” tom breathlessly whispers as he presses his forehead towards yours, and the only thing between you both was the gorgeous ring that he was grasping.
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry for the shit that i said, for how i acted. but darling, i was scared. but we both know that we’re meant for each other. and i don’t want to do life with anyone else. i couldn’t imagine anyone else but you.”
you look anywhere but him, trying to avoid his gaze and tom knows.
“love. marry me.” tom kisses your cheek.
“marry me.” he kisses the tip of your nose.
“marry me.” he kisses the corner of your mouth.
and then you let your walls slip away, cautiously reaching up to cup his cheek, and he nuzzles into your touch, leaving a tender kiss on your palm.
“okay.” you whimper, squeezing your eyes shut.
“okay.” you let out a sob as you feel tom sliding the ring on your finger, before cupping your face in his hands and smashing his lips onto yours, pouring all the passion and love he had for you. you eventually pull away for air and tom wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you impossibly close.
“i love you angel. you are the most precious thing to me. you’re the light of my life and i love you so much.” tom whispers against your lips.
“i love you tommy.” you finally open your eyes, looking right in the eyes of the person that you love most in the world, your sweet boy, your person, your fiancé, your soon-to-be-husband, the love of your life…
your tom.
“i can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.” tom whispers as he nuzzles his face into your neck, pulling you into a tight embrace.
“me neither.” you grin back at a beaming tom and lean in once more, savouring the perfect moment with the man who owned your heart.
- - - - -
hope you liked it! hope to hear from you all soon, i would love to interact with y’all! :)) if you want to be apart of the main taglist, or the taglist for my series, let me know:)
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babybatscreationsv2 · 3 years
Reputation pt2 (End)
Marvel | Winterstarker
Peter doesn’t mean to count cards, he really doesn’t. He’s just a natural at it. The problem is that he can’t seem to stop himself and Bucky isn’t going to let a little card cheat steal his boss’s money.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings under the cut
Part 1
Warnings: noncon,  crying, rough sex, face slapping, degrading language, bondage
They dragged him through the casino and into the back. The walls were bare and gray. They passed a dozen doors, some marked with things like 'storage' or 'maintenance' others just blank. They pushed open one of the unmarked doors and hauled him inside.
Peter struggled as he took it all in. Along one wall was a big couch. It was a deep red fabric with a matching ottoman in front. On the other wall was a big bed in matching red. In the middle of the room were two floor to ceiling stripper poles. Nothing in this room offered Peter any comfort.
Completely naked, they forced him to kneel on the ottoman. He was blindfolded and tied with his arms behind his back, wrists tied to his ankles. Bucky warned him to keep quite and not to move.
He heard movement around him. There was some quiet discussion about work schedules. No one was terribly concerned with him and that both gave Peter time to calm down and reason for worry. How often did they just kidnap and rape people? What was Tony Stark going to do to him?
After a while, he heard the door open. Someone came in and others went out. Someone sat down on the couch in front of him. He flinched as a hand touched his chest, feeling along his pectorals and down his ribs.
"You are a sweet one aren't you?" said a man. He had this satisfied sort of purr in his voice as if Peter were a buffet he were indulging in. He shivered, goosebumps rising all over his skin.
A hand curled gently around his throat. With his thumb, he tipped his head back and side to side, examining his face.
"Incredible find, Buck."
"I'm right here," Peter spat. "I'm not a toy."
The man chuckled. Then he slapped him hard across the face. Peter gasped. He nearly fell over but rough hands caught his shoulders and sat him upright.
The man, it must have been Tony Stark, continued to run his hands over his body. "You're whatever I say you are, pretty boy. You're mine now. Do you know what happens if I decide to slit your throat and dump you in a river?" His finger traced a line over his throat. "Not shit," he laughed.
"When your body washes up, the police will say it was an accident. I could carve my confession into your skin and it wouldn't make a difference. Just another tragic cold case." He shuddered as he lightly traced the line of his jaw.
"You'd better be on your best behavior, Peter. I'd hate for anything to happen to you. You're so awfully pretty."
Two fingers touched his lips and Peter opened his mouth obediently. He sobbed as Tony pushed his fingers inside his mouth. He gagged at the taste at first, but the feeling passed. He pushed into his throat and Peter's face heated as the man fucked his mouth with his fingers.
"That's right. I knew you could be a good boy," he purred. "Do what you're told and you get to keep your beating heart."
He removed his fingers from his mouth, dragging them over his lips. "Keep your mouth open," he ordered. Peter did. Fear made him feel cold and sick, but he could be obedient.
Wet fingers dragged over his nipple. Peter whimpered. His nipples were sensitive and just a small touch made his body crave more. He could practically feel the excitement in the air at his response though no one said anything.
Tony traced his nipple with one finger. His dragged his nail over it. Peter squirmed and gasped. He felt his cock throb. Drool dripped from his open mouth. Even though he was blindfolded, he squeezed his eyes shut. The more Tony played with him, the more his cock ached. He was getting hard, fast. Tony teased and lightly pinched. Then he leaned in, Peter could feel his hot breath, and his mouth closed around the little nub.
Peter screamed in pleasure. Those hands grabbed his shoulders again holding him still. He whimpered and panted and moaned. Tony was sucking on his nipple, running his tongue over and around it. Then his teeth grazed over it.
"Ah, ah," he whined. "Please."
Tony chuckled. "Please, what dear?" He sat back and Peter frowned. He wanted more. Then he started to come back to himself. Tears welled up in his eyes. He felt awful, like a disgusting whore. He shouldn't be enjoying this. He didn't even want to be here.
"Oh, poor thing," Tony teased. "Were you enjoying yourself?"
"He's gone all soft, boss," said Bucky who stood behind him.
"Well we can't have a soft slut. Where's the fun in that. New rule okay, baby? Daddy will make you feel good and you don't feel guilty about it. Got it?" He tapped Peter's cheek and he nodded.
"I don't actually care what you think, but I won't have you making me look bad by going soft on me."
Hands touched his face and he heard a thoughtful hum. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, boss."
"Afraid I'll fall in love?"
"Kinda," Bucky snorted.
"Well now I have to." The blindfold slipped off his face. Peter squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as he adjusted to the light. He blinked as his vision recover.
"My God," the man whispered. "He wasn't that pretty on the camera..."
"Told you," Bucky laughed.
"Keep on. I'll put you in the corner while the rest of us have play time."
Peter looked at the man in front of him. He was pushing fifty and handsome as hell with dark hair and warm eyes. He could have at least had the decency to be some fat old pervert, but no. They just looked at each other for a moment.
"You two gonna get married or what?"
Tony shot him a look. Then he looked back at Peter. He wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Oh, there's gonna be plenty more where that came from."
He went back to toy with that same nipple only now it was sore and becoming raw and Peter hissed when he touched it. He squirmed and Bucky held him still. Tony smirked. With two fingers he pinched hard and Peter shrieked. Tears spilled from his eyes again.
"That's it, baby," Tony said softly. "Pretty, red, wet eyes. Put him down on the floor."
Bucky picked him, grabbing him by the waist. He kicked the ottoman aside and set Peter down at Tony's feet. He watched as Tony unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He stood and grabbed Peter by the hair. He tried to pull away but Tony jerked his head.
"Remember what I said about dumping you in a river?" he warned. Peter opened his mouth. "That's a good boy."
He slipped his cock into his open mouth. Peter could taste it as it slid over his tongue. He shuddered. Tony groaned as he pushed down into his throat. Peter gagged and struggled, but he didn't stop until his nose was pressed painfully against his abdomen.
Peter gagged and tears poured down his face. Tony watched him with hungry eyes. He held him there, with his cock in his throat, unable to escape, until Peter's lungs were burning and his eyes began to flutter shut he struggled to stay conscious. Then he pulled back.
Peter gasped, dragging in a ragged breath. His lungs and throat hurt. Tony didn't give him long to recover. He fucked his throat, pulling all the way back and letting spit run down his face just to slam back in. It was painful and he couldn't breathe and he made the most humiliating noises. His own spit dripped down onto his half hard cock humiliating him even more.
Bucky sat down on the couch, stroking his frankly monstrous cock while he watched. It was a miserably long time before Tony stopped. He pulled back, breathing heavy, spit connecting the end of his cock to Peter's open mouth.
"Ass up," Tony commanded. Bucky scooped him up again and put him on the ottoman. With his arms and legs bound, he could only lie on his face with his ass in the air.
Tony cock was sloppy wet with spit when he pushed into his ass. He was still slick from being fucked earlier. He wasn't as big as Bucky so it wasn't as painful, but he fucked hard and fast leaving Peter whimpering and shaking beneath him. He grabbed his hips and pushed in deep, spilling his cum with a low moan. He stopped and panted for a moment.
"Gotta hand it to the little cheat, he's a good fucking lay."
Bucky laughed.
Tony grabbed him around the middle and picked him up. With his cock still buried in Peter's ass, he sat down with Peter in his lap. His arms pressed against Tony's chest and his knees on the couch.
"Ready to dump another load?" Tony asked Bucky.
He grinned with a smile that made Peter shiver. "After a show like that? Course I am."
"A good performance deserves applause," Tony chuckled.
Bucky stepped up and Peter sobbed as he grabbed his chin. Reluctantly he opened his mouth. Bucky's cock was so big he felt like it would break his jaw. It was almost a mercy that he didn't fit down his throat. Still it hurt for him to fuck his face, hitting the opening of his throat, making him gag and cry and shake.
Tony pressed little kisses along his neck. He nibbled and sucked on his ear lobes. Peter closed his eyes and it only made everything worse, but when he opened them he had to look at Bucky's pleased smirk.
"Swallow," Tony warned in his ear. Then Bucky came in his mouth, much of it hitting his throat and making him gag. He barely swallowed fast enough as it slid down, slimy and thick, on its own. Bucky wiped his wet cock off on his cheeks.
"What a good little cock hole you are," Tony praised.
"Yeah, thanks for the fuck, pretty boy," Bucky agreed. Tony chuckled.
"Please," Peter's throat hurt and speaking only made him cough. The words came out rough and broken. "Let me go, please."
"Aw, poor baby," Tony cooed. "Is it too much for you? I'm not the kind of man to let a partner go unsatisfied. You at least have to cum before you go."
His hand wrapped around Peter's cock. He shivered and whimpered, but he was too tired to argue. Peter hated that he actually got hard.
"That's a good boy. Let's see you cum. I know you must need it after all that."
Peter whimpered, but he let he it happen. He panted, rapidly reaching climax, then finally he came, cum spilling over Tony's fist. It felt so good after so much pain and stress. Only Tony didn't stop when he needed him too and it hurt. He squirmed and whined.
"Please, stop. I came like you wanted," he pleaded, throat burning.
"Oh pretty baby," Tony cooed. "A bottom has to cum at least as many times as their tops. That's just good manners. Two more and then we'll let you go."
"I can't- please," he sobbed. His cock was too sensitive, his body was screaming, he couldn't stop whining and crying and pleading. Then it started to feel good and much too quickly he was cumming, but it only felt good for a second before he was again oversensitive.
"Please," he cried, his voice totally broken, only coming out as a whisper.
"All that squeezing is getting me hard again, you know that?" Tony said. Peter sobbed. He shook his head, begging him to stop, but he couldn't speak.
Tony rolled his hips, holding on to him so he could rock forward and back. He kept stoking his cock and his whole body shook in pain. But Tony's cock moving his in ass felt good and Peter moaned, too. He didn't know if he wanted him to stop or to keep going anymore. Then Bucky was prying open his mouth and fucking it again. As Peter screamed and came, body spasming and shaking, they both came filling his ass and coating his face.
"Oh dear," Tony said. "I guess that's two more for you."
The rope holding his arms and legs came undone, but Peter was too tired to do anything about it. Bucky picked him up and laid him down over the ottoman.
"I think he's all tired out. Look at that." He looked Peter over. His fingers carded through his sweaty hair and gave a tug that made him whimper.
"We'll just have to break out the toys," Tony said.
Peter couldn't do anything more than breathe. Then he was screaming as Bucky put a vibrator against the head of his cock.
Tony moaned. "You're gonna get me fucking hard again, sweetheart."
Peter wasn't sure anymore what was pain and what was pleasure. His whole body shook. He cried, gasping for breath. Then his next orgasm was forced out of him. Bucky held the vibrator against. Peter thrashed and screamed and they both had to hold him down.
"Please, Mr. Stark- please- I'm sorry," he sobbed.
"One more, baby. Gotta give us one more."
"I can't," Peter hiccuped.
"If you take too long, I'm gonna have to fuck you again and we'll have to start all over."
"No, please!"
"Dammit he's pretty," Bucky mumbled. He turned up the speed of the vibrator and Peter screamed, raw and open like he'd been shot. He came, shooting cum onto his skin.
The vibrator slowed, then turned off. Peter's legs felt like jelly.
"That's a good boy," Bucky pet his thighs. His hand touched his cock and Peter screamed, sobbing again. It was too sensitive to be touched.
"We'll he's not gonna cum again that way."
"I have an idea," Tony grinned. He took the vibrator from Bucky and turned it on. Peter watched in horror, too tired to move. Tony brought the toy down and touched the tip of it to his abused nipple.
Peter shrieked, this time in pleasure. It felt so good. Then Bucky was there, sucking on and teasing the other one. Peter panted and whined. He couldn't move, couldn't do anything more than take it. Pleasure built and his balls drew up and he didn't know how he could possibly cum again, but he did, this time dry and screaming, back arching, and finally he passed out.
He woke up in the bed, feeling hazy. He groaned and sat up. Tony and Bucky sat at a table playing cards. Peter was pretty sure he wasn't ever going to play cards again.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Bucky smiled at him.
"Can I leave now?" Peter said. He coughed. His throat hurt so bad he thought it might be bleeding.
"Well the thing is, sweetheart," Tony smirked. "When you were sleeping we just couldn't help ourselves. So you're gonna have to cum another seven times for us before you go. I have a reputation to uphold."
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ok bhah ch11 my longest yeah boi ever
i’m literally... so excited I can’t even read it ok ok
oh no not the wedding invitations not this
i swear to god if we have to go through this wedding. knifeemoji
listen I have a fear that we’re gonna get the break up and the car accident same as canon dear god don’t put us through that either
no fears *literally everything that could make bhah more painful* several fears dot meme
god not the jamie invite. she cant even do it. another sign from god you are choosing to ignore
straight to Jamie’s house oh
lmao the red door I just worked out that’s a hill house reference from when I was wondering in like ch3(?) lol the inner workings of my dumbass brain never stop
“can we talk?” it’s happening what is happening
Dani was so tired of lying oh my god
my heart is literally beating so fast
alone in Jamie’s room bro wtf wtf
Jamie is just so soft and understanding always always aaaahhhhh
fuck she just wants out of this wedding so bad but she can’t even tell him
fuck fgkjhdfkjgh this is not good oh no. Dani finally finally fucking doing something for herself and Jamie so aware that this cannot be happening like this right now
and yet both of them just falling into it anyway oh my goddddd
jesus christ jesus christ “Dani had half crawled into Jamie’s lap, kissing her with a fierce and fervent heat” I am on deaths door
god they’ve both wanted this for so so so so long I can’t believeeeeee
(i am so thrilled that y’all just went there right away btw)
“Please, just - I just want to feel how I’m supposed to.” oucchhhh Dani
god her just... knowing. after one kiss w Jamie that she can finally do it and talk to him and end it and it’s so terrifying but goddd yes
“You think I can ever say no to you?” oof
“Ask,” Jamie breathed. “Ask me.” fucking fuck the power of this line oh my god Jamie is so fucking ready to jump of a bridge for her it’s- the dedication the love the longing the everything I am going insane is it too early to start drinking at 1pm
you’re not you can’t NOT THE CANON DINER SCENE
fuck this is like watching a car crash i can’t look away it’s so fucking visceral and nerve-wracking and painful
but god I’m so proud of her for finally saying what she wants
oh thank fuck y’all didn’t take him out with a passing delivery truck
“You must have known. You know me.” oh god this sentiment always kills me
“She couldn’t say it — the words ‘I’m gay’ forever out of reach — so instead she said, “I can’t.”” my whole body is on fire oh my god this is.... too fucking real
jesus christ the near miss w the truck are u trying to kill me (i actually kind of love that Dani will have to deal w her feelings w him face to face instead of having to bury it all in grief like in canon I am so excited to see how y’all handle that)
a fucking HOUR in the car dfkjghdfkjh the torture
oh honey. literally both of them suffering so much ouch
her favourite saucepan pls this is all so awful and sad but that make me laugh so much the poor confused little duck I am glad she has her comforts
god poor Dani
"Is she here to cook something?"  fgkjdhfkgjhfkjgdf
“No. I think you’re brave.” oh
“We’ll figure it out." listen listen I am undoubtedly losing my mind god this is soft
“She had spent so long being asked and not asking. Never asking. She never dared. To ask was to be known, to be made visible, words forging reality as surely as a smith’s hammer. And yet Jamie waited, letting Dani gather the courage herself.
"Can I -?" Dani said, "- stay?"” please fuck I am just so !!!!!!!! about Dani getting to know what she wants and having a fucking voice. just !!!!!!!!
“Jamie inviting her in” fucking just both of them finally getting some of that quiet courage w each other I am yelling so much
“Dani knew that it wasn't just her feeling this, that it had never just been her.” YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT BABEY
““But you do?” Dani asked. “Want to?”
Jamie’s answering laugh was brief and incredulous. “You have no idea.”” I AM: HOOTIN. AND: HOLLERIN
“I am here” hello? hello I am not coping I am on another plane of existence. DANI FINALLY FEELING SO PRESENT AND WHOLE IN THIS MOMENT
god they’re just holding each other i’m tearing up. Jamie is her home
Dani finally sleeping through the night ow my fucking heart
Mikey’s so chill about all of this sdkdhfdkj I love him
Jamie going out n buying her favourite jam... god the tenderness. love is stored in the strawberry jam and the hairdryer
hmmmmm her attraction to Jamie is so closely tied to a lot of really hard feelings this is gonna take a bit to work through huh???
aw Jamie going to Carson I am so happy she has her little band of gays to help her rn
I love that she can just kiss her now when she gets the urge like maybe chill out a lil just landing all these surprise kisses but like good for u girl. good for both of u
the warmth of the house hmmmmm I love that she’s found this esp because she is perpetually cold and Jamie is always warm but keeps it like that for the kid (and probably for Dani too) aaahhhh
cgjkdfhkjgh Dani is so thirsty poor Jamie trying to keep them in check. these moments are so fucking loaded holy shit
Dani Jamie and Mikey are the cuuutest lil family aw
god the tentativeness between them trying to figure this all out and the casual intimacy and just. all of it is so much and so beautiful to watch unfold
i love this little bubble inside Jamie’s house and Jamie kind of drawing the curtains around them both physically and metaphorically while she lets Dani figure things out and lets it settle between them
it’s all about the hands
oh my god Hannah instantly asking if she needs a place to stay she really is the best
soft little mornings with her Jamie like... once Dani finally defeats the ball of guilt in her chest there is so much goodness to look forward to and I am v glad she has that right now even as she is still struggling a bit. my girl needs all the sweetness in her life
also the idea of Jamie getting to wake up to sleeping Dani in her bed every morning after a lifetime of trying to repress her feelings... god
heh she’s already figuring out all the ways to push Jamie’s buttons god these two are going to have some fun w each other
this idea of learning the creaking floorboards of a new home is so... warm
Jamie leaving all the curtains drawn for her oh my heart keeping her safe keeping her safe
Nan would be so proud of ms Dani u know it’s true
awww Mikey comin home to keep her company
Mikey Dani time is always so sweet I love them
my god Dani n Jamie are so intense w each other and just so full of fucking desire... when those floodgates finally open will they even survive
oof Dani is dealing with soooo much ugh. Jamie always there with a gentle way to bring her back down to earth tho my hearrrtttt
“You’re allowed to be happy.” she is SHE IS ty Jamie Taylor voice of reason
a pinky promise to deal with everything together awwww
“why are you so good to me” “you know why” oh my goddddddd. that’s so soft that’s so gentle that’s so much love
Dani finding little bits in herself in media god i love this
Dani Mikey hours best hours
god Carson... sweet boy. And Judy sending over a whole bunch of food oof just. these quiet little reminders of their love for her. Dani’s about to go through a whole bunch more emotions huh?
fkjdfkjgfh Mikey going into protector mode when Carson is there pls i love hm
ohmy “our room” aaaaaaahhhhh
god Dani expecting him to be upset with her I am so fucking emotional. I relate far too much to Dani in canon and in this story and it’s just. painful as hell to see someone go through the things you know hurt the most holy shit
please Carson is so sweet and understanding and telling her he’s proud of her is making me cry so much I can barely see
this whole like.. uncomfortable but relief-filled kind of coming out between her and Carson is so so beautifully done I can’t stop fucking crying
“God, you two were agony to watch.”  fglkdfgkjdfhkjgh Carson a voice of the people
“You deserve to be happy.” - Carson and also me and also everyone reading this
god he is so wonderful!!!!!! this reminder that she’s not alone and everything will be ok!!!!!!! Carson I love you so much
the box being described as “the beating heart of their childhood“ god the imagery
Jamie so sweetly making room for her and welcoming her into a home I am emotional again the tears have really been unlocked now I’m gonna be a mess the whole rest of this chapter (i say as if I haven’t been already)
the really sweet way Jamie gets her to open up and trust her with the things that have been on her mind
and Dani doing the same for her god this gentle honest space between them makes my heart feel so full I am just so happy that they’ve got each other
“I want you to stay.” please (also now I’m thinking about AE putting Stay on her Jamie playlist jesus christ I am being tortured)
they get... to wake up.... in bed together. i’m so close to crying again when will this stop
i kind of love there hasn’t really been any like... just no more kissing u know but we still get this insane intimacy between them in a way that’s not them shying away from the way they want each other but so carefuly and sweetly and honestly coming towards each other
awww them always waking up all tangled is so cuuute (also Dani feeling so safe and comfy with her that her subconscious is like lets latch on she is good she is home)
lmao Dani having to mediate between these two dweebs and their playfights is so good
Jamie having her lil family surrounding her aww
(also i just noticed the rating change oh god)
sfkjfhdg Jamie looking at her hips all dark eyes and wanting we’ve all been there girl
“you can look” BOLD DANI MY BELOVED
god these two........ the grabbing her silver chain god @ google how to breathe properly??????
“Then show me.” oh my god
fkgjhdfkj so much electricity they shorted out the power
“this is just as nice” when they’re just hugging please they are so soft
i love that there’s just like... gentle soft banter between them in these quiet moments so much
“Dani, give him more homework.”  ghrfjkhjgkjgh
god the heated cheek kiss
this ‘game of chicken’ god they’re just.... really in it huh this is so fun
hmmm Dani going through the suitcases and sort of being able to bring some of herself/her past into this new place is so nice
heh this lil family and their snowfights are so cute
:( she can’t bring herself to eat Judy’s food
Jamie bringing her flowers oh soft
ugh they’re just so softly melting into being together it’s so sweeeeeeeet
“You’re lovely.” and the way Jamie just sinks into her with Dani’s fingers in her hair pleeease I am dying this is so warm
aaaahhhh they’re dancing soft soft soft
“gray eyes fluttered closed, as though the weight of Dani’s touch was too much to bear” god i am..... aaaahhhh
“a gentle calm settling within her. It had seemed that for all her life she had waited for the quiet of this” y’all this is so beautiful and lovely and wonderful and all the good things
ah that kiss. kinda feels like their first real kiss where they just get to be god I am so happy “a profound sense of finally” oh oh oh that’s such a pretty concept
god I love how much they just want each other that second kiss and them just all over each other is perfect and having to try and reel that in and being able to because they know it’s not going anywhere please it’s so so good
god Dani vs Desert Hearts I love this callback and the entirely different circumstances of her watching it again
dsjfhdkjfh oh no Dani losing her mind at Jamie touching her knee god these two have got the biggest storm coming
dfkdjhkgdjh god them like.... trying to take things slow but still letting things happen while having to be aware of Mikey is so funny but I kinda love it and how indicative it all is of them being so grown up and able to approach their relationship in such a mature way. as much as I wish they’d had their teenage love story I do like that it’s unfolding this way now.
“it struck Dani then that she couldn’t remember ever laughing while doing this.” aww
Mikey’s “oh gross” hahahaha poor kid
god this is so funny
“ferret kid” jamie why are u like this sfkjhdfkjf
oh lordt it seems we have reached the unabashedly horny phase good show ol’ chaps
god they’re still so soft tho this is so fun to read
i looove how flustered they both make each other w just their presence. it’s just so !!!!!!
lmao Dani knowing exactly what to do to drive Jamie insane is fdkgfdkjgh perfect amazing show stopping more neck kisses more teasing more barely restrained desire i love it
“the reckless rush of being in each other’s arms” AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
lmaooooo Mikey Jamie is going to lock you outside if u keep doing this
the fact it can just fade back to comfortable companionship too is like. ugh i love them together
“Yeah. You can touch me whenever you want.” oh jesus
“No more interruptions, no more waiting, no more holding back.” it’s happening god it’s happening everyone stay calm (also the slow build to this point has been so fucking perfect y’all are writerly geniuses)
lmao Dani is like please can we just get naked why do u want to watch a movie I am literally right here
“What do you want?” god the tension
aaaaahhhhh just. them being so out of their minds with want but still all nervous and wanting to check in but still just. wanting this so much god this is *chef’s kiss*
lmao Dani already having the hair pulling thing figured out is so good. poor Jamie lol is she even going to survive this
god the fact they’re both still fully clothed n still getting this fucked up just making out n grinding on each other I love this for them
mum just came in to tell me dinner is ready I AM ALREADY EATIN GOOD
lmao fuck I am just... so thrilled for Dani finally getting to experience this get ur whole world rocked baby u deserve this
thumb in her mouth i-
“my idiot” pls that’s so soft
“You have me.” i know this is like. horny but it’s also so romantic sfgkjhdfkjg
ayoooo Jamie’s tattoo excuse me while I lose my mind a lil bit
my god Dani is so impatient to get her naked I love her for it so much “I just want to feel you”... ma’am
Jamie being all nervous is so cute aw
god having this lil moment where they just call each other beautiful n get all cute about it while they’re fully naked n grinding on each other.... perfection
god I can’t stop thinking about every other mention of Dani having sex w Eddie and it just being like adequate or like her not letting him touch her and now LOOK AT MY BABY GO SHE’S REALLY HAVIN THE TIME OF HER LIFE LITERALLY BEGGING TO BE TOUCHED LET’S GO LESBIANS LET’S GO
I feel like I’m like cheering Jamie on rn sfjkghdfkj u guys need anything? some snacks? a condom?? ur doing great!!
Dani crying and thanking her like this is an acceptance speech love that for her
Jamie kissing all over her face aww
I can’t believe this whole chapter is them just getting to fall in love for real
“I want to taste you” i am blushing goddamn Jamie get it
oh my god the dream. she’s literally living out her dreams
“that same focused intensity that could make kingdoms fall” I love that Jamie is just as into getting Dani off as Dani is getting off lmao GOOD FOR THEM
Dani: desperately tryin to get Jamie off. Jamie: are u sure u want to tho??? miss ma’am let the girl touch u already she deserves it (but i do love that she’s always just like.... never wanting to make Dani do anything she doesn’t wholeheartedly want to)
“You sitting here on top of me like this is doing more for me than you can imagine.”  iconic jamie moment
Jamie literally just like.... ‘you can do whatever you want to figure this out’ is so sweet I love her capacity for just. giving herself over to Dani in every way (not just the horny ones) to let her forge her own path
“It was easy to understand now, the exhilaration of it, why people went crazy for it.” god I love this for her so much everything just falling into place
they’re so soft n comfy together and it’s all just so right and lovely
i love that once they’ve started they basically can’t stop honestly get it girls u deserve all the orgasms
“When did you know?” “Sixteen years.” oof my heart she’s known the whole time aaahhhh. all these lil memories god it really was all out of love I could cry. and Jamie admitting the scarf/scar thing whew she really carried around that moment on her face for the whole world to see (also lol at Dani being so fixated on it this whole time that’s so perfect)
heh they’re so cute with their lil teasing banter exchange
lol goddamn this so so spicy I am just dfklghfjkdjghkjdf (that is to say well fucking done I can’t even speak rn)
Jamie just being like you could literally just look at me and I am turned on I... love this whole situation for her so much
god they’re really just going all in Dani is getting like the.... lesbian sex speed run amen
oh god not Karen on the phone just hang up Dani do it do it
god she is so evil
omg she told her abt Jamie go off Dani I am v v proud of u right now
and she hung up on her godbless babe i LOVE your audacity
heh Jamie so transfixed by Dani’s lil purple sweater and skirt I love her
Dani u are such a tease sfkgjdfkg good 4 u tbh
awwww she got Dani’s desk for her oh my god that’s so lovely
Dani n Jamie being entirely not subtle over dinner w their lingering glances and Carson just laughing at them fkjghdkfjgh i love it. he’s so happy for them even w his teasing aw
aaahhh i just love Jamie giving her this space and this room in the house and Dani feeling so right in it
oooh an almost “I love you” god they’re just fuckin u-haulin in love perfection huh
and now we’re back to horny hours love this for them. gotta bless that desk somehow huh!?
i love the mentions of all this soft stuff about belonging when they’re about to rail each other it really rounds it out emotionally
HELL YEAH IT IS this is truly what we all deserve
oh my god literally ripping her clothes off her fuck i love how desperate they are for each other and just how into this they both are always
dfgkjdfh jesus Dani are u ever going to be able to get work done at this desk again after Jamie does.... all of this to u on it
“Good girl.” the single most powerful sentence in the lesbian language
jesus christ this is still so incredibly steamy sdflkhskhg it never ends. and them like.... experiementing a bit w some different um. approaches? lol good 4 them good 4 them (and us)
my god them instantly getting all soft after about making each other happy please they’re so dang cute
ok love that we are also getting Dani on her knees it’s equality.gif
this little “I like you” “I like you too” confession right now is... so fucking soft and like... after everything they’ve gone through they still have the power to kinda knock each other off their feet w lil things like this huh?? sappy lil shits
oh no Judy I am scared
holy shit Dani “Didn't think you'd love me anymore” owwww my heart
god Judy is such a good mama I love her so much. reassuring her she’s still a part of the family my god I am so emo. she loves her so much
aw I love this lil shared bathroom scene after so many awkward moments w Dani and Eddie in their bathroom and so many mentions of her fogged reflection. things are finally clear and it’s wonderful!!
lol Jamie well if u didn’t want Dani to get all horny u shouldn’t have worn suspenders!!!!! it’s simple math!
god Dani has changed so much this chapter which only takes place over a couple of weeks right?!?!? after so much anxiety and being so unsure of herself this is so fucking beautiful to see
stop the car thing oh my godddd. she doesn’t even care about having her own cause she’s so happy w the person she’s sharing with I’m so overwhelmingly happy
“You’re perfect.” please I will cry this chapter was so perfect (also so are the memes I cackled so much)
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vivithefolle · 3 years
What are your favourite fanfic tropes/aus for romione?
(I’m gonna try to make my way through old asks I received AGES ago and never answered because I’m a procrastinating lump. Here’s betting I’m going to give up and play videogames all day instead.)
Oh my god, so many.
Okay so as a rule of thumb as long as it’s nice to Ron I’ll read it. I’ll read anything. I have been known to read Ron/Draco and even sacrificed my dignity and everything I stand for as a human being by reading some Ron/Snape stuff. Yes. I was THAT desperate. This is how low I’m willing to go because of sheer love for Ron.
Which means that when a fic will go “oh poor Hermione, poor Hermione who is waiting for Ron to grow up because She can see one day he could be worth it but for now he’s all dumb-dumb and inferior and doesn’t deserve Her perfection :(”, I will be judging. Judging very hard. I may not leave a comment but rest assured, my thoughts are loud enough for me. This is 2010s mentality. This is “haha I’m so like Hermione, not like other girls who throw themselves at boys, I’m so special and girl powery :)” Horribly Bad Feminism. Fuck that. We’re doing better now.
Speaking of doing better. Recently I read something about how Ron is, paraphrased, “the brute of the Trio”, spun in a positive way since he uses his strength to protect them but, but, still... please no? Just no! Just eff no with these takes about how Ron is a hypermasculine dudebro M For Manly™! No, no, fucking no! Just because he’s the Sulfur to Hermione’s Mercury and Sulfur represents the masculine component to Mercury’s feminine one, DOESN’T MEAN Ron is “the brute”! (”the” brute... seriously... who’s the more brutish one, the one who punches a racist in the face or the one who uses a torture curse as retribution for spitting on his fave teacher?)
The way I see him, Ron is a balance, a blend of feminine and masculine qualities intertwined close together. I LOVE that he can swear like a sailor but can only say “scarlet woman” or “cow” when it comes to insulting a woman. Some will probably see it as “hurr durr he sexist he doesnt think women can take it!!!!!!! >8C” but given that those are probably also the peeps who say “HE CALLE D HERMOANI A NIGHTMURRR!!!!!!! DDDDD8″ I’m gonna venture the idea that we don’t care about those folks’ biased, sexist opinions.
Where was I going with this... oh yes! Ok, so Ron can swear like a sailor yet couldn’t insult a girl to save his life. He’s strong physically but most of all he’s strong mentally (to put up with the way his friends treat him for years speaks a lot of his mental fortitude... and to top it off he comes back for more to boot! I’m not sure if that’s more mental fortitude or straight-up masochism though.) When he succeeds at things he gets a bit attention-whoreish but at the same time, you can see that when he’s being complimented he’s all unsure of himself and blushy and shy and you just, dude you can’t handle positive attention because you don’t know how to react to it I don’t know whether that’s adorable or the saddest thing I’ve seen in my life? He’s insecure but he’s always the first to cheer on Harry and Hermione when they’re doing something great, which speaks VOLUMES of Ron’s selflessness and of his actual character: to quote @peetamaellark​, Ron doesn’t think “Harry is great, therefore he sucks and I hate him”, he thinks “Harry is great, therefore I suck and I hate me”. THIS is Ron. THIS is why Ron will lash out, not because he hates Harry, but because internally he hates himself and you can’t keep that sort of feeling bottled up for too long before... you got it, you explode.
I. Want. More. Fics where Hermione isn’t this ~oh dear~ Victorian damsel in distress who cries and Ron is the Big Strong Man who holds her with one arm and is stony-faced and goes “I’ll protect you”, please no that was old before it existed, let us have nice, realistic depictions of Ron and Hermione please.
Like, Hermione is more than capable of kicking butt herself. She IS absolutely nervous and scared and cries easily and that’s a vulnerability we NEED, but the fact that she can be super scared and crying but still hex her opponent into oblivion? THAT’s good, THAT’s excellent. It’s a very important message for girls, I think. “You can cry, you can be sensitive, you can be emotional, AND you can still kick butt”. And as important as that message is for girls, it’s also a very important message to give boys, because boys are socialized to “never cry” and that’s super unhealthy. I love Ron’s admiration of Hermione. I love the way Ron hesitates, the way he can be cautious when he needs to as much as he can be reckless and impulsive. I love how he shows himself to be a big softie and a sweet soul. I don’t think that makes him an “emasculated doormat” (to quote a guest I once saw on FFN), on the contrary it makes him an even better man in my eyes. You know why I love the locket scene so much? Because Ron’s tears aren’t ridiculed. Ron gets to cry about the terrible ordeal he’s been put through, and while Harry “pretends he can’t see Ron cry” because it’s more comfortable for him personally, he doesn’t try to tell Ron to “man up” or anything. His reassurance is pretty lousy but he lets Ron cry, he lets his friend be upset, and he doesn’t try to invalidate Ron’s pain. (ok, the “I thought you knew” is kiiiiinda on the way there, but it stops at that and I’m grateful for it).
I like. Seeing Ron distressed. I like seeing Ron upset and be allowed to be upset. I like to see Ron’s pain treated with respect. So when Ron is having a shit day I like to see him get a cuddle. I like seeing Ron go through horrible ordeals and break down and for his breakdown to be properly acknowledged and not turned into insensitive comic relief (ISN’T THAT RIGHT, LATTER HALF OF THE SILVER DOE????). I mean seriously, just imagine GOF, Harry sitting in the hospital wing after Cedric’s death, Molly Weasley gives him a hug and it’s all very sad and angsty. And now picture Ginny running into the room screaming “HARRY JAMES POTTER” and punching him over and over and saying “PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER” then after two pages of Harry “explaining” himself to Ginny she goes away saying “aight but if you do that shit again you’ll have to answer to me” then Harry’s friends are like “damn she’s spunky huh?” and Harry laughs and everyone laughs and this is how the book ends? How would it be funny? How would it be appropriate? How would it feel like “romance”? When Ron returns in The Silver Doe, he’s been psychologically tortured (”tortured” is the actual word JKR uses, please), we don’t need him to be hurting outside as well.
I want more accountability for Hermione. More “uh hey Hermione maybe don’t do that”. More “hey Hermione you know you think of yourself as a good person buuuut yeah actually if all good persons were like you I’d be very afraid”. More “Hermione please for the love of God educate yourself”. More “Hermione sweetie I love you, but you can’t actually learn everything from books”. CHARACTER. DEVELOPMENT. PLEASE. Don’t be afraid to punch Hermione down and tear her apart the way the best Ron fics maim and torture our poor boy. Just because Rowling treated Hermione with kiddy princess gloves doesn’t mean you have to mimic her.
So when Hermione does a genuinely shitty thing let her own up to it. When Ron is a victim let him be upset and angry, even if Hermione is the one treating him badly. Just because he loves her doesn’t mean he’s not allowed to be disappointed in her or that she’s entitled to his immediate forgiveness. Give Ron and Hermione equal consideration. If you’re brushing off Hermione’s actions but condemning Ron for the slightest mistake, I am sure to hate it.
Okay, uh, so, those aren’t really tropes. Those are more just, guidelines I presume.
Oh, yeah, a trope that annoys me! Ron saying “you’re mine”, “my Hermione” and stuff, and Hermione just swoons and says “yours” and shiz. Ok, once in a while, why not. Once in a while. BUTT. I WANT HERMIONE TO SAY IT TOO. “Mine”, “my Ron!” and Ron swoons and says “yours, absolutely yours”. DO IT YOU COWARDS. FUCKING TAKE THOSE GENDER ROLES AND PUNCH’EM IN THE FACE.
Oh, right, while we’re on the subject of gender roles! Dad!Ron is everything. SingleParent!Ron is mwaaah. Stay-at-home-Dad!Ron is ALKZLDSJDLQSKLFJ <3. AnimalLover!Ron is HHHHNNNGG. Remember, the small gestures, the tiniest, softest acts Ron does (helping Harry get dressed when his arm is deboned, giving Dobby his brand-new sweater, praising Ginny, Luna and Neville when they escaped Umbridge), those are often those unremarkable, unmistakeably kind and sweet actions that tell us who Ron really is at his core: not a guy who’d want power at all costs, not a guy who’d give it all for ambition, not a guy who sees people as possessions, but someone kind who wants to make others happy.
Ok, I was also asked for AUs, so, uh, pretty much every AU is game as long as Ron gets treated with respect? I mean I don’t really care for Mafia!AUs or such but if you can find a way to fit good Romione then go for it I guess. Royalty AU, yeah why not but I often see Ron being made a prince while Hermione is a poor wee servant girl and like. Uuum, we’re talking about the same characters here? Hermione the highly educated girl who keeps on walking over everyone’s toes and loudly talking about how things should be done and is definitely Nouveau Riche, Ron who is a country boy who lives on a farm and is lost in the constant shuffle of his brothers, you think she should be the peasant and he should be the royal? Whaddafack? Oh, and all the “Hermione is a Muggle, Ron is a wizard” AUs that start this way BUTT! Suddenly... Hermione... turns out... to be (wait for it!)... A WITCH! And a super powerful super talented very good one too!!!... yeah ok, yawn. It’s quite scary, actually, how often I’ve seen that plotline, but in the rare cases when it’s Muggle!Ron and Witch!Hermione, Ron never ever EVER (I mean, seriously, NEVER EVER) turns out to have been a wizard, not even a mediocre one, all along. No, when Ron is made a Muggle for the sake of AU he stays a Muggle. But when Hermione is made a Muggle she has to turn out TO HAVE BEEN A WITCH ALL ALONG OMYGAH. I can count on one hand the number of Mugglemione/Wizardron fics that actually stick to their Mugglemione premise till the end - and usually they’re one-shots. (Also I don’t mean “Ron mistakes Hermione for a Muggle because he meets her in the Muggle world and assumes he must hide his magic from her, oh wait she was actually a witch!” fics, I mean genuinely “Hermione has been raised a Muggle her whole life, never had weird things happen to her her whole life ever, then Ron comes in and is a wizard and he does magic and Hermione wonders what it’d be like to be a witch and oh surprise! Don’t worry Hermione, you won’t have to feel not-special or mundane for long, here comes the plot contrivance to tell you you really were in fact the specialest of them all!!” fics.) Fairytale!AU is cool. Very good. But honestly I like to see them swapped around. Ron cursed by a nasty fae to be a Beast and Hermione stumbling upon him? Neat, especially if you don’t go the boring route of “oh let’s just rehash the Disney/the original book with different names and call it a day”. But Hermione cursed by an asshole fae for, let’s say, not sharing books, turning into a Beast, and Ron stumbling upon her as she’s trying to survive in the woods (and not doing a very good job of it)? Yes, brava, chief’s kiss. Rapunzel AU where Hermione’s bushy hair turns into the most impractical, most suffocating improvised ladder ever for Ron? Hilarious. Rapunzel AU where Ron has A GIANT EFFING PONYTAIL OF THE GODS and is screaming “ow ow ow” as Hermione makes her way up to his window cringing and saying “sorry! sorry! sorry! (damn his hair smells good)” on every step? Equally hilarious. Go! Be creative! Please I beg of you
Creature!fics! Oh my god there’s not enough of those, at least that aren’t focused on a bullshit pairing! Soulmate AUs! Give me everything! I’ll even take A/B/O if you insist on making it Romione! That’s how far I’ve fallen from human decency I’ll take anything just give me some good Ron content please I beg of you (Ah and to those that are going to say “Alpha Ron Omega Hermione :)))” well yes, but actually no. “Beta Ron Beta Hermione”? “Beta Ron Alpha Hermione”? “Omega Ron Alpha Hermione”??? HELL YEAH NOW WE’RE TALKIN)
Oh dear god I’m still not finished and I haven’t gone through everything someone stop me.
Okay I don’t know if it qualifies as a trope, but. But. A more realistic depiction of Ron is usually what I’m after. All those fanfics that have Ron be “the sexy experienced one ;)))” ravishing “naive virginal Hermione ;))” is just UGH. We spent all the 2000-2010 period having fics like this, mind adding a bit of EQUALITY to the mix???
It’s just... I hate it okay? So many fics read like they’re just projection, writers who are essentially making Ron their big strong sex toy stud who's so attentive and sweet and cherishing, and so it does indirectly ends up as "servant Ron is so devoted to his goddess Hermione, providing pleasure to her while she doesn’t have to lift a finger”. The Dom!SexGod!Ron thing honestly depresses me... Since it's Ron taking care of Hermione, AGAIN. Like, he spends his WHOLE LIFE doing that already. Can we give him a break for once?
In the endI feel that it's less "Romione smut" and more "self-inserting into Hermione smut". In "real" Romione smut I think Ron and Hermione would switch roles according to what they feel like. And honestly I ALWAYS picture Ron being super nervous during Dom stuff, like he spanks her once then immediately he goes "oh my god are you okay?? did that hurt, do you want to stop?", things like that. I cannot imagine it happening any other way. XD Ron is just... too caring, too sensitive to do stuff like hard BDSM and that kind of thing in my opinion. He’s too much of a caretaker. I understand if it’s your kink and you’re perfectly free to project and write the fic you want, I’m not the fun police, but it’s just... I don’t think that’s really what Ron would be like. I just want MORE realistic Ron.
Also I’m trying really really hard to not point fingers here but WHY is it that it’s always “Ron growled” while it’s always “Hermione whimpered” or “Hermione moaned”? Like... you know it’s okay for a man to moan or whimper in pleasure too, right?  You know Ron isn’t 110% muscles and testosterone? You know Hermione is allowed to be fierce too? Hermione can 100% “growl” and be dominant and pin Ron to the wall and reduce him to a puddle of goo if you’re brave enough?
(Honestly how sexy would Ron think that is? The woman he loves is half his size yet can pin him down and ravish him. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG RON HAS WANTED TO BE RAVISHED AND CHERISHED DO YOU KNOW HE’S BEEN WANTING THIS ALL HIS LIFE)
Oooo-kay, so that’s... mostly it, I reckon. Oh also Ron has a gigantic penisraise kink (and a great penis too, but mostly a praise kink). That’s canon and that’s all.
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Yeyyy I'm glad i found you ehe xD and stalked you so i can found many
interesting HCs xD #sorrryyyyy
May i request for HC ikevamp about MC forget her period schedule and accidentally stain his bf's bed (arthur, moz, isaac, theo, whoever u like xD)
Thank you so muchhhhh and nice to meet youuu 💞💞💞💞
Oh my God! Nice to meet you too @liviavivi04!❤️❤️❤️ Btw Livia, dear I don’t mind, you don’t have to apologize for stalking me😂😂😂.I do it to. What who said that. Also I’m sooooo happy you like my hcs. I put mah hear and mah soul into it. Yes that was a meme reference, I’m a dork. Moving on, this is not what I’m here to do. I’m here to provide you with some wholesome Theo, Arthur, Isaac, Mozart, Jean because he deserves love, Comte because he’s a good mother and Leo because he’s dead inside content. I can’t do more at the moment but maybe I’ll do a part two if you’s like and this turns out ok
it was a wonderful morning
you woke up and you turned sleepily towards each other
he smiled at you mumbling a good morning
you smiled back, but then you felt something
Theo saw the color draining from your face
you jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom
Theo was like the F is wrong with you you stupid Hondjie( he didn’t actually say it but his face says it all)
I’m kidding he would never say that he loves you to much he was just surprised until he smelled IT
he looked at the spot you where a second ago and..
there was a spot of blood there
he doesn’t mind one bit
You rush back and you see the stain and immediately start apologizing
“ Why are you apologizing for something like this?” It’s not like you wanted to stain the bed”
He actually helps you clean it up even thought you insist that he doesn’t have to and he also gets you snacks
Thank you for your services Theo
he knows
that’s it that’s the canon
no I’m kidding
but he does know
he wakes up and smiles at you
then his smile fades and turns into confusion as he sniffs the air a little
“ Luv...?”
you immediately look down and panic
you rush to the bathroom
Arthur just sits there with a small smile on his face you little
he gets up and asks if you need anything and if he can come in to get a wet rag ok i take it back
you let him in and he gets the rag and cleans the stain
you exit the bathroom looking very distraught, only to find... nothing
not stain and no Arthur
you break down crying
a few minutes later Arthur is back with snacks and is like girl why u crying?
you cuddle and he feeds you the snacks
homeboy is just super confused
he can smell it but he doesn’t know how to tell you
or should he tell you? What if he sounds like a creep? What if you freak out? What if you break up with him? and the worst what if you yell at him
he’s torn
actually he’s thinking about it so hard that you ask him what’s going on
but then you realize to and you look down and see the stain and panic
now we all know Isaac is a little sensitive to blood
not in a he will faint kind of way more like a I-will-pounce-on-you-and-suck-your-blood-out-and-most-probably-do-you kind of way ya know
but no it’s a canon that vampires don’t find period blood tempting at all so that is not why you panicked
you did so because he’s a little shy and socially awkward
when I say a little I actually mean a lot I’m just being nice
anyway you ran to the bathroom and Isaac sat there like well snap
he got up and slowly walked to the door and knocked
“ H-h-hey Y/N are you alright?”
you reassure him everything’s fine
you come out of the bathroom clean the stain and look at Isaac who may or may not be standing in the corner
yes he is that is definitely the case
you ask him what’s wrong and he says that if he had told you maybe you wouldn’t have freaked out
sweet baby boy is blaming himself
you kiss him gently and explain to him that it is ok, it was not his fault and you guys cuddle for like 1,2,3,4 fine fine 8 hours
yeah you cuddle all day, that was just a mediocre joke sorry
ok so, clean freak
 you woke up after a long night of uhhh stuff
I’m kidding nothing happened, I make stupid jokes like this cause I’ve never written smut. In conclusion: I’m nasty
 so yeah
you woke up and turned to your boyfriend
Wolf swept a stray lock from your face and placed it behind you ear
you smiled and he smiled back
and then you felt it
you jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom
you went so fast and it was so unpredictable that you scared Mozart
like he jumped back in surprise
then he became a little confused like why did you leave? did he do something?
then something cathes his eye
a fresh blood stain on his perfectly white sheets
He’s quickly realized what happened and got out of bed
you came out of the bathroom only to find Mozart bent over the bed cleaning up the stain
“Wolf what are you doing?” “ Cleaning the stain are you blind” “ Yes , I mean no, but why, I can clean it” “ You sit down” “ Where did you get the rag from” “ I always have them on hand so if a particular forgetful girl stains the bed I can clean it up” “ I love you too”
poor boy has no idea what’s going on
so when you jump out of the bed and run to the bathroom and he sees a blood stain on the bed sheet he is shooketh
He gets up quickly and runs into the bathroom
“ Y/n are you alright?” “ Jean WHAT THE HECK I’M FINE AND I’M ALSO ON THE TOILET”
you shoo him out of the bathroom and you do your thing in there bla bla bla
you come out and explain to Jean very slowly what’s going on
he nods and points to the blood stain
“ So that’s your period blood”
you turn red and mumble out a bunch of thing and all of a sudden this guy says
“ Thank God I thought you where dying”
you raise your eyebrows and burst out laughing
he just stares at you ‘cause he was trying to be serious so like why are you laughing
he helps you clean up and you cuddle
he knows nr.2
he’s a pure blood so he can smell things better then the rest of the vampires
he’s also more educated in these things then the rest of the vampires
accept Arthur but he a little ho so it don’t count
anywoo so you woke up next to your boyfriend
Comte smiled at you and swept a lock of hair out of your face
“ Good morning ma chéri” “ Mornin’ ” you mumbled sleepily
but then all of a sudden
“OH sHIT” you bolt to the bathroom
Comte takes one stiff and is like yeah
however he is the gentlest gentleman out of all the gentlemen yes well done Lia
he gets up and asks if you need anything
when you say your fine he cleans the patch of blood and gets you snacks
you exit the bathroom and have no idea what the heck just happened because there is no stain, you have extra fluffy pillows, extra blankets, snacks, a hot water bottle and Comte the most important one of all🥰🥰🥰
“Y/N you don’t have to work today I have informed Sebastian that you will be taking a day off”
Damn Comte you went all out but like, doesn’t he always 
Leonardo da hot mess
what? yes I called him a hot mess and yes I made a joke about it
Damn I’m funny
Anyway Leonardo
he knows nr.3
so you woke up in Leo’s arms
“ Good morning Cara mia!’he smiled brightly and stroked your hair
“Wow that’s some bed hair” you playfully slapped his arm and giggled
and at that moment you felt it 
you pulled up the covers in a panic and saw the blood you shoved the blankets onto Leo’s head and rushed to the bathroom
“ Ow Cara what’s..oh”
yeah he smelled it before he saw it
but he’s a super chill guy
he gets up and knocks on the bathroom door
“You alright in there” when he hears a muffled yes he nods his head a small smile playing on his lips
he goes and gets a few extra pillows and blankets from the closet
when you exit the bathroom he’s standing in the middle of his messy room completely hidden by the bundle of blankets in his hand
“ Oh hello Cara mia!”
you burst out laughing
you to cuddled for the rest of the day
So that is it! Now that I think about it they should make a horror movie out of this like I’m not even kidding. Anyway hope you have an awesome day! Stay safe everyone!
Tags: @nad-zeta @jeanstan @sweettangy
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lady-literature · 4 years
A Miraculous DC Crossover
I’ve been sucked into this unholy sub-fandom and I have thoughts okay? lots of them. Almost none are coherent and I don’t care. I have no plotline to write a fic but by the gods do I need to get out all my ideas.
the Salttm
Lila, obviously. But she’s a petty nuisance at best, and an annoyingly competent akuma to fight at worst. manipulative, but not really dangerous ya feel?
Alya. which like, home girl probably doesn’t deserve but like,,, the drama??
She and Marinette become surprisingly good friends (because I love that for both of them and you can pry it from me cold, dead hands)
Nettie-bug and Queenie
They pick on Adrien together
Mari’s friends Protection Squad That Don’t Take No Shit
Alix?? Probably
Luka obvi
Felix (PV)?? Or does Marinette have enough emotionally constipated boys in her life?
(Answer: no. no she does not.)
Nath? He be a good fox tbh. creative and sneaky boi
Kagami!!! I love her
They’re all heroes because I say so.
Felix (Sparrow) is an honorary member even though he doesn’t have a miraculous
He handles PR and other background things along with Chloe
Joined up a few years back when Parisians were getting a bit too critical of the heroes
No Hawkmoth b/c fuck that guy
He existed, just not anymore. Bitch got yeeted
There’s other villains in town now. After Hawkmoth’s defeat other metas/supervillains looked at Paris and was just like, ‘free real estate?”
So now the Miraculous Team are Paris’ Actual Full-Time Hero TeamTM… yay.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Abielle (or like, Wasp/Yellow Jacket idk Chloe changes her name because ~identity stuff~) are the core three team. like, the wonder woman/batman/superman trio of the MTeam.
Nath is called Reynard Ambre b/c I love him
The public knows he exists but he’s never seen in battle and no pictures exist.
but there are plenty of instances where Paris knows he out mucking around because those akuma battles always get really weird.
Marinette be the guardian?
Guardian in training
Along with all the other holders b/c jesus. Give the girl a break.
Yeah. I like that Idea. All current holders are training to be guardians as well, but Mari’s going to step up as Guardian Supreme when Fu steps down.
Hero fashion!!!
The Miraculous Team is all decked out in their own merch like 24/7
Rarely is it thier own hero persona tho
Not because of like,,,, secrecy or anything. Just because they’re all nerds who love each other
Marinette is the lead producer of Miraculous Merchandise. It’s like,,, her BrandTM It was completely unintentional too
(Adrien and Chloe financially support her work tho. She designs, makes a prototype, and has her two blondes get others to replicate it)
Half of Paris is wearing her without knowing it
(Go MDC! get it girl!)
She totally makes Gotham inspired outfits because what else would she do????
Don’t get her wrong, most of Gotham’s fashion sense royally pisses her off but it’s fun and hey, supporting her fellow heroes ya know?
She wears a Robin hoodie after being officially acquainted with both Damian and Robin (separately of course)
Damian chokes on something, probably his own tongue.
It confuses Nettie. But then she thinks maybe he’s a fan too? She offers to make one for him but he steadfastly refuses much to his brothers’ amusement.
Might make a robin themed dress?? If so, she crosses paths with Robin when she does, thoroughly embarrassing her and almost sending poor Dami into a crisis.
Rogues Gallery
She makes a lot of designs off the rouges gallery because like, supporting people trying to get better??? also they’re some of the few who’s aesthetic aint shit?
She can’t make all of them because she ran out of time, so the rest get posited up on her Instagram and MDC blog (that’s run by Tikki mostly. She’s a great secretary and gets bored in Mari’s purse all the time)
Everyone is very flattered
Harley, if she ever finds it, immediately commission all pieces and wears them around Gotham don’t @ me
Daminette obvi
Marinette meets him and is just like ‘wow, you’re horrible. I want five’
Marinette, in the group chat later: so I met Kagami and Felix’s love child today
Kagami and Felix, seconds apart: I would never stoop so low
immediately after: Hey what the fuck? Rude
Nino: Nettie, dearest, sunshine, light of our collective lives and reason I breathe, what the fuck
Adrien: Kagami, my love, how could you? the Betrayal
Chloe: ew
Luka: Send pics or it didn’t happen
Nath: [insert the ‘right in front of my salad?’ meme]
Whenever they cross paths as Robin and Mari, he’ll just like,,, appear from nowhere hanging upside down spiderman style. Mari finds it endearing but she also wants him to stop scaring the shit out of her
Nicknames, because I have an unhealthy obsession with them, alright?
Misc Mari names: Bug, Bugaboo, Buginette, Madame President/Colonel (when the Team’s being cheeky), Princess, Marigold, Nettie (by like, Nino and Alix)
Jason calls her Pixie-pop
The bird boys call her Nightingale/Mockingbird in like, honor of her being a kickass civillian
Mari refers to them as ‘the flock’ (and bird-brains after getting to know them better)
Damian calls her: Starling, Habibti, ya qamar(my moon), malaki (angel), ya wardati(my flower) (b/c like, angel’s cute an all but I just think Damian’s way more dramatic than that tbh. he’d put thought into his nicknames)
Mari calls Damian: mon soleil (my sunshine) (because symmetry and also Mari thinks she’d hilarious), Birdie, petit oiseau/oisillon
I like the idea of Jagged being a native Gothamite tbh
it’s just so fun honestly???
He’s probably the reason the MTeam are in Gotham in the first place? maybe? anyway, the class is there, right? right. 
Kagami, Luka and Felix are all holding the fort down in Paris. Ain't no akumas but sometimes they need backup so when certain heroes need to disappear, Nath has Trixx set up an illusion of whichever one so they can slip away with the horse miraculous.
Mari’s the one who has to leave the most because she’s still Paris’ damage control, so like,,,,, ya know.
Mari doesn’t get left behind, at least not on the first day b/c come on people! She has plenty of friends in class watching out for her and a semi-competent teacher who does care even if she’s non-confrontational to a fault.
She does eventually become separated from the group. Half because of Lila and half because she’s always fucking late and got distracted.
She actually runs into one of the civilian batfam in the first place because the class was allowed an hour or so to wander around the shopping district or whatever to explore/buy things/get food. They just needed to return to the meetup spot at a certain time but Mari is like ten minutes away when it’s five minutes to the meetup
So she’s just… fucking booking it and completely takes out this trained vigilante without trying to.
Mari, as she’s groaning on the ground, tangled around a boy: By Kwamii, I thought my luck was supposed to be good Tikki.
That or like, the subway doors close before she can get on them and the rest of the class ends up ahead of her leaving her to get caught up on some bullshit in the next train or smth.
Oh, like. Of course it’s her train that gets held hostage. Wonderful.
(Later, Mari will rant at Tikki about her luck. A common conversation between the two tbh.)
This could be where she officially meets the Batfam as the Batfam. Or, like. A couple of em, at least.
Marinette getting serial adopted by the whole goddamn batfamily because i will die for this trope tbh i dont even care
The Robins nickname her Nightingale before they realize she’s Ladybug
They still call her that after but it’s not with the intention of making it her hero name anymore
Her and Alfred are def bros you don’t understand
Actually, Gina and Alfred are old friends. Mari totally knows Alfie before the bat fam and calls him Poppy/Pépé
which floors the batfam because what? Since when does that happen???
Alfred and Mari never, like, actually met in person before, but video chats exist and Gina def talks about the two to each other so it’s like they may as well know each other.
I also like the idea of Alfred being a former holder, probably the peacock. I would adore that
Just,,,, so many fun hero shenanigans
Yeah sure. The batfam are super detectives and have a history of figuring out people’s identities in no time at all. Whatever. Where’s the drama in that though? The showmanship?
Fuck canon, the Miraculous all have glamours because magic bitch and it plays fucking hell on the Batfam and all their shit
Every single Batfam member is simultaneously pulling their hair out because they don’t know who these heroes are???? Why can they figure them out?? Confusion???????
Miraculous team is just…. Straight up laughing at them. The poor dears.
That one gag where it’s a well-known secret that Mari has connections to every Parisian hero and is basically their own personal catering service/comfort place.
Also, it’s the worst kept secret in Paris that Mari is Multimouse
None of the MTeam have confirmed that rumour but they also don’t deny it.
they actually started the rumour. If all of Paris thinks Mari’s the mouse, a temporary hero, no one’s going to think she’s Ladybug/or that she’s an easy target to go after
chloe actually came up with that one
Mari meeting all of Damian’s ‘associates’ (ie pets)
She adores all of them and they her.
Especially GOLIATH, why isn’t he talked about more honestly???? He’s GREAT
She meets Goliath as Ladybug and Robin is just… so done with him??? You are supposed to be a fearsome beast and a professional why are you rolling over and expoSING YOUR STOMACH??? Meanwhile, Ladybug is just: Awww! Who’s a good boy? Who’s the best boy? You are! Look at how handsome you are! Cute widdle baby-
Miraculous Team hanging on the roof of their hotel kinda chilling
Maybe having a debate about doing some free-running/parkour?
Also maybe about whether or not they should be heroes while in Gotham
MT being like, why can’t we go and stop an armed robbery? we can help!
“Gotham already has very active heroes-”
“-whatever. I don’t want us stepping on any toes. This isn’t our terf and Batman’s known for being strict about Metas rolling around here.”
“We aren’t Metas though.”
“I don’t think he’ll enjoy splitting that particular hair, Nino. Just- not unless lives are at stake, okay? Emergencies only.”
“Yes, Colonel Ladybug.”
This debate most def gets crashed by batfam and confusion ensues upon both sides
batfam didn’t hear anything, they’re just really confused about these french kids hanging out on a roof in Gotham
Just.... yes. all of that. I have like, more but those are not organized or even remotely coherent. here you go! I might write for this but I already have other fics rn so... it wouldn’t be for a while. and as I said, I have no plot.
take this though, i guess. *throws confetti*
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