#but no connections to Whitley was ever made by her
schneezburger · 5 months
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“I’m just saying that we’ve already lost all the house staff, and mother locked herself in her room.”
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“I sent them away. How could one expect them to be ruled by someone like me?”
Just two little Prince’s left all alone in their large homes.
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ryuto12 · 1 year
The siblings to a martyr.
Lil thing the RTX epilogue clip made me think of:
We really don't talk enough about how much the remaining Schnee's lost when Atlas fell.
Weiss dies.
Jaques dies.
Their home falls.
Their house is destroyed.
Everything they ever owned is gone.
Winter betrays everything she ever had for the greater good, and for what? For the nation she proudly served to be destroyed and her sister to die?
For Winter to be too slow to save her sister, despite how much Weiss believed in her ever since they were children? For Winter to look back and see the portal closed, Jaune Arc dying despite Weiss dying believing he would live?
Whitley finally starts connecting with his sister, for what? For her to just die? For the last hug they ever shared to be one he was reluctant to partake in? For him to play a large part in the plan that would get his sister killed?
Willow stops drinking, and for what? Her home is destroyed, her father's memory and life's work to disappear within moments? The death of her daughter?
Their legacy is so much larger now than just the Schnees known for the family business. Their riches are gone, but even more is expected of them now.
The stain on their family name is dead, but so is the greatest person to ever wear their family Emblem.
Whitley and Winter are the grandchildren of a hero, the children of a villain, and the siblings of a martyr. Their the Winter Maiden and the boy who tried to save Mantle.
Weiss Schnee died, sword in hand, alongside her friends she would call family.
And her own family was left to grieve, without her by their sides.
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kitkatopinions · 8 months
Does Whitley have potential or is he an extra Schnee?
I think Whitley had and has a lot of potential, actually!
One of the most interesting things about Weiss is her connection to her family, which I think deserves more focus and exploring, and Whitley is obviously a big part of that. I find it fascinating how the environment Weiss and Whitley were raised in made them react in completely different ways - Whitley with putting up a mask of casual indifference (airing on cheeriness) and leaning into what was expected of him while clearly showing in volume eight that it isn't just how he naturally is, and Weiss with anger and mimicking Winter and desperately trying to get away from it. I think exploring both Weiss and Whitley as abuse victims would really speak to the fact that reactions to abuse takes all sorts of forms and are no less sympathetic.
Exploring Weiss's dynamic with Winter and Whitley more, I think, would help to expand on Weiss's character and give her a stronger arc (since she hasn't seemed to have a personal arc in volumes and even in V7 seemed to not get the attention she deserved.) Going into V10 (if we get a V10) the Schnees are going to be all of a sudden pretty much penniless, with no home, in a kingdom that should by all rights be very hesitant to accept them. If Weiss isn't concerned with helping specifically Whitley (not because he's more important to Weiss or to the narrative than Winter but because he's an auraless untrained teenage civilian) than it'd seem like a bit of a blow against her character tbh. And it could lead to some great conflicts not only surrounding Weiss and Whitley making an effort to understand each other better and get to know each other more after years of icing each other out, but might also create conflicts with the rest of Weiss's team who might perceive Weiss focusing more on her family than on important issues.
On top of that, Whitley could serve very effectively as a demonstration that not everyone needs to be a Hunter or fighter or have a semblance in order to be helpful and good. In V8, Whitley proofed to be smart, kind, and brave. He could be the sort of person to be doing things on computers while talking to Team RWBY and co over comms in their ears. Whitley could be incredibly useful in that way, and it would be so much fun to see the team acclimatizing to a new person more or less being brought in, into a new role they're not used to having around. It'd be a nice change, also something that RWBY could use.
And on top of on top of that is the fact that Oscar and Ruby both having this new friend that's more their age and is super different from both of them but could get along with both of them (and could be shipped with either of them) is a good thing too that could be good and worth exploring. And also on top of both of those things, the classic 'villains use a loved one to threaten their enemies' thing can't be easily done in this show where everybody is basically a superhero, but auraless teenage civilian Whitley provides an excellent opportunity for that.
Basically, Whitley has tons of potential as a character going forward from here, and I do hope that he stays involved and even gets more involved (so long as there's also plenty of proper focus given to the mains obviously.) Do I think that any of this potential will actually be realized? No. I think Whitley will pretty much just be treated like an extra Schnee, and the most we'll see of him if we ever get more RWBY is like two very bit parts of scenes where Willow has like a hand on his shoulder or something and that's it. The show can't have make the mains reach a quarter of their full potential, so there's very little hope for my baby boy Whitley. But I think he could be a great, amazing, involved character.
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themattress · 2 years
Some other interesting tidbits from Satoshi Yamamoto’s Pokspe Recollection Tweets:
- The FireRed/LeafGreen Chapter was when Yamamoto feels he fully came into his own as an artist on the manga and not just Mato’s successor, as he was actually allowed to redesign characters such as Red, Blue and Green in his own style rather than merely imitating hers. 
- Mewtwo Returns inspired many elements of the FireRed/LeafGreen Chapter such as Mewtwo’s characterization, Giovanni’s characterization, and the Team Rocket helicarrier. 
- Yamamoto grew very emotional about Green and Silver’s arcs, and to this day wondered if the dialogue he gave Blue to say to Silver concerning the circumstances of his parentage was sufficient enough to do justice to a complicated situation that many real kids share.
- Emerald’s character design was deliberately bad, since Yamamoto couldn’t bear the thought of putting real effort into designing an OC protagonist only for readers to criticize the design, so he pre-emptively made a design that he knew damn well was impossible not to criticize.
- Some of the angriest reader reactions ever came after the first round of the Emerald Chapter was released: “Now the main character shoots Pokemon to death with a gun!!!”
- The Diamond/Pearl Chapter is very close to Yamamoto’s heart since it was the first time he contributed with the story-making process alongside Kusaka and editors, and he really enjoys the way the main trio and their dynamic was developed. He notes that he isn’t a big fan of romance as a driving force in kids’ adventure stories, so having a pair of boys traveling alongside a girl while neither of them hold romantic interest in her was refreshing for him.
- Like with Emerald’s design, if you found Dia and Pearl’s comedy routines to be unfunny, that’s because it was intentional. Kusaka and Yamamoto wanted to express how completely out of their depth the two boys were, pursuing a career goal they lacked any real talent in.
- At first, the Diamond/Pearl Chapter received negative responses from readers who thought it was too silly, cutesy and kiddy by this manga’s standards. Again, this was an intentional creative choice since Kusaka and Yamamoto knew how darker and more perilous the arc would become later on. Once that transition happened, readers’ opinions naturally changed. 
- Mars’ depiction in the manga was conceived as “emotionally retarded” - her emotions and her rational mind don’t connect, which is why she doesn’t understand why something that’s supposed to be funny is funny or why doing hurtful things that she finds entertaining is morally wrong. To convey this, the irises of her eyes are always centered and don’t move.
- Cyrus is Yamamoto’s favorite villain, being drawn mostly to induce psychological anxiety in the reader which made him effectively threatening, but toward the end of the Diamond/Pearl Chapter drawn in a way that highlights his madness which came off as tragic as it was scary. Yamamoto says even before he got Cyrus’ backstory and resolution in Vol. 40 from Kusaka, he sensed a deep sorrow in him that made him feel for him and hope for him to find peace.
- Maybe it’s just hiatus-related Stockholm Syndrome at play, but Whitley of the B2/W2 Chapter became one of Yamamoto’s favorite characters. He notes that he always took extra special care when drawing her, and that he’d like for her to make reappearances in the future (one of which has already come to pass in the X/Y Chapter’s volume-exclusive epilogue).
- The Team Flare Grunt who says “there are some things money can’t buy, but even more things that money can buy you your way out of” is quoting a real person. In high school, one of Yamamoto’s sempais caustically said this in response to the financial difficulties an underclassman was having, and for some reason or other the line stuck with Yamamoto.
- Lastly, Yamamoto has made note that child abuse by parents appears to be the line in the sand for Viz when it comes to the Western releases of the manga, as so much shockingly violent and even bloody moments are retained while moments like Crystal’s mother slapping her or Norman punching Ruby are edited out (Ghetsis’ murder attempt toward N is an exception, since N is hardly a child and as Ghetsis screams at him: “I am not your father!”)
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hollowayhqs · 1 year
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Character information
Name: James Whitley Age: 35 Gender: cis-man Pronouns: he/him Species: human/mortal (warlock) Face claim: Michael B Jordan Character Occupation: journalist Neighbourhood of residence: the lookout Affiliation: Anam Coven (formerly) / Whitley family Length of stay in Holloway: born and raised in Holloway until he went to College, returned two weeks ago
Character Summary
James was born and raised in Holloway but has spent his adult life far from the town, away from his father and the connections of his family.Born as the first and illegimiate son of Bill Whitley, a famous author, James' life was not up to a good start. To the outsiders of Holloway it might have looked like a small scandal but those residents of the town connected to the supernatural world knew right from the start that this was something far bigger.
For generations the powerful Whitley line, witches that some believe can be traced back even to the origin of the town, has resided over the Coven of Holloway, leading in times of peace and of war. Succession has always been female, being passed from mother to daughter. Until in the last generation the oldest and only daughter found an untimely and mysterious death, just months before she was to become leader of the coven, leaving her brother William 'Bill' Whitley to fill the void at the head of Anam Coven – something not all witches of the town liked to see.And now, instead of a daugther to succeed him he had a son. Another warlock, though powerful not meant to ever lead the coven.Some even feared something akin to a civil war, so it was surprise to many when Bill refused to marry the mother of his child and instead turned to a different woman.
During his father's first marriage James did not just grow close to his stepmother Audrey, the only woman he calls Mom to this day, but also to his younger sister Piper, whose birth made the witches of Holloway sigh in relief. Finally a girl in the Whitley line again.They were the only family he ever considered his, where he ever felt welcome. But since Bill Whitley, head of the Anam Coven, was always drawn into the wrong directions it did not took long until an affair of his broke that very family apart. James has never forgiven his father for that. He has never forgiven the Coven for being complicit in so many things and so many lies. Though his powers were stronger and he knew he needed the protection of the other witches he turning his back on Holloway and his father was his only dream throughout his teenage years.
Leaving Piper behind was the first hard decision James ever made in his life. Throughout their entire childhood, he had felt responsible for his little sister Pip, the heiress to their line, protecting her as well as you can expect of an 8-year-old. And though Pip is now all grown up it is not easy for him to leave that mindset behind.
After a particularly nasty fight with his father James - now a young man ready for college - packed his bags and left Holloway altogether. He spent a few years in New York, where he grew closer to fellow Holloway resident Vivian Zhou. James and Vivian fell in love pretty fast, a love that burned hot and heavy, destined to last for a heartbeat instead of an eternity. Though he was ready to lie his heart at her feet he could never muster up the courage to tell her the truth. About his father, about the Coven, and most of all not about his powers. Whenever the supernatural world called to him in New York he either ignored that call or hid it from Vivian.They were young, they lived life gloriously, and soon they were expecting. They had not planned this pregnancy and even before Maya was born it was quite obvious that they did not agree on anything. While Vivian wanted to return to Holloway, to be close to her family - and his - to have their child grow up in a city she still called home and stay there, James knew that he would never set foot in Holloway again. Not as long as Bill lived, not as long as the coven still looked at him as if he could usurp their precious throne any minute. Something he had neither thought of nor ever wanted.James understood that Viv longed for the help of her family, but he could not face his own.
He wanted to stay far away from his father and he wanted his child to do the same, to be free of the drama and the power that Bill Whitley needed more than air to breathe. For Maya was a Whitley girl and James feared what that could mean should the coven ever find out about her existence.
So eventhough it broke his heart, he told Vivian, on a day he still regrets more than any other in his life, that if she returned to Holloway she had to do it without him. When he refused to give Maya his last name - another way of his to keep her away from Bill and the coven - Vivian did what any mother would have done.She turned away from him.Again it was a fight that broke apart a young Whitley family and to this day James has wondered if in all his years trying to get away from that man, he has become more like Bill than he ever wanted to be. The first son, the heir in a different way then they ever expected.
James traveled half the world, searching for something that might fill the hole in his chest, regretting that he could not see his daughter grow up, too prideful to change something about that, too scared of the coven to even attempt it. He regularly send money and birthday cards, but he knew - from his own lived experience - that it would never be enough. Then he returned to New York, working as a journalist, ignoring the voices of doubt that told him he was doing exactly what Bill had done - writing about other people's darkness and turning it into money, all the while feeding the shadows of his own soul.
When James got the call, one late evening, that his father had died, it shook him to the core. Not because he grieved for Bill, no that man had left his world a long time ago, but because he was painfully aware what that meant for his sister, for his daughter.
James returned to Holloway, to help his sister succeed as new leader of the coven and to keep an eye on Maya, even from afar. He fears that if his daughter should have inherited his power – something that can basically be seen as fact given the strength of the Whitley magic – she could fall into the web of the coven. He knows that he should have told Vivian the truth, should have been there when his daughter first discovered that side of her. But he still stays away, keeping Maya's heritage a secret.
Whispers grow loud again, whispers that fear history will repeat itself and even dare to pitch James against Piper.
But he has no desire to stay in Holloway for long, no desire to fix the bridges he once burned, but aware that those ashes still make it hard for him to see the right path ahead. He lives close to the lake, far away from most supernatural residents of the city, scheming how he can get his hands on his fathers grimoire, the ancient tome of Whitley witches. Maybe he will find a curse, a spell, that can save Maya from all of this.
You can often find him walking through Holloway, with his dog Varus for company and too many pairs of eyes following him, searching for the remnants of a past he tried to forget for so long.
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richardsphere · 1 year
RWBY Catchup Slogblog V8E15
ITS THE FINAL SLOGBLOG (bad kazoo solo) The whale is so big, its still disintegrating after what must have been at least a few hours (to account for characters traveling to Schnee mannor, Reuniting at the mannor, planning, going to ironwood, traveling to the spear and getting stuff started.) ---- Winter VS Ironwood, Some fighting on the ramparts type stuff in the Central Location. Aceops try power of Friendship (its too late, the bomb meant to be the equivalent of a city-block is about to explode in the tiny space they occupy. And all im saying is, if they survive that blast but Neo’s stab one-shots Yang then that is the biggest pile of dung) --- Neo VS Ruby and Weiss, Weiss knocks Neo through a portal. (if only these portals were actually a one way ticket) Weiss hits 0HP. Ruby’s weapon goes into the void. ---- Stretch-armstrong turns his arms into a bubble. (this does not seem like something he’s been established to be able to do) Is Neo actually suprised that Cinder is betraying her? Im sorry but what part of your interactions with cinder made you think she’s capable of keeping her word.  Even Salem cant keep Cinder from constant treachery and You know this about her!. In conclusion: This entire finale only goes south because Neo is unbelievably, somehow stupid enough to trust Traitors George. I know that Neo coulndt use the lamp because y’know, Mute. But if you wanted revenge on Ruby there were a thousand better ways you could’ve done it when you had the lamp. (IE: Kidnap a civilian, write out the lamps name and a question like “Whom can Neopolitan/Trivia hostage to get revenge on Ruby Rose and where can Neo find them” or some such and threaten to kill the Civy if they dont ask Jinn your exact question for you) A cord is cut and Ruby and Blake fall into the void. (if only we hadnt established that ruby KNOWS she is a teleporter at this point, and can carry way more then a single person at a time). Like i get its happening because the plot needs a darkest hour, not because character skills and abilities genuinely matter. But also, this show has been 6 consecutive seasons of Darkest Hour.  and its making me excessively cranky that this is the second consecutive season to end on a Darkest Hour Cliffhanger-episode. (it feels like the show is holding these characters Ransom to the audience. Either pledge to support a next season or the Blorbo gets it) Cinders talk against weiss sounds like Cinder is suddenly meant to have a specific, off-screen gripe with the family in particular. Which is just, not established at all. Jaune joins the battle because he’s the shows second ruby. (and also, his semblance ability to amplify other semblances is the shows all-purpose get out of jail free-card at this point so we need him next season.) Is the implication behind the “she’s back” preceding the Power-theft arm that the power-theft arm is directly connected to Salems continuous presence, rather then being an independent grimm? (like i know its function as a shock-collar is connected directly to salem. But her not using this until Salem regenerated implies she couldnt use it without salem “alive”) on a side-note now that we get to the big moment. Everyone complaining about Jaune “stealing the plotlight” doesnt understand the nature of how narrative foils work. Jaune is the version of Ruby that is allowed to lose their innocence to show what ruby could become if she ever did. Claiming Jaune takes up too much screentime is like saying Ruby’s scythe takes up too much screentime. Jaune is not his own character, he’s always been an extension of Ruby’s. ----- Penny and Winter in the same Limbo where Ozma talked to light.  WInter VS Fall battle. Cinder attacks Weiss as a distraction, knocks over the edge. Jaune hits 0 HP Whale Calls, Cinder flies off and destroys the central location. ------ Winter apears as a saintly herald to the refugees, Whitley Willow and Klein realise they’re one Schnee down. Cinder lies, in other news water is wet and clouds are up. Salem either buys it (which I dont), or pretends because she legitimately doesnt care about anything Cinder could ever hope to achieve. Ironwood is left in misery at his end. Watts burns (but his death is technically off screen, and in a way that a villainous “we can rebuild him” could be in play if the writers wanted to have a second villainous cyborg. Not that i think they will or that it would be a good idea). Quick question: Where is all this water coming from again? I dont remember any mentions of a large reservoir that would justify all this flooding. (I know the Atlas arc had a lot of moving parts but im fairly certain i would remember a “they are bombing the dam” plotline).  unless you’re going to claim that the spear made both the island-floaty AND whatever was keeping the water out, but I dont see the set-up for that at all. ------- Long credits, S9 teaser on the beach. ---- With only seven hours remaining before the V9 season finale, im finally caught up, and i only somewhat regret doing so. (which is sort of a positive. The seasons i missed where overall generally depressing but not to the degree of the seasons that made me quit the show in the first place were). Its good to see the story is at least trying to shrink its scope by removing 2 of Salems lieutenants from the board and having Em turn tail. Im still enormously concerned that the overall trajectory of the show overall might never reach any sort of “the characters are capable of expressing Fun” state again.(note that, while S9 had moments of joy such as Bumblebee kissing, Joy and Fun are seperate feelings. Joy has a weight to it , whereas  Fun is light and airy if i had to simplify that particular tonal distinction).
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Idk how recent this was made but I just saw a post somewhere talking about color symbolism in the show and holy shit. Least favorite takes were:
- Blake and Weiss's colors changing to purple and blue are actually cause their original colors were representing the oppressive forces in their lives (Adam/Racism and Jacques ig) and that's why they were in monochrome and not their "real colors"
-Oscar gets covered in green as time goes on to symbolize Oz taking him over, since Oscars color "is orange" (this one wouldn't be as annoying if not for the fact that Oscars last name is pine. You know, A SHADE OF GREEN??)
-Sun's blatant whitewashing change of eye color is symbolic of him seeing the real Blake instead of his idealized version of her
This just kept dealing me psyche damage-
Blake and Weiss’ colours are originally black and white. Adam’s colour is red, not black, same way that Ruby’s colour is red despite wearing a lot of black. Jacques’ colour isn’t white, because the white in his name comes from him marrying Willow and taking her name, where the white naming comes from originally.
Given how much Weiss and Whitley adopt blue when they’re home, it’s more likely that Jacques’ true colour is actually blue.
They also weren’t in monochrome ever? Weiss was in a lot of blue in Beacon, which was done wrong in the show because consistency is not a strong suit of RWBY, and Blake had purple and yellow from the beginning. 
Oscar is more related to brown and green from his last name, because taking orange from Oscar requires a lot of backflipping and I guarantee no one is gonna look at Oscar and go “Oh, he’s obviously named after the fish from Shark Tale and not the actual meaning friend of deer.”
And Sun’s case is just dumb. It’s whitewashing, simple as. It’s not him finally seeing Blake for who she is because Sun already did before, and the Blake he saw in V4 was a complete regression of the girl he knew before. Also, why would his eye colour turn blue to symbolise his developed connection to Blake when Blake’s colours are black, white and purple.
So much of meta on RWBY really does try to put depth in what’s basically a puddle.
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theseerasures · 4 years
a yearning nation’s blueeyed pride
honestly there is just like. no point as of Witch (if not earlier) in thinking about Marrow and Winter as following along the same defection path, and downright facile to compare the two in terms of who is “closer” to defecting and therefore “less problematic” (even setting aside that making value judgments along those lines in fiction is...never that straightforward), when the narrative has emphasized REPEATEDLY how they are on entirely separate tracks in terms of character and role in the Atlas military.
seriously, it’s like saying “this orange is bad because you can’t eat the peel like you can eat an apple skin”
so like, yes, Marrow is the one who has verbally expressed his misgivings, and has clearly articulated scruples (as opposed to just the dial-up noise) and will blurt them out any second now as soon as he gets a word in edgewise. but also: Marrow HASN’T gotten a word in edgewise (except with Winter, fancy that), and has done approximately fuck all to actually subvert the system that he is growing to hate. both his theory and lack of praxis are tied into Marrow’s relatively low, overlooked position in the Atlas system, and feed into the fact that for Marrow the project of Atlas is not personal.
Marrow joined the military on ideological grounds. he clearly does want personal connection, but that has been denied him at every turn, largely by his teammates, largely by his partner, all of whom use him to enforce their own struggles with the clash between political duty and personal grief. he has been alienated by the system he upholds, which started even before we meet him. this makes it much harder for him to rebel in deed, because he doesn’t have a lot of power to begin with and he knows the system will not protect him if he does; at the same time, that relative powerlessness and isolation keeps his investment in Atlas abstract, uncomplicated, and much easier to dispel. Marrow is still with Atlas because he has a job to do, because it’s his duty, because he is still clinging to the Atlas military’s illusory altruism. he wants Penny to come with them so she can save Atlas. his protestations at seeing Team FNKI, that they are “just kids,” comes from the belief that it is categorically wrong to send children into battle. what is keeping Marrow from defecting is belief, and once the belief is shattered--like, say, when his boss’ new ingenious plan is to Nuke the Poors--there is nothing keeping him around.
and once his path is set he will not waver, because Atlas, by design, has no hold on him materially or personally (outside of his own life, which he was already happy to dedicate to a cause). Marrow then, is the limit case of Atlas being hoist with its own petard: an exemplar for how it gives its people nothing while demanding everything, but also an exemplar for how quickly the entire system folds in on itself when the veil is lifted. when Marrow defects (and it IS when) it will represent Atlas as a whole defecting from itself, even if we don’t see it visually--from the civilians, to the enlisted soldiers, to perhaps even members of Marrow’s own team.
NONE of the things i just mentioned really apply to Winter, because there is nothing about Atlas that is not personal for Winter.
i have no doubt that Winter is in some ways invested in same abstract principles that swayed Marrow, but that is constantly overridden by the fact that Winter has family at all sides of this, even before everything fell to shit, and the narrative will not stop reminding her.
“what about your sister?” “would you say the same thing if it was your sister inside?” her father was gunning for a seat on the Council. the man who took her in is essentially Head of State. Penny has made herself Public Enemy Number One, and Weiss is actively abetting her. even Whitley has now thrown himself into the fray, unbeknownst to her. and another person might be better at compartmentalizing all this the way Winter clearly wants to, and stick to the party line, but Winter cannot, because the more i watch her the more i’m convinced that the current crisis in Atlas is just a microcosm of the real issue, which is to say: everything is personal in Atlas for Winter, because everything is personal for Winter.
at a moment-to-moment level, and especially when backed into a corner, Winter defaults not to ideology but her tightly coiled lattice of personal relationships. and this makes perfect sense, because Winter grew up in a household where she had to perpetually crisis respond, and then she never stopped. Marrow does what he does because he believes in the dream, in making the world a better place, and therefore it is more difficult in some respects for him to defect, because it involves taking a long hard look at and then rejecting the structures he bought into and made himself complicit in. once lines are crossed and he DOES do that, though, he’s home free. for Winter, there are no lines to cross, because all Winter wants in the end is to throw her arms around everyone she cares about and drag them to safety. to keep them there, closely held, where she can see them and make sure that they stay safe.
but what’s tricky about Winter--what’s fascinating to me, what Jacques tried to beat out of her, what James alternately capitalizes on and tries to quash, what she resents about herself--is that in times of crisis (which for Winter is again ALL THE TIME), “everyone she cares about” becomes everyone, so that suddenly she takes a shine to the General’s war machine, so that she’s risking her life to give Penny and Fria a few more seconds of time, so that she’s stepping in front of Elm’s incoming fist, so that she’s letting JYR go rescue Oscar. Marrow has ideals he values, but at her core Winter has nothing but the people, who are real the moment she sees and feels them--real enough to defend, or defend against.
Winter jealously protects her web of people, but that web will also spiral out to infinity if she lets it--so she doesn’t. she has adamantly refused to move out of the mode where she lives present-by-present, only reacting to what is right in front of her, what she has been told, weighing her own life against the people who are closest, and no more. this is unquestionably a trauma response, but it’s also reinforced by 1) her choice to become a career soldier, and 2) the fact that Winter actually HAS quite a bit of power, and she knows that. but she has never trusted herself with any of it, largely because her hypervigilant response to situations has only ever been chastised instead of rehabilitated. Winter knows the weight of her name and her position, but she constantly tries to ignore it, or run away from it, so that she is only ever the heiress, the second-in-command, and never the Queen. she cannot be a leader until she is Good (that is to say, perfect and rational), so she tries to obliterate her power the same time she obliterates that pesky personhood: remaining still for as long as possible, avoiding situations that she knows will prompt action and choice, and when absolutely pushed to think through her power, moving the pieces around with extreme caution, hoping that the world won’t be burnt black by it.
Marrow and Winter are fundamentally at opposing ends of the personal-political bleed, and the story could NOT telegraph it any more clearly than their conversation in Witch, where Marrow makes a personal plea to Winter so that she can make a call far beyond just that, and she refutes him, by reminding him of his obligation to Atlas in the form of impersonal duty.
i’ll conclude by pointing out that there is something very interesting happening with Winter right now, that exceeds her power in-universe. because even as a Schnee, as Ironwood’s protege, what Winter can do is limited (partly because she limits herself), except for how the story has resolutely centered her actions and MADE them significant. in the course of this war Winter has let herself make exactly two choices--both of them noninterventionist, easily justifiable, and not meant to take any ideological stand--and they ended up altering the entire fabric of the war with Salem. all because she loved her sisters more than her duty. all because she was shown a slim chance to save the kingdom and a fourteen-year-old boy, and she thought just for an instant, what’s the harm
(and James Ironwood will never know. that even with his plan, his bomb, all his ships, all his soldiers...he was no match for her. his loyal lieutenant. the only child he will ever have, who has only ever called him “sir.”)
it is not about what Winter COULD have chosen in those moments, if she had the ability to stop Penny and Weiss from leaving, if JYR were even Oscar’s rescuers, in the conventional sense. it is about the fact that she DID make those choices, and the story has made them reverberate, in spite of the fact that she did not mean for them to. Marrow’s story is about being neglected and overlooked by the system, the moment of recognition that it needs you more than you need it, that there are so many more of you, and together you can stop chasing the dream and make your own. Winter’s story cleaves to the heart of not just Atlas, but the RWBY monomyth, which goes something like: stars are like us. the world was created because two brothers could not get along, and sundered because a woman could not cope with her grief. just because you move closer to the elite, to the center, to the top, to the sublime, it does not mean that you move farther from the fallible. we are all, at our deepest layer, people.
but the world does not tremble any less for it.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Your Power...Your Theme
This post is born because of @waywardtravelerfart asking about a comparison between Semblances (Rwby) and Quirks (BNHA).
In general, I am not a hardcore BNHA fan, though, so I decided to drag other magic systems in this comparison.
So, I will be comparing...
1) Semblances:
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2) Quirks:
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3) Nen (HxH):
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4) Abilities (BSD):
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5) Magic (WHA):
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Body and Soul
1) & 3)
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Pyrrha: Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there? With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals.
Nen and Semblances are very similar ideas. Both have their root in the concept of aura aka life force and are trained through specific exercises that are based on martial arts.
More importantly, they are manifestations of a person’s soul.
This is why in both series they are linked to one’s individuality:
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Ren: A common philosophy is that a warrior’s Semblance is a part of who they are.
And both Nen and Semblances grow and evolve with the person.
At the same time, both stories focus not only on the soul, but also on the body.
In HxH Gon and Killua must train their bodies just as much as their nen. No matter how much stronger their auras become, they would still be left defenseless if they forget about basic training and if they do not take care of their bodies.
Similarly, Huntsmen and Huntresses in Rwby have both Semblances and Weapons:
By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting.
Weapons are linked to personalities just like Semblances are:
Ruby: Just weapons? They’re an extension of ourselves! They’re a part of us! Oh, they’re so cool.
It is only through the combination of weapons and semblances that one becomes strong and whole.
In order to experience humanity to its fullest, one needs both a soul:
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And a body:
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In short, Semblances and Nen are representative of the Soul. They are a physical projection of it. Moreover, they need to be completed by the Body to properly work.
BSD abilities are similar because they clearly symbolize characters’ coping mechanisms.
They are linked to people’s personalities and their effects are highly variegated and impossible to explain through biology alone (for example, a character is able to materialize a whole room in another dimension).
At the same time, they seem to have some physical properties.
For example, it is possible to create artificial abilities and to implant them into people. The process has yet to be properly explained, though.
This can be compared to the research on aura made in Rwby.
That said, this specific research is framed negatively by the narrative because it is an attempt to control what it should not be (a person’s soul).
Similary, in BSD, such experiments are criticized as well because they violate human rights and are an attempt to weaponize abilities, which is an ongoing topic explored by the story.
Quirks are instead framed as the result of biological evolution. This creates an interesting inversion compared to the other stories. Quirks are not simply physical representations of a character’s psychology, but they are a part of the reason why that character develops a specific coping mechanism.
Toga is attracted to blood because her Quirk is about drinking blood, so she naturally likes it.
Shigaraki’s destruction traumatizes him because it leads to his family’s death.
Touya’s weak constitution makes his power difficult to use, hence he develops self-hurting tendencies.
Finally, Magic in WHA is something that exists outside the characters.
It is not something people are born with, but an art they can master through study and dedication.
Its origin is still unknown, but it is explained that it works thanks to specific materials:
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And even human blood can be used to strengthen it:
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In short, Magic is a human art that makes use of specific natural resources and a specific knowledge to create several effects. In a sense, its logic is similar to both art and programming. It is similar to art because the witches need to exercise on drawing and to be creative on their approaches to things. It is similar to programming because they must use what is basically a specific language made of symbols to create different effects.
So, Magic is not linked to a person’s soul in the way other magical systems are, but a character’s personality still emerges from the kind of magic they specialize in. This is something unavoiable... after all this is how personality works in real life as well... we all have different approaches to problems and beliefs that will emerge in our art and in our jobs.
In conclusion, all these magical systems are connected in different ways to characters’ personalities, to their flaws and to their symbolic roles in the narrative.
In these metas, there are some examples of how this happens for HxH, Rwby, BSD and WHA.
Power and Privilege
3) & 5)
Nen and Magic are similar:
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With enough training, both powers can be used by everyone.
However, both HxH society and WHA society choose to keep them secret because the damage that could come from sharing this knowledge is potentially devastating.
That said, both stories also show how there is hypocrisy behind this stance.
HxH does so in an indirect way.
Nen is supposed to be secret, so that dangerous people can’t use its power for wrong reasons.
However, many hunters are not really moral people. If anything many are violent and ready to kill. The exam itself encourages these tendencies since it does not punish murderers. Moreover, it turns out that very dangerous people already know about nen:
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WHA explores this theme more directly:
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The secret behind magic creates inequality. Magic could be used to help much more people, but it is limited by the law that imposes witches to keep the secret and forbids them from using magic to heal.
The result is an unjust society and a paradox. Isn’t there another way to use magic that it is less elitarian?
2) Similarly, quirks create inequality in BNHA. However, the mechanisms behind it are slightly different.
Not only people without quirks are discriminated, but also people with specific powers are considered less than others.
This happens either because the power is considered weak or lame or because it is considered a villain power.
In other words, BNHA society nurtures a simplicistic and black and white vision of quirks and people. This leads to some being discriminated for their quirks and to others being excused of everything because of their abilities.
4) In BSD, we have a similar yet partly opposite situation.
Ability users are mostly dehumanized and weaponized by society.
Basically the series explores how society makes use of its more vulnerable members and objectifies them.
So, in BSD having an ability is not really a synomim of privilege, but it is rather something that can set you apart and make you a victim of your country or your organization.
Because of this,the characters struggle to both accept their powers, but also not to be defined by it.
1) Finally, the case of RWBY is interesting because even if society is founded on privilege and inequity, semblances are not really a pivotal part of it.
It is much more common for people to be discriminated because of their bodies (like the Faunus) or their social status than for their semblances. Surely, cases like those exist, but they are not particularly explored by the story.
This might be because semblances are just one of many factors that determine a personal’s stance in society. Moreover, it is not even that clear how much common people know about semblances and aura. I would not say it is exactly a secret, especially because semblances can manifest themselves in a variety of situations. Still, it seems to me that they are mostly aknowledged and accepted by common people, but not exactly pursued or studied.
Symbolically, semblances are linked to an ancient magic that has been forgotten by people. This could tie with why some people, especially in Atlas, have been dismissive of them to an extent. Whitley dismisses his own and is not interested in developing it, while Watts is one of the few characters who fight without a semblance.
It might very well be that human technology and dust make so many different effects possible that a semblance, even if important for a warrior’s own strength and individuality, is not really the only factor that determines the place of a person in society.
In conclusion, all these power systems are linked to privilege in different ways. They are used to explore social inequality or parts of the society that are either repressed or not aknowledged.
Choices and limits
1) 2) & 4)
Quirks, Abilities, Semblances and their limits are not chosen. You are born with them and the most you can do is to try and overcome the limitations or to come up with clever ways to use your power.
You can train your Quirk, so that it becomes stronger.
When it comes to Abilities instead, characters usually must train to control what are potentially dangerous powers.
There are also abilities that help other people to control their powers and modify how these powers work. For example, there is a character whose ability is about summoning a fighting avatar. However, to do so, she needs to be called on a specific phone and it is actually the one calling that commands the avatar. Still, thanks to the influence of the above mentioned ability, she becomes able to summon the avatar at will and does not need the phone anymore.
Finally, in the case of Semblances, you need to meditate and to train your semblance, so that it can evolve. At the same time, though, semblance evolution can happen also because of specifical psychological conditions.
For example, Ren’s Tranquility both activates and evolves not because of physical training, but because of stress (the first time) and emotional growth (the second). This is fitting because his ability has mostly to do with emotions, so it is telling that it evolves as he grows emotionally rather than physically.
Ruby’s semblance is instead a physical one since she is super fast. So it is fitting that it mostly manifests and evolves with her training at using it.
Finally, when it comes to semblances, you do not really choose how they evolve and what new effects you gain. They are mostly an unconscious part of yourself that grows with you.
3) & 5)
The kind of magic you specialize in and the nen power you are gonna have are things one chooses.
To be more specific, they are influenced from one’s talents, but then they evolve according to a person’s choice.
For example, the protagonist Gon has an aura which is particularly good to strengthen things, so he chooses to use it to strengthen his punch. Moreover, he really likes Jankenpon, so he comes up with a power that uses this game. It is a technique that creates different effects depending on what he chooses to “play” (scissors, rock or paper).
Similarly, Coco is good at drawing straight lines and this makes her good with basic magic, that she uses in original ways because of her thinking outside the box. Her teacher Qifrey instead specializes in water magic because he used to be scared of water when he was little and wanted to overcome this fear.
At the same time, both nen users and witches must face limitations.
Nen has limitations that are self-imposed and decided by the users.
Magic has limitations that are imposed by society and codified through law.
Nen works with the idea that the stronger the limitation you set, the stronger will be your power. Similarly, if you sacrifice something, you can obtain a more powerful effect.
For example, another character called Kurapika creates chains with different powers. One of his chains has the limitation to only work on the members of a specific criminal group. Moreover, if Kurapika breaks this rule, he’ll lose his life. Since the sacrifice Kurapika has decided is pretty extreme, that chain is basically impossible to break.
Of course, limitations do not need to be so extreme. The protagonist’s jankenpon is limited by the fact he says out loud the name of his technique and takes time to use it (both goes against him, since it gives his opponent time to prepare). In this way the power gets stronger.
Magic is a very dangerous force, so it is prohibited to use magic on people’s bodies. This includes the idea that you can’t heal bodies directly or that you can’t change the way you look. It also forbids people from using blood to make magic stronger and to put glyphs on a person’s skin.
These limitations challenge the characters and force them to think outside the box. For example, Coco wants to save her mom who became a stone. The best way to do so is  to use magic on her, but this is prohibited hence Coco keeps brainstorming about how she can do it and even thinks about breaking the law multiple times.
In conclusion, powers are often linked to the self and the degree of control and choices characters have on them is symbolic of which part of the self we are talking about.
In the case of semblances and abilities, they mirror an unconscious part.
A Quirk is a biological factor that influences one’s self instead and that everyone can try ot develop in a way they like.
Finally, nen and magic are a conscious part of the self that still mirrors unconscious tendencies.
Not only that, but abilties have limits that come from either outside the person or inside them.
In stories, there are at least five types of conflict.
1) Man vs Self
2) Man vs Society
3) Man vs Man
4) Man vs Nature
5) Man vs God
The magic systems we explored are linked to at least three of these five types.
Man vs Self
Supernatural abilities are linked to a person’s interiority and personality. Often they are representative of the character’s flaw and their limits can be overcome only by the person’s growth.
Man vs Society
Power systems end up being influenced and influence fictional societies.
They can represent privilege or some wrongdoing in society itself.
Alternatively, they can be limited by society’s rules and imposed laws.
Man vs Man
It is not uncommon to have special powers used in fights. In this case, they become symbolic ways to explore characters’ relationships, themes and different value systems.
This is something that BSD, HxH and Rwby do a lot. WHA has had less fights as for now, but it is definately something that has come up and will come up more in the future. Finally, I am not too much into BNHA to comment on the series, but I would be surprised if it is not the same there as well.
In conclusion, I do not really have much to say on the onthology of powers in different narrative worlds and tbh I do not think this is really what many writers think about when they design them. I think what writers focus on is how to make interesting powers that convey a character’s personality, can be used to explore the world and give life to entertaining fights.
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Atlas as a whole is just fascinating, because its literally if a place could embody and symbolise hubris.
The kingdom holds itself to the stars both literally and metaphorically. Its the corner stone of technology and advancements and of all the kingdoms is the most divided.
From the other kingdoms and in itself.
It's a place that decided you can't survive if your not willing to do whatever it takes, if you aren't able to get your hands dirty than don't bother.
It's almost dystopian in the way it presents itself. What with its focus on tech, making something more than human like the huntsman bot things from the earlier volumes and Penny.
As well as the use of surveillance, that everything can be monitored and thus tampered and controlled. From the rigged election to the heating grid all being messed with by the push of buttons.
Being able to be taken advantage of easily by those who seek to bend the place to their will, those who are in positions of power out carved out of wealth and greed.
In Atlas its all about who you are, what you are and who you know, your defined by those things. Classism and racism are both themes presented to us (and one of them feels better handled than the other) and they make sense as to why they are so prevalent here.
Contrasting it to Vale where the message is anyone can be what they wish and are not defined by what they are but who they choose to be.
It's also why the Happy Huntresses work so well because not all of them are from Mantle. Mantle, the place that Atlas has thrown those that don't fit in with their criteria and have left to die.
They chose Mantle when no one chooses Mantle.
They saw through the artificial aspects of Atlas and its people and found its heart in Mantle, didn't matter who they were or what they were they chose Mantle as their home.
And Atlas is so very surface level, every interaction is so very performantive while everyone's true intentions are concealed. They are all about themselves, and preserving their images.
Like you can't tell me there aren't dozens of hotels like the one Cinder worked at or organisations like the Spiders in Atlas.
But than you've got someone like May Marigold, someone born to these exact kind of people and turns her back on them all. Her intentions are always clear and she doesn't care to pretend.
You have Weiss going back for Whitley because she truly cares for him.
And you see all of this and it makes people like Jacques Schnee and General Ironwood make sense. They are not only byproducts of this system but also benefitting from its inequalities.
Jacques has an empire built on Faunus Labour, he could control the whole kingdom way before he was ever elected. He has power, power he's gained through connections and marrying into the Schnee family and using the worth behind that name to benefit himself.
And Ironwood as well controls the city, he has 2 seats on the council but it means nothing he may as well be the sole leader. Granted his intentions were there but he's still benefiting from this, Atlas is benefitting from this.
While as usual Mantle is left to die.
It's why he's fashioned himself into such a heroic figure because in his mind he's doing what's right, for Atlas. He's preserving Atlas and its people, Mantle isn't Atlas it was made to be forgetten and no one cares of the outside world.
Watts is a disgraced scienctist but his true nature was never revealed to them, they never even knew he was still alive.
And it's absolutely beautiful and carathatic that it's destroyed by its own people but also those that were directly harmed by it, reducing it to a myth, a legend.
To Atlantis, a lost city.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
If I remember correctly during the V7 commentary, the reason why Weiss didn't get any upgrades for her weapon was because she had her Summoning and "was already perfect" which I think is very telling of what these writers think character development is: Weiss isn't racist/ mean to people anymore and is now in a comfortable place in her life so she doesn't need to grown anymore. Anything new she might need to learn is just combed aside like her perfect, Whitley-esque bangs.
You know how we're often joking about how RWBY tends to give us what we've asked for, just in the worst way possible? Such commentary would fall under that umbrella for me. I approve of not giving Weiss any major upgrades, simply because she's already got too many powerful abilities, to the point where the show has had to drop a couple to try and keep things balanced (time dilation, any dust that's not ice, relies mostly on just summoning now), but she shouldn't lack that because she's "perfect." Giving her so many OP abilities was a mistake on the writers' part, a mistake they needed to manage in Volume 7, preferably with some sort of explanation as to why the Atlas born, Schnee heiress didn't a cool upgrade in her hometown alongside many teammates, which we obviously didn't see. It's not a time to try and use that lack as some sort of proof of perfection, since such perfection obviously doesn't exist. And I don't say that as a criticism of Weiss as a person in this story (there's plenty of that elsewhere on the blog lol), but rather as an acknowledgement of her function as a character. If your character is "perfect" - if the story honestly believes they have nowhere else to go, not the character working under the false belief that they have no flaws - then... why are you writing a story? Why are you writing a story that, as far as we know, will continue on for at least a few more years? People don't turn to storytelling to watch the characters remain static and never develop. Weiss has to be flawed if RWBY wants to keep her as an engaging character we're interested in following. She has to go somewhere and not just in the literal sense of Kingdom hopping.
And, of course, she is flawed. She is struggling. She does have a wealth of things to work through... the show just doesn't seem to realize that. I've occasionally seen complaints that our Atlas arc had Penny as the focus rather than Weiss and honestly, I don't think we've discussed that enough; how huge a mistake that was (and not just because Penny was killed at the end of it all). I think your own phrasing is significant in terms of framing the writers' (presumed) perspective: Weiss "is now in a comfortable place in her life..." Sure, Weiss is more comfortable with her place and herself than she was at the start of the series - growth! - but that's really only in regards to her place on the team and her abilities as a huntress. Her family and status as a Schnee remain a treasure trove of difficulties she's barely touched. Prior to the Atlas arc, Weiss' setup included:
Being kidnapped by her father and separated from said team
Losing her inheritance to the company/family name, the one she claims to be interested in rehabilitating
Kidnapped by bandits and rescued by a teammate she's had incredibly little interaction with
Learning she has to return to Atlas, the place the just ran away from
Arriving to find her Kingdom in a state of lockdown, suffering from systematic problems and a war she's one of the few who knows about
Hearing that two teammates killed a faunus in self-defense who bore the SDC logo
That's a lot. So Weiss grapples with all of this during the arc taking place in her home, with her family, her leader, and populated by the minority her family has exploited, right? Of course not! She never has to deal with her father, her disinheritance, the faunus, her new connection with Yang... Weiss' "growth" occurs in random, confusing bursts that are meaningless given how convoluted the story has become. Oh, we're humorously arresting Jacques now. Oh, she no longer cares about Winter and is happy to leave her behind. Oh, she's suddenly announced to Marrow that she's patriotic for the place she keeps running away from. Oh, she's saved Whitley's life after ignoring and threatening him, so I guess they're loving siblings now? Weiss is as much of a mess as the rest of the cast at this point, made even worse by Volume 8's ending. The Kingdom of Atlas is destroyed. The unclear nature of Weiss' feelings aside, the entirety of her home wasn't merely attacked, but completely obliterated. The girl who should be dealing with complicated feelings regarding her family and home has just lost the ability to ever return to that home! And that loss was on her own leader's orders. And her sister is now a Maiden. And the father she apparently wanted to rescue got blown up by Ironwood. Even though Weiss hasn't had the chance to delve into the latter two yet - she doesn't know about Jacques, barely spotted Winter as a Maiden before she fell - surely she'll have something to say about her Kingdom falling, that core part of her identity destroyed through one, thoughtless wish?
Nah, the one line about that goes to Robyn 🤦‍♀️
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schnees-and-schnugs · 3 years
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@canonseeker I'm sorry but I can't reply directly to you so I have to make a separate post. I don't like getting into discourse so I'll probably clarify what I meant and move on, but please reblog the post with your reply if you want to continue this discussion.
To your first question, what I said was:
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I admit, I phrased that badly. It wasn't my intention to imply that Willow knew Weiss was going to be there. I do think it was a coincidence, and that's the problem I have. My point was that Weiss got everything she needed with a minimal amount of work through a series of coincidences that were never foreshadowed in the story. Willow just happened to have cameras in the manor that we never knew about, Willow just happened to catch Jacques' meeting with Watts, Willow just happened to sit on it for who knows how long, Willow just happened to be in Jacques' office (implied to be trying to look through his computer since she mentioned that he has it locked) when Weiss got there, and Weiss just happened to get everything she needed from Willow without doing any sort of investigative work.
It's a lot of coincidences that would have worked if we had a connection to a previous scene to make us go "oh! That caused all the dominoes to fall!" Which is why I threw out three options off the top of my head. Two of which wouldn't have changed the office scene at all beyond a line or two. AND it would have made the "don't forget your brother" line even more impactful!
And don't get me wrong, I like that scene. It's one of my favorites in the show. And I really like willow's reasoning for the cameras, which I think really speaks to her feelings of powerlessness. I'm not arguing to get rid of it. I just think there could have been tweaks done here and there to connect it better to the rest of the volume so it doesn't seem so out of nowhere.
To your second question pertaining to Whitley selling out Jacques. My answer is: well it would make it interesting, wouldn't it?
Whitley's problem is that he idolizes his father. And I never said that he had to readily sell him out. Whitley has a conscience, as we see in v8. Also in v8, we see that he's willing to forgo his father if it means that he gets to do the right thing. And there's only a day between the brat Whitley we knew in v7 and the good boy we get to know in v8. You don't become a different person in a day, Whitley was always a good person. He just needed the opportunity to show that side of him.
Whitley could have had that struggle in v7 to sufficiently start his turn in v8 rather than him suddenly not caring for his father because his sister waved a weapon in his face and told him to get over it. And, again, it doesnt need to change much. If you're opposed to Whitley outright giving Weiss the information (which I agree is a little bit too out of character for him), then he could have approached Willow with it out of desperation, which is how she knew to look at the camera feed.
He wouldn't even need to agree with her that anything needs to be done. He has that conflict: loyalty to his father and his fear of abandonment vs the right thing to do when you know your father has done something unforgivable.
But at the end of the day, this only relies on Whitley having known any of this went on. Which, despite looking suspicious, it seems like he just never thought about it ever again. So this is really all just speculation of what could have been to flesh out the schnee interrelationship more.
Have a good day!
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Holy Matrimony
This is my first time writing for the Prodigal Son fandom, but I’m still excited either way. This was requested by @jiejie-eonni-onee-sama, and the idea is so adorable and funny. Gif and characters are not mine. Hope you guys enjoy it!!!
Description: Malcolm plans to propose to his girlfriend during their date at a fancy restaurant, but some of the team and his family arrive to make sure he doesn’t blow it. An unexpected quest also makes an appearance
Warnings: just some mild swearing, spoilers for season one, and a brief description of a crime scene, but otherwise none
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“I know this is a big night for us, but you didn’t have to rent out one of the fanciest restaurants in town. I’m perfectly fine with a night in at home.”
Malcolm turned to look at his girlfriend of eight months as he continued to button up his white dress shirt. “Come on, Y/N. It’s going to be wonderful I promise. Besides, I would do anything for you.”
That was very true. This was the longest relationship that Malcolm had ever been in, and Y/N was different. He was worried after what happened with Eve, love would never return into his life. It did, however, and he was grateful to Y/N for all she had done for him so far. Tonight was the night he was going to show how much he loved her.
“Our cabs here,” Y/n said as she straightened her outfit. “You ready for go?”
“Yeah, just a few more minutes. You can go ahead down stairs, and I will catch up with you in a minute,” Malcolm responded. While Y/N was a little suspicious as to why Malcolm needed to stay back, she shrugged it off and walked out the door of the apartment. Once Malcolm was certain that she was gone, he opened a drawer that was located discretely under the bar.
He pulled out a small velvet box, and inside was the ring that he planned to propose to Y/N with. His family and friends were all supportive of this move, and yet he was still a little worried. He took a deep breath and placed the box in his suit jacket. “It’s okay,” Malcolm whispered to himself. “Nothing could possibly go wrong.”
Sunshine tweeted happily. “Thanks, Sunshine. The next time you see the two of us, you’ll have a new mom to look after you.” With that, Malcolm opened the door and dashed down the stairs to the cab. The giddy energy he felt fueling his steps.
The couple sat in a rented out section of the restaurant. Malcolm didn’t want to raise any extra attention when he proposed to Y/N, and while renting an entire room might have been much, he didn’t want to risk it. His family already had to much attention focused on them because of his father, and he didn’t want anymore.
“Excuse me, but I’m going to go use the restroom before our food gets here,” Y/N said as she stood up from the table.
“Sure, that sounds great! I’ll be waiting here doing nothing in particular,” Malcolm stuttered as he fidgeted in his seat. Y/N smiled at him as she walked out of the room. He’s a lot jumpier than normal, she thought, Perhaps he has a recent case on his mind. In fact, the only thing Malcolm had on his mind was her, and he mentally screamed as he placed his head in his hands.
“Oh my god he’s going to blow it. My son needs to get it together.”
Outside of the restaurant, Jessica Whitley was standing outside with a pair of binoculars, her daughter Ainsley by her side. They were leaning against the brick wall of the building across the street. The pair was trying to spy on Malcolm and make sure that he didn’t mess this up.
“Well, you know how my brother can be,” Ainsley replied as she examined her fingernails.
“Your daughters right,” Gil chimed in as him and the rest of the team walked up to Jessica and Ainsley. “Malcolm Bright does whatever Malcolm Bright wants to do. We can’t control him.”
“I’m his mother for crying out loud, so I have more control than you think. What are you guys doing here?”
“Coming to see how Malcolm will manage to pull off this proposal. Same as you guys,” JT stated.
“I think you guys are being to hard on him,” Dani commented, “As much as Malcolm loves Y/N, he will know exactly what to say.”
“That’s right! From my statistical analysis, their love for each other is 100% legit,” Edrisa added in as she appeared from behind Gil, Dani, and JT. “Also, it’s a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Whitley.”
“Likewise,” Jessica said with a smile. “Well, looks like the gangs all here.” The group waited and watched as Y/N returned to her seat at the table. The couple had begun eating, but the group that they didn’t know was waiting outside began to twist with anticipation.
“That’s it! I cant take this anymore. I’m going in,” Jessica declared as she shoved the binoculars she was using over to Ainsley. With determination, Jessica strides across the street. All the while Ainsley and Gil were trying to drag her back, but it was to no avail, and they began to follow her too. The rest of the team was close behind. However, another lone figure was lurking in the shadows.
“Holy crap, this pasta is the best I’ve ever had. No offense to your cooking of course,” Y/N said through a bite full of her food.
“None taken,” Malcolm replied with a chuckle. “I know how much you love Italian cuisine.”
“You know what I love more than pasta?”
“Day time television?”
“No, silly. It’s you! Ever since we first met at that crime scene, I just felt a connection with you.”
Malcolm couldn’t help but grin at the memory. Y/N was also part of the team, and the two had met during a case at a Bakery. At first Malcolm didn’t understand how Y/N was able to eat pastries while a man’s guts were strewn across the floor. Then he soon realized that she had witnessed a lot of crime scenes in her day.
This had to be the right moment. Somewhere deep inside, Malcolm knew that it was time to pop the question. Malcolm took a bite of his pasta, and tried to begin his proposal. However, when he saw his mom walk through the entrance of the room, he nearly choked.
“Mom! What are you doing here?! How’d you even know we were in here,” Malcolm questioned as he whiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh please dear, finding you wasn’t that hard. I came in because you need to stop stalling and do what you came here to do,” Jessica replied.
“Well I was going to say it, but-,”
“Jessica please, come back outside and let the kid do his thing,” Gil insisted as him and Ainsley enterted the room as well.
“Gil?! You’re here too? Let me guess the whole rest of the team is here,” Malcolm added with a wave of his hand. The rest of the team slowly made their way into the room, and Malcolm let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, now that everyone is here. May I please finish?”
Everyone nodded eagerly, and so Malcolm turned back to his girlfriend, who was still in shock by all the people who had just shown up out of the blue. It was a lot, but Y/N didn’t mind. Malcolm grabbed her hand, and Y/N’s E/C eyes met his icy blue ones. “Ever since I met you Y/N, my life has changed for the better. When I’m with you, the darkness in the world fades away. Now while I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here for this, I’m still certain that this is the right-.”
“Now hold on, my boy. Before you say those oh so famous words, aren’t you forgetting the one person that’s not here?”
The entire party froze as Malcom’s father, Dr. Martin Whitley, emerged from a dark corner of the room. Gil, Dani, and JT all pulled their guns from their holsters. “Holy shit,” JT said, “I thought this dude was in prison?”
“Yes,” Jessica snarled. “That’s exactly where he should be.”
Martin simply rolled his eyes at his wife and the others. “Oh come on now, you can’t expect me to miss the biggest day of my son’s life do you? I promise I will go back as soon as everything is done. Gil will make sure of that I’m sure.”
“Damn right I will, but for now I’m reluctantly allowing this to happen. No funny stuff though,” Gil said. Martin simply nodded as he gestured for Malcolm to continue.
Malcolm took a deep breath and focused his attention back on Y/N. “Well, as you can see my life is pretty crazy. I have a serial killer for a father, a mother who can sometimes be just as crazy.”
“Hey, that’s not very nice,” Jessica said as she pretended to be hurt, but her smile gave it away. Malcolm shook his head as he continued. “All of these people support us, and I plan to support you until the day I die, which hopefully will be a long time from now. So, without further ado,” Malcolm got down on one knee, and opened the velvet box. The central diamond in the ring sparkled due to the chandelier light from above, and Y/N let out a gasp. “Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
“Of course I will!! Now come here my soon to be husband,” Y/N pulled Malcolm up by the lapels of his jacket and kissed him on the lips. At first her boldness caught Malcolm off guard, but he relaxed into the kiss. All the while cheers filled the room, and Martin even gave a few claps himself.
“So, will I be invited to the wedding,” Martin asked with a raised brow.
“Unless you happen to escape again, I wouldn’t get your hopes up,” Gil retorted as the cuffs snapped on Martin’s wrists. However, Martin only laughed at this. If he escaped once, he could easily do it again, and nothing was going to stop him from seeing another big moment in his son’s life.
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remnantoforario · 4 years
7 Things I Want to See in RWBY Volume 8
So with Volume 8 being stalled because of the pandemic (though they are still working on it in increments) I thought about doing a post about things I would like to see in the next volume. This is similar to the “Questions I Want Answered in Volume 7″ before that volume came out, but this one will be more centered on the actual story and characters rather than the broader stuff I wanted in 7. These have no real order, just seven random things I want to see. Here we go:
1. More Varied Character Interactions
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This is one of the bigger sticking points I’ve had with the show in general rather than a problem I had with V7 itself. It’s no secret that one of the biggest complaints about RWBY from even it’s most hardcore stans is the lack of interpersonal interactions between characters outside of their given pairs. Ruby only talks to Weiss, Blake only talks to Yang, Ren only talks to Nora, and vice versa. 
Yang and Weiss had moments in Volume 5, but when was the last time Ruby and Blake had a conversation? Volume 1? What about Yang and Qrow? A big part of his arc in Volume 5 was his alcoholism and Yang was nowhere near that. Ruby and Yang are also big offenders. Weiss and Blake had one small moment in the mine and then went right back to being perfect strangers. Weiss and Jaune haven’t “talked” since volume 2 (I don’t count their dialogue after she got stabbed in V5) and I can’t recall anytime Ren and Nora have ever had a conversation with Yang and Blake. These kids are supposed to be friends who have been through thick and thin together, but they seem more like strangers outside of their supposed “pairings”.
The preview with Yang interacting with Oscar, Jaune, and Ren gave me some hope. Hopefully the show continues it. 
2. More Information on Summer Rose
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Volume 7 dropped the only notable information we’ve had about Summer since Qrow’s talk about the Silver Eyes in Volume 3, that being that Salem was likely responsible for Summer’s death. It’s now time to finally get more information on her. Who was she as a character? What was her semblance? What was her weapon? How did others view her? What is her connection to Ozpin? Why was she so important? How exactly did she die? I think some, if not all, of these questions should be answered in either this volume, or the next. We need a reason to care about her. 
One more important thing I would stress is that it needs to be Ruby actively searching for these answers. She shouldn’t have them handed to her, she should ask Yang and Qrow. Hell, if I wanted to get crazy I would just have a bottle episode with the three trapped in a bunker or something while Salem is attacking and all they do is talk about Summer.  Anything to highlight just why this woman who has been hanging over the show like a specter since the red trailer is so important. 
3. Give Yang Something to Do
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Yang has been mostly directionless as a character since Volume 4. Her goal was to find Ruby, and that mostly carried her through V5, but now that they are reunited she’s mostly used to dress up the background or play will they won’t they with Blake (we’ll get to her) for ship bait. Put her on a path of wanting revenge on Salem for killing her mother (Summer), make her more worried about Ruby, or add her to Nora’s “defend Mantle” plotline. Something to make her an active character in the story again. 
4. Put Blake Back on track
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Told you we’d get to her. Blake is an interesting character when you sit down and think about. In theory she should be the most compelling character with the deepest story arc, but she’s not. She was usurped by Weiss (who we will also get to in a moment) not long after Volume 5 ran its course. Her original course was to face her past, which morphed into taking back the White Fang from Adam, and then finally devolved into getting rid of Adam. Since then she has had little to no direction as well. 
Atlas is a hotbed for Faunus discrimination (as far as the show has implied) so I would like to see Blake get back to that. There was a slight moment in V7 with the mine, but that was quickly discarded. It would be interesting if she was able to rally the Faunus in Mantle similar to how she did in Menagerie.
Also, fix her hair. Come on, CRWBY. My girl out here looking like a used swiffer duster.
5. More Focus on the Schnee Family
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A lot of people expected Volume 7 to be Weiss’ volume and its not hard to see why. The set up was there. She ran away from Atlas at the end of Volume 4 to find Winter, only to find out that her sister had been called back home. Now she was going back and not only would she reunite with her sister, she would also have to face her Father once more. Ultimately, this didn’t pan out and Weiss was mostly window dressing for what should have been the biggest part of her story. 
The other Schnees weren’t much better. Winter got some things to do, but it was more in service to Penny’s character than hers. Jacques remained the same. Whitley STARTED to get a character arc and Willow did little more than drink and a be plot convenience for Weiss. With Jacques now in jail and the company and family in shambles, this is the perfect time to give us something to latch onto with these five individuals. 
6. Character Conflict and Consequences
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RWBY has had a nasty habit of late of pushing “protagonist-centered morality”. Meaning that no matter the situation, our main characters are always right and whoever opposes them is wrong (despite the litany of examples illustrating the opposite). This has to stop going forward. It only serves to irritate the audience because it makes it seem like the characters can’t make mistakes. Nothing they do has any lasting consequences or stakes. 
Team RWBY stalled Atlas’ defense plans against Salem by lying and unwitting sabotage, yet the story treated it as if they were in the right despite them offering no alternatives. Any attempts to speak against them were framed as “villainous”, turning once compelling characters into caricatures (Ironwood did nothing wrong). 
When it comes to character conflict, Ruby is always right. No matter what she says or does, her group falls in line no questions asked. That’s not natural. Someone should question her, someone should disagree with her methods and give a different perspective. 
Yang blistered Ozpin for lying about Salem and the Relic, but she was ok with Ruby doing the same thing to Ironwood? It made no sense and made her look like a hypocrite. 
Blake abandoned her friends, yet was welcomed back with open arms with little to no conflict. Even if the audience knew her reasons, her friends didn’t. For all they know she just up and left because she felt like it. Yang talked all this mess about Blake leaving, but didn’t keep that same energy when she came back. 
It’s ok for characters, for friends, to argue and disagree. It’s normal and happens all the time. Let them fight in the beginning of the volume, break up, and come back together in the end. Something. Maybe Ruby has a plan that Blake, Weiss, or sister don’t agree with and their clashing ideas split the group in half for a while. Then you can have the underlying narrative be them coming back together with new ideas to combat Salem when their individual plans don’t work. 
7. Give the Villains A Win
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This is probably the most important thing I want to see. Salem and her forces are supposed to be the most evil group of people the planet has ever seen. A force of nature filled with killers, monsters, and madmen who want nothing more than to watch the world burn...but they haven’t posed a real threat since the Fall of Beacon. 
The show TELLS us Salem is a big deal, but until the end of Volume 7 all we’ve seen her do is sit in her tower and yell about Ozpin. She had yet to directly do anything that made our main characters want to stop her other than “she bad person”. Cinder has had more impact on the plot than her, and she hasn’t been useful since Volume 3. 
The villains NEED win this and the next volume. They need it so the writers can reestablish the stakes and make it so we WANT to see these bad guys defeated. Whether that be killing notable character off, taking the relic and Maiden powers, or dropping Atlas out the sky and destroying both it and Mantle completely, SOMETHING needs to happen to assert the villains dominance again in the plot.  
These are just what I personally want to happen in the next volume. I’m expecting them all to happen, but I least hope one or two of them do. We’ll see how it goes. 
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Words cannot express how much I like the idea of Winter, Weiss, or Whitley being the character inspired by the ‘Beast’ instead of Adam.
I mean, the Beast was born into privilege and wealth, was spoiled, selfish, and arrogant. He was ‘cursed’ into becoming a monster by an outside force, is isolated except for his servants, and also proved to be petty (requiring a life because one of his rose’s were plucked.) The Beast finds some companionship and someone he cares about in Beauty, only to be left alone again, and nearly dies of heartbreak in the absence of being with her (I know, the level of co-dependence.) But Beauty’s love (and guilt at leaving him) brings him back to life and transforms him back to a human, his beastliness falling away. In the Disney version, he’s more sympathetic, he has a magic mirror, has a lot of clear insecurities and self deprecating tendencies, it’s implied that he was turned into a beast when he was a pre-teen, he also is able to let Belle go, and he’s even kind and gentle when he stops being in his own head and taking out his problems on other people, but his early crime that got him turned into a beast was actually cruelty towards a lowly beggar who was seeking shelter from a storm, who he dismissed for being haggard and ugly and sneered at the simple offering of a rose. (And I’m not super fond of the live action Disney Beauty and the Beast, but it’s worth noting that having an abusive father was an addition there.)
I know, I know, RWBY was trying to do their edgy subversions.
But what I don’t like is them choosing to make their ‘Beast’ character a needy oppressed former child slave that got branded like cattle and was unfairly treated like an animal and like he wasn’t even human. And then due to his trauma and desperation to be free and equal, he ‘turned into the monster everyone thought he’d been all along.’ And to quote Adam’s RWBY: Amity Arena card...  "The final traces of love, the beauty he let go, never returns, and as the last petal falls, Adam is cursed to forever remain a beast. Because, in this tale as old as time, there is no happy ending. In this story... HE is the monster." Yeah, sorry, I hate it. Part of the Beast’s whole thing is his wealth and the power he wields over people like the Merchant/Belle’s father and Belle herself. I’m not even going to get into how awful the allegory is in light of their racism/people of color/faunus allegory that they never should’ve even included and how it makes this allegory problematic. But what I am going to say is how much I hate these ‘dark, gritty’ subversions that rarely ever even work well imo. “The Beast, except he’s actually bad,” is like, the coldest take, and anyway, what’s with all the hopeless versions of fairy tales in a show where hope and goodness is supposed to be major themes? Also they’ve now done this with way too many characters. “Cinderella, but she becomes an abuser too.” “Watson, but if he was a criminal.” “The Tin Woodman except if he lost his heart.” “Pinocchio, but if the puppet died the moment it became a human.” I don’t know, I’m sure there’s more. My point is, I don’t like it. XD
Any of the Schnees would be much better as a ‘Beast’ inspiration.
Winter - Born into wealth and privilege, has some level of arrogance and lots of cold behavior, Winter was raised in an abusive household. And I might hate this as a James fan, but the show itself already twisted her time as his right hand into something that made her less than human (eyeroll.) Either Penny or Weiss could be fitted to be a platonic Beauty/Belle role, prodding Winter towards her redemption (and in the case of Winter and Penny even helping to trigger a magical transformation.) Winter then becomes everything she should’ve been and proves there’s more to her than the ice queen exterior and ‘beastliness’ people perceived partially due to her own actions (at least, that’s what the writers were clearly trying to get across.)
Whitley - Born into wealth and privilege, has arrogance, cold behavior and some level of pettiness and selfish behavior. He was raised in an abusive household with some clear neglect, isolated apart from his servants. And he was heavily influenced by his father to be much worse and let his bad traits take over. Whitley had some companionship in Weiss, but she left even before the show started - or alternatively, Weiss’s return home signifies the early stages before Belle/Beauty started seeing past the ‘beastliness’ to the good qualities he has, and Weiss leaves too early, leaving her still considering Whitley nothing more than bad and leaving their resolution open ended. Until season eight when Whitley proves there’s more to him and that he’s more kind and selfless than Weiss had thought.
Weiss - The best option here in my opinion. She had the same sort of privileged and spoiled upbringing as Whitley, manifesting in some similar shared traits like their arrogance, pettiness, selfishness, cold behavior, etc. She as well was severely impacted by the abuse of her father and neglect from both him and her mother. But unlike Whitley, she’s got the mirror motif and is connected to someone who is literally named ‘Ruby Rose.’ On top of that, Weiss is discriminatory and judges by appearances when we first meet her, is dependent on her wealth and status, and yet is often judged by others quickly too (”All my life, boys have only cared about the benefits of my last name,”) some with merit like Blake - the literal Beauty lol. Weiss has to learn to love and let go of not only her father’s way of thinking, but of her own way of thinking to start growing into a truly good, self-possessed person (although sadly we don’t see that growth truly emphasized as Weiss never even apologizes for her treatment of the Faunus.) And that growth doesn’t really even take full effect until she’s separated from the people that she had grown to care about (including rose themed Ruby who fought to see past her prickly and downright awful behavior, full on Belle/Beauty allegory Blake who gave her a second chance and treated her better than she deserved, and described ‘Yellow Beauty’ Yang who seemed to see more in Weiss and enjoy time spent with her despite their huge differences from the start.) Once Weiss rejoins the group, she’s softer, kinder, seems more tolerant (though I know there’s still plenty to complain about in how MKEK continue to write for the faunus plots,) and is overall a much better person. Also, side note, but like the Beast, Weiss does get real close to death, causing a tearful former ‘love interest’ to cry over her unconscious form and trigger what’s essentially magic to heal her and bring her back. 
So... Yeah. I think the ‘Beast’ allusion works much better for the characters of any of the Schnee siblings than it did for Adam.
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dreamer213 · 3 years
Broken Machines: Lights The Dark
Chapter 8: The Charming Things You Say
Penny was feeling uneasy as she finished up her patrol and began her walk to the station. She had brought up what had happened at the end of her lesson to her dad during dinner that night and expressed her confusion with Whitley’s shift in tone. Once she repeated what she’d said about Weiss and Winter her dad told her that she may have unknowingly brought up some bad feelings for him. When Penny questioned how she had done so Pietro just said “ Well how would you feel if you spoke to one of my colleagues and they only know you were my child but because they found out on their own and not because I told them?”. She thought about it a moment and the idea that her own dad, her only family, would not speak about her to his colleagues made her feel so sad and unloved. He then asked her how she thinks Whitley must have felt actually hearing that and she’s felt absolutely horrible ever since. How could she not have notice how cruel her statements had been. Before she had just thought it was odd that she had never heard about him but after seeing his reaction and her dad’s explanation the truth of the situation was all too obvious.
She was still thinking about during the train ride and in the car on her way to the manor. By the time she was at the main entrance and being lead to a lounge room by a maid, Yuko, she gone over dozens of possible apologizes in her head, trying to come up with something to convey how sorry she was about her callous words. She was determined to make things right but she just couldn’t find the right words to say for something like this. She’s still contemplating when she enters the lounge room where Whitley was sitting on the sofa, waiting for her.
Whitley: Good afternoon Ms. Polendina.
Penny: Good afternoon.
There tense in the air as Penny takes a seat at the other end of the sofa, placing her belongings down by her feet, and pulling out the notepad and pen.
Whitley: Ready to continue from yesterday’s session?
Penny: Yes.
Whitley: Alright then, Rule Number 6, when confronted with someone who’s been continuously rude towards you walk away towards the nearest group of people socializing. If the person persist when they get close question them on why they’re following you and polity ask them to stop. Do this loudly enough that people around you hear. Don’t shout, speak clearly, keep your pitch at a normal range but increase your volume. The negative attention the statement will draw towards them should be enough to get them to walk away. Rule Number 7, never interrupt someone, especially when in a group conversation, wait until they’ve completely finished their story or statement then chime in at the first opportunity. Rule Number 8, take a few breaks during longer events like galas or evening parties. If you chat for too long you’ll seem like a gossiper or just plain nosey. Granted there are people known for that sort of behavior in high society but they’re usually more infamous then famous for it. Now this last rule is of a topic of its own all will most likely take up the rest of-
Suddenly Whitley’s scroll rings. He pulls it out and looks at caller id, it’s Octavia.
Whitley: Excuse me for a moment, I have to take this.
He gets and walk out of the room leaving Penny and Yuko alone. Penny looks around and tweedles her fingers still thinking about how to go about apologizing as Yuko watches over her.
Yuko: Would you like to watch some television while you wait for The Young Master to return?
Penny: Hmm, oh no thank you I’m fine.
Yuko: Then would you like some refreshments? Perhaps some tea and cookies?
Penny: No I don’t need anything but thank you for offering Yuko.
Yuko: Of course Ms. Polendina, please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.
Penny thinks for a moment, Yuko was one of the manor maids and had probably work at the manor for some time if she was assigned to watch over a session. So maybe she knew more about the situation with the siblings and could help her try and fix her mistake.
Penny: Actually, there is something I’d like to ask you.
Yuko: Yes?
Penny: How long have you work at the manor?
Yuko: Five years and seven months. Why do you ask?
Penny: I just wanted to know if you knew anything about the relationship between Whitley, Weiss, and Winter.
Yuko’s eyes go wide for a moment, she hangs her head and takes a few deep breaths before answering.
Yuko: That is a very Very touchy subject, so much so that the Master has forbidden the staff to even mention his daughters’ names unprompted, less they be fired immediately.
Penny: And Whitley?
Yuko: As far as I know Young Master and his elder sisters have never been close. Though he doesn’t share the Master’s visceral reaction to the mention of them, it is still a very uncomfortable subject for him.
Penny: Oh..oh no.
Penny puts her hands in her face and her head in her lap. The situation was far worse than she thought, things were so bad between them that their own father didn’t even want to hear their names anymore. And she had brought it up the first week of her etiquette lessons. As if this weren’t already painful enough.
Yuko: Ms. Polendina? Are you feeling unwell?
Penny: I mentioned it. To Whitley yesterday I thought it was just something she didn’t tell me because we don’t talk to each other much. I didn’t know it was this…this…I feel so mean.
Yuko: (Sighs) Please calm down Ms. Polendina, while it was not wise to say anything about them Young Master is quite forgiving. He’s not the type of person to hold an innocent mistake against someone.
Penny: That’s good because I want to apologize but I don’t know if-
Yuko: Then apologize the next chance you get. Waiting and acting pitiful does nothing to fix the situation so don’t delay it.
Penny pulls her head back up and smiles at Yuko.
Penny: I’ll be sure to apologize before I leave today. Thank you for your help Yuko.
Yuko: Of course Ms. Polendina, I am here to serve.
At that moment the door opens again and Whitley walks back in. He still has his scroll out as he walks directly to Penny. He stops in front of her, a small smirk planted on his face.
Whitley: I have some good news for you Ms. Polendina. I just go off a call with Octavia Foxglove, the daughter of one of your suspects. And she’s agreed to have you at her monthly tea party in a couple weeks.
Penny: Really?! That’s amazing! I’ve only been taking lessons here for a three days and you’ve already found an event with someone so close to a suspect so quickly!
Whitley: Well it’s not a hard task when you have connections with every important person, family, or business in the range. But back to the topic at hand I’ll be sending you some details on the party and your target after our lesson but before we can continue Octavia wants a picture of you in advance. She likes to have custom table settings made for each guest with their face printed on the placement cards. And since she’s not a very patient person we need to send it as soon as possible. Now stand up.
Penny obliges and gets up from her seat, while Whitley takes a few steps back and opens the camera app on his scroll. He points the camera at her face while Penny stands at attention, hands behind her back, and smile on her face. After a few quick snaps the picture is taken but as Whitley inspects it he finds it to be very unsatisfactory. While the picture is clear and Penny’s face is in full focus the wall of the lounge room had been so dark that it made everything look desaturated.
Whitley: This won’t do, the walls are far too dark. It’s draining all the color out of the photo.
Penny: Really?
Whitley turns his scroll around to show her the front screen. Penny eyes widened at the sight, though she rarely saw or took pictures of herself Penny could still tell something was off about it. The walls had indeed made everything look much darker, the worse of it being around every piece of black on her body. It was a half body pic so her bow, collar, and the top of her waist were all blending into the background with little bit of the surrounding green, white, and gold of the rest of her outfit peeking through.
Penny: This does look very bad, how do we fix it?
Whitley: We just need better lighting. let’s go the ballroom, if the currents are drawn it should be nice and bright right now.
Yuko already has the door open while Whitley walks towards it, Penny follows behind him and all three leave the lounge. They make their way to the ballroom where sure enough the currents have been drawn however it’s the mid afternoon and the marble floors seem to have just been cleaned and the white pillars waxed. With the sunlight beaming through the windows, shining on clean floor and off the pillars, the room has become very very-
Penny: Bright!
Penny, Whitley, and Yuko cover their eyes shielding their eyes from blinding light bouncing off the freshly clean surfaces.
Whitley: So it’s fairly obvious that we can’t possibly take a picture in here!
Penny: Yes, the camera lens won’t be able to pick up anything with this much light.
Yuko: Then may I suggest we go somewhere less blinding!
Yuko grabs them by an arm each and rush them out of the ballroom. Soon their back in the main hall and begin searching for a better location. They are headed towards the music room where they run into Mary and Sue standing outside the door, Sue spots them first.
Sue: Good afternoon Young Master.
Mary: Good afternoon Young Master and Ms. Polendina, is there something you need from us?
Whitley: Hello Sue, Mary, we’re passing through to use the music room for a moment then we’ll be on our way.
The moment Whitley utters the words “music room” Mary and Sue share a worried look, Sue starts nervously tap her foot and Mary rubs her temples before they turn back to trio.
Sue: I’m sorry Young Master but we can’t allow you to do that.
Whitley: And why is that?
Sue lets out a nervous chuckle then elbows Mary in the arm. She turns and looks at her pleadingly and Mary decides to give in and do the talking for her.
Mary: There’s been a several accidents throughout the manor today. This morning while cleaning the music room someone waxed the floor while others were still working and a maid tripped while carrying a number of different cleaning liquids spilled onto the instruments and the chemical reaction of the now mixed cleaners caused some damage. The repairs being done so no one can enter the room for now.
Whitley: (Sighs) I see, and the others?
Mary: Some equipment in the dance studio had a short and caused a small electrical fire and Mistress fell ill in one of the libraries after brunch.
Whitley: Meaning you couldn’t get her to eat enough food with her wine this morning and she projectile vomited again. Wonderful. That’s truly unfortunate.
Sue: B-but if there’s anything else you need we’re here to hell however we can do to.
Whitley: It’s fine we just trying to find a good location to take a photo, we look elsewhere.
Sue: A photo of what?
Penny: One of me.
Sue: Oooh.
Sue walks up to Penny, hands crossed behind her back, and pushes her face close to Penny’s. Sue circles around the redhead and looks her over. Once she’s done she returns to Mary with a smug smile on her face.
Sue: With her complexion and colors, she’ll look best in natural light with floral/woodland backgrounds.
Sue makes the camera sign with her index and thumbs in front of her right eye.
Sue: Though city night skylines could work to if the lightings right. But since we probably can’t wait for sunset there’s the only one place in the manor that could work with her looks and that’s the garden. With today’s good weather and the right angle, light, and posing, the green and white of her clothing could look very warm and calming plus the sun on her face could really make that red hair look radiant and her eyes pop on camera.
Everyone but Penny stands in stunned silence and looks at Sue, confused by her sudden musings.
Sue: I’m a photography major.
Whitley: I see…that’s good to know.
Mary: She is right though, the garden looks rather nice this time of day and it’s vacant at the moment, so it would a be the perfect option for this task.
Whitley considers it for a moment. After a while he gives them an approving nod the waves over Penny and Yuko and the three starting walking towards the garden. Sue and Mary hang back for bit, Mary looks down at Sue and whisper to her.
Mary: (whisper) Feeling better now that you’ve redeem yourself for your little chemical spill?
Sue: (whisper) That was 98% not my fault and you know that!
Sue then runs to caught up with the rest of the group while Mary trails on slowly behind her. Once at the double doors of the garden Yuko and Sue take a door each and open them, reveal the beautiful greenery of the Schnee Manor Garden. There’s nothing but flowers and trees as far as the eye could see with a white tile paths lining the ground as they enter. Penny skips ahead to go wondering, entranced by the beautiful of the grounds and all it’s foliage while the others are strategizes a plan for this mini photoshoot.
Whitley: Well we’re here, now how are we going about this.
Sue: That’s the hard part of photography, we need to find the right angle and light to put her under to get the shoot. And we also need to consider what kind of scenery we want in the-
Suddenly Sue stops, she staring at something with an intense gaze. The others turn their heads to see what she’s looking at only to see Penny squatting down with her elbows on her knees, balanced on her toes, and hands propping up her head while she stares dreamingly at a patch of pink crocuses.
Sue: This is it. This. Is. The. MOMENT! Young Master get over there, get out your scroll, get within half a foot away from her, get down to her level , and center the camera directly between her upper body, face, and the flowers! NOW!
Whitley quickly complies and goes over to Penny, while she’s absorbed in the flowers he pulls out his scroll then he squats down awkwardly. He’s lining up the shoot, trying to get the lens to focus and when it finally does he’s awestruck. Through his scroll’s camera he see Penny smiling sweetly and sniff the flowers. The warm glow of the sunlight brightening the curls of her bright orange hair, and gave a soft glow to her spring green eyes. The pink of crocus highlights the pinks of her lips and the contrast made her freckle dusted cheeks more pronounced and cute. She looks so natural amongst the flowers like a fairy lost in her own world of warmth and happiness.
Whitley: She looks peaceful, so happy, so-
Whitley shakes his head, there’s no time for this they’re already falling behind schedule. they need this done now.
Whitley: Ms. Polendina, please look over here and smile.
Penny turns her head towards him and gives him a gentle smile. Eyes glued to her gaze, Whitley is taking a few photos when suddenly he feels his heartbeat quicken and once he’s done he still can’t take his eyes off her.
Penny: Does it looks good?
Her question pulls Whitley out of his trance and he stands up heart now ponding in his chest. He turns his scroll around to show her the photos. While they’re looking over the pictures Yuko sneaks up behind Whitley. She stands about a foot away and starts waving her hand over Whitley’s shoulder and in Penny’s direction. Eventually Penny catches her waving out the corner of her eye, when she cox her head to get a better look she sees Yuko mouths “ Now’s your chance”. She’s confused for a second but then she remembers what they talked about earlier and decides to go for it.
Penny: Whitley.
Whitley: Yes.
Penny: I….I am very sorry for what I said yesterday. I did not know that you’re relationship with your sisters wasn’t good I just thought I wasn’t close enough to either for them to tell me about their home lives. I promise you I would never have said anything about them if I knew it was such uncomfortable topic, please forgive me for my rudeness.
Whitley is once again stunned, her integrity was admirable. It takes a lot of courage to admit fault and apologize, something very few people in his life had the capability or desire to do. To have someone so strong be so vulnerable and sincere with him felt….surreal.
Whitley: It’s fine Ms. Polendina, it was an honest mistake I know you didn’t mean any harm. Besides it not like I speak about them too much either, I suppose it’s just the nature of our relationship. Anyway now that we’ve gotten a good photo we can return to our lesson.
Whitley turns around and addresses the maids.
Whitley: Yuko! We’re done here, time to head back to the lounge. Sue and Mary, thank you for your help.
Yuko: Yes, Young Master.
Mary: Of course, Young Master.
Sue: Thank you, Young Master.
Whitley quickly walk towards the doors, Penny and Yuko follow behind him leaving Sue and Mary behind in the garden. Soon they reenter the lounge room, get seated, notepad out, and they’re ready to continue their lesson.
Whitley: Now that that’s been taken care of we can finally get to the most important topic of today’s lesson. Especially since you’ll need to know this subject well to successful at the tea party. Now this subject is something you probably already do in your day to day life but I highly doubt you know how to do it and use it properly. The topic is……how to compliment a person.
Penny: Huh?
Penny tilts her head a little confused but Whitley just smirks and continues.
Whitley: Now I know this sounds very rudimentary but compliments can be a powerful tool when dealing with elites. This is due to one of the major values in high society, vanity. Most elites are extremely vain and thrive off validation. They need people to know and admire how rich, how classy, and absolutely fabulous their lifestyle is, making most weak to flattery and praise. With a little praise you can make uptight elites feel at a bit at ease with you. However there are some rules you must follow to use this value successfully, the first is timing. The first compliment should be given after the first greeting, if your address a group give a general compliment like “You all look absolutely lovely today!” or something similar. If it’s a single person you can be more specific, which can be rather simple if you pay attention to how the person’s behavior and movements. Those who thrive on this kind of validation will make themselves noticeable by wearing the most eye catching outfit and accessories possible, even at most casual of events, and will show off their new pieces to garner even more attention. They’ll play with their rings and hair, twirl around in their dresses, and anything they can think of to show off what they have. This gives you easy objects to identify and praise, for those who aren’t so obvious look for them over discreetly first then compliment whatever you think took the most time, effort, and money to prepare. Now the second rule is the most important to remember, never give to much at once. While compliments are a good tool it can be a double edge sword, too much and you’ll seem like a brown nose, too little and you’ll seem petty.
Penny puts her pen down and raises her hand, Whitley acknowledges this and points to her hand. He can guess what she’s about to ask.
Penny: What does complimenting someone have to with color of my-
Whitley: Brown noser is the term for someone who give excessive praise and compliments in order to gain a person of high standing’s favor. The “brown nose” comes from the less polite term of ass kisser which is derived from the idea that this kind of people were so desperate to get the approval of someone in a higher position that they’d kiss their rear ends if it might they’d something out of it. The “brown nose” comes from the idea being that close to someone’s rear would get a bit of….well you know the only brown substance human creates down there. It’s just a negative metaphor for someone how praises and flatters someone of higher standing in order to get something.
Penny: Oooh. Ewwww.
Whitley: I know, and in order to avoid appearing like one of those people after you’ve payed your first compliment don’t give another for the rest of the conversation unless they actively try to impress you. For that situation set a limit of five compliments for women and three for men.
Penny: Why is there different amount for men and women?
Whitley: Because men don’t need as much validation.
Penny: Is that true?
Whitley: It’s what social norms dictate and in high society that’s all that matters. Now I’d like to see how much you’ve learned today, I want you to compliment three aspects of my physical appearance using my lecture as a guide.
Penny almost drops her pen at Whitley’s outlandish request. Now there was no lack of things Penny could say about his appearance in fact it was quite the opposite. There was so much she could say about him, from his snow white hair to his elegant figure and jewel like eyes there was almost nothing about him Penny didn’t find beautiful. Penny decides to focus on his instructions, he said to look the person over and comment on what most likely took the most effort. Penny stares over at Whitley, who’s sat on the other edge of the sofa, legs crossed with one arm propping up the other as he rest his head on it as he stares back her, waiting patiently for her to speak. Penny feels the drumming in her chest returning but she powers through and continues to ponder until she gathers the courage to finally speak.
Penny: Your outfit looks very nice, it’s very well put together and formal but casual.
Whitley: Well it should, the vest alone was quite an expensive piece. Continue.
Penny: Your haircut is very neat and your hair itself is very pretty. The color and texture reminds me of silk.
Whitley:.…My stylist is known for their skill and I do best to get it right when I have to.
Penny: That’s not surprising you seem very diligent with the up keep of your appearance. Besides your hair and clothing your nails are also nicely manicure and your skin is soft and smooth without any blemishes. Overall you’re truly a beautiful and dashing young man Whitley Schnee.
Whitley slumps forward and face palms. Penny tries to ask what’s wrong but he puts up one of his hands and motions for her to stop.
Whitley: Would appear that I overlooked an important point in my lecture. Rule three, compliments should be a short statement commenting positivity on an aspect of a person’s appearance or personality. It should never be more then a sentence or two and as a young lady you should never give such detailed compliments to a man of any age. It can come off as flirtatious and that is highly improper and inappropriate.
The information hangs in the air for a moment until it finally sets in and Penny realize what he’s insinuating and her face bright red as she becomes overwhelmed with embarrassment.
Penny: I-I didn’t-I wasn’t trying to-I really don’t know-
Whitley: It’s fine, just don’t make the same mistake again, others won’t take it so lightly. You’re dismissed.
Penny: Okay! Goodbye see you tomorrow!
Penny quickly grabs her things and runs out of the room not even waiting for Yuko to escort her, leaving her and Whitley behind in an awkward silence.
Yuko: That was…interesting. She’s a rather odd girl isn’t she Young Mas- YOUNG MASTER!
Yuko looks over at Whitley in shock, his face, neck, and arms, they’d all gone beet red! Yuko rushes over to him, trying figure out how he gotten this way.
Yuko: Young Master are you alright? You’re breaking out into a fever. I’ll call the doctor down immediately! Please-
Whitley: I’m fine Yuko, I just need a minute to breathe. Please give me some space.
Yuko: Yes Young Master.
Yuko leaves the room, once he’s alone Whitley throws his head into his lap as he tries to contain a scream. How could Penny say such things so earnestly! What was she possibly thinking spouting such praise like that!
Whitley: Why? Why did she say all of that! It was a simple task, “compliment my appearance” that was it. There was no reason for her to go into that kind of detail! Was she trying to act like a kiss up or is that really how she sees me?
Whitley was confused by how anyone could say such things so easily. For most of his life kind words had a few uses. They were used for personal gain and control by most elites, sparsely used by the staff as part of their jobs of caring for the manor’s inhabitants, and almost entirely nonexistent with his family. Yet this girl he’s known for such a short time had chosen to praise him so sincerely. She had been there less than a week and had already proven to be far more odd and unpredictable then Whitley could have ever imagined. However as much as he wanted to be annoyed by her actions a part him can’t help but long for tomorrow and their next lesson.
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