#I’ve always found their similarities intriguing
bitethedevil · 3 days
"Raphael feeling loved" anon here! 👋 I found what you wrote incredibly interesting.
However, I don't think I worded my ask clearly/correctly. I more so was curious on how Raphael would react to someone casually appreciating him or doing things that make him feel like he is cared about without anything being explicitly stated to him. Like how someone taking the initiative to just do a simple kind gesture for you (like a co-worker leaving a tin of homemade cookies for you to find on your desk after you helped them with their workload last week) can make you feel appreciated, how someone mentioning that something they saw remind them of you because they thought you might be interested in it (like a friend telling you about a newly opened shop they happened across recently and how it has things related to a niche hobby of yours) can make you feel cared about, etc. Obviously, the things that could/would potentially cause Raphael to feel like that would probably be completely different from the examples I gave and I would hardly be surprised if his reaction to experiencing such feelings would be similar how you described him and being loved, but I'm still curious on your thoughts about it.
Again though, I still greatly enjoyed your thoughts on how this dude would handle (or mishandle) someone explicitly loving and adoring him. I always appreciate how thorough you are in your answers and analyses. It makes them super interesting to read and think about.
Hi again anon!
When it comes to those things, I don’t think it would really rattle him at first. I think he would find it “cute” that another person is interested in him like that, and he would definitely not be shy to exploit it, but I don’t think it would go much further than that if we are talking purely affection. He is the type to keep people at a certain distance, I think.
I’m currently working on a chapter of my fic ‘More Than Our Fathers’ where it is a bit more of a soft Raphael. The woman he is pursuing is a demigoddess. He is interested in what she can do for him, and she is painfully aware and turns him down at every turn for almost a millennium.
(Tiny spoilers for a chapter of it that is not out yet if you read it)
In that, the first time she shows him affection (literally just platonic and casual handholding while she’s a bit drunk), he feels something else than just the achievement of getting closer to her and he h a t e s it. It disgusts him like everything else that makes him feel weak in life does, but he is (obviously) mostly disgusted with himself for even being capable of feeling something like that.
I’ve read somewhere that what is beautiful and lovely to mortals is disgusting and horrible to devils, and vice versa with what is horrible is beautiful to them. I do like the idea of a Raphael who is just on the verge of literally throwing up from those disgusting soft feelings because of his devil part, but yet a bit intrigued because it does feel nice to his human part that he suppresses.
Also leaves space for some delightfully awkward scenarios: Imagine starting a relationship with that idiot and he falls in love, but you can’t do anything too sweet to him, because he won’t stop gagging and making faces when you do as if you are literally torturing him by doing so.
(Thank you for the ask <3)
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schneezburger · 5 months
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“I’m just saying that we’ve already lost all the house staff, and mother locked herself in her room.”
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“I sent them away. How could one expect them to be ruled by someone like me?”
Just two little Prince’s left all alone in their large homes.
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chelseeebe · 1 year
come pick me up.
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part one to do you think i have forgotten (about you)
summary: it had always been you and eddie. but one night and a whole lotta unexplored feelings leave you both reeling and you’re not sure if it ever really was you and eddie.
a/n: ermm this is so so long i’m so sorry already LOL i’ve had it in the drafts for so long but i reread it n rlly liked it so i wanna post hehe! side note: there are ZERO pictures of eddie not in that fuckin hellfire shirt D: i can’t have a grown man wearing that now …
loosely based off of the cook/freddie/effy storyline from skins uk if you’ve seen it you’ll know.,,, they’re like in their early twenties n it’s set sometime in the 90s ish tho it’s not rlly mentioned
no use of y/n! smut, 18+. this is more so stevexreader than eddie but they do have a relationship of sorts n it’s a lil’ complicated.
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the sound of a high pitched alarm screaming jolts you awake. still partially in last nights clothes, the grubby feel of makeup on your face. leg slung over eddie’s torso.
you groan, shoving his arm as he’s still very much asleep, ‘shut up,’ grimacing as the noise continues.
he mumbles something, wildly slapping his arm about to turn off the damn thing.
you run a hand over your face, remnants of your black eyeliner on your hand. that horrid taste in your mouth only found after a night of drinking. which seemed to be just about every night at the moment.
‘why’d you set an alarm, you freak?’ rolling over onto your stomach, perched on your elbows, watching as his eyes slowly open, obviously feeling as shit as you did.
‘i have- had class, you freak,’ he grumbles, looking up at you from the pillow, curly hair fanned out around him.
you scoff, ‘like you were gonna go,’ attempting to rub the rest of your mascara off, sure you looked similar to a wild raccoon.
he hums in response, shuffling under the covers to tangle his leg with your yours, ‘you gonna sort this out for me?’ referring to the obvious morning glory tenting the blanket.
‘you gonna ask nicely?’ you respond, snarling at his crudeness.
whatever he was about to say was interrupted with a knock at the door, ‘we’re coming in, you have five seconds to not be naked,’ robin’s voice echoes.
you look up as robin walks into the room, hand over her eyes until steve gives her a small nudge, indicating the coast is clear, ‘oh good-,’ she sniffs, ‘it smells like weed and sex in here, you’re fucking disgusting.’
‘thanks for reminding me,’ eddie leans over, retrieving the half-smoked spliff from last night and lighting the end.
steve’s eyes are firmly on yours, kinda sad and defeated. he had that same look on his face whenever you and eddie were together, which was often.
you’d sort of always had this.. thing with steve. encapsulated by his presence. there was always something unspoken between you and you were never sure if it was because he hated you or not. small glances and touches that seemed to linger just a bit too long.
you’d sorta taken his best friend from him at one point, coming between their friendship suddenly and with no warning.
steve was intrigued by you too. this mystical, unobtainable persona you presented to the world. something he couldn’t crack. just couldn’t quite understand it.
‘we’re getting breakfast, i was going to ask if you wanted to join but i assume that won’t be happening,’ she raises her eyebrows, noticing your severely hungover state.
they liked to party too, just clearly not as much as you and eddie. both of you had no understanding of when to call it a night, egging each other on til the point of no return.
‘i think we’ll give that a miss,’ eddie’s answers for the both of you. steve’s eyes immediately look down, suddenly interesting in the burn marks in eddie’s carpet.
you’d actually met steve first, on the first day of classes in freshmen year. you went over to a sheepish steve, who looked slightly scared, and obviously lost. offering him the directions to his room.
he’d smiled back, introducing himself to you on the way. appreciative of your kindness. you probably wouldn’t have helped if he didn’t look like that, but still, it was nice.
that’s when eddie had bounded over, all hair and denim. loudly taking over your conversation, introducing himself with a smirk, hand already creeping onto your lower back. that’s when steve had nodded towards him and informed you of their already established friendship.
you weren’t really sure when it became you and eddie. well, it wasn’t. not officially. god, you didn’t want official. he was fun to fuck and even better to party with. maybe the fact he dealt had been a factor in solidifying your strange relationship. maybe not.
robin rolls her eyes, ‘right, well you boring fucks can rot in bed all day, suit yourselves,’ ushering steve out of the door, slamming it behind her.
you blink, hating this awful, guilty feeling steve always left in your stomach. you’d tear a guy like him to shreds, maybe it was for the best.
whatever self-wallowing, steve-centric thoughts you had are interrupted when eddie’s arm snakes around your back, pulling you onto him.
‘i still need a little assistance here,’ he grins from beneath you, running his hand down your back, firmly grasping your exposed ass as you clamber on top properly.
you try your damn hardest to push the reflecting image of steve from your mind. though it doesn’t quite work until eddie’s calloused palm softly taps against your cheek, ‘anyone in there?’
you frown, returning the playful slap as you grind mindlessly against him, his fingers digging into the pliant skin of your ass.
‘you can do that again.’
eddie hadn’t shut up about his birthday for weeks. you’d all planned to go to the same bar you went to most weekends, except this time everyone had to go and he got to be centre of attention.
he’d been pissing you off all night. obviously far too drunk, jaw clenching from the copious amounts of shit he’d sniffed. hanging from your shoulder, speaking over you and splashing beer down your top as he slurred through his words.
‘i think we’re gonna head home,’ steve speaks up when you exit the bar, eddie already looking for the next place.
‘whaat? you’re fucking boring,’ he pokes a finger into steve’s chest, far too intoxicated, ‘you’re staying out, right?’ he looks over to jonathan, argyle and nancy who also shared an apartment not far from yours.
‘nah man.. it’s late, it’s been fun though,’ jonathan shrugs as nancy finds a taxi to take them home.
‘fuuuck you guys are really ditching me on my birthday? at least you won’t let me down,’ his arm hooks around your shoulder, yanking you into him.
you pull back, which wasn’t particularly hard in his state, ‘get off of me.. can i get a ride with you?’ looking over at steve, his hands cautiously poking out of his pockets.
he nods sheepishly as eddie practically erupts, ‘it’s my fucking birthday, and you fucking losers are going home?’ he’s screeching, throwing his arms around, making a royal scene in the middle of the street.
robin finds a cab willing to take the group of you home, calling you over to the yellow vehicle, ‘eddie let’s just go home, it’s late,’ attempting to coax him into going with you. you’d deal with his shit in the privacy of his bedroom.
he laughs, turning away from you and walking up the dimly lit street, ‘you.. you can get fucked,’ he slurs, disappearing into a nearby bar.
steve stands at the cab door, watching as you frown at eddie’s back. internally deciding whether to give in and follow him or to leave like you’d originally planned.
you let out an exasperated sigh, ‘he can go fuck himself,’ you spit as you slide into the back of the cab. steve follows, shutting the door behind him, flashing you a small cautious look as the cab pulls off.
you collapse onto the sofa the second you set foot in the apartment. completely at your wits end with eddie and his the way he spoke to you.
‘i’m going to bed,’ robin announces, slinking into her own room, leaving steve to awkwardly linger in the living room.
you didn’t want to worry about eddie. he was a grown man who could definitely handle his own. besides, why should you when he’d explicitly told you to fuck off?
steve clears his throat before taking the empty seat beside you, ‘he didn’t mean it.. it’s just drunk talking,’ he nods, attempting to reassure you.
it wasn’t as if you were really upset about it all. more so annoyed that you’d let him treat you that way. continually. over and over again.
whatever the fuck was going on between the two of you had started to wear thin. there were only so many times you could put up with his shit before it got tired.
eddie could be a horrible drunk. it wasn’t often but when that version of him came out you’d prefer to be far far from it. he was cruel with his words, venomous as they rolled off his tongue. then you’d get into a screaming match and then either end up hate-fucking or you’d just both never bring it up again.
‘no, he did,’ you sigh, kicking the shoes from your feet with a thud, ‘i don’t care.. really.’
‘right,’ he nods, not totally believing you, ‘y’wanna smoke?’
a small smile creeps onto your face as he reaches for the small black box eddie kept on the table, pulling out a small baggie of weed, something eddie definitely wouldn’t miss. he didn’t even need your reply, beginning to roll up.
perhaps you’d smoked a little too much, sputtering on the final toke of your second or third spliff before handing it back to steve. he sits on the other side, an awful lot closer than he’d been originally.
it was quiet, but comfortable. not awkward at all.
‘y’know..’ he speaks up, looking over at you, ‘actually.. nah,’ changing his mind almost immediately.
‘no.. what? what were you gonna say?’ you furrow your brows, vision hazy, the room full of grey smoke.
he sort of chuckles to himself, stubbing the end of the joint out in the glass ashtray before looking at you again, ‘it’s stupid,’ he warns.
‘even better.. tell me,’ you nod, encouraging him to go on.
he pauses for a moment, a tiny smile on his pink lips, ‘i always thought.. well, that you and me were gonna end up together, i thought you liked me for the longest time,’ shaking his head as he looks down.
your heart thuds. a mixture of your high and the unidentifiable emotion coursing through your veins. there was no questions to being with eddie. it was simple, sex and parties. no complicated feelings involved.
but within a second, steve had completely changed everything. a feeling you’d suppressed since your situationship with eddie had started. completely convinced that the odd relationship you had with steve was just because you were banging his best friend.
‘i didn’t.. i didn’t know you felt like that..’ you manage to get out quietly, watching as he slowly stands up, he doesn’t look at you once. too ashamed, embarrassed that he’d just admitted everything to you so easily.
‘well, now you know,’ he says quietly before disappearing into his room.
you linger on the couch for a moment. unsure of what to think of anything he’d just said. whether you should knock on his door and tell him you’d felt the same or just go off to your own room and wait for eddie to crawl in.
it wasn’t as if you felt nothing at all for eddie. you did, of course. but you didn’t love him. not the way you maybe should’ve. not the way you felt about steve, his gentle nature and soft caramel tinted eyes.
you stand from the couch, feet taking control as you walk to his door. a small slither of orange light peaking from underneath. raising your fist to knock but stopping, arguing with yourself. this couldn’t be a good idea.
before you can even convince yourself to knock, the door opens. steve stands on the other side, his own chest heaving as your eyes meet.
‘i-,’ he croaks, but you cut him off with your lips, pulling back just as quickly as you’d moved forwards.
you stare at him for a few moments, swallowing all the courage you’d just worked up.
‘..now you know,’ giving him a meek smile before walking back to your room. you lean back against the door, heart beating a million miles an hour.
a repetitive banging sound forces you awake in the morning. hissing as the sounds of an extremely dramatic moan get louder. high-pitched and obviously put on.
it takes a moment for you to realise just where the noise is coming from. eddie’s room backs onto yours. the headboard colliding with the wall at an alarming pace.
you stumble out of bed, throwing on an old dirty sweater and groggily making your way into the living room.
steve sits slumped over the table, looking particularly miserable this morning. despite what had happened last night. you wondered if he’d told robin who sat scowling at the door. steam practically coming out of her ears.
her eyes widen as you appear in the doorway, rubbing the residual sleep from your eyes, eyes flitting between your frame and the wooden door.
‘well shit, i was about to cuss you out,’ she remarks, astonished that you were stood in front of her.
steve’s whole face brightens when he realises you’re stood in front of him and not in the room making those god-awful, oscar worthy noises.
‘if that’s not you.. who the fuck is in there?’ robin gasps, now utterly bemused by the entire situation.
you shrug, choosing the seat opposite steve, making brief eye contact and flashing him a small smile. would he bring up last night? or was it never to be spoken about again?
relief is written all over his face. obviously under the impression that you’d made up with eddie at some point in the night. not once checking that you were in your room.
‘jesus christ i’m gonna kill him,’ robin fumes, sipping on a mug of coffee. her eyes are narrowed, attempting to set the room ablaze with her mind.
‘it won’t last long,’ you add, reaching over to steal a slice of steve’s buttered toast. he lets you, obviously. letting out a soft snort at your joke.
‘nothing is that good,’ robin shakes her head.
the noises quieten, a shrill giggle coming from the hallway as a scantily clad blonde appears in the doorway, closely followed by eddie, sporting a pair of boxers that hid absolutely nothing.
‘that way,’ he groans, guiding the smiling woman away towards the bathroom. his eyes momentarily meeting yours, total venom behind his glare.
robin jumps up, splashing coffee over the floor, ‘don’t you dare think about fucking in my bathroom,’ she warns, chasing after the odd couple.
you can hear an altercation as presumably eddie slams the bathroom door on robin, her fists pounding against the wood, hollering about her new bath mat.
steve glances at you, searching your face for any type of reaction. he doesn't find anything, instead you smile softly as robin re-enters the room, cursing at the bastard freak. she grabs her bag, slinging it onto her shoulder before stomping over to the door.
'i'm going out, let me know when he's done with his weird exhibitionist routine,' slamming the door as she exits, the poorly built walls shaking as she does.
there's a faint sound of running water, obviously coming from the bathroom, closely followed by a series of questionable grunts and groans. you choose to try and block it out, though engaging in conversation with steve at this very moment seemed almost too awkward.
'did you tell robin?' you pipe up, playing with your fingernails as you just about meet his gaze.
'uh.. yeah,' he grimaces slightly, 'i-i just thought.. well i thought that was you this morning, i was.. confused,' apologetic for his blunder.
you nod, 'i don't care.. i just wanna prepare for the inevitable grilling i'm gonna get,' chuckling in an attempt to ease the tension. it works as his lips curl into a small, playing with the discarded crusts on his plate.
the god-awful noises from the bathroom worsen and your eyes are pulled from steve, looking towards the cause. perhaps this was eddie's way of making you jealous. revenge for choosing to go home and not put up with his drunken assholery.
you’re sat tracing patterns into the velvet fabric of the sofa, practically shaking as you wait for steve to get back from campus.
he was your friend for fuck sake. why was this so nerve wracking? ask him to hang out, if he says no then so be it. you’ll deal with the awkwardness of your shared kiss alongside eddie’s misguided anger.
he’s later than you’d expected. becoming far too engrossed in the random soap opera on the tv when he does eventually get back. almost forgetting about what you’d got yourself so worked up over.
‘hey,’ waving his fingers as he comes in.
christ, he almost seemed more nervous than you were.
‘hey,’ not wanting to jump down his throat the second he walked in the door, turning the tv off and running your palms down the sofa.
‘spoken to eddie?’ he asks curiously, slinging his bag from his shoulder and slumping down next to you on the couch.
‘nah.. he went out this morning and hasn’t been back,’ you shrug, wishing that he wouldn’t have just bought that prick up.
he nods, looking down at his jeans, finding a loose thread to play with.
‘would yo-,’
‘d’ya wanna-,’
you both start at the same time, stopping to let him continue except he’d done the same thing. sitting in the silence for a brief moment.
you chuckle nervously, ‘sorry, what were you saying?’
‘i was just gonna ask if you wanted to.. maybe do something tonight? if- if you’re not busy,’ shrugging it off, trying his hardest to play it cool.
‘oh,’ laughing softly, the pair of you were like nervy teenagers, comical, ‘i was gonna ask you the same thing.. yeah i’d love to.’
steve grins, transported back to freshman year of high school, trying to find the gall to ask tammy thompson to the fucking movies. it all seemed so childish, innocent, the way you melted around each other.
‘okay.. i’ll get changed, give me five,’ he nods, leaping from the sofa and speeding off to his room.
you bite down onto your bottom lip, trying to contain your smile. kicking yourself for the adolescent excitement it gave you.
the bar was packed for a wednesday night, steve shouldering his way through the crowd with you following closely behind. not brave enough to cling onto his hand, wrapping your fingers around his forearm instead.
‘jesus christ,’ he exclaims when he finds a spot just about big enough for you both to stand. you were close. closer than you’d ever been. at least in public.
you hold onto the glass bottle he’d passed you from the bar, ‘d’ya wanna go somewhere else?’
‘what?’ he shouts, the music too loud to hear you properly.
you lean in closer, lips brushing against his ear, the feeling makes your heart pound, ‘you wanna go somewhere else?’
placing his hand on your arm so he could shout back, the mixture of his cologne and beer filling your nose. it was intoxicating, making your head giddy.
‘i’m good if you are,’ wisps of his hair sweeping against your cheek.
you nod, beaming up at him as you take a swig of the harsh beer. the crowd seemingly disappearing from around you as his eyes focus on you, his own smile overcoming his face.
okay, perhaps you’d had a little too much to drink. but a little dutch confidence never hurt anyone.
you’re definitely not complaining when you grab his hand on the way out of the bar, quickly intertwining your fingers as he weaves his way to the door. still as packed as when you’d got there.
you giggle as he trips over the step coming into the bar, sending you flying into his back as he regains his balance.
his hand is quick to steady you, resting on your waist. the street light illuminating the gleam of his eyes, slightly glossy from the multiple beers he’d sunk inside.
a drunk student roars past you, snapping you out of the moment, steve’s hand still lingering on your waist. something that would’ve never happened if he were sober.
‘shall we go home?’ you ask, not breaking from his gaze.
he nods, moving his hand to offer it out for you to grab. leading you over to an empty cab, leaning through the front window to talk to the driver.
the drive home is heavy with tension. sitting in silence as steve makes polite conversation with the driver, fingers still wrapped around yours. heart thumping as you near your street.
the apartment dark and silent when you get in, the only light coming from the old fairy lights robin had hung around the room. there’s no hesitation, your hands grabbing his cheeks, smashing your lips to his the second the front door closes.
it takes a moment for him to realise what was happening, hands quickly finding solace on the small of your back when it clicks properly. it’s greedy and desperate, tongue sliding into his mouth, wanting to touch every inch of him.
hands sliding down his chest, grabbing at the fabric, his leg slotting between yours, guiding you backwards. straight into the coffee table with a bang.
you spring apart, eyeing eddie’s room cautiously, saying a silent prayer and hoping he didn’t come out.
steve’s eager to resume, eyes hungry as they flit between eddie’s door and your face.
you pull back completely, taking your lip between your teeth and hooking your finger around his pinky, leading the way to his bedroom. it was the furthest away from eddie’s and made the most sense.
he shuts the door gently, flicking the small bedside lamp on, illuminating the obvious tent in his jeans. your mouth falling open at the sight of it, rubbing your thighs together to try and satiate the growing throbbing.
you’re quick to resume the kiss, moving on him swiftly, connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. he collapses backwards onto the bed, your body falling on top of his chest, hands caressing his cheeks.
the next moment you find yourself underneath steve, pressed into the mattress as he holds himself above you. eager hands finding the short hem of your skirt and sliding underneath on the soft skin of your thighs. you had never seen him move with such confidence before, normally a little shy in the way he carried himself.
his finger hooks into the waistband of your lacy panties, tugging them down to your thighs. his growing erection digging into your core with every movement. moaning into his mouth when his finger begins circling your sensitive clit. this had definitely killed any and all assumptions that he was a virgin.
it’s as if he had been waiting for this very moment for his entire life, sliding his fingers between your folds and into your already soaking hole, your mouth falling from his as your head rolls back onto the pillow.
‘oh my god,’ a breathy moan escaping from your lips as his fingers pump in and out, his other hand causing a dip in the pillow next to your head.
his fingers slip out of you and begin to unbuckle his belt, barely getting them down and around his legs before his cock springs up. bigger than you ever could’ve imagined, mouth hung open as your peer down between your bodies.
your shirt is pulled off over your head so quickly you weren’t sure if you had blinked, landing on the floor alongside his with a soft thunk.
you draw your eyes back up to meet his once more, ‘you’re sure?’ he reaffirms, pupils dilated, wetting his lips with his pink tongue.
‘so sure,’ nodding encouragingly underneath him, readjusting your legs to loosely wrap around his torso. you’d never been more sure of anything in your life.
he returns the nod, positioning himself at your sopping entrance and without breaking eye contact he slides in with a sharp intake of breath. you can’t contain the whimper that collects in your throat, the stretch of his cock taking you by surprise. the sting felt good, like he was always supposed to be there between your legs.
he’s still, waiting for your encouragement to move. you give it in the form of a squeeze on the back of his neck, clinging on to the skin as his hips move slowly. low, hungry grunts roll from his lips, the bed frame creaking in time with his thrusts.
‘fuck,’ you breathe out, taking your bottom lip between your teeth acutely aware that eddie was only a few doors away and could definitely hear the happenings in the room. even if you could manage to stifle yourself, the undeniable sounds of skin against skin would expose you.
‘is that- is that good?’ steve mumbles, moving slow but hitting deep, nudging against your soft spot, already hurtling you towards your orgasm.
‘jesus christ.. yes, yes,’ beginning to buck your hips back against him, feeling the familiar knot in your stomach. finger nails leaving crescent moon shapes in his skin as tears prick in your eyes.
steve groans as his heavy balls slap against the back of your thighs, pushing himself fully inside, ‘i’m not.. hmph.. not gonna last long,’ arm beginning to buckle with the weight of him.
you clench around him as your high topples over at his words, burying your face into the pillow next to you. unable to withhold the high pitched wail from leaving your mouth, barely managing to muffle the sound.
his rhythm falters, hips slamming into yours for the last few desperate pumps before he pulls himself out. thick ropes of cum spurting out and onto his hand. and the bed. and your thigh. crying out as his chest heaves above you.
‘holy shit,’ his arm gives way and he ends up next to you on the mattress, panting for air as he reaches for a dirty shirt on the floor, using the first thing he could find to clean off his hand.
you turn your head to face him, a lazy smile on your face as he offers the shirt out to you, mouthing a small sorry.
he throws it to the other side of the room, running a hand over his damp face, ‘i uh.. i last way longer normally,’ bashful and doubting his performance. it was only because it was you.
‘steve,’ you smile, grabbing his blanket to pull over your body, ‘don’t do that,’ seeing the shy boy from once before, you much preferred the steve from earlier.. confident and sure of himself.
‘yeah.. sorry,’ his lips curling into a soft smile, turning his body towards yours, arm snaking out to pull you closer, clammy palm resting on the small of your back.
you giggle quietly in response, settling in to your new position, sharing the blanket with him.
your eyes don’t leave each other’s as he begins to babble about something from the bar, clinging onto your skin as if you were somehow going to slip away.
you hadn’t even realised that you’d fallen asleep in steve’s room.
so when eddie comes in unannounced in the early morning, you thank your lucky stars that you’re facing the wall with steve’s body hiding yours. shoving your face into the pillow to hide yourself, hair sprawled around you, helping your case.
‘yo.. bro,’ he whispers, stepping into the room and over a pile of clothes, ‘good night?’ he cocks his eyebrow at steve as he turns around, glaring at the interruption.
‘uh.. yeah yeah,’ steve panics, realising what eddie had walked into and the chaos that’d ensue if he figured it out, his arm tightens around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
‘sounded like it,’ eddie chuckles, shaking his boot to rid it of the discarded shirt on the floor, ‘look, have you got ten bucks? i can give it back tomorrow,’ he bargains, smiling at steve.
‘yeah.. yeah, my wallet’s on the desk,’ steve nods towards the desk, adjusting himself to make sure he was covering you when eddie stomps over to the desk.
ten dollars was a worthy sacrifice to not have to deal with eddie’s temper tantrum in the morning. it wasn’t like he’d never find out. just not now.
‘thanks bro.. i’ll get it back to you tomorrow, hey,’ eddie rubs his stubbly face, ‘d’you know if dickhead’s in? i knocked but, uh.. no answer,’ quite obviously referring to you.
you have to resist the urge to sit up and cuss him out.
‘uhh.. no, no idea sorry,’ steve shakes his head apologetically, lying through his teeth.
‘alright well, have fun,’ wiggling his eyebrows as he exits, closing the door softly.
you exhale when the door clicks shut, though you stay in the same position, not entirely convinced he’s not stood outside the door listening.
‘don’t speak,’ you mouth to steve, who looks wearily at you until the front door closes and you fully turn to face him.
‘jesus christ,’ you breathe, ‘he doesn’t knock?’
‘usually he does.. i bet he wanted to see who was in here,’ his arm twitches, unsure of whether to keep clinging on to your waist or to remove it.
‘i mean,’ you shrug, ‘he’ll found out eventually, right?’ it was inevitable, especially as you were living together.
‘i s’pose.. you don’t care?’ taken aback by your nonchalance towards the situation.
‘not really.. i just don’t think he needs to know, not yet,’ you croak, he had literally just banged another chick practically right in front of you. any guilt you may have felt about the situation had disappeared.
‘yeah,’ he gives you a tired smile, nuzzling his head into the pillow, all soft and sweet.
‘i dunno about you but i’m going back to sleep, until at least lunch,’ your hand running along the curve of his bicep, mere inches away from each other.
he hums in response, his lingering arm pulling your waist closer, eyes drooping as sleep takes over.
you’re awoken again by the slam of the front door, robin leaving for work. letting steve know that everyone in the apartment could hear your late night activities.
steve grumbles, complaining about her heavy-handedness. you leer over at the alarm clock, wanting to get out of steve’s room before eddie gets back from work, making sure there were no possible chances of awkward questions this afternoon.
‘shit,’ you hiss, climbing over his still half-asleep body and grabbing whatever t-shirt you could find, pulling it on over your head, ‘eddie’s back in like five.. i’m gonna get out of here now, saves the aggro..,’ slipping into your discarded underwear.
‘right.. good idea,’ he mumbles, one arm folded underneath his pillow as he comes to fully.
you sprint out of there and into the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal when eddie strolls through the door, whistling some tune to himself. he glances at you before taking a seat at the cluttered dining table.
you don’t say a word, discarding your plan to sit at the table and instead tucking in to your cereal on the counter, pretending to read some flyer.
‘where were you last night?’ he asks, leaning back on the chair to get a full view of you, ‘i knocked on your door but..’ narrowing his eyes.
‘i was probably fuckin’ asleep,’ shoving another spoonful of cereal into your mouth, making brief eye contact with the man.
he squints, trying to figure out why that shirt was so fucking familiar. was it his? were you wearing his shirt in some weird goading way?
steve emerges from his room, shirtless and running a hand from his messy hair. eddie’s eyes flit between the shirt and steve. cogs slowly turning in his brain.
no. no the shirt wasn’t his.
it was the fucking shirt he’d kicked off of his foot when he’d stormed into steve’s room this morning. same boring design printed on the front.
on you.
from steve’s floor.
the night after steve had, very loudly, had a female friend over.
you’re oblivious, focussing on your bowl of soggy cornflakes as steve clatters around behind you. making his own bowl. neither of you looking at each other, making everything ten times more obvious.
‘you’re fuckin’ joking,’ he loudly proclaims, standing from the table, nearly sending the chair flying backwards.
your head shoots up, confused by what he had seemingly angered himself over now, ‘what?’ eyebrows knitted together as he storms over, mouth hung open in disbelief.
‘you fucked him?’ jabbing his finger at steve, ‘my best friend?’ arms flying around in anger.
you look to steve for some help, eddie positively fuming, his jaw clenched at your lack of an answer. in fact, your reaction, or lack thereof, had only solidified everything.
‘no,’ you eventually croak, ‘i- we-, that wasn’t me,’ stuttering for some excuse, though you know he didn’t buy a word of it.
eddie’s face twists up in a mix of anger and hurt, eyes glossing over as his lips tremble, ‘eddie-,’ steve begins, cut off as eddie storms out of the tiny kitchen, grabbing his wallet from the table and pausing when he opens the front door.
‘you deserve each other,’ he snarls before disappearing, shaking the walls with his violent slam of the door.
you stare at steve in silent disbelief, dropping the spoon into your discarded bowl. you’d predicted his reaction to go something along the lines of that, just not expecting it so soon. hoping to have prepared a solid speech in the meantime.
‘it’s okay.. h-he was gonna find out eventually.. he’ll calm down,’ steve tries to soothe you, well aware that eddie held onto his anger, let it simmered until it all bubbled over and some poor soul got the brunt of months of rage.
you want to feel bad, feel guilty but when steve’s hand sits on top of yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze, it vanishes. his chestnut eyes providing a sense of comfort you’d never felt before.
you were used to eddie being out. missing in action for days on end. but by the fourth day of him not coming back to the apartment, the pit in your stomach starts to worsen.
the guilt had caught up to you, as if you were the one who had shoved him out of the door. you had, in a metaphorical sense.
the first few days were, nice. though you felt worse for even feeling that. but, you’d been hanging out with steve more. it was different to before, getting to know his personal quirks, the things that made him tick. something you would’ve brushed off before.
you were friends, sure. you hadn’t really had the opportunity to get to know him like this before. it would’ve felt like some sort of betrayal to eddie. even though in some ways the way it had come about now was much worse.
on the fifth day, you’re sat on the couch with steve. picking the hangnail from your finger, wincing as it started to bleed.
‘d’you think he might’ve gone home?’ you ask, looking up at steve who was spaced out next to you.
they were from the same small town, had started out sharing classes in high school and had since been friends. admittedly growing apart when you’d come into the picture. you’d heard stories from the others about how close they used to be, never apart, according to jonathan.
‘i dunno.. he hates hawkins,’ steve shrugs, seeing the worry spread across your face, ‘but i could call his uncle? see if he’s there?’
you nod, thumb in your mouth trying to pull off more of the sore skin. he gets up to grab his phone, already dialling the number when he comes back into the room.
‘hey! wayne.. it’s steve- yeah yeah, i’m good man.. i was just wondering if eddie was there? oh no, uh- well.. we haven’t heard from him in a few days, y’know what he’s like… sure, thanks man,’ clicking the button and ending the call.
he looks over at you, a pitying look on his face as he shakes his head no.
‘i’m sure he’s alright.. he’s dramatic, you know that,’ he collapses onto the couch, this time closer than before, nudging your elbow with a weak smile.
you were well versed with eddie’s dramatic personality. having dealt with his temper tantrums and storm outs for years now. though, it had never seemed this bad before.
realistically, you knew he was probably crashing on a friend’s sofa. overstaying his welcome and partying too much. he was likely coming down from some insane party as you sat thinking about him.
‘i just.. feel bad,’ you whisper, leaning into steve’s side. his arm reaches around to your shoulder, rubbing softly against your arm.
‘i know..i do too,’ he admits, you and eddie hadn’t been a romantic thing. not even really a thing, if you were being honest. it was sex and partying, getting completely trashed and using each other in an attempt to fill the void inside of you both.
but steve and eddie had been friends for years now. they’d argued over the stupidest shit but never something like a girl. steve had had to genuinely weigh up whether his friendship with eddie was worth losing.
if eddie couldn’t get over it, would steve be able to repress his feelings for you? or would he be fine with losing eddie if it meant that you were together?
when robin gets back from work, she narrows her eyes at the two of you curled up against each other, ‘is this gonna be a regular thing?’
‘would you have a problem with it if it was?’ you ask, watching as she dumps her back and slumps on the empty seat.
‘oh no, i’m just thinking about how much peace and quiet i’ll get if you and eddie aren’t screaming at each other every day,’ kicking her doc martens from her feet and leaning into the cushions.
‘if he comes back,’ you remind her.
she hadn’t really seemed too fazed when he’d stormed out. thankful for no more early morning wake up calls from his wooden bed frame. but you can tell that even she was beginning to feel at least a tiny bit worried.
‘he still not called?’
you shake your head, ‘no one’s seen him, he’s not home.. i guess we’ve just gotta wait til he’s calmed down,’ shrugging, more so trying to convince yourself rather than her.
no matter what, eddie had a special place in your heart. even if it wasn’t love in the romantic sense, there was too much there to disregard that. he was your best friend at one point, how could you?
it’s another five days of fretting and concern before you hear a word from him. your phone rings in the middle of the night and you sit up, feeling along the nightstand for the buzzing plastic. an unrecognised number.
‘hello?’ you speak into the receiver.
steve stirs, waking up at the sound of your voice. admittedly, you’d been sleeping in his bed. sharing kisses and late-night chats about just about everything. it all felt very quick, but just right. like now that’d you’d both realised that you could have this, that anything other than this felt wrong.
‘hi,’ eddie’s voice rings out, recognisable even through the phone.
‘eddie? you’re okay? where are you?’ you babble, steve sits up at the mention of his name.
‘i’m uh- with my dad, i just, listen.. i need you to bring me some shit.. we’re going away and i’ve got nothing with me,’ his voice crackles and you can hear him shift around in the payphone box.
‘what? you’re going where? where are you?’ baffled, unsure if you were still asleep and not understanding him.
‘away, i’m staying in porter.. look, can you do it?’
‘eddie that’s-,’ but you stop yourself, ‘yeah, sure.. when?’
‘tomorrow, i just need some clothes, my watch and my savings.. they’re under my mattress.. tiny box, you’ll see it,’ he rushes, running out of minutes.
‘o-okay, where shall i meet you? i don’t know it well,’ you garble, nodding at steve when he mouths a confused porters?
‘little bar called sam’s.. i’ll be in there, i’ve gotta go, this thing’s running out,’ he sighs, muttering a small, ‘thank you,’ before the line goes dead.
‘he’s at the fucking beach.. wants me to drop some shit for him.. he said he’s with his dad? i-i thought his dad left..?’
‘he did,’ steve looks puzzled, taking the phone from your clutch and looking at the withheld number, trying to figure out if he could call it back, ‘he left years ago..’
eddie’s smile falters when he notices that you’d bought steve and robin along. steve dropping your hand the second his eyes meet eddie’s.
‘what the fuck are you doing here?’ the chair scraping the wooden floor as he stands abruptly.
the man you can only assume is his dad looks over, gripping onto the beer bottle, eyes flitting between his son and your trio.
‘eddie.. i asked them to, we wanted to know if you were okay,’ your voice shakes, frowning when he scowls at you. you’ve pissed him off, again.
‘i called you because i trusted you, not him,’ he spits, walking over to where you were stood by the door, ‘where’s my shit?’
‘it’s in the car,’ quickly coming up with a lie, trying to keep him talking for as long as possible, ‘i need to talk to you.. before you.. leave,’ you pout, trying to get him away from his dad.
‘about?’ he hits back harshly, still upset that you’d even dared to bring steve along.
‘about.. everything,’ you exhale shakily, ‘give me five minutes, please.’
he looks back at his dad who checks his watch before shrugging. he couldn’t give a less of a shit as long he got this promised money.
‘fine,’ he says through gritted teeth, storming past a gormless steve and robin and exiting the restaurant.
you glance at steve before following him out, not sure how much longer you could convince him you’d bought everything he’d asked for.
he’s already lighting up a cigarette when you reach the street, perched against the windowsill in days-old clothes. he looked a mess. even worse than his usual gritty self. eye-bags and a sunken face to match.
you breathe out, how do you even start a conversation like this? sorry i fucked your best friend but i actually really like him was probably not the best way to go about it.
‘i’m sorry,’ seemed like the best place to start, ‘it wasn’t fair to you.. what i- we did.. i can’t tell you how shit it makes me feel.. to know that i hurt you.’
he blows the smoke out of his mouth, expressionless, ‘okay.’
is that it? after his great big performance that was all he could say?
‘i said, okay.. what d’you expect me to do? start crying and begging you to love me?’ scoffing as he takes a long draw of the cigarette. his eyes cold, merciless as he glares at you.
‘you ran away.. made everyone worried sick about you.. and all you can say is okay?’
he shrugs, ‘i’m over it.. you’re welcome to each other,’ stubbing the cigarette out on the brick wall, stepping closer to you.
your mouth opens and shuts, flabbergasted by his stinking attitude, ‘shout at me, scream.. fuck- hit me if you want to.. stop pretending like you don’t care.. because i know you eddie munson and i know you do.’
his eyes narrow, intimidating as he towers above, ‘i don’t give a shit, you’re only upset because you want me to.. that’s too bad,’ his adam’s apple bobs, a tell-tale sign that he was lying.
your eyes search his for anything. a glimmer of weakness.
but his eyes are stern, emotionless as his brows thread together.
the door to the bar creaks open and his dad stomps out, muttering to himself, ‘c’mon son, let’s get the fuck out of here,’ replacing eddie’s spot on the windowless ledge and lighting his own cigarette.
he doesn’t break eye contact, ‘i’m gonna take a leak and then i want my shit,’ jaw tense as he barges through the door.
you squeeze your eyes shut, biting onto your bottom lip before cricking your neck. that hadn’t gone exactly to plan. now what the fuck were you gonna do when he realised you hadn’t brought the one thing he’d asked for.
‘i know what women like you do,’ his dad speaks up, taking a long drag on the cigarette, ‘you don’t get to fuck up his life and then happily move on.’
eyes springing open when you realise he’s talking to you, ‘what the fuck did you just say?’
he laughs, a deep belly-laugh, ‘you heard.’
you’d love to smash the smug look from his dirty face. knock his head into the brick wall and drag eddie kicking and screaming back to steve’s cat whether he liked it or not.
‘women like me? the only person who cares enough to drive all the way out to this shithole to save your son? is that what you meant?’ stepping up towards him, as if you were even capable of doing anything.
‘you came to rub it in.. flaunting in with pretty boy there,’ his lips snarl, ‘pathetic really, shouldn’t have bothered.’
eddie comes back out, robin and steve trailing behind, trying to converse with him but being completely blanked, ‘where’s my shit then?’
‘uh.. steve’s car,’ beckoning to where you’d parked somewhere in the distance.
steve flashes you a worried look knowing damn well there was nothing eddie could want in his car. luckily eddie doesn’t pick up on it and instead starts walking in the direction you’d motioned, expecting you all to follow.
‘why’re you in such a hurry?’ you call out from behind, trying desperately to bide time. he was certain to flip his shit the second you reached the car and he figured you’d lied to him.
‘because i want to get the fuck out of here,’ he snaps back, charging on ahead.
you walk in silence to steve’s car, nervously glancing over at steve as eddie and his disgusting pig of a father walk on ahead. steve reaches over and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze though it doesn’t really do much.
eddie’s spots the car first, striding over and peering into the windows, ‘where’s my shit then?’ turning to glare at you with a disgusted look on his face.
your mouth opens and closes, no viable excuse coming to mind, ‘eddie.. i didn’t bring anything-,’ swallowing as you gain some slight confidence, ‘i’m not letting you go with him.’
his dad completely flips, turning to his son, ‘you’re fucking useless, you know that? how the fuck d’you manage to mess this one up?’ practically foaming at the mouth.
‘dad i told her! this isn’t my fault.. we can still go.. i’ll find the cash somewhere,’ his eyes pleading with the estranged man, he had shrunk back into a scared little boy right before your eyes.
his father shoves him away, snarling at his son, ‘you think i actually want to go anywhere with you? my colossal fuck up of a son? you’re dreaming,’ positively fuming.
‘but.. dad,’ he’s almost begging now, regressing back to the night he watched his father walk out on his mom, feeling the heartache all over again.
steve steps up, getting closer to the pair, ‘you should go,’ placing his hand on the man’s arm.
he jerks his arm from steve’s grip, scoffing at you all, ‘don’t bother trying to find me again.. i don’t wanna know,’ poking his sausage finger into eddie’s chest before pulling himself away and trundling off back to the bar you’d met in.
your eyes immediately turn to eddie who was watching the man leave for the second time, tears pricking in his eyes. your chest pangs with hurt, you’d never meant for it to happen like this.
eddie speeds off in the opposite direction and you have to pull on steve’s arm to stop him from going after the boy, ‘he’ll come.. just.. give him a few minutes,’ nodding reassuringly.
steve sighs before turning to face you, ‘okay, you should go anyway.’
deciding that it had probably been enough time, you follow eddie’s path and eventually find him perched on a crumbling stoke wall, aggressively wiping his cheeks when he spots you walking over.
you sit in the empty spot next to him, staring down at the grey concrete. not wanting to break the silence and potentially piss him off more.
‘fuck,’ eddie finally breathes, sniffing and wiping his nose on his filthy sleeve. he clearly hadn’t showered in days and you wonder what on earth they could’ve possibly been doing.
‘i’m sorry,’ you croak. you weren’t just sorry for not allowing him to run off with that wretched man but for the fact that you and steve had quite obviously betrayed him.
you hear him swallow and then a rustling from his pocket. looking up to find him with a cigarette hanging onto his lip. he offers the box out to you, as he usually would.
delicately taking one from the pack and placing it in your mouth, waiting patiently for the lighter.
you sit smoking your cigarettes in the calming silence for a few minutes. gazing out at the horizon, the sky awash with all sorts of moody greys. fitting.
‘are you coming home?’ you ask quietly, standing from the wall with your hands shoved in your pockets.
eddie exhales, his eyes closing briefly before he stands, ‘yeah.. yeah let’s go,’ admitting defeat as he lets go of his dad forever, ready to put an end to his reckless escapade.
robin and steve are leaning against his car when you walk back. there had been a silent agreement to not mention it. just get in the car and go.
you sat in the back with eddie, watching as he stares out of the window, pressing his forehead against the cold glass. you move over into the middle seat, resting your head against his shoulder.
things would be alright.
things had been actually sorta alright. eddie had seemingly come to terms with you and steve becoming a thing. at least, if he hadn’t, he’d been keeping it to himself.
you tried to keep things respectable of course, jumping apart when he’d enter the room or going off to your own room and creeping into steve’s when eddie had gone to bed. but he wasn’t stupid. and you knew he wasn’t stupid. it just seemed better than rubbing it in his face.
things were completely different with steve and you’d felt a sense of pressure that hadn’t been present with eddie. steve was soft and kind but you couldn’t be so laidback about everything with him.
when you’d disappear at parties to split a bag with someone, he’d want to know. or when you were upset and stressed out, he’d want to know why, how he could help.
which was fair enough, obviously. it was just different. before, eddie would offer some generic advice and a spliff and be done with it. now, you were expected to actually address your issues head-on, not just bury them with sex and drink.
finals week had been harsh on all of you. the apartment in disarray as you were all working overtime to save your grade and not get kicked out of college.
you’d, perhaps a bit unfairly, taken your stress out on steve. arguing with him about menial shit that you didn’t really care about, just finding any excuse to shout and push him away.
he’d sit there and take it, offering sensible solutions and trying to resolve whatever bullshit you’d made up that day. a stark difference to eddie who would’ve screamed straight back at you.
come friday night, you’d all finished exams, sitting around the table when eddie swanned in, flapping some flyer for a party, going on about how you should all go.
‘we’re finished, free,’ he argued, pleading his case to the three of you.
robin flat-out refused, said she needed to sleep for a solid week and then she’d be ready to party. steve umm’d and ahh’d, settling on staying in but he was down to go out tomorrow.
‘i’ll go,’ you speak up, eyeing eddie from across the table, you hadn’t hung out alone yet. this would be a new feat.
‘alright,’ he shrugs, looking at steve for his permission or straight up denial of you two going alone.
steve just nods, ‘alright, call me if you need anything,’ glancing at you with an assured smile.
he wasn’t worried. not really. you’d shown him plenty of times that you loved him even despite your incessant attempts to push him away. even in the bad arguments, he’d kept his cool and waited for you to come to him, keeping everything on your terms.
you’re nervous though. you and eddie partying together had never been a good idea, egging each other on, getting utterly trashed just because he’d dare you to.
not tonight. you swore to yourself before leaving. pressing a tender kiss on steve’s lips, leaving traces of your sticky lipgloss behind.
eddie’s pov
it’s a little after midnight when steve gets a phone call from eddie, asking him to come and pick you up. still waking up as he walks across campus, passing countless drunk students as he finds the thumping party.
you’re incoherent on the couch, steve’s eyebrows raising expectedly as he walks into the room. eddie stood to the side watching as your arms instinctively wrap around steve’s neck. even in your drunken stupor you went straight to steve.
it fucking stings.
he looks on worriedly as steve hoists you from the couch, ‘hey man.. uh, she said some pretty weird things tonight, i dunno.. i don’t think she’s okay,’ recalling your earlier slurred words.
you hadn’t meant to, but you’d spilled everything to eddie. a tequila fuelled rant about how steve was so perfect and how bad you felt that you just weren’t. how you didn’t know how to stop pushing him away, even when you didn’t want to.
steve nods, it wasn’t like he didn’t already know you were on this self-destructive warpath. he just wasn’t sure how to tell you that you didn’t need to do this without sounding like a dick.
your arms lazily flop around his neck, laying your head against his chest as he carried you bridal style through the party and right across campus back to your apartment. eddie trailing behind in silence.
‘thanks.. for calling me,’ steve smiles as he nudges his bedroom door open just as eddie was about to disappear into his own room.
‘course,’ he nods, melancholy as he watches your fingers curl around steve’s jacket, pulling him down onto the bed with you, babbling a chorus of steve’s and love you’s as his door closes.
cursing himself for never being that soft with you. never providing that level of safety.
he lies awake for hours, staring at the ceiling. at some point he hears you tumble out of steve’s room, rushing to the bathroom and subsequently throwing up into the toilet. debating whether to hop out of his own bed and help.
but then the padding of steve’s feet make their way through the hallway, his soft voice helping you brush your teeth and get cleaned up. eddie’s assistance was unnecessary. damn, he wouldn’t have a clue what to even do.
on the occasions that you’d thrown up in the morning, eddie would’ve led in bed and laughed. called you a pussy and waited for you to crawl back to bed in a mood. he wasn’t gentle like steve. that shit came as a second nature to him but to eddie? not a touch of it.
he even hears the soft kiss he gives you on the way back to his room, your appreciative little murmur and the click of his door shutting again. 
and he wants to kick himself. scream and cry and throw a tantrum because in an ideal world, that would’ve been him.
but he can’t blame you, no matter how much he tried. it’s his fault he’s such a colossal fuck up. not yours. not steve’s. his.
he eventually gives up and moves to the couch, not getting much luck at sleeping in his bed. the suns rising when he hears snippets of your hushed conversation.
it didn’t sound angry. or even upset. just barely audible speaking’s about your feelings.
‘i know.. i don’t mean to,’ he can hear, a twinge of sadness in your tone.
‘you don’t need to.. not with me,’ steve mumbles and the blankets rustle, snapping him out of his trance.
he can hear small i love you’s and the sound of lips smacking. but then your muffled breathy moans start and the bile rises in his throat. undeniably he knew what was going on in there, everything being confirmed by the rhythmic creaking of the mattress.
and he knows what you look like. he can see it. feel it. hell, he lived for it at one point
pushes himself from the sofa and straight out of the door. not wanting to hear a second more.
you don’t feel as bad as expected in the morning, rough but not as bad as you should be feeling.
robin’s now ready to celebrate, steve agreeing and you almost want to hurl at the mention of going out. eddie sits in silence at the end of the table, he’d been pretty strange this morning and you’d wondered if you said something to upset him last night.
you could vaguely recall the self-pitying spiel you’d forced him to listen to. physically cringing at the fact you’d started crying and wailing about steve to him.
robin suggests having some people over, just a small thing with close friends. maybe if everyone was up for it you could all go out afterwards. that you could agree to.
she rounds the troops, calling the friend you all shared. who all agreed to get there at eight. something small and casual she repeats down the phone.
there’s a few tag-alongs, people you’d met briefly at parties or friends of friends who had been dragged along. so it wasn’t the small gathering you’d pictured with just the gang. but it was okay.
the speaker being turned to max and the living room full of people. everyone in high spirits because finals had finished and were relatively confident that they’d at least scraped a pass.
you edge through the crowd, waking over to steve who was splayed out on the couch, spliff hanging from his fingers. he grins when he sees you, opening his arms.
‘hey pretty girl,’ beckoning for you to climb onto his lap, arms snug around your waist as he passes the spliff to you, still giggling at his pet name.
eddie glowers from behind the couch, huffing before pushing himself up and storming into the kitchen. he hadn’t realised how much he’d already drank, liquor coursing through his veins.
‘watch it,’ someone exclaims when eddie barges into their arm, subsequently spilling his beer onto the boys shirt.
eddie sees red. turning to the boy and snarling as he shoves his chest, sending him to the floor.
‘what the fuck did you say?’ grabbing the boy by the collar before smashing his fist into the side of the poor boys face.
steve hears the commotion, leering over the sofa to see what the fuck was even going on. he shoves you off of his lap, running to go and grab eddie from on top of this boy.
you finally see what everyone had crowded around, watching as eddie’s fist pummels into his now bloody face. only easing when steve grabs onto his arms, gasping for breath as he’s thrown back into reality. realisation setting in about what he’d just down.
people rush to the unconscious boy, somebody screaming to call an ambulance. the music cuts out harshly, silence echoing around the room as you stare at eddie, wide-eyed. terrified.
you’d never seen him like this. so brutal, covered in someone else’s blood. his chest falls and rises, staring back at you with an equally as horrified expression. steve is saying something to him but it’s not registering. a ringing in his ears as the world crashed and burned around him.
the police turn up alongside the ambulance crew. taking statements from whoever hadn’t left and eventually cuffing eddie. muttering about crazy fucking kids and quite forcefully pulling him from the apartment.
his eyes lingering on yours as he’s guided out. steve’s arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest, resting his chin on the top of your head. you’re still in disbelief, tears welling in your eyes as you remember how unforgiving and downright cruel he’d been.
‘you wanna go to bed?’ steve asks, chest vibrating with his low voice. fingers combing through your hair, in your own corner of the living room as robin and nancy attempt to clean the floor.
jonathan and argyle are picking up tiny shards of glass, not an ounce of conversation between them. all still reeling from eddie’s outburst. you were sure he was going to jail, there wasn’t any way he could possibly wriggle out of this one.
‘we should-,’ the words getting caught in your throat, ‘we need to help clean,’ pulling back to look at the state of the room, discarded cups and splatters of alcohol on the walls.
‘we’re nearly done.. you should go to bed,’ robin nods, wringing the cloth out into the sink.
even they had come to the conclusion that this was something to do with you. you and steve in particular. the way eddie’s eyes had locked onto you the second steve had pulled him off of the boy.
you knew it. he’d been frosty and unusual with you all morning. with everyone in fact.
eddie emerges from his room for the first time in days. looking worse for wear and feeling just as shit. the tag on his ankle restricting him from leaving the apartment freely.
he peers down at the blinking red light, mentally cursing the plastic as he drags his feet along the carpet. he can hear you and steve chatting quietly, not really able to make out what was being said.
not expecting you both to be sprawled out on the couch, your leg draped over his waist as your delicate fingers combed through his hair. the last few days had been so bleak, that he couldn’t really find it in himself to hate that you were sharing these moments with steve.
he sighs loudly, hoping to let you know he’d entered the room. not wanted to be involuntarily including in whatever may have happened next.
you sit up slightly, gazing at him stood behind the kitchen counter, ‘hey,’ it’s quiet, but he hears it. almost deciding to ignore until he remembers how much you’d doted on him and helped him recently.
‘hi,’ but he doesn’t look back, staring into the empty fridge, waiting for something to materialise. but it doesn’t.
‘when’s your court date?’
the words sear in his ear, an unwelcome subject.
‘next tuesday,’ deciding upon a swig of milk straight from the carton, not exactly the five-course meal he was hoping for.
‘okay well, we were.. we’re gonna come, y’know.. for support,’ your eyes are unrelenting, following him around the kitchen.
‘don’t bother, i’m pleading innocent,’ completely monotonous in his response.
he’d already argued with the state provided lawyer about this. a shoddy man who could not care less whether eddie went down or not, just wanting to cash his cheque at the end of it all.
the balding man had called him stupid, ‘there are multiple witnesses.. plead guilty and they’ll probably pity you n’ slap you with some community service or summit.. don’t be stupid son.’
you scoff, using steve’s chest as leverage as you sit up properly, ‘you’re joking? right?’
his eyes finally meet yours, thumping his fists on the marble counter, ‘i am innocent,’ no one could understand where he was coming from, not even the man who was being paid to at least pretend to care and understand.
‘you beat the shit out of him, eddie.. you broke his fucking jaw,’ your eyes are wide, looking at him like he’s an idiot- which he was, but not about this.
‘i was provoked, self defence,’ he says in all serious. he was frustrated, lashed out but at the end of it all, the guy had bashed him first.
‘wh- because he accidentally knocked into you? you really must be fucking stupid.. what are you thinking?’
eddie notices steve, or what he could see of him, tense up, obviously not wanting to anger the violent monster eddie had become in so many people’s eyes.
‘it’s my choice.. i was fucking provoked, saw some stupid shit.. that’s not my fault,’ relinquishing the blame to you.
in his eyes, if he hadn’t seen the disgusting display of affection, he probably wouldn’t have fucked up that boy. but he had, and that wasn’t his fault. so how was he guilty?
‘you’re ridiculous.. i actually can’t believe you,’ your eyes full of disappointment.
the way your face falls, eyes narrowed and sharp as knives makes his heart twist. genuine hurt flashed on your face. almost paralleling the horrified expression you’d held as he was cuffed and dragged away.
‘it’s my decision, i wouldn’t expect you to know a thing about what it’s like to be me,’ kicking the fridge door closed with a loud thump.
you disappear from his sight, flopping back down onto steve’s chest with an exasperated sigh. he rolls his eyes before stomping off into his bedroom. his mood probably wouldn’t be so terrible if he could just leave this godforsaken apartment.
actually, why shouldn’t he? if you were so certain that he was going to jail anyway, what harm was there in going out? fuck it.
so he gets dressed, pulling his denim jacket on and spritzing himself with aftershave. he’d worry about the tag later, surely one of his buddies would have something to hack it off with. hopefully with minimal damage to his leg.
you don’t even look up from steve’s eyes when he comes back out, having had enough of his idiotic attitude for the day.
‘woah, where are you go-,’ steve starts before being cut off with the front door shutting, he was gone, without so much of a look back.
jogging down the stairs and out of this suffocating hellhole.
it doesn’t take long for the police to show up, banging their fists on the door and red in the face with anger.
they grilled you and steve for what felt like hours. making sure you hadn’t helped in his escape. tearing his room apart for some sort of clue to where he’d gone.
‘we found the tag at a location not far from here.. could anyone be hiding him? he’s in serious trouble.. we need anything you’ve got,’ the officer pleads, frustrated with having to deal with this bullshit on a thursday night. you don’t blame him.
you shake your head, ‘no.. i-i mean, there’s a few bars down on main but our friends aren’t stupid enough to help him.’
any previous feelings of worry had disappeared, replaced with frustration. you weren’t prepared to spend your whole life trying to find eddie every time he decided to run away. he so obviously didn’t give a shit about what you thought, it was a waste of energy at this point.
the officer sighs, ‘right, well you let us know if he gets in contact or comes back here,’ rummaging in his pocket for a small bit of card, ‘that’s my personal number.. call me straight away.’
you nod, thumbing the glossy card and flopping back onto the couch. steve shows them out, closing the door softly after they leave. he gives you a look, full of pity. he doesn’t say a thing but you know what he’s thinking.
‘i’m done,’ holding your hands up, ‘he can get himself out of this one.. i don’t care anymore,’ surrendering completely.
he nods, looking as just as tired as you felt. sometimes you forget that this isn’t just between you and eddie, steve is right in the middle of it all too, staying quiet and holding back for eddie’s sake.
you’d tried to be courteous and thoughtful with eddie. pulling away from steve when he’d enter the room, trying not to be so overly affectionate in front of him. you felt like maybe you owed him that for how you’d gone about it, but why?
not once had he ever shown interest in being with you romantically, he was the one that’d explicitly said that you and him were friends with some added benefits. screw him.
‘you hungry? i wanna get out of here,’ pushing yourself from the couch and throwing your arms around steve’s waist, cheek squished against his chest.
‘i could eat,’ returning the hug, swaying slightly as his hands roam around your back.
eddie’s pov
eddie checks his phone for the umpteenth time.
no new notifications
he was anticipating at least something from you by now. hell, even a pathetic hi would’ve sufficed. the man wasn’t dumb, choosing to hole himself up in gareth’s basement with a six-pack rather than hitting the main spots.
he questions whether the dinghy, dark basement was any better than the confines of the room he’d escaped. supposing that you and steve weren’t next door, anything would be better.
he debates just calling you first. curious to know why you hadn’t called. maybe after the next beer. or maybe now. fuck it, it’s already dialling.
it rings and rings, becoming increasingly concerned with your well-being.
‘what?’ your voice rings out after the fifth or sixth ring.
he’s taken aback, ‘hello to you too,’ taking another swig of beer, his knees pulled up to his chest.
‘what d’you want?’
christ. you really weren’t falling for it this time.
‘nothin’.. just expected to hear from you by now, that’s all.’
he can hear the eye roll through the phone, your tiny almost inaudible little tut, ‘i’m not saving you this time.’
‘i didn’t ask you to.’
‘so why’d you call then? i’m busy.’
‘you with steve?’ he doesn’t even know why he asked, of course you were.
‘yeah, i am.. is that what you wanted to hear? or were you hoping i was out searching for you with the police?’
ouch. you’d called him out. figured out his silly game and threw it straight back in his face.
‘i didn’t- you just had to rub it in, didn’t you?’ anger rising in his throat, ‘you always do.’
‘you think i’m doing this to make you jealous? this isn’t about you anymore.. you need to get over yourself,’ you sigh, empathetic about the harsh words that’d just spilled out, ‘i love him, eddie.. you’re gonna have to deal with that.’
and with that the phone clicks. you’d hung up. you had hung up on him, no grovelling or pleading for him to come back home. that was it. the harsh truth and now he had to just sit with it.
his head falls back against the cold brick, staring up at the damp covered ceiling, weighing up his options. he knew he’d fucked up. best case scenario, he’d get a couple extra months on his sentence. worst case, they’d throw the book at him for wasting their time.. not to mention the already hefty sentence for the assault.
you had completely and utterly exhausted yourself trying to support him and even you had had enough. he only had himself to blame for that. maybe jail would be a good thing? he could get his head straight.. get over you, maybe even find some purpose in his life.
he pulls another beer from the pack, cracking it open and taking a long swig. exhaling as the bitter liquid seeps down his throat. there was only one way out of this fucked situation and he knew that.
eddie perks up when he hears your key in the door, sat on the couch for what seemed like hours waiting for you both to get back.
your face drops the instant you see him, gripping onto steve’s hand as you walk into the dimly lit living room.
eddie stands, holding up his hands, ‘i’m gonna hand myself in.. i just-,’ he exhales deeply, ‘i wanted to say goodbye,’ jaw tense as he looms between you and steve.
‘you are? do you want me to call the sheriff? i- he gave me his number..’
‘no, no.. i’m gonna go down there.. it’s easier,’ eddie motions towards the door, shaking his head.
you stand dumbfounded for a second before nodding slowly, chewing on the inside of your cheek, ‘it’s the right thing to do..’ the lump in your throat growing as you look back at the pathetic man in front of you.
steve gives him a weak smile, patting his hand on your arm. there’s a brief moment of silence. the three of you all staring back at one another in awe of the fucked up mess you’d wound up in.
‘c’mere,’ steve motions to eddie, walking over to the boy with arms outstretched. he pulls him into a bear hug, clapping his palm on eddie’s back.
from the look on eddie’s face squished against steve’s shoulder you can tell he needed it, ‘i’ll miss you man..’ he breathes into his best friend’s sweater.
‘we’ll come and visit.. you’re not getting rid of me that easy,’ his laugh is shaky as he pulls away, smiling proudly at his friend.
you stand slightly behind steve, watching on with tears brimming in your eyes. even though steve had tried to reassure you, you couldn’t help but feel so guilty that this had ultimately all happened because of you.
eddie walks over slowly, throwing his arms around your body, gripping his fingers into your arms knowing that this may very well be the last time he ever got to hold you like this.
your arms cling around his waist, cheek pressed against his chest, ‘i’m proud of you..’ was all you managed to croak out, tears wetting his dirty t-shirt.
he sniffs, swallowing the lump in his throat, ‘thank you.. for everything,’ because truly, you were the only person to never give up on him, even if he had made it incredibly difficult for you.
you lift your head off of his chest, staring up at him with sodden cheeks, bottom lip quivering as you let go of him. both physically and emotionally.
he puffs his cheeks out, wiping his face with the back of his hand before clearing his throat and nodding at the pair of you, ‘you take care of her..’ eyebrow raised.
‘aye aye captain,’ steve gives him a tight lipped smile and a half-assed salute, watching as the man he had grown up with walked out of the apartment, head held high and a newfound spring in his step.
the end of the beginning.
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blue-slxt · 1 year
First Heat
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: Something about a deep animalistic urge to mate just does it for me apparently. All characters are aged up. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Neteyam x Avatar!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Explicit smut, p in v, heat, creampie, praise kink
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: It's your first heat cycle in your avatar body and you beg Neteyam for help.
It’s been about 5 months since you’ve decided to stay in your avatar permanently and live with the na’vi. At only 19 years old, you were the youngest person with an avatar and you took a bit of pride in that fact. Life on Pandora was a far cry from the life you knew on Earth, but in the absolute best way possible. The air was alive with this energy that you could feel at the bottom of your feet flowing through every living thing on the planet. You felt like you were starting to get the hang of how things worked; the customs, the traditions, the hunting, the healing, everything. You enjoyed life here much better.
You loved spending time with the Sully family. Since Jake was originally from Earth too, you enjoyed talking with him and telling his kids all about Earth and watching their ears perk up in amazement. In particular, Neteyam would always ask you questions wanting to know everything there was to know about your first home.
You enjoyed Neteyam’s company. He was a good listener, always very respectful, but he was also a bit of a jokester. You found him charming. Nothing like the men you knew on Earth.
You kept your hut pretty minimal for the most part. Although, there were a few Earth things you decided to keep, mostly a full body mirror. You loved admiring your avatar. They were able to customize it so that even though you had mostly the same build as the na’vi, you still had a lot of the same curves as your human body. It made you feel a little bit embarrassed sometimes wearing the na’vi clothing because it left you feeling extra exposed since it didn’t cover much. Nevertheless, you admired your long, slender legs all the same and strong arms. You sat on the floor of your hut weaving an armband with some beautiful beads that you had collected. Funny enough, the beads looked similar to the ones Neteyam would wear in his braids. And almost as if he had heard your thoughts, the flap to your hut flips open and he walks inside. You were surprised, but not unhappy to see him. Next to no one comes to your hut so you weren’t expecting company. “Hey Neteyam.”
“Hey, we missed you at dinner tonight” he said looking around at your strangely decorated home.
“Yea, sorry, I guess I got a little lost in my thoughts” you admit.
His eyes wander around looking at the Earth items littered through your hut, tail flicking back and forth with curiosity. His eyes finally land on the mirror and you can see the intrigue written all across his body language. He stares at himself moving this way and the other looking at his movements matched by his reflection. You wander up behind him and look in the mirror with him giggling to yourself a bit. “Pretty neat huh?”
He grins to himself clearly pleased with his appearance. “I have never seen myself so clearly. At most, I get a blurry glimpse in the water.”
It was fun to watch him watch himself. And you couldn’t help yourself from noticing him too. You became acutely aware of his slender muscles and the way his braids fell around his neck and the stripes along his body. He was a handsome man, there was no two ways about it. Your tail is brushing back and forth along the floor and your body lets out a soft purr. You feel your face flush deeply as Neteyam makes eye contact with you in the mirror. You cannot believe that the body you loved so much would betray you in such a way. “Sorry! I have no idea where that came from. I’ve never done that before. And you know I’m still kinda getting used to things and—” you try to explain away the sound and he turns around to actually face you. His head cocks to the side listening to your ramblings while a knowing smirk plays on his lips. God, his lips looked soft. Have they always looked so soft? And…inviting? ‘Stop it!’ what were you thinking? What has gotten into you? You have never acted this way before so why now?
You excuse yourself to go and sit cross-legged on your sleeping mat across the floor. Suddenly, it feels very hot in your hut. Strange, since it was getting late and it usually cools off around now, but you feel like you’re about to start sweating. Neteyam walks over to you and crouches in front of you. His big golden eyes scan your face. His stare is scorching, and you dip your head down to avoid his burning eyes, but his fingers find your chin and lift your face to look at him. He takes in a big breath, and you notice a flash of realization come across his face for a split second. If you blinked, you would’ve missed it. His eyes drop from your eyes to your lips and his thumb traces across your bottom lip, “Tell me, how much do you know about heat cycles?” his voice was low and for some reason it made you hot at your core.
“What is a heat cycle?” you question feeling like your body is burning up and your mind is going fuzzy. It’s all you can do just to focus on the conversation.
Neteyam chuckles to himself. He realized that this must be your first heat. When he came over to you, he could smell your pheromones radiating off you and clouding his senses. You smelled of fresh rainwater and exotic flora. It drove him mad with desire. He could notice your breathing speeding up and your eyes starting to cloud.
With how you look right now, it makes him want nothing more than to ravage you, but he was too much of a gentleman to take advantage of you in such a state. No matter how painfully hard he was right now looking at you.
He drops his hand from your chin and pats the top of your head instead. “You still have so much to learn.” He sighs, “Your heat will come every month, it’s basically your body’s um…need to…seek out a mate” he did his best to explain, but truthfully he wasn’t very good at it since his mother or sister usually handled this kind of thing.
You managed to register the information he was giving you, but it did nothing to quell the feeling growing inside of you. There was this deep ravenous hunger you felt, but not in your stomach. It was growing so strong, it was getting painful. You sit up on your knees and crouch over holding yourself. Neteyam rubs his hand up and down your back and his fingers feel like fire on your spine. You jolt under his touch wanting to lean more into it. “I hear the Tsahik has certain herbs that you can take that can help ease you through the next few days.”
Days? You would have to endure this feeling for days? You weren’t sure you would last even through the night. Neteyam moves to go leave your hut and get the herbs, but the sudden loss of his touch leaves you feeling needy and without any thought behind it, you reach out and grab his wrist to stop him from leaving you. He looks back down at you in surprise. You can barely hold yourself up on the floor. “Please…please Neteyam…don’t leave me.” You couldn’t believe what you were saying. It was like your lips suddenly had free will apart from your brain. Neteyam couldn’t help but notice how desperate you looked. Despite his better judgement, he bent down and scooped you up into his arms bridal style. The gesture makes your heart skip several beats. You knew he was strong, but something in the way that he picked you up and held you as if you weighed nothing did something to you. You rested your head in the crook of his neck and you breathed in his scent. You’ve never noticed how good he smells. He smells Earthy. It makes you feel…feral.
Neteyam tries to ignore your breath on his neck and hold his composure while he carries you back over to your mat. He lays you down gently on your back and sits cross-legged beside you. He’s stopped touching you and that painful feeling comes back. Your thighs rub together desperate for some kind of friction to hopefully relieve the ache you feel. Your hands roam up and down your own body needing touch. You turn your head to look at Neteyam as he watches you clearly concerned at your current state and the fact that he doesn’t know how to help you. Your eyes catch movement down at his loincloth and it’s practically calling your name.
“Neteyam..n-need you t-to help me…please” you moan out with your hands resting underneath your top.
“I want to help, but I don’t know what you need”, he touches your shoulder eyes full of worry. You trail your eyes down to between his legs and look back up at him. It clicks. His face and ears blush a deep violet color. “Oh, I can’t do that, I shouldn’t be the one to do that. That should be something for your mate.”
“B-but I…don’t have one” the pain is getting worse and your vision is blurring. You’ve decided there’s no point in trying to fight it anymore and let yourself succumb to the lusty haze in your head. “Please ‘Teyam, I need you” you beg him. There was no denying that hearing his name dance across your tongue was enticing to him. Soon, Neteyam found himself wanting to give in too. Watching you writing in lustful agony in front of him was too much for him to bear. He ponders on it for a moment before letting himself give in to you. “Fine.”
You felt such relief wash over you once he agreed to help you. You untied the strings to your top and let it fall off to the side on the floor. Neteyam froze in the middle of untying his own loincloth at the sight of your breasts which were noticeably larger and more shapely than typical na’vi. You hurriedly shimmy out of your own cloth and flip over to your stomach. You hold your hips up into the air on your knees with your face still on the floor. You can feel something warm running down the length of your thigh and you surprise even yourself with how wet you are. Neteyam is stuck in awe seeing you like this. Without the loincloth in the way, he can smell your pheromones even more clearly and it makes him lick his lips in anticipation. Unable to wait one more second, your tail drags along Neteyam’s jaw and pulls him closer to you until you can feel the tip touching your opening. Your body purrs in waiting and that drives Neteyam mad. He slides in you inch by inch letting you get used to the stretch and every inch feels like a jolt of electricity throughout your body. By the time he’s all the way in, you swear you could cum right then and there. Your body can’t even wait for him to start moving so you start to throw your hips back into him giving your body the friction that you were craving. Neteyam holds on to your hips to steady himself and he squeezes his eyes closed trying to focus on not cumming inside of you so soon. Once he gets ahold of himself, he bucks his hips forward into you finally matching your movements. He opens his eyes and the sight of your ass falling back onto his dick over and over again makes him let out a low groan. He felt the need to have you completely. He wanted to be the only one to ever see you like this. The only one to ever touch you like this. The only one to make you feel like this.
All the pain is gone from your core leaving behind pure ecstasy. You’ve never felt need like this. You turn your face to the side so that you can look back at Neteyam hearing the constant smack of your hips against his. Neteyam looks down at your face and what a sight you were. Tongue hanging out while you moan and pant with every thrust, eyes nearly crossing unable to focus, a string of drool falling from the corner of you perfectly full lips, and your hair an absolute mess. “You’ve never looked more gorgeous than right now.”
His words of praise make your ears feel hot as his words dance around them. You needed that. “More. More please Neteyam.” You plead trying to focus your vision on his face, but it was no use. Your body wouldn’t listen to you.
Hearing you beg for more praise makes Neteyam feel this sense of pleasure that he didn’t know he could feel. He wanted to shower you with the sweetest of words like rain. “You feel so good.” His grip on your hips tightens. “Fuck, you make me want to give you everything.”
“Oh shit, Neteyam..I’m almost there!” you practically scream as you feel the pressure building in your body. Neteyam is close too, but he’s going to make sure that you get yours first. He grabs your wrists and holds them behind your back with one hand and he pulls you up so that your back meets his chest. The angle makes it so that he’s hitting exactly where your soft spot is. His free hand comes around the front of your body to grope one of your breasts. You catch a glimpse of the sight in the mirror across the room and it’s so lewd, but so…hot. It’s enough to get you to that sweet release you were chasing and you let it out all over Neteyam.
“Oh fuck, that is hot” he says admiring the mess you made on him. Between the sounds of your sweet moans and your walls still clenching around him from your orgasm, it’s exactly what he needs to get there. “I’m almost there. Should I take it out?” he asks you trying to be respectful, but the thought of him pulling out of you now damn near makes you panic. “No! Please don’t take it out!” You tell him. “B-but if I don’t then—” you cut him off. “I know, but I need it Neteyam. I need this” you practically have tears in your eyes at this point. Neteyam can’t hold it off any longer. ‘Fuck it’. He thrusts into you harder than before and releases inside of you. It feels thick and burning hot, but it satiates the aching hunger you felt earlier.
Neteyam releases his hold on you and you fall limp onto the floor. “Are you okay?” he asks making sure you’re not hurt. You squeak out a weak ‘mhm’ and lay there catching your breath. You feel him start to slide out of you slowly and your tail instinctively wraps around his thigh begging him to leave it in for a little while longer. You’re afraid that the pain will come again if he leaves you. He sighs and carefully lays down next to you being sure not to let himself come out of you yet wrapping one arm around your waist. He waits until you fall asleep before pulling out of you. Even in your sleep, your body can recognize the sudden emptiness and it makes you flinch. Your eyes flutter open to see his face studying yours. “Sorry ‘Teyam.” You say above a whisper feeling ashamed and embarrassed about what you asked of him. He brings one hand up to cup your face and lightly kisses your forehead, “Don’t be.”
“I do have to get home, though. If I stay here too long, your pheromones will drive me to do something crazy again.” He states.
You snake your tail around his waist holding him in place and you ask, “Would that be such a bad thing?” looking up into his eyes.
And you can feel him stiffen again at your suggestion. This was going to be a long couple of days.
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Jeff,Ben,Toby with an s/o that's the completely opposite of them? (Not sure if I ever requested this? Have horrible memory sorry 😓)
Your literally so epic I love the trope so much
Also sorry I haven’t posted in a hot minute, I’ve been sick and my school has started back up so I might be slower when posting
Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, and “Ticci” Toby with an s/o whose the opposite of them
Jeff the Killer :
He’s going to tease and pick on you so much
Jeff is someone who’s crude and mean, rough around the edges and would rather die than partake in lovey-doves stuff
You?? Sweet little innocent you?? Dating JEFF???
Ok damn walk him like a dog
Jeff, in front of others, would still keep up a very crude and mean persona, but when in private?
I would guess he’s as sweet as you (its hard for him but he manages)
You dress in cute little pastel colors and he’s in all black like the fucking emo he is
A lot of people are very confused by y’all’s relationship
But opposites attract I suppose !
Almost gives me little red riding hood and big bad wolf vibes????
BEN Drowned :
I think I’ve made a post like this ??
But BEN’s opposite s/o would be a goody two shoes who doesn’t really use much technology
You go out of your way to help people and are always kind and caring
I guess BEN found you intriguing
How could you be so nice to humanity???
He teaches you all about video games tho, you sitting in his lap while his hands are around your waist and resting on a controller in your hands
BEN totally wants to be seen in public with you tho, unlike Jeff
You possibly have a clean girl aesthetic to his really messy one??
He also loves to fuck around with you, causing mayhem which you then fix
“Ticci” Toby :
Your a very bubbly and outgoing person
Not loud, but just nice and accepting and warm and wonderful to be around
Toby is wary of you at first, they almost hate you at first
But once they see your intentions and kindness are genuine?
Deep down, they know they’ve fallen head over heals, even if they wish to deny it
They won’t mind being seen with you, but don’t make them look weak
They enjoy your kindness, it’s something they never receive
Similar to Jeff, behind doors Toby is noticeably more affectionate
They enjoy quiet time with you, it’s their peace
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randxmthxughts · 2 years
your lips, my lips, apocalypse - neteyam x omaticaya ! reader
summary: when y/n hangs out with the women at the lab and decides to put on lipstick to feel pretty, her friends start to make fun of her. but not neteyam, he thinks she looks cute
contains: fluff, fluff, FLUFF, fluffy Neteyam, bf!Neteyam, bf material
wc: 1k
a/n: basically, i’ve been thinking about the sully kids hanging around the labs all the time and being fascinated with normal human stuff, especially with the makeup. then i saw this trend on tiktok, and i find it so cute and adorable, i wanted to do something similar with neteyam. so don’t thank me for the extra neteyam fluff you’re getting today… actually, do thank me please, i love the encouragement ♡
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Whenever the Sully kids would visit the science facility, you were always there to tag along. At first, it was because Neteyam had to keep an eye on his siblings, and you were basically attached by the hip to him. But as your visits became more frequent, you found yourself growing fascinated with the things humans brought with them from the Earth. The small gadgets they used, the clothes they wore, but especially the makeup. You could sit and watch women fixing up their makeup for hours. The way they would open their mouths while coating their eyelashes with thick black paint, or the way they’d change the color of their lips every time you saw them. One time you even noticed marks of the said colors on one of the men in the lab, and while the others found it gross, your heart fluttered at the thought of leaving similar marks on Neteyam. 
"Do you want to try it?" Marissa nodded at you through the mirror, as she finished applying her bright red lipstick, "Come on, it will be fun."
You hesitate for a second before nodding your head in agreement. The idea of seeing yourself with painted lips has always intrigued you. Marissa stands up to level herself with you and holds up two lipsticks, one is bright red - the one she's wearing, the other one is pink.
"Which one do you want?"
When you catch your reflection in the mirror for the first time, you can't help but break out into a giddy smile. The pink lipstick on your lips makes them appear bolder on your face, and your eyes are instinctively drawn to them. Marissa watches your reaction with a grin and compliments you on how beautiful you look. You too feel special, the same way you feel special when you dress up for celebrations. 
You jump to your feet soon after, eager to find your friends and show off your new look. But your heart shatters into a thousand of pieces when you see their confused faces. Spider and Kiri stare at you with widened eyes, and when Lo'ak follows their gaze to you, he bursts into laughter.
"Lo’ak, shut up," Kiri slaps her brother but it is too late.
"It just looks... weird," Spider adds with a whisper.
You squirm under their stares and make your way towards the exit, eager to get away. But your plans are quickly derailed when you bump into Neteyam. You don’t want him to see you like this.
"Whoa, where are you rushing off to?" Neteyam asks, as he places his hands on your shoulders. You hang your head low, avoiding his gaze.
"Nowhere," you mumble, trying to shake him off. "I'm going home. Just let me."
"What's wrong, yawne?" Neteyam lifts your chin up with his fingers.
You watch as his pupils widen when he catches a sight of pink on your lips. Your eyes threaten with tears, and your lip starts quivering involuntarily out of embarrassment. Surely, he must think you look ugly too. Before Neteyam can even open his mouth, you storm out of the facility.
When Neteyam sees you quietly sobbing in your hammock, his chest tightens with ache. After finding out the way his siblings reacted to you earlier and scolding them for hurting his beloved, he practically ran to talk to you. 
"Yawne," Neteyam says softly before scooching himself in your hammock.
As you try to wipe away the tears of shame, Neteyam beats you to it, his hands gently cupping your cheeks. You know he hates it when you cry, always blaming himself for it. His face grimaces with pain, while he tries to dry the wetness off your skin. 
Neteyam's gaze then shifts to your lips, and you cringe, remembering that you still had the stupid lipstick on.
"I forgot to wipe it off," you mumble, embarrassed. 
"Leave it. I want you to keep it on."
"But I look ugly with it," you sniff.
"Nothing can ever make you look ugly, syulang," Neteyam leans in, nuzzling your face, "I think you look very pretty."
"You truly mean it? The others were laughing at me..."
"They are stupid children," he scoffs.
"They are."
"You know I don't like it when you're upset,” Neteyam pulls away slightly to look at you, his voice soft and soothing as he speaks, "Will you please smile for me?"
His words make you feel giddy, knowing that he speaks to you in a way that he doesn't with anyone else. You smile right away, eager to please him. He can’t help but smile back.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks cautiously, "I don't want to mess up your lipstick."
"I have a better idea," you chuckle.
You lean in towards Neteyam, and instead of kissing his lips, you plant a soft one on the corner of his mouth. His lips twitch at your touch, but he patiently lets you take your time. Pulling away slightly, you examine the lipstick mark you left on his skin. It’s a little faint, so you press another kiss to his cheek, this time harder. Then another one to his temple, and his forehead. Neteyam laughs under you, fully aware of the kiss marks you’re now leaving all over him. Finally, when his hands catch you by the waist and pull you onto his lap, you can't help but admire your work. Neteyam beams at you, his face and neck covered in pink marks of your lips.
"You’re done now?" he asks, noting your satisfied grin.
"Hmm, I think that’s enough," you tease, "Now everybody will know that you’re mine."
"Everybody already knows that, yawne," Neteyam grins, "Now can you finally kiss me on the lips?"
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ka3trv · 3 months
DogsdogsAU-Nigel & Will
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(Different version⬇️)
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I’ve been slowly obsessing over this two because of all the possibilities their duo can have. HEAR ME OUT (rant warning):
Them meeting after such climactic moment of their story is beneficial for their own, Will post-fall and Nigel post-Gabi. Will ending up after the fall alone, Hannibal dead or leaving him, he returns now as an agent in the FBI or something similar, divorcing with Molly. (This can be different, at the end just that his life turns monotone) He ends up in Bucharest because of gang wars back at home, Jack and Wills relationship now more close. There he ends up getting attacked by a gang that figured out who he was but was saved by another one, then giving him a different offer than he’s used to. Join the FBI office in Bucharest and help them get info, not much help but something basic, at the end, Will owns them. Will and Nigel don’t meet right away, but when they do there’s two things that struck one another from each other:
-Will: “His face will always haunt me”, so ironic because of the much obvious opposition of similarities from Nigel and Hannibal.
-Nigel: “I never had such empathy” Nigel will be intrigued of how Wills morale, after Hannibal changed the brunette so much, you can guess what I mean.
At first they’ll barely interact, sometimes only seeing each other in reunions where Will serves drinks or is just a type of “witness”.
The story will keep on and actually dive in on them when Nigel realizes, “holy shit, he’s actually as fucked up and intelligent as me”. He found another new half.
It really depends on someone on how their story will be, but I feel like this one carries WAYY too much potential.
+ Something I feel like is perceived wrong of them is how Nigel’s jealousy will work, IT WONT BE LIKE THE ONE HE HAD WITH GABI, AT ALL.
And yes, Will finds amusing how similar and drastically different Hannibal and Nigel are, at least the leader won’t speak with him in metaphors and riddles.
(I also have the headcanon that Will and Darko actually get on pretty well, but Darko respects Will a lot)
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rosaline-black · 2 months
Hi!!!! I loved your Loki x green witch reader story I’m actually obsessed with the concept of the usually moody Loki just enamoured by this ray of sunshine. So is there anyway you could do like a blurb of them pre relationship?? Maybe Loki makes excuses to catch glimpses of her and she takes it the wrong way?
AGHH this request excited me so much I’ve loved Loki x sunny green witch reader for ages and this ignited my want to write so hey this might become a little series if anyone’s interested. The original one shot is here but this can totally be read stand alone!
Loki x fem!greenwitch!reader
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Loki couldn’t quite remember how it had started. He remembers the first time he saw you, it was hard to forget after all. You were all smiles and smooth movements, the ethereal sparkles leaving your fingertips so effortlessly he felt like he’d had a spell cast on him right then and there.
Maybe he had. Maybe that was why for the past month Loki had found every opportunity to catch a glimpse of who he now knew to be the green witch.
In Asgardian folklore witches were evil old crones, sharp splintered nails and sneering wrinkled faces, cloaked in dark heavy materials. How wrong they had been. You couldn’t antithesis’ that more.
Your beauty was obvious. Anyone with eyes or ears would recognise that. From how you nurtured every aspect of your life, from the smallest of insects to the mightiest of hero’s. Your kindness was staggering. This naturally intrigued him.
The god of mischief had heard rumours of your origin from other members of the avengers, well heard was pushing it. He had asked. The Robin Hood knock off had mentioned something about you hiding? Spending years locked away in the forest, too kind to fight the cruel hunters so living a life of solitude among the plants and creatures.
Witches were a hot commodity after all. If the impression Asgardians had of witches was anything to go by he could only assume the dimwitted humans had a similar ideology.
But enough about the past, Loki was very much struggling with you in the present.
The first few times it was an accident. You both seemed to favour tea over the dark caffeinated syrup the other heathens of stark tower were addicted to. So when you softly asked him,“Did you have the last lemon tea bag?” With absolutely zero malice, it took Loki nearly twenty seconds to string together some sort of reply.
“Yes… my apologies”
“Ah that’s no problem I’ll have to make some more, I grow my own tea leaves”
Well I guess that was how it had begun. Loki’s infatuation and his over consumption of herbal tea.
He had managed to memorise your schedule. You would spend most of your time in the green houses, flourishing your garden and researching new spells in the hundreds of old tomes and scrolls Stark had helped you find.
In the evenings, usually around 9pm you could be found in the common areas, sat in a corner with a book and of course a cup of tea. Loki suddenly found himself waiting for the clock to strike 9 every day.
The god was casual about it, never approached you or tried to charm you into his company like he would have done in the past with broads upon Asgard. No you were far too special to be smarmed.
So he would just hover like a black cat, observing silently as casually and as cautiously as possible. Just like tonight.
At 9:01 pm Loki strolled into the kitchen, like most (all) evenings and heated the kettle pouring himself a cup of tea. His eyes landed on you like they always did, how could they not. The silence unlike most nights felt thicker, heavier. Something was off, and your sigh filled with unfamiliar contempt shocked him into dropping his tea spoon, the small metal tool falling into the countertop with a loud clatter.
The noise garnered so much volume you involuntarily got out of your chair, slamming your book shut with a pout as you made your way to the door. Just before Loki slammed his head against the wall like a lovestruck fool your voice rung out in the air.
“I know everyone here thinks I’m strange but if you’re just going to stand there and gawk at me every evening I’d much rather you just disclosed your judgments out loud…”
“I’m sorry?”
“Don’t act so perplexed. I’ve seen you coming here to catch a glimpse of me..”
Lokis heart dropped, you knew?
“…oh look at the mad witch who spends all her time talking to plants I wonder if she’s as nuts as everyone says she is!!”
Oh no. No no no you’d gotten it all wrong. If he wasn’t so stressed about the content of which you were speaking he probably would have been fixed on how adorable you were when you rambled.
“No… no I promise that was not my intention. It probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you that I’m not very well liked by the louder more extroverted inhabitants here…you well you seemed different? Less brash more… calm”
Gods he was such an imbecile. If you didn’t think he was an utter creep before you definitely would now.
The gods eyes were wide and frantic scanning your features for any kind of sign of understanding. Someone must of been looking out for him because the wrinkle between your brow softened and that pout, that intoxicatingly adorable pout curved into what could only be described as a bewitching smile.
“Oh… oh well then it is my turn to apologise… I just assumed you thought… well you know…”
“Fortunately I don’t…”
“Well maybe next time you happen upon me reading you could… join me?”
Loki nearly grabbed his chest to still his beating heart “I look forward to it…” maybe he wasn’t the god of lies after all.
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vampmorgue · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐧
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤!𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 & 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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📖 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒: 18+, she/her pronouns, pogue! reader, routeledge! reader, jj is readers ex boyfriend, some backstory, some fluff but lots of angst, dark themes, toxic relationship, trauma bond, love bombing, language, dark!rafe and him being toxic, mentions of drug use, addiction, abusive behavior, choking, smoking, weapon: gun use, violence, blood, fighting, and jj being protective of reader.
📑 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 5.1k
🦇 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: if you or someone you know are in a similar situation, please don’t hesitate and ask for help. my dm’s are open if anyone needs to talk. ♡︎
©𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃: 𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩/𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞.
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You definitely had a type. JJ was your ex-boyfriend, and he was impulsive and would get into trouble but stayed caring, protective, and loving at the end of the day. He made you the happiest when he could. You two dated for a year after knowing each other for years growing up but broke it off due to the right person, wrong timing type of thing. You wanted JJ to focus on himself as he was losing himself for a while, and you were growing distant from each other but remained friends.
As your older brother, John B. got more involved with Sarah Cameron and brought her into the group, you soon heard about her older brother, Rafe, and the stories about him, and trouble always seemed to attract you.
From the day you saw Rafe Cameron, you were intrigued by his presence, but not as much as he was with yours.
You were a Pogue, something Rafe hated, but whenever Sarah brought you over, he didn't mind it as much, almost like it never mattered in the first place. You would notice the way Rafe would be eyeing you up and down, but not notice that he would be finding excuses to talk to Sarah just to see you in the same room, and then later at night, his mind would be going crazy over you.
When you first revealed your interest in Rafe to Kie, she scolded you like you had done something bad and told Sarah; Sarah didn’t mind it but did warn you that her older brother was not the best guy to be going after. When JJ found out about it, he was shocked and unhappy that you found interest in a Kook and was more unhappy you chose Rafe Cameron out of all people. JJ made it clear to you that he moved on from the break up to not come across as jealous or anything else and said you could do better than Rafe Cameron, along with everyone else agreeing.
"Look, I just think you should keep your options open, that's all." JJ comments, hoping your brother could at least convince you as well.
With your dad being gone, John B had stepped in to protect you as your older brother, and he hated the idea of you liking Rafe.
“Don’t you dare go to that Kook party where he is!” John B chases you out the front porch as you giggle, “Sarah! Back me up on this!”
“I’ve tried, John B!” Sarah scared to intervene, "The least we could do is watch over her at the party plus, we can have a little fun?"
"Fine," John B sighs at the idea, running his hands across his face.
You weren’t someone who liked listening to others about what they had to say, especially in your life. So as a result of that, during the party at Tannyhill, after a couple of shots, you went after Rafe, which caught him by surprise, but he liked it anyway.
“Y'know, I had my eye on you for a while,” Rafe smirks, drinking from his solo cup.
John B. saw the whole thing, which angered him, but at that point gave up. “I feel like I’m raising a rebellious teenager,"
“I think you’d be considered one as well, from the things you get involved in.” Sarah jokes.
From that day forward, Rafe had you wrapped around his finger. The more you started getting involved with him, the more your friends weren't liking it and made it known.
“Oh, god, you want to be like your brother and date a Kook now?” Pope asks, with JJ and Kie waiting for your response. "I mean, seriously, what is it with you Routledges' and Kooks these days.”
“You guys like Sarah now,” you mention, “so maybe you’ll like Rafe too.”
“Ha!” JJ scoffs, shaking his head.
“I doubt that Y/N but you do you.” Kie shrugs.
“Yeah, I will,
And you kept your word, but little did they know, Rafe had also persuaded you so you could be together.
"Listen, you and I were meant to cross paths," Rafe tells you in an optimistic tone, "so let them talk,"
Three months into your relationship with Rafe, he was the sweetest boyfriend, at first. From the dates to spoiling you, him making you feel like his whole world, and making it clear to everyone that you were his. The Pogues accepted your happiness but didn’t accept Rafe; they couldn't do it when they saw how he would treat other people. He was the complete opposite of his sister, Sarah.
Now six months into the relationship, you were aware of his addiction and had mentioned your concern about it to him before, but you didn’t want to be that kind of controlling girlfriend or anything. You also didn’t want to let your friends and brother know about it because you knew they would try to get you out of the relationship with him but you didn’t want that because you cared about Rafe. You let Rafe live his life and for a while, he got better after realizing how much he was scaring you, and the sight of coke making you uncomfortable. He would smoke weed instead, which you were completely fine with since you did the same.
But then Rafe would relapse as coke was more of his thing.
Your boyfriend soon revealed another side of himself on nights when you were with him, a darkening aura surrounding him as his eyes grew more hostile. You knew he was high by the size of his pupils, and how he was getting stressed out about the things going on in his life, especially with the pressure his father was putting on him. There would be times when he took out his anger on you by shouting at you or just snapping out of nowhere by throwing things around or punching walls. Every second of those bad nights was like torture so being with him started to drain you physically and mentally as time went on, you were now in his control of what you could wear, say, or do in front of him. Every morning, you’d wake up to an anxious feeling in your stomach because of Rafe, which could’ve been your sign to leave him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. It was moments like this, that made you rethink your life decisions if you had never broken up with JJ, would you be in this position? Were you longing for JJ or the right treatment that you weren't getting from Rafe? Unfortunately, you grew too attached to Rafe just like he was to you. You felt dependent on him, and you grew a fear of not being able to do anything without him or his approval but maybe one day the bond would break, right?
Every time you and Rafe argued, no one was around because Rafe wanted your relationship to look perfect to others, though it was the complete opposite, he always told you to put on a happy face.
You barely saw your friends anymore because of him not trusting them but Rafe barely trusted anyone, especially Pogues.
The Pogues were missing your company, so whenever your brother mentioned them coming over, you’d ask him if he could drive you over to Rafe’s or you would text Rafe to come get you because that’s how much afraid you were of your boyfriend; you were scared of him finding out somehow that you were in the presence of your ex JJ, though you weren’t doing anything wrong or planned on it. Whenever they’d ask about you, John B’s answer was always "Rafe", so they stopped asking but JJ thought that it was weird how the only time you were home was when everyone, except your brother, was gone, and if they slept over then you’d spend the night with Rafe— which he never said no to.
Even though your friends didn’t know the full story yet, they knew something was wrong when you were Rafe’s date to midsummers— you were the youngest in the group, so they all felt protective towards you, especially JJ. Though you looked beautiful, you didn’t look happy to be there, especially next to Rafe. They had tried to talk to you, but Rafe had his arm wrapped around your waist the whole night basically and kept giving death glares to your Pogue friends. When you made eye contact with JJ, he could tell in your eyes you had this sense of hope; he didn't know what it was but he tried to approach you because he knew in his gut something wasn’t right and said if Rafe started something then he'd finish it, but Kie convinced him to not cause a scene, and JJ was mad at John B for not looking out enough for you, his little sister.
“JJ! I’m not gonna go to fucking jail if something happened because if I did, then who's going to be looking after her, huh?!” John B argues.
“I would!” JJ responds.
“Man, why’d you guys even break up in the first place?!” your brother emphasizes, “I preferred her with you! Shit, I wouldn’t even have to be in this position!”
JJ stayed silent wondering the same thing as he hated remembering the fact that he lost you. As much as JJ didn't want to admit to himself, he still had feelings for you, and seeing you with Rafe was only making it worse.
John B just didn’t want trouble, especially at a Kooks' party knowing their power but he also didn't want you to be mad at him or give the silent treatment if a fight broke out; he also didn't want to risk losing you completely away from home more than you already were. Sarah tried to see if something was up, and you were always reassuring her that everything was fine, but it was all a lie, “See, Sarah, she’s fine.” Rafe would go on to say but that was before he took you into a room just to yell at you for causing attention like it was your fault, though it wasn't.
The day after midsummers, John B had finally confronted you about being so distant ever since you got with Rafe.
"You just don't hang out with us anymore or never make the time for it!" your brother emphasizes.
"I'm sorry! I just..." you hesitate, "really love him and love being around him. He makes me happy...ever since Dad's been gone-"
"Don't you dare bring Dad into this!" John B. hollers.
"Well, who else is going to love me now?!" you cry out, storming out of the house to see Rafe.
John B's eyes filled with loss as he was watching you slowly lose yourself.
Now tonight, Rafe had called you sounding like he wasn't in a good mood, he wanted to take you out after yelling at you the day before, so you accepted it, hoping he was changing for the better. He told you he needed to make a quick stop on the way, and that stop was to meet with Barry. You were annoyed with him and felt betrayed in a way when he fully knew you never wanted to be around his drug deals let alone being around Barry since he made you uncomfortable. Rafe didn’t listen and expected you to brush it off, but you didn’t.
“Rafe, you know I’m not comfortable with you being fucking coked out around me, or you buying from Barry in front of me," you tell him.
“Can you stop fucking nagging for once?” Rafe sighs, driving away from Barry’s.
“You know what? Just me drop off here,” you point to the side of the road, “I’m growing so tired of you.”
“Oh, you’re growing tired of me?” he scoffs, slamming hard on the breaks, “How do you think I feel with you haunting my every move?!”
“Me? You’re fucking unbelievable! You’re the one who controls every fucking thing I do! I barely see my friends because of you!” you snap, getting out of the car but Rafe quickly comes out to your side and forcefully puts his hand around your throat.
“That’s the last time you’ll ever raise your voice at me again.” he sternly states, “Now get in the fucking car.”
Rafe lets go as you gasp for air and start coughing. You get in the car knowing you couldn’t be walking alone in the dark not even knowing your way around, especially around Barry’s area. You were frozen and silent almost the entire car ride, trying to process what happened. You thought maybe if you jumped out of the car, you could run away and scream, you needed to get away, so you took your chances.
“No!” Rafe grabs your wrist while nearly swerving into an oncoming car, “Are you fucking insane?!”
He puts on the child lock before driving back to Tannyhill as if nothing happened. You felt helpless as you slowly walked behind him with his tall figure that now seemed like a monster in front of you as he led the way to his room.
“Y/N…you know that I love you, right?" Rafe asks calmly, closing the door but you stay silent.
“Come on, baby,” he says, pulling you into a hug, “I’m just trying to protect you.”
“Protect me? … Protect me from what?!” you spat, pushing him off of you, “You’re not doing that, all you’re doing is hurting me!”
“After everything I’ve done and given you so you wouldn’t live that Pogue lifestyle anymore, you dare to act like this? Tsk, tsk.” he shakes his head as it gets silent again.
“You really wanna know why I don’t let you see your Pogue friends?” Rafe chuckles in an unsettling tone, breaking the silence, “Because I know you used to date that blond Pogue…so how can I trust you around him, hm?”
You don’t say anything, instead, you stare down at the floor not wanting to look him in the eyes.
“That’s what I thought,” he nods seeming proud.
“It’s not something new,” you look up at him, “You fully knew that before you and I even got together, and you’re acting like I’m not a Pogue myself…but if you ever lay on hand on me again–”
Rafe gets in your face, “Or what?”
You push him out of your way to the bathroom. You’re on the verge of tears when you look in the mirror and see the bruises on your neck, he caused from choking you. You didn’t know what to do, whether to scream your lungs out due to your frustration or see if Sarah was home but you didn’t want to cause a scene; fear is what you felt.
Now you were at your breaking point and needed to leave, needed to leave him. You saw Rafe doing lines and he looks up at you, “If you don’t wanna see this then go hang out with Sarah or something, I don’t fucking know.”
“You’re right, I don’t wanna see this or you, I’m done.” you reply, leaving his room, “I’m done with you.”
“The fuck is what supposed to mean?” Rafe follows you downstairs.
“It means this fucking relationship is over, we’re over!” you shout in frustration.
As you made it outside, you heard Rafe scream and break something that he threw. At this point, you didn’t care you were walking outside alone, you knew your way around from Rafe’s home, and you just needed to get home away from him, hoping he wouldn’t follow.
You were glad to make it home and see the sight of your brother and Sarah asleep in the living room with a movie playing on the TV. You made your way to your room and cried yourself to sleep.
It was like a parallel between you and Sarah. You were a Pogue dating a Kook and Sarah was a Kook dating a Pogue, except now she was a Pogue. One relationship was toxic and the other healthy. Sarah is happier with John B than she was with Topper just like you were happier with JJ than you were with Rafe. 
How could Rafe do that to you? Especially to someone he said he always loved but that wasn’t love. You knew that you had no love for him left in you, instead, it was hate.
The next day, you woke up to your neck feeling sore and you remembered why as you felt sick to your stomach.
Now how were you going to hide the bruises? Makeup could help but not in the hot weather. You decided to take a shower and think in there.
A hoodie. Yes, it was hot out, but you weren’t about to throw on a turtleneck so you thought pairing the hoodie with some shorts would make it look less odd, and it would be cooler by the time the sun sets. You had to tighten the strings of the hood so it would cover your neck better, and that was the best you could do.
“What time did you get home?” John B asks, making you jump, “I didn’t hear you come in.”
You shrug, “Not too late, you were asleep when I came back.”
“I see…” he replies, “Listen, I’m sorry about last night–”
you interrupt him, “No, I’m sorry, I should’ve never stormed off like that or brought up Dad that way.”
“No, it’s okay,” he shakes his head, “I know you miss him too but we’ll be okay just like we always have.”
Some time passed, the sun was setting, and you saw Sarah out on the front porch.
“Hey, are you okay? I heard you and Rafe broke up,” Sarah asks with concern in her voice.
“Oh, you did?” John B joins in, “Finally!”
Sarah glares at him, telepathically telling him to shut up.
“Yeah, we did…” you confirm, “How’d you find that out that?”
“Well, I came home last night and saw a shattered flower vase on the floor and a hole in the wall, so I was like, what made Rafe mad this time?” she slightly chuckles.
“I guess he didn’t take it well, huh?” you assume with a small laugh.
“As far as I could tell," Sarah sighs, "I wouldn’t recommend going anywhere he might be.”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Miss. I’m too good for you Pogues.” Pope appears.
“You know that’s not true, Pope.” you chuckle.
“I know, I’m just teasing,” he replies.
“Y/N!" Kie comes running to you, “Where have you been, you bitch!”
“Well, damn, it’s nice to see you too.” you joke as she squeezes you in her arms.
“I’m never letting you date another Kook again.” she declares and you agree to it.
You feel overwhelmed with emotions with all that’s going on, but it feels good to see everyone and then remember one was missing.
“Hey, where’s JJ?” you ask everyone.
John B points over to the water where you see JJ sitting by smoking a joint, so you decide to go talk to him.
“Hey, Jay,”
“Oh, hey,” he looks up at you and smiles, “you want a hit of this?
“Sure,” you reply, taking the joint.
“So,” JJ begins, “How come you were barely around?”
“If I’m being honest…” you hesitate, “Rafe is a…control freak in the worst way possible.”
JJ chuckles, “He looks like it,”
“I know, I should’ve noticed earlier.” you mention, "I'm sorry though, I never meant to hurt you and everyone else."
“No, you’re all good, you made it out though.” he gives you a comforting smile.
“Yeah, I’m glad that nightmare is over.” you sigh in relief.
“Why are you wearing a hoodie?” he asks out of curiosity, “I’m only asking because that’s rare for you on a day like this.”
“Why are you?” you ask back, pointing out the one he’s wearing.
He laughs, “Alright, you got me there.”
“It’s a nice hoodie though.” you compliment him, hoping he'd let you borrow it one day and he would.
“Thanks, you should wear it sometime.” he teases, “Too soon?
“You’re funny, JJ...but I wouldn't be opposed to it." you turn the other way, hiding the redness on your face.
"I'll keep that in mind then," JJ smirks, taking another hit of his joint.
You and JJ just always had that spark that would always come back, and you both loved that.
JJ knits his eyebrows, “What’s that on your neck?”
Your heart drops to your stomach when you remember. He saw the bruises since you turned your head, and you didn’t want to lie and say it was hickeys but you also knew you couldn’t use the good old burned yourself with a curling iron excuse.
“Oh,” you nervously laugh, “that’s from wrestling with my brother the other day.”
“Really?” he doesn’t buy it, “John B barely even hugs you.”
He must’ve paid good attention or had a good memory of your life because he was right.
“Damn, you didn’t have to call me out like that,” you respond, joking since it’s a way of coping.
“Well, I’m just saying and I don’t think he would hurt you like that.” he adds, “C’mon you can tell me.”
“What do you mean?”
“…we were arguing, and he didn’t like that I raised my voice at him but I was only defending myself until I couldn’t,” you answer.
JJ felt his blood pressure rise so high, but he stayed calm to comfort you as he pulled you into his arms and tossed the joint away. You remembered the times he held you in his arms when you were sad about something so that’s exactly what he was doing.
"Does John B know?' he asks.
“Listen, it’s not your fault, none of it is.” he reassures, “Rafe has his issues to work with but that doesn’t mean he had the right to treat you like that. You don’t deserve that; you deserve way better than that and more.”
“Thank you, JJ,” you say, still in his arms. “I appreciate that, I needed it.”
“Of course,” he affirms, “I’m also sorry. I wish I tried harder to get you out of that, I knew something was up— we all did but everyone was just stuck on what to do without any proof, you know?”
“No, I don’t want you or anyone else blaming yourself.” you reassure, “I still have you all at the end of the day, and that’s the most important to me.”
“Yeah, me too.” he mentions, "We're going to have to tell your brother as well."
"Hm, I don't like the sound of that." you say, "But I know I have to."
"I know," JJ adds, "but I'll be by your side if that makes you more comfortable?"
"I'd like that!" you exclaim, and he smiles.
You two hear the sounds of a dirt bike.
“Did one of them take your bike out for a joyride or something?” you joke.
“I didn’t bring it today…Kie drove Pope and I out here.” JJ says with a confused expression.
Your heart drops once again, remembering who else you knew who owned a dirt bike.
“Fuck, this cannot be happening,” you mutter to yourself as you both got up.
“It’s okay, just stay behind me,” JJ tells you.
You both watch Rafe make his way to your brother and the others.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Sarah calls out to him.
“Taking back what’s mine,” Rafe responds before looking around, “tell me where she is, and nothing happens.”
“Dude, get the fuck out of here.” John B warns him as he gets closer, “I don’t need any more of your bullshit right now.”
“Seriously, you’re crazy,” Sarah tells Rafe, “Just go back home.”
“Or what?” Rafe lets out a small laugh.
You were holding onto JJ’s arm, and you could tell JJ was getting angry just by Rafe's presence but unluckily, Rafe spotted you and JJ.
“Well, would you look at that!” Rafe calls out, “You see, Y/N? I knew you’d go back to that Pogue! You’re just a fucking slut!”
“Alright, fuck it,” JJ pulls out his gun from the pocket of his hoodie and points it at Rafe.
“JJ!” everyone but Rafe shouts.
Rafe had pulled his gun out as well and John B yelled at you to get down, so you did.
“You really wanna do this, man?” Rafe questions JJ.
JJ shrugs, “If it keeps you dead then yeah.”
“Not unless you’re the dead one first,” Rafe states, slowly moving his finger to the trigger.
You began shaking while John B motioned for you and JJ to stay quiet as he slowly made his way to Rafe and pushed him down to the ground. Shots were fired at the sky before Sarah grabbed Rafe’s gun and threw it into the water.
JJ made sure you weren’t shot or anything before he went to help your brother as Rafe was strangling him, and JJ pulled Rafe off of John B and took matters into his own hands. JJ threw punches at Rafe, but he fought back then JJ pressed his fingers into Rafe's eyes before he started to punch him again to the point of blood running down Rafe's face then JJ began strangling him back to feel what you felt the night he choked you.
John B and Pope pulled JJ off of Rafe this time while Sarah and Kie told you to go hide inside the house.
Your brother told JJ to take you somewhere far from there while they would handle Rafe, and JJ didn't hesitate and kicked Rafe in the stomach before doing so. Kie would’ve let him take the car, but it was her dad’s truck, and she wasn’t going to risk getting in trouble so he thought of taking Rafe’s bike as it added a little more taste of revenge.
After a couple of minutes, the commotion started calming down. You hated every second of it, you hated people yelling at each other, and you hated any type of fighting. You were feeling numb, all of it was happening too fast.
JJ came in, "We gotta go right now."
“Run!" you heard Kie shout as you both saw Rafe making his way towards you and JJ, who quickly grabbed your hand as you both ran towards the dirt bike.
You don't remember the last time you rode with JJ but this time, the wind hitting your face felt so freeing. An aura of colors felt like they were going inside your body as JJ sped up to where he was taking you. You took notice of the state his knuckles were in, all bloody. 
Within fifteen minutes, you both arrived near a small hidden shed near the woods. It intimated you to go in the woods with how dark it was, but JJ reassured you it was fine.
“How’d you find this place?” you ask him.
“Well,” he begins, “when I wanted to get away from my dad, I would hide here if I had nowhere else to go."
You nodded at his response, not knowing what to say as if you two didn’t go through chaos moments ago.
“This is also where John B and I first smoked weed together.” JJ laughs at the memory.
"I'm assuming this is where he would sneak off to then," you mention.
"For sure," JJ replies.
"I'm honestly worried right now for my brother and the others," you admit, "anything could have happened over there."
"The worst that could've happened is someone getting shot, but they got rid of it."
"That someone could've been you!" you cry out, "Rafe was pointing it at you."
JJ looks away for a second, rethinking the whole occurrence. 
"I was just trying to protect you..." he responds, "I couldn't risk losing you again if he had taken you or not,"
From that moment, you realized that the right one was always JJ. You both just needed the time to figure out the things in yourselves and what your heart truly desired and JJ had already done that; his heart desired you.
"And you did it, Jay," you reassure, feeling like your heart was screaming at you to spill out your true feelings, "just like you always have, it's you who I can always count on, and you've proven that."
JJ stares into your eyes, "What are you trying to say?"
"It's you who makes me feel safe and cared about, no matter what situation we're both in, you don't give up, and you're always there...it's you who I want."
JJ grabs your face, kissing you like he had been waiting to do that. You both missed this. His affection towards you always made you feel special, and you're the only person he's still ever wanted.
He pulls away, "You didn't have to tell me twice...I've missed you."
"I've missed you too," you smile, holding his hands that were still grabbing your face.
"So!" John B calls out with Sarah next to him who gives you a teasing smile, startling you, "It's a good thing I checked here first and yes, everything's taken care of."
"That's great man," JJ comments, acting like John B didn't catch you two in the middle of something.
John B pulls you into a hug when he sees your bruises and apologizes for what you went through. "From now on, promise me I'll be one of your first options to come if there's trouble."
"I promise,"
"I also just wanted to let you know, don't worry about him," Sarah refers to Rafe, "I got it taken care of and he's got other things to worry about so you're going to be okay."
Sarah had taken advantage of being her father's favorite so she just called him and took her side when she told him about Rafe's actions.
"Thank you, Sarah." you smile.
"So, you guys want to get out of here and do some illegal shit or?" John B asks, lightening the mood, "Pope and Kie are waiting in the Twinkie."
"Let's go!" JJ exclaims, "Lead the way, John B."
While everyone else gets in the Twinkie, you and JJ still go on the dirt bike with him now being the proud owner of two dirt bikes.
"Hey, listen," JJ looks back at you, "I know you just went through a lot, so I just wanted to let you know that there's no rush in anything between us, I'll always be by your side every step of the way and I'll be here when you're ready."
You smile and kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you, JJ, I'm glad to have you in my life."
JJ smiles and speeds off as you're hugging his waist, holding on tight but JJ was loving every second of it, happy to have you back in his life as well.
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
˗ˏˋ꒰𖦹。🧪⋆°。2:54 p.m. — kang taehyun
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genre: kinda meet cute? idk they're lab partners (as a stem major i am projecting heavily), college au
wc: 998
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kang taehyun has terrible luck with lab partners.
he figures it comes with the territory — labs can be stressful, and sometimes the procedures written by the chemistry department are, at best, redundant, and, at worst, practically unintelligible. past partners have royally screwed him over by messing up the experiment halfway through, then banking on him to fix everything with the little time that is remaining. despite his annoyance, taehyun is well aware that he is not perfect; he has messed up experiments before, too, and he can easily admit that. however, unlike some of his peers (see: choi beomgyu, forensic science major), he will always clean up his own mess without anyone else’s help.
after last week’s class that only covered lab safety procedures, the first actual experiment day in his organic chemistry lab brings with it a looming sense of dread. he’s sitting outside the lab and waiting for class to begin, praying that he is not paired up with beomgyu again, not after the fiasco last semester in which he was seconds away from blowing up the science building.
within a few minutes, the lab instructor props open the door, announcing that partner pairings could be found near the fume hoods. once he walks up to the paper, he sighs, crosses his fingers, and searches for his name. directly next to his, he finds a name that he doesn’t recognize. despite this, he mentally fist pumps; anyone is better than beomgyu at this point.
“looks like we’re partners,” he hears from next to him. the finger he was using to search for his name lifts from the paper, and he swivels his head over to find you, donned in similar attire of a white coat and safety goggles, a small smile spread across your lips. you extend your arm, introducing yourself more formally. “i’m looking forward to working with you.”
“same here.” he moves to shake your outstretched hand, though he’s not sure if he means it yet, unsure of how you operate in a lab. really, it all depends on how well you work together.
“what’s your major?” you ask in an attempt to strike up conversation while you grab all of the necessary flasks and beakers and other tools required for this experiment. synthesis of aspirin — should be simple enough.
“biochem, and i’m also pre-med,” he says, before he’s asking for your own. your answer colors him shocked: you’re the same major, and on the same pre-med track? then…
“how come i’ve never seen you before?” he questions as he sets up some of the apparatus. you simply shrug in response while you finish setting up the other half. it’s impressive how quickly, how accurately, you complete it. is his bad luck finally gone? are you the lab partner that he’s been wishing for?
“i tend to keep to myself. ‘m not a fan of most people.” you’re already starting the experiment, scanning over the procedures to ensure that you’re doing everything correctly. “is the steam bath ready? the salicylic acid is all dissolved.”
“yeah, give it here.” you carefully slide it over the benchtop and he places the flask in the bath. as you wait the proper amount of time, he can’t help but ask, “am i most people?”
“i’m not sure yet. we’ll just have to see, won’t we?” and you’re almost smirking, a teasing lilt in your voice. it should be annoying after getting a total of three hours of sleep, and yet it only serves to intrigue him. you say that you don’t like people, and yet you’re basically a master at conversation; you can tease and crack jokes but still keep track of everything that is going on in front of you. it’s impressive. so far, he really likes you — in the most platonic, professional way possible, of course. you just met, and you're only lab partners. nothing more, nothing less.
the two of you work in almost perfect tandem until the experiment is finally complete, all data collected and post-lab questions already answered for the report that’s due next week. relief floods his veins the moment the two of you exit the stuffy, humid lab, stripping yourselves of your coats and groaning at the sensation of the post-experiment grime that clings to the skin of your faces. you haphazardly shove the article of clothing into your backpack, unbothered by potential wrinkles. you give him a playful salute before you’re moving to leave.
“good work, kang,” you comment, grinning tiredly as you walk backwards. you spin to face away from him and call over your shoulder, “see you in lecture!”
“actually,” he starts. you spin on your heel, a curious quirk in your brow as you stare at him. “you wanna grab some food? i’m sure you’re starving, too.”
and you’re smiling wider, and his heart is beating faster and no, he’s absolutely, positively not forming a little crush on you. he just admires your competence, the rational part of his brain supplies. you’re lab partners, completely professional, newly acquainted lab partners that barely even know each other, though he finds himself strongly hoping that you’ll say yes.
your fingers loosely grip the straps of your backpack, eyes lighting up, as you respond. “yeah, i'd like that. wanna get chick-fil-a?”
“it’s like you read my mind,” he quips, celebrating internally. “i’ve been craving that all day.”
as he falls into step next to you — the two of you complaining about the professors that you share and promising to sit next to each other and study together from now on — taehyun begins to think that luck is finally on his side.
“soooo,” he draws out, one eyebrow raised in an inquisitive expression. you glance over at him through the corner of your eye, urging him to continue with an impatient wave of your hand. “am i most people now?”
chuckling, you jostle his arm with your elbow. “nah, i think i might be able to tolerate you.”
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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hocuspocusbabyy · 4 months
A ring of bright light: Chapter 2. ‘Perfect stranger.’
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Warnings: none?
Paring: Eloise Bridgeton x Female OC
Description: Eloise meets her suitor.
Word count: 1.5k
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Next Chapter
“A Diamond knows how to dance.”
“A Diamond knows when to nod.”
“A Diamond knows if to smile.”
When her elder brother Anthony married, Eloise knew the burden of marriage would fall next to her. The entire situation with Kate had bought her a year and a winter at Aubrey house was something even Whistledown could not penetrate.
She knew the weight of her name, of the responsibilities that wrapped around her like smoke. The towering legacy of her father, sisters, brothers…of their family now trailing as she prepared to marry also. Anthony had set it up, a young, wealthy and respectable Count from the northern coastal region.
Count Arthur Brennan.
The family had hands in agriculture, supplying cattle to 80% of the tons across England. Though they had yet to meet, Daphne had assured her of his worth and good looks as though that would sway her any further from the inevitable truth.
She expected difficulties. Gossip, growing pains, resistance from the ton who would have preferred a representative from their family to be wed in her place. Though she found it increasingly harder to dispute them. She had focused on the future, her mother, the family and simply moving forward. She had pushed against the curve for long enough, the impending arrival of Penelope and Collins first child was a testament to that. Eloise simply had to take the bullet now.
"Are you always so silent when you’re concentrating?" Arthur chuckled, leading her delicately across the room.
“Doesn’t do well for them to know I am a bad dancer,” she sighed as she glared down at her feet.
“I’ve never heard of a ton who could not dance.” The gentleman, her husband to be quoted, bemusement settling deep into his features as he watched the frustration vibrate and ricocheted from his bride.
“I simply preferred books over tap shoes.”
“Ah, well that at the very least may help us.”
“How so?” Eloise asked, finally looking up towards her dance partner, blowing an unregulated strand of hair away from her eyes. The tingles of ashen locks create a mesh filter against her view.
Arthur grinned, as the woman’s face finally appeared to him unobscured. “Dancing and reading are quite similar,” slowing their movements the Count took a step back to take in the princess properly. The way gluttonous creatures stared at prey or children dreamed of chocolates - Eloise struggled to distinguish between the two. “You simply have lose yourself in it.”
“Follow my lead.” Arthur breathed leaning in against her ear, “just because we are forced to be here, does not mean we cannot obtain any joy from it.”
Eloise almost let out a smile at the observation, at the very least her brother had found her someone with a working pair of eyes and brain. Which was more than could be said for many of the people gathered in the ballroom around them. She was half sure Lady Downling would go blind with anguish should they dance a moment longer. Her daughter had been the prime pick for the upcoming season before Eloise had agreed to meet the count.
“Here,” Arthur pulled Eloise close, situating hands where they needed to be. Guiding her through the process, as any gentle person would.
“You will step on my feet,” Eloise protested and tried to step out of the grasp.
“Put your feet on mine.”
“What?” Eloise blurted out, surprised by the demand.
“If you’re worried I’ll step on your toes then just put them atop mine. It will also help you with footwork and knowing where to place your feet.”
For a moment, she thought about it and then, hesitantly, recently there were moments Eloise found herself on the verge of what could only be referred to as complete and utter madness. Though she had to admit, she was intrigued.
Eloise placed her feet on top of the Count. Placing one of her hands on his shoulder and clasping onto the other for dear life. “Now a dance involves two people. Very similar to a conversation. No matter how good of dancers they are, they have to be able to synchronise with their partner, watch them in a way a strategist would.”
They took one step and then another and then another, following the rhythm of the music that played softly through the walls. Eloise struggled with the urge to look down at her feet with each step, but understood the taste and marked her prey. Eyes baring down into the Count, a sight she would apparently have to get used to, though she couldn’t say the particular blue held was unappreciated.
They danced, softly swaying with the room. The air around them painted a light golden hue as the chandelier burned down. An arrow and a deer, circling one another till their inevitable connection and demise.
“How did you learn to dance so well? I did not take you for the type that would enjoy this,” Eloise whispered, not wanting to be louder than the music, not that it were possible, however with so many eyes on her she grew weary of ears too.
“And how is it you know so much of me without having met me before?”
“I did my research.” Eloise deadpanned, her elbows sticking out at the most uncomfortable angle as they moved.
“Well I hope that I may still surprise you.” He explained a quaint expression encapsulating the man’s face. Eloise took a moment to take in his other features as the dance continued. Such as her groom's hand the skin around his left was scared, rough and discoloured. His skin glowed a soft pink rather than a pale freckled white as were the rest of him. It made her stomach knot how sometimes cruel fates are less to the living acknowledgments of what had been done.
Rumour has it the count had sustained the injury during a fire at his estate, a fire which undoubtedly took his father's life and thus his youth along with it. Ascending to the head of his family at the mere age of 19. Maybe that was why Anthony and he had gotten along so well, they were of similar origins. Count Pieré Brennan had died five years ago, leaving behind his only son and second wife to stake claim.
A claim which would now belong to Eloise also… should everything go according to plan.
Her gaze trickled off to the hundreds of paintings hung in all depictions on the vast walls, the familiar faces of the family, knoblemen and people who had stayed, many of Eloise herself at multiple ages. The chandelier hung high and cast a circle of light across the wooden floor, illuminating single moments of what this place was – a home for all that had needed it.
There had always been something unreal and eerie about the palace. It wasn't prettiness no - it was an ethereal grace that was breathtaking, The halls tied themselves like tethered string weeping upon the draft of silence, the cracks peaked beneath the pale and flawed wallpaper that flaked like skin; mimicking that of eyelids. Though seemingly glowed in the dim light of the drowning day, flourished under the bewilderment of her childhood, Eloise remembered these walls and the floors she’d always dreamed would taste like honey.
Not to mention the many faces and bodies which resided within the palace at any given moment, for multiple variations of time. The vast chess floor of marble and oak glazed beneath her feet, as an advanced player Eloise knew every creaking floorboard and loose tile throughout the whole palace.
"A little rust is nothing when the heart is of pure gold." Her father would say.
Then her eyes locked with another. Eloise faulted, her feet surly would have let her stumble if Arthur hadn’t been there. A pair in which she had never acquainted before.
“Hold tight and trust me,” Arthur whispered suddenly. They dipped, Eloise’s cheeks dusted a light pink from the rush of blood to her head, her previous target of attention now lost to the crowd.
“What was that for?” Eloise forced a laugh, trying to send light hearted, to push past her loss of concentration.
Arthur sighed leaning forward again, “If this were a battle you would surely be dead.”
“Lucky for me we’re just dancing.” Eloise pointed back, a sickening feeling of awareness, transparency, being seen flooding her senses.
"Our engagement has yet to be announced," Arthur said, trying his best to look cavalier. “Make the most of the time between now and then.” The general helped the princess step down and crouched into a bow. “Until the next time we meet.”
Eloise watched the Lord’s fleeing figure, her body alight with questions for her future spouse and his sudden departure. Her questions soon answered as the object of her distraction stepped back into view.
“Eloise darling” Violet called, noticing her granddaughter left unattended, “do join us Collin here was just telling us of his newest book.”
“It’s a memoir of my time in Prussia.” The man explained as Eloise made way across the room, desperately trying to ignore the burning sensation that had settled upon the centre of her back. If a gaze could kill, Eloise was surely a prism with light penetrating directly through.
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conhivemindcent · 1 year
Sorry to bring back up the Titan submersible, but I find it fascinating in a very morbid way. Mostly in terms of the news. This will be the media student in me talking but to me, it’s a perfect example of so many of Galtung and Ruge’s news values. I’ll also be looking at the migrant boat that sunk off the coast of Greece for similar comparison and why an American centric website would probably see more news relating to the submersible.
Put simply, one of Galtung and Ruge’s news values is proximity, aka how close to home it was and how meaningful it is to the people there. Since the submersible launched from Newfoundland, Canada would’ve gotten more news stories about the submersible. Meanwhile, the boat with the immigrants was found off the coast of Greece, with more stories about it there. Since the USA is closer to Canada than Greece, they got more stories about the sub than the boat.
Another value is currency. This is why me, a Brit, got more news coverage on the boat for the first few days. The UK has a known immigration problem and some really dodgy laws about it (basically in most circumstances you can only apply for a permit once you’re in the country but entering the country without a permit is illegal, so it’s a catch 22), so something about immigration would always be more relevant. However, the antithesis recency would affect how in the last few hours of the sub being missing when the air was thought to be running out (so morning and afternoon of 22nd June) there were more stories on the sub.
A fourth value is uniqueness. Sadly, a migrant ship sinking with people dying and going missing is not an uncommon thing nowadays. A maritime disaster involving billionaires touring the Titanic? Never happened before, I hope it will never happen again (and it most likely will not). Of course the news will focus on something that hasn’t happened before - when will they get the chance to do it?
There’s also the values of Elite People. These people were billionaires. The people on the migrant ship were most likely just normal unnoteworthy people. And also recency - the Messenia boat occurred in the 14th June, and by the time the debris of the boat had been discovered it has already been a week.
I think it is important we take these news values into consideration and also how we as a community on Tumblr can see how we played right into these. An American website with a large American usership would naturally gravitate towards an American story, no matter how global it claims to be. In addition, it’s unusual enough with such strange circumstances that jokes and criticisms were bound to occur. The continuity (another news value) of the story with the search was also intriguing, as we saw it play out first hand with the initial disappearance, the potential signals, the discovery of the wreckage. Add in a level of expectedness (another news value - these people would either be found or not, and let’s be honest they were more likely to be dead than alive) and we have a perfectly newsworthy story to top the trending page for a few days.
It’s something I find fascinating, how despite people saying we should focus on the Messenia migrant boat disaster, we were still echoing the news perfectly on the site. One thing I’ve noted is that I didn’t really see anybody mentioning it before the Titan set out, but once the searching started it started becoming more relevant and trending a little below it. This isn’t a call to do better, this is just something I’ve noticed.
If there’s any saving light, out of the estimated 750 (maximum) of migrants, 104 have been confirmed alive and rescued. And I’m so happy for that.
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itsdeny · 16 days
what made u like obkk
I’ve always had a soft spot for friends to enemies to friends - or, well, whatever - kind of bonds, so watching Naruto for the first time I immediately liked their dynamic and story. Obito was also one of the few characters I knew way before even watching the show which made me particularly intrigued when it came to his character.
But back to ObiKaka.
Last year when Jujutsu Kaisen was airing, I got pretty fixated with it. Eventually, that lead to my (more generic) shonen fixation coming back, and I ended up on ao3 reading Naruto fanfictions. It wasn’t long until I stumbled upon ObiKaka fics, and that’s when it hit me: “wait…they really were something, huh?”
I only started liking them this much - hence, a lot - after rewatching Naruto; which, as you can imagine, happened because of the ObiKaka fics I’d found.
I’d never realised just how thoroughly their story had been planned out right from the beginning: one of the first (important) things we get to know about Kakashi’s character is that he has lost his best friend to war, and that his words and actions are a continuation to his will.
I’d always thought of Naruto as a show that isn’t much about extremely well organised storyline, foreshadowings, etc, (like Attack on Titan is, for reference) but more about just feeling the story and vibes. I was proven wrong, and it was through Obito and Kakashi’s story.
Ever since, I’ve started caring a lot more about their relationship: noticing every word, action, thought of Kakashi that could lead back to his old lost friend. Suddenly everything was about them, Kakashi’s entire character was about them; or, well, about Obito. And it all added up until the war arc, when the mask shattering meant Kakashi’s character slowly crumbling as well. It was one sight to see, really.
I love how they’re not your typical friends to enemies kind of story: were they even friends, really? I feel like their bond was much more complicated than that, their whole story is much more tragic than most people seem to realise, and that really appeals to me. Their personal story, their relationships with their characters, the general plot of Naruto and hell, even their designs all lead back to each other. I personally believe their story to be one of the parts of Naruto that was perfectly crafted. Every time I wish something had been different (postwar!Obito I’m looking at you) there’s always something else reminding me why it was meant to be like that. And like that it shall be.
Their whole story is a bittersweet tragedy that feels emotionally mature. I struggle to even put it into words, really.
Anyway, I’d write a lot more but I fear that might be even too much already lol. I’ll probably make a post in the future talking about this in much more detail, and possibly comparing them to SatoSugu, highlighting the similarities and the - endless, in my opinion - differences.
Thanks for asking and have a great day!
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spadesolace · 1 year
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psychic lover
pairing: psychic barista!reader x record shop owner! yeji
synopsis: the owner of the local cafe, psychic coffee, is known for her great coffee brewing skills but also her ability to see the future. some are wholesome, others are traumatic, but no matter how hard she tries, she can't see her own future. that is until she meets the owner of the record shop right next to her cafe.
The smell of coffee beans, jazz music playing, and the soft chatter of people filled the small yet busy cafe. One of the baristas, also the owner of the cafe, has a reputation that people praise and are wary of, somehow deemed as a psychic with her capabilities to predict the future for each customer she serves. Each time a customer comes back, they either praise YN, or ask for advice whenever her predictions were right. People tried to make it a business, a separate charge for the readings and the coffee that she serves. Some regulars are living life peacefully because of her predictions, with new customers arriving everyday, each one curious about what the barista has to say.
“How do you predict it? Like do you see it or does it show in the coffee you’re brewing?” Yuna, one of the regulars, has always been intrigued by the barista’s psychic abilities. YN smiled at Yuna’s question upon serving her coffee.
She had predicted long ago that the girl would become a well-known model but also gave her warnings about the hate it comes with. Yuna didn’t believe it at first but a month after giving her best, she got her big break when a famous makeup line reached out to her management. Since then, Yuna had become a regular and YN’s close friend.
“I wish I could just do latte art with it but no. Somehow when someone tells me their name whether it's fake or real, I just get a vision of it.” Yuna wasn’t satisfied with the barista’s answer but it was better than nothing at all. Swirling the straw of her lemonade as YN wrote the vision for who knows when about the girl getting another big break, probably New York fashion week.
“What’s the most wholesome vision you’ve seen?” YN looked at Ryujin who was one of the very first customers of the cafe, a veterinarian right next to the cafe.
“It’s actually yours, Ryujin. Nothing could ever top that.” She remembers Ryujin’s future clearly and it was one of the most wholesome visions she’s seen. It was better than she expected.
The veterinarian would meet the love of her life, and the girl had the cutest eye smile, something that would make Ryujin fall easily. The story of how they met was as wholesome as how it's going, Lia (who YN found out her name when Ryujin visited the cafe after meeting the girl) at the vet, a simple checkup for her dog. It has been two years and the couple are going strong, YN has met Lia on occasion, and also saw a vision similar to Ryujin’s.
“Well, you did say that I’ll meet a girl who has the most beautiful eye smile. Even confirming with you if it was Lia.” YN could only smile at the pair, knowing that their future can have a few bumps here and there but the end would be worth it. Lowkey pointing at Ryujin’s finger as the prediction, she knew that already, the rings were in her office.
She wonders how Chaeryeong is doing, her best friend, she had it quite rough in the beginning, work not cutting out, or how her company mistreated her. There wasn’t much of an update regarding the idol. She wonders if the girl took her advice and left.
“Have you seen your future?” First time meeting YN, Lia had been skeptical but seeing that her vision was completely inline with Ryujin’s, she no longer doubted the psychic barista. YN could only shake her head, she wanted to know but even with multiple tries of saying her name and brewing her coffee, even looking in the mirror as she does it, nothing. It was the curse that came with the blessing.
“I’ve seen like a few moments of where I was in their future but not like significantly.” The trio nodded, neither was satisfied but that was YN, she wouldn’t speak much on the matter, only focusing on the present. As infuriating as it is, she did want to see her future, the fear of uncertainty such as what would happen to her cafe, her life in general, was using her psychic abilities as a bonus for the cafe worth it?
Her thoughts were interrupted upon hearing the bell, indicating a customer had arrived, or maybe someone left. Looking at the girl who was making her way to the counter, she has never seen someone so ethereal in her life. The way she carries herself, wearing jean shorts, a white fitted tank top, and an oversized flannel… so simple yet how does she make it so elegant. Her eyes, it's like she got hit by cupid's arrow with how piercing her gaze is, just looking at the menu and she’s this smitten already. The trio watched the barista lose her cool, it was the first time to happen, what happened to the composed barista?
“Hi… ready to order?” The girl nodded, her shy smile, small yet cute. YN wonders what she sees in her future, who’s that lucky person that will have her heart.
“An iced americano and a chocolate croissant.” Even her order is simple yet elegant, YN was clearly losing it. Writing her order on the cup, now the moment of truth.
YN’s vision darkened for a bit, slowly clearing up. Looking around, she was in a record shop, she saw Yeji by the counter, head bopping to whatever song was playing. The iced americano on top of the counter half empty. YN walked a bit closer, seeing that there was a note, Yeji blushing upon inspecting the cup again.
Her vision darkened again, opening her eyes, this time she was standing inside a house. A set of equipment for coffee, a turntable in the living room, framed pictures by the hallways, two dogs… a picture of Yeji with Lia, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Yuna. Her friends and Yeji… no, it can’t be.
“Jagi! I’m home!” YN stopped in her spot, standing in front of her, a smile and looking directly at her. Somehow she was taller, a big bright smile plastered on her face.
“Past me, welcome to your future.” Running past her was Yeji hugging future YN tightly, after years of waiting. Finally, she saw her future and it was with the owner of the record shop from across the street. She looked around the place, future YN looking at her with curious eyes. The place was filled entirely with their interests, from music to coffee, and in a drawer hidden in the office was an engagement ring. YN looked back at her future self, nodding in confirmation that this was indeed her future, all she had to do was make the right moves.
YN opened her eyes again, the trio looking expectantly, hoping for something. All the barista could do was nod in confirmation as she wrote Yeji’s name on the clear plastic cup.
“Would you like me to write what I saw?”
“Oh… yeah.” YN wrote on the cup, the same note she saw in her vision.
Yeji, that’s a cute name. How about we go get dinner so I can tell you all about your psychic lover? xxxx-xxxx-xxx
Yeji had herself a psychic lover.
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writeriguess · 1 month
Can you write a romantic reader insert fic with Diego where the reader is a talented artist and they fall in love?
The quiet of the art studio was interrupted only by the soft scrape of chisel against marble. You worked alone, immersed in your craft. Sculpting was not just a profession but a way to channel your thoughts and emotions, shaping them into something tangible. Each piece you created was a reflection of your innermost feelings, and the intricacies of your work drew admiration from those fortunate enough to see it.
One rainy afternoon, as you were perfecting the details of a new sculpture, the door to your studio creaked open. A tall, rugged figure stepped inside, shaking off the raindrops from his coat. Diego Hargreeves, known for his formidable skills as a member of the Umbrella Academy, stood there, his gaze fixed on your latest piece—a strikingly detailed sculpture of a lone figure reaching out, frozen in an eternal gesture of longing.
“Sorry to intrude,” Diego said, his voice low and gruff. “I’m Diego Hargreeves. I saw your work and had to come by.”
You looked up, momentarily surprised by his presence. “I wasn’t expecting any visitors today. What brings you here?”
Diego walked further into the studio, his eyes never leaving the sculpture. “I’m working on a case, and one of your pieces was mentioned. The detail in this work—it’s incredible. I need something similar done for a personal project. Can we discuss it?”
You nodded, intrigued by his earnestness. “Sure, let’s talk.”
As Diego explained the significance of the piece he wanted—a tribute to a loved one he had lost—the room grew quieter, filled only with the sound of his voice and your thoughtful responses. He spoke of memories and emotions that were raw and personal, and you found yourself captivated by the depth of his story.
“I want the sculpture to capture the essence of what I’ve lost, but also what I’ve learned,” Diego said. “Something that represents both the pain and the strength that came from it.”
You listened carefully, taking notes as he spoke. “I think I understand. I’d be honored to help you with this. It’s important that the piece resonates with the emotions you’ve shared.”
Over the next few weeks, Diego visited the studio regularly. Each visit brought more than just discussions about the sculpture; it brought shared moments of vulnerability and connection. Diego’s tough exterior began to soften as he opened up about his struggles and his family. In return, you shared your thoughts on art, how it could be both a mirror and a sanctuary.
One evening, as you worked late into the night, Diego stayed to watch you sculpt. The atmosphere was intimate, filled with the soft glow of studio lights and the warmth of shared companionship. He sat quietly, occasionally offering insights and asking questions about your process.
“Why do you sculpt?” Diego asked, his voice breaking the silence.
You paused, your hands resting on the marble. “For me, sculpting is a way to make sense of the world. It’s a way to express what can’t always be put into words. It’s healing.”
Diego nodded thoughtfully, his eyes meeting yours. “I think I understand. It’s a lot like what I do, in a way. We both try to make sense of chaos, to find meaning in the midst of it.”
As the project progressed, your bond with Diego deepened. The studio became a place where both of you found solace and understanding. Diego’s visits turned from professional to personal, with discussions that ranged from art to life’s uncertainties. You found yourself drawn to him not just as a client but as a person who genuinely cared.
One rainy evening, after a particularly long day of work, Diego surprised you with a small, handwritten note.
“Thank you for everything,” it read. “For your patience, your understanding, and for allowing me to share my story with you. It means more than you know.”
Touched by his gesture, you smiled and glanced at the nearly completed sculpture. It was more than just a piece of art—it was a testament to the connection you had forged with Diego.
When the sculpture was finally finished, you unveiled it to Diego. It was a beautiful representation of both loss and resilience, capturing the essence of his emotions with stunning detail.
“This is incredible,” Diego said, his voice filled with awe. “It’s everything I hoped for and more.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. “I’m glad you think so. It’s been a meaningful journey, working on this with you.”
In the quiet of the studio, surrounded by the works of art you had created, Diego took your hand gently. “There’s something else I want to say,” he began. “In the process of creating this piece, I found more than just closure. I found something I didn’t expect—something real.”
You looked at him, your heart racing. “What do you mean?”
Diego’s gaze was sincere and full of emotion. “I’ve realized that the connection we’ve built, the way you’ve helped me through this... it’s something special. I’ve grown to care about you, more than I thought possible.”
Your heart swelled with warmth at his words. “I feel the same way, Diego.”
As you stood together in the studio, the rain softly tapping against the windows, the space between you seemed to dissolve. Diego’s hand gently cupped your cheek, and his lips met yours in a tender, heartfelt kiss.
In that moment, amidst the art and the echoes of shared experiences, you both understood that this connection was more than just a collaboration—it was the beginning of a new and beautiful chapter in your lives.
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swordlux · 3 months
"It Was Always You." | Erwin / Levi x Reader ~ Chapter 2 (Erwin SMUT 18+)
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Hello, if you haven't read Chapter One yet please click here!
Warning: Explicit content, please be 18+ to read.
Chapter Two
The Office Part Two
You sat across from Erwin at his small coffee table. Since accepting his offer for a drink, you moved from his office into his personal quarters. The room you currently sat in was something like a living space. Of course, you noticed the way the acoustics of the room seemed to keep everything in so that in the silence, you could hear the beating of your heart—how it smelled delicately of him, like musk water and lilies (and of course that made you notice the commander was gentler than you thought). Of course you noticed the bed—queen-sized, with white sheets, just visible through the ajar door of the adjoining room.
You looked at the commander. The defined cut of his jaw always caught you with how striking it was, but now, with the dim lights softening his masculine features and his usually piercing eyes taking on a colour more similar to a still lake, you realized he was much more human than you’d thought. Out of his uniform and in his loose cardigan, you could see he wasn’t actually that bulk; it was his personality that gave him the appearance of a three-time heavyweight champion. Though still large, his biceps were moreso pleasantly toned, and his slightly exposed chest showed a softness to it.
You found it hard to breathe as this new discovery registered itself in your body, and you had to hold yourself back from testing its validity.
You’d noticed it. Over the weeks you’d spent getting to know the commander of the scouts, you found yourself getting more and more intrigued by him. Every time the man was in your field of vision, your attraction to him grew more profound. It was the way he was so put together yet passionate at the same time. The way he held himself so composed through every ordeal, yet a burning fervour and determination remained behind that strong gaze. It was his intelligent brain and his knowledge that everything would work out for the better. Even when he was sent to prison, and you watched him get taken away in that cart—there was not one hint of doubt or complaint on his face. He was a man prepared to face any situation, and that made him as rare as a daisy in a blown-up field.
Whereas your talk with Levi had left butterflies in your stomach, this man had a way of setting your whole spirit ablaze simply by being in his presence.
Yet even with the fire filling your soul, the commander had a way of making you feel at ease, especially now. You noticed yourself relaxing into the cushions and wondered how you ever felt scared of him.
Erwin stared at his drink before him, his blue eyes swirling an introspective tune.
Ever since you mentioned wanting to remain on Levi’s squad he seemed distant. He kept his body turned from you and never met your direct gaze. The hidden notes of sadness on his face made you want to jump over the desk and hold him.
You were surprised at his offer to stay for a drink. Truthfully, you weren’t in any mood to leave once you’d finished what you came here for. So even if he was acting distant right now, there must’ve been a reason, and there must’ve been a reason he wanted you to stay. Hopefully, it was similar to the reason you wanted to, too. Since he’d made the first effort, you decided it was your turn to close the gap.
You reached across the table and grabbed your drink, then looked at the commander until he finally met your gaze. “Thank you for having me here. I’ve always wondered what you do to keep yourself entertained.”
Erwin laughed softly. “Not much these days, it seems.” He watched you take a sip. “I’ve been wondering, how is it you’re able to stay so positive, even in this world we live in?”
“I’m not sure. I think it’s the people around me. We’re really blessed.”
He nodded. “With that, I agree. I’m going to admit something,” he said. “I’ve been looking to you a lot recently. You have a way of moving through the world that is inspiring…”
You blushed. “Really? That means a lot coming from you. I mean, I feel the same way about you. It makes sense why everyone looks up to you. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I’m grateful to be a part of this all with you.”
A slight blush came to the commander’s cheeks.
You looked away.
A silence hung, and your eyes trailed across the room to where a large picture was hanging on the wall.
You stood and walked over to it. “What is this?”
“Ah, my dad painted it.” The commander stood up and joined you. “It’s what he thought the outside world looked like.”
“It’s beautiful…”
Your heart pattered as Erwin got close. The room’s four walls and closed door made you notice the commander’s presence even more. You felt all six feet of his intensity; it was like standing in the presence of a lightning bolt. Out on the field, your feelings were always far enough away, your souls far enough apart, so that you never had to confront them. But now, with the walls of the room keeping them inside, you were reacting to him as he was you.
“I wonder sometimes,” he said, his eyes lost in the distant horizon of the landscape painting. “If I am running down a meaningless path. Do you ever think it would be easier if we were born without strong desires? To live a peaceful life, simply content with what one has.” You focused on the way his voice vibrated down your body. “Sometimes it feels like I’m chasing my soldiers to their deaths for nothing.”
The sadness in his voice made you look up at him.
The matched expression on his face made you want to melt. “It’s not for nothing,” you said. “Simply by leading them forward, you are giving them something to yearn for. Would it really be a peaceful life to just sit by and wait for death to come? At least this way, you’re stirring up something inside them, something many people forget they have. Dreams. Desires. I think they are how our souls mean for us to live. Without them, we would forget about the fire that exists in all of us. We need them to keep life interesting.”
“(M/C)..” his voice was thoughtful as he looked at you, and then he gazed back at the painting. “Is there anything in particular you desire?”
The question surprised you. It took everything not to look at the man standing next to you, but even still, your eyes glanced over. He caught your gaze, and you sensed an additional question hanging under that first one.
“Lots of things,” you said hesitantly. “But I think more than ever, to keep having these moments with people I care about. That’s all.”
He nodded slowly, digesting your words. “I appreciate that about you,” he said. “You care for the people around you, it shows.”
You took a breath. “Erwin… commander. Why did you invite me here?”
He sighed. It was a while before he answered. “I wonder. Perhaps because I find a comfort with you, and I wanted to keep that for myself a bit longer.”
Your breath rose in your arms until it rested in your shoulders.
“Erwin…” You couldn’t help yourself anymore.
You looked at him, feeling into the alchemy of your souls.
His eyes kindled in response.
“I feel the same way. I like being with you,” you said, and before your mind could process what it was doing, your hand moved, and you placed your palm on the middle of his chest.
Erwin’s breath hitched when you touched him. His eyes burned with a fire that was barely held back.
The air in the room heated and cooled at the same time.
Hope sparked in his gaze. He let out a heavy breath and then closed his eyes. “At this moment, I am thinking about doing some very… selfish things. Does that prove I’m a bad man?”
Good or bad, one thing was for sure, you wanted this man.
You needed this man.
You needed to breathe in the air he was puffing out.
You took in a breath. “It’s hard to say when I don’t know what you’re thinking. Are you really having bad thoughts? Or are you denying yourself things that may be good for you…” The words were bold. You didn’t know where they came from. But it was all you were feeling at that moment.
For all you knew of Erwin Smith, he was never one to hold back from charging forward, so you knew it wouldn’t take much.
You looked up at him, hoping all of your longing showed in your gaze. “I can’t know unless you show me who you are, Erwin.”
Something snapped in the man then.
The look in his eyes turned to pure determination. His thick brows furrowed. The shield before him dropped, and you saw a man of pure desire.
Your lips parted naturally.
His eyes followed, then he grabbed your wrist, pinned it against the wall, and kissed you.
His lips were rough initially but softened as you melted into them—just like the man himself. He was tough and passionate, and it showed in the way he kissed you. His tongue filled your mouth—thick and wet. You could still taste the ghostly remnants of his dinner. The rawness of him made your knees weak. He was giving you Erwin, and that’s all you wanted.
His arm transferred behind your back and pulled you in tight. The front of your torso pressed warmly against his toned abdomen. The strength of his grip holding you in place made you want to melt even more into him.
You arched your head back, allowing his breath to brush the nerves along your exposed neck.
He planted wet, hungry kisses along your pleasure points, kissing up your chin until he found your lips again.
You stretched your hands up to the back of his neck, your fingers curling into the soft fuzz of his military undercut.
He squeezed you in tighter, pressing his entire weight against you, the front of his legs meeting yours; every inch where you touched felt exhilarating.
You squeezed the sides of his head, all of a sudden wanting to bleed everything out of him.
You stretched yourself on your toes, squeezing Erwin’s neck, his temple, his biceps, wanting to grab every part of him.
But it wasn’t enough. You wanted more. You wanted closer access to his lips.
You wrapped your legs around him and jumped.
He let out a breath as he supported you with one arm. When you were in a satisfactory position, you kissed him deeper, squeezing your legs around his strong torso.
He matched your energy—devouring you as you devoured him.
You dug your hands into the back of his head as his musky scent absorbed you. You wanted to merge with it. To merge with him. All of him. You wanted all of him this instant.
His lips parted, and you could taste the desire in his breath as the same thought ran through his head.
His strength again caught you off guard as he carried you to the bedroom. When you got there, he used your back to push open the door.
You breathed as the back of your legs hit the bed, and then Erwin knelt between you, his hand rippling up the fabric beside you.
You were hyper-aware of everything. The rustling of your clothes against the bed, the sound of Erwin’s crescendoing breaths—
Erwin looked at you, high on similar feelings—then he drowned into your neck, planting soft, heated kisses on every surface of skin he could find.
All the while, he panted like a man who hadn’t seen the sun for days.
His desperation made you want to open your legs wider for him. You parted your knees slightly.
Erwin grabbed your wrist and pressed it to the bed, then pressed his pelvis into you, allowing his hardness to put pressure on your clit. He rolled his hips, causing an electric shock to run up your body. With each rotation of his pelvis around your centre, a new surge of desire sparked up in you. Your head jammed back into the bed so hard you started to see fireworks.
You moaned for him.
His hand left your wrist and gripped into the collar of your shirt. He tugged, pulling at your buttons, and then when he had your shirt pulled enough, he slipped his hand into your bra and cupped one of your breasts out.
His wet tongue found your nipple, licking it with smooth circles until it hardened. You watched him as the muscles in his face bulged in concentration and need.
As his tongue played with your nipple, his palm travelled down, pressing into your body the whole way.
When he reached your hip, his fingers dug into you, his pads finding purchase in the fat behind your back. His thumb pressed into your hipbone and drove a smooth circle in the dip.
The sensation caused you to help with desire as your back arched.
“Shhh,” he said. He brought his lips up and kissed the yelp from your lips.
He continued his journey, his strong, deft hand feeling down to your panties.
You melted into the bed as his large palm tucked behind your thigh and hoisted your leg up.
His fingers returned their search, fumbling with the buttons on your pants. The ridge of his long forefinger dug into your pelvis, causing an unexpected nerve of desire to spark.
You grabbed his hand and brought it up to your lips, curling it, feeling the callouses of his war-hardened palm. Then you kissed his finger, puckering your lips around it slightly and wetting it with your tongue.
He melted at the sign of affection. “(M/C)…”
He pinned your wrist to the bed again. With a renewed passion, he took to kissing you, his hand desperate now as it fumbled with your button.
When he got the button undone, you kicked your legs around him and pulled his pelvis to yours once more, feeling the pressure of his hardness against your aching opening.
He tugged your pants down, practically dragging them off you.
You matched his speed, your fingers quickly undoing the buttons on his shirt.
He slipped your pants from your ankles at the same time you removed his shirt.
You paused with your hands on his chest to look at him. His honest beauty took your breath away. His athletic body was contrasted handsomely by the gentleness of his sand-blonde hair and clear blue eyes. The cords of his arm were taut as he held himself up. You ran your hand from the base of his arm up to his shoulder.
You squeezed the muscles of his triceps, then moved to his other shoulder.
You circled your hand around the stub of his missing arm, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. The wound and the way he handled it were proof of this man’s resilience.
Erwin shivered, then looked at you properly for the first time since desire overtook you both. “This is who I am (M/C),” he said. “Will you accept me?”
In response, you latched both hands around the back of his neck and pulled him in.
You kissed him sweetly, then looked back into eyes the most beautiful crystal blue you could take a spiritual bath in them. “Yes, I accept you.”
He smiled. “I want to see you.” He took off your shirt the rest of the way, then pressed his warm body into you as he snuck his arm behind your back to undo the bindings of your bra.
When both your breasts were exposed, he stared at you. “God, you’re beautiful. I must be the luckiest man alive right now.” He kissed your breasts, his tongue taking turns with both nipples. Then his hand travelled down to the now exposed fabric of your panties, and he pressed a thick circle into you, feeling your wetness through the cotton.
With each rub of his expert thumb, a new wave of desire ran through you.
“Fuck, Erwin,” you said. “I want you.” You desperately reached down for the hem of his pants, your nails scratching down the front of his toned stomach.
His hardness was still throbbing against your pelvis. You finally reached your hand down to feel it. He was big in both length and girth. You imagined it inside you, and your groin ached.
“Open…” you mumbled, pulling at his hem. Tugging at his buttons.
When you finally got his pants off, you ran your hand up his toned thigh.
He shivered and looked at you, earnestness in his eyes. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
You nodded. “Yes. I want all of you.”
At that, he adjusted his hips so he could shift off his boxers.
His exposed wide member hung above you, and the muscles of your pelvic floor pulled in with need.
He lowered himself, his tip hovering just outside of your opening. Then his tip brushed your entrance, causing chills to come up your spine and a flush to rush down your bones.
His expression was taut with need, his arm shaking as he held himself up.
“I’ll try not.. to get you pregnant,” he said.
His tip entered you. You were already wet, so it went in easily.
You felt the top of his shaft pulse as the smoothness of it filled you.
Then he pushed. You felt a bit of resistance as his size pushed into you, and then he entered you fully. God, he entered you. His full length filled you. You felt weighty in the back of your throat.
He pushed into you. Panting heavy. “God… this feels… you feel…” His knees drove into the bed, hips up slightly so he could fuck you. He thrust deep and hard, his arm trembling with strength.
You moaned, opening wider.
Erwin drove into you slowly, his breaths heavy against your forehead. You could tell by the clench of his jaw he was holding himself back from bursting.
“Fuck,” he said. With renewed vigour and determination not to cum, he clenched his arm around your back, his hand finding your locks and locking into them.
Then he fucked you harder. Tears appeared at the edges of his eyes. It was taking everything for him to hold himself back.
“Oh, Erwin—yes. Don’t stop.” You felt yourself reaching your climax. “Yes, Erwin. Fuck—”
He grunted.
The sound of his deep voice rumbling against your neck sent you over the limit.
The orgasm surged through your body. You convulsed, feeling yourself squirting all over Erwin’s dick.
He curled over and kissed you on the crown of your head. 
Then, with incredible strength, he lifted you with one arm and flipped you to your knees.
Your back arched toward him. He entered you again, adjusting himself to your new angle. When he pressed forward, his dick curved up into the deepest parts of you.
He grunted. Then fucked you harder. The bed creaked below you and slammed into the wall as he let out all his passion into you.
“Oh, Erwin…” your eyes rolled back.
In doggy, you squirted like crazy all over him, another orgasm already racking you.
“Shit—” he said. “(M/C), turn around again.”
He pulled out and flipped you so you were back in missionary.
“I’m going to cum,” he said hoarsely.
You nodded.
He entered you in missionary again. You moaned, enjoying the simple pleasures this position gave.
His pants were raspy now.
You loved how he fucked you.
Yes, fill me.
He caught your eye as if he heard the thought.
Then he plowed into you with a succession of rapid thrusts.
“I’m cu—” You felt the commander start to shake as the orgasm took over his body.
He pulled out of you just in time, ejaculating on the front of your belly. You watched him twitch as his muscles engaged in the sensations.
He fell into the bed. “God… (M/C). I’ve never felt anything as good as that.”
You stroked his blonde hair. “Good…”
“Let me clean you up.” 
As the commander stood, you watched his toned butt flex as he walked over to grab you a towel.
When he returned, your body tingled as he leaned over and brushed you clean.
When he joined you in the bed again, you could do nothing but stare in awe at the sight of your handsome commander.
A blush flew to your cheeks as you realized what you’d just done.
He caught it with his palm.
“Hey (M/C), I’m grateful for you.” He kissed you, his lips juicy and soft. “Thank you for spending this night with me.”
You melted and fell back into the bed, lost in a cloud of bliss.
*** Thank you for reading to the end of chapter two! To continue on to chapter three please click continue reading below! Hope you enjoyed~ Continue Reading...
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