#but no he needs to be an old dandy. for personal reasons
hylaversicolor · 2 years
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normal bedtime outfit x x
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radiance1 · 8 months
"Let me get this straight, Dani-" Vlad paused. "Danny. You alerted, not only the surface, but the inhabitants of the water. All at the same time."
"Yea." Danny said, laying down on his side as if it wasn't that big of a deal. Vlad inhaled, then exhaled, a wide amount of tiny bubbles blowing through the water from the action as he leaned over and rested his head against his tail.
"You know, it's not that bad-"
"Shush, brat. I am thinking." Vlad hissed, the water temperature noticeably rising a fair bit and caused Danny to snort. "Well don't stress yourself too hard, old man. I still need that brain of yours."
"Danny. When I am thinking I would much like for you to be silent." Vlad scowled a bit and Danny shrugged, turning to lay down on his back as he stared up at the ceiling of their temporary home of sorts.
It wasn't exactly Danny's fault they were in this situation. Well, not fully at the very least. One day, out of the blue, Vlad decided to become a 'good' guy.
Something that resulted from him losing all interest in his mother and making up with his father. Of course, Danny wasn't exactly thrilled with it, but he decided to give Vlad a chance just because of his parents and, well, Jazz's careful nudging that he might be trying to change.
He didn't fully believe that though, but surprisingly, Vlad didn't actually squander away that chance and seemed to genuinely be changing into a somewhat nice person.
He was still a fruitloop though, because he's a billionaire.
So, Danny decided to drop by Vlad's house one day, both to annoy and get a wheel of the guy's cheese because, no matter what Danny thinks, one of the few good things he'll say about him is that he can make great cheese.
Then he finds out that, hey, somehow Vlad offended the literal shadow government somehow and they managed to get the drop on him and targeted Danny by extension because witness you know? Which was great, totally fine and dandy and all that.
They were just going to wipe their entire memories of anything to do with the shadow government.
No biggie.
Then Danny decided to insult the head honcho and smack them in the face with a wheel of cheese he had on hand.
Then everything kinda got blurry after that, involved some magic, running, shadowy dudes, a portal and the end result of them turning into some mermen for... whatever reason.
Human body? Yea their legs are now fish tails.
Again, not entirely Danny's fault. He claims some part in this, but most of it was because of Vlad someone pissing off the shadow government, or doing something so great they felt they needed to do something about him.
Probably both, actually.
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lcnelyghost · 2 years
romantic touches//the ahs boys
pairings; fem reader with tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer, jimmy darling, james patrick march, tristan duffy, dandy mott, rudolph valentino, and michael langdon.
ratings; pg?? i think? maybe pg13
warnings; FLLLLLLUUUUUUUUFFFFFFFFF, (potential harsh language)
summary; my thoughts on what little romantic things you do in you’re relationship with the ahs boys!!
tate langdon;
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• Total cuddle bug even when you don’t expect it
• Neck kisses, neck kisses, NECK KISSES
• Likes it when you fully pay attention to him randomly doodling in an old notebook
• He adores it when you start playing with his hair whilst he’s asleep :)
kit walker;
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• Cracks thousands of dad jokes on purpose just to see you painfully laugh at them
• His heart melts when you snuggle into his chest
• He’ll always show you off to his friends and make sure they don’t make you uncomfortable, etc
• When the two of you get all dolled up for going out someplace nice, you literally have to try everything to get him to pay attention to something else that isn’t part of you’re looks. (HE LOVES WHEN YOU DRESS FANCY FOR HIM😭)
kyle spencer;
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• Hugs from behind, all the time
• Constantly makes sure you have more covers whilst you’re both in bed. Though if you’re cold, he’ll wrap himself around you to try and warm you up
• If you’re not busy during the day, he begs you to sit and watch TV together. He’ll throw in some snacks too
• You laugh at how super giggly he is when he’s tired. It’s almost as though he’s extremely drunk but certainly not in a bad way!
jimmy darling;
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• Pls, this man is such a sweetheart to you
• Does NOT take anyone’s shit if they start on you for no reason. Smh
• You’re not feeling well? Don’t worry, Jimmy’s you’re personal nurse for the day. That time of the month? Hey, Jimmy gets it. Whatever you want, he’ll make sure you receive it in no time at all. If you need space, he’ll give you it <3
• He just loves doing the goofiest things to make you laugh. Whether it be impressions or ‘accidentally’ doing something embarrassing, he never fails to get a giggle out of you
james patrick march;
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• Hell, this is gonna sound real far from the truth, but this mf is such a softie
• He knows you can’t really sleep well and tend to wake up during the early hours of the morning, so he’ll usually try his best to relax you by rubbing small circles on you’re back or telling you how much he cares for you
• James always tries to understand the modern world just for you. You’ve even caught him slowly dancing around the room with a pair of AirPods in
• If you choose to attend Devil’s Night, he makes sure no one invades you’re personal space and if anything dares to choose the wrong move, the whole night is immediately over
tristan duffy;
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• He doesn’t know what it is exactly, but he loves just staring into you’re eyes without breaking eye contact at all
• Thoroughly enjoys the nights you guys get wasted and come back to the Cortez, hand in hand whilst laughing you’re asses off
• Tristan is extremely protective of you. If anyone even looked at you the wrong way, he doesn’t hesitate to turn it into a full blown fist fight. Sometimes, even worse..
• Whenever you gently massage it shoulders, it soothes him so much that the next time you take a good look at him, he’s sound asleep and snoring his little head off
dandy mott;
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• Takes you round to every expensive shop in town, buying you tons and TONS of things until half of it is just unnecessary items
• Always asks if you can sit up on his bed late at night, quietly talking and stuffing you’re faces full of candy he raided from the kitchen
• Thinks of you as his little doll at times. Doing every small move around you extra carefully in fear of ‘breaking you’
• He demands to be the little spoon. ALWAYS, the little spoon
rudolph valentino;
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• We all know this man is forever going to be romantic, so much so to the point it’s just fucking unreal
• Mf please, Rudy has bought you the finest shit in town by now. Everything you appear to like, he gets you. Lucky girl, hm?
• As much as he’s admired, most women think of him as a charming young man yet still a player. But really, he’s not. He’s the sweetest a person could ever truly be and you’re flattered with every kind word he says to you
• Every kiss he gives you is meaningful. It’s always full of that passion and fire you’ve longed for in a man
michael langdon;
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• Has a secret fascination with how perfect he thinks you’re features are. Beautiful lips, a lovely little nose, yk
• Much like Valentino, Michael gives the most passionate kisses to you. Every touch is a symbol of how much he truly loves you
• He enjoys it when you both tease one another. Even though you’re both fully in a relationship, that doesn’t stop him from trying to make you beg
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oc-tournaments · 2 months
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SALVANAN: @the-demoness-next-door
JOSEPH: @cowsandcrows
Propaganda Content Warnings: Abuse, manipulation, suicidal thoughts for SALVANAN. Mention of terrorism for JOSEPH.
PROPAGANDA: this poor man. buckle in, you have a LONG one coming. he's very old, he's the god of plants + the earth and he's great i love him but man i have not been nice to him. so. way early in his life, he had a very sweet boyfriend named azyll along w lots of mutual friends. except oops, sal developed chronic anxiety and depression and decided that he did not think he would be good for azyll and broke it off w him. it was amicable but it still sucks. fast forward a bit, one of the friends in their circle, jekath, is being manipulated and hurt for no reason and sal knows but for magic reasons he's incapable of telling anyone, just has to watch. and then he eventually has to watch jekath finally snap under the pressure and betray them all and go evil. no bueno. so he spends a long time feeling terrible and eventually he plans to just. yknow. off himself. but oh surprise this little boy named safari shows up in his garden! and he's like well shit guess im a dad now. and he loves this little boy very much. it's good times! except when he's a teenager two of the little boy's biological brothers drop him off a cliff and nearly kill him, which is, yknow, terrifying. that's his son! his son was almost murdered! no! bueno! anyway, azyll's mortal so eventually he dies of old age, now sal's even sadder. least he's still got his other friends and safari but Man. anyway fast forward again, whole world is at war. and his two best friends, arona and morana, both die in it. but if that was not bad enough, arona was killed by jekath. you know, the old friend that was abused and eventually betrayed them all. so the friend he felt like he failed has now murdered one of his best friends. and his other best friend is ALSO dead. things are just going Great. flash forward another little while and his goddaughter's husband, sibrum, goes evil against his will too. he's known sibrum since he was a kid so now he's got ANOTHER person he felt responsible for gone evil against their will. then sibrum's daughter dies. are you seeing a pattern yet. anyway, sibrum soon kills jekath so now sal feels like he's double failed both of them and also even MORE of his original friends are dead now. so he is trying So Hard to relax! but then safari is turned into a terrible person against his will too! and because they were so so close for so so long they end up in a toxic dynamic instead of cutting each other off. sal finally figures out how to break the spell on safari and it's all Okay Now (they're both traumatized and it's definitely not okay). he gets to relax for only a brief time before his other child's son, volta, has a villain arc too. and what happens? you guessed it! sal tries to stop him and help him and he's not able to. and feels like he failed someone AGAIN. yeah this just happens over and over through the course of his life. he's so tired and sad man
PROPAGANDA: Hes a military captain (sheltered idiot). WAAYYYY too trusting and falls in love with someone who turns out to be a terrorist they need to kill. they decide to trust this person instead and repeatedly get used and betrayed (3 betrayals because i love religious connotations). they will never be happy despite how much they want to be because he finds it hard to change (he's always so close to figuring it out but his circumstances won't let it happen. hes too stubborn cries). HES A DANDY PATHETIC BITCH. hes too gay for this world. every time he trusts someone its the wrong decision and every time he decides not to, he should have. tragic inevitability ect. love him <3
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mdhwrites · 1 month
What do you think of the Heroic Sacrifice trope? It's a trope as old as time: "no greater way to showcase the quality of one's character, the culmination of their growth, their worthiness as a hero, than laying down their life so that others might live."
I personally like it...most of the time. Other times it feels like it's executed for the sake of being executed. Take Superman's death in Batman v Superman - a noble act, but completely pointless because anyone with a brain writing this would see the context and go "just give Batman the kryptonite spear and have him kill Doomsday with it instead."
I'm also not a fan of the sacrifice being undone, either by the end of the story or the next film/chapter/whatever. For me, it takes away a lot of dramatic weight by simply undoing the character's choice to sacrifice themselves and have them come back fine and dandy. This is why I kinda like the way the Heroic Sacrifice plays out in Amphibia's finale: it's sort of undone, but elements are left ambiguous enough to leave the possibility that yeah, there is some kind of seriously existential consequence to come from that.
I sent this ask because I've been thinking about how, over the years, I've seen a lot of talk and fanfics about various works of fiction, lamenting and undoing a hero's sacrifice. And while most of this is obviously because it just feels better to see a character you love alive and well, some argue that, in this instance or that, it was more narratively fitting for the character to actually live instead of carrying out the trope. And that argument can have merit, if you ask me, provided you can prove it...was narratively fitting for the character to live.
So yeah, what do you make of the trope?
Character Death is maybe one of the hardest things to quantify for people because how each person feels about a death is going to come down to personal preference and the like. The only character deaths that are undone with no objection are the ones that are complete bullshit. These are usually shock deaths. Otherwise, the conversation gets a lot more complicated.
For me, I think your final sentence on this comes close to hitting the big question a writer should ask for which way to swing this. Can you make the resurrection feel like it fits within the reason for the sacrifice? It can't just be thematic to the whole story, it has to be thematic to the death itself.
THIS is actually what makes Anne coming back powerful. She dies as a culmination of her care for others and her maturity. First, that care for others has The Guardian offer her a job. Offer her a place amongst the gods. However, it is then her maturity that makes her turn it down and gives the Guardian the idea to give her her life back. For the same reasons she died, she comes back. It doesn't undercut her arc, it reinforces it.
I much cheesier example of this is the first Pokemon movie. Ash gets in the way of Mew and Mewtwo because they aren't battling like in Pokemon, they are waging WAR. So he does everything he can to stop it and loses his life in the process. When confronted with the cost, everyone has to stop and actually consider it. This shared pain of having gone so far is then what makes them cry and finding peace finds Ash his life. He did everything he could for peace and succeeded and rolling back his death fits with the idea that there was no need for this in the first place. To keep him dead would actually undercut the point because it would imply his death was necessary.
Why don't villains count as often for this? The redemptive sacrifice is made to atone for their sins... Which makes bringing them back kind of go against the point. The idea is that instead of the selfish or destructive ideals they have been motivated up until now, they no longer care about themselves and care for others. That they will throw away EVERYTHING to try and undo some of their damage. To give them back anything is pointless. The best thing to be done instead is to memorialize them. To agree that they in some way did make up for their mistakes and will be remembered fondly instead of hated.
As for my personal opinion... I am not a fan of character death. Unless it is the absolutely right thing for their character, I am usually against a character dying permanently. It is the end of all stories that could be told with them, done in a very brutal way, and that is far less interesting to me than having to deal with who they are going forward. As such, I would rather a heroic sacrifice lead to them being scarred in some way, usually literally not like they now have to deal with trauma, because just because you didn't die doesn't make the fact that you were ready to any less meaningful. If you are going to remove a character from a story and not send them off into the night gracefully to live their own life though, there are much worse ways to do it than a noble sacrifice. However, because I think the trope is unnecessary in the first place, I'm going to be ESPECIALLY critical of your work if you use it just for shock value.
Death means something, just as life does, and the passing between them should mean just as much. See you next tale.
I originally branched out to kind of how death and resurrection can be handled in general rather than just noble sacrifice but decided against it. This also kept Luz out of this since she didn't do a noble sacrifice. She didn't choose to die which is the whole fucking point of the trope. She just accidentally was killed while saving someone. There is a BIG difference.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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comtedelafere · 1 year
So I just read this afternoon that Ray Stevenson has died at the age of 58 (which is absolutely no age, the poor fella, what a shock).
I'm not gonna pretend to know much about his back catalogue of work or say I was an especial fan or anything disingenuous like that, but I do really want to talk for a quick moment about the one role I really know and love him for - Porthos in the 2011 adaptation of The Three Musketeers.
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Now, I know and you know that this version of The Musketeers is massively unpopular for a whole host of reasons - most notably the silly airship storyline (personally, I have such a well-trained suspension of disbelief that I can 100% deal with the airship aspect of it, but I totally get why it's an unpopular addition to the story) - but I will happily die on the hill that it is the closest combination of writing and portrayal of the Core Four yet (sorry, BBC version). Logan Lerman's d'Artagnan was a cheeky 19-year-old rascal who thought he was all that and a bag of chips and didn't care who knew it. Matthew Macfadyen's Athos was sullen and morose (but in a really hot way obvs, cos yknow - Athos) and didn't waste a word of dialogue. Luke Evans' Aramis was quiet, sober, extremely spiritual and didn't go around trying to seduce everything that moved the whole time.
But Ray Stevenson's Porthos? Oh. Oh this was sublime. Up until this adaptation, Porthos had more often than not been played as the comic relief: the large, overweight, affable drunk of no fixed IQ whose prowess at fighting was more down to luck and subtle slapstick than his good judgement. This version of Porthos couldn't have been further away from those portrayals.
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He was a quick-witted, smart, physically powerful and agile fighter, whose hand-to-hand combat skills were so notorious that he never needed to use his sword. My absolute favourite moment that showed this fact so beautifully was at the end of the big fight scene with the Red Guards ("Four against FORTY? And you beat them like a drum?! *snort*!" oh, Louis!) when the Guards were reeling a bit, and trying to decide whether to go another round. At that point, Porthos casually pushed his sword from the scabbard with his thumb by about 2 inches - and that was enough to send the Red Guards running for the hills!! I screamed!! Perfect characterisation!! Porthos to an absolute T!!!!!
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Not only that, but his version of Porthos was an unashamed yet impoverished dandy, a dedicated follower of fashion who took his time to choose exactly the right cut of new clothes in exactly the right colours - while his rich, married lover happily picked up the tab for him. He understood the way the right clothes and the right combination of appearance and demeanour in any given scenario could give him the upper hand, not only in fighting but also in all of his interpersonal relationships and encounters.
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This is the Porthos I had wanted for years. This is the Porthos I cheered and applauded for when I finally saw the version that had lived in my head all those years had finally made it to the screen.
Don't get me wrong, of course the BBC Musketeers owns a huge part of my heart and soul and I love so much about them - but the 2011 Musketeers was so special because for me it was probably the very first time I finally got to see the Musketeers as the book described them, rather than just as the standard accepted carbon copies that had been passed down by Hollywood over the decades, and which bear little to no resemblance to the actual characters in the book. I have no idea if I've actually seen any of Ray's other performances or not, to be honest. Porthos may not be his finest hour onscreen, I really don't know. It may not be the part he's best known for. But if nothing else, Ray finally gave the world a Porthos that Dumas would have recognised.
Despite the fact the film as a whole was received poorly, his portrayal was a genuine gift, and I am privileged to be able to remember him as having given this Musketeer fangirl the abject joy of finally seeing Porthos played as he should have been all along. Not as a large, loud drunk who was just there to be big, strong and funny - but as a highly skilled, intelligent, audacious soldier with a sharp sense of humour and an even sharper dress sense; and who, rather than simply bringing up the rear as The Other Guy or the Big Fella, showed that he was quite possibly the Musketeers' MVP.
Thank you, Ray. Goodnight, and rest well.
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cloudymistedskies · 11 months
Bow-Less Mari AU info dump time!!
Quick summary as to what this AU is: It revolves around what would happen if Muichiro and Riko died. While Muichiro's death would impact her, Riko's would be her breaking point. Mari would still have some same characteristics, only that uh... It's not the same. And also this is a Yuichiro lives instead AU
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Lazy ass doodle
As I mentioned before, Mari is 16 around this AU. This may or may not be because so Misaki and Akio would become slayers and be Mari's tsugukos.
Mari was an empty husk when her sister died. She stopped taking care of herself and only focused on training and missions she's assigned to. It was so bad, to the point that she would frequently be sent to the butterfly mansion.
She only started to take care of herself when her aunt took her in. Numerous times, she's been caught over training herself.
Also mentioned in a previous post, Mari is a perfectionist. Well this goes to all AUs in general, but this one is more present and frequent.
Ironically, Mari wouldn't offer Misaki and Akio the same training as for her own. She knew that the training she goes through is risky and she wouldn't want them to go through all that.
The reason why I called it Bow-less Mari AU is cause the bow is basically the thing that keeps her sane and well. Riko's gift was something that meant so much to her. And a bit of a symbolism that Riko was the main root of her growth/maturity.
Even though Riko wasn't there to care for her, her (technically adopted) family was there. Unfortunately, it didn't help with her emotional/mental state but she began smiling more often with them.
The reason why Yuichiro and Mari's relationship is restrained is cause of a huge misunderstanding. Yuichiro thought Mari abandoned both him and Muichiro, and seeing Muichiro grieving over Mari's disappearance broke him.
But despite his anger, deep down, he still cares about Mari. He doesn't show it, but he feels the need to protect her as she's the only person he has left in his life.
Mari's haori is actually different in this AU! well colorwise. It more so represents evening-ish skies.
You would think Mari would be less expressive, but that wouldn't be the case. Mari is actually more emotional, but also short tempered.
Mari hates her attachment issues. She always sworn to herself not to get close to somebody but would always fail no matter what. And if they end up dying, it would worsen her hatred.
One time, during a mission; Mari wasn't able to save an older sibling from a demon attack and it devastated the younger sibling. Mari would feel immense guilt and visited the family for a while, offering her deepest apologies. She still has yet to move on from that (..Well she never moved on from any problems she has...)
Mari sleeps more often. To her, it was a way to escape the harsh reality that she's in and just stay in a headspace where everybody is all fine and dandy.
If Mari ever feels like she's not doing anything with her training, she would harm herself in any way possible as a form of punishment. This may be derived from her mother's actions towards her, only more physically.
Despite her horrible mental state, she still tries to be a good role model for her younger siblings. Surprisingly, Mari's favorite sibling is the youngest child (3 years old by this time).
Because Riko died, Mari's kindness is less...shown, at least towards others. She still remains as the harsh and blunt Mari that she was when she was younger. Although like always, it's a facade to appear stronger. That facade fades when she's around the people she's close to. (Ex. Hiyori)
Unlike original AU Mari, she doesn't know how to cook/clean... But she knows how to do her make-up.
Mari often uses her family name (Minami, the family where she was adopted in) as an advantage for her missions. Frequently, she goes to cities for her missions.
A more detailed explanation for the above. The Minami name was a powerful name, and despite Mari still being referred to as “Kaizumi-sama” and such, she’s legally a Minami.
Funnily enough, Mari is a fashionable girl in this AU. (mainly for her missions AHAHFHDSDHFH)
Mari only lives on to serve her purpose as a demon slayer. If demons were fully eliminated or she ends up retiring, she would kill herself, ultimately deciding her time was up.
That will be all for now ! More bow-less Mari fun facts will be given to u soon :3333
Ask away if u have some questions regarding Mari !!!!
tagging these three cause they probably wanted this AHHSFHSDHF
@theyluvsmilo @sakurasunkiss @rainechizakuslife HSFHSDFHSDFH
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xxtha-blog · 7 months
I can't really understand Ace's psychology... In the comic he seems to me to be a funny dandy, a bit of a tease but not a bad guy, with a trauma that has led him to do stupid things for reasons who were moral. Given that the comic ended on a hopeful note thanks to Dream, we can only imagine that things will get better for him afterwards... Whereas in the Asks, the commentaries and all the information outside the comic, he comes across as much more cynical, tragic and negative... In fact, over and above what I'm sure is a lack of understanding of the comic, it's a difference in the aura of both that I feel that's confusing me... Perhaps you can enlighten me?
There's definitely a difference in how Ace acts outside of the comic vs how Ace acts inside the comics. A lot of it is the difference between Ace being essentially shackled by Joker vs afterwards.
He really doesn't break the fourth wall very much within the comic so you don't get much of his active disdain of us. It's a contained story-line, he can't interact with creators in real-time. Whereas, on a medium like tumblr or in an rp event, he's real-time talking with creators, and he loves to antagonize creators, hence, being pretty cynical.
His nature as a character is something that isn't resolved and 'things will get better' doesn't mean he's doesn't have like. Fifty different mental illnesses still. In fact, Ace in the comic recognizes this by not saying that things are better, but that they could be better, and in two parts of that, his goal is to 1. Enjoy himself. And 2. Get over what he lost, both of which he is doing in most of the post-AU stuff. When he references his tragedy he usually does so mockingly or ironically. When he talks to creators he's also doing the same. The ask blog isn't that great of an example for his post-Au character given it's intentionally a non-canon and actively antagonistic format, so he's just constantly not enjoying it. A better example would be RP events on discord, which most people never saw, or this really old one-shot I made when I was like 16, which you can read here (it's not the best written but still in character):
This is a pretty typical way he'd react. He's not really overly cynical or negative, mostly just chaotic and quick witted. If he thought you thought that about that, he would be offended, and then he'd act much more positive, just for you. He'd give people gifts and sing funny musical numbers, full orchestration. Do some dances, really bring the energy.
If people thought he was too upbeat and positive, he'd kill a rabbit with a playing card in front of them, electrocute someone, and threaten to burn their house down (whether serious or not is up to you).
His personality is always revolving around his weird way of speaking and general oddities, but he'll essentially do anything as long as an illusion is fuelling it because illusions allow him to do anything. Which includes acting in a very wide variety of ways.
The power of illusions just lets him make the world his playground.
He plays the hero, he plays the villain, he plays whatever role he thinks is something you haven't seen him play before, because he can do whatever he wants (except cliches, they'll kill him dead), and he's going to do whatever he wants, to keep you on your toes. If he's talking to creators he's almost always going to be sarcastic though, simply because he doesn't like them very much. He uses other characters as vectors for his silly hi-jinks, which he just fundamentally can't pull when talking to creators directly.
You can also find a more in depth overview of his personality here:
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arizonapoppy · 7 months
Tangled Web Book Club: Feb 13th
Pennycuik Dark seems to be attacking the problem of getting married completely for (on the face of it) completely the wrong reasons. Romance, let alone passion, seem to be completely out of the equation. He wants a housekeeper, elder care, and a companion against loneliness. By today's standards those are pretty bad reasons to get married, but back then, before Hello Fresh/DoorDash, assisted living, and senior centers, what other options did one have? At least he is practical that he is "not rich enough for a young woman" to do all those things.
It's a nice echo that he didn't get married originally because he couldn't make up his mind to propose, but now he is still having trouble making up his mind who to court.
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On the bright side, Penny is principled. He stands by his cats and won't marry someone who would make him give them up. (This was a topic in Carolyn Hax this week.)
Gratuitous cat picture of the biggest green flag of a boy and his cat ever:
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Big Sam:
Big Sam not wanting "two other men's leavings" is so incredibly sexist and toxic masculinity. Is he afraid her vital marriage equipment <sarcasm> is worn out by the past husbands? (How old is the Widow Terlizzick anyhow?)
I also wonder if the depression or anger is clouding his perspective when he thinks the housewives inviting him for dinner side with Little Sam and want to gloat or persuade him to Little Sam's perspective. Maybe they are neutral, or actually side with him, and genuinely care about his well-being?
Animal imagery:
Describing the Widow Terlizzick as a "hooded cobra" and a "tigress." I love that cobras and tigers are exotic animals, just like she is neither a Dark nor a Penhallow. Spicy and dangerous!
The women in the choir are referred to by Dandy Dark as "old cats," which seems dismissive and mean, compared to his positive views of First and Second Peter.
Mr. Trackley:
He gets brought up again in this chapter. Is he the pastor of both Rose River and Bay Silver churches? Nobody seems to like his sermons. What is he like as a person? (Fanfic needed here.) I wonder what Mr. Trackley thinks of all this. Is he laughing into his beer with his colleagues after Presbytery meetings over it all?
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
How would you break down the alters' personalities?
Oooooh this is a really fun ask to receive! Thank you so much for sending it to me! :D I feel like I need to preface this though that the way each of the alters' personalities (and to a certain extent, their dynamic within the system) is presented fluctuates a bit with individual writers and mediums. Like, currently, I am wrestling with myself over how best to respond to this ask, because there's the part of me that wants to give the most direct possible answer to your question (how /I/ specifically might parse out the alters) and then there's the part of me that wants to take any opportunity I can to discuss the varying ways the guys have been portrayed across the whole expanse of Moon Knight comics. 😅 So I very well might do both???? For now though, I'll stick with the former because,,,,the latter will take considerably more time than I have at this very moment; however, please just let me know if I misinterpreted your ask as I would be MORE than happy to eventually produce something that's a bit more,,,,historical, if you will. Personal Feelings, Sir aka fair warning, this is entirely just my opinion and I tend to pull a lot from the first volume (but with all of the improvements made by later volumes), so please take the ramblings under the cut with a grain of salt.
Marc is....over all not a very happy man. He's incredibly tactically proficient with an infantryman's razor sharp sardonic wit and if you share a common goal, he's a great ally to have by your side, but...he's seen things that weigh on a soul and done things he's not proud of and you can tell. Like, there's just a certain intensity and hyperawareness that some combat veterans get that you can see in their eyes and I definitely feel like that comes through with Marc. Kinda taciturn, one might even say at times "brusque" (but he might argue "efficient/economical/laconic"), but there are those he genuinely cares for and he's not without a sense of humor. The issue is that he's definitely aware of his own lethal capability and views it not just as a learned skill but as an integral part of who he is, that "there was never anything kind or gentle about [him]" (Moon Knight vol. 9/2021, #5). Oh, and he's got issues with authority as well as an independent streak that could span the Chicago River that have from his time spent in his father's house to the Marine Corps to his mercenary days burned many bridges, so between that and the very real crimes against humanity he's committed, homeboy's got a lot weighing on him. But he's trying his best to be better from here on out and his degree of faith in whether or not he can actually be better may change with the day but he tries nonetheless, making all the difference.
You ever seen, like, a leopard seal hunting? That's how efficiently Steven navigates high society. He has a perfect handle on old money manners and old money charms and knows exactly how to utilize them. I wouldn't say he's "tactical" with the same connotation of martial violence of action that hangs over Marc, but he's definitely analytical. Highly analytical. I want to make it clear that none of the alters are by any stretch of the imagination dumb, but just by the nature of character dynamics, Steven always ends up the Superego even when Marc and Jake take turns being the Id. Whereas Jake is jovial and street smart and Marc was a CIA operative for a reason (even if his heavy guilt and, if you will, angst can still on occasion sneak up on him and take him out), Steven is the numbers guy. He's the one that takes care of the business end of things and sometimes that means being the level-headed one of the bunch as well. Now, I don't want to make Steven sound like a cold fish (or worse, a bit too much of a shark). I would be remiss if I didn't mention that sometimes, particularly in earlier issues, he can come across as a bit of a dandy, perfectly happy enjoying the finer things in life. More importantly, "the finer things in life" include friends and just genuinely positive relationships. He may have a perfectly crafted persona for society functions that includes a very convincing fake laugh, but he's also far more open to loving and being loved than Marc with all of his hang ups could ever possibly be.
When Mr. MacKay described Jake as "avuncular" (Moon Knight vol. 9/2021, #14) and a piratical "rascal" (Moon Knight vol. 9/2021, #15) that took me the heck out because, YEAH! While Steven's the perfect party guest, Jake is the life of the party. He's a force of nature and a bit of a whirlwind, the kind of cabbie that can comfortably (both for you and for him) talk your ear off for the entire fare with the thickest Chicagoan accent you've ever had the privilege of hearing. He's a steadfast and steadying support to those he calls friends (of which he has many since he has a tendency to make them where ever he goes), but he's not above settling a matter with his fists if the situation calls for it. He's nothing if not scrappy after all, because hey, the streets of New York where he spends most of his time aren't exactly easy. Similarly, he's also, I don't want to say "a gossip" per say, but he picks up gossip and other bits of intel like a lint trap. He has a wide net of connections, and don't get me wrong, he loves people dearly, but he's very keen when it comes to knowing exactly which people to tap if he needs a certain line of information. He's honest and lovable and an absolute rogue that makes it very hard to remain mad at him, no matter what mischief he might get into.
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anteroom-of-death · 1 year
Put Me in a Movie...
Synopsis: The Master comes to terms...sort of. Set after the Doctor abandoned him in Nazi France.
Warnings: grooming, white supremacy, harsh language, introspection...
(Proof I write on occasion...)(also for reference listen to Put Me in a Movie by Lana del Rey if ur not familiar...)
Lights, camera, act-ì-on…
The Master stood at attention for these mere humans. The Doctor left him in the hands of humans that, without his special little perception filter, wouldn’t even listen to his charms or even basic hypnosis. Obviously, this body, no matter how svelte or pleasant to look at wouldn’t go over well as say….his body previously to his female form last go…or a few of his bodies especially the smirking, tall, one. The blue-eyed alabaster dandy wouldn’t even go over well…
Especially considering the environment: Paris, at the height of Nazi occupation.
If (s)he likes me, takes me home…
She left him there, knowing Earth history probably better than everyone else of their species. Knowingly abandoning him here, with these people. Well, why wouldn’t she? She’s always been deeply selfish, especially in regards to him and his needs. He had realized that thousands of years ago. When she first abandoned him for that wife of hers and living a charmed life. Before she got bored, stole that sub-par TARDIS, and ran off.
Selfish fucking bastard. Every body. Always.
So much for a childhood friend and blood pacts sworn in dark nights when you’d protect each other and be there for each other until the literal end of time…
And who’s there for poor Koschei?
No one, not ever.
He didn’t know he’d have this much fun…
No one, that much was clear since he looked deep into the void of all time and all space, and received the Drums.
The fate of all the species rested in a tiny eight-year old boy…and guided in such a way all throughout training and well into adulthood. Groomed into perfection to be the only one mad enough to try little tricks to break the reality of time and space at the most crucial time of war during a personal mental breakdown.
The Master broke his reverie as the lead SS officer trafficked him into a medical bay. Obviously he was master of deception- how’d he pretend and fool, quite literally their entire upper echelon into thinking he was the literal übermensch to get the ability to use their networks to find the Doctor.
The vivisection and tests were enough to bring him to regeneration’s door. It took him all the strength he held to not. He needed to keep that secret held to his chest. That knowledge could let these people win and erase much of his own past. He couldn’t risk it. No, not at all.
Come on you know you like girls (boys)…
He escaped as the Allies closed in and his captors fled their posts. Cowards, more so than the Bitch who abandoned him there, more so than the President who stayed comfy in his office as a war raged on, instead making a small child in the past the ultimate weapon. More so than his parents that ignored his many messages home that the drumming noises in his head were ravaging his mental health and causing him to make himself sick and wracking his body raw.
He was free, just had to deal with the consequences of this all. Just wait it out until the time-lines coincided with the main event.
Listlessness filled his hearts.
He wouldn’t dare do therapy. For obvious reasons: the cost of being remotely near anything medical mentally again would far outweigh the possible benefits of maybe a prescription for any lithium or barbiturate or diet meth the industry would churn out in the relevant coming future.
You know I can’t make it on my own…
Still he persisted on, focused on just waiting to actually enact the actual plot of this little scheme. A loss, but one he had to cope with. And for the assistance of his co-conspirators…
Decades passed the slowest that he’s ever seen them. Considering he knew most of the latter-half of the century from being on-planet on and off during it. The Master didn’t have it in him to hypnotize or engineer any tech. Too conspicuous, too much effort. He’d bled out all his will to do much anymore except endure.
He ended up in the early 2000s getting a job. A low-level executive in a marketing firm in New York City. Basic stuff, bossing around interns and speculating which members of ensemble shows filmed locally had bulimia and which ones had anorexia. Sarah Jessica Parker? Definitely anorexic. Mariska Hagarity? Probably bulimic.
He lived in Brooklyn, because well, the Doctor and her little friends had claimed Manhattan accidentally. Two of her little pets past, Amalie? Aurora? and Rorschach? Remy? The Lakes? The Ponds?. Those two. They lived in Chelsea and had a daughter he respected. They were soon to die and both were deep into mental decline, but didn’t want to risk exposing himself to little River visiting Mum and Dad on their death beds. No need to cross those paths…
It was a crisp early-April day. The first really good day of Spring. Perfect day for a stroll to McCarren Park to enjoy roach coach coffee and a questionable, semi-stale blueberry muffin. A little dive bar had advertised the singers performing that night. A pause and a sip: why not? A human life had it’s perks. The human race always excels at entertainment. He frequently looked to them to frame up fun little songs to blare when scheming or celebrating.
After the park and a trip home for a shower and a beard trim, he went to the bar and ordered a stout from a brewery that opened up in-boro. Brooklyn was changing. Especially Williamsburg. Gentrification. He worried that interstellar forces would bother him there and the Doctor would follow. Aliens, himself included, do love always targeting the hottest spots on the planet. He scoffed into the foam of his drink.
The first singer came and went, followed by a tiny girl with a well-loved guitar and a man on keyboard. She introduced herself as “Lizzy Grant, a.k.a. Lana del Rey. “ Hunching forward and a small, almost sickly sweet, little smile she started singing about being the self-proclaimed Queen of the Gas Station. She was decent. Nothing to sneeze at. Maybe one day she’d come out of her shell and perform at Glastonbury or some such large festival with thousands of enthralled fans if she was lucky enough. But for now, she was giggling nervously and strumming simply on her guitar.
The Master, a.k.a. Roger Estram, more or less tuned her out and focused with eyes semi-closed on the chatter. It soothed the Drums. He rolled his neck and shook out his hands lightly. He was relaxed. Nothing, not even the pain of thousands of years of agony would stop his night out. It was his night and he hadn’t been properly out since his firm made a liaison party between that delusional Jennifer woman and her teams and a low-level loud luxury brand.
Then he heard it. A song that hit him like a gunshot through the center of his respiratory bypass.
A fairly dark song, not what she had been performing. Definitely not the peppy, funny, tongue-in-cheek Americana. One that spoke of the casting couch and a bigger, presumably much-older man taking advantage of the tiny little girl crooning before him.
Suddenly all of his life came and smacked him between the eyes.
He knew he was groomed. He wasn’t a fool. The most uneducated Dalek could accurately determine this. But he was a Time Lord. Obviously he rose above it. Evolved past it. Especially leaving it all in the past as he passed from the body of the Prime Minister to the body of the Queen of Evil. He was all better now. The Time Lords (except for one) were all long gone. Toast. No one’s little plaything anymore. Ever.
That was all past, right? Long since ancient history.
Then why did it hurt so much? Not just now, certainly now, as this song crawled into his center and clawed open the wounds fresh. Why did something that happened as a child and presumably ended for him hundreds of years ago hurt?
Something about this song and the way she earnestly issued into the mic, “You can be my Daddy!” As if she had a role in her own victimization. The man who likes little girls could do whatever he wanted to her, just “Put me in a movie!” had him shaking and wanting to make streamers from his own entrails.
Each little harmonica blast she had her guest keyboardist make shot through his core. He was alone and sad and scared. The same little boy, who stared into the basis of reality to be chosen against his will. The same kid, frequently pushed to the outside, just waiting for everyone to take advantage of him. Accenting that it really just was him out in the universe and no matter what he did, he was used and abused and now couldn’t even manage to control a façade for longer than a few years before everything blew back onto him and he was left more alone and out of control than ever.
She finally finished her song and he paid his tab, shoving a big wad of cash in the little “For Singers” cup up at the stage before he stormed out into the night, glad that it was only a decade or so before he could do a grand reveal and rejoin the main plot of his life…not this strange little side quest his life had taken him on. No more little Earth girls that sang a song seemingly written for him, no more having to cope with being carved up. Back to his old, powerful self.
In the meantime, he sat down at his laptop in his apartment and googled “therapist Brooklyn childhood trauma”. He supposed it couldn’t hurt, right?
..You’re my little sparkle jump-rope queen, you’re my little sparkle…
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
ok now that i finished my "absolotly canon because i can now put my love for him into cold canon facts that i observed"
its time for things i know about the Eighth doctor that i know because i headcanon them and so they are real TO ME 😭 (you are more then welcome to adot any of these of course, if anyone will want to)
- an old one that i still think is true: MY GUY IS A MUSICAL NERD, he absolotly listens to some bops as he is flying the tardis around, confusing Charley as he bops to Naughty (because he would LOVE Matilda come on) he defenetly listen to A LOT OF THEM in the beginning of his adventures, Everybody's talking about Jamie, beetlejuice and so on. (and this is also me projecting of course but like, what other doctor but him?? he would have dance paries all the time)
but serosly, the guy littiraly lives Matilda, listens once to Quiet and he is like "i have never heard something more relatable in my life", Charley adores Six and he honestly can't blame her, a fan of Everyone's talking about Jamie and beetlejuice for sure he is as well!
even before Charley gets into it, he will drop quotes and little melodies and Charley would have to be like ??? oh he is at it again (i will expand upon this headcanon because i have a lot to say about it hehe)
- has panic attacks!! i think he has a lot of problems with emotinal regulation post movie, recovering from fucking attempted body snatching, so i think in the first couple of episodes he would have a lot of trouble balancing his overexcitment and his more dark and almost emotinaless anger states so i think it makes sense that he would have a lot of issues with regulating from the fucking traumatic shit he is going through with Charley, i think in the beginning its more prominante and he gets a little better about it, ie btter with handeling them and hiding them, and i also think that Charley also gets hem which is why it makes sense they sort of have to help each other through it his shutdowns (which i also headcanon he has) go through a jouney is also fasinating to me, like, i headcanon him having trouble to being able to contain meltdown because fuck i am distressing everyone else fuck- so through time he ends up having extreme shutdowns instead, the kind that he just instently drops to the floor expressionless and just... stayes there for a while (i might a bunch of drabbles about it too fghfddfg) ALSO SCHERZO IS BASICALLY HIM REALISING A LOT OF HIS PENT UP EMOTIONS AND HE IS TRYING TO REPSESS WHAT HE IS FEELING BUT THEN HE HAS NOCHOISE AND JUST EXPLODES
- the reason he gets amnesiac a lot is because of the events of the movie, basically having the master try and dissconect his mind from his body so close to his regenaration basically makes his brain to be a lot more frail then other doctor's brains and it tends to slip away from him a lot because of this!!
- NON BINERY TO THE MAX, the dude might be genderfluid, i see people headcanoning 8 as genderfluid and i get it, as a genderfluid guy who loves to project on peopel who it loves, would usually make my fave genderfluid but he is also just so!!! genderfuck idk, defenetly expreses his gender in the most fluid way possible tough!! when someone asks him what his pronouns today are he is just like "hmmm i am quite happy today i think :)" and sometimes "i can't think today!!" or "hehehe hohoho i am sad, what is gender", defenetly uses they/them pronouns most of the time!!, he/they sometimes, the experiments go on!! (also i wrote down these headcanons before i saw some qoutes from the EDAs and JESUS OMG YES ITS SO NICE TO KNOW SOME FORM OF CANON RECOGNIZES THE GENDER ENERGY OF THIS VICTORIAN DANDY)
- some sort of physically disabled!! i personally headcanon all of the doctors to be physically disabled of some kind, but espeshelly 8! to have what is arguably concidered the most enthusiastic and energetic Doctor to be the one that needs a mobility aid makes my disabled heart so happy. its too early to tell when he discoves this, but to me he was BORN with aching legs and slight chronic pain, he just didn't notice it because ya know... the littiral medical wire that was stuck inside his chest... and of course other more urgent matter of potincial body stealing, he just thought it was pretty normal!! then through the Charley arc its slwly gets worse, at the end of the day he does concider a crutch or a cane because why not!
ok yes this is a basic list (and i can goall out about most othese ecae i love them so much)
(ALSO i do wanna add stuff from the EDAs is just the dylesixa will be a problem with reading those but im working on it 😤😤)
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6blackfilin9 · 2 years
you've unlocked a rothbart crush from my childhood i completely forgot i had... thank you... and odette/rothbart is so INCREDIBLE, FASCINATING, NOVEL! precious to me. i tried to look thru ur tags but did not find like, a synopsis of how u envision that happening? so how do u envision that happening? if u dont mind me asking :3c
I hoped to draw some of the key scenes to give you the insight, but it seems that my schedule isn’t currently fit for this. Sadly.
So, there is a very short answer: it took a lot of work, time and dead nervous cells. The latter goes mostly for Odette.
For as long as they were on the Lake they could not have formed a proper romantic relationship, this is absolutely impossible due to the circumstances. But they could still make some personal bond, even though slightly twisted and antagonistic, the “frenemy” kind of thing, and therefore create the ground for forming a normal relationship afterwards, when they’re married and have matching interests.
In my opinion this is very much possible, taken how these characters are written. I mean, Odette is a sweet, endearing, soft and gentle pain in the ass that can flip your world up and down for how keen she is in getting what she wants. And Rothbart is both a dark bloody disaster and the Einstein in the fields of magic and running things, wether it’s a kingdom or a fanfare show. Both are ironic and sarcastic clots of energy integrated into their overall calm demeanor but revealed if need be. Perfect.
Furthermore, as egotistical and stark his actions and character may appear, they don’t make him the ultimate evil, only for William’s supporters and family, maybe. The only  thing that distinguishes Rothbart from any other noble people is him knowing magic
So maybe, maybe, with time, they’d manage to make good relationship and family, but only with time, and only when the circumstances change from that they’ve been like on the Lake
I mean, initially Rothbart had zero interest in her as a person, she was naught but a tool for him to get what he wants with impunity, so he couldn’t have been genuinely sympathetic or caring when it’d come to picking on her.
And initially for Odette he was naught but an enemy. I mean the mortal enemy kind of thing
She didn’t see her father die, but it’d be perfectly clear for her that did die. It’d be perfectly clear what kind of role she played in the coup.
Key and minor at the same time
Actually i have an intention to somewhen discuss the issue of the movie not following the rules it itself had set in its beginning, and what it could have been once it followed these rules. But for now, to clarify myself I’d like to point out just that the writers were trying to sit both on the chair of realism and the chair of a fairy tale
And, appealing to the realistic one, I’d like to say that Rothbart wouldn’t have laid all his hopes on Odette’s will
He was not just an aristocrat coming from the kingdom he wishes to take, but the chancellor, which not only gives him access to the court and all his old acquaintances and connections, but provides him impressive amount of experience as a politician, economist and diplomat. Even being banished, he still would have kept some of them, and, most importantly, used them
So, by the time he kidnapped Odette, he’d have comparably firm basis of support in the kingdom, which would allow him to both wait long enough and keep the situation hanging in the air in one case, and to go in and take the power right away in another
The only reason the first option is much, much more appealing is that in feudal order you better do stick to the linage. Common people viewed the monarch as a viceroy of god on earth, and therefore the only legitimate ruler is the heir to the currently royal house. So if you don’t by blood belong to this linage, your position is.. quite shaky. Maybe there will be a riot. Or maybe not and it will go fine and dandy. Or there may be a major bloodshed
But once you marry the legitimate heir, you can avoid slaughtering your taxpayers people
They both understand this. They both know that the only thing that would change depending on her decision is the the number of complications Rothbart would face with proving the legitimacy of him taking the throne. But most importantly, the risk of bloodshed, which considerably decreases once Odette accepts the proposal
But there’s the thing, responsibility
Once she accepts right away, she commits the betrayal. She’d betray the memory of her father, her family, her pride, her kingdom, which is both the legacy of her father and her responsibility as an heir.
But the longer she declines, the weaker Rothbart’s control over the situation becomes
I believe it’s clear that he is not the only one drooling over the opportunity to take the empty throne and make their house the reigning one, to set it above all others. His alliances may be firm, but people don’t really fancy hanged up situations and loss of opportunities. And once he does lose control, the bloodshed is inevitable. The only issue is wether it will be within the walls of the palace only
Odette knows it as well as he does. That life won’t wait for her to make up her mind
Which makes her torn apart between her personal good and her country’ good. Which is, in fact, enough of a reason for her to accept Rothbart’s proposal even without him pushing. Initially she’d, indeed, be seeking for the ways to free herself, either by trying to physically get away or to fool Rothbart, maybe trying to haggle with him at some point, but in the end of the day, she’d still have to make the choice and take responsibility for any of the two decisions.
And here is the second thing, time
Rothbart, being the wise and very patient old asshole he is, knows it’s just a matter of time and he just has to wait for it. So there is literally no need to push her. And he would not even really wish to push her, for it would only worsen her antagonistic attitude. I mean he wouldn’t like to get a knife under his ribs in his sleep after a wedding night, right?
Again, initially he didn’t care for her at all
But the desire to at least try to get things done quicker (and enjoy his revenge just a tiny bit) would drive him into interacting with her. Mostly in the way of picking on her and toying with her
Odette does make an impression though. There are certain things to respect her for, certain things to like, certain things to be curious about. It’s unwise to speak of true romantic interest on his side at this point, but there may be some sympathy for her, which would lead him to pay her more and more attention. As much as her own attitude towards him would allow
With Odette being all alone, having nothing to do, sooner or later she will get used to his monologues, and there will be a point when she’d start piping up just to try piss him off. Which would give him room to make a pause in this routine and give her a few days to enjoy her space, and, as a little bonus, realise how he really makes her days by just letting her have a daily intellectual acid-filled badass banters. There will be moments for him to provide her some more things to make her feel better, such as books or a few games maybe. I bet he plays cards magnificently
But no matter how possibly comfortable she can get around him, and no matter what he does for her to feel so, for as long as she is his prisoner there is no way their relationship can be deprived of antagonism. There is no way she’d trust him, or genuinely sympathise with him. She might be suffering being deprived of social interactions, but she remembers who’s to blame for it, you know. She will come to respect him, greatly, both as a person and as a foe, but respect doesn’t really have that much to do with sympathy. It only serves as a basis for it.
At that point there is no way he can get to her through personal connection.
But, there’s the third thing, experience gap
Once he’s careful enough with that tiny little bit of sympathy Odette will have for him, he still could do so through the sexual one. Keeping in mind that plenty of time has passed, all the passions has settled down in a complacent stubborn slumber, and that for Rothbart her liking of him at that point is naught but an additional bonus, even though very flattering and pleasant, he will be damn patient and careful
And he does have the ground there
With everything in her life now depending on him, with him being the second key-importance figure for her now, (read: all her thoughts and intentions are somehow linked to him), all he needs to do is just to draw some of these thoughts this way. Being mature, experienced and quite charismatic, charming man... Rothbart can do that. Even though It might take even longer than making that tiny first step of at least getting used to each other
For Odette it will be catharsis though
Now not just she’s torn between what she desperately doesn’t want to do and what she is ought to do, but also facing the fact that she feels attracted to a man who killed her father
And it can very possibly lead to uh
Pretty harsh things
And thoughtless actions
Which can possibly send both Rothbart and Odile rue the day he’s come up with that ingenious kidnapping plan of his
You know, actually, she could have avoided such situation, and keep the feeling at bay, not let it grow and bloom from all attention paid to it, if not prevent it from appearing at all
But there’s the fourth thing, maturity
Even being both emotionally and intellectually smart, Odette doesn’t really have the sense of responsibility but only the picture of it (that’s what the exposition of the movie suggests, basing both on fairy tale canons and on how the character acts like. I mean openly speaking of ruining the medieval arranged marriage AKA state contract in front of many people, worst of all from an ally country with which this contract was made, and therefore disgrace your medieval dad AKA your sovereign by showing everyone how poorly you were brought up by him is beyond irresponsible. Wars got started for even lesser flaws back then)
The whole thing is literally about growing up as a person, both Derek and Odette. Of taking responsibilities and obtaining control over themselves. Back at the day, she is indeed just a few steps from doing so, yet still is not there
Though I don’t really think that Rothbart’d heat things up to the point where they get laid, but he’d certainly give her a glimpse of what he is like in this guise. Maybe not once. Or not really subtly, either. What i do think is that around this time of directing things into the intimate field is when he’d start to develop something for her, to start liking her not only as a person but as a young woman
There are plenty of things to like there, let’s say. Odette is not only intelligent but also smart, keen, witty. Over all the time spent on the Lake she’d also become very inventive and calculating, forged in cat-mouse games with him and Odile, and patient, thanks to all the banters with him. I guess I don’t have to mention that she is very beautiful, also
And she has an overall endearing image
If Odile is pure evil of a devil with mind and heart of a martyr, Odette is a delightful, sweet little angel with an impish drive and rebelliousness
The one that corresponds with the one of his, really, even though his is that of a more mature one
They both are latent daredevils (or not so latent). Overall they have plenty in common
So yeah, he’d form some sort of infatuation for her. And at this point he’d be god damn interested in it becoming something more as they get married
And it rather would than not, why I’ve typed a lot above. Whether they do get married or not.. I don’t know, as well as how complicated this would be. Because Derek is still in the picture, no matter how useful it’d be to just forget about him. Whether Odette accidentally finds him on one of her desperate tries to escape while he roams the right forest in it's right part in the right season in the right month, week, day and hour, I don’t know still. Depends on the plot, as fell as the events that followed their meeting. What I can say is... that would be real awkward for her. I mean real awkward.
But, back to the marriage, sadly there would still be consequences, inevitably.
Odette may forgive him for imprisoning her, for it was only for the matters of the coup and not his personal joy. She, if gets to know of the details, after some long-long time may even close her eyes on the connection between his little bonus-revenge, on that “everything you own and love will be mine” thing, and the marriage with him quite literally owning her. But for killing her father? I doubt it
Even if we imagine that she would, would he, now that he cares for her feelings? Making the cause of your loved one’s suffering is hell of a burden, and doing this mindfully makes it dreadful, even though done prior to getting close with each other
And while Odette will get over what happened with time, live her life serving her people and put some of the remaining pain aside in a dark corner of her mind, leaving the place for the better future instead, Rothbart until the end of his days will be stuck with this shit. It won’t crush him, for he is rather wise and he won’t get fixated on the past, especially when his actions weren’t some kind of mistake, he’d rather concentrate on being a good king, husband and father.
But the knowing of what exactly he has done will never leave him, and haunt him, at times. At times like, for example, William’s birthday, it would be exceedingly palpable
To sum up
It’s a thing with an extremely rocky start and an outcome with the firm union of the two snarky daredevil dumbasses, the one cute and subtle and the other harsh and sardonic, which has a very bittersweet and kind of heartbreaking connotation to it
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mrs-bluemarine · 2 years
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HIIII I'm very excited to post this :) and very shocked I was able to get this finished before international pocky day. This is my first time posting selfship content so it's very indulgent and very scattered brain, I just want kisses. Anyways enjoy
Jay Kay snuck into the old music room with ease. Not a person inside or out, save for Weather Report reading a pamphlet on the piano stool. The unearthly warping of her entrance got his attention, and he acknowledged her with a soft nod. There was an evil smile on her lips she tried to hide, but Weather could see it clear as day, burying his nose deeper in the TV guide.
"'Sup. Are you not eating tonight?"
The slang didn't sound right in her mouth with the thick accent, but he didn't say anything about it. He didn't say anything at all, but that wasn't strange. Jay fumbled with the tiny box in her sweaty hands, that smile from before breaking onto her face again and she knew she couldn't keep a secret from him any longer.
"That's fine and dandy, I got something even better, anyway. And I wanted to share it with ya'." This finally piqued Weather's interest, and he finally looked up from the guide, setting it aside. Jay shuffled around a little more before continuing, "So, back with my ex, he showed me this cute lil' game you played with these candies called pockys." As she explained with a voice like wine, the dusty blonde finally took out the box from behind her back, a white speckled thing with some chocolate coated sticks plastered on the front.
She plopped down comfortably beside him, bumping shoulders as she did. "I thought since we...were closer than the rest, we could try it together?" Jay couldn't explain the reason her heart was racing in her chest. In the past she'd never had trouble spitting out her feelings with the guys and gals, but any time she was alone with Weather Report... It felt. Different. It wasn't the looks. The voice. Those piercing eyes of his. So what the hell was it?
And as for Weather? Jay Kay was looking up at him with a big blue eye, looking just about as cute as a puppy missing her wagging tail, pleading for food scraps. It didn't feel possible to deny her such an innocent request.
"Alright then. What's the game?" He asked against her lips.
"It's! So, we take a pocky," While she explained, the box was being opened. "We put each end in our mouths and slowly eat it to see who reaches the middle first. If you stop eating or if I get to the middle first, you lose. I even got my favorite flavor!" She added proudly.
Weather looked down at the cookies and cream treat suspiciously, a raised eyebrow and an eye swiveling up to look at her's. "How did you get these anyway?"
Heat krept up into her cheeks, Jay hoped it wasn't as noticeable as it felt. "Hehee~, you don't need to worry about that." She said quickly before putting the stick in her mouth. He shrugged it off with an airy hum, and leaned lower to place the other end in his mouth. The closeness suddenly sparked something inside of Jay Kay. She was very aware of how close they were, his breath fanning her face and the muscles in his neck. Her heart did the weird fluttering feeling it got when she thought about Weather Report, and she was deathly afraid that she was about to fail immediately at their game.
"Ready?" Was all he said, Jay gave him a hum in affirmation.
They started with slow, tiny nibbles. It took everything in Jay to concentrate on the biscuit, and not the heat coming off of weather every time she bit her way closer to him, or how strangely perfectly white his teeth were, considering how long he's been rotting in this prison. Jay Kay had only been in there a couple months now, and she had to admit she was falling behind in mouth hygiene.
(But could you really blame her? With damn near constant stand fights and helping Jolyne try to find that Whitesnake asshole, it was getting a little hard to remember.)
Oh god. What if her breath smelled? She got too excited about stealing that box of pockys, she totally forgot about freshening up first. No wait, she did eat that mint in the cafeteria. Would that be enough?
Jay pulled away from Weather, leaving him  with only a couple centimeters of pocky left. He looked at it, and then back at her without taking the biscuit stick out of his mouth. "I guess I win..?" He said unsure.
"Yep! You win! Congrats on winning your first round!" Jay wiped away the spit on his lips and tried to rub off the red hot feeling in her cheeks. She must've looked like a freak. But saint Weather, he didn't say a thing while he finished off his sweet treat.
The blonde fished out another pocky, looking at Weather Report with a determined glare in her eye, "One more! You only won because I was too busy thinking!"
Weather decided to indulge her one more time. They started again. Jay tried to match her bites with his, hoping to meet him in the middle. This time, she really focused. Much to her joy, the end was near, Weather tilted his head just slightly as his nose poked against yours in the closing gap. He didn't seem to notice how close he was getting to Jay's lips, but she was keenly aware of it. Maybe four bites each, the whirling of the fan above was getting drowned out by the beat of her heart in her ears.
This was it. She was going to do it, close her eye and press her lips to his, just like in the movies. The suspense was killing her.
But the final bite was taken, and their lips didn't touch. Not for a second. Jay was too scared to open her eye again as Weather tempted her so terribly. And all at once he passionately pulled her into him, his lips locking hers against his as his arms held her close. His mouth didn't open, just the feeling of his on hers did wonders to the aching body, she felt like her head would explode the minute he left her alone. Everything felt jittery and electric but she could only sit there, still as a statue.
What felt like an eternity was probably only a couple seconds. Jay sat in Weather's arms silent and, for once since they met, sitting still. The flabbergasted look on her face had Weather chuckle, soft and airy before the moment ended in pain. "You taste like meatloaf." And he quickly circled back for another kiss, and another, and one more, until Jay was able to melt into him, hands around his neck for stability.
When their lips finally broke apart.
"Wow." Jay breathed with a sigh of relief. They kept the short distance between them, breathing in each other and enjoying the heat they shared while everything seemed to chill around them. "Tell me, was this game just an elaborate plan to get us to kiss?" Weather asked in his low whisper. In response, Jay pouted, playing with the thin hearts in the collar of his suit and looking everywhere but his face. "Maybe. It worked didn't it? You did kiss me. Like, four times. Does this mean that you–?"
"Yes. Yes, it does."
She was filled with giddy excitement. A smile broke across her face, and Weather copied it. Without a moment of hesitation she grabbed him by his collar and pulled Weather Report into another kiss unlike any of the ones before. He indulged Jay some more, before the moment had to be ruined by someone coming into the music room. And he'd count the minutes until he would be able to do this again with her, next time without some candy as a prompt.
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
Omg I also don't ship b*ler not because I'm homophobic but I don't see Will going for El's ex or at least have reservations about it. I mean that's his sister right there and El clearly loves Mike so much. It would kinda fuck up the WillEl dynamic. Now I don't think M*leven will stay together forever, they are 14 years old but Mike and Will getting together immediately after that is impossible. Also if El doesn't make it out alive in s5 it would take Will some time to date Mike, his deceased sister's ex. I just think every time you say you care about El's feelings about the matter people will jump you or say El's just gonna be fine. Same with R*nance and Steve being fine with his best friend dating his ex. Like characters outside the ship are allowed to be upset if it's affecting them in a negative way. The treatment of El in this fandom is so atrocious sometimes, like she's getting tossed aside or her feelings never matter when it involves her current boyfriend. B*ler like r*nance is so messy and I don't like when people take it away. Pointing out this dynamic doesn't mean we hate gay people. B*ler not happening or being complicated doesn't take away that Will's gay. It would still be a happy ending for Will to come out and be accepted by his friends without b*ler being endgame imo.
legit this. also like i don’t see will actively trying to pursue mike even outside of the el reasons. like did we all suddenly forget that will isn’t actually fully out - i don’t think that will would pursue mike because of safety reasons and who he is as a character. also this whole thing with byler is basically like ‘well one person has feelings so they have the right to get together with that person cuz they’re gay’ which is the weirdest fucking message and people need to touch grass cuz it’s just what is this mindset? anyway lol yeah it would be a problem for willel’s friendship/sibling bond. okay so idk if you’ve seen this movie which i haven’t i’ve only seen a video by kennie jd on youtube about it but the whole byler thing honestly reminds me of the plot of the movie ‘say yes’ where a dying woman tries to get her husband and her brother to fuck each other. yeah it sounds wild cuz it is but genuinely this is what i see whenever byler is mentioned now. i can’t unsee it and it just makes me infuriated and also just makes me laugh out loud.
yeah like i don’t think mileven will stay together forever cuz they are 14 but yeah after the breakup if they immediately get together it’s sooo fucked honestly. also why do people want them to immediately get into a relationship anyway? like i know people see it as sweet but if they do get together right after the break up it’s just gonna look like a rebound or something or like mike doesn’t actually have feelings for el which is also fucked cuz they’ve been in a relationship for a while now like it’s been a year or 2 (i can’t exactly remember the timeline) but it’s been a while and whenever people try to dismiss that mike has romantic feelings for el or say he thought he did - it just gives me an ick cuz essentially they’re just saying that mike strung her along and they see it as good. but also won’t be the first time a wheeler did that and everyone thought it was fine and dandy.
also sorry this is getting sooo long. YES!!! ‘characters outside of the ship are allowed to be upset if it’s affecting them in a negative way’ EXACTLY EXACTLY!!!! everything that you said in those last few sentences are so fucking true! preach!! also like pointing out these messy dynamics to me shows how we actually care about all of the characters involved and how we care about the actual canon characterization.
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survivoirs · 2 years
Also since Jaskier is mine I wanna remind people of my awesome HC that he’s half elf on his mothers side ✌️ people even have wondered if he was in the books cause of his youthful looks and singing voice and such. So I’m not pulling it out of no where. Plus it’s fun to explain how he doesn’t seem to look much older at all whenever he pops into Geralts life again. And Geralt not really noticing it for a while is hilarious because he’s used to not aging and it’s not until juuuust too much time has passed that he’s like “….aren’t humans supposed to get old faster…” so gives some comedy. And the fact that Dandy probs does a lot of skin care and assumes that’s why he looks so youthful still and basically wasting his money on more than he needs. And it’s not until his ears start getting a little pointy that he realizes something is different with him. (He’s a genius but he’s dumb) and he starts wearing his his troubadour hat to hide them along with having his hair be longer because it could negatively affect his work. Aaaaand I love that he does eventually get the chance to meet his mother who is alive and can explain things to him more why he was raised in a human nobel household and not with his mother and her people. And just themes of Dandy learning that he’s a part of two very different worlds and coming to terms with that and how much privilege he has benefited from that he now might not get as much if he chooses not to hide his parentage and that whole struggle. Good stuff. Good stuff that he can grow as a person from. And like how Yen having elder blood gave her a crooked spine (at least that’s what she’s told). That’s why my Dandy is dyslexic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idc if that doesn’t perfectly make sense and it might not actually be the reason. He might just be because he is. But his father would have always assumed he was because of his his elder blood whether or not that is true is not important to how he reacted to it. Pushing him with private tutors and other stuff. Rambling now but I love this HC.
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