#but now I'm lucky enough to have the chance to live in my own tiny house!!!!!! and in the backyard of my lovely auntie and uncle!!!
crabussy · 5 months
remembered I'm moving to my favourite place in the world for uni and got so excited I squeaked and accidentally bashed my toe because I kicked my leg out without meaning to
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khakirnelm · 2 months
From an incorrect quote generator
If Melody was a human tho
Phoebe: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE Melody: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially Phoebe, desperately, as Melody bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE Melody: Oh! B positive. Phoebe: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE Melody:
Phoebe: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Melody: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
Phoebe: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Melody, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Phoebe: Phoebe: fsh
Phoebe: So what's for dinner? Melody, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
Callie: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Phoebe: Mine just says "Phoebe no." Callie: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Trevor: Not elegant enough to be a vampire, not jock enough to be a werewolf... Phoebe: Goblin it is.
Trevor: My head hurts. Phoebe: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Computer: Please enter a password. Phoebe: *types in Melody* Computer: Your password is too weak. Phoebe: How fucking DARE YOU-
Phoebe: So what are your political beliefs? Podcast: Well, I think Pikachu would be a lot more powerful if he had a gun.
Callie: You spent all our money on THIS?? Gary, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Phoebe: Why are you on fire? Melody: This is just how my day is going.
Podcast: Change is inedible.
Phoebe: Don't you mean inevitable?
Podcast, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Phoebe: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.--
[translation: I’M SORRY]
Callie: What's that?
Phoebe: Remorse code.
Callie: I'm even angrier now.
Phoebe: I don’t do relationships.
Melody: *exists*
Phoebe: Shit.
Trevor: Kissing can burn 26 calories in a minute, wanna work-out with me? ;)
Lucky: Are you saying that I'm fat?
Trevor: No that's not what I meant I-
Phoebe: Podcast... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Podcast: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.
Phoebe: I wrote sanitize, Podcast.
Callie, tending to Trevor’s wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Trevor: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Peck: I'm going to ask you to be respectful. Phoebe: I will politely decline.
Podcast: I’m having one of those things! A headache with pictures!! Phoebe: you mean an idea..? Podcast: MMMMHHMMM!!
Phoebe: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Trevor: You need to stop.
Phoebe: How did none of you hear what I just said? Callie: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Gary: I got distracted about halfway through. Trevor: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
If Melody was a human, again
Phoebe: HELP! I TOLD MELODY I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Trevor, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Podcast: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Phoebe: The car takes a screenshot. Trevor: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Gary, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Callie: You did WHAT– Phoebe: William Snakepeare
Trevor: You look nice, I want to kiss you. Lucky: What? Trevor: I SAID IF YOU DIED, I WOULDN’T MISS YOU.
Gary: The best revenge, really, is being nice! Podcast: [in the distance] Or murder.
Gary: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut... Callie: You would eat yourself? Gary: I wouldn’t even question it.
Phoebe: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Melody: It was me... Phoebe: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
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aye-of-newt · 2 years
Ok so chances are whatever happens we'll be way off. But what are you predictions for Klaus in S4. I see 3 options. 1) completely falls apart seemingly the fam has all split apart doing their own thing, maybe he falls back into what he was doing before all the madness kicked off. 2) Actively wants his powers back, maybe he's working with Luther (who wants to find Sloane) investigating/going after Reggie. 3) doesn't try and get his powers back but doesn't fall apart either. Workin at dunkin donuts (or the horrifying Hargreeves branded alternative) or some shit till he gets dragged back in by one of the siblings.
ok so Klaus is the very essence of that one person at every food service job with an endless supply of insane stories who seems to have lived ten different lives and leaves you wondering how the fuck they are still alive (trust me there is one at every food service job and it is my goal to be as interesting as that person some day)
Now for my answer: I don't think this is what they will do but what *I* would do is have him majorly pull his shit together. Like the fans all kinda seem to agree that his powers are a major source of trauma and caused a lot of his addiction issues. So while he's started to master them a bit they're still not conducive to Klaus actually healing because it's fucking traumatic to see dead people/die yourself all the time. His powers keep him trapped in a trauma loop.
So I'm thinking it goes like this.
Klaus realizes he needs to be careful because he's very mortal now.
He starts making tiny changes to be more safe.
It builds from there. Small good choices snowball into bigger good choices.
Without continuous triggers he is able to process some of what has happened to him and actually develop coping skills.
He gets sober.
He develops stability for the first time ever.
He does a lot of thinking about what is important to him. (It's a bit of a continuation to the arc they seemed to be building with little girl god and his birth mom where he realizes how important family is to him and how he doesn't need to constantly be looking for love because if he just lets himself actually be vulnerable enough to be fully present he will see that everything he needs is already in his life)
He gets REALLY into being an uncle to Diego's kid
He's resistant to joining the fight to end Allison's Fun House Mirror Dream Timeline because he doesn't want his powers back, doesn't want the source of his pain to return
But (as honestly he's always done) he ends up going along with it because he does really love his family and wants them to be safe
There is a moment where we think he's actually dead but of course that's the moment his powers come back
We see Dave while he's "dead" and it's tender and perfect and heartbreaking and fulfilling and there is finally a sense of bittersweet closure
Now that he has emotional coping skills his personal growth arc and power-enhancement arc merge and he becomes totally kick ass and saves the entire day
(...and maybe if we get really really really lucky his powers level up to bringing Original Ben back from the dead.... maybe.... please????)
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sparta369 · 1 year
Hi this is a long ass vent post about random bullshit. Dont have to read if ya dont wanna. Have a nice day <3
hi there is so much shit that I wanna do with my life but ADD/ADHD/whatever the fuck I have is fucking me over big time cuz even if I want to put in the work to learn something or make a big step towards a goal my brain just doesnt fucking let me
I wanna learn piano. I wanna learn guitar. I wanna learn to sing. I can't sit down and teach myself. I lose focus way too fuckin fast, and go off to do something else. Any time I get a decent practice routine going, it falls apart within a week or two at best. On top of that, I can't even sit down and find myself a private teacher, cuz every time I sit down and start searching for one, I get overwhelmed, and brain takes me elsewhere, and nothing ever happens.
I have a big audition tomorrow, supposedly, but Im thinking now that I might not be able to do it. Cuz
A: I'm not prepared. I need 1 contemporary monologue, 1 classical (Preferably shakespeare) monologue, and 16 bars from any broadway musical. I have the contemporary monologue, but I don't have a shakespeare monologue ready. On top of that, I think I might have a song, but its definitely not perfect due to my complete lack of training, and it's count structure is weird to the point that 16 bars sounds like a musical phrase, plus a tiny bit of the next. And its weirding me out, cuz I don't know if that would weird out the judges or whatever the fuck they're called.
B: They ask for some info on the paper. They want a summary of my previous theatrical experience (Which is a grand total of 0 for me) and three references who are familiar with my achievements. I don't want to put somebody's name down without acting first, I think that would be extremely disrespectful, and I don't want to leave a whole-ass section blank. Maybe things from high school that got cut off because of covid could count for the summary part, but I doubt it.
C: I haven't told my fucking parents that its tomorrow! and I don't know what to do about that! If I mention it now, they're gonna get on me for not being prepared! If I don't mention it now, they're gonna get on me for not being prepared! If I do either of these, and then don't go audition, they're gonna get on me for fucking up my college plan! which they're paying for! I'm a lucky enough motherfucker that they've had a decent enough income to be able to put away money each year to give me a college fund! I'm gonna graduate debt free, more than likely! I'm a lucky motherfucker and I'm throwin shit out the window! They're not exactly the type to get like. really pissed at me, they won't yell, but goddamn that conversation isnt going to be fun!!!!
D: MY OWN ANXIETIES ABOUT MY FUTURE! This SSA program is gonna fucking eat up time like nobody's fucking business. If I remember right, I'm required by the program to audition for every major production being put on at the college, and if I'm cast, I am required to take part (barring unfortunate circumstances.) I don't even really want to do stage acting that much! I wanna be a screen and voice actor! And even then, the industry sounds more and more like hell every fucking day! It sounds like a huge-ass time sink for an ultra competitive market. If I want to have a chance of making a living, let alone making it "big," I have to sacrifice my literal fucking everything; time, hobbies, friends, yadda fucking yadda. And that fucking terrifies me! And thats. That shit, I guess. Theres more underlying meaning that I don't know how to put into words, and I'm sure theres a ton of shit that I didn't properly express, but thats the main chunk of shit.
I want to audition for Hololive/Holostars EN. Weird pivot on this vent post, I know, but whatever. its on my mind. Mind you, I have absolutely 0 streaming experience and next to 0 content creation experience. My brain tells me that theres no way in hell that I'd even make it past the first round of auditions. I'm missing 80% of their "not required, but heavily encouraged :)" requirements. But god dammit something in my heart and something in my gut says that I have a chance. That I could pull it off. That I could do well. I have some decent improv chops. I've done roleplay in VrChat. I can play and maintain a character. God dammit, I was fucking PEPSIMAN in VrChat for over a year and a half, and I maintained a constant bit and personality that whole time, with evolving lore and some sense of coherency. And I was entertaining! I interacted with random strangers in The Great Pug and 7 times out of 10 they thought I was funny! Interesting! Whatever the fuck! Nowadays, I run around as a clown! I run around as Kefka! And people love me! They think I'm funny! I routinely make a fool out of myself in public! I goof around, tell jokes, dance on stage! I love being an entertainer! I made some of the best friends I've ever known because I was Pepsiman! and you know what! Those friends say that they think I could pull it off too! And I don't think they're just saying it to be supportive! And I'm sure you're thinking "Why dont you just stream independently?" I know my style. How I entertain. Im at my best when I'm bouncing off people. Spectators. Random motherfuckers in The Pug. I feel like my big "thing" streaming would more than likely be chat interaction. And you know what streamers never have at the start? An active chatroom. I can't bounce off a chat if they aint there. On top of that, streaming to like. 3 people tops, two of whom are probably just supportive friends, for months on end? I can't do it. That shit would kill me. Maybe its bad that I'm motivated by the numbers, but I know for a fact that doing it to NOBODY just wouldn't work with my brain. I'd end up quitting. Holostars would give me that push, throw me into the deep end, throw thousands of random people at me. I know its not a good thing, but I need that head start. Otherwise it just won't work. And then what if I do get in? I floated auditioning by my mother, and she seemed to think it was just something like a "side gig." Something to do on the side while I got a real job or some shit. As far as I can tell, being a holostar vtuber is a full time job. Shit aint just playin viddy games for a few hours a day, theres background shit ya gotta do. preparation. Many, if not all of the boys, do music too. They do whatever the fuck a "voice pack" is. If I were to make it, thats a huge-ass life change. That'd be my JOB. At that point, do I drop out of college to focus on it? Do I do both and risk burning myself out? On top of that, what if I do get into the SSA program, requiring me to audition and take part in productions? Then I'm ultra-fucked on time. It'd be a huge balancing act of scheduling and bullshit with no time to myself.
Hello. This was. long as fuck. And rambly. Basically just a dump of all my thoughts of my future right now. Dont know how to feel about that. If you read all this shit, thanks, I guess, ya didn't really have to do that. I'm kinda just throwing this out into the aether for no reason at this point. Whatever happens happens. Have a nice day
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chaichaiiskai · 2 years
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TITLE: We’re Different But That’s Okay 
prev chapter masterpost next chapter
CONTENT WARNING: fluff, a little angst, hint at mature acts,  and comedic stupidity because we need a little break before the next chapter bc im going to absolutely destroy your hearts and stomp on your throats!!! :D mwuah! Oh, and there’s smut at the end that includes -> size kink, a slight bit of edging, hickies, a tiny bit of blood that was spilled bc of an accident with his damn shark teeth, overstimulation, unprotected sex, voyeurism? Not really, other things as well, totally unedited because i can't be bothered to reread my writing AUTHOR'S NOTE: so sorry it took me so long to update, in the form of an apology i decided to do a double upload! i fr don't know the next time I'm gonna update after this cause I've got two other stories to update but hopefully these two upcoming chapters will feed y'all for now! TAGLIST: @canarystwin @eijiandkatspebble
WORD COUNT: 7.46k 
SUMMARY: date nights are always so weird. especially when you’re a fifth wheel, poor monoma. 
TETSU has been living with Y/N and Kirishima for a total of three months now. Their bond has become especially strong and they consider themselves to be a tight-knit family. Though it took Y/N a little longer to gain Tetsu’s trust, she had gained some substantial progress which was more than enough to make her happy. She never knew how amazing it would feel to have three people in the apartment, they were starting to build their own little pack. 
She knew neither of them needed her protection but she couldn’t help but to feel that it was her job to protect them with all of her life. Kirishima was her mate and Tetsu was waddling his way into her heart as a brother figure. She couldn’t ask for any more than that. She truly felt happy, and the three of them all seemed to feel the same. 
Tetsu had even managed to get himself a job and lived in the apartment next door to yours which happened to be connected together by a door that could be locked. It was pretty convenient and Tetsu seemed to enjoy the independence, despite still having an owner. You didn’t go back on your promise so he would trust you… for now. 
But it seemed more like he enjoyed staying over at your place more than his own but you never said anything about it. 
Today was one of those days with him staying over, offering to cook for the three of you. Oddly enough, he seemed to really enjoy cooking and was pretty good at it so he ended up working at a hybrid-friendly restaurant as a line cook. 
“Why would anyone come to a hybrid- FRIENDLY restaurant if they’re going to bitch about hybrid waitresses? What kind of fucking nonsense is that? I swear humans have no brain!” Tetsu complained rather angrily, his face screwing up into disgust while he gently filled in a dumpling with filling and then closed it up in a professional-looking manner. How could such an angry man create such delicate foods? It was beyond you but who were you to question him when he was offering his services free of charge. 
The three of you were currently stationed in the kitchen, both you and Kirishima were sitting at the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room, watching Tetsu roam around the kitchen to continue preparing the mini-feast. Considering that both he and Kirishima were on the hungrier side it was no surprise that he would be making so much food and there were rarely ever any leftovers when it came to dining with these two. You always considered the chance they had a second stomach hidden away inside of them. It was unfair with how much food they managed to put away! 
“Some of us don’t have brains, I have to agree,” you comment from your seat, mouth-watering as he dropped a bunch of dumplings into the steamer he had prepared, legs swinging around in excitement at the little creations. “Absolutely. Did I tell you guys about the twat of a head chef I’m being forced to work under? He’s a real piece of work, he’s lucky I haven’t bitten his stupid little weasel face off,” he huffed, starting to work on some sushi rolls. “Ah, yeah! What’s his name again? Okamatsu? Or something?” Kiri added, eyes trained on the food that Tetsu had been so diligently preparing. 
“Yeah! Him! That asshole is so lucky they hired me! Without me that place woulda turned to shit by now, I swear, as soon as the opportunity presents itself I’m gonna offer myself up as the head chef. I’m way better than that jerk-off.” 
“Here,” Tetsu suddenly said, shoving a finished dumpling into both you and Kirishima’s waiting mouths, “Is it seasoned enough? I didn’t do any measuring today so hopefully, it ain’t too salty.” He soon received his answer from the sound of you both humming in satisfaction at the flavor of the dumplings. The dog hybrid was pleased with himself afterward, beaming with pride before he went back to doing what he was doing, this time starting to cut up the sushi to put it nicely onto a plate. After months of getting to know each other, you had started to recognize Tetsu as an older brother figure, both you and Kirishima had to appreciate his nurturing nature no matter how often he would deny it. It was funny to see him acting all fatherly towards the two of you. 
You began to think about how nice it was with the three of you. He was truly like a brother that you never anticipated having in your life. You were soon taken out of your thoughts when Tetsu spoke up again but this time he sounded a little more on the shy side, which was uncharacteristic of him, “...Question, uh, so, uhh… there’s this girl… at work. I think I like her, andIwannagoonadatewithherbuti’veneverbeenonadatebefore. Any tips?”
You began to think about how nice it was with the three of you. He was truly like a brother that you never anticipated having in your life. You were soon taken out of your thoughts when Tetsu spoke up again but this time he sounded a little more on the shy side, which was uncharacteristic of him, “...Question, uh, so, uhh… there’s this girl… at work. I think I like her, andIwannagoonadatewithherbuti’veneverbeenonadatebefore. Any tips?”
You began to think about how nice it was with the three of you. He was truly like a brother that you never anticipated having in your life. You were soon taken out of your thoughts when Tetsu spoke up again but this time he sounded a little more on the shy side, which was uncharacteristic of him, “...Question, uh, so, uhh… there’s this girl… at work. I think I like her, andIwannagoonadatewithherbuti’veneverbeenonadatebefore. Any tips?”
Kirishima looked at you with a raised eyebrow, silently questioning if you understood a word that he said in which you responded with a quick shake of your head and a shrug of your shoulders. He then smiled nervously before clearing his throat, turning his attention back to Tetsu, “Uh, bro, could you repeat that? Maybe a little slower…? Aha..” 
Dramatically, he slammed a hand onto the counter, his back facing the both of you as he blurted out, “I need help asking this girl out! I’ve never been on a goddamn date before and I don’t want to fuck it up! Ugh!” 
“Ooooooooh, now I see,” you began, leaning back just a little in your chair while rubbing at your chin like you were coming up with a plan, “Ask her to go and eat or something? I don’t know. Kiri and I just sorta- hung out most times.” 
Kirishima chuckled at your words before thinking as well, he then snapped his fingers as a brilliant plan came to mind, “How about a double-date? That way you won’t have to worry about awkward silences or whatever! Y/N and I can help you ease up a little on the tension.”
“A double-date? With you two?” The silver-haired male questioned, glancing over his shoulder to eye the both of you, squinting his eyes as he observed you both. The more he thought about it the more he became convinced. It wasn’t like he was uncomfortable with either of you and he had been a little worried about coming off too aggressive so a double-date couldn’t be that bad? Right?
After convincing himself, a bright smile crossed his face and he perked up immediately, “Okay, that sounds good. I’ll call her after dinner then!” He then turned back to his food preparation with a little more pep in his step. You noticed immediately and couldn’t help but to tease him, “Oho, I’ve never seen you act some cheery about anything Tetsu, except the time when you first got hired. This girl must be really special. Is she cute? Spill the details!”
The tips of the poor man’s ears turned pink and he grunted at your questions, “Don’t fuckin’ pester me, demon spawn,” he then paused, his face starting to heat up,”’Course she’s cute, but it’s not about her looks. I think she’s admirable and I want to get to know her better. We’ve got some things in common and we happen to take off for lunch at the same time so we chat sometimes… I like talking to her about stuff. She’s funny, smart, and nice. Plus, the way she laughs and her tail wags at my stupid jokes makes me get all giddy inside.” After the spill of his feelings, he suddenly realized just how much unnecessary information he’d given the two of you when both you and Kirishima suddenly started cooing about how cute he was. 
You two had dramatically turned to each other and interlocked fingers, eyes nearly welling up with tears as you hung onto every word he said about his crush. “D’aw, our angry baby is growing up!” Kirishima yelled, pretending to sniffle, “That’s so manly, bro!” “I know huh, babe! I feel like a proud parent!”
 “Oh my God, we have to document this moment foreve-”
“...Kiri’s a shark though…?”
“They grow up so fast…” 
Tetsu swiftly turns around, pointing a spoon at the both of you with a dangerous glint in his eyes before he threatens you, “Say one more fuckin’ thing. I dare you.” 
Sometime later, Tetsu finally finished cooking dinner for all of them and the ones who didn’t do a thing were more than happy to set up the table, sneaking little bites here and there before they commenced eating, shoveling food down their throats. 
Both you and Kirishima offered the man compliments, pleased with how well everything had turned out which made him more than happy to see you two enjoy his food. 
When Tetsu had finished eating he went to retrieve his phone and shuffled over to his apartment to make the oh-so-private phone call. While that was happening, you had stuffed yourself full and were on the verge of needing to take a nap but kept your eyes open, relaxing in your seat while watching Kirishima happily nom away at his food, always astonished how much food he could put away. It was like his mouth was a bottomless pit or something. 
“Is there something on my face?” He asked, leaning back a little to pick up a napkin and dab at his cheeks, his eyes widening as he stared back at you. You blinked a few times, only then realizing that you had been staring at him, “Oh! No, not at all. I was just staring at you… You sure do eat well, I’m kinda jealous.” The compliment was a little strange but he couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed, chuckling at you before rubbing the back of his hand, “Ha, guess sharks just have a big appetite? Takes a lot to get me full.” 
“That’s kinda hot,” you mumble before standing up to grab your emptied plate as well as the dishes that had been basically licked clean. “Hot? I can do a lot more with my mouth than that, but you’ve already witnessed that, haven’t you?~” 
You whipped your head around to look at him, shocked at his bold word choice before you snickered at him, “Maybe you’ll have to remind me again sometime.” 
“Ready when you are, little gem,” he hummed back, shrugging and going back to clearing out the table with his vacuum of a mouth. 
Cockblock Tetsu soon reenters the dining room with a disgusted look on his face, “Let me hurry up and tell you two the news before you start fucking on the floor. Kendo said yes, and we’re going to meet up this Saturday at the restaurant. I'm gonna make a reservation for all of us. And-” He paused, exaggeratingly swiping a hand down his face, “Her owner will come as well because he doesn’t seem to trust people.” 
“That’s kinda cute but also weird, but I guess I can understand. Are you sure he’s not secretly in love with her or something?” Kiri asked, looking up while spooning some rice into his mouth. 
“I don’t think so, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there I guess. We’ll see what happens when the date comes,” Tetsu retorted while ruffling his own hair, “Agh, now I need to find something decent to wear. G’night weirdos.” And with that, the mastiff hybrid went back to his apartment through the door that connected the living rooms.
You looked at Kirishima and then raised an eyebrow before going to place dishes in the dishwasher, “I can’t wait to see what happens on the date. It’s probably gonna be funny as fuck.” 
The date had been set for Saturday, a perfect way to start the weekend, although it was a scheduled dinner for the evening. It’s not like you were complaining though, it would be nice to see who Tetsu seemed to be so interested in. 
“Someone looks good enough to eat,” Kirishima cooed as he came into your shared bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed, watching as you got dressed and fixed yourself up in the body mirror that was in front of your closet. You finished adjusting your clothes and then turned to observe your big dope of a boyfriend, wolf-whistling at his choice in clothing. He wore some form-fitting jeans that hugged his legs just right and a dark red button-up shirt that seemed to be struggling to keep his torso under wraps, his hair neatly brushed back, just barely hitting his waist. Maybe it was time to go clothes shopping…? Or not.
  “Me? What about you? I don’t know if I can make it through dinner without copping a feel or two. Should we have a quickie before we go?~” 
“Hm, should we?” 
“I really wish I didn’t have heightened HEARING!” Tetsu shouted from somewhere in your apartment, most likely the living room. 
Both you and Kirishima looked at each other before sighing, realizing that you wouldn’t be able to do anything too… intense just yet, it would be best to wait. 
Standing from the bed, Kirishima inched his way over to you and pressed a hand onto the small of your back before leaning down to press a teasing kiss onto your lips and whispering, “Maybe later, lil’ gem. A dessert after dessert if you’re catchin’ my drift.” 
You gave him “the look” and then nodded your head, smiling a little at the thought of him ravishing you after dinner. Yeah, sure, he’d fucked you right to sleep last night but you could never reject his advances, he was just so damn hot, it was unfair to think about sometimes. 
You couldn’t help your eyes as they roamed over his body, thinking about just how *big* he is. From his height to his hands, to the sharp teeth that resided in his mouth. Oh the things you loved about him, not to mention his big, fat co- 
“Babe, you’re drooling, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours? Hmm?” The man of your dreams asks, nudging you playfully before shaking his head, clicking his tongue like he was disappointed in your behavior, “Can’t believe you’re already thinking such things, what a pervert.” 
And with that, he left the room, making you gawk at his back from where he’d left you. 
“Did he just…? I swear, give him a compliment ONE time and his head gets as big as a fucking BUS!” You stomp after him to see that he was now applauding Tetsu who was all dressed up, stunned at how cleaned up he managed to get. 
“WOW! I can’t believe you finally shaved that chin strap on your face,” you commented, stepping in front of Tetsu to observe him a bit closer. You rubbed at your chin while observing him, humming at his choice in apparel, “Looks good, looks good.” Tetsu chose to wear some black slacks and a dark gray shirt with a black tie, his coat adding to his dark and slightly brooding looks.  Kirishima couldn’t agree more, “You look like one of those drama CEOS. I think they’re called Chaebols or something. If I were a young woman I’d jump right on you.” 
The man you two were fawning over grimaced at the compliments and waved his hand around, “Yeah yeah, I guess you two don’t look so bad either, even though I’m sure you already know that with the way you talk to each other. Which reminds me, I need to buy earplugs or rip my eardrums out, haven’t decided which would work better. ” 
“Gasp! You’re so mean, Tetsu,” Kirishima yelled after Tetsu, who was already leaving the apartment, snatching your car keys from their place on the kitchen counter before making his exit. On the other hand, you couldn’t help but laugh at Tetsu’s tsundere tendencies, following after the two and locking the door behind you so that the evening could truly begin. 
By the time you had arrived at the restaurant, it was a bit on the crowded side but nothing too intense. The customers that were inside were a mix of hybrids and humans which was pleasing, meaning that you were less likely to deal with any bullshit so that was a plus. 
“I have a reservation under Tetsutetsu, “ Tetsu said to the hostess who stood at the front behind a podium, the dog hybrid quickly nodded her head and began to lead the party of three to their table which happened to big a big booth that was big enough for their party, thankfully. 
You squeezed into the rounded booth seat, Kirishima sitting beside you while Tetsu sat on the other side of the table across from the both of you. After the three of you had gotten situated, Tetsu shifted around a bit nervously in his seat, rubbing away at his hands. 
“Dude, just take a breather, everything’s going to go just fine,” your boyfriend reassured his found brother, noticing the way he’d been fidgeting, “We’re just here to have fun, not like you’re gonna propose or somethin’... right? Wait, you’re not gonna ask her to marry you, are you? Jesus man that’s moving too fast-” 
“Kiri, are you dumb? OF COURSE I’M NOT GONNA PROPOSE, what the FUCK are you talkin’ about?”
“Oh? Someone’s proposing?” A feminine voice interjects, immediately making Tetsu nearly break his neck to turn and look at the owner of his voice. She peeked curiously at him with a small smile adorning her face. Poor Tetsu was about to die right then and there, he didn’t know what to do or say. Something about her just made him all tongue-tied and he forgot all his social skills in a matter of seconds. 
Recognizing immediately what was going on, you decided to speak up, chuckling a little at your friend’s nervousness before you looked at this mystery hyena hybrid, “Ah, we were just joking around. You must be Kendo. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N L/N, and this is my boyfriend, Eijiro Kirishima. We’ve heard so much about you from Tetsutetsu.” 
Kendo’s eyes flickered from Tetsu’s flustered face to meet your gaze, her smile only seeming to widen in a friendly manner, “Nice to meet you! And you guessed right, I’m Itsuka Kendo,” She then looked at Tetsu with nothing but fondness, “I hope he’s said only nice things, aha.” The two of them seemed to silently converse in that split second which reminded you so much of the first time you had begun to feel romantic feelings for Kiri which made your heart instantly feel warm. 
The sweet moment was soon interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. “And I am the great Neito Monoma, though I can’t say that it is a pleasure to meet *any* of you just yet,” a new voice spoke up before a gray-eyed blonde revealed himself, pushing Kendo aside for a moment so he could sit down in the booth next to Tetsu, acting as a divider between the two of you. 
As soon as he sat down he stared you down, sizing you up with obvious disdain lingering in his eyes. 
You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what you did wrong. Usually, you’d smack the taste out of someone’s mouth if the opportunity came but tonight you would be on your best behavior (a promise you made to Tetsu). But, you were also not feeling the least bit threatened by the man who sat across from you even though you were wondering why he seemed to be so hateful despite just knowing you.  
Kendo grabbed the back of the man’s color and proceeded to snatch him from the seat, replacing his position quickly so that she could sit next to Tetsu instead. The blonde scoffed at her but made no effort to move or swat her away, adjusting the hat that sat atop his head. 
“So sorry, Monoma isn’t the best when it comes to… well, being a decent person.” 
“Ha! I don’t know any of these people, so why should I treat them as friends?” 
“Monoma, you promised.” 
The blonde only rolled his eyes and picked up one of the menus from the table, beginning to scan his eyes over it for a moment before speaking up again without wasting any more time. 
“What are your intentions with Kendo? Do you plan to date her? What makes you any better than any other options she can have?” He began to interrogate Tetsu, glancing at him with squinted eyes. 
The question caught Tetsu off-guard and he could only clear his throat before thinking of what he wanted to say, “I.. well, I’d like that, but only if she wanted to, of course.” 
“Do you want to or do you not want to? Are you willing to be fully committed to her or are you the type to easily get bored and throw away whatever bores you? Dog hybrids are known for their lack of concentration,” the blonde spat, smirking just a little at his own quick wit which earned a slap to the back of his head from Kendo. “Monoma,” she spoke in a warning tone, eyeing him, daring him to say something else… he does. 
“I’m only asking important questions for your safety. It’s better to get these out in the open and answer before it’s too late,” he attempted to reason but then decided to shoot another shot, but this time he aimed it at you and Kirishima. 
“I don’t know how I feel about you associating with people who have no idea how the hybrid and human communities interact. Don’t you know how unbalanced in power your relationship is? What kind of person dates someone they *own*? It’s almost like you’re forcing someone into a relationship. It’s disgusting,” he spat, his voice laced with venom as he peered at the both of you. His frustration was apparent but there was something else there lingering dimly in his gaze. Perhaps… sadness? 
You open your mouth to speak up and nearly blow his head off with your choice of words but you’re quickly cut off by Kendo who growls at her owner, staring at him as she silently threatens him. That seemed to shut him up. When she realized he wasn’t going to say anything else, the ginger sighs and then shifts around uncomfortably in her seat. You, Kirishima, and Tetsu remain silent, wondering if she was going to say something or maybe even excuse herself to leave. This date was starting off in the best light after all. 
“..I’m sorry,” she began, pressing her hands together as she deeply inhaled and then reached over to the top of Monoma’s head, snatching the beanie away from it to reveal shaggy blonde hair and adorable tiny ears that flickered around and revealed themselves. “Hey! Why would you do that?!” Monoma quickly questions, snatching the hat back to cover his ears again, “They could report us! Are you out of your mind?!” She gives Monoma a knowing look and he instantly quiets down, shifting his gaze elsewhere, not even daring to glance in your pack’s direction. 
“I trust Tetsu and Tetsu seems to trust you two so I don’t mind telling you guys our story,” Kendo stated, hoping that her alpha would understand what she was doing, “Monoma isn’t actually a human, he’s a hamster hybrid but… he hides his features to seem human in order to keep our pack together. Er, humans haven’t been the greatest to us actually, which is pretty common amongst hybrids but… our last owner was really the shittiest of them all, in our eyes at least. Monoma has always been the protective type, despite not being much older than any of us in the pack. He’s always taken the blast of whatever has come to us and that’s made him have the worst experiences with humans so please know that he can’t help his distrust simply because of his experiences. I hope you don’t think ill of us, I understand if you guys want to end the date now, I’m sorry again.” She then bowed her head, preparing to stand up and leave. 
You quickly spoke up, “Please don’t apologize, I… I can’t begin to understand what it must feel like, but I won’t pretend I do. I’m sorry that you had to deal with such horrible people like that, I get that’s why you’re so protective of your pack. I’m the same way, really. I want to protect Kiri and Tetsu with my life. They both mean so much to me that I can understand why you’re so worried about letting other people into your life. You don’t have to like me or anything but I hope that you can learn to tolerate me.” You then bowed your head at Monoma in hopes that he understood where you were coming from. His eyes widened for a moment, stunned by your actions. No human had ever apologized to him like that before. 
Though he doesn’t say anything else demeaning, he does scoff at your display of apology, unconsciously pouting and puffing out his cheeks just the slightest before turning his nose up at you. You immediately caught onto his flustered state, almost cooing at how cute the narcissistic hamster hybrid is. Key word, almost. 
Kirishima smiled nervously at the display between the two of you. Two pack heads, one seemed to be threatening the other while the one being threatened was as nonchalant as ever. Oh, how fun this was going to be. 
It was quiet for the time being but that silence was soon interrupted by the sound of grumbling, causing Tetsu to groan in frustration, flustered and angered at his own body’s failure to keep itself contained. Kendo laughed at Tetsu’s angry stomach, playfully nudging his side with a smile. 
“Guess we should order some food before Iron man turns into a grump. You guys should see him when he doesn’t get to go on lunch break on time, he nearly threw a fit with our boss,” Kendo teased, giggling at the memory. 
“Jeez, bro, I always knew you were a hothead when it came to food but don’t tell me you nearly ripped your boss’s head off? Tsk tsk,” Kiri piped up, picking up his own menu to skim over it in interest which earned a hiss from Tetsu, “Be quiet, you’re the same damn way.” 
“Oh! Haha, you’re right. Guess that’s why we’re long-lost brothers!” 
“Order whatever you guys want, my treat,” you had added, chuckling at the light banter, glad to see that the awkwardness was starting to simmer down. 
This time around the hamster hybrid decided to pipe up, an evil glint in his eyes as well as a smirk on his face, “Anything we like? Are you sure about that?” He then eyed you suspiciously, wondering if you were going to back down on your words. 
Offering him a grin you nodded your head and responded, “Yeah, go wild. I can splurge a little bit.”
And with that, just out of spite, Monoma decided that he wanted to break your pockets just because he wanted to, an evil grin spreading across his face while you remained unbothered and pleased. You could barely contain yourself when the table was suddenly filled with plates of food, mostly the expensive items, it was too much for just one person to consume but you certainly wanted to see him try. 
“Neito. Stop eating for fuckssake, you’re going to explode! You’re a hamster, not a chipmunk!” The hyena yelped, pushing away the plates of food that was in front of him, he had barely finished two of the fifteen meals he’d ordered but that knowing smile on his face only made him want to eat more just to wipe that shitty grin off. 
“N-no! I can still eat more,” the man huffed, tugging a plate of unfinished pasta in front of him again as he began to fork some more into his mouth, his struggle was obvious and you couldn't hide your amusement. 
Kendo could feel her anger bubbling up but she sighed, relaxing before shoving the plates away again and huffing at him, “Let’s save this for Awase and Sen, I’m sure they’d appreciate that.” At the mention of their other pack members, it seemed that Momona’s hidden nurturing side revealed itself when he stopped eating and sat up, silently agreeing with her suggestion. It was obvious to you and anyone else that had been watching that he cared deeply about his pack, which you couldn’t help but admire and respect, despite his strange personality. 
“Should we get dessert?” You offered, fighting the grin that threatened to form on your face. Instead, you remained innocent, looking around the table in curiosity, your gaze lingering on Monoma for just a few seconds longer before you raised your hand, waving over the server to ask if they could all have the dessert menu. 
Kirishima, Tetsu, and Kendo all seemed to sweatdrop at the tension between Monoma and you, it was obvious who was winning this round but no one made an effort to elaborate or even bring it up, instead, they opted to watch it all play out. 
And as expected, Monoma bit off a little more than he could chew, both literally and figuratively, which led him into a tiny food coma that made him pass out after having one too many bites. Tetsu was tasked with carrying the hamster hybrid to Kendo’s car while Kirishima carried the many take-out boxes, leaving you and Kendo to your own devices as you both followed behind them. 
“Thanks. Tonight was pretty fun, and- honestly, I think Monoma sees you as his rival now which can be a good thing,” Kendo spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest before laughing sheepishly. “He never takes interest in others unless he thinks they’re a threat or have potential as his comrades. We should hang out again, in a more casual setting I mean.” 
“Sure!” You exclaimed, more than happy to have a new lady friend, “We should exchange numbers then. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other anyways considering how much Tetsu seems to like you, and you seem to like him just as much if I’m not mistaken.” Even though you had just met her, you couldn’t deny that she seemed to be friendship material and thought a little teasing wasn’t too inappropriate. The ginger’s face turned a bright red and she laughed a little, rubbing the back of her neck, “He does? I’m so happy to hear that. I… I really like him too actually.” 
“You two are so cute, I ship it,” you tease her more, gently nudging her before she laughs again and shakes her head, mumbling about how only dorks would say such things. You both exchange a few more words and then she bids you goodbye before going to properly say goodnight to Tetsu, leaving Monoma nearly hanging out of the backseat as the two lovebirds flirt and blush at each other, obviously head over heels in love with one another. 
Kirishima came to stand by your side, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to pull you into his side as the both of you sneakily watched the potential couple. “This brings me back, remember when we first started dating?” He asked, sighing a little at the fond memories, “We were both so dumb and young, I can even remember the first time we confessed to each other like it was yesterday.” 
You laughed at the thought, unable to contain your fit of giggles before you spoke, “I still can’t believe you thought you were going to die after that baseball hit you in your head!” You then started to playfully mock him, deepening your voice just a little,” Oh Y/N! I have to tell you this before I end up dying! A true man mustn’t live without regrets! I’m in love with you and I have been since we were little kids! In another life, maybe we can go out! Goodbye cruel world!” You then leaned more into his side, draping a hand over your forehead as you pretended to faint. “I did NOT do all that! Why’d you make me sound like some kinda Shakespearean guy? Do I… Do I sound like that?” It seemed that your little recount of the beginning of your romantic relationship was going to have poor Kirishima going through an identity crisis… which only made the situation more hilarious. Honestly, you were definitely exaggerating a little but what was the fun in telling the truth anyway? You did, however, have his true words held closely to your heart and whenever you thought about him asking you out like he was on his deathbed you couldn’t help but bashfully grin and mumble about how much of a himbo he was sometimes. 
As you and Kiri were walking down memory lane, Tetsu eventually came back towards the two of you with a flushed face and a small smile on his face, his tail wagging aggressively behind him, the fluff of the appendage waving around in the wind like a flag. It was obvious that he was pleased with the way that tonight had gone and you were happy that he was happy. 
“Looks like someone had a goodnight,” you cooed, reaching up to pat the top of his head in an affectionate manner. Usually, he would slap your hand away but tonight, he was in an especially good mood and didn’t bother to wave you off, only nodding in response before the three of you had made your way to your car to start the drive back home. 
Arriving at your respective doors, you all bid each other goodnight and went to your separate units, leaving you and Kirishima alone once again. A blessing indeed. 
“Shall we have dessert now then?” Kirishima asked as he watched you take off your shoes and put them away into your closet after entering your bedroom. You briefly glanced over your shoulder at him and then gave him a sly smile that spoke volumes. And with that, he appeared in front of you and closed the distance between you both, placing his hands on your hips before he attacked your lips in a passionate kiss. 
It didn’t matter how many times the two of you did things together, it was intoxicating and exciting each and every time, leaving the both of you breathless and satisfied in no time which was more than enough to make you want more and more despite receiving your fill. 
[nsfw! content warnings: this is the end of the chapter in case you want to skip over the smut, it doesn’t continue into the next chapter so you have a choice to read this or not!] 
The kissing soon turned into something less passionate and more sloppy, messy may have been a better word for the open-mouth kisses that you attacked each other with. 
“Fuck, you look so good tonight, nearly took you on the table in front of the entire restaurant,” Kirishima mumbled while pulling his lips away from yours to tug off his shirt before he began to assist in removing your clothes as well. You chuckled at his reply and let him assist in undressing you as you reached down to start undoing his pants, “Hm, why didn’t you? I’m sure no one would have minded a dinner and a movie.” 
He chuckled at your joke and then kicked off his pants before easily scooping you up into his arms and tossing you onto the bed, grinning down at you before he climbed on top of you, burying his face between your shoulder and neck. “Bet you would have liked that, wouldn’t you?” He whispered, his tongue darting out of his mouth to swipe at the side of your neck before he grazed his sharpened teeth over your skin, daring to sink them into you and break the skin. You grabbed the back of his neck, lightly squeezing it before running your fingers through his hair, pressing him into your neck further as you silently urged him to go onward. 
Taking the hint, he bit down lightly onto your neck to test the waters, leaving a light mark that only darkened with some sucking that left you writhing around beneath him. He began to leave identical marks, varying in size and darkness all over your neck and shoulders as well as your chest just to tease you, giving you an appetizer before the main course. 
You were starting to become a little impatient at this point which was made obvious when you tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck and huffed, making him grunt in response, biting down a bit harsher on your neck than he intended to. It was enough to make you bleed and it stung a little but it wasn’t anything to write home about, even if you gasped for air afterward, feeling a new wave of arousal. 
“Just hurry up and fuck me already, Ei,” you groaned, leaning your head back into the mattress, awaiting that moment you desired the most. 
The man that was straddling you leaned back and a dazzling smirk spread across his face before he purred in a teasing yet tender manner, “So impatient, shouldn’t you ask nicely?~” 
Squinting at his face, you took matters into your own hands- literally by grabbing his cock through the open pocket in the front of his briefs and giving it a squeeze which earned you a well-deserved grunt of surprise. 
You smirked at the response you’d gotten, starting to move your hand rather quickly in an up and down motion, grinning as you watched his face screw up in different ways. 
You seemed to enjoy having your way with him, getting him back for his little display of teasing. Kirishima would let you have your way a little longer before he would grab a hold of the situation again, and so he did. 
His own impatience began to creep upon him as he lifted your fingers from his shaft and hummed, “There there, you had your fun. My turn.” 
You yelped when he suddenly grabbed at your hips and pulled you down to the edge of the bed which nearly made you fall off the bed but he kept you in place, pulling you flush to his lower body as he pushed his cock between your pussy lips, daring to enter you without prep, however, he stopped himself and instead began to rub his angry tip against your clit, pressing onto the little button with a harsh amount of pressure that made you shiver and arch your back off the bed.
He rubbed his cock rapidly between your lips, smearing his length in your wetness which made a squelching noise that was a little embarrassing. You couldn’t keep the moans that escaped your lips, shifting your hips around in a frenzy as you were starting to feel an all too familiar burning sensation in your lower stomach, “E-ei, please!” 
You didn’t want to cum just yet, especially when he hadn’t even filled you yet, it wasn’t fair so you were going to at least *attempt* to hold back, much to his dismay. 
“C’mon baby, I know you wanna cum. Cum for me, my pretty gem. I’m just tryna get you prepped to take me in, I can’t have you gettin’ split open so soon. You’ve got work tomorrow, right?” 
Along with his question, he stopped using his cock to stimulate you and instead used the rough pads of his fingers to rub a circle on your clit that set your body ablaze, your chest heaving as your nipples perked up from the sudden feeling, failing to answer him. 
His face fell into seriousness when you did not answer him, earning a harsh flick to your flit that made your hips jerk up and hump into nothing but the heated air lingering above your body, “Answer me.” 
“Y-yes!” You yelped without thinking any more about it, holding back was becoming nearly impossible at this point as you felt an earth shattering orgasm come over you, eyes rolling back as you began to shudder violently with him still abusing your poor clit. 
That toothy grin on his face that you loved so much crept up onto his face as he moved his hand from between your legs, flicking your juices from his thumb with a pleased sigh, “Good girl. Time for your reward, hm?” 
His eyes that were glazed over with lust glanced down at your body, watching as you tried to catch your breath before he continued to have his way with you and bend and mold you into what he craved and desired. 
As he looked down at you with a predatory gaze, did you truly understand the differences between the two of you? Of course, you always knew how much *bigger* he was, but you never truly studied him until moments like this. He could literally rip you in half with a flick of his wrist which was somewhat arousing to think about. Your eyes lingered downwards, taking in his muscular frame and the happy trail that leads down to a neatly trimmed bush that surrounded his thick cock that you would occasionally gag on when you were in the mood. 
While taking in his appearance for a little while longer, you realized all too late that he had grabbed a hold of your wrists with one of his big hands, using the other to align himself with your entrance. He then bullied his way into your poor cunt, watching as you stretched beautifully around his shaft, squeezing him in a way that nearly made him explode right then and there. 
“Fuck, you take me so well, princess,” he groaned, taking a hold of your wrists, one in each hand, thick digits wrapped around them like handcuffs, “Now, you’re gonna be a good girl f’me and cum on my cock too, lil’ gem.~” As expected, you were given no time to respond, shrieking in pleasure when he used his grip on your wrists to slam you down onto his awaiting cock, grinning down at you as he used your wrists to hold you in place while he rutted into you, snapping his hips with no clear rhythm. Each hit deep within you, resonating throughout your body in ways that you had thought would become familiar after so many times of doing it but he never failed to make you feel amazing each and every time, rearranging your guts like a mixing master. 
Seemed like you were going to have to call off work with the way he was impaling you with little to no remorse, only interested in watching as your body reacted to each movement of his hips, the sound of colliding skin filling the room and your ears. As he repeatedly slammed into you, bottoming out only to snatch himself back out and slam back into you, you couldn’t contain the noises that came from your mouth and the way you kept muttering his name, begging him to slow down or go faster, you couldn’t seem to make up your mind with how stupid he was fucking you. 
Little did you know, your bedroom escapades were falling up another set of ears who had decided it was time for him to buy those earplugs he mentioned or just blast some music into his ears. Man, he was tired of hearing you two go at it like rabbits, poor Tetsu. 
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Superfamily
Here are some Superfamily fics that I love. Don’t forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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What We Learn?, by nannersmelo, 1 k >, Fluff.
“Who is this?”
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that we have your husband, so you will listen very closely-”
“My husband Tony? Tony Stark?”
“Oh well,” Steve laughed, “good luck with that.”
Intruder, by wordscorrupt, 500 words.
Steve and Tony face a rather tiny, adorable intruder in the middle of the night.
the privilege of loving you by starklystar, 7 k > words.
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It’s a desperate plea, half-shouted and half-whispered, Steve’s voice cracking at the end. Tony stops in his tracks, halfway to the stairs. He doesn’t dare to turn back, and he really doesn’t want to fight, or to leave, to spend the last month of his life away from his husband and their son. But Steve can’t know, can he?
Or: Tony has palladium poisoning, but he doesn't tell Steve and Peter
ah-choo by starksnack, 3 k words, Hurt/Comfort.
Peter catches a cold at the park while Tony is away for work. Steve is all out of sorts trying to care for a sick child on his own.
The Sign by nightwalker, 2 k > words, Adoption.
Tony hadn't slept the night before and he knew Steve hadn't either. They'd just laid there, side by side, listening to each other breathe and thinking their own thoughts. Somewhere around dawn Steve had rolled onto his side and splayed his fingers over Tony's heart.
Bellflower (unwavering love) by S_Horne, 1 k > words.
“Aw, man.” Tony shook his head at himself as he finally broke. He bent down and tucked his hands underneath Peter’s armpits, hoisting him up onto his hip with a practiced ease. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“No m’not.”
Tony shook his head, straightening Peter’s shirt out where it had bunched up around his chest. “You’re in one of those moods today, aren’t you?”
Peter shook his head sagely and Tony huffed a laugh. “Not. You’re just mean.”
“I swear,” Tony said, blowing out a sigh, “if your Pops walks in and you turn into an angel, you’re grounded until you’re 50.”
a little lemonade by tonystarkssnipples, 1 k > words.
Tony came downstairs after putting Piper to sleep to find Steve with about 10 pounds of lemons spread across the table. At Tony’s footsteps, Steve looked up at him with wide eyes. “The recipe says a cup of lemon juice per gallon.”
“I don’t know how many lemons make a cup of lemon juice.”
It's summer and Steve wants to help their daughter with a lemonade stand.
Distracted by a Dime by happyaspie, 56 k > words, Homeless Peter Parker.
Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown High and being Queen’s friendly neighborhood Spider-man. How to keep his entire situation under wraps and most importantly, who he can trust.
Then, along comes Tony Stark with an offer he can’t refuse. The plan is to remain professional, to not get too close to the Stark-Rogers’ family. Not getting comfortable means not slipping up and saying anything that he can’t take back.
...but for Peter- things rarely go as planned...
one makes me want another by parkrstark, 12 k > words, Adoption, Angst with a Happy Ending.
Steve and Tony adopt Peter when he's 6-years-old and 10 years later, he still thinks he's living the best life with two father doting on him. Until they tell him about the new baby they're bringing home and suddenly, the attention is all on her.
steve rogers-stark: full time dad/husband, part time spider relocator by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Spiders, Fluff.
"Love, what's wrong?" He called out, waiting for a reply.
"Steve!" Tony instantly screamed back. "Come here! I need you!"
Steve quickened his pace slightly, trying to keep himself calm so he didn't worry Peter. Babies could sense that stuff. "Where is 'here', love?"
come morning light (we'll be safe & sound) by parkrstark, 14 k > words, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending.
After a strange mission, Steve, Tony, and Peter find themselves trapped in their own living nightmares. Some memories of their past, some they hoped to keep from even each other, and some of the worst 'what if's their minds can imagine. All they have is each other until they wake up...but is that enough to survive until they figure out how?
Gelid Feint by geekymoviemom, 21 k > words, Fluff and Angst.
Gelid: icy; extremely cold
Feint: a deceptive or pretended blow
Steve Rogers’ world had completely changed since he was discovered in the Arctic Ice. Not only had he led a team of actual superheroes to defend New York against an alien invasion, he had also found love, and the family he’d never dared to dream he could have.
So when Nick Fury asked Steve on a simple mission to retrieve materials from a hidden bunker, Steve thought nothing of it.
Until the demons he’d thought he had buried within the Red Skull’s airplane suddenly reappeared, and he was forced to face the one enemy he’d thought he had vanquished.
He had cut off one head, but now two more had taken its place.
love lives on by parkrstark, 6 > k words, Teacher Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe.
Steve doesn't like picking favorite students, but when he gets Peter in his class, he can't help it when this sweet little boy becomes his favorite. He shouldn't be surprised when one day his father picks him up, and Steve realizes that he's the son of Tony Stark...the love of his life he let go back in high school. Steve wants his second chance, even if Tony doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.
maybe love is the reason why (we're seeing it eye to eye) by parkrstark, 134 k > words, undercover as a family, Fake/Pretend Relationship.
"I'm sorry. Repeat that again." Tony leaned forward in his seat from across the table. He even stuck a finger in his ear as if he was cleaning it out. "I don't think I heard you right."
Fury rolled his eyes-- or well, eye. "You and Rogers need to go undercover as a married couple in a community out on Long Island."
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are sent on an undercover mission as a couple to try and find Hydra informants. Somehow, they end up with Peter as their undercover son who decides to play matchmaker even if the two of them are doing their best to ignore their feelings after Siberia.
little moments like this by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Domestic Fluff.
Steve grabs the blanket and covers himself. "Stop it! My husband will kill you!"
It takes Tony only a second to realize what Steve thinks is going on and he laughs. "Steve, it's me. Tony." He tries to take the blanket off, but Steve doesn't let him.
"Don't-- take advantage of me! My husband will kill you!"
Or, Steve is loyal to no end. Even after a night of drinking Asgardian mead.
Trapped in the Shadows by geekymoviemom, 97 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Parent Tony Stark.
All Steve Rogers wanted after a lifetime of war was to immerse himself in quiet, and solitude. Opening a bookstore seemed like the perfect answer. He could escape to any world that he desired, all while keeping his past firmly behind him, where it belonged.
Until the day Peter Stark walked in.
anytime by complicationstoo, 714 words, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Established Relationship.
Steve is there, holding Tony's sleepy one year old against his chest and stirring scrambled eggs on the stove with his free hand. He's murmuring quietly to Peter, low enough that Tony can't quite make out the words, but there's a soft smile on his face as he talks.
Tony wanders further in, sneaking up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He buries his face into Steve's hair, and he can hear the grin in Steve's voice as he says, "Good morning, dear.”
How To Change A Diaper by writerstrash, 1 k > words, Established Relationship, Fatherhood.
Steve and Tony deal with a wriggly, crawly baby Peter who enjoys keeping his parents on their toes.
104 notes · View notes
hwrryscherry · 3 years
The one where model Y/N is attacked in Paris.
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blurb: Harry and Model Y/N are in Paris for Fashion Week 2020 earlier this year. To celebrate her first time walking for Gucci, Harry decides to take her out for a dinner date when a crazy youtube prankster attacks her while leaving the restaurant and Harry get furious as standing up to defend his girl.
word count: 3.5K
warning: rude and disrespectful attitude, invasion of personal space, violence, anxiety attack quote. DON’T read it if you feel uncomfortable.
author’s note: HIII, I know this took me a while. I was working on it when I got a cold and just couldn’t think of anything to finish writing this, but I’m much better now for god’s sake. I’d like to apologize with whoever requested this for taking such a long time to post it and say a huge thank you or requesting this too! This is completely inspired by what happened to Gigi Hadid in 2016(I guess) and I remember seeing this video and thinking why someone would do that, also, Gigi said once that the guy was lucky Zayn wasn’t with her sooooo I guess I just think Harry would be so furious because even though he’s a very chill guy, his girl safety and well being is the one thing that matters the most to him.
gigi’s video for the ones who didn’t see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjsPmjqmcvs
       February 27th, 2020
   Today was the first time that you ever walked for Gucci, and it was amazing, you were beyond happy because getting where you are today being a short model and only being 22 years old it's something to be proud of. It hasn't been easy all the time but you were slowly making your way to the top and that's more than enough. And you were highly grateful for Harry either, of course you walked Gucci's show because of your talent and hard working and no one doubted that, but Harry did a important role in your newest contract with Gucci because you met the team because of him and his Gucci obsession. But anyway, the fashion show was amazing, and you had Harry on the crowd cheering for you all the time and God, he was so proud! He couldn’t even handle himself. He was recording everything and even got up when you did the catwalk next to him as he kept taking multiple pictures. If you have to be real, almost 90% of those pictures looked really bad because he wasn't focusing on the phone but he also wanted to register this moment and when you'd look through them later you'd actually laugh because most of them had a very blur image.
    When the fashion show ended, he had to congratulate you backstage. As you were starting to take off your outfit, you listened to your boyfriend's rough voice making you turn around to face him and see the biggest smile on his face, you could clearly see his dimples on the side of his cheek. He walked over to you instantly wrapping his strong arms around your figure hugging you so tight that you were even afraid that he would get the feat of ruining the rest of clothes you still had on.
— You were so great, I'm so pround of you! — Harry said on a low tone next to your ear before breaking the hug and looking carefully to your face. You had this crazy green eyeshadow that were halfway gone by now which caused him to chuckle — I love your eye look, it looks fabulous! — Harry said making you bend over to stare at the mirror behind you only realizing now you haven't finished taking off your makeup yet. You stand straight again giving him a mocking expression as you grabbed the makeup wipe you were using from the makeup table behind both of you.  
— I know, I'm thinking about wearing this everywhere because it's just really fashion! — you ironically said taking a smirk out of him as you turned around sitting on the chair in front of the mirror so you could have a sight of how you're makeup were doing — But thank you, you know I appreciate it!
— I do! And that's why I'll congratulate you by taking you out for dinner tonight! — Harry said walking towards you resting his hands on both of your shoulders squeezing them gently as he bends over giving you a small kiss on your neck.
— Oh, like a dinner date? — You'd ask with a smirk on as you felt goosebumps on your kiss with his little kiss.
— Exactly like a dinner date! And later, we can have our own private celebration! — He'd say with a  smirk on his lips as you finished taking your makeup off — What d' you think? Sounds good? — He asked you and you nodded at him and just some minutes later you both were out stage going back to your hotel in Paris. Harry called Jeff and asked him if he could make a reservation for both of you for tonight around 8 pm and he glady did, so as it was already 6 pm and as you both were probably the one couple in the world who takes the longest to get ready, you'd come back to the hotel and started getting ready already.
    Jeff made an appointment for both of you to go to Le Cinq restaurant which is located near the Eiffel Tower and Arc of Triumph. You absolutely loved Paris at night, for some reason it seemed more magical and interesting to you. The weather, the lights, the fashion and the language that you learned to master well through the years warmed your heart whenever you’d go there. When you were a child, you got used to always hearing your mom tells you:’’whenever you’re in love, go to Paris’’, and for this reason Paris was one of the first places where you and Harry traveled together as couple. Harry didn’t use to travel a lot for by the way. MOst of the time, he used to travel for work, so this changed a lot since you started dating because you love to travel. You’ve always been a free spirit person, the kind of person that goes wherever the winds takes you so with the time Harry became like this too as you started taking him to do the craziest things on the craziest places around the world.
    You felt the car slower it’s velocity as it got closer to the front of the restaurant, and you both could see by the window that the front was packed. As it was Paris Fashion Week, there were a lot of celebrities in the city and usually, fans settled in front of popular places around the city hoping they’d have a chance to meet their favorite celebs and even though you were already used to crowds at this point of your life, they’d still make you a little nervous, especially when it was in places not well known to you like a city you don’t live on.
— You’ll have to guide me because these shoes are really high and I don't want to step on anyone's feet — You said to Harry while putting your phone in the small black Prada bag you carried with you with your head down looking carefully to it because you’ve lost the count of how many times you thought you had put the phone inside your bag and you didn’t.
— It's alright! Hold my hand because there are a lot of people here! — Said Harry bringing his left hand up to your face to put a lock of hair of yours that fell in your face behind your ear and you nodded to him. Harry was really protective over you, and he has been that way since the beginning of your relationship. He’d always put your safety first anytime you’d go out together. When it was his about his concerts, you’d usually discuss about the fact that you want to be in the audience and he wants you to be backstage. It’d taken you a few minutes to convince him that everything was going to be fine, but it would also have days that it didn’t matter how much time you try to convince him he’d beg you to stay backstage so he could be relaxed during the performance. But you were grateful for him being that way, you were grateful that he cared so much about your well being because you know exactly how much some relationships can be destructive and you felt lucky to have someone this good in your life. Of course he wasn’t perfect, neither of you were but who is? He tried his best and that’s what matters the most.
    But anyway, Harry held your hand tightly and opened the car door, immediately feeling the camera’s flashes burning your faces and listening to some fans starting to shout. Harry’s bodyguards got between both of you and the crowd guiding your way to the entrance of the restaurant and you felt the heat from the crowd instantly even though the weather in Paris was only 59°F, it’d feel lot warmer until you entered the place. And that is one special kind of a place, The decoration was perfectly splendid, gorgeous and marvelous if you must say. The touches of gold and light blue mixed with the yellow coloration of lights and the spectacular french food scent brought a cozy and elegant vibe.The restaurant was a little full, nothing out of the common and you observed the many different sizes of tables and the groups of people in it.
    You both were taken to your table that was located next to the windows but wasn’t actually on the windows at it still had people outside and it feels weird to eat with people watching you. Anyway, Harry as the gentleman he is pulled the chair for you as he always did even though you had told him there’s no need for that. You both ordered glasses of your favorite white wine, neither of you were heavy drinkers but as it was a celebration it was much needed. The date happened naturally, just as all the laughing, talking and even gossips. This the casual couple gossip that you two would have, but it happened naturally. None of you ever felt like you had to pretend to be anybody else except yourself around each other.
    During the night, Harry would get lost in your face admiring your features while you’re talking. He would admire the way your eyebrows move when you’d change expressions, the way your eyes would form a very tiny line when you tried to see something that was away from you, he’d admire your smile and the sound of your laugh anytime you’d remember of something funny or he’d tell you something funny and he’d think of how lucky he is to have you, because even though he knows that sometimes he can be a pain in the ass(just as you can too) , you’re very lucky to have one another and to have someone who would make you feel this great and free about who you are. Because who you are is exactly who you need to be. Of course both of you believes that changing and envolving it’s the most important thing to do and sometimes you’d be surprised to see how much you both grew from the beginning of your relationship until today and that would bring smile to your faces. He feels lucky to be able to call you his girl, and god you loved when he’d do it. You loved when he was about to present you to someone and say ‘’This is my girl Y/N’’, it’d cause you to open a big smile because it felt natural. You’re his and he’s yours, period.
    When you both decided it was time to call it a night Harry paid the check against what you wanted because you wanted to pay this time. You’d honestly hate to have people paying for you, and this would usually be a point of discussion between you and Harry. You don't know why but you hate it, and it's just the gentleman in Harry wanting to spoil his girl again and again until he get tired of doing it, but he never does.
   You were about to leave the restaurant when Harry slid his right hand around your waist bringing you closer to him very calmly to kiss your cheek.
— I know you want to say hi to everyone but just walk to the car, alright? — He'd lowly talk next to your ear making you look at him with a serious expression — It's for your safety, love! It's late now, and we don't know who's there. — And he was right, it was past midnight now and there were still some people out there. How can they stand there in this cold weather? But anyway, you agreed with him as you both walked your way to outside. You felt flashes again, blinding flashing lights making you look to the ground as Harry held his hand on the back of your back guiding you to the car.
    As you walked towards the car, you felt a small hand touch your arm and you looked over to see a little girl with probably 12 or 13 years. She pursued tired eyes, and your heart ached with just the thought of keeping walking back to the car because you had no idea of how much time she’s been outside waiting for you so you stopped walking and bend down a little to get close to her height which made Harry stops walking immediately looking a little surprised but he understood when he saw you taking a picture with the little girl and how your face lightens up after it. You asked her what was her name and her age and she answered that her name was Lily and she was 13 she told you that she wants to be a model just like you when she grows older and that melted your heart. You smiled at her and told her that she could do whatever she wanted to and told her that when she grows up and becomes a model, you’d love to walk a show with her. When you’d stand up again you saw Harry looking at you with a small smile on his lips. He couldn’t deny he loves your kindness to every person in the world. It made his heart happy to know that he’s with someone with the same life philosophy than him. So he turned around to open the car door for you when you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist lifting you up and you froze.
— What the fu... — You'd shout before starting to hit him on his arms with your elbows as you'd move your legs trying to kick him with your heels. You'd feel flashes on your face and heat on your body increasing. It was the adrenaline and you were furious at this point. — Get...Off...Me — You'd shout as you'd hit his face with your elbows as well, Harry looked over to you and stormed out. He'd swear he'd never been like this in his life, he'd basically run to behind the guy's back and put his arm around his neck, Harry'd give him a punch right in the middle of his back and a slightly kick on the back of his knee to destabilise the guy which put you free by the moment he started to fall. Harry's bodyguard would hold you immediately trying to push you away from the crowd as you looked at Harry pushing the guy away from you.
— What the fuck were you doing? — Harry'd shout right into the man's face and watch as the man started to walk away from the crowd but Harry would go after him. Harry swears to god he couldn't even feel his body at the time. He was completely numb, moved by adrenaline and all he wanted to do was to beat the shit out of that man. — WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? — Harry'd shout walking after him getting no response which just made him angrier. At that time he didn't care about the cameras or whoever was watching him, he couldn't calm down when someone threated his girl safety and personal space. It didn't even need to be you. If he saw anyone threatening a woman's safety, he'd freak out in anger.
   You felt the bodyguards strong hands trying to push you away from the situation because that's what Harry would want him to do. He tried walking you towards the car, but you were reluctantly screaming for Harry because he could get himself hurt if he didn't come back to the car now. The other bodyguard walked after Harry grabbing him by the arm and Harry turned over to look at him with so much anger on his look and you'd swear you never saw him like this but then he did started walking over to you again.
   You finally entered the car and closed the door. You felt in panic. Basically paralyzed, you felt your anxiety attacking and your hands shaking. You could literally hear your heart beating so fast and loud that it scares you.
— Go get him! Follow him to hell. I don't care! Take him to the police office! — You'd listen to Harry talks firmly to his bodyguards as he opened the car's door and entered in it. He took a deep breath and turned his face to look at you. His heart broke at that moment. You were a mess. You couldn't even feel the tears leaving your eyes, but he did see them. He saw your hands shaking and how scared your eyes looked and at that moment all of his anger left his body — Love... — He'd sigh getting closer to you while wrapping his arms around your now-fragile figure. He could feel your entire body shaking on his arms. He caressed your hair with one of his hands as he hugged you tight to calm you down. He'd look to the driver and make a sign for him to start driving back to your hotel — Are ya okay? You're hurt? Did he hurt you? — He'd talk on a calm tone squeezing you a little on his arms. You'd lift your head up to look at him with red wet eyes shaking your head to him.
— I'm sorry! — You'd say lowly. He did tell you to walk straight to the car, and you didn't listen to him.
— It's not your fault, love! — He'd say wiping some of your tears and then carefully kissing both of cheeks — Don't worry about it, everything's gonna be fine, alright? It's okay!
   You'd spent the rest of the ride in silence. A comfortable silence. You'd be laying your head on his shoulder while holding his head getting your breathing and heart back to normal and your phones would start buzzing with notifications of what happened but none of you would see it, not now.
   When you got to your hotel, you'd get out of the car in the garage. You'd both walk slowly to the elevator and slowing to your room. You entered the room going directly to the king sized bed and throwing yourself in it because you felt like getting in a coma and just waking up to a time where all this drama would go away. Harry'd walk towards you and sit in bed beside you. He'd put both of his hands on your shoulders massaging them slowly.
— I'll prepare you a bath, so you can relax a little before sleeping, how's that sound? — He'd say trying to cheer you up a little bit.
— Sounds great, thank you love! — You'd turn your head to look at him with a forced smile on your lips. Harry'd bend down to kiss your hair line before leaving to the bathroom.
   He'd try his best to make you feel the most comfortable to sleep tonight. He'd prepare you a bath. He'd give you a message, he'd brush your hair for you but actually, he loves to do that. He loves to brush your hair before you go to bed, it was more like a routine for you both. He loves to feel your long locks on his fingers and to feel the sweet scent of it. He'd cuddle you until you fall asleep too, he'd even be the big spoon tonight so you could sleep on his chest breathing his perfume because he hoped that'd make you have a good night of sleep.
   And after you did, he'd look on the things on his phone. All the posts about you being attacked in Paris and him beating the guy who did it were just too much and he felt sorry that you'd have to see and read all of those stuff as soon as you unblock your phone. A lot of your friends texted him asking what happened and if you were ok. He'd answer the closest ones only, like his mom and Gemma, your mom, Bella and Jeff. He didn't know what you'll decide about the next fashion shows you had to walk, but he also knows that no one would blame you if you just chose to come back home in NYC.
  Harry didn't sleep at that night at all, he couldn't stop looking for what happened and why it happened. The next day, it was everywhere in the media and later you'd found out that the guy was a youtuber and he was making a prank when he posted his stupid youtube vlog with "I pranked Harry Styles's girlfriend and he punched me" as a title. You'd sue him for sure. You don't like taking those kind of actions, but it was necessary, he had to understand that you cannot disrespect people like this, specially people you don't know.
  After that you'd probably understand why Harry is so protective over you and Harry would actually get ten times more protective, if I had to be honest. But as the time passed by and quarantine came you both would leave it behind and move on with your life because in the end of the day you both will still have one another.
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The Dark Team (part 8)
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Join the taglist in here (Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman)
Warnings: violence, near death experience, suicidal consideration.
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With all the information you needed in your head, you ran up to the hotel room. Loki and Bucky were wandering around the neighborhood, handling the “incognito” part of the mission very poorly. But you’d be soon back with them, you just needed to grab the suits, some more information and a scribbled map, and you’d be back on the streets, fighting criminals or… whatever the Hell those two were doing.
It was just a matter of time until you finally got the stick. What did it have that Tony Stark feared so much to be in the wrong hands, you would never know. Unless you grabbed the stick before giving it to him and found out yourself, of course (but no, that would be irresponsible, an invasion, all levels of illegal and probably would result in getting you in jail, or maybe even assassinated).
It sounded good, though.
After what felt like a thousand stairs later, you finally arrived at your room. Grabbing the doorknob while inserting the key, you realized it was already open. You stopped. Was anyone in there? You weren’t the last one to come out that morning, so you weren’t sure you closed it well. Bucky was; and he was generally distracted on those details. He would sleep on them because he can take anyone, he’s a supersoldier, after all.
You didn’t let go of the doorknob, and opened very carefully as to not make any noise. Damn, if I just had my gun with myself this would be much easier, you thought for the hundredth time on the mission. You made a mental note on not leaving the room without a gun ever again.
If it wasn’t bad enough, you didn’t bring any communicators with your teammates on. What for? The last part of the mission was done with all of you together. It made sense you’d sleep on it too.
You stopped the self-loathing on your last few decisions and thought about who or what could be on the other side of the door. It couldn’t be someone who wanted the information you’d already collected, because you informed absolutely no one about it. Not even Stark. And you had made sure nobody followed you or heard your steps. So, it had to be someone from the Hydra base. Someone who would think you had the stick with yourself, and wanted it back.
Basing your actions on that speculation, you calculated the time and risks to get to your gun and suit before you’d get attacked, if the agent was still in there. You could only assume it was an agent. What else would Hydra have, in the middle of 2021?
Alright, you thought. Maybe it’s empty already. I only get one chance.
You slammed open the door and ran to your suit and gun as fast as you could, suiting up with a button, and, in a matter of seconds, you were against a wall with your Beretta 92 pointing at whoever could come and attack you.
Silence and adrenaline filled the room. You looked around, and nothing moved. Not a single sound. Not even a fly.
“Whoever’s here, I don’t have it. I swear, I don’t have it”, you said, still with your gun up. “And I don’t know who has it, yet”.
No answer. You looked around a little, opening some doors and looking under the beds, but it really seemed like you were alone now. Someone had definitely been there; your papers were all disorganized and some chairs were on the floor. The window had a gunshot. But whoever went there, saw there was nothing they wanted and left, not long ago. Maybe you could even seek them with the street cameras.
You walked to the window and traced the gunshot with your fingertips. You recognized the bullet; Bucky had used them before, as the Winter Soldier. Looking outside you recognized in the distance, about three blocks away, the unmistakable figures of your teammates.
A cocking gun in your nape brought you back to the room. You didn’t turn around just yet, waiting for some talking (they usually talk, they don’t want you dead; they rather want your information. Quite difficult to take from if you won’t be able to answer). After some more silence, you turned around violently and tried to kick the (huge, even bigger than Thor) man’s gun off. Instead, he grabbed your leg and pushed you to the floor.
Maybe you weren’t exactly awesome when it came to hand-in-hand combat, alright?
Pointing your gun at him from the floor, you tried to get up, and as soon as you felt him get closer to grab your gun, you shot. You made sure to not actually shoot him; just close enough for him to think you were going to shoot him if he got close. He didn’t get fazed at the shot; didn’t flinch, didn’t even blink. Instead, grabbed your gun and bent it as if it were melted plastic.
Holy fucking shit.
Good news were, now you knew what exactly was in that stick. Bad news, it was already in the wrong hands.
“Chemistry works in mysterious ways, doesn’t it, fella?”, you asked the supersoldier standing in front of you. “When did they serum-ed you? You might be experiencing some side effects”, you chatted, waiting for your teammates, hoping they’d walk a little bit faster. Hopefully, they’d heard the shooting and realized you were in trouble. They didn’t know exactly how much trouble you were in, though.
“You do realize the more you talk, the faster I’ll have to kill you, right?” said he, finally.
“What’s your name? Can’t see you with your weird mask on” you said, standing up slowly. “Let me guess… you must be familiar with James, right?”.
The supersoldier blinked in confusion, and charged his gun, pointing it directly at your forehead.
“You have exactly ten seconds to tell me how you know about James. Ten”.
“Must be a very difficult experience”.
“To be so close, yet so far away”.
“You know, it’d do you wonders some therapy maybe. To process the whole James thing”.
“You sound like Monica Geller”.
“You’ll get bored of counting, eventually”.
“Alright, pack it up”.
You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“I don’t know anything about that James, it was a wild guess. Everyone is called James these days”, you explained. He stopped counting but pressed the gun harder against your head.
“Quit the mocking. Give me the stick and I’ll let you live”.
“There’s no way you’re letting me live. I already know Hydra has some more supersoldiers, and I guess the thing in the stick is the formula, isn’t it? Give me the secret formula, spongebob, right?”. The man realized you were just making time, and tried to grab your wrists. “Took you long enough to notice. Soldiers are not the brightest, let me tell you”.
As he tried to lock your wrists, you used all your body weight to push him out of the window. Terrible idea. He was at least five times stronger, and instead of your original plan, the one getting thrown off a nine-floor window now were you.
Bucky and Loki were a block away, and all they saw was a tiny speck on the sky, getting rapidly closer to the street. It didn’t take them much thinking until they realized that speck was you, flying off the hotel room. Loki took impulse and teleported himself as fast as he could to the nearest floor you were currently passing, and grasped your arm and hand with his both hands, holding himself with only his legs from a balcony.
Hanging from just one arm, with seven tall floors behind your feet, you tried your best to not look down. Oh, heights weren’t your best friend, much less the possibility of a bad movement and instantly dying right there. You could only think in how lucky you were your teammate had quick reflexes, and how idiotic you were to think you could’ve possibly taken that man by your own. He bent your gun with his bare hands, for God’s sake. You looked down, and saw the supersoldier already fighting with Bucky on the streets. Your face turned even paler as you observed how tall you were. Everything was tiny below you.
“Look at me”, said Loki, with a calm voice. You redirected your gaze to him. His eyes. There was a glimpse in his eyes, showing something. Your own emotions weren’t allowing you to actually concentrate on his face expressions, anyways. He sensed it, and repeated. “Look at me, don’t look down. I’m here”.
You met his eyes once again and this time you didn’t leave them. There it was. His eyes irradiated pure and raw panic. Fear. No, not even fear; terror. What was he terrified of? Terror of losing you? Why would he care so much? Why would he care that deeply? It didn’t matter now, for you were definitely dying. His grip was strong, but your hand was starting to numb and you were losing strength. You were dizzy and sweating, frightened. He gripped harder and it pained you.
“Hold on to me. Do not let go, I'm here”, he said. His words were tranquil and reassuring, trying to keep it as undisturbed as he could, but a drop of desperation cracked his voice. “Hold strong, I’m lifting you up”.
“Don’t. You’ll fall down. You can’t take this height either” you said without hiding your dread. Your tight throat did the job and your eyes watered. That was it, you thought. And it was. There was no way Loki could lift you without him falling down too. And even if there was a possibility, why would he risk his long and meaningful life for the sake of yours? “Let me go, Loki”.
“I’m not letting you go”.
“You’ll die”.
“No, and you won’t either. Hold onto my grip”, he assured you without leaving any room for discussion, trying to lift your body and almost tripping in the process. He gasped and you left out a whine.
“Stop it, I’m not letting you go”, he said, less calm than he’d have liked to. “I’m not letting you go”, he repeated, almost in a whisper.
In a struggle, he brought you into the balcony he was hanging from. Your legs were shaking, as you laid on the marble floor by his side. Both of you breathless, looked at each other without saying a word. After a brief moment, you took his hand and squeezed it gently, not ever breaking eye contact.
“You saved me. Thank you”.
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sparklingpax · 2 years
unoriginal idea maybe, but here's a detail from my Transformers: Transcendence AU, from a list I keep on some post-it notes in my room, which I spontaneously feel like (elaborating on and) sharing:
Before the war, Megatronus--then, unnamed, but for reading purposes, I'm referring to him by name--once found a book, left behind by spectators to the caves where he worked.
[Sorry for typos, I typed this on my phone last night and forgot to post--]
It must have been dropped in haste.
The tour group had, after all, bustled in, murmuring and pointing, then followed the supervisor as he made his way past this particular part of the mines, and they rushed after him. They had been here to see the different facets of a life they'd never dream to imagine living, yet were fascinated to witness first-hand.
The miner had exchanged glances with a fellow unnamed mech who happened to be slicing rocks beside him. It was the kind of look that seemed to wordlessly agree that in the world of the "unreachables" who bathed in loving daylight and fresh air, enough shanix could get you most anything--even a tour to the pits of society.
To where hundreds lived, worked, and died just as unnamed as Megatronus' friend beside him.
Just for the laughs, for the rewarding ability to claim having done something--you know the drill.
But what had caught his optics as he raised and dropped another strike to the rock was not the chance to steal a glance at what "the untouchables" of society looked like, but rather...a book.
A real, leather-bound book, lying lonely where the spectators had been, starkly contrasting the lifeless grey all around it.
It was a tiny story of words Megatronus knew breathed life of its own.
Two lives, perhaps, taking into account it had to have been written by someone.
He knew of books, he'd seen the supervisor reading one, and since then wanted one of his own, but...what world was he living in where you were at literal rock-bottom and could ask for a work of art to appreciate?
Nonetheless, there it lay, and no one seemed to notice it but him.
Or, perhaps they had, but all the same felt no inclination to go and bother with it.
He hoped no one saw him snatch it up and slip off down the dark halls of grit and stone. He knew his sector's supervisor was busy with showing the visitors around, and considering what he held in his grip, was well past this sector...so the coast was clear.
He headed down a familiar path he needed no light to guide him down, until he came upon a hollowed out section of the wall. This was where he came to rest if he was afforded one of the breaks miners were given every now and then.
Breaks of a five-to-seven-minute nature.
It was a place only he knew of--well, he hoped only he knew about it--and so it would be perfect to hide this book.
Carefully, he patted away some dust and slid it behind a crevice. Some part of him wished to disobey rules more than he was already, and at least look at the cover of it, to know the title...but he concluded this was far from a good idea.
So instead, he turned and hurried back to his station.
Of course, he knew he'd be lucky today, but he could only be so lucky--the supervisor wasn't stupid enough to leave his workers of sector A-D alone. Going back now meant he'd be back well in time for the gruff mech of authority to return and find nothing was amiss with his nameless workers.
Just as it was always.
Otherwise, everyone knew, their supervisor would risk losing to sector E-H's manager, and potentially be jailed for it.
To the higher-ups, problems weren't dealt with when it came to this place--they were jailed or killed; it didn't quite matter so much since most of those in the mines died eventually anyway.
And it benefitted no one to cause any sort of trouble.
So things usually remained as they were.
Such a break arrived one day, and Megatronus thanked Primus for it.
His body was battered, scratched and covered in all kinds of things that made his silver-burgundy plating to seem an interesting array of greys and black, with streaks of......flourescant purple, green, blue....were they harmful long-term? What substances had even caused such coloration?
Megatronus didn't care to offer it thought--who'd know that? Or care?
He trudged down the rocky halls, thinking of nothing at all but of the pain he felt all over, as if he was being crushed by the deadly metal-press their supervisor had threatened them all with on too many occasions to count.
At last, he came upon his hole in the rocks and practically fell into it.
The spiky rocks he laid upon jabbed him, but not too much, and it was more the relief of finally being allowed to sit for a couple minutes that he felt. He sighed quietly, tiredly, and felt his systems huff their own sigh.
Wearily, he watched a small cloud of steam float away and to the ceiling.
His helm tilted back as he lamented there was only about a minute or two left in his break, which would have been three or four had he not taken so long to get to his rest place--
And then he felt something sharp, but not as sharp as stone, against his head.
He turned to see the edge of a book sticking out of a place in the rock.
With a wave of energy, he remembered finding that book a while back, and his intent to read it! And well, what better time to at least learn the title of it than now?
His optics darted up and down the hall. There was no one there to see him. The muffled sounds of metal upon rock, drilling, and screaming in the distance was all the silence had to contend with as he carefully removed the book from its hiding place and opened it.
Megatronus was lucky to find Primus had seemingly graced him with an ability to read, and he briefly wondered how many others were also capable of such a feat.
But the thought evaporated into nothingness as he cast a concentrated eye over the title, scrawled in decorative, grey font.
Victory of Justice: A Tale of Deceit
Megatronus swallowed, knowing that he only had a couple of seconds to put it back and begin down the halls again to work, lest he be late and forbidden breaks until his spark itself died out, or--debatable if this was better or worse--sent to be smelted or crushed for materials on the spot.
But the title had almost immediately struck something in him.
Something deep, hidden away in the recesses of his processor.
His spark had seemed to jump upon registering what those words seemed to imply, and his intrigue of what lay waiting on the pages following was not a match fire, but as strong as that smelting pit further down the mines.
He began to think, silence seeming to further drown the noise of despair he was presently exempt of.
There was no perfect world, and therefore, all these idealistic concepts--of virtue, justice, deceit--were all just as such: ideals. For in practice of the life one lives, the waters became murky, and one never truly sees what is what until it's too late.
I must know, he thought resolutely, suddenly not feeling his body's pain as much.
The words to articulate what I've believed for all this time are in this book. The words I felt inside seeing the daylight for the last time before I entered these mines, or rather, for the last time until I've found a way out again...
He marched down the hall, something beginning to churn in the depths of his very being.
I must read them. This will be how I rise above. I will see the surface world and leave this place. It is my fate.
He found himself grinning, something he seldom ever did in the pits of despair which he had resided for all his life. Yet it couldn't be controlled. He widened it, feeling that fire surge within his spark.
It is my destiny! It...is my will.
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“I do apologize. I didn’t want any of this to happen.” for the Vardy AU (maybe, but this is only a suggestion, Lucian admitting that the Vampires followed him)
Get well soon! ❤️
Oooh, that's a good line for this au! :O
This is a continuation of the one-shot where Hardy got hurt protecting Lucian and Miller by a silver bullet (which he is very allergic to silver).
And thank you!
On with the fic!
It wasn't hard to track Lucian down. Broadchurch was a small town, people easily could tell Hardy where he was, and he knew the lycan's scent by now.
He found him down at the beach, sitting near one of the small docks for the smaller boats. Lucian had been rather quiet with him lately, since the events in that old building. His chest still ached, the wound healed like it would have if he were human, but it was at least getting better.
Silver was a horrible thing to be affected by, no wonder humans used it to defend themselves with in movies and stories.
Lucian had kept himself away, only approaching when he had to, and being more business than familiar. Whatever they had going on between them seemed to change when Hardy took that bullet, and he wondered what was wrong.
Well, he was tired of waiting, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
The lycan didn't seem to notice him at all, even with him loudly walking along the dock, standing over the man who sat in the sand, looking out at the choppy waters. He reached out with the tip of his shoe, giving Lucian's head a nudge.
The lycan grunted, turning to glare, only for his eyes to wide. "Alec." He breathed out, surprised to see him.
"Lucian. Going to keep avoiding me?" Hardy asked, getting straight to the point.
"It's... not that I want to."
"Then what is it?"
Lucian stood up, dusting sand off himself and letting Hardy help him up onto the dock so they were on better ground. That, and the tide was going to be coming in soon, from what Hardy could tell. He'd lived here long enough to know when it would happen, uhg.
"I'm not trying to avoid you, well, I am, but it's for your own safety." Lucian explained and Hardy frowned.
"My own safety? That sounds like a load of shit."
"Alec, you were shot in the chest with a silver bullet, you're lucky it didn't hit your heart, o-or that it was a silver nitrate bullet!" Lucian exclaimed. "You were hurt because of me."
Alec sniffed. "I took the bullet to save you and Miller."
"I know, but... you're not getting it!"
"What's there to get?"
"That I'm the cause of all of this!"
A heavy silence landed on them and Lucian rubbed at his neck, looking away. Hardy didn't like that, but he stayed silent as Lucian explained. "I came to this town to hide, I had been followed for a while, after a small coven had discovered that I hadn't died all those years ago. I thought I was safe here, it's so out of the way, so small, no one would notice.
"But they still showed up, they still found me, and decided to taunt me to draw me out. All these people, they died because I wouldn't let them kill me or whatever it was they had planned for me. I... wanted to run away, but I knew that once they started, they wouldn't stop. And then you got involved, and I got... I got attached, I like whatever it is that's going on between us."
"So you stayed because of me?" Hardy asked.
"Yes, but also to help you stop all of this, but those vampires were tricky, they knew to stay away when we would get close. Then they'd strike when we didn't expect it, when our guards were down. Damnit, then they went after Ellie, because they learned about you! It's my fault."
Lucian sighed. "It's always my fault, everything. I do apologize. I didn’t want any of this to happen. I should have left when I had the chance at the start of all of this, then none of this would have happened."
Hardy watched him, then narrowed his eyes and was suddenly on him, tiny and winged, flapping and biting at Lucian, who shouted in alarm. He swatted at Hardy, nearly knocking him back, and Hardy was once more human, panting, his fangs sharp, his eyes maroon.
Lucian looked at him in alarm and hurt, before he narrowed his eyes, going from hazel to pale blue, and then he jumped.
The two of them were knocked to the sand, tussling about, smacking and scratching at one another with screeches and growls. Then Hardy's chest tightened and he started to cough, hard, snapping Lucian out of it.
The lycan scrambled off of him, helping him to sit up, rubbing his back before digging into the vampire's pocket, pulling out his blood tablets. Hardy popped one into his mouth, coughed again, and then sighed. "God, you're an idiot." He panted and Lucian looked offended.
"Do you," Hardy continued, "have any idea how ridiculous you sound when you're filled with guilt? I don't care if you think you're at fault for this. You didn't know, you had no idea that those stupid bloodsuckers were going to come here and cause trouble, none of us knew that. Look, I've been around a shorter time than you, but still long enough to know to never to carry this sort of guilt and blame."
He shook his head, trying to get sand out of his hair. "Lucian, I don't blame you for what happened. Yes, it's upsetting that these things happened when you arrived, but you didn't know, none of us saw it coming at all. Not even me. And I've been in places where my own presence had caused trouble by the supernatural before."
Lucian frowned. "Really?"
"Story for another day. But really, Lucian, I don't... I don't blame you for what happened. Nor do I blame you for the bullet, that was all me, I knew it would hurt, I knew it would be risky, but she could have shot you or Miller, and I wouldn't have allowed for that."
"I am thankful for what you did that night." Lucian started, scratching at his head. "But you do know that I can push silver bullets out of my skin, right?"
"Are you serious?"
"I have to do it quickly, but yes."
Hardy huffed. "Fucking hell, Lucian. But still, she could have killed Ellie, and you know I would never allow for that. I-I care too much for her." He glanced away. "And I care too much for you too, it seems." He mumbled, but he was sure that Lucian heard.
Hell, he was positive the other man heard because he heard a quiet whispering of his name.
Not how he wanted this to go, but why not take advantage, yeah?
"I think it's clear that I've come to care about you, Lucian, in the time you've been here. You... mean a lot to me. You grew on me like Miller did, but... in a different way." He admitted.
Lucian looked at him, smiling just a bit. It was sweet, but kind of silly, considering he had sand stuck to his cheeks and forehead. "I've come to greatly care about you as well, Alec."
"You really shouldn't, but thank you." Hardy replied, and they sat quietly next to each other, watching the tide come in.
In case you're wondering why Hardy jumped on Lucian, it was because he was not going to let the man just stand there and think everything was his fault. And Hardy decided to be dumb and react like that.
It worked.
Also, this ran off on me, this went on a lot longer then it was meant to.
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tothemeadow · 4 years
Can I request sub! Muichiro and femdom!reader again???👀👀 I'm literally having the time of my life reading your work cause you're the only author I know who writes femdoms and who writes them WELL sjfjsjfjsjdjdjd Thank you so much for your hard work honey 💕 take care ❤️
You think so? 🥺
‘a touch too much’ / Tokito M. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, assplay, handjobs, feminine boy
words: 1,954
(a/n): Muichiro is 18+ in this, set in the Victorian Era
Everybody knows what happens when Mistress has a favorite. They get more breaks, little gifts, the ability to spend time at your side rather than being a slave to the grind. They’re competitive, ruthless, trying to work harder than everyone else for their Mistress’ attention. They’d sabotage each other if they had the chance, try to make everyone else’s lives a living hell.
It’s why your manor is so spectacularly clean; the floors impeccably glossy, the wooden railways without a hint of dust, the yards kept so finely trimmed that it seems each blade of glass is individually cut. Your staff comes to your every beck and call, waiting, just waiting, for you to slip them a little note or pull them to the side. They’ve seen what happens when one is picked, when one is lucky.
The special treatments are one thing, sure. To be able to eat an exquisite dinner by your side, to be spoiled by riches they could only dream of. But there’s the other thing, the darker, more carnal side of the process. What they crave is the mark – a neat bite mark that sits high above the collar of the uniform, just taunting everyone else. If the staff are lucky enough, they get to hear the pleasured screams coming from your private quarters, the sharp smack of skin being bruised. No… what they crave the most is your touch.
It’s what drives Muichiro, along with everyone else. He commits himself to his work, scrubs at the floors and dusts the fine china until his fingers are numb. If one wishes to be noticed by the Mistress, their work skill must be superb, and they must keep up a proper aesthetic. He’s careful to keep his nails trimmed and neat, constantly keeps watch for cracked nails and broken skin. Luckily for him, he’s been graced with a lithe, feminine body; compared to the other male staff members, he doesn’t wear the usual button up and breeches, but a female maid’s uniform instead.
At first, he thought it was ridiculous, having to be forced to wear something so humiliating, but the head maid quickly informed him that Mistress has a certain affinity to femboys, or whatever that was supposed to mean. Over time, Muichiro’s gotten used to the constant breeze flowing under his skirts, the garters and socks clinging to his slender legs. He was advised to keep up on a skincare routine, to keep his pristine skin and healthy glow. You look so much like a doll, the head maid had said to him. Muichiro planned to use his looks to his advantage as much as he could.
Even now, as he’s bent over the floor, he purposely keeps his hair tied back in a loose ponytail – it’s perfect to keep his hair out of his face while working and it’s a useful handle to yank his head back. He’s alone for the time being, so he can relax as he scrubs the immaculate floor, wiping away the nonexistent dirt and grime. If he remembers correctly, it was imported from France, if the tiny golden roses imprinted in the tile is anything to go off on.
There’s a particular clacking that catches his attention. The usual flat soled shoes the staff members wear don’t make that noise; only the head butler and maid are permitted to have shoes with heels on them. However, they must be busy with their own duties, so that can only mean—
Snapping to attention, Muichiro arches his back just enough so it doesn’t seem like he’s doing in on purpose. Although the skirt to his uniform falls to his knees when he stands, he hikes it up even further his hips to show off more of his legs. As he suspected, you come around the corner, the heels of your imported boots clacking against the floor. He pretends like he doesn’t notice your presence at first – not until the toes of your boots come into his vision, anyway.
“Everything alright?” you say. Muichiro shudders at the smokiness of your voice, at the pure, sweet honey dripping from your tone. His thighs twitch, a surge of warmth filling his lower belly.
“Mistress,” he says lightly. Setting his scrub brush to the side, he wipes his hands on his apron as he sits back on his haunches. “My apologies for not noticing you before.”
By god do you look absolutely stunning in your dress. The color of rich wine, it clings to your shape wonderfully, the thick swell of your breasts and hips accentuated by the tight cording of your corset. Muichiro can’t help but stare at your bare shoulders and neck, the delicate velvet choker wrapped around it so enticingly. With you standing over him like this, he’s feeling incredibly weak, mind turning hazy as he focuses on your polished lips.
“Working out here by yourself… Must be lonely,” you say absentmindedly. Your gaze flicks over his face and down his chest before it settles on his hands, which are folded neatly in his lap. You look back up to his face. “What’s your name?”
Muichiro’s heart kicks in his chest. “Muichiro, Mistress,” he tells you. “My name is Muichiro.”
You cock your head at him. “Well, Muichiro, why don’t you take a break? You look terribly parched.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice; shooting up from the floor, Muichiro quickly smooths his skirt and hair to make himself a bit more presentable. “I’d be honored, Mistress.”
“Fantastic,” you say. You grace him with a wonderous smile, something so utterly breathtaking that Muichiro honestly believes he might feel faint.
It starts off innocently enough – escorting him to your private study, requesting someone bring up a pot of tea (the maid who brought the tray up glared daggers at Muichiro), settling for some idle chit chat. Muichiro enjoys the time he gets to spend in your company, your luscious voice music to his ears. And maybe that’s what does it, the precious lull of your voice, your dazzling eyes. Or maybe the head maid is right and you do like seeing pretty boys like him in skirts and dresses.
Either way, in a wild spur of events, Muichiro finds himself bent over your mahogany desk, abdomen pressed to the glossy surface. The skirts of his uniform are bunched around his slender waist, his legs spread as your hands grope his perky ass. Okay, so maybe he doesn’t wear under on most days since he’s hoping you’d notice him. Maybe he’s already rock hard, his cock leaking precum.
“You walked around like this all day, doll?” you husk. He shudders at the pet name. “You were expecting this, huh? Looking all pretty, knowing that your little cock is hanging between your legs like some lewd whore.”
Muichiro stutters on a refusal, wanting to say no, he’s not a whore, but then you grab his asscheeks in such a way that it makes his heart leap to his throat. He’s not a dirty boy. He’s not.
“You know exactly what you’re doing, huh?” you breathe, dropping low over his back. Your painted lips brush against the shell of his ear; you nip at the earlobe, emitting a slight moan from him. “Admit it, doll. Tell me you were hoping that I’d bend you over my desk like this.”
“I-I didn’t—”
He cuts himself off with a cry as you spank his ass. You do it again and again, getting harsher with each strike. Muichiro scrambles on your desk, his blunt nails scratching at the surface. His cute little ass is beet red, both from your spankings and his embarrassment. He can’t deny the way his cock bobs with each spanking, how delightful it is whenever his cockhead gets caught on the material of his skirts.
“This will only be easier for you if you do as your mistress tells you.”
Oh, fuck. A whimper bubbles from the back of Muichiro’s throat. He hastily licks at his lips, tries to maintain his grasp on reality. “Mistress,” he squeaks, “I want you to fuck me.” He sounds so submissive, so pathetically weak. But he continues, throwing all caution to the wind in hopes that you would give him what he wants. “I always wanted you to flip my skirt and have your way with me.” And, to really sell his point, he cranes his neck to look at you over his shoulder. “Please, Mistress.”
You coo at his little show, your fingers tracing over the swell of his ass. “Doesn’t this little whore know how to charm a person,” you grit. Nudging your foot between him, you lightly kick at his ankles, forcing him to spread his legs. “Let your mistress see everything,” you purr. Muichiro moans as your tongue flicks at his ear.
Dropping to a crouch, you admire the sight before you. His ass is just so cute, so delightfully round and perky that you just want to bite it. His cock hangs heavily between his legs, curved towards his stomach and smearing precum all over the inside of his skirt. Reaching between his spread legs, you cup his balls, fondle them in your palm. Muichiro jolts at the feeling, his face pressing itself to the desk. He’s panting so fucking hard, and it feels like he’s going to burst.
Your hand reaches in even further, fingers wrapping around his cock and pumping it a couple of times. Muichiro’s breath hitches as your fingertip collects the precum beading on his cockhead and spreads it all over his length, the sounds getting wetter and wetter as you continue to jerk him off.
“Mistress,” Muichiro pants, “fuck – ah – that feels so good…”
He whines when you remove your hand; it quickly turns into a surprised squeal as you grab onto both of his asscheeks and pull them apart. The cool air hits his exposed hole, leaves his shivering violently. There’s the sound of you clearing your throat and then he’s wet down there. With a high-pitched keen, Muichiro tries to jerk away as your tongue suddenly flicks over the tight ring of muscle. You hold him still, though, your nails digging into his flesh as a warning.
“D-don’t use your tongue like that,” Muichiro squeaks. “It – unh – feels weird…”
Instead of answering, though, you lightly tap his ass and plunge your tongue into him. The noise that leaves Muichiro’s mouth is nothing short of animalistic; surely, all of the staff members in the manor could hear him. You do it again and again, your tongue thrusting in and out of him. Everything is too hot, too stuffy. Muichiro can’t breathe, can’t think. All he can do is call out for his mistress, beg for more, more, more. Your lips suckle around his hole, the sounds filling the room absolutely sinful.
Muichiro can’t believe what’s happening. Your lips and tongue are heavenly, so fucking good that it’s making him see stars. Your fingers tease his cock, his balls, his perineum—
Another ragged moan rips itself from the depths of his chest as Muichiro suddenly cums, thick spurts of white ruining the material of his skirt. He’s panting wildly, his eyes going wide as he realizes just what happened.
“My, my,” you purr, drawing away. “I can’t say that’s the quickest I’ve made someone cum, but it’s up there.” The tip of your finger pushes past the ring of muscle, replaces the spot where your tongue was. Muichiro’s velvety walls clamp down around the digit, a shaky groan slipping from his lips. “Tell you what, doll. We’ll have your stamina built up in no time. Do you like the sound of that, you filthy whore?”
“Yes! Yes, oh fuck yes!”
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Pink Chains
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
This is the FIRST HALF because its too much words to fit in one post ! :(
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
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“Excuse me sir? Do you have a fitting room?”
He blinks finally realizing you are in front of him looking a little huffy, bunching up your cheeks waiting for his answer. Kyo rubs the back of his neck showing off his wolf sleeve to you along with his tone muscles after playing volleyball in highschool. He points with his chin towards the left. “In the back” he tells you. The smile you give him just about melts his fucking heart
Oikawa can be heard having a stroke pretty much in the background and a loud slap making him shut up. Kyo shows you where the fitting room is and its more like a room with a curtain on it . You skip past him going in and before you close the curtain you smile at him again.
“Dont leave! I want a second opinion, okay?!?” The curtain whipped closed.
Kyo looked over at his friends and Iwazuimi just nodded fast while Oikawa gave him a thumbs up. Kyo rolled his eyes looking down at his clothes while he waited. A black shirt with a wolf on it , black jeans with rips in them , chains hanging around his pockets and tan boots . He rubs his volleyball tattoo and glances at his sleeve thinking for a minute. Not once had he seen someone like you in his store, even on his day off his friends would text him if such a thing ever happened. So what exactly were you doing?
You flipped your dress over the curtain and Kyos eyes immediately caught it. He looked over his arm and the two were trying not to panic. When he looked back you peeked out from the curtain smiling.
“Ok ready? Be honest ok?”
you moved the curtain and posed for him. “So?”
It was wonderful, the skirt the shirt the way they fit perfectly on you , the colors looked great on you too even if the shirt was a mix of dark colors and the skirt was red. Kyo gulped taking it in, god he hoped you would be a regular after this.
“Its perfect sweetie.” He said , eyes wide in disbelief.
“Ee really?!?”
“ yes.”
You giggled closing the curtain again and pulled your dress down. Kyo looked over his shoulder again and Iwazuimi had his head on the register and Oikawa was just giving him a thumbs up.
You skipped outta the dressing room holding the items and giving Kyo a smile . “Ill take em !” You told him full of eagerness.
“Okay okay.” He motioned for you to follow him to the register , giving his friends a look till they moved. Kyo went around the desk and rang up the stuff abd of course Oikawa had to say something.
“Never seen a cutie like you before in here!”
Kyo looked over at him and Iwazuimi pulled him away. “I just remembered a shipment came in”
It was just you and him now. Kyo had no idea what to say to you , fuck he really was awful with girls. He placed the bag on the register and you took it from him , your fingers touching his knuckles and rings for a second. Kyo rubbed his knuckles with his free hand not looking at you.
“Thank you!”
“Uh huh. Anytime.”
He was waiting for the bell on the door to go off, signalling that you left but it never came. Kyo was getting slightly annoyed, not at you but himself. He cant even make conversation.
“I like your tattoo!!!”
He blinked looking over at you to see you pointing to his wolf sleeve. “Its so pretty!!”
“Thank you.”
“Uhm i know people dont like their tattoos touched but i wanted to tell you its pretty.”
“.....you can touch it…” good, cmon Kyo… “i dont mind.” He held his arm out.
“Really?!?” Her hands hovered over it and Kyo nodded slowly.
Slowly you placed your hands on his arm on the first wolf. Kyos hand was in a fist he was so nervous , no female had ever asked to touch his ink before let alone talk to him . You were so soft, feeling your fingers glide over his wolves was the best thing he felt in a long time. It was almost as satisfying as spiking the ball.
“All so pretty!!” You ran your hands up while you spoke. “I want one but im so nervous!!!”
He couldn't help but smile at that. “Oh yeah? Of what?”
“Mm!! I love red pandas.. they are just so cute and tiny !! But also kittens are cute.. “ you stopped at the biggest wolf on his upper arm. He felt you squeeze his muscle.
“Red pandas and kittens would be cool” he told you , trying to flex his arm without you noticing.
“Mmm!!! But the red pandas… they are so fuzzy . And im a little scared of the pain.” Squeeze squeeze.
“It only hurts for a little while.” His face felt red and his hand was no longer a fist. “Maybe i can go with you if you decide to do it. My guy did all my ink.”
You jumped and squeezed for a minute before letting go. “REALLY?!? I . Well uh, youll be there if i get scared ?”
Kyo gave you a smug smile as he rubbed his sleve. “Yeah yeah, you can squeeze my hand if you get scared or it hurts too much.”
“Ah yay!!” You pulled your phone outta your bag and handed it to him. It took him a second to realize what you wanted. Kyo put his number in and you took the phone back giggling.
“Kyo! Okay! Ill see you tonight!!!” You waved goodbye leaving the store and Iwa and Kawa ran over tackling Kyo to the ground .
They teased him till he got fed up and pushed them off . They all sat on the floor just taking in the moment. The look on Iwas face was perfect, he was so proud of his friend and Kawa was too but also he wanted to make jokes . Kyo leaned on the register just staring at his rings with a smile. His phone buzzed a minute later and as soon as he read the text his heart fluttered.
“Hi!! Its y/n! Im so excited for you to with me! Ill meet you outside your shop kay?!? ✨✨✨✨✨”
He smiled and replied back.
“Okay sweetie.”
Safe to say Kyo was on edge all day , thank god Iwazuimi was there to help customers whenever Kyo shut down and just had that angry look on his face. Oikawa was stuck on stock duty even though he finished a half hour ago . Kyo just gave him odd jobs till he had enough.
Oikawa went over to the register leaning down on it to see Kyo staring at his phone at the text , he shot Oikawa a look and he just had a smug look on his face.
“Is the summer line out …”
“Yep. Did that about two hours ago.”
“Well go fold something.”
“How about you tell me how this girl has you all messed up Mad Dog.”
Kyo looked up, putting his phone down standing up , he grabbed Oikawas shirt and the smug boy put his hands up grinning.
“Its okay to be nervous Mad Dog.”
“Im not...nervous.”
Iwazuimi looked over and hurried to his friends pulling Oikawa back. “Knock it off.” He told him.
“Iwa-chan tell him he cant see this girl if hes gonna get all angry and pouty.”
Iwazuimi leaned onto the register thinking it over, Oikawa was right , as much as he hated admitting it . “Kyo..shitty Kawa is right.”
Kyo turned to his friend and Oikawa walked away feeling accomplished.
“I know she was super happy and bubbly and you were all closed off in the beginning but you let her touch your ink. You have never let anyone touch your ink before. Your not who you were in highschool Kyotani, dont scare her off .”
He leaned on the register looking at the rings on his hands . “I really fucked myself with that attitude i had didint i, im lucky the Sendai Frogs even picked me up when they did.”
“Remember how annoying it was to hear those girls scream whenever Oikawa served the ball?”
“Its your chance to stick it too him , that girl paid no attention to him. And she looked really interested in you. Just calm down and breathe.”
Kyo looked over his shoulder to see Oikawa chatting up a punk girl who was not interested. Iwazuimi stretched while he watched. “This isn't his element anymore. Its yours Kyo.”
He rubbed his tattoo taking in a deep breath. “Damn right it is.”
8 o clock finally came and Kyo was still inside writing down the weekly income while Iwa and Kawa locked everything up. Business should pick up soon with his new summer line , he was looking forward to the extra money but not the longer shifts. Iwa and Kawa went over to the desk and Iwazuimi took the key from Kyos hand.
“Excuse you.” He said looking up.
“Your dates here.” Kawa said looking over his shoulder.
Kyo got up looking over Kawa to see you outside the door holding a pink shoulder bag . She really showed up..
“We will finish the records” Iwa told him
“Iwa will finish them” Kawa said
Iwazuimi grabbed his shirt preventing him from leaving. “We, will finish the records.”
“Lock up after.” Kyo grabbed his jacket putting it on , it was light blue with zippers all over it.
Kyo opened the door feeling his heart in his throat, he was nervous but he could do this. What was he so afraid of ?
You turned around hearing the bell and gave Kyo a big hug and a smile. “Hi Kyo!!!”
Oh fuck.
He lightly put his arm around you and you jumped back smiling . “Ready?”
“Y..yep. Yes. My guy does great work.” He said walking with you.
“Whats he like?!?” You asked walking with him happily.”
“Mmm well, hes nice . Likes to sit in his shop all day. Bit of a wise ass.” He looked down to see you looking at his sleeve again. You glanced up and jumped .
“Sorry!! “
“Dont be, i think you love it as much as i do .”
“Ive always liked wolves but everyone told me they were too scary for me to like.”
Kyo smirked walking closer . “Oh yeah? They aren't all bad.”
“I know!” You poked at his arm. “You are really cool so that just proves they arent all bad.”
It took him a minute to register what you said .”i'm flattered sweetie.”
“Tell me about you!”
“Mm..” Kyo rubbed his sleeve, giving everyone they passed the death glare. “I played volleyball in highschool, those guys at my shop played too on the team. I got picked up by the Sendai Frogs for a bit but after awhile i wanted something calmer”
You stopped walking and Kyo stopped looking back to see you with big eyes. “Whats.. wrong?”
“You did professional volleyball?!?”
“Yep. But i wanted to design things , and Oikawa and Iwazuimi came along with me. My tattoo guy was on our highschool team too.”
“Thats.. AMAZING.” You grabbed his arm following him going on and on asking about being a professional and what it was like.”
Kyo felt really nice inside, he even told you about his attitude in highschool and you just thought it was so silly . “What?!? But your so nice and calm now!”
Safe to say his heart grew after hearing that. He squeezed your hand and let go to open the door to the tattoo shop.
“Thank you sweetie, were here.”
The tattoo shop had music blaring as soon as Kyo opened the door making you blink a few hundred times.
“Oi Mattsun!! where are you.” Kyo said, lightly pushing you inside so he could close the door. You found yourself clinging to Kyos arm looking all around trying to adjust to the music and this very bright room . It had art Everywhere. Posters, free hand, digital, tattoos, everything. You could not tell what color the walls were. In the center was the stations with a desk to the left when you walked in and a waiting area in the corner on the right.
“Shaddup! Your ruining the best part!!!”
You looked up at Kyo watching him yell with a huge smile on his face.
The music cut off and a tall man appeared from the other side of the desk . He was covered in tattoos from neck to ankles. Very spiky black hair and a lip ring with ear piercings . He had on loose shorts and black Vans with his tattoo shops shirt on. He made his way around the desk looking you over then giving Kyo a look.
“Who's this?”
Before Kyo could speak you let go of his arm and jumped in front of him. “Im y/n! Id like a tattoo please!”
Mattsun folded his arms smirking and looked over you to Kyo who was half smirking half trying to figure out why the hell you did that.
“ shes with me Mattsun, “
“Alright alright.” He put his hands uo turning his music back on but at a more bearable level and brought you to his station with a sketchbook. You sat down fixing your dress and Kyo took your bag to hold it . Mattsun snapped a picture and Kyo grabbed his shirt.
“Too late.! Cant wait for Oikawa to see”
“Fuck you Mattsun”
They both looked at you and Mattsun chuckled, swatting Kyos hand away and scooted closer to you in his wheely chair . “Okay Y/n , what would you like hmm?”
“Uhm.. a red panda!”
Mattsun looked at Kyo and then you then Kyo then the art on his walls then Kyo again.
“ what did you bring me.”
Kyo was leaning forward in his wheely chair moving back and forth looking very satisfied with this situation. “I mean if you cant do it ill go to 13 Tattoos down the street”
“Fuck you Kyotani you step one foot in that shop and im never inking you again”
You poked Kyos arm and he looked over at you .
“Uhm.. kyo.”
“Yes sweetie?”
“Youll hold my hand right i..”
Mattsun saw Kyo get flustered for a second and chuckled into his sketchbook while he drew a red panda. Good for you Mad Dog.
Kyo looked down at her hand, he was hesitating. He just needed to grab it. What was he doing? She likes you Mad Dog . His arm inched forward and you placed your hand in his , god the clash with his sleeve and your skin was the best thing hes ever seen. So innocent, fragile, excited. And he was loud, lashed out, swore, pushed buttons… god he loved it.
“Y/n hows this look?” He turned the sketchbook around and you looked along with Kyo.
It was in fact a red panda up on its back legs with its little paws in the air with a happy face and some hearts around it.
“Is SO CUTE !! Kyo kyo look!!!”
“I see it sweetie.” He couldn't help but laugh at the little panda and Mattsun. “Its cute, Mattsun”
“Of course!” He set the sketchbook down and got his gear ready. “Im happy you like it y/n, where would you like it?”
“Oh oh! My arm please the inside a little above my elbow ?”
He smiled scooting closer . “Okay, hold it out for me y/n”
You held out your arm and rubbed Kyos hand with your thumb, he jumped in his skin looking down at you but you were focused on Mattsun drawing the panda on you. He lightly rubbed back on your hand enjoying how soft your skin felt against his thumb.
Mattsun peeled the paper away and picked up his tool, turning it on. “Ready?”
“Hold still for me y/n” he leaned forward and started on the outline on your skin.
It hurt, oh it hurt.
You can do this y/n
“Still got my art on the wall huh?”
“Why wouldn't i? Hows Kawa and Iwa?”
“Same as always. You should see Oikawa strike out at work Mattsun”
Zzzzzzzz…. it was getting hard to keep a straight face..
“That sounds hilarious is he still complaining over the skinny jeans?”
“God yeah.”
he looked up from the tattoo to see you on the verge of tears, you kept looking down and trying to fidget but Mattsun had a firm grip on you. “Stay still for me y/n okay? Don't move”He glanced at Kyo and leaned back to change ink colors then started on coloring.
He reached up with his free hand to cup your cheek and turn your head so you could see him. “Look at me.”
“ sshh.. just focus on me okay? Tell me why you like red pandas .”
“ they.. are fuzzy.. i love fuzzy stuff.. and they are troublemakers getting into.. all sorts of things..”
He lightly ran his thumb under your eye getting rid of a tear .
“Dont..dont let go of my hand..”
“I wont Sweetie. What else do you like about them “
“Doing great Y/n, almost done”
“Uhm.. they.. i love red. Its my favorite color. And they like to flop around and tackle each other.. I heard a zoo nearby has them but.. i dont know where.``
“Miyagi zoo, would you like to go sweetie?”
“Y-yes i..” your eyes wandered away from Kyo and he brought you back to him gently.
“Ssh , look at me. Just me remember?”
“Just.. you.”
“Yes sweetie. Youre doing so good.”
“Done.” He wiped the panda a few times and scooted back taking a picture with his phone. “My apprentice is gonna have a stroke. Okay y/n if you wanna go look my mirror is right over by the wall”
Kyo helped you up and wiped under both of your eyes with his thumbs and you smiled up at him holding yourself. “I..i did it..” you choked out a giggle.
“Yes you did. Go take a look .” Kyo told you and let you go. He watched you make your way to the mirror and Mattsun yanked him over to his desk getting behind it to record the order in the laptop. They were quiet for a second .
Mattsun looked up at Kyo, he was leaning on the desk with his arms up on it.
“How the fuck did you meet her”
“She came into my store, Mattsun. Do you see her?”
“Did she buy ANYTHING?”
“She bought the plaid red skirt and the kitten guitar shirt”
“What the fuck Kyotani.”
“Ask Iwa and Oikawa, they could not keep it together.”
Mattsun took his phone out texting Oikawa.
“I let her touch my sleeve, Mattsun”
His friend dropped his phone looking up at this hard and angry punk guy staring at him.
“She told me she thought it was pretty and I let her touch it, every wolf.”
“I did the ink and i can't even touch it”
“Shes just.. i don't even know Mattsun. Shes different.”
“From your usual? Uh yeah i'd say so.”
“ i wanna hold onto her, but i dont know how, im scared ill.. scare her off.”
“Dont be gettin all sentimental on me Mad Dog, if she didint run off from my music, your swearing or your store shes not gonna run off now, she was going to have a panic attack in my damn chair if you didint calm her down.”
“Shut up, im not sentimental.. she was gonna .. cry.”
“Fuck you, how much is the tattoo”
“$40 because im feeling nice and its about time you had a girl interested in you”
Kyo took his wallet out and put the money on the desk, “keep the change”
“Oh what a baller.” He teased taking the money and coming around to shove his friend. “Good to see you, lets all get together soon for some beach volleyball “
“Yeah yeah, and fine. But you call everyone , “
You skipped over hugging Kyos sleeve and showing him your panda and thanking Mattsun over and over.
“Of course y/n , happy you like it.” He pat your head.
Kyo said his goodbyes and was walking down the street with you , it was 9 at night now and he did not want to leave yet.. you were still hugging his sleeve not talking much .
“Yes kyo?”
“You told me your name and i've still been calling you sweetie, why haven't you said anything? “
You let go of his arm skipping in front of him smiling. “Well, i like it. Its cute to hear you say it..”
He smirked, rubbing his head trying not to look at you. “Will you laugh if i say i don't want to leave yet.”
You shyly took his hand holding it. “No, I wont. I uhm.. i have class in the morning but.. do you want to spend the night? N-not for uh .. uhm.. i mean.. i.. uh.”
Kyo laughed pulling his hand back bringing you with it, he wrapped his other arm around you. “That sounds nice sweetie, id love too.”
“Yay!! Youll get to meet Mocha!!!”
“My kitten!!!”
He sighed down at you giving you a hug and you squeezed him. “Thank you.. for calming me down …”
“Of course. You did great sweetie.”
You giggled, swaying a bit. “Ahh easy my arm kinda hurts heh..”
“Oh right, it will be tender for a week or so.” He held you close keepin an eye on your arm. “You did great , you really did.”
You nuzzled into his chest feeling full of bliss . “Thank you Kyo.”
@nekxrizawa, @kyovtani thought you would enjoy this !
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elles-writing · 3 years
Enchanted - Fili x fem!reader - Cinderella AU
A/N: I recently seen there was Cinderella (2015) in TV, my favourite Cinderella story! (But they are all kind of smashed together, so🤷‍♀️)
This is mainly for lovely @guardianofrivendell , I hope you will like it!
(Also, c'mon. Kili wouldn't even come here.)
This is different style from what I am writing - this is more a fairytale-telling style, but I tried. I'm quite happy quite the result, so I hope you will like it too!
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Once upon a time, there was a lovely, beautiful maiden, named Y/N. Though her life wasn't a fairy tale at first glance, sometimes things change the way it seems like one.
There wasn't a time when Y/N didn't thought about her old life, and when did it changed. But she remembered her mother's last words.
The two things that you truly need in your life, are courage and kindness. Remember that, my dear.
Life with her two step-sisters, who argued almost all the time (except for when there were trying to provoke Y/N), and the evil woman who married her kind and selfless father, was, well, interesting, to say at least. It wasn't very exciting, either - her life was constant routine of doing all the chores, and then falling asleep in her little room.
She dreamed of magic, that would make life exciting, and every night, when she looked up for the stars, she would think about a prince, who would run away with her and never come back.
Little did she knew, her life was about to go into a different direction very, very soon.
The day they got the invitations, her sisters were excstatic. One of them told Y/N to prepare them dresses, along for their mother. Y/N thought it was one of birthday partiest of their many friends, and didn't thought much of it. She spended the whole day by sewing and measuring, cutting and measuring once again.
However, when she decided to take a stroll in the evening void of darkness, soft light was coming out of the post box. She curiously stepped closer, and opened it. Her eyes widened when she noticed envelope in heavy, good quality paper. The name and adress on the letter was in beautiful calligraphy, perfect, as if it was made by...
Y/N shook her head. Don't be naive. But the tiny little spark of hope and child-like wonder in her believed it was something magical about it.
She opened the envelope, and took out an...invitation? She curiously red futher, and her eyes widened. It was an invitation for a ball!
With greatest joy, we are happy to announce that prince Fili is ready to find a wife. In occasion of Prince's birthday, there will be thrown celebration, where is invited every daughter of our beautiful kingdom, who is interested in being Prince's wife.
There was also a date and time. Y/N couldn't believe it. She got her invitation. A dreamy smile stretched across her lips, and she started to dance.
She hid her invitation in the pocket of her dress, and quickly hidded it into the back of her drawer.
When the day of the celebration came up, she realized she forgot to make her own dress. She worked on her sisters' and mother's dresses she didn't got enough time to work on her own.
They left, and she was there alone, in the big house. It used to be place full of joy, but now it was empty and sad. Y/N looked around for some dress she could use or alter, but she wasn't that lucky.
She sat to the garden, and her good friends - three cats, who stayed there, and sometimes slept in her room - came with loud meowing.
As if they could talk. It sounds like they are mad, Y/N thought. One of the cats - black cat with golden orbs - studied her face, as if she wanted to give her piece of her mind. But, instead, she started cleaning her paw.
"No, of course not. They aren't home? Oh, as if that - alright, I won't swear, but that woman living here and making her her maid-" Y/N frowned and stood up, carefully walking into the direction of the voice. She found an old woman, talking to little mouse.
"Good evening, c-can I help you?" The woman turned to her.
"Oh, do you happen to have a piece of bread and some milk, dear?" Y/N nodded, remembering the leftovers from dinner.
"Oh, of course we have. I'll be back in a moment," she said. She knew the woman from somewhere - but where did she knew her from?
When she came back, she gave the piece of bread and cup of milk to her. The old woman thanked her, and ate it as if it would be the most delicious thing she have ever eaten.
"What is happening, Y/N? Why that long face?" Y/N looked up on her, and sighed.
"Do you know about the ball, in palace today?" The woman nodded, and Y/N sighed.
"Well, I got an invitation, but...I don't have any decent dress." The woman let out a humming, deeply in thought.
"Well, perhaps I could help you out," she said. Y/N frowned.
"How?" The woman jumped up.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my dear. Let me just-" she stood up and all of sudden, there were tiny little sparks, then falling down as a sparkling dust.
Stardust, Y/N thought.
A young woman stood there, in simple dress with flowing skirt, a wand in her hand, and happy smile on her lips.
"I'm your fairy godmother," she introduced herself. Y/N blinked.
"But they don't exist. It's all just a fairytale," she said. Her fairy godmother furrowed her brows.
"Oh, dear! What are you teaching you these days, tsk," she let out and looked around.
"Do you happen to have, uhm, pumpkins?"
"Oh, uhm, yes, we do, over there-" She pointed to the corner of the garden, where a few pumpkins grew. Her fairy gotmother walked there and curiously eyed each one of them. Then, she took one of them.
"This one will do!" Before Y/N could argue, her fairy godmother tapped the pumpkin by the tip of her wand, and stepped aside.
Y/N's eyes widened, as there wasn't a pumpkin anymore, but a beautiful coach instead. Her fairy godmother looked around once again, and spotted the three cats.
"We also need horses, and stagecoach man..." The cats wanted to run away, but it was too late. All of sudden, there were standing three horses. Y/N runned to them.
"James! Oh, look at you!" She turned to face her fairy godmother, wonder in her face.
"How did you-you really are my fairy godmother," Y/N sighed out. Her godmother proudly smiled, and pointed towards a lizard, sitting on edge of fountaine.
"Well, now we also need...lackey!" She looked around, and spotted a bird, who was eating some tiny bits of leftover bread.
"Now, let's go, my friends, we don't have much time left!" She said with a proud smile on her face.
"Let's go dear! It's going to be really fun, I've heard they have chocolate cakes and-" Y/N catched her hand.
"I would love to, but-my dress, it's-" her fairy godmother turned to her and nodded with serious expression.
"Oh, you're right! Hm, yeah, this could work," she said and the tip of her wand created glittering ribbon in the air as she moved her hand. Little sparks danced across her dress, hair and face, and soon, she had dress she would never imagine even in her wildest dreams. Y/N gasped.
"They are beautiful! How did you-how can I thank you?" Her fairy godmother smiled and tapped the tip of her nose by her wand. Little sparkles fell across Y/N's face, and she let out a giggle.
"You, my dear, will have fun. Thanks to this, your mother and sisters won't recognize you," Her smile became a frown as she looked down.
"What about the shoes? You can't wear these!" Y/N looked down and blushed.
"Well, um, alright, but please no heals, I can't walk in them," the girl admitted rather shyly. The godmother thought about it for a moment, and told Y/N to close her eyes. When she was done, she said she can open them. Y/N gasped - they weren't shoes on heals, they were simple and comfortable, but lovely to look at.
"Now, if anyone asks you your name, tell them you're Cinderella. And remember - the spell will wear off exactly at midnight. Then, everything is going to be just like before." She explained carefully while they walked to the coach. When Y/N stepped inside, she noticed the details. It was surely the most gorgeous coach she've ever seen. She looked out of the window and waved farawell to her fairy godmother. The answer were just tiny little sparks.
When she arrived, there was a music playing already, and she could tell the celebration was in full swing. She peeked inside by the corner of one window, and noticed the Prince - he talked to his brother and seemed rather bored and terrified. Y/N giggled at that thought of the Prince being terrified of dancing with all those women and girls, trying to figure out who will be his future wife.
Prince Fili was rather nervous. He wasn't sure if he should be really there - but as much as he wished to be with his horse on a ride through forests and meadows, he also knew he was doing a favour to both the kingdom, and perhaps himself too. His brother found a lady he was happy with on similar celebration, though the other part of the story was she was the only one, who wasn't falling to his feet after he winked at her and said something flirtatious. Now, he was trying to calm Fili down. Or tried, at least.
"Look, Fee, all those ladies are here, so don't worry. There is a big chance you will find one that will like you for you, and you'll like her too."
"Or not. How did you made it last time?" Kili's face scrunched.
"Well, um, tripping over your feet after you've been trying to flirt with her whole evening, and pouring red wine on her light dress isn't the best way to start a courting, if you ask me." Fili chuckled.
"But it worked out."
"Now I'm not sure which one of you is the older one," their mother said and they both turned to her.
"Fili, dear, don't be nervous. Just be yourself. There is no reason to worry. And you," she turned to Kili,
"Try to not walk while you drink wine," Fili chuckled and Kili rolled his eyes.
"Now, the celebration will start soon, so remember what I said," she added and disappeared into crowd to talk to some of the ladies and their mothers personally.
Y/N walked through the palace, and nobody asked her for her name. Everyone was in awe - who was she? Who was the gorgeous princess?
When she walked in, she was making sure she won't trip over her feet. The whole room went quiet, the musicians stopped playing - and one question filled the air.
'Who is she?'
The Prince turned his attention to where everyone looked - and he realized all those surprised gasps and looks of awe were right.
A beautiful maiden, a young woman perhaps, he couldn't tell, stood there, with soft silver - golden dust on her nose and cheeks, creating sparkling freckles, her hair in soft waves falling over her shoulders, her dress looking as if they were made of stardust itself. Her hands were covered in long white gloves, up over her elbows, with little silver flowers around the edge, and soft smile was spreaded across her face. She started slowly walking down the few stairs, hoping she wouldn't trip over her dress.
She was almost there...
It was all quick - she was suddenly falling down, but instead of meeting the floor, she was met with a pair of strong arms, and deep chuckle above her.
"Careful here. The stairs are tricky," He helped her to stand up and her cheeks burned.
"Prince Fili," She said. A smile spreaded across his face.
"At your service, m'lady," He softly kissed the top of her hand, while looking his blue eyes, deep into her eyes.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Fili," she said with pinkish cheeks. Perhaps the magic gave her courage to say something?
He smiled.
"The pleasure is all mine, my lady. May I ask you for a dance?" She nodded and soon, they were dancing across the dance floor. The music was playing again, and other pairs joined them soon.
"Your dance skills are excellent, my lady."
"You aren't bad yourself," her eyes widened at her sudden courage, but he only laughed.
"Have we met before? I'm sure I'd remembered as good dancer as you, my lady."
"I don't think so, my lord." Fili looked down at her. She was just turning around, as it was another step in the dance.
"Would you tell me your name, m'lady?" He blurted out. He wanted to talk to her whole night. He wasn't interested in all those other women and girls - especially now, when there was her, who he could actually talk to.
"You may call me Cinderella," she said. Fili thought about it. He've never heard this name before, but it was nice to finally adress her properly.
"Well, in that case, lady Cinderella - would you like to slip out to the gardens, so we could talk more in private?" He was waiting for her answer, and when she nodded and said,
"I'd love to, my prince," He breathed out in relief.
"Call me Fili, please," He said, and when they were near the glass doors, leading to gardens, they slipped out without anyone noticing.
They walked through the gardens, and talked about the ball, Fili's life and what not. When they walked around daisies, Y/N carefully picked one up. Fili's eyebrow rose in curiousity.
"There are many other flowers you can pick in the garden, my lady," She shrughed her shoulders.
"I like daisies. They are beautiful, and yet delicate and simple. They may seem ordinary, but I love them," He hummed in response and picked one too.
"May I?" He asked. Y/N nodded, curious what he was about to do. Fili placed the daisy to her hair behind her ear.
"Done," He smiled. He took her hands into his, and she gave him a curious look.
"Can we dance? Just us two, without etiquette," he shrugged his shoulders to make it seem more casual.
"I'd love to," was her answer.
They silently danced for a while, when Y/N frowned.
"Sorry, I just stepped on your toes-"
"It's okay, I actually happened to step on, uhm, all those ladies' toes and..." He looked away with embarassed face and Y/N giggled. Fili gave her a dreamy smile.
"My lady," he said and interwined their hands. Y/N hummed.
"You've been my best company through the whole celebration. I know this may be a bit too fast, but-" A sudden clock strucking sound caught Y/N's attention.
"I-I'm very sorry, Pri-Fili. I've had an amazing time with you, but I have to leave now," She muttered before running through the gardens and around the castle.
One of her shoes slipped down, but she didn't got the time to take it back. She kept running.
Her dress were getting lighter and shorter, she noticed soft sparkles in the air around her.
She quickly came into the coach, and they barely made it through gates, before they were closed.
The lizard and little bird were now inside of the coach, the bird flying away.
It's been a short while, before the coach was getting smaller, and Y/N noticed soft smell of freshly cutted pumpkin.
She looked out of the little window. The night was bright, the moon was full, too.
Her dress were almost back to how they looked like before, the sparkling dust was out of her hair and away from her face.
Her glowes were away, and the pumpkin crushed. Y/N and the lizard fell down to the ground, where were two cats, but still one horse. Y/N sat up and took all of them with her.
Y/N could see the roof of the house she was coming back to.
The horse was smaller and smaller, and then he stopped - and Y/N quickly placed them all down, when the horse was a cat again. James.
And everything was the way it was before. Except for...
Y/N looked down and picked up the shoe. The only thing that stayed the way it was.
The following days, Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the prince. Sure, he was kind and handsome - and that was probably enough for him to stay in her head ever since. But there was something else, which made her sad. He didn't knew her real name.
In palace, Fili was going through all the adresses, just to find out there was nobody with the name 'Cinderella'. He looked up when someone entered the door. It was his younger brother, Kili, who was more likely to catch attention of many maidens, also thanks to his shameless flirting and straight-forward attitude. But he was already courting now, the lady had both sharp tongue and mind, and soft heart. Fili was watching his brother, because he usually didn't had this expression on his face.
"What happened, Kee?" Fili asked. Kili looked over the table, full of mess.
"I will help you to find her," He said.
"I've got an idea." Fili's brows furrowed. This was never a good sign. Kili noticed his expression, and sighed. Fili could tell something was troubling him.
"I know it may be stupid, but what if we would just let all the ladies to try on the shoe?" Fili's eyes widened.
"Nah, I know it was stupid, sorry Fee-"
"That is the best idea you've ever had!" Kili's eyes widened.
"Wait, what?!" Fili hugged his brother, but soon both their faces scrunched.
"That will take a while," Kili muttered and Fili nodded.
"I will start sooner then. We need to find her!" Fili said and started ordering to get his horse ready.
He won't give up.
It took days, and no maiden fitted the shoe on so far. It was as if the shoe itself was either becoming too big, or too small, so it wouldn't fit. But Fili was determined to find the woman of his heart.
Y/N was living her normal life, back in her old routine. Her mother and sisters would complain about the woman who danced with the prince, that she had him for whole evening and neither of her sisters got to dance with him. She smiled when they couldn't see her.
When after a few weeks Fili found the last house, he had a little spark of hope left. She could be there, but also not.
When they entered the house, two young women were right there. Fili didn't thought much of them, but he let them to try the shoe on. It didn't fitted to any of them, and they were about to leave, when he noticed a person hiding behind the corner.
"Come out, don't be shy," he smiled. When she stepped out, his surprise grew.
"Try the shoe on, m'lady," he said. The young woman nodded, and, surprise surprise, it fitted perfectly!
"So, lady Cinderella," He smiled.
"I'm-my name is Y/N, my lord," She looked down, but he softly lifted up her chin, so she would look at him.
"Only Fili, Y/N. For you always Fili," He stood up, and they stepped out, hand by hand. Y/N could hear her sisters and mother to yell, how was it possible - but it felt like it was far, far away.
Fili and Y/N came back to the castle, where they had beautiful wedding. When the time came up, they ruled the kingdom with kindness and justice. The people of the kingdom couldn't wish for better King and Queen.
And that all thanks to kindness and courage of heart, but also some sprinkles of magic...
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// Day 8 //
// Wind //
The wind swept through Marinette's hair. Her new second-hand convertible gliding, seamlessly.
She pulled up to her boutique in downtown Gotham. Business was booming and her newest line sold out almost immediately. She had to order extra fabric almost every day just to keep up with demand. Not to mention her commissions.
Luckily, her new notoriety earned her enough money to buy a second-hand car to carry any materials she finds while 'browsing' fabric and fashion stores (which is usually a lot) and to hire a few new employees to take on the floor designs, whilst she worked on commissions.
She entered the shop and flipped the open sign. Marinette sat behind the counter and pulled out her sketchbook, she could design while working the register, so she would usually be the one on 'desk duty', unless she had to actually assemble her commissions.
The bell rang and a tall man wearing all black walked in. He was about Marinette's age and definitely easy on the eyes.
"Where can I find the owner?"
Marinette smiled, "Right here."
An incredulous look passed his face, "You're MDC?"
"Is that such a shocker?"
He looked at her as if analysing her movements, "I just pictured you… Older."
She squinted her eyes, "What can I do for you?"
As it turns out Marinette was commissioned to make a dress for the man's (who she learned was named Damian) sister.
It would be her birthday in 4 months and a surprise ball organised by his family was going to be held in her honour (pfft rich people). Damian was tasked with getting her dress.
Marinette was given a picture of the girl to know what would suit her, her measurements (rich people apparently have their family members measurements on hand) and the theme of the party, 'Space', not vague at all.
Every once in awhile, Damian would come around to see her progress, make a comment or two and generally be a pest.
Soon, he started to come by once a week, then every day.
He'd play it off as being a diligent client, but none of Marinette's other clients would even stop by until the fitting. Sometimes never.
Marinette, despite her reluctance, became (dare she say it?) fond of Damian's lack of filter. It was refreshing.
What she didn't realise was that Damian was becoming quite fond of Marinette, himself.
An envelope was dropped on her desk, two months before her original deadline (she easily finished in half the time she needed, with maybe a tiny bit of Ladybug luck on her side).
"What's this?" She said picking the envelope up and carefully ripping the tab.
"An invitation."
She looked up curiously at him, before reading the contents,
Dear Miss Dupain-Cheng,
You are cordially invited to the Birthday Ball of Cassandra Cain-Wayne, as Damian Wayne's date.
As you know the dress code is black tie and the theme is 'Space'. Usually, in these invitations, a list of trusted and capable boutiques and designers would be included. But, due to your chosen profession, I assume you can make the necessary arrangements.
Please be aware that paparazzi and press will be covering this event.
We sincerely await your response,
Alfred Pennyworth,
On behalf of the Wayne family.
P. S. We have heard many brilliant things about your designs and we can't wait to see the outfits you make. We wish to make a formal request for you to be the official designer and consultant for the Wayne Family.
"You want me to be your consultant?"
Damian tutted, "And designer."
Marinette read the invitation again before a teasing grin broke out on her face, "You also, want me as your date."
He controlled his face into a composed look, "I may have gotten used to you in the past two months."
She poked his shoulder, "'Gotten used to'? Oh c'mon, Damian. You at least tolerate me, you even want me as your date, that could qualify as liking. Or dare I say it," she gasped overdramatically, "Friends."
Damian tutted, "Maybe, I want to be more than friends."
She smiled at him, "Maybe I do, too."
The night of the ball arrived and after sending Cass' dress, shoes and accessories over to the Manor with Damian, Marinette got ready.
She was careful to make her dress less extravagant looking than Cass', she didn't want to show-up the birthday girl.
Her off-the-shoulder dark blue bodice was complimented by a skirt covered in hand-embroidered constellations. She wore her hair in a low bun decorated with a star hairpiece.
Marinette also put in long chain earrings, one with a star and one with a moon, that were complemented by a choker like chain with dainty stars and planets. Her shoes were gladiator-style silver heels.
Pleased with her outfit, she walked outside her apartment to find her new boyfriend waiting by a limo.
Once he saw her, his back unconsciously straightened, "You look lovely, Marinette."
Marinette looked at Damian's tux, it looked like your average black tie outfit, except if you looked closely enough you could see tiny stars and planets embroidered into it, camouflaged subtly into the tuxedo with its perfectly matching colour, "You clean up nicely yourself, Damian," She straightened his bow tie with a smirk, "Nice tux."
Damian grinned, "Y'know, I got out from a boutique downtown. You might know it, bright colours, amazing clothes, the owner's pretty cute."
"Oh? That sounds like I have a competition, Damian. Do I need to fight a girl for your heart?" She teased.
He held her hand, "You wouldn't need to because I'm head over heels with this girl. Nothing you can do or say could change that."
She smiled softly and lightly pecked his cheek, "Not even this?"
"Hmm, actually try that, again."
She rolled her eyes, playfully, but still kissed his cheek, or at least she tried to. Instead, Damian moved his head at the very last second and captured his lips on hers.
When they pulled apart, slightly out of breath, Damian whispered as a smile tugged his lips, "You have the most convincing argument I've ever seen, Angel. I might just have to reconsider this boutique girl."
Marinette grinned, "Hmm? Well, maybe another argument or two would fully convince you."
After a few more kisses, the two realised that they should leave, lest they be late. They pulled up to the Manor courtyard, that was currently being overrun by tabloids and paparazzi.
Damian exited the car and held a hand out to Marinette. This action alone caused a gasp and whispers to ripple through the crowd, 'Damian Wayne arrived with a date?'
Marinette placed her hand in his and let him help her out. The paparazzi ooh'd at her dress before clamouring for an interview with Damian and his new amour.
"Damian, who is this lovely lady?"
With his hand in hers, he answered, "My girlfriend Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
"Marinette! Who are you wearing?"
"It's actually a dress I made myself, I own a boutique here in Gotham."
More questions came.
"How did you two meet?"
Damian answered, "Well, I actually commissioned her to make my sisters dress for this evening, which you'll see later. And I just kept bugging her until, I guess, I grew on her."
The crowd aww'd.
A brash voice broke out of the crowd, "How do you respond to the rumours about how you're the father-to-be of the product of a drunken one-night-stand?"
Marinette's face fell. She knew that voice.
Damian frowned, looking into the crowd for the speaker, "Well, I'd say those rumours are false."
"You bastard!"
A heavily pregnant, sausage haired brunette ran out and slapped him in the face.
Marinette knew this woman. The one and only, Lila Rossi.
"How could you abandon me and your child? For some hussy!"
Damian's demeanor changed from calm to extremely pissed, "Ma'am, I've never met you before in my life. I don't know who the father of your child is, but it's not me. Now, it would do you well not to speak of my girlfriend like that, she is a very respectable woman and I don't appreciate the way you speak of her."
Marinette's eyes narrowed, "You may never have met her, Damian, but I have. She's Lila Rossi. Remember that liar I told you about, from Paris?"
He nodded, suddenly with a scowl on his face, "The one who willingly got akumatized?"
The reporters gasped, they all knew about the horrors of what happened in Paris. The city was under siege for 7 years and after 3, it was made into a No Man's Land. Nobody was allowed to leave or enter the city without permits, and those were only given to the initial evacuees, those who were most vulnerable, like the elderly, mothers and babies, the sick.
Nobody was allowed to leave or enter after that, except military personnel, until Hawkmoth was defeated.
The city itself was ravaged with gangs and was split into territories, wherever the military didn't have control over. It was a massacre and over 30% of Parisians who stayed died of disease, starvation or they were killed and couldn't be revived by Ladybug's Lucky Charm (including Marinette's parents). Everyone else was just killed and tortured over and over again, unable to escape the cruel cycle. Then the impossible happened, the heroes of Paris found Hawkmoth and the Final Battle began.
They say, very few Parisians were actually alive during the fight and can remember in full detail what actually happened. The only thing the world knows for sure is that Hawkmoth died that day, disintegrated by Chat Noir's Cataclysm in an insane attempt to take his miraculous while his powers were activated after the Butterfly Brooch had already been retrieved. He didn't stand a chance.
There was still another year before Martial Law was lifted and the City of Love was free, although few call it that anymore.
The dead were counted and mourned and many survivors couldn't bare to stay in their hometown after the heroes announced their sudden (albeit well deserved) retirement. Only about 40% of the city's original population still lives there. The survivors have been known across the globe to be some of the toughest, most resourceful people alive, it actually became commonplace to put 'Siege Survivor' onto resumés and CVs.
The Siege had a traumatic effect on the entire world, but especially the Parisians, and to hear that Marinette was one of those few, really put everything into perspective for the reporters. And to hear that someone willingly helped Hawkmoth was truly an insult to the dead.
Damian glared at Lila, "Miss Rossi. You are truly a disgrace. When your baby is born, I will take a paternity test to prove it's not mine and I would encourage you to grow up and stop trying to live your silly fantasies with your lies and start living in the real world. You have another person to take care of now and I hope you can realise that."
Lila smirked, "Please, I'll be putting this brat up for adoption the second it comes out."
From across the courtyard, Bruce Wayne shot up and ran over to his son.
"Did I hear 'Adoption'? Oh hello, Marinette, Cass looks lovely tonight."
Marinette grinned, "Thank you, Bruce. I hope she likes the dress."
He smiled and shook his head, "She loves it. I bet she'll insist on wearing it for the next hundred parties. Now, what's this about an adoption? Asking for a friend."
Lila stared at him in bemusement.
The newspapers and magazines certainly won't run out of things to talk about. I mean what did they expect from a Wayne party.
After escaping the drama (and Bruce) Marinette and Damian entered the Manor, so they could take their seats.
As soon as all the guests and (legitimate) reporters arrived, a young woman walked down the grand staircase, wearing a dark blue ball gown covered with stars. She wore spiralling silver heels and a simple pendant. Her dark hair was woven with a golden star hairpiece.
Cass looked absolutely stunning.
Damian nudged Marinette, "You absolutely outdid yourself."
She grinned.
Throughout the night Marinette danced with her boyfriend over and over, laughter emanating from the two of them.
Towards the end of the night, Cass got on stage to say a few words. And few it was.
"Thank you all for coming, tonight. Thank you, MDC, for this lovely gown. Have a good time."
The Waynes smiled at their family member's antics.
A few months later, Marinette sat beside a huge pile of clothes in Dicks room, while Damian sat on the couch.
"Dick, sweetie, I am the family designer and consultant, I swear to fucking God if I find one more disco outfit I will throw hands."
Damian snorted and she turned on him.
"Don't think I won't come after you, Wayne. Black on black, really?"
Bruce walked into the room. "Keep it down will you," He whispered furiously, "The babies are sleeping."
After being plastered on the cover of several magazines for the wrong reasons, Lila couldn't find anyone to adopt her baby. Luckily for her, serial adopter Bruce Wayne offered to adopt the baby, on the condition that she agreed to a closed adoption and wouldn't even think about the Wayne's and Marinette, again.
Surprisingly, the baby turned out to be babies. The twins were born 5 minutes apart on different days. Two girls.
They already had Bruce wrapped around their fingers. Although nobody was surprised.
Marinette grabbed the rubbish bag and threw all of Dicks clothes in there.
Marinette glared at him, "We're going to give these to a charity shop. And then you need a brand new wardrobe."
Bruce sighed, "I'd argue but it's true and it's not like we can't afford it."
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Thank you @18-fandoms-unite-08 for beta-reading!
Buy me a coffee?
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Perfect (Happy Birthday Bree!!)
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 1500 words
Warning: None, this is just a load of fluff 
Author’s note: Happy birthday @jamespotterthefirst​, the most talented and amazing writer🎂🎂 Hope you have a great day and keep rocking babe❤
I have taken part in @wackydrabbles so the prompt will be in bold 
Title inspiration: Perfect by Ed Sheeran 
Forgive me if i make any mistakes 🥺
"Happy birthday, doctor!" A cheerful nurse greeted as Ethan stood at the nurses' station, signing charts at a break-neck speed.
"Hrm." He answered absent-mindedly, not even bothering to look up from the file and continued to look down at it as of it were the most interesting case but the fact is that Ethan did not care to celebrate his birthday.
But if Leah were to hear that, she would have him by his balls.
And Ethan wasn't one to go against a woman with a mission. She had said that they would do something in the evening and Ethan was low key looking forward to it, which is quite the growth from a year ago.
According to Ethan, birthdays were irrational. He couldn't figure out the entire hype to celebrate the day which is just a marker that you are one year closer to death. Sure it's a pessimistic way to see it but Ethan never promised to have a positive outlook on life.
No wonder Leah calls me the human equivalent of a robot.
The thought just whispered into his head which had him halting what he was doing and a small smile made its way on his lips.
Just her very name has his face splitting into a wide grin. Her very presence has this flux of endorphins in his system that he feels as if his heart is going to burst or a blush would sear through his cheeks.
She was his Kryptonite. Yes, Leah had taught him that reference when they watched that Super-boy movie.
Coming back to his birthday, Leah had wished him in the morning itself which comprises of affectionate kisses with a side of old man jokes.
Or you could say it was the other way around.
She then proceeded to give him a hand-knitted scarf which she made along with this gold plated bar set which he had been eyeing for a couple of months but never had the chance to buy it.
"I hope you like it?" She had asked in a tiny voice, watching his every expression.
"Leah, you are the best gift I could ever have. You didn't have to go all the way out for me."
And it was true. Leah just wishing him was the only thing that mattered to him. Nothing could compare to it. Just like the shine of glitters can't compare to the radiance of the sun. But Leah just pressed her lips in a soft kiss and said that he deserved the best of everything.
I am so lucky to have a partner like her.
He shut the file and submitted the last chart to the nurse. He lifted his left wrist to check the time and he noticed that there was only an hour of work left before he could head back to their home.
With a sudden burst of motivation, he turned down the hallway to visit his next patient.
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It would be an understatement to say that Leah was nervous.
The pressure of this entire evening being perfect weighed down on her like a pile of bricks. She paced in the living room, digging tracks from her walking back and forth so that she could work off the nervous energy settling into the pit of her stomach. The posh, classical music did nothing to calm her racing heart down.
Will he like it? The doubt filtered through her head which had her gulping and smoothening the little black dress which Ethan liked a lot.
Jenner whined, sensing her distress. She trotted towards the stressed intern and nuzzled against her leg, stopping Leah in her tracks.
"Hey, girl... Guess I'm just overthinking huh?" Leah ran her fingers through Jenner's silky ears and scratched behind her ears which earned her a happy bark.
The sound of the door unlocking had the duo looking up. Jenner cocked her head before running to greet her dad. His familiar baritone voice echoed through the hallway leading to the living room. Leah ran her eyes around the apartment, just running a final check to see if anything was out of sight.
She had lit candles all around the house and turned the lights down low, to set the relaxed ambience of the place.
But that wasn't the main event.
She had come home early so that she could cook an entire extravagant meal for him. From butter garlic shrimps and stir fry vegetables as appetizers to Pastelon which is Puerto Rican version of traditional Italian lasagna as the entrée. She had used her grandma's recipe which has been passed down for generations on her Father's side of the family. Last but not the least, she had baked him a coffee cake which was the only flavour he liked.
She had set the table out on the balcony because it was a wonderful weather and nothing beats a candlelit dinner under a starry night.
"Leah?" His voice called out and she turned to face him with an incandescent smile which beautifully complimented against the dancing shadows of the lit candles. She walked towards his open arms and embraced him.
Hugging Ethan was something she thoroughly enjoyed, The way this man was all hard and soft at the same time often blew her mind away. The way his arms would tighten around her waist and the way he would tuck her head under his chin was her personal heaven. His cologne mixed with his manly essence was intoxicating, which blanketed her senses, making her feel safe and at peace.
Placing a soft affectionate kiss on her forehead, they pulled back just enough to see each other's face.
"Hey yourself, E."
"So what is this surprise you have planned for me?"
Leah chuckled, her hands looping around his neck. Her fingers played with the short hairs on his nape as she looked at him adoringly. "Eager are we?"
"If it comes to you? Always." He pecked her lips.
"Good. Go get fresh and meet me at the balcony."
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Ethan and Leah were having fun.
They had popped open the champagne bottle which Ethan had stored for a special occasion and poured copious amounts into the sparkly glasses. And the food was amazing.
The way Ethan devoured the food and gave compliments every now and then made Leah smile with pride.
"Sunshine, you have to feed me more Puerto Rican dishes because this is delicious," Ethan said as he sipped on his champagne.
"I am not as good as my dad. He can make so many more yummy dishes than me. He actually hosts a cookout Sunday for the boys working at his security firm. I have only been to a few but they are super fun."
"You have already met my dad so I think it is about time I have to meet yours."
A rosiness settled on her cheeks as she smiled back at him. "Of course. I know he will like you."
Giving a smile which has his eyes glimmering like the stars, they went back to their meal. After a while, with their stomachs full and plates wiped clean, Leah rose from her seat. Ethan shot her a questioning look but she just kissed his cheek.
"I baked a cake for you. Just getting it out so that we can cut it, old man."
Ethan groaned as Leah chuckled. "I am not that old, okay? I'm a millennial!"
"Whatever you say, gramps."
She went indoors to take the cake out of the fridge, where she had placed it after icing it. A sudden thunder resounded throughout the penthouse, which had her raising her eyebrow.
Rain? But the weather forecast said it won't...
She placed the cake on the counter and headed out only to find Ethan standing there, with his eyes closed and enjoying the raindrops washing his face. The water seeped through his black shirt, making it cling to the hard planes of his chest. A small smile played on his lips.
"Ethan? Come in, you will fall sick." She said as she stood at the threshold. To be honest, there was a reservation in her voice because it had been so long since she has seen him so peaceful.
"No, I will be fine. Come, join me." His eyes smoldered as they fell on Leah and it felt as if she was hypnotized by his brilliant blue eyes.
She walked towards him and instantly Ethan settled his hands on her waist. Placing her hands on his chest they just swayed to a rhythm of their own.
"Are we really dancing without music?" She whispered as she looked up at him.
"What can I say sunshine... you make me want to dance even when the music stops."
The cool raindrops fell on her flushed face while Ethan smiled down at her gently.
"I hope you liked your birthday, Ethan."
She wrapped her arms around him and placed her face on his chest, this heartbeat lulling her into her own safe haven.
"I won't forget this. Ever. This was by far the best so thank you, Leah. I love you so much."
"I love you too."
I would have attached pictures but a bitch is lazy 😔✊
Taglist: Tagging separately because that seems so effective
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
Skeptical (w/ Tobias Carrick)
Book: OH: TY. Characters: Eleanor Bloom (MC), Tobias Carrick, Aurora Emery, and Bryce Lahela (briefly). Summary: Eleanor confronts Tobias about Aurora. Rewrite of Book 3, Ch. 9.
Word Count: 2.1k Rate/Warnings: Teen, few curse words.
A/N: Hello! I'm bringing something different than usual. PB has been doing like Tobias never used Aurora, like he never hurt my friend (and LI too) and personally, I can't stand it. So here's my take about it. I wrote it with Eleanor instead of Rosalía because in Rosalía's universe Aurora never tranfers to Mass Kenmore.
Hope you like it!
Taglist: @romereadingshop @starrystarrytrouble @penda-bear @queenelianar @julia-highstorms @mercury84choices @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations I'm using my Aurora x Rosalía taglist because I thought you might be interested in reading this. Feel free to ignore it if only want to read romance lol
Eleanor furrowed her lips as she was listening to Tobias telling his side of the story with Ethan.
When Tobias joined the Diagnostic Team, she was very dubious about everything that involved him. She didn't know him enough but the few things she knew about weren't good.
His blatant competitive attitude, the feud with Ethan, the fact that he was hired by Leland without consulting Ethan. All those signs telling her she shouldn’t trust Tobias.
But once she got to know him better, her image of him started to change. He wasn't the insufferable he was the first day, he was actually charismatic and rather funny. Easy going once she knew him past his competitive attitude, and she had learned a lot with him even if Tobias wasn't the type of Doctor she would normally admire. His values were totally opposed to hers, as she learned with Francis' case.
But still, something was stopping her from actually trusting him.
She did believe he was sorry for the stupid, childish attitude he had with Ethan, and seemed to be acting according to that, trying to make up for his mistakes.
He deserved a second chance.
But her skepticism had nothing to do with the Diagnostics Team or Ethan.
It was about Aurora.
“What is it? You don't believe me?” Tobias asked when Eleanor hadn't said a word since he finished his story. Trying to hide his concern, he gave her a mischievous smirk.
Eleanor didn’t know what to say.
It was hard to believe he wasn’t the same person who sabotaged his own friend when last year he used a person to get what he wanted. He hired Aurora to entice Harper to work in Mass Kenmore.
He hurt her friend, even unknowingly. And Eleanor couldn’t forget that or just get past that.
“Why do you say that?” Eleanor asked, trying to conceal her skepticism, but there was no use. She had always been too transparent with her emotions, and this time wouldn't be the exception.
“Well, you don’t look too convinced with what I told you.”
He was right. She wasn’t.
Eleanor sighed. Should she tell him? It wasn't her problem to tell, it was Aurora's, and knowing her, she would never confront Tobias about it. She barely had confronted her Aunt because they were family, but in no way she would face the umpteenth person that used her to get to Harper Emery.
“Come on, we're among friends here. I confided in you really top secret stuff, Elle.”
Eleanor grimaced at the sound of that name on his lips.
"I prefer Ellie if you don't mind. The only person that calls me Elle is my partner."
Tobias' hazel eyes widened in surprise for a brief second, “Sure, sure, my bad. Ellie it is.”
Eleanor nodded.
“So? Come on, be honest. I won’t get mad at you because you can’t believe I wanna mend up things with Ethan.”
“It’s not that. This is not about Ethan.”
“Then what is this about?”
Eleanor pondered her words. What was the best way to approach this?
“I believe you regret what you did to Ethan, but it's hard to tell you have changed since that.”
His brows knitted in curiosity, but for a brief second, embarrassment flashed features, “Okay, that's fair. Can I ask what makes you believe that?”
Eleanor wasn't particularly a confrontational person. Only when a person pressed her buttons she would actually confront that said person. And Tobias hadn't pressed any buttons, but the chance that they would have this kind of conversation in the future was extremely low. And she really needed to tell him that, in order to have a more amicable relationship with him.
“The fact that you used a person to get what you want.”
Tobias frowned, “Eleanor, what are you talking about?”
He was incredulous. And oblivious. Apparently, he had no idea where she was going with that accusation.
“You used Aurora to get Harper to work in Mass Kenmore,” Eleanor said, and Tobias' face disfigured instantly, “You didn't hire Aurora because she was a good doctor, but because she was Harper Emery's niece.”
“How did you know?”
“When you went to pick up some stuff after the Solomon Kenmore partnership, Aurora and I heard the discussion you had with Harper.”
Tobias winced in earnest regret.
"You seem like a decent person now that I know you, but even if your mistake with Ethan was years ago, what you did with Aurora is as much condemnable as what you did to him, and this happened just last year."
As Tobias remained silent, she continued.
“That's why I can't believe you. I just… can't stand people who use other people. And it's worse if you used my friend.”
“You're right,” it was the only thing he could say.
“Do you have any idea what is like living under the shadow of Harper Emery?” Now that she had opened her mouth, she couldn't stop. “Aurora has struggled her whole life with that, and transfer to Mass Kenmore was the opportunity to escape that. She deserves the spotlight, that people value her for her work, for her brilliance, and not for her family name. But it turned out, it wasn't because you believed she was good. You actually didn't give a fuck about her as long as you get what you wanted.”
Tobias gave her a pained look, “Aurora is a brilliant doctor, an outstanding resident. It didn't take her long to become the best resident in Mass Ken, and I know she'll achieve great things after finishing her residency.”
“But you found out that after. You only saw her as your mean to get Harper. And that's wrong. I'm sorry, but I can't act like this never happened. You used my friend, you made her doubt about her worth. I can't forget that.”
“You're right, Eleanor. But she should've never found out...”
“That's not the point! Or it is, actually. You did it knowing it was wrong. It doesn't matter if she finds out or not. You used a person and that was wrong. And if you're really trying to grow up from that 'blatant competitive' attitude, the first thing you should stop doing is using people.”
Tobias averted her eyes for a few moments, processing her words, concealing the shame.
He never thought their conversation would turn out like this.
“Well, what can I say? You're right in feeling that way about me, Eleanor, so I won't try to change your mind when it's clear that the wrong is on me. ”
“I've been very tempted to like you, but I can't like the person who hurt my friend. Hypocrisy doesn't work for me.”
Tobias shook his head, amazed, “You're something else, Eleanor. I wish I was lucky enough to have a friend like you, firm in your values and loyal.”
"You were lucky enough to have it, Tobias, but you betrayed him. Ethan is a loyal friend, and true to his values to a fault. And probably you know that better than me."
Tobias gave her a sad smile. Eleanor could swear there was melancholy in his eyes.
“Thank you for your honesty, Eleanor. I really appreciate that. I'm gonna learn a lot with you.”
Eleanor blushed, incredulous. He was being sincere or he was just schmoozing?
Only time would tell.
The cafeteria was quiet at that time of the night. Perfect place to study. Bryce had been interrogating Eleanor for the past thirty minutes in his interest to help her study for the boards, making knowledge questions as well as practical cases he had found on the web.
"Okay, we have this 2-year-old boy, his mother found him unconscious…" He started reading on Eleanor's tablet, but suddenly stopped as he saw Aurora approaching their table, "Hey Aurora! Coming to join the midnight study session?"
“No, thanks, Bryce,” Aurora replied, giving him a tiny smile, “Would you mind…? I need to speak to Eleanor. ”
Bryce looked from Eleanor to Aurora for a second and then nodded, “Oh, sure! She's all yours. Well, to speak to her she's all yours, we all know she's mine.”
“Oh my god, Goldie, just go!” Eleanor giggled, tilting her head as Bryce was leaning to kiss her.
“Text me if you need anything, okay?”
“I will, thank you, love.”
Once Bryce was out of sight, Eleanor turned to face Aurora, who was sitting across her with a serious expression on her face, “You wanted to talk?”
Aurora sighed, and after several seconds of silence, she finally spoke, “Tobias talked to me yesterday.”
Oh fuck.
Eleanor never thought Tobias would speak to Aurora about what happened in Grace's apartment, several days ago now.
“He apologized for what happened with Aunt Harper. For hiring me knowing I was her niece. He was also sorry I had found out.”
Eleanor nodded, feeling a pang of fear inside her.
“At first, I was so mad at you, Eleanor. So mad. Because you had no right to tell Tobias how I felt. That I knew the truth. It was something deeply personal.”
“I know, I know, and I'm… ”
“Let me finish, Eleanor.”
Eleanor, completely pale, shut her mouth and made a gesture with her hand as if she was fastening her mouth like a zipper.
“I was mad because I would never recognize in front of him how bad it hurt me his… scheme. That's why I never confronted in the first place.”
Aurora looked down at her hands, as if she was focusing on reliving those feelings.
Eleanor was rigid and terrified. She had betrayed her trust and who knew how much time it would take her to be forgiven for that, considering the story they had.
"But after a while I realized … I never knew how much I needed an apology until it happened."
Eleanor looked at Aurora, agape.
"Tobias told me he would've never realized how wrong was that if you hadn't told him. And when he thought about the pain he might have caused, he regretted doing it. He was sorry he made me believe I was just Harper Emery's niece when I'm much more than that."
Eleanor shook her head, regret washing over her features.
“Aurora I'm truly sorry for what I did. I knew at that moment it wasn't my business to tell him what had happened, but I couldn't act like everything was fine with him. He needed to face what was wrong, but it wasn't my call, it was yours.”
“Yeah, but I would've never taken it, and you knew it. I would've never done it because I thought the only thing I needed was to get over it, and forgive myself for stupidly falling for his lie.”
Aurora bit her lip before giving Eleanor a humorless smile, “But it turns out I shouldn't be blaming myself for something I didn't do. He was the one who used me, it was his fault, not mine. So when he apologized, I realized that. And that would've happened if you hadn't intervened.”
“I've spent my whole life blaming myself for trusting people who used me, but I've never been the problem. They are. People have never cared. Never cared to sincerely befriend me and never cared to apologize when they used me. So when Tobias apologized… it felt so good, because it let me stop blaming myself for that. It's not my fault.”
“Of course not, Aurora. It's their fault. It's their fault not being able to see the amazing person you are, the brilliant doctor you are, and all the incredible things you can do and give. So fuck them. ”
Aurora chuckled, "Fuck them. Except for Tobias. He looked really sorry for what he did so maybe there's a chance for him in the end."
“Yeah. He's not that bad. But I couldn't let myself like him when he had been an ass with you. ”
“Thank you for calling him out, and for defending me. Though I beg you to please don't this again. At least talk to me before going in the whole protective mode, okay?”
Eleanor took Aurora's hands in hers, and gave her the first genuine smile of the night, bright and wide, “I promise.”
“Good, now let's call Bryce to resume your study session with a little friendly competition.”
“Oh? Competing against Aurora Emery again? You're on!”
Thank you so much for reading!!!
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