#but now my brain is being bad about it because clearly i can't keep up with academia and clearly i need to drop out
camellia-thea · 1 year
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kalopses-sonderes · 3 months
Hey, hyper anon here...had this idea for a self aware cookie run x readers series or one shot If you're interested! It's kinda based off your imposter au!
Y/n gets transported into game and brought before the imposter! The imposter starts talking but then y/n claims they wanna talk to the imposter in private! When they talk in private, only the imposter and y/n, y/n reveals that they just want to live a normal life among cookies and they are totally fine with the imposter being the ruler of the cookies because they seem very cool and being a ruler seems too stressful (bonus: y/n doesn't feel worthy of being the cookie's ruler as well because they don't have powers or something like the imposter does...and bonus bonus if the imposter can do stuff like summon amazing cotton candy and stuff to bribe cookies with!) Imposter calls cookies in and apologizes for the misunderstanding and 'mistaking (favorite flavor) cookie as an imposter' and apologizes by helping them find a home and a place!
Oh and later on...cookies read imposter's dairy and discover that imposter is...well an imposter, and what their baker said to them and the little...deal they made (imposter being ruler, y/n just living their life as a normal cookie citizen of kingsom) but has an evil yet good plan (good in y/n's unknowing eyes, bad in cookie's eyes) where the imposter has slowly been bribing y/n and winning their heart so even if they are found out, y/n is singing their praises from on high and would vouch for them! (Example of bribes: giving y/n their favorite sweets, becoming their closest friend...which leads into something that would horrifying cookies more because jealousy, showing y/n amazing tricks, and taking them to places one could only DREAM of and more!) Thing that horrified cookies: the imposter was first doing it out of manipulation but is clearly starting to actually LIKE the baker and wants to be their friend...not to charm em to have the cookie's sweet baker singing their praises!
So, in order to get their y/n back and make y/n sing THEIR praises instead and make y/n WANT to he the center of their world...they start counter bribing! They start doing nice things to and for y/n, claiming that it's because they want to welcome y/n at first and then slowly up the spoiling...giving y/n more and more attention, making sure y/n is melting at THEIR fingertips and not the imposter's...making y/n desire them and not the imposter.
And when time is right...imposter is exposed! Imposter tries to get y/n on their side....buuut y/n can't resist the cookie's siren call of a sweet beckon and possibly a cute saying along the lines of 'oh sweetheart, come to [cute nickname they call themselves]' or 'oh [cute nickname], you shouldn't stress about this buisness...come, let's go home and [activity they like or find relaxing...examples, go bake some monster muffins to munch on or go cuddle or give y/n a backrub or something]' and it makes y/n go running to them like a savior unable to resist a siren's call.
A/n: Omg I want this to be a series, so this is gonna be like mostly my brain rotting rambles and small portions of little fics so we can build off it later on in the series
All the writing in purple is the little fics, default color is just my rambles and headcanons about it
“Imposter for Baker? Count me in!”
Series masterlist
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- Just imagine little cookie y/n plopping into the cookie verse like “oop, guess this is my new life now.” They just start living a normal life on the outskirts of their kingdom so no one can find them. Cause, if you you were transported to a new universe, you would think you were their god/baker or they were gonna try and hunt you down. Soooo y/n decided to keep to themselves and not let their presence be known yet.
- BOOM! There’s news of the “baker” being spotted and brought to the big castle to take there throne and high power blah blah. The Imposter looks similar to you, just with purple eyes(If you have purple eyes… now you don’t). You can’t tell what the true bakers eye color is because the statues aren’t painted, so the imposter fit the bill well.an they had powers! It has to be their baker then!
- Y/n is absolute happy about that! They get to sit back and relax, they go in public now and just tell cookies they just were “ blessed with the looks of their baker” and how they aren’t them. Some of the cookies were extremely skeptical but let it slide since they said they weren’t their baker and weren’t trying to impersonate them, cause the imposter is totallyyyy the real baker!
“You look oddly familiar..” Pure Vanilla looks Y/n up and down.
The cookies surround Y/n, trying to figure out why you look exactly like their baker.. just with your boring eyes, not neon purple eyes like their totally real baker has. Espresso has a magnifying glass in your cookie face, looking at all the detail.
‘Uhhhhhhh… I was just blessed by our baker, and uh, they blessed me with their beauty and I’m not them. I don’t have purple eyes or cool powers! I’m just trying to live a normal life like everyone else.” You say, any normal person would have seen right through you and what you were saying, but the cookies believed you. You weren’t claiming to be their baker so they have no reason to not let you live a peaceful life, it could just be an odd coincident!
“Well they don’t seem like their lying.. Guess they get to go peacefully for now till the Baker decided what’s to do with them.” Milk shrugs, everyone nodding and humming in agreement with Milk.
- Once the imposter finds out you’re there they are instantly scared. What if you go hunting them?! Or take the throne and execute them?!
- They order a few cookies to go collect you so they can have a one on one talk with you disguising it as a dinner twitch their “look a like” for funnies. Once the cookies bring you back, the imposter leads you away to a more secluded room in the castle so no one can spy on you both as they question you.
“This is my throne and-“ The imposter started once they closed the door the small storage room.
“You can keep it, I don’t want to be the ruler of this kingdom, just live a normal life.” You interrupted, you looked pretty calm about the whole ordeal while the imposter looked like they’ve seen a ghost.
“Wait.. what? You’re just gonna let me keep it.” The imposter look dumbfounded, not actually believing you’ll let them keep at this power. They thought they wold have to threaten you or make an official announcement that you’re an imposter and let the cookies hunt you down for the. “Not even gonna put up a small fight.? I didn’t even get to finish my monologue I worked so hard on..” :(
- You got to live a pretty normal life under the imposters rule. Until Pure Vanilla decides to go through the imposters room and found a diary, I snooped through it and read it….. Finding out you’re the real baker! -insert Pure Vanilla doing surprised pikachu face- He was flabbergasted(I love this word so much for no reason) He didn’t expect to be worshipping the WRONG baker the entire time and their real baker was being bribed to like the imposter and be their friend. So if the imposter gets found out, you’d take Imposters side over the cookies! He also found out how you never wanted to be Baker and let the imposter take your spot! D:
- It clicked in Pure Vanilla’s head, you have been spending loads of time with the imposter and received even as house from them and gifts. He came up with an idea to also bribe you! He gets the other cookies in on it.. It’s basically a full on war!
- your house is basically full of gifts from all the cookies and you’re absolutely clueless on what this about and you didn’t mind it at first till you could barely see your living room floor from all their gifts piled up in there!
Who will win the real baker? Imposter or the cookies? Find out on the next episode of “Imposter for Baker? Count me in!”
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A/n: kept it very open ended so the other parts of this series will fit well :D
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sk3tch404 · 5 months
Late Night Hanma Blurb
A/n: Thought abt this during an itty-bitty road trip today. Smoker Hanma does smth to the chemicals in my brain. Forgive me for any lengthy bad writing. I've had a long day and I just wanna yip yap about one of my fav crazies 🙇
CW: Hanma can give two shits about your lung health but chooses not to when he feels like it, intimidation, threats of forced drug usage, sometimes forced participation in violent activities, thoughts of lovers suicide/murder(?), and whatever other yappin I put in here.
Hanma who smokes a fuck ton and doesn't mind giving you the good ol' second-hand effects of it, but absolutely detests you doing it on your own.
He snatches the stick from your mouth and holds it up and away from you with a small grit in his teeth. Hanma glares down in some curiosity but clearly squints in irritation.
"The hell is this? Don't tell me I'm being a bad influence on you now. If I catch you with one of these again, I won't let you off the hook so easily. You got it, Y/n?"
When you retort, telling him it's no different from when he does it and it is your own choice whether he likes it or not, he merely scoffs with a tilt of his narrow head. Throwing down the cigarette, the sound of his sneaker stomping and scraping it out against the pavement echos through the air with an annoying presence. Shuji demands the rest of your stash with a looming stare that can only put you into a state of sinking discimfort.
"Come on, don't be stubborn. Ya know, if you wanna do it so bad, why don't you try the whole pack? Mine too since it's a shitload better than that cheap stuff."
Reluctant on suffocation and early lung cancer, you begrudgingly hand over your smokes to him. Hanma smacks down on the box with an evidently loud shot of noise and slides it out of your palm--- pocketing it. He stretches out narrow smile as he leans down towards you.
"See, now it ain't so hard to listen."
He's still ticked off by the fact you think you can do whatever to your body without his permission, but since Shuji is so generous, he'll let you learn from your mistakes. See, he can be nice.
Don't test him though. Next time you're caught defying his selfish wishes, he's beating you down with degrading language and probably also beating whoever was involved. The convenience store employee that sold you the cigs, vape, or maybe even chewing tobacco? Yeah he's taking out his held back frustration on them. Bro is jumping over the counter and tearing their shit up.
Avoiding him because of his brutal and honest-to-God psychopathic personality? Now that's just cruel. Shuji is dragging your ass by the back of your shirt and pushes you to his motorcycle. The leopard print on the back of the bike makes you wanna barf every time you see it, but you got to keep it down if you wanna have enough energy to deal with him. He'll take you out no matter where you are at in that point of time and make you remember who he is; who you think you're messing with.
"Y/n, how many times do I have to tell you? Aim for the nose. That's easy for amateurs like you. Actually, lemme show you how to really deliver a jaw breaker-"
Yeah, he'll show you just how bad it can get with some random thugs on the street. You should be grateful with how gentle he's treating you. Instead of ending up with facial fractures, you have nice dates and thoughtful gifts. He's even teaching you a few tricks. How lucky can you get?
"I'm all done. Shit, I'm starved. Let's go grab a bite to eat, kay?"
Hanma thinks the only way you'll ever keep paying attention to him is if he keeps you and your actions in line. If you go off doing your own thing, his usually unmoving heart can't just stand there and watch you slowly leave him. Despite the negativity be brings into your life, he actually gets really fuckin anxious when he doesn't know or understand what you're doing. It's so troublesome how you make him feel. Yeah, being bored as shit is bad, but seeing you, the only thing that could ever bring him down to his knees unwillingly, slip away with nothing but disdain for him? Fuck no. He won't accept it. Shuji would rather kill you and then himself than have to bear the strange feeling of pain, or what other people call heartbreak, by his lonesome self.
Should he ever say he loves you, that would be the point of no return for the both of you. His hands have you tight in his clutches. No way out, no way back in for anyone else.
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 months
Do you have any recs for Reallyyy long fics? Like 200-300k+ words? That isn't 91W... avoiding that one because I feel like it will hurt me... preferably fix-its? Oh and no a/b/o pls :) thanksss
Here are a few:
Angel's Wild by riseofthefallenone (Explicit, 389k words)
But that’s the whole reason he’s here, isn’t it? He’s not out here hunting Humans. He’s not even hunting deer, or bears, or anything else that featured in Bambi. He’s out here, freezing his nuts off every night, because he’s hunting Angels. Sometimes Dean wishes that Angels were like how they’re described in the Bible. How people from time too old for him to care much about thought Angels were messengers and warriors of God, protectors of Humans. He knows that how they’re really described in the Bible is actually pretty terrifying, but at least they were told by God that they’re supposed to love Humans, right? That’s a thousand times better than what Angels really turned out to be.
Bitch Better Have My Money by Duckyboos (Explicit, 256k words)
How Dean Winchester - mechanic, shitty cook, single father - became the power behind the throne in one of the biggest crime syndicates in the Midwest.
Computer Safety Verse by followthattardis (Explicit, 232k words)
On the day of his 29th birthday, Dean receives an email from his old nemesis: Michael Milton, the guy who got him kicked out of college and stole his girlfriend. The email contains encoded images with top secret CIA/NSA intelligence – and now their only copy is in Dean’s brain. Both agencies send their best operatives – Castiel Novak and Victor Henriksen respectively – to handle their accidental asset and protect the invaluable data in his head. To justify their sudden appearance in Dean’s life, they adopt covers: Victor as Dean’s new co-worker and neighbor, Cas as his new boyfriend. Needless to say, Dean’s brother and his girlfriend are thrilled to see him in a relationship they believe to be real. Clearly, there’s no way this could go wrong.
Four Letter Word For Intercourse by bendingsignpost (Explicit, 228k words)
As a grease monkey turned college freshman, Dean's constantly three seconds away from being stressed out of his mind. It hardly helps that he's finally figuring out his sexuality in his thirties. What might help with that stress is a little phone number (and a big credit card bill). If he can't figure out how to be bisexual in person, he can at least give it a go over the phone, right? (It's probably a bad idea, but he really can't help himself.)
Light me up by tricia_16 (Explicit, 218k words)
Five years after participating in a life-changing threesome with his then-girlfriend and her friend Cas, Dean's single, comfortably bisexual, and has everything he's ever wanted except for that special someone to share his life with. When tragedy strikes, he and Cas are reunited in an unexpected way, and a split-second decision entangles their lives in ways neither of them could have predicted…
Not Part of the Plan by Annie D (scaramouche) (Explicit, 337k words)
Castiel's spent most of his adult life keeping his head down and staying out of trouble. This is a deliberate choice on his part, because as a cousin of the King, he'd rather stay unimportant and forgotten. This changes abruptly when King Michael decides that he has a better use for Castiel: he is to be wed to a noble member of the neighboring Republic, as part of an agreement between their two nations. Castiel knows he has to obey, but that doesn't mean he won't rebel in what small ways he can. Unexpectedly, his actions end up having far-reaching consequences.
one million fires burning by dothraki_shieldmaiden (Explicit, 248k words)
Dean Winchester teaches three classes a day, tutors after school, and chairs the English Department for Lawrence High School. He does enough. Unfortunately, his boss doesn't feel the same and informs him that he has a new job: co-coaching the school's trivia team. His co-coach? None other than the school's golden boy, Castiel Milton. Who Dean can't stand, for various reasons, all of which are valid, thank you very much. And the fact that Dean can't stop talking about the stick up Cas's, sorry, Milton's ass? Completely irrelevant.
Redux by emmbrancsxx0 (Explicit, 386k words)
Dean Winchester is dead. For decades, he, along with Castiel and Sam, has led a peaceful afterlife in heaven. He has everything he’s ever wanted: a home, his family and friends surrounding him, and a relationship with Cas—and he’s bored as hell. Until, one day, Chuck escapes heaven’s lock up and begins capturing souls to regain power. To stop him, Jack sends Dean, Cas, and Sam back to Earth. After so long away from hunting, will they be able to once again find their place in the family business?
Talk Some Sense To Me (Kenopsia) by ImYourHoneyBee (Explicit, 244k words)
Scrambling to his knees Castiel hugs back, burying his face in Dean’s neck, breath coming in fast little pants against his skin. Dean closes his eyes and just breathes him in, barely able to believe that this is real. At any other time in his life, closing his eyes against a threat like Death would be an inexcusable lapse in his hunter’s judgement. Right now, he doesn’t give a single fuck. Death can reap him for all he cares, he’ll die knowing Cas is going to be ok. Alive. “I will see you soon, Dean,” Death tells him, that deliberate voice of his soft enough not to intrude on the intimacy of the moment, “Raincheck on that grilled cheese.” “Thank you,” Dean croaks, propping his chin up on Cas’s shoulder, unmindful of the tears trickling down his cheeks, “Thank you.”
The Closest Thing We Have To Magic by EllenOfOz, TrenchcoatBaby (Explicit, 221k words)
Dean Winchester is a graduate student at Stanford University’s School of the Occult. A naturally-talented mage but a lazy professor and student, he figures he’ll coast through his final year the way he always has: with charisma, charm, and a natural aptitude for magic. All that changes when his thesis advisor, Dr. Castiel Novak, turns out to be the strictest and most challenging educator on-campus. Unfortunately for Dean, the uptight professor is nearly his age and infuriatingly gorgeous. But Castiel is keeping a secret, a powerful talent that’s more a curse than a blessing when he’s targeted by seditious parts of magical society. Can Dean and Cas put aside their animosity—and undeniable chemistry—long enough to instill real change in the magical community? Or will sinister plots and hidden agendas keep them apart?
To Build a Home by intothesilentland (Mature, 383k words)
Twenty-three years of head-over-heels, devastating devotion and love, love, love for the man with bright eyes and dark hair. Fourteen years of friends, best friends, of always together. One moment of rejection. Nine years of apart. Nine years of heartbreak, nine years of continents away, of not speaking, of no acknowledgement, no interaction, no closure, no peace. No happiness. Nine years of Dean’s life entering motions, going through them, constant, cold and mechanic, like clockwork. Nine years of alone. God. Nine years. A lot has changed. And yet Dean still loves Cas just the same. Even if his heart hurts all kinds of different.
Under The Midnight Sun by NorthernSparrow (Explicit, 232k words)
Dean Winchester’s been camp manager of a science research station on the Alaskan tundra for thirteen years. Dean likes his job; fixing the camp trucks, troubleshooting the generators, keeping clueless undergrads and NSF bigwigs from walking into grizzly bears or getting lost in snowstorms — it’s all in a day’s work. It keeps him pretty busy, and this year his brother Sam's visiting too, so he's even busier. So it’s really not any of Dean’s business when some weirdo antisocial ornithologist sets up a tent a few miles away, a dark-haired blue-eyed guy who’s doing a “very long-term" study on birds or wings or something, and who never, ever takes off his big lumpy backpack. But then the new guy starts dropping by camp for coffee and… well, he’s not officially part of camp; he's not Dean’s responsibility; he’s really not Dean’s problem at all, but when a strange blizzard comes sweeping in, Dean gets worried and goes to check. Thing is, Dean's spent years in the sweeping vistas of the Arctic. He knows all about the midnight sun and the northern lights, the ice caves and avalanches, the rough-and-ready Haul Road truckers and the even rougher-and-readier wild animals. But even so, what he finds is much more than he bargained for.
With Interest by everandanon (Explicit, 296k words)
Eighteen, bored, and not quite able to turn down the money, Cas agrees to an ill-advised bet, and Dean's heart isn't the only one that gets broken. Eleven years later, grieving his twin brother and struggling to take care of his niece, Cas finally returns home — only to meet Dean again and discover that the boy he left behind has grown up a lot. And now, Dean seems to have every intention of getting him back — with interest.
You can also check our >100k tag for all the longer fics we rec.
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raven--stag · 7 months
Sooo... Um. "Fool for love" huh.
I wish my brain was functioning properly right now so I could write a fucking doctoral thesis about how absolutely BRILLIANT this episode is. However, it left me curled up on the floor shaking and crying, unable to put words together in a sentence that would make sense to anyone but me. So, yeah. What a fucking episode!?
As a side note, the fact that btvs writers clearly could write something of such quality but didn't /couldn't makes me really fucking sad. Because nothing in this show prior to this episode made me so feral and I feel like they missed out on a lot of opportunities to make their show this special.
A bit of incoherent thoughts because I just need to put it somewhere: something about Spike saying "I've always been bad" and them cutting to him being nice and kind and polite and gentle. Something about them telling us that demons are just shells of humans with no emotions or anything underneath. And then showing us bits and pieces of human Spike that he somehow got to keep? (like that parallel between vamp Spike saying "ow ow ow" as Buffy beats him up and human Spike saying the same thing as Dru draines him). Don't get me wrong he's a fucking asshole but he's capable of decency (if not kindness) and he's still as cringe as he was before he grew out a shiny pair of fangs. And him KNEELING BEFORE BUFFY as he tells her the secret of her mortality (crappy screenshot attached because I can't get it out of my head)
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And him being unable to kill her and being the only person that kept her company in THAT moment.
There's more things but my brain is all mushy and I literally can't think straight.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Would a Body Swap Rise/2012 crossover be better with only The Boys being body swapped across dimensions, or would it be better if all characters were? Or just The Boys and Splinters?
Because on one hand, if it's just The Boys then I think 2012 Splinter would notice These Aren't My Sons' Souls right away and get things jumpstarted
On the other hand... it'd be really funny for 2012 Splinter to wake up short and round and Danny Devito Shaped while Rise Splints wakes up tall as shit
"My sons... please help me to reach the countertop. I have tried climbing onto a chair, yes. I could not make it up."
Anyway, 2012 Raph suddenly being the tallest would make him insufferable, and when he discovers this body has Mystic Powers to become even BIGGER he's just a menace. He does however keep hitting his head on everything and knocking stuff over because he's not used to such Width. Muscle memory shocks him when the body instinctually reacts with Hugs to his brothers having a bad time, and how it's clearly common because the body holds at just the right angle to none of the spikes or sharp edges of his shell jab his brother. It's kinda nice.
Meanwhile Rise Raph is trying to adjust to being a whole foot shorter and way less wide. He keeps reaching for things he should be able to grab easily and realizing he needs to lean way over to grab it. Leo keeps patting him on the head like he's a dog. he doesn't dislike it except for the smugness Leo does it with. Muscle Memory keeps affecting all of them and they first learn this when Raph by The Body's Instinct slaps one of them on the back of the head. He promptly bursts into tears about it.
Rise Donnie revels in being the tallest now and Is A Problem about it, but the tooth gap irritates him to no end, he can't stop running his tongue over it. He discovers tech is WAY harder to get in this universe as well and is horrified by how he must work with things like Manhole Covers and scraps, and even more horrified to find out how much Muscle Memory this body has in regards to navigating the military junkyard (not because he fees bad for 2012 but because this scrapyard isn't even that good but the muscle memory implies this is the best place to get tech here and it's all he has to work with and he hates it).
2012 Donnie is in candyland and fucking loves this giant lab with tech that The Kraang could only wish they had a d when he discovers the mystic tech powers? He passes out. He's probably having the best time of everyone (when they're not pressuring him to work faster on getting them back to their own bodies). He knows that since Memories have a physical makeup in brains they should technically be able to remember things these bodies have done and thought, but there's a spiritual block so they can't access any actual memories. He finds he stims a lot more in this body and actually rather enjoys it.
Rise Mikey is delighted by the muscle memory breakdancing he can get up to in the 2012 universe, yet horrified by the things this body seems to be used to eating. He almost eats a Trash Pizza Slice with ants on it, pauses, realizes, and throws up. He decides the best thing he can do for this Other Mikey is train the body how to cook well. Ice Cream Kitty knows it's not her Mikey so she's sad but she doesn't dislike Rise, she just misses her bestie. Rise is so relieved by the never-ending chains on the nunchucks, though definitely confused how they never end since this universe doesn't seem to have Mystic Powers.
2012 Mikey thinks the art on his shell is awesome and loves that he finds a closet with turtlenecks and art stuff. He steps into the kitchen one day and by sheer muscle memory cooks an artisanal meal and everyone is blown away. He thinks he got the best body out of everyone and he has fire powers now! Which is concerning to everyone and he does set things on fire regularly. Good thing the Donnie Body here seems to be prepped for that because the first time it happens The Battle Shell opens up and puts out the fire, which causes a new panic because DONNIE YOUR SHELL WHAT HAPPENED WHY IS IT METAL- oh good it's a covering AHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY'S YOUR SHELL SOFT AHHHHHHHHHHH
Rise Leo doesn't like 2012's body one bit, especially the larger feet. He also hates not being able to teleport. And his muscle memory has him Naruto Running across buildings. He's having a bad time, he hates this. Space Heroes is cool though he likes Space Heroes. He's trying to get Donnie to figure out how to bring the show back to their dimension. He's also so surprised by how Meditation is one of the body's first instincts when in the dojo, and by how many super formal moves it knows. He does enjoy getting to brag about it and pretending to be Old and Wise to his brothers while running through the motions of these katas he doesn't even know the names of.
2012 Leo is just. So confused. He keeps posing. He keeps lounging. He sleeps in way more. This body walks with a more casual gait. Fascinating. And a little weird and uncomfortable and scary. He's trying to enjoy it but he's not sure how he feel about it. He loves the portals/teleportation, though when he discovers one of the main ways this body uses them is throwing one katana to teleport to it he knows he must keep this fact from Raph as long as possible because Raph has never let him live down the "A ninja never throws their weapon!" thing.
Anyway I don't think I'd swap April, Casey (who'd be swapped with Cassandra and not Casey Jr), or the villains because someone needs to notice The Boys are acting unlike themselves, and if The Splinters are swapped too that doesn't leave a ton of options. If I did, though, we all know 2012 Casey said he kinda enjoyed being a girl, so he'd be pretty happy with his situation, especially since with the muscle memory he's also a ninja now.
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demuredociledoll · 21 days
kitty's bimbo bucket list
Use these to break me
soooooo i'm a tgirly who's been on hrt a long time now, i have great tits and great ass and my brain is Way fuzzier but like. i want more. i wanna be like the cool girls i see on who are just completley ultrafeminine. i wanna be the perfect boys girl. im like. might to be a bimbo tradwife. i wanna be that so bad. ive also like. been doing the bambi 20 day challenge and its like. making me realise i neeed to make these changes lol
so i thought id like. make a list of things i need to do to be the girl of my dreams i see girls with lots of fun lists where they like say "at 10 reblogs i'll do this and i kinda like. wanna arrange this like one of those eventually (if you see a bimbofication step-by-step around PLease send it to me!! i love doing what rules say). reeeeeeeally reeally reeally open to feedback and other things to include on this list.
Bimbofying my looks
so this bits like. ways i want to look prettier :)
Nails always varnished: i think this might be the most easy for me to do as i spend a lot of time painting my nails anyway, but i wanna make like a pledge to make sure my nails are Never left unpainted. i think this would be a good place to start on this
Makeup every day - i used to wear makeup every day before covid and i reeeeeeeeeally wanna get back into the swing of it. i only do it like, maybe like once every few months which just Sucks. especially when i look so pretty doing it. so i wanna like get back into a position where i do my go to routine (foundation+eye shadow+eye liner+lipstick+lip liner) at least once a month, then at least once a week, then at least every day i'm not working, then at least every day i dont have like, a work video call, then every day.
Dyeing my hair: i reeeeeeeeally wanna dye my hair but im so scared of losing my natural colour. so im thinking of like, starting Blonde frosted tips as a start, before working up to being a totally bleach blonde
Get rid of trousers and only wear skirts: girls literally shouldnt wear trousers. it literally should be illegal. i wanna like. slowly get to a point where i only wear skirts. skirts make it easy for boys to access my holes :) but actually having said that. boys really like tight clothes. so i should keep wearing ultra tight. i also need to really increase my lingerie and sexy clothes collecshon :)
Lip fillers!! I reeeeeeeeeally wanna get lip fillers but i know its gonna be a big step to get there. i wanna do everythign i can to make my lips bigger naturally in the meantime. i think i wanna get lip fillers first before i think about. bigger tits. i reeeeeeeally want srs so bad but like., thats the goverments problem
getting bgiger: im like sooooo thin at the moment, and i neeeeeeed to get bigger tits and a bigger belly to make me more grabbable and wobbly. its a little diffcult because ive got like. lots of tummy issues. but i wanna slowly scale up my food intake. ive been eating lots of ice cream but i wanna like. follow a proper plan for biggerising myself feedee style
brain feminisation and IQ reduction
sooooo this sections like. ways to girlify my brain and make sure i just think girl thoughts
im alreayd doing good on hypnos with the bambi challenge (which is going soooooo well!! im learning sosososooso much :) ). but like. i wanna keep listening to hypnos moer
staying in my place; i'm already Really good at this. doing the cooking, cleaning, housekeeping, serving men in every way i can i am already 100% that. i stepped back from a job recently so ill have even more time to do that and i can't Wait.
knowing my place: despite this i clearly like, have a tonne of feminist baggage from my old self i really need to get rid of. i need to like. have my opinions broken and like, have like the gender politics of a conservative American housewife drilled into me. i wanna genuinely believe that women should stay in the kitchen and women shouldnt work and shoudl just serve men (smart boys please please please fix me!!!). i want pro-patriarhcy to be like. my mission in life. im thinking of like. writing lots of good girl essays on tumblr to try and fix my brain lol
dumming down my writing and speaking: likeee i think im already making good practice on this, ive been workiing on a lot lately. im trying to like. not use words longer than two soundy things, like short words, with the only ones allowed being like. sexy words. and mispeling them when i cant use any other words that are small. and using the wrong words and to like get rid of capital letters apostroches. i think im getting there on this. i also need to dumb down my speaking but honestly like im already there with that, i always say words wrong and everyone makes so much fun of me for it, it turns me a lot when people make fun of me for saying words wrong lol :)
girlify my music tastes: i reeeeeeally need to get into some girlier music. i really want to. currently i dont really have much of a music taste, i mostly just listen to synthy tunes and stuff which are easy to listen to while doing worky things. however, like ive tried listening to more popular stuff like taylor swift and the brat album and its like, okay, but its like not my thing lol. I used to be suuuuuuper into paramore but im like, aware thats a more like punchy girl band and im like not that lol. update im gonna work these into my daily music playlists!!
girlify my media intake and hobbies: currently i listen to a lot of boy stuff inherited from my old self, like ww2 books and podcasts which are...boring lol. i dont want learn things like that anymore. i wannna watch more stuff thats for girls, but im not really too sure where to begin? ive tried like, reading girleir magazines like Good Housekeeping and the like but it doesnt like. completely engage me lol
taking cock and being a good sexdoll
this section is like. ways i wanna be a better fuckdoll :)
m already like. so good at blowjobs. i absoltuely adore blowjobs. i dont think theres anything i need to improve here. i already deep throat, swallow every time. id like to take more facials though :)
but i neeeeeed to get better with my other hole. again i used to ride my dildo all the time prepandemic but ive fallen out the habit, its like my makeup i only really play on veyr special ocassions
increase my toy collecshun: my toys are not in as good condition as they used to be and i want like. good ones. i need to like. make a good purchase of some good quality toys for assfucking. i already have some good buttplugs :)
get good at getting my ass fucked: im thinking of like. mirroring what i did with my makeup here. like go from wearing my buttplug for a long period at least once a month, once a week, when im not working...etc. and likewise wiht my dildo. aggain its hard because i have a lot of tummy and bottom issues.
Only cum with permisson: this is so important. girls literally should not control their cumming. it should literally be against the law. im thinking of listening to cals curse some more to like. make that a hard and fast rule lol
so like!! this is what i kind think of right now. but i really wanna like. learn more from others and think. thank you!!!!!!!!
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ordinaryschmuck · 18 days
It's been two years since Anne visited Amphibia. Two years since she came back, unable to return. And in those two years Anne had...changed. But not just changed for the better. She was less careless, more responsible, and seemed more certain about what she wanted rather than moving along directionless. That was all well and good, but there were days where she seemed distant. It wasn't common, but there have been days where she'd just sit on the couch, staring at nothing without even focusing on her phone or the TV. And there was this hint of...something in her eyes. Was it sadness? Anger? Fear?
Oum wasn't sure. Whenever she saw her daughter like this, it made her worried because there was something clearly wrong and she wasn't sure what. Oum assumed at first it was because Anne missed the Plantars, but she noticed a bit of a distinction with that. When Anne thought of them, she'd cry and practically demanded to be held. With this? Her face was just blank, with nary a tear in her eyes.
Even now, as Anne laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling and eating marshmallows with that same exact expression again, it made Oum beyond concerned. Call it a mother's intuition, call it common sense, but she could just tell that Anne needed help with something. Yet all Oum can do is sigh and walk away, leaving Anne to deal with that something alone because there's nothing else she could do.
Oum made her way to Bee's computer room, catching him in the middle of what looks like another video game.
"Hold on." Bee held up a finger for quick silence. "I'm watching a walk-through on how to find all the hidden cyber-ducks in Mega-Mecha-Man Plus. There's this one in level twenty that's really--"
"Bee, I'm worried about Anne," Oum said clearly. It was enough to get Bee to pause the video and spun around in his chair to face her.
"Is this about her...episodes?" he guessed.
"It just feels like it's happening a lot more now," Oum said, rubbing her arm nervously. "At first it was like every two months, sometimes three, but now it feels like she's going through this once a week. And I don't know what to do when it happens every day."
"Well, I've actually been researching that," Bee said as he opened another tab. "It could be a result of PTSD. I mean, she had to go through some traumatic stuff in Amphibia. Her best friends...did bad things, she was chased a lot by giant bugs and birds, and apparently something happened in their last visit to Amphibia. It wouldn't be too far to assume that it's post traumatic stress."
"Are there any suggestions on how to help her with it?"
"As far as I can tell, the best course of action is therapy."
"So it's a no, then," Oum huffed. "We can't just send her to a therapist. She says one thing about the frog world and she'll get thrown into a padded cell."
"And Mr. X said keep it all hush-hush," Bee added. "So, can't really have her say any of that Frog-vasion stuff was real."
"To anyone. Meaning that Anne's got all this trauma bubbling up inside her and there's nothing we can do to help..." Oum started to tear up, both out of frustration and heartache, with Bee being there to get up and hug her.
"I know, it's a lot," he softly said. "But remember what our therapist said when Anne went missing? We can't just focus on a problem that seems unsolvable. We just need to approach things step-by-step and take time to focus on ourselves when we can. Which is what I'm doing. I'm researching whatever solution I can find and having fun with Mega-Mecha-Man Plus to let my brain relax. Can't help Anne with a burnt-out brain."
"I guess not..." Oum muttered.
"We'll get through this, don't worry." Bee kissed her and returned to his chair, as well as his video. Once he pressed play, he got about ten seconds in before an ad started to play. "Aw, not another ad! And this one's unskippable?! I knew I should have gone with ad block..."
Once the ad buffered, it started with a close up of a woman looking over her shoulder with brown hair and a blush to her cheeks.
"Hey," the woman said. "You lookin' at me? Are you seriously looking at me? Because if you are..."
The video zooms out to reveal that the woman's wearing a graduation gown with a party popper in her hand as she spins around with a bright, wide smile.
"Then you're looking at the new graduate of UCLA's psychology program!" The woman cheered as she pulled the popper, its POP transitioning to her now holding up a picture of a twelve-year-old girl wearing a sweater.
"Hi, I'm Mabel Pines!" The woman said. She then booped the girl's nose in the photo. "And this little angel was me twelve years ago! Can you believe how adorable I was? Well, can you believe that this little girl also suffered from a little something called trauma?"
The video transitions to Mabel now laying on a couch.
"It's true," she said with a sigh. "Some really bad stuff happened to me at that age. Stuff that no one but my brother, Grunkles, and best friends would believe. While talking to them about my issues was fine enough, none of them could really give the insight needed to recover. And it's not like I could go to a therapist about any of it. They'd think I'd be way too crazy when I told them about my biz. That's when I remembered something my Great Uncle Stan once told me: If you can find a professional..."
The video cuts to a new angel of the couch, showing a split-screen shot of two Mabels, one sitting on a chair while the other still laid on the couch.
"Be your own professional!" both exclaimed.
"That's right," the one on the couch said, "The best way I approached my trauma was to learn how to fix it myself, basically becoming my own psychologist!"
"And a great one at that," the one on the chair said with a wink, making Couch Mabel blush.
"Oh, STAWP!" she said as the ad transitioned to her gesturing at a degree. "After figuring out my own issues and crying a whole lot when I did, I realized I could do the same for other kids like I was. Kids who think their issues are too crazy to fix can come and have a chat with good ol' Doctor Pines! You can lay down, have some tea, and even pet a pig!"
The video quick cut to Mabel petting an old pig. "That's right, I said, 'Pet a pig!' And do all of that and more as we go through what's really going on in the center of your brain! Just call this number or visit this address!"
Both a phone number and address zoomed in on the top and bottom of the screen respectfully.
"So come and visit Dr. Pines, and remember: There's nothing too crazy for a woman who probably experienced crazier!" Mabel then winked to the camera just as the ad ended, going back to the walk-through.
"More like there's nothing too crazy for a woman that's already crazier," Bee commented. "That lady sounds like a nut."
"You want to know the best thing about that though," Oum said from behind him.
"What?" Bee turned around again and saw Oum dialing a number into her phone.
"Crazy people are too crazy to believe if they blab someone's secrets," she said, putting the phone to her ear.
"Hang on, you're not serious, are you?"
"I'm seriously desperate," Oum said with a scowl. "Anne needs to talk to somebody, and it might as well be someone who might be too insane for--Hi! Is this, uh, the therapist lady? From the internet? Uh, Doctor Pines, yes. I think my daughter could use your help..."
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planetwaynez · 1 year
Dark!Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Notes: I wrote this as a writing exercise and this is the fic of the pool I did a few weeks ago! I am really happy to be putting this out there, honestily I don't know if its truly good but I got to explore a side of my brain I don't visit too often sooo it was fun.
WARNINGS: SMUT! stalking behavior, toxic thoughts, toxic behavior, explicit sex scene, non consensual recording, crude words, dumbfication, gaslighting, and this is heavily inspired by OBSESSION By EXO! If there is anything I didn't put in here pls dm about and I will add!
Words: 3,4k
Synopsis: Jason is obsessed. And he won't ever let you go.
Jason wasn't very fond of not being in control. He always knew that he thrives when the control of things is in his hands, however his little dove seems to forget that every time. 
He watches his little dove apply lipstick, her friends gossiping while getting ready and some pop song on the speaker. His little dove knows the rules, but apparently she's taking advantage of him not being home to discipline her for her bad behavior. 
She's giggling about some joke that one of her friends told and Jason fists his hand. He shouldn't be jealous but he can't stop thinking about his little dove at some frat party tonight and him not being around. 
He zooms in on the image and takes a good look at his pretty girl, Jason takes a deep breath and thank God that his girl has a pretty face, not a smart brain to figure it out the cameras he put in her apartment months before he even asked her out. Rationality he knows that he should've taken the cameras out once they started dating but he didn't feel like it, Jason enjoys watching his girl when he's away on some mission and she doesn't know, which can't hurt her. Only make her safer, because like this he's always around. 
She's wearing a black little dress and heavy make up with red lipstick, her hair styled to perfection and wearing high heels and for a moment Jason considered going back home in one of his dad's private jets, but his sense of responsibility didn't allow him. Nevertheless that doesn't mean he can't find a way to keep his girl at home, under his eyes for one more night before he finishes his part of the job and goes home to her.
Jason clicks his tongue, creating a devilish plan to keep her home. Fast and easy.
He grabs his phone and dials his little doves number, he watches as she grabs her phone and leaves the bedroom to take his call at the bathroom, she smiles at the screen before picking up. Something very important about Jason's and his pretty doves relationship is that she doesn't know a lot about him or how they crossed paths. But she doesn't need to know any of that, the only thing in his little dove's head all the time should be him and nothing else. 
"Hey, baby!" She greets happily and for a second Jason feels bad about what he's going to do, but he can't stop himself. He needs control, he craves it. All the time, especially with her. 
"Hey, sweetheart" she beams and Jason wants to grab her and never let go. "How you doing?"
"Great! Going out with the girls tonight!" Jason suppressed a growl, not wanting to show the bad parts of himself to his girl. Not yet at least. 
"Really? I thought you had a big paper to deliver tomorrow" he's not lying, per se. He knows the paper is only due in two days but he will make her believe that's not the case.
"No, silly! It's only in two days" she's twisting a piece of her hair in her index finger, clearly flirting with him even when he's not in the same space as her. He loves that.
"Little dove, I believe that it's tomorrow… but if you want to go out tonight anyway you can go, it's your grades we are talking about" he can see the tension in her shoulders as he speaks, her demeanor changing drastically from one moment to another. 
"But Jace… I truly think that only due in two days, it's in my calendar" now his little dove is uncomfortable but he can make her feel better once he's back home. Right now she needs to understand that her place tonight and every night when Jason is not home is on the couch, watching Gilmore Girls.
"Princess" He uses that condensed tone Bruce always used with him when wanting to convince Jason of something. He hates it, but it is efficient. "Remember that time you wrote down the date wrong for that big project of yours? You doing it again" 
Her shoulders drop and she sighs and he knows that she's wrapped around his finger forever. She's staying home. 
"My God, you are right" she nods, as if he could see it. Well, he can but she doesn't need that information. "I am staying home but I feel bad for ditching the girls though."
Y/N plays with one of the decorative objects of her bathroom, thinking about how she's telling her friends she's staying and not going to the commemorative party of the basketball team tonight. 
"I bet they will understand, baby" Jason hopes they don't. Those girls want to take his precious jewelry from his hands and he won't allow it. 
"Yeah, you are right. As usual" she giggles and he feels his chest warm up at the sound. He misses her.
"I have to go, baby, they are calling me to finish a few papers" he lies through his teeth, Jason just wants to get rid of the bunch of girls before his little dove changes her mind. "Text you later, ok?"
"Ok, love, till later." And she hangs up, looking miserable. Jason knows how much she wanted to go to this party, and that's exactly why he can't allow it. What if she finds someone else? What if she gets in danger? What if she leaves him? He would have to take drastic decisions if any of those scenarios happened. So it's better if she's home safe.
Jason watches as she tells her friends she won't go and watches as her friends get disappointed with her but they obviously won't comment about it. Happily he watches them go away and his girl getting ready to bed, taking the provocative dress off and the heavy make up and put on cute pajamas and sit down on her desk to finish her project on her computer. 
He smiles, feeling way more light now. Jason decided to reward his little dove for her good behavior. 
The man takes a long shower and lets his mind wander to his sweet girl under him, moaning his name and clenching around his cock. He groans and finishes his shower, stopping in front of the mirror with a white towel wrapped around his hips and his hair wet, Jason takes a picture and sends it to his girl.
He goes back to his laptop, watching Y/N's reaction to his text, her breathing gets faster and she bites her lips, smiling a little. 
See, he thinks, so much better like this isn't, honey? 
His phone bips and he opens her text. 
Little Dove: all this for me? 
Jason: it's always for you 
Jason: can't wait to get home to you
Y/N smiles, wide enough to make her eyes close a little bit with the action. She snaps a picture of her, sitting at her desk and sends it to Jason, who is already smiling and looking at her pretty face mesmerized. 
Little Dove: miss u a lot
Jason: tomorrow morning I will be home with you
And just like that Jason goes to bed with the goal to finish his job early and get to his girl.
The sun is slipping through the curtains and Y/N wakes up with a frown. She doesn't like when the sun wakes her up before the alarm but when she feels a heavy arm around her waist her mind goes from fuzzy to alert in a second. She takes a few moments to register the smell of oak and cigarettes, but when she does she relaxes and turns around, looking at Jason's sleepy face.
"Baby!" She calls and Jason opens his eyes. He is really good at pretending, he realizes, because she doesn't even realize that he's been awake all this time, just watching her. 
Since he got home, he's been just admiring his girl and thinking about the unspeakable things he's going to do to her once she wakes up. Now she's awake and, technically, he is too. 
"When did you get here?" Always curious, always wanting to know more than she should, however, Jason always has a good, well curated story to tell her that it's not the truth.
"I got here around five in the morning" she smiles, hugging him and inhaling his scent, almost purring at the feeling. 
That's the truth she needs but the reality is that last night Jason finished his part of the job and landed in Gotham at midnight, but she was still awake finishing her project, so he waited and kept an eye on her through the window, from across the street, sitting on the rooftop of the other building. When she slept, at two in the morning he got out of the rooftop and slipped into her bed.
"Missed you so much" Jason says, holding her neck and taking her face away from his chest, to properly look at her. 
"Me too, Jace" her eyes are shining and he just has to kiss her, to touch her to feel complete, to feel in control again.
So that's what he does. Jason grabs his little dove's neck, squeezing the sides maybe a little too roughly, but he doesn't pay attention to her little whine, only focusing on her lips. When he crashes his lips onto hers, he growls low in his throat, relishing in the feeling of his girl on him.
Their lips move in synchrony with each other, their tongues touching desperately, full of passion and that feeling that none of them can quite describe with words.
Jason's free hand roams over her body, stopping at her ass and squeezing it hard enough to make her moan against his lips. That fuels the fire inside him, that fire that only his sweet, oblivious little dove can satiete with her skin, her lips and her pretty moans. He pins her to the bed, rolling his hips against hers, making both of them whimper and take deep breaths, separating their lips for a moment.
Y/N takes that moment to look into her boyfriend's eyes, the teal is consumed by the black of its pupils and she can see it. The affection, the desire, the possessiveness. And she loves it all, she wants more of it. 
Jason smirks, knowing that she's seeing in his eyes is exactly what he wants her to see. Gently he squeezes her neck again, bringing her back to the front of her mind, back to him.
His other hand goes from her ass cheek to her waist, inside her shirt and feeling warm skin against his, little dove closes her eyes, savoring the moment, the feeling of Jason's calloused hands on her soft belly, climbing to her breast, to touch it gently, just to the next moment be grabbed and the nipple twisted. Y/N moans, loudly and sweetly. 
Jason bites his lips, hiding a smile, one that would scare her off. One of his big, psychotic smiles, the one that makes his mask of a good and caring boyfriend be exactly what it is, a mask. The real Jason is fucked in the head, he's controlling and possessive, a little psychotic too. But, he thinks, she doesn't need to know that.
"Yes… just like that, Jace" she says, preening as Jason's lips kisses her jaw and her neck. He takes her shirt off and kisses softly her breasts, sucking her nipples in his mouth, one by one, taking care of the sensitive skin with care and attention. 
Every stroke of his tongue, every suck of his mouth on her skin and nipples, every flick of his wrist in one of her nipples has a reaction from her. A moan, a whimper, a sigh. 
He loves all of them and he could spend all day worshiping her breasts, however, Jason is thinking about one thing. 
Getting his mouth on his little dove's sweet pussy. 
The men descends his ministrations over her body, his hands grabbing, squeezing and caressing what he can, when he finally gets at her shorts, he takes it off alongside her panties, smiling at the sight in front of him. 
Her pretty pussy glistened to him and him only. He takes her tights on his hands and puts over his shoulders, looking up at her, that is already looking at him in anticipation. 
"What is it, baby?" Jason taunts, knowing that will make her weaker for him. "Need something?"
She whines, fisting the sheets and throwing her head back in frustration. 
"Yes" she says and Jason arches an eyebrow, smirking.  
"And what is that?" He asks again, but before she could answer him, Jason licks her pussy, from hole to clit, making Y/N moan. "It 's my tongue?" He teases, smiling wide, in that psychotic way since she's not looking at him, but at the selling. "Or my fingers?" Two tick fingers thrust inside her warm pussy, getting Jason the best reward. 
Her moaning his name, loudly. 
"Yes! I need both!" Jason doesn't answer her with words, just dives in her pussy, licking, sucking and fucking her with his finger until she's arching her back and crying, just a little bit. Just enough to feed his ego.
Y/N smiles feeling full and delighted with the attention her boyfriend is giving her. He is always so thoughtful,  she thinks, he would never harm me. 
But that's not the reality, Jason would never harm her, per se, but he would find ways to always be her priority and never let others take space in her life. 
Jason can feel his cock against the fabric of his boxers, hyper aware of it. He holds himself back to not start dry humping the bed, the only place he's coming  is inside his little dove. 
Her little cries and moans are getting louder with each thrust of his finger and flick of his tongue, her walls clenching around his fingers and making his head dizzy. Knowing that he had such power and control over her made him feel important, cared and loved. Jason didn’t need anything else when he had his little dove naked and pliant for him at any time he felt like having her.
“Jace!” His name was like a chant in her tongue when she came all over his face and fingers, making Jason moan in delight. He loved when she was messy and needy, and tonight she was just like how he liked. 
Softly, Jason kisses her thighs, going up to her tummy and her breasts, soaking himself in her scent and in her soft skin against his scarred and calloused one. He kissed and nipped at her neck, tangling one of his hands in her hair, making her close her eyes and whimper softly at his touches. 
“Is my baby dumb already?” he asked, watching her face carefully because even though he loved to break her and bring the pieces back together he needed to know when he was too close to make her break for good. And he didn’t want that, he wanted her pliant and soft, not broken and traumatized. That’s why he lied so much, for her own good.
She sniffs, her eyes glossy and her lips red and puffy from kissing him and biting it when he was eating her out. “Baby I need you to answer me or I can’t give you my cock” he pouts, fake sympathy in his voice making her whine and cry a little, squirming in his hold.
“No! I am not dumb” her eyes aren’t quite focusing and she is flooded with emotions that only Jason can’t subside. “I need you cock, Jace!” she says, lips wobbling and legs spreading wide for him, her pussy clenching around nothing and leaking her juices.
Jason smiles, his eyes shining with something dark, uncontrolled and quite feral. Even if his little dove denied, Y/N was already cock drunk - and he didn’t even get inside her, yet. 
“I will give you what you want” he caresses her hair, thinking about permanently kipping her inside this apartment, never letting her go again. But he loves her way too much to scare her. “everything my baby wants, my baby gets”
Slowly, Jason traced his cock along her pussy, making her moan and squirm. He loves the feeling of his cock sliding against her pussy, the way it makes her get a little dumbier each time. Just to tease her, and himself a little, Jason pushes the thick head of his cock inside her greedy pussy, watching with a cruel happiness the way she moans loud and tries to hook her legs around his waist, to bring him closer, deeper.
He pushes away from her delicately, listening to her whimpers and whines, making his cock throb and ache for her. 
“Ask nicely” he demands, his face contorted into an evil smirk she can’t see, her eyes closed in agony and her lips red from biting. Her hands are holding his biceps and her nails are digging into his skin, making the pain get mixed with pleasure. The head of his cock sits still inside her.
“Please, Jace! please, please, please!” Y/N doesn’t have one coherent thought inside her head, the only thing she can think about is her boyfriend cock and how much she needs it. 
“So pretty,” he says, stroking her clit in a tourtours slow pace, her pussy clenching and throbbing. “Who does this pretty pussy belong to?”
“To you, Jace! Only you!” a wolfish grin spreads through Jason's lips, making him look like some sort of devil looking at its new offering. 
“Good girl” he says, pushing everything inside Y/N at once, making her scream and hook her legs around him, a part of his weight resting on her. He smiles when she throws her arms around his shoulders, scratching his back with each hard and slow thrust of his hips against hers.
“Such a good girl… taking my cock so well” she mewls, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and Y/N swears she can feel her heart trying to get out of her chest and jump into Jason’s. 
His cock is delicious, every thrust, every grunt he makes, drives her even further into bliss, her thighs and pussy gripping him and not willing to let go. The sound of skins slapping against skin and his balls hitting her ass makes her even more out of breath, out of her mind. She can’t think straight, she doesn't want that and if she could she would spend the rest of her days with Jason’s cock deep inside her needy and greedy pussy, stretching her out so well that she bubbles a incoherent mess of words every time he is inside her. 
“Look at you,” he says, holding her face in one of his big calloused hands, making her stare at him and his lust filled eyes. “already close to cumming again, little dove?”
“yes' ' she whines, rolling her eyes and relising in the way his broad chest presses against her sensitive tits. 
“You can cum baby” Jason buries his face on her neck, loving the way she smells, driving him even more insane. “cum all over my cock”
His little dove didn't need to be told twice, she came all over his thick cock, loving the way she was feeling in the clouds in his arms. Jason growls, her pussy gripping him too tight, driving him to his orgasm and filling her up to the brim. 
They look each other in the eye, and she smiles softly, waking up his soft side along. He smiles back, resting his forehead against hers. 
They cuddle, smile and talk about everything and anything, she just doesn’t know that now everytime Jason left for a mission he would have their sext tape. And she also didn’t know that he sended a few of his men to disappear with her bad influence of friends. 
She doesn’t need them and eventually, she will understand because eventually she will only need him.
He smiles, that smile that he never lets her see. The one that is just a little psychotic and looks at her sleeping form. 
Forever his.
Even if she tries not to be.
Jason will never let her go. 
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koreofitall · 7 months
Okay! so I saw this art of Kaveh and Al Haitham on twitter and IMMEDIATELY wanted to write something for it. My brain instantly saw the potential to include snz, so I did lol. These 2 will have a forever grip on my heart istg 💚
Al Haitham and Kaveh are sat together on the couch. Haitham is sitting upright, Kaveh is laying against the arm of the couch, legs draped over Haitham's. They're conversing, but Kaveh is doing all of the talking, and using sign language nonetheless. Haitham had a rather overstimulating day at work and needed to come home and recuperate, headphones off and all. Kaveh goes in and out of vocalizing some words because he just can't help it, but most of the conversation is done in complete silence. He starts by explaining how he dropped his pita pocket on his way to a consultation this morning, and then how one of his clients was completely delusional for wanting to build their house right in the middle of the desert.
'Oh my god, he never shuts up,' Haitham thinks to himself, but with the sweetest smile on his face. Kaveh learned sign for him, and even knows immediately when it needs to be used. No questions asked, just the most willing and effortless accommodation for his love.
Kaveh, still signing, is going on and on and on and on about other various little troubles he encountered throughout the day, when he suddenly pauses. His hands stop moving and actually hover closer to his face. Haitham notices, but just keeps caressing his legs as he's been, waiting for Kaveh to continue but aware of what's about to happen.
"Hhi-!tzshu!-IShu! HHha-! HI'NGXT-shiew!"
He let's out 3 small(ish) and clearly subdued sneezes, throwing them into his elbow and away from Haitham.
"Snf! Guh, sorry," he semi-whispers.
"Bless you," Haitham signs and speaks, then goes back to just signing.
Why did you hold those back? It sounded like it hurt.
You've had a rough day, I don't want my sneezes to add to that.
His normal sneezes are ridiculously loud and Haitham can't deny that. He smiles to himself, Kaveh noticing.
What? Kaveh signs.
"You're so good," Haitham says, very matter of fact. "To me, to those around you. Very accommodating and attentive."
Kaveh pauses, not expecting to have heard that from Haitham. It sounds too good to be true.
Well, I try to be. Kaveh signs with a rather proud look on his face, soaking up this rare praise.
"But don't do that again. Not only is it bad for you, but holding back and stifling make your sneezes specifically ten times worse. I'd rather you blow my eardrums out now than over the course of the entire evening."
Kaveh, who is now visibly fuming, angrily signs and speaks.
"You! Just when I thought I'd finally received genuine praise for being so mindful of you, you pull this! Everytime!"
"That was genuine praise. You can't deny what stifling does to you, though. Any second now and-"
. . .
My point exactly.
Haitham then takes Kaveh's left hand, brings it to his face and kisses it, making him blush and shutting him up immediately.
"Thank you, Kaveh."
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14muffinz · 1 year
You know those aus? Where the characters are combined or 'fused?'
I've been thinking about that under the circumstances of a tmnt crossover fic. Where this combination is unwilling.
So the way I can see this going means it absolutely has to involve rise, which I also like because it allows for funky designs. Some mission in the hidden city, possibly involving big mama because ✨drama✨, and each boy is fused with their counterpart.
This can be very different depending on the iteration, so I'm just gonna write down vaguely I imagine each one being:
Leo: Slightly obsessive with training. He's passionate, but maybe a bit too much. He's a great strategist, but is unfortunately bad at explaining his plans to his brothers. The more anxious he is, the more talkative he becomes, usually spouting quips to distract himself. Has knowledge with a bunch of different weapons, but prefers the classic katanas.
Raph: Anxiety. This boy is stressed at all times, and the only way he knows how to mask it is by grouching, or hitting things. The people around him are infuriating, especially because they keep asking all these questions. Like, he's just one guy, why can't they get that? Raph carries both his sai and tonfa, but will more often fight with his tonfa.
Donnie: Very smart. Their brain processes information very fast. They like when things make sense. They're also the only fusion aware that they're a fusion, which, like Raph, they are not a big fan of. Their fusion is the least stable, defaulting to we/us and preferring they/them over he/him, though both are acceptable. They don't remember what each button on the tech bo does, but they do have a staff with a taser on each end as a comprimise.
Mikey: Wholsomest boy. The only reason he doesn't know about the fusion stuff is that the Aprils and Caseys don't want to burst his bubble, but they're all pretty sure he could take it. Big fan of art, he loves to cook as well but due to conflicting knowledge they don't do it as much as they would separately. He loves the extra long chain he gets from rise Mikey's kusari-fundo, so he uses that, though similar to the Raph's sometimes they'll carry around nunchaku as well.
So yeah, the supporting cast were not on this mission and thus were not turned. They received an emergency alert from rise donnie's systems while everybody was being fused, which is the only warning that they got.
It's mostly on Draxum to make a fix, but it's unfortunately not that simple because they're from different dimensions. Casey JR (is it alr if I call him June because I'm gonna fair warning it's instinct) tries to help where he can, but his knowledge is limited. There's a big argument between the Aprils over whether or not informing the Mikeys of the situation and letting them help would speed things up or not.
The issue with telling them, is Raph's very much denying the information. They know about it, but they refuse to listen. The Donnie's took a lot of convincing as well, and the topic clearly causes them a lot of distress, though they refuse to explain exactly why.
That's all I've got for right now. But if anyone wants to help me make this a solid au, please shoot me an ask. Please. I'm begging. I really want to have more to say about this but I need someone to pick my brain.
Tag is forced fusions au!
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howlingday · 1 month
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Happy Chaos Jaune
VS Raven Arc & Mama Harley
"Well, well, well! Look what we have here!"
"Jaune?" Harley asked, confused by the blue man in front of her. "You do something with your hair... and your skin?"
"Mm, yes and no." He chuckled. "I didn't do this, but I can't complain."
"I don't know who you are," Raven drew Omen from her sheath, "but you're not my Jaune."
"Probably not mine, either." Dr. Quinn cupped her chin and squinted her eyes at him. "Though I wouldn't say this couldn't happen to my Jaune."
"Because of you, or because of his world?" The let the torn hoodie on his back slide to his elbows as he spread his arms with open palms. He then shut them into fists as a wide grin spread across his face. "Or maybe it's because of ol' daddy dearest?"
Harley's face almost immediately twisted into one of rage. "Watch it, bub. You may not be my Jaune-"
"But you'll give me a spanking, right?" Jaune chuckled as the woman balked. "Yeah, I've heard that one before. Or at least I think I did. One of the two."
"What the hell are you?" Raven growled.
"Me?" Jaune pointed to himself. "I thought we already went over this." He smiled wide and spread his arms again. "I'm Jaune!"
"No, you're not."
"Sure I am!"
"Not our Jaune." Harley said.
"So, what, is this some kind of... clone story or something?" Raven asked as she lowered her sword for a moment in her confusion.
"STRIKE ONE!" A broken sword aimed for her head was narrowly deflected as the duplicate of her son charged faster than she expected. She swung at him only to completely miss as he jumped away. "No clones. Clones are so pass-ay."
"No kiddin'!" Harley swung her bat at him, catching him off-guard. Or, well, mostly off-guard except for his hand that caught the cudgel. "So, is this a multiverse story, or is it something more stupid?" Harley was no stranger to multiverses, especially since Bats was practically an expert on them.
"It's pretty stupid, but yeah, multiverse sounds about right." Shoving her away, he gave a short applaud to her. "Not bad. Clearly you're the brains of the two." Ducking, he avoided being skewered by Raven, who jumped for him using her portal. "Not bad! Way to take a gamble on me being connected to your semblance!"
Batting her blade away as she swung again, he then weaved out of the way of Harley's bat. Bobbing and dodging out of harm's way, the smile on his face grew wider and wider. Then a thought came to him. He stopped and the two women stopped just inches from hitting him.
"Oh. Oh, now this is interesting."
"What?" Raven asked.
"Someone's watching us." He looked away from the two, into the empty space. Colors of every shade swirled around the barren world, like the sky was in a poorly organized washing machine. "Somebody a lot stronger than us. Probably wants me to say they're more attractive than us, too." He then clicked his tongue. "Eh, probably not. Either they're too modest or they don't think too good of themselves."
"What the hell is he talking about?" Raven looked to Harley.
"I got an idea, but..." She shrugged. "Best to just let him ramble."
"Hm... Hm hm... MHMMM~!" He spun around. "Alright! Let's team up!"
"What?" Raven was getting tired of asking these questions.
"To get home!" He turned his head. "That's what you want, right? For us to go home?"
"Please, Mr. or Mrs. Disembodied Entity!" Harley cried. "I'd like to go home to my Jauney~!"
"Who-" Raven groaned. "Whatever. So we're teaming up? Is that what's going on?"
"Yup!" Jaune beamed ear-to-ear. Suddenly, he had an arm around both Raven and Harley. "Just a kid and his two moms, off to get back to their realities! Onward!"
"Road trip~!" Harley cheered, keeping in step with the strange man who looked like her son if he was a smurf.
Raven had already slipped away and let the two walk ahead of her. Looking behind her, she saw nothing but empty wastelands for miles to the horizon. Her only other option was to follow the blue weirdo claiming to be her son. Rolling her eyes with a sigh, she began following.
"Why do I always get stuck with the nutjobs?"
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3liza · 1 year
interesting case in my "shit that doesn't matter" stack of files right now. started watching a twitch streamer who isn't super famous or anything and does funny VODs that don't annoy me too much usually so it's good for background noise. so he is constantly doing little sniffs with his nose, which DOES annoy the crap out of me. eventually I watch enough footage to hear him address it and he says he has ocd and the sniffing is compulsive. now I immediately disagree with whoever diagnosed this because the sniffs are not unproductive, by which I mean I can hear clearly that he has postnasal drip. he's not sniffing compulsively, or it he is, he's ALSO sniffing to keep actual mucus from exiting his nose. it's not imaginary sniffing he has a clogged nose. and he sneezes and coughs regularly as well. he has pets, a couple guinea pigs and cats at least.
I don't know this guy at all I can't contact him and be like "dude try clairitin or vacuuming more" and it would be incredibly annoying to have someone pop into your twitch chat to berate you about something like this anyway. but it's almost definite, just to the little House MD who lives in my brain, that some idiot at some point told this man that his nose sniffing was purely compulsive and was a problem of his mental health and/or willpower, or possibly he self diagnosed, but he is verbally beating himself up about it and apologizing about once every VOD. he thinks it's a bad habit he needs to simply overcome. but he has allergic rhinitis, a physical issue where mucus is being produced in his head and irritating his nose and throat. it's not imaginary or compulsive.
very weird case with zero stakes except "something that mildly annoys me" but people especially these days in smog conditions are doing this stuff a lot more because they just aren't aware that air sucks now and lots of people who really don't have a "reason" to have allergies to their environment now have allergies to their environment.
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ultfreakme · 19 days
I’ve honestly just learned to ignore and block all of Jay’s haters atp because all they’re doing is just trying to get a reaction out of people, mostly DC editorial. They literally message, tag, make essays and do all kinds of shit nonstop just so they can “persuade” the writers at DC to give them what they want, it’s like watching toddlers pulling a tantrum tbh.
If DC editorial cared even a little bit about what these people want or think they would’ve done something about it by now imho. But they probably see how disgusting, evil, and malicious the hate is that they refuse to give them what they want especially for a character who isn’t even a bad person. No one’s hurting them or stopping them from liking the things they like either so their hate really is unfounded.
It’s pretty sad especially for LGBT+ Asians to see so many people have such a vicious and scathing reaction to him simply existing but when people are that mindlessly hateful there’s really not much else you can do but ignore them, and I firmly believe is what DC editorial has chosen to do. I’m just glad Jay is still even present and being mentioned by name in the stories and I really hope they keep him.
Also people don’t realize Jon’s content is very scarce since he’s usually overshadowed by Clark just like how Bruce’s content overshadows his kids, so I hope DC will try to pump out a little more content for him.
I;m usually pretty good about blocking people, like my block list is super duper long and like in my head, I know half of this is just to get a rise out of Jay fans, but sometimes monkey-brain react. But yeah I totally get you.
DC is terrible at handling POC characters and if they didn't want Jay around, he'd be gone. But he's only becoming more prominent as the years pass and he's even part of an event now (a thing I thought won't happen for another 10 years). Like you have no idea, how much I was shaking, when I saw Jon asking for Jay right after coughing up blood and being brainwashed, and also saying "The Truth" is what's important to BQ. It feels especially significant to Jay because we got spoilers from the Nicole & Sina stream that Jay is very present in Absolute Power: Super Son, when Jon was fighting against the mind control. At least with Jon, it's a bit of a reference to Jay too, thematically.
On an objective level, I know Jay is here to stay. A lot of characters who were introduced around the same time as him, or even later than him have just kinda disappeared. But I am glad DC themselves have clearly chosen to ignore the haters regardless of the spam and the hate.
I think these days, there's people turning against the de-age Jon stans(especially on twitter and a lot on tiktok) primarily because they are.......the way they are......General comic fans who aren't particularly into Superfam are recognizing it. I think this is the best the atmosphere has ever been in terms of support and love for Jay and Jon.
And you're so right on Jon's content being scarcer. Other than Batman and Superman, no other character gets consistent books or a guaranteed, continuous run. The others who do have been around for decades, like Poison Ivy, Harley, Nightwing, etc. Even Wonder Woman doesn't have her Sensation Comics. In terms of a bigger picture, for how recent Jon is, he's doing pretty fantastic. He's always in events, he's got two independent runs, he's getting a new solo issue with AP: Super Son. I think we've been getting at least one solo Jon project a year since SOKE.
Relatively speaking, he's fine. And I think people also tend to assume he's being too overshadowed by Clark because the de-agers just dismiss any run where Jon shows up these days, unless it fits their perception of what he is now.
Like I had this argument with someone twitter, where they said you can't count Beast World, Lazarus Planet, Nightwing, Action Comics, and DC Pride appearances as Jon content because they aren't solo books. Which is frankly absurd. This also involves a lot of Jay mentions and appearances.
Jay, Nika and Nia are the only characters who were introduced around that 2021-2022 time that are still relevant, and they continue to grow. I think outside of Tom King, everyone else have also started to realize the Damian-Jon friendship just can't be taken back to the way it was so they're each getting stories very separate from one another. Even Jon's stories and themes are getting more divorced from Clark.
Thanks for the message!! Sorry about vent posting like that. I hope we get to see and enjoy more of Jay in the future! I think we might be getting a new run with Jon, or more of just Jon, Jay and Nia based on Nicole's projects and hwo she talks about their future (she called Jay 'Gossamer' so I'm hoping we get to see him function more a superhero in the future!)
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mdhwrites · 8 months
So if Dana said she didn't have any original season 3 ideas, why did she also say on Twitter that she wanted 10-20 half hours for season 3?
Now apparently from the transcript and the like, what was said that there were like one sentence pitches for episodes but nothing concrete or the like. That I believe. After all, it's like taking sticky notes and using them to jot down passing thoughts. But... Ideas don't mean anything. You need to have an actual coherent thought as to how you are going to use those ideas as a creator.
So when she says she wanted those episodes, I believe her. But... Instead of it being so she could have coherently finished her story, something you can feel isn't exactly happening during S3, it would have been to explore her ideas and let it be her mouthpiece. Even as far back as S1, you can clearly see this conflict in the show. The First Day lets her take potshots at modern education and saying kids should have more freedom... At the expense of everyone forgetting that multi-tracking is literally illegal. But the idea was more important than the overall story so in it went.
Besides, when asked about your work that you cherish so much, are you going to tell people you wanted LESS time to do whatever you wanted? Or are you going to say you wanted as much time as possible? Especially since without a solid plan, you can't be like Matt Braley who straight up went "Nope. Amphibia wasn't shortened. It was always planned to be three seasons."
I still stand by the idea that Dana actually wanted to just keep going WELL past S3. Even now, she wants to do a spin off and one of her greatest regrets for what was missed was not being allowed to do more teenage Raeda stuff in the show. A second episode in the past. Expanding on what? Who knows but it's more time spent with the ship that Dana clearly loved.
I am not saying Dana was lying or a bad person but the question that is worth asking is if that time would have been spent actually wrapping up plot threads or exploring characters as they are now. Otherwise, it would end up being like the S2B and S3 we got where we are still getting elements added, refusing to wrap up story elements, and having to drag back plot points from almost entire seasons ago (Willow and Amity's friendship), if not MULTIPLE seasons ago (Willow's lack of power control) just to do something with these characters despite it being way too late to treat those elements as relevant. There is a reason why if I hear that Dana is the lead for another cartoon, I'll probably be staying away. Not when I don't want promising statements to never have a plan behind. Not again.
Expected this to be shorter. I'm rambly though. Also just wanted to clear this out. Admittedly, it's stuff like this that makes it so that if anyone ever told me they didn't trust me as a writer, I'd understand. Not because of me wasting time but because my mental health gets in the way and can cause ideas to die as my brain just refuses to write them. How we as writers use our time with the audience is important. It leaves an impression and for me, Dana's impression is incredibly negative because I care about story, even if characters come first to me.
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I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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scarefox · 5 months
Ok since we are already talking about the toxic side of shipping culture. Here is a post that is marinating in my drafts since weeks
And since we today finally got the closest Net & James ever got since months on a picture / video, let me rant a little
Because it is so very obvious that they are not allowed to be seen on each others posts atm due to the fan backlash of their separation... and this is so fucking sad. EVEN THO they ended their acting-partnership clearly stating they are still friends and supporting each other. That nothing bad happened between them. AND it is also so obvious that they are constantly at the same events. If it's Domundi group events, some party, birthdays, concerts from their coworker etc. There are so many photos and videos of Net and James taken few seconds apart, almost standing next to each other. You can see by the location, background, their clothes, the people standing next to them.
But the problem with this is, that people think they had a fight and this must be the true reason for their separation...
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If they had bad blood they would not still like each others posts. And sure as hell would not sit near each other at such a big event in the photo, where they could sit next to whoever from their coworkers. They just had to put Nat between them so toxic shippers can't use this as "NetJames reuniting" or whatever.... (also once again reminder: James did not quit acting nor Domundi, he just quit from one acting job while Net stayed and gets a new partner... why is this even such a drama)
They can't win this either way:
if they show they are still hanging out and interact, the toxic shippers will keep annoying and begging them to get back "together" and continue their actor-ship instead of Net getting a new partner. It could even endanger Nets new partner getting hate, if they keep showing up together. (he already got hate for being excited that "Love Upon a Time" can now finally get started since he found a new partner, but he didn't show excitement when James still was his partner... people with brain might understand why that is, when James was unsure about his decision since months which paused the project)
but staying on distance looks like the haters are right that they had a fallout even though they said they are still friends. Hater and toxics eat that up and are looking for who of them to blame for the ship bubble to burst (which is James because how dare he quit a job for multiple personal reasons that are nobodies business but are officially: James has other life goals he wants to focus on as well & got a leg injurie that takes forever to heal properly. But unofficial yet also obvious: James mental health & some secret issue they mentioned but don't tell, which means it is nobodies business)
I would love them to go option 1 with a clear shut down message to the problematic crowd.
It's sad and ridiculous. I just hope this doesn't harm their friendship behind the screens....
It's so mindboggling for me how so many people are (still !!!) looking for someone to blame and put hate onto, even though it's one of the most peaceful and understandable mutually agreed on separations... I don't get it, why people can't just leave it at that and be happy about the good things they both gave us as a duo. But instead they have to turn it into a war... like it's not even the first time ship partners go different ways or someone drops out of a production for personal reasons. Chill.... there are worse things in life. And I say that as big NetJames fan. Like half of the NetJames posts in the tumblr tag are from me.
I have to admit that they both felt more distant with their online presence for months before James quit LUAT. Maybe they tried to soft launch the separation since they knew for a while. Maybe they drifted apart as people. But watching their last fan meeting vlog together, they seemed fine despite them not hanging on each other the whole time. Also their snowboard trip, they both had friendly jokes with eo on xitter and on the photos literally a day before James injury and him dropping out of the drama shortly after.
But those (and the OffGunTayNew thing) are reasons why I hate this real shipping culture in this current form. Don't get me wrong I do love actors having fun together, fun-flirting and them enjoy fanservice even on the most unhinged levels they feel comfortable with. So many of the actors clearly state nowadays that they are not dating, that they are just buddies, coworkers and teasing for fun and good vibes. NetJames were always honest about that too. But some fans are still not able to take the "shipping glasses" down and separate between the acting jobs, promo and them just being coworkers who are also friends. Even if they would have dated for real and now broke up it still wouldn't be fans business to butt in and demand explanations on who, why and what and then even demand them to stay together despite it not working for them.
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