#desperately needed to shower because i felt like i was sitting in my own filth but we were out of hot water
camellia-thea · 1 year
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blooming-violets · 6 months
How does their conversation go 👁️__👁️. Would she be completely closed off? Would she be understanding but tell him off for how he treated her?
It might be hard because we (aka me) don't really know too much about this girl since it was all from Peter's POV so her character and her motives aren't as fully fleshed out as I would like but I will give it my best go!
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He walked into the coffee shop early. He hadn't slept the night before. He'd spent his night getting stoned then tossing and turning until he finally gave up and got ready. For the first time in a few days, he actually showered, though, he had no clean clothes to change into afterwards which felt like it defeated the purpose.
He ordered them each their own coffee. Some how, through the fog in his mind, he still remembered her favorite drink.
Peter took a seat outside under the shaded umbrella of a table set in the back. He tapped his fingers anxiously against the cool metal. What was he supposed to say when he saw her? Did he jump straight into his rehearsed speech or let things unravel slowly? Did he offer to hug her as a greeting when she arrived?
No, no. That was too much.
Did he stand up? That seemed like the gentlemanly thing to do. Did he try to pull out her chair for her for was that a step too far?
Shit. She was here.
His heart rate spiked and his breath caught in his throat.
Peter jumped to his feet. It just felt like the natural thing to do. He felt like he needed to stand in her presence.
"Hi!" Too enthusiastic. Tone it down. "...Hi. Hey."
She gave him a stiff smile, eying the second drink at the table, "For me?"
He nodded, "Of course."
Peter slid the drink across the table, afraid to pick it up and hand it to her in case their fingers touched. He didn't want to cross any boundaries with her. He half expected for it to be thrown back in his face but, instead, she took it and sat down opposite him. He quickly scrambled into his chair after her.
Awkward silence settled around them.
He watched her sip her drink and desperately wished he had a cigarette to busy himself with. He didn't actually want the coffee sitting in front him. It was just something for him to fidget with.
They both tried to break the silence at the same time.
Peter gave a half hearted laugh and shifted uncomfortably in his chair, "You go first."
"You're hair looks like shit," she spoke.
He let her comment sink in before a smile grew across his lips.
She wasn't wrong.
At least it was washed.
"Yeah, well, I said some really shitty things to my favorite hair dresser and treated her like shit so she rightfully left me to rot in my own filth."
She narrowed her eyes at him, "You never thought to find another hair dresser to deal with your hair problem?"
Peter shook his head, his voice softened, "There would never be anyone as good as her."
Now it was her turn to crack a smile.
She leaned back in her chair and he felt a sense of ease wash over him.
"You're an asshole, you know," she quipped.
Peter gave a sad grin and nodded, "I know. Trust me. I know."
She studied him carefully, watching his every micro expression, and finally licked her lips, coming up with a silent conclusion to her thoughts, "Come on." She stood up and started to walk away, turning over her shoulder to shout. "Hurry up! Follow me, dickhead."
He quickly did as he was told and hurried after her, abandoning his coffee on the table, "Where are we going? Are you bringing me somewhere to kill me? Because I'd let you if that's what you want."
He fell in step beside her, keeping her in his peripheral. She looked determined but calm.
"I'm going to cut that horrid mop on top of your head. I'll decide if I want to Sweeny Todd you when I'm through. You'll have to wait and see."
Peter looked down at his feet with a smile.
He was forgiven. Sort of. Almost. True forgiveness takes time but this was a start. She understood him better than anyone. She could read him with just a look. He had no doubt that she got everything she needed from him the moment she sat down and looked him over. She knew he was sorry. She knew he felt bad. She knew he regretted everything. She knew he was broken and hurting and grieving and lost.
She didn't need words to know the real him.
He wore his sorrow on his sleeve.
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I wasn't really sure where I was going to take this when I started so I just let the vibes take over. I think this is more realistic between friends than some big speeches or giant confessions of apologies tbh. When I think back to fights I've had with my friends in past, we always "make up" by just being like "eh forget it i love you anyway even if youre a dick wanna come over and eat pizza with me??" and let things go. Esp with this particular story, it's not like he did anything too crazy besides take her for granted and publicly yell at her. I've screamed at a friend in middle of my high school parking lot before and we were besties again like the next week. I think that's just how real friendships go.
"You're an asshole." "I know." "Great, let's go hang out."
Sometimes it can just be that simple! Insult each other, laugh about it, and then move on. If you're close enough with someone, you should be able to read them without words and know exactly what they're thinking just from a look. If someone is sorry, they show it through body language and how they act. Sometimes words are just extra fluff.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Wat if katsuki actually had a s/o that loved Key word LOVED him but.....
Then when he started getting to aggressive and starts hitting her she suddenly stops all the love and affection. And that makes katsuki so confused and angry bc he like 'wtf why did they stop huggin and kissin me when I get home from my matches'. Then his darling becomes very depressed is and cooped up in her room all the time. So when katsuki friends come over they wonder where y/n is.
Tw:abuse, implied dubcon, depression
“Babe, you’re home!” You rush over to the door when you head it unlocking, arms outstretched already or embrace his wounds.
But when the door swings open you’re met with a scowling Bakugo who shoves you aside so hard you fall to the floor.
He grumbles and throws his bags down, kicking mud off his shoes onto the carpet as he glares at you.
“This place is a pigsty. Why the fuck didn’t you clean?”
You laugh nervously and raise an eyebrow. “Uhh, ‘cause I was out all day too? I just got home an hour ago and I was tired. What’s with you? Why’re you in such a bad mood?”
Katsuki’s eyes widen until they’re the size of dinner plates. His nostrils flare and his fists resume the same position as they do in the ring.
“You talkin’ back to me now?”
“What? No, you literally just asked-“
The sound of him backhanding your cheek reverberates around the apartment, and you hold your face in shock.
It’s not so much the pain of him striking you that hurts, it’s the fact that this has been happening for a while now that aches the most. Nothing you do-no smiles, no amount of love you showed him in, no sobs or pleads-sways him.
You love him, it’s true.
But it’s hard to love him when he looks at you like that.
“Get the fuck up. And clean all this shit up, the next time I come home to this filth I’ll make the clean the floors with your tongue.”
He grabs you by your hair and throws you face-first onto the tile area, taking his own sweet time to turn around and walk to your shared room.
After you clean for hours until the place is spotless, you retreat to bed.
He’s on his phone typing away with a slight crease in his eyebrows, but he looks up at you as you walk in.
“Hey. You done?” He has the audacity to ask in a gentle voice.
You don’t look at him as you begin changing your clothes in the restroom and close the door behind you.
His frown deepens at that. You’ve never shied away from being vulnerable and naked with him.
To test his doubt, when you walk back into the room with your head still down, he leans forward as you sit down on the mattress, your back turned to him.
You shut off the lights in silence as he reaches a hand out and curls it around your shoulders.
“C’mere, ‘wanna feel you.” He mumbles in his raspy sleepy voice.
But to his utter confusion, you gently brush his hand off and continue your journey to tuck yourself in bed.
With your back still facing him.
“I’m tired Katsuki. Not in the mood.”
His hand is still suspended in midair, his facial features still frozen in his initial shock as he’s left in a pitch black room which is suddenly overcome with a freezing cold creeping up his spine.
He’s too wounded, too shocked and shot from his ego to be irate.
You’ve never said no to cuddling at night. Never. So what was wrong now?
You were taking his anger so well for a while, what the hell was the matter with you?
But he doesn’t touch you again that night. He barely sleeps a wink to your usually comforting sound of soft snores and little mumbles in your sleep talk.
In the morning his lack of sleep gets the betterment of his temper, and he lashes out of you again in the shower.
You’re washing your hair when you feel a cool breeze against your bare body. You open your eyes and see Katsuki standing in front of you outside the glass door to your shower.
You feign an eye roll and merely grab the handle trying to close it shut.
He doesnt even let it budge. He just snarls down at your intruding hand and yanks the door back even further, pulling you along with the force.
You yelp and slip on the floor, falling unceremoniously at his feet.
The look on his face is frankly terrifying, much worse than yesterday’s. Bakugo slowly steps in along with your quickly reversing body and closes the door behind him, trapping you inside with him.
“Why’d you try to close it on me.”
It’s not a question, it’s a demand.
“I’m sorry.”
“Then get up and touch me.”
He’s towering over your cornered form, his fists dangerously swinging next to your head.
Your limbs don’t move though. Your heart thuds slowly, your love ebbing away from him with its slow rhythm.
You already know how this is going to turn out, but you try anyways.
“Please Bakugo, I’m really not in the mood right now.”
“Oh, so it’s Bakugo now, huh?”
Your body disassociates so you don’t feel it as much, but unfortunately your hands still flinch above your head in instinct.
“If you’re-thud-sorry, then you’ll fucking-crack-touch me you-smack-ungrateful bitch.”
Your cries are loud, but not loud enough to drown his roaring out, not enough to mute the sound of his hands cracking above your shaking body.
He leaves the shower unfulfilled in his heart and in his dick.
His mind is in shambles.
This is the longest you’ve wanted space from him, he could understand an hour but half a day?
He has a rude awakening when “half a day” becomes a couple more days, then a week, and then it’s half a month since you’ve willingly kissed his battle scars and loved him with your whole being.
He says willingly because otherwise you eat his hits up like you’re just another fighter in the ring when he gets angry at your apathy. The only restraining factor that differentiates you and the men he puts in coffins is his desperation for you to come back.
To no avail though. If you’re not keeling over on the ground or pinned underneath him and molding your anatomy to the shape of his fists, then you’re still as a corpse on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and wishing you were anywhere else but here.
Bakugo doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn’t know what to feel.
Rage is consumed by paranoia, paranoia is swallowed whole by depression, depression is swept away by panicked desperation.
His hair starts falling out, his punches grow weaker and he comes home with more and more bruises every day to match the ones littering across your body.
One might wonder whose the real fighter-him or you.
And so one day when he can’t stand it anymore, can’t stand the silence and tension that’s so palpable you could taste the iron in the air, he invited his friends over.
He need the distractions. He needs happiness, a word that doesn’t seem worthy of his pathetic being.
He’s more pathetic than your unmoving body.
“Heyyy man!” Sero and Denki exclaim in obnoxious unison and throw their arms around Bakugo’s shoulders. All three of them barrel through his half-opened doorway and practically topple him over.
The air of excitement is so foreign to him, but oh so welcoming.
“Hey,” he grunts back awkwardly.
“You’ve never really invited us over without Y/N dragging you by the ear for it. How is she by the way? Haven’t heard of her in a while.” Kirishima nudges his shoulder.
But before he can open his mouth Denki cuts in. “You knock her up yet? You sly bastard, no wonder you’re hiding her from us. The gigs over Y/N, show us that beautiful belly!” He cups his hands around his mouth and the quip slashes through the air and infests Katsuki’s heart. It’s a mockery, a cruel reminder of what he cannot have.
When their friend doesn’t answer and merely walks off, the boys behind him awkwardly look at each other.
Usually he’d explode at them or at least chase them around the room.
And usually you would come out to greet them.
Katsuki was wrong.
You weren’t different from him anymore.
Because when he accepts that not even his friends can release his stone cold heart from its catatonic confines, he’s never felt more in sync with you than he has now.
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thetargaryenbride · 3 years
A Way of Mourning
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Requested by:  @iamhowieson​ Hey! I was wondering if you could make a Levi x reader request where Levi accidentally hurts the reader and he feels terrible about it but the reader comforts him and tells him they’re ok. 
Thank you for requesting! <3 And I’m sorry for the delay. 
Words: 2K+
Pairing: Levi x Reader [gn]
Hope you like it  ❤️ Feedback is deeply appreciated! ^^
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
“Where…” you whispered, almost choking, as your dry throat tissues scratched against each other.
“Here, have some water,” someone helped you sit up and held a glass to your lips, letting you gulp greedily. The chilly liquid soothed your parched throat and you sighed in relief. Finally opening your eyes, you were met with the face of your best friend and the rest of your squadmates.
“Captain, you gave us quite the scare there. It’s been two days and you weren’t waking up. Glad to finally have you back!” grinned one of them and you smiled, only now feeling the dull ache in your abdomen. You remembered now, how you had saved one of your subordinates which resulted in a titan sinking its teeth into you.
Your eyes widened as your thoughts shifted to a certain trio.
“What happened to Levi and the others?” you asked, almost frantically, because you didn’t remember anything from the mission and the worry quickly settled inside you, like a parasite, and started eating.
Since Levi, Isabel and Farlan joined the Scouts, you were one of the few people who were assigned to take care of the three. They needed to learn more about the world above, about how the military worked, about how the Survey Corps operated, and tons of other stuff, not to mention training, riding, and strategy. The others who were assigned to help, did it with disdain until at one point they just gave up, not wanting to have any contact with the “mongrels from the Underground” but you had stayed. You genuinely liked them. Your mother had done some charity in the Underground and you had accompanied her on a few occasions. What you felt towards the people from that place was only pity, because they deserved so much better than the curse they got since birth – to live in a place with no sun and light, where only filth and shadows flooded each corner, lurking over every inch of your skin.
So you had tried your best to take care of the three. Isabel had quickly taken a liking to you, followed by Farlan. Levi had been harder to win over. He was very quiet, reserved, and distrustful. But your constant kind gestures managed to crack even his shell if only a bit. He didn’t have problems with letting you be near him anymore. He even started talking to you and a day before the expedition he had even allowed you to rub his right shoulder. It had been aching and you had told him that he had to be healthy and strong for the expedition if he wanted to protect himself and his friends. He couldn’t malfunction. He had actually chuckled, although it was so quiet you almost mistook it for him letting out a breath, and let you do your magic at soothing his muscles. You had grown so attached to them that you couldn’t imagine your life without them. The thought that this was their very first expedition had hit you like a sack of bricks just before you had taken off and you had been worried out of your mind throughout the whole expedition, wondering whether they would make it out alive.
“Look, Y/N…I know you grew close during this past month but…Isabel and Farlan are dead,” announced your friend grimly and your heart dropped to your stomach. And suddenly your throat was dry again and no amount of gulping water or saliva was going to help. You let out a shaky breath as your trembling fingers clutched the edge of the bed, helping you sit up straighter and swing your legs over it.
“Wait, where are you-“
“I need to see Levi,” you muttered and your friends shared worried glances. They let you pass. They knew you were one of the most stubborn people alive and no amount of persuasion would put a stop to what you have in mind.
You stumbled all the way to the male barracks and opened the door, fully expecting to see Levi slumped on his bunkbed. But he was not there. In fact, the barracks were quiet and there wasn’t a single soul inhabiting them. The only sound that penetrated that silence was that of running water. Your eyes snapped to your left where the male common showers were located and you took hesitant steps towards it. This had to be the man you were looking for. After all, one of your squadmates had told you that Levi hadn’t left the barracks since the expedition.
You didn’t know how long you just stood in front of the door, wondering if you should wait for him or leave and come back later, endlessly contemplating on what exactly you were going to tell him. But after thirty minutes had passed and nobody was coming out, your thoughts shifted to, once again, worry. Because nobody ever took showers that long. The hot water had to be preserved. After all, there were around a hundred soldiers in the regiment who needed it and it was a bit harder to warm it up since they lived in a castle and not in the city like the Military Police or the Garrison.
“Levi?” you called out as you knocked but no answer came. “It’s me, Y/N. I’m coming in, ok?” you slowly opened the door and your face and body were instantly hit with hot thick steam and moisture. It was almost suffocating. “What the-“ you rubbed your face and eyes as you fully stepped inside and tried to focus. You finally located a figure at the end of the room and you walked towards it. The fog parted a bit and revealed the familiar backside of Levi. You were about to huff and scold him when you noticed just how red his back was. Your eyes widened as you outstretched your arm and put it under the sprinkling water, hissing and retreating it almost immediately.
“That water is scalding hot!” you exclaimed. “Levi, hey, let’s get out of here, hm?” you asked, voice laced with desperation and worry as you went to put a hand on his shoulder and shake him out of whatever trance he had fallen in. “You’re harming yourself. Please, let’s leave,” but before you could touch his skin, his hand shot out and grabbed yours, clutching it so tightly that he almost snapped it. He stood up abruptly and shoved you away, causing you to let out a squeal as you slipped and fell on your bum, the pain from your wound jostling your body, making you groan and clutch your stomach as if it was going to help soothe it.
“Get out,” he growled, his back still turned on you.
“I said leave!” he yelled as his head sharply turned to look down at you. His eyes grew wide and the angry sneer and furrowed eyebrows he had donned eased a little. You stood up slowly and raised a hand, nodding.
“Ok…it’s alright, I’m going…just…don’t stay here long,” you whispered before you turned on your tail and exited the room.
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
“Gods, would you go to bed already? Your wound is still healing and instead of resting you’re burying yourself in paperwork!” exclaimed your friend angrily as she crossed her arms.
“You know that there is always extra paperwork after expeditions. And I’ve been out for two days. I have a lot of work to catch up to. I’m fine,” you smiled at her reassuringly and she rolled her eyes before they snapped to the door after a knock echoed throughout your office.
“Name and business?!” you called out but nobody answered. The door just opened and your eyebrows shot to your hairline as you saw Levi holding a tray with two cups of steaming tea. Your friend gave you a look and nodded.
“I’ll leave you two to it,” she said as she quickly exited and closed the door.
Levi just stood there awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot until you told him to sit. He placed the tray on your desk and grabbed a chair, dragging it to sit in front of you while you were sipping on the liquid. There was silence for some time as you looked at him but he didn’t have the courage to look at you, focusing on his lap as his bangs covered his face.
Levi felt horrible. He felt disgusted with himself. He had been shaking like a leaf the moment you had left the bathroom. He hadn’t known what to do. He hadn’t even known which world he was on.
He remembered sitting there, almost choking on the thick steam, feeling the hot water drops drum against his skin. He had been so deep into his thoughts and the still fresh memories from two days ago, eyes scanning his hands in haze, seeing not clean skin but skin marred with dark wine blood – the blood of his family. The family he couldn’t protect because of his own foolishness and weakness. The moment he had felt that someone’s presence breathing down his neck and feeling the closeness of their hand, hovering over his shoulder, the close proximity creating warmth and electricity that had made the hair on his neck bristle, his hand had shot out automatically. He hadn’t wanted anyone to breathe the same air as him, much less touching him. He hadn’t hesitated when he pushed them away. But the moment he had turned and his eyes fell on you, regret had struck his heart and he had been frozen in place, not being able to do anything but watch with wide eyes as you shot him an apologetic smile before leaving.
He told himself that it wasn’t on purpose. He told himself it was just a reaction – a reflex – to something, someone, foreign, invading his personal space in a moment of deep vulnerability. But still…he felt like a trash.  
“I’m sorry,” he finally let out and you smiled at him, shaking your head.
“It’s fine,”
“No…I yelled at you…I pushed you…I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he whispered and you sighed.
“Everyone mourns differently, Levi. You needed space; so I gave it to you. I probably startled you by touching you. I shouldn’t have been so abrupt with my actions,” you explained gently, hoping to ease the guilt that was so obviously drowning him. His hands balled into fists as he bit the inside of his cheek.
“You’re the only one I have left,” he muttered as his eyes finally locked with yours and your hand touched his ever so slowly.
“And I’m not going anywhere. Please… let’s just forget everything and keep going together,” you smiled at him as your hand stroke his and he let out a sigh of relief before nodding. The emotions swirling in his eyes were so many and so vivid that it almost made you cry. It engulfed your very being and had such an impact on you that it overwhelmed you, making you succumb to emotion rather than rationality. You stood up and approached the man, crouching down in front of him. The smile you sent him and the emotions swirling in your eyes, had him give you a soft smile. You rose on your toes and closed the distance, letting your arms embrace his form. You sank into him, head nestling in the crook of his neck as his own arms tugged you closer and squeezed your form.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured in your hair again and you tightened your hold, nuzzling into him. He didn’t know whether he truly deserved this forgiveness. You were simply an exceedingly kind and forgiving person. But he knew one thing. From now on he was going to do anything for you. He was aware he had a difficult personality but he was going to try his best and stick by your side. Because you truly were one of the few people who gave him a chance and tried so hard to forge friendship with him despite all and you actually managed to wiggle into his heart and settle there.  
I promise to protect you...
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insufferablelust · 4 years
mgg request: snuggling on the couch and getting bored. so u start playing with fingers, and then u just decide to suck them. u feel him slowly start to grow hard, so u suck harder and grind into him. next thing u know u are straddling his thigh. he makes u get off on his thigh a few times before he will let u ride him. once u start riding him he switches the hand from ur mouth to ur clit, thinking youre done sucking his fingers. however u grab his other hand and start sucking. im a WHORE (SORRY)
what do you do when one of your fav person in the whole world send a blurb idea? you give them your all of course, seriously i went into town for this one and i hope you like it love! shsjsk as always thank you for requesting and being my fellow mgg whore! enjoy!
WARNINGS : um.. SMUT! filthy detailed smut, its literally pwp, oral fixations, daddy kink, name callings (degradation), condescension, orgasm control, over stimulation, thigh riding, Dom!Mgg x Sub!Reader, mention of wedding, slight breeding kink, mention of exhibitionism, just whole lotta filth y’all no joke, mgg got me feel some type of ways by that i mean constantly whoreknee.
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It was a particularly sunny day, right from the moment you woke up this morning, you could feel how terribly hot it was but you quickly diverted your thoughts as soon as your eyes landed on the sleeping figure next to you, and you instantly felt the need to grip your pillow tighter, biting your lip at the sight.
Quarantine days is both a blessing and a curse for you and Matthew, the amount of time you get to spend together pleased you both to no end, the endless talk about certain things, the late night food deliveries, cooking together, even making stuffed animals together which is one of your favorite things to do with him because you love them cuties so much. But what’s so great about quarantine is of course the sex, the endless amount of sex all over the house, You’ve done it in the shower, bedroom, kitchen counter, dining table, on your living room, even the car multiple times after grocery runs— time doesn’t really matter either, it could be at night, mornings, afternoons, even god damn 3 am. If Matthew is up for it then i’m up for it, the same goes for Matthew too, if You’re up for it then he’s there in an instant. So lets just say that you’ve been needy all the time.
There he was, laying down on our bed, with only a flimsy boxer that barely covers half of his thighs— the sweat glisten across his chest and you can see the purplish marks you’ve managed to gave them last night are still prominent, the longer you’re looking at him, the more you want to wake him up and just fuck like rabbits all day.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Matthew chuckled as he opened his eyes to meet yours, licking his lips and press his palm on top of your cheeks . “Good morning too creepy stalker, how long have you been awake?” he said as he caressed your skin gently, you can feel his thumb pressing over your soft skin.
Before you were about to answer, your eyes catches a glimpse of his long fingers— now Y/n has always been fascinated with his fingers, there’s just something about it that gets her going, the memories of what it can do always floods her thoughts, like that one time where he fingered her in the middle of his annual family dinner, or that one time he had to make sure you were stayed quiet where he fucks you on a trailer with his cast mates all around, or the random times when he choke you, or stuff his fingers down your throat, or curled them up inside your cunt, everything about that man— your man is perfect down to the last detail.
“Someone’s thinking about something hm? care to share baby?” He keeps his thumb on the edge of your lips knowing damn well that if it inch closer upwards, you’ll surely suckle on the digits— and he won’t have that, not yet.
“definitely not thinking about you old man...” now that, that pushes his buttons like nothing else, your age gap is something very.. peculiar about you two, not far enough that its illegal but far enough for people to raise an eyebrow when they found out— not that you care about stereotypes, neither does he, you both love each other and you’re not breaking any law that’s enough. It even fuels up your relationship, makes everything much hotter, when it feels slightly wrong in the eyes of others.
“ah.. so if i push my fingers down your pretty little cunt, i won’t find you soaked through for me?” she clenched her walls around nothing at that, feeling her wetness dampening the small panties she’s wearing— god she wants him right now but its so good to push his buttons like this. So you rolled your eyes at him, sticking your tongue out before getting up and went to the shower.
You expected him to come chase you, but to your half disappointment half excitement— he went downstairs, sitting on the couch, and enjoying his morning tea. You knew what that meant, he’s mad, mad and turned on. Perfect. After you finished showering, you went downstairs to where he’s at, dressed in one of his oversize thin sheer t-shirt with no panties or bra underneath.
You instantly straddle his hips as you sat down on his lap— directly on the bulge in his boxers before you purr in Matthew’s ear “I’m sorry daddy, i didn’t mean to be such a tease, i just! want you!” you whined, tone bratty as you huff and pout your lips.
God Matthew is a patient man, but when it comes to you looking fuckable and needing to be taught a lesson like this, he has no fucking choice but to give you one.
“You knew better than to push me like that, little girl. Such a mindless baby.” he scoffed, his tone sending warmth down your cunt and you whimpered, before grabbing his wrist to press his thumb on top of your lips and suckle on it— its both calming and exhilarating.
“you and your oral fixations, what an innocent looking baby— but you’re not aren’t you? knowing full well how to get daddy going, so you came down the stairs wearing my shirt and nothing else. Act like a big girl but when i get my hands on you, you’ll just squirm and purr like a dirty little whore.” He can’t blame you- he surely can’t blame you that you begin to grind your bare cunt on his lap as you suck his thumb harder after he said those things.
He lets out a laugh as he sees how desperate you’re for him, grinding your cunt on his thigh practically riding it, as your cute little mouth almost gag on his thumb. Perfect little thing. Your eyes shot up to see his when his fingers goes up to pinch your nipples alternating between the two, pinching and tweaking it knowing how sensitive you are.
“Mmm! daddy!” You moaned through his lips, arching your back and move your hips faster, feeling him bounce his thigh couple of times just to hear you yelp. “Here’s what we’re going to do, you’re going to ride my thigh until i tell you to stop and maybe just maybe i’ll let you ride my cock, we have all day baby, this is what you’ve wanted isnt it?”
You whined out loud as your eyes brimmed with tears in clear desperation, you and Matthew have done this long enough to know that Matthew has a patience that goes on for miles. He could wait even though his cock is practically bursting, he could wait until he sees you all limp and overstimulated— and being a sensitive girl that you are, you know that you’ll be a mess once he’s done with you.
“oh and baby, you can cum whenever you want to..” He said, pressing a kiss on your forehead as he unlocked his phone and scroll down, not paying attention to where you’re literally riding his thigh and sucking on his thumb like a bitch in heat.
The dismissive attitude should offend you, but if it does anything, it riles you up even more— the way he can stay calm when you’re a mess that has come over and over again just by grinding against his thigh turns you on to no end. You continued doing as he commanded and you’ve been doing it for more than 45 minutes (you could swear its actually an hour) when he decided he’s seen enough, pulling out his thumb from your lips before using it to found your clit and give it a slap, rubbing the over sensitive button fastly. “Oh! oh Matthew! mm- ah i’m please need your cock!” Your body shake on his thighs as you let out your 5th orgasms this morning, your toes curl and your head slumped against his shoulder as he praises you “That’s it, my good girl Y/N, i love you.”
As much as you love your daddy, your Fiancé is the one who truly owns your heart and soul, so you droopily gaze your eyes at his underneath your lashes, grabbing his other hand and suckle on his other thumb earning yourself a chuckle from Gube. “Your mouth always needs something to fill it up, doesnt it kitten? greedy little thing” He shakes his head as he use his other hand to pull out his cock, you never knew that cock could be pretty until you met him, His cock always makes you want to cockwarm him all the time— the skin is veiny, its not too long but its big.. stretches you out so good that has you limping the next day, and the tip is ruddy red- pre cum spurting from the top. Fuck, you want him to pound your throat then and there.
“Shh shh, sweet girl, let me do all the work this time yeah? just suck sit pretty and suckle, be my good doll.” He whispered before pushing his cock into your warm wet tight cunt, causing you to jolt at the over sensitivity and moans out loud, “Thats it, take it little girl, being such a good girl for me.” He rasped before laying you down on the couch and pound his cock into you in a fast pace.
“You’re so tight, Y/N” at hearing that your walls clenched around him as you starting to feel the familiar tight knot on your belly, you’re so overstimulated that it doesnt take you long at all to cum all over his cock, letting out choked out whimper and sobs “That’s it, keep coming pretty girl, gonna be good and let me finish inside- fuck right?”
You nodded your head drowsily, holding onto his wrist for dear life as you get fucked with a brutal pace, his thumb falls out your mouth and you begins to whimper, “M-matthew! please”
“I know, i’m close baby, just take it a bit more yeah? cum for me one more time, Y/N c’mon” his voice is strained, signaling that he’s close. you whimpered out that “cant- cant too much!” and Matthew’s thumb instantly went to rub your clit sending you over the edge quickly. “i know you have it in you, pretty girl. come on more— fuck thats it, thats it baby good gi— Ah fuck!” You cum all over his cock, him following not long after, releasing himself inside of you, filling you up as you shake and try to catch your breath.
“I love you— so fucking much Y/N” he whispered as he begins to pull out slowly and watch the cum drip out of her cunt, making him go feral and push his cum back in. “gotta stay full okay? who knows.. maybe i can knock you up before our wedding.”
Oh.. and you thought he won’t be up for round two.
Thank you for reading, please leave a like comment and reblog! Blurb request is open so send some! give me feedback or constructive criticisms by simply leave your trace on my blog. Thanks❤️
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sweetness47 · 4 years
Karma is a Bitch
Theme: smutty filth, criminal activity, virgin reader, etc… MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!!!!
Pairing Criminal!Steve Rogers x Nurse!Reader
This is for @sherrybaby14​ and her Reader-insert smut prompt challenge - Steve Rogers Prompt #16
A/N: I hope you like this @sherrybaby14 (hugs)
Final word count: 3898
Summary: After finally getting her freedom from mob life and putting her brother, James “Bucky” Barnes, behind bars with her testimony, a chance encounter with a wounded man puts everything she’s built for herself in jeopardy.
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Steve’s POV
This just wasn’t my day. I’d just pulled off a brilliant jewelry heist, only to get noticed by a passing patrol car while exiting the store.
Fuck my life.
It wasn’t always bad, at least not while I worked for Bucky. He was one hell of a crime boss and was more than fair to his employees, myself included. But now? He was in prison for 25 to life, because of a whack load of evidence and some pretty hefty testimonies. What was left of the empire he’d built was trying to survive.
That being said, fast forward to tonight. I make a beeline for the alley, my escape car parked two streets over, two-minute sprint through the back lanes. The cops started firing at me, I fired back. I managed to make it to the car and unlock the door before they rounded the final corner, weapons still drawn, bullets still flying everywhere.
Adrenaline was pumping wildly through my veins as I took off down the street, my unmarked Firebird screeching over the pavement. Taking back alleys and dark roads as much as possible, I finally managed to pull into a dark lot and ditch the car. I grabbed the jewels and ran for the underground sanctuary I had for emergencies.
I never made it there.
Reader’s POV
There are pros and cons to being a nurse. I get to help people, save lives, but the hours are shit. The only reason I stay is to help the patients. Well, that and money helps. Not that I need it. But I don’t like to use the other funds I have at my disposal, except in a dire emergency. They remind me too much of my brother and the life he had before my testimony put him away for life.
I was able to get into the witness protection program and have my name scrubbed from the testimony. I loved my brother, don’t get me wrong, but it was too much danger. My life almost ended a few times, but the last time was what made me turn. Not only did a rival family kidnap me, one of them almost raped me, and threatened to execute me. NOT FUN!
My brother killed them and rescued me, but I’d had enough. All I wanted was to live peacefully and without constant fear of being targeted by someone else. I changed my hair, my clothing, my looks, and my name, got a place in a different area of town, and was finally at a place in my life where I could just be me.
Well I was.
I went for a walk late, my German shepherd decided to fancy a stroll, and of course, how could I say no to that beautiful puppy face. I wasn’t worried about being attacked or anything, mostly because one look at Bowser (yes I named him Bowser), and most people crossed the street to avoid me. It was a nice feeling.
It was Bowser who noticed him first. I was completely in my own little world, enjoying the evening air, the stars. Bowser barked, whining as he strained against his leash, desperate to get to whatever was in the parking lot. I frowned. Bowser never behaved like this. It was unnerving to say the least. I followed my dog’s lead, and my jaw dropped at the sight of the man on the ground, unconscious, blood pooling from a wound in his side. I knelt down and check his pulse, and breathed a sigh of relief upon finding he wasn’t dead.
I went to call 9-1-1 and get an ambulance, but a hand reached out to stop me. “No cops. Please.” He croaked before passing out once more.
I frowned. I didn’t like the road this evening was heading down, and I certainly didn’t need to draw attention to myself. But I couldn’t walk away either. This man needed help, and I was the only person around who could get him the help he needed.
I checked around for security cameras around the lot, finding none close by, then checked the street. It was almost a god send that the streets were empty at the moment, and that my home was close by. I grabbed him by the arms, and dragged him back to my house, Bowser sticking close by, in case something bad happened.
Steve’s POV
I winced at the sunlight pouring in, it’s brightness blinding me something fierce. I had a massive headache, and on top of that, every movement shot burning pain through my abdomen. I gingerly moved my hand over the area and felt a bandage. Then I remembered seeing the blood seeping through my clothing right before I collapsed.
I’d been shot.
But I wasn’t in a hospital, nor was I in a prison medical facility. I was in a house. Whose house, I couldn’t say, but it looked feminine. The room I currently occupied had sunshine yellow walls, with decorative floral art pieces hanging from them. The furnishings were dark mahogany to contrast the yellow, and the bedding was a mix of pink and grey, with a quilted floral bedspread. It was actually quite breathtaking.
I tried to move, desperate to take a leak, only to realize three things.
1.       I was naked.
2.       It hurt to move.
3.       There was a massive German shepherd sitting at the foot of the bed watching my every move.
The dog whined and barked, drawing in a woman, no an angel. Her (H/C) hair flowed about her with fluid grace, in time with her body movements. Her skin was radiant, almost glowing in the sunshine lit room. Her (E/C) eyes were magnets, drawing me in like a ship to a siren.
My body certainly had no problems with her looks either, I could feel myself growing hard, and had to shift the covers to hide my obvious attraction.
“Going somewhere?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.
“I need to use the washroom.” I managed to speak with a somewhat normal tone. My other brain was screaming for me to take her and do wicked things to that delectable body of hers.
She cocked her head to one side, as if studying me. “Hmm. Ok. Here,” she tossed me a robe. “Put this on and I’ll help you to the bathroom.”
I nodded and slipped the white terry bath robe over my broad shoulders. It was actually quite roomy and comfortable. She blushed and turned away while I awkwardly stood and wrapped the plush material around my torso to cover my hard-on.
Once I was ready I cleared my throat and she turned back to me, then came to put my arm around her shoulders to support me while we journeyed to the washroom. Once there, she released my arm. “I’ll be here when you’re done. There’s a new toothbrush in there, and shaving products should you want to use them.”
I nodded and closed the door. After relieving myself, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I didn’t shave, but made sure my beard was trimmed and clean. Once I was done, I ran my fingers through my hair, using a small amount of water to smooth down the stray hairs.
Satisfied with my appearance, I opened the door and, true to her word, the woman was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. She positioned herself on my sore side, taking my arm and wrapping it around her shoulders once more, and walked me back to the room.
My body reacted to her close proximity, her scent was intoxicating. Citrus and floral, a hint of vanilla and sandalwood. I fought the urge to take her against the wall, fuck her senseless, pound into her so hard that she wouldn’t walk straight for a god damned week.
Only the pain from the gunshot stopped me from my current fantasy. Carefully I sat on the bed and she helped me swing my legs up so I could lay back on the pillows she’d placed behind me.
“Stay.” She ordered, before disappearing from the room. Minutes later she returned with a tray containing a sandwich, some soup, and what smelled like coffee, along with a glass of water and what I perceived to be pain meds. “Do you take cream or sugar, and do you have any allergies?”
When I shook my head, she continued. “Here’s some T 3’s. They’ll help take the edge off the pain. After you’ve eaten, we’ll get you set up for a shower, then I’ll check and redress the wound. You’re lucky, you know. It was a through and through shot, and didn’t hit any major organs.”
I arched a brow. “How did you know it was a gunshot?”
“I’m a nurse.” She said simply. “Besides, I’ve seen enough of those kinds of wounds to last a lifetime. It’s not my first rodeo with this shit.”
I wanted to ask what she meant but decided against it. It wasn’t any of my business. But I could see a hint of what looked like regret in her gaze, along with sorrow, like she missed someone, family perhaps. She turned away and strode out of the room, leaving me to dig in to the feast before me. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until now, the homemade broccoli and cheddar soup invading my senses, and the turkey bacon club sandwich that accompanied the hot liquid was divine. I took the analgesics and then quickly polished off the food before me, my stomach rejoicing as it received the tantalizing offerings.
My mind wondered briefly to the other things she’d said. Mostly, setting me up for a shower. I could barely stand on my own right now, maybe I could lean against the shower tiles for most of it, but getting in and out would be a challenge. What I wouldn’t give to have her in there with me, her hands sliding over my skin as she lathers soap over my body, caressing my shoulders, my abs, my aching cock. It was a wet dream right now, but damn, what I wouldn’t give to make it reality. To take her and make her mine. Permanently.
Reader’s POV
I pride myself on my self-control, and my ability to do my job. Mr. Hunk wasn’t making my life or my job easy, that’s for sure. He’d been unconscious for two damn days, and I can’t even begin to count how many times I’d imagined what he’d feel like. I’m embarrassed to admit I’d masturbated a few times with him in my thoughts. It took every ounce of will power I possessed to clean and bandage his wound without running my fingers over his firm torso or those rock solid abs.
Last night I’d been so bold as to masturbate while watching him sleep. I imagined his fingers parting my folds, his tongue fucking me, his hard cock driving into me with wild abandon. I’d never reacted to any man like this. It was new and a bit frightening.
I’d kissed a few men in my 22 years, but I’d never actually done anything beyond that. James was very protective, and very intimidating. Any guy who met him usually took me on a very polite date, then I never heard from them again. After my brother’s incarceration I’d been so engrossed in work and changing my identity and address, I hadn’t really put any thought into dating
But now, with my overbearing sibling in prison, and this gorgeous man in my bedroom, the thoughts were most definitely there.
I walked back to the room after about half an hour, smiling when I see the empty tray. He was famished, as I’d guessed, and polished off the entire meal. “How was the food? Satisfactory, I hope?”
He grinned. “Beyond satisfactory. It was spectacular. Thank you. For all of this.” He gestured to his bandage and the tray.
I blushed and nodded, my eyes raking over his bare chest. “Your welcome. Now, we should get you showered and cleaned up so I can check that wound.”
He glanced at me, and I quickly averted my eyes. Had he seen me ogling him? Fuck.
“You should tell me your name. I want to know the name of my savior.”
My cheeks were crimson now. “YN.” I managed, my voice shy now.
He looked me over. “YN. It’s a beautiful name. I’m Steve.”
He held his hand out to me, and I took it. Instantly, sparks flew between us. He studied my reaction, and I couldn’t tear myself away from his blue eyes, sparkling like sapphires in the gleam of the afternoon sun.
I cleared my throat. “We should get you to the shower now.”
He nodded and I helped him stand. He turned to face me for a moment, and his head bent toward me, his lips brushing lightly across mine. He quickly straightened and apologized. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
I frowned and helped him to the washroom. Had I done something wrong? Was I supposed to react differently? My hormones were screaming at me to kiss him, to inform him he hadn’t been out of line at all. I was simply surprised by the gesture. I wanted him to kiss me again actually.
My panties were wet with the thought.
I started the shower then blushed furiously as I turned to him, only to find that he’d removed the robe and stood in front of me in all his naked glory. Fuck! My panties, if they weren’t ruined before, certainly were now. I was gushing. I’m pretty sure I orgasmed from the sight of him.
As if sensing my lustful thoughts, he stepped closer to me, and gently wrapped his hand around the back of my head, tilting it up to meet his lips once again. The second our mouths connected I melted, and any resolve I’d been having went straight out the window. He lifted my shirt and tossed it behind him with his good side, then went to remove my bra. I worked swiftly at removing my jeans and my ruined undergarments, then I put my hand in his and led him to the shower. The steamy liquid washed down over us, and Steve winced as his wound made contact with the water.
“Careful. Just turn slightly away from the water. Partial contact will be easier to endure.” I whispered.
Steve shrugged. “I’ve got something to distract me from the pain.” He pulled me into his arms again as his lips crashed into mine. There was no gentleness there, just raw, savage need. I could feel the thick bulge of his arousal pressed against my belly as I pressed closer to him. God this man was fucking incredible, well endowed, and at this moment…mine.
Steve’s POV
Pain was about the furthest thing from my mind. I was pretty sure this was heaven as I watched YN take some soap and lather it over my body, taking extra care around the bullet wound. Her hands caressed my back, my front, then she moved lower, giving my hard cock some much wanted attention. Her tongue flicked over my length, then dipped into the tip, swirling around the large head, causing it to jerk. I almost came right there.
“Careful sweetheart. You might make me come too soon.”
She stood and grinned while blushing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
I stopped her right there. “I wasn’t stopping you because I wasn’t enjoying your attention. Quite the opposite, actually. I was very happy with what you were doing. But I was hoping to finish in a different way.”
Her lips formed an ‘Oh’ while she turned a bright crimson. Could she really be that innocent? I was beginning to think she’d never done anything like this before.
We rinsed off and exited the shower, YN bending down to retrieve the robe from the floor. She wrapped it around me, then grabbed a towel for herself. Taking my hand, she walked with me back to the bedroom, where she had me lay down, minus the robe, while she put a fresh bandage on my wound. Once that was taken care of, she removed her towel and came to join me on the bed.
“How do you want to do this?” she asked.
I thought for a moment. I was in good enough shape to support myself with my good side, but I didn’t know if I could get all the momentum needed. The best option would be her on top.
“Straddle my hips.” I motioned with my hands, then I reached between us and felt her tight heat. She was so wet. Fuck! I slid my fingers along her slit, and she gasped when I slipped two of my thick digits inside her. Tight was in fact an understatement. I cursed then she moaned. My control was all but gone now, I wanted nothing more than to dive in.
So I did.
I lined up my cock with her entrance and after looking into her eyes, thrust inside. Her tight walls contracted as she struggled to adjust to my size. There was a brief flicker of pain in her eyes, but her smile told me all I needed. Then I was thrusting, slowly at first, making sure she was still ok, then I picked up speed.
She chanted my name over and over as she felt the first orgasm hit, throwing her head back as it washed over her. Her cries filled the room as my thrusts became more urgent, giving her more aftershocks.
“Steve…Oh God!”
Her words sent me into a frenzy as I hit my own climax, spilling inside her as her walls clenched around my cock.
Panting, she collapsed on top of me, then scurried to the side when I groaned. “Oh my god, sorry.” She immediately felt horrible for the faux pas.
“No worries.” I reassured her. I pulled her close to me our bodies relaxed from the mind-blowing sex we’d just participated in.
“Ok.” She said quietly as her eyelids closed, along with mine, our bodies resting together.
Reader’s POV
I woke first, glancing beside me, my cheeks flushed as I recalled what I’d done with this man. Carefully maneuvering out of his arms, not that I really wanted to, I got off the bed and went to check his wound. The vigorous sex we’d had last night hadn’t opened the stitches thankfully, nor had it caused any weeping. I breathed a sigh of relief and tugged on some sweats and a t-shirt. Padding to the kitchen, I set about making some breakfast, quickly deciding on pancakes and bacon.
Maybe it’s my inner consciousness chiding me, but I realize I know nothing about the man in my bed. I don’t know who he is or why he was shot. I don’t know fuck all really, apart from his first name. There’s a small part of me that thinks he looks familiar, but for the life of me I can’t place him. I shake the thought from my brain as I mix the batter and start frying the bacon.
I have coffee going and most of the food made when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and I’m greeted with soft lips on mine. “Morning.” His voice is husky and I feel myself growing damp once again. I never knew one man could have such a profound effect on me.
I smile and hand him a mug of coffee. “Morning yourself, sleepyhead. How do you feel today?”
He sat down at the table. “Not bad, better than yesterday for sure. Considering the activities of last night, I feel pretty damn good.”
I nodded as I put out the food. “That’s good.” I pause as I sit down across from him. “We should probably talk.”
He seems to think on that idea. “Yeah, probably. I’m sure you’ve got a shitload of questions about everything.”
“I do, though I probably don’t want to know the answers to them.” I answer truthfully. And I really don’t, for numerous reasons. What I don’t know can’t hurt me, well not directly. Or at least, that’s what I told myself.
He nodded. “I was seen by a patrol car leaving the scene of a jewelry heist. I was seconds away from a clean getaway. I ran, they chased, they shot at me, I shot at them…blah blah blah. You get the idea. Anyways, I got to my car and drove off, only to get out, make it about 20 feet, and collapse behind the dumpsters. You know the rest.”
I pursed my lips. “How did you get into this life? You’re smart, strong, and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You don’t seem like the type to just choose crime as a life goal.”
He looked down at his plate. “I was a street kid, orphaned when I was 11. This guy found me and took me in, gave me a place to stay and food to eat. I guess it was kind of like adopting, but he was only two years older than me. He had a family.”
My eyes widened. “Wow. So you stayed with his family?”
He shook his head. “No. He hid me at their family guest house for some years. No one ever used it, it was kind of like a prop on their land. So I had heat, running water, and shelter. The boy who’d helped me brought me some of his clothes and always visited me. My life would probably have ended years ago if he hadn’t found me.”
That uneasy feeling popped into the back of my mind again. I really hoped I was wrong with that thought. I remembered my brother spending a lot of time in our guest cottage. He never let me tag along, mostly cuz I was 4 and completely annoying at that age. But, he’d also warned me to never go near the cottage, else he’d beat me. Not that he ever laid a hand on me. It was just a warning, but one I took seriously at the time. He’d also warned me to never tell mom or dad about his frequent visits to the guest house. And I hadn’t.
I held my breath, debating whether or not I should ask the next question, the one that burned on the tip of my tongue. I would hate myself for asking, but I would hate myself more for not asking.
“What was the boy’s name?”
My blood froze when he answered, and not just from the answer, but from the tone of his voice. “You probably know him, since I saw a picture of him on your dresser this morning YN. His name was James, but everyone always called him Bucky.”
@sherrybaby14​ @legion1993​
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could we get a part 4 to that best friend Ethan thing?🥰
Sorry it took so long :(
(sexual harassment, violence, alcohol intoxication and death)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4:
You were now 4 drinks down and to say that you were absolutely fucked was an understatement. Your vision had become blurry and you were struggling to walk like a normal person without embarrassing yourself by walking into strangers.
Grayson was right. You can’t handle your drinks.
Every now and then you flash a cheeky smile at the odd guy that walks by you, earning yourself an eye roll from both Yael and Sam. You're such a flirt when you're drunk and you never have a problem showing it.
”You're such a lightweight, y/n!” Yael shouts over the loud thumping music as you both dance side by side, swaying your hips along with the music.
You— being the most drunk you've ever been— miss hear her completely. ”who the fuck are you calling shark bait?!”
Yael snorts out a laugh, amused with the state that you were in. “I said LIGHTWEIGHT! Fucking idiot!”
Sam casually dances his way over to the two of you, in the middle of the dance floor, with a drink in each hand.
”Who’s a lightweight?!” he questions, handing Yael one of the alcoholic beverages.
”Look! Sammy whammy is here! Welcome brother shark bait!” you point out as you dramatically throw an arm around his shoulder, causing the two of you to stumble back into a group of wasted girls that were dancing behind you.
”Oop! My bad!” you giggle, stepping away from the collision you just caused. You spin around to see that all 3 girls had liquid spilt down their attire and expressed a face to say ’are you kidding me?’— but you didn't give a single fuck.
Without a second to think, you stick both middle fingers up in the air and grin tormentingly before mouthing a ’fuck you’. Much to your amusement, this riles them up.
”Ignore her! She doesn't mean it! She's just drunk!” Sam clarifies, holding his hands up in defence as the girls start to throw abuse at the two of you.
”He’s lying!” you protest. ”I think you all look like clowns right now with all that fucking makeup on your dumbass fac—”
Pulling you away from the situation, before it gets out of hand, Sam raises a brow at you. ”Stop trying to rile up strangers! And Shark bait?”
Wow. You were even starting to annoy yourself with the childish shit you were coming out with.
”enough with the shark bait!” Yael demands, playfully clamping a hand over your mouth.
”get ya nasty hands off me!” slapping her hands away, you grimace. ”Could’a been touching sam’s dick for all I know!”
”don't be so silly!” yeal leans closer to your ear, holding your shoulder to steady your balance somewhat. ”I've washed my hands since then.” she winks.
”FILTH! ABSOLUTE FILTH!” you screech, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, sending Yael into fits of laughter.
”I’m joking!” she claims, taking a sip of her drink. ”although—” yael eyes Sam from head to toe, almost drooling at the sight of him. ”Sam is looking pretty hot tonight. Look at that fine piece of—”
”RIGHT!” you turn on your heel, beginning to walk away ”I need another drink.”
”Be safe! We’ll be right here if you need us!” she calls, waving a hand in the air as to say ’bye’.
No, they won't. Give it 5 minutes and Yael will be getting it in the toilets.
You were at the bar, ordering another 2 rounds of shots for the three of you, when a guy comes and sits himself down beside you.
”having a fun night?” he attempts to spark up a conversation.
”uh— yeah? Yes! Very fun!”
”That sounds like sarcasm, babe.”
Ew. Don't ’babe’ me.
You force a smile before taking your phone out from your clutch.
No messages.
Deep down, you were hoping to find a message from Ethan. But instead you received a notification-free screen. You found yourself staring at a picture, of you and E, that you had set as your lock screen. It was taken at the beach a few months back when you first properly hung out with everyone. Ethan was very attached to you that day and wherever you were, he was sure not to be too far away. You found it sweet.
In the photo, Ethan was standing behind you, both arms wrapped around your torso and his chin resting on your shoulder with a huge beaming smile spread across his face. It's your favorite photo to date and you've had it set as your lock screen from the very moment it was taken because E claimed it was ’kinda cute’.
The stranger next to you must have noticed your facial expression alter slightly because he's soon leaning over to get your attention. You slide your phone back into your clutch and close it after double-checking your actions.
”you seem like you're having a shitty time.”
”I am not! I'm having a fucking wicked time, if you must know! See that girl over there?” you turn to look for Yael, but she's nowhere in sight. Neither is Sam.
They're fucking in the bathroom, I bet!
”who?” the guy looks around the room in confusion.
Panicking, you point to a random girl. That random girl just so happens to be the wildest girl out on the dance floor as she was grinding against anyone who walked by her with her hair an absolute mess and red lipstick smudged all over her face. She looks like she knows how to have a fun time, that's for sure.
”That's your friend?” he asks, voice full of doubt. ”Seems like a massive whore to me.”
Was this guy looking to get his ass beaten? Because you'll square up right now!
”fuck you, asshole! That's my best friend! Don't talk about her like that!” You snap. You have no idea why you felt the need to defend this girl so bad but you weren't going to sit back and let this nincompoop hate on her like that.
”what the fuck are you gonna do about it?” the man laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
Smack his drink out of his hand.
You scowl at the man, shaking the thought out of your head before the bartender walks over with the shots you had ordered. You thank them with a small smile before picking the drinks tray up to take it over to an empty table in the corner of the room, furthest away from the bar.
After concentrating on your steps, and guarding the drinks like your life depended on it, you reach the booth you had your eyes on.
Wasting no time at all, you place the tray atop the table and swallow a shot straight down, grimacing at the burning feeling in the back of your throat.
Just when you think you're alone with your own thoughts, you feel a tap on your shoulder, prompting you to turn around. When you do, your heart plummets into your stomach.
It was the nincompoop from the bar and he didn't look happy at all.
”You know, it's rude to walk away from someone when they're talking to you.” his eyes were all over you, scanning your body from head to toe. You cringe, internally.
Still fairly drunk, you mimic his words in a mocking tone. ”It's rude to walk away when someones talking to you— GUESS WHAT?! I. DON'T—”
Taking you by surprise, he grabs your face with one hand and pulls you closer to him by harshly yanking on your arm.
”Watch your fucking mouth, slut.” he grumbles next to your ear, making your blood run cold with fear.
You'd think that someone would notice what's going on and intervene but this is a club, after all. Everyone was too drunk to notice their surroundings, let alone care about a couple of people in the corner of the club.
You always knew your drunken mouth would get you in trouble one day.
Out of instinct and panic, you kick him as hard as you can in the shin and shove him back. He howls in pain, hopping on one leg, as you make a quick dash for the nearest exit.
This is when wearing heels really fucks you.
You didn't dare look behind you because you knew if you did, that asshole would be right on your tail.
Forcefully shoving an exit door open, you become aware of your surroundings. You’re currently standing in the designated area for smokers. But no one was in sight.
To your left: dead end. No brainer.
To your right: 6-foot wire fence. There's no way you’d be able to climb that thing in sweatpants, let alone a fucking dress.
Unfortunately for you, just when you were about to figure out your next escape route, the guy kicks the door open to reveal an evil smirk on his pale face.
Yeah, maybe running through a side door wasn't the best idea.
There was only one exit and douchebag here was standing right in the way of it.
”You really thought you could run away from me?” he scoffs, ambling closer. With every step he took, the more fearful you got. What were this man's intentions?
”fuck you!” you spit (quite literally) into his face, making him flinch over-so-slightly.
He chuckles darkly and wipes his face clean before clamping a hand over your mouth and traps you between himself and the brick wall behind you.
The foul stench his body emitted was gut-wrenching. It was a foisty smell, alongside alcohol and sweat and it was not a good combo, at all. Never have you smelt anything so horrendous in your life. This guy has clearly never heard of a shower before.
”Wanna say that again?” he growls, breathing his disgusting breath in your face, only inches away.
You squirmed in his tight grip, trying desperately to escape but it was no use. He was too strong compared to your intoxicated self.
You begin tugging on the hand that was wrapped around your mouth, managing to break free for long enough to bite down onto it.
Crying out profanities, the man shakes his hand followed by bringing it back up towards your face. Instead of covering your mouth though, he tightly wraps his hand around your throat and squeezes your windpipe. You gasp for air as you begin grabbing at his hand once again but the pain you inflicted on the man in front of you caused a rush of adrenaline to power through his body, making him stronger than he was before.
”You looking to get hurt, huh?” he grumbles angrily, pulling an object out from his back pocket with his free hand. With a flick of his wrist, a blade pops out from the little rectangular-shaped object. Your eyes widen as you come to realise his intentions.
You wince as he angles the razor-sharp blade against your cheek. He then proceeds to press the point into your skin, chuckling tauntingly as blood begins to seep from the fresh wound and onto his hand that was still restraining you from breathing.
You wanted to scream and cry for help but it almost seemed impossible. Everything around you was becoming even more blurry than before and you were positive you were going in and out of consciousness from lack of oxygen.
”you’re so pathetic. Look at you! So weak. So helpless.” he uses his blade to smear the blood that was seeping from your cheek, all over your face. ”any last words, bitch?”
You have nothing to lose.
”F-fuck y-you,” you wheeze, kneeing him in the crotch with all the strength you could muster.
With a groan, he drops the knife and falls to his knees, cupping his privates in the process.
You collapse onto the floor and frantically start gasping for air. Without hesitation, you proceed to army crawl towards the door you passed through moments ago but before you could reach it, you're being dragged back by your ankle. You twist your whole body to lay on your back and begin kicking your feet in an attempt to get the pest of a man off you.
Managing to dodge all of your kicks, he drags you closer to him and places himself in between your legs after yanking them apart.
”GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” you screech, throwing your fists directly into his face.
”Stop! Just hold still!” He holds an arm up in defence as the other begins jerking at your dress, making it ride up somewhat.
”I SAID FUCK OFF!” Your foot flies up, purposely, kicking him straight in the jaw. The impact sparks him out cold as he falls back and cracks his head against the concrete flooring beneath him. You lay there stunned.
Blood begins to pool around his body while you remain sat in the exact same spot, eyes never leaving the scene before you.
You pay close attention to his chest area to discover that it wasn’t rising and falling like it should be. The only movement evident was the deep red fluid that continued to spill from his brutal wound on the back of his head.
Your breathing hitches in your throat as you feel as though you were being strangled like moments prior. Following shortly behind was a tightening sensation in your chest. It was just like someone had you in a bear hug and refused to loosen their hold of you, only tightening more when you begin to freak out. Everything around you becomes hazy as you try your hardest to focus on your breathing.
The exit door unexpectedly flies open to reveal the club's security guard with his mouth agape, looking absolutely mortified.
”I- I swear I- he just—” you stutter shakily, beginning to explain what happened before completely blacking out.
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tearsofsyrup · 5 years
dirty showers
— One of many nights when you’re catching your breath alongside Jungkook while splayed out across his damp sheets, head spinning due to the problems you wish you could shower away. 
pairing. jeon jungkook / reader
genre. drabble, mentioned smut, angst, friends with benefits au
word count. 1.7k
warnings. mentions of sexual activity, brief profanity
notes. my first piece of writing on this blog, so please tell me what you think.
Another mistake committed, piling up on your long list of identical ones.
You barely registered the bed bouncing beneath your weight as Jungkook fell onto its surface beside you, your brain occupied with returning your breathing to a regular pace. Vision still dazed and unfocused, you felt your heated body twitch subtly while still coming down from your high, two sets of heavy breathing the only sounds occupying the dark room.
The quiet that followed felt heavy and pregnant, consciousness and sense returning to fuel your brain once more and making you tense at the awareness of the person beside you. How that could still happen after so many times, you did not know.
You already felt dirty. And you knew that it wasn’t due to the perspiration sticking your skin to the sheets below. The feeling usually didn’t overcome you so quickly afterwards. Why was tonight any different? Why did the filth coating your skin feel so much more repulsive?
Thus, a desperate need for a wash was born.
“I wanna shower.” Your statement was louder than you had been prepared for as it cut through the silence, almost making you cringe. You wondered if your obscure discomfort was obvious.
Jungkook’s delayed response caused you to suspect he had fallen asleep already. You found that you nearly wished he had.
He displayed he was still conscious as the weight of his hand suddenly fell across your waist, a strained groan crawling out from within his chest.
Because I’m disgusting, you thought. You didn’t say it, or anything for that matter. So he continued.
You didn’t have time to ponder whether that meant more than it was supposed to, because your heart squeezing familiarly in your chest demanded all your attention. The feeling had become a regular occurrence, but only since a handful of weeks prior. Considering your position, the unsettling sensation should have plagued you from the first moment you kissed Jungkook. But it hadn’t. Did that make you a bad person?
Dirty, vile, gross, despicable-
Stopping your train of thought dead in its tracks, you took a deep breath, averting your attention to the comforting forearm relaxed over your stomach. You didn’t want to think of your horrible decisions and mistakes at that moment, refusing to acknowledge them as they tried to force their way into the forefront of your mind.
You had grown skilled at denial over the past couple of months, almost able to turn your emotions and awareness for responsibility on and off. The upsetting thoughts left when you told them to. The feeling of being dirty still troubled you, though.
You finally dared a glance in Jungkook’s direction.
His eyes were closed, ruffled and damp hair laying prettily across his sticky forehead. The familiar image caused a calm wave to wash over you but also your heart to churn uneasily. The opposing feelings left you conflicted.
“I’m sweaty and sticky. Stinky,” you finally reasoned. “I wanna shower.”
Jungkook’s eye opened lazily to observe you. You guessed that he was wondering why you were being so adamant, as you usually waited until the morning after to clean yourself properly. But you couldn’t tell him it was due to the overwhelming feeling of filth that seemingly coated you from head to toe, because you didn’t know what it meant yet.
Possibly you had just grown sensible, at last.
“I don’t mind the stench.”
You knew his mumbled comment was a lighthearted take on a statement meant to comfort, but his words caused your chest to sting with hurt. You understood he hadn’t intentionally meant it as you perceived it, but you couldn’t help the way your throat tightened a fraction as self-awareness threatened to drown you in the harsh reality of how many meanings could be rightfully jammed into that remark. Even if the young man next to you didn’t know what his words really alluded to, you knowing was enough. Worse, even.
Sitting yourself up quickly, you let Jungkook’s arm fall off of you.
“Well, I do.” You felt your problems and responsibilities creep up on you with the honesty of your quiet reply.
To your surprise, the springs of the mattress whined as Jungkook shifted beside you.
“You okay?”
No, I’m not. And you shouldn’t be, either.
The tips of your fingers digging into damp sheets, you turned your head to meet Jungkook in the darkness.
“Yeah, I’m fine. And dirty.” Dirty.
Jungkook huffed a haphazard snort.
“Right.” He paused as his head hung over his shoulders, allowing you to try swallowing the burn that was attempting to clime up your tight throat. “I’d shower with you but I feel like Imma pass out.”
You averted your gaze, the memories of Jungkook washing your hair making your heart roar again.
“It’s fine. I’m a big girl, I can shower myself.” You hated yourself for being able to act playful in your situation. Fucking filthy.
“Mhm,” Jungkook mumbled lazily, the soft kiss that was suddenly pressed against your shoulder blade forcing you to stifle a visible shiver. Then the bed bounced lightly as he fell back down onto it again.
How he could stand himself, you had a hard time fathoming. It almost made you dislike him, momentarily.
Your muscles fruitlessly protested as you made your way into Jungkook’s bathroom, squinting dramatically as you flipped the light switch. Hasty steps brought you to the shower as to avoid looking into the mirror above the sink while passing it, as if doing so would kill you. Because part of you thought it just might.
Foul and unpleasant.
You weren’t sure for how long you had stood with your forehead and palms pressing into cold tiles, warm water traveling down along the tense slopes of your naked body, when the feeling of hopelessness really made its presence known. Because the water wasn’t washing your stench away, unable to penetrate the steadfast layer of dirt that blanketed your skin and seeped in through your pores to eat you whole. You couldn’t get rid of it and it made you panic.
Heavy breathing, heart pounding, cheeks inflaming. Your knees grew weak and eventually hit the floor, but you couldn’t feel the pain. Not the physical kind. But the emotional kind was suffocating you as your reality hit you harshly across your sour, wet face - you weren’t sure whether tears had become a part of the equation then. And the worst part was, it was all your fault. All of it.
Eyes wide and staring through the wall in front of you, your lips quivered, nails digging into the tiles helplessly.
How could you do? How could you? How could you? How could you? How co-
A gentle call of your name broke your manic mantra. And you despised how just the sound of his voice could comfort you so easily, the booming of your heartbeat in your ears immediately turning less unbearable.
“What’s wrong? Is every- Are you hurt?”
No, not me.
You nearly flinched at the palm that landed on the space between your shoulder blades, but the soothing strokes that followed made you lean into his touch.
Only then did you realize that you were shaking, trembling.
You refused to avert your stare from the tiled wall, finally able to control your breathing again. Heart steadily returning to a healthier state, you sighed heavily, feeling as though you deflated in the process. A new kind of hopelessness encased you; the exhausted kind.
“Please, talk to me.”
For a split second, you wondered why he even cared. You wondered how he didn’t already understand. You wondered why he wasn’t feeling the same way you were.
Maybe his skill in denial was more advanced than yours.
But pondering over all the different questions and possibilities was too tiring, so you gave up, half-lidded gaze dropping to the floor.
Jungkook scooted closer, hugging you close to him and you didn’t have the energy to deny yourself letting him. Letting yourself bask in the way his body felt against yours. Happiness was a very foreign and unfamiliar feeling then, but you thought that Jungkook holding you was the closest you could come to it in that moment.
You relaxed into him, closing your eyes as you buried your face in his taut shoulder.
“Are you hurt?”
I’m not the one who is hurt, you fucking moron!
“I’m fine.”
You could imagine Jungkook’s eyebrows pinching at your obvious lie.
“(Y/N)...” You loved the way your name sounded falling from his lips, making you want to smile and cry, all at the same time. “Did I-... Did I do something?”
Yes, we both did.
“No, I did.”
You felt Jungkook leaning back a fraction, wanting you to meet his eyes with yours. You didn’t budge, knowing that seeing him like that would hurt too much.
“What do you mean?” A slow pause. “What did you do?”
You couldn’t suppress your scoff then, the sudden urge to push Jungkook off of you awakening. It withered away just as fast as it had come.
I did many things. I intentionally never let Taehyung know when I started texting you regularly. I never told him I spent all my time with you during Hoseok’s party in January, because it felt like I had done something wrong. I pretended like I barely knew you when you came over for a pregame at Taehyung’s apartment. I didn’t stop you when you kissed me at that other party in the beginning of March, when Yoongi turned twenty-something years old. I went home with you only a week later, letting you undress me and fuck me in any way you saw fit. I kept doing it ever since then, letting Taehyung feel undesirable and like he was the problem as I was busy fucking you instead of him. I started letting myself stay the night at your place, falling asleep in your arms instead of texting my boyfriend goodnight from my own bed at home. I let myself fall in love with you and out of it with the man that had said he wanted to marry me in the future.
I’m sitting here now, wrapped in your arms while Taehyung is in his bed alone, probably wondering where he went wrong.
You felt numb, figure slumped into Jungkook as he held you tightly against his chest.
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deepdisireslonging · 5 years
But Not Today
There are fics out there about Sam’s special bunker room... but what about yours?
Pairing: sub!Dean Winchester x Domme!Reader
Warnings/Promises: SMUT, dom/sub relationship, bondage, ball gag,
Word Count: 1375
Note: This happens before the bunker becomes hunter-base, so there isn’t an interruption risk. This is filth. Pure filth. If sub!Dean is not your thing, run away now. Otherwise, any and all feedback is super appreciated. Especially if you asked for a tag for this fic. Enjoy!
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It’s no secret the Winchesters are well-traveled. There are souls east and west and north and south of Kansas that have experienced just how well. But in the bunker, there are many extra rooms. More than the three (or four, if Cas shows up) could ever use. Sam has taken control of such a room. You’ve seen the inside of it. In those days after a hunt went wrong, when you don’t want to think about the loss, it’s your favorite place to be. But not all the time. For when you need to control, the flesh to give way to you, there’s another room.
And right now, Dean is hanging from the ceiling of it.
There’s a simple set up. A wench to one side for raising and lowering the chains. They’re ended with padded cuffs with an easy escape lock. And there’s a chair to one side for you to rest in while you watch Dean writhe. A bench for other uses. His arms are stretched high above him. Some days you attach the cuffs behind him, stretching his arms back and making it easy to bend him in half. And the chain has plenty of line to give him steady footing. But today his toes barely grip the floor.
Dean gasps behind his ball gag as you trail your nail up the underside of his cock. You didn’t use the cock ring today. All of his patience and holding back is going to be because of him. Not because of a toy. And he’s being so good. You reward him with another kiss to his skin, leaving another bright red lip-print. His body is covered in them. Today is a day for kisses and rewards instead of mind-cleansing bruises.
With the way his arms are pulled up, his body was fully on display for you. You’d walked around him several times just so you can see the way his marked muscles ripple from the struggle. He shivered each time you trail your fingers over his skin. No nails. But he wanted them. Pleaded “fphore” behind the gag. You stopped in front of him. Smirk on your lips. Hunger in your eyes.
“You’re being such a good boy.”
His body went limp in the restraints. The tiniest of praise and his cock jumped. So eager and easy.
“So calm. So collected.”
The way his eyes roll back in his head under your touch on his cock says otherwise. His thighs are shaking, straining. His hands wrapped around the chains long ago. Something else to barely hold onto. Like his toes to the floor. Hell, he looks wrecked. Brow scrunched. Every part of him tense. ‘Collected’ his ass.
“What do you need, baby?” You tighten your grip on his cock, twisting gently. He moans brokenly. He’s ready. “You ready for your show?”
His eyes are pleading for your touch, but he nods anyway.
Tugging the chair over, you sit at an angle and flip up your skirt. While there aren’t any toys on him, you do. You turned off the bullet in your panties and pulled them down. Dean moaned again seeing your slick. He’s spent hours eating you out. But not today. Those beautiful eyes of his widen in desperate shock as you slide two fingers up through your wetness. You held them up to show him the drip down your fingers. He struggled in the bonds, surging forward. Muffled, he whimpered your name.
In a moment of cruel mercy, you stood and offered them to him. You spread the wet over his gag. No taste, but he thanked you in his way anyway.
You dragged the bench closer and propped his feet on the wood. Then you straddled his thigh and hung on. He tensed, catching your clit perfectly.
“My good boy, knowing what I need,” you gasped. You thrust faster, picking a rhythm. Thus steadied, you moved your hands to where he wants them. One curled in the short hairs at the base of his neck. The other scratched its way down this stomach to his cock. You matched the slide of your hand to the slide of your hips. Dean’s eyes closed. You knew behind his eyelids, he felt your heat envelop him and felt the other times you’ve fucked him. Those memories make his cock throb in your hand. You allowed it.
The longer you go, the faster you move chasing release, the more his brow scrunches. Grunts sound from behind the gag. You edged yourself three times. Each time Dean huffs when you don’t cum. If only you would cum, then he would maybe let himself fall over the edge himself. How many times had he used the excuse before punishment?
“But you looked so beautiful, Mistress. I couldn’t hold back.”
Not today. You’ve got him caught. If you don’t cum, then he won’t until you tell him too. And he’s going to do it on command. Like the perfect man he is.
“How close are you, baby?” You kissed under his jaw, licking up some of his perspiration. “Getting needy?”
You tilted his head further to the side with your grip on his hair. “Are you going to fill my mouth? I bet my tongue could just barely taste you and you’d spill. Wouldn’t you?”
He shakes his head. Tries to mumble something about not until you say so.
“Let’s put it to the test, then.”
You unstradled him. His thigh is so wet, you almost lean down to lick some of it up. But that wouldn’t be any fun since you can’t kiss him and fill him with your tongue. You’ll have to taste his hum of delight later. Instead, you sat on the bench and kitten licked his tip. Dean tensed and his eyes bulged. But he didn’t cum. You mouthed up and down his length. Several pearls of precum dribbled out. You hummed around their taste. Reaching back, you gently began to roll his balls with your fingertips. Still, he didn’t cum.
“My good boy,” you purred against this cock, “cum, dear.”
His cock filled your mouth. Dean groaned and strained for a little while longer while you sucked and hollowed your mouth around him. You pulled off with a pop to command him to cum. Then you rushed to swallow what he dared to spill. Soothing him, you could feel how much more his body could give.
After you had calmed his shivering, you lowered the chains and unhooked his cuffs. His body sagged against yours enough to make you brace a step back. He sighed as you massaged his shoulders.
“You-“ he pants and licked his lips. “You didn’t cum, Mistress.”
“Who says we’re done?” That chair. You spun it around and stood behind it. “Have a seat.”
Some days you might play with him for hours more. Not this evening. Not when he was ready for you so quick. Not when his lap was such a perfect seat. He made you cum in minutes, spilling into you hot and shouting. You bit into his shoulder to quite your own burst of sound. You sat there for a minute, not wanting to move nor having the energy.
“Mistress?” Dean looked at you groggily. “Y/N?”
“Hey,” you rasp. “You good?”
“Very. You?”
He chuckles. “Use your words, sweetheart.” He gasped with a smile when you tapped his thigh. “Just saying.”
Rising off him made your eyes flutter. His release starts to drip down your thigh. “I just fucked you twice to Sunday and you’re sassing me?”
“I thought you liked my sass.”
You shot him a playful glare. “And yet I like using the ball gag.”
He joined you in cleaning up the space and then cleaning up each other in the shower. By the time you guys are back to his room, you’re both fumbling with pajamas so much you almost don’t put anything on. But it’s cold in the bunker and you like wearing his flannels.
First, there are sweet nothings. Then fluttering eyelids as you both fight sleep. Finally, you succumb to sleep with his strong arms wrapped around you. On another night you could have talked long into the night. But not today.
Forever Tags: @blondekel77  @brianaraydean @chwehansol98 @desstehhnee  @gold--gucciempress @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker @savmontreal @shieldgirl18  @tinyelfperson @writtingrose @xladyxfatex 
Supernatural Tags: @emoryhemsworth @quixoticcat @smandrews3  @supernatural-jackles @tamtamlov @vvinch3st3r 
Dean Winchester Tags: @19mmallory @akshi8278 @ashmonet @bits-n-bowz  @bringmesomepie56 @castielsbecky @cookie-dough-lova @dancingalone21   @eve05glee  @gabbyrogers094 @idontknow-canyou @its--killing--me @juanitadiann  @justtryingtogosomewhere @kaemarie23 @kittenofdoomage  @lauriz67  @mein1928 @millie67 @mrspeacem1nusone @mylostsoul28   @mysteriouslyme81  @peaceloveandplumbots @sassy-losechester @sissysalvatore @supernatural-jackles  @theriumking @uzum4k1-uch1h4 @vutdidyousay @windeango67 
Fic Tags: @chidori-chan @aspiringhorrorfilmmaker  @undisputedomega @delightfully-wicked @entersand-man @goblinslayerxreader  @madampyra @fireflyfunhousetrash @beefyween  @slytherine2ufun​ @troubledkris  @trynnabemultifandom @bi-danvers0 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester  @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @hybreed12479  @ladyvic3 @releitable  @whispers8764 @spence-rreid  @missile-blog @spoopychulo @mattiej15  @21toostupidforlife @comic-book-reider @takemebillyhargrove @emeraldwitches  @princesss-leee​ @princess11296  @somebrokeartstudent @bees-r-good​  @jonsey44  @princessasoldier @superwhomarvelcwlocked​ @chonisberonica​ @sophieelisabeth04​  @ownedbydeanwinchester​  @twistedbeautifully
 (Let me know if you’d like a permanent tag!)
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quirklove · 4 years
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When KAI opens his eyes, he can feel that his fever has broken.
His head is still a little fuzzy, but the all-consuming haze that rendered him useless and pathetic to the point of tears is gone. Thank God. He remembers not just a tear or two; he was full-out sobbing in front of (Name) because he felt so sick and anxious.
Awful. How undignified. He’ll be lucky if he isn’t single by now.
His vision clears slowly as he blinks a few times, trying to shake off the leftover malaise. Perhaps it would be a good idea to remain in bed for another day… he still doesn’t feel back to 100%. “Mmh…”
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” comes the bright tone from his other half. He can feel her touch drawing a cool, damp cloth across his face. She’s so gentle, like she thinks she’s handling a precious treasure as she wipes him down. “Your fever’s down, but you probably shouldn’t get up yet. How are you feeling? Any better?”
“Much better,” he groans, arching his back a bit in an effort to stretch out any knots that have taken up residence. How long was he sick? Two days? Three? Everything’s a blur. “My temperature… what is it?”
Almost as if she anticipated him asking, she holds the thermometer in front of his face. “37.2. Not quite back to normal, but nearly there.” She lets him take it to have a look at, then leans down to press a kiss to his forehead. “I was worried! You were so uncomfortable… hopefully you’ll be back on your feet by tomorrow, though. I just wish there’s more I could have done.”
“You did enough. More than I thought you would.” His nose scrunches up slightly, and he rubs at it with his wrist before setting the thermometer back down on the table. “I apologize that I was so disgusting. It feels like I need a week-long shower.”
She laughs and her fingers give a quick swipe through his hair. “We’ll get you a nice, hot shower in a little while. And what are you apologizing for anyway? For catching a cold? I was happy to take care of you, honey. I’m just sorry I wasn’t very good at it. You were so miserable, you poor thing.” Another kiss to his forehead; he feels absolutely spoiled. “How’s your stomach? Up for breakfast?”
“Just tea, please,” he replies absently. He’s trying to wrap his mind around her remarks. She was happy to take care of a man who could have infected her with this? She was by his side every moment, trying to make him as comfortable as possible, braving the risk of contracting his illness herself, just because she loves him… and she still thinks she didn’t do enough? What more could she have done?
That smile of hers is what he imagines heaven must look like. (Not that he thinks he’s ever going to see it, so she’s the closest he’ll ever get.) “Oh course, sweetheart. I’ll put some honey in it to help your throat, okay?”
Before she can leave to make it, Kai reaches toward her with one arm, letting out a noise of desperation to ensure she doesn’t go anywhere just yet. “You ― enjoyed taking care of me? Didn’t I… I haven’t been able to wear my mask. Not only does it protect me, if I was able to wear it while sick, it would have protected you.”
“Well, I mean… it’s not like you coughed or sneezed on me or anything,” she laughs as she gives his hand a squeeze. Just the concept makes him shudder. He’s sure he wouldn’t do that even to his worst enemy. “Besides, it didn’t bother me. I have hand sanitizer, I washed my hands at every opportunity, I washed everything with bleach water or sanitizing wipes… I thought it was more important that I was here for you.”
That’s so foreign to him. Even when he’s sick and repulsive, someone wants to be with him. He’s silent for a minute as he stares at her, feeling his eyes soften and his face relax more than it has in ― in years, he’s sure. He feels so secure around her. Like he’s safe from the rest of the world’s filth, like he can trust her to treat him in the way he treats himself… sometimes even better than he treats himself.
Finally, he lets his hand slip from hers. “I… won’t forget this, darling.”
And he won’t. The thought of her, sitting by his bedside while he slept, rubbing his back while he coughed, giggling at the way he mispronounced words with his stuffy nose, spooning medicine into his mouth, tucking the blankets around him, wiping him down with cold water, dutifully checking his temperature, washing everything as many times as she knows he would want, preventing his dazed mind from making a mess with tissues, pressing kisses to his feverish brow…
… It fills him with a new kind of love for her. The adoration he already had blooms inside him as he thinks about all the ways she must have taken care of him, sacrificing her time and potentially her good health just so he wouldn’t have to suffer through this on his own.
He can feel her adjusting the blanket over his shoulders, his eyes drifting closed again. The fact that she urges quietly against his ear for him to rest while she goes to make his tea only intensifies the feeling, prompting a wave of calm to wash over him.
As she heads out the door, he manages a weak wheeze of, “Thank you…”
He always thought she was too good for him.
After this, he knows it for a fact.
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marvel-lucy · 4 years
The Ultimate Weapon, chapter 18
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Physically, I wasn’t in too bad shape. I’d lost too much weight and needed some good food; some good sleep in a warm bed; a shower; clean clothes. All of that was easily solved. Mentally though, I was exhausted. I was drained, by the constant up and down of the last few months. In some ways it would have been easier to have stayed with Hydra until I was used up. Trying to take back control of my life was hard, re-learning to live, make my own decisions; having to learn to trust. And now I was scared to trust even my own thoughts, having realised how easily I’d been manipulated.
Bucky had carried me back to the jet, and we’d taken off to fly back to the Tower. I woke up as we took off and tried to focus through the shooting pains in my head. Steve saw me stir, and came over, crouching beside me. I knew, I really did, that they hadn’t taken me back just to hurt me. That wasn’t Steve’s style. But the worry after our mission, mixed with the voices in my head, meant that I was convinced that I was a burden, a danger, unwanted.
“It won’t be long, and we’ll be back at the Tower. Get you checked over by the doc, get you rested, and then we’ll talk, we’ll explain.” He stood up, then turned, came back, and pulled me in for a tight hug. “Just don’t leave again, ok. Whatever your head tries to tell you, don’t run. Come and talk to one of us, just, please, don’t run again.” Then he was gone, back to the front of the jet.
My brain felt raw and exposed. I couldn’t seem to shut out sensations at the moment, the flood of emotions coming at me was like a tide rubbing against my skin. I couldn’t even identify whose thought was whose, and I had no idea whether these were even real thoughts or if they’d been implanted in my mind. I shut my eyes again and leant my head back and let the tide wash over me, thoughts overlapping and overwhelming.
‘Wonder if she’s going to be ok?... Lost a lot of weight… Someone else has to tell her about Loki… We have to keep her safe… Still just a kid… Got to show her she’s wanted… I love her’. My eyes snapped open as that last thought scraped across my mind. Most of the team were on board, they’d all come out to find me. They were sitting, talking or checking equipment, busy, I had no way of knowing who was thinking what. I put that thought aside and slept.
I woke up again when we landed, and Bucky was by my side ready to help me down the ramp and back into the Tower. After my time outside, I seemed to have lost my agoraphobia. Not a recommended cure but at least it was something. Bruce tried to point me in the direction of the medlab but I shook my head and started back to my room. ‘My’ room. Did I have the right to call it that? I paused, turned towards Tony.
“Is it OK if I go and use a room, just to shower and sleep for a bit?” I asked, “I… don’t want to presume”. A second later, Tony too had pulled me into a hug. We were similar heights, and his mouth was by my ear. “This is your home. Don’t ask permission. Go shower, sleep, then we’ll talk”. He squeezed me again, then stepped back, holding onto my upper arms for a second and nodding. He ruffled my hair and then turned away.
I was grateful that everybody hadn’t stood around waiting and watching me. I guessed they knew I felt too exhausted to deal with anything now, so they’d melted away to various places in the Tower. Now there was just Bucky and I left on the roof by the elevator. The doors opened, and we both stepped in. I knew I needed a shower but had a feeling that I was going to crash out soon. Too many nights with too little sleep, and living with something in my head, had exhausted me. I reached my room, barely awake, and realised Bucky was just behind me still as I opened the door. I looked at him, puzzled as he spoke.
“I can’t let you out of my sight right now. I just can’t, I’m sorry”. He stepped in with me, shut the door, and pointed to the bed. “Go, sleep. I just need to be here”. He sat down in a chair near the bed, then jumped up again as he saw that I was swaying on my feet and ready to fall. “Come on, I’ve gotcha” he said quietly, then “Jarvis, lights down?” and the room darkened. I’d been wearing the same clothes for the best part of two weeks but I didn’t care and one more night wouldn’t hurt. Bucky lifted me onto the bed and took off my shoes, pulling a blanket over me. My eyes closed and I was gone.
For a few hours, I slept like the dead. I barely moved and I didn’t dream. Then as the deep exhaustion wore off, I began to stir as dreams and memories flashed across my mind. I was too tired to barricade myself from the flood, something I’d had to teach myself to do long ago, and so memories of my time with Hydra, with our recent mission, and of the whispering voice tangled with each other into a nightmare whirl. I started to whimper in my sleep, tossing and turning. Bucky, awake in the chair, saw me start to struggle, and was at my side in an instant, stroking the hair away from my face and whispering in my ear, ‘it’s OK, I’m here, you’re safe now’. His voice made its way through the fog in my brain and gave me some peace, and he started to step away but I held onto his arm as it reached across me, pulling his arm into my chest and interlocking our fingers.
“Don’t go” I murmured, “Feel safe with you, s’better”. There was a short pause and then I felt the bed move as Bucky lay down beside me, his body curling around my back as I held onto his arm.
“I’m not leaving doll” he whispered in my ear, and I fell back into a dreamless sleep.
Twelve hours later, I finally woke. We’d both shifted in the night and now Bucky was lying flat on his back with my head on his chest and our legs tangled. He was awake, and I could feel him gently stroking my hair. I kept my eyes shut and enjoyed the gentle feel; I was so unused to any touch that wasn’t either painful or functional. Eventually my awareness of my hunger, thirst and filth meant I stirred, looking up at Bucky before I got up.
“Thank you. For staying here last night. For finding me.” I was still so afraid, but had to speak. “Why did you come for me? You saw what I did on the mission. You know what I am. You should have let me stay lost.” He pulled me back down towards him, wrapping his arms around me with a desperate tightness.
“Sweetheart, this is where you belong. You’re no more a monster than any of us, we’re all damaged here. You were tricked into believing that, and now you’ve got to let it go. We want you. We need you. I need you.”
I could have stayed there for hours. It would have been much simpler to just lie there, head on Bucky’s chest, and not face anything else, but life isn’t that simple. A few minutes later, I forced myself to get up. Finding some clean clothes still in the closet, I showered, throwing away the clothes I’d been wearing for too long. It felt good to be clean, and once that was sorted, I realised just how hungry I was. Food was going to involve going out into the Tower though, and that would involve facing up to the people I’d let down. I left the bathroom and saw that Bucky was still in my room, sitting and looking out of the window.
“I need a quick shower too” he said, adding “I’ll come back and get you, give me ten minutes ok? Then we’ll go get food together.” He waited for my nod of consent before leaving. God I was nervous. These were good people but I was afraid and my head still hurt with exhaustion and emotion.
Bucky was back well within ten minutes, and cocked his head at me from the doorway.
“Come on, you look half-starved doll” he smiled. “People are glad you’re back. Come eat, and we can tell you what we know. No one’s going to bite you.” He smiled again and I managed a half smile back, then followed him out.
He must have alerted everyone that we’d be coming upstairs, because when we reached the living area, it seemed the whole team was there. Emotions and thoughts were still leaking into my head which I was too tired to barricade, so it got pretty overwhelming. Steve pressed a cup of coffee into my hand as I sat at the table, bone tired still, and used the warmth of the cup to focus and centre myself. Someone put a plate of toast in front of me and I started to eat, then looking up, realised I’d become the centre of attention. Swallowing, mouth suddenly dry, I knew I needed to speak.
“Everyone, I…” a deep breath, try again. “I’m so sorry. I’ve caused you all so much trouble over these months. You rescued me and since then I’ve been nothing but difficulty for you.” I could see that Tony and Bucky were about to speak, and waved my hand to quiet them. “Please, let me get this out. You’ve given up your time, and your energy, to someone you don’t know. You’ve been kind and generous and helped me so much, and this is how I’ve repaid you.” My voice cracked and I closed your eyes briefly, trying to get hold of myself. Everyone waited for me to speak again. I looked down at the table, unwilling to meet anyone’s eyes.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you had to see what kind of monster you’d freed. I know what I am now, I’m not human. I’m a killer, I’m a danger to everyone. I’ve caused so much trouble; I don’t belong here. I’m just… I’m so sorry. I’ll go today”. I hadn’t realised until I saw the drops fall onto the table that I was crying. I watched them pooling together, unwilling to lift my head.
A second later, arms were around me and at the same time there was a clamour of voices. The cool of one arm against my back, and the warmth against my front told me it was Bucky holding me, his face pressed into my hair so I couldn’t turn to see. Oh I’d miss this. Miss him, I allowed myself to admit.
“Guys, guys, one at a time” Tony’s voice rose over the babble. I hadn’t been paying attention, my mind too frayed to separate out the voices and thoughts and pick them apart. “Mole, kid, Ruby, look at me. C’mon”. I looked up. Tony was standing, arms crossed, on the opposite side of the table. “OK, we listened to you, you need to listen to us now. Deal?” I nodded.
“Firstly, here’s what happened. After the mission, when, let’s not forget, you actually saved all our lives, for which thank you, you were in the medlab, yes?” I nodded, I knew that. “You were lying there, thinking we hated you or you didn’t deserve to be here, or some such nonsense. Loki came and saw you. Remember that?” I nodded, slower this time. I did remember seeing Loki, but the fog that had descended on my mind had blotted that out.
“Wait, did he.. what did he do? I don’t remember” I blurted out.
“Turns out, and we only found this out later than we should have done, he sold you out to Hydra.” I started at that, and Bucky began stroking my hair as he might a frightened animal. Tony continued. “Hydra wanted you back, because you’re powerful. Loki bargained with them that if he manipulated you to run, pushed you towards them, he’d get some powerful weapon they had. Powerful in terms of ‘oh hell no, we don’t want that crazy god to have it’” he added.
“He lied to you. That’s what he does. He got inside your head and twisted your thoughts, made you think you had to leave. You don’t. EVER.” Tony rested his fists against the table top, leaning forwards and forcing me to meet his eyes. “You belong here. Nobody around this table thinks anything different. We don’t care about what was done to you, or what you did. You. Belong. Here.” There were nods from around the table, then Natasha spoke.
“You know I don’t go in for pretty words and sweet talk. I’m blunt. I’ll tell you now, you try a trick like that again and I’ll kick your ass, ultimate weapon or no.” That lightened the mood and I smiled at her. “It’s only because that shit of a god got inside your head that I’m forgiving you. You’re my friend. You start to worry about things, you talk to us, you don’t run. Your brain starts telling you you’re not wanted, or you’re a monster, you talk to us. You’re frightened or angry or hell, happy, you TALK TO US. Got it?”
I nodded. It was easier than arguing with someone like Nat.
“Yeah, unconvincing” she smiled. “We’re going to work on you. You think Steve’s compulsory happy day was hard, wait until you’ve felt the ‘Avengers make you feel loved’ experience. You’ll be begging for mercy.” She walked around the table towards me, saying “hey, Barnes, someone else’s turn” and then sat down and put her arms around me when Bucky let go. “You did something that no one else has done for a long time. When you went missing, I cried. I don’t cry. So you owe me, you stay here and you let us look after you.” She sniffed and sat up, eyes looking damp. “I can’t have someone out there knowing Black Widow has feelings, so you stay here, ok…?” I smiled at her. The sense of relief at the way I was being treated was enormous although the guilt was just as large. I couldn’t believe I deserved this at all, still.
“You need to eat, and rest” Steve said. “We’re not going to stand here and watch, don’t worry. But when you need to talk things through, you find one of us, ok?” The group got up to go, smiling as they went, each resting a hand on my shoulder or kissing the top of my head in passing.
“And Loki?” I suddenly asked, before they all left. “What’s happened to him?”
“I punched him. Hard. Knocked him out.” Bucky admitted. “Thor’s taken him back to Asgard and he’s locked up there. You won’t be seeing him again.” He met my eye and added, grinning “Best punch I’ve ever thrown, I enjoyed that once I’d heard what he’d done” and I smiled again, a little bigger. Gradually people left until it was just me, Steve and Bucky left. Steve brought out some fresh coffee as mine had gone cold, and made pancakes, then the three of us sat eating together. Steve had said little so far and I was concerned that he was doing what he felt was the honourable thing, rather than what he really believed, so it was a surprise when he spoke.
“Don’t ever do that again”. He almost growled and I looked up startled, to see his face was wet with tears although his eyes looked angry. “Don’t ever believe you shouldn’t be here. You should. Not just because you saved us on that mission but because you’re our friend. We like you, we care about you, we want you here” He ran his hands over his face, scrubbing at his skin. “Please. Don’t ever, ever, fucking think we don’t want you”. I’d never heard him swear before and understood from that that he was very serious. He stood up and came over, pulling me upright and wrapping his arms around me. I barely came up past his chest and yet as I felt tears soak into my shoulder, somehow it felt as if I was the one comforting him. After a moment, he stood back, kissed my cheek, gave us an ironic salute, and left.
I was ready to sleep again. For the next few days I didn’t do much more than sleep and eat, then on the third day, as I woke with a little more energy, I asked Jarvis where I could find Sam. Heading down to the gym, I waited until he’d finished his workout and then stepped into view.
“Hey, how you doing?” he asked, as I passed him some water which he gulped down.
“I’m ok, I guess. When I can stay awake. My brain feels like it’s been peeled, but I’m learning to shut out everyone’s thoughts again. Or most of the time anyway. I probably know more about some people than they might be happy with” I grinned, thinking of the thoughts I’d heard from Clint the night before. “I was wondering if I could talk to you some time. Everything’s a mess, really, in my head. You helped me a lot before.”
“That is my job, so I’m glad to hear it” he grinned. “Let me shower, then come down to the office, say half an hour?”
We talked a lot, not just that day but over the next few weeks. Sometimes I’d go and seek him out, other times if he saw me starting to withdraw, or he hadn’t caught up with me for a few days, he’d come and find me, insist that I talk to him. It was damn hard at times but he drew thoughts out of me that I hadn’t even understood, helped me find new ways of thinking. At the same time, I was trying to fit back in again. Despite what Sam told me, I didn’t feel right yet. I went out of my way to be helpful, hoping I could deserve friendship that way; I slipped out of rooms when people came in, thinking they wouldn’t want me there. One evening, Clint stopped me as I was about to leave again.
“Hey. Ruby. Remember when we went out on that mission? I said you had to let us help you find yourself again, afterwards?” I nodded, although it seemed a lifetime ago now. “So let us. Stop excusing yourself whenever you’re around us. Stop being polite, it really doesn’t fit in here. Just be here, with us. We’ll tease Steve about how old he is, he’ll be shocked at Tony’s drinking and Nat’s language. Sam and Bucky will pretend to hate each other. You and me will play pool and I’ll let you win.” He winked, “How about it? And if I can get you to say something sassy to Stark, I will, I don’t know, I’ll think of something…”
“Admit to Nat how you feel about her?” I smiled at him and he stared up at me. “Remember how I said that I was finding it hard to shut out all the thoughts I can hear at the moment, since Loki was in my head? Yeah, I know everything”. I grinned. It felt good to tease Clint, I felt accepted for a moment and let him draw me back into the room.
Thor had joined us that afternoon, and had sought me out, pulling me to one side to tell me that Loki was locked up, after causing trouble in most of the Nine Realms it seemed. He said that he’d never be allowed back on Midgard, and that I had nothing to fear. Then he took my hand and spoke quietly,
“I am truly, deeply sorry for the trouble my brother has caused. Until now I had not realised fully quite how much he lives up to his name as God of Mischief and Lord of Lies. It is to my eternal shame that he has dishonoured our family so and I vow that I will repay this debt between us.” He raised my hand and kissed the back of it. I started to thank him as solemnly as I could but gave up and punched him lightly on his ridiculously large shoulder.
“Families are weird Thor. I don’t hold you in any way responsible for your brother’s behaviour. I’m just glad to have your friendship, if I have it. And a good drinking partner”. He grinned at me and I felt another weight lift from me.
Later that night, Clint had to stand on the table and tell Natasha how he felt, after I’d shut Tony down with, as Clint put it, ‘ultimate sass’, helped out by quite a few beers which had helped me relax. Earlier that day, Sam had told me that maybe I’d never be fully OK, but that nobody said you couldn’t be broken and happy, and I’d been rolling that around in my head for a while. I might always feel unworthy, but maybe that was me and maybe I could live here, with these people I liked, all the same.
I looked around me at the team, who were currently making all kinds of suggestive remarks at Clint, then howling with laughter as Nat joined him on the table and pulled him down for a very sensuous kiss. Suddenly I started to giggle. I tried to suppress it but it came out as a snort which made me laugh even more. Faces started to turn towards me, all slightly drunk themselves and happy, if confused, to see me laughing.
My snorts turned into laughter as I tried to explain what was causing this but each sentence just made me laugh more. The laughter seemed to be contagious as the rest of the team cracked up watching me laugh and try to speak, then developing hiccups, making them laugh even more.
“I’m… I’m… I’m living in a billionaire’s tower” I forced out, bent over and clutching my stomach. It wasn’t actually funny but the thoughts in my head were ludicrous. “My best friend is a 90-year-old man with a metal arm. His best friend is a 90-year-old who gained 120 pounds in an afternoon.” I tried to wipe my eyes with my hand but hiccupped and set myself off again. “I’ve had my mind broken by one God Prince from another world, and my hand kissed by another one”. I’d slipped over now with my head in Bucky’s lap and the laughter and relief were spreading around the room. “Oh god, it’s all so ridiculous. We’ve got the world’s best archer, a Russian assassin, a man who turns green, a man who flies. None of this makes sense!” I paused, desperately trying to breathe, as I watched my friends also laughing at the stupidity of the situation, and the relief at the breaking of the tension that had held for weeks now.
“You’re all crazy and broken!” I said, pointing vaguely at them while I clutched my stomach and howled with laugher. “Oh god, maybe this is where the crazy broken people come when they don’t fit in out there. Maybe I really do belong here”. The rest of the evening passed in a blur of beer, laughter, and genuine happiness as I started to finally believe I could be OK.
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littlenoona · 5 years
You need us: The Torturous Truth.
You need us: The Buried Secret.
You need us: The Torturous Truth.
You need us: The Forced Reconciliation.
Summary: Won-Shik has answers that you're desperate for but you can’t locate him and the heads of your organisation tell you they can’t find him either - Jealousy comes back to haunt you, it’s not your own but you end up paying the price. 
Warnings: Anal play (Y/N gets a buttplug), oppa/noona/sir kink, ridiculously jealous JK sex(sorry), mentions of death, beatings and blood, overstimulation, 2 character deaths, near death experience, someone has bullet wounds, kinda sweet sex with Jin, Y/N goes a little dom(?), oral(f and m receiving), tiny bit of cock warming I guess?
Genre: Smut, fluff & angst.
Pairing: DomMafia!OT7 x Reader(F).
Word Count: 23,175.
A/N: I feel like my biases might be showing. 🤔🤦‍♀️ Also this is one big fucking filth fest, I’m telling you, this is smut with a story, not a story with smut, ahah. 
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“Wake up, sweets.” Ae-Cha’s voice rung through your head.
You groaned, turning onto your side, away from the point of her voice, feeling the severe ache in your body after last night knock the wind out of you. 
“I’ve made you some breakfast, the heads wanted me to come check on you to make sure you ate and had something to drink.” your best friend spoke again, her voice sounding softer than before. 
“Mmhm..” you hummed, “Thank you, ‘Cha.” you opened your eyes and rubbed them gently, seeing the familiarity of your own bedroom in your apartment, ‘How the hell did I get here?’ you questioned yourself with furrowed brows. 
“I’ve gotta go back to work, okay? Call me if you need anything.” Ae-Cha spoke again, her hand brushing sweetly against your arm. 
“Okay, I’ll see you there soon.” you yawned, your eyes following her figure as she walked out the door and left your apartment. 
Groaning you sat up in your bed, swinging your legs over the edge and standing up, nearly falling over, your legs so weak and wobbly beneath you. 
“Fuck sake.” you breathed, trying to steady yourself, keeping a hand on the wall to lean on as you walked towards your kitchen, grabbing your robe on the way to cover your body. 
Sitting down on the chair by your dining table, you whimpered at the pain shooting through your body from your core, ‘That’s what you get’ you thought to yourself, your mind flashing images of yesterday’s punishment as you picked up your fork and started eating. 
You finished your food quickly, leaving the dirty dishes behind, not bothering with it since you didn’t have the energy, you walked towards your bathroom, wanting a nice and warm shower.
Turning on the water, you heard your phone chiming from your bedroom, quickly running to get it you saw Yoongi’s name on the screen as you picked it up and put it to your ear. 
“Hey handsome.” you spoke softly.
“Hey beautiful, I’m close by, I’ll come by to see you in about 5, okay?” his voice sounded strained and as if he’d been running. 
“Sure. Is everything okay?” you asked, concerned that he was in trouble.
“Yeah of course, I just want to see you.” you could hear the smile in his voice.
“Awh. You’re so sweet. I’m just having a quick shower but the door is open. I’ll see you soon.” you smiled, hanging up the phone and throwing it on your bed you walked back towards your bathroom, now completely steamed up, stepping into the shower and letting the water run over you, washing yourself free of the stains from last night, feeling an ache in your body as you spotted several bruises littered across your body. 
You heard your front door open and close, footsteps coming closer to your bathroom, “Hey Yoongi-oppa.” you yelled. 
“Hey jagiya.” he hummed as he came into the bathroom, hearing some shuffling a light yelp escaped you as he harshly pulled the shower curtain to the side and entered the shower with you. 
He laughed, “Did I scare you?” 
“Yes, you dick!” you pouted as you hit his chest with a fist. 
“Aaawh, I’m sorry.” he spoke with a cocky voice, putting his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. 
“No you’re not!” you met his stare and squinted at him, loving the feeling of his warm body against yours. 
“No, I’m not.” he said with a firmer voice, pushing you against the cold tiles of your shower, a shiver running through you because of it, his hand coming up to cup your cheek and his lips meeting yours a passionate kiss. 
His hand roamed down your side, grabbing a hold of your ass and squeezing it, the action causing you to break the kiss and whine in pain, his eyes studying your features with a proud smile. 
Moving his lips next to your ear, he growled at you, “I didn’t get to fuck you last night.” 
“Oppa.. Please..” you whined, “Everything hurts. I can’t..” 
“Mmm, I know baby.. I just miss your tight cunt so much.” he continued, pressing his body against yours, making you sigh, his advances working like magic on you, like they always did, even more so because you could feel his hardened member against your stomach. 
You lifted your leg up, your thigh resting on his hip, leading his hand to hold onto it as he pulled away looking down at you with questioning eyes.
“Be gentle..” you smirked, your hand coming to hold on to the back of his neck. 
“I’m not going to fuck you if you don’t want it, Y/N.” he spoke harshly. 
You leaned up and dragged your lips across his softly, “I want it.” you whispered, “I want you.” the water hitting your bodies and the tiles making you almost inaudible. 
He pushed his lips against yours, pulling his hips away slightly, positioning his member by your core before slowly pushing into you, your head leaning back against the tiles in a moan that was mixed between pain and pleasure. 
“Fuck..” he breathed as he watched his member disappear into you, your core throbbing around him at the intrusion, still so sore from yesterday. Pulling out of you slowly, he pushed back in, grinding into you more than thrusting, testing how rough he could be with you before you wouldn’t be able to handle it.
His other arm slid around your back, holding on to you and supporting you, pulling you against his body, his lips attaching to your neck, sucking softly on your skin and biting you gently. 
“You feel so good..” you moaned, your nails digging into his shoulder and dragging down his arm leaving red marks behind. He growled against the skin of your neck, loving the marks you left on him almost as much as he loved marking you. 
He pulled out of you and let go of your leg, turned you around and bent you a little forward against the tiles of the shower, pushing himself into you again as he increased his pace and the harshness of his thrusts a little, one of his arms wrapping around your stomach, the other hand moving down to trace circles on your clit. 
“I want to feel you cum on me, Y/N. It’s been so long.” he demanded next to your ear. 
He extracted moan after moan from you, your forehead and hands leaning against the tiles as you tried to control the shaking of your legs from the torturous pleasure he was inflicting upon you. 
His hand holding onto your stomach found its way up to your nipple, gently pinching it causing your chest to flinch backwards into him, a sharp exhale leaving you, his teeth gracing over your shoulder before digging into it in a soft bite. 
“Shit.. I’m so close, oppa.” you whimpered in his hold, “Please can I cum? Please” you begged. 
“Yes.” he growled in your ear, “Cum.” 
His fingers pressed slightly harder on your clit as they continued to circle it, his thrusts becoming harder but maintaining the same speed, sending you so close you could taste your own orgasm. 
You groaned out loud as you felt the pressure in your stomach release and your core started clenching around Yoongi’s member, his moans adding to the ecstasy you were feeling, your body trembling. 
His movements didn’t stop, he continued to circle your clit and thrust into you harshly, your head leaning back on his shoulder as your moans and groans turned to whimpers, the stimulation becoming almost too much for you. 
“Again.” he demanded, “I know you can cum again.” 
“Please, oppa..” you whimpered, your previous orgasm seeming to stop momentarily before a new one was rushing over you, waves and waves of pleasure soaring through you and your core desperately trying to keep up with the pleasure, closing in on Yoongi’s member repeatedly. 
“Fuck.. Good girl.” he praised as his hips started stuttering and become less calculated, his own orgasm closing in on him because of your movements and moans, eventually coming to a halt you felt him cum inside you and his grip on you loosening slightly. 
He stood with his arms around you, letting the warm water hit your bodies, placing small and loving kisses on your shoulder, your heart filling with happiness at his kind gestures as you regained the strength in your body. 
“I’ve got some more stuff I need to do, but I’ll see you again soon, okay baby?” he hummed against the skin of your shoulder. 
“Always.” you hummed in response, turning around and placing a kiss on the side of his lips, making them curve into a smile before he stepped out of the shower, dried off and got dressed, turning yourself to the water to actually have a shower. 
“Y/N?” he spoke softly, in a tone you hadn’t heard him use before, despite years of knowing him.
You peaked your head out beside the shower curtain with a smile, “Mmhm?” 
He put his fingers under your chin and leaned in to you, pressing a tender kiss to your lips, “I love you.” he whispered, not giving you a moment to respond before he was already walking out the bathroom and out of your apartment. 
He’d never said that before, your eyes nearly popping out of your head you were so surprised by his words, something must’ve happened, truth be told, you were suspicious. 
Finishing your shower and drying off you went into your bedroom and grabbed your phone, unlocking it to the surprise of having a text message. 
10:45 Korain: Hey Y/N! I’m in town for a few days, do you want to meet up today? I’d love to see you! 
It’d been so long since you’d seen Korain, probably not since he moved away after school ended, you used to be so close, even after your relationship ended, but between your life falling to pieces and joining the organisation, you had forgotten he even existed, no matter how horrible that sounded, it was the truth. 
11:30 You: Hey Korain! I’d love to see you, what do you have in mind and when? 
You put your phone down not expecting a reply straight away, so you got dressed in the mean time, walking to your closet and finding a pair of black lace panties, bra to match and a white long sleeved dress with a square neck line, it fit tightly around your torso and flowed around your legs down to your knees.
Hearing your phone chime you turned around excitedly and unlocked it.
11:40 Korain: We can meet at the little cafe we used to go to? Let’s say half an hour? 
11:41: You: Sounds amazing, see you then!
You hadn’t set foot in the cafe in years despite the fact that it served your favourite iced coffee. It was just a little too full of painful memories from when you were younger - not to mention you and Korain had your first kiss there. 
Drying your hair, making it look nice and putting on a little make up, you grabbed your sun glasses and walked out the door, locking it behind you and set your path towards your car. 
Looking around to try and spot which lackey was following you today you couldn’t find one, which you thought was quite weird, they were always in plain sight, as if to intimidate whoever tried to approach you, but today seemed to already be so weird, so why not also this.
Shrugging it off you opened your car door, got in and turned the key in the ignition, pulling out of your parking spot you turned onto the main road when you spotted a familiar car following 2 cars behind you, but you couldn’t quite place it to the owner. 
Unusual, you thought, lackeys don’t usually take this much care not to be noticed. 
The 2 cars between you drove off in separate directions, the familiar car still taking care not to come too close, until you were at a red light and it was forced to come close, allowing you to study the driver.
Why the fuck was he trailing you? Why not a lackey? What the hell was going on today? Ae-Cha coming to check up on you, Yoongi saying he loved you, Jungkook trailing you? Something was wrong. 
You knew you weren’t far from the cafe but you dialled Ae-Cha’s number on the dashboard of the car anyway, hoping to get a few answers before you arrived. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Ae-Cha spoke quickly. 
“Why do you assume something is wrong, ‘Cha?” you asked, suspicion in your voice. 
“Oh..” she paused, “You just never call me, that’s all.” she tried to cover herself.
“Mmhm..” you hummed, “Why’s Jungkook trailing me today?” 
“What do you mean?” she tried to deflect. 
“Jungkook never trails me, ‘Cha. What’s going on?” you spoke quickly as the cafe came into your vision. 
“Nothing, Y/N. He just wanted to today, that’s all. There’s nothing else for him to do.” her voice shook, she sounded hesitant, but you didn’t have time to argue. 
“Fine.” you hissed, hanging up the phone as you parked the car by the cafe. 
Stepping out of your car you saw Jungkook park on the side of the road by the cafe, your eyes staring directly at his, he gave you no nod, no acknowledgement or anything, he simply stared at you. 
“Y/N!” Korain yelled in excitement, your eyes instantly turning to him instead, as he walked towards you. 
He looked so different to when you last saw him, he used to be thin, pale and kind of scruffy, now he was extremely well built, his broad shoulders showing, muscular arms, tattoo’s running down both of them flaunted nicely by his blue t-shirt, his jawline sharp, though he still had the same kind smile and chocolate eyes that nearly vanished whenever he smiled, his black hair a little long, parted on one side.
“Oh my god, Korain! You look so different!” you exclaimed as he reached you, putting his arms under yours and picking you up, your arms going around his neck, hugging him tightly. 
“You look amazing, Y/N. Just as cute as always.” he laughed as he put you back down and you realised how much taller than you he had grown. 
“Looking quite nice yourself. Working out, are you?” you snickered, squeezing his arm. 
“Gotta keep fit in my line of work.” he smiled as he turned around and motioned for you to walk towards the cafe together. 
Entering the cafe you sat at your usual table, ordering what you always ordered as you started chatting about everything that had happened since you last left off, as if you’d never been apart you rekindled your friendship, obviously you left out a few details, but you spoke as if your life hadn’t been all that eventful, happily listening to his stories. He made you cackle like he always did with his silly jokes and over exaggerated movements.
Hours passed by as if they were seconds and before you knew it it was late afternoon, your eyes turning out the window, seeing Junkook still sat in his car watching you with intense and predatory eyes. 
“I’ve gotta head off, Y/N, I’ve got a few more things I need to do today, but I’m so happy you agreed to see me. It’s been so long.” Korain smiled. 
“Me too, Korain, it was so nice seeing you, I’m happy everything is going well for you.” you spoke softly, and you were, you were genuinely happy that he had managed to get out of his town before everything happened, that he found a better life and he’s doing well.
“You’re too sweet, Y/N.” he smiled as he stood up from the table, “Let me walk you to your car. I know, I know, it’s not late or anything, but I just want to see you off safely.” 
“Such a gentleman.” you smiled, your cheeks flushing a little, “Just like you always were.” 
Walking out of the cafe, Korain opened the car door for you, “I hope I can come see you again at some point. I miss being your best friend.” he sighed. 
“Yeah, I do too. We were good together, but I don’t feel like we’ve ever stopped being good friends, we started up again today from where we left off back then. It was nice.” you spoke with love in your voice. 
He leaned down and wrapped his arms around your waist, yours going to hold around his neck as he snuggled into the crook of your neck and you did the same, feeling like you were back in your childhood, his scent the same as it always was, memories flashing through your mind. 
Letting go of you, he placed a small kiss on your cheek that you happily leaned in to, “Be good.” he whispered as he walked towards his own car, leaving you feeling a little empty. 
You sighed as you got into your car and made your way back to your apartment, noticing Jungkook in the mirror right behind you, no longer trailing a few cars behind you, his brows furrowed and features twisted in anger.
Parking your car near your apartment you got out of it and walked towards your front door, noticing that Jungkook hadn’t gotten out of his car, you shrugged, he was probably going somewhere soon and didn’t have time to see you. 
Reaching your door you unlocked it, hearing footsteps behind you approaching rapidly you turned around to see who it was but you didn’t manage to see anything before you were pushed into your flat, the door slamming shut behind you and you were pushed against it, a scream leaving you in the process. 
“Who the fuck was that?” Jungkook’s voice growled above you, his arms on either side of you, trapping you against the door. 
You looked up at him, you had never seen such anger in his eyes, such fire and jealousy, it scared you. 
“J-just an old friend, Jungkook-ah.” you hesitated.
“What’s his name?” he spat. 
“Why do you need to know?” you questioned, scared he was going to do something to Korain. 
“Don’t fucking test me, Y/N!” he warned, slamming his hand against the door behind you, causing you to flinch and avert your gaze. 
“Please, Jungkook-ah, you’re scaring me..” you whispered. 
Your heart was pounding in your chest, you knew he wasn’t going to hurt you, but that didn’t mean his demeanour wasn’t terrifying. 
“Nobody gets to touch you and nobody gets to kiss you like that. You’re mine, do you understand?” he growled, his hand coming up under your chin, his fingers holding on to your cheeks and forcing you to look up at him. 
You swallowed thickly, “Yes.”
“Good.” he whispered, pressing his lips to yours in a hungry and jealous kiss, despite his previous threatening behaviour it still set fire to your body.
He let go of your cheeks and both his hands trailed down your body to under your thighs, picking you up, your legs wrapping around his waist automatically as he pressed his body harshly against yours, pushing you into the door behind you, your nails digging into his shoulders. 
Breaking the kiss his mouth trailed to the softness of your skin, where your neck met your shoulder, “I’m going to make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” he spat against your skin as he sunk his teeth into you causing you to throw your head back against the door in pain, whimpering at his action. 
“So pretty..” he whispered as he pulled away and admired the mark he had left on you. 
He reached down between your bodies, pulling the cloth of your dress away from your core and pushing your panties to the side, he unzipped his own slacks, pulling his member out and pushing it against your clit.
“I’m going to fuck you until you don’t remember anyone but me.” he spoke harshly.
As he pushed roughly into you, you mewled “Fuck!” your legs squeezing around his hips, his eyes watching you ferociously, loving the way you looked as he stretched you. 
Holding still when he was fully inside you, he felt your core clench around him several times, his roughness with you sending you into a passionate frenzy, your core fitting him so perfectly. 
Your gaze returned to him, your eyes equally as fiery as his, “I fucking hate you.” you growled at him, only causing a smirk to appear on his lips as he pulled out of you and started thrusting at a steady and rough pace. 
“Keep telling yourself that, noona.” he said with a cocky tone. 
Your hand traced across his shoulder to his neck, you pulled him close, your lips meeting his in a hungry kiss, biting down on his bottom lip he returned the playful action with a particularly hard thrust, sending a shock through your body and moans to leave you, moans Jungkook couldn’t get enough of. 
One of his arms slithered around your back, holding you close to him, his other still holding one of your thighs, burying his face in the crook of your neck, he couldn’t help the small breathy moans that kept leaving him. 
“Your cunt was made for me, god, you feel so good.” he panted against your skin. 
“Mmhm!” you moaned, “Am I the only one that makes you feel this good, Jungkook-ah?”
“Fuck. Yes!” he groaned. 
A smile painted your lips as you let your hand drag towards the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling his head back harshly, taking the chance to lean in and bite his neck harshly, just as he had bitten your skin, a growl leaving him because of it. 
His movements stopped and you pulled away, looking at the mark you had left behind on him, swiping your tongue across it you earned a hiss from him, “I’m the only one you should be fucking, Jungkook-ah. You’re mine.”
Seeking out your lips he pressed his against yours, opening his mouth slightly to indicate you should do the same, so you did, his tongue easily finding yours, both of you fighting to dominate the other as his thrusts started again, your core feeling increasingly tight. 
“I won’t last much longer, noona.” he breathed between kisses. 
“Me neither.” you moaned, as you felt his thrusts become lazier. 
Pulling his lips from yours he hid his face in the crook of your neck, putting the last bit of energy he had into getting you over the edge before he fell over his own, his arm around your back holding you tightly, his hand on your thigh sure to leave bruises. 
“Don’t stop, fuck.” you exhaled sharply, feeling your cores pressure increase at a fast pace, his hard and fast thrusts finally sending you over the edge, your legs locking around him, your arms around his neck holding on tightly as you felt your orgasm explode and send waves upon waves of pure pleasure through you, your core throbbing repeatedly around Jungkook. 
Feeling you cum on him, clenching so rapidly around him threw him into his own orgasm, groaning into the skin of your neck, his hips slowed down as you felt him cum inside you, his chest falling and rising repeatedly against yours, your body shaking in his hold.
He pulled his head away from your neck, allowing you to see his face, his eyes had returned to their normal innocent and sweet appearance, pearls of sweat running down his temples, causing his hair to stick to his face, his mouth slightly open, pants leaving him as he simply looked at you, as if you were the most precious thing in his life. 
You pushed the hair out of his face and admired his features, wondering what was going through his pretty little head by the way he was staring at you. 
“What?” you laughed, “Why’re you looking at me like that?” 
His eyes dropped to your lips, leaning in and pressing a tender kiss to them, “I love you.” he whispered against you. 
A feeling you couldn’t describe was sent through your body, a mixture of happiness and sense of dread. Happiness because he said he loved you, but dread because Yoongi had done the same and you were worried something big had happened or was going to happen, though how were you going to question them about it, it’s not like you could just drop into the office and say ‘Yo, you guys said you loved me, who’d you kill or who are you going to kill?’ 
“I love you too.” you whispered. 
He let go of your leg, keeping his arm around your back as your feet landed on the ground and your legs wobbled slightly. 
“I’ve got you, lean on me.” he whispered, pulling you close, your head leaning against his chest. 
“I’m just going to go wash, I’ll be okay, Jungkook-ah.” you smiled as you looked up at him, stood up on your toes and pressed a kiss against his cheek. 
One of his hands came up to cup your cheek, “I need to go meet the others, but I’ll send someone else to watch you, okay?” he smiled.
You nodded at him as he let go of you and you walked towards your bathroom, hearing the door open and close behind you. 
Second shower of the day, wonderful. 
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Spending the remainder of the day watching TV, browsing social media and reading the news after your shower, you thought you’d go see the rest of the heads, looking at the time, 19:46, they should all still be at the office, they didn’t usually leave until late evening/early night time. 
Grabbing your keys and shutting everything off, you locked your door and walked down to your car, trying to spot a lackey near by, but there wasn’t one, not that you could see anyway, maybe your eyes weren’t what they used to be. 
Shrugging it off you got into your car and turned it on, driving onto the main road and switching on the radio you didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary, the usual robberies, murders and petty crimes, hearing some young guy had stolen an old lady’s handbag you couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you turned onto the highway. 
Looking in your rear view mirror you spotted a car coming a little too close to you several times, a car you didn’t recognise, feeling a little uneasy you tried to ignore it, putting it down to teenagers driving recklessly, that was, until it came up on your side and it wasn’t a teenager, it was someone in their twenties, early thirties maybe, staring directly at you. 
He hands motioned for you to pull over and your fight or flight response started kicking in, your heart beat increasing and the adrenaline started pumping through your veins. 
Pressing the speed dial on your dashboard it rang few times before Jungkook picked it up.
“Noona? What’s up?” he sounded out of breath. 
“Did you send someone to trail me?” you asked quickly.
“Yes. Mal-Chin, the one that usually follows you. Why?” his voice sounding more serious and worried.
“He wasn’t there, I’m on my way to the office and someone is following me.” you spoke quickly, the man in the car next to you catching on to your moving lips, figuring that you were talking to someone. 
“What does he look like? What’s his license plate?” Jungkook ushered. 
“Brown hair, buzzcut, mid twenties, maybe early thirties, muscular, green eyes, doesn’t have a plate, there’s a cross tattoo on his neck.” you almost fell over your words, trying to describe everything you could see to Jungkook. 
Looking over at him, his eyes narrowed at you and you saw him pull his steering wheel quickly in your direction, bumping into your car you desperately tried to gain control of it again as it swerved from side to side. 
“Shit!” you shouted. 
“Noona? Is he trying to run you off the road?” Jungkook called out. 
“Yes!” you yelled back, your adrenaline peaking and your brain finally kicking into gear you pushed your pedal down and increased your speed, knowing your car could easily outrun his you heard the engine roaring and quickly, but not quickly enough for you, he started lacking behind you. 
“Noona. Baby, talk to me.” Jungkook near whimpered in your speakers. 
Sighing you kept your speed high, “I’m okay, my car is faster than his.” 
“Thank fuck we invested in that car for you.” Jungkook released his breath.
“Yeah, I hope there’s no dents or scratches, otherwise I’m going to find him and kill him myself.” you laughed, trying to calm your nerves. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself too much, noona.” Jungkook giggled, “I’ll try and figure out who it was, if there’s anyone we know that might match his description and get a hold of Mal-Chin to see why the fuck he wasn’t with you.” 
“Don’t be too harsh on him. I’ll see you soon, handsome.” you spoke as you neared the office and slowed down. 
“Speak soon, noona.” Jungkook said before hanging up. 
Turning into the parking lot of the office you sat in your car for what seemed like an eternity, trying to calm your heart and stop your body from trembling. 
Getting out of your car you walked towards the main entrance, nodding at the guard that was always there, pinging the elevator and once again wondering why they had that awful music playing in it, it was almost a ritual for you to be annoyed by it every day when you came here. 
Entering the office the only man you saw was Hoseok, he was sat in one of the chairs with a pair of glasses on, reading one of the multiple files they had stored in the office, presumably information on someone they needed to talk to or maybe someone within the organisation. 
“Hey oppa.” you spoke softly. 
His gaze lifted to you, looking at you above the edge of his glasses, taking them off he greeted you as he always did, so endearingly, “Hey gorgeous.” 
“You all alone tonight?” you questioned, walking over and sitting on the chair opposite him, wondering where Jungkook would be if he wasn’t here. 
“Yeah, the others had an early night but I’ve got some stuff I need to look in to.” he spoke softly, his eyes returning to the files in front of him. 
“Ah, okay. Do you want me to leave so I don’t disturb you?” you played with the rings on your fingers, not really wanting to be alone or for that matter go back out on the road. 
“No, Y/N-ah, that’s okay. I was hoping you’d come and see me.” he smirked, putting his glasses and the papers in his hands on the coffee table in front of him. 
You raised your brows at him, “Oh?” 
“Come here, baby.” his voice seduced you. 
You stood up and he immediately stopped you with a hand gesture, “No, I want you on all fours, crawling to me.” 
There was no hesitation in your body, you obeyed and dropped to your knees, putting your hands on the floor, crawling towards him, his eyes watching you intensely as you got closer and closer - reaching the chair he was sitting in you sat back on your heels and awaited further instructions from him.
He leaned forward and cupped your cheek with one of his hands, “Good girl.” he praised you, a smile appearing on your lips, “You trust me, don’t you, baby?” he continued. 
“With everything.” you spoke quickly. 
“You’d do anything I ask, wouldn’t you?” his stare getting almost intimidating. 
“Anything.” you breathed. 
“So good for me. I’ve got a little something. Stay there.” he whispered as he got up from the chair and walked towards his bag by the wall.
You did trust Hoseok with everything, you trusted all 7 men with everything that you had and you were, you had for years, they earned your trust, they never misused it and they never made you do things you didn’t want to do, they knew your limits and you knew theirs. It was thrilling to let go and give power to someone else, it was freeing - you always wore your scratches, bruises and aches with pride. 
“Babygirl.” Hoseok brought you out of your thoughts, making you turn around and look at him, “Come here.” 
You crawled towards him, over to the soft carpet in the middle of the room, sitting back on your heels in front of him again as he squatted down in front of you with a small box in his hands. 
“You’ve never explored anything related to anal, have you?” he asked with a small smile. 
You shook your head no, that was something the 7 men had never even asked you about, nor had you done anything prior to being with them. 
He opened the small box and your eyes fell down to the item inside it, it was a small metal buttplug, a little handle at the end of it, presumably to pull it out and insert it with ease. 
“Will you let me use this on you?” he asked softly, his eyes studying your features for any sign of discomfort. 
Your eyes flickered up and met his, a small smile painted on your face, “Yes.” 
It excited you to try something new and the item was small, you didn’t expect it to hurt, knowing Hoseok would take good care of you and if you didn’t like it, you could say no at any time. 
He leaned forward and pressed his lips softly to yours, the simple action already sending warmth to your core, the thrill of having something inside you in a few moments only adding to it. 
Moving away from you his hands found their way down to your jeans, unbuttoning them and unzipping them before he stood up and moved behind you, “Bend over for me, kitten.” You leaned forward, using your hands for support on the carpet below as you felt him slowly pull down your jeans and panties, exposing your core and ass. 
A small sigh left him in approval of your glistening core, how exposed and vulnerable you were just for him - he leaned forward, his chest pressing against your back as he held the metal item in front of you, “I need you to make it wet for me.” he whispered in your ear, your mouth instantly opening, allowing him to put the item in and watch as you circled your tongue around it as well as sucking on it. 
He pulled it away when he felt it was sufficiently wet and disappeared behind you again, then you felt the item gently prod at your second hole. 
“Relax, baby.” he whispered, his hand gently stroking up and down your back, the warmth from it causing goosebumps to appear across your body. You took a deep breath and relaxed your muscles, closing your eyes, letting yourself submit to Hoseok.  
He pushed a little harder on the item, the tip of it finally gaining entrance and opening you, a small whimper leaving you at the intrusion, a newfound feeling that had your heart beating fast and your core soaking more and more by the second. 
“That’s it, you’re doing so well, so good for me.” he cooed, leaning down and planting a kiss on your ass cheek as he pushed the item in further until it was finally fully inside you. 
He leaned back, looking at your exposed core and the buttplug now filling you as well, “So pretty, just look at you.” he praised, one of his fingers gently gliding along your soaked slit, earning a small moan from you. 
“Mmmm..” he hummed, “God, I could just fuck you right now.”
“Please, sir..” you breathed. 
He raised a brow at you, calling him sir wasn’t something you’d done before, “What was that, Y/N-ah?” he spoke teasingly. 
“Fuck me, please, sir.” you breathed again. 
“I can’t say no to you begging me so beautifully, can I?” he smirked, a small laugh in his voice as he positioned himself behind you, unzipped his slacks and pulled his member out, teasingly dragging it up and down your slit.
“Is this what you want, babygirl?” he cooed, “My cock?” 
“Mmhm.. Please..” you whined as you wiggled your hips a little, pushing yourself back against him. 
He positioned his member by your core and started pushing into you slowly, your other hole being full only making you feel tighter, Hoseok hissing at the feeling of your tight warmth around him, his hands finding home on your hips to keep you in place. 
“You feel so good, I can never get enough of you.” Hoseok growled as his hips started thrusting, a hard and quick pace immediately, causing loud moans to leave you instantly. 
Your fingers curled around the softness of the carpet, leaning your torso down against it you felt Hoseok go deeper into you, your mind going blank because of the shocks of pleasure he was sending through your body with every thrust. 
“Fuck.” you moaned, “God!” 
Feeling him pull and push gently at the item in your second hole it only sent further pleasure through you, adding more warmth to your already soaking core, his thrusts relentless. 
His hand ventured up your back grabbing a hold of your hair and pulling you to him, your back against his chest, one arm swinging around you and holding you close to him, the other releasing your hair and gliding towards your core, drawing circles on your clit, your own hands finding hold on his arms.
“Listen to you baby, such a moaning mess. My cock’s so wet because of you.” he panted in your ear, loving your whimpers, moans and the sound of your wetness. 
His tongue traced up your neck, sending chills through you, his lips sucking on your skin, marking you so beautifully, “You gonna be a good girl and cum for me?” he moaned against your shoulder. 
“Mmhm! Please..” you whimpered, “I wanna cum so bad.” 
Feeling his fingers stop circling your clit they instead searched for the spot that had you shaking with pleasure, finding it so easily, his fingers started gliding up and down on it, you couldn’t help but mewl in his hold, “Right there, fuck.. Please don’t stop!”
He smirked against your skin, feeling your core clench around him, his hand holding on to your stomach instead gliding up and holding on to your throat, you leaned your head back against his shoulder, the knot in your stomach ready to burst open. 
His thrusts became harder and he pushed you over the edge, your breath stopping for a moment as your eyes squeezed shut and you felt your stomach clench harshly, releasing your breath in a moan you felt your clit throb under his finger tips, only making your body shake harder before he moved his fingers and used your body to push himself over the edge. 
He let go of you, his hands instead holding on to your hips, falling forwards you supported yourself on your arms as you felt his thrusts continue but become more sluggish, only lasting a few more moments you felt him cum, his torso leaning over and resting on your back as he spilled small moans against your skin. 
Feeling your body shake, he placed a few kisses on your back, “You okay, baby?” 
“Yeah.” you breathed, “Just drained of energy after that.” you continued with a small giggle. 
He stood up straight on his knees behind you, a breathy laugh leaving him too, “Yeah. I’m just that good.” 
You scoffed at his ego, but you loved his charming jokes. Pulling out of you he helped you to stand up, you pulled your jeans up and walked towards the bathroom behind Jin’s desk to clean yourself up, taking the buttplug out and cleaning it as well as yourself, putting it in your pocket, where it surprisingly fit nicely, for later use. 
Coming back out of the bathroom Hoseok had already sat back down in the chair and started reading the papers again - you plopped down on the sofa next to the chair where he was with a big sigh. 
“I’m going to go down and get some food, do you want anything, beautiful?” he asked with a soft voice.
“No, I ate at home, but thank you.” you smiled at him. 
He stood up and leaned over you, pressing a small kiss to your forehead, “I love you.” he whispered. 
‘Oh no, there’s that sense of dread again.’ you thought, ‘Fuck.’
“I love you too.” you whispered back, loving his romantic and cute gesture.
Watching him walk out through the door you leaned back and pulled out your phone, no notifications, so you instead browsed the internet. 
Hearing footsteps approach you assumed it was Hoseok, not giving it much thought, but when he didn’t say anything you looked up and were met with a very familiar pair of purple eyes. 
“Where’s Namjoon-ah?” Eui questioned.
“He left early.” you responded with a fake smile, wishing she would go away and cease to exist. 
“Oh.” she whispered. 
You didn’t pay any more attention to her, your eyes returning to the bright screen of your phone as you continued to scroll through various pictures. 
“I think you should stop fucking Namjoon-ah.” her voice pierced your head. 
You looked up at her with narrow eyes, “I think you should mind your own business.” 
“Let me rephrase that.” she cleared her throat, “You need to stop fucking Namjoon-ah.” 
Standing up you didn’t take kindly to her threats, “If you have a problem with it, maybe you should be discussing that with the 7 heads instead of me.” you spat at her. 
She shook her head, “No, that’s too much of an inconvenience.” 
“Fuck off then.” you growled. 
Raising her perfectly lined brow, she pulled a Glock from behind her back and pointed it at you, your eyes widening at the barrel staring at you, you tried to move quickly, but it was no use, a deafening sound rung through the office as you felt a growing pain in your shoulder, your body falling to the ground, your eyes fixated on her as you saw Hoseok come up behind her, his face contorted in anger and anxiety, putting his Desert Eagle to her head and pulling the trigger, another deafening sound ringing through your ears as your eyes started blackening, the last thing they caught was Hoseok rushing towards you. 
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You felt a hand in yours, the chatter around you sounding so muffled but becoming clearer by the second, until you could finally make out what was being said. 
“Is she going to be okay?” Ae-Cha asked, her voice shaky and rough. 
“Yeah, she’s going to be fine.” Hoseok spoke softly, “They lost her a few times and she’s lot a lot of blood, but they said she’s stable now and should recover just fine.” 
Ae-Cha let a sigh of relief out, “Good.” 
“I know you probably don’t want to go, ‘Cha, but I need you to get a crew up there and clean up.” Hoseok spoke again. 
“Yeah. I’ll get it sorted. Let me know if anything changes with her, okay?” she requested.
“Will do. Thank you.” Hoseok sighed, Ae-Cha’s heels clicked as she walked away.
Feeling your hand being lifted, the hand in yours gently squeezed it, lips being pressed to the back of your hand, you tried desperately to squeeze back, but it didn’t seem to work, it made you panic, what if you weren’t okay?
You felt your chest go cold, the machine next to you starting to beep because of your increased heart rate, the figure next to you standing up and the incoherent sentences of nurses rushing into the room, the hand letting go of yours, letting it fall down to the edge of the bed. 
You tried to fight, you tried so hard to move, tried to open your eyes, speak, anything! The nurses prodded and poked you several places, trying to figure out what was happening and why your heart was reacting the way it was.
“What’s happening to her?” you heard Jimin yell at the nurses, but they couldn’t tell him, they didn’t know, hearing Jimin’s voice in distress only further made your heart rate increase, the machine next to you beeping at a rate that seemed unreal to you, feeling like your chest was going to explode at any second. 
‘Fucking work, you piece of shit body.’ you yelled at yourself repeatedly, sobbing internally, feeling your eyes sting and tear up, thrashing against yourself in anguish. 
The nurses movements stopped, “She���s crying.” one of them spoke. 
“Y/N. If you can hear me, I need you to calm down, I need your heart rate to go down, I know you’re scared, but your body is just resting, it’s completely normal. Can you do that for me?” one of the nurses spoke to you soothingly.
You swallowed thickly, feeling tears stream down your cheeks, but you tried to follow her instructions, repeating her words to yourself, ‘it’s normal.’
“It’s going down.” another nurse spoke, “She’s conscious.” 
Feeling the nurses let go of you and move away from you, one of them addressed Jin, “She’s going to be okay, but be mindful of what you say around her, she needs to remain calm, Mr. Kim.” 
“Of course.” his voice sounded strained. 
Feeling the hand return to yours, you heard Jimin whisper, “I’m here, noona. I’m right here.”
You lost all sense of time as you continued to try and move, feeling like your strength was returning little by little, occasionally wiggling your toes, flexing the muscles in your thighs and tensing your shoulders. The heads must have been asleep while you were doing small movements, since no one noticed them, you were sure they were still around you as you kept hearing small sighs and talks between them, but mostly it was just silent. 
Between trying to move and your body trying to heal you must have fallen asleep, your mind waking up and automatically you opened your eyes, suddenly realising you were looking around, the whiteness of the room almost hurting your eyes you sat up instantly in the bed. 
You looked around, the 7 men all sleeping in uncomfortable positions in chairs around the room, Jimin sat next to your bed, his head resting on the edge of the bed, still holding your hand.  
Sighing, you felt tears in your eyes again, gently stroking Jimin’s hair he groaned lightly as he was ripped from his sleep until he realised you were the one doing it, immediately looking up at you and standing up, pushing the chair away from underneath him with the back of his legs, the noise causing the other heads to wake up. 
Pushing your forehead against his stomach you sobbed into the fabric of his dress shirt, feeling his hand come up and cup your cheek, his thumb tenderly caressing it, “You’re okay, noona. You’re safe. We’re here.” he whispered soothingly. 
You were alive.
The other heads gathered around your bed, all of them relieved to see you awake and moving. 
You turned away from Jimin, wiping your eyes, looking around at the others with a small smile on your face, “How long was I out?” 
“Couple of days.” Jungkook said softly. 
You nodded lightly, your eyes dropping to your legs in front of you. 
“I’ve quickly got to go call ‘Cha to let her know you’re awake, okay?” Hoseok spoke next to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before walking out of the room with his phone in hand. 
“Did you find out who tried to run me off the road, Jungkook-ah?” your eyes flickering up to meet his. 
He hesitated, looking at Jin and Yoongi before speaking, “No. No I didn’t.” he shook his head. You decided not to push it, you were too tired for that, if it was something they wanted you to know about, they would tell you, you knew that. 
Turning the corner, Hoseok returned, “The doctor says we can take her home, she’ll be okay.” 
“I’ll take her with me, I live closest if anything happens.” Jin spoke, “My neighbour is a doctor too, so she’ll be able to help if needed.”
They all collectively agreed to Jin’s suggestion. 
The doctor that had been taking care of you came into the room, you assumed to brief you on what had happened and what you needed to watch out for. Jimin reluctantly moved away from your side so the doctor could stand and talk to you instead. 
He put the back of his hand to your forehead, “How’re you feeling, Y/N?” 
“Like nothing ever happened. I can’t feel anything.” you shrugged. 
“Drugs are amazing, aren’t they?” the doctor smiled as his eyes looked at the machine keeping a record of your vitals next to you before pushing gently on your shoulder causing you to hiss in pain, “I’ll send you home with some painkillers and by painkillers I mean pills that will knock you out, so don’t drive, okay? You’ll be sleeping a lot on these.”
You nodded at him softly as he continued, “Try to avoid using your shoulder much or do anything strenuous, like workouts and such. You just need to rest. You lost a lot of blood, so you will feel weak, but you shouldn’t feel much of a difference beside that, the bullet missed the vital parts but it did strike the aorta by your collarbone.” He handed you a bag full of pills with instructions on how to take them and made sure the heads knew that you had to eat properly, take the pills at specific times and get plenty of rest, but other than that you were free to go. 
Your clothes were ruined so Ae-Cha had brought some different ones for you earlier which you changed into, a relaxing oversized t-shirt and a pair of tracksuit bottoms that you usually lounged around in when you were at home as well as a large hoodie to keep you warm. 
Jin ushered the rest of the heads to go home and get some proper rest as he was taking you home anyway, so each one after another came up to you, gave you a tight hug, well, as tight as they could without hurting you and gave you a soft kiss.
As it was just you an Jin left you tried to get out the bed and stand up, having just stuck the clothes on while you were still in bed, it was the first time you actually had to use your legs since you got shot. 
Jin stood next to you, his hand holding yours as your legs shook under you, “I hate this. I like being able to move around on my own.” you sighed in annoyance.
“You’ll be jumping around in no time, jagiya, I know it.” Jin smiled at you, trying to cheer you up, and it kinda worked, his bright smile and stupid, but still funny jokes, always served to brighten your mood. 
“I hope so.” you huffed, leaning on him as he lead you out to his car, the cold of the night making you shiver lightly, he wasn’t parked far from the entrance, but he several times nearly just picked you up so you didn’t have to walk, not that you couldn’t, you were managing, but he just didn’t want you to waste your energy. 
Getting into the car wasn’t a big deal, the drive however was a different story, every time Jin slightly turned the car or a bump was on the road, your shoulder radiated excruciating pain.
Whimpering in pain for the 99th time, his hand softly laid on your thigh, “Nearly there, beautiful.”
Driving up to his house he opened the door for you and guided you inside and towards the bedroom, stopping at the stairs and bending down in his knees, motioning for you to get on his back.
“Oppa.. I’m not entirely useless.” you scoffed.
“Trust me, you’ll be out of breath, panting and wishing you’d said yes to this piggyback not even half way up those stairs if I let you walk.” he said with playful tone. 
You grumbled, but you knew he was probably right, he probably knew more people that had been shot and lost a lot of blood than you ever would, so you carefully got onto his back and let him carry you upstairs. Leaning your head into the crook of his neck you enjoyed his smell, holding on to him tightly, a sudden rush of emotions running through you, your heart feeling full and ready to burst, but your eyes feeling like they were going to cry until you had no liquid left in your body. 
Walking into his bedroom he put you down gently and moved to the bathroom to get ready for bed, leaving you to your own for a few moments, so you decided you might as well get undressed. 
Trying to pull a hoodie and a t-shirt over your head with just one arm wasn’t the easiest thing in the world or maybe you were just doing it the wrong way but ultimately you got stuck in it, your head covered by both items of clothing and your good arm trying to wiggle free, standing still and having a bit of a tantrum in your own head you heard Jin laugh from the other side of the room. 
You turned around and looked in the direction of where the laugh was coming, “You enjoying yourself over there, Seokjin?” 
“Ya, I’m having the time of my life!” he mocked, but none the less you heard his footsteps come closer and eventually he managed to free you from your prison of clothes, your eyes squinting at him as soon as you could see him. 
“Awh, you look so angry.” he smiled, his fingers positioned under your chin. 
“I’m already planning my revenge, mark my words!” you tried to intimidate him, but you couldn’t hide the smile that kept trying to paint your lips. 
“Mhm! I’m sure.” he joked as he leaned down and planted a tender kiss on your lips, walking around to his side of the bed you couldn’t help but let your eyes trail over his shoulders and down his back, his torso naked - as he sat down he pulled his slacks and boxers off, throwing them onto a chair not far away before moving under the duvet. 
You managed to get your tracksuit bottoms off just fine, leaving you naked as you went under the duvet too, snuggling close to his warmth, his arms wrapping around you as soon as you moved towards him.
“Can I ask you about Won-Shik, oppa?” you spoke silently, almost worried he’d get angry at you for asking.   
“What do you want to know?” his voice sounded indifferent, but you’re sure he isn’t happy about you asking. 
“Do you know where he is? Do any of you? Can you help me find him?” you hesitantly asked. 
He sighed, knowing you’d eventually ask and that you’d want answers, “We don’t know where he is, we tried finding him but no luck.” 
“Oh..” you whispered, disappointed in his answer, “How do you think he found out about my family?”
“Could be any number of ways, Y/N-ah. Maybe he heard it through common friends, maybe through underground gossip, maybe he was involved. I wouldn’t be able to tell you. Sorry.” Jin spoke softly but still sternly, probably wishing you’d let it go.  
He pressed his lips to the top of your head, his mind clearly working overtime because of what had happened the last few days, taking a deep breath and letting it go slowly. 
“I was so worried I was going to lose you.” he whispered. 
“Takes more than a jealous bitch to get rid of me.” you smiled. 
“I’m serious, Y/N-ah.” his voice choked. 
“I know.. I’m just trying to find a way to cope with this.” you sighed, leaning away from his chest and looking up at him, his eyes glazed over, your hand came up to cup his cheek and a soft smile appeared on your lips. 
“I love you.” Jin whispered, taking you slightly by surprise.
“I love you too.” you spoke softly, leaning up to press your lips against his, your legs tangling with his, wanting to feel him as close to your body as possible, his hardened member pressing against your stomach causing you to let out a little giggle.
“What? You’re naked! You’re pressed against me and you’re kissing me, I can’t help it.” he joked.
“I didn’t say anything, oppa..” you rolled your eyes at him as you continued to kiss him, the kiss turning more and more hungry, more and more passionate, a fire starting to burn hot in your stomach, your hands grabbing on to his shoulders, trying to get him to move on top of you and he willingly followed your silent instructions, lying between your legs, hovering above you as you continued to taste him. 
Though he broke the kiss with a protest, “We shouldn’t, you should be resting, beautiful.” 
“You do all the work then.” you smiled. 
He scoffed at your perseverance, “I’m more than happy to, but we still shouldn’t.” 
Lifting your legs and resting them against his hips, you softly pulled his body closer, his member feeling the heat of your core, causing a light hiss to leave him. 
“But I want you to fill this tight little cunt.” you smiled, biting your lip and feigning innocence, “Don’t you want to?” 
“Fuck.. I do.” he breathed. 
Putting one of your fingers on his bottom lip you let it slowly trace across his skin, your eyes following it as his eyes watched you admire him, down his cheek, across his jaw, ghosting across his neck and to his shoulder, down his chest to his stomach. 
“You’re treating me like I’m made of glass.” you teased, leaning up to his ear you continued, “When only a few days ago you were tearing me apart in the office.” 
“Y/N-ah..” he breathed. 
“Do you remember how good I felt? How tightly my cunt hugged your cock?” your voice sounded in his ear, laced with lust. 
His hand moved to hold on to your side, his thumb so achingly close to your breast, “I remember.” he smiled, a light growl in his voice, “As if I could forget what belongs to me.” 
Reaching down between your bodies, you wrapped your fingers around his member and positioned it by your core, your legs on his hips pulling him closer to you, feeling his member push into you slowly you let go of it, letting your hand trace up his stomach and to his chest, your mouth falling slightly open in a silent gasp as he watched you descend into pleasure. 
“Mmm..” you hummed, “You stretch me so good, oppa..” your eyes closed in satisfaction. 
“The things you do to me, Y/N-ah.” he growled as he leaned down and sucked softly on the skin of your neck, his hips grinding slowly in and out of you. 
Gliding your hands across his arms you dug your nails in and let them drag down his skin, watching how his body shivered at the feeling, earning a soft moan from him.
Moving his head from your neck, he pressed his forehead against yours, his mouth open, letting repeated pants leave him as he watched you engulfed in enjoyment. 
His hand roamed your body, setting fire to every inch of your skin, from your shoulder, down your chest, his fingers softly teasing your nipple before continuing down your side and up the length of your thigh, pushing it a little towards your stomach, allowing him to grind deeper into you. 
One of your hands trailed to the back of his neck, holding on to him as you leaned your head back into the pillow below you, adoring the feeling of how he was hitting all the right places all the time. 
“Shit. I won’t last much longer, baby.” he panted. 
Returning your eyes to his you smiled, “It’s okay. I want you to feel good, cum.” His hips started grinding a little harder at your approval, extracting multiple moans from you. 
You leaned up to his neck, softly sucking and biting his skin, craving the moans he released when he would cum inside you, his body quivering because of your movements.
He leaned down to you, resting on his elbows, his lips against your shoulder as he was getting closer and closer with each thrust, your forehead resting against his shoulder, your fingers tangled in his hair, the other scratching down his back as he continued to grind harder and harder into you, your continued mewls only throwing him closer to his release. 
“God, you feel so perfect.” he whispered, his breathing getting quicker and more shallow, his hips struggling to continue their movements as his body tensed up and he came inside you, curses and whimpers leaving him. 
You felt his body shudder as he rested on top of you, his orgasm finally reaching its end, “I owe you an orgasm.” he panted against your skin. 
His words earned a chuckle from you, “It’s okay. You’ve probably given me twice the amount of orgasms I’ve given you.”
“I’d like to keep it that way.” he breathed with a light chuckle.  
Jin shifted off of you and fell on to his back beside you, a big grin on his face as his breathing slowly returned to normal. You moved the duvet off of you and stood up, moving to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
“Just washing myself quickly.” you sung happily back at Jin, hearing some sort of mumbling from him in confirmation, presumably he was too tired to actually speak. 
Walking into the bathroom you turned the lights and shower on, patiently waiting for it to hit the right temperature for you before you stepped in to it, quickly washing yourself off and getting out of it again, grabbing a towel hanging on the rack beside it to dry off, careful not to touch or move your shoulder too much. 
You could only partially see the damage the bullet had done to you, so you stepped in front of the mirror to have a proper look at it, a large and dark bruise covering a lot of your chest, purple, blue, yellow, your skin almost looking dead. 
An image flashed in your head, an image of Eui. You swallowed thickly, your mind replaying the scene of the bullet entering her head and her skull bursting open. 
It made you feel sick.
You leaned forward, steadying on yourself on the sink as you tried to stop your mind from showing you her last moments, trying to even your breathing as you felt like you were going to throw up, your mouth creating too much saliva in preparation for it. 
“Y/N-ah?” Jin’s voice caught you off guard, a small gasp leaving you as you turned around and saw him standing in the door, “Are you okay?” he asked, worry in his voice. 
Opening your mouth you tried to form a sentence to tell him, but nothing came out, you couldn’t describe what was going through your head, nor did you want to say it out loud. 
He stepped closer to you, his brows furrowed and his hand coming to rest on your arm, “What is it?”
“I..” you choked on your own words, “I saw her die.” 
“Eui?” Jin questioned, his tone of voice more serious. 
You nodded.
He sighed, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around you, “I wish you hadn’t.” 
Snuggling into his chest you cried quietly. 
“Come on. Let’s go back to bed.” he shushed you, walking towards the bed with his hand in yours, he laid down and pulled you onto his chest, his hand resting on your waist, his thumb slowly caressing your skin. 
You pushed your body close to his, your mind focusing on his heart beat sounding in your ear, your arm wrapped around his waist, tears still falling from your eyes. 
“It gets easier, I promise.” he whispered in the darkness.
“But will I forget it?” you questioned, though you already knew you weren’t going to receive the answer you wanted.
“No..” he sighed softly.  
You closed your eyes, wishing you’d fall asleep sooner rather than later.
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Feeling a warm hand glide through your hair and softly caress your cheek you opened your eyes to meet Taehyung’s kind ones.
“Hey baby..” he cooed, “You’re with me today.” 
A small smile appeared on your lips as you hummed, “Okay.”
You assumed Jin had already left and let Taehyung in, probably not wanting to wake you despite Taehyung doing exactly that anyway, maybe against Jin’s instructions. 
Sitting up you yawned widely, your arms instinctively going to stretch above your head, a piercing pain shooting down your arm, shoulder and chest instantly stopping you and making you yelp in pain, your eyes screwed shut as you clowned yourself for forgetting about your shoulder.
“Be careful, noona.” Taehyung scolded you. 
“I know, I know. I’m an idiot.” you sighed. 
“I brought you some clean clothes. Your favourite hoodie, some underwear and some leggings that you could wear, Nice and easy to move around in.” he smiled, pushing a bag on the floor with his foot. 
“Should I expect the sexiest underwear I own in that bag, Taehyung-ah?” you raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk. 
He grinned and looked around the room, “Nooooo~..” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the innocent look he was trying to pull off, your mind drifting off to your scalp as an itch started annoying you, “Taehyung-ah? I’ve got a favour to ask.” 
“Anything, noona.” his eyes returning to you. 
“I had quick shower yesterday, but I can’t really wash my hair, would you mind?” you asked sheepishly. 
“Of course, do you want to jump into the shower and I’ll wash it for you?” he smiled, but something in his smile had you thinking twice.
You squinted your eyes at him as he desperately tried to control his grin, “You just want to get me naked!” you blurted out, seeing past his facade. 
His boxy smile appeared completely as he tried to contain his laugh, "You already are, noona.” 
You looked down at yourself and forgot that you had gone to sleep naked in Jin’s arms, the duvet was covering you but he was right, and you hated that, your eyes turning into small slits as you looked at him, a pout on your lips. 
“Alright, alright.” he surrendered, holding his hands in front of him in a defeated manner, standing up and walking to Jin’s closet he found a t-shirt you could wear, so your other clothes wouldn’t get wet. 
Putting the t-shirt on you threw the duvet away and stood up, walked towards the bathroom with Taehyung, watching him as he turned on the shower and tested the temperature with his hand. 
He was wearing relaxed clothing today, which was very unusual, all 7 heads never wore anything but suits - it looked nice on him though, a long sleeved white shirt with 4 buttons by his neck on the front, fitting gorgeously around his figure, a pair of black chinos to match and his hair messily lying around his face, simple rings on his fingers and a Rolex on his wrist.
“Noona?” he looked at you, puzzled. 
“What?” you awoke from your stare.
“The waters warm enough.” he smirked. 
“Sorry..” you mumbled as you bent forward, holding on to your arm so it wouldn’t fall lax and hurt. 
You felt the water pour over your hair, some of the drops collecting in a stream on your forehead dropping down in front of you, his large hands moving your hair around making sure all of it was wet, occasionally scratching your scalp which caused you to let out a light noise of content, Taehyung always offering a little giggle because of it, thinking you were adorable. 
Leaning down he offered you the shower head so he could put some shampoo in your hair, “Here, hold this please, and don’t point it in my direction. I know you’re thinking about it.” 
A soft giggle left you, “I would never.” 
“Aha, sure.” his voice making it obvious he didn’t believe you as he squeezed some shampoo out of the bottle and started massaging it into your scalp, making sure he covered all of your hair. 
Biting your lip you couldn’t help but enjoy it so thoroughly, you loved when one of the men played with your hair or scratched your scalp, it was pure heaven so having Taehyung doing this was a one way ticket to pleasure city. 
Grabbing the shower head from you again he started washing the shampoo out of your hair until he couldn’t see any more foam hit the tiles below, turning the shower off and squeezing the remaining water out of your hair, wrapping a towel around it, letting you stand up straight. 
“Thank you, Taehyngie~” you smiled. 
“Anything for you, beautiful.” he spoke softly, leaning down and leaving too short of a kiss on your lips, turning on his heels and walking into the bedroom again, waiting for you to follow and get dressed. 
You dug your hands into the bag he had brought, fishing out the underwear and clothes - pulling off the t-shirt and the towel on your head, you watched as Taehyung leaned back, one of his brows raised and his bottom lip between his teeth. 
Not being able to help yourself, you played with him a little, swaying your body in ways you knew he loved as you got dressed. 
“Such a tease..” he growled. 
Pulling the straps of your bra over your shoulders you looked down at him with a smirk painted on your lips, “I’m just getting dressed.” 
He leaned forward on the edge of the bed, grabbing your wrist and pulling you so you were stood between his legs close to him, feeling his breath on your stomach, his lips ghosting over your skin so deliciously. 
“You’re playing a dangerous game, baby.” he spoke against you, his voice deep and strained. 
“I love it.” you sighed as your fingers glided through his hair. 
His hands slowly slid up the back of your thighs, goosebumps appearing everywhere on your body, each of his hands holding on to your ass, his head leaning back as he looked up at you, lust evident in his eyes. 
“Get dressed.” he demanded, his hands tracing across your body roughly one last time before he let go, a protesting moan leaving you at the loss of contact. 
Obeying him you turned around and put on the rest of your clothes - pulling the hoodie over your torso and adjusting it, you felt Taehyung’s hands meet your hips as he let them slide towards your stomach and wrap around you, his chest pressed against your back and his face snuggled into the crook of your neck, taking a deep breath, your hands finding his arms to reciprocate his loving actions. 
You swayed gently with him, your face lighting up with a smile as you felt your heart melt - Taehyung was always very affectionate towards you, hugging you, kissing you, even just holding your hand at times and you couldn’t get enough of it, it made you feel good. 
“You ready, beautiful?” he whispered against your neck.
“Yeah.” you breathed, not wanting him to let go. 
Taking your hand in his and intertwining his fingers with yours, he walked with you towards the front door, making sure you were okay walking down the stairs even though you had no issue with going down them, only up them, you assumed anyway from how reluctant Jin was to let you. 
Opening the door for you he locked it behind you as you moved forward towards his car and got in, Taehyung himself only a few moments behind you, starting it and getting you both on your way. 
You knew the drive wasn’t long, it was a little further away from the head quarters than Jin was, in a small area that was located amongst green fields, quite remote considering it was close to a city, but he’d found the perfect place for him and you loved being there. 
As you got closer and closer, fewer houses flew past you and more green appeared, trees, forests, fields, a beautiful view. 
Parking by the front door you got out and waited for Taehyung to unlock the door for you, opening it and letting you go in first - the pain in your shoulder was increasing and you probably should take one of your painkillers soon, hissing at the sting your shoulder shot through you every time you moved it slightly. 
“Do you want to do anything special, noona?” Taehyung asked behind you as he dropped the keys in a bowl close to the front door. 
“No, we can just sit and watch some TV, if you want.” you hummed, content with doing anything, as long as Taehyung was there. 
He nodded, moving towards the sofa with you following tightly behind, offering a variety of movies to watch, some new and some you had watched a million times, not really sure of what to pick, he cheekily asked you to close your eyes and pick a random one out of a few he’d laid on the table. 
Scary Movie, the first one.
‘Why not?’ you shrugged, it was stupid, mindless and would probably serve as a good distraction for you, from the pain and from your own thoughts. 
Taehyung put it on and put his arm around you, your legs swinging over his for a more comfortable position as you lost yourself in the movie, the pain in your shoulder becoming increasingly annoying, but still manageable. 
You kinda zoned out from the movie after the first 10 minutes, your eyes dropping to the small wooden coffee table in front of you where one of Taehyung’s legs was resting, a feeling of dread overcoming you. 
What if you never found Won-Shik again? What if your siblings were in trouble or in a place where they weren’t taken care of properly? Who was responsible for wiping your bloodline? 
Images of your family flashed through your head, images you had gotten used to torturing you - the image of Eui recently being added to that, still fresh in your mind you couldn’t help the twist of your stomach when it went through you, she was ruining you even after death. 
Your chest felt heavy, your mind felt heavy, your heart was twisting and an ache that had been following you for the entirety of your life returned, you prided yourself in who you were, that you overcame what happened, losing every member of your bloodline, watching them being ripped from you in ways more brutal than you wished to express, the only surviving member, barely - but, deep down, you were still that scared little girl. 
That scared little girl that screamed for her mother, screamed for the strangers to go away, screamed to survive despite no one being around to hear, but you learned to suppress her and act like you were okay, act like you didn’t hurt, like you didn’t cower in fear whenever a stranger entered the room, like you didn’t see them every night in your nightmares, covered in blood, tearing you apart again and again, only letting her come back out when you were alone, when you could let her scream like she did that fateful day, hoping that the same would happen - that no one would be around to hear. 
“Noona?” Taehyung whispered, his concerned eyes looking at you. 
Your eyes turned to him, your vision blurry, realising you had been letting tears fall. 
“Sorry, my shoulder just started hurting a lot.” you wiped your eyes and smiled, “I’ll go take my painkillers.” you spoke quickly as you got up and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water with it, shaking your head to calm yourself, sighing deeply. 
Returning to Taehyung’s side he looked at you with puppy eyes, the concern clear but you ignored it, sitting down next to him, leaning your head into the crook of his neck and curling your legs up under you, his arm wrapping around your waist, holding you close. 
“Do you want me to make you some food, noona?” he whispered against the top of your head.
“I’m okay, Taehyungie~.. Thank you.” you smiled. 
You tried to focus on the movie but the more time that passed the more tired you got, eventually closing your eyes, drifting in and out of sleep - opening and closing your eyes you felt like time passed quickly and slowly at the same time, a weird feeling. 
Opening your eyes slightly you didn’t feel Taehyung next to you, but you could hear him not far from you.
“I’m worried about her, hyung, she doesn’t seem herself. She doesn’t want to eat, she isn’t as cheery as she normally is, she seemed fine at the hospital.” Taehyung almost whimpered on the phone. 
You couldn’t who was on the phone or what they were saying, so you had to fill the blanks yourself, judging from what Taehyung was saying. 
He sighed, “Jin-hyung told me she was crying yesterday while looking at herself in the mirror. He said that she saw Eui die, more specifically what Hoseok-hyung’s bullet did to her head.” 
He held a long pause, presumably listening to whichever hyung he was talking to. 
“Yeah, I know.” he mumbled, “She asked about Won-Shik too.” 
Your ears peaked at hearing Won-Shik’s name, but Taehyung didn’t say much after stating that fact. 
“Okay. I’ll see you soon hyung.” Taehyung spoke softly before you heard his footsteps come closer, shutting your eyes quickly, pretending to be asleep still, not that you would mind falling back asleep. 
“Noona..” Taehyung whispered, “It’s getting late, do you want to go to bed?” 
You grumbled at him, “Did you let me sleep all day?” 
He chucked softly, “It’s not like I didn’t try to wake you, but you’re almost as bad as me when it comes to being woken up and actually getting up.”
“Am not!” you scoffed. 
“Come on sleepy head.” Taehyung pulled the blanket off you, the cold from the room instantly hitting your body making you whimper in disapproval.  
You opened your eyes and stared at him with a pout.
“It’s warm in the bed.” he smiled. 
“Fiiiiiiiiiine.” you mumbled as you got up and walked towards the bedroom, narrowly avoiding several items on the way as you were swinging from side to side, still drugged. 
Entering the bedroom, undressing yourself and letting Taehyung help you take your hoodie off you scooted yourself under the duvet, shivering instantly because, despite his words, it was not warm.
“You lied to me!” you hissed, “This bed is not warm!”
He simply laughed at you endearingly while undressing and getting into bed with you, “I’ll help make it warm, don’t worry.”
You made a growling noise at him but unsurprisingly, he wasn’t scared, he was a lot bigger and stronger than you. 
“Shut up and come here.” he smiled, opening his arms for you to snuggle into him. 
Happily moving close to him you pushed your body into his, enjoying the heat coming from him, shivers moving through you a few times before your body finally relaxed. 
“Better?” he whispered.
“Mmhm..” you hummed, his scent filling you with comfort and safety.
Taehyung’s hand was gliding up and down your spine, the longer he did it the more his touch disappeared, instead starting to tickle you.
“Taehyngie!” you smiled, arching your chest into him when you finally couldn’t take it anymore, his touch tickling you too much. 
“What?” he teased, “Does it tickle?” 
“Yes!” you laughed.
“Oh, you mean when I do this?” his hand continuing to lightly touch your back, forcing your body to squeeze into his as you tried to escape it. 
“Aish!” you huffed, pushing on his chest, but his arms around you made it hard to escape, only forcing you close to him again as his fingers continued to tickle you. 
“Do you not appreciate my comforting touch, noona?” he pouted at you. 
“Not when it tickles!” you giggled. 
He flattened his hand on your back and pulled you as close as he could, his lips leaning down and meeting yours in a distracting kiss, one that heated your body and core instantly - but you felt his fingers move and a smile appear on his lips against yours. 
You knew it was coming. 
His hand moved to your side instead, poking it and causing you to flinch away from him, but he wasn’t done, continuing to poke your side as you fought against his hold, adoring the laughter he was extracting from you.
“Kim Taehyung! I’m going to kill you!” you choked out between laughs, finally managing to grab a hold of his wrist and pull it away from your body, his stare meeting your squinted ones. 
His wide boxy smile had you melting but you knew he would use it to his advantage if you let your guard down. 
“You do know I have a second hand, right? That’s also wrapped around you?” his voice playful.
Feeling his other hand move towards your side slowly, he enjoyed watching the panic in your eyes as you were lying on your other arm and couldn’t stop him from continuing his attack. 
You instead swung your leg over his hip and pushed yourself off the bed, straddling him in the process, grabbing his second hand, pushing them both against his stomach in front of you. 
“Smart girl.” he smirked, a brow raised at you. 
“If I do say so myself, yes.” you spoke proudly and victoriously. 
He writhed his hands out of your hold, sitting up quickly, his hand moving fast to hold on to your back, the other coming up to hold onto the hair on the back of your head, his face close to yours, “Doesn’t mean you win though.”
His eyes watched you as yours flickered down to his lips and back up to meet his, your breath heavy and core growing wetter, feeling his hardened member pushed against it only adding fuel to the fire. 
He loved teasing you, he loved watching you consumed by pleasure, loved the way your lips fell open, the way your eyes closed and your lip became situated between your teeth. 
“Lift yourself for me, babygirl.” he growled, maintaining eye contact with you.
You did as he asked, your hands finding their home on his shoulders to steady yourself, his hand disappearing from your back to instead position his member by your core. 
“Down.” he commanded.
Lowering yourself onto him, you felt the tip of his member push into you, his gaze fixated on you, your mouth falling slightly open as you sank down further and further on him, the stretch burning so incredibly good. 
“Fuck..” you breathed, digging your nails into his shoulders when you reached his base. 
“Don’t move.” Taehyung whispered, as he let go of you and leaned back on the bed, his hands sliding to your hips instead, watching you. 
You felt like you were out of breath already, your hands landing on his stomach to steady yourself, your legs squeezing lightly around his hips, your core clenching on his member as you desperately wanted to move. 
Staring back at him through hooded eyes you loved the way he was looking at you, like you were his pray, his eyes full of lust, a smirk on his lips as he almost dared you to move silently, but two could play that game. 
Sitting up straight on him you moved a hand up your body, letting it glide softly across your skin, teasing your breast, kneading it and pinching your nipple, letting soft moans leave your lips because of it. 
You ran your other hand through your hair, pushing out of your face, clenching the muscles in your core, earning a small sigh from him, a smirk appearing on your lips. 
Venturing your hand down your body, landing on his stomach and letting it glide up to his chest, you scratched down his torso, watching his muscles tense underneath your fingertips. 
His jaw clenched and you felt his member twitch inside you - you were winning.
Letting go of your hair you moved your hand down to your clit, gently circling it, small sighs leaving you as you bit your bottom lip and closed your eyes, letting yourself go. 
You felt Taehyung’s hand grab your wrist and move your fingers from your clit, sitting up against you, his hand found a hold on your hair again, the other holding onto your hip. 
“Such a fucking tease.” he growled. 
Smiling you gently started grinding your hips back and forth on him, your hands pressing on his chest, forcing him to lie down on his back again, as you started lifting yourself instead and sinking back down on his member. 
His hands held on to your hips with bruising strength, almost guiding you to the speed and force he wanted, your body happily letting him. You couldn’t help the moans that kept spilling from you, his member filling you so deliciously and hitting all the spots that made you lose yourself in him. 
Your skin was damp and small droplets of sweat ran down your temples, leaning your head forward your body shook at the pleasure you were feeling, desperately seeking more, increasing your pace and force, watching as his eyes slowly closed and small moans left his lips, his stomach beneath you flexing repeatedly. 
Leaning forward you lifted yourself almost all the way off him, letting only the head of his member slide in and out of you, hitting the sensitive spot on the back of it. 
“Fuck.. Baby..” he breathed and strained, “That feels so good..” his head leaning back into the pillow, exposing his neck. 
You felt his thighs flex under your legs, an indication that he was getting close and you wanted so badly to watch him cum. 
Sliding all the way down on his member, you lifted yourself almost all the way off again continuously, feeling the muscles in your legs burn at the movement you tried to ignore it, his expression only egging you on. 
“You gonna cum for me, Taehyungie~?” you cooed.
Returning to your previous motions, lifting yourself half way off him and sinking down on him, you started riding him a little harder, his head lifting and eyes opening to watch you, biting his bottom lip, small groans started leaving him.
“Yes.. God, I’m so close, I can’t handle how good you feel.” he growled between pants. 
Feeling his abs flex below you, you watched as a sharp exhale left him and his eyes squeezed shut, his legs tensing beneath you and your movements started slowing down, feeling his member twitch inside you as he was cumming. 
His body fell lax and his groans turned to pants, trying to normalise his breathing, a small smile on his lips, only adding to your pride. 
“How was that?” you smiled, your finger tracing up and down his torso.
“Fucking. Amazing.” he chuckled. 
He sat up, pulling you close to him, pressing his lips to yours in a tender and loving kiss, “I love you.” he whispered as he broke away from you.
“I love you too, Taehyungie~.” you smiled, letting your fingers drag across his cheek, “but I have to get off you, because I’m leaking on the bed.” 
He laughed, leaning his forehead against your shoulder, “You had to ruin it.” 
“What kind of noona would I be if I didn’t?” you giggled as you slowly raised yourself off him and walked towards the bathroom, his eyes following you, captivated by you. 
Quickly washing yourself in the bathroom, you returned to a fucked out and tired Taehyung - the duvet resting on his hips, his naked torso on display for your eyes to feast on.
Joining him in the bed again you felt your thighs throb and burn slightly, the last remaining energy you had being spent you easily fell asleep in his arms. 
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The feeling of the mattress dip behind you, you opened your eyes, your forehead still pressed firmly against the skin of Taehyung’s chest. You felt another arm wrap around you, a hand coming to caress the skin of your stomach, you easily recognised it.
“Jimin-ah..” you mumbled sleepily.
“Hey noona..” he hummed against your back, his lips gently placing a kiss between your shoulder blades, sending shivers down your body. 
“You’re here early, hyung.” Taehyung grumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“I’m not, you just didn’t get up on time.” Jimin laughed. 
“Can you blame me with Y/N-noona in bed with me..” he smiled against your forehead. 
“No, but you’re going to be late to meet the others.” Jimin spoke again.
“Shit..” Taehyung spoke with an annoyed tone, quickly ripping himself from you and getting out of bed. 
You whined at the loss of his warmth, quickly turning around and pressing yourself against Jimin, but it wasn’t the same, he was dressed and his skin didn’t touch yours. 
“Time to get up, noona.” his voice sung through your mind. 
“Don’t wanna..” you whinged.
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaseeeeeeee..” he cooed, “I want to take you home.” 
“Noooooo~..” you moaned at him, “I’m so comfortable.” you continued, pressing your forehead against his chest with a smile, enjoying his freshly showered scent. 
“Fine. I’ll just take the comfort away then.” he spoke teasingly, rolling away from you and out of bed, standing up next to it.
You sat up with a huff and looked at him with squinted eyes, “Come back here!” you growled. 
“Nope!” his voice playful as he smiled widely at you. 
“Taehyungie~! Jimin-ah is being mean to me!” you yelled towards the bathroom where Taehyung was getting ready. 
Taehyung’s head popped out of the door quickly with his big boxy smile, “Better listen to him then.”  
A low rumble resembling a growl vibrated in your chest, annoyed with both men. 
“Fine!” you huffed as you threw the duvet away and revealed your naked body to Jimin, his eyes trailing it so hungrily. 
“Bet you wish you had come back to bed now.” you whispered in his ear as you stood up and moved towards the closet where some clothes you had left at Taehyung’s a long time go would be. 
Sliding on some underwear, a small pair of denim shorts and an oversized white t-shirt, you stuffed the front of your t-shirt into your shorts, you ruffled your hair and looked at Jimin with a look of evil, “I’m ready.” 
“Taehyung-ah! We’re leaving!” Jimin shouted to the younger man. 
Taehyung emerged from the bathroom, walking towards you quickly, wrapping his arms around you and planting a kiss on your lips. 
“I’ll see you later, noona. Be good to Jimin-hyung.” he smiled. 
“Wha-? He’s the one that needs to be good to me!” you scoffed. 
Taehyung didn’t respond, he simply turned you around so you faced Jimin, smacked your ass and sent you on your way with a laugh. 
“I swear..” you grumbled while following Jimin outside and towards his car, getting in, hearing the engine rumble as you moved towards his house. 
With one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear stick he started speeding, casually questioning you, “How’re you feeling? How’s your shoulder, noona?” 
“It’s fine, Jimin-ah. It’s healing.” you smiled at his sweet concern. 
“Good.” he smiled, “But how’s your mind?” 
“What do you mean?” your eyes gazed towards him.
“I’m asking how your mental health is, noona.” he spoke with a stern voice.
“It’s .. Fine.” you hesitated, knowing that he’d already been told about everything since you were released and probably wouldn’t believe you. 
“Aha..” was all he said, which puzzled you. 
“Aren’t you going to push me to tell you the truth?” you questioned with a small voice.
“No. You’ll tell me when you’re ready.” he smiled as he turned into the driveway of his house and parked.
You played with the rings on your fingers as he got out of the car, feeling like he was a little mad at you or that he might be disappointed in you for not letting him in, but you got out of the car and walked after him as he unlocked his front door and stepped in. 
The warmth of his home hit you like you walked into an oven, his smell everywhere and a faint smell of food which made your stomach grumble. 
Jimin turned around and looked at you, his eyes dropping to your stomach, “Hungry?” 
“No, it’s okay.” you smiled waving your hands dismissively. 
He closed the gap between you, his hand cupping your cheek and forcing you to look up at him, “I know you haven’t eaten in days.” 
“I’m just not hungry, that’s all.” you whispered under his intense gaze, he didn’t like it when you didn’t eat. 
“Well, you better be, because we’re cooking some food.” he said as he let go of you and pulled you towards the kitchen. 
“Jimin-ah, I’m fine!” you protested, but he ignored you, pulling several items from the fridge, putting them on the kitchen counter. 
Leaning against the table top you huffed in protest again and again, Jimin finally having enough of your behaviour, he stopped his movements and stood in front of you, one arm on either side of you, leaning on the top behind you, trapping you in his hold as he stared into your eyes. 
“You need to eat. You need to heal and you can’t if you don’t eat.” he spoke harshly. 
“I’m not hungry..” you whimpered, averting your eyes from his. 
“I don’t care.” he spat, “I’ll force feed you if I have to.” 
You didn’t look at him, your arms wrapped in front of your chest in a defensive manner, a small pout on your lips because he was treating you like a child.
He sighed, standing up straight and pushing his hair back, pulling his dress shirt out of his slacks, exposing his hip, grabbing your hand and put it on his skin, making your eyes shift up to his, then down to where your hand was. 
“You’ve asked me about my scars before, but I never told you about them.” he spoke softly, watching as your thumb traced across the scar tissue.
“Does it look familiar?” he questioned you.
It did - it looked like a healed version of yours.  
“It happened before I met you, I was careless, I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions and what could happen if I wasn’t careful, especially in my line of work.” he spoke, something in his voice made your heart hurt as he continued, “I was out, I was alone and I was looking for someone. That someone saw me first and pulled the trigger before I could.” 
Your eyes flickered up to his. 
“More than once.” he whispered as he lifted up his shirt and exposed the remaining scars he had scattered across his stomach. 
Tracing your hand from scar to scar you couldn’t help but think to yourself that you always thought it was bullet wounds, though having never seen any before, you couldn’t be sure and you didn’t want to assume. 
“I know what it’s like, noona.” his voice barely audible, “I know what it does to you. Please just listen to me and do as I ask.” his index finger under your chin lifting your head to look at him, “I’m here for you.” 
You nodded softly at him. 
“Good.” he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss, your hand still tracing gently along the muscles of his stomach. 
Breaking the kiss he looked down at you with a smile, “I’ve decided that we’re making Kimchi-jjigae.” 
You rolled your eyes at him, “Of course we are.” 
Moving away from you he started walking around the kitchen, getting all the things he needed and putting them on the kitchen counter, ready for use, but stopped in the middle of everything and looked at you. 
“What?” you questioned. 
He stepped over to you, putting his hands on your sides as he lifted you up and sat you on the table top, out of his way but still close so he could talk to you. 
You laughed at his silent action, “You going to eat me too, Park Jimin?”
He raised a brow at you, looking at you teasingly, “I might do later, yeah.” 
You couldn’t help but bite your lip with a smile at his confirmation, a sudden rush of warmth flowing to your core. You loved when Jimin was between your legs, he knew exactly what to do and when to do it, it always made you a shaking mess, he always spoke about how he probably loved eating you out more than you loved being eaten out by him, but you doubted it, though at times it did feel like he did. 
Watching him work in the kitchen was something you loved, he was so focused and so domestic, a vast contrast to the rough and violent man he could be when he needed to be, but not with you, never with you. 
You’d only ever seen him properly angry once and it was one of the most terrifying experiences you’d ever had, even thinking about it had you a little worried. He tried hard never to be that man around you, only around the 6 other heads. 
It was hard to believe that this sweet boy, could be a killer, walking around the kitchen, humming to himself and occasionally talking to the food. 
“Here.” he spoke with a satisfied voice as he put a spoon loaded with food to your lips. 
You opened your mouth and let your lips wrap around it, a moan instantly leaving you as the multiple flavours hit you, your stomach instantly begging you for more. 
He smiled proudly, “I’ll take that as a ‘Yes, it’s amazing, Jimin-ah, you’re such a good cook.’” 
Nodding repeatedly you swallowed, “I wan’t more.” 
“Good, because it’s nearly done and I might have made too much.” he laughed.
You jumped off the counter and started setting the table, Jimin following you not long after with the food. You both sat down and started digging into the delicious feast he had prepared. 
You spoke about different things as you always did, about the other heads of the organisation, other organisations entirely and things you’d like to do soon, mainly going on a trip to somewhere outside of Seoul.
Finishing your food you sat for a little while, letting it sink into your stomach before you started cleaning off the table, quickly washing the main bits off of the plates and bowls before you put them into the dishwasher. 
Leaning against the kitchen counter you looked at Jimin, “What do you want to do now?” 
He stood in front of you, leaning against you, his hands on your waist and yours finding place on his chest.
“I’m still a little hungry you know.” he smirked. 
You didn’t catch on, “But you just ate loads!” 
He laughed at your innocence, the food in your stomach probably sending you into a conscious coma, leaning in and placing his lips next to your ear, “That’s not what I meant.” 
He felt your body tense in his hold, shivers sent through you at the deepness of his voice and what he was hinting at, a simple “Oh..” leaving you. 
Feeling one of his hands move from your waist and up your back, his fingers gently collected your hair and moved it from your shoulder, his lips tracing down to your neck, planting small kisses and licks, “Unless you changed your mind?” he breathed against your skin.
“Definitely not..” you sighed, feeling your body melt in his hands. 
His hand traced from your back to your stomach, undoing the button in your shorts and unzipping them, his hand trailing under your t-shirt and up your torso, the warmth sending waves of pleasure through you.
Detaching his lips from your neck, he moved instead to press them against yours, his hips grinding slowly into yours, feeling his hardening member press against your clit, even through several layers of cloth it felt so good. 
His hand trailed to your bra, pulling the cup down and exposing your nipple, softly playing with it, squeezing it and rolling the pad of his fingertip around it, small sighs leaving you, sighs he happily listened to. 
Letting go of your lips he pulled your t-shirt off completely, both of his hands finding the clasp on your bra, opening it and pulling it off too, his eagerness showing repeatedly but you didn’t mind.
Standing close to you he looked down your body, his hand cupping your breast and kneading it gently, your open shorts exposing your underwear. 
He worshipped your body like you worshipped his. 
Leaning down he took your other nipple between his lips, his tongue repeatedly flicking it, your chest flinching away from him because of the electrifying shocks it sent through you, but he followed you closely, his warmth not leaving you for a second. 
His hand let go of your nipple and instead softly glided down against your skin, down your stomach and to the edge of your panties, drawling a small teasing line against it before his fingers dipped under them and slid easily against your core. 
Standing up straight against you, slightly to the side so his hand could move freely between your legs, he leaned in and growled in your ear, “Always so ready for me, noona.” 
He slithered an arm around your back, holding onto you, one of your hands supporting you on the counter behind you, the other tangled in his hair on the back of his head. 
Your legs shook lightly as you felt him trace weak circles on your clit, small sighs leaving you at his actions, but it wasn’t enough for him, he wanted more, applying pressure to your clit and earning a moan from you. 
Hearing him hum near silently in approval next to your ear, you leaned your head back, letting your body submit fully to him, just as he wanted it. 
His fingers traced further down your core, slipping two fingers into you easily, your breath hitched, you leaned your head forward again, your eyes finding his, knowing he loved when you looked at him while he pleasured you. 
Taking it easy on you his pace was slow to begin with, your bottom lip between your teeth, loving his skilled fingers, pressing just the right spots all the time, your lower stomach sending shocks through you. 
Feeling just right you couldn’t help but stand up on your toes, a small whine leaving you causing him to smirk as his eyes flickered between yours, leaning in and kissing you hungrily he left you all too soon, his lips instead tracing down your neck, between your breasts and down your stomach, pulling his fingers from you, instead pulling your shorts and panties down, leaving you naked in front of him. 
You looked down at him as he put his hand under one of your thighs, lifting your leg and letting it relax on his shoulder, planting kisses on your skin, going closer and closer to your core, you tried desperately to prevent your hips from thrusting towards him.
Letting his tongue drag across your slit he ended it in a sharp flick across your clit, your knees bending at the pleasure it shot through you. 
Continuing his small actions he let his tongue circle your clit, flick it, draw crosses over it, his lips covering it and letting him suck on it, you couldn’t help but arch your body into the counter behind you, a shaking mess already because of him. 
“F-fuck.. God, please.” you moaned throwing your head back, your hand holding into his locks still, trying to steady yourself, your hand on the counter feeling like it was doing next to nothing in assisting you to stand up.
His hands held on to your hips with bruising strength, his rough touch only adding to the pleasure you were feeling. He knew he had you right where he wanted you, your moans such a delicious sound in his ears, he swears he could cum just from listening to you, his member constantly twitching in his slacks. 
You could feel that you weren’t going to last much longer, even less so because he was so good at finding the spot that drove you crazy and he wouldn’t let it go once he found it, feeling like you could cry from the pleasure it sent you through. 
Feeling his tongue flick across the side of your clit your body flinched and a groan left you, leaning your head forward you looked down at him, his eyes almost smiling at you in a cocky manner. 
There it was. 
His tongue continued to swipe up the side of your clit, thinning his tongue causing his attacks to be more precise, your orgasm closing in on you faster than you could comprehend, feeling the warmth grow and the pressure increase. 
Your legs shook under you, your stomach tensing repeatedly as you tried to control yourself, the pleasure ripping through you almost making you wish he would stop. 
Closing your eyes you let yourself succumb to the ecstasy, “Gonna c-cum Jimin-ah..” you whined just in time before your orgasm exploded, waves upon waves throbbing through you, empowered by his slowing movements, your breath shallow and ragged, moans repeatedly leaving you while your muscles contracted and released relentlessly. 
Releasing his mouth from your core he stood up, still holding on to you as your body leaned against his, your hands grabbing onto his arms, your body continuing to shake in his hold. 
“I’ve got you, baby, don’t worry.” he cooed. 
“How do you get better and better every time?” you panted desperately, looking up at him with blown out pupils and small pearls of sweat gliding down your temples. 
He hummed a small laugh, “It helps that you let me practise on you so often.” 
“How can I not when you make me feel like that..” you smiled, leaning up and pushing your lips to his, your hand finding hold on his neck, the other opening the buttons on his dress shirt. 
Pulling his shirt out of his slacks, he let it hang down around his body, your hand going down to unbutton his slacks and unzipping them, easily gliding into them and palming his throbbing member, a hiss leaving him as he felt your hand around him. 
“I need to fuck you baby, please.” he whimpered, meeting your eyes with a pleading gaze. 
You let go of him, turning around and leaning yourself against the kitchen counter, lifting one of your legs to rest on the counter as well, giving him full access to you. You looked back at him over your shoulder with a smirk, “Fuck me then, handsome.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice, quickly pulling his member out of his boxers and positioning it by your core, slowly pushing into you, a sigh leaving him when he felt your tight and wet warmth around him. 
Loving the burn he provided as he continued to stretch you, you couldn’t help but let a little moan leave you, your core clenching around him causing him to curse under his breath. 
Bottoming out in you, he pulled out slowly and started a slow but forceful pace, holding on to your hips, bringing you back every time he pushed into you. 
“God.. I wont last, just watching you nearly had me done for..” he growled. 
“It’s okay, baby.” you moaned, “You just feel so good.” 
He pulled your leg off the counter, his arm wrapping around your waist as you arched your back a little, one of his hands instead holding on to your throat, his mouth next to your ear, “I’m still gonna fuck you hard.” 
“Please..” you begged him, feeling his thrusts become quicker and harder, sending repeated shocks through you. 
He let go of your throat causing you to lean forward against the counter, feeling his hand venture down your back, his nails digging into your skin, making you groan and arch your back into his hand, loving the pain he caused and the marks he left behind.
You felt his foot next to yours, pushing it to the side, “Spread your legs more for me, kitten.” your body immediately responding, taking a step to the side, opening more for him. 
A particularly hard thrust followed, causing you to moan loudly and whimper after, your legs shaking below you as you leaned your forehead against your arm on the counter. 
“Such a pretty moan..” he cooed, soothingly rubbing his thumb along the skin of your hip, his thrusts not letting up on you. 
“Fuck.. Jimin-ah..” you whimpered, digging your teeth into your arm, your core still sore from your previous explosive orgasm. 
His thrusts stopped, his hand grabbing a hold of your hair and pulling you up to him, your back pushed against his chest, “Can’t handle it when I’m a little rough?” he growled in your ear.
“I can..” you mewled. 
His arm wrapped around your waist, he pulled out of you slowly, his hips snapping back into you with force, his arm around your waist pulling you down onto him as well.
Your mouth fell open in a silent moan, closing your eyes as he repeated the motion multiple times, causing your core to clench around him. 
“Look at that, is my little cock hungry slut close to cumming again?” he spat against your ear. 
He had you in the palm of his hand, his rougher side showing its evil smile, his degrading names making you feel small under him, but you loved the way it sent shivers through you. You guessed he had probably been holding back because of your physical state, but he couldn’t anymore. 
“Mmhm!” you whined, “Please let me!”
He pushed you forward against the kitchen counter again, his fingers wrapped around the back of your neck, holding you down.
“No.” he growled, “Not yet.” 
His thrusts grew quicker, still as hard, pushing you to your limits, feeling him so deep inside you, you almost couldn’t handle it. 
“Please, please, please!” you begged, “I can’t hold it, please let me cum.” 
You felt the pressure grow so quickly in your core you were sure you couldn’t stop it even if you tried, feeling like you were almost already cumming on him, your legs shaking under you, his rough hold on you adding fuel to your fire. 
Holding on to the edge of the counter, your other hand came behind your head to hold on to his wrist, he let go of your neck and instead intertwined his fingers with yours, his hips harshly snapping against you nearly sending you over the edge, you didn’t want to disobey, you wanted permission, but you couldn’t stop it, you couldn’t keep your orgasm away. 
“Shit.. Jiminie! Please!” you pleaded again.
“You can cum.” he growled. 
You felt your legs squeeze together, holding your breath you arched your back into the air, the pressure reaching its peak and releasing through you, your core repeatedly tightening around his member, a final groan leaving you as you let go of your breath and felt him use your body to push himself over the edge, your constant contractions on his member making it easy, his hips stuttering against your skin as he spilled his cum inside you, leaning forward against your back as he tried to catch his breath.
Standing up straight you could feel your body shaking lightly, your energy drained but more importantly the pain in your shoulder became apparent, a hiss leaving you at the rapidly increasing ache, the continued pleasure and orgasms masking the agony protruding from your healing wound. 
“Did I hurt you?” Jimin asked behind you, his hand tenderly caressing your side. 
“No, it’s my shoulder.” you winced, “I just need my painkillers.” 
“I’ll get them for you.” he spoke against your skin, planting a soft kiss against your back as he pulled out of you and walked towards the dining room table where they were placed. 
You grabbed a glass, filling it with cold water when Jimin handed you the pills and you quickly threw them into your mouth, taking a sip of the glass instantly, trying to avoid the dry disgusting taste of medication. 
“I’m going to quickly wash myself before these knock me out, is that okay?” you looked at Jimin with soft eyes.
“Of course, noona.” he smiled, gently gliding a finger across your cheek before leaning in and kissing you softly. 
Walking towards the bathroom you could feel the cum leak down your leg, desperately trying to get into the shower before leaving a mess on the floor you turned it on, stepping in once the water was warm enough, washing your body, successfully avoiding a mess on the floor.
You tiptoed into Jimin’s bedroom, stealing one of his hoodies to wear and some old clothes you had in a drawer by his bed.
Stepping into the living room you saw Jimin on the sofa, watching the TV with furrowed brows, he didn’t usually care about anything on the news - looking up at the lady reporting you only heard a few words.
“Badly beaten male body found by ..” before he turned to you and switched channel. 
“I didn’t hear you come back, noona.” he smiled.  
“What was that about?” you questioned, pointing at the TV. 
“The usual.” he sighed, “Come sit.” he patted the spot next to him, happily walking over you plopped down next to him, stealing his arm and wrapping yours around it so it was situated across your body, nuzzling close to his shoulder, an endearing laugh leaving him because of it. 
You sat in silence as you felt your painkillers kick in and your eyes grow tired, your breathing slowing and becoming heavier as your body prepared to sleep. 
“Noona?” Jimin whispered. 
“Yeah?” you mumbled against his arm. 
“You know I love you, right?” he questioned.
“Of course. I love you too, Jimin-ah..” you smiled, falling into the bliss of sleep. 
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You woke up to the chatter of Namjoon and Jimin, feeling the softness of Jimin’s bed under you and the heaviness of his duvet on top of you, wondering how long you had been sleeping, you’d pretty much lost track of time the last week. 
Throwing the duvet off yourself you felt a little cold, quickly grabbing a top and Jimin’s hoodie to cover you, sliding on some panties and leggins before you left the bedroom and walked towards the sound of the two men, rubbing your eyes trying to get the sleep out of them. 
“Did you see the news?” Jimin spoke. 
“Yeah, it’s bad. That’s going to cost us.” Namjoon sighed heavily. 
You turned the corner, looking at the two men, “What is?” you questioned.
“Nothing, noona, don’t worry. Just business stuff.” Jimin smiled at you, “Namjoon-hyung is here to take you back to his.” 
You nodded, a little worried but not wanting to push for answers. 
Namjoon stood up and walked towards you, planting a small kiss on your forehead before he passed you and walked towards the front door, not saying anything. 
Your eyes met Jimin’s, seeing the questions in your eyes he simply sighed, pushing his hair back and avoiding your gaze before he stood up and walked towards you, placing a finger under your chin, leaning down to kiss you softly. 
“He blames himself.” Jimin whispered, before he turned you around and motioned for you to follow Namjoon. 
Stepping slowly towards the front door where Namjoon was standing he didn’t even look at you - you walked through the door and down towards his car, the silence making you feel uncomfortable, not something that ever happened with Namjoon, he always had interesting things to tell you, facts to amuse you and he was really good at holding a conversation. 
He got into the car and you followed quickly, worried he might take off without you. He started the car and reversed out of the driveway, getting you on your way to his. 
The drive was quiet, cars passing you repeatedly as he swerved in and out of lanes at a high speed - probably not wanting to be with you in a small and confined space for longer than he needed. 
Your eyes dropped to your lap where your rings were sitting colder than usual against your skin. One from each of the 7 heads and one you had bought for yourself, your ring fingers ironically being the only ones that didn’t have a ring on them. 
Pulling up to his house he got out of the car quickly, closely followed by you as he unlocked the door and entered, holding the door opening for you, but yet again, not looking at you - you stepped in, hearing the door close behind you. 
Sighing you decided to just deal with the day, sitting down on his sofa you turned on the TV and watched some stupid cartoon while Namjoon vanished into his study. 
Pulling out your phone, you opened your text messages with Yoongi. 
12:34 You: Namjoon-oppa hasn’t said a word to me since he picked me up. He hasn’t even looked at me. He just left me alone in the living room to go do whatever in his study. 
Locking your phone and returning your eyes to the TV you didn’t expect Yoongi to text you back for a while, he was usually quite busy, but maybe you were lucky today and he knew you needed him as your phone buzzed not long after.  
12:36 Yoongi-oppa: Yeah, he’s trying to deal with the whole thing. It isn’t going so well, clearly, but he’s trying, beautiful, just give him a little space, he’ll come around soon. 
12:38 You: Why is he so mad at me though? I didn’t do anything.. 
12:39 Yoongi-oppa: He isn’t mad at you, he just can’t look you in the eye yet.
Great. Fucking great. You get shot and then someone you love decides he can’t look at you anymore - you felt like you could explode with anger, after years together you figured he wouldn’t treat you this way. 
12:42 Yoongi-oppa: Hey, I know what you’re thinking, but honestly, just take it easy, okay? Do your own thing for a little while and he’ll come back to you. 
12:43 You: Okay, oppa.
You locked your phone and threw it to the side, letting your mind go blank as you watched the animations on the screen - feeling a little warm, the anger from Namjoon’s behaviour only adding to that, you pulled Jimin’s hoodie off, still holding it close to you, not wanting his scent to leave you.
Feeling a growing anger the longer time passed by you finally had enough, ignoring Yoongi’s words you stood up and you walked towards Namjoon’s study - opening the door you saw him sitting at his desk, his face hidden in his hands. 
“Why don’t you just take me home if you’re not going to spend time with me, not even look at me or talk to me?” you growled. 
He raised his head, his eyes finally landing on you for the first time that day but they weren’t happy, he looked angry though he didn’t say anything. 
You stood, waiting for an answer, but he didn’t give you one. 
“Fuck you.” you scoffed, turning around you started walking towards the front door, ready to walk home if you had to. 
Steps approached quickly behind you and you expected him to plead for you to stay, but instead you felt his hand around your arm, pulling you back and pushing you against the hallway wall harshly, your back and shoulders slamming against the hard surface behind you. 
He stood in front of you, his arms on either side of you, trapping you, but you didn’t let up, you stared at him equally as intensely as he stared at you.
“I don’t appreciate you speaking to me like that, Y/N.” he growled. 
“I really don’t care.” you retorted, “Fuck. You.” 
His hand quickly came up to your throat, his fingers wrapping around it so easily as they had so many times before, your jaw clenching at his action. 
“Watch your tone.” he warned. 
Something in your body had fun with this, it got his attention and you loved his threatening behaviour, knowing he would never actually hurt you, this is exactly what you wanted - him. 
“And if I don’t?” you challenged him. 
He raised a brow at you, realising that you were playing a game with him. 
“I might hurt you.” he smirked. 
“I’m so scared.” you teased.
He stood up straight, towering over you, his fingers pressing slightly harder against your throat as he forced you to look up, “You should be, babygirl.” 
Grabbing your wrist and pressing your hand against his hardening member, he looked down at you with hunger in his eyes, “Is this what you want?” 
You gulped, a movement he could feel against his hand, only making him cockier, your head nodding slightly in his hold. 
He reached over to the door not far from you, opening it before pulling you by your throat and pushing you into his bedroom, following you closely you turned around, his body pushing against yours as he grabbed a fistful of your hair on the back of your head, pushing his lips against yours harshly, a whimper leaving you in the process. 
He smiled against your lips before pulling away, looking down at your nervous features, “Don’t tell me you’re scared now, baby?” his other hand reaching down and forcefully grabbing your ass.
You felt warmth gather in your core, his demeanour causing you to become soaking wet. 
Keeping a hold of your hair, he pushed his body against yours, forcing you to walk backwards towards the bed, your hands holding on to his arms for support, feeling the edge of the bed on the back of your legs, he stopped and turned you around.
He sat down on the bed, looking up at you with dark eyes, “Kneel.” 
Your body instantly responded to his command, your knees hitting the floor in front of him, sitting between his legs. 
Raising his hand up to cup your cheek, he knew he’d won over you, “Such a submissive little kitten.” 
He unbuttoned his slacks, zipped them down, pushing his boxers down and pulling his member out, your eyes immediately looking at it, your mouth watering slightly. 
“May I?” you asked, licking your lips in the process.
“You may.” he confirmed, leaning back on his hands to watch you. 
Leaning forward you let your hands glide across his thighs, your tongue coming out to wet the back of his member as your hand grabbed the base of it making it easier for you to take him. 
Licking a long swipe up the back of it you flicked your tongue over his sensitive string, earning a slight hiss from him, knowing exactly what he loved. 
You licked around the head of his member, making sure it was sufficiently went before you opened your mouth and took him into it. 
He sighed at the warmth, “That’s it, baby. Your mouth feels so good.” 
Flattening your tongue in your mouth it made it easier for you to take more of him, swirling your tongue around the tip of his member every time you slid him out of your mouth, bobbing your head slowly on him. 
His hand found home tangled in your hair, keeping it out of your face and making it easier for him to watch you. 
You felt him apply a little bit of pressure on the back of your head, wanting you to go deeper on him, obliging you tried to relax your mouth as much as you could, going further and further down, until you couldn’t take more of him. 
“Fuck.. So good.” he moaned. 
He tasted so delicious on your tongue, a slightly salty tone to it because of his pre-cum, but it only made you want more, a throbbing ache between your legs making you wish he’d fill you up after. 
Looking up at him, you enjoyed the way he watched you with blown out pupils, his mouth open, small pants and moans leaving him as you increased your speed, your hand moving below your mouth to please the part of him you couldn’t take in your mouth, a smooth glide because of your saliva. 
You felt his hold in your hair tighten as he pulled you off him, your mouth falling open and pants leaving you. 
“Such a pretty mess you are for me.” he cooed, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip, “Sit on my cock, kitten.” 
He let go of your hair as you stood up and pulled your clothes off for him, leaving you naked in front of him, while he was still fully dressed.
You put one of your knees on the mattress next to his thigh, the other following suit as you leaned forward and your hands on his chest to steady yourself, forcing him to lean back as he positioned his hands on your hips. 
Reaching down you positioned his member by your core, slowly sinking down on him, closing your eyes and groaning at the burning sensation he caused, filling you to the brim. 
His hands trailed up your sides as you reached his base, the warmth of them forcing goosebumps on your skin, your nipples following suit, one of his hands coming to let his fingers play with it. 
“Your cunt’s so tight around my cock.” he hissed, “Feels so fucking good.” 
Opening your eyes, you looked down at him, his jaw clenching repeatedly as he probably tried hard not to thrust into you, despite wanting to punish you for your bratty behaviour. 
Slowly lifting yourself off him you sunk down on him again and again, your nails digging into his chest below you, smirking at the way he was the mess now, small moans leaving him, repeated curses under his breath, his hands holding on to you so tightly. 
Both of his hands returned to your hips as he couldn’t help himself anymore, thrusting harshly into you repeatedly causing moan upon moan to leave you. 
“Shit.. Oppa..” you whimpered, feeling like he almost hit the edge of you repeatedly, “So good!” 
Swiping your hair from your shoulder, you leaned down to him, pushing your lips against his, feeling his thrusts slow momentarily, he hungrily returned your kiss, one of his hands coming to hold on to the back of your neck, his mouth trailing down to bite your neck roughly. 
You moaned in pain, your core clenching around him at the sensation it sent through you. 
Wrapping his arm around your back he rolled over with you, moving on to the bed properly, both of his hands moving to the back of your knees, pushing them towards your chest as he leaned back and continued his hard thrusts. watching his member disappear into you repeatedly, loving the moans he extracted from you because of it. 
Letting one of your legs relax on his shoulder, his hand moved down to your core, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit - leaning your head into the mattress below you, you grabbed into the sheets, relishing the way he was fucking you so roughly. 
He felt your core clench around him several times, the muscles in your thighs tensing, your body twitching beneath him.
“You wanna cum, baby?” he cooed, his thrusts not letting up, not giving you a moment of rest. 
“Mmhm!” you whined, “Please.” 
Feeling such a familiar and welcomed pressure in your stomach, you wanted so desperately for it to wash over you, almost begging your own body to let it happen. 
His pressure on your clit increased, his thrusts became slightly harder and more precise, wanting you to fall over the edge before he did, and he succeeded, feeling his hips angle just right, his member continued to press just the right spot in you, getting the pleasure in your stomach to release, your legs closing around him as your body arched into the mattress and your body let go of the knot it had just tied. 
“Fuck..” he cursed, feeling your core spasm around his member repeatedly, your head leaning to the side as you couldn’t stop the moans leaving you, his thrusts becoming more erratic as his orgasm came closer and closer. 
He pushed your legs slightly forward, gaining more access to you as your body relaxed, he used you to reach his own high, not taking long you felt his movements slow down, his hips stuttering and eventually stopping as he came inside you, with a groan against your shin. 
Sitting back on his heels he enjoyed the view of your fucked out appearance, trying to get a hold of his breathing, his hands tracing up and down your legs tenderly. 
“I need to be a brat more often.” you panted with a smile.
“Mmm. I was nice to you this time, baby.” he grinned, planting a kiss on your leg before he pulled out of you and laid down next to you, “Next time I won’t be so kind.” 
You let out a little giggle, turning on your side to face him. 
His eyes dropped to the bruise on your shoulder, his features pained. 
“Don’t blame yourself, oppa, it wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have done anything differently.” you assured him. 
“I wish I could have, I wish I could’ve prevented it.” he sighed.
“I know. I know.” you moved closer to him, pressing your lips to his shoulder in a loving kiss. “I’m still here though, that’s what you need to focus on.” 
“Yeah.” he breathed, turning to face you, his thumb caressing your cheek, “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” you smiled, leaning into him, closing your eyes and feeling like you could fall asleep again, but you wanted to spend more time with Namjoon, watch a movie, talk, anything.
You opened your mouth again but you were cut off by the buzzing sound of his phone, your eyes narrowing at the sound coming from the kitchen, watching him with a pout as he got up and went to answer it. 
Jumping out of bed you might as well wash yourself before he comes back, quickly walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower. You looked yourself in the mirror, seeing the bruise on your shoulder having decreased significantly over the last few days. 
Stepping into the shower you washed your body with speed, knowing Namjoon probably wouldn’t be on the phone for long and you wanted to get back in bed before he was done so he could cuddle you. 
Turning the water off and drying yourself quickly you stepped into the bedroom again to a fully dressed Namjoon with a furrowed brow.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” you questioned quickly.
“Nothing, baby. I just need to go to the office to take care of something with the other heads.” he smiled at you, “I’ll drop you off back home before I go there, okay?”
He disappeared into the living room again before you even got to answer him. You put on some clothes from your side of the closet, walking into the living room where Namjoon was waiting for you. 
“I’m sorry to leave you like this, beautiful, but it’s important.” he said softly, his arms wrapping around your waist. 
“It’s okay.” you mumbled, sad that your visit with him was cut short. 
Following him out the front door and towards his car you both quickly got in, the engine growling as he drove off to yours, not far from where he lived.  
Dropping you off at your apartment, he quickly planted a kiss on your lips before you got out of the car and he watched you walk to your door, making sure you got in safely. You turned around, giving him a little wave before unlocking and walking through your front door, hearing his car drive off. 
There was a large thick envelope on the floor by your door - you didn’t think much of it so you picked it up and sat down in your sofa, opening it with a sigh, happy to be home for a little while, your world finally returning to normal. 
You turned the envelope upside down and out fell several pictures and a letter. Scanning through the images quickly you recognised the faces. 
Jin. Yoongi. Hoseok. Namjoon. Jimin. Taehyung.
Feeling a little uneasy at the supplied pictures you grabbed the letter and started reading it. 
“Dear Y/N.
If you’re reading this, it means we didn’t meet up after the dinner and I will be dead.” 
You felt your heart immediately speed up at the words written on the paper, fear setting itself deep in the pit of your stomach, your body going cold as you continued to read. 
“I wanted to tell you everything you wanted to know about what happened to your family and where your siblings are, but after our dinner I wasn’t careful enough and your organisation got a hold of me.
In this letter you will find pictures of 6 of the heads of your organisation as teenagers with their fathers. Men that you will remember from when you were a child. 
The previous heads of your organisation were the ones that wiped your bloodline. Your bloodline was going to ally with an enemy corporation, making them stronger than the one you are currently connected to.
Your bloodline posed a great threat to them, your family was strong, powerful and had many more allies than any other family in Seoul, making it a great asset to any organisation it would join.
I hope this letter reaches you, for the safety of your siblings I have not disclosed their current location here.
I’m sorry.
Regards, Won-Shik.”
Anger boiled through your skin, the pain and betrayal you felt was on par with nothing else you had ever felt before - scanning over the pictures again your eyes widened at the faces of their fathers, you knew them, you remembered their faces. 
Pulling your phone from your pocket you opened Google and quickly looked through the most recent news articles. 
“Badly beaten male body found by industrial estate.”
You continued to scroll through the article.
“.. estimates he died about a week ago.”
‘No, no, no, no.’ you repeated to yourself. 
“.. black hair, blue eyes, muscular build, young, estimated mid twenties.”
Grabbing the pictures and the letter you ran through the door, down to the car park where you saw a familiar lackey’s face. Running to his car you opened it and got in, “Take me to the office” your voice seethed. 
“Y/N-ah, you shouldn’t be-” the lackey tried, but failed miserably.
“Drive!” you growled at him with murderous eyes. 
He didn’t argue with you, quickly turning the key in the ignition and driving off, not speeding enough for your liking, you tried to contain the screams that your body wanted to let out, feeling like your chest was going to collapse. 
Reaching the building you knew all too well you ran through the lobby, not even acknowledging Ae-Cha and the guard by the entrance, quickly calling the elevator down and stepping into it, feeling like it moved slower than any time before, your eyes stinging and your body shaking.   
“You knew! You fucking knew!” you yelled with tears streaming down your cheeks, as you walked through the door and the 7 men turned around to look at you, their faces puzzled at your words.
Jimin stood up instantly and walked towards you, “What do you mean, noona?” he questioned as he put his hand on your arm.
You flinched away from him, “Don’t fucking touch me. You knew all along and you still kept me around, fucking me, telling me lies, using me for your games!” you continued, your eyes flickering between theirs. 
“Calm down, Y/N-ah.. We knew what?” Jin spoke with furrowed brows. 
“You knew who killed my family and left me for dead! You know who has my siblings. You killed Won-Shik because he knew about it!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, the pain in your chest causing you to almost choke on your own breath, but you couldn’t stop screaming, “You beat him to death, probably trying to figure out if others knew!” 
“Y/N-ah..” Yoongi spoke softly, “He lied to you.” 
“Don’t bullshit me, Yoongi!” you snapped back, throwing the letter and the pictures of their families on the floor, “Is that not you, with one of them? I know that man, I remember that man!”
Yoongi’s stare dropped to the floor where the pictures were scattered, his eyes widening at a picture of him as a teenager with his dad. 
“That man..” you choked, “I saw him shoot my mother in the head!” 
None of them spoke, none of them had any way of defending this or explaining it, they had only hoped that you would never find out. 
“All of your fathers, all of them were involved, all of you knew about it..” you sobbed, “Did Ae-Cha know?”
No one responded, no one did anything, they all avoided your gaze and hung their heads in sorrow and regret. 
“Tell me!” you sobbed, “Did she know?”  
Namjoon nodded softly. 
You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t stand, your body was trembling so badly, as if someone had sliced your entire being open and ripped your insides out, your entire life, everything that you knew, everyone and everything you loved, was a lie - you fell to your knees, crying out in pain, hunching forward, desperately trying to breathe.
“You took my family from me!” you screamed, “You took everything from me!”
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marinaaniseed · 5 years
Dark ‘n’ Stormy Pt.4
A/N: This would’ve been half the length and posted yesterday, but I got cocky and then I got a cracking headache.
Just under 5,000 words because I have no restraint, apparently.
FIlth, sex, smut, some kink, a bit of a potty-mouth, a brief interlude for dinner and a chat about Thor’s body insecurities. But mostly just sex. Fingering, oral, penetrative...it’s all there. You er, may want a cold shower after this...
Although Korg and Miek had left, Thor remained rooted to the spot. You peppered his back his kisses, one hand stroking his soft, hairy stomach, the other trailing down to stroke his cock.
“Bedroom?” you asked, feeling Thor’s growing erection in your hand.
“Mmm, yes,” he agreed, beginning to walk forward. Your hands continued as you walked, making the journey slow going, but he didn’t seem to mind.
You’d barely made it through the bedroom door, when Thor turned around in your arms and manoeuvred you back against the solid oak, slamming it shut. Pressing against you, he pinned your wrists above your head with one hand, the other running down the outside of your thigh before bringing it up to his hip. You could feel his erection trapped between his belly and yours and you desperately wanted him inside you. On top of you. Reintroducing him to being pleasured was a lot of fun, but you needed your own release. It’d been months since you’d been with a man, and Thor wasn’t just any man. No. He was the soft, strong god of thunder. Sexiest Avenger. Probably. In fairness, you hadn’t met any of the others, but he’d set the bar pretty high.
His facial hair tickled your nose as your tongues tangoed, his chapped, neglected lips on yours. It was a shame you weren’t wearing lipstick today, it would’ve been fun to see it smeared all over Thor, the evidence of where your mouth had been, like a cat’s footprints in fresh snow. Red. Red would definitely be his colour, the one you’d wear for him. Not a deep burgundy or a pinkish raspberry, but the boldest, truest red to match his cape.
Thor slowly disengaged from the kiss, nuzzling his nose along yours and bending down to press his forehead to yours. He sighed softly, not the sigh of resignation you were used to hearing, but one of lust. He unpinned your wrists and grabbed your other thigh, hoisting you up and bringing you to the bed, depositing you in the dip in the middle. Thor pulled away and you made grabby hands at him in vain.
“I want you,” you wheedled.
“And you shall have me,” he answered with a smirk. “But first I want to pleasure you in other ways. Without being cocky, I realise it might not be that easy for you to accommodate me.”
You raised an eyebrow at his choice of words. “Cocky you say, hmm?”
“Oh, er, that’s not quite how I meant it,” he blushed, realising what you were getting at.
“It’s ok, I got your point. And I will get your point,” you said with a grin, eyeing his cock as it curved up, resting against the curve of his stomach.
“Do you always have such a filthy mouth?”
“Only when your cock’s been in it.”
Oh Norns, this was not what he needed. He wanted to pleasure you, to drive you wild, not be tormented by you. Again.
“I ought to gag you, young lady.”
“Ah, promises promises.”
Yep. Loki would’ve loved you. Or been utterly infuriated. There wouldn’t have been an in-between. It was certainly intriguing doing this dance with someone who apparently cared neither about his rank nor his Avenging fame. You weren’t starstruck, you weren’t a shy servant girl, you clearly knew what you wanted and how to get it.
Trying to compose himself, he climbed onto the bed behind you, pulling you up to sit between his powerful thighs. One arm wrapped around you to keep you where he wanted you, the other trailed further down so that he hand was between your thighs. Your head lolled back against him as his fingers slowly parted your labia. He could feel how aroused you already were and slowly traced his index finger up to your clitoris, drawing lazy circles with the pad of his finger. No words, no exclamations left your mouth but he could feel your chest heaving against his arm, your breath becoming more ragged. He left wet kisses on your ear as he steadily increased the tempo and pressure of his finger.
Just before you came, your head jerked violently to the side, pressing your face into his arm. Your body trembled against his and you bit into his arm, muffling your outburst.
“Hey, hey,” he soothed, loosening his grip on you and removing his hand from between your thighs.
“Sorry, sorry - I didn’t mean to bite you,” you said, looking at the scarlet mark on his arm.
“It’s alright, I’m glad you enjoyed it. But now I want to hear you.”
“Oh, you didn’t think I was done with you so soon did you?”
“Ha, well you’ve done more than most guys would.”
“Pfft,” he scoffed. “Midgardian men don’t know what they’re doing. You’ve taken care of me twice now, we’re not even yet.”
“It’s not a competition.”
“Of course not, but I want to taste you and eat those thighs.”
He moved from behind you and pushed against your shoulder, pushing back into the mattress. Laying down between your thighs, he slowly licked, kissed and nipped his way up your left inner thigh before working his way down your right. He brought his head up to give you a grin before moving in between your legs. Hands gripping your hips, he began with slow, wide licks to warm you up. Gentle little kitten licks before he moved up. You were already sensitive from his finger and he didn’t want to overstimulate you. The first soft flick of his tongue over your clitoris had you making wonderfully sinful noises. Thor always liked to know when he was doing a good job, and your moaning and blaspheming drove him wild. He repeated the flicking with more pressure and speed, feeling your thighs trembling next to him. He felt the shudder of your release but he hadn’t heard you. He looked up to find you with one arm across your face, sucking and screaming into the flesh.
“I thought I said I wanted to hear you,” he said with a stern face but a filthy twinkle in his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I’m just...it’s a force of habit.”
“That’s alright, I think I know how to solve this little problem.” He stood up and looked around, a little confused. Where would you have put his armour? The wardrobe seemed an obvious place so he pulled open one of the oak doors and looked inside. Bingo. He grabbed what he wanted and turned to face you, waving the leather belt at you.
“Is that to tie me up or to spank me with?” you smirked at him.
In all honesty, he hadn’t considered the second possibility until then, but he got the distinct impression that you’d enjoy it very much, although he’d need to be careful not to get carried away and hit you too hard. He decided it was safest not to answer you and walked over, pulling your arms above your head. You didn’t try to resist and let him fasten the soft, but unyielding leather around your wrists and one of the slats of the headboard.
“Is that alright?” he asked, looking down at you. Normally people put up a fight when he tried to restain then but you just looked up at him serenely.
“Perfectly. I’ll let you know if I lose feeling in my fingers.”
Although there was no need to prepare you, he started slowly again. He decided to up the intensity without changing his licking rhythm, sliding two fingers inside of you. Just like your personality, you were warm and welcoming. If the feeling of you around his fingers was anything to go by, you were going to feel like Valhalla around his cock. He curled his fingers, lifting upward toward your belly button in a “come hither” motion. You were writhing around beneath him, testing your restraints and squeezing his face between your thighs. He moved his other hand to your lower abdomen and gently applied pressure.
The result was magnificent.
“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod-hhhh-nyaaaaa!” was roughly the noise you made. Oh yes, he was your god, Thor thought. Thor, god of y/n’s orgasms. Thorgasms, even.
As you squeezed Thor’s fingers and tried to push them out, you were dimly aware that you’d squirted. Ah fuck. You could feel your cheeks reddening further on top of the strawberry tinge they had from your exertions. You wanted to apologise but you couldn’t talk, could barely breathe, because Thor just kept going. Incredibly gently, then slowly increasing the intensity but neither his tongue nor his fingers stopped moving. Again and again, you could feel yourself releasing, were aware of the wet patch on the bed beneath you.
For his part, Thor was intrigued by all the different noises you made. There were gasps and moans, odd little squeaks, something that sounded like you growling through gritted teeth, and his personal favourite: the swearing-like-a-dockhand. He thought he knew all of the Midgardian curse words, but it turned out he only knew the English ones. Apparently, your travels had led you to learn some very interesting phrases. He’d heard his brother describe pleasuring partners so well that he’d made them speak in tongues, but he hadn’t realised quite how that was possible until now.
Lastly came whimpering, and that was when he decided you’d had enough. He removed his fingers slowly before lifting his head. He licked your salty warmth from his lips and around his mouth, before licking his fingers clean too. Looking up, he saw what a mess he’d made of you. Your hair was alternately fanned behind you or plastered to your face with sweat. Your cheeks were flushed like you’d drunk too much wine, and your eyes had a similar quality, not quite able to focus on him as he approached. He undid the belt and brought your arms down slowly before laying down next to you. For all your look of delirium, you still had plenty of energy. You flung your arms around Thor’s neck, pulling him in for a ravishing kiss. You were well aware that you were all over his facial hair, but he’d kissed you after you’d sucked him off, and fair was fair.
Relieved that you were more functional than at first glance, Thor rolled onto his back, bringing you with him.
“I think it’s best if you go on top the first time, so you can be in control and get used to me,” he said.
“In control?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
Thor knew that whatever he said next was going to be a mistake, but it came out anyway.
“Yes, I want you to take charge.”
“Oh, really?” you said as you repositioned yourself, hands on his chest and thighs spread achingly wide so you could straddle his hips. “Well, if I’m in charge, then you’re going to have to follow my rules.”
“Rule, singular, technically. You’re not allowed inside me until my nipples are as hard as your cock.”
Thor wasn’t entirely sure what he’d been expecting when you mentioned rules, but this certainly wasn’t it. But who was he to deny you your pleasure? So he reached up towards your breasts, pinching each nipple between thumb and forefinger, pulling and twisting while you trailed your wetness along his erection, head thrown back in pleasure.
His fingers weren’t enough though, so you shuffled forward, moving your breasts towards his mouth. Teasing him, you ran your nipples along his jaw, the roughness of his hair arousing you further before you stopped and let him capture one of your nipples in his mouth. Licking at first, his flicked his tongue deftly across the hardened bud, as you moved his hand to continue working on your other nipple. The licks became sucks and nips, scraping his teeth over your nipple. The noises you made spurred him on as you rubbed yourself against him. In hindsight, the strangled cry you let out after a particularly vicious suck was a pretty good indicator of what was happening but he still found himself surprised when you coated his stomach with your wetness. Releasing you, he looked up at you in shock.
“Did you just…?”
“Mmm, yes - thank you,” you almost purred back.
“I didn’t know that was possible,” he replied, still slightly dazed. It was good, very good, but how had it taken over a millenia to work this out? Damn.
“Well, now that you do, it’d be a shame to leave the other one out, don’t you think?”
Thor wholeheartedly agreed and eagerly accepted the nipple you offered to his lips like it was the sweetest, more succulent berry in the universe. Now he knew what you expect, he carried you through your orgasm with gentle licks and strokes. You pulled back and grinned at him, before running both nipples across his lips.
“I’d say we’re about even in terms of hardness, don’t you agree?”
Thor could only agree, still somewhat awestruck by the whole experience. He wasn’t exactly used to women asserting themselves in the bedroom with him but he certainly wasn’t going to complain. He was painfully hard now and didn’t think he would last long when he was inside you. Think of something unsexy, try to control yourself, he thought.
Steadying yourself with on hand on Thor’s stomach, you took him in your other hand to get him into the right position. You slowly began to impale yourself on him, inhaling sharply through your nose as you stretched to accommodate him.
“You’re so tight, y/n,” Thor gasped as you finally took him to the hilt.
“Ha, I think it’s more than you’re just so big.” You gently kneaded his stomach while you composed yourself. Running your hands towards his chest, you slowly dragged yourself forward along him. A flash of lightning outside caught your attention before you moved back down him with equal leisure. You began to pick up the pace, relishing the feel of him inside you, and Thor grabbed your arse, enjoying the feel of your cushioned backside in his hands. Grinding down him, you pressed into the soft, malleable, hairy flesh of his stomach, watching it jiggle beneath you with a smile, like it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, and it was.
Perhaps being softer wasn’t so bad, Thor thought. The way you touched him, the way you looked at him with adoration, was unlike anything he’d experienced when he was chiselled, and you had something to hold on to, to play with, as you rode him back and forth like a rocking horse.
While he was getting close to release, he realised you needed something a little different is you were going to orgasm on his cock. He bent his knees and removed his hands from your arse and gently pushed your shoulders so you were sitting upright. You stilled and looked down at him, perplexed. One large hand moved between your thighs and you realised what he was doing, leaning back to give his better access to your clit. He rubbed against you slowly, his other hand gripping your hip to keep you in place as he began thrusting up into you. The storm outside was growing in intensity. You grabbed onto his love handles to steady yourself as Thor’s thrusts grew increasingly sloppy. The sight of you was pushing Thor closer to the edge - your bouncing breasts, softly hooded eyes, bitten lip - everything. Whatever noise you made as you came was swiftly drowned out by a loud crash of thunder. You gripped Thor so hard, he wasn’t sure if you were trying to strangle his cock or push him out. I didn’t really matter, with one last thrust he lost control, another rumble of thunder as he let out a pained “Ohhhh.”
You sank forward again, nuzzling your face into Thor’s torso as his hands smoothed over your hair.
“Thank you,” he whispered as the thunder continued to rumble overhead.
“For what?” you asked, looking up as his fuzzy, satisfied looking face.
“That was amazing, truly. You were simply wonderful.”
“You weren’t bad yourself,” you said with a grin, sliding off him to lie by his side. He rolled to face you, running a hand along your back as you buried your face in his soft, hairy chest, resisting the urge to motorboat him. For now.
Thor wanted to get up, to tenderly clean you up, and himself, but you were so content there in his embrace, nuzzling into his softness that he didn’t have the heart to move you, so he let you fall asleep like that, greedily pressing against his warmth, listening to the rain.
It was the sound of Thor’s stomach that woke you some hours later. The setting sun trickled the last of its amber rays into the room making Thor’s hair seem more golden than usual.
“Sounds like we need to feed you,” you smiled, moving your hand from his back to caress Thor’s stomach. He didn’t flinch or try to move away from your hand. You were glad to see he was becoming more used to your touch, especially there. All of Thor was sexy but you just couldn’t keep your hands off of his soft, cushioned tummy.
“Mmm, yes, perhaps,” he agreed, moving his chin from where it rested against the top of your head.
“Do you want something quick or something filling?”
“Ok then,” you said as you got up and pulled on Thor’s hoodie like a dress again, “you go entertain yourself while I make something to fill you up.”
Thor slipped on some tracksuit bottoms and followed you out of the bedroom. He took up his usual spot and began gaming.
Looking around the kitchen you decided to cook sea bass fillet baked with new potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, and a white wine sauce. Thor certainly liked his food but it wouldn’t hurt to get add some vegetables to the mix as well. Living by the coast, seafood was abundant, and you wanted to make the most of the local sea bass that Valkyrie had brought up from a fishing boat and deposited in the fridge yesterday.
Once everything was safely in the oven, you brought Thor a coffee and a bowl of large green Nocellara olives from Sicily.
“I thought you might need something you tide you over,” you said, handing him the bowl. He smiled gratefully, pausing his game to grab handfuls of the large green olives, savouring the mild, buttery flavour in his mouth.
“Do you think we could grow these in New Asgard?” he asked.
“I’m not sure, I think it might be too cold here. But,” you said, seeing his frown, “I’m sure there are plenty of other things we could grow here if you like.”
“Asgard had the most beautiful gardens, I miss them.”
“Well, perhaps you could recreate them here?” you suggested, leaving Thor to his coffee and contemplation. You returned to the kitchen to create the white wine sauce, using a bottle of pinot grigio you’d found in a cupboard. Once the sauce was reducing, you put the bottle in the freezer to chill it a bit before dinner.
“Thor,” you called, “it’s going to be ready soon.”
He padded through and cleared table from lunchtime and dumping everything in the granite farmhouse sink, before re-laying the table with fresh cutlery.
“I used some wine in the sauce and thought perhaps we could have some with dinner? The bottle is in the freezer.”
“Yes, of course. We often had wine with a meal on Asgard, let me get the glasses.”
You plated up and brought dinner to the table, and Thor poured the wine.
“I know I said yesterday was a fun day but I think today has been even better.”
“Yes, definitely,” Thor agreed. It was wonderful to see him smile, he looked, maybe not happy, but certainly content, his soft fuzzy cheeks just begging to be kissed.
“Perhaps after dinner, we could make it even more fun?” you suggested, before licking your fork slowly and staring Thor dead in the eye.
*** After dinner, Thor was eager to return to the bedroom, so you took the wine and the glasses with you. Sitting with your back to the headboard, Thor wrapped his arm across your shoulders, pulling you against him. With the hand not holding your wine, you began stroking across the crest of his stomach.
“You really like that, don’t you?” Thor asked, with an uneasy chuckle.
“Oh yes, it’s probably my favourite part of you,” you said looking at him and smiling. “Physically, I mean. Your personality is the best part.”
“But why?”
“Um, I guess visually I enjoy your shape, the way you curve and how the light hits your hair and it’s just this golden contoured trail from your face down to your cock. I enjoy how soft and warm and comfortable you are. It was lovely smooshing my forehead into it when I was sucking you off, I wish I could just squish my whole face into you. I didn’t mean to spoon you like that this morning, it was just comfortable. Comforting. Like a teddy bear. Just soft and fluffy and safe, like something I’d hold on to if I had a nightmare or if I was upset. I guess, for me, it’s a physical representation of who you are. Soft, warm, welcoming, but also strong when you need to be. I guess that’s why I called you ‘bear’ earlier. That and I’ve been to enough gay bars to know a bear when I see one. I loved it earlier when you were pressed up against me, the thought of you being on top of me a pressing your weight down on me whilst you fuck me is driving me wild.”
You took a sip of your wine and watched Thor try to process everything you’d just said. He looked like a lost little labrador puppy, head cocked to the side.
“So, you don’t like my old bod? The one with all the muscles and stuff?”
“Eh, I wouldn’t turn someone down for being muscular if they were otherwise interesting, but no, that doesn’t interest me.”
“That...doesn’t tally with my experiences.”
“Well, no. Society tends to condition people to like certain things. But fuck that. I like what I like and if people have a problem with that or think I’m weird because of that, then that’s on them.”
“It is a little bit weird that you like me, but I’m glad that you do.”
“Let me show you something.” You slid off the bed and retrieved your phone from your bag, opening up YouTube. “Watch this video. It’s from the World’s Strongest Man competition.”
“Is my friend Steve in it?”
“No...this is for average...well not average, they’re really strong dudes, but not supersoldiers. They’re regular humans, no serums or enhancements or anything.”
Thor sat and watched as the competitors pulled trucks, performed deadlifts of nearly half a tonne, and carried Atlas stones.
“Those men are very strong,” he said when the video ended.
“Indeed. And do you think people like them?”
“Certainly, there were crowds cheering for them.”
“Do you think people think they’re attractive?”
“Many of them were wearing wedding rings.”
“That was an old video, before...well, you know. That man from Iceland? He’s not just strong, he’s a famous actor, too. There’s more to a person than just being strong or being good in battle. And, did you notice the men’s stomachs?”
“They weren’t all ripped, some of them were quite round. Like my late friend Volstagg.”
“Exactly. You are worthy of love and affection. People who can’t lift Mjölnir are worthy of that and you don’t just lift Mjölnir, you wield it, so I guess that makes you more worthy than the rest of us.”
You continued drinking your wine, leaving Thor to ponder this.
“Why are there bears in gay bars? Isn’t that dangerous? And why do you have gay bars and not just bars?”
“Ah, a bear is a gay slang term for a larger hairier man who projects an image of rugged masculinity.”
“Oh right, yes. I can see why you would say that about me.”
“As for gay bars, things are better than they were. I’m sure Steve could tell you what it was like when he was a teenager, but a lot of people still don’t accept gay people, so it’s often safer for us to socialise in specific places, with each other.”
“Yeah, I’m bisexual. Like guys and girls. Bat for both teams. Slap both arse cheeks.”
“Oh right. Lots of Asgardians are, I forget it’s a problem on Midgard.”
“I wish it wasn’t,” you said, looking at your empty glass. “Sorry for dampening the mood.”
“Well,” Thor said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, moving his hand between your legs, “perhaps we could do something about you wanting to be beneath me?”
Placing your glass on the floor, you swiftly removed Thor’s hoodie.
“I’ll take that as a yes then,” he laughed, shimmying out of his tracksuit bottoms before laying back down on the bed.
“Hang on, that’s not where you’re meant to be.”
“Ah, but first I want you to sit on my face,” Thor answered with a grin.
“But I’ve not cleaned up from earlier,” you protested.
“I don’t care. I want to make sure you’re suitably relaxed.”
You couldn’t really argue with that logic, so you swung a leg over Thor so that your knees were either side of his face, his hands clamped to your thighs. Leaning forward, you tried to return the favour, running your breasts across his soft stomach, but the height difference between you made it pretty much impossible. Thor bucked his hips up to help and you managed a few sloppy licks but even if you could take him properly, it was probably safest that you didn’t. Thor had you moaning, trying to bite down on the air.
Eventually, he rolled you off him, your feet on the pillows.
“Other way up, perhaps,” he teased and you scooted round so that your head was sinking into the downy pillows. “Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“We could have a safe word, a word either of us can use to stop things getting out of hand. Something we’re unlikely to say in bed,” you suggested.
“What about Mjölnir?”
“Isn’t that what you call your cock?” you smirked.
“Why would I call it that?”
“Because it’s your mighty weapon? Nevermind, Mjölnir it is.”
Pulling your legs up and wide, Thor slowly entered you. The sheets were already clenched in your fists by the time he was fully in.
“I’m going to start moving slowly, then I’ll press down on you, ok?”
You nodded and whimpered. Even him just being there was a lot to take in. Literally. Thor languidly circled his hips, making you gasp as his cock rubbed against parts of you that you hadn’t previously known existed. Letting go of your legs, he began to lower himself down on you, hands on the mattress to take some of his weight. You might want to feel him pressing into you but he doubted you wanted to be crushed. You wrapped your legs around him, heels pressing into his lower back, squeaking as he pressed down on you. The feeling of his heavy stomach pinning you down was even better than you imagined.
“Oh fuck, Thor, yes. This is amazing. You’re amazing,” you managed to huff between thrusts.
“It’s not too much?”
“No, more. I want more, give me more. Please.”
You could feel the pressure building in your lower abdomen as Thor pressed down harder on you, the hairs on his stomach tickling yours with each thrust. Relinquishing your grip on the sheet, you reached towards his heaving chest, cupping his moobs and clawing at the hair.
“I think you should play with my nipples,” Thor growled, low and rumbly, like the thunder that was once again building overhead.
Twisting and pinching, you were more than happy to oblige the grunting god. The new softness had certainly increased their sensitivity, and that was no bad thing, Thor thought as he tried to think of anything but you to delay his release. He forced himself down on you with a particularly heavy thrust and that extra pressure was enough to tip you over. Eyes screwed tightly shut, mouth in a silent scream, you clenched around Thor and gave his nipples a particularly vicious tweak that made him gasp. He didn’t think he’d seen a woman look as beautiful as you did right now.
For your part, you’d never felt an orgasm that intense before and you wanted to give Thor the same.
“Could we, could we adjust the position slightly?” you panted.
“Is everything ok?” Thor asked, immediately taking his weight off you.
“Yes, wonderful. Best orgasm of my life, and there’s been a few competitors today,” you laughed. “I just want to make this better for you. Pull out a sec.”
Thor complied, a little baffled, as you brought your legs up and over to one side.
“Now. See what you think of this.”
Thor entered you again and couldn’t believe how tight the new position made you. Huffing over you, static crackling as the storm began to rage outside, Thor found his release after several short thrusts.
“Y/N, I think you’ve ruined me how anyone else,” he said as he flopped, exhausted, onto the bed next to you.
“I certainly hope so,” you grinned, moving to snuggle up to his sweaty, heaving tummy.
@innerpaperexpertcloud @morganhoran1671
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arcanesupern0va · 5 years
Rick In The Water; Ch9: Electric Feel
Summary:  Oh, thar be smuts here, warning to all those ye enter here.
A/N: This chapter picks up RIGHT where the last one left off. I actually had to split it up in two because it was getting too long (I usually like to get 5,500-6,000 words per chapter) and this is like last chapter part two. There be smuts, and I haven’t written smut in a very very long time so don’t judge me. It’s also pretty vanilla, but I was like, Nova’s not exactly in the know about all the wild ass kinks out there, I imagine her sex life isn’t… ya know… rewarding. Also, there is just smut to be smut. They had to bang eventually and I was getting pretty irritated that I couldn’t exactly find a place to fit it in sooooooooooooooooo… I just made ‘em fuck. #yolo CW: SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT Pairing: Rick Sanchez/Reader Word Count: 6750
My ao3
|Ch8: What It Is To Burn|
“I’m gonna go help Beth with dinner,” I sighed, pecking a kiss on Rick’s cheek and making my way into the main of the house. The cool AC made me acutely aware of the filth covering my skin so when Beth assured me she didn’t need any help, I quickly settled on taking a shower. The warm cascade enveloped me and it was all I could do not to moan at it. I grabbed my body scrub, using it to ensure the filth of that decrepit building would be eradicated. After I was through with the hair on my head, I grabbed my razor and neatly cleaned up any stray hairs before toweling off and coating myself in my lotion to ensure there was no way that putrid smell would be lingering on my skin. I dressed, pulling on a pair of loose fabric shorts and a thin tank top, making sure to drop my clothes and towel off at the laundry before making my way to the kitchen.
“Oh, Nova sweetie, perfect timing,” Beth greeted me, grabbing the last dish from the counter and taking it into the dining room. “We’re having meatloaf for dinner tonight, Morty’s favorite,” she beamed at her son who fidgeted nervously in his chair. Beth caught me up on her day and asked me about the job hunt as we shared a bottle of wine. It broke my heart to tell her it was going dismally, but she assured me it was okay, that I didn’t even have to worry about it, much to Jerry’s frustration.
“So it’s okay if Nova can’t get a job, but me not being able to find one is the end of the world?” he snapped at his wife only to receive a dangerous glare in return.
“Well, when you start bringing in any actual income, then you can have an opinion on the financial decisions of this household again,” she told him sharply.
“I’m thinking about starting looking in the next town over,” I assured her, trying to salve the conversation before it became even more hostile. “I think the salon I worked at here badmouthed me to some of the others in town.”
“Nova, I’m serious. It’s okay,” she assured me, resting her hand on mine before completely changing the subject, “I saw Ryan was here again.”
“I’m not sure how I’m going to get him to accept that I'm not coming home,” I lamented, pushing the remaining peas on my plate around, before sitting back into my chair, frustrated.
“Well no matter what, you’re welcome, hell you’re encouraged to stay here with me. This is the happiest I’ve seen you in years. If you need somewhere for Madi, I’m sure Summer wouldn’t mind sharing her room with her.”
“Oh, great, just move her whole household in with us,” Jerry spat bitterly.
“Jerry, if you have an issue with me inviting my friend to live with us to help her escape her abusive household, then you and I can discuss it privately as we pack your bags so you can move out,” she threatened evenly, “Here’s a plan, why don’t you just go live with Ryan.”
“We could raise Summer, Morty, and Madi as the nice lesbian couple we were always meant to be,” I grinned at her, glancing at Rick to find him rolling his eyes.
“Oh my, it’s been since high school,” she murmured dreamily, resting her hand back on mine, “We definitely picked the wrong path.” Rick’s eyes bulged again as Jerry smiled nervously as his eyes flicked between us.
“Mom!” Summer shouted, finally fed up with the conversation.
“Calm down Summer, it’s just a running joke your Aunt and I have had since we were kids,” Beth told her dismissively and Rick seemed to relax in his chair.
“I spent so much time at your Mom’s house, and teenagers suck,” I shrugged at her, “They were convinced we were gay and rather than argue against it and be bullied for it, we just rolled with it.”
“H-How did I not know about that?” Jerry asked, confused, “I never even heard that rumor.”
“Your ignorance truly knows no bounds, Jerry,” Rick told him gruffly.
“Oh, like you had any idea.”
“Oh, I’ve heard about this rumor before,” he told him smartly, picking up his plate and returning it to the kitchen. “I’m going to go watch TV, I can’t stand listening to you guys squabble anymore. Thank you for dinner sweetie, everything was delicious.” He kissed Beth on the top of her head and headed for the living room.
When dinner was finally cleaned up and all the dishes and another wine bottle or two were put away, Beth bid me goodnight and I was left to join Rick on the couch. Admittedly, my head was spinning from the wine as I plopped down next to him, my usual inhibitions not present to stop me from using my fingers to walk up his thigh slowly. He flushed, barking at Summer and Morty about it being time for bed, regardless of what season it was, or the fact it was only 8:30. When they finally disappeared upstairs with two slams of their respective doors, Rick mimicked my walking motion with his own hand on my upper thigh, sending chills down my spine as he moved further up my leg. My head was set in a blissful haze so despite my usual reservations courtesy of nerves, I climbed into his lap like I had done only twice before and pushed my lips onto his hungrily. He returned the kiss swiftly, working his hand up under my shorts to roughly grip my ass. My hips fell into a comfortable rotation as his free hand traced around my breasts.
“W-Wait. Nova, w-wait,” he groaned as my hips picked up the pace. I paused my hips to pull away and look down, only even more turned on at the sight of him looking up at me so desperately. “A-Are you ready for this? Like, really ready?”
“Rick, I was going to wait around forever if I was going to depend on you to make a move,” I breathed into his ear before kissing from his ear down to his neck.
“Let’s go to my room,” he told me, already staving off a moan as I bit his neck gently. “I-It’s soundproofed, they won’t hear us.” He reached for his portal gun, groaning as he remembered his had been destroyed and its bastardized replacement was still sitting on his work desk.
“Oh, you mean they won’t hear me as I moan on your co-”
”Jesus fucking christ Nova,” he swore, grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind him down the hall to his room. Closing the door behind him, he surveyed me heatedly under the cool blue light of the TV at the foot of his bed. “Are you sure you want this Nova?” he asked again, watching lustfully as I traced my hands up and down my body.
“Rick, would you please stop asking that question?” I whined, “I’m a goddamn adult and I want you. I want you to touch me, I want to feel your hands on me.”
“I can taste the wine on your breath,” he eyed me suspiciously. I let out a frustrated groan, moving toward him again, only to receive his hand pressed flat to my chest. “There is an enormous amount of self-restraint being used here, Nova. I don’t want to do anything that you might regret.”
Instead of answering, I pushed past his hand and walked him back to the small cot he used as a bed. After giving him a gentle shove, he dropped onto the cot as I climbed back on top of him. If he was going to be stubborn, then for once in his life he was going to have to let someone else take control. I held his gaze as I carefully guided his hand up my thigh and under my shorts. He bit back a low groan as he felt how soaked my panties were already. I continued to guide his fingers under the cotton to swirl around the most sensitive part of me to allow him to fully appreciate how ‘ready’ I was.
I leaned my head back as he twirled around the delicate button, letting out a moan of my own as I felt the pleasure already started to build in my gut. Gently tugging his hand away, I brought his fingers up to his mouth to allow him a sinful taste. He rolled his head back, trying to resist his most primal urges at the taste of me on his fingers.
“Is that ready enough for you Rick?” I purred, brushing my lips over his ear. I felt a shockwave reverberate through his entire body, culminating in a low growl rumbling from within. With a loud moan, he let go of his reservations, working his hands up under my shorts again, gripping my ass tightly as he kissed around my neck.
“Jesus fucking christ Nova,” he swore again as his hands grazed over me, gripping me desperately like he just couldn’t get enough of the feeling of my skin. I reveled in his affection, cooing as he traced his fingers down my thighs, really taking his time to explore my body. His mouth moved away from my neck, pulling off my shirt and kissing up my torso as it was slowly revealed to him. I unsnapped my bra, letting the straps fall over my shoulders as he kissed the area where it still met my skin. He peppered small kisses and love bites all over my torso, moaning as I ground my hips against his.
“I want you, Rick,” I moaned again, feasting on the reaction the four words seemed to elicit from him without fail. He finished removing my bra and tossed it aside, taking one of my nipples gently into his mouth as he swirled his tongue around it. “I love you,” I cooed again and again. Even though he never said it back, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the words were true. I let my head fall back as he swirled his tongue around my nipples, the words serving to only spur him on further. He kissed down my abdomen, lightly nipping as his touch became desperately rougher yet. Displeased there were parts of my body his mouth couldn’t quite reach, he picked me up and tossed me down on the bed, pausing to carefully memorize every curve of my body. Under anyone else’s scrutinizing gaze, I would’ve felt insecure and at least would’ve tried to cover my exposure, but Rick’s gaze was one of genuine adoration and affection. His eyes traced around my curves, coming back up to mine with a look of amazement before a light shake of his head broke him from his reverie. He quickly removed his lab coat and shirt, tossing them aside to give me my first real view of his ‘new and improved’ body. It was my turn to drink him in astonishment, following the lean muscles and scars covering his arms and chest. As my eyes traversed his body, I wanted nothing more than to sit up and pepper kisses on the exposed skin, yet as I started to move he gently pressed his hand to my chest again forcing me back down on the bed.
“Not yet.”
He slid my shorts down, leaving me with only my panties as he returned to my mouth. Feeling his skin against mine would have been enough to drive me wild but he shoved his hand between my thighs, gently rubbing my throbbing mound with only my panties serving as a barrier as my hips bucked against him, yearning for more. He chuckled as he watched me fall apart underneath him so easily and quickened his circular assault.
“Rick, please,” I whimpered, the words barely even audible. He relented, slipping his hand beneath my panties and taking my swollen clit between his fingers gently before moving his hand up and down at the most torturously slow speed imaginable. I groaned again but before I could truly speak he kissed me again, massaging his tongue into mine. His hand was picking up speed, my back arching as I neared my release. “RICK!” I cried when it finally crashed around me and he looked down at me in surprise, a small grin tickling his cheeks.
“B-Been awhile, huh?” he asked, his voice husky. I nodded shamefully, unable to fully form words in my catatonic blissful state. “It would be a shame to waste it, w-would you mind if I cleaned up the mess you made for my hand?” A distant feeling of confusion flooded my head as I looked down to see the alleged mess, only to find nothing. Still, I nodded slowly, a whole new feeling of pleasure coursing through me as he started lapping up my orgasm. He was agonizingly gentle around my electrified clit, swirling his tongue around my folds to make sure he got every last drop that I’d left for him. He moved down to my opening, humming against it softly.
“You’re such a good girl.” Chills shot down my spine again as I brought my hips up, forcing his face back into me. “That’s my good girl, show me how you want me to eat your pussy baby.” He lifted my legs over his shoulders, allowing me the proper leverage to grind his face into me haphazardly. He tapped my thigh gently, signaling me to stop.
“Here, let me show you how I want to eat your pussy,” he grinned, clearly amused by my eager albeit inexperienced ass. Sitting up, he pulled my lower half up with him, leaving my head the only part of me touching the bed as his tongue fucked me. His hands were busy holding us up so it was up to me to stimulate my clit in front of him. He gently rested me back on the bed at the sight, deciding it wasn’t a worthwhile position if he couldn’t be the one doing all the work. He forced my hand away, taking up its position with his tongue as he slid a finger within, gently massaging the tender ball of nerves that could send me over the edge again.
“Oh, fuck Rick!” I exclaimed, my hands on the back of his head as he slipped another finger inside of me.
“Say my fucking name baby. Tell me who makes you fucking come,” he hummed into my clit, sending a pleasure shockwave through my entire body.
“Ung, you do Rick!” I cried out in ecstasy as pleasure rocketed through my entire system. He didn’t stop, continuing to circle my clit and finger fucking me until my entire body had stopped shuddering.
“You’re amazing,” I purred when I regained the ability to speak. The words still came out slurred and I sat up, my knees no better than noodles as I climbed off of the bed.
“Wh-Where are you going?” he asked, nervously watching me stumble around his bedroom. I smiled devilishly at him, slinking down in front of him to unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. His cock sprung free from within and I bit my lip at the sight, trying to resist the carnal urge to sink down on it instead. I swallowed it eagerly, earning me an elongated groan as his legs twitched. I used one hand to engulf him completely as I slid him in and out of my mouth, using the other to cup his balls in my hand, massaging them softly. I spared an innocent glance up at him, ensuring he could get a nice long view of his cock in my mouth. His eyes rolled back at the sight, grabbing my hair and pushing me back down on his cock until I gagged. He let me up for air, marveling at the sight of my chin dripping with spit before pushing my head back down again, this time adopting a steady rhythm for my head bob to.
“Jesus fucking christ Nova,” he rasped, his lower half twitching more and more. “I can’t fucking take it,” he hissed, releasing my head to pull me up into his lap. I brought my mouth to his again as I perched myself over him, sinking slowly onto his cock, the leftover saliva allowing it to easily slide right in. I indulged in the feeling of how genuinely full I felt before bracing myself on his shoulders, slowly moving up and down until I found the right rhythm.
“Holy fuck,” I swore as he fell into my rhythm, pounding into me hard enough to make my knees weak. “Fuck me Rick, jesus fucking christ, just fuck me,” I told him, resting back onto my knees to allow him better access.
“Jesus, Nova,” he murmured, pulling me closer to him, “Your pussy is fucking amazing.” In one deft movement, he scooped me up and rested me on my back, hovering above me as sweat dripped from his brow at the sheer effort he was exerting. I wrapped my arms around my legs, pulling them into my chest. This only quickened his pace as he grunted on top of me, dipping down to kiss me and bite my lip as he pulled away. I let out a guttural moan at the sensation and Rick’s eyes lit up at the sound. He pressed firmly albeit gently into the sides of my throat and I let out a strangled cry of pleasure. Somehow his pace quickened even more as he buried himself in me again and again as I begged for more from beneath him. He released my throat, gripping my breast in his hand as he continued pumping harder and harder. His other hand found its way around to my clit, swirling around it much faster than before.
“Come with me baby, I want to feel come on cock,” he begged gruffly as his hand rubbed around my clit frenetically. My arms unwittingly released my legs as my third orgasm ripped through my body and I could only dig my nails into him, crying out his name. He continued slamming into me, though he had lost all rhythm as it became a primal assault until finally, I felt his release within me, shooting hot come into me with a long animalistic growl. He rode out his own orgasm, and as his pace slowed, he pressed his forehead to mine with a tired smile.
He grabbed his shirt, pushing it against me to trap most of his seed inside of me. I stood up awkwardly, trying to ignore the continuous waves of pleasure still coursing through me as I cleaned myself up. He flopped back onto his bed, watching me carefully as I pulled my shirt and panties back on as I searched for my shorts.
“You’re not leaving are you?” he asked, confusion breaking through the lazy grin he had been watching me with.
“Well, if Beth doesn’t find me on the couch in the morning, she’s going to freak the fuck out,” I reminded him, reclaiming my shorts and pulling them on as well. “You’re more than welcome to join me in the living room though. Never thought I’d say it, but I’m willing to bet that couch is more comfortable than that cot you sleep on,” I smirked. He groaned as he pulled himself off the cot and me into another deep kiss. I could’ve lost myself in the moment, the smell of his sweat mixing with the smell of my own and I was sure if anyone walked into the room in the next few weeks, they would know immediately what had happened here. Whatever small buzz I had going in had all but evaporated, leaving me with a slight hobble as we crept back out into the living room.
“Not going to lie, that’s really fucking hot to watch,” he murmured in my ear, grabbing my waist to pull me back into a rough kiss against the hallway wall. My eyes bulged as panic coursed through me, immediately imagining Summer or Beth strolling out here for a midnight snack only to find me making out with Rick, but as his hands snaked their way back under my shorts, I ultimately decided I didn’t care. Hell, he could just erase their memory like he’d done for Morty.
“Let’s go to the couch at least,” I murmured, quelling my lingering nerves. He picked me up, instructing me to wrap my legs around his waist. He continued his kiss as he carried me to the couch, pouring me out onto it. “Already ready for round two?” I teased when his mouth left mine, venturing further down to my neck.
“I just can’t stop touching you,” he murmured, “I don’t think I could ever get tired of the way you feel.” He trailed down my clavicle, using his nose to trace along the bone. I shuddered beneath him, but ultimately, and against the ache in my shorts, I pulled away.
“I don’t think I could do a round two right now,” I admitted, refusing to meet his gaze.
“Baby, I’m not even trying to fuck you right now,” he mused, tracing a small pattern on my thigh as he looked up at me, “I have to ask though, seeing as you started all this, what was the metaphorical straw that broke the even more metaphorical camel’s back?”
I was quiet for a moment, allowing him to go back sprinkling kisses all over my torso, whimpering at every light nibble. Ever since I kissed him on his ship, hell ever since I used him as a buffer to distract Faux Rick I’d wanted this. It had been the all too frequent subject of my dreams ever since he’d returned, no matter how angry or frustrated I’d been with him and it only amplified when I started sleeping ten feet away from him. “I guess the only thing that changed was tonight, I bypassed my reservations,” I murmured.
“You didn’t need to have any reservations when it comes to me, baby girl. Any time of the day you find yourself needing a release, you let me know.”
“I’ll have to bear that in mind.”
When I awoke the following morning, Rick was passed out on the floor next to me, his hand only inches away from mine where it had slipped from my grasp. Despite the cliche, it almost felt like a whole different world. The sun shined brighter, smiles came easier, and even the sight of Ryan at the front door in another sad attempt to beg me to come home seemed less daunting. I couldn’t help but grin to myself at a joke only one other person in the entire world knew the punchline to. Rick even seemed to regard his family in a more friendly manner, not snapping at Jerry as he yelled at about some other minor infraction.
Rick dragged Morty and me out on another off-world adventure at the sight of Ryan, not ready to let him burst the small bubble we found ourselves in. It was an in and out trip, Rick only stopping off for some small but necessary part for his new portal gun. He had dismantled Leader Morty’s gun, the exact mechanics of it alluding him, much to his ire. According to him, there’s no way it should even be functional, let alone not tearing us to shreds every time we stepped through it.
“What if he’s tracking it?” Morty asked nervously as he eyed the device. Rick had filled him in on the details of the encounter with Leader Morty, editing it in places to fit in with the concurrent story of Morty having stayed home because he didn’t feel like going. It did, however, leave Morty pretty confused when a frustrated Jerry yelled at him for not attending the very important sex talk he had planned.
“Not sure what good that would do him,” Rick grumbled as we stepped through one of its portals, looking over it intently, “He already knows what dimension I’m in.” He returned to his workbench, shooing us out as he returned to investigate it. I conceded, heading out to the living room where I plopped down on the couch next to Beth to watch whatever Hallmark movie she had stumbled across to fill her afternoon. Several empty wine bottles littered the floor and at my arrival, she cracked open a new one insisting I needed to catch up.
“Oh Nova, here,” she offered the soft blanket she was using to cover her lap as she refilled her wine glass and offered it to me. “This movie is so sad,” she lamented as I finished off the glass, handing it back to her only to earn a free refill, “So this guy left her because she was so much younger than him because he wasn’t comfortable with the feelings he had for her. So he comes back, years later after traveling the world only to find out she’s his next-door neighbor.” My head spinning as I finished off another glass.
“That does sound good,” I murmured, handing the glass back to her as I tried to ignore the distinct parallels.
“Oh, that’s her asshole husband,” Beth slurred, pointing angrily at the TV, “He treats her like garbage and her old paramour tries to convince her to run away with him instead.”
“Does she?” I asked hollowly, watching the events she was describing unfold on the TV.
“I can’t remember honestly- Wait! She does leave her husband, it infuriates him though and he almost kills her until she rises up, and kills him herself,” Beth told me swaying back and forth as she handed me another glass of wine.
“Holy shit.” I finished the next glass, unable to stomach watching such a blatant metaphor for my life. I thanked her and stumbled back into the garage. Jesus christ, what kind of wine has Beth been buying? I braced myself against the wall, calling out desperately for Rick. My head was spinning as I finally crumpled against the wall, sliding down against the garage door as I tried to beat on to get Rick’s attention.
“Holy shit, what the fuck Nova?” he exclaimed as he opened the door. His face swirled around me, morphing into every kind of animal imaginable. “Wh-What happened, are you okay?” he asked urgently, trying to assess the situation.
“I-I think there’s some-something wrong with Beth’s w-wine.” I slurred, my eyes trying desperately to close.
“C-Come on Nova, stay with me,” Rick urged, shaking my shoulders gently before opting to just throw me over his shoulder to lay me out at his workbench. “T-Talk to me, baby.” His voice had lost its clinical urgency, replaced instead by confusion and fear.
“I-I didn’t d-drink that much,” I muttered, my eyes closing despite my best attempts to force them open. “Th-Three gl-glasses at most?” He spoke more but it all sounded like radio static as the world around me faded to black.
Watching her fade in and out was the most gutwrenching fucking feeling I had ever experienced. She stared into my eyes, full of trust and fear as she slid in and out of consciousness. I grabbed a syringe, drawing blood for a toxicology report. I shoved the sample into my machine, cursing it for taking so goddamn long.
“R-Rick?” Morty called from behind me, panic seeping into his voice as he rushed to Nova’s side, “Wh-What happened? Is she okay?”
“A-Apparently she drank some of your mom’s wine and it did… this,” I gestured wildly to her limp form, “D-Do me a favor and go check on your mom okay?” I ordered, reaching for my flask to steady my nerves before thinking better of it. If this had something to do with alcohol consumption, then I couldn’t be taking any chances. Morty dashed back into the house, leaving me to swear at my machine as I continued to wait for the results to print. As Morty opened the garage door, the machine dinged and a long list started printing at a snail's pace.
“Mom’s fine, she’s just drunk as shit and crying over some stupid movie,” he told me as I ripped the print out off, reading it quickly.
Nothing abnormal.
What the fuck is going on?
I read over the print out again, looking for anything that could possibly be the cause of Nova blubbering on my workbench but nothing immediately popped out at me. Sounds of gagging broke me from my studies. To my horror, Nova had begun gasping for air, suffocating on her vomit. I rolled her over on her side, the regurgitated wine pouring out of her mouth in the most graceless way. I dug my fingers into her mouth, doing my best to clear her airway as she began gagging again. She vomited spectacularly, spraying my pants and the floor. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself against mimicking her.
“Morty, go get a bucket or something,” I ordered as she continued to produce more and more bile. He hurried back into the house, reappearing at the doorway with a large mixing bowl, damp washcloth and a green tint to his face. “Just go Morty.” I barked, sending him away with a sharp finger at the house. I folded the washcloth on her forehead, much to her satisfaction it seemed as she mewled softly underneath it. “It’s okay baby, I’ll figure out whatever is going on, I promise you,” I assured her softly, scooping up some of the vomit to test its toxicology.
“R-Rick,” she murmured weakly. At least she was talking again, maybe whatever caused this was finally out of her system? “R-Rick, I-I’m s-sorry,” she slurred, rolling back onto her back and clumsily adjusted the washcloth. It unfolded as soon as she picked it up and she pulled it over her entire face, shivering in relief at the feeling.
“Nova, what on Earth could you possibly be sorry for?” I chuckled in disbelief.
“I-I didn’t mean to th-throw up on you,” she slurred, holding her stomach as she rolled around on the table. “I-Is B-Beth okay? Sh-She s-seemed alright, she was just w-wine d-drunk already.”
“Morty said she was just drunk-crying on the couch about some movie.”
“Th-That m-movie was w-weird Rick.” She tried sitting up, making it to her elbows only to groan and lay back again. “I-It was like it w-was about us, Rick.”
“Wh-What do you mean it was a-about u-us?” I stammered, my eyes wide at the implications.
“I-I mean, it was al-almost our…whatever this is to a f-fucking T.”
“W-We’ll worry about that later,” I told her dismissively, “I just want to get you better first.” The machine dinged again, printing out at that goddamn snail’s pace until I could finally rip the print out off.
Altherium? Drathatine? What the fuck?
“Rick?!” Morty called anxiously, doing his best to carry his mother into the garage as she sprayed the garage with vomit. “Something’s wrong with Mom!”
“Shit, okay, put her in my chair, I think I know how to fix this,” I ordered. Morty wrestled her into the chair, grabbing the mixing bowl from Nova and shoving it Beth’s hands. I pulled out my computer, typing into it furiously as I desperately searched for anything that could counteract the effects of the poison in Nova’s stomach. I ran a test on Beth’s vomit as well, only to come up with the same results. “M-Morty, go find me every bottle of wine that your mom has finished off today.”
“L-Let me help,” Nova pleaded, finally in a sitting position as she tried to slide off the workbench, “I-I know which one it was, I can h-help, l-let me help.” I sighed, knowing there was no arguing with her about it. Morty took his aunt around his shoulders, offering support as she stumbled back into the house. In their absence, I finally found the antidote, two parts garathyme, and one part emardium. I mixed it quickly, pouring it down Beth’s gullet. She gagged against the wretched taste but almost instantly straightened up, looking around the garage in confusion.
“D-Dad, what happened?” she demanded, horrified by the vomit now decorating the room.
“Y-You and Nova were poisoned,” I informed her. Nova finally returned with the empty bottle, offering it out to me weakly. “Sweetheart, this is going to taste terrible but I need you to drink this,” I told her as I handed her the remaining antidote in exchange for the bottle. She grimaced, but downed it quickly, slamming the cup down on the counter like it had been a shot of tequila when she finished. “Beth, sweetie, where did you get this bottle?” I asked apprehensively, already pretty certain of her answer.
“I-I found it in the kitchen tucked behind a box of Eyeholes,” she told me as she eyed it nervously.
“Y-You don’t remember buying it?” I pressed, watching Nova out of the corner of my eye as she started straightening up and color returned to her face.
“N-No, I thought maybe Jerry had bought it or something. I-It was just a bottle of wine, I didn’t think too much of it,” she revealed. My eyes met Nova’s for a brief second before returning to Beth.
“Beth, sweetie, are there any more bottles of surprise liquor out in the kitchen?” She shook her head slowly, her eyes flicking between Nova and I as they filled with tears.
“D-Did I do something wrong?” she asked tearfully.
“N-No sweetie, just do me a favor, if you find any more surprises in the kitchen, bring them to me first okay?” She nodded fervently before turning to Nova and offering an unending supply of apologies. “N-Nova, could you take Beth to the bathroom, get the two of you cleaned up a little bit?” She smiled and nodded at me, leading Beth out of the garage.
Man, I’m just the fucking best.
“Oh Nova, I’m so sorry,” Beth sobbed as I carried her into the bathroom. I helped her out of her clothes and into the shower where she continued to wail desperately.
“Beth, sweetie, I promise you, you didn’t do anything wrong,” I tried to console her.
“I should’ve known Jerry didn’t have an ounce of romanticism in him.”
“I-I wouldn’t say that,” I told her from the bathroom sink. I was doing my best to get the vomit out of my hair as she continued her rant.
“He’s never going to get a fucking job. I don’t know why I keep putting up with him, I tell myself it’s for the kids but Summer and Morty don’t respect him in the slightest. They both think he’s a fucking moron, and I mean, honestly, they’re absolutely correct,” she rambled furiously. The wine she’d had before the death bottle was still in full effect. The water shut off abruptly and the curtain ripped open. I grabbed her a towel, not bothering to cover my eyes from a sight I’d seen a thousand times before. “N-Nova, get in the shower,” she demanded, refusing the towel and grabbing my arm. “You’ve got vomit all over the back of your head.”
“N-No, it’s okay Beth, I promise I’ll get in la-”
“It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve showered together Nova,” she asserted flatly as she pulled my tank top off, tossing it to the floor. I conceded, not exactly interested in an angry naked Beth coming after me. I slid my shorts off, climbing in with her as she turned the water back on. I let her clean the vomit out of my hair, even taking care to also shampoo and condition as I stood awkwardly in front of her. When she reached for the soap however, I drew the line, shutting the water off quickly. I pulled the curtain open, climbing out to grab a towel for each of us. Realizing we had no clean clothes, I volunteered to venture into the house to acquire some.
However, I wasn’t expecting to find Rick leaned up against the wall waiting for me and his eyes bulged at the sight of me.
“Wh-What are you guys- W-Wait, is B-Beth in there?” he demanded.
“Beth wanted to make sure I got cleaned up,” I told him, a note of irritation evident in my tone. “We used to shower together all the time when she was in veterinary school.”
“Saves water?” I shrugged, walking down the hall to the laundry room to dig through clothes. “We weren’t exactly interested in making bills any higher than they had to be.”
“God Nova, that’s just… that’s so weird,” he shuddered. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt for Beth before heading to Jerry’s office to find clothes of my own. Rick followed behind, trying to make sense of the very close relationship his daughter and I shared. “S-So, you guys just get n-n-naked together, just like, casually? Like its no big deal?”
“Yeah, because it is no big deal,” I told him, rolling my eyes. “It’s never been sexual, like ever. Maybe get over your bodily hang-ups old man.”
“I don’t have bodily hang-ups!” he called after me as I re-entered the bathroom.
Beth and I dressed quickly and rinsed our mouths out with mouthwash. I was unsurprised to find Rick gone by the time we left the bathroom. I laid Beth down in her bed, tucking her in with a kiss on her forehead as she drifted off to sleep. I left her wastebasket next to her bed, hoping she wouldn’t need it before softly closing the door behind me. My stomach was still queasy from the poisoned wine, but I still marched myself back to Rick’s office to start the clean-up on his garage. Much to my surprise, as I opened the door a blue man was sweeping the last bit of vomit off the floor and right after he dropped it into the garbage can he completely evaporated from existence.
“What in the actual fuck was that?” I asked, utterly flabbergasted.
“Oh, that was a Mr. Meeseeks,” Rick told me dismissively, reading a long print out. “It looks like that wine was a parting gift from that evil Morty turd. The altherium would’ve dissolved if it had been in there for longer than a week.”
“But why would he want to poison Beth?”
“I-I don’t know Nova,” he answered, frustration apparent as he wouldn’t even look at me.
Realizing the true source of his frustration, I wormed up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I peppered small kisses all over his back until he relented and turned around to face me. “You know, there’s nothing to worry about, right Rick? I’m yours, you-you know that right?” I asked soothingly. He didn’t answer, meeting my lips softly, his kiss deepening as his hands quickly found their way back under my shorts.
“I love you, Nova,” he told me, breaking away for a moment to stare down at me, only love in his eyes. “I n-never thought I would feel this way a-about anyone, but it just comes so easily when I’m with you. I-I-I’m not good with talking about my feelings, b-but-”
“I love you too, Rick Sanchez,” I assured him, smiling up at him before meeting his lips again. He picked me up easily, resting me on the counter. I melted into him instantly, allowing my arms to drape lazily over his shoulders as he pulled me in closer, deepening his kiss even further.
There are times when everything could seem so impossibly perfect and yet you’ve still managed to fuck them up, by truly no fault of your own. It had been hot all day, coupled with the smell of vomit permeating through the garage, so it wasn’t too far out of the realm of expectation for the garage shudder to be open. In fact, it hadn’t even registered on my radar, most of the time I spent in here was with it opened. But with our secretive albeit far more open affection for one another still new to us, I hadn’t even thought about anyone who might possibly walk by and find me making out with Rick.
“(Y/N)? What in the fuck are you doing?”
Fucking Ryan.
+Ch10: Nothing Follows, Nothing Stays+
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ghostyprince · 6 years
TITLE: We Got Drunk In A Haunted Asylum
word count: 2.694 rating: T fandom: BuzzF. Uns. relationship: Ryan B./Shane M. summary: Ryan only agreed to do this video, because everyone told him the alcohol would make him feel brave, and he'd want to punch the ghosts in the face, and it would be really funny, people would love it.
In reality, it just made everything worse.
author’s note: i’m pretty sure this was either based on a prompt i saw over at @shyanlibrary or it was a conversation between people on my dash, i honestly don’t remember it’s been so long since i actually started this. 
or read more here
”In today’s video, we’re going to spend the night in the Hollydale Mental Hospital, while drunk.” Shane and Ryan were both sitting in foldable chairs in front of a camera, one six-pack beer in both of their hands. ”You may ask, why? Well, why not?” Shane shrugged, nonchalant. Like getting drunk in a maybe (probably) haunted place was the most natural thing.
The video started, it was just the two of them, left to their own devices. The others were ready to pack up and leave in the next hour or so.
They slipped into their natural banter immediately, it was even easier to forget about the camera running. It just felt like some of their usual drinking nights, somehow rarely running out subjects, and if they did, the silence was comfortable, not awkward.
Ryan already felt pretty drunk, he was down to his last unopened drink, Shane was doing a little better, he still had three left, but he definitely seemed buzzed already.
He said even weirder shit than he did sober, and Ryan laughed even harder at them until his stomach hurt. Ryan didn’t even remember why he was so opposed to making this video. While the idea itself is pretty dumb, Shane insisted seeing how Ryan would react something spooky while drunk. Both of them expected him to turn into a mini-Shane, screaming at the ghosts to fight him, and rip out his spine, or something ridiculous like that. And Ryan had to admit, he was curious too, how the alcohol would affect his braveness.
He didn’t have to wait too long.
A sharp bang echoed through the empty room next to theirs, like someone smashed a big rock against the floor, scattering debris all around the cement. Ryan let out a yelp, stumbling backward. The back of his head bumped into Shane's chest, and at the same time, a quiet little whimper hit his left ear. What the fuck.
Ryan immediately tensed up, he rushed to take two more steps back, fully pressing himself against Shane this time, he didn’t even care. He grabbed his friend's arm instinctively, desperately trying to ground himself. That’s something he may be embarrassed about later.
"Hey, Ryan, it's okay. It was just a rat, or an owl or something. I bet there is a lot of those here."
"N– no that wasn't a fucking bat! I heard something right beside me, I swear!" Ryan's grip tightened on Shane’s arm, nails digging into his shirt and gently piercing into his skin. He scanned the room frantically, but couldn’t see anything out of place in the dim lighting.
"It could've been me. Relax, little buddy!" Okay. Yeah. He's right, It could've been Shane. Alright. Nothing is there. It's fine, Ryan.
Just as the thoughts formed in his head, a small rock came tumbling down the concrete stairs to their left, every little thud echoed through the empty room, until it stopped at the bottom, eerily still. Like it got caught on something.
Ryan was properly freaking out now, shaking and gripping Shane's lower arm with such force, his friend quietly hissed.
"Ryan, calm down! There is nothing there. Ghosts aren't real." he said, tone gentle, it’s the one he usually used to calm his friend down.
"No no no, there– things like this, these don't just happen, dude" Ryan cut his rambling off as his breath hitched. His lungs couldn’t fill up properly, no matter how many times he tried. It feels like he's choking. Like icy, pale hands wrapping around his throat, trying to choke him to death.
He can't breathe.
He will die, holy shit he will die.
No. He needs to calm the fuck down. Ryan let go of Shane’s arm and screwed his eyes shut, somewhere in the back of his mind, he was aware of Shane calling his name. Calm down, calm down, calm down. You’re just drunk, Bergara.
He still got no air, when he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He made a useless attempt at taking a shaky breath, chest painfully constructing. It just amplified the ever-present pressure on his chest. OK not good, not good.
It's a ghost.
It has to be a ghost.
Or worse, a demon.
He has done his research, the little shits do this.
And they will strangle him, he's sure of it.
Ryan blinks away the tears, trying to see clearly, but his vision was surrounded by a border of inky darkness. It’s like the demons were closing in on him. If he looked more closely, they had eyes too. Hard to make out, but they were there. He made a sound at the back of his throat, averting his eyes, so he doesn’t have to look at them. Instead, he stared at the filth around them and the beer bottles. He counted them, multiple times in his head. One, two, three, calm down, calm down.
Four, five, six, breathe.
Ryan heard a quiet murmur, but he couldn’t quite make out any words. It was pretty soothing though.
Seven, you’re safe.
"Ryan, you’re safe. I’m here.”
The murmur, Shane's voice faintly breaks through his intrusive thoughts, it feels like he's underwater. Every sound is distant, except the loud, constant buzzing in his ears. It made his brain hurt. And then someone or something touched his shoulder, and he yelled, blindly swatting before recoiling. He wrapped his arms around himself, fear and panic bubbling up in his stomach again.
"OK, no touching, got it. Listen- Look at me, Ryan." Shane's voice finally reached him, still pretty faint, but he actually understood the words this time.
He's there.
He won't let anything hurt him.
They locked eyes, Ryan's teary-eyed gaze was still panicked, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.
"Breathe with me. Slow and steady. Do you understand?" Shane says slowly, voice wavering slightly and he starts guiding Ryan, who joins in a few seconds later. ”That’s it, you’re doing great!”
The pain in his lungs slowly drifts away, filling it with air. Dirty, asylum air, but for Ryan, at that moment it was the best fucking air he ever tasted. He's okay. He's okay.
They stayed like that, several minutes passing by, Ryan ended up sitting on the ground, and Shane kneeling in front of him while his friend gulped for air, shivering violently. Ryan felt sick, and a little dazed, like someone had hit him in the head. His throat was impossibly dry and raw, too, he would've killed for some water.
"Shane…" it came out more raspy and quiet than he intended to, but Shane's attention was already on him anyway. Now that Ryan's eyes focused on things properly, he took a look at his friend, who seemed just as terrified. He never saw Shane like that before. All wide, worried eyes and shaking hands, lifted up, itching to touch Ryan, but not wanting to scare him again. It was an awful sight and Ryan immediately felt guilty, so without thinking, he grabbed Shane’s hand.
Trembling fingers slipping around each other, looking for leverage and comfort. Both of their drunken haze was long gone by the panic attack, leaving nothing behind but pure exhaustion and the beginning of a dull headache. Ryan never sobered up so quickly in his goddamn life. He closed his eyes for a moment, and God, he could fall asleep right there if the images he saw wouldn’t haunt their mind.
"You good now? Can you stand?" Ryan nodded his head and looked up at Shane, who hauled him up, and put his arm around Ryan’s shoulders, to support his balance. Ryan wasn't protesting, silently grateful for the help. His legs felt like jelly, unable to keep him up properly.
"Let's get out of here."
When they were standing in front of the building, Ryan took a deep breath of fresh air and it burned his lungs a little, but it felt so good.
It meant he was alive.
He’s been holding the sleeve of Shane's jacket since Shane helped him up and Shane let him, without batting an eye. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. Feeling the rough fabric between his fingers kept his mind clear, it made him feel real. He could be more brave, knowing Shane was there with him. If demons were gonna fuck with Ryan, they'd have to know he and Shane are a package deal.
"Everything alright?" TJ approached them, while two other crew members disappeared into the building, to get the chairs and empty bottles.
"I need some water," Ryan said and cleared his throat to make the raspiness go away. He thanked TJ when he handed him a full bottle and chugged at least half the thing in a minute. TJ gently patted him in the back, Ryan felt the warmness of his hand even through his shirt.
He was alive.
Back in the hotel, Ryan flopped down on his bed, exhausted. He just wanted to sleep. The hotel’s energy was so much lighter than the mental hospital’s, he noted. He didn’t see the ghosts, demons whatever they were, anymore when he shut his eyes either. That heavy feeling Ryan started drifting off to sleep, Shane was having none of that, though.
"Get up, and take a shower, man. You can't just sleep in full gear and filthy." He tugged on Ryan's arm, who let out a whine he will be embarrassed about later. No way he’s leaving this bed for several hours.
"You can sleep after. Come on, shower! You’ll feel better." He added softly, squeezing Ryan's arm encouragingly.
"Fuck you." Ryan huffed, no annoyance in his voice, and got up anyway. He felt gross, and honestly, he was gross. All sweaty and dusty, both from the panic attack and the asylum’s floor. Why did they even agree to this? He should've known that's how he'll react with the alcohol. It was stupid and the video is completely ruined now. They can’t publish him freaking out like a baby, and Shane looking so panicked himself. Ryan never wants to see him like that again.
Why does he have to freak out all the time? I mean sure, people love to watch him scream, but this wasn’t funny in the slightest. Maybe they could go back tomorrow, redo the whole thing. Ryan hated the idea of stepping one foot in that place again, but he knew, he had to take one for the team.
He quickly finished the shower, actually feeling much better than ten minutes earlier. Of course, Shane didn’t need to know that. By the time he got dressed, Shane slipped into the bathroom, to clean himself off too. Ryan faceplanted one of the beds, only being aware of the fact that it was the one Shane laid on while waiting for him after getting a whiff of his deodorant.
Maybe, he should move, the other bed is just two big steps away, it wasn’t really that much effort. Ryan groaned, and buried his face into the pillow, breathing in Shane’s left-over scent. Yeah, okay, he doesn’t wanna move anyway.
The walls were thin, so he could hear the sound of the water spraying from the bathroom, Ryan’s brain provided him with images of what Shane looks and might look like naked. He groaned because it wasn’t something he wanted to deal with right now. It was for nights when he was a little too hyper or they were at a location, and sleep wouldn’t come. So he’d stare at his bedroom walls, or the silhouette of Shane in the sleeping bag and allow his mind to wander.
To think about how it would feel like to slide closer to Shane and have his stupid long arms wrap around him. It would probably make him feel safe and he could have a good night’s sleep at a location for once. Shane’s very presence calms him down, usually. Ryan would tip his head back though, to look at him. And just like that, they’d be kissing.
It was always an initial shock, to wake up from that daydream, sometimes it felt so real it left Ryan’s chest aching. Like he was just ripped out of that reality, and thrown back into this one.  Even after months of pining, it hurt just the same.
He never did anything about it, the fear of ruining their bond loomed over his head every time Ryan felt like he was finally ready to tell Shane.
Ryan was certain he was already half-asleep, but then the bed dipped right next to him, like someone, something was sitting next to him, and suddenly he was wide awake. He bolted upright, ready to sprint out of bed and the whole room if it was some demon that followed him home, but he came face-to-face with Shane. Oh.
”It’s just me!” Shane held up his open palms in front of him to assure Ryan he’s harmless. His face was pinched into a worried expression. ”I thought you were sleeping. Wanted to put some blankets on you, it gets chilly here.”
”Oh, alright. Thanks. This is your bed, sorry.”
”It’s fine, Ry. Are you okay?”
”Yeah. It was the alcohol, and I got scared. Just– don’t worry about it, alright?” Ryan tries to shrug it off. He’s a little cranky because Shane disturbed him drifting off. Not to mention the daydreaming about kissing him. He felt vulnerable like Shane could see right through him.
”But I am worried about it.”
”Why, Shane? Why do you care so much?” Ryan finally looked up, already regretting his words coming out so harshly. It’s not Shane’s fault, none of this is.
Shane was frowning, but that fear Ryan saw earlier was in his eyes again. He looked like shit too, just as tired as Ryan felt.
”Not to make this about myself, you know I wouldn’t, but I was fucking terrified, seeing you like that. And I just want to make sure you’re okay, and you won’t get a heart attack or something while I’m sleeping three feet away from you because I’m not sure how I’d survive that.”
Ryan’s irritation immediately dissolved, feeling brave, stupid or simply sleep-deprived, he put his hand over Shane’s on the cover. ”I’m fine, I promise.”
Shane exhaled, shakily and stared at their hands, Ryan expected him to pull away. Instead, Shane turned his hand around and gently squeezed Ryan’s. Suddenly he felt a lot less sleepy. Maybe it’s time to take the first step. Maybe the universe gave him a sign in that fucking piece of rock. Ryan would be a fool not to take it. And if Shane will reject him, well, tomorrow-Ryan will deal with that.
They were already sitting pretty close to each other, so Ryan didn’t need to strain himself too much to lean in, and press his lips against Shane’s mouth. The angle was a little awkward and he felt Shane tensing up, so he got ready to be pushed back. Shane didn’t push him away, instead one of his big hands ruffled up Ryan’s hair on the back of his head, pulling him even closers, and pressing back against him.
Ryan’s stomach did a flip, and Shane slightly pulled on his hair, probably not even on purpose, but it made him gasp regardless.
They were just looking at each other now, a little too close, both breathing heavily. Shane was the one who spoke first, softly, not wanting to disturb whatever’s hanging in the air between them.
”So, are we a thing now?” Ryan had the audacity to snort.
”We could be a thing. Do you want us to be?”
”I very much would like us to be a thing.” Shane was grinning now, and apparently, it’s infectious, because Ryan found himself doing the same.
And then they were kissing again, knocking their teeth together a few times and they both laughed, which really only resulted in it happening more often. They could talk about what ’the thing’ means tomorrow while having a coffee and maybe some breakfast too, that sounded nice.
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DOTW 23 - Start
Cuddling with Levi, Eren wasn't looking forward to tomorrow. He'd said he would go stay with Marco before he and Levi had finally started dating, and now he didn't want to go, but Marco wouldn't come stay with them. Something about nesting instincts and needing Jean's scent around him. He just... really didn't want to go. The whole sleep walking thing was also weighing heavily on his mind. He didn't want to hurt Marco or the baby "You're thinking again" "Mmm. Sorry" "Do you want to talk about it?" "No. It's ok. I was just thinking about Marco" Levi sighed softly "You know I can come around and check on you both, and we can text and call" "Marco said he needed it to be a neutral space. Whatever that means" "It means he doesn't feel right about having the smell of anyone but pin dick around. It's a pregnancy thing" "But you're my boyfriend" "And he's going to be scared without Jean there. You're very brave for saying you'd stay with him" Great. He'd kind of hoped maybe Levi would "ground" him, even though that was completely horrible and he didn't want to do that to Marco. Levi had let him become so selfish... and fat. He'd noticed it today. He couldn't see his ribs anymore, unless he reached it up. He felt sick seeing it. He knew he was still underweight, Hanji had said so, but he felt fat. Dancers were supposed to be thin and beautiful... but he wasn't a dancer anymore "What's wrong? Something else is on your mind" "It's nothing much. I just want to lay here and cuddle with you, and Titan" "Where's Titan?" "Under the blankets, he's got his back to mine" "I feel replaced. All I got was farts and a bum to the face" "He still loves you" "He better. I'm the one paying for his fat arse to live in luxury" Eren laughed softly. Levi always threw his walls up when he was saying something nice, especially about Titan. He'd even done it to him a few times since they'd started dating. He still couldn't believe Levi wanted him "You'd be lost without him" "Maybe... we should sleep" "I don't want to sleep" "You need sleep" "I want to spend as much time as possible with you before I go to Marco's" "As sweet as that is, I have work in the morning, remember?" "Fine, you can turn the light off" "You don't need to sound so disappointed" "I'm... I miss you already" "Let's sleep then. We can spend the morning before work together, then there's the drive over" They had to leave earlier than Levi usually would because of the drive. If they didn't, Levi wouldn't make it to work in time. Perhaps it was the worry of staying with Marco, but Eren's dreams that night were nightmares. Instead of the faces of the alphas who'd hurt him. Who'd left him chained and starved him, it was Levi. Levi hurting him. Levi beating him. Levi leaving him. A cold sweat clung to his body, as he snapped awake. His ankles throbbing as if still in those chains, while his heart was racing. Beside him, Levi was still sleeping. An arm around his waist and a smile on his lips. Thank god. Levi was still here. He hadn't left him. Rolling in Levi's hold, he kissed his boyfriends lips softly. Levi had no idea how much he meant to him "Mmm, Eren?" Sighing softly, Eren settled back against his pillow. Levi sleeping leaning forward to kiss him and poking him in the eye with his cold nose "You ok?" "Yeah. Go back to sleep" Kissing him again, this time Levi managed not to poke him in the eye. Laying with their chests practically against each other, the alpha slung his leg over Eren's hip, before letting out a content sigh. He could feel how hard Levi was. It wasn't unusual or as scary waking to find his boyfriend hard, because Levi never pushed for more. Even the times Eren had woken to find he'd had a wet dream, Levi respected him and his body, never once making a fuss over it. It'd gotten so bad, Eren now had to wear pads to bed, or risk soaking through his pants with slick. Still. He didn't mind. Well, he did, but sleeping with Levi, like this, made it all worth it. Feeling a little braver, he rolled his hips against Levi's, enjoying the breathy moan Levi gave. Even if he wasn't ready for sex, he'd spent the last few days thinking that he maybe wanted to try touching Levi again more intimately. After all, Levi was the only alpha he was ever going to be with. The man had done so much for him, he'd even found him a new counsellor after the sleep walking thing. Unlike with Thomas, his new counsellor had let Levi come in for the first appointment, and listened as his boyfriend carefully explained his anxieties for him. The first appointment had really been a kind of meet and greet, and the second one had been three days later, where he felt much better about talking with her because she knew who Levi was and his importance to him. It was hard to relive things and explain them all over again, building a new relationship up between them, and though he'd only been to those two appointments, he wasn't as scared for the third like he had been with Thomas. She'd even said that if things got too hard, Levi could sit in. He didn't want Levi knowing his past. Not when he was trying so hard to get over it and have a future with Levi. Grinding harder, Levi let out another sexy moan "If you keep that up, I'm going to kiss the shit out of you" "Maybe that's what I want" Opening his eyes, Levi searched his "Eren" "I... I've been thinking about this. I think I want to touch you and I want you to touch me. Not like sex... just... touching?" "Are you sure? I know you're nervous about staying with Marco" "This isn't about Marco. This about me. I want to learn not to be scared, and I want to do it with you" "Come here, you" Rolling Eren onto his back, Levi smoothly climbed between his legs. Wrapping them around his waist, his rising erection brushed Levi's as the alphas lips found his all over again. Focusing on the sensations their kisses brought, he slowly let himself relax. The nightmare was just that. A nightmare. It might have been his reality for years, but this was his reality now. Rocking against him as they kissed, Eren began to move, grinding up and trying not to panic at how good it felt. Their erections trapped between their bellies, and clothes. With clothes on, Levi couldn't see his body. He couldn't see the scars he hid while working as a dancer, or his belly. With his clothes on, he could hide his flaws. Arousal filled the air as their scents mixed, Eren gasping for breath as he mewed, exposing his neck for Levi. His boyfriend wouldn't just mark him, but he'd given him a hickey once and Eren loved seeing the mark every time he looked in the mirror. A little tiny spot of proof. Proof he was Levi's "Shit brat. Fuck... you make me so fucking horny" Not really sure what to do with his hands, he slid the up Levi's shirt holding onto his sides "Levi... feels good" "Are you close?" "Yeah" Starting to nip and kiss neck like he wanted, Eren groaned, his rutting against Levi growing more desperate until finally "Levi!" Coming hard, Levi moaned against his neck. The alpha rocking twice before letting out another moan. Both sweaty and panting, Eren immediately felt stupid tears "Eren?" "I'm ok" "You're scent's changed" Pulling him up, Levi sat him in lap, Eren's legs still wrapped around him as his boyfriend started rocking him "I'm here" "I know" "Too much?" "N-no" "Then why are you upset?" "B-because it felt good" "It's supposed to feel good. I felt good too" "But you didn't put it in me" Levi snorted, a smirk on his lips "No. But making you feel good made me feel good" "Are you sure?" "You made me come in my pants. You might not know this, but I hate filth" "I noticed... you always reclean what I clean" "And you still made me come in my pants, because being with you feels good. Even with clothes on" "It feels sticky" "That's because you came too" "It's... it's not dirty?" "No Eren, it's not dirty. Though we both need showers" "I... I don't think I can shower with you" "Ok. Then why don't you shower first?" "I don't want to lose your scent" "You're not losing my scent. I know you've got my spare work jacket packed, and one of my shirts to sleep in" "I'm scared I'll hurt him" "You're not going to hurt Marco or the baby. I know you're not" Nodding against Levi, both of them stayed like that until it just felt really gross and cold from their cum "I... I think I want to try this again... not now, but soon" "Then I'll look forward to it" Eren clung to Levi's side once they were both showered. His arms around his boyfriend as Levi made them breakfast, even though Levi had asked him repeatedly to let him go so he didn't get hurt. He didn't want to let Levi go. Even if he was being a bad omega. He was so scared Levi would get hurt and die while he wasn't there. He didn't want to be the last to know. Everyone seemed to think he couldn't handle the truth. He'd had to work out on his own that Hanji's pregnancy hadn't stuck. No one told him that. He just noticed it in her smell and lack of swell. His heart ached for her, knowing how much she wanted a child. A thought that had become much more appealing now he was with Levi. Levi would make an amazing father. He knew society shunned "old" parents, but as long as they weren't like way old, he didn't see the problem. Jean was gone by the time they got there. Marco was already crying over the loss of his mate. His sobs making his stomach and boobs bounce as he stood in the doorway looking lost. Wanting to respect Marco's wishes of not having another alpha's scent in his home, Levi kissed him goodbye on the front door step, waiting for Marco to answer the door before leaving them. Walking into Marco and Jean's house, it wasn't what he'd expected from his friend. Everything seemed to be styled more towards Jean and his bad taste in sports obsession. Jean really didn't seem like a jock alpha though. Settling down on the sofa with Marco, Marco sprayed him down with scent canceller, ruining the traces of Levi on him. On the plus side, his friend couldn't smell how distressed this made him. It was going to be a very long two weeks. * Keeping up with Marco's moods was impossible. Horny. Hungry. Angry. Hungry and a sobbing mess. All before breakfast. He missed Jean. Marco missed Jean and he wasn't doing too well. Being the only one in the house with him, Eren had the front row seat. Living with Marco meant having Jean's scent around him constantly, something in the lingering scent left him feeling drained. Levi's scent was like sunshine to him, while Jean's just filled him with a deep unease. His omega rejecting the smell of an alpha that wasn't his own, while dealing with Marco's mood on top of it... he was struggling. He had to be very careful to make sure his own scent was muted with cancellers so as to it upset Marco, but it was hard. Especially when Marco made him share a bed with him. With his friend getting up every five minutes, every fucking night, he hardly got to sleep, and when he did, his dreams were never pleasant. He didn't know how much more he could take. 5 days seemed like it would be a life time and a half. He'd already had Levi swing by twice when it all got a bit too much, and he'd had to skip his counselling appointment because Marco didn't want to be alone. Marco had been especially moody all day, so when they finally climbed into bed for the night, Eren waited until Marco started to snore before calling Levi. Tears in his eyes over it all. Marco had snapped at him, when all he'd been doing was their dishes. He'd washed them carefully, placing them on the already wiped down counter so he could put them away. Marco had snapped over them still being out. He couldn't help it. He couldn't magic the dishes away like in some movie. When Levi didn't answer, he felt even worse. And then he felt guilty for calling his boyfriend when he must be at work. Eventually he cried himself quietly to sleep. When Eren woke next, he could smell something wasn't right. The space between him and Marco was soaked. Great. Marco had wet himself once while he'd been sleeping, and now it seemed like he'd done it again. Pushing the blankets back, he released it wasn't the smell of piss. Marco's arse was wet, his friend moaning in his sleep. Placing his hand on Marco's shoulder, he shook him awake. Marco letting out a long pained whine as he woke, his hands flying to his stomach "Marco?!" "Eren... I... the baby" "What's wrong with the baby?" "I... I think the baby's coming..." What. No. Marco had weeks to go. He couldn't go into labour now. Not now. He couldn't drive. Marco couldn't drive. Not while he was in labour. Whining again, Marco rolled onto his back "Fuck... Eren. Eren, it's coming" How was that his problem? He didn't know what the fuck to do! He was fucking freaking out. No. He couldn't. He couldn't freak out. He needed to help Marco! "Marco, are you having contractions?" "No. I'm just in pain for no fucking reason. Shit. I'm sorry" "Ok. I'm going to call Levi. I'll call Levi, he knows what to do" "I need to go to hospital" "He's a paramedic. He knows what to do" "Eren..." "You call Jean. Call Jean and tell him what's happening. While I call Levi. How far apart are you contractions?" "I don't... I don't know. Eren... Jean. I can't do this without him" "I know, ok. Ok. I need my phone" Begging Levi to pick up, his boyfriend finally answered his fucking phone on the third redial "Eren?" "Levi. Marco's in labour... what do I do?" Levi swore loudly, yelling something out to probably Erwin "Eren, I need you to stay calm for me. Has Marco's water broken?" "Y-yes... his contractions... are..." He had to gauge it from Marco hissing and holding his stomach, then try to remember how far apart they were, while panicking and not letting it show "About two minutes apart..." Levi swore again. Eren didn't like the way it sounded "Ok. Ok... fuck. Ok. Eren, I want you to see how dilated Marco is. It sounds like he's already skipped a few steps" "How what?" "How open he is..." "I..." "Eren, there's a major emergency in progress. I can't get there right now, but I can talk you through everything until we get there" "No. Levi. I can't do this" "You have to. I know you can do this. I know you're afraid, but Marco and the baby need you. Put your phone down, and check on Marco for me" He didn't want to lose Levi's voice, but Marco was already sobbing into the phone to Jean. His friend smelt so fucking scared. Levi was right... "Marco, I need you to take your pants off for me" "What? Why?" "I need to see how dialated you are" The word didn't sound like how Levi said it... Marco began shaking his head "Marco, Levi and Erwin are coming. I need you to stay on the phone, keep talking to Jean, but first, pants need to come off" Marco wasn't exactly helpful with getting his thin pyjama bottoms off and soon Eren was looking at more of his friend than he wanted to see. He had no idea how doctors and nurses could take looking at vaginas and arseholes. This was definitely not a job for him. Marco was already slicking like crazy, probably to help with birth, his hole open and puffy... grabbing his phone back up, his voice shook "Levi, what do I do?" "I need you measure how open he is" "What?" "Use your fingers and tell me how open Marco is" "Ugh! Sorry Marco" Marco moaned as his fingers touched his friends opening. Cringing as he closed his eyes, his fingers slipped inside his friend with no resistance. He shouldn't be doing this. Nope. Uh ugh. No way. Pulling them free, he whimpered to himself "Eren?" "He's um... looser than 3 fingers" Levi swore again "Ok. Ok. Make sure he's comfortable. We'll be there as soon as we can be" "Wait. What does that even mean?! Levi?" "It means the baby is coming, and it's too late for Marco to be driving himself. There's been a 16 car pile up, traffics backed up. We are coming. Ok, but you need to take control of this. Marco's instinct will kick in. But it's going to be messy. His body will tell him when it's time to push. You have a little while. Try and make sure he's relaxed as possible. He might want to get up and walk around, or stretch. He can shower if he wants to" "Levi" "Eren, you can do this" In the background Erwin called out Levi's name "Eren, I'll call you right back" "No! No, Levi. Please" "I know you've got this" He didn't have this. He didn't have this at all! He needed Levi, but with such a big accident, he supposed to everyone else, giving birth wasn't as big of a deal. * Levi was rushing to get to Eren. Of all the nights for Marco to go into labour, it had to be the night of one of the worst car crashes in Shinganshima's history. A truck's load had been too big to fit under the underpass, pealing back the top of the truck and sending debris everywhere. The first three cars had taken the brunt of the debris, causing the crash pile up. 6 had died, 4 were in a critical condition. The truck drive had had a heart attack, and traffic was backed up for kilometres. It'd happened a little before 9, but there'd been some sporting thing on, causing the unusually high levels of traffic. So yeah. Tonight was the worse night possible. Then the patient they were transporting had crashed. Erwin forced to do CPR while Levi drove. The usually clear Emergency lane was filled with impatient trash, trying to creep their cars around the accident and ultimately clogging the side of the road. When they finally reached the hospital, he'd gone to call Eren back, finding his phone flat. His boyfriend sounded panicked. He didn't blame him. Male birth was harder than female. Male omegas didn't always dilate as far as women. He was anxious, agitated and exhausted. Erwin was taking forever to do the hand off, and instead of worrying about the life of the young woman they'd been trying to save, all he could think about was Eren. Praying his omega was alright. Marco's instincts would help him, but Eren was just along for the ride. When Erwin climbed back into the ambulance, his face was grim. His friend probably wanted nothing more than to take 5 minutes to recenter himself, but they didn't have five fucking minutes "Did you call Eren?" "Phones dead" "Do you know the address?" "Vaguely" He'd been there a grand total of three times. The last two times because Eren was struggling to deal with Marco's needs. They'd cuddled in the car, sharing a few kisses, until Eren finally headed back inside to take care of Marco. His boyfriend was so fucking strong. There was no way he could put up with Marco's tantrums, even if the omega's body was flooded with hormones he couldn't control, and filled with fear for his alpha who wasn't there. Pulling up at Marco and Jean's house, his heart was racing. Erwin jumping out to grab his kit, while Levi jogged up to the front door, which was still locked. Eren told him about the key they kept under a pink pot, just in case some kind of emergency had happened, and Levi was certain this was an emergency. Finding the small key under the dirty pot, he let himself in "Eren?! Marco?!" He'd never been in the house before, but following his nose, he found Marco's room "Eren? Marco?" "Shh" Kicking open the bedroom door with his foot, he couldn't help but smile at the sight. Other than the blood and after birth. Marco was staring down at the tiny life in his arms, Eren sitting beside him. It'd been a completely shit situation, but his boyfriend had gotten Marco through it "Where were you?" "Sorry. We were delayed, and then my phone died" Walking over to Marco, Levi squatted down. The omega was drenched in sweat, stinking of pain and exhaustion but he didn't seem to notice at all "It's a girl" "Congratulations, Marco" "Her name is Mina Rose Kirstein" Eren nodded, "She's only a few minutes old... I don't know if I did everything right, and she still needs to be cleaned" Eren and Marco both needed to be cleaned, Eren had blood on his hands and arms, while Marco was still exposed "Erwin's bringing the kit. We'll have a little look at her, and he'll get you cleaned up" "Thank you... she's so perfect" "She is. She looks just like you" Eren kissed Marco's temple, but something was off with him. Coming into the bedroom, Erwin spoke softly "Congratulations" "Thank you. She's perfect" "How old is she now?" Eren piped up "About 10 minutes" No wonder they were both so exhausted. When he focused on Eren, he could see how badly his boyfriend was shaking "I'll call it through, let Mike know we're coming in. Levi, I'll let you examine her" "Ok, don't worry Marco, I'll just move to the other side of the bed. I wouldn't dare take her too far away. Has she had a feed yet?" "No... not yet. I can't stop staring at her" The little girl was perfect. Her cord hadn't been cut, just tied off with what looked like a piece of pillow slip. Tidying her up for Marco, the baby girl really was adorable. Her breathing and heart rate good. Sending Eren for warm water and towels, his boyfriend came back blood free. The water on the cooler side of warm. With very careful movements, he cleaned her down. Marco trying to pay more attention to her than to Erwin between his legs. There was a fair amount of tearing, so he'd definitely be spending a couple of days in hospital for it. While they were doing their jobs, Eren had disappeared again, reappearing with two soft blankets, baby clothes and a nappy. His boyfriend really did think of everything. Knowing she'd be poked at all over again at hospital, Levi placed her in her nappy, socks, beanie and light green shirt, before bundling her carefully for Marco to take back "She's perfect. Everything looks good" "Eren, you'll call Jean right?" "Yep. I just need to grab your go bag" Erwin stayed with Marco in the back of the ambulance, while Eren rode in the front. Jean was apparently flying back, though he'd spent most of the birth on the phone with Marco. His boyfriend was crying softly, and thought it was completely against regulations, and healthy and safety, Eren was laying down with his head against Levi's leg. He knew Eren wouldn't abandon Marco until Jean arrived, but they really needed to talk. It looked to him like Eren was suffering and that wasn't ok. * Eren was exhausted. Marco was cuddling with his daughter, while Eren just wanted to run. Logically he knew nothing Marco had said to him during the birth had counted, but three fucking hours had passed before Levi showed up. 3. He knew it was going to take a while. But three hours. He'd had to deliver Marco's baby, while his usually mild mannered friend hurled all kinds of abuse at him. He hadn't been able to talk to Levi or Erwin, both alphas had to return to working, probably at the accident site. With Marco and Mina sleeping, Eren was watching over them, waiting for Jean to arrive. Once Jean was finally there, he'd figure out how to get back to Levi's. He definitely didn't want to go back to Marco's. Marco had been in so much pain, and there had been way more blood than he'd expected. He still felt cold and sick from seeing it all, even if he'd felt a rush when Mina had been born. As the door to Marco's room swung open, the scent of an omega in heat, hit him in the face "Marco!" Jean. In that instant he became furious. Marco had worked hard to deliver Mina, and Jean dared to show up smelling like another omega?! Snarling! He rose from the visitors chair, marching over it Jean and grabbing by the arm, forcibly dragging him back out into the hall "Eren? What the fuck?" "How fucking dare you!" Jean's eyes narrowed "How fucking dare you! You show up now. After Marco's exhausted from delivering your baby girl! And you stink like another omega! An omega in heat! He fucking loves you and what? You were off fucking someone else! Did you think about what the would do to him?!" Slugging Jean in the face, the alpha growled "You're fucking crazy!" "I can fucking smell it on you! Marco loves you! He adores you! And you cheated on him!" "Wait? What?! I didn't cheat on Marco" "You smell like an omega!" Jean started to laugh "I knew you were insane. I knew you were dangerous, but Marco liked you! I didn't fucking cheat on him. Just because your alpha doesn't give it to you like he should, doesn't mean you get to make up lies to get between Marco and I!" "You smell like omega! You reek of it! How's Marco going to feel? You showing up after everything, and smelling like another omega!" "A fucking omega went into heat on the plane! I never touched her, she tried to get at me, but I never fucking touched her! Do you know how I feel? I missed the birth of my fucking daughter and you had to deliver her! Thank you for delivering her. Now stay the fuck away from my family you fucking jealous freak! I would never cheat on Marco he is the love of my life" "You can't go in there like that" "What?" "You smell of omega. Go ask the nurses for scent canceller" "I... why the fuck should I do anything you say?" "Marco's upset and hormonal from the birth. He might jump to the same conclusions I just did. For his sake, go spray yourself, then go meet your daughter" Jean gaped at him, Eren crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall by Marco's door "I'll wait here" "Fine" It was hard not to fall apart. He'd gotten so mad. Mad enough to snarl and hit Jean. He didn't particularly like Jean, and had jumped to the wrong conclusion. He was right. He was a fucked up freak. Marco deserved a much better friend than he was. Marco deserved everything good, and so did little Mina. He'd just... he didn't want Marco being hurt. Not when he was so vulnerable... and even with the things he'd said. When Jean came back, he longer smelt of omega. Ignoring Eren completely, he stalked into Marco's room, closing the door behind him. Eren now shut out. Confused and hurting, Eren started walking. He just wanted to go home. He wanted to climb into bed with Levi and cuddle until he felt better. Purring as he walked, he started to hiccup as he cried harder. He didn't know how to get home. He knew Levi's building, but he couldn't remember the actually street address. Reaching the front of the hospital, he sank down on the same bench where he'd met Erwin, not that he actually remembered it. Drawing his knees up, he slid his phone out his pocket. His battery was nearly dead, the bright light practically blinding. He didn't know who to call. Hanji and Moblit were both swamped. Levi and Erwin were at work. Jean and Marco were with Mina. He didn't have anyone else. Breaking down further he sobbed and sobbed. He felt all alone again. Like he had nobody again. Left out in the cold, the sun started rising while he was still sitting outside. He might have been left there forever if someone hadn't come along "Excuse me, are you alright" Sniffing, he wiped at his face. Looking up, he couldn't make the blurry figure out "Eren?" "S-sorry... do I know you?" "I'm Mike. I work with Hanji. Are you alright?" Mike. He knew that name... his brain was too taxed to provide details though "I... can't get home" "You can't get home?" Sniffling he wiped at his still streaming eyes "Levi and Erwin are working. So is Hanji and Moblit. I... don't know who to call" Sitting down next to him, Mike pulled his own phone out "It's a little after 6... Moblit should be off soon. Geez, you're freezing. How long have you been out here?" "I don't know" "Alright. You're living with Moblit aren't you?" "N-no. Levi" "You live with Levi?" "He... he's my boyfriend" "Wow. No one told me that. Right. Let me try calling him" "He... his phone is flat" "It's a good thing I have Erwin's number then" "I don't want to disturb them" "You won't be. Did they leave you here? You came in with that omega and newborn, didn't you?" "Marco and Mina... his alpha came" "And you've been out here since?" He felt stupid when Mike said it like that. Hiding his face again, he just wanted to go home "You're not falling asleep on me, are you?" "N-no" When Mike started talking again, he knew he wasn't the one he was talking to. Laughing about something, Mike nudged him gently "Levi and Erwin have another few hours left, but Levi said I can go ahead and give you a lift back. I just need to grab his key from Hanji" "But... you don't know me" "Levi and Hanji, are both my friends. Besides, can you imagine how angry Levi would get if I didn't make sure his boyfriend got home alright" "I don't want to put you out" "It's fine. Levi's apartment isn't that far my own" "Then... thank you" "I'll be right back" Mike was nice, Eren decided. He kind of remembered him, from the hospital. The alpha had blasted the heat to warm him up, then trusted him with the key to Levi's apartment, not wanting to upset him further. So yeah. Mike was nice. Dropping him off, the alpha stayed long enough to make sure he'd gotten inside. He didn't push or ask him what was wrong, instead he chatted off an on at him about Levi, and how happy he was that Levi had finally found someone who understands him. Mike however was forgotten as soon as he stepped into Levi's apartment. The first thing he did was shower. Scrubbing away Marco's scent, he threw up down the shower floor. He tried so hard to be there for his friend. It didn't feel like he deserved any of the abuse... maybe from Jean, but Marco had said he "could never understand what he was feeling" and that he "was surprised someone so loose wouldn't have a pup already". The cherry on top being "you're never going to go through this because no one wants you". Marco has apologised for it all. But it sounded like an after thought. Like when someone insults you, filling meaning it, then saying "just joking" after it. Maybe Marco was right. No one was going to want him. Levi probably didn't even want him. He'd tried so fucking hard to be good, but Levi still left him at the hospital with Marco. They didn't even get to talk. Not really. He'd delivered a fucking baby, and no one had told him he'd done a good job. Jean was the closest there. What if there was something wrong with Mina? It would be all his fault. * Levi had thought his day was done, until another fucking crash happened almost right in front of them. Traffic was flowing again, Levi asleep on his feet. More then ready to collect Eren and head home. Then... life decided nope. Stuck attending the scene, he was forced to wait even longer to see Eren. The idiot behind the wheel hadn't noticed the light change, and he'd been stuck waiting for the fire department, to cut the wanker out the car. So when Mike called Erwin to tell him Eren needed a lift home, he felt even fucking worse. He was the one who was supposed to be taking care of his boyfriend. He was the one who was supposed to be the one his omega could rely on. Yet again. He'd let him down. At least Mike would get Eren home safely. His boyfriend had had an exceptionally long night, and would probably already be in bed by the time he got home.
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