#but one i got obsessed with in middle school was Voltron
ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Okay okay, I have a cute little idea. So I'm a ranter. Theres time when I just start talking about things (most commonly my most current special intrest) and I've been told by some people that I talk so much and fast that they can't understand what I'm talking about and get lost.
So now I'm imagining in the beginning of the relationship Finn felt sorta insecure about his ranting (we know that poor boy is) and then the first time the listener invites him over to their house for the night. He's a little shy about sleeping in bed with them and stuff and they get into bed and he's ready to lay down and cuddle and sleep but Sunflower just sits up and starts ranting and going on and on and on about whatever it is that was on their mind in that moment and Finn just sits there with the most lovesick eyes ever. Like he's just loving life. Like he gets lost on what their talking about but not cause he can't understand them but cause he's just lost looking at them.
OMG he's just so cute I wanna squish him like a bug sometimes🫶❤️
Ranting love.
Finn felt his nerves move all over his body as he got comfortable on the bed. It's been a while since he has had anyone with him on it, not since....Finn decided to just ignore hat and focus on his lovely partner. Who was already snuggling into his blanket and pillows like a cat giving him a cheeky smirk too.
"Don't worry I won't kick you off the bed if that's what your thinking of!" Chuckling was their answer as Finn finally got into bed. He faced Sunflower and opened his arms a bit, they have been cuddling for a while and he kinda wanted to hold them right now. Sunflower gave a loving look and slipped into his embrace, Finn felt giddy by their actions.
"This is nice." Softly saying as Sunflower hummed both looking at each other and then Finn continued. "So anything exciting happen today?" His partner hummed some more thinking of all the things that happened today.
"Well there was a customer that came in and had a cool pin from a movie I liked! It was so cute! It was from Howl's moving castle!!" Reaching for the bedside table they got their phone and showed him the pin, "I was able to get permission to take a photo of it! Isn't it so cute??" It was Calcifer, a small but powerful fire demon that was in this cute art style in the pin. Finn cooed at it, he remembered how Sunflower wanted to show him the movie. It was really good!
Sunflower asked their boyfriend if anything interesting happened with him, "No not really, but there was a debate between two friends in front of the story about that one show you like." This made Sunflwoers eyes widen as they blurted out.
"OH MY GOD! I just remembered that there is this one coworker that watches the same show as me right?" Finn a bit taken aback from the shout they let out nodded, "She tried to act like I knew NOTHING about the show?? Like newsflash asshole I know everything about it because it came out in middle school and I got obsessed with it???" With awe Finn watched as his lover rant about the show, he watched it with them before.
But he never really saw them get worked up like this when telling him about it the first time. He was just watching them, be so in to the rant they were giving him it marveled him really because he was so use to the one ranting.
"AND THEN SHE WAS LIKE 'ThAtS nOt RiGhT' NO IT IS!!! I KNOW IT IS AND SHE JUST DECIDED NOT TO LISTEN TO ME???" Sunflower was erratically telling Finn about the interaction they had a work they almost forgotten to tell him! Basically there was a coworker that tried to tell them that Sunflower was wrong about a tv show they were obsessed with.
"And Finn, love of my life, the apple of my eye, the sun to my flowers! You want know what she tried to tell me about the timeline about the show???" Folding their hands on Finn's chest while looking at Finn who was looking at them with all the interest in the world.
"What did she say Sunflower?" Smiling as his partner passionate ranting about something they loved. It reminded him of how they always listened intently about his flower facts. Sunflower kept telling him how the coworker, Sheila, said that the main characters never liked each other. But really all Finn could focus on was his love for Sunflower right now, how pretty they looked glaring at a wall when thinking about the spread of misinformation about their favorite show.
"-inn? Finn are you okay?" Worry in his partners voice he snapped out of it and looked into their eyes again. They pushed themselves up more on his body, his arms instinctively wrapped around them flashing a smile.
"I'm fine don't worry. What happened next?" Answering caused Sunflower to giggle a bit and peck his cheek before continuing their rant. Suddenly he didn't feel so insecure about his ranting.
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woafofbread · 3 months
It’s crazy that I remember yj Wally’s death day every but I still do. I never watched season 4 because I wanted him to be brought back but now the show is pretty much canceled again lmao.
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green-nerd-showdown · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Green clothes. Green lion. "Smart guy" of the 5 man band. Some iterations he's a ninja.
She's a tech nerd and can hack anything. Makes her own robots.
Just…✨Pidge✨ They really went ‘Gender? Nah!’ I respect that. (i’m also a simp lol)
Well, first she is the green paladin (she is a woman, but she is refered to as male for the first few eps and in the original Voltron series the character is male, hope that counts) and is the smartest and most tech inclined person of the group.
Riz "The Ball" Gukgak, is green cuz he's a goblin, and a nerd. He starts out as a "Teen Detective" kid, investigating the disappearance of the missing girls in Elmville, cuz one of the missing girls is his old babysitter, aka his only friend before the show starts. He later graduates in the "James Bond Wannabe" Kid. He starts accessorizing and experimenting with his outfit, but because he's a nerd and self conscious he's constantly trying to justify it by making everything some kind of gadget and saying that it's all for the sake of utility in order to deflect any judgement. Also, before you think the nickname "The Ball" is cool, he got it because when he tried to join the sport team, the school jock said that the only position he could play was the ball, and proceeded to throw him like a ball. Dimension 20 is a D&D actual play show, Riz Gukgak is one of the player character, his player being Brian Murphy, who is a nerd himself. He's also the rogue, starting with the Inquisitive subclass, aka the nerd subclass, and later changes to the Arcane Trickster subclass, aka the slightly cooler nerd subclass. He's a nerd being played by a nerd as the nerd class with the nerd subclass, formerly the other nerd subclass, in the nerd game.
He's a green goblin who is obsessed with solving mysteries and making clue boards
Goblin (green). Middle school nickname was Briefcase Kid. Still carries that briefcase. Is a licensed PI. Definitely the (non-magic) brains of his adventuring party.
he made business cards to give to potential friends on his first day of school. he is a self proclaimed private investigator. he carries around a fucking briefcase to HIGH SCHOOL. what hasn’t this guy done. Sure he does a lot of cool stuff but this is what matters.
I love him, he is such a nerd, straight A student with an impeccable knowledge of the world he lives in, he is also literally a goblin, and thus the colour green. He’s also aro so green in the flag
Feral detective/angel spy
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brundark100 · 2 months
A list of cringe things I did in middle school, mainly having to do with anime:
(Feel free to reblog with your own stories)
1. One time my friend got tattoo markers and I made her write “Shoto Todoroki” on my WRIST. And it WAS NOT SMALL.
2. The art teacher was painting faces at a school function at the end of the year, so I obviously made her paint an Endeavor fire beard on me. (What’s worse is she knew the source material)
3. I had to make a slideshow over living/nonliving things, and I not only based my entire slideshow’s vibe off a vine (instead of the “you got a bae? OR NAHHHH”, I did “is it alive? Or NAHHHHHH”) but I had an entire slide dedicated to Todoroki.
4. I went to a very small school, I was in a single class of about 24 students for years and years, and for a while they had to witness me when Voltron ended and I started listening to Panic at the Disco. During this time period I also wore either a Blue Paladin jacket or Keith Kogane jacket to school every single day.
5. My class took a field trip to the county fair. We ate lunch in a little pavilion with a stage, and there were a few other class groups there with us. My teacher asked me if I’d like to sing for entertainment while they ate, and I said yes. My dumb ass decided to sing Guren no Yumiya from AOT and Peace Sign from BNHA. This wouldn’t normally be super bad, except for the fact that at that point I hadn’t begun to learn Japanese, and I didn’t look up the lyrics, so instead I just sang the syllables I THOUGHT were correct in the song.
6. I had a genuine obsession with Shoto Todoroki when I was like 12/13 and everyone in my class KNEW about it. Even people in the other grades knew, one even drew fan art of me and him. One of my friends wrote in my yearbook as him. And my classmates would make various jokes about him having not even watched the series, but still knowing a lot about him solely because I talked about him all the damn time.
TLDR: I needed my screen time limited
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
i've been talking abt my voltron playlists and @iveofficiallygonemad asked to hear them and i want to share with anybody who wants!! i know they're not perfect, i'm working on them & trying to make them better. if you have any recommendations for any of them, let me know!! there's like A Lot and i want to give a lil explanation for most of them, so i'm putting them under the cut ^-^
SO first i have my favorite one <3 it's just. all of them. it's the whole team. it's a mess and it's a bunch of different genres because it's them fighting over the aux cord on a road trip. it's them trying to make each other laugh or annoy each other or play something catchy enough it will infect everyone in the vicinity with brain worms.
Hunk: i'm pretty happy with my Hunk playlist! chill vibes. he strikes me as the kind of guy who listens to calm music to try to find his own calm, and that's what i got here :)
Pidge: this is messier and less cohesive than my usual playlist because frankly i think pidge would have a shit taste in music. all over the board. this is a mix of meme songs and 8-bit covers and vocaloid and stuff that i think pidge would genuinely connect with, and i think pidge listens to all their music on shuffle without any regards for genre or mood because they're a gremlin. nobody gives pidge sole control of the aux.
Coran hears 80's music for the first time and loses his mind. He thinks ABBA is humanity's single greatest achievement.
Lance: i have ideas about where I'm going with this but haven't really settled yet. Lance seems like the kind of boy that loves to dance (is that canon? i forgot) so most of these are Bops That Make You Move in some way or another. he likes to present an upbeat face to the world, so there's no angsting in this playlist! we are clinging to the things that make us happy with both hands until our knuckles turn white!
Keith: i'm gonna be honest. i made him a playlist but i honestly don't think he cares about music very much. it's very important to some people! he's just not one of them! i haven't cracked this playlist open in a while but i'm pretty sure it's full of songs that i think he would conceivably train/work out to.
Shiro: this playlist involves the dumbest headcanon i have for shiro that has just not left me alone since i first thought of it. most of the playlist reflects the fact that he had an emo phase in middle school (that one isn't a headcanon, you just have to look at him to know) but BUT there are a few songs on here that are on here because. little known fact. he also went through a Twilight phase that he told nobody about. (keith knows. keith was there.) he has the entire twilight soundtrack memorized. he moved past the story but the music stays forever. he used to daydream about slow dancing to Flightless Bird, American Mouth. the first time Coran mentions that they have to avoid a place because there's a supermassive black hole there, he has to bite his tongue in order to keep a straight face. do NOT ask me why i believe this so wholeheartedly.
Allura's playlist sucks right now. I think it's because in my heart of hearts i know that, were she on earth today, she would go fucking nuts for taylor swift. i have ambivalent feelings for taylor swift. i cannot do allura justice like this. if you see my vision and have recs as to what might actually fit her, PLEASE.
Klance: i haven't done it yet but i'm gonna go through this and sort it to be a sort of progression of their relationship, starting with the more combative Rivalry songs, then slipping into "oh shit oh shit" songs, then maybe ending on the more lighthearted purely romantic songs <3
(i have two songs in a shallura playlist which does not at all encapsulate how much i'm obsessed with them. the tiny cop inside my head is just constantly screaming at me that i'm going to get yelled at for liking shallura. i am going to kill the cop inside my head.)
#mj talks#oooooh i don't know if i actually want to put this in the show tag. that's a lot of people. that's a lot of people that might see this.#fuck it we ball#voltron#anyway. as i said if you like music and you have songs that you think fit please send em over#also who wants to talk about shallura? i want to talk about shallura.#i rewatched the first ~3 seasons (the best part of the show and some of season 3) with my roommate a while back and.#ngl if we're strictly talking about the show itself and not fanworks. i care about shallura SO much more than i care about klance.#oh i should probably tag#klance#in case anyone has that blacklisted and just doesn't wanna see it#BACK TO MY POINT.#rewatch seasons 1 and 2 and you will see there was a REASON everyone included shallura in the background of their fics#and it wasn't just shoving 'space mom' and 'space dad' together#there is a very real and very compelling dynamic there. the mutual respect. the connection that comes with taking responsibility.#watch shiro's whole deal after allura gets herself captured so that he can go free and try telling me it's all in my head. just TRY.#anyway i have a lot of complicated thoughts about shiro's sexuality and most of them boil down to I Don't Think It Was Planned#i think they shoved it in last minute because somebody higher up#(not the writers i don't blame u writers i know that you have people breathing down your necks telling you what you can and can't do)#some higherup didn't like any queer storylines that might have been in the works and pulled them from the show#but then there was fan backlash because... gay people are loud now? people wanted A Queer In Space? wild thought#so they had to save their ass and actually deliver on what they had promised in interviews/on the internet/idk i didn't keep up too much#because it was so clumsily revealed! there was no buildup!#it felt very shoehorned to me unfortunately. when a) they had already built a solid and compelling potential relationship for shiro#(see above)#and b) klance was? right there? like. dude. you /had/ to have seen that. or at least some of it????#backstory dead fiance was not the best move vis a vis queer representation and i reject him#if you want me to care about a relationship try going back to storytelling basics and Show Don't Tell :)#not giving you brownie points for that 'queer representation' :)#anyway. that's my shallura manifesto in the notes.
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 1 month
SIKE 🍓🌵🪐📚☁️
FUCK you got me 😩
🍓: how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a wee lass. I wrote a shit ton of warrior cats fanfiction in elementary school before growing out of it and I read a bit of fanfiction on Wattpad in middle school, but I only really got into fanfiction in high school/college! I got super into Voltron (🤢) and was obsessed with klance fics. I only actually started writing fanfiction when I got into Haikyuu and I’ve been here ever since!
🌵: share the link to a playlist you love
I answered this one in a previous ask but I can share MORE
Instead of a playlist I’m gonna share album recommendations! Ever After by Marianas Trench, Deeper Well by Kacey Musgraves, and When Facing The Things We Turn Away From by Luke Hemmings are albums I turn to a lot when I’m looking for inspiration!
🪐: name three good things going on in your life right now
I just made some BOMB loaded/baked potato soup that’s probably one of the best meals I’ve ever had, I got my paycheck today, and I can tell I’m really progressing with my art!
📚: what’s the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
Lol I added both bacon and pads to my grocery list 💀
☁️: what made you choose your username?
I was trying to find a name for ao3 and came across “hijinks” and thought “as opposed to lowjinks of course” and it made me laugh lol
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pendragonsgallery · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
tagged by @roszabell my best and only mutual :D sorry it took so long
What book are you currently reading?
Rereading Good Omens because it’s one of my favorite books. I also just finished Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi for a class and it is so fantastic that if I had more social skills I would just start recommending it to random people on the street.
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I have barely been to theaters this year, but I recently saw Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and I cried eight times. Such a good movie.
What do you usually wear?
My friends say that 80% of my closet is green and they’re not wrong. I wear a ridiculous amount of sweaters and jeans. I wear a lot of rings as well to play with during class :)
How tall are you?
5’3. Shortest in my family 😌✌️
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I am a Pisces! I share a birthday with Rebel Wilson, Bon Jovi, and the premiere of Sound of Music.
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
I don’t have any nicknames currently, but I had very creative middle school friends who gave me some truly ridiculous ones <3
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Currently working really hard for it!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Nope! I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, but I’m happy with my friends right now and am too focused on passing my next math exam to think about relationships. Unless Oscar Isaac counts. Beautiful man.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I am good at saying “screw it” and doing stuff I’m scared to do, and I’m terrible at asking for any sort of help when I need it.
Dogs or cats?
Both! If it has fur, I will probably want to hug it.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
I’ve had a lot of projects this year! Always drawing, but I’ve finally started posting my fanfiction, Asterism, that’s been in the back of my mind for years. Other than that, I published a short story to a writing magazine that I definitely want to expand on, and I’ve got too many My Hero Academia, Arcane, Stranger Things and DSMP fic ideas saved up to count :]
What’s something you would like to create content for?
Definitely my own original works, but they’re just not at that stage yet. Maybe someday!
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Stranger Things is a love of mine right now, and have recently gotten back into Six of Crows, Arcane, and My Hero Academia. Voltron still has me in a chokehold so that’s been a fun development.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Most holidays. Didn’t really do anything :/
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can play most piano songs by ear, and I can do a really good impression of Tsuyu Asui 🐸
Are you religious?
I suppose. I grew up in a Christian school and just never had the connection with God other kids did and asked too many questions 😅. Still identify as religious, but in my own way. It's a big ol’ 🤷 for me.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
As of 2 minutes ago, a sword. Like a Narnia sword oh my god I want a sword so bad.
I don’t really have other mutuals so I’ll just pick two accounts I follow and love @babyboyargyle and @isbuckybarnesokay
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wiltingwoods · 2 years
I’m obsessed with Good Omens AND Our Flag Means Death at the same time, my brain is like a pinball machine bouncing between the two
Anyways: thoughts on OFMD (spoilers, obvi)
Seriously though, that show is perfection, thank you for the good gay rep
Never thought I’d see Taika Waititi as a gay pirate, but here we are.
I was not at all ready for the whiplash I got from realizing that Stede is played by the same guy who voice Coran in Voltron Legendary Defenders *instant middle school flashbacks*
Stede and Ed are literally Aziraphale and Crowley in a different font
“You wear fine things well” is such a beautiful and delicate line. Ed probably wasn’t used to that kind of kindness, no one probably told him anything like that before. But Stede was so kind to him and he probably had no idea how much those words meant to Ed. In summary, they’re so sweet and I love them.
I really hope that Lucius isn’t actually dead because him and Black Pete were so sweet and like the whole bit with the wooden finger was just djfjdjsjsjskdkxk
Jim <3
That finale broke my damn heart into pieces, I am in desperate need of a fix it fic after that.
In conclusion, I very much need a season 2
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echodrops · 5 years
Hshshsnansna seeing that ask got me in a HUGE HaaH mood. Like, I went through and read a bunch of asks, and I'd probably go reread the fic itself if I had time. So!! Is there anything about HaaH you've always wanted to share but never had the chance to? Headcanons, worldbuilding, backstory, hidden details- anything at all??
Oh friend… There is so much. I have a Word document that’s like 17k of JUST headcanons and world-building for this fic kghsdkjhdkfg I’m not crazy, I swear.
It took me a while to respond because I had to comb through and find stuff that wasn’t spoilery, but tada, have some Home and a Half Hunk and Shiro (and Matt) headcanons and backstory under the cut!
Also, as for hidden details… Same as the Garrison professors in the show were named for staff members, Neuhahn and Ania are named after IRL contributors to the Voltron animated series–Chris Neuhahn was a producer and Ania O’Hare was the casting director.
And here are some Hunk, Shiro, and sorta Matt headcanons/backstory that shapes their characters in HaaH. (Please note, these headcanons ignore absolutely everything from about season 6 of the actual show and on. I stopped watching Voltron after Season 6 because I just couldn’t handle the writing anymore. T_T)
Hunk:- He’s mixed ethnically, and although his parents are from Samoa, his family tree actually spans many different countries, mostly in Polynesia, including Tonga, but even places as far away as Malaysia.- His parents were converted to the LDS church by Mormon missionaries in Samoa. A few years before Hunk was born, his parents moved to Utah to be closer to the church, so Hunk has only ever been to Samoa once, on a vacation to visit family.- His first name is actually “Hyrum,” and until he met Lance at a Garrison-sponsored summer astro-camp when they were nine, everyone just called him by his real name.- Lance actually meant to call him “Incredible Hulk” at camp, butttt to nine-year-old Lance’s utter mortification, it came out “Incredible Hunk” instead. “Hunk” stuck.- He has a little sister who is even more sensitive than he is.
- Although Hunk’s parents originally agreed on the plan to move to America, after the family arrived, they experienced difficulty fitting in with the very selective Utah culture, and Hunk’s mother grew disenchanted with the church. Employment was difficult to find in their small, rural town, and Hunk’s parents both struggled with being isolated from their extended families. Tensions over whether or not to remain in America, as well as over money, led to some miserable fights that contributed to Hunk’s aversion to conflict when he was younger.
- Hunk sometimes had to play the role of family peacekeeper, working hard to make sure that his youngest sister wouldn’t notice the strain.
- Nevertheless, despite their share of troubles, the family is extremely close-knit. Hunk values his family and their opinions more than anything in any world.
- Which is how he ended up agreeing to go to Garrison, even when he really just wanted to help his parents kickstart the restaurant they were planning to open. His mother felt that working in a family restaurant, even if Hunk is a great cook, would squander his incredible academic and engineering talent (which Hunk thought of as just a hobby), so she begged him to go and continue his schooling instead. Hunk couldn’t say no to his mother, even if the thought of being shipped off into space terrified the living daylights out of him.
- Hunk doesn’t curse and is somewhat uncomfortable with people cursing, at least in front of him. Although Lance used to have a pretty colorful repertoire, when he learned that cursing made Hunk uncomfortable, he immediately adopted all of Hunk’s weird Utah replacements instead. “Holy crow” and “let’s kick some trash” are things they actually say seriously.
- Hunk is always down to cuddle and is never embarrassed by asking for or giving cuddles to anyone. He would 200% cuddle Shiro if he thought Shiro would let him. (Shiro would, in fact, let him.) Hunk’s favorite person on the team to cuddle is actually Keith, because Keith (who was taught to comply by Garrison scientists with all unexpected/unsolicited touch) will just sit obediently for hours letting Hunk hug out all his stress. Hunk knows that something is off about Keith’s behavior, but his leading theory—that Keith allows the hugs because he’s touch-starved—is unfortunately false.
- Hunk knows the lyrics to every Disney song EVER.
- And he’s like a dog with a bone when it comes to secrets. Once he discovers that someone’s keeping something under wraps, he goes a bit crazy with curiosity and cannot stop thinking about what they might be hiding. The rules of privacy go totally out the window when he gets like this, but time and again, Hunk’s adage that it’s always better to tell the truth bears itself out.
  Shiro (and Matt?):
- Shiro is the only member of his immediate family whose first language was not Japanese. His grandparents on both sides immigrated to the US from Japan due to work transfers relatively late in life, when their own children, Shiro’s parents, were already young adults. As the first family child to be born in America, Shiro’s parents strongly emphasized the need to learn English well, which unfortunately resulted in Shiro being pushed away from learning Japanese when he was young. Even though he’s a capable conversationalist now, he’s struggled his whole life with regret over not learning the language when he was young and could have picked it up easier.  
- There’s a running joke in his family that he’s actually an ogre in disguise, given that he is much taller than many of his other family members. Tradition demands that the first photo of every holiday gathering is a joke group shot in which Shiro’s posed so his entire head is outside the top frame of the picture.
- Shiro was mercilessly bullied as a child because of his height. The other children frequently suggested that he didn’t belong in their grade because he was too big and that the school must held him back multiple times for being dumb. (Shiro was never held back. In fact, he had excellent grades from kindergarten to the day he graduated from Garrison—and no, not because his parents forced him to study; in fact, throughout his schooling, they often ended up having to force Shiro to go to bed already instead.)
- On top of being teased for his looks, Shiro was naturally shy. He barely spoke, even to his teachers, and would stumble miserably if he was put on the spot in class, contributing further to the rumor that he was stupid.
- Shiro loved learning, but he hated everything that happened in school and didn’t have a single real friend outside of his cousins until he went off to middle school and met Matt Holt in sixth grade.
- Barely two weeks into their first middle school year, and it was already obvious that Matt was the school’s biggest nerd; he’d been bumped up two grades because of his obvious genius and was the textbook definition of an alien conspiracy theorist (It’s not a conspiracy if they’re REAL, guys!) But the strange thing was that no one bullied Matt—he was just so quick on the sarcastic (and biochemical) comebacks that teasing him wasn’t even worth it. Instead, the school’s resident assholes took it out on targets a little less likely to corrode their homework with miniature magnesium bombs—read as, they picked on polite, well-meaning Takashi Shirogane instead.
- Out of pity more than anything else, Matt finally stood up for Shiro one day and ran off the assholes. (It was not, as Mrs. Shirogane insists, with a home-made taser. It was not.) After something like that, well… You sort of feel obligated to befriend a guy, don’tcha?
- Becoming friends with Matt Holt transformed Shiro’s life. Even if Shiro wouldn’t originally speak up for himself, he was ferociously proud and supportive of his first real friend, and learning to be bold for Matt taught Shiro the value and meaning of standing up for not only others, but also himself. Being friends with someone as off-the-cuff and tricky as Matt helped Shiro grow more spontaneous, less self-conscious, and ultimately much more confident—even if, to this day, most of that confidence is still focused on helping others, rather than on being self-assured.
- It was Shiro admiration for Matt’s father, Sam Holt, that led Shiro to take his childhood obsession with military history a step further by actually joining the military. Shiro and Matt enrolled in Garrison together, although Matt was part of the research rather than the combat division.
- Matt was the one who convinced Shiro to get his hair styled in an undercut. It was originally just a dare, but Shiro ended up loving it afterward. The “Undercut Incident,” as it has come to be known in the Shirogane family, was the official straw that broke the camel’s back and resulted in Mrs. Shirogane declaring Matt Holt a “bad influence,” the only impact of which was that Matt had to sneak in through Shiro’s bedroom window instead of coming to the front door when he wanted to hang out.  
- Shiro has received two separate Medals of Honor for making dangerous supply deliveries to war-torn countries across the globe, delivering the vital food and medicine that helped save hundreds of lives. He has also been part of several missions to save stranded astronauts from failing international space stations.
- Shiro is actually a giant memelord, but his crushing sense of responsibility keeps him from indulging in quality shitposting in front of anyone he actually knows. He had a ridiculously active secret Vine account before leaving on the Kerberos mission. His snaps are legendary. Deep down, Shiro dreads the inevitable day someone connects him with his cringey social media accounts.
- Literally the worst at adulting. His mom still filled out his tax forms for him and booked his dentist appointments. He has no idea what the hell he’s doing leading Team Voltron when he can’t even remember which of his clothes are machine-washable and which aren’t.
- When they were in their third year at Garrison, Matt conned Shiro into volunteering as a camp counselor for Garrison’s summer astrocamp program, even though Shiro had minimal understanding of how to take care of children and mostly just BS’d his way through, hoping that none of his campers had anything close to a serious issue.
- He won “best camp counselor” the very first year he volunteered. Mostly because Lance cheated and voted for him 23 times, but still.
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foxlolpop · 4 years
34 40 :)
aww I didn’t expect anyone to send me anything, thank you <33 
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
Oh boy, my addiction to fanfiction was founded at a very young age- or at least i think it was young (i don’t know many people irl who read fanfic sooo). it started in 4th grade when i had just finished reading Percy Jackson and The Olympians. obviously i was obsessed and i had zero social media so i would google “percy jackson fanart” and scroll through google images, saving a picture every now and then to my photo album. sometimes i’d accidently tap on the pictures instead of holding down to save them and it would take me to the fic they were from. I was a little annoyed at first like i just want to look at percabeth art what is this?? but one day i decided to read it and its been hell ever since. 
Honestly, i had no idea what it was or what exactly i was reading, all i knew was that i liked it. i didn’t even have name for it until maybe middle school when i actively searched for it when i got into the Voltron Legendary Defenders fandom (and started shipping klance).  
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic? 
Rituals? i didn’t know people did something like this before uploading. do you have some, kai? 
I wouldn’t consider what i do before uploading a fic a “ritual” but i usually go back and reread what i’m about to publish and scream about how much i hate it. for example, before i published the first chapter of canis canem edit i ranted to my bff about how none of it made sense and it was just plain awful. thankfully she told me that it wasn’t bad and even if it was i should focus on growing from the experience. those might have just been first time jitters though so i don’t know if it’ll happen again (probably will).
So, i guess deprecation and a pep talk is my ritual?? lol
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cozycosplaycorner · 4 years
The curious incident of how I made cosplay friends
Hobbies are great. Whether you paint, read, or play a musical instrument, having a hobby is a source of joy and self-actualization (shoutout to homeboy Maslow). But often what makes a hobby great is having people to share it with. This is why you used to blabber about Naruto to your poor, innocent classmates in middle school – you had no one else to share it with (points if you also showed them how to Naruto run).
It’s very much the same with cosplay. I’m an introvert and have at times been called a downright loner, so sitting hours bend over a sewing machine is actually classified as FUN in my house. I love the process of making the cosplay, getting it just right, doing the make up and seeing it all come together. But once I am finished, I’m dying to share it with the world! Look! I made this thing! With my hands! I love this character and this show so much SHARE MY LOVE. This is the entire reason we have apps like Tik Tok and Instagram, to share our common passion.
I have never been a many-peoples’-friend-person. I’m not good at, nor interested in being friends with everyone I meet. I’m (Batman) more the type who has a few tight friend groups and I stick to those. Really, you should be taking advice from my girlfriend Joshi, she can make friends with just about everybody. But you’re stuck with me, suckeeers! Actually though, I want to stick with Joshi a little while longer. When I first entered cosplay, I was 16 and I knew NO ONE in the community. I didn’t even know there was a community here in Denmark. All I knew, was that Comic Con was coming to Copenhagen for the first time and six years of larp had prepared me for it. I spend three weeks making a mediocre Harley Quinn cosplay and then me and my then boyfriend hopped on a train to the big city.
I was overwhelmed with how many cosplayers I saw that day. So much talent in one place. I got a picture with a God Tier John Egbert! I didn’t even know other Danes READ Homestuck! I had a great day... but didn’t make friends. Of all the things I suck most at, striking up conversation with complete strangers is definitely in the top three. Also posture and remembering laundry in the washer are up there somewhere. I was an outsider. This continued for a year or so. I met a girl who needed someone to help her get to a con (she’s in a wheelchair) and just hang out with her there, so I volunteered, and we had a great time! (I here reprised as Edward Elric). A few months later another con came up and I went with two friends from my French class and boyfriend once again, this time as Juuzou Suzuya. (Fun anecdote time: I actually saw Joshi there as Levi Ackermann and thought she and her friends looked so cool, I didn’t dare say hi. Boy, if you had told me I would one day date that girl... Holy smokes.) One final con I also made it to, still an outsider! I didn’t dare talk to people, I was timid and had a good but also slightly awkward time.
I didn’t cosplay for a full year. I didn’t have the motivation. Where was the fun if I didn’t have a community to share it with? No one I knew was interested in cosplay or even really nerds, my ex￾boyfriend and I went our separate ways and cosplay just kind of... died. Until! Aha, you knew this was coming! I discovered Voltron. Yes, I know, cliché blah blah blah. But yes, I got into Voltron just before season 7 came out and I ate the entire show raw in three days. I was obsessed like I hadn’t been in a long time, and actually got the guts to chat with some fellow Danish cosplayers about it. One day, one of those cosplayers invited me to join a call where we would show off our Voltron cosplays and I had actually pulled of a very shabby Lance. I remember that call very clearly. After a while, a Keith cosplayer joined us. This is how I met your mother.
It’s funny. I almost said no to that call. Just because I wasn’t sure about it, sure about my cosplay, sure about what I would say. I can, no joke, say with full confidence, that if I hadn’t said “what the hell” and just went for it, I wouldn’t have been a cosplayer today. I wouldn’t have the friends I have today. I would never have met my girlfriend and that sucks so much to think about, I can describe it, but I really don’t want to.
So do it. Go for it. If you really love to cosplay and don’t want to give it up, prioritize making friends in the community. I don’t care how much of an introvert you are, cosplay without friends WILL suck. Going to cons alone without talking to a single person there WILL be a crappy experience. And it really doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to leave Comic Con with 42 new facebook friends. I started with about four or five, and that got me miles. Joshi is a force of nature when it comes to making friends, and for some reason she took a liking to this sad excuse of a social being, and through her I got to know so many awesome people – Anso included! All because I sewed some yellow arm patches on a H&M jacket and joined a group call.
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rainforestgeek · 5 years
If you lose your strength to stand (I”m gonna reach for your hand) pt. 12 “Enemies, and their Power”
Part 11
AO3 link
Being American, I reserve the right to make digs at the U.S.
Pidge took a deep gulp from her caffeinated fruit-tea (God bless Hunk, honestly). The hangar where Hunk, Lotor, and Allura worked on the quintessence ships was huge and had catwalks all along the walls. Pidge had hit dead end after dead end with tracking Haggar through the clone until she was absolutely ready to scream. Once she realized she was just staring at the wall instead of working, Pidge took her equipment from the Green hangar to perch on one of the catwalks.
Allura had just walked out to go to the bridge. She passed by Pidge’s perch close enough that Pidge overheard her conversation with Lance – those comm earrings were pretty loud.
Keith was such a fucking hypocrite.
Pidge had never quite forgotten the day that, over a year ago, Keith yelled at her for trying to leave Voltron and find her family. He’d hurled accusations at her like a firing squad. He’d called her selfish. That’d hit too close to home. She remembered his voice echoing in her head alongside the voices of school kids who’d said she was cold or weird or didn’t care about anyone but her robots. She didn’t get that expectation that she had to feel for strangers; it’s not like she had the time or energy to prioritize everyone in the world.
Of course Pidge had learned a lot since then. There was such a thing as caring without that visceral wrench in her stomach. She could understand and prioritize the good for people she didn’t know and love. There was such a thing as empathy without instinct.
But it wasn’t fair that Keith thought he could run away from the war he used to dive headfirst into. He’d been all invested when Shiro had been here, when he’d had his family. He shouldn’t talk about selfish.
Pidge hoped Lance would snap him out of whatever weird-ass funk this was. If she had to work despite her grief then so did Keith.
Meanwhile, the Shiro-clone was still in stasis. Presumably, if he was being monitored, manipulated, and controlled by Haggar, it would be through the mechanical arm. It’s probably not as efficient as having it hooked up directly to the brain, but Hunk was certain that access through the shoulder into the central nervous system was sufficient. Even with the change of scenery (which often helped her think) Pidge was about ready to throw her laptop at the wall, though, because no matter what she tried the arm software was a fucking dead end.
Actually, no, never the laptop no matter how angry or frustrated she got. That computer was her baby. She’d built it back on Earth and added a ton of Altean modifications to the hardware – including some incredibly impressive RAM that allowed her to multitask like a crazy person and put the computer’s original 64 GB to shame.
Pidge pulled up the clone’s medical records. The cryo-pod did a full body scan twice a varga and she’d linked the data to continuously upload to her laptop (thank you, alien random access memory), focusing on the CNS. And –
Okay, that was different. The original clone scans showed no distinction between those of the real Shiro, allowing for expected discrepancies on the cellular and molecular levels due to time passing. One of the things the pods monitored closely was an individual’s quintessence. She was no biologist, but Pidge did grasp the basic concepts of thermodynamics and the quintessence seemed to be deteriorating. She didn’t know what it meant, though.
A hefty creaking noise distracted her. Hunk pulled his way onto the catwalk and settled in beside her. “Pidge. Can I chew your ear for a minute?”
“Aren’t you busy?”
“Lotor went to make some, uh, conference calls, I think.”
Pidge glared at the computer screen and decided to fuck it, she’s not getting anywhere with this anyway. “Yeah, why not. Shoot.”
Hunk blew out a puff of air. “We’ve made a lot of progress on the technology. Allura’s been working on adapting the ships to travel between universes and I’m really close to finding the most efficient ways to collect and contain the energy. It’s just, um…what if we aren’t doing the right thing here, Pidge?”
She eyed him. “If we can end the war without more war, I’m all for it. I know I wasn’t on board at first, and I’m no economist, but this seems like a good way to stabilize the universe.”
“I’m just thinking. Humans and galra have one big thing in common: exhausting resources. Sure, the quintessence field seems endless now, but the same can be said for every single resource humans overexploited in history. We don’t know how this could affect the universe.” He was getting worked up.
“Hunk.” Pidge placed a hand on his wrist, knowing he takes comfort from even small touches. “You’re a huge part of this project. You and Allura can find a way to make this harvesting sustainable.”
He hummed. His bushy eyebrows drew together.
Pidge continued, “Is this really the only thing bugging you?”
“I’m not…convinced doing this harvesting will lead to peace. Like, I get why Lotor thinks this will solve things,” Hunk said in a low voice. “Increase supply, satisfy demand, spare bad harvesting practices etc. But what do the galra need all this quintessence for?”
“I don’t know, space ships? Power grids? Fuel?…Weapons?”
“Exactly. These guys have been conquering for thousands of years. How can we be sure they won’t just keep conquering when we hand over the power?”
Pidge massaged her temples. “I hear you Hunk, but I’m way out of my depth here. I’d rather trust that Allura and Lotor know way more about alien politics and economics than I do, you know, being born rulers and everything.”
“Since when did you trust Lotor?”
Pidge finally tore her eyes away from the screen and leaned in close to Hunk. “I trust Allura. Do you, do you think Lotor can pull the wool over her eyes?”
“Yeah, well, the man has only been a military strategist for several millennia, I think it’s probable.”
Pidge pulled up another window. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been keeping up with the news. Lotor is on the manhunt for any and all galra factions who don’t pledge loyalty to him. And most of the ones who have are extracting their control over recently conquered sectors. It’s a start.”
“How do you completely reform a culture that’s built on war and conquest?”
“Rome and America became republics, didn’t they?”
Hunk groaned and rubbed his eyes. “It’s so complicated. I wish I could just fix up these ships and that would automatically make everything okay.”
She patted his shoulder. “I know the feeling. I’m confused here, too. Look.”
“Aren’t those scans of the fake Shiro? Why…man I can’t read these, why’s the blue glowing in the middle getting dimmer in each picture?”
“It’s his quintessence. It’s deteriorating. But look, it didn’t start until after we put him in stasis, see? The readings are exactly the same between the scan of Shiro and the very first scan of the clone.”
Understanding lit up Hunk’s face. Good, good, thermodynamics were safe, comprehensible ground. “And that’s when the energy started wasting away. Nothing’s regenerating the quintessence. Pidge, Haggar’s magic!”
She banged her fist on the catwalk. The echoing clang make Hunk flinch. “Of course! I should’ve figured that out. If it doesn’t make sense, then magic.” She huffed a sigh. “But if there’s no magic connected to the clone then that means I can’t trace it. It’s another dead end.”
Hunk was quiet for a few minutes, while Pidge stewed in her failure.
"Although," Hunk said, "Zarkon was obsessed with quintessence for his own personal use. He's gone now and if we get rid of Haggar too, then the demand should go down significantly. She's our biggest threat right now and with so much of the military devoted to Lotor he should be able to keep the rogues in check, right?"
Pidge shut her laptop. "See, you figured it out. What do you need me for."
“So let me get this straight.”
It was first thing in the morning, and they were in the Blade-equivalent of a conference room with Krolia and Kolivan. Lance pressed his fingertips to his temple like he was trying to organize something in his head (except in Keith’s experience, that usually happened out loud).
Lance gestured to Krolia. “You were undercover at Ranveig’s base, where he intercepted mega-powerful quintessence and accidentally used it to create a terrifying robeast but without the robot parts. Which you both then sic-ed onto a different general attacking the base so you could escape and presumably that thing is still on the planet.
“And you’ve tracked the quintessence to its source but it’s guarded by impenetrable space-time anomalies and we don’t know who was shipping it.”
Keith said, “It does fit Haggar’s M.O.”
Lance sighed. “We should call the Castle of Lions and get them in on this meeting.”
Pidge just about leapt out of her skin (and did leap out of her bed) at the loud, insistent banging on her door. She tripped over something on her floor and narrowly avoided face-planting in a pile of dirty socks.
“Pidge! Pidge, wake up!”
Vision still kinda fuzzy from sleep, she scrambled to her feet to slam her hand against the door panel. It hissed open as Hunk prepared to pound on it again. Had he been any shorter he would have punched Pidge in the head, but as it was his fist met thin air and he had to windmill his arms to not fall on her.
“Hunk! What is it? What’s happening?” Pidge demanded.
“Whoa, hey chill out. There’s no emergency.”
She glared at him. “Did you just scare me awake for shits and giggles? Do you have any idea how loud it is when you bang on a metal surface?!”
Because he was the worst, Hunk flat-out ignored her tirade. “Your brother, Lance, and Keith want everyone on a conference call. We’ve been trying to wake you up for half an hour.”
Pidge took a deep breath in through her nose. Then let it out. “If you value our continued friendship, you will get me the largest canteen you can find and fill it to the brim with the not-coffee. And it better fucking be hot.”
It was hot, and she and everyone else were soon in front of multiple huge screens showing her brother, her missing teammates, Kolivan, and another galra she didn’t recognize. The first thing that happened was Keith held up a placating hand before Allura could lay into him.
“I know what you’re going to say, and I’m sorry for leaving without telling you guys why. I got overwhelmed and needed to do something. But it won’t happen again.”
Allura drummed her fingers irritably. “It better not.”
“And by something,” Lance interjected, “Keith here means he had to have some face time with his LONG LOST MOTHER. Guys, meet Krolia, Keith’s galra mom!”
Pidge choked mid-drink and spewed liquid all over Hunk. Fucking what????
“Pidge, did you just do an actual spit take?” Lance demanded, blatantly ignoring the irritated glare Keith was shooting him.
“Did you deliberately wait until I was taking a sip to say that?”
“Okay, you two can flirt later,” Matt said. Lance’s entire face and neck flushed. “We have important news.”
They proceeded to explain the quintessence the super-powerful quintessence, the spacetime equivalent of a minefield they’d tracked it to, and their suspicions that Haggar was somehow mining it to fuel her military and her magic.
Pidge downed the rest of her “caffeine” in two gulps.
“We believe the source is behind the quantum abyss, rather than the abyss itself,” Kolivan was explaining. “If we can cut Haggar off from her major quintessence supply then we stand a far greater chance at permanently vanquishing her forces.”
Krolia spoke, “The tricky part is navigating the abyss. It requires precise calculations and the consequences of being trapped inside would be dire.”
“Hunk, Pidge, think you can work through those calculations?” Keith asked.
They responded with a synchronous “probably.” Pidge thanked God she now had a new project to work on. One more day with the stupid clone arm and she was gonna lose her hair.
“I believe I know where that quintessence is coming from.” Lotor’s cool voice silenced the entire room. Pidge noticed with shock that his face had gone paper-white. He looked like the ghost of a general rather than a living emperor.
“It is a place I have not been to in some time."
Part 13
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birthdaylobotomy · 5 years
i am going to completely expose myself: 
here are all fandoms i ever was in.
attack on titan (i was OBSESSED with this show..... thats when i figured out what shipping was. yikes)
gravity falls (i have no regrets)
otgw (same with above)
adventure time (i liked it when i was younger but missed a bunch of later episodes and got confused, plus it has a very different tone so i wasn’t as much into it)
your lie in april (made me cry when i finished it, i havent gone back to it)
ouran high school host club (i rewatch some episodes every now and then)
homestuck (i........used to be so so into it. like i was OBSESSED. but the ending hurt me so much, so i hated it for a while, and now im just neutral about it.)
ava’s demon (still reading it! my fave webcomic as of now)
regular show (earlier seaons were great. older now so much)
............sherlock (LISTEN i didnt know what tumblr was when i watched it, i didnt think that sherlock and other dude made a good couple and was bored out of my mind after the wedding ok)
undertale (i still think its a neat game but i. i cant play it anymore. too many bad memories.)
hamilton (for one week then girls at my school would not stop playing it and i decided i hated it 
dear evan hanson (same exact thing)
fran bow (a good game!! too bad there is like no content for it)
kill la kill (my grandma found me watching it and i never got to finish it.)
fairy tail (watched three episodes, found out how long it was, never picked it back up)
FMA (read it in middle school but never watched it!! love it)
voltron (stopped watching after season 3 i think?? i thought klance was neat and liked pidge a lot but like.... it became too immature for me i guess??? and it kept dancing around keith and lance and i got annoyed so i quit. glad i did.)
i guess thats it?? heres some fandoms im glad i never got into
my hero academia (fandom seems overwhelming)
legend of korra (tried to watch one episode and HATED IT. korra kinda annoyed me, didnt like old everyone was, hated how the world was all steampunk)
supernatural (watched five minutes of one episode and HATED it)
star vs the forces of evil (dont like star and its just not for me)
doctor who (my friend really likes it but.... i dont understand british humor)
MLP (i dont like horses?? that much?)
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ave-aria · 6 years
Tumblr Archive Project
Due to Tumblr’s increasing incompetence I am in the process of moving all my fandom-based writing and projects to other sites! (Yay staff incompetence!)
Unfortunately over the years I have accumulated... a lot of writing. Taking a page from @ladylynse‘s book, this is a compilation post of all my Tumblr fan-projects from over the years as a reference point while I move them to Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net.
Links to the Original provided in the title; links to new sites afterwards. All Pairings, content warnings, and length included below.
Danny Phantom Rise of the Guardians Legend of Zelda Avengers Crossovers
Danny Phantom
It’s Not Fair - [FF]
Jazzfinds him there on the outskirts of Amity, away from the sirens and chaos, staring up at the stars. Rating: K+ / Major Character Death, angst Pairings: None Note: inspired by Polterrgeist’s art
Click - [FF]
“...And it Starts with the click of a button.” For the 10th Dannyversary. Poem. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings Pairings: Implied Danny x Sam Note: Poem. Written for the 10th Dannyversary
Some Nights He Chases Death - [FF]
“Because Death is all he knows / when life is circling the drain.” Poem. Rating: T / Death and suicide themes, depression Pairings: None Note: Poetry
Veggie Burger - [FF]
The flirting started out as a joke. Rating: K Pairings: Tucker/Sam (Veggie Burger) Note: inspired by ectoweenie’s picture
You Should Know - [FF]
“First of all... I’m Pregnant.” Val’s got some confessions to make, and maybe Danny does, too. Rating: K+ / Pregnancy Scare, Relationship Talk, Aged Up characters Pairings: Gray Ghost (established)
Endless Dreaming - [AO3] [FF]
Vlad wakes up in the aftermath of Nocturne’s defeat. Rating: K+ / Angst, Suicidal Ideation in the form of not wanting to wake up Pairings: Onesided Vlad/Maddie
Valiant - Fright Knight drabble - [AO3] [FF]
Fright Knight’s backstory. Rating: K Pairings: None Note: Inspired by drawing by Sarapsys
But It Said No Tears Shampoo -
Danny fights a hair-obsessed ghost. Puns ensue. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings Pairings: Light Paulina/Danny Note: Microfic
Not It! -
Rescuing Kwan from a ghost requires some team negotiation. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings Pairings: None Note: Microfic
Jazz’s New Dress -
Jazz has a new dress. Rating: K / No Warnings Pairings: Jazz/OC Note: Inspired by mostaxellent’s drawing
Break a Leg -
During Doctor’s Disorders. While admitted to North Mercy hospital, Paulina meets her hero Phantom. Rating: K Pairings: Pink Astronaut (Paulina x Danny)
Blood Blossom Brownies -
What would happen if Danny unknowingly ate blood blossoms? Rating: K Pairings: None
The Red Huntress’s Suit -
Val’s new suit. Ghost Hunting is part of her now. She cannot take it off. Rating: T / self harm, body horror, sleepwalking, manipulation Pairings: referenced Gray Ghost Note: Written for Angst Day
She Pulls the Trigger -
What does Valerie do when she learns Fenton and Phantom are the same? ...She pulls the trigger. Rating: T / Major Character Death(s), Gore, On Screen suicide Pairings: Gray Ghost
Left Behind - [FF] [AO3]
Danny can only save one of his friends - and Tucker has a sinking feeling it’s not going to be him. Rating: T / Major Character Death, survivor’s guilt Pairings: Danny x Sam
Paulina’s Prom Date - [FF] [AO3]
Microfic. Paulina has turned down 23 guys, Prom is less than a week away, and the rumors are starting to circulate. Rating: K / No Warnings Pairings: Paulina x Star, minor Danny x Sam
Ghost Zone Astronaut - [FF] [AO3]
Where no man has gone before... Rating: K Pairings: None Note: inspired by fishandfoxes’ picture
Ember/Youngblood -
Youngblood’s relationship with Ember is a bit... complicated. Rating: T / Underage, Eternal Child, Age Gap Pairings: Pirate Ember/Youngblood
Stars on your Skin - [FF] [AO3]
His freckles; her lips; echoes of the sky on your skin. Poem. Rating: T / Underage Pairings: Danny x Sam Note: Has already been flagged/deleted
Double Dating -
“What do you MEAN Fenton and Phantom are the same person??” Rating: K+ / No Archive Warnings Pairings: Gray Ghost, (Fenton/Gray, Phantom/Gray)
When Was the Last Time You Slept? -
Lancer debates what to do about his trouble student, Danny Fenton. Rating: K Pairings: None Note: seems to have gone missing? May have already been deleted.
Multichapter Fics:
The Cycle Restarts - [AO3] [FF]
After Pariah’s defeat, Pandora and Frostbite fill Danny in on a little Ghost Zone history. Rating: T / Major Character Death Pairings: Gray Ghost
3 Sentence challenge; Danny Phantom AUs - [FF]
Danny and Paulina - Half Ghost AU
Val and Danny - GIW AU
Gray Ghost Zombie Apoc AU
Pitch Pearl - Halves (No AU)
Pitch Pearl - Little Ghost songfic
Vlad and Danny (Pompous Pep) - Simon Curtis songfic
Gray Ghost - full death AU
Vlad and Danny (Pompous Pep) - Vampire AU
Amethyst Ocean - PP Alternate Ending
Dani and Valerie - Roomates AU
Gray Ghost - Alien Invasion AU
Empty Apartment -
When the occupants of an entire Apartment disappear mysteriously, Team Phantom investigates. Rating: K+ - may go up Pairings: None yet Notes: Cannot find, may already be deleted
Burning Ice -
Danny and Vlad find themselves stranded in the middle of a desert. Rating: K+ Pairings: Pompous Pep (Vlad x Danny)
Phantom’s Cell Phone -
Valerie and Star glean information about Phantom by studying his cell phone. Rating: K / No Warnings Pairings: None as of yet Note: an antishipping prompt that people expressed interest in for continuation.
Danny + Skulker Teamup [unnamed]
AU. Skulker guides Danny as he hunts the ghostly Deathwalkers. Rating: K+ Pairings: Implied Amethyst Ocean Note: Inspired by Nikuberg’s AU and drawing
Friendship Fics/Anti-shipping: Project I started with mixing two characters in a non-shipping relationship. ...Apparently I did not include all the ones I had written, so more will be added.
Collection on AO3 and Fic on FF.Net
Tucker and Valerie: Just Friends
Sam and Paulina: Knight and Damsel
Dani and Valerie: Drill Sargent
Valerie and Star : Trusted Confidante
Rise of the Guardians
Bus Crash -
Jack Frost helps an out of control bus slide safely to a stop. Rating: K Pairings: None
Born In Darkness -
A car crash shakes Jack’s faith in his Guardianship. “Pitch was right. I leave a mess wherever I go.” Rating: K+ / child injury, angst Pairings: None Note: cannot find; might be deleted already
Homecooked - [AO3] [FF.Net]
"Consider: Hunk cooking recipes he learned at Vrepit Sal’s for Kolivan and the Blades, who haven’t had a home cooked meal in years… Rating: K Pairings: None Note: Gifted to Longpig on AO3
Respect in the Kitchen - [AO3] [FF.Net]
In the middle of the dinner rush, Hunk commandeers Sal’s kitchen. Rating: K Pairings: None
Do You Need A Hand? -
Shiro is a master of Prosthetic puns. Lance is less than amused. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings Pairings: None
Legend of Zelda
Courage in Her Eyes  - [FF] [AO3]
Impa is injured, and a safe escape requires a different kind of strength. Rating: K+ / Character Injury, canon typical violence Oneshot Pairings: None
Kitchen Vs Genius - [FF]
Tony tries to make breakfast, with disastrous results. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings. Oneshot. Pairings: Pepperoni (Tony x Pepper)
One Of Us Is Gonna Have To Change (Danny Phantom/ROTG)
[Gen] Jack Frost invites Danny Phantom to North’s Christmas party. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings. Oneshot Pairings: None
The Exorcism of Ms Penelope Spectra (Supernatural/Danny Phantom)
Sam and Dean catch the whiff of an odd rumor involving a school counselor. Rating: T / Suicide Mention, Death, Child Death Oneshot - more chapters pending Pairings: None Note: Was never posted on my page; was sent via asks as a gift for  Sapphireswimming
Victory Road (Voltron/Pokemon)
Lance meets up with his Rival, Keith, on Victory Road. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings. Oneshot - request Pairings: None
Drift Dancing - (Miraculous Ladybug/Pacific Rim) [FF] [AO3]
Microfic. Preparing for their first drift, Adrien takes Marinette dancing. Rating: K / No Archive Warnings Oneshot - microfic Pairings: Marinette x Adrien
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woohooligancomics · 6 years
Webcomic Whimsy: Dogstar!
Welcome to the Woohooligan Weekly Webcomic Whimsy! If you're a webcomic author and would like a review, you can see my announcement and review rules here.
Title: Dogstar
Author: Brandon V. Williams
Site: ComicFury • Tapas (Brandon recommends this site.)
Genres: Comedy, Superheroes, Action, Adventure, SciFi, Anthropomorphic, DuckTales Justice League
Rating: PG (?)
Updates: Every other Saturday (for now -- previous schedule was weekly?)
My Starting Point (requested by author): Page 0
Synopsis (from Tapas): A mild mannered pilot/magician's life changes dramatically when he crosses paths with the world's most famous crime fighter. This sets him on a journey of many adventures, in which he grows into something far beyond his imagination.
For a sci-fi comic with a title like Dogstar, the opening seems a bit small scale. Here the five villains meet to discuss taking over... the galaxy? The world? The pacific northwest seafood restaurant market? Nope... one town called Beacon City.
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After reading a bit further, it turns out that impression from the title was off-base and the story as a whole isn't a space opera, it's really a superhero story done in the style of DuckTales.
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The jokes on the first page do a good job of setting the tone, with the pirate's hook-fingers, talk of brain stealing, and the mysterious evil overlord's mysterious silhouette cleavage.
The lettering on this first page needs work. The text isn't large enough to read comfortably and doesn't flow within the word balloons, leaving that incongruous feeling when a round balloon meets text with a straight left edge. It's like putting a sexy dress on the Iron Giant. Lettering on the latest pages shows marked improvement.
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Writing does a good job of establishing the tone as not being Warner Brothers like I expected and instead being more Fritz the Cat. I doubt there will be displayed nudity or uncensored swearing, but dick jokes are definitely implied in what's obviously a champagne room.
Page two also commits some lettering sins that weren't on the first page. Dialogue balloons covering character art with plenty of empty "white space" left untouched is the big one. Panels 3-5 should have been close-up shots.
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Ha! So the heroes' solution for a slow response from an agent is electroshock. That sort of thing is usually reserved for villains like Darth Vader's force choke. I guess if he's really insubbordinate he gets the hose.
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Bullock Towers looks surprised! |8
Is it just me or is "Junk Jaws" a more intimidating name? Metal Mouth is literally how we used to insult kids in high-school if they had braces on their teeth. Spyke's trying to insult the guy, but he just makes him seem cooler. "Time's up, Ball Breaker! ... Actually, my name is Testicle Trasher, but now that you mention it I think yours is better, I'm gonna go with that..."
Wait... there are robots and cyborgs like Metal Mouth and he and his goons are still using tommy guns? "We could have had M-16s, but we're going for a prohibition era gangster look, you know, it's vintage!" I guess these villains are hipsters.
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Nice visuals on that first panel... are the cop cars a photograph with a posterise filter?
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Spyke McGruff apparently has the Judge Dredd gun... although glue-mode is new.
Panel 3 should have been close-up.
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The extra space before the exclamation point drives me nuts... the font is too small, so every time it looks like an I in the middle of the sentence. "What a moron I he's using..."
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Plus I sprang extra for the wax... but not the undercarriage, that's a rip-off.
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He splits after one hit? Where'd all the confidence from the new jaw go? He never even tried to bite Spyke.
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Just like a hipster... they can cloak a blimp, but they're still using tommy guns.
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Oh, finally on page 11, the actual hero of the story! :P Oh, you thought it was Spyke? Psyche! Remember the synopsis said he's a mild mannered pilot, not a bombastic "secret" agent.
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I guess you're just not extreme enough man... that's what real adrenaline junkies do, scope out the only two giant vertical poles in a hundred acres of open field just to perform a stunt that could get us killed. Barell rolls are for pussies!
Artistically, I feel like the presentation of the poles could have been better. I don't think anyone's going to be confused by the art here, but I think a shot from behind the characters' heads on approach, followed by a side-shot of the plane passing between the poles, (preferably with an exhaust trail), would have been a little clearer and more dramatic.
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Is that other thing that's coming a beer? I don't always drive my business into the ground, but when I do, I prefer a Dos Equis hang-over.
You know what kids really love? Nearly dying in an airplane trick! ;D
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What the hell was that? Pointy teeth and glowing red eyes?... It looks like some kind of Shit-Spider-Demon... It looks evil enough, maybe you should ask it for some help with the magic tricks.
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The door was open, but property damage is how I get everything I need... I'm a hero!
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That's SECRET Agent Spyke! You've never heard of me... psst... don't blow my cover while I demonstrate my SUPER-misogyny shutting up this broad witha face-full of glue... mmm, yes, "glue"...
Dialogue balloons in panel 2 are in reverse order... Daniel's dialogue needs to be at the top to read first, before Spyke's reply.
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The best pilot but man he's the worst at everything else -- business, social skills, knowing when he's likely to be shot at.
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What?! That last page looked like a direct hit... Gotta work on that perspective.
Pretty sure that's supposed to be light filtering in the corridor from the hatch, but it sure looks like the kind of glowing purple ooze that gives people superpowers... or mutates turtles.
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Page 19 and here's that turning point where Daniel becomes the hero of the story... I have to say, of the comics I've reviewed so far, this is one of the few that's well paced. 20-24 pages is the length of a typical printed comic issue, and he's right on time to make Daniel the hero as the cliff-hanger for the end of the first issue. Nice work!
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The name of the mad scientist who's obsessed with collecting brains is "Nobrainer". That's like if you invented the Richie Rich character, and named him "Deadbroke Deadbeat". :P
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Okay, but can we talk about tha name? Because I'm pretty font of "axis"... you know, as a tribute. Why not? I mean... it couldn't be any worse than Confederate Monuments. :P
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Yeah, man, like... you gotta be chill for High Leader... High Leader is chill, so just, y'know, get your bud on and chillax... Woah! Dude my hands are HUUUGE! Who's got the snacks?
Dialogue in the 5th panel is in the wrong order. Yes, left-to-right, however, top-down supercedes left-to-right. Think of the panel like it's a page of a book. So, put your thumbs over the art, you just have text on the panel wherever it is. Which do you read first? As a rule, people will read the first line at the top first, even if it's shifted over to the right, rather than starting on say line 4 or 5. So Dr Nobrainer and Captain Blackjack should swap Triforces.
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The fair agent's condition is good.
No, good.
Wait, his condition is bad?
No, good.
What's the fair agent's condition?
Good, sir.
Yes, what is it?
What's what?
The condition.
I don't know...
The words "Successful" and "Initiated" shouldn't be capitalized.
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We control the vertical. We control the horizontal... so just chillax while commander mysterious-boobs pumps some of the good shit in the air for you, we're talking primo chronic, man...
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Psst... High Leader... I think you might be a little too high, you forgot to issue any actual demands for people to comply with... like... bring me the mayor, hand over the key to the city, or call 555-2-surrender?
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I think Daniel just discovered his battle cry... like the thing's "It's clobberin' time!"... Daniel rushes into the fight, "I CAN BEND THEM ALL!" Mostly it confuses the enemy and gets them off-guard.
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Yeah, what were you thinking? Catching this guy is no job for a squad of cyborg-super-ninjas!
This is a job for a midget senior citizen!
You'd be amazed what drinking Ensure does for your reflexes.
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Of course he doesn't have a choice... what's he gonna do? Punch out some old grandpa? That's not what heroes do... heroes cause PROPERTY damage... didn't we cover this already?
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Best way to get a magician to tell you his secrets? Brutally murder him... by sawing him in half. They have to respect the classics.
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Not sure why the robot suit looks like MODOK... He was building an evil Voltron and could only afford the head?
I guess the pink cockpit dome is supposed to make him look like MODOK's brain.
White motion lines in panel 5 would have been better contrast, easier to see.
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I can't believe he used up all his brain-hostages... anything that's precious to the villain is leverage.
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Oooh... Dogstar is like Skywalker... so... I'm guessing no space-opera elements like I expected from the title...
Doesn't Double-R still think Double-M stole a super-W? Doesn't destroying the blimp without securing the weapon leave it open to salvage by "the wrong hands"?
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Caaaapers... <drool>
Doooouble entendres... <drool>
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The juxtaposition of the angry MODOK face with Daniel's shit-eating grin in the first panel! Well done, Brandon!
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Actually I'm fairly certain that dirigibles don't just careen into the ground when an engine goes out, because the gas in the envelope provides lift while engines are purely for maneuvering... even if an aerostat does require forward motion to stay up, the descent after an engine failure is likely to be a fairly sedate affair, not nearly as dangerous as an airplane crash (which has an over 95% survival rate).
But, y'know... Hollywood.
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Plane should be in the lower-right corner of panel 5 (leave Daniel where he is), and in panel 6 the perspective is nice, but there should be ground below the plane, and the clouds should be perpendicular to the perspective, not parallel to it. And from that angle, there should be little to no gray on them, because you're seeing the water vapor from above, where the sun is hitting it.
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I think it's fair that Bullock Towers looks surprised again. :P
Nice shot of the crash -- good job on the smoke and flames.
I think the plane in that last panel should be angled up and to the right -- or at least rolled so the wings angle the other direction. The position of the plane makes the wings line-up with the carriage under the blimp and creates a visual tangent. This one is called a "stolen edge" or "parallel". It makes the plane visually blend into the blimp, which is obviously undesirable for clarity unless you have a very specific reason to want something to blend in a particular shot.
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I saw the job offer coming, although Spyke being a vindictive dick about someone else saving his life and completing the mission was a little unexpected... it doesn't seem entirely out of character, but I tend to expect government agents to be team players (Fox Mulder notwithstanding). It's not a bad twist, given that a lot of the first chapter was fairly predictable... and I think it's a good wrap for this first chapter overall, including the job offer -- tropes aren't always bad.
Overall I liked Dogstar. Decent art improves over time (though the six panel layout seems pretty rigid and I think you should experiment with some alternative layouts -- an occasional wide shot, etc). I think if you enjoyed DuckTales or DarkWing Duck, you should definitely give Dogstar a look! :D
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 2 months
🍓 ?
Thank you for the ask!
🍓: How did you get into writing fanfiction?
My first dabble of fanfiction was in elementary school when I got super into Warrior cats lol. My friends and I made up fanclans and this whole elaborate interconnected storyline that I would type out onto a Word Doc and save in my own little folder on our family computer’s desktop.
I didn’t know that fanfiction was what we were writing until middle school when everyone got into One Direction fanfiction on Wattpad (I wasn’t very into it myself). However, I DID write Fruits Basket self-insert fanfiction which was arguably worse. I wanted to be in that world so badly that it was fulfilling a fantasy to write myself into the story.
Even at that time I didn’t read much fanfiction. I got into Voltron in high school and became OBSESSED with klance and that’s when I actually started to consume fanfiction and got into ao3. I wrote a single klance one shot that I quickly orphaned and that was the extent of my fanfiction writing experience up until 2022.
I was deep into my Haikyuu hyperfixation and watched When Harry Met Sally with my family when I thought “this would make a good premise for a sakuatsu fic…”
And thus I wrote 40k words over 4-5 days lol.
I recently reread It Had To Be You and I could definitely tell it was my first lol. I was in a deep state of hyperfixation for it and stayed up until like 3 AM every morning to finish chapters. I had taken the semester off of school at the time for academic reasons so I could afford to lose sleep over it.
Writing that first fic and seeing how many people enjoyed it was what really sparked my love of writing. It inspired me to write more and actually pursue this as a hobby and it’s only made my writing better! I’m very grateful for everyone that’s read anything I’ve written ❤️
ask game here
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