#but only when shes with chavez
There is an entire category of superhero that became a superhero because they wanted friends and I find it truly hilarious that the Young Avengers, arguably some of the most badass heroes in Marvel, all joined the team because they were lonely
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aparticularbandit · 9 months
Viv mains Samus in Smash Bros. and you cannot tell me any different.
America sometimes grumbles and tells her to pick a different character.
Viv picks Dark Samus.
"That's the same thing!" "No, it is not. Dark Samus is a separate character I can choose. She is not only a skin of--" "UGH."
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traveler-at-heart · 9 months
Across the Natashaverse
Summary: Through a small accident, you end up in another universe. What happens when you find out that your relationship with Natasha is very different here?
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Life is good.
No missions for the week, done with training and fresh off the shower, you walk down the halls of the Compound.
“Someone’s in a good mood” Wanda comments when you join her at the kitchen. “Did Natasha change her mind about the date?”
Your smile falls immediately and her eyes widen.
“Shoot, I’m sorry”
“Nah, it’s fine” you steal a cookie from her plate and shrug your shoulders. “It was two weeks ago. She doesn’t see me that way, I get it”
“I don’t think it’s that” Wanda insists and you smile.
“You’re a hopeless romantic, Maximoff” you lean forward and place a kiss on the top of her head. The brunette chuckles, going back to the book she was reading.
As you walk to your room, you try not to think of Natasha. But it’s a small world, and she’s on her way to the gym, America Chavez right behind her.
“I’m on training duty” the redhead explains. “Wanna join us?”
“I have so much paperwork” you lie, because you’re very tired and have been looking forward to a nap. “Kick some butt, America”
“I’ll try” she doesn’t sound convinced at all.
Natasha smiles at you, waiting for your signature wink that always gets her heart racing.
But there’s not even a look back as you go to your room.
She really screwed up this time.
You weren’t exactly lying about the paperwork, and you work on it for half an hour to feel like you’re doing something productive with your day.
With a yawn, you stand up from the desk in your room and walk towards the bed. As you’re about to plop down, there’s a shift in the room and you land on your ass, the bed on the other side of the wall.
“What the fuck?” you say, looking around.
The room looks different. It’s the same size, but none of your stuff is there. Same thing with the hallways. It’s the Compound, but at the same time… it’s not. You walk out of the room, this time on spy mode, ready to take down the imminent threat.
“Y/N?” Natasha calls behind you and you rush to her side.
“Nat, hey. There’s something wrong. Stay close” you take her hand, and she stops you with a pull.
“I’ll say”
“Huh?” you turn, only to find her face inches away from yours.
“Where’s your wedding ring?”
“My… what?” you look down at your hands, confused. Natasha moves her face closer and you can’t focus on anything else.
“Oh, I see. Are you still angry about the other day? Because I can totally make it up to you, detka” Natasha whispers seductively against your lips, leaving a trail of kisses all the way to the shell of your ear.
“Nat.. uh… I think…”
“Use your words, pretty girl” she smiles, her hand going up your shirt to caress the skin.
And suddenly, she looks down, frowning.
“Where’s your scar?”
“I don’t have a…”
Natasha turns into a whole different person, placing you in a chokehold and holding both your arms down.
“Who are you? Are you a skrull?”
“I don’t know what that is” you say, gasping for air. “Wait, are they the ones Carol works with?”
“Who is Carol?”
“Captain Marvel”
“You mean Maria Rambeau”
“Maria is Captain Marvel?” you say, finally piecing together what’s happening. When your eyes lock with Natasha’s, you speak at the same time.
“You’re from another world”
“I’m from another world”
Even if she doesn’t let go, her grip on you losens enough for you to breathe. She’s about to ask something else when a little girl walks up and pulls your hand, getting your attention.
“Mama, what are you and Mommy doing?”
“Walk me through what happened”
“Nothing happened! I was doing paperwork in my room and then I was here” you say for the tenth time.
“How about before?” Natasha asks, turning right. Her idea was to drive you straight to Wong, as a multiverse travel is more of his specialty.
“I ran into you. I mean, not you. My Natasha. Wait, not my. She’s not mine” you mumble, massaging your temples. “Please tell me there’s ibuprofen in this world”
“Relax” she reaches forward, placing a hand on your thigh and you swear you’ll combust. “I get the idea. Now tell me what happened”
“We just ran into the hallway. Made some small talk. And then I went to my room”
“Just small talk?” Natasha smirks. “Not some kisses? A quickie against the wall? An earth shattering, universe transcending orgasm?”
You try to open the door and jump out of the moving car but it’s locked.
“It’s not… we’re not a thing. Just friends” you say, flustered.
“Really?” Natasha finally turns to you, as she parks outside of the not so secret lair at Bleecker street.
“Wait. It was America Chavez” you remember, facepalming. Of course. “Natasha was training her. Maybe she created a portal by accident”
“And now my wife is in another universe where you’re too chicken to ask me out. Can’t imagine that will go well for her”
“Hey, it’s not like that” you snap, embarrassed. Natasha turns to you, ready to speak back, as usual. Because she’s so smart and she thinks she knows everything. “Whatever. Let’s just get this shit fixed, I don’t wanna be here”
Walking past her, you stand before the big doors, that open up without knocking
“Welcome” the man says. “I take it you’re the little glitch in our universe”
“Yes, I am. Can you fix it?”
“No. But America can. She has been at Kamar-Taj for a year now. Her powers are more developed. It should be an interesting test for her”
“Ok, so what are we waiting for?”
“There have been some security concerns lately” Natasha explains, coming closer. “Wong has to notify their council to follow protocol”
“I’ll come find you tomorrow. Remember, the longer you stay here, the bigger the threat for both worlds”
“Yes, fine. See you tomorrow” you say, looking at your feet as you leave the building. Going down the steps, you can hear Natasha calling after you. “I’m walking back to the Compound. It’s the same route. I can wait for Wong there”
“We don’t live in the Compound” Natasha explains, her voice gentle. She waits until you turn back and searches your eyes. “Look, I’m sorry about what I said before. Come with me. I’ll feel better if I know you’re safe with us”
There’s a pause, and she waits patiently while you look around. But Natasha’s presence is like a magnet, and inevitably, your eyes come back to her beautiful features.
“What’s so funny?” she says when you chuckle.
“You do the same thing. Tilt your head to the side, purse your lips… it’s cute. In every universe”
“Sweet talker. Come on. Let’s go” she offers her hand and you accept it.
It takes an enormous amount of effort to remind yourself this isn’t the Natasha you know. And that you’re not the one she loves.
You’re so caught up in these thoughts you don’t notice when she pulls over.
“Ice cream always cheers you up” she explains, getting out of the car.
“Yeah, I guess we’re not that different”
She smiles, holding the door open for you. Well, at least the flavors are the same in this universe.
“I’ll have the peanut butter with chocolate chips”
“You’re allergic” Natasha says.
“I’m not”
“You’re not?” she repeats, while the man behind the counter looks at both of you, confused.
Once that’s settled, you get your ice cream cones and leave the store.
“Why are you staring?” you say, mouth full of ice cream.
“I’m just waiting for the hives and the runny nose”
“I’m not allergic” you insist, showing your arms, skin completely normal.
“Fine” she concedes, shrugging her shoulders. You keep eating in silence, until she turns back. “Wanna tell me why you got so upset?”
“Because. I did ask you… her out. She said no. I wasn’t a chicken; I gave her flowers and put myself out there. But I’m obviously the problem, because in this universe, everything works out to the point of you two getting married and having a daughter”
You take a seat in a nearby bench, feeling defeated. What a cruel thing, to see the life you could have had.
“Maybe she’s not ready. I was terrified when we started dating. Thought I’d screw it up because I knew nothing of love”
That’s what Wanda probably meant earlier. It’s a possibility that crossed your mind as well, but whatever the reason, Natasha had declined the date (looking very apologetic, you might add) and you were going to respect that choice.
“Or maybe she just doesn’t want me. And that’s ok. Because no matter what happens, I love my Natasha. And I’ll always want her to be happy”
Silence settles after you say that, but Natasha looks back at you, smiling.
“You’re very noble. It’s nice to see some things are the same across worlds”
“It’s nice to know there’s a version of me that makes a version of her happy”
Natasha smiles and nods.
“Let’s get home. Anya is waiting for us”
“Home sweet home” Natasha says, opening the door for you. It’s a beautiful townhouse, with lots of space in the backyard. All the walls are covered in pictures, and you can’t help but stare at all the memories that belong to a different version of you.
They seem like a happy family.
“Mommy” Anya says, and it takes a second to remember that she’s talking to you.
“Hey, sweetheart” you don’t hesitate to carry her as she comes running towards you. Natasha is keeping a watchful eye on you. “What is that?”
“That’s my Miffy, silly” she says and you bounce her in your arms, while she shows you her plushie.
Yelena joins you and you can’t help but stare. Her hair is black, short and she has bangs. There are also a couple of piercings in her nose and eyebrows.
“Did you cut your hair? Looks nice” she comments, picking up her stuff and getting ready to go. You simply nod and smile. “Gotta go, see you tomorrow for dinner with Kate, ok?”
Natasha’s sisters kisses everyone goodbye, including you and then bolts out the door.
“Baby, did you bath yet?” Natasha says, approaching Anya. The girl hides her face in the crook of your neck.
“I don’t wanna”
“You’re stinky” Natasha accuses, tickling the girl; Anya gives up and goes from your arms to the redhead’s. “Come on, and then I’ll start dinner”
“I can take care of that” you offer and Natasha’s eyes widen. Anya uses Natasha’s hair as a curtain, and thinks you can’t hear what she says.
“I don’t want Mommy to cook”
“What? Why?”
“You can’t cook” Natasha says. Well, that’s just bullshit. In your world, Natasha’s always the first in line to get a good serving of whatever it is you do.
“Go, I got this” you insist when Natasha puts Anya down. The redhead looks back several times, unsure. My God, how bad could the other you be in this world to get this reaction?
Luckily, once they are done with the bath, Anya comes back, pulling her mother and commenting that the smell is incredible.
“Mommy didn’t burn the kitchen!”
“Has that actually happened?” you mumble to Natasha and she nods. “Yikes”
The redhead laughs, and nudges your shoulder with hers.
“This is really good” she admits after trying your chicken pasta bake.
“Thinking about keeping me?”
“Maybe” she jokes. “Or bring you over when I don’t feel like cooking”
Of course, Anya doesn’t understand what you’re talking about. She tells you about her day with aunt Yelena and all you have to do is listen and nod.
“I’ll do the dishes” you offer after you finish.
“Come say goodnight to her”
“Will do”
While you clean, you try not to think about what life will be like tomorrow, when you go back to a world where things are different.
“She fell asleep in the middle of a Clifford story” Natasha comes back after a few minutes. “It’s probably because she ate so much”
“I’ll leave the recipe for you” you promise. “Mind if I crash in the couch?”
“Right” the redhead smiles, and you can tell she’s nervous by the way she fidgets with her hands. You reach forward, taking them in yours.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t really sleep without… her”
“I can stay on the bedroom floor”
“I couldn’t possibly ask you to”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering” you assure her.
By the time you’re done with cleaning the kitchen, there’s an inflatable mattress, pillows and a blanket.
“Let me know if you’re comfortable” Natasha asks, turning off the bedroom lights.
“Or what? You’ll let me sleep cuddled up? It wouldn’t be good for the space and time continuum that I kick my own butt”
“I actually think she’d find it funny” Natasha says, and you let her voice lull you in the dark. “She’s probably teasing your Natasha endlessly, trying to get her to admit some sort of feelings for you”
“She has a death wish” you groan, admittedly forgetting that the Natasha you know is having a less than pleasant time right now.
“What is she like?” Natasha says after a few moments of silence.
“She’s the smartest person in any room. Hates cooking and doing dishes. Always looking out for others, always taking on the most missions. She’s really funny too. Sometimes, Bucky will ask anyone for movie recs and Natasha will give a completely made up title. So, Barnes will go crazy looking around for it”
“Oh, I’m so doing that next time” you both laugh.
“Great ass too” you say after a beat and a pillow is thrown across the room and falls right in your face. “Hey!”
“Go to sleep”
Next morning, you figure it’s only fair to cook some breakfast before Wong calls you over.
Which, he does, sooner than expected.
Anya is barely finished with breakfast, when Natasha comes down the stairs and looks at you.
“It’s time”
Feeling nervous, and a bit sad, you nod. Wanda shows up a few minutes later. To your shock, in this world, she’s pregnant.
“Thank you for taking care of her, it really won’t take long” Natasha says as soon as she steps inside.
The brunette eyes you curiously, and you can tell by her magic that she knows this isn’t your world.
“You know I’m always happy to”
At the door, Natasha picks up Anya and kisses her everywhere she can. The girl giggles once her mother places her down.
“Hey, bug” you kneel on the floor. “Be good. Your moms will be back soon, ok?”
“Ok, mommy. See you soon”
“Bye, Anya” you say, letting her hug you. Once you’re out the door, Natasha reaches for your hand, and squeezes lightly.
The ride to Bleeker street is silent. Wong seems pleased when he sees you.
“Follow me, ladies” he asks, opening up a portal to Kamar Taj. You’d only been there once; the size of the place always makes you feel like you’re in another planet.
A much older version of America greets you -she’s probably in her twenties- and takes your hand for a second, closing her eyes.
“Ready to go home?” she asks.
“Wait!” Natasha calls behind you and you turn, eyes wide. To your surprise, the woman hugs you, and you wrap her in your arms as well. When she pulls away, she places a small kiss on your cheek. “Anyone would be lucky to have you. She’s an idiot if she can’t see that”
“Thanks, Nat. Not about the idiot part. Be kind to every version of yourself, yes?”
“Fine” she rolls her eyes, squeezing your hand one last time.
You’re about to step into the portal when you turn to America.
“This won’t send me into the middle of a busy road or like, free falling to my death, right?”
“Most likely not” she promises.
You don’t like the sound of that.
“Ok, but on a scale of one to ten…”
“For Agamoto’s sake” Wong sighs behind you, pushing you without warning.
The room is completely upside down and then you land in the middle of the meeting table, the Avengers around you screaming.
“Son of a bitch” Steve says as you roll to the floor, out of air.
“Language” you manage to say. Everyone’s rushing to you. Sam is the first one and he helps you up. They are all talking at the same time, Wanda inspecting the cut on your forehead from falling on the table.
Suddenly, Natasha nudges them aside, wrapping you in her arms.
“Hey, it’s ok. It’s me” you say against her temple.
“We’ll leave you alone. Go to the medbay, though”
“Yes, Cap”
You’re in no hurry, Natasha safely in your arms.
“So, what happened while I was gone?” you casually ask as Natasha cleans the cut.
“I almost killed you… her. Twice”
“Sounds like you had fun”
“Not really. She’s a smartass. Can’t cook a damn thing, so I made her a pb&j sandwich”
“Oh, yeah. She’s allergic” you grimace. “Wait, you said you almost killed her twice. If one was with peanut butter…”
“The first thing she did when she came to this world was slap my ass”
“She does have a death wish” you joke, but Natasha doesn’t answer, turning around to put the first aid kit away.
“Is it true?” Natasha asks. You look at her, confused. “Are we married? With a daughter?”
“Oh. Yes, it’s true. They seem to be happy. It was nice”
“Was she better than me?”
“Natasha” you say, forcing her to face you. “I have no doubt in my mind that you’re awesome in every universe. But this version of you is the one I know and love. With your love of spy films, the scar in your belly, and your half smirk when you beat everyone at Uno”
“I am really good at Uno” she agrees and you both laugh.
“Damn right you are”
“I missed you. Too much, to the point where I realise I can’t keep pretending I don’t want this. I’m just scared” she says, holding on to your hands. “Will you help me? Be brave for us”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, love” you promise, kissing her hand softly. “In this, or any other universe”
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tortillamastersblog · 3 months
ᗢ Enough | Wanda Maximoff ᗢ
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: mild injury
Summary: It seems as though no one can stop Wanda Maximoff from getting what she wants, and what she wants is America Chavez so she can steal her powers and travel to a universe where you and her children are still alive. . .
It turns out, no one doesn’t include you though.
Continuation of Take My Hand, but the two parts can be read separately which is why I’m not naming it “Part 2”
“Fuck!” I sit up with a yelp, clutching at my pounding head.
It feels like someone is jumping around on it and when I open my eyes it takes a couple of seconds for everything to come into view.
That “everything” turns out to be Wong, standing right in front of me with wide eyes.
“Ahh!” I scream again and jerk backward to get a bit of distance between us. “What the hell?!”
One minute I’m at peace, floating around in nothingness with no sense of time or self and the next I’m. . . here.
I look around, and freeze when I realize I’m no longer in Wakanda.
I’m in a dark, wood-paneled room with a single window that is covered by a wooden screen. It has intricate designs carved into it and only allows a tiny amount of light to enter.
Red and yellow pieces of fabric are draped over the ceiling beams and the whole room is filled with smoke coming from a golden incense burner that is shaped like an antique oil lamp.
I’m sitting on a simple cot in the middle of the room, and stare at Wong.
“What happened? Where am I? I died?!” I shriek with realization, but before Wong can answer, an explosion rattles the building and bits of dust and rubble rain down on us.
He pulls me to my feet and dusts me off before dragging me out of the small room into a long hallway.
“There’s no time to explain! We need your help,” he says as another explosion shakes the ground beneath us.
Being a bit unsteady on my feet since I literally just returned from the dead, I stumble and trip after him as he leads me through what I’m now realizing is a temple.
Oh my God, this is Kamar-Taj. Why am I here? How am I here?!
“Wong, stop!” I whimper, ripping my arm from his grip and leaning against a wall.
My head is pounding in time with my heartbeat and every now and then black dots dance across my vision.
Wong seems conflicted about not going on, but lets me rest nonetheless.
“How am I here?” I ask softly. “I’m supposed to be DEAD. . . Wanda. . . she d-destroyed the stone.”
I smile sadly at the thought of her sparkling green eyes and the way her lips would twitch whenever I told a corny joke.
“You were dead,” Wong explains. “And you were sent here for burial. But as time went on we realized your body wasn’t decomposing. It wasn’t even turning cold.”
I tilt my head in question and shudder when the ground beneath us shakes yet again.
Wong looks around frantically, obviously dying to get going, but he continues to explain nonetheless.
“The mind stone is what brought you back to life all those years ago when Hydra experimented on you which is why it killed you when Wanda destroyed it. But then Thanos turned back time and used the stones. You were trapped between life and death for six years and it took me until now to realize that all you needed to come back was just a little bit of a jump start.”
I wince. “Jump start?”
“I shocked you with a spell,” Wong dead-pans and I stare at him with disbelief.
“But it won’t keep you alive for long,” he continues. “You need the stone to actually live. This is only temporary, but I didn’t have a choice.”
Great. So I’m running on limited time.
“B-But, why?!” I ask, clutching at my head.
Wong averts his eyes and shifts on his feet uncomfortably. “It’s Wanda, Y/N.”
I straighten up and ignore the resulting sting of pain that runs down my spine.
“What about her? Is she okay?” I say with wide eyes, but Wong doesn’t answer.
He just stares at the portal ring on his hand and as the seconds go by, I realize what is happening.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” I whisper when the ground shakes again.
Wong just nods and I sigh, gesturing for him to show the way.
This is exactly what I was afraid of. . . She couldn’t take any more and broke.
And now she’s attacking Kamar-Taj for some reason.
We continue down the hallway and Wong throws open the huge oak door once we reach the end of it.
The sight that greets me makes my blood freeze and I hold onto the doorframe, trying to process everything that’s happening.
Hundreds of sorcerers are in the courtyard, holding up shields of glowing orange magic and countering every strike of red energy that rains down on them from the sky.
A couple of sorcerers are already on the ground amidst the smoking rubble and for my own peace of mind I’m telling myself they’re just unconscious and not dead.
My Wanda wouldn’t kill anyone. Not on purpose.
“Fall back!” I hear a familiar voice and when I look to my right I see Stephen Strange.
He looks worn and battered from the fight, but when his eyes meet mine he perks up.
Not with a smile though. No, he’s scowling like there’s no tomorrow, but luckily it’s not directed at me.
“Wong! I can’t believe this— I told you—“
“I’m the sorcerer supreme, Strange!”
“What happened to letting the dead rest?!” Strange counters as red streaks of magic continue to rain down around us.
Wong just scoffs and makes a shield just in time to stop one of the red streaks from hitting us.
“I didn’t have a choice!” he counters loudly and all of a sudden everything around us goes quiet.
The assault from above stops and the smoke begins to clear.
“I knew you were a hypocrite, Stephen, but I never thought you’d stoop this low and resort to cruel trickery.”
Wanda’s voice makes my heart skip a beat and when I look up there she is, floating above the temple.
I feel myself smiling, but that smile quickly vanishes when I take in her appearance.
She is still my Wanda, yes, but she looks very different than the last time I saw her. Her eyes are sunken in and they don’t sparkle the way I remember. Her cheekbones are also more prominent, which seems to be the result of losing quite a bit of weight.
And then there’s the whole Halloween-ish outfit she’s wearing. I mean, is that a crown on her head?
Don’t get me wrong, she looks great, but so unlike the fiancée I left behind.
She gracefully lands in front of us and easily deflects the attack of one of the injured students close by.
“Wanda. . .?” Stephen prompts, but Wanda ignores him and narrows her eyes at me.
“Who are you?! Some kind of shapeshifter?” she asks, her voice low and threatening. Her eyes glow red and and she tilts her head slightly.
“I— No, Wanda. It’s me,” I say with a hesitant smile. I push myself off the doorframe and hold out my hands in front of me in an attempt to soothe her, but before I can even take a single step in her direction, I’m hit in the chest by her magic.
It sends me flying backwards through the oak door and into the hallway. When I hit the ground, the breath gets knocked out of me and I blink rapidly in an attempt to stay conscious.
What the hell?!
“Y/N!” Wong exclaims, but he too gets knocked off his feet when he goes to help me.
Stephen follows shortly after when Wanda flicks her hand and she steps over him with a snarl.
Then her eyes land on me again and she bares her teeth. “No, you’re not! Y/N is dead! So, I’m asking you again. . . Who are you?”
“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” she screams with wild eyes and before I know it, I’m hit by another streak of magic.
This time it does more than just take my breath away and I yelp in pain, clutching at my chest where she hit me.
It feels like I’ve been electrocuted and the current is still running through me, forcing tears into my eyes and down my cheeks.
“Wanda,” I gasp. “Please, stop.“
Another blow hits me, this time in the stomach, and I squirm in pain with a sob. My hands are trembling and I feel myself getting weaker with every second that goes by. Wong’s spell must be wearing off.
“No!” she howls, using her magic to lift me into the air. It wraps around my body and throat like hot wires and I try to claw at it to get it off me. “How dare you pretend to be the love of my life?!“
“Wan. . .” My voice dies in the back of my throat when her magic tightens around my neck.
Her eyes glitter menacingly and for the first time since knowing her I feel actual fear creep into the pit of my stomach.
“You are not my Y/N,” Wanda hisses through gritted teeth.
I swallow harshly and avert my eyes so I don’t have to keep enduring the hate and distaste she is looking at me with.
What happened to her? Why doesn’t she believe me? And why is she hurting me? She’s never hurt me. . .
“Wanda, enough!” Stephen cuts in. He’s struggling to get back on his feet and leans against the wall for support.
“Zip it, Strange,” she counters. “Did you honestly think I’d fall for this little stunt of yours? Did you honestly—“
A whimper that claws its way out of me cuts Wanda off. My head is feeling like it’s being split in half and I know what that means because it’s the same thing I felt when the mind stone was being destroyed.
I’m running out of time.
I close my eyes and instantly, images of Wanda’s smile flash through my mind. I hear echoes of her giggles and happy squeals and my heart flips at all the memories we share.
I remember the feeling of her warm body beneath me and the sting of her nails digging into the skin of my back.
I remember the taste of her tears when we kissed after I proposed and she said yes, and I remember how her eyes lit up every time I entered a room.
Oh, how I love that woman, or should I say loved? Because that woman doesn’t seem to be the same as the one in front of me right now.
This Wanda is ruthless and cold hearted, and it breaks my heart to see what she’s turned into.
I’d honestly rather still be dead than witness this side of her.
The ropes of magic around me disappear and I feel myself being carefully lowered onto the ground. Once I make contact with the cold stone, I shudder and wrap my arms around myself.
Everything hurts and I just want to go back to being dead, but then a pair of warm hands on my cheeks makes me open my eyes.
“Y/N?” Wanda whispers, horrified, and her voice cracks when her eyes connect with mine and fill with realization. “Oh my God.”
She strokes her thumb over my cheek and I flinch at the small gesture which makes her eyes fill with tears.
“Moya lyubov. . .” She crumbles on top of me and clutches at my shirt with shaking hands. “It’s really you.”
I freeze beneath her and squeeze my eyes shut again when another blinding pain shoots through my head. This makes Wanda pull back and look at me with wide, worried eyes. “I hurt you, my love. Oh my God. I-I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen— I can’t believe I—“
I groan and wince again, lifting one hand to push against my throbbing temple.
Wanda’s hands cup my cheeks and I watch a tear roll down her face. “W-What is it? What’s happening? Am I still hurting you?”
She pulls back and stops touching me completely, frantically looking me over for any signs of injury.
Wong takes the opportunity to get to his feet and comes up behind Wanda to place a hand on her shoulder.
She doesn’t react to his touch and continues to run her eyes over me.
“What is it?” she asks, terrified. “What’s going on? What hurts, Y/N?”
I blink helplessly, not able to get any words out as another wave of pain washes over me.
“Wanda,” Wong says softly. “There nothing you can do.”
Her head whips around and she looks between Wong and Stephen. “What?“
Wong sighs with a sympathetic look and squeezes her shoulder. “I— The spell I used to bring Y/N back to life only works temporarily,” he explains.
Wanda gapes at him before turning back to me. Her chin is trembling and she takes my hands off my temples, lacing our fingers together.
It’s only then that I realize her fingertips are completely black and I have half a mind to pull away, but then my eyes meet hers and all my fears from earlier are washed away.
Looking back at me isn’t the new, heartless Wanda. It’s my Wanda and the agony on her face makes my own heart hurt.
“No, not again,” she whimpers. “I can’t watch you die again.”
Around us, all the injured students and masters who’ve been hesitant to approach move closer. To my surprise though, they’re not getting ready to attack. They’re simply watching us with sympathy and sad smiles.
Stephen and Wong share a knowing look and I realize that this was Wong’s plan all along.
“Darling,” I finally managed to gasp out. “It’s okay, just stop this.”
Wanda sobs and squeezes my fingers. “No, it’s not. Please, stay with me. . .”
I smile sadly and twitch when the last of my energy disappears.
“No! Please, please!” she cries, her eyes glowing red with emotion. “I love you.”
I love you, too. . .
The last thing I see before closing my eyes is the black slowly crumbling and chipping off her fingertips and the crown on her head glowing a bright red before disappearing.
A year later. . .
“What are you doing out here, darling? It’s cold,” I whispered against Wanda’s ear, coming up behind her on the balcony and wrapping my arms around her waist.
Wanda chuckles and leans back against me, tilting her head so she can look at me. “Just thinking. . .”
I quirk an eyebrow and run my thumbs over her stomach. “Are you okay?”
She smiles and lifts one of her hands to pull me down by the back of my neck, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. “I’m perfect. I was just thinking about what comes next.”
I still my thumbs and smile when she turns her attention back to the ocean below us. “And what might that be?” I ask.
Wanda intertwines our fingers over her stomach and raises our left hands to kiss the wedding ring on my finger. “I don’t know. A dog, maybe, and-and some kids?”
She says the last part a little hesitantly and I can’t help but smile even more, rubbing my nose up and down her neck, saying, “I’d love that.”
“Yeah?” she asks quietly and I nod, pressing a kiss to her neck right below her ear.
A comfortable silence settles over us and I straighten up to watch the sunset, slowly swaying us from side to side.
Over a year ago at Kamar-Taj she lost her powers in order to keep me alive. It turns out that I don’t need the mind stone to keep me alive after all, but rather a source of energy and Wanda’s power are enough to last me a whole lifetime. Literally.
Which is why we’re here now, in our own little beach house on the coast of Rhode Island.
After making sure I would definitely be okay, she told me everything about Westview and how she began studying the Darkhold after.
She also told me about everything she did to get her hands on America and once all was said and done she gave me the choice of leaving or staying with her.
I obviously stayed, not deterred by her actions or the pain she inflicted upon me, and we eloped soon after.
We bought this house together with the money I saved before what happened in Wakanda and we’ve been living in married bliss ever since.
“I love you,” I whisper, tightening my hold around her when the sun finally sets, leaving behind an orange glow across the horizon.
“I love you, too,” she replies easily, chuckling when my stomach growls. “How about some dinner?”
I smile sheepishly and kiss the top of her head. “Yes, please.”
She lets go of my hands and turns around in my arms. “Then let’s go inside.”
I hum in agreement and bend down, pecking her lips a couple of times before following her into the house.
This is not as good as Take My Hand, but I just had to write a follow-up because I hate angst without a happy ending and because I think Wanda didn’t deserve what happened to her.
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souliebird · 9 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 14]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Words: 3.8k
ao3 link
banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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A loud, angry voice wakes Minnie from her sleep.
It takes her a few moments to process the change, but once she does, she focuses on finding the source of the bad noise. It's coming from below her, a few floors down. She can't understand the words - Mommy says people speak lots of different languages so this must be one of them - but she knows it is Mister Chavez. He's a nice man who helps Mommy with the trash, sometimes. Minnie likes him.
She lets her ears open up more and quickly finds out why he is so grumpy - he is watching television. She recognizes the sounds as some sort of sport. Mommy says sometimes people yell at their television when watching sports because they love their team and get excited - but they aren't really angry. That makes her feel better - she doesn't like it when people are angry. It's scary.
But he is still being loud, and even though she knows he's not really mad, she doesn't want to hear him. Minnie wants to listen to good noises when she sleeps.
Her favorite noise to sleep to is her Mommy's heart and it can make all the bad noises go away and right now, she wants to be extra close so it's really loud.
So, Minnie reaches up and pulls her sleep headband down so it's around her neck and rolls out of bed.
Mommy went to sleep the same time she did, which is weird because Mommy also took a nap with her after they came back from the park. Mommy doesn't take naps - she's an Adult, but all day she's been sleepy. She doesn't understand why - they didn't do anything Big, like go somewhere special or do lots of things.
Minnie crosses the short distance between her bed and her Mommy's and quickly climbs up the bigger one. Mommy is on her back and under her covers, still asleep. The loud noises don't bother her because she can't hear them like Minnie and Daddy can. That makes Minnie happy - Mommy needs lots of sleep.
But she's hogging all the blankets and Minnie wants to get under them, too, so she shakes her shoulder, “Mommy, share the blankie.”
Nothing happens.
Minnie pouts and shakes her again, just a little harder, “Mommy, I'm cold, too.”
Mommy makes an upset noise in her throat, but she doesn't wake up or give up any of the blanket. Minnie frowns and looks back to her bed - she could get her blanket if Mommy doesn't want to share, but she likes Mommy’s blanket more. It smells like her.
Maybe she can crawl in from the bottom, near Mommy's feet.
As she considers this option, something new catches her attention.
Something smells stinky.
It doesn't smell stinky like the train or the monster her Daddy chased away a few nights ago - she doesn't know this smell, but she quickly decides she doesn't like it. It smells like wet and dirty and it's really close. It is inside the bedroom. She turns to start looking around, trying to find where it is coming from. Nothing in the room looks different and she knows things don't just get stinky. Something has to happen to make it stinky. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth a little like Daddy taught her, and breaths in through her nose. The smell is stronger behind her, so she tries to follow it, crawling closer.
She runs right into Mommy.
The bad smell is coming from her.
Minnie doesn't understand. Mommy never smells bad, ever, and she didn't smell bad before they went to sleep. Why does Mommy smell bad now?
She tries to wake her up again, shaking her shoulder hard, but Mommy just scrunches up her face. She doesn't wake up.
Minnie is starting to get scared.
“Mommy, wake up!” She tries tugging the blanket next, but it is wrapped tight. Her next idea is to start patting her face and that is when Minnie gets her next clue.
Mommy's skin is really warm, like she's been in the sun, and she's sweaty. Did Mommy go outside when Minnie was sleeping?
But that doesn't make sense, the sun isn't up. It's night time and Mommy wouldn't leave her alone during the night. Mommy never leaves her alone - she always has a babysitter.
Why would Mommy be hot and sweaty and stinky and not wake up?
She sticks her fingers in her mouth and starts to suck on them as she thinks hard - like she's trying to figure out a puzzle.
Minnie gasps when she realizes it - Mommy is sick!
Mommy has never been sick before, not that Minnie can remember, and if she's sick, she needs a doctor. Minnie knows how to be a doctor!
No longer as scared now that she knows what is wrong, Minnie slides off the bed and hurries to her toy chest. She has a whole doctor kit full of all sorts of things - it even has a doctor's coat and glasses. She takes the big bag out and sets it on the ground so she can pull out the costume and put it on. She has to push up the sleeves because they are too long, but it doesn't matter.
Now she's Doctor Minnie and can help her Mommy.
She hikes the bag up on her shoulder and brings it back to the bed. It takes her a few tries to get it up beside her Mommy - the bed is high up and the bag is heavy - but once it is, she climbs up too and starts looking through her supplies.
She pulls out the step-scope first and puts the plugs into her ears. She doesn't need it to listen to Mommy's heart, but doctor's do, so she's going to use it. She puts the end-circle on Mommy's chest and listens Hard. Her heart doesn't sound any different than normal. It is a little faster, like she's been walking around a lot, but that isn't weird. Minnie is used to that sound - so it's not why Mommy is sick. She puts her step-scope back into her bag and takes out the next tool.
She knows the little hammer is supposed to be used to hit her Mommy's knees, but they are under the covers, so she isn't sure if it will work. She tries anyway. She bonks where she thinks her knees are and absolutely nothing happens. She isn't surprised - Mommy's head smells stinky, not her legs. That is not why she is sick.
Her next toy is the therm-o-meter. She puts it against her Mommy's forehead and presses the button. The toy lights up, the screen flashing red a few times before becoming solid. She brings it closer to her face to examine. She doesn't know what the numbers mean, but she guesses it says her Mommy is sick.
She turns off that toy then starts digging in the bag again, looking at what she has to help. She finds the band-aids first, which won't help at all. That is for boo-boos and Mommy doesn't have one of those. She finds what she needs at the bottom of the bag and removes it carefully. She doesn't know what it is called but it gives shots - and shots help people not be sick. Mommy told her that - that's why she has to go get them from the doctor.
Shots go in the arm, so Minnie needs to move the blanket out of the way. Mommy wrapped herself up tight, so it is hard, but she manages to pull it enough so her shoulder is out. That is part of the arm, so it counts. She doesn't want to mess up, so Minnie takes her time picking up the shot-giver and pulling back the pusher. She places it in the middle of Mommy's arm, as low as she can get it, then pushes the pusher back down slowly. Once it's all the way down, she sets the toy aside. She remembers that shots do get a band aid, so she takes one out of the box and opens it. It's pink, to match the rest of the set, and it goes over where Minnie gave her Mommy the shot.
To make sure it works extra well, Minnie adds a kiss, then sits back to wait.
She starts sucking on her fingers again, not to help her think, but because it helps her not be scared - and she's scared her Mommy isn't going to wake up. She doesn't know how long she is supposed to wait for medicine to work - when she plays Doctor with her toys it is always right away. But Mommy isn't a toy. She sits and waits for what feels like at least thirty-two minutes before she tries shaking her Mommy again, “Wake up. Mommy, wake up, please. You gotta wake up.”
She doesn't wake up. She doesn't stop being stinky. She stays asleep and sick.
Minnie doesn't like this. She wants her Mommy to wake up and hug her and tell her it is okay. She doesn't understand why she won't wake up.
Minnie gave her a shot - that should have made her better, right?
Does she need to go to the real doctor? She can't go to the real doctor if she is asleep and Minnie doesn't know how to call the doctor to tell him to come.
Minnie sniffles, trying to hold back from crying. She has to be a big girl, she can't be a baby - being a baby won't help Mommy. She wipes at her eyes with the sleeve of her doctor's coat and tries her bestest to think.
What did Mommy say in their last Big Girl Talk?
They talked about what it means to have a Daddy now. Mommy had told her that meant he was like Mommy, but a boy, and anything that Minnie went to her for, she could also talk to Daddy about.
Maybe Daddy can help Mommy, like he helped with the Monster.
But Daddy isn't here. He doesn't live with them.
But maybe he can hear her? He has really good hearing like Minnie does.
With a new plan in mind, Minnie climbs off the bed and leaves the bedroom. The fan and a/c make lots of noise and he might not hear her over them. The living room is quiet, though, and she gets up onto the couch before looking straight up at the ceiling. Daddy was up there last time.
“Daddy?” She asks, “Daddy, are you there?”
She waits, but there is no answer. Maybe she needs to be louder? So, she tries again, speaking in her Outside Voice.
“Daddy, it's Minnie. Daddy? Can you hear me? I need you, please, thank you.”
The only response she gets is the city. It's not as loud as normal, there's not as many cars or people because it's night - people sleep at night. Maybe he is asleep and can't hear her? Or he is too far away and his hearing can't reach her.
If he is too far away to hear with his ears, she has to find another way for him to hear her. Mommy talks to him on her phone when he is far away, so she has to try that next.
Mommy keeps her phone next to her bed, so Minnie goes back into the bedroom. She's not supposed to play with the phone, but this isn't playing - this is an Emergency. She's allowed to use it for emergencies - even though she never has before. She knows how to unlock it - the numbers are her birthday - and the screen lights up. She looks from the bright phone back to her Mommy sleeping on the bed. It's rude to talk on the phone when someone is sleeping, so back out to the living room and the couch she goes.
She settles into the cushions then stares at the phone. She knows how to bring up YouTube but not how to call someone, but she can talk to the phone and tell it what to do. She's done that before and Mommy does it all the time. She just has to say the magic words.
“Hey, Siri, call Daddy, please, thank you.”
The phone lights up as it thinks, then the robot-lady in the phone says, “Uh-oh, I do not have a phone number for Daddy.”
Minnie pouts at the phone - she knows that isn't true. Mommy calls Daddy all the time. Then it occurs to her Mommy doesn't call him Daddy. She has to use his grown up name. She tries again, “Siri, please call Mister Matt, please, thank you.”
“Calling Matt Murdock,” the robot-lady says and a moment later, ringing starts coming through the phone. Minnie quickly holds it up to her ear and waits for him to answer.
He doesn't answer. It just rings and rings until another robot-lady starts talking instead, but Minnie doesn't want to talk to her, so she presses the big red button to end the call.
She doesn't know why he didn't answer. His hearing is extra good, so if he was sleeping, he should have heard it - like Minnie heard Mister Chavez. She tries to think of why he wouldn't answer and decides he must not have his phone - Mommy does that sometimes. She forgets her phone places, like she'll leave it in the bathroom.
Maybe he left his phone in the bathroom.
She makes another attempt, telling the phone again to call her Daddy but nothing changes. Only the robot-lady talks to her.
Minnie glares at the phone as she tries to figure out what to do. Mommy needs a doctor and Daddy isn't answering.
Her conclusion is she needs another Adult. She doesn't know many Adults. She knows Miss Apple, who runs Daycare, and Miss Linda, but Minnie doesn't think she is supposed to call them. Mommy never talks to them on the phone, even if they are Adults.
Daddy's friends are Adults, though, and she heard Miss Karen and Froggy tell Mommy to call if she ever needs anything, so maybe it is okay to call them? Minnie hopes so.
Froggy is Daddy’s bestest friend, so that is who she decides to call. If he doesn't answer, she will call Miss Karen. She wipes at her face again, clearing away any tears, then asks the robot-lady, “Hey Siri, call Froggy, please, thank you.”
The phone starts to ring and, to her great delight and relief, is answered after only a few moments. It sounds like he almost drops it before she can hear him breathing directly into her ear.
“‘lo?” A very tired sounding Froggy asks.
“Froggy!” She tries her best to not yell, but she is so happy he answered the phone and now she can help Mommy. Part of her wants to cry because she is happy, but she still needs to be a Big Girl.
She can hear lots of movement on the other end of the call before he answers her, “Minnie, is that you?” He sounds very Worried.
“Yes,” is her response, because it is her. She knows she is supposed to wait for more questions, but she can't help herself. She does her best to not rush out her words.“I need help, please, thank you. Mommy is sick and she won't wake up and she needs to go to the doctor.”
Froggy says a Bad Word, then, “where are you, Minnie?”
“I'm on the couch. It's rude to talk on the phone when someone is sleeping,” she explains, then adds, “Mommy is in bed.”
“Okay. Okay. Did you try to call your Daddy?” He asks. She can hear him moving around a lot more now and that makes her happy. He's going to come help her and she doesn't need to be scared. Froggy is an Adult and can take Mommy to the doctor and she can get better.
“He didn't answer. I tried two times and he's not outside. I can't hears him outside,” she tells him. Froggy knows she and Daddy can hear everything, so that is important to let him know that.
“Of course, he didn't answer,” Froggy says, then he says another Bad Word in a grumpy voice, before his voice gets Nice again, “Okay, sweetie, can you listen to me?”
“I'm listening!” She can listen really good and follow directions. She's a Big Girl.
“I'm going to call your Daddy. He has a…different phone he uses at night. I'm going to call that phone and tell him he needs to come over, okay? And I'm going to come over, too,” he explains.
“A different phone…?” She doesn't understand why he would have more than one but maybe it is an Adult thing.
“Yeah, sweetie, a different phone. But to call it, I need to not be on the phone with you. Is that okay?” Froggy asks.
“You're both gonna come?”
“We're both gonna come,” he promises, “I'll keep calling him until he answers, and we're gonna come over and take care of you and your Mommy. Okay?”
Minnie starts to suck on her finger as she thinks over what he said. She wants to stay on the phone with Froggy - she’s scared and she doesn't want to be alone while her Mommy is sick, but he needs to call her Daddy. Mommy needs Daddy more than Minnie needs Froggy. Part of being a Big Girl is being brave when things are scary and she needs to be brave for her Mommy. She drops her hand to her lap and mumbles, “Okay.”
“Okay, Minnie,” Froggy says, then he gets a nice voice again and she can tell he is smiling, “You did a really good job calling me. I'm proud of you.”
The words make her smile, too, and she tells him, “I'm being a Big Girl.”
“Yes, you are,” he agrees, “You are being such a big girl right now. Your Mommy and Daddy are going to be proud, too. Now, I'm going to hang up and call your Daddy. He might get there before me, but I'm on my way, too. If anything happens, you can call me back, and I'll answer. Understand?”
“I understand,” she says, because she does. Froggy will answer his phone if Minnie calls him. Even if it is night time and everyone else is sleeping.
“Okay, good girl. I'm hanging up now, okay?”
“Okay. Bye-bye,” she says because that is how Mommy says to end a call. She lowers the phone from her face and hits the big red button.
She decides to keep the phone with her and slides off the couch, putting it into her doctor's coat pocket.
Now that she has called an Adult to help, Minnie doesn't know what she's supposed to do, but she does know she wants something to hug to make her feel better. She goes back to the bedroom and grabs Pig and Scooby off her bed before squeezing them tightly to her. They are soft and smell like Mommy and Daddy and make things less scary. Everything will be okay if she has them.
She looks over to where Mommy is sleeping and frowns. She hasn't moved at all since Minnie went to try to call Daddy. Minnie sucks on her lip since her hands are busy holding her toys and tries to figure out what to do next, but all she can think about is how sad Mommy looks in bed.
Does Mommy know she's sick and that's why she won't wake up? Is she scared like Minnie is?
Minnie doesn't want her to be scared.
She rocks side to side for a moment as she thinks over how to make her Mommy not be scared, then slowly makes her way to the bed. She sets Pig down in the ground then, with Scooby Doo in her arms, crawls up to be next to her Mommy. With great care, she places him next to the pillow, then leans in to whisper, “Scooby, you need to watch over, Mommy, okay? I gotta go wait for Daddy and Froggy.”
She pats Scooby on his big head before slowly bending over to give her Mommy a kiss on the cheek, “Don't be scared, Mommy, Scooby knows a lot about being brave when you're scared…and he'll keep you safe, okay?”
Mommy doesn't respond.
Her doctor glasses fall off as she slides back to the floor and she knows she should pick them up, but she doesn't. Instead, she picks up Pig and goes back out to the living room. She opens up her ears again as she does - Mister Chavez is still watching his sports but the rest of the building is quiet. Everyone else is sleeping, even the doggies and kitties.
She tries to listen for Daddy and Froggy as she sits down in front of the television. She closes her eyes and remembers what Daddy said about looking for things. She has to Turn Off the sounds she doesn't want, like turning off the television. She squeezes Pig tight to her and tries really really hard.
Daddy isn't an animal, so she can turn off the doggies barking and the rats getting their dinners. There are no birdies or alleycats around to send away.
“Bye-bye,” she mumbles and closes her ears to them. Her little section of the world slowly gets quieter until she's pretty sure there are no more animals left to distract her.
Next is city noises.
There aren't many cars out on her block - just a taxi man listening to music. He's not Daddy, so she says goodbye to him, too, before he goes away. His car disappears around with him, since there is no one else in there with the taxi man.
Her head is really starting to hurt from all the loud noises she hasn't turned off yet. It's making her dizzy because it's coming from all over and it's hard to understand what it all is. Everything is starting to just become one big scream and she can't tell what is what.
She hears her Daddy’s voice through all the other noises loud and clear and she can't be a Big Girl anymore.
She bursts into tears and begins crying loudly.
She doesn't want to be brave anymore. She's scared. She wants her Mommy to wake up and not be sick. She wants to get into bed and cuddle and watch cartoons on the StarkPad.
She wants her Mommy.
She wants her Daddy.
She turns off her ears and sobs and sobs until two strong arms wrap around her and she is crushed into her Daddy's chest. She clings to him, burying her face into his neck and lets him overwhelm her senses until she can't cry anymore.
Little Doctor Minnie passes out from sheer exhaustion, cradled in the arms of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
a/n: everyone tell Doctor Minnie how proud of her you are
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
 @petrovafire39 @allllium
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
@murc0ckmurc0ck @groovycass @sumo-b98 @just3rowsing @tongueofcat @zoom1374
@theclassicvinyldragon @aoi-targaryen @lunaticgurly @nikitawolfxo @shireentapestry @snakevyro @yondiii @echos-muses @honeybug-victoria @the-bisaster @ristare 
@mrs-bellingham @eugene-emt-roe @cometenthusiast @stevenknightmarc @hunnybelha @actorinfluence @capbrie @prowlingforfood @jupitervenusearthmars
Specialagentjackbauer @yarrystyleeza @ofmusesandsecrets 
@mayp11-blog @danzer8705 @thinking-at-dusk @remuslupinwifee @akila-twt  @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @dil3mma @allllium 
@two-unbeatable-beaters @kiwwia-wiwwia @1988-fiend @xblueriddlex @loves0phelia @ninacotte @lovelyygirl8 @littlenosoul @ednaaa-04  @ astridstark13
 @lovingkryptonitehideout @moongirlgodness @soocore @bluestuesday
@starry-night-20 @rebeccapineapple @writtenbyred @cherrypie5 @capswife @silvercharacterchaos
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
Little Girl Gone
So I Heard You're Back in Town (1)
Mob Boss!Natasha x Mob Boss!Fem!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Mob Boss!Fem!Reader
warnings: 18+ Violent themes, Guns, mentions of killing, mentions of thr*wing up, smoking, Dark Natasha word count: 2231 a/n: Wrote this first chapter over the course of a day. It is proofread, but I am only human~
“Shoot him.” Her voice didn’t waver. It was demanding as she stood tall behind you, casting a shadow over you. Your hand shook with the revolver in your hand. “Y/N. Shoot him.” Her hand on your shoulder in a death grip.
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“Shoot him.” Her voice didn’t waver. It was demanding as she stood tall behind you, casting a shadow over you. Your hand shook with the revolver in your hand. “Y/N. Shoot him.” Her hand on your shoulder in a death grip.
You slowly, shakily pulled back on the trigger until the loud BANG reverberated. The body in front of you thudding to the ground, a pool of blood forming. The smell of metal and sulfur fill your nose as bile rises from your stomach.
Dropping the gun as you stumble away. You don’t make it far before the bile finds it’s way in your mouth as you clutch your ribs as your throat burns and ears ring out. You weren’t made for this, but she kept saying you were. Her hand on your back, rubbing soothingly. “Such a good little girl Y/N.” She assures you that it took less convincing this time and you didn’t get sick until after killing them this time.
You push her hand away as you stumble away. “I don’t need your praises Natasha.” You grumble wiping your mouth and head back upstairs to your room. The one you share with Natasha the head of the Russian mob around here.
You keep saying you’re going to leave. Get out of here, but if she caught you, you’d be on the other end of her gun so you wait and plan. Get everything in order before leaving in the middle of the night. Leaving behind not only Natasha, but the city for a long time.
5 years later
BANG! You didn’t give them a chance to try and explain as the other two men beneath you try to scramble backwards. Placing the gun back in it’s holster you grab both of them, “Where do you two think you’re going?” Both of them trying to get out of your hold only for you to grip tighter. “I still have questions for you two and I suggest you answer them.”
“A-anything! We’ll tell you anything you want!” One of them managed out. A smirk crossing your face.
“Good boy. Now tell me. Where is Natasha Romanoff?” You voice and eyes go icy it’s a question, sure, but it’s also a demand.
A snap of your fingers and your right hand woman, Carol, comes over. Taking out the two men once they’ve given you the information you required.
You walk over to two girls, recent additions, Kamala Khan and America Chavez. “Girls I need you to follow up on the information we were just given and please be careful. Natasha is ruthless. Stay a good distance and if you spot her at all contact me immediately. Am I understood?” You look between the two of them. Kamala a smile on her face.
“Yes Ma’am! We won’t let you down.” You smile, ruffling their hair before seeing them off. You too could be ruthless with outsiders and that was all thanks to Natasha unfortunately, but the heart you had before wasn’t gone. Not one bit, just buried a lot further. You still taste bile, but it no longer comes up.
“Carol when you’re done here meet me back at the house with the others.” You let her know as she starts disposing of the bodies.
“You got it boss.”
You’re lounging when the text comes through,
“Boss we’ve got a surprise for you!” It was from Kamala.
“What is it?”
“One of Natasha’s.” Your heart dropped.
“Bring them here. Now.”
Another twenty minutes goes by before Kamala and America are bringing in a girl who looks not much older than them. They were smart enough to blindfold her at least. They bring her over to you and set her on her knees in front of you.
Even without seeing her eyes you can tell she’s terrified. Leaning over you take the blindfold off, green eyes almost matching Natasha’s and red hair.
“Are you Natasha’s sister?” You ask. She shakes her head frantically. “Who are you?” You ask, softly.
“W-Wanda. Wanda Maximoff.” The name didn’t ring any bells. You study her face and the genuine terror that fills it.
“I’m not going to hurt you Wanda. Are you one of Natasha’s?” You lean back against the couch, keeping one hand in your lap the other stretching the back of the couch. She shakes her head and you eye Kamala. Who throws her hands up defensively.
“S-she offered me a loan...I’m a single mom I have twin boys and when I couldn’t pay her back she took me and told me I’d work for her, but...but...” Wanda started to cry and you leaned back over gently cupping her cheek, wiping her tears away as you shush her gently.
“I was once were you were. Natasha took me, changed me. I won’t let her do that to you. We’re gonna pay back that loan of yours. You’re under my protection now, understood?” She nods frantically. “I don’t want anything in return except to see you happy with your boys. I won’t let her hurt you or them.”
“T-thank you...thank you...” You kept your composure around Wanda. Leaving her for a moment to discuss with Carol what was going on.
“I’m going to stay with her, make sure Natasha or her people don’t get close.” You tell Carol who wants to disagree, you can see it in her eyes. “You’re in charge until I get back from this.” Her attitude changes after those words. “If you do anything I wouldn’t then you’ll be digging your own grave and laying in it.” I tell her with no emotion to give as she gulp's, eyes widening.
“Yes Ma’am.”
When you arrive at Wanda’s house the two of you entering are met with her boys running down the hall to meet her both hugging her tightly. Then another face comes around the corner and your hand is on your gun in an instant, Wanda holding a hand out to you.
“Y/N. This is Darcy. My friend and she was watching the boys while I was at work.” Wanda informs you, you loosen up, plastering a smile to your face.
“Hello Darcy. It’s nice to meet you.” You hold out your hand for Darcy who hesitantly takes it.
“I met Y/N through work and I invited her over for some coffee and cookies.” Wanda lies and you have to admit it isn’t half bad. She doesn’t give away an telltale signs of lying.
“Okay. Do you need me to stay?” Darcy asks.
“No. Sweet girl you’ve done enough. You watched them almost all day so thank you. Go rest. Please.” Wanda hugs Darcy tightly before the girl leaves.
Wanda makes her way to the kitchen and you hear her start up the coffee pot. Oh maybe she wasn’t lying about the coffee and cookies.
You look around the house. The boys are in the living room, playing video games and remind you of yourself when you were younger. A smile on your face before carrying on through the house, checking all windows and entry points. You look out the back door, checking the perimeter of the backyard when Wanda comes up behind you.
“I don’t mean this in any offensive way, but will you be enough?” She asks and you can’t help, but chuckle, looking over at the mom you’ve found yourself protecting from your ex.
“Natasha was the one who trained me. I know all the tricks she has, but I’ve learned more tricks after I left her. She doesn’t know what I’m capable of anymore. So don’t worry. I’ll be all you need.” You smile at the redhead, a soft smile belying just what you’re capable of.
“Well thank you and I do have coffee and cookies. Homemade of course.” Wanda smiles, her nose wrinkling up as she does so.
“How could I say no?” You follow her to the kitchen island, sitting down while she stands across from you. Conversation flowing between you as the boys make their way out at some point asking if they could have some cookies and ice cream so they could make ice cream sandwiches. Wanda allows it and as she grabs the bowls and ice cream the boys bring their attention to you.
You give the two boys a small smile. “How do you know our mom?” Little interrogators.
“We met at work.” I tell them.
“How long have you worked together?”
“Long enough.”
“What are your intentions with our mom?” You almost choke on the cookie you were swallowing at that question.
“Tommy!” Wanda shriek's at her son. “Enough questions. Unless you don’t want cookies and ice cream?” Wanda walks over with the bowls.
“Sorry mom...” Wanda gives a cheeky grin pulling her son in, giving him a kiss on top of his head.
“I know you’re just trying to protect me, but I’m your mom. I protect you and your brother.” Wanda pulls her other son, Billy, you had learned was his name. Hugging both of them before getting the ice cream and cookies, sending them back off to the living room.
“I’m sorry about that.” Wanda apologizes and you can see the faint blush on her cheeks.
“No need. They obviously care and worry about their mother so I’m glad that I’m here. I won’t allow Natasha to break you guys apart.” You tell her, sipping on her coffee, your eyes flicking over to her and you can see the wetness in her eyes. She wants to cry, but won’t allow herself right now. She shakes her head, dismissing the tears from her eyes.
“So will you be staying? We have a guest room.”
“I will, but I probably won’t sleep.” Wanda nods in response.
“Well you can always stay in the living room?”
“I’ll need to be close to you. If they come here. They’ll come for you.” You remind her and a tint of red finds it’s way to her cheeks once again.
“Y-you can stay in my room then?” She offers and you smile with a nod.
“Are you sure you won’t sleep or change at least?” You were still dressed in a suit from work. You’d taken off your jacket, tie and vest.
“I need to be ready if she sends anyone.” You sit on the bed next to Wanda, cupping her cheek. “I promise I won’t let her do what she did to me.”
“You keep saying that, but you still seem to have a lot of humanity to you.” A small, dry chuckle leaves you.
“I didn’t let her, but I can be rather ruthless when it comes to protecting those I love and care about. You just haven’t seen it.” You look into her eyes and she’s searching yours as if they’ll answer her questions that go unspoken. “Get some rest Wanda. I’ll be here.” You let your hand slip away as you stand up, moving to the other side of her room. Looking out the window.
Wanda laid back onto the bed, taking longer than usual to sleep, but eventually it came and you smiled at her sleeping form.
“I won’t let her touch you.” You whisper before making a round around the house, checking everything once again. It was going to be a long night.
You stepped outside for a smoke, letting out a cloud when something caught your eye, just in the corner. You snap your head; gun in hand ready in an instant.
“Come out. Now.” You called and the figure came to the moonlight. Natasha. You didn’t falter though it being her threw you off and not Yelena or Kate or even Clint.
“You and I both know you won’t shoot.” Natasha says in a condescending manner. Your eyes narrow at her,
“You’re right I won’t, but not for the reason you’re assuming. I don’t want to wake up and scare the boys.” She laughs at your remark.
“Oh you’re funny Y/N. We both know you’ve never had the stomach. That’s why you ran away little girl.” You tilt your head to the side, neck cracking.
“That little girl’s gone. Honey I’ve changed so much since you last saw me.” She takes a few steps towards you.
“I think you’re in a little too deep sweetie, don’t you?” She says, but stops when you hold out the cash. “What’s that?”
“This is half of what Wanda owes you. You’re going to leave here right now with it and tomorrow I’ll give you the rest with interest and you’ll leave her alone. No more innocent lives need to ruined because of you Tasha.” She takes the money counting through it and laughs.
“You haven’t changed.” She said before turning on her heel. “Tomorrow. Noon. Our usual spot.” Once she was gone you could breath a sigh of relief as you headed back inside.
Softly carrying your tired body up the stairs. Stopping to check on the boys first before slipping into Wanda’s room. You slipped out of your pants and unbuttoned your top leaving you in just a tank top and panties.
You hadn’t shared a bed with someone since Natasha. You find yourself hesitating a moment before slipping in keeping as close to the edge with your gun just under the pillow. Wanda either had a really comfortable bed or you were just that exhausted because sleep took you almost instantly.
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delulu-with-wandanat · 5 months
Tainted Past
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Reader Description: he/they, masculine titles, early 20s.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Masculine!Reader
A/n: So this was inspired while I was playing around in Character.ai (I was being delulu as usual), so I guess shoutout to the creator of Mature!Wanda ai for kickstarting my brain again. I haven't write in a while guys pls be nice :')
Warnings: No warnings for now actually, maybe sadge Wanda, Wanda lowkey being bullied.
Summary: Years have passed since Westview and Wanda finally has the chance to settle down and live the normal she had always yearned for. However, that comes with a challenge as many were still wary of her. Along the way she met a young man in his early 20s, whom took pity on the witch despite all odds.
It was a huge deal when rumors spread about the infamous Scarlet Witch moving into their town. The same witch that brought upon destructions and chaos, the one who enslaved a whole town. The one that the Dracula from Hotel Transylvania would describe as,
"-Nutsy Cuckoo!" Y/n snorted at their friend's description of the witch, "She's a total nutjob, I'm telling you. She went berserk for kids she DIDN'T even have."
"And afterwards went after a child, no, a literal CHILD!" Their other friend added, "Who happens to be America Chavez, who ended up teaming up with her as well. Hence why she's able to even live freely back into society."
"That's crazy..." Y/n said while shaking his head. The were all sitting their usual cafe, gossiping about their latest neighbor.
"I heard she lives across the street from you. Hey, at least she's a hot MILF right?" Their friend Magdalena joked, which made her receive a cookie thrown at her face.
"Shut up, Lena." She only snorted. As both of his friends were snickering, the two of them stopped and their eyes trailed something behind him.
"Speak of the devil..." Victor said as he had a little bit of a disgusted look.
Y/n turned around, and there she was. The Scarlet Witch. She hasn't been seen on any media for the past few years, the last time she was seen, she had a long auburn hair, and was wearing her suit. The look she had right now was a striking contrast to her last appearance on the media.
She had cut her hair, it was now dyed blonde, and she was wearing a casual civilian clothes. Y/n felt shivers running down their spine as painful memories flooded his mind.
"She really wants to be normal, huh?" Victor said under his breath.
"I mean... she's kinda-" Victor elbowed Magdalena on her ribs before she could finish her sentence. Giving her a look that says 'don't'.
The whole cafe went silent when she entered the shop, she awkwardly said 'hi' before making her way to the queue. Everything else was a little bit of a blur for Y/n, as for some reason their heart started beating rapidly. Their fist clenched to the point his friend had to snap him out of his thoughts.
"I'm fine." Y/n responded with a faux smile before focusing his attention outside the window. He couldn't help but to focus on Wanda's voice when she ordered.
"I would like something to drink please." He heard Wanda speak, there was a beat of silence.
"Coffee? Tea?" The barista responded, soundingly uninterested and rude. Seems like the Barista wasn't a huge fan of Wanda, as normally the Barista was always so kind to Y/n and his friends.
"O-oh! Coffee, please." Another silence, "Cappucino, hot."
"That'll be $4.50." She could be heard rummaging through her purse and took out a some money to pay.
"I'm assuming you would need my name-"
"We know." The barista said rather coldly. Wanda could be heard clearing her throat nervously and waited for her order. It didn't take long before they called out, "Cappucino for Scarlet Witch."
Y/n glances at the bar, they noticed how tense she was upon hearing her title. The title she wishes everyone would forget. She gave a forced smile before turning and walking back to the exit. Seems like she was nervous, and then the worst possible thing could happen to someone happened to her...
Her purse got stuck on the door handle as she was about to walk out, causing her to spill her beverage. "Shit!" She cursed.
Y/n's two friends couldn't handle their snort upon seeing the tragedy. Wanda glances at them and awkwardly laughs, "Silly me." She says before hastily walking away from the shop.
"She is just adapting well to us mere mortals." Victor said sarcastically.
As much as Y/n wasn't exactly fond of the witch (for personal reasons), they did felt... a hint of sympathy towards her. He looked outside and saw her seemingly cursing at herself for the embarrassing encounter at the cafe.
Oh she's going to take a while to adapt...
Y/n looked down at the notes their sister sent them and walked down the aisle to find the item. What seem to be a simple errand turned into a full blown grocery shopping, that bitch.
I just wanted to buy some ramen...
He picked up a bunch of items his sisters needed, and picked a pack of ramen for himself. While he was on the cereal section he heard that familiar voice again.
"Hi, ma'am, do you know where I could- O-oh, yes, that's alright have a good day!" He turns his attention to her direction, from the customers to the staff, they were all ignoring her existence. She visibly sighed and gave up on asking people. That's... what she deserves I guess.
He only saw her again as he was about to pay, they were queued just behind her. Crap.
"Sorry ma'am, we take cash only, the machine is broken at the moment." The cashier told her.
"I... I don't have any cash on me right now." She nervously laughs, "Are you sure? Because the customer before-"
"Look if you don't have cash you can pay with apple pay." Seems like the cashier just wanted to torment her, which she did as Wanda sighed in frustration.
"I don't- I don't have that set up on my phone yet." The cashier only shrugged their shoulders. "Fine. How much was-"
"$27.60" Wanda started rummaging through her purse again, desperately trying to find some cash left. She found... $5, ok that's a start. $10, ok we're getting there.
"Hey come on, lady! You're holding up the line!" The guy behind Y/n yelled, making Wanda panic slightly. Y/n closed his eyes, ugh fuckin-
They opened their eyes again, and Wanda was still hastily searching her bag as people got increasingly annoyed at her. They closed their eyes, agh Jesus fucking christ I better go to heaven for this-
"Ok, is there any-" Wanda's sentence was cut off when hand puts down a $50 dollar bill to pay for her checkout.
"You can just pay me back later." Wanda wanted to refuse, but she internally sighed in relief. The cashier gave Y/n the change and Wanda thanked them with the brightest smile. "Don't mention it." They said giving her a polite smile.
As Wanda walked out of the store, she took another glance at the young boy and smiled to herself. She made a mental note to find the youth later on.
They didn't understand why they had to be so sympathetic to the psycho witch, especially after everything she had put them through. Everyone was doing just fine ignoring her presence, in fact, Y/n had the biggest right out of them all to ignore that crazy, wacko, mentally unstable-
"There you are!"
A familiar voice made Y/n whipped their head to the direction. Oh no... Don't tell me she thinks we're basically friends now. Wanda walked up to him with a smile, Y/n had a natural instinct to tense up. Just the sight of her, made him clenched his jaw.
"I just wanted to properly say thank you." She said, rubbing her hand nervously. She wore a simple red t-shirt, and jeans. Wanda looked like any normal civilian. If you had lived in a cave, unaware of the outside world, the idea that Wanda is capable of such chaos and destruction wouldn't cross your mind. "And uh... for your trouble."
Wanda then handed him cash of what she owes him. He looked at the money and then her. "This is.... $30"
"Oh you can keep it all." The witch said with a slight shake in her voice, she then cleared her throat. "U-unless you prefer it to be precise I can-" She pulled out her phone from her pocket. "I can use that uh... that app, Vimeo?"
Y/n couldn't help but to let out a chuckle, "Venmo. Vimeo is a like a... it's like Youtube." Am I really talking with this lady?
"Ah... Right, right, I... I knew that." She looked at her phone with confused look on her face. Wanda then let out a soft laugh. "Well imagine my confusion."
"Well, thank you. I could definitely use the extra $2." Y/n said with a smile.
"I should be thanking you." Wanda responded, she bit her lip slightly, wanting to continue the conversation with what it seems like the only person who sees her as a human. "I'm Wanda, by the way, Wanda Maximoff." She hold out her hand awkwardly.
"I uhm- I'm your new neighbor, but I- I'm sure you knew that already." She let out a nervous laugh.
Y/n didn't want to talk to the witch any longer than needed, sharing name would mean they were on first name basis. But if there's anything Y/n hated more... Being left hanging when you hold out your had.
"Y/n, nice to meet you, Wanda."
Wanda noticeably beamed at the fact that they didn't just brushed her off.
"Well I should be heading back. I live just across from you." Shit! Why did I say that??
"Oh then I hope to see more of you!" Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity-
"Yeah, see you around, Mrs. Maximoff." He said politely, giving her a smile and crossed the street to his house. He internally cursed at himself. Idiot!
Wanda turned around smiling to herself. I made a friend...
For the next few weeks, Wanda never fails to greet them whenever she happens to see Y/n pass. She did that to everyone, of course, but no one ever really bothers to respond. Y/n desperately wanted to avoid her, but it was difficult as she continuously try to interact with everyone. Which... to be honest was quite sad.
He doesn't know why he felt bad, but seeing the woman trying so desperately to join society and no one giving her a chance was such a depressing sight to see. Not that Y/n should care, she shouldn't have done what she did. But...
Ugh... It doesn't take much for him to be polite at least.
So Y/n started to return her polite greetings. Whenever he sees her watering her flowers, she greet him with a wave and a smile. And Y/n does the same. They had to admit, seeing her so happy that someone responded was... kind of cute.
It went on for a while, so you could say they were on a friendly term. And Y/n had no plans on furthering that relationship. At least by choice.
"Hi there, Y/n!" She greeted with her usual smile and wave. It had been about 2 months since she lived here. "How's your morning jog?"
"Hi, Mrs. Maximoff. Uh... It was alright, nice weather today."
"I agree. Say, you fancy joining a party? I'm having a housewarming party this evening, you should come. There will be plenty of food." She asked with hopeful eyes.
"Uh..." Say no, say no, what the fuck are you- SAY NO. "I'll have to see, ma'am. I have a pretty packed schedule today."
Wanda tried to hide her disappointment as much as she could. She had heard tons of those excuses for days now, at least he was polite about his rejection. "That's alright, darling! I'm just across the road if you change your mind. And feel free to bring some friends!"
"I'll keep that in mind, Mrs. Maximoff. See you around!" Y/n said before going back to their house. They leaned on the closed door and sighed. Their sister looked at them expectantly.
"She invited you as well?" She said with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n sighed before answering, "Yeah..."
"I don't know why she even bothers. Not like anyone would take her up for it." His sister said dismissively as she went back to the living room, settling on the couch.
Y/n joins her and grabs the remote, "Maybe she has change."
"You've got to be one mentally ill fucker to say that, especially coming from you." She added, waiting for him to pick a movie. "Did she hex you or something-"
"I'm perfectly fine." Y/n sighed. "I just... Look she does seems like some woman who's trying to live a normal life."
"But she's not a woman, Y/n. She's a monster." She rubs her temple. "A lot of people gone mad in Westview, I'm sure you remember."
"How could I forget..."
"She could try all she wants, but I won't give her the benefit of the doubt. And I won't stop you if you decide too..." They looked at their sister who smiles at him gently. "The beauty of it is that you have a choice now, none of her victims did."
He looked at the floor, his sister could see the gears in his head moving.
"Though I have to say you are one mad son of a bitch if you did."
I am one mad son of a bitch.
They thought to themselves as they rang her doorbell. I could still change my mind right? I can run-
"I'll be right there!"
Wanda opens the door, delighted to greet her guest. "Y/n! So glad you could make it."
"Hi, Mrs. Maximoff." They took in her dress, well she does look good. "You look stunning."
Wanda gave him a smile, "Thank you. Please, come in!"
They entered the house, it was cozy, small, homey, there were very little pictures hung up. They did notice one family picture, and what it looks like and old frame of her and her late brother. Her informations was easy to find on the internet, yes Y/n did their research.
The house was decorated for party mode. There was some snack on the table, fruit punch, and a few other things. However, it was missing a key ingredient...
"Sorry, am I early?" He turned to Wanda.
Wanda sighed, "Early is uh... one way to put it. You're the first one here the others must've been late. They said they'll stop by." She puts on a reassuring smile, but Y/n had a feeling she must've felt devastated.
And in fact, Wanda was. This housewarming party was her attempt to prove herself to the neighborhood that she was in fact not a threat, maybe make some friends... But no matter, she had one guest now.
"Take a seat!" She said enthusiastically, "Would you like something to drink?"
"Yeah sure, I'll get some fruit punch, looks really refreshing." The two settled down on the couch, there was a moment of awkward silent between them.
If there's one thing Y/n couldn't take, it was that.
"Here." They passed her the gift bag they had brought for her. "It's an old record player I had lying around, I don't ever use it anymore and I thought it would go with uh..." He searched for the right words, "Someone of your generation?"
Wanda took the gift with a smile and gave him a funny look, "You make it sounds like I'm old." She said jokingly. "But thank you. You didn't have too, but I appreciate it."
It was a red colored Crosley turntable. It was portable, and had a built in speaker. Her heart swelled at their gesture. "There's some vinyls in there as well, I hope you like the Beatles."
"I love the Beatles."
"I'll help you set it up." He said with a kind smile. Wanda decided to put the record player in her living room, perhaps some tune would help set up the mood. They plugged it in and Y/n made her choose the album. Wanda scanned the various albums, looking at the front cover and the back with a smile on her face.
She puts on one album and the song 'Twist and Shout' started to play. "Now this is a party." Wanda said, earning a chuckle from the youth. She then lightly bop her head into the song, twisting her legs like one of those old style dance. For a second she seems to lost her self into the music.
Y/n had always seen Wanda in... sort of a negative light. But seeing her smiling, dancing, just interacting with her on a more personal level... They were starting to see Wanda in an entirely new light.
The woman then turns to face the youth, she had a bright smile on her face as she made a 'come here' motion to him. "Not much of a dancer?"
They let out a laugh and joined Wanda. "I'll have you know I'm an incredible dancer."
Music was the exact ice breaker that they needed, they wen't from keeping their distance to even occasionally twirling each other playfully. Y/n had to admit, he was having fun with the witch. Wanda had a contagious laugh, an intoxicating energy, a smile that could light up a whole room, and she was so so... beautiful-
Why am I thinking about her like this?
"So Y/n, tell something about yourself. I'd like to get to know my neighbors better." Wanda asked once the music ended and it started playing a much slower song in the albums. They sat on the couch with a snack dividing their space.
"Oh I'm just your typical fresh graduate, ma'am. Still trying to find where I'm gonna belong here in the workforce." Y/n responded with a dry chuckle.
"I'm sure you'll find your place." She look down at her drink with a small smile. "Friend of mine always said there's a place for everyone in the world."
The way she said it so softly, made tugged something inside Y/n's heart. She really is just trying to fit in the world like the rest of us.
"And you, ma'am? Who is Wanda Maximoff?" He asked teasingly, getting more comfortable with her each minute. He popped some chips in his mouth, anticipating her answer.
"Me? Oh you know... I'm a retired old psycho witch." She said jokingly.
Y/n couldn't help the snort that came out of them, "Sorry-" Ok. She's got humor.
Wanda laughs and waved him off, "Don't be." She thought for a second before answering properly. "Well... I'm sure my informations are out there. Former Avenger turned villain, was... a threat to humanity once, served my time of redemption and here I am."
"Those are old news." Y/n said. "I'm asking along the lines of, who is Wanda Maximoff. What does she do for fun?"
Wanda tilted her head at his question, tiny smile creeped onto her face. No one... ever really asked her that question before. Wanda took a drink of her fruit punch before answering.
"I..." She cleared her throat, "I enjoy reading in my spare time, I love gardening as you can tell." Y/n listen intently with a soft smile on their face. "I like board games, I have a few collection of those, and... cooking."
She finishes with a smile. "Not the answers you were expecting?"
"Yeah... I honestly expected potions brewing." Wanda bursted out laughing at his response. A genuine hearty laugh. "With cauldrons and everything." He said jokingly, trying to get more amusement out of her.
She's so cute when she laughs.
"Don't tell me you think witches do potions brewing do you?"
"They don't?!" He asked in an exaggerate tone, which amuses Wanda further as she shook her head still with a smile on her face.
She then leaned against the her seat. "Maybe some do."
"Did you also had a wand like Harry Potter?"
The two shared another laugh, and they fell into an easy conversation from there. Wanda learned that Y/n lives with their sister, his parents were retired in Vancouver, Canada. She made a mental note to travel there as it seems like a wonderful place to live. Y/n just recently graduated from University and had planned on moving to New York once they had saved enough money.
Y/n learned that Wanda was also fond of drawing, painting, anything art related. She drew flowers that she grew in her garden mostly, but she occasionally draws a portrait of people. And she was actually pretty good.
Wanda gave him a tour of the house, her kitchen was surprisingly well equipped. Her living room had a 4K flat screen TV. She shyly admits that she enjoys watching movies and shows so she wanted put a little more money on investing in a decent screen. Y/n couldn't judge, they binge watch Netflix all the time too.
The clock soon hits 11 o'clock and Y/n remains the only guest at her party. He felt pity on her, as he could see from all the drinks and food, she really went out of her way only for no one to show up. They would assumed that Wanda felt sad and depressed, but to quite honest, Wanda was so happy that even one person attend her party.
Y/n was kind and polite, they treated Wanda like she was their neighbor instead of some witch. She couldn't be more grateful.
They were playing a game of Jenga when she noticed how late it was. "It's getting late." She told him as he was pulling out a block of wood from the tower with pure concentration, he was even sticking out his tongue.
"Mhmmm... I just need to-" The tower then falls and he groaned in frustration. Wanda laughs at his adorable nature. "You did that on purpose, you just wanted to kick me out!" He jokingly accused her.
"I did not!" She playfully shoved his shoulder. Y/n helped her cleaned up the block of woods before being escorted to the front door by Wanda. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Maximoff. I had a really great time."
"Please, just Wanda." She smiled at him. "And I should be thank you. This is the most fun I've had in a long time."
"So did I." He smiled at her while stepping outside. "If you need anything, I'm just across the road. Don't hesitate to stop by."
"I will, thank you." She smiled sweetly at him. Y/n walked backwards while waving goodbye at her.
"And I want a rematch!" He said before finally turning around to walk back to his house. Wanda laughs saying 'Of course' under her breath and closed the door.
She leaned against the door and let out a happy sighed. I really made a friend!
Smut next chapter homie? 👀
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"The entire country without electricity, hospitals collapsing, and they're like this. We're not to be demoralized nor weakened, 25 years are already enough".
This is El Cuartel de la Montaña. There's where Chávez rests are. During the entire blackout, that, for me, was 19 hours long, that place had electricity.
El Helicoide, the largest torture centre in LATAM also had electricity.
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"A patient in the Noriega Trigo hospital in San Francisco just died. She was intubated and glued to a respirator.
The hospital doesn't have a power plant, nor UPS for the devices. They tried to resurrect her with CPR and nothing".
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friend since 4 in the morning without electricity. The light came on about an hour ago with a lot of force and burned down a small refrigerator that we have with my mom and sister's insulin. This is a disaster. We went out to buy ice as best we could and the neighbor lent us some Colman coolers to store them in because the heat here is very intense. God willing, we'll get away from these people. Thank you. Anonymous. Please.
In Lecheria, girl.
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Maria Corina is very badass, she flew with her rocket and left us all without electricity EXCEPT Chavez, Helicoide and Miraflores... it's incredible that they are even incoherent when it comes to lying.
— Without showing evidence, Freddy Ñáñez blamed María Corina Machado and Edmundo González for the national blackout: "People like that cannot be considered Venezuelans" "FREDDY ÑÁÑEZ BLAMES MARIA CORINA AND EDMUNDO FOR THE NATIONAL BLACKOUT"
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Do you still believe that everything that has happened in Venezuela (electrical failures, shortages) in these last 25 years is the fault of others? No, gentlemen, it is a system of psychological conditioning to exhaust every Venezuelan.
— Hospitals, nursing homes, schools, homes... WITHOUT LIGHT The Helicoid TORTURE WITH ELECTRICITY What is this called? STATE TERRORISM
And this happened already.
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Two former Colombian soldiers, Alexander Ante and José Aron Medina Aranda, were detained in Venezuela during a stopover while returning from fighting in Ukraine. Following their arrest in Caracas, both were extradited to Russia, where they now face charges of having fought against Russian forces as mercenaries. A Moscow court has ordered their provisional detention, which could lead to a sentence of up to 15 years in prison. The family, who had been waiting for their return in Colombia, were devastated to discover that they had been sent to Russia without warning.
This is what y'all supporting 🫵
Everyone else, feel free to tag any other chavista/ tankie/ communist / leftie who is speaking about Venezuela when they know nothing about us or out history.
Disclaimer: those terms do not apply to any Usamerican / foreigner who is actually being respectful, I'm only refering to the ones that defend a dictatorship who lets people die while they keep the power to themselves.
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maxislvt · 1 year
helloo, first off i love your work ! second, this may or may not be a request but- imagine dark!wanda x spidey!reader, post no way home where r is one of the avengers sent to stop wanda on her rampage. r gets captured by wanda though and turns out wanda remembers r’s identity. she had a crush on r since civil war and now that she has r all to herself…😳
“i’m going to ruin you”
warnings: womb tattoos, coercion, manipulation, spiderperson typical quips in really bad situations, no smut
got a little carried away, whoops!
The last few months of your life have been awful.
Life had been pretty stable for the most part. Trying to balance college, being a superhero duo with your adoptive brother, and the newfound freedom of adulthood was a lot to say the least. Then some big alien freak came along and ruined everything. You and Peter left Aunt May behind for five years.
For better or for worse, you and Peter didn't age. Peter still had his senior year ahead of him and you were only 24. So you both tried to make the most of that.
You were supposed to chaperone your little brother's senior trip through Europe. All you wanted to do was help Peter enjoy the last few months of youth he had before being shipped off to college. Of course, fate had other plans and the trip was interrupted by another cataclysmic event. One unpredictable turn after another. Then suddenly everyone knew your secret identity.
Quentin Beck was a hero and you were half of the duo that killed him.
One edited video and suddenly the whole world was against you and your brother. It was a target on your back you had no way of getting off your back. The magical escape you thought you'd found was nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing. Universes nearly collided. Three versions of your brother. Two other versions of you. Villains the two of you tried and failed to rehabilitate. A moment of complete darkness for your brother A dead aunt. So much fighting. So much pain. All of it for nothing. At the end of it all, everyone was forced to forget about you and Peter. No more full rides to dream colleges and no more "Amazing Spider Kids". It was just the two of you in a shitty Downton apartment at a community college neither of you really wanted to attend, but that didn't stop you two from trying to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.
That need to protect everything and everyone seemed to get you in bigger trouble.
America Chavez. Barely 15 years old, alone in the multiverse, and no one to trust. Her powers and life experience were beyond you — you couldn't even take credit for defeating whatever monster that was chasing her — but you wanted her safe. You foolishly thought that it'd be as simple as finding a hero that could mentor her. Magic wasn't your strong suit. Yet, you still helped America try to escape the claws of the Scarlet Witch along with Doctor Strange.
In the midst of a heated chase, the witch's focus seemed to have shifted. Your mask was ripped by a piece of metal and you could feel the witch's eyes on you. Since you were more focused on protecting America, you decided to send The Scarlet Witch on a goose chase. You and a magical body double of the girl. Unfortunately, you could only run for so long. You didn't bother fighting when you were captured. All you could do was put on a brave face as you were somehow teleported back to your universe. You assumed the witch had gotten a decent portion of America's powers. That worried you, but unfortunately you had to prioritize your personal safety for a moment.
The witch must've known you were too weak to run away because she didn't even bother tying you down. She just stood over you and examined your face. You were nervous and confused to say the least. "So, uh, do you always stand over sacrificial young adults in such a compromising way or am I special?" You quipped. It was a real misfortune your mouth tended to run more when you were nervous. Your heart almost exploded when she reached out for your mask. "Hey, hey! Have some respect for a man's secret identity, will you?" You shouted, trying to push her hands away.
Automatic reflexes were nothing against magic and you were unmasked and it sent your spider senses spiraling.
"You remember me."
"Of course,I remember you. Do you not remember me?"
The airport. Tony had you and Peter flown out for a top secret field mission, that's what he told you at least. You weren't sure what you were fighting for, but you remember the battle clearly. Some guy had grown to a hundred feet tall. You fought some guy with a metal arm. Then someone suddenly started throwing cars. They had all missed you and went straight for Tony, but it was still scary. After the battle, you learned the name of all the people you fought. The weird one, as Tony described her, was named Wanda Maximoff. It's scary how your life had become so eventful that you'd forgotten that whole experience. Well, you couldn't blame yourself for not recognizing her considering the drastic change in her appearance.
"Yeah," You said bitterly, "you threw a car garage at my mentor."
"Your mentor made the bombs that destroyed my home country and had me jailed for powers I didn't ask for."
That was the first time a villain had left you truly speechless. Tony wasn't like that. Was he?It was a lot to process and that wasn't made any easier with the icy cold hand caressing your cheeks. "If you're going to drop an information bomb, can you at least give me a second to —" Your sentence was cut short by her thumb slipping into your mouth. Wanda had managed to slip past your spider senses. It was odd considering you were definitely not calm nor did you trust her.
"I figured he didn't bother telling you the whole truth," Wanda's voice had gotten low and seductive. Her thumb pressed down on your tongue as she continued to monologue. Your squirming didn't phase her at all. "I could hear your thoughts the moment you stepped foot in the airport. So loud and frantic, but nothing but innocence and desire for approval. It's a shame I wasn't able to see you again after that. I was lost in a hex of my own deepest desires and do you know what was there?" A smile spread across her lips as she felt you relax out of curiosity. "The two of us, happily married with two children, and living in New Jersey."
The statement made you jump and start fighting again. Married with kids was definitely not on your list of goals in the next few months, living in New Jersey just sounded dreadful. You managed to get her thumb out of your mouth just long enough to speak. "I'm sorry to hear about your crazy magic thing, I'm not ready to settle down yet. Maybe come back in six years once I've graduated, yeah?"
Wanda binded your wrists with magic. Her hand came down on your cheek with all the strength she had. Despite her frustration, she was happy to see you were still as witty and innocent as the day you two met. "I think I have a plan you'll like." She smirked as she summoned the darkhold. It opened on its own. The book turned towards you and translated itself so you could understand it. "Your innocence," she said before ripping you suit, "and your body in exchange for the girl's safety."
Your eyes nearly popped out of your head. It certainly wasn't a fair deal, even more unfair once you looked over the spell presented to you. A womb tattoo magically etched into your skin that would give Wanda complete control over your libido, orgasms, and a bunch of other depraved things you hadn't even heard of before. Wanda definitely wasn't the woman you imagined would take your virginity, but it wasn't an offer you could refuse. Strange wasn't strong enough to defeat Wanda and letting America die wasn't an option in your mind.
You put on as brave a face as you could before speaking, "If you so much as lay a finger on that girl, the deal is off." Your voice faltered at the feeling of Wanda's lips pressed against your neck. A moan nearly escaped your lips when Wanda's hands began exploring your body. The skin of your lower stomach began to tingle. This was it. This was how you lost your virginity.
Wanda's lips curled into a smile. A real one that showed off her perfectly white bunny teeth. She was no longer concerned with America. You were all she needed now.
"I'm going to ruin you," She whispered, "and you're going to enjoy every moment of it."
You wanted her to be wrong. You wanted so badly to hate the way her hands felt against your bruised skin and the softness of her lips on your neck, but you couldn't. Months without affection left your body desperate for any form of human touch. It is shameful and almost disgusting.
"Shh, I'll treat you right. Just be good for me."
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olsenmyolsen · 24 days
softly dusting crumbs from their cheeks when eating
R doing that to Kate after Kate's demolished the plate of cookies that R baked for her.
Chocolate Chip Cookies!
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maroon master list . dark master list . request marvel master list . short n’ sweet master list
Post: Hawkeye / The Marvels (Female Reader X Kate Bishop)
Summary: You and Kate talk while baking.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Fluff, Comfort, Feelings
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Being the only one on the new team to use the kitchen properly had pros and cons.
Pro: You could make whatever you wanted.
Con: You had to do the dishes after you made your fabulous meals and desserts.
Pro: It made everyone like and appreciate you more!
Con: People then loved to "subtly" drop hints about what they wanted you to make.
Regardless, you still loved to bake and be one with the kitchen, as America Chavez loved to point out!
"Whatcha making?" Kamala asked as she wandered through the kitchen in her pajamas without even looking up from her phone. You glanced up at the sound of her voice before looking at the clock on the microwave, confused. It was 4:13 pm.
Had she crashed at the YA Building??
You tilted your head and continued placing chocolate chip cookie dough balls onto a tray as the oven preheated. "Kamala, did you go to class today?" You asked, knowing how much being the hero of New Jersey affected Kamala's college studies. "Dude, it's Saturday," Kamala said without lifting her eyes from her phone.
You couldn't tell if she was playing a game or texting Bruno about how she needed him to hack into something or other. Either way, you shook your head. "Kamala, it's Friday." You knew precisely what day it was because... Oh man, what was the saying in Germany?
It's Strawberry Week.
Kamla lifted her head. "What?!" She said, eyeing you before looking at her phone. Her mouth dropped open as she scrambled up off the couch. "Oh my god!" She yelled. "I have a paper to turn in!"
And just like that, Kamala was gone.
"Okay." You said to yourself as you removed your gloves and threw them away before moving some dirty dishes into the sink to wash later.
"Oh, cool cookie dough!" The voice of your friend America startled you and made you jump. "Oh fuck!" You yelled as you caught your breath and swung around to view America with her eyes above the remaining cookie dough.
"Can I have?" She only used those three words to ask. You shook your head. "No, America, you'll get sick!" You replied, knowing how America loves to eat.
Dimensional jumping was tiring and made her a bottomless pit.
"Oh, come on, just one lick of the spoon?!" Your friend whined as she followed you to the sink with the bowl of the leftover cookie dough. You sighed. The younger woman would just pester you anyway. "Fine. Just one." You gave her the spoon, and before you could say anything else, she opened a portal and was gone.
You could hear a pin drop.
"That was my favorite wooden spoon..." You whispered as you were now alone in the kitchen. Luckily, the oven had your back and broke you out of your solemn thoughts by beeping to let you know it was now fully heated for cookies. Slowly, you walked over to the tray of cookies and popped them into the oven.
"Okay, we'll check them in about 12 minutes." You said as you spoke to yourself after setting an alarm on your phone and then opening Spotify. Being left alone with your thoughts for too long was hazardous, so why not listen to your favorites while washing some dishes?
About halfway through singing and swaying to a certain pop star's lyrics, you heard the sounds of a golden retriever. You looked up and over in surprise to see Lucky as he barreled towards you. "Pizza Dog!" You shouted with glee as you threw off the soapy gloves and bent down to get kissed attack by the canine after stopping your music.
However, as much as you loved Lucky, you would have to say his owner tops that.
She could top you, too, but that would require being vocal and honest about your crush on Kate Bishop.
So you'll settle for dog kisses.
"Pizza Dog!" Kate exclaimed as she ran into the kitchen from around the corner, dropping her bow and quiver of arrows in the hallway. "Kate, he's fine!" You reassure your friend and fellow teammate as she runs to where you and her pet are on the hardwood floor.
She squats beside you and laughs as Lucky doesn't stop showing you how happy he is to see you.
"Dman, I don't even think I get this much love." You laugh at Kate's claim. "Please, I think he smells the cookie dough on me." Kate makes an "ah" sound and rises up to look at the pile of dishes you were working on. You follow her up.
"Where's your cookie spoon?" Kate asks after seeing it missing. You sighed. "With America. She did her portal thing, so who knows where she and the spoon are." Kate nodded her head and did her best not to let the smile creep on her face.
But she failed as she looked at you.
You and Kate both knew getting sad over a wooden spoon was silly, but seeing how glum you were about it made Kate want to laugh.
Coming from a good place, of course.
"Well, do you need any help?" Kate asked as she went to wash her hands. You shook your head. "No. I got it taken care of." You lifted up your phone. "Thank you, though." You smiled at Kate and averted your eyes before you were caught staring at her striking beauty.
Thank goodness she didn't have any bandages on her face.
Those made you borderline feral.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to be a taste tester," Kate said, bumping shoulders with you after looking you up and down. You started washing your hands and laughed with a slight blush on your cheeks. "Fine by me."
Any reason to be with Kate was good enough for you.
"So, what was your latest mission?" You asked as Pizza Dog went off into another room, and Kate sat at the kitchen bar. Kate looked over your face and smiled as she thought about it. "Stakeout. I was watching some wannabe mafia group. It was boring. I spent most of my time doodling."
"Oh, I have to see those pieces of art!" You said it as a joke, but deep down, you were dead serious. Kate laughed and made a note to show you sometime in the future while she started to play with her fingers. Kate tried to play it cool, but being around you made her nervous. Not because you were scary or anything but because Kate liked you.
Like really liked you!
"So, which cookies did you make today?" Kate said as you finished the dirty dishes and washed your hands. "Chocolate Chip." You replied with a smile back at the archer.
Chocolate Chips weren't Kate's favorite, yet she said: "My favorite!" and lifted her cheeks as you looked happy.
Over the course of the next few minutes, you and Kate talked about anything that came to your mind. Whether it was TikTok trends, gossip about the Old Avengers, or what to do with the upcoming holidays.
Whether you would go with Kate or not to the Barton's farm.
The answer was still in the air as silence surrounded you two until Kate broke it by looking you up and down as you glanced at your phone. "Hey..." Kate started after clearing her throat. You looked towards her. Kate took that as a sign to continue. "So I've been thinking..." Kate's voice wavered as she did her best to be brave. "And I don't know if this is dumb or if I maybe have read it wrong, but..."
You were fully engaged in whatever Kate had to say, but your 12-minute timer for the cookies went off, interrupting Kate. You gave Kate an apologetic smile, who nodded that it was okay as you turned to the oven and pulled out the tray of cookies with your bare hands.
It helped that one of your powers was no pain.
You looked the cookies over and ensured they were baked enough to cool down. When satisfied, you turned off the oven and went back to Kate.
"So you were saying?" You smiled and gave her your full attention. Kate blushed and opened her mouth.
Chocolate Chip cookies ended up being Kate's favorite after that day.
And you couldn't help but laugh at your girlfriend's face as you softly brushed her cheeks after she demolished the plate of cookies you made.
They were for everybody, but after that day, Kate got the first pick for everything.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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wandaslittlelove · 6 months
Destined Part 1
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Warnings for this chapter: None?
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I sighed as I heard a loud knock on my front door. Grabbing the bag of flour I made my way to the door assuming it was just my neighbor Marcy wanting some for baking again. The girl never seemed to have any and always came over for mine which I didn’t mind. I just started buying more when I would go to the store. 
“Marcy hun you should really just-” I froze as I saw Strange on the other side of the door and a young girl stood next to him.
“y/n nice to see you.” He spoke. With a sigh I sat the flour down on the small table by the door before inviting them in.
“Tea?” I asked while making my way into the kitchen as they both followed after me. The young girl politely nodded her head and took a seat at the island along with Strange who sat a very old looking book down on the countertop.
It was silent for a minute. The only sound being me getting down three mugs and the teapot whistling on the stove. 
I sat the tea in front of the two along with some sugar as I took to standing across from them.
“What do you need Strange?” My tone came out more bitter than I wanted it to but I couldn’t help it. After I left what remained of the Avengers I had hoped I would never have to see his face or any of theirs ever again. That's why I moved to Ohio so that I would be away from the never ending drama that is New York and to be close to my sister's grave.
“I- We need your help. This Is America Chavez. She’s able to travel the multiverse.” With those words I choked on my tea.
“The multiverse?” I questioned not trusting my ears to have heard the right thing.
“Yes. You know about it?” He asks as he and the girl, America, looked at each other.
“Vision often talked of his theories during movie nights” The word Vision seemed to make me scowl remembering how he got the life with the person I had loved. The person who was supposed to be my wife. 
“You said Wanda said the same thing” This was the first time the girl had spoken and the way she said Wanda had made your whole body shiver. It was as if she was scared of the woman.
“You spoke to her?” I hadn’t heard anything of her since that night I left. I expected to at least see something about her on the news but she never came up. 
“Yeah. She’s after me. She’s been sending these weird creatures after me to take my powers.” America explained as she fiddled with the mug.
“She has the dark hold y/n” The words caused me to stiffen. I had only heard of the dark hold a few times while I was studying with Strange but I knew it was nothing good. It was described as the book of the damned and anyone who touched it became corrupted. “I need your help in protecting America. Yours and Wanda’s magic are almost complete opposites. While hers is chaos magic while yours is Order magic.” The two shared another look as if they both knew something I didn’t. I watched as Strange opened the book he had brought and flipped to a page. “With the help of the darkhold Wanda has become the Scarlet Witch. Everything anyone had ever known about her is written in this book like a prophecy.” I nodded as I listened to his words. “It also speaks of yours.” He slides the book over to me and setting my tea down I quickly read the page he had opened to. 
The Scarlet Witch bringer of chaos and the White Fawn bringer of life and creation:
The Scarlet Witch is not born; she is forged. She has no coven or need for incantation. Her power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It is her destiny to destroy the world. 
The White Fawn is the opposite of the chaos bringer. She is born to counteract the actions of the Scarlet Witch. Her destiny is to heal the wounds, love, and calm the Chaos Witch.
My eyes scanned the page three more times before I slammed the book shut. I watched as America jumped in her seat and I sent her an apologetic smile as I slid the book back to Strange. 
“That can’t be right or it can’t be me. Wanda does not love me. I will not let my destiny be what is written in some book. What is she even after in the multiverse?” My question seemed to keep Strange quiet for a moment before he spoke.
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Tag List: @alexawynters @username23345 @casquinhaa @idontknow-llol
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leclerc-s · 7 months
paint the town red - part eleven
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series masterlist
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tony stark i expect every single one of you at the lake house for the next few weeks.
bianca stark-potts i can't. sorry dad. tony stark you can't? what do you mean you can't? you don't have work for the next few weeks. bianca stark-potts i have plans
tony stark WITH FUCKING WHO?
bianca stark-potts with my boyfriend
may parker oh how exciting! where are you going?
bianca stark-potts i'm not saying because my dad will literally track me down.
pepper potts have fun
james rhodes use protection!
harley keener and that is the sound of tony fainting. peter parker and that other sound was tony's unholy screeching.
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biancastark_potts and charles_leclerc have posted new stories
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amore mio (my love)
something about her looking at the view but i'm looking at her
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liked by harryosborn, charles_leclerc, katebishop and others
biancastark_potts ¿qué horas son, mi corazón?
comments have been restricted by user
katebishop someone tell the winch to be gone!
peterbparker listen, i'm not saying the old man is spiraling but the old man is spiraling
↳ biancastark_potts oh i know he is, harley is sending me a hour by hour update on him. happy is also complaining.
lilymhe it's 5:39 pm in new york!
↳ biancastark-potts thank you corazón!
yelenabelova i love knowing something stark doesn't.
tonystark WHERE ARE YOU?!
↳ biancastark_potts here, there, everywhere.
↳ tonystark THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER!
steverogers bianca, why is your father trying to track you down at the tower?
↳ biancastark_potts i'm on vacation and he wants to know where i am.
↳ steverogers she's a fully grown woman anthony. not everyone is harry.
america_chavez the wicked witch of the west is here? someone tell him to fuck off
wandamaximoff having fun?
↳ biancastark_potts yeah
↳ wandamaximoff good. if someone breaks into his apartment, it wasn't us.
↳ biancastark_potts he says it's all good. it's finally clean.
joaquintorres nice apartment, it's not yours.
↳ biancastark_potts shut your trap torres.
↳ joaquintorres TELL ME WHO IT IS!!!
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do you have time to talk soon?
i'm out of the country and if i was in the country, the answer would still be no.
we have nothing to talk about.
don't be like that b, i still love you.
this is exhausting. we are never ever getting back together. like ever.
did you just fucking reply with taylor swift lyrics?
i did.
and i have a boyfriend so please leave me alone.
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biancastark_potts and charles_leclerc have posted new stories
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told him the last one only gave me flowers on anniversaries and he said, "that is not acceptable. you should be given flowers all the time, for no reason."
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kate bishop where's my monegasque man to sweep me off my feet and buy me flowers for no reason??
yelena belova that is gross. who needs love? kate bishop we get it, you're allergic to love. yelena belova i just do not see the point in it. all i need is my dog and i am happy.
maria hill i have to say it, this one is so much better than the last one.
wanda maximoff have you told him about harry?
bianca stark-potts i did, we talked about. it in hungary, when he found out about him.
america chavez she's in looove. she's literally playing paddle with him
natasha romanoff who are you and what have you done to the bianca we all know? you hate sports
bianca stark-potts i don't like tennis or baseball. they're boring sports. i can enjoy soccer or football. but i hate participating in sports. bianca stark-potts he also told me, "i have to train somehow" and i knew andrea would be on my ass if this man didn't do some training
hope van dyne he bought you flowers? for no reason?
bianca stark-potts yup. he disappeared for like 20 minutes and when he came back he was holding a bouquet of tulips in his hand.
kate bishop again where's my monegasque man??
bianca stark-potts he has a brother?? kate bishop he doesn't seem like my type.
pepper potts i'm glad you're happy bianca.
bianca stark-potts thanks mom!!
bianca stark-potts by the way, he says hello!
bianca stark-potts and he said that if nat and wanda break into his apartment to knock, his brother is staying over because his apartment got flooded.
natasha romanoff but where's the fun in that?
bianca stark-potts "i'd rather not explain to my mum that my brother died of a heart attack because black widow and the scarlet witch broke into my apartment because i'm dating you" - silly vroom man
wanda maximoff we'll set off the home alarm on purpose as a warning.
bianca stark-potts "that works! thank you! and if my brother gets scared please send a picture of his face. i need new blackmail material." - silly vroom man
america chavez typical sibling move.
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george russell you dragged her into a paddle game??
charles leclerc i didn't drag her george.
alex albon he has to train somehow george. can't you see he's too busy wooing a stark-potts?
carlos sainz wrong. he's 73 points ahead of me.
max verstappen is this what you guys felt with me last year?
pierre gasly 100% yuki tsnuoda absolutely oscar piastri totally. daniel ricciardo yes. max verstappen you only drove like 6 races?? daniel ricciardo i wanted to be included maxie!
pierre gasly he's in looove!!
charles leclerc shut up?
oscar piastri he bought her flowers. i saw the instagram story.
lando norris STAND UP CHARLES!!
george russell and i thought alex was the biggest simp. turns out it was charles.
logan sargeant oh come on, this guy had the worst year of his career last year, let him have this.
charles leclerc thank you logan!
max verstappen then tell him to stop flirting with me??
yuki tsunoda that is like asking me to stop loving food. it is impossible. carlos sainz no one will ever love anything as much as yuki loves food
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tony stark hey, how y'all doin?
bianca stark-potts get off my dad's phone samuel.
tony stark WHO THE FUCK IS HE??
carlos sainz oh boy can't wait until they find out. tony stark TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW SAINZ!!
isaiah atkins oh my god, when will my nightmare end??
peter parker NEVER BITCH!!
charles leclerc you should've never taken the job then?
isaiah atkins yeah, you would like that wouldn't you? charles leclerc oh fuck you.
harley keener your girlfriend does that enough for you.
harley keener have neither of you seen his stories?? he's been with a girl all break??
tony stark bianca come home! the children (america, mj, kate and me) miss you!
bianca stark-potts i literally hate you so much samuel.
sebastian vettel i can't wait until this exact text bites all of you in the ass
ollie bearman you're included seb. we ALL know.
tony stark know what?? what am i missing? arthur leclerc ignore him. he's in summer break mode still. ollie bearman your brother is literally a better liar than you.
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scuderiaferrari posted new stories
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SPOTTED: lightning mcqueen with mater
SPOTTED: spongebob and patrick, i'll let you decide who's who.
enjoy this picture of tony because he pissed me off.
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series taglist: @burningcupcakefire @spilled-coffee-cup @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @be-your-coffee-pot @celesteblack08 @vellicora @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog @bionic-donut @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @jamie-selwyn @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @int3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @nothaqks @nataliambc @jensonsonlybutton @octopussesarecool @vroomvroommuppett @ragioniera @iamapersonwholikesunicorns @sargeantdumbass @namgification @mgmoore @moonyzsworld @loloekie
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this one's a little short, but i swear the next one will be longer. it lowkey sucks too but oh well, the next one will be better, also this serves as a reminder that yelena is canonically aroace!!!!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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traveler-at-heart · 9 months
Across the Natashaverse - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Summary: After you're sent to another world, Natasha has to deal with yourself, from another universe, and a very different life.
Other POV from this fic.
“Put more weight on your left foot” Natasha says, barely checking America’s movements.
Of course she knows this is important. Maria asked her to train Chavez in the basics of hand to hand combat. Her mind is elsewhere, though.
Especifically, you.
Natasha thought she was doing you a favor, she really did. Someone as kind as you could do much better than her. Agreeing to a date would only give you false hope, so she rejected the invitation.
It was foolish of her to think that things would be the same after that. You weren’t distant or rude, though that might have been easier.
Every morning, you’d still have breakfast with her, show her funny videos or tell her about your latest discoveries in the lab with Stark, which in the end, were related to her work as well.
You simply stopped sharing your interests, or going out of your way to seek her company. Long gone were the days of sitting together at the Met while you talked about your favorite paintings. Or the grocery shopping that turned into strolls through Central Park and ended in your favorite bookshop.
All that was left now were pleasantries.
“Am I doing it right?” America asks. She sure as hell isn’t, so Natasha shakes her head, hoping she can manage to focus on the task at hand.
“Stop” she says, stepping on the sparring mat.
“Please don’t tell me you want me to fight you”
“You’re punching the air, Chavez. The only way to learn is by doing. It will be fine”
The girl doesn’t seem too convinced, but Natasha starts with slow movements and corrects America as they go. When the intensity of the training increases, the girl’s powers begin to stir. A yellow flash on the ceiling distracts Natasha, and the next thing she feels is America’s fist colliding with her cheek.
“Crap! Agent Romanoff, I’m so sorry”
But there’s another loud thud, not far from the gym.
“Did you hear that?” Natasha asks, trying to figure what the noise is.
“Take a break” Natasha instructs, looking around the room to check if everything’s alright. The team is still figuring out the extent of her powers and Natasha worries the girl just unleashed a demonic creature or something.
The redhead is so focused on the room, she doesn’t notice someone approaching.
That is, until she feels a hard slap on her ass, and a sultry voice against her ear.
“There’s my favorite ass-assin”
Five seconds later, she has the intruder upside down, back against the floor, gasping for air.
“Baby, I know you don’t like my jokes but this is a little too much, don’t you think?”
It takes her a second to process what’s happening.
“Hey, love” you smirk, all smug despite being knocked down by Natasha. “The weirdest thing just happened, I was going to get a snack because Anya was moody and then fell on my ass right outside the gym”
Natasha stares at you, as if you’re speaking a foreign language. And then it all clicks. The slightly longer hair, how you smell and feel different.
She let’s go of you and starts pulling your shirt by the collar.
“Hell yeah, let’s get naked”
“Where’s your birthmark?”
“I don’t have a…”
“You’re from another world”
“Ah, that’s so sweet…” you try to lean forward and kiss her, but she pushes you away. “Babe, I’m getting mixed signals here”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., call for an emergency meeting”
“I’m sorry, she’s what?” Sam points at you, and Natasha pinches the bridge of her nose.
“She’s from another universe. America must have opened up a portal when we were training”
“Alright, so she just opens it back and we correct the mistake”
“It’s not that simple” Tony walks in.
“Uhm, guys. This meeting should be for Avengers only” you lower your voice, eyeing the man suspiciously.
“Hello? That table you’re sitting in so carelessly. Mahogany. Paid by me”
“Yeah, I’ve never seen this man before”
“A world without Tony Stark” Steve says, amused.
“Must be really quiet in your Compound” Sam says and you smirk.
“Why, no thanks to you. Not with all those super models you’re always bringing back to your room” you raise your eyebrows and Sam’s eyes widen.
“I date super models? I wanna go to her world”
Steve and Tony begin to argue about how that will make the multiverse collapse, when Natasha interrupts them.
“She’s messing with you, idiots”
Tony and Sam look at each other and then at you. You almost fall to the ground as you laugh. Since you’re not helpful, the team ignores you as they keep discussing the best way to identify your reality and correct the glitch.
“Y/N 2.0, we need more information about your… where did she go?” Tony grumbles.
“I got this” Natasha sighs, stomping to the kitchen. Sure enough, you’re rummaging through the fridge, complaining at every item of food you find.
“Don’t you have anything with sugar here?”
“You’re free to prepare anything for yourself”
“Not unless you want the kitchen to explode, Nat”
The redhead pushes you aside, while you look around the living room, inspecting the pictures on every place you can find.
“No wedding? Or Anya?”
“Nope” Natasha says, her voice shaking lightly.
“None of your business” she says, handing you a plate with a sanwich.
“Thanks. How did you know I was lying about Stark and Wilson?”
“Your voice gets all high pitched when you tell a lie” she answers, refusing to look at you.
“Huh” you mumble, taking a bite out of the sandwich. “Um. Is this peanut butter?”
“Would her Highness prefer caviar?” Natasha teases, but turns around and finds you covered in hives. “Shit!”
“That’s fine” you say, struggling to breathe. “Nothing an epi can’t fix, love”
You pass out in the middle of the kitchen, wondering if you’ll leave this foreign universe in one piece.
After leaving you at the medbay, Natasha goes back to the meeting room. She’s examining all the reports and missions that are related to multiverses. It’s a lot to digest, including all the quantum physics.
Alone for the first time since this whole thing started, she finally allows herself the chance to miss you. Right around this time, you’d be making dinner, and she’d be in the kitchen, pretending to help just to be close to you.
What if she never gets you back?
“Hello, there” a voice says. You approach slowly, knowing it’s best not to surprise her.
“How are you feeling? I’m really sorry…”
“There’s no way you could have known. It honestly never occurred to me that things like allergies were different” you say, patting her leg. “Interested in string theory?”
“Yeah, it’s a great ice breaker” Natasha says, and you chuckle. “You don’t seem too worried”
“The America Chavez of my world has had a bit more training. I’m sure I’ll be back home for lunch tomorrow”
“You could have said something!” Natasha feels the need to kick your ass again.
“Hey, I was gonna! And then I almost died”
“What are you so worried about? She’s in a safe world”
“What if your Natasha gave Y/N a similar welcome?”
“Oh, I’m sure she had her pinned to a wall, only for very different reasons”
Natasha turns to you, alarmed. Her jealousy is so obvious that all you can do is laugh.
“There it is. I wasn’t sure you had any feelings towards her. Wanna tell me what happened?” you nudge her chair with your foot and she looks at you, annoyed.
“She asked me out, gave me flowers, I said no”
“Flowers, huh? Well, she’s more romantic than me. Natasha and I were pretending to be a couple for a mission and then I just blurted out I wouldn’t mind doing it again under different circumstances” you explain, laughing at the memory.  “But hey, if flowers and chocolates aren’t your thing, I respect it”
“It’s not like that”
“Then, what is it like?”
She thinks back to all the times you’ve made her feel safe, cared for, loved. You make it look so easy, but for the life of her, Natasha can’t figure out how to reciprocate.
What you make her feel, is too good and beautiful for someone like her.
“I haven’t earned her love” is all she manages to say.
“Natasha” you call, softly, and only speak when she finally turns to you. “You don’t have to do anything to be deserving of love”
There is silence, and then you take her hand in yours.
“Come on, I’m starving. Let’s grab some Chinese”
“Fine. No more peanut butter, though. I don’t want to fight myself if something happens to you”
“Now that would be entertaining”
Next morning, everyone is back in the meeting room. Apparently, due to some bad experiences, they’ve decided you should come back to your world immediately, before the universes collapse.
“I promise you, it will be fine” you insist. Natasha is the only one that seems to believe you, so you save yourself the trouble and spin around in the office chair.
“Can you stop?” Steve says, irritated.
“I’m trying to create a vortex that is powerful enough to send me back to my reality, Steve” but he still glares and you stand up. “Fine. I’m getting a snack”
As you exit the room, Natasha comes running behind you.
“Wait. I wanted to apologize”
“Steve is an old grumpy man, don’t sweat it”
“No, not about that. I’m sorry for… being so hard on you when you first got here”
“We deal with aliens and all kinds of threats.  It’s not so crazy to think that an intruder is dangerous. It’s all good, Nat” you shrug your shoulders.
“I just wouldn’t be ok if your Natasha had acted that way with my Y/N”
“Your Y/N?” you repeat, pleased as Natasha blushes. “Good for you, Romanoff. Get the girl. Trust me when I say, she’ll make it worth it” you wiggle your eyebrows.
“Such a flirt”
“We can’t help ourselves around you, no matter the universe”
You wink, and walk to the kitchen, leaving Natasha in the hallway.
Inevitably, she thinks about you. The one that belongs here, with her. Are you enjoying your time in that other universe? Will you resent her for bringing you back? Maybe that Natasha is more loving and sweet, and you’ll finally realise that she can’t actually make you happy…
Her thoughts begin to spiral again, until the commotion in the room breaks her train of thought.
“Damn, you fell from the ceiling” Sam says, looking up. A yellow portal closes just as Natasha opens up the door. Everyone’s around you, and when your face comes to view, Natasha’s heart almost stops.
There’s a little cut and bruising from the fall, but you’re back.
She pushes everyone, and wraps you in her arms. You return the gesture.
“Hey, it’s ok. It’s me”
She hugs you closer, smiling against your neck.
Natasha’s never letting go again.
“So, tell me everything!” you say, sitting next to Natasha as you drive back home. “Did I tell you I almost died to peanut exposure?”
“Looks like someone had fun” your wife comments and you smile.
“What about you, my love? Did you do anything dirty with my other self?”
“Well, there might have been some kissing and touching before I noticed…”
“Not to brag, but the other Natasha was on top of me” you say, trying to pretend like it’s no big deal your wife kissed another you.
“You pissed her off and she threw you to the ground, didn’t she?” Natasha smirks.
Damn it.
Seeing your daughter brings you back to reality. Fun as it was to be in another universe, your life is perfect here.
“Mommy, are you cooking dinner again tonight?” the girl says as you carry her to the kitchen.
“Uh… let’s have lunch first, yes? Go wash your hands”
Natasha hands you a plate of what the other Y/N made and you gasp.
“Holy crap, this is delicious! Babe, not gonna lie, I wouldn’t have judged you if you fucked her against a wall after tasting her food”
“You’re such an idiot” Natasha rolls her eyes, sitting on your lap and stealing a bite of the pasta. “But you are my idiot”
“Always and in every universe, baby”
You kiss her softly, happy to be home.
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berriweb · 1 year
Hey! If it’s okay, may I request Hobie Brown, Miguel O’hara, and Miles Morales headcanons where they find out from Miguel and Layla (of in Miguel’s case, finds out himself) that this s/o is the only variant of themselves the exists im the multiverse (like America Chavez)? I’m very interested in seeing how you’d think the boys would react to this kind of information and maybe what Miguel would do since there is only one other person (America) that is in the readers situation where there is no other version of them.
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╰┈➤ ❝ one of a kind ❞
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: ̗̀➛ ft. miguel o’hara, hobie brown, miles morales
: ̗̀➛ synopsis. miguel, hobie and miles finding out that their s/o has no other variants
: ̗̀➛ a/n. i LOVE this idea it’s so original, also trying out headcanons to see if I fw writing like this we’ll see, and a little side note: i had the s/o NOT being a spider-person in mind when i wrote this so keep that in mind
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in an fictional world where miguel isn’t a psycho and miles actually joins the spider society, I imagine he finds out about your situation through miguel one day during a meeting
miguel wouldn’t even intentionally share the information, if anything i feel like he’d avoid telling miles anything he didn’t need to know
it was lyla who spilled the not-so-secret secret by making an off hand joke during their conversation about his lover being one of a kind
miguel tries to brush her off and act like she was talking crazy but by then it’s too late and the way lyla worded it now has his interest piqued so miguel pretty much has no choice to either tell now or tell later when he gets tired of miles bringing it up
he explains to miles how he found out that unlike every spider-man, gwen stacy, etc. you have no other versions of yourself in any other universe, you’re the only variant
miles is absolutely FASCINATED by that idea, and while he promises not to go blabbing about it to every per miguel’s request, the next time he sees you it’s the first thing he brings up
whether or not you already knew about this, you enjoy listening to his interest in the fact as he talks about it, going on and on about how crazy it is that in the infinite amount of dimensions and universes there are, there’s no other person like you
he feels incredibly lucky and grateful that you ended up in his universe and doesn’t stop telling you that
miles also enjoys theorizing with you in random moments where you both have nothing to say about what other versions of you would be like if you did have variants
his favorite theory was a universe where you became spider-man instead of him
you both enjoyed imagining that reality for two completely different reasons (he just wanted to see you in the suit)
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unlike miles i don’t think hobie would find out directly from miguel because i’m a firm believer that he’s hellbent on being a nuisance whenever he can
he found out by snooping through miguel’s database when he was away from the spider base
hobie hadn’t been looking for anything on you in particular, but when he saw his s/o’s name he couldn’t help but be just a little nosy
who wouldn’t want to know what other versions of their lover was like?? and at the moment he realized that like other prominent figures in every other spider-man universe, he’s never seen any of your variants
so imagine his surprise when he wasn’t able to find anything on you
he ends up nonchalantly fessing up to Miguel when he returns wanting to know what’s up and about the other versions of you, and after sitting though Miguel cursing him out for getting into his database (and him fussing at Lyla for letting him do it) he breaks the news to hobie that there are no other versions of you
he’d be more amused by this than anything
after learning this his compliments will change to him constantly making comments about how he’s the luckiest guy in the world multiverse to have the only y/n
will make sly jokes about keeping you safe because if he loses you there’s no replacement, which earns him a nice smack on the head
he’ll ask about how you feel about knowing you’re the only version of you, since as cool as it is being able to see other visions of how you could’ve turned out would be something you’d have to miss on
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in my eyes miguel wouldn’t react as chill or as positive as either of the other two would’ve
he finds out when he’s regularly checking up on the universes and starts to notice a small detail that no matter where he searches he’s never seen another you, which was likely unusual considering the amount of repeats and variants of every other person
when he asks lyla to go through the database to see what she can find, she confirms his suspicions that the only pattern in every other universe aside from your own is that there is no other version of you, not a single person even remotely close to your looks or personality in fact
i don’t think miguel would bother telling you this after he finds out and wouldn’t let you know unless you ever came to the realization yourself and asked him about it since of course he of all people would know
he’d appreciate the fact that he still ended up with the only version of you to exist, but due to what happened with his daughter during that absolute disaster a little voice in the back of his mind would be worried that if he lost you you’d truly be gone forever
one day after he finds out you two would be relaxing somewhere by yourselves and miguel would casually bring up what you think your variants would be like, just to hear you voice your thoughts on the matter
he’d be lying if he said the thought didn’t cross his mind once he found out there was no way to confirm it because there’s only one y/n
miguel would ever in his dreams think of just going to another universe to replace you with another variant of you if something happened (or would he? that’d be such a good fanfic idea i’d so write that for the angst), it was a cruel thought, but know that’s not an option makes him appreciate and treasure being with you way more often that he did before, so expect him to be more clingy for no apparent reason for a while once he finds out
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
New Friends
Bambi!Wanda x Reader
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Life was slowly adjusting for you, your lovey doe-human mate Wanda and of course the twins Billy and Tommy.
Your wolf pal Natasha had noticed how the boys were only playing with each other. Which was all fine and dandy for brothers but they needed socializing too. They needed friends their own age too.
The boys weren’t old enough for kindergarten yet so they spent each day with you and Wanda at the Sanctuary. They spent it with either you and Wanda or with aunt Natasha and uncle Pietro. And they wasn’t any hybrids around the boys’ age. Moreover the other hybrids were more amazed that there even were hybrid children.
You and Wanda could tell that the boys were starting to feel it too. There was a certain level of loneliness that the two felt and as their parents, you and Wanda could feel it too.
That all changed when one day, an old friend of yours pulled up to the Sanctuary. A hybrid Doctor by the name of Stephen Strange.
“(Y/N), Wanda,” he gently motioned for you and your mate to join him at his car. “This hybrid came to my office, she had nowhere to go and she couldn’t find the Sanctuary.”
He opened his passenger door and there sitting curled up in a tight ball was a young wolf hybrid girl around three or four. She was scared, her eyes red from crying.
“Oh,” Wanda’s heart went out to the little hybrid, she knelt down to meet the wolfling at eye level. “Hi there. I’m Wanda. And this is my mate, (Y/N)”
“Hey there kiddo,” you gave the little hybrid a smile as you joined Wanda in kneeling before the little girl. Her tail unfurled a little, your presence was calming to her.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” Wanda asked.
The little wolfling spoke up, uncertain, “America. America Chavez”
“Welcome to the Sanctuary” you whispered, “would you like a tour?”
America nodded softly. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out, giving Strange a quick hug before joining you and Wanda.
Wanda’s motherly instincts kicked in as she took the young wolf into her arms, carrying her as you and your mate showed America around the sanctuary.
The young wolfling relaxed, her ears perked up and her tail began swishing as you showed her around. She was beginning to feel safe and relaxed in your mate’s arms.
And then the boys came running down the hallways. They could only see your backs.
“Momma! Poppa!” The boys yelled out as they charged down the halls towards you.
You quickly intercepted your boys and gestured for them to lower their voices. They quickly obeyed as Wanda turned around and showed America to the boys.
Billy and Tommy’s whole demeanor changed, they became more gentle and docile.
“Hi there” Billy smiled at America. “I’m Billy and that’s my brother Tommy.”
“Howdy!” Tommy answered with a smile. America offered them a shy little wave.
Billy walked up and handed his stuffie to her, “this is Lizard Wizard. He helped me when I first arrived.”
America gently took the stuffie and held it to her chest.
“Wanna come play with us?” Tommy asked excitedly.
America tenderly looked to Wanda and you. “C-can I?”
Wanda smiled and set the little wolf cub down. The next thing you knew that little girl was off, chasing after Billy and Tommy as they ran towards the courtyard.
Wanda breathed a sigh of relief as she hugged you tight. It appeared like the boys finally had a friend like them.
You and Wanda went back to work. Wanda went about helping to counsel the other hybrids as you went back to filing the paperwork and setting up the charities.
As the day turned to evening, the boys and little America came running over to you and Wanda.
“Momma? Poppa?” The boys inquired, “can America stay the night with us?”
Wanda gave it some thought, putting on a rather funny little face, earning a giggle from the three hybrid kids, “oh alright”
America giggles before jumping into Wanda’s arms. You picked up Tommy as Billy jumped onto your back.
Natasha watched the whole thing from a distance, smiling as she joined Pietro in her den for the evening.
“What do you feel about adopting, Piet?” The reddish wolf asked her boyfriend.
“Adopting what?” He asked inquisitively. He really didn’t know what she was talking about.
Tags: @lifespectator @olsenmyolsen @aloneodi @holiday-house-of-m @family-house-of-m @russianredassassin @revanshand @iiconicsfan25 @iamnicodemus @dudesweet17 @deafeningsharkslimeempath @scarletquake-n7 @supercorpdanbeau
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lisbeth-kk · 2 months
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Sherlock fandom
Open The Damn Door!
Sherlock has never been one for sci-fi movies or tv-shows. This comes as no surprise to anyone who knows the man of course. Until his dying day, I am sure he will claim his abhorrence for Doctor Who and the two Star Wars movies he’s watched with me. 
The other day, I had an epiphany of sorts. I couldn’t see Sherlock, but I knew that he was lying on the sofa, fully retreated to his Mind Palace. I know this because of numerous tells, the most evident one at that point, was that he totally ignored my plea for help. I had forgotten my keys when I went out shopping, Mrs. Hudson was on a cruise with Mrs. Turner and the married ones, so there was only Sherlock I had to trust to lock me in. Alas…
When I went out, Sherlock was totally absorbed in an experiment, which consisted of different kinds of gravel and mud. Nothing spectacular at all, almost “normal”. I wondered when I had started to think about having mud samples and all kinds of gravel lying around the kitchen as normal. Probably the day I moved in with the madman.
Anyway, I was banging at the black door to no avail, and that’s how I knew Sherlock was galaxies away. Not literally, mind you, but out of reach. He always came to my rescue the few times I left my keys behind. If he’d been fully alert, he would’ve noticed them, and avoided going to the shower, so he could hear me when I was back.
What I also could deduce from this was that he had not retreated to the bedroom, because that was where my keys were. On the nightstand. Out of reach, just like Sherlock was.
It was in moments like this, I wish I had Doctor Strange’s ability to make a portal, to effortlessly transport me upstairs. Why that doctor came to mind, you ask. Well, I had just watched the movie with Mike’s twelve-year-old daughter, who was obsessed with the girl who played America Chavez. The actress has a very complicated name, I don’t even know how to spell. Becca, Mike’s daughter, was quite fascinated with me and Sherlock for reasons unclear to me, and we liked her as well. She was smart, a bit sassy, and curious about everything. Becca had pleaded with Sherlock to come to the cinema as well, but there was only so much fantasy and sci-fi my beloved detective could digest in one week. We had binge-watched an entire season of Doctor Who lately, and Sherlock’s limit was reached two days prior to my session with Becca.
I tried one last shout: “Open the damn door!”
The end of this story; Mycroft took pity on me and sent Anthea round with a spare key. When I finally came upstairs, Sherlock was still galaxies away.
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